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20242024/07/07 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Embodiment: Anthropological Study of Things (4)” The 5th meeting
  • Tentative Program
  • 13:00–14:30. Masayoshi SOMEYA (Hokkaido University) “The cognitive capacity of non-neural organisms: some lessons learned from the controversies surrounding their mind and embodiment”
  • 14:40–16:10. Yuko IWASE (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “The cognitive capacity of non-neural organisms: some lessons learned from the controversies surrounding their mind and embodiment”
  • 16:20–17:50. Morie KANEKO (Kyoto University) “Tools and techniques of body for community road constructions in Southwestern Ethiopia (tentative)”
  • 18:00–20:00. Reception meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
20242024/07/06 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 25th meeting
  • 8:00–9:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 23 (first part)”
  • 9:50–10:10. Break
  • 10:10–12:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 23 (second part)”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20242024/07/06 (Sat)
JSPS Research Project “Rethinking South Asia Studies from the Perspective of “Emotion”” research meeting
  • 1. Fumiko OSIKAWA (Kyoto University) “Between Self-realization and Success: Youngsters in the Hindi films from the 2000s”
  • 2. Keiko YAMADA (Ibaraki University) “On the Representation of Desire and Violence in Telugu Cinema in the VFX Era”
  • 3. On the terms of emotions (All participants)
  • 4. Disucussions and Arrangements for the project (All participants)
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Rethinking the South Asian Studies through the Perspective of‘Emotions’” (Principal Investigator: Toshie AWAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Project number: 22H03834)
20242024/07/06 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamism of Debt (2): Plurality, Conflict and Creativity around Human Economics” The 7th meeting
  • 1. Chairparson “Opening greet”
  • 2. Miki NAMBA (Kagoshima University) “Irredeemable or Dischargeable Debts? Thinking through Development Aid by Japan”
  • 3. Matori YAMAMOTO (Hosei University) “Hierarchy and Redistribution”
  • 4. Yohei KAKINUMA (Waseda University) “Origin of Money in China?”
  • 5. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Meiji University) “The Human Economy in the Post-Human Era: Concepts and Prospects”
  • 6. All members “Discussion”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “The Human Economy in the Post-Human Era” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 24H00128)
20242024/07/06 (Sat) - 2024/07/07 (Sun)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Anthropological Study on Spatial Governance and Ethnic Relations: Focusing on Southeast Asia” The 4th meeting
  • 6th Jul 14:00-18:00, 302, Online meeting
  • 14:30. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) Introduction
  • 14:35. Kyoko SAKUMA (Tohoku Gakuin University) “The connection between “hunters” and “farmers” for forest resources: what is exchanged with whom and how interact they are?From Fishing to Tourism?”
  • 15:15. Yosuke SANO (Waseda University) Comment, Q&A, Discussion
  • 16:00. Break
  • 16:10. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) “Between National Policy and Everyday Life: Resources, Land, and Ethinicity in Peninsular Malaysia”
  • 16:55. Yosuke SANO (Waseda University) Comment, Q&A, Discussion
  • 17:40. Closing
  • 7th Jul 10:00-13:10, Hongo Satellite 4F Seminar Room, Online meeting
  • 10:00. Daisuke TERAUCI (Tsukuba University) “National Parks and Subsistence of Swiddenners”
  • 10:45. Hisashi SHIMOJO (Kobe University) Comment, Q&A, Discussion
  • 11:30. Break
  • 11:35. Kazuki KUSUNOKI (Tokyo University) “Transformation of Livelihood and Intergroup Relations in the ASALs in East Africa”
  • 12:15. Hisashi SHIMOJO (Kobe University) Comment, Q&A, Discussion
  • 13:00. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) Summary
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
302, Online meeting (7/6), Hongo Satellite 4F Seminar Room, Online meeting (7/7)
20242024/07/01 (Mon)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Translation Deviations in Multilingual Primary Source Documents in the Russian Colonial Archives”
  • Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Translation Deviations in Multilingual Primary Source Documents in the Russian Colonial Archives” will be held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge.”
  • Program
  • 17:30–19:00. Talant Mawkanuli (University of Washington) “Translation Deviations in Multilingual Primary Source Documents in the Russian Colonial Archives”
  • Contact: ryosuke_ono[at] (please change [at] to @)
304, Online meeting
20242024/06/29 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project The Anthropological Study of Hope in the Asia-Pacific Region: Future Prospects through New Bodily Practices” The 1st meeting
  • 13:00–13:20. Hiroki Fukagawa (ILCAA Co-researcher, Kobe University) Explanation of the purpose
  • 13:20–14:20. Hiroki Fukagawa (ILCAA Co-researcher, Kobe University) “The Method of Hope, the Romanticization of Hope, the Embodied Hope, and the Limits of Hope -A Preface to Anthropology of Hope”
  • 14:20–14:50. all members Q&A
  • 15:00–16:45. 7 members Research Introduction and Future Prospects
  • 16:45–17:30. General discussion
  • 17:30–18:00. Future Policy
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Anthropology of Hope in the Asia-Pacific Region: Future Prospects through New Bodily Practices” (Principal Investigator: Hiroki Fukagawa (Kobe University) Project number: 24K00183)
Hongo Satellite 4F Seminar Room
20242024/06/26 (Wed)
TUFS Cinema: Film Screening of “Crossing Voices”
  • 1. Screening of “Crossing Voices”
  • 2. Film commentary and talk by Dr. Oussouby SACKO (Former President of Kyoto Seika University, Professor of Human Environment Design Program, Director of the Center for Africa-Asia Contemporary Studies)
  • Chair: Ran MURATSU (ILCAA)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • For details, please see here.
  • Language: Japanese
  • Website
  • Poster
  • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Cinema, TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
  • Cooperated by African Studies Center, TUFS, Center for Intercultural Studies (TUFS), Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival
Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies
20242024/06/26 (Wed)
TUFS Student Talks with Sako-san
  • Seven students from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies will host a talk event with Dr. Oussouby SACKO, the former first African-born president of Kyoto Seika University. The students will engage with Prof. Sako, who is originally from the Republic of Mali, on a wide range of topics including learning and freedom, perspectives on Japan from foreigners, immigration issues, African architecture, and currency matters.
  • Guest Speaker: Dr. Oussouby SACKO
  • Former President of Kyoto Seika University, Professor of Human Environment Design Program, Director of the Center for Africa-Asia Contemporary Studies Born in the Republic of Mali. Completed Doctorate in Architecture at Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering, Ph.D. in Engineering. Specializes in spatial anthropology, studying the relationship between society and architecture from various angles, such as “Kyoto Machiya Restoration” and “Community Revitalization”. Notable works include “Messages for You to Live in the Future World” (Daiwashobo) and “President Sako from Africa Talks about Japan” (Asahi Shimbun Publishing).
  • Student Speakers from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies:
  • Takahito Yamamoto, Yuki Muto, Mana Komori, Ayari Hirayama, Kyoya Hanada, Mao Shishido, Nonoka Murayama
Room 101 in Research and lecture building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
20242024/06/24 (Mon)
304, Online meeting
  • Tomohiko UYAMA (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) “How Empires and Nationalism Should Be Studied in the New Age of Imperialism? A Perspective from the History of Russian–Central Asian Relations”
  • Chair: Jin NODA (ILCAA)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For online participants, please visit the link here.
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society
  • Cooperated by Slavic-Eurasian Research Center
Hokkaido University"
20242024/06/22 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of “Sharing”: Aspects of Coexistence in Humans and Nonhuman Primates” The 4th meeting
  • 1. Tomoyuki TAJIMA (Osaka University) Rethinking the Forms of Food Sharing in Primates, Including Humans
  • 2. Taro YAMAUCHI (Hokkaido University) Sanitation as “Regeneration”: From Disposal of “Bads” to Sharing of “Lives”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
20242024/06/20 (Thu)
  • Naoki UETA (ILCAA) “Research on the Phonetics and Phonology of Mongolian: Phonetic Experiments and Theoretical Analyses”
  • Chair: Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA)
304, Online meeting
20242024/06/16 (Sun)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (3): Construction of the glossary of terms in the studies of script” The 4th meeting
  • 10:00. Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint researcher, Osaka University) Substitution of similar-form elements found in Nôm characters
  • 11:00. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA, TUFS) On the shapes of Tangut scripts that appear infrequently in the documents
  • 13:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
Online meeting
20242024/06/15 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 24th meeting
  • 8:00–9:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 22”
  • 9:50–10:10. Break
  • 10:10–12:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Ritsumeikan University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the Western Han Zoumalou-site 02”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20242024/06/15 (Sat) - 2024/06/16 (Sun)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on African Food Cultures: Approaching Their Changing Realities” The 4th meeting

15 Jun

  • 13:30–15:15. Research Presentation 1: Hiroyuki INAI (Waseda University) “Fish-eating Culture in Semi-arid Cameroon”

  • 15:30–17:15. Research Presentation 2: Hideaki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Dried Shark Meat from the Swahili Coast: In Relation to the Western Indian Ocean”

16 Jun

  • 10:00–11:45. Research Presentation 3: Hitomi NAKAO (Kyoto University) “A Regional Comparison of Staple Foods in Northwestern Tanzania: Focusing on the Use of Maize and Cassava”

  • 11:45–12:00. Research Liason: Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama) “Status Report on Publication Project and Future Plans”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Japan African Food Culture Study Group
Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
20242024/06/14 (Fri)
Workshop for Islamic Trust Studies:Islamic Shi‘i Jurisprudence and Western Style Constitutionalism in Iran
  • 17:30–17:40. Introduction: Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
  • 17:40–18:20. Mateo Farzaneh (Northeastern Illinois University)
  • Islamic Shi‘i Jurisprudence and Western Style Constitutionalism in Iran
  • 18:30–19:00. Discussion
  • Discussant: Yasuyuki Matsunaga (TUFS)
  • Abstract:
  • In this talk, Professor Farzaneh will discuss how the chief Shii cleric in Najaf, Iraq, Mulla Mohammad Kazem Khorasani, directly influenced the outcome of the constitutionalism movement in Iran at the turn of the twentieth century. In a way he “Islamicized” the western concept of constitutionalism and supported the secular and religious constitutionalists in their struggle to modernize Iranian politics that aimed to curb monarchical absolutism and create a more just and fair civil society.
  • Contact: mmorita[at] (Madoka Morita) *Please change [at] to @
301, Online meeting
20242024/06/14 (Fri)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia: From Micro and Macro Perspectives” The 4th meeting
  • Program:
  • 14:00–16:00. Hisashi OGAWA (Asia University) “The Dynamics of Dawa in Islamic Basic Education Institutions: A Case Study from Southern Thailand”
  • 16:00–18:00. Shinya IMAIZUMI (Institute of Developing Economies) “Application of Islamic Law in Thai Courts and New Codification”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by KKLO
20242024/06/06 (Thu)
  • Rawia Altaweel (ILCAA Foreign Visiting Scholar) “Gaza War Impact on the Neighboring Countries: Focus on Lebanon Refugee Crisis”
  • Chair: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
304, Online meeting
20242024/06/02 (Sun)
Seminar: Anthropology of Death
  • Seminar for drafts
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Rethinking Anthropology of Death”
20242024/06/01 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 23th meeting
  • 8:00–9:50. Masayoshi SUGIURA (Gakushuin University) “On silk cocoon taxation in the Wooden Tablets from the Qin site in Liye(First Part)”
  • 9:50–10:10. Break
  • 10:10–12:00. Masayoshi SUGIURA (Gakushuin University) “On silk cocoon taxation in the Wooden Tablets from the Qin site in Liye(Second Part)”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20242024/06/01 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia” The 6th meeting
  • 13:30–14:40. Yasushi TONAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Watching the Malay World from the Viewpoint of Self Emanation in Wahda al-Wujud Theory”
  • 14:40–15:50. Ayako NINOMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Islam, Islamization and Sufism in South Asia”
  • 16:00–17:10. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “The Idea of the Persianate Societies”
  • 17:10–18:00. Meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Early Islamization of Southeast Asia: Religion, Kingship, and Cosmology” (Principal Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) Project number: 21H00575), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Fundamental research for the construction of a historical picture of Islamic reception and social relations in continental Southeast Asia” (Principal Investigator: Kazuto IKEDA (Osaka University) Project number: 20H01325), HINDOWS (Indian Ocean World Studies project, Osaka University) So Yamane.
20242024/06/01 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project ““Failure” in Field Linguistics” The 3rd meeting
  • 13:00–13:05. Introduction
  • 13:05–15:00. Yukinori KIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Hyogo) Failures and regrets in the study of Filipino hunter-gatherer languages: reflections on everything from site selection to career development'
  • 15:10–17:20. Syuntarô TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Field linguistics and prescriptive linguistics' (tentative)
  • 17:20–17:30. Discussion
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
306, Online meeting
20242024/06/01 (Sat)
Anthropology Cafe “Where Do We Go (When We Die) - Death and Art”
  • 14:00. Opening Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • 14:05–15:30. Screening and Talk
  • “Distant Duet” (currently on view at the exhibition “Distant Present: Universal/Remote” (The National Art Center, Tokyo) from March 6, 2024 (Wed) to June 3, 2024 (Mon))
  • “Where Do We Go When We Die?”
  • “Soramimi”
  • 15:45–17:00. Comments and general discussion
  • Maiko JISHU (Artist) + Seppyul KIM (Institute for Integrated Global Environmental Studies)
  • Moderator: Tomoko NIWA (International Fashion Institute)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 31st May.
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA. Core Project (Anthropology), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Reconsideration of Anthropology of Dearh:An Anthropological Approach to Reality" through Affect Theory” (Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII(ILCAA) Project Number: 21H00642)
20242024/06/01 (Sat)
Seminar “Feminist Ethics and the Test of Palestine: Beyond ‘Feminist Foreign Policy’?”
  • This seminar considers the current genocide in Gaza from the perspective of feminist foreign policy (FFP). In theory, this approach foregrounds feminist ethics and human security in its emphasis on “rights, representation, and resources” for gender equality. However, critical explorations are necessary to unpack how Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) operates in practice, and where it falls short of declared commitments. The seminar raises questions about ‘activating’ normative paradigms in international politics. What horizons exist for activism when state and global governance institutions fail to stop genocide and war? How can (feminist) researchers navigate theory and practice when it comes to struggles for liberation and social justice?
  • Program:
  • 14:00–14:10. Introduction (Emi Goto, ILCAA, TUFS)
  • 14:10–15:10. Lecture by Dr. Layla Saleh “Feminist Ethics and the Test of Palestine”
  • 15:10–15:50. Q&A, Discussion
  • 15:50–16:00. Closing
  • Lecturer:
  • Dr. Layla Saleh is a political scientist specializing in politics and International Relations (IR) of the Arab region. Her focus is on ‘politics from below’ as it relates to protest, revolution, civic activism, democratization, and gender politics. She is Director of Research at Demos-Tunisia Democratic Sustainability Forum, and Associate Editor of the Brill journal Protest. In 2024, she is a Research Fellow at Chiba University. Her books include Revolution and Democracy in Tunisia (Oxford UP, 2024, co-authored with Larbi Sadiki) and US Hard Power in the Arab World: Resistance, the Syrian Uprising, and the War on Terror (Routledge, 2017).
  • Contact: emi-gto[at] (Please change [at] to @)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English, Japanese (Consecutive interpretation available)
  • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 31st May.
  • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “A Study of the Challenges and Solutions for Muslim Communities in the Context of Contemporary Pluralism and Diversity” (Principal Investigator:Emi GOTO (ILCAA) Project number: 24K03160)
Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room, Online meeting
20242024/05/31 (Fri)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Evolving Conflict in Palestine/Israel: Final Status and Emerging Challenges” The 7th meeting
  • Members' Meeting on Forum and edited volume.
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Research Group on Palestine/Israel
Online meeting
20242024/05/29 (Wed)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Adaptation and Reorientation of Texts and its Actors in the Medieval and Early Modern Middle East” The 2nd meeting
  • 15:30–15:45. Dr. Yui KANDA (ILCAA) Introduction
  • 15:45–16:15. Dr. Kaori OTSUYA (NIHU/ILCAA) “Jadhb al-Qulūb ilā Diyār al-Maḥbūb by ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq Muḥaddith al-Dihlawī (d. 1052/1642): A Persian Work Based on Al-Samhūdī’s (d. 911/1506) History of Medina?”
  • 16:15–17:00. Discussion
  • Abstract:
  • Dr. Kaori OTSUYA (NIHU/ILCAA) “Jadhb al-Qulūb ilā Diyār al-Maḥbūb by ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq Muḥaddith al-Dihlawī (d. 1052/1642): A Persian Work Based on Al-Samhūdī’s (d. 911/1506) Histories of Medina?”
  • In recent years, there has been a significant increase in secondary literature on trans-regional cultural exchanges between South Asia and the Red Sea region, particularly from the fifteenth century onwards. Nevertheless, the reception of late medieval Arabic histories of the Hijaz in early modern South Asia remains relatively unexplored, partly due to the limited engagement of so-called “Arabists” in the discussion as well as the conventional division between the medieval and the early modern periods.
  • This paper seeks to address this gap through a preliminary analysis of Jadhb al-Qulūb ilā Diyār al-Maḥbūb, a history of Medina written by the well-known South Asian hadith scholar and historian ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq Muḥaddith al-Dihlawī (d. 1052/1642). While researchers working on the history of South Asia have briefly but often mentioned that ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq wrote Jadhb al-Qulūb based on the histories of Medina by the late medieval Egyptian scholar al-Samhūdī (d. 911/1506), the relationship between Jadhb al-Qulūb and al-Samhūdī’s histories of Medina has largely escaped the attention of modern researchers in the field of the late medieval Arabic historiography.
  • After introducing al-Samhūdī and ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq, this paper presents the wide distribution of the manuscripts of their works as well as the findings of a tentative comparison between Jadhb al-Qulūb and al-Samhūdī’s histories of Medina. In doing so, it hopes to shed light on transregional interactions between South Asia and the Red Sea region from the Hijazi perspective.
  • Contact: kanda[at] (Please change [at] to @)
Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room, Online meeting
20242024/05/26 (Sun)
Follow-up meeting on ILC 2011 (Sibe) / The 13th meeting on Sibe language and culture
  • 10:00–10:10. Opening
  • [Keynote lecture]
  • 10:10–10:50. Kicengge (Otemon Gakuin University) “On the survey of languages in the Kangxi period”
  • 11:00–11:30. YE Sheng (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) “The Investigation of the Eight Banner Garrisons General Buyantu”
  • 11:30–12:00. WEN Jing'er (Graduate School of Tokyo Univerisity of Foreign Studies) “A preliminary report on the language and custom of the Sibe people in Gongliu county”
  • 12:00–12:30. KOGURA Norikazu (ILCAA) “A preliminary report on the construction of Corpus of Sibe Dialects (CSD)”
  • 12:40–13:00. General Discussion
  • Commentator: KUBO Tomoyuki (ILCAA Research Fellow)
  • Language: Japanese, Sibe
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator:Norikazu KOGURA(ILCAA) Project number:24K00061)
20242024/05/25 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Diachronic Perspectives on Language Description and Typology in Bantu” The 1st meeting
  • 1. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA, Juniour Fellow) “Introduction to the project background and prospects”
  • 2. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA, Fellow) “Some features of Congo Swahili in reference to the micro-variation way of survey”
  • 3. Discussion
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
304, Online meeting
20242024/05/24 (Fri)
TUFS Cinema: Ethnographic Film Screening of “Azmari”
  • 1. Screening of “Azmari”
  • 2. Itsushi KAWASE (Professor, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Kazuhiro SODA (Documentary filmmaker): Commentary and talk sessin
  • Chair: Shu FUJITA (Research Associate, TUFS Field Science Commons)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration, please see here. (Only available in Japanese)
  • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Cinema, TUFS Field Science Commons, Anthro-film Laboratory
  • Cooperated by Core Project (Anthropology) Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts, Center for Intercultural Studies
Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies
20242024/05/24 (Fri)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives (phase 2)” The 1st meeting
  • 13:00–13:30. Seunghun LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU) & Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Overview of the PhonTyp, phase 2”
  • 13:45–14:45. Julián VILLEGAS (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Aizu) & Seunghun LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU) “An initial review of the acoustic and articulatory analyses of liquids”
  • 15:00–16:00. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) & Seunghun LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU) “Preliminary observations about the phonetics of lateral fricatives in Southern Bantu”
  • Language: English
  • Organized by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
304, Online meeting
20242024/05/23 (Thu)
  • Yui KANDA (ILCAA) “From Mitaka to Mashhad: Exploring the Material Culture of Safavid Iran”
  • Chair: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
304, Online meeting
20242024/05/22 (Wed)
Global Mediterranean Studies Seminar: Nile Samurai--Ragai Wanis and Egypt’s Global 1960s
  • This seminar explores Egypt's cultural connections with Japan in the 1960s. It discusses exchanges between these two ends of Asia through a case study of the late Egyptian artist Ragai Wanis (1938-2023), who studied and worked in Japan for five years in the mid-1960s. Drawing on a range of sources-Wanis's published memoirs, his paintings, and his photographs-a vibrant period of transregional entanglements will be revealed. Ultimately, by examining individual stories like Wanis's, the talk offers an alternative narrative for the Arab 1960s, shifting the focus away from political dimensions and pan-Arab solidarities to highlight how Egypt explored different ways of relating to the world during this period.
  • 17:30–17:40. Introduction (Emi Goto, ILCAA, TUFS)
  • 17:40–18:25. “Nile Samurai: Ragai Wanis and Egypt’s Global 1960s” (Nicholas Mangialardi, Williams College)
  • 18:25–18:40. Comment (Yui Kanda, ILCAA, TUFS)
  • 18:40–19:30. Discussion
  • This talk investigates Egypt’s cultural connections with Japan during the 1960s. It discusses exchanges between these far ends of Asia through a case study of the late Egyptian artist Ragai Wanis (1938–2023), who studied and worked in Japan for five years in the mid-sixties. I draw on a range of sources—Wanis’ published memoirs, his paintings, and photographs—to uncover a vibrant period of transregional entanglements. Ultimately, by examining individual stories like that of Wanis, this talk offers an alternative narrative for the Arab 1960s, shifting focus away from political dimensions and pan-Arab solidarities to highlight how Egypt was exploring other way of relating globally during this period.
  • Speakers:
  • Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi is a scholar of Arabic literature and music whose research focuses on modern Egypt. He is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic Studies at Williams College (USA). His publications have appeared in the International Journal of Middle East Studies, the Arab Studies Journal, and the Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. His recent work explores cultural exchanges between modern Egypt and Japan through the lens of literature and popular culture.
  • Dr. Yui KANDA is an Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern History at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Her expertise lies in the study of history of Islamic works of art, particularly ceramics, metalwork, and manuscripts from the late medieval to the early modern period in the Middle East and South Asia. Her latest publication, “Iranian Blue-and-White Ceramic Vessels and Tombstones Inscribed with Persian Verses, C. 1450–1725,” appears in The Routledge Companion to Global Renaissance Art, edited by Stephen J. Campbell and Stephanie Porras (New York: Routledge).
  • Contact: emi-gto[at] (Please change [at] to @)
301, Online meeting
20242024/05/22 (Wed)
TUFiSCo Film Studies Circle
  • Discussing the potential of ethnographic films and exploring new methods of fieldwork through watching anthropological films.
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by TUFiSCo
20242024/05/19 (Sun)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Clarification of the Actual Situation of Agro-pastoral Complex Frontier in the Trans- Himalayan Region: From the approach of vocabulary study-” The 1st meeting
  • 14:00 . Opening address
  • 14:10–14:30. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Objectives of the joint research”
  • 14:30–15:00. Masahiro HIRATA “Agro-pastoral complex fermentation culture in Sikkim on the southern slope of the Tibetan- Himalayan region”
  • 15:00–15:15. Break
  • 15:15–16:15. Satoshi YOKOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “Comparative Study on Natto Production and Utilization in Mainland Southeast Asia and the Eastern Himalayas”
  • 16:15–17:00. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “Entangled Social Connections on the Sustainable Development Issue in the Northern Sikkim Region”
  • 17:00–18:00. “Exchange of ideas on the vocabulary questionnaire”
  • 18:00. Closing
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
20242024/05/18 (Sat)
Global Mediterranean Studies Seminar: Fumio Koizumi and the Cultural Politics of Music in Modern Egypt
  • In January 1964, the Japanese ethnomusicologist Fumio Koizumi arrived in Cairo, Egypt. He had been invited by the local government to serve as an organizer and judge for Egypt’s first International Folk Arts Festival. But Koizumi also remained for another three months to conduct research on Egyptian music, traveling up and down the Nile to record folk songs, children’s games, Coptic hymns, Sufi ceremonies, new orchestral works, and much more. The extensive project resulted in the six-disc set entitled Songs along the Nile (Nairu no Uta, 1966). This talk explores Koizumi’s visit to examine an overlooked era of collaborations between Egypt and Japan in the 1960s. Drawing on his recordings, travel notes, and other archival documents, I show how Koizumi became enmeshed in Egypt’s state-sponsored cultural activities. My analysis frames this figure within a broader series of mid-century global flows that help us understand the ways in which Egypt displayed itself to others and through others.
  • Abstract:
  • 14:00–14:10. Introduction (Emi Goto, ILCAA, TUFS)
  • 14:10–15:00. Fumio Koizumi and the Cultural Politics of Music in Modern Egypt (Nicholas Mangialardi, Williams College)
  • 15:00–16:00. Discussion
  • Speaker:<
  • Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi is a scholar of Arabic literature and music whose research focuses on modern Egypt. He is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic Studies at Williams College (USA). His publications have appeared in the International Journal of Middle East Studies, the Arab Studies Journal, and the Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication. His recent work explores cultural exchanges between modern Egypt and Japan through the lens of literature and popular culture.
306, Online meeting
20242024/05/18 (Sat)
Reflecting Identities, Creating Selves: Cultural Flows Meeting 2024
  • This project examines the circulation of culture in the twentieth century through the lens of literature and the arts, broadly defined. Particular attention will be paid to aspects of 'projection of the self' and 'creation of the self', highlighting the ways in which peoples travelling through Euroasia viewed each other. Ultimately, we aim to relate our findings to the goal of Global Area Studies, which is to elucidate the mechanisms of construction and transformation of the contemporary global order.
  • Program (Closed seminar, Global Mediterranean Studies members only)
  • Chair: Nicholas Mangialardi, Williams College
  • 10:00–10:20. On the Project (Emi Goto, TUFS)
  • 10:20–11:20. Members’ introductions
  • 11:20–12:00. Discussion
  • Language: English
  • Organized by Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa)
306, Online meeting
20242024/05/18 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 22th meeting
  • 8:00–9:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Ritsumeikan University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the Western Han Zoumalou-site 01 (First Part)”
  • 9:50–10:10. Break
  • 10:10–12:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Ritsumeikan University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the Western Han Zoumalou-site 01 (Second Part)”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20242024/05/13 (Mon)
Islamic Trust Studies Symposium“Freedom of speech and academic freedom on the verge of crisis: Reexamining discourses on ‘antisemitism’ and the Israel–Palestine question through an event of Ghassan Hage,” co-sponsored by Prof. Yoshikazu Shiobara’s seminar at Keio University
  • “Islamic Trust Studies Symposium “Freedom of speech and academic freedom on the verge of crisis: Reexamining discourses on ‘antisemitism’ and the Israel–Palestine question through an event of Ghassan Hage,” co-sponsored by Prof. Yoshikazu Shiobara’s seminar at Keio University will be held by X00 Organizer of “Islamic Trust Studies” Project.
  • Program:
  • 1. Yoshikazu Shiobara (Sociology, Faculty of Law, Keio University) “The crisis of critical discourses and the solidarity: Unfolding ‘The statement in support of Professor Ghassan Hage from concerned scholars and citizens in Japan’”
  • 2. Mayuko Maekawa (Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Sociology, Kyoto Sangyo University) “A brief introduction to the works of Ghassan Hage”
  • 3. Kenichiro Komori (History of European thought, Faculty of Humanities, Musashi University) “Nationalism as anti-antisemitism: A case of Germany”
  • 4. Hidemitsu Kuroki (Area Studies of the Arab East, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Cognitive warfare on terrorism and civilization: Why are we easily beaten?”
  • Moderator: Jin Noda (Central Asia Studies, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Purpose of the symposium:
  • Prof. Ghassan Hage is a world-renowned anthropologist for various stimulating works including the following Japanese translations: White Nation: Fantasies of White Supremacy in a Multicultural Society, Against Paranoid Nationalism: Searching for Hope in a Shrinking Society, and Alter-Politics: Critical Anthropology and the Radical Imagination. After leaving Australia, Prof. Hage started his new research activities at the Max Planck Society in 2023, but he was dismissed from his post for his statement criticizing the Israeli ethnic cleansing/genocide in Gaza, Palestine.
  • It was a shocking news as this kind of appalling measure was taken in Germany against the researcher, who has raised, through his works, very important questions on how multicultural/multiethnic human societies should be.
  • Moreover, this news revealed that the Western societies, which were expected to respect the freedom of thought and speech, significantly harm the potential of academic contributions to human society and shed light on the long-hidden aspects of the Israel–Palestine question (similar cases were found against Judith Butler in France, Masha Gessen and Nancy Fraser in Germany, and three university presidents in the United States: Harvard, MIT, and Pennsylvania). Prof. Hage’s case evoked a worldwide response but does not seem to be broadly known to the Japanese population, apart from concerning researchers.
  • At this symposium, through discussions by a sociologist and an anthropologist who have played a leading role in introducing Prof. Hage’s works and other researchers of the history of European thought and the Arab East, a sense of crisis will be shared: we are standing at an extremely critical crossroad in the general sphere of scholarship/research, as well as in the realities of international politics.
  • Capacity: 150 participants (in person, in order of registration) & Online via Webinar
  • Contact: Islamic Trust Studies Project Office (connectivity_jimukyoku[at] (Please change [at] to @)
Classroom 421, South School Building, Mita Campus, Keio University, Online meeting
20242024/05/08 (Wed)
Lecture by Zemfira Yerzhan
  • Zemfira Yerzhan (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University) “Formation of National Identity in the Context of Westernization: the case of Kazakhs and Japanese” (in English)
304, Online meeting
20242024/05/04 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 21th meeting
  • 8:00-9:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 21(First Part)”
  • 9:50-10:10. Break
  • 10:10-12:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 21(Second Part)”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20242024/04/27 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnography on Youth ‘hustles’ in Eastern Africa: their imagination and practice” The 1st meeting
  • 1. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
  • 2. All members
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
302,Online meeting
20242024/04/27 (Sat)
TUFS Cinema: Film Screening of “Chandmani” (Japan/Mongolia)
  • 1. Screening of “Chandmani”
  • 2. Takeshi KAMEI (Director), Maiko ITO (Mongolian folk singer), Akira KAMIMURA (TUFS): Talk sessin
  • Chair: Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese, Mongolian
  • For registration, please see here.
  • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), TUFS Cinema
Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies
20242024/04/25 (Thu)
ILCAA Forum “International Seminar Series: Secularization, Islamization and Globalization in South Asia: Beyond bipolar Politics in Bangladesh”
  • Speaker: Huyamyun Kabir, Visiting Researcher, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and Assistant Teaching Professor (Anthropology) Department of Environment, Culture & Society Thompson Rivers University British Columbia, Canada Title: “The Deobandi Tradition in Bangladesh: Qaumi Madrasa Education and the Political Rise of their Custodians”
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For registration, please see here.
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024), and CICE, Hiroshima University
CICE, Hiroshima University, Online meeting
20242024/04/22 (Mon)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Adaptation and Reorientation of Texts and its Actors in the Medieval and Early Modern Middle East” The 1st meeting
  • 13:00–13:10. Yui Kanda (ILCAA) Introduction to the Annual Schedule (AY 2024)
  • 13:10–13:40. All Members Meeting and Introduction Session
  • 13:40–14:00. Q&A and Discussion
  • Language: English
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20242024/04/20 (Sat)
Global Mediterranean Workshop “Prophets, History and Literature in the Islamicate World”
  • Program:
  • 13:30–13:40. Introduction
  • 13:40–14:30. Osamu Otsuka (The University of Tokyo) The Development of ‘History of the Prophets’ in Islamic Universal History Works
  • 14:40–15:30. Colin Mitchell (Dalhousie University) Problematizing the Prophet-King David and His Reception in Medieval Persianate Culture
  • 15:40–16:30. Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) The Hamza-nama, the Safavids and the Pre-Islamic Past
  • 16:30–17:00. General Discussions
  • Chair: Nobuaki Kondo
Room 401, Hongo Satellite, Online meeting
20242024/04/20 (Sat)
Learn fieldwork through video editing
  • Shu FUJITA (Research Associate, TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)) Learn fieldwork through video editing
  • Guest lecturer: Yanggu Kang (National Museum of Ethnology)
  • Fieldwork consists of experiencing things in the field and considering about what you feel and think there to express them in written or visual form. In this workshop, you will learn about the process of thinking about and expressing field experiences by editing the video footage that Yanggu Kang took during her anthropological fieldwork in Raglai, Vietnam. By editing the footage based on the fieldwork, you will be able to “think like” you are thinking from the fieldwork. Even if you have never edited a video or done fieldwork before, please come and join us.
20242024/04/20 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 20th meeting
  • 8:00–9:50. Masayoshi SUGIURA (Gakushuin University) “An introduction to the Western Han Bamboo Slips and Wooden Tablets from the Zoumalou-site”
  • 9:50–10:10. Break
  • 10:10–12:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 20”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20242024/04/17 (Wed)
Roundtable: Persianate Studies in Japan
  • 15:00. Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA) Introduction
  • 15:10. Ryo Mizukami (JSPS/ ILCAA) Spread of Imamophilia and Various Confessional Boundaries: A Study of Sunni and Shiʿi Fadāʾil Works in the Premodern Islamic Lands
  • 15:30. Kaori Otsuya (NIHU/ILCAA) Circulation, Translation, and Reception of Arabic Manuscripts on the History of Mecca and Medina in the Early Modern Persianate World
  • 15:50. Haruya Shishido (MA, Meiji University) Power Map of Qizilbāsh during the Reign of Shāh Ismā‘īl II (1576—77)
  • 16:10. Q&A
  • 16:40. Yui Kanda (ILCAA) Legacy of Shāh ʿAbbās’s Book Endowments: A Preliminary Study of Kufic Qurʾāns with Alleged Twelver Imām Signatures Endowed to Mashhad
  • 17:00. Norifumi Daito (The Historiographical Institute, the University of Tokyo) The Dutch East India Company and Local Intermediaries in Post-Safavid Iran
  • 17:20. Naofumi Abe (Ochanomizu University) The Safavid Shrine after the Safavids: How We Delineate the Agency of a Muslim Shrine in the Age of Decline?
  • 17:40. Q&A
  • Discussant: Colin Mitchell (Dalhousie University)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For registration, please see here.
  • Jointly sponsored by Islamic Trust StudiesB01, The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA
Room 401, Hongo Satellite, Online meeting
20242024/04/13 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Creating a Practice-based Platform in Multimodal Anthropology and Art” The 1st meeting
  • 14:00–14:40. Ran MURATSU(ILCAA) “Introduction (Opening Remarks)”
  • 14:40–17:30. All members Introduction of each research and work
  • 17:30-18:00. All members Discussion for the orientation of the joint research
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
20242024/04/13 (Sat)
Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Chancelleries, Correspondence, and Diplomacy in the Iranian Plateau”
  • The International Workshop “Chancelleries, Correspondence, and Diplomacy in the Iranian Plateau” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Group B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)” and A01 “Mobility and Universality in the Islamic Economy (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke Nagaoka)”.
  • Programme
  • 14:00–14:10. Introduction Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
  • 14:10–15:10. Colin Mitchell (Dalhousie University) “Belletristic Presentations of Princely Governance during the 1469-70 Timurid Succession Crisis”
  • 15:20–16:20. Peter Good (JSPS Fellow/ ILCAA) “Stability by Contract?: The East India Company in Persia 1600-1747”
  • 16:30–17:00. Discussions
  • Abstracts
  • “Belletristic Presentations of Princely Governance during the 1469-70 Timurid Succession Crisis”
  • Colin Mitchell Largely stepping into the vacuum left by Timur and his descendants in Azarbaijan and central Iran, the Aq Qoyunlu developed a semblance of a Perso-Islamic court culture while at the same time maintaining structures, institutions, titles, and rankings associated with Turkish tribal politics (pace J. Woods). The chancellery is very much emblematic of this hybridism, and this paper seeks to examine the Aq Qoyunlu production of letters in the tradition of insha (epistolography) to better understand how this particular state understood the appointment and mandate of royal family members (i.e. princes) for positions of governance. Nowhere is this better seen than during the aftermath of Uzun Hasan’s defeat of the Timurid ruler, Abu Said at the Battle of Qarabagh in 1469. Curiously, Uzun Hasan made a conscious decision to not appoint one of his sons as the governor of the newly conquered city of Herat, but rather nominated Yadgar Muhammad Mirza. Yadgar Muhammad Mirza was one of many competing descendants of Timur who were making claims to the Timurid throne, and Uzun Hasan openly used him as a proxy. Uzun Hasan sent supplies, men, and guidance to this young Timurid prince in his civil conflict with his cousin, Sultan Husain Baiqara. These events of 1469-70 – Yadgar’s invasion of Khurasan, the displacement of Sultan-Husain Baiqara from Herat, the successful counterattack by the Timurids - are detailed and discussed in a number of letters produced by the chancellery of Uzun Hasan. While the style, tone, and rhetoric are consistent with medieval Perso-Islamic conceptions of monarchical theory and sovereignty, there is no disputing the Turkic predilection for tanistry and succession politics. This paper will examine and analyze these letters in the hopes of better understanding how such literary-administrative texts can shed light on how contemporaries articulated these tensions which exist in the Perso and Turco-Islamic worlds regarding succession practices among competing princes.
  • “Stability by Contract?: The East India Company in Persia 1600-1747”
  • Peter Good The English East India Company’s presence in Persia represents one of the longest non-colonial or imperial relationships of a European state with an Indian Ocean Empire. The Company’s ability to maintain its position as both a trading and diplomatic presence in the Safavid Empire was due to mutually recognised benefits. These included joint military campaigns against the Portuguese (1622), Gulf Piracy, or Arab and Afghan rebels along the littoral of the Persian Gulf. This paper will explore the different and changing methods used and deployed by both parties in order to maintain this valuable cooperation. The Company and the Safavid State enshrined their relationship in an evolving written document, the farmān. However, the farmān alone was rarely sufficient to fully answer all eventualities faced by either party, renegotiations were therefore required to better reflect changing circumstances. These negotiations were often carried out by non-European intermediaries, involving exchanges of gifts, invitations to social events and promises of mutual assistance. This paper will explore how the Anglo-Persian relationship was maintained outside of the formal confines of the written farmān. It will focus on the role of informal contacts, non-European intermediaries and the deployment of formal endorsements by court and local officials. By exploring these often-bilateral exchanges, it is possible to better understand how the Company’s business was interwoven with the local and state policies of the Safavid Empire and its successors. Understanding the balance of power and management of the Anglo-Persian relations has an important impact upon the way we understand the agency of non-European states and peoples in their commercial and diplomatic exchanges. This helps us to understand the multi-valent nature of these interactions, rather than relying solely on Eurocentric views.
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For face to face participants,please visit the link here.
  • For online participants, please visit the link here.
  • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke Nagaoka (Kyoto University) Project number:20H05824)
Room 401, 4th floor, Research bldg. No. 2, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University, Online meeting
20242024/04/06 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Overcoming divisions and searching for coexistence: Approaches of Islam and Gender Studies” The 1st meeting
  • 15:00. Opening
  • 15:20. Speaker 1: Eiji Nagasawa “Looking Back on Eight Years of Islam and Gender Studies: Reflections”
  • 16:30–16:40. Break
  • 16:40. Speaker 2: Junko Toriyama “Thinking Coloniality with Islam and Gender Studies: A Critical Reflection on Intersectionalism and a Rethinking of Third World Feminism”
  • 17:50–18:00. Break
  • 18:00. Open discussion
  • 19:00. Closing
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)“A Study of the Challenges and Solutions for Muslim Communities in the Context of Contemporary Pluralism and Diversity”
Hongo Satellite 4F Seminar Room, Online meeting
20242024/04/06 (Sat)
South Asian Studies Center Seminar: Beyond Boundaries
  • Speakers:
  • Simon Leese (University of Amsterdam) ‘Bombay Cinema in the Egyptian Press: reimagining Indian Ocean cross-cultural connections in the age of Non-Alignment’
  • Alaka Chudal (University of Vienna) ‘What shall we speak about?: Indian prisoners of the First World War in Germany’
  • Discussants:
  • Fuko Onoda (Osaka University)
  • Taeko Uesugi (Meiji Gakuin University)
  • Chair: Riho Isaka (University of Tokyo)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For online participants, please visit the link here.
  • For details, please see here.
  • Jointly sponsored by Center for South Asian Studies, University of Tokyo; Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa; Center for Indian Ocean World Studies, Osaka University (HINDOWS)
304, Online meeting
20242024/04/06 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 19th meeting
  • 8:00–9:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian19 (First part)”
  • 9:50–10:10. Break
  • 10:10–12:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian19 (Second part)”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20232024/03/31 (Sun)
Enjoy Tibetan Folktales with your hands, ears and eyes: Focusing on The Tales of the Golden Corpse
  • 10:00–12:00. Workshop “Let's make a Shikabane Anime”
  • Moderator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
  • Lecturer:Luchu Phakpajap (Animator)
  • 12:00–13:00. Lunch break
  • 13:00–14:00. Animation screenings
  • 14:30–17:00. Talk event “Let's read the story of Golden Corpse”
  • Moderators: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Yukiko SATO (Nora-shoten Publishers Inc.)
  • Guests:Kuranishi (Illustrator, Manga artist), Luchu Phakpajap (Animator), Zhouxing Carirang (Musician), Miyuki MATSUO (Filmmaker, Subtitle translator)
  • Contact: hoshi[at] (please change [at] to @)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese, Tibetan
  • For registration, please see here.
  • For details, please see here (In Japanese).
  • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
20232024/03/29 (Fri) - 2024/03/30 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics” The 16th meeting
  • Thirteen members of the project will give their presentations in 35 minutes followed by 15 minutes of Q&amp;A sessions or talk at a symposium in the first or second day, and Professor Narrog Heiko (Professor of Tohoku University) will give an invited lecture in the first day.
304, Online meeting
20232024/03/29 (Fri)
Research Meeting of the Core Project “Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation in Muslim Society”
  • Shinsaku KATO (ILCAA) “Conflicts over Maritime Navigation along the West Coast of India, c. 1700 - 1770: The Marathas, the Dutch, and the English East India Compagnies”
  • Erina OTA (TSUKADA) (ILCAA) “Selecting what to write and what not to write: The “notoriety” of 15th-century Islamic intellectuals in the biographical dictionaries”
  • Contact: meis[at] (please change [at] to @)
20232024/03/28 (Thu)
International Workshop “Translation and Textual Transmission across Languages and Cultures in Early Modern South Asia”
  • In early modern South Asia, a wide range of ideas, knowledge, literary conventions and stories were
  • actively transmitted across linguistic, religio-cultural and regional divides, and numerous texts were
  • translated in this process. The translation of Sanskrit texts into Persian around the Mughal emperors is well known, but there was also active transmission of texts and the knowledge they contained across linguistic boundaries in the provinces of the Mughal Empire and in the centres of various other regimes outside the Empire. This workshop aims to highlight the multifaceted nature of early modern South Asian culture by focusing on the various forms of translation and the transmission of knowledge through examples from some regions within early modern South Asia.
  • Program
  • 14:00–14:05. Opening Remarks
  • Nobuhiro Ota (ILCAA, TUFS)
  • 14:05–14:40. Presentation I
  • Simon Leese (University of Amsterdam) The Qur’ān as proof text and translational referent in North Indian multilingual poetics (‘Abd al-Wāḥid Bilgrāmī and Ghulām ‘Ali Āzād Bilgrāmī)
  • 14:40–15:15. Presentation II
  • Kazuyo Sakaki (Independent Scholar) Texts and images: Intercultural transmission of the text related to astral sciences in Deccan.
  • 15:15–15:50. Presentation III
  • Satoshi Ogura (ILCAA, TUFS) Some general characteristics analyzed in the three Persian translations of the Laghuyogavāsiṣṭha.
  • 15:50–16:00. Tea Break
  • 16:00–16:35. Presentation IV
  • Kiyokazu Okita (Sophia University) When cowherd women speak in Bengali: Transmission, transformation, and distortion in Guṇarāj Khān’s Śrīkṛṣṇavijay.
  • 16:35–17:10. Presentation V
  • Nobuhro Ota (ILCAA, TUFS) Translation of the Mahabharata into Kannada prose in the Mysore Kingdom of Early Modern South India
  • 17:10–17:20. Tea Break
  • 17:20–17:35. Comment
  • Fabrizio Speziale (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)
  • 17:35–18:05. Discussion
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is at noon 26th Mar.
  • Language: English
  • For face to face participants,please visit the link here.
  • For online participants, please visit the link here.
  • Jointly sponsored by Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” (Principal Investigator: Nobuhiro Ota (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0013), Joint Research Group (ILCAA) “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
20232024/03/26 (Tue)
DDDLing workshop for early career researchers: Life events and research career building
  • 1.13:00–13:10. Introduction
  • 2.13:10–13:50. Talks by the presenters-1
  • (13:50–14:00 break)
  • 3.14:00-15:00. Talks by the presenters-2
  • (15:00–15:10 break)
  • 4.15:10–16:00. Roundtable
  • (16:00–16:20 break)
  • 5.16:20–17:00. General discussions
  • Presenters: Hayato AOI (TUFS), Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA), Tomoyo OTSUKI (Shizuoka Eiwa Gakuin University), Sayaka KUTSUKAKE (Tohoku Gakuin University), Miki KOBAYASHI (National Ainu Musium)
  • Facilitator: Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)
  • Contact: ds[at] (Please change [at] to @)。)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 24th Mar.
  • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing), Center for Transdisciplinary Research, Networking and Dialogue (TReND), TUFS; Multi- and Inter-cultural Research and Innovation Fellowship (MIRAI fellowhip), TUFS
306, Online meeting
20232024/03/26 (Tue)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research based on Dr. Shigeru Tsuchida’s data on Formosan languages” The 3rd meeting
  • 13:30–14:30. Kazuhiro IMANISHI “Frequency Analysis of Voice in Amis Discourse: Results and Issues”
  • 14:30–15:30. Naomi TSUKIDA “TBA”
  • 15:30–16:30. Asako SHIOHARA “Word final glottal stops in Sumbawa”
  • 16:30-17:00. Izumi OCHIAI “Historically reduplicated forms in Siraya”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), TUFS Field Science Commons
301, Online meeting
20232024/03/24 (Sun)
Consortium for Eurasian Language Studies (CSEL) Annual Meeting 2024
  • 10:25–10:30. Opening (Shirai, Satoko (The University of Tokyo))
  • Session 1
  • 10:30–10:45. Namdag, Lkhagvajav (Graduate School of TUFS) “Conjunctions in Mongolian - Focusing on those derived from converbs -”
  • 10:45–11:00. Basbayar, Munkhdaram (Graduate School of TUFS) “On Mongolian place words of the nominative type For gadna and gadaa”
  • 11:00–11:15. Yamada, Yohei (TUFS) “An attempt at the classification of adjectives in Mongolian - with a special focus on “human propensity” -”
  • 11:15–11:30. Yamakoshi, Yasuhiro (ILCAA, TUFS) “A Sentence-Final Verb Form Found in the Acquisition Process of Sinekhen Buryat (A Preliminary Study)”
  • 11:30–11:45. Baigala (Graduate School of TUFS) “The verbal suffix -xisi in Solon”
  • 11:45–12:00. Kakudo, Masayoshi “The History of Verbal Negation of Mongolic Languages” *
  • 12:00–12:15. Kubo, Tomoyuki (ILCAA) “Double and multiple possessive construction in Sibe and Shibatani’s Nominalization Theory”
  • 12:15–12:45. Break (30mins)
  • Session 2
  • 12:45–13:00. Suzuki, Hiroyuki (Kyoto University) “r-sound around a vowel in Tibeto-Burman languages” *
  • 13:00–13:15. Masuda, Masahiko (Kyushu University) “Tone-related Phenomena in Wu Chinese” *
  • 13:15–13:30. Matsuoka, Yuta (Kansai University) “Semantic changes of kin nouns in young speakers of Yanbian Korean”
  • 13:30–13:45. Hayata, Suzushi (ILCAA, TUFS) “Exit Strategies for Information Resources” *
  • 13:45–14:00. Akmatalieva, Jakshylyk (JSPS / Niigata University) “Vocabulary comparison of Altai, Shor and Kyrgyz languages”
  • 14:00–14:15. Hidaka, Shinsuke (JSPS / Niigata University) “A preliminary study of geminates in Uzbek and Kazakh”
  • 14:15–14:30. Hishiyama, Yuto (JSPS / Niigata University) “Toward a comprehensive description of expressions of desire in Chuvash: Person and case marking of the agent in -As=čĕ clause”
  • 14:30–14:45. Break (15mins)
  • Session 3
  • 14:45–15:00. Suganuma, Kentaro (Kanazawa University) “A report on a survey of subordinate clauses in Karachay-Balkar”
  • 15:00–15:15. Ohsaki, Noriko (Kyoto University) “The auxiliary verb ele and conditionals in Kyrgyz”
  • 15:15–15:30. Kuribayashi, Yuu (Okayama University) “Definiteness in Turkish revisited”
  • 15:30–15:45. Hayasi, Tooru (The Open University of Japan) “Non-standard word-order in German conversations between a lecturer and students in an “Integrationskurs””
  • 15:45–16:00. Sugahara, Mutsumi (TUFS) “The way you don't do it. On negative converbs in Turkic”
  • 16:00–16:15. Kishida, Yasuhiro (Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University) “Morphology and Syntax of Evidentialilty”
  • 16:15–16:30. Yoshida, Hiromi (Kobe City University of foreign studies) “On the reflexive pronouns and emphatic pronouns of Urola Kosta Basque”
  • 16:30–16:45. Break (15mins)
  • Session 4
  • 16:45–17:00. Fujishiro, Setsu (Kobe City College of Nursing) “Russian Loanwords in Dolgan Now and Then”
  • 17:00–17:15. Prokopeva, Mariia (ILCAA, TUFS) “An Analysis of Discourse Markers in Spoken Sakha” *
  • 17:15–17:30. Kazama, Shinjiro (TUFS) “Tungusic-Mongolian Elements in Sakha Language”
  • 17:30–17:45. Matsumoto, Ryo (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Existence and Location Senteces in Uralic Languages”
  • 17:45–18:00. Yoshimura, Taiki (ILCAA, TUFS / Nagasaki University) “On the so-called “question markers” in Azerbaijani”
  • 18:00–18:15. Shirai, Satoko (The University of Tokyo) “Findings from the nDrapa dialect atlas”
  • 18:15–18:30. Kogura, Norikazu (ILCAA, TUFS) “On the discourse marker da in Sibe and neighboring Languages”
  • 18:30–18:45. Ebata, Fuyuki (Niigata University) “Explicit focus construction with the verb buol 'to become' in Sakha (Yakut)”
  • 18:45–19:00. Closing (Ebata, Fuyuki (Niigata University))
  • 19:30–21:30. Reception
  • *: Online Presentation via Zoom
  • Due to space limitations, participation will be accepted online only.
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese, English
  • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 17:00, 22th Mar.
  • Jointly sponsored by Eurasian Language Research Consortium (CSEL); ILCAA Core Project Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)"
Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room, Online meeting
20232024/03/23 (Sat) - 2024/03/24 (Sun)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on African Food Cultures: Approaching Their Changing Realities” The 3rd meeting

23 Mar

  • 13:30–15:15. Research Presentation 1: Hana SHIMOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS Research Fellow) “Cultivation and utilization of yams: A report on a preliminary survey in Savannah State, Central Ghana, where cassava cultivation is widespread”

  • 15:30–17:15. Research Presentation 2: Tomoki IKEBE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS Research Fellow) “Transformation of Food and Agriculture in Colonial Senegal”

23 Mar

  • 9:30–11:15. Research Presentation 3: Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) ““Injera” in Ethiopia in the mid-19th century” 「19世紀半ばのエチオピアにおける「インジェラ」」

  • 11:30–12:00. Research Liaison: Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama)
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Japan African Food Culture Study Group
Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Medium Conference Room, Online meeting
20232024/03/22 (Fri)
Reading a Persian Text on Buddhism
  • 19:00–19:00. Opening address/Introduction
  • 19:10–20:10. Reading session (1)
  • 20:10–20:30. Break
  • 20:30–21:30. Reading session (2)
  • 21:30–22:00. Q&A session/Discussion
  • 22:00–. Closing address
  • Chair: Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For registration, please see here.
  • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Monasteries and Secularity in Indian Buddhism from the Gupta Period Onwardv (Principal Investigator: Taiken Kyuma (Mie University) Project number: 22H00002), ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
Online meeting
20232024/03/22 (Fri)
Exhibition “Hunter-Gatherers of the Malaysian Rainforest: Batek, Semaq Beri”
  • This is a photo exhibition of two indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia(Orang Asli), the Batek and the Sumaq Beri. The exhibition focuses on the present-day hunter-gatherers living in the tropical forest under the social/environmental changes through the photographs by Malaysian photographer Dome. You can access the web-based materials by using the QR codes next to the photos at the gallery.
  • Admission: Free
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
20232024/03/22 (Fri)
  • YIDEMUCAO Dawa (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “On launching a website about traditional culture of Oirat Mongolian”
  • Chair: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA)
304, Online meeting
20232024/03/22 (Fri)
ILCAA Joint Research Group FY 2023 Annual Report Meeting
  • Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
304, Online meeting
20232024/03/21 (Thu)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Circuits of Travel in South Asia and Beyond: The Tawa'if and Nautch Girls in Late Colonial India”
  • Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Circuits of Travel in South Asia and Beyond: The Tawa'if and Nautch Girls in Late Colonial India” will be jointly held by C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” and A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge.”
  • Lecturer: Shweta Sachdeva Jha (Delhi University)
  • Discusssant: Ayako Ninomiya (Aoyama Gakuin University)
  • Moderator: Yuri Ishida (Okayama University)
  • This workshop will discuss the movement of people, focusing on the activities of tawa'if and nautch girls, including those in the Mughal court in and after the late eighteenth century, as well as those from India to the West in and after the nineteenth century.
  • Contact: soichi.nagano[at] (Soichi NAGANO) (Please change [at] to @)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For face to face participants,please visit the link here.
  • For online participants, please visit the link here.
  • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako Kumakura (Keio University) Project number:20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)“Conversion of the Islamic knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project number:20H05825)
Room 422, South School Building, Mita Campus, Keio University
20232024/03/19 (Tue)
Workshop “Marginal Social Groups’ Experiences of Modernity” Seminar Series (2nd Session) / Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Managing Transitions within and beyond post-Ottoman Turkey”
  • The Workshop “Managing Transitions within and beyond post-Ottoman Turkey” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “近世巨大都市・三都の複合的社会構造とその世界史的位置” (Principal Investigator: TSUKADA Takashi).
  • Orçun Can Okan (University of Oxford) “Managing Transitions within and beyond post-Ottoman Turkey: The Delegation of the Ankara Government to Istanbul (1922-1928)”
  • Discussions
  • Abstract
  • Managing Transitions within and beyond post-Ottoman Turkey: The Delegation of the Ankara Government to Istanbul (1922-1928)
  • Orçun Can Okan Milestone events that radically change political landscapes are often followed by efforts to manage these events’ consequences in diplomatic, administrative, and legal terms. In (what became) former Ottoman domains in the 1920s, an institution that undertook efforts of this kind was the Delegation of the Ankara government to Istanbul (Dersaadet Murahhaslığı). This institution represented the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in its relations with foreign diplomatic missions in Istanbul and later facilitated the implementation of stipulations in the peace treaty Turkey signed at the end of World War I in July 1923—the Treaty of Lausanne. Mainly through textual and visual materials incorporated from this institution’s documents housed at “the Ottoman Archives,” this talk discusses its role in the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire and the construction of new regimes in Turkey and the Arab Middle East. Focusing on this institution facilitates interpreting the diplomatic, administrative, and legal issues that had to be addressed amidst political transitions with large scope. By way of illustrating practices of managing state succession through specific examples, the talk advocates new ways to transcend national and regional divides in historical inquiries on the making of the postwar Middle East.
  • Admission: Free *Open to public
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese, English
  • For registration, please see here.
  • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “近世巨大都市・三都の複合的社会構造とその世界史的位置―〈史料と社会〉の視点から―” (Principal Investigator: TSUKADA Takashi (Osaka Metropolitan University) Project number: 20H00030)
Conference Room L122, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Sugimoto Campus, Osaka Metropolitan University
20232024/03/19 (Tue)
Lecture by Dr. Nicoletta Fazio (Museum of Islamic Art, Doha), “The Most Banal and Exalted: Love and its Discontents in Niẓāmī’s Laylī va Majnūn and the Roman de la Rose”
  • Chair: Dr. Yui Kanda (ILCAA)
  • 15:30–15:35. Introduction
  • 15:35–16:25. Lecture by Dr. Nicoletta Fazio (Museum of Islamic Art, Doha) “The Most Banal and Exalted: Love and its Discontents in Niẓāmī’s Laylī va Majnūn and the Roman de la Rose”
  • 16:25–17:00. Q&A, Discussion
  • Abstract:
  • Based on the title of my forthcoming publication, this lecture aims to be a presentation about one of the most shared, dare I say universal, experience in human life: heartbreak. Love has been for centuries a theme much exploited by poets and artists. However, a great deal of words has been spent to celebrate love when it breaks, and pain emerges. The story of romantic lovesickness, a form of madness induced by love delusion, is long and dates to millennia. Still, certain topoi and images consolidated around specific times and places, centuries before the widespread popularity that the Romantic Movement enjoyed in the last decades of the 18th century CE.
  • My work investigates the enduring success of lovesickness by looking at its historical and intellectual articulations and diverse cultural interpretations in pre-modern societies. I have picked two distinctive poetic works that have brought lovesickness to the next level and set the pace for whatever else that followed: the masnavi (romantic epos) Laylī va Majnūn by the Persian poet Niẓāmī Ganjavī (ca1188-92 CE), and the allegorical dream poem Roman de la Rose composed, respectively, by Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun (between 1230 and 1275-80 CE). The impact that these poems had on the history of their respective literary traditions cannot be stressed enough, as they emerged in a period when the discourse of and on love progressively took space in the literary arena.
  • Starting from the 12th century CE lyrical production (in Persian and French literary contexts) started making a sensible and progressive shift towards the erotic at the expenses of the heroic, so feeling over action, or what has been dubbed as “the heroism of sentiments”. This while merging erotic and spiritual vocabularies to give new articulations to the sentiment of love and its pangs. Niẓāmī’s Laylī va Majnūn and the Rose became iconic works of literature for their portrayal of excessive love, desire, obsession, madness, and yearning as the driving forces of the narrative.
  • Both poems have survived in numerous manuscript copies, a testimony to their major popularity. Several of these manuscripts have been illustrated leaving a blueprint in their respective literary and artistic traditions while showing the importance of vision and visuality in the construction of the discourse of love and lovesickness. By comparing these two historically disconnected yet thematically related literary discourses and artistic, pictorial traditions, in my work do not aim at establishing homologies. Rather, I look at divergent paths that lead to dissonances, to recognise historical emergences and socio-cultural peculiarities.
  • Contact: gmed.ilcaa[at] *please change [at] to @
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 22:00 (JST), 17th Mar.
  • Jointly sponsored by NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA, Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (C)“An Empirical Research of the Representation of ‘Secularity’ in the Iconography of Islamic Art” (Principal Investigator: Norihito HAYASHI (Ryukoku University) Project number: 21K00180)
East Hall [Toko] 302 Omiya Campus, Ryukoku University, Online meeting
20232024/03/19 (Tue)
Technical Workshop for Language Documentation
  • This workshop will discuss the recent academic trends in Language Documentation on Digital Humanities, with examples from linguistic research in Ethiopia.
  • 13:30–13:40. “Introduction” Prof. Hideyuki INUI (Yamaguchi University)
  • 13:40–14:40. “Current Trends in Language Documentation” Dr. Tesfaye Negash (Kotebe University of Education)
  • 14:50–15:50. “ELAN and IIIF for Language Documentation” Dr. Yona TAKAHASHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • 16:00–17:00. Discussion
  • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Contact: tufisco-office [at] (please change [at] to @)
405, Online meeting
20232024/03/18 (Mon)
Open Seminar: Current Trends for Language Documentation in Ethiopia
  • This seminar will feature reports from researchers who have conducted descriptive surveys of Ethiopian minority languages.
  • 16:10–17:00. “Nominal Number Marking in Nyangatom: an Eastern Nilotic Language” (Dr. Moges Yigezu, Addis Ababa University)
  • 17:10–18:00. “Adjectives in Arbore” (Dr. Firew Girma Worku, James Cook University / Dr. Binyam Sisay, The Africa Institute)
  • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo)
  • Contact: tufisco-office [at] (please change [at] to @)
405, Online meeting
20232024/03/18 (Mon)
Commons Café
  • 15:00–16:00. 「Description and documentation of Ethiopian languages: Current challenges」
  • Dr. Moges Yigezu (Addis Ababa University)
  • Dr. Tesfaye Negash (Kotebe University of Education)
  • Dr. Firew Girma Worku (James Cook University)
  • Ethiopia is said to have more than 90 languages. In this session, three researchers who study Ethiopian languages will present the current linguistic situation in Ethiopia and their academic efforts.
  • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo)
  • Contact: tufisco-office [at] (please change [at] to @)
405, Online meeting
20232024/03/17 (Sun)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: Public Symposium
  • Presentations:
  • 1. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Opening remarks and introduction”
  • 2. Keiichi OMURA (The Open University of Japan) “Ontology of sociality: Exploring the origin and evolution of human sociality through commensality of Inuit”
  • 3. Toru SOGA (Hirosaki University) “Sociality of pastoralists”
  • 4. Yuko SUGIYAMA (Hirosaki University) “The power of gazes from/to others and the generation of collective technology: Sociality supporting Chitemene cultivation”
  • 5. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) “Economic changes and family/kinship relationships: A case study of the Batek people, hunter-gatherers living in Peninsular Malaysia”
  • 6. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (Chubu Gakuin University) “Publicness and consideration in group living primates”
  • 7. Naofumi NAKAGAWA (Kyoto University) “Sociality in male patas monkeys”
  • 8. Kaoru ADACHI (Kyoto Sangyo University) “Is ethnography of primatology possible?”
  • 9. Yoshiki MORIMITSU (University of Hyogo) “Seasonality and habitat utilization of Japanese macaque populations tracked by GPS transmitters: Inter-female distances”
  • 10. Kazuhide HASHIYA (Kyushu University) “'Early' and 'Late' components: Bimodality in the emergence of behavioral characteristics in the development of human sociality”
  • 11. Yuriko IGARASHI (Nihon University) “Population structures in the Jomon and Yayoi periods”
  • Comments:
  • 12. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA)
  • 13. David SPRAGUE (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration,please see here. Registration deadline is 14th Mar.
  • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
303, Online meeting
20232024/03/16 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 18th meeting
  • 8:00-9:50. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian17”
  • 9:50-10:10. Break
  • 10:10-12:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian18”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by ILCAA
Online meeting
20232024/03/16 (Sat)
Cultural Politics on Secularism and Islam in Kashmir: Reading Lal Ded and Nund Rishi
  • Program:
  • 12:00–12:15. Introduction (Toru Tak, Osaka University): From the History of Kashmiriyat to the Archaeology of the Idea of Secularism, and Beyond
  • Panel 1
  • Reconsidering the Historical Discourses on Lal Ded and Nund Rishi/Sheikh Nuruddin
  • 12:15–12:45. Satoshi Ogura (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ‘Past as a Curse, Future as the Dark: the Islamisation of Nund Rishi in Persian historiography of Kashmir in the Late Eighteenth Century (the Gawhar-i 'Ālam Tuḥfatan li-al-Shāh 'Ālam of Muḥammad Aslam Mun'imī)’
  • 12:45–13:15. Dean Accardi (Connecticut College) ‘Reordering the Body to Saintliness, to Reorder Society and Politics: Discourses on Lal Ded and Nund Rishi in the 16th Century’
  • 13:15–13:45. Toru Tak (Osaka University) ‘Abdul Ahad Azad’s View on Rishis and the Establishment of Islamic Orthodoxy in Kashmir during the 1930s’
  • 13:45–14:15. Hafsa Kanjwal (Lafayette College) ‘What is Kashmiri Culture? Secularism and the Jammu and Kashmir State in the 1950s and 1960s’
  • (14:15–14:30 Break).
  • Panel 2
  • Multiple Readings of the Texts of Lal Ded and Nund Rishi/Sheikh Nuruddin
  • 14:30–15:00. Abir Bazaz (Ashoka University) ‘TBA’
  • 15:00–15:30. Sonam Kachru (Yale University) ‘Fire and Water: The Fluid, Glowing Edges of Lalla's Lives and Words’
  • 15:30–16:00. Shafi Shauq (Kashmir University) ‘Nund Rishi: Texts, Shrines, and Precepts’
  • 16:00–17:00. Discussion & Concluding Remarks
  • 問い合わせ先:ogura[at]※[at]を@に変えて送信してください。)
  • Admission: Free
  • Language: English
  • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Cultural Politics on Secularism and Islam: The Case of Kashmir” (Principal Investigator: Toru TAK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) Project Number: 19K00079)
Online meeting
20232024/03/16 (Sat)
  • The International Workshop “Redefining Ottoman Governance: Center-Local Connectivity, Emerging Caliphate Concept, and Contemporary Perspectives” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoups B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)” and B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy (Principal Investigator: YAMANE So)”.
  • Programme
  • 13:30. Introduction by Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
  • 13:45. Orçun Can Okan (Oxford University) “A Twenty-first-century Turk Studying the Ottoman Empire’s ‘Arab Provinces’ and the Post-Ottoman Arab East: Endeavors in ‘Foreign Studies’?”
  • 14:30. Yusuke Motani (Osaka University) “Connecting with Syrians: Muhammad Ali's Rule over Syria in the 1830s”
  • 15:15. Nobuyoshi Fujinami(Tsuda University) “A Constitutional Caliphate? An Islamic Monarch in Ottoman Public Law”
  • 16:10. Discussions
  • Abstracts
  • A Twenty-first-century Turk Studying the Ottoman Empire’s “Arab Provinces” and the Post-Ottoman Arab East: Endeavors in “Foreign Studies”?
  • Orçun Can Okan In the last two decades, the circumstances of producing and sharing historical knowledge on “the Middle East” underwent profound and rapid changes in Turkey. While some of these require analysis in light of wider changes taking place around the world, some require attention within contexts particular to Turkey at particular points in time. This talk reflects on these changes and evolving contexts as experienced by a young(er) Turkish historian who chose to study post-Ottoman Turkey and “the Arab East” in Istanbul in the 2000s. What made this path particularly appealing among other alternatives at the time, in what broader landscapes of intellectual curiosity and academic career options? How did the relevant “field(s)” evolve since then? In addition to sharing tentative assessments on these questions, the talk invites comparison and contrast between different modes of circulation for simplistic generalizations about the Middle East and its peoples. It aims to stimulate conversation on the difficulties of identifying “the foreign(er)” in contexts of entangled imperial pasts, and the likely challenges ahead in efforts to formulate more “inclusive” historical perspectives on those pasts.
  • Connecting with Syrians: Muhammad Ali's Rule over Syria in the 1830s
  • Yusuke Motani This presentation delves into the Egyptian rule of Syria (bilād al-Shām) during the 1830s, exploring how Muhammad Ali Pasha's government sought to forge new ties with local Syrian notables to effectively govern the province. Following military conflict with the Ottoman government from 1831, Muhammad Ali and his government faced the pressing task of establishing amicable relations with Syrian notables and integrating them into governance structures in the newly acquired territory. This period can be viewed as a pivotal phase marked by the emergence of “connectivity” between central political authority and local elites, as the government endeavored to connect to Syrian notables.
  • In examining this era in depth, the presentation will particularly focus on the interactions between the Egyptian administration in Syria and two key groups: the deputy governors (mutasallim) in Syrian towns and the members of the newly established regional councils (majlis al-shūrā) in major Syrian cities. These officials, appointed primarily from local notables, were endowed with discretionary powers by the government, making them play pivotal role in regional administration. By referring to a wealth of archival documents from the Egyptian National Archives (Dār al-Wathā’iq al-Qawmiyya al-Miṣriyya), the presentation aims to elucidate the roles and authorities bestowed upon these actors by the government, in order to assess the level of trust vested in them for governing Syria.
  • A Constitutional Caliphate? An Islamic Monarch in Ottoman Public Law
  • Nobuyoshi Fujinami By the Young Turk Revolution in 1908, a novel conception of Caliphate had taken root in the Ottoman Empire. Liberated from the “Islamic” despotism of Sultan Abdülhamit II, Ottoman intellectuals declared the Caliph to be a constitutional monarch. Legally, the Caliph was an organ of the state, representing the sovereign will of the nation. There was nothing specifically Islamic about his status as monarch. The Ottoman elites, familiar with Western jurisprudence, effectively excluded the Caliph from the public law of the state. In 1911, when the otherwise secular Unionists proposed giving the Caliph greater powers, few took them seriously. Even ulamas criticized the Unionists’ provocation. As their cynical use of the Caliphate demonstrated, Ottoman politicians rarely hesitated to exploit its authority. Beyond the secularist/Islamist dichotomy, the Ottoman Caliphate was de-sacralised in the last years of the empire, and the Ottomans’ attitude towards the Caliph was more opportunistic than Islamic.
  • Admission: Free *Open to public
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For face to face participants,please visit the link here.
  • For online participants, please visit the link here.
  • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: YAMANE So (Osaka University) Project number: 20H05828)
Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop Redefining Ottoman Governance: Center-Local ConnectivityEmerging Caliphate Conceptand Contemporary Perspectives""
20232024/03/16 (Sat)
  • 1.Shintaro ARAKAWA (Professor, ILCAA) On the ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (3)”
  • 2.Kenji TATEISHI (Professor, Tokai Univ.) “Script and Documents of BAI, Minority in China”
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration,please see here.
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (3)”, Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
Online meeting
20232024/03/16 (Sat)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: Year-end annual meeting
  • Year-end annual meeting
  • (1)Reports on research activities at 2023.
  • (2)Reports on field research at 2023.
  • Language: Japanese
  • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
303, Online meeting
20232024/03/16 (Sat)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Mediterranean as a Connecting Sea” The 3rd meeting
  • The third meeting of the Joint Research Project, “The Mediterranean Sea as a Connected Sea”, will be held at ILCAA in Tokyo on 16 March.
  • The presenters are as follows:
  • Felix Arnold (ILCAA Joint Researcher, German Archaeological Institute)
  • Naoko Fukami (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS Cairo Research Station)
  • Takashi Oshio (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seinan Gakuin University)
  • Peter Kitlas (American University of Beirut)
  • Naoko Aiiso (Keio University)
  • Chair: Tomoaki Shinoda
  • Language: English
  • Organized by ILCAA
20232024/03/15 (Fri)
Field Linguistics Workshop “Presentations of Master’s Theses on Field Linguistics”
  • We will hold a joint master's thesis presentation session online for master's thesis submitters considering pursuing a career as a researcher, aiming to provide exchange, networking, and research support among researchers across university boundaries.
  • 13:00–13:05. Opening remarks
  • 13:05–13:20. Mai HAYASHI (Graduate School, University of Tokyo) “Linker Complex Predicate Constructions in Pangasinan Ilokano: Description and Typology”
  • 13:25–13:40. Rena MIZOGUCHI (Graduate School, Kobe Shoin Women's University) “Formal and Semantic Characteristics of /-yor-/ , /-tor-/ in the Himeji Dialect”
  • 13:45–14:00. Nargiz BAGHIRLI (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “Disentrainment: A Case Study on Azerbaijani and Russian Bilinguals”
  • 14:05–14:20. Max MONSON (Graduate School, Kyushu University) “The Verbal Morphology of the Tsugaru Dialect of Japanese”
  • 14:30–14:45. Kai LI (Graduate School, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A Phonological Analysis on the Yong'an Dialect of Chinese”
  • 14:50–15:05. Shuya MATSUOKA (Graduate School, Osaka University) “A Descriptive Study of Zongo Hausa in Ghana: From a Typology of Language Contact”
  • 15:10–15:25. Timothy KAWANAMI-HANPETER (Graduate School, University of Tokyo) “A Diachronic Study on Hittite Adnominal Possessive Constructions”
  • 15:30–15:45. Sana ISHII (Graduate School, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A Study of the Aspect in Korean Movement Verbs: Focusing on ‘ka-ta’ and ‘o-ta’”
  • 15:45–16:00. Discussion&Closing remarks
  • Contact: yamakoshi[at] (Please change [at] to @)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration,please see here.
  • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
Online meeting
20232024/03/15 (Fri)
Lecture “Digital documentation of the history of Muslim societies”
  • 1. Taichi KURONUMA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
  • 2. R. Michael FEENER (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University) “Digital documentation of the history of Muslim societies”
  • 3. Discussions
  • Contact: taichi.kuronuma [at] (please change [at] to @)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: English
  • For registration,please see here. Registration deadline is 14th Mar.
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society”, Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05823), TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
303, Online meeting
20232024/03/15 (Fri)
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages” The 10th meeting
  • 1. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Why can't we find the descending kernel?”
  • 2. Kunihiko KUROKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Shoin Women's University) “Tonal domains in Japanese dialects: Whether they match stems or words”
  • 3. Tatsuya HIRAKO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Tonal changes in Japanese dialects as tone languages”
  • 4. General discussion
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration,please see here.
  • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
20232024/03/15 (Fri)
  • Alexis Sanderson (ILCAA Research fellow/Professor emeritus, Oxford University) “From the Kushans to the Alkhan Huns: The Creation of Hindu Kashmir”
  • Chair: Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration,please see here.
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
20232024/03/14 (Thu)
Islamic Trust Studies Workshop Translation and Connectivity in the Empires during the Modern Period""
  • Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Translation and Connectivity in the Empires during the Modern Period” will be held by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” with C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” and Public Offered Research “Formation of an Intellectual Stratum for Inheriting Knowledge of Islamic Law in Russia in the 18th and 19th Centuries.”
  • Program
  • Yoich TAKAMATSU (ILCAA/A02) “Non-Turkish Official Versions of the Ottoman Constitution: Translators, Publication and Responses”
  • Masumi ISOGAI (Chiba University) “A Muslim Community as Imagined through a Biographical Dictionary: Rida' al-Din b. Fakhr al-Din's Athar”
  • Contact: shin_kato[at] (Please replace [at] with @)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration,please see here. Registration deadline is at noon 13th Mar.
  • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)Planned Research “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako Kumakura (Keio University) Project number: 20H05830), Publicly Offered Research “Formation of an Intellectual Stratum for Inheriting Knowledge of Islamic Law in Russia in the 18th and 19th Centuries” (Principal Investigator: Masumi Isogai (Chiba University) Project Number: 21H05371)
304, Online meeting
20232024/03/13 (Wed)
Presentation on the information resource created by the IRC projects (2nd meeting in 2023)
  • 14:00–14:10. Honoré WATANABE (IRC Director) “Introduction to the IRC projects”
  • 14:10–14:40. Osami OKUDA (Sapporo Gakuin University) “Online text of Ainu collected by Suzuko Tamura”
  • 14:40–15:10. Hiroshi TACHIBANA (Kinjo Gakuin University) “Creating an online version of a dictionary of the Tuvaluan language and culture”
  • 15:10–15:30. Discussion
  • Chair: Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA)
  • Contact: ilcadj1[at] (IRC) (please change [at] to @)
304, Online meeting
20232024/03/13 (Wed)
and Legal History”
  • Discussions
  • Abstract
  • Orçun Can Okan Historians use various kinds of first-person narratives to trace past experiences and analyze historical actors’ claims about the past
  • Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop/Tobunken Seminar “Petitions and ‘Individuals’: First-Person Narratives and Historical Agency at Intersections of Diplomatic, Administrative, and Legal History”
    • The Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop / Tobunken Seminar “Petitions and ‘Individuals’: First-Person Narratives and Historical Agency at Intersections of Diplomatic, Administrative, and Legal History” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki) and the Working Group "Methodological Issues in the Study of Ottoman Primary Sources" at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia(Principal Investigator: AKIBA Jun).
    • Orçun Can Okan (University of Oxford) “Petitions and ‘Individuals’: First-Person Narratives and Historical Agency at Intersections of Diplomatic
    20232024/03/12 (Tue)
    Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “From the Mashhad Archives: Eighteenth Century Documents on Iran and Afghanistan”
    • The International Workshop “From the Mashhad Archives: Eighteenth Century Documents on Iran and Afghanistan” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)” and A01 “Mobility and Universality in the Islamic Economy (Principal Investigator:Shinsuke Nagaoka)”.
    • Program:
    • 14:00–14:10. Introduction by Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
    • 14:10–15:10. Ryuichi Sugiyama (Kyoto Tachibana University) “Organization and Administration of the Emam Reza Mausoleum during the Afsharid Period”
    • 15:10. Andras Barati (Institute of Iranian Studies, Vienna) “Illuminating Eighteenth-Century Persian Historical Documents: Royal Decrees of Aḥmad Shāh Durrānī (1747–1772) at the Āstān-i Quds-i Rażawī”
    • 16:30–17:00. Discussions
    • Abstracts:
    • Organization and administration of the Emam Reza mausoleum during the Afsharid period
    • Ryuichi Sugiyama The mausoleum of Emam Reza (‘Alī ibn Mūsā al-Riḍā, d. 818) in Mashhad, a city located in the north-eastern part of Islamic Republic of Iran, was mainly developed since the Safavid dynasty, which promoted shiization policies in the Iranian region. Many scholars agree that vaqf endowments have played a great role in the expansion and development of this mausoleum and these vaqf endowments changed it into a religious complex that included mosques and charitable institutions for the pilgrims and the poor in the pre-modern period. Although recent studies about this mausoleum have produced steady results in focusing on each of the vaqf endowments, royal edicts for appointments of administration staff, and documents on revenue and expenditure written in the siyāq script, scholars have never tried to grasp a complete view of this mausoleum as a management unit; therefore, its organization and administration as a religious complex expanded by many vaqf endowments still remains unclear.
    • The aim of this presentation is to elucidate the organization and administration of this mausoleum during the Afsharid period, primarily using a historical material entitled “Ṭūmār-e ‘Alīshāhī.” This material was compiled in 1747 during the reign of the second Afsharid ruler ‘Ādel Shāh in order to learn how to manage the mausoleum as a religious complex before the confiscation of vaqf properties by Nāder Shāh. It is one of the most valuable sources related to the management of this mausoleum due to its recording of detailed data of vaqf properties and other income sources, and provides a complete overview of its administration staff as well as the charitable services offered to pilgrims and the poor during that period. My presentation will reveal the realities of Shiite sacred mausoleum management in pre-modern Iran and examine its characteristics.
    • Illuminating eighteenth-century Persian historical documents: royal decrees of Aḥmad Shāh Durrānī (1747–1772) at the Āstān-i Quds-i Rażawī
    • Andras Barati Given the scarcity of historical sources from eighteenth-century Iran in comparison to earlier and later periods, the use of new and hitherto unknown sources is of great importance. Archival documents represent a group of primary sources that are more difficult to access and have been seldom utilised in the study of this era. The Central Library of the Āstān-i Quds-i Rażawī has preserved five royal decrees promulgated by the first Durrānī ruler, Aḥmad Shāh. In my presentation, I will examine these documents from both a content and diplomatics perspective.
    • Two interlinked areas of Aḥmad Shāh’s policies concerning western Khurāsān become apparent from the decrees: Mashhad and the Āstān-i Quds-i Rażawī. Hence, I will identify the extent of Aḥmad Shāh’s rule over the region and analyse the measures he undertook in relation to the Āstān-i Quds-i Rażawī, with the aim of placing the foundation under his direct oversight.
    • Furthermore, these documents allow us to observe the degree to which earlier Safavid diplomatic elements or Nādir’s innovations were incorporated into Aḥmad Shāh’s edicts. As a result, the decrees not only offer new insights into the historical events from a local and regional standpoint, but also serve as unparalleled sources for the study of chancery practices during that time period and enhance our understanding of the administrative history as seen through diplomatics.
    • Admission: Free *Open to public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For face to face participants,please visit the link here.
    • For online participants, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) Project Number: 20H05824)
    Kyoto University Main Campus Research Bldg. No. 2 4F(415), Online meeting
    20232024/03/09 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Firman, State, and Society in Early Modern Context”
    • The International Workshop “From the Mashhad Archives: Eighteenth Century Documents on Iran and Afghanistan” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)” and A01 “Mobility and Universality in the Islamic Economy (Principal Investigator:Shinsuke Nagaoka)”.
    • Program:
    • 14:00–14:10. Introduction by Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
    • 14:10–15:10. Ryuichi Sugiyama (Kyoto Tachibana University) “The Safavid Shrine in Society: The Shrine’s Negotiation with Ruling Powers and Local People in the 18th and 19th Centuries”
    • 15:20–16:20. Andras Barati (Institute of Iranian Studies, Vienna) “Chessboard Ṭughrās on Safavid and Mughal Royal Decrees: A Study in Comparative Diplomatics”
    • 16:30–17:00. Discussions
    • Abstracts:
    • The Safavid shrine in society: the shrine’s negotiation with ruling powers and local people in the 18th and 19th Centuries
    • Naofumi Abe Following the collapse of the Safavid dynasty in 1722, the shrine of its eponym Sheykh Safi al-Din encountered various difficulties due to the waning patronage of the ruling dynasties. This study traces the shrine’s agency for survival on the basis of the analysis of the mixture of documents including the royal firmans, legal documents, and others.
    • Royal firmans and governors’ orders were in many cases issued in response to petitions. That is also the case for the shrine of Sheykh Safi; the shrine petitioned to the subsequent ruling powers and local governors on necessity after the fall of the Safavids likewise. Furthermore, Sheykh Safi shrine “itself” created deeds particularly on legal transactions. These documents have come down to us, as we know very well, under the name of the Ardabil Documents or Asnad-e boqʿe-ye Sheykh Safi. Investigating these documents sheds some light on the shrine’s administrative structure and a variety of measures to ensure the survival of the shrine particularly in the turbulent period from the 18th to the early 19th centuries.
    • Safi Shrine’s strategy for survival is not limited to the preservation of the waqf properties. The shrine’s officials sought endorsement from the ruling powers for maintaining order in its administration sometimes for their own sake. We will see the negotiations and entanglement of the variety of actors surrounding the survival of the Safavid shrine.
    • Chessboard ṭughrās on Safavid and Mughal royal decrees: a study in comparative diplomatics
    • Andras Barati One of the most characteristic and enduring elements found on state documents promulgated by the chanceries of Islamic empires is the ṭughrā, the calligraphic emblem of royals and high-ranking bureaucrats. Throughout their extensive history, the design and content of the ṭughrās underwent multiple linguistic and formal changes. However, they were always meant to serve as authentication tools for issued documents. Moreover, due to its inclusion of the name and title of the ruler, it served a similar purpose to the intitulatio in occidental diplomatics.
    • Following the Safavid dynasty’s rise to power, administrative reforms brought the royal decrees with ṭughrās to the brink of extinction. During this period, a fascinating development emerged in the form of a newly designed ṭughrā on the decrees of several Safavid rulers. These ṭughrās resembled a chessboard and went beyond simply displaying the ruler’s name and titles. It also included the names of the Twelve Imams, enhancing the symbol’s authority and prestige and broadening its role as a device conveying self-image. As Bert G. Fragner noted, there is an unmistakable resemblance between these and the ṭughrās of the Mughal rulers in India. In my presentation, I aim to elucidate the gradual formation of these understudied diplomatic components in the Safavid and Mughal decrees and provide a comparison of their content and structure. Furthermore, I wish to determine whether their development merely occurred simultaneously or if one of the respective chanceries drew inspiration from the chessboard design.
    304, Online meeting
    20232024/03/09 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Sharing": Aspects of Coexistence in Humans and Nonhuman Primates” The 3rd meeting"
    • 1. Yuji IWATA (Ashinaga Foundation) “Inquiry about asymmetricity of sharing”
    • 2. Kazumi NATSUHARA (Toho University) ““Caring” and “Sharing” (tentative)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20232024/03/07 (Thu)
    13:30–17:00 (Doors open at 13:00)
    Global Mediterranean Workshop/Tobunken Seminar: New Perspectives on Timurid, Safavid, and Mughal Art and Culture
    • 13:30–13:40. Introduction
    • 13:40–14:25. Dr. Nicoletta Fazio (Museum of Islamic Art, Doha):The Movement of the Line: Early Timurid Painting in the Collection of MIA, Doha
    • 14:25–15:00. Dr. Yui Kanda (ILCAA):Doha Candlestick: Pilgrimage and Endowment to the Mausoleum of Imām Mūsa al-Kāẓim, Kazimayn (c. 1600)
    • 15:00–15:15. Coffee Break
    • 15:15–15:50. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philip Bockholt (University of Münster/ILCAA):Cultural Patronage and Intellectual Legacy of Safavid Iran: Shah ʿAbbās’ Book Endowments to Ardabil (c. 1600)
    • 15:50–16:25. Prof. Tomoko Masuya (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo):An Overview of Illustrated Persian Manuscripts Moved Between Cities in the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries
    • 16:25–16:55. Q&A, Discussion
    • 16:55–17:00. Closing Remarks
    • Abstracts:
    • Nicoletta Fazio (Museum of Islamic Art, Doha) The Movement of the Line: Early Timurid Painting in the Collection of MIA, Doha
    • About 60% of the collection in the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA), Doha is constituted by objects from the Persianate World, mostly Iran and, to a lesser extent, Central Asia. Among the many diverse artworks forming this part of the collection, paintings and bound manuscripts figure prominently, some being true treasures of Persian painting, especially from the Safavid era. Yet, one small but quite interesting corpus of paintings and illustrated manuscripts dates to the late Jalayirid and early Timurid period, a crucial moment for the history of Persian painting. This group of artworks are still rather understudied, and it has been only recently, thanks to the work done for the MIA 2022 Relaunch, that proper research has begun.
    • Because of its heterogeneous nature, from large naturalistic paintings of birds to qalam-siyāhi sketches, to bound illustrated manuscripts and lose folios of epic and romantic poetry, the early Timurid material preserved at MIA allows us to follow the major steps that led to the establishment of what modern scholars have called the Classical Persian Painting. This paper aims to present such artworks and place them in their historical and artistic context to better understand their genesis and stimulate further research and discussion.
    • Yui Kanda (ILCAA) Doha Candlestick: Pilgrimage and Endowment to the Mausoleum of Imām Mūsa al-Kāẓim, Kazimayn (c. 1600)
    • This study introduces a hitherto less-known brass candlestick at the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar (inv. no. MW.152.1999) inscribed with an endowment inscription that indicates that it was donated to the mausoleum of Imam Musa al-Kazim in Kazimayn, Iraq. The candlestick is analysed in depth because its inscriptions – not only the endowment one but also the poetical ones – have the potential to shed some light on the cultural and religious settings in which poetically inscribed brass candlesticks were produced and meant to be used. The study focuses on the surface decorations and the poetical inscriptions on the candlestick and those on some related pieces which were gifted to Shiʿi shrines in Kazimayn, Samarra, and Mashhad. It also examines contemporary primary sources such as biographical anthologies of Persian poetry and dynastic chronicles. Based on these investigations, it is suggested that the Doha candlestick was endowed most likely by a pilgrim from Iran to the mausoleum of Imam Musa al-Kazim in Kazimayn around 1600 or later, the period in which the town was mostly under the control of the Ottomans; it is also argued that the object in question was produced in Iran, circa 1600, most probably in Kashan, the long-established centre of the Twelver Shiʿite population and the city where poets had a close relationship with craftsmen.
    • Philip Bockholt (University of Münster/ILCAA) Cultural Patronage and Intellectual Legacy of Safavid Iran: Shah ʿAbbās’ Book Endowments to Ardabil (c. 1600)
    • The paper investigates the book collections endowed by Shah ʿAbbās (r. 1588–1629) to shrines in Safavid Iran around 1600. Previous analyses, notably by Robert McChesney, have examined narrative accounts and documentary sources like endowment deeds. However, significant gaps persist regarding the specifics of book endowments to key shrines in Ardabil, Mashhad, Qum, and Ray. This study utilises methodologies from Arabic and Islamic studies to scrutinise book inventories, catalogue entries, and manuscript notes. These contain invaluable information regarding manuscripts once contributed to the shrine of Shaykh Ṣafī al-Dīn in Ardabil, now archived in Tehran, Saint Petersburg, and Istanbul. The primary objective is to enrich discussions concerning both the quantity and substantive content of these donated manuscripts. Furthermore, this investigation seeks to elucidate the provenance of these books, probing whether they originated from a royal library, the Shah’s personal collection, or were previously owned by Safavid dignitaries before becoming part of the Ardabil shrine library. Through an examination of the thematic breadth represented in the former royal library via these endowments, this study aims to unveil key aspects of Safavid material culture and the prevailing intellectual milieu within the Safavid court circa 1600. Additionally, the inquiry extends to examining book endowments directed to shrine libraries as a potential tool employed to legitimise Safavid authority within Iran.<
    • Tomoko Masuya (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo) An Overview of Illustrated Persian Manuscripts Moved Between Cities in the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries In my recent study of a particular copy of Jāmiʿ al-tavārīkh preserved at the Raza Library in Rampur, India (F. 1820), I found that this illustrated Ilkhanid manuscript moved first from Tabriz to Shiraz before the early fifteenth century, then to Herat around 1415, and finally to India by the end of the sixteenth century. Other Ilkhanid copies of this title by Rashīd al-Dīn also traveled significant distances; some even found their way to Istanbul from Tabriz via Herat.
    • Why were these illustrated Persian manuscripts moved? The reason was that manuscripts containing quality paintings were considered to be treasures by pre-modern Persianate rulers. Royal bibliophiles wishing to improve their library holdings would obtain illustrated manuscripts in the form of booty, confiscations, gifts, or purchases, and thus the manuscripts often changed hands. Sometimes they accompanied their owners to a new post in a new city.
    • I will give an overview of how illustrated Persian manuscripts moved from city to city during the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries and suggest the circumstances and the people responsible for these movements. This will shed light on how highly valued and universally revered these manuscripts were in the pre-modern Persianate world.
    • Contact: gmed.ilcaa[at] *please change [at] to @
    • Admission: Free *Open to public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration,please see here. Registration deadline is 22:00 (JST), 5th March.
    • Jointly sponsored by The Global Mediterranean Project at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, “Various Aspects of Islamic Art” Working Group at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
    Main Conference Room, 3rd floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo, Online meeting
    20232024/03/06 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa” The 10th meeting
    • 10:00. Meeting for publication of Japanese results
    • 13:30. Presentation1 Karusigarira Ian (GRIPS/ Joint researcher) “University Students’ Activism in Uganda: Culture, the State, and Prospects”
    • Presentation2 Soichiro Shiraishi (Hirosaki University, Joint researcher) “Route to Makerere Hill: University Access from a Rural Area in Contemporary Uganda”
    • Language: English
    • Organized by ILCAA
    302, Online meeting
    20232024/03/06 (Wed)
    Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “Narratives, Knowledge Transmission, and Discourses on the Caliphate in Medieval Islam”
    • The International Workshop “Exploring Connectivity around Medieval
    • Islamic Political Thought and Beyond” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)” and A01 “Mobility and Universality in the Islamic Economy (Principal Investigator:Shinsuke Nagaoka)”.
    • Programme
    • 14:00. Introduction by Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
    • 14:10. Han Hsien Liew (Arizona State University) ““The Caliphate Will Last for Thirty Years”: Medieval Islamic Political Discourses on a Prophetic Hadith”
    • 15:10. Yuta Arai (Kyoto University) “Historicizing the Caliphate: Ibn Khaldūn’s Interpretation and Description of the age of al-Khulafāʼ al-Rāshidūn”
    • 16:20. Discussions
    • Discussant: Retsu Hashizume (Kansai University)
    • Abstracts
    • “The Caliphate Will Last for Thirty Years”: Medieval Islamic Political Discourses on a Prophetic Hadith
    • Han Hsien Liew The hadith, “The caliphate will last for thirty years, followed by kingship,” forms the crux of Muslim debates over the distinction between a legitimate caliphate and worldly kingship. While scholars such as Muhammad Qasim Zaman and I-Wen Su have examined the hadith’s provenance and transmission during the first two centuries of Islam, this paper is more concerned with mapping the political discourses and debates that emerged from it after the crystallization of Sunnism in the ninth and tenth centuries. For instance, some Sunni scholars used it for polemical purposes in defending the collective reign of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs against Shiʿi claims that ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib was the rightful immediate successor to Muhammad. Other scholars, such as al-Nasafī (d. 1142), al-Āmidī (d. 1233), and al-Taftāzānī (d. 1390), grappled with the hadith’s literal meaning but refused to draw a clear demarcating line between the Rightly Guided Caliphs and the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs who came after them, insisting that a legitimate caliphate still existed after the Rightly Guided Caliphs. Drawing on chronicles, theological writings, and hadith commentaries, this paper argues that these political and historical discussions often revolved around three political ideals: consensus, justice, and piety. They also show that Sunni thinkers continued to hold diverse opinions about the nature of the caliphate during a time when the caliphal office was losing its political significance in the Islamic world.
    • Historicizing the Caliphate: Ibn Khaldūn’s Interpretation and Description of the age of al-Khulafāʼ al-Rāshidūn
    • Yuta Arai With the decline of the Abbasid caliphate, the major focus of concern in Sunni Islamic political thought shifted from the caliphate itself to the enforcement of sharīʻa. The theory of al-siyāsa al-sharʻīya, proposed by some Sunni jurists like Ibn Taymīya after the fall of the Abbasid dynasty, positioned rulers and ulamāʼ as bearers of sharīʻa, rather than caliphs.
    • However, a 14th-century Arab historian, Ibn Khaldūn, famous as the author of al-Muqaddima, faced the necessity to reinterpret the caliphate from his standpoint as a historian, rather than a jurist. Ibn Khaldūn propounded the necessity of mulk, or (coercive) sovereignty, in human society and described universal history from the pre-Islamic age to the 14th century as the transfer process of sovereignty among nations in Kitāb al-ʻibar. Therefore, Ibn Khaldūn had to place the age of al-khulafāʼ al-rāshidūn, which had been idealized by his predecessors based on the Sunni historical perspective, in his universal history, while adapting his theory of sovereignty. Ibn Khaldūn reinterpreted the character of the caliphate based on the conception of ʻaṣabīya, or solidarity, which he himself defined as the origin of sovereignty, and viewed the age of al-khulafāʼ al-rāshidūn as a transitory phase from tribal leadership to sovereignty in the history of the Arabs.
    • Admission: Free *Open to public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For face to face participants,please visit the link here.
    • For online participants, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke Nagaoka (Kyoto University) Project number: 20H05824)
    Kyoto University Main Campus Research Bldg. No. 2 4F(447), Online meeting
    20232024/03/05 (Tue)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Roundtable: Studies on Iranian History in Japan”
    • Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” will organize a roundtable discussion with Dr. Andras Barati from the Institute of Iranian Studies in Vienna. We eagerly anticipate your participation.
    • 13:30–13:40. Introduction: Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
    • 13:40–14:10. Ryoko Watabe (The University of Tokyo)
    • 14:10–14:40. Haruya Shishido (Meiji University, Tokyo)
    • 14:40–15:10. Peter Good(JSPS/ILCAA)
    • 15:30–16:00. Norifumi Daito (The Historiographical Institute, The University of Tokyo)
    • 16:00–16:30. Nobuaki Kondo
    • 16:30–17:00. Discussions: Andras Barati (Institute of Iranian Studies, Vienna)
    • Admission: Free *Open to public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration,please see here.
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827)
    Room 301, Hongo Satellite
    20232024/03/05 (Tue)
    DDDLing Forum: Trends and Prospects of Vietnamese Language Studies in Japan / The 4th Vietnamese Language Colloquium
    • 10:30–11:15. Sho YAMAOKA (JSPS/Osaka University) ““See” syllables: the case of Vietnamese”
    • 11:15–12:00. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) “Utterance punctuation in Vietnamese”
    • Chair: Masaaki SHIMIZU (Osaka University)
    • General Inquiries: adachi[at] (Please replace [at] with @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Zoom meeting invitation will be sent in the afternoon on 1 March (Fri). If you don’t receive it on 1 March, please contact adachi[at] by 4 February (Mon.) (Please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please see here.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20232024/03/05 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project ““Failure” in Field Linguistics” The 2nd meeting
    • 11:00–11:10. Introduction
    • 11:10–12:20. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “The shame of field trips not scraped off”
    • 13:20–14:30. Atsuhiko KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Failures in my research on Karen”
    • 14:40–15:50. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Not to regret: Linguistic fieldwork in Indonesia”
    • 16:00–17:10. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “How we hear only what we want to hear -- from my research on Sliammon”
    • 17:20–18:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    304, Online meeting
    20232024/03/04 (Mon)
    Lecture by Dr. Nicoletta Fazio (Museum of Islamic Art, Doha), “A Tale of Two Cities: Displaying the Qur’ān between Berlin and Doha”
    • 15:30–15:35. Opening Remarks (Moderator: Yui Kanda (ILCAA))
    • 15:35–16:20. Lecture by Nicoletta Fazio (Museum of Islamic Art, Doha) “A Tale of Two Cities: Displaying the Qur’ān between Berlin and Doha”
    • 16:20–17:00. Q&A and Discussion
    • Abstract:
    • This is a tale of two countries, two cities, two museums, two collections, and one curator: this is my story and how I have navigated so far the many challenges around and behind the displaying the Qur’ān in public cultural institutions that function as secular entities and yet bear the much misleading label of “Museum of Islamic Art”. This lecture has its roots in the discussions and preparatory work for the exhibition Worte lesen – Worte fühlen, held at the Museum für Islamische Kunst in 2016, and the refurbishment of the permanent galleries at the Museum of Islamic Art, which includes a gallery fully dedicated to the Qur’ān and reopened to the public in 2022.
    • The question of sacredness and its presentation in modern-day museums has run through the field of museology for a good two decades and has become more and more cogent as museums have started redefining their missions and place within society. However, it has only been in very recent years that museums presenting artefacts produced by Islamic cultures have joined such discussion. While studies have analysed and dissected exhibition strategies, institutional politics, curatorial practices, and architectural planning as public space through a transnational perspective, less attention has been given to the actual objects involved in major museum displays and, in particular, to a category of artefacts that, by their very nature, are invested with deep holiness: Qur’ān manuscripts.
    • Repositories of both historical information and vectors for affective memories, Qur’āns can be tricky objects to showcase. Displays rarely give justice to its ontological complexity and historical significance, which are indeed key elements to publicly present considering today’s ramping climate of cultural misconceptions and social prejudices. In my own curatorial practice, I have tried to step away from a beautification of the object, a flattening process inherent to the becoming part of an art collection. Instead, I have often focused on the materiality of each exhibit in conversation with the rest of the display. The presentation illustrates some of the issues encountered and the solutions proposed while working within two different contexts and spaces, to meet expectations of very diverse audiences, each with their agency. This would, I hope, open the floor space to an engaging discussion to a more than ever urgent theme.
    • Contact: gmed.ilcaa[at] *please change [at] to @
    304, Online meeting
    20232024/03/04 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh” The 11th meeting
    • Moderator: Masahiko TOGAWA/Ai SUGIE
    • 13:00–14:10. Tatsushi YAMAGATA (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) “Economies Emerging from Underdevelopment: East Asian Industrial Development in South Asia”
    • 14:20–15:30. Mayumi MURAYAMA (Institute of Developing Economies) “Changes in International Relations”
    • 15:40–16:50. Masaaki OHASHI (University of the Sacred Heart) “Changes and Challenges in Bangladeshi NGOs' Poverty Alleviation Strategies: Was it Service Delivery vs. Empowerment?”
    • 17:00–18:10. Naonori KUSAKABE (Rikkyo University) “Social Transformation from the Perspective of Development Policy: Social and Human Development”
    • 18:10–18:40. Plenary Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number:18KK0024)
    20232024/02/20 (Tue) - 2024/03/04 (Mon)
    Exhibition “Hunter-Gatherers of the Malaysian Rainforest: Batek, Semaq Beri”
    • This is a photo exhibition of two indigenous peoples of Peninsular Malaysia(Orang Asli), the Batek and the Sumaq Beri. The exhibition focuses on the present-day hunter-gatherers living in the tropical forest under the social/environmental changes through the photographs by Malaysian photographer Dome. You can access the web-based materials by using the QR codes next to the photos at the gallery.
    • (This is the same exhibition held at Pictorico Gallery at Ryogoku from January 23 to 28, 2024)
    • Language: Japanese
    • poster
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
    1F, ILCAA
    20232024/03/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 17th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Observations on Burial rituals in the light of stone reliefs and visiting cards (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Observations on Burial rituals in the light of stone reliefs and visiting cards (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232024/03/01 (Fri) - 2024/03/03 (Sun)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop Exploring the Tacit Knowledge of Trust Building and Connectivity amidst Predicaments”
    • The 3rd Islamic Trust Studies International Conference “Exploring the Tacit Knowledge of Trust Building and Connectivity amidst Predicaments”will be jointly organized by A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” and B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas”
    • Program
    • Day 1: Friday 1 March 2024, 15:00–20:00
    • Day 2: Saturday 2 March 2024, 10:00–19:30
    • Day 3: Sunday 3 March 2024, 09:30–12:30
    • Contact: connectivity_jimukyoku[at] (Islamic Trust Studies: Project Office) (please change [at] to @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration,please see here. Registration deadline is 15:00, 22th Feb.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University) Project Number: 20H05829)
    • Supported by The University of Tokyo Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (UTCMES)
    The University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus, Building no. 12
    20232024/02/29 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives” The 9th meeting
    • Part 1(10:00-11:00, Hybrid)
    • Seunghun Lee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU) “Overview of Phontyp Phase 1(section 1)”
    • Part 2(13:00-17:00)
    • Hiroto Uchihara (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Syntax-Prosody mismatches in Teotitlán Zapotec”
    • Jeremy Perkins (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Aizu) “A Production Study on the Tonal System of Du'an Zhuang”
    • Seunghun Lee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU) “Overview of Phontyp Phase 1(section 2)”
    • General Discussion
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    301, Online meeting
    20232024/02/28 (Wed)
    International Workshop “Exploring Connectivity around Medieval Islamic Political Thought and Beyond”
    • The International Workshop “Exploring Connectivity around Medieval Islamic Political Thought and Beyond” will be organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems (Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)”.
    • Programme
    • 14:00. Introduction by Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
    • 14:10. Han Hsien Liew(Arizona State University) ““I Put My Fear for You above My Fear of You”: Piety and Emotions in Ibn al-Jawzī’s Political Thought”
    • 15:10. Ryo Mizukami (JSPS/ILCAA) “Quoting Ibn al-Jawzī for Justification of Imamophilia: Cases of Sibṭ Ibn al-Jawzī and ʿAlī b. ʿĪsā al-Irbilī”
    • 16:20. Discussions
    • Abstracts
    • “I Put My Fear for You above My Fear of You”: Piety and Emotions in Ibn al-Jawzī’s Political Thought
    • Han Hsien Liew Studies on medieval Islamic political thought have often focused on the writings of jurists and theologians, hence prioritizing dialectical reasoning as the main mode of political thinking. In this paper, I explore new avenues in the history of Islamic political thought by examining the role of preachers and emotions in effecting political reform. I take as my case study the political writings of the twelfth-century hortatory preacher (wāʿiẓ) Ibn al-Jawzī (d. 1201) that aim at the moral reform of rulers. Compared with the scholastic and disputative discourses of Muslim jurists and theologians, Ibn al-Jawzī deems the hortatory preacher’s homiletic tools to be more effective in appealing to the ruler’s moral and emotional sensitivities. Such tools include the mixing of admonition with praise, the use of biographies of past rulers as models of ideal rulership, and an emphasis on eschatological themes to induce the pious fear of God. Moreover, the chapter arrangement of Ibn al-Jawzī’s mirror for princes dedicated to the reigning Abbasid caliph exhibits at a similar “emotional movement” as his hortatory sermons delivered to the laypeople of medieval Baghdad. Ibn al-Jawzī’s approach to reforming rulers ultimately sheds light on the relationship between politics, rhetoric, and emotions in late Abbasid Baghdad.
    • Quoting Ibn al-Jawzī for Justification of Imamophilia: Cases of Sibṭ Ibn al-Jawzī and ʿAlī b. ʿĪsā al-Irbilī
    • Ryo Mizukami Ibn al-Jawzī (d. 1201), the leading Baghdadi Sunni scholar, has been mentioned as a prominent supporter of the Shiʿi Imams in the spread of interconfessional reverence for the Twelve Shiʿi Imams (imamophilia). Although he never praised the Twelve Imams in his works as one special group of honorable figures, later Shiʿis and imamophilic Sunnis utilized his words to justify imamophilia.
    • By focusing on both Sunni and Shiʿi faḍāʾil (virtues) works on the Twelve Imams, this study clarifies how Ibn al-Jawzī’s image, as an authority of imamophilia, was established. After discussing his general attitudes toward the Shiʿi Imams in his works, I examine the methodology of quotations by two faḍāʾil authors who valued Ibn al-Jawzī: Sibṭ Ibn al-Jawzī (d. 1256), the famous Sunni historian and Ibn al-Jawzī’s grandson, and ʿAlī b. ʿĪsā al-Irbilī (d. 1293 or 94), the Shiʿi scholar of Ilkhanid Baghdad.
    Hongo Satellite 4F Seminar Room, Online meeting
    20232024/02/27 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamism of Debt (2): Plurality, Conflict and Creativity around Human Economics” The 6th meeting
    • 10:00–10:05. Chairparson “Opening greet”
    • 10:05–11:35. Satsuki TAKAHASHI (Hosei University) “Storage and Discharge: Circulating Debts and Credits with Fukushima's Wastewater”
    • 12:35–14:05. Manami HAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher / JSPS) “Marriage and Bridewealth in 'Modernized' Maasai Society in Kenya.”
    • 14:05–15:35. Miki YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher / Kyoto University) “The Charismatic Monk and the Ghost's Spirit of the Gift in Northern Thailand: It's Not Our Temple”
    • 15:45–17:15. All members “Discussion”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    304, Online meeting
    20232024/02/25 (Sun) - 2024/02/26 (Mon)
    Symposium “Mobility, boundaries and languages” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “A sociolinguistic study of heritage languages and ethnic identities of migrants” The 8th meeting / The 34th Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages

    25 Feb

    • Facilitator: Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)

    • 10:00–10:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Opening remarks
    • 10:15–10:55. Sachi YOSHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atomi University), Kazuko MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Code-switching among Japanese, Korean and Russian in multilingual Sakhalin: A first sketch”
    • 11:00–11:40. Akiko OKUMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanda University of International Studies), Kazuko MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “On the possibility of “Multicultural Japanese” in the Greater Tokyo Area: A case of South American immigrants”
    • 11:45–13:25. Lunch break
    • 13:30–14:10. Moe KITAMURA (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo/JSPS) “Changes in Acts of Identity among Jerusalem Domari Speakers”
    • 14:15–14:55. Joy TANIGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology) “Rapid Language Shift in Language Islands and Its Factors”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:20–16:00. Takaya HAYASHI (Mukogawa Women's University) “Methodological Challenges in Narrative Approach in Heritage Language Research: A Case Study of Vietnamese Immigrants in Japan”
    • 16:00–17:00. Q&A

    26 Feb

    • Facilitator: Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA)

    • 10:00–10:40. Mizuki SAKURAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chuo Gakuin University) “Civil War and Transformation: A Case Study of Ethnic Ties and Mother Tongue Inheritance in Tatar Communities in Tajikistan”
    • 10:45–11:25. Yasuhiro ARAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Bunkyo Gakuin University) “Mobility and Language among Koreans in Shanghai, China”
    • 11:30–12:10. Rika YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University), Shuto YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University) “Linguistic Landscape and Migrant Communities in Japan: A Case Study of Indian-Nepalese restaurants”
    • 12:15–13:25. Lunch break
    • 13:30–14:10. Shoei NAKAIE (Ochanomizu University) “Heritage language awareness and the processes of heritage language learning among second-generation newcomers born and raised in Japan: Narratives of those who grew up as 'foreign-linked children in public housing in Kanagawa prefecture”
    • 14:15–14:55. Yiqiong WANG (Ochanomizu University) “What should Mother Tongue Education Aim For: Insights from Graduates who Received Mother Tongue Education in Japanese Public High School”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:20–16:20. Mitsuyo SAKAMOTO (Sophia University) “Caught between “monolingualism” and “bilingualism”: The conflicts faced by heritage language speakers”
    • 16:20–16:50. Q&A
    • 16:50–17:00. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) Closing remarks
    • General Inquiries: adachi[at] (Please replace [at] with @)
    • Admission: Free
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is at noon 22th Feb. (Application may be closed early)
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please see here.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    • Supported by Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    303, Online meeting
    20232024/02/16 (Fri) - 2024/02/29 (Thu)
    Tibetan Films Special Screening: In Memory of Pema Tseden
    • Tibetan Films Special Screening: In Memory of Pema Tseden
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TOKYO FILMeX, TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
    • Cooperated by TOKYO THEATRES COMPANY., INCORPORATED, Athénée Français
    Human Trust Cinema Yurakcho
    20232024/02/25 (Sun)
    Let's travel around the world together! 2023 Chikyu Tankentai, trip 4 “Let's transform with Balinese masks!”
    • What kind of island is Bali? Listen to the tales of gods and create festivals wearing masks of animals, mythical creatures, and villagers!
    • Chikyu Tankentai is a series of workshops which tickle children's curiosity to know more about the world. This event is co-organized by anthropologists and actors. Under the theme of “Let's transform with Balinese masks!”, participants will take part in Balinese masked theater “topeng”, and explore Balinese cosmology and view of humanity.
    • Organizers and Actors: Yukako YOSHIDA (TUFS), Noriko IIZUKA (Kyoto University/ Representative of MANALABO), Yushi YANOHARA (National Museum of Ethnology/ MANALABO), Mana YUMII (actor (BEBERICA Theatre Company)), Mihoko WATANABE (actor), Sakiko MATSUOKA (actor (Dokidoki Boys))
    • Please contact: manalabomail[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Organizers and Actors: Yukako YOSHIDA (TUFS), Noriko IIZUKA (Kyoto University/ Representative of MANALABO), Yushi YANOHARA (National Museum of Ethnology/ MANALABO), Mana YUMII (actor (BEBERICA Theatre Company)), Mihoko WATANABE (actor), Sakiko MATSUOKA (actor (Dokidoki Boys))
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by MANALABO, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (Principal Investigator: Noriko IIZUKA (Kyoto University) Project number:21K01057), Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Principal Investigator:Koji SONODA (Niigata University) Project number:22K13263), TUFiSCo, ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”
    • Supported by Kyoto City Board of Education, Partner for Peace and Environment NPO, CSEAS, ASC, JCAS
    Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, 3F Medium Conference Room, Center for Southeast Asian Area Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University
    20232024/02/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life” The 11th meeting
    • 13:30–15:30. Maho ISONO (ILCAA,Joint Researcher,Fellow) “When Meaning Disappears from Words – One Essay on Living with the Dead”
    • 15:45–18:30. Tomoko NIWA (ILCAA , Joint Researcher,Professional Institute of International Fashion) “Forms of Expression that Evoke Dialogue with the Dead: Anthropology of Death from the cases of contemporary art, documentary film and exhibition production that depict the experience of 3.11.”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20232024/02/23 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia” The 5th meeting
    • 13:30–14:50. Hiroko KUSHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “The conversion story in Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa in the context of Malay Islamic thought”
    • 15:00–16:20. Miho YAMASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Gods in Ancient Java; Analysis of Old Javanese Inscriptions and Deśawarṇana” (tentative)
    • 16:30–17:00. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “God as an invisible being and spirits, heroes, and kings as intervening beings” (tentative)
    • 17:00–18:00. Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Early Islamization of Southeast Asia: Religion, Kingship, and Cosmology” (Principal Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) Project number: 21H00575), HINDOWS (Indian Ocean World Studies project, Osaka University) So Yamane, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Fundamental research for the construction of a historical picture of Islamic reception and social relations in continental Southeast Asia” (Principal Investigator: Kazuto IKEDA (Osaka University) Project number: 20H01325)
    304, Online meeting
    20232024/02/22 (Thu)
    Book Launch “The Books Sānk and Pātanğal: A Socio-cultural History of al-Bīrūnī’s Interpretations of Sāṅkhya and Yoga” (Brill, 2024)
    • Book Launch “The Books Sānk and Pātanğal: A Socio-cultural History of al-Bīrūnī’s Interpretations of Sāṅkhya and Yoga” (Brill, 2024) by Noémie Verdon (University of Lausanne)
    • With:
    • Kengo HARIMOTO (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L'Orientale,” ILCAA)
    • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    • Yuko YOKOCHI (Kyoto University)
    • Chair: Kengo HARIMOTO
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For online participants,please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “A study in the Mughal Persian translations of the Laghu-Yogavasishtha” (Principal Investigator: Satoshi Ogura (ILCAA) Project number: 18K12519), ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”, Department of Indology, Graduate School of Latters, Kyoto University
    Kyoto University Main Campus Research Bldg. No.2 Room8, Online meeting
    20232024/02/21 (Wed)
    The Global Mediterranean & Indian Ocean World Studies Joint Workshop
    • 15:00–15:05. Minoru Mio (Indian Ocean World Studies at National Museum of Ethnology, Project reader) Opening Remarks
    • 15:05–15:10. Kenji Kuroda (National Museum of Ethnology) Introduction
    • 15:10–16:00. Zahra Moharramipour (National Museum of Ethnology/JSPS) “Between the 'West' and the 'East': Two-sided nature of the understanding of Persian art in Japan in the early 20th century,”
    • 16:00–16:10. Coffee Break
    • 16:10–17:00. Aki Toyoyama (Kinki University, Faculty of International Studies) “India's Representation of Self/Other and its View of Asia at Colonial Exhibitions,”
    • 17:10–17:20. Coffee Break
    • 17:20–18:00. Comments and Discussion
    • Commentator: Shigemi Inaga (Kyoto Seika University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA, The Global Mediterranean at National Museum of Ethnology, and Indian Ocean World Studies at National Museum of Ethnology
    Online meeting
    20232024/02/21 (Wed)
    The 4th Meeting of the JSPS project
    • 1. Seika SATO (Teikyo University) “Writing Emotional / Sensory Others: R. Desjarlais’ Ethnographies on a Tibetan Buddhist Community”
    • 2. Maya SUZUKI (Daito Bunka University) “Book review on sanitation labour and affective theory of caste in North India: From the ethnographical study of Joel Lee.”
    • (The following section is for members only)
    • 3. Conference on future research activities (all members)
    • Chair: Toshie AWAYA (ILCAA joint researcher, TUFS)
    304, Online meeting
    20232024/02/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 16th meeting
    • 8:00–09:50. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian16 (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian16 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by IlCAA
    Online meeting
    20232024/02/17 (Sat)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2023 “Travelling Care: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of ‘the Social’ across India, Africa, and the United Kingdom”
    • 13:00–13:05. Greetings from Fieldnet
    • 13:05–13:20. Opening Remarks: Mariko HAMAYA (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
    • 13:20–13:50. Presentation 1 Yukie NAKAO (Japan Society of the Promotion for Science/National Museum of Ethnology) Social Welfare and Khoja in Tanganyika, Tanzania Mainland: How Have the People Been Divided?
    • 13:50–14:20. Presentation 2 Gaku MORIGUCHI (Asian Cultures Research Institute, Toyo University) Does Sugar Care?: “Sweetness and Power” of South Asian Citizens and Their Social Disconnection in Uganda
    • 14:20–14:30. Q&A
    • 14:30–14:45. Break
    • 14:45–15:15. Presentation 3: Mariko HAMAYA From Service to Volunteering: Indian Diasporas’ Practices of Sevā in Leicester, the United Kingdom
    • 15:15–15:45. Presentation 4 Kyoko AIZAKI (Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine) The Present Situation of Social Welfare Policies in the United Kingdom and the Expansion/Diversification of the Peer Community
    • 15:45–15:55. Q&A
    • 15:55–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–16:40. Comments Makoto NISHI (Hiroshima University), Masako AZUMA (Kindai University)
    • 16:40–17:30. Discussions
    • 17:30–17:55. Information Exchange Meeting
    • 17:55–18:00. Closing Remarks: Mariko HAMAYA
    Middle-sized Meeting Room, Inamori Foundation Memorial Building, Kyoto University, Online meeting
    20232024/02/13 (Tue)
    TUFiSCo Workshop: Encoding lexical resources using TEI
    • There are various methods for processing lexical data, depending on its purpose. In this workshop, we will conduct a practical exercise using the TEI method that enables multi-purpose utilization. Those who wish to participate in the practice session, please bring your laptop.
    • Program
    • 14:20–14:30. Introduction to TEI
    • Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFS Field Science Commons)
    • 14:30–14:50. Developing an online Kerabit language dictionary using TEI
    • Yasuyoshi FUKAYA (Hiroshima University)
    • 14:50–15:50. Hands-on session on encoding lexical data using TEI
    20232024/02/07 (Wed)
    Online Workshop Series 2023 “Emergencies and Food”
    • Wed 7 Feb 2024, Sat 10 Feb 2024, Thu 15 Feb 2024
    • The Middle East and Africa continuously suffer from compound crises such as war and occupation, natural disasters, and food insecurity. Situating their regional contexts within global history, experts will explain complexities behind the situations of each country from various perspectives.
    • Program:
    • Day 1: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 17:00–18:30
    • Speaker: Haruka USUKI (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) “Food insecurity in Jordan: between inclusiveness and exclusiveness”
    • Discussant: Manabu Shimizu (Representative, Eurasia Consultant Ltd.)
    • Day 2: Saturday, February 10, 2024 17:00–18:30
    • Speaker: Tatsuya YAMANAKA (Komazawa Univ.) “Food security in Tunisia: its history and current situation”
    • Discussant: Erina IWASAKI (Sophia Univ.)
    • Day 3: Thursday, February 15, 2024 17:00–18:30
    • Speaker: Hiroshi SATO (Pesident, Tokyo Institute for Development Sociology) “War and Food: Yemen in a trap of wheat shift”
    • Discussant: Tamon Baba (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
    • Please contact: menafoodemergency[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20A104), Publicly Offered Research of Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Food in Emergencies: Connectivity and Trust Building Being Challenged in the Middle East and North Africa” (Principal Investigator: Yuko Ido(ILCAA) Project Number: 23H03929)
    Online meeting
    20232024/02/12 (Mon)
    International Workshop: Textual Transmission in the Islamic Manuscript Age: On the Variance, Reception and Usage of Aḥsan al-Kibār and Qābūsnāma
    • 14:30–14:40. Introduction
    • 14:40–15:20. Dr. Ryo Mizukami(JSPS/ILCAA) “A 14th-Century Faḍāʾil Work Rediscovered by the Safavids: An Analysis of Aḥsan al-Kibār and Its Oldest Manuscripts”
    • 15:20–16:00”. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philip Bockholt(University of Münster/ILCAA) “The Qābūsnāma as a Transregional Mirror for Princes between the Caspian Sea, Anatolia and Syria
    • 16:00–16:10. Coffee break
    • 16:10–17:00. Discussion
    • Contact: gmed.ilcaa[at] *please change [at] to @
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20232024/02/12 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Anthropological Study on Spatial Governance and Ethnic Relations: Focusing on Southeast Asia” The 3rd meeting
    • 9:30. Takamasa OSAWA (Kanazawa University) “Indigensous people, Chinese and Muslims: The dynamism of ethnicity among the Suku Asli living on the eastern coast of Sumatra”.
    • 10:15. Shinsuke NAKAI (Saga University) Q&A, Comment, Discussion
    • 10:50. Break
    • 11:00. Hisashi SHIMOJO (Kobe University) “Intangible Spaces “Straddling Territorial States”: The River Basin Societies and their Hybridity between Vietnam and Cambodia”
    • 11:45. Shinsuke NAKAI (Saga University) Q&A, Comment, Discussion
    • 12:20. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) Summary
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by IlCAA
    20232024/02/11 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Anthropological Study on Spatial Governance and Ethnic Relations: Focusing on Southeast Asia” The 2nd meeting
    • 14:30. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:40. Yuki SUZUKI (Kokushikan University) “From Fishing to Tourism?: The Transition of Ethnic Relations in the Livelihood of the Moken Sea People”
    • 15:25. Yumi KATO (Fukui Prefectural University) Comment, Q&A, Discussion
    • 16:00. Break
    • 16:10. Mabiki NAKANO (Toyo University) “Livelihood, trade, and economy of marine products in Bannai Islands”
    • 16:55. Yumi KATO (Fukui Prefectural University) Comment, Q&A, Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by IlCAA
    20232024/02/11 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A new perspective on descriptive linguistics in Africa based on the translingual ecology” The 7th meeting
    • 1. Kyoko KOGA (ILCAA Joint researcher, Kochi University) “On the so-called 'stative forms' in Akan”
    • 2. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint researcher, Osaka University) “Can Arabic Creole be a counterexample of the monogenetic theory of pidgins”
    • 3. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “A tentative questionnaire for the investigation of the morphosyntactic variation of Swahili Inland varieties”
    • 4. All participants “General discussions: towards the project publication in 2024”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
    302, Online meeting
    20232024/02/11 (Sun)
    The 1st Symposium on “Overcoming social division and achieving diversity through embodiment.”
    • Program (tentative)
    • 14:00–14:20. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 14:20–14:50. Kojiro HIROSE (National Museum of Ethnology) “The Meaning of “Universal Museum”:Exploring the Significance of Art Appreciation through Tactile Culture.”
    • 14:50–15:00. Break
    • 15:00–15:30. Kosuke TAKAHASHI (Ritumeikan University) “Revisiting the Concept of Face and Body from a Psychological Perspective.”
    • 15:30–16:00. Caitlin COKER (Hokkaido University) 「“Dance Village” -- what pulls us apart brings us together.
    • 16:00–16:15. Break
    • 16:15–16:25. Shojiro KOTEGAWA (Kokugakuin Univ.) “Comments 1”
    • 16:25–16:35. Takanori OHISHI (TUFS) “Comments 2”
    • 16:35–18:00. Discussion
    • 18:30–20:30. Reception Meeting
    • Please contact: kao2020aa[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Topic-Setting Program“Overcoming Social Division and Achieving Diversity through Embodiment”, ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”
    20232024/02/11 (Sun) - 2024/02/12 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (3): Construction of the glossary of terms in the studies of script” The 3rd meeting

    11 Feb

    • 13:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)

    12 Feb

    • 10:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (2)

    • 13:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (3)
    • Chair: Shintaro ARAKAWA
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    20232024/02/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Embodiment: Anthropological Study of Things (4)” The 4th meeting
    • 14:00–16:00. Hitonaru NISHIE (Kyoto University) “Embodied environment, environmentalized body: Metamorphoses of the body following animals”
    • 16:10–18:10. Masayoshi SOMEYA (Hokkaido University) “The cognitive capacity of non-neural organisms: some lessons learned from the controversies surrounding their mind and embodiment”
    • 18:30–20:30. Meeting for Academic Exchange (all members)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by IlCAA
    20232024/02/08 (Thu)
    Commons Café
    • 15:00–16:00. Akiko YOKOYAMA (NINJAL) “Approach to collaborative research with the community: In the field of language revitalization”
    • In this presentation, the presenter, as a linguist, will introduce the “humanities knowledge communication” (bidirectional communication between science and society) that the presenter has been working on in the endangered language community (Okinoerabu Island, Northern Ryukyu). The presenter will show not only the achievements but also the troubles experienced in regional cooperation and its reflections on them to reveal both the appeals and difficulties of social co-creation.
    • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo)
    • Contact: tufisco-office [at] (please change [at] to @)
    405, Online meeting
    20232024/02/06 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh” The 10th meeting
    • Moderator: Ai SUGIE/ Naonori KUSAKABE
    • 9:00–10:10. Keiko IKEDA (Shizuoka University) “Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Socioeconomic Change”
    • 10:20–11:30. Ami SUZUKI (Kobe University) “Women's Labor and Gender Norms”
    • 11:40–12:50. Akiko KUDO (International Budo University) “Border Crossing of Bangladesh Muslim Migrant Wives in Japan: Future Challenges for Multicultural Social Workers”
    • 14:00–15:10. Tetsuya NAKATANI (Nara Prefectural University) “Consumerization and Pilgrimage Tourism”
    • 15:10–16:00. Plenary Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number:18KK0024)
    20232024/02/05 (Mon)
    SERNYA Meeting: Let's think about modern Tibetan literature and filmmaking
    • SERNYA Meeting: Let's think about modern Tibetan literature and filmmaking
    • Program: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Reading JINPA, a film by Pema Tseden”
    • Film screeningI, as a part of a Tibetan class of TUFS, will follow after a small talk by Prof. HOSHI.
    • Please contact: hoshi[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Japan Tibetan Literature Association
    20232024/01/26 (Fri) - 2024/02/11 (Sun)
    “Tibetan Folktales: Tales of the Golden Corpse” Illustration Exhibition
    • This is an exhibition of illustrations drawn by Kuranishi for the book “Tibetan Folktales: Tales of the Golden Corpse”. The “Tale of the Golden Corpse” was brought to Tibet with the arrival of Buddhism from India, and has been passed down and loved for many years in connection with folktales passed down throughout Tibet, strongly reflecting the life and religious culture of the Tibetan people. We hope the visitors will become familiar with Tibetan storytelling culture through the beautiful illustrations.
    • On February 10, a talk event on the “Tales of the Golden Corpse” will be held by Tibetan restaurant and Cafe Tashi Delek.
    • Please contact: hoshi[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
    • Supported by Tibetan Restaurant & Cafe Tashi Delek, Nora-shoten Publishers Inc.
    Tibetan Restaurant & Cafe Tashi Delek
    20232024/02/04 (Sun)
    Learn fieldwork through video editing
    • Shu FUJITA (Research Associate, TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)) Learn fieldwork through video editing
    • Guest lecturer: Irina Grigore (Hirosaki University)
    • Fieldwork consists of experiencing things in the field and considering about what you feel and think there to express them in written or visual form. In this workshop, you will learn about the process of thinking about and expressing field experiences by editing the video footage that Shu Fujita took during his anthropological fieldwork in Lima, Peru. By editing the footage based on the fieldwork, you will be able to “think like” you are thinking from the fieldwork. Even if you have never edited a video or done fieldwork before, please come and join us.
    20232024/02/03 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 15th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Tatsuya MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian14”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian15”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by IlCAA
    Online meeting
    20232024/02/03 (Sat)
    Trajectory and Future of Islam and Gender Studies--Plenary Session/Joint Review of IGS Book Series
    • The second phase of the Islamic Gender Studies Project will end this year. At this meeting, which will serve as a summary of the eight-year period, we will hold a joint review of volumes 5 and 6 of the Islam and Gender Studies Series. Furthermore, we will introduce volumes 7 and 8, which will be published in March 2024, and volumes 9 and 10, which will be published from next year onward. We would like to discuss with participants the achievements and challenges of the Islam and Gender Studies, as well as future directions and possibilities. We sincerely look forward to your participation.
    • Program:
    • Chair: Junko Toriyama
    • 13:00. Kaoru Murakami Opening Remarks
    • 13:05. Reviewing Memories and Records: A Hundred Years of Women’s Experiences
    • Moderator: Emi Goto
    • Introduction: Mari Oka
    • 13:10. Book Review
    • Naoko Yuge (Waseda University)
    • Toru Miura (Ochanomizu University)
    • 14:00. Response & Panel Discussion
    • Mari Oka, Yuko Fujimoto, Eiji Nagasawa, Chika Obiya, Masumi Matsumoto, Emi Goto
    • 15:00–15:20. Break
    • 15:20. Reviewing Families in Transition
    • Moderator, and Introduction by Kazuaki Takemura
    • 15:25. Masashi Nara (National Museum of Ethnology)
    • Masumi Isogai (Chiba University)
    • 15:55. Response & Panel Discussion
    • Mayuko Okawa, Masaki Okado, Kazuaki Takemura, Junko Toriyama, Kaoru Murakami
    • 16:55. Introduction of future volumes
    • 17:15. General Discussion
    • 17:30. Closing remarks by Eiji Nagasawa
    303, Online meeting
    20232024/02/03 (Sat)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 25
    • 1. Yuko URABE (ILCAA/ JSPS research fellow) “Interlinear glossing and its practical issues”
    • 2. Self-introduction by all participants
    • 3. Ligthening talks by
    • Yasuka FUKAYA (Hiroshima University)
    • Sakura ISHIKAWA (TUFS)
    • 4. Group work
    • 5. General discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please see here. Registration deadline is at noon 31st Jan.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), Center for Transdisciplinary Research, Networking and Dialogue (TReND), TUFS; Multi- and Inter-cultural Research and Innovation Fellowship (MIRAI fellowhip), TUFS
    304, Online meeting
    20232024/01/30 (Tue)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 24
    • 12:50. Doors Open
    • 13:00–13:20. Keigo UJIIE (National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics) Introduction
    • 13:20–13:50. Rihito SHIRATA (Hiroshima University) “How can we argue for diachronic changes on the basis of synchronic evidence?: The case of sentence final grammatical forms in Kikai Ryukyuan”
    • 13:50–14:20. Kenshiro ASAOKA (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “On roles and limitations of naive intuition in semantic description: With special reference to Czech possessive constructions”
    • 14:20–14:30. Break
    • 14:30–15:00. Masayuki ISHIZUKA (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) “Argumentation and link-forming activity in descriptive linguistics: A case study on descriptions of Basque grammar”
    • 15:00–15:30. Kohei NAKAZAWA (Shinshu University) “Is introspection about prosody reliable?”
    • 15:30–15:40. Break
    • 15:40–16:10. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Junior Fellow) “Review of the importance of comprehensive understanding of Kimakunduchi for argumentation in its description”
    • 16:10–17:00. All participants
    • Discussion
    • Coordinators: Keigo UJIIE and Makoto FURUMOTO
    • Contact: ds[at] (please change [at] to @)
    303, Online meeting
    20232024/01/28 (Sun)
    “Hunter-Gatherers in Malaysia Today: Thinking with a local Photographer”
    • 1. KAWAI, Aya (ILCAA) “Hunter-gatheres in Malaysia Today”
    • 2. Dome / Suzairi Zakaria (Photographer) “My encounter with Batek and Sumaq Buri and their lives”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, TUFS Field Science Commons
    20232024/01/25 (Thu)
    The ILCAA All Institutional Project “Elucidating Polarization and Coexisting in Transcultural Situations: Building a Platform for “Sharing” and “Dialogue” of Humanities Knowledge Created with People from Asia and Africa”
    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Short Report on the Exhibition ”Deciphering Ancient Scripts in Asia (2023)”
    • 2. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Attempting to Build a Collaborative Research System of Three Fields Relying on JSPS KAKENHI: Focusing on Tibetan Muslims in the Western Himalayas”
    • 3. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) “A Report on the Hunter-gatherers of Malaysian Tropical Rainforest Exhibition Project: An Experiment to Connect with 'the Society'”
    • 4. General discussions
    304, Online meeting
    20232024/01/24 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh” The 9th meeting
    • Moderator: Ai SUGIE/ Naonori KUSAKABE
    • 9:00–10:10. Koichi FUJITA (Aoyama Gakuin University) “Economic Development and Labor Market Changes in Bangladesh: Focusing on Rural Women's Employment”
    • 10:20–11:30. Takami ISHIZAKA (Kanto Gakuin University) “Changes in Women's Social Relations as Seen through Small-Scale Finance”
    • 11:40–12:50. Toshihiko SUDA (Daito Bunka University) “Overseas Migration and Rural Economy in Bangladesh: Expectation for Mainstreaming Women Overseas Migrants”
    • 14:00–15:10. Mineo TAKADA (Hiroshima Shudo University) “Bangladesh Society from the Perspective of Migration: From Research Experience and Literature Survey”
    • 15:10–16:00. Plenary Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number:18KK0024)
    Online meeting
    20232024/01/23 (Tue) - 2024/01/28 (Sun)
    Hunter-gatherers of Malaysian Tropical Rainforest: the Batek and the Semaq Beri
    • This photo exhibition introduces two indigenous groups, the Batek and Semai Batek, who live in Peninsular Malaysia. Through the photographs taken by Malaysian photographer Dome, who grew up near them, the exhibition explores the lives of people living amidst the changes in tropical forests, society, and the environment. On the final day of the exhibition, January 28, there will be a small talk featuring photographer Dome and an anthropologist who conducted research, discussing the unexpected connections between their lives and Japanese lifestyles, as well as changes in those hunter-gatherers' lives.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, TUFS Field Science Commons
    20232024/01/21 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Morphology and syntax of Narrative” The 5th meeting
    • Program
    • 10:00–12:00. 1. Discussion on the utilization of the SCOPIC corpus
    • 13:00–14:00. 2. Natsuko NAKAGAWA (NINJAL, ILCAA Joint-researcher) “Typology of case marking in Japonic Languages: Affects of topic and focus marking”
    • 14:00–15:00. 3. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Basic story structure: Summary of Cpt2 of Toolan 1988”
    • 15:00–16:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    20232024/01/21 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia: From Micro and Macro Perspectives” The 3rd meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Takeshi KONO (Toyo Eiwa University) “Islam and Democracy ? a case of Indonesia leading up to the 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections”
    • 16:00–18:00. Ako MASUNO (Hitotsubashi University) “Performing arts as a process of socio-cultural networking:a case study of Muslim Balinese as a religious minority”
    • 18:00–20:00. Information Exchange Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by AA研,AA研コタキナバル・リエゾンオフィス(KKLO)
    20232024/01/21 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2) ” The 8th meeting
    • Details:
    • 14:00–14:10. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) Introduction
    • 14:10–15:10. Takao ITO (Kobe University) Arabic Paleography and Diplomatics in Mamluk Studies :The State of the Art
    • 15:10–15:30. Yoichi YAJIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the Nara Women’s University)
    • 15:30–16:30. General Discussion
    • 16:30–16:40. Break
    • 16:40–17:10. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) Revisiting the Real Estate Inventory (Ṣarīḥ al-Milk) and Documents of the Shrine of Ṣafī al-Dīn Ardabīlī: Possibilities of Archival Studies on Fiscal Administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies.
    • 17:10–18:00. General Discussion
    20232024/01/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 14th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian13 (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian13 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by IlCAA
    Online meeting
    20232024/01/20 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “RDF hands-on seminar for data-driven research Part. 2”
    • A series of hands-on seminars for acquisition of RDF skills and dezitization by the method will be jointly held by Publicly Offered Research “Visual Analyses of Nominal Connectivity among 14th to 16th Century Arab Urban Elites,” C01, and the Islamic Trust Studies Project's “ITS' Kitchen” led by the Area Organizer. The Part 2 of this series will offer a hands-on learning oppotunity to convert the research data of the participants, based on RDF, into a machine-readable format.
    • Sample
    • Presenter: Eri DEGAWA (Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Humanities and Studies on Public Affairs, Chiba Univ.)
    • Material: Jurisprudence of the Mixed Courts of Egypt in the late nineteenth century
    • Lecturer : Jun OGAWA (Center for Open Data in the Humanities)
    • Moderator and Discussant: Erina OTA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please see here. Registration deadline is 17th Jan.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Visual Analyses of Nominal Connectivity among 14th to 16th Century Arab Urban Elites” (Principal Investigator: Erina Ota-Tsukada (ILCAA) Project number:23H03928), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako Kumakura (Keio University) Project number:20H05830), Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC Hokkaido University) Project number:20H05823)
    Online meeting
    20232024/01/15 (Mon)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Genocide in Palestine”
    • Workshop “Genocide in Palestine” will be organized by A03.
    • Speaker:Sari Hanafi (Professor, American University of Beirut; President, International Sociological Association; Advisor, Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies)
    • Title: “From spacio-cide to geno-cide: About the war on Gaza”
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration,please see here.
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826)
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20232024/01/14 (Sun)
    Workshop on Contemporary Arab Thought with Fadi Bardawil “How Can the Arab Left Contribute to the Liberation of the Peoples in the Middle East?”
    • Fadi Bardawil (Duke University), a researcher of contemporary Arab thought, will talk on his book Revolution and Disenchantment: Arab Marxism and the Binds of Emancipation (2020). We will discuss the intellectual legacy that the Arab Left inherited since the 1960s as well as the role they played or can play, especially in the post-Arab Spring protests and current Palestine issue.
    • 【Program】
    • 16:00–16:10. Introduction (Kaoru Yamamoto, Keio University &amp; Hidemitsu Kuroki, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/Hokkaido University)
    • 16:10–16:40. Keynote Speech (Fadi Bardawil, Duke University)
    • 16:40–16:55. Comments (Hideaki Hayakawa, Tokyo University of Science)
    • 16:55–17:10. Comments (Hiroki Okazaki, Asia University)
    • 17:10–17:50. Q&A discussions
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration,please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “The Concept of “Coexistence” and Its Practice in Modern and Contemporary Arab Thought and Literature” (Principal investigator: Hiroki Okazaki (Asia University) Project number:22K12988), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Protest on the Street, and Reconsider the Nation: from the View Points of Space, Violence and Resonance” (Principal investigator: Keiko Sakai (Chiba University) Project number:21H04387), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal investigator: Hidemitsu Kuroki (ILCAA/SRC) Project number:20H05826)
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20232024/01/06 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 13th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian12 (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian12 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232024/01/05 (Fri) - 2024/01/06 (Sat)
    Futures of Academic Research and Art
    • ■Day 1 (Jan. 5th Fri. 2024) 14:00–17:30 *ONSITE ONLY
    • Venue: Commons Café (Room 203), Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    • Workshop “Multimodal Anthropologies across the Pacific”
    • Driven by recent technological changes, including the widespread use of the Internet, advancements and miniaturization of recording equipment, and the simplification of expression using digital tools, as well as theoretical backgrounds emphasizing people's lived experiences in anthropology, visual anthropology/multimodal anthropology has been expanding its scope. Against this backdrop, this event aims to showcase and discuss various practices and initiatives carried out on different continents.
    • Scholars of multimodal anthropology from the US, Singapore, and Japan will present their endeavors within their respective fields and areas of practice, such as filmmaking, performance, drone shooting, and art-based workshops. Through these showcases and discussions, we aim to foster new creations and critical thinking.
    • Titles for Presentation
    • 1. Pero Fukuda (PhD Candidate, Ritsumeikan University) “Violencing, Musicking, Emotioning”
    • 2. Jacob Nussbaum (Interdisciplinary Artist, Musician and PhD candidate, University of Pennsylvania) “Performance Interventions: Multimodality as Embodied Method”
    • 3. Ran Muratsu (Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Capturing the Uncanny: Anthropological Research and Creative Collaboration”
    • 4. Alissa Jordan (Associate Director, Center for Experimental Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania) “Seeing Our Bodies Healed: Collaborative Vision States in Film and Sound in a Haitian courtyard”
    • 5. Shu Fujita (Research Associate, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Letting Images Connect: A Multimodal Method for Anthropological Thinking”
    • 6. Leniqueca Welcome (Assistant Professor, George Washington University) “Collage as a Practice of World-Building: Archive, Relation, Speculation”
    • 7. Midori Miyamori (MA Student, Tokyo University of the Arts) “About Instant Acting”
    • 8. Alexandra Sastrawati (PhD Candidate, Princeton University / Young NUS Fellow, National University of Singapore) “Ethics of Proximity: A Visual-Lyric Autoethnography”
    • 9. Pablo Aguilera Del Castillo (PhD Candidate, University of Pennsylvania) “Multimodal Cartographies: Excavating the Mexican Landscape through Emerging Visual Media”
    • 10. Maki Kitagawa (Project Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Vision in Multimodality : Thinking through Drone, Snowmobile and Hunter’s Sensibility in Japanese Mountain”
    • Commentator: Deborah Thomas (R. Jean Brownlee Professor, Director, Center for Experimental Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania)
    • ■Day2 (Jan. 6th Sat. 2024) 13:00–18:00 *HYBRID (Onsite+Online)
    • Venue: Room 303, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    • Symposium “Futures of Academic Research and Art”
    • The realm of academic inquiry not limited by the confines of traditional academic texts as pioneered by visual anthropology/multimodal anthropology, art-based research, and similar approaches, has played a pivotal role in broadening scholarly horizons and rethinking the nature of knowledge. In recent years, these methods have expanded beyond visual media, encompassing works utilizing contemporary art techniques, interactive website creation, VR exhibitions, and various other approaches, thus opening up novel dimensions of thought. Nevertheless, challenges persist in these emerging fields, such as insufficient platforms for exchanging methodologies and ideas, as well as limited space for critique within academia.
    • Against this backdrop, this symposium aims to facilitate discussions on the experiences of those who have spearheaded collaboration between academia and the arts within the academic sphere. Through such exchanges, we aim to explore both the challenges and possibilities for the future, envisioning the development of advanced organizations and platforms that embody a new holistic form of knowledge.
    • Program:
    • 13:00. Opening
    • 13:10. Introduction
    • 13:20. Presentation 1
    • Itsushi Kawase (Associate Professor, National Museum of Ethnology) “TRAJECTORIA – Expanding the Range Limitations of Scholarship in Audiovisual Practice”
    • 13:50. Presentation 2
    • Yoshitaka Mōri (Professor, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts) “Art, Research and ‘Investigative Aesthetics’: Arts-Based Research in the Digital Media Age”
    • 14:20. Presentation 3
    • Deborah Thomas (R. Jean Brownlee Professor, Director, Center for Experimental Ethnography, University of Pennsylvania) “Multi-Modal Ethnography at the University of Pennsylvania – Merging Creative Arts and Scholarship”
    • 14:50. Break (15 min.)
    • 15:05. Presentation 4
    • Sayaka Ogawa (Professor, Ritsumeikan University) “Multimodal Anthropology Using Serious Games: Toward a Collaboration of Business, Education, and Anthropology”
    • 15:35. Presentation 5
    • Masayuki Okahara (Emeritus Professor, Keio University) “Art-based research Activities in Japan”
    • 16:05. Presentation 6
    • Chihiro Minato (Director, Institute for Anthropology of Art and Design, Tama Art University) “A Large-scale Arts Festival in Taiwan: Experiences and Endeavors”
    • 16:35. Break (15 min.)
    • 16:50. General Discussion
    • 17:50. Closing
    • Chair: Ran Muratsu (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Discussion Moderator: Pero Fukuda (Ritsumeikan University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration,please see here.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo),ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, Anthro-film Laboratory, Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Science, Topic-Setting Program “Overcoming Social Division and Achieving Diversity through Embodiment”
    20232023/12/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research based on Dr. Shigeru Tsuchida’s data on Formosan languages” The 2nd meeting
    • 10:00–12:00. Review of Tsuchida Materials
    • 13:00–13:45. Izumi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) ““Person” in Atayalic languages”
    • 13:50–14:50. Kazuhiro IMANISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, S.I. Co.Ltd.) “Relative clauses in Amis”
    • 15:00–16:00. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Motifs of Formosan folktales”
    • 16:00–16:15. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Report on the Donation of Professor Shigeru Tsuchida's Linguistic Materials to Taiwan”
    • 16:15–17:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), TUFS Field Science Commons
    301, Online meeting
    20232023/12/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Sharing": Aspects of Coexistence in Humans and Nonhuman Primates” The 2nd meeting"
    • 1. Koji KITAMURA (Professor Emeritus at Okayama University) “Contrasting understandings of interactions including gift in the societies where the reciprocity of gift is normative or not.”
    • 2. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “What is 'sharing' and are hostile interactions over livestock among East African pastoralists 'sharing'?”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20232023/12/21 (Thu) - 2023/12/24 (Wed)
    Islamic Trust Studies Civil Dialog “The Simurgh's egg: workshops & exhibition”
    • As part of our Civil Dialog activities, the Organizer of the Islamic Trust Studies Project will hold workshops and exhibition on the Persian national epic. During these sessions, we will collaborate with kindergarteners to create artworks, which will be displayed in the gallery of Tully's Coffee Shimokitazawa.
    • Our Civil Dialog activities are designed to share our research outcomes with society through interactive events that go beyond one-way knowledge dissemination. A Civil Dialog event will be held with a nursery school in Setagaya and ILCAA for the third consecutive year. In cooperation with Tully's Coffee Shimokitazawa and Directions Co Ltd., the event will feature workshops where nursery school children will create works inspired by “Shahnameh,” the Persian national epic, contemplating Iran's natural world and legends. These works will be exhibited in the gallery of Tully's Coffee Shimokitazawa.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05823), ILCAA, Jinji Nursery School
    • Supported by Tully's Coffee Shimokitazawa, Directions Co Ltd.
    Tully's Coffee Shimokitazawa
    20232023/12/21 (Thu)
    Symposium “The history and the present day of Palestine: discussing settlers' colonialism and 100 years of resistance”
    • Symposium “The history and the present day of Palestine: discussing settlers' colonialism and 100 years of resistance” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Project B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” and A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” with College of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University.
    • Interest in the history of Palestine and Israel is developing in the tensest situation of Gaza we have ever seen. What caused the issues of Palestine and drove them to the current situation? This symposium discuss the perspectives on the history and the current situation of the issues of Palestine referring to “The Hundred Years' War in Paletine” of Rachid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University and an Palestinian-American Opinion Leader.
    • Program:
    • 15:20. Opening Address Masako ISHII (Professor, Rikkyo Univ.)
    • 15:30. Presentation ① “Situation in Gaza and the history of Palestine” Hiroyuki SUZUKI (Project Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The Univ. of Tokyo)
    • 15:50. Presentation② “The Khalidi family and the history of Palestine” Kensuke YAMAMOTO (Senior Assistant Professor, University of Shizuoka)
    • 16:10. Presentation③ “Perspectives on the issues of Palestine” Miyuki KINJO (Visiting Researcher, Ritsumeika Univ.)
    • 16:30. Break Time
    • 16:45. Comment by Hidemitsu KUROKI (Professor, ILCAA)
    • 17:00. Comment by Naonori KUSAKABE (Professor, Rikkyo Univ.)
    • 17:15. Q&A
    • 17:45. Closing Address
    • (some speaker will participate online)
    • <Profile>
    • Hiroyuki SUZUKI Project Associate Professor of Sultan Qaboos Chair in Middle Eastern Studies,Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo. After working as a JSPS post-doctoral Research Fellow (Japan Women’s University) and as a JSPS Overseas Research Fellow (Harry S.Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), he assumed his current position in September 2019. His works include “The Mass Uprisings “Intifada”: Occupied Palestine 1967-1993” (University of Tokyo Press, 2020) , and his joint works include “60 chapters to Know Palestine” (Akashi Shoten, 2016)
    • Kensuke YAMAMOTO Senior Assistant Professor of Faculty of International Relations, University of Shizuoka. Completed the Doctoral Program in Area Studies at the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University. After working as a JSPS post-doctoral Research Fellow (Kyushu Univ.), he assumed his current position in April 2021. His main work is “Conflicts Over Sacred Spaces and The City of Jerusalem: Palestinian and Israeli Occupation/Annexation Politics” (Koyoshobo, 2020).
    • Miyuki KINJO Visiting Researcher of Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University. Lecturer of Aichi Gakuin University. Completed the Doctoral Program at Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Science (Ph. D.), Ritsumeikan University. After working as a JSPS Restart Postdoctoral (RPD) Research Fellow (The Univ. of Tokyo), she assumed her current position. Her main publications are “In Search of Intersection with Palestine: Intersectional Feminism and Review of Solidarity,” in Korean YMCA in Japan ed. Palestine at the Intersection: Towards Renewal of Solidarity (Chapter 1), “Reexamining the Synchronicity of Debates on the Historical Perceptions: Israel and Japan,” Gendai-shiso (May 2018).
    • Conditions: In-person meeting (some speaker will participate online)
    • Contact: Saki YAMAMOTO (yamamoto_saki[at]
    • *Inquiry about this event will be accepted by 18:00 on December 20, 2023.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University) Project number: 20H05829), College of Intercultural Communication, Rikkyo University
    305, No. 10, Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro Campus)
    20232023/12/21 (Thu)
    AA Ken Forum/Global Mediterranean Workshop
    • Ogura Satoshi (ILCAA) 1. On the year of Mirza haydar's death
    • Duisenali Abdilashim (ILCAA/L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University) 2. Documentary heritage of the Kazakh Khanate: on the conditions of the diplomatic documents sent to the Qing Dynasty
    • Duisenali Abdilashim (ILCAA/L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University) 3. Distribution of the Tale of Amir Hamza into the Kazakh Steppe: On the Dawut Otarbai manuscript
    • Contact: nodajin[at] (ILCAA) (please change [at] to @)
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/12/02 (Sat) - 2023/12/23 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “RDF hands-on seminar for data-driven research Part. 1”
    • A series of hands-on seminars for skill acquisition of RDF and digitization by the method will be held jointly by Publicly Offered Research “Visual Analyses of Nominal Connectivity among 14th to 16th Century Arab Urban Elites,” C01, and Area Organizer's “ITS' Kitchen” of the Islamic Trust Studies Project.
    • Details:
    • Day 1: “Introduction to RDF”
    • Saturday, December 2, 2023 10:00–12:00
    • Lecturer : Jun OGAWA (Center for Open Data in the Humanities)
    • Day 2: “Describing the connectivity in the fifteenth century biographical works adopting the Semantic Web”
    • Saturday, December 23, 2023 10:00–12:00
    • Presentation: Erina OTA (ILCAA)
    • Comment: Jun OGAWA
    • Conditions: Open to the public, Admission Free, Online
    • Pre-registration is required.Deadlime:Wednesday, November 29 (After the deadline, please contact to the organizer) Zoom Link will be sent on Friday, November 30
    • Language: Japanese
    • For online participation, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Visual Analyses of Nominal Connectivity among 14th to 16th Century Arab Urban Elites” (Principal Investigator: Erina Ota-Tsukada (ILCAA) Project number: 23H03928), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako Kumakura (Keio University) Project number: 20H05830), Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC Hokkaido University) Project number: 20H05823)
    Online meeting
    20232023/12/17 (Sun)
    Islamic Trust Studies International Workshop “The Safavids and the East Indian Companies”
    • The International Workshop “The Safavids, the Post-Safavids and the East Indian Companies” will be jointly organized by Islamic Trust Studies Gruoup B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki)”, Group A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), “Toward a Global History of Inter-State Relations: A Comparative Study on Governmental Controls on Commercial Exchanges and Traffics in Eurasia, 1400-1900” (Principal Investigator: MATSUKATA Fuyuko).
    • 14:00. Introduction by Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA)
    • 14:10. Peter Good (JSPS Fellow/ILCAA) “Stability by Contract?: The East India Company in Persia 1600-1747”
    • The English East India Company’s presence in Persia represents one of the longest non-colonial or imperial relationships of a European state with an Indian Ocean Empire. The Company’s ability to maintain its position as both a trading and diplomatic presence in the Safavid Empire was due to mutually recognised benefits. These included joint military campaigns against the Portuguese (1622), Gulf Piracy, or Arab and Afghan rebels along the littoral of the Persian Gulf. This paper will explore the different and changing methods used and deployed by both parties in order to maintain this valuable cooperation. The Company and the Safavid State enshrined their relationship in an evolving written document, the Farman. However, the Farman alone was rarely sufficient to fully answer all eventualities faced by either party, renegotiations were therefore required to better reflect changing circumstances. This paper will explore how the Anglo-Persian relationship was maintained outside of the formal confines of the written Farman. By exploring these bilateral exchanges, it is possible to better understand how the Company’s business was interwoven with the local and state policies of the Safavid Empire and its successors. Understanding the balance of power and management of the Anglo-Persian relations has an important impact upon the way we understand the agency of non-European states and peoples in their commercial and diplomatic exchanges. This helps us to understand the multi-valent nature of these interactions, rather than relying solely on Eurocentric views.
    • 15:10. Norifumi Daito (Historiographical Institute, the University of Tokyo) “Pursue of Agreement: The Dutch East India Company”
    • After the brutal overthrow of the Safavid dynasty in 1722, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) faced a serious setback in Iran. In face of incessant war their once-thriving trade in Bandar Abbas fell substantially. After desperate efforts in the rising markets of Basra, Bushire and Kharg Island, the VOC finally withdrew from the Persian Gulf in 1766. Historians think the Dutch failures signified Iran’s imperial and economic crisis, but the underlined overall catastrophe raises the question: how could the VOC nevertheless last so long?
    • This paper argues that the crucial driving force behind the “longevity” of the VOC was a maintained vitality of local intermediaries, particularly Hindu and Armenian merchants. While endorsing the ailing Company trade as brokers or interpreters, they also served as important fixers between the VOC and rising regional powers. Here I elaborate on that understanding through an investigation of trade agreements the Company made with ruling elites in the Gulf and neighboring countries after the Safavids. By culling evidence from changing socioeconomic conditions that formed them, the paper shows a remarkable mobility of the local intermediaries that helped the VOC to struggle with the political vicissitudes in the post-Safavid period.
    • 16:20. Discussions
    • Discussant: Shinsaku Kato (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free *Open to public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For online participation, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA, TUFS) Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Toward a Global History of Inter-State Relations: A Comparative Study on Governmental Controls on Commercial Exchanges and Traffics in Eurasia, 1400-1900” (Principal Investigator: MATSUKATA Fuyuko (Historiographical Institute, the University of Tokyo) Project number: 21H04355)
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/12/16 (Sat)
    Wikipedia Asian Month ASEAN-JAPAN 50
    • Wikipedia Asian Month ASEAN-JAPAN 50 is an outreach event designed for newcomers to Wikipedia. This initiative features workshops where beginners are introduced to the fundamental editing techniques of Wikipedia and engage in hands-on article editing under guidance. Participants will have the opportunity to learn directly from seasoned Wikipedia editors and also foster connections with Wikipedians from Malaysia and other ASEAN countries. The event aims to enhance the quality and quantity of content related to the relations between Japan and ASEAN nations, contributing to the sharing of knowledge across Asia.
    • * Bring your device, such as a laptop or tablet.
    Room 416, Research and Lecture Bldg., TUFS
    20232023/12/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 12th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian11 (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian11(second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/12/10 (Sun)
    Symposium “The Islamic State System and International Law” at the History of Islamic Civilization Panel, Annual meeting of the Historical Society of Kyushu
    • The Symposium “The Islamic State System and International Law” will be organized by B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki Kondo) at the History of Islamic Civilization Panel, Annual meeting of the Historical Society of Kyushu.
    • 14:40. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:45. Yutaka HORII (Doshisha University) The Early Modern Ottoman Ahdnames and the State System
    • 15:20. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) The Islamic State System in the Safavid Eyes
    • 15:55. Yutaro OKI (Kyushu University) Sources of Law in the Arabic Works Related to International Law in the Late Nineteenth Century
    • 16:30. Break
    • 16:35. Omi HATASHIN (Osaka Jogakuin University) Comments from the Perspective of International law and comparative history of legal institutions
    • 17:10. General Discussion (–17:30)
    • Moderator: Madoka MORITA (ILCAA)
    Room E-A-105, East Zone, Ito Cumpus, Kyushu University
    20232023/12/09 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdiciplinary Research (2)” The 6th meeting
    • 10:00–10:10. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Opening Remarks
    • 10:10–11:00. Ryo SAKAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Makubetsu Board of Education) (tentative title:) “Geographical differences between dialects within Sakhalin: from the materials of Suzuko Tamura”
    • 11:10–12:00. Miki KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) (tentative title:) “For the documentation of Ainu Language materials in ILCAA: materials of the Saru dialect (7)”
    • 12:00–13:00. Lunch Break
    • 13:00–13:50. Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido Museum) “For the publication of the Saru dialect materials from the fieldnotes of Ainu in ILCAA: Rethinking methods of publication”
    • 14:00–14:50. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University), Yohsie ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher) (tentative title:) “Present situation of the archiving and publication of descriptive research of the Saru Dialect of Ainu and Research of the Saru Dialect of Ainu”
    • 15:00–15:50. Kyoko Kojima (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Contributions of the dictionary of the Saru dialect of Ainu: from the viewpoint of Ainu place names”
    • 16:00–. Osami Okuda (moderator) General discussion / progress, achievement and prospects of the archiving project and the joint research of Suzuko Tamura materials
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    20232023/12/09 (Sat)
    Cultural / Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2023
    • [Main(A) room (room 303)]
    • Chair: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA)
    • Opening Remarks: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA)
    • Presentation 1: Yumi BABA (Tohoku University) “Ainu Bear Festival and 《Harmonious Coexistence》:An analysis through Oral Folklore Narratives”
    • Comment 1: Hiroshi KONDO (Kanagawa University), Masakazu TANAKA (Professional Institute of International Fashion)
    • Presentation 2: Zheng DU (Ryukoku University) “A Study on the Aspects of Sexuality in the Early Edo Period: Yukaku with 'Shikidō Okagami' as a Key” (tentative)
    • Comment 2: Yoko KUMADA (Professional Institute of International Fashion), Masakazu TANAKA (Professional Institute of International Fashion)
    • Presentation 3: Yu TAMURA (Niigata University) “In-Between Love and Indifference: Rethinking the Relationship between Matriliny and Divorce from Lomwe, Mozambique”
    • Comment 3: Yuko SUGIYAMA (Hirosaki University), Erika TAKAHASHI (Chiba University)
    • Critique A: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA)
    • Critique B: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA)
    • From the Editorial board of Cultural Anthropology: Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka)
    • Closing Remarks: Sachiko TANUMA (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
    • [B Room (room 304)]
    • Chair: Aya KAWAI (ILCAA)
    • Presentation 1: Shijun ZHANG (Peking University) *Online Participation “The Birth of the Astronomical Price: An Anthropological Account of Value and Price in the Beijing Art Auction”
    • Comment 1: Sayaka OGAWA (Ritsumeikan University), Osamu NAKAGAWA (National Museum of Ethnology)
    • Presentation 2: Takumi FUKAYA (Kyoto University) “Reconsideration of Terroir through the Anthropology of the Senses: Exploring Wine Production and Taste in Tuscany, Italy”
    • Comment 2: Taeko UDAGAWA (National Museum of Ethnology), Shingo HAMADA (Osaka Shoin Women’s University)
    • If you have any questions about the seminar: infoseminar[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
    20232023/12/01 (Fri)
    Online event Japan-Kenya pupil's linkage
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFiSCo, Musashino gakuen elementary school, Waldorf Woodlands School
    • Supported by FENICS
    405, Online meeting
    20232023/11/19 (Sun) - 2023/12/10 (Sun)
    Workshop “Doing fieldwork on everyday life 1, life 2”
    • ■Workshop “Doing fieldwork on everyday life 1”
    • Sun 19 Nov
    • ■Workshop “Doing fieldwork on everyday life 2”
    • Sun 10 Dec
    • [Overview]
    • Anthropology has long considered the fieldwork, thinking through experiences in different cultures and places as essential. In this workshop, while rooted in such fieldwork methodologies, participants will conduct fieldwork on their own everyday lives through exercises. The aim is to gain new perspectives on everyday life and the world. On the first session, November 19th, after an introduction to anthropology and fieldwork, we will engage in several exercises to estrange familiar sensations and bodies in everyday life. Between the first and second session, participants will work on creating works on specific themes as extracurricular exercises. On the second session, December 10th, we will present and discuss our respective works and insights. Participants who have not previously experienced anthropology, fieldwork, or art are welcome to join.
    • ※This event is an experimental project aimed at the creation of new field science methods. The content of the event will be utilized in the research of the organizers, and individual works are planned to be publicly showcased as collective art on a website
    • Eligibility: Those interested in fieldwork, anthropology, and art (undergraduate students and above). Participants must be able to attend in-person on both days.
    • Capacity: 12 participants (first-come, first-served in case of a high number of applications).
    • Contact: tufisco-office[at] (TUFiSCo Office, please replace [at] with @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo) , ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, Topic-Setting Program“Overcoming Social Division and Achieving Diversity through Embodiment”
    20232023/11/13 (Mon) - 2023/12/08 (Fri)
    Mini Exhibition “Dance, Music and Theater in Bali: Performing arts in village life as seen in photographs and performing objects”
    • In Bali, Indonesia, performing arts are performed at various religious ceremonies and community events. This project introduces the performing arts as they exist in village life by exhibiting photographs taken during fieldwork and performing objects (masks, shadow puppets, etc.) collected by Yukako Yoshida (Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), who specializes in the anthropology of the performing arts.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library
    Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library2F
    20232023/12/03 (Sun)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2023 “Visualizing Diverse Socio-Environmental Systems: Toward Robustness beyond Resilience”
    • [Opening]
    • 13:30–13:35. Greetings from Fieldnet
    • 13:35–13:40. Opening Remarks
    • Organizer, Marie Sato (Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
    • [Session I: Visualization of Flows in Society and Environment]
    • Chair: Doha Zeadeh (Faculty of Agriculture, Jordan University of Science and Technology)
    • Co-chair: Tomoki Izumi (Graduate School of Agriculture, Ehime University)
    • 13:40–14:00. Presentation 1
    • Weimin Guo (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University) Stable isotopes to visualize the fate of nitrogen
    • 14:00–14:20. Presentation 2
    • Tomoki Nakamura (Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Visualizing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Its influence on the behavior of Palestinian farmers
    • 14:20–14:40. Presentation 3
    • Shuntaro Togo (Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University) Porous media equations to visualize subsurface water flows
    • 14:40–14:55. QandA
    • 14:55–15:10. Break
    • [Session II: Visualization of Robustness in Socio-Environmental Systems]
    • Chair: Mahnaz Lashkri (Strategic Projects & Partnership Manager, University of Kurdistan Hewlêr, Iraq)
    • Co-chair: Koichi Unami (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University)
    • 15:10–15:30. Presentation 4
    • Marie Sato (Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
    • Tomoki Izumi (Graduate School of Agriculture, Ehime University) Visualizing soil moisture content and historical transformation of livelihood: A case of Irbid, Jordan
    • 15:30–15:50. Presentation 5
    • Eileen Joan Magero (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University)
    • 15:50–16:10. Presentation 6
    • Snur Hamid (Freelance Business Consultant and Startup Coach in Silêmanî, Iraq) Untangling livelihood issues and entrepreneurship challenges in Kurdistan region
    • 16:10–16:25. QandA
    • 16:25–16:40. Break
    • [General Comments and Discussions]
    • 16:40–16:55. Comment I
    • Hitoshi Shinjo (Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University)
    • 16:55–17:10. Comment II
    • Kenichi Kashiwagi (Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba)
    • 17:10–17:50. General Discussions
    • [Closing]
    • 17:50–18:00. Closing Remarks
    • Koichi Unami (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University)
    • Contact: Marie Sato (organizer)[at] *Please change [at] to @.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Bilateral Joint Research Projects “Designing feasible portfolios of water and agriculture aimed at building a pluralistic society in Northern Iraq” (Principal Investigator: Dr. Koichi Unami (Kyoto University, Graduate School of Agriculture) Project Number:120229922), Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists,“An Empirical Study on the Development and Resilience of Refugee-led Organizations in the Contemporary Middle East” (Principal Investigator: Dr. Marie Sato (University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) Project Number: 23K17093), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research, Fostering Joint International Research (B) “Rainwater harvesting to overcome vulnerability of the Fertile Crescent” (Principal Investigator: Dr. Koichi Unami (Kyoto University, Graduate School of Agriculture) Project Number: 19KK0617)
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/12/03 (Sun)
    15:30–17:30 [Open 15:00]
    Performce & Mini Lecture ‘Let’s enjoy Balinese Music and Musical Drama’
    • After enduring the pandemic, we are excited to bring you the fresh development of traditional Balinese music, ‘Voice Gamelan.’ It has gained prominence in Bali. This event is part of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies’ 150th-anniversary commemorative collaboration.
    • << Sing, Dance, and Laugh Together! >>
    • We are delighted to welcome the Balinese entertainer, Mr. Ciaaattt, who will introduce his innovative performance art, 'Voice Gamelan(Gamut),' which reimagines the traditional Gamelan ensemble using a single voice. This form of entertainment, which found its roots in Ciaaattt's home during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bali, has attracted widespread attention. During this event, you will witness explanations and demonstrations of Voice Gamelan, as well as performances of Balinese music and musical dramas by the Japanese group Mametangan, in collaboration with Ciaaattt. It's a fusion of traditional art, entertainment, and contemporary culture - a delightful mix to savor!
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here. (First-come, first-served basis in case of high demand)
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, TUFS Field Science Commons, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research) “Overcoming social division and achieving diversity through embodiment”(Principal Investigator: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) ), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona” -Response to the crisis, negotiation on physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643), ILCAA Joint Research Project An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19 (jrp000274)" (Coordinator: Yukako YOSHIDA)
    • Supported by ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) )
    Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies
    20232023/12/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 11th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian10 (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian10(second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/12/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life” The 9th meeting
    • 13:30–15:30. Satbyul KIM (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Research Institute for Humanity and Nature ) “Toward Life Through Death: In the Footsteps of Sanyo and the Mourning Hut.”
    • 15:45–18:00. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Discussions in preparation for the draft of “the Anthropology of Death”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, ILCAA. Core Project (Anthropology)
    20232023/12/01 (Fri)
    Workshop: Let's try Balinese Kecak!
    • We are pleased to welcome Balinese musician Mr. Ciaaattt to teach us Kecak. Cak Cak Cak ♪ Let's make some noise, move our bodies, and have fun together!
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, ILCAA Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, TUFS Field Science Commons, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research) “Overcoming social division and achieving diversity through embodiment”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona” -Response to the crisis, negotiation on Physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643)
    • Supported by ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) )
    TUFS-Learning Commons (@Lab), 4F Library
    20232023/11/30 (Thu)
    Commons Café
    • 15:00–16:30. Seminar
    • “Archiving and Utilization of Field Video: Focusing on the Archival Experience of the HUMAN Series of the Open University of Japan”
    • 1. Shunsuke YAMASHITA (Hokkaido University) “Archiving Fieldwork Materials: Reconsidering Methodology and Significance”
    • 2. Takanori OISHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “‘Sharing’ and Utilization of Photographic and Video Materials: Experiences from a Long-term Continuing Research Project in Africa”
    • 3. Q&A (30 minutes)
    • *A reception will follow.
    • Contact: tufisco-office [at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. *Zoom participants will receive an email with the Zoom URL at a later date. *You are also welcome to join us on the day of the event.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFiSCo
    405, Online meeting
    20232023/11/30 (Thu)
    Book Launch and Seminar: Beyond Modernity: Critical Perspectives on Islam, Tradition and Power
    • Beyond Modernity: Critical Perspectives on Islam, Tradition and Power was published from Rowman & Littlefield Publishers in November 2023. In this seminar, the editors will discuss the initial impetus behind the edited volume. One key objective was the questioning of Eurocentric approaches that reproduce the binary of modernity and Islam. The editors will also emphasize the proposal of post-Eurocentric alternative approaches in the volume chapters with a particular focus on the existence of a variety of contexts overlapping with common frames of reference within Muslim societies.
    • Speakers:
    • Mohammed Moussa (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University)
    • Emi Goto (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Book information:
    • Edited by Mohammed Moussa and Emi Goto
    • Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
    • Pages: 220
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 29th Nov.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellows) Project number: 20H00085), Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “Research on 'exclusion' and intellectuals in modern and contemporary Islam” (Principal Investigator: Emi Goto (ILCAA) Project number:18K18292)
    4F Seminar room, TUFS Hongo Satellite, Online meeting
    20232023/11/29 (Wed)
    The second Islamic Trust Studies Emergency Seminar “Global meaning of the Palestine-Israel Catastrophe (Nakba) in 2023: Gaza, Holocaust, and Apartheid”
    • The second Islamic Trust Studies Emergency Seminar will be held by A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” and B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” in response to the de facto genocide in Palestine.
    • Program
    • 17:00–17:10. Opening Address
    • Hidemitsu KUROKI (Area Organizer, ILCAA/SRC, Hokkaido Univ.)
    • 17:10–18:30. Presentation
    • Akira USUKI (Japan Women's College) “Perspective on the Gaza issues”
    • Kenichiro KOMORI (Musashi University) “A proposal on Anti-Semitism, Judeophobia”
    • Kumiko MAKINO (IDE-JETRO) “How does South Africa see the Palestine-Israel issues?”
    • 18:30–18:40. Break time
    • 18:40–18:55. Comments by Tetsuya SAHARA (Meiji Univ.)
    • 18:55–19:30. Discussion and Q&A
    • Contact: connectivity_jimukyoku[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 23:59 , 27th Nov.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number:20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University) Project Number: 20H05829)
    Online meeting
    20232023/11/26 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on African Food Cultures: Approaching Their Changing Realities” The 2nd meeting
    • 10:30–12:00. Yujie PENG (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka University) “Spicy food in Cameroon: A preliminary research report”
    • 13:00–14:30. Reita FURUSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu University) “Maize food culture in Accra, a city of colonial origin”
    • 14:45–16:15. Haruna YATSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda College) “Re-evaluating plant-based local food: Diversity and locality of murenda in Tanzania”
    • 16:30–17:00. Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama) Liaison
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Japan African Food Culture Study Group
    Online meeting
    20232023/11/25 (Sat)
    Rethinking Frantz Fanon and Anti-Colonialism in the Contemporary Middle East
    • Abstract:
    • Frantz Fanon is often considered the ‘father’ of the theory of anti-colonial violence. However, such a reductionist view ignores the Antillean thinker’s complex analysis of colonialism and anti-colonial revolution in Africa and the Middle East. This seminar will highlight some of Fanon’s ideas on the nature of anti-colonialism with reference to the role of the peasantry in this struggle and urban politics. It will also draw out the implications of these ideas in light of current examples in the contemporary Middle East.
    • Speaker:
    • Mohammed Moussa is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. He was previously a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Mohammed completed his doctorate at the University of Exeter. His publications include a monograph on the political thought of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (2015) and articles in Journal of North African Studies, Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research and Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellows) Project number: 20H00085), Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “Research on 'exclusion' and intellectuals in modern and contemporary Islam” (Principal Investigator: Emi Goto (ILCAA) Project number:18K18292)
    4F Seminar room, TUFS Hongo Satellite;Online meeting
    20232023/11/25 (Sat)
    Civil Dialog “The Background of the Gaza 'War' and the World-Historical Meaning of the Palestinian Issues.”
    • The organizer of the Islamic Trust Studies Project will hold a Civil Dialog event titled “The Background of the Gaza 'War' and the World-Historical Meaning of the Palestinian Issues.”
    • Title: “The Background of the Gaza 'War' and the World-Historical Meaning of the Palestinian Issues.”
    • Speaker: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies/SRC, Hokkaido Univ.)
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Imizu-demo Executive Committee, Civic Action Imizu, Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05823)
    Training room1, Kosugi Cultural Hall Rapport
    20232023/11/25 (Sat)
    Workshop: Let's try Balinese Kecak and Gamut (voice gamelan)!
    • We are pleased to welcome Balinese musician Mr. Ciaaattt to teach us Kecak and Voice Gamelan (※). Let's join together, use our voices, and move our bodies to experience the music culture of Bali!
    • ※ What is Voice Gamelan?
    • It's a vocal music where the sounds of Gamelan, a percussion ensemble, are expressed by layering human voices. It involves playing the various parts by either multi-track recording on your own or sharing the different roles among multiple people while weaving the song together.
    • Please wear comfortable attire as you will be seated on the floor.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, TUFS Field Science Commons, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research) “Overcoming social division and achieving diversity through embodiment”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona” -Response to the crisis, negotiation on Physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643)
    • Supported by ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) )
    20232023/11/23 (Thu)
    Joy of Folktales: Traditional tales from Buryat, Kachin and Tibet
    • Program:
    • Morning session: Picture-story show of Asian folktales 11:00−12:30
    • Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “A Buryat folktale: What is the ‘Leaks’ ?”
    • Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Kachin folktales: The Kaempferia flower, etc.”
    • Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Tibetan folktales: The Tales of the Corpse”
    • Afternoon session: Conveying the joy of folktales 14:00−15:30
    • 1. Behind the scenes of content creation
    • Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Creating picture books and a picture-story show from a Buryat old woman’s narratives”
    • Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Creating picture story videos with the Kachin people”
    • Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Creating a children's book from popular folktales in Tibet”
    • 2. Roundtable: Various ways of telling folktales
    • Guests: Fumiyo ISHIGURO (Art education, Artist, Odawara Junior College), Yukiko SATO (Children’s book editor, Nora Shoten Publishing), Kuranishi (Illustrator, Manga artist)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
    20232023/11/21 (Tue)
    Commons cafe and the 85th ASC seminar
    • Title: Doing research in transboundary conflict contexts: Reflections from the field in Uganda
    • Presenter: Dr. Constance Mudondo (Makerere University)
    • Although research in conflict-context has been presented to be critical in peace making process, the field experiences of researchers are seldom highlighted. This article illustrates experiences of doing research in transboundary conflict contexts. Using the conflict in Namatala transboundary wetland in Eastern Uganda, the article draws on the reflections from the field and highlights the researchers’ practical experiences of doing research in transboundary conflict contexts. The study which adopted a mixed approach employed a number of methods to collect data, that is household surveys, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. This article illustrates that researchers in transboundary conflict contexts have numerous experiences that include; how their identity shapes penetration to the field, navigating power relations among and between participants, ensuring safety of participants during data collection, how political and social events shape the research process, dealing with their emotions and how to navigate community gender dynamics during data collection. The article demonstrates that the conflict fields shape how participants perceive the researchers, how data is generated and how the researchers navigate research fields. This article demonstrates that researchers in conflict contexts ought to be very flexible and take note of the undertones of the changing conflict context.
    • Kew words: Conflict, Research experiences, Transboundary areas, Wetlands
    302, Online meeting
    20232023/11/06 (Mon) - 2023/11/26 (Sun)
    Deciphering Ancient Scripts in Asia (2023)
    • This exhibition introduces various materials written in Asian ancient scripts and the books that contributed to the deciphering of the script, preserved in the Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
    • Free admission
    • Event 1: Gallery Talk, November 23, 13:00–14:00
    • →To the exhibition room on the first floor of the AA-ken. No pre-registration. However, if the venue is crowded, admission may be restricted.
    • Event 2*: “Let’s carve bone script!”, November 23, 14:00–15:00
    • →To the room 304 on the third floor of the AA-ken. The application has already closed.
    • *Advance application only for Event 2, limited number (children under elementary school age are accompanied by parent)
    • *200 yen for insurance only
    • Free admission
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    1F, ILCAA
    20232023/11/18 (Sat) - 2023/11/19 (Sun)
    International Symposium 'Global Youth Dynamics and 'Reality' Negotiation in East Africa and South Asia: Gender, Diversity, Agency'
    • 【Theme】This symposium focuses on youth ethnographically and seeks to examine, with an intersectional lens, how young people, in Eastern Africa and South Asia, understand their social world through their multiple identities -gender, caste, region, language, and nation - as well as their individual aspirations, desires, and choices. It also seeks to compare the structural factors that act as barriers to their mobility as well as identify the strategies and pathways that individuals develop for change. Through such an approach that focuses on both structure and agency, we aim to arrive at a broader understanding of the issues at hand in vastly different terrains and social communities.
    • The symposium seeks to address some pertinent questions: How do patriarchy, kinship, lack of (higher) education, unemployment, insecurity, and social and cultural inequalities common to these regions confront young people? How do they cope with the complexities and challenges they may encounter in their diverse social and cultural contexts? What forces compel them to make difficult choices for change? What new forms does their agency take?
    • We are especially interested in contributions that focus on gender, religion, and diversity with particular attention to agency. The diverse geographical sites and socio-political contexts will enrich our understanding of the themes through multiple social and regional perspectives. We hope this symposium will further enable us to arrive at a nuanced understanding of youth in diverse settings and provide a comparative background to anthropological youth studies.
    • 【Program】※ Each Presentation 30mins + Questions and Answers for 10mins.
    • DAY 1 (Saturday, Nov. 18th)
    • 11:00–12:30. Casual Lunch Meeting (mainly for Young Scholars including Graduate Students)
    • 12:30–13:00. Registration
    • 13:00–13:10. Opening Remarks & Introduction (Wakana Shiino & Kazuyo Minamide)
    • 13:10–13:50. Prof. Marie Lall: The Effects of Hindu Nationalism on Indian Universities; Students in the Eye of the Storm
    • 13:50–14:30. Dr. Jane Dyson: The Contradictions of Prefigurative Politics: Rajput Young Women’s Everyday Activism in Himalayan India
    • 14:30–14:40. Tea Break
    • 14:40–15:20. Dr. Nirmala Ranasinghe: Can Tourism be a Powerful Life Strategy?: Through the Narratives of Young Men in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka
    • 15:20–16:00. Mr. Takuya Hagiwara: Is Competitive Sport a Career-building Force for Kenyan Youth?: Structured Athletic Environment and Dynamics of Embodied Agency for Social Mobility
    • 16:00–16:40. Dr. Kinyua Laban Kithinji: Contesting the State? Digital Media Platforms as Spaces of Refuge, Safety Nets, and Justice-Seeking in Kenya
    • 16:40–16:50. Tea Break
    • 16:50–17:10. Comments by Discussants
    • (South Asia) Prof. Fumiko Oshikawa, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University
    • (Africa) Dr. Eri Hashimoto, Associate Professor, Rikkyo University
    • 18:00–. Dinner
    • DAY 2 (Sunday, Nov. 19th)
    • 9:40–10:00. (Venue Open)
    • 10:00–10:40. Dr. Piotr Cichocki: The Reality Negotiations in the Collaborative Process of Local Music Making. The Case of Youth from Mzuzu, Malawi
    • 10:40–11:20. Dr. Constance Mudondo: Navigating Market Terrain as Novices: Empowering Female Young Graduates of a Tailoring Course in Uganda
    • 11:20–11:30. Coffee Break
    • 11:30–12:10. Dr. Tomoyuki Chaya: Urban Slum Youth and the Significance of Secondary Education in Contemporary India: Cultivation of Perception of Self-image
    • 12:10–13:30. LUNCH
    • 13:30–14:10. Dr. Wakana Shiino: Female 'Youth' ‘s Choice for Their Survival: Being a Housegirl in Kenya or the Middle East
    • 14:10–14:50. Dr. Kazuyo Minamide: “Probashir Bou (Migrant's Wives)” in a Rural Bangladesh Village: Waiting and Recreating New Family Lives
    • 14:50–15:00. Coffee Break
    • 15:00–15:20. Comments by Discussants
    • (Africa) Dr. Soichiro Shiraishi, Associate Professor, Hirosaki University
    • (South Asia) Prof. Tatsuya Yamamoto, Professor, Shizuoka University
    • 15:20–16:00. General Discussion for two days
    • 16:00–16:10. Closing Remarks
    • 【Presenters】
    • South Asia
    • Prof. Marie Lall: Professor and Chair of Education and South Asian Studies at the UCL Institute of Education
    • Dr. Jane Dyson: Associate Professor in Human Geography, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Faculty of Science, The University of Melbourne
    • Dr. Nirmala Ranasinghe: Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Creation, Nara Prefectural University
    • Dr. Tomoyuki Chaya: Lecturer, Graduate School of Education, Hyogo University of Teacher Education
    • Dr. Kazuyo Minamide: Associate Professor, Department of English, Kobe College
    • Africa
    • Mr. Takuya Hagiwara: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, Toyo University
    • Dr. Kinyua Laban Kithinji: Researcher, Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University
    • Dr. Piotr Cichocki: Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw
    • Dr. Constance Mudondo: Lecturer, Makerere University
    • Dr. Wakana Shiino: Associate Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    Medium Conference Room at the Administration Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    20232023/11/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)” The 7th meeting
    • 14:00–15:00. Haruya SHISHIDO (Meiji University) Ismail II, the “Tyrant” of the Safavid Empire in the 16th century: What were the realities of his policies?
    • 15:00–15:30. Yukako GOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University) Comment
    • 15:30–16:20. General discussion
    • 16:20–16:30. Break
    • 16:30–17:30. Naofumi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ochanomizu University) An Introductory Study of the Inventory of the Movable Property of the Shaykh Safi Shrine.
    • 17:30–18:00. General discussion
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20232023/11/18 (Sat)
    Symposium 2023 of Islamic Trust Studies Project/Japan Consortium for Area Studies “Discussions on 'hearty food/meal' and 'connectivities' from the viewpoint of area studies”
    • Symposium 2023 “Discussions on 'hearty food/meal' and 'connectivities' from the viewpoint of area studies” will be held by Islamic Trust Studies Project with Japan Consortium for Area Studies at the Research Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA).
    • 13:00–13:05. Nobuaki Kondo (Director, ILCAA) Opening Address
    • 13:05–13:15. Hidemitsu Kuroki (ILCAA/SRC, Hokkaido Univ.) Introduction
    • 13:15–13:45. So Yamane (Osaka Univ.) Keynote Speech
    • “Things connected and grown by food of the Muslims in South Asia”
    • 13:45–14:05. Tamon Baba (Ritsumeikan Univ.) 1st Presentation
    • “Foodstuffs which crossed the ocean: Yemen and mobility in the western Indian Ocean in the Middle Ages”
    • 14:05–14:25. Yukari Sai (Chiba Institute of Technology) 2nd Presentation
    • “Eating together: commensality in 'our' mosque in South Fujian, China”
    • Break (10 min.)
    • 14:35–14:55. Masako Kudo (J.F. Oberlin Univ.) 3rd Presentation
    • “Food and cooking in migrant families from the perspectives of gender, connectivities and identities”
    • 14:55–15:15. Yuko Ido (ILCAA) 4th Presentation
    • “Food and wartime economy: revisiting connectivity, dependence and autonomy”
    • Break & Networking Time (20 min)
    • 15:35–16:05. Yoshimi Osawa (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) Comments
    • Naoto Minami (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
    • 16:05–17:00. General Discussion
    • 17:00–17:10. Motoki Nomachi (Director, SRC, Hokkaido Univ.)) Summary
    • 17:30–19:30. Academic Information Exchange Meeting
    • (Dining Hall, 1F, the University Hall of Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies)
    • Conditions: Open to the public/Japanese/Admission free/In-person meeting/Pre-registration is required/With babysitting service
    20232023/11/16 (Thu)
    AA Ken Forum/Global Mediterranean Workshop
    • Ben Arps (Visiting Professor, ILCAA/ Professor, Leiden University) “‘Their Journey Shall Not Be Described’: Places and Travel in the Javanese Amir Hamza Epic.”
    303, Online meeting
    20232023/11/09 (Thu)
    Lecture “Russia-Saudi Arabia: A Transactional Relationship Amid Constraining Realities”
    • The lecture “Russia-Saudi Arabia: A Transactional Relationship Amid Constraining Realities” will be jointly held by Islamic Trust Studies A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” group, ILCAA Core Project “Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society” and Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University.
    • Speaker: Ildus Gubaidullovich Ilishev (Independent Scholar, former Deputy Permanent Representative, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation)
    • Title: “Russia-Saudi Arabia: A Transactional Relationship Amid Constraining Realities”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 8th Nov.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society”, Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826)
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20232023/11/07 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Group “ILCAA Joint Research Group Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia” The 3rd meeting
    • Maximilian Mehner (Philipps-Universität Marburg) “Sāhibrām’s Vīraratnaśekharaśikhā, his method and techniques of adapting the Aḫlāq-i Muḥsinī in 19th century Kashmir”
    • Chair: Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Group “ILCAA Joint Research Group Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” (Principal Investigator: Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0013)
    Online meeting
    20232023/11/05 (Sun)
    Toward Description of Body and Anthropology of Nature": Through Ethnographic Images of Women by a Female Anthropologist"
    • Screening of ethnographic films “Light, Wind, Water and Soil“ and “Hanako and Kamisama“ and talk by directors Irina Grigore and Itsushi Kawase
    • Chair: Shu FUJITA (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Please contact: kikanjinruigaku[at] (please change [at] to @)
    20232023/11/04 (Sat) - 2023/11/05 (Sun)
    Public Symposium Cutting-edge and Future Challenges in GPS and Bio-logging Researches in Zoology and Anthropology" (11/4) and Excursion at Tambasasayama (11/5)"

    4 Nov

    • 13:00–13:30. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Opening remarks”
    • Yoshiki MORIMITSU (University of Hyogo) “Introduction”
    • SESSION 1: GPS and bio-logging researches on large-sized wild animals
    • 13:30–14:10. Kohji YAMAZAKI (Tokyo University of Agriculture) “Using bio-logging to Asiatic black bears”
    • 14:10–14:50. Akiko TAKII (Shinshu University) “Study on sika deers using GPS”
    • SESSION 2: GPS and bio-logging Researches on non-human primates and humans
    • 15:00–15:40. Yoshiki MORIMITSU (University of Hyogo) “Studies on Japanese macaques using GPS and collar-mounted web cameras and future directions”
    • 15:40–16:20. Taro YAMAUCHI (Hokkaido University) “Measuring human behavior: From space-time utilization to nutritional adaptation”
    • 16:20–17:00. General Discussion

    5 Nov

    • 13:00. JR Sasayamaguchi Station

    • 13:30-14:20. Observation of Japanese macaques inhabiting Tanbasasayama City, Hyogo
    • 14:20-15:10. Introduction to countermeasures against crop-raiding by Japanese macaques
    • 15:10-16:30. Discussion with local residents about countermeasures against for crop-raiding by monkeys
    • 17:00. JR Sasayamaguchi Station
    • Chair: Yoshiki MORIMITSU (University of Hyogo)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese *Japanese-English interpretation is available on zoom
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 17:00, 1st Nov.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Researcher: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591), Association for Conservation and Management of Nonhuman Primates
    • Supported by Primate Society of Japan, The Mammal Society of Japan
    Lasse Hall B1F “Lily”, Online meeting
    20232023/11/04 (Sat)
    Toward Post-Greaber's Man and Economy A Joint Review of Debt, Credit, and Human Economies/ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamism of Debt (2): Plurality, Conflict and Creativity around Human Economics” The 5th meeting
    • 15:00–15:05. Opening Speech by Moderator Arihiro MINOO (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Waseda University)
    • 15:05–15:20. Introduction Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher/Meiji University)
    • 15:20–15:40. Comment 1 Ichiro MAJIMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • 15:40–16:00. Comment 2 Sonoe OMODA (Meiji University)
    • 16:00–16:15. Intermission
    • 16:15–16:45. Reply from Authers
    • Yutaka SAKUMA, Arihiro MINOO, Sayaka OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Ritsumeikan University), Tooru SAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Keio University), Keiichiro MATSUMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Okayama University), Takashi SAKAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Osaka Metropolitan University), Yoko TAGUCHI (Eikei University), Manami HAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ JSPS)
    • 16:45–17:30. Discussion
    Room 9, 2nd floor, Meiji University Surugadai Campus. Online meeting
    20232023/11/04 (Sat)
    International workshop “A new perspective on descriptive linguistics in Africa based on the translingual ecology”
    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Introduction: Linguistic description in translingual ecology in Africa”
    • 1. Andries COETZEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Michigan) “Patagonian Afrikaans: Identity and History in a Bilingual Speech Community”
    • 2. Nico NASSENSTEIN (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) “The role of Lingala in Eastern Congo’s Swahili ecologies and young speakers’ repertoires (Goma/Lubumbashi)”
    • 3. Sayaka KUTSUKAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher/Tohoku Gakuin University) “Review of recent studies on multilingual practices in Africa and future perspectives”
    • 4. Janika KUNZMANN (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) “What is Mbum and what is not? Addressing multi- and translingualism in the creation of a reference grammar”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing), ILCAA Joint Research Project “A new perspective on descriptive linguistics in Africa based on the translingual ecology”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”
    20232023/11/04 (Sat)
    Video Editing Workshop for Extending Anthropological Thinking
    • With the recent proliferation of smartphones and digital cameras, many anthropologists take images of casual daily life and minor events in the fieldwork. However, most of these images are probably not of dramatic events, but rather fragments that have no meaning beyond that of a record and thus are simply stored as dead data. On the other hand, images such as Robert Gardner's Forest of Bliss, for example, which capture only mundane things but appeal to the viewer in more ways than mere documentary footage, tend to be thought of as requiring advanced production techniques. On the other hands, even if the significance of conveying the sensory experience of the field is recognized, it seems that video has been given only a supplementary position to the written word.
    • Against this backdrop, the goal of this workshop is for anthropologists unfamiliar with video editing to create ethnographic images from video materials that do not show anything special, and to discover in this process the seeds of an argument that can be connected to the anthropology that has been conducted through the written word. Unlike many documentary films, the videos are not edited in chronological order or in the order of events, but rather are categorized and connected according to the sensations, impressions, and themes they bring to the viewer, thereby provoking thought that can be connected to written expression. The workshop will be led by Shu Fujita(TUFS Field Science Commons) and Hiroto Tsuda, a guest lecturer (Akita University of Art), who has been examining and practicing anthropological thinking at the intersection of art and the visual arts.
    • Chair: Shu FUJITA (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.Please contact: tufisco-office[at] (TUFiSCo)(please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Organized by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
    20232023/11/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents” The 10th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian08 (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian08 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/11/03 (Fri)
    Public Symposium “Primates in Asian Anthropogenic Environments”
    • 12:30–12:35. Kaoru Adachi(Kyoto Sangyo University) 「Opening remarks」
    • 12:35–13:15. Erin Riley(San Diego State University) 「Human-Primate Interfaces: Past, Present, and Future」
    • 13:15–13:45. Tatsuro Kawazoe(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) 「Variety of human-macaque interfaces in Japan and population dynamics in natural population of Japanese macaques」
    • 13:45–14:00. Break
    • 14:00–14:30. Hsiu-hui Su(National Pingtung University of Science and Technology) 「Human-macaque conflict and responses of Taiwanese macaques to changing habitats in Taiwan」
    • 14:30–15:00. Aru Toyoda (National Primate Research Center of Thailand) 「Current situation of wild Stump-tailed macaque’s research in Thailand, as the Buddhist country, and issues related to their interaction with humans」
    • 15:00–15:30. Paula Pebsworth(National Institute of Advanced Studies) 「Coexistence: A Holistic Approach」
    • 15:30–15:45. Break
    • 15:45–16:15. Paolo Martelli(Ocean Park Conservation Foundation) 「TENTATIVE: Reports from Hong Kong」
    • 16:15–16:45. John Sha(National Parks Board Singapore) 「Challenges of the expanding human-wildlife Interface in Singapore, with a focus on the long-tailed macaque」
    • 16:45–17:30. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori Kawai (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “An Ethnoprimatological Study on Wild Macaques in Hong Kong for Trial of Local Environmental History” (Principal Investigator: Kaoru ADACHI (Kyoto Sangyo University) Project Number: 22K12530), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists “Relationship between biodiversity and intensity of connected mind in Southern Kyushu” (Principal Investigator: Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA) Project Number: 22K18077)
    Science Seminar House, Kyoto University
    20232023/11/02 (Thu) - 2023/11/05 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia” International Symposium “Islamization in Southeast Asia as reflected in literature, archival documents and oral stories”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.Please contact:[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Early Islamization of Southeast Asia: Religion, Kingship, and Cosmology” (Principal Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) Project number: 21H00575), HINDOWS (Indian Ocean World Studies project, Osaka University) So Yamane, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Fundamental research for the construction of a historical picture of Islamic reception and social relations in continental Southeast Asia” (Principal Investigator: Kazuto IKEDA (Osaka University) Project number: 20H01325)
    Minoh Campus, Osaka University, Online meeting
    20232023/11/01 (Wed)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot”, the 22nd meeting
    • Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Microvariation of noun-modifying constructions in Bantu languages”
    • Chair: Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20232023/10/29 (Sun)
    Researching the cultural properties in the Middle East: Digitally adapted interdisciplinary approach on fieldwork in Oman
    • 13:30–13:40. Taichi KURONUMA (ILCAA) Opening address
    • 13:40–14:20. Yasuhisa KONDO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) “Application of the digital humanistic methods and potential of the Open Science for the archaeological and historical properties in Oman”
    • 14:20–15:00. Kengo HAYASHI (Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo) “Reconstructive research of the traditional architectures and settlements in Oman and utilisation of digital methods”
    • 15:00–15:15. Intermission
    • 15:15–15:55. Taichi KURONUMA, Yasuhisa KONDO, and Kengo HAYASHI “Discussion”
    • 15:55–16:00. Taichi KURONUMA Closing address
    • Chair: Taichi KURONUMA
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 27th Oct. Contact: taichi.kuronuma [at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Millennial-scale social sustainability in a piedmont canyon of Southeast Arabia: An interdisciplinary inquiry based on historical ecology” (Principal Investigator: Yasuhisa Kondo (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) Project Number: 21H00605), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Restoration and inheritance of living heritage under a vulnerable social environment of a port city in southern Oman” (Principal Investigator: Yasuhisa Kondo (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) Project Number: 20KK0020)
    20232023/10/28 (Sat)
    Seminar: Disease as a Form of Silent Resistance: Engaging in Disease Markets to Attain Healthcare Services
    • Program:
    • 15:00. Emi GOTO (ILCAA, TUFS) Introduction
    • 15:10. Mustafa Abdalla (The Free University, Berlin) “Disease as a Form of Silent Resistance: Engaging in Disease Markets to Attain Healthcare Services”
    • 16:10. Discussion
    • Moderator: Junko TORIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University)
    • Abstract:
    • Egypt's healthcare system is grounded in the principle of universal access to healthcare services, promising equitable treatment for all citizens. However, the ground realities often reveal a stark contrast. Drawing inspiration from the perspectives of James C. Scott on everyday forms of resistance, this paper explores a unique phenomenon that has emerged within the Egyptian context, where disease has paradoxically become a tool of silent resistance employed by a particular group of individuals, which I call “Professional Patients.” By presenting a detailed examination of this strategy, this paper uncovers the strategies employed by these individuals to navigate the barriers of the healthcare system, including adopting a disease identity, and offering disease services in a growing disease market in order to gain access to medical services.
    • Speaker:
    • Mustafa Abdalla is a medical anthropologist who holds a master’s degree in anthropology from the American University in Cairo and a doctoral degree in anthropology from the Free University in Berlin. He conducted research both in Egypt and Mali focusing on health issues, gender, sexuality, health, disease, medical education, mobility and religion. Mustafa Abdalla is affiliated to the Medical Anthropology Unit of the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, The Free University, Berlin and he currently works on his research project “Productive Pathologies: Professional Patients and the Commodification of Disease in Egypt”.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Protest on the Street, and Reconsider the Nation: from the view points of space, violence and resonance” (Principal Investigator: Keiko SAKAI (Chiba University) Project Number: 21H04387), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa, Project number:20H00085)
    Hongo Satellite 4F Seminar Room, Online meeting
    20232023/10/26 (Thu)
    Commons Café
    • 15:00–16:00. Taichi KURONUMA (Assistant Professor, ILCAA) “Mapping through fieldworks: Utilising web consumer applications”
    • Web consumer mapping applications have been widely utilised in various scenes in recent years, and we can easily access the whereabouts of the information we are looking for. This popularisation of web mapping applications can contribute to creating one's maps during fieldwork and easily sharing the on-map outcomes with the public. This Commons Cafe discusses the usefulness of web mapping applications in field science through the case of archaeological practices in Southeast Arabia in the Middle East.
    • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo)
    405, Online meeting
    20232023/10/21 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Connectivities of Islam analyzed by the result of attitude surveys on Syrian, Turkey, and Lebanese people”
    • Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Connectivities of Islam analyzed by the result of attitude surveys on Syrian, Turkey, and Lebanese people” is jointly held by B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” and A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”.
    • As the presentation is based on the contents of the series that will be published in the near future, this workshop is limited to the members of Islamic Trust Studies.
    • Preserntation: Hiroyuki AOYAMA (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies)
    • Program:
    • 10:00–10:40. Hiroyuki AOYAMA “Connectivities of Islam analyzed by the result of attitude surveys on Syrian, Turkey, and Lebanese people”
    • 10:45–11:30. Q&A, Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/10/21 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 9th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian08 (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian08 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/10/21 (Sat)
    Field-networking Roundtable: Fieldworkers Return to the Fields
    • 13:30. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Opening remarks
    • 13:35. Tarô ADATI (Tokyo University of Agriculture) “Field studies for better lives: Africa, entomology and agronomy”
    • 13:50. Yasuhisa KONDO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “Archaeologistics and the pandemic in Oman”
    • 14:05. Yuichi S HAYAKAWA (Hokkaido University) “Fieldwork and remotework connected in the future?”
    • 14:20. Mamoru FUJITA (Keio University) “Continuing Research on Andean Indigenous Languages during and after COVID-19 Pandemic”
    • 14:35. Mari MIYAMOTO (Keio University) “Covid-19 and Bhutan: Where is she headed?”
    • 14:50. Break
    • 15:00. General discussion
    • 16:00. Closing remarks
    • Chair: Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)
    Online meeting
    20232023/10/19 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • Dawa YIDEMUCAO (ILCAA Visiting professor) “Digital Archive of Oirat Mongolian Literary and Oral Materials”
    • Chair: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA)
    303, Online meeting
    20232023/10/17 (Tue)
    Commons Café /the 81st ASC Seminar
    • Title: ‘Care and Reunification in a Cape Verdean Family: Changing Articulations of Family and Legal Ties’
    • The presenter: Heike Drotbohm (University of Mainz, Germany)
    • Chair: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
    303, Online meeting
    20232023/10/15 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project ““Failure” in Field Linguistics”The 1st meeting
    • 10:00–10:30. Introduction/Self-introduction
    • 10:40–11:40. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) Introduction: Failures and regrets in my fieldwork
    • 12:40–13:40. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Failures encountered during my linguistic fieldwork in Indonesia
    • 14:00–15:00. Kunihiko KUROKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Shoin Women’s University) Don't be like me!! -The teacher who made a mistake in data management
    • 15:10–16:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    303, Online meeting
    20232023/10/12 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Emergency Seminar “Discussing the escalation of tensions between Palestine and Israel” will be jointly held by Islamic Trust Studies Project A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”and B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas.” on the escalation of tensions in Palestine.
    • Islamic Trust Studies Emergency Seminar “Discussing the escalation of tensions between Palestine and Israel” will be jointly held by Islamic Trust Studies Project A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”and B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas.” on the escalation of tensions in Palestine.
    • Program:
    • 17:00–17:10. Hidemitsu KUROKI (Area Organizer, ILCAA/SRC, Hokkaido Univ.) Opening Address
    • 17:10–18:00. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (B03 Co-investigator, UTCMES, The University of Tokyo) ,Masayuki TESHIMA (CCP Japan Jerusalem Office) Presentation
    • 18:00–18:30. Discussion, Q&A
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. *Meeting capacity: 300 participants
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • For online participants, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Community Formation among Migrants and Refugees” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826),Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas”(Principal investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University), Project Number: 20H05829)
    Online meeting
    20232023/10/09 (Mon)
    Editorial meeting for the results book of junior researchers: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”
    • Presentation on the content of the results book by authors, and discussion
    • Commentator: Kaoru ADACHI (Kyoto Sangyo University), Keiichi OMURA (The Open University of Japan)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room, Online meeting
    20232023/10/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 8th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian07 (first part)”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian07 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/09/30 (Sat) - 2023/10/01 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (3): Construction of the glossary of terms in the studies of script”

    30 Sep

    • 13:00. Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Clan emblems in ancient China

    • 15:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)

    1 Oct

    • 10:00. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA, TUFS) On the classification and terms for the strokes of Tangut script

    • 13:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (2)
    • Chair: Shintaro ARAKAWA
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    20232023/09/30 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Evolving Conflict in Palestine/Israel: Final Status and Emerging Challenges”
    • 30 Years after the Oslo Accords: Final Status and New Challenges
    • 10:00–10:10. Opening Remarks, Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo)
    • 10:10–12:00. First Panel: What was the Oslo Accords?
    • Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University)
    • Chie EZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Defense Academy)
    • Taro TSURUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo)
    • Shingo HAMANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University)
    • Commentator: Ryoji TATEYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher), Moderator: Akiko SUGASE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
    • 13:00–14:50. Second Panel: Rethinking from the Palestinian Question
    • Taizo IMANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chukyo University)
    • Aoe TANAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima City University)
    • Saul J.TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Jogakuin University)
    • Miyuki KINJO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University)
    • Commentator: Eisuke NARAMOTO (Hosei University), Moderator: Makiko NANBU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • 15:10–16:30. Panel 3: Forgotten Realities
    • Emi KODAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA)
    • Yoshihiro YAKUSHIGE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Doshisha University)
    • Kensuke YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Shizuoka)
    • Commentator: Akira USUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women's University), Moderator: Emi GOTO (ILCAA)
    • 17:10–17:50. General Discussion
    • 17:50–18:00. Emi Goto (ILCAA) Closing Remarks
    • 18:30–. Meeting of Research Members (Administrative matters, etc.)
    Utokyo, Komaba Administration bldg., 3F, Online meeting
    20232023/09/25 (Mon) - 2023/09/26 (Tue)
    International Workshop: Food as a window to the past: Africa, Asia and the Pacific
    • Food is much more than a way for human beings to physically survive: it is an integral part of every culture in the world. Because it requires elements of the natural world (plants, animals...), as well as human-made tools, and because it involves rituals as well as techniques (from hunting, gathering, growing plants and tending domestic animals, to preparing and preserving food), it is at the crossroads between material and immaterial heritage. In this workshop, we propose to explore the way food, as the topic of transdisciplinary research, can help us learn more about past societies, their places of origin, their contacts, their networks and their migrations, as well as their evolution, and current development. The initiators of the workshop are linguists Amina Mettouchi (EPHE/LLACAN, Paris) and Nicholas Evans (ANU, Canberra). Each of them has been exploring the deep history of food as traced through language – Mettouchi in North Africa, on documentation of food preparation (discourse, techniques, utensils and rituals), and lexical variation and reconstruction (in relation to archeological and DNA evidence), especially of cereal-based foods (bazin, couscous), and milk products, and Evans through work documenting the language of food preparation in northern Australia and New Guinea.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 22th Sep. Please contact: asako[at] (please change [at] to @) . *For those participating online, only the audio, video, and shared slides of each presentation will be shared.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing), TUFS Field Science Commons, The Australian National University, CNRS-LLACAN
    20232023/09/23 (Sat) - 2023/09/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 3 meeting
    • Nine members in this project (with two co-authors) and an invited speaker (Akinobu Yamada; Osaka University) are going to make their own presentations. The speakers among members will talk within 35 minutes, followed by respective Q&A sessions for 20 minutes. The invited speaker will talk within 60 minutes, followed by a Q&A session for 30 minutes.This meeting will be held in collaboration with the 11th workshop of the Language Change and Language Variation Research Unit.
    Online meeting
    20232023/09/18 (Mon) - 2023/09/22 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Morphology and syntax of Narrative”303
    20232023/09/20 (Wed)
    Tibetan and Himalayan Cultural Asset Mapping Project Research Meeting
    • Program:
    • 13:30. Opening remarks
    • 13:30–14:10. JIAYANG (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Exploring New Livestock Practices in the Qinghai-Tibet Region in the Post-Pastoral Society: A Focus on Hokkaido Charo Sheep Farm and the Collaborative GsurTang Black Tibetan Sheep Cooperative”
    • 14:10–14:50. PENGMAO XIACUO (Nihon Fukushi University) “The Perception of Gender in the Tibetan Region and the Diverse Social Transformations Due to Modernization as Depicted in the Novel Phyur ba”
    • 14:50–15:00. Coffee Break
    • 15:00–15:20. Yusuke BESSHO (Komazawa University) “Report on Preliminary Field Survey in Sikkim”
    • 15:20–15:40. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Report on Preliminary Field Survey in Baltistan”
    • 15:40–15:50. Coffee Break
    • 15:50–16:30. Masahiro HIRATA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Discussion on the Next Joint Research Project”
    • 16:30. Closing remarks
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04880)
    20232023/09/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 7th meeting
    • 8:00–9:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian05”
    • 9:50–10:10. Break
    • 10:10–12:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian06”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/09/16 (Sat) - 2023/09/17 (Sun)
    International workshop: New perspectives on Tangut study: language and script

    16 Sep

    • Part 1: Linguistics

    • Chair: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA, TUFS)
    • Speaker:
    • Pei-chi CHANG (National Chengchi University): Evidentiality in the Tangut Language<
    • Shuya ZHANG (Trinity Centre for Asian Studies, Trinity College Dublin) [Zoom]: A note on the Tangut directional prefix jij1-
    • Yunfan LAI (Trinity Centre for Asian Studies, Trinity College Dublin) [Zoom]: Lenition discrepancies between Tangut and Modern West Gyalrongic languages

    17 Sep

    • Part 2: Script study and philology

    • Chair: Takumi IKEDA (Zinbunken, Kyoto Univ.)
    • Speaker:
    • Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA, TUFS): Some topics on the study of the shapes of Tangut script
    • Shaohua LIU (Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao School of Ethnology, China) [Zoom]: Study on the Chinese source of the Tangut version of Dengyao
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here. (1st day)
    • For registration, please see here. (2nd day)
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “A Study on the historical Development of the Sino-Tibetan Languages and their Typological Geography” (Principal Investigator: Takumi IKEDA (Kyoto University) Project Number: 18H05219)
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/09/13 (Wed) - 2023/09/14 (Thu)
    • An International Symposium “MUDDYING THE WATERS: TOWARDS A HISTORY OF THE CASPIAN SEA” will be held in Vienna by Islamic Trust Studies A02 and B01 with Australian Academy of Sciences.
    • Language: English
    • For more information, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Commission for the Study of Islam in Central Eurasia, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827)
    Austrian Academy of Sciences Theatersaal, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Vienna
    20232023/09/12 (Tue)
    Tibetan Studies in China and Japan
    • Program:
    • 10:00–10:15. Opening remarks
    • 10:15–11:00. Xiangmin LIAN (Deputy Director of CTRC) Introduction to Research at the China Tibetology Research Center
    • 11:00–11:30. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA), Keisuke IWATA (Tsukuba University) Introduction to Joint Research Project of the Tibetan Studies and the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism
    • 11:30–12:00. Discussions
    • 12:00. Closing Remarks
    • Chair: Izumi HOSHI
    • Language: Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by China Tibetology Research Center (CTRC),Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: HOSHI Izumi (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04880)
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20232023/09/11 (Mon)
    Intensive Language Courses 2023 Khakas cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Takashi OOSAWA (Graduate School of Humanities, Osaka University) Title: “Ancient Culture and Research of Sites in Republic of Khakassia 2”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Minoh Campus, Osaka University
    20232023/09/09 (Sat)
    Lecture by Dr. Christine Kämpfer “Just another Travelogue on Qājār Persia? Exploring the Travel Diaries of the German Botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903) and his observations on society under Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh”
    • ■ Program
    • 16:00–16:05. Introduction
    • 16:05–16:45. Dr. Christine Kämpfer (Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg) “Just another Travelogue on Qājār Persia? Exploring the Travel Diaries of the German Botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903) and his observations on society under Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh”
    • 16:45–17:15. Discussion
    • ■ Title and Abstract
    • Just another Travelogue on Qājār Persia? Exploring the Travel Diaries of the German Botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903) and his observations on society under Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh
    • Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh’s (1831-1896) era saw an enormous increase in foreigners coming to Persia as diplomats, missionaries, and European company representatives. Among these travelers was the German botanist Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903), whose aim was to collect plants and information on the local botany. Haussknecht undertook two botanical expeditions to the so-called Orient: the first in 1865 to the Ottoman Empire, the second in 1866-1869 to the Ottoman Empire and Persia. He recorded his observations in 15 booklets, totaling about 1000 pages, during both journeys. His diaries were never published, thus his travels are mostly unknown beyond the field of botany. The travel diaries of Haussknecht provide insights into the society, politics, and economy of Persia during the 19th century. However, since the diaries were never edited during his own lifetime, they reveal not only the genesis of a travelogue but they also provide a meta level access to Qājār society. This especially is visible in Haussknecht’s treatment of reading material, details which would probably have been deleted during an editing process.
    • This paper presents Haussknecht’s travel diaries as a source for studying Qājār Persia. Additionally, it shows how their meta level can provide a new way of studying the sociocultural landscape of the Nāṣirī period.
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room, Online meeting
    20232023/09/09 (Sat)
    14:30–15:45(Open at 14:15)
    Lecture by Dr. Julia Rubanovich “Biblical Narrative Poems in Judeo-Persian in Fourteenth-Century Iran”
    • ■ Program
    • 14:30–14:35. Introduction
    • 14:35–15:15. Dr. Julia Rubanovich (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) “Biblical Narrative Poems in Judeo-Persian in Fourteenth-Century Iran”
    • 15:15–15:45. Discussion
    • ■ Title and Abstract
    • Biblical Narrative Poems in Judeo-Persian in Fourteenth-Century Iran
    • Shāhīn (fl. in the first part of the 14th century) holds the distinction of being the first known poet to versify portions of the Hebrew Bible in the Judeo-Persian language in the form of long narrative poems (mathnavī). He is credited with four works, the most extensive of which is the Bereshit-nāma (Book of Genesis), composed in 1358/59. Shāhīn was active during the late Ilkhanid and early post-Mongol periods, a time when new forms of patronage over literary and artistic production emerged seeking to blend different cultural worlds. The poet indeed crafted unique amalgams of Jewish and Perso-Islamic traditions, both in form and content.
    • In this talk, I will delve into several episodes from the Bereshit-nāma to explore Shāhīn’s retelling of biblical narratives from a comparative angle, considering both Jewish and Muslim exegetical sources. My aim is to reveal the pool of traditions that Shāhīn might have drawn upon for his version and to elucidate the working techniques and interpretative strategies he employed. Through this analysis, I hope to demonstrate that despite writing in Judeo-Persian, the poet was firmly entrenched in a Persianate cultural domain.
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room, Online meeting
    20232023/09/08 (Fri)
    Intensive Language Courses 2023 Bemba cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Yuko SUGIYAMA (Faculty of Humanities Cultural Properties, Hirosaki University) Title: “The Bemba: Changing Village Life and Traditional Chiefdom”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    306, Online meeting
    20232023/09/08 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)”The 6th meeting
    • 10:00–10:10. Introduction
    • 10:10–11:00. Ryoko WATABE (the University of Tokyo) Records of waqf properties in the real esate inventory of Shaykh Ṣafī al-Dīn Ardabīlī’s shrine: A preparatory study focusing on their relationship with the documentary sources and marginal notes in manuscripts.
    • 11:00–12:00. General discussion
    • 12:00–12:30. Discussion about the joint research pla
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/09/05 (Tue)
    Intensive Language Courses 2023 Georgian cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Takehide HARADA (Organizer of Geogian film festival, Artist) Title: “Georgia and cinema”
    Online meeting
    20232023/09/05 (Tue)
    International Workshop “Magic and the Manipulation of ‘Nature’ in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu Narratives”
    • Program:
    • 10:00–10:30. Opening remarks Yuriko Yamanaka (National Museum of Ethnology) “Where Lie the Boundaries of ‘Nature’?”
    • 10:30–11:00. Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila (University of Edinburgh) “Witchcraft and the Supernatural in Iranian National History”
    • 11:00–11:30. Julia Rubanovich (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) “The Narrative World of the Persian Dastan Vis-à-vis the Binary of Reality and Fantasy”
    • 11:30–12:00. Christine Kämpfer (University of Bamberg) “The Role of Magic and Otherworlds in Khvaju's Humay-u Humayun”
    • 2:00–13:00. Lunch break
    • 13:00–15:00. Museum visit
    • 15:00–15:30. Ulrich Marzolph (University of Göttingen) “Magic in the Thousand and One Nights”
    • 15:30–16:00. Pasha M. Khan (McGill University) “Epistemologies of the Qissah Genre and the Challenge of Western Disenchantment”
    • 16:00–16:30. Break
    • 16:30–18:00. Discussion
    • Admission: Free (260 yen will be charged if one does not register from in advance from the link below)
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: gmed.ilcaa[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here. *Please sign up by 12:00 [GMT+9], 21 August 2023 [Mon]:
    • Jointly sponsored by NIHU Global Area Studies Program “Global Mediterranean at the National Museum of Ethnology” and “Global Mediterranean at ILCAA”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) “The Natural and the Supernatural in Comparative Perspective” (Principal Investigator: Yuriko YAMANAKA (National Museum of Ethnology) Project number:18H03573)
    Seminar Room 4, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka (10-1 Senribam pakukoen, Suita-shi, Osaka, 565-8511, Japan)
    20232023/09/04 (Mon)
    Intensive Language Courses 2023 Khakas cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Takashi OOSAWA (Graduate School of Humanities, Osaka University) Title: “Ancient Culture and Research of Sites in Republic of Khakassia 1 ”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Minoh Campus, Osaka University
    20232023/09/04 (Mon)
    International Workshop on Northeast-Southeast Asian Migration Flows: Towards Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives (Academic Exchange on Asian Studies between UP-Asian Center and TUFS, ILCAA)
    • 13:00–13:10. Opening remarks by prof Ikuya TOKORO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, ILCAA)
    • 13:10–13:40. Presentation 1: Prof. Itaru NAGASAKA (Hiroshima University) “Divergence, Ambivalence and Temporality: Filipino migrant workers’ experiences of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Japan and beyond”
    • 13:40–14:10. Presentation 2: Dr. Michelle Palumbarit (University of the Philippines) “Filipino Migration to Korea: History, Trends, and Possible Directions(1950-2021)”
    • 14:10–15:30. Break Time
    • 15:30–16:00. Presentation 3: Prof.CHEN Tien Shi (Waseda University) “Where We belong? Stateless, Multiple Nationalities, and Transnational Migrants in Asia”
    • 16:00–16:30. Presentation 4: Dr. Noel Christian Moratilla “Othering the Visible, Visibilizing the Other: Stories of Indonesian Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong”
    • 16:30–17:00. General Discussion
    • 17:00–17:10. Concluding remarks by prof Jocelyn Celer (UP Asian Center)
    • Chair: Ikuya TOKORO
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, UP-Asian Center, Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office (KKLO)
    UP Asian Center
    20232023/09/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 6th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University), Takahito YAMADA (Ritsumeikan University) “Examples of Utilization of TEI-Encoding in Research on Excavated Materials (first half)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University), Takahito YAMADA (Ritsumeikan University) “Examples of Utilization of TEI-Encoding in Research on Excavated Materials (second half)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/09/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A new perspective on descriptive linguistics in Africa based on the translingual ecology”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Kyoko KOGA (ILCAA Joint researcher, Kochi University) “Syntactic alternation of possessive and existential sentences in Akan”
    • 2. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint researcher/ Kyoto Sangyo University) “Texts in nonliterate languages, in particular focus on taboo expressions of the Nyoro of West Uganda”
    • 3. All participants “General discussions on the planned international WS and publication”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
    302, Online meeting
    20232023/09/01 (Fri) - 2023/09/03 (Sun)
    International Symposium “Amir Hamza and Beyond: Historical Narratives and Romances across the Muslim World”

    1 Sep

    • 15:00. Opening Remarks

    • 15:15–15:55. Ulrich Marzolph (Göttingen University) Illustrating the Persian Epics in Lithographed Editions of the Qajar Period
    • 15:55–16:35. Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA) How did the Hamza Romance Develop over Time? An Analysis of the Zubdat al-Rumuz
    • 16:35–17:00. Discussions
    • 17:30–19:30. Dinner

    2 Sep

    • 10:30–11:20. Ben Arps (Leiden University/ILCAA) ‘And God Knows Best What Is Correct’: The Marvels of the Real in and around the Javanese Amir Hamza

    • 11:20–12:00. Yumi Sugahara (Osaka University) The Story of Amir Hamzah as a Muslim Side Epic in Java
    • 12:00–12:30. Discussions
    • 14:00–14:40. Kumiko Yamamoto (ILCAA) Performing the Story of Amir Hamza in Iranian Style: Fakhr al-Zamani and the Oral Performance Model
    • 14:40–15:20. Pasha M. Khan (McGill University) The Ways of Storytellers in Mughal South Asia: From Darbar Khan to Baqir ‘Ali
    • 15:20–16:00. Julia Rubanovich (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Verse Insertions in the Hamza-nama
    • 16:00–17:00. Discussions

    3 Sep

    • 10:30–11:20. Osamu Otsuka (The University of Tokyo) Nihayat al-Arab Reconsidered: Reconstructing Pre-Islamic Persian History in the Arabic Historiography:

    • 11:20–12:00. Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila (The University of Edinburgh) Pagan Heroes in an Islamic Society: Literary Responses to the Shahname and its Heroes
    • 12:00–12:30. Discussions
    • 14:00–14:40. Christine Kämpfer (Bamberg University) The Odd Courtly Romance: The Influence of Popular Romances on Khvaju Kirmani’s Humay-u Humayun
    • 14:40–15:20. Yuriko Yamanaka (National Museum of Ethnology) The Demotic Alexander: The Safavid Iskandar-nama and its Possible Impact on Historical Narratives in Southeast Asia
    • 15:20–16:30. Discussions
    • 16:30. Closing Remarks
    20232023/09/01 (Fri)
    Intensive Language Courses 2023 Bemba cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Shigeki KAJI (Center for Language Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University) Title: “Kinship terminology of African languages”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20232023/08/29 (Tue)
    Intensive Language Courses 2023 Georgian cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Kae HISAOKA (National Museum of Ethnology) Title: “Musical Culture of Georgia”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20232023/08/26 (Sat)
    The 18th Tokyo Four Universities Lectures: Environment, Society and Human
    • 13:00–13:20. Opening Remarks
    • 13:20–14:00. Introduction to Campus Life in Tokyo Medical and Dental University
    • 14:00–14:30. Yuta KOCHI (Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
    • 14:35–15:05. Yutaka MAJIMA (Laboratory for Materials and Structures, Institute for Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • 15:05–15:15. Break
    • Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA)
    • 15:50–16:20. Kazuhiro KUMO (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
    • 16:25–16:30. Closing Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Please access the Lectures' web site for participation on site or online by August 21, 2023. The maximum audience is 250 people on site and 500 people online so we will not accept more participants when the audience reached the maximum number.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Union of Four Universities in Tokyo, Research Institutes affiliated to the Tokyo Four Universities
    • Cooperated by Ochanomizukai, United For TUFS, Tokyo Tech Alumni Association, Josuikai
    M&D Tower, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Online meeting
    20232023/08/25 (Fri)
    Intensive Language Courses 2023 Bemba cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Midori DAIMON(Hokkaido University Institute for International Collaboration Study Abroad Coordinator/Lecturer) Title: “Karaoke culture created by Youth in Kampala, Uganda”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/08/22 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia: From Micro and Macro Perspectives”The 2nd meeting
    • 14:00–14:10. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Openning address
    • 14:10–14:40. Dr.Aji Sofanuddin (Research Center for Religion and Belief,BRIN), Mr. M Nur Prabowo Setyabudi(the Research Center for Society and Culture, BRIN) “Religious Governance in Indonesia: From Politics of Harmony to Politics of Moderation”
    • 14:40–15:10. Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Pugh-Kitingan(BorIIS) “Ritual Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sabah, Malaysia: Comparisons and Contrasts between the Kimaragang Dusun of Kota Marudu and the Bajau Kubang of Semporna”
    • 15:10–15:30. Break
    • 15:30–16:00. Prof.Dr. Aiko NISHIKIDA (Keio University) “Islamic Globalism and Localism: Its Interaction in Palestine”
    • 16:00–16:10. Comments by Prof. Dr. Omar FAROUK (Hiroshima City University)
    • 16:10–17:20. Discussion
    • 17:20–17:30. Prof.Dr. Hisao TOMIZAWA (University of Shizuoka) Closing address
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office (KKLO), ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”
    20232023/08/21 (Mon)
    Intensive Language Courses 2023 Georgian cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Teimuraz Lezhava (Ambassador of Georgia to Japan), David Goginashvili (Analyst for the Embassy of Georgia to Japan)
    • Title: “Promoting Georgian Culture in Japan”
    Online meeting
    20232023/08/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 9th meeting
    • 1. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “A review of Clark(1986), Japanese as a tone language”
    • 2. All members Discussion about a workshop
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    20232023/08/08 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Evolving Conflict in Palestine/Israel: Final Status and Emerging Challenges”The 5th meeting
    • Theme: Blurring Boundaries
    • 15:00–15:50. Miyuki KINJO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “The Process of Sharing Memory and the Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees: Focusing on the Lifta Villagers living in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.,”
    • 16:00–16:50. Yoshihiro YAKUSHIGE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Doshisha University) “On Israeli Archaeological Research in the Occupied West Bank and Jerusalem,”
    • 17:00–17:40. Discussion
    • 18:00–. Member meeting
    4F, Bldg.18, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo, Online meeting
    20232023/08/07 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cultural Heritage Archiving of Historic Cairo and its Practical Use for Research and Education”The 1st meeting
    • 15:00. Introduction
    • 15:10. Naoko FUKAMI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Cairo Research Station) “Street hierarchy and residential areas in the Historic Cairo: from an analysis of Napoleon's and 1938 maps”
    • 16:10. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    302, Online meeting
    20232023/07/30 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 13th meeting
    • Four members of the project made their presentations on topics related to phonology or syntax and semantics and the participants made discussion on the topics. The following languages and themes were at issue: Borrowing of medical terminology from the Arabic to Coptic languages, sociolinguistic factors on phonological reduction in Japanese and English, emergence of a new definition of Chinese tones, and wh-interrogative and focalization in Sinhalese.
    • A more specific program was as follows:
    • 1)13:00–14:00. So MIYAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, NINJAL) Sawy MONA (Assiut University): Loanword Phonology and Vowel Reconstruction in the History of the Egyptian Language
    • 2)14:05–15:05. Satoshi NAMBU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Monash University) Variation theory and Japanese: A corpus-based study on the variants ‘teiru’ and ‘teru’
    • 3)15:15–16:15. Yasunori TAKAHASHI(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) The new definition of Chinese tones
    • 4)16:15–17:30. Hideki KISHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) Focusing and movement constraints in Sinhala questions
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by The Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Language Change and Language Variation Research Unit, GSIS, Tohoku University
    Online meeting
    20232023/07/29 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Sharing": Aspects of Coexistence in Humans and Nonhuman Primates”The 1st meeting"
    • 1. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 2. All members “Self-introductions”
    • 3. Tomoyuki TAJIMA (Osaka University) “Concept of “sharing” in Primatology”
    • 4. Jun BABA (Wako University) “Concept of “sharing” in Anthropology”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/07/28 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”The 8th meeting
    • 13:00–13:30. Keiko IKEDA (Shizuoka University) “Intersectionality and Mainstreaming of Gender Perspectives: A view from Bangladesh Studies”
    • 13:35–14:00. Nobuko UESAWA (Mejiro University) “Complexity and Intersectionality of Discrimination against Women in the Christian Community of the Garo Ethnic Minority”
    • 14:05–14:30. Mami KANAZAWA (Sophia University) “Women, Disabled People and Disabled Women: Difficulties Experienced by Disabled Women as a Single Person”
    • 14:40–15:05. Takami ISHIZAKA (Kanto Gakuin University) “From the Working Patterns of Women in Muslim and Ethnic Minority Villages in Rajshahi District”
    • 15:10–15:35. Ami SUZUKI (Kobe University) “Parda Practices and Plurality of Public Space from the Perspective of A Handicraft Workshop”
    • 15:45–16:00. Discassant: Ai SUGIE (Kyoto University)
    • 16:00–16:15. Discassant: Minako KURAMITSU (Ochanomizu University)
    • 16:15–17:15. Discussion
    • Chair: Mayumi MURAYAMA (Institute of Developing Economies)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Gender and Space/Place, The Association of Japanese Geographers, ILCAA. Core Project (Anthropology), TUFiSCo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
    Online meeting
    20232023/07/27 (Thu)
    Reviewing the world from the perspectives of connectivity and trust: reading the series “Connectivity and Trust Buildings in Islamic Civilization”
    • The series “Connectivity and Trust Buildings in Islamic Civilization” started to be issued this spring by the University of Tokyo Press. The series explains that various issues of the modern world are interactively connected and that the present is adjoined to the connectivity of the past. It will also actively explores the hints for building social coexistence among varied cases mentioned in the series.
    • This series consists of eight volumes written by several authors, and its first volume “An Invitation to Islamic Trust Studies” was published in March 2023. In this event, authors of the vol.1 who are also the editors of the series will talk about the innovation of values which the series will make.
    • Speaker:
    • Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA, Hokkaido Univ. Sravic Eurasian Research Center)
    • Jin NODA (ILCAA)
    • Wakako KUMAKURA (Keio University)
    • Moderator: Emi GOTO (ILCAA)
    Books Kinokuniya Shinjuku Main Store, 3rd floor (Specialty Book Floor), Academic Lounge
    20232023/07/26 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 23 “Grammatical Studies and Digital Humanities (2)”
    • 10:30–10:35. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 10:35–11:35. Chihiro TAGUCHI (Graduate School, University of Notre Dame) “Bridging Natural Language Processing and Descriptive Linguistics with Universal Dependencies”
    • 11:35–12:00. All participants Discussion
    • Moderator: Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing) , TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo) , Information Resources Center (IRC)
    Online meeting
    20232023/07/25 (Tue)
    Commons Café
    • 12:00–13:00. Rodney Obien(Keene State College, Head of Special Collections and Archives) Building a Community: The Orang Asli Archive
    • Chair: Aya KAWAI (ILCAA)
    203, Online meeting
    20232023/07/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 5th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Abe Soichiro(Kanazawa University) “Examples of Utilization of TEI-Encoding in Japanese Humanities”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Arnd Helmut Hafner(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Examples of Utilization of TEI-Encoding in European Sinology”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/07/22 (Sat)
    Public Symposium “How about exploring new research sites of abroad”
    • 13:00–13:05. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Opening remarks”
    • 13:05–13:20. Naofumi NAKAGAWA (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University) “Introduction”
    • 13:20–13:45. Maho HANZAWA (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University) “Exploring the research site of patas monkeys in Mole National Park, Ghana”
    • 13:45–14:10. Naohiko IMAJO (ILCAA) “Exploring the research site of Alevi in Republic of Turkey”
    • 14:10–14:20. Questions and Answers
    • 14:20–14:40. Break
    • 14:40–15:05. Ikki MATSUDA (Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University) “Developing the research site of proboscis monkeys in Kinabatangan, Malaysia”
    • 15:05–15:30. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Developing the research site of east african pastoralists: Chamus in Kenya and Dodoth in Uganda”
    • 15:30–15:40. Questions and Answers
    • 15:40–15:50. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (Faculty of Rehabilitation, Chubu Gakuin University) “Comment 1: Long-term continuous research site of great apes in Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, Gabon”
    • 15:50–16:00. Akira TAKADA (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “Comment 2: Long-term continuous research site of Gui/Gana in Ghanzi district, Botswana”
    • 16:00–17:00. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 17th Jul.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(s) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Researcher: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number:19H05591), ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”
    303, Online meeting
    20232023/07/20 (Thu)
    Reading session of Śivadharmottara Chapter 7
    • We read Śivadharmottara Chapter 7.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: ogura [at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ERC Project “The Śivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia”, L'Orientale University of Naples, ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”, Department of Indian Languages and Literature, the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20232023/07/19 (Wed)
    Talk Event: “Exploring African Religions - Islam, Christianity, and Indigenous religions”
    • African religions can be broadly divided into Christianity, Islam, and indigenous religion. In this event, three cultural anthropologists specializing in African religions will discuss the characteristics and contemporary movements of each religion based on their respective publications from this year. By incorporating photographs, videos, and personal experiences accumulated during their long-term fieldwork, we aim to convey the diversity and fascinating aspects of African religions in a comprehensive manner.
    • Speakers:
    • Ran MURATSU - Institute of Asian and African Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    • Tomoki IKENOBE - Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo,
    • Kiyuki EBATA - Wabuka Shrine (Kitakyushu City), Kyoto University.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Kinokuniya Book store, Core Project Anthropology ILCAA, TUFS Field Science Commons
    Books Kinokuniya Shinjuku Main Store
    20232023/07/17 (Mon) - 2023/07/18 (Tue)
    Conference of Heavens and Hells: Life After Death in Religious Traditions from South Asia

    17 Jul

    • 9:30. Introduction

    • 9:45–10:30. Yuko Yokochi (Kyoto University) “Śiva’s Paradisiacal World in the Śivadharmottara”
    • 10:30–11:00. break
    • 11:00–11:45. Florinda De Simini (L’Orientale University of Naples) “The Road to Hell: Sinners and Sins in Early Śaivism and Dharmaśāstra”
    • 11:45–12:30. Kenji Takahashi (The University of Tokyo) “The Path to Paradise Begins in Hell: A Study of the 7th Chapter of the Śivadharmottara”
    • 12:30–14:00. Lunch break
    • 14:00–14:45. Jesse Pruitt (L’Orientale University of Naples/University of Toronto) “The Latter Lives of the Subsequent Stations: Tamiḻ Representations of the Śivadharma’s Heavens, Hells, and Third Place”
    • 14:45–15:30. Takeshi Yokoyama (University of Tsukuba) “Heavens and Hells in Indian Buddhism: The World of Mount Meru and the Sentient Beings Who Transmigrate in It”
    • 15:30–16:00. Break
    • 16:00–16:45. Francesco Sferra (L’Orientale University of Naples) “A Life of Hell: Narakas and Nārakas According to the Abhidharmasamuccayakārikā by Saṅghatrāta”

    18 Jul

    • 10:15–11:00. Tadashi Tanabe (Kyoto University) “Heavenly Images in Gandharan Art”

    • 11:00–11:30. Break
    • 11:30–12:15. Ryūtarō Takezaki (University of Tokyo) “Hell in the Veda: A General Survey”
    • 12:15–13:00. Satoshi Ogura (ILCAA) “How Did Muslims Describe the Indic View of Heaven and Hell?”
    • 13:00–14:30. Lunch break
    • 14:30–15:15. Kengo Harimoto (L’Orientale University of Naples) “The Śivadharmasaṅgraha and its Eight Hells”
    • 15:15–16:00. Csaba Kiss (L’Orientale University of Naples) “Paradise Lost?: Extra Heavens in Paper Manuscripts of the Vṛṣasārasaṃgraha”
    • Chair: Florinda de Simini (L'Orientale University of Naples)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ERC Project “The Śivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia”, L'Orientale University of Naples, ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”, Department of Indian Languages and Literature, the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo
    Third Meeting Room, Law & Letters Building 2, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
    20232023/07/13 (Thu)
    Thinking through the Anthropology × Art : Book launch talk of 'Expanding Images: Boundless Exploration of the Intersection between Anthropology and Art' (Aki Shobo)
    • Art, which has expressed various images held by humans, and anthropology, which has explored the diversity of images associated with culture, technology, and religion. At the intersection of these fields, a book titled 'Expanding Images: Boundless Exploration of the Intersection between Anthropology and Art' has been published by Aki Shobo, bringing together the practices and thoughts of eleven individuals who contemplate the possibilities of unseen images through research, creation, and exhibition.
    • To commemorate the publication, a talk event will be held featuring the three co-editors of the book, as well as one of the contributors.
    • [Profiles of Participants]
    • Mizuho FUJITA: Chief Curator/Program Director at Gallery @KCUA, Kyoto City University of Arts.
    • Itsushi KAWASE: Associate Professor at the National Museum of Ethnology and the Graduate University for Advanced Studies.
    • Ran MURATSU: Assistant Professor at the Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
    • Yoshinari NISHIO: Artist and Associate Professor in the Department of Advanced Art Expression, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • B&B website
    • Peatix ticket page
    • Organized by B&B
    • Cooperated by ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”
    B&B (Book&Beer) Tokyo, Setagaya City, Daita, 2 Chome−36−15 BONUS TRACK 2F
    20232023/07/13 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • Taichi KURONUMA (Assistant Professor, ILCAA) “Formation and transformation of the historical landscape in Southeast Arabia: Case studies in the southern parts of the Al-Hajar piedmont in northern Oman”
    20232023/07/12 (Wed)
    Presentation on the information resource created by the IRC projects (1st meeting in 2023)
    • Ai NISHIDA (Kyoto University) , Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA, TUFS) “On the Old Tibetan Documents Online (OTDO) project”
    • Chair: Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA)
    Online meeting
    20232023/07/09 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamism of Debt (2): Plurality, Conflict and Creativity around Human Economics”The 1st meeting
    • 10:00–10:30. All members Reports and Discussion
    • 10:30–12:00. Keiichiro SAKO (ILCAA Joint Researcher / Ritsumeikan University) “Living as Slaves, Watching as Aristocrats: A Case Study of Social Stratification in East Sumba, with Field Reports”
    • 13:00–14:30. Juntaro FUKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher / Mie University) “Is “Dead Stock” of Shell Money “Tax Collection” without Sovereignty?”
    • 14:30–16:00. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher / Meiji University) “What is the Human Economy?: Gifts, Debt, and Morality”
    • 16:10–17:40. All members Discussion
    • Chair: Yutaka SAKUMA
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388), n.a.
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/07/08 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia: From Micro and Macro Perspectives”The 1st meeting
    • Program
    • 14:00–15:30. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Introduction (Opening Remarks)”
    • 15:40–18:30. Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University) “The meaning of Prophetic genealogy in contemporary Indonesia: the argument on the reliability of Indonesian habibs' genealogy in 2023.”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office (KKLO)
    20232023/07/08 (Sat)
    Learn fieldwork through video editing
    • Shu FUJITA (TUFS Field Science Commons Research Associate) Learn fieldwork through video editing
    • Guest lecturer: Daisaku HASHIZUME (Meiji University)
    • Fieldwork consists of experiencing things in the field, considering about what you feel and think there, and expressing them in written or visual form. In this workshop, you will learn about the process of thinking about and expressing field experiences by editing the video footage that Daisaku HASHIZUME took during his anthropological fieldwork in Solomon Islands. By editing the footage based on the fieldwork, you will be able to “think like” you are thinking from the fieldwork. Even if you have never edited a video or done fieldwork before, please come and join us.
    • Chair: Shu FUJITA
    20232023/07/02 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19”The 9th meeting
    • 13:00–14:30. Discussion
    • Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA)
    • Takeshi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku Bunkazai Eizo Kenkujo (Institution for research and documentation of cultural properties in Tohoku area))
    • Misako OOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University)
    • Satomi OSHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Miyagi University of Education)
    • Chie KAMINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
    • Yoshiaki TAKEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Heian Jogakuin (St. Agnes') University)
    • Ryoko NAGAMINE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts)
    • Emi MAEHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties)
    • Daisuke MUTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gunma Prefectural Women’s University)
    • Ako MASHINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of the Arts)
    • 14:30–14:40. Break
    • 14:40–15:40. Writing Planning and Consultation 5 members
    • 15:40–15:50. Break
    • 15:50–16:50. Writing Planning and Consultation 5 members
    • 16:50–17:00. Planning for the next meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona” -Response to the crisis, negotiation on Physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643)
    Online meeting
    20232023/07/01 (Sat)
    Japanese Macaque Research Seminar 2023
    • Oral presentations:
    • 13:25–13:30. “Opening remarks”
    • 13:30–14:30. Yusuke MITANI (Ishikawa Prefectural University) “Inter-individual differences in foraging behaviors of Japanese macaques in farmlands: influences of sex, age, and personality on the differences and its implication for damage control”
    • Commentator: Hiroto ENARI (Yamagata University)
    • 14:30–15:20. Kana TERAYAMA (Kochi University) “Effects of sampling regime on the estimation of animal space use”
    • 15:30–16:30. Kazuho FUNAKAWA (Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University) “Dietary ecology of Japanese macaques at the individual scale using stable isotope analysis”
    • Commentator: Yamato TSUJI (Ishinomaki Senshu University)
    • 16:30–17:20. Josue PASTRANA (Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University) 「Costs and benefits of living in a vegetated, compared with non-vegetated, enclosure in male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)」
    • Poster presentations:
    • 17:30–18:15. TBA
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    303, Online meeting
    20232023/07/01 (Sat)
    Let's travel around the world together! 2023 Chikyu Tankentai “Let's transform with a Balinese mask!”
    • *Let's travel the world together! 2023
    • Chikyu Tankentai is a series of workshops which tickle children's curiosity to know more about the world.The event is co-organized by anthropologists and actors. Under the theme of “Let's transform with a Balinese mask!”, participants will take part in Balinese masked theater “topeng”, and explore Balinese cosmology and view of humanity.
    • 【AM】10:30-12:45
    • 【PM】14:30-16:45
    • Organizers and Actors: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA), Noriko IIZUKA (Kyoto University/ Representative of MANALABO), Koji SONODA (Niigata University/ Duputy representative of MANALABO), Yuji YANOHARA (National Museum of Ethnology/ MANALABO). Hidetomo NAGASAWA(actor), Mihoko WATANABE (actor)
    • 【AM session】For 1st grade elementary school students and above (including adults)
    • 【PM session】For Anyone over 18 years old
    • Capacity: 15 per session
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFiSCo, MANALABO, ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology)“Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (Principal Investigator: Noriko IIZUKA (Kyoto University) Project number:21K01057), Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Principal Investigator:Koji SONODA (Niigata University) Project number:22K13263)
    • Cooperated by Japan Consortium for Area Studies (JCAS)
    20232023/07/01 (Sat)
    The Global Mediterranean Workshop “Cultural Flow across Africa and Central Eurasia”
    • 13:30–13:40. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:40–15:00. Kota KARIYA (The University of Tokyo) “Mahdism in the Early Sokoto Caliphate”
    • 15:10–16:30. Hiroki SAKAI (Wako University) “Characteristics of the Turkic Heroic Epic : With the example of Alpamys Batyr”
    • 16:30–17:00. General Discussion
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/06/25 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (3): Construction of the glossary of terms in the studies of script”The 1st meeting
    • 10:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)
    • 13:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (2)
    • Chair: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    20232023/06/25 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Research on African Food Cultures: Approaching Their Changing Realities”The 1st meeting
    • 13:00–14:00. Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama) “Explanation of the purpose of this joint research project”
    • 14:15–16:00. Yui SUNANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University) “Local brewing in Kenya and Tanzania in the expansion of commercial beer”
    • 16:15–18:00. Yachiyo TOBITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “Dietary culture of Senegalese urban residents”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Japan African Food Culture Study Group
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Room, Online meeting
    20232023/06/24 (Sat)
    Overseas Scientific Research Forum 2023
    • The 40th Overseas Scientific Research Forum will be held inviting three lecturers in the front line of research in ecology, cultural anthropology, and linguistics to discuss the potential of field science in the digital age based on their latest outcomes of overseas scientific research.
    • Program:
    • 13:00–14:00. General Meeting
    • 14:10–15:30. Overseas Scientific Research Forum Workshop “The potential of field science and Joint research in the digital age”
    • Lecture1: Tetsukazu YAHARA (Kyushu Open University, Field: ecology, evolutionary biology) “Plant Diversity Research in Southeast Asia Utilizing Genome Analysis and Its Contribution to the Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network”
    • Lecture2: Taku IIDA (National Museum of Ethnology, Field: ecological anthropology) “Archiving of primary sources for field sciences: the trajectory of Digital Library for Humanities”
    • Lecture3: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA, Field: linguistics, Tibetan studies) “Field archiving of the traditional culture of Tibetan pastoral people”
    • 15:40–17:10. Discussion with each lecturer
    • Room1: Tetsukazu YAHARA “Plant Diversity Research in Southeast Asia Utilizing Genome Analysis and Its Contribution to the Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network”
    • Room2: Taku IIDA “Archiving of primary sources for field sciences: the trajectory of Digital Library for Humanities”
    • Room3: Izumi HOSHI “Field archiving of the traditional culture of Tibetan pastoral people”
    • 17:15–17:30. Round Table
    20232023/06/22 (Thu)
    Commons Café
    • 15:00–16:00. Kanji KATO (ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities) “Digital archive of grammar description of the Japonic languages”
    • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: tufisco-office [at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFiSCo
    203, Online meeting
    20232023/06/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 9th meeting
    • Presenter 1. Laban Kithinji KINYUA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University/TUFS) “Digital Media Platforms as Spaces of Refuge, Safety Nets, and Seeking Justice in Kenya”
    • Presenter 2. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “Women going to the Middle East: the recent condition of 'housegirls' in Kenya”
    • Moderator: Wakana SHIINO
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project number: 22H00769)
    302, Online meeting
    20232023/06/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“An Anthropological Study on Spatial Governance and Ethnic Relations: Focusing on Southeast Asia”The 1st meeting
    • 13:30–13:45. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) Introduction of the joint research project
    • 13:45–15:00. Self-introductions of joint researchers (Sea areas, island areas, river-mouth deltas)
    • 15:00–15:30. Discussion (Sea areas, island areas, river-mouth deltas)
    • 15:30–15:40. Break
    • 15:40–17:10. Self-introductions of joint researchers (Inlands, mountainous areas, forest areas)
    • 17:10–17:30. Discussion (Inlands, mountainous areas, forest areas)
    • 17:30–18:00. Discussion (The next steps of the project)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Hongo Satellite 8F, Online meeting
    20232023/06/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 4th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Arnd Helmut Hafner(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Training Workshop Historical Informatics (03): Reconsidering Methods of Accumulation of Form and Style Information”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Arnd Helmut Hafner(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Training Workshop Historical Informatics (03): Reconsidering Methods of Accumulation of Form and Style Information”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/06/15 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • Ran MURATSU (ILCAA Assistant Professor) “Witchcraft and Possession in Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches in Africa: The Case of Benin”
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/06/11 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Anthropology of Embodiment: Anthropological Study of Things (4)”The 3rd meeting
    • Program:
    • 14:00–16:00. CAITLIN COKER (Hokkaido University) “Worlding Bodies- The Limitations and Possibilities of a Dancing Anthropology”
    • 16:30–18:30. Masakazu TANAKA (Professional Institute of International Fashion) “Fashinable Body”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20232023/06/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdiciplinary Research (2)”The 5th meeting
    • 13:00–13:10. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Opening Remarks
    • 13:10–14:00. Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido Museum) “(tentative title:) For the publication of the field materials of Saru dialect of Ainu in ILCAA: A study based on questionnaire surveys for the users of the Ainu language archives”
    • 14:10–15:00. Yasushige TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Some issues with the documentation of Ainu Language materials: manuscripts by Matsu Kannari as an example (2)”
    • 15:20–16:10. Kyoko KOJIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) , Yoshie ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Discrepancy between the published material and the raw field data: findings from a trial operation of the database for the preliminary study of the historical significance of Tamura archives
    • 16:20–17:10 . sami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Progress, achievement and policies of the archiving project of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: focusing upon the relationship between artificial intelligence and audio material archives and the rights of the people concerned
    • 17:20–18:00. Osami OKUDA (moderator) General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Conference Room 3310, Sapporo Gakuin University, Online meeting
    20232023/06/04 (Sun)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2011 (Sibe) / The 12th meeting on Sibe language and culture
    • 11:00–11:50. Jing'er WEN (Graduate School of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On the phonological differences in Sibe dialects”
    • Host: Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
    • Commentator: Tomoyuki KUBO (ILCAA Research fellow)
    • 14:00–16:00. Cultural Lecture
    • Shoufu YONG, “My Father - Yong Shanta, a self-taught translator”
    • Host: Kicengge (Otemon Gakuin University)
    • Language: Sibe, Japanese, Chinese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) “Historical and sociolinguistic study of the Manchu language”(Principal Researcher: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Project Number: 20K20274)
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/06/03 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 12th meeting
    • The former session: 13:00–15:00
    • In the former session, Prashant PARDESHI, an invited speaker (professor of National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics) is going to deliver his own presentation, under the following title:The World Atlas of Transitivity Pairs (WATP): What it reveals about the typology of transnitity pairs?. The speakers will talk within 90 minutes, followed by a Q&A session for 30 minutes.
    • For the program, please see here.
    • The latter session: 15:10–17:30
    • In the latter session, the following two pairs of speakers will give their 40 minute talks, followed by 30 minutes discussion:
    • Hiroshi AOYAGI (Nanzan University) “Some Notes on Morphosyntax and Grammaticalization in Japanese and Korean”
    • Yupeng YUE, Yoshiki OGAWA (Tohoku University) “A preliminary study on the structural borrowing, (the loosening of) lexical strata, and constructionalization: with special reference to causative-inchoative alternation and the nominalizating suffix -sa in Japanese.”
    • *The participants of this session are limited to the members.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Language Change and Language Variation Research Unit, GSIS, Tohoku University
    Online meeting
    20232023/06/03 (Sat)
    Reflecting Identities, Creating Selves: Cultural Flows between the Modern Middle East and Japan Meeting 2023
    • This project examines the circulation of culture between the Middle East and Japan in the 20th century through the lens of literature and the arts in a broad sense that transcends genres. Particular attention will be paid to aspects of “projecting the self” and “creating the self,” highlighting the ways in which peoples of the Middle East and Japan have viewed each other. Ultimately, we would like to link our discoveries to the goal of “Global Area Studies,” which is to clarify the mechanisms of the construction and transformation of the contemporary global order.
    • Program:
    • Session 1 (Closed seminar, Global Mediterranean Studies members only)
    • Chair: Nicholas Mangialardi (Williams College)
    • 9:30–9:40. Nicholas Mangialardi (Williams College) Introduction
    • 9:40–10:05. Emi GOTO (ILCAA) Rethinking Religion through Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s Writings on Japan
    • 10:10–10:35. Zahra Moharramipour (The University of Tokyo) Between East and West: Perceptions of Persian Art in Early 20th Century Japan
    • 10:40–11:05. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (The University of Tokyo) Distance to the Palestinian Question: Japanese Civil Society and the Middle East
    • 11:10–12:00. Discussion
    • <Lunch Break>
    • Session 2 (Open to the public)
    • 14:00–16:00. Nicholas Mangialardi (Williams College) Cinemas, Celebrities, and Censors: Making the First Egyptian-Japanese Film Arabu no Arashi
    • Language: English
    • Organized by NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa)
    306, Online meeting
    20232023/06/03 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”The 7th meeting
    • 14:00–15:00. Pryiankoo Sarmah (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati), Seunghun J. Lee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU) “Phonetics of voiceless nasals in Tibeto-Burman languages”
    • 15:30–16:30. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA), Seunghun J. Lee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU) “Phonetic typology of fricatives in Bantu languages”
    • 16:30–17:00. General discussion
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/06/03 (Sat)
    The Global Mediterranean Workshop: The circulation of culture between the Middle East and Japan: On the Japanese Film, Arabu no Arashi (Lecture)
    • This project examines the circulation of culture between the Middle East and Japan in the 20th century through the lens of literature and the performing arts in a broad sense that transcends genres. On this particular occasion, we are holding a film screening (Friday, June 2) and a lecture followed by a discussion (Saturday, June 3) on the subject of Arabu no Arashi/ Arab Storm (directed by Yasushi Nakahira, 1961), a film set in Egypt starring Yujiro Ishihara. Particular attention will be paid to aspects of “projecting the self” and “creating the self,” highlighting the ways in which peoples of the Middle East and Japan have viewed each other.
    • 14:00–14:05. Emi GOTO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:05–15:00. Cinemas, Celebrities, and Censors: Making the First Egyptian-Japanese Film Arabu no Arashi (Nicholas Mangialardi, Williams College)
    • 15:00–16:00. Discussion
    • Speaker: Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi is a scholar of Arabic literature and music whose research focuses on modern Egypt. He is currently working as a visiting assistant professor of Arabic Studies at the Williams College. His recent works include “The Social Life of Songbooks” (ArabLit Quarterly, 2021) and “Deciphering Egyptian Rap Ciphers” (Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 2019).
    306, Online meeting
    20232023/06/02 (Fri) - 2023/06/03 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research based on Dr. Shigeru Tsuchida’s data on Formosan languages”The 1st meeting

    2 Jun

    • 10:30-13:00. Review of Tsuchida Materials I

    • 14:00-15:00. Report on the current status of materials curation and Prospects for Research Using Tsuchida Materials I
    • 15:00-17:30. Review and Examination of Tsuchida Materials II

    3 Jun

    • 10:30-13:00. Review of Tsuchida Materials III

    • 14:00-15:00. Report on the current status of materials curation and Prospects for Research Using Tsuchida Materials I
    • 15:00-17:30. Review and Examination of Tsuchida Materials IV
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), TUFS Field Science Commons
    301, Online meeting
    20232023/06/02 (Fri)
    The Global Mediterranean Workshop: The circulation of culture between the Middle East and Japan: On the Japanese Film, Arabu no Arashi
    • This project examines the circulation of culture between the Middle East and Japan in the 20th century through the lens of literature and the performing arts in a broad sense that transcends genres. On this particular occasion, we are holding a film screening (Friday, June 2) and a lecture followed by a discussion (Saturday, June 3) on the subject of Arabu no Arashi/ Arab Storm (directed by Yasushi Nakahira, 1961), a film set in Egypt starring Yujiro Ishihara. Particular attention will be paid to aspects of “projecting the self” and “creating the self,” highlighting the ways in which peoples of the Middle East and Japan have viewed each other.
    • 17:00–17:05. Emi GOTO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 17:05–17:15. On Arabu no Arashi (Nicholas Mangialardi, Williams College)
    • 17:15–18:45. Screening of Arabu no Arashi (Directed by Yasushi Nakahira, 1961, Japanese)
    • For details, please see here.
    • 18:45–19:00. Break
    • 19:00–19:30. Q&A
    • Speaker: Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi is a scholar of Arabic literature and music whose research focuses on modern Egypt. He is currently working as a visiting assistant professor of Arabic Studies at the Williams College. His recent works include “The Social Life of Songbooks” (ArabLit Quarterly, 2021) and “Deciphering Egyptian Rap Ciphers” (Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 2019).
    20232023/06/01 (Thu)
    Commons Café
    • 15:00–16:00. Erina OTA-TSUKADA (ILCAA) “Co-Thinking about Questions with No Answers: Humanities Outreach with ‘Realization’ and ‘Empathy’”
    • The Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (A) “Islamic Trust Studies” calls a series of outreach activities aimed at returning academic achievements to society “Civil Dialogue.” Since FY2021, ILCAA and Setagaya Jinji Hoyouen have jointly conducted outreach activities in the form of dialogues without limiting the target audience on the part of the organizers. In this talk, I would like to review the civil dialogue at the preschool and the exhibition at ILCAA and talk about the results and challenges of the project. Let’s find together the co-creation of humanities knowledge beyond “communication.”
    • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo)
    203, Online meeting
    20232023/05/28 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A sociolinguistic study of heritage languages and ethnic identities of migrants” The 7th meeting / The 32nd Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    • 10:00–11:30. All participants Business meeting
    • 11:30–13:00. Break
    • 13:00–13:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:10–14:30. Junko SARUHASHI (Aoyama Gakuin Univerity) “The circulation of semiotic resources in nation-specific festivals and space creation: The case of Thai Festival in metropolitan areas in Japan”
    • 14:30–14:40. Break
    • 14:40–15:20. Rika YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University) ““Who wants to see the City Hall in green and white?” A report on fieldwork in March 2023”
    • 15:20–15:30. Break
    • 15:30–16:45. All participants Workshop+Discussion, Facilitator: Rika YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University), Speaker: Rika YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University), Rei SUGIURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo/JSPS), Commentator: Takaya HAYASHI (Mukogawa Women's University))
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    • Cooperated by Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    Hongo Satellite 8F, Online meeting
    20232023/05/21 (Sun)
    A Screening for a Certain Spring - Portraying the Disaster from Ishinomaki
    • <Message from Sonomi SATO>
    • Since March 2011, spring has come every year, the first year and the second year. It is a break in our days and a time to face ourselves and look back at ourselves. I hope that by viewing this work, viewers will also have a time to face themselves.
    • Program:
    • 14:00. Opening
    • Greeting Ryoko NISII
    • 14:15–15:30. Screening
    • Fiction film “spring comes again and again” (2019 / 45 min)
    • Documentary “If I could talk to your eyes” (2019 / 29 min)
    • 15:30–15:45. Break
    • 15:45–16:45. Sonomi SATO + Tomoko NIWA + all participants Talk + Q&A
    • 16:55–17:00. Tomoko NIWA Closing
    • <Film director, talk>Sonomi SATO (filmmaker)
    • <Planning>Tomoko NIWA (National Institutes for the Humanities)
    • <Moderator>Ryoko NISII (ILACAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For the program, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project“Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, TUFiSCo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Reconsideration of Anthropology of Dearh:An Anthropological Approach to Reality" through Affect Theory” (Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII(ILCAA) Project Number: 21H00642)
    • Cooperated by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”
    20232023/05/21 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19”The 8th meeting
    • 13:00–13:30. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Consultation on future plans for the study group
    • 13:30–14:30. Daisuke MUTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gunma Prefectural Women’s University) “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Striptease Theatres: The “Fundamentally Unwholesome” Performing Arts Scene”
    • 14:30–15:15. Q&A
    • 15:15–15:30. Break
    • 15:30–16:30. Masataka SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University / The Association for the Study of Japanese Mountain Religion) “Domesticating Corona Crisis :Case of Monster Amabie and Onbashira Festival”
    • 16:30–17:15. Q&A
    • 17:15–18:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona” -Response to the crisis, negotiation on Physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643)
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/05/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 3rd meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reflections on the Use of TEI Encoding for the Construction of a Data Base of Bamboo Slips and Wooden Tablets”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Training Workshop Historical Informatics (02): Accumulation of Vocabulary Information”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by IlCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/05/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”The 7th meeting
    • Speaker1: Koishi FUJITA (Kyoto University) “Economic development and transformation of labour market in Bangladesh: With special reference to rural labour market”
    • Speaker2: Toshihiko SUDA (Daito Bunka University) “Influence of increasing migration on Bangladeshi rural economy: Observation of the two villages in Cumilla District”
    • Speaker3: Mineo TAKADA (Hiroshima Shudo University) “Bangladeshi society through the lens of migration: Based on research experience and literature review”
    • General Discussion
    • Chair: Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Please contact: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) fakir[@] (please change [at] to @) .
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research: Fostering Joint International Research (B) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024)
    Meeting Room, International Center, 4th Floor, University Building-8, Aoyama Campus, AOYAMA GAKUIN UNIVERSITY
    20232023/04/27 (Thu)
    Commons Café
    • 15:00–16:00. Shu FUJITA (TUFiSCo) “How can we use LLM in our research: case studies and a review of their potential”
    • 15:00–16:00. The commons café this time will be a face-to-face meeting, more like a ‘café.’ Mr. FUJITA will provide a brief introduction about LLM services (such as ChatGPT), then participants will discuss to find new research possibilities based on them.
    20232023/04/25 (Tue)
    DDDLing Forum: Bound pronouns and constituent order in the Minahasan languages: the significance for western Austronesian typology
    • A talk by Dr. Timothy Brickell, who is currently staying at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia Africa as a JSPS Postdoctoral fellow.
    • Abstract:
    • Western Austronesian languages exhibiting symmetrical-voice alternations are frequently categorised as either ‘Philippine-type’ or ‘Indonesian-type’. Both geographic and a range of morphosyntactic criteria are used to distinguish these two subcategories. Despite this, it has been noted that this binary distinction is at times insufficient for describing the variation among these languages. The study provides further evidence of this typological problem, by examining several aspects of morphosyntax in four languages of the Minahasan micro-group of North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
    • In terms of bound pronominal systems and clausal constituent order, these languages exhibit, to varying degrees, features which are atypical to either subcategory. Additionally, previously described transition processes which might explain the development of these features are shown not to be applicable. Instead, the various language-internal innovations are best described as a result of multiple well attested, and sometimes conflicting, cross-linguistic preferences which occur at various levels of structure. This further illustrates the relevance of these natural-language tendencies more broadly, regardless of other structural considerations such as morphosyntactic alignment or the arrangement of grammatical relations.
    • In terms of bound pronominal systems and clausal constituent order, these languages exhibit, to varying degrees, features which are atypical to either subcategory. Additionally, previously described transition processes which might explain the development of these features are shown not to be applicable. Instead, the various language-internal innovations are best described as a result of multiple well attested, and sometimes conflicting, cross-linguistic preferences which occur at various levels of structure. This further illustrates the relevance of these natural-language tendencies more broadly, regardless of other structural considerations such as morphosyntactic alignment or the arrangement of grammatical relations.
    • Chair: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) asako[at] (*Please change [at]to@.)
    • Language: English
    • For the program, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    303, Online meeting
    20232023/04/22 (Sat) - 2023/04/23 (Sun)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 18th meeting

    22 Apr

    • 1. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Mircea Eliade's Theory of the Origin of 'Religion' and Indigenous Religious Culture in India. (Tentative)”
    • 2. Noriko ITO (Kyoto University) “From non-human studies, how might we approach ‘the origin and evolution of human sociality’? (Tentative)”

    23 Apr

    • 1. Shinichi FUJII (National Museum of Ethnology) “The Evolution of Law and Sociality: from Way to Law (tentative title)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    304, Online meeting
    20232023/04/21 (Fri) - 2023/04/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 2nd meeting

    21 Apr

    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian01 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian01 (Second part)”

    22 Apr

    • 10:00–11:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian02”
    • 11:50–13:15. Break
    • 13:15–15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian03”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:15–17:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian04”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20232023/04/15 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The Balkan route of Refugees and Immigrants: the pushbacks and its background”
    • Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The Balkan route of Refugees and Immigrants: the pushbacks and its background” will be jointly organized B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” and “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building.”
    • Speaker: Testuya SAHARA (Meiji University, B03 Co-investigator)
    • Discussant: Aiko NISHIKIDA (Keio University)
    • Program:
    • 16:00–16:05. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 16:05–17:05. Tetsuya SAHARA “The Balkan route of Refugees and Immigrants: the pushbacks and its background”
    • 17:05–17:15. Aiko NISHIKIDA Comments and discussion by the discussant
    • 17:15–18:00. General discussion
    • Abstract:
    • The speaker will present the collapse of immigration and refugee restriction policies after Europe's refugee crisis and the current situation of horrible human rights violations caused by the collapse.
    • Contact: yamamoto_saki[at] (Saki YAMAMOTO) (please change [at] to @)
    • Condition: In person (Only only open to members of the“Islamic Trust Studies”research groups)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University) Project Number: 20H05829), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”(Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826)
    Venue: Room 404R, 4F, Global Front, Surugadai Campus, Meiji University
    20232023/04/07 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (5): Utilizing digital humanities for a comprehensive diplomatics of unearthed wooden documents”The 1st meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Arnd Helmut Hafner(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Training Workshop Historical Informatics: Accumulation of Form and Style Information (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Arnd Helmut Hafner(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Training Workshop Historical Informatics: Accumulation of Form and Style Information (first part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222023/03/30 (Thu)
    Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
    • Susumu SATO (Research Associate, ILCAA) “Attempting to reconstruct the Middle East Map Database”
    • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Rethinking Suratrāṇa: God's armor or Yavanas' title?”
    20222023/03/29 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia”The 3rd meeting
    • 13:30–14:30. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Quest for the Persian Original of Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiyyah”
    • 14:30–15:30. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “On Nurdin Ar-Raniri's Critique of wahdatul wujud”
    • 15:45–16:45. Yasuko YOSHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Specially appointed Researcher of Graduate School of Asian and African Studies, Kyoto University) “Po Kuk in Bani's religious text Patar”
    • 16:45–17:45. Pramono (Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia) “A Newly Discovered Manuscripts: Second Version of Syarh Rubai of Hamzah Fansuri written by Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani”
    • 18:00–18:30. Meeting
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Early Islamization of Southeast Asia: Religion, Kingship, and Cosmology” (Principal Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) Project number: 21H00575)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/28 (Tue) - 2023/03/30 (Thu)
    [Canceled]Follow-up meeeting of Intensive language course (Munda)
    • [This meeting has been Canceled]
    • 10:00–16:00. Reviewing lectures
    • 10:00–16:00. Conversation practices by participants
    • 10:00–12:00. Online interactive sessions with Munda people
    • 13:00–16:00. Presentations by participants
    • Language: Japanese, Munda
    • Organized by ILCAA
    302, Online meeting
    20222023/03/26 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 10th meeting
    • 1. Kei NAGAOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/The University of Tokyo) “Medicinal Herbs of Tibetan Medicine and Pastoralism in the Himalayas”
    • 2. Ai NISHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Animal Offerings in the Old Tibetan Funeral Rituals”
    • 3. All members Review Meeting on the book “A Dung Culture Flourishes on the Tibetan Plateau” (authored by Pingping Zhang)
    • 4. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Systematic Comparisons of Folk Vocabulary about Milk Culture”
    • 5. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Exploring the History of Interaction in the Tibeto-Himalayan Regions and the Surrounding Areas through Milk Processing Technologies and Food Habits”
    • 6. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/TUFS) “Database-based Comparison of Fuel Utilization Across the Tibeto-Himalayan Region”
    • 7. Pingping ZHANG (The University of Kitakyushu) “Ecological and Symbolic Perspectives of Yak Dung for Tibetan Nomads”
    • 8. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “'Killing' and 'Keeping Alive' Livestock”
    • 9. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “Transportation System of the Dalai Lama Government between Tibet and Mongolia by Focusing on the Livestock Management”
    • 10. Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai Nationalities University) “Transformation from Traditional to Contemporary Pastoralism in the Tibetan Plateau ー Based on the Example of Lhakar Model in Tsekog”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing), Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows “Geolinguistical and Historical Study on Tibetic Languages with Focuses on Characteristic grammar and Ethnoterminology” (Principal Investigator: Shiho EBIHARA Project Number: 20J40127), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04480)
    306, Online meeting
    20222023/03/25 (Sat) - 2023/03/26 (Sun)
    Iranian Studies Meeting

    25 Mar

    • 14:00. Hitoshi SUZUKI (IDE)

    • 14:30. Elham Saberi (Hiroshima University)
    • 15:45. Confessions
    • 17:00. The Session will be closed

    26 Mar

    • 10:00. Kenji TOMITA (Doshisha University)*

    • 10:30. Nachiko MORI (Hitotsubashi University)*
    • 11:10. Behnam Jahedzadeh (Osaka University)
    • 11:55. Naho NAKAMURA (Osaka University)
    • 13:15. Makoto HACHIOSHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • 14:35. Tomoko YAMAGISHI (Meiji University)
    • 14:55. Kenji KURODA (National Museum of Ethnology)
    • 15:15. Miki KAMIYAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • 15:45. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
    • 16:05. Confessions2
    • 17:00. The Session will be closed.
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/25 (Sat) - 2023/03/26 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”The 6th meeting
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For the program, please see here.
    • For online participants, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Deciphering the History of Yaponesians through Comparison and Analyses between Japanese and the Other Concerned Languages” (Principal Investigator: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Project Number: 18H05510)
    304,Online meeting
    20222023/03/25 (Sat)
    Workshop “Circles of Trust: Marriage, Village Guarantors, and Private Reading Groups in the Ottoman Empire”
    • The Workshop “Circles of Trust: Marriage, Village Guarantors, and Private Reading Groups in the Ottoman Empire” will be jointly organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), “International joint research on social class and gender in the Ottoman Empire” (AKIBA Jun, 20H01322).
    • Program:
    • 13:30–13:45. Opening
    • 13:45–14:30. Koh Choon Hwee (UCLA) “Trust, Connectivity and Empire: Nested Suretyships in the Ottoman Postal System”
    • 14:35–15:20. Tommaso Stefini (European U Institute) “Risky unions: Venetian/Ottoman marriages and contested inheritances”
    • 15:50–16:35. Baki Tezcan (UC Davis) “The not-so-well-connected domains of Ottoman knowledge production: Su’udi’s The Book of Felicity and The New Report and their reception.”
    • 16:35–17:00. Discussions
    • Moderator: Jun AKIBA (The University of Tokyo)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For face to face participants, please visit the link here.
    • For online participants, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “International joint research on social class and gender in the Ottoman Empire” (Jun AKIBA (The University of Tokyo)Project number: 20H01322)
    Tokushokan, 2nd floor, Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University, Online meeting
    20222023/03/24 (Fri)
    DDDLing workshop for early career researchers
    • 1.14:00–14:15. Introduction/Icebreak
    • 2.14:15–15:15. Short talks by the speakers
    • [15:15–15:30 break].
    • 3.15:30–16:30. Group discussion (on-site and online)
    • 4.16:30–17:00. Wrap-up
    • Speakers:
    • Sho YAMAOKA (Osaka University/JSPS)
    • Yuzuki TSUKAGOSHI (Graduate school, University of Tokyo)
    • Yasuka FUKAYA (ILCAA)
    • Fascilitator: Hayato AOI (TUFS)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), Center for Transdisciplinary Research, Networking and Dialogue (TReND), TUFS; Multi- and Inter-cultural Research and Innovation Fellowship (MIRAI fellowhip), TUFS
    304, Online meeting
    20222023/03/23 (Thu)
    Lecture by Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova
    • Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization”and A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” will invite Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova in collaboration with Central Eurasian Studies Association. She will give a lecture “The Russian Statistical Science of the 19th Century: The Impact of the Consumption Theories on the Colonization of the Kazakh Steppes”.
    • Program
    • Speaker: Dr.Zhanar Jampeissova (Astana IT University, Kazakhstan) Title: “The Russian Statistical Science of the 19th Century: The Impact of the Consumption Theories on the Colonization of the Kazakh Steppes”
    • Moderator: Jin NODA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: nodajin[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 22nd Mar.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization”(Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC Hokkaido University) Project Number: 20H05823), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)“Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”(Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA, TUFS) Project Number: 20H05825), Central Eurasian Studies Association
    304, Online meeting
    20222023/03/23 (Wed)
    commons café
    • 15:00–16:00. Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA) “On the Language of Jesus: How to analyze the language environment in 1st century Palestine”
    • Chair: Shu FUJITA (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFiSCo
    203, Online meeting
    20222023/03/22 (Wed) - 2023/03/23 (Thu)
    Pacific Rim Ottomanists’ Conference
    • We are pleased to announce that the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo will be organizing an international conference on Ottoman history, entitled “Pacific Rim Ottomanists’ Conference” on March 22 and 23, 2023. This conference brings together scholars of Ottoman history based in East Asia and the Western regions of the United States to share their ongoing research. The conference will be held both in person and online. Please fill in the form and choose either “online” or “in person.” In-person participants (up to 18 people) will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.
    • Program:
    • 17:00–18:40. Opening session
    • Jun AKIBA (The University of Tokyo) Opening remarks
    • Baki Tezcan (UC Davis) “Birgili, Akhisarlı, and Kadızade: A Story of Disenchantment in Three Acts.”
    • Jun AKIBA “Visiting the Courtroom through Back Door: A New Look at the Ottoman Sharia Courts”
    • [1st Session].
    • 10:30–12:00. Law and Justice in the Ottoman Empire
    • Tommaso Stefini (European Univ. Institute) “Ottoman justice and Political Economy of Empires: Venetian merchants in Ottoman Courts (16th-18th centuries)”
    • Nora Barakat (Stanford Univ.) “Assembling Private Property in the Late Ottoman Empire, From Homs to Hufuf”
    • [2nd Session].
    • 13:20–14:50. Early Modern Istanbul: From the Palace to the Street
    • Koh Choon Hwee (UCLA) and Madoka MORITA (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) “How to Keep the Horses Happy: Urban Crowding in Eighteenth-Century Istanbul”
    • Satoshi KAWAMOTO (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) “New Dorms for New Elites :The Baltacılar and the Ottoman Palatial Architecture in the Seventeenth Century”
    • [3rd Session].
    • 15:20–16:50. Ottoman Urban History
    • Masato TANAKA (The University of Tokyo) “Men of Professions and Money”: Freemasonry, Civic Associations, and the Formation of a New Social Class in Late Ottoman Beirut
    • Eunjeong Yi (Seoul University) and Madoka MORITA (ILCAA) “Reconsidering Mahalles of Ottoman Istanbul” (tentative title)
    • *The conference is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 20H01322 and 20H05827
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: Jun AKIBA (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) j-akiba[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 23:59, 19th Mar.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number:20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), “International joint research on social class and gender in the Ottoman Empire” (Principal Investigator: Jun AKIBA (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo) Project number:20H01322)
    Large meeting room (3rd floor), Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo, Online meeting
    20222023/03/22 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Visualization of the History and Historical Space of the Middle East: Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Age”The 4th meeting
    • Program:
    • 13:30. Open
    • 14:00–14:40. Presentation 1
    • Takao ITO (Kobe University) , Erina OTA (ILCAA) “Digital analyzes of Arabic biographies in the fifteenth century”
    • 14:45–15:25. Presentation 2
    • Susumu SATO (ILCAA) “Analyses of the urban space of Historic Cairo using GIS”
    • 15:30–16:10. Presentation 3
    • Hiroshi KATO (Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University) “Analyzing History from the viewpoint of space: the ship navigation circumstances of the Suez Canal during the interwar period”
    • 16:10–16:30. Break Time
    • 16:30–16:40. Comment 1 by Yutaka GOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Yokohama City University)
    • 16:40–16:50. Comment 2 by Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University, C01 Co-investigator)
    • 16:50–17:30. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “A Comparative Study of Alexandria and Yokohama during the Interwar Period using “the Historical Digital Globe” GIS” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka GOTO (Yokohama City University) Project Number: 21H03695), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Research on the Human Nexus of the Civilian Elite Through a Digital Analysis of Pre-Modern Arabic Texts” (Principal Investigator: Erina OTA (TSUKADA) (ILCAA), Project Number: 21H05374)
    20222023/03/22 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamism of Debt (2): Plurality, Conflict and Creativity around Human Economics”The 3rd meeting
    • 9:00–10:30. Keiichiro SAKO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan University) “A preliminary study of social stratification in Eastern Sumba: focusing on the relationship between nobles and slaves”
    • 10:30–12:00. Masaharu KAWANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “The Intersection of Vernacular Concepts about ”Indebtedness” in Pohnpei, Micronesia: Recontextualizing Debt in Ethnographic Descriptions of Economic Relationships”
    • 13:00–14:30. Chikako NAKAYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “About “Notgeld” or emergency money in the interwar Germany and Austria”
    • 14:30–16:00. Manami HAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Osaka Metropolitan University) “A Report on the Reception of David Graeber in French Political Anthropology”
    • 16:10–17:40. All members Discussion
    • Chair: Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/21 (Tue)
    International Workshop “Banakati and Khvandamir: Value and Readership of Persian General Histories”
    • 14:00–14:15. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Opening address
    • 14:15–14:55. Osamu OTSUKA (The University of Tokyo) “Tārīkh-i Banākatī Reconsidered: Beyond Rashīd al-Dīn-centrism
    • 15:10–15:50. Philip BOCKHOLT (WWU, Münster) “Read by Whom? On the Question of Readership of the Ḥabīb al-Siyar in the Eastern Islamic World”
    • 16:05–17:00. General Discussion
    • Abstract:
    • Tārīkh-i Banākatī Reconsidered: Beyond Rashīd al-Dīn-centrism Osamu OTSUKA (The University of Tokyo) Abū Sulaymān Dāwūd b. Abī al-Faḍl Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Dāwūd al-Banākatī’s Tārīkh-i Banākatī is a Persian universal history compiled in the Ilkhanid period that was dedicated to the ninth Ilkhanid ruler, Abū Sa‘īd (r. 1316–35) on 31 December 1317. This work has commonly been considered to be an abridgement of Rashīd al-Dīn’s (d. 1318) Jāmi‘ al-Tawārīkh since the middle of the nineteenth century. This kind of negative evaluation is found deeply rooted in most previous studies. While the work Jāmi‘ al-Tawārīkh is highly admired and widely studied, other Persian universal histories written in the Ilkhanid period including the Tārīkh-i Banākatī, have not attracted commensurate attention. It is worth noting that later intellectuals in pre-modern Persianate societies never evaluated the Tārīkh-i Banākatīas a mere abridgement of the Jāmi‘ al-Tawārīkh, which has no value. This paper is the first philological study of the Tārīkh-i Banākatī. By investigating its remaining manuscripts and comparing the text with that of other Persian universal histories, I reconsider its historical value in Persian historiographical studies (especially in the Ilkhanid period). Read by Whom? On the Question of Readership of the Ḥabīb al-Siyar in the Eastern Islamic World Philip BOCKHOLT (WWU, Münster) The Persian world history Ḥabīb al-Siyar is one of the most copied historiographical works in Islamic intellectual history. Written by the Iranian historian Khvāndamīr (d. 1535/36) in Herat during the rule of the Shiʿi Safavids in the 1520s, the book was subsequently adapted to the religious and political expectations of his later patrons, the Sunni Mughals in India, and circulated through hundreds of copies spread across the entire eastern Islamic world. In my paper, I will analyse manuscript copies of the work and offer new insights into their readership at various locations in the premodern Islamic world. Taking cues from reception, provenance, and historical readership studies, I will examine ownership and readership notes, endowment seals and illustrations in order to shed light on the owners and readers of the work between the 16th and early 20th centuries. By giving an in-depth analysis of marginal notes found in the extant copies, I will situate the Ḥabīb al-Siyar within the broader framework of Islamic book culture and show that the chronicle was part of a larger canon of texts. This canon was read within a greater Persianate world including not only the Safavid court in Iran and the Mughal court in India, but also places on the Deccan as well as in Central Asia and the Ottoman Empire. My paper thus offers comprehensive insights into the transregional transmission of Persian historiography as well as regionally specific readership practices.
    • Moderator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Contact:
    • eurasia-haneda[at] (HANEDA MEMORIAL HALL)
    • gmed.ilcaa[at] (Global Mediterranean at ILCAA)
    • *Please change [at] to @
    HANEDA MEMORIAL HALL (Center for Studies of Cultural Heritage and Inter Humanities, CESCHI), Online meeting
    20222023/03/20 (Mon)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Trade Diasporas across the Early Modern Mediterranean”
    • The Workshop “Trade Diasporas across the Early Modern Mediterranean” will be organized by B01“The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems(Principal Investigator: KONDO Nobuaki).”
    • Tommaso Stefini (European University Institute) “Hosting the stranger: trade diasporas across the early modern Mediterranean (15th-18th centuries)”
    • Abstract
    • During the early modern period, expanding diplomatic activities and trade connections across the Mediterranean promoted the creation of diasporas of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim merchants in the main commercial centers of the Ottoman Empire and Mediterranean Europe. In order to benefit from economic opportunities and to cope with the challenges arising from human migration and religious diversity, the rulers of Christian and Muslim states had to devise institutional arrangements to regulate the presence of foreign communities within their borders. These arrangements usually included hosting these groups in distinct neighborhoods or secluded buildings, allowing them a degree of self-administration in intra-group taxation and justice administration, and offering them fiscal exemptions and legal privileges in state courts. By focusing on the Ottoman trade hubs of Istanbul, Izmir, and Aleppo and on the European ports of Venice, Livorno, and Marseille, this presentation will argue that, despite differences in the political and legal systems, the Ottoman, Italian, and French governments devised comparable solutions to regulate the residence and business activities of foreign merchants. These solutions included the issuance of charters of privileges and duties and similar regulations on matters of residence, justice administration, and economic rights which aimed to both include foreign merchants in the states’ legal and economic systems and limit their contacts with the host population. These similar arrangements, it will be argued, stemmed from the shared institution of the safe- conduct (Latin, salvus conductus, Arabic/Turkish aman), which had regulated inter-state relations and the protection of religious minorities and foreign merchants in the Middle East and Mediterranean Europe since the period Crusades in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Despite these shared solutions, however, there also existed a degree of difference among all the contexts under study-for instance, in the freedom of movement and business activity granted to merchants as well as in acceptance of any religious groups- which relate to the political economy of long-distance trade of different states.
    • Moderator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    301, Online meeting
    20222023/03/20 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Mediterranean as a Connecting Sea”The 2nd meeting
    • The second meeting of the Joint Research Project, “The Mediterranean Sea as a Connected Sea”, will be held at JaCMES in Beirut on 20 March.
    • The presenters are as follows:
    • Felix Arnold (ILCAA Joint Researcher, German Archaeological Institute) The Eastern Influence on a room of Alhambra Palace
    • Georg Christ (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Manchester) Venetians in Alexandria and the Mediterranean World
    • Tomoaki SHINODA (ILCAA) Learning agnosticism in Saadian Marrakesh
    • Haruka SUEMORI (Hokkaido University) Ottoman-Venetian Maritime Regime on Piracy in the Early Modern Mediterranean
    • Chair: Tomoaki SHINODA
    • Language: English
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut (JaCMES), Online meeting
    20222023/03/20 (Mon)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 22 “Grammatical Studies and Digital Humanities (1)”
    • 13:00–13:30. Keita KURABE (ILCAA), Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo) “Grammatical Studies and Digital Humanities”
    • 13:30–14:20. So MIYAGAWA (NINJAL) “Methods and Praxis in Digital Humanities: Centering on Linguistic Data (Text Corpora, Audio, and Video)”
    • 14:30–15:20. Yuzuki TSUKAGOSHI (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Possibilities of Machine Learning and AI in Linguistics”
    • 15:30–16:00. All participants Discussion
    • Moderator: Yona TAKAHASHI (TUFiSCo)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Information Resources Center (IRC)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/19 (Sun) - 2023/03/20 (Mon)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” : tripartite (three man) talk

    19 Mar

    • 15:00–17:30. Pre-meeting

    20 Mar

    • 10:00–12:00. Meeting
    • 13:30–17:30. Meeting
    • 18:00–20:00. Information exchange meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Onyado Sakaya 2F (Okamoto Taro Gallery & Conference room)
    20222023/03/19 (Sun) - 2023/03/20 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 6th meeting
    • Eight members in this project and an invited speaker (Yoshio ENDO; Kanda University of Foreign Languages) are going to make their own presentations. The speakers among members will talk within 35 minutes, followed by respective Q&A sessions for 15 minutes.The invited speaker will talk for 90 minutes, including the Q&A session.
    • 1. Sinichiro SANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Corpus-Based Analysis of Ranuki: Phonological and Sociolinguistic Perspective”
    • 2. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Initial geminate onsets in Irabu Ryukyuan: a moraic-theory account and its typological implications”
    • 3. Yoshiki OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University), Hiroyuki NAWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shimane University) “Dative Subject Constructions as Individual-level Possessive Constructions and FinP”
    • 4. Yoshio ENDO (Kanda University of International Studies). [Invited Speaker] “The cartography of syntactic structures of interrogative sentences”
    • 5. Yasuaki ISHIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “On the historical development of the so-called spray class locative alternation verbs in English”
    • 1. Hisao TOKIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo University), Yasutomo KUWANA (Asahikawa Medical University) “Agglutinativity in implicational universals”
    • 2. Yasunori TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University), Kaiqiao CHEN (Kobe University) “Transitivity of verb-object compounds in Cantonese and Sino-Vietnamese”
    • 3. Koji SUGIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University), Yoshiki OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) “The Acquisition of Right Periphery in Japanese: A Preliminary Study”
    • 4. Hideki KISHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) “On the peculiarity of naze questions”
    304, Online meeting
    20222023/03/19 (Sun)
    Follow-up meeeting of Intensive language course (Dzongkha)
    • 13:30–14:00. Fuminobu NISHIDA (Waseda University) Introduction
    • 14:00–15:00. Shaohan WU (Seoul National University) “Variation and Perceptual study of age differenciation of tone in Chinese dialects” (interim)
    • 15:00–16:00. Yuta SATO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Prosodic Charancerstics of Sindhi” (tentative)
    • 16:00–16:15. Break
    • 16:15–17:00. Fuminobu NISHIDA (Waseda University) “Phonology of Lepcha” (tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Small meeting room 2, TUFS, Online meeting
    20222023/03/18 (Sat) - 2023/03/19 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 64th meeting
    • 10:00–12:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University)) “Women's Life Cycle in Changsha during the Third Century”
    • 12:00–13:30. Break
    • 13:30–15:30. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian87(first part)”
    • 15:30–16:00. Break
    • 16:00–18:00. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian87(second part)”
    • 10:00–12:30. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University), Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Structure and Format of Resident Records Found at the Liye-Site”
    • 12:30–14:00. Break
    • 14:00–16:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian88”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    301, Online meeting
    20222023/03/18 (Sat) - 2023/03/19 (Sun)
    Ottoman Documents Seminar

    18 Mar

    • 14:00–14:10. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:10–15:40. Masako MATSUI (Aichi Gakuin University), Yoichi TAKAMATSU Contents and style of ahdnames
    • 16:00–17:30. Yoichi TAKAMATSU Reading ahdname I

    19 Mar

    • 14:00–15:30. Yoichi TAKAMATSU Reading ahdname II
    • 15:50–17:20. Yoichi TAKAMATSU Raading records of “Düvel-i Ecnebiye Defteri”
    • 17:30–18:00. General Discussion

    • Chair: Yoichi TAKAMATSU
    • Admission: Free
    • Please contact: fsc_office[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation in Muslim Society
    304(3/18), 303(3/19), Online meeting
    20222023/03/18 (Sat)
    Central and West Asian document studies in Japan: State of the art
    • Keynote
    • 14:00–14:20. Masatomo KAWAMOTO (Nara University) Locating Ḥaram documents in Japanese study of Central and West Asian archives
    • Presentations
    • 14:20–14:50. Dai MATSUI (Osaka University) Old Uigur Legacy in Chancelleries of the Post-Mongol Dynasties in Iran and Western Central Asia
    • 14:50–15:20. Ryoko WATABE (The University of Tokyo/ ILCAA Joint Researcher) Turko-Mongol society in 14th-century North-west Iran as seen in Persian documents from Haram al-Sharif: Preliminary study of the documents of Amir Aduchi's family
    • 15:20–15:50. Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) and Omar ALI (Sohag University) The turmoil at the end of the 14th century as seen in heritage documents of a Khorasan merchant
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • Comments and Discussion
    • 16:10–16:35. Yoichi YAJIMA (Nara Women's University/ILCAA Joint Researcher)
    • 16:35–17:00. Ken'ichi ISOGAI (Kyoto University)
    • 17:00–17:25. Kentaro SATO (Hokkaido University)
    • 17:25–18:00. General Discussion
    • Moderator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is at noon 17th Mar.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Masatomo KAWAMOTO (Nara University) Project number: 21H00580), ILCAA Core Project“Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation in Muslim Society”,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“Synthetic Research on the Document Sources of the Mongol Empire”(Principal Investigator: Dai MATSUI (Osaka University) Project number: 20H01324)
    • Cooperated by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)” (Principal Investigator: Ryoko WATABE (the University of Tokyo) )
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/18 (Sat)
    Online Workshop “Scripts and Documents of Naxi, Minority in China”
    • 14:00–14:05. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the Project ‘Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)’”
    • 14:10–15:00. Naomichi KUROSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, KOKUGAKUIN University) “Recent Studies on Scripts and Documents of Naxi”
    • 15:10–15:30. Discussion
    • Chair: Shintaro ARAKAWA
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is at noon 18th Mar.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • For details,please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222023/03/17 (Fri)
    Field Linguistics Workshop “Presentations of Master’s Theses on Field Linguistics”
    • In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a major shift in the format of research meetings from face-to-face to online. While this has greatly helped to break down geographical barriers, it has also created a new barrier for postgraduate students who are looking to join the research community and build networks with other researchers. In order to solve this problem as much as possible, we are organizing a joint online presentation of master's theses for those who have submitted their master's theses and are thinking of becoming a researcher, with the aim of exchanging information, building networks and supporting research among researchers.
    • 13:00–13:05. Opening remarks
    • 13:05–13:30. Naoyuki HIROSAWA (Graduate School, Kyushu University) “Information structure in the Omae dialect of Shiiba (Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan)”
    • 13:35–14:00. Moe KITAMURA (Graduate School, University of Tokyo) “Borrowing of the Western Iranian pronominal clitics in Domari”
    • 14:10–14:35. Hideharu ONO (Graduate School, TUFS) “A Study of the -(I)p and -A Converbs in Kazakh”
    • 14:40–15:05. WEN JINGER (Graduate School, TUFS) “A Study on the Phonological Difference in Some Sibe Dialects: Focusing on the Dialects of Third, Fourth and Fifth villages in Cabcal, and Ice Gašan”
    • 15:05–15:30. Discussion and Closing Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Organized by ILCAA Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)”
    Online meeting
    20222023/03/16 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum: Memorial Lecture by Prof. Hirohide KURIHARA
    • Hirohide KURIHARA (ILCAA) ““Comrades plus Brothers” again? - Some Reflections on the VCP General Secretary's Visit to PRC (30 Oct.–1 Nov.2022) ”
    • Chair: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/16 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • 1. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA, Professor) The Performance Report of the Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia” in 2022
    • 2. Chiyuki ITO (ILCAA, Associate Professor) “Phonological and phonetic changes in the Korean language”
    • 3. Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA, Associate Professor) “A Commercial Network between Japan and Egypt during the Inter-war Period, Connected by Phosphates”
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/13 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”The 6th meeting
    • 13:00–15:15. Meeting
    • 15:30–16:15. Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “A Political Ecology of Riverside Villages in Bangladesh”
    • 16:15–17:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator:Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA), Project Number:18KK0024)
    Online meeting
    20222023/03/11 (Sat)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2022 ”The Anthropology of Uncertainty: From the Field of Law, Economics, Art, and Religion”
    • (Doors open at 12:45.).
    • 13:00–13:05. Greeting from Fieldnet
    • 13:05–13:15. Opening Remarks
    • 13:15–13:45. Fumiya NAGAI (Assistant Professor, Keisen University) “Uncertainty over Certainty of Rights: A Case Study on Negotiations and Reconciliation related to Aboriginal Rights in Western Canada”
    • 13:45–13:50. Questions and Answers
    • 13:50–14:20. Liu Zhenye (PhD Candidate, Kyoto University) “Excluded from the Dialogue of Uncertainty: The Case of Guest Workers from Southeast Asia in Macau Casinos”
    • 14:20–14:25. Questions and Answers
    • 14:25–14:35. Break 1
    • 14:35–15:05. Zhang Shijun (PD, Peking University) “Uncertain Beijing Art Market: A Case Study of the Auction Activities”
    • 15:05–15:10. Questions and Answers
    • 15:10–15:40. Naomi KAWAMOTO (Visiting Researcher, Okayama University) “The Sacred and His Names: A Case of an Image of Child Jesus in a Mexican Village”
    • 15:40–15:45. Questions and Answers
    • 15:45–15:55. Break 2
    • 15:55–16:15. Commentary 1:Nobuaki KISHIGAMI (Professor, National Museum of Ethnology)
    • 16:15–16:35. Commentary 2:Osamu NAKAGAWA (Associate Professor, National Museum of Ethnology)
    • 16:35–16:55. Commentary 3:Masakazu TANAKA (Vice President, Professional Institute of International Fashion, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
    • 16:55–17:55. Discussion
    • 17:55–18:00. Ending Remarks
    Online meeting
    20222023/03/11 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A new perspective on descriptive linguistics in Africa based on the translingual ecology”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Junko KOMORI (ILCAA Joint researcher, Osaka University) “Typological features in Bambara”
    • 2. Yuka MAKINO (ILCAA/ JSPS) “'Inconvenience' in linguistic description caused by fluidity of urban languages: How to interprete and describe borrowing and code switching/mixing”
    • 3. Kumiko MIYAZAKI (ILCAA Joint researcher, State Universit of Zanzibar) “One language, one translation?: Many translations yielded by multilingualism”
    • 4. All participants “General discussions: perspectives on the final year of the project including publication”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222023/03/11 (Sat)
    14:30–17:00[GMT+9](Open 14:00)
    International Workshop: “Kalila and Dimna in Anatolia: Persian and Turkish Traditions”
    • Program:
    • 14:30–14:40. Introduction
    • 14:40–15:10. Dr. Yui KANDA (ILCAA, TUFS) “Reception of the Persian metrical version of Kalila and Dimna in Anatolia during the early modern period”
    • 15:10–15:20. Coffee break
    • 15:20–15:50. Dr. Philip Bockholt (WWU, Münster) “On the Turkish Tradition of the Kalīla and Dimna: Parallel Translations for Different Patrons”
    • 15:50–16:00. Coffee break
    • 16:00-17:00. Discussion
    306, Online meeting
    20222023/02/27 (Mon) - 2023/03/10 (Fri)
    Exhibition “Thinking about the co-creation of academic knowledge through the Civil Dialog Caravan of Islamic Trust Studies”
    • The “Islamic Trust Studies” Project calls a series of outreach activities that return its academic outcomes to society by “Civil Dialog Caravan.” This exhibition will give opportunities to reflect on the two years of its Civil Dialog activities and deliberate about the sustainable co-creation of academic knowledge for a new epoch.
    • Details:
    • Based on the concept of “connectivity (capability of forming a connection)” fostered through the medium of Islam, the “Islamic Trust Studies” Project has performed inclusive and dialog-form outreach activities since 2021, collaborating with ILCAA and Setagaya Daita Jinji Nursery School. Our “Civil Dialog” aims to return the fruits of research in an interactive way, which is suitable for “Transformative Research Areas.” Today, the humanities and social sciences are eagerly desired to get the society to recognize their value and meaning by sharing their attractiveness with people and putting these academic areas in a broader context. The exhibition looks back over the two-year outcomes and tasks of the “Civil Dialog” through the reconstruction of two Civil Dialog events “The World Connected by Animals (2021)” and “The World Connected by the Sky and the Sea (2022)” with panel display. Why don't you explore with us what the sustainable co-creation of academic knowledge should be for a new epoch?
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Closed: Sat, Sun &holidays
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA); 20H05823)
    1F, ILCAA
    20222023/03/09 (Thu)
    Workshop “Layers of law and maritoriality in the Ottoman Mediterranean”
    • The Workshop “Layers of law and maritoriality in the Ottoman Mediterranean” will be organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems”.
    • Michael TALBOT (University of Greenwich) “From Abode of Holy War to the Waters of the Sublime State: Layers of law and maritoriality in the Ottoman Mediterranean”
    • Abstract:
    • The Mediterranean Sea was a place of violent confrontation and interconnected commerce in the 17th and 18th centuries, but was also the setting for struggles and compromises over sovereignty. The Ottoman Empire and its autonomous Regencies in North Africa controlled a significant part of the Mediterranean coast, and it is through exploring their understandings of their authority over those coasts and the seas beyond that we can better understand shifting attitudes and practices around sovereignty, diplomacy, and commerce across the later 17th and 18th centuries. Looking at the Ottoman Empire and the Regency of Algiers, this paper will discuss how ‘maritoriality’ in the Ottoman world developed as a legal response to new military and commercial challenges that required a series of temporary and permanent innovations to regulate coastal and maritime spaces and commerce.
    • Moderator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    Tokushokan, 2nd floor, Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University, Online meeting
    20222023/03/07 (Tue)
    Kick-off meeting of the JSPS KAKENHI Project “Descriptive study on the definition of “sentence””
    • 1. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA)
    • 2. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
    • 3. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA)
    • 4. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Descriptive study on the definition of “sentence”” (Principal Investigator: Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) Project Number: 22H00656)
    20222023/03/07 (Tue)
    Lecture by Dr. Philip Bockholt, “The Many Persian and Turkish Versions of the Ḥabīb al-Siyar”
    • Program:
    • 15:30-15:40. Introduction
    • 15:40–16:20. Dr. Philip Bockholt (WWU, Münster) “The Many Persian and Turkish Versions of the Ḥabīb al-Siyar”
    • 16:20-17:00. Discussion
    • Abstract:
    • Khvāndamīr’s general history Ḥabīb al-Siyar of 1524 was by far the most important historiographical work of the early Safavid and Mughal periods. Taking into account the political events that took place in Iran, Central Asia and India around 1500, I will first examine the manuscript tradition of the work and analyse in detail how the author adapted his chronicle to the Shiʿi and Sunni religio-political worldview of his Safavid and Mughal overlords. This will provide answers to the questions of how Khvāndamīr combined past events, how he understood “writing history” and what patterns he relied on to construct his work. Secondly, I will trace the Ḥabīb al-Siyar in its “Turkish garb” and shed light on its translation, which was commissioned by the Ottoman grand vizier Dāmād İbrāhīm Pasha in the 1720s, at a time when the Ottomans were at war with their Safavid neighbours. Since Khvāndamīr wrote the work for the Ottomans’ arch-enemies and gave it a Shiʿī orientation, the committee of several translators appointed by the grand vizier faced the challenge of translating explicitly anti-Ottoman and pro-Shiʿī sections within the text. In particular, I will focus on the translators’ approach to historical events that were of utmost importance to the Ottomans, such as Sultan Selīm’s victory over Shah Ismāʿīl at Chāldirān in 1514. The analysis will shed light on the relationships between scholars and patrons, as well as the transmission of texts against the respective religious and political backgrounds of the Eastern Mediterranean in the early modern period.
    Hongo Satellite 8F Conference Room, Online meeting
    20222023/03/06 (Mon)
    Workshop “Japonya'da Sohbet-i Osmaniye-6”
    • We are pleased to announce that the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo, will be hosting the workshop, “Japonya'da Sohbet-i Osmaniye-6” (Tobunken Seminar) on March 6 (Mon), 2023. Japonya'da Sohbet-i Osmaniye has been organized to bring together emerging scholars in Japan and leading scholars abroad in the field of Ottoman history with the aim of promoting scholarly exchange. For the sixth workshop, we have invited Dr Michael Talbot from the University of Greenwich to be a discussant. The workshop will be held in person. The language of the workshop is English.
    • Speakers:
    • Iku NAGASHIMA (The University of Tokyo) “The Ottoman Counterinsurgency and Violence on the Eve of the Young Turk Revolution”
    • Shingo SUZUKI (Independent researcher) “The Modern Ottoman Medical and Sanitary System and Local Society: Izmir at the Turn of the 20th Century”
    • Sota NARUJI (Meiji University) “Refugee Settlement and Assistance in the Ottoman Empire in the Late 19th Century”
    • Discussant: Michael Talbot (University of Greenwich)
    • Moderator: Madoka MORITA (TUFS)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: Jun AKIBA (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo) j-akiba[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “International joint research on social class and gender in the Ottoman Empire” (Principal Investigator: Jun AKIBA (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo) Project number: 20H01322)
    Second Meeting Room, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, U Tokyo
    20222023/03/06 (Mon)
    International symposium/ workshop 'The past and present of Bantu languages: Integrating micro-typology, comparative-historical linguistics, and lexicography'
    • 9:30-11:00. Chair: Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)
    • Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA) “Rethinking the historical relation of Zanzibar Swahili with Comorian”
    • Minah Nabirye (BantUGent) “Cleft constructions in Lusoga (Bantu, JE16)”
    • Sara Pacchiarotti (BantUGent) “The reconstruction of Proto-WCB independent and possessive pronouns for speech act participants: does morphological evidence support lexicon-based phylogenetic groupings?”
    • 13:00-13:15. Opening remarks
    • 13:15-14:00. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “A micro-parametric appraoch to cross-Bantu typology and its insight to the group-internal structural diversification”
    • Commentator: Sara Pacchiarotti (BantUGent)
    • 14:15-15:00. Koen Bostoen (BantUGent) “The Bantu Expansion or how West Africans transformed Africaʼs linguistic, cultural and biological landscapes”
    • Commentator: Nobuko YONEDA (Osaka University)
    • 15:15-16:00. Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (BantUGent) “Investigating the feasibility of a hub-and-spoke model to hold ILCAA's Bantu lexica into a single multipurpose online dictionary database”
    • Commentator: Kanji KATO (Research Organization of Information and Systems/TUFS)
    • 16:00-16:15. Closing remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Bilateral programs: 'The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography', Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), Tokyo African Linguistics Knot
    306, Online meeting
    20222023/03/05 (Sun)
    International symposium/ workshop 'The past and present of Bantu languages: Integrating micro-typology, comparative-historical linguistics, and lexicography'
    • 13:30–15:00. Data session: A Cross-Bantu perspective on causative/ inchoative verb alternation
    • Convenor: Koen Bostoen (BantUGent) “A historical-comparative exploration of causative/ inchoative verb alternations in Bantu”
    • Discussants: Shigeki KAJI (Kyoto Sangyo University), Maya ABE (Osaka University)
    • 15:30–17:00. Data session: Subject properties in Bantu
    • Convenor: Nobuko YONEDA (Osaka University)
    • Discussants: Guy Kouarata (BantUGent), Yuka MAKINO (ILCAA/ JSPS)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Bilateral programs: 'The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography', Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), Tokyo African Linguistics Knot
    20222023/03/05 (Sun)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” : Year-end annual meeting
    • Year-end annual meeting
    • Excursion at Arashiyama MonkeyPark Iwatayama.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Arashiyama MonkeyPark Iwatayama
    20222023/03/04 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 9th meeting
    • 13:00-13:30. Kumiko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
    • 13:30-14:30. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University)
    • 14:40-15:40. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
    • 15:50-18:00. All members
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/04 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” : Year-end annual meeting
    • Year-end annual meeting
    • (1)Reports on research activities at 2022.
    • (2)Research plans at 2023.
    • (3)Reports on field research from 1999-2022.
    • (4)Instructions for excursion at Arashiyama MonkeyPark Iwatayama.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry 7F (Conference room 7-EF)
    20222023/03/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 63rd meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “On the Arrangment of the Eastern Han Wooden Tablet Documents from the Wuyi-Square-Site”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian86”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222023/03/03 (Fri)
    Workshop “Trade, Diplomacy and Capitulations in the Early Modern World”
    • Program:
    • 13:30–13:45. Opening
    • 13:45–14:25. Norifumi DAITO (Historiographical Institute, the University of Tokyo) “Trade, Consumption and Diplomacy in the Indian Ocean”
    • 14:30–15:10. Michael TALBOT (University of Greenwich) “Diplomacy in Practice: Dispute Resolution in Eighteenth-Century Ottoman-British Relations”
    • 15:15–15:55. Masako MATSUI (Aichi Gakuin University) “Dutch Encounters with the Ottoman Empire: Did Ottoman Capitulations influence Dutch Eastern Diplomacy?”
    • 16:10–17:00. Discussions
    • Moderator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA); 20H05827)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), “Toward a Global History of Inter-State Relations: A Comparative Study on Governmental Controls on Commercial Exchanges and Traffics in Eurasia, 1400-1900” (Principal Investigator: MATSUKATA Fuyuko (Historiographical Institute, the University of Tokyo); 21H04355)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 8th meeting
    • 1. Yosuke MIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “Diachronic changes of rules of compound verb accent in the Kanto region of Japan”
    • 2. Annual reports (the 2nd year)
    • 3. Planning (the 3rd year)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222023/03/02 (Thu)
    DDDLing forum/Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, the 21st meeting
    • 1. Minah Nabirye (BantUGent project, Ghent University) Language documentation for Lusoga (Bantu, JE16)
    • 2. Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (BantUGent project, Ghent University) From corpus to online lexicon for Swahili (Bantu, G42d), and what its searches can tell us about actual dictionary use
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Organized by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
    Room 104 in Research and lecture building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Online meeting
    20222023/03/02 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Symposium 2022 (academic year) “Connectivities in the middle of antagonism and conflicts”
    • Islamic Trust Studies Symposium 2022 (academic year) “Connectivities in the middle of antagonism and conflicts” will be held at ILCAA of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies by the organizer of “Islamic Trust Studies.”
    • イベント詳細:
    • Moderator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University, B03 Principal Investigator)
    • Discussant: Shinichi TSUJI (Meiji Gakuin University)
    • 13:30–13:35. Opening Address by Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/Hokkaido University SRC, Area Organizer/A03 Principal Investigator)
    • 13:35–13:40. Introduction by Masako ISHII
    • 13:40–14:05. Speaker 1: Hiroyuki SUZUKI (The University of Tokyo, B03 Co-investigator) “Trust and suspicion under the conflict: the relationship woven by Palestinians and ‘others’”
    • 14:05–14:30. Speaker 2: Hideaki SEKINOU (Meiji University, A03 Co-investigator) “The present situation surrounding immigration issues: case of relationship between Muslims and Jews in Germany”
    • 14:30–14:40. Break
    • 14:40–15:05. Speaker 3: Jun KUMAKURA (Hosei University, B03 Co-investigator) “The issue of trust or unity in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: the formation of ethnic leadership and its transformation”
    • 15:05–15:30. Speaker 4: Hidemitsu KUROKI “Lebanese and Syrian immigrants and restructuring of the Middle East during the World War I”
    • 15:30–15:40. Break
    • 15:40–16:00. Comments by Shinichi TSUJI
    • 16:00–17:00. General Discussion
    • 17:00–17:50. Core time for poster sessions
    • 17:50–18:00. Closing address
    • 18:00-18:30. Core time for exhibition tour
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05823)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/03/01 (Wed)
    Workshop Series “Digital Humanities for All”: Malindo Conc (Malay-Indonesian-Concordancer website) -- its development and use
    • 16:00–16:10. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (Head of the IRC) “Introduction for Workshop Series “Digital Humanities for Everyone” and the IRC Project”
    • 16:10–17:00. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Development and Use of Malay-Indonesian Concordancer Malindo Conc”
    • IRC started a workshop series titled “Digital Humanities for Everyone” that introduces online resources developed by ILCAA. This is the second workshop in this series, introducing an online resource titled “Malindo Conc.”
    • Malindo Conc( is a concordancer site that enables users to search Malay-Indonesian web corpus by word or morpheme with grammatical information.
    • We will discuss the process the site was built and its research application.
    • Chair: Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Meeting ID: 833 0136 4687, Passcode: 215058
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please join from the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by IRC,TUFiSCo
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/25 (Sat)
    <Jinruigaku Cafe x Fieldplus Cafe> Watching the movie “Still the Lion Continues His Journey: The Journal of Ise-Daikagura by Yamamoto Gendayu Company”+ “Demonstration of Edo Daikaguradayu Company”+ Demonstration of Edo Daikagura
    • The film ethnography “Still the Lion Continues His Journey: The Journal of Ise-Daikagura by Yamamoto Gendayu Company,” which closely follows the people of Ise Daikagura who continue to travel while performing lion dances and acrobats, and their lives in the time of COVID-19.
    • In addition to the film's supervisor, Chie Jinno, Kagami Michiyo, who makes her living from Edo daikagura in Tokyo, will also join the talk sesssion.
    • After the screening, we will hear about the history of daikagura in the East and West, the differences in the forms of performance, its appeal, and its current status after the Corona disaster. There will also be a daikagura demonstration by Michiyo Kagami.
    • Admission: Free (Please order one drink.)
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFiSCo, ILCAA Core Project“Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, ILCAA“FIELDPLUS”Editorial departmen;Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the“Time of Corona”-Response to the crisis, negotiation on Physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643)
    Space&Cafe POLE POLE
    20222023/02/24 (Fri)
    commons café
    • 15:00–16:00. Shu FUJITA (ILCAA) “Methods and Reflections on the Workshop ‘Learning Fieldwork through Video Editing’”
    • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFiSCo
    203, Online meeting
    20222023/02/23 (Thu)
    Changes in Orang Asli Lives in Malaysia: Engaged Visual Ethnography
    • Summary:
    • Orang Asli' is the general term for the Indigenous Peoples of Peninsular Malaysia, which comprises 18 diverse groups: sea people, cultivators, hunter-gatherers, and so on. Under the rapid development of Malaysia, the Orang Asli have experienced significant changes in their lives.This symposium will bring together Orang Asli representatives, Malaysian researchers, and Japanese researchers to talk about these changes, through the use of visual images.
    • Program:
    • 17:00. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) ‘Opening Remarks: Changes in Malaysia and the Orang Asli’
    • 17:05. Shingo ODANI (Chiba University) ‘Changes in Orang Asli Settlements around Taman Negara’
    • 17:15. Kazuhiro SUDA (Hokkai-Gakuen University) ‘Economic Activities in Sungai Sayap, Terengganu’
    • 17:30. Yukio KUCHIKURA (Emeritus Professor of Gifu University) ‘Economic Activities of the Resettled Semaq Beri Community in Terengganu (focused on 1978-1979)’
    • 17:45. Juli Edo (CMIS, University of Malaya) ‘Changes in Land Rights of Semai: A Glimpse of Ethnohistory’
    • 18:00. Lipah Anjang (Semai) ‘Role of Women: Past and Present’
    • 18:15. Q&A and break
    • 18:25. Jefree Salim (Orang Seletar Photographer) ‘Seletar: The Sea People of Johor’
    • 18:40. Toshihiro NOBUTA (National Museum of Ethnology) ‘A Turning Point for Temuan People in Negeri Sembilan’
    • 18:50. Shereen Ajani (University of Malaya) ‘Temuan Bukit Lanjan: 22 Years after Development’
    • 19:00. Rusaslina Idrus (University of Malaya) ‘Visual Ethnography for Land Rights’
    • 19:10. Q&A and discussion
    • 19:20. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) ‘Closing Remarks’
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English, Japanese, Malay (online simultaneous/consecutive interpretation)
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Poster image
    • Jointly sponsored by Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts (ILCAA), The Center for Malaysian Indigenous Studies (University of Malaya), TUFiSCo (ILCAA), KKLO (ILCAA), “Building Digital Library for Humanities” (X-DiPLAS) (National Institutes for Humanities Co-creation Research Initiatives (Knowledge Co-creation Projecs)), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Influence of Indochinese languages and cultures upon the linguistic activities of Kayanic peoples in Borneo Island” (Principal Investigator: Mika OKUSHIMA (Tenri University) Project number: 20H04432), Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Principal Investigator: Aya Kawai (ILCAA) Project number: 19K13461)
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/22 (Wed)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Islamic Economy in Comparisons”
    • The workshop “Islamic Economy in Comparisons” will be jointly held by A01 “Mobility and Universality in the Islamic Economy” and C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods.”
    • Speaker: Yuta ARAI (Kyoto University, A01 Researcher) Title: “Historiography, Kingship, and Economy; Ibn Khaldun's Perspective on Human Society in the Kitab al-'Ibar”
    • Discussant: Takao ITO (Kobe University, C01 Co-investigator)
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) Project number: 20H05824), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05830)
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/21 (Tue)
    Lecture “Digital catalogues, digital libraries: using the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) for collections data”
    • The lecture will feature Dr. Yasmin Faghihi and Dr. Huw Jones from the Cambridge Digital Library.
    • Speakers:
    • Yasmin Faghihi (Head of the Near and Middle Eastern Department at Cambridge University Library)
    • Huw Jones (Head of the Digital Library Unit, Digital Humanities Coordinator)
    • Coordinator:
    • Kiyonori NAGASAKI (Senior fellow, International Institute for Digital Humanities)
    • Program:
    • Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023 14:00–17:00
    • “Digital catalogues, digital libraries: using the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) for collections data”
    • In this event, we will talk about the creation of digital datasets for cultural heritage materials. We will focus on TEI specifically as the basis of collaborative work between libraries, archives and researchers, and also between institutions. We will use the examples of FIHRIST as a long running and well established union catalogue of manuscript descriptions, and of Cambridge Digital Library as a repository which combines descriptive and image data.”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese, English *Simultaneous interpretation can be heard.
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Cambridge Digital Library, Core Project“Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society”, National Institute of Japanese Literature, International Institute for Digital Humanities, U-PARL, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)“Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC), 20H05823), TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
    National Institute of Japanese Literature, Online meeting
    20222023/02/20 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”The 6th meeting
    • 9:30–10:30. Hiroto UCHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “The phonetics-phonology interface of the alveolar fricative in Cherokee”
    • 10:30–11:30. Jeremy Perkins (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aizu), Seunghun J. Lee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU), Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Aspirated and unaspirated fricatives in Korean, Burmese and Jingpho”
    • 11:30–12:00. General discussion
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/19 (Sun)
    Workshop “Cross-Cultural Contact and Trust on the Oceanic Space during the Early Modern Period: Cases of Measures against Piracy”
    • The workshop “Cross-Cultural Contact and Trust on the Oceanic Space during the Early Modern Period: Cases of Measures against Piracy” will be jointly held by Islamic Trust Studies A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” with Ritsumeikan Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS).
    • Program
    • Moderator: Jin NODA (ILCAA)
    • Speaker: Haruka SUEMORI (Hokkaido University), Shinsaku KATO (ILCAA)
    • Commentator: Shinsuke SATSUMA (Ritsumeikan University)
    • Time Table
    • 14:00–14:10. Shinsaku KATO Opening Remark
    • 14:10–15:00. Haruka SUEMORI “The Ottoman-Venetian Relation over Piracy in the Mediterranean Sea around 1700”
    • 15:00–15:10. Tea Break
    • 15:10–16:00. Shinsaku KATO “Security for the Navigation on the Indian Ocean in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries: From an Analysis of the Relation between the Mughal Empire and the Dutch East India Company”
    • 16:00–16:10. Tea Break
    • 16:10–16:30. Shinsuke SATSUMA Comment
    • 16:30–17:30. Q&A Session
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: shin_kato[at] (TUFiSCo) (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Ritsumeikan Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS)
    Room No. 302, Keimeikan Hall, Kinugasa Campus, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
    20222023/02/19 (Sun)
    Let's travel around the world together! 2023 Chikyu Tankentai
    • *Let's travel the world together! 2023 Chikyu Tankentai is a series of workshops which tickle children's curiosity to know more about the world.The event is co-organized by anthropologists and actors. Under the theme of “Let's transform with a Balinese mask!”, participants will take part in Balinese masked theater “topeng”, and explore Balinese cosmology and view of humanity.
    • 【AM】10:00–12:15
    • 【PM】14:30–16:45
    • Organizers and Actors: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA), Noriko IIZUKA (Kyoto University/ Representative of MANALABO), Koji SONODA (Niigata University/ Duputy representative of MANALABO), Yuji YANOHARA (National Museum of Ethnology/ MANALABO), Mana YUMII (actor/ BEBERICA theatre company), Mihoko WATANABE (actor)
    • Participants: For 2nd grade elementary school students and above (including adults)
    • Capacity: 15 per session
    20222023/02/18 (Sat)
    Lecture “Beyond the interface: TEI as data for Digital Humanities”
    • The lecture will feature Dr. Yasmin Faghihi and Dr. Huw Jones from the Cambridge Digital Library.
    • Speakers:Yasmin Faghihi (Head of the Near and Middle Eastern Department at Cambridge University Library)
    • Huw Jones (Head of the Digital Library Unit, Digital Humanities Coordinator)
    • Coordinator: Kiyonori NAGASAKI (Senior fellow, International Institute for Digital Humanities)
    • Program:
    • Saturday, Feb 18, 2023 14:00-16:30
    • “Beyond the interface: TEI as data for Digital Humanities”
    • In this event, we will discuss TEI as the basis of Digital Humanities methodologies. Drawing on examples from FIHRIST and Cambridge Digital Library, we will show how TEI datasets can be used for humanities research and how the outputs of research can be integrated in digital archives.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese, English *Face-to-face participants can listen to simultaneous interpretation.
    • For face to face participants, please visit the link here.
    • For online participants, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Cambridge Digital Library, Core Project“Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society”, National Institute of Japanese Literature, International Institute for Digital Humanities, U-PARL, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)“Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC), 20H05823), TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/02/18 (Sat)
    DDDLing Forum: Vietnamese Language as a Heritage Language / The 3rd Vietnamese Language Colloquium
    • 13:00–13:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:10–13:40. Takaya HAYASHI (Osaka University) “What is to be inherited beyond generations?: Cases from Vietnamese resettlement areas in Kansai region”
    • 13:45–14:15. Phi Hai Yen PHAM (Graduate School, Osaka University) “Teaching and learning Vietnamese activities for children living in Japan ~ Experiment with “My Vietnam” textbook ~ ”
    • 14:20–14:50. Mika KONDO (Osaka University) “What and how do children with Vietnamese roots inherit?”
    • 15:00–15:30. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Zoom meeting invitation will be sent in the afternoon on 15th Feb (Wed.).If you don’t receive it on 15th Feb, please contact adachi[at] by 16th Feb (Thu.) (Please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.Registration deadline is at noon 15th Fab. (Application may be closed early)
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), ILCAA Joint Research Project
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/17 (Fri)
    International Seminar Series: Secularization, Islamization and Globalization in South Asia: Beyond bipolar Politics in Bangladesh: 5th Seminar: Identity and Religious Practices in Bangladesh
    • Time: 9:00–12:00 (Bangladesh Standard Time), 12:00–15:00 (Japan ST), 20:00–23:00 (Canada/ Vancouver time the day before)
    • Chair: Bulbul Siddiqi (North South university)
    • Introduction: Bulbul Siddiqi
    • Speaker 1: Masood Imran Mannu (Jahangirnagar University) Bangalism and Muslimness: Reflexivity of Hyphenated Identity in Bangladesh
    • Speaker 2: Nurul Huda Sakib (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh) Commercialization of Religious Practices in Bangladesh
    • Discussant 1: Humayun Kabir (Thompson Rivers University, Canada)
    • Discussant 2: Obaidullah Al Marjuk (Independent University Bangladesh)
    • Response by each speaker
    • General discussion
    • Concluding Remarks: Ranjan Saha Partha (Jahangirnagar University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research: Fostering Joint International Research (B)“Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024), Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
    • Cooperated by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh” The 5th meeting
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/17 (Fri) - 2023/02/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 62nd meeting

    17 Feb

    • 14:00–15:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian83 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian83 (second part)”

    18 Feb

    • 10:00–11:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian84”
    • 11:50–13:15. Break
    • 13:15–15:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian85 (first part)”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:15–17:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian85 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/17 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A sociolinguistic study of heritage languages and ethnic identities of migrants” The 6th meeting/ The 31th Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    • 14:00–14:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:10–15:00. Junko HIBIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sacred Heart School Corporation) “Review of the Heritage Language Variation and Change Project (HLVC)”
    • 15:00–15:15. All participants Discussion
    • 15:25–16:45. All participants Business meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    • Cooperated by Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/02/16 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • 1. ALI, Omar Gamal Mohamed (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Sultan’s Bardadārīya in Egypt in the Late Era of the Circassian Mamluk sultans in light of a legitimate will document for al-ʿAlāʾī Ali al-Barmāwī Bardadār Al-Sultan (Dated 14 Shaaban 922 AH/11 September 1516 AD)”
    • 2. ONDICHO, Tom Gesora (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Developing a handbook on HIV and AIDS: Challenges and Prospects”
    • Language: Arabic, English
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/14 (Tue)
    Spacio-Temporal Database in Asia: Toward Public Use of Research Data
    • 13:30–13:35. Satoshi OGURA(ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 13:35–14:30. How to Use the Spacio-Temporal Database in Asia
    • 14:30–14:50. Tsukasa MIZUSHIMA(ILCAA) “Development of Global Economy and Transformation of Regional Economy: Using Spacio-Temporal Database System”
    • 14:50–15:05. Break
    • 15:05–15:30. Satoshi OGURA(ILCAA) “Exploring the End of Buddhism in India Using the Spacio-Temporal Database in Asia”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 10 Feb.
    • For registration, Please contact: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Information Resources Center (IRC)
    304, Online meeting
    20222023/02/13 (Mon)
    DDDLing Forum
    • Speaker: Yanti (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) Title: Regional varieties of Indonesian/ Malay: an observation from the parallel corpus
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 10 Feb.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/02/13 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 13th meeting
    • 1. Hisae KOMATSU (ILCAA joint researcher, Otemon Gakuin University) , Asuka MURAKAMI (Chikushi Jogakuen University) “What They Talk About When They Talk About Love: Introduction to Love in South Asia: A Cultural History, edited by Francesca Orsini”
    • 2. Toshie AWAYA (ILCAA joint researcher, TUFS) “For Making a List of 'Emotional Terms'”
    • 3. All members “Reassessment of the AA-ken Joint Research Project and Prosepect of the JSPS KAKENHI Project”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 10 Feb.
    • For registration, please contact to Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) ota-n[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Rethinking the South Asian Studies through the Perspective of‘Emotions’” (Principal Investigator: Toshie AWAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Project number: 22H03834)
    Kyoto University Main Campus Research Bldg. No. 2 4F AA447
    20222023/02/12 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Morphology and syntax of Narrative”The 3rd meeting
    • 13:30–14:30. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “What is narrative?: Summary of Toolan 1988”
    • 14:40–16:00. Tomoko ENDO (The University of Tokyo) “Laughter and quotation of thought in Japanese conversational storytelling”
    • *Abstract
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, Please contact: asako[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/12 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia-Transnational Networks and Local Responses”The 8th meeting
    • 13:00–18:00. Meeting on publication of a volume by all members
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office (KKLO)
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/06 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” The 17th meeting
    • 1. Masaya TAMURA (Kyoto University) “Extractive foraging and feeding techniques in primates: Hard-shelled walnut cracking in wild Japanese macaques”
    • 2. Yuko SUGIYAMA (Hirosaki University) “Sharing knowledge and creating “traditional” local cuisine through women's joint cooking practices”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    304, Online meeting
    20222023/02/06 (Mon)
    African Art event 'Being an Artist reflecting Africa and Japan'
    • Moto Yoshikuni (artist) and Paul Kani Bahoya(TUFS student, artist) will discuss 'being an Artist reflecting Africa and Japan'
    • Chair: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/02/06 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “he Evolving Conflict in Palestine/Israel: Final Status and Emerging Challenges”The 4th meeting
    • Theme: Various ways of change
    • 15:00–15:50. Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA) “Palestinian Writers in Israel and Translations of their Works[TBD],”
    • 16:00–16:50. Shingo HAMANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Polization, Policy Preferences, and Democratic Decay in Israel,”
    • 17:00–17:40. Discussion
    • 18:00–. Member meeting
    Hongo Satellite 5F, Online meeting
    20222023/02/04 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia”The 2nd meeting
    • 14:00–15:30. Kazumasa ISHIKAWA (guest speaker) “History of Muslim communities around the Konbaung royal captial in Myanmar”
    • 15:45–17:15. Ayako NINOMIYA (ILCAA joint researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Researches on cultural / religious interactions in South Asia”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, Please contact: y.sugahara.hmt[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Early Islamization of Southeast Asia: Religion, Kingship, and Cosmology” (Principal Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) Project number: 21H00575), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Fundamental research for the construction of a historical picture of Islamic reception and social relations in continental Southeast Asia” (Principal Investigator: Kazuto IKEDA (Osaka University) Project number: 20H01325)
    Osaka University, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University Hall 2F Seminar Room1,Online meeting
    20222023/02/04 (Sat)
    Learn fieldwork through video editing
    • 10:00–18:30. Shu FUJITA (ILCAA Research Associate) Learn fieldwork through video editing
    • Fieldwork consists of experiencing things in the field, considering about what you feel and think there, and expressing them in written or visual form. In this workshop, you will learn about the process of thinking about and expressing field experiences by editing the video footage that the coordinator took during his cultural anthropological fieldwork in Peru. By editing the footage based on the fieldwork, you will be able to“think like”you are thinking from the fieldwork. Even if you have never edited a video or done fieldwork before, please come and join us.
    • Chair: Shu FUJITA
    20222023/02/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 61st meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian82 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian82 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222023/02/01 (Wed)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” The 20th meeting
    • Motomichi WAKASA (Research fellow, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Direct–indirect mixed quotation in some Afroasiatic languages”
    • Chair: Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/31 (Tue)
    Commons Café/FSC/ASC Seminar
    • Speaker: Dr. Stella Nyanzi (PEN Germany) Struggling against Homophobia in Uganda: An Academic-Activist-Ally’s Analysis'
    • Discussant: Keiji FUJIMOTO (Photographer)
    • Stella and Keiji, who have each worked on homophobia, and who may have been in the same place during the Pride parade in Uganda are now in Japan and they will discuss the issue together.
    • For details,please see here.
    • Chair: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: wakana[at] (Wakana Shiino@ILCAA)
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), African Studies Center-TUFS, Field Science Center-ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“Volcanic Dynamics of sexualities, marriage and Singleness in contemporary East African Societies”(Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project number: 22H00769)
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/01/31 (Tue)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The Gacaca courts that judged the crime of genocide in Rwanda: dialogue for reparations and building relationships between victims and perpetrators who live in the neighborhood”
    • The workshop “The Gacaca courts that judged the crime of genocide in Rwanda: the conversation relationship building between victims and offenders for solving the problem of reparation” will be jointly organized by B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” and A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building.”
    • Presentation: Natsuki KATAYAMA (Osaka University)
    • Discussant: Yukie OSA (Rikkyo University)
    • Program
    • 10:00–10:05. Introduction by Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University)
    • 10:05–10:45. Natsuki KATAYAMA “The Gacaca courts that judged the crime of genocide in Rwanda: the conversation relationship building between victims and offenders for solving the problem of reparation”
    • 10:45–11:00. Comments and discussion by discussant
    • 11:00–11:30. General Discussion
    • 11:30–12:00. Internal Meeting
    • *This workshop is only open to members of the “Islamic Trust Studies”
    • Contact: Saki YAMAMOTO(Rikkyo University) yamamoto_saki[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by B03 Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University) Project Number: 20H05829), A03 Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826)
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/29 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 10th meeting
    • Under the topic of “optionality in language and language change” four members in this project are going to make their own presentation within 30 minutes, followed by respective Q&A sessions for 15 minutes. Thereafter, we will make a free discussion about the issue for abut 50 minutes.
    • 13:30–14:00. Hirofumi AOKI (ILCAA JointResearcher, Kyushu University) A study of “suru” in classical Japanese
    • 14:00–14:15. Q&A
    • 14:20–14:50. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Swahilization” of Bantu Languages in Tanzania: The case of Matengo
    • 14:50–15:05. Q&A
    • 15:10–15:40. Masako MAEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seinan Gakuin University), Taichi NAKAMURA (Tohoku University), Kensuke TAKITA (Kyushu University) Predicate Doubling in Japanese and TP-deletion
    • 15:40–15:55. Q&A
    • 16:00–16:30. Hisao TOKIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo University), Yasutomo KUWANA (Asahikawa Medical University) Language with the Basic Word Order of Object-Oblique-Verb
    • 16:30–16:45. Q&A
    • 16:50–17:30. Free discussion on today’s theme
    • Discussants:Yoshiki OGAWA (Tohoku University), Satoshi NAMBU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Monash University), Koji SUGISAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei gakuin University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/28 (Sat) - 2023/01/29 (Sun)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” The 16th meeting

    28 Jan

    • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Thinking Human Evolution through Body-Ornamentation (Part 2): An essay on “kawaii”/ neoteny and human evolution (tentative title) ”

    • 2. Shinichi FUJII (National Museum of Ethnology) “The Evolution of Law and Sociality: from Way to Law (tentative title) ”

    29 Jan

    • 1. Masakazu TANAKA (Professional Institute of International Fashion) “Autoethnography Reconsidered: Based on Recent Works by Japanese Scholars”

    • 2. Gen YAMAKOSHI (Kyoto University) “Function and evolution of tool behavior in wild chimpanzees: Opportunity or necessity?”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    302, Online meeting
    20222023/01/28 (Sat) - 2023/01/29 (Sun)
    Sexuality in Contemporary Africa: Tradition, Education and Practices
    • 【TUFiSCo-ILCAA International Symposium】
    • Theme Abstract:
    • Despite the international development organizations’ efforts toward mitigation of learner single motherhood, early pregnancies, and HIV prevalence among societies in Africa, these issues have remained persistently incremental in the last one decade and more recently worsened during COVID-19 pandemic. Menstrual poverty and related WASH problems remain systemic. What explains this trend? Prior to colonial invasion, sexuality was central to every society whereby the family was the educational pivot. The events that followed colonial occupation repositioned the sexuality values toward ‘presumed modernity’. The transitioning from the traditional to the ‘presumed modern’ practices has mutated into dynamic between-ness. In this symposium, we ethnographically interrogate this between-ness and associated complications. We tackle the sensitivities of sexuality in some societies and address the cultural, religious, and political dimensions of sexual education and practices. We identify the existential gaps in the sexual education in the life cycle of a ‘presumed modern African’ society.
    • Program:
    • 10:30. Opening Remarks
    • 10:35–10:45. Introduction
    • Dr. Wakana SHIINO (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa(ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies(TUFS))
    • <The 1st day: Traditional Sexual Knowledge Today>
    • 10:45–11:20. 1) Ms. Etuwete Shiningayamwe (Ph.D. Student, TUFS) ‘Challenges Facing Schoolteachers in Preventing and Managing Learner Pregnancy: The Case of Rural Namibia’
    • 11:20–11:55. 2) Mr. Tendai Mutembedza (Ph.D. candidate, University of Cape town) ‘Centering Sexuality in Men and Communities' Constructions of Early Marriage Practices in Zimbabwe.’
    • 11:55–13:15. Lunch time
    • 13:15–13:55. 3) Dr. Wakana SHIINO (Associate Professor, ILCAA, TUFS) Transmission of Sexual Knowledge - Tradition and Intergenerational Disconnection in Rural Kenya,
    • ✙Ms. Lynnet Achieng Ogallo (Primary School Teacher)
    • 13:55–14:05. Break Time
    • 14:05–14:40. 4) Dr. Florence Muhanguzi Kyoheirwe (Makerere University) The Dilemmas of Communicating Sexuality Knowledge to the Young People in Uganda: Parents and Teachers Speak Out.
    • 14:40–15:15. 5) Dr. Tom Ondicho (Associate Professor, University of Nairobi/ Visiting Professor, ILCAA, TUFS) The Influence of Sexual Health Education on HIV Risky Sexual Behaviours and Practices among Kenyan University Students.
    • 15:15–15:30. Break Time
    • 15:30–16:05. 6) Ms. Kaori MIYACHI (Visiting researcher, Saga University) FGM/C and Education in the Present: How Have Anti-FGM Activities Brought Changes in Kenya?
    • 16:05–16:40. 7) Ms. Eri KODA (P.h.D. student, Ritsumeikan University) Having Sugar Daddies and Sugar Mummies: Ambivalent Attitudes towards Youth Sexual Relationships in Urban Ghana.
    • 16:40–16:50. Break Time
    • 16:50–17:30. Discussion
    • Commentator: Prof. Yukio MIYAWAKI (Osaka Metropolitan University)
    • 13:00–13:35. 8) Dr. Viola Nilah Nyakato (Senior Lecturer, Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Uganda) : virtual attendance ‘The Family Structure has Changed: Explaining the Need for a Cultural Shift towards Parents’ upper Hand in Sexuality education in Uganda’
    • 13:35–14:15. 9) Dr. Ian Karusigarira (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies: GRIPS) In between Traditions: Interrogating MHM Education as an Inclusive Approach in Uganda.
    • ✙Ms. Beatrice Kyogabirwe (High School Teacher)
    • 14:15–14:30. Break Time
    • 14:30–15:05. 10) Dr. Stella Nyanzi (PEN Germany) ‘Politicisation of Organising against Period Poverty in Uganda: a Case Study of #Pads4GirlsUG’
    • 15:05–15:40. 11) Mr. Vela Night Okindo (Trans Empowerment Initiative: TEI) : virtual attendance Dignifying Mensuration in Transgender Men.
    • 15:40–16:15. 12) Prof. Elli SUGITA (Osaka University) Walls Standing in the Way of Menstrual Equity: A Case Study from Japan.
    • 16:15–16:30. Break Time
    • 16:30–17:30. Discussion
    • Commentator: Dr. Soichiro SHIRAISHI (Hirosaki University)
    • Chair: Wakana SHIINO
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 25th Jan.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project Number: 22H00769), Field Science Center (FSC), African Studies Center, TUFS
    • Cooperated by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”
    303, Online meeting
    20222023/01/28 (Sat) - 2023/01/29 (Sun)
    Seminar on the study of Mamluk archival documents
    • Lecturer: ALI, Omar Gamal Mohamed (Associate Professor, Sohag University/ILCAA Visiting Researcher)
    • Program
    • 10:00–12:00. Explanation of the purpose of the seminar and self-introductions by the lecturers and participants
    • 13:00–15:00. Document Reading 1
    • 15:30–17:30. Document Reading 2
    • 10:00–12:00. Document Reading 3
    • 13:00–15:00. Document Reading 4
    • 15:30–17:30. Supplementary and general discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 8th Dec.
    • Language: Arabic
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Please contact: kumakura[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA)), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Rural Administration and Society of Medieval Egypt in the Period of Environmental Change” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project number: 20K00998), Joint Research Projects (by Visiting Researchers) “Bequeathal Strategies and State Response in Mamluk Jerusalem: Decoding Evidence in the Haram Documents Collection”
    20222023/01/26 (Thu)
    commons café
    • 15:00–16:00. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “The Past and Future of the Exhibitions in ILCAA”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFiSCo
    203, Online meeting
    20222023/01/23 (Mon)
    Mamluk Documents Study Lecture “The Gifts to Ottoman Sultan Selim I”
    • Speaker: Omar ALI (ILCAA Visiting Professor, Associate Professor, Sohag University)
    • Program:
    • 16:30–18:30. Lecture and Q&A
    • Admission: Free
    • *Open to the public, Only in-person
    • Language: Arabic
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project (by Visiting Researchers) “Bequeathal Strategies and State Response in Mamluk Jerusalem: Decoding Evidence in the Haram Documents Collection”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Rural Administration and Society of Medieval Egypt in the Period of Environmental Change” (Principal Investigator: Wakako Kumakura(ILCAA) Project number: 20K00998), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “New horizons for the Arabic historiography: Editing and digitizing Mamluk chronicles” (Principal Investigator: Nobutaka Nakamachi(Konan University) Project number: 20K01011)
    Room 5-23, 5th Bilding, 2nd Floor, Okamoto Campus, Konan University
    20222023/01/22 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)”The 5th meeting
    • 13:30–13:40. Ryoko WATABE (the University of Tokyo) Opening remarks
    • 13:40–15:10. Jun SUGAWARA (Lanzhou University, Center for the Studies on Ethnic Minorities of Northwest China) Quantitative Approach to the Waqf Properties in the Early 20th Century Kashghar.
    • 15:10–15:20. Break
    • 15:20–15:50. Ryoko WATABE (the University of Tokyo) Registration of waqfs in the real esate inventory of Shaykh Ṣafī al-Dīn Ardabīlī’s shrine (Ardabīl, Iran)
    • 15:50–16:10. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Comment
    • 16:10–16:30. Ayako NINOMIYA (Aoyama Gakuin University) Comment
    • 16:30–16:40. Break
    • 16:40–17:20. General discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 20th Jan.
    • Contact: khargush1969[at] (Ryoko WATABE) *Please change [at] to @
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20222023/01/21 (Sat)
    The 7th Open Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”
    • Program:
    • 14:00–14:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 14:05–14:15. Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) “Opening Remarks”
    • 14:15–14:45. Kae MUKAI (Waseda University) “Social communication through body synchronization”
    • 14:45–15:15. Tomoyuki TAJIMA (Osaka University) “Wild mask: Orangutan faces changing under social interactions”
    • 15:15–15:30. Break
    • 15:30–16:00. Qi ZHIXUAN (Rikkyo University) “The bodies constructed in a virtual world ― from a phenomenological perspective”
    • 16:00–16:30. Yuta HYUGA (Rikkyo University) “Bridging the pedagogy and the face-body studies through the studies of physical education: 〈Adultness〉-〈Childness〉 as tranceculture”
    • 16:30–17:00. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Reality of the Dead: Body, Materiality, and Memory”
    • 17:00–17:15. Break
    • 17:15–17:25. So KANAZAWA (Japan Women's University) Comments1
    • 17:25–17:35. Tomohisa SATO (Kyoto City University of Arts) Comments2
    • 17:35–18:00. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: kao2020aa[at] (Symposium office) *please change [at] to @.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions” (Principal Investigator: Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Project/Area Number: 1901); ILCAA Core Project“Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”
    20222023/01/21 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Debates over the Ottoman Caliphate”
    • The workshop “Debates over the Ottoman Caliphate” will be organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems”.
    • Nobuyoshi FUJINAMI (Tsuda University)
    • “Redefining the Caliphate, Amending the Constitution? The Penultimate Ottoman Debate on Islamic Leadership”
    • Abstract: Following the Young Turk Revolution in 1908, Ottomans accepted the principle of national sovereignty. Regardless, they felt a little embarrassed regarding exploiting such legally significant issues as the Sultan-Caliph's prerogatives for party interest. The constitutional amendments were a case in point. Both Muslims and non-Muslims freely defined their sovereign’s rights, which inevitably affected those of the universal commander of the faithful. To what extent the “Islamic” discourses regarding this institution were trustworthy remains a question to which I will turn in this talk. Connected as it was to Sharia, Constitution, and international law, the penultimate Ottoman debate on the Caliphate encourages us to investigate what the essentials of Islamic leadership were thought to be and what they are.
    • Discussant: Norihiro NAGANAWA (Hokkaido University/B01 Co-investigator)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827)
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/21 (Sat)
    Workshop: “The ‘Front Lines’ of Animal Ethics: Response from Israel as a Front Line”
    • Workshop: Young Researcher’s Project Presentation Forum presented by the Research Project on Islam and Gender
    • “The ‘Front Lines’ of Animal Ethics: Response from Israel as a Front Line”
    • Overview: The book “The ‘Front Line’ of Animal Ethics: What Is Critical Animal Studies?”, published in May 2022, is renowned as the first Japanese book that comprehensively charts the progression from animal ethics to Critical Animal Studies. In this report, done under the auspices of the Research Project on Islam and Gender, the presenter will provide an overview of this book paying particular attention to the relationship between Critical Animal Studies and feminism and gender outlined in Chapter 5. Then, the presenter would like to share his research findings on the Animal Rights Movement in Israel, focusing primarily upon the topic of “vegan nationalism” which, in Israel, is quite literally a “front line” issue.
    • Program:
    • Host: Hitomi ONO (The University of Tokyo)
    • 13:35–15:00. Presentation “The ‘Front Line’ of Animal Ethics: Response from Israel as a Front Line.”
    • Hiroshi YASUI (The University of Tokyo Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
    • 15:00–15:10. Break
    • 15:10–15:30. Commentator: Taichi INOUE (translator / interpreter, writer) Comments
    • 15:30–16:00. Q&A
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa (ILCAA Research Fellow) Project number:20H00085), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Construction of “Asia and Gender History” and Development of “Modern and Contemporary History” Teaching Materials” (Principal Investigator: Miho MITSUNARI (Otemon Gakuin University) Project number:20H04447)
    301, Online meeting
    20222023/01/20 (Fri) - 2023/01/21 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 60th meeting

    20 Jan

    • 14:00–15:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian79 (first part)”

    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian79 (second part)”

    21 Jan

    • 10:00–11:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian80”

    • 11:50–13:15. Break
    • 13:15–15:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian81 (first part)”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:15–17:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian82 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/20 (Fri)
    〈Anthropology Cafe〉Reading the series “Ecological Anthropology Challenging” (16 volumes, Kyoto University Press) “What have humans been living with?”
    • Talk event on the “Ecological Anthropology Challenging” series (16 volumes, Kyoto University Press)
    • ■ Talk Panelists
    • 1. Toru SHINOHARA (Director Emeritus, Lake Biwa Museum, Shiga Prefecture; Professor Emeritus, National Museum of Japanese History)
    • 2. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA)
    • 3. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA)
    • 4. Masahiro UMEZAKI (The University of Tokyo)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.*Standing viewing is possible as the event is held in an open space.
    • Jointly sponsored by Books Kinokuniya Shinjuku Main Store, ILCAA, Core Project (Anthropology), TUFiSCo, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(s) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Researcher: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number:19H05591), Kyoto University Press
    Books Kinokuniya Shinjuku Main Store, 3rd floor (Specialty Book Floor), Academic Lounge
    20222023/01/20 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“The Evolving Conflict in Palestine/Israel: Final Status and Emerging Challenges”The 3rd meeting
    • Theme: Revisiting the Framework
    • 14:00–14:50. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Issues of the Post-Oslo Political Structure: Trade-off between Sovereignty and Security Control,”
    • 15:00–15:50. Kensuke YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Shizuoka) “Islamic Movement inside Israel and the Oslo Accords: Attitude toward State and Nation,”(TBD)
    • 16:00–16:50. Taro TSURUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Change in Zionist and Israeli Attitude toward the Arabs,”
    • 17:00–17:40. Discussion
    • 18:00–. Member meeting
    Hongo Satellite 5F, Online meeting
    20222023/01/19 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 12nd meeting
    • 1. Ananya Jahanara Kabir (King’s College London) “Singing beyond the (South Asian) Nation-state: Unspeakable Attachments and their Narrative Forms”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 17th Jan.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Center for South Asian Studies, University of Tokyo, Center for Indian Ocean World Studies at Osaka University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Rethinking the South Asian Studies through the Perspective of ‘Emotions’” (Project Number: 22H03834, Principal Investigator Toshie Awaya)
    Room 114, Research and Lecture Bldg., TUFS, Online meeting
    20222023/01/19 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • Solonin, Kirill (Visiting professor, ILCAA) Comparative Study of the Tangut, Sanskrit, Tibetan versions of the Bodhicaryavatara by Santideva
    • Chair: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/16 (Mon)
    Workshop “Recent trends in Andalusi literature studies and its impact on Arabic literature”
    • The workshop “Recent trends in Andalusi literature studies and its impact on Arabic literature” will be jointly organized by A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” and NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA, with a guest speaker Ms. Enass Khansa, Assistant Professor of American University of Beirut.
    • Lecturer: Enass Khansa (Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut)
    • Chair: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA / Hokkaido University SRC)
    • Program:
    • 18:00–18:10. Introduction by Hidemitsu KUROKI
    • 18:10–18:50. Lecture by Enass Khansa “Recent trends in Andalusi literature studies and its impact on Arabic literature”
    • 18:50–19:30. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • *Open to Public
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)“Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), 20H05823), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Community Formation among Migrants and Refugees” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826), NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA
    20222023/01/09 (Mon)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2022 “How do we do fieldwork? :Collective dialogue among primatologist, linguist, historian, and anthropologist”
    • 13:00–13:05. Greeting from fieldnet, Haruka TANIGUCHI (ILCAA) “Opening remarks”
    • Part1: “Fieldwork methods in each discipline”
    • Fieldwork methods in primatology
    • 13:05–13:25. Haruka TANIGUCHI (ILCAA) “How do Japanese monkey infants pass the winter in the snow-covered area?”
    • 13:25–13:45. Hideki SUGIURA (Wildlife research center, Kyoto university) “Studying vocal exchange in Japanese monkeys in the field”
    • Fieldwork methods in linguistics
    • 13:45–14:00. Hayato AOI (Tokyo university of foreign studies) “How they articulate the vowel: An instrumental phonetic fieldwork in Tarama village, Miyako county, Okinawa, Japan”
    • 14:00–14:15. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA) “An introduction to the field research of the rural Swahili dialects in Zanzibar”
    • 14:15–14:20. Break
    • Fieldwork methods in history
    • 14:20–14:40. Madoka MORITA (ILCAA) “Diving into a sea of historical records: My sojourn in Istanbul”
    • Fieldwork methods in anthropology
    • 14:40–15:00. Yutaka YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Doing my ethnographic fieldwork with Kenyan deaf/hearing people”
    • 15:00–15:10. Break
    • Part2: “Collective dialogue across disciplines”
    • 15:10–16:00. Question and Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: taniguchi8[at] (Haruka TANIGUCHI) *Please change [at] to @
    • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 7th Jan.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori Kawai (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Ethnographic research using visual methods on interactional events among deaf and hearing people in Kenya” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka YOSHIDA (ILCAA Research Associate) Project Number: 20K01189)
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/07 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Visualizing Trust”
    • The workshop “Visualizing Trust” will be jointly organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems”, Group C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” and Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “A study of civilian elite nexuses via digital analyses of pre-modern Arabic historical sources” (21H05374).
    • Erina OTA (TSUKADA) (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/Project Assistant Professor) “Trust-building through nominal relationship among the 15th century intellectuals: Analysis of their connectivity using RDF graphs” (tentative title)
    • Abstract:
    • There is a lot of prosopographical research into prominent individuals and families as the study of intellectuals (ʻulamāʼ) , who occupied the core of biographical dictionaries written in the Mamluk Sultanate. Previous studies of their connectivity have mainly focused on substantial relationships such as teacher-student and marriage.
    • In this presentation, I will focus on nominal teacher-student relationships built by ʻulamāʼ in the 15th century based on ijāzas (licenses) of “istidʻāʼ” (prayer), which were recorded in biographical dictionaries. This type of ijāza was collectively applied and granted from remote places and had applicants who mediated between grantors and recipients; therefore, it had profoundly different characteristics from ordinary ijāzas, which guaranteed the academic attainment of the applicants.
    • This presentation will aim to analyze the 15th-century ʻulamāʼ's networks formed and expanded from mediators using the RDF graph. After that, I will discuss the social meaning of the large-scale construction of nominal connectivity from the viewpoint of trust.
    • Discussant: Takao ITO (Kobe University/C01 Co-investigator)
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Analyses of Connectivity by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “A study of civilian elite nexuses via digital analyses of pre-modern Arabic historical sources” (Principal Investigator: Erina OTA-TSUKADA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H05374)
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“A sociolinguistic study of heritage languages and ethnic identities of migrants” The 5th meeting/ The 30th Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    • 13:00–13:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:10–14:00. Fumiya HIRATAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University) “Acquisition, Education and Policy of German as a Second Language: through the Introduction of a Monograph”
    • 14:10–15:00. Rei SUGIURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “How do Alsatian people use and inherit the regional language?”
    • 15:00–15:30. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Registration deadline is at noon Thu 5 Jan 2023 (Application may be closed early). Zoom meeting invitation will be sent in the afternoon on 5 Jan. If you don’t receive it on 5 Jan, please contact adachi[at] by Fri 6 Jan (Please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    • Cooperated by Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    Online meeting
    20222023/01/06 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 59th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian78 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian78 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/23 (Fri)
    ILCAA forum: Lecture of Research Fellow (Prof. Zhuangsheng)
    • 16:00–17:00. Zhuangsheng (Kicentai) (ILCAA research fellow, Northeast Normal University) “The Qing-Russian border and the maps in Manchu language: Focusing on the Ergune river basin”
    • Chair: Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
    • Language: Japanese, Chinese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) “Historical and sociolinguistic study of the Manchu language”(Principal Researcher: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Project Number: 20K20274)
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/12/23 (Fri)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2011 (Sibe) / The 11th meeting on Sibe language and culture
    • Session 1.
    • 13:00–13:50. Kicengge (Otemon Gakuin University) “On the exploitation of natural resources and development in Yili in the 18-19th centuries”
    • 14:00–14:50. Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Sibe instrumental /=ye/”
    • 15:00–15:50. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “On the centence final particle lyangge in Sibe”
    • Session 2 (Held as an ILCAA Forum). Chair: Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) “Historical and sociolinguistic study of the Manchu language”(Principal Researcher: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Project Number: 20K20274)
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/12/23 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”The 5th meeting
    • 4th International Seminar: Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh
    • (International Seminar Series: Secularization, Islamization and Globalization in South Asia: Beyond Bipolar Politics in Bangladesh)
    • Time:. 10:00–13:00 (Bangladesh Standard Time)
    • 13:00–16:00 pm (Japan ST)
    • 20:00–23:00 (Dec 22nd, Vancouver ST, Canada)
    • Chair: Humayun Kabir (Thompson Rivers University, Canada)
    • Speaker 1: Bulbul Siddiqi (North South University, Bangladesh) Tablighi Jamaat Movement in the Public Sphere
    • Speaker 2: Momotaj Begum (Thompson Rivers University, Canada) Negotiation for Extended Gender Roles in Islam: Female Tablighi Jamaat
    • Discussant 1: Mahbubur Rahman (North South University, Bangladesh)
    • Discussant 2: Ainoon Naher (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh)
    • Response by Each Speaker
    • General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)“Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research: Fostering Joint International Research (B)“Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024), Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/22 (Thu)
    commons café
    • 15:00–16:00 Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “What I thought in Jerusalem, Okinawa, and al-Quseyr: Reflections on the ‘Archiving the contexts’ session in the 7th conference of Japan Society for Digital Archive”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFiSCo
    203, Online meeting
    20222022/12/20 (Tue)
    Islamic Gender Study Group @ TUFS Regular Meeting
    • This is a regular meeting on Islam and Gender.A report on feminist movements in Egypt will be discussed.
    • Presenter: Emi GOTO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Islam & Gender Study Group at TUFS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellow) Project number: 20H00085)
    20222022/12/18 (Sun)
    Lecture “Multicultural coexistence in Niihama: inheriting the legacy of connectivity from Akira Hamanaka”
    • Lecturers:
    • The Lecture as a Civil Dialogue Project will jointly be held by Niihama International Center and Islamic Trust Studies A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” to commemorate the late Akira Hamanaka, who performed considerable service to the creation of Muslim community in Japan based in Niihama, Ehime.
    • Tsuyoshi TOKUDA (Otani University) “Circumstances and problems of the reception of foreigners in the provinces: the case of Niihama”
    • Hirofumi OKAI (Kyoto Sangyo University, A03 Co-investigator) “Connected globally, connecting locally: discussing multicultural coexistence following the footprints left by Akira Hamanaka”
    • Admission: Free *Open to the public
    • Contact: Niihama International Center, TEL: 0897-65-1579
    • e-mail: niihamashikokusai[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Niihama International Center, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building”,Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Community Formation among Migrants and Refugees” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826)
    • Cooperated by General Incorporated Association “Niihama Masjid”
    Training room3, 4F, Niihama City General Welfare Center
    20222022/12/17 (Sat) - 2022/12/18 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level304
    20222022/12/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 8th meeting
    • 13:00–14:00. Mutsumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On the Middle Turkic verb form -(i)p tur(ur) — between perfect and evidential —”
    • 14:10–16:50. Yuto HISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) , Jakshlyk AKMATALIEVA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Shinsuke HIDAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Lightning talks
    • 16:50–17:00. Business meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/17 (Sat)
    Junior Researchers' Meeting “The origin and evolution of sociality” : The 10th Meeting “Individuals in a time frame”
    • Part I: Reviews
    • 13:00–13:20. Takuya MATSUMOTO (Shinshu University) “development, life history”
    • 13:30–13:50. Koji SONODA (Niigata University) “socialization, development”
    • 14:00–14:20. General discussion
    • Part II: Research presentation
    • 14:30–14:50. Takuya MATSUMOTO (Shinshu University) “Methodological considerations for depicting the life history of wild chimpanzees”
    • 15:00–15:20. Koji SONODA (Niigata University) “Socialization into competent practitioners among Baka hunter-gatherers' children”
    • 15:30–16:00. General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project“Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”The 8th meeting
    • 13:30–18:00. all participants Discussion on the presentations for the publication of the research project “Anthropology of Death”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Hongo Satellite
    20222022/12/16 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 58th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian77 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian77 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/13 (Tue)
    Public Talk by Prof. Arif Naushahi
    • Arif Naushahi (Former Prof., Gordon College) “Fehrest-nevīsī-e noskhehā-ye khaṭṭī-e Fārsī dar Pākistān va tajribāt-e man” (Compiling Catalogues of Persian Manuscripts in Pakistan: My Experience)
    • Chair: Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, please contact to Satoshi OGURA: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @.).
    • Language: Persian
    • Organized by NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa)
    302, Online meeting
    20222022/12/12 (Mon)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Muslim connectivity viewed from thought and strategy: cases of Southeast Asia and South Asia”
    • The workshop “Muslim connectivity viewed from thought and strategy: cases of Southeast Asia and South Asia” will be jointly organized by B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia”.
    • Program:
    • 15:30–16:10. Henri Chambert-Loir(L'Ecole Française de l'Extrême-Orient) “From Kawi to Jawi: The adoption of the Arabic script in the Malay world”
    • 16:10–16:30. Discussion
    • 16:30–17:10. Anupriya Sharma & Marie Lall(University College London) “Exploring the strategies of Muslim NGOs to recreate trust and connectivity in South Asia”
    • 17:10–17:30. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University) Project number: 20H05828)
    • Cooperated by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia”
    Room 501 on the Minoh Campus, Osaka University, Online meeting
    20222022/12/12 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”The 5th meeting
    • 9:30–11:30. The first session
    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) & Seunghun LEE (ILCAA joint researcher, ICU) “Fricatives in Bantu languages”
    • Yuko ABE (ILCAA joint researcher, Lanzhou U) “Bantu spirantization in zone F”
    • 15:00–17:00. The second session
    • Kyosuke YAMAMOTO (ILCAA joint researcher, TUFS) “The phonetic and phonological status of the interdental approximant in Kagayanen”
    • General discussion
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/12 (Mon)
    TUFS Cinema: Film Screening of “Chaogtu with Sarula” (China, Set in Southern Mongolia)
    • 1. Screening of “Chaogtu with Sarula”
    • 2. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) Talk on the movie
    • Chair: Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese, Mongolian
    • For registration, please see here. (Only available in Japanese)
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), TUFS Cinema
    • Cooperated with the Center for Intercultural Studies (TUFS)
    Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies
    20222022/12/11 (Sun)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2022 “Aspects of Emerging Popular Music Culture in South Asia”
    • 13:00–13:05. Greeting from Fieldnet
    • 13:05–13:10. Haruo INOUE (King’s College London) Opening Remarks
    • 13:10–13:30. Bombay CALCUTTA (Music Writer) “Representing Multilayered Identity: Various Perspectives of an Indian Rapper”
    • 13:30–13:50. Toru TAKU (Osaka University) “The History of Azadi Records So Far: Hip-Hop and Politics in India”
    • 13:50–14:10. Haruo INOUE (King’s College London) “The Transnational Independent South Asian Music Scene”
    • 14:10–14:20. Q&A
    • 14:20–14:40. Break
    • 14:40–15:00. Mika SASAKI (Film Director) “The World of Bengali Popular Music through the Songs in Cinema”
    • 15:00–15:20. Emi OKADA (National Museum of Ethnology) “Living with Music: The Transition from Conflict Zones to Music Promotion Zones in Naga Society”
    • 15:20–15:40. Kazuyuki MURAYAMA (Wako University) “Popular Songs in Praise of an Islamic Saint - Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, on Their Origins”
    • 15:40–15:50. Q&A
    • 15:50–16:10. Ayako IWATANI (Kyoto University) Comment
    • 16:10–16:55. General Discussion
    • 16:55–17:00. Haruo INOUE (King’s College London) Closing Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is at noon 9th Dec.
    • Contact: haruo.inoue[at] (Haruo INOUE) *Please change [at] to @
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdiciplinary Research (2)”The 4th meeting
    • 13:00–13:10. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Opening Remarks
    • 13:10–14:00. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Progress, achievement and newly emerging issues of Ainu field materials in ILCAA
    • 14:10–15:00. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: materials from Bihoro dialect (8)
    • 15:10–16:00. Hiroshi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus of Chiba University) Yukar narrated by Kikuzo Kibata recorded on 1976-08-21
    • 16:10–17:00. Osami OKUDA (moderator) General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    304, Online meeting
    20222022/12/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19”The 7th meeting
    • 13:00–13:10. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:10–14:10. Ryoko NAGAMINE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts) “Performing Arts and Infection Prevemtion Measures in Taiwan during the COVID19 Pandemic”
    • 14:10–14:55. Q&A
    • 14:55–15:10. Break
    • 15:10–16:10. Takeshi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku Bunkazai Eizo Kenkujo (Institution for research and documentation of cultural properties in Tohoku area)) “Festivals and Folk Performing Arts in the Corona Disaster 'The Current Situation in the Tohoku Region'”
    • 16:10–16:55. Q&A
    • 16:55–18:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona” -Response to the crisis, negotiation on Physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643)
    306, Online meeting
    20222022/12/09 (Fri)
    Seminar Room1, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
    Lecture by Prof. Arif Naushahi “Manābe‘-e avvalīye dar sharḥ-e ḥāl, sokhanān o maqālāt-e Khwāja ‘Obeydollāh Aḥrār va tajrebāt-e man dar taṣḥīḥ-e jadīd-e Rashaḥāt-e ‘Ayn al-ḥayāt”
    • Arif Naushahi (Former Professor, Gordon college) “Manābe‘-e avvalīye dar sharḥ-e ḥāl, sokhanān o maqālāt-e Khwāja ‘Obeydollāh Aḥrār va tajrebāt-e man dar taṣḥīḥ-e jadīd-e Rashaḥāt-e ‘Ayn al-ḥayāt”
    • Chair: Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Persian *The lecture is in Persian with a consecutive interpretation.
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa), Type C research project Studies on the cultures and societies of pre-modern Inner Asia and its adjacent areas" Insititute for Research in Humanities
    Kyoto University"
    20222022/12/09 (Fri)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” The 19th meeting
    • Hirosi NAKAGAWA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Unit vs. cluster analyses of Clicks: a debate in Khoisan phonology”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/06 (Tue)
    Online meeting
    ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia” The 3rd meeting
    • LI Lingli (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) “Persian translations of the Bhāgavatapurāṇa with a brief comparison of two manuscripts”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, contact: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Group Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia"
    Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” (Principal Investigator: Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Project number: 18KK0013)"
    20222022/12/05 (Mon)
    TUFS Cinema: Film Screening of “Veins of the World” (Mongolia/Germany)
    • 1. Screening of “Veins of the World”
    • 2. Akira KAMIMURA (Researcher, TUFS) Talk on Mongolian Cinema
    • Chair: Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese, Mongolian
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing), TUFS Cinema
    • Cooperated with the Center for Intercultural Studies (TUFS), National Museum of Ethnology (NIHU), and Arid Land Research Center (Tottori University)
    Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies
    20222022/12/04 (Sun) - 2022/12/08 (Thu)
    The Iraqi Japanese Workshop (13th International Iraqi Japanese Conference “History, Politics, and Society in Japan and Iraq from Comparative Perspectives”
    • The Iraqi Japanese Workshop (13th International Iraqi Japanese Conference “History, Politics, and Society in Japan and Iraq from Comparative Perspectives”) will be jointly organized in Baghdad, the Republic of Iraq by A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” with University of Baghdad and other institutions.
    • Program
    • Morning Panel: 9.00-11.00 a.m.
    • Opening speeches: 5 Minutes for each speech
    • A Short Welcoming Speech of President of UoB, Professor Muneer Al-Saadi
    • A Short Welcoming Speech of Dean of the CoA, Prof.Dr.Alawi Sader Jazi’
    • A Short Speech of the HE the ambassador of Japan in Iraq, Mr. Futoshi Matsumoto
    • A short Speech of Coordinating Committee (Prof. Keiko Sakai)
    • Keynote lecture: 30 Minutes
    • The Arab and Middle Eastern Studies in Japan
    • Chair: Professor Lahay Abdulhussein
    • Professor Hidemitsu Kuroki, “Middle Eastern Studies in Japan: Its Short History and Potential”
    • Discussants: Prof. Falah Al-Assadi and Prof. Hassan Ali Sabti
    • Discussions
    • Teabreak 11.00-12.00
    • Afternoon Panel 1: 12.00-14.00 p.m.
    • The Economic Collaboration between Iraq and Japan
    • Panel 1: Lecture by JICA-Iraq Office, Mr.YONEDA Gen, “Partnership for the Future of Iraq”
    • Chair: Professor Inaam Al-Salman
    • Discussants: Professor Akiko Yoshioka, professor Bashar Al-Qaysi and Ms. Faika Nasser
    • Discussions:
    • Afternoon Panel 2: On The Gender and Genocide Studies in Iraq through Iraqi Perception
    • Chair: Salam Al-Ebadi
    • Professor Adnan Yassen Mustafa, “The Societal Changes and the Human Security of Woman in Iraq: Social Analysis”
    • Professor Salah Al-Jaberi, “On UNESCO Chair in UoB to Prevent of Genocide in Iraq”
    • Discussants: Professor Keiko Sakai, professor Nibras Adnan and Dr.Shirine Muhammed Kadhum
    • Discussions
    • Lunch: 14.30-16.00 p.m.
    • Morning Panel: 9.00–11.30 a.m.
    • Opening speeches: 5 Minutes for each speech
    • A Short Welcoming Speech of President of MU, Professor Dr. Hameed Al-Tamimi
    • A Short Welcoming Speech of Professor Dr. Isam Assal Hassan ,Dean of CoA
    • A Short Speech of the HE the ambassador of Japan in Iraq, Mr. Futoshi Matsumoto
    • A short Welcoming Speech of Coordinating Committee(Prof. Keiko Sakai)
    • Keynote Lecture: 30 Minutes
    • The Iraqi and Japanese Societies in Modern Period
    • Professor Eiji Oguma, Keio University,
    • “Imagined Communities and the Japanese Experience:how do we the people who can be a base of a political unity ”(Online Lecture).
    • Professor Keiko Sakai, Chiba University,
    • “Social Movements in the Iraqi History and emergence of Diverse Senses of Watan”
    • Chair: Professor Ali Abdulhadi Al-Merhaj
    • Discussants: Professor Mahmoud Al-Qaysi and professor Jalal Kadhum Al-Kinani
    • Discussions
    • Panel 3: on Iraqi Social Movements
    • Chair: Professor Jalal Kadhum
    • Professor Saad Mohammed Ali Al-Gar’awi, “The Protests Psychology in Iraq”
    • Discussants: Professor Keiko Sakai and Professor Ali Abdulhadi Al-Merhij
    • Discussions
    • Panel 4: on Japanese Studies in Iraq
    • Chair: Professor Samer Rahim Nu’ama
    • Professor Alaa Al-Ameri, “The future of Japanese Studies in Iraq”
    • Discussants: Professor Haider Shaker Al-Sultani and Dr.Afrah Muhammed Ali
    • Discussions
    • Lunch: 3.30–5.30 p.m.
    • Morning Panel: 9.00–12.00 a.m.
    • Welcoming Speech of Dep. of the Historical Studies-Baytal Hikma: Prof.Ismael Al-Jaberi and Prof.Haider Al-Tamimi
    • A Short Speech of the HE the ambassador of Japan in Iraq,Mr. Futoshi Matsumoto
    • A short Speech of Coordinating Committee (Prof.Keiko Sakai)
    • History,Politics and the Modernization Experiences in the Iraqi and Japanese Perspectives
    • Chair: Professor Ismael Al-Jaberi
    • Lecture 1: Professor Keiko Sakai “1920 Revolution as a source of nation-hood of Iraq” 30 Minutes
    • Lecture 2: Professor Akiko Yoshioka, IEEJ.
    • “Power Struggle in Kurdistan of Iraq and Political Mobilization in Disputed Territories:
    • from Analyses of 2021 Iraqi Election”. 30 Minutes
    • Lecture 3: Professor Mahmoud Al-Qaysi,
    • “How Do Iraqis understand the Japanese History and Modernization” 20 Minutes
    • Lecture 4: Professor Duaa Saad, “Attempts to benefit from the Japanese Educational System in Iraq”
    • Discussants: Professor falah Al-Assadi and Professor Inaam Al-Salman
    • Discussions
    • General discussion with Iraqi Scholars on the Future of academic Exchange between Iraq and Japan
    • Final Remarks: professor Haider Qasim M. Al-Timimi
    • 9.30–12.00 p.m.
    • Working meeting with professors of Iraqiya University-College of Arts
    • Opening speeches: 5 Minutes for each speech
    • A Short Welcoming Speech of President of IU, Professor Ali Hussein Al-Jabouri
    • A Short Welcoming Speech of Professor Hussein Dakhil Al-Bahadeli ,Dean of CoA-IU
    • A Short Speech of the HE the ambassador of Japan in Iraq,Mr. Futoshi Matsumoto
    • The Japanese Perception of the History of Iraq and the Arabs
    • Keynote Lecture: 25 Minutes
    • Chair: Professor Falah Al-Assadi
    • Professor Keiko SAKAI, “1920 Revolution: Its Contemporary Implication”
    • Professor Waissam Abdulrazaq Hussein and Isra’ Mohammed Saleh, “The Japanese Studies on Palestine”
    • Discussants: Professor Inaam Al-Salman and Dr.Saif Adnan
    • Discussions
    • Discussion with professor Hussein al-Bahadhili, Dean of College of Arts,
    • professors and graduate students in the University on the future academic cooperation with Japanese Universities
    • Visit to Qiyam Private School 12.30–14.00
    • Working-level Meeting with staff of al-Qiyam school
    • Discussion on future cooperation in educational fields
    • Lunch: 14.30–16.00.
    • Follow-up Meeting with President of University of Baghdad
    • The Future of academic Cooperation with Chiba University according to 2017 MOU.
    • Lunch: 12.00–14.00 p.m.
    • Professor Dr. Keiko Sakai, Dean of the center of Relational Studies on Global Crises, Chiba University
    • Professor Dr. Alawi Sader Jazi’, Dean of College of Arts, University of Baghdad
    • Professor Dr. Hussein Dakhil Al-Bahedili, Dean of College of Arts-Iraqia University
    • Professor Dr. Isam Al-‘Asal, Dean of College of Arts, Mustansiryah University
    • Professor Dr. Mundher Ali Abdulmalik, Vice Dean for Scientific Affairs and Higer Studies, CoA-UoB
    • Professor Dr. Mahmoud A.M. Al-Qaysi,College of Arts, University of Baghdad
    • Professor Dr.Wissam Abdulrazaq Hussein, College of Arts, Iraqia University
    • Professor Dr. Ammar Mardhi Alawi, Head of History Dep., College of Arts, Iraqia University
    • Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Natiiq Ibrahim, College of Arts, University of Baghdad
    • Assistant professor Ibrahim Tal’at Ibrahim, College of Arts, Iraqia University
    • Assistant Professor Dr. Alaa Fadhil A. Al-Ameri, Head of History Department, CoA, MU
    • Assistant Professor Dr.Ismael Taha Al-Jaberi,baytal Hikma
    • Dr. Amal Abdullah Ataya,The Scientific Affairs Unit,College of Arts-University of Baghdad
    • Dr. Bushra ‘inad Al-Khalili,History Department-College of Arts-University of Baghdad
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Arabic, English
    • Jointly sponsored by Colleges of Arts in the University of Baghdad, Iraqia University, Mustansiryah University, Chiba University, Bayt al Hikma
    • Cooperated by Japan Society for promotion of Sciences: Core-to-Core program: Type B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms“Establishing Research Networks on the studies of protest movements: focusing on the cases of the Middle East and its comparison with those in Asia”, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Islamic Trust Studies” Project A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826)
    Baghdad, Iraq (Location depends on the day)
    20222022/12/04 (Sun)
    <Commemorative Seminar> Identities of a Minority: Muslims in America
    • A seminar will be held to commemorate the publication of the book “Identities of a Minority: Muslims in America”. Mr. Rocamora, who is visiting Japan, will speak at the event. We hope that many of you will join us at the venue.
    • Facilitator: Emi Goto (ILCAA, TUFS)
    • Speakers:
    • Kei Takahashi (Toyo University) “Encounter with Rick Rocamora, and on Muslims in America”
    • Rick Rocamora (Documentary photographer) “Capturing the Voices of Muslims in America”
    • Eiji Nagasawa (ILCAA, TUFS) “Learning and Thinking through Photos”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English, Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Islam&Gender Study Group at TUFS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellow) Project number:20H00085)
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/12/04 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia-Transnational Networks and Local Responses”The 7th meeting
    • 14:00–15:30. Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University) Lutfi Bin Yahya and Indonesian Society: Form the Activities as a Religious Figure and a Member of the Presidential Advisory Council
    • 15:45–17:30. Aiko NISHIKIDA (Keio UNiversity) Palestine and Transnational nework of Islamic Movement
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office (KKLO)
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/03 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 9th meeting
    • 1. Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai Nationalities University) Bone utilization and related cultural aspects of Tibetan pastoralists
    • 2. Junko MIURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Translator) Vegetarianism in Nyingmapa: Nyala Pema Dundul and Patrul Rinpoche
    • 3. Jiayang (Doctoral student of graduate school in ILCAA) The management of livestock and utilization of land in the Tibetan plateau
    • 4. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows “Geolinguistical and Historical Study on Tibetic Languages with Focuses on Characteristic grammar and Ethnoterminology” (Principal Investigator: Shiho EBIHARA (JSPS/TUFS) Project Number: 20J40127), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04480)
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/12/03 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 8th meeting
    • 1. Yukiko KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Never do we return to the hill” : youth livelihoods and memories of violence in post-genocide Rwanda
    • 2. Seera GEORGINA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Skinny girls, fat women: the dynamics of obesity in urban Uganda”
    • Moderator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project Number: 22H00769)
    302, Online meeting
    20222022/12/02 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 57th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian76 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian76 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/12/01 (Thu)
    commons café
    • 15:00–16:00. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “‘Co-creating with Society’ and ‘Transcending into Others’”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFiSCo
    203, Online meeting
    20222022/11/30 (Wed)
    18:00–19:30[GMT+9][Open 17:30]
    Public Talk by Issam Kourbaj: “Leave to Remain: Burning”
    • “Leave to Remain: Burning” : A talk by Syrian-born Cambridge-based visual artist Issam Kourbaj on his journey as an artist, touching on his artwork and performances in collaboration with other creative science and humanity disciplines at the University of Cambridge. He will also be speaking about his response to the ongoing Syrian conflict and about the destruction of his homeland and cultural heritage since March 2011.
    • Chair: Yui KANDA (Secretariat of the Global Mediterranean Project at ILCAA)
    • Contact: gmed.ilcaa[at] (Yui KANDA, Secretariat of the Global Mediterranean Project at ILCAA) *please change [at] to @
    304, Online meeting
    20222022/11/18 (Fri) - 2022/12/15 (Thu)
    <Photo Exhibition>Identities of a Minority: Muslims in America
    • The book “Identities of a Minority: Muslims in America” will be published this fall by the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Press. It is a collection of documentary photographs by Rick Rocamora, a Philippine-born photographer living in the United States. The book contains photographs and texts depicting some aspects of the daily lives of Muslims living in the U.S. after the 9/11 tragedy in 2001.
    • The exhibition will commemorate the book's release by featuring some photographs from the collection. As Rocamora puts it, these photographs convey the “visual voices” of Muslims living in the U.S. today. Through the visualization of their life stories documented in these photographs, the exhibition aims to deliver the idea that human life is not confined to origin or religion. We hope the exhibition gives visitors a chance to learn about the world today and rethink what it means to live.
    • *The first day opens at 13:00. Last day closes at 15:00. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and national holidays except for November 19 (Sat), 20 (Sun), 23 (Wed), and December 3 (Sat) and 4 (Sun).
    • *A commemorative seminar will be held on Sunday, December 4, 2022, from 13:00 to 15:00.
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellows) Project number: 20H00085)
    1F, ILCAA
    20222022/11/27 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 9th meeting
    • Under the topic of “language change/variation and language acquisition,” four members in this project are going to make their own presentation within 30 minutes, followed by respective Q&A sessions for 15 minutes. Thereafter, we will make a free discussion about the issue for abut 60 minutes.
    • 13:30–14:00. Yosuke SATO (Tsuda University) Input Indeterminacy and Syntactic Vulnerability: Interspeaker Variation in Transitive Subject Control Promise
    • 14:00–14:15. Q&A
    • 14:20–14:50. Hiroshi Aoyagi (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) Remarks on -te in V1-te V2 serial verb constructions
    • 14:50–15:05. Q&A
    • 15:10–15:40. Hideki KISHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) Secondary Predicates in Japanese: The Structure of Depictive and Resultative Predicates
    • 15:40–15:55. Q&A
    • 16:00–16:30. Koji SUGISAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei gakuin University) Partitive Constraint in Child English: A Preliminary Study
    • 16:30–16:45. Q&A
    • 17:45–17:40. Discussants:Yoshiki OGAWA (Tohoku University), Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA), Hiroyuki NAWATA (The University of Shimane), Yasuaki ISHIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University), Shinichiro SANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Keio University) Free discussion on today’s theme
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20222022/11/26 (Sat)
    Session No.1 How to Tell “Context”: Methodical Inquiry for Archiving Asia and Africa.
    • Today, the construction and utilization of digital archive about language and culture in Asia and Africa proceed and we see the increase of the demands. On the other hand, digital archive enables us to construct and transmit information resources and has larger social influence.
    • In this situation, it is necessary to discuss digital archive itself because of its political characteristics.
    • The first subject to be discussed is image fixation by digital archives.
    • As the second subject, we estimate the risks of digital archiving that can be a disadvantage against the areas which are subjects of archiving.
    • We will focus on “context” as the community and historical and cultural background of the subject of archiving. We will discuss the ways of the construction of digital archives, from the viewpoint of how to deal with and communicate the “context.”
    • ・Panelist 1: Keita KURABE (Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa)
    • ・Panelist 2: Atsushi NOBAYASHI (National Museum of Ethnology)
    • ・Panelist 3: Naoko FUKAMI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Cairo Research Station), Takenori YOSHIMURA (Daito Bunka University)
    • ・Commentator: Daiji KIMURA (Kyoto University)
    • The session is a part of the 7’th Conference of Japan Society for Digital Archive. The conference will be held from November 24 (Thu) to November 27 (Sun) in Okinawa.
    Okinawa Prefectural Library
    20222022/11/26 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”The 9th meeting
    • 10:00–12:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)
    • 13:00–15:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (2)
    • Chair: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/26 (Sat) - 2022/11/27 (Sun)
    The 2nd International Conference on Islamic Trust Studies “Translation and Transformation in Muslim's Connectivity”
    • The second International Conference of Islamic Trust Studies “Translation and Transformation in Muslim's Connectivity” will be jointly organized by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy.”
    • Objectives of the Conference
    • The second International Conference of Islamic Trust Studies, examines the connectivity of Muslim behavior, particularly through law and human relations. We would like to clarify how Muslims interpret and prescribe the relationship between people and the state according to the law, human relations within the family, and the relationship found in gender in Islamic education, and what wisdom is used to enable strategic responses in doing so.
    • Program
    • Day 1
    • Saturday, 26 November, 14:30–17:00.
    • 14:30–15:00. Opening Address by Area Organizer for Islamic Trust Studies, Hidemitsu Kuroki (Professor, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/ Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan)
    • Introduction
    • 15:00–17:00. 1st Session: Legal Pluralism and Islam in the History of Empires
    • Discussant: Gagandeep S. Sood (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK)
    • Guy Burak (New York University, USA)
    • “Writing a Conceptual History of Early Ottoman Kanun (From Chinggis Khan to Bayezid II)”
    • Zhanar Jampeissova (Astana IT University, Kazakhstan) and Jin Noda (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan)
    • “Translated ‘Legal’ Code: Difference of Understanding the Law between Kazakh Nomads and Russian Colonial Officials”
    • Day 2
    • Sunday, 27 November, 10:00–17:00.
    • 10:00–12:00. 2nd Session: Faith and Strategy: The Dynamics of Trust Building within Muslim Communities
    • Discussant: Marrie Lall (University College London, UK)
    • Faiza Muhammad Din (Humboldt University, Germany)
    • “Trust and Muslim Women’s Mobility”
    • Masako Kudo (Rikkyo University, Japan)
    • “Negotiating Identity among Muslim Women with Pakistani Fathers and Japanese Mothers: An Exploration of Connectivity, Gender, and Strategicity Perspectives”
    • <Lunch Break>
    • 14:00–16:00. 3rd Session: Right and Law in the Multi-Ethnic Societies
    • Discussant: Gagandeep S. Sood and Zaw Lynn Aung
    • Kazuto Ikeda (Osaka University, Japan)
    • “Becoming Rohingya in Myanmar: Ethnic Politics in the U Nu Era 1948-1962”
    • Sayaka Takano (Chuo University, Japan) “Legal Pluralism and Connectivity in Indonesia”
    • 16:00–17:00. General Discussions
    • Concluding Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Registration Deadline: Sunday, November 20 at 23:59 (JST)
    • Notes: Pre-registration for onsite participation will be closed when reaches the maximum number of participants (currently 70). In addition, the above provisions may change depending on the situation of COVID-19 and other infections. We ask all onsite participants to wear face masks and to cooperate with the prevention measures such as hand sanitization.
    • Language: English
    • For those coming to Osaka University, please see here.
    • For participants via Zoom, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA, TUFS) Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University) Project Number: 20H05828)
    4F Lecture Room, Minoh Campus Building, Osaka University, Online meeting
    20222022/11/26 (Sat)
    Cultural / Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2022
    • Opening Remarks: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA)
    • Presentation 1: Nobuko UESAWA (ILCAA) “'Another Development' around NGO Women's Groups: A Case Study of Garo Society in Bangladesh”
    • Comment 1: Toshihiro NOBUTA (National Museum of Ethnology)
    • Presentation 2: PARK KEUNMO (Nagoya University) “Acceptance and transformation of Korean food in Japanese society -Focusing on the “Smell” of Japanese society and people regarding Korean food”
    • Comment 2: Hiroki OKADA (Kobe University)
    • Presentation 3: Bas Ahmet MERIK (Chiba University) “Tropismatic Entanglements/Disentanglements: Figures of Response-ability in the Rokugodote Homeless Village”
    • Comment 3: Akinori HAMADA (The University of Tokyo)
    • Critique: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) From the Editorial board of Cultural Anthropology: Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka)
    • Closing remarks: Osamu NAKAGAWA (National Museum of Ethnology)
    • Chair: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • If you have any questions about the seminar: infoseminar[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • For registration, please see here
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/24 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Lecture “The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar”
    • The workshop “The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar” will be joingly organized by A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” and C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” inviting Dr. Guy Burak as a guest speaker.
    • Program:
    • Speaker: Guy Burak (New York University) Title: ‘The Rediscovery of a Phantom Library: Studying the Library of Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar (d. 1804)'
    • Moderator: Takao ITO (Kobe University / C01)
    • Abstract: The library of the mosque of the famous late eighteenth-century governor of northern Palestine Ahmad Pasha al-Jazzar (d. 1804) has had a phantom presence in the historiography of Ottoman and Levantine libraries. Recently, the inventory of the library, currently held at the General Directorate of Endowments in Ankara, was brought to my attention. This personal discovery led to a large collaborative research project whose aim is to study one of the most important Ottoman libraries of the late eighteenth century. The talk will survey the project and situate it in the broader context of the study of Ottoman and Islamic libraries. Special attention will be drawn to the particularities of the librarian(s)’ descriptive practices.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Contact: shin_kato[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.*Pre-registration deadline:at 17:00 JST, November 22, 2022
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)Planned Research “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05830)
    304, Online meeting
    20222022/11/23 (Wed)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot”, The 18th meeting
    • Kazuhiro KAWACHI (Keio University) “Development of associated motion constructions from a multi-verb construction: The case of Kupsapiiny”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Registration deadline is 22th Nov.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/23 (Wed)
    Recreation and the creative Muslimah
    • Title: Recreation and the creative Muslimah
    • Abstract: In most countries around the world literacy and employment rate amongst women has risen steadily in the last few decades, as it has amongst Muslim women too. Many amongst them are seeking simultaneously to learn about Islam, i.e., their obligations as Muslims and the rights that Islamic law has endowed them. Their engagement in economic activities implies mobility and the availability of surplus capital to spend on recreational activities. However, the question arises if and which recreational activities will be permissible and preferred by Muslim women. Therefore, many women have introduced tourism, hospitality, and event management initiatives that cater to educated urban Muslims' aesthetics. The travel bloggers from Indonesia who review female mosque areas, Instagrammers from the UK who normalize a niqabi lifestyle while capturing beautiful picnics, and Pakistani women who promote traveling into beautiful areas of Pakistan in female and family-friendly ways are a few prominent examples.
    • Speaker: Faiza Muhammad Din (Post-doctoral researcher, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin) Faiza is currently engaged as a post-doctoral researcher in the research project, Women's Pathways to Professionalization in Muslim Asia: Reconfiguring Religious Knowledge, Gender, and Connectivity (2020-3). The research focuses on the diverse ways in which Muslim women translate their religious knowledge into their professional lives. This presentation is based on the online research conducted in 2020-1 during the pandemic. Her research interests include gender and religion, language and gender, eco-theology, interreligious dialogue, religion and consumer identities, and South & Southeast Asian Islam.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Website: Please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa, Project number:20H00085), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University) Project Number: 20H05828)
    301, Online meeting
    20222022/11/23 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Kohei NAKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shinshu University) “Tonal variants in Keihan-type dialects”
    • 2. Tatsuya HIRAKO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “On the accent of the Murakushi dialect of Hamamatsu City”
    • 3. General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/20 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Embodiment: Anthropological Study of Things (4)”The 2nd meeting
    • 14:00–15:45. Yoshimi YAMAMOTO (Tsuru University) “Okinawan woman tattooing (Hajichi) to consider based on tools.”
    • 16:00–17:45. Katsumi OKUNO (Rikyou University) “Life and Body, Anthropology in the 20th Century: Bronis?aw, Claude, Tim”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/20 (Sun)
    Field linguistics café
    • Talk-1: Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Doing field linguistics in Africa: what you may find only in the field”
    • Talk-2: Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Collecting and inheriting oral literature in Myammar: collaborations with local speech communities”
    • Cross talk: Hayato AOI (fasilitator) + Keita KURABE + Daisuke SHINAGAWA
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    20222022/11/19 (Sat)
    Junior Researchers' Meeting “The origin and evolution of sociality” : The 9th Meeting “Food sharing”
    • 13:00–13:05. Announcement of future plans
    • Part I : Reviews
    • 13:05–13:25. Tomoyuki TAJIMA (Osaka University) “Food sharing,Reciprocal Exchange”
    • 13:35–13:55. Haruna YATSUKA (Tsuda University) “Food sharing, Possession”
    • 14:05–14:25. General discussion
    • Part II : Research presentation
    • 14:35–14:55. Tomoyuki TAJIMA (Osaka University) “Do food sharing among orangutans influence on the reproduction?”
    • 15:05–15:25. Haruna YATSUKA (Tsuda University) “Possession and sharing of foods among the Hadza hunter-gatherers engaged in tourism in Tanzania”
    • 15:35–16:05. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/18 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 56th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Some Considerations on the Concept of “True (眞) ” based on the Barbarian / Foreigner-regulations seen on the Han Slips from Hujia-Caochang”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian75”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/17 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • AYNUR, Hatice (ILCAA Research Fellow) “The Fountains of Ottoman Istanbul Constructed under Women’s Patronage: Preliminary Observations”
    • Abstract:
    • Based on my on-going project entitled 'Ottoman Endowments Built by Women: The Fountains of Istanbul’, this paper presents some early findings. The project’s principal goal is the collection of data on those fountains of Ottoman Istanbul that were built under the patronage of women – the intent being to construct the identity of the women who sponsored the construction of those fountains, and to address the questions that arise therein.
    • Some of these questions include:
    • • Was fountain-building patronage as popular among women as it was with men?
    • • Do those fountains that were commissioned by women differ significantly from those commissioned by men?
    • • Given the poems that were written in celebration of a given fountain’s construction, is it possible to determine the identity of the woman who commissioned it?
    • Chair: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA)
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/17 (Thu)
    Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the Art (No.14)
    • Program of the Meeting
    • 10:00–10:10. Welcome Address: Hidemitsu Kuroki (Head, JaCMES/ Professor, ILCAA)
    • 10:10–11:00. Masato Tanaka (Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Tokyo) “Economic reform movements in Mount Lebanon from the late Ottoman period to the early French Mandate”
    • Comment: Malek Sharif (Affiliated Researcher, Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, The University of Münster)
    • 11:00–11:50. Yuko Ido (Researcher, The Japan Institute of International Affairs) “Depending on imported grains in an era of insecurity: A comparative reflection on Middle East and North Africa and East Asian cases”
    • Comment: Nadine Yamout (Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut)
    • 11:50–12:00. Coffee Break
    • 12:00–12:50. Yuki Sawaguchi (Ph.D. Candidate, The University of Tokyo) “Who are “good quality soldiers” ? The intersectional approach of gender and ethnicity in Israeli militarism”
    • Comment: Doğu Durgun, (Assistant Professor, Kadir Has University, Istanbul)
    • 12:50–12:55. Closing remarks: Hidemitsu Kuroki
    • Chair: Tomoaki Shinoda (Researcher, JaCMES/ ILCAA)
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society”
    Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
    20222022/11/14 (Mon)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” The 17th meeting
    • Lorenzo Maselli (Ghent University, BantUGent project) “Phonetic and phonological reconnaissance of the Mai-Ndombe (DRC) : case studies into close-quarter sound variation”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For online participation, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing), TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/13 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Eri HASHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) “To be, or not to be a “real man” : Tactical agency of the Nuer youths in post-conflict society of South Sudan”
    • 2. Tom ONDICHO (ILCAA Visiting Researcher, University of Nairobi) “Virtual learning as an opportunity for the youth to side hustle: The case of Students at the University of Nairobi, Kenya.”
    • Moderator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project number: 22H00769)
    302,Online meeting
    20222022/11/06 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19” The 6th meeting (Round-table Talk on Field Work)
    • Topic: Difficulties, challenges, and interesting aspects of fieldwork in the Corona or after Corona period.
    • 13:00–13:05. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 13:05–14:05. Part I. Foreign Survey Report
    • Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Bali & Jakarta”
    • Chie KAMINO (National Museum of Ethnology) “Korea”
    • Manami SUZUKI (Kyoto University) “Turkey & Europe”
    • 14:15–15:30. Part II: Domestic Survey Report
    • Megumi MAEHARA (Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties) “Classical Performing Arts and Conservation Techniques”
    • Daisuke MUTO (Gunma Prefectural Women's University) “Strip club”
    • Takeshi ABE (Tohoku Bunkazai Eizo Kenkujo (Institution for research and documentation of cultural properties in Tohoku area)) “Tohoku Folk Performing Arts”
    • Masataka SUZUKI (Keio University / The Association for the Study of Japanese Mountain Religion) “Onbashira Festival”
    • 15:30–16:00. Part III: Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona” -Response to the crisis, negotiation on Physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643)
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/05 (Sat)
    Seminar on TEI/XML utilisation for humanities
    • This seminar provides an opportunity to learn fundamentals for utilizing TEI/XML data. It does not deal with data creation. lt mainly targets people who do not know how to create data in TEI, but who can/do have access to TEI/XML data, but don't know what to do with it... We hope you will join us.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by TEI-C East Asia/Japanese Subcommittee
    • Cooperated by Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/05 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”The 7 meeting
    • 13:30–15:30. Minori TAI (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Mourning through Music Today: A Case Study of Contemporary Japanese Funerals”
    • 15:45–18:00. Discussion on research directions of “Anthropology of Death”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/11/04 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 55 meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Data Processing Training for Historical Science01: First Steps in Regular Expression”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian74”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/10/30 (Sun)
    Symposium “Life History: Birth, Growth, and Death of Nonhuman Primtes and Humans”
    • 1. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Openning remarks”
    • 2. Yuriko IGARASHI (Nihon University) “Introduction”
    • 3. David SPRAGUE (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization) “Life history of primates”
    • 4. Yasuhiro YAMADA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Life history of Jomon people”
    • 5. Takuya MATSUMOTO (Shinshu University) “Chimpanzee weaning and human childhood: how can life histories be compared between species? ”
    • 6. Taro YAMAUCHI (Hokkaido University)” “How hunter-gatherer children become adults: Alloparenting and children's hunting and gathering activities
    • 7. Hitonaru NISHIE (Kyoto University) “Are chimpanzees to die? : Chimpanzee thanatology reconsidered”
    • 8. Yasuhiro YAMADA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “View of life and death of Jomon people”
    • 9. Motomitsu UCHIBORI (professor emeritus of the Open University of Japan / Hitotsubashi University) “Comment: Birth of the Dead among the Modern Humans”
    • 10. Yuriko IGARASHI (Nihon University) “Comment: Childbirth and childcare of prehistoric people”
    • 11. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Comment: Death and Life in Contemporary Thailand”
    • 12. General discussion Host: Yuriko IGARASHI (Nihon University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please contact: sociality.oe[at] (please change [at] to @) .
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    304, Online meeting
    20222022/10/27 (Thu)
    commons café
    • 15:00–16:00. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Towards field archiving of oral culture in northern Myanmar”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, TUFiSCo
    Online meeting
    20222022/10/23 (Sun)
    Workshop: What is a “good soldier?” : The intersectionality of gender and ethnicity in the IDF
    • Title: Workshop
    • Who Are “Good Quality Soldiers” ? : The Intersectionality of Gender and Ethnicity in the Israeli Military
    • Speaker: Yuki SAWAGUCHI (Ph.D student, The University of Tokyo) Abstract: Since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, it has had mandatory military service for both sexes. The citizens and the soldiers are equated by militarism which creates a nation through military services. In this context, “good quality soldiers” in prestigious units in the Israeli military are represented as the ideal of Israeli citizens and can obtain a valuable career in civilian life. On the other hand, the “quality of the soldier” is not value-neutral, and “good soldiers” are constructed/reproduced by the diverse stratification of Israeli society. Through the intersectionality of gender and ethnicity, this workshop discusses how “good quality soldiers” are produced by Israel's power structure and hierarchy.
    • 【Program】
    • Facilitator: Hitomi ONO (The University of Tokyo)
    • 13:35–14:15. Session
    • Speaker: Yuki SAWAGUCHI (Ph.D student, The University of Tokyo)
    • 14:15–14:25. Comment
    • Commentator: Hiroshi YASUI (Ph.D student, The University of Tokyo)
    • 14:25–14:35. Literature Introduction
    • Fumika SATO (2022) The Conundrum of the Female Soldiers, Keio University Press
    • 14:35–14:45. Break
    • 14:45–15:15. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For online participation, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa (ILCAA Research Fellow) Project number:20H00085) , Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Construction of “Asia and Gender History” and Development of “Modern and Contemporary History” Teaching Materials” (Principal Investigator: Miho MITSUNARI (Otemon Gakuin University) Project number:20H04447)
    Hongo Satellite 5F/Online meeting
    20222022/10/21 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 54 meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Possibilities of Automatic Processing of Administrative Documents on Wooden Tablets and Bamboo Slips”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Rites of Placing the Dead in a Coffin and the Development of the Rites from the End of Western Han to the Wei and Jin Dynasties in Ancient China, from the Perspective of a List of Personal Cloths and Belongings”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/10/20 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • ZHANG, Shuya (JSPS Postdoctoral fellow) Title: Lost nephew: how the vicissitudes of Gyalrongic nibling terminology shed light on the Proto- Gyalrongic family structure?
    • Abstract:
    • Kinship terms inherited from the proto-language may develop different meanings in different daughter languages. A classic example concerns Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *népōts, which developed two seemingly unrelated meanings in Indo-European (IE) languages, ‘nephew (in particular sister’s child)’ and ‘grandchild’. Reconstructing ‘grandchild, descendant' as the original meaning of PIE *népōts left much room and clues for the speculation of the social institutions leading to the semantic change from ‘grandchild’ to ‘nephew’ in IE languages. In Sino-Tibetan, Gyalrongic languages, a conservative branch spoken in Northwestern Sichuan, present a similar yet more intriguing case related to their nibling terms, with a mixture of cross-dialectal divergence and intra-dialectal polysemy. The Gyalrongic etymon #ptsa exhibits a semantic split between ‘nibling’, attested in the west sub-branch, and ‘cousins’, found in the east branch. Moreover, in a few varieties, the reflexes of Gyalrongic #ptsa involve a cross-generational equation, and are used for both sister’s children and father’s sister’s children. Such equation is noteworthy, as it is reminiscent of the Omaha skewing (named after the Omaha Indians in today’s Nebraska) (Jacques 2012). However, unlike IE languages, the majority of Gyalrongic languages lack written records, linguistics is thus one of the only methods that allow us to trace the historical development of Gyalrongic kinship systems and to speculate on family structures of the Gyalrongs. In attempting to explain the puzzle of the Gyalrongic etymon #ptsa, this talk presents the nibling terms and other relevant information in Gyalrongic languages. It proposes a reconstruction of the Proto-Gyalrongic nibling terminology, and hypothesizes scenarios of historical development to account for the modern diversity of nibling terminologies. On this basis, it will show how the reconstructed nibling terminology can shed light on the family structure of Proto-Gyalrongic speakers. This study will also have indirect repercussions on the historical status of Omaha skewing in Sino-Tibetan (see for example Benedict 1942).
    • References:
    • Benedict, P. K. 1942. Tibetan and Chinese kinship terms. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 6:313– 337.
    • Jacques, G. 2012. The Tangut kinship system in Qiangic perspective. In Medieval Tibeto-Burman Languages, ed. N. W. Hill: 211–256. Leiden: Brill.
    • Chair: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For online participation, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/10/19 (Wed)
    Technical Workshop on ELAN and IIIF for Language Documentation
    • Let’s display the language data created by ELAN with Mirador, one of the IIIF viewers. This workshop will provide a hands-on session of Mirador, and researchers who are actually working on language documentation will introduce their attempts.
    • Moderator: Yona Takahashi (ILCAA)
    • Commentators: Binyam Sisay(The Africa Institute, Sharjah, UAE), Hideyuki Inui (Yamaguchi University), Yuka Hayashi (Kobe University)
    • 14:00–14:10. Introduction (Hideyuki Inui)
    • 14:10–15:00. Workshop 1: Using Mirador (Yona Takahashi)
    • 15:10–16:00. Workshop 2: ELAN and IIIF (Binyam Sisay, Hideyuki Inui, Yuka Hayashi, Yona Takahashi)
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/10/18 (Tue)
    Teaching Materials and Orthographies for Ethiopian Minority Languages
    • Report on the current status and exchange of ideas on the development of teaching materials for minority language education in Ethiopia.
    • 10:00–10:30. Sample picture cards and vocabulary books for mother tongue teaching materials
    • 10:30–11:00. Binyam Sisay(The Africa Institute, Sharjah、UAE) Orthography of Hamar
    • 11:00–11:30. Hideyuki Inui(Yamaguchi University, Japan) Orthography of Basket
    • 11:30–12:00. All participants Q&A
    • Moderator: Yona Takahashi (ILCAA), Hideyuki Inui
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Japan Association of Ethiopian Languages, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)), Description and documentation of Ethiopian languages: Towards a social innovation" (Principal Investigator: Hideyuki INUI (Yamaguchi University) Project Number: 18KK0009)
    20222022/10/18 (Tue)
    Islamic Gender Study Group@TUFS Regular Meeting
    • This is a regular meeting on Islam and Gender.A report on feminist movements in the East Arab region will be discussed.
    • Presenter: Emi GOTO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Islam & Gender Study Group at TUFS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellow) Project number: 20H00085)
    20222022/10/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 11st meeting
    • 1. Kyoko AMANO (Kyoto University) “Marriage in Ancient India as Seen through Myths about the Birth of Children”
    • 2. Yuko YOKOCHI (Kyoto University) “Goddess worship and gender, with a special case of Lajjā Gauri”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For online participation, please visit the link here. Registration deadline is 13 Oct.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Rethinking the South Asian Studies through the Perspective of‘Emotions’” (Principal Investigator:Toshie AWAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Project number:22H03834), The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    Online meeting
    20222022/10/15 (Sat)
    The symposium “Difficulties and Possibilities of Family Research Due to the Novel Coronavirus” (2022 Japan Society of Comparative Family History 71st Autumn Conference)


    • 10:30–10:35. Prof. Makoto Koike (St. Andrew's University) Opening Remarks

    • 10:37–11:05. Presentation (Chair: Prof. Michiko Nishino (Toyo University))
    • 10:40–11:05. 孫詩彧 (Shiyu Sun) (Hokkaido University) “What can we find on the housework with raising children? —Study on the Characteristics of Housework Roles—”
    • 11:05–11:10. Break
    • 11:10–17:00. Symposium
    • Theme “Difficulties and Possibilities of Family Research Due to the Novel Coronavirus” (Chair: Dr. Mitsuhiro Nakajima (Meiji University))
    • 11:10–11:15. Dr. Mitsuhiro Nakajima (Meiji University) , Dr. Wakana Shiino (ILCAA, TUFS) Introduction
    • Ⅰ 11:17–12:10.
    • ①Mr. Daiki Shiraishi (Graduate School of Keio University) “Research on the History of Family Law in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Concerning Comparative Law”
    • ②Dr. Misato Tanaka (Research Institute for Oriental Cultures Gakushuin University) “The Importance of Human Networks in the Covid-19 Crisis―From the Perspective of a Young Major in Modern Korean Family History”
    • 12:10–13:00. Break
    • Ⅱ 13:00–14:20.
    • ③Dr. 柳煌碩 (Ryu Hwangseok) (Nihon University) “Experiences and Challenges of Social Research in the COVID-19 Crisis”
    • ④Ms. Kaoru Kuroiwa (Graduate School of Ochanomizu Univerisity) “Family Research in the COVID-19 Pandemic: from research cases by using group interview for high school students
    • ⑤ Dr. 姜民護 (Kang, Minho) (Doshisya University) “Difficulties and Possibilities of Child and Family Welfare Research in the COVID-19 Crisis”
    • Ⅲ 14:25–15:20.
    • ⑥ Ms. 李婧(Jing Li) (Graduate School of Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Transformation of local events and relatives due to the corona disaster: A Case Study of “Fox Procession” and Family Ties in Oji, Tokyo”
    • ⑦Ms. Aya Asai (Graduate School of Tokyo Metropolitan University) “The Household finances of a family selling vegetables and the corona disaster, Delhi, India”
    • 15:20–15:40. Break
    • 15:40–17:00. Questionnaire
    • 17:00–17:10. Prof. Fumio Tokotani (Nara University) Closing Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For online participation, please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Japan Society of Comparative Family History
    • Core Project “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts” , FENICS
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/10/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Evolving Conflict in Palestine/Israel: Final Status and Emerging Challenges”The 2nd meeting
    • Theme: Current conditions of final status
    • 14:00–14:50. Taizo IMANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chukyo University) “Revaluation and New Development of Research on Colonialism during the Post-Oslo Agreement Period,”
    • 15:00–15:50. Makiko NAMBU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Residency rights and space production in Occupied Jerusalem since the Oslo Accords,”
    • 16:00–16:50. Emi KODAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Palestinians’ Right of Return: Their Consciousness in Lebanon,”
    • 17:00–17:40. All participants Discussion
    • 18:00–. Member meeting
    Hongo Satellite, Online meeting
    20222022/10/12 (Wed)
    Junior Researchers' Meeting “The origin and evolution of sociality”: The 8th Meeting “Environment, Ecological foundation of sociality”
    • 【Review】
    • 1. Haruka TANIGUCHI “Ecological foundation of sociality: Primatological perspectives”
    • 2. Takeshi GOTO “Ecological foundation of sociality: Cultural anthropological perspectives”
    • 3. All participants Discussion
    • 【Research presentation】
    • 4. Haruka TANIGUCHI “Effects of the physical properties of food items on co-feeding behavior of infant Japanese macaques: Case of Ardisia sieboldii” (tentative title)
    • 5. Takeshi GOTO “The Ecological Foundation of Altered State of Consciousness and its Evolution: From the Ayahuasca's Point of View in the Amazonia”
    • 6. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20222022/10/09 (Sun)
    IG kaken 2022 SymposiumGoals for Islam and Gender Studies: Reflection on the issue of Justice


    • Facilitator:Emi GOTO (ILCAA, TUFS)

    • 13:30–15:00. Part 1: Trajectory of Studies on Islam and Gender
    • Toyoko MORITA (Kagoshima University)
    • Keiko TAKAKI (J. F. Oberlin University)
    • Mina HATTORI (Nagoya University)
    • Junko TORIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University)
    • Mari OKA (Kyoto University)
    • 15:00–15:20. Break
    • 15:20–16:30. Part 2: Goals for Islam and Gender Studies
    • Speaker:Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA, TUFS)
    • All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “JSPS Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellow) Project Number: 20H00085)
    The University of Tokyo, Online meeting
    20222022/10/09 (Sun)
    Let's travel around the world together! 2022 Chikyu Tankentai
    • *Let's travel the world together! 2022 Chikyu Tankentai is a series of workshops which tickle children's curiosity to know more about the world.
    • 【AM】10:30–12:30
    • 【PM】14:30–16:30
    • Speaker: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA), et al.
    • Participants: 2nd-6th graders and their parents / guardians
    • Capacity: 8 families per session
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here. Registration deadline is 7th Oct.
    • Jointly sponsored by MANALABO, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (Principal Investigator: Noriko IIZUKA (Kyoto University) Project number:21K01057) , Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Principal Investigator:Koji SONODA (Niigata University) Project number:22K13263), TUFiSCo
    • Supported by Kyoto City Board of Education; NPO Heiwa Kankyo Moyai Net; Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University; African Studies Center -TUFS; Japan Consortium for Area Studies.
    Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, 2F seminar room
    20222022/10/08 (Sat) - 2022/10/09 (Sun)
    Tibetan Contemporary Literature Festival 2022


    8 Oct

    • 10:00–10:10. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Opening remarks”

    • 10:10–12:10. Screening of Pema Tseden's Film “The Search”
    • 12:10–13:20. (Break)
    • 13:20–14:20. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Shiho EBIHARA (JSPS/TUFS), Keisuke IWATA (University of Tsukuba), Junko MIURA (Translator), Sonam Tsering (Interpreter, Coordinator) “Let's talk about SERNYA”
    • 14:20–14:30. Recitation
    • 14:30–16:40. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Shiho EBIHARA (JSPS/TUFS), Keisuke IWATA (University of Tsukuba), Junko MIURA (Translator), Sonam Tsering “Feasting on Tibetan contemporary literature with translators (1)”
    • Works to be featured:
    • Sunlight on the Path (Lhacham Gyal)
    • Fantasy Short Stories from Tibet (Various authors)
    • The Valley of the Black Foxes (Tsering Dondrup)
    • Waiting for Snow (Lhacham Gyal)
    • White Crane, Lend Me Your Wings: A Tibetan Tale of Love and War (Tsewang Yeshey Pemba)

    9 Oct

    • 10:15–12:15. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Shiho EBIHARA (JSPS/TUFS), Keisuke IWATA (University of Tsukuba), Junko MIURA (Translator), Kensaku OKAWA (Nihon University), Sonam Tsering “Feasting on Tibetan contemporary literature with translators (2)”

    • Works to be featured:
    • Here Too Is a Strongly Beating Heart (Dhondub Gyal)
    • The Search (Pema Tseden)
    • Balloon (Pema Tseden)
    • Records of Adopting a Pekingese Dog (Takbum Gyal)
    • Chair: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here. Registration deadline is 7th Oct.
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo), Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    • Cooperated by Kawachen, Qinghai Mani Stone Film Co., Ltd, Shoshikankanbou, Shunyodo Shoten, Benseisha Publishing, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Press
    Shinjuku Historical Museum Hall (2F)
    20222022/10/08 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A new perspective on descriptive linguistics in Africa based on the translingual ecology”The 3rd meeting


    • 14:00–14:40. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Toward descriptive studies of Eastern African languages that contribute to speaker communities”

    • Motomichi WAKASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atomi University) “Aspects of verbal nouns in Wolaytta”
    • Kyoko KOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kochi University) “Information structure and prosody in Akan”


    • 15:00–15:40. Maya ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Relative clauses in Bantu G20”

    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “cl.8 relatives in Kenyan Colloquial Swahili”
    • Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “The “wa-ga” construction in Swahili”


    • 16:00–16:50. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Lanzhou University) “The clan system (Mulahilo) in Bende”

    • Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA) “Considering social situations in Zanzibar from a viewpoint of Swahili dialects (Interim)”
    • Katsuhiko SHIOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “TBA”
    • Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Describing norms: a case of metalinguistic activities in Juba Arabic discourse”


    • 17:10–18:00. All participants General discussion (mainly on expected project outcomes)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    302, Online meeting
    20222022/10/08 (Sat)
    The 14th Forum on Linguistic Chronogenesis / DDDLing Forum: How is time expressed in tenseless languages?
    • 1. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) “Knowledge and Time in Vietnamese: Deixis and Sharing Information”
    • 2. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Knowledge and Time in Sibe: Past, Change, and Temporariness”
    • Commentator: Satoshi UMEDA (Keio University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Chronogenesis: How the Mind Generates Time” Programmed Research Team A01: Linguistic Chronogenesis, Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/10/07 (Fri)
    Memorial Seminar of Strategic Partnership Accord “Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Did 'Post Cold War Era' End? Perspectives from Latin America, the Midde East, and Ex-Soviet Union”
    • Chair: Akihiro IWASHITA (Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) “Raising a Question: Dissolution of the Soviet Union and the 'Post-Cold War' as Uti Possidetis”
    • Presentation: Yusuke MURAKAMI (Professor, Center for Soueast Asian Studies, Kyoto University/ Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) “Establishment and Application of Uti Possidetis in Latin America”
    • Comment: Hidemitsu KUROKI (Professor, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/ Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) “From Perspectives of the Middle East”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University; Center for Soueast Asian Studies, Kyoto University; ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, SRC Station for East Eurasian Studies Project, NIHU Global Area Studies Program; Platform for Explorations in Survival Strategies, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
    Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Online meeting
    20222022/10/07 (Fri)
    The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the MicroscopeThe 53rd meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Basic Features of a Database for Administrative Documents on Wooden Tablets and Bamboo Slips”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian73”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/10/02 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”The 8th meeting
    • 10:00–. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)
    • 13:00–. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/30 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”The 4th meeting
    • International Seminar Series: Secularization, Islamization and Globalization in South Asia: Beyond bipolar Politics in Bangladesh
    • 3rd Seminar: Islamic Consumerism in Bangladesh
    • Time:
    • 09:00–12:00 (India Standard Time)
    • 09:30–12:30 (Bangladesh Standard Time)
    • 12:30–15:30 (Japan Standard Time)
    • Chair: Masood Imran Mannu (Jahangirnagar University)
    • Welcome address: Amitava Chakroborty (Delhi University & General Secretary of ISBS)
    • Introduction: Togawa, Masahiko (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan)
    • Speaker 1: Ranjan Saha Partha (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh) Halal Market and Islamic Consumerism
    • Speaker 2: Nakatani, Tetsuya (Nara Prefectural University, Japan) Pilgrimage, Islamic Tourism, and Consumerisation in Bangladesh
    • Discussant 1: Nurul Huda Sakib (Jahangirnagar University)
    • Discussant 2: Obydullah Al Marjuk (Independent University Bangladesh)
    • Response by Each Speaker
    • General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project number:19H00554) , Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project number:18KK0024) , and Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, and Japan Chapter of International Society of Bengal Studies (ISBS)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/30 (Fri)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Refugees and social crises”
    • Presentation: Dr. Rawia Altaweel (Post-Doctoral researcher (Chiba University), Beirut) Title: “Situation Update: Syrian Refugees in Lebanon”
    • Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/Hokkaido University SRC, A03 Principal investigator, Area Organizer)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC Hokkaido University) Project number: 20H05823), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Community Formation among Migrants and Refugees” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826)
    302, Online meeting
    20222022/09/29 (Thu)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop “Tips on how to make communicative online presentations”
    • Lecturer: Hayato AOI (Research Office ILOLi)
    • Venue opens at 13:15.
    • Workshop: 13:00–15:00.
    • ー Online icebreaker
    • ー How to make online presentations more communicative and comprehensible
    • ー Advantages and disadvantages of online presentations
    • ー What we should care about for listeners in online presentations
    • ー How to attract listeners' attention and interests
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/29 (Thu)
    Commons Cafe
    • Short talks by newly appointed research associates;
    • Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associates)
    • Shu FUJITA (ILCAA Research Associates)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    203, Online meeting
    20222022/09/25 (Sun) - 2022/09/26 (Mon)
    Inter-cultural workshop on sheep and milk
    • 【Program】
    • (1) Practice of shearing sheep: Comparison of TIbatan and Western techniques
    • (2) Dismemberment of lamb and cooking procedure of meet and offal: Comparison of TIbatan and Western techniques
    • (3) Workshop to learn pastoralism in the Tibeto-Himarayan region
    • ー BESSSYO Yusuke. (Komazawa University) “Slaughtering and Dismembering of livestock in Tibet, and milk processing in the Nepal-Himalaya”
    • ー HIRATA Masahiro, HOSHI Izumi (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Tokyo University of Foregin Studies) “Utilization of livestock products in Tibet and Mongolia: Skin processing”
    • ー HIRATA Masahiro (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Utilization of livestock products in Tibet and Mongolia: Milk processing and products”
    • ー EBIHARA Shiho (JSPS/Tokyo University of Foregin Studies) “Food Culture of Pastoralists in Northeastern Tibetan” - Discussion
    • ー Discussion
    • Observation on the sheep farm
    • ー Management of sheep flock
    • ー Management of grazing land (pasture and soil)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Research Grant from Ajinomoto Foundation for Dietary Culture“Traditional Food Archive of Tibetan Pastoralists —based on survey inTsekog county, Qinghai Tibet”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project”(Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04480), Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows“Geolinguistical and Historical Study on Tibetic Languages with Focuses on Characteristic grammar and Ethnoterminology”(Principal Investigator: Shiho EBIHARA Project Number: 20J40127)
    • Cooperated by Charo Sheep Farm, Cheese Factory Shiranuka Rakkeisha, Sheep Club (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)
    Charo Sheep Farm, suibetsu nature house
    20222022/09/25 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Morphology and syntax of Narrative”The 2nd meeting
    • 13:30-14:30. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Overview of the SCOPIC Project”
    • In this talk, an overview of Social Cognition Parallax Corpus (SCOPIC) will given. The corpus will be used as one of the data sources for narrative analysis in the “Narrative” project, and its characteristics and potential for research and other purposes.
    • 14:30-15:30. Yukinori KIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Hyogo) “Social cognition and syntactic embedding: Corpus-based typology of complementation and their alternatives”
    • Semantic “embedding” is observed in all languages, but the way it is done differs from language to language. The preceding project attempted to quantitatively clarify these differences using the above corpus SCOPIC. Most previous descriptive studies have assumed that complementation is an unmarked structure that represents a semantic embedding, and the focus of interest has been whether a particular language A has a complement clause and, if so, in what constructions it can be used. However, when we focused on the preference of each language based on data from the SCOPIC corpus, we found that even in languages where complementation has been considered acceptable in grammaticality/acceptance-based descriptive studies, it is not actually high in frequency. In this presentation, we will also show examples of non-complementation methods in each language.
    • 15:30-16:30. All participants Discussion on future activities
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/25 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transition and Interaction among Modern Muslim Intellectuals”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Kenichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Middle East Institute of Japan) “Introduction”
    • 2. Takayuki YOKOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “The Contemporary Aspects of Hasan al-Banna in the Muslim Brotherhood: the Ideological Legitimacy under the Struggle Within”
    • 3. All participants General comment
    • 4. members Metting about the publishment
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamism of Debt (2): Plurality, Conflict and Creativity around Human Economics”The 2nd meeting
    • 13:00–14:30. Yuki FURUKAWA (University of Niigata Prefecture) “Consideration and Debt――the Case of Cheese Producers in the village of Northern Andes”
    • 14:30–16:00. Eri KODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan Univeresity) “Transactional sex and Sugar Dating: Case of Young people's Relationships in urban Ghana”
    • 16:10–17:40. Daisuke TERAUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “Entanglements between conventional exchange modes and market exchange in a swidden society (tentative) ”
    • 17:40–18:30. All members Discussion
    • Chair: Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project number: 19H01388)
    306, Online meeting
    20222022/09/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A sociolinguistic study of heritage languages and ethnic identities of migrants”The 4th meeting/ The 29th Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    • 13:00–13:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:10–14:00. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “On the development of online community of Sibe speakers and learners”
    • 14:10–15:00. John C. Maher (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus at International Christian University) “Learning Irish Online”
    • 15:00–15:30. All participants Discussion
    • 15:40–17:00. All participants Business meeting
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/22 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Imperial Hierarchy and Connectivity”
    • The workshop “Imperial Hierarchy and Connectivity” will be jointly organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” and Group A02 “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge”.
    • Jun AKIBA (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo/ B01 Co-investigator) “The Ottoman Ulema Hierarchy: Privileges and Family/Co-local Connections”
    • Hiroyuki MASHITA (Kobe University/ B01 Co-investigator) “Imperial Ties of the Mughal Nobility: A Review of the Mansab System”
    • Discussant: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/A02 Co-investigator)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827) , Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05825)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/21 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 10th meeting
    • International Workshop: How Emotions Turn Into Poetry?
    • 1. Srijato Bandyopadhyay (Poet) [Title undecided]
    • 2. Sajjad Sharif (Poet) “How Emotion Turns into Poetry: Entraping the Elusive”
    • 3. Kiyokazu Okita (Sophia University) “Comments on the Presentations”
    • Chair Person: Kyoko Niwa (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English, Bengali
    • For registration, please visit the link here. Registration deadline is 19th Sep.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Comprehensive Study of Bengali Language and Literature”(Principal Investigator:Kyoko NIWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Project number:18K00496), ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Rethinking the South Asian Studies through the Perspective of‘Emotions’” (Principal Investigator:Toshie AWAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Project number:22H03834), The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    Room 115, Research and Lecture Bldg., TUFS, Online meeting
    20222022/09/20 (Tue)
    Global Mediteranian Workshop
    • Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Historical Development of the Hamza Romance: Re-examination”
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/09/19 (Mon)
    The first project meeting of SCOPIC in AY2022
    • Progress reports by members of the international project SCOPIC
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by DDDLing,ANU
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 8th meeting
    • Seven members in this project are going to make their own presentation for 35 minutes, which are followed by respective Q&amp;A sessions for 15 minutes.
    • 10:05–10:55. So MIYAGAWA (Kyoto University) Lexical and Grammatical Borrowing through Language Contact with Greek in the History of the Egyptian Language
    • 11:00–11:50. Satoshi NAMBU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Monash University) A quantitative approach to language variation: On case particle alternations
    • 13:00–13:50. Yosuke SATO (Tsuda University) Endogenous Computational Variability and Grammars in Competition
    • 13:55–14:45. Hiroyuki NAWATA (The University of Shimane) Where Did English Headed Wh-relatives Come from? : A Reconsideration of the Free Relative Origin Hypothesis
    • 14:50–15:40. Tomohiro YANAGI (Chubu University) Dative Noun Phrases and Floating Quantifiers in Old and Middle English
    • 16:00–16:50. Toshiro MORI (Nagoya University), Yuki TOJO (Nagoya University), Tomoyuki TANAKA (Nagoya University), Yuta TANAKA (Chubu University) Revisiting the Historical Development of the Get-Passive:New Evidence from Data in Early English Books Online Corpus
    • 16:55–17:45. Yoshiki OGAWA (Tohoku University) On the Lexical and Grammatical Constructionalization of V-Neg-V Complex Predicates
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/16 (Fri) - 2022/09/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 52nd meeting


    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian71 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian71 (second part)”


    • 10:00–11:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Central Control on Local Administration in the Middle Eastern Han”
    • 11:50–13:15. Break
    • 13:15–15:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian72 (first part)”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:15–17:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian72 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/15 (Thu) - 2022/09/18 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Students
    • 15 Sep 14:00–17:10
    • 16 Sep 10:00–17:20
    • 17 Sep 10:00–17:20
    • 18 Sep 10:00–18:00
    303, 0nline meeting
    20222022/09/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”The 4th meeting
    • 09:00–12:00. The first session
    • 1. Andries W. Coetzee (ILCAA joint researcher, University of Michigan) “Nasalization on two socioethnic varieties of Afrikaans”
    • 2. Seunghun J. Lee (ILCAA joint researcher, ICU) “Phonetic typology of fricatives: data from JIPA illustrations”
    • 14:00–18:00. The second session
    • 3. Jeremy Perkins (ILCAA joint researcher, University of Aizu) “A production study of Korean consonants”
    • 4. Nakagawa Hirosi (ILCAA joint researcher, TUFS) “Laryngeal features involved in stop series in KBA languages”
    • 5. All participants General discussion
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/09 (Fri)
    International Workshop: Studies of the Tangut from the viewpoints of researches on TB minority languages
    • 13:00–13:15. ARAKAWA Shintaro (ILCAA) Opening remarks
    • Session 1:. From Tangut
    • 13:15–14:00. LIU SHAOHUA (ILCAA, TUFS and Renmin University of China) An irrealis study of the third classification of verbs in Tangut
    • 14:00–14:45. ARAKAWA Shintaro (ILCAA) On the directional prefix in Tangut and TB minority languages
    • Session 2:. From Qiangic
    • 15:00–15:45. SHIRAI Satoko (The University of Tokyo) Can we find traces of the development of Qiangic classifiers in Tangut?
    • 15:45–16:30. ZHANG Shuya (ILCAA, TUFS and JSPS) On the vicissitudes of Gyalrongic nephew terminologies
    • 16:30–17:15. LAI Yunfan (Trinity College Dublin) On the origins of Tangut “long vowels”
    • Moderator: ARAKAWA Shintaro (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing) , Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) A Study on the Historical Development of the Sino-Tibetan Languages and their Typological Geography" (Principal Investigator: Takumi IKEDA (Kyoto University)Project number:18H05219)
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/09/09 (Fri)
    DDDLing Forum: Learning the Buryat (3) Religion
    • Yukiyasu ARAI (Aoyama Gakuin University) “Religion of the Buryat”
    • Chair: Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/08 (Thu)
    Seminar “Covid-19 in Egypt: Public Health and Government Responses”
    • Title: Covid-19 in Egypt: Public Health and Government Responses
    • Speaker: Mohammed Moussa (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University) Abstract:
    • Public health became a commonly espoused agenda during the Covid-19 pandemic among global, regional, and national actors in the Middle East. Capacity development, good governance, and public health discourses do highlight the glaring inequalities of healthcare provision within and across Arab states in a global capitalist system. In Egypt, government responses were centred on an urgently and hastily adopted public health agenda. The government coordinated its infectious disease control policy with intergovernmental organizations such as the WHO and UNICEF. From infectious disease guidelines to vaccines, the existence of the Egyptian state’s anti-coronavirus national strategy is indebted to external sources of authority, know-how, and resources.
    • Speaker:
    • Mohammed Moussa is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. He was previously a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Mohammed completed his doctorate at the University of Exeter. His publications include a monograph on the political thought of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (2015) and articles in Journal of North African Studies, Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research and Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here. Registration deadline is 6th Sep.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “Research on 'exclusion' and intellectuals in modern and contemporary Islam” (Principal Investigator: Emi Goto (ILCAA) Project number:18K18292), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa, Project number:20H00085)
    Hongo Satellite 5F,Online meeting
    20222022/09/08 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Shu HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Musashino University) “Reinterpretation of the tonology of the Owase dialect of Mie”
    • 2. Rihito SHIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) “Metrical units in the Onotsu dialect of Kikai Ryukyuan: With a focus on compound verbs”
    • 3. All participants General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/08 (Thu)
    Intensive Language Courses 2022 Azerbaijani cultural lecture
    • Speaker: Yoko HIROSE (Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University) Title: “The Second Nagorno Karabakh War: From Azerbaijani Diplomacy to wider reginal problems”
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/08 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The Mufti of Mecca and Pontianak, Abdullah al-Zawawi: Networks and Manuscripts in the Arab Peninsula and the Southeast Asian Archipelago”
    • The Workshop “The Mufti of Mecca and Pontianak, Abdullah al-Zawawi: Networks and Manuscripts in the Arab Peninsula and the Southeast Asian Archipelago” will be held by C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods.”
    • Presentation:
    • Yuki SHIOZAKI (University of Shizuoka) “Abdullah al-Zawawi as the transregional Spiritual Leader of the Naqsbandi Sufi Order: The Publication of Risala al-Fawaid al-Wafiyya fi Sharh Ma‘na al-Tahiyya in Riau”
    • Ahmad Ginanjar Sha’ban (Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama) “The Meccan Mufti in “Negeri Jawi”: Sayyid Abdullah al-Zawawi (1850-1924), His Fatwas, Letters and Travels in Indonesia”
    • Detail:
    • Abdullah ibn Muhammad Salih al-Zawawi (1850 - 1924) was ulama from Mecca, known as the Mufti of Shafi‘i School. Through his life, his eminent scholarship attracted disciples from corners of the world. On the other hand, his stance on controversies in the transitional age forced him to exile from his home ground Mecca. During his exile from 1893 to 1909, he traveled around Egypt, India, Japan, and Southeast Asia. As a result, his wandering was reported by rising Muslim journalism in Asia and formed network of hid supporters, especially in Southeast Asian Archipelago. In 1896 he was appointed as the Mufti of Pontianak, the Sultanate in Kalimantan Island.
    •  This workshop is aiming to visualize Abdullah al-Zawawi’s network based on manuscripts such as letters, ijazah, and his Islamic literary works. While he was considered as the paramount scholar in Shafi‘i School, he was also a representative spiritual leader in the Naqsbandi Sufi Order.
    •  The presentations show the acceleration of transregional integration in the ulama networks during the transitional period. Abdullah al-Zawawi was a node-person of plural networks. It is significant to trace how a scholar became a node of transregional Islamic networks.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Transregional Transmission of Islamic Knowledge in the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia” (Principal Investigator: Yuki SHIOZAKI(University of Shizuoka) Project number: 22K00074), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) The Formation of Islamic Legal Schools through Interactions between Southeast Asia and other Regions” (Principal Investigator: Yuki SHIOZAKI(University of Shizuoka) Project number: 17K18179)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/07 (Wed)
    International Conference “Middle Eastern, Balkan and Japanese perspectives on the global and regional impacts of the Ukraine War”
    • The International Conference, “Middle Eastern, Balkan and Japanese perspectives on the global and regional impacts of the Ukraine War,” will be held in collaboration with the Research Project (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research) “Comparative Studies of Civil Wars in Lebanon, Yugoslavia, and Syria” and Islamic Trust Studies at the Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES) in Beirut on Wednesday, 7 September (15:30-20:00 Japan time, 9:30−14:00 Lebanon time).
    • Program:Time in Lebanon (Universal Time Coordinated +2, Japan Standard Time −6)
    • 09:30−09:40. Hidemitsu Kuroki (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Head of JaCMES) “Welcome remarks and preamble”
    • 09:40−10:00. Karim Makdisi (American University of Beirut) “The crisis of the international order in light of the Ukraine War”
    • 10:00−10:20. Kimitaka Matsuzato (The University of Tokyo) “Secession conflicts and how to solve them: Towards comparison between the former communist countries and the Middle East”
    • 10:20−10:40. Tasos Kostopoulos (The Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Crete) “Ukraine, Macedonia, Palestine: Collective identity transformations on the way to the nation-state”
    • 10:40−10:50. Q&A
    • 10:50−11:00. break
    • 11:00−11:20. Mustafa Türkeş (Middle East Technical University, Ankara) “The war that must never have been fought: The multiple failures in Ukraine”
    • 11:20−11:40. Dima de Clerck (American University of Beirut) “The Ukrainian War from a general Lebanese perspective, in a context of severe socioeconomic crisis, and security and political instability and uncertainty”
    • 11:40−11:50. Q&A
    • 11:50−12:00. break
    • 12:00−12:20. Tetsuya Sahara (Meiji University, Tokyo) “Honor and Manhood in Contemporary Paramilitarism in the Balkans and Caucasus”
    • 12:20−12:40. Predrag Marković (Institute of Contemporary History, Belgrade) “New privateers: Paramilitary forces as ‘war entrepreneurs’ in Yugoslav Wars, 1991−1999”
    • 12:40−13:00. Ken’ichiro Takao (Middle East Institute of Japan, Tokyo) “The present and prospect of the global jihadists”
    • 13:00−13:10. Q&A
    • 13:10−13:20. break
    • 13:20−14:00. Discussion
    Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut (JaCMES), Online meeting
    20222022/09/02 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 51st meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian69”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian70”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/02 (Fri)
    Seminar “Global Social Theory in the Muslim World”
    • Title: Global Social Theory in the Muslim World
    • Speaker: Mohammed Moussa (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University)
    • Abstract:People, ideas and technology seem to circulate with increasing speed and across longer distances in the twenty-first century. Although globalization is often cited in attempts to make intelligible the sense of ever-closer proximity between different cultures and societies, this account reflects a Eurocentric model of diffusion from a Western core to non-Western peripheries. This workshop seeks to decentre this tunnel vision prevalent in much of contemporary social theory that ignores the role of agency and change in the Muslim world. A global social theory that draws upon the insights of Jack Goody, Sanjay Subrahmanyam and James Blaut can reveal the interconnections within the Muslim world and with other regions in the travel of people, ideas and practices.
    • Speaker: Mohammed Moussa is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University. He was previously a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Mohammed completed his doctorate at the University of Exeter. His publications include a monograph on the political thought of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (2015) and articles in Journal of North African Studies, Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research and Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.Registration deadline is 31st Aug.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “Research on 'exclusion' and intellectuals in modern and contemporary Islam” (Principal Investigator: Emi Goto (ILCAA) Project number:18K18292), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa, Project number:20H00085)
    306, Online meeting
    20222022/09/02 (Fri)
    DDDLing Forum: Learning the Buryat (2) Literature
    • Yukiyasu ARAI (Aoyama Gakuin University) “The Buryat Literature”
    • Chair: Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For online participation, please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/09/01 (Thu) - 2022/09/02 (Fri)
    International BantUGent-ILCAA Joint Research Workshop: The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography


    • Session 1: 10:00-12:00 . Chair: Nobuko Yoneda (Osaka)
    • Guy Kouarata (Ghent) “The loss of Proto-Bantu *ng and the subgrouping of the Teke (B70) Languages”
    • Makoto Furumoto (ILCAA) and Yasunori Takahashi (Kobe University) Emergence of the conjoint/disjoint distinction in Kimakunduchi
    • Daisuke Shinaagwa (ILCAA) “Internal variation of negation systems and historical branching of Kilimanjaro Bantu languages”
    • Session 2: 13:30-15:30 . Chair: Daisuke Shinagawa (ILCAA)
    • Gastor Mapunda (UDSM) “Updating the Ngoni-Swahili-English Dictionary Project”
    • Sifra Van Acker (Ghent) “The Introduction of sugarcane in Central Africa: Historical-Linguistic Insights from West-Coastal Bantu”
    • Barbara Westerveld (Ghent) “NLP and ML as research methods for African Linguistics”
    • Session 3: 16:00-18:00 . Chair: Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (Ghent)
    • Yuka Makino (ILCAA/JSPS) “Lamba in Doke's era and the present day Lamba”
    • David Kopa wa Kopa (ULB, UNIKIS) and Birgit Ricquier (ULB) “Contact linguistique au Bas Lualaba, au présent et au passé”
    • Iris Kruijsdijk (Leiden) and Maarten Mous (Leiden) “The complex history of Mbugwe (F34, Tanzania)”


    • Session 4: 10:00-12:00. Chair: Koen Bostoen (Ghent)
    • Ndongo Koza Josué (Institut Supérieur de la Gombe/Kinshasa) and Jean-Pierre Donzo Bunza (Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de la Gombe/Kinshasa) “La syllabe fermée en ngɔng de Katika (Bantu B864)”
    • Sara Pacchiarotti (Ghent) “Melodic H tone in Ngwi (Bantu B861, DRC)”
    • Session 5: 13:30-16:00 . Chair: Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (Ghent)
    • Minah Nabirye (Ghent) “Syntactic Reduplication in Lusoga”
    • Hilde Gunnink (Ghent) “Inclusory conjunction in Bantu and beyond”
    • Koen Bostoen (Ghent) “Causative/inchoative verb alternations in Ngwi (West-Coastal Bantu, B861) and the relics of the Proto-Bantu verbal derivation system”
    • Session 6: 16:30-17:00. All participants General discussion “Wrap-up and perspectives for outcome of the project”
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: English, French
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Bilateral program (JSPS-FWO) “The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography”,Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Campus Boekentoren, Ghent University
    20222022/08/26 (Fri)
    DDDLing Forum: Learning the Buryat (1) History
    • Yukiyasu ARAI (Aoyama Gakuin University) “History of the Buryat”
    • Chair: Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For online participation, please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/08/22 (Mon) - 2022/09/08 (Thu)
    DDDLing Forum: Lecture Series on Basic Grammar of Buryat
    • 13:00–15:00. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Lecture: Basic Grammar of Buryat”
    • *22nd–25th Aug., 29th Aug–1st Sep., 5th–8th Sep. (12 days)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa”(DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/08/21 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”The 3rd meeting
    • International Seminar Series: Secularization, Islamization and Globalization in South Asia: Beyond bipolar Politics in Bangladesh
    • 2nd Seminar: Education and Islam in Bangladesh
    • Time:. 9:00–11:30 (Bangladesh Standard Time)
    • 12:00–14:30 (Japan ST)
    • 20:00–22:30 (Canada/Vancouver time the day before)
    • Chair: Ainoon Naher (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh)
    • Introduction: TOGAWA Masahiko (ILCAA TUFS)
    • Speaker 1: Humayun Kabir (Thompson Rivers University, Canada)
    • “Protectors of Islam”: The Ulama, State, and Society in Bangladesh)
    • Speaker 2: Ahasan Habib (Green University of Bangladesh)
    • Madrasa Education in Rural Bangladesh
    • Discussant: Sayeed Ferdous (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh)
    • Discussant: Abdullah Al Mahmud (University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh)
    • Response by Each Speaker
    • General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here.Registration deadline is 7th Aug.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project number:19H00554) , Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project number:18KK0024) , and Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
    Online meeting
    20222022/08/19 (Fri)
    From East to East: Exploring Cultural Flows between the Modern Middle East and Japan
    • Lecturer: Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi (Williams College, Massachusetts, USA)
    • Abstract: This seminar focuses on what we can learn from studying cultural connections between the Middle East and Japan, particularly in the second half of the twentieth century. Open discussion on this theme will begin following a short presentation.
    • Chair: Emi GOTO
    • If you have any questions about the project: emi-gto[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • Organized by NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa)
    203, Online meeting
    20222022/08/08 (Mon)
    A Case of Curious Comparisons: Arabic Travel Writing from Japan
    • Lecturer: Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi (Williams College, Massachusetts, USA)
    • Abstract: This talk explores Arabic travelogues from Japan, examining common themes and structures in a number of works and highlighting cultural flows between East Asia and the Arab world.
    • Speaker: Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi is a scholar of Arabic literature and music whose research focuses on modern Egypt. He is currently working as a visiting assistant professor of Arabic Studies. His recent works include “The Social Life of Songbooks” (ArabLit Quarterly, 2021) and “Deciphering Egyptian Rap Ciphers,” (Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 2019).
    • Chair: Emi GOTO
    302, Online meeting
    20222022/08/07 (Sun) - 2022/08/08 (Mon)
    The 25th International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL)
    • International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian languages
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“A cross-linguistic study of pronoun substitutes and address terms” (Principal Investigator: Sunisa SAITO (ILCAA, ,World Language and Society Education Center) Project number: 20H01255),Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)“Verb-argument agreement observed in Malay varieties based on parallel corpus data” (Principal Investigator: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Project number:20K00599),Core Project“Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    303, Online meeting
    20222022/08/06 (Sat) - 2022/08/07 (Sun)
    Mapping Medieval Śaiva Centers with non-Indic Materials
    • There are non-Indic—Chinese, Arabic, and Persian—sources that mention South Asian geography from the 7th to the 14th centuries. Those geographical names often come with information on religious practices in those areas. These sources have been known and studied but many contributions—made by the early 20th century—have become dated in the light of advancements in various fields. There have also been scarce attempts to cross-reference all the sources, including the ones in Indic languages, to have a comprehensive picture of medieval South Asian religious landscape. Such a map, especially regarding Buddhist or Śaiva practices, is possible because they are frequently mentioned in the non-Indic sources. In this workshop, we try to draw such a map focused on Śaiva practice. We will read the original sources and cross-reference them with each other. We will also survey relevant recent developments in archaeology, history, art history, etc.
    • Speakers:Kengo HARIMOTO (Universita degli Studi di Napoli“L'Orientale”), Kenji TAKAHASHI (The University of Tokyo), Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • For registration, please contact to Kenji TAKAHASHI: kenjit0215 [at] , Satoshi OGURA: ogura [at] , or Kengo HARIMOTO: kharimoto [at] (Please change [at] to @).
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”, European Research Council 5-year ERC Starting Grant Project “The Śivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia”
    Online meeting
    20222022/08/05 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Evolving Conflict in Palestine/Israel: Final Status and Emerging Challenges”The 1st meeting
    • Reconsidering the Framework of the Oslo Regime
    • 14:00–14:50. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “The Oslo Regime in its 30th Year and Changing Research Topics,”
    • 15:00–15:50. Chie EZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Defense Academy) “Transformation of International Relations in the Middle East Following the Oslo Accords,”
    • 16:00–16:50. Aoe TANAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima City University) “Between Resistance and Peacebuilding: Approaches to Palestinian Theatrical Activities Following the Oslo Accords,”
    • 17:00–17:40. Discussion
    • 18:00–. Member meeting
    Hongo Satellite, Online meeting
    20222022/08/04 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Connectivity and identity of the second generation of immigrants”
    • The workshop “Connectivity and identity of the second generation of immigrants” will be jointly organized by A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” and B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy.”
    • Program:. Presentation: Kazuki MURAKAMI (Faculty of Sociology, Toyo University)
    • Title: “Muslim community and the second generation of immigrants in France”
    • Discussant: Masako KUDO (Rikkyo University, B02 Co-investigator)
    • Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA / Hokkaido University SRC, A03 Principal investigator, Area Organizer)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826), “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University)Project Number: 20H05828)
    Online meeting
    20222022/08/03 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)”The 4th meeting
    • 14:30–14:40. Introduction
    • 14:40–15:40. Review roundtable
    • Akihiko YAMAGUCHI (Sophia University), Ayako NINOMIYA (Aoyama Gakuin University), Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    • 15:40–16:40. Replies from the contributors
    • Yukako GOTO (Kwansei Gakuin University), Ryoko WATABE (The University of Tokyo), Sanae TAKAGI (Waseda University), Naofumi ABE (Ochanomizu University), Ryu’ichi SUGIYAMA (Kyoto Tachibana University), Masaki SUGIYAMA (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies), Yo'ichi YAJIMA (Nara Women's University), Hiroshi ONO (Kyoto Tachibana University), Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA), Tomoko MORIKAWA (The University of Tokyo)
    • 16:40–16:50. Break
    • 16:50–17:30. General Discussions
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/30 (Sat) - 2022/07/31 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”The 7th meeting


    • 13:00–. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)
    • 15:00–. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Re-analysis on the pair of Tangut scripts whose shapes are same but syllables are different”
    • 10:00. Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Grapheme in Kanji
    • 13:00–. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (2)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 7th meeting
    • Under the topic of “grammaticalization,” three members in this project are going to make their own presentation within 35 minutes, followed by respective Q&A sessions for 25 to 40 minutes.
    • 14:00–14:35. Yosuke SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda University) “Neg Raising, Short-Circuited Implicature and Usage vs. Grammar: A Bridge Still That Far?”
    • 14:35–15:00. Q&A
    • 15:05–15:40. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Expansion of a grammatical system: What development of a construction with and 'unacceptable' structure can tell us”
    • 15:40–16:25. Q&A
    • 16:30–17:05. So MIYAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Grammaticalization from “Say” verb to polysemous conjunction in Egyptian-Coptic”
    • 17:05–17:30. Q&A
    • Discussant: Tomohiro YANAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu University), Yoshiki OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/24 (Sun)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” The 15th meeting
    • 1. Takahiko MASUDA (Department of Psychology, University of Alberta) “Advances in Research on Culture and Cognition: Towards a Globalization" of Cultural Psychology”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    304, Online meeting
    20222022/07/23 (Sat) - 2022/07/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”The 5th meeting


    • [1st Session]. Chair: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
    • 1. Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture) “Theoretical Framework for System of ‘Sibling’ terms”
    • 2. Kimihiko KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS), Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in the Kalahari Basin Area”
    • 3. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA), Junko KOMORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Bantu”
    • [2nd Session]. Chair: Kimihiko KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS)
    • 4. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Nilo-Saharan”
    • 5. Youichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Semitic”
    • 6. Takamasa IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/ Kyoto University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Iranian”
    • [3rd Session]. Chair: Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum)
    • 7. Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Japonic”
    • 8. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Korean”
    • 9. Fumiki, SUZUKI (Nanzan University), Kenji YAGI (Kokushikan University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Sinitic”
    • [4th Session]. Chair: Fumiki, SUZUKI (Nanzan University)
    • 10. Chikako ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai-Gakuen University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Chukotko-Kamchatkan”
    • 11. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Ainu”
    • 12. Yoshio SAITO (Takushoku University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Mongolic and Turkic”
    • [5th Session]. Chair: Chikako ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai-Gakuen University)
    • 13. Keita KURABE (ILCAA), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Fellow), Kazue IWASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies), Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo), and Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Tibeto-Burman”
    • 14. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Austronesian”


    • [6th Session]. Chair: Keita KURABE (ILCAA)
    • 15. Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University), Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Austroasiatic”
    • 16. Ayaka HIRANO (Osaka University) , Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University), Aika TOMITA (Osaka Shoin Women's University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Kra-Dai”
    • 17. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) and Boyan Tang (Chiba University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Hmong-Mien”
    • [7th Session]. Chair: Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture)
    • 18. Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in South Asia”
    • 19. Nozomi KODAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kumamoto University) “System of ‘Sibling’ terms in Dravidian”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by DDDLing, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Deciphering the History of Yaponesians through Comparison and Analyses between Japanese and the Other Concerned Languages” (Principal Investigator: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Project Number: 18H05510)
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/23 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” The 14th meeting
    • 1. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) “Social Structure and Demography of a Hunter-gatherer Population: A Case of the Batek in Peninsular Malaysia”
    • 2. Haruka TANIGUCHI (ILCAA) “Considering focal-animal sampling: Example of the gathering of infants in Japanese macaques”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    304, Online meeting
    20222022/07/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Mwanika Kassim (Gulu University) “Permits of Punishment: A tale of Formalizing Informal Processes of Sugarcane Farming on Youth Livelihoods in Uganda”
    • 2. Constance Mudondo (Makerere University) “Negotiating livelihoods in complex contexts: Young people's experiences in transboundary conflict zones in Eastern Uganda”
    • Language: English
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 7th meeting
    • 13:00–14:00. Shiho NITTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Usage of the function word “degän” in Modern Uyghur: Use and Mention”
    • 14:10–15:10. Beste KAMALI (ILCAA Visiting Researcher) “Strict Negative Concord in Polar Questions”
    • 15:20–17:00. General discussion and business meeting
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)”
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/19 (Tue)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Power and Connectivity in the Early Modern Period”
    • The workshop “Power and Connectivity in the Early Modern Period” will be jointly organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” and Group C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods”.
    • Madoka MORITA (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / B01 Project Researcher) “Urban Collectivity and Interreligious Connectivity: Istanbul Mahalles during the First Half of the Eighteenth Century”
    • Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / B01 Co-investigator) “Rethinking the Construction of State Systems in “Diverse Society” of South Asia: with Special Reference to the Early Modern Period”
    • Discussant: Tomoaki SHINODA (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / C01 Co-investigator)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA); 20H05827); Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA); 20H05830)
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/15 (Fri) - 2022/07/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 50th meeting


    • 14:00–15:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian66(first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian66(second part)”


    • 10:00–11:50. Briefing on Funding Applications
    • 11:50–13:15. Break
    • 13:15–15:00. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian67”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:15–17:00. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian68”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/14 (Thu)
    commons café
    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Field and Archive from a perspective of ‘transcultural’ situations”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFiSCo Preparatory Office, Field Science Center
    203, Online meeting
    20222022/07/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia-Transnational Networks and Local Responses”The 6th meeting
    • 14:00–15:40. Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka Univ.) “NU and Muhammadiyah's goal of “moderate Islam”: perspectives on history and memory”
    • 15:50–17:30. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) ““Malay” and Islam from a non-Muslim Perspective: A Case of Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamism of Debt (2): Plurality, Conflict and Creativity around Human Economics”The 1st meeting
    • 10:00–12:00. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Introduction
    • 13:00–15:00. Self-introductions
    • 15:00–17:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    304, Online meeting
    20222022/07/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19”The 2nd meeting
    • 13:00–13:10. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:10–14:10. Misako OHTA (Kobe University) “Covid-19 shock and its historical perspective - in relation to stage performances at the theater (tentative)”
    • 14:10–14:50. Q&A
    • 14:50–15:05. Break
    • 15:05–16:05. Guest speaker: Yuka NIWAYAMA (International Theatre Institution) “German Theatre Practice and Cultural Support after the Corona Disaster and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine (tentative)”
    • 16:05–16:45. Q&A
    • 16:45–17:15. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona” -Response to the crisis, negotiation on Physicality, and their positions in each society” (Principal Investigator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Project number: 21H00643)
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Kohei MATSUKURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanazawa University) “What is the TBU in the Ikeda dialect, the mora or the foot?”
    • 2. Kunihiko KUROKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Shoin Women's University), Ryuichi TAKI (The University of Tokyo, JSPS) “What forms exceptional pitch patterns in the word-tone system of Japanese?”
    • 3. General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)”
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/09 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”The 2nd meeting

    1st Seminar: Post-Islamism and Politics in Bangladesh


    • 8:00–11:00(Bangladesh Standard Time)

    • 10:00–13:00 (Malaysia Standard Time)
    • 11:00–14:00 (Japan Standard Time)
    • 19:00–22:00 (Canada/Vancouver time the day before)
    • 21:00–24:00 (USA/Kentucky time the day before)
    • Chair: Obydullah Al Marjuk
    • Introduction: TOGAWA Masahiko (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan)
    • Speaker1: Nazmus Sakib (University of Kentucky, USA)
    • The Problems and Prospects of Post Islamism in Bangladesh: Current Trajectories and the Future
    • Speaker2: Abdullah Al Mahmud (MAHSA University, Malaysia)
    • The Post-Islamist Directions of Thoughts among the Ulama of Bangladesh
    • Speaker3: Obydullah Al Marjuk (Independent University, Bangladesh)
    • Rise of Salafism and Neoliberalism in the Secular Age in Dhaka
    • Discussant1: Naseem Akhter Hussain (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh)
    • Discussant2: Humayun Kabir (Thompson Rivers University, Canada)
    • Response by each speaker and General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”, ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024), Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/03 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”The 6th meeting
    • 13:30–15:30. Ryoko TAKAGI “A Study on the Manifestation of the Dead in Objects: A Case Study of Dolls in the Image of the Deceased”
    • 15:45–17:45. Daisuke URIU “Digital Media Connecting the Dead and the Living”
    • 18:00–19:00. general discussion
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20222022/07/02 (Sat) - 2022/07/03 (Sun)
    Japanese Macaque Research Seminar 2022


    • 12:55–13:00. Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA) “Opening remarks”
    • 13:00–13:50. Masanori NAKATSUKA (Lab. Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto University) “The influence of food environment on the frequency of rough-and-tumble play in wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)”
    • Commentator: Masaki SHIMADA (Teikyo University of Science)
    • 13:50–14:40. Abdullah Langgeng (Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University) “Of hot springs &amp; holobionts: Linking hot spring bathing behavior and host-associated biota in Japanese macaques”
    • Commentator: Takanori KORIYAMA (Rakuno Gakuen University)
    • 14:40–14:50. Break
    • 14:50–15:40. Kazuha HIRATA (The Kyoto University Museum) “Dietary habits of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) estimated by Dental Microwear Texture Analysis”
    • Commentator: Daisuke SHIMIZU (Chubu Gakuin University)
    • 15:40–16:30. Momoko OSAKA (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “An environmental sociological study on macaque management in Yakushima”
    • Commentator: Katsuya SUZUKI (Research Institute for SATOMON)
    • 16:30–17:20. Toshiki MINAMI (Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University) “Quantitative measurement of infantile physical features using non-contact methods: Development and association with caretaking behaviors”
    • Commentator: Kosuke TAKAHASHI (Ritsumeikan University)
    • 17:20–17:30. Break
    • 17:30–18:30. Poster Presentations
    • 18:30–21:00. Social gathering


    • 9:30–10:20. Tsubasa YAMAGUCHI (Lab. Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto University) “Repeated separation of an alpha male and its influence on the spatial cohesion of the troop in a wild troop of Japanese macaques on Kinkazan Island”
    • 10:20–11:10. Tianmeng HE (Ecological Research Center, Kyoto University) “Fecal particle size of Japanese macaques in Yakushima”
    • 11:10–12:00. Sakumi IKI (Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior, Kyoto University) “Social factors affecting self–other matching in Japanese macaques”
    • 12:00–13:00. Break
    • 13:00–13:50. Zhihong XU (Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University) “Comparative look at the transmission of parasites in macaque social and spatial networks”
    • 13:50–14:40. Yu KAIGAISHI (Institute for Advanced Study, Kyoto University) “A study on the inter-group variation in social tolerance among free-ranging Japanese macaques”
    • 14:40–14:50. Break
    • 14:50–15:40. Maho HANAZAWA (Lab. Human Evolution Studies, Kyoto University) “Individual differences in willingness and factors for participation in intergroup encounters of Japanese macaques”
    • 15:40–16:30. Wanyi LEE (Ecological Research Center, Kyoto University) “Exploring factors governing the gut microbiome of Japanese macaques”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • For registration or poster presenter application, please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” Kaori KAWAI (Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20222022/07/01 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 49th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site11 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site11 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/06/25 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 6th meeting
    • Under the topic of “theories of catergories,” three members in this project are going to make their own presentation within 35 minutes, followed by respective Q&A sessions for 30 minutes.
    • 14:00–14:35. Yoshiki OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) Theories of Categories in Generative Grammar: With Special Reference to Prepositions
    • 14:35–15:05. Discussant:Hideki KISHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) Q&A
    • 15:10–15:45. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) TBA
    • 15:45–16:20. Discussant:Yasuaki ISHIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) Q&A
    • 16:25–17:00. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) TBA
    • 17:00–17:30. discussant:Yasunori TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) Q&A
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/06/25 (Sat)
    Overseas Scientific Research Forum 2022


    • 10:00–12:15. Workshop

    • 10:00–11:35. “The potential of Field Science and Joint Research”
    • 1. Masakazu TANAKA (Professional Institute of International Fashion) “Proposing an Edge-Work as an Alternative Fieldwork open to Joint Research”
    • 2. Masatoshi MATSUNAMI (University of the Ryukyus) “The demographic history of Ryukyu islanders inferred by genome information – discussion from the viewpoint of an innovative area named as ‘Yaponesian genome’”
    • 3. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “The prospects of academic joint research found in historical research on cultivated plants in Ethiopia”
    • 11:35–12:05 . Discussion with panelists in breakout rooms
    • 12:05–12:15. Round Table
    • 12:15–13:00. Break
    • 13:00–14:00. General Meeting
    • 14:05–16:00. Festa: Poster Session on Overseas Scientific Research
    301, 302, 303, 304, 306, Online meeting
    20222022/06/19 (Sun)
    Seminar “Beyond Centre-Periphery Approach: Inter-minority Tensions and Development of Contested Categories of Kurdish Mobilisation”
    • The online seminar “Beyond Centre-Periphery Approach: Inter-minority Tensions and Development of Contested Categories of Kurdish Mobilisation” will be jointly organized by Group B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” and the Sophia University Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies (IAAMES).
    • Dr. Mostafa Khalili (JSPS Overseas Research Fellow; Visiting Researcher of the IAAMES)
    • “Beyond Centre-Periphery Approach: Inter-minority Tensions and Development of Contested Categories of Kurdish Mobilisation in Iran”
    • Abstract: Kurdish history in the last several decades represents their proclivity towards ethnic mobilisation. The identity politics that shape the incentive behind the mobilisation of different Kurdish subgroups are usually complex and occasionally serve contradictory political ambitions. To unfold such complexities, as this research suggests, shifting the lens of analysis from a common centre-periphery (state vs. Kurdish nationalist) approach to comprehending the identity politics in the local context is helpful. This research takes an interest in the ethnographic study of the social processes that shape the dynamics of Kurdish mobilisation in multi-ethnic Urmia city in northwest Iran, where Kurmanji-speaking Kurds live together with Azerbaijani Turks, and in close proximity to Sorani-speaking Kurds of Iran in neighbouring areas. It is argued that for the subjects of this study, the strategies for political mobilisation in the local field of Urmia often contradict each other, varying from denial of the Kurdish nation at the inter-ethnic level to dividing it at the intra-ethnic level and romanticising it at the transnational level. The broader contribution of this research is to elucidate that the contradictory ethnic mobilisation incentives could coexist independently from pursuing an exclusive political end when they all are characterised by an emancipatory force—a politico-symbolic struggle over power and prestige.
    • Discussant: Keiko SAKAI (Professor at the Faculty of Law, Politics and Economics, Chiba University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by The Sophia University Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA); 20H05827) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)「危機下における少数派・弱者の生存戦略:イスラーム圏の通史的・地域横断的研究」(Principal Investigator: Hidemi TAKAHASHI (The University of Tokyo); 21H03682)
    Online meeting
    20222022/06/19 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”The 5th meeting
    • 13:30–16:00. Mari KAGAYA “The logic of one’s grave-A case study in Ikema island”
    • 16:15–19:00. Brainstorming for “Anthropological Encyclopedia of Death (tentative)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20222022/06/17 (Fri) - 2022/06/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 48th meeting


    • 14:00–15:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “On the Stylistic Taxonomy of Eastern Han Wooden Tablets from the Wuyi-Square-Site (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “On the Stylistic Taxonomy of Eastern Han Wooden Tablets from the Wuyi-Square-Site (second part)”


    • 10:00–11:50. Briefing on Funding Applicatioins
    • 11:50–13:15. Break
    • 13:15–15:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian65 (first part)”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:15–17:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian65 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    303,Online meeting
    20222022/06/14 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Mediterranean as a Connecting Sea”The 1st meeting
    • 16:00–16:20. Self-introduction
    • 16:20–16:40. Tomoaki SHINODA (ILCAA) Explanation of the joint research project's aim and details
    • 16:40–17:30. Discussion for each participant's research plan
    • 17:30–18:00. Discussion for the next workshop
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20222022/06/12 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 1st meeting
    • 14:00–15:00. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 15:00–17:00. All members Discussion for research plan
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Embodiment (Anthropological Study of Things (4))”
    Online meeting
    20222022/06/12 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Iaso MURAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka Prefectural University) “Exploring a sense of belonging and community: Refugee youth in Kakuma Refugee Camp”
    • 2. Kitambo Enos (Makerere University) “Politics, Youth Entrepreneurship, and Empowerment in Developing Countries”(tentative)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “The study of ‘Cohabitat family’ with elite single and house girl in the cities of East African countries” (Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project Number: 17K02002)
    303,Online meeting
    20222022/06/12 (Sun)
    Workshop “A Study of Sinoform Scripts”
    • 13:30–13:40. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:40–14:10. Masayuki YOSHIKAWA (The University of Tokyo)
    • 14:10–14:40. Liuzu SU (Graduate School of the University of Tokyo)
    • 14:40–15:10. Masaaki SHIMIZU (Osaka University)
    • 15:10–15:40. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA)
    • 15:40–16:10. Hiroyuki SASAHARA (Waseda University)
    • 16:10–16:20. Tsutomu YADA (The University of Tokyo) Comment (1)
    • 16:20–16:30. Mari YAMASHITA (Kumamoto University) Comment (2)
    • 16:30–. Discussion
    Online meeting
    20222022/06/11 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdiciplinary Research (2)”The 3rd meeting
    • 13:00–13:10. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Opening Remarks
    • 13:10–14:00. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) On “a report on some human body verbs among basic vocabulary of the Saru dialect of Ainu”
    • 14:10–15:00. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) On the lecture “The Manchu Language” by Prof. Kengo YAMAMOTO
    • 15:10–16:00. Kyoko KOJIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Four folktales narrated by Kunimatsu Nitani: the process from their recording 1957 to the final drafts 1989
    • 16:10–17:00. Osami OKUDA (moderator) General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Conference Room 3310, Sapporo Gakuin University, Online meeting
    20222022/06/11 (Sat)
    Junior Researchers' Meeting “The origin and evolution of sociality”: The 7th Meeting “Cooperation, Communality”

    Part I: eviews

    • 9:30–10:00. Mari NISHIKAWA (Rukyu University) “Social system, Social organization, Fission-fusion dynamics”

    • 10:00–10:30. Yuki SUZUKI (Kokushikan University) “Mobility, Nomadism”
    • 10:30–10:50. All members General discussion

    Part II: Research presentation

    • 11:00–11:30. Mari NISHIKAWA (Rukyu University) “Fission-fusion dynamics of group members in Japanese macaques”

    • 11:30–12:00. Yuki SUZUKI (Kokushikan University) “Sea People’s Nomadism: The case of Moken in Thailand”
    • 12:00–12:30. All members General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20222022/06/10 (Fri)
    ILCAA forum; DDDLing forum: Lecture of Visiting Scholar (Dr. Kamali)
    • Beste KAMALI (ILCAA visiting researcher) “Two kinds of broad focus in Turkish polar questions and questions it raises”
    • Abstract. In Turkish, there are two ways to ask an All-new, broad focus polar question. The options are differentiated by clitic placement and serve different purposes. I will introduce the phenomenon and briefly discuss a few of the questions it raises, especially in the typological and diachronic realm.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Peoject “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)”; Joint Research Project “Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”
    304, Online meeting
    20222022/06/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 5th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site10 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site10 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    301,Online meeting
    20222022/05/29 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Morphology and syntax of Narrative”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Self-introduction of participants
    • 2. Taku KUMAKIRI (University of Tokyo) “Narrative Structure and Word Order of Verbal Sentences in Tunis Arabic”
    • 3. Discussion on the scope of this project
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
    Online meeting
    20222022/05/29 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Reading and analysis of socio-historical information from Sarih al-Milk (the real estate inventories) of Shaykh Safi’s shrine (1): Ardabil district, Adharbayjan (1)”
    • 2. All members General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by The Joint Research Project “Archival Study on Fiscal Administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim societies: The case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)”
    Online meeting
    20222022/05/28 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”The 13th meeting
    • 1. Kazuhide HASHIYA (Kyushu University) “Considering the concept of “Mind” as a compression system of social information”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” Kaori KAWAI (Project Number: 19H05591)
    304,Online meeting
    20222022/05/28 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 9th meeting
    • 1. Keiko YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University) “Some Aspects on Telugu Language”
    • 2. Toshie AWAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Comments on the Presentation of Prof. YAMADA”
    • 3. All Members “The Interim Self-Assessment and the Arrangement for Further Work” (Project Members Only)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Rethinking the South Asian Studies through the Perspective of ‘Emotions’” (Project Number: 22H03834, Principal Investigator Toshie AWAYA), The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    Hongo Satellite 5F, Online meeting
    20222022/05/26 (Thu) - 2022/06/02 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “DH Hands-on Seminar for network visualization tools: Palladio & Gephi”
    • Outline: Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “DH Hands-on Seminar for network visualization tools: Palladio &amp; Gephi” will be organized by C01 “Analyses of Connectivities by Digital Humanities Methods.” This seminar is only open to the members of the “Islam Trust Studies” research groups.
    • Details: This seminar will introduce how to use network visualization tools. It aims to enable participants to analyze trust built in human relationships by training participants to learn methods of viewing human relationships as networks and visualizing them.
    • 1. Lecturer: Yuri ISHIDA (Okayama University, C01 Co-investigator) On the first day of the seminar, we will briefly explain what is the network analysis. Next, we will get participants to create necessary data in order to visualize network by Palladio(,a software which is easily handled on web browser.
    • 2. Lecturer: Yuri ISHIDA (Okayama University, C01 Co-investigator) On the second day, we will have the participants learn how to handle Gephi, which enables higher-order network analysis. All participants will discuss what type of analysis will be possible based on network graphs they made.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA), 20H05830)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ©
    Online meeting
    20222022/05/26 (Thu)
    commons café
    • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “A preliminary report on 'transculture'”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by TUFiSCo Preparatory Office, Field Science Center
    203,Online meeting
    20222022/05/22 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 8th meeting
    • Rikako KIMURA (Tokyo University of Agriculture) “Equids of nomadic and transhumant communities in India”
    • Gazangjie (JSPS, Toyo Bunko) “On sky burial funeral service in Tibet”
    • Akira KAMIMURA (TUFS) “Pastoralism in Western Mongolia: Environment, Imigration, Livestock Breeding, and Daily Grazing”
    • All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows “Geolinguistical and Historical Study on Tibetic Languages with Focuses on Characteristic grammar and Ethnoterminology” (Principal Investigator: Shiho EBIHARA Project Number: 20J40127), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04480)
    303,Online meeting
    20222022/05/20 (Fri) - 2022/05/21 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 46th meeting


    • 14:00–15:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian62 (first part)”
    • 15:50–16:10. Break
    • 16:10–18:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian62 (second part)”


    • 10:00–11:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian63”
    • 11:50–13:15. Break
    • 13:15–15:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian64”
    • 15:00–15:15. Break
    • 15:15–17:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site09”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    301,Online meeting
    20222022/05/20 (Fri)
    Research Seminar with Professor M. Khodarkovsky
    • Speaker: Professor M. Khodarkovsky (Professor of Loyola University / Foreign Visitors Fellow of SRC, Hokkaido University) Speech title: “Empires of the Steppe: Eurasian Empires in Comparative Perspective, 1500-1900”
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA); 20H05823) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA, TUFS); 20H05825) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA); 20H05827) The Slavic-Eurasian Research Center Library, Hokkaido University
    303,Online meeting
    20222022/05/14 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Social Transformation and Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia: Toward an Integrated Understanding of Structural Change and Islamism in Bangladesh”The 1st meeting
    • 9:30-10:40. Introduction
    • 10:45-11:30. Speaker: Tetsuya NAKATANI Title: “Economic Development and Tourism in Bangladesh: A Discussion with a Reference to Tourism Behavior and Islamic Tourism”
    • 11:30-12:15. Speaker: Masahiko TOGAWA Title: “Transformation of Rural Society and “Islamisation” in Bangladshl: A case study of Gohira village in Chattogram”
    • 12:15-12:45. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South AsiaJSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh
    Online meeting
    20222022/05/11 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”The 2nd meeting
    • Jean ARZOUMANOV (JSPS) “Ethnography and hagiography of Indian sects in Indo-Persian texts from the colonial period”
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Jointly sponsored by Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” (Principal Investigator: Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Project number: 18KK0013), ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    Online meeting
    20222022/05/06 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 45th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian61(first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian61(second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    301,Online meeting
    20222022/04/29 (Fri)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The modern systems for the reception of forced migrations”
    • Presentation: Sota NARUJI (Research Associate of the School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University) “Trust building and connectivity in the refugee resettlement policy of the modern Ottoman Empire: the mechanism of refugee assistance systems in the Migrants Commission in the 1860s”
    • Discussant: Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University, C01 Co-investigator)
    • Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/Hokkaido University SRC, A03 Principal Investigator, Area Organizer)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826)“Analyses of Connectivity by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830)
    Online meeting
    20222022/04/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19”The 4th meeting
    • 13:00–13:10. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 13:10–14:10. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Balinese performing arts at the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic (tentative)”
    • 14:10–14:55. “Q&A”
    • 14:55–15:10. “Break”
    • 15:10–16:10. Yoshiaki TAKEMURA (National museum of Ethnology) “Learning, talking and sharing online: the activities of Indian performing arts organization and their student's engagement in Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic (Tentative)”
    • 16:10–16:55. “Q&A”
    • 16:55–18:10. “Discussion/ Planning for the next meeting”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Projects “Cohosted by ILCAA and JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 21H00643 Performing arts nurtured in the “Time of Corona””
    304,Online meeting
    20222022/04/23 (Sat) - 2022/04/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Islamization Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia”The 1st meeting


    • 13:00–13:10. Opening
    • 13:10–13:50. Miho YAMASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Kings and religions in Majapahit period: analysis of Old Javanese inscriptions and Deśawarṇana”
    • 13:50–14:30. Koji MIYAZAKI “Islamization of Java and Wayang” (Professor Emeritus of TUFS, ILCAA Joint Researcher)
    • 14:30–14:40. break
    • 14:40–15:20. Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Holy persons in the Babad Tanah Jawi” (tentative)
    • 15:20–16:00. Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “The role of Islam in the history of West Java: from a biography of Sunan Gunung Jati”
    • 16:00–16:10. break
    • 16:10–16:50. Toru AOYAMA (TUFS, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Bangsa and Wangsa: The emergence of the concept of ‘nation’ as seen in the use of bangsa in an early 19th–century Javanese court text” (tentative)


    • 10:00–10:40. Yasuko YOSHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Specially appointed Researcher of Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “Prayer and phrases in Patar-a religious manuscript of Bani”
    • 10:40–11:20. Toshihiko SHINE (ILCAA Fellow) “On the two Champa's early Islamic teachers: Po Kloang Barau or Chúa Giàng Râu and his brother Po Haniim Per (2)”
    • 11:30–12:10. Aki TOMITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Fellow of Okayama University) “Islam in West Borneo (West Kalimantan) during 18th century” (tentative)
    • 12:10–13:20. lunch break
    • 13:20–14:10. Henri Chambert-Loir (Osaka University, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Resistance to imperialism as jihad in the Malay World according to Malay sources”
    • 14:10–14:50. Hiroko KUSHIMOTO (Sophia University, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “The conversion story in Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa (The Kedah Annals): the unique presentation of authority”
    • 15:00–15:30. Closed meeting (Japanese)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Projects “Cohosted by ILCAA and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 21H00575”
    303,Online meeting
    20222022/04/21 (Thu)
    commons café
    • Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) ”To properly engage in the research we want to do”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    203,Online meeting
    20222022/04/15 (Fri) - 2022/04/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 44th meeting


    • 14:00-15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian59(first part)”
    • 16:10-18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian59(second part)”


    • 10:00-11:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian60(first part)”
    • 13:15-15:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian60(second part)”
    • 15:15-17:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) ”Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site08)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    301,Online meeting
    20222022/04/01 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 43rd meeting
    • 14:00-15:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian58(first part)”
    • 16:10-18:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian58(second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    301,Online meeting
    20212022/03/29 (Tue) - 2022/03/30 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”The 4th meeting


    • 12:30-14:30. Keiko TOSA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Thinking about Covid-19 in Myanmar : Violence, Governance, Death Knowing Through SNS”
    • 14:45-16:45. Sueju KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “Living with Death: Periphery of Near-Death and Extreme Fetish”
    • 17:00-18:30. All participants Discussion


    • 9:00-12:00. “Brainstorming about Death”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Projects “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”
    Nigata Iroha Tei
    20212022/03/29 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)”The 2nd meeting
    • Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Brief report on the method for analyzing historical information from real estate inventories of Shaykh Safi’s shrine: The case of the real estate in Ardabil district”
    • All participants Reading and discussion of the text
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Joint Research Projects “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/28 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers”The 6th meeting
    • Kiyokazu OKITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Rethinking Hindu-Muslim Relations: A Critical Religion Approach to the Premodern Hagiographies of Caitanya”
    • Masato TORIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “The Frontiers of South Asia in the Modern and Contemporary Periods as Seen from Pashtuns' Movement and Activity”
    • Ryosuke KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “The Kingdom of Sikkim and the Modern Era of Tibet”
    • Toru TAK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Religion and Federalism: The Idea of “India” in the British Empire”
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/28 (Mon)
    Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2)"
    Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
    • Tomoaki SHINODA (ILCAA Research Associate) “The National History Invented by a Moroccan Intellectual: Arabs, Berbers, and Moroccans”
    • Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA Project Assistant Professor/ National Institutes for the Humanities) “The Concept of “Meditteranean Sea” in Israel” (tentative)
    please visit the link here.
  • Organized by ILCAA Core Project “Political
  • 20212022/03/28 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”The 7th meeting
    • 10:30-12:00. Eri KODA (Ritsumeikan University Graduate Studies) “Sugar Dating: The Case of Relationships on Gift-giving Practices in Urban Ghana”
    • 13:00-14:30. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Debts in trassmintion of performing arts: The case of ritual theaters in Bali, Indonesia” (tentative)
    • 14:45-16:00. Matori YAMAMOTO (Hosei University) “Communism and Generalized Reciprocity: The Case of Samoa” (tentative)
    • 16:15-17:00. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    306,Online meeting
    20212022/03/28 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 7th meeting
    • Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Analysis of Distribution of Tradtional Milk Products in Tibet Based on the Chinise Documents”
    • Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “Nakchu as a Gateway to Tibet from Mongolia during the Qing Period: With Special Reference to Pastoralism”
    • Shunzo ONODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Bukkyo University) “Tibetan Proverbs and Pastoralistsʼ Sense of Life”
    • All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04480)
    303,Online meeting
    20212022/03/27 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    • Discussion on future course of research
    • Shinsaku KATO (ILCAA Research Associate) “Dutch Encounter with the Mughal Court in the Mid-seventeenth Century”
    • Ai KURAHASHI (Independent Researcher) “Encounter with India by Officials of British East India Company: Indian Language Education at Fort William College”
    • All participants General Discussion
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/26 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The Origins of Afghan Tragedy and Transnational Islamism”
    • Koichiro TANAKA (Keio University) “Iran's Islamic Revolution and the Afghan War: Conflicts between Regional Power Balance and Transnational Islamism”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University) Project number: 20H05828), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Democracy by Violence in the Twentieth Century: A Transnational History” (Principal Investigator: Norihiro NAGANAWA (Slavic Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) Project number: 18H00697)
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/26 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (2)”The 7th meeting
    • 17:00-18:00. All participants “Microvariation of Bantu tone: checking each author's data”
    • 18:00-18:30. Seunghun LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, International Christian University) “An introduction to the Bantu Language Digital Archive (BantuDArc)”
    • 18:30-19:00. All participants “General discussions on the next application”
    • 19:00-20:00. All participants “Microvariation of Bantu tone: Report on the completion of the database and workshop of the data input guidance”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Sciences3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/25 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation and Revival of the Legitimacy in Modern Arab Monarchies in Rivalry with Islamism”The 4th meeting
    • Based on the discussion in the previous meetings, each member will present a brief abstract of their plan to be in charge of writing, and then adjust the overall discussion framework and the content to be covered in each chapter.
    • Language: English
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/25 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on Social Cognition Based on SCOPIC: the Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus”The 8th meeting
    • 13:00-14:00. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Yukinori KIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Hyogo), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, UNIKA Atma Jaya), and Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Roles of direct speech in Arta and Colloquial Jakarta Indonesian”
    • 14:00-15:00. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Scopic data from the viewpoint of the common questionnaire for pronoun substitutes and address terms”
    • 15:00-16:00. Hitomi ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Reitaku University) “Reported speech in G|ui”
    • 16:00-17:30. All participants Summary of the project and future outlook
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/25 (Fri)
    Online Symposium“Backgrounds of the war in Ukraine and its repercussions : Where are we standing now?”
    • 1. Yoko AOSHIMA (Hokkaido University, SRC) “The historical phase of the war in Ukraine”
    • 2. Norihiro NAGANAWA (Hokkaido University, SRC/ ILCAA, B01 Co-investigator) “The end of the 20th Century and the War in Ukraine”
    • 3. Jin NODA (ILCAA, A02 Principal Investigator) “Viewpoints of the east: the phases of China, Kazakhstan, and Russia”
    • 4. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/Hokkaido University, SRC, Area Organizer & A03 Principal Investigator) “A dangerous resonance with the Middle East”
    • 5. Tetsuya SAHARA (Meiji University, B03 Co-investigator) “The invasion of Ukraine and multipolarization of the world”
    • 6. Moderator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration,please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization”(Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC Hokkaido University), Project Number: 20H05823),Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Democracy by Violence in the Twentieth Century: A Transnational History”(Principal Investigator: Norihiro NAGANAWA (SRC Hokkaido University/ILCAA), Project Number: 18H00697),Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“Melting Empire: Modernizing State and Destabilized Society in the Borderlands of Late Imperial Russia”(Principal Investigator: Yoko AOSHIMA (SRC Hokkaido University), Project Number: 21H00581)
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/22 (Tue) - 2022/03/25 (Fri)
    Munda ILC meeting for follow-up
    • 1. Lecturer Toshiki OSADA and Purti Madhu review of ILC
    • 2. Lecturer Toshiki OSADA and Purti Madhu review of ILC (cont.) and new assignments
    • 3. Lecturer Toshiki OSADA and Purti Madhu new assignments (cont.)
    • 4. Lecturer Toshiki OSADA and Purti Madhu Mundane essay writing, presentation and evaluation
    • Language: Japanese, Munda
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20212022/03/22 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (20)
    • 1. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, NINJAL) “Three types of tonal domain in the Tarama dialect of Miyako Ryukyuan”
    • 2. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Research Associate) “Exploring the ritual male circumcision in Zanzibar through linguistic documentation”
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/21 (Mon)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Xin Jiletu (Kumamoto University) Project Number: 17H04538)"
    The Japan Association for Central Asian Studies 2021 Annual ConferencePanel session “The New Horizen of Minority Research: For the multiphonic reconstruction of the modern history of Eurasia”
    • 1. Testu AKIYAMA (Waseda University) Introduction
    • 2. Testu AKIYAMA (Waseda University) “Historical narrative on the minority: from translating the historcal literature of the Sart Qalmaq”
    • 3. Akira UEDA (IDE-JETRO) “Minority groups in the creation of the Uzbeks" of the early Soviet period”
    • 4. Ulara TAMURA (Kanazawa University) “From the minority to the actor of the Pan-Turkism: Current situation of the Yoruk in Turkey”
    • 5. Jin NODA (ILCAA) Comments
    • 6. All participants General Discussion
    please visit the link here.
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Asia”
  • 20212022/03/19 (Sat) - 2022/03/20 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”The 4th meeting

    19 Mar[1st Session]

    • Chair: Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture)
    • Kohei NAKAZAWA (The University of Tokyo), Akiko YOKOYAMA (JSPS/ILCAA, TUFS) “Crop terms in Japonic”
    • Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) “Crop terms in Korean”
    • Fumiki, SUZUKI (Nanzan University), Kenji YAGI (Kokushikan University) “Crop terms in Sinitic”

    19 Mar[2nd Session]

    • Chair: Kohei NAKAZAWA (The University of Tokyo)
    • Chikako ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai-Gakuen University) “Crop terms in Chukotko-Kamchatkan”
    • Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “Crop terms in Ainu”
    • Yoshio SAITO (Takushoku University) “Crop terms in Mongolic and Turkic”

    19 Mar[3rd Session]

    • Chair: Kenji YAGI (Kokushikan University)
    • Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kansai University of International Studies) “Crop terms in Tungusic and Uralic”
    • Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Fellow), Kazue IWASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies), Keita KURABE (ILCAA), and Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Crop terms in Tibeto-Burman”
    • Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Crop terms in Austronesian”

    19 Mar[4th Session]

    • Chair: Kazuo MIYAMOTO (Kyushu University)
    • Shinya SHODA (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties) “East-West Interaction of Cereals in Eurasia: The ‘Globalisation of Foodʼ in Prehistory”
    • Reiko MOTOHASHI (Shizuoka University) “The taro eaten by ancient Japonesians”

    19 Mar[5th Session]

    • Chair: Hitoshi SUZUKI (Hokkaido University)
    • Kazuhiro SATOMURA (Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology) “Phylogenetic relationships and genetic structures in the three Japanese millets: Setaria italica, Panicum miliaceum and Echinochloa esculenta”
    • Masahiko KUMAGAI (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization) “Genomics studies on Asian and African rice”
    • Kentaro SHIMIZU (University of Zurich) “Wheat: polyploidy and genome sequencing”

    20 Mar[6th Session]

    • Chair: Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
    • Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA), Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Crop terms in Austroasiatic”
    • Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University), Aika TOMITA (Osaka Shoin Women's University), Ayaka HIRANO (Osaka University) “Crop terms in Kra-Dai”
    • Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) “Crop terms in Hmong-Mien”

    20 Mar[7th Session]

    • Chair: Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University)
    • Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Crop terms in South Asia”
    • Nozomi KODAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kumamoto University) “Crop terms in Dravidian”
    • Takamasa IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/ Kyoto University) “Crop terms in Iranian”

    20 Mar[8th Session]

    • Chair: Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
    • Youichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Crop terms in Semitic”
    • Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Crop terms in Nilo-Saharan”
    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA), Junko KOMORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Crop terms in Bantu”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Deciphering the History of Yaponesians through Comparison and Analyses between Japanese and the Other Concerned Languages” (Principal Investigator: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Project Number: 18H05510), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Inference of human migration to Yaponesia based on animal and plant genome sequence analyses” (Principal Investigator: Hitoshi SUZUKI (Hokkaido University) Project Number: 18H05508)
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/18 (Fri) - 2022/03/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 42nd meeting

    18 Mar

    • 14:00-15:50. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Superior and Subordinate Relations during the Qin and the Han (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Superior and Subordinate Relations during the Qin and the Han (second part)”

    19 Mar

    • 10:00-11:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Book Review: Makiko TADA “Family and State during the Qin and the Han””
    • 13:15-15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Two Origins of Paper Documents (first part)”
    • 15:15-17:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Two Origins of Paper Documents (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301,Online meeting
    20212022/03/18 (Fri)
    Field Science Colloquium: “Teaching/Starting Fieldwork under the Covid-19 Pandemic”
    • 1. Opening Remarks
    • 2. Atsushi NOBAYASHI (National Museum of Ethnology) “One challenge for online education and research: how to find the ‘invisibleʼ context of information”
    • 3. Izumi KONISHI(The University of Tokyo) “Support activities for Japanese and Ryukyuan dialects research in the COVID-19 Pandemic”
    • 4. Koji YAMAMOTO (The University of Tokyo) “Supporting Historians under the Pandemic: The case of Historiansʼ Workshop”
    • 5. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Comment
    • 6. All participants Discussion
    • 7. Closing
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center (FSC), Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, TUFS; NIHU Multidisciplinary Collaborative Projects, “The Constellation of Food in Civilization”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), “Multifaceted development of contrastive research on spatio-temporal variation in Japanese through expansion of the database of the Dictionary of Grammar of Japonic Dialects” (Principal Investigator: HIDAKA, Mizuho (Kansei University) Project Number: 20H00015), Historiansʼ Workshop
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/18 (Fri)
    Field Linguistics Workshop “Presentations of Masterʼs Theses on Field Linguistics”
    • 1. Opening remarks
    • 2. Arula (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The information structure and the influence of the Chinese in Bonan: with a focus on the borrowed element [ʂi] from Chinese”
    • 3. Kenichiro KURUSU (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Acoustic Analysis on Consonant Clusters in Tagalog: Focusing on Loanwords from Spanish and English”
    • 4. Zitong PENG (Kyoto University) “Boundary Pitch Movements and Accent in Bretsa”
    • 5. Yuko ISHIBASHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On continuity of conditional clauses in a complex sentence”
    • 6. Kaiqiao CHEN (Kobe University) “Prosodic templates of word formation in Mandarin and Cantonese: A contrastive study of transitivity of separable words”
    • 7. Yui SUZUKI (University of Tokyo) “Reduplication and pseudo noun incorporation in Turkish”
    • 8. Nguyen Gia Thoai Du (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Second Language Acquisition of Aspect in Vietnamese: Based on Japanese L1 Learner’s Corpus”
    • 9. Kaidi LIN (Kyushu University) “A basic description of Yilan Creole phonology: with a special focus on the Aohua dialect”
    • 10. Subila CHILUPULA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Politeness and Honorific Expressions in Bemba (Bantu M42): A Structural Description and Sociolinguistic Analysis”
    • 11. Closing remarks
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/17 (Thu)
    commons café
    • Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “Anthropology in 'TUFS Field Science Commons': What is the point of contact between digital humanities and Cultural Anthropology?!”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    203, Online meeting
    20212022/03/15 (Tue)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Building Trust in International Commerce”
    • Ikuko WADA (Okayama University/A02 Co-investigator) “European seamen on loan from the Dutch East India Company to South Asian ships”
    • Mami HAMAMOTO (Osaka City University/A02 Co-investigator) “Roles of mosques at international wholesale markets in the Eastern Part of the Russian Empire”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Analyses of Connectivity by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830)
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/14 (Mon)
    Islamic Trust Studies Symposium 2021 “The recipes for trust studies: materials and methods”
    • So YAMANE (Osaka University, B02 Principal Investigator) “Strategic judgment seen in the policy changes of Taliban”
    • Jin NODA (ILCAA, A02 Principal Investigator) “Between Isflamic laws and customary laws: translation for the conflict resolution” (tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC Hokkaido University) Project number: 20H05823)
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/12 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 4th meeting
    • All participants 1. Annual reports (the 1st year) 2. Planning (the 2nd year)
    • Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “On Lhaovo vocabulary”
    • Atsushi KASUGA (Kanda University of International Studies) “Vocabulary in Vietnamese”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Sciences 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/12 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: Special workshop
    • All participants Book Review Meeting: “Ecological Anthropology Challenges:Session-5” (KAWAI, K (ed.), 2022, Kyoto University Press)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    20212022/03/10 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum, Memorial Lecture
    • 1. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Knowledge and ‘Violence’: Mahdism in the Early Sokoto Caliphate”
    • 2. Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) “See Linguistics from the south” (Commemorative speech)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/08 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”The 5th meeting
    • 10:25-11:00. Yasuaki ISHIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “On the Locative Alternation in Late Modern English”
    • Six members in this project are going to make their own presentation for 35 minutes, which are followed by respective Q&A sessions for 15 minutes.

    • 11:20-11:55 . Masako MAEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seinan Gakuin University) “On the Syntactic Properties and Language Change of Ga/No-Nominative Conversion in the Hichiku Dialect”
    • 13:10-13:45. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Microvariation in subject properties across Bantu languages”
    • 14:05-14:40 . Koji SUGISAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei gakuin University) “UG and Child Language Acquisition: A Case Study on Wh-infinitives in Child English”
    • 15:15-15:50. Hisao TOKIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo University) “Linguistic Atlas and Linguistic Theory: Linguistic Atlas of Asia and WALS”
    • 16:10-16:45. Hideki KISHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) “On contractions in auxiliary verb constructions”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Change and Variation Research Unit, GSIS, Tohoku University, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/06 (Sun)
    Dzongkha ILC meeting for follow-up/ The 2nd Southeastern Tibetan Study Group
    • 13:00-13:15 . Fuminobu NISHIDA (Waseda Universituy) “Introduction”
    • 13:15-14:15. Saya KOMATSU (Seoul National University) “Ger district in Ulaanbaatar and its peculiarities”
    • 14:15-14:45. Ryo SHIMOTSUURA “Cultural history of chilli”
    • 14:45-15:25. Norifumi KASASAKU (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Function of /pay/ and /maa/ in Thai sereal verb construction”
    • 15:40-16:20. Yuta SATO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Existence and Imagination: The Non-Existence of the Sensible World in Gharib's Urdu-Persian Ghazal Poetry”
    • 16:20-17:00. Shaohan WU (Seoul National University) “Generative machanism of polysemy of Mandain 「Ⅴ‐累」resultative construction based on principle of maximum entropy”
    • 17:00-17:30. Fuminobu NISHIDA (Waseda Universituy) “An example of language study using expedion materials in 19th and 20th centyry” 17:30-18:00 Discussion
    • 17:30-18:00. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese, Dzongkha
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20212022/03/05 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”The 3rd meeting

    Part 1: 9:30–12:00

    • 1. Seunghun J. LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, International Christian University) 「PhonTyp project: Year 1」
    • 2. Marc BRUNELLE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Ottawa) 「The diachronic relation between voicing and voice quality」
    • 3. Andries COETZEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Michigan) 「L1-persistence in spite of long-term L2-dominance: plosives in a bilingual Afrikaans-Spanish community」
    • 4. Seunghun J. LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, International Christian University) 「Digital Archives for Phonetic Typology Research I」

    Part 2: 16:30–19:00

    • 1. Seunghun J. LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, International Christian University) 「Digital Archives for Phonetic Typology Research II」
    • 2. Seunghun J. LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, International Christian University), Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA), Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Lanzhou University) 「Prosives in Kirundi」
    • 3. Hayato AOI (ILCAA, NINJAL) 「Laryngealized sonorants in Northern Ryukyuan」
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Core Project Linguistic Dynamics Science3" (LingDy3)
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/05 (Sat) - 2022/03/06 (Sun)
    Symposium Tibetan world as seen through song and poetry""

    5 Mar

    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Opening
    • 2. Hiroshi NEMOTO (Hiroshima University) “Poetry as a Way of Cultivation: An Inquiry into the Essence of Tibetan Literature”
    • 3. Hiroshi NEMOTO (Hiroshima University) , Zhabu (Qinhai Normal University) “Differences between Poetry and Songs”
    • 4. Kensaku OKAWA (Nihon University) “The Long Road of bstan pa yang dar”
    • 5. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Rythm of Tibetan poetry”
    • 6. Lajiaben (SOKENDAI) “Poetry Recitation”
    • 7. Ai NISHIDA (Kyoto University) “Divination and Literature”
    • 8. Yoshiro IMAEDA (Kyoto University) “On the Six-syllabe Poem Form of the Old Tibetan Chronicle”
    • 9. All participants General Discussion
    • CHOI Kyeongjin (the University of Tokyo)

    6 Mar

    • 1. Shinʼichiro MIYAKE (Otani University) “Tradition of Oral Literature and Poetry”
    • 2. Shiho EBIHARA (JSPS/TUFS) “Tibetan Modern poetry and women”
    • 3. Kazushi IWAO (Ryukoku University) “Poem and memories of the imperial period”
    • 4. Lightening Talks 1: Junko MIURA (Translator) “The poetic world of Gendun Chopel”
    • 4. Lightening Talks 2: Yuri KOMATSUBARA (Meiji University) “Dokhar Tshering Wanggyel and the Time He Lived”
    • 5. All participants General Discussion
    • Keisuke IWATA (University of Tsukuba)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”, Institute for Research in Humanities (Kyoto University) “Tibet Proejct”
    303, Online meeting
    20212022/03/05 (Sat)
    Online Workshop “Reconsidering terminology for the study of Asian scripts”
    • 14:00-14:10. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the Project ‘Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 2’”
    • 14:10-14:50. Masakatsu NAGAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Terminology for the study of Ancient Egyptian script”
    • 15:10-15:50. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Reconsidering phonogramic units of Burmese script”
    • 16:00-16:40. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Terminology for the study of Tangut script”
    • 16:40-17:00. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.Registration deadline is 4th Mar.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”, Grammatological Informatics based on Corpora of Asian Scripts (GICAS), Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) “Construction of Method of Studies on Scripts in Asia” (Principal Investigator: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) Project Number:19K21628)
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/05 (Sat)
    Field linguistics workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 21 “Issues in grammaticalisation for language description”
    • 13:00–13:10 . Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Research Associate) Introduction
    • 13:10–13:40. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Research Associate) “Traces of grammaticalisation and functional change in Zanzibar dialects of Swahili”
    • 13:40–14:10. So MIYAGAWA (Kyoto University) “Grammaticalization of conjunctions from verbs in Egyptian-Coptic”
    • 14:10-14:40. Aoi GEKA(Graduate Scool, Kyoto University/JSPS/Inner Mongolia University) “Grammaticalization of the second person possessive clitic in Mongolian”
    • 15:00–15:30. Rihito SHIRATA (Hiroshima University) “Grammaticalization in Kikai Ryukyuan: With a focus on sentence-final interrogative forms”
    • 15:30–16:00. Shinsuke HIDAKA (NINJAL) “Differences in auxiliary verb structures with yot- ʻlie downʼ in Uzbek”
    • 16:00–16:30. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Gradualness of change: Grammaticalization of Jinghpaw verbs”
    • 16:30–17:00. All participants Discussion
    Online meeting
    20212022/03/05 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology" : Year-end annual meeting"
    • 1. All members Annual reports (2021)
    • 2. All members Plans and prospects of the project in the future
    • 3. Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA) “Words used in description: Text mining of reports on “The origin and evolution of human sociality” project”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology" Kaori KAWAI (Project Number: 19H05591)
    304, Online meeting
    20212022/03/04 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 41st meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Rites, Ritual system and Religious Service during the Han (first part)”
    • 14:00–15:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Rites, Ritual system and Religious Service during the Han (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212022/03/04 (Fri)
    Film Screening: Mohtarama (Afghanistan, 2013)
    • 17:00. Emi GOTO (ILCAA) Introduction to the film
    • In August 2021, as the Taliban set out to establish a new regime, some people went out to the streets to hold demonstrations. One of the groups raised banners that read, “Afghan women exist (zanān-i afghān vojūd dārand)”. In Japan, Afghan women still have the image of being “covered”. However, Mohtarama, a brilliant film directed by Malek Shafiʼi and Diana Saqeb, tells us that these women have fought for decades to build a better society by developing their ideas, discussing issues with others, and taking to the streets to raise their voices. At Herat in 2010, Kabul in 2009, and Mazare Sharif in 2011, women—an owner of burqa shop, protest attendees, and women who were forced to marry at the age of 12—expressed their views on what is like to be a woman in their society. In this workshop, we would like to take a closer look at the situation to which women have been relegated in Afghanistan and the feminism that has been developing amid this environment, both in terms of the difficulties faced by people and the hopes they hold in their hearts.

    • 17:10-18:10. All members Film screening
    • 18:20-19:00. Junko TORIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University) Interview with Director Malek Shafiʼi
    • 19:00-19:50. All members Q&A and Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English and Japanese (partially with translations)
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Principal Investigator: Keiko SAKAI (Chiba University) Project Number: 21H04387)
    • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “JSPS Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellow) Project Number: 20H00085) , Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS), Ritsumeikan University
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/28 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in Muslim societies: A case of the Safavid shrine in Iran (2)”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Recent survey of the historical materials and studies on the Shrine of Shaykh Safi al-Din Ardabili, the Safavid dynastic shrine
    • 2. All members Discussion of the detailed program for the joint research
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/26 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Takuya HAGIWARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Becoming a Self-reliant Man Through Their Experiences in the Athletic Group: The Case of Kenyan Youth in Competitive Cycling”
    • 2. Rebecca BABIRYE (Tokyo Christian University) “Neither Here nor There: Exploring East African Youth in Flux”
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa”,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “The study of ‘Cohabitat family’ with elite single and house girl in the cities of East African countries” (Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project Number: 17K02002)
    303, Online meeting
    20212022/02/24 (Thu)
    Commons café
    • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “What are we going to do now? Some ideas for developing standards for field data archiving and promoting awareness of open data’s potential”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    302, Online meeting
    20212022/02/24 (Thu)
    Junior Researchersʼ Meeting “The origin and evolution of sociality”: The 6th Meeting “Cooperation, Communality”
    • 14:00-14:15. Announcement of future plans
    • 14:15-14:35. Yu KAIGAISHI (Kyoto University) “Cooperative behavior, Altruism, Prosociality”
    • 14:45-15:05. Yuko IWASWE (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Communality, Society”
    • 15:15-15:35. All participants General discussion
    • 15:45-16:05. Yu KAIGAISHI (Kyoto University) “Cooperation and tolerance in the Awajishima group of Japanese macaques”
    • 16:15-16:35. Yuko IWASWE (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Making common: A case study of the `human towers’ in Catalonia, Spain”
    • 16:45-17:15. All participants General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transition and Interaction among Modern Muslim Intellectuals”The 3 meeting
    • 1. Kenichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Middle East Institute of Japan) Introduction
    • 2. Hiroki OKAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, PD Research Fellow, JSPS, Chiba Unviersity) “The Coexistence of Theology and Sociology in Islamic Reformist Thought”
    • 3. Seika WAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu University) “Contemporary Islamic thought in Uzbekistan: Open Letter by Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf”
    • 4. All participants General comment
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • For registration, please contact to Kenichiro TAKAO:kaken.takao[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/18 (Fri) - 2022/02/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 40 meeting

    18 Feb

    • 14:00–15:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 56 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 56 (second part)”

    19 Feb

    • 10:00–11:50. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site07”
    • 13:15–15:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 57 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 57 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212022/02/18 (Fri)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 20 “Issues in language contact (2)”
    • 10:00-10:10. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 10:10-10:40. Shigeki YOSHIDA (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Number marking and language contact in Sinhala”
    • 10:40-11:10. Sho YAMAOKA (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “Dialect contact in Northern Vietnamese: based on the perturbation between [l] and [n]”
    • 11:10-11:40. Moe KITAMURA (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Language contact between Jerusalem Domari and Arabic: an analysis using Diasystematic Construction Grammar”
    • 11:50-12:30. All participants Discussion
    • Salvatore CARLINO (Kyushu University), Yayun CHENG (Graduate School, Kyoto University), Shuichiro NAKAO (Osaka University), So MIYAGAWA (Kyoto University), Kaidi LIN (Graduate School, Kyushu University)
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/17 (Thu)
    Presentation Meeting by 2021 ILCAA Joint Research Groups
    • 14:00–14:15. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Research on Archiving Primary Data, Research Materials and Products”
    • 14:15–14:30. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    • 14:30–14:45. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Investigation into Polarization and Symbiosis under the Transcultural Society: Field Science and Field Archiving in Asia and Africa”
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/17 (Thu)
    AA-ken Forum
    • Norihiro NAGANAWA (ILCAA/ SRC, Hokkaido University) “Russiaʼs Muslims and the Long Twentieth Century: Some thoughts on Research Agenda”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Register from here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project: Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World (MEIS2)
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/14 (Mon)
    FIELDPLUS Talk Show on line “On the Dynamisme of Debt”
    • 1. Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Introduction
    • 2. Masaharu KAWANO (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “How Do Pacific Islanders Owe a Debt of Gratitude to Traditional Leaders?: A Case Study of the Chieftainship and Ranking-Titles in Pohnpei, Micronesia”
    • 3. Takashi SAKAI (Osaka Prefecture University) “The Logic of Debt among the Urban Underclass in Pre-World War II Japan: Through the work of Keisuke Akamatsu”
    • 4. Arihiro MINOO (Waseda University) “The Best Way to Default on Your Debt Is Escaping: A Consideration on Society that Lenders Owe Debtors the Obligation to Lend”
    • 5. Ayako SEKINO (Kyoto University) “Food Sharing without Debt”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Register from here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA “FIELDPLUS” Editorial department, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/13 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia-Transnational Networks and Local Responses”The 5th meeting
    • 14:00-15:30. Seika WAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu University) ”The Process of establishing wasaya on Islam in Uzbekistan: Focusing on Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad-Yusuf”
    • 15:40-17:10. Momo SHIOYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shimane) ”The Change of Dress code in Contemporary Indonesia: Muslim clothing, National costume and Adat clothing”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/12 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Muslim connectivity viewed from thought and strategy: cases of Myammar and Indonesia”
    • 15:00-15:05. Moderator: Yusuke MOTANI (Osaka University, B02 Project Researcher) Introduction
    • 15:05-15:35. Kazuto IKEDA (Osaka University, B02 Co-investigator) “A preliminary study of “Rohingya” in Myammar in the 1950s and 60s : connectivity with Muslims formed under the U Nu governments and its dissolution”
    • 15:40-16:10. Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University, B02 Co-investigator) “Muslim connectivity viewed from thought and strategy:customary law and Islamic law in Indonesia”
    • 16:15-16:30. Discussant : Yuji TSUBOI (Meio University, A02 Co-investigator) Comment
    • 16:30-17:00. All participants Q&A
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE(Osaka University), Project Number: 20H05828), “Conversion of the Islamic Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05825)
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/12 (Sat)
    International Workshop “Thinking Emotions in South Asia” /ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 8th meeting
    • Toshie AWAYA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Opening Address
    • Keynote: Prof. Margrit Pernau (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Germany) “Language and Emotions - Emotions beyond Language”
    • Moderator: Hisae KOMATSU (Otemon Gakuin University)
    • 1. Yoko TAGUCHI (Eikei University of Hiroshima) “Emotion and Nonchalance around Domestic Work in Urban India”
    • 2. Katsuyuki IDA (Chuo University) “Emotions Relating to Salvation in the Bhakti Literature of Maharashtra”
    • 3. Nobuhiro OTA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Emotional Ties between King and Subject in the Princely State of Mysore”
    • 3. All participants General Discussion
    • Fumiko OSHIKAWA
    • 3. Sachiyo KOMAKI (Takasaki City University of Economics) Closing Address
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/12 (Sat)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2021 “Everyone passed here” - The Rise and Fall of the Himalayan Trade Trail from the Perspective of War, Trade and Pilgrimage
    • 13:00-13:15. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA), Yuri KOMATSUBARA (Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Properties, Meiji University), Yusuke BESSHO (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Komazawa University) Opening
    • 13:15-13:40. Yuri KOMATSUBARA (Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Properties, Meiji University) “Wars and Himalayan Trade Trails: the Relationship between Tibet, Nepal and the Qing”
    • 13:40-14:05. Maho IUCHI(The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University) “The Intercommunication of Lotsawas and Panditas in the Second Diffusion of Buddhism in Tibet”
    • 14:05-14:30. Yusuke BESSHO (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Komazawa University) “The Backbone of Trade Trail and Religious Relation Network: The Formation of Tibetan Buddhism Sphere in the Nepal-Himalaya”
    • 14:30-14:45. All participants Q&A Session
    • 14:55-15:20. Kazuyuki WATANABE (Faculty of International Tourism, Hannan University) “The Himalayan Livestock Corridor: Distribution of Livestock Products and Inter-Regional Economy Centering Nepal in the Context of Ritual Practice”
    • 15:20-15:45. Shiho EBIHARA (JSPS Research Fellow, ILCAA) “Words Referring to 'horse' in Tibeto-Burman”
    • 15:45-16:10. Ryosuke KOBAYASHI (Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University) “Indo-Tibetan Cross-Border Trade and Kalimpong during the Early 20th Century”
    • 16:10-16:25. All participants Q&A Session
    • 16:35-16:55. Kensaku OKAWA (College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University)
    • 16:55-17:15. Ayako SADAKANE (Director, Langtang Plan)
    • 17:15-17:50. All participants Discussion
    • 17:50-18:00. Yuri KOMATSUBARA (Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Properties, Meiji University), Yusuke BESSHO (Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Komazawa University) Closing
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/12 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 12th meeting
    • 1. Kaoru ADACHI (Kyoto Sangyo University) “Ethnographies in primatology”
    • 2. Shunkichi HANAMURA (Kyoto University) “Waiting, synchronizing, showing: Sociality in the nomadic life of primates, or photography and representation by humans”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/11 (Fri)
    The closing symposium of the ReNeLDA project: Establishment of a Research Network for Exploring the Linguistic Diversity and Linguistic Dynamism in Africa (JSPS's Core-to-Core Program: B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms: 2019-2022)

    Opening Remarks

    • 16:00-16:20. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) The legacy of the ReNeLDA project: For a future perspective on further collaboration for documenting and describing the diversity and dynamics of African languages


    • 16:30-17:30. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “Understanding taboo expressions through logical analysis: The case of Nyoro”

    • Celestino ORIIKIRIZA (Makerere University) “Dialectal variations in the So language of north-eastern Uganda”
    • Gastor MAPUNDA (University of Dar es Salaam) Attitudes toward ethnic languages in Tanzania


    • 17:30-18:50. Chrispina ALPHONSE (University of Dodoma) “Personal Naming Shift in Alagwa”

    • Julius TAJI (University of Dar es Salaam) “Possessor rising in Swahili”
    • Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA) “Clues about the functional development of the Kimakunduchi copula”
    • Crous HLUNGWANI (University of Venda), Seunghun J. LEE (ILCAA Joint researcher, ICU, University of Venda), Michael M. BARRIE (Sogang University) “Locative Inversion in Xitsonga”

    Wrap-up and farewell

    • 18:50-19:00.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”,TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/11 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of Islamization”The 9th meeting
    • 13:05-13:45. Toru AOYAMA (TUFS, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Bangsa and Wangsa: The emergence of the concept of nation as seen in the use of bangsa in an early 19th-century Javanese court text”
    • 13:45-14:25. Miho YAMASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Kings and religion in ancient Java”
    • 14:35-15:15. Hiroko KUSHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “The story of conversion in Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa: characteristics and the social backgrounds”
    • 15:15-15:55. Aki TOMITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Fellow of Okayama University) “Islam in West Borneo (West Kalimantan) during 18th century”
    • 16:05-16:45. Yasuko YOSHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Specially appointed Researcher of Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “Prayer and phrases in Patar-a religious manuscript of Bani”
    • 16:45-17:15. All participants meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/11 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Designing Spacio-Temporal Database in Asia”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Hsiung-Ming LIAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences) “Constructing Innovative Spacio-Temporal System”
    • 2. Tsukasa MIZUSHIMA (ILCAA Fellow) “The Use and Future Issues of the Spacio-Temporal Database in Asia”
    • 3. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • For registration, please contact to Satoshi OGURA: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @) by 9 Feb.
    • Language: English
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/09 (Wed)
    Online Symposium “Re-thinking Syrian refugees’ crisis today: Trust and Support in Islamic Communities, Turkey Hosting Syrian Refugees Example”
    • Speakers: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC, A03 Principal Investigator, Area Organizer) , Yoshifumi KAGEHIRA (South East Asia region Manager, AAR), Khalil Osman (Representative of Turkey office, AAR), Moderator: Yukie OSA (President of AAR, Rikkyo University, A03 Co-investigator)
    • Admission: Free (Please make a donation for AAR refugee assistance)
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English (with simultaneous interpretation)
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)“Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/SRC) Project Number: 20H05826), AAR Japan
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/08 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Eurasia”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Takahiro ONUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku Gakuin University) “Who are we?: Mulla Musa Sayrami's historical pursuits”
    • 2. All participants General Discussion
    Online meeting
    20212022/02/04 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 39th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Normal University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 55 (first part)”
    • 14:00–15:50. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Normal University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 55 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212022/02/04 (Fri)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” The 15th meeting
    • So MIYAGAWA (Kyoto University) “Grammaticalization of Nominalizers in Coptic”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”,TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20212022/01/29 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of Islamization”The 8th meeting
    • 14:05-14:45. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Holy persons in the Babad Tanah Jawi
    • 14:45-15:25. Toshihiko SHINE (ILCAA Fellow) “On the two Champa's early Islamic teachers: Po Kloang Barau or Chúa Giàng Râu and his brother Po Haniim Per”
    • 15:35-16:15. Keiko KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University) “The Process of Islamic Practice" among Muslims in the Central Malay Peninsula”
    • 16:15-16:45. All participants meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212022/01/29 (Sat)
    “Cities, People, and Knowledge Connected by Ijāza”/ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Visualization of the History and Historical Space of the Middle East: Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Age”The 3rd meeting
    • 13:00. Introduction
    • 13:10. Ryo MIZUKAMI (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo) “Ijāza flying from city to city: focusing on the cases of Baghdad in the 13th and 14th century”
    • 13:45. Erina OTA (TSUKADA) (ILCAA Project Assistant Professor) “Relationship-building among urban elites through issuance of Ijāza of Istiduʻāʼ: Focusing on al-Sakhāwī’s Ḍawʼ al-Lāmiʻ , a biographical dictionary of notables in the 15th century”
    • 14:30. Comment by Toru MIURA (Professor Emeritus, Ochanomizu University) Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Research on the Human Nexus of the Civilian Elite Through a Digital Analysis of Pre-Modern Arabic Texts” (Principal Investigator: Erina OTA (TSUKADA) (ILCAA), Project Number: 21H05374), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05830)
    Online meeting
    20212022/01/28 (Fri)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop “Why do we go to the field? Exploring the motivation behind on-site linguistic research”
    • Speakers: Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate/ NINJAL), Keita KURABE (ILCAA), Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Reseach Associate), Kyosuke YAMAMOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Lightning talks (1 hour)
    • All participants Group discussion (2 hours)
    Online meeting
    20212022/01/27 (Thu)
    commons cafe
    • Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “What is Field Archiving?: Mainly from a Viewpoint of History”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    302, Online meeting
    20212022/01/26 (Wed)
    Lecture “Modeling the development of premodern Islamic Societies through computational analysis of written sources”
    • Maxim Romanov (Institut für Geschichte, University of Vienna, Austria) “Modeling the development of premodern Islamic Societies through computational analysis of written sources”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05830), NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East, ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Visualization of the History and Historical Space of the Middle East: Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Age”
    Online meeting
    20212022/01/21 (Fri) - 2022/01/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 38th meeting

    21 Jan

    • 14:00–15:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 54 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 54 (second part)”

    22 Jan

    • 10:00–11:50. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “On the Use of HTML Linking Techniques for the Digitization of annotated translations of Wooden Tablets and Bamboo Slips”
    • 13:15–15:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site 06 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site 06 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212022/01/20 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum “COVID Pandemic in Thailand: Sovereign Power over Life and Death”
    • 14:00-14:50. Report: Kwanchewan Buadaeng (ILCAA Visiting Professor, Chiang Mai University) “COVID Pandemic in Thailand: Sovereign Power over Life and Death”
    • 14:50-15:30. Moderator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Question and answer session
    Online meeting
    20212022/01/08 (Sat)
    “A sociolinguistic study of heritage languages and ethnic identities of migrants” The 3rd meeting/ The 28th Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    • 13:00-13:10. Rika YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University) Introduction
    • 13:10-14:00. Naoki OGOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo) “Language use of Korean residents in Japan: Changes in quantitative research”
    • 14:10-15:00. Yasuhiro ARAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Bunkyo Gakuin University) “A New Challenge for Mobility and Language of Koreans in China”
    • 15:40-17:00. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    • Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    Online meeting
    20212022/01/07 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 37th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 53 (first part)”
    • 14:00–15:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 53 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212022/01/06 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “‘Long-distance nationalismʼ and positive/ negative impact of the diaspora on trust building”
    • Presentation: Yukie OSA (Rikkyo University, A03 Co-investigator) “Connectivity of the Bosnian Muslim diaspora affecting trust building of their mother country: their lobbying activities for the recognition of‘the Srebrenica’as genocide”
    • Discussant: Tetsuya SAHARA (Meiji University, B03 Co-investigator), Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/ Hokkaido University SRC, A03 Principal Investigator, Area Organizer)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas”(Principal investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University), Project Number: 20H05829)
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/28 (Tue) - 2021/12/29 (Wed)
    Workshop on linguistic and cultural diversity in the Northeast India-Myanmar-Southwest China region

    28 Dec

    • 10:30-10:40. Opening
    • 10:45-11:35. Kosei OTSUKA (Osaka University, Japan) “Lexical borrowing in Asho Chin”
    • 11:45-12:35. Keita KURABE (ILCAA, Japan) “Is Jinghpaw conservative or innovative? The lexical borrowing rate in Jinghpaw”
    • 13:40-14:30. Randy LaPOLLA (Beijing Normal University, China) “Manifestations of Jinghpaw influence among Rawang speakers”
    • 14:40-15:30. Carmen Eva MARSEILLE (Nanyang Technological University) “Variation within Tai Leng in Northern Myanmar”
    • 15:40-16:30. Muhammad ZAKARIA (JSPS Research Fellow, Osaka University, Japan) “Lexical and grammatical borrowings and replications in Hyow, a language of the Bangladesh-Myanmar border area”

    29 Dec

    • 10:30-10:35. Announcement
    • 10:35-11:25. Atsuhiko KATO (Keio University, Japan) “On the homeland of Karenic languages: from the perspective of plant names”
    • 11:30-12:20. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (Fudan University, China) “Geolinguistic approach to the migration history in the south-eastern edge of the Tibetosphere: Methodological remarks”
    • 13:20-14:10. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA, Japan) “Attempts to plot the source languages of village names on a map of Kachin State, Myanmar”
    • 14:15-15:05. Bishakha Das “Semantics of cultural lexicon of Tai Khamti spoken in North East India” (tentative)
    • 15:10-16:00. Alexander COUPE (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) “Accounting for language contact and linguistic diversity in Nagaland”
    • 16:00-16:55. Discussion
    • 16:55-17:00. Closing
    • Admission: Free
    • *This workshop is opened to the public.
    • Language: English
    • Website
    • If you are interested in participating, please click on the URL here.
    • Organized by JSPS-NTU/NUS Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic contact across the Indo-Myanmar-Southwestern China mountains: migration routes, intercultural interactions, and linguistic outcomes”
    • Cooperated by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/27 (Mon)
    Research Seminar Series No.1 Jewish Communities in the Middle East
    • Aviad Moreno (Lecturer, Ben Gurion University of the Negev) “Expanding the Dimensions of Moroccan (Jewish) Migration”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact to: kazue_hosoda[at] (please change [at] to @) / If you have any questions about the project: info_palestine_israel[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • For registration, Please register from here.
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) at ILCAA, TUFS
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/27 (Mon)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Visualization and Verification of Ulama Network in Southeast Asia: Ijazah and Silsila as Historical Materials”
    • Presentation: Yuki SHIOZAKI (University of Shizuoka) “Ijazahs of Ulama from the Malay Peninsula: Knowledge Transfer and Sufi Orders”
    • Ahmad Ginanjar Sha’ban (Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama) “Notes on Silsilah and Ijazah of Indonesian Ulama”
    • Yuri ISHIDA (Okayama University) “An Introductory Guide to Visualizing Network of Ulama”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Empirical Studies on the Succession of Unity of Being in India from the 16th to the 18th Century” (Principal Investigator: Yuri ISHIDA (Okayama University), Project Number: 18K00114), (An Introductory Guide to Visualizing Network of Ulama), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) “The Formation of Islamic Legal Schools through Interactions between Southeast Asia and other Regions” (Principal Investigator: Yuki SHIOZAKI (University of Shizuoka), Project Number: 17K18179)
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/25 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of Islamization”The 7th meeting
    • 14:00-14:40. Koji MIYAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Myth and History in Javanese texts: Wayang, Serat Kaṇḍa, and Islam”
    • 14:40-15:20. Sumio FUKAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “From where Islam came to Samudera-Pasai: Gujerat, Malabar, Tamil or Bengal?”
    • 15:30-16:10. Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University, ILCAA Joint Researcher) Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University, ILCAA Joint Researcher)
    • 16:10-16:30. All members Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/23 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Experiences of migrants and narratives”
    • Presentation: Sayoko NUMATA (Asian Cultures Research Institute, Toyo University) “Considering connectivities from the viewpoint of oral history: Turkey, Japan and East Asian-born Tatar migrants”
    • Discussant: Norihiro NAGANAWA (SRC, Hokkaido University/ ILCAA, B01 Co-investigator), Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/ SRC, Hokkaido University, A03 Principal Investigator/Area Organizer)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA), Project number: 20H05827)
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/22 (Wed)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 7th Methodology study meeting
    • 1.. Keiichi OMURA (The Open University of Japan) “Introduction to the contents of the interim results book concerning methodology”
    • 2.. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Introduction to the contents of the interim results book concerning methodology”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    304, Online meeting
    20212021/12/21 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (19)
    • Jermy Imanuel BALUKH (ILCAA Visiting Scholar) & Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “An overview of Lole Language spoken in the Rote Island, Eastern Indonesia” (ロレ語(東部インドネシア,ロテ島)の概略)&質疑応答
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/19 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Overview of tone in Mainland Southeast Asian languages”
    • 2. Shiro TAKEUCHI (Seijo University) “Accent and prosody of phrases in Miyagi-Toyoma dialect with particular reference to occurrence of a rising kernel accent and the proto-accent system of Hokuo dialects”
    • 3. Kunihiko KUROKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Shoin Womenʼs University) “Tonal formation of verbs in Japanese dialects with pitch accent: A distinctive fall in pitch within a verb stem”
    • 4. All participants General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) “Case as a Grammatical Category in Japanese and Ryukyuan Languages” (Principal Investigator: Shiro TAKEUCHI (Seijo University) Project Number: 20K20704)
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/18 (Sat)
    The third meeting of Mediterranean Literature research group in 2021
    • 1. Presentation Akira FURUKAWA (University of the Sacred Heart) “Thinking about Russia's relationship with the Mediterranean”
    • 2. All participants Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Decentralizing the “Mediterranean Literature” towards multilingual area studies” (Principal Investigator:Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA) Project Number:19H01249)
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/17 (Fri) - 2021/12/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 36th meeting

    17 Dec

    • 14:00–15:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 51 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 51 (second part)”

    18 Dec

    • 10:00–11:50. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site 05”
    • 13:15–15:00. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 52 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 52 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/12/17 (Thu) - 2021/12/18 (Fri)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    • Supported by Japan Consortium for Area Studies
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/16 (Wed)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 5th Meeting “Intergroup relationships, Conflict and Solidarity”

    Part I: Reviews

    • 13:00-13:20. Nahoko TOKUYAMA (Kyoto University) “Review on the keywords in primatology”
    • 13:30-13:50. Shinichi FUJII (National Museum of Ethnology) “Review on the keywords in anthropology”
    • 14:00-14:20. All participants General discussion

    Part II: Research presentation

    • 14:30-14:50. Nahoko TOKUYAMA (Kyoto University) “Aggression, affiliation and cooperation during inter-group association in wild bonobos”
    • 15:00-15:20. Shinichi FUJII (National Museum of Ethnology) “Violence and Coexistence in Human Society: A Case Study of Solomon Islands” (TENTAIVE)
    • 15:30-16:00. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/12 (Sun)
    Dzongkha ILC meeting for follow-up/ The 1st Southeastern Tibetan Study Group
    • 13:00-13:30. Fuminobu NISHIDA (Waseda University) Opening remarks
    • 13:30-14:00. Saya KOMATSU (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “What I learned from learning Dzongkha” (tentative)
    • 14:00-14:30. Jun HASHIYA (Kyoto University) “Dzongkha language and anthropological research” (tentative)
    • 15:15-15:45. Tetsuya YAMAGISHI (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “The Religious Situation in Sikkim” (tentative)
    • 15:45-16:15. Yudai SATO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The relationship between “poetry” and “rhyme” (tentative)
    • 16:15-16:45. Fuminobu NISHIDA (Waseda University) “Historical phonology of Mandevi and infant language” (tentative)
    • 16:45-17:30. All participants Discussion for the presented topics and future plans
    • Language: Japanese
    20212021/12/12 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 4th meeting
    • 14:00-14:20. Satoshi NAMBU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Monash University) Introduction to Variation Theory
    • 14:20-15:20. Satoshi NAMBU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Monash University) “Corpus-based study on da-deletion”
    • 15:25-16:25. Shinichiro SANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Overlap of phonological features and the effects of identity avoidance: The case of voicing”
    • 16:30-17:30. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/12 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Typological Study of the Areal Lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asias”The 7th meeting
    • 13:30-15:00. Atsushi YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Health Care College) “Vocabulary in Parauk Wa”
    • 15:10-16:40. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Lexical typological features of Jinghpaw”
    • 16:40–17:00. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/11 (Sat)
    The First Book Lounge of Palestine/ Israel Research Group in 2021
    • Presentation: Taizo IMANO (Chukyo University)
    • Comment: Kiyofumi KATO (National Institute of Japanese Literature)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact to: k-yamamoto [at] (Please change [at] to @). If you have any questions about the project: info_palestine_israel [at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please register from here by 9 December.
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/11 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 6th meeting
    • 13:00-14:00. Yuto HISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On the focus construction of Tatar”
    • 14:10-15:10. Kentaro SUGANUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanazawa University) “A preliminary study on wa in Karachay-Balkar”
    • 15:20-16:00. General discussion and business meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/11 (Sat)
    ILCAA Forum
    • Arzhaana SYURYUN (ILCAA), Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “The perspective shifting in Tuvan narration”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA; Joint Research Project “Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/11 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdiciplinary Research (2)”The 2nd meeting
    • 13:00-13:10. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Opening Remarks
    • 13:10-14:00. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: Materials from Bihoro dialect (7)”
    • 14:10-15:00. Miki KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu Language materials in ILCAA: materials of Saru dialect (6)”
    • 15:10-16:00. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Researcher archives as a resource for the history of Ainu language education (1)”
    • 16:10-17:00. Moderator: Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    20212021/12/11 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Interregional comparative study on milk processing based on the Tibeto-Himalayan pastoral and agricultural resources database”
    • 2. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “The Ubiquity of the Suffocation of Slaughtering Method in Tibet and Regional Variations: Focusing on the Relationship of Neighboring Ethnic Groups”
    • 3. Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Qinghai National University) “Transformation from traditional to contemporary pastoralism in the Tibetan Plateau ー Based on the example of Lhakar model in Tsekog”
    • 4. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: Izumi Hoshi (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04480)
    303, Online meeting
    20212021/12/11 (Sat)
    The 6th Open Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”
    • 14:00-14:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:05-14:10. Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Opening Remarks
    • 14:10-14:40. Takuji NARUMI (The University of Tokyo) “Transforming Bodies, Responding Minds - A Future Society Created by Avatar”
    • 14:40-15:10. Daiji KIMURA (independent) “From ‘being bound by’ to ‘play with’: ‘Form’ in tea ceremony practice and ascension of logical type”
    • 15:30-16:00. Yayoi KOTANI(Chuo University) “The topology of NOH: loss, acquisition, and metamorphosis in COVID 19 pandemic”
    • 16:00-16:30. Tomoko NIWA (Professional Institute of International Fashion ) “Body in the Footage of the Other: An attempt to re-enact fabulation through visual archive”
    • 16:40-16:50.
    • So KANAZAWA (Japan Women's University) Comments 1
    • 16:50-17:00.
    • Tomohisa SATO (Kyoto City University of Arts) Comments 2
    • 17:00-17:30. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • For any inquirements, send an email to the Symposium office: kao2020aa[at] (please change [at] to @.)
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here. Registration deadline is 8th Dec.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions” (Principal Investigator: Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Project/Area Number: 1901), Core Project(Anthropology) of the ILCAA “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/10 (Fri) - 2021/12/12 (Sun)
    International Conference on Islamic Trust Studies “Conflict and Harmony between State and Market”

    10 Dec: Muslim States and Diplomacy in the Early Modern Era

    • Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA/ SRC, Hokkaido University) Opening Address
    • Moderator: Jun AKIBA (The University of Tokyo)
    • Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • Michael Talbot (Greenwich University) “Signs of Sincere Friendship: Rhetoric and Practice of Trust in 17th and 18th Century Ottoman Diplomacy”
    • Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Theory and Practice of Safavid Diplomacy”

    11 Dec: Islamic Economics

    • Muhammad Hakimi bin Mohd Shafiai (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) “The Malaysia's Islamic Economy Development from the Early Stage to the Current Growth: From the Relation between State & Market Perspective”
    • Moderator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University)
    • Ammar Khashan (Ritsumeikan Asia-Japan Research Institute) “Gold Dinar, Cryptocurrency, and Waqf Crowdfunding: Reflections on Trustability of Fintech Tools from an Islamic Legal Perspective”

    12 Dec: State and Market

    • Jos Gommans (Leiden University) “Early Modern Offshore Capitalism: The Islamic and Dutch Tropics?”
    • Moderator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
    • Mehmet Asutay (Durham University and Director, Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance) “Re-imagining-and-constituting Islamic Economics through Moral Economy: State, Market and Civil Society”
    • Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) Concluding Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University), Project Number: 20H05824), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827)
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/10 (Fri)
    Building capacity through information sharing and network strengthening: interactive session between NTT community members and researchers
    • Participants: Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Jermy Balukh (ILCAA Visiting Professor, STIBA Cakrawala Nusantara Kupang), Asako Shiohara (ILCAA)
    • This event aims to share various information and strengthen the network through dialogue between minority language speakers and researchers in the state of NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timur), Indonesia. The ultimate goal is capacity building for minority speakers.

    • Language: English, Indonesian
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/09 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum: Institute-wide Research Program: “Establishment of a New Cooperative Research System for Solving Contemporary Problems in Asia and Africa”
    • 1.. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “African “House Girls” Experiences in Urban Nairobi”
    • 2.. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Dragomanity: Strategy and risk of connecting the others”
    • 3.. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Value an inconvenient data: What a deviant construction can tell us about the context dependent nature of grammatical system”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Please contact: tugusk[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/04 (Sat)
    Symposium “Five Viewpoints for Understanding Contemporary Middle East”
    • 13:30-. Chair: Masayuki AKAHORI (Sofia University) Opening
    • 13:35-13:40. Tetsuo NISHIO (Project Leader, NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East, National Museum of Ethnology) Opening Address
    • 13:40-13:50. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:50-14:20. Shun ISHIYAMA (National Museum of Ethnology) “Environment”
    • 14:20-14:50. Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) “Economy”
    • 15:00-15:30. Kaoru MURAKAMI (Institute of Developing Economies) “Family”
    • 15:30-16:00. Aiko NISHIKIDA (Keio University) “Migration”
    • 16:00-16:30. Hirofumi OKAI (Kyoai Gakuen University) “Japan”
    • 16:40-17:30. All participants General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Register from here.
    • Organized by NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/04 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A new perspective on descriptive linguistics in Africa based on the translingual ecology”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Linguistic description of bilingualism: Three case studies of bilingual description”
    • 2. All participants General Discussions
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/12/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the MicroscopeThe 13th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site 04 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site 04 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/11/29 (Mon)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Connectivities of refugees in the civil war”
    • Marie SATO (ASAFAS, Kyoto University) “Connectivities formed through humanitarian aid in the Syrian civil war: the activities of Syrian diaspora organizations”
    • Discussant: Yuko TOBINAI (Morioka University, B03 Co-investigator). Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA, A03 Principal Investigator/Area Organizer)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Register from here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako Ishii (Rikkyo University), Project Number: 20H05829)
    Online meeting
    20212021/11/27 (Sat)
    “Alexander Romance: History and Influence on the World Literature”/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of Islamization”The 6th meeting
    • 14:00-15:20. Yuriko YAMANAKA (National Museum of Ethnology) “Evolution of the Alexander Romance and its Repurposing in the Islamicate World”
    • 15:30-16:50. Henri Chambert-Loir (JSPS Fellow, Osaka University) “Iskandar Zulkarnain in the Malay World”
    • 17:00-18:00. All participants Closed meeting
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Pre-registration is required. For any inquiries, send an email to: ysuga569[at] (please change [at] to @.)
    • Language: English, Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Creation, Transmission, and Reception of Persian Historical Legends” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H01250), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Preliminary Study on the Construction of Historical Images of Islamic Reception and Social Relations in Mainland Southeast Asia” (Principal Investigator: Kazuto IKEDA (Osaka University) Project Number: 20H01325)
    Room 523-524, Gradiate School of Language and Culture, Minoh Campus, Osaka University; Online meeting
    20212021/11/26 (Fri)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Various Aspects of Ottoman Diplomatic Relations”
    • Akitsu MAYUZUMI (The University of Tokyo/B01) “Vassal State in the Ottoman Foreign Policy: The Case of the Black Sea Region in the Eighteenth Century”
    • Discussant: Shinsaku KATO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/A02), Moderator & Discussant: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/B01)
    • Masako MATSUI (Aichi Gakuin University/B01) “‘Ahdnāmes of the Ottoman Empire: Capitulations, Commercial Treaties, and Peace Treaties”
    • Discussant: Shinsaku KATO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/A02), Moderator & Discussant: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/B01)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Register from here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825)
    Online meeting
    20212021/11/21 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19” The 3rd meeting
    • 13:00-13:10. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:10-14:10. atomi OSHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Miyagi University of Education) “How are musical activities restricted by “declaration of a state of emergency” for COVID-19? –Discussion based on two different cases; music activities at school, and concert activities in a local city”
    • 14:10-14:55. All participants Q&A
    • 15:10-16:10. Ako MASHINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of the Arts) “Space, place and environment: Preliminary thoughts on the endurance of Indonesian performing arts practice in Japan during COVID-19”
    • 16:10-16:55. All participants Q&A
    • 16:55-18:00. All participants Discussion/ Planning for the next meeting<
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/11/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and ‘reality’ negotiation in Eastern Africa” The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Kinyua Laban Kithinji (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Towards a Political Ethnography of Digital Media Platforms in Rural Africa: Theoretical Underpinnings”
    • 2. Midori DAIMON (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Music and Education: How Karaoke Makes Ugandan Youth Open their World” (tentative)
    • Language: English
    304, Online meeting
    20212021/11/19 (Fri) - 2021/11/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope” The 34th meeting

    19 Nov

    • 14:00–15:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 49 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 49 (second part)”

    20 Nov

    • 10:00–11:50. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site 03”
    • 13:15–15:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 50 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological Association of Japan) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 50 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/11/16 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (18)
    • Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, NINJAL), Takahide KATO (the University of Tokyo), Dongxue HAN (the University of Tokyo) and Yuki KUBOTA (the University of Tokyo) “Miru-miru Onomatopoeia: The inside story of a collaborative project on online exhibitions of linguistic science” (Including discussion)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Register from here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20202021/11/14 (Sun)
    Cultural/Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2021
    • Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • Presentation 1: Shuangyue Bao (Tohoku University) “Anthropological Study on Mongolians who Eat Pig Meat: A Case Study of Mongolians in the Eastern Region of Inner Mongolia” (tentative)
    • Itaru OHTA (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
    • Presentation 2: Ruri TANAKA (Kyoto University) “Reproduction of Wildness: A Study on the Captive Display of Kyoto City Zoo” (tentative)
    • Yuka OISHI (Kobe University)
    • Presentation 3: Kei MATUSYAMA (Nara Women's University) “Order and Sense of Practice in Sumo: An Anthropological Study on the Tactics of Standing”
    • Akinori KUBO (Hitotsubashi University)
    • Presentation 1: Shiho TANAKA (Hiroshima University, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow) “A Study of School Education in Khochu Village, a Minority Village in the Northern Border Area of Bangladesh: How School is Perceived in Traditional Villages”
    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA)
    • Presentation 2: Xinchen Li (Tohoku University) “An Anthropological Study on Policy Migration in China: A Case Study of the Eastern Machine Tool Factory in Guizhou Province”
    • Hisahiko KAMIZURU (Prefectural University of Hiroshima)
    • Presentation 3: Qingyin Bian (National Museum of Ethnology) “Reshaping Co-existence of Ethnicity and Place-based Identity: A Case Study of Kobe Chinatown”
    • Presentation 3: Qingyin Bian (National Museum of Ethnology)
    • Critique: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA), Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
    • From the Editorial board of Cultural Anthropology: Yukihiro KAWAGUCHI (Tohoku University)
    • Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Closing remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Inquiries:infoseminar[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, and The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
    Online meeting
    20212021/11/06 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”The 2nd meeting
    • 13:30-14:15. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Laryngeal contrasts in Jinghpaw”
    • 14:15-15:00. Naoki UETA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokuyo Univesity) “Aspiration in Khalkha Mongolian, Inner Mongolian, and Chinese”
    • 15:15-16:00. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Post-nasal trills in Bantu languages”
    • 16:00-16:45. Seunghun J. Lee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU) “Phonetics of voicing in obstruents”
    • 16:45-17:30. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/11/05 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the MicroscopeThe 33rd meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 48 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 48 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/11/03 (Wed)
    The fourth meeting of Palestine/ Israel research group in 2021
    • 16:00–16:40. Yasuyuki KURANO (Chuo University) “Amin al-Husseini's View of Palestine”
    • 16:40–17:30. All participants Q&A
    Online meeting
    20212021/11/03 (Wed)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 6th Methodology study meeting
    • 0.. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Summary of previous discussions”
    • 1.. Review Articles:
    • 1-1. Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA Research Associate) “Rethinking Fieldwork:A tentative approach to atypical method of Field Understanding (Matsuda, 1989)”
    • 1-2. Sho MORISHITA (Osaka University) “A tentative approach to field observation :From the standpoint of Primatology (Takahata,1989)”
    • 2.. All participants Brainstorming
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    20212021/10/25 (Mon)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Muslim Connectivities found in thought and strategy: cases of Pakistan-Afghanistan relations and Syria”
    • 13:00-13:05. Moderator: Yusuke MOTANI (Osaka University., B02 Project Researcher) Introduction
    • 13:05-13:35. So YAMANE (Osaka University, B02 Principal Investigator) “Pakistani society’s eyes on the Taliban’s government: a new connectivity in intraregional relationship”
    • 13:40-14:10. Hiroyuki AOYAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, B02 Co-investigator) “Connectivity given by the label of Islam : its positive and negative effects”
    • 14:15-14:30. Akimitsu IKEDA (Meijigakuin University, A03 Co-investigator) Comments
    • 14:30-14:45. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka Univ), 20H05828), A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemotsu KUROKI (ILCAA), 20H05826)
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/23 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The Backgrounds of Muslim Diplomacy in the Early Modern Period”
    • Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/B01) “The Backgrounds of Muslim Diplomacy in the Early Modern Period”
    • Discussant: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/A02)
    • This workshop is disclosed only to persons concerned in “Islamic Trust Studies,” Online meeting via Zoom, Pre-registration required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825)
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”The 5th meeting
    • 10:30-12:00. Osamu NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Debt and Freedom among Hmong Farmers in France”
    • 13:00-14:30. Shuhei KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “A Preliminary Study on the Money Which a Disaster Victim Receives from the Government”
    • 14:45-16:00. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Plurality, Conflict and Creativity: For Rethinking of Debt”
    • 16:15-17:00. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/19 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (17)
    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Post-nasal trilling in Bantu” (Including discussion)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3” (LingDy3), JSPS-FWO Bilateral program “The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography”, Tokyo African Linguistics Knot (TALK)
    Online meeting
    2021/10/18 (Mon) - 2021/11/14 (Sun)
    Islamic Trust Studies Civil Dialog Project “The world connected by Animals”

    Mon 18 & Fri 22 Oct 10:00-

    • Workshop “What's RINATASU? : Unknown animal in a medieval books of pilgrimage to Jerusalem” (only for pupils in the nursery school)

    Sun 7 Nov 2021 13:30- & 15:30-

    • family lecture “Zoos of today and yesterday”

    Sun 7 Nov 2021 14:30

    • “Animals with healing powers” (only for pupil in the nursery school)

    Sat 13 Nov 2021 14:00- & 15:30-

    • family lecture “Zoos of today and yesterday”, “Animals with healing powers” (for the public)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05823), ILCAA, Jinji Nursery School
    Jinji Nursery School
    20212021/10/17 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”The 6th meeting
    • 10:00–11:00. Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “About xingsheng (形声) and related concepts in hanzi (漢字)”
    • 11:00-12:00. Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “About the concept of “xingfu(形符)” in hanzi (漢字)”
    • 13:00–16:00. All participants Discussion on the Exhibition to be held in November
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/17 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”The 3rd meeting
    • 13:30–15:30. Daisuke TANAKA (Jichi Medical University) “A Case Study of the lnitial Response of Funeral Industry to COVID-19 Outbreak”
    • 15:30–17:30. Maho ISONO (Graduate school, Keio University) “How was death consumed in COVID-19 catastrophe in the spring of 2020?”
    • 17:30–19:00. All participants General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    20212021/10/16 (Sat)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2019 (Jinghpaw) /The 3rd meeting on Kachin studies
    • 13:30–14:00. Makoto KATAOKA & Su Htoi San Ja “Introduction of an orphanage near Yangon and our support for it”
    • 14:00–14:30. Keisuke HUZIWARA (Teikyo University of Science) “Tonal correspondence between Jingpho and Luish”
    • 14:30–15:00. Toshio TOYAMA “Rethinking Jinghpaw kinship terminology”
    • 15:30–16:00. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Recent trends in Jinghpaw learning materials”
    • 16:00–16:30. Chihiro TAGUCHI (Nara Institute of Science and Technology/The University of Edinburgh) “Text processing of open-access Jinghpaw data on Google Colaboratory”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/16 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Connectivity of Muslims in Japan”
    • Hirofumi OKAI (Kyoai Gakuen University, A03 Co-investigator) “Thinking of Niihama Masjid and local 'multicultural coexistence' by retracing Akira HAMANAKA’s steps”
    • Masako KUDO (Rikkyo University, B02 Co-investigator), Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA, A03 Principal Investigator, Area Organizer)
    • This workshop is disclosed only to persons concerned in “Islamic Trust Studies,” Online meeting via Zoom, Pre-registration required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826), “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE(Osaka University) Project Number: 20H05828)
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/15 (Fri) - 2021/10/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 32nd meeting

    15 Oct

    • 14:00–15:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 45 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 45 (second part)”

    16 Oct

    • 10:00–11:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 46”
    • 13:15–15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 47 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 47 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/10/08 (Fri)
    International Workshop “Buddhism and Śaivism in premodern trans-Himalayan regions”
    • 17:00-17:10. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 17:10-17:55. Aleksandra WENTA (University of Florence) “Interactions between Tantric Forms of Buddhism and Śaivism in the Development of the Cult of Vajrabhairava”
    • 18:10-18:55. Nina MIRNIG (Austrian Academy of Science) “Śiva in good company: re-evaluating the religious landscape of early Medieval Nepal”
    • 18:55-19:10. Diwakar ACHARYA (University of Oxford) Comment
    • 19:10-20:00. All participants General discussion
    Auditorium, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (w/ online broadcast) 65 Rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris, France
    20212021/10/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transition and Interaction among Modern Muslim Intellectuals”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Kenichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Middle East Institute of Japan) Introduction
    • 2. Ko IWAKURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “The Definition and Role of Public Muslim Intellectuals in Modern Azerbaijan: From the Point of View Caucasus Muslim Board”
    • 3. So YAMANE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “The Taliban and Trends of Islamic Thought in South Asia”
    • 4. All participants General comment
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Pre-registration required. For registration, please contact: kaken.takao[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transition and Interaction among Modern Muslim Intellectuals”, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University) Project Number: 20H05828), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Resurgent Islamic Jurisprudence and New Trends in Politics and Economics in Contemporary Islam: The Main Stream Confronting the Extreme” (Principal Investigator: Yasushi KOSUGI (Ritsumeikan University) Project Number: 19H00580)
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/02 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Revenge of the Vernacular: Muscovyʼs Turkic Engagement with the Persianate World”
    • Ulfat Abdurasulov (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) “Revenge of the Vernacular: Muscovyʼs Turkic Engagement with the Persianate World”
    • Commentator: Mami HAMAMOTO (Osaka City University/A02), Moderator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/B01)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825), Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/02 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Trust undermined concerning acceptance of refugees in Western Europe”
    • Hideaki SEKINO (Meiji University, A03 Co-investigator) “Politics of inclusion and exclusion on acceptance of refugees in Germany: crossing sexism and racism”
    • Commentator: Chikako HIRANO (Musashi University), Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA, A03 Principal Investigator, Area Organizer)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826), Research Group “History of Colonial Empires and Transnational Networks” (Representative: Chikako Hirano (Musashi University))
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/02 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 11th meeting
    • 1. Takafumi KATSUMURA (Kitasato University School of Medicine) “Exploring the evolution of diversity in human populations with medaka populations”
    • 2. Masahiro MATSUNAGA (Aichi Medical University School of Medicine) “Neural and Genetic Correlates of the Social Sharing of Happiness.” (tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20212021/10/01 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 31st meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 44 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 44 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/09/30 (Thu)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Connectivity Seen in Port Cities of India during the Early Modern Period”
    • Shinsaku KATO (ILCAA Research Associate/A02) “Connectivity Seen in Port Cities of India during the Early Modern Period: A Case of Surat”
    • Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University/C01)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) “Analyses of Connectivity by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05830)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/26 (Sun)
    The Body to Express and Look at: Kazuyo MORITA (Prosthetic Leg Dancer) and Hiroko IGETA (Doll Artist)
    • 14:00–14:10. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 14:10–14:15. Miwako TANAKA (Higashi Nippon International University) Speaker Introductions
    • 14:15–14:45. Kazuyo MORITA (Actress, dancer, presided over “Performance for All People-CONVEY”) “Aruku Ashita (2012) Screening and Production Challenges”
    • 15:00–15:45. Kazuyo MORITA, Hiroko IGETA (Doll Artist) Talks
    • Facilitator: Miwako TANAKA
    • 15:45–16:00. Taro KUSAYAMA (Otemon Gakuin University) Comments
    • 16:00–16:30. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Contact for any inquiries: kao2020aa[at]研顔身体イベント事務局)([at]を@に変えて送信してください。)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please refer to this website for pre-registration.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2” , Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Cultural Anthropological Fieldwork on Facial and Bodily Expressions” (Principal Investigator: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Project Number:17H06341)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/24 (Fri)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” The 14th meeting
    • Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Comparison of Verbal Forms between Hamar and Banna languages: Positive-negative paradigms in terms of subject-verb agreement”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please refer to this website for pre-registration.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3” (LingDy3), TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/20 (Mon)
    The third meeting of Palestine/ Israel research group in 2021
    • 16:00–16:40. Haruki YAMAOKA (Keio University) “The Logical Shift of Ḥamās between Two Charters”
    • 16:40–17:25. All participants Q&A
    • 17:25-17:30. All participants Closing
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact: aikon0213[at] (Please change [at] to @) If you have any questions about the project: info_palestine_israel[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please register from here by 18 September.
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/17 (Fri) - 2021/09/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 30th meeting

    17 Sep

    • 14:00–15:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 42 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 42 (second part)”

    18 Sep

    • 10:00–11:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 43”
    • 13:15–15:00. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-University) “On Index Building in the Field of Ancient Administrative Documents”
    • 13:15–15:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Organization of Labor under the Qin and Han”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/09/17 (Fri)
    When knowledge moves with humans: Travel, mobility, and media in Asia
    • Claudia Derichs (Humboldt University Berlin) “Muslim Women in Asia: Virtual Mobility, Gender, and Religious Knowledge”
    • Emi GOTO (ILCAA) “Theology of Actresses: Hijab, Feminism, and Islam in Egypt”
    • Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (University of Bielefeld), Riho ISAKA (The University of Tokyo) Discussion
    Online meeting
    20212020/09/16 (Thu) - 2020/09/19 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate StudentsOnline meeting
    20212021/09/13 (Mon)
    Field Science Colloquium “Field and fieldworkers under the Post-corona Society”
    • 15:00–15:05. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 15:05–15:15. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “The special website “COVID-19 and fieldworkers””
    • 15:15–15:30 . Nobu INAZUMI (JSPS-Nairobi Research Station, Kenya) “How I Have Connected with Kenyan People under the COVID-19 Pandemic”
    • 15:30–15:45. Chikage OBA-SMIDT (Arsii university, Ethiopia) “Views of Life and Death in Discourses and Practices for COVID-19: From Case studies at Oromo Societies in Ethiopia”
    • 15:45–16:00. Shiho TANAKA (Graduate School, Hiroshima University, from Bangladesh) “Fieldwork and NGO activities in Bangladesh in the wake of COVID 19 Disasters : a Comparison of Urban and Rural Areas”
    • 16:00–16:15. Erika KAGAWA (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “Fieldwork under Covid 19 Pandemic: A Case at a Rural Village in Punjab, Pakistan”
    • 16:15–16:30. Chie KAMINO (National Museum of Ethnology) “Walking in Japan of the Corona Disaster with Ise Daikagura”
    • 16:45–18:00. Moderator: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Discussion
    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/12 (Sun)
    Webinar: Is There an ‘Afghanistan Issueʼ? Thinking from Islam and Gender Perspectives
    • Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellow) Introduction
    • Moderator: Junko TORIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University)
    • Mari OKA (Kyoto University), Tadashi OKANOUCHI (Hosei University), Emi GOTO (ILCAA), Haruyuki SHIMADA (Ritsumeikan University), Masato TORIYA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Panel Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For detailed information and registration, please visit here. (in Japanese)
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “JSPS Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Research Fellow) Project Number: 20H00085), Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies(CMEIS), Ritsumeikan University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)“Establishing a New Paradigm of Social/ Human Sciences based on Relational Studies: in order to Overcome Contemporary Global Crises” B01 “Norms and Identity” (Principal Investigator: Keiko SAKAI (Chiba University) Project Number: 16H06546)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/11 (Sat)
    International Workshop / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia-Transnational Networks and Local Responses”The 4th meeting
    • 14:00–14:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Introduction (Opening Remarks)
    • 14:05-15:35. Presentation 1: Omar Farouk (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima City University) “The Arab community in 20th century Singapore: A questionnaire-based study”
    • 15:50-17:20. Presentation 2: Najib Burhani (ILCAA Joint Researcher, LIPI) “Digital Islam in Indonesia: The Future of Ritual and Religiosity after Covid-19” (Each speaker has around 40 minutes for presentation.)
    • Language: English
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/05 (Sun) - 2021/09/06 (Mon)
    The seventh workshop of the Linguistic Change and Variation Research Unit / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 3rd meeting
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/04 (Sat) - 2021/09/05 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”The 3rd meeting

    4 Sep [1st Session]

    • 1. Hitoshi SUZUKI (Hokkaido University) “Human impacts on the evolution of rats and mice”
    • Chair: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
    • 2. Ryuichi MASUDA (Hokkaido University) “Phylogeography of brown bears in the northern hemisphere”
    • 3. Yohey TERAI (The Graduate University of Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI) “The evolutionary process of dogs domesticated from gray wolves”

    4 Sep [2nd Session]

    • 4. Teruaki TOZAKI (Genetic Analysis Department, Laboratory of Racing Chemistry, Japan) “Genetic diversity and relationships among European, Asian and Japanese horse breeds”
    • Chair: Yohey TERAI (The Graduate University of Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI)
    • 5. Takahiro YONEZAWA (Tokyo University of Agriculture) “Origin and history of Japanese native chickens as inferred from the mitochondria DNA analysis”

    4 Sep [3rd Session]

    • 6. Kohei NAKAZAWA (The University of Tokyo), Akiko YOKOYAMA (JSPS/ILCAA, TUFS) “Animal vocabulary in Japonic”
    • Chair: Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture)
    • 7. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) “Animal vocabulary in Korean”
    • 8. Kenji YAGI (Kokushikan University) “Animal vocabulary in Sinitic”
    • 9. All participants Discussion

    4 Sep [4th Session]

    • 10. Chikako ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai-Gakuen University) “Animal vocabulary in Chukotko-Kamchatkan”
    • Chair: Akiko YOKOYAMA (JSPS/ILCAA, TUFS)
    • 11. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) Animal vocabulary in Ainu”
    • 12. Yoshio SAITO (Takushoku University) “Animal vocabulary in Mongolic and Turkic”
    • 13. All participants Discussion

    5 Sep [5th Session]

    • 14. Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Grammatical relations in Asian and African languages”
    • Chair: Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum)
    • 15. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Fellow), Kazue IWASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies), Keita KURABE (ILCAA), Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo), and Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Fudan University) “Animal vocabulary in Tibeto-Burman” 16. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) “Animal vocabulary in Tibeto-Burman”
    • 16. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Animal vocabulary in Austronesian”
    • 17. All participants Discussion

    5 Sep [6th Session]

    • 18. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University), Aika TOMITA (Osaka Shoin Women's University), Ayaka HIRANO (Osaka University) “Animal vocabulary in Kra-Dai”
    • Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Fellow)
    • 19. Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University), Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) “Animal vocabulary in Austroasiatic”
    • 20. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) “Animal vocabulary in Hmong-Mien”
    • 21. All participants Discussion

    5 Sep [7th Session]

    • 22. Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Animal vocabulary in South Asia”
    • Chair: Kazue IWASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies)
    • 23. Nozomi KODAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kumamoto University) “Animal vocabulary in Dravidian”
    • 24. Takamasa IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/ Kyoto University)
    • 25. All participants Discussion

    5 Sep [8th Session]

    • 26. Youichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Animal vocabulary in Semitic”
    • Chair: Takamasa IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/ Kyoto University)
    • 27. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Animal vocabulary in Nilo-Saharan”
    • 28. All participants Discussion

    5 Sep [9th Session]

    • 29. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA), Junko KOMORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Animal vocabulary in Niger-Congo”
    • Chair: Nozomi KODAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kumamoto University)
    • 30. Kimihiko KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS), Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Animal vocabulary in the Kalahari Basin Area”
    • 31. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Deciphering the History of Yaponesians through Comparison and Analyses between Japanese and the Other Concerned Languages” (Principal Investigator: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Project Number: 18H05510), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Inference of human migration to Yaponesia based on animal and plant genome sequence analyses” (Principal Investigator: Hitoshi SUZUKI (Hokkaido University) Project Number: 18H05508)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Fumiko OSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Between Passion and Dharma: How the Two Values Are Balanced in Hindi Films in 2000s”
    • 2. Asuka MURAKAMI (National Institutes for the Humanities,Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “What Does “Emotion” Tell: Through the Works of Prof. Margrit Pernau”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • For any inquiries, send an email to FINDAS office: findas_office [at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese/English simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
    • Register from here. (in Japanese)Registration deadline is 1 Sep.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”, The Center for South Asian Studies (FINDAS)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/03 (Fri)
    The Research Project “Modern Japan and Islamic World: Viewed from the interactions of people, goods, and information” The first meeting
    • 1. Ryosuke ONO (Waseda University) Introduction
    • 2. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “The Propaganda journal “Islamic Fraternity” and its related journals: Focusing their background in Japan”
    • 3. Chisako OMOSO (Osaka University of Economics and Law) “Reconsideration on the “the Kaikyoken Tenrankai (The World of Islam Exhibition)”: Trial for the multiple analysis”
    • 4. Zeynep Gençer Baloğlu‬ (Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Turkey) “On the first Turkish-Japanese dictionary in the world “Mecmua-ı Lugat”: With a focus on its construction”
    • 5. Hajime KIMURA (Toyo University) Commentary for the presentation of Gençer Baloğlu‬
    • 6. All participants General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists ““Uzoqboy”s vs. “Uzbek Sorge”: Conflict over Japanese Advance into Central Asia in the 1930’s” (Principal Investigator: Ryosuke ONO (Waseda University) Project Number: 20K13206), JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Principal Investigator: Noriko UNNO (Chuo University) Project Number: 18K12525)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/02 (Thu)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 4th Meeting “Reciprocity, Dominance relationships, Demand and supply”

    I: Reviews

    • 13:00-13:20. Masataka UENO (Kindai University) “Review on the keywords in primatology”
    • 13:30-13:50. Miki IKOMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Review on the keywords in anthropology”
    • 14:00-14:20. All participants General Discussion

    II: Research presentation

    • 14:30-14:50. Masataka UENO (Kindai University) “Mechanism of reciprocity in nonhuman-primates”
    • 15:00-15:20. Miki IKOMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Reciprocity and debt: A case study on tea picking in Myanmar”
    • 15:30-16:00. All participants General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20212021/09/02 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A sociolinguistic study of heritage languages and ethnic identities of migrants” The 2nd meeting/ The 27th Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    • 9:00-9:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • Report (Japanese) : 427KB
    • 9:10-10:00. Mizuki SAKURAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow/Waseda University) “The Process of Language Choice in a Multi-Lingual Environment: A Qualitative Analysis Using a Grounded Theory Approach”
    • Report (Japanese) : 427KB
    • 10:10-11:00. Rika YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University) “From linguistic landscape to semiotic landscape: Exploring cases of Pakistanis abroad”
    • Report (Japanese) : 427KB
    • 11:10-12:00. Joy TANIGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology) “A qualitative method for children’s languages in multilingual environments”
    • Report (Japanese) : 427KB
    • 12:00-12:30. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    • Cooperated by Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/31 (Tue)
    “Webinar: 2021 Political Change in Afghanistan and International Society”
    • 17:00. Atsushi SUNAMI (President, Sasakawa Peace Foundation) Opening Remarks Opening Remarks
    • 17:05-17:10. Akiko HORIBA (Asia Peace Initiatives Department, Sasakawa Peace Foundation) Introduction
    • 17:10-18:30. Speakers: Koichiro TANAKA (Keio University), Tadamichi YAMAMOTO (Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, United Nations, UNAMA), Takeshi KOMINO (General Secretary, CWS Japan / Co-Chairpersons, Japan Platform), Shaida Mohammad Abdali (Ambassador, Embassy of Afghanistan in Japan) Presentation
    • 18:30-19:00. All participants Q&A
    • Moderator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University /Board Member, Japan Platform)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese/English simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project number: 20A104 ), Sasakawa Peace Foundation; Japan Platform (International NGO)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/31 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (15)
    • Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Towards developing literacy materials for minority languages: Collaborative efforts in northern Myanmar” (in Japanese) (including discussion)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/31 (Tue)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Islamic Economy in comparisons”
    • Ayumu KONASUKAWA (National Institutes for the Humanities, Kyoto University/A01) “Urban nodal wide-area connectivity of the Indus Civilization: money, modes of exchange, and buffer=City in the Pre-‘State’/Pre-Islamic Period”
    • Commentator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University/A01)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) Project Number: 20H05824) , Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/28 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdiciplinary Research (2)”The 1st meeting
    • 9:00-9:10. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Opening remarks
    • 9:10-10:00. Ryo SAKAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School, Chiba University) “Creating a vocabulary of the Ainu language: a case study of the Ainu Mintanshu “Ainu Folk Tales””
    • 10:10-11:00. Kazuya KAKEHATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School, Chiba University) “Organization and utilization of materials: from the experience with Ainu language materials Scrapbook by Kyosuke Kindaichi”
    • 11:10-12:00. Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School, Chiba University) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: The correspondence between the field meterials and Ainugo saru Hoogen Jiten “A Dictionary of the Saru Dialect of Ainu” (2)”
    • 13:00-13:50. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: Materials from Bihoro dialect (6)”
    • 14:00-14:50. Miki KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu Language materials in ILCAA: materials of Saru dialect (5)”
    • 15:10-16:00. Kyoko KOJIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Directions of researcher archives: 1) Ainu (audio) materials recorded by Suzuko Tamura, 2) materials of Suzuko Tamura’s research on Ainu or 3) other possibilities?”
    • 16:10-17:00. All participants General discussion: progress, achievement and prospects of the archiving project of Suzuko Tamura materials
    • Moderator: Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/28 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”The 5th meeting
    • 10:00–12:00. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Once again, on the “Dot” in Tangut script”
    • 13:00–16:00. All participants “Discussion on the Exhibition to be held in November”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/26 (Thu)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” The 13th meeting
    • Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Researcher, Osaka University) “Linguistic description and (cognitive) bias: tones in Arabic-based creole”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please fill in the pre-registration form. (in Japanese)
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/20 (Fri)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “The advantages and disadvantages of Talibanʼs resurgence”
    • 16:00–16:20. So YAMANE (Osaka University) “25 years for Taliban”
    • 16:20–17:10. Koichiro TANAKA (Keio University) “The advantages and disadvantages of Taliban’s resurgence”
    • 17:10–17:30. All participants Question session
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • flyer
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” B02 “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE, 20H05828), A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemotsu KUROKI, 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Resurgent Islamic Jurisprudence and New Trends in Politics and Economics in Contemporary Islam: The Main Stream Confronting the Extreme” (Principal Investigator: Yasushi KOSUGI (Ritsumeikan University) Project number: 19H00580), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project number: 19H00554), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Democracy by Violence in the Twentieth Century: A Transnational History” (Principal Investigator: Norihiro NAGANAWA (Hokkaido University) Project number: 18H00697)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/20 (Fri)
    Workshop “Fashion and the Norms in Contemporary World” 2021
    • Chair: Chika OBIYA (Kyoto University)
    • 13:30–13:40. Chika OBIYA, Emi GOTO (ILCAA) Opening Address
    • 13:40–14:20. 1. Miki SUGIURA (Hosei University) “Positioning Japanese Shirts and Undershirts in the Interwar Africa
    • 14:20–15:0. 2. Rie MORI (Japan Women's University) “Popularization of Monpe under the Japanese Total Mobilization during the Asia Pacific War: A case study on “the Culture of Fascism””
    • 15:10–15:50. 3. Hissako ANJO (Hannan University “An Afterimage of Exoticism: On the Description of Rei Kawakubo’s Early Collections”
    • 15:50–16:20. Emi GOTO (ILCAA), Seiko SUGIMOTO (Kyoto Bunkyo University), Michimasa OGATA (The Kyoto Costume Institute) Comments
    • 16:20–17:00. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please fill the form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Relational Studies on Global Crises Establishing a New Paradigm of Social/ Human Sciences based on Relational Studies: in order to Overcome Contemporary Global Crises” B01 “Norms and Identity” (Principal Investigator: Keiko SAKAI (Chiba University) Project Number: 16H06549)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/19 (Thu)
    Field linguistics webinar 2021
    • ILCAA offers various seminars on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages.

    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Sciences 3 (LingDy3)”, Core Research Project “Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan”, NINJAL
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/18 (Wed)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 5th Methodology study meeting
    • Yuji TAKENOSHITA (Chubu Gakuin University) “Is ‘reconciliation’ operationally definable? : A reply to Omura”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/11 (Wed)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Pashtunsʼ Network in Thailand”
    • Presentation: Tadayoshi MURAKAMI (Osaka University, A03 Co-investigator)
    • Commentator: Naonori KUSAKABE (Rikkyo University, B03 Co-investigator), Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako Ishii(Rikkyo University), Project Number: 20H05829)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/10 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”The 5th meeting
    • 13:00-14:30. Miki YAMADA (Kyoto University) “Debt and Salvation: The Case of a New Theravada Buddhist Temple in Contemporary Thailand”
    • 14:40-16:10. Sayaka OGAWA (Ritsumeikan University) “Neighborhood Economy and Direction of Debt: A Case of East Africa”
    • 16:20-17:50. Jyunko MARUYAMA (Tsuda University) “Sharing and Debt: A case of G|ui and G||ana Hunter-gatherers in Central Kalahari
    • 18:00-18:30. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/09 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Making a Collaborative Database with Geography Information on Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture: With a special emphasis on Photography Database”
    • 2. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Regional Comparison and Geographical Distribution of Fuel Utilization in the Tibet Himalayan Region”
    • 3. All members “Provision of Information on Fuel Utilization in the Tibetan and Himalayan Region”
    • 4. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Regional Comparison of Systematical Milk Culture (Milk Processing System) ーa study on the spread and transition of culture in the case of the Tibet Himalayan Regionー”
    • 5. All members “Provision of information on Milk Culture (Milk Processing System) in the Tibetan and Himalayan Region
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: Izumi Hoshi(ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04480)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/09 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of COVID-19”The 2nd meeting
    • 13:00-13:10. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:10–14:10. Megumi MAEHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties) “The situation and its transition regarding Japanese traditional performing arts amid COVID-19”
    • 14:10–14:40. All participants Q&A
    • 15:00–16:00. Chie KAMINO (National Museum of Ethnology) “Interrelationships between Ise Dai-kagura and local people: Consistencies and changes before and after the Corona related crisis”
    • 16:00-16:30. All participants Q&A
    • 16:30–17:00. All participants Discussion/ Planning for the next meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transition and Interaction among Modern Muslim Intellectuals”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Kenichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Junior Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan) Introduction
    • 2. Kenichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Junior Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan) “Questioning “Islamic/Muslim Intellectuals””
    • 3. Shoko WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) “Ulama Faced with the Modern State: The Association of Algerian Muslim Ulama as a Case Study”
    • 4. All members General comment
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • For registration, please contact: kaken.takao[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Overview of Bantu Tonology”
    • 2. Tatsuya HIRAKO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Rereading de Boer (2010)”
    • 3. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research associate, NINJAL) “Word-prosody of the Tarama dialect of Miyako Ryukyuan: Pitch-accent or privative tone language
    • 4. Celik KENAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, NINJAL) “Accent systems of Miyako Ryukyuan: Review and perspective
    • 5. All participants General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/06 (Fri)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Mobility in Yemen and the IndianOcean in the Medieval Period”
    • Presentation: Tamon BABA (Ritsumeikan University/B01) “Mobility in Yemen and the Indian Ocean in the Medieval Period”
    • Discussant: Ikuko WADA (Okayama University/A02)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/01 (Sun)
    The second meeting of Palestine/ Israel research group in 2021
    • 14:00–15:00. Aoe TANAMI (Hiroshima City University) “Palestinian Performing Arts and “Border Transgression”: Focusing on the Palestinian Folk Dance in the West Bank and Troupes of the 48 Arabs”
    • Chair: Kensuke YAMAMOTO (University of Shizuoka)
    • 15:00–16:00. All members Q&A
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
    Online meeting
    20212021/08/01 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”The 2nd meeting
    • 14:00–15:00. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Reporting on “Contingency and Encounter” (2019) by Makiko Miyano (Horinouchi-shuppan)”
    • 15:00–18:00. Tomoko NIWA (Professional Institute of International Fashion) “Reporting on “Suddenly Feeling Bad” (2019) by Makiko Miyano and Maho Isono (Shobunsha)”, General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/31 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Cultural Politics on Secularism and Islam: The Case of Kashmir” The 3rd meeting
    • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “The Making of Rishi Hagiographies in Sixteenth Century Kashmir and Its Sectarian Tendency: A Different Story”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Those who wish to participate in this forum are expected to send an email to
      ogura[at] (Please change [at] to @) by 28th July.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Cultural Politics on Secularism and Islam: The Case of Kashmir” (Principal Investigator: Toru TAK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) Project Number: 19K00079), ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/31 (Sat)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Thinking trust through mistrust: Reading Mistrust: An Ethnographic Theory by Matthew Carrey”
    • 13:30–14:30. Akimitsu IKEDA (Meijigakuin University, A03 Co-investigator) “Introduction to Mistrust: An Ethnographic Theory
    • Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA, A03 Principal Investigator, Area Organizer)
    • 14:45–15:15. Akimitsu IKEDA (Meijigakuin University, A03 Co-investigator) “Additional remarks to Mistrust
    • 15:15–15:30. Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University, B03 Principal Investigator) Comments
    • 15:45–16:15. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University) Project Number: 20H05829)
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/31 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”: The 10th meeting
    • 1. Yoshiki MORIMITSU (University of Hyogo) “(1) Bio-logging: Animal-born video systems and drones to study behaviors of mammals” “(2) Analysis of wildlife agricultural damage and tolerance of local residents”
    • 2. Naofumi NAKAGAWA (Kyoto University) “Embracing behavior of Japanese Macaques: Long-term change in Kinkazan and inter-group variations in Yakushima”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWA I(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/31 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and‘reality’negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Keiya HANABUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido Medical University) “Migration and Solidarity: Comorian Youth Diaspora in Transnational Social Space”
    • 2. Takuma OTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Kyoto University) “Formation of group norms and maintenance of order by voluntary organizations for motorcycle taxi drivers in urban Uganda” (tentative)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and‘reality’negotiation in Eastern Africa”, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (C) “The study of ‘Cohabitat family’ with elite single and house girl in the cities of East African countries” (Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project Number: 17K02002)
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/27 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (14)
    • 12:00-12:20. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Free direct speech in colloquial Indonesian spoken in Jakarta: Why do speakers start enacting?” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. All members Q&A
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/27 (Tue)
    FIELDPLUS Talk Show on line “Exploring Asian Languages through Linguistic Maps”
    • This is a spin-off event from the special feature article “Exploring Asian Languages through Language Maps” in Field Plus No. 26, in which five authors will introduce their articles.

    • Mitsuaki ENDO (Aoyama Gakuin University), Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (University of Niigata Prefecture), Hiroyuki SUZUKI (Fudan University), Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University), Satoko SHIRAI (University of Tokyo)
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”, Editorial department of FIELDPLUS
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 5th meeting
    • 14:00–14:30 . All members Discussion on project planning
    • 14:40–15:40 . Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA joint researcher, Niigata University) “Wh-question, evidentiality, and egophoricity in Sakha and Tyvan”
    • 15:50–16:50. Noriko OHSAKI (ILCAA joint researcher, Kyoto University) “The third person possessive suffix in adverbial phrases in Kyrgyz from the perspective of specificity and definiteness”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Environments and linguistic change in the Altaic languages” (Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) Project Number: 18H03578)
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/22 (Thu)
    Online Workshop “Small Lives in Palestine Observed in Photographs, Literatures and Films”
    • Moderator: Hiroko MINESAKI (Seikei University)
    • Mari OKA (Kyoto University) “Palestinian People in Literatures and Films”
    • Mika TAKAHASHI (Photographer) “Small Lives in Palestine: From Photographs”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please fill in the pre-registration form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization Organizer” A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA Fellow), Project Number: 20H00085) Research Group “Restorative Justice and Gender in the Post-Conflict”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Humanistic and Cross-Disciplinary Research on the Relationship between Humans and their ‘Homeland’ in the Transnational Era” (Principal Investigator: Mari OKA (Kyoto University), Project Number: 20H00006)
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/22 (Thu)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” The 12th meeting
    • Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Research Associate), Yasunori TAKAHASHI (Kobe University) “Conjoint and disjoint verb forms in Kimakunduchi”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please fill in the pre-registration form. (in Japanese)
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”,TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/21 (Wed)
    Study session on IIIF
    • Suzushi HAYATA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Online resource “Manju isabuha bithe””
    • The aim of this session is to learn how to publish digital images in the IIIF standard, using an example of the online resource “Manju isabuha bithe”.

    • Those who wish to participate should contact: ilcadj1 [at] (please change [at] to @) by Monday, July 20. We will get back to you with the connection information.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/20 (Tue)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Trust Negotiated and Abandoned”
    • Norihiro NAGANAWA (Slavic Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University/B01) “Trust Negotiated and Abandoned: A Case of a Muslim Society in Late Imperial Russia”
    • Discussant: Tatsuya NAKANISHI (Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University /A02)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please use the form for pre-registration.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), “Democracy by Violence in the Twentieth Century: A Transnational History” (Principal Investigator: Norihiro NAGANAWA (Slavic Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) Project Number: 18H00697)
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/20 (Tue)
    A seminar on current status and issues of financial inclusion in Bangladesh
    • Chair: Naonori KUSAKABE (Rikkyo University)
    • 12:30–13:10. Presentation1: Ai SUGIE (Nagoya University) “Realities of ‘Financial Inclusion’ with a focus on local practices by MFIs: A case of villages in the south area of Tangail district in Bangladesh”
    • Chair: Naonori KUSAKABE (Rikkyo University)
    • 13:15–13:55. Presentation2: Takami ISHIZAKA (Kanto Gakuin University) “The needs of people in financial services and the issues of MFIs: A case study in Rajshahi district, Bangladesh”
    • 14:20–15:00. Discussion: Koichi FUJITA (Kyoto University)
    • 14:20–15:00. All members General discussion
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/18 (Sun)
    The first meeting of Mediterranean Literature research group in 2021
    • Presentation 1 Satoshi UDO (Meiji University) “Naples, Tunis, Skopje—the Mediterranean representations in Ainsi tous les hommes by Hocine Tandjaoui”
    • All participants Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Decentralizing the “Mediterranean Literature” towards multilingual area studies” (Principal Investigator: Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H01249)
    20212021/07/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Typological Study of the Areal Lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asia”The 6th meeting
    • Tadahiko SHINTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Linguistic survey ― its practical principles and questionnaire”
    • All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 2nd meeting
    • Five speakers among the members will deliver a talk about the definition of “words” and analyses of “compounds” in the field they each belong, followed by intensive discussions.

    • 1. Yoshiki OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “A view from generative syntax and diachronic construction grammar”
    • 2. Hisao TOKIZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo University) “A view from syntax-phonology interfaces”
    • 3. Yosuke SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda University) “A view from Distribute Morphology”
    • 4. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “A view from typologist: with special reference to the Miyako language”
    • 5. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “A view from usage-based model”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Linguistic Change and Variation Research Unit, GSIS, Tohoku University
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/18 (Sun)
    Islamic Trust Studies Workshop “Development of Islamic Knowledge and Connectivity”
    • Jin NODA (ICLAA/A02) Introduction
    • Presentation 1: Yoichi YAJIMA (Nara Women's University/A02) “Muslim Rulers as the Perfect Men”
    • Presentation 2: Yuji TSUBOI (Meio University/A02) “Connectivity of Malay Muslims in British Malaya: An Analysis on Malay Periodicals”
    • All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please use the form for pre-registration.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) “Changes in the World of Islamic Thought and Knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA(ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05825), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State System” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO(ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05828)
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A new perspective on descriptive linguistics in Africa based on the translingual ecology”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Translingual situation in Africa revisited: based on Lüpke and Storch (2013)”
    • 2. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA joint researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “A typological analysis on the linguistic means by which people speaking different languages form a unified communication field: with special reference to the multilingual situations in western Uganda”
    • 3. All participants General discussions
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/16 (Fri) - 2021/07/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 29th meeting

    16 July

    • 14:00–15:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 39 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 39 (second part)”

    17 July

    • 10:00–11:50. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 40”
    • 13:15–15:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 41 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 41 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/07/11 (Sun)
    LingDy Forum: The Spread of Vietnamese Linguistics / The 2nd Vietnamese Language Colloquium
    • 14:00–14:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:10–14:40. Thi Thanh Thao PHAM (Graduate School, TUFS) “Contrasting Vietnamese “lên” with Japanese “ageru/agaru”: From the Perspective of Subsidiary Verbs”
    • 14:45–15:15. Ayaka HIRANO (Osaka University) “Parallelism in Nung (Trang Dinh District, Lang Son Province)”
    • 15:20–15:50. Thi My Binh THAN (Ha Long University) “Mother Tongue / Heritage Language Education in Vietnamese Families Residing in Japan: Focusing on Cases of Mother Tongue / Heritage Language Retention”
    • 15:55–16:15. All participants Discussion
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/10 (Sat)
    Revisiting Two Japanese Scholars worked in Bengal: Kimura Nichiki (1882-1965) and Hara Tadahiko (1934-1990)
    • 1. Speaker 1: Sumit Kumar Barua (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, ILCAA Visiting Researcher) “Buddhist Revival Movement in Bengal and Kimura Nichiki”
    • Discussant: Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya (Department of East Asian Studies, Delhi University, India)
    • 2. Speaker 2: Ranjan Saha Partha (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Revisiting Ethnography by Hara Tadahiko: Social Dynamics of Gohira Village in Bangladesh”
    • Discussant: Tatsuya KUSAKABE (Center for the Study of International Copperation in Education, Hiroshima University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Please use the form for pre-registration.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), ILCAA Forum
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking History of Agriculture and Rural Society in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Yasuaki SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Sangyo University) “Problems Revolving around Introduction of Genetically Modified Bananas in Uganda”
    • 2. Yuichiro FUJIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Change in Practices and Perception of Farmers on Introduction of New Rice Growing Technique in SATREPS(2012-17), Namibia”
    • 3. Chizuko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute of Developing Economics) “Land Improvement for Africulture in South Africa”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • For registration, please contact to Hiroki ISHIKAWA: ishikawa[at] (Please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 6th meeting
    • 1.. Kyoko NIWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “What Rhyme Inspires?”
    • 2.. Hiroshi HAGITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Partition Literature and Urdu Historical Novelists: Examining Their Works in Terms of Emotions”
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Phonetic typology from cross-linguistic perspectives”The 1st meeting

    The first session

    • 9:30-12:00. Andries W. Coetzee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Michigan), Hiroto UCHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Jeremy Perkins (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Aizu), Naoki UETA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokuyo University)

    The second session

    • 15:00-18:00. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Lanzhou University), Seunghun J. Lee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ICU), Cédric Patin (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Université de Lille), Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)

    • Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, NINJAL), Julián Villegas (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Aizu), Priyankoo Sarmah (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati), Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University), Kyosuke YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/08 (Thu)
    AA-Ken Forum: New Faculty Lecture (3) in 2021
    • Emi GOTO (ILCAA) “Connecting the Arabic Past to the Japanese Present: An Analysis of Toshihiko Izutsu’s and Ryoichi Mita's Translation of the Qur’an”
    • Moderator: Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA)
    303, Online meeting
    20212021/07/04 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (2)”The 6th meeting
    • 18:00-19:00. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Lanzhou University), Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) Business meeting: 1) On the activity schedule in this academic year and our publication, 2) On the application for the next project
    • 19:00-20:00. All participants “Microvariation parameters of tone in participants’ target languages, presentation and discussion”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/03 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers”The 5th meeting
    • Chizuko YOSHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint researcher, Tsukuba University) “Transmission of Buddhism from Kashmir to Tibet as Seen by Tibetan Sources”
    • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) Book Review: Manan Ahmed Asif, “The Loss of Hindustan”, Harvard University Press, 2020.
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed. Please contact: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @) by 30 Jun 2021.
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/07/02 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 28th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 38 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 38 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/06/27 (Sun)
    Reading two Persian episodes on the Buddha composed in Ilkhanid Iran (Part 2)
    • 20:30–22:00. All members “The Buddha’s Prediction on the future Maitreya in the Zubdat al-Tawārīkh of Abū al-Qāsim Qāshānī (together with the counterparts in the Jāmi’ al-Tawārīkh of Rashīd al-Dīn and the Maitreyavyākaraṇa)” (Part 2)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Those who wish to participate in this forum are expected to send an email to ogura[at] (Please change [at] to @) by 24th June.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” (Principal Investigator: Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Project number: 18H03569), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “A comprehensive study on the north-south transportation system of the pre-modern Central Eurasia” (Principal Investigator: Yoshiyuki FUNADA (Hiroshima University) Project number: 18H00723), Project number: 18H03569), ILCAA Joint Reserch Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    Online meeting
    20212021/06/27 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia-Transnational Networks and Local Responses” The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Shinya IMAIZUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies) “Application of Islamic Law in Thai Courts”
    • 2. Motoki YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Nahdlatul Ulama’s Discourse on an “Islamic State”: Changes of Indonesian Traditionalist Muslims in the Dutch Colonial Period”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20212021/06/24 (Thu)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” the 11th meeting
    • Kyoko KOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kochi University) “Some syntactic alternations in Akan”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please fill in the pre-registration form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”,TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online meeting
    20212021/06/21 (Mon)
    International workshop: “Hamza around the Java Sea”
    • Ben Arps (Leiden University) “Hamza around the Java Sea: manuscripts, books, tale-telling, puppetry”
    • Moderator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Language: English
    • Please fill in the pre-registration form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Creation, Transmission, and Reception of Persian Historical Legends” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H01250), Middle East and Islamic Studies, ILCAA
    Online meeting
    20212021/06/20 (Sun)
    Overseas Scientific Research Forum 2021

    Workshop: “The potencial of Field Science and Joint Research”

    • 10:30-11:35.
    • Masahiro HIRATA “Discussion about Pastoralism from the Perspective of Milk Culture through Global Interregional Comparisons and Joint Research”
    • Takeshi NAKATSUKA “Progress in History and Archaeology induced by High-Time Resolution Paleoclimate Reconstructions: from the Viewpoint of Human Adaptation to Climate Changes”
    • Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Developing New Theories of Human Evolution: The Case of the Origin and Evolution of Human Sociality”

    Round Table

    • 11:35-12:05. All members

    General Meeting

    • 13:00-14:00. All members


    • 14:05-15:00. Poster Session on Overseas Scientific Research
    Online meeting
    20212021/06/18 (Fri) - 2021/06/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 27th meeting

    18 Jun

    • 14:00–15:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 36 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 36 (second part)”

    19 Jun

    • 10:00–11:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “On Women and ‘Gongshi’ during the Qin, the Han and the Three Kingdoms period”
    • 13:15–15:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 37 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 37 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/06/17 (Thu)
    AA-Ken Forum: New Faculty Lecture (2) in 2021
    • ADACHI Mayumi (ILCAA) “The development from demonstratives to sentence-final particles and interjections in Vietnamese: Focusing on ‘medial series’”
    • Moderator: Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA)
    303, Online meeting
    20212021/06/16 (Wed)
    The 8th BLM Seminar “Bringing BLM to the Arts”
    • Hikaru FUJII (Artist) “Bringing BLM to the Arts”
    • Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Working Group on Promotion of Multicultural Research, African Studies Center - TUFS, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/06/15 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (13)
    • 12:00-12:20. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Visualizing Ethnic Languages and Cultures: The Process of making picture books for the community” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. All members Q&A
    Online Meeting
    20212021/06/13 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Eurasia”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “The Narratives of the Turkic Past in Modern Iran”
    • 2. Ryosuke ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Zeki Velidi Togan’s Utilization of the Past and Criticism towards it (1930’s-early 1940’s)”
    • 3. All members General Discussion
    Online Meeting
    20212020/06/12 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and‘reality’negotiation in Eastern Africa”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 2. All members of this project “The condition of Youths in my field: concerning this project”
    • 3. All members Bibliography on African Youths studies
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Global Youth Dynamics and‘reality’negotiation in Eastern Africa”,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “The study of ‘Cohabitat family’ with elite single and house girl in the cities of East African countries” (Principal Investigator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Project Number: 17K02002)
    Online Meeting
    20212020/06/12 (Sat)
    Symposium on Hazards “Resilience from 3.11 through Indigenous Knowledge”
    • 14:00–14:05. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:05–14:55. Shoichiro TAKEZAWA (Emeritus Professor, National Museum of Ethnology) “Local Community, Exhibition of Earthquake, and Internally Displaced Persons from the Nuclear Disaster: 10 Years After the 2011 East Japan Earthquake”
    • 15:10–15:30. Yuichi SEKIYA (Tokyo University)
    • 15:30–15:50. Tom Gill (Meijigakuin University)
    • 15:50–16:10. Hiroki TAKAKURA (Tohoku University)
    • 16:25–16:45. Yasushi UCHIYAMADA (Professor Emeritus at University of Tsukuba) Comments
    • 16:45–18:00. All members Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • For any inquiries, please contact: hazard.sympo.ilcaa[at] (please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please refer to this registration form (Registration deadline is 10th June at 23:59 JST.)
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork Focused on Critical Situations” (Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H00948), Core Project (Anthropology) “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/06/07 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on Social Cognition Based on SCOPIC: the Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus”The 7th meeting
    • 14:30-14:35. kinori KIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Hyogo) Introduction
    • 14:35-14:55. Nick EvansIL (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Australian National University) “Dalabon”
    • 14:55–15:15. Danielle Barth (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Australian National University) “Matukar Panau”
    • 15:15–15:35. Wayan Arka (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Australian National University) “Balinese”
    • 15:35–15:55. Alan Rumsey (Australian National University) “Ku Waru”
    • 15:55–16:15. Andrea Schalley (Karlstad University) “German”
    • 16:15–16:30. All members Discussion
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/06/06 (Sun)
    Junior Researchers’ Meeting “The origin and evolution of sociality”: The 3rd Meeting “Family, Social organization, Kinship”


    • 13:00–13:35. Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA, TUFS) [Reviews] “Social organization, Social structure, Matrilineal/Patrilineal, Dispersal”
    • 13:35–13:55. Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA, TUFS) [Research] “Exploring group boundaries in the behavior of male Japanese macaques”


    • 14:00–14:20. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) [Reviews] “Kinship, Descent, Matrilineal/Patrilineal, Kinship terminologies”
    • 14:20–14:40. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) [Research] “‘Adaption’ among the Bateks at K.Koh in Peninsular Malaysia: Preliminary research on kinship”
    • 14:45–15:05. Kiyoshi TADOKORO (Toyo University) [Reviews] “Marriage, Spouses, Family”
    • 15:05-15:25. Kiyoshi TADOKORO (Toyo University) [Research] “The impact of natural gas development on marriages among subsistence farmers in the Papua New Guinea”


    • 15:30-16:00. All participants General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”(Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online Meeting
    20212021/06/04 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 26th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 35 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 35 (first part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/06/03 (Thu)
    AA-Ken Forum: New Faculty Lecture (1) in 2021
    • Aya KAWAI (ILCAA) “Globalization and the Baek foragers in Malaysia: Lives under land route development and territorial modification of the environment”
    • Moderator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA)
    303, Online meeting
    20212021/05/30 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into the Mechanism of Language Change and Variation through the Dialogue between Theoretical Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, and Quantitative Linguistics”The 1st meeting
    • Discussants: Tomoyuki TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University), Yasuaki ISHIZAKI (ILCAA JointResearcher, Nanzan Univerisity), Hirofumi AOKI (ILCAA JointResearcher, Kyushu University)
    • Two talks were delivered by the project members, followed by comments by three discussants that had been allotted in advance. Thereafter, we had active discussions on the issue of grammaticalization in general.

    • Speaker 1: Yosuke SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda University) “Crossed-Control in Indonesian: When Passive Morphology Meets Auxiliarization”
    • Speaker 2:Yoshiki OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) “The Grammaticalization of Hituyoo ‘Necessity’ and Its Categorial Ambiguity: What It Implies for the Typology of Possession Verbs”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Linguistic Change and Variation Research Unit, GSIS, Tohoku University
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/30 (Sun)
    Muslim minorities and trust builiding: the cases of the Rohingya and Uyghurs
    • Presentation: Naonori KUSAKABE (Rikkyo University), Jun KUMAKURA (Hosei University) Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
    • Group B03 “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” of “Islamic Trust Studies” will hold a workshop where group members will discuss on the themes that will be developed in the research project (disclosed only to persons concerned in “Islamic Trust Studies”)

    • 9:30–10:00. Naonori KUSAKABE (Rikkyo University) “Acceptance and frictions surrounding Rohingya refugees”
    • 10:00–10:40. Commentator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Comments by commentator (10 min) and discussion (30 min)
    • 10:50–11:20. Jun KUMAKURA (Hosei University) “Government and people in Xinjiang: From the perspective of trust” (tentative title)
    • 11:20–12:00. Commentator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Comments by commentator (10 min) and discussion (30 min)
    • 12:00–12:30. All members Meeting for our future work
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas” (Principal Investigator: Masako Ishii (Rikkyo University) Project Number: 20H05829), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826)
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/29 (Sat)
    Workshop “Using Transkribus to explore networks in Islamicate societies: An introductory guide”
    • Presentation:Alex Mallett
    • Over the last few years, digital technology has allowed scholars to collate and research huge quantities of source materials very quickly, in particular using big data techniques. One of the simplest but most useful of these has been the plethora of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software that has enabled researchers to search for various keywords in multi-volume historical sources and gain results almost instantly. However, these programmes have been almost exclusively focused on printed, published texts, leaving manuscripts and other handwritten materials left out. Yet recently, a new programme has been developed, Transkribus, which enables scholars to digitally search across handwritten source material in the same way as for printed texts with OCR. In this talk, I will introduce Transkribus and its main features, and explore how it can be used to reconstruct networks and connectivity in Islamic society, primarily using the example of documents found in archives in Malta. Group C01 and B01 of “Islamic Trust Studies” will hold a workshop “Using Transkribus to explore networks in Islamicate societies: An introductory guide” on May 29th, 2021

    • All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Language: English
    • Please fill in the pre-registration form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827)
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/26 (Wed)
    JSPS Bilateral program (JSPS-FWO) “The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography”
    • 16:30-16:40. Opening remarks
    • 16:45-17:15. Koen Bostoen (Ghent University) “Suffixal phrasemes in Bantu verbal derivation”
    • 17:15-17:45. Nobuko YONEDA (Osaka University) “Properties of the subject in Bantu languages”
    • 17:45-18:15. Minah Nabirye (Ghent University) “Information Structure in Lusoga: New Corpus-based Research”
    • 18:30-19:00. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Morphosyntactic local variation in Chaga”
    • 19:00-19:30. Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (Ghent University) “tba”
    • 19:30-20:00. All members General discussions about research agenda
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS-FWO Bilateral program “The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/25 (Tue)
    “Workshop Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon”
    • Presenter: Marwa Ahmad (PhD. Candidate, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University) “Syrian refugee women and girls’ experience of the Covid-19 lockdown”
    • Planned Research Group A3 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” of Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization Organizer” will hold a workshop “Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon” with the group research “Restorative Justice and Gender in the Post-Conflict” of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion.” In this workshop, Marwa Ahmad, PhD. Candidate, Graduate School of Doshisha University, will give a presentation about Syrian refugee women in Lebanon based on the interview research with more than 50 people. Message from Marwa Ahmad: On top of their challenges as protracted refugees, the female Syrian refugees are having to overcome multiple trials in Lebanon amidst the Covid-19 lockdown and Lebanon’s financial collapse. Join us to find out how Syrian women and girls are experiencing the pandemic at the domestic level of their confinement.

    • Discussant: Toyoko MORITA (Kagoshima University), Moderator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Language: English
    • Please fill in the pre-registration form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization Organizer” A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Area Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Research Project on Islam and Gender: Towards a Comprehensive Discussion” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (ILCAA fellow);20H00085) Research Group “Restorative Justice and Gender in the Post-Conflict”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/23 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 5th meeting
    • 1.. Seika SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Teikyo University) “The “Earth” That Moves: Contours of Women’s Emotion in Three Nepali Novels”
    • 2.. Sachiyo KOMAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takasaki City University of Economics) “Muslim Women Artists’ Works and Narratives in the UK: An Analysis Focusing on “Affectus””
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/23 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”The 4th meeting
    • 10:00–12:00. All participants “Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)”
    • 13:00–16:00. All participants “Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (2)”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/23 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/TUFS) “About publication of research results of this project”
    • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Towards elucidation of multiplicity and multilayeredness of Tibeto-Himalayan cultural lexis: An “example-collection-by-all” approach”
    • 3. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “Connection between literal sources and field research on Tibetan pastoral culture”
    • 4. All participants Workshop “example-collection-by-all”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Tibetan Cultural Lexis Database Project” (Principal Investigator: Izumi Hoshi(ILCAA) Project Number: 20H04480)
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/21 (Fri) - 2021/05/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 25th meeting

    21 May

    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian33 (First part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seisen-University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian33 (Second part)”

    22 May

    • 10:00–11:50. All members Editorial Meeting
    • 13:15–15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian34 (First part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian34 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/05/21 (Fri)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” the 10th meeting
    • 1. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Cross-linguistic experimental studies on causal event descriptions: The issues of iconicity in usage and agentive encoding”
    • 2. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “A microparametric investigation of types of focus marking strategies and correlating paramters in Bantu”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”,TUFS Institute of language research, Japan Association for African Studies
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/18 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (12)
    • 12:00-12:20. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA) “On the diachronic development of the final vowel in Bantu languages: Clues from Kimakunduchi” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. All participants Q&A
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/16 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”The 1st meeting
    • 13:00-14:30. Aoi OTAKE (Kyoto University) “An Anthropological Analysis of Monetary Compensation: The Case of the United States Military Base in Kwajalein Atoll”
    • 14:45-16:15. Juntaro FUKADA (Mie University) “Is the death storage of shell money a repayment of “life debt”?”
    • 16:20-17:00. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/12 (Wed)
    JSPS Bilateral program (JSPS-FWO) “The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography”
    • 16:30-16:40. Koen BOSTOEN (Ghent University) Opening remarks
    • Chair: Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)
    • 16:45-17:15. Sara Pacchiarotti (Ghent University) “Phylogenetics and the Comparative Method as tools for the internal classification of West-Coastal Bantu: results and challenges”
    • 17:15-17:45. Lorenzo Maselli (Ghent University) “Phonetic and phonological research on hunter-gatherer substrate interference in the West-Coastal Bantu homeland region: some preliminary results and methodological remarks”
    • 17:45-18:15. Kyoungwon Jeong (ILCAA) “Micro-parametric research on cross-Bantu phonological microvariation: a test case in Swati”
    • Chair: Gilles-Maurice de Schryver
    • 18:30-19:00. Yuka MAKINO (ILCAA JSPS Research Fellow) “Contrastive analysis on the local variation of TAM expressions in M40 and M50”
    • 19:00-19:30. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Research Assiciate) “A synchronic and diachronic analysis of the Kimakunduchi final vowel”
    • 19:30-20:00. Hilde Gunnink (Ghent University) “Language contact between migrating Bantu speakers and resident Khoisan speakers in southern Africa”
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS-FWO Bilateral program “The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/09 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A sociolinguistic study of heritage languages and ethnic identities of migrants”The 1st meeting
    • 14:00–14:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:10–15:00. Junko HIBIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sacred Heart School Corporation) “Heritage Language Variation and Change Project (HLVC)”
    • 15:10–16:00. Kazuko MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo), Sachi YOSHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atomi University), Akiko OKUMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “On the role of ethnicity in linguistic variation: Four diaspora case studies from the Greater Tokyo Area and Sakhalin in the Russian Far East”
    • 16:10–17:00. Tooru HAYASI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Open University of Japan) “Rethinking the value of indecisive respondents for questionnaire surveys”
    • 17:00–17:30. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/09 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration of the tonal typology of Japonic languages”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate) Introduction
    • 2. All participants General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/08 (Sat)
    【postponed】Workshop “Using Transkribus to explore networks in Islamicate societies: An introductory guide”
    • Over the last few years, digital technology has allowed scholars to collate and research huge quantities of source materials very quickly, in particular using big data techniques. One of the simplest but most useful of these has been the plethora of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software that has enabled researchers to search for various keywords in multi-volume historical sources and gain results almost instantly. However, these programmes have been almost exclusively focused on printed, published texts, leaving manuscripts and other handwritten materials left out. Yet recently, a new programme has been developed, Transkribus, which enables scholars to digitally search across handwritten source material in the same way as for printed texts with OCR. In this talk, I will introduce Transkribus and its main features, and explore how it can be used to reconstruct networks and connectivity in Islamic society, primarily using the example of documents found in archives in Malta.

    • Alex Mallett Presentation
    • All participants Discussion
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827)
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/08 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” : Methodology study meeting
    • All participants Brainstorming “Description and Questions: What we want to share for the collaboration of anthropology and primatology”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online Meeting
    20212021/05/06 (Thu)
    “Tokyo African Linguistics Knot” the 9th meeting
    • 1. Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) and Kimihiko KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Toward a sustainable literacy activity of Kalahari Khoe speakers”
    • 2. Motomichi WAKASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Intonation of Wolaytta which its word accent rules cannot explain: A preparatory report on some aspects of the phenomenon”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”,TUFS Institute of language research
    Online Meeting
    20212021/04/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Interdisciplinary Study on Performing Arts in the Time of Covid-19”The 1st meeting
    • 13:00-13:50. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 13:50-15:05. 5 members Research introduction
    • 15:15-16:30. 5 members Research introduction
    • 16:30-17:00. All participants Discussion
    • 17:15-18:00. All participants Future plan
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20212021/04/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsideration on Death: Anthropological Explorations on the Actuality of life”The 1st meeting
    • 14:00–14:40. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Affective approach toward Anthropology of Death”
    • 14:40–17:30. All participants presentation on research concepts inspired by “Affectus”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20212021/04/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on Social Cognition Based on SCOPIC: the Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus”The 6th meeting
    • Hitomi ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Reitaku University) “Report on the propositional framing in G|ui”
    • Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Report on the propositional framing in Malay”
    • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Report on the propositional framing in Indonesian”
    • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Report on the propositional framing in Sibe”
    • Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Report on the propositional framing in Jinghpaw”
    • Yukinori KIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Hyogo) “Report on the propositional framing in Arta”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20212021/04/16 (Fri) - 2021/04/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 24th meeting

    16 Apr

    • 14:00–15:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 30 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 30 (second part)”

    17 Apr

    • 10:00–11:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 31”
    • 13:15–15:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 31 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 31 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20212021/04/03 (Sat) - 2021/04/04 (Sun)
    The 15th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Typological and Contrastive Linguistics

    3 Apr

    • 14:00-14:10. Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) Opening remarks
    • 14:10-15:10. Naonori NAGAYA (The University of Tokyo) “Thetic/categorical distinction and information structure in Tagalog”
    • 15:20-16:20. Norihiko HAYASHI (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Focus marking strategies in Youle Jino”
    • 16:30-17:30. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “On grammaticalization of nouns in Lhaovo”

    4 Apr

    • 10:00-11:00. Satoko SHIRAI (The University of Tokyo) “On the “focus” prosody in nDrapa”
    • 11:10-12:10. Linsheng Zhang (Osaka Prefecture University) “Project proposal for “Progressive and resultative expressions””
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20212021/04/02 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 23 meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 29 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 29 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202021/03/28 (Sun) - 2021/03/29 (Mon)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) "Deciphering the History of Yaponesians through Comparison and Analyses between Japanese and the Other Concerned Languages"(Principal Investigator:Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”The 2nd meeting

    28 Mar

    • [1st Session] .
    • Chair: Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture)
    • Report (Japanese) : 626KB
    • [1st Session] . Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Fellow) “Theoretical Frameworks for Grammatical Relations in Asia and Africa”
    • Report (Japanese) : 626KB
    • [1st Session] . Nobuko KIBE (NINJAL), Kohei NAKAZAWA (NINJAL), Akiko YOKOYAMA (JSPS/ILCAA, TUFS) “Grammatical Relations in Japonic”
    • Report (Japanese) : 626KB
    • [1st Session] . Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) “Grammatical Relations in Korean”
    • Report (Japanese) : 626KB
    • [1st Session] . All participants Discussion
    • Report (Japanese) : 626KB
    • [2nd Session]. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kansai University of International Studies) “Grammatical Relations in Tungusic and Uralic”
    • Chair: Kohei NAKAZAWA (NINJAL)
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [2nd Session]. Yoshio SAITO (Takushoku University) “Grammatical Relations in Mongolic and Turkic”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [2nd Session]. Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Fellow), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Fellow), Kazue IWASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies), Keita KURABE (ILCAA), and Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Fudan University) “Grammatical Relations in Tibeto-Burman”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [2nd Session]. All participants Discussion
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [3rd Session]. Fumiki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Grammatical Relations in Sinitic”
    • Chair: Keita KURABE (ILCAA)
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [3rd Session]. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Grammatical Relations in Kra-Dai”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [3rd Session]. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Grammatical Relations in Austronesian”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [3rd Session]. All participants Discussion
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB

    29 Mar

    • [4th Session].
    • Chair: Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [4th Session]. Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) , Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Grammatical Relations in Austroasiatic”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [4th Session]. Chikako ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai-Gakuen University) “Grammatical Relations in Chukotko-Kamchatkan”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [4th Session]. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “Grammatical Relations in Ainu”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [4th Session]. All participants Discussion
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [5th Session].
    • Chair: Chikako ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai-Gakuen University)
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [5th Session]. Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Grammatical Relations in South Asia”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [5th Session]. Nozomi KODAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kumamoto University) “Grammatical Relations in Dravidian”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [5th Session]. Takamasa IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/ Kyoto University) “Grammatical Relations in Iranian”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [5th Session]. All participants Discussion
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [6th Session].
    • Chair: Kimihiko KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS)
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [6th Session]. Youichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Grammatical Relations in Semitic”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [6th Session]. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Grammatical Relations in Nilo-Saharan”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [6th Session]. All participants Discussion
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [7th Session].
    • Chair: Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [7th Session]. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA), Junko KOMORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Grammatical Relations in Niger-Congo”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [7th Session]. Kimihiko KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS), Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Grammatical Relations in the Kalahari Basin Area”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [7th Session]. All participants Discussion
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [8th Session].
    • Chair: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [8th Session]. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Fudan University) “Stop Series in Asian and African Languages”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [8th Session]. Kae KOGANEBUCHI (The University of Tokyo) “Population Genomic Insights into the Ryukyu Islanders”
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • [8th Session]. All participants Discussion
    • Report (Japanese) : 1.3MB
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Please contact: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @) by 25 March.
    • Language: English
    • Please see here (in Japanese).
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics"
    NINJAL Collaborative Research Project "Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan" (Principal Investigator: Nobuko KIBE (NINJAL))
    20202021/03/28 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking History of Agriculture and Rural Society in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (Kyoto University) “Outline and Recent Changes of Agro-pastoralism in Tibet”
    • 2. Naoaki IZUMI (Mejiro University) “Family and Wealth Accumulation among Pastoralists in East Africa”
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202021/03/28 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers”The 4th meeting
    • Yuko YOKOCHI (ILCAA Joint researcher, Kyoto University) “Literay representations of ideal kings in 8-9 century Kashmir: with special reference to the Rājataraṅginī and the Kapphiṇābhyudaya”
    • Report (Japanese) : 363KB
    • Diwakar Acharya (ILCAA Joint researcher, The University of Oxford) “Kinship among the gods in the Himalayas: Interaction of Sanskrit and local cultures in Nepal”
    • Report (Japanese) : 363KB
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Please contact: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @) by 25 March.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/27 (Sat) - 2021/03/28 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 3rd meeting

    27 Mar

    • 1. All members Preparation and discussion before the meeting
    • 2. Takemitsu MORITA (The Anthropological Institute) “Unexplored Himalaya——A documentary film of academic survey team heading to north-western Himalaya (1958)”
    • 3. Kaori INABA (Nepal Explorer) “Enchanted by Western Nepal Frontier”
    • 4. All members Discussion

    28 Mar

    • 1. Screening of “A day of Tibetan pastoralists”
    • 2. Zhang Pingping (The University of Kitakyushu) “Comparison of fuel utilization in various Tibetan areas”
    • 3. All members Discussion for Ideas of Systematic Comparisons
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/27 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology" : Year-end annual meeting : 2019 & 2020"
    • 1. All participants Annual reports (2019 & 2020) and Plans and prospects (2021)
    • 2. All participants Plans and prospects of the project in the future: Research meetings, Public symposiums & open lecture, and publications, etc.
    • 3. All participants Business Meeting (Research contributors only)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20202021/03/26 (Fri)
    Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop/ Information Resources Center (IRC) Workshop “Digital humanities and linguistics”
    • 13:30-13:40. Kanae IWASAKI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Introduction: Some difficulties in digitizing language data”
    • 13:40-14:10. Yifan WANG (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Digital data: Converting, creating, and conserving”
    • 14:10-14:40. Yuzuki TSUKAGOSHI (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Structuring of text data”
    • 14:40-15:00. All participants Discussion
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/24 (Wed)
    Thiqa Project Workshop “Capitulation and International Law”
    • 13:30-13:40. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, B01) Introduction
    • 13:40-14:40. Yutaka HORII (Doshisha University, B01) “The Structure of Norms in the Early Modern Ottoman-Venetian Treaty System”
    • 14:50-15:50. Yutaro OKI (Kyushu University B01) “Reception of Modern International Law in 19th century Egypt”
    • 16:00-16:20. Tetsuya SAHARA (Meiji University B03) Comment
    • 16:20-17:00. All participants General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please use this form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The ideas of Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO(ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas”(Principal investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University), Project Number: 20H05829)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/24 (Wed)
    Halle-Vihāra Collaborative Lecture Series 2
    • Introduction
    • Petra Kieffer-Pülz (MLU) “The meaning of vihāra in Pāli literature”
    • Questions and answers
    • Ryuta KIKUYA (Kyoto University) “Scripture and Commentary—The transmission of *Mahāmantrānudhāriṇī in Indian Tantric Buddhism”
    • Questions and answers, closing address
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” (Principal Investigator: Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Project number: 18H03569),Seminar für Indologie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
    Online meeting
    20202021/03/24 (Wed)
    LingDy Interseminar
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/23 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Synchrony and Diachrony of Mongolic Languages: Internal and External Factors”The 6th meeting

    Reports on online information resources on Mongolic languages

    • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Online text material of Mongolic languages”
    • 2. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “3-in-1 Full text search system of Shirongolic”
    • 3. Suzushi HAYATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “IIIF compliant images of the Qing Wen Hui Shu”
    • 4. Hitoshi KURIBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) “Online dictionaries of Shira Yughur”
    • 5. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/22 (Mon)
    Workshop “How to Describe Social Interactions as Structured Data?: Knowledge Graph for Primary Source Contents”
    • Jun OGAWA (the University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology)
    • Abstract () :
    • All participants Discussion
    • Abstract ()
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please fill in this form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830),Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The ideas of Muslim Community and State Systems” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO(ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival Study on Fiscal administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid Shrine in Iran”The 9th meeting
    • 13:00–13:30. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Report on the publication of a collection of papers on this joint research”
    • 13:30–14:30. Sanae TAKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Reconsideration of Barur village in the fourteenth century”
    • 14:30–15:30. Yoichi YAJIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara Women's University) “Junayd’s Invasion of Trabzon and Gurjistan”
    • 15:30–16:00. All participants General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/19 (Fri) - 2021/03/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 22nd meeting

    19 Mar

    • 14:00–15:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 27 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 27 (second part)”

    20 Mar

    • 10:00–11:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin-University) “Monitoring Functions embedded in Document Transfer in the Prefectural Administration of the Qin”
    • 13:15–15:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 28 (first part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 28 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202021/03/19 (Fri)
    Workshop “The actual condition and practice of OCR for Arabic”
    • Abstract () :
    • 1. Presentation: Yuri ISHIDA (Okayama University), Tomoaki SHINODA(ILCAA Research Associate) Actual condition of OCR for Arabic
    • 2. Presentation: Yuri ISHIDA (Okayama University), Tomoaki SHINODA(ILCAA Research Associate) Practice of digitizing Arabic texts with OCR
    • 3. Presentation: Yuri ISHIDA (Okayama University), Tomoaki SHINODA(ILCAA Research Associate) Purpose of digitizing texts
    • 4. All participants Q & A
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please fill in this form.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830),Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) Project Number: 20H05824)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/19 (Fri)
    Field Linguistics Workshop “Presentations of Master’s Theses on Field Linguistics”
    • 13:00–13:10. Opening remarks
    • Abstract () :
    • 13:15–13:35. Shun NAKAMOTO (National Autonomous University of Mexico) “Mazatec tonology: San Bartolomé Ayautla (Tonología mazateca: San Bartolomé Ayautla)”
    • 13:40–14:00. Aoi MATSUOKA (Kyushu University) “A Sketch Grammar of the Yanagawa dialect of Fukuoka Japanese”
    • 14:05–14:25. Hiroshi MIYAOKA (Kyushu University) “Cross-dialectal generalization of the analogical change of vowel-stem to r-stem inflection in Japanese dialects: From the viewpoints of the stem-final vowels, the stem length, and the function of following suffixes”
    • 14:40–15:00. Cing Ngaih Lian (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On -tà/-hmà clauses in colloquial Burmese”
    • 15:05–15:25. Yuki KAWABATA (Kyoto University) “Temporal adverbs for denoting immediate past in Korean”
    • 15:30–15:50. Chenjie YE (Kyoto Univesity) “Derivation and inflection in Korean: A study of the adjective adverbialiser “-i””
    • 15:55–16:00. All participants Concluding remarks
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/18 (Thu)
    Workshop “Comparative studies on the legal plularism in South Asia and Central Asia”
    • Presentation1: Sayaka TAKANO (Chuo University) “Perspectives on Categories of Law: An Ethnographic Study of Local Courts in Indonesia”
    • Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University)
    • Presenataion2: Jin NODA (ILCAA) “Customary law in Central Asia, its history and contemporary role: Focusing on the recent two monographs on the cases in Kyrghyz”
    • Yoichi YAJIMA (Nara Women's University)
    • All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • *The meeting will be held via Zoom. Pre-Registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please use this registration form. (valid until 17:00, 17th March, 2021)
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) Planned Research “Conversion of the Islamic knowledge” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA), 20H05825); Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University) Project Number: 20H05828)
    Online meeting
    20202021/03/17 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of IslamizationThe 5th meeting
    • 13:00–14:00. Hiroko KUSHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa: synopisis, literature review and the conversion story”
    • 14:00–15:00. Aki TOMITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Fellow of Okayama University) “Hikayat Upu Daeng Menambun and the society of West Borneo in the 18th century”
    • 15:10–16:10. Miho YAMASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Kings and religion in Majapahit period: analysis of inscriptions and Deśawarṇana”
    • 16:10–17:10. Yasuko YOSHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Specially appointed Researcher of Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “The Cham and their mythical legend Po Kut-Illa Huk”
    • 17:20–18:00. All participants Closed meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202021/03/17 (Wed)
    Halle-Vihāra Collaborative Lecture Series 1
    • Taiken KYUMA (Mie University), Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) Opening address
    • Annette Schmiedchen (MLU) “Vihāra, mahāvihāra, and vihāramaṇḍala – The Terminology for Buddhist Monasteries and Nunneries in Sanskrit Epigraphy from Late Antiquity to the Early Medieval Period”
    • Questions and answers
    • Hiroko MATSUOKA (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) “Bibliographical Data on Yamāri”
    • Questions and answers, closing address
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” (Principal Investigator: Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Project number: 18H03569),Seminar für Indologie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
    Online meeting
    20202021/03/16 (Tue) - 2021/03/18 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on Social Cognition Based on SCOPIC: the Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus”The 5th meeting

    16 Mar

    • 10:30-11:30. All participants “Reporting on each member’s research progress”
    • 11:30-12:30. All participants “Meeting with the Australian SCOPIC team”
    • 13:30-14:30. All participants “Discussion on propositional framing”
    • 14:30-17:00. All participants “Text editing for each language for publication and discussion about it”

    17 Mar

    • 10:30-12:00. All participants “Discussion on propositional framing”
    • 13:00-14:00. Yukinori KIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Hyogo) “A typological analysis of complementation and its alternatives”
    • 14:00-15:30. All participants “Text editing for each language for publication and discussion about it”
    • 15:30-17:00. All participants “Reporting on each member’s research progress”

    18 Mar

    • 10:30–12:00. All participants “Discussion on propositional framing”
    • 13:00-15:30. All participants “Text editing for each language for publication and discussion about it”
    • 15:30-17:00 . All participants “Reporting on each member’s research progress”
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/13 (Sat) - 2021/03/14 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”The 7th meeting

    13 Mar

    • 10:30-12:30. All participants Meeting for the publication of the research results
    • 13:30-18:30. All participants “Reading the texts of Présence Africaine”

    14 Mar

    • 10:30-12:30. Yukio SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus,Toyama University) “Present of French colonialism:Arabs in Pacific”
    • 13:30-15:30. Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA) “Aharon Amir and the Canaanism: The Achivements of Literary Journal Keshet in Israel”
    • 15:30-16:30. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) and Takayuki NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Summary of the two research projects: “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement” and “Global Studies on Historical Formation of World Cultural Capital System”
    • 16:30-18:30. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Global Studies on Historical Formation of World Cultural Capital System” (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) Project Number: 17H02328)
    304 *Depending on the situation of COVID-19, it may become online meeting
    20202021/03/13 (Sat)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2011 (Sibe) / The 9th meeting on Sibe language and linguistics
    • 13:00-13:10. Opening
    • 13:10-14:00. Tomoyuki KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Reading Sibe folktales”
    • 14:10-14:40. ANJIA, Luona (Syan jak workshop) “A making story of “Sibe spring festival””
    • 14:40-15:10. MENG, Ronglu (Segong Sibe-Manchu culture promotion center) “A preliminary report on fieldwork on Heihe Manchu in 2020, and the difference between Sibe and Manchu”
    • 15:10-15:40. E, Yana (Xinjiang University) “An analysis on the verbal morphology of Sibe from a typological perspective”
    • 15:50-16:20. WEN, Jingʼer (ILCAA Research Student), Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “A preliminary report on the distinction of Sibe dialects: with a focus on Cabcal and Ice Gashan dialects”
    • 16:20-16:50. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Contrastive study of mirative markings in Sibe and Uyghur”
    • 17:00-17:50. Kicentai (Northeast Normal University) “Keynote speech: Sibe people having faith in Tibetan Buddhism”
    • 18:00-18:50. Kicengge (Otemon Gakuin University) “Keynote speech: What is “Sibe”? - Their description and creation of history”
    • 19:00-19:50. Veronika ZIKMUNDOVÁ (Charles University in Prague) “Keynote speech: A preliminary report on the songs of Dagur and Sibe”
    • 19:50-20:00. Closing
    • Language: Japanese, Chinese and Sibe
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)“, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) “Historical and sociolinguistic study of the Manchu language” (Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Project Number:20K20274)
    • Cooperated by International Association for Sibe Studies
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/13 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Typological Study of the Areal Lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asia”The 5th meeting
    • 13:30–15:00. Atsuhiko KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Vocabulary in Pwo Karen”
    • 15:10–16:40. Yutaka TOMIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanda University of International Studies) “The lexicon of Bru in Northeastern Thailand”
    • 16:40–17:00. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/12 (Fri)
    Migration/ Refugee Studies and Cross-Cultural Psychology
    • hair: Hidemitsu KUROKI (A03, ILCAA)
    • Abstract () :
    • Sachiko NAKANO (A03 Yamaguchi University) “Research Introduction: Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Foreign Muslim Students in Japan: From Viewpoint of Cross-Cultural Psychology”
    • Comment: Masako ISHII (B03 Rikkyo University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Project Number: 20H05823), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust and Peace Building in Conflict Affected Areas”(Principal investigator: Masako ISHII (Rikkyo University), Project Number: 20H05829)
    Online meeting
    20202021/03/11 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum: Memorial Lecture by Prof. Junʼichi ODA
    • Junʼichi ODA(ILCAA) “Prayer for the prevention of Covid-19: An addendum to Diffuse distribution of smallpox godsʼ deeds of apology by numerical analysis” followed by Q & A
    • Chair: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA)
    304, online meeting
    20202021/03/07 (Sun)
    Reading two Persian episodes on the Buddha composed in Ilkhanid Iran

    Session 1

    • 20:30–22:00. “A Dialogue between the Buddha and a Celestial Being in the Zubdat al-Tawārīkh of Abū al-Qāsim Qāshānī (together with the counterparts in the Jāmi’ al-Tawārīkh of Rashīd al-Dīn and the Devatāsūtra)”

    Session 2

    • 22:15–23:45. “The Buddha’s Prediction on the Future Maitreya in the Zubdat al-Tawārīkh of Abū al-Qāsim Qāshānī (together with the counterparts in the Jāmi’ al-Tawārīkh of Rashīd al-Dīn and the Maitreyavyākaraṇa)”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Those who wish to participate in this forum are expected to send an email to ogura[at] (Please change [at] to @) by 4th March.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” (Principal Investigator: Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Project number: 18H03569), ILCAA Joint Reserch Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “A comprehensive study on the north-south transportation system of the pre-modern Central Eurasia” (Principal Investigator: Yoshiyuki FUNADA (Hiroshima University) Project number: 18H00723)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/07 (Sun)
    Buddhists and Other Religious Communities in Pre-modern Southeast Asia: with Special Reference to Monasteries
    • Taiken KYUMA (Mie Univeristy) Opening address
    • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) Intoroduction
    • Andrea ACRI (École Pratique des Hautes Études) “Hindu-Buddhist Interactions in the Connected Buddhist Worlds of South and Southeast Asia in the Medieval Period”
    • Comments
    • Toru AOYAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Those who wish to participate in this forum are expected to send an email to ogura[at] (Please change [at] to @) by March.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” (Principal Investigator: Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Project number: 18H03569)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/06 (Sat) - 2021/03/07 (Sun)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 19: Issues in language contact

    6 Mar

    • 10:00-10:10. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 10:10-10:50. So MIYAGAWA (Kansai University / Graduate School, Kyoto University) “Language contact between Coptic and Greek in Late Antique Egypt”
    • 10:50-11:30. Salvatore CARLINO (Kyushu University) “The influence of the Shuri dialect on the surrounding dialects - the case of the Iheya dialect”
    • 11:40-12:20. Yayun CHENG (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “Tense, aspect, and modality in Taiwan Mandarin”
    • 12:20-13:00. Kaidi LIN (Graduate School, Kyushu University) “A preliminary investigation of the phonology of Yilan Creole (Taiwan)”

    7 Mar

    • 10:00-10:40. Takenori MURAKAMI (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “Agent marking in Nagamese”
    • 10:40-11:20. Hongwei ZHANG (Graduate School, University of Chicago) “Mechanisms paving the way for V-final in Ethiopian Semitic”
    • 11:30-12:10. Shuichiro NAKAO (Osaka University) “Against monolingualist linguistics: Describing two (or more) languages at one time”
    • 12:10-13:00. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please see here (in Japanese).
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/06 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics” The 4th meeting
    • 1. Yu KURIBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) “A quantitative comparison of ol-/bol- auxiliary verb in Turkic ーFrom texts translated into Turkish, Azeri, and Uzbekー”
    • 2. All participants Discussion on project planning
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Environments and linguistic change in the Altaic languages” (Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Research Project Number: 18H03578)
    Online meeting
    20202021/03/06 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (2)” The 5th meeting
    • 18:00-18:30. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Meeting notes: Microvariation parameters of Bantu tone”
    • 18:30-20:00. All participants “Microvariation parameters of tone in participantsʼ target languages, presentation and discussion”
    • 20:00-20:30. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Lanzhou University) “Businness meeting about the activities in the next academic year and our achievement publicit”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/05 (Fri)
    Thiqa Project Kick-off Symposium
    • 14:00-14:15. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Adiministrative announcement/ Overview of the project
    • 14:15-14:30. Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) “Mobility of the Islamic Economy and Its Post-Capitalist Foresight”
    • 14:30-14:45. Tatsuya NAKANISHI (Kyoto University) “Rethinking Hui Muslims’ Pro-Chinese Refinement of Islam”
    • 14:45-15:00. Susumu NEJIMA (Toyo University) “Global Gokinjo (neighborhood) : From a Case of Otsuka Mosque, Tokyo”
    • 15:00-15:15. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Strategic Knowledge against Confessional Divides: Diplomacy, War, Islamic Law”
    • 15:15-15:30. So YAMANE (Osaka University) “Translation of Thoughts Guided by Cross-border Connectivity”
    • 15:40-15:55. Naonori KUSAKABE (Rikkyo University) “Islam and Rohingya in Bangladesh Politics: Are the Rohingya Compatriots or Refugees? ”
    • 15:55-16:10. Takao ITO (Kobe University) and Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “The Application of Digital Humanities in Studies of the History of the Islamicate World”
    • 16:10-17:00. Moderator: Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Q&A, General discussion
    • 17:00-17:10. Further plan
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/05 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 21st meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 26 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 26 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301,Online meeting
    20202021/03/04 (Thu)
    Trade and social contribution by migrants
    • Tomoko FUKUDA (Chiba University) “The Potential of Second-hand Goods Trade Business and Social Contribution Activities by South Asian Immigrant Entrepreneurs: focusing on Pakistan Entrepreneurs”
    • Masako KUDO (Kyoto Women's University, B02)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For pre-registration, register from here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “ Community Formation among Migrants and Refugees” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Trust Building Through Thought and Strategy” (Principal Investigator: So YAMANE (Osaka University) Project Number: 20H05828)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/02 (Tue) - 2021/03/03 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”The 3rd meeting

    2 Mar

    • 14:00-15:30. Miki IKOMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Debt and Labor: A Comparison of 19th Century Burma Debt Slaves”
    • 15:45-17:15. Chikako NAKAYAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “An investigation on money as a means of payment in the history of thought: focusing on G. F. Knappʼs “The State Theory of Money” (1905)”

    3 Mar

    • 10:30-12:30. Eri KODA (Ritsumeikan Univerity) “The Gift and Exchange of Objects on Sugar Dating in Urban Ghana”
    • 13:00-14:30. Movie screening: LA DETTE: UNE SPIRALE INFERNALE?
    • 14:45-16:00. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/02 (Tue)
    Palestine/ Israel research group in 2020
    • Prof.Toshihiro NAKANISHI (Professor, Teikyo University) “30 years after Gulf War: Considering subsequent impact on the Middle East peace and Persian Gulf affairs”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/02 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages (2)”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “On person marking and definiteness in Sibe: the function of possesive marking =ni in discourse”
    • 2. Linjing LI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seikei University) “On personal affixes of finite verb and participle in Hezhen”
    • 3. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kansai University of International Studies) “On person marking and definiteness in Evenki”
    • 4. Sangyub BAEK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Muroran Institute of Technology) “Different-subject sentences with the use of same-subject converbal endings in Tungusic”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/03/02 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (11)
    • 12:00-12:20. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “Makassar Indonesian: How do people speak a mixed language?” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/27 (Sat)
    Exploring the Potentials of Ontological Ethnographies of Himalayan South Asia/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia” The 9th meeting
    • 9:30-9:45. Mitsuru NIWA (The University of Tokyo) “The Ontological Turn in Anthropology and the Himalayan Ethnographies”
    • 9:45-10:30. Kenichi TACHIBANA (Ritsumeikan University) “The Potentials of Chepangs’ Ontology: An essay for expanding the horizons of Hindu and Modern Ontologies”
    • 10:40-11:25. Fukachi FURUKAWA (Kyushu University) “Making Road, Becoming the “Sherpa”: An ethnography of mountain guides and “beings” in southern foothills of Mt. Everest, Nepal”
    • 11:35-12:05.
    • Katuo NAWA (The University of Tokyo), Tatsuya YAMAMOTO (Shizuoka University)
    • 12:15-13:00 . All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • This meeting will be held online through Zoom. Register from here. Registration deadline is 25th Feb.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core-Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)(Principal Investigator: Kenichi TACHIBANA (Ritsumeikan University) Project number: 18K01200), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/27 (Sat)
    The 15th NINJAL Forums “Endangered Languages in Japan and Asia: What can we do for the revitalization of endangered language”
    • 13:00. Opening talk
    • 13:05. Intoroduction
    • 13:10-13:40. Yoko KIBE (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “To protect dialects thoughout Japan”
    • 13:50-14:20. Masahiro YAMADA (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Preservation of Ryukyu tougue”
    • 14:30-15:00. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Documentaion of vanishing oral traditions in Myanmar”
    • 15:10-15:40. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Preservation of Chukuchi language spoken in Siberian region, Russia”
    • 15:50-16:50. All members Discussion
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/25 (Thu)
    Panel Presentation: Revisiting Ethnography: Social Dynamics of Gohira Village in Bangladesh, 6th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BENGAL STUDIES/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”The 8th meeting
    • Prof. Abhijit Dasgupta (Delhi University) Keynote Address: “The Past in the Present: Revisiting a Village for Research”
    • 1 . Nurul Huda Sakib(Jahangirnagar University) and Riadul Islam (Jahangirnagar University) “Socio-Economic Changes in Gohira Village”
    • 2. Bulbul Siddiqi (North South University) “The Relationship between Local Society and Gohira and the Hathazari Madrasas in Chittagong”
    • 3. RanjanSahaPartha (Jahangirnagar University) and Dipwandita Ghosh (BRAC, Dhaka) “Migration and the Experiences of Local People in Gohira village”
    • 4. “Kinship and Family among Muslims in Bengal” (Masahiko Togawa & Abhijit Dasgupta, eds., Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2021)
    • Discussant: Abul Kalam (Helen Keller International-Bangladesh)
    • 5. “Recent Changes in Village Society and Agrarian Structure” (Ranjan SahaPartha, Dhaka: Shangbed, 2020)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Language: English, Bengali
    • For registration, please see ICBS Site.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core-Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (Principal Investigator: Kenichi TACHIBANA (Ritsumeikan University) Project number: 18K01200), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA), Project Number: 18KK0024)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/24 (Wed)
    Migrantsʼ Connectivity and Trust Building
    • Group A03 “Migrants, Refugees, and Community Building” will hold a workshop “Migrantsʼ Connectivity and Trust Building” with B01 “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and State Systems”.

    • Hidemitsu KUROKI (A03 ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Lebanese and Syrian Migrants’ Connectivity and Trust Building”
    • Norihiro NAGANAWA (B01, Hokkaido University) Comment
    • Chair: Akimitsu IKEDA (Meiji Gakuin University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For pre-registration, register from here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Community Formation among Migrants and Refugees” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05826), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and the Muslim States” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/24 (Wed)
    “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” Meeting
    • 1. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) Review: Shankar Nair “Translating Wisdom: Hindu-Muslim Intellectual Interactions in Early Modern South Asia”
    • 2. All members Report of investigation/ Discussion on future course of research
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” (Principal Investigator: Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Project number: 18KK0013), ILCAA Joint Reserch Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/23 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of IslamizationThe 4th meeting
    • 13:00–14:00. Koji MIYAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Myth and History in Javanese texts: Watu Gunung story”
    • 14:00–15:00. Toshihiko SHINE (ILCAA Fellow) “Reading the Cham’s Islamic cosmology: Sakarai Po Kuk (the philosophy of the Kuk)”
    • 15:10–16:10. Keiko KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University) “Some descriptions about the port city of Malay Peninsula in Tarikh Patani”
    • 16:10–16:30. All participants Closed meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/23 (Tue)
    Workshop: Recent Studies of the Khitan Scripts and Documents (2021)
    • 14:00-14:10. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the Project ‘Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 2’”
    • 14:10-15:10. Masami OTAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Recent Studies of the Khitan Script and their Documents (Japan)”
    • 15:30-17:00. WU Yingzhe (Inner Mongolia University) “Recent Studies of the Khitan Script and their Documents (China)”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”, Grammatological Informatics based on Corpora of Asian Scripts (GICAS)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)” The 3rd meeting
    • 14:00-15:00 . Hiroyuki SASAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Changes in form, reading, meaning and register of usage among sinoform characters borrowed into other cultures”
    • 15:30-17:00. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/19 (Fri) - 2021/02/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 20th meeting

    19 Feb

    • 14:00–15:50. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 24 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 24 (second part)”

    20 Feb

    • 10:00–11:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-University) “Typological Examination and Comparison of Folk and Staff Records in the Three Kingdom Wu-State Bamboo Slips from the Zoumalou-Site”
    • 13:15–15:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 25 (first part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 25 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202021/02/18 (Thu)
    Presentation Meeting by 2020 ILCAA Joint Research Groups
    • 14:00–14:20. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Research on Archiving Primary Data, Research Materials and Products”
    • 14:20–14:40. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    • 14:40–15:00. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Historical Study of Race Theory on Africa”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/18 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 4th meeting
    • 1.. Hisae KOMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otemon Gakuin University) “Hindi Contemporary Literature and Emotions: Reading ‘Asthi Phool’ (2019) by Alpana Mishra”
    • 2.. Makiko KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda University) “Anti-CAA Agitation in Assam”
    • 3. Maya SUZUKI(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Daito Bunka University) “Lived “Dalitness” and Moment for Dissent and Movement: Making Sense of “Coming out” of Highly Educated Dalit Youth”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/16 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (10)
    • 12:00-12:20. Hayato AOI (ILCAA/NINJAL) “Report on “Online Workshop on Academic Skills 2021”” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. All members Q&A
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/15 (Mon)
    The ideas and prospects of “Historical Digital Globe” (GIS)
    • Abstract () :
    • 1. Hiroshi GOTO (Yokohama City University), Masayo TSUCHIDA (Esri Japan Corporation) Introduction to a Pilot Product of “Historical Digital Globe”
    • 2. All members Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please use this form for pre-registration.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and the Muslim States” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) Project Number: 20H05824)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/15 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 3rd meeting
    • 1.. Yuko YOKOCHI (Kyoto University) “Rasa Theory: How Are Emotions Transformed into Aesthetic Experience?”
    • 2.. Kiyokazu OKITA (Sophia University) “A Brief History of Devotional Aesthetic Sentiment (Bhakti-rasa)”
    • Asako KURIHARA (Osaka University)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/13 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” : Meeting
    • Hisashi OHTSUKI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI) “Recent theoretical developments in origins of sociality in humans”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/12 (Fri)
    FIELDPLUS Talk Show on line “Tibetan Food from Historical and Synchronic Points of View”

    FIELDPLUS Talk Show on line “Tibetan Food from Historical and Synchronic Points of View” in FIELDPLUS No. 25

    • Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/TUFS) “Food of Tibetan Pastoralists and its Change”
    • Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Traveling Amdo Tibet Searching for Milk: The Case Study of Milk Processing System in the Eastern Part of Qinghai”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-resistration is needed.
    • For inquiries, please contact: field-plus2☆ (Please change [☆] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, Please see here (in Japanese).
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”, Editorial department of FIELDPLUS
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/11 (Thu)
    For understanding the Islamicate States-system
    • Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “For understanding the Islamicate States-system”
    • Manabu KAMEYA (Hirosaki University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please use this form for pre-registration.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and the Muslim States” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827),Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Mobility and Universality of Islamic Economy” (Principal Investigator: Shinsuke NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) Project Number: 20H05824)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/11 (Thu) - 2021/02/12 (Fri)
    Online workshop on academic skills 2021
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please see here (in Japanese).
    • Jointly sponsored by Shimoji Laboratory, Department of Linguistics, Kyushu University, ILCAA Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Core Research Project “Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan”, NINJAL
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/08 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Designing Spacio-Temporal Database in Asia”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Hsiung-Ming LIAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences) “Progress Status of the Database-construction”
    • 2. Tsukasa MIZUSHIMA (ILCAA Fellow) “Examples of Data Entries to the Spacio-Temporal Database in Asia”
    • 3. All members Discussion
    • Language: English, Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202021/02/05 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 19th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 23 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto-University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 23 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202021/02/04 (Thu)
    Visualizing ‘Ulamas’ Connectivities: Prospects and Challenges of Computational Analyses
    • C01 “Digital Humanities” will hold a workshop with B01 “Principles and State Systems of Islamic Community.” We will share the ways of machine-readable Arabic text creation and their problems and discuss how we can offer connectivity analyses through analyses of biographical dictionary.

    • 15:30. Presentation 1: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “An Attempt to Create a Digital Text of 15th century Biographic Dictionary “Daw’ al-Lāmi‘””
    • Presentation 2: Erina OTA-TSUKADA (Keio University, ILCAA junior fellow) ““Negative” Connection reflected in al-Sakhāwī’s Biographical Descriptions”
    • 16:30. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Participant registration will be closed at 15:00 of the day before. The link to the virtual workshop will be sent to the participant by 12:00 of February 4th.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please register on this form. (in Japanse)
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “The Ideas of the Muslim Community and the Muslim States” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05827)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/02/02 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (9)
    • 12:00-12:20. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Kachin studies based on remote collaboration” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. All members Q&A
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/30 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transition and Interaction among Modern Muslim Intellectuals” The 2nd meeting

    Presentation 1

    • 1. Amane KOBAYASHI(Researcher, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) “Islamic intellectuals and politics of modern Libya: impacts of the 2011 civil war”

    Presentation 2

    • 2. Hatsuki AISHIMA(Associate Professor, National Museum of Ethnology) “Muslim Intellectuals and Mass Mediated Islam in Contemporary Egypt” (tentative title)

    • 3. All members Comment and general discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/29 (Fri)
    27 January
    Explanatory Meeting for Publicly Offered Research for “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization (Thiqa Project)”
    • Research Project “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Thiqa Project, Leader: KUROKI, Hidemitsu, Term: 2020-2024) recruits Publicly Offered Researches (Research Term: 2 years (2021-22, 2023-24)) as researches in collaboration with Planned Research" in order to further promote the researches in the research area.

    Online Meeting17:00–18:00
    20202021/01/29 (Fri)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2020 “Different perspectives of Environmental Conservation -Towards collaboration action on the ground-”


    • 13:00-13:20. Ai SUZUKI (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Kyoto University, WiLCoLa) and Md. Abdul Aziz (Department of Zoology Faculty of Biological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University in Bangladesh) Introduction of this webinar

    Part1: “Conservation” from practitioners’ perspectives

    • 13:20-13:35. Sayoko IINUMA (The Global Environmental Forum (GEF)) “The trend of companies contribution to environmental conservation: its trends and future”
    • 13:35-13:50. Akiko CHIBA (Peace Winds Japan) “Consideration of Environmental Conservation by International NGO”
    • 13:50-14:05. Susumu OHMORI (Former professor of Hokkaido University of Education) “How an experienced environmental educator sees the challenges and opportunities in current teaching methods and materials”
    • 14:05-14:20. Q&A

    Part2: “Conservation” from researchers’ perspectives

    • 14:30-14:45. Sachi MATSUOKA (National Museum of Ethnology, Kyoto University) “The use of medical plants and its sustainability in India from an anthropologist Perspective”
    • 14:45-15:00. Yumi YAMANE (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Kyoto University, Wildlife Promising) “Conservation ecology of carnivore and people activities in Kenya”
    • 14:45-15:00. Syuta SAWAGURI (Kyoto University) “The endangered carnivores in India from an ecologist perspective”
    • 15:15-15:30. Q&A
    • 15:40-15:55. Gen YAMAKOSHI (Kyoto University) Comment 1
    • 15:55-16:10. Shinya NUMATA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Comment 2
    • 16:10-16:25. Question and Discussion

    Part3: Biodiversity conservation and collaboration in changing world

    • 16:40-17:00. Hiroshi NAKATA (JICA) “International politics and conservation in the past and future”
    • 17:00-17:45. All members Discussion
    • 17:45-17:50. All members Closing
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/23 (Sat)
    Palestine/ Israel research group in 2020
    • Shigeto KONDO (Senior Researcher, JIME Center, IEEJ) “Gulf Countries’ Policies toward Israel and Palestine”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/23 (Sat)
    LingDy Forum: Current Research on Vietnamese Language in Japan/ The 1st Vietnamese Language Colloquium
    • 14:00-14:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:10-14:40. Sho YAMAOKA (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “The syllable-based laboratory phonology on Northern Vietnamese”
    • 14:40-15:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) “The boundary of demonstratives, sentence-final particles, and interjections in Vietnamese”
    • 15:20-15:50. Takuya WASHIZAWA (Kanda University of International Studies) “Transition of possessive and nominalizing expressions in Vietnamese”
    • 15:50-16:10. Shota SATO (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Semantic change of the disyllable Sino-Vietnamese vocabularies that include sound reduplications”
    • 16:10-16:40. Mika KONDO (Osaka University) “An attempt to practice the curriculum of teaching Vietnamese to Vietnamese children living in Japan”
    • 15:50-16:10. All members Discussion
    • Discussants:
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Please visit the link here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/23 (Sat)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” : Methodology study meeting
    • Keiichi OMURA (The Open University of Japan) “A Few thoughts on Description of Others’ Behavior in Cultural Anthropology” (Tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/22 (Fri) - 2021/01/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 18th meeting

    22 Jan

    • 14:00–15:50. Ryohei ISHIHARA(ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 21 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Ryohei ISHIHARA(ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 21 (second part)”

    23 Jan

    • 10:00–11:50. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Paleological association of Japan) “On Mobility and Administration seen in the Eastern Han Wooden Tablets from the Wuyi-Square”
    • 13:15–15:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 22 (first part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 22 (seocnd part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202021/01/22 (Fri)
    Field Science Colloquium “Present and Future of Historical Big Data Research”
    • 15:00. Introduction
    • 15:10 . Asanobu KITAMOTO (ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities / National Institute of Informatics) “Historical Big Data: Data-Driven Humanities Research by the Structuring of Records in the Past”
    • 15:40. Yoko NISHIMURA (Toyo University) “Re-Identify Silk Road Ruins:Toyobunko Archive and Development of Ruins Database”
    • 16:10. Yasuyuki KANO (Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo) “Minna de Honkoku and Historical Earthquake Studies”
    • 16:40-17:10. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For registration, please visit the link here (in Japanese). Registration deadline is 18th Jan.
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center (FSC), ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities / National Institute ofInformatics, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20A104), Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity Analyses by Digital Humanities Method” (Principal Investigator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05830)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/21 (Thu)
    Institute-wide Research Program “Establishment of a New Cooperative Research System for Solving Contemporary Problems in Asia and Africa”
    • 14:00–14:10. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA Director) Welcome remarks
    • 14:10-14:40. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Loanwords in Burmish Minority Languages in Kachin State”
    • 14:40-15:10. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Medicine and Slave Raiding in the Early Sokoto Caliphate”
    • 15:10-15:40. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Balinese Performing Arts Responding to Covid-19: Edification, Comfort, and Prayer”
    • 15:50–16:30. All participants General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Open to the public: Those who wish to participate this forum are expected to send an email with the title「AA研フォーラム参加希望」by January 19, 2021, to the address below.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/19 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (8)
    • 12:00-12:20. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Towards establishing a productive research network with local experts and institutes in Africa (or what on earth is a ‘productive’ linguistic collaboration in African contexts?): Based on the experience of the ReNeLDA project” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Eurasia”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Hiroyuki NAGAMINE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute of Technologoy, Oyama College) “How did the later Jochid historiography recognize the Jochid reorganization?” (tentative)
    • 2. All participants General Discussion
    • 3. All participants Meeting within the Joint Research Project members (closed)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • *The meeting will be held via Zoom. Pre-egistration is required. Please contact nodajin[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202021/01/09 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation and Revival of the Legitimacy in Modern Arab Monarchies in Rivalry with Islamism”The 3rd meeting
    • 4 participants (Hirotake ISHIGURO, Aiko NISHIKIDA, Nozomi SHIRATANI, Koji HORINUKI) Based on the discussion in the previous meeting, each member will present a brief abstract and key words of their plan to be in charge of writing, and then adjust the overall discussion framework and the content to be covered in each chapter.
    • Language: English
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/09 (Sat)
    KAKENHI Project “Thiqa Project” (Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization), First General meeting
    • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Kickoff Message from the Area Organizer
    • 2. All participants Introduction on the Planned Researchs and others
    • 3. All participants Information from the Administration of the Organizer
    • 4. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Research Plans
    • 5. All participants General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)“Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), 20H05823)
    Online Meeting
    20202021/01/09 (Sat)
    Online Workshop on Anthropology of Things
    • 14:00-15:30. Katsumi OKUNO (Rikkyou University) “Perspectives on the Anthropological Study of Things from Animism: Reading Katsumi Okuno’s ‘What an Anthropologist has learned from the peoples of the world who see things, stones and the dead alive’”
    • 15:40-17:10. Kosaku NAKAMURA (Kokugakuin University) “Jomon Pottery as a Body view from the Making and Breaking”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Anthropology of Things” (Principal Investigator: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H01403), Core project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Online meeting
    20202021/01/08 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 17th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin-university) “Modifications of the Transcription etc. of Liye-Tablets based on the Compilation of the Office Index (first part)”
    • Report (Japanese) : 602KB
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin-university) “Modifications of the Transcription etc. of Liye-Tablets based on the Compilation of the Office Index (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202020/12/28 (Mon)
    KAKENHI Project “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization”, Planned Research “Conversion of the Islamic knowledge”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • *The meeting will be held via Zoom. Pre-egistration is required. Please contact nodajin[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A)Planned Research “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05825)
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/27 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Synchrony and Diachrony of Mongolic Languages: Internal and External Factors”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Yohei YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Auxiliary verbs in Dagur and related matters”
    • 2. Horloo (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On the phonology of Urad Mongolian”
    • 3. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/25 (Fri) - 2020/12/26 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on Social Cognition Based on SCOPIC: the Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus”The 4th meeting

    25 Dec

    • 13:00–16:00. All participants “Text editing for each language for publication and discussion about it”

    26 Dec

    • 10:30–12:00. All participants “Text editing for each language for publication and discussion about it”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/22 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (7)
    • 12:00-12:20. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Comparing case markers among some Burmish languages” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/19 (Sat) - 2020/12/20 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level
    • Language: Japanese
    • Supported by Japan Consortium for Area Studies
    303, Online meeting
    20202020/12/19 (Sat) - 2020/12/20 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”The 10th meeting

    19 Dec

    • 13:00–15:30. Gen YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Social ecology of chimpanzee cultures: Implications for evolution of sociality”
    • 16:00–18:30. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu Gakuin University) “Social considerations in nonhuman primates: An essay to see them as “experiencing subjects””

    20 Dec

    • 10:00–12:30. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Thinking Human Evolution through Body-Ornamentation - From Cognitive Revolution to Cosplay” (tentative)
    • 10:00–12:30. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Affect, sociality and fieldwork” (tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/19 (Sat)
    The 35th meeting of the Japanese Association for Manchu and Qing Studies

    Session 1 Presentations

    • 10:00–11:30. Noriko ARAKI (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “A bibliographical study of Tuwancihiyame dasaha Si siyang gi bithe”
    • 10:00–11:30. Jeong-up DO (Seoul National University) “Morphological analysis of -mbihe and -mbime in Manchu”

    Session 2 Presentations

    • 12:40–14:10. Huhmuchir (Inner Mongolia University) “Studies on the ömči and qubi of the Mongol Noblemen from the Northern Yuan to the Qing”
    • 12:40–14:10. Yoko NII (Japan society for the promotion of science) “Translations of the Last testament of the Kangxi Emperor into European languages and their circulation”

    Session 3 Presentations

    • 14:20–15:50. Suzushi HAYATA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Apparent exceptions to the use of the genitive case in Classical Manchu”
    • 14:20–15:50. Sang-chul PARK (Seoul National University) “The diachronical development of -me bi in written Manchu”

    Session 4 Symposium: “Environmental changes around Sibe: From the perspectives of history and linguistics”

    • 16:00–17:20. Tomoyuki KUBO (ILCAA Joint researcher, Kyushu University) “Phonological systems of Sibe and the surrounding languages”
    • 16:00–17:20. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Immigration of Sibe and language contact: its reflection on some verbal forms”
    • 16:00–17:20. Kicengge (Otemon Gakuin University) “On the history and language of Sibe”
    • 16:00–17:20. Kicentai (Northeast Normal University) “Changes in the people and the society of Sibe in modern history: a new perspective based on the materials in the archives of Cabciyal”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required.
    • *This event will be held as an online meeting via Zoom. *Please make a registeration on the following online form until 15th December (Tue.) to participate the meeting. *The Zoom ID will be sent by 17th December (Fri.) by email.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Jointly sponsored by The Japanese Association for Manchu and Qing studies, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) “Historical and sociolinguistic study of the Manchu language” (Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Project Number:20K20274)
    20202020/12/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Typological Study of the Areal Lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asia” The 4th meeting
    • 13:30–15:00. Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Fellow) “Lexical typological aspects of nDrapa”
    • 15:10–16:40. Norihiko HAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Issues in Youle Jino lexicon and its semantic categories”
    • 16:40–17:00. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/19 (Sat)
    JSPS KAKENHI Project “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” the 4th domestic meeting
    • 14:00-14:20. Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Introduction
    • 14:20-15:20. Kengo HARIMOTO (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L'Orientale”) “An Investigation of the History of Buddhist Vihāras in the Kathmandu Basin Relying upon Inscriptions and Colophons”
    • 15:40-16:40. Jun TAKASHIMA (ILCAA) “Buddhism in South India in the Terminal Period”
    • 17:00-17:20. Masahiko MITA (Nagoya University) Comments
    • 17:20-18:00. All participants General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” (Principal Investigator: Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Project number: 18H03569)
    301, Online meeting
    20202020/12/18 (Fri) - 2020/12/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 16th meeting

    18 Dec

    • 14:00–15:50. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) ”Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 19 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) ”Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 19 (second part)”

    19 Dec

    • 10:00–11:50. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 20 (first part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 20 (second part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. youhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site02
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/18 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation and Revival of the Legitimacy in Modern Arab Monarchies in Rivalry with Islamism”The 2nd meeting
    • 8 participants (Masato IIZUKA, Hirotake ISHIGURO, Aiko NISHIKIDA, Nozomi SHIRATANI, Koji HORINUKI, Takuya MURAKAMI, Salouai ZERHOUNI, Driss MAGHRAOUI)
    • Language: English
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/13 (Sun)
    Meeting for young researchers: “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”
    • All participants Discussion on the details and implementation of the research project for young researchers of “The origin and evolution of sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/12 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdisciplinary Research”The 5th meeting
    • 9:00-9:10. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) Opening remarks
    • 9:10-10:00. Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, NINJAL, Chiba University) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: The correspondence between the field meterials and “Ainugo saru Hoogen Jiten [A Dictionary of the Saru Dialect of Ainu]” (1) ”
    • 10:10-11:00. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: Materials from Bihoro dialect (5)”
    • 11:10-12:00. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu Language materials in ILCAA: materials of Saru dialect (4)”
    • 13:00-13:50. Hiroshi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) “Conversational material of Ainu recorded at the Ainu Language Camp, August 21, 1976”
    • 14:00-14:50. Leo TADAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Center for Northern Languages and Cultures) “Documentation and organization of materials in Tamura Laboratory”
    • 15:10-16:00. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Tracking Prof. Ikegami’s study on Tungusic languages by Prof. Tamura’s notebooks”
    • 16:10-17:00. All members General discussion: for the second term of the joint research project
    • Moderator: Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/12 (Sat)
    The 5th Open Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”
    • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Opening Speech
    • Nirihiro ITAGUCHI (Sizuoka University) “Visual processing of self-generated bodily movement”
    • Xiaojie TIAN (Tsukuba University) “Body Performance as the Process of Co-Shaping: From the Daily Experiences of Children and Adolescent in Pastoralist Maasai Society in Kenya”
    • Yayoi KOTANI (Shinshu University) “The signification of ‘watching Noh’: Across the border of visualization, visualization of the invisiblization”
    • Ken MATHUSHIMA (Hiroshima University ) “Feeling the body enwinded: An anthropological inquiry from the experience of Teatr Laboratorium in Italy”
    • 16:40-16:50. So KANAZAWA (Japan Women's University) Comments 1
    • 16:50-17:00. Tomohisa SATO (Kyoto City University of Arts) Comments 2
    • 17:00-17:30. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • For any inquirements, send an email to the Symposium office: kao2020aa[at] (please change [at] to @.)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Pre-regisutration is required. For registration, please visit the link here.Registration deadline is 6th Dec.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)  “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”(Principal Investigator: Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Project/Area Number: 1901), Core Project(Anthropology) of the ILCAA “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/08 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (6)
    • 12:00-12:20. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Listening to stories in a summer grassland” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online meeting
    20202020/12/05 (Sat) - 2020/12/06 (Sun)
    Field linguistics webinar
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202020/12/04 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 15th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 18 (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 18 (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202020/11/28 (Sat)
    The second meeting of Mediterranean Literature research group in 2020
    • 1. Marie KOKUBO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The Italian writer’s eyes on “Beyond the Sea””
    • 2. Hiroki TOMITA (The University of Kitakyushu) “Review on“Efimeral””
    • 3. All members Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Decentralizing the “Mediterranean Literature” towards multilingual area studies” (Principal Investigator: Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H01249)
    20202020/11/28 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Inter-disciplinary Approach to the Diversity and Dynamics of Swahili Varieties”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “On the origin of ‘ndiyo’ and ‘hapana’ in Swahili: A perspective from the Nyoro language”
    • 2. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS overseas research fellow/University of Essex) “On the emergence process of the person pronominal markers: Suggestion from the shortened forms of the demonstratives in the Makunduchi dialect of Swahili” (tentative)
    • 3. All participants General discussions about project outcomes and future perspectives
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202020/11/27 (Fri) - 2020/11/28 (Sat)
    International Symposium: Pandemic Realities in South Asia: Identity, Exclusion and Everyday Experiences of Diversify Community/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”

    27 Nov Part-1 Regional Diversities

    • Zoom Technical Operator: Riadul Islam Sakib (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh) Chair: Rasheda Akhter (Jahangirnagar University)

    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • Nurul Huda Sakib (Jahangirnagar University) Introduction


    • Afroza Khatun (Surendranath College for Women, Kolkata) and Utsa Sarmin (Cambridge University) “Covid 19 and Islam in India: A Study of the Digital Social Media Productions”


    • Ranjan Saha Partha (Jahangirnagar University) and Abul Kalam (Helen Keller Foundation, Dhaka) “Beyond New Normal Life: COVID-19 and Everyday Experiences of Lower Income Populace in Bangladesh”


    • Aliya Abbasi (the University of Queensland, Australia) “The Violence of Destitution, Inequality, and Deprivation in the age of COVID-19: Struggles of Impoverished Urban Children in Pakistan”

    [Sri Lanka]

    • Rajni Gamage (University of Queensland) “Sri Lanka’s Experience of COVID-19 and the Politics of Authoritarian Populism”


    • Mujib Abid (University of Queensland) “Pandemic in the Time of War: Responses to COVID-19 Outbreak in Afghanistan”


    • Keshab Giri (The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia) “Making Feminist Sense of COVID-19 in Nepal”

    • Discussant 1: Mozahidul Islam (Jahangirnagar University) Discussant 2: Masood Imran (Jahangirnagar University) Discussant 3: Sharmeen Ahmed (Independent University, Dhaka)
    • All participants General Discussion

    28 Nov Diversified Experiences

    • Zoom Technical Operator: Riadul Islam Sakib (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh) Chair: Saifur Rashid (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh)


    • Md. Sazzadul Alam, Rasheda Akhtar, Tania Saha and Mossabber Hossain (Jahangirnagar University) “Life in ‘Between and betwixt’: Anthropological exploration of COVID-19”


    • Marilyn Kwan Kharkongor (University of Sydney) “Covid-19 Reveals Hidden Secrets: Plight of the Migrant Workers in India”


    • Nurul Huda Sakib and Mohammad Sajedur Rahman (Jahangirnagar University) “Community Activism During COVID-19: Pattern, Consequences and Facades in Bangladesh”


    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Muslim Societies and Prevention Strategies of Covid-19 in South Asia:Saudi Arabia, Bangladeesh, and Pakistan”


    • Farah Naz (National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan) “Post COVID-19 Automation Anxiety”


    • Moiyen Zalal Chowdhury (Hiroshima University, Japan) “Social Media Governmentality in Pandemic: The case of Bangladesh during Covid 19”

    • Discussant 1: Naseem Akhter Hussain (Jahangirnagar University) Discussant 2: Bulbul Ashraf (North South University, Bangladesh) Discussant 3: Obydullah Al Marjuk (Independent University, Bangladesh)
    • All participants General Discussion
    • Ranjan Saha Partha (Jahangirnagar University) Closing Remarks
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research: Fostering Joint International Research (B) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024), Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
    International online meeting
    20202020/11/27 (Fri) - 2020/11/28 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 14th meeting

    27 Nov

    • 14:00–15:50. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site 01 (First part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Ryouhei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Deliberations on the Transcribitons of Wooden Tablets from the Liye-site 01 (Second part)”

    28 Nov

    • 10:00–11:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan-university) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 16”
    • 13:15–15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 17 (First part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 17 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202020/11/24 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (5)
    • 12:00-12:20. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “On the circumfix in Chukuchi” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online Meeting
    20202020/11/22 (Sun)
    Palestine/ Israel research group in 2020
    • Makiko NAMBU (Graduate School of Global Studies,TUFS) “Palestinian women’s experiences of arrest and detention in Israeli prisons”
    Online Meeting
    20202020/11/22 (Sun)
    International Symposium: “How Are Young People in Africa Thinking and Living?: Education, Unemployment, Aesthetics, Politics, and Singleness”
    Online Meeting
    20202020/11/22 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia-Transnational Networks and Local Responses”The 2nd meeting
    • 14:00-15:30. Takeshi KONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Eiwa Jyogakuin) “Theoretical Issues of the KAKENHI “Ideas, Movement, And Institutionalization: A Study On Dissemination Processes Of Salafism in Southeast Asia? Cases of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines (JSPS 19H01462)””
    • 15:40-17:10. Yuji THUBOI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meio University) “Vision for “Islamic State(negara Islam)” by Malay Muslims in Singapore during the 1950s and 1960s” (tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20202020/11/15 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking History of Agriculture and Rural Society in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous”Agricultural RevolutionThe 3rd meeting
    • 1. Koji TANAKA (Kyoto University) “Agriculture in Africa from the Viewpoint of History of Agricultural Development in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Perspective”
    • 2. Mitsutoshi TOKUNAGA (Osaka University of Economics) “Toward a New History of Japanese Agriculture and Comparative Study on Agricultural Systems based on Circulation of Living Things”
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    Room 302, Toukou, Omiya Campus, Ryukoku University, Online meeting
    20202020/11/15 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”The 9th meeting
    • 1. Kaoru ADACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “Urban Fieldwork: Ethnoprimatology and Digital Humanities” (Tentative)
    • 2. Motomitsu UCHIBORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Specially Appointed Professor, The Open University of Japan/Hitotsubashi Unversity) “On extended sociality”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspectives on Hominization”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20202020/11/14 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages (2)”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Characteristics of the elements that can be classified as clitics in Mongolian”
    • 2. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “TBA”
    • 3. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “TBA”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202020/11/14 (Sat)
    Cultural/Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2020
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • For details, please see here. (71KB)
    • Jointly sponsored by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
    Online Meeting
    20202020/11/14 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”The 2nd meeting
    • Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “About “multiple syllable onset” theory of old Chinese and construction of Kanji”
    • Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Problems on phonetic value in Southeast Asian Indic scripts”
    • Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the total number of Tangut scripts”
    • All Members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20202020/11/14 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “1000 Years of Indigenous Groups in Northern Punjab”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Please contact: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @) by 11 November.
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20202020/11/10 (Tue) - 2020/11/30 (Mon)
    Exhibition “The World of Folk Tale in Minority Languages: A Look at Jingpho, Seychellois Creole, and Buryat Folk Tales from Picture Book”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    1F, ILCAA
    20202020/11/10 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (4)
    • 12:00-12:20. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Doing linguistic fieldworks on Zoom” (in Japanese)
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online meeting
    20202020/11/08 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 2nd meeting
    • 1.. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “Emotionalization of Kingship and its Provenance in the Princely State of Mysore” 
    • 2.. Katsuyuki IDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chuo University) “Emotions toward to the salvation in hagiographies of medieval Maharashtra”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-regisutration is required. This meeting will be held online through Zoom.
    • Send an email to the following address by 5 Nov: findas_office [at] (Please change [at] to @), inform us with your name and your email address. The Zoom ID and password will be sent in advance.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”, The Center for South Asina Studies (FINDAS)
    Online meeting
    20202020/11/06 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 13th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) 「史料講読:『里耶秦簡(二)』第9層簡牘15(前半)」
    • 16:10–18:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) 「史料講読:『里耶秦簡(二)』第9層簡牘15(後半)」
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202020/10/30 (Fri)
    Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop: How to design good presentation slides
    • Facilitator: Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Lecturer: Tomoyo OTSUKI (Shizuoka Eiwa Gakuin University)
    • ILCAA offers various workshops on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages.

    • Main Topics: Design tips of a presentation slide

    Online meeting
    20202020/10/26 (Mon)
    International Symposium: “Performing the Self and Playing with the Otherness: Clothing and Costuming under Transcultural conditions”
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please check here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Construction of the Face-Body studies in transcultural conditions” (Area Organizer: Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University), Area Number:1901), Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), KKLO, The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2
    Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto 10, Jakarta 12710
    20202020/10/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”The 8th meeting
    • 1. Noriko ITOH (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University) “Lives & gender in a chimpanzee group”
    • 2. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Specially Appointed Professor, Hitotsubashi University) “The sense of number and the sense of magnitude”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspectives on Hominization”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/20 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (3)
    • 12:00-12:20. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA) “Language and education of Vietnamese people in Japan”
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/18 (Sun)
    The third meeting of Palestine/ Israel research group in 2020
    Online Meeting
    20202020/10/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transition and Interaction among Modern Muslim Intellectuals” The 1st meeting
    • 1.
    • Language: Japanese
    Online Meeting
    20202020/10/17 (Sat) - 2020/10/18 (Sun)
    Field linguistics workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 18 “Issues in syllable structure”

    17 Oct

    • 10:00-10:10. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 10:10-11:00. Shun NAKAMOTO (Graduate School, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) “Prenasalized consonants and the internal structure of the onset in Ayautla Mazatec”
    • 11:10-12:00. Sho YAMAOKA (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “The syllable structure of Hanoi Vietnamese: Based on the positon of medials”
    • 12:00-12:50. Ayaka HIRANO (Graduate School, Osaka University) “Syllable internal structure of Nung in Trang Dinh district of Lang Son province”

    18 Oct

    • 10:00-10:50. Kanji KATO (Graduate School, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Syllable, accent, and laryngeal consonant in Tokunoshima Amami”
    • 10:50-11:40. Ryuichi TAKI (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Syllable structure in the Uchinoura dialect of Kagoshima Japanese”
    • 11:50-12:40. Misato SHIMIZU (Graduate School, Osaka University) “Syllable structure in the Yaw dialect of Burmese”
    • 12:40-13:00. All participants Discussion
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/16 (Fri) - 2020/10/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 12th meeting

    16 Oct

    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) 「“Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 13 (First part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 13 (Second part)”

    17 Oct

    • 10:00–11:50. All participants Editorial Meeting
    • 13:15–15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 14 (First part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 14 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/10 (Sat) - 2020/10/11 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics” The 1st meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please check here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian and African Geolinguistics”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Deciphering the History of Yaponesians through Comparison and Analyses between Japanese and the Other Concerned Languages”(Principal Investigator:Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Project Number:18H05510)
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transition and Interaction among Modern Muslim Intellectuals” The 1st meeting
    • 1. Kenichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan) Introduction
    • 2. Kenichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan) “Syria”
    • 3. Ko IWAKURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Azerbaijan”
    • 4. Seika WAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu University) “Uzbekisan”
    • 5. Shoko WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) “Maghreb”
    • 6. All members General comment
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics” The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Shinsuke HIDAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Roundtable: Information Structure in Uzbek”
    • 2. Yuto HISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Roundtable: On the Chuvash clitic =Ax from an information structure perspective”
    • 3. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Roundtable: Interrogative sentences in Sibe”
    • 4. All participants General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20192020/10/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia” The 6th meeting

    “Transformation of Muslim Society and Life World”

    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • Kenichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Junior fellow, The Middle East Institute of Japan) “Tourism and its Politicization in Saudi Arabia”
    • Ryo ARAKI (The University of Tokyo) “Indonesian Society and its Islam through the Analysis of “Religious Commodities””
    • Yusuke KATSURA (Graduate School at Osaka University) “Typology of Conversion to Islam in Japan: Beyond the Marriage / Voluntary Conversion Dichotomy”
    • Sachiyo KOMAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takasaki City University of Economics)
    • Hirofumi OKAI (Kyoai Gakuen University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/10 (Sat)
    Exhibition Event: Gallery Talk II
    • Takashi SAKATA (Ishinomaki Senshu University) “Knowledge and Practice of Gulf Women’s Clothing under the Heat”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Register through this site. (in Japanese) Registration deadline is 6th Oct.
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) at ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Construction of the Face-Body studies in transcultural conditions” (Principal Investigator: Mami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Project Number:17H06340)
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/06 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (2)
    • 12:00-12:20. Kanae IWASAKI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Description of Hawaiian function words”
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/05 (Mon)
    Exhibition Event: Gallery Talk I
    • Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Face-Veiling Practice: A Comparison between the Thai and Gulf Cases”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Register through this site. (in Japanese) Registration deadline is 1st Oct.
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) at ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Construction of the Face-Body studies in transcultural conditions” (Principal Investigator: Mami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Project Number:17H06340)
    303, Online meeting
    20202020/10/04 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival Study on Fiscal administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid Shrine in Iran”The 8th meeting
    • 13:00–14:00. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Vaqf-administrators and Endowed Properties of the Ardabil Shrine under the Safavids”
    • 14:00–15:00. All participants Discussion on Publication of a Collection of Papers on this Joint Research
    • 15:00–16:00. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Report on the Plan to Create a Database of Properties of Ardabil Shrine Based on the Land Inventory (Salih al-milk) Compiled by ‘Abdi Beg (the 16th Century)”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202020/10/02 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 11th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 12 (First part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian 12 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301,Online meeting
    20202020/10/01 (Thu)
    Workshop on Multi-disciprinary Study on COVID-19 Pandemic and Culture/Society (tentative title)
    • 14:00–14:15. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA), Takeo HUJIWARA (Tokyo Medical and Dental University) Introduction
    • 14:15–15:00. All participants Self-introduction
    • 15:10–15:40. Takeo HUJIWARA (Tokyo Medical and Dental University) Talk 1 “Responses to Corona pandemic in Japan and world”
    • 15:45–16:15. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Talk 2 “COVID-19 Pandemic and Culture/Society-An anthropological case study on the Philippines (tentative title)”
    • 16:15-17:30. All participants Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2” , KKLO, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Department of Global Health Promotion), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) “Cultural Anthropological Fieldwork on Facial and Bodily Expressions” (Principal Investigator: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Project Number:17H06341)
    Online meeting
    20192020/09/26 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives” (rescheduled)The 6th meeting
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo) “The Potential of Population Registers (Nüfus Defterleri) in the reign of Mahmud II as Historical Source”
    • Comment: Kumiko SAITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Sacred Heart)
    • 3. General discussion
    • 4. Review of the research project
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Resarch Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “A diachronic and synchronic study on bookkeeping and registers in the Muslim societies” (Principal Investigator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H02398)
    Online meeting
    20202020/09/18 (Fri) - 2020/09/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 10th meeting

    18 Sep

    • 14:00–15:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian10 (First part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian10 (Second part)”

    19 Sep

    • 10:00–11:50. All participants Editorial Meeting
    • 13:15–15:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian11 (First part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian11 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301,Online meeting
    20202020/09/17 (Thu) - 2020/09/20 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate StudentsOnline meeting
    20202020/09/14 (Mon) - 2020/10/30 (Fri)
    Exhibition “Mask Migrations: Unfold Stories of Women in the Arabian-Persian Gulf”
    • Wearing the face mask, regionally known as burqu῾ or baṭūla, is a longstanding tradition amongst Muslim women in the Arabian-Persian Gulf. Women customarily adopted the mask from puberty or their wedding day, continuing to wear it throughout their lives. The face mask has changed and developed throughout history, while closely related to individual identities and social shifts. The diffusion of this tradition to East Africa and the production of its fabric in India reflect historical maritime trade and the changing status of territories in the Indian Ocean. Despite the decrease in mask-wearing since the 1970s, the face mask has recently gained popularity amongst young women as a fashion statement. Through introducing masked women's stories and experiences, this exhibition intends to explore the diverse functions and values of this unique tradition, challenging the misconceptions of the “Islamic veil”.

    • 16:00-17:00.
    • 14:00-15:00.
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) at ILCAA, TUFS
    1F, ILCAA
    20202020/09/10 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Visualization of the History and Historical Space of the Middle East: Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Age”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. All members Introduction
    • 2. Yutaka GOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Yokohama City University) “Report on the Analyzation of A Tripdata of Modern Cairo”
    • 3. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202020/09/08 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Webinar Series (1)
    • 12:00-12:20. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Let’s try to typeset Excel data for dictionary-like printing”
    • 12:20-12:40. Q&A
    Online meeting
    20202020/09/07 (Mon) - 2020/09/10 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Research on Social Cognition Based on SCOPIC: the Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus”The 1st meeting

    7 Sep

    • 10:30–12:00. All participants Discussion on publication of SCOPIC texts and related editing work
    • 13:00–16:00. All participants Discussion on publication of SCOPIC texts and related editing work

    8 Sep

    • 10:30–12:00. All participants Discussion on publication of SCOPIC texts and related editing work
    • 13:00–16:00. All participants Discussion on publication of SCOPIC texts and related editing work

    9 Sep

    • 10:30–12:00. Nicholas Evans (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Australian National University) , Danielle Barth (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Australian National University) “A progress report on SCOPIC project in general”
    • 13:00–16:00. All participants Discussion on publication of SCOPIC texts and related editing work

    10 Sep

    • 10:30–12:00. All participants Discussion on publication of SCOPIC texts and related editing work
    • 13:00–16:00. All participants Discussion on publication of SCOPIC texts and related editing work
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202020/09/06 (Sun)
    Palestine/ Israel research group in 2020
    • 16:00-17:30. Yuki SAWAGUCHI (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) “What is the experience of frontline units for Israeli female soldiers?” (tentative)
    • 17:30-18:00. All members meeting
    Online Meeting
    20202020/09/05 (Sat) - 2020/09/06 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”The 6th meeting

    5 Sep

    • 13:00-15:00. Yuichi SEKIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Reconsidérant “Alerte sous les Tropiques” par Cheikh Anta Diop”
    • 15:00-17:00. Tasuku SASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) ““Popular” Revolution and a Literary Magazine: About “Revista Cultural Nicaráuac”, Nicaragua 1980’s”
    • 17:00-18:30. All members Discussion on the next research meeting

    6 Sep

    • 10:30-12:30. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Maghemout Diop” L’unique issue : l’indépendance totale”
    • 13:30-15:00. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Global Studies on Historical Formation of World Cultural Capital System” (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) Project Number: 17H02328)
    304*Depending on the situation about COVID-19, it would become online meeting
    20202020/09/05 (Sat)
    2020 Jointly Sponsored Seminar by FSC and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality”: See Monkeys in the Same Way to See Humans
    • 13:15-13:20. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Opening Address
    • 13:20-13:30. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu Gakuin University) Introduction
    • 13:30-14:10. Tomoyuki TAJIMA (Unit of Synergetic Studies for Space, Kyoto University) “Nothing but me and you: Continuity between orangutan's sharing and human’s gift”
    • 14:20-15:00. Nahoko TOKUYAMA (Primate Research Institute/ Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University) “Patterns of inter-group aggressive interactions indicate competition among males and cooperation among females in bonobos”
    • 15:10-15:50. Haruka TANIGUCHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Infant care during the weaning period in wild Japanese macaques”
    • 16:00-16:15. Comment 1
    • Akio TANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo)
    • 16:15-16:30. Comment 2
    • Osamu NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University)
    • 16:30-16:45. Comment 3
    • Keiichiro MATSUMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University)
    • 16:45-17:00. Replies to the comments
    • 17:10-18:00. All members General discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, please contact: sociality.oe[at] (please replace [at] to @) by 2nd Sep.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center (FSC), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number:19H05591), Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Online meeting
    20192020/09/05 (Sat)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2019 (Jinghpaw)/ The 2nd meeting on Kachin studies
    • 14:00–14:30. Makoto KATAOKA “On features of narrative structures in Jinghpaw folktales”
    • 14:30–15:00. Masao IMAMURA (Yamagata University) “Jinghpaw-Kachin in three countries: Towards a comparative study”
    • 15:00–15:30. Roi Sawm SUMLUT (Graduate School, International Christian University) “A study of the relationships among the six Kachin tribes”
    • 15:40–16:10. Keisuke HUZIWARA (Kyoto University) “Kadu and Ganan in Kachin State”
    • 16:10–16:40. Moeno KIUCHI (Graduate School, University of Essex) “The current situation of Kachin IDPs”
    • 16:40–17:10. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Documentation of the Kachin folktales”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)“
    Online meeting
    20202020/09/04 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 9th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian09 (First part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian09 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301,Online meeting
    20202020/08/29 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Typological Study of the Areal Lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asia”The 3rd meeting
    • 13:30–15:00. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Lexical typological aspects of Kuki-Chin languages”
    • 15:10–16:40. Aika TOMITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Shoin Women's University) “The lexicon of Tai Lue”
    • 16:40–17:00. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202020/08/26 (Wed) - 2020/08/27 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”The 2nd meeting

    26 Aug

    • 13:00-14:30. Keiichiro SAKO (Ritsumeikan University) “The transformation of exchange game between people and livestock in Sumba”
    • 14:45-16:15. Masaharu KAWANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Remembering Ranking-Titles as the Debt of Gratitude: A Case Study of the Chieftainship and Feasting in Pohnpei, Micronesia”
    • 16:30-18:00. Arihiro MINOO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo University) “Informal finance as a livelihood strategy—A Case Study of Coffee Farmers in Lao PDR”

    27 Aug

    • 9:00-10:30. Ayako SEKINO (Kyoto University) “The dilemma of sharing of resources and decision making in development projects:Case Studies of Indigenous Society in Sri Lanka and Hunting and Gathering Society in Cameroon”
    • 10:45-12:15. oru SAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “To pay back debts of violence: Vengeance and blood price in East African pastoral societies”
    • 13:15-14:45. Takashi SAKAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Prefecture University) “What is State?” (tentative)
    • 15:00-16:00. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    303 w/Online broadcast *Depending on the situation of COVID-19, it may become online meeting
    20192020/08/26 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Norihisa BABA (The University of Tokyo) “Formation of Historography in Buddhism: Indian Mainland and Sri Lanka”
    • 2. Jae-Eun SHIN (ILCAA Fellow, The University of Tokyo) “Descending from Demons, Ascending to Kshatriyas: Genealogical Claims and Political Process in Pre-modern Northeast India”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, please contact to Satoshi OGURA: ogura[at] change [at] to @) by 23 August.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    Online Meeting
    20202020/08/23 (Sun)
    Palestine/ Israel research group in 2020
    • 14:00–15:30. Nao SHIMAMOTO (Osaka Schools of International Public Policy, Osaka University/ JSPS) “A Study of Occupation Policy System in Palestine through Collective Punishment” (tentative)
    • 15:30-16:00. All participants meeting
    Online Meeting
    20202020/08/22 (Sat) - 2020/08/24 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (2)”The 4th meeting

    22 - 24 Aug

    • 20:00–22:00. All participants “Workshop in compiling data from microvariation parameters for Bantu tone”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202020/08/22 (Sat)
    Minpaku Lecture Series in Modern Middle East Studies
    • Pegah Shahbaz (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Marvels and Elements of Wonder in the Persian Popular Story of the Ḥātam-nāma”
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Center for Modern Middle East Studies, National Museum of Ethnology, Center for Modern Middle East Studies, ILCAA
    Seminar Room L, National Museum of Ethnology,(w/online broadcast)
    20192020/08/22 (Sat)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2019 (Jinghpaw) /The 1st meeting on Kachin studies
    • 14:00–14:30. Hinano SHIMOZATO “My first trip to Kachin State”
    • 14:30–15:00. Yuanzong ZHANG (TUFS) “Pela and Jingpho”
    • 15:00–15:30. Lu Aung “A field report on Kachin culture”
    • 15:40–16:10. Nana SUZUKI (Yamagata University) “A report on the Yamagata University’s Kachin Study Tour”
    • 16:10–16:40. Takenori MURAKAMI (Kyoto University) “Singphos in Upper Assam from the colonial records”
    • 16:40–17:10. Toshio TOYAMA “The command-response model in acoustics and the Jinghpaw tonology”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)“
    Online Meeting
    20202020/08/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Masato NAKATSUKASA (Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, Kyoto University) “Primate evolution and emergence of sociality”
    • 2. Gen SUWA (The University Museum, The University of Tokyo) “On human evolutionary trajectories and sociality”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspectives on Hominization”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI(ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online Meeting
    20202020/08/21 (Fri)
    Lecture on the Persian versions of “Heer u Ranjha”
    • Pegah Shahbaz (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Punjabi Narratives in Persian Literary Culture: The Case of Heer Ranjha”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-resistration is required.
    • For registration, please inform Satoshi OGURA: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @) either face-to-face or online participation. Registration deadline is 19 August. Depending on the situation of COVID-19, it may become online meeting.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Department of Hindi, School of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” (Principal Investigator: Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0013)
    • Supported by The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (FINDAS)
    Room 607, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, (w/online broadcast)
    20202020/08/08 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Inter-disciplinary approach to the diversity and dynamics of Swahili varieties” The 5th meeting
    • 1. Sayaka KUTSUKAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS research fellow/ILCAA) “A study on the language practice in Tanzania: Based on Translanguaging theory” (tentative)
    • 2. All participants General discussions about project outcomes and future perspectives
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online Meeting
    20202020/07/29 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)” Workshop “Special talk on the fieldworks of KANJI and others”
    • Speakers: Naomichi KUROSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokugakuin University), Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University), Kazuhiro OKADA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hakkai-Gakuen University), Hiroyuki SASAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University), Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University), Masayuki YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo)
    • Chairman: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-resistration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”, Editorial department of FIELDPLUS
    Online meeting
    20202020/07/26 (Sun)
    Workshop “Remains and Memories of Buddhists in Islamizing West Asia”
    • 1. Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) “Introduction to the Vihāra Project”
    • 2. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “An overview of Buddhists in Islamizing West Asia”
    • 3. Pegah Shahbaz (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “The Persian Belawhar wa Buyūzasf: A Case Study of the Life Story of the Buddha in Persian literary Culture”
    • 4. Philippe Marquis (Director, the DAFA Project) “New data about the Now Bahar and the development of Buddhism in Balkh oasis”
    • 5. All members Discussions
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, please contact to Satoshi OGURA: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @.) by July 23.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” (Principal Investigator: Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Project number: 18H03569), Joint Research Group “Studies on the cultures and societies in Premodern Inner Asia and its adjacent areas”, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
    Online meeting
    20202020/07/26 (Sun)
    International Workshop “The revolt of 1916 in Central Asia and refugees into Xinjiang: Reconsideration from the cross border perspective”/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Eurasia” The 1st meeting
    • 1. Jin NODA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 2. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “How did the foreign affairs affect the migrations into Xinjiang? Focusing on the Dungan and Kazakh cases”
    • 3. Tetsu AKIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda Universtiy) “Four years in Xinjiang: Considering the impact of the Kirghiz heads of the 1916 revolt on the Soviet building”
    • 4. All members General Discussion
    • David Brophy (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Sydney)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, please contact to Jin NODA: nodajin[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Asia”, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (Waseda University), Central Eurasian Studies Association
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/07/25 (Sat) - 2020/07/26 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 2nd meeting

    25 Jul

    • 1. Shunzo ONODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Bukkyo University) “On and around the fast-ritual in Tibet”
    • 2. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “A Preliminary Field Study of the Religio-Cultural Vocabulary in the Himalayan region of Nepal”
    • 3. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/TUFS) “Toward the Systematic Comparisons of Expressions for Livestock”
    • 4. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Introduction to Lha-byams-rgyal's《’Jam: An Ethnography of M village》: Featuring its Literary and Encyclopedic Approach”
    • 5. All members Discussion

    26 Jul

    • 1. Kei NAGAOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Kansai University) “Himalayan alpine plant usage and folk names in the everyday life”
    • 2. Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai Nationalities University) “Folk Classification of plants in Tibet”
    • 3. All members Discussion for Ideas of Systematic Comparisons
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20202020/07/19 (Sun)
    The first meeting of Mediterranean Literature research group in 2020
    • 1. Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA Project Assitant Professor) “Mediterranean Culture in Israel”
    • 2. Ayako OKU (Kyoristu Women's University) “Short Report on the anthology “World Literature, Literature of the World””
    • 3. All members Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Decentralizing the “Mediterranean Literature” towards multilingual area studies” (Principal Investigator: Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H01249)
    20202020/07/19 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on the Interactions between Islamism and Socio-cultural Factors in Southeast Asia-Transnational Networks and Local Responses”The 1st meeting
    • 14:00-15:20. All members Introduction, Meeting on study plan
    • 15:30-17:30. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Between Unmmah and Bangsa―Islam and Identhity among the Moro in the Philippines”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Ilcaa, KKLO
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/07/17 (Fri) - 2020/07/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 8th meeting

    17 Jul

    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian07 (First part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian07 (Second part)”

    18 Jul

    • 10:00–11:50. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “On Modifications of Transcription in the Annotated Translation of Strips and Tablets from the Liye site 01”
    • 13:15–15:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian08 (First part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian08 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    20202020/07/11 (Sat)
    International Workshop “Two popular romances in the Persianate Societies: the Hamza-nama and the Hatam-nama”
    • Kumiko YAMAMOTO (Independent Researcher) “Symbiosis between the Hamzanama and the Shahnama”
    • Pegah SHAHBAZ (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Narrativity, Intertextuality and Style in the Hatam-Nama”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, please notify face-to-face or online participation to Nobuaki KONDO (n-kondo[at] (please change [at] to @.) by 9 July. Only a few seats are available for preventing virus infection, but you can also join it online.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “A Multidisciplinary Study on Formation, Transmission, and Reception of Persian Historical Romances” (Principal Investigator: NobuKi KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H01250)
    306 (w/Zoom broadcast)
    20202020/07/04 (Sat) - 2020/07/05 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts (2)”The 1st meeting

    4 Jul

    • 13:30. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
    • 14:00. Kazue IWASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies) “Current studies on the Yi script and manuscripts (2020)”
    • 15:30. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Re-analysis of the Tangut radicals which have ‘five’ strokes”

    5 Jul

    • 08:30. All participants Scheduling and discussion for 2020 year
    • 08:30. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (1)
    • 08:30. All participants Discussion on the terms for the studies on scripts (2)
    • Language: Japanese
    20202020/07/04 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages (2)” The 3rd meeting
    • 14:00–15:30. Norifumi KUROSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kumamoto Gakuen University) “Temporal Converbs with Focus Particles in Korean: Focusing on Conditionals”
    • 15:40–17:10. Daisuke EBINA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kansai University of International Studies) “Nominal Classifiers in Kamsá”
    • 17:10–17:30. All participants Discussion on the planning of the project
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/07/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 7th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reconsidering the Transcription and Annotation of the first scroll of Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (first part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reconsidering the Transcription and Annotation of the first scroll of Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202020/06/27 (Sat) - 2020/06/28 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”The 6th meeting

    27 Jun

    • 13:00–15:30. Takuya MATSUMOTO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “What does primatology clarify about “disability?””
    • 16:00–18:30. Toru SOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “The Sociality in Ethnic Conflict of Pastoral Society”

    28 Jun

    • 10:00–12:30. Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “Multi-faceted way of knowing things” (tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/06/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (2)” The 3rd meeting
    • 20:00–20:30. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) , Seunghun LEE (ILCAA Joint researcher, ICU), Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint researcher) “Microvariation parameters for Bantu tone; the trial version and its instruction”
    • 20:35–21:35. All participants Outline of the tonal phenomena of the participants’ target languages: based on the tentative parameters
    • 21:40–22:00. All participants Discussion on the tentative version of microvariation parametes for Bantu tone
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting
    20202020/06/19 (Fri) - 2020/06/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4):Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 6th meeting

    19 Jun

    • 14:00–15:50. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian05 (First part)”
    • 16:10–18:00. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian05 (Second part)”

    20 Jun

    • 10:00–11:50. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian06 (First part)”
    • 13:15–15:00. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Reading: Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian06 (Second part)”
    • 15:15–17:00. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “An estimation on the date of tablet 8-2163+8-0671+8-0721O from the Liye Site and investigation on 'ShouGuan’ appintees”
    • Language: Japanese
    301,Online meeting
    20202020/06/14 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and SemanticsThe 2nd meeting
    • 1. Kumiko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics), Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) Project orientation
    • 2. All members Discussion on the project activity planning
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/06/13 (Sat)
    Multipolalization of Muslim Society in South Asia
    • 1. Koichi FUJITA (Kyoto University) “On the working conditions of South Asian migrants in UAE”
    • 2. Takami ISHIZAKA (Kanto Gakuin University) “A case study of women’s savings groups in rural Bangladesh”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • For registration, please inform your name, institute, and e-mail address to
      Masahiko TOGAWA: fakir[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/06/07 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project Information Structure and the Grammar of Knowledge in Turkic Languages: Interface of Phonology, Morphosyntax and SemanticsThe 1st meeting
    • 1. Taiki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Research Fellow) “Is the clitic mI in Turkish really the ‘question’ marker?”
    • 2. Masahiro OKU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A Preliminary Consideration of reflexive form in Turkmen”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/06/05 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4):Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 5th meeting
    • 14:00–15:50. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “On the Definition of ‘Words’ in the Office Index for the first Volume of Liyeqinjian”
    • 16:10–18:00. Ryohei ISHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “On the standard of word collection in the index of social work formation vocabulary for the first Volume of Liyeqinjian”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Online meeting
    20202020/05/31 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival Study on Fiscal administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid Shrine in Iran”The 7th meeting
    • 14:00–15:00. All Members “Discussion on the plan to publish the collection of papers”
    • 15:00–15:30. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Report on the plan to create a database of ‘Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk”
    • 15:30–16:00. All Members “General discussion on the joint research program of the final year”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202020/05/31 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a Theory of Tibetan and Himalayan Pastoral Culture—Based on systematic comparisons of folk vocabulary—”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Fellow, JSPS/Tokyo Universiy of Foreign Studies) “Introduction of this Joint Research Project”
    • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Introduction to Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism: From the perspective of building a new vocabulary questionnaire on pastoralism in Himalayas and Tibet”
    • 3. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Questionnaire for systematic understanding of milk culture (milk processing system)” , “Objectives and challenges for the 3rd period of Tibetan Pastoralism study”
    • 4. All participants Self-introduction
    • 5. All participants Discussion about the Research Plan
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/05/30 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Visualization of the History and Historical Space of the Middle East: Sharing Knowledge in the Digital Age”The 1st meeting
    • 13:00. All members Introduction to the meeting
    • 13:20. Satoru NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Introduction to TEI”
    • 15:00. All members Self-Introduction and Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/05/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Toshie AWAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Emotions in South Asian Studies: Preliminary introduction”
    • 2. Yoko TAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Prefectural University of Hiroshima) “The transaction of affect and the formation of the “body social”: Anthropological conceptions and South Asian movements”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Emotional Moments of Social Changes/Movements in South Asia”, The Center for South Asina Studies (FINDAS)
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/05/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    • 1. Pegah SHAHBAZ (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Reflections on the Śukasaptati/Ṭūṭīnāma narrative tradition in Persianate literary culture”
    • 2. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Kalhaṇa’s ‘Victory’ over Rashīd al-Dīn: Contesting Pre-Islamic History of Kashmir during the Jahāngīr Period”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is needed.
    • This research meeting will be held online through Zoom. Those interested in participating are required to send an email to Satoshi OGURA (ogura[at] (Please change [at] to @). The Zoom ID and password of the meeting will be sent in advance.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”,ILCAA Forum, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” (Principal Investigator: Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0013)
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20202020/05/15 (Fri) - 2020/05/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4):Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 4th meeting

    15 May

    • Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reexamination of Word Entries in the Office-Name and Person-Name Index for the Wooden Tablets from the 5th, 6th and 8th Layer of Liyeqinjian01(First part)”
    • Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reexamination of Word Entries in the Office-Name and Person-Name Index for the Wooden Tablets from the 5th, 6th and 8th Layer of Liyeqinjian01 (Second part)”

    16 May

    • Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian04(First part)”
    • Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading:Wooden Tablets from the 9th Layer of the Liyeqinjian04 (Second part)”
    • Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “A Quantative Examination of Grain Revenues and Expenditures seen on the Wooden Tablets from Liye”
    • Language: Japanese
    ILCAA Seminar Room(301), Kyoto University
    20202020/05/09 (Sat)
    【postponed】Symposium on Hazards “Resilience from 3.11 through Indigenous Knowledge”
    • Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • Shoichiro TAKEZAWA (Emeritus Professor, National Museum of Ethnology)  “Local Community, Shopping Street, and Internally Displaced Persons from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: What have I done since the 2011 East Japan Earthquake?”
    • 1. Yuichi SEKIYA (The University of Tokyo)
    • 2. Tom Gill (Meijigakuin University)
    • 3. Hiroki TAKAKURA (Tohoku University)
    • Yasushi UCHIYAMADA (University of Tsukuba) Comment
    • Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork Focused on Critical Situations” (Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H00948), Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20202020/05/08 (Fri)
    Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop: Facilitation of online seminar
    • ILCAA offers various workshops on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers.
      The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages.

    • Facilitator: Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
    • Abstract ()
    Online workshop via Zoom
    20202020/05/01 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian03 (First part)”
    • 2. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian03 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20202020/04/27 (Mon) - 2020/06/30 (Tue)
    【postponed】Exhibition “Mask Migrations: Unfold Stories of Women in the Arabian-Persian Gulf”
    • Wearing the face mask, regionally known as burqu῾ or baṭūla, is a longstanding tradition amongst Muslim women in the Arabian-Persian Gulf. Women customarily adopted the mask from puberty or their wedding day, continuing to wear it throughout their lives. The face mask has changed and developed throughout history, while closely related to individual identities and social shifts. The diffusion of this tradition to East Africa and the production of its fabric in India reflect historical maritime trade and the changing status of territories in the Indian Ocean. Despite the decrease in mask-wearing since the 1970s, the face mask has recently gained popularity amongst young women as a fashion statement. Through introducing masked women's stories and experiences, this exhibition intends to explore the diverse functions and values of this unique tradition, challenging the misconceptions of the “Islamic veil”.

    • Fri 5 Jun 15:30-16:00
    • Sun 21 Jun 16:00-17:00
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) at ILCAA, TUFS
    1F, ILCAA
    20202020/04/23 (Thu)
    【postponed】Presentations on information resources created by the IRC projects 2019
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Electronic reproduction of ILCAA Asian and African Grammatical Manual: Malayālam”
    • 3. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Expanding an open concordancer for Malay/Indonesian: Malindo Conc”
    • 4. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Compiling Database of publications in Sibe”
    • 5. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Publication of a cut & paste tool for audio material”
    • 6. Seunghun Lee (International Christian University, voice only), Keita Kurabe (ILCAA) “Building a digital archive of three Tibeto-Burman languages” (in English)
    • 7. Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “A research on archiving and opening to the public of visual materials for VR/AR”
    • 8. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism”
    • 9. Closing
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
    20192020/04/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (2)” The 2nd meeting
    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “An overview of Cross-Bantu tonology: towards a micro-parametric typology”
    • All participants “General discussion: Towards setting up meaningful parameters of Cross-Bantu tonal micro-typology”
    • Language: Japanese
    Online meeting
    20202020/04/17 (Fri) - 2020/04/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 2nd meeting

    17 Apr

    • 1. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian01 (First part)”
    • 2. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian01 (Second part)”

    18 Apr

    • Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian02 (First part)”
    • Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian02 (Second part)”
    • Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Considering the Conpilation Principles of the Annotated Translation of the Liyeqinjian”
    • Language: Japanese
    20202020/04/07 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”The 6th meeting
    • All Members “Discussion on the next research meeting”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Resarch Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Global Studies on Historical Formation of World Cultural Capital System” (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) Project Number: 17H02328)
    Online meeting via Zoom 
    20202020/04/03 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (4): Putting Daily Business of the Qin State Regional Administration under the Microscope”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Last Modifications on the Date, Person and Office Indices for the first Volume of Liyeqinjian (First Part)”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Last Modifications on the Date, Person and Office Indices for the first Volume of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20192020/03/31 (Tue)
    【postponed】[Internal Meeting] Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
    • Manami GOTO (JSPS Research Fellow) “Identity Politics and Cultural Traditions: Naturalised Iranian Migrants in the Gulf Arab States”
    • Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA Research Associate) “An Anthropological Study on Redevelopment of Beirut: Case Study of Mar Mikhail”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2)
    20192020/03/30 (Mon) - 2020/03/31 (Tue)
    【cancelled】ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”The 5th meeting

    30 Mar

    • 1. Discussion on the next research meeting
    • 2. Yuichi SEKIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Reconsidérant “Alerte sous les Tropiques” par Cheikh Anta Diop”
    • 3. Tasuku SASAKI (Kobe University) ““Popular” Revolution and a Literary Magazine: About “Revista Cultural Nicaráuac”, Nicaragua 1980’s”

    31 Mar

    • 1. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Maghemout Diop “L’unique issue : l’indépendance totale””
    • 2. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Resarch Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Global Studies on Historical Formation of World Cultural Capital System” (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (The University of Tokyo) Project Number: 17H02328), Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) “Study of the black literary and cultural journal Présence Africaine by an anthropological approach” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) Project Number:17K18480)
    Graduate School of Humanities build. A & C, , Rokkodai 2nd Campus, Kobe University
    20192020/03/29 (Sun) - 2020/03/30 (Mon)
    【postponed】ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics” The 9th meetingThe 9th meeting

    29 Mar [open]

    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Opening Remark
    • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Making Small Dictionaries in Digital Era: Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism and Its Future”
    • 3. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “Studies on Animal Consumption and its Memorial Services in the Contemporary Pastoral Society in Amdo”
    • 4. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Study on Folk Vocabulary for Livestock in Amdo Tibetan, and Its Documentation in Other Areas”
    • 5. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “TBC”
    • 6. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher,  University of Tsukuba) “Pastoral Mobility in Amdo under the Qing’s Rule”
    • 7. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Utilization and Application of Digital Archives for Agricultural Technologies”
    • 8. Discussion
    • Commentators: Ai NISHIDA (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies), Shunzo ONODA (Bukkyo University), Junko MIURA (Translator), Kei NAGAOKA (Kyoto University), Kazuo KANO (Komazawa University)

    30 Mar [Not open to the public]

    • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Discussion about next joint research project”
    • 2. Business Meeting
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-resistration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, Tibetan (w/ Japanese interpretation)
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Establishment of a methodology to diffuse the water-saving technology in the rice-farming areas of Asian delta regions” (Principal Investigator: Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (Kyoto University) Project Number: 18H06024)
    20192020/03/29 (Sun) - 2020/03/30 (Mon)
    【postponed】Follow-up meeting on ILC 2019 (Jinghpaw) /The 1st meeting on Kachin studies

    29 Mar

    • 1. Hinano SHIMOZATO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “My first trip to Kachin State”
    • 2. Sonoka TAKANO (Yamagata University) “My third time to visit Kachin”
    • 3. Yuanzong ZHANG (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Pela and Jingpho”
    • 4. Keisuke HUZIWARA (Kyoto University) “Notes on the relationship between Jingpho and Luish”
    • 5. Nana SUZUKI (Yamagata University) “A report on the Yamagata University’s Kachin Study Tour”
    • 6. Lu Aung (Takushoku University) “A field report on Kachin culture”
    • 7. Moeno KIUCHI (Graduate School, University of Essex) “The current situation of Kachin IDPs”

    30 Mar

    • 1. Roi Sawm SUMLUT (Graduate School, International Christian University) “A study of the relationships among the six Kachin tribes”
    • 2. Toshio TOYAMA “The command-response model in acoustics and the Jinghpaw tonology”
    • 3. Chihiro TAGUCHI “Element Theoretical comparative analysis of syllable rhymes in Burmese and Jinghpaw”
    • 4. Makoto KATAOKA “On features of narrative structures in Jinghpaw folktales”
    • 5. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Documentation of the Kachin folktales”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/03/29 (Sun)
    【postponed】ILCAA Joint Research Project “Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers”The 2nd meeting
    • Norihisa BABA (The University of Tokyo) “Formation of Historography in Buddhism: Indian Mainland and Sri Lanka”
    • Jae-Eun SHIN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Descending from Demons, Ascending to Kshatriyas: Genealogical Claims and Political Process in Pre-modern Northeast India”
    • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “1000 Years of Indigenous Groups in Northern Punjab”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    Hongo Satellite 8F Conference Room
    20192020/03/29 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages (2)”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Suzushi HAYATA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Imperative forms of gaji- ‘to bring’ in Classical Manchu: A preliminary study”
    • 2. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Case marking and information structure in Japanese and Ryukyuan”
    • 3. General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Online meeting via Zoom
    20192020/03/28 (Sat) - 2020/03/29 (Sun)
    【postponed】Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” : Year-end annual meeting

    Year-end annual meeting

    • 1. Annual reports for this year
    • 2. Plans and prospects for the next year
    • 3. Brain storming on basic concepts to be shared in the course of the project: “sociality”, “methodology”, “viewpoints”, and etc.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”(Principal Researcher: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number:19H05591)
    Yuyamaen (2215-2 Yuyama, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka, Japan)
    20192020/03/28 (Sat)
    【postponed】Multipolalization of Muslim Society in South Asia
    • 1. Koichi FUJITA (Kyoto University) “On the working conditions of South Asian migrants in UAE”
    • 2. Takami ISHIZAKA (Kanto Gakuin University) “A case study of women’s savings groups in rural Bangladesh”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. For registration, please inform your name, institute, and e-mail address to
      Masahiko TOGAWA: fakir[at] (please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
    20192020/03/25 (Wed) - 2020/03/28 (Sat)
    【cancelled】Editorial meeting for compiling an ethnography of a Tibetan village in Amdo
    • Izumi Hoshi (ILCAA) and others “Editorial meeting for compiling an ethnography of a Tibetan village in Amdo”
    • Language: Tibetan
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/03/15 (Sun)
    【cancelled】ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking History of Agriculture and Rural Society in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Koji TANAKA (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University) “Agriculture in Africa from the Viewpoint of History of Agricultural Development in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Perspective”
    • 2. Shino YAMAMOTO (Research Institute of Travel Culture) “Market as a Place for Co-living: A Case Study on Regular Markets in Kochi”
    • 3. Discussion on Future Publication
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Resarch Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Local Innovation History and Small-scale Cash Generating Activities among African Peasants” (Principal Investigator: Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) Project Number: 18H00776)
    Training Room, Umeda Campus, Ryukoku University (2-2-2 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka)
    20192020/03/14 (Sat)
    【postponed】ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo) “The Potential of Population Registers (Nüfus Defterleri) in the reign of Mahmud II as Historical Source”
    • Comment: Kumiko SAITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University)
    • 3. General discussion
    • 4. Review of the research project
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Resarch Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “A diachronic and synchronic study on bookkeeping and registers in the Muslim societies” (Principal Investigator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H02398)
    20192020/03/12 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum: Lectures by Prof. Jun TAKASHIMA & Prof. Hideo FUKAZAWA
    • 1. Jun TAKASHIMA (ILCAA) “Religions and Kingship of Angkor Civilization”
    • Chair: Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA)
    • 2. Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) “Malagasy Societies as seen from the viewpoint of “possibility of compensation for losses””
    • Chair: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20192020/03/09 (Mon) - 2020/03/10 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of “Waza”: Technology, Body, Risk/Hazard (Anthropological Study of Things (3))”The 7th meeting
    • Meeting on publication by all members
    • Language: Japanese
    20192020/03/08 (Sun)
    【postponed】“Buddhists and Other Religious Communities in Pre-modern Central and Southeast Asia: with Special Reference to Monasteries”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Comprehensive Studies of Indian Buddhist Monasteries from the Gupta Period Onward” (Principal investigator: Taiken KYUMA (Mie University) Project Number: 18H03569), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “A comprehensive study on the north-south transportation system of the pre-modern Central Eurasia” (Principal investigator: Yoshiyuki FUNADA (Hiroshima University) Project Number: 18H00723)
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar room
    20192020/03/07 (Sat)
    2019 Jointly Sponsored Seminar by ILCAA, FSC, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality”: Seeing Humans Race as if they were Apes
    • Chair: Aya KAWAI (ILCAA), Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA)
    • Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Opening Adress”
    • Keiichi OMURA (The Open University of Japan) “Introduction”
    • Shiaki KONDO (Hokkaido University) “Walking by Oneself Together: Sociality and Self-autonomy ofNorthern Athabascans”
    • Sho MORISHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Observing Scientists Observed: ’Seeing Humans as if they were Absent’ and ’Seeing Humans as if they were Apes'”
    • Commentator 1: Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Pref)
    • Commentator 2: Masataka UENO (Osaka University)
    • Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center (FSC), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591), Core Project: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives
    20192020/03/06 (Fri) - 2020/03/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Projects “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 47th meeting

    6 Mar

    • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritusmeikan  University) “On Women and Distribution of Tax and Curvee Burden under the Qin, the Han and the three Kingdoms: What is the difference between ‘Dingling’ and ‘Dingying’”

    7 Mar

    • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian24(First part)”
    • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reading:Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian12(Second part)”
    • 3. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)14(Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents(3):Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”,  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “The Formation of Imperial China seen through Institutional Changes between the Ch'in and the Han as reflected in recently excavated sources”(Principal Investigator: Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Project Number: 16H03487)
    20192020/03/05 (Thu)
    【postponed】International Symposium: “Performing the Self and Playing with the Otherness: Clothing and Costuming under Transcultural conditions”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Please contact to YOSHIDA: yoshidayu[at] (please change [at]to@)
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Construction of the Face-Body studies in transcultural conditions” (Principal Investigator: Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Area Number: 1901), Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office (KKLO), Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Indonesian Institute of Science (Jakarta, Indonesia)
    20192020/03/02 (Mon) - 2020/03/05 (Thu)
    【cancelled】Language Documentation Seminar (in Mongolian State University of Mongolia)
    • Lecturers: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA), Zhargal Badagarov (Buryat State University/ Heidelberg University)
    • Coordinator: Ts. Unurbayan (Mongolian State University of Education)
    • Language: Mongolian
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Mongolian State University of Education, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
    Mongolian State University of Education
    20192020/02/29 (Sat)
    【cancelled】ILCAA Joint Research Project “Aspects of Agglutination in Turkic Languages: An Integrated Approach of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics” The 8th meetingThe 8th meeting
    • 1. Taiki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Is the clitic mI in Turkish really the ‘question’ marker?”
    • 2. Masahiro OKU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A Preliminary Consideration of reflexive form in Turkmen”
    • 3. Discussion for publication
    • Commentators: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University), Hideki TSUKAMOTO (Ehime University)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/02/26 (Wed) - 2020/02/28 (Fri)
    【postponed】Field linguistics workshop “Spring Field Linguistics Festa”

    26 Feb
    Public lecture “Various attempts for dictionary compilation” [open: No pre-registration is needed.]

    • Opening
    • Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA, TUFS) “Building a Thesaurus of Cultural Vocabulary Collaboratively: In Case of a Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism”
    • Alexander Coupe (Nanyang Technological University) “On creating dictionaries for unwritten languages: fieldwork methodologies for community-based dictionary workshops”
    • David Moeljadi (Palacký University Olomouc) “Building and Developing the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Indonesian Dictionary Database”

    27 Feb
    Workshop on language documentation [open: Pre-registration is required.]

    • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Principle and practice of language documentation” (lecture)
    • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “How to make good recordings” (lecture and hands-on session)
    • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “How to manage Data management for field linguistics” (lecture and hands-on session)
    • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “How to use Elan, a data annotation software” (lecture and hands-on session)

    28 Feb
    Workshop on Methods to visualize your research [open: Pre-registration is required.]

    • Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, National Institute for Japanese Languages and Linguistics) “Three questions to design better slides”
    • Tomoyo OTSUKI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Creating more effective visual presentations”

    Spring Inter-University Seminar [Not open to the public]

    • Participants: Aoi MATSUOKA (Kyushu University), Sho YAMAOKA (Kyoto University), Haruna OTANI (Kyoto University), Ryuichi TAKI (The University of Tokyo), Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (Chiba University), Kanji KATO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    20192020/02/27 (Thu)
    Lecture “Khiva 1873: The Archive that Never Was”
    • Paolo Sartori (Institute for Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences) Lecture “Khiva 1873: The Archive that Never Was”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO, Project Number:15H01895), Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20192020/02/23 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of religion reflected in Javanese and other texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of Islamization”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Reading session: Syair Perang Mengkasar
    • Special guest: Henri Chambert-Loir (ILCAA Visiting Professor)
    • 2. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Babad Tanah Jawi and Wali Sanga”
    • 3. Sumio HUKAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “A Note on Lamuri and Samudera: in Perspective of the Islamization in the 13th Century”
    • 4. Toshihiko SHINE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University)  “A memo about Utsat (Hainan Huize or Hainan Cham) in Sanya, Hainan”
    • 5. Closed meeting
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English, Japanese
    20192020/02/23 (Sun)
    【postponed】Virtual Reality in Archiving and Reproducing a Field: Its Methods and Possibilities
    • 1. Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “What We Aim in the Qalawun VR Project”
    • 2. Naomi KAWASUMI (Ritsumeikan University), Satoshi IMAMURA (Ritsumeikan University) “The Importance of Creating Virtual Time - Space in Kyoto”
    • 3. Harumasa KANO (The Tohoku University Museum) “General reports of the establishment of the 3-D digital archive of disaster remains of the Great East Japan Earthquake”
    • 4. Makiko TSUMURA (Ancient Orient Museum), Makoto EZOE (Kokushikan University) “Case Studies on Utilizing of 3D Data Obtained from Archaeological Researches in the Museum”
    • 5. Coffee Break & VR Demo
    • 6. Kazuo Isoda (DNP) “TBA”
    • 7. Manabu KAMEYA (Hirosaki University) “DNP initiative for art and culture / High-definition digital archives and VR contents - BnF and DNP:A joint project of terrestrial and celestial globe 3D digitization”
    • 8. Discussion
    20192020/02/22 (Sat)
    Workshop: Environment and Economy in Premodern Egypt and Beyond


    • Katherine BLOUIN (Toronto University) ““Surrounded by the Sea and by Salt Marshes”: Environmental Entanglements in the Lake Menzaleh (NE Nile Delta) under Roman Rule”
    • Report (Japanese) : 293KB

    Short Papers

    • Hiroshi KATO (Hitotsubashi University) “A Note on the Ecological Environments in the Manzala Lake Region in Modern Times”
    • Report (Japanese) : 398KB
    • Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “Resilience to Catastrophes in view of the Transformation of the Medieval Basin”
    • Report (Japanese) : 398KB
    • Ryosuke TAKAHASHI (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Economic Interactions of Families in Second-century AD Tebtunis”
    • Report (Japanese) : 398KB
    • Satoshi URANO (Rikkyo University) “Two Projects newly launched by Japanese and Turkish Historians and Scientists in Asia Minor in 2020 --- Eber Lake (Ancient Askanios) Paleoecological Project in Phrygia and Tlos City Wall Project in Lycia.”
    • Report (Japanese) : 245KB
    • Manabu KAMEYA (Hirosaki University) “Distribution of Palm Trees in the Mediaeval Fayum”
    • Report (Japanese) : 245KB
    • Saho MITSUHASHI (Nara Women's University) “Cairo and the Nile in the Mamluk Period”
    • Discussion
    • Katherine BLOUIN
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Dynamics and Knowledge and Cultural Memory in the Ancient Mediterranean World” (Principal Investigator: Yoshiyuki SUTO (Nagoya University) Project Number: 18H03587), Historians' Workshop, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Environmental Change and Epidemic before and After the Black Death in the Middle East and North Africa” (Principal Researcher: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 17K13521), Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and Its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2), Kajima Foundation Grant Project ‘A Historical Study Based on Topographic Maps: Comparative Study between Egypt and Hadramaut (Yemen)’
    Hongo Satellite 7F
    20202020/02/22 (Sat)
    International Workshop “Between the Imperial Laws and Islamic Law: Cases in Central Eurasia”
    • 1. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “The “Mixed” Assembly Court and Mixed Jurisprudence in Xinjiang: for the Conflict Resolutions between the Russian and Qing Empires”
    • Report (Japanese) : 293KB
    • 2. Paolo Sartori (Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences) “Between Kazan and Kashghar: On the Vernacularization of Islamic Law in Central Eurasia.”
    • Report (Japanese) : 293KB
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO, Project Number:15H01895), Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), Haneda Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
    Haneda Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
    20192020/02/22 (Sat)
    【cancelled】ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Typological Study of the Areal Lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asia”The 3rd meeting
    • Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Lexical typological aspects of Kuki-Chin languages”
    • Aika TOMITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Shoin Women's University) “The lexicon of Tai Lue”
    • All members “Discussion”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/02/21 (Fri) - 2020/02/23 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Projects “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 46th meeting

    21 Feb

    • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)10(First part)”
    • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)10(Secong part)”

    22 Feb

    • 1. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)11(First part)”
    • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)11(Second part)”
    • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “On Characteristics and Operation of ‘ShouGuan’ as seen in the Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site”

    23 Feb

    • 1. Briefing
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Funeral Procedures seen through accessory lists with a focus on ‘burial gown(Xi)’ and simplified funeral”
    • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “On the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (9)”
    • Language: Japanese
    20192020/02/21 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence”The 9th meeting
    • Meeting on publication by all members
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by KKLO
    20192020/02/20 (Thu)
    Lecture “Shari`a Archives”
    • Paolo Sartori(Institute of Iranian Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences) “The Sharia Archives: What the Russian Empire did not Know about Islamic Law”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO, Project Number:15H01895), Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), Research Unit “Central Eurasian Studies”, University of Tsukuba, Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (B) “Irrigation and Social Changes in Modern Central Asia: Focusing on the Reciprocal Relationships between Nomadic and Sedentary People” (Principal Investigator: Akifumi SHIOYA (Tsukuba University) Project Number:19H01316)
    Room 116, Tokyo campus, Tsukuba University
    20192020/02/20 (Thu)
    FIELDPLUS Talk Show “Middle Eastern Cities from geographical Information and historical Sources : A Case study of water facilities (canals, public wells and reservoirs) in pre-modern Cairo”
    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA “Opening”
    • 2. Wakako KUMAKURA “Project outline”
    • 3. Takenori YOSHIMURA “Talk”
    • 4. Q&A session
    Book House Cafe
    20192020/02/20 (Thu)
    Presentation Meeting by 2019 ILCAA Joint Research Groups
    • 1. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Historical Study of Race Theory on Africa”
    • 2. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Research on Archiving Primary Data, Research Materials and Products”
    • 3. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20192020/02/19 (Wed)
    LingDy Forum: Linguistic Description and Documentation in African Contexts
    • 1. Ethelbert E. Kari (University of Botswana), Budzani Gabanamotse-Mogara (University of Botswana) “The State of Language Documentation in Botswana”
    • 2. All participants “General discussion”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, JSPS Core-to-Core Program: B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms “Establishment of a research network for exploring the linguistic diversity and linguistic dynamism in Africa”
    20192020/02/17 (Mon)
    Seminar: Can Dalit Speak?: Ethnographic Studies in South Asia/ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”The 5th meeting
    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • Aya IKEGAME (Tokyo Universtiy) “Dalit refusal of the buffalo sacrifice in South India: how did anthropological studies miss their voices”
    • Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagaoya University) “How can we represent discriminated groups among Muslims?: A case of a musician occupational group in rural Bangladesh”
    • Discussant: Akio TANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, FINDAS, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024), 13th Seminar of Modern Bengal Studies
    20192020/02/16 (Sun)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “African Potential”and overcoming the difficulties of modern world: comprehensive area studies that will provide a new perspective for the future of humanity, The Research Team ‘Gender and Sexuality’ the 13th meeting
    • Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • Satomi SHIMADA (Rainbow Refugee Connection Japan (RRCJ)) “LGBT condition and support in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya”
    • Karusigarira Ian (Peace and Conflict Studies Course, Graduate School, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The Native view of LGBT condition”
    • Commentator: Akitomo SHINGAE (Osaka City University Human Rights Research Center / Graduate School of Urban Management)
    • Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • For inquiries please contact to Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA): wakanatokyo [at] (Please change [at] to @).
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) ““African Potential” and overcoming the difficulties of modern world: comprehensive area studies that will provide a new perspective for the future of humanity” (Principal Investigator: Motoji MATSUDA (Kyoto University) Project Number: 16H06318)
    20192020/02/16 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Inter-disciplinary Approach to the Diversity and Dynamics of Swahili Varieties”The 4th meeting
    • Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Beyond creolization: Nubi, Swahili, and Sheng in Kibera, Nairobi”
    • All participants “A report on Mainz WS and a general discussion about a plan for the final year of the project”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/02/15 (Sat) - 2020/02/16 (Sun)
    Workshop “Revisiting Ardabīl: Ṭarīqa, saint’s mausoleum and city in pre-modern Iran”/ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival Study on Fiscal administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid Shrine in Iran”The 6th meeting

    15 Feb
    Workshop “Revisiting Ardabīl: Ṭarīqa, saint’s mausoleum and city in pre-modern Iran”

    • Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) Opening remarks
    • Yoichi YAJIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara Women’s University) “The Safavid order as seen in the newly discovered Tārīkh-i Ḥayātī”
    • Masaki SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “Reconsideration of “Timūr’s waqf document”
    • Tomoko MORIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “The holy city of Ardabīl and the Safavids”
    • Ryuichi SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo) “The mausoleum of Emām Reżā during the Qajar period”
    • Ayako NINOMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Comment
    • General discussion

    16 Feb
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on Fiscal Administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid shrine in Iran” The 6th meeting

    • All members “Planning for the final year of the project”
    • Akihiko YAMAGUCHI (University of the Sacred Heart) “Geographical distribution of the waqf properties belonging to the Ardabil shrine: An analysis of an Ottoman waqf register (TT896)”
    • Kumiko SAITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University)
    • General discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on Fiscal Administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid shrine in Iran”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties”(Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 16H03487)
    15 Feb: 301, 16 Feb: 303
    20192020/02/15 (Sat) - 2020/02/16 (Sun)
    Workshop “Studies on the Mayan Glyph”/ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1”The 9th meeting

    15 Feb

    • (open)

    16 Feb

    • (Not open to the public)
    20192020/02/07 (Sat) - 2020/02/15 (Sun)
    Language documentation and revitalization workshop: Interdisciplinary approach - Phase 2: Passing on and renewing our heritage

    7–8 Feb

    • Workshop 1: Workshop on revitalization of heritage language and culture; Local people project presentations @ Watnongprong School

    9-11 Feb

    • Workshop 2: Workshop on methods of revitalization of heritage language and culture @Pan Tanom Museum

    13–15 Feb

    • Workshop 3: Workshop on revitalization of heritage language and culture through photos and texts @Black Tai community hall
    • Language: Thai
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Black Tai community Hall (Khao Yoi, Phetchaburi, Thailand)
    20192020/02/11 (Tue)
    Workshop for young researchers: “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”
    • Aya KAWAI (ILCAA Research Associate), Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA Research Associate) “Introduction of the workshop”
    • Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAAResearch Associate) “Research Introduction”
    • Aya KAWAI (ILCAAResearch Associate) “Research Introduction 2”
    • Haruna YATSUKA (Tsuda University) “Research Introduction 3”
    • Kiyoshi TADOKORO (Akita University) “Research Introduction 3”
    • Kiyoshi TADOKORO (Akita University) “Research Introduction 4”
    • Yuki SUZUKI (Kokushikan University) “Research Introduction 5”
    • Takeshi GOTO (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Research Introduction 6”
    • Miki IKOMA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Research Introduction 7”
    • Mari NISHIKAWA (University of Tokyo) “Research Introduction 8”
    • Tomoyuki TAJIMA (Kyoto University) “Research Introduction 9”
    • Masataka UENO (Osaka University) “Research Introduction 10”
    • Yu KAIGAISHI (Osaka University) “Research Introduction 11”
    • Nahoko TOKUYAMA (SOKENDAI) “Research Introduction 12”
    • Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA Research Associate) “Reciprocity among male Japanese macaques”
    • Aya KAWAI (ILCAA Research Associate) ““Dwelling together” and “Kinship” among a hunter-gatherer population in peninsula Malaysia”
    • Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    20192020/02/08 (Sat) - 2020/02/09 (Sun)
    International workshop “Making the Thesaurus of Tibetan Pastoralism Vocabulary Which Is in Danger of Disappearing”
    • Language: English, Tibetan, Japanese
    • For details, please see here.(523KB)
    • Jointly sponsored by The project “Making the thesaurus of Tibetan pastoralism vocabulary which is in danger of disappearing” of Joint Usage/Research Projects of The Center for Information Resources of Area Studies (CIRAS), CSEAS, Kyoto University, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/02/08 (Sat)
    Workshop “The cross-regional networking of contemporary Muslim Intellectuals”
    • 1. Seika WAZAKI (Chubu Univerisity) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Seika WAZAKI (Chubu Univerisity) “Following the track of Muhammadn Sadiq Yusufin Uzbekistan”
    • 3. Ken'ichro TAKAO (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan) “Ahmad Kuftaro and Muhammad Sa’id Ramadan Al-Bouti: The Role Model of Religeous Authority in Contemporary Syria”
    • 4. Amane KOBAYASHI (The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) “Organization for Islamic Eduation as a Platform: The role of Jamiyat ad-Dawa al-Islamiya in Libya”
    • 5. Comments: Chika OBIYA (Kyoto University), Hiroki OKAZAKI (JSPS, Chiba Univerisity), Shoko WATANABE (IDE-JETRO)
    • 6. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. For registration, please contact Dr. Ken'ichiro TAKAO takaokncr[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) (NIHU Area Studeis Project for the the Modern Middle East)
    20192020/02/08 (Sat)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2019 “Sacred Objects in Religions”
    • Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Opening Remarks”
    • Naomi KAWAMOTO (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) “Introduction”
    • Mayumi IIZUKA (Waseda University) “Divinity and Spirituality living in Architectual Space : The House of Hindu Temple Priests in South India”
    • Shijun ZHANG (Graduate School of Studies of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) “Depicting the Divine: the Realistic Representation in the Tibetan Thangka”
    • Mia TILLONEN (Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University) “The Objects and Performances of Religious Tourism - The Case of Seimei Shrine, Kyoto”
    • Yuki NAKAMURA (Seisen University) “Liturgical Instruments That Carry the Memories: A Case Study of a Protestant Church in Shimabara, Nagasaki”
    • Naomi KAWAMOTO (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) “‘God’ is Coming to My Home: Customs for the Child Jesus in a Rural Village in Western Mexico”
    • Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA), Makihito KAWADA (Seijo University), Masakazu TANAKA (Professional Institute of International Fashion) “Comment”
    • Discussion
    • Naomi KAWAMOTO(Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) “Closing Remarks”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    20192020/02/07 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 45th meeting
    • Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan Unoversity) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)09(First part)”
    • Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan Unoversity) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)09(Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “The Formation of Imperial China seen through Institutional Changes between the Ch'in and the Han as reflected in recently excavated sources” (Principal Investigator:Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Project Number: 16H03487)
    301, Kyoto University
    20192020/02/05 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Group “Historical Study of Race Theory on Africa”
    • Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Progress Report on Personal Research”
    • Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Progress Report on Personal Research”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Group “Historical Study of Race Theory on Africa”
    20192020/02/04 (Tue)
    International Workshop “Journée d’étude Charif Majdalani”

    Atelier international en présence de l’écrivain : Rencontre des deux Orients, Japon - Liban

    • Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Mot d’ouverture


    • Modérateur: Satoshi UDO (Université de Kagoshima)
    • Akiko SUMI (Kyoto Notre Dame University) “A Journey across the Desert: Caravansérail by Charif Majdalani”
    • Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA Project Assistant Professor, NationalInstitutes for the Humanities) “Arabs Moving place to place in the early 20th century: Chalif Majdalani’s Moving the Palace and Anton Shmmas’s Arabesques”
    • Hiroki OKAZAKI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “Dilemma of Syro-Lebanese intellectuals: Caravansérail and Asir al-Mutamahdi”
    • Hervé SANSON (Lycée Blanche de Castille ITEM-CNRS) “Des vies possibles de Charif Majdalani: le roman comme caisse de résonance du monde”
    • Réponse par Charif Majdalani
    • Commentaire : Mayumi SHIMOSAKAI (Université d’Orléans)
    • Débat
    • Satoshi UDO (Université de Kagoshima) Mot de clôture
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. For registration, please contact Dr. Shimosakai Mayumi at the following address. mayumi.shimosakai[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English, French
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), Rémélice, Université d’Orléans
    UFR LLSH, Salle du Conseil, Université d’Orléans in Orleans, FRANCE
    20192020/02/02 (Sun)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” : Methodology study meeting
    • Free discussion on the methodology of Anthropology and Primatology
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”(Principal Researcher: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number:19H05591)
    20192020/02/01 (Sat)
    Kingship and Legitimacy of the Islamicate Dynasties
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “The Caliph of the Sokoto Caliphate”
    • 3. Fumihiko HASEBE (Keio University) “Some Observations on the Power of the Mamlūk Sultan: The Abbasid Caliphate, Remodeling Cairo, and Support for Holy Cities”
    • 4. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Kingship and Legitimacy Project”
    • 5. General Discussion
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA), Project Number: 15H01895)
    20192020/02/01 (Sat)
    Joint Research Projects “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspectives on Hominization”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Tatsuro KAWAZOE (ILCAA Research Associate) “Coalitions, tolerance and reciprocity among male Japanese macaques”
    • 2. Aya KAWAI (ILCAA Research Associate) “The two ties (/bonds) and “sociality” among hunter-gatherers in Southeast Asia: “Dwelling together” and “kinship” among the Batek in Peninsular Malaysia”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(s) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”(Principal Researcher: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number:19H05591)
    20192020/02/01 (Sat)
    International Workshop: Thinking Resilience and Development from the “Exceptional” Africa
    • Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka) “Opening Remarks”
    • Emery ROE (Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, University of California Berkeley) “A New Narrative for Pastoralism Today: Rethinking African Pastoralism within a Wider Framework”
    • Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka) “Rethinking Resilience of African Pastoralists in the Gaps”
    • Toru SAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Pastoralists Start Fishing: Dynamics of Cultural Value on Non-Pastoral Activity among the Daasanach in East Africa”
    • Xiaogang SUN (Kyoto University) “Pastoralists’ Perspective on Vulnerability and Response to Resilience Enhancing Project”
    • Itsuhiro HAZAMA (Nagasaki University) “Citizenship Practice in the Resilience”
    • Kenya ARAKI (Ritsumeikan University) “Digging out the Hope among Lottery Retailers and Punters: Case study in Lagos, Nigeria.”
    • Plenary Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Center for Global Studies, Graduate School of International Relations, University of Shizuoka, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Keio University, Mita Campus, South building room 2B23 (2nd basement)(2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345 Japan)
    20192020/02/01 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into Dynamicity of Grammar (1): Multiplicity and Distributedness in Grammar”The 8th meeting
    • Masato YOSHIKAWA (Keio University) “Homo Regularis: How human obsession on regularities produces the illusion of grammar”
    • Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “How do linguistic regularities emerge?”
    • Open Discussion “Future directions of the study of grammar as a system with internal diversity”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/02/01 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Synchrony and Diachrony of Mongolic Languages: Internal and External Factors”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • Report (Japanese) : 575KB
    • 2. Nobuharu SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) “Event Construal in the Jishishan Bonan Language”
    • Report (Japanese) : 575KB
    • 3. Shigeki SHIOTANI (Osaka University) “On subjective/objective forms in Minhe Monguor (Mangghuer)”
    • Report (Japanese) : 575KB
    • 4. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Latest trend about study on evidentiality in Tibetic languages”
    • Report (Japanese) : 575KB
    • 5. Erika SANDMAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Helsinki) “Egophoric marking in interaction in Wutun”
    • Report (Japanese) : 575KB
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Please contact to Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI: yamakoshi [at] (please change [at]to@)
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Environments and linguistic change in the Altaic languages” (Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University), Project Number: 18H03578)
    20192020/01/31 (Fri) - 2020/02/01 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as dynamism -in search of methodological connection between affect, thinking and art”The 10th meeting

    31 Jan

    • Comments and Discussion on each draft for publication. One paper have 30 minutes including comments and discussion.
    • Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor emeritus, The University of Shiga Prefecture)
    • Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA)
    • Tadashi YANAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University)
    • Kyoko Nakamura (ILCAA Research Fellow)
    • Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA Research Fellow)
    • Katsuo NAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University)

    1 Feb

    • Comments and Discussion on each draft for publication. One paper have 30 minutes including comments and discussion.
    • Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University)
    • Ayako IWATANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)
    • Kotaro TAKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
    • Akinori KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University)
    • Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University)
    • Kazunori KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima Univeristy)
    • Yukio- Pegio GUNJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as Dynamism: in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art”, Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork Focused on Critical Situations” (Principal Reseacher: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Project Number:17H00948)
    20192020/01/28 (Tue)
    Lecture & Workshop “Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan”
    • National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) and National Institutes for Humanities (NIHU) started The Mobile Museum Project. The aim of this project is developing a compact and movable exhibition system like a travelling funfair, and to contribute social pedagogy by using the travelling exhibition. In this event, we will invite the promotor of this exhibition “Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan” to talk about this exhibition.

    • Facilitator: Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, NINJAL)
      Speaker: Takayuki KAGOMIYA (NINJAL)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by NIHU-NINJAL Project: Interactive Communication Initiative for Exhibition of Endangered Languages, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Sciences 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/01/27 (Mon)
    The Crisis in Lebanon and the Middle East Region
    • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 2. Hilal Khashan (Professor of Political Science, American University of Beirut) Lecture
    • 3. Q & A
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2)
    20192020/01/26 (Sun)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2019 “Tibetan Exile Society at a Turning Point: Between the Rise of China and India” 
    • Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • Report (Japanese) : 708KB
    • PYEON, Seollan (National Museum of Ethnology) Opening Remarks
    • Report (Japanese) : 663KB
    • CHRISTOPHER, Stephen (Kyoto University) “The Exclusions of Diasporic Cosmopolitanism in Dharamsala”
    • Kiyoshi MIYASAKA (Nagoya Gakuin University) “Who are Ladakhi?: The Conflicts over Tibetan Buddhism and Local Identity”
    • Miki ENOKI (Nagoya City University) “The Relevance of Indian Support for Tibet: Freedom of Tibet/Security of India”
    • Question Session
    • PYEON, Seollan (National Museum of Ethnology) “Another Way for Tibetan Refugees: Informal Economy by Sarjor in Dharamsala”
    • Tatsuya YAMAMOTO (Shizuoka University) “In Search of Indian Citizenship: The Way Atomized Tibetan Refugees in Boudhanath Are Heading”
    • Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Jpoint Researcher, Komazawa University) “The “Road” Buddhism Came: China-led Development Project in Himalaya and the Buddhist Diplomacy”
    • Question Session
    • Shigeko KUBOTA (Chiba University of Commerce) Comment
    • Ryohei KASAI (Center for South Asian Studies of Gifu Women's University) Comment
    • Disccusion
    • Closing Remarks
    20192020/01/26 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation and Revival of the Legitimacy in Modern Arab Monarchies in Rivalry with Islamism”The 1st meeting
    • 5 participants (Masato IIZUKA, Hirotake ISHIGURO, Aiko NISHIKIDA, Nozomi SHIRATANI, Hilal Khashan)
    20192020/01/24 (Fri)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 17: “Language games and phonology (2)”
    • Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo), Hiroto UCHIHARA (The National Autonomous University of Mexico) “Language games and phonology in Tagalog”
    • Masayuki ISHIZUKA (The University of Tokyo) “Language games and phonology in Basque”
    • Yuko MOROKUMA (The University of Tokyo) “Language games and phonology in Quechua”
    • Yui SUZUKI (The University of Tokyo) “Language games and phonology in Turkish”
    • All members “Discussion”
    20192020/01/17 (Fri)
    Joint Research Projects “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 44th meeting
    • Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)08(First part)”
    • Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)08(Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “The Formation of Imperial China seen through Institutional Changes between the Ch'in and the Han as reflected in recently excavated sources”(Principal Researcher: Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Project Number:16H03487)
    301, Kyoto University
    20192020/01/15 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop “Data management for field linguistics”
    • Lecturers: Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA), Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, National Institute for Japanese Languages and Linguistics)
    • ・What is data management?
      ・data and metadata
      ・data publication, archiving, and sharing
    • ・Management of the file names
      ・Management of the metadata・
      data backup
      ・Paper-data and electronic data
      ・Version control
    20192020/01/14 (Tue) - 2020/02/13 (Thu)
    Mobile Museum “Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan”
    • National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) and National Institutes for Humanities (NIHU) started The Mobile Museum Project. The aim of this project is developing a compact and movable exhibition system like a travelling funfair, and to contribute social pedagogy by using the travelling exhibition.

    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by NIHU-NINJAL Project: Interactive Communication Initiative for Exhibition of Endangered Languages, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Sciences 3 (LingDy3)”
    1F, ILCAA
    20192020/01/11 (Sat) - 2020/01/12 (Sun)
    The 12th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics /ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”The 5th meeting

    11 Jan

    • Introduction
    • Lecture on Ottoman waqfiyyas (endowment documents)
    • Reading Ottoman waqfiyyas

    12 Jan

    • Reading Ottoman documents on waqf system
    • Reading Ottoman registers on waqf system
    • General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2), Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “A diachronic and synchronic study on bookkeeping and registers in the Muslim societies” (Principal Investigator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 17H02398)
    20192020/01/11 (Sat)
    “Family” as a crisis from the view point of the Okinawa region and Okinawa as a crisis from the view point of “family”
    • 1. Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) “Opening Remarks”
    • 2. Akiko MURAMATSU (Sagami Women's University) “Family, Prayer, and Restroom”
    • 3. Kenji YAMAUCHI (Meiji University) “Reconstruction of Okinawan’s family and War Memories”
    • 4. Masanobu ISHIKAWA (Meiji University) “Depopulation and Family in Amami Oshima”
    • 5. Mari KAGAYA (Niigata University ) “Who cares for the elderly?: Families in community based welfare services”
    • 6. Akiko KUNIHIRO (Waseda University) “Comment 1”
    • 7. Masaya SHIJO (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Comment 2”
    • 8. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork Focused on Critical Situations”(Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H00948)
    20192020/01/11 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into Dynamicity of Grammar (1): Multiplicity and Distributedness in Grammar”The 7th meeting
    • Yasunori TAKAHASHI (ILCAA joint researcher, Kobe University) “How consciousness affect the way language change”
    • Kow KURODA (Kyorin University) “What happens to linguistics if we take understandability (rather than grammaticality) seriously?”
    • Open Discussion “How we can communicate if there is multiplicity in grammar?”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192020/01/11 (Sat)
    Joint Research Projects “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 43rd meetingThe 43rd meeting
    • Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “On the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (8)”
    • Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)07(First part)”
    • Meguro Kyoko (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)07(Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “The Formation of Imperial China seen through Institutional Changes between the Ch'in and the Han as reflected in recently excavated sources”(Principal Researcher: Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Project Number:16H03487)
    301, Ryukoku University
    20192020/01/10 (Fri)
    Colloquium on the Field Science “Encountering sex in the field, finding the field through sex: A way of dealing with Islam and Gender”
    • Junko TORIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University) “An irritating problem or an opportunity: encountering one’s own sex in the field?”
    • Masaki OKADO (Sophia University) “Puzzling Sexuality: My Fieldwork Experience in Egypt”
    • Kouta OGURI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Where Two Oceans Meet: Caring Touch in Hong Kong”
    • Saki YAMAMOTO (Ochanomizu University) “Encountering Sex inside the Car: Through Conversations with Taxi Drivers in Algiers”
    • Erika KAGAWA (Kyoto University) “Feeling “Awkward”: Fieldwork in Pakistan”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • For inquiries please contact FSC office: fsc_office[at]  *please change [at]to @
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here (in Japanese).
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center (FSC), Grants-in-aid for scientific research (A) “Basic Synthetic Research for the Construction of Islam & Gender Studies”(Project Leader: Eiji NAGASAWA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Project Number: 16H01899), Ritsumeikan University Center for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (CMEIS)
    20192019/12/27 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into Dynamicity of Grammar (1): Multiplicity and Distributedness in Grammar”The 6th meeting
    • Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “On the mechanism connecting multiple grammatical subsystems in multiple individuals”
    • Yasuharu DEN (Chiba University) “Interconnection between social regularities in communicative interaction and individual cognitive knowledge”
    • Daiji KIMURA (Kyoto University) “Emergence of communication without a shared code”
    • Open discussion “Individual knowledge and social (shared) knowledge”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/12/26 (Thu)
    International Workshop “Human-“Homelands” Relations in the Transnational Era”
    • Mari OKA (Kyoto University) “Studying Human-‘Homelands’ Relations in the Transnational Era: An Introduction from a Humanistic and Cross-Disciplinary Perspective”
    • Q & A
    • Mana SATO (Translator, M.A.) “Where’s the ‘Home’ in ‘Homeland’?: US Poets and Artists of Color on Exclusion and Belonging”
    • Q & A
    • Comment and Discussion
    • Commentator: Laila Al-Arian (Al Jazeera International USA)
      Moderator: Teruaki MORIYAMA (Doshisha University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. For registration, please contact to Dr. MORIYAMA Teruaki (Please change [at] to @).
    • Language: English
    • Access
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) , School of Theology, Doshisha University
    RY436 Room, Ryoshinkan Building, Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University
    20192019/12/25 (Wed) - 2019/12/26 (Thu)
    Joint Research Project “Research on Social Cognition Based on SCOPIC: the Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus”The 2nd meeting

    25 Dec

    • Yukinori KIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Hyogo), Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA), Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Reports on the Canberra SCOPIC meeting”
    • All participants “Stance & Engagement and Propositional framing coding”
    • All participants “Stance & Engagement and Propositional framing coding”
    • Round-table discussion – issues of interest

    26 Dec

    • Brief discussion on the tasks of the day
    • All participants “Stance & Engagement and Propositional framing coding”
    • All participants “Stance & Engagement and Propositional framing coding”
    • All participants “Organizing the data”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/12/23 (Mon)
    Lecture “The Muslim Ban and Beyond: The Trump Administrationʼs Immigration Policies”
    • Lecture “The Muslim Ban and Beyond: The Trump Administrationʼs Immigration Policies” *with screening “The Ban”
    • Speaker: Laila Al-Arian is a Washington DC-based journalist and executive producer for Fault Lines, an award-winning current affairs program on Al Jazeera English. She has produced documentaries on subjects ranging from the Trump administration's Muslim ban to the impact of the heroin epidemic on children and an investigation into factory conditions in Bangladesh. For her work, she has been honored with two News and Documentary Emmys, Peabody Award, Robert F Kennedy Award in journalism, National Headliner Award, and has been nominated for 8 News and Documentary Emmys. Prior to joining Fault Lines, Laila worked for Al Jazeera English for four years, covering everything from Guantanamo Bay’s youngest detainee to the re-settlement of Iraqi refugees in the U.S. She received a BA in English literature from Georgetown University and an M.S. from Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism. Her work has appeared in The Nation, Salon, The Independent, and other publications, and she is co-author of the book Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians.

    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English (w/ Japanese translation)
    • Access
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) (NIHU Area Studeis Project for the the Modern Middle East)
    Sankei Plaza Otemachi
    20192019/12/22 (Sun)
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S): Methodology study meeting
    • Free discussion on the methodology of Anthropology and Primatology
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”(Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA)  Project Number: 19H05591)
    20192019/12/21 (Sat) - 2019/12/22 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level306
    20192019/12/21 (Sat)
    Joint Research Projects “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Hitonaru NISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “Chimpanzees never die, they just fade away: Chimpanzee thanatology revisited.”
    • 2. Masakazu TANAKA (ILCAA Joint researcher, Professional Institute of International Fashion) “Is Monky Funky or Kinky?”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)“The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    20192019/12/20 (Fri) - 2019/12/21 (Sat)
    Joint Research Projects “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 42nd meeting

    20 Dec

    • Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (Kyoto University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)04(First part)”
    • Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (Kyoto University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)04(Second part)”

    21 Dec

    • Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)05”
    • Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University  of Education) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)06(First part)”
    • Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University  of Education) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)06(Second part)
    • Language: Japanese
    20 Dec: ILCAA Seminar Room (301), Kyoto University, 21 Dec: ILCAA Seminar Room (301), Ryukoku University
    20192019/12/16 (Mon) - 2019/12/22 (Sun)
    The 6th Language Documentation Training Workshop in Miyako, Okinawa
    • This workshop is intended to provide training in language documentation in the local context. It is part of the effort to stimulate and support research on endangered languages spoken in Okinawa and also language documentation research in general. The workshop is designed for beginning researchers without much experience in working with Miyako or other Ryukyuan languages. The goal of this workshop is to provide an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in various aspects of language documentation:

    • - Building a good working relationship with consultants and the community - Collection of information on language use and language attitude
      - Collection of different kinds of language data
      - Processing and management of linguistic data
      - Collection of socio-cultural data
      - Collection of information on community needs and issues
      - Developing community-centered projects addressing the needs
    • Instructors: Toshihide Nakayama (ILCAA, TUFS), Tsuyoshi Ono (University of Alberta)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Ikema Island, Miyakojima, Okinawa
    20192019/12/15 (Sun)
    Workshop: The “Arab Spring” Again? Sudan, Lebanon and Iraq
    • Chair: Takayuki Yokota (Meiji University)
    • Hidemitsu Kuroki (ILCAA) “Finally the Fundamental Change after 160 Years? Sectarian Regime and Sectarianism in Lebanon”
    • Keiko Sakai (Chiba University) “Rising Up as a Nation? Iraq’s October Revolution and the Youth”
    • Yoshiko Kurita (Chiba University) “People’s Revolution in Sudan: Prospects and Meaning of the Upheavals in the Middle East and Africa”
    • Discussants: Hiroki Okazaki (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Keiko Takaki (J. F. Oberlin University)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-resistration is needed.
    • Contact: Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises, Chiba University Email: glblcrss* (Please replace * with @.)
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”(MEIS2), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas“Norms and Identity”(Principal Investigator: Keiko SAKAI(Chiba University) Project Number:16H06549), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas“Civilizations and Global Networks” (Principal Investigator: Seiichi IGARASHi (Chiba University) Project Number: 16H06551), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Politics and Religions in the Modern Middle East”(Principal Investigator: Takayuki YOKOTA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H04370)
    20192019/12/14 (Sat) - 2019/12/15 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution (2)”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Yuko YAMANE (International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture, Nagoya University) “Agricultural Technical Support in Post-modern 21th Century; Based on Local Case Studies in Tanzania and Kenya”
    • 2. Koichi IKEGAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kindai University) “Localization of the Decade of Family Farming of the United Nations”
    • 1. Kaori KOMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai Gakuen University) “Domestication and Values on Nature”
    • 2. Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “Development of Vegetable Production among the agro-pastoral Gogo in central Tanzania”
    • 3. Discussion on Future Publication
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-resistration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (B) “Local Innovation History and Small-scale Cash Generating Activities among African Peasants” (Principal Investigator: Yuko SUGIYAMA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University)Project Number: 18H00776)
    20192019/12/14 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdisciplinary Research”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Opening Remarks”
    • 2. Kazuhiro OKADA (National Institute of Japanese Literature) “Sharing Materials: Principles and Current Status”
    • 3. Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Chiba University) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA” (to be annouced)
    • 4. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Preparatory Office for National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: materials from Bihoro dialect (4)”
    • 5. Yasuhiro Yamakoshi (ILCAA) “Conference Report: IYIL2019 Perspectives”
    • 6. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Progress, achievement and newly emerging issues of the project”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/12/12 (Thu)
    Institute-wide Research Program “Establishment of a New Cooperative Research System for Solving Contemporary Problems in Asia and Africa”
    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA Director) “On the Aim of the Program”
    • 2. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Morphosyntactic microvariation in Bantu: With a special focus on several features of verbal slots”
    • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Establishment and management of “the Ayasofya Library” in the reign of Mahmud I (1730-1754)”
    • 4. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Life as a House: From encounters in fieldwork to the immanent force of life”
    • 5. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-resistration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/12/11 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 16: “Writing Better Abstracts for Conference Presentations”
    • 1. How reviewing process is conducted
    • 2. Let’s review abstracts
    • 3. Good abstracts and bad abstracts
    • 4. Final remarks: ideal abstracts
    • Lecturer: Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Note: Two or three sample abstracts and review guideline will be sent upon registration. Participants should 'review' them according to the guideline.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here (in Japanese).
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/12/08 (Sun)
    JSPS KAKENHI Project “A comprehensive study on the north-south transportation system of the pre-modern Central Eurasia” The 4th meeting
    • Yoshiyuki FUNADA (Hiroshima University) “The class system of the Mongol ruling classes”
    • Takahiro ONUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku Gakuin University) “A Report on the Qing relics held in Hokkaido”
    • Meishi YAMAMOTO (Osaka International University) “Post station routes in post-Mongol Qinghai”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “A comprehensive study on the north-south transportation system of the pre-modern Central Eurasia”(Principal Researcher: Yoshiyuki FUNADA (Hiroshima University) Project Number: 18H00723)
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20192019/12/08 (Sun)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2019 “Re-Encountering “Drawing” through Multidisciplinary Fieldwork”
    • Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • Kohske TAKAHASHI (Chukyo University) “The Face-Body Studies and drawing experiment”
    • Xiaojie Tian (University of Tsukuba) “Daily drawing and drawing experiment of Pastoralist Maasai in Kenya”
    • Takanori OISHI (African Studies Center, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Daily drawing and drawing experiment in Cameroon”
    • Masaki SHIMADA (Teikyo University of Science) “The drawing experiment in Tanzania”
    • Kun Qian (Institute of Decision Science for a Sustainable Society, Kyushu University) “The drawing experiment in Southeast Asian countries”
    • Aya SAITO (institute of philosophy and Human Values, Kyoto University of Art & Design) “Research Introduction from Commentator (1)”
    • Miki YAMAMOTO (University of Tsukuba) “Research Introduction from Commentator (2)”
    • Nobutaka KAMEI (Aichi Prefectural University) “Comments from Advisers”
    • Discussion & Closing
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For Fieldnet, please see here (in Japanese).
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas No.17H06342 and No.18H04192 “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”
    20192019/12/07 (Sat)
    The 4th Open Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”
    • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Opening Remarks”
    • Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) “Opening Speech”
    • Shuntaro OKAZAKI (SHISEIDO Global Innovation Center) “Cognitive science approach to interpersonal coordination”
    • Kohske TAKAHASHI (Chukyo University), Masaki SHIMADA (Teikyo University of Science), Takanori OISHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Kun QIAN (Kyushu University), Xiaojie TIAN (Tsukuba University) “Diversity of face and body: a tale from the field experiment”
    • Yayoi KOTANI (Shinshu University) “Philosophical research of Mask(Face) and Action(Body) of ‘Noh’: Potentiality and prospects of 'Noh' in the Face-Body Studies”
    • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Representation of Bodies in Kawaii/Otaku Culture: Fieldwork with Animme Fandom in Southeast Asia
    • Tomohisa SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Archival Research Center of Kyoto City University of Arts) “Comment 1”
    • So KANAZAWA (Japan Women's University) “Comment 2”
    • Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area)  “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”(Principal Investigator: Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Project/Area Number: 1901), Core Project(Anthropology) of the ILCAA “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20192019/12/06 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Projects “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 41st meeting
    • 1. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)03 (First part)”
    • 2. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)03 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “The Formation of Imperial China seen through Institutional Changes between the Ch'in and the Han as reflected in recently excavated sources.” (Principal Investigator: HELMUT Hafner Arnd (Meiji University) Project Number: 16H03487)
    ILCAA Seminar Room (301), Kyoto University
    20192019/12/04 (Wed)
    Information Resources Center (IRC) Workshop:“Experience IIIF [trípl-ɑɪ-éf]
    • Introduction
    • Toshihito WAKI (University of Tsukuba) “Inside WDB -- Construction of Digital Archive Using Cantaloupe, IIIF-compliant Image Server”
    • Satoru NAKAMURA (The University of Tokyo) “IIIF Hands-on Workshop: Annotation and Curation”
    • Advanced Course
    • Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Digital Humanities Research Unit, University of Tsukuba, Uehiro Project for the Asian Research Library (U-PARL), The University of Tokyo
    20192019/11/30 (Sat) - 2019/12/01 (Sun)
    The 3rd International Workshop on Malay Varieties / ILCAA Joint Research Program “A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages”The 7th meeting

    30 Nov

    • 1. “Opening Talk”
    • 2. Karl Alexander Adelaar (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Melbourne) “Eastern Indonesian Malay features in pantuns from the Mardijker community in ancient Batavia”
    • 3. Michael C. Ewing (University of Melbourne) “Localising perspective: Interactional particles in Indonesian as spoken in Bandung”
    • 4. Bradley McDonnell (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa) “An emerging passive in Besemah”
    • 5. Thomas J. Conners (University of Maryland) “On wordhood in Javanese influenced Indonesian”
    • 6. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “Demonstratives in Belitung Malay”
    • 7. Sri Budi Lestari (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) “The Situation and Consciousness for Choosing the First Personal Pronoun “saya”, “aku”, “gue/gue”: A Preliminary Study focusing on Students in Beppu, Oita”

    1 Dec

    • 1. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Address Terms in Malay World: A Preliminary study”
    • 2. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Temporal expressions and word classes in Sambas Malay”
    • 3. Wu, Jiang (Leiden University) “Diphthongs in Inland Terengganu Malay: synchrony and diachrony”
    • 4. Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L’Orientale”)  “Indonesian in North Kalimantan: a melting pot of local, regional and national features”
    • 5. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “Data elicitation method “Jakal and Crow picture task”: pro and cons and preliminary findings”
    • 6. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Passive subtypes in Sarawak Malay”
    • 7. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Motion event descriptions in Indonesian: an experimental study”
    • 8. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Intergenerational differences of Jakartan speakers of Indonesian”
    • 9. All members “Discussion”
    • 10. “Closing Talk”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Co-relation between definite markers and sentence structure in Malayo-Sumbawan languages” (Principal Investigator: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Project Number: 15K02472) 
    20192019/11/30 (Sat)
    JSPS KAKENHI Project “Cultural Politics on Secularism and Islam: The Case of Kashmir” 1st meeting
    • Abir Bazaz (Ashoka University) “Reading the shruks: The negative theology of Nund Rishi”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Cultural Politics on Secularism and Islam: The Case of Kashmir”(Principal Investigator: Toru TAK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) Project Number: 19K00079), ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Rooom
    20192019/11/29 (Fri)
    2019 Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the Art (No.13)
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2)
    Crowne Plaza Beirut, Hamra Main Street, Beirut, Lebanon
    20192019/11/27 (Wed)
    JaCMES Lecture Meeting “Marine plastic and microplastic pollution: The reality and solution” 
    • Hideshige TAKADA (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) “Marine plastic and microplastic pollution: The reality and solution”  
    • Chair: Abdul-Rahim Abu-Husayn (American University of Beirut) 
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by JaCMES, Center for Arts and Humanities, American University of Beirut,  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Development of universal markers of wastewater through comparative study of water pollution in the Middle east, Africa and South America” (Principal Investigator: TAKADA Hideshige, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Project Number: 17H04476)  
    Auditorium A, West Hall, American University of Beirut
    20192019/11/27 (Wed)
    NGO and Local Society in Bangladesh: Seminar of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Society in South Asia”
    • 1. Ami SUZUKI (Kobe University) “Women’s work and using help: Case study of handicrafts production in Dhaka”
    • 2. Shota YAMADA (Ritsumeikan University) “Rainwater Harvesting as Drinking Water in Coastal Bangladesh: Activity of NGOs and Passive Behaviour of Villagers”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, FINDAS,Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number:18KK0024),12th Seminar of Modern Bengal Studies
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20192019/11/23 (Sat) - 2019/11/24 (Sun)
    2019 Poster Session for the Institute-wide Research Program: Establishment of a New Cooperative Research System for Solving Contemporary Problems in Asia and Africa
    • On this poster session, we introduce a part of our research project at ILCAA. Please feel free to come and see the session.

    • Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Collecting of Rare Phonetic Features: A Linguistic Phonetic Fieldwork in the Ryukyu Archipelago”
    • Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “A Study on the Forms of Tangut Script”
    • Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA, National Institute for the Humanities) “Arabic, Hebrew and In-Between: Language Choice in Israeli Literature”
    • Fumiyo ISHIGURO (ILCAA Research Associate) “Considering the Characteristics of Pictures: Record and Research on the Process of Creating Pictures from Folk Tales of Minorities”
    • Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Knowledge and Violence in the Early Sokoto Caliphate: Thoughts on Jihad and Slavery”
    • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Study of Language as a Window into Human Thoughts”
    • Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) “Continuity and Change of History Engraved on the Land of Egypt”
    • Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Documentation, Archiving, and Revitalization of the Vanishing Oral Literature of the Kachin People”
    • Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Outreach Activities by LingDy Project: In Russia and Mongolia”
    • Jin NODA (ILCAA) “A Method for Conflict Resolution in the Russo-Qing Border”
    • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Translation Strategies in the Persian Translation of the Rajataranginis”
    • Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “Exploring Potential of Literary Turn of Indian Historical Research”
    • Tomoyo OTSUKI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Intonational Patterns at the End of Interrogative Sentences of Tsugaru-Aomori Japanese: Interrogations Pronounced with a Final-Falling Pitch”
    • Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “A Study on Contemporary Family, Kinship and Women in East Africa”
    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Establishment of a Research Network for Exploring the Linguistic Diversity and Linguistic Dynamism in Africa (ReNeLDA)”
    • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “A Comparative Grammar of Malay Varieties: Developing a Parallel Corpus of ‘Jackal and Crow’ Story”
    • Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Language Life in First Century Palestine”
    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) and Toshiki SHIBUYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University) “Revisiting an Ethnography by Prof. Hara Tadahiko after 50 Years: Transformation of Rural Society in South Asia”
    • Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “An Attempt to Revitalize Indigenous Languages with Using Smartphone”
    • Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “An Ethnography of Balinese Performing Arts in Jakarta”
    • Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3” (LingDy3): Designed by Tomoyo OTSUKI (ILCAA Research Associate) “What is LingDy3?: Intoroduction to LingDy3 Project”
    • Information Resourses Center (IRC) “Our 20-year Journey of Collaborative Developmentof Research Resources on Asia and Africa”
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please click the link:
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Institute-wide Research Program: Establishment of a New Cooperative Research System for Solving Contemporary Problems in Asia and Africa, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Information Resources Center (IRC), JSPS's Core-to-Core Program: Establishment of a Research Network for Exploring the Linguistic Diversity and Linguistic Dynamism in Africa (ReNeLDA), Perso-Indica, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “A study in the Mughal Persian translations of the Laghu-Yogavasishtha” (Principal Investigator: Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18K12519), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Urgent Research on Endangered Languages in Burma” (Principal Investigator: Keita KURABE (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H04523)
    20192019/11/23 (Sat)
    Kickoff Symposium: “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology”
    20192019/11/18 (Mon) - 2019/11/28 (Thu)
    The World of Sibe Calligraphy: Collected Works of Getuken
    • Exhibition: The Universe of Sibe Calligraphy: Works of Getuken

    • Getuken “The Creation of Sibe Calligraphy”
    • Sat 23 Nov 2019, Sun 24 Nov 2019 13:30– Venue: (23 Nov) ILCAA Multimedia Seminar Room (306), (24 Nov) ILCAA Multimedia Conference Room (304)

    • 20 Nov, 21 Nov, 22 Nov: 13:30– 23 Nov, 24 Nov: After the Lecture (See above) Venue: 1F, ILCAA

    1F, ILCAA
    20192019/11/17 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of religion reflected in Javanese and other texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of Islamization”The 2nd meeting
    • Reading session: Sulalat al-salatin
    • Opening
    • Henri Chambert-Loir (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Malay historical texts in poetic form”
    • Kazuhiro ARAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Transliteration and examination of a document on genealogy obtained in Sigli, Aceh”
    • Hasnul Arifin Melayu (Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Banda Aceh) “Teaching Kitab Sair Al Salikin in Pesantren in Aceh Besar”
    • Hikoro KUSHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Comment”
    • Closed meeting
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  “The social and intellectual dynamism of Southeast Asian Muslims: Perspectives from the regional variation of kitabs and change in periods of time” (Principal Investigator: Kawashima Midori (Sophia University)Project Number:17K03144)
    20192019/11/17 (Sun)
    Cultural/Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2019
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here. (136KB)
    • Jointly sponsored by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
    304, 306
    20192019/11/15 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Projects “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 40th meeting
    • Suzuki Naomi (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)02(First part)”
    • Suzuki Naomi (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)02(Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “The Formation of Imperial China seen through Institutional Changes between the Ch'in and the Han as reflected in recently excavated sources.” (Principal Investigator: HELMUT Hafner Arnd (Meiji University) Project Number: 16H03487)
    301, Kyoto University
    20192019/11/05 (Tue) - 2019/11/10 (Sun)
    Language Documentation Seminar (in Buryat, Russia)
    • Lecturers: Tokusu Kurebito (ILCAA), Zhargal Badagarov (Buryat State University/ Heidelberg University) Native speaker: Natalya Mekhontseva Petrovna (Tofalar)
    Buryat State University, Ulaan-Ude, Russia
    20192019/11/04 (Mon)
    International Workshop “Material evidence for Iranian history”
    • Yui KANDA (The University of Tokyo) “City of Artisans and Poets: New Evidence on Production of Lustre-painted Ceramics in the Early Modern Kashan”
    • Mohammad Reza Ghiasian (University of Kashan) “The Life History of a Manuscript and Its Transformations during the Centuries”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties”(Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO, Project Number:15H01895), Core Project“Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20192019/11/02 (Sat) - 2019/11/03 (Sun)
    International Workshop: Recent Studies of Tangut Documents in IOM, Russia (2019)

    2 Nov

    • (open)

    3 Nov

    • (Not open to the public)
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here. (70KB)
    • Jointly sponsored by GICAS, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) “Construction of Method of Studies on Scripts in Asia”(Principal Investigator: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) Project Number:19K21628)
    304 (2 Nov), 302 (3 Nov)
    20192019/11/02 (Sat)
    Lecture “After the Refugee Crisis and Syrian conflict: What we can learn from German Experience about acceptance of Refugees”
    • The 2015 European refugee crisis has revealed that conflicts in the Middle East are inseparable from other regions in the world including Europe. Germany was among the European states who accepted the largest number of refugees, a majority of them the Syrian migrants fleeing from the worsening conflict. Following the German chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy, the cooperation between the government and civil movements has strengthened and the country continues its effort in integrating refugees as source of human capital into their workforce. On the other hand, Japan is known for its extremely strict refugee policy whose acceptance rate is less than 1%. In 2016, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had announced prior to the G7 Ise-Shima Summit that the country is accepting a total of 150 Syrian refugees over the coming 5 years. Of these, however, 100 are accepted through the framework of International Cooperation as part of a youth support initiative established by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The country still lacks the vision of accepting the refugees as part of the community for the long term. Given such differences, what can Japan learn from Germany’s experience? For this lecture, we have invited a volunteer staff working at immigrant and refugee youth support NGO “BBZ” (Beratungs- und Betreuungszentrum) based in Trumstraße, Berlin, and their project participant from Syria. We hope this to be a valuable opportunity to hear their experience in the Syrian conflict, the process of moving to Germany to seek asylum, and to discuss the needs and ways of refugee support. ◆Speakers: Mohammed Jouni works as a staff at Berlin based NGO “BBZ” which supports immigrant and refugee youth. He was born in Saida (Sidon) to a Palestinian family and later received German citizenship. Ayham Bakir moved from Syria to Germany during the refugee crisis. His asylum application was accepted and has received a refugee status in Germany. Ayman now joins the project activities at BBZ.

    • 1. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio Univeristy) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Mr.Mohammad Jouni
    • 3. Mr.Ayham Bakir
    • 4. Discussion
    • 5. Closing Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-resistration is required. The seat is limited to first 60 arrivals.
    • Language: English, German, and Arabic (w/ Japanese interpretation)
    • Please register here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research) “Interdisciplinary study of the migration and policy concerning Arab migrants-refugees in Germany” (Principal Invesitigator: Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) Project number: 16KK0050), Global Leader Program for Social Design and Management (GSDM), the University of Tokyo
    Ito International Research Center Gallery 1, The University of Tokyo
    20192019/10/30 (Wed)
    Lecture “Forgeries in Several Illustrated Persian Manuscripts of the Medieval Period”
    • Mohammad Reza Ghiasian (University of Kashan) “Forgeries in Several Illustrated Persian Manuscripts of the Medieval Period”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by The Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties”(Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO, Project Number:15H01895), Core Project“Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    Conference Room, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo (7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)
    20192019/10/26 (Sat)
    International Workshop “The Fate of Rashid al-Din’s Manuscripts”
    • 1. Osamu OTSUKA (The University of Tokyo) “The Transmission and Reception of the Jami’ al-Tawarikh”
    • 2. Mohammad Reza Ghiasian (University of Kashan) “The Intentions of the Timurid Ruler Shahrukh in Collecting Rashid al-Din’s Manuscripts”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here. (in Japanese)
    • Jointly sponsored by Haneda Memorial Hall, Kyoto University,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties”(Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO, Project Number:15H01895), Core Project“Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    Haneda Memorial Hall, Kyoto University (13, Omiya Minamitajiri-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8832)
    20192019/10/26 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (2)”The 1st meeting
    • 1. All members “Contribution of data and discussion on microvariation in subject properties in Bantu languages”
    • 2. Seunghun Lee (ILCAA Joint Researcher, International Christian University) “Correlation analysis of Microvariation data by R (programming language)”
    • 3. All members “Business meeting on annual activities of the project”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/10/25 (Fri)
    Workshop on the current state of heritage language and culture and their relationship to the value and identity of the community
    • Workshop on the current state of heritage language and culture and their relationship to the value and identity of the community
    • Facilitators: Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA), Sumittra Suraratdecha (RILCA, Mahidol University)
    • Discussion session with community members 1) Current state of traditional language and culture: traditional language and the life in the community 2) What does it mean for me to speak in the traditional language; what does the traditional language mean to me 3) What does the traditional language mean to the community 4) In what way do we want to protect the traditional language? 5) What can we do with the traditional language?
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Yoron Minzokumura (693, Higashi-ku, Yoron-cho, Oshima-gun, Kagosihma-ken)
    20192019/10/23 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop “Text editors for editing documents: various uses of find and replace”
    • Contents: ・What is a text file? ・Basic operations of Microsoft Visual Studio Code ・Find/replace/find in files ・Regular expressions ・Uses of find and replace
    • Lecturer: Hideo Sawada (ILCAA)
    20192019/10/22 (Tue) - 2019/10/23 (Wed)
    Workshop on the current state of heritage language and culture and their relationship to the value and identity of the community

    22 Oct

    • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “How does traditional language and culture become weak?”
    • 2. Sumittra Suraratdecha (RILCA, Mahidol University) “Language and culture revitalization in an ethnic minority community in Thailand”
    • 3. Workshop: The current state of the traditional language and culture of Okinoerabu

    23 Oct

    • Workshop on the current state of heritage language and culture and their relationship to the value and identity of the community
    • Facilitators: Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA), Sumittra Suraratdecha (RILCA, Mahidol University)
    • Discussion session with community members 1) Current state of traditional language and culture: traditional language and the life in the community 2) What does it mean for me to speak in the traditional language; what does the traditional language mean to me 3) What does the traditional language mean to the comm 4) In what way do we want to protect the traditional language? 5) What can we do with the traditional language?
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Okinoerabu Island Tourism Association (1029-3, Yajya, China-cho, Oshima-gun, Kagoshima-ken)
    20192019/10/19 (Sat) - 2019/10/20 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspectives on Hominization”The 3rd meeting

    19 Oct

    • 1. Michio NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “What is “sociality” and what is its “origin”?”
    • 2. Takeo FUNABIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor emeritus, Tokyo University) “The Positive feedback between Body Front and Sociality:Upright position makes human front body communicative and social”

    20 Oct

    • 1. Hideaki TERASHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Gakuin University) “Pair bond, family, band”
    • 2. Shin'ichi FUJII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Manners of the Coexistence: Competition and Symbiosis in the Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “The Origin and Evolution of Sociality: Developing new theories of human evolution based on collaboration between anthropology and primatology” (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H05591)
    20192019/10/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”The 4th meeting

    First Session

    • Chair: Zakir Hossain Raju (Independent University Bangladesh)
    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • Abhijit Dasgupta (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Delhi) “Village, Kinship and the Wider World: Prof. Hara Tadahiko’s Contributions to Sociology in South Asia”
    • Discussant: Debasish Kumar Kundu (University of Dhaka)
    • Anwarullah Chowdhury (The former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dhaka & The former Ambassador of Bangladesh to Bahrain) “Contribution of Tadahiko Hara to Social Anthropology: A Tribute to Professor Hara”
    • Discussant: Zobaida Nasreen (University of Dhaka)
    • Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Revisiting the Ethnographic Study by the Late Professor Hara Tadahiko: Islam and the Peasant Society of the Gohira village in Chittagong, Bangladesh”
    • Discussant: Sayed Abu Touab Shakir (Jahangirnagar University)

    Second Session

    • Chair: Rasheda Akhter (Jahangirnagar University)
    • Md Mujibul Anam (Jahangirnagar University), Md Abul Kalam (Helen Keller International, Bangladesh) “The methodological aspects of Professor Hara’s Ethnography and its relevance to Bangladesh village studies”
    • Discussant: Sharmeen Ahmed (Independent University Bangladesh)
    • Atrayee Saha (Muralidhar Girls' College) “Village as an Economic and Cultural Unit Tadahiko Hara’s study of Paribar and Kinship”
    • Discussant: Mohammad Tarikul Islam (Jahangirnagar University)
    • Ranjan Saha Partha (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Jahangirnagar University) “Reconceptualizing Peasantry in the Changing Village Structure of Bangladesh.”
    • Discussant: Moiyen Zalal Chowdhury (Hiroshima University)

    Third Session

    • Manosh Choudhury (Jahangirnagar University), Raisa Rasheeka (Independent University Bangladesh)
    • Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “Individualism in Rural Bangladesh: Ethnography of Professor Hara and Other Village Studies”
    • Discussant: Masood Imran (Jahangirnagar University)
    • “General Discussion”
    • Discussant: Nurul Huda Sakib (Jahangirnagar University), Ala Uddin (University of Chittagong)
    • Comments: Abhijit Dasgupta(ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Delhi)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project“Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Core Project“The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)“Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))“Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024),Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Independent University, Bangladesh
    Faculty Lounge Room No. 7010 Department of Media and Communication, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
    20192019/10/18 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 39th meeting
    • Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)01(First part)”
    • Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reexamination of strip reconstructions for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I)01(Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20192019/10/13 (Sun)
    Lecture “Mughal Kingship as seen through Sanskrit Archives”
    • Audrey Truschke (Rutgers University) “Mughal Kingship as seen through Sanskrit Archives”
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 15H01895), ILCAA Joint Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20192019/10/13 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Typological Study of the Areal Lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asia”The 2nd meeting
    • Takashi KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “Lexical typological aspects of some languages of northern Laos and northern Thailand”
    • Yuma ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyama University of International Studies) “Emotion expressions of Mlabri and its research method”
    • All members “Discussion”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/10/07 (Mon) - 2019/10/09 (Wed)
    Workshop on documentation of indigenous languages in the NTT Province, Indonesia
    • Elvis Albertus Bin Toni (Widya Mandira Catholic University), June Jacob (Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Jermy Balukh (STIBA Cakrawala Nusantara Kupang), Asako Shiohara (ILCAA)
    • Language: English, Indonesian
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”, Widya Mandira Catholic University
    Widya Mandira Catholic University (Jln. Jend. Achmad Yani No.50-52 Kupang - NTT, Indonesia)
    20192019/10/05 (Sat) - 2019/10/06 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on Fiscal Administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid shrine in Iran”The 5th meeting

    5 Oct

    • 1. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Opening remarks”
    • 2. Naofumi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ochanomizu University) “From documentary evidence to administrative use: Transmutation of the Sarih al-melk in the 19th century”
    • 3. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “A Preliminary study on marginal notes in two manuscripts of Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk from the 17th century and the early 18th century”

    6 Oct

    • 1. Sanae TAKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Reconsideration of the History of Barur Village in Ardabil”
    • 2. All members “General discussion”
    • Ayako NINOMIYA (Aoyama Gakuin University)
    • 3. All members “Progress report on digitization of ‘Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk and the planning meeting of the sixth meeting”
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/10/05 (Sat) - 2019/10/06 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1”The 8th meeting

    5 Oct

    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
    • 2. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the radicals of Tangut script”
    • 3. Masakatsu NAGAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University) “Some technical terms from the viewpoint of studies of Hieroglyphs” (tentative)

    6 Oct

    • 1. All participants “Scheduling and discussion for 2018 year”
    • 2. Hiroyuki SASAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Dynamic description of Kanji”
    • 3. Kenji OKANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Some technical terms from the viewpoint of studies of Burmese inscriptions” (tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/10/05 (Sat) - 2019/10/06 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change:  Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”The 8th meeting

    5 Oct

    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Opening Remark”
    • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Progress report on compiling the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism”
    • 3. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “Field report in 2019 summer: Tshe Thar Practice and Mountain Worship in Amdo”
    • 4. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Field report in 2019 summer: Innovation by using traditional handy craft’s techniques of pastoralists”
    • 5. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Field report in 2019 summer: What do Tibetan pastoralists eat in summer?”
    • 6. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Field report in 2019 summer: Transportation route in Qinghai Tibet during Qing period”
    • 7. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Field report in 2019 summer: Sustainability and future challenge of a pastoral co-op in Tsekok”

    6 Oct

    • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Discussion about next joint research project”
    • 2. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Commentaries for each chapter of the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism”
    • 3. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Plans for the future”
    • 4. All Members “Discussion”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/10/05 (Sat)
    International Workshop “Contested Legal Practices in the Nineteenth-Century Volga-Ural Region and the Kazakh Steppe”/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Asia”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Garipova, Rozaliya (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University / Nazarbaev University, Kazakhstan) “How Tatars Divided their Inheritance: Inheritance, Religious Authority and Legal Pluralism in the Nineteenth - Early Twentieth Century Volga-Ural Muslim Community”
    • 2. Masumi ISOGAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “Muslim Marriages and Divorces in the Late Nineteenth-Century Volga-Ural Region”
    • 3. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “Legal Pluralism for Kazakh Nomads beyond the Russo-Qing Imperial Border found in the International Assembly”
    • 4. Halit Dundar Akarca (Nazarbaev University) “Organizing and Funding Social Life in Erzurum under Russian Occupation: Waqfs in Erzurum during WWI”
    • 5. Ken’ichi ISOGAI (Kyoto University),Norihiro NAGANAWA (ILCAA Joint Researchers, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) “General Discussion”
    • Chair: Norihiro NAGANAWA
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English, Russian
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA , Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“A Social History of the Muslim Family and Islamic Law in Modern Central Asia”(Principal investigator: Ken’ichiISOGAI(kyoto University) Project Number: 18H00706)
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Room
    20192019/10/04 (Fri)
    Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 38th meeting
    • 1. Watanabe Hideyuki(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading:Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian23(First part)”
    • 2. Watanabe Hideyuki(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reading:Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian23(Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20192019/09/27 (Fri)
    JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research / Seminar of Contemporary Bengal Studies
    • 1. Akiko KUDO (Tokyo University of Social Welfare) “Polite Expressions and Behavior by Muslim Bangladeshi Students.”
    • 2. Tamiyo KOYAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “What is required for promoting Japanese language study?: the case of Bangladeshi long-term workers.”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number:18KK0024), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)”Multipolarization of the Muslim society in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
    20192019/09/26 (Thu)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 2. Ryoichi MIYAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “From the Kushans to the Hephthalites: the Movements of Human Groups from Central Asia to South Asia”
    • Language: Japanese
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20192019/09/25 (Wed)
    IRC Workshop “Machine Learning in Manchu Studies”
    • Yuanfeng WU (First Historical Archives of China (Former)) “On the Manchu Archives Full-text Search Database by First Historical Archives of China”
    • Language: Chinese(w/ Japanese interpretation)
    • Jointly sponsored by Information Resource Center (IRC), Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/09/24 (Tue)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 15:  “Language games and phonology (1)”
    • 1. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 2. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Ludling and syllable structure in Jinghpaw”
    • 3. Naoki UETA (JSPS/Osaka University) “Rhythm of Mongolian proverbs”
    • 4. Izumi OCHIAI (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Camouflage by affixation in Ata-yal-ic languages”
    20192019/09/19 (Thu) - 2019/09/22 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Students303
    20192019/09/17 (Tue) - 2019/09/20 (Fri)
    Joint Research Project ”Research on Social Cognition Based on SCOPIC: the Social Cognition Parallax Interview Corpus”The 1st meeting

    17 Sep

    • 1. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Briefing of the meeting aims”
    • 2. Yukinori KIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Hyogo)“Introduction to Stance & Engagement and Complementation coding schema”
    • 3. Stance & Engagement and Complementation coding by participants
    • 4. Stance & Engagement and Complementation coding by participants
    • 5. Round-table discussion – issues of interest by participants

    18 Sep

    • 1. Brief discussion on the tasks of the day by participants
    • 2. tance & Engagement and Complementation coding by participants
    • 3. Stance & Engagement and Complementation coding by participants
    • 4. Round-table discussion – issues of interest by participants

    19 Sep

    • 1. Brief discussion on today’s task by participants
    • 2. Stance & Engagement and Complementation coding by participants
    • 3. Stance & Engagement and Complementation coding by participants
    • 4. Round-table discussion – issues of interest by participants

    20 Sep

    • 1. Brief discussion on the tasks of the day by participants
    • 2. Stance & Engagement and Complementation coding by participants
    • 3. Stance & Engagement and Complementation coding by participants
    • 4. Discussion on the future perspective by participants
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/09/13 (Fri) - 2019/09/15 (Sun)
    Symposium “Reexamination of Strip Reconstruction Proposals for Strips and Tables from Liye(I)”/Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 37th meeting

    13 Sep

    • 1. Akira MORIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyobunko) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 1-33)”
    • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 34-66)”
    • 3. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 67-99)”
    • 4. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 100-131)”

    14 Sep

    • 1. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 132-164)”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 165-197)”
    • 3. Hironobu OTSUKA “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 231-262)”
    • 4. Tatsuma MATSUSHIMA (Kyoto University) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 263-294)”
    • 5. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 328-360)”

    15 Sep

    • 1. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 295-327)”
    • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Reexamination of strip reconstruction proposals for Strips and Tablets from the Liye Site based on Liye(I) (Proposal 361-393)”
    • 3. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “The Formation of Imperial China seen through Institutional Changes between the Ch'in and the Han as reflected in recently excavated sources” (Principal Investigator: HELMUT Hafner Arnd (ILCAA joint Researcher, Meiji University), Project Number: 16H03487)
    20192019/09/06 (Sun)
    “Islam, Gender and Sexuality in the Field”
    • 1. Junko TORIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University) “Introduction”
    • 2. Short presentations by the authors of the ongoing publication project “Observing Sexuality in the Field”
    • 3. General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Towards the construction of ‘Islam & Gender Studies’: Building foundations for comprehensive discussion on gender justice and Islam”(Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa, Project Number: 16H01899)
    20192019/09/04 (Fri)
    ILCAA Forum/ A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Jinghpaw
    • Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Lhaovo, a Burmish language of Kachin”
    • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Jingpaw.
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/08/30 (Fri)
    ILCAA Forum/ A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Dzongkha
    • Satoshi YAMANA (GNH Travel and Service) “Traditional culture of Bhutan -Mask dance of Bhutan”
    • Facilitator: Fuminobu NISHIDA (Intensive Language Course of Dzongka Chief Lecturer, Tohoku Univerisity)
    • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Dzongka.
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/08/30 (Fri)
    Reconsidering Family and Relatives in the Middle East
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. In-depth reading and discussion of the recently published book “Social History of Family in Modern Egypt” (Nagasawa, 2019) with a particular focus on Chapter 2 “On the Concept of Family in Modern Egypt”
    • 3. General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Towards the construction of “Islam & Gender Studies”: Building foundations for comprehensive discussion on gender justice and Islam”(Principal Investigator: Eiji Nagasawa, Project Number: 16H01899)
    20192019/08/28 (Wed)
    Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence
    • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Opening Address”
    • 2. Najib BURHANI (LIPI) “The 2019 Presidential Election and Its Impacts on the Polarization of Islam in Indonesia”
    • 3. Masami MORI (Kyoto Bunkyo University) “Legal issues on Muslim rights and rehabilitation process of Marawi, Philippines”
    • 4. Omar FAROUK (Hiroshima City University) “The Pashus of Lower Myanmar” (The Malays of Lower Myanmar)
    • 5. General Discussion
    • Language: English
    • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Program “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence”
    LeMeridien Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
    20192019/08/23 (Fri)
    ILCAA Forum/ A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Dzongkha
    • Ken-ichi MATSUSHIMA (Shinshu University) “Edible Wild Plant in Bhutan”
    • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Dzongka.

    • Facilitator: Fuminobu NISHIDA (Intensive Language Course of Dzongka Chief Lecturer,Tohoku Univerisity)
    • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Dzongka.

    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/08/19 (Mon) - 2019/08/26 (Mon)
    Language documentation and revitalization workshop: Interdisciplinary approach - Phrase 2: Passing on and renewing our heritage

    19–20 Aug

    • Workshop 1: Leadership and sustainable development

    21–22 Aug

    • Workshop 2: Capturing the community heritage and knowledge through photos

    23 Aug

    • Workshop 3: Capturing the community heritage and knowledge in documentary films

    24–26 Aug

    • Workshop 4: Product sharing and looking into the future
    • Language: Thai
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Black Tai community Hall, Khao Yoi, Phetchaburi, Thailand
    20192019/08/19 (Mon)
    Workshop for Linguistic Fieldwork on the Hachinohe dialect
    • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “'Reliability’ of the data collected from language consultants”
    • 2. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, NINJAL) “Methods for linguistic (phonetic) fieldwork”
    • 3. Nobuko KIBE (NINJAL) “Preparation for fieldwork”
    • 4. Nobuko KIBE (NINJAL) “Phonetic and phonological features of the Tohoku dialects and its transcription”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL)  (10-2 Midori-cho, Tachikawa City, Tokyo)
    20192019/08/16 (Fri) - 2019/08/22 (Thu)
    Workshop for the languages in the State of Sabah, Malaysia
    • The aim of this workshop is to discuss indigenous languages spoken in the State of Sabaha, Malaysia with native speakers.

    • Participants: Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University), Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University)
    • Native Speakers: Mohd Izzuddin Fitri Bin Abd Aziz (Bahasa Melayu Brunei), Nelson Dino (Neldy) (Bahasa Sug / Suluk)
    • Language: Japanese, English, Malay
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Relation between the definiteness marking and sentence structure in Malayo-Sumbawan languages” (Principal Investigator: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA),Project Number: 15K02472)
    The Loft Imago, KK Times Square The Loft Residences Block B, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
    20192019/08/08 (Thu)
    Symposium on Impact of Hazard/Natural disaster on Society in Asia:UMS-TUFS Exchange Lecture Series
    • 1. Marsitah Mohd Radzi (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) “Openning Address”
    • 2. Ikuya TOKORO(ILCAA), Ryouko Nishii (ILCAA) “Openning Address”
    • 3. Yuichi SEKIYA(University of Tokyo) Talk 1:“Creating Collaborative Ethnography in Disaster Study: A Case of Fukushima Disaster Study in Japan”
    • 4. Yasushi UCHIYAMADA(University of Tsukuba) Talk 2:“Nuclear accidents, temporalities and lifeworlds : Fukushima, La Hague, Sellafield and beyond”
    • 5. Ryoji SODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka City University) Talk 3:“Historical development of flood control and water use in and around Japan: 150 years of river management technology”
    • 6. Talk4 : Talk by a speaker from UMS
    • 7. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by KKLO, Core Project“The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    Mozart Meeting Room, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Sabah(UMS)
    20192019/07/31 (Wed)
    Seminar of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Society in South Asia” 
    • 1. Mami KANAZAEWA (Hitotsubashi University) “Participatory Group of Handicapped Women, Family, and Local Society in Bangladesh”
    • 2. Nobuko UESAWA(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Social Relations and Women of Ethnic Minority in Bangladesh”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)“Multipolarization of Muslim Society in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024)
    20192019/07/28 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Natsuko SAEKI(Nagoya Gakuin University) “Islamic Law and Human Rights in Aceh: “Local Wisdom” or Universal Value?”
    • 2. Meeting on publication
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, KKLO
    20192019/07/28 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project ‟A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Progress in the research of Malayic varieties”
    • 2. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Features of corpuses of Malaysian language”
    • 3. Masashi FURIHATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Standard Indonesian and language education”
    • 4. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Recent stylistic changes in Indonesian recipes”
    • 5. Budi Lestari (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) “Sociolinguistic situation of Chinese descendants in Lampung - A history”
    • 6. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “Features of Belitung Malay”
    • 7. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Pitch pattern and intensity in Malayic languages”
    • 8. All members Wrap up and general discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/07/27 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Asia”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. David Brophy (ILCAA, The University of Sydney) “Between Hagiography and Universal History: Muhammad Sadr Kashghari’s Asar al-Futuh”
    • 2. Satoru KIMURA (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Turkistan as depicted in the historical writing of Mulla ‘Alim”
    • 3. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Asia”, Central Eurasian Studies Association
    20192019/07/27 (Sat)
    “The cross-regional networking of contemporary Muslim Intellectuals”
    • 1. Ken'ichiro TAKAO (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow, Middle East Institute of Japan)
    • 2. Hatsuki AISHIMA (National Museum of Ethnology)
    • 3. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required. Please Contact Ken'ichiro TAKAO: takaoknc[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20192019/07/27 (Sat) - 2019/07/28 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”The 4th meeting

    27 July

    • 1. Takayuki NAKAMURA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Presentation on The Poems of David Diop”
    • 2. Ryo FUKUSHIMA(ILCAA Joint Researcher,Graduate School,the University of Tokyo) “Reading The Poems of David Diop”
    • 3. Yutaka SAKUMA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Introduction to the Feature Articles in Journal of African Studies, No.94: Présence Africaine Research”
    • 4. All Members “Discussion”

    28 July

    • 1. All Members “Discussion”
    • 2. Moriyuki HOSHINO(ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Literary Africa in Japan: around Kanjiro Noma”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement” , Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Global Studies on Historical Formation of World Cultural Capital System” (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (The University of Tokyo) Project Number: 17H02328),Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) “Study of the black literary and cultural journal Présence Africaine by an anthropological approach” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number:17K18480)
    20192019/07/26 (Fri) - 2019/07/27 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of “Waza”:Technology, Body, Environment”The 6th meeting

    26 July

    • 1. Wakana SUZUKI (University of OSAKA) “Care of the cells in knowledge making”
    • 2. Meeting on publication

    27 July

    • 1. Hitonaru NISHIE (Kyoto University) “Chimpanzee cultures as the art of their lives”
    • 2. Meeting on publication
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/07/20 (Sat) - 2019/07/21 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as Dynamism: in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art”The 9th meeting

    20 July

    • Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Kazunori KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Yukio- Pegio GUNJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Kotaro TAKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Kyoko NAKAMURA (ILCAA Research Fellow) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Takeshi UTSUMI ((ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of the Arts) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Akinori KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.

    21 July

    • Ayako IWATANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Univsersity) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor emeritus, The University of Shiga Prefecture) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Katsuo NAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA Research Fellow) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Tomohisa SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto City University of Arts) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Tadashi YANAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) Discussion on the concept of each paper for publication.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as Dynamism: in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork Focused on Critical Situations” (Principal Investigator: Ryoko Nishii (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H00948)
    20192019/07/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Inter-disciplinary Approach to the Diversity and Dynamics of Swahili Varieties”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo Woman's Christian University) and Masaaki KADOYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Report on preliminary survey on Kilwa dialect of Swahili”
    • Miyako TAKAMURA (Nanzan University)
    • 2. Nico Nassenstein (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Tense and aspect in Bunia Swahili (Ituri Kingwana): Insights into an understudied peripheral variety”
    • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English, Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/07/19 (Fri) - 2019/07/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 36th meeting

    19 July

    • Tsuneko SUMIYA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian21 (First part)
    • Tsuneko SUMIYA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian21 (Second part)

    20 July

    • Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “On the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (7)”
    • Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian22 (First part)
    • Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian21 (Second part)
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20192019/07/19 (Fri)
    FIELDPLUS Talk Show “Religious Belief and Practices of Islam in Western Ethiopia”
    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) Opening
    • Facilitator: Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA)
    • 2. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) talk
    • 3. Yasuo MATSUNAMI (African Studies Center, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) talk
    • 4. Q&A session
    (1-10-3 Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)
    20192019/07/18 (Thu)
    LingDy Forum: A state of the art approach to underdescribed inland Swahili varieties
    • Nico Nassenstein (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) “Tracing language change: On the history of Bunia Swahili (Ituri Kingwana)”
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English's
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/07/17 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop: How to design an effective research poster

    Sesssion II

    • Practical exercise
    20192019/07/13 (Sat) - 2019/07/14 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking History of Agriculture and Rural Society in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 1st meeting

    13 July

    • 1. Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “Innovation as a Social Process; A Case of the Bemba”
    • 2. Tadasu TSURUTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kindai University) “Agricultural Revolution and Innovation in Africa: Reexamining Sugiyama’s Innovation Theory”

    14 July

    • 1. All members Discussion on Agricultural Revolution and Innovation in Africa
    • 2. All members Discussion on Future Publication
    • Language: Japanese
    Hongo Satellite 7F
    20192019/07/13 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages (2)”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 2. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “TBA”
    • 3. Discussion on the planning of the project
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/07/10 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop: How to design an effective research poster

    Sesssion I

    • The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages. ILCAA offers various workshops on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. In this workshop, we think what a “good” poster presentation is. Recently, many academic conferences on linguistics include poster presentations in their program. However, we can get little information on the research poster such as what to be prepared, how to design it, or how to present effectively. In this workshop, we will discuss about them, and each participant will create each poster during the workshop.

    • 1. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, NINJAL)
    • 2. Tomoyo OTSUKI (ILCAA Research Associate)
    20192019/07/07 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Aspects of Agglutination in Turkic Languages: An Integrated Approach of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 7th meeting

    Discussion for the scheduled workshop

    • 10:00–12:30. Kumiko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
    • 10:00–12:30. Kazuki AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate school of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo)
    • 10:00–12:30. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University)
    • 10:00–12:30. Noriko OHSAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)
    • 10:00–12:30. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
    • 10:00–12:30. Kentaro SUGANUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/ Hitotsubashi University)
    • 10:00–12:30. Taiki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ankara University)

    • Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University)
    • Hideki TSUKAMOTO (Ehime University)
    • Setsu FUJISHIRO (Kobe City College of Nursing)
    • 13:30–15:00. All members Meeting for publication
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/07/06 (Sat)
    Overseas Scientific Research Forum

    Workshop: Field Science and Joint Research Project

    • 10:30-12:30.

    • 1. Ryota SAKAMOTO (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University) “Field Medicine and Overseas Scientific Research”
    • 2. Koichi FUJITA (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University) “Agricultural Economics and Overseas Scientific Research”
    • 3. Yasuhisa KONDO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “Prehistoric Archaeology: Overseas Explorations and Interdisciplinarity”

    Section meetings by research themes*

    • 13:30-15:00.

    General meeting*

    • 15:15-16:15.

    Festa: Poster Session on Overseas Scientific Research

    • 16:20-17:20.


    • 17:30-19:00.
    20192019/06/30 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” The 1st meeting
    • 1. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Introduction
    • 2. All members Self-introductions
    • 3. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Comparative Ethnographical Study on the Dynamisme of Debt” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (Meiji University) Project Number: 19H01388)
    20192019/06/29 (Sat) - 2019/06/30 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival Study on Fiscal administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid Shrine in Iran” The 4th meeting

    29 June

    • 1. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Introduction of the Second Year of the Research Project”
    • 2. Masaki SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “Preliminary Considerations of Waqfnama-yi Timuri”
    • 3. Discussion

    30 June

    • 1. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Shaykh Safi’s “Waqfiya” in the Section of Alghir Village (Ardabil) in Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk: Revisiting Historical Sources on Formation of Financial Foundation of the Early Safavid Order”
    • 2. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Report on the Ongoing progress of Digitization of ‘Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk”
    • 3. “Planning for the Second Year of the Project”
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/06/29 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions Reflected in Javanese and Other Texts from Southeast Asia: the Roles and Strategies of States in the Process of Islamization” The 1st meeting
    • 1. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) Outline of this project
    • 2. All members Self-introduction and introduction of related literatures
    • 3. All members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/06/29 (Sat) - 2019/07/05 (Fri)
    Language documentation and revitalization workshop: Interdisciplinary approach

    29 June

    • 1. Identify local identity
    • 2. Set shared ultimate goal

    30 June

    • 1. Language and cultural heritage: Our cultural capital
    • 2. Local history

    1 July

    • 1. SWOT analysis
    • 2. Locate heritage and wise people

    3 July

    • 1. Community research
    • 2. Shared info and presentation

    4 July

    • 1. Localized language documentation
    • 2. Customized language revitalization

    5 July

    • 1. Community project planning: heritage map
    • 2. Community project planning: knowledge management plan
    • Language: Thai
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Black Tai community Hall, Khao Yoi, Phetchaburi, Thailand
    20192019/06/27 (Thu) - 2019/06/28 (Fri)
    International Workshop “Bantu in Contact with non-Bantu”

    27 June

    • 1. Welcome and opening comments
    • 2. Maarten Mous (Leiden University) “A thousand years of Bantu-Cushitic contact”
    • 3. Chrispina Alphonce (University of Dodoma) “The attitude of speakers of Southern Cushitic languages of Tanzania”
    • 4. Hannah Gibson (University of Essex) “Language contact in East African Bantu: disentangling internal and external processes of change”
    • 5. Andrew Harvey (ILCAA Junior Fellow, Post-doctoral fellow JSPS) “Preverbal particles in Ihanzu”
    • 6. General discussion

    28 June

    • 1. Welcome and quick opening discussion
    • 2. Lutz Marten (SOAS, University of London) “Language contact: centre and periphery”
    • 3. Hilde Gunnink (Ghent University) “Bantu-Khoisan language contact in Southern Africa”
    • 4. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Where Chaga differs from typical Eastern Bantu: possible influence from contact with non-Bantu?”
    • 5. Chrispina Alphonce (University of Dodoma) “The influence of Bantu-Southern Cushitic contact in numeral systems”
    • 6. General discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/06/25 (Tue) - 2019/07/01 (Mon)
    Seminar on documentation of indigenous languages in the NTT Province, Indonesia
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English, Indonasian
    • For deitails, pease see the attatched file.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, University of Delaware
    Hotel on the Rock (Pasir Panjang Beach, Jalan Timor Raya No.2 Kelapa Lima - Kupang 85228 East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia)
    20192019/06/24 (Mon) - 2019/06/27 (Thu)
    Language Documentation Seminar (in Yakutsk, Russia)
    • Lecturers: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA), Zhargal Badagarov (Buryat State University/ Heidelberg University)
    • Coordinator: Lyudmila Sofronovna (North-Eastern Federal University)
    • Language: Russian, English
    • Program: Pease see the attatched file.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia
    North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia
    20192019/06/23 (Sun)
    “The cross-regional networking of contemporary Muslim Intellectuals”
    • 1. Seika WAZAKI (Chubu University)
    • 2. So YAMANE (Osaka University)
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
    Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
    20192019/06/21 (Fri) - 2019/06/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 35th meeting

    21 Jun

    • 1. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 19 (First part)”
    • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 19 (Second part)”

    22 Jun

    • 1. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 20 (First part)”
    • 2. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “On the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (6)”
    • 3. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 20 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20192019/06/16 (Sun)
    Seminar: Muslim Societies in South Asia
    • 1. All members Self-introduction
    • 2. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Research purpose and schedule
    • 3. I) Pilgrimage - Tourism Unit: Tetsuya NAKATANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara Prefectural University), Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University)
    • II) Social Development Unit: Mayumi MURAYAMA (The Institute of Developing Economies), Naonori KUSAKABE(TUFS)
    • III) Rural Society Unit: Kohichi FUJITA (Kyoto University), Takami ISHIZUKA (Kanto Gakuin University)
    • IV) Philosophy Unit: Soh YAMANE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University), Kiyokazu OKITA (Sophia University)
    • V) Middle East and South-east Asia Unit: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA), Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of the Muslim society in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
    Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus Environmental Studies Hall 6F
    20192019/06/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”The 3rd meeting

    Session 1 (in Japanese)

    • Sachiyo KOMAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takasaki City University of Economics) “Pakistani Community and Forced Marriage in Norway”
    • Yuko YAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University) “Marriage Ceremonies and Ritual songs in Bhojipuri Region”

    Session 2 (in English)

    • Abhijit Dasgupta (ILCAA Visiting professor, University of Delhi) “Mahatma Gandhi and an Anthropologist”
    • Discussants: Tetsuya NAKATANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara Prefectural University), Sumie NAKATANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of the Muslim society in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (FINDAS)
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20192019/06/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Typological Study of the Areal Lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asia”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Toward a typological study of the areal lexicon of Mainland Southeast Asia”
    • 2. Tadahiko SHINTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Tone system and its development reconsidered through the languages of the Tay Cultural Area”
    • 3. All members Disucussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/06/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Synchrony and Diachrony of Mongolic Languages: Internal and External Factors”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Yuta MATSUOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kansai University) “Auxiliary verbs and grammaticalization in Mongolian: Focus on aspectual meaning”
    • 2. Masayoshi KAKUDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “[Detailed Explanation] Short vowel in non-initial closed syllables (CC7VC9#) in Khalkha Mongolian”
    • 3. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) The plan and schedule of the project hereafter
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/06/09 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdisciplinary Research”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Preparatory Office for National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: materials from Bihoro dialect (3)”
    • 2. Miki KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Preparatory Office for National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu Language materials in ILCAA: materials of Saru dialect (3)”
    • 3. Yasushige TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Some issues with the documentation of Ainu Language materials: manuscripts by Matsu Kannari as an example”
    • 4. Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, NINJAL Adjunct Researcher, Graduate School of Chiba University) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: building a corpus of conversational materials of Saru dialect (3)”
    • 5. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Data structure, user interface and search function of Ainu audio-video archives”
    • 6. Masaaki MINAGAWA (Sapporo Gakuin University) “Trends in the research of digital archives”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Sapporo Gakuin University, 11-banchi Bunkyodai, Ebetsu, Hokkaido
    20192019/06/08 (Sat) - 2019/06/09 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1”The 7th meeting

    8 Jun

    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) On the joint-research project
    • 2. Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “combining character, ‘united character’ and ‘Ligature’, original character, derivative character, and so on”
    • 3. Naomichi KUROSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokugakuin University) “Breach of linearity: Dongba Scripts”
    • 4. Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Characters derived from Kanji”

    9 Jun

    • 1. All participants Scheduling and discussion for 2018 year
    • 2. Kazuhiro OKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) A review of writing-related articles of _The Encyclopedia of Japanese Linguistics_ (The Society for Japanese Linguistics, 2018)
    • 3. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the order of Tangut characters which have same syllable in Wen-hai”
    • Language: Japanese
    20192019/06/07 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Projects “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 34th meeting
    • 1. Tsuneko SUMIYA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian18(First part)
    • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading: Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian18(Second part)
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20192019/05/29 (Wed)
    Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop: Field note taking (2): Methods of utilizing digital devices
    • 1.
    • Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • ILCAA offers various workshops on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages.

    • Main Topics: Methods of utilizing digital devices

    20192019/05/27 (Mon) - 2019/05/29 (Wed)
    The 29th Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS29)

    27 May

    • 1. Opening remarks
    • 2. Alexander Coupe Keynote talk
    • 3. Parallel session

    28 May

    • 1. Sumittra Suraratdecha Keynote talk
    • 2. Parallel session

    29 May

    • 1. Hsiu-chuan Liao Keynote talk
    • 2. Parallel session
    • 3. Business meeting
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    • Supported by: Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Typology of information sturucture in Southeast Asian languages” (Principal Investigator: Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H02331), KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Urgent Research on Endangered Languages in Burma” (Principal Investigator: Keita KURABE (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H04523), KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “A Study on the historical Development of the Sino-Tibetan Languages and their Typological Geography” (Principal Investigator: Takumi IKEDA (Kyoto University) Project Number: 18H05219), KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “Sentence-final particles in Tagalog: form, function, and prosody” (Principal Investigator: Naonori NAGAYA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Project Number: 18K12366)
    KFC Hall & Rooms
    (1-6-1 Yokoami, Sumida-ku, Tokyo)
    20192019/05/25 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Narratives and the Utilization of the Past in Modern Central Asia”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Jin NODA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 2. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “Sources of the Historical materials of Kazakhs”
    • 3. Akifumi SHIOYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “Khivan Chronicles in the Nineteenth Century”
    • 4. General Discussion
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Room
    20192019/05/25 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as dynamism-in search of methodological connection between affect, thinking and art” The 8th meeting
    • 1. Ayako IWATANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Univsersity) “Connection and Disconnection at the Surface of the Place of Remembering: the House and Music of the Romanian Roma”
    • 2. Katsuo NAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “On the “Drumming” in Byans and Adjacent Regions: Affect, Aesthetics, and Boundaries”
    • 3. Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA Fellow) ”Dreams devour people: “Shadow” and “Affectus” among an African society”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork Focused on Critical Situations” (Principal Investigator: Ryoko Nishii(ILCAA) Project Number: 17H00948)
    20192019/05/19 (Sun)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2011 (Sibe) /The 8th meeting on Sibe language and linguistics
    • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “On the particles =ni’ and da in Sibe: activation state of referents and information structure”
    • 2. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “On ‘A study on the modality system in Sibe”
    • 3. General Discussion
    • Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/05/19 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics” The 7th meeting
    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Opening Remark
    • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Towards Rich Cultural Lexicography: A Case Study of Cultural Lexis of Tibetan Pastoralism”
    • 3. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Creating a Basic Vocabulary List for Nomadic Pastoralist Societies”
    • 4. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Children’s Book on Yak: An Outreach of the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism (pilot version)”
    • 5. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Digitally Generating Specialized Encyclopedias from a Multimedia Dictionary: From the Case Study of Milk Culture of Amdo Tibetan Pastoralist”
    • 6. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A Recognition of Pastoralism, from Publications in Recent Years on the History of Amdo Tibetans”
    • 7. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “The Practice of Tshe Thar (Liberating Animals) among Pastoral Tibetans: Based on Field Experience Creating a Dictionary of Pastoralism”
    • 8. All Members Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20192019/05/17 (Fri) - 2019/05/18 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 33rd meeting

    17 May

    • Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 16 (First part)”
    • Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 16 (Second part)”

    18 May

    • Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Book Review: Matshushima Tatsuma, Kanteikoku no Seiritsu (The Formation of the Han Empire)”
    • Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 17 (First part)”
    • Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 17 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20192019/04/25 (Thu)
    Presentations on information resources created by the IRC projects 2018
    • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Online text of Ainu collected by Suzuko Tamura”
    • 2. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Turkic Basic Vocabularies (phase 5)”
    • 3. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Old Tibetan Documents Online”
    • 4. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Making a linguistic map of Malay varieties and developing the data collecting system for the map”
    • 5. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Construction of ‘Kachin Portal Website”
    • 6. Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Development of a simple and web-based input method for Unicode multilingual text”
    • 7. Suzushi HAYATA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Digitization of the Qing Wen Hui Shu
    • 8. kiyokazu OKITA (Sophia University) and Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Digitization of Matsya project microfilms”
    • 9. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Constructing a digital library of the illustrations from Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse
    • 10. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Publication of Ottoman theatrical posters data base”
    • 11. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Data Base of musical information in the Ottoman theatrical posters”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by IRC
    20192019/04/19 (Fri) - 2019/04/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 32nd meeting

    19 Apr

    • Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 15 (First part)”
    • Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 15 (Second part)”

    20 Apr

    • Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “On 'old' and ‘new’ in the Qin state of the warring states period”
    • Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “On the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (4)”
    • Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “On the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (5)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20192019/04/05 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 31st meeting
    • Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 14 (First part)”
    • Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 14 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    301, Kyoto University
    20182019/03/30 (Sat) - 2019/03/31 (Sun)
    The 38th Iranian Studies Meeting

    30 Mar

    • Seiro HARUTA (Tokai University) “Recent research trends on Pre-Islamic Iran”
    • Kumiko YAMAMOTO (The University of Tokyo) “Poesy of Kiyarostami”
    • Saku TSUYUZAKI (Graduate School of the University of Tokyo) “Mirza Asad Allah Ghalib and Persian Literature”
    • Miki KINOSHITA (Osaka University) “Persian Translation of Haji Baba’s adventure by Mirza Haibib Esfahani”
    • Naho NAKAMURA (Daito Bunka University) “Persian Popular Poetry in Modern Iran”
    • Confessions

    31 Mar

    • Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Oral Literature in Early Modern Iran”
    • Takashi KURODA (Tohoku University) “Ebrahim Sahafbashi’s Travelogue to Japan”
    • Kenji KURODA (National Museum of Ethnology) “Rediscovering and Consuming traditions and handicrafts”
    • Atsuko TSUBAKIHARA (Ryukoku University) “Tehran Fieldwork in 2018”
    • Confessions
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Iranian Studies Meeting
    20182019/03/29 (Fri) - 2019/03/30 (Sat)
    International Workshop: Directional Prefix in Tibeto-Burman Languages

    29 Mar (open)

    30 Mar (Not open to the public)

      • Language: English
      • For details, please see here.
      • Organized by KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Aspects of Tibeto-Burman Languages through analysis of the Directional prefixes” (Principal Investigator: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) #16H03414)
    304 (29 Mar)
    302 (30 Mar)
    20182019/03/28 (Thu)
    Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
    • Kenichiro TAKAO (JSPS Research Fellow) “Hisba in the Muslim Society Today: Policing Public Morality”
    • Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “After 3 Years from the “Refugee Crisis”: Dynamics of Integration of Syrian Refugees in Germany”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2), ILCAA Forum
    20182019/03/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as Dynamism in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art” The 7th meeting
    • Discussion on the orientation of “Life as Dynamism”
    • Kyoko NAKAMURA (ILCAA Research Fellow) “Waiting for Flower-Holding Bird”
    • Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Laughing at “Disabled” Bodies: An analysis on Balinese theater and everyday life” (tentative)
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/03/23 (Sat) - 2019/03/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement” The 3rd meeting

    23 Mar

    • Takayuki NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Reading an article in Présence Africaine”
    • Seiji NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “Competition between Written Languages in West Africa and Présence africaine: Letters, Print/Manuscript, and Transcription for Amadou Hampâté Bâ”
    • Ryouichi KUNO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Africa in Cuban literary journals: From Revista de Avance to Anales del Caribe”
    • Discussion

    24 Mar

    • Hisashi MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Yokohama National University) “African Renaissance and Traditional Leadership”
    • Ryo OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ““Assimilation” and nationalism for Boilat and Senghor”
    • Ryo HUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School, the University of Tokyo) “Suigyu Ensemble and Cultural Capital - Digital Archive Project and Analyze”
    • Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Global Studies on Historical Formation of World Cultural Capital System” (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (The University of Tokyo) Project Number: 17H02328), Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) “Study of the black literary and cultural journal Présence Africaine by an anthropological approach” (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) Project Number: 17K18480)
    20182019/03/21 (Thu)
    Fieldnet Workshop: History based on Geographic Information: Adaptation of GIS for History of Islam
    • Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA) Introduction, Current situation of Historical GIS: Studies, Tools, and Problems
    • Hiroshi KATO (Hitotsubashi University) On the Topography as a Given Condition for the Local Development: in Case of Fayyum Province in Egypt
    • Kazuhiro ARAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) Regional division within the historical Hadramawt: a study with the use of Google Earth
    • Takenori YOSHIMURA (Daito Bunka University) Relations between the Expansion of Historic Cairo and the Development of Urban Water Facility: A Comparative Analysis of Geographic Informations and Historical
    • Nobuo MISAWA (Toyo University) Modern Japanese Advances to the Islamic World: Toward the Utilization of GIS Studies with the Various Source Materials
    • Comments: Manabu KAMEYA (Hirosaki University), Yutaka GOTO (Yokohama City University)
    • Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Field Science Center
    20182019/03/19 (Tue)
    JaCMES-AUB Lecture Meeting: Examining Najeeb Saleeby as American Colonial Advocate and Educator
    • 1. Abdul-Rahim Abu-Husayn (American University of Beirut) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Introduction of the Lecturer
    • 3. Nobutaka SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “Examining Najeeb Saleeby as American Colonial Advocate and Educator”
    • 4. Q & A
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by JaCMES, American University of Beirut
    Auditorium A, West Hall, American University of Beirut
    20182019/03/18 (Mon) - 2019/03/22 (Fri)
    SCOPIC workshop
    • Speakers:
    • Nicholas EVANS (Australian National University), Danielle BARTH (Australian National University), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Eka PRATIWI (College of Foreign Languages (STIBA) Saraswati Denpasar), Heiko NARROG (Tohoku University), Hitomi ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Reitaku University), Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University), Yukinori KIMOTO (JSPS/Graduate school, Nagoya University), Carine KAWAKAMI (University of Hyogo, Konan University) , Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA), Keita KURABE (ILCAA)
    • For inquiries, please contact asako[at] (←Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Developing human resources taking the lead in research on endangered and/or minority languages in an international network
    20182019/03/17 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 2. Mayuri KOGA (Kaichi International University) On the book of “Ethnography of Rituals and Performing Ritual Arts in South Asia”
    • 3. Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/JSPS) Discussant
    • 4. Toshiki SHIBUYA (Kanto Gakuin University) “Cultures apprearing to belong to the lower castes”
    • 5. Tetsuya NAKATANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara Prefectural University) Discussant
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/03/15 (Fri) - 2019/03/17 (Sun)
    The Second International Symposium on Current Situation of Contemporary Tibetan Literature and Film Making

    15 Mar [Screening of Tibetan Short Films]

    • 1. “The Knot” (Directed by Loten, 20 min., 2018, w/ English subtitles)
    • 2. “Blackboard” (Directed by Yonden, 27 min., 2018, w/ Engish subtitles)
    • 3. “The Hunter and the Skeleton” (Directed by Bin Bai, 26 min., 2012, w/ English subtitles)
    • Commentary: Wandaike (Minzu University of China) and Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)

    16 Mar [Current Situation of Contemporary Tibetan Literature and Film Making: Reports from Tibetan perspectives]

    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Laxianjia (ILCAA Visiting Professor, China Tibetology Research Center) (Dr. Laxianjia cannot attend the symposium for some reasons.) “Boundedness of Modern Tibetan Literature”
    • 3. Zengbaodangzhou (Minzu University of China) “Characteristics of the Tibetan Literature of the Past Decade”
    • 4. Jia Buqing (Tibetan Literature Net) “Thinking of Tibetan Literature Based on the Experience of Tibetan Literature Net”
    • 5. Wandaike (Minzu University of China) “About Tibetan Films”
    • 6. Q&A Session
    • Commentators: Maya HAMADA (Kobe University), Miki KAWAMOTO (Fukuoka University)

    16 Mar [SERNYA Special Session 1]

    • Kuranishi (Cartoonist), Eiko ANRAKU (Artist), Chizuko (Artist) Moderator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Drawing Tibet: Perspectives of Japanese Artists”

    16 Mar [SERNYA Special Session 2]

    • azue AOKI (Book designer), Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow), Junko MIURA (translator), Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Looking back on the Six Year History of SERNYA”

    17 Mar [Current Situation of Contemporary Tibetan Literature and Film Making: Reports from Japanese perspectives]

    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Literatures in Ladakh and Sikkim”
    • 3. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “English Tibetan literature and its related topics”
    • 4. Satoshi UDO (Kagoshima University) “Exploring for a new “language”––Challenges and Possibilities of Small Literatures”
    • 5. Junko MIURA (translator) “Tibetan Ghosts and Demons”
    • 6. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Curse in the History of Tibet”
    • 7. Q&A Session
    • Commentators: Yoko TAMURA (Kinjo Gakuin University), Hiroshi NEMOTO (Hiroshima University), Yuri KOMATSUBARA (Meiji University) 

    17 Mar [SERNYA Special Session 3]

    • “What is your favorite story?” Poetry Reading by Jia Buqing

    17 Mar [SERNYA Special Session 4]

    • Miwa NAKAHARA (Performer of Tibetan Music) Moderator: Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Joy of Tibetan Music”

    17 Mar

    • Closing Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is recommended. Please refer to the following link.
    • Language: Japanese and Tibetan (w/ Japanese interpretation)
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/03/15 (Fri)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop: How to Make Your Research Appear Appealing: purpose and tips for scientific communication
    • ILCAA offers various workshops on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages.

    • Facilitator: Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Speakers: Yuto NIINAGA (NINJAL), Satbyul KIM (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature), Hikaru KAMOGAWA (Japan GEMS Center)
    • Main topics: Scientific communication and communicator

    20182019/03/14 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • Yutaka SAKUMA(ILCAA) “From Property to Liability”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20182019/03/14 (Thu)
    Workshop: Persian literature and South Asia
    • Hassan Rezai Baghbidi (Osaka University) “Persian Zoroastrian Literature”
    • Prashant Keshavmurthy (McGill University) “Sharḥ: Two Kinds of Sociality and Two Ways of Reading in Three Mughal Commentaries on Sa‘di’s Gulistān”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”,Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Studies on Cultural Pluralism in Early Modern South Asia: With Special Reference to Translation” (Principal Investigator: Nobuhiro OTA(ILCAA),Project/Area Number: 18KK0013)
    Room 608,Osaka University Nakanoshima Center (4-3-53 Nakanoshima Kita-Ku Osaka-City)
    20182019/03/13 (Wed)
    UMS-TUFS Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society of Southeast Asia
    • 1. Dr. Marsitah Mohd Radzi (UMS) Openning Address
    • 2. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Openning Address
    • 3. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) ““Disabled” Bodies and Humor: Two cases of Balinese comedy theater” (tentative)
    • 4. Noko KUZE (National Museum of Nature and Science) “Research and Conservation of Orangutans in Borneo and Sumatran Islands”
    • 5. Dr. Sayed Uddin (UMS) “Impacts of Socio-Demographic Factors on Utilisation of Health Care Services: Empirical Evidence From Migrant Workers in Malaysia”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by KKLO, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu
    Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu
    20182019/03/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into Dynamicity of Grammar (1): Multiplicity and Distributedness in Grammar” The 5th meeting
    • 1. Hiroko TAKANASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women's University) “Grammar, style and stance: direct and indirect indexicality of the second-person pronouns at the end of IU”
    • 2. Atsuhiko KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “On ‘Literary style’ in Pwo-Karen”
    • 3. Open discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/03/09 (Sat) - 2019/03/11 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Studies of Literary and Religious Texts” The 5th meeting
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English (3/9~10)
      Japanese (3/11)
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Conference: Classification of Indic Knowledge at the Mughal Court: the Āīn-i Akbarī (9-10 Mar), KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and Legitimacy of Islamic Dynasties” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 15H01895) (9-10 Mar)
    • Supported by Perso-Indica (9-10 Mar)
    304 (3/9~10)
    Hongo Satellite 8F (3/11)
    20182019/03/09 (Sat)
    11:00–12:00 [Not open to the public], 12:50–18:00[open]
    JSPS KAKENHI project “Environments and linguistic change in the Altaic languages” The 1st meeting/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Aspects of Agglutination in Turkic Languages: An Integrated Approach of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Planning meeting for a scheduled workshop [Not open to the public]
    • 2. Aydın ÖZBEK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University) “Mirativity in Turkish and Japanese - A contrastive analysis -”
    • 3. Nazgul SHAMSHIEVA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University) “An auxiliary verb ket- in Kyrgyz: The conversion of a motion meaning into a change meaning”
    • 4. Barış KAHRAMAN (Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Japan) “Influence of the case markers on processing of subject and object relative clauses in Turkish”
    • 5. Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) “Conjugation and intonation in Sibe”
    • 6. General discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Environments and linguistic change in the Altaic languages” (Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Research Project Number: 18H03578)
    Room B-103, East Zone1, Ito Campus, Kyushu University
    20182019/03/08 (Fri)
    Launch Event of “Reference Grammar of Irabu Ryukyuan”
    • 1. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) Opening
    • 2. Noriko OGIWARA (Kurosio Publishers) About the Publication: From the publisher’s editor
    • 3. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) About the Publication: Language Description and Linguistic Fieldwork
    • 4. Roundtable: Bittersweet Experience in Our Linguistic Fieldwork and Grammar Writing / Q&A
    • Admission: Free
    • Registration needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Rokujigen (1-10-3-2F, Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)
    20182019/03/08 (Fri)
    Launch Event of “Reference Grammar of Irabu Ryukyuan”: For young researchers
    • 1. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) Opening
    • 2. Noriko OGIWARA (Kurosio Publishers) About the Publication: From the publisher’s editor
    • 3. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) About the Publication: Language Description and Linguistic Fieldwork
    • Commentator: Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
    • 4. Q&A
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/03/07 (Thu)
    Temple/Monasteries and Political Power in Medieval India
    • 1. Richard Maxwell Eaton (University of Arizona) “Patterns of Turkish Desecrations and the Decline of Buddhism in North India”
    • 2. Walter Slaje (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg) “What does it mean to smash an idol? Iconoclasm in Medieval Kashmir as Reflected in Contemporaneous Sanskrit Sources.”
    • 3.
    • Minoru INABA (Kyoto University)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Room
    20182019/03/06 (Wed)
    LingDy Forum: The state of the art in the microvariation study of Bantu morphosyntax
    • Lutz Marten (ILCAA Research Fellow, SOAS, University of London) “Variation, divergence and convergence in Bantu morphosyntax”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/03/04 (Mon) - 2019/03/08 (Fri)
    Language Documentation Seminar in Irkutsk
    • Lecturers: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA), Zhargal Badagarov (Buryat State University, Russia/ Heidelberg University, Germany), Dugvema Vasilyeva (Buryat State University, Russia)
    Irkutsk University, Russia
    20182019/03/04 (Mon)
    Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of “Waza”: Technology, Body, Risk/Hazard (Anthropological Study of Things (3))” The 5th meeting
    • 1. Masayoshi SOMEYA (Takachiho University) “Steps to an Ecology of Animate Body: Ecological Approach to Everyday Life Skills”
    • 2. Keiichi OMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Air) “The art of seduction: Considering the art of social intercourse in the era of “Chthulucene” through the analysis of the Inuit ethics”
    • 3. Discussion for Research Plan
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/03/03 (Sun)
    Joint Research Project “Study on an Islamic Prayer Book from the Kingdom of Jimma in Ethiopia”The 4th meeting
    • Discussion about Publication of Results
    • Language: Japanese
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Room
    20182019/03/02 (Sat) - 2019/03/03 (Sun)
    Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 9th meeting

    2 Mar

    • 1. Sota HARAKO (Japan Forest Technology Association) “Diversity in Bena Agriculture on the Upstream of Rufiji River, Tanzania”
    • 2. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Agriculture in Ethiopian Kingdoms: Based on Primary Sources”

    3 Mar

    • 1. Yasuaki SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Sangyo University) “The Present Situation and Challenges among Banana Growers in Uganda”
    • 2. Discussion on Future Publication
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Room
    20182019/03/01 (Fri) - 2019/03/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 30th meeting

    1 Mar

    • Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 12 (First part)”
    • Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 12 (Second part)”

    2 Mar

    • Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 13 (First part)”
    • Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 13 (Second part)”
    • Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “On the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection (3)”
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/03/01 (Fri)
    Workshop: Survival Strategies of Minority Groups (5)/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Religious and Politico-Social Minority Groups in Middle Eastern Societies” The 6th meeting
    • Theme: “Surviving Strategies of Minorities Groups in Middle Eastern Societies (5)”

    • 1. Yohei KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Surviving Strategies of Minority Groups in Oman”
    • 2. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Surviving Strategies of Minority Groups in Syria”
    • 3. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Surviving Strategies of the Palestinians in Lebanon”
    • 4. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Surviving Strategies of the Armenians”
    • 5. Ray Mouawad (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Saint Joseph University) “Surviving Strategies of Minority Groups in Lebanon”
    • 6. Asuka TSUJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kawamura Gakuen Women’s University) “Surviving Strategies of the Copts”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by University of Balamand, Lebanon
    University of Balamand, Lebanon
    20182019/02/28 (Thu) - 2019/03/01 (Fri)
    International Symposium “Immigrant and Host Languages in Asia, Pacific and Europe: Facts behind Tidy Theoretical Constructs” / 20th Tokyo Academic Forum on Immigrant Languages

    28 Feb

    • 1. Naoki OGOSHI (The University of Tokyo) Opening Address
    • 2. John C. MAHER (International Christian University) “From Dante to Fishman: The Role of Migration in Sociolinguistics and in the Language Situation of Ireland”
    • Session 1: Immigrant and Host Languages in Asia

    • 3. Haiyoung LEE (Ewha Womans University), Sun Hee PARK (Ewha Womans University) “Research Trends in Korean Language Education for Learners from Multicultural Families”
    • 4. Yasuhiro ARAI (Toyo University), Naoki OGOSHI (The University of Tokyo), Lianhua SUN (Dalian University of Technology), Dongzhe LI (Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages) “A Sociolinguistic Survey of Koreans in China: ‘Language Socialization’ of Koreans in China”
    • 5. Jae Ho LEE (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) “Japanese-Korean Bilinguals’ Language Use and Age as Another Factor: Focusing on the Students of a Chosengakko/Cosenhakkyo, Korean School in Japan”
    • Q&A
    • Session 2: Immigrant and Host Languages in Europe and Pacific

    • 6. Gürol AKTAŞ, Peter HEIN (Sprach- und Integrationsschule e.V. (SIS e.V.) Berlin) “Teaching German Language and Culture to Refugees and Migrants in Germany”
    • 7. Tooru HAYASI (ILCAA Fellow, The Open University of Japan) “Between Two Languages: Opinions about Language Use among Young Turkish-German Bilinguals in Berlin”
    • 8. Kanae IWASAKI (The University of Tokyo) “The Influence of English and Japanese on Hawaiian: A Brief Review”
    • Q&A

    1 Mar

    • 1. Rika YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University), Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “South Asians and South-East Asians in Japan: Demographic and Sociolinguistic Implications”
    • 2. Hoang Thanh Danh NGUYEN (Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University), Thi Huyen Trang LE (Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies, Waseda University) “Japanese Loanwords Adopted into Vietnamese by Newly Arrived Vietnamese Students and Temporary Workers”
    • Q&A
    • 3. Valeriya EVSEENKO (The University of Tokyo), Kazuko MATSUMOTO (The University of Tokyo) “Language Contact in Sakhalin: Japanese and Korean Loanwords in the Russian Language”
    • 4. Kazuko MATSUMOTO (The University of Tokyo), Akiko OKUMURA (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Flavia FEIJO (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo), Marco FONSECA (Graduate School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois) “The Genesis of Brazilian Portuguese as a Migrant Koine in Japan: Language and Dialect Contact, and the Feature Pool”
    • Q&A
    • 5. Tooru HAYASI (ILCAA Fellow, The Open University of Japan) Closing Address
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/02/27 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives” The 4th meeting
    • Keiko IWAMOTO (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “When did the tahrir defters disappear? :Study on the development and decline of the tax investigation register books”
    • Commentator: Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA)
    • General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-In-Aid (B) for Scientific Research “A diachronic and synchronic study on bookkeeping and registers in the Muslim societies” (Principal Investigator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Project Number: 17H02398)
    20182019/02/22 (Fri) - 2019/02/26 (Thu)
    ReNeLDA seminar at University of Dar es Salaam

    22 Feb

    • 1. Welcome address
    • 2. Shigeki KAJI (Former President of Linguistic Society of Japan, Kyoto Sangyo University) Opening lecture: Language description in Africa (Installation sessions before and after the lecture)

    25 Feb

    • 1. Seunghun, Lee (International Christian University and University of Venda) Praat
      lecture in the morning
      - practice in the afternoon

    26 Feb

    • 1. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Tokyo Woman’s Christian University),Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) Flex
      lecture in the morning
      - practice in the afternoon
    • 2. Closing remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Registration needed. To participate, please access to the “Event” page of ReNeLDA website.
    • All participants are required to bring their own laptop. All participants are required to attend all 3 days of the workshop.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of a research network for exploring the linguistic diversity and linguistic dynamism in Africa”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
    20182019/02/20 (Wed)
    Information Resources Center Workshop: “Endangered language archives and language documentation”
    • 1. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) Opening remarks
    • 2. Yukinori KIMOTO (JSPS/Graduate school, Nagoya University) “Endangered Language Archive (ELAR) and related programmes in SOAS University of London”
    • 3. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) and language documentation in Myanmar”
    • 4. Questions and answers
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Information Resources Center (IRC), Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/02/19 (Tue)
    International Symposium “Islam with Adjectives and Islami as Adjectives: Reflecting on the Implications for the Iranian Society of Not Just Diverse But Divergent Readings of Islam in Contemporary Iran”
    • 1. Ali Akbar Alikhani (University of Tehran) “Political Islam and Islamic Politics: An Iranian Perspective”
    • 2. Yasuyuki MATSUNAGA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Reading Asad in Tehran (and Tokyo): What Does The Formations of the Secular Offer to the Iranian Predicament”
    • 3. Ali Golmohammadi (University of Tehran), Kenji KURODA (National Museum of Ethnology) Comments by Discussants
    • 4. General Discussions
    • Session Chair: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by ILCAA Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (National Institutes for the Humanities)
    20182019/02/19 (Tue)
    International Conference on Progressive Civil Society
    • Haedar Nashir (Muhammadiyah) Talk on Progressive Civil Society
    • Talk by Invited Speakers
    • 1. Kasiyarno, M. Hum (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan)
    • 2. Atty.SantiagoD.Ortega,Jr. (Saint Anthony University)
    • 3. Zainal Amin Ayub (Universiti Utara Malaysia)
    • 4. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA)
    • 5. Mitsuo NAKAMURA (Japan Foundation)
    • Language: English
    Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (Indonesia)
    20182019/02/17 (Sun)
    Open lecture for Japanese residences in Jakarta “Islam in Contemporary Indonesia 2”
    • 1. Norihisa TSUKAMOTO (Director, Japan Foundation, Jakarta), Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) opening
    • 2. Mitsuo NAKAMURA (University of Chiba) “An Introduction to Indonesian Islam via My Personal Experience: Knowledge Essential for Living Together with Muslims”
    • 3. Q&A
    • 4. Project introduction “Talk with Muslims series (TAMU)” and Q&A
    • Admission: Free (First 100 people will be accepted.)
    • For registration, please send an email to :
    • Inform us your name, e-mail address, and number of accompanied persons if any.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here. (in Japanese)(3.7MB)
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    • Cooperated by The Japan Foundation, Jakarta and THE JAKARTA JAPAN CLUB
    2nd floor Hall, The Japan Foundation, Jakarta (Summitmas I Lt. 2,3, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Kav. 61-62 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia)
    20182019/02/16 (Sat) - 2019/02/17 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization” The 2nd meeting

    16 Feb

    • 1. Takumi TSUTAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JAMSTEC) “Self-introduction & Practices of cooperative breeding in modern Japan society”
    • 2. Naofumi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University ) “Evolution of tolerant society and its behavioral traits in nonhuman primates”
    • 3. Lecture by a guest speaker: Ayaka TAKIMOTO (Hokkaido University) “The emergence of morality in tufted capuchin monkeys: prosocial behavior, inequity aversion and social evaluation”

    17 Feb

    • 1. David Sprague (ILCAA Joint Researcher, NARO) “Measuring the logic of spatial position for human and nonhuman primates”
    • 2. Keiichi OMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Open University of Japan) “The Ontology of co-operation: The dramaturgy for sociality in the Inuit worlding”
    • 3. Shunkichi HANAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “The behavior of waiting and the force to elicit a reaction: focusing on the way of moving together and the interactions involving sick individuals in chimpanzees (tentative)”
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/02/16 (Sat) - 2019/02/17 (Sun)
    Workshop “Studies on the Script of Ethnics in Southwest China”/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1” The 6th meeting

    16 Feb (open)

    17 Feb (Not open to the public)

    20182019/02/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization” The 10th meeting
    • 1. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Sunan Bonan’s teaching: Theology and Sufism in 16th Java”
    • 2. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Two Perceptions of Royal Response to the Introduction of Islam in Malay and Javanese Literary Narratives”
    • 3. Sumio FUKAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Note on introduction of Islamic Calender (Anno Javanico) in Java (1633)”
    • 4. All members Comments about this project
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) ”Rethinking the process of Islamization of Java through analyses of Javanese texts” (Principal Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) Research Project Number: 16H05662
    20182019/02/16 (Sat)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2018 “Finding Ways of Comparison and Collaboration: Practice of Brazilian Area Studies in Japan”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Supported by Department of Spanish & Portuguese,Kanda University of International Studies
    20182019/02/15 (Fri)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop: “Software for documentary linguistics”
    • This course of workshops aims to provide researchers and students with basic knowledge relating to two software programs which are used in the documentation and description process of lesser-studied languages.

    • Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Brickell (ILCAA Research Fellow, University of Melbourne) Using ELAN and FLEx together.
    • Participants are not required to attend all workshops. Participants are required to bring their own laptop and are encouraged to bring their own linguistic data. For the first two workshops no knowledge of either program is necessary. The third workshop requires some knowledge of ELAN and FLEx. Please note that the FLEx workshops are only available to attendees whose laptops are running the Microsoft Windows operating system.

      • Admission: Free
      • Pre-registration is required.
      • Participants are required to bring their own laptop and are encouraged to bring their own linguistic data. Please note that the FLEx workshops are only available to attendees whose laptops are running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
      • Language: English
      • For details, please see here.
      • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/02/11 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence” The 6th meeting
    • 1. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “Bangsmoro Organic Act and Future of Southern PhilippinesーFocusing on Maranao perspective”
    • 2. Masami MORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Bunkyo University) “History of the migration in Xinjiang, northwest of China, and its current situation”
    • 3. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Mindanao Conflict Seen from Neighboring Countries-In Connection with Malaysia, Indonesia (tentative)”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/02/09 (Sat) - 2019/02/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival study on fiscal administration of holy shrines in muslim societies: The case of the Safavid shrine in Iran” The 3rd meeting

    9 Feb (open)

    • “The fiscal administration of holy shrines in Islamic societies and its historical sources: Sarih al-Milks, the collections of estate records from the Shrine of Shaykh Safi, the Safavid dynastic shrine in Iran”
    • Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Re-thinking the Importance of Sarih al-Milks from the Shrine of Shaykh Safi, the Safavid ancestor, for historical studies of Islamic societies: Focusing on two manuscripts of ‘Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk copied in the 17th century and the early 18th century”
    • Yukako GOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University) “A poet bureaucrat of the early Safavid period, ‘Abdi Beg and his works”
    • Hiroshi ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Tachibana University) “On some edicts concerning the Safavid family”
    • Sanae TAKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “History of a village in Ardabil in the 14th century: Comparison of Sarih al-Milk and the relevant documents”
    • Naofumi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ochanomizu University) “The 19th century version of the Sarih al-Milk”
    • Comment by Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA)
    • General Discussion

    10 Feb (Not open to the public)

    • “Digitization project of ‘Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk”
    • Ryoko WATABE (the University of Tokyo) “Report on some problems of digitization project of ‘Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk”
    • Comments by research members & discussion
    • “Study and methodological discussion on two Safavid Sarih al-Milks by ‘Abdi Beg and Sipahani”
    • Meeting: Planning for the second year of the project
    • Language: Japanese
    301 (9 Feb)
    304 (10 Feb)
    20182019/02/09 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into Dynamicity of Grammar (1): Multiplicity and Distributedness in Grammar”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Rika YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University) “Sentence-final expression ‘nanodesu’ in Japanese”
    • 2. Naoki OTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Prepositional clause as a complement of a preposition”
    • 3. Yoshiko MATSUMOTO (Stanford University) “Noun-modifying clause construction and multiplicity in grammatical knowledge”
    • 4. Open discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/02/09 (Sat)
    Lecture Meeting: Post-Civil War Reconciliations and Challenges in Lebanon
    • Introduction
    • Chair: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
    • Dima de Clerck (Saint Joseph University, Beirut) “War exit and government sponsored resettlement and reconciliations in post-war Lebanon”
    • Comments
    • Discussant: Housam Darwisheh (Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO)
    • General discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For more details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Syrian Civil War in Comparative Perspective: Wars and Reconciliation Processes of Lebanon and Former Yugoslavia” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI(ILCAA) Project Number: 18H03440), The Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    20182019/02/08 (Fri)
    Film meeting: In this land lay graves of mine: Memories and testimonies of the Lebanese Civil War
    • Emi GOTO (The University of Tokyo) Opening remarks
    • Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Background of the film
    • Screening the film “In this land lay graves of mine”
    • Reine Mitri (Film Director) Lecture
    • Eiji NAGASAWA (The University of Tokyo) Closing remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Syrian Civil War in Comparative Perspective: Wars and Reconciliation Processes of Lebanon and Former Yugoslavia” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 18H03440), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research “JSPS Research Project on Islam and Gender” (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (The University of Tokyo) Project Number: 16H01899), Study Group for Middle East Films, Group Research “Social Transformation and Thought Movements in the Middle East” Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
    Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The university of Tokyo (7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo )
    20182019/02/08 (Fri)
    LingDy Forum: What constitutes grammatical knowledge?
    • Yoshiko MATSUMOTO (Stanford University) “What Noun-modifying clause construction in Japanese can tell us about grammar”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/02/06 (Wed)
    Special Lectures: The Arms Transfer and its Recycling Mechanisms in Contested Regions: The Case of the Balkans and the Middle East
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For the program, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Syrian Civil War in Comparative Perspective: Wars and Reconciliation Processes of Lebanon and Former Yugoslavia” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI(ILCAA) Project Number: 18H03440), KAKEN Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Russia as a Military Power and Its Relations with the Near East and the Black Sea Rim” (Principal Investigator: Kimitaka MATSUZATO(the University of Tokyo) Project Number: 18KK0036), Meiji University Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer
    Room 7C, 7th floor, Global front, Meiji University Surugadai Campus (1-1 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
    20182019/02/05 (Tue) - 2019/02/08 (Fri)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2018 (Mee (Ekari))
    • Lecturers: Nawipa Dance (SMA Negeri 4 Jayapura), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
    20182019/02/02 (Sat) - 2019/02/03 (Sun)
    International Workshop on Social Impacts of Linguistic Research

    2 Feb

    • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) Introduction and overview of linguistic research in Japan
    • 2. Lutz Marten (ILCAA Research Fellow, SOAS, University of London), Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) Structural analysis and social impacts
    • 3. Sumittra Suraratdecha (RILCA, Mahidol University), Yingying Mu (ILCAA Research Fellow, RILCA, Mahidol University), Yutaka TOMIOKA (Kanda University of International Studies) Applied linguistic and social impacts
    • 4. Thanom Kongyimlamai (Black Tai community) Research impact from the community’s perspective
    • 5. Moderator and Discussant: Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) Q & A and discussion

    3 Feb

    • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 2. Discussion on structural analysis and social impacts
    • 3. Discussion on applied linguistic and social impacts
    • Discussants: Lutz Marten (ILCAA Research Fellow, SOAS, University of London), Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA)
    • 4. Further issues and future directions
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/02/02 (Sat)
    International Workshop: Syrian Civil War: Comparative Perspectives with Lebanese and Yugoslavian Civil Wars
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Syrian Civil War in Comparative Perspective: Wars and Reconciliation Processes of Lebanon and Former Yugoslavia” (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI(ILCAA) Project Number: 18H03440), The Graduate School of Humanities, Meiji University, KAKEN Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Russia as a Military Power and Its Relations with the Near East and the Black Sea Rim” (Principal Investigator: Kimitaka MATSUZATO(the University of Tokyo) Project Number: 18KK0036), ILCAA Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    The Library Hall, Izumi Campus, Meiji University (1-9-1 Eifuku, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)
    20182019/02/01 (Fri) - 2019/02/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 29th meeting

    1 Feb

    • 1. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 10 (First part)”
    • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 10 (Second part)”

    2 Feb

    • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 11 (First part)”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 11 (Second part)”
    • 3. Editorial Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/01/31 (Thu)
    Joint Research Seminar ”Uyghurs in Turkey: migration and skills”
    • Tomas Wilkoszewski (Macquarie University) Uyghur Medical Practitioner in Turkey: Pluralistic Healing Modalities and Intersubjectivity
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: English
    • Online Registration:
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up “Multi-regional and multi-lingual networks in and around Turkic diaspora and the 20th century world history” (Principal Investigator: Ryosuke ONO (Waseda University) Research Project Number: 17H07174), NIHU Area Studies for the Modern Middle East at the National Museum of Ethnology, NIHU Area Studies for Northeast Asia at National Museum of Ethnology, ILCAA Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
    Seminar Room 6, 2F, National Museum of Ethnology (10-1 Senri Expo Park, Suita, Osaka)
    20182019/01/29 (Tue)
    Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, 3rd meeting in 2018 (fy)
    • Monica Kahumburu (Catholic University of Eastern Africa) “Emotion concepts in Swahili”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo African Linguistics Knot, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Collaborative Research Project “Cross-linguistic Studies of Japanese Prosody and Grammar”, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Institute of Language Research, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    20182019/01/29 (Tue)
    The 6th Meeting of MINPAKU Linguistics Circle
    • 1. Sumittra Suraratdecha (RILCA, Mahidol University) “Language and culture reclamation in minority communities in Thailand”
    • 2. Thanom Kongyimlamai (Black Tai community [Phetchaburi, Thailand]) “History of the Black Tai community in Kaoyoi, Phetchaburi, and the state of their traditional language and culture”
    • 3. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Language documentation research and community outreach activities at ILCAA”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, MINPAKU Linguistics Circle
    Large Seminar Room (4073), National Museum of Ethnology (10-1 Senri Expo Park, Suita, Osaka)
    20182019/01/27 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement” The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Hamid Mokaddem (l'Institut de Formation des Maîtres de la Nouvelle-Calédonie ) “Independence / interdependence / sovereignty in New Caledonia (Indépendance/ interdépendances/ souverainté en Nouvelle-Calédonie)”
    • 2. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: French, Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“Global Studies on Historical Formation of World Cultural Capital System” (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (The University of Tokyo) Research Project Number: 17H02328), ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement”
    Collaboration Room 4, 4F, Bldg.18, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo (3-8-1 Komaba Meguro-ku, Tokyo)
    20182019/01/26 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic Lexical Documentation of the Southwestern Kalahari Khoe Languages” The 5th meeting
    • 1. Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Animals in G|ui poems and songs
    • Yuji MATSUHIRA (University of Hyogo)
    • 2. Workshop on the orthography of G|ui
    • Facilitator: Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Language: Japanese
    Room 414, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    20182019/01/26 (Sat)
    Fieldnet Lounge 2018 “New Turn on the Studies of Islam in West Africa”
    • 1. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Seiji NAKAO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) Introduction: New Turn on the Studies of Islam in West Africa
    • Session I: Thoughts and Practices in Tariqa: (Re)Production, Interpretation, and Sharing of Discourses
    • 3. Takanori SUENO (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) The Concept of Flood (fayḍ) in Ibrāhīm Niyās’s Thought
    • 4. Sawa HOSHINO (Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University) The Practice of Women’s Recitation and the Interpretation in Islam: In the Case of the Doctrine of Niasséne.
    • 5. Tomoki IKEBE (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) The Interpretation of the “Work Doctrine” and its Orality in the Murid Order
    • Session II: Islam Reformisms and Educations: Institution, Social Movement and Economic Activities in Discursive Tradition.
    • 6. Seiji NAKAO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) What is New in Islam Reformisms: The Movement for Foundation Medersa in Bobo-Dioulasso in 1950’s.
    • 7. Sohta HIRAYAMA (Graduate School, Kyoto University) Creation and Distribution of Templates: A Way to “Modernize” Islamic Education in Cameroon.
    • 8. Takao SHIMIZU (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) Challenging for Stabilization of Islamic School Management in Burkina Faso.
    • 9. Miku ITO (Institute for Advanced Social Research, Kwansei Gakuin University) Adjusting Koranic School in Response to Changing Times: Teachers’ Pride and Floundering in Djenné, Mali.
    • 10.
    • Comment I: Kota KARIYA (ILCAA)
    • 11.
    • Comment II: Tsuyoshi SAITO (Kobe University)
    • 12.
    • Comment III: Shinzo SAKAI (Nanzan University)
    • 13. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “The Activities of Amadou Hampâté Bâ and the Social Struggle for Literacy Education between French and Arabic in West Africa at the Period Just Before Independence.” (Principal Investigator: Seiji NAKAO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) Research Project Number: 18K12532)
    20182019/01/25 (Fri)
    FIELDPLUS café Talk Show
    • 1. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Opening
    • 2. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA)
    • 3. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • 4. Q&A session
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by FIELDPLUS editors, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Cafe space in AGORA Global, TUFS
    20182019/01/23 (Wed)
    Workshop on language description and analysis on Tanzanian languages
    • 1. Andrew Harvey (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow, JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow) “Ihanzu: an initial profile of a Bantu language of the Tanzanian Rift Valley”
    • 2. Julius Taji (University of Dar es Salaam) “Morphosyntactic properties of subjects in Chiyao”
    • 3. Lutz Marten (ILCAA Research Fellow, SOAS, University of London) “Morphosyntactic comparison of 19 East African Bantu languages”
    • Language: English
    • Organized by JSPS Core-to-Core Program (B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms) “Establishment of a research network for exploring the linguistic diversity and linguistic dynamism in Africa”
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/01/13 (Sun)
    Sensing “the Critical” : Two Anthropological Works on Lebanon and Kenya
    • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening remarks
    • 2. Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA Research Associate, ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) Book presentation I
    • 3. Hajime YASUKAWA (Hitotsubashi University) Comments
    • 4. Yutaka YOSHIDA (ILCAA Research Associate) Book presentation II
    • 5. Toyoichi NOZAWA (University of Toyama) Comments
    • 6. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20182019/01/12 (Sat) - 2019/01/13 (Sun)
    The 11th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”

    12 Jan

    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Lecture on Ottoman financial documents and the siyakat script
    • 3. Reading Ottoman financial documents in the siyakat script I

    13 Jan

    • 1. Reading Ottoman financial documents in the siyakat script II
    • 2. Reading Ottoman financial documents in the siyakat script III
    • 3. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 17H02398)
    20182019/01/12 (Sat)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 14: “Issues in serial verbs”
    • 1.
    • 2. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) Opening remarks
    • 3. Kyosuke YAMAMOTO (JSPS/Graduate school, Kyoto University) “Serial verbs and their subtypes in Ilocano”
    • 4. Yuma ITO (Toyama University of International Studies) “Serial verbs in Mlabri”
    • 8. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Arabic languages and serial verbs”
    • 6. Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “Serial verbs in Jinghpaw: A comparison with complex sentences”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182019/01/11 (Fri) - 2019/01/13 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 28th meeting

    11 Jan

    • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 08 (First part)”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 08 (Second part)”

    12 Jan

    • 1. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 26 (First part)”
    • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 26 (Second part)”
    • 3. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Again on the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection”

    13 Jan

    • 1. Editorial Meeting
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 09 (First part)”
    • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 09 (Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/01/11 (Fri) - 2019/01/12 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of “Waza”: Technology, Body, Risk/Hazard (Anthropological Study of Things (3))” The 4th meeting
    • 1. Katsumi OKUNO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Presentation1: “Me and It” between Species
    • 2. Masakazu TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Presentation2: Political Representations of the Natural World in Weather Map (Tentative Title)
    • 3. Motomitsu UCHIBORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Air) Presentation3: Reading Wendel Oswalt’s “An Anthropological Analysis of Food-Getting Techonology (1976)”
    • 1. Tomoko NIWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institutes for the Humanities) Presentation1: Counting and Re-enacting Lives: Different Forms of Expression and Documenting after 3.11 (Tentative Title)
    • 2. Akinori KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) Presentation2: Rethinking of Bruno Latour: Materiality from ANT to the Modes of Existence (Tentative Title)
    • 3. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Presentation3: Seeking for “waza” of cultural others- Balinese Gamelan practice in Japan (Tentative Title)
    • Language: Japanese
    20182019/01/09 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop: “Software for documentary linguistics”
    • This course of workshops aims to provide researchers and students with basic knowledge relating to two software programs which are used in the documentation and description process of lesser-studied languages.

    • Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Brickell (ILCAA Research Fellow, University of Melbourne) FLEx.
    • Participants are not required to attend all workshops. Participants are required to bring their own laptop and are encouraged to bring their own linguistic data. For the first two workshops no knowledge of either program is necessary. The third workshop requires some knowledge of ELAN and FLEx. Please note that the FLEx workshops are only available to attendees whose laptops are running the Microsoft Windows operating system.

      • Admission: Free
      • Pre-registration is required.
      • Participants are required to bring their own laptop and are encouraged to bring their own linguistic data. Please note that the FLEx workshops are only available to attendees whose laptops are running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
      • Language: English
      • For details, please see here.
      • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/12/22 (Sat) - 2018/12/23 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level306
    20182018/12/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdisciplinary Research” The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Progress, achievement and newly emerging issues of the project”
    • 2. Kyoko KOJIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Documents of the Ainu Language Camps: As archived materials”
    • 3. Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School, Chiba University) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: conversational materials of Saru dialect (2)”
    • 4. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Preparatory Office for National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: materials from Bihoro dialect (2)”
    • 5. Miki KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Preparatory Office for National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu Language materials in ILCAA: materials of Saru dialect (2)”
    • 6. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) The plan and schedule of the project hereafter
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/12/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1)” The 8th meeting
    • 1. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Microvariation in Subject properties in Bantu languages”
    • 2. “Discussion on the typology of Subject property data contributed from members’ research languages”
    • 3. Bussiness meeting on editing/publishing materials of the current project and on the coming project
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/12/21 (Fri) - 2018/12/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 27th meeting

    21 Dec

    • 1. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 06 (First part)”
    • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 06 (Second part)”

    22 Dec

    • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 07 (First part)”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 07 (Second part)”
    • 3. Editorial Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/12/19 (Wed)
    LingDy Forum: Revisiting the output of language documentation
    • Andrew Harvey (ILCAA Junior Fellow, JSPS Postdoctoral fellow) “Beyond three: a vision for expanded Boasian documentary outcomes”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/12/16 (Sun) - 2018/12/23 (Sun)
    The 5th Language Documentation Training Workshop in Miyako, Okinawa
    • This workshop has been planned to give training in language documentation in the context where the language is still spoken in order to to stimulate and support research in language documentation. It is designed for beginning researchers without much experience in working with Miyako and other Ryukyuan languages.

    • ・Strategies for building a good working relationship with consultants and the community
    • ・Collection of different kinds of language data
    • ・Processing and management of linguistic data
    • ・Collection of socio-cultural data
    • ・Developing community-centered projects
    Ikema Island, Miyakojima, Okinawa
    20182018/12/15 (Sat) - 2018/12/16 (Sun)
    The 10th INDAS-South Asia International Conference “Inclusive Development in South Asia”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by Integrated Area Studies on South Asia (INDAS-South Asia) Integrated Area Studies on South Asia (INDAS-South Asia) Integrated Area Studies on South Asia (INDAS-South Asia)
    20182018/12/15 (Sat) - 2018/12/16 (Sun)
    International Conference: Kingship, Ideology, Discourse: Legitimation of Islamicate Dynasties

    15 Dec

    • Literature and Legitimacy
    • Chair: Kazuo MORIMOTO
    • 1. Louise Marlow (Wellesley College) “Articulations of Legitimacy in Mirrors for Princes of the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries”
    • 2. Osamu OTSUKA (The University of Tokyo) “The Flowering of Persian Literature under the Patronage of the Hazaraspid Dynasty: How did Local Rulers Legitimate Their Rule in the Late Ilkhanid Period?”
    • 3. Shahzad Bashir (Brown University) “Legitimacy in Rhyme and Meter: Poetry in Timurid and Safavid Historiography”

    16 Dec

    • Ideology and Religion
    • Chair: Yukako GOTO
    • 1. Matthew Melvin-Koushki (University of South Carolina) “A Timurid Iamblichus in Search of a Julian: Ibn Turka as Early Modern Philhellenizing Imperial Ideologue”
    • 2. Masaki SUGIYAMA (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “For the Sufi Shaykh or for the “Mahdi’s Son”: The Re-examination of the Relation between Sultan Husayn Mirza and Shah Qasim Faydbakhsh”
    • Ottoman Discourses
    • Chair: Hiroyuki OGASAWARA
    • 3. Retsu HASHIZUME (Chiba Institute for Science) “Luṭfī Pasha’s theory of the caliphate”
    • 4. Christopher Markiewicz (University of Birmingham) “Persian Emigres and Ottoman Discourses of Rule in the Early Sixteenth Century”
    • From Egypt to Afghanistan
    • Chair: Jun AKIBA
    • 6. Hüseyin Yılmaz (George Mason University) “An Egyptian Perspective on Ottoman Legitimacy in the Seventeenth Century: Mer’i b. Yusuf’s Golden Necklaces on the Virtues of the Ottoman Dynasty”
    • 7. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Sunni Rule over Shi‘i Population: Legitimation of Afghan Rulers in Iran, 1722–29”
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Kingship and legitimacy of the Islamic dynasties from the perspective of the early modern empires” (15H01895), Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    20182018/12/15 (Sat) - 2018/12/16 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 8th meeting

    15 Dec

    • 1. Noriko ITO (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) “Commercialization of Agriculture and Changes in Traditional Customs among Southeast Asian Peasantry: A Comparison with A Rice Irrigation Scheme in Kenya”
    • 2. Koichi IKEGAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kindai University) “From Technology Approach to Farming System Approach (1) Toward the Necessity of Theories on Technological Changes and Farming Systems”

    16 Dec

    • 1. Takako ANKEI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Yamaguchi University) “African History from the Viewpoint of Culinary Art”
    • 2. Rumiko MURAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) “Changes in Farming Technology Brought about by Enforced Migration: A Case of the Frontier Area between Angola and Zambia”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “New Development of African Food Culture Research: For the Food Sovereignty Studies” (Principal Investigator: Takeshi FUJIMOTO (University of Toyama), Project Number: 18H03441), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Perspective on Folk Innovation History and Small-scale Income Generating Activities among African Peasants” (Principal Investigator: Yuko SUGIYAMA (Hirosaki University), Project Number: 18H00776)
    Osaka Sangyo University
    20182018/12/15 (Sat)
    The cross-regional networking of contemporary Muslim Intellectuals
    • Seika WAZAKI (Chubu University) “ʿUlamāʾs in Central Asia and the network on Islamic Thoughts”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
    Hongo Satellite 3F
    20182018/12/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Aspects of Agglutination in Turkic Languages: An Integrated Approach of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Yuto HISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Subject person marking in Tatar non-verbal predicate sentences”
    • 2. Taiki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ankara University) “The relationship between the position of the interrogative clitic, the focus, and scope of questions: with special reference to Turkish”
    • 3. Aydın ÖZBEK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University) “Temporal Limitations in Impersonal Passive Constructions - A Contrastive Analysis of Japanese and Turkish-”
    • 4. Discussion on Publication
    • 5.
    • Commentators: Hideki TSUKAMOTO (Ehime University), Setsu FUJISHIRO (Kobe City College of Nursing)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/12/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as dynamism -in search of methodological connection between affect, thinking and art”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Discussion on the orientation of “Life as dynamism””
    • 2. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “Magic Pointed toward an Infinite Set”
    • 3. Kotaro TAKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Statement credibility assessment as concrete human psychology”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as dynamism -in search of methodological connection between affect, thinking and art”
    Hongo Satellite 4F
    20182018/12/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Synchrony and Diachrony of Mongolic Languages: Internal and External Factors”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Some grammatical problems in Khalkha Mongolian”
    • 2. Naoki UETA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “The aspiration contrast and acoustic features in Mongolian”
    • 3. Masami OTAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Overview of the Khitan language”
    • 4. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/12/14 (Fri)
    LingDy Forum: Fieldwork on endangered languages in Iran and Mongolia
    • Elisabetta Ragagnin (Free University of Berlin / Ca' Foscari University of Venice) “Fieldwork on endangered languages in Iran and Mongolia”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/12/13 (Thu)
    Institute-wide Research Program “Establishment of a New Cooperative Research System for Solving Contemporary Problems in Asia and Africa”
    • 1. Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA Director) “On the Aim of the Program”
    • 2. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Pastoral nomadism and hominization”
    • 3. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “Process of molding the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region: from the viewpoint of the border”
    • 4. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Efforts in Language Documentation in a Linguistically Diverse Country: Building up”
    • 5. General Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20182018/12/12 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Technical Workshop: “Software for documentary linguistics”
    • This course of workshops aims to provide researchers and students with basic knowledge relating to two software programs which are used in the documentation and description process of lesser-studied languages.

    • Lecturer: Dr. Timothy Brickell (ILCAA Research Fellow, University of Melbourne) ELAN.
    • Participants are not required to attend all workshops. For the first two workshops no knowledge of either program is necessary. The third workshop requires some knowledge of ELAN and FLEx.

      • Admission: Free
      • Pre-registration is required.
      • Participants are required to bring their own laptop and are encouraged to bring their own linguistic data. Please note that the FLEx workshops are only available to attendees whose laptops are running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
      • Language: English
      • For details, please see here.
      • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/12/09 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into Dynamicity of Grammar (1): Multiplicity and Distributedness in Grammar”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Multiplicity in grammar and ‘exceptional’ structure”
    • 2. Naoki OTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Syntactic, semantic, and discourse characteristics of the ‘better off’ construction in English”
    • 3. Kow KURODA (Kyorin University) “How do speakers react to ungrammatical sentences?”
    • 4. Shigehiro KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Clash between structural and pragmatic rules in Japanese”
    • 5. Masato YOSHIKAWA (Keio University) “‘The funny this is...’: Sentence production as an optimal mixture of formulaicity and creativity”
    • 6. Open discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/12/08 (Sat) - 2018/12/09 (Sun)
    JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Project “Network Reinforcement toward the Formative Process Elucidation of Endangered Northern Languages”

    8 Dec

    • 1. Megumi KUREBITO (Toyama University) Opening address


    • 2. Toshiro TSUMAGARI (Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples) “From Kotodama ‘word-spirit’ to North”


    • 3. Aoi GEKA (Graduate School of Kyoto University) “A study of alternations and allophones appeared in Santa Mongolian spearkers”
    • 4. Na LI (Graduate School of Toyama University) “Toward the final identification of Japanese new loanwords in Chinese: Focusing on occurrence in the dictionaries and semantic changes”
    • 5. Yohei ONO (Graduate School of Open University of Japan) “A reconsideration and visualization on the lexicostatistical data in Hattori and Chiri (1960): from the viewpoint of mutual intelligibility”

    [Special Lecture]

    • 6. Nobuhiro KISHIGAMI (National Museum of Ethnology) “Anthropological studies of indigenous cultures along the North Pacific Rim: History and current status”

    • 7. Business meeting

    9 Dec [Presentations]

    • 1. Osami OKUDA (Sapporo Gakuin University) “Metrics in kamuyukars of Chitose district: arial expanse of accent oriented meter in Ainu verse”


    • 2. Masato YAMAZAKI (Osaka City University) “On Functions of Locative and Instrumental Cases in Written Manchu and Japanese”
    • 3. Shinjiro KAZAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Problems of Manchu phonology”
    • 4. Honore WATANABE (ILCAA) “Issues in Salishan morphology: Lexical affixes or not”

    • 5. Closing address
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) project “Network Reinforcement toward the Formative Process Elucidation of Endangered Northern Languages” (18H00665)
    20182018/12/07 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 26th meeting
    • 1. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “On the Lifestyle of Women in the Inner Palace during the Han” (First part)
    • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “On the Lifestyle of Women in the Inner Palace during the Han” (Second part)
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/12/05 (Wed)
    Information Resources Center DH Workshop: “Creating data that can be used even after 30 years”
    • 1. Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associate) Introduction: Overview of the workshop and presentation of the lecturer
    • 2. Toshihito WAKI (University of Tsukuba) “Development and future prospects on the platform of text-image databases for linguistic materials”
    • 3. Yona TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Better design for publishing research: Linked data”
    • 4. Questions and answers
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA Information Resources Center (IRC)
    20182018/12/01 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on an Islamic Prayer Book from the Kingdom of Jimma in Ethiopia” The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Sayuri YOSHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Archive Research on F. J. Bieber Collections for Open Access”
    • 2. Discussion about Publication of Results
    • Language: Japanese
    Hongo Satellite 7F
    20182018/11/30 (Fri) - 2018/12/01 (Sat)
    Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the Art (No. 12)
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut (JaCMES)
    20182018/11/28 (Wed)
    JaCMES-LERC-KKLO Joint Roundtable “Migrants and Refugees Dynamics and Perception toward their Integration”
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES), Lebanese Research Center for Migration and Diaspora Studies (LERC), Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU)/Lebanon, Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, ILCAA (KKLO) and JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)(17H04504) “International Migration Policies and its impact on the Migrants-Refugees from the Middle East”
    Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut (JaCMES)
    20182018/11/25 (Sun)
    The 3rd Open Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”
    • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Opening Speech
    • FIRST SESSION “Various phases of Face-Body Studies”
    • 3. Naho ONUKI (Kyoto University of Art and Design) “Japanese Tattoo as the Representation of Embodied Kabuki Spirit”
    • 4. Michiyo MIYANAGA (Tokyo University of the Arts) “What manner had been used to draw the foreigners? : A consideration about the figurative arts from the viewpoint of artistic anatomy”
    • 5. Kazuhide HASHIYA (Kyushu University) “Face, that connects/divides in-/out-groups: from evolutionary and developmental perspectives”
    • SECOND SESSION “Transcultural Conditions”
    • 6. Tomohisa SATO (Archival Research Center, Kyoto City University of Arts) “Soul, Machine, and Intelligence: anthropological remarks on hybridization and transcultural worlds”
    • 7. Tetsuya KONO (Rikkyo University) Comment 1
    • 8. So KANAZAWA (Japan Women's University) Comment 2
    • 9. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (1901) “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20182018/11/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 25th meeting
    • 1. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “On Revision of the Transcription and Annotation of the Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection”
    • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian05(First part)”
    • 3. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian05(Second part)”
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/11/18 (Sun)
    The Second Colloquium on the Field Science / Book Review Meeting: Humanitarian Assistance Seen from Area Studies of African Nomadic Pastoralists
    • 1. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka), Xiaogang Sun (Kyoto University), Itaru OHTA (Kyoto University), Go SHIMADA (Meiji University), Itsuhiro HAZAMA (Nagasaki University), Rumiko MURAO (Rikkyo University), Yoshinori MOCHIZUKI (University of Shizuoka) An Overview of “Humanitarian Assistance Seen from Area Studies of African Nomadic Pastoralists”
    • 3. Shuhei KIMURA (University of Tsukuba) Comment 1
    • 4. Toru SAGAWA (Keio University) Comment 2
    • 5. Discussion
    • 6. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Closing Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, ILCAA Field Science Center (FSC), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Exploration of the articulated resilience to overcome the humanitarian-development gap in African nomadic societies” (18H03606), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork of Critical Situations” (17H00948)
    20182018/11/17 (Sat)
    Cultural/Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2018
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
    304, 306
    20182018/11/11 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic Lexical Documentation of the Southwestern Kalahari Khoe Languages” The 4th meeting
    • 1. Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A sound symbolic device involved in the food-texture verbs in G|ui”
    • 2. Yuji MATSUHIRA (University of Hyogo) “Mbira (“thumb-piano” of Shona): its musical and ritual features”
    • 3. Rescheduling of the “Kalahari Animal Encyclopedia” compilation
    • Language: Japanese
    Phonetics Laboratory(414), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    20182018/11/10 (Sat) - 2018/11/11 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival Study on Fiscal administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid Shrine in Iran” The 2nd meeting

    10 Nov

    • “Digitization and research of ‘Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk, the record of Safavid shrine’s endowments from the 16th century”
    • 1. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Codicological research on three copies of ’Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk: Copying and management of the record of Safavid shrine’s endowments in the 16th and 17th centuries”
    • 2. Report from research members “Digitization of ’Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk”
    • 3. Discussion “Research method of the data of ’Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk”

    11 Nov

    • “The record of endowments and Islamic legal documents”
    • 1. Yoichi YAJIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara Women’s University) “Formats of Islamic legal documents copied in Sarih al-Milk”
    • 2. Comments by research members & discussion
    • 3. Discussion: “Research on Sarih al-Milk as a collection of Islamic legal documents”
    • 4. Planning for the 3rd meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/11/10 (Sat) - 2018/11/11 (Sun)
    Publication meeting, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”
    • Editorial meeting for the fruit book (collected papers) of the project.
    20182018/11/09 (Fri) - 2018/11/10 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 24th meeting

    9 Nov

    • 1. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 03(First part)”
    • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 03(Second part)”

    10 Nov

    • 1. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 04(First part)”
    • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian 04(Second part)”
    • 3. Editorial Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/11/01 (Thu) - 2018/11/03 (Sat)
    Workshop on documentation of Indigenous languages in the NTT Province, Indonesia
    • 1. June Jacob(Artha Wacana Christian University)
    • 2. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
    • 3. Jermy Balukh (STIBA Cakrawala Nusantara Kupang)
    • 4. Nazarudin (University of Indonesia)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Indonesian
    • For more details, please see here.
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    • Supported by Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
    Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang
    20182018/10/26 (Fri)
    TUFS Cinema Tibetan Film Screening“River”
    • 1. Screening of a Tibetan Film “River” (w/ Japanese subtitles, 98 min.)
    • 2. Panel Session by Kensaku OKAWA (Nihon University), KURANISHI (Comic artist) and Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
    • 3. Q & A
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies
    20182018/10/20 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Comprehensive Study of Tone/Accent Languages of Africa” The 7th meeting
    • 1. Motomichi WAKASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atomi university) “Accent of Wolaytta common nouns”
    • 2. Maya ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Nominal Tone in Mbugu”
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/10/20 (Sat)
    Symposium: The Great East Japan Earthquake and Figure of Lives
    • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Daisuke TANAKA (The University of Tokyo) “Disaster and Dead Bodies: Relief Activities of Funeral Industry after the Great East Japan Earthquake”
    • 3. Tomoko NIWA (National Institutes for the Humanities) “The Art of Recording and Sharing Everyday Life After 3.11: Personal Documentary, Drama, Exhibition”
    • 4. Makoto FURUKAWA (Kansai University) “On Fukushima from native view point”
    • 5. All participants Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New anthropological approach to affective studies through fieldwork of eritical situations”, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20182018/10/15 (Mon)
    Tibetan Literature Project Meeting
    • 1. Kensaku OKAWA (Nihon University) “Chushul Tenpa Tsering and Tibetan Folk Theory of Gods and Ghosts”
    • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Tibetan Ghost Stories: Based on the Texts of Tibetan Folktales III”
    • 3. Junko MIURA (Translator) “Tibetan Ghosts and Demons”
    • 4. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Making of Bhutan Film The Next Guardian”
    • 5. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Current Publications on the History by Amdo Tibetans”
    • Commentators: Laxianjia (ILCAA Visiting Professor, China Tibetology Research Center), Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai nationalities University)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese and Tibetan
    • Jointly sponsored by Tibetan Literature Association Japan, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/10/14 (Sun)
    Encounter in Fieldwork: Under the Influence of Vincent Crapanzano, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as Dynamism in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art” The 5th meeting
    • Session I
    • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening address
    • 2. Vincent Crapanzano (New York City University) “Transference and Countertransference: On the Transfer of Emotions and Its Moral Implications”
    • 3. Junko KITANAKA (Keio University) “Knowing Oneself via the Data: Epidemiological Subjects and the Datafication of Health”
    • 4. Takeshi MATSUSHIMA (Hiroshima University) “ Repetition and Redundancy ”
    • Session II
    • 5. Kazuto NAKATANI (Kyoto University) “Following the Drawn Lines: On Contrapuntal Relationships between Observer and Subject”
    • 6. Naoki KASUGA (Hitotsubashi University) “Reality and Infinity from Melanesian Cases ”
    • Session III
    • 7. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Life as a House: The Case of Na Chua”
    • 8. Tadashi YANAI (The University of Tokyo) “Affects and psychoanalysis of nature: preliminary thoughts”
    • 9. Discussion
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork of Critical Situations”(17H00948), Core Project The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, ILCAA Joint Research Projects “Life as Dynamism in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art”
    20182018/10/13 (Sat) - 2018/10/14 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages” The 5th meeting

    13 Oct

    • 1. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Standard Indonesian and Informal Indonesian: How do they differ?”
    • 2. Thomas J. Conners (University of Maryland) “Javanese Influenced Indonesian”
    • 3. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “A preliminary study on mixing and switching of Indonesian and Javanese”
    • 4. Michael C. Ewing (University of Melbourne) “Features of Indonesian as spoken in Bandung”
    • 5. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Flores Malay: A preliminary description”
    • 6. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Stress in Manado Malay and Lampung Malay”
    • 7. Timothy Charles Brickell (ILCAA Fellow, University of Melbourne) “Manado Malay: features, contact, and contrasts”

    14 Oct

    • 1. Nazarudin (University of Indonesia) “The Use of Melayu Tenggara Jauh in the Social Media Among the Oirata Community on Facebook Group Putra Putri Oirata”
    • 2. June Jacob (Artha Wacana Christian University) “Aspect and Directionality in Kupang Malay Serial Verb Constructions”
    • 3. Sri Budi Lestari (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) “Some features of colloquial Indonesian seen on native Javanese and Lampungnese speakers in Lampung”
    • 4. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Word Prominence in Pontianak Malay”
    • 5. Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’) “Towards a characterization of the language spoken in Kalimantan Utara: Middle Indonesian, Common Indonesian or Regional Indonesian? Notes on morphosyntax”
    • 6. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “Discourse function of di-clauses in narratives”
    • 7. Bradley McDonnell (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa) “Focus restrictions on grammatical relations in Besemah”
    • 8. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/10/13 (Sat) - 2018/10/14 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics” The 6th meeting

    13 Oct

    • 1. Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai nationalities University) “Relationship between Animals and Pastoralists”
    • 2. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “A Children’s Book on Yak: An Outreach of the “Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism””
    • 3. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A Recognition of Pastoralism, from Publications in Recent Years on the History of Amdo Tibetans”
    • 4. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Extraction of Essential Elements in Nomadic Cultures Based on Monograph Contents Analysis”
    • 5. Toshihiro TSUKIHARA (Fukui University) “Variety of Tibetan pastoral system and possibility to set up a general theory on mobile pastoralism”
    • Commentator: Laxianjia (ILCAA Visiting Professor, China Tibetology Research Center)

    14 Oct

    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “2018 Summer Fieldwork Report”
    • 2. Editorial meeting on the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/10/13 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Inter-disciplinary approach to the diversity and dynamics of Swahili varieties” The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Kumiko MIYAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, State University of Zanzibar) and Keiko TAKEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Towards a new approach to ‘Viswahili’ in Zanzibar”
    • 2. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS / Osaka University) “The collection of discourse and narratives in Kimakunduchi”
    • 3. General discussion about the project’s schedule
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Inter-disciplinary approach to the diversity and dynamics of Swahili varieties”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 ”(LingDy3)
    20182018/10/10 (Wed) - 2018/10/12 (Fri)
    Editorial meeting for compiling the dictionary of Tibetan pastoralism

    Oct 10 (Wed.)

    • Editorial meeting

    Oct 11 (Thu.)

    • Editorial meeting

    Oct 12 (Fri.)

    • Editorial meeting

    • Participants: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai University for Nationalities), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Resercher, ILCAA Research Fellow), Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) and others.
    • Language: Japanese and Tibetan
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/10/06 (Sat) - 2018/10/07 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1” The 2nd meeting

    6 Oct

    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
    • 2. Masakatsu NAGAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “What does the end of the line tell us? : Reconsideration of the linguistic units in the written language in Ancient Egyptian Texts”
    • 3. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Terms of studies on scripts from the studies on the Asian scripts (1)”

    7 Oct

    • 1. All participants Scheduling and discussion for 2018 year
    • 2. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Innovations brought to Indic scripts in Southeast Asia”
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/10/06 (Sat)
    ILCAA International Symposium: “Coping with Vertiginous Realities”/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as Dynamism in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art” The 4th meeting
    • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening address
    • 2. Vincent Crapanzano (New York City University) Keynote lecture : “Affective Responses to Manufactured Anomie”
    • 3. Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA)  “Sectarian Tension and Everyday Life : Case of Lebanon”
    • 4. Kazuyoshi SUGAWARA (Kyoto University)  “Enacting the Past Incidents in a Non-literate Society: Tripartite Interaction among the G|uiNarrators, Research Assistants, and an Anthropologist in Central Kalahari”
    • 5. Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA)  “Accommodating Nightmares: How to Cope with Anxieties in a Sudanese Refugee Community”
    • 6. Yanai TADASHI (The University of Tokyo) Comments
    • 7. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For more details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New Anthropological Approach to Affective Studies through Fieldwork of Critical Situations”(17H00948), Core Project The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, ILCAA Joint Research Projects “Life as Dynamism in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art”
    20182018/10/06 (Sat) - 2018/10/07 (Sun)
    Workshop: Indic Texts and Islamicate Culture from the Ghaznavid to the Sultanate Periods / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Studies of Literary and Religious Texts” The 4th meeting

    6 Oct

    • Workshop: Indic Texts and Islamicate Culture from the Ghaznavid to the Sultanate Periods
    • 1. Noémie Verdon (Swiss National Science Foundation) “Al-Bīrūnī’s Kitāb Pātanğal and Kitāb Sānk: Methods and Strategies of Translation.”
    • 2. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Revisiting Sanskrit Epic-Purāṇic Elements in Rashīd al-Dīn’s History of India.”
    • 3. Fabrizio Speziale (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Center for South Asian Studies, Paris) “Šihāb al-Dīn Nāgawrī’s Šifā al-maraż: Reconsidering Greco-Arabic and Ayurvedic Theories of the Humours in 14th century India.”
    • 4. Kazuyo SASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido Musashi Women’s College) “Ways for liberation: The early textual transmission of Indian traditional science in Persian works.”
    • 5. Michio YANO (Kyoto Sangyo University) General comments

    7 Oct

    • 1. Masahiko MITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “Formats and Phraseology of Rajasthani Copper-Plate Charters: from the Early Medieval to the Late Medieval.”
    • 2. Hiroko NAGASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “The Hindi Bhakti literature in the 15-6 century: their thoughts and historical backgrounds.”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English (6 Oct), Japanese (7 Oct)
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Studies of Literary and Religious Texts”, Perso-Indica, Research Group Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia (6 Oct)
    Hongo Satellite 5F
    20182018/10/05 (Fri) - 2018/10/06 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 23rd meeting

    5 Oct

    • 1. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian01 (First part)”
    • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian01 (Second part)”

    6 Oct

    • 1. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian02 (First part)”
    • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “Tablets from the 9th layer of the Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian02 (Second part)”
    • 3. Editorial Meeting
    20182018/10/01 (Mon) - 2018/10/05 (Fri)
    Language Documentation Seminar in Ulaanbaatar
    • Lecturers: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA), Zhargal Badagarov (Buryat State University), Sambuudorj Ochirbat (Mongolian Academy of Scienses)
    • Language consultants: One Oirad dialect speaker and one Darhad dialect speaker.
    • Language: Mongolian and English
    • See attached file for the program.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, National University of Mongolia
    National University of Mongolia
    20182018/09/29 (Sat)
    LingDy Forum: Talk by Prof. Justin Watkins
    • Justin Watkins (SOAS, University of London) “English and မြန်မာစာ in Myanmar: a match made in heaven or an unhappy marriage?”
    • The Burmese language has a proud history of regenerating itself to adapt to changing times, but in the late 20th and now in the 21st century, English seems to have blocked the progress of the Myanmar language. What is the status of English in Myanmar and why? What support does Burmese need to help reduce the dependence on English in the 21st century?

    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Please refer to the following web page for more details.
    • Jointly sponsored by Developing human resources taking the lead in research on endangered and/or minority languages in an international network, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/09/22 (Sat) - 2018/09/23 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” The 22nd meeting

    22 Sep

    • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Local Procurement and Production in The Qin: Seen through excavated materials from Liye with a focus on Lacquer”
    • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “On the Transcription and Reading of Tablets from the 12th Layer of The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian”
    • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Comments on the presentation by Suzuki Naomi”, with following discussion
    • 4. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Comments on the presentation by Meguro Kyoko”, with following discussion

    23 Sep

    • 1. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Crime Crossing Legal Age Borders: On the basis of Case 5 from Weiyudengzhuang from the Yuelu-Collection”
    • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko), Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Comments on the presentation by Arnd Helmut Hafner”, with following discussion
    • 3. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “On the Transcription and Reading of Tablets from the 16th Layer of The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian”
    • 4. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Comments on the presentation by Watanabe Hideyuki”, with following discussion
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Multilateral research of family and “move” in Kakenhi China ancient ─ aims to break away from the static specific family view” (Principal Investigator: Naomi SUZUKI JSPS17K03126), Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “The Formation of Imperial China seen through Institutional Changes between the Ch’in and the Han as reflected in recently excavated sources.” (Principal Investigator: Arnd Helmut HAFNER JSPS16H03487)
    20182018/09/21 (Fri)
    The First Colloquium on the Field Science ‘Environmental Change and the Indus Civilization’: Project by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
    • 1. Opening remarks
    • 2. Toshiki OSADA (Prof. Emeritus, RIHN) “In looking back on RIHN’s Indus Project (2007–2012)”
    • 3. Hideaki MAEMOKU (Hosei University) “Indus Civilization and the mystery of missing Sarasvati”
    • 4. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center (FSC), Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20182018/09/13 (Thu) - 2018/09/16 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Students303
    20182018/09/10 (Mon)
    Practitioners and Specialist Workshop on Muslim Society in Southern Philippines
    • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA), Masami MORI (Kyoto Bunkyo University) Presentation on Muslim society in Southern Philippines
    • 2. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese and English
    • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, ILCAA-TUFS
    JICA Philippines Office
    20182018/09/06 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum/ A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Mee
    • 1. Shuntaro CHIDA (Kyoto University) Personal pronouns in New Guinea languages
    • 2. Kazuya INAGAKI (Nanzan University) Dictionary making for (Non-)Austronesian languages
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20182018/09/06 (Thu) - 2018/09/07 (Fri)
    Workshop: Survival Strategies of Minority Groups (1) / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Religious and Politico-Social Minority Groups in Middle Eastern Societies” The 5th meeting

    6 Sep

    • 1. Yohei KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Minority Groups in Oman and their Surviving Strategies”
    • 2. Antranig DAKESSIAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Haigazian University) “Surviving Strategies of Armenians in Lebanon”
    • 3. Guita HOURANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toros University) “Surviving Strategies of the Kurds in the M.E.”

    Fri 7

    • 1. Souad SLIM (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Balamand) “Surviving Strategies of Orthodox Christians in Lebanon”
    • 2. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Surviving Strategies of Armenians”
    • 3. Hiroki WAKAMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toros University) “Surviving Strategies of Alevis”
    20182018/08/31 (Fri) - 2018/09/01 (Sat)
    International Workshop: Studies of Historical Documents from Central Asia, based on IOM Collection

    Fri 31 Aug, Afternoon Session (open)

    • Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) Opening remarks
    • Alla SIZOVA On a second Khara Khoto block print in Tibetan found in the IOM RAS
    • Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) Linguistic researches of Tangut, based on IOM Collection
    • Saya HAMANAKA Sitatapatra Dharani written in Tangut script owned by IOM RAS
    • Discussion

    Sat 1 Sep, Morning Session (Not open to the public)

    • On the research in the IOM RAS
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Planner & Chairperson: Shintaro ARAKAWA , Associate Professor, Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (arakawa[at] *Please change [at] to @.
    • Language: English
    • Organizer: GICAS, Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa
    20182018/08/13 (Mon) - 2018/08/17 (Fri)
    Joint-Research Workshop on languages spoken in Sabah state, Malaysia
    • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Hiroki NOMOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Yoshimi MIYAKE (Akita University), Kartini Abd. Wahab (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), Remmy Gedat (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak), David Moeljadi (Nanyang Technological University)
    • Native Speaker Consultants: Mohd Izzuddin Fitri Bin Abd Aziz (Bahasa Melayu Brunei), Reo Richie H Bating (Bahasa Dusun)
    • Language: English and Malay
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project (Anthropology), Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”, Developing human resourses taking the lead in research on endangered and/or minority languages in an international network, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) “Microvariation in passives and corpus and lexical resource development for regional, Malay varieties”
    The Loft Imago KK Times Square The Loft Residences Block B, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
    20182018/08/05 (Sun) - 2018/08/08 (Wed)
    Symposium: Approaches to Endangered Languages in Japan and Northeast Asia: Description, Documentation and Revitalization

    Sun 5 Aug

    • 10:00-16:00. Poster Presentations and Satellite Workshop

    Mon 6 Aug

    • 9:00-18:45. Ryūkyū, Hachijō and Japanese

    Tue 7 Aug

    • 9:00-18:10. Ainu and Northeast Asia

    Wed 8 Aug

    • 9:00-17:00. Documentation and Revitalization
    • Contact details: ael[at] (*Please replace [at] with @)
    • Admission: The early-bird registration fee will be JPY 5,000 (regular) / JPY3,500 (student, MA student, PhD student) until 6 Jul 2018. From 7 Jul 2018, the registration fee increases with JPY7,000 (all). Lunch will be provided each day from 5 Aug to 8 Aug. The lunch fee is included in the registration fee.
    • Language: English
    • Program
    • For more details, please see here.
    • Pre-registration is needed. Please register your information in the following page by 27 Jul.
    • Jointly sponsored by Endangered Languages and Dialects in Japan, NINJAL, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) Comparative historical research on Ryukyuan by using linguistic family trees
    National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) 10-2 Midori-cho, Tachikawa City, Tokyo
    20182018/08/05 (Sun)
    International Workshop on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence”The 5th meeting
    • 14:00–14:10. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening address
    • 14:10–14:50. Masaaki OKAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Presentation1: “Tolerating Diversities in Indonesian Islam?”
    • 14:50–15:30. Nobutaka SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) Presentation2: “Purifying Islam and the American Colonial Project: the Case of John Finley (tentative)”
    • 15:50–16:30. A. Rahman Tang Abdullah (UMS) Presentation3: “The Origins of Islam and Diversity in the Malay Society: Conceptualising Islamic Laws in Selected Malay Legal Text”
    • 16:30–16:50. Shamsul A. B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, UKM) Comments
    • 16:50–18:00. Discussion
    • 18:00. Hisao TOMIZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) Closing remarks
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence” and Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, ILCAA
    Hotel Meridien Kota Kinabalu (Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia)
    20182018/08/02 (Thu)
    Information Resources Center International Workshop: “Significance of archiving in multicultural society”
    • 1. Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) Introduction: Overview of the workshop and presentation of the guests
    • 2. Celia Cheurfa (Laureate of Concours de projet 2018 by Maison de la culture du Japon a Paris) “From the point of view of Algerien origin”
    • 3. Yasser Yacoub (Laureate of Concours de projet 2018 by Maison de la culture du Japon a Paris) “From the point of view of Moroccan origin”
    • 4. Quentin Hagen (Laureate of Concours de projet 2018 by Maison de la culture du Japon a Paris) “From the point of view of Reunion origin”
    • 5. Questions and answers
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese and English
    • Organized by ILCAA Information Resources Center (IRC)
    20182018/07/28 (Sat) - 2018/07/29 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”The Publication meeting meeting
    • 1. Editorial meeting for the fruit book (collected papers) of the project.
    20182018/07/28 (Sat)
    FIELDPLUS café “Children of Migration in Asia”
    • 1. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA)
    • 2. Kayoko ISHII (Rikkyo University) “Children of Migration in Asia”
    • 3. Questions and answers
    bookhousecafelove (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Jimbo Kanda-cho, 2-5 Kitazawa building 1F)
    20182018/07/25 (Wed) - 2018/07/26 (Thu)
    Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”The 5th meeting

    25 Jul

    • 1. Bao Haiyan (Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology) “Dung Culture in Mongolia”
    • Commentator: Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai nationalities University)
    • 2. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “A Report about New Method for Managing Religious Vocabulary of Nomadic Pastoralists in the Three-River Headwaters Region”

    26 July

    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Self-evaluation of the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism”
    • 2. Editorial meeting on the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism
    20182018/07/23 (Mon) - 2018/07/25 (Wed)
    Third International Conference on Documentary Linguistics - Asian Perspectives (DLAP-3)

    Mon 23 Jul, 9:00–17:20

    • Documentary Linguistics -- Asian Perspectives Main conference

    Tue 24 Jul, 9:00–17:00

    • Documentary Linguistics -- Asian Perspectives Main conference

    Wed 25 Jul, 8:00–17:30

    • Post-conference workshop in the Black Tai community
    • Language: English
    • For more details, please see here.
    • Program
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia (RILCA), Mahidol University
    Research Institute for Langauges and Cultures of Asia (RILCA), Mahidol University, Thailand
    20182018/07/22 (Sun) - 2018/07/27 (Fri)
    Editorial meeting for compiling the dictionary of Tibetan pastoralism

    Sun 22 Jul

    • Editorial meeting

    Mon 23 Jul

    • Editorial meeting

    Tue 24 Jul

    • Editorial meeting

    Fri 27 Jul

    • Editorial meeting

    • Participants: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai University for Nationalities), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Resercher, ILCAA Research Fellow), Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) and others.
    • except 25 and 26 Jul
    • Language: Japanese and Tibetan
    • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”
    20182018/07/22 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1)”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Masaaki KADOYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “The structures of verb ending imbrication in Nyiha (M.23)”
    • 2. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) “Mapping of Microvariation parameters, based on the -ile distribution of No.68”
    • 3. Bussiness meeting on editing/publishing outputs of the current project and on targets of the coming project
    • Language: Japanese, English
    20182018/07/21 (Sat)
    Middle East and Islamic Studies International Workshop “Mobility of Central Asian Intellectuals: Scholarly and religious networks between Xinjiang and Middle East”
    • 1. Jin NODA (ILCAA) Opening address
    • 2. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “The Scope of the Kazakh intellectuals in Xinjiang: a case of Aqit Ulemjiuli”
    • 3. Abdirashidov Zaynabidin Sharabidinovich (ILCAA Visiting professor / Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and Literature, Uzbekistan) “Brothers in religion: the image of a Chinese Muslim in the Ottoman periodicals”
    • 4. David Brophy (University of Sydney, Australia) “A Much-Travelled Modernist: Saʿid Muḥammad al-ʿAsali Between the Ottoman Empire and the Muslims of Xinjiang”
    • 5. Hisao KOMATSU (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) Comment
    • 6. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • *For those who will participate in this workshop, please inform us of your participation to the following contact address in advance: nodajin[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), Joint Research Projects “From Turkestan to Istanbul: in seeking the freedom, Comparative studies of political and intellectual trends in early 20th-century Central Asia”
    20182018/07/21 (Sat)
    Workshop on Affect
    • 14:20–14:30. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening address
    • 14:30–15:00. Yohei FUJINO (Hokkaido University) “Influence of emotions and affects: the cases of Japanese wives in Taiwan and their children”
    • 15:00–15:30. Toshiki SHIBUYA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellows) “Emotions evoked by the Uncertainty in Festival: A Case Study of West Bengal, India”
    • 15:30–15:45. Break
    • 15:45–16:15. Ken SHIOTANI (Waseda University) “On the dual nature of family resemblace: philosophical consideration about group”
    • 16:15–16:45. Yukio GUNJI (Waseda University) “Soldier crab in Iriomote Island, and Beyond the goal of Graham Harman”
    • 16:45–16:55. Break
    • 16:55–17:30. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “New anthropological approach to affective studies through fieldwork of eritical situations”, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20182018/07/20 (Fri) - 2018/07/21 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 20th meeting

    20 Jul

    • 1. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian24 (First part)”
    • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian24 (Second part)”

    21 Jul

    • 1. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian25 (First part)”
    • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian25 (Second part)”
    • 3. Briefing on recently puplished Liyeqinjian(2) and Preparation for Joint Reading Project
    20182018/07/18 (Wed)
    Central Eurasia Research Seminar (special lecture by Dr. David Brophy)
    • David Brophy (The University of Sydney) “The East Turkistan Cause in the Inter-War Middle East”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), Central Asian Studies Group: “Printing media and Political and Social Movements in Modern and Contemporary Central Eurasia,” Inner Asian Section, Research Department of the Toyo Bunko, Central Eurasian Studies Association
    Toyo Bunko 7F Conference Room: 2-28-21 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0021, Japan
    20182018/07/15 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence”The 4th meeting
    • 13:30–15:00. Kazuhiro ARAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Islam and “Arab” in Indonesia: recent situation in religious and political spheres” (tentative title)
    • 15:20-16:50. Takashi KAWABATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, UZABASE) “The Regime Change in Malaysia: Exploring Implications of the 14 General Elections”
    • 17:10-18:40. Hisanori KUSAKABE (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Islam and Rohingya Issue in Bangladesh:Two years since the Dhaka Attack”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/07/08 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of “Waza”: Technology, Body, Risk/Hazard (Anthropological Study of Things (3))”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Sohey UDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Why don’t Japanese cormorant fishers domesticate cormorants?”
    • 2. Shuhei KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “Divine act and human act: a case of a tsunami-prone community in Japan”
    • 3. Sho MORISHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Constructing the “Scientific Skills” for Religious Customs: Practice of Bosscha Observatory, Indonesia”
    20182018/07/08 (Sun)
    Symposium: Dynamism of Border Crossing
    • 14:00–14:05. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Opening
    • 14:05–14:45. Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA) “Transboundary Culture and Diversity: Minority Cultures in Israel”
    • 14:45–15:25. Masayuki OKADO (Sophia University, Tokyo) “Family Ties and the Hub for the Gathering: From the Case of Upper Egyptian Migrant Workers who Crosses Borders.”
    • 15:25–15:40. Break
    • 15:40–16:20. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “Middle East in the eyes of China’s Northwest: the history of migration and crossing border.”
    • 16:20–16:50. Discussions
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-resituration e-mail address: ekkyo-sympo[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS), National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU Area Studeis Project for the the Modern Middle East)
    Hongo Satellite 3F 301
    20182018/07/07 (Sat)
    Political Changes in the Middle East
    • 1. Amane KOBAYASHI (The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) “Seven years of Lybian Civil War”
    • 2. Hiroshi MATSUMOTO (Daito Bunka University) “Civil War in Yemen”
    • Discussant: Mitsugi ENDO (The University of Tokyo)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) (NIHU Area Studeis Project for the the Modern Middle East)
    Hongo Satellite 3F 301
    20182018/07/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Aspects of Agglutination in Turkic Languages: An Integrated Approach of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics”The 4th meeting
    • 14:00-15:10. Nazgul SHAMSHIEVA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University) “An Analysis of the Verb bol- in Kyrgy”
    • 15:20–16:30. Kazuki AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo) “The Postpositions of Turkic and the New “Postpositions” of Turkish”
    • 16:40–17:50. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Modal Particles in Modern Uyghur”
    • 17:50–18:00. Discussion on Publication
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) (NIHU Area Studeis Project for the the Modern Middle East)
    20182018/07/06 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 19th meeting
    • 1. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian23 (First part)”
    • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian23 (Second part)”
    20182018/07/02 (Mon) - 2018/07/06 (Fri)
    Workshop on documentation of indegenous languages in the NTT Province, Indonesia
    Hotel on the Rock (Pasir Panjang Beach, Jalan Timor Raya No.2 Kelapa Lima - Kupang 85228 East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia)
    20182018/06/30 (Sat) - 2018/07/01 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 7th meeting

    30 Jun

    • 1. Taro ADACHI (Tokyo University of Agriculture) “African Agriculture from the Entomologist Perspective”
    • 2. Shun ISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “A Comparison between Agriculture on the Southern Fringes of the Sahara and Oasis Farming in the Sahara”

    1 Jul

    • 1. Kaori KOMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai Gakuen University) “intensificationとgeneralization”
    • 2. Discussion on Future Publication
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa”, Sustainable Rural Development based on Co-existence of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Semi-arid Africa (Principal Investigator: Tadasu TSURUTA (Kindai University) Research Project Number: 17H04628)
    Hongo Satellite 5F
    20182018/06/30 (Sat) - 2018/07/01 (Sun)
    International Symposium / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 9th meeting

    30 Jun

    • Opening
    • 13:00–13:15. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
    • Session 1:
    • Chairperson: Willem van der Molen (ILCAA Joint Researcher, KITLV)
    • 13:15–14:05. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Sunan Bonan’s teaching: Theology and Sufism in the 16th century Java”
    • Discussant: Yasushi TONAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)
    • 14:05–14:55. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Imaginary of the seafaring ship in the process of Islamization in Java”
    • Discussant: Michael Feener (Oxford University)
    • 15:10–16:00. Stuart Robson (Emeritus Prof. Monash University) “Serat Manik Maya: Javanese mythology”
    • Discussant: Julian Millie (Monash University)
    • 16:00–16:50. Sri Ratna Saktimulya (Gadjah Mada University) “Following the footsteps of Sunan Kalijaga through the illuminations in the Pakualaman scriptorium”
    • Discussant: Michael Feener (Oxford University)

    1 Jul

    • Session 2:
    • Chairperson: Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • 9:30–10:20. Willem van der Molen (ILCAA Joint Researcher, KITLV) “Religious change in Java as reflected in the Suluk Panĕpen”
    • Discussant: Mitsuo NAKAMURA (Emeritus Prof. Chiba University)
    • 10:20–11:10. Edwin Wieringa (University of Cologne) “Not by the sword? Some notes on the contemporary sanitized myth of Java’s early Islamisation”
    • Discussant: So YAMANE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
    • 11:20–12:10. Ben Arps (Leiden University) ““If you desire to live, follow my prophet,Ibrahim the friend of God” Conversion to Islam and the epic of Amir Hamza in Malay and Javanese literature”
    • Discussant: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
    • Session 3:
    • Chairperson: Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • 13:30–14:20. Aditia Gunawan (National Library of Indonesia) “The Islamization process in West Java: A review of ‘Old Sundanese’ Islamic manuscripts from Kabuyutan”
    • Discussant: Julian Millie (Monash University)
    • 14:20–15:10. Oman Fathurahman (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Syarif Hiadayatullah State Islamic University) “The Javanese-influenced Islamic manuscripts in the Malay speaking area of the Philippines:Southeast Asian Muslim mobility?”
    • Discussant: Midori KAWASHIMA (Sophia University)
    • 15:20–16:30. Discussion: plans for the future
    Osaka University, Toyonaka campus, Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Meeting room
    20182018/06/30 (Sat)
    Political Changes in the Middle East
    • 1. Dai YAMAO (Kyushu University) “Analyzing the 4th Iraqi Parlamental Election.”
    • 2. Akiko YOSHIOKA (The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) “the 2018 Iraqi General Election and the political situation in Iraqi Kurdistan “the 2018 Iraqi General Election and the political situation in Iraqi Kurdistan”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies, Relational Studies on Global Crises B02
    Hongo Satellite 3F 301
    20182018/06/30 (Sat)
    International workshop on “The Oct 6 massacre and aftermath- violence and democracy”
    • 14:00–14:15. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:15–15:00. Puangthong R. PAWAKAPAN (Chulalongkorn University) “Challenges of documenting the Oct 6 massacre in the amnesic Thai society”
    • 15:00–15:15. Rest
    • 15:15–16:00. Comment
    • Discussant 1: Thongchai WINICHAKUL (IDE-JETRO)
    • Discussant 2: Masaki TAKAHASHI (Musashino Univerisity)
    • 16:00–17:00. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20182018/06/30 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Synchrony and Diachrony of Mongolic Languages: Internal and External Factors”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) Project orientation
    • 2. Hitoshi KURIBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) “Some Problems on the transliteration (Romanization) of Mongolian script found on databases for the Mongolian language”
    • 3. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) and Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Report: Database for Mongolic Languages constructed in ILCAA”
    • 4. Discussion
    • *Sorry, this is a closed meeting. If you want to participate, please contact to Yasuhiro Yamakoshi, the project organizer. Email address is yamakoshi[at]
    20182018/06/24 (Sun)
    Remembering Village after 50 Years: Revisiting an Ethnography by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”The 1st meeting

    Remembering Village after 50 Years: Revisiting an Ethnography by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko

    • Shinkichi TANIGUCHI (Hitotsubashi University, Professor Emeritus) Welcome address
    • 1. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Revisiting Ethnographic Studies of Rural Society in Bengal:Reconsidering an Ethnographyof the Muslim Peasant Society by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko”
    • 2. Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/JSPS) “Multifaceted nature of contemporary Bangladeshi village society: from an ethnography by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko and subsequent village studies”
    • 3. Koichi FUJITA (Kyoto University) “Social foundation of agricultural and rural development in Bangladesh with special reference to the arguments by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko”
    • 4. Mineo TAKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima Shudo University) “On the works of Hara Tadahiko with special reference to his first field research”
    • Hiroshi ISHII (ILCAA, Professor Emeritus) Discussant
    • General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Japan Bengal Forum, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2” and Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”
    Room 115, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    20182018/06/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement” The 1st meeting
    • 1. Takayuki NAKAMURA (ILCAA joint Researcher, Waseda University) Introduction
    • 2. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) On the next research project
    • 3. Self-introductions
    • 4. Hidehiro TACHIBANA (ILCAA joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Présence Africaine and concepts of culture”
    • 5. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Text, Thought and Movement” , Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) “Study of the black literary and cultural journal Présence Africaine by an anthropological approach”
    Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Room
    20182018/06/23 (Sat) - 2018/06/24 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Origin of Human Sociality: Towards New Perspective on Hominization”The 1st meeting

    23 Jun

    • 1. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Introduction of the project
    • 2. Self-introductions
    • 3. Trends of three study fields on human sociality
    • (1). Kaoru ADACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) Primatology
    • (2). Koji KITAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) Ecological Anthropology
    • (3). Motomitsu UCHIBORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University / The Open University of Japan) Social/Cultural Anthropology

    24 Jun, Lectures by guest speakers

    • 1. Yuriko IGARASHI (Nihon University) “The human evolution from the view point of fertility”
    • 2. Ryo ODA (Nagoya Institute of Technology) “Evolutionary cognitive bases of altruism”
    20182018/06/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 19th meeting
    • 1. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian22 (First part)”
    • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian22 (Second part)”
    • 3. Briefing on recently puplished Liyeqinjian(2) and Preparation for Joint Reading Project
    20182018/06/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: The Culture and Identity of Children Raised in a Transnational Household”The 6th meeting
    • 10:00-12:00. Each member Presentation “Summary of Final Report”
    • 12:00-13:00. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Timeline of editorial process for the Final Report
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/06/21 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum
    • Keita KURABE (ILCAA) “A typology of eclipse expressions in East and Southeast Asia”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20182018/06/16 (Sat)
    Overseas Scientific Research Forum
    • 10:30–12:30. Workshop “Endangered Biological and Cultural Diversity and its Conservation in the Context of Field Science”
    • 12:30–12:35. Short Announcement about Festa: Poster Session on Overseas Scientific Research
    • 12:35–14:00. (Lunch break)
    • 14:00–15:50. Section meetings by research areas*
    • 16:00–17:00. General meeting*
    • 17:30–19:30. Reception*
    20182018/06/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdisciplinary Research”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) The goal and background of the project
    • 2. Yoshie ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Institute of Northern Language and Culture) “The provenance and genealogy of Ainu video materials in ILCAA”
    • 3. Yoshimi YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School, Chiba University) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: conversational materials of Saru dialect”
    • 4. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Preparatory Office for National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: materials from Bihoro dialect”
    • 5. Miki KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Preparatory Office for National Ainu Museum) “For the documentation of Ainu Language materials in ILCAA: materials of Saru dialect”
    • 6. Osami OKUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) The plan and schedule of the project
    • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    20182018/06/09 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Comprehensive Study of Tone/Accent Languages of Africa”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Kyoko KOGA (ILCAA Joint Researchers, Kochi University) “Tone patterns of Akan and Nzema Nominals”
    • 2. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “Characteristics of Kiga Tone”
    20182018/06/03 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “An Inter-disciplinary Approach to the Diversity and Dynamics of Swahili Varieties”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Introduction: Current trends in the study of Swahili Variation”
    • 2. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “A micro-parametric approach to the structural features in Contact Swahili Variation”
    • 3. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “How did Swahili expand as far as the eastern part of the Congo? An account from a structural basis.”
    • 4. General discussion “The upcoming events, schedule of the project, and publication”
    20182018/06/02 (Sat) - 2018/06/03 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Archival Study on Fiscal administration of Holy Shrines in Muslim Societies: The Case of the Safavid Shrine in Iran”The 1st meeting

    2 Jun

    • 1. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Two Sarih al-Milks, the collections of estate records of the Safavid shrine: Their history, archival functions and previous studies”
    • 2. Naofumi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ochanomizu University), Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Comments: Possibilites of Sarih al-Milks as sources for historial and archival studies”
    • 3. General discussion

    3 Jun, Workshop on manuscript studies of Sarih al-Milks

    • 1. General analysis of manuscripts of Sarih al-Milks
    • 2. Analysis and methodological discussion of manuscripts of‘Abdi Beg’s Sarih al-Milk
    20182018/06/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages”The 4th meeting
    • 11:00–11:15. Business meeting
    • 11:15–12:00. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The lexicon of Larantuka Malay”
    • 12:00–12:45. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Discourse analysis of Sabah Malay”
    • 13:30–14:15. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Coding of Active Referents in Malay Varieties”
    • 14:15–15:00. Sri Budi Lestari (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) “The pronominal system in Malay spoken in Bandar Lampung in the Lampung province and its socio-linguistic background”
    • 15:15–16:00. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Preliminary notes for describing Pontianak Malay”
    • 16:00–16:45. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “Features observed in Indonesian spoken by the Javanese speakers”
    • 17:00–17:45. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Demonstration of MALINDO Conc: Open Concordancer for Malay/Indonesian”
    • 17:45–18:00. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/06/01 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 18th meeting
    • 1. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian21 (First part)”
    • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian21 (Second part)”
    Room 301, ILCAA and Kyoto University
    20182018/06/01 (Fri)
    Exhibition Explanation of “Islam, Religion of Unity by Prayer: History of Islam and Religious Life in Western Ethiopia”
    • 1. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “The Oromo and the Kingdom of Jimma in the History of Ethiopia”
    • 2. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Arabic Manuscripts Found in Sub-Saharan Africa“
    • 3. Yasuo MATSUNAMI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Religious Practice among Muslim Oromo in Western Ethiopia”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA and ASC-TUFS
    1F, ILCAA
    20182018/05/28 (Mon)
    Practical trainings for promotion of local culture
    • 1. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) Purpose and significance of field linguistic research
    • 2. Hayato AOI (NINJAL, ILCAA) Methods for field linguistic research
    • Jointly sponsored by NINJAL and Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    Hirosaki University (1 Bunkyo-cho, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori-ken)
    20182018/05/27 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic Lexical Documentation of the Southwestern Kalahari Khoe Languages”The 3rd meeting

    Briefings and discussions on the research progresses

    • 1. Akira TAKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Report on the utilization of “DiPLAS”
    • 2. Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Report on the submission of the research report to Botswana
    • 3. Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Report on the progress in the newly submitted research permission to Botswana
    • 4. Information exchange on the status of application/acceptance of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
    • 5. Discussion on the editorial activities of “Bushnman Animal Encyclopedia”
    Hokudai Marche Cafe & Labo
    20182018/05/26 (Sat) - 2018/05/27 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1”The 4th meeting

    26 May

    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
    • 2. Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Specificity of the oracle bones inscription”
    • 3. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Terms of studies on scripts from the studies on the Tangut script”

    27 May

    • 1. Scheduling and discussion for 2018 year
    • 2. Masami OTAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The writing system of the Khitan scripts”
    • 3. Hiroyuki SASAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “History and phase of Japanese−made kanji”
    20182018/04/23 (Mon) - 2018/05/25 (Fri)
    12:30–16:30 (Closed on Saturday, Sunday, & Holiday)
    Exbition “Islam, Religion of Unity by Prayer: History of Islam and Religious Life in Western”
    • Islam has a large presence in North Africa and in numerous regions in sub-Saharan Africa. It is also widely practiced in the eastern and western regions of Ethiopia,situated in the northeast of sub-Saharan Africa and famous for its ancient Christianity. The Kingdom of Jimma, founded by the Oromo in the early 19th century, played an important role in the Islamization in western Ethiopia. ILCAA has obtained an Islamic prayer book which J.Borelli, a French explorer who visited Jimma region in the latter half of the 1880s, brought back from the kingdom. This exhibition focuses on the history of Islamization in western Ethiopia and religious life of Muslims in this region by exhibiting the above mentioned Islamic prayer book and other valuable books, explanation panels,photos, and movies.

    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, ASC-TUFS, & Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research “Historiographical Study of Islamization in Ethiopia: Based on Research and Analysis of Arabic Manuscripts” (Principal Investigator: Minako ISHIHARA (Nanzan University), Research Project Number: 17H04528)
    1F, ILCAA
    20182018/05/24 (Thu)
    LingDy Forum: Studies on language and grammar in the community
    • 14:00–15:00. Michael C. EWING (ILCAA Visiting Professor, University of Melbourne) “The indeterminacy of clause structures in conversational interaction: Examples from colloquial Indonesian”
    • Abstract (English) : 38KB
    • 15:00–16:00. Sumittra Suraratdecha (ILCAA Associate Visiting Professor, RILCA, Mahidol University) “Youth Engagement in Linguistic and Cultural Reclamation: A Case Study of Black Tai Community, Thailand”
    • Abstract (English) 39KB
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20182018/05/20 (Sun) - 2018/05/21 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”The 4th meeting

    20 May

    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA “Lexicography of Tibetan pastorailsts’ cultural lexis using cooperative editing database system”
    • 2. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “Practicality of the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism (pilot version) in the field site: Consideration from users’viewpoints”
    • 3. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Surveys on pastoral knowledge with using the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism (pilot version)”

    21 May

    • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Children’s book on yak: an outreach of the Dictionary of Tibetan Pastoralism (pilot version)”
    • 2. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Trials of new cultural dictionary of pastoralism linked with encyclopedias: from the case study of milk culture of Amdo Tibetan pastoralists”
    • 3. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The characteristics of the books on Amdo Tibetans’ history published in recent years”
    20182018/05/19 (Sat)
    Anthropological and Phenomenological Approach on Body Experience-Cases from Incomplete Body, Race and Body, Pregnant Body
    • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “An anthropological study of representations of imperfect bodies in Balinese comedy”
    • 3. Sachi SEKIMOTO (Minnesota State University Mankato Associate Professor) “Race and the Senses: A Sensory Phenomenology of Racial Embodiment”
    • 4. Yuh MIYAHARA (Rikkyo University, part-time lecturer) “Body Schema and Relationship with a Fetus during Pregnancy”
    • 5. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    20182018/05/19 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 8th meeting
    • 1. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “preliminary presentation for the International symposium”
    • 2. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “preliminary presentation for the International symposium”
    • 3. Preparation meeting for the International symposium
    20182018/05/18 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 17th meeting
    • 1. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian20 (First part)”
    • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian20 (Second part)”
    Room 301, ILCAA and Kyoto University
    20182018/05/17 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum

    Talk by newly joined staff

    • Wakako KUMAKURA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20182018/05/14 (Mon)
    What Fukushima Tells Us: A Film Session
    • 13:30–13:40. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 13:40–14:10. Yuichi SEKIYA (The University of Tokyo) Introduction
    • 14:20–16:00. Bunkou TABE (Tabe shouten) Film Screening on “Fukushima Manabi-tabi”
    • 16:15–17:15. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) “New anthropological approach to affective studies through fieldwork of eritical situations”, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
    20182018/05/12 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as Dynamism in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Tadashi YANAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “The concept of affectus in Spinoza’s theory on nature, emotions and politics: between philosophy and anthropology”
    • 2. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “Dynamics of Affective Re-production in Rural Niger”
    20182018/04/28 (Sat)
    Lecture of Dr. Setrag Manoukian
    • Setrag Manoukian “Poetry as impersonal expression: the relationship between poetry and life in contemporary Iran”
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies, Center for Modern Middle East Studies at Minpaku
    Hongo Satellite Room 301
    20182018/04/28 (Sat)
    Politics over the Debt: Examples from Southeast Asia, Oceania and Africa
    • 14:00. Arihiro MINOO (Toyo University) “Opening Remarks: Politics over the Debt”
    • 14:15. Miki IKOMA (ILCAA Junior Fellow) “The Debt and Relationship of Tea Producers: A Case Study on Tea Production in Myanmar”
    • Keiichiro MATSUMOTO (Okayama University) Comment
    • 15:00. Masaharu KAWANO (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “Debt and Prestige: Feasting and Politics of Chieftainship in Contemporary Pohnpei Society , Micronesia”
    • Jyuntaro FUKADA (Mie Univesity) Comment
    • 16:00. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “Possession of the debt non-repayable: An experience in Niger”
    • Osamu NAKAGAWA (Rikkyo University) Comment
    • 16:45. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core resarch project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Research Project Number:17H00948)
    20182018/04/21 (Sat)
    Role of formulaic expressions in grammar and language use
    • 14:00–14:10. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) Opening Speech
    • 14:10–14:50. Makoto SHIBATA (Niigata Agro-Food University) “Egypt is the Gift of Nile: Special Features of the Nilo-Ethiopian Region from the Perspective of Soil Science”
    • 14:50–15:30. Yasuaki SATO (Osaka Sangyo University) “Food and Agriculture in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa: A History of Banana and People in Uganda”
    • 15:45–16:25. Takeshi FUJIMOTO (University of Toyama) “Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia: With Special Reference to its Unique Crops and their Fermented Foods”
    • 16:25–16:45. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) Comment
    • 16:55–17:55. Discussion
    • 17:55–18:00. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) Closing Remarks
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Japan Association for Nilo-Ethiopian Studeis (JANES), ASC-TUFS
    Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, TUFS
    20182018/04/16 (Mon)
    LingDy Forum: A talk on languages and cultures of Indonesia
    • Budi Agustono (University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia) “Local Language and Local Wisdom in Indonesia”
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172018/03/29 (Thu)
    Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
    • Kazuaki TAKEMURA (JSPS Research Fellow) “On the Judiciary in Contemporary Waqf Studies: An Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court’s Decision on a Family Dispute over the “Finished Family Waqf””
    • Keiko IWAMOTO (JSPS Research Fellow) “Rethinking “Nomadic Sedentarization”: Nomads and the State in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    20172018/03/28 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on an Islamic Prayer Book from the Kingdom of Jimma in Ethiopia”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Report on the Contents of the Islamic Prayer Book from the Kingdom of Jimma in Ethiopia”
    • 2. Discussion about Publication of Results and Exhibition
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20172018/03/27 (Tue) - 2018/03/28 (Wed)
    13:00–14:30 (Not open to the public)
    Memorial workshop to celebrate the launch of Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary (pilot version): Talking about the future of Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”The 3rd meeting

    27 Mar 13:00–14:30 (Not open to the public)

    • 1. meeting

    28 Mar 10:00–12:00 (Not open to the public)

    • 1. meeting

    28 Mar 13:00–17:00 (open)

    • Memorial workshop to celebrate the launch of Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary (pilot version): Talking about the future of Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary
    • 1. Opening remark
    • 13:00–13:10. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
    • 2. New perspective to Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary
    • 13:10-13:30. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University)
    • 13:30-13:50. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)
    • 13:50-14:20. Shunzo ONODA (Bukkyo University)
    • 3. Application of Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary to research
    • 14:20-14:40. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow)
    • 4. Feedback to the Field
    • 15:00–16:00. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA), Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) Mobile app development
    • 5. Panel discussion
    • 16:00–17:00.
    • Moderator: Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University)
    • Guest speaker: Kazuhiko MACHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS Professor Emeritus)
    • Commentators: Kazuo KANO (Komazawa University), Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Shinichi TSUMAGARI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science), Ryunosuke OGAWA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 15H03203)
    20172018/03/27 (Tue)
    Launch Event of Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary (pilot version)
    • 19:00–19:10. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Opening Speech
    • 19:10–19:20. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) About the concept of our project
    • 19:20–19:30. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow) Introduction to the field site
    • 19:30–19:50. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Introduction to the three types of the dictionary (mobile app, online, PDF)
    • 19:50–20:20. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow), Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University), Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS), Ryunosuke OGAWA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine), Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI Our favorite entries
    • 20:20–20:30. Q&A
    • Admission: 1,000 yen (with a light meal)
    • Pre-registration is required. Please call TASHI DELEK (in Japanese): 03-6457-7255.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 15H03203)
    Tibetan Restaurant & Cafe TASHI DELEK (Nagatani Mansion 1F, 12-18 Yotsuyasakamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
    20172018/03/27 (Tue)
    Launch Event of Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary (pilot version)

    15:00–16:30 Launch Event of Tibetan Nomadic Dictionary (pilot version) (open)

    • 15:00–15:10. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Opening Speech
    • 15:10–15:20. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) About the concept of our project
    • 15:20–15:30. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow) Introduction to the field site
    • 15:30–15:50. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Introduction to the three types of the dictionary (mobile app, online, PDF)
    • 15:50–16:20. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow), Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University), Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS), Ryunosuke OGAWA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine), Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI Our favorite entries
    • 16:20–16:30. Q&A
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 15H03203)
    20172018/03/27 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Reading Babad Tanah Jawi
    • 2. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Wali expressed in the Western Javanese chronicles”
    • 3. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Analogy of ships expressed in suluk (Javanese sufi poetry)”
    • 4. Yasushi TONAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Typology of Sufi”
    • 5. So YAMANE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “The role of Sufi in South Asia”
    • 6. meeting
    20172018/03/26 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Studies of Literary and Religious Texts”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Chihiro KOISO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanazawa Seiryo University) “What is Maharashtra dharma mentioned by Ramdas ?”
    • 2. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Reception, Adaption and Translation of Persian Stories of Telling in South Asia”
    • 3. Meeting
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (FINDAS), Research Group “Dynamism of Cultural Contact in South Asia”
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20172018/03/26 (Mon)
    LingDy Forum: Documenting and analysing Austronesian and Papuan languages
    • Dwi Noverini DJENAR (The University of Sydney), Michael C. EWING (University of Melbourne) and Howard MANNS (University of Monash) “Interactional particles and perspective management in Indonesian”
    • I Wayan ARKA (Australian National University, Udayana University) “Prohibitives and Information structure in the Austronesian languages of Indonesia”
    • Sonja RIESBERG (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Cologne) “The language archive at CELD, West Papua - a collaborative undertaking”
    • Stefan SCHNELL (University of Melbourne) “GIVE and other 3-participant events in Vera’a.”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 15H03203) and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics”
    20172018/03/25 (Sun) - 2018/03/29 (Thu)
    (Sun 25 Mar: 13:00–16:00)
    Research on Mee Language
    • Conducting research on Mee Language with two native speakers of Mee, invited from Nabire and Jayapura, Indonesia, respectively
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172018/03/25 (Sun)
    Symposium: Affect and Intelligence
    • 10:10–10:20. Opening Remarks
    • 10:20–11:50. Akinori KUBO (Hitotsubashi University) “Machines not to be afraid: Set sequence and Affects in the Contemporary Japanese Chess”
    • 13:00–14:30. Suehisa KURODA (School of Human Cultures,The University of Shiga Prefecture) “The Social Circuit of Emotion/Affection in Human Primates and Its Possible Evolutionary Process”
    • 14:40–16:10. Takeshi UTSUMI (Tokyo University of the Arts) “Affect and Intelligence from a Psychiatric Viewpoint”
    • 16:20–16:40. First Discussant: Ryo ODA (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
    • 16:40–17:00. Second Discussant: Tadashi YANAI (The University of Tokyo)
    • 17:00–18:30. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator:Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Research Project Number:17H00948), Ethnographies of Media and Society, Core Project The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2
    3rd Conference Room, Conference Hall, Hokkaido University
    20172018/03/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1)”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Seughun LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, International Christian University) “Xitsonga (S.53) data based on Parameters of Bantu morphosyntactic variation: Master list”
    • 2. Discussion on the typology of Anterior/Perfect data contributed from members’ research languages (contnd.)
    • 3. Bussiness meeting on editing/publishing outputs of the current project
    • Language: Japanese, English
    20172018/03/23 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 16th meeting
    • 1. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian19 (First part)”
    • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian19 (Second part)”
    Room 301, ILCAA and Kyoto University
    20172018/03/19 (Mon) - 2018/03/23 (Fri)
    SCOPIC workshop

    SCOPIC workshop

    • Speakers:
    • Nicholas EVANS (Australian National University), Danielle BARTH (Australian National University), I Wayan ARKA (Australian National University), Stefan SCHNELL (University of Melbourne), Eka PRATIWI (College of Foreign Languages (STIBA) Saraswati Denpasar)
    • Participants:
    • Seongha RHEE (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Heiko NARROG (Tohoku University), Toshiki OSADA (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature), Hitomi ONO (Reitaku University), Yukinori KIMOTO (Nagoya University), Akiko YOKOYAMA (NINJAL), Keita KURABE (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
    • This workshop consists of talks and practical sessions. The talks are open to the public, while registeration is needed for participating in the practical sessions.
    • For registeration and inquiries, please contact asako[at] (←Please change [at] to @) by Wed 14 Mar.
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: English
    • For more details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”
    20172018/03/19 (Mon) - 2018/03/20 (Tue)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 6th meeting

    19 Mar, Venue: E217, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University

    • 1. Tatsushi FUJIHARA (Kyoto University) “History of Agricultural Technology: From the Viewpoints of Selective Breeding and Agricultural Machinery”
    • 2. Toshikazu TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) “Plough Agricultural Complex in Contemporary Ethiopian Highlands”
    • 3. Tadasu TSURUTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kindai University) Comments

    20 Mar, Venue: Ryukoku University Satelite, Campus Plaza Kyoto

    • 1. Kenta SAKANASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Introduction of Cacao Production into Tropical Africa and Socio-economic Change among Shifting Cultivators”
    • 2. Kazuo ANDO (Kyoto University) “The Idea of Grassroots Farming Technology: How It Is Different from Indigenous Technology”
    • Language: Japanese
    3/19 E217, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, 3/20 Ryukoku University Satelite, Campus Plaza Kyoto
    20172018/03/18 (Sun) - 2018/03/19 (Mon)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives”The 8th meeting

    18 Mar

    • 1. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
    • 2. Takayuki NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Daito Bunka University) “Report about Organization of the International Symposium on Présence Africaine and the next research project”
    • 3. Discussion on the next research meeting

    19 Mar

    • 1. Satoshi HIROTA(University of Paris 8) “For another literary approach to the Négritude ? : About the discourses on the Négritude”
    • 2. Yuchol RIM (Hitotsubashi University) “The 5th Pan-African Congress and Liberation of /Africa/: Pan-Africanist Perspectives on the Post-War World”
    • 3. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    Faculty of Letters & Graduate School of Humanities - A and C, Rokkoudai 2nd Campus, Kobe University
    20172018/03/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “New perspectives of Text Studies in Yunnan, China”The 8th meeting
    • 1. Tsutomu INAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukyu University) “The end of “folklore”: On the traditional knowledge of Hani ethnic group and Kunio Yanagita”
    • 2. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Writing systems in Yunnan and adjacent area, from the viewpoint of Southeast Asian Indic Scripts”
    • 3. Discussion
    20172018/03/17 (Sat) - 2018/03/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”The 8th meeting
    • 1. Editorial meeting for the fruit book (collected papers) of the project.
    20172018/03/17 (Sat)
    Open lecture for Japanese residences in Jakarta “Islam in Contemporary Indonesia”
    • 13:30–13:35. opening
    • 13:35–14:25. Ken MIICHI (Waseda University) “Islam and Politics in Contemporary Indonesia: What was the anti-Ahok Movement?”
    • 14:30–15:20. Momo SHIOYA (The University of Shimane) “Social Relations of Javanese Women through Rituals and Food”
    • 15:30–15:50. Q&A
    • 15:50–16:10. “Talk with Muslims series (TAMU)” and Q&A
    • Admission: Free
    • * For registration, please send an email to hatao_aa_tufs[at] (←Please change [at] to @) and inform us your name, e-mail address, and number of accompanied persons if any. First 100 people will be accepted.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, Core research program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    • The Japan Foundation, Jakarta and THE JAKARTA JAPAN CLUB
    The Japan Foundation, Jakarta
    20172018/03/16 (Fri) - 2018/03/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Religious and Politico-Social Minority Groups in Middle Eastern Societies”The 4th meeting

    16 Mar

    • 1. Tom SICKING S.J. (USJ) Keynote speech
    • 2. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Middle Eastern Studies in Japan: Its Short History and Potential”
    • 3. Souad SLIM (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Balamand) “An Example of Christian Muslim Relations in the Ottoman Period”
    • 4. Guita HOURANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Notre Dame University) “Survival strategies in an ethnic minority group: The Kurds of Lebanon”
    • 5. Hiroki WAKAMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toros University) “Social Organization Process of Alevis in Turkey: An Anthropological Approach for Survival Strategy”
    • 6. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “The Palestinians in Lebanon” (tentative)

    17 Mar

    • 1. Roula TALHOUK (USJ) Keynote speech
    • 2. Ray J. MOUAWAD (ILCAA Joint Researcher, USJ) “Jews in Tripoli - Lebanon”
    • 3. Antranik DAKESSIAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Haigazian University) “100 years of Reconstructing Identity: The Tiny Armenian Community of Jounieh.”
    • 4. Hidemi TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Le christianisme syriaque en Chine : autour des récentes découvertes” (tentative)
    • 5. Asuka TSUJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kawamura Gakuen Women’s University) “The relationships of the Coptic Church in the fifteenth century” (tentative)
    • Language: English
    Saint Joseph University
    20172018/03/16 (Fri) - 2018/03/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 15th meeting

    16 Mar

    • 1. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian16 (First part)”
    • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian16 (Second part)”

    17 Mar

    • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian17”
    • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian18 (First part)”
    • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian18 (Second part)”
    20172018/03/16 (Fri)
    Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop: Field note taking (1): Research purposes and field note Ⅱ
    • ILCAA offers various workshops on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages.
    • Facilitator: Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Speaker: Natsuko NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University / JSPS)
    • Main Topics: Research purposes and tips for field note taking.
    • *The content of this workshop is the same as that of the last workshop held on 6 December, 2017 (Wed.).
    20172018/01/30 (Tue) - 2018/03/11 (Sun)
    10:00–17:00 (Closed: Sat & Sun, *3/11 will be open.)
    Photo exhibition from Malta “EXODUS ACROSS THE MEDITERRANEAN”
    • Between 2002 and 2015, several thousand immigrants fleeing from Africa to the European mainland inadvertently ended up on Malta’s shores. The desperate people struggle to reach Italy in tiny, barely seaworthy boats. Thousands have drowned during the crossing, one of the most dangerous migration routes on the planet. Throughout that time, Darrin Zammit Lupi kept trying to remind the world about what was happening around his home island of Malta: rescues far out at sea, tragedy at sea and on land, migrants arriving on Malta’ s shores. He spent time with them in detention centres, and extensively covered their lives once they were set free. In late 2014, he self-published a book “Isle Landers,” and has continued to document the plight of asylum seekers crossing from Libya to Europe, as well as following the trail others take from the Greek islands and across the Balkans.

      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Contact: aa_nihu_event[at] (←Please change [at] to @)
      • Language: English, Japanese
      • Leaflet
      • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center, Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator:Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:16KK0050)
    1F, ILCAA
    20172018/03/10 (Sat)
    The Kanto Area Seminar of Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology Shock of “Playing Japanese”: Question by Artist, Responses by Anthropologists
    • 14:00–14:15. Sachiko TANUMA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Introduction
    • 14:15–15:45. Hikaru FUJII (Artist, film director) Race Myth and Visual Representation: Attempt from “Playing Japanese”
    • 16:00–16:40. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA), Makoto ODA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Comment
    • 16:40–17:30. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Kanto Area Seminar of Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology, Core research program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    20172018/03/09 (Fri)
    17:30–19:30 (Open 17:00)
    Lecture: Photo exhibition from Malta “EXODUS ACROSS THE MEDITERRANEAN”


    • Darrin Zammit Lupi (Photojournalist)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Contact: aa_nihu_event[at] (←Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English (with Japanese translation)
    • Leaflet
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center, Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator:Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:16KK0050)
    20172018/03/09 (Fri)
    LingDy Forum: Talk on Turkish Sign Language
    • A. Sumru OZSOY (Professor emeritus, Bogazici University) “How to Compare in Turkish Sign Language”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172018/03/08 (Thu)
    ILCAA Forum

    Farewell Talk

    • 14:00–16:00. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (SUEYASU) (ILCAA) “Some cultural aspects of Japanese Diplomatics and so-called “Monjogyosei (Government through dispatches)”
    • 16:15–18:15. Kohji SHIBANO (ILCAA) “Grammar considered harmful”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20172018/03/07 (Wed)
    Gallery Talk: Photo exhibition from Malta “EXODUS ACROSS THE MEDITERRANEAN”

    ■Gallery Talk

    • Darrin Zammit Lupi (Photojournalist)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Contact: aa_nihu_event[at] (←Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English (with Japanese translation)
    • Leaflet
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center, Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator:Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:16KK0050)
    1F, ILCAA * Meeting Spot: 302, ILCAA
    20172018/03/06 (Tue) - 2018/03/07 (Wed)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Reference Grammars”The 5th meeting

    6 Mar

    • 1. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Grammars of non-Bantu languages of North-Eastern Africa”
    • 2. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “On reference grammars of Salish”
    • 3. Daisuke EBINA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Yamate University) “Grammatical Descriptions of the Languages of Native South America”
    • 4. Syuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Reference grammars of Papuan languages”, “Reference grammars of Korean”
    • 5. discussion

    7 Mar

    • 1. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “Reference grammars of Uralic languages in Russia”
    • 2. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Reference grammars of western Austronesian languages”
    • 3. discussion
    • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    20172018/03/06 (Tue)
    Lectures on migrants from Xinjiang in Turkey
    • Speakers
    • Abdulvahap Kara (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey)
    • Ömer Kul (Istanbul University, Turkey)
    • Justin Jacobs (American University, USA)
    • Tekin Tuncer (Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Turkey)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Ryosuke ONO (Waseda University) Research Project Number:17H07174)
    Room K32, Kofukan Building, Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University
    20172018/03/03 (Sat) - 2018/03/04 (Sun)
    International Symposium “Current Topics in Turkic Linguistics” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Aspects of Agglutination in Turkic Languages: An Integrated Approach of Phonology, Morphosyntax and Semantics” The 3rd meeting

    3 Mar

    • 10:30–10:40. Opening
    • 10:40–11:50. Lars JOHANSON (University of Mainz) “A Half Century of Turkic Linguistics”
    • 13:00–14:10. Elisabetta RAGAGNIN (Free University of Berlin) “The Puzzling Uygar-Uriankhay of Northern Mongolia”
    • 14:20–14:45. Arzhaana SYURYUN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg), Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University) “The So-called Evidential Suffix -dïr in Tyvan”
    • 14:45–15:10. Noriko OHSAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University), Jakshylyk AKMATALIEVA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Volitionality and the Auxiliary Verbs in Kyrgyz: The Case of kör- and ǰiber-”
    • 15:15–15:40. Shinsuke HIDAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The Syntactic Functions of Participles and Verbal Nouns in Uzbek: A Focus on the Attributive Function”
    • 15:40–16:05. Shiho NITTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Syntactic Structure and Prosody in Modern Uyghur”
    • 16:05–16:30. Yuto HISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On the Suffix -lEK in Tatar Noun Clauses”
    • 16:40–17:50. Tooru HAYASI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Ten Years in Kreuzberg: Change in Language Use and Awareness among Turkish-German Bilingual Students”
    • 18:00–20:00. Reception (members only)

    4 Mar

    • 10:40–11:50. A. Sumru ÖZSOY (Boğaziçi University) “Specificity, Case and Reference in Turkish”
    • 13:00–13:25. Yu KURIBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) “Topic and Related Constructions in Turkic”
    • 13:25–13:50. Ayşe Nur TEKMEN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ankara University) “Focusing on Broad Tense “-Ar” in Turkish”
    • 13:50–14:15. Aydın ÖZBEK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University) “Are We Witnessing Grammaticalization? —Perception of Turkish Native Speakers of et- or yap- Verbs in Light Verb Constructions—”
    • 14:20–14:45. Kazuki AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate school of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo) “Purposive Clauses and the Possibility Marker in Turkish”
    • 14:45–15:10. Kentaro SUGANUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “The Morphological Approach for Phonological Differences in Turkish Vowel Harmony”
    • 15:10–15:35. Taiki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ankara University) “Morpho-syntactic Behaviour of the Azerbaijani Copular Clitic”
    • 15:35–16:00. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University) “From Turkic Locative to Sakha Partitive: A Contrasting Analysis with Tyvan, Tofa, Dolgan and Evenki”
    • 16:10–17:20. Éva Á. CSATÓ JOHANSON (Uppsala University) “Transeurasian Postverbial Constructions”
    • 17:20–17:30. Closing
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172018/03/03 (Sat)
    Middle East and Islamic Studies International Workshop “Emigrants/Muhacir from Central Asia to Middle East: Xinjiang case during 1940-50s”
    • 1. Abdulvahap Kara (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey) The Reasons and Results of the Migration of Kazakhs from East Turkestan to Turkey in Between 1930-1950’s
    • 2. Jin NODA (ILCAA) Kazakh migrants and the Soviet-Chinese relations during 1940s: as a background of the Xinjiang refugees towards Middle East
    • 3. Ömer Kul (Istanbul University, Turkey) Uighurs that immigrated from East Turkestan to Turkey between 1949-1954
    • 4. Ryosuke ONO (Waseda University) American Aids for Xinjiang Kazakh Refugees in Kashmir: Missionaries, anthropologist and the Escapee Program
    • 5. Justin Jacobs (American University, USA) An Examination of the Fate of Xinjiang Refugees during the Cold War
    • 6. Tekin Tuncer (Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Turkey) The Emigration from East Turkestan to Turkey in 1964
    • Commentator: Akira MATSUNAGA (Center for Contemporary Islamic Studies in Japan)
    • Admission: Free
    • *For those who will participate in this workshop, please inform us of your participation to the following contact address in advance: nodajin[at] (Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Ryosuke ONO (Waseda University) Research Project Number:17H07174)
    20172018/03/02 (Fri) - 2018/03/04 (Sun)
    International Workshop “Face-body in Transcultural Condition”
    • For more details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Research Project Number:17H06341), Core research program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    Bali, Indonesia
    20172018/02/24 (Sat)
    Role of formulaic expressions in grammar and language use
    • 13:30–13:50. Tomoyuki TSUCHIYA (Kyushu University) “Issues in memory and production of formulaic expressions revisited”
    • 13:50–14:10. Reijiro SHIBASAKI (Meiji University) “Preliminary study of predicate-based formulaic expressions: a case of Dooride in Japanese”
    • 14:10–14:30. Daisuke YOKOMORI (Kyushu University) “Interactional practice on the basis of noun modifying clause constructions”
    • 14:30–15:30. Q&A
    • 15:30–15:50. Fumino HORIUCHI (Keio University) “Formulaic expressions in mother-child conversation and acquisition of ‘words’”
    • 15:50–16:10. Tsuyoshi ONO (University of Alberta) & Ryoko SUZUKI (Keio University) “Formulaic expression as a locus of dynamic association of form and meaning”
    • 16:10–16:30. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Formulaic expression as a locus of dynamic association of form and meaning”
    • 16:30–17:30. Q&A
    • 17:30–18:00. lead by Hiroko TAKANASHI (Japan Women’s University) General discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-regisatration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by (Principal Investigator: Ryoko SUZUKI (Keio University) Research Project Number: 17KT0061)
    20172018/02/23 (Fri) - 2018/02/25 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 14th meeting

    23 Feb, 14:00–18:00

    • 1. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian14 (First part)”
    • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian14 (Second part)” 24 Feb

    24 Feb, 10:00–18:00

    • 1. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “On the Concept of Nation(Bang) in the Warrior State Chin: In Comparison to Royal Domain (Jinei) ”
    • 2. Hironobu OTSUKA “Royal Power and the Nobility in Warrior State Chu : Through the Mirror of their Tombs”
    • 3. So Takurin “The Formation of the Chin-Han Empire as seen through an analysis of the Checkpoint System”

    25Feb, 10:00–18:00

    • 1. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian16”
    • 2. Liu Zhao (ILCAA Visiting professor) “On the Xiangmajing from the Han Tomb of Mawangdui” “On the Xiangmajing from the Han Tomb of Mawangdui”
    20172018/02/17 (Sat)
    Fraternization and Boundary: Feast, Drinking, Speech Act in East Eurasia
    • Program
    • 12:50. Moe TERAO (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Explanation of the Aim of Workshop
    • 13:00. Session 1 Contemporary Banquets in Mongolia and Turk Societie
    • Moe TERAO (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Banquets and Fraternization in Mongolia: In a Case of Host-Guest Transaction in Wedding Banquets”
    • Setsuko YOSHIDA (Shikoku Gakuin University) “The Wedding Banquets of “A New Era”: A Pilot Study of Intergenerational Changes in Rural Kyrgyzstan”
    • 14:10. Session 2 Acculturation and Cultural Boundary Seen in Banquets
    • Naho IGAUE (Chuo University) “The Use of Alcohol for Funerals and Memorial Ceremonies by Russian Old Believers in the Republic of Buryatia”
    • Tomohisa ABE (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Changing Entanglement of Ritual and Food in Hani, Yunnan, China”
    • 15:20. Session 3 Boundaries and Conversation
    • Mizuki NAKAMURA (Tsukuba University) “Languages between Daily and Non-daily: The Case of Language Use in Uzbek Society”
    • Ayumi HOTTA (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellowship for Young Scientists [PD] ) “A Ger as a Stage Setting for “Hospitality”: The Case of Visiting Other’s Ger in Mongolian Nomadic Society”
    • 16:30. Akira SAKURAMA (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellowship for Young Scientists [PD] ), Tetsuya MIURA (Ikuei Junior College), Mari KAZATO (Hokusei GakuenUniversity) Comments
    • 17:30. Discussion
    • 18:30. 30 Closing
    20172018/02/17 (Sat) - 2018/02/18 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1”The 3rd meeting

    17 Feb (Open meeting), Workshop “Studies on the Script of Tibeto-Burman Languages”

    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Script of Tibeto-Burman Languages”
    • 2. Bojun SUN (Visiting Professor, ILCAA) “Tangut Script”
    • 3. Naomichi KUROSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokugakuin University) “Naxi Script”
    • 4. Kazue IWASA (JSPS Research Fellow) “Yi (Lolo) Script”
    • 5. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Scripts for Burmish Languages”
    • 6. discussion

    18 Feb (Closed meeting)

    • 1. Scheduling and discussion for 2018
    • 2. Kazue IWASA (JSPS Research Fellow) “Lolo Script”
    • 3. Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Chu Nom”
    • Language: Japanese
    20172018/02/17 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam (The Second Term)”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Opening Remarks
    • 2. Takashi ICHIOKA (Hosei University) Presentation (1): “Regulation on and Discrimination against Hijab in Singapore”
    • 3. Satoshi MASUTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Presentation (2): “Malaysian Chinese View of Islam: Analysis of Mahua (Malaysian Chinese) Literature”
    • 4. Q and A Session
    • 5. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Closing Remarks
    • Language: Japanese
    20172018/02/16 (Fri)
    The 2nd Colloquium on the Field Science: Fieldwork on Fieldwork
    • 15:00–15:50. Speaker1 Naoki MATSUURA (University of Shizuoka) “Anthropological fieldwork on long term research projects: Studies and practices in African great apes research sites”
    • 16:00–16:50. Speaker2 Shou MORISHITA (JSPS Research fellow / Osaka University) “The Relationship between Geoscientists and the Earth, or Anthropologists and Culture”
    • 17:00–17:10. Daiji KIMURA (Kyoto University) Discussion
    • 17:10–18:00. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-regisatration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center and Core research program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    20172018/02/15 (Thu)
    Information Resources Center (IRC) 20th Anniversary Seminar ‘Digital humanities: The state of arts’
    • 14:00–15:30. Kiyonori NAGASAKI (International Institute for Digital Humanities) The current scholarship of Digital Humanities: Focusing on TEI
    • 15:40–17:10. Asanobu KITAMOTO (CODH/NII) The current scholarship of Open Humanities
    • 17:20–18:00. Digital Humanities Clinic
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Information Resources Center
    20172018/02/13 (Tue) - 2018/02/14 (Wed)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 13: Introduction to Researching Grammar in Conversation
    • Lecturers: Michael C. Ewing (ILCAA visiting professor, University of Melbourne), Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA)
    • Goals of this workshop:
    • - to introduce research on grammar based on conversational data
    • - to introduce variation in grammar across genres
    • - to provide training on collection, transcription and analysis of conversational data
    • Program:
    • Theme: Grammar in conversation -- We will examine how grammatical structures and patterns observed in conversation are different from those found in elicited sentence
    • 10:30–11:15:. lecture 1: Clauses in Indonesian conversation (Ewing)
    • 11:15–12:00. lecture 2: Unexpected syntax in Japanese conversation (Nakayama)
    • 13:00–15:30. Data session -- Examining language in conversation
    • Theme: Grammar in conversation -- We will examine how grammatical structures and patterns observed in conversation are different from those found in elicited sentence
    • Theme: Cross-genre variation; Conversational data collection and transcription
    • 10:30–11:15. lecture 3: How language use and patterns differ across genres?
    • 11:15–12:00. lecture 4: Introduction to discourse transcription
    • 13:00–15:30. Practical training: recording & transcribing a conversation
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: English
    • Please see here
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172018/02/11 (Sun)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2011 (Sibe) /The 7th meeting on Sibe language and linguistics
    • 1. 13:30-15:30. Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) , Kicengge (Otemon Gakuin University) , Kicentai (Northeast Normal University, China) , Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) Conversation brush-up
    • 2. 15:50-16:30. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) Talks on Sibe language and culture (1)
    • 3. 16:40-17:20. Kicengge (Otemon Gakuin University) Talks on Sibe language and culture (2)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Research Project Number:17H06182)
    Hongo Satellite 7F Seminar Room
    20172018/02/11 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into Dynamicity of Grammar (1): Multiplicity and Distributedness in Grammar”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “What constitutes grammatical knowledge?”
    • 2. Kow KURODA (Kyorin University) “Adequate description and explanation requires optimization of the notion of grammar”
    • 3. Masato YOSHIKAWA (Keio University) “Grammar as a socially constructed illusion”
    • 4. Fumino HORIUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “The role of context in formation of word knowledge as observed in acquisition of English prepositions”
    • 5. Open discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    20172018/02/05 (Mon)
    UMS-TUFS Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society of Asia
    • Program:
    • 14:00–14:10. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim (UMS) Openning Address
    • 14:10–14:15. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Openning Address
    • 14:15–14:55. Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA) “Sectarianism in the Field?: Reconsideration from an Ethnographic Perspective in Lebanon”
    • 14:55–15:35. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Documentary linguistics in and around Indonesia”
    • 15:45–16:25. Jacqueline Pugh-Kitingan (UMS) “Rivers as Roads: Cultural Contacts and Musical Diffusion between Maritime and Interior Peoples of Sabah.”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Kota Kinabaru Liaison Office, ILCAA and School of Social Science, University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu
    Meeting Room, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu
    20172018/02/04 (Sun)
    Workshop: Early Photography in Iran
    • Prof. Bettina Gockel (University of Zurich)
    • Persia: Places of Longing as Landscapes of the Soul.
    • Photography, the Literature and Poetry of Romanticism and Expressionism, and the Travels of Swiss Photographer and Writer Annemarie Schwarzenbach
    • Prof. Markus Ritter (University of Vienna)
    • Book Presentation: Photography in Qajar Iran and the notion of an ‘Indigenous lens’
    • Film Screening: Memories on Glass/Khaterat ruy-e shisheh (Mehrdad Zahedian, Tehran 2004) (30 minutes, in Persian with English Subtitle)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by The Center for Modern Middle East Studies at the National Museum of Ethnology, Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
    Room 301, Hongo Satellite, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    20172018/02/03 (Sat)
    Workshop: After the “Refugee Crisis” in Europe: The case of Germany
    • ◆Program Sina Arnold (Humboldt University / BIM) Title: Germany as a “postmigrant” society: Contemporary Challenges and Controversies.
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator:Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:16KK0050), Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) (NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
    Collaboration Room No.4, 4th Floor, Bld. No.18, The University of Tokyo
    20172018/02/02 (Fri) - 2018/02/04 (Sun)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2014 (Cham)

    2 Feb

    • 1. 09:00–10:30. SAKAYA (Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM) -University of Social Sciences and Humanities) & Toshihiko SHINE (Shizuoka University) Grammar (Review)
    • 2. 10:45–12:15. Ikuyo YOSHIDA (ILC participant) Fairly Tales (1) Grammar
    • 3. 13:30–15:00. SAKAYA & Toshihiko SHINE Cham song and dance (1)
    • 4. 15:45–17:15. SAKAYA & Toshihiko SHINE Islamic text and Akhar Jawa (1)

    3 Feb

    • 1. 09:00–10:30. SAKAYA & Toshihiko SHINE Fairly Tales (2) Reader I
    • 2. 10:45–12:15. Phu Thu Huong & Toshihiko SHINE Male language, Female language (1)
    • 3. 13:30–15:00. Phu Thu Huong & SAKAYA Cham song and dance (2)
    • 4. 15:45–17:15. Toshihiko SHINE Islamic text and Akhar Jawa (2)

    4 Feb

    • 1. 09:00–10:30. SAKAYA & Toshihiko SHINE Fairly Tales (3) Reader II
    • 2. 10:45–12:15. Phu Thu Huong & Toshihiko SHIN Male language, Female language (2)
    • 3. 13:30–15:00. Phu Thu Huong & SAKAYA Cham song and dance (3)
    • 4. 15:45–17:15. SAKAYA & Toshihiko SHINE Islamic text and Akhar Jawa (3)
    • We welcome people with experiences of Cham language learning. Assoc.Prof. Toshihiko SHINE
    • Contact: shine.toshihiko[at] (←Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20172018/02/02 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 13th meeting
    • 1. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian13 (First part)”
    • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian13 (Second part)”
    Room 301 and Kyoto University
    20172018/01/30 (Tue)
    Workshop “Jews and the Center/Margin of the Contemporary Society”
    • 14:00–15:30. Session(1) Sina Arnold (Humboldt University / BIM) Title: Between Antisemitism and Racism: Syrian Refugees’ attitudes towards Jews, the Holocaust and the Middle East Conflict in Germany. Talk (30min), Discussion (60min)
    • 15:45–17:00. Session(2) Yuki SAWAGUCHI (Master’s course of Graduate Program on Human Security, Department of Area Studies at Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo) Title: Women and the Military in Contemporary Israel: Through Narratives of Women’s Military Experiences Talk (30min), Discussion (45min)
    • 17:00–18:30. General Discussion
    • 18:30–19:00. Research meeting
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:16KK0050), Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) (NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia “Social Change and Intellectual Movements in the Modern Middle East”
    Conference Room No.1, 3rd Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo
    20172018/01/27 (Sat)
    Lecture for Japanese by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office
    • Program
    • 15:00–15:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Openning
    • 15:05–16:15. Ryouji SODA (Osaka City University) Human-nature interactions in Sarawak, Malaysia: natural disaster, plantation development and remnant forest
    • 16:15–17:00. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by KKLO and The Japan club of Kota Kinabalu
    KINABALU JAPANESE SCHOOL (Lorong Burong Ejek House No.8, Jalan Tuaran, Miles 3.5, 88450, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,)
    20172018/01/27 (Sat)
    The Religiosity and Modernity of the Baul Tradition in Bengal: Changing Faces of Baul in the Era of Globalisation -2

    5thICBS Panel Synposium: The Religiosity and Modernity of the Baul Tradition in Bengal: Changing Faces of Baul in the Era of Globalisation -2

    • Keith Edward Cantu (University of California at Santa Barbara) Buddhist Tantric Elements in the Bengali Baul Songs of Lalan Fakir
    • Md. Intaj Ali (University of Hyderabad) Reimaging Baul Tradition of Bengal: Beyond Tradition & Modernity
    • Mriganka Mukhopadhyay (PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam) Baul in the West: A Transnational Migration of Bengali Folk Music and Indigenous Occultism
    • Saymon Zakariya (Bangla Academy) Baul in Bangladesh and the Era of Globalization
    • Discussants: Carola Erika Lorea (Sapienza University of Rome)/ Manosh Chowdhury (Jahangirnagar University)/ Mahabub Alam (Independent University)
    • Chairs: Shamsuzzaman Khan (Director General of Bangla Academy), Masahiko TOGAWA
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core research program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2” , Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:16K02602)
    Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
    20172018/01/26 (Fri) - 2018/01/27 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 12th meeting

    26 Jan

    • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian10 (First part)”
    • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian10 (Second part)”

    27 Jan

    • 1. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian11 (First part)”
    • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian11 (Second part)”
    • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian12”
    Room 301 and Kyoto University
    20172018/01/26 (Fri)
    Remembering Village after 50 Years: Reconsidering an Ethnography by the late Professor Tadahiko Hara

    5thICBS Conference, Panel Synposium: Remembering Village after 50 Years: Reconsidering an Ethnography by the late Professor Tadahiko Hara

    • 9:00–9:30. Keynote Address:
    • Abhijit Dasgupta (Delhi University) Village, Kinship and the Wider World: Prof. Tadahiko Hara’s Contributions to Sociology in South Asia
    • Part-1 Rethinking Peasantry Society
    • 9:30–9:50. Ranjan Saha Partha (Jahangirnagar University) Reconceptualizing Peasantry in the Changing Village Structure of Bangladesh.
    • 9:50–10:10. Ai SUGIE (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Individualism in Rural Bangladesh: Towards a Comprehensive and Dynamic Understanding of Rural Society through Micro-level Studies
    • 10:10–10:30. Atrayee Saha (Muralidhar Girls’ College) Village as an Economic and Cultural Unit Tadahiko Hara’s study of Paribar and Kinship
    • Part-2 Transformation of Regional Society
    • 10:45–11:05. Fatema Bashar (Jagannath University) Changing Nature of Social Organisation in Rural Bangladesh Since the Sixties
    • 11:05–11:25. Mujibul Anam (Jahangirnagar University) The relevance of ‘Paribar and Kinship in a Moslem Village in East Pakistan’ in contemporary Bangladesh Study
    • 11:25–11:45. Kazuyo MINAMIDE (St. Andrew’s University) What was disappeared and What is remained in the Life Stages in Bangladesh?: Responding Prof. Hara’s Fieldwork after 50 years
    • 11:50–12:30. General Discussion
    • Discussant: Shinkichi TANIGUCHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Chair: Masahiko TOGAWA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core research program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”, International Society of Bengal Studies, Japan Chapter (ISBS)
    Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
    20172018/01/25 (Thu)
    Field Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 12: Locative verbs
    • Program:
    • 13:30–14:30. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) “Swahili Locative as a valency”
    • 14:30–15:30. Susumu OKAMOTO (Graduate school, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Semantic roles of P argument in Fijian: with a special focus on “location””
    • 15:50–16:50. Miki KOBAYASHI (Preparatory Office for Nationoal Ainu Museum) “Verbs and Locative Arguments in Ainu”
    • 16:50–17:30. Discussion
    20172018/01/20 (Sat) - 2018/01/21 (Sun)
    The 10th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”The 2nd meeting

    20 Jan

    • 14:00–14:15. Introduction
    • 14:20–16:00. Lecture on Ottoman financial registers and ‘siyakat’ scripts
    • 16:20–18:00. Reading Ottoman financial registers I

    21 Jan

    • 13:00–14:40. Reading Ottoman financial registers II
    • 15:00–16:40. Reading Ottoman financial registers III
    • 17:00–18:00. General Discussion
    20172018/01/20 (Sat)
    Fieldnet Lounge Seminar 2017 Open spaces for “food” and “agriculture” created through bottom-up activities by local residents: Methodology to find and analyze the spaces
    • Program:
    • 13:00-13:05. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 13:05-13:10. Naomi SHIMPO (University of Tsukuba) Introduction
    • 13:10-13:40. Kazuaki TSUCHIYA (the University of Tokyo) “Explore the connections of land and food in Asia”
    • 13:40-14:10. Christoph RUPPRECHT (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “Planning and coincidence: Lessons from fieldwork on marginal places”
    • 14:10-14:30. Coffee break
    • 14:30-15:00. Miki MOCHIZUKI (the University of Tokyo) “Agriculture as a reason for living in disaster-stricken areas: From ‘restoration project’ to local life”
    • 15:00-15:30. Akiko IIDA (the University of Tokyo) “New spaces for ‘food’ in the city”
    • 15:30-15:50. Coffee break
    • 15:50-16:50. Discussion by students and practitioners
    • Facilitator: Kazuhiko OTA (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
    • Participants: Yuki SAKAMOTO (University of Tsukuba), Akane BESSHO (the University of Tokyo), Misato OKANEYA (Cookpad Inc.)
    • 16:50-17:00. Naomi SHIMPO (University of Tsukuba) Conclusions
    20172018/01/18 (Thu)
    Institute-wide Research Program “Establishment of a New Cooperative Research System for Solving Contemporary Problems in Asia and Africa”, the 2nd Meeting.
    • 14:00–14:05. Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA) On the Project
    • 14:05–14:35. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “How/What to Give Back to the Language Community”
    • 14:35–15:05. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Liberation War of Bangladesh and the Secularism Principle in the 1972 Constitution”
    • 15:05–15:35. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Linguistic/Ethnic Minorities and Social Polarization in the Middle East: From the Viewpoint of a Historian of Iran”
    • 15:50–16:30. General Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by ILCAA
    20172018/01/12 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 11th meeting
    • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian09 (First part)”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian09 (Second part)”
    20172017/12/23 (Sat)
    Lecture Event Meaning of the Hadith Studies in the Contemporary World
    • Program
    • Dr. Jonathan A. C. Brown (Associate Professor, Walsh School of Foreign Service/ Director, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University) Meaning of the Hadith Studies in the Contemporary World
    • 15:00–15:10. Opening
    • 15:10–16:10. Lecture
    • 16:20–17:30. Q&A and Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • For inquiries please contact : temoriya[at]  *please change [at]to @
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
    Room 301, Hongo Satellite, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    20172017/12/23 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Comprehensive Study of Tone/Accent Languages of Africa”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Miyako TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Tone/accent patterns in Bondei”
    • 2. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “Five verb forms in Nyoro conjugation - Concerning the homology of object relative forms and conditional clause 1 forms as seen from a tonological point of view”
    20172017/12/23 (Sat)
    Symposium: Buddhism in shaping India-Japan Relations
    • 11:00–12:10. Public Lecture (Japanese)
    • Yasuko KOJIMA (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies)
    • 13:00–18:45. Academic Session (English)
    • 13:00–13:25. Kenryo MINOWA (The University of Tokyo) Longing for India: Japanese Buddhist and India
    • 13:25–13:50. Mitsuya DAKE (Ryukoku University) Japanese Buddhists Views of India Seen in the Magazine Bukkyokaigaijijo (1888-1893)
    • 13:50–14:15. Naoji OKUYAMA (Koyasan University) Japanese Buddhists in the Recovery Movement of the Bodh Gaya Temple after 1891: The role of Shaku Kozen and the Shingon Sect
    • 14:15–14:40. Newhall TOMAS (The University of Tokyo) From “bongaku” 梵学 to “indo tetsugaku” 印度哲学: The Development of Indology at Japanese Universities
    • 14:50–15:15. Masaaki NOHNIN (Ryukoku University) Otani Kozui and India: Seeking the Origin of the Eastward Spread of Buddhism
    • 15:15–15:40. Mukhopadhyaya RANJANA (Delhi University) Proselytizing in the “Western Paradise”: India in the making of Fujii Nichidatsu and Nipponzan Myohoji
    • 15:40–16:05. Yoshiko OKAMOTO (Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, The International Christian University) A Dream of an Asian Religious Conference: Japan-India Cultural Interaction behind the Journey of Okakura Kakuzo, Oda Tokuno and Hori Shitoku to India
    • 16:05–16:30. Yusuke BESSHO (Komazawa University) Buddhist Heritages Development Assistance as Present-day India-Japan Friendship: By Comparison to JICA, APECF and FPMT
    • 16:40–17:05. Ryojun SATO (Taisho University) Indian Deities of Buddhism and Hinduism in Japan
    • 17:05–17:30. Kenta FUNAHASHI (Ryukoku University) Development of Buddhist Conversion Movements in Contemporary India: The View from Local and Global
    • 17:30–17:55. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Living with Gandhi: Fujii Gurji and India-Japan Relations in the 1930s
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese and English
    • Poster
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA , JSPS Bilateral Program (Indian Council of Historical Research), The Center for South Asian Studies, Ryukoku University (RINDAS), Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University (RCWBC), Research Center for Buddhist Cultures in Asia, Ryukoku University (BARC) Core Project The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, Samutthan Foundation, New Delhi
    Omiya Campus West Hall 2F, Ryukoku University
    20172017/12/17 (Sun) - 2017/12/23 (Sat)
    The 4th Language Documentation Training Workshop in Miyako, Okinawa
    • This workshop has been planned to give training in language documentation in the context where the language is still spoken in order to to stimulate and support research in language documentation. It is designed for beginning researchers without much experience in working with Miyako and other Ryukyuan languages.

    • The workshop activities include:
    • - Strategies for building a good working relationship with consultants and the community
    • - Collection of different kinds of language data
    • - Processing and management of linguistic data
    • - Collection of socio-cultural data
    • - Developing community-centered projects
    Ikema Island, Miyakojima, Okinawa
    20172017/12/22 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 10th meeting
    • 1. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian08 (First part)”
    • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian08 (Second part)”
    20172017/12/17 (Sun) - 2017/12/22 (Fri)
    Editorial meeting for compiling a Tibetan nomadic dictionary

    Sun 17 Dec

    • Editorial meeting

    Mon 18 Dec

    • Editorial meeting

    Tue 19 Dec

    • Editorial meeting

    Wed 20 Dec

    • Editorial meeting

    Thu 21 Dec

    • Editorial meeting

    Fri 22 Dec

    • Editorial meeting

    • Participants: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Nantaijia (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai University for Nationalities), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Resercher, ILCAA Junior Research Fellow), Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) and others.
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 15H03203) and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics”
    20172017/12/04 (Mon) - 2017/12/22 (Fri)
    World of Children’s Books in Africa
    • Do you remember children’s books you read in your childhood? Children around the world read picture books. You might be able to know a new side of Africa through the picture books which bear closely on we human’ s daily lives. Stories you encountered when you were children have an influence on your thoughts and world views. When you read books based on African old stories, you will know how African people see the world.
    • In this exhibition, we will display African children’s books and illustration panels, which are owned by Japan-Africa Children’s Books Project. As Africa is often talked about with negative images, like famines and conflicts, we’d like you to know more various aspects of Africa through this event. This exhibition is a part of “African Weeks”, an event which will hold in TUFS from Dec 4 to Dec 22, by a student organization in TUFS called Femme Cafe.
    • (Closed: Sat 9 Dec, Sun 10 Dec, Tue 12 Dec, Sun 17 Dec)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-regisatration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Femme Cafe African Weeks Executive Committee, African Studies Center
    1F, ILCAA
    20172017/12/19 (Tue) - 2017/12/21 (Thu)
    International Workshop “Varieties of Malayic Languages” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages”The 3rd meeting

    19 Dec, 13:00–17:00

    • 13:00–14:00. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “How to record (semi-)spontaneous utterance”
    • 14:00-14:45. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Malayic Variety project: purposes and discussion on Questionnaires”
    • 14:45-15:00. TEA/COFFEE BREAK
    • 15:00-16:00. Thomas J. Conners (University of Maryland) “Langscape: Documentation applications of a language mapping tool and resource”
    • 16:00–17:00. DISCUSSION: developing Malay varieties maps: pronunciation and words

    20 Dec, 10:00–16:00

    • 10:00–11:00. Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’) “The Indonesian language of intercommunication in the province of Kaltara in Kalimantan”
    • 11:00–12:00. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS) “Pun and discourse structure”
    • 12:00–13:00. Michael C. Ewing (ILCAA Visiting Professor, University of Melbourne) “Interpersonal and expository grammatical organisation in Indonesian conversation”
    • 13:00–14:00. LUNCH
    • 14:00–15:00. Thomas J. Conners (University of Maryland) “The Emergence of Indonesian Electronic Communication as a Distinct Linguistic Variety”
    • 15:00–16:00. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “A preliminary report on Belitung Malay”

    21 Dec, 13:00–17:00

    • 13:00–14:00. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “A general syntactic and phonological description of ablaut in some varieties of Sumatra Malayic”
    • 14:00–15:00. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Referential strategies in some Malay varieties”
    • 15:00–17:00. DISCUSSION: developing maps on Malayic varieties: technical issues
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/12/17 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence”The 3rd meeting
    • 1. Takeshi KONO (Toyo Eiwa University) “Political Bargaining between Islamic Radicals and Moderates: a Case of Indonesia”
    • 2. Keiko KUORODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagosima University) “Historical consciousness to divide “the Buddhist” Thailand and “Muslim” Malaysia: Who is the Lord of kota Mengkuang?”
    • 3. Omar FAROUK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima City University) “Islam and Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Thailand and Malaysia.”
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, KKLO
    20172017/12/16 (Sat) - 2017/12/17 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian Geolinguistics”The 7th meeting

    16 Dec

    • 13:00–14:30.
    • Chair: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
    • 1. Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “An overview of typological studies on‘It rains’”
    • 2. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “‘It rains’ in Uralic and Tungusic”
    • 3. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Expressions for ‘It Rains’ in Formosan and Malayo-Polynesian Languages”
    • 14:45–16:15.
    • Chair: Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies)
    • 4. Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “‘It rains’ in Nivkh”
    • 5. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) “‘It rains’ in Ainu”
    • 6. Shinsuke KISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokushima) “‘It rains’ in Japanese”
    • 16:30–1800.
    • Chair: Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University)
    • 7. Fumiki SUZUKI (Nanzan University) “‘It rains’ in Sinitic”
    • 8. Mika KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “‘It rains’ in Austroasiatic”
    • 9. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Accent in Austronesian”

    17 Dec

    • 10:00–11:30.
    • Chair: Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
    • 1. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “‘It rains’ in Tai-Kadai”
    • 2. Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “‘It rains’ in Tibeto-Burman”
    • 3. Yoichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “‘It rains’ in Arabic”
    • 13:00-13:30.
    • Chair: Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University)
    • 4. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Findings from 100 maps of the Swadesh wordlist of Yunnan Tibetan”
    • Language: English
    20172017/12/16 (Sat) - 2017/12/17 (Sun)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level306
    20172017/12/16 (Sat)
    Research group for Political Changes in the Middle East
    • Takuya MURAKAMI (Middle East Institute of Japan) “The Failure of Democratization Movement after the “Arab Spring” in the Gulf Monarchies”
    • Comment: Koji HORINUKI (The Institute of Energy Economics)
    • Please correspond to the following mail address as to registration aa_nihu_kyoten[at] (←Please change [at] to @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
    20172017/12/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of “Waza”: Technology, Body, Risk/Hazard (Anthropological Study of Things (3))”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Morie KANEKO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Preliminary considerations on Anthropological study of “WAZA” : Possibilities for formation of technology by taking a pluralistic approach”
    • 2. Kaori KOMATSU (Hokkai Gakuen University) “Acceptability of genetically modified bananas”
    • 3. Ryouji SODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka City University) “Technological development, transition, and diffusion of river improvement”
    20172017/12/09 (Sat)
    13:30–18:15(Open: 13:00)
    Information Resources Center 20th Anniversary Symposium “Information resources and archiving in humanities”
    20172017/12/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1)”The 5th meeting
    • 1. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University / JSPS) “How can we describe “perfective” and “perfect”?: a case study of two Swahili dialects” (tentative)
    • 2. Hannah GIBSON (SOAS, University of London / Osaka University) “The interaction between tense-aspect and information structure in Bantu”
    • 3. Discussion on the typology of Anterior/Perfect data contributed from members’ research languages
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: Japanese, English
    20172017/12/08 (Fri) - 2017/12/10 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 9th meeting

    8 Dec, 15:00–18:30 Venue: Room 301, ILCAA

    • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian07”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Servants and Child Labor as seen in Bamboo Slips and Wooden Tablet from the Qin Dynasty”

    9 Dec, 9:00–18:00 Venue: Meiji University

    • 1. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Research Report on Archaeological Sites in Ancient Chinese Boundary Areas (1)
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Research Report on Archaeological Sites in Ancient Chinese Boundary Areas (2)
    • 3. Kunio HIROSE (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Research Report on Archaeological Sites in Ancient Chinese Boundary Areas (3)
    • 4. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Research Report on Archaeological Sites in Ancient Chinese Boundary Areas (4)
    • 5. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Research Report on Archaeological Sites in Ancient Chinese Boundary Areas (5)

    10 Dec, 9:00–18:00 Venue: Meiji University

    • 1. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Research Report on Archaeological Sites in Ancient Chinese Boundary Areas (6)
    • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Research Report on Archaeological Sites in Ancient Chinese Boundary Areas (7)
    • 3. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher), Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher), Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University), Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University), Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko), Kazuki MORIYA, Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Comments
    • 4. Discussion
    Room 301, ILCAA, Meiji University
    20172017/12/06 (Wed)
    Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop: Field note taking (1): Research purposes and field note
    • ILCAA offers various workshops on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers.The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages.
    • Facilitator: Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate)
    • Speakers: Rihito SHIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukyu University/JSPS), Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
    • Main Topics: Research purposes and tips for field note taking.
    20172017/12/03 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages.”The 8th meeting
    • 1. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Contrastive study on the reflexive pronouns in Altaic languages, Korean and Japanese”
    • 2. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Finite use of non-finite verbs in Mongolic languages”
    • 3. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “On the development of the nominalizer ngge in Sibe and Manchu”
    • 4. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/12/02 (Sat) - 2017/12/03 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 5th meeting

    2 Dec

    • 1. Yuichiro FUJIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Revisiting Agriculture-Pastoralism Complex in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Agro-pastoral Societies in Namibia”
    • 2. Yudai ISHIMOTO (Aomori Public University) “Transformation of Subsistence Activities among Agro-pastoralists in Sahel, West Africa: A Case of Northeastern Burukina Faso”

    3 Dec

    • 1. Naoaki IZUMI (Hyogo Prefectural University) “Social Mechanism on the Formation and Maintenance of Wealthy Households among the Agro-pastoralist Sukuma, Tanzania”
    • Comments and discussion
    • 2. Tadasu TSURUTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kindai University) “Theoretical Framework to Understand Agro-pastoral Societies in Africa from Historical Perspective”
    • Language: Japanese
    Hongo Satellite 4F
    20172017/12/02 (Sat)
    Symposium on Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions
    • program
    • 14:00–14:15. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 14:15–14:25. Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Face and Body across Cultures
    • 14:25–14:55. Katsumi WATANABE (Waseda University) Latent Face-Body Communication and Individual Variants
    • 14:55–15:25. Kosuke TAKAHASI (Chukyo University)・ Masaki SHIMADA (Teikyo University of Science) , Takanori OISHI (TUFS) Quian Kun (Kyushu University) Comparative Field Experimental Research on Face-Body Expression in Multiple
    • 15:40–16:10. Miwako TANAKA (Higashi Nippon International University) Dynamics of Gaze in Body Expression-Viewing Cultural Differences in the Handicapped
    • 16:10–16:40. Syojiro KOTEGAWA (Kokugakuin)・ Yoshiki KOKURYOU (Rikkyou University) Phenomenology of Face-Body-Outline and Outlook
    • 16:55–18:00. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by the MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (1901) “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”, Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    20172017/12/02 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “New perspectives of Text Studies in Yunnan, China”The 7th meeting
    • 1. Satoru ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Kyoto Bunkyo University) “A study on the current situation of the buddhist literature Lik Yaat of Dehong Tai”
    • 2. Toru SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nihon University) “Concerning Yi language dictionary”
    • 3. Discussion
    20172017/12/01 (Fri)
    The First Member Meeting of JSPS grant “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”
    • 10:00–18:30. Discussion by all members of the project
    • Jointly sponsored by the MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (1901) “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”, Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    20172017/11/29 (Wed)
    Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the Art (No. 11)
    • Language: English
    • Program
    • Organized by Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
    20172017/11/27 (Mon)
    Roundtable “Imagining Resecularization in Iran and Turkey: A Comparative-Historical and Theoretical Inquiry”
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (1801) “Relational Studies on Global Crisis” Unit A01 “States and Institutions”, JaCMES, Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut (JaCMES)
    20172017/11/26 (Sun)
    Cultural/Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2017
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • For details, please see here.
    • Jointly sponsored by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2, Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
    304, 306, 302
    20172017/11/25 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 6th meeting
    • 13:15–14:00. Sumio FUKAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Gobog conin”
    • 14:00–14:40. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “research report on the early Islamic sites on Nothern Java”
    • 14:40–15:20. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) research report
    • 15:35–16:15. Miho YAMASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) research report
    • 16:15–16:55. Willem van der MOLEN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, KITLV) research report
    • 16:55–17:35. Yasushi TONAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) research report
    • 17:35–18:15. So YAMANE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) research report
    Osaka University Toyonaka Campus
    20172017/11/25 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”The 1st meeting
    • 1. 14:00–15:30. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Current situation and issues of studies on Ottoman documents and archives”
    • 2. 16:00–16:15. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Comment 1 (from a perspective of study of Iranian History)”
    • 3. 16:15–16:30. Keiko IWAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/JSPS) “Comment 2 (from a perspective of study of Ottoman History)”
    • 4. 16:30–18:00. General discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Fundamental Study on Ottoman Documents and Archives”, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA)
    20172017/11/25 (Sat)
    The 6th Japan-China Workshop “Language Policy and Language Inheritance in Modern China: Focusing on Dagur and other Minority Languages”
    • Program
    • Jointly sponsored by Japanese, Chinese (with Japanese consecutive interpretation).
    Hongo Satellite 4F
    20172017/11/24 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 8th meeting
    • 1. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian06 (First part)”
    • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian06 (Second part)”
    Room 301 and Kyoto University
    20172017/11/21 (Tue)
    18:30–21:30 (18:00 Open)
    Information Resources Center 20th Anniversary Workshop “Competitive performance : Folklore of Reunion Island (region of France in the Indian Ocean) VS Classic Rakugo”
    • 1. Izumi HOSHI (Director of IRC, ILCAA) Opening speech
    • 2. Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) Overview of the workshop and presentation of the guests
    • 3. Isabelle Cillon & Jean-Pierre Accapandie Explanation and performance of “Maloya”, a major musical genre of Reunion Island.
    • 4. Jean-Pierre Accapandie Folklore performance: “Origin of Maloya”
    • 5. Kokontei Bungiku Classic Rakugo performance: “Father and son who are heavy drinkers”
    • 6. Isabelle Cillon Folklore performance by: “Ti-Jean and monster of a pumpkin”
    • 7. Questions and answers
    • Admission: 2,000 yen (With curry & one drink)
    • Pre-registration is needed. * Because it is a perfect reservation system due to the number of people in the venue, please apply to “ilcadj1[at]” ( ←Please change [at] to @) with “number of people” by “October 15” .
    • Interpreter: Moeha SAISHO (Graduate school of sociology, University of Reunion Island)
    • Language: Japanese, English, Reunionese Creole and French (with Japanese consecutive interpretation).
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Information Resources Center, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:16H05671)
    Mamezou (2-18-15, Kichijoji-honcho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-0004)
    20172017/11/18 (Sat) - 2017/11/19 (Sun)
    Follow-up meeting on ILC 2017 (Javanese)

    18 Nov

    • 1. 10:00–12:00,13:00–15:00. Willem van der MOLEN (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Netherlands), Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) “Introduction to Javanese script”
    • 2. 15:15–16:30. Toru AOYAMA (TUFS) “The historical development of Javanese script”

    19 Nov

    • 3. 10:00–12:00, 13:00–15:00. Willem van der MOLEN (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Netherlands), Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) “Reading seminar in Javanese”
    • 4. 15:15-16:30. Willem van der MOLEN (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Netherlands) “The variation of printed Javanese script”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principle Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) #16H05662), Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
    20172017/11/17 (Fri)
    Information Resources Center 20th Anniversary Workshop : “Music and folklore of Reunion Island (region of France in the Indian Ocean)”
    • 1. Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) Introduction: Overview of the workshop and presentation of the guests
    • 2. Isabelle Cillon & Jean-Pierre Accapandie Explanation and performance of “Maloya”, a major musical genre of Reunion Island.
    • 3. Jean-Pierre Accapandie Folklore performance: “Origin of Maloya”
    • 4. Isabelle Cillon Folklore performance: “Ti-Jean and monster of a pumpkin”
    • 5. Questions and answers
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Interpreter: Moeha SAISHO (Graduate school of sociology, University of Reunion Island)
    • Language: Japanese, English, Reunionese Creole and French (with Japanese consecutive interpretation).
    • Jointly sponsored by Information Resources Center, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Jun’ ichi ODA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:16H05671)
    20172017/11/11 (Sat) - 2017/11/12 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”The 7th meeting

    11 Nov

    • 1. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu Gakuin University) “The Anthropocene as an extreme of human evolution”
    • 2. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “The Environment of lives: centering around the dead,spirits and radiation”
    • 3. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “The Environment of lives: centering around the dead and spirits”

    12 Nov

    • 1. Shun’kichi HANAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “A Preriminaly Study on Environment and Survival under Harzard Situation: Cases from Conflicts in Southern Philippines and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster”
    • 2. Business Meeting
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (Principal Investigator: Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) #15K03034)
    Kyoto University (Faculty of Science)
    20172017/11/10 (Fri) - 2017/11/11 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 7th meeting

    10 Nov

    • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian03 (First part)”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian03 (Second part)”

    11 Nov

    • 1. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian04”
    • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian05 (First part)”
    • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian05 (Second part)”
    Room 301 and Kyoto University
    20172017/11/10 (Fri)
    Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic Lexical Documentation of the Southwestern Kalahari Khoe Languages”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Workshop 1: G|ui grammar and lexicon
    • 2. Workshop 2: Editorial activities of G|ui ethnozoology
    • Animal category
    • Animal anatomy and physiology
    • Material culture relating to hunting
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Sendagaya campus SA120, Tsuda University
    20172017/11/07 (Tue)
    Information Resources Center 20th Anniversary Workshop “Current situation of archival science -for maintenance and utilization of research materials”

    Information Resources Center 20th Anniversary Workshop “Current situation of archival science -for maintenance and utilization of research materials”

    • Shintaro NISHIMURA (Associate Professor, National Institute of Japanese Literature) “Current situation of archival science -for maintenance and utilization of research materials”
    • Admission: Free
    • No registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Information Resources Center (IRC), Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/11/04 (Sat) - 2017/11/05 (Sun)
    Family Transformation in Rapidly Developing Asia-Africa Societies Faced with Economic Disparity, Urbanization and War.
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Poster
    • Program
    • Organized by JST program “Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment”
    • Cooperated by African Studies Center, Supported by ILCAA
    20172017/11/02 (Thu)
    The Meeting of International Joint Research by Female Researchers/5th Meeting Gender and Sexuality Research Team ‘African Potential’ and Overcoming the difficulties of modern world: Comprehensive are studies that will provide a new perspective for the future of humanity” (JSPS grant-in-aid project (S))
    • Presenter: Chris C. Opesen (PhD Fellow (Social Anthropology) and Assistant Lecturer, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, School of Social Sciences, Makerere University)
    • Title: Is Female Genital Modification (FGM) a Development Issue in Africa?: Evidence Based Analysis from the Pokot Kenya-Uganda Border Ethnography
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Contact: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) wakana[at] (←Please change [at] to @)
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by JST program “Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment”, ‘African Potential’ and Overcoming the difficulties of modern world: Comprehensive are studies that will provide a new perspective for the future of humanity” (JSPS grant-in-aid project (S) Research number: 16H06318), Research team on Gender and Sexuality
    • Supported by African Studies Center
    20172017/10/28 (Sat) - 2017/10/29 (Sun)
    13:30–18:20 (open)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Case-marking Systems in Ryukyuan: A Typological Survey”The 6th meeting

    28 Oct

    • 1. 13:30–15:00. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “A typological overview of the case-marking systems in Japanese-Ryukyuan: interim summary”
    • 2. 15:10–16:10. Kanji KATO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The case-marking system in Tokunoshima”
    • 3. 16:10–17:10. Hiromi SHIGENO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University of Economics) and Rihito SHIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Ryukyus/JSPS) “The case-marking system in Amami-Oshima”
    • 4. 17:20–18:20. Satomi MATAYOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) “The case-marking system in Tsuken”

    29 Oct

    • 1. 9:00–10:00. Meeting (closed)
    • 2. 10:00–12:00. Meeting (closed)
    • 3. 13:00–14:00. Christopher Davis (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Ryukyus) “The case-marking system in Miyara”
    • 4. 14:00–15:00. Soichiro HARADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) “The case-marking system in Kuroshima”
    • Admission: Free
    • No registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/10/28 (Sat)
    Information Resources Center 20 Year and Japanese Wikipedia 15 Year Anniversary Workshop ‘Translate the world!’
    • Pt I Reflections on translation in Wikipedia (13:30–14:30)
    • Tomoaki WATANABE (Keio University) From the development of the community
    • Takashi OTA From the relationship with global community
    • Asahiko MATSUDA (National Institute for Materials Science) From the development of articles
    • Pt II Practicing translation (15:00–17:30)
    • Sae KITAMURA (Musashi University) Translation workshop
    • Conclusion
    • Bussiness meeting (18:00–19:00)
    TUFS-Learning Commons (@Lab), 4F Library
    20172017/10/27 (Fri)
    The First Colloquium on the Field Science: Risk, Hazard and Resilience
    • 15:00–15:50. Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka) “Issue Sharing Approach between Parties: An Attempt of the ESP Project between Maasai Mara, Kenya and Shizuoka, Japan”
    • 16:00–16:50. Yushi SAKURAI (NPO Furusato executive board) “Resilience to the Fukushima radiation disaster as witnessed by a sufferer”
    • 17:00–18:30. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Field Science Center and Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    20172017/10/24 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum “Lectures on languages of the North”
    • 14:00-15:30. Ekaterina Gruzdeva (University of Helsinki, General Linguistics) “An interplay of lexical and grammatical aspect in Nivkh”
    • 15:40–17:10. Juha Janhunen (University of Helsinki, Altaic Studies) “Internal reconstruction as a tool for understanding the prehistory of the Ainu language”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science3”(LingDy3)
    20172017/10/20 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian02 (First part)”
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian02 (Second part)”
    Room 301 and Kyoto University
    20172017/10/15 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) and Sri Budi Lestari (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Saga Prefecture International Relations Association) “A report on research in Lampung”
    • 2. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “A report on research in Belitung”
    • 3. All members “How to draw geolinguistic maps using free online maps”
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/10/14 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Studies of Literary and Religious Texts”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Katsuyuki IDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanazawa University) “Mahanubhav Sect in 14th Century Northern Maharashtra”
    • 2. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Hagiographies of Kashmiri Rishis and Their Sectarian Tendencies”
    • 3. Yuri ISHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University of Economics and Law) “The Thought of Ibn al-‘Arabī described in Shāh Walī Allāh’s Tafhīmāt Ilāhīya”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    Hongo Satellite 8F
    20172017/10/13 (Fri) - 2017/10/15 (Sun)
    (13 Oct 17:00–22:00, 14 Oct 9:00–23:00, 15 Oct 8:30–14:00)
    Kikisoso Tibet Fes Vol.3

    Fri 13 Oct

    • 19:30–22:00. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Screening of a documentary film “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists” and talk show
    • Exhibition “Wisdom and Works of Tibetan Pastoralists”
    • Admission fees: One-day pass: advance 2,500yen / doors 3,000yen Two or Three-day pass: advance 4,000yen / doors 4,500yen
    • General inquiries: kikisosotibet[at] (←Please change [at] to @) / 080-6144-7203
    • Language: Japanese
    • Leaflet (in Japanese)
    • Organized by Kikisoso Tibet Fes
    • Cooperated by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Komoro Eco Village (Kou 4717, Komoro city, Nagano prefecture)
    20172017/10/07 (Sat) - 2017/10/08 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan Pastoral Culture in Qinghai and its Change: Based on the Method of Documentary Linguistics”The 2nd meeting

    7 Oct

    • 1. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) ”A report for progress of collecting vocabularies on religious activity and other research topics in 2017 summer field research”
    • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “A report for progress of collecting vocabularies in 2017 summer field research”
    • 3. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Milk processing system of Tamang in the hilly terrain of central Nepal”, “Sense of Tamang for animal slaughtering and life living in the hilly terrain of central Nepal”
    • 4. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI “TBC”

    8 Oct

    • 1. Meeting for the compilation of the dictionary
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/10/07 (Sat) - 2017/10/08 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1”The 2nd meeting

    7 Oct

    • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
    • 2. Masakatsu NAGAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Characteristics of the shapes and the structures”
    • 3. Wakaha MORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokushikan University) “Cuneiform script: Characteristics of the shapes and the structures”

    8 Oct

    • 1. Scheduling and discussion for 2017year
    • 2. Kazuhiko MACHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Some Mysteries of Brahmi Script”
    • 3. Kazuhiro OKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “An outline of Old Hiragana (900-1900)”
    20172017/10/07 (Sat) - 2017/10/08 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Exploration into Dynamicity of Grammar (1): Multiplicity and Distributedness in Grammar”The 1st meeting

    7 Oct

    • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) Introduction: Objectives of the project
    • 2. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate and NINJAL) “Multiple Grammar model and its theoretical impliactions”
    • 3. Fumino HORIUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Multiplicity in grammar as observed in everyday conversation in Japanese”
    • 4. Reports on variations in linguistic patterns (1)
    • 5. Open discussion: Issues raised by multiplicity in grammar

    8 Oct

    • 1. Reports on variations in linguistic patterns (2)
    • 2. Open discussion: Issues raised by multiplicity in grammar
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/10/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Aspects of Agglutination in Turkic Languages: An Integrated Approach of Phonology, Morphosyntax and semantics”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. 14:00–15:10. Kentaro SUGANUMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “A Preliminary Study on Prosodic Typology of Turkic Languages”
    • 2. 15:20–16:30. Shiho NITTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Participle in Modern Uyghur : from the perspective of accent”
    • 3. 16:40–17:50. Noriko OSAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Some research notes on the auxiliary verbs in Turkic languages”
    • 4. 17:50–18:00. Kumiko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Some discussion on the next international symposium”
    • Commentators: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University), Hideki TSUKAMOTO (Ehime University), Setsu FUJISHIRO (Kobe City College of Nursing)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/10/07 (Sat)
    Buddhism in shaping India-Japan Relations

    Workshop Buddhism in shaping India-Japan Relations

    • Speaker1: Madhumita Chattopadhyay (Professor of Jadvpur University, Kolkata, India) Revival of Buddhism: The Ramakrishna Order: Japan
    • Speaker2: Kuniko HIRANO (Visiting Fellow, Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University, Japan) Vivekananda and Japanese Buddhists
    • Discussant: Ryojyun SATO (Emeritus Professor of Taisho University, Japan)
    • Chair: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA)
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA , JSPS Bilateral Program (Indian Council of Historical Research)
    Room 104, Research and Lecture Bldg., TUFS
    20172017/10/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Languages”The 6th meeting
    • 1. 13:00. Eric McCREADY (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Opening talk
    • 2. 13:15. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) & Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “On the non-additive uses of Malay additive particle pun”
    • 3. 14:30. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Confirmational particles in Tagalog”
    • 4. 15:45. David Y. OSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “On the no-da construction”
    • 5. 17:00. Discussion and wrap-up
    • 18:00. End
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    20172017/10/06 (Fri) - 2017/10/07 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 5th meeting

    6 Oct

    • 1. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian01 (First part)”
    • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “The Museum Collection of Liyeqinjian01 (Second part)”

    7 Oct

    • 1. Chen Jian (復旦大学出土文献与古文字研究中心) “Various Problems in the transcription of the Liyeqinjian” (First Part)
    • 2. Chen Jian (復旦大学出土文献与古文字研究中心) “Various Problems in the transcription of the Liyeqinjian” (Second Part)
    • 3. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Formationprocess and Nature of the Household Registers from Zoumalou-Wujian”
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) #16H03487)
    Room 301 and Kyoto University
    20172017/10/05 (Thu) - 2017/10/06 (Fri)
    International Workshop: Documenting Languages of Nusa Tenggara Timur
    • Coordinators: Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Jermy Balukh (STIBA Cakrawala Nusantara Kupang)
    • Programme:
    • 08:30–08:45. Registration
    • 08:45–09:00. Opening
    • 09:00–09:40. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Managing data”
    • 09:40–11:20. Nazarudin (University of Indonesia), Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L’ Orientale”) “Practice (1): Making recordings and Producing Metadata”
    • 11:20–12:00. Nazarudin (University of Indonesia), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “Evaluation of Practice (1)”
    • 13:00–13:45. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “Software and tools”
    • 13:45–14:15. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “Installing software”
    • 14:15–17:00. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Practice (2): ELAN: Part 1”
    • 08:30–09:30. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Evaluation of Practice (2)”
    • 09:30–12:30. Jermy Balukh (STIBA Cakrawala Nusantara Kupang) “Toolbox and Practice (3): Toolbox”
    • 13:15–16:15. Nazarudin (University of Indonesia) “Flex and Practice (4): Flex”
    • 16:15–17:00. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Closing and reflection”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English and Indonesian
    • Programme
    • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)” and Atma Jaya Catholic
    Restoran Palapa, Kupang
    20172017/10/04 (Wed)
    International Seminar: Language Documentation: What do we need to know?
    • Coordinators: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), June Jacob (Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang)
    • Programme:
    • 08:30–09:00. Opening
    • 09:00–09:30. June Jacob (Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang) “What is Language documentation?”
    • 09:30–10:10. Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L’ Orientale”) “Data Collection: What and How?”
    • 10:10–10:50. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “Ethics in Language Documentation”
    • 10:50–11:30. Jermy Balukh (STIBA Cakrawala Nusantara Kupang) “Orthography”
    • 11:30–12:10. Nazarudin (University of Indonesia) “Making Recordings”
    • 12:10–12:30. Closing
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English and Indonesian
    • Programme
    • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and Artha Wacana Christian University
    Artha Wacana Christian University
    20172017/10/01 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on an Islamic Prayer Book from the Kingdom of Jimma in Ethiopia”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) Explanation by Coordinator about Research Plan
    • 2. Minako ISHIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “On the History of Islam in Ethiopia with Special References to the Kingdom of Jimma”
    • 3. Discussion about Publication of Results and Exhibition
    20172017/09/24 (Sun)
    International Workshop on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. 14:30–14:40. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
    • 2. 14:40–15:20. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Converts and death: Muslim-Buddhist relations in a southern Thai village”
    • 3. 15:20–16:00. Ahmad Najib Burhani (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Science) “Force and Discourse: Justifying and Performing Violence towards Ahmadiyah in Indonesia”
    • 4. 16:10–16:50. Shamsul A. B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) “‘Islamisation of Malaysia’ or ‘Modernisation of Islam in Malaysia’: Conflict and Coexistence, an exploratory reflection based on the case of Al-Arqam“
    • 5. 16:50–17:55. Discussion
    • 6. 17:55–18:00. Hisao TOMIZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) Closing Remarks
    • 7. 18:00–20:00. Reception Meeting
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2” and Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, ILCAA
    Hotel Meridien Kota Kinabalu (Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia)
    20172017/09/18 (Mon) - 2017/09/22 (Fri)
    9:30–16:30 (The seminar will break up at 15:20 on 22nd)
    Language Documentation Seminar
    • Lecturers: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA), Zhargal Badagarov (Buryat State University)
    • Coordinator: Lyudmila Sofronovna (North-Eastern Federal University)
    • Language: Russian and English
    • Program
    • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
    North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
    20172017/09/16 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as Dynamism in Search of a Methodological Connection between Affect, Thinking, and Art”The 2nd meeting
    • 1. Kazunori KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University) “Archaeological exploration of the concept of immanence in Deleuze’s works”
    • 2. Tomohisa SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto City University of Arts) “On Creative Archives: recording and revitalizing art resources”
    20172017/09/14 (Thu)
    Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Students303
    20172017/09/07 (Thu) - 2017/09/08 (Fri)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Religious and Politico-Social Minority Groups in Middle Eastern Societies”The 3rd meeting

    Survival Strategies of Minority Groups in the Middle East (2)

    • [Agenda] (Tentative)
    • 7 Sep
    • 1. Yohei KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) Survival Strategies of Minority Groups in Oman
    • 2. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) Survival Strategies of Armenians
    • 3. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Survival Strategies of Palestinians in Lebanon
    • 4. Discussion on the Guideline/Format of the Contribution
    • 8 Sep
    • 1. Asuka TSUJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kawamura Gakuen Woman’s University) Survival Strategies of Copts in Egypt
    • 2. Hidemi TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) Survival Strategies of Syriac Christians
    • 3. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Survival Strategies of Minority Groups in Sham
    • 4. About Next Meeting/Symposium at USJ in March 2018
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Organized by ILCAA Core resarch program “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
    Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut (JaCMES)
    20172017/09/02 (Sat)
    Open Lecture on Islam in the Philippines
    • 13:00–15:00. Preparation
    • 15:00–17:30. Moderator: Nobutaka SUZUKI (Tsukuba University)
    • Lecture1: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Islam in the Philippines: Historical Backgrounds of Mindanao Conflict”
    • Lecture2: Masami MORI (Kyoto Bunkyo University “Life and Culture of the Muslims in the Philippines”
    • 17:30–18:00. Clean-Up
    • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, ILCAA
    • Cooperated by JICA Philippines Office, The Daily Manila Shimbun, PRA Japanese Club
    JICA Philippines Office Auditorium
    20172017/08/17 (Thu) - 2017/08/31 (Thu)
    11:00–17:00 (Closed on weekends)
    Exhibition Présence Africaine: “A Forum, a Movement, a Network”
    • The exhibition concentrates on photographs and pictures related to the periodical on black culture, Présence Africaine, which was published in 1947 in Paris and had a significant influence on the anti-colonial movements in Africa and the Caribbean. It was originally exhibited at Musee du quai Branly in Paris from November 10, 2009 to January 31, 2010 as “Présence Africaine, une tribune, un mouvement, un reseau” and has been exhibited in some countries in Africa. This will be the first exhibition in Asian countries. We will trace the path of trans-regional black culture movements through the collection, which constitutes 25 panels, including a sketch (reproduction) by Picasso.
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-regisatration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese and French
    • Jointly sponsored by National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) and Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    1F, ILCAA
    20172017/08/26 (Sat) - 2017/08/27 (Sun)
    Workshop for Linguistic Fieldwork on the Kisogawa dialect

    26 Aug, 14:00–18:00

    • 1. Nobuko KIBE (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Introduction”
    • 2. Tatsuya HIRAKO (Komazawa University) and Akio YAMAGUCHI (the former mayor of Kisogawa) “Outline of the Kisogawa dialect of Japanese”
    • 3. Hayato AOI (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, ILCAA Research Associate) and Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Field-method on audio (recording)”

    27 Aug, 9:00–12:00; 13:00–15:00

    • 4. All staff “Practical training for linguistic fieldwork”
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL) and Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    Sakae Building (Takebashi 5-5, Nakamura, Nagoya, Aichi)
    20172017/08/26 (Sat)
    ILCAA Forum: A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Hungarian

    A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Hungarian

    • Junko KAMIYA, Takashi KAMIYA (Researchers on Hungarian Folk Dance) “Hungarian Folk Dance”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Hungarian
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
    20172017/08/22 (Tue) - 2017/08/24 (Thu)
    Internationl Symposium, Presence Africaine : Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives Identities, memories and resistances between Africa, Europe and the Americas from colonization to post-colony / Open meeting ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives”The 7th meeting

    22 Aug 10:30–17:00 * Registration of the participants from 9:30

    • Opening and Inaugural Speech
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 1. Romuald FONKOUA (University of Paris IV., Editor-in-Chief of the Présence Africaine) Présence Africaine’: the story of an idea, the action of a thought
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • Session 1: Great personalities: biographies
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 2. Hidehiro TACHIBANA (Waseda University) Alioune Diop and Aimé Césaire
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 3. Fatima DOUMBIA (Félix Houphouët-Boigny University) Kwame Nkrumah: Survival of an African Presence
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 4. Sheikh THIAM (The Ohio State University) Negritude Africentered: Revisiting Senghor and Glissant’s countercultures of modernity in the 21st century
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 5. Georges A. BERTRAND (Academy of Limoges) Marcel Griaule, an ambiguous African... The evolution of the thought of a man in the heart of the twentieth century
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 6. Monika BRODNICKA (The Ohio State University) Amadou Hampaté Bâ and the Call to Indigenous Metaphysics
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 7. Reception (18:00–20:00)
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB

    23 Aug 10:00–17:30

    • Session 2: Languages and Literatures
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 1. Takayuki NAKAMURA (Daito Bunka University) Literature, language and politics: the issues surrounding the debate on “national poetry”
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 2. Satoshi HIROTA (University of Paris VIII) Unfinished dialogue between two Caribbean poets on the eve of decolonization: Aimé Césaire and Edouard Glissant
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 3. Sally Kalani STAINIER (University of French West Indies) Lang a pèp-la kont lang a mèt-la? - Echoes of the Guadeloupean linguistic question within teachers’ representations
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 4. Jyothsana NARASIMHAN (University of Mumbai) Women’s writing in ‘Présence Africaine’ - A thought revolution by Fatou Diome
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 5. Hiroshi MATSUI (Kinjo Gakuin University) I is one of us: Black Shack Alley (La rue Cases-Nègres) by Joseph Zobel
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • Session 3: Arts, Media and Reception of ‘Présence Africaine’
    • Report (Japanese) : 198KB
    • 6. Roger SOME (University of Strasbourg) Negro Art versus African Art in ‘Présence Africaine’
    • 7. Buata MALELA (University Center of Mayotte) ‘Présence Africaine’ in the space of Academic Journals
    • 8. Obed NKUNZIMANA (New Brunswick University) Rethinking and redressing old wounds. Postcolonial slavery and colonization revisited in the movies of ‘Adanggaman’ et ‘L’Afrance’
    • 9. Eugene TAVARES (Assane Seck University) ‘Présence Africaine’ and the process of awakening consciences in Lusophone Africa. The example of Cape Verde
    • 10. Francoise NAUDILLON (Concordia University) African Presence or African Absence. Le Monde Diplomatique’s Reception of the Journal from 1958 to 1980

    24 Aug 10:00–17:00

    • Session 4: Political Ideas

    8月24日 10:00–17:00

    • 1. Ryo OGAWA (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) The Road to Black Hosts (Hosties noires): from Blaise Diagne, W.E.B. Dubois to L.S. Senghor
    • 2. Sakiko NAKAO (EHESS) Pan-Africanism or nationalism? ‘Présence Africaine’: a forum for cultural policies in the era of decolonization
    • 3. Jonas Daniel RANO (University of Lorraine) Creolitude and ideological marronage in the work of Léon-Gontran Damas
    • 4. Anne PIRIOU (RIAM) The making of Francophone Nationalist Intellectuals in the 1950s revisited: places, periods and personalities
    • 5. Ibrahim YAHAYA (University Abdou Moumouni) ‘Présence Africaine’: the struggle continues
    • 6. General Discussion and Closing Ceremony
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese, English and French
    • leaflet (in French) (1.4MB)
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (The University of Tokyo) #17H02328), Grant-In-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research (Principal Investigator: Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) #17K18480), Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    • Simul International, Inc.
    Agora Global, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
    20172017/08/22 (Tue)
    ILCAA Forum: A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Javanese

    A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Javanese

    • Koji MIYAZAKI (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studie /ILCAA Research Fellow) “Javanese calendar and divination”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Javanese
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
    20172017/08/19 (Sat)
    International Symposium: Art and Affect in Africa
    • Yutaka SAKUMA (ICLAA) Introduction
    • 1. Presentation
    • Roger Somé (Université de Strasbourg) “Creation, emotion and reception of arts works in Africa”
    • Fumiaki YANAGISAWA (Assistant Professor, the University of Tokyo) “≪Emotional Sensibility≫ : From Fry’s Formalism to Senghor’s Humanism”
    • Bruce CLARKE (Artist, Photographer) “Fighting ghosts: visual arts and contemporary history in Africa”
    • 2. Comment
    • Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA Research Fellow)
    • Kazuto NAKATANI (Kyoto University)
    • 3. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: French (with Japanese consecutive interpretation), Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Core resarch project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Research Project Number:17H00948) and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (The University of Tokyo) Research Project Number:17H02328)
    20172017/08/11 (Fri) - 2017/08/17 (Thu)
    (The workshop will break up at 13:00 on 17th)
    Joint-Research Workshop on languages spoken in Sabah state, Malaysia
    • Participants:
    • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
    • Hiroki NOMOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Yoshimi MIYAKE (Akita University)
    • Kartini Abd. Wahab (University Kebangsaan Malaysia)
    • Native Speaker Consultants:
    • Mohd Izzuddin Fitri Bin Abd Aziz (Bahasa Melayu Brunei)
    • Reo Richie H Bating (Bahasa Dusun)
    • For those who are interested in participate in the workshop, please contact to the coordinator (Asako SHIOHARA: asako [at] ←[at] should be replaced [by] @)
    • Admission: Free
    • Language: English and Malay
    • Jointly sponsored by Core resarch program “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Hiroki NOMOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Research Project Number: 26770135) and Core resarch program “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    Sunset & Seaview Vacation Condo City Centre and the consultants’ regidences
    20172017/08/05 (Sat) - 2017/08/06 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian Geolinguistics”The 6th meeting

    5 Aug

    • Chair: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
    • 1. Katsuhiko SHIOTA (Osaka University) “Toneme and allotonic distribution in Yoruba”
    • 2. Kosuke MATSUKAWA (Aoyama Gakuin University & Keio University) “Tone in Triqui languages”, “Tone in Central American Languages”
    • Chair: Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University)
    • 3. Ray IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanazawa University) “Tone Sandhi in Chinese”
    • 4. Shinsuke KISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokushima) “Accent in Japanese”
    • Chair: Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
    • 5. Yoshio SAITO (Tokyo Gakugei University) “Accent in Mongolic and Turkic”
    • 6. Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Accent in Nivkh”
    • 7. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) “Accent in Ainu”

    6 Aug

    • Chair: Kazue IWASA (JSPS/Kyoto University)
    • 1. Yoichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Accent in Arabic”
    • 2. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “Accent in Uralic and Tungusic”
    • 3. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) “Accent in Korean”
    • Chair: Mika KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher)
    • 4. Yoichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Intonation in the Seoul Dialect of Korean”
    • 5. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Tone in Tai-Kadai”
    • 6. Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Tone and Register in Austroasiatic”
    • Chair: Kenji YAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokushikan University)
    • 7. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) “Tone in Hmong-Mien”
    • 8. Kazue IWASA (JSPS/Kyoto University) “Tone in Tibeto-Burman”
    • 9. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Suprasegmentals in Tibetic languages: from a geolinguistic perspective”
    • Chair: Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA)
    • 10. Ray IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanazawa University) & Kenji YAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokushikan University) “Tone Sandhi in Chinese”
    • 11. Kenji YAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokushikan University) “Citation Tone in Chinese”
    • Language: English
    20172017/08/04 (Fri)
    ILCAA Forum: A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Javanese

    A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Javanese

    • Toru AOYAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Introduction to the History of Javanese Literature”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Javanese
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
    20172017/07/30 (Sun)
    Preparatory Meeting for the Successor project of “Studies on the mongolic language in Hexi corridor area based on the published material”
    • 10:00-16:00. Discussion among the members
    • ・Improvement of the database
    • ・Project planning
    • Members
    • Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA)
    • Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo)
    • Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Research Fellow)
    • Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Nobuharu SATO (Hiroshima University)
    • HORLO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
    • Yuta MATSUOKA (Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies)
    • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
    • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    20172017/07/06 (Thu) - 2017/07/28 (Fri)
    11:00–17:00 (except Sundays and public holidays)
    Photo exhibition: Central Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers in 1960s and 1970s
    • A photography exhibition of Jiro TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University): Life of the Central Kalahari Hunter-gatherers until 1970s.
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • poster1
    • poster2
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic Lexical Documentation of the Southwestern Kalahari Khoe Languages”, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), African Studies Center, TUFS and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Research Project Number:#25300029 and #16H01925)
    1F, ILCAA
    20172017/07/23 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Comprehensive Study of Tone/Accent Languages of Africa”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Yuka MAKINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Tone and prosody in Lamba”
    • 2. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Tone patterns in Rombo (Bantu E623)”
    • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    20172017/07/22 (Sat) - 2017/07/23 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”The 6th meeting

    22 Jul

    • 1. Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) Changing food habit and a forming of food processing groups (tentative title).
    • 2. Hitonaru NISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Solitariness as an extreme point of sociality: How does a wild chimpanzee live alone?

    23 Jul

    • 1. Shun’kichi HANAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) The extreme of co-presence: existence and environment of newly-immigrated females in chimpanzees (tentative title).
    • 2. Takeo FANABIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo) Humanwork Robot: Ultimate of Bipedal Upright and walking in Japanese Classical Performing Arts.
    • 3. Gen YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Are chimpanzees weed species?: Coexistence with humans in agricultural landscapes in West Africa.
    • 4. Business Meeting
    20172017/07/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Aspects of Agglutination in Turkic Languages: An Integrated Approach of Phonology, Morphosyntax and semantics”The 1st meeting
    • 1. 14:00–14:10. Kumiko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Project orientation”
    • 2. 14:10–15:20. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University) “Problems of Turkic linguistics viewed from Sakha and Tyvan studies”
    • 3. 15:30–16:40. Shinsuke HIDAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A participle and action noun in Uzbek: compared to a finite verb and converb”
    • 4. 16:50–18:00. Kumiko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Illocutinary functions of some sentence initial/final intonations in Turkish and Japanese: A comparative study”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    20172017/07/22 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1)”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) “Report on International WS in March and introduction of the plan of this year”
    • 2. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Report on Bantu Workshop at SOAS, University of London”
    • 3. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, OSAKA University) “Microvariation found in noun modification clauses of Bantu languages - Proposal of new parameters-”
    • 4. Discussion “Brainstorming and matching of participants’ research projects based on the microvariation parameters. Preparing plan to pursue the research projects in the coming years”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    20172017/07/20 (Thu)
    Practitioners and Specialist Meeting on Current Situation in Southern Philippines
    • 1. 16:00–17:00. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Presentation on Current situation in Southern Philippines
    • 2. 17:00–18:30. Discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, ILCAA
    JICA Philippines Office (40th Floor, Yuchengco Tower, RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, PHILIPPINES)
    20172017/07/18 (Tue)
    LingDy Forum: Talks by LingDy3 research associates
    • 13:00–14:10. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Research Associate, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Topics in Miyako Ryukyuan phonetics and phonology”
    • 14:20–15:30. Miki KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Transitivity alternation in Ainu”
    • 15:30–16:00. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
    20172017/07/16 (Sun)
    Publication meeting, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare”
    • 1. Meeting on publication
    20172017/07/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic Lexical Documentation of the Southwestern Kalahari Khoe Languages” SWKK Meeting (ad hoc Meeting 2)
    • Conservation and listing of hunting tools (ǀGui and ǁGana)
    • Mobile-phone and orthography
    Room 413, TUFS
    20172017/07/15 (Sat)
    14:00–17:00 (Open 13:30)
    FIELDPLUS Talk Show “A Half-Century Chronicle of Transformations in Hunter-Gatherer Life in the Kalahari Desert”
    • Speakers: Hirosi NAKAGAWA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Jiro TANAKA (Professor emeritus of Kyoto University)
    • Facilitator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA)
    • Program:
    • 1. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Opening
    • 2. Hirosi NAKAGAWA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The hunting/gathering tools re-analized from a linguistic perspective”
    • 3. Jiro TANAKA (Professor emeritus of Kyoto University) “The hunting and gathering life until 1970s”
    • 4. Jiro TANAKA (Professor emeritus of Kyoto University) “The hunting and gathering life in transformation”
    • 5. Q & A session
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese (without interpretation)
    • Jointly sponsored by FIELDPLUS editors, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Research Project Number:#25300029 and #16H01925)
    20172017/07/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Reference Grammars”The 4th meeting
    • 1. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 2. Tetsuya KAWASUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Matsuyama University) “On reference grammars of Chinese”
    • 3. Norihiko HAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Issues on reference grammars of Tibeto-Burman languages in India and surrounding areas”
    • 4. Tun Aung Kyaw (ILCAA Special Visiting Professor) “Problems arising from compiling a new reference grammar of modern colloquial Burmese”
    • 5. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Issues on reference grammars of Tibeto-Burman languages in China and surrounding areas”
    • 6. Discussion
    • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
    20172017/07/15 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The 3rd Term): Dynamics of Conflict and Co-existence”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Introduction of the Research Project
    • 2. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Syrianization” of Southern Philippines? -Preliminary Study on Mindanao Conflict under Duterte Regime (tentative title)
    • 3. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Conflict and Co-existence surrounding the Palestinian and Syrian refugees - The Middle East as a Region of Refugee Acceptance
    • Organized by Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
    20172017/07/14 (Fri) - 2017/07/16 (Sun)
    Preliminary meeting for ILCAA Special program on Readings of Ancient Chinese Administrative Tablet Documents / ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies”The 4th meeting

    14 Jul, 14:00–18:00

    • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Prelimanary survey of teaching materials ectracted from document tables of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
    • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Prelimanary survey of teaching materials ectracted from document tables of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)

    15 Jul, 10:00–18:00

    • 1. Zhang Zhongwei (Renmin University of China) The paradox of legal documents in the Qin-Han period
    • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Prelimanary survey of teaching materials on burial rites and document tables
    • 3. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Prelimanary survey of teaching materials ectracted from northwestern document tables (First Part)

    16 Jul, 10:00–16:00

    • 1. Briefings
    • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Prelimanary survey of teaching materials ectracted from northwestern document tables (Second Part)
    • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Prelimanary survey of teaching materials on social history and document tables
    • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studies” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) #16H03487)
    20172017/07/09 (Sun)
    14:00–17:00 (Open 13:30)
    The 50th Year after the Occupation 1967 “Considering the Past and Present of Palestine/Israel: 100 Years after the Balfour Declaration and 50 Years after the Occupation 1967”
    • Speakers and titles:
    • Prof. Avi Shlaim “Britain and Palestine: From Balfour to the Present”
    • Dr. Khalil Nakhleh “My personal narrative of occupation: The Ongoing Control of the Land”
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Hiroshima-Chuto Network, Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East) and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:17H04504)
    Multi Media Studio, “Hito-machi Plaza”
    20172017/07/09 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of “Waza”: Technology, Body, Risk/Hazard (Anthropological Study of Things (3))”The 1st meeting
    • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Introduction
    • 2. Tatsuya HIGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) The theory of Technology in Deleuze and its Development
    • 3. Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture) Beginner’s approach to blacksmith as a “waza” of collaborating with material, tools, fire
    20172017/07/08 (Sat) - 2017/07/09 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 4th meeting

    8 Jul

    • 1. Ryohei TERAUCHI (Kyoto University) “Exploring Diversity and Origin of Guinea Yam”
    • 2. Shingo ODANI (Chiba University) “Introdution of Sweet Potatos and Agricultural Revolution in New Guinea: A Historical and Geographical Analysis”

    9 Jul

    • 1. Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyama University) “Farmers’ Innovation Observed in Ensete Cultivation in Southwestern Ethiopia”
    • 2. Comments and discussion
    • Language: Japanese
    Hongo Satellite 4F
    20172017/07/07 (Fri)
    Symposium on Media, Cross-nationality, Idnetity: Culture of the Global Era/ Open meeting: ILCAA Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: The Culture and Identity of Children Raised in a Transnational Household”The 5th meeting
    • 1. 13:15–13:30. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Introduction
    • 2. 13:30–14:30. Ploysri Porananond (Chiang Mai University) Lecture “The Evolution of Thainess and the Use of Thainess at the Luxuly Chain Hotels in Phuket”
    • 3. 14:30–14:45. Open Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • Pre-registration is required.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture and Identity of Children Raised in Transnational Household” and College of Sociology, Rikkyo University
    Conference Room, 2F Building No. 12, Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro Campus)
    20172017/07/06 (Thu)
    18:30–21:00 (Open 18:15)
    The 50th Year after the Occupation 1967 “Conversation: Israel’s Occupation of Palestine and its Impact on Israeli Society”
    • Speaker: Prof. Avi Shlaim
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Prof. Mari Oka, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University and Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
    Kyoto University, Yoshida-South Campus, Academic Center Bldg South Wing 01 Room (No.86 on the map)
    20172017/07/05 (Wed)
    18:30–21:20 (Open 18:15)
    The 50th Year after the Occupation 1967 “Whither the ‘Peace Process’? Towards reconstruction of Palestinian society” [open]
    • Dr. Khalil Nakhleh “Whither the ‘Peace Process’? Towards reconstruction of Palestinian society”
    • Admission: 1,000yen (Students 700yen)
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • Jointly sponsored by Palestine Forum Japan, Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) (NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), Kansai Palestine Studies
    Dawn Center Main conference room, Osaka
    20172017/07/05 (Wed)
    Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop: Basis of the data annotation software ELAN
    • ILCAA offers various workshops on field linguistics aimed mainly at junior researchers such as graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. The workshops aim to offer lectures and training that are useful for documenting and describing under-studied and under-documented languages.

    • Lecturer: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
    • Topic: How to use ELAN(practice). ELAN is a software to add annotations to audio-visual data and sound data which are obtained through field research. Please bring your own laptop.
    20172017/07/02 (Sun)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “New perspectives of Text Studies in Yunnan, China”The 6th meeting
    • 1. Akira YOSHINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo Gakugei University) Mien song texts and song language in northern Thailand
    • 2. Gaku KAJIMARU (Kyoto University) Comments on Yoshino’s report
    • 3. Akimasa KAWANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University), Kenji KANNO (Tokyo University of Science) About Xiao Jieyi A brief History of Cizhong Catholic and Catholic Missionary History of Northwest Yunnan
    • 4. Discussion
    20172017/07/02 (Sun)
    13:00–17:00 (Open 12:30)
    The 50th Year after the Occupation 1967 “The Influence of the Occupation in 1967 to the Present”
    • Speakers and titles:
    • Prof. Avi Shlaim “Israel and the Occupation of Palestine: 1967–2017”
    • Dr. Khalil Nakhleh “What does it mean to be occupied?”
    • Admission: Free
    • * Please write and register in advance to the following e-mail address: aa_nihu_event[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
    • Language: English
    • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) (NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
    The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Fukutake Learning Theater, Fukutake Hall B2
    20172017/06/08 (Thu) - 2017/07/02 (Sun)
    11:00–22:00 except Wednesdays
    Exhibition “Yak, Milk and Women -- Life of Tibetan Pastoralists”
    • Exhibition “Yak, Milk and Women -- Life of Tibetan Pastoralists” Agriculture and livestock farming have been practiced in Tibet since ancient times owing to the elevation and characteristics of the land. Farmers and pastoralists differ in the ways in which they earn their livelihoods, and there are also differences in their thinking and customs. In addition, repeated changes in other factors, such as religion, history, politics, and economics, have given form to a variety of different cultures. In order to understand the background of this multilayered Tibetan civilization, it is critical to have a perspective that looks at the living of the common people, whose ways of life are rooted in the land itself. This exhibition introduces the “present” state of pastoralists living with their livestock in the Amdo region of Northeast Tibet from a variety of perspectives.

    • Admission: Free (Please order one drink.)
    • General Inquiries: TASHI DELEK (03-6457-7255)
    • Language: Japanese
    • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3),Tibetan Restaurant & Cafe TASHI DELEK, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 15H03203), and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics”
    Tibetan Restaurant & Cafe TASHI DELEK (Nagatani Mansion 1F, 12-18 Yotsuyasakamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
    20172017/07/01 (Sat)
    Overseas Scientific Research Forum

    10:30–12:30 Workshop: Field Science as documentation: collect, measure and count

    • 1. Yuichi SEKIYA (The University of Tokyo) “Collaborative Action Research with the sufferers of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident in 2011: Its creativeness and problems”
    • 2. Kozue SHIOMI (National Institute of Polar Research) “Biologging measures the movement of wild animals”
    • 12:30–12:35. Short Announcement about Festa: Poster Session on Overseas Scientific Research
    • 12:35–14:00. (Lunch break)
    • 14:00–15:50. Section meetings by research areas*
    • 16:00–17:00. General meeting*
    • 17:30–19:30. Reception*
    • ※12:35–17:30 Festa: Poster Session on Overseas Scientific Research
    20172017/06/28 (Wed)
    Rethinking Frontiers of South Asia
    • 1. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “Introducing Remarks”
    • 2. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “On Cultural Contacts between the Mughals and South India”
    • 3. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Moghuls and Mughals as depicted in Kashmirian Sanskrit sources in the sixteenth century”
    • 4. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Introduction to the Amir Hamza Romance”
    • 5. Jun TAKASHIMA (ILCAA) “Appaya Diksita and Shaivism”
    • 6. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Buddhist Revival Movement by Dharmapala and India”
    • 7. Discussions
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: Japanese
    • Organized by volunteers from ILCAA.
    20172017/06/25 (Sun)
    International Symposium “Art and Disability: The cases from Africa and Asia”
    • 13:00–13:10. Opening
    • 13:10–13:50. Kojiro HIROSE (National Museum of Ethnology) HANDS OF A GOZE (blind female musician): the Tactile Culture of Visually-impaired People in Modern Japan.
    • 13:50–14:00. Q&A
    • 14:10–14:50. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Imperfect Bodies and Comedy in Balinese Theater.
    • 14:50–15:00. Q&A
    • 15:10–15:50. Aggée Celestin Lomo Myazhiom (ILCAA Visiting Professor) 7th Art and Disability in Sub-Saharan Africa: Staging of Altered Bodies and Process of Normalization.
    • 15:50–16:00. Q&A
    • 16:10–16:30. Mikako TODA (National Museum of Ethnology) Comments
    • 16:30–17:30. Discussion
    • Admission: Free
    • No pre-registration is needed.
    • Language: English
    • For details, please see here.
    • poster
    • Jointly sponsored by Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Research Project Number:17H00948)
    20172017/06/23 (Fri) - 2017/06/24 (Sat)
    ILCAA Joint Research Project “The New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3): Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studie”The 3rd meeting

    23 Jun

    • 1. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Xia2’) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
    • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Xia2’) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)

    24 Jun

    • 1. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA) Expanded Editorial Meeting on source selection for Short-term Intensive Language Course 2017
    • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Que’) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
    • 3. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Que’) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)
    Room 301, ILCAA and Kyoto University
    20172017/06/17 (Sat) - 2017/06/18 (Sun)
    Screening and Lecture “An Adventure Surrounding Yak and Milk”

    17 Jun

    • 13:30. Open
    • 14:00. Opening
    • 14:20. Screening of a documentary film “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists”
    • 16:00. Lecture by Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Yak and Tibetan people”
    • 17:00. Closing

    18 Jun

      • 13:30. Open
      • 14:00. Opening
      • 14:20. Screening of a documentary film “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists”
      • 16:00. Lecture by Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “Religious Belief and Perspective on Nature in Tibet: For a Thorough Understanding of the Movie”
      • 17:00. Closing
      • Documentary Film “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists”
      • 100min./2017/Documentary
      • Cinematographer: Khashem Gyal (Amilolo Film)
      • Production: “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists” film production team
      • Language:Tibetan (with Japanese subtitles)
      • Cooperation: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, JSPS KAKENHI
      • Pre-registration is required. Please call TASHI DELEK (in Japanese): 03-6457-7255.
      • Admission: 1,000 yen (1 butter tea or chai tea included)
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3),Tibetan Restaurant & Cafe TASHI DELEK, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics”, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 15H03203)
      Tibetan Restaurant & Cafe TASHI DELEK (Nagatani Mansion 1F, 12-18 Yotsuyasakamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
      20172017/06/17 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives”The 6th meeting
      • 1. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “Progress Report about Organization of the International Symposium on Presence Africaine”
      • 2. Meeting on the International Symposium
      • 3. Masaki SAKIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University “A Study of Contemporary Evaluations of Presence Africaine from the Outside: From the Afro-Asian Conference in Bandung (1955) to Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s Speech at the UN General Assembly (1964)”
      • Commentator: Ryoichi KUNO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 4. Discussion
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Presence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Principal Investigator: Moriyuki HOSHINO (The University of Tokyo) #17H02328)
      20172017/06/15 (Thu)
      ILCAA Forum
      • 14:00-16:00. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “Translation strategies in a Persian translation of the Rajataranginis”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by ILCAA
      20172017/06/11 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as dynamism-in search of a methodological connection between affect, thinking, and art”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Introduction to “Life as dynamism -in search of a methodological connection between affect, thinking, and art”
      • 2. Yukio- Pegio GUNJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) Science to be artistic: Heterogeneity summoning the outside
      • 3. Ken SHIOTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) Toward conceiving/being conceived to dynamicity
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Life as dynamism-in search of a methodological connection between affect, thinking, and art” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Principal Investigator: Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) #17H00948)
      20162017/06/11 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages.”The 7th meeting
      • 1. Hiromi KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Participles in Ewen”
      • 2. Norifumi KUROSHIMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Tense and modality in adverbial clauses in Korean”
      • 3. Discussion
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20172017/06/11 (Sun)
      [Publication meeting] ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”
      • 1. Meeting on publication
      20172017/06/10 (Sat)
      10:00–16:30 (open meeting), 16:30–19:00 (closed meeting)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 5th meeting

      10:00–16:30 (open)

      • 1. 10:00–12:00. Reading Babad Tanah Jawi
      • 2. 13:00-14:30. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Local perception of the adoption of Islam in Southeast Asia”
      • 3. 14:45-16:15. Sumio FUKAMI (ILCAA Joinr Researcher) “Historical sites of the early period of Islamization in Java: from Majapahit to Mataram”

      16:30–19:00 (Not open to the public)

      • 4. Meeting
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization” and JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principle Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) #16H05662)
      Conference Room, Machikaneyama Kaikan, Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University (1-15 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka)
      20172017/06/09 (Fri)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (3) :Rediscovering the Japanese Tradition of Oriental Studie”The 2nd meeting
      • 1. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents(category ‘Gao-Cang’) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents(category ‘Gao-Cang’) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)
      Room 301, ILCAA and Kyoto University
      20172017/06/09 (Fri)
      [Publication meeting] ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)”
      • 1. Meeting on publication
      20172017/06/03 (Sat) - 2017/06/04 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Method of Studies on Asian Scripts 1”The 1st meeting

      3 June

      • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
      • 2. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Tangut script: Characteristics of the shapes and the structures”
      • 3. Kenji OKANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Burmese script found in (stone) inscriptions: its characteristics of the shapes and the structures”

      4 June

      • 1. Masayuki YOSHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Writing Sinitic languages: Uniqueness of the Chinese character forms and the writing systems”
      • 2. Atsushi OCHIAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “The shape change and abstraction of Chinese character”
      • 3. Scheduling and discussion for 2017 year
      20172017/06/02 (Fri)
      19:00–20:30 (Open 18:30)
      Tibetan Literature Night
      • ■Tibetan Literature Night■
      • Speakers: Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow ), Kensaku OKAWA(Nihon University), Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Junko MIURA (Translator)
      • Facilitator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
      Salon de Fuzambo Folio (Kanda Jimbocho 1-3 B1F, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
      20172017/05/27 (Sat)
      LingDy Forum “Questions under Discussion in Austronesian corpus data”
      • 1. Arndt RIESTER (ILCAA Visiting Researcher, University of Stuttgart) “Analyzing the question structure of discourse” “What QUDs can tell us about the information structure of Sumbawa”
      • 2. Anja LATROUITE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf) “Implicit questions under discussion in the analysis of corpus data”
      • 3. All members (registered participants only) Hands-on session for QUD annotation
      • Hands-on session is open only to registered participants.
      • Please contact asako[at] for registration (Please change [at] to @.).
      • Admission: Free
      • Language: English
      • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
      20172017/05/10 (Wed) - 2017/05/21 (Sun)
      except May 15 and 16 12:00–18:00 (weekdays) , 11:00–16:00 (Saturday and Sunday)
      Exhibition “Yak, Milk and Women -- Life of Tibetan Pastoralists”
      • Agriculture and livestock farming have been practiced in Tibet since ancient times owing to the elevation and characteristics of the land. Farmers and pastoralists differ in the ways in which they earn their livelihoods, and there are also differences in their thinking and customs. In addition, repeated changes in other factors, such as religion, history, politics, and economics, have given form to a variety of different cultures. In order to understand the background of this multilayered Tibetan civilization, it is critical to have a perspective that looks at the living of the common people, whose ways of life are rooted in the land itself. This exhibition introduces the “present” state of pastoralists living with their livestock in the Amdo region of Northeast Tibet from a variety of perspectives.

      • General Inquiry: info-lingdy[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), CHEESE SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI(ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H03203), and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics
      Event Space & Café KICHIMU (Kichijo bldg. B1F 2-14-7 Kichijoji honmachi Musashino-City,Tokyo)
      20172017/05/20 (Sat)
      Symposium: Photo Archives of South Asian Folk Culture by Prof. Masatoshi Konishi
      • 1. Toshie AWAYA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Opening Remarks
      • 2. Masatoshi KONISHI (Professor Emeritus, Rikkyo University) Opening Address
      • 3. Masayuki USUDA (Professor Emeritus, Tokai University) Photo Archives and the Studies of South Asian History
      • 4. Toshiki SHIBUYA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) Photo Archives and the Studies of South Asian Folk-culture
      • 5. Akinori UESUGI (Kanazawa University Photo Archives and the Studies of South Asian Archeology
      • 6. Kodai KONISHI (Tokyo Gakugei University) Photo Archives and the Field Photography
      • 7. Jun TAKASHIMA (ILCAA) Closing Remarks
      • Chair: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by The 20th Anniversary Event of IRC, ILCAA, The FINDAS Photo Archives Project, The Committee of Bengal Forum, and ISBS-Japan Chapter
      Room 115, Research and Lecture Bldg., TUFS
      20172017/05/20 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic Lexical Documentation of the Southwestern Kalahari Khoe Languages” SWKK Meeting (ad hoc Meeting 1)
      • Hirosi NAKAGAWA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Announcement 1: Photo exhibition ‘Central Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers in 1960s and 1970s’ and the talk event
      • Hirosi NAKAGAWA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Akira TAKADA (Kyoto University), Hitomi ONO (Reitaku University) Announcement 2: The cover story of Field Plus, no. 18
      Nagano-Education Campus, M Building 2nd Floor Meeting room 1, Shinsyu Univ
      20172017/05/20 (Sat)
      10:00–13:00 (closed meeting), 13:30–17:30 (open)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: The Culture and Identity of Children Raised in a Transnational Household”The 4th meeting

      10:00–13:00 (closed meeting, Language: Japanese)

      • 1. 10:00-10:30. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Project report
      • 10:30-11:30. Report of each research progress
      • 3. 11:30-12:30. Lunch Meeting on the subsequent symposium in the afternoon
      • 4. 12:30-13:00. Preparation of the symposium

      13:00–17:30 (open meeting, Language: English)

      • 5. 13:30–14:00. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Opening Remarks
      • 6. 14:00–15:00. Nicole Constable (University of Pittsburgh) Keynote Address “Migrant Mothers and the Varieties of Absent Children“
      • 7. 15:15–16:0. Michelle T.Y. Huang (National Taiwan University) Presentation “Like a Family, but Not Quite: Emotional Labor and Cinematic Politics of Intimacy”
      • 8. 16:15–17:00. Chiho OGAYA (Ferris University) Presentation “Japanese Filipino Children (JFC) and Japan : Crossroads of Family, Nationality, Class and Migration”
      • 9. 17:00–17:30. Open Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese (–13:00), English (13:30–)
      • Organized by Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture and Identity of Children Raised in Transnational Household”
      Conference Room Nos.1-2, 10F, McKim Hall Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro Campus)
      20172017/05/13 (Sat) - 2017/05/14 (Sun)
      Screening and Lectures “An Adventure Surrounding Yak and Milk”

      13 May

      • 18:00–. Open
      • 18:30–. Opening
      • 19:00–. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) Lecture (1)
      • 19:30–. Screening of a Documentary Film “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists”
      • 21:00–. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) Lecture (2)

      14 May

      • 18:00–. Open
      • 18:30–. Opening
      • 19:00–. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) Lecture (1)
      • 19:30–. Screening of a Documentary Film “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists”
      • 21:00–. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Lecture (2)
      • Pre-registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Please refer to the following website for details. (in Japanese)
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), CHEESE SCHOOL ASSOCIATION, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics”, and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI(ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H03203)
      Event Space & Café KICHIMU (Kichijo bldg. B1F 2-14-7 Kichijoji honmachi Musashino-City,Tokyo)
      20172017/05/13 (Sat) - 2017/05/14 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Tibetan pastoral culture in Qinghai and its change: Based on the method of documentary linguistics”The 1st meeting

      13 May

      • 1. Keisuke IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Prospect of the research on the changes of Amdo nomadic societies under the Qing’s rule”
      • Commentator: Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University)
      • 2. Ryunosuke OGAWA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “A Study of Value system based on the principal of slaughter, meat classification and available in Amdo Tibetan nomads ~Case Study of slaughter and meat available in Nomad household in eastern Qinghai province~”
      • Commentator: Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (Researcher on Tibet)

      14 May

      • 1. All members “Discussion about database and dictionary”
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H03203)
      20172017/05/06 (Sat) - 2017/05/12 (Fri)
      Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films commemorating the release of “The River”

      6 May

      • 12:00–13:29. “The Sun Beaten Path” Directed by Sonthar Gyal (with English and Japanese subtitles)
      • Talk by Izumi Hoshi (ILCAA)

      7 May

      • 12:00–13:35. “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists” Directed by Khashem Gyal (with Japanese subtitles)
      • Talk by Izumi Hoshi (ILCAA)

      8 May

      • 12:00–13:15. “The Valley of the Heroes” Directed by Khashem Gyal (with Japanese subtitles), “The Grassland” Directed by Pema Tseden (with Japanese and Chinese subtitles)

      9 May

      • 12:00–13:52. “The Search” Directed by Pema Tseden (with Japanese and English subtitles)

      10 May

      • 12:00–13:42. “The Silent Holy Stones” Directed by Pema Tseden (with Japanese and English subtitles)

      11 May

      • 12:00–13:52. “The Search” Directed by Pema Tseden (with Japanese and English subtitles)

      12 May

      • 12:00–13:58. “Paths of the Soul” Directed by Zhang Yang (with Japanese subtitles)
      • Tickets only purchased at the door: Adult/University student 1,500yen, (Junior) High school student 1,000yen, Senior 1,100yen
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • HP:
      • Jointly sponsored by MOVIOLA, ILCAA TUFS and Dainana Geijutsu Gekijo
      • Cooperated by Director Sonthar Gyal, Director Pema Tseden, Director Khashem Gyal, The Fukuoka City Public Library
      The Seventh Art Theatre, Osaka
      20172017/04/23 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Facilitator: Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Aims of the workshop
      • 2. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) Defining technical terms concerning varieties of Malayic languages
      • 3. Facilitator: Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Parameters for the survey of Malayic varieties
      • 4. How to draw geolinguistic maps using free online maps
      • 5. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Definite Marker of Manado Malay
      • 6. Planning for the future survey
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20172017/04/22 (Sat)
      12:30–17:00 (12:00 open)
      TUFS Cinema Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films commemorating the release of “The River”

      22 April 12:00 Open 12:30 Start

      • 1. 12:30–. “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists” (with Japanese subtitles)
      • 2. 14:15–. Talk by Junko MIURA (Translator) and Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
      • 3. 15:30–. “The Sun Beaten Path” Directed by Sonthar Gyal (with English and Japanese subtitles)
      Prometheus Hall, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
      20172017/04/21 (Fri) - 2017/04/22 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Research on Varieties of Malayic Languages”The 1st meeting

      21 April

      • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ’Gao-Shaonei’) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)”
      • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ’Gao-Shaonei’) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)”

      22 April

      • 1. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA “Examination of Reconstruction Proposals for Fragmental Tablets from Liye”
      • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Xia’1) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)”
      • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Xia’1) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)”
      Room 301, ILCAA and Kyoto University
      20172017/04/15 (Sat)
      12:30–17:00 (12:00 open)
      TUFS Cinema Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films commemorating the release of “The River”

      15 April 12:00 Open 12:30 Start

      • 1. 12:30–. “The Search” Directed by Pema Tseden (with Japanese and English subtitles)
      • 2. 14:30–. Talk by Shozo ICHIYAMA (Producer / TOKYO FILMeX Program Director) and Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
      • 3. 15:30–. “Old Dog” Directed by Pema Tseden (with Japanese, English and Chinese subtitles)
      Prometheus Hall, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
      20172017/04/04 (Tue)
      Public lecture of Dr. Joseph A. Kechichian
      • Program:
      • Joseph A. Kechichian (The King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies) “Donald Trump and the Middle East”
      • Chairperson: Shuji HOSAKA (The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
      • Admission: Free
      • Pre-registration is required (Up to 90 seats are available). Contact: kechichian2017[at] (←Please change [at]to@.)
      • *Please present us our return mail on your smartphone or printout to confirm your registration at the entrance.
      • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS) and The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
      Conference Room No.4, Hitotsubashi Hall, National Center of Sciences Building 2F,2-1-2 Hitotsubashi,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 101-8439
      20162017/03/31 (Fri)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”The 10th meeting
      • 1. Yasuko KOBAYASHI (Nanzan University) “World viewed from the Islamic periodicals in colonial Indonesia:A tentative assumption”
      • 2. Takashi KAWABATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher / Uzabase Asia Pacific) “Reproduction of Misunderstandings on “Halal Business“ in Japan”
      • 3. Meeting for Publication of the Project
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
      20162017/03/30 (Thu)
      Film Workshop “Messages from Paradise”
      • 1. 14:00–14:05. Kenji KURODA (National Museum of Ethnology) Opening Remarks
      • 2. 14:05-14:15. Daniela Swarowsky (Filmmaker) & Samuli Schielke (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient) Introduction of film and concept of Messages from Paradise Series
      • 3. 14:15-15:00. “Messages from Paradise#1”, Egypt: Austria (44mins)
      • 4. 15:10-16:05. “Messages from Paradise#2”, Morocco: The Netherlands (53mins)
      • 5. 16:15-17:00. All participants Comment and Discussion
      • Commentator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA), Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA)
      • 6. 17:00 Nobuaki KONDO(ILCAA). Nobuaki KONDO(ILCAA) Closing Remarks
      • Admission: Free
      • Registration is required (Please contact to here↓)
      • Kenji KURODA (kenjikuroda[at] Please change [at] to @.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), The Center for Modern Middle East Studies at the National Museum of Ethnology
      20162017/03/24 (Fri) - 2017/03/30 (Thu)
      International workshop for Documenting endangered languages in the Nusa Tenggara Timur Province in Indonesia / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 9th meeting
      • The aim of this workshop is to conduct a substantial documentation of two seriously endangered languages of the Nusa Tenggara Timur Province in Indonesia, namely, Teiwa and Nedebang. The member of the ILCAA Joint research project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia” will work together with Antoinette Schapper, a pecialist of the languages in this region and the native speakers invited from the two language communities.

      • Coordinators:
      • 1. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
      • 2. Antoinette Schapper (ILCAA Joint Researcher, KITLV)
      • 3. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
      • Native speaker Participants:
      • 1. Amos Rehabeam Sir (UBB GMIT Kupang)
      • 2. Semram Serang (Education and Culture Service of Sub Region of Pantar)
      • 3. Dominikus Tauk (Udayana University)
      • 4. Jermy Imanuel Balukh (STIBA Cakrawala Nusantara Kupang)
      • 5. Elsijon Marjesi Thine (Smpn Satu Atap Batulai, Rote)
      • 6. Anderias Susang
      • Program on 27 March:
      • Antoinette Schapper (ILCAA Joint Researcher, KITLV) “History of a macro-linguistic area through lexico-semantics: The case of Southeast Asia”
      • Amos Rehabeam Sir (UBB GMIT Kupang) “Languages in Alor”
      • I Wayan Arka (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor, Australian National University) “Plurality and comitatives in Indonesian languages”
      • Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Dominikus Tauk (Udayana University), and Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Metathesis and Truncation in Helong: A Preliminary Study”
      • Jermy Imanuel Balukh (STIBA Cakrawala Nusantara Kupang), and Elsijon Marjesi Thine (Smpn Satu Atap Batulai, Rote) “An overview of Rote language”
      • Admission: Free
      • The workshop is closed except on 27th. Please contact asako[at] (Please change [at] to @.).
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”
      20162017/03/29 (Wed)
      Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
      • 1. Kazue HOSODA (ILCAA Project Assistant Professor/ National Institutes for the Humanities) “Transition from Modern Hebrew Literature to Israeli Literature: The New Trend in the Works of Israeli “Arab” Writers”
      • 2. Yuji TSUBOI (ILCAA Research Associate) “The Formation of Malaysia from the perspective of Muslim intellectuals in Singapore (tentative)”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
      20162017/03/28 (Tue)
      LingDy Forum: Talks by LingDy3 research associates
      • 1. 13:00–14:10. Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Isomorphic demonstratives, sentence-final particles and interjections in Vietnamese”
      • 2. 14:20–15:30. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Research Associate) “Microvariation of a TAM marker *kɪ́- in Tanganyika Bantu languages”
      • 3. 15:30–16:0. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
      20162017/03/27 (Mon)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Reference Grammars”The 3rd meeting
      • 1. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) Introduction
      • 2. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Reference grammars of Bantu languages, with a focus on the history of the study of Bantu”
      • 3. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Reference grammars of the Lake Tanganyika Bantu Languages”
      • 4. Yuka MAKINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Reference grammars of Lamba, with a focus on verbs”
      • 5. General discussion
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162017/03/27 (Mon)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 9th meeting
      • 1. 13:00. Hiroyuki Mashita (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) “A Preliminary Survey of a Newly Discovered Manuscript of Azfari’s Sanihat”
      • 2. 13:50. Ikuko Wada (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) “A Masulpatnam Diary of an English Merchant in the Late Seventeenth Century (tentative)”
      • 3. 14:40. Ayako Ninomiya (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Recent Studies on Early Modern Persian Literature in South Asia”
      • 4. 15:50. Akihiko YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo) “Evolution of Center–Periphery Relations as Seen from Appointment Orders of Local Clerics: The Case of Ardalan Province in 17th–19th Century Iran”
      • 5. 16:40. Nobuaki Kondo (ILCAA) “The Prophet’s Blood and the King’s Blood: Kingship and Genealogy in ‘Zabur-e Al-e Davud’”
      • 6. 17:30. General Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      20162017/03/25 (Sat) - 2017/03/26 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 3rd meeting

      25 March

      • 1. Satoshi YOKOYAMA (Nagoya University) “Traditional Livelihood in Laos: Disappearing Swidden Agriculture and Changing Rural Communities under Globalizaion”
      • 2. Makoto SHIBATA (Kyoto University) “Nutrient Cycle in Soils under Swidden Agriculture in Cameroon”

      26 March

      • 1. Kagari SHIKATA (Kyoto University “The Relationship between Rain Forest and Human in Shifting Cultivation in Africa”
      • 2. Kaori KOMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai Gakkuen University) and Kenta SAKANASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Comments and Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research(Principal Investigators: Kaori KOMATSU(Hokkai Gakkuen University)#15H03134, Yuko SUGIYAMA(Hirosaki University)#25284171)
      20162017/03/25 (Sat) - 2017/03/26 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives”The 5th meeting

      25 March

      • 1. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “Progress Report about Organization of the International Symposium on Presence Africaine”
      • 2. LOMO MYAZHIOM, Aggée (ILCAA Visiting Professor, Strasbourg University) “Presence Africaine dans le contexte de la decolonisation de l’Afrique”
      • Commentator: Ryo FUKUSHIMA (The University of Tokyo)
      • 3. Yukitoshi SUNANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Prefectural University Of Kumamoto) “Presence Africaine and Politics of language in the 1950s”
      • Commentator: Junko MOTOKI (Hosei University)
      • 4. Discussion

      26 March

      • 1. Tasuku SASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) ““A Forgotten Sociologist” and Presence Africaine”
      • Commentator: Masaki SAKIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University)
      • 2. Discussion on the next research meeting
      • 3. Meeting on the International Symposium
      • Language: Japanese and French (with consecutive interpretation)
      20162017/03/25 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Comprehensive Study of Tone/Accent Languages of Africa”The 3rd meeting
      • 1. Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “The “sing-song” prosody of Kimakunduchi (Kikae) nouns”
      • 2. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Nominal tone patterns in Herero (Bantu R31)”
      20162017/03/21 (Tue) - 2017/03/22 (Wed)
      Field linguistics workshop: Grammatical Studies Workshops 11: Lecture and Practical session on GRAID: Annotating corpora for research on referentiality across typologically diverse languages
      • Lecturer: Dr. Stefan Schnell (Postdoctoral Researcher, the University of Melbourne)
      • 1. 10:30–12:00. Lecture: Introduction to problems of referential choice and its interaction with information packaging and event representation
      • 2. 13:30–15:00. Practical session: Introduction to annotation conventions GRAID
      • 3. 15:15–16:30. Practical session on GRAID annotations with participants data
      • 1. 10:30–12:00. Lecture: Typology of person agreement systems and accounts of their evolution
      • 2. 13:30–15:00. Practical session: Researching the evolution of agreement systems with GRAID
      • 3. 15:15–16:30. Practical session on GRAID annotations with participants data
      • See the workshop description in the third page for the details.
      • Lectures may be taken individually.
      • Please bring your own laptop for the practice session.
      • Admission: Free
      • Language: English
      • For details, please see here. (34KB)
      • Organized by JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”
      • Supported by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), ILCAA
      20162017/03/19 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam (The Second Term)”The 2nd meeting
      • 1. 13:00–13:10. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Opening Remarks
      • 2. 13:10–14:20. Tatsuya FUJIWARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Reitaku University) “Issues of Japan Halal Industry: An Exploration of Potential”
      • 3. 14:20–15:20. Q and A
      • 4. 15:40–16:50. Tatsuro FUTATSUYAMA (Kyoto University) “The Whereabouts of Islamic Commodities: From the Case of Qur’ānic Interior Ornaments in Tunisia”
      • 5. 16:50–17:50. Q and A
      • 6. 17:50–18:00. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Closing Remarks
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed
      • Language: English
      20162017/03/18 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of the Accent and Intonation of Korean Dialects”The 8th meeting
      • 1. Yuko OSANAI (ILCAA Research Associate) “The Accent of Modal Form ‘-l ti-’ in Late Middle Korean”
      • 2. Yutaka SUGIYAMA (Kyoto Sangyo University) “Some phenomena related to accent in the first printed edition of Twu-si En-hay: observation of varieties of language coexisting in an identical document”
      20162017/03/17 (Fri) - 2017/03/19 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 38th meeting

      17 March, 14:00–18:00

      • 1. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Xia’ 1) of Liyeqinjian (First Part2)
      • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Xia’ 1) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)

      18 March, 10:00–18:00

      • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Examination of Reconstruction Proposals for Fragmental Tablets from Liye(3)”
      • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Zhui’) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 3. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Zhui‘) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)

      19 March, 10:00–16:00

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Gao-Cang‘) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 3. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Gao-Cang‘) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)
      Room 301, ILCAA and Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies North Bldg. , Kyoto University
      20162017/03/14 (Tue) - 2017/03/15 (Wed)
      Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop: Two-day lecture and workshop on “linguistic fieldwork and language documentation”
      • This workshop aims to share the information and knowledge useful for linguistic fieldwork and documentation of endangered or minority languages. Dr. Sonja Riesberg has been working on endangered languages in Papua Province, Indonesia and taught about field linguistics and language documentation in Indonesia and Japan. The workshop will accept the participants who are working on or have a plan to work on endangered / minority languages.

      • Lecturer: Dr. Sonja Riesberg (Australian National University, University of Cologne, ILCAA Joint Researcher)
      • Main topics:
      • - How to use the data annotation software ELAN (lecture and practice)
      • - Method of linguistic fieldwork: how to elicit linguistic data from speakers (lecture)
      • 1. 10:30–12:00. Lecture: annotation software ELAN: outline of its function and use
      • 2. 13:00–16:00. Practice: ELAN
      • 1. 10:30–12:00. Method of linguistic fieldwork: how to elicit linguistic data from speakers
      • 2. 13:00–16:00. Personal clinic
      • Admission: Free
      • Language: English
      • For details, please see here (18KB)
      • Organized by JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”
      • Supported by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), ILCAA
      20162017/03/13 (Mon)
      19:00–21:40 (Doors open at 18:30)
      2nd Film Screening Meeting: “Protesters on the Street”
      • 1. 19:00–19:05. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
      • 2. 19:05–20:55. Screening of “Tell the Prime Minister”
      • 3. 20:55–21:30. Eiji OGUMA (Keio University) Speech and Discussion
      • Film title: Tell the Prime Minister
      • Shooting, Editing: Syunichi ISHIZAKI / Music: Jinta-Ra-Muta / Proof Reading of English Subtitles: Damon Farry
      • (2015 / Japan / 109min / Japanese [English Subtitled])
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed
      • Language: English
      • For details, please refer to the following webpage.
      • Organized by JaCMES, Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
      Metropolis Empire Sofil (Ashrafyeh, Sofil Centre Sofil, Ground floor)
      20162017/03/12 (Sun)
      International Workshop: Agricultural Practice and Social Dynamics in Niger
      • 1. 14:00–14:30. Jan Patrick Heiss (University of Zurich) “Some reflections on the relationship between magic/religion and field-cultivation in South Central Niger”
      • 2. 14:30–15:00. Yuichi SEKIYA (The University of Tokyo) “Comparative study on African rural development, Niger, Kenya and Malawi: An analysis focusing on Nigerien case”
      • 3. 15:15–15:45. Shuichi OYAMA(Kyoto University) “Hausa basic thought of the movement “harukuki” and population explosion in Niger”
      • 4. 15:45–16:15. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “Present of Sudanese agricultural complex: The case of western Niger”
      • 5. 16:30–17:00. Aggée Celestin LOMO MYAZHIOM (ILCAA Visiting Professor) Total comment
      • 6. 17:00–18:00. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Core research program “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2” JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) (Principal Investigator:Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) #15H05385)
      20162017/03/11 (Sat) - 2017/03/12 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”The 9th meeting

      11 March

      • 1. Lectures at the exhibition “Wisdom and Works of Tibetan Pastoralists”

      12 March

      • 1. Meeting for the compilation of the dictionary
      • Language: Japanese and Tibetan(with consecutive interpretation)
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162017/02/13 (Mon) - 2017/03/11 (Sat)
      Exhibition “Wisdom and Works of Tibetan Pastoralists”
      • Exhibition “Wisdom and Works of Tibetan Pastoralists” Agriculture and livestock farming have been practiced in Tibet since ancient times owing to the elevation and characteristics of the land. Farmers and pastoralists differ in the ways in which they earn their livelihoods, and there are also differences in their thinking and customs. In addition, repeated changes in other factors, such as religion, history, politics, and economics, have given form to a variety of different cultures. In order to understand the background of this multilayered Tibetan civilization, it is critical to have a perspective that looks at the living of the common people, whose ways of life are rooted in the land itself. This exhibition introduces the “present” state of pastoralists living with their livestock in the Amdo region of Northeast Tibet from a variety of perspectives.

      • General Inquiry: info-lingdy[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Homepage: (in Japanese)
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) , Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI(ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H03203) and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”
      1F, ILCAA
      20162017/03/11 (Sat)
      13:30–15:20 (13:00 open)
      Screening of a Tibetan Documentary Film “A Day of Tibetan Pastoraists”
      • 95min./2017/Documentary
      • Cinematographer: Kashem Gyal (Amilolo Film)
      • Production: “A Day of Tibetan Pastoraists” film production team
      • Language: Tibetan (with Japanese subtitles)
      • Cooperation: ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, JSPS KAKENHI
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilation of an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary” and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Research Project Number: 15H03203)
      20162017/03/10 (Fri)
      International Symposium on Language Documentation and Corpus Linguistic / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 8th meeting
      • 1. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Opening
      • 2. Nicholas Evans (Australian National University) “Do grammars do best what speakers did most: the Social Cognition Parallel Interview Corpus (SCOPIC) cross-linguistic corpus on social cognition in grammar”
      • 3. Stefan Schnell (University of Melbourne) “Conditions on object agreement and pronominalisation – a corpus-based typological study”
      • 4. Sonja Riesberg (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Australian National University, University of Cologne) “Cross-corpus annotation - a report from the ongoing Three Participant-Project”
      • 5. I Wayan Arka (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor, Australian National University) “On the pedagogical literacy for local (endangered) languages: lessons learned from Indonesia”
      • 6. Discussion & Closing
      • Language: English
      • Please refer to the following webpage for details.
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”
      20162017/03/09 (Thu)
      UMS-TUFS Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society of Asia and Africa
      • 1. 14:00-14:10. Jalihah Md Shah (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) Openning Address (1)
      • 2. 14:10-14:15. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Openning Address (2)
      • 3. 14:15-14:15. Takumi TSUTAYA (Kyoto University) “Ecology and conservation of orangutans: a review of current status and introduction of researches in Danum Valley”
      • 4. 14:45-15:15. Noriko ITO (Kyoto University) “Long-term environmental changes surrounding the chimpanzees of Mahale Mts. NP, Tanzania”
      • 5. 15:30-16:00. Katsumi OKUNO (Rikkyo University) “Porcupine Stones and Oil Palm Plantations:An Ethnographic Sketch of Human-Nature Interactions in Sarawak”
      • 6. 16:00-16:30. Paul Prodong (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) “Conservation and cultural revival: A case study on Gumantung Forest of Matunggong, Sabah”
      • 7. 16:30-17:30. Discussion
      • 8. 17:30. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Closing
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Kota Kinabaru Liaison Office, ILCAA and School of Social Science, University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu
      Meeting Room, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia, Sabah, Kota Kinabalu
      20162017/03/09 (Thu)
      ILCAA Forum

      Farewell Talk

      • 1. 14:00-15:30. Tatsuo NAKAMI (ILCAA) ““Jitsuroku”(Shilu, Sillok, Thực lục) and Japan”
      • 2. 15:30-15:45. Break
      • 3. 15:45-17:15. Kazuhiko MACHIDA (ILCAA) “Lexical Enrichment in Hindi”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by ILCAA
      20162017/03/06 (Mon)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Mongolic languages in Hexi corridor based on published material”The 6th meeting
      • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “On the ‘Mengguyuzu Yuyan Fangyan Yanjiu Congshu’ Database”
      • 2. Comments and discussion on the database
      • 3. Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162017/03/05 (Sun)
      13:00–15:00 (Open), 15:00–18:00 (Closed)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History”

      13:00–15:00 (Open)

      • 1. Yasuo MIZOBE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “A Preliminary Report on a Survey of Historical Sources Relating to African Nationalism and Pan-Africanism: with a Focus on the Press and Broadcasting in Ghana, the Former British Gold Coast, Since the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century Until the 1960s.”

      15:00–18:00 (Not open to the public)

      • 2. Discussion on the Publishing Plan
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      20162017/03/04 (Sat) - 2017/03/05 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”The 5th meeting

      4 March

      • 1. Noriko ITOH (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Existence of chimpanzees and changing environment”
      • 2. Toru SOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “Looking Away from the Risks under the Extreme Situation”
      • 3. Michio NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “On existence of orphan chimpanzees: Is “absence of the mother” an extreme social environment?”

      5 March

      • 4. Naofumi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Extreme environments where primates can manage to maintain cohesiveness of a group”
      • 5. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Rethinking on pastoralists’ nomadism: The interaction between people and various kinds of environment”
      • 6. Business Meeting
      20162017/03/03 (Fri) - 2017/03/05 (Sun)
      International Workshop on Bantu Micro-variations /ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1)”The 3rd meeting

      3 March, 10:30–18:00 (open meeting)

      • 1. 10:30–13:00. Marten, Lutz, Hannah Gibson and Rozenn Guerois (SOAS, University of London) “Basic concepts and perspectives on micro-parametric approach to Bantu morphosyntax [interim]”
      • 2. 14:30–16:00. Bostoen, Koen (Gent University) “Micro-variation and historical reconstruction in the West-Coastal Bantu languages”
      • 3. 16:15–17:45. Gastor Mapunda (University of Dar es Salaam) “An Account of Contact-Induced Language Instability in the Tanzanian Ngoni Language”
      • 4. 17:45–18:00. All members & Discussants: Kumiko MIYAZAKI (State University of Zanzibar), Sayaka KUTSUKAKE (Osaka University) Questions and Answers, Discussion
      • 5.. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) Closing remarks.
      • 6. 18:30–20:30. Reception.

      4 March, 10:30–18:00 (closed meeting)

      • 1. 10:30-18:00. “Workshop based on Parameters of Bantu morphosyntactic variation: Master list”

      5 March, 10:30–18:00 (closed meeting)

      • 1. 10:30-18:00. “Workshop based on Parameters of Bantu morphosyntactic variation: Master list”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”
      20162017/03/03 (Fri) - 2017/03/04 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Religious and Politico-Social Minority Groups in Middle Eastern Societies”The 2nd meeting

      3 March, 10:30–18:00 (open meeting)

      • 1. Yohei KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) Survival Strategies of Minority Groups: A General Introduction

      3 Mar

      • 2. Antranig DAKESSIAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Haigazian University) “Surviving Strategies of Armenians in Lebanon”
      • 3. Guita HOURANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU)) “Surviving Strategies of the Kurds in the M.E.”
      • 4. Hiroki WAKAMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toros University) “Surviving Strategies of Alevis”

      4 Mar

      • 1. Tatsuya KIKUCHI (The University of Tokyo) “Surviving Strategies of Druzes”
      • 2. Asuka TSUJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kawamura Gakuen Woman’s University) “Surviving Strategies of Copts in Egypt”
      • 3. Souad SLIM (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Balamand) “Surviving Strategies of Orthodox Christians in Lebanon”
      • 4. Ray MOUAWAD (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Saint Joseph University) “Surviving Strategies of Minority Groups in Tripoli”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by ILCAA Core research program “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
      20162017/02/26 (Sun) - 2017/03/03 (Fri)
      Documentary Linguistics Workshop on Sibe langugage
      • Workshop for the linguistic documentation on Sibe language in collaboration with the community.
      • Main topics
      • ・Lecture on recording
      • ・Lecture and discussion on data management and linguistic archive
      • ・Transcription of the recorded data of Sibe language
      • ・Discussion on archiving on Sibe language
      • Language: Chinese and Sibe
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162017/03/02 (Thu)
      LingDy Forum
      • 15:00–16:30. Alexander COUPE (Nanyang Technological University) “Nominalization and grammatical complexity in Tibeto-Burman and beyond”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
      20162017/03/01 (Wed)
      LingDy Forum “On grammaticalization processes in Ao: Sources, pathways and functional extensions”
      • Alexander COUPE (Nanyang Technological University) “On grammaticalization processes in Ao: Sources, pathways and functional extensions”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”, Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
      20162017/02/26 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Reflection of Anthropological Studies on Population Movements: Focusing on Women Experiences as an Interface and “Diasporic Space” in Southeast Aisan “Chinese Communities.””The 7th meeting
      • This project aims to examine how Chinese population movements transform, or “give a format” the ecological and social environments both in the host societies in Southeast Asia and hometown in China, focusing on women’s experiences, which were mostly subardinate to male migrations. This workshop is the 2nd workshop in this academic year, in which we will have the following presentations:
      • 1. Ao Mengling (Osaka University) ”The Ethnic Chinese Women in the Philippines: Changes in the Family Role and Social Role.”
      • 2. Ngyten Thanh Ha (Hiroshima University) “How Ming Hong view their history?: An Analysis of Geneology.”
      • 3. Gyo MIYAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Major Findings of This Project.”
      • Language: English, Chinese and Japanese
      20162017/02/25 (Sat)
      10:00–13:00 (closed meeting), 13:30–18:30 (open meeting)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: The Culture and Identity of Children Raised in a Transnational Household”The 3rd meeting

      10:00–13:00 (closed meeting)

      • 1. 10:00-10:30. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Project report
      • 2. 10:30-11:30. Report of each research progress
      • 3. 11:30-12:30. Lunch Meeting on the subsequent symposium in the afternoon
      • 4. 12:30-13:00. Preparation of the symposium

      13:30–18:30 (open meeting)

      • 5. 13:00-13:30. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Opening Remarks
      • 6. 13:30-15:00. Henrik Lebuhn (Humbolt University) Main Speech: “How the Border Colonizes Our Everyday Life:Urban Borderlands, Citizenship, and the Politics of Contestation”
      • 7. 15:15-16:00. Fuminori KAWAKUBO (Chuo Gakuin University) Presentation “Revisiting Borders: New Ideas in Border Studies”
      • 8. 16:00-16:45. Susanne Y. P. Choi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) Presentation “Engendering Borders: Women and Children Living in the China-Hong Kong Borderland”
      • 9. 16:45-17:30. Open Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture and Identity of Children Raised in Transnational Household”
      Conference Room No. 2, 2F, Building No. 12, Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro Campus)
      20162017/02/22 (Wed)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare”The 9th meeting
      • 1. Research meeting for Publication
      Osaka Umeda Campus, Kwansei Gakuin University (19-19 Applause Tower, Chaya-machi, Kita-ku, Osaka)
      20162017/02/17 (Fri) - 2017/02/23 (Thu)
      The 3rd Language Documentation Training Workshop in Miyako, Okinawa
      • This workshop has been planned to give training in language documentation in the context where the language is still spoken in order to to stimulate and support research in language documentation. It is designed for beginning researchers without much experience in working with Miyako and other Ryukyuan languages.

      • The workshop activities include:
      • - Collection of data for basic linguistic analyses
      • - Collection of natural discourse data
      • - Analysis of basic linguistic structure
      • - Processing and management of linguistic data
      Ikema Island, Miyakojima, Okinawa
      20162017/02/18 (Sat)
      10:30–12:10 (10:00 open)
      Screening of a Tibetan Documentary Film “A Day of Tibetan Pastoraists”
      • 95min./2017/Documentary
      • Cinematographer: Kashem Gyal (Amilolo Film)
      • Production: “A Day of Tibetan Pastoraists” film production team
      • Language: Tibetan (with Japanese subtitles)
      • Cooperation: ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, JSPS KAKENHI
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) , Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI(ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H03203) and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”
      20162017/02/18 (Sat)
      International Workshop “State and Shari`a in the Pre-20 Century Middle East”
      • 1. 13:00. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Welcoming
      • Paper Presenters:
      • First Session (Chair: Jin NODA (ILCAA))
      • 2. 13:10. Linda Darling (The University of Arizona) “Justice, Shari`a, and the Obligations of Rulers in Pre-Modern Middle East”
      • 3. 13:40. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “State and Shari`a in Early Modern Iran”
      • Second Session (Chair: Satoe HORII (J. F. Oberlin University))
      • 4. 14:45. Guy Burak (New York University) “The history of Kanun in the Ottoman and post-Ottoman Middle East”
      • 5. 15:25. Jun AKIBA (Chiba University) “The Governor’s Divan and its Successors: Judicial Authority in the Ottoman Provinces, 18th to 19th Centuries”
      • 6. 16:20-17:00. General Discussion (Chair: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA))
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East) and the MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (1801) “Relational Studies on Global Crisis” Unit A01 “States and Institutions”
      20162017/02/18 (Sat) - 2017/02/19 (Sun)
      International Symposium “Archiving Tibetan Pastoralists’ Present Time” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”The 8th meeting

      18 February

      • 1. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Introduction: Archieving Tibetan Pastoralists’ ‘Present Time’”
      • 2. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI “Transition of yak grazing under the new rangeland policy”
      • 3. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Milk culture in Amdo Tibetan pastoralist”
      • 4. Namthargyel (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “Terminology, Variation and Application of Yak Dung in Contemporary Pastoral Amdo Tibetan Society, A Case in Zeku City”
      • 5. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Growth of the Land Price in the Grassland?: The Yartsa Gumbu’s Bubble-Economy and Land Investment Activities in Golok Region of Amdo”
      • 6. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow) “Livestock are wealth”
      • 7. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Making a dictionary of Tibetan pastoral culture”
      • 8. General discussion
      • Jiro TANASE (The University of Shiga Prefecture), Ai NISHIDA (Kobe City University of Foreing Studies)

      19 February

      • 1. Zhabu (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Qinghai normal University) “Oral literature from Tibetan Nomad”
      • 2. Nyangchak Gyal (GANGLHA) “Sustainable Tibetan Communities: Local Initiatives on Social Entrepreneurship for Community Development”
      • 3. Khasham Gyal (AMILOLO FILM) “Nomad on the Screen--Reflections of making an ethnographic film about nomad in Amdo, Tibet”
      • 4. General discussion
      • Daisuke MURAKAMI (Surugadai University), Hiroshi NEMOTO (Hiroshima University)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese and Tibetan(with consecutive interpretation)
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162017/02/18 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 7th meeting
      • 1. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Reporting the progress of language archive that each participant establishes Archive linguistic data to PARADISEC
      • 2. Wrapping up the whole project
      • 3. Working on data that each researcher has
      • 4. Business Meeting
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162017/02/17 (Fri) - 2017/02/19 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 37th meeting

      17 February, 14:00–18:00

      • 1. Ryohei ISHIHARA (The University of Tokyo) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Xia’ 2) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (The University of Tokyo) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Xia’ 2) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)

      18 February, 10:00–18:00

      • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Examination of Reconstruction Proposals for Fragmental Tablets from Liye(2)”
      • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Gao-Shaonei’) of Liyeqinjian (First Part)”
      • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents (category ‘Gao-Shaonei’) of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)”

      19 February, 10:00–16:00

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Kyoko MEGURO(Joint Researcher, Kyoto University Practical exercises in manual reproduction of wooden tablets (First Part)
      • 3. Kyoko MEGURO(Joint Researcher, Kyoto University Practical exercises in manual reproduction of wooden tablets (Second Part)
      20162017/02/17 (Fri) - 2017/02/18 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian Geolinguistics”The 5th meeting

      17 February

      • 13:00-14:30.
      • Chair: Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA)
      • 1. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) ““Iron” in Asia: Overview”
      • 2. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Iron in Austronesian”
      • 3. Keita KURABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “General remarks on means to count nouns in Asia”
      • 14:45-16:15.
      • Chair: Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo)
      • 4. Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Means to count nouns in Nivkh”
      • 5. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) “Means to count nouns in Ainu”
      • 6. Shinsuke KISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokushima) “Means to count nouns in Japanese”
      • 16:30-18:00.
      • Chair: Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University)
      • 7. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) “Means to count nouns in Korean”
      • 8. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Means to count nouns in Tai-Kadai”
      • 9. Keita KURABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Means to count nouns in Tibeto-Burman”

      18 February

      • 10:00-11:45.
      • Chair: Rei IWATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanazawa University)
      • 1. Takashi UEYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies), Kenji YAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher), and Fumiki SUZUKI (Kyoto University) “Means to count nouns in Sinitic”
      • 2. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) “Means to count nouns in Hmong-Mien”
      • 3. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Means to count nouns in Austronesian”
      • 13:15-14:45.
      • Chair: Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture)
      • 4. Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) “Means to count nouns in Austroasiatic”
      • 5. Noboru YOSHIOKA (National Museum of Ethnology) “Means to count nouns in South Asia”
      • 6. Yoichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Means to count nouns in Arabic”
      • 7. Mika KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) ““Wind” in Austroasiatic”
      • 15:00-15:30. meeting
      • Chair: Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University)
      • Language: English
      20162017/02/17 (Fri)
      International Workshop “Imagining an Alternative ‘Post-Secular’ State: Historicizing and Comparing National Struggles over Re-secularization”
      • Paper Presenters:
      • Umut Azak (Okan University, Istanbul, Turkey)
      • Naser Ghobadzadeh (Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia)
      • Mohammad Rasekh (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran)
      • Sadia Saeed (University of San Francisco, U.S.A.)
      • Yasuyuki MATSUNAGA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • Discussant: Andrew March (Yale University, U.S.A.)
      • invitation only. If you want to particpate it, please contact to matsunaga[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East) and the MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (1801)“Relational Studies on Global Crisis” Unit A01 “States and Institutions”
      20162017/02/15 (Wed)
      10:00–16:15 (open), 16:30–18:00 (closed)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 4th meeting

      10:00–16:15 (open)

      • 1. 10:00–12:00. Reading Babad Tanah Jawi (balai pustaka version)
      • 2. 13:00-14:30. Miho YAMASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Islam during the Mataram period”
      • 3. 14:45-16:15. Oman FATHURAHMAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Female Indonesian Sufis: with Special Reference to the 18th and 19th Centuries of Java”

      16:30–18:00 (closed)

      • 4. 16:30-18:00. Meeting (Closed meeting)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese, English
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization” and JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principle Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) #16H05662)
      20162017/02/12 (Sun)
      The third Colloquium on the Field Science
      • 15:00–15:10. Opening Remarks
      • 15:10–16:10. Shiro KOHSHIMA (Kyoto University) “From the studies in Himalaya, Amazon and zoos/aquariums”
      • 16:10–16:20. Break
      • 16:20–17:20. Keiichi OMURA (Osaka University) “Fieldwork as Way of Life: Considering “Responsabilite” laid on Anthropologist from My Field Experience”
      • 17:20–17:30. Break
      • 17:30–18:00. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2
      20162017/02/11 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages.”The 6th meeting
      • 1. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Adnominal clauses in Mongolian”
      • 2. Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Clause-chaining in Burushaski”
      • 3. Discussion
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162017/02/09 (Thu)
      Information Resources Center (IRC) International Workshop
      • 1. Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) Introduction: Overview of the workshop and presentation of the guest speaker
      • 2. Lahcen DAAÏF (Université Lyon 2) ““Autours des Ethnographical Texts in Moroccan Berber (Dialect of Anti-Atlas) par M. Aki’o NAKANO”: Le témoignage de Lahsen Afouche revisité à la lumière des sociétés de Souss contemporaines.”
      • Commentators: Rika HORIUCHI (Kanagawa University) , Masaki HORIUCHI (Seikei University), Tsuyoshi SAITO (Kobe University)
      • The working languages of the Workshop are French and Japanese. Interpreter: Naoko OKAMOTO (Senzoku Gakuen College of Music)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
      20162017/02/07 (Tue)
      Internatinal Study Meeting “Focusing on the single: thinking of the Nun in India”
      • Meenakshi THAPAN (University of Delhi) “Finding Faith: Western Imaginings of Spiritual India”
      • Discussant: Mizuho MATSUO (National Museum of Ethnology)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Profile
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA (International Academic Meeting, ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’”), Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Principal Investigators: Masakazu TANAKA (Kyoto University) #16H01969), The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (FINDAS)
      20162017/02/05 (Sun) - 2017/02/06 (Mon)
      A Followup meeting of Old Javanese Intensive Language Course

      5 February

      • 1. 9:00-9:30. Yumi SUGAHARA(Osaka University) Opening
      • 2. 9:30-11:30. Willem van der Molen (KITLV) “Old Javanese texts reading: Adiparwa and Wirataparwa”
      • 3. 13:00-15:00. Willem van der Molen (KITLV) “Old Javanese texts reading: Arjunawiwaha (11c)”
      • 4. 15:30-17:30. Yosephin Apriastuti Rahayu (ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor) “Uttarakānda Ms. L 51: An Old Javanese prose text from the Merapi-Merbabu Collection”

      6 February

      • 1. 10:00-12:00. Toru AOYAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Old Javanese texts reading: Desawarnana (14c)”
      • 2. 13:00-15:00. Willem van der Molen (KITLV) “Old Javanese texts reading: Siwaratrikalpa (15c)”
      • 3. 15:30-17:00. Toshihiko SHINE (Shizuoka University) “Computer Inputting of Old Javanese with Balinese fonts”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese and English
      • Organized by ILCAA
      20162017/02/05 (Sun)
      International Symposium “Violence, Ritual, and Gender: Case Studies in South Sudan and Northern Uganda”
      • Presentation
      • 1. Eri HASHIMOTO (JSPS/Kyushu University) “Fate on their Foreheads: Rituals and Masculinity among Armed Nuer Youth in the Contemporary Violence of South Sudan”
      • 2. Christine Mbabazi Mpyangu (Makerere University) “Ritual and Reintegration of Young Women Formerly Abducted as Children in Northern Uganda”
      • Discussant:
      • Isao MURAHASHI (Osaka University) TBA
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Contact: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) wakana[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by African Potential’ and Overcoming the difficulties of modern world:Comprehensive are studies that will provide a new perspective for the future of humanity” (JSPS grant-in-aid project (S) Research number: 16H06318), Research team on Gender and Sexuality, and JSPS Bilateral Program (Uganda)
      20162017/02/05 (Sun)
      Research Meeting for the JSPS bilateral project
      • Presentation
      • 1. Hiroko KAWAGUCHI (Kyoto University) “The report on the fieldwork in thenorthern part of Uganda in 2016”
      • 2. Itsuhiro HAZAMA (Nagasaki University) “The relationshipbetween Father and children among pastralist, ‘the Dodos’ community”
      • 3. Peter ATEKYEREZA (Makerere University) “The recent change of ‘family’ in Kampala, Uganda”
      • Commentator
      • 1. Isao MURAHASHI (Osaka University)
      • 2. Soichiro SHIRAISHI (Hirosaki University)
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Bilateral Program(Uganda), and JST program “Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment”
      20162017/02/04 (Sat)
      Book Review Symposium: “Others: The Evolution of Human Sociality”
      • 1. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Review by the editor
      • 2. Reviews by the contributors
      • 2-1. Hitonaru NISHIE (Kyoto University) Primatology
      • 2-2. Koji KITAMURA (Professor Emeritus, Okayama University) Ecological anthropology
      • 2-3. Takeo FUNABIKI (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo) Social/cultural anthropology
      • 3-1. David S.SPRAGUE (National Agriculture and Food Research Organization) Primatology
      • 3-2. Takanori OISHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Ecological anthropology
      • 3-3. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) Social/cultural anthropology
      • 4. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2
      20162017/02/04 (Sat)
      Open lecture for Japanese residents in Jakarta “Balinese Performing Arts: Dance, Music, and Pray in daily life”
      • Bali is famous for its unique culture and performing arts. In this island, a performance is not just an entertainment but also a way of worship, as well as voluntary work for the local community. In this lecture, Balinese masked-drama, dance, and music which are embedded in Balinese social and religious life are introduced. The lecturer also discusses how Balinese world view and their recent social situation are reflected in such performance.

      • 10:00–10:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening
      • 10:05-11:05. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) Lecture
      • 11:05-11:30. Q&A
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office
      • Cooperated by The Japan Foundation, Jakarta and THE JAKARTA JAPAN CLUB
      The Japan Foundation, Jakarta (Summitmas I, 2-3F, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Kav. 61-62 Jakarta Selatan 12190, Indonesia)
      20162017/02/02 (Thu) - 2017/02/04 (Sat)
      International Academic Meeting “Toward the Co-existence of Various ‘Single’ in the Global Societies”

      2 February, 9:30–17:00 [Part 1] Social Change and the Condition of Family and Kinship, and ‘Single’ people

      • 1. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Introduction
      • 2. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) The Condition of Single Women in the Rural Kenya and Social Changes.
      • 3. Peter Atekyereza (Makerere University) Living Single in Kampala, Uganda: Chance or Choice?
      • 4. Anurita Jalan (University of Delhi) Being Single in Urban India: Living against Norms.
      • 5. Nancy Konvalinka (National Distance Education University) Structure and choice: Comparing rural bachelors and single mothers by choice in Spain
      • 6. Namie TSUJIGAMI (The University of Tokyo) Saudi Spinsterhood: Consumerism, Unemployment, and Government Control.

      3 Feb, 9:30–17:00 [Part 2] ‘Single’ People’s Condition: its historical, ritual, and sexual factors

      • 1. Akiko KUNIHIRO (Waseda University) Non-monogamous relationships of unmarried Hindu Goddess Devotees.
      • 2. Meenakshi Thapan (University of Delhi) Spiritual striving among single western women: seeking an imagined social landscape.
      • 3. Akitomo SHINGAE (Osaka City University) “Isolation” and the Discordance among Sexual Desires, Sexual Behaviors, and Sexual Identities: From Case Studies of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Japan .
      • 4. Yoko KUMADA (JSPS SPD Research Fellow) Play for Laugh, Laugh for Unity: On’nanoko (sex workers) Working ‘Single’ at a Tokyo’s Sex Establishment

      4 Feb, 9:30–16:00 [Part 3] Negotiating Singleness: Facing Social and Economic factors, and war.

      • 1. Attracta Brownlee (National University of Ireland) Negotiating Singleness in Ireland: The Social, Economic and Political Dimensions of an Identity.
      • 2. Christine Mbabazi Mpyangu (Makerere University) Female child soldiers--how they live their lives today after the war in Uganda.
      • 3. Taeko UESUGI (Senshu University) ‘Single’ in the Cases of British Soldiers in Colonial India during 19th Century.
      • 4. 15:00–. Discussion


      • Kiyoshi TADOKORO (Akita University) Men of “mote-nai” in Papua New Guinea: A case study of applying a Japanese concept relating to “single” into Melanesian ethnography.
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA(International Academic Meeting), “’African Potential’ and Overcoming the difficulties of modern world: Comprehensive are studies that will provide a new perspective for the future of humanity” (JSPS grant-in-aid project (S) Research number: 16H06318), Research team on Gender and Sexuality, JST program “Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment”
      20162017/01/28 (Sat)
      Research Meeting, Political Changes in the Middle East
      • 1. Sachi SAKANASHI (JIME-IEE) “Elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran”
      • 2. Namie TSUJIGAMI (The University of Tokyo) “Women’s Participation in the Local and Advisary Coucils in Saudi Arabia”
      • Admission: Free
      • For registration, please contact : aa_nihu_kyoten[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
      20162017/01/22 (Sun)
      Research Meeting, Making of the Middle Eastern and Muslim Societies through Human Mobility and Cultural Contacts
      • 1. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “The Aim of the project”
      • 2. Teruaki MORIYAMA (Doshisha University) “Mobility of the Ulama and Transmission of the Knowledge”
      • 3. Ryosuke ONO (Keio University) “Kazakh Refugees in Shinjang before and after their Migration to Turkey”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
      Hongo Satellite 3F
      20162017/01/22 (Sun)
      Workshop (KAKENHI Project “Aspects of Tibeto-Burman Languages through analysis of the Directional prefixes”): Directional prefix of Tibeto-Burman languages
      • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) On the project / Directional prefixes in Tangut
      • 2. Takumi IKEDA (Kyoto University) Directional prefixes in Muya (tentative)
      • 3. Yasuhiko NAGANO (Professor Emeritus, National Museum of Ethnology) Directional prefixes in rGyalrong (tentative)
      • 4. Satoko SHIRAI Directional prefixes in nDrapa
      • Comments from Tibetan-linguistics: TAKEUCHI Tsuguhito (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies), Nathan HILL (SOAS University of London)
      • Comments from other TB-linguistics: HAYASHI Norihiko (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies), IWASA Kazue (Kyoto University)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages” and JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principle Investigator: Shintaro ARAKAWA(ILCAA) #16H03414)
      20162017/01/21 (Sat) - 2017/01/22 (Sun)
      [Publication meeting] ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”

      21 January

      • 1. Mie TSUNODA (Rissho University) “Report on (a) the progress of the preparation of the paper, and (b) the findings in individual languages”
      • 2. Syuntaro TIDA (Kyoto University) “Korean”
      • 3. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Amdo Tibetan”
      • 4. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Kam-Tibetan”
      • 5. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Sibe”
      • 6. Hiroyuki UMETANI (Tokyo University) “Mongolian”
      • 7. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Burmese”
      • 8. Kazuyuki KIRYU (Mimasaka University) “Newar”
      • 9. Tasaku TSUNODA (Professor Emeritus, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Overview from the perspective of general linguistics and linguistic typology”

      22 January

      • 1. Discussion (Part 1): Standardization of the transliterations
      • 2. Discussion (Part 2): Presentation of the data2
      • 3. Discussion (Part 3): Schedule of the preparation of the paper and the roles of individual members in this preparation
      • Our collaborative research project, ‘A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The “Cogitation Process” Approach’, was conducted from the fiscal year 2013 to 2015. The theoretical framework employed is the ‘cogitation process of noda’, which was proposed by Mie Tsunoda (2003, 2004) on the basis of the so-called noda construction of Japanese. A number of Asian languages have nominalizer-final constructions that correspond to Japanese noda construction. In this project we examined the nominalizer-final constructions of Kham Tibetan, Amdo Tibetan, Sibe, Korean, Burmese, Mongolian, and Newar in addition to Japanese. For this purpose, Mie Tsunoda designed a new elicitation method employing mangas, and drew 30 strips of mangas for elicitation. This project produced typologically important findings such as following. (a) The uses of nominalizer-final constructions exhibit differences as well as regularities crosslinguistically. (b) The framework of cogitation process can be further developed and refined. (c) The eight languages under study can be grouped in terms of the differences and commonalities of the uses of the nominalizer-final constructions. We presented the outline of these findings at a workshop held at ILCAA on the 23d January 2016. We further plan to co-author a paper and submit it to an overseas journal. For this purpose, we plan to do the following at the proposed meeting. (a) To examine further the details of the data, particularly the differences and commonalities of the uses across languages. (b) To investigate further the correlations between the ‘cogitation process’ and the data obtained. (c) To work out a way to standardize the transliterations of the data obtained.

      20162017/01/21 (Sat) - 2017/01/22 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 36th meeting

      21 January

      • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Examination of Reconstruction Proposals for Fragmental Tablets from Liye (1)”
      • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents(category ‘Xia’1) of Liyeqinjian(First Part)
      • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of downward documents(category ‘Xia’1)(Second Part)

      22 January

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Preliminary Examination of Provincial Documents in Eastern Han Tablets from Wuyi-Guangchang in Changsha”
      • 3. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “On ‘Liminbu’ in Wu Tablets from Zoumalou”
      Room 301, ILCAA and Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies North Bldg. , Kyoto University
      20162017/01/21 (Sat)
      International workshop: Studies of Tibet-Burman languages, based on the corpus: Tibetan and Tangut
      • 1. Nathan HILL (SOAS University of London) Linguistic researches of Tibetan based on the corpus
      • 2. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) Linguistic researches of Tangut based on the corpus
      • Commentators: Tsuguhito TAKEUCHI (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies), Takumi IKEDA (Kyoto University), Norihiko HAYASHI (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies), Kazue IWASA (Kyoto University)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages” and JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principle Investigator: Shintaro ARAKAWA(ILCAA) #16H03414)
      20162017/01/21 (Sat)
      Fieldnet Lounge “The Biography of Poison: Reconsidering Fieldwork Methods in the Contemporary World through Interdisciplinary Approaches”
      • 10:00–12:00. Meeting (closed)
      • Symposium (open)
      • 13:00–13:05. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
      • 13:05–13:20. Kentaro SHIMODA (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Ochanomizu University) Introduction
      • 13:20–13:50. Kei NAGAOKA (Kyoto University) “Poison/Medicine in the Himalayas: Practices surrounding Poisoning and Aconite”
      • 13:50–14:20. Takanori OISHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Fish Poisoning in Tropical Rainforest of Southeastern Cameroon: How Local People Interpret Malfunction of Poisoning”
      • 14:20–14:50. Mariko YOSHIDA (The Australian National University) “Becoming Poisonous: Knowledge Practices of Comparison in the Oyster-Human Entanglement”
      • 14:50–15:05. Short Break
      • 15:05–15:35. Makiko SEKIYAMA (The University of Tokyo) “Introduction of New Chemicals and Residents Perception in Rural West Jawa, Indonesia”
      • 15:35–16:05. Kentaro SHIMODA (Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Ochanomizu University) “Digesting and Sublimating “Poison”: Life Histories of People Living with Minamata Disease in Japan”
      • 16:05–16:35. Takeshi UESUGI (Okayama University) “Agent Orange is Not a Poison?: Differences and Contaminations of the Concept of Poison in Brooklyn and A Luoi”
      • 16:35–16:50. Break
      • 16:50–17:05. Satoshi TANAHASHI (Ochanomizu University) Comments
      • 17:05–17:20. Toru YAMAGUCHI (Keio University) Comments
      • 17:20–17:55. Open Discussion
      • 17:55–18:00. Closing Remarks
      20162016/12/05 (Mon) - 2017/01/20 (Fri)
      10:00–17:00 (Closed on weekends, holidays and 29 Dec. 2016 - 3 Jan. 2017)
      Jiro Ose Photo Exibition: Places and Peoples Afar, Close to Home and Heart
      • “Conflicts,” “Violence,” “Natural Disasters.” As the world as we know it slides into unknown in real time, and people are chased into the circumstance beyond my imagination, I witnessed the human spirit endure and persevere in each moment. I will be very grateful if you can share my experiences through my photographs.
      • 10:00–17:00 (Closed on weekends, holidays and 29 Dec. 2016 - 3 Jan. 2017)
      • Admission: Free
      • No registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2
      ILCAA 1F
      20162017/01/18 (Wed)
      FIELDPLUS café
      • FIELDPLUS café “A Nomadic Life in Contemporary Amdo Tibet” Screening with a commentary and lecture
      • Speaker: Yusuke BESSHO (Kyoto University), Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow), Namthar Gyal (The University of Shiga Prefecture), Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
      • Moderator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA, Chief editor of FIELDPLUS)
      • Language: Japanese
      • Please see here for the registration (in Japanese).
      • Jointly sponsored by FIELDPLUS editors, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo” and Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      Salon de FUZAMBO FOLIO (Fuzambo Bldg. B1, 1-3 Kanda jinbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
      20162017/01/16 (Mon) - 2017/01/18 (Wed)
      Field linguistics workshop: Technical workshop: Three-day lecture and workshop on data management and archive
      • In this program, we will learn the correct way to collect data in the field and manage it for depositing into a language archive.
      • - fieldwork for long term archiving, building archivable data from the moment of capture (recordings, transcripts, interlinear gloss, corpus construction)
      • - file naming and metadata management
      • - creating a linguistic archive, an outline of how PARADISEC began and how it works now
      • - regular expressions for text conversion and for complex searches of corpora
      • Lecturer: Nicholas Thieberger (Director of PARADISEC, the University of Melbourne)
      • Linguistic data obtained through fieldwork (audio, movie) are not available for use by the community and other researchers unless they are deposited in language archives with properly specified annotations and metadata.

      • Admission: Free
      • Language: English
      • For details, please see here.
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) , ILCAA, JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”
      20162017/01/07 (Sat) - 2017/01/08 (Sun)
      The 9th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics

      7 January

      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Jun AKIBA (Chiba University) Lecture on mazbata and reading mazbatas
      • 3. Jun AKIBA (Chiba University) Reading mazbatas

      8 January

      • 1. Jun AKIBA (Chiba University) Reading mazbatas
      • 2. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Lecture on mahzar and reading mahzars
      • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Reading mahzars
      • 4. General Discussion
      20162017/01/07 (Sat)
      Lecture for the Japan Club of Kota Kinabalu by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office
      • 1. 15:00–15:10. Takashi SAEKI (President, the Japan Club of Kota Kinabalu), Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
      • 2. 15:10-16:30. Nao KANEKO (IDE-Jetro/ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Learning “Multi-diversities” in Malaysia with Special Reference to Education”
      • 3. 16:30-17:00. Q & A session
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by KKLO and The Japan club of Kota Kinabalu
      KINABALU JAPANESE SCHOOL (Lorong Burong Ejek House No.8, Jalan Tuaran, Miles 3.5, 88450, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
      20162016/12/27 (Tue)
      Public Lecture: Jiro Ose (photojournalist) “Places and People, Close to Home and Heart” / Julia Anne Zajkowski (Senior Resettlement Office, UNHCR) “Current Refugee Situation in Central and East Africa”
      • 1. 16:00–17:00. Jiro OSE (Photojournalist) “Places and People, Close to Home and Heart”
      • 2. 17:15–18:15. Julia Zajkowski (Senior Resettlement Office, UNHCR) “Current Refugee Situation in Central and East Africa”
      • 3. 18:15-19:00. discussion.
      • Jiro OSE (Photojournalist) “Places and People, Close to Home and Heart” [Outline] By the end of 2015, the number of individuals who were forcibly displaced worldwide, as a result of persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or human rights violations has reached the record-breaking 65.3 million,increased 5.8 million from the previous year. On average, 34,000 people are being displaced per day (24 people minute). As the globalization has accelerated and became a norm of the day, rare metal, gems, oil and tropical hardwood melt into our society in the forms of mobile phones, fashion accessories, furniture, automobiles and electricity. Can we simply say that this global humanitarian crisis is the occurrence in far-away places which is difficult to comprehend, and we don’t have any involvement? , Julia Zajkowski (Senior Resettlement Office, UNHCR) “Current Refugee Situation in Central and East Africa” [Outline] The lecture will cover the causes and reality of refugee crisis in East and Central Africa. It also discusses the burden on developing countries which host 86 percent of refugee population. As a senior resettlement officer of UNHCR, she will also discuss the challenge and the reality of the resettlement of refugees to the 3rd country.

      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese and English
      • Organized by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2
      20162016/12/17 (Sat)
      Political Changes in the Middle East
      • 1. Misa KANAYA (Middle East Institute of Japan) “The Role of the Egyptian Judiciary in the Political Transitions”
      • 2. Ryo WAKAKUWA (Sophia University) “Tunisia’s Second Republic and the New Constitution”
      • Admission: Free
      • For registration, please contact : aa_nihu_kyoten[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
      20162016/12/17 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1)”The 2nd meeting
      • 1. Presentations on 19 Microvariation parameters of the working language(s) by each participant
      • 2. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Report on Microvariation Workshop at University of Dar es Salaam”
      • 3. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) and Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Introduction to up-dated Parameters on Microvariation and bussiness meeting on International Workshop of Bantu Microvariation on March 3-5”
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/12/16 (Fri) - 2016/12/18 (Sun)
      Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level306
      20162016/12/16 (Fri) - 2016/12/18 (Sun)
      Preliminary meeting for ILCAA Special course on Readings of Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents 2017/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 35th meeting

      16 December, 14:00–18:00

      • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Preliminary survey of teaching materials ectracted from document tables of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Preliminary survey of teaching materials ectracted from document tables of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)

      17 December, 10:00–18:00

      • 1. Dongshan (School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University) On prefectural branch offices in Liyeqinjian
      • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) , Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Practical exercises in manual reproduction of wooden tablets (First Part)
      • 3. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) , Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Practical exercises in manual reproduction of wooden tablets (Second Part)

      18 December, 10:00–16:00

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Preliminary survey of teaching materials ectracted from northwestern document tables (First Part)
      • 3. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Preliminary survey of teaching materials ectracted from northwestern document tables (Secong Part)
      20162016/12/15 (Thu)
      Institute-wide Research Program “Establishment of a New Cooperative Research System for Solving Contemporary Problems in Asia and Africa”, the 1st Meeting.
      • 14:00-14:05. Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA) On the Project
      • 14:05–14:35. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Tibetan pastoralists and their vocabulary: What we have learned through the interdisciplinary joint research project”
      • 14:35–15:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Preliminary Study on Risk/Hazard and Indigenous Knowledge―Case studies on Maritime Southeast Asia(tentative title)”
      • 15:05–15:35. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Urban-Rural Dimension of Syrian Civil War”
      • 15:35–15:50. Break
      • 15:50–16:30. General Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by ILCAA
      20162016/12/11 (Sun)
      Symposium “Disaster Relief and Community Development in Bangladesh”

      <Part 1>Disaster Relief and Community Development

      • 1. 15:00–15:05. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Introduction
      • 2. 15:05–15:45. Keiko IKEDA (Shizuoka University) Disaster Risk Reduction in the Community Development by Local Governments.
      • 3. 15:45–16:25. Naonori KUSAKABE (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Disaster Recovery at Frequently Cyclone Affected Areas in Bangladesh

      <Part 2> Activities by NGO at Local Level

      • 4. 16:35–17:15. Masaaki OHASHI (University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo) & Yukiko FUJISAKI (Shapla Neer = Citizens’ Committee in Japan for Overseas Support) Policies of Domestic Disaster Management and Realities at the Local Level of NGO in Bangladesh: from the Activities by Shaplaneer
      • 5. 17:15–17:45. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) / Takeshi TAMAKI (Nara Prefectural University) / Mineo TAKADA (Hiroshima Shudo University) Commentators
      • 6. 17:45–18:30. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2
      20162016/12/11 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia: Cross-Linguistic Comparative Studies of Literary and Religious Texts”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “Blurring Boundaries of Cultural / Literary Histories of Early Modern South Asia: A Perspective from Courtly Literature / Culture of the Mysore Kingdom”
      • 2. Kiyokazu OKITA “Vaiṣṇava Perceptions of Muslim Authority in Early Modern South Asia: Based on Bengali Hagiographies of Caitanya”
      • 3. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese, English
      Hongo Satellite 8F
      20162016/12/10 (Sat)
      10:00–17:15 (open), 17:30–18:00 (closed)
      KAKENHI “Rethinking the Process of Islamization”, The 1st meeting/ ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 3rd meeting

      10:00-12:00 (Room 607) (open)

      • 1. Reading Babad Tanah Jawi

      13:00–17:15 (Room 302) (open)

      • 2. Yasushi TONAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “‘Religious Complex of Sufism, Tariqa and Saint Veneration’ and Islam in Southeast Asia”
      • 3. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Nine saints in Java”

      17:30–18:00 (closed)

      • 4. Meeting (Closed meeting)
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization” and JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principle Investigator: Yumi SUGAHARA (Osaka University) #16H05662)
      Room 607 and 302, Nakanoshima Center, Osaka Univeristy (4-3-53 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka City)
      20162016/12/09 (Fri)
      Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body studies in transcultural conditions”

      Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body studies in transcultural conditions”

      • 1. 14:00-14:05. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening Address
      • 2. 14:05-14:15. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) General Introduction
      • 3. 14:15-14:25. Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University) Katsumi WATANABE (Waseda University) “Introduction: Faces and Bodies as Interface of Cultures”
      • 4. 14:25-14:55. Tetsuya KONO (Rikkyo University) “I have no face” A schizophrenia patient’s experience
      • 5. 14:55-15:25. Kohske TAKAHASHI (Chukyo University),Takanori OISHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Masaki SHIMADA (Teikyo University of Science) “Facial and bodily expressions among diverse cultures and regions: An experimental field study”
      • 6. 15:40-16:10. Momo SHIOYA (University of Shimane) “What do the various Muslim veils represent?: A case study of Indonesia”
      • 7. 16:10-16:40. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Representation of faces in Balinese performing arts: puppets, masks, and make up”
      • 8. 16:55-17:25. Hiroshi HARASHIMA (The University of Tokyo), Seiichi KITAYAMA (Rikkyo University), Ryusuke KAKIGI (National Institute for Physiological Sciences) Comments
      • 9. 17:25-18:30. Discussions
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2
      20162016/12/07 (Wed)
      Field linguistics workshop: Video production for linguistic studies.
      • Instructor: Shiho Ebihara (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow)
      • Programme (tentative):
      • 1. Registration for ArcGIS
      • 2. Displaying locations on a map
      • 3. Replacing symbols
      • 4. Overlapping layers to a map
      • 5. Adding isoglosses and arrows
      • 6. Saving maps
      • 7. Showing copyrights of maps
      • 8. Analyses with language maps
      20162016/12/04 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “New perspectives of text studies in Yunnan, China”The 5th meeting
      • 1. Kenji TATEISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokai University) “A Study of Texts of the Bai people in Dali, Yunnan Province of China: Its Current Status and Issues”
      • 2. Gaku KAJIMARU (Kyoto City University of Arts) “To write lyrics and to sing lyrics: a case study of Mountain Song in Guizhou”
      • 3. Discussion
      20162016/12/04 (Sun)
      Fieldnet Lounge: Aging, as “Social Problem” or “Human Experience”
      • 13:00-13:05. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) Opening Remarks: On Fieldnet Lounge
      • 13:05-13:20. Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA) “Introduction: Aging, as ‘Social Problem’ or ‘Human Experience’ ”
      • 13:20-13:50. Ayano SUGANUMA (Anthropological Institute, Nanzan University) “Issues of Aging Society / Problems of the Elderly: Findings from Anthropological Studies on Aged People Living in Urban Areas of Okinawa”
      • 13:50-14:20. Sachiko YOKOTA (School of Human Cultures, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “Transnational Monetary Transfers for Supporting Parents: Global Householding between Taiwan and Indonesia”
      • 14:20-14:30. Break
      • 14:30-15:00. Junko TORIYMA (JSPS / J.F. Oberlin University) “Between Gaining Authority and Senility: Rethinking Japanese Concept of Aging (‘oi’) in Contemporary Egypt”
      • 15:00-15:30. Masaki OKADO (National Institutes for the Humanities / Sophia University) “Looking back on Own Life through Meeting Other’s Death: A Case Study of an Upper Egyptian Attending a Mourning Ceremony in Alexandria, Egypt”
      • 15:30-16:00. Sachiko HOSOYA (ILCAA) “Hope and Impudence: Marriage Choices of Young People with Life-limiting Illnesses in Iran”
      • 16:00–16:30. Break
      • 16:30-16:45. Rinako SEKINE (Hitotsubashi University) Comments (I)
      • 16:45-17:00. Makoto ODA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Comments (II)
      • 17:00-17:45. Discussions
      • 17:45-17:50. Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA) Closing Remarks
      20162016/12/03 (Sat) - 2016/12/04 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 2nd meeting

      3 December

      • 1. Masahiko MATSUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Agriculture and Rural Communities in Myammar and Southeast Asia”
      • 2. Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) “Agricultural Innovation in Rural Madagascar Over the Last 30 Years”

      4 December

      • 1. Shuichi OHYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Future Prospect of Sahelian Agriculture Practices in West Africa”
      • 2. Futoshi KATO (Nihon University) “Expansion of Rice Farming and Rural Migration in Tanzania”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research(Principal Investigators: Tadasu TSURUTA (Kindai University)#26300014, Hiroki ISHIKAWA(ILCAA)#15K02888)
      Small Meeting Room 1, 3F Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University (46 Yoshida-Shimoadachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City)
      20162016/12/03 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Languages”The 5th meeting
      • 1. Eric McCREADY (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) (with Upsorn Tawilapakul) “Toward a Formal Analysis of Some Thai Particles”
      • 2. Satomi ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ochanomizu University) “Chinese particle questions and their answerhood”
      • 3. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) and Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “An Analysis of the Malay/Indonesian Particle “YA””
      • Language: English
      20162016/11/29 (Tue)
      JaCMES Round Table “The future of Syria and the surrounding countries”
      • Chair: Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA)
      • 1. 15:00-15:10. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Welcoming remarks
      • 2. 15:10-15:40. Ibrahim Hamidi (Al-Hayat) Presentation 1
      • 3. 15:40-16:10. Nobuhisa DEGAWA (NHK-Japan Broadcasting Corporation) Presentation 2
      • 4. 16:10-16:40. Eberhardt Kienle (Institut Francais du Proche-Orient) Presentation 3
      • 5. 16:50-17:20. Tetsuya SAHARA (Meiji University) Presentation 4
      • 6. 17:20-17:50. Lokman Slim (Umam Documentation & Research) Presentation 5
      • 7. 17:50-18:20. Yasuyuki MATSUNAGA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Presentation 6
      • 8. 18:30-19:00. Discussion
      • Language: English
      • Organized by Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World
      Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
      20162016/11/28 (Mon) - 2016/11/30 (Wed)
      International workshop on language documentation of Indoensian languages
      • Lecturers:
      • Antonia Soriente (University of Naples “L’Orientale”, ILCAA Joint Researcher)
      • Anthony Jukes (La Trobe University, ILCAA Joint Researcher)
      • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
      • Yanti (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, ILCAA Joint Researcher)
      • Program: TBA
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Indonesian and English
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang
      Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang
      20162016/11/26 (Sat) - 2016/11/27 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Reference Grammars”The 2nd meeting

      26 November

      • 1. Kunihiko KUROKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Shoin Women’s University) “Reference grammars on Japanese dialects: From a diachronic perspective”
      • 2. Shigehiro KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Reference grammars on Japanese”
      • 3. Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “On reference grammars on Burushaski”
      • 4. Discussion

      27 November

      • 5. Yuto NIINAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seijo University) “Reference grammars on Ryukyuan langauges and Japanese dialects: Review of history of study”
      • 6. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Reference grammars on Ryukyuan and Japanese dialects: Theoretical and methodological issues and future prospects”
      • 7. Discussion
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162016/11/25 (Fri) - 2016/11/27 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 34th meeting

      25 November, 14:00–18:00

      • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of upward documents of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the transscription and annotation of upward documents of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)
      • 1. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Sixth Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian

      26 November, 10:00–18:00

      • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Third Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Personal Names of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Third Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Personal Names of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)

      27 November, 10:00–16:00

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian14 (First Part)
      • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian14 (Second Part)
      Room 301, ILCAA and Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies North Bldg. , Kyoto University
      20162016/11/19 (Sat) - 2016/11/23 (Wed)
      Field Linguistics Café –Languages and Cultures in Asia

      19–23 November

      • 1. Poster session: Frontier of linguistic research for minor languages

      19 November, Talk session I

      • 1. 11:00–11:45. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Proverbs and Metaphors in Indonesia”
      • 2. 13:00–13:40. Taiki YOSHIMURA (Ankara University, Turkey) “Questions about Azerbaijani questions”
      • 3. 15:00–15:40. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Documentation of Mongolic languages in Northeast China”

      20 November, Talk session II

      • 1. 11:00–11:45. Julie Lefort (Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Mauritius) “Language contact in Northern China: an overview of the Dongxiang language”
      • 2. 14:00–14:40. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Exploring the thoughts of Sibe people by way of their language”
      • 3. 15:00–15:40. Kazuhiro OKADA (ILCAA) “A Corpus and Dictionary of Edo to Meiji Japan Hiragana: The Development of the Wakan Meien Hiragana Grapheme Database and the Corpus of Edo to Meiji Textbooks”

      22 November, Talk session III / The sixth LingDy Forum

      • 1. 10:30–11:45. I Wayan Arka (Australian National University) “Clausal complexity and syntactic gradience: evidence from Balinese SVCs”

      23 November, Talk session IV

      • 1. 13:30–. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Making a documentary film of a nomadic life in contemporary Amdo Tibet”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese and English
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigators Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) #15H03203, Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) #15K02472,Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) #15K16740, Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) #26770144, Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) #26770146, Kazuhiro OKADA (ILCAA Research Associate) #15H05981)
      20162016/11/19 (Sat) - 2016/11/23 (Wed)
      “Le Petit Prince” in the world’s languages
      • 1. “Le Petit Prince” in the world’s languages (everyday, 10:00–17:00)
      • 2. Lecture sessions (19th, 20th, 23rd)
      • 13:00–14:00. Shinjiro KAZAMA(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 13:00–13:40. Noboru YOSHIOKA (National Museum of Ethnology) “Bittersweet Field Linguistics”.
      • 14:00–15:00. Yoshiko YAMADA (Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples) “Making an Uilta Translation of “the Little Prince”
      • 15:20–16:00. Megumi KUREBITO (University of Toyama)
      • 15:00–15:40. Masayuki ISHIZUKA (the University of Tokyo) “Ergativetity and allocutivity”
      • 16:00–17:00. Yuto NIINAGA (Seijo University) “What is fieldwork? Let’s listen to the sounds in Amami, which cannot be written in Hiragana!”
      • 17:10–17:50. Fuyuki EBATA (Niigata University) “Diversity in languages of the world --difference in words and their meanings--”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by Kazama seminar in TUFS, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      • Under the auspices of the Linguistic Society of Japan
      20162016/11/19 (Sat) - 2016/11/20 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The case-marking systems in Ryukyuan: a typological survey”The 5th meeting

      19 November

      • 1. Rihito SHIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Ryukyus) Kikaijima dialect
      • 2. Akiko TOKUNAGA (Hitotsubashi University) Okierabu dialect
      • 3. Satomi MATAYOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) Tsukenjima dialect
      • 4. Hiromi SHIGENO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University of Economics) Amami-oshima dialect

      20 November

      • 1. Reiko ASO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Haterumajima dialect
      • 2. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) Taramajima dialect
      • 3. Celik KENAN (Kyoto University) Miyako dialects
      • 4. Discussion
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/11/19 (Sat) - 2016/11/20 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian Geolinguistics”The 4th meeting

      19 November

      • Chair: Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA)
      • 1. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) ““Wind” in Paleo-Asiatic” ““Iron” in Paleo-Asiatic”
      • 2. Yoshio SAITO (Tokyo Gakugei University) ““Wind” in Mongolic and Turkic”
      • 3. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) ““Wind” in Ainu” ““Iron” in Ainu”
      • Chair: Yoshio SAITO (Tokyo Gakugei University)
      • 4. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) ““Wind” in Korean”
      • 5. Kenji YAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) ““Wind” in Sinitic”
      • Chair: Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo)
      • 6. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) ““Wind” in Tai-Kadai”
      • 7. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) ““Wind” in Austronesian” ““Rice” in Austronesian”
      • 8.
      • Chair: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA)

      20 November

      • Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) “Iron”: overview
      • 9. Yoshio SAITO (Tokyo Gakugei University) ““Iron” in Mongolic and Turkic”
      • 10. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) ““Iron” in Ainu”
      • 11. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) ““Iron” in Korean”
      • Chair: Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University)
      • 12. Fumiki SUZUKI (Kyoto University) ““Iron” in Sinitic”
      • 13. Kazue IWASA (JSPS/Kyoto University, in absentia) read by Keita KURABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ““Wind” in Tibeto-Burman”
      • 14. Keita KURABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ““Iron” in Tibeto-Burman”
      • Chair: Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture)
      • 15. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) ““Wind”in Hmong-Mien” ““Iron” in Hmong-Mien”
      • 16. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) ““Iron” in Tai-Kadai”
      • 17. Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) ““Iron” in Austroasiatic”
      • Chair: Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
      • 18. Yoichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ““Wind” in Semitic” ““Iron” in Semitic”
      • 19. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) Exhibition of Seal version 8.0
      • Language: English
      20162016/11/19 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History”The 8th meeting
      • 1. Taro NISHINO (Chuo University) “A New Value of an Italian Manuscript on Cabral’s Voyage: An Analysis on the Accounts with Kilwa”
      • 2. Katsuhiko KITAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kansai University) ““Re-Orient” of Africanist Historiography Revisited”
      • Abstract (Japanese) 267KB
      • 3. Annoucement of the Schedule
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/11/19 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 8th meeting
      • 6. Yukako GOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University) “The Safavid New Capital Qazvin Reconsidered”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      Hongo Satellite 4F
      20162016/11/15 (Tue)
      The fifth LingDy Forum in 2016
      • Shiro AKASEGAWA (Lago Institute of Language) “Building language corpora”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) #15K02472)
      • Under the auspices of Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers, “A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages”
      20162016/11/13 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”The 9th meeting
      • 1. Meeting for Publication of the Project (by all participants)
      20162016/11/12 (Sat)
      Symposium: On Anthropology of Things: Possibility and Challenge of “Anthropology beyond Human”

      Symposium: On Anthropology of Things: Possibility and Challenge of “Anthropology beyond Human”

      • 1. 14:00–14:20. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Introduction
      • 2. 14:25–14:55. Katsumi OKUNO (Rikkyou University) “Life in Multispecies Network: A Case of Penan, Hunter-and-gatherers of Bornean Rainforest”
      • 3. 15:00-15:30. Takanori OISHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Human-Nonhuman Boundaries from the Viewpoint of Ethnoprimatology”
      • 4. 15:45-16:15. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Life and thingness of Mask in Bali”
      • 5. 16:20-16:50. Akinori KUBO (Hitotsubashi University) “Ontological Relativism: man and machine in the age of pre-singularity”
      • 6. 16:50-17:00. Motomitsu UCHIBORI (The Open University of Japan), Masakazu TANAKA (Kyoto University) Comments
      • 7. 17:20-18:30. Discussion
      20162016/11/11 (Fri)
      The fourth LingDy Forum in 2016
      • Erika SANDMAN (University of Helsinki) “Wutun, a creolized Sinitic language from Northwest China’s Amdo Sprachbund”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
      20162016/11/06 (Sun)
      Cultural/Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2016
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • For details, please see here.
      • Jointly sponsored by The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2 and Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
      301, 306
      20162016/11/06 (Sun)
      10:00–16:30 (open), 16:30–18:00 (closed)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 2nd meeting

      10:00–16:30 (open)

      • 1. Reading Babad Tanah Jawi
      • 2. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Studies on Islamization of Java: history and sources” tentative.
      • 3. So YAMANE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Global Networks of South Asian Muslims” tentative.

      16:30–18:00 (closed)

      • 4. Meeting (Closed meeting)
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/11/06 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered”The 8th meeting
      • 1. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “A Syro-Turkic Inscription of the Yulin Cave”
      • 2. Atsushi IWAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “Studies of illustrations of sovereign’s march in the Dunhuang wall paintings: A review”
      • 3. discussion for the products from this project
      • 4. Scheduling and discussion for 2016year
      20162016/11/05 (Sat) - 2016/11/06 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”The 7th meeting

      5 November

      • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “A report on life cycle vocabulary of pastoralists in Amdo Tibet”
      • 2. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “A report for progress of collecting vocabularies on religious activity and clothing in Amdo Tibet”
      • Commentator: Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO)

      6 November

      • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow) “Report on cases of innovation in pastoral area in Qinghai Tibet”
      • Commentator: Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO)
      20162016/10/29 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare”The 8th meeting
      • 1. Tien-shi CHEN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Nationality, Passport and Identity - views from stateless and multinational people”
      • 2. Yuko OSAKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chukyo University) “The Right to Work of Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Comparative Study of the Refugee Convention and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”
      • 3. Research meeting for Publication
      20162016/10/26 (Wed) - 2016/10/30 (Sun)
      The 1st international conference on Sibe language and culture

      26 October Venue: Conference room, School of Letters, Kyushu University

      • 10:30-10:40. Opening
      • 10:40-11:10. Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Opening remarks
      • 11:00–12:00. Yuanxiu HE (Yili Normal University) Opening remarks
      • 13:30–14:40. Yuanxiu HE (Yili Normal University)
      • 14:50–15:50. Sheng ZHUANG (Northeast Normal University)
      • 16:00–17:00. Jie ZHAO (Yili Normal University)
      • 17:10–17:30. General discussion

      27 October Venue: Conference room, School of Letters, Kyushu University

      • 10:30–11:30. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
      • 11:30–12:00. Closing

      29 October Venue: Room 304, ILCAA

      • 10:30–10:40. Opening
      • 10:40–11:10. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) Opening remarks
      • 11:10–12:00. Yuanxiu HE (Yili Normal University) Opening remarks
      • 13:30–14:30. Veronika ZIKMUNDOVA (TBA)
      • 14:40–15:50. Chengzhi (Otemon Gakuin University)
      • 16:00–17:00. Ronglu MENG (Segong Sibe-Manchu culture promotion center)
      • 17:10–17:30. General discussion

      30 October Venue: Room 304, ILCAA

      • 10:30-11:30. Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University)
      • 11:30-12:00. Closing
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Sibe, Chinese, Japanese (with consecutive interpretation (Sibe and Chinese → Japanese))
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator:Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University) Research Project Number: 24320079), Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Norikazu KOGURA(ILCAA) Research Project Number:26770144)
      Conference room, School of Letters, Kyushu University / Room 304, ILCAA
      20162016/10/25 (Tue)
      Dr. Sabri Ates’s lecture
      • Sabri Ates (Southern Methodist University, USA) “Corpses, Cholera, and the Making of the Ottoman-Iranian Boundaries”
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), ILCAA and Asian History Course, Department of Philosophy and History, Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University
      2F, Facfulty of Economics, Osaka City University (3-3-138 Sugimoto Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-shi)
      20162016/10/24 (Mon)
      The future of Lebanese and Syrian migration studies
      • 1. 13:30-13:40. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Opening remarks
      • 2. 13:40-14:10. Jeffrey Lesser (Emory University) “Identity myths and Syrian-Lebanese ethnicity in Brazil”
      • 3. 14:10-14:40. Camila Pastor (Center for Research and Teaching of Economics-Mexico) “Lebanese of the New World: Colonial Mahjar histories in Mexico”
      • 4. 14:40-15:10. Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Money as worldview: From fieldwork in Alberta, Canada”
      • 5. 15:30-16:00. Ghassan Hage (University of Melbourne) “On the specificity of Lebanon’s transnational entrepreneurial culture”
      • 6. 16:00-16:30. Guita Hourani & Suzanne Menhem (Notre Dame University-Lebanon) “Business ownership among Lebanese migrant returnees: Opportunities and challenges”
      • 7. 16:30-17:00. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Dragomanity: An origin of multifaceted nature of Lebanese and Syrian migrants?”
      • 8. 17:20-18:00. Discussion
      • Chair: Satoshi UDO (Kagoshima University)
      • Open to the public & free of charge
      • Contact: Hidemitsu Kuroki, e-mail: kuroki[at] (Please change [at] to @.)
      • Language: English
      • Sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Project “Extensive networks of Lebanese and Syrian migrants: Multifaceted self and spatial imagination” supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA))
      20162016/10/23 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Reflection of Anthropological Studies on Population Movements: Focusing on Women Experiences as an Interface and “Diasporic Space” in Southeast Aisan “Chinese Communities.””The 6th meeting
      • This project aims to examine how Chinese population movements transform, or “give a format” the ecological and social environments both in the host societies in Southeast Asia and hometown in China, focusing on women’s experiences, which were mostly subardinate to male migrations. This workshop is the 1st workshop in this academic year, in which we will invite all participants to share the findings of resaerches last year.
      • Language: English, Chinese and Japanese
      20162016/10/23 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)”The 9th meeting
      • 1. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “‘Mono (Things)’ grasped by the five senses: Perceptions and Umwelt.”
      • 2. Kaori KOMATSU (Hokkai Gakuen University) “The power of bazaar - foodstuff in Daiichi-Makishi-Kosetsu-Ichiba”
      • 3. Discussion for publication of the research project (by all members)
      20162016/10/22 (Sat) - 2016/10/23 (Sun)
      Preparatory workshop for linguistic fieldwork in Okinoshima

      22 October

      • Nobuko KIBE (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Introduction to Linguistic Fieldwork in Okinoshima”
      • Kenji TOMOSADA (Professor Emeritus at Prefectural University of Hiroshima) “Linguistic Outline of the Okinoshima Dialect”
      • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Recording Techniques for Linguistic Fieldwork (1): Audio”
      • Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Recording Techniques for Linguistic Fieldwork (1): How to Record Natural Discourse”

      23 October

      • Nobuko KIBE(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Soichiro HARADA(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics), and Kumiko SATO(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Training for transcribing the data in IPA”
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics(NINJAL) and Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), ILCAA
      Faculty of Law and Literature, Shimane University
      20162016/10/22 (Sat)
      CAAS Symposium Keynote Lecture
      • Sabri Ates (Southern Methodist University, USA) “Three Frontiers, One Map: Making the Oldest Boundary of the Middle East”
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East), ILCAA
      20162016/10/14 (Fri) - 2016/10/15 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 33rd meeting

      14 October

      • 1. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Discussion of First Application Draft for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
      • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian13 (First Part)

      15 October

      • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian13 (Second Part)
      • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Fifth Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Fifth Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)
      Room 301, ILCAA and Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies North Bldg. , Kyoto University
      20162016/10/09 (Sun)
      Dhaka Gulshan Attack and the Young Generation in Bangladesh

      Dhaka Gulshan Attack and the Young Generation in Bangladesh

      • 1. Toshie AWAYA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Opening Remark
      • 2. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Introduction
      • <Part 1>
      • 3. Mineo TAKADA (Hiroshima Shudo University) Dhaka Attack and Islam Studies
      • 4. Kazuyo MINAMIDE (Momoyama Gakuin University) Rural Youth and Dhaka Attack
      • 5. Tamiko ISHIYAMA (Asia Arsenic Network) Dhaka Attack from a paerspective of Family and Communities
      • 6. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Youth in Dhaka and Dhaka Attack
      • <Part 2>
      • 7. Naonori KUSAKABE (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Comments
      • 8. Discussion
      • 9. Matsushiro HORIGUCHI (Former Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh/ The Japan-Bangladesh Society) Closing Remarks
      • Chiar: Kyoko NIWA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by LCAA Core project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa”, The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (FINDAS),The Japnese Association South Asian Studies and Asia Arsenic Network
      20162016/10/05 (Wed)
      Field linguistics workshop: Technical Workshop: Praat Workshop for beginners
      • Instructor: Hayato AOI (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
      • Programme (tentative):
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Observation of consonants
      • 3. Observation of vowels
      • 4. Observation of suprasegmental properties
      • 5. How to write annotations
      • 6. How to write diagrams and graphs
      20162016/10/02 (Sun)
      The Intercultural Understanding Programs of Tibetan Culture 2016
      • 9:45. Room Open
      • 10:00–12:00. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Introduction to the world of Tibetan narrative”
      • 12:00–13:00. Lunch break
      • 13:00. Room Open
      • 13:30. Screening of “The Grassland” (Pema Tseden)
      • 14:10. Screening of “The Silent Holly Sotnes” (Pema Tseden)
      • 16:10–17:30. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Tibetan Filmmaking and Pema Tseden’s works”
      • Contact: SAPANA 011-887-9700
      • Pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Flyer (in Japanese)
      • Jointly sponsored by SAPANA and Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      • Under the Auspices of City of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Supported by Nihon Leben Co.,Ltd.
      Seminar room, 4F Sapporo Education and Culture Hall
      20162016/10/01 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam (The Second Term)”The 1st meeting

      13:00–14:00 (closed)

      • 1. Meeting of joint research members

      14:00–18:00 (open)

      • 2. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Opening Remarks
      • 3. Ahmad Puad Mat Som (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia) “Islamic Tourism Demand and the Development of Shariah Compliant Hotel”
      • 4. Q and A Session
      • 5. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Closing Remarks
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam (The Second Term)”
      20162016/10/01 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages.”The 5th meeting
      • 1. Daisuke EBINA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Yamate University) “Relative clauses in Quechuan languages”
      • 2. Shinsuke HIDAKA (Graduate School, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Is the -ar/-mas participle a participle in Uzbek?”
      • 3. Yohei YAMADA (Graduate School, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A verb aa in Dagur”
      • 4. Discussion
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162016/10/01 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: The Culture and Identity of Children Raised in a Transnational Household”The 2nd meeting

      9:30–13:00, Language: Japanese

      • 1. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Project report
      • 2. Report of each research progress
      • 3. Lunch Meeting on the subsequent symposium in the afternoon
      • 4. Preparation of the symposium

      13:00–17:30, Language: English

      • 5. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Opening Remarks
      • 6. Rhacel Parrenas (University of Southern California) Keynote Speech: “Partial Citizenship of Family Migrants”
      • 7. Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shih Hsin University) Presentation “Partial Citizenship of Family Migrants in Taiwan”
      • 8. Itaru NAGASAKA (Hiroshima University) Presentation “Partial Citizenship of Family Migrants in Japan”
      • 9. Choo Hae Yeon (University of Toronto) Presentation “Contesting the politics of containment: Marriage migrant women and the negotiation of citizenship in South Korea”
      • 10. Open Discussion
      • 11. Ruri ITO (Hitotsubashi University) Closing Remarks
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese, English
      • Organized by Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture and Identity of Children Raised in Transnational Household”
      Conference Room Nos.1-2, 10F, McKim Hall Rikkyo University (Ikebukuro Campus)
      20162016/09/30 (Fri) - 2016/10/02 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 32nd meeting

      30 September, 14:00-18:00

      • 1. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Discussion of First Application Draft for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
      • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian12

      1 October, 10:00-18:00

      • 1. Hitomi ITOU (Kansai University) “On Measure and Gauge in Liye Qinjian”
      • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian73” (First Part)
      • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian73” (Second Part)

      2 October, 10:00-16:00

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Fourth Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian (First Part)
      • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Fourth Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian (Second Part)
      Room 301, ILCAA and Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies North Bldg. , Kyoto University
      20162016/09/26 (Mon) - 2016/09/30 (Fri)
      26–29, 9:30–16:30
      Language Documentation Seminar
      • Lecturers: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA), Zhargal Badagarov (Buryat State University), Sambuudorj Ochirbat (Mongolian Academy of Scienses)
      • Language: Mongolian and English
      • Program
      • Jointly sponsored by Core resarch program “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)” and Institute of Language and Literature, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
      Institute of Language and Literature, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
      20162016/09/21 (Wed)
      Follow-up meeting on ILC 2016 (Ryukyuan) / Meeting on compiling deliverables of the ILC 2016 (Ryukyuan)

      accomplishment reports:

      • 1. Tianlong TAO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 2. Moeri YATSU (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 3. Ayami HARA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 4. Masahiro OKU (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 5. Reiko ASO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 6. Wei WU (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 7. Norifumi KUROSHIMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 8. Kanji KATO (Kyushu University)
      • 9. Yuko URABE (Kyushu University)
      • 10. Atsushi SAKUMA (Nanzan University)
      • 11. Tomoaki HAYASHI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162016/09/18 (Sun) - 2016/09/21 (Wed)
      Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Student304
      20162016/09/17 (Sat)
      Symposium “Resilience of Tibetan Civlization”
      • 1. 10:00–10:20. Kazushi IWAO (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) Opening talk
      • 2. 10:20-10:50. Maho IUCHI (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Diffusion of Buddhism at the turning point of Tibetan history”
      • 3. 10:50-11:20. Yuri KOMATSUBARA (Meiji University) “The establishment of Dga- ldan pho-brang regime and its impact to other countries”
      • 4. 11:30-12:00. discussion
      • 5. 13:30-14:00. Yusuke BESSHO (Hiroshima University, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Buddhist politics” in Post-monarchy Nepal and the social advance of Tibetan Buddhism”
      • 6. 14:00-14:30. Hiroshi NEMOTO (Hiroshima University) “Re-creation of Tibetan classic literature”
      • 7. 14:30-15:00. Kengo KONISHI (Kanazawa Seiryo University) “Resilience of Bon: human kind, nature and thought”
      • 8. 15:10-15:50. discussion
      • 9. 16:00-17:00. Round discussion “Characterstics of Tibetan civilization”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University Joint Research Project “Interdisciplinary studies on the development of Tibeto-Himalayan civilization”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H03203)
      • Supported by The Toho Gakkai (The Institute of Eastern Culture)
      20162016/09/16 (Fri)
      The 5th meeting (2016) of “interdisciplinary studies on the development of Tibeto-Himalayan civilization”
      • 1. Kazushi IWAO (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Administration of nomads and their lands in Old Tibetan Empire”
      • 2. meeting on the publication of “Developlment and Progress of Tibetan Civilization”
      • 3. preparation of Symposium “Resilience of Tibet”
      • Jointly sponsored by Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University Joint Research Project “Interdisciplinary studies on the development of Tibeto-Himalayan civilization”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H03203)
      20162016/09/13 (Tue)
      Screening of a Tibetan Documentary Film “Bringing Tibet Home”
      • 1. Talk and songs by Tenzin Choegyal (Tibetan Musician)
      • 2. Screening of “Bringing Tibet Home” (18:30–19:52)
      • 3. Lecture by the director Tenzin Tsetan Choklay
      • 4. Songs by Tenzin Choegyal
      • Bringing Tibet Home
      • 2014 U.S.A./Korea/India 82 minutes
      • Director: Tenzin Tsetan Choklay
      • A young artist sets out on a mission to bring Tibet home to its people through an art project that involves smuggling 20,000 kilos of native Tibetan soil across the Himalayas from Tibet into India, while spanning the borders of three countries.

      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese and Tibetan
      • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) and KiKi So So Tibet Festival
      20162016/09/11 (Sun)
      Public lectures: Fifteen years after September 11
      • 13:00. Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA) Opening Address
      • 13:10. Shuji HOSAKA (The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) “al-Qa’ida and the ‘Islamic State’”
      • 13:50. So YAMANE (Osaka University) “Pakistan’s Choice”
      • 14:45. Keiko SAKAI (Chiba University) “September 11 opened Pandras box”
      • 15:25. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “The War against Terrorism and the World Civil War”
      • 16:15. Nobuhisa DEGAWA (Japan Broadcasting Corporation(NHK)) Comment
      • 16:30. All members Q&A session
      • 16:55. Tetsuo NISHIO (National Museum of Ethnology) Closing Address
      • Chairperson: Nobuaki KONDO(ILCAA)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • [Inquiries] koenkai_aa_nihu[at] Please change [at] to @.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Leaflet
      • Organized by Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)(NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
      Room 301-304, Otemachi sankei plaza 3F (Tokyo Sankei bldg. 3F, 1-7-2 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
      20162016/09/08 (Thu) - 2016/09/09 (Fri)
      ILCAA Forum: A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Hindi

      A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Hindi

      • Sumie NAKATANI (Kagoshima University) Changes of a Rajashtan village in twenty five years.
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Ryukyuan
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
      Meeting Room D, Osaka Kenshu Center Juso 3F (1-12-15 Jusohommachi, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 532-0024, Japan)
      20162016/09/01 (Thu) - 2016/09/02 (Fri)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Religious and Politico-Social Minority Groups in Middle Eastern Societies”The 1st meeting

      1 September

      • 1. Yohei KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) Introduction
      • 2. Yohei KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Minorities in Oman”
      • 3. Guita HOURANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU)) “Kurds in the Middle East”
      • 4. Hiroki WAKAMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toros University) “Alevis in Turkey”
      • 5. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Palestinians in the Middle East”

      2 September

      • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Elites in the Ottoman Period”
      • 2. Souad SLIM (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Balamand) “Christians in the Middle East (1)”
      • 3. Ray MOUAWAD (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Saint Joseph University) “Christians in the Middle East (2)”
      • 4. Hidemi TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Christians in the Middle East (3)”
      • 5. Antranig DAKESSIAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Haigazian University) “Armenians in the Middle East (1)”
      • 6. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Armenians in the Middle East (2)”
      • 7. About next meetings
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by ILCAA Core research program “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
      Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Beirut (JaCMES)
      20162016/08/29 (Mon)
      ILCAA Forum: A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Ryukyuan

      A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Ryukyuan

      • “An introduction to the folk customs in Uken village of Amami and the performance of the traditional “August dance””
      • 14:40–15:40. Satoko WATARI (Uken village board of Education)
      • 16:00–17:00. Mioya SUNAO Performers: Etsuko SUGAI, Atsuko MURAISHI
      • Performers: Etsuko SUGAI, Atsuko MURAISHI
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Ryukyuan
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
      20162016/08/28 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”The 8th meeting

      International Workshop on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia

      • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
      • 2. Omar Farouk (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Sains Malaysia) “Islam and Multiculturalism across Mainland Southeast Asia”
      • 3. Shamsul A. B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) “From Diversity to Super-diversity in the Muslim world of Nusantara: A conceptual and empirical transformation“
      • 4. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “Balinese dance in multi-religious Jakarta ― A study of Muslim learners and Hindu instructors”
      • 5. Yuji TSUBOI (ILCAA Research Associate) “An alternative vision for Malayan decolonization from the perspective of Muslim intellectuals in Singapore“
      • 6. Discussion
      • 7. Hisao TOMIZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) Closing Remarks
      • 8. Reception Meeting
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office and Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives”
      Gaya Room 1, Hotel Meridien Kota Kinabalu (Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu)
      20162016/08/22 (Mon)
      ILCAA Forum: A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Ryukyuan

      A Cultural lecture in the Intensive Language Course of Ryukyuan

      • Hiroyuki NAKAMA (Okayama University of Science) “The Ikema people on Miyako island, Okinawa: their language, culture and music”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course of Ryukyuan
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
      20162016/08/09 (Tue) - 2016/08/13 (Sat)
      Workshop on languages spoken in Sabah state, Malaysia
      • Participants: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) Hiroki NOMOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Yoshimi MIYAKE (Akita University) Kartini Abd. Wahab(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Hooi Ling Soh (University of Minnesota)
      • Language: English and Malay
      • Program
      • Jointly sponsored by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office, Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives” and Core resarch program “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
      Skypod Hostel at Kota Kinabalu
      20162016/08/06 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Mongolic languages in Hexi corridor based on published material”The 4th meeting
      • 1. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies “Basic bocabularies of languages in Hexi corridor”
      • 2. Nobuharu SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) “Issues on the description of Bonan language: with a focus on Jishishan dialect”
      • 3. Discussions on the construction of database
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162016/08/06 (Sat)
      The Revitalized World of the Ainu Language from Fifty Years Ago-Professor Suzuko Tamura’s Recordings and Photos of the Meeting for “YUKAR” held by Kaneto Kawamura and the ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Kawamura Kaneto Ainu museum
      • In the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, there are numerous audio and visual materials (audio tapes, photos, videos and field notes, etc.) of the Ainu language, which was donated from Suzuko Tamura, the late Professor Emeritus of Waseda University. In this year, we will exhibit some replicas, that are related to the Ainu language and culture in Asahikawa, at Kawamura Kaneto Ainu Museum in Asahikawa, Hokkaido (Japan). The Kawamura Kaneto Ainu Museum is the first private Ainu museum in Hokkaido, which was established in 1916. Kaneto Kawamura, who was a former director in the museum, held a meeting for the Ainu oral literature “YUKAR” nearly fifty years ago. Although Prof. Tamura recorded oral literatures and took some photos at the meeting, they have never been opened to the public. Therefore, the first exhibits on the meeting for “YUKAR” will attract more attentions.
      • The special exhibition will be opened on Saturday August 6 at 1:00 p.m., when a ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the museum will be held. We are looking forward to your visit.
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Please refer to the following web page for details of the admission fee etc.(in Japanese). Kawamura Kaneto Ainu Museum URL.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by Kawamura Kaneto Ainu museum and Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      • Supported by The 100th Anniversary Celebration Committee “Pirka Ureska”, Asahikawa Ainu Council, and Asahikawa Cikappuni Ainu Culture Preservation Society
      Kawamura Kaneto Ainu museum (11 Hokumon-cho, Asahikawa-Shi, Hokkaido)
      20162016/07/30 (Sat) - 2016/07/31 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)” The 4th meeting

      30 July

      • 1. David S. SPRAGUE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, NARO) “The Death Rate: Interpretations of Mortality in Life History Theory and Ecology”
      • 2. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “Some considerations on family and alliance.”

      31 July

      • 1. Masakazu TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “On Guides/Educators of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, who Live with Traumatic Experiences of Holocaust Survivors.”
      • 2. Koji KITAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) ”The two-layered selections by social systems of interactions”
      Seifuso Villa, Kyoto University
      20162016/07/30 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives”The 4th meeting
      • 1. Yutaka YOSHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Tokyo University of Science) “The Cold War on Race and Culture: The First Congress of Negro Writers and Artists and Richard Wright, George Lamming, and James Baldwin”
      • Commentator: Ryo OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • 2. Moriyuki HOSHINO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Niam n’goura: Reading Early Issues of Presence Africaine”
      • Commentator: Hideya ARITA (Seijo University)
      • 3. Discussion
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/07/24 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Reference Grammars”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Introduction to the project”
      • 2. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Reference grammars on Mongolic languages”
      • 3. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Reference grammars on Tungusic languages”
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162016/07/23 (Sat) - 2016/07/24 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”The 1st meeting

      23 July

      • 1. Tadasu TSURUTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kindai University) “Agricultural Revolution in African History”
      • 2. Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “Local Innovation in African Rural Areas”

      24 July

      • 1. Tatsuro SUEHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “African Agriculture in Comparative Perspectives”
      • 2. Kazuhiko SUGIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Fukui Prefectural University) “History of Civilizations and Agricultural Revolution: Reexamining the Works of Jiro Iinuma”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa”, Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Tadasu TSURUTA (Kindai University) Research Project Number: 26300014), Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Yuko SUGIYAMA (Hirosaki University) Research Project Number: 25284171)
      20162016/07/23 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History”The 7th meeting
      • 1. Hiroaki OSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Image of Africa Transformed?: Reading Historical Sources on British Humanitarianism”
      • Report (Japanese) : 144KB
      • 2. Yoko NAGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Africanization of African History/African Area Studies and Colonial Sources”
      • Report (Japanese) : 144KB
      • 3. Annoucement of the Schedule
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/07/16 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”The 7th meeting
      • 1. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Indonesian National History and Islam”
      • 2. Naoki SODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studie) “Perceptions of History in Malay School Textbooks in Colonial Malaya: With Special Reference to Descriptions of Islam/Muslims”
      • 3. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “On Muslim Separatism in Southern Philippines: Future of Mindanao Conflict under New Duterte Administration”
      • Comment: Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA)
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/07/15 (Fri) - 2016/07/17 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 31st meeting

      15 July, 14:00-18:00

      • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Third Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Geographical Names of Liyeqinjian” (First Part)
      • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Third Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Geographical Names of Liyeqinjian” (Second Part)

      16 July, 10:00-18:00

      • 1. Hitomi ITOU (Kansai University) “On Measure and Gauge in Liye Qinjian”
      • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (The University of Tokyo) “On the Form and Reading of some obscure Characters in Liye Qinjian”
      • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Third Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian”

      17 July, 10:00-16:00

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian11” (First Part)
      • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian11” (Second Part)
      Room 205, Research and Lecture Bldg. , TUFS and Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies North Bldg. , Kyoto University
      20162016/07/14 (Thu)
      Screenings of Masterpieces of Tibetan films commemorating the release of “The Sun Beaten Path”
      • Screening of a Tibetan film by Sonthar Gyal “The Sun Beaten Path” (w/ Japanese subtitles)
      • Talk by Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
      Institut français du Japon – Tokyo 15 Ichigaya-funagawara-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8415
      20162016/07/10 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare”The 7th meeting
      • 1. Tadayuki KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otsuma Women’s University) “Refugees, Civil Society and NGOs: From the perspectives of Burmese Refugees”
      • 2. Kenichi YANAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University) “Does Magna Carta protect the right to remain homeland?”
      • 3. Research meeting
      20162016/07/09 (Sat)
      Overseas Scientific Research Forum
      • 10:30-12:30. Workshop: Field Science as documentation: collect, measure and count
      • 1. Shuhei UDA (National Museum of Ethnology) “The Defining Concept and Understanding the Case. The study of Cormorant fishing, from China to Japan, and Macedonia.”
      • 2. Koutaro Ould MAENO (Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences) “The battle against the Desert Locust in Africa”
      • 12:30-12:35. Short Announcement about Festa: Poster Session on Overseas Scientific Research
      • 12:35-14:00. (Lunch break)
      • 14:00-14:30. General meeting *
      • 14:30-15:10. Questions and Answers of Grant Administration in Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research in three meeting places *
      • 15:10-17:10. Section meetings by research areas *
      • 17:30-19:30. Reception *
      20162016/07/07 (Thu)
      Screenings of Masterpieces of Tibetan films commemorating the release of “The Path of the Soul” “The Silent Holy Stones”
      • Screening of a Tibetan film by Pema Tseden “The Silent Holy Stones” (w/ Japanese and English subtitles)
      • Talk by Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
      Institut français du Japon – Tokyo 15 Ichigaya-funagawara-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8415
      20162016/07/07 (Thu)
      FIELDPLUS café

      FIELDPLUS café “In search of human-computer relationship : On the interaction between shogi player and software in the modern shogi”

      • Speaker: Akinori KUBO (Hitotsubashi University)
      • Moderator: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA, Chief editor of FIELDPLUS)
      Rokujigen (2F, 1-10-3 Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)
      20162016/07/06 (Wed)
      Field linguistics workshop: Technical Workshop: Lecture on Corpus building in lesser-described languages, with specific focus on referential strategies research across diverse languages
      • Stefan Schnell (CoEDL, the University of Melbourne)
      20162016/07/05 (Tue)
      The third LingDy Forum in 2016
      • Stefan Schnell (University of Melbourne) & Nils Schiborr (University of Bamberg) “Referential choice in 3-participant constructions“
      • Abstract (English) : 60KB
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)”
      20162016/07/03 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages.”The 4th meeting
      • 1. Heekyung CHAE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The Noun+Noun Complex and Noun+Verb Complex in Nivkh”
      • 2. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “A few types of compounding in Evenki and Nenets”
      • 3. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On the internally-headed relative clause construction in Altaic-type languages”
      • 4. Discussion
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3)
      20162016/07/02 (Sat) - 2016/07/03 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of the Accent and Intonation of Korean Dialects”The 7th meeting

      Japanese and Korean accent: diachrony, reconstruction, and typology

      • 2 July
      • 1. Opening remarks
      • 2. Clemens POPPE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “The role of word prosodic structure in the analysis of Japanese and Korean accent systems”
      • 3. Tatsuya HIRAKO (Komazawa University) “Issues on the Gairin type accent”
      • 4. Hyun Kyung HWANG (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Biased questions in Tokyo Japanese and South Kyeongsang Korean”
      • 5. Munsuk LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “Accent in Korean dialects and onset types”
      • 6. Haruo KUBOZONO (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Mora and syllable in the pitch accent system of Koshikijima Japanese”
      • 7. Elisabeth de Boer “Universals of tone rules and Japanese”
      • 8. Rei FUKUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Accent shift in Korean and Japanese”
      • 9. S. Robert Ramsey (Maryland University) “Naturalness and Parsimony in Historical Reconstruction”
      • 10. Reception
      • 3 July
      • 1. Jaehyun SON (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Duksung Women’s University) “Accent Types and Their Correspondences in Korean”
      • 2. Akira UTSUGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “Kyungsang Korean tonal system from the perspective of sentence prosody”
      • 3. Young suk Kang (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow) “Accents of compound verbs in Busan dialect of Korean”
      • 4. Hyangsook Sohn & Micheal Kenstowicz (Kyungpook National University & Massachusetts Institute of Technology) “The accent of Korean names”
      • 5. Akiko MATSUMORI (Japan Women’s University) “Reconstruction of the accentual system of Proto-Northern Ryukyuan”
      • 6. Thomas Pellard (French National Centre for Scientific Research) “Typological and historical-comparative perspectives on tone and vowel length in Ryukyuan”
      • 7. Yosuke IGARASHI (Hitotsubashi University) “A unified list of cognate words in Japanese and Ryukyuan for the purpose of historical comparative linguistics”
      • 8. Zendo UWANO (Professor emeritus, The University of Tokyo) “On Hattori’s hypothesis: Does shortening of long vowels produce an accent kernel?”
      • 9. Closing remarks
      20162016/07/02 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Comprehensive Study of Tone/Accent Languages of Africa”The 2nd meeting
      • 1. Katsuhiko SHIOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “An overview of Hausa Tone”
      • 2. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Tone Patterns of Bende”
      20162016/06/29 (Wed)
      Lecture on the modern history of Central Eurasia by Dr. Jampeissova
      • Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University) Imperial statistical survey on the Kazakh Steppe led by F. Shcherbina during the second half of 19c. and the beginning of 20c.: designing the “Nomadic community”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Middle East and Islamic Studies (NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East) and JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA) Research Project Number:15K02914)
      Hongo Satellite 7F
      20162016/06/25 (Sat)
      International workshop of Middle East and Islamic Studies
      • Dr. Zhanar Jampeissova (L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University) Taking an oath as a judicial instrument to regulate conflicts in the Kazakh society and the transformation of its usage in the colonial period (the second half of 19c. - beginning of 20c.)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Russian (with Japanese consecutive interpretation)
      • Organized by LCAA Middle East and Islamic Studies (NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East)
      20162016/06/19 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “New perspectives of text studies in Yunnan, China”The 4th meeting
      • 1. Kazutaka NISHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokushikan University) “The Opium in Yunnan from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China”
      • 2. Yoshiyuki AIHARA (Toyo Bunko, NIHU) “A brief introduction to forestry-related document research in southeastern Guizhou Qingshuijiang valley”
      • 3. Masashi NARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Islamic education and texts in Hui people”
      • 4. Discussion
      20162016/06/18 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religion as Reflected in Javanese Texts (2): Rethinking the Process of Islamization”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) Outline of this project.
      • 2. Self-introduction and introduction of related literatures.
      • 3. Discussion.
      20162016/06/17 (Fri) - 2016/06/19 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 30th meeting

      17 June, 14:00-18:00

      • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Second Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Geographical Names of Liyeqinjian” (First Part)
      • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Second Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Geographical Names of Liyeqinjian” (Second Part)

      18 June, 10:00-18:00

      • 1. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Second Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Personal Names of Liyeqinjian”
      • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Second Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian”(First Part)
      • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Second Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian”(Second Part)

      19 June, 10:00-16:00

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian09” (First Part)
      • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian09” (Second Part)
      Room 205, Research and Lecture Bldg. , TUFS and Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies North Bldg. , Kyoto University
      20162016/06/17 (Fri)
      Field Science Colloquium: Fieldwork and Disasters
      • 14:00-14:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening address
      • 14:05-14:40. 1. Shuhei KIMURA (University of Tsukuba) “Anthropological fieldwork in disaster conditions: salvation, collaboration, and action”
      • 14:40-15:15. 2. Hiromu SHIMIZU (Kyoto University) “A long and winding road from fieldwork to ethnography: what can (or can’t) anthropology do for disaster mitigation and rehabilitation?”
      • 15:15-15:50. 3. Ryoji SODA (Osaka City University) “Disaster studies and geography”
      • 15:50-16:00. Coffee break
      • 16:00-17:00.
      • Comment: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA), Yutaka SUGA (University of Tokyo), Takanori OISHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) + Discussion
      20162016/06/16 (Thu)
      ILCAA Forum
      • 1. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “Perspectives on linguistic description/documentation of Kilimanjaro Bantu languages: Microvariation study and beyond”
      • 2. Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) “Buddhist Revival Movement by Anagarika Dharmapala and Sinhalese Nationalism”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/06/12 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Languages”The 4th meeting

      9:00-12:45 Room 303, ILCAA

      • 1. Hooi Ling Soh (University of Minnesota) “Evidentiality, modality, focus and presupposition: The case of the discourse particle punya in Colloquial Malay”
      • 2. Scott AnderBois (Brown University) “A QUD-based account of the discourse particle naman in Tagalog”
      • 3. Jennifer Tan (Spanish National Research Council) “On the modality of Tagalog evidentials”

      13:30-18:30 Room 302, ILCAA

      • 4. Eric McREADY (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Opening talk
      • 5. Kiyoko TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanda University of International Studies) “A literature review on Thai pragmatic particles”
      • 6. Lukas RIESER (Graduate school of Letters, Kyoto University) “A semantic analysis of German ja and doch”
      • 7. Christopher DAVIS (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Ryukyus) “Semantics of evidentiality in Ryukyuan”
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA and The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA)
      303, 302
      20162016/06/11 (Sat) - 2016/06/12 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)”The 8th meeting

      11 June

      • 1. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “Between Two Truths: Time in Fiji and Physics .”
      • 2. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “'Tangled hair’ as a cardinal point of ethnographic descriptionーfrom hippies to dakwa activists”
      • 3. Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “How A Farmers’ Blacksmith Hammered Iron : Circulating forgings indicated the soil, woods and personality”

      12 June

      • 1. Kaori FUSHIKI (Taisho University) “Topology of the Puppet Theatre Potehi”
      • 2. Tomoko NIWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institutes for the Humanities) “Shanbei Paper-cuts?and Ritual?Paper Crafts: Actualization of the Disposition of Yin/Yang World“
      20162016/06/10 (Fri) - 2016/06/12 (Sun)
      The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 23)
      20162016/06/04 (Sat) - 2016/06/05 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The case-marking systems in Ryukyuan: a typological survey” The 4th meeting

      4 June

      • 1. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) Introduction
      • 2. Natsuko NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) ”Shiraho Yaeyama”
      • 3. Yuka HAYASHI (Osaka University /JSPS Research Fellow) ”Ikema Miyako”
      • 4. Interim discussion

      5 June

      • 1. Yuto NIINAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seijo University) ”Kudaka Okinawa”
      • 2. Nana TOHYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Ryukyus) ”Shuri Okinawa”
      • 3. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/06/04 (Sat) - 2016/06/05 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered” The 7th meeting

      4 June

      • 1. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) and Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
      • 2. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Uigur Buddhist Pilgrims and Their Pilgrimages in Dunhuang”
      • 3. Meishi YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka International University) “Pilgrims in Dunhuang during Yuan Period: An analysis of Chinese Inscriptions”
      • 4. Takayasu SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Morioka University) “Research on Chinese wall inscriptions in the Mogao and Yulin Caves written in the Xixia period”

      5 June

      • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Fieldwork on the Tangut inscriptions in Dunhuang, 2015.12”
      • 2. discussion for the products from this project
      • 3. Scheduling and discussion for 2016 year
      2F Main Bld. (Let.Law.Econ.), Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University
      20162016/05/22 (Sun)
      Follow-up Meeting on ILC 2011 (Sibe) / The 6th Meeting on Sibe Language and Linguistics
      • This meeting is held for the students of ILC 2011 (Sibe), with a view to promote and to assist their studies.
      • 1. 13:00-14:00. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “The function of =ni’ in Sibe: possession, topic and cognition”
      • 2. 14:10-15:10. Wenxin BA (Nagoya Gakuin University) “The diversion of languages in translation and its effect on the conservation of languages: the case of Sibe.”
      • 3. 15:20-16:20. Kicengge (Chengzhi) (Otemon Gakuin University) “Issues on the historical studies on Sibe: description and creation of history”
      • 4. 16:30-17:30. Yu GYOKUBUN “Reminiscences of my father, Seichi Gyokubun”
      • 5. 17:40-18:40. Discussion
      • Commentator: Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3), ILCAA
      Hongo Satellite 7F
      20162016/05/21 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnolinguistic Lexical Documentation of the Southwestern Kalahari Khoe Languages”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Introduction: Project Proposal
      • 2. Presentation 1
      • Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Basic color terms in SWKK”
      • Jiro TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University), Kazuyoshi SUGAWARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) and Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Animal categories in SWKK”
      • Hitomi ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Reitaku University) “Kinship terms in SWKK”
      • 3. Presentation 2
      • Yuriko SUGIYAMA (Kyoto University) “Bushman funeral: preliminary report”
      • Keitarou SEKIGUCHI (Kyoto University) “A first report on Kagcae community”
      • 4. Discussion: Fauna and flora in SWKK
      • 5. Business meeting
      Hongo Satellite 8F
      20162016/05/20 (Fri) - 2016/05/21 (Sat)
      Anthropological Studies of Regime Change

      Anthropological Studies of Regime Change (1) “Ethnography of Revolutionary Cuba: Daily Life in the Special Period” by Sachiko TANUMA+Film Screening “Cuba Sentimental”

      • 20 May
      • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening address
      • Sachiko TANUMA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Ethnography of Revolutionary Cuba: Daily Life in Special Period”
      • 2. Film Screening “Cuba Sentimental”
      • 3. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) Comment1
      • Takayuki NAKAMURA (Daitobunka University) Comment2
      • Takashi OSUGI (Hitotsubashi University) Comment3
      • 4. Discussion

      Anthropological Studies of Regime Change (2) Regime Changes and Societies in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa

      • 21 May
      • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening address
      • Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) Introduction
      • 2. Yuko KAMBARA (The University of Kitakyushu) “Democracy in Practice and Social Transformation in Post-Socialist Villages”
      • Comment: Akitoshi SHIMIZU (ILCAA Research Fellow)
      • 3. Koji TSUDA (The University of Tokyo) “The regime transformation and the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia : Self-introduction to “The Ethnography of ‘Chineseness’””
      • Comment: Motomitsu UCHIBORI (The Open University of Japan)
      • 4. Hisashi MATSUMOTO (Yokohama National University) “Traditional Rulers and Resume Changes in Nigeria.”
      • Comment: Atsushi MIURA (Saitama University)
      • 5. Total comment: Katsuo NAWA (The University of Tokyo)
      • 6. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Program
      • Organized by Core project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”
      20162016/05/20 (Fri)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 29th meeting
      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Calendar days of Liyeqinjian(2)
      • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Expanded on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian09
      Room 205, Research and Lecture Bldg. , TUFS and Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies North Bldg. , Kyoto University
      20162016/05/19 (Thu)
      ILCAA Forum
      • 1. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA) “An Anthoropology of performing bodies and objects: The cases from Bali and Jakarta”
      • 2. Jin NODA (ILCAA) “Crossing border, “international conflicts,” and their resolution system: cases in the Russo-Qing western border area in the second half of 19 c.”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/04/26 (Tue)
      The second LingDy Forum in 2016
      • John Mansfield (The University of Melbourne) “Methodological challenges of documenting sociolinguistic variation in indigenous communities“
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by LingDy3
      20162016/04/23 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture and Identity of Children Raised in Transnational Household”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) Opening Session
      • 2. Ikuo KAWAKAMI (Waseda University) “Definition of ‘Child Migration’”
      • 3. Michi TAKEDA (Kobe Shoin Women’s University) “Theoretical Perspective on Child Migration”
      • 4. Discussion “Definition and Theoretical Focus for this Joint Research Project”
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/04/17 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study of Microvariation in Bantu (Phase 1)”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Kickoff mieeting
      • 2. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Introduction to Microvariation study”
      • 3. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) “A Case study of Bantu Microvariation parameters: some examples”
      • Commentator: Yukiko MORIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Humboldt University)
      • Language: Japanese
      20162016/04/16 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Comprehensive Study of Tone/Accent Languages of Africa”The 1st meeting
      • 1. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) The purpose of the project
      • 2. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) Tone types of some Bantu languages such as Tembo, Haya, Ankole, Tooro, Nyoro, etc.
      • 3. discussion
      20162016/04/09 (Sat)
      International workshop “Authority, Legitimacy, and Historiography in the Ottoman Empire”
      • 1. Hiryoyuki OGASAWARA (Kyushu University) “The Mongol and Genghis Khan in the Ottoman Historiography”
      • 2. Hakan Karateke (Chicago University) “Changing Notions of Authority and Legitimacy in the Ottoman Empire”
      • Admission: Free
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H01895) and Core Project “Political, Social and Cultural Polarization and its Backgrounds in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
      20162016/04/05 (Tue)
      The first LingDy Forum in 2016
      • 1. Qandeel Hussain (Macquarie University) “Importance of Phonetic Fieldwork in Language Documentation”
      • 2. David Moeljadi (Nanyang Technological University) “Building an open-source computational grammar for Indonesian “INDRA““
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by LingDy3
      20152016/03/30 (Wed)
      Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
      • 1. Yuji TSUBOI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Controversies around Malayness in British Malaya during the 1930s”
      • 2. Taku OSOEGAWA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Developments of Recent Lebanese-Syrian Relations”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      20152016/03/27 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History” The 6th meeting
      • 1. Takashi ARAYA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Trends and Prospects of the Italian Colonial History Studies Based on Catholic Church Documents”
      • 2. Momoka MAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Approach to Social History of Ethiopia and Eritrea”
      • 3. Annoucement of the Schedule
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      Hongo Satellite 7F
      20152016/03/26 (Sat) - 2016/03/27 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”The 6th meeting

      26 March

      • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Loss of nomadic vocabularies 2”
      • 2. Shin’ichi TSUMAGARI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “The transition of religious ceremonies for domestic animals in Tibet 2”
      • 3. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences) “Transition of pastoral skills: Comparison between before and after grassland privatization 2”
      • 4. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Flexibility of milk processing system in Amdo Tibetan pastoralists in Qinghai, China 2”
      • 5. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Seeking for more healthy and delicious dairy products ? An invention by a Tibetan Nomad 2”
      • 6. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) “Reformation of tsha ru: Traditional Tibetan Clothing and its Innovation in Contemporary Amdo”

      27 March

      • 1. Research meeting “Disccussion on compiling a Tibetan nomadic dictionary”
      20152016/03/24 (Thu)
      Field Linguistics Workshop (Special gathering)
      • 1. 10:00-12:00. Invited lectures Part1
      • Yukinori KIMOTO (Kyoto University) “Using ELAN in language documentation: a case of the Arta documentation project”
      • Kentaro SUGANUMA (JSPS Fellow /Kyushu University) “Modern Uyghur phonology: A study on the phonological differences between native words and loanwords”
      • 2. 13:20-14:20. Lectures by research associates
      • Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Research Associate) “The difference between “clitics” and “fuzokugo (bound words)””
      • Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Fieldwork in Tibetan Pastoral Area”
      • 3. 14:30-15:30. Lightning talks
      • Hideyuki ONISHI (Graduate school, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • Susumu OKAMOTO (Graduate school, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
      • Keita KURABE (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/JSPS Research Fellow)
      • Shu HIRATA (ILCAA Research Associate)
      • Yohei YAMADA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/JSPS Research Fellow)
      • 4. 16:00-18:00. Invited lectures Part2
      • Daisuke EBINA (Kobe Yamate University) “Contact between Quechua and Aymara”
      • Kazuyuki KIRYU (Mimasaka University) “An outline of the Meche language and the compilation and application of a dictionary of Meche: a case of data processing and appliaction”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      20152016/03/22 (Tue) - 2016/03/23 (Wed)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar”The 8th meeting

      22 March

      • 1. Atsuhiko KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
      • 2. Yasunori TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University)

      23 March

      • 1. Hayato AOI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Langage and Linguistics / JSPS Research Fellow)
      • 2. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      20152016/03/22 (Tue)
      Film Screening meeting “Lebanon 1949: The Newborn State on Film”
      • Film Screening: “Lebanon 1949: The Newborn State on Film”
      • Discussion and Q & A
      • Admission: Free
      • Language: English and Arabic
      • For details, please see here.
      • Jointly sponsored by The Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES), The Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC) of Notre Dame University-Louaize and Research Project “Lebanese and Syrian Migrants” (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)(Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA))
      Metropolis Empire Sofil, Ashrafieh, Gerges Tueini Str., Bldg. 28, 1st floor, Beirut, Lebanon
      20152016/03/21 (Mon)
      A Followup meeting of Intensive Language Course on Sibe / The 5th Meeting on Sibe Language and Linguistics
      • This meeting is held for the students of ILC 2011 (Sibe), with a view to promote and to assist their evolutionary studies.
      • 1. 10:30-12:00. Suzushi HAYATA (The University of Tokyo, Participant of the course on Sibe in 2011) “Talk on Manchu language: “Dattan hyōryūki” as linguistic source material”
      • 2. 13:00-15:00. Tomoyuki KUB (Kyushu University), Zhuangsheng (Northeast Normal University, China) Follow-up class on Sibe colloquial texts. Follow-up class on Sibe colloquial texts.
      • 3.15:15-17:00. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA), Zhuangsheng (Northeast Normal University, China) heng (Northeast Normal University, China)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA, Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2) amd Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
      20152016/03/21 (Mon) - 2016/03/22 (Tue)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered” The 6th meeting

      21 March

      • 1. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) and Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
      • 2. Takatoshi AKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shikoku Gakuin University) “Investigation Report on Donor Portraits in the Gui-yi-jun Period Yulin Caves”
      • 3. Akihiro SAKAJIRI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Yulin Cave and Regional Society as Seen in Chinese Inscriptions and Donor Portraits: From the Cases around the 10th Century”
      • 4. Atsushi IWAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “A Study on Former Owners of Dunhuang Manuscripts in the National Diet Library”

      22 March

      • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Fieldwork on the Tangut inscriptions in Dunhuang, 2015.12”
      • 2. discussion for the products from this project
      • 3. Scheduling and discussion for 2016 year
      Large Conference Room. 2F Main Bld. (Let.Law.Econ.), Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University
      20152016/03/21 (Mon)
      UMS-TUFS Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society of Asia and Africa
      • 1. 14:00-14:10 Openning Address(1). Mohd Hamdan Hj. Adnan (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) Openning Address(1)
      • 2. 14:10-14:20 Openning Address(2). Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA)
      • 3. 14:20-14:50 Lecture(1). Ryoji SODA (Osaka City University) “Oil palm smallholding and mosaic landscapes in Sarawak, Malaysia”
      • 4. 14:50-15:20 Lecture(2). Kaori FUSHIKI (Taisho University) “Suluk or Su Liam Pek: Topology of the Glove Puppet Theatre Potehi in Southeast Asia and Taiwan”
      • 5. 15:30-16:00 Lecture(3). Morie KANEKO (Kyoto University) “Local knowledge regarding the production of ensete (Ensete ventricosum, Musaceae) in Ethiopia: With special reference to 30 years of change”
      • 6. 16:00-16:30 Lecture(4). Gusni Saat (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) “Issues in Social Categorization and its Consequences among the group of Sama-Bajau ethnic in Sabah”
      • 7. 16:30-17:00 Lecture(5). Pauline Yong Pau Lin (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) “The Traditional Medical Practices and Challenges among the Silam (Lahad Datu) Community: A Preliminary Study”
      • 17:00-17:30. Discussion
      • 17:30. Closing
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by KKLO and School of Social Science, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
      Meeting Room, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu
      20152016/03/19 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 6th meeting
      • 1. John Bowden (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Visiting Professor) “The Directional System of North Maluku Malay“
      • 2. Anthony Jukes (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor) “Linguistic Enfranchisement”
      • 3. Business Meeting Topics:
      • Plannning for language documentation workshops in Indonesia in 2016
      • Reporting and sharing information on language documentation that each member is conducting
      • 4. Work:
      • Creating a webpage to publish linguistic data that each member obtains
      • Language: English
      20152016/03/18 (Fri)
      International Workshop: Islam, Kingship, and Legitimacy in South Asia / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World” The 7th meeting

      International Workshop: Islam, Kingship, and Legitimacy in South Asia

      • 1. Satoshi OGURA (Kyoto University) “Lakṣmī Becomes Dawla: Remarks on the Translation Strategy of Notions of Kingship in a Persian Translation of the Rājataraṅgiṇīs and the Following Chronicles”
      • 2. A. Azfar Moin (The University of Texas at Austin) “Universal Peace and Sun Worship in Mughal India: A “Hermetical” Revival in Islam?”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World” and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H01895)
      20152016/03/16 (Wed)
      International Workshop “Endangered Languages: dialect variation and linguistic identity”
      • 1. Keynote Speech <13:10-14:00>
      • Speaker: Dr. Mari Jones (Reader, University of Cambridge)  “Language endangerment and revitalization”
      • 2. Reports of Research
      • 14:30-15:00. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “A North American Case of Language Endangerment”
      • 15:00-15:30. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Documenting Sumbawa Language with the Sumbawa Literature Association”
      • 15:30-16:00. Marina SHINJO (TUFS) “Intonation of a conservative variety of Welsh English”
      • 16:00-16:30. Leo YAMADA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The “Passive” in Irish””
      • Language: English
      • For more details, please see here.
      • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Corpus-based investigation on discourse cohesion” (Principal Investigator: Makoto MINEGISHI), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Construction of multilingual corpus and its application to language education” (Principal Investigator: Yuji KAWAGUCHI), Institute of Language Research, Linguistic Dynamics Science Project 2 (LingDy2)
      Institute of Language Research (Rm.419, Research and Lecture Building)
      20152016/03/15 (Tue)
      Lecture of Dr. Azfar MoinA Study of Sources for African History”
      • A. Azfar Moin (The University of Texas at Austin) “The Politics of Saint Shrines in the Persianate Empires”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Research Project Number:15H01895) and Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
      Hongo Satellite 5F
      20152016/03/13 (Sun)
      ILCAA Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Symposium “Food and Agriculture of Africa in Historical Perspective” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)”The 10th meeting

      ILCAA Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Symposium “Food and Agriculture of Africa in Historical Perspective”

      • 1. 14:00-14:05. Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) Open Address
      • 2. 14:05-15:00. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA), et al. “In Commemoration of the Publication of Food and Agriculture of Africa in Historical Perspective”
      • 3. 15:05-15:30. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Future of Historical Study on the History of Food and Agriculture of Africa”
      • 4. 15:35-16:00. Kaori KOMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka University) “Future of Anthropological Study on the History of Food and Agriculture of Africa 1: From the Viewpoint of Food”
      • 5. 16:05-16:30. Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyama University) “Future of Anthropological Study on the History of Food and Agriculture of Africa 2: From the Viewpoint of Agriculture”
      • 6. 16:50-17:55.
      • Koichi IKEGAMI (Kinki University) Comment1
      • Kazunobu IKEYA (National Museum of Ethnology) Comment2
      • 7. 17:55-18:55. Question & Answer Session
      • 8. 18:55-19:00. Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) Closing Address
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” , ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)”
      20152016/03/13 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam”The 7th meeting
      • 1. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Opening Remarks
      • 2. Mayuko OKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanagawa University) “Halal Cosmetics and Islamic Beauty”
      • 3. Sachiyo KOMAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takasaki City University of Economics) “Religious Goods over Global Economy”
      • 4. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Characteristics of Islamic Finance”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Japanese
      20152016/03/12 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of the Accent and Intonation of Korean Dialects”The 6th meeting
      • 1. Mihee LEE (The University of Tokyo) “Loanword accentuation in the Pusan dialect of Korean”
      • 2. Munsuk LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “Accent and its on-going changes in the Jella dialect of Korean”
      • 3. Rei FUKUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Observations on Korean phonetics by Shinpei Ogura: Focus on the accent and vowel system in the Kyengsang dialect of Korean”
      20152016/03/11 (Fri) - 2016/03/13 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 28th meeting

      11 March, 14:00-15:50 ILCAA Forum (open meeting)

      • 1. Huaqiang SONG (ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor) “Philological Study on Bamboo-Strip Texts of the Qin and the Han”

      11 March, 16:10-18:00 (closed meeting)

      • 2. Ryohei ISHIHARA (The University of Tokyo) “Compulsory Labour in Ancient China--As seen through the Bamboo-Strip Documents from Liye”

      12 March, 10:00-18:00 (closed meeting)

      • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian08”
      • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) and Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Calendar days of Liyeqinjian”
      • 3. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) and Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the

      13 March, 10:00-16:00 (closed meeting)

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) and Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Administrative Titles of Liyeqinjian”
      • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) and Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the Index and Commentary to the Personal Names of Liyeqinjian”
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: Language: Chinese (with Japanese consecutive interpretation)
      20152016/03/11 (Fri)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Mongolic languages in Hexi corridor based on published material”The 3rd meeting
      • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Case marking and number marking of the nominals in Mongolic languages”
      • 2. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Personal pronouns of the Mongolic languages in Hexi corridor”
      • 3. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Current progress in the construction of ‘Mengguyuzu Yuyan Fangyan Yanjiu Congshu’ database”
      • 4. Discussions on the construction of database
      20152016/03/10 (Thu)
      ILCAA Forum

      Farewell Talk

      • Koji MIYAZAKI (ILCAA) “Exchange, Migration and Literacy in Javanese Societies: Research and Research Environment”
      • Admission: Free
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA
      20152016/03/10 (Thu)
      Vulnerability and Resilience: Ecology of Non-Dominant Groups on the Middle East
      • 1. 9:00-9:10. Introduction
      • 2. Karen HAMADA (The University of Tokyo) “Armenian Christology in the Christian-Muslim Dialogue of the 14th-15th Centuries”
      • 3. Ryoko ISAKA (The University of Tokyo) “Russian Orthodox Clergy in 19th-Century North Caucasus: Their Activities and Their Attitudes towards Muslims”
      • 4. Antranig DAKESSIAN (Haigazian University) and Ray MOUAWAD (Saint Joseph University) Comment
      • 5. Yohei KONDO (ILCAA Research Associate) “From the Dissociation to Coordination: A Case of the Modern Ibadis”
      • 6. Naoko KUWAHARA (Fukuyama City University) “Constitution and the Realm of Religious Personal Laws: Beyond “blindness of differences” and “absolute religious autonomy”?”
      • (Commentater: Namie TSUJIGAMI (The University of Tokyo))
      • 7. Naofumi ABE (The University of Tokyo) “Armenians in local Iranian Society: Survival of a Religious Minority Community in a Muslim Majority Domain”
      • (Commentater: Antranig DAKESSIAN (Haigazian University))
      • 8. Hidemi TAKAHASHI (The University of Tokyo) “Descriptions of Disasters in Barhebraeus’ Historical Works”
      • 9. Hiroko MIYOKAWA (Sophia University) “The Establishment of the Coptic Museum and its Nationalization”
      • 10. Ray MOUAWAD (Saint Joseph University) Comment
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Jointly sponsored by Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Tokyo Centre for Middle Eastern Studies
      Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies
      20152016/03/05 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives” The 3rd meeting
      • 1. Hiroshi MATSUI (Kinjo Gakuin University) “Dreaming of Earth in Upheaval: Césaire’s Poetics and Politics”
      • Commentator: Syu HIRATA (The University of Tokyo/ JSPS Research Fellow)
      • 2. Takayuki NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Daito Bunka University) “Édouard Glissant and the journal Acoma”
      • Commentator: Masahiko NISHI (Ritsumeikan University)
      • 3. Discussion on the next research meeting
      • Language: Japanese
      20152016/03/05 (Sat)
      13:00-14:30 (open), 15:00-17:30 (closed)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts” The 12th meeting

      13:00-14:30 (open)

      • 1. Edwin WIERINGA (ILCAA Special Visiting Professor) “Satan’s Sermon:A late-19th-century Javanese Elite Objections to the Spirit of the Age”

      15:00-17:30 (closed)

      • 2. discussion for the next term
      • Language: English and Japanese
      20152016/03/04 (Fri)
      Information Resources Center (IRC) International Workshop “Exploring an approach to language as a complex system”
      • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) Introduction
      • 2. Open discussion
      • Discussants:
      • Hirotada MORI (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
      • Hajime MURAI (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
      • Akira UTSUMI (The University of Electro-Communications)
      • Katsuhiko ITOH (Medicine Kyoto University)
      • Akinori ABE (Chiba University)
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: Japanese
      • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
      20152016/03/02 (Wed)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare” The 6th meeting
      • 1. Masaki MATSUO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Utsunomiya University) “A Study of Migration and Polity: from Ethnocracy in the Arab Gulf States to Neo-Plural Society”
      • 2. Kazuyori ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “The relevance of the right to internal self-determination in facilitating social integration”
      • 3. Research meeting
      20152016/02/29 (Mon) - 2016/03/01 (Tue)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian Geolinguistics”The 3rd meeting

      29 February

      • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “General Remarks on milk”
      • 2. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) ““Milk” in Uralic and Tungusic”
      • 3. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) ““Milk” in Ainu”, ““Rice” in Ainu””
      • 4. Shinsuke KISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokushima) ““Milk” in Japanese”
      • 5. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) ““Milk” in Korean”
      • 6. Takashi UEYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) ““Milk” in Sinitic”
      • 7. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) ““Milk” in Tibeto-Burman”
      • 8. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) ““Milk” in Hmong-Mien”, ““Rice” in Hmong-Mien”
      • 9. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) ““Rice”: overview”

      1 March

      • 1. Yoshio SAITO (Tokyo Gakugei University) ““Milk” in Mongolic and Turkic”
      • 2. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) ““Milk” in Tai-Kadai”
      • 3. Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) ““Milk” in Austroasiatic”
      • 4. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) ““Milk” in Austronesian”
      • 5. Noboru YOSHIOKA (National Museum of Ethnology) ““Milk” in South Asia”, ““Rice” in South Asia”
      • 6. Yoichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ““Milk” in Arabic”
      • 7. Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) ““Rice” in Nivkh”, ““Milk” in Nivkh”
      • 8. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) ““Sun” in Paleo-Asiatic”, ““Rice” in Paleo-Asiatic”, ““Milk” in Paleo-Asiatic”
      • 9. Noa NISHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Rice: Austronesian”
      • Language: English
      20152016/02/21 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)” The 6th meeting
      • 1. Mika OKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tenri University) “Changing ethnicity under border dispute and conflicts: From the case of the Tidung of Northeast Borneo”
      • 2. Hisashi OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokoha University) “New Relationship created by two religious organizations: Focusing on support activities of Tablighi Jama’at and World Vision in a Muslim Village of Southern Thailand”
      • 3. Najib Burhani (LIPI, Indonesia / Kyoto University) “Diverse Islamic Trends and the Construction of Orthodoxy in Indonesia”
      • Language: Japanese
      20152016/02/21 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”
      • 1. Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “Apes’ Horticulture”
      • 2. Hideaki TERASHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Gakuin University) “Encounters for evolution in extreme conditions: How humans have encountered non-human beings in their evolutionary course?”
      • 3. Keiichi OMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Terror and Bewitchment of Annihilation: The Drive for Human Sociality in Inuit Subsistence System.”
      20152016/02/19 (Fri)
      Lecture by Dr. Malek Sharif, “Swimming against the currents:On the unpublished memoirs of an Arab-Ottoman officer during WWI”
      • 17:00-17:10. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Introduction of Dr. Malek Sharif
      • 17:10-18:00. Malek Sharif “Swimming against the currents:On the unpublished memoirs of an Arab-Ottoman officer during WWI”
      • 18:00-19:00. Discussion
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is needed.
      • Language: English
      • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
      Hongo Satellite 7F
      20152016/02/19 (Fri) - 2016/02/21 (Sun)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 27th meeting

      19 February, 14:00-18:00

      • 1. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian71” (First part)
      • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian71” (Second part)

      20 February, 10:00-18:00

      • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian06” (First part)
      • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian06” (Second part)
      • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian72” Reading “Liyeqinjian72”

      21 February, 10:00-16:00

      • 1. Briefings
      • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian07” (First part)
      • 3. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian07” (Second part)
      20152016/02/18 (Thu) - 2016/02/20 (Sat)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages”The 9th meeting

      The Third International Workshop on information structure of Austronesian languages

      • 18 February, 13:30-18:30
      • 1. Arndt RIESTER (Institute for Natural Language Processing, University of Stuttgart) “Information structure analysis of spoken discourse”
      • 2. Stefan BAUMANN (University of Cologne) “Prosodic cues to information structure”
      • 3. James Sneed GERMAN (CNRS - Aix-Marseille University) “Information Structure and Prosody in Uncharted Territory”
      • 4. Sonja RIESBERG, Stefan BAUMANN, Janina KALBERTODT, Nikolaus P. HIMMELMANN (University of Cologne) “Native speakers’ perception of prosodic prominence and its implication for information structure in Papua Malay”
      • 5. Nikolaus P. HIMMELMANN (University of Cologne) “Lexical pitch accent and/or stress in Eastern Indonesia? Prosody (and information structure) in Wooi”
      • 6. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “The intonation of interrogatives and focused elements in the Bantik language”
      • 19 February, 10:00-17:35
      • 1. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “Information structure in Javanese conversational sequences”
      • 2. John BOWDEN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Notes on information structure and intonation in Colloquial Jakarta Indonesian”
      • 3. Anja LATROUITE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf) “Word Order Choices, Information Structure and Common Ground in Tagalog”
      • 4. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Hyun Kyung HWANG (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Focus and prosody in Tagalog: A preliminary study”
      • 5. Liselotte SNIJDERS (Waseda University) “The information structure of discontinuous expressions”
      • 6. Shirley N. DITA (De La Salle University) “Information Structure in Ilocano”
      • 7. Hiroaki KITANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Complement-taking strategies in Kapampangan”
      • 8. Naomi TSUKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University) “Speech report construction in Seediq”
      • 9. General Discussion
      • 20 February, 9:30-13:00 (open meeting), 14:00-16:00 (closed meeting)
      • 1. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Constituent order in Sumbawa”
      • 2. I Wayan Arka (Australian National University) “Information structure in Marori”
      • 3. Rik De BUSSER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Chengchi University) “Referential cohesion and textual variation in Bunun”
      • 4. General Discussion
      • 5. Business Meeting
      • Admission: Free
      • No pre-registration is required.
      • Language: English
      • Program
      • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
      20152016/02/16 (Tue) - 2016/02/17 (Wed)
      ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies (the second term)”The 5th meeting

      16 Feb

      • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Introduction”
      • 2. Kaoru YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ”Writing the Memory of War in Post-war Lebanon”
      • 3. Malek SHARIF (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “The building up of tension in Beirut and the 1903 massacre of Christians which did not happen”
      • 4. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) ”Restricted Coexistence among Palestinians and Israelis of Different Citizenship”
      • 5. Akira USUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women’s University) TBA
      • 6. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) ”Non-Muslims at the Shari`a Courts of Qajar Tehran”
      • 7. Aida Kanafani-Zahar (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Bernard HOURCADE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Carla Edde (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Saint-Joseph University), Masayuki UENO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka City University),Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) Summaries

      17 Feb

        • 1. Hiroshi KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) & Erina IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Reconsideration on Cairo and Alexandria in the Modern History of Egypt”
        • 2. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) TBA
        • 3. Madoka MORITA (The University of Tokyo) “Open to Whom?: “Public Space” and Gender/Religious Boundaries in Istanbul (1730-54)”
        • 4. Nora LAFI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Zentrum Moderner Orient) “Organizing Coexistence in Early Ottoman Aleppo: The 1518, 1526, and 1536 Tapu Tahrir”
        • 5. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Population of Mid-19th Century Aleppo Reconsidered”
        • 6. Stefan KNOST (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg) “Waqf and the State in Late 19th Century Ottoman Urbanism: The Case of Aleppo”
        • 7. Kosuke MATSUBARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “The genealogy of Haussmannisation in the historic city of Aleppo: A case study of the overseas deployment of French urbanism”
        • 8. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Concluding remarks
        • Language: English
        20152016/02/15 (Mon)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) “Phonological Structure of Jambi Malay”
        • 2. Dominikus Tauk (Udayana University) “Language documentation of Helong language, Timor, Indonesia”
        • Language: English
        20152016/02/13 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)”The 7th meeting
        • 1. Shinya KONAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) “The Ontology of Savanna: Material Culture of Evacuation in East African Pastoral Societies.”
        • 2. Ayako IWATANI (Kyoto University) “Productive Waste: Circulation of Old Clothes and Waste in India”
        • 3. Takeshi NAGANUMA (Hiroshima University) “Close Encounters of the Fifth kind (CE5): Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence”
        20152016/02/12 (Fri) - 2016/02/14 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 26th meeting

        12 February, 14:00-18:00

        • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian69” (First part)
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian69” (Second part)

        13 February, 10:00-18:00

        • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian04” (First part)
        • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian04” (Second part)
        • 3. Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher) Reading “Liyeqinjian70”

        14 February, 10:00-16:00

        • 1. Briefings
        • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian05” (First part)
        • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian05” (Second part)
        20152016/02/08 (Mon) - 2016/02/13 (Sat)
        The 9th Documentary Linguistics Workshop (DocLing2016)
        • Lecturers: Peter K. Austin (SOAS, University of London; Visiting Research Professor, University of Hong Kong) David Nathan (Centre for Australian Languages and Linguistics, Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education) Anthony Jukes (ILCAA Joint Researcher) and others
        • Programme: This workshop aims to provide methodological and technical training in various aspects of language documentation and archiving of endangered/minority languages, dealing with a variety of topics including:
        • ・overviews of language documentation and archiving
        • ・audio/video recording
        • ・data mobilization
        • ・archiving
        • ・photography in language documentation
        • ・fieldwork issues
        • Application Form: Please apply by filling out the online application form at URL: An automatic message of acknowledgement will be sent when the application is completed successfully. If you do not receive a reply e-mail or suspect any problem, please contact lingdy-office[at] for assistance.(Please change [at] to @.)
        • Deadline for applications: The application must arrive no later than noon, 30th November 2015 (Japan Standard Time).
        • Please visit our webpage for details:
        • Call for participants:
        20152016/02/05 (Fri) - 2016/02/06 (Sat)
        9:00-13:00 (closed), 14:00-17:00 (open)
        A Followup meeting of Intensive Language Course on Cham

        5 February

        • 1. 9:00-13:00. meeting Seminar for the participants of the course on Cham in 2014
        • 2. 14:00-15:00. Narito OYAMA (Participant of the course on Cham in 2014) Presentation Ⅰ
        • 3. 15:00-17:00. Inscription reading

        6 February

        • 1. 9:00-13:00. Seminar for the participants of the course on Cham in 2014
        • 2. 14:00-15:00. Ikuyo YOSHIDA (Participant of the course on Cham in 2014) Presentation Ⅱ
        • 3. 15:00-17:00. Epic reading
        • *This event is held as a part of Intensive Language Course of ILCAA.
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration is needed.
        • Language: Japanese (Cham and partly Vietnamese)
        • Program
        • Organized by AA研,東京外国語大学社会・国際貢献情報センター
        20152016/02/03 (Wed)
        Information Resources Center (IRC) International Workshop
        • 1. Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) “Explanation of the workshop and presentation of guest speaker”
        • 2. Julien d’HUY (Mythology, Ecole Centrale Paris) “How can statistics applying to mythology allow to reconstruct the history of Africa?”
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration is needed.
        • Language: English (French will be used during the Q & A session)
        • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
        20152016/01/31 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar”The 7th meeting
        • 1. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) TBA
        • 2. Shigehiro KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Competition among morphosyntactic rules”
        • 3. Discussion on descriptive-theoretical issues related to the dynamic characteristics of grammar
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration is needed.
        • Language: Japanese
        20152016/01/30 (Sat) - 2016/01/31 (Sun)
        Symposium “Current Situation of Contemporary Tibetan Literature and Film Making”

        30 January

        • 1. Opening remarks
        • 2. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Research Associate), Kensaku OKAWA (Nihon University), Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA), Junko MIURA (Translator) “Guide to Tibetan literature by translators”
        • 3. Zhaba (Minzu University of China) Lecture “Overview of the contemporary Tibetan literature”, Q & A
        • 4. Laxianjia (China Tibetology Research Center) Lecture “Creative writing and publishing in Tibetan”, Q & A
        • 5. Kensaku OKAWA (Nihon University), Shunzo ONODA (Bukkyo University), Ai NISHIDA (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies),and Mamoru YAMAGUCHI (Nihon University) Panel discussion

        31 January

        • 1. Dorje Tsering / Jangbu (Poet, Film director) “Overview of the Tibetan free verse”, Q & A
        • 2. Screening of a Tibetan documentary film “Yartsa Rinpoche (Precious Fungus)” (w/ English subtitles), Q & A
        • 3. Kazushi IWAO (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies), Yusuke BESSHO (Hiroshima University),and Junko MIURA (Translator) Panel discussion
        • 4. Closing remarks
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration is needed.
        • Language: Japanese, Tibetan, English
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2)
        20152016/01/30 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages.” The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Jargal BADAGAROV Bayandalaevich (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Grammaticalization of *a- and *bü- in Buryad”
        • 2. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Altaic type’ as observed from Salish”
        • 3. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University) “The inflection system of Japanese verbs viewed from the syntactic distribution”
        20152016/01/28 (Thu)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Toshio MEGURO (ILCAA Resarch Associate) “How Globalized Maasai Image is Made? With an Attention to Maasai’s Own Expression”
        • Commentator: Yukino IWAI (Waseda University)
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration is needed.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        20152016/01/24 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”The 9th meeting
        • 1. Summary of the activities of the project, Publication of papers and a book
        20152016/01/27 (Wed) - 2016/01/28 (Thu)
        Workshop “Current Situation of Contemporary Tibetan Literature and Film Making”

        27 January

        • 1. Zhaba (Minzu University of China) Presentation “Current situation of the contemporary Tibetan literature”
        • 2. Discussion
        • 3. Laxianjia (China Tibetology Research Center) Presentation “About the language of creative writing”
        • 4. Discussion

        28 January

        • 1. Dorje Tsering / Jangbu (Poet, Film director) Presentation “History of the Tibetan free verse”
        • 2. Discussion
        • 3. Screening of a Tibetan documentary film “Kokonor” (w/ English subtitles)
        • 4. Discussion
        • 5. Closing remarks
        • Language: Japanese, Tibetan, English
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2)
        20152016/01/23 (Sat)
        Workshop: A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The “Cogitation Process” Approach / The 9th meeting, ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”

        Workshop: A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The “Cogitation Process” Approach

        • 1. Mie TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “Findings: an overview and synthesis”
        • 2. Characteristic uses of the nominalizer-final construction in each language
        • Syuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Korean”
        • Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Amdo Tibetan”
        • Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Kam-Tibetan”
        • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Sibe”
        • Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Mongolian”
        • Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Burmese”
        • Kazuyuki KIRYU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mimasaka University) “Newar”
        • 3. Tasaku TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Professor Emeritus, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Significance of this project”
        • The present project started in April 2013 and will end in March 2016, and it is now approaching its final phase. At the next meeting, an open workshop is planned on the first day (23rd), to report the results of the present project. The project leader (Mie Tsunoda) will present an overview and a synthesis of the findings. Then, regarding individual languages, relevant members will report (i) the correlation between the nominalizer-final construction and the “cogitation process” and (ii) characteristic uses of the nominalizer-final construction in each language. Finally Tasaku Tsunoda will assess the results of the project in the context of general linguistics and linguistic typology.

        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2) , ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”
        20152016/01/23 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 4th meeting
        • 1. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Returning research results to the language community: a case study of creating a textbook for learning the Bende language, Tanzania”
        • 2. Business Meeting
        • Business Meeting Topics:
        • Plannning for language documentation workshops in Indonesia in 2016
        • Reporting and sharing information on language documentation that each member is conducting
        • 3. Work:
        • Creating a webpage to publish linguistic data that each member obtains
        • Language: English
        20152016/01/21 (Thu)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Claver YAMEOGO (Africartoons Studio, Burkina Faso)
        • 1. The Hare and The Lion (8’00)
        • 2. Soamba, King of Savanna (10’00)
        • 3. INVASION 01 Plastic waste (30’00)
        • Commentator: Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA Fellow)
        • Screen projection of short animation films series about wild animals and savanna, based on African folk tales, “The Hare and the Lion”, “Soamba, King of Savanna” , and a documentary film about plastic waste and environmental problem in Burkina Faso, “INVASION 01 Plastic waste”

        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration needed.
        • Language: English
        20152016/01/14 (Thu)
        Field Linguistics Cafe -The Buryat people: Language and Culture
        • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Aim of today’s talk” (in Japanese)
        • 2. Zhargal Bayandalaevich BADAGAROV (ILCAA Visiting professor / Buryat StateUniversity) “Language and Culture of Buryat” (in English)
        • 3. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Buryat in China” (in Japanese)
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration is required.
        • Language: English, Japanese (Mongolian will be used during the Q & A session)
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2)
        20152016/01/11 (Mon)
        International Workshop: Court, Literature and Power in the Early Modern Persianate World / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 6th meeting
        • 1. Welcoming
        • 2. Naofumi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Poetics of Politics in Early Qajar Iran: Royal-commissioned Tazkeres at Fath-’Ali Shah‘s Court”
        • 3. Sunil Sharma (Boston University) “Representing Mughal Decline in Safavid Court Literature”
        • 4. General Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese, English
        • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World” and Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        • Jointly sponsored by MEIS
        Hongo Satellite 4F
        20152016/01/10 (Sun)
        Fieldnet Lounge “Dress / Society / Body: Comparative Cross-Cultural Research through Fieldwork”
        • 12:50-13:00.
        • Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
        • Chie MIYAWAKI (Anthropological Institute, Nanzan University) Introduction
        • 13:00. Session 1
        • Chie MIYAWAKI (Anthropological Institute, Nanzan University) “Negotiating Social Expectations and Aesthetic Concerns: The Case of Hmong Ethnic Dress in Yunnan China”
        • Yo NONAKA (Keio Research Institute at SFC) “Veiling and Dressing with Faith: Indonesian Muslim Fashion as a Trend and Their Belief”
        • Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Comments
        • 14:20. Break
        • 14:40. Session 2
        • Yuka OISHI (Graduate School of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University) “The Animals which Became the Pelts: A Study of Khanty’s View? of Animals and Wearing Pelts”
        • Yujie PENG (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “‘Nyanga na wose’ (fashion of women): The Tattoo Practice of the Baka Hunter-Gatherers”
        • Yoshimi YAMAMOTO (Tsuru University) Comments
        • 16:00. Break
        • 16:20. Session 3
        • Kyoko NAKAMURA (The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “Negotiating Boundaries of Adornments and the Body of the Pastoral Samburu in Northern Kenya”
        • Mari KAZATO (Hokusei Gakuen University Junior College) “Wearing Accessories which are Inherited and Altered: Silver Goods in Mongolia”
        • 17:40. Break
        • 18:00. General Discussion
        • Masakazu TANAKA (Kyoto University), Teruo SEKIMOTO (The University of Tokyo) Discussants
        • 19:00.
        • Mari KAZATO (Hokusei Gakuen University Junior College) Closing
        20152016/01/09 (Sat) - 2016/01/10 (Sun)
        The 8th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 6th meeting

        9 January

        • 1. Introduction
        • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) and Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Lecture on irades and hatt-ı hümayun
        • 3. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading irades

        10 January

        • 1. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading irades II
        • 2. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Reading estate inventories in the Court Registers III
        • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Lecture on petition(arzuhal)s
        • 4. General Discussion
        20152016/01/09 (Sat) - 2016/01/10 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The case-marking systems in Ryukyuan: a typological survey”The 3rd meeting

        9 January

        • 1. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) ”Subject marking in natural discourse: Irabu”
        • 2. Reiko ASO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ”Subject marking in natural discourse: Hateruma”
        • 3. Hiromi SHIGENO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima Keizai University) ”Subject marking in natural discourse: Ura”
        • 4. Notices

        10 January

        • 1. Yuto NIINAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seijo University) ”Subject marking in natural discourse: Yuwan” Discussion
        • 2. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        20152016/01/09 (Sat) - 2016/01/10 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Languages”The 3rd meeting

        9 January

        • 1. Eric McCready (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Sentence-final Particles and Coherence”
        • 2. Christopher DAVIS (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Ryukyus) “Contextual relations, pragmatic constraints, and discourse particles: case study of Japanese “yo””
        • 1. David Y. OSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “The Japanese discourse particle yo in declaratives”

        10 January

        • 2. Magdalena KAUFMANN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Content and role of semantic contribution: Two faces of German `ja’”
        • 3. Stefan KAUFMANN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Discourse particle ‘ruhig’: discourse effects, desires, and modality”
        • 4. discussion
        • This meeting will focus on the formal analyiss of particles with an eye to reviewing part of the existing literature. The first day will focus on formal analyses of the Japanese particle “yo” and the second day on particles in German.

        • Language: English
        20152016/01/09 (Sat)
        Lecture for the Japan Club of Kota Kinabalu by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office
        • 15:00-15:10. Takashi SAEKI (President, the Japan Club of Kota Kinabalu) and Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
        • 15:10-16:30. Yuji TSUBOI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Who is Bumiputera?: Ethnicity and Politics in Malaysian”
        • 16:30-17:00. Q & A session
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by KKLO and The Japan club of Kota Kinabalu
        KINABALU JAPANESE SCHOOL (Lorong Burong Ejek House No.8, Jalan Tuaran, Miles 3.5, 88450, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia)
        20152016/01/09 (Sat)
        Book Review Meeting: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • 1. Presentation by the Author
        • Ryo OGAWA (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
        • Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA)
        • 2. Comment
        • Shinichi TAKEUCHI(Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO) and Akira SATO(Institute of Developing Economies-JETRO)
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        20152016/01/09 (Sat)
        Fieldnet Lounge “Muslim Minorities and Nation-States in Russia and China: Multicultural Practices and Challenges in the Twentieth Century as a Period of Political Changes”
        • 13:00-13:10.
        • OTA (ILCAA, On Fieldnet Lounge) Greetings
        • Hideyuki NAGANUMA (Ph. D. Student, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo) Introduction
        • Moderator: Noriko UNNO (Ph. D. Student, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo/Harvard Yenching Institute)
        • 13:10-13:40. Masumi ISOGAI (Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “‘Ulamāʼ, Muslim Communists, and Scholars of Orientology in the Volga-Ural Region of the Early Soviet Period”
        • 13:40-14:10. Akira SAKURAMA (Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “A Vanguard of Assimilation of Indigenous Peoples, or A Saint of Enlightenment? : Mission Activity of Il’minskii for Contemporary Non-Russian People and Their Ethnic Consciousness”
        • 14:10-14:40. Moyuru MATSUMAE (Morioka University) “Minority Policies and Muslims’ Life Strategies in Post-socialist Bulgaria: Islam, Nationalism and Transnationalism”
        • 14:40-15:10. Jin NODA (Waseda University) “As Muslims or Nomads? Establishment of the Qing Empire’s rule for Kazakhs in Xinjiang”
        • 15:10-15:30. Break
        • Moderator: Noriyoshi YAKUBO (Ph. D. Student, Graduate School of Letters, KEIO University)
        • 15:30-16:00. Tatsuya NAKANISHI (Kyoto University) “Chinese Muslims and the Umma during the Second Sino-Japanese War”
        • 16:00-16:30. Ryosuke ONO (Ph. D. Student, Graduate School of Letters, KEIO University) “Chinese, Indian and American Perceptions of Xinjian Kazakh Refugees: Bandits, Intruders and Potential Spies”
        • 16:30-17:00. Mitsuo SAWAI (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Muslims’ Crying the Slogan “Love the State, Love Religion”: Religious Policy and Autonomy of Mosque in the People’s Republic of China”
        • 17:00-17:20. Break
        • Moderator: Hideyuki NAGANUMA
        • 17:20-18:00. Seiichiro YOSHIZAWA (The University of Tokyo), Taro TSURUMI (Saitama University) Comments from discussants
        • 18:00-18:50. Discussions
        • 18:50-19:00.
        • Hideyuki NAGANUMA Closing Remarks
        20152016/01/08 (Fri) - 2016/01/10 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 25th meeting

        8 January, 14:00-18:00

        • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian67” (First part)
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian67” (Second part)

        9 January, 10:00-18:00

        • 1. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)15” (First part)
        • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)15” (Second part)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian68”

        10 January, 10:00-16:00

        • 1. Briefings
        • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian03” (First part)

        11 October, 10:00-16:00

        • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian03” (Second part)
        20152016/01/08 (Fri)
        Prof. Sunil Sharma’s Lecture
        • Sunil Sharma (Boston University) “Amir Khusraw as a Persian, Indo-Persian, and Persianate Poet.”
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration is needed.
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2) and Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS)
        20152015/12/26 (Sat)
        The 2nd Field Science Colloquium Workshop
        • 15:00-16:30. Atsushi NOBAYASHI (National Museum of Ethnology, Japan) “Possibility and the limits of ethnoarchaeology and an ethnoarchaeologist”
        • 16:40-18:10. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Are primary data objective, theory-neutral facts?”
        • 18:10-18:30. discussion
        20152015/12/26 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia (Editorial Meeting)” , Publication meeting
        • 1. Editorial meeting of the contributors of ”Groups and Networks in Pre-modern South Asian Society”
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20152015/12/16 (Wed) - 2015/12/22 (Tue)
        The 2nd Language Documentation Training in Miyako, Okinawa
        • The goal of this workshop is to provide an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in various aspects of language documentation research:
        • - Collection of data for basic linguistic analyses
        • - Collection of natural discourse data
        • - Analysis of basic linguistic structure
        • - Processing and management of linguistic data
        • Instructors: Toshihide NAKAYAMA(ILCAA), Tsuyoshi ONO (University of Alberta)
        Ikema Island, Miyakojima, Okinawa
        20152015/12/19 (Sat) - 2015/12/20 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian Geolinguistics” The 2nd meeting

        19 December

        • 1. Chitsuko FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Niigata Prefecture) “Sun in Asia”
        • 2. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Sun: Paleo-Asiatic”
        • 3. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Sun: Austronesian”
        • 4. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “General Remarks on Rice for the Asian Geolinguistics”
        • 5. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Rice: Paleo-Asiatic”
        • 6. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) “Rice: Uralic and Tungusic”
        • 7. Yoshio SAITO (Tokyo Gakugei University) ““Rice plant ” in Mongolic and Turkic”
        • 8. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) “Rice and related words in Korean”
        • 9. Kenji YAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Rice in Sinitic”

        20 December

        • 1. Shinsuke KISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokushima) “Dialectal Word-forms Associated with the Word ‘Ine’ (rice) in Japanese”
        • 2. Hiroyuki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Rice plant: Tibeto-Burman”
        • 3. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Rice: Tai-Kadai”
        • 4. Masaaki SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Rice: Austroasiatic”
        • 5. Yoichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Rice: Arabic Languages”
        • Language: English
        20152015/12/19 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of the Accent and Intonation of Korean Dialects”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Jaehyun SON (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Duksung Women’s University) ”Verbal accent of the Daegu dialect of Korean”
        • 2. Hyun Kyung HWANG (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Interaction between focus prosody and wh-scope marking”
        • 3. Young suk KANG (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Matsuyama University) “Accentual varaiability in the Korean dialects of the Gwangyang area”
        • 4. Teruhiro HAYATA (Former professor, Kyushu University) “Vowel deletion in Old Japanese: perspectives not conditioned by vowel openness”
        20152015/12/18 (Fri) - 2015/12/20 (Sun)
        Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level306
        20132015/12/18 (Fri)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Itsuhiro HAZAMA (Nagasaki University) “Logic of symbiosis based on individualism: From the daily life of pastoralists in East Africa”
        • Commentator: Koji KITAMURA (Professor Emeritus, Okayama University), Toru SAGAWA (Keio University)
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration needed
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Association for African Studies
        20152015/12/18 (Fri)
        JCAS Next-Generation Workshop “Changing Territories and Area Studies: Rethinking Sudan in the aftermath of its break up”
        • 1. Opening Remarks
        • 2. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Aim of the project”
        • 3. Mohamed Omar ABDIN (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) and Eri HASHIMOTO (JSPS/ Kyusyu University) “Introduction”
        • 4. Presentations 1
        • Mohamed Omar ABDIN(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Sudan in post-2011 era: Regime’s response to the changing domestic and regional political environment.”
        • Isao MURAHASHI (Osaka University) “Political struggle and new conflicts after the independence of South Sudan-The change of international relations and domestic situation”
        • 5. Q and A session
        • 6. Presentations 2
        • Mohamed Omar ABDIN (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Reconstructing National Identity: Analysis on Sudan Head of State’s public addresses”
        • Yuko TOBINAI (JSPS/Osaka University) “Locality Arise from the Motion: the Image of Khartoum after the Independence of South Sudan”
        • 7. Q and A session
        • 8. Presentations 3
        • Isao MURAHASHI (Osaka University) “The displacement of South Sudanese refugees to activate local economic activities-The expanding market around refugee settlements and a border town in Uganda”
        • Eri HASHIMOTO (JSPS/ Kyusyu University) “Emerging orders among the Nuer refugees: Case studies of reassembled social organizations in South Sudan and Uganda”
        • Shuichiro NAKAO (JSPS/ Kyoto University) “Reforming territories, reforming linguistic histories: A case of South Sudanese Arabic Creoles”
        • 9. Q and A session
        • 10. Eisei KURIMOTO (Osaka University) Comments
        • 11. General discussion
        • 12. Closing Remarks
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Japan Consortium for Area Studies
        • Jointly sponsored by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research:Research Project Number:226245018 (Principal Investigator: Akihiro IWASHITA(Hokkaido University)), ILCAA
        20152015/12/17 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • 1. Zhargal Bayandalaevich BADAGAROV (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Two Future Tenses in Buryat”
        • 2. Frederick John BOWDEN (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “An introduction to Colloquial Jakarta Inonesian: a language without grammar”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by ILCAA
        20152015/12/15 (Tue)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • 1. Gordon AINEBYONA (Makerere University) “The impact of Technology on Crime in Uganda”
        • 2. Christine MBABAZI MPYANGU (Makerere University) “Technology as a threat to African norms and values”
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration needed
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by Nonprofit Organization FENICS
        Room 221, Research and Lecture Building, TUFS
        20152015/12/13 (Sun)
        Symposium: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”: Understanding Other Culture Through Facial- and Body Expression
        • [Program]
        • 15:00-15:20. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Introduction
        • 15:20-15:50. Masami YAMAGUCHI (Chuo University; Psychology) “Face recognition in cultural adaptation”
        • 15:50-16:20. Roberto CALDARA (University of Fribourg; Cognitive Science) and Katsumi WATANABE (The University of Tokyo; Cognitive Science) “Mapping face processing through human diversity”
        • 16:20-16:30. break
        • 16:30-17:00. Yukako YOSHIDA (National Museum of Ethnology; Anthropology) “Towards a cultural theory of face inspired by researches on masks: the case of Balinese mask-dance theater topeng”
        • 17:00-17:30. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA; Anthropology) “Covering the face: Muslim women’s veils”
        • 17:30-18:00. So KANAZAWA (Japan Women's University; Psychology), Seiichi KITAYAMA (Rikkyo University; Social Design Studies), Hiroshi HARASHIMA (The University of Tokyo; Communication Engineering)
        • 18:00-19:00. Discussion
        20152015/12/11 (Fri) - 2015/12/13 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 24th meeting

        11 December, 14:00-18:00

        • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian66” (First part)
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian66” (Second part)

        12 December, 10:00-18:00

        • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian02” (First part)
        • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian02” (Second part)
        • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “On formal reuse of documentary wooden tablets in Liyeqinjian(02)”

        13 December, 10:00-16:00

        • 1. Briefings
        • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)14” (First part)
        • 3. Hideyuki WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)14” (Second part)
        20152015/12/10 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • 14:30-15:00. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “Revealed Place, Hidden Person, Reflecting Thing: A Visual-Anthropological Study on the Baptism in Rural West Africa”
        • 15:00-15:30. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “The Classification of Unbelievers in Early Nineteenth-Century Hausaland”
        • 15:30-15:40. break
        • 15:40-16:10. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Delights and Dilemmas of the Field Linguist”
        • 16:10-16:40. Jun TAKASHIMA (ILCAA) “Last Phase of Buddhism in South India”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by ILCAA
        20152015/12/06 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “New perspectives of text studies in Yunnan, China” The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Naomichi KUROSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kokugakuin University) “An overview of Naxi Language Texts”
        • 2. Noriyuki YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Seikei College) “Summary of the Historical sources on Naxi Tribe: A case of Tibetan, Mongolian, Manchurian sources”
        • 3. Discussion
        20152015/12/06 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar” The 6th meeting
        • 1. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) TBA
        • 2. Noboru YOSHIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) TBA
        • 3. Discussion on descriptive-theoretical issues related to the dynamic characteristics of grammar
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        20152015/12/05 (Sat) - 2015/12/06 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach” The 8th meeting

        5 December

        • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Amdo Tibetan”
        • 2. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Sibe”
        • 3. Mie TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “The relevance of the ‘cogitation process’ to the uses of the nominalizer-final construction”
        • 4. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Kam-Tibetan”
        • 5. Syuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Korean”
        • 6. Discussion (Part 1)

        6 December

        • 1. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Mongolian”
        • 2. Tasaku TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Significance of this project”
        • 3. Discussion (Part 2)
        • 4. Discussion (Part 3)
        • A workshop is planned for January 2016 to report the results of the present project. Preparation for the workshop is the main purpose of this meeting. Further research into the nominalizer-final construction in individual languages will be presented and assessed. Also, for each language the relevance of the “cogitation process” to the data collected so far and characteristic uses of the nominalizer-final construction will be examined. Furthermore, the findings of the entire project will be synthesized. Further research, preparation for the workshop, and the preparation for the publication of the results will be discussed.

        20152015/12/05 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Reflection of Anthropological Studies on Population Movements: Focusing on Women Experiences as an Interface and “Diasporic Space” in Southeast Aisan “Chinese Communities.”” The 5th meeting
        • This project aims to examine how Chinese population movements transform, or “give a format” the ecological and social environments both in the host societies in Southeast Asia and hometown in China, focusing on women’s experiences, which were mostly subordinate to male migrations. This workshop is the 2nd workshop in this academic year, in which we will invite Dr Hironao Kawai, and he will provide us what he can discuss on this topic based on his field research.
        20152015/12/05 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare” The 5th meeting
        • 1. Shunsuke SHIRAKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “A Philosophical Inquiry on Migration: Social Justice, Global Justice, and a Conception of World Order”
        • 2. Koji HORINUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JIME-Center, The Institute of Energy Economics) “Illegal Residents and Amnesty Policy in the Gulf states”
        • 3. Research meeting
        20152015/12/02 (Wed)
        The 2nd International workshop 2015: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • 15:00-16:00. Pandit Chanrochanakit (ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor) “The Politics of Aesthetics and Modernity in Thai contemporary Arts”
        • 16:00-17:00. Comment and Discussion
        • Commentator: Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA Research Fellow)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • For details, please see here.
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20152015/11/27 (Fri)
        Screening of a Tibetan film “The Sacred Arrow”
        • 1. Screening of a Tibetan film “The Sacred Arrow“ (w/ English and Chinese subtitles)
        • 2. Lecture by the director Pema Tseden, Q & A
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration needed
        • Language: Japanese and English
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        20152015/11/27 (Fri)
        Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the Art
        • Language: English
        • Program (tentative)
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
        20152015/10/26 (Mon) - 2015/11/27 (Fri)
        10:00-17:00 (Closed on weekends and holidays except on 31 Oct., 1 Nov. and 21-23 Nov.)
        Exhibition ”Typewriters for Asian scripts”
        • 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所の所蔵する,デーヴァナーガリー文字・ベンガル文字・ビルマ文字などアジア諸文字用の,貴重なタ イプライターを展示する
        ILCAA 1F
        20152015/11/23 (Mon)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts” The 11th meeting
        • 1. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Understanding Poerbatjaraka’s Kepustakaan Djawa”
        • 2. Sumio FUKAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Momoyama Gakuin University) “Bibliographical Notes and Perspectives of the Babad Tanah Jawi”
        • 3. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “D.A.Rinkes and his study on Wali Songo”
        • 4. meeting
        • Language: English and Japanese
        20152015/11/19 (Thu) - 2015/11/23 (Mon)
        Fieldlinguistics Café -“Le Petit Prince” in languages around the world
        • This is an exhibition on “Le Petit Prince”. The masterpiece of Antoine de Saint-Exupery appears in more than 20 languages with linguistic annotation. The organizers include field linguists; they will display the photos, videos, and and materials from their fields. A talk by Prof. Shinjiro Kazama (TUFS) will be given during the exhibition. His talk will deal with his field research on Altaic languages in North-eastern China.
        • This event will be hosted by LingDy2 project in ILCAA and Kazama laboratory in TUFS
        • Admission: Free
        • No pre-registration needed
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2) and Kazama laboratory in TUFS
        20152015/11/18 (Wed)
        Field linguistics workshop: Video production for linguistic studies.
        • This workshop provides an elementary skill to produce video resources for linguistic studies:
        • 1. Video recording in linguistic fieldworks.
        • 2. Processing language resources recorded with video camera.
        • 3. Producing video stimuli for linguistic studies.
        • Lecturer: Mitsuru ISHII (Shobi University)
        20152015/11/15 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History” The 5th meeting
        • 1. Sayuri YOSHIDA (Nagoya University) “History of “Social Discrimination” in Southwest Ethiopia: Texts Studies of Document, Oral and Physical Movement”
        • Commentator: Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA)
        • 2. Discussion
        • 3. Annoucement of the Schedule
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 3F
        20152015/11/14 (Sat) - 2015/11/15 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”The 2nd meeting

        14 November

        • 1. Motomitsu UCHIBORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Open University of Japan) “The Life History of a Community: from the Past to the Future”
        • 2. Kaoru ADACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “Understanding social evolution by observing interspecific relationship”

        15 November

        • 1. Shin’ichi FUJII (Osaka University) “(tentative) Violence and Potential for Peace in Solomon Islands: The Survival Strategy under the Ethnic Conflict.”
        20152015/11/12 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Pandit Chanrochanakit (ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor) “Thai Style Judicialization and the Problem of Parliamentary Supremacy”
        • Abstract (English) : 34KB
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by ILCAA
        20152015/11/08 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)” The 6th meeting
        • 1. Katsumi OKUNO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) “Humans eat birds, birds help animals: An aspect of perspectivism among the Penan of Borneo.”
        • 2. Noriko ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Chimpanzees and the Dynamics of Human/Non-human Things”
        • 3. Keiichi OMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “From Ontology to Cosmetiques: Towards an Symmetrical Approach to Indigenous Knowledge and Modern Techno-science.”
        • 4. Ayako IWATANI (Kyoto University) “Productive Waste: People, Things and Their Boundaries Mediated by Street Vendors in India”
        20152015/11/07 (Sat)
        Cultural/Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2015
        • Language: Japanese
        • For details, please see here.
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
        301, 306
        20152015/11/04 (Wed)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Haruka ARII (Kyoto University) “Life story on Education and Family in African Village: School Attendance of Daughters and Reinterpretation of Life in Maale Society in Ethiopia”
        • Commentator: Yuka KODAMA (Institute of Developing Economics)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Association for African Studies
        20152015/11/02 (Mon)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Dick OLANGO (AOAD: ATELIERS OLANGO ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN) “Problems in Africa should be solved by African ourselves: The case just started in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya”
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Association for African Studies and Nonprofit Organization FENICS
        20152015/11/01 (Sun)
        Screening of “Nowhere To Call Home”
        • 1. Screening of “ “Nowhere To Call Home” (w/ Japanese subtitles)
        • 2. Lecture by the director Jocelyn FORD, Q & A
        Project Space, Agora Global Bldg. 3F, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
        20152015/11/01 (Sun)
        Symposium of the Japan Consortium for Area Studies in 2015 “Challenging the borders by area studies”

        Symposium of the Japan Consortium for Area Studies in 2015 “Challenging the borders by area studies”

        • 13:00-. Registration
        • 13:30-13:40. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Opening remarks
        • 13:40-14:10 Presentation 1. Shuji HOSAKA (The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) “Straight borders: Lawrence of Arabia and Islamic State”
        • 14:10-14:40 Presentation 2. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Struggles over the invisible border between Palestine and Israel: recognition of the state, Jerusalem, and the partition plan”
        • 14:40-15:10 Presentation 3. Kimitaka MATSUZATO (The University of Tokyo) “Conflicts not making solid the borders: experiences from the Black Sea area and Ukraine”
        • 15:10-15:30. break
        • 15:30-16:00 Presentation 4. Shinichi TAKEUCHI (The Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) “The borders are the main causes of conflicts in Africa?”
        • 16:00-16:30 Presentation 5. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Dynamics of demarking and crossing the borders: a case of Southeast Asian sea world”
        • 16:30-16:40. break
        • 16:40-16:55 Comment 1. Noriko KIYOTANI (IOM Tokyo, Country Office with Resource Mobilization Function)
        • 16:55-17:10 Comment 2. Akihiro IWASHITA (Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University)
        • 17:10-17:40. General discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by ILCAA and Japan Consortium for Area Studies
        20152015/10/31 (Sat) - 2015/11/01 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”The 5th meeting

        31 October

        • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Loss of nomadic vocabularies”
        • 2. Shin’ichi TSUMAGARI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “The transition of religious ceremonies for domestic animals in Tibet”
        • 3. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences) “Transition of pastoral skills -Comparison between before and after grassland privatization”
        • 4. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Flexibility of milk processing system in Amdo Tibetan pastoralists in Qinghai, China”
        • 5. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Seeking for more healthy and delicious dairy products -An invention by a Tibetan Nomad”
        • 6. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) (TBA)
        • 7. Jihei ABE (Joyuukai-Delgelhu Foundation (Incorporated non-profit organization)), Takeshi FURUHASHI (Joyuukai-Delgelhu Foundation (Incorporated non-profit organization)) “Pasturage and Dairy Products in Amdo”

        1 November

        • 1. Research meeting “Disccussion on compiling a Tibetan nomadic dictionary”
        20152015/10/25 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)” The 9th meeting
        • 1. Joint Review Meeting on Manuscripts of Introduction of ‘History of Food and Agriculture in Africa’
        • 2. Koichi IKEGAMI (Kinki University) “Why are Land in Africa Desired?: Land Grab and Neo-Colonialism”
        20152015/10/25 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages”The 8th meeting
        • 1. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Focus marking in Bantu Languages”
        • 2. Tomohiko YOSHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Josai International University) “Pragmatic studies of the demonstratives and Sakuma-kanae”
        • 3. Naomi TSUKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University) “Subject and Topic in Seediq: From the point of Information Structure”
        • 4. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “ACTOR in Passive sentence in Classic Malay”
        • 5. John BOWDEN (ILCAA Joint Researchers, ILCAA Visiting Professor) “First steps in the analysis of the Information Structure of Colloquial Jakarta Indonesian”
        • 6. Business meeting
        • Language: Japanese and English
        20152015/10/17 (Sat) - 2015/10/18 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Languages” The 2nd meeting

        17 October, Venue: Room 304, ILCAA

        • 1. Stefan KAUFMANN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Dynamic semantics tutorial”
        • 2. Christopher DAVIS (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Ryukyus) “Question semantics”

        18 October, Venue: Room 303, ILCAA

        • 1. Magdalena KAUFMANN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Imperative semantics”
        • 2. Satomi ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ochanomizu University) “Particles in Mandarin”
        • 3. Discussion and other talks
        • Language: English
        304, 303
        20152015/10/16 (Fri)
        Public Lecture “Orientalism at the Russian Consulate in Beirut?: Konstantin Petkovich’s Lebanon and the Lebanese (1885)” (16 October 2015, Fri.)
        • 1. 19:00-19:10. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Welcome remarks
        • 2. 19:10-19:50. Paul du Quenoy (Associate Professor, American University of Beirut/ Visiting Associate Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University) “Orientalism at the Russian Consulate in Beirut?: Konstantin Petkovich’s Lebanon and the Lebanese (1885)”
        • 3. 19:50-20:30. All members Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • For details, please see here.
        • Organized by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA))
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2)
        Seminar room A, 4F, Chiyoda City's Hibiya Library & Museum (1-4, Hibiya Park, Chiyoda-ku)
        20152015/10/10 (Sat) - 2015/10/11 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The case-marking systems in Ryukyuan: a typological survey” The 2nd meeting

        10 October

        • 1. Natsuko NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) ”Zero case marking in Japanese”
        • 2. Reiko ASO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ”Case marking in Hateruma Ryukyuan”
        • 3. Shigehisa KARIMATA (University of Ryukyus) ”Case marking in Koki Ryukyuan”
        • 4. Notices

        11 October

        • 1. Yuto NIINAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seijo University) ”Object marking in Amami Ryukyuan”
        • 2. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) ”Focus marking and case marking”
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        20152015/10/09 (Fri) - 2015/10/11 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 23rd meeting

        9 October, 14:00-18:00

        • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian65” (First part)
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian65” (Second part)

        10 October, 10:00-18:00

        • 1. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian01” (First part)
        • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “Expanded Editorial Meeting on the annotated translation of Liyeqinjian01” (Second part)
        • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “On formal reuse of documentary wooden tablets in Liyeqinjian(01)”

        11 October, 10:00-16:00

        • 1. Briefings
        • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)13” (First part)
        • 3. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)13” (Second part)
        20152015/10/04 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Mongolic languages in Hexi corridor based on published material”The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Current progress in the construction of ‘Mengguyuzu Yuyan Fangyan Yanjiu Congshu’ database”
        • 2. HORLO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Phonological description in ‘Mengguyuzu Yuyan Fangyan Yanjiu Congshu’”
        • 3. Discussion on the project activity
        20152015/10/03 (Sat) - 2015/10/04 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies in Asian Geolinguistics” The 1st meeting

        3 October

        • 1. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) Goals of the Project “Studies in Asian Geolinguistics” 2015-2017
        • 2. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) ““Sun” in Paleo-Asiatic”
        • 3. Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) ““Sun” in Nivkh”
        • 4. Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) ““Sun” in Ainu”, “Geographical distribution of ‘daytime’ in Ainu”
        • 5. Ryo MATSUMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) ““Sun” in Uralic and Tungusic”
        • 6. Yoshio SAITO (Tokyo Gakugei University) ““Sun” in Mongolic and Turkic”
        • 7. Shinsuke KISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokushima) ““Sun” in Japanese”
        • 8. Rei FUKUI (The University of Tokyo) ““Sun” in Korean”, “Studies on Korean Dialects by Dr. Shimpei Ogura”
        • 9. Takashi UEYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies) ““Sun” in Sinitic”

        4 October

        • 1. Yoshihisa TAGUCHI (Chiba University) ““Sun” in Hmong-Mien”
        • 2. Mitsuaki ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) ““Sun” in Tai-Kadai”, “Additional Remarks on the “Sun” in Tai-Kadai”
        • 3. Satoko SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Reitaku University) ““Sun” in Tibeto-Burman”
        • 4. Mika KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) ““Sun” in Austroasiatic”
        • 5. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) ““Sun” in Austronesian”
        • 6. Noboru YOSHIOKA (National Museum of Ethnology) ““Sun” in Indo-Aryan”
        • 7. Yoichi NAGATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) ““Sun” in Asian Semitic”
        • 8. Discussion
        • Language: English
        20152015/10/03 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives” The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “A bibliography of Presence Africaine: An Overview from 1955 to 1960”
        • 2. Ryo OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The Way Which Leads to “Hosties Noires”From B. Diagne, W.E.B. Du Bois to L. S. Senghor”
        • Commentator: Tasuku SASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University)
        • 3. Discussion on the next research meeting
        • Language: Japanese
        20152015/10/03 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages.” The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Sangyub BAEK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Converbal Endings ‘-mi’ and ‘-rAk-’ in Tungusic from the Perspective of Areal Linguistic”
        • 2. Report and Discussion on “Syntagmatic Features” of “Altaic-type”
        20152015/09/27 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”

        International Workshop on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia

        • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Openning Remarks
        • 2. Yasuko KOBAYASHI (Nanzan University) “The 33rd Congress of the Nahdlatul Ulama: The AHWA and the Rais Aam”
        • 3. Omar Farouk (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Sains Malaysia) “The Dynamics of Inter-religious co-existence in Penang”
        • 4. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Division and Connection by Islamic Insurgent groups- from cases of Hamas and Islamic State”
        • 5. Shamsul A. B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) “Conceptualizing diversity and its traits: The empirical case from Malaysia”
        • 6. Discussion
        • 7. Hisao TOMIZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) Closing Remarks
        • 8. Reception Meeting
        • Language: English
        Meeting Suite 3, Hotel Meridien Kota Kinabalu (Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia)
        20152015/09/21 (Mon) - 2015/09/24 (Thu)
        Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Student304
        20152015/09/11 (Fri) - 2015/09/13 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 22nd meeting

        11 September, 14:00-18:00

        • 1. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian63” (First part)
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian63” (Second part)

        12 September, 10:00-18:00

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian64” (First part)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian64” (Second part)
        • 4. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “On formal characteristics of documents in Liyeqinjian(03)”

        13 September10:00-16:00

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)12” (First part)
        • 3. Tsuneko SUMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)12” (Second part)
        20152015/09/07 (Mon)
        UMS (Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage Unibersiti Malaysia Sabah)
        20152015/09/04 (Fri)
        ILCAA Forum

        Intensive Language Course “Palestinian Arabic” Cultural Talk

        • Akiko SUGASE (National Museum of Ethnology) “The cultural characteristics of Historical Palestine”
        • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Palestinian Arabic”.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
        20152015/09/03 (Thu) - 2015/09/04 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies (the second term)”The 4th meeting

        3 September, Venue: JaCMES, Beirut

        • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Introduction
        • 2. Kaoru YAMAMOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 3. Aida Kanafani-Zahar (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 4. Malek Sharif (ILCAA Joint Researcher, American University of Beirut) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 5. Hiroshi KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) & Erina IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University), Masayuki UENO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka City University),Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University), Akira USUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women’s University), and Bernard HOURCADE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Summaries

        4 September, Venue: Crowne Plaza, Beirut

        • 1. Nora Lafi (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Zentrum Moderner Orient) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 2. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 4. Stefan Knost (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 5. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 6. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 7. Kosuke MATSUBARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) presentation of paper for the next volume
        • 8. Next meeting’s arrangement
        • Language: English
        JaCMES, Beirut, Crowne Plaza, Beirut
        20152015/08/28 (Fri)
        ILCAA Forum

        Intensive Language Course “Old Javanese” Cultural Talk

        • Takashi KOEZUKA (Professor Emeritus, Osaka University) “Candi Borobudur and Candi Prambanan: Two Towering Monuments in Central Java.”
        • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Palestinian Arabic”.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
        20152015/08/21 (Fri)
        ILCAA Forum

        Intensive Language Course “Old Javanese” Cultural Talk

        • Sumio FUKAMI (Momoyama Gakuin University) “Centrality of Java: History and Ecology”
        • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Palestinian Arabic”.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
        20152015/08/10 (Mon)
        ILCAA Forum

        Intensive Language Course “Palestinian Arabic” Cultural Talk

        • Yuka KANEKO (Japan International Volunteer Center) “Life in the Gaza Strip, Free from hostilities”
        • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Palestinian Arabic”.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Jointly sponsored by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) / Information Center for Social and International Collaboration (ICSIC)
        20152015/08/06 (Thu) - 2015/08/07 (Fri)
        Workshop on Language Documentation in Sulawesi Utara
        • Coordinators: Franky Najoan (Universitas Negeri Manado), Antonia Soriente (University of Naples “L‘Orientale”, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, ILCAA Joint Researcher) Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University)
        • Lecturers: Deisyi Batunan (Manado State University), John Bowden (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), Anthony Jukes (ILCAA Joint Researcher, La Trobe University), Takashi NAKAGAWA (Nanyang Technology University), Donald Rattu (Manado State University), Ferdy Rorong (Bahasa Tonsawang), Fince Sambeka (Manado State University), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA), Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L‘Orientale”, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) , Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
        • Language: English
        • program
        • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2), ILCAA and Manado State University
        Manado State University (Indonesia)
        20152015/07/26 (Sun)
        The 10th meeting, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts” The 10th meeting
        • 1. Miho YAMASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Analysis of the imprecations in Old Javanese inscriptions from the 9th and 10th centuries” (tentative)
        • 2. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “How to be a true Muslim according to admonitions formulated in a period of religious transition in Java” (tentative)
        • 3. meeting
        • Language: English and Japanese
        20152015/07/26 (Sun)
        [Publication meeting] ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”
        • 1. Authors meeting for the publication of the book “Linking sciences with cultures”
        20152015/07/26 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare” The 4th meeting
        • 1. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) Introduction
        • 2. Maho HADANO (Door to Asylum Nagoya (DAN)) “Rethinking through commitment to the refugees: symbiosis between refugees and local communities in Tokai area”
        • 3. Lunch & Research Meeting
        • 4. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Swedish Active Foreign Policy and Acceptance of Arab Migrants/Refugees”
        Maijo University Mei-eki Satellite Office(MSAT) (13F, KDX Nagoya Ekimae Building, 3-26-8, Meieki, Nakamura, Nagoya)
        20152015/07/25 (Sat)
        Symposium “Human Rights and Citizenship of Foreigners” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and The 4th meeting

        Symposium “Human Rights and Citizenship of Foreigners”

        • 1. Atsushi KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meijo University) “The Human Rights of Non-Citizens from the Viewpoints of Constitutional and International Human Rights Laws.”
        • 2. Shin SUGAWARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Can Permanent Residents become members of Political Parties ? ― Nationality, Local Election and Right to vote ―”
        • 3. Shin MIYAZAKI (Lawyer) “Consideration about Residence Permission in Japan which makes the medical treatment reason-from Nagoya High Court’s Judgment of 27 June 2013-”
        • 4. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “A Case Study on Some Problems relating to Transnational Marriage Migrants between Japan and the Philippines (tentative title)”
        • Commentator: Kenichi YANAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University)
        • Chiarperson: Yuko OSAKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chukyo University)
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Nagoya Association for Multicultural Studies (NAMS)
        • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare”
        Maijo University Mei-eki Satellite Office(MSAT) (13F, KDX Nagoya Ekimae Building, 3-26-8, Meieki, Nakamura, Nagoya)
        20152015/07/18 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “New perspectives of text studies in Yunnan, China” The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Akimasa KAWANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Epitaph materials of Yangon Yunnan grave Garden”
        • 2. Takashi NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Teikyo University Junior College) “Generation and syncretism, heterogeneity of the text in Yunnan regional history”
        • 3. Discussion
        20152015/07/16 (Thu)
        FIELDPLUS café

        FIELDPLUS café “Calculating chronograms in Arabic letters”

        • Speaker: Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA, Chief editor of FIELDPLUS)
        • Moderator: Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA, Deputy editor of FIELDPLUS)
        Rokujigen (2F, 1-10-3 Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)
        20152015/07/14 (Tue) - 2015/07/17 (Fri)
        Field Linguistics Workshop: Linguistic fieldwork training workshop: Miyako Ryukyuan
        • This is a workshop for gaining experience in linguistic fieldwork through working with a native speaker of Miyako Ryukyuan. Prospective participants are students who have plans to engage in fieldwork-based descriptive and documentation research on minority languages. The workshop is designed for students with basic knowledge in linguistic analysis and without much experience in working with Miyako and other Ryukyuan languages.

        20152015/07/12 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Tatsuya HIGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Metallurgy, Deleuze and Technology”
        • 2. Goro YAMAZAKI (Osaka University) “Chain of Relationships and Communication: Pragmatism on the Unconscious States”
        20152015/07/12 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Kingship and Legitimacy in Islam: an Outlook.”
        • 2. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Names and Titles of the Ottoman Sovereign”
        • Language: Japanese
        • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator : Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA))
        20152015/07/11 (Sat) - 2015/07/12 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered”The 5th meeting

        11 July

        • 1. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) and Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
        • 2. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) , Yudong BAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) , Koichi KITSUDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) and Mehmet OLMEZ (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Overall discussion on the text edition of Old Uigur inscriptions from the Hexi region”

        12 July

        • 1. Kazushi IWAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Various groups in Qinghai in the post Tibetan Imperial period”
        • 2. Discussion for the products from this project
        • 3. Scheduling and discussion for 2015 year
        20152015/07/11 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of the Accent and Intonation of Korean Dialects” The 4th meeting
        • 1. Munjung SEO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Pitch realizations based on the accent types in the Daegu dialect of Korean”
        • 2. John WHITMAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Tonogenesis in Korean then and now”
        20152015/07/11 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)”The 8th meeting
        • 1. Joint Review Meeting on Manuscripts of ‘History of Food and Agriculture in Africa’
        20152015/07/11 (Sat)
        [Publication meeting] ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)” Editorial Meeting
        • 1. Editorial meeting by the contributors of ”Otherness: The Evolution of Human Sociality.
        20152015/07/10 (Fri)
        The 1st Field Science Colloquium Workshop
        • Toshio MEGURO (ILCAA) “What is the problem of wildlife for Maasai?: A problem of naming beginning with “Green Paradise Lost””
        • Daiji KIMURA (Kyoto University) “In-situ interaction between survey and analysis in the fieldwork”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Field Science Center
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20152015/07/09 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum


        • ZHU, Dongqin (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “The Status quo, Problems and Perspective of the Filipino-Chinese Associations”


        • WORSLEY, Peter John (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Fact or fiction? Magical Realism and Mpu Prapañca’s Fourteenth Century kakawin Deśawarṇana.”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20152015/07/05 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”The 4th meeting
        • 1. Kota SUECHIKA (Ritsumeikan University) “Reconsidering Islamism in the Levant after the 2011 Arab Spring”
        • 2. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Islam and (Ethno-) Nationalism among the Muslim Separatist Movements in Southern Philippines”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20152015/07/04 (Sat)
        Book Review Meeting: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”

        “Taiwan niokeru Minshu Kirisutokyo no Jinruigaku” by Yohei FUJINO

        • 1. Yohei FUJINO(ILCAA Research Associate) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Koji TSUDA (The University of Tokyo), Hiroshi HONDA (The University of Tokyo), Masakazu TANAKA (Kyoto University) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20152015/07/04 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Semantics of Discourse Particles in East and Southeast Asian Languages”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Eric McCREADY (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) project overview
        • 2. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Sentence final particles in Malay”
        • 3. Christopher TANCREDI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Introduction to formal semantics and pragmatics”
        • Language: English
        20152015/07/02 (Thu)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Chihiro ITO (Yokohama City University) “Urban-rural relationships in contemporary Africa:Changing livelihood and the interaction with local city in a Zambian rural area”
        • Commentator: Gen UEDA (Hitotsubashi University)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • poster (in Japanese)
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Association for African Studies
        20152015/07/02 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • OLMEZ, Mehmet (ILCAA Visiting professor) “110 Years of Old Uighur Suvarnaprabhasa-sutra Studies”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20152015/06/28 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Reflection of Anthropological Studies on Population Movements: Focusing on Women Experiences as an Interface and “Diasporic Space” in Southeast Aisan “Chinese Communities.””The 4th meeting
        • 1. Zhu Dongqin (ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor) “The Status quo, Problems and Perspective of the Filipino-Chinese Organizations.”
        • 2. Discussion for the panel organized by this project for WCILCOS, which will be held in Huaqiao University, on Oct.18.
        • Language: English, Chinese and Japanese
        20152015/06/28 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (4)”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Purpose of the joint-project
        • 2. Self-introductions
        • 3. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu Gakuin University) The topics from three academic fields 1: Primatology
        • 4. Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) The topics from three academic fields 2: Anthropology
        • 5. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) The topics from three academic fields 3: Social/cultural Anthroporogy
        20152015/06/27 (Sat)
        Overseas Scientific Research Forum
        • 10:30-12:30. Workshop: Field Science as documentation: collect, measure and count
        • 1. Koji NANBA (Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima University) “Fraud in Science: A Pathologist’s Overview of the STAP Cell Case”
        • 2. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Records and memories of a city being destroyed: Population and space of 19th-century Aleppo”
        • 12:30-12:35. Short Announcement about Festa: Poster Session on Overseas Scientific Research
        • 12:35-14:00. (Lunch break)
        • 14:00-14:30. General meeting *
        • 14:30-15:10. Questions and Answers of Grant Administration in Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research in three meeting places *
        • 15:10-17:10. Section meetings by research areas *
        • 17:30-19:30. Reception *
        20152015/06/25 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • THUFAIL, Fadjar Ibnu (ILCAA Visiting professor) “Keraton (Palace) and the Politics of Adat in Indonesia”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20152015/06/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Présence Africaine: Towards New Political and Cultural Perspectives” The 1st meeting
        • 1. Introduction
        • 2. Takayuki NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Daito Bunka University) “What is the nationality of poetry?: on the question of literature among French-speaking African and Caribbean intellectuals in the decolonization era”
        • Commentator: Yukitoshi SUNANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Prefectural University Of Kumamoto)
        • 3. Discussion on the next research meeting
        • Language: Japanese
        20152015/06/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts” The 9th meeting

        (closed) 13:30-15:30

        • 1. Discussion on the papers of International Symposium held on February 2015


        • 2. Peter WORSLEY (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Javanese Epic Poetry, the Lived Environment and Cosmological Order”
        • Language: English and Japanese
        20152015/06/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History”The 4th meeting
        • 1. Akiyo AMINAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies) “Intersection of Document & Non-Document Historical Materials: Hints from the Research on the Rural Society in Colonial Mozambique”
        • 2. Shinzo SAKAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nanzan University) “Literary activities as social act in West African Muslim communities”
        • 3. Annoucement of the Schedule
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 3F
        20152015/06/19 (Fri) - 2015/06/21 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 21st meeting

        19 June, 14:00-16:00

        • 1. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian61” (First part)

        20 June, 10:00-18:00

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian61” (Second part)
        • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)11” (First part)
        • 4. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)11” (Second part)

        21 June, 10:00-16:00

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian62” (First part)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian62” (Second part)
        20152015/06/18 (Thu)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Akira OKAZAKI (ILCAA Research Fellow, Former Professor at Hitotsubashi University) “How can we encounter the African deep everyday world: A study on the nature of sensibility, creativity and ‘dividuality’ in African ‘popular art’”
        • Commentator: Hiroyuki SUZUKI (Kokushikan University)
        • Collaborator: Mohamed Omar Abdin (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Oswald Kouame (Côte d’Ivoirien Percussionist)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Association for African Studies
        20152015/06/15 (Mon) - 2015/06/16 (Tue)
        International Workshop on Language Documentation at Jambi, Sumatra
        • Coordinators: Jumardi Putra (Seloko Institute), Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia) and Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
        • Lecturers:
        • John Bowden (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
        • Anthony Jukes (ILCAA Joint Researcher, La Trobe University)
        • Timothy McKinnon (University of Delaware)
        • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
        • Yanti (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
        • Language: English
        • Program:
        • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2), ILCAA and Seloko Institute (Jambi), Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
        Politeknik Jambi, Indonesia (Jl. Lingkar Barat 2, Lrg. Veteran RT 4Kel.Bagan Pete Kec.Kota Baru 36129)
        20152015/06/07 (Sun)
        Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • 1. Kazuyoshi SUGAWARA (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA), Katsumi OKUNO (Rikkyo University) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20152015/06/07 (Sun)
        13:00-14:00 (closed meeting), 14:00-18:00 (open meeting)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam”


        • 1. Meeting by members


        • 2. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Opening Remarks
        • 3. Sachiyo KOMAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takasaki City University of Economics) “The Poetics and Politics of Material Islam: An investigation of religious goods and prints in India”
        • 4. Q and A session
        • 5. Masayuki AKAHORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Saint Veneration and Economic Activity in Islam” (tentative title)
        • 6. Q and A session
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        20152015/06/06 (Sat) - 2015/06/07 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”The 4th meeting

        6 June

        • 1. Business meeting
        • 2. Shin’ichi TSUMAGARI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “The Tibetan ritual of freeing lives (tshe thar) as seen through the lens of religious studies”
        • 3. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) “Framework proposal for the frist part of the Tibetan nomdadic dictionary”
        • 4. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences) “Technical discussion on pastoralism and ecosystems”
        • 5. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Discussion on the names of domestic animals”
        • 6. Yasushi OGAWA (Forest school of medical herbs) “Tibetan medicine and pastoralism”

        7 June

        • 1. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Discussion on the words of milk processing system”
        • 2. Ryunosuke OGAWA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Report on the words of meat and bones”
        • 3. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Discussion on the words of the food, clothing, and shelter”
        • 4. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) and Shin’ichi TSUMAGARI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “Discussion on the words of religious culture”
        • 5. Business meeting
        20152015/05/31 (Sun)
        Field Linguistics Workshop : Grammatical Studies Workshops 10― Polysemy of nominal plural markers: genuine plural, associative plural, vagueness and illustration [open]
        • 1. Yuto NIINAGA (Seijo University) and Miho SAITO (Kobe University) “Polysemy of nominal plural markers in Yuwan dialect and Setouchi dialect in Amami Oshima: genuine plural, associative plural, vagueness and illustration”
        • 2. Hiromi SHIGENO (Hiroshima University of Economics) “Polysemy of nominal plural markers in Ura dialect in Amami Oshima: genuine plural, associative plural, vagueness and illustration”
        • 3. Yusuke HIRATSUKA (Shigakukan University) “Polysemy of nominal plural markers in Koshikijima Sato dialect”
        • 4. Kazuyuki KIRYU (Mimasaka University) “Polysemy of nominal plural markers in Katmandu dialect (Newar)”
        • * This workshop will be broadcasted by USTREAM. It is also welcome to participate through the internet broadcast.
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • For details, please see here (in Japanese)
        • Organized by ILCAA, Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        20152015/05/31 (Sun)
        A Followup meeting of Sibe Intensive Language Course / The 4th Meeting on Sibe Language and Linguistics
        • This meeting is held for the participants of ILC 2011 (Sibe), with a view to promote and to assist their evolutionary studies.
        • 1. 11:00-12:50. Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University), Zhuangsheng (Kyoto University) , Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) Brushup on conversational Sibe.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by LingDy2 and ILCAA
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20152015/05/27 (Wed)
        International Workshop: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • 14:00-15:00. Prof. Chaiwat Satha-Anand (Thammasat Univeristy) “Double conflicts and the problem of reconciliation in Thailand”
        • 15:00-15:10. Keiko KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University) Comment
        • 15:10-16:00. All members Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”
        20152015/05/26 (Tue) - 2015/05/29 (Fri)
        Documentation Linguistics Seminar
        • Lecturers: Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA), Zhargal BADAGAROV (Buryat State University)
        Kalmyk State University (Russia, the Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, Pushkin Street, 11)
        20152015/05/24 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Mongolic languages in Hexi corridor based on published material”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Plan of the project”
        • 2. Hitoshi KURIBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) “Building a database from ‘Mengguyuzu Yuyan Fangyan Yanjiu Congshu’”
        • 3. Yohei YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Evidentiality in ‘Mengguyuzu Yuyan Fangyan Yanjiu Congshu’”
        • 4. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Evidentiality and self/other in Amdo Tibetan”
        20152015/05/23 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “New perspectives of text studies in Yunnan, China” The 1st meeting
        • 1. Introduction
        • 2. Atsushi YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Health Care College “Texts and literacy in the Wa speaking people”
        • 3. Tadahiko SHINTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Particulars of our researches in Tay cultural area”
        20152015/05/23 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Study on “Altaic-type” Languages.” The 1st meeting
        • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Aims and plans of the project”
        • 2. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Altaic-type languages”
        • 3. Discussion and Further Perspective
        20152015/05/18 (Mon) - 2015/05/21 (Thu)
        10:00-12:00 (18th, 19th, 21st), 10:00-17:30 (20th)
        The Documentary Linguistics Seminar -Introduction to Documentary Linguistics-
        • This seminar aims to provide methodological and technical training in various aspects of language documentation and archiving of endangered/minority languages, dealing with the topics including: ● overviews of language documentation and archiving ● audio recording ● data management ● photography in language documentation ● field method and fieldwork issues

        • Lecturers:
        • Yuko ABE (ILCAA Research Associate)
        • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
        • Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA)
        • Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA)
        • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
        • Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA)
        • Umberto ANSALDO (The University of Hong Kong)
        • Language: English
        • For more details, please see here.
        • Organized by LingDy2
        • Jointly sponsored by School of Humanities(Linguistics), Faculty of Art, The University of Hong Kong
        20152015/05/16 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)” The 4th meeting
        • 1. Kyoko NAKAMURA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Empty Crucible-Reconsideration on Hydriotaphia”
        • 2. Motomitsu UCHIBORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Open University of Japan) “Ways of Talking about Non-artificial/artefactual Objects ”
        20152015/05/10 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages”The 7th meeting
        • 1. John BOWDEN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) “More on basic clausal syntax patterns and information structure in Colloquial Jakarta Indonesian”
        • 2. Hiroaki KITANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Complement and adnominal clauses in Kapampangan”
        • 3. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Encoding anaphoric referent in standard Indonesian”
        • 4. Masashi FURIHATA (TUFS) “Particles “teh” and “mah” as Topic Markers in Sundanese”
        • 5. DAtsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Markers for Information Structure in WMP languages”
        • Language: English
        20152015/05/09 (Sat) - 2015/05/10 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The case-marking systems in Ryukyuan: a typological survey”The 1st meeting

        9 May

        • 1. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) Project definition
        • 2. Rihito SHIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Ryukyus) and Natsuko NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Literature review
        • 3. Discussion

        10 May

        • 1. Soichiro HARADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Yonaguni-cho) Case-study 1 Kuroshima
        • 2. Yuto NIINAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seijo University) Case-study 2 Kudaka
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        20152015/05/09 (Sat) - 2015/05/10 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”The 7th meeting

        9 May

        • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Amdo Tibetan”
        • 2. Mie TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “Assessment of the statistical analysis”
        • 3. Mie TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “The relation between the ‘cogitation process’ and the results of individual languages”
        • 4. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Kam-Tibetan”
        • 5. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Sibe”
        • 6. Syuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Korean”
        • 7. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Mongolian”

        10 May

        • 1. Kazuyuki KIRYU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mimasaka University) “Newar”
        • 2. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Fellow) “Burman”
        • 3. Discussion
        20152015/05/08 (Fri) - 2015/05/10 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 20th meeting

        8 May, 14:00-18:00

        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian59” (Second part)

        9 May, 10:00-18:00

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “On formal characteristics of documents in Liyeqinjian(02)”
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Public fabric production as seen in Liyeqinjian” (First part)
        • 4. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Public fabric production as seen in Liyeqinjian” (Second part)

        10 May, 10:00-16:00

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian60” (First part)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian60” (Second part)
        20152015/05/02 (Sat) - 2015/05/03 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered”The 4th meeting

        2 May

        • 1. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) and Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the joint-research project”
        • 2. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Uighur and Mongol wall inscriptions in the Dunhuang caves”
        • 3. Yudong BAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Preliminary Notes on the Uighur wall inscriptions in the White Pagoda in Huhhot”
        • 4. Koichi KITSUDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Brahmi inscriptions in the Dunhuang caves”
        • Commentators: Mehmet OLMEZ (ILCAA Visiting Professor), Hirotoshi OGIHARA (Kyoto University), Chao-jung CHING (Ryukoku University)

        3 May

        • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Fieldwork on the Tangut inscriptions in Dunhuang, 2014.12”
        • Commentators: Mehmet OLMEZ(ILCAA Visiting Professor), Hirotoshi OGIHARA (Kyoto University), Chao-jung CHING (Ryukoku University)
        • 2. Discussion for the products from this project
        • 3. Scheduling and discussion for 2015 year
        20152015/05/01 (Fri) - 2015/05/03 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 19th meeting

        1 May, 14:00-18:00

        • 1. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)10” (First part)
        • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)10” (Second part)

        2 May, 10:00-18:00

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) “On formal characteristics of documents in Liyeqinjian(01)”
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian58” (First part)
        • 4. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian58” (Second part)

        3 May, 10:00-16:00

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu06” (First part)
        • 3. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu06” (Second part)

        8 May, 14:00-18:00

        • 1. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian59” (First part)
        20152015/05/01 (Fri)
        Lecture on Middle East and Islamic Studies
        • Dr. Iqbal Surani (École Pratique des Hautes Études) “From Haridas to ‘Alidas”
        • The figure of the Imam is central in shi’sme, particularly for the khojas ismailis where the Imam is physically present in the person of Shah Karim al-Husayni, Aga Khan IV. He is considered as the 49th Imam descendant of the Prophet Muhammad from his daughter Fatima and his cousin and son in law ‘Ali (d. 661). An emblematic and historical figure, the Imam assumes a double heritage that of Abrahamic tradition vested in the interpretation of the Quran, and presented in the devotional texts of ginan and du’a as the 10th avatar of Vishnu in the hindu tradition.Through an analysis of two ginan and of some selected verses of Kalam-i Maula which are examples of the devotional literature of the community we shall try to understand the construction of religious identity of the Khojas Shia Imami Ismailis in South East Asia.

        • Language: English
        • Organized by Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2)
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20152015/04/16 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • ADELAAR, K. Alexander (ILCAA Visiting professor) “Linguistic Landscaping in South Borneo”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20152015/04/08 (Wed)
        International workshop: Persian and Chinese Historiography in the Mongol Empire

        International workshop: Persian and Chinese Historiography in the Mongol Empire

        • 1. Geoffrey HUMBLE (National Museum of Ethnology / University of Birmingham) “Rule and Regency in the Early Mongol Empire: Re-Reading Narratives of Toregene Khatun”
        • 2. Osamu OTSUKA (The University of Tokyo) “Abū al-Qāsim Qāshānī’s Zubdat al-Tawārīkh and the Historiography of the Late Ilkhanid Period.”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        Hongo Satellite 4F
        20152015/04/07 (Tue)
        Information Resources Center (IRC) International Workshop
        • 1. Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) “Explanation of the workshop and presentation of guest speaker”
        • 2. Marie-Anick GENCE (anthropology, l’Etablissement Public de Sante Mentale de La Reunion) “La Réunion, terre australe de France complexe : une harmonie ambiguë.”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: French (with Japanese consecutive interpretation)
        • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20142015/03/30 (Mon)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Nationhood in Contemporary Africa: New Media, Globalization, and Democracy”The 7th meeting
        • 1. Taku IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Five Years of Transitional Government in Madagascar”
        • 2. Sayaka OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “The Riots and Unionizations of East African Traders: The Rethinking of Informality”
        • 3. General Disucussion
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20142015/03/29 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)” The 7th meeting
        • 1. Joint Review Meeting on Manuscripts of ‘History of Food and Agriculture in Africa’
        20142015/03/28 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia”The 9th meeting
        • 1. Atsushi NONOGAKI (ILCAA joint researcher, Aichi Institute of Technology) “On the correlation between the decorative motif in Indian architecture and the people’s wishes”
        • 2. Hiroyuki MASHITA (ILCAA joint researcher, Kobe University) “An aspect of personal bonds under the Mansab system as reflected in foster brothership of the Mughal Empire”
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20142015/03/28 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of the Accent and Intonation of Korean Dialects” The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Clemens POPPE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “On the synchronic analysis of tone and accent in the Kyengsang and Kangwen dialects”
        • 2. Young suk KANG (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Matsuyama University) “Word formation and accent in the Pusan dialect of Korean”
        20142015/03/27 (Fri)
        Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
        • 1. Taku OSOEGAWA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Syrian Civil War in the context of International Politics” (tentative) 2. Yuji TSUBOI (ILCAA Research Associate)
        • 2. Yuji TSUBOI (ILCAA Research Associate) “Vision of Malay Muslims for State Formation in the Process of Decolonization Southeast Asia: An Analysis on Jawi Periodical “Qalam”” (tentative)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        20142015/03/24 (Tue) - 2015/03/25 (Wed)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered”The 3rd meeting

        International Workshop: Central Asian Documents Preserved in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences

        • 24 March
        • 1. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) Keynote Speech
        • 2. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Linguistic Studies Based on the Tangut Materials in Russia”
        • 3. Kirill SOLONIN (Renmin University of China / St. Petersburg State University) “Studies on the Tangut Buddhist Documents from Tibetan”
        • 4. Kirill BOGDANOV (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences) “Some Unidentified Tangut texts, from IOM, RAS Tangut Collection: Experience of understanding and interpretation”
        • 5. Takayasu SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Morioka University) “Studies of the Xixia Society Based on the Tangut Materials in Russia”
        • 6. Discussion
        • 25 March
        • 1. Keiji ONISHI (Ryukoku University) “Tanguts and its ancestor -based on “The Sea of Meanings, Established by the Saints” ”
        • 2. Irina POPOVA (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences) “Current work on the Central Asian Collections of the Institute of Oriental manuscripts RAS”
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: English
        • Program (Japanese and English)
        • Organized by ILCAA and ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered”
        20142015/03/24 (Tue)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice” The 13th meeting
        • 1. Meeting on summerization of this co-research project and preparing its documentation
        20142015/03/23 (Mon)
        UMS-TUFS Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society of Asia and Africa
        • 14:30-14:40. Mohd Hamdan Haji Adnan(Universiti Malaysia Sabah) Opening Address (1)
        • 14:40-14:45. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Address (2)
        • 14:45-15:15. Yukako YOSHIDA (National Museum of Ethnology) Lecture (1) “Human and Non-human Agents in the Creation of Topeng Dance Drama in Bali”
        • 15:15-15:45. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) Lecture (2) “Who is the owner of this land?: Possession and affect observed in the agrarian system in Songhay society (Western Niger)”
        • 15:45-16:00. Break
        • 16:00-16:30. Daisuke NAITO (Center for International Forestry Research) Lecture (3)“Changing Landscape and Local Community in Kinabatangan, Sabah”
        • 16:30-17:00. Paul Prodong (Universiti Malaysia Sabah) LectureLecture (4) “Selling conservation initiatives to indigenous community: some experience from Sabah”
        • 17:00-17:30. Discussion
        • 17:30. Closing
        • Language: English
        • Organized by KKLO and School of Social Science, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
        Meeting Room, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu
        20142015/03/22 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Opening Remarks
        • 2. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Formation of Islamic Characteristics of Islamic Finance: A Case Study on Malaysia”
        • 3. Q and A session
        • 4. Momo SHIOYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shimane) “Muslim Fashion’s Image and Identity in Contemporary Indonesia”
        • 5. Q and A session
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        20142015/03/19 (Thu)
        JaCMES Lecture Series:The Middle East and Japan No.10 “Arab Uprisings Reconsidered from Lebanese and Japanese Points of View”

        JaCMES Lecture Series:The Middle East and Japan No.10 “Arab Uprisings Reconsidered from Lebanese and Japanese Points of View”

        • 1. Massoud DAHER (Lebanese University) “Arab Uprisings of 2011 vis-à-vis the History of Arab States”
        • 2. Eiji NAGASAWA (The University of Tokyo) “Thawra and Nation State System in the Arab World”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Arabic and English
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        Liberty Room, Crowne Plaza, Hamra, Beirut
        20142015/03/19 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Ochirbat Sambuudorj (ILCAA Visiting professor) “Oirat Mongolian and its written language”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20142015/03/19 (Thu)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar” The 5th meeting
        • 1. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Distributional change in TO in Fukuoka dialect of Japanese: A usage-based account”
        • 2. Discussion on descriptive-theoretical issues related to the dynamic characteristics of grammar
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        20142015/03/17 (Tue)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Business Meeting
        • 2. Yukinori KIMOTO (Kyoto University) “Development of the phonological system in Arta”
        • 3. Alexander ADELAAR (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Problems and politics surrounding the use of Siraya in the Tainan area”
        • 4. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Documenting Lamaholot”
        • 5. Business Meeting
        • Topics:
        • Plannning for language documentation workshops in 2015
        • Reporting and sharing information on language documentation that each member is conducting
        • Putting metadata and annotating to linguistic data that each member obtains
        20142015/03/16 (Mon)
        Syria-Japan Expert Meeting for Safeguarding Syrian Cultural Heritage
        • Maamoun Abdulkarim (Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums (DGAM), Ministry of Culture, Syria), Lina Ktiefan(Sites Management and International Cooperation, DGAM, Syria), Ahmad Deb (Museum Affairs, DGAM, Syria), Jeanine Abdulmessih (Lebanese University), Researchers from Directorate General of Antiquities, Lebanon, Researchers from UNESCO Beirut Office, Akira TSUNEKI (University of Tsukuba), Kiyohide SAITO (Japanese Society for West Asian Archaeology), Shinichi NISHIYAMA (Chubu University), and Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA / Head, JaCMES). Discussion for safe-guarding the national heritage of Syria
        20142015/03/16 (Mon)
        Workshop on Linguistic Studies based on Spoken Discourse
        • 10:30-11:15. Poster session 1
        • 11:15-12:00. Poster session 2
        • 13:00-14:00. General discussion on poster presentations
        • 14:15-15:45. Invited talk: Toshiyuki SADANOBU (Kobe University)
        • 16:00-17:30. Organized session “Linguistic studies based on spoken discourse: the past and the future”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Workshop on Linguistic Studies based on Spoken Discourse Organizing Committee
        • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2)
        20142015/03/15 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare” The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Rumiko MURAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) “The Mobility and Social Integration in the Post-conflict African village”
        • 2. Shin SUGAWARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya City University) “Development of Debates on Citizenship in France”
        • 3. Research meeting
        20142015/03/12 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum

        Farewell Talk

        • 13:40-14:40. Ichiro MAJIMA (ILCAA) “Dakar on fire in 2011”
        • 14:50-15:50. Yuko MIO (ILCAA) ““Domesticating” colonial and war dedeat experience: Cases of Taiwanese folk belief”
        • 16:00-17:00. Osamu HIEDA (ILCAA) “Toward reconstructing Proto-Nilotic”
        20142015/03/01 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 15th meeting
        • 1. Summary and brainstorming on publishing
        20142015/02/28 (Sat)
        A Followup meeting of Sibe Intensive Language Course / The 3rd Meeting on Sibe Language and Linguistics
        • This meeting is held for the participants of ILC 2011 (Sibe), with a view to promote and to assist their evolutionary studies.
        • 1. Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University), Zhuangsheng (Kyoto University) Brushup on conversational Sibe.
        • 2. Reports by the participants of the course of Sibe in 2011 on their activities concerning Sibe language and culture.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by ILCAA
        • Jointly sponsored by LingDy2, The society for Sibe language and linguistics and JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator :Tomoyuki KUBO (Kyushu University))
        20142015/02/28 (Sat)
        10:00-12:00 (closed), 13:00-18:00 (open)
        Fieldnet Lounge/feed × field: Considering social relations through feeding behaviors
        20142015/02/26 (Thu)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History”The 3rd meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • 1. Tamon BABA (ILCAA Short Term Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Eastern Africa in the Rasulid Corpus”
        • Commentator: Yasuyuki KURIYAMA (Toyo University)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20142015/02/24 (Tue) - 2015/02/25 (Wed)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 2nd meeting

        24 February

        • 1. Business Meeting
        • 2. Opening
        • 3. Deisyi Batunan (Manado State University) “Traditional ceremonies in Talaud”

        • 4. Imelda (Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)) “Gamkonora Language project”

        24 February

        • 5. Business Meeting

        25 February

        • 1. Katubi (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)) “The Ethnography and Documentation of Kui as Endangered Language in Alor Island, Indonesia.“
        • 2. Fanny Henry Tondo (Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)) “Kao Minor Language in the Northern Coast of Halmahera, Eastern Indonesia”
        • 3. Antonio Soares (Udayana State University) “The basic structure of Makasae language in Typological prescriptive.”
        • 4. Business Meeting
        20142015/02/21 (Sat) - 2015/02/22 (Sun)
        International Workshop “Early Modern Iran: The Safavids, Qajars and Waqf” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 4th meeting

        22 February

        • 1. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) “Formation of Modern Society in the Ottoman Empire, Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries: The State of the Art and New Agendas”
        • 2. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Fiscal Administration in Safavid Iran”
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”
        • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University))
        20142015/02/21 (Sat) - 2015/02/22 (Sun)
        International Workshop “Early Modern Iran: The Safavids, Qajars and Waqf” / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 4th meeting

        21 February: International Workshop “Early Modern Iran: The Safavids, Qajars and Waqf”

        • 1. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Opening address
        • 2. Ichiro OZAWA (Sophia University) “Arming the frontier: Proliferation of modern firearms in Ottoman-Iranian borderlands in the aftermath of the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878)”
        • 3. Naofumi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “An Enigmatic Dispute over Ownership of a Village:Landlords, Villagers, and the Local Community in 19th Century Iran”
        • 4. Mohammadreza NEYESTANI (Aix Marseille Universite) “Structure and uses of Shia waqfs during the Safavid period”
        • 5. Christoph WERNER (Philipps-Universitat Marburg) “Illumination Waqfs: A new type of endowment in Safavid and Qajar Iran”
        • 6. General discussion
        • 7. Toru MIURA (Ochanomizu University) Concluding remarks
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: English
        • program
        • Organized by MEIS and MEIS2
        • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World” and JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research “International Comparative Study of Waqf (Islamic Endowment)” (Principal Investigator: Toru MIURA (Ochanomizu University))
        20142015/02/20 (Fri) - 2015/02/21 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 18th meeting

        20 February

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian56” (Firstpart)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian56” (Second part)

        21 February

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian57” (Firstpart)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian57” (Second part)
        20142015/02/18 (Wed)
        Lecture of Prof. Christoph Werner
        • Christoph Werner (University of Marburg) “Secular Waqf? Foundations, Endowments and Philanthropy in Pahlavi Iran”
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: English
        • Organized by MEIS and Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2)
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20142015/02/17 (Tue) - 2015/02/23 (Mon)
        The 8th Documentary Linguistics Workshop (DocLing2015)
        • Lecturers:
        • Peter Austin (SOAS, University of London)
        • David Nathan (EWA, University of Oxford)
        • Anthony Jukes (CRLD, La Trobe University)
        • Sonja Riesberg (University of Cologne)
        • Hideo Sawada (ILCAA)
        • and others
        • Programme:
        • This workshop aims to provide methodological and technical training in various aspects of language documentation and archiving of endangered/minority languages, dealing with topics including:
        • ・overviews of language documentation and archiving
        • ・audio/video recording
        • ・data management
        • ・data mobilization
        • ・archiving
        • ・photography in language documentation
        • ・fieldwork issues
        20142015/02/15 (Sun)
        Lecture for the Japan club of Kota Kinabalu by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office
        • 15:00-16:00. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Research Fellow) “Malaysian Economy in 2014-2015”
        • 16:00-17:00. Q & A Session
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by KKLO and The Japan club of Kota Kinabaru
        KINABALU JAPANESE SCHOOL (Lorong Burong Ejek House No.8, Jalan Tuaran, Miles 3.5, 88450, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia)
        20142015/02/14 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Reflection of Anthropological Studies on Population Movements: Focusing on Women Experiences as an Interface and “Diasporic Space” in Southeast Aisan “Chinese Communities.”” The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha (Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences) “Anthropological Research on Cultural Heritages in Multi-ethnic Nation, Vietnam: Through the Case Study in Hoi An.”
        • This project aims to examine how Chinese population movements transform, or “give a format” the ecological and social environments both in the host societies in Southeast Asia and hometown in China, focusing on women’s experiences, which were mostly subardinate to male migrations. This workshop is the 3 rd workshop of this project, in which we will invite Ms Nguyen Thanh Ha, and she will provide us what she can disucss on this topic based on her field research in Vietnam. The title of her presentation is “Anthropological Research on Cultural Heritages in Multi-ethnic Nation, Vietnam: Through the Case Study in Hoi An.” Presenter: Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences

        • Language: Japanese
        Global Collaboration Center STUDIO, Toyonaka Campus (1-16 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043)
        20142015/02/14 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 14th meeting
        • 1. Hitoshige HAYAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Gakuin University) “Continuity and discontinuity: Reconsideration on the transfer”
        • 2. Masakazu TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Thinking the Other through Violence and Sex”
        20142015/02/13 (Fri) - 2015/02/14 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies (the second term)”The 3rd meeting

        13 February

        • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Welcome remarks
        • 2. Carla EDDE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Saint-Joseph University)
        • 3. Malek SHARIF (ILCAA Joint Researcher)
        • 4. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University)
        • 5. Hiroshi KATO (ILCAA Research fellow) and Erina IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University)

        14 February

        • 1. Akira USUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women’s University)
        • 2. Stefan KNOST (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg)
        • 3. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
        • 4. Kosuke MATSUBARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba)
        • 5. Discussion and arrangement for the next meeting
        • Language: English
        20142015/02/11 (Wed) - 2015/02/13 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts”The 8th meeting

        International Symposium “Transformation of Religions as reflected in Javanese texts”

        • 11 February 9:15-16:40 (open)
        • 1. Opening Remarks
        • 2. Miho YAMASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Transformation of religions as reflected in Old Javanese inscriptions from 9th and 10th centuries; Analysis of the imprecations”
        • 3. Dwi PUSPITRINI (University of Indonesia) “The religious words in ‘Adiparwa’” (tentative)
        • 4. Stuart ROBSON (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Some aspects of the thought-world of the Old Javanese ‘Kakawin’”
        • 5. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The significance of “mokṣa” in the Ramayana reliefs in the light of Old Javanese texts”
        • 6. discussion
        • 7. Kartika SETYAWATI (Gadjah Mada University) “Kidung Surajaya: believers of the mountains.”
        • 8. Ben ARPS (Leiden University) “The benefits of purity in Amarta and Surakarta: the shadow play of Bima Suci, 1810s–1830s”
        • 9. George QUINN (Australian National University) “A textual history of the tenth ‘wali’”
        • 10. discussion
        • 12 February 9:30-17:10 (open)
        • 1. Nancy FLORIDA (University of Michigan) “Ronggasasmita’s ‘Suluk Aceh’: Syattari metaphysics in Javanese Sufi poems composed in 1815 Aceh”
        • 2. Koji MIYAZAKI (ILCAA) “Javanese Calendar and Myth: Story of ‘Watu Gunung’”
        • 3. Ronit RICCI (Australian National University, Hebrew University) “Muslim and Javanese in the diaspora: preliminary thoughts about Javanese experiences in colonial Ceylon”
        • 4. Willem van der Molen (ILCAA Joint Researcher, KITLV) “The meaning of Islam in the history of the Chinese in Java according to the ‘Sajarah Cina’”
        • 5. discussion
        • 6. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
        • 7. Edwin WIERINGA (University of Cologne) “Re-reading traditional Javanese literature: nineteenth-century elite court literature and the question of gender”
        • 8. Oman FATHURAHMAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) “A further discussion on the Javanese Islamic manuscripts in the British Library Collection
        • 9. Saiful UMAM (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) “Glocalization of early printed ‘pegon’ texts”
        • 10. discussion
        • 13 February 10:00-11:45 (closed)
        • 1. about Javanese Concordance
        • 2. Closing
        • Chairpersons: Mikihiro MORIYAMA (Nanzan University), Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) ,Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: English
        • Program
        • Organized by ILCAA and ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts”, JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator : Koji MIYAZAKI (ILCAA))
        20142015/02/11 (Wed) - 2015/02/13 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages” The 6th meeting

        The Second International Workshop on information structure of Austronesian languages

        • 11 February 9:00-17:30
        • 1. Arndt RIESTER (University of Stuttgart) “Annotating corpus data with information structure”
        • 2. Yoshiharu KUMAGAI (Aichi Prefectural University) “The Flow of New Information in Narrative Discourse”
        • 3. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Givenness of individuals and eventualities: Perspectives from Malay passives”
        • 4. Masahiko NOSE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shiga University) “Information structure and discourse markers in Tok Pisin: differences in genres”
        • 5. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Discourse and Information Structure in Kadorih”
        • 6. Sonja RIESBERG (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Cologne) “Information structure in Totoli:Reference management and its interrelation with voice selection”
        • 7. Nikolaus HIMMELMANN (University of Cologne) “On articles and reference management in western Austronesian Languages”
        • 12 February 9:45-20:00
        • 【Information and discourse】
        • 1. Anthony JUKES (ILCAA Joint Researcher, CRLD, La Trobe University) “Focus and Argument Indexing in Makasar​”
        • 2. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Topic-marking constructions in Bantik”
        • 3. discussion
        • 【Definiteness marking】
        • 4. Frantisek KRATOCHVIL (ILCAA Joint Researcher / Nanyang Technological University) “Definiteness and referent tracking in Abui”
        • 5. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) and Ketut ARTAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Udayana University) “The definite marker in Balinese”
        • 6. Alexander ADELAAR (ILCAA Visiting Professor, The University of Melbourne) “The definite and possessive marker in Malagasy”
        • 7. Stefan Schnell (CRLD, La Trobe University) “Lexical anaphors in Vera’a and Teop narrative discourse”
        • 8. Rik De BUSSER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Chengchi University) “The role of Bunun deixis in information structure: An initial assessment”
        • Reception
        • 13 February 9:10-14:00
        • 1. Dwi Noverini Djenar (The University of Sydney) TBA
        • 2. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “​Pragmatic​ particles and information structure in colloquial Indonesian dialogue​”
        • 3. General Discussion
        • 4. Business Meeting
        20142015/02/08 (Sun)
        A Screening of Tibetan Documentary “Valley of the Heroes”
        • 1. Greeting
        • 2. Introduction
        • 3. Screening of “Valley of the Heroes” with Japanese subtitles
        • 4. Lecture by the director Khaxianjia, Q & A (with Japanese consecutive interpretation)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2)
        20142015/02/08 (Sun)
        A Followup meeting of Amdo Tibetan Intensive Language Course
        • 15:30-15:40. Greeting and Introduction
        • 15:40-19:30. Study Report
        • 1. Nao KITAHARA (Participant of the course of Amdo Tibetan in 2010) “Nomad’s adhesion to meat and ahimsa”
        • 2. Yusuke BESSHO (Hiroshima University) “Frontiers of study on Amdo nomads”
        • 3. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Pilgrimage on Tibetan Literature”
        • 4. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Comparison between Eastern and Western Tibetan”
        • 5. Junko MIURA (Participant of the course of Amdo Tibetan in 2010) “Fieldwork of rGyal rabs gsal ba’i me long”
        • 6. Chuidenbum (Toin University of Yokohama) “World-wide Influence of Tibetan language and culture”
        • 7. Miwa NAKAHARA (Participant of the course of Amdo Tibetan in 2010) “Amdo Folksongs”
        • Commentator: Atsuko WATANABE (Otani University)
        • *This event is held as a part of projects commemorating 50th Aniversary of ILCAA.
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Program
        20142015/02/08 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar”The 4th meeting
        • 1. Yasunori TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) “Frequency of occurance and phonetic reduction: a case study from Chinese”
        • 2. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Issues regarding the unit of analysis and description in linguistics”
        • 3. Yu YANAGIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo College of Medico-pharmacotechnology) “Speech perception based on the exemplar model”
        • 4. Discussion on descriptive-theoretical issues related to the dynamic characteristics of grammar
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        20142015/02/07 (Sat) - 2015/02/08 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”The 3rd meeting

        7 February

        • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) and Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Report on the words of the food, clothing, and shelter”
        • 2. Namthar Gyel (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shiga Prefecture) and Ryunosuke OGAWA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Report on the words of meat and bones”
        • 3. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) and Shin’ichi TSUMAGARI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “Report on the religious words”
        • 4. All members “How to make movies for nomadic dictionary”

        8 February

        • 1. All members “Compiling the materials of the Tibetan nomadic vocabulary” “Disccussion on illustrations for nomadic dictionary”
        20142015/02/06 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 17th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu06” (First part)
        • 3. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu06” (Second part)
        20142015/01/24 (Sat) - 2015/02/07 (Sat)
        10:30-17:00 (Closed on weekends and holidays)
        “How humans produce nature: the heterogeneous and the universal―Kyoko Nakamura Japanese painting exhibition (ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”)
        • TBA
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”
        ILCAA 1F
        20142015/02/04 (Wed)
        Screenings of Tibetan Documentary Films
        • 1. Greeting
        • 2. Introduction
        • 3. Screening (1) “Summer Pasture” with Japanese subtitles 16:30-18:00
        • 4. Screening (2) “Valley of the Heroes” with Japanese subtitles 18:00-19:00
        • 5. Talk by the director Khaxianjia, Q & A 19:00-20:00 (with Japanese consecutive interpretation)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2)
        20142015/02/04 (Wed)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential” The 9th meeting
        • 1. Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Field, Space, and Region”
        • 2. Oversee about the Joint Research Project
        • 3. The debate about the outcome publishing
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20142015/02/03 (Tue)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Haruka USHIKU (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “For Connecting Producers in Rural Africa to Global Distribution Chains: A Form of Handgraft Production Viewed from the Perspective of Brokers in Northern Gahna”
        • Commentator: Jyunko MARUYAMA (Tsuda College)
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Poster (in Japanese)
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Association for African Studies
        20142015/01/31 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of the Accent and Intonation of Korean Dialects”The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Chiyuki ITO (ILCAA) and Jaehyun SON (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Duksung Women’s University) “The Accent of Native Nouns in the Taykwu Dialect of Korean”
        • 2. Rei FUKUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Linguistic backgrounds of the writers of Middle Korean Hangul texts”
        20142015/01/31 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”The 9th meeting
        • 1. Kyoko KOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kochi University) “Event integration in Akan: focusing on non-motion events”
        • 2. Ernst Kotze (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University) “Linguistic categorization as a determinant in making appropriate choices for the roomaji component of a Japanese/Afrikaans dictionary”
        • Language: Japanese, English
        20142015/01/30 (Fri)
        The 2nd Book Review Meeting: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”: “SHOYU TO BUNPAI NO JINRUIGAKU” by Keiichiro MATSUMURA.


        • 1. Keiichiro MATSUMURA (Rikkyo University) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA), Hideo FUKAZAWA(ILCAA), Hibi Y. Watanabe (The University of Tokyo) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20142015/01/24 (Sat) - 2015/01/25 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach” The 6th meeting

        24 January

        • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Amdo Tibetan”
        • 2. Syuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Korean”
        • 3. Kazuyuki KIRYU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mimasaka University) “Newar”
        • 4. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Burmese”
        • 5. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Kam-Tibetan”
        • 6. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Sibe”

        25 January

        • 1. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Mongolian”
        • 2. Mie TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “The relation between the ‘cogitation process’ and the results of individual languages”
        • 3. Discussion on the further research
        • 4. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) and Syuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “How to use Spreadsheet”
        • At the meeting to be held on the 24th and the 25th January, relevant members of the team will provide additional data, including data that may have been missing in previous reports and the entire team will examine the data. We shall also investigate further the relationship between the ‘cogitation process’ and the results of research of individual languages. The entire team will start preparing for the presentation of the results of our research at workshops planned for 2015.

        20142015/01/24 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice” The 12th meeting
        • 1. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “From the field to the paper: Documentation in ecological anthropology”
        • 2. Kyoko NAKAMURA (ILCAA Research Associate) “How humans produce “nature””
        306, 101
        20142015/01/23 (Fri) - 2015/01/24 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 16th meeting

        23 January

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu05” (First part)
        • 3. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu05” (Second part)

        24 January

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Prefectural University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)09” (Firstpart)
        • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Prefectural University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)09” (Second part)
        20142015/01/15 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) “Not cultivator but weeder: agriculture and agrarian system in Songhai Society (Western Niger)”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20142015/01/11 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)”The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Momo SHIOYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shimane) “Fashion and Faith in Indonesian Muslim Clothing”
        • 2. Yoko IWASAKI (Institute of developing Economies) “Globalization under a “Weakly-organized”system: A Case Study on Iranian Apparel Industry”
        • 3. Discussion
        20142015/01/11 (Sun)
        Field Linguistics Workshop : Grammatical Studies Workshops 9― Copulas and Existential Expressions (3)
        • 1. Tomoaki GOTO (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Copular and existential constructions in Arabic” (tentative title)
        • 2. So MIYAGAWA (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “Copulas in Egyptian”
        • 3. Izumi OCHIAI (Graduate School, Kyoto University) “Equational and existential constructions in Paran Seediq (a copulaless language)”
        • * This workshop will be broadcasted by USTREAM. It is also welcome to participate through the internet broadcast.
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • For details, please see here (in Japanese)
        • Organized by ILCAA and Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        20142015/01/10 (Sat) - 2015/01/11 (Sun)
        The 7th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World” The 3rd meeting

        10 January, Room 304, ILCAA

        • 1. Introduction
        • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Lecture on estate inventories(tereke defterleri) and petitions
        • 3. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading estate inventories in the Court Registers I

        11 January, Room 303, ILCAA

        • 1. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading estate inventories in the Court Registers II
        • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading estate inventories in the Court Registers III
        • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Reading petitions (arzuhal)
        • 4. General Discussion
        304, 303
        20142015/01/10 (Sat)
        Fieldnet Lounge/The Workshop: How Should Researchers Be Involved in Wildlife Conservation?
        20142015/01/09 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 15th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian55” (First part)
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian55” (Second part)
        20142014/10/01 (Wed) - 2014/12/26 (Fri)
        10:30-17:00 (Closed on weekends and holidays)
        The Fifty Years of ILCAA and the Fields seen by its Staff
        • It has been fifty years since the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA) was established as an affiliate of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in April 1964. This exhibition will look back on the fifty years of ILCAA and display the photographs taken by the present and past staff of ILCAA during fieldworks in various parts of Asia and Africa. ILCAA holds this exhibition to celebrate its 50th anniversary with gratitude for support it has received since its foundation.

        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA)
        ILCAA 1F
        20142014/12/23 (Tue)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Constructing a research network for documenting minority languages in and around Indonesia”The 1st meeting
        • Business Meeting
        • Topics:
        • Plannning for language documentation workshops in 2015
        • Plannning for archiving and publication of linguistic data that each member obtains
        20142014/12/17 (Wed) - 2014/12/22 (Mon)
        Language Documentation Training on Miyako Island
        • The workshop activities include:
        • - Collection of data for basic linguistic analyses
        • - Collection of natural discourse data
        • - Analysis of basic linguistic structure
        • - Processing and management of linguistic data
        • This workshop has been planned to give training in language documentation in the context where the language is still spoken in order to to stimulate and support research in language documentation. It is designed for beginning researchers without much experience in working with Miyako and other Ryukyuan languages.

        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        Ikema-jima Island, Miyakojima City, Okinawa, Japan
        20142014/12/20 (Sat) - 2014/12/21 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Research on “Verbals”” The 5th meeting

        20 December

        • 1. Sambuudorj OCHIRBATIIN (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Verbal nouns in the Oirat dialect of Mongolian: Comparing with the Khalkha dialect”
        • 2. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Verbals in Chukchi”
        • 3. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Nominalization in Sliammon”
        • 4. Yuta MATSUOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies) “Verbals in Korean”

        21 December

        • 1. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Two VP structures in Tiddim Chin”
        • 2. Atsushi YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Health Care College) “Verbs in Parauk Wa”
        • 3. Discussion
        20142014/12/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)”The 6th meeting
        • 1. Tadasu TSURUTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kinki University) & Makiko SAKAI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Maize-Tractor Complex and Middle-scale Land Grabbing in Central Tanzania”
        • 2. Kaori KOMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka University) “Agriculture of Shifting Society: Zomia and African Society”
        20142014/12/19 (Fri) - 2014/12/21 (Sun)
        Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level306
        20142014/12/19 (Fri) - 2014/12/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 14th meeting

        19 December

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading:“Jianshuijinguan(er)07” (Firstpart)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)07” (Second part)

        20 December

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Prefectural University) Reading:“Jianshuijinguan(er)08” (Firstpart)
        • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Prefectural University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)08” (Second part)
        20142014/12/18 (Thu)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Yui SUNANO (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) “Life of people having a staple diet of brewage: A case of Derashe area in southern Ethiopia”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Association for African Studies
        20142014/12/14 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)” The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Yukako YOSHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Replication of mask and its effect: The case of Balinese ritual dance topeng legong”
        • 2. Michio NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Are animals “non” human?: A discourse on humans, animals, and things”
        • 3. Discussion
        20142014/12/14 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)” The 7th meeting
        • 1. Presentations for the international symposium in February
        • Language: English, Japanese
        20142014/12/13 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 13th meeting
        • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “The face and others-Muslim Women and the Veil.”
        • 2. Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) ”Multiple Pictures of “Others” in an Agrarian Society of Africa-Ancetral Spirits, Witchcraft and the Daily Life.”
        • 3. Yuu MIZUNO (Chubu Gakuin University) “The Presence of Another Person in Early Development: The Comparative Developmental Psychological Point of View.”
        20142014/12/11 (Thu)
        Film Meeting “Lebanon 1949: A New State in a Film Shot by a Migrant Family”
        • 19:00-19:05. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
        • 19:05-19:25. Midori IIJIMA (Rikkyo University) “Until the Film Restored”
        • 19:25-20:15. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Screening and Explanation
        • 20:15-20:35. Q & A, Discussion
        • 20:35-20:40. Yasuji ISHIGAKI (Japan-Lebanon Friendship Association) Closing Remarks  
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • poster (in Japanese)
        • Organized by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA))
        • Jointly sponsored by Japan-Lebanon Friendship Association
        Lecture Hall Studio+, 4F, Chiyoda City’s Hibiya Library & Museum (1-4, Hibiya Park, Chiyoda-ku)
        20142014/12/11 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “Fieldwork with a baby”
        • Arnd Helmut HAFNER (SUEYASU) (ILCAA) “On the reconstruction of the judicial document collection “Weiyudengzhuangsizhong” from the Yuelu-Academy”
        • Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Irregular Rhyme Notations in Burmese Inscriptions of Bagan Periods”
        • Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) “Musical Analysis Based on the Notion of Network : the Case of Moroccan Arab-Andalusian Music”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/12/07 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia” The 8th meeting
        • 1. Jun TAKASHIMA (ILCAA) “Angkorian Kingship and Shaivism”
        • 2. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Persianate Culture and Local Communities in South Asia”
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20142014/12/07 (Sun)
        Field Linguistics Workshop : Practical course in audio data processing: making a basic vocabulary with audio
        • Lecturer: Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA)
        20142014/12/06 (Sat)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Nobuyuki OGURA (Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, the University of the Ryukus) “Diffusion of Modern Architectures in Africa”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by the Japanese Association for African Studies and FENICS
        20142014/12/06 (Sat)
        Symposium: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”: The Book Review and Discussion of “Seido: Jinruishakai no Shinka (Practices, Conventions and Institutions: The Evolution of Human Sociality)” ed. by Kaori KAWAI (2013).
        • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Address
        • 2. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) Introduction by the editor
        • 3. Suehisa KURODA (Professor Emeritus of the University of Shiga Prefecture) Presentation by a coauthor 1 (Primate Sociology)
        • 4. Toru SOGA (Hirosaki University) Presentation by a coauthor 2 (Ecological Anthropology)
        • 5. Motomitsu UCHIBORI (The Open University of Japan) Presentation by a coauthor 3 (Cultural-Social Anthropology)
        • 6. Kaoru ADACHI-KANAZAWA (Kyoto Sangyo University) Presentation by a coauthor 4 (Theoretical View)
        • 7. Katsuo NAWA (The University of Tokyo) Comment 1
        • 8. Juichi YAMAGIWA (Kyoto University) Comment 2:
        • 9. Masaichi NOMURA (Professor Emeritus of National Museum of Ethnology) Comment 3:
        • 10. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20142014/12/06 (Sat)
        Field Linguistics Workshop : Grammatical Studies Workshops 8― Copulas and Existential Expressions (2)
        • 1. Masayuki ISHIZUKA (Graduate School, the University of Tokyo) “Two types of copular sentences in Basque”
        • 2. Mitsuya SASAKI (Graduate School, The University of Tokyo) “Copular sentences and types of arguments in Ixquihuacan Nahuatl”
        • 3. Noboru YOSHIOKA (National Museum of Ethnology) “Copulas of languages in northern Pakistan”
        • * This workshop will be broadcasted by USTREAM. It is also welcome to participate through the internet broadcast.
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • For details, please see here (in Japanese)
        • Organized by ILCAA and Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        20142014/12/05 (Fri)
        The 14th Field Science Colloquium
        • 15:00-15:05. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
        • 15:05-15:50. 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Can field linguists believe everything native speakers say?”
        • 15:50-16:35. 2. Takeshi NAGANUMA (Hiroshima University) “Life on the edges viewed as life in the slow lane”
        • 16:35-16:45. Break
        • 16:45-17:30. 3. Masahiro UMEZAKI (The University of Tokyo) “Leading an interdisciplinary project: an example of a nutritional study in Papua New Guinea”
        • 17:30-19:00. Discussion
        • Commentator: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Field Science Center
        20142014/11/30 (Sun)
        The 1st Book Review Meeting: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”

        “Gaarokoyre” by Yutaka SAKUMA

        • 1. Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Yuichi SEKIYA (The University of Tokyo), Masaki SAKIYAMA (Ritsumeikan University), Takashi SUGISHIMA (Kyoto University) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20142014/11/29 (Sat) - 2014/11/30 (Sun)
        International workshop on Tight and Loose Grammar / ILCAA Joint Research Project “Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar” The 3rd meeting

        29 November

        • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “An exploration of grammatical tightness: some observations from Nuuchahnulth narrative data”
        • 2. Robert ENGLEBRETSON (Rice University) “Tight and Loose Resonance in Social Coordination: Clause-Final ‘Too’ and ‘Either’ in American English Conversation”
        • Abstract (English) 39KB
        • 3. Anna VATANEN (University of Helsinki) “Turn transitions, projectability and “tight” grammatical constructions”
        • Abstract (English) 31KB
        • 4. Ryoko SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio Universty) & Sandra A. THOMPSON (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of California, Santa Barbara) “Prosody, grammar, and clause combining: so in American English”
        • Abstract (English) 21KB
        • 5. Mari NIKONEN (University of Helsinki) “Prosodic Features of Interrogative Possessive Constructions in Native and Non-native Finnish”
        • Abstract (English) 13KB
        • 6. Discussion

        30 November

        • 1. Michael EWING (University of Melbourne) “Predicate Plus: A usage-based conceptualisation of grammatical structure in Indonesian Conversation”
        • 2. Päivi HAKAMÄKI and Karita SUOMALAINEN (University of Helsinki) “The clause and its role as an interactional unit in Finnish conversations – perspectives on tightness and looseness”
        • Abstract (English) 15KB
        • 3. Marja-Liisa HELASVUO (University of Turku), Ritva LAURY (University of Helsinki), and Mari NIKONEN (University of Turku) “Formulaicity and prosodic nature of ‘remember’ and ‘know’ in Finnish conversation”
        • 4. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: English
        20142014/11/29 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History” The 2nd meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • 1. Asuka TSUJI (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia,The University of Tokyo / JSPS Research Fellow) “Written Materials from Qasr Ibrim: Sources for Northeast African History”
        • 2. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Source Materials on the Historiography of Northern Ethiopia and their Characteristics”
        • 3. Annoucement of the Schedule
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20142014/11/29 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts” The 6th meeting
        • 1. Presentations for the international symposium in February
        • 2. Stuart Owen, ROBSON (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Some Aspects of the Thought-World of the Old Javanese Kakawin”
        • Language: English, Japanese
        20142014/11/29 (Sat)
        Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the Art
        • Language: English
        • Program and Report (Japanese)
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
        20142014/11/28 (Fri)
        Professor Ritva LAURY Public lecture
        • Ritva LAURY (University of Helsinki) “The interactional emergence of ‘if’ requests: Constructions, trajectories, and sequences of actions”
        • Abstract (English) : 105KB
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        20142014/11/26 (Wed)
        Japan-Lebanon Round Table for Middle Eastern Studies (No.1) “The Middle East in the Midst of Political Cataclysm”
        Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
        20142014/11/24 (Mon)
        Fieldnet Lounge/The Workshop: Tibetan Mobility: Transnationality, Locality and Agency
        20142014/11/23 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Yoichiro KAMONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanto Gakuin University) “Florentine Merchants and the Ottoman Empire: cases of two textile companies”
        • 2. Akitsu MAYUZUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Ottoman Rule over Wallachia and Moldavia: during the second half of the 18th Century: Russian Advance into the Black Sea and the Balkans”
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/11/22 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Reflection of Anthropological Studies on Population Movements: Focusing on Women Experiences as an Interface and “Diasporic Space” in Southeast Aisan “Chinese Communities.”” The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Tatsuki KATAOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “The Tombstone of Baba Chinese in Thaland: Cases from Bangkok and Phuket.”
        • 2. Discussion
        • This project aims to examine how Chinese population movements transform, or “give a format” the ecological and social environments both in the host societies in Southeast Asia and hometown in China, focusing on women’s experiences, which were mostly subardinate to male migrations. In this workshop, Prof. Tatsuki Kataoka will make a field report on “The Tombstone of Baba Chinese in Thaland: Cases from Bangkok and Phuket.” Also in the latter part of workshop, we will discuss the panel organization for IUAES conference at Bngkok, 2015, and a joint research in Vietnam.

        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20142014/11/20 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Stuart ROBSON (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “The Old Javanese poem Ghatotkacasraya; An Introduction”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20142014/11/18 (Tue)
        Information Resources Center (IRC) Workshop: Video Program Production Process
        • 1. Mitsuru ISHII (Associate Professor, Shobi University) 1) Elements of the system in support of recording, editing and archiving Digital Lectures.
        • 2) Methods and techniques of video recording in the field research.
        • 2. Questions and answers
        • Admission: Free
        • For further information, please contact Information Resources Center. email: ilcadj1[at] (Please change [at] to @.) tel: 042-330-5634
        • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
        20142014/11/14 (Fri) - 2014/11/15 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han” The 13th meeting

        14 November

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Liyeqinjian54” (First part)
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Liyeqinjian54” (Second part)

        15 November

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading:“Jianshuijinguan(er)06” (Firstpart)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)06” (Second part)
        20142014/11/09 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)” The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Akinori KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “For the Non-Modernist Approach of Material Culture: a Consideration on the Interactions between Men and Softwares in Shogi Denou-sen.”
        • 2. Morie KANEKO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Is this waste?: Special reference to behavior to ensete, pots, and school notebooks in Southwestern Ethiopia”
        20142014/11/08 (Sat) - 2014/11/09 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach” The 5th meeting

        8 November

        • 1. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Amdo Tibetan”
        • 2. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Burmese”
        • 3. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Mongolian”
        • 4. Kazuyuki KIRYU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mimasaka University) “Newar”
        • 5. Syuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Korean”
        • 6. Discussion

        9 November

        • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Sibe”
        • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Kam-Tibetan”
        • 3. Mie TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “Relevance of the ‘Cognitive Process’ to the nominalizer-final constructions”
        • 4. Discussion
        • 5. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) and Syuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Data management on the computer”
        • At the meeting to be held on the 8th and 9th November, we shall continue to examine the results of research that has been conducted so far. Also, relevant members will report on the results of their recent fieldwork. We shall continue to investigate the relevance of the “Cognitive Process” to the nominalizer-final constructions in the languages under study, and also to ascertain the characteristics of the nominalizer-final constructions in individual languages. We intend to hold a workshop next year to report the findings of this project. Therefore, at this meeting we shall start the planning for the proposed workshop.

        20142014/11/03 (Mon) - 2014/11/07 (Fri)
        Seminar on Language Documentation
        • Language: English, Russian
        • For details, Please see here.
        • Jointly sponsored by School of Oriental Studies, Buryat State University and Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        Ulan-Ude city, Buryat State University, Russia
        20142014/10/26 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered” The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) and Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On this joint-research project”
        • 2. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “Old Uigur almanac divination fragments in IOM RAN”
        • 3. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Report on International Conference on Inscription Studies”
        • 4. Takatoshi AKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) Investigation Report of the Hexi Corridor in 2014: The Territory of the Guiyijun Government in the 10th Century”
        • 5. Akihiro SAKAJIRI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “A Study on the Gui-yi-jun Regime of Dunhuang from the Images of Donor (1): About an Image of Donor in Cave 196.”
        • 6. Kazushi IWAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Report on the investigation of the Old Tibetan Inscriptions (summer 2014)”
        • 7. Scheduling and discussion for 2014 year
        20142014/10/25 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Discussion about Publication of Results
        20142014/10/25 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare”The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Atsushi KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meijo University) “Health: 2014 MIPEX Japan”
        • 2. Mina SAEKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan International Volunteer Center) “Afghan Refugees/Returnees : Integration in the host community and Re-integration in the original country”
        • 3. Research meeting
        20142014/10/25 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice” The 11th meeting
        • 1. NAkinori KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “Making Concepts in between Different Disciplines: about the process of writing a paper for the journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence”
        • 2. Kaoru ADACHI (Kyoto Sangyo University) “What is ”kyokan” in primate-sociology?”
        2F East Building, Hitotsubashi University (2-1 Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo)
        20142014/10/25 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 12th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)05” (First part)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)05” (Second part)
        20142014/10/25 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Nationhood in Contemporary Africa: New Media, Globalization, and Democracy”The 6th meeting
        • 1. Toru SAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Land grabbing and security in Southern Ethiopia”
        • 2. General Disucussion
        20142014/10/17 (Fri)
        Multifaceted self and spatial imagination: Working discussion with Rawi HAGE

        Multifaceted self and spatial imagination: Working discussion with Rawi HAGE

        • Interviewed by Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Seikei University (CAPS) and JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA))
        Josuikaikan (Conference room) (2-1-1 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
        20142014/10/11 (Sat) - 2014/10/13 (Mon)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”The 2nd meeting

        11 October, 10:00‐19:00

        • 1. “Discussion on the fieldwork carried out in August 2014”
        • 2. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Report on the names of the domestic animals”
        • 3. Namthar Gyel (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shiga Prefecture) “Report on the words of meat and bones”
        • 4. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Explanation of the pilot version of the co-authoring database”
        • 5. “Trial of the database and identification of the photos”

        12 October, 9:00-19:00

        • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Report on the words of housing culture”
        • 2. Shin’ichi TSUMAGARI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “Report on the religious words”
        • 3. “Trial of the database and identification of the photos”
        • 4. “Discussion on application for Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research (B)”

        13 October, 9:00-15:00

        • 1. Yusuke BESSHO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) “Report on the words of domestic animal dung”
        • 2. “Trial of the database and identification of the photos”
        • 3. “Discussion on the next research meeting”
        20142014/10/11 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 12th meeting
        • 1. Toru SOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “The Other Emerge From Triangular Relationship”
        • 2. Keiichi OMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Dymanics of Otherness and Alienness: The Basis of Ethics in Canadian Inuit Societies.”
        20142014/10/11 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Dwi Noverini Djenar (ILCAA Short Term Joint Researcher, The University of Sydney) “Free indirect discourse and referent tracking in Indonesian”
        • 2. Paul Julian Santiago (Osaka University) “Information structure, voice alternation and text genre in Kalanguya”
        • 3. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Another look at Tagalog question words”
        • 4. Naomi TSUKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University) “Topic and Discourse in Seediq”
        • 5. Discussions “Text genre, voice alternation, topic and information structure”
        • Language: English
        20142014/10/09 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA) “Participles (verbal nouns) in The Secret History of the Mongols.”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/10/04 (Sat)
        Cultural/Social Anthropology Research Seminar 2014304
        20142014/10/03 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 11th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)05” (First part)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)05” (Second part)
        20142014/09/20 (Sat) - 2014/09/23 (Tue)
        Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Students304
        20142014/09/19 (Fri) - 2014/09/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 10th meeting

        19 September

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian53” (First part)
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian53” (Second part)

        20 September

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)04” (First part)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)04” (Second part)
        20142014/09/15 (Mon) - 2014/09/16 (Tue)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies (the second term)”The 2nd meeting

        15 September

        • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Welcome remarks
        • 2. Aida Kanafani-Zahar (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
        • 3. Akira USUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women’s University)
        • 4. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA)
        • 5. Erina IWASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) + Hiroshi KATO (ILCAA Research fellow)
        • 6. Nora LAFI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Zentrum Moderner Orient)

        16 September

        • 1. Masayuki UENO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka City University)
        • 2. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA)
        • 3. Bernard HOURCADE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
        • 4. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
        • 5. Arranging the next meeting, etc.
        • Language: English
        JaCMES, Beirut
        20142014/09/14 (Sun)
        The 3rd meeting for Fieldwork and Theoretical Studies on the Intersection of Affect and the Social
        • 1. Ryoko NISHII(ILCAA) Aim of this study meeting
        • 2. Discussion
        • Our joint research activities over the past three years have suggested that today’s key research subjects in anthropology regarding the linkage of micro-macro perspectives all lie in the intersection of “affect” which can be experienced in the field, and the “social,” which is fluidly organized through engagement with affect. This study meeting is organzided for pursuing more focused and leading research topics in theoretical studies on the intersection of affect and the social.

        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20142014/09/13 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages” The 8th meeting
        • 1. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “A tentative survey on event integration patterns in Bende”
        • 2. Motomichi WAKASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Event integration patterns in Amharic”
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/09/12 (Fri)
        ILCAA Forum

        Intensive Language Course “Cham” Cultural Talk

        • Mamoru HONDA (Toyo University) “The Koho (Kahaow) in Vietnam’s Central Highlands, group that related to the Cham and group that not related to the Cham”
        • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Cham”
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/09/12 (Fri)
        A meeting for introducing colleagues
        • Three researches has joined to ILCAA this September. They are all working on languages in Indonesia. This meeting is for introducing the new colleagues.
        • Speakers:
        • Stuart ROBSON (Monash University, ILCAA visiting professor)
        • Alexander ADELAAR (University of Melbourne, ILCAA visiting professor)
        • Dwi Noverini DJENAR (Sydney University, ILCAA short-term joint researcher)
        • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
        • Mikihiro MORIYAMA (Nanzan University)
        • Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University, ILCAA joint researcher)
        • Lawrence REID (University of Hawai’i)
        • Language: English
        • Organized by LingDy2 Project
        20142014/09/09 (Tue)
        ILCAA Forum

        Intensive Language Course “Intermediate Thai” Cultural Talk

        • Tadayoshi MURAKAMI (Associate Professor, Osaka University) “Shan: an ethnic minority in the quadrangle of mainland Southeast Asia and Southwest China”
        • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Intermediate Thai”
        • Language: Japanese
        Academic Conference Room, 3rd floor of E Building, Minoh Campus, Osaka U
        20142014/09/06 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)” The 2nd meeting

        International Workshop on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia

        • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
        • 2. Omar Farouk (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Universiti Sains Malaysia) “Cultural Diversity among Muslims in Thailand and Cambodia and Its Implications for National Integration”
        • 3. Nao KANEKO (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The History of Educational Development in Sabah: The Age of “Sabah Nation””
        • 4. Azizah Kassim (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) “Irritants in Muslim and Non-Muslim Recent Interface: Alarm Bells for National Unity in Malaysia?”
        • 5. Shamsul A.B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Comment
        • 6. Discussion
        • Language: English
        Sipadan Room, Hotel Meridien Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia)
        20142014/09/05 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 9th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “On Family Structure in Changsha during the Jiahe era of the Wu” (First part)
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “On Family Structure in Changsha during the Jiahe era of the Wu” (Second part)
        20142014/09/02 (Tue)
        ILCAA Forum

        Intensive Language Course “Intermediate Thai” Cultural Talk

        • Marasri MIYAMOTO (Professor, Osaka University) “Women in Thai Television Dramas”
        • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Intermediate Thai”
        • Language: Japanese, Thai
        Academic Conference Room, 3rd floor of E Building, Minoh Campus, Osaka U
        20142014/08/19 (Tue) - 2014/08/21 (Thu)
        Workshop Dokumentasi Bahasa Daerah Kalimantan (Workshop on documenting languages of Kalimantan)
        • Coordinators: Surya Sili (Mulawarman University)
        • Antonia SORIENTE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
        • Lecturers: John BOWDEN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA joint researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies), Anthony JUKES (ILCAA Joint Researcher, La Trobe University), Antonia SORIENTE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology), YANTI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Program:
        • Organized by Facultas Ilmu Budaya, Mulawarman University and ILCAA
        Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia
        20142014/08/15 (Fri) - 2014/08/16 (Sat)
        Workshop on Language Documentation
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Program:
        • Jointly sponsored by Faculty of Literature, Udayana University and ILCAA
        Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
        20142014/08/11 (Mon) - 2014/08/12 (Tue)
        Workshop on Language Documentation of Languages in Sabah

        11 August

        • Lectures on Language Documentation of Languages in Sabah

        12 August

        • Practical training on language documentation
        • Language: Malay, English
        • Program
        • Organized by The Kadazandusun Chair and Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, SIL International Kota Kinabaru Liaison Office (ILCAA, TUFS)
        Kota Kinabaru Liaison Office, ILCAA-TUFS
        20142014/08/02 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)” The 11th meeting
        • 1. Brainstorming
        • 2. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu Gakuin University) “Evolution of human cooperative breeding system and emergence of “others.””
        20142014/08/01 (Fri) - 2014/08/03 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts” The 5th meeting

        1 August 14:00-17:00 (closed)

        • 1. Takashi KOEZUKA (Emeritus Professor, Osaka University) “On the last survey in Central Vietnam”
        • 2. Yukitsugu TABATA (Waseda University) “Chronology on Mekon Delta (9th-18th centuries) based on ceramics”

        2 August

        • 9:30-12:00 (closed)
        • 1. Takashi KOEZUKA (Emeritus Professor, Osaka University) “Review on the exhibition “Lost Kingdoms” of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York”
        • 2. Ayumi HARADA (Kyushu National Museum) “Dvaravati culture introduced at the exhibition of Metropolitan Museum of Art”
        • 13:30-17:30 (open)
        • 3. Fumiaki MATSUURA (JSPS / Sophia University) “Reading真臘伝”
        • 4. Miho YAMAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Reading Old Javanese inscriptions - Rukam inscription (907 AD)”

        3 August 9:00-12:30 (closed)

        • 1. Katsura SATO (National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo) “On the Chronology based on the architecture history”
        • 2. Keiko SATO (Sophia University) “Book review”
        • 3. Meeting
        • Language: Japanese
        • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Sumio FUKAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, St. Andrew’s University)
        20142014/07/27 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential”The 8th meeting
        • 1. Editorial meeting of publication about this project
        Hongo Satellite 4F
        20142014/07/26 (Sat) - 2014/07/27 (Sun)
        A Meeting of “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilation of an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”

        26 July

        • 1. Listing and selection of the Tibetan nomadic vocabulary
        • 2. Fieldwork at a farm

        27 July

        • 1. Fieldwork at a farm
        • 2. Listing and selection of the Tibetan nomadic vocabulary,Discussion about the fieldwork at Tibet
        Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
        20142014/07/26 (Sat)
        Open Meeting “Lebanese and Syrian Migrants in Americas”
        • 15:00-16:30. Kodama OBA (Iberoamerican Institute, Sophia University) “Two Choices for Syro-Lebanese Migrant Community: Their Adaptation in Early-Twentieth-Century Buenos Aires”
        • 16:40-18:10. Akimitsu IKEDA (ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Lebanese Migrants in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: A Preliminary Analysis from A Research on the Barbers”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA))
        20142014/07/26 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice” The 10th meeting
        • 1. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “Linking the humanities with the sciences.”
        • 2. Riichiro HIRA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Basic Biology) “Reconstruction of concept by reductionistic neuroscience.”
        20142014/07/20 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and the Surrounding World”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) About the project
        • 2. Satoru KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “Transformation of the title of Khan in Early Modern Central Asia: The Case of the Bukhara Emirates.”
        • 3. Aftandil ERKINOV (ILCAA Visiting Professor,Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies) “Negotiating Islam?: People and Governor-Generals in Turkestan, 1867-1917.”
        • Language: Japanese, English
        20142014/07/20 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship and Political Participation: Comparative Study of the Influence of Migrants and Refugees on Community Development and Social Welfare” The 1st meeting
        • 1. Introduction
        • 2. Yuko TOBINAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Citizenship of Refugees: Self-governance by South Sudanese in Adjumani District, Uganda.”
        • 3. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Political Participation of Palestinan Refugees: Their Citizenship in the Arab Countries”
        • 4. Research meeting
        20142014/07/18 (Fri) - 2014/07/19 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 8th meeting

        18 July

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu04” (First part)
        • 3. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu04” (Second part)

        19 July

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)03” (First part)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)03” (Second part)
        20142014/07/16 (Wed)
        ILCAA Forum
        • PANGILINAN, Michael Raymon Manaloto (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “An Introduction to the Kapampangan Language”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/07/13 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term)” The 1st meeting
        • 1. Hisao TOMIZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) and Ikuya TOKORO(ILCAA) Introduction and discussion
        • 2. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) “CSR Activity by Islamic Financial Institutions: A Case Study on Malaysia”
        20142014/07/12 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia” Publication meeting
        • 1. Meeting on Publication of the Project
        20142014/07/12 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia” The 7th meeting
        • 1. Kan ISHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “History of Belvola-300 and Purigere-300 in the times of the Chalukyas and the Rashtrakutas”
        • 2. Masahiko MITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “Pancakula and Mahajana: Local Admininstration and Assemblies in Early Medieval Rajasthan and Gujarat”
        • 3. Ikuko WADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Walled Port Towns: A Case Study of the Early Modern Coromandel Coast”
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20142014/07/12 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)” The 4th meeting
        • 1. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Preliminary Report on the Agricultural Reports of Cameroon during the French Colonial Period”
        • 2. Discussion about Publication of Results
        20142014/07/12 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of the Accent and Intonation of Korean Dialects” The 1st meeting
        • 1. Munsuk LEE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Science) “Loanword Accentuation of the Gwangju Dialect of Korean”
        • 2. Chiyuki ITO (ILCAA) “Analogical Change of Verb Stem Accent in Yanbian Korean”
        • 3. Jaehyun SON (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Duksung Women’s University) “The Accentual Systems of Various Jeolla dialects of Korean”
        20142014/07/12 (Sat)
        Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • For details, please see here. (in Japanese)
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • Jointly sponsored by The Japan Society of East Asian Anthropology
        20142014/07/10 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Where does the meaning of “recalling” of biXe in Sibe come from? - An analysis on a modeling of human memory”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/07/07 (Mon)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Lecturer: Damian Thobias Magori (Serengeti Development Research and Environmental Conservation Center) “Global activity of local NGO: Challenge for coexistance with African elephants in rural Tanzania”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English and Japanese
        • poster (Japanese)
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by AFRIC Africa and the Japanese Association for African Studies
        20142014/07/06 (Sun)
        Field Linguistics Workshop : Grammatical Studies Workshops 7― Copulas and Existential Expressions (1)
        • 1. Yohei YAMADA (Graduate School, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Existential Expressions in Dagur” (tentative title)
        • 2. Pilnam HAN (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Existential Sentences Involving Copulative Use in Japanese and Korean”
        • 3. Makoto FURUMOTO (Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University) “On Copular Sentences in the Kimakunduchi (Kikae) Dialect of Swahili”
        • * This workshop will be broadcasted by USTREAM. It is also welcome to participate through the internet broadcast.
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • For details, please see here (in Japanese)
        • Organized by ILCAA and Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        20142014/07/05 (Sat) - 2014/07/06 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Reflection of Anthropological Studies on Population Movements: Focusing on Women Experiences as an Interface and “Diasporic Space” in Southeast Aisan “Chinese Communities.”” The 1st meeting

        “Diasporic Space” and “Chinese Exchange”: Discussion on the Conceptual Framework of this Study.

        • 5 July “Diasporic Space”: A Conceptual Consideration
        • 1. Gyo MIYAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Mobile Bodies and Space.”
        • Report (Japanese) : 167KB
        • 2. Tetsu ICHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, St. Paul University) “A Discussion on Diasporic Space: Form a Viewpoint of Intermarriage and the Environmental Processing (1).”
        • Report (Japanese) : 63KB
        • 6 July “Chinese Exchange”: A Definition and Methodological Framework
        • 1. Tetsu ICHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, St. Paul University) “A Discussion on Diasporic Space: Form a Viewpoint of Intermarriage and the Environmental Processing (2).”
        • Report (Japanese) : 66KB
        • 2. Gyo MIYAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Chinese Exchange”: Definition and Issues.”
        • Report (Japanese) : 453KB
        • 3. Preliminary Findings in Fieldworks in Southeast Asia
        • This project aims to eamine how Chinese population movements transform, or “give a format” the ecological and social environments both in the host societies in Southeast Asia and hometown in China, focusing on women's experiences, which were mostly subardinate to male migrations. Following this purpose of the project, this workshop will discuss 1) the conceptural and methodological framework of this project, 2) the preliminary findings of each research in Southeast Asia, and 3) possible hypotheses for further researches.

        Hongo Satellite 4F
        20142014/07/05 (Sat)
        Symposium: Anthropological Studies on the Intersection of Sense/Emotion/Affect and the Social
        • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Introduction
        • 2. Akira OKAZAKI (Hitotsubashi University) “Art, Religion and Becoming”
        • 3. Masakazu TANAKA (Kyoto University) “Body and Eros”
        • 4. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Non-Human―Things and Technology”
        • 5. Naoki NAITO (The University of Tokushima) “Place―Migration and the Spaces”
        • 6. Ichiro MAJIMA (ILCAA) “Disaster, Politics and Life”
        • Commentators: Hideaki TAZAKI (Rikkyo University), Kotaro TAKAGI (Aoyama Gakuin University)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/07/05 (Sat)
        Field Linguistics Workshop : How to Draw Linguistic Maps -Drawing Maps Using MANDARA
        • Takuichiro ONISHI (NINJAL) “Drawing Linguistic Maps using MANDARA”
        20142014/07/04 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 7th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Case 7 of “Weiyudengzhuang” from Yuelu Academy” (First part)
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Case 7 of “Weiyudengzhuang” from Yuelu Academy” (Second part)
        20142014/06/29 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)” The 10th meeting
        • 1. Takeo FUNABIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “The meaning of “otherness” in one-to-one relationship”
        • 2. Shunkichi HANAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Otherness in chimpanzee society: unfamiliar voices and the different responses of newly-immigrated females and resident individuals”
        20142014/06/28 (Sat)
        Overseas Scientific Research Forum
        • 10:30-12:30. Workshop: To reciprocical partnership in fieldwork: Exploring the possibilities of “field science”
        • 1. Tasaku TSUNODA (Professor Emeritus, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Revival movement of the Warrongo language (Australia) ”
        • 2. Yasue YOSHINARI (Center for International Relations, University of Miyazaki) “The progress from the field survey to the international cooperation for countermeasures against arsenic contamination in India”
        • 12:30-12:35. Short Announcement about Overseas Scientific Research: Festa
        • 12:35-14:00. (Lunch break)
        • 14:00-17:00. Regional meetings *
        • 17:30-19:30. Reception *
        • ※1 12:30-17:00 Overseas Scientific Research: Festa
        • ※2 14:00-15:00 Outline of Grant Administration in Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Questions and Answers in three meeting places)
        • * : Pre-registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • For more details, please see here. (in Japanese.)
        • Organized by ILCAA
        20142014/06/26 (Thu)
        FIELDPLUS café

        ■FIELDPLUScafé “History and culture of the mountain peoples in the South-East Asia”■

        • Guest Speaker: Christian DANIELS (ILCAA)
        • Presenter: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA), Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
        Rokujigen (2F, 1-10-3 Kamiogi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo)
        20142014/06/21 (Sat)
        21 June 2014 (Sat.) 14:00-15:30 (Closed meeting), 15:30-17:00 (Open meeting)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Sources for African History” The 1st meeting

        14:00-15:30 (Closed meeting)

        • 1. Discussion on the project

        15:30-17:00 (Open meeting)

        • 2. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Arabic Sources for historical studies of West Africa”
        20142014/06/20 (Fri) - 2014/06/21 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 6th meeting

        20 June

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian52” (First part)
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian52” (Second part)

        21 June

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 1. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)02” (First part)
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan(er)02” (Second part)
        20142014/06/14 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Research on “Verbals”” The 4th meeting
        • 1. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Converbs in Mongolian: Relationship between “converbs” and “verbal nominals with a case suffix””
        • 2. Daisuke EBINA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Shukugawa Gakuin University) “Verbals in Cusco Quechua: Focusing on nominalization”
        • 3. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Non-finite verb forms in Irabu Ryukyuan”
        • 4. Discussion
        20142014/06/12 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Aftandil ERKINOV (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Fabrication of Legitimation in the Khoqand Khanate under the Reign of ’Umar Khan (1225―1237/1810―1822)”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20142014/06/10 (Tue)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Toshio MEGURO (ILCAA Research Associate) “Politics around human-wildlife coexistence in Africa: Representation and discourses on Maasai whose member is killed by a buffalo”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • poster (Japanese)
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        20142014/06/08 (Sun)
        The 2nd meeting for Fieldwork and Theoretical Studies on the Intersection of Affect and the Social
        • 1. Discussion “the Intersection of Affect and the Social” I
        • 2. Masabumi MINAMI (Hokkaido University) “Neuronal mechanisms for pain-induced aversion”
        • 3. Discussion “the Intersection of Affect and the Social” Ⅱ
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20142014/06/07 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Things(2) (Dynamics of Human/Non-human things)”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Introduction on the Project: New Perspectives of Study on Things”
        • 2. Masakazu TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “The Material World Learned through Fetishism”
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/06/06 (Fri)
        Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • 1. Yutaka SUGA (The University of Tokyo) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA), Yutaka SAKUMA (ILCAA) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20142014/06/06 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian51” (First part)
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian51” (Second part)
        20142014/05/25 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam”The 4th meeting
        • 1. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Fellow) Opening Remarks
        • 2. Yukari SAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “CHalal Food in China” (tentative title)
        • 3. Emi IMAHORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo) “Halal Food in Central Asia” (tentative title)
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/05/24 (Sat) - 2014/05/25 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”The 4th meeting

        24 May

        • 1. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Burman”
        • 5. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “Sibe”
        • 4. Shuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Korean”
        • 2. Kazuyuki KIRYU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mimasaka University) “Newar”

        25 May

        • 1. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) “Mongolian”

        24 May

        • 6. Discussion
        • 3. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Kam-Tibetan”
        • 4. Shuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Korean”

        25 May

        • 2. Discussion on the further research
        • 3. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA) “data management using a computer”
        • Last year relevant members of the project team carried out research into individual languages, employing the questionnaire that was originally prepared last year. In the previous meetings these members reported on the results of their research. The aim of the meeting that will be held on the 24th and the 25th May is to provide data that may have been missing in previous reports and to examine the research by the entire team. Specifically, the six members listed below will report on their subsequent research and present their findings. Then, the entire team will discuss these results and the issues for further research.

        20142014/05/16 (Fri) - 2014/05/17 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 4th meeting

        16 May

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Discussion “On ‘Zhuang’ and ‘Shi’ as reference books for administrative clerks in the Qin” (First part)
        • 3. Arnd Helmut HAFNER (ILCAA) Discussion “On ‘Zhuang’ and ‘Shi’ as reference books for administrative clerks in the Qin” (Second part)

        17 May

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 1. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Jianshuijinguan(er)01” (First part)
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Jianshuijinguan(er)01” (second part)
        20142014/05/13 (Tue)
        The 1st meeting for Fieldwork and Theoretical Studies on the Intersection of Affect and the Social
        • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Aim of this study meeting
        • 2. Discussion
        • Our joint research activities over the past three years have suggested that today’s key research subjects in anthropology regarding the linkage of micro-macro perspectives all lie in the intersection of “affect” which can be experienced in the field, and the “social,” which is fluidly organized through engagement with affect. This study meeting is organzided for pursuing more focused and leading research topics in theoretical studies on the intersection of affect and the social.

        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20142014/05/12 (Mon) - 2014/06/20 (Fri)
        10:30-17:00 (Closed on weekends and holidays)
        The Holy Land in Tranquility
        • Jerusalem is a holy city for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Since ancient times, the area has been held sacred, particularly by the Europeans, and is visited by numerous pilgrims, who record their travel and paint its landscapes. From 1851 to the following year, former Dutch naval officer (Van de Velde) published a travelogue, created a survey map, and painted photo-realistic landscapes. This exhibition will display 33 items within the hundred lithographs and a simplified map in high precision digital version. It will display the tranquility of the holy land as it was before it came to be at the mercy of many international disputes.

        • The website of this event is now on preparation.
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        ILCAA 1F
        20142014/05/10 (Sat) - 2014/05/11 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilationof an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic VocabularyThe 1st meeting

        10 May

        • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) and Yusuke BESSHO(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hiroshima University) “The aim of our project”
        • 2. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Milk cultures of various parts of Eurasia and characteristics of the milk culture of Tibet”
        • 3. Masahiro HIRATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) and Ryunosuke OGAWA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine) “Word list for studying Tibetan milk culture”
        • 4. “Discussion on the word list for studying Tibetan nomadic culture”

        11 May

        • 1. “Discussion on the word list for studying Tibetan nomadic culture”
        • 2. “Discussion on the next research meeting and field trip”
        20142014/05/10 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages” The 7th meeting
        • 1. Osamu HIEDA (ILCAA) “Complex events and clause combining in Saamia”
        • 2. Hiroshi YOSHINO (University of Tsukuba) “Event integration patterns in ‘Alle”
        • 3. All participants “Discussion on the publication of papers”
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/05/02 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu03” (First part)
        • 3. Sachiko IIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu03” (second part)
        20142014/04/19 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages” The 4th meeting
        • 1. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Word Order and Text Genre in the Bantik Language”
        • 2. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Definiteness Indication of NP in Indonesian”
        • 3. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Information Structure of Langages of Kalimantan”
        • 4. Discussions “Word Order and Information Structure” “Voice and Information Structure”
        • Language: Japanese
        20142014/04/18 (Fri) - 2014/04/19 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 2nd meeting

        18 April

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian49” (First part)
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian49” (Second part)

        19 April

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 1. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian50” (First part)
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian50” (Second part)
        20142014/04/12 (Sat) - 2014/04/13 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Society in Dunhuang based on the studies of multilingual sources newly discovered” The 1st meeting

        12 April

        • 1. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) and Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Target of this joint-research project”
        • 2. Akihiro SAKAJIRI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Fieldwork in Dunhuang, 2010-13; Photographic source materials of the Pelliot collection housed at Musee Guimet”
        • 3. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Linguistic remarks in the Tangut inscriptions”
        • 4. Dai MATSUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “Uighur and Mongol wall inscriptions in the Dunhuang caves”

        13 April

        • 1. Takayasu SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Morioka College) “Fieldwork in Dunhuang, 2013 (on Tangut studies)”
        • 2. Takatoshi AKAGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Dunhuang caves and Characteristic feature of the portraits of the Guiyijun rulers”
        • 3. Atsushi IWAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “Overview on the Chinese divination documents from Dunhuang”
        • 4. Kazushi IWAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Photographic source materials of the Pelliot collection housed at Musee Guimet (on Tibetan studies)”
        • 5. Meishi YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka International University) “Dunhuang and Tibet under the Mongolian empire”
        • 6. Koichi KITSUDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “Overview on the old Uighur Buddhist documents from Dunhuang”
        • 7. Yudong BAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Overview on the studies of Shazhou Uighur”
        • 8. Scheduling and discussion for 2014 year
        20142014/04/04 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The new boundary-crossing approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents (2) : Change and Duration in the Qin and Han as seen through a Comparison of Wooden Tablets from the Qin site of Liye and North-west Border Area of Han”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian48” (First part)
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian48” (Second part)
        20132014/03/29 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia” The 6th meeting
        • 1. Shinji SHIGEMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otemon Gakuin University) “Historical Trace of Raiyatwari Land System, from an Exhaustive Rural Survey of I. Village of Salem District, Tamilnadu State”
        • 2. Minoru INABA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Revisiting the Ḥūna and the Hephtalites: Recent studies on the Central Asian states in Northwestern India”
        • 3. Ayako NINOMIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aoyama Gakuin University) “Sufi Tariqa as an intermediate group”
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20132014/03/29 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)” The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Yuichiro FUJIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kinki University) “Changes in Safety Nets for Food Security under Climatic Disasters in Northern Namibia”
        • 2. Discussion about Publication of Results
        • Language: Japanese
        20132014/03/29 (Sat)
        Project meeting for “Compiling Textbooks of African Languages”
        • 1. Business meeting
        • 2. Yuko ABE (ILCAA) ”Bende textbook for Bende community”
        • 3. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (Kagawa University) “Learning grammar by field-linguistic methods: a case of Chaga-Rombo”
        • 4. Yuko ABE (ILCAA) & Masaaki KADOYA (Waseda University) “Swahili textbook for Japanese learners”
        • 5. Katsuhiko SHIOTA (Osaka University) “Textbook editing for ILCAA Intensive Language Course”
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
        20132014/03/28 (Fri)
        Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
        • 1. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (Research Associate, ILCAA) “Scope and Perspective of Prehistory of Islamic Finance in Malaysia”
        • 2. Nobuyoshi FUJINAMI (Research Associate, ILCAA) “An Ottoman Statesman Meets International Law: Bluntschli's Le droit international codifié and Hasan Fehmi Paşa’s Telhis-i Hukuk-ı Düvel”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        20132014/03/27 (Thu)
        International Workshop “Multifaceted Self and Spatial Imagination Observed in Lebanese and Syrian Migrant Literature”
        • 14:00-14:10. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Welcome remarks
        • 14:10-15:10. Lecture1: Eduardo HALFON (Writer, USA-NE) “Between Two Worlds: The Personal Testimony of a Writer Growing Up Jewish and Arab in Guatemala”
        • 15:10-16:10. Lecture 2: George ABDELNOUR (Notre Dame University, Lebanon) “Visions of History in the Literature of the Lebanese Diaspora: Luis Fayad and García Márquez”
        • 16:10-16:30. Break
        • 16:30-16:50. Guita HOURANI (Notre Dame University, Lebanon) Comment
        • 16:50-17:30. General Discussion
        • Chair: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA))
        20132014/03/25 (Tue)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies” The 13th meeting
        • 1. Hiroshi ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Tachibana University) “A Farman of Sultan Ya’qub Aq-Qoyunlu”
        • 2. Yutaka HORII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Doshisha University) “Venetians in Early Modern Egypt”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132014/03/22 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice” The 9th meeting
        • 1. Shigeyuki AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Aizu) “Our Place in the Universe - Interplay of Philosophies and Sciences”
        • 2. Kumiko TANAKA (Kyushu University) “Towards understanding the computational structure of language and sign systems”
        20132014/03/21 (Fri) - 2014/03/22 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 61st meeting

        21 March

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Sachiko IIDA (Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu01” (First part)
        • 3. Sachiko IIDA (Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu01” (Second part)

        22 March

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (Kyoto Prefectural University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu02” (First part)
        • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (Kyoto Prefectural University) Reading “Wuyiguangchang Donghanjiandu02” (Second part)
        • Language: Japanese
        20132014/03/20 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum/ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others”
        • Dr.Wulan (Ulaγan) (ILCAA Visiting Professor/Research fellow at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthoroplogy, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) “On the Manususcropts of the Secret History of the Mongols”
        • Dr.Wulan (Ulaγan), a visiting fellow to the ILCAA in 2014 and a research fellow at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthoroplogy, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, published a critical edition of the Secret History of the Mongols from Zhonghua Publishing House in Beijing in 2012. The Secret History of the Mongols is a well known classic work among the Mongols. She will introduce the manuscripts of the Secret History preserved at the libraries in the world. She will also talk on several topics related to the Secret History.

        • Language: Japanese
        20132014/03/20 (Thu)
        14:00-15:30 (open), 15:30-16:00 (closed)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 13th meeting
        • 1. ILCAA Forum (open)
        • Dr.Wulan (Ulaγan) (ILCAA Visiting Professor/Research fellow at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthoroplogy, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) “On the Manususcropts of the Secret History of the Mongols”
        • 2. Business meeting (closed)
        20132014/03/18 (Tue)
        Grammatical Studies Workshops 6― Plurality (2)
        • 1. Yuma ITO (Graduate School of Kyoto University) “Unmarked Dual in Mlabri personal pronoun”
        • 2. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Pluractional Verbs - Verbs that denote plural subjects and iterative Aspect -”
        • 3. Hideyuki ONISHI (Graduate School of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Optional plural marking and definiteness in Rawang”
        • 4. Michinori SHIMOJI (Kyushu University) “Dual in Ryukyuan”
        20132013/03/15 (Fri)
        Pre-meeting of “Assessing Micro Level Linkages between Humans, Livestock, and the Environment in Amdo, Tibet: The Outgrowth of the Compilation of an Ethnographic Dictionary of Nomadic Vocabulary”
        • 1. A word from the project leader
        • 2. Introduction
        • 3. The purpose and target of the project
        • 4. Q & A
        • 5. Technical issues
        • 6. About the next meeting
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project2 (LingDy2)
        20132014/03/13 (Thu)
        Exhibition 16:30-18:00, Lecture 18:00-20:00
        JaCMES Lecture Series: The Middle East and Japan No.9 “Calligraphic Beauty in Interaction”
        • Carla SALEM(Lecturer, American University of Beirut) “Silent Pages”
        • Fuad Koichi HONDA(Professor, Daito Bunka University / President, Japan Arabic Calligraphy Association) “My Experience in the Art of Arabic Calligraphy: For the Memory of Great Works by Kamil al-Baba”
        • Koichi YAMAOKA (Secretary General, Japan Arabic Calligraphy Association) “The Establishment of Japan Association for Arabic Calligraphy and its Activities”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Arabic and English (With simultaneous interpretation)
        • For details, please see here.
        • Organized by Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
        Crowne Plaza, Hamra, Beirut
        20132014/03/09 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam”The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) Opening Remarks
        • 2. Mayuko OKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Waseda University) “Current Situation and Possibility of Halal Cosmetics: Islamic Consumption Behavior Propagating from Southeast Asia to Middle East”
        • 3. Hajime KAMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “A Case Study on Behavior of Islamic Financial institutions: Evidence from Bahrain and Saudi Arabia”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132014/03/08 (Sat)
        Fieldnet Lounge/The Symposium: Ethnography of Self-help Groups: Making sense of ‘self-help groups’ in comparative perspective
        20132014/03/08 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar”The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Research Associate) Opening Remarks
        • 2. Mayuko OKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Waseda University) “Fashion and Beauty in Oman” (tentative title)
        • 3. Hajime KAMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University) “A Case Study on Behavior of Islamic Financial institutions: Evidence from GCC Countries” (tentative title)
        • Language: Japanese
        20132014/03/07 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 60th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Kyoko MEGURO (Kyoto Prefectural University) “Annual Events in Ancient China--A View from Unearthed Materials” (First part)
        • 3. Kyoko MEGURO (Kyoto Prefectural University) “Annual Events in Ancient China--A View from Unearthed Materials” (Second part)
        20132014/03/06 (Thu)
        Exchange Lecture between UMS (School of Social Science) and TUFS (ILCAA)
        • 13:45-14:00. Prof. Dato’ Mohd. Hamdan Adnan (Dean of School of Social Sciences, UMS) and Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) OPENING REMARKS
        • 14:00-14:40. PRESENTATION 1: Keiko TOSA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Religious Sanctuary and Tactics of Migrant Families in Myanmar”
        • 14:40-15:20. PRESENTATION 2: Yuriko YAMANOUCHI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Aboriginal community experience in south-western Sydney, Australia”
        • 15:20-16:00. PRESENTATION 3: Prof. Jacqueline Pugh Kitingan (UMS) “From Gabbang to Gabang: Diffusion and change in xylophone structure and performance from coastal communities to the Makiang of the Upper Kinabatangan River”
        • 16:00-16:30. Discussion (Q & A)
        • 16:30. CLOSING REMARKS
        • Language: English
        • Organized by KKLO and University Malaysia Sabah
        School of Social Science, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
        20132014/03/01 (Sat)
        Fieldnet Lounge/The Symposium: Local Memories through African wars-Cases of Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Nigeria-
        20132014/02/28 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential”The 7th meeting
        • 1. Naoki ISHIGAKI (Okinawa International University) “Taiwan Indigenous Studies and Spatial Imagination: Land, Culture, and Identity of the Bunun”
        • 2. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Southeast Asian Studies and Anthropology”
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20132014/02/27 (Thu) - 2014/03/01 (Sat)
        International Workshop on Endangered Scripts of Island Southeast Asia
        • Coordinators: Michael Raymon M. PANGILINAN, Chief Coordinator (ILCAA), Anthony JUKES (ILCAA Joint Researcher/CRLD, La Trobe University), Christopher Ray MILLER (Independent Researcher, Montreal, Canada), Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
        • International Workshop on Endangered Scripts of Island Southeast AsiaThis workshop will discuss the writing systems and traditions of island Southeast Asia, focusing on (but not limited to) the endangered Indic scripts of the Philippines, Sumatra and Sulawesi. Papers are invited covering topics such as historical and structural relationships, literature, documentation, revival, modern functions, adaptations and social/cultural meaning. In addition to the academic component of the workshop, the organisers encourage participation by culture-bearers, activists and artists.

        20132014/02/25 (Tue) - 2014/02/26 (Wed)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies (the second term)”The 1st meeting

        25 February

        • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Welcome remarks and aims of the project
        • 2. Kaoru YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
        • 3. Malek SHARIF (ILCAA Joint Researcher, American University of Beirut)
        • 4. Carla EDDE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Saint-Joseph University)
        • 5. Nora LAFI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Zentrum Moderner Orient)
        • 6. Hiroshi KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University)
        • 7. Akira USUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women’s University)

        26 February

        • 1. Bernard HOURCADE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
        • 2. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
        • 3. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Research Fellow)
        • 4. Stefan KNOST (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg)
        • 5. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
        • 6. Kosuke MATSUBARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba)
        • 7. For the coming meetings 2014-2015
        • Language: English
        JaCMES, Beirut
        20132014/02/22 (Sat)
        13:00-17:25 (open meeting), 17:40-18:10 (closed meeting)
        Fieldnet Lounge/Workshop: New Perspectives on the Relationship with Study Areas based on Modern Mongolian Studies
        • Researchers share various relationships with the people of study areas, both at home and overseas, because of the present increase in the movement of people and goods across borders. This workshop will examine new perspectives on these relationships based on Mongolian studies after the collapse of the Cold War regime in the early 1990s. We would also like to discuss how to create a platform for sharing research and facilitating communication.

        20132014/02/21 (Fri) - 2014/02/22 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 59th meeting

        21 February

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian46” (First part)
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian46” (Second part)

        22 February

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (Aichi University of Education) Reading “Liyeqinjian47” (First part)
        • 3. Hideyuki WATANABE (Aichi University of Education) Reading “Liyeqinjian47” (Second part)
        • Language: Japanese
        20132014/02/19 (Wed) - 2014/02/25 (Tue)
        The 7th Documentary Linguistics Workshop (DocLing2014)
        • Unfortunately, Mr. David Nathan is unable to come to Japan this time.
        • Lecturers:
        • Peter Austin (SOAS, University of London)
        • Anthony Jukes (CRLD, La Trobe University)
        • Hideo Sawada (ILCAA)
        • and others
        • Programme:
        • This workshop aims to provide methodological and technical training in various aspects of language documentation and archiving of endangered/minority languages, dealing with topics including:
        • ・overviews of language documentation and archiving
        • ・audio/video recording
        • ・data management
        • ・data mobilization
        • ・archiving
        • ・photography in language documentation
        • ・fieldwork issues
        20132014/02/19 (Wed)
        LingDy Public Lecture

        LingDy Public Lecture “Endangered languages: emerging issues in documentation, archiving and revitalization”

        • The LingDy2 Project (ILCAA, TUFS) will hold the following Lecture on language documentation.
        • Peter AUSTIN(SOAS, University of London), Anthony JUKES (CRLD, La Trobe University), Sonja RIESBERG (University of Cologne) “Endangered languages: emerging issues in documentation, archiving and revitalization”
        • As the world’s linguistic diversity continues to decline, researchers, activists and language communities have looked to language documentation, archiving and revitalization as responses and possible solutions. This presentation will discuss the present state of these activities in the light of experience over the past 20 years, and in particular how they are dealing with increased community participation, the nature of the actual language documentation materials being created, the changing roles of archives, appropriate uses of technologies, and how well they are together serving today’s emphasis on ethical and effective support for communities as well as better linguistic understandings.

        • This Lecture will be held as a part of DocLing2014 workshop hosted by LingDy2 Project of ILCAA.
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • For details, please see here.
        • Organized by ILCAA, Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
        20132014/02/13 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • THUFAIL, Fadjar Ibnu (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “Figure of the Chinese: The May 1998 Riots in Indonesia and Its Investigative Process”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20132014/02/09 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Research on “Verbals””The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Ryo MATSUMOTO (Kyoto University) “A preliminary study on the classification of Nenets verbals”
        • 2. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University/JSPS Research Fellow) “On the syntactic function of “Verbals” in Sibe: its association with semantics and phonology”
        20132014/02/07 (Fri)
        The 13th Field Science Colloquium
        • 15:00-15:05. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
        • 15:05-16:20. Yoshifumi TAMADA (Kyoto University) “A Study of Thai Politics and Field Work”
        • 16:20-16:35. Break
        • 16:35-17:50. Suehisa KURODA (Professor Emeritus, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “What is the Observation in Primate Sociology? --Relationship between observers’ empathy onto animals and multiple understandings of the Primate society-- ”
        • 17:50-18:05. Break
        • 18:05-19:00. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Field Science Center
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20132014/02/07 (Fri) - 2014/02/08 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities”The 9th meeting

        7 February, Venue: 304

        • 1. Draft-Reviewing Session 1
        • 1. Koji TSUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “The Indonesian National Hero, John Lie: Disembroiling the Multiply Essentialized Narrative”
        • 2. Mitsuko TAMAKI(ILCAA Joint Researcher,Takushoku University) “Rethinking ‘Assimilation’ of Chinese in Thailand: Rituals and Religious Practices of a ‘Chinese Spirit Cult Temple’”
        • 3. Kaori FUSHIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Taisho University) “Hungry Ghost Festival in Singapore and Its Spectacularised Rituals: Emerging Images of ‘Chinese’ and Its Reality”
        • 4. Fadjar Ibnu THUFAIL (ILCAA Foreign Researcher) “Figure of the Chinese and Urban Riots in Indonesia, 1970s-1990s”

        8 February, Venue: Hongo Satellite 7F

        • Draft-Reviewing Session 2
        • 1. Yumi KITAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Passage to the ‘West’: Life History of Chinese from Indonesia”
        • 2. Ryoko SAKURADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ikuei Junior College) “Sweet Aroma and Beautiful Memories: Nostalgia for Kopitiam, Local Coffee Shop and its Culture among Chinese Malaysians”
        • 3. Sachiko YOKOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shiga Prefecture) “Transnational Houselholding: Family Strategy of Indonesian Chinese by Cross-cultural Marriage”
        • Draft-Reviewing Session 3
        • 4. Tetsu ICHIKAWA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) “Who are the Papua New Guinean Chinese?: Sub-ethnic Identification in a Complex Face-to-face Situation”
        • 5. HUANG Yun (Kwansei Gakuin University) “The Malaysian Buddhist or the ‘Chinese Buddhist’: a research on the Theravada Buddhists in Malaysia”
        304, Hongo Satellite 7F
        20132014/02/07 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 58th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian45” (First part)
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian45” (Second part)
        20132014/02/02 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia”The 7th meeting
        • 1. disucussion about publication of the research project
        20132014/02/01 (Sat)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting

        • Hiroaki OSAWA (Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, International Christian University) “Women, Race, and Colonialism: National Council of African Women in mid-20th Century South Africa.”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        20132014/02/01 (Sat)
        Grammatical Studies Workshops 5― Plurality (1)
        • 1. Yuto NIINAGA (JSPS Researcher/Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Arbitrariness of the grammatical number: “Plural” markers that indicate a single referent in Yuwan (Amami, Northern Ryukyuan)”
        • 2. So MIYAGAWA (Graduate Student in Linguistics at Kyoto University) “Plurality in the Sahidic Dialect of Coptic Egyptian”
        20132014/01/30 (Thu)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Open Meeting: The Change of African Peasant Livelihood: The Creativety and Difficulty in a rural village along a Conflict Country

        • Rumiko MURAO (ILCAA)
        • Comentators: Mitsuo OGURA (Tsuda College), Kaori KOMATSU (Shizuoka University)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        20132014/01/25 (Sat) - 2014/01/26 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”The 3rd meeting

        25 January

        • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Sibe”
        • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Tibetan”
        • 3. Shuntaro TIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Korean”
        • 4. Discussion

        26 January

        • 1. Mie TSUNODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rissho University) “The relation between the results of research and the ‘Cogitation process’”
        • 2. Discussion on the further research
        • 3. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “How to use Spreadsheet”
        • 4. Discussion on the schedule of research this year
        • Relevant members of the project team have been carrying out research into individual languages, employing the questionnaire that the members of the team had prepared this year. At the meeting to be held on the 25th and the 26th January, the following three members will report on the results of their research into the languages shown below. Then, the entire team will examine these results and discuss the future direction of the research.

        20132014/01/25 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”The 8th meeting
        • 1. Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shiga Prefecture) “Understanding Plants in Slash and Burn Cultivation and Natural Cultivation.”
        • 2. Akinori KUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA Junior Research Fellow) “Plastic Comparison: Inbetween Anthropology and Robotics.”
        20132014/01/24 (Fri) - 2014/01/25 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 57th meeting

        24 January

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Case 1-7 of “Weiyudengzhuang“ from Yuelu Academy (First part)”
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Case 1-7 of “Weiyudengzhuang“ from Yuelu Academy (Second part)”

        25 January

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (Aichi University of Education) Reading “Case 1-1 of “Weiyudengzhuang” from Yuelu Academy (First part)”
        • 3. Hideyuki WATANABE (Aichi University of Education) Reading “Case 1-1 of “Weiyudengzhuang” from Yuelu Academy (First part)”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132014/01/23 (Thu)
        The 20th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        • 1. Nobuhide KAWAMURA Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Shiro SASAKI (National Museum of Ethnology), Akitoshi SHIMIZU (ILCAA),Yuji SEKI (National Museum of Ethnology), Katsuhiko YAMAJI (Kwansei Gakuin University) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20132014/01/22 (Wed)
        Information Resources Center (IRC) International Workshop
        • 1. Salim HATUBOU (écrivain et chercheur des contes) “Tradition des contes comoriens et leur valeur d’aujourd'hui.” (Tentative)
        • 2.
        • Comment by Keiya HANABUCHI (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: French (simultaneous interpretation(French→Japanese)available)
        • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
        20132014/01/13 (Mon)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts”The 4th meeting
        • 1. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Editorial policy of Javanese Concordance”
        • 2. All members “Possibilities of research with Concordance”
        • Language: Japanese, English
        20132014/01/12 (Sun)
        Special lecture by KKLO and the japan club of kk
        • 15:00-15:10. Opening Remarks
        • 15:10-16:10. Presentation1: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Lecture on Relationship between Southern Philippine and East Malaysia” (tentative title)
        • 16:10-16:5. Q and A Session
        • 16:50-17:00. Closing Remarks
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by KKLO and The Japan club of Kota Kinabaru
        KINABALU JAPANESE SCHOOL (Lorong Burong Ejek House No.8, Jalan Tuaran, Miles 3.5, 88450, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia)
        20132014/01/10 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 56th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Some methodological remarks on Legal History and the Research of Ancient Documents (First part)”
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) “Some methodological remarks on Legal History and the Research of Ancient Documents (Second part)”
        20132013/12/22 (Sun) - 2013/12/23 (Mon)
        The 6th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics/ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”The 12th meeting

        22 December

        • 1. Introduction
        • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading the Court Registers (marriage and divorce I)
        • 3. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading the Court Registers (marriage and divorce II)

        23 December

        • 1. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading Ilam(petition)s I
        • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading Ilam(petition)s II
        • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Reading decree texts in the Court Registers and Ahkam Defteri
        • 4. General Discussion
        20132013/12/22 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)”The 2nd meeting

        1. Discussion about Publication of Results

        • Publication Plan 1. Hiroki ISHIKAWA “Food and Agriculture in African History”
        • Publication Plan 2. Tadasu TSURUTA “Indigenous Agricultural Revolution in Africa”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/12/20 (Fri) - 2013/12/21 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 55th meeting

        20 December

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) “Reexamination of the morphological classification of wooden slips gathered in 2011 (First part)”
        • 3. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) “Reexamination of the morphological classification of wooden slips gathered in 2011 (Second part)”

        21 December

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA) Reading “Liyeqinjian44” (First part)
        • 3. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA) Reading “Liyeqinjian44” (Second part)
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/12/13 (Fri) - 2013/12/15 (Sun)
        Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Level306
        20132013/12/13 (Fri) - 2013/12/15 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages”The 3rd meeting

        International workshop on information structure of Austronesian languages

        • This workshop will primarily discuss the way information structure (e.g., sentence topic, sentence focus, definiteness of the NP)to be coded in the grammatical structure of the Austronesian languages.

        • Co-ordinators: Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) and Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
        • 13 December
        • 1. Nancy HEDBERG (Simon Fraser University) “Applying the Givenness Hierarchy Framework: Methodological Issues”
        • Abstract (English) 68KB
        • 2. Isabelle BRIL (LACITO-CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research)) “Informational status and informational hierarchy in Natauran-Amis (Formosan)”
        • Abstract (English) 27KB
        • 3. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University) “The syntax of information structures in Lamaholot”
        • Abstract (English) 57KB
        • 4. Hiroko SATO (University of Hawai’i at Manoa) “Definiteness and specificity in Kove”
        • Abstract (English) 34KB
        • 5. Stefan SCHNELL (La Trobe University) “Topicalisation and pronominalisation across genres: A usage-based approach to left-dislocation and pronominal resumption in Vera’a(North Vanuatu)”
        • Abstract (English) 85KB
        • 6. Midori OSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) “Information Structure in Tinrin & Neku: topicalization, impersonal constructions, & passive”
        • Abstract (English) 63KB
        • 7. Masahiko NOSE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shiga University) “Information structure in Amele, Papua New Guinea”
        • Abstract (English) 16KB
        • 8. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “The information structure of Javanese narratives of experiences”
        • Abstract (English) 16KB
        • 14 December
        • 1. Naomi TSUKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University “Topic and Focus in Seediq”
        • Abstract (English) 17KB
        • 2. Rik De BUSSER(National Chengchi University) “Information structure in Takivatan Bunun,with special attention to the role of ellipsis”
        • Abstract (English) 16KB
        • 3. Anja LATROUITE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf) “Information Structure and Grammaticalization in Tagalog”
        • Abstract (English) 53KB
        • 4. Hiroaki KITANO(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) and Michael Raymon M. PANGILINAN (ILCAA) “Motivations for PAMANAKMUL AMANU ‘word swallowing’ in Kapampangan”
        • Abstract (English) 20KB
        • 5. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Newly introduced NPs, continuous topics, and contrastive topics in Bantik discourse”
        • Abstract (English) 20KB
        • 6. YANTI (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia), Timothy MCKINNON (MPI EVA Jakarta, University of Delaware), Peter COLE (University of Delaware, MPI EVA Leipzig) and Gabriella HERMON (University of Delaware, MPI EVA Leipzig) “Marking Information Status in Tapus Minangkabau”
        • Abstract (English) 16KB
        • 7. John BOWDEN (Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) “Towards an account of Colloquial Jakarta Indonesian information structure”
        • Abstract (English) 28KB
        • 8. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Information structure and information status of Sumbawa, Indonesia”
        • Abstract (English) 17KB
        • 15 December
        • 1. Daniel KAUFMAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Endangered Language Alliance) “Clefting and question formation across Indonesia”
        • Abstract (English) 17KB
        • 2. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University) “Information structure in Kadorih”
        • Abstract (English) 90KB
        • 3. Antonia SORIENTE (University of Naples “L’Orientale”) “Informations structure devices in Punan Tubu’”
        • Abstract (English) 64KB
        • 4. Discussion
        • 5. Closing
        • 6. Business meeting
        • Admission: Free
        • Advanced registration: Required
        • Language: English
        • For details, please see here.
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2)
        20132013/12/12 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • 15:00-15:30. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “A Report on Three Collaborations: Linguistics, History, Archaeology”
        • 15:30-16:00. Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) “Interfaces between public order and popular order in northwestern Madagascar”
        • 16:00-16:10. break
        • 16:10-16:40. Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) “Dynamic analysis of Thai tones”
        • 16:40-17:10. Hirohide KURIHARA (ILCAA) “Some Reflections on the Reliability of Historical Materials”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/12/08 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States”The 9th meeting
        • 1. Meeting for the publication of articles by the members
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/12/06 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 54th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA) Reading “Liyeqinjian43” (First part)
        • 3. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA) Reading “Liyeqinjian43” (Second part)
        20132013/11/30 (Sat) - 2013/12/01 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”The 11th meeting

        International Symposium “Mapping Safavid Iran”

        • 30 November
        • Panel 1: Center and Periphery
        • 1. Rudi MATTHEE (University of Delaware) “The Safavid Empire: Relations between the Center and the Periphery”
        • 2. Akihiko YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher,University of the Sacred Heart) “Safavid Legacy Seen from a Periphery: The Ardalan and Iran’s Shahs”
        • Panel 2: Politics and Kingship
        • 3. Sholeh QUINN (University of California, Merced) “Chroniclers and Kings: the Origins of Early Modern Persianate Historiography”
        • 4. Yukako GOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University) “Regional Cities as Nodes in the Network of the Safavid Political System”
        • Panel 3: Religion and Authority
        • 5. Rula Jurdi ABISAAB (McGill University) “Juristic Thought and Authority: from the mujtahids of Mongol Hilla to the Early Traditionists of Safavid Iran”
        • 6. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “State and Religious Authority in Practice: Vaqf Administration under the Safavids and the Qajars”
        • 1 December
        • Panel 4: The Safavids and the Christians
        • 1. Tomoko MORIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “A Shi’ite Armenian in the late Seventeenth Century”
        • 2. Giorgio ROTA (Institut fur Iranistik, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) “Aq Qoyunlu and Safavid European Diplomacy: Strategy, Millenarism, Wishful thinking”
        • Panel 5: Global Context
        • 3. Katsuhiko ABE (Kanagawa University) “Silk for the Court: Reconsidering Safavid Textile Production”
        • 4. Sebouh ASLANIAN (University of California, Los Angeles) “The Trials and Tribulations of Marcara Avachintz: A Global Microhistory of an Armenian Director of Colbert’s Compagnie des Indes Orientales, 1666-1688”
        • 5. Sussan BABAIE (The Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London) “Merchant houses and elite mansions in Agra, Aleppo and Isfahan: Intercultural conditions and metropolitan ideas in the 17th-century”
        • 6. Concluding Panel
        • Admission: Free
        • Note: If you would like to attend the symposium, please contact us by e-mail before 21 November. E-mail: safavid_tokyo2013[at] Please change [at] to @.
        • Language: English
        • Please refer to the program.
        • Organized by ILCAA, JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO(ILCAA))
        20132013/11/30 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam”The 2nd meeting

        14:00‐16:00 (Closed meeting)

        • 1. Introduction to this project
        • 2. Self-introduction by members

        16:00-18:00 (Open meeting)

        • 3. Shin YASUDA (Teikyo University) “Between Markets and Gifts: Economy of Pilgrimages and Religious Visits in Islam”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/11/27 (Wed)
        Meeting by the Core Project, Middle East and Islamic Studies
        • Rudi MATTHEE (University of Delaware) “The Ottoman-Safavid war of 1578-1590”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”, Middle East and Islamic Studies
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20132013/11/23 (Sat)
        The 4th Book Review Meeting: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”

        “Ukairyoshi to Gendai Chugoku” by Shuhei UDA.

        • 1. Shuhei UDA (Network for Education and Research on Asia, The University of Tokyo) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Yuko MIO (ILCAA), Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20132013/11/23 (Sat)
        International Workshop “The Dutch East India Company and Asian Raw Silk”
        • Rudi Matthee (University of Delaware) “The Dutch East India Company and Asian Raw silk: From Iran to Bengal via China and Vietnam”
        • Discuassant: Mihoko OKA (Historiographical Institute, University of Tokyo) , Kayoko FUJITA (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World” and MEIS
        • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research(Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO(ILCAA)) and Association of Maritime Asian Studies
        2F Main Bld. (Let.Law.Econ.), Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University
        20132013/11/23 (Sat)
        Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the Art
        • Language: English
        • Please refer to the program.
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
        20132013/11/19 (Tue) - 2013/12/08 (Sun)
        11:30-18:00 (closed on Mondays.)
        Field-Worker and the World of the Children in Africa
        • Admission: Free
        • No registration is required.
        • Language: Japanese
        • For details, please see here.
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        Gallery Cafe George (2F Sato Bldg. 3-36-29 Soshigaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 157-0072)
        20132013/11/16 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Hiromu NAGASHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Nagasaki) “Relations between Merchants and Rulers in Mughal Gujarat: A review of some studies”
        • 2. Eiko UEHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otani University) “Buddhist art in Sindh and related problems”
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar room
        20132013/11/15 (Fri) - 2013/11/16 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 53rd meeting

        15 November

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (Aichi University of Education) Reading “Liyeqinjian41” (First part)
        • 3. Hideyuki WATANABE (Aichi University of Education) Reading “Liyeqinjian41” (Second part)

        16 November

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian42” (First part)
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian42” (Second part)
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/11/10 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential”The 6th meeting
        • 1. Tsuyoshi SAITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) “al-Mukhtār al-Sūsī and Robert Montagne: Two perspectives on a region in Morocco”
        • 2. Naoko FUKAYAMA (Tokyo Keizai University) “Indigenizing the City: The Case of Aotearoa New Zealand Māori”
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20132013/11/09 (Sat)
        The 3rd Book Review Meeting: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”

        ‘Temporal Face and Temporal Body: Balinese Masked Dance Drama as an Assemblage of Humans and Material Things’,“BUNKAJINRUIGAKU”, 76(1), pp.11-32,2011

        • 1. Yukako YOSHIDA (National Museum of Ethnology) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA), Ichiro MAJIMA (ILCAA) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20132013/11/01 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 52nd meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 40” (First part)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 40” (Second part)
        20132013/10/26 (Sat) - 2013/10/27 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Progress report of the research
        • 2. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA) “Mongolian”
        • 3. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Amdo Tibetan”
        • 4. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Burmese”
        • 5. Discussion
        • 1. Kazuyuki KIRYU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mimasaka University) “Newar”
        • 2. Discussion on the method and materials of elicitation
        • 3. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “How to use Spreadsheet”
        • Relevant members of the project team have been carrying out research into individual languages, employing the questionnaire that the members of the team had prepared this year. At the meeting to be held on the 26th and the 27th October, the following four members will report on the results of their research into the languages shown below, and the entire team will discuss these results, and also the method of research employed.

        20132013/10/26 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”The 6th meeting
        • 1. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Motion and event integration in Herero”
        • 2. Motomichi WAKASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Nature of quotations in the Wolaytta language”
        • 3. “Discussion on the publication of papers and the questionnaire for the project”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/10/19 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Research on “Verbals””The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Linjing LI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Seikei University “Hezhen Verbal Inflectional Forms and Their Syntactic Functions”
        • 2. Taiki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ryukoku University) “On the morpho-syntactic behaviour of verbs in Turkish”
        • 3. Chikako ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) “Verbals in Itelmen: an attempt to classify Infinitives”
        20132013/10/18 (Fri) - 2013/10/19 (Sat)
        ILCAA Forum/ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 51st meeting

        18 October (Open meeting/ILCAA Forum)

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shi Xiejie (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “On Personal Names in Western Han Slips and Tables from Fenghuangshan in Jiangling”
        • 3. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA) “On Slip Numbers in the Qin Slip Collection of Yuelushuyuan”

        19 October (Closed meeting)

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) “Matrimonial customs in Changsha during the period of the three states--With a view on the affiliation of women”
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian39”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/10/18 (Fri)
        ILCAA Forum/ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”

        18 October (Open meeting/ILCAA Forum)

        • 1. 14:00-14:30. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. 14:30-16:00. Shi Xiejie (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “On Personal Names in Western Han Slips and Tables from Fenghuangshan in Jiangling”
        • 3. 16:20-18:00. Arnd Helmut Hafner (ILCAA) “On Slip Numbers in the Qin Slip Collection of Yuelushuyuan”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/10/17 (Thu)
        Field Linguistics Café
        • 14:30. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Overview”
        • 14:35. Yuko ABE (ILCAA) “Introduction to language survey in Tanzania”
        • 15:15. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA) “Fieldwork in urban areas in Mongolia”
        • 16:10. Naonori NAGAYA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Doing fieldwork in eastern Indonesia”
        • 16:50. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Dialectal survey on understudied languages: A case of Talaud language”
        • The event is open to the public for free of charge without a reservation.
        • Language: Japanese
        • For more details, please see here.
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy2)
        20132013/10/13 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Nationhood in Contemporary Africa: New Media, Globalization, and Democracy”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Junko MARUYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda College) “Immigrated ‘indigenous people’: post-colonial state and ‘Khoi San’ in South Africa”
        • 2. Discussion 1
        • 3. Akira SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies) “State formation and ‘Ivoirian-ness’ phenomenon in cote-devoir”
        • 4. Discussion 2
        • 5. General Disucussion
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20132013/10/12 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”The 10th meeting
        • 1. Koji IMAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, St. Andrew’s University) “Development of the Vizierate in the Early Ottoman Empire”
        • 2. Kazuaki SAWAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “Rebuilding Istanbul after a Severe Earthquake: Cases in 1509 and 1766”
        • Language: Japanese
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20132013/10/12 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa”The 9th meeting
        • 1. Pius Akumbu (Lecturer of the University of Buea, Cameroon & Visiting associate professor at Kyoto University) “Babunki verb tone”
        • 2. Yuko ABE (ILCAA) “Focus markers of Bende”
        • 3. Miyako TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University) “Socio-linguistic reseach in Bondi (tentative)”
        • Language: English and Japanese
        20132013/10/12 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods”The 10th meeting
        • 1. Nagisa ITO (PhD Candidate, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) “Technology Embedded in a Social Context; textiles from the Xamneua, Huaphan Province in Northern Laos”
        • 2. Noriyuki OSADA(Research Associate, Institute of Developing Economies) “The Transformation of Urban Plural Society in British Colonial Rangoon and the Emergence of the Burmese State”
        20132013/10/12 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others”The 12th meeting
        • 1. Nagisa ITO (PhD Candidate, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) “Technology Embedded in a Social Context; textiles from the Xamneua, Huaphan Province in Northern Laos”
        • 2. Noriyuki OSADA(Research Associate, Institute of Developing Economies) “The Transformation of Urban Plural Society in British Colonial Rangoon and the Emergence of the Burmese State”
        20132013/10/10 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • PANGILINAN, Michael Raymon Manaloto (ILCAA Visiting Associate Professor) “Kapampangan: A Problem of Identity, Language and Culture”
        20132013/10/06 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages”The 2nd meeting
        • 1. Masaki ONO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “On Epistemic and Communicative Levels of Thinking Verbs’”
        • 2. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University) “Information structure in Lamaholot”
        • 3. Hiroki NOMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Review: Krifka (2008) Basic notions of information structure”
        • 4. Discussions
        • Language: English
        20132013/10/04 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 50th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 38” (First part)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 38” (Second part)
        20132013/09/29 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia”The 6th meeting

        International Workshop on Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (4)

        • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) ”Opening Remarks”
        • 2. Nobutaka SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Tsukuba University) “Colonial Education and the Making of Muslim Filipinos under American Rule”
        • 3. Shinya IMAIZUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO) “The Application of Islam Law in the Court of Justice of Thailand”
        • 4. Azizah Kassim (ILCAA Joint Researcher, UKM) “Challenges to Migration Control in a Multi-Ethnic Society: The Case of Foreign Workers in Malaysia”
        • 5. 1st comment: Naoki SODA (TUFS)
        • 6. 2nd comment: Shamsul A.B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, UKM)
        • 7. Discussion
        • 8. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) ”Closing Remarks”
        • Language: English
        Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Sinsuran, Kota Kinabalu
        20132013/09/29 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 9th meeting
        • 1. Hitonaru NISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Alterity in chimpanzees: how do chimpanzees not encounter with each other?”
        • 2. Hideaki TERASHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Gakuin University) “The role of others in human learning: from evolutionary perspective”
        20132013/09/28 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”The 7th meeting
        • 1. Tatsuya HIGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Allegory in W.Benjamin’s Baroque Theory.”
        • 2. Kenji KAWANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “The Brain Transforms Sensory Information into Behavior and Perception.”
        20132013/09/20 (Fri) - 2013/09/23 (Mon)
        Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Students304
        20132013/09/20 (Fri) - 2013/09/21 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 49th meeting

        20 September

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian36” (First part)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian36” (Second part)

        21 September

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian37” (First part)
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian37” (Second part)
        20132013/09/14 (Sat)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”

        Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies Open Meeting: Peasant Organizations in Senegal : Thoughts of Mamadou Dia and the Development of FONGS

        • Prof. Atsushi MIURA (Professor, Saitama University)
        • Comentators: Dr. Hiroshi SAKUMA (ILCAA), Ichiro MAJIMA (ILCAA)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        20132013/09/06 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 48th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 35” (First part)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 35” (Second part)
        20132013/09/03 (Tue)
        ILCAA Forum

        Intensive Language Course “Armenian (Eastern)” Cultural Talk

        • Seiichi KITAGAWA(Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University) “International and Multi-ethnic characters of the medieval Armenian kingdoms”
        • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Armenian (Eastern)”
        • Language: Japanese
        20132013/08/16 (Fri) - 2013/08/17 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 47th meeting

        16 August

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) “Morphological Development of Seal Tablets: Based on a Survey of the Uses of ‘Flat Tablets’”
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian34”

        17 August

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) “A general approach to the Qin and Han Empire from a peripheral perspective) (First part)”
        • 3. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) “A general approach to the Qin and Han Empire from a peripheral perspective) (Second part)”
        20132013/07/29 (Mon)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities”The 8th meeting
        • 1. General Discussion 1
        • Discussion on theoretical approach
        • (Moderator: Koji TSUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) )
        • 2. General Discussion 2
        • Preliminary reviewing session on draft papers
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20132013/07/27 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 8th meeting
        • 1. Noriko ITOH (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Who is “others”: Being, Having and Doing”
        • 2. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “On Otherness in the Self”
        20132013/07/21 (Sun)
        Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies

        Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies Open Meeting: Two Politicians Concerned in the Recruitment of the “Tirailléurs Sénégalais” for the WWI

        • Ryo OGAWA (Professor Emeritus, TUFS)
        • Comentators: Takehiko OCHIAI (Ryukoku University), Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA), Ichiro MAJIMA (ILCAA)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by Kanto branch of Japan Association for African Studies
        20132013/07/21 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States”The 8th meeting
        • 1. 14:00-16:00 (open meeting)
        • Gianluca Parolin (ILCAA visiting associate professor) “(Non-)Naturalization Policies in the GCC Member States”
        • 2. 16:15-18:30 (closed meeting)
        • Research meeting for publication
        • Language: English, Japanese
        20132013/07/21 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”The 9th meeting
        • 1. Yuriko MATSUO (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Ochanomizu University) “Local Shari`a Court in Ottoman Bosnia: An Analysis of the Mostar Court Records from the Seventeenth Century”
        • 2. Ken’ichi ISOGAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Otemon Gakuin University) “Qadi and Tadhkira: Drafting and Issuing the Various Categories of Documents during Shari`a Court Trial in Russian Turkestan”
        • 3. Mansur SEFATGOL (ILCAA Visiting Professor, University of Tehran) “Persian Historical Writing in Central Asia During the Transitional Period: A Case Study of the Early Manghit History of Tuhfat al-Khani (Tarikh-e Rahim Khani)”
        • Language: Japanese and English
        20132013/07/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Economic Activities and Behaviors Based on Islam”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Introduction to this project
        • 2. Self-introduction by members
        • 3. Meeting
        20132013/07/19 (Fri) - 2013/07/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 46th meeting

        19 July

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Grave Furniture Lists and the Preparation for Funeral Service seen through the bamboo and wood tablets from Fenghuangshan”
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian32”

        20 July

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 33” (First part)
        • 3. Yuko WASHIO (Ritsumeikan University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 33” (Second part)
        20132013/07/19 (Fri)
        Field Linguistics Workshop: Collecting Basic Vocabulary through Fieldwork
        • Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Collecting basic vocabulary of Northwest Coast American Indian Languages”
        • Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Collecting basic vocabulary of Indonesian languages”
        • Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Research on basic vocabulary of reindeer breeding in Siberia”
        • Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “Researching vocabulary of tone languages: the case of Lhaovo and Lacid (Tibeto-Burman languages in Northern Burma)”
        20132013/07/14 (Sun) - 2013/07/15 (Mon)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Nationhood in Contemporary Africa: New Media, Globalization, and Democracy”The 4th meeting

        14 July

        • 1. Mayuko OKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Waseda University) “The Semantics of Africaness in Zanzibar and Oman: Ethnic Differentiation and Communality of Omani migrants”
        • 2. Hatsuki AISHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Manchester) “Being an Intellectual in Contemporary Egyptian Society: Islam, Mass Media, Secular Modernity”
        • 3. Discussion

        15 July

        • 1. Makoto NISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Themes in the Anthropology of “Democracy” in Rural Societies of Asia and Africa”
        • 2. Discussion
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20132013/07/13 (Sat)

        FIELD+café “African food”

        • Guest Speakers: Takeshi FUJIMOTO (University of Toyama) , Shun ISHIYAMA (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
        • Presenter: Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Please see here for the registration (in Japanese).
        • Organized by FIELD+ Editors
        • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)”, Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature project “A Study of Human Subsistence Ecosystems in Arab Societies: To Combat Livelihood Degradation for the Post-Oil Era”
        Salon de FUZAMBO FOLIO (Fuzambo Bldg. B1, 1-3 Kanda jinbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
        20132013/07/13 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives (2)”The 1st meeting
        • 13:30-16:30 (closed meeting), Room 301, ILCAA
        • 1. Explanation by Coordinator & Discussion about the Research Plan
        • FIELD+café
        • 18:00‐19:30 (open meeting, Registration is required.), Salon de Fuzanbo Folio Fuzanbo Building B1, Kanda Jimbocho1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
        • 2. Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama) “On Sour Food Culture in Ethiopia: Based on the Fieldwork among Mountainous Societies”
        • 3. Shun ISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “The Sahara is not Barren. People’s Knowledge on Dates: Report from a Small Oasis in Algeria”
        • Language: Japanese
        • Jointly sponsored by Field+ Editors
        301, Salon de Fuzanbo Folio Fuzanbo Building B1, Kanda Jimbocho1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
        20132013/07/11 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Rose-Juliet ANYANWU (Visiting Professor, ILCAA) “Proverbs in African languages: ethnography, stylistics, and application/use”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20132013/07/07 (Sun)
        The 2nd Book Review Meeting: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”

        Shinsai no Koukyou Jinruigaku by Shuhei KIMURA

        • 1. Shuhei KIMURA (University of Tsukuba) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Mitsuhiro IWASA (Kochi University), Hisao SEKINE (University of Tsukuba) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20132013/07/06 (Sat) - 2013/07/07 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa” and “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”, 2013 Joint Meeting

        7 July “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”, Venue: 304

        • 1. Rose-Juliet ANYANWU (Visiting Professor, ILCAA) “Transitivity and Information Structure (especially Focus) in West African Benue-Congo languages - Igbo, Kana, Yukuben, Kuteb, Hone”
        • 2. Yoichi NAGATO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On the information load of Arabic letters.”
        • 3. Motomichi WAKASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “On the peculiarity of the ‘n’ Sound.”
        • 4. Ai MATSUO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Seefu Rana (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Arabic derivative forms Ⅶ and Ⅷ based on analysis of Quran”
        • 5. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Describing the ‘mesolect’ of Juba Arabic”
        • 6. Haruko SAKAEDANI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Topic Pronouns in Classical Arabic.”
        • 7. Robert RATCLIFFE (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Introduction to Professor Nakano’s recently and posthumously published work ‘Hobyot’”
        • Language: Japanese and English (without interpretation)
        • Jointly sponsored by Semitic Studies in memory to the late Professor Nakano Aki’o
        20132013/07/06 (Sat) - 2013/07/07 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa” and “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”, 2013 Joint Meeting

        6 July, “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”, Venue: 306

        • 1. Osamu HIEDA (ILCAA) “Event integration and tense in Saamia”
        • 2. Nobukatsu MINOURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Mimetic words in sign languages: classifiers 2”
        • Language: Japanese and English (without interpretation)
        • Jointly sponsored by Semitic Studies in memory to the late Professor Nakano Aki’o
        20132013/07/06 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods”The 9th meeting
        • 1. 13:00-15:30 (closed meeting)
        • Yoshiko KURITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) “Is a ‘History of Sudan’ possible after the collapse of Sudan? --toward deconstruction/reconstruction of the ‘History of Sudan’”
        • 2. 15:30-18:00 (open meeting)
        • Frederick COOPER (New York University) “Writing African History in a Time of Liberation and Beyond”
        • Language: Japanese, English
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20132013/07/05 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 45th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 31” (First part)
        • 3. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 31” (Second part)
        20132013/06/30 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 7th meeting
        • 1. Kaoru ADACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Sangyo University) “Equilibrium, harmony of nature and systems”
        • 2. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “When Nonhuman things become Others: Pearl Oyster, Animism of machine, Turing test in wild.”
        20132013/06/29 (Sat)
        Overseas Scientific Research Forum
        • 10:30-12:30. Workshop: Description as hand-drawing in field research
        • 1. Michio NAKAMURA (Kyoto University) “Drawing” at the research field of chimpanzees
        • 2. Kazuo HORIKI (graphic designer) What is the so-called “hand-drawing”?
        • 12:30-14:00. (Lunch break)
        • 14:00-14:50. General meeting *
        • 15:00-17:00. Regional meetings *
        • 17:30-19:30. Reception *
        20132013/06/22 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia”The 4th meeting
        • 1. Ryosuke FURUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Formation of Brāhmaṇas: the Case of Early Medieval Bengal”
        • 2. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Incompatible Outsiders or Believers of a Darśana?: Representations of Muslims by Three Brahmans of Šāhmīrid Kašmīr”
        • 3. Jae-Eun SHIN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA) “Sattra in Assam between the 16th and the 18th Centuries: from a Venue of Popular Bhakti Movement to the Orthodox Brahmanical Institution”
        • Language: Japanese and English
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20132013/06/22 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”The 6th meeting
        • 1. Kayo OKABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Housei University) “A Perspective of Spatial Information Science”
        • 2. Kazunori KONDO(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University) “Transcendental and Question――Quasi-Real in Internal Measurement, Bateson, Peirce and Deleuze――”
        20132013/06/16 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Atsunori ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Trends on Native American Studies in Japan”
        • 2. Emi IMAHORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Sacred Heart) “Ethnographies about Central Asia in post-Soviet era.(Tentative)”
        • 3. Toshihiro NOBUTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Periphery in the Islamic world, or Islam in the peripheral world: the case study of Malaysian indigenous peoples”
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20132013/06/13 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Gianluca P. PAROLIN (Visiting Associate Professor, ILCAA) “Shari’a in Egypt’s New Constitution”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20132013/06/08 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa”The 7th meeting
        • 1. Mitsuaki SHIMOJO (University at Buffalo, The State University of New York) “Focus structure and sentence form: with reference to discourse analysis in Japanese”
        20132013/06/08 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts”The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Oman Fathurahman (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “The Manuscripts of Shattariyyah Silsilah in Java: Arabic, Javanese, Malay, and Sundanese”
        • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Old Tibetan Documents Online (OTDO) Project”
        20132013/06/07 (Fri)
        Masao Yamaguchi Memorial Symposium: into the Anthropological Field
        • Moderator: Koji MIYAZAKI (Executive Director, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
        • 15:00. Silent Prayer for Masao Yamaguchi
        • 15:00-15:10. Yuko MIO (Director, ILCAA) Address
        • 15:10-15:20. Junji KOIZUMI (President, The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology) Address
        • 15:20-15:50. Tamotsu AOKI (Director General, The National Art Center, Tokyo) Keynote Speech
        • Speaker:
        • 15:50-16:05. Kozo WATANABE
        • 16:05-16:20. Ichiro MAJIMA (ILCAA)
        • (Break)
        • 16:30-16:45. Kazuyasu OCHIAI
        • 16:45-17:00. Eisei KURIMOTO
        • 17:00-17:15. Takeo FUNABIKI
        • 17:15-17:30. Ryuta IMAFUKU
        AGORA Global (TUFS)
        20132013/06/07 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 43rd meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 28” (First part)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 28” (Second part)
        20132013/06/01 (Sat)
        The 1st Book Review Meeting: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”

        Bouryoku to Kantai no Minzokushi by Toru SAGAWA

        • 1. Toru SAGAWA (The Center for African Area Stuides, Kyoto University) Presentation by the Author
        • 2. Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka), Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Comment
        • 3. Discussion
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20132013/06/21 (Fri) - 2013/06/22 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 44th meeting

        21 June

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 29” (First part)
        • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 29” (Second part)

        22 June

        • 1. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 30” (First part)
        • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 30” (Second part)
        20132013/05/31 (Fri)
        The 12th Field Science Colloquium
        • 15:00-15:10. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening remarks
        • 15:10-15:50. Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka) “The Disconsolate Research on the Conflicts: Field Works among East African Pastoralists [tentative title]”
        • 15:50-16:30. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Academism and politics in Palestine/Israel: Positionality in Fieldwork under conflict”
        • 16:40-17:20. Shinichi FUJII (Osaka University) ”After the Fact: The Prospects and Problems of Historical Anthropology in Post-Conflict Society”
        • 17:20-19:00. Discussion
        20132013/05/25 (Sat) - 2013/05/26 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia”The 5th meeting

        Conflicts spreading beyond the borders: Observations from ILCAA research offices in Malaysia and Lebanon

        • 25 May, Room 303, ILCAA
        • 1. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA) Introduction
        • 2. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Impact of Sabah Standoff on Malaysia-Philippine Relationship” (tentative title)
        • 3. Hidemitu KUROKI (ILCAA) “The Syrian Civil War observed from Beirut: Spiralling sectarianization and spreading beyond the borders”
        • 4. Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA) Comment
        • 5. Discussion
        • 26 May, Room 306, ILCAA
        • 1. Meeting: Topic1 “what to distribute our research results”
        • 2. Meeting: Topic2 “how to distribute our research results”
        • Organized by Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia”
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        303, 306
        20132013/05/24 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods”The 8th meeting
        • 1. Shamil Jeppie (University of Cape Town) “The History of Books, Libraries and Reading in West Africa”
        • Language: English
        • Jointly sponsored by AAS Kanto Division, JSPS Grants-in-Aid “Studies on Inter-colonial Movement of Soldiers, Labourers and Women” and Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        20132013/05/24 (Fri)
        Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies

        Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies Open Meeting

        • Dr. Shamil Jeppie (Faculty of Humanities,Department for Historical Studies, University of Cape Town) “The History of Books, Libraries and Reading in West Africa”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by Kanto branch of Japan Association for African Studies, ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods” and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Principal Investigator: Yoko NAGAHARA(Kyoto University))
        20132013/05/18 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “An anthropological Consideration on the Process of Living.”
        • 2. Yuji YAMADA (Rikkyo University) “Do Human Beings Understand the Universe?: A Thought of a Mathematician Walking down a Street”
        20132013/05/18 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages” The 4th meeting
        • 1. Kyoko KOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kochi University) “Event integration in Akan”
        • 2. Hirosi NAKAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Macro-events expressed by G|ui juncture constructions”
        • 3. Nobukatsu MINOURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Mimetic words in sign(ed) Languages”
        20132013/05/18 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts”The 2nd meeting

        The Comparative Study of Isra Miraj in Southeast Asia

        • 1. Dick van der Meij (Center for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRC), Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta) “The text of the Isra Mi‘raj in Indonesia: A global overview” (tentative title)
        • 2. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “The Night Journey translated by Ahmad Rifa’i Kalisalak” (tentative title)
        • 3. Midori KAWASHIMA (Sophia University) “The Maranao Text of the Isra Mi‘raj” (tentative title)
        • 5. Open discussion
        • Jointly sponsored by SIAS(Center of Islamic Area Studies at Sophia University)
        Conference Room 630A, 6th Floor, Bldg 2, Yotsuya Campus, Sophia University
        20132013/05/17 (Fri) - 2013/05/18 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 41st meeting

        17 May, Room 301, ILCAA

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 24” (First part)
        • 3. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 24” (Second part)

        18 May, Room 302, ILCAA

        • 1. Hideyuki WATANABE(Aichi University of Education) Reading “Liyeqinjian 25” (First part)
        • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE(Aichi University of Education) Reading “Liyeqinjian 25” (Second part)
        301, 302
        20132013/05/11 (Sat) - 2013/05/12 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Crosslinguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The ‘Cogitation Process’ Approach”The 1st meeting

        11 May

        • 1. Kosei OTSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “A preliminary study on nominalizer-final constructions in colloquial Burmese”
        • 2. Shuntaro CHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kumamoto University) “kes-i-ta construction in Korean: previous studies and points of controversy”
        • 3. Discussion about elicitation materials

        12 May

        • 1. Classifying forms and functions of nominalizer-final constructions
        • 2. Discussion about elicitation materials
        20132013/05/11 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others”The 11th meeting
        • 1. Ken’ichi TAKAKURA (Kanagawa University) “Tourist Development as a Cultural Resource and Residents; the Case of the Old City in Lijiang, Yunnan”.
        • 2. Yasuyo MORINAGA (Kyoto Women’s University) “Administration of Yunnan after the Three Feudatories Rebellion with a focus on Cai Yurong”.
        20132013/05/11 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities” The 7th meeting
        • 1. Ryoko SAKURADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ikuei Junior College) “Discourses of The Beautiful Past: Chinese in Malay Peninsular and Collective Memories of Kopitiam and Imagined Home-Place”
        • 2. Sachiko YOKOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “Politics on Chineseness in Mayoral Election, Singkawang City, Indonesia, 2012”
        • 3. General Discussion
        20132013/05/11 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Research on “Verbals””The 1st meeting
        • 1. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Aims and plans of the project”
        • 2. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University) “Sakha (Yakut) verbal inflectional forms and their syntactic function”
        • 3. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “On the function of “participles” in Buryat”
        • 4. Iku NAGASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, NINJAL) “Verbal inflection in Kolyma Yukaghir: Functions and morphology of participles”
        • 5. Reiko ASO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Participles in Hateruma (Yaeyama Ryukyuan)”
        20132013/05/09 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum
        • Anna Mary Sophia BERGE (Visiting professor, ILCAA) “Linguistic divergence between Eskimo and Aleut”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        20132013/05/07 (Tue)
        Tibetan Lecture Series
        • Title: Tibetan Muisic Concert
        • Singer: Passang Dolma
        • Lecturer: Tashi Kunga
        • Moderator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
        20132013/05/04 (Sat)
        Tibetan Lecture Series
        • Title: Tibetan Masked Dance Cham
        • Lecturer: Kachen Losang Sherab (Tashi Lhunpo Monastery)
        • Translator: Junko MIURA
        • Moderator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA)
        20132013/04/28 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 6th meeting
        • 1. Michio NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “On Otherness of Nonhuman Animals”
        • 2. Keiichi OMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Imagination as the Basis of Human Social Group ‘Othering of Child’ and ‘Alienation of Wildlife’ in Formation of the Inuit Extended Family”
        20132013/04/27 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Investigation into the Possibilities and Implications of a Usage-based Approach to Grammar”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Presentation on the goals and plans of the project
        • 2. Discussion on key readings
        • 3. Discussion on descriptive-theoretical issues related to the dynamic characteristics of grammar
        20132013/04/21 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States” The 7th meeting
        • 1. Namie TSUJIGAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Saudization Sustained by Foreign Labourers”
        • 2. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Dymaics of “Migrant/Refugee” situation in the Philippine Muslim society”
        • 3. Research meeting
        20132013/04/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Outline of this project”
        • 2. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Malay Concordance Project (ANU)”
        • 3. Discussion about the research plan
        20132013/04/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-linguistic Perspective on the Information Structure of the Austronesian Languages”The 1st meeting
        • 1. Speech by organizers
        • 2. Shigehiro KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “The Japanese language from the point of view of information structure - As a starting point of discussion.”
        • 3. Nobuko YONEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Information structure of the Matengo Language (Bantu, N13) - Conflict between informational restriction and syntactic restriction.”
        • 4. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Focus system and information structure of the Tagalog language.”
        • 5. Discussion
        20132013/04/19 (Fri) - 2013/04/20 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 40th meeting

        19 April

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Ikuo HOJO (Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 23” (First part)
        • 3. Ikuo HOJO (Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 23” (Second part)

        20 April

        • 1. Tsuneko SUMIYA (Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 18” (First part)
        • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 18” (Second part)
        20132013/04/12 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 39th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Ikuo HOJO (Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 22” (First part)
        • 3. Ikuo HOJO (Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 22” (First part)
        20132013/04/06 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others”The 10th meeting
        • 1. Masashi NARA (Tsukuba University) “The Development of the Dawah movement in Chinese Muslims who move around scattered communities; the case of transregional Islamic study groups in Yunnan Province, China”
        • 2. Tadahiko SHINTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Some Thoughts on ‘Language’ and ‘Ethnic Groups’; movement and contact from north to south”
        20132013/04/05 (Fri)
        A Cross-linguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The “Cogitation Process” Approac
        • We plan to produce elicitation materials that we will use when we investigate how the NODA construction and related constructions are used in individual languages. Mie Tsunoda, the project leader, will prepare some sample materials in advance, and at this meeting we will examine them, taking language-specific factors into consideration, and, if necessary, we will modify and/or expand them.
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
        20122013/03/31 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’”The 12th meeting
        • 1. A meeting for jointly reviewing papers to publish
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20122013/03/30 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa”The 6th meeting
        • 1. Motomichi WAKASA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “The OSV word order observed in Wolaytta”
        • 2. Osamu HIEDA (ILCAA) “Information structure in Saamia”
        20122013/03/30 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies”The 11th meeting

        Session I

        • 1. Ken MASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) “A summary and prospect of Yugo-ken”
        • Commentator: Hideki YAMAMOTO (Teikyo University)

        Session II: Exploration into the Next Step

        • 1. Nobutaka KAMEI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University) “Harmonization and response: Fieldwork with whom?”
        • 2. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “About the ongoing plan for publishing on ‘Fieldwork’”
        • 3. Kaori MIYACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Saga University) “How to apply SMART Anthropology?: Future activities of PASS Japan”
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20122013/03/30 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives”The 8th meeting
        • 1. Takako ANKEI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Yamaguchi University) “Coping with Toxity: A History of Cassava Dispersal in Tropical Africa”
        • 2. Shun ISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “WaterSupply and Dates Diversity of Saharan Oasis in Algeria”
        • 3. Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyama University) “On the Complicated Fermentation Processes and Uses of an Ethiopia- Endemic Crop Enset: A Case with the Koore (Amaaro)”
        • 4. Yasuo MIZOBE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “Exploring Cuisine in the Central and Southern Ghana, Referring to Some Works on Culinary History of Africa”
        20122013/03/29 (Fri)

        Ken MASUDA (Nagasaki University) ‘Introduction to “Discovering birth, aging, and sickness”’

        • Ken MASUDA (Nagasaki University) “Discovering malaria patients.”
        • Kaori MIYACHI (Saga University) “Discovering pregnant women in Kenya.”
        • Ayumi NOMURA (Konan Women’s University) “Discovering Rojin-ryoku.”
        • Registration: Required
        • Language: Japanese
        • Please see here for the registration (in Japanese).
        • Organized by FIELD+ Editors
        • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies” (Coordinator: Ken MASUDA)
        Salon de FUZAMBO FOLIO (Fuzambo Bldg. B1, 1-3 Kanda jinbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
        20122013/03/28 (Thu)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods”The 7th meeting

        Part I (13:00-14:15) [closed]

        • Preliminary Discussion on the ”Handbook of Historical Ressearch of Africa”

        Part II (14:30-17:30) [open]

        • Book Review: Mitsuo OGURA “Contemporary Africa and International Relations” (2012)
        • Reviewer: Shin’ichi TAKEUCHI (IDE-JJETRO), Yoko NAGAHARA (ILCAA)
        Hongo Satellite 5F, 7F
        20122013/03/27 (Wed)
        Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
        • Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (Research Associate, ILCAA) “Current Situation and Problems of Halal Certification in Malaysia”
        • Mayuko OKAWA (Research Associate, ILCAA) “The Role of African Omanis in the Labor Market”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        20132013/03/25 (Mon) - 2013/05/31 (Fri)
        Exploring the Lands of the Middle East by Overlaying Old Maps on Google Maps
        ILCAA 1F
        20122013/03/25 (Mon)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”

        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” open meeting

        • Dr. Z. W. Sadomba (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe) “The Urban Working Class Dimensions of Zimbabwe’s War Veterans Revolution: New Empirical Evidence from the Informal Sector”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        • Jointly sponsored by Kanto branch of Japan Association for African Studies
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20122013/03/24 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia”The 3rd meeting
        • 1. Hiroyuki KOTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “The Dropouts from Communities in Premodern India”
        • 2. Shinkichi TANIGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Tribes and Castes in Bengal: A Historical Perspective”
        Hongo Satellite 5F
        20122013/03/14 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum

        Farewell Talk:

        • Yoko NAGAHARA (ILCAA) “African History and World History Revisited”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20122013/03/14 (Thu)
        ILCAA Forum

        Farewell Talk:

        • Masayuki TOYOSHIMA (ILCAA) “Inaugural stages of the movable-type printing in Japan”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        20122013/03/11 (Mon) - 2013/03/12 (Tue)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities”The 6th meeting

        11 March

        • 1. Yumi KITAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Issues and perspectives obtained from the life history of re-migrated Chinese Indonesians”
        • 2. Ryoko SAKURADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Discourses of The Beautiful Past: Chinese in Malay Peninsular and collective memories of Kopitiam and imagined Home-Place”
        • 3. Yun HUANG (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “The development of Theravada Buddhism in Contemporary Malaysia and practice of Chinese Buddhisty”

        12 March

        • 1. Mitsuko TAMAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takusyoku University) “The religious rites and Chineseness: Producing a Chinese shrine in Thailand”
        • 2. Kaori FUSHIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Spectacularized rituals in the lunar seventh month, Singapore”
        • 3. General Discussion
        20122013/03/09 (Sat)
        The 11th Field Science Colloquium
        • 15:00-15:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening remarks
        • 15:05-16:05. Hiroki TAKAKURA (Tohoku University) “A thought on the arctic anthropology of climate change: the case study of the middle basin of Lena River and the prospects of interdisciplinary collaboration”
        • 16:15-17:15. Keiichi OMURA (Osaka University) “World Poiesis Machines: The Methodology of Natural-Sociocultural Anthropology”
        • 17:15-18:30. Discussion
        • Registration fee: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Field Science Center
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20122013/03/08 (Fri) - 2013/03/09 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 38th meeting

        8 March

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Arnd HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “Liyeqinjian 21” (First part)
        • 3. Arnd HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “Liyeqinjian 21” (Second part)

        9 March

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 17” (First part)
        • 3. Tsuneko SUMIYA (Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 17” (Second part)
        20122013/03/05 (Tue)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 14th meeting
        • 1. Masao YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Setsunan University) “Research on languages in the south sulawesi: a report of recent situation and a new trend”
        • 2. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Peribahasa or proverbs in Indonesian languages”
        • 3. Hiroki NOMOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Number in classifier languages”
        • 4. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Bantik Locative Voice Verbs: Are They Verbs or Nouns?”
        • 5. Sri Budi Lestari (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Nominalization in Indonesian”
        • 6. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University) “The development of nominalized clauses: parallelism between Japanese and Phlippine languages”
        20122013/03/02 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”The 8th meeting
        • 1. Ryoko WATABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Fiscal System and Ledgers in Ilkhanid Iran during the 13th and 14th Centureis”
        • 2. Kumiko SAITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Ottoman Rule and Timar System in South East Anatolia during the 16th and 17th Centureis”
        20122013/03/01 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 37th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Arnd HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “Liyeqinjian 20” (First part)
        • 3. Arnd HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “Liyeqinjian 20” (Second part)
        20122013/02/25 (Mon)
        JaCMES Lecture Series “Lebanon and the World No.1”
        • Lecturer: Prof. Chizuko TOMINAGA (Former Professor of Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University) Empires and Women: A Case of an Arabian Princess Salme binti Said
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English and Arabic (simultaneous interpretation (English→Arabic, Arabic→English) available)
        • Organized by JaCMES
        Crowne Plaza Beirut
        20122013/02/24 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”
        • 1. Goro YAMAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Emergence of Sociality through the Body and Technology: Rethinking Medical Experiences”
        • 2. Hisashi NAKAO (Nagoya University) “Taking Culture Evolutionarily:A Scientific Integration of Studies on Cultures?”
        20122013/02/23 (Sat)
        Bhutan Lecture Series: Dzongkha; present and future

        ‘Dzongkha; present and future’

        • Speaker: Namgay Thinley (Dzongkha Development Commission)
        • Commentator: Tshering Tashi (Royal Society for Protection of Nature)
        • Commentator & Interpreter: Yoshiro IMAEDA
        • Registration fee: Free
        • Registration: Required (Information about the registration is now on preparation.)
        • Language: English and Japanese
        • For Registration, please see here
        • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
        20122013/02/18 (Mon)
        Linguistic Dynamics Science Forum
        • Shoichi IWASAKI (University of California, Los Angeles) “Distributional Patterns of GA and NO in Four Varieties of the Japonic Languages”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Linguistic Dynamics Science Research”
        • Jointly sponsored by Project for Building an International Network of Collaborative Research on Endangered Linguistic Diversity(LingDy)
        20122013/02/17 (Sun) - 2013/02/19 (Tue)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 13th meeting

        International Workshop on ‘special genres’ in and around Indonesia

        • 17 February
        • 1. David Gil (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) “Word Structure in Malayic Languages of Sumatra: Evidence from Special Registers”
        • 2. John Bowden (Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) “Riddling traditions in eastern Indonesia and East Timor: some preliminary notes”
        • 3. Pascal Couderc (L'École des hautes études en sciences socials) “Kandan, a traditional oral genre of the Uut Danum of West Kalimantan”
        • 4. Meili Fang (Ochanomizu University) and David Nathan (SOAS, University of London) “Divining Siraya: Sources of language and authority in documentation and revitalisation”
        • 5. Rik De Busser (National Chengchi University) “Language moulded by God’s hand: The influence of Christianity on the Bunun language”
        • 6. Aone van Engelenhoven (Leiden University) “Hide and Seek in the Deer’s Trap: Language Concealment and Linguistic Camouflage in Timor Leste”
        • 7. Obing Katubi (LIPI) (Indonesian Institute of Sciences) “Lego-lego of Alor people in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia: The Expression of Ancestor’s Experience and Language Maintenance”
        • 8. Mike Pangilinan (Subcommission on Cultural Communities and Traditional Arts Region III) and Hiroaki Kitano (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “Metaphors in Kapampangan”
        • 9. Tessa Yuditha (Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) “Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualizations of ANGER, LOVE and HATE: An Overview”
        • 18 February
        • 1. Masahiko Nose (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shiga University) “Omission of object verbal markers in Amele: Difference in data between Haia and Huar dialects”
        • 2. Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and Sonja Riesberg (University of Cologne) “Some observations on special speech styles in Tomini-Tolitoli languages”
        • 3. Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L’Orientale”) “Endangered oral literature genres in Punan Tubu (East Kalimantan)”
        • 4. Yoshimi Miyake (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “Kerata basa : Javanese folk etymology”
        • 5. Dwi Noverini Djenar (The University of Sydney) “Multiple languages and heteroglossia in Indonesian adolescent fiction”
        • 6. Michael C Ewing (The University of Melbourne) “Framing devices in Indonesian Comics”
        • 7. Howard Manns (Monash University) “Gaul, conversation and youth genre(s) in Java”
        • 8. Anthony Jukes (ILCAA Joint Researcher, CRLD, La Trobe University) “Bahasa Alay on the Periphery: Facebook and Manado Malay”
        • 9. Dédé Oetomo (GAYa NUSANTARA) “Bahasa Binan: The Languages of Indonesia’s Gay Men and Transgender Women and People Related to Them”
        • 19 February
        • 1. Yanti*, Timothy McKinnon^, Heri Mudra+, Peter Cole°and Gabriella Hermon° (*Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia; ^Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology; +Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Sungai Penuh; °University of Delaware) “The Story of Jarupanta: A traditional Kerinci kunaung”
        • 2. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Peribahasa (proverbs) in Sumbawa”
        • 3. Mika Okushima (Tenri University) “Buddhist-Hinduist terms into oral histories of Kayanic peoples in East Kalimantan, Indonesia”
        • 4. Peter Austin (SOAS, University of London) “Documenting endangered literary genres in Sasak, eastern Indonesia”
        • 5. discussion and business meeting
        • Language: English
        20122013/02/13 (Wed)
        International Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society in Southeast Asia
        • Program:
        • 9:00-9:30. Haji Inon Shaharuddin Abdul Rahman (Dean of School of Social Sciences, UMS) and Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA, TUFS) OPENING REMARKS
        • 9:30-10:00. TEA BREAK
        • 10:00-10:30. Kayoko ISHII (Toyo Eiwa University) “Border Preferred People: Ethnic Minorities Migrationg from Northern Thai Border to Southern Thai Border”
        • 10:30-11:00. Mika OKUSHIMA (Tenri University) “Stone remains and the local beliefs of the Kayanic peoples in East Kalimantan”
        • 11:00-11:30. Wan Shawaluddin Wan Hassan & Ramli Dollah (UMS) “Bugis in the Plantation Sector in Sabah”
        • 11:30-12:00. Discussion (Q & A)
        • Chairperson: Dr. Jacqueline Pugh-Kitingan (UMS)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office
        • Jointly sponsored by School of Social Science, University Malaysia Sabah, Kota kinabalu
        BILIK MESYUARAT UTAMA (BMU), 3rd floor, School of Social Sciences, UMS
        20122013/02/11 (Mon) - 2013/02/16 (Sat)
        The 6th Documentary Linguistics Workshop (DocLing2013)
        • Lecturers: Peter Austin (SOAS, University of London), David Nathan (SOAS, University of London), Anthony Jukes (CRLD, La Trobe University), Sonja Riesberg (University of Cologne), Hideo Sawada (ILCAA) and others Programme: This workshop aims to provide methodological and technical training in various aspects of language documentation and archiving of endangered/minority languages, dealing with the topics below: overviews of language documentation and archiving, audio/video recording, data management, data mobilization, process of archiving, photography in language documentation, and issues on linguistic fieldwork.
        20122013/02/11 (Mon) - 2013/02/12 (Tue)
        International Symposium “The Crisis of Stability in the Middle East”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Please refer to the program.
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        • Jointly sponsored by Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore
        20122013/02/11 (Mon)
        DocLing 2013 Public Lecture
        • Peter Austin (SOAS, University of London), David Nathan (SOAS, University of London), Anthony Jukes (CRLD, La Trobe University) “Rethinking language documentation and support for the 21st century”
        • * This Lecture will be held as a part of DocLing2013 workshop and no registration is required.
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by ILCAA, Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
        20122013/02/11 (Mon)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu Gakuin University) “Others as confronting same environment”
        • 2. Sumihiko KUMAN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “A Short History of Philosophy concerning Otherness”
        20122013/02/08 (Fri)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 36th meeting
        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 19” (First part)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 19” (Second part)
        20122013/02/08 (Fri) - 2013/02/09 (Sat)
        Mobility, Hibridity and the Way to Co-existence: Re-structuring of Daily Life in Rural and Urban African Societies
        • Admission: Free
        • Please refer to the program.
        • Jointly sponsored by JSPS Nairobi Research Station, Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        JSPS Nairobi Research Station
        20122013/02/03 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia”The 4th meeting

        International Workshop on Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (3)

        • 1. Julkipli Wadi (University of the Philippines) ”Reframing Policy, Transforming Struggle: Philippine Dynamics of Identity Formation and Self-determination”
        • 2. Abhoud Lingga (Institute of Bangsamoro Studies) ”The Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro: Opportunity to Address Muslim Minority Problem in the Philippines”
        • 3. Ken MIICHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Iwate Prefectural University) “Contemporary social changes and cultural plurality within Muslim politics: A case of Jakarta gubernatorial election”
        • Comment: Nobutaka SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University)
        • Discussion
        • Language: English
        • Jointly sponsored by Kota Kinabaru Liaison Office
        20122013/02/03 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential”The 4th meeting
        • 1. Shin’ichiro ISHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo Metoropolitan University) “Fearsome neighbours among the Igembe of Kenya”
        • 2. Daisuke MIZOGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo National College of Technology) “On the Emergency and Development of the Francophonic African Ethnography”
        • 3. Kodai KONISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The Discourse Spaces of Tribal Studies in India”
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20122013/02/02 (Sat)
        14:00-18:00 (open), 8:30-20:00 (closed)
        JCAS Workshop by Scholars of Next Generation “Animals, Things, and Man: Anthropology of KYOKAI”
        • Moderator: Noriko ITOH (Kyoto University)
        • 14:00. Introduction
        • 14:15. Michio NAKAMURA (Kyoto University) “Once Apes Were Humans?: Changing Views of “Human” Boundary in Western Culture=Science.”
        • 15:00. Masashi SUDA (Nagoya University) “The gourds are things? : The boundary between human and things.”
        • 15:45. Kazuhiko HOSAKA (Kamakura Women’s University) “Predation or cannibalism: How chimpanzees see the monkeys they kill and eat.”
        • 16:30. Coffee Break
        • 16:45. Comments on Area Studies Commentators: Takurou FURUSAWA (Kyoto University) Kiyoshi TADOKORO (The University of Tokyo) General Discussion
        • 18:00. Closing
        • 18:30-20:00. meeting (closed)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by ILCAA, Japan Consortium for Area Studies
        20122013/02/02 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts” The 9th meeting
        • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “The Studies on the Khitan Script by the late Dr. NISHIDA Tatsuo”
        • 2. Takashi MATSUKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otani University) “On the Achievemnt of this Joint-Research Project”
        • 3. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA), Mitsuhiro SAWAMOTO (Waseda University), Yasuyuki TAKAI (Waseda University), Kenya WATANABE (Tohoku University) “New Trend of Khitan Studies”
        20122013/02/02 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’” The 11th meeting
        • 1. Satoshi TANAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ochanomizu University) “Threads as Spun by Spinsters: Reconsidering Pathfinders of Polynesian Diaspora”
        • 2. Akiko KUNIHIRO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gunma Prefectual Women’s University) “Rethinking Individualism and ‘Man-outside-the-world’”
        Hongo Satellite 7F
        20122013/02/01 (Fri) - 2013/02/02 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 35th meeting

        1 February

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Hideyuki WATANABE (Aichi University of Education) Reading “Liyeqinjian 18” (First part)
        • 3. Hideyuki WATANABE (Aichi University of Education) Reading “Liyeqinjian 18” (Second part)

        2 February

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Tsuneko SUMIYA (Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 16” (First part)
        • 3. Tsuneko SUMIYA (Nara University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 16” (Second part)
        20122013/02/01 (Fri) - 2013/02/02 (Sat)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies”The 5th meeting
        • 1. Presentations by all of the joint-researchers and ILCAA staff members on their papers to be contributed to a volume on the schedule of publishing
        • Language: English
        20122013/01/30 (Wed)
        Information Resources Center (IRC) International Workshop: Contrastive study of Dravidian langueges focusing on Malayalee grammar and lexicon
        • K.P.P.Nambiar “On Japanese Malayalam Dictionary”.
        • Makoto MINEGISHI (ILCAA) “On Contrastive study of Japanese and Dravidian Languages”.
        • Jun TAKASHIMA (ILCAA) “On Electric Dictionary program”
        • It is well known that Japanese in East Asia and Dravidian languages in South Asia share common typological features, such as SOV word order and morphological agglutination. While linguistic studies on Indian languages in Japan are highly advanced concerning some of individual languages, the perspective for contrasting languages between a Dravidian language and Japanese has not been introduced until very recently. ILCAA has long been conducting the electronic dictionary programme for Asian languages, part of which is the Japanese-Malayalam electronic dictionary project lead by Jun Takashima (Indian languages) with Dr. P.K.K. Nambiar (Malayalam studies), Kazuhiko Machida (Indian languages) and Makoto Minegishi (linguistic typology). The following three presentations will be given at the workshop.

        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English and Japanese
        • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
        • Jointly sponsored by Center for Contemporary India Area Studies at TUFS (FINDAS)
        20122013/01/26 (Sat) - 2013/01/27 (Sun)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa”The 5th meeting, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”The 3rd meeting

        26 January “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa”

        27 January “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”

        • 1. Yuko ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan International Cooperation Agency) “Event integration in Bende: the case of motion verbs” (tentative title)
        • 2. Osamu HIEDA (ILCAA) “Aspect in Kumam”
        • 3. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Defense Academy of Japan) “Motion expressions and constructions in Kupsapiny”
        20122013/01/26 (Sat) - 2013/01/27 (Sun)
        A Cross-linguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The “Cogitation Process” Approach
        • Sat 26 Jan 2013 9:00-19:30
        • 1. Mie TSUNODA (Taisho University) “About the project”
        • 2. Shuntaro TIDA (Kumamoto University) “Korean”
        • 3. Kazuyuki KIRYU (Mimasaka University) “Newali”
        • 4. Shiho EBIHARA (ILCAA) “Amdo Tibetan”
        • 5. Norikazu KOGURA (Kyushu University) “Sibe”
        • 6. Discussion
        • Sun 27 Jan 2013 9:00-15:30
        • 1. Hiroyuki UMETANI (the University of Tokyo) “Mongolian”
        • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Middle Tibetan”
        • 3. Discussion
        • Organized by A Cross-linguistic Study of Nominalizer-final Constructions: The “Cogitation Process” Approach
        20122013/01/24 (Thu)
        Information Resources Center (IRC) International Workshop
        • Lahcen DAAÏF (Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes / CNRS) “Valeurs et préceptes religieux dans les chants traditionnels berbères de Sousse. Eléments de réflexion.”
        • Comment by Masaki HORIUCHI (Seikei University)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: French (simultaneous interpretation (French→Japanese) available)
        • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
        • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
        20122013/01/23 (Wed)
        Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2) International Workshop
        • Lahcen DAAÏF (Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes / CNRS) “Statut de faqīh contesté à l’imam du traditionnisme Ibn Ḥanbal : arguments pour une approche comparative.”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: French (simultaneous interpretation(French→Japanese)available)
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
        20122013/01/16 (Wed)
        Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2) International Workshop
        • 16:00-18:00. Walid Salem (The Center for Democracy and Community Development, Director, Jerusalem) “New approaches to two states solution after the UN bid”
        • Comment1: Adam Keller(Gush Shalom, Spokesperson)
        • Comment2: Yakov Rabkin(Montreal University, Professor)
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: English
        • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World” (MEIS2)
        • Jointly sponsored by Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (Principal Investigator: Eiji NAGASAWA (The University of Tokyo)) and IAS Center at the University of Tokyo (TIAS)
        20122013/01/15 (Tue)
        Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”: Introduction to African Studies

        Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies  Open Seminar: Introduction to African Studies

        • Dr. Yukiyo ODA (Japan Association for African Studies) “Ghana Women in Hair Salon: A New View of Gender Studies”
        • Admission: Free
        • Language: Japanese
        • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
        20122013/01/12 (Sat) - 2012/01/13 (Fri)
        Workshop “What are regugees?: Marginalized people in Asian and African countries”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States”The 6th meeting

        12 January [open workshop]

        • 1. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Refugees: Palestinian refugees after 65 years of Diaspora”
        • 2. Yuko MIO (ILCAA) “Migrants: Indiginized Chinese in Vietnam”
        • 3. Shinya KONAKA (ILCAA Joint researcher, University of Shizuoka) “Internally Displaced Persons: Neglected People in East Africa”
        • 4. CHEN Tien-shi (ILCAA Joint research, National Museum of Ethnology) “Stateless: How they are living in Japan”
        • 5. Q & A between Panelists and the students
        • 6. Presentation of the activity for international cooperation by Yoshiwara High school
        • 7. Q & A by the students of Yoshiwara High school with panelists

        13 January [closed meeting]

        • 1. Shinya KONAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) “Citizens without Citizenship: Internally displaced Persons among East African Pastoral Societies”
        • 2. Kazuyori ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) “The logic of state formation in the process of decolonization: Implications for the concept of citizenship in developing countrie”
        • 3. Yuko TOBINAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Whom Are They Becoming?: Citizenship in Transition in the Case of People’s ‘Migration’ Coursed by Independence of South Sudan”
        • 4. Research meeting
        Conference Hall - Winds, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center “GRANSHIP” (12 Jan.), Center for Global Studies, Graduate School of International Relations, University of Shizuoka (13 Jan.)
        20122013/01/11 (Fri) - 2012/01/12 (Thu)
        ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 34th meeting

        11 January

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 17” (First part)
        • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 17” (Second part)

        12 January

        • 1. Editorial Meeting
        • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 15” (First part)
        • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 15” (Second part)
        20122012/12/22 (Sat) - 2012/12/23 (Sun)
        The 5th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”The 2nd meeting

        22 Dec

        • 1. Intorduction
        • 2. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Lecture and Reading: “Collections of Model Court Documents (Sak Mecmualar?)”
        • 3. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Lecture: “Qadi System and the Court Registers in the 18th Century”
        • 4. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading: “Mursales”

        23 Dec

          • 1. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading: “Court Registers I (marriage)”
          • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) Reading: “Court Registers II (murder and sulh)”
          • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) Reading: “Ilams in the Court Registers”
          • 4. General Discussion
          • Language: Japanese
          • For more details, please see here. (in Japanese.)
          • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
          • Jointly sponsored by NIHU PROGRAM IAS Center at the Toyo Bunko(TBIAS), ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”
          20122012/12/21 (Fri) - 2012/12/22 (Sat)
          ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’”The 10th meeting

          21 Dec

        • Report () :
          • 1. Kikue FUKAMI (Hitotsubashi University) “Living in between: A Case Study of Polyamory in Southern California”
          • Report () :

          22 Dec

            • 1. Yuichiro SAKAI (Keio University) “The Single life and Familism in Prewar Japan” (tentative title)
            • 2. Erika TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Family as a Vocation: The process of re-organizing local welfare system through introducing the support system for relative care takers”
            Hongo Satellite 8F, 4F
            20122012/12/21 (Fri) - 2012/12/22 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 33rd meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • Report () :
            • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 16” (First part)
            • Report () :
            • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 16” (Second part)
            • Report () :
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • Report () :
            • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 14” (First part)
            • Report () :
            • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 14” (Second part)
            • Report () :
            20122012/12/15 (Sat) - 2012/12/16 (Sun)
            Borders in Africa, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Nationhood in Contemporary Africa: New Media, Globalization, and Democracy”The 3rd meeting

            Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” Symposium 2012

            • 15 December
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • Session 1. “Media, State and Market in Contemporary Africa”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 1. Masataka TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takachiho University) “Radio Broadcasting and Democracy in Benin: Thinking through the journalist and the participation program”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 2. Naoki NAITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokushima University) “Mobile money, Diaspora and Space: The Socio-economic Relationships between Somali Protracted Refugees and Hosts in Eastern Kenya”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 3. Shinsuke NAGAOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Cyberspace and the Emergence of the New Global/Local Economic Order: An Inquiry from Revival of the Islamic Economic Networks”
            • Comentator: Ichiyo HABUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University)
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • Special Session. “Borders in Ethnic Music”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • Yuji MATSUHIRA (Nagoya University) “Diffusion and Transmission of Mbira Technics”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 16 December
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • Session 2. “State, Nation and Ethnic group; Difficulties to Coexistence in Border Area
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 1. Momoka MAKI (Tsuda College) “Border, Nation and International Relations: the Experiences of Tigray in Ethiopia and Eritrea”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 2. Rumiko MURAO (ILCAA Research Associate) “Border and Coexistence: History and Contemporary Land Use in Western Zambia”
            • Comentator: Shinichi TAKEUCHI (Japan External Trade Organization)
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • Session 3. “Islam and Borders in Africa”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 1. Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “Creating Boundaries: Narratives of Lands of Gold and Slave in the Western S?d?n from the 9th to the 14th Century”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 2. Shinzo SAKAI (Nanzan University) “Sufi Order and Secret Societies in 19th Century West Africa: Parallelism and Competition between Religious Associations in Growing Commercial Centers”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 3. Shigeo KIKUCHI (Meisei University) “Islamization and Spirit Possession: Imaginary Boundaries in Modern Kenya Hinterland”
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • 4. General Discussion
            • Report (Japanese) : 359KB
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Japanese
            • Please refer to PDF for details
            • Organized by Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies
            • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Nationhood in Contemporary Africa: New Media, Globalization, and Democracy”
            20122012/12/15 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network”The 10th meeting

            International Conference on “Dynamics of Marriage/Divorce-related Migration in Asia”

            • [Room 301]
            • Session 1 Migrant Workers and Trans-border Intimacy
            • 1. Ching-lung Tsay, Han-wei Liu (Tamkang University, Taiwan), Khun-jung Cheng (National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan) “From ‘Contract Workers’ to ‘Immigrant Spouses’: Cases of Thais in Taiwan”
            • 2. Eva F. Nisa (Australian National University) “Sink or Swim in Marital Relationships: Indonesian Female Migrant Workers in Hong Kong”
            • 3. Mika OKUSHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tenri University, Japan) “Indonesian marriage migrants to East Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Korea): Trends under political and social pressure”
            • Session 2 Trans-border Marriage: Narratives and Gap
            • 1. Akiko WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo University, Japan) “Intimacy and Estrangement: Narratives of Filipino Female Workers Married to Foreign Muslims Abroad”
            • 2. Saihanjuna (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan) “Another Migration: Chinese Korean Marriage Migration’s Contributory Effect”
            • 3. TBA
            • Session 3 Marriage Migrants: Integration, Assimilation or Something Else?
            • 1. Caesar DEALWIS (ILCAA Joint Researcher, MARA University of Technology, Malaysia) “Why Do Offspring of Caucasian Muslims in Sarawak, Malaysia Assimilate?”
            • 2. Misaki IWAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanda University of International Studies, Japan) “The Formation of a ‘Multicultural Family’ through a Taiwanese?Vietnamese Marriage”
            • 3. Linda A. Lumayag (University of Malaya, Malaysia) “The Need to Belong: Narratives of Cross-border Marriage Migrants from the Philippines”
            • [Room 401]
            • Opening Session
            • 1. Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan) “Marriage Migrants and their Challenge in Taiwan”
            • Session 1 Trans-border Marriage and the Issue of Legal Status: Citizenship and Nationality
            • 1. Jou-juo Chu (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan) “Mainland Chinese Marriage Migrants in the Taiwanese Workplace: A Contact Zone Approach to the Citizenship Issue”
            • 2. Chatchai Chetsumon (Thammasat University, Thailand) “Legal Problems of Marriage between the Irregular workers from Myanmar and Thai People in Thailand”
            • 3. Chen Tien-Shi (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Anthropology, Japan) “Transnational Marriage and Stateless People”
            • Session 2 Trans-border Marriage, Divorce and Children
            • 1. Caroline Grillot (Macquarie University, Holland) “Lives in limbo: the unsuccessful marriages in the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands”
            • 2. Itsuko KAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Women’s University, Japan) “International Parental Child Abduction and Japan”
            • 3. Le Hien Anh (Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University) “Lives of Child Migrants from Cross-border Marriages- Vietnamese Women to Korean, after divorce”
            • Session 3 Trans-border Intimacy and ‘Return’ Migration of Children
            • 1. Andrio A. Muktiwibowo (University of Indonesia) “Issues and Challenges Faced by Returning Migrant Children in Relation to Cross-border Divorce in Indonesia”
            • 2. Tsung-yi Michelle Huang (National Taiwan University) “Unexpected Tourists and Accidental Citizens :Imaging and Imagining Mainland Mothers and Hong Kong Babies”
            • 3. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Eiwa University, Japan) “End of Transnational Intimacy and Return Migration of Children from Japan to Thailand”
            • Closing Session
            • General Discussion
            • Language: English
            Hongo Satellite 3F, 4F
            20122012/12/14 (Fri) - 2012/12/16 (Sun)
            Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Students of Postgraduate and Postdoctoral LevelJACAS (Japan Consortium for Area Studies)
            20122012/12/09 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 4th meeting
            • 1. Koji KITAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) “‘Others’ are those who can be either enemies or friends”
            • 2. Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “Collective identity in primates”
            20122012/12/08 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives”The 7th meeting
            • 1. Akiyo AMINAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Movement of People and Agricultural Production under the Portuguese Colonial Rule: A Tentative for the Comparative Study on the Case of Mozambique and Angola”
            • 2. Chizuko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan External Trade Organization) “‘Rise and Fall’ of the South African Peasantry Revisited”
            • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            20122012/12/08 (Sat)
            JCAS Workshop by Scholars of Next Generation The Logic of Area: Through the Activities of People in ‘Sudan’
            20122012/12/06 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum
            • 15:00-15:30. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “What is a Palestinian State for? - Bringing the State Back in to Comparative Perspective -”
            • 15:30-16:00. Hiroki ISHIKAWA “Historical Study on the Enset Cultivation for Food in Northern Ethiopia”
            • 16:00-16:10. break
            • 16:10-16:40. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Reading “the back” of documents: between diplomatics and archival science”
            • 16:40-17:10. Toshihide NAKAYAMA “On ‘units’ in language”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Japanese
            20122012/12/02 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice” The 3rd meeting
            • 1. Yukio GUNJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) “How We Understand Multiple Worlds”
            • 2. Riichiro HIRA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Basic Biology) “Reductionistic Neuroscience: Concepts and Methods”
            20122012/12/01 (Sat) - 2012/12/02 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective” The 8th meeting

            International Workshop “Linguistic Documentation and Description of the North”

            • 1 December, Presentations:
            • 1. Nadezda Vinokurova (Research Institute for Humanities and Problems of the Indigenous of the North) “Descriptive verbs in Sakha”
            • Abstract (English) 83KB
            • 2. Zhargal Badagarov (Buryat State University) “Buryat dialects: what has been studied and what is yet to be studied”
            • Abstract (English) 145KB
            • 3. Xing Huang (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) “The Chinese Pronunciation by the Northern Minorities of China”
            • Abstract (English, Chinese) 61KB
            • 4. Hirofumi Hori (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka University) “Polysynthesis’ in Haida”
            • Abstract (English) 71KB
            • 5. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Chukchi as a Polysynthetic language”
            • 2 December, Presentations:
            • 1. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Causative and passive in Sakha with a particular focus on double-accusative causatives and impersonal passives”
            • Abstract (English) 19KB
            • 2. Megumi KUREBITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyama University) “Intransitive/transitive correspondence in Koryak from a typological point of view”
            • 3. Arzhaana Syuryun (Institute for Linguistics Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) “Double negation in Tyvan”
            • Abstract (English) 211KB
            • 4. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Relative tense in contrastive linguistics”
            • Language: English
            20122012/12/01 (Sat)
            Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the ArtJapan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
            20122012/12/01 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia” The 2nd meeting
            • 1. Michihiro OGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Yokohama City University) “Merchant and artisan communities in the late 18th century-Indapur Pargana, Pune Subha under the Marathas: the selection and the initial analysis of primary sources”
            • 2. Shunsuke SAITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Daito Bunka University) “Structural Analysis of Human Network in the Portuguese Empire: a prosopographical study of the Estado da India’s clerks”
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20122012/11/30 (Fri)
            JaCMES Lecture: Lebanese Foreign Policy and the 2006 War
            • Lecturer :Henrietta Wilkins “JaCMES Lecture: Lebanese Foreign Policy and the 2006 War”
            • For further information : 01-975851 (JaCMES)
            Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
            20122012/11/21 (Wed) - 2012/11/22 (Thu)
            International Conference “Culture, Creation, Identity and Representation : Plural Perspectives in Anthropology.”
            • Language: Language: French and English
            • Please refer to PDF for details (in French)
            • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”, Ecole superieure d’Art de la Reunion, Universite de La Reunion
            Ecole superieure d’Art de la Reunion (21st), Universite de La Reunion (22nd)
            20122012/11/20 (Tue)
            Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies

            “Becoming Zimbabwean: Identity, Nationalism and State Building in the Historical Context of Southern Africa”

            • Prof. Alois Mlambo (Professor, Historical and Heritage Studies, Pretoria University)
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies
            • Jointly sponsored by Kanto branch of Japan Association for African Studies
            Boissonade Tower 19F conference roomD, Hosei University
            20122012/11/18 (Sun)
            Linguistic Dynamics Workshop “Reconsidering linguistic units”
            • 10:00-10:15. Registration
            • 10:15-10:30. Opening remarks
            • 10:30-12:00. Panel Discussion1 ~ ‘Units’ in linguistic communication and linguistic structure
            • 12:00-13:30. lunch
            • 13:30-15:00. Data session
            • 15:30-17:00. Panel Discussion2
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
            20122012/11/17 (Sat)
            Linguistic Dynamics Science Forum
            • Sandra A. Thompson (University of California, Santa Barbara) “Understanding ‘clause’ as an emergent ‘unit’ in Japanese and English”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
            20122012/11/17 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities” The 5th meeting
            • 1. Koji TSUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “The Indonesian National Hero of Chinese-origin, John Lie: ‘Chineseness’ evoked by his nomination and its process (2)”
            • 2. Tetsu ICHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) “Who are the Papua New Guinean Chinese?: Sub-ethnic Identification in Complex Interfacial Situation”
            • 3. Kyoko NAGURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) “‘Chineseness’ of Myanmar Oversea Chinese Returnees and Myanmar Oversea Chinese in the Action-centered viewpoint”
            • 4. Discussion
            20122012/11/10 (Sat)
            FIELD+cafe Forefront of Qidan Scripts Studies

            “Forefront of Qidan Scripts Studies”

            • Guest Speakers: Takashi MATSUKAWA (Otani University), Yasunori TAKEUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
            • Presenter: Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA)
            Salon de FUZAMBO FOLIO (Fuzambo Bldg. B1, 1-3 Kanda jinbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
            20122012/11/10 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies” The 10th meeting

            “The Study of Failure on Fieldwork”

            • 1. Nobutaka KAMEI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University) Concept of the seminar “I failed the first encounter: In the tropical forests of Cameroon”
            • 2. Teruhiro YAMAKITA (Nihon University) “I was faced with a difficult choice”
            • 3. Rumiko MURAO (ILCAA) “A Failure story in Refugee settlement: A Trial and Error Process through Refugee Livelihood Research”
            • 4. Shinji MIYAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University of Science) “I failed on narrow view: In the Himalaya and Museum”
            • 5. Shuji IIJIMA (Kyushu University) “I failed on the return of my reports: Various ways to respond to field sites”
            • 6. Discussion “The possibility of the study of failure on fieldwork”
            • Commentators: Waka AOYAMA (Hokkaido University), Kazuko OGUNI (Nihon Fukushi University)
            Hongo Satellite 4F
            20122012/11/10 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts” The 8th meeting
            • 1. Masami OOTAKE (Kyoto University) “An Attempt at the Systematic Decipherment of the Kitan Small Script”
            • 2. Yasunori TAKEUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Report on ‘The Second International Conference on Ancient Manuscripts and Literatures of the Minorities in China’ and ‘The Second Conference on the Khitan Script and the Related Areas’”
            • 3. Koichi YOSHIIKE (Aichi Prefectural University) “Report on the International Conference of Khitan Studies (Chi Feng 赤峰, Aug. 2012)”
            20122012/11/09 (Fri) - 2012/11/10 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 32nd meeting

            9 November

            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 14” (First part)
            • 3. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 14” (Second part)

            10 November

            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 15” (First part)
            • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 15” (Second part)
            20122012/11/08 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum
            • Oman FATHURAHMAN (Visiting Professor, ILCAA) Silsilah and Ijazah of Nusantara Islamic Manuscripts: A Portrait of Social-Intellectual Life”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Language: English and Indonesian
            20122012/11/02 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 31st meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 13” (First part)
            • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 13” (Second part)
            20122012/10/27 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”The 6th meeting
            • 1. Hiroyuki MASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) “Local Chronicle from Early Seventeenth Century Deccan: Tadhkirat al-Muluk”
            • 2. Hiroyuki OGASAWARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute of Politics and Economy) “History Education in the Late Ottoman Empire”
            Hongo Satellite 3F
            20122012/10/27 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States” The 5th meeting
            • 1. Bashir Bashir (Hebrew University in Jedrusalem, Israel) “Multidimensional Citizenship in Israel:between hierarchy and equality”
            • 2. Itamar Y. Lee (Center for Contemporary China Studies, Korea) “The Devided Region Without a Regional Indentity: The Paradox of Shifting Regional Identity in Northeast Asia”
            • 3. Research meeting
            20122012/10/27 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 9th meeting
            • 1. Mio HORIE (Kyoto University) “Marriage and Migration among Lahu Women in South-west China; the influence of women married to Han men from other Provinces on their villages”
            • 2. Yoshinari WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) “The Histories of Multi-ethnic Cultural Areas in Myanmar Prior to the Tenth Century, with particular Reference to the Pyu, the Piao and the Mon”
            20122012/10/26 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 30th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 12” (First part)
            • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 12” (Second part)
            20122012/10/25 (Thu) - 2012/10/28 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”The 8th meeting

            Symposium “Dynamics of Insubordination”

            • 25 October
            • Presentations
            • 1. Nicholas EVANS (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Australian National University) “The Dynamics of Insubordination: An Overview”
            • Abstract (English) 8KB
            • 2. Jean-Christophe VERSTRAETE (KU Leuven) “Running in the Family: Patterns of Complement Insubordination in Germanic”, joint work with Sarah D’HERTEFELT
            • Abstract (English) 112KB
            • 3. Edoardo LOMBARDI VALLAURI (Universita Roma Tre) “Insubordinated Conditionals in Spoken and Non-Spoken Italian”
            • Abstract (English) 113KB
            • 4. Pedro GRAS MANZANO (Universitat de Barcelona, KU Leuven) “Revisiting the Functional Typology of Insubordination. Que-initial Sentences in Spanish”
            • Abstract (English) 120KB
            • 5. Scott A. SCHWENTER (The Ohio State University) “Independent si-Clauses in Spanish: Functions and Consequences for Insubordination”
            • Abstract (English) 77KB
            • 6. Jeanne-Marie DEBAISIEUX (Universite Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle), Philippe MARTIN (Universite Paris Diderot) “Insubordination in French: Syntactic and Prosodic Aspects”
            • Abstract (English) 166KB
            • Discussion
            • 26 October
            • Presentations
            • 7. Simeon FLOYD (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) “Insubordination in Interaction: the Cha’palaa Counter-assertive”
            • Abstract (English) 114KB
            • 8. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Dependency and Insubordination in Sliammon Salish”
            • Abstract (English) 428KB
            • 9. Anna BERGE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Alaska, Fairbanks) “Dependent Marking, Indirectness and Insubordination in Aleut”
            • Abstract (English) 69KB
            • Discussion
            • 27 October
            • Presentations
            • 10. Bernard COMRIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, University of California Santa Barbara) “Insubordination in the Tsezic Languages”, joint work with Diana FORKER and Zaira KHALILOVA
            • Abstract (English) 105KB
            • 11. Martine ROBBEETS (University of Mainz) “Insubordination and the Establishment of Genealogical Relationship”
            • Abstract (English) 77KB
            • 12. Arienne M. DWYER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Kansas) “Ordinary Insubordination as Transient Discourse”
            • Abstract (English) 101KB
            • 13. Toshio OHORI (The University of Tokyo) “Toward a Taxonomy of Insubordination: Grammaticalization Paths and Discourse Motivations”
            • 14. Seiko FUJII (The University of Tokyo) “Insubordination of Conditional Constructions in Japanese”
            • 15. Heiko NARROG (Tohoku University) “Insubordination in Japanese Diachronically”
            • Abstract (English) 6KB
            • Discussion
            • 28 October
            • Presentations
            • 16. Marianne MITHUN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of California, Santa Barbara) “How Fascinating! Insubordinate Exclamations”
            • Abstract (English) 113KB
            • 17. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Defense Academy of Japan) “Pitch Accent Patterns and Meanings of Full and Insubordinated Conditional Constructions in Sidaama (Cushitic, Ethiopia)”
            • Abstract (English) 96KB
            • 18. Sonia CRISTOFARO (Universita di Pavia) “Routes to Insubordination: A Typological Perspective”
            • Abstract (English) 21KB
            • Discussion
            20122012/10/22 (Mon)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Study of Normative Glyphs of Chinese Characters (2nd stage)” The 3rd meeting
            • 1. Shoju IKEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Building a database of dictionaries of Old Japanese for the research of the history of Hanzi glyphs”
            • 2. Masayuki TOYOSHIMA (ILCAA) “Implementation of the HNG database”
            • 3. Harumichi ISHIZUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, prof. emer. Hokkaido University), Kazuhiro OKADA (Hokkaido University) “Principles of the HNG database”
            • 4. Kiyonori NAGASAKI (International Institute for Digital Humanities) “Identification of Hanzi glyphs”
            • 5. Research arrangements on the ongoing publications and further researches
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20122012/10/21 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”The 2nd meeting
            • 1. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “Natural Sciences and Socio-human Studies”
            • 2. Shigeo YOSHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Toward the construction of the Science of Sciences”
            20122012/10/21 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential” The 3rd meeting
            • 1. Ken MASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) “Studies in Southwestern Ethiopia: Non-Ethiopian Studies in Ethiopian Studies”
            • 2. Mayuko OHKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Regional linkage found in the field: The Gulf and East Africa in the Middle Eastern or Islamic area studies”
            • 3. Shingo IITAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Kochi) “Reviewing Ethnographic Studies on Micronesian Area as a Political Construct”
            • 4. Norio NIWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “A memorandum toward a possibility of social anthropology: a comparative perspective on social boundary by focusing on Onarigami studies”
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20122012/10/20 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Nationhood in Contemporary Africa: New Media, Globalization, and Democracy” The 2nd meeting
            • 1. Ichiro MAJIMA (ILCAA) “Some Notes on ‘Nationhood’”
            • 2. Discussion
            • 3. General Discussion on ‘Nationhood’ and ‘intermediate group’
            20122012/10/17 (Wed)
            Bhutan Lecture Series : Buddhist King and War - The Fourth King of Bhutan’s 2003 military assault against the Assamese guerrillas -
            • Speaker: Tsering Tashi (Board Director, Royal Society for Protection of Nature)
            • Commentator: Yoshiro IMAEDA (former CNRS)
            • Date: October 17, 2012 18:00-19:30(doors open at 17:30)
            • Registration fee: Free
            • Registration: or e-mail to hoshi[at], * Please change [at] to @.
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
            20122012/10/14 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 3rd meeting
            • 1. Gen YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “On ‘habituation’ of wildlife”
            • 2. Motomitsu UCHIBORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Open University of Japan) “Unseen Others, Absent Others: Ways of Being of Spirits, Deities and Others”
            20122012/10/12 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 29th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 11” (First part)
            • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 11” (Second part)
            20122012/10/11 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum
            • Mansur SEFATGOL (Visiting Professor, ILCAA; University of Tehran) “Europian (Farangi) and Europe (Farang) in Iranian Historiography: A case study of the chronicles of The Safavid era (16th - 18th centuries)”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: English
            20122012/10/07 (Sun) - 2012/10/08 (Mon)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities” The 12th meeting

            International Workshop on Clause Combining in/ around Indonesian Languages

            • 7 October
            • 1. Mark Donohue (ANU) “Coordination and subordination, and the relationship between grammar and discourse”
            • 2. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Types of clause combining in Bantik”
            • 3. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Clause combining in Kadorih”
            • 4. Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L’Orientale”) “Subordination, coordination, juxtaposition and lexical borrowing in clause combining in Punan and Kenyah languages of Borneo”
            • 5. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Clause combining without a conjunction in Sumbawa”
            • 8 October
            • 6. Naomi TSUKIDA ( ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University) “Loosely connected clauses in Seediq”
            • 7. Anthony Jukes (ILCAA Joint Researcher, CRLD, La Trobe University) “Relative clauses in Makassarese”
            • 8. Yanti*, Tim McKinnon^, Peter Cole° and Gabriella Hermon° (*Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia; ^Max Planck Institute for EvolutionaryAnthropology; °University of Delaware) “Relative Clauses in Jambi Malay and Kerinci”
            • 9. John Bowden (Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) “Combining clauses in Taba”
            • 10. Mark Donohue (ANU) “Grammatical functions and pragmatic considerations in clause combining”
            • Language: English
            20122012/10/06 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 8th meeting
            • 1. Naoto MOCHIZUKI (Kyoto University) “The Nature of the Kaungton Treaty (1769) between Qing China and Konbaung Burma: Qing’s participation in the International Order as seen in Chinese Sources” (tentative title)
            20122012/09/30 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Modes of Articulation of Local Societies to Contemporary Science as Ways of Thought and Practice”The 1st meeting
            • 1. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “A Review of Science Studies in Anthropology”, “Themes and Prospects of this Project”
            20122012/09/29 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia”The 3rd meeting

            International Workshop on cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (2)

            • 1. Keiko KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagoshima University) “Thai-speaking Migrants of Inland Kedah”
            • 2. Omar Farouk (Albukhary International University) “Cultural Diversity at the Periphery: Religious Co-existence in Alor Setar, Kedah”
            • 3. Azizah Kassim (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National University of Malaysia) “Transnational Marriages Among the Refugees in Malaysia and their Implications on their Status and Identity: The Case of the Rohingyas”
            • 1st comment: Shamsul A. B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National University of Malaysia)
            • 2nd comment: Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA)
            • Discussion
            • Language: English
            Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu, Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Sinsuran, Kota Kinabalu, 88000, Malaysia
            20122012/09/29 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network” The 9th meeting
            • 1. CHEN Tien-shi (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Anthropology) “International Marriage and Stateless- cause and effect”
            • 2. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyoeiwa University) “Announcement on International Conference on November”
            • 3. Masako KUDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Women’s University) “Trajectories of family-making among Japanese-Pakistani couples”
            • 4. Itsuko KAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Women’s University) “Issues on International Parental Child Abudction”
            20122012/09/21 (Fri)
            Field Linguistics Café
            • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Overview”
            • 2. Hajime OSHIMA (ILCAA Research Associate) “Burgenland dialect of Hungarian in Austria”
            • 3. Yukari NAGAYAMA (Hokkaido University) “Filed research on Alutor, an endangered language in Kamchatka”
            • 4. Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (Sapporo Gakuin University) “How to pronouce ‘Медведев’ in Nivkh -A note on palatalization-”
            • 5. Yoshimi MIYAKE (Akita University) “Javanese terms for body parts and directions”
            • The event is open to the public for free of charge without a reservation.
            • Language: Japanese
            • Program
            • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
            20122012/09/21 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 28th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 10” (First part)
            • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 10” (Second part)
            20122012/09/15 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages” The 2nd meeting
            • 1. Junko KOMORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Event integration patterns in Yoruba and Swahili”
            • 2. Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kagawa University) “Modality markers grammaticalized from motion verbs in Chaga: With special reference to inter-dialectally discrepant construals on modal ‘definiteness’”
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20122012/09/14 (Fri) - 2012/09/17 (Mon)
            Seminar on the Middle East and Islamic Studies for Postgraduate Students304
            20122012/09/07 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 27th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 09” (First part)
            • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 09” (Second part)
            20122012/08/31 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 26th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 08” (First part)
            • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 08” (Second part)
            20122012/08/31 (Fri)
            ILCAA Forum

            Intensive Language Course “Intermediate Vietnamese” Cultural Talk

            • Satoshi ENDO (Part-time Lecturer, Osaka University) “Ho Chi Minh in the history of Vietnam”
            • A Historical description of Ha Noi in the 1930th and 40th will be lectured, using the French colonial documents.

            • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Intermediate Vietnamese”
            • Language: Japanese
            404 seminar room, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center 4F
            20122012/08/29 (Wed)
            ILCAA Forum

            Intensive Language Course “Taiwanese” Cultural Talk

            • Yasushi HIGUCHI (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “How Japanese studied Taiwanese in the Japanese colonial period?”
            • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Burmese (intermediate)”
            20122012/08/24 (Fri)
            ILCAA Forum

            Intensive Language Course “Burmese (intermediate)” Cultural Talk

            • Kei NEMOTO (Faculty of Foreign Studies, Sophia University) “The political situation of contemporary Burma: From a historical point of view”
            • In March 2011, Burma (Myanmar) shifted to ‘civil’ administration from the military regime which had continued for 23 years. Since then, so called ‘change’ has started in this country. This lecture will look into the actual conditions of the ‘change’ occurred and occurring from a historical point of view. The features of Aung San Suu Kyi’s thought and behavior will also be dealt with.

            • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Burmese (intermediate)”
            • Language: Japanese
            20122012/08/24 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 25th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 07” (First part)
            • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 07” (Second part)
            20122012/08/17 (Fri) - 2012/08/18 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 24th meeting

            17 August

            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 06” (First part)
            • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Liyeqinjian 06” (Second part)

            18 August

            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 13” (First part)
            • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 13” (Second part)
            20122012/08/13 (Mon)
            ILCAA Forum

            Intensive Language Course “Intermediate Vietnamese” Cultural Talk

            • Satoshi ENDO (Part-time Lecturer, Osaka University) “Ho Chi Minh in the history of Vietnam”
            • The person and the life of President Ho Chi Minh will be lectured along with the historical background of his time.

            • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Intermediate Vietnamese”
            • Language: Japanese
            404 seminar room, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center 4F
            20122012/08/10 (Fri)
            ILCAA Forum

            Intensive Language Course “Burmese (intermediate)” Cultural Talk

            • Junichi TERAI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The way of enjoying Buddhist art of Pagan”
            • If you visit Pagan site in Myanmar, you will see a great number of monuments. You will be surprised by the great variety of its artifacts even if you simply visit them. But you can enjoy them more deeply if you know the meanings they represent. In this talk, I will provide the knowledge useful in looking at Pagan art.

            • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Burmese (intermediate)”
            • Language: Japanese
            20122012/08/08 (Wed)
            ILCAA Forum

            Intensive Language Course “Taiwanese” Cultural Talk

            • Masahiro WAKABAYASHI (Waseda University) “The structural shift of Taiwanese politics in the postwar period”
            • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Taiwanese”
            • Language: Japanese
            20122012/08/04 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies” The 9th meeting

            “Development and Anthropology from the perspective of Research Methods”

            • How can anthropological research methods be utilized on development assistance project sites? We will have four speakers with anthropological backgrounds present their experiences of conducting research and transferring technology on projects managed by development agencies such as JICA.
            • Coordinator: Elli SUGITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo University)
            • 1. Chihiro SHIRAKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “KAP Survey and Cultural Anthropology”
            • 2. Taisuke TOKUOKA (Mechanized Agriculture/Agricultural Cooperative) “Practical harmonization of field methods through ‘technology transfer in action’: A tentative trans-boundary study from mechanized agriculture to livelihood strategies”
            • 3. Hiroshi NAWATA (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “Local practice as fusion of traditional knowledge and modern technology: A case of local agricultural practice ‘Sarwala’ using a tractor with disc harrow in semi-arid area, Gadarif state, eastern Sudan”
            • 4. Kiyofumi TANAKA (International Development Center of Japan/JICA Capacity Development Project for the Provision of Services of Basic Human Needs in Kassala) “Why a dropout anthropologist still prints ‘anthropologist’ on his business card?: A survival strategy by an anthropologist in international development business”
            • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20122012/07/22 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies” The 5th meeting
            • 1. Naofumi ABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS Fellow) “Owners of Villages in Provinces of 19th-Century Iran: The Case of Amir Zakariya Village”
            • 2. Jun AKIBA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chiba University) “Hundred Times Confusions’: Ottoman Qadi System as Tax Farming during the 18th Century”
            20122012/07/21 (Sat) - 2012/07/22 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 2nd meeting
            • 1. “From ‘Groups’ and ‘Institution’ to ‘Others’”
            20122012/07/21 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’” The 9th meeting
            • 1. Kikue FUKAMI (Hitotsubashi University) “Living in between: A Case Study of Polyamory in Southern California”
            • Commentator: Yoko NARISADA (Tokyo Gakugei University)
            • 2. Masakazu TANAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Violence against Women’s Single Life: From Rape to Honour-based Violence”
            • Commentator: Yoko NARISADA (Tokyo Gakugei University)
            Hongo Satellite 3F
            20122012/07/21 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 23rd meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 05” (First part)
            • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 05” (Second part)
            20122012/07/21 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives” The 6th meeting
            • 1. Tadasu TSURUTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kinki University) “Agricultural Revolution in the Context of African History”
            • 2. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Preliminary Report on the Agricultural Censuses of Angola during the Portuguese Colonial Period”
            • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            20122012/07/21 (Sat)
            Grammatical Studies Workshops 4― Is there really a “zero”? (2)
            • The workshop focuses on the linguistic analysis of “zero”, following the last workshop held in March. Linguistic analyses often assume a zero form when there is nothing tangible on the surface. However, since a zero does not have any substance, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine whether there is actually a zero or nothing. In the workshop, we shall discuss problems concerning a linguistic zero on the basis of case examples from various languages.

            • * This workshop will be broadcasted by USTREAM. It is also welcome to participate through the internet broadcast.
            • Language: Japanese
            20122012/07/20 (Fri) - 2012/07/21 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities” The 4th meeting

            20 July

            • 1. Ryoko SAKURADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Sweet Aromas and Memories: Kopitiam, The Nostalgia for Local Coffee Culture among Chinese Malaysians”
            • 2. Sachiko YOKOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Transnational Social Space Formed through Co-ethnic International Marriage between Han Taiwanese and Chinese Indonesians”
            • 3. Discussion

            21 July

            • 1. WU Xiao An (ILCAA Visiting Professor) “In Search of Chineseness: Conceptualization and Paradigms”
            • 2. Yumi KITAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Passage to ‘the West’: Life History of Chinese Indonesians in the Netherlands”
            • 3. General Discussion
            20122012/07/19 (Thu)
            The 17th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            • Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Community of ‘becoming’: Social movements in Thailand”
            • Jun’ichi ODA (ILCAA) “Macroscopic and microscopic combination of motifs in Comorian tales”
            • Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) “The visual expression in Madagascar from 1981 to 1986: manga and bande dessinee in the creation and the disappearance of tantara an-tsary”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            20122012/07/15 (Sun)
            The 10th Field Science Colloquium
            • Presentations:
            • Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Why field linguists go to the field”
            • Kazuyoshi SUGAWARA(Kyoto University) “Analyses of conversations and narratives among the Guiforagers in southern Africa: How to describe the embodiment of language”
            • Commentators: Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA), Keiichi OHMURA (Osaka University)
            • Discussion
            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by The 10th Field Science Colloquium
            • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            20122012/07/14 (Sat)
            Field Linguistics Workshop: Video data in field linguistics: why and how to utilize them?
            • Instructor: Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA, TUFS), Reiko ASO (TUFS, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
            • Programme:
            • * Case study: video data collection in fieldwork in Indonesia
            • * How to annotate a video / how to superimpose a caption on the video
            20122012/07/13 (Fri) - 2012/07/14 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 22nd meeting

            13 July

            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 04” (First part)
            • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 04” (Second part)

            14 July

            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Takayuki TAKEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 12” (First part)
            • 3. Takayuki TAKEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 12” (Second part)
            20122012/07/07 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States” The 4th meeting
            • 1. Machi OKUYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokiwa University) “Dilemma of Israel as a Jewish Democratic State”
            • 2. Atsushi KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meijo University) “Characteristics and Issues of Japan’s Migration Laws: How to Compare Immigration and Integration laws”
            • 3. Research meeting
            20122012/07/07 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining” The 7th meeting
            • 1. Olga POTANINA (Tomsk Polytechnic University, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, ILCAA Research Fellow) “Towards the syntax of Eastern Khanty complex sentences”
            • Abstract (English) : 11KB
            • 2. Yasuhiro KOJIMA (ILCAA) “Mood and tense in complement clauses in Georgian”
            • Abstract (English) 11KB
            • 3. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “A study on Chukchee complex sentences”
            • Language: English, Japanese
            20122012/07/05 (Thu)
            Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            • Prof. Pierre Sane(Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Grobal studies, Doshisya University) Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies Open Meeting: Racism: Durban and Beyond
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            • Jointly sponsored by Kanto branch of Japan Association for African Studies and Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Studies on the Intercolonial Transfer of Soldiers, Labourers and Women” (coordinator: Yoko NAGAHARA)
            Boissonade Tower 25F Conference Room C, Hosei University (Ichigaya Campus)
            20122012/07/04 (Wed)
            Open Lecture “Poverty: The Next Human Rights Challenge”
            • Prof. Pierre Sane(Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Grobal studies, Doshisya University) Core Project, Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies Open Meeting: Racism: Durban and Beyond
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            • Jointly sponsored by Kanto branch of Japan Association for African Studies
            Research and Lecture building, Room115(1F), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
            20122012/07/04 (Wed)
            The 15th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            • Kaori FUSHIKI (ILCAA) “Migration / Traveling and reconstruction of public memory in Singapore: Relationship between the people and oversea networks on the soundscape of the city and performing arts”
            • Ryoko SAKURADA (ILCAA) “The Social Change of Media and Chinese Society in Malay Peninsular: From the Perspective of Analyzing Advertising Articles”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            20122012/07/01 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies” The 8th meeting
            • 1. Kensuke GOTO (Nagasaki University) “Establish of HDSS for Countermeasures of Problems Related to Health in Sri Lanka”
            • 2. Futoshi NISHIMOTO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “Population Changes in Rural Laos during the Past Fifty Years”
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20122012/07/01 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study of Nationhood in Contemporary Africa: New Media, Globalization, and Democracy” The 1st meeting
            • 1. Naoki NAITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of TOKUSHIMA) “Introduction”
            • 2. Self-Introduction by Joint Researchers
            • 3. Research Meeting
            20122012/06/30 (Sat)
            Overseas Scientific Research Forum

            Collecting/recording in the field: Exploring the possibilities of “field science”

            • 10:30-12:30. Workshop:
            • Reports:
            • 1. Yuki TSUCHIKANE (Japan Women’s University) “The catcher in the rice field: Fieldwork in phycology”
            • 2. Atsushi YAMADA (Hokkaido University) “Field linguistics and linguistic data: Fieldwork on the Wa people in Yunnan, China”
            • Commentator: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA)
            • 12:30-14:00. (Lunch break)
            • 14:00-14:50. General meeting *
            • 15:00-17:30. Regional meetings *
            • 17:30-19:30. Reception *
            20122012/06/28 (Thu)
            Film Meeting “Beirut - Buenos Aires - Beirut”
            • 16:30-16:35. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Welcome Remarks
            • 16:35-16:45. Midori IIJIMA (Rikkyo University) Introduction of the Film
            • 16:45-18:10. Screening the Film 「Beirut - Buenos Aires - Beirut」
            • 18:10-18:30. Q & A
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Japanese (and English according to circumstances)
            • For details of this film, please see here.
            • Organized by Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research “Space created by Lebanese and Syrian migrants: Confessionalism, clientelism, and civil society” (coordinator: Hidemitsu Kuroki)
            • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
            20122012/06/28 (Thu)
            The 14th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            • Nobuko KOYA (ILCAA) “The Importance of Amdo Tibetan Rulers in Tibeto-Mongolian Relations during the Period when the Dalai Lama’s Regime was Established; The Background to the Spread of Tibetan Buddhism to Mongolia by the Zina Ruler of Xinings”
            • Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Transborder Migration and Citizenship: Palestinian migration and their Identity formation”
            • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Anthropological Study on Piracy in Maritime Southeast Asia: A Case Study from Sulu”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            20122012/06/23 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 7th meeting
            • 1. Shintaro ICHIHARA (Meiji University) “The Policy Towards Non-Han Peoples in Guizhou Prefecture during the Kangxi Period(1661-1722)”
            • 2. Shin’ichiro BAN (Otani University) “The Historical Significance of Activities by the Amdo Tibetans during the 17th and 18th centuries” (tentative title)
            20122012/06/23 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconsidering Intermediate Social Groups in Premodern South Asia” The 1st meeting
            • 1. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “A review of studies on social groups in pre-modern South Asia”
            • 2. Discussion about how to forward the project
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20122012/06/19 (Tue)
            Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            • Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) “Teto Anivon’ny Riaka, Madagascar from the Historical View of the Indian Ocean; from the Origin of the Malagasy People to the Independence of the Malagasy Republic.”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            20122012/06/16 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential” The 2nd meeting
            • 1. Hiroki TAKAURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) “Some notes on Siberian ethnography in Anthropologies and Russian studies”
            • 2. Satoshi TANAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ochanomizu University) “Locational/Areal/Regional Studies on Island Oceania: A Comment on Recent Trends”
            • 3. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “The development of African Studies in Japan”
            • 4. Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA) “OHTSUKA Kazuo and Middle Eastren, Islamic Area Studies”
            • 5. Masayuki AKAHORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University) “Desert Nomads and Urban Mystics: ME (Middle East) Anthroplogy and My Anthropology” (tentative title)
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20122012/06/14 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum
            • Kota KARIYA (ILCAA) “The Network of West African Muslim Intellectuals: A Study of the Arabic Writings of Ahmad Bamba and Their Sources.”
            • Language: Japanese
            20122012/06/09 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’” The 8th meeting
            • 1. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) “Thinking of Anthropological Viewpoint for ‘single’ in the world” (tentative title)
            • 2. Yoko TANIGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Senshu University) “Reconsideration of the Meaning of Relatedness and Being Alone in Contemporary Japan”
            • 3. Sachiko YOKOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “International Marriage in Taiwan: from Replaceable Relationship to Irreplaceable Family” (tentative title)
            Hongo Satellite 5F
            20122012/06/02 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods”The 6th meeting
            • 1. Katsuhiko KITAGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kansai University) “A Task of Writing Afrcian History”
            • 2. Chizuko TOMINAGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Miyagigakuin Women’s University) “A New Attempt of Biographical History - The lives of a woman who trusted Nkurmah, Nyerere and Nasir”
            20122012/06/02 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective” The 7th meeting
            • 1. Li Linjing (Seikei Univbersity) “Impersonal Participal in Hezhen”
            • 2. Hiroyuki UMETANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “Verbal nominals in Mongolian”
            • 3. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo university of Foreign Studies) “Relative tense in contrastive linguistics”
            20122012/05/29 (Tue)
            Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” and ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods”The 5th meeting
            • Dr. Liazzat Bonate (College of Humanities, Seoul National University) “Gendering History: Muslim Women and Power in a Matrilineal Northern Mozambique”
            20122012/05/25 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 21st meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Takeya NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atomi University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 03” (First part)
            • 3. Takeya NAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Atomi University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 03” (Second part)
            20122012/05/19 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on Event Integration Patterns in African Languages”The 1st meeting
            • 1. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Defense Academy of Japan) “Objectives and plans of the project”
            • 2. All participants “Research topic proposals”
            20122012/05/19 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives (3)”The 1st meeting
            • Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Purpose of the Joint Research Project”
            • 1. Hitoshige HAYAKI (ILCAA Joint researcher, Kobe Gakuin University) “Primatology”
            • 2. Toru SOGA (ILCAA Joint researcher, Hirosaki University) “Ecological anthropology”
            • 3. Keiichi OMURA (ILCAA Joint researcher, Osaka University) “Social and cultural anthropology”
            20122012/05/19 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities” The 11th meeting
            • 1. Ritsuko KIKUSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “On the development of the -i applicative construction in Standard Indonesian”
            • 2. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University) “From Second Position Clitic to Multiple Agreement: Grammaticalization in Languages in Eastern Indonesia”
            • 3. Michael Raymon M. Pangilinan (National Commission for Culture and the Arts), Hiroaki KITANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education) “PÁMANAKMUL AMÁNU (word swallowing): Ellipsis of determiners in colloquial Kapampangan spoken in Angeles”
            • 4. Naomi TSUKIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University) “Corelative clauses in Seediq”
            • 5. Masahiko NOSE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shiga University) “Tense and temporal expressions in Amele, Papua New Guinea”
            • 6. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “Future tense in Indonesian”
            • 7. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “The phonemic pitch accent and sentential intonation in the Bantik Language”
            • 8. Naonori NAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Double-object constructions in Lamaholot”
            • 9. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Expressions of cognition, sensation, and emotion in Indonesian languages”
            20122012/05/18 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 20th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Takayuki TAKEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 02” (First part)
            • 3. Takayuki TAKEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 02” (Second part)
            20122012/05/12 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts” The 7th meeting
            • 1. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the notebook written in the Khitan large script”
            • 2. Koichi YOSHIIKE (Aichi Prefectural University) “On the materials for making ‘the list of suffixes in the Qidan script (1953)’”
            20122012/05/12 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network” The 8th meeting
            • 1. Saihanjuna (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meijo University) “Migration and Class Shift among Korean Ethnic Minority Women in Northeastern China: Case of Home Village of the Migrants in 延辺 Area”
            • 2. LEE, In ja (Tohoku University) “Marriage Migration between Korea and Japan: Cases from Northern Japan”
            • 3. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Report on Philippine-Japan Marriage Migration: Fieldwork report”
            • 4. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo Eiwa University) “Research Outline toward Final Symposium and Final Reports”
            • 5. Discussion
            20122012/05/11 (Fri) - 2012/05/12 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 19th meeting

            11 May

            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 01” (First part)
            • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Liyeqinjian 01” (Second part)

            12 May

            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 11” (First part)
            • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 11” (Second part)
            20122012/04/28 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Regional Ethnography and Anthropological Spatial Conceptualization: Inquiry of Methodological Potential” The 1st meeting
            • 1. Hiroki TAKAURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tohoku University) “Introduction for the project”
            • 2. A short introduction about the ethnographic characteristics in each study field
            • 3. Discussion about the plans for this year
            Hongo Satellite 8F
            20122012/04/28 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa” The 4th meeting
            • 1. Gratien G. Atindogbe (Kyoto University) “Ablaut/Umlaut in Bantu A: the case of Barombi and Bankon”
            • 2. Abdourahmane Diallo (ILCAA Visiting Professor, Goethe University) “Focus in Fula, a dialectal approach”
            • Language: English
            20122012/04/27 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 18th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 10” (First part)
            • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 10” (Second part)
            20122012/04/24 (Tue)
            Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            • Dr. Kyoko NAKAMURA (The Center for African Area Studies) “One aspect of globalization experienced by the Samburu “warriors”: with reference to their “traditional” beaded adornments”
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            20122012/04/14 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 6th meeting
            • 1. Discussion on proposed contributions to upcoming book on upland society in the Tay Cultural Area
            • 2. Aika TOMITA (Kyoto University) “Tone change in two successive syllables in the Jinghong Dialect of Tai Lue”
            • 3. Tadahiko SHINTANI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Linguistic Perspectives on the history of the Karen Peoples”
            20112012/03/31 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives”The 5th meeting
            • 1. Discussion about the Research Plan and Publication of Research Results (Closed)
            • 2. Hideo FUKAZAWA (ILCAA) Open Lecture “Cultivation and Land Use as a Substantial Economy in North-western Madagascar: From the View of Impacts and Influences of the ‘Green Revolution”
            • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”, Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            20112012/03/31 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives—Stage 2: “Institution”” The 16th meeting
            • 1. All the Members of the project “Summary and publish plan of the projec”
            20112012/03/30 (Fri)
            Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
            • Mayuko OKAWA (Research Associate, ILCAA) “Omani Networks in East Africa under Colonial Rule: Their Social Relationships through Islam and Arabic language”
            • Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (Research Associate, ILCAA) “Economic Activities Based on Islam: A Case Study on Industries in Malaysia”
            • Language: Japanese
            20112012/03/30 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’” The 7th meeting
            • 1. Taeko UESUGI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Senshu University) “Single soldiers and married soldiers: Ambivalence of marital status for state policies”
            • 2. Shinobu MYOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Rethinking Umesao Tadao’s Ideas on Women”
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20112012/03/30 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Indonesian Manuscript Project”The 2nd meeting

            Javanese Culture and Society in Written and Oral Tradition

            • 1. Koji MIYAZAKI (ILCAA) “Pawukon: the Javanese divination calendar”
            • 2. Yoshimichi SOMEYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Reitaku University) “Borobudur as seen from the hidden foot”
            • 3. Sumio FUKAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, St.Andrew’s University) “Mt. Merapi as is depicted in the ‘Babad Tanah Jawi’”
            • 4. Toru AOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The religious conditon of the 19th century Java as recorded in the Wedatama”
            • 5. Kazuhiro ARAI (Keio University) “Between pilgrimage and tourism: a report on the tombs of Wali Songo”
            • 6. Yumi SUGAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Islam in Java seen from the viewpoint of a kyai in the end of the 19th century”
            • 7. Titik Pudjiastuti (University of Indonesia) “Jaka Mursada, figur Islam dalam budaya Jawa”
            • 8. Willem van der Molen (ILCAA Visiting Professor, University of Indonesia) “Against evil. The short Ramayana fragments in the Merapi Merbabu Collection”
            • 9. Discussion
            • Language: English, Japanese, Indonesian
            20112012/03/29 (Thu)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Indonesian Manuscript Project”The 2nd meeting
            • Willem van der Molen (ILCAA Visiting Professor, University of Indonesia) “A short survey of Javanese history 800-2012”
            • 1. a new language
            • 2. the first poetry (Ramayana)
            • 3. the classical period (Arjunawiwaha)
            • 4. a change of taste (Panji Wijayakrama)
            • 5. waning (Nagarakrtagama)
            • 1. between old and new (Suluk Malang Sumirang)
            • 2. a new outlook (Serat Yusup)
            • 3. a category of entertainment (Serat Jatiswara)
            • 4. accounting for the past (Babad Giyanti)
            • 5. seal (Kalatidha)
            • 1. adjusting to modernity (Purwalelana)
            • 2. formative experiments (Dayaning sastra)
            • 3. threat (Ki dhalang)
            • 4. recent poetry
            • Language: English, Japanese, Indonesian
            20112012/03/29 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum/The 12th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            • Hitoshi TAKACHIO(ILCAA) “Body(corpus), the fiction (fictum): Paul and Political Theology”
            • Comment by Shiro YAMAUCHI (Keio University), Akira SAITO (National Museum of Ethnology)
            • Language: Japanese
            • For details, please see here.
            • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Forum
            20112012/03/29 (Thu)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods” The 4th meeting
            • 1. Yasuo MIZOBE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “On Africanizing of African History: Recent Research on African Historiography”
            • 2. Yoko NAGAHARA (ILCAA) “Editing a Handbook for Historical Research of Africa”
            20112012/03/27 (Tue)
            Grammatical Studies Workshops 3― Is there really a “zero”?
            • Linguistic analyses often assume a zero form when there is nothing tangible on the surface. However, since a zero does not have any substance, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine whether there is actually a zero or nothing. In the workshop, we shall discuss problems concerning a linguistic zero on the basis of case examples from various languages.

            • * This workshop will be broadcasted by USTREAM. It is also welcome to participate through the internet broadcast.
            • * You can also leave your comments on Twitter. (Our hashtag is: #ilcaaflws.)
            • Language: Japanese
            20112012/03/26 (Mon)
            Field Linguistics Workshop: FLEx (FieldWorks Language Explorer) Workshop
            • Instructor: Yukari NAGAYAMA (Hokkaido University), Iku NAGASAKI (ILCAA, TUFS)
            • Programme:
            • Introduction to FLEx
            • Lexicon fields
            • Texts & Words fields
            • Exporting of data
            • Importing of SFM (Toolbox) lexicon data
            20112012/03/24 (Sat) - 2012/03/25 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts” The 6th meeting

            h Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts” [open] The 12th meeting of Society for Liao, Jin, and Xi-xia Studies

            • 24 March
            • 1. Mie NAKATA (Konan University) “The Buddhist Circle in Chang’an and the Movements amongst Eurasia during the Latter Half of the Eighth Century”
            • 2. Tomoyasu IIYAMA (Waseda University), Takayasu SATO (Niigata University), Yasuyuki TAKAI (Waseda University) “Current Status and Issues on Studies of Liao, Jin, and Xixia”
            • 25 March
            • 1. Eisuke MORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “A Consideration of the Fictitious Kinship Relations between Kitan and Northern Song Ruling Houses , Focusing on the Relation between Emperor Tian-zuo and Hui-zong”
            • 2. Masafumi YOSHINO (Waseda University) “A Study on the Clan Name of Kitan and Xi People in the Jin Shi 『金史』: ‘Ye-lu 耶律, Xiao 蕭’ and ‘Yi-la 移剌, Shi-mo 石抹’”
            • 3. Keiji OHNISHI (Ryukoku University) “The Activities of Shaman in Xixia seen in the Tangut code ‘Tian sheng jiu gai xin ding jin ling’”
            • 4. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the Tangut document: Tang. 46 inv. No. 156 preserved in Oriental Manuscripts Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences”
            • Language: Japanese
            Gakushuin University
            20112012/03/23 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts” The 6th meeting

            International Workshop “Xixia and Qidan Documents -Cataloguing and Task-”

            • ≪Qidan Documents≫
            • 1. Takashi MATSUKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otani University) “Keynote Speech”
            • 2. Yasunori TAKEUCH (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Recent Release of the Material in Qidan Scripts”
            • 3. Wu Yingzhe (ILCAA Visiting Professor, Inner Mongolia University) “Organization of Qidan Materials kept in Inner Mongolia” (Wu Yingzhe)
            • ≪Xixia Documents≫
            • 1. Wu Yulin (Beifang University of Nationalities) “Cataloguing Tangut Documents preserved in Japan”
            • 2. Kirill Solonin (Fo Guang University) “On the Tangut Chan Documents”
            • 3. Du Jianlu (Ningxia University) “On the Cataloguing ‘Tangut Manuscripts Collected in China”
            • 4. Kirill Bogdanov (Russian Academy of Sciences) “Cataloguing Tangut Documents preserved in Russia”
            • 5. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Catalogue of Tangut Documents and Study on Tangut Language”
            • 6. General Discussion
            • Language: English, Chinese
            20112012/03/23 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 17th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 09” (First Part)
            • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 09” (Second Part)
            20112012/03/19 (Mon)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 16th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 08” (First part)
            • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 08” (Second part)
            20112012/03/16 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Missionary Linguistics (2nd stage)”The 4th meeting
            • 1. Shin YOSHIDA (Heidelberg University) & Toshinobu MIZUTANI (Ryukoku University) “Jorge’s Doutrina Christao, 1566 Lisbon edition” (Tentative title)
            • 2. Yuji HARADA (Latinist) “Influences of Calepinus and Cardoso on the Jesuit’s Dictionarium latino-lusitanicum ac japonicum (1595, Amakusa)” (Tentative title)
            • 3. Emi KISHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Prefectural University) “Calepinus and the Jesuit’s Dictionarium latino-lusitanicum ac japonicum (1595, Amakusa)” (Tentative title)
            • 4. Discussion on the prospects of the project
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20112012/03/08 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum

            Farewell Talks:

            • 1. Koji TSUDA (ILCAA) ““Traditional Chinese Religion” in post-Soeharto Indonesia: Analysis on its recent trend and its sources of religious knowledge,”
            • Report (Japanese) : 117KB
            • 2. Hideaki NAKATANI (ILCAA) “Self-formation of consciousness described by the Buddha: Cognition - Consciousness - Life of wandering mendicant”
            • Language: Japanese
            20112012/03/02 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Shared Research Resources for Korean Historical Linguistics” The 5th meeting
            • 1. Yuko OSANAI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “On the adnominal forms and nominalized forms in Neungeomgyeongeonhae” (tentative title)
            • 2. Hiroshi MURATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University), Yoshinori SUGAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kinki University) “A Morphological Analysis of Korean in the 15th Century and its Related Topics”
            20112012/03/02 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities” The 10th meeting
            • 1. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) (title unfixed)
            • 2. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “Demonstratives in Javanese”
            • 3. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University) “Reduplication and indication of plurality in Indonesian”“Change from a second position clitic to an agreement marker in eastern Indonesian languages”
            • 4. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Reduplication and indication of plurality in Indonesian”
            20112012/03/01 (Thu)
            Public Lecture on Tibetan Literature by Prof. Jiaobadongzhu
            • Admission: Free
            • Language: Tibetan & Japanese (simultaneous interpretation available)
            • For more details, please see here. (in Japanese)
            • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
            • Collaboration with Tibetan Literature Association Japan and LingDy
            20112012/02/25 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia” The 2nd meeting

            International Workshop “Cultural Diversity and its Social/Political Implication in Southeast Asia”

            • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Opening Remarks”
            • 2. Davisakd Puaksom (Walailak University) “Fragmented Modernities: The Quest for a Social and Cultural History of Patani”
            • 3. Chaiwat Satha-Anand (Thammasat University) “Muslims’ Contested Modernities in the Context of Violent Ethnic Conflicts”
            • 4. Comment 1: Takashi KAWABATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher)
            • 5. Comment 2: Michiko TSUNEDA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
            • 6. Discussion
            • 7. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Closing Remarks”
            • Language: English
            20112012/02/25 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network” The 7th meeting

            “Marriage migration and following change of culture and language use: Case studies of Taiwan and Japan”

            • 1. Yuko MIO (ILCAA) “Opening remarks”
            • 2. Wi-vun Chiung (National Cheng Kung University)/ Thai Thi Thanh Thuy (National Cheng Kung University) “Language Use and Attitude of Vietnamese New Immigrants in Kaohsiung,Taiwan”
            • Comment: Misaki IWAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanda University of Foreign Studies)
            • 3. Kayo ITO (National Cheng Kung University) / Le-kun Tan (National Cheng Kung University) “Heritage language program of intermarriages between Taiwan and Japan”
            • Comment: Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Commerce and Buisiness)
            • 4. Sachiko YOKOTA (JSPS) “Ad Report on Reserch about International Marriage between Japanese and Taiwanese”
            • Comment: Masako KUDO (Associate Professor, Kyoto Women’s University)
            • 5. General Discussion
            • Language: Japanese, English, Chinese
            Hongo Satellite 4F
            20112012/02/24 (Fri)
            JaCMES Lecture Series “The Middle East and Japan No.8”
            • Aleksandra Majstorac-Kobiljski (postdoctoral fellow, CNRS, Paris) “A Beirut-Kyoto Connection: The Case for Mapping the Global Nahda”
            Crowne Plaza Beirut
            20112012/02/22 (Wed) - 2012/02/23 (Thu)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities” The 3rd meeting

            22 February

            • 1. Kyoko NAGURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka) “Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities of “Hua” and “Qiao”: A Case of a Lifehistory of a Myanmar oversea Chinese returnee”
            • 2. Yumi KITAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Passage to the West: Life History of Chinese Indonesians in the Netherlands”
            • 3. Mitsuko TAMAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takushoku University) “Mortuary ritual of the Chaozhou Chinese in Thailand: Adaptation and Acculturation in Theravada Buddhist Country”

            23 February

            • 1. Yun HUANG (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kansai University) “The Indigenization of the Theravada Buddhist community in Malaysia and Chinese practitioners”
            • 2. Tetsu ICHIKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Rikkyo University) “Dynamic nature of Chinese Subethnicity: As seen in Migration, Localization and Re-migration of Papua New Guinean Chinese”
            • 3. General Discussion
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20112012/02/20 (Mon)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 15th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “XuanQuanZhiHanjian 07” (First Part)
            • 3. Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “XuanQuanZhiHanjian 07” (Second Part)
            20112012/02/17 (Fri) - 2012/02/18 (Sat)
            International Workshop “Current Trends of Linguistic Research of Indigenous Languages in Indonesia” (ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”)The 9th meeting

            17 February, Plenary Talks

            • 1. Nikolaus P. Himmelmann “Prosody in language description: Taking spoken language seriously”
            • 2. Alexander Adelaar “Siraya: a case of language revival”

            Reports on research in individual regions

            • 1. Sulawesi --- Anthony Jukes, Hendrik Paat
            • 2. Kalimantan --- Antonia Soriente, Kazuya INAGAKI
            • 3. Maluku --- Simon Musgrave
            • 4. Papua --- Nikolaus P. Himmelmann
            • 5. Nusa Tenggara --- František Kratochvíl, Jermy Balukh, I Wayan Budiarta
            • 6. Sumatra --- Timothy McKinnon, Budi Sudarmanto

            18 February, A taste of Nusantara: linguistic diversity in the minority languages of Indonesia

            • 1. Atsuko Utsumi (Meisei University)
            • 2. František Kratochvíl (Nanyang Technological University)
            • 3. John Bowden (Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute)
            • 4. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University)
            • 5. Naomi Tsukida (Aichi Prefectural University)
            • 6. Simon Musgrave (Monash University)
            • 7. Timothy McKinnon (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology/ University of Delaware)

            Comments: Research on Individual Languages in Indonesia

            • Ketut Artawa and Jermy Balukh
            20112012/02/17 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 14th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 07” (First part)
            • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 07” (Second Part)
            20112012/02/16 (Thu)
            Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society in Southeast Asia
            • 14:00-14:05. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
            • 14:05-14:45. Yukako YOSHIDA (Tsukuba University) Presentation1: “Balinese Dance Drama Topeng Wali and its “Audience””
            • Report (Japanese) : 270KB
            • 14:50-15:30. Kaori FUSHIKI (TUFS) Presentation2: “Living a life with/beyond “Ajeg Bali”: a portrait of professional female Balinese Gamelan player “Bu Kocan””
            • Report (Japanese) : 142KB
            • 15:30-16:10. Jaquline Kitigan (UMS) Presentation3: “Presentation on Native Music in Sabah”
            • 16:10-16:50. Discussion
            • 16:50-17:00. UMS representative Closing Remarks
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Kota Kinabaru Liaison Office
            • Jointly sponsored by School of Social Science, University Malaysia Sabah, Kotakinabalu
            Conference Room, School of Social Sciences, University Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
            20112012/02/14 (Tue)
            Public Lecture “Future of Syria, Part 2”
            • Lecturer: Nadim Shehadi (Associate Fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London) Lecture title: “The Syrian Uprising and its regional and international impact: Syria is not Tunisia, is not Egypt, is not Lybia - what is it then?”
            • Commentator: Keiko SAKAI (Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
            • Chair: Hidemitsu KUROKI (Professor, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
            • Language: English and Japanese (simultaneous interpretation available)
            • For more details, please see here.
            • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
            • Jointly sponsored by Grant-In-Aid for Scientific Research “Space created by Lebanese and Syrian migrants: Confessionalism, clientelism, and civil society” (coordinator: Hidemitsu Kuroki)
            Room 320, Gakushikaikan
            20112012/02/12 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies” The 7th meeting
            • 1. Ken MASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) “The “T” in SMART Anthropology: Time-boundedness and Rich Ethnographic Experience”
            • Report (Japanese) : 518KB
            • 2. So’ichiro SHIRAISH (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Institutions, Grants and Practice of Collaborative Research with Sub-Saharan Africa”
            • Report (Japanese) : 113KB
            • 3. Rumi UMINO (Meiji Gakuin University) “Truth be in the field: Learning from southern African anthropology”
            • Report (Japanese) : 525KB
            • 4. Discussion
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20112012/02/11 (Sat) - 2012/02/16 (Thu)
            The 5th Documentary Linguistics Workshop (DocLing2012)
            • Lecturers:
            • Peter Austin (SOAS, University of London), David Nathan (SOAS, University of London), Anthony Jukes (RCLT, La Trobe University), Hideo Sawada (ILCAA) and others.
            • Programme:
            • This workshop aims to provide methodological and technical training in various aspects of language documentation research, including audio/video recording, data analysis, metadata assignment, data management, data mobilization, archiving, and research ethics.
            20112012/02/09 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum
            • Diallo ADOURAHMANE (ILCAA, Goethe-University of Frankfurt) “Fula on the context of Guinean languages”
            • Language: English
            20112012/02/05 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States” The 3rd meeting
            • 1. Koji HORINUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Institute of Energy Economics) “Nationals and Migrants in the Arab Gulf States: A Study on “National-minority States””
            • 2. Kenichi YANAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University) “Why and how to protect the HumanRights of non-nationals?” (Tentative Title)
            • 3. Research meeting
            20112012/02/05 (Sun)
            Fieldnet Lounge: Exploring the future of GIS: an interdisciplinary collaboration of fieldworkers
            • Program
            • 9:00-.
            • Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
            • T. MATSUMORI “Humanities and Information Studies: “Hidagofudoki”. The Case of the Database”
            • Yoichi SEINO “Regarding the use of technology in the Japanese ancient history, archeology - primarily using GIS -”
            • Nakamura Ohki “Analyzing the Jomon ritual monuments by using GIS”
            • Lunch and free discussion
            • Hitoshi ENDO “Carnelian Road in South Asia” Mitsuko Watanabe “Reading the social changes in Central Eurasia from satellite data”
            • Mitsuko WATANABE “Reading the social changes in Central Eurasia from satellite data”
            • Hiroshi YAMAGUCHI “Introduction to Cultural Heritage Studies”
            • General Discussion
            • Conclusion to 16:00, closed
            Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
            20112012/02/03 (Fri) - 2012/02/04 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies”The 4th meeting

            3 February

            • 1. Kaoru YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
            • 2. Aida KANAFANI-ZAHAR (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
            • 3. Akira USUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women’s University)
            • 4. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA)
            • 5. Taku OSOEGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
            • 6. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
            • 7. Bernard HOURCADE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

            4 February

            • 1. Stefan KNOST (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Orient-Institute Beirut)
            • 2. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
            • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA)
            • 4. Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA)
            • 5. Kosuke MATSUBARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba)
            • 6. Discussion on “Multilayered Basemap System” and our activities of the fiscal year 2012
            20112012/02/02 (Thu)
            FIELD+cafe Capturing living voices for the future

            “Capturing living voices for the future”

            • Guest speaker:
            • Reiko ASO (JSPS Research Fellow) “Hateruma and Ryukyuan” in Hateruma, (Okinawa,) Japan
            • Kosei OHTSUKA (ILCAA) “Tiddim Chin” in Myanmar
            • Yasuhiro KOJIMA (ILCAA) “Batsbi” in Georgia Moderator: Hidetoshi NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) Moderator: Hidetoshi NAKAYAMA (ILCAA)
            • Organized by Editorial Department of FIELD+
            • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
            Salon de Fuzanbo Folio Fuzanbo Building B1, Kanda Jimbocho1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
            20112012/01/27 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 13th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 06 (First Part)”
            • 3. Shunsuke AOKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 06 (Second Part)”
            20112012/01/19 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum
            • WU Yingzhe (Visiting Associate Professor, ILCAA/Associate Researcher, Inner Mongolia University) “Verbal Suffixes in the Khitan Language”
            • Language: Japanese
            20112011/12/26 (Mon)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 12th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 05 (First Part)”
            • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 05 (Second Part)”
            20112011/12/25 (Sun) - 2011/12/26 (Mon)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”

            The 4th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics

            • Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Areas Relating to Islam
            • The 4th Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomatics
            • Program
            • 14:00-14:15. Intorduction
            • 14:20-16:00. Lecture: Documents issued by Qadis and their Court Registers
            • 16:20-18:00. Reading Ilams issued by Qadis
            • 10:30-12:10. Reading Huccets issued by Qadis
            • 13:00-14:40. Reading Samples of Court Registers I
            • 15:00-16:40. Reading Samples of Court Registers II
            • 17:00-18:00. General Discussion
            • For more details, please see here. (in Japanese.)
            • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
            • Jointly sponsored by NIHU PROGRAM IAS Center at the Toyo Bunko(TBIAS), ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”
            20112011/12/22 (Thu)
            Lecture on Middle East and Islamic Studies
            • Aftandil ERKINOV (JSPS Fellow, Tashkent Institute of Oriental Studies) “Problem of Legitimation in Kokand Khanate”
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
            20112011/12/19 (Mon) - 2011/12/21 (Wed)
            Middle East and Islamic Research Seminar306
            20112011/12/17 (Sat) - 2011/12/18 (Sun)
            International Conference of ILCAA Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies” “Reading African Cities: Nairobi, Gondar, & Cape Town”
            20112011/12/17 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa” The 3rd meeting
            • 1. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Defence Academy of Japan) “Conditional clause in Kupsapiny”
            • 2. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Phonetic features of Nyoro tones - from comparative and typological view”
            20112011/12/17 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives—Stage 2: “Institution””The 15th meeting
            • 1. Keiichi OHMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Feelings and Institution: Institutionalization of Emotions in Canadian Inuit Societie”
            • 2. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “Institution and coexisrnce”
            20112011/12/16 (Fri) - 2011/12/18 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Study of Normative Glyphs of Chinese Characters (2nd stage)”The 2nd meeting

            International symposium on the history of normative glyphs and their variants

            • 16 December
            • 1. Kazuyuki NISHIHARA (Kinjo Gakuin University) “Normative Hanzi glyphs (‘Kai’ style) in the Tang period and ‘Longkan Shoujing’”
            • 2. Shoju IKEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Usage and dictionary descriptions of Hanzi glyphs”
            • 3. Tomokazu TAKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Hanzi glyphs of the NINJAL scrolls of the ‘Vajrasekhara Sutra’”
            • 4. Yukiko KUREBAYASHI (Hokkaido University) “Styles and glyphs of Hanzi characters”
            • 5. Hirotaka OKAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “How the HNG database treats glyphs and variants of Hanzi characters”
            • 6. Masanao SAIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Hanzi glyphs by the priests Shinran and Myoe in the HNG database”
            • 7. Chi KA (Kyushu University) “Formats and sources of the dictionaries of ‘Kai’ style glyphs quoted in the ‘Commentary to the glossary of the Avatamsaka Sutra’”
            • 17 December
            • 1. Eikei AKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto National Museum) “Hanzi glyphs of the ancient Buddhist sutra manuscripts”
            • 2. Harumichi ISHIZUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Hanzi normative glyphs and history of their variants” (keynote speech)
            • 3. Teiji KOSUKEGAWA (Toyama University) “Characteristics of the Chinese canons in the Dunhuang documents and their glyphs”
            • 4. Imre GALAMBOS (British Library) “Huiyi characters seen in Dunhuang manuscripts”
            • 5. Taizo YAMADA (National Institute for the Humanities) “Utilities for creating transcriptions of Japanese historical documents and the sharing techniques”
            • 6. Jun SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shinshu University) “The Hanzi radical classification in ‘Rakuyoshu Shogokuhen’ and Jesuits’ view of Hanzi glyphs”
            • 18 December
            • 1. Hiroyuki SASAHARA (Waseda University) “Sources and resources of Hanzi variants and Hanzi glyphs of Japanese origin”
            • 2. Masayuki TOYOSHIMA (ILCAA) “Variants in creation of metallic movable types of Hanzi characters”
            • Language: Japanese, English
            20112011/12/16 (Fri)
            The 9th Field Science Colloquium


            • Hiroki TAKAKURA (Tohoku University) “A thought on the concept of evolution for expanding the possibility of ethnographical description”
            • Toru SOGA (Hirosaki University) “Anthropology as a branch of Primatology”


            • Suehisa KURODA (The University of Shiga Prefecture)
            • Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA)
            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by Field Science Center
            • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            20112011/12/15 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum
            • 14:00-14:30. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the unique ‘draft’ written in Tangut”
            • 14:30-15:00. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “The Challenge of Microhistory in the context of 19th century Iranian History”
            • 15:00-15:10. break
            • 15:10-15:40. Nobuhiro OTA (ILCAA) “The Future of the vernacular humanities: with special reference to the “Cultural Studies” in the Kannada language of India”
            • 15:40-16:10. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “When Everyday Lives Are Destroyed: On the Relationship between Muslims and Buddhists in Southern Thailand”
            • Language: Japanese
            20112011/12/10 (Sat) - 2011/12/11 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies”The 3rd meeting

            10 December

            • Noritaka MORIIWA (Chuo University) “A Study on Safavid Administration” (Tentative Title)
            • Ryuichi SUGIYAMA (Waseda University) “The Shrine of Imam Reza under the Afsharids”
            • Katsuhiko ABE (Kanagawa University) “Safavid Silk textiles in Japan during the Edo Period”

            11 December

            • Tomofumi KAWAMOTO (The University of Tokyo) “The Ottoman Transfer of the Capital to Edirne and the Old Edirne Palace in the 15th Century” (Tentative Title)
            • Shingo YAMASHITA (The University of Tokyo) “The Aims of Historical Books and their Receptions: The Case of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th Centuries”
            • Kenji FUJIKI (Keio University) “Merchants, Artisans and Guilds in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire: Tanners’ Guild in Istanbul in the 17th and 18th Century”
            20112011/12/08 (Thu)
            ILCAA Forum
            • Wu Xiao An (Visiting professor, ILCAA/ Professor, Department of History, Peking University and Director, Center of Overseas Chinese Studies, Peking University) “Chineseness Discourse: A Review”
            • Language: English
            20112011/12/05 (Mon)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 5th meeting
            • 1. Oyungerel (Inner Mongolia University, Nihon University) “Foreign Merchants in the Mongolian Banners”
            • 2. Oyunjargal (Mongolian national University) “The Land Question in Mongolia under the Qing Dynasty”
            • 3. Yi Baozhong (Jilin University, Kyoto University) “Development and its Compensation: Ecological Environment in Northeast China”
            • Language: Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian
            Hongo Satellite 5F
            20112011/12/03 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Shared Research Resources for Korean Historical Linguistics”The 4th meeting
            • 1. Takashi TAKEKOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “On the corrections in the copper-type version of Nogoldae Onhae”
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20112011/12/03 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives”
            • 1. Rumiko MURAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The Varieties of Cassava Cultivation Techniques in Africa”
            • 2. Takako ANKEI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Yamaguchi University) “Techniques for Neutralization of Cassava in Africa: An Environmental and Historical Analysis”
            • 3. Kaori KOMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka University) “History of Banana Cultivation in Asia and Africa”
            • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            20112011/12/02 (Fri) - 2011/12/04 (Sun)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective” The 6th meeting

            2 December

            • Special Talks:
            • Anna BERGE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ANCL, University of Alaska, Fairbanks) “Language Documentation and the Alaska Native Languages Today”
            • Arienne DWYER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Kansas) “Collaborative Linguistic Annotation and Archiving”

            3 December

            • Presentations:
            • Kan SASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Anticausativization in the Hokkaido dialect of Japanese”
            • Olga POTANINA (Tomsk Polytechnic University) “Contact-induced change in relativization strategies in Eastern Khanty”
            • Arienne DWYER (University of Kansas) “Morphological transitivity in some Amdo Mongolic languages”
            • Yuu KURIBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) “Transitivity in Turkish”
            • Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Transitivity and Arguments in Sliammon Salish”
            • Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “Valency retention in Sakha derivational nominalization with reference to lexical integrity and morphology-syntax interface”
            • Discussion

            4 December

            • Presentations:
            • Anna BERGE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ANCL, University of Alaska, Fairbanks) “Object Reduction in Aleut”
            • Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Voice and valency change in ergative and accusative languages: Focusing on Chukchi and Mongolian”
            • Andrey FILCHENKO (Pedagogical University of Tomsk) “Negation in Eastern Khanty and Sorthern Selkup: Areal and Typological Perspective”
            • Hidetoshi SHIRAISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sapporo Gakuin University) “Phonologically driven allomorphy in Nivkh transitive verbs”
            • Language: English
            20112011/11/30 (Wed)
            Open Meeting “Diseases, Health and Community: Struggles of Medical Doctors and Social Scientists in East Africa.”
            • Presenters
            • Report (Japanese) : 92.5KB
            • Mohamed KARAMA (Kenya Medical Research Institute) “Public health initiatives in Kenya” (Tentative)
            • Report (English) : 217KB
            • Joan Muela Rivera (Rovira i Virgili University (Spain), PASS International (International NGO)) “Understanding malaria by local pepople in Tanzania” (Tentative)
            • Report (English) : 220KB
            • Ken MASUDA (Nagasaki University) “Acceptance and non-acceptance about Health Promotion Programs by local people in Ethiopia” (Tentative)
            • Language: English
            • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
            • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies”
            Hongo Satellite 7F
            20112011/11/28 (Mon)
            Public Lecture “Wedding of the Fifth Druk Gyalpo and the future of Bhutan”
            • Yoshiro IMAEADA (CNRS) “Wedding of the Fifth Druk Gyalpo and the future of Bhutan”
            • Whole Druk Yul (the Dragon Kingdom) is in a celebration mood owing to the wedding of the Fifth Druk Gyalpo (the Dragon King) that took place in October 2011. The young monarch (now 32 years old) who was enthroned in the end of 2006 after the abdication of his father the Fourth Druk Gyalpo and crowned in 2008 has undertaken a series of reforms in the last five years for the democratization and economic prosperity of the country. In the turmoil of the regional geo-political situation and of globalization and climatic changes, Bhutan is facing a number of challenges for further realizing?and consolidating the noble idea of GNH (Gross National Happiness).

            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project
            20112011/11/26 (Sat)
            The 10th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            • Michiko TSUNEDA (ILCAA) “Border-Crossing, Gender, and Identity in Malay Muslim Communities in the Southern Border Region of Thailand”
            • Mayuko OKAWA (ILCAA) “The Social Space of Omani Return Migrants: Blurred Boundaries between Arabness and Africaness”
            • Language: Japanese
            • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
            20112011/11/26 (Sat)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network” The 6th meeting

            Opening Session

            • Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA joint researcher, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business) “Welcome Speech”
            • Hsia, Hsiao-Chuan (ILCAA joint researcher, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan) “The Tug of War over Multiculturalism: Contestation between Governing and Empowering Marriage Migrants in Taiwan”

            Marriage/Divorce Migration in Trans-national Scheme

            • Chie SAKAI (ILCAA joint researcher, Kansai University) “Looking for a proper work or/ and a satisfactory family life outside Japan: Japanese female migrants and their marriage in China”
            • Caesar DEALWIS (ILCAA joint researcher, Universiti Teknologi MARA Sarawak) “Exogamous marriages between migrant Indians with local Dayaks and the identity of their offsprings”
            • Shiho SAWAI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Re-commodification’ or ‘De-commodification’ of the Self after Marriage?: Wage-employment and Self-positioning strategies of Indonesian Wives in international marriages in Hong Kong”
            • General Discussion

            Marriage/Divorce Migration and Following Social Change

            • Mika OKUSHIMA (ILCAA joint researcher, Tenri University) “Indonesian Marriage Migrants to East Asian Countries: Its trends and placement into Southeast Asian women’s migration”
            • Akiko WATANABE (ILCAA joint researcher, Toyo University) “Trends and Issues of Marrying Foreign Muslims: A Preliminary Study on the Cases of Filipino Women”
            • Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA joint researcher, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business) “Thai-Japanese Children in Northern Thailand”
            • General Discussion
            • Language: English
            Hongo Satellite 4F
            20112011/11/25 (Fri)
            Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The States of the Art
            • Program of the meeting:
            • 14:30-14:40. Hidemitsu KUROKI (Head, JaCMES/ Professor, ILCAA) Welcome Address
            • 14:40-15:25. Junko TORIYAMA (Ph.D. Candidate, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo) “Workings of power to the eyes of Cairene woman in her twenties in the eve of revolution”
            • 15:25-16:10. Masaki MIZOBUCHI (Joint Researcher, Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University, Tokyo) “Arab Spring and the United States: Twilight of the Pax-Americana?”
            • 16:10-16:30. Break
            • 16:30-17:15. Masako SHIMIZU (Ph.D. Candidate, Sophia University, Tokyo) “The Participation of Hamas in the Palestinian Authority: The processes, impacts and implications”
            • 17:15-18:00. Yoko FUJII (Lecturer, Nihon University, Tokyo) “Lebanon’s image in narratives of pilgrimage in the 17th century”
            • 18:00-18:20. Break
            • 18:20-19:05. Takayoshi KUROMIYA (Ph.D. Candidate, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo) “Economic growth of resource-exporting countries: Taking Egypt and Saudi Arabia as examples”
            • 19:05-19:50. Shigeto KONDO (Ph.D. Candidate, Keio University, Tokyo) “‘Small states’ diplomacy’ during the First Oil Crisis: The cases of Kuwait and Abu Dhabi”
            Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies (JaCMES)
            20112011/11/25 (Fri)
            ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 11th meeting
            • 1. Editorial Meeting
            • 2. Takayuki TAKEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Research report “A New Morphological Classification of Wooden Tablets and Bamboo Slips”
            • 3. Arnd HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 04”
            20112011/11/23 (Wed) - 2011/11/24 (Thu)
            International Workshop “Anthropology and Public Health Towards Multi-disciplinary Field Methods” ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies”

            23 Nov

            • Ken MASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) “Introduction of ‘Yugo-ken’”

            Session I: How do we apply anthropology in the public health field?

            • Juan Muela Ribera (PASS International, Rovira i Virgili University) “Medical Anthropology in Community Participation Projects”
            • Koen Peeters (PASS International, Institute of Tropical medicine Antwerp) “Doctors and vampires: The fear of blood selling in Central Africa. An application of anthropological research in clinical trials”
            • Discussions

            Session II: How can we collaborate medical field and anthropology? Cases in Kenya

            • Mohammed Karama (Kenya Medical Research Institute) “Social and community based challenges in attaining the health related Mellenium development goals in Kenya”
            • Tom Ondicho (Nairobi University) “Violence against women in Kenya: A public health problem.”
            • Kaori MIYACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) “Anthropologists’ involvement in DSS”
            • Discussions

            24 Nov

              Session III: Anthropological Approaches to Pluralistic Medical Situation? Cases from South and Southeast Asia

              • Shiho HIRANO (Nagasaki University) “Local etiologies and Treatment Seeking of Malaria related illness in Palawan of the Philippines.”
              • Ayami UMEMURA (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “How the absence of words works for the patients’s experiences of illness?: From the case study of medical diagnosis among the traditional medicine in Sri Lanka.”
              • Ken MASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) Comments: Towards Multi-disciplinary Field Methods
              • Discussions for future/further Collaboration.
              • Language: English
              • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies”
              20112011/11/23 (Wed)
              Invitation to Tibetan Films - Special Screenings of Pema Tseten’s Films

              Invitation to Tibetan Films - Special Screenings of Pema Tseten’s Films

              • Guests: Pema Tseten, Sangye Gyantso
              • Films: The Silent Holy Stones (2005/120min.), The Search (2009/112min.), The Grassland (22min.)
              • Fee: Free
              • programme (in Japanese):
              • Organized by Tibetan Literature Association Japan
              • collaboration with Tokyo Filmex and Linguistic Dynamics Science Project
              20112011/11/19 (Sat)
              Fieldnet Workshop “The Essence of Photography in Fields”
              • Program
              • 10:30-12:00. Essence of Photography in Fields
              • 13:00-14:00. Commentative Session of the Photography taken in Fields
              • 14:15-17:00. Exercize for Field Photography
              • Lecturer: Hiroyuki AKIYAMA (Kyoto Kacho University, The Center for African Area Studies (CAAS) of Kyoto University), Kodai KONISHI (NIHU/TUFS)
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Fieldnet
              20112011/11/18 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 10th meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 03 (First Part)”
              • 3. Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 03 (Second Part)”
              20112011/11/17 (Thu)
              Study Meeting organized by MEIS2 “Potential of Multilayered Basemap System for Middle Eastern Cities”
              • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “How the system started”
              • 2. Kosuke MATSUBARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “Functions and utilities of the system”
              • 3. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Comments on the system”
              • 4. Q & A
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              20112011/11/17 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Ketut ARTAWA (ILCAA visiting professor, Udayana University) “Some topics on Balinese Language”
              • Language: English
              20112011/11/12 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods” The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Hideaki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) “Africa in a New Writing of World History? -Repartitioning ‘Africa’”
              • 2. Momoka MAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda College) “How to Deal with Borders and Nations in African History: From a Viewpoint of the History of Ethiopia and Eritoria”
              20112011/11/12 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’” The 6th meeting
              • 1. Jun BABA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Lies and ties: Strategies for survival of a homeless person”
              • 2. Keiya HANABUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido) “Immigrant links to the Home: A Comorian woman’s farewells and reunions in Marseille”
              Hongo Satellite 5F
              20112011/11/11 (Fri) - 2011/11/13 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining” The 6th meeting

              11 November 2011 (Fri.)

              • Special Talks
              • 1. Arienne M. DWYER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Kansas) “Areal Characteristics of Inner Asian Clauses”
              • 2. Marianne MITHUN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of California) “Marking Syntactic Complexity: Some internal and external processes of development”

              12 November 2011 (Sat.)

              • Presentations
              • 1. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Defense Academy of Japan) “Clause Combining and Insubordination in Kupsapiny, a Southern Nilotic Language of Uganda”
              • 2. Anna BERGE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Alaska) “Insubordination in Aleut”
              • 3. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Varying Degrees of Dependency in Sliammon Clause Linking”
              • 4. Marianne MITHUN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of California) “Nominalization, Syntactic Dependency, and Discourse Dependency”
              • 5. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Jussive and Purpose Clause in Sumbawa, an Indonesian Language”
              • 6. Nicholas EVANS (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Australian National University) “Insubordination as modal vagueness: unspecified attitudes and unanchored minds”
              • Discussion

              13 November 2011 (Sun.)

              • Presentations
              • 1. Iku NAGASAKI (ILCAA) “Complement Constructions with Perception Verbs in Kolyma Yukaghir”
              • 2. Shigehiro KATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Clause Reduction and Pragmatic Preference in Japanese”
              • 3. Shinjiro KAZAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Verbals and Suspended Clauses in Altaic-type Languages”
              • 4. Arienne M. DWYER (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Kansas) “Diachronic and Synchronic Insubordination in Turkic and Mongolic”
              • Discussion
              • Language: English
              20112011/11/08 (Tue)
              Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              • Dr. Toshio MEGURO (JSPS Research Fellow, the University of Tokyo)
              • “Wildlife Conservation and Livelihood in Africa”
              • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              20112011/10/30 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities” The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Yuko MIO (ILCAA) “Re-examination of Perspective of Huaqiao-Huaren Studies”
              • 2. Kaori FUSHIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Chinese Street Opera and Getai: Remembering and practice of rituals and performing arts in Lunar 7th month in Singapore”
              • 3. Discussion
              20112011/10/30 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Indonesian Manuscript Project” The 1st meeting
              • 1. Willem van der Molen (ILCAA Visiting Professor, University of Indonesia) “Who was Swayemprabha? New information on Old Javanese Ramayana 7.74 obtained from PN lontar 335.”
              • Language: English, Indonesian
              20112011/10/30 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives—Stage 2: “Institution”” The 14th meeting
              • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “An Essay on Institution of Conflict and Peace Building in Sulu”(Tentative Title)
              • 2. Takeo FUNABIKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tokyo) “Basic Element of Institution”
              20112011/10/29 (Sat)
              Grammatical Studies Workshop: Some issues on “adjectives” (2)
              • This workshop is held as the second meeting of “Grammatical Studies Workshops.” Following the first one in May, it addresses various problems concerning adjectives. In Japanese, attributive notions are mainly categorized into “adjectives.” In not a few languages, however, such notions are expressed by verbs or nouns, which often manifest grammatical idiosyncrasy. This workshop attempts to illustrate that idiosyncrasy from some notional perspectives as “(per-/con-)ception”, “attributive predication” and “temporality.”

              • * This workshop will be broadcasted by USTREAM. It is also welcome to participate through the internet broadcast
              • * You can also leave your comments on Twitter. (Our hashtag is: #ilcaaflws.)
              • Language: Japanese
              20112011/10/29 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa” The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Yasutoshi YUKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Origin of Lozi”
              • 2. Ryohei KAGAYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Have Bantu languages phonological patterns?”
              20112011/10/28 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 9th meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 02 (First Part)”
              • 3. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 02 (Second Part)”
              20112011/10/22 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 8th meeting
              • 1. Business meeting
              • 2. Ketut ARTAWA (ILCAA Visiting Professor, Udayana University) “Valency Classes in Standard Indonesian”
              • 3. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Verbs with Resultative/ Durative Prefix UA- in Talaud”
              • 4. Masao YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Setsunan University) “The Present Status of Research on Languages in/ around South Sulawesi”
              • 5. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Phonological Analysis of Roots in Kadorih”
              • 6. Business meeting
              • Language: Indonesian, Japanese
              20112011/10/21 (Fri)
              Public Lecture “Russian Presence in Modern Palestine”
              • Lecturer: Dr. Elena Astafieva (Visiting Researcher, Slavic Research Center [SRC], Hokkaido University / Lecturer, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes [EPHE], France) Title: “The presence of Russian Orthodox Church in Palestine: On the context of diplomacy and domestic politics of the Russian Empire, late 19th-early 20th centuries”
              • Language: For more details, please see here
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              • Jointly sponsored by Group 5, Major Regional Powers in Eurasia Project, SRC
              20112011/10/21 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 8th meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 01 (First Part)”
              • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “Jianshuijinguan 01 (Second Part)”
              20112011/10/16 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 4th meeting
              • 1. Kenji TATEISHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokai University) “Critical Review of the Recent Book by KURIHARA Satoru, ‘The Diverse World of Yunnan; History, Ethnic Groups and Culture’”
              • 2. Junichi TERAI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Cultural Interaction between Pagan and Surrounding Regions, 11th to 13th Centuries”
              20112011/10/14 (Fri)
              The Sheikh Ubeidullah Rebellion of 1880
              • Dr.Sabri Ates (South Methodist University, USA) “Uniting the Kurds under the Sultan’s banner: The Sheikh Ubeidullah Rebellion of 1880”
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              Hongo Satellite 4F
              20112011/10/13 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Willem van der Molen (Visiting professor, ILCAA) “The textual tradition of the Ramayana in Java. Tracing an unknown line of transmission”
              • Language: English
              20112011/10/09 (Sun) - 2011/10/10 (Mon)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies” The 2nd meeting

              9 October, Language: Japanese

              • 1. Akihiko YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of the Sacred Heart) “The Formation of “Iran” as Seen from her Peripheries”
              • Report (Japanese) : 228KB
              • 2. Mamoru TADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Miki High School) “An Essay on the Establishment of Avariz-hane in the Ottoman Empire”
              • Report (Japanese) : 228KB

              10 October, Language: English

              • 1. Sabri Ates (Southern Methodist University) “Strategic Rivalry or Sectarian Wars? Reconsidering the Ottoman-Safavid Conflict”
              • Report (Japanese) : 228KB
              20112011/10/08 (Sat)
              The 9th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              • Shigeharu TANABE (National Museum of Ethnology) “On the community of affectus: the case of Northern Thai HIV/AIDS self-help groups”
              • Comment by Tadashi YANAI (University of Tokyo)
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              20112011/10/01 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts” The 5th meeting
              • 1. SUN Bojun (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) “On the new discovered material in Qidan large script kept in Russia”
              • 2. WU Yingzhe (Inner Mongolia University) “On the new materials in Qidan script”
              • 3. Takashi MATSUKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otani University) “Discovery of the inscription in Qidan large script from Dornogobi in Mongolia”
              • 4. Yasunori TAKEUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otani University) “On the contents of the inscription in Qidan large script from Dornogobi in Mongolia”
              • 5. SUN Bojun (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) “On the coding Qidan scripts on computers”
              • 6. Toshiya SUZUKI (Hiroshima University) “Comments to Dr. SUN’s report (No. 5)”
              • 7. Discussion
              • Language: Japanese
              • Jointly sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Prof. Matsuda, Koichi, Osaka International University
              20112011/10/01 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Tadahiko SHINTANI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Some phonological features of the Yao language of Jinping county”
              • 2. Yuko TOKUYASU (Kyushu Dental College) “The Forest World of Hill Peoples in Laos; People and animistic spirits” (Tentative Title)
              • 3. Mitsuru SONOE (Tokyo Agricultural University) “The Tay as Hill Peoples; Various aspects of rice culture in Laos”
              20112011/09/25 (Sun)
              Field Linguistics Workshop: ELAN Workshop
              • Instructor: Reiko ASO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
              • Programme:
              • * Introduction to ELAN
              • * Import of audio files
              • * Creation of tiers and text transcriptions
              • * Import (addition) of video files
              • * Export of annotation (srt) files
              • * Adding annotation to video data
              20112011/09/24 (Sat)
              Field linguistics café
              • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Opening remarks”
              • 2. Fuminobu NISHIDA (Akita University) “Fieldwork in Bhutan”
              • 3. Atsuko UTSUMI (Meisei University) “Fieldwork linguistics in Indonesia: Life is all like Uncle Sai’s Horse”
              • 4. Sri Budi LESTARI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Collecting field materials of Java: difficulties and problems”
              • 5. Toshiro KAMIYA (Osaka University) “Fieldwork on Bantu languages of South Africa”
              • 6. Discussion
              • Registration fee: free
              • No reservations needed.
              • Language: Japanese
              20112011/09/24 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network” The 5th meeting
              • 1. Hisako MATSUO (ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Subsequent Issue for Divorceed mixed-married Couples” (Tentative Title)
              • 2. Noh, Jaewon (Tenri Unviersity) “Life and Adaptability of Marrige Migrats in Korea” (Tentative Title)
              • 3. Misaki IWAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanda University of International Studies) “Marriage Migration in Vietnam: Case of Female Migrants from Mekong Delta to Taiwan”
              Hongo Satellite 5F
              20112011/09/17 (Sat) - 2011/09/20 (Tue)
              Middle East and Islamic Education Seminar304
              20112011/09/11 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia” The 1st meeting

              Opening Remarks:

              • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA)


              • 1. Momo SHIOYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shimane) “Wedding as an Expression of Modern Muslim Identity: the case of Central Java”
              • Report (English) : 50KB
              • 2. Koji TSUDA (ILCAA) “Batiks dyed with ‘Chineseness’: On Ethnic Chinese and their cultural representation in Post-Soeharto Indonesia”
              • Report (English) : 49KB
              • 3. Shamusul A. B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) “Diversity and peace in Malaysia: A commentary”
              • Report (English) : 106KB


              • Azizah Kassim (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
              • Prof. Dr. Farouk Omar (Hiroshima City University)



              Closing Remarks:

              • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA)
              Le Meridien Kota Kinabalu, Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Sinsuran, Kota Kinabalu, 88000, Malaysia
              20112011/09/06 (Tue) - 2011/09/09 (Fri)
              The 17th Himalayan Languages Symposium
              • * The application was closed.
              • Language: English
              • For more details, please see here.
              • Organized by Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
              • Jointly sponsored by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project
              20112011/09/02 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 7th meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Takayuki TAKEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gakushuin University) Reading “XuanQuanzhihanjian05”
              • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “XuanQuanzhihanjian06”
              20112011/09/01 (Thu) - 2011/09/02 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies”The 3rd meeting

              1 September

              • 1. Kaoru YAMAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Fragmented City, Fragmented Narrative: Lebanese Novels in Wartime”
              • 2. Aida KANAFANI-ZAHAR (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) “Coexistence in Beirut (post-Ta’if agreement) and the role of civil actors”
              • 3. Taku OSOEGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The impacts of the Middle East regional dynamics on Beirut’s inter-sectarian relations since 1990”
              • 4. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The establishment of the Armenian communities in Lebanon and Syria”
              • 5. Bernard HOURCADE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) “The Turks Azeris of Tehran: Elites and marginality”
              • 6. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Urban space and coexistence: Non-Muslims in Tehran in 1880”

              2 September

              • 1. Stefan KNOST (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Orient-Institute Beirut) “Urban space and coexistence: The Christian neighbourhoods of Aleppo”
              • 2. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Urban space and coexistence: Presence of a Muslim notable family in ‘Christian quarters’ of Ottoman Aleppo”
              • 3. Masayuki UENO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Subjecthood/nationality of trans-imperial migrants to the Ottoman Empire in 1850s and 1860s”
              • 4. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Greek Orthodox population in the mid-nineteenth-century Istanbul”
              • 5. Kosuke MATSUBARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Tsukuba) “A case study for Multilayered Basemap System: Taking an example of J.C.David, ‘Politique et urbanisme a Alep, Le projet de Bab al Faradj’, 1986”
              • Language: English
              20112011/09/01 (Thu) - 2011/09/02 (Fri)
              Approaches and Methodologies of Field Research in Africa Joint Symposium :JSPS NAIROBI +ILCAA AFRICA Project
              • Language: English
              • For more details, please see here.
              • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science -Nairobi Research Station-
              Japan Society for the Promotion of Science -Nairobi Research Station-
              20112011/08/05 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents”The 6th meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “XuanQuanzhihanjian03”
              • 3. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “XuanQuanzhihanjian04”
              20112011/08/01 (Mon)
              Fieldnet Workshop “The Essence of Still-object Photography”
              • Program
              • 10:30-12:00 . The principles and settings of photography
              • 13:00-14:30. Focus and white balance
              • 14:45-16:00. Methods and tips of still-object photography
              • 16:00-17:00. Image processing and data management
              • Lecturer: Satoru MURATA (Postdoctoral fellow, Boston University)
              • Organizer: Yasuhisa KONDO (Postdoctoral fellow, JPSP)
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Fieldnet
              20112011/07/23 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’” The 5th meeting
              • 1. Ikuko KOIKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Orisa Worship and ‘Single’: Network Formation in the African American Socio-Religious Movement”
              • 2. Akitomo SHINGAE (Nagoya City University School of Nursing) “From Sex to Homosexual Partnership: Rethinking ‘Queer Families’”
              Hongo Satellite 5F
              20112011/07/23 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives” The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Yuichiro FUJITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Changes in Millet Cultivation and Agro-pastoral Complex in Ovambo Society, North-central Namibia”
              • 2. Shun ISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “Agriculture in Semi-arid Land of Sub-Sahara and Climatic Change”
              • 3. Akihito KUDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Colonial Agriculture and Land Regime in Northern Algeria”
              • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”, Fieldnet
              20112011/07/23 (Sat)
              Field Linguistics Workshop: Praat Workshop for beginners
              • Instructor: Hayato AOI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
              • Programme:
              • 1. Introduction
              • 2. Observation of waveform
              • 3. Analysis of formant
              • 4. Observation of spectrogram
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
              20112011/07/22 (Fri) - 2011/07/23 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities” and “A Study of Variability in Deictic Expressions”, 2011 Joint Meeting

              International Workshop on Deixis and Spatial Expressions in Indonesian Languages  22, July

              • 1. Opening talk
              • 2. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University) “A Tripartite Structure for Demonstrative Pronouns”
              • 3. Novi DJENAR “This and That in Indonesian”
              • 4. Bambang Kaswanti PURWO “The Indonesian Sampai: from Space to the Deictics (of Time and Person) and to the Pragmatics (of Precipitation)”
              • 5. Alexander ADELAAR “Deictics and the morphological expression of location and direction in Siraya”
              • 6. John BOWDEN “Deixis in Taba”
              • 7. Atsuko UTSUMI “Deixis and Spatial Reference in Bantik”
              • 8. Kazuya INAGAKI “The system of spatial reference in Kadorih”

              23, July

              • 1. Asako SHIOHARA “Deixis in Sumbawa”
              • 2. Anthony JUKES “Deixis and Spatial Reference in Makassarese”
              • 3. Antonia SORIENTE “Deixis in Kenyah and Punan languages of Borneo”
              • 4. Connie de VOS “Spatial and non-spatial deixis in Kata Kolok: pointing out differences”
              • 5. Daniel KAUFMAN “Deictic agreement in Mamuju and beyond”
              • 6. I Wayan ARKA “Paradigm Classes and Deixis in Marori”
              • 7. Michaeil EWING “The pragmatic uses of demonstratives in Javanese conversation”
              National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
              20112011/07/22 (Fri)
              FIELD+cafe African Women’s Real life
              • Guest speaker: Momoka MAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda College) “Military women in Ethiopia and their 20years after the war”
              • Moderator: Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
              • Language: Japanese
              • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              Salon de Fuzanbo FolioFuzanbo Building B1, Kanda Jimbocho1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
              20112011/07/19 (Tue)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. M. M. M. BOLAANE (University of Botswana, Department of History/National Museum of Ethnology) “A Biography of Moremi game Reserve in the Okavango delta, Botswana: People, Wildlife and Conservation in Africa”
              • Language: English
              • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20112011/07/15 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 5th meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) “Reuse of wooden tablets - With a focus on Tablets from Juyan”
              • 3. Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) “On defense lines and the role of ‘duweifu’ in frontier areas during the Han”
              20112011/07/13 (Wed)
              Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              • Dr. Michaela PELICAN (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zurich & Graduate School for Asian and African Area Studies, University of Kyoto) “Urban life-worlds of Cameroonians in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)”
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”, Japan Association for African Studies
              20112011/07/09 (Sat) - 2011/07/10 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective” and “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”, 2011 Joint Meeting

              9 July. “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective”

              • 1. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “On the verbal suffix -ve in Sibe”
              • 2. Fubito ENDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Wakayama University) “On object marking in transitive clauses in Yukaghir: From a typological point of view”
              • 3. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Transitivity and Voice in Chukchi”

              10 July. “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”

              • 1. Kumiko NAKAYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Japanese kedo, revisited: insubordination, discourse genre, and grammaticization”
              • 2. Yukari NAGAYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “An overview of clause types in Alutor”
              • 3. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Plans and discussions about future meetings”
              Hongo Satellite 5F
              20112011/07/09 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives—Stage 2: “Institution”” The 13th meeting
              • 1. Shun’kichi HANAMURA (Kyoto University) “Considering institutional phenomena in the society of chimpanzees: focusing on action connecting through long-distance call and practices of “continuing to range away from others””
              • 2. Koji KITAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) “Before and after institutionalization”
              20112011/07/09 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts” The 4th meeting
              • 1. Toshiya SUZUKI (Hiroshima University) “Recent ISO topics on the character encodings for Tangut, Jurchen and Khitan”
              • 2. Noriyuki SHIRAISHI (Niigata University) “On the material of Qi-dan large script from Shine Bargu left banner, Inner Mongolia”
              20112011/07/08 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 4th meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Akira MOMIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) “On Tablets, Silk and Paper: The Change of Writing Material in Ancient China”
              • 3. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) “On the edition of ‘qiance’ and their role in funeral ceremony - Based on Tomb 3 of Mawangdui”
              20112011/07/03 (Sun)
              Public Lecture “Future of Syria”
              • Chair: Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA);
              • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Current Situation in Syria”
              • 2. Housam DARWISHEH (IDE-JETRO) “Revolts in Syria: Dynamics of Popular Participation”
              • 3. Hiroyuki AOYAMA (TUFS) “Why Does not Assad Regime Fall?”
              • 4. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Newness of Syria Revolt and its International Ciercumstances”
              • 5. Comment by Keiko SAKAI (TUFS)
              • 6. Q & A
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              20112011/06/28 (Tue)
              Open Meeting: Migration Regimes and the Politics of Difference in Contemporary Southern Africa
              • Lecturer: Prof. Scarlett Cornelissen (Stellenbosch University) Title: “Migration Regimes and the Politics of Difference in Contemporary Southern Africa”
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20112011/06/26 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Variability in Deictic Expressions” The 4th meeting
              • 1. Yukinori TAKUBO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “On the deictic ‘so’ in Japanese”
              20112011/06/25 (Sat)
              Overseas Scientific Research Forum
              • Abstract:
              • 10:30-12:30. Workshop
              • Listening/hearing in the field: Exploring the possibilities of “field science”
              • Reports:
              • Masanori SHINOHARA (TEIKYO University of Science) ‟To observe and listen to dolphins in the water”
              • Daiji KIMURA (Kyoto University) ‟Connecting/Disconnecting the Interaction: Verbal Communication of the Bongando in Democratic Republic of the Congo”
              • Commentator: Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA)
              • 12:30-14:00. Lunch break
              • 14:00-14:50. General meeting*
              • 15:00-17:30. Regional meetings*
              • 17:30-19:30. Reception*
              20112011/06/24 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies” The 5th meeting

              Joint Review Meeting for “Fieldwork within Support” (2011, Sekaishiso-sha)

              • <Presenter> Nobutaka KAMEI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University), Kazuko OGUNI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nihon Fukushi University)
              • <Observer> Ryuichi SAITO (AJF), Kaori MIYACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University), Ken MASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University), Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA)
              20112011/06/21 (Tue)
              Introduction to African Studies “Tourism business in East Africa; Capitalizing on the image of Africa”
              • Lecturer: Mayuko INOUE (Japan Association for African Studies) Title: Introduction to African Studies “Tourism Business in East Africa; Capitalizing on the Image of Africa”
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              20112011/06/19 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’”The 4th meeting
              • 1. Akiko KUNIHIRO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gunma Prefectural Women’s University) “Kinship of Hijras, renouncers in India”
              • 2. Sayaka UEMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo International University) “The Rethinking of ‘Alien Society’: when the individualism creates the tie.”
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20112011/06/18 (Sat)
              Globalization and Possibility of Anthropology (2)
              • Speaker: Ayako IWATANI (Hiroshima University), Mika OKUSHIMA (Tenri University), Hisao TOMIZAWA (University of Shizuoka), Keiichi OMURA (Osaka University)
              • Commetator: Shinya KONAKA (University of Shizuoka)
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Field Science Center
              20112011/06/18 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Early Modern Islamic States and Plural Societies” The 1st meeting
              • 1. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Safavid Studies: State of the Art and beyond”
              • 2. Yoichi TAKAMATSU (ILCAA) “Recent Developments Occurring around the Ottoman Studies and a Future Perspective”
              Hongo Satellite 4F
              20112011/06/17 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Typological Studies of Information Structures and Linguistic Forms in Africa” The 1st meeting
              • 1. Shuichiro NAKAO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Existentials and Grammaticalization in Juba Arabic”
              • 2. Shigeki KAJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “A Sociolinguistic Study of Language Use in Hoima City, Western Uganda”
              • 3. Osamu HIRDA (ILCAA) “Anaphor and Information Structure in Acooli”
              20112011/06/17 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Naomi SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meiji University) Reading “XuanQuanzhihanjian02”
              • 3. Arnd HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “Zhangjiashanhanjian Zouyanshu Case 16”
              20112011/06/11 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “How to Write African History ― New Perspectives and Methods”The 1st meeting
              • 1. On the Project
              • 2. Kohta KARIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University) “On the Historiography of Africa” (Tentative Title)
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20112011/06/11 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”The 4th meeting
              • 1. Michinori SHIMOJI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Gunma Prefectural Women’s University) “The “full-fledged sentence” in Irabu: with a special focus on conversational texts.”
              • 2. Shigehiro KATOH (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) “Clause reduction and the dependency of subordinate clauses in Japanese.”
              • 3. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Amalgam constructions in Tibetan.”
              • 4. discussion
              • 5. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “What is “joint research” in linguistics: report and discussion.”
              • 6. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA), Iku NAGASAKI (ILCAA) “Technical information for linguistic research.”
              20112011/06/04 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on ‘Chinese’ as Multiple Imaginations and Dynamic Realities”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Koji TSUDA (ILCAA) The Purpose of the Project
              • 2. Ryoko SAKURADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) Raising Questions “How are objects as social reality done in practice?: The possibility of action-centred approach”
              • 3. Discussion
              • 4. Koji TSUDA (ILCAA) Case Study “The Indonesian National Hero of Chinese-origin, John Lie: ‘Chineseness’ evoked by his nomination and its process”
              • 5. Question-and-Answer Session
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20112011/06/01 (Wed)
              Lecture “The Middle East and Japan” cosponsored by JaCMES & CAMES (AUB)
              • Dr. Selcuk ESENBEL (Professor of Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey) “The Transnational and World Power: Imperial Japan’s Global Claim to Asia and the World of Islam”
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Japan Center for Middle Eastern Studies
              • Jointly sponsored by The Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, American University of Beirut
              West Hall, American University of Beirut
              20112011/05/31 (Tue)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Missionary Linguistics (2nd stage)”The 3rd meeting

              1. Studies on the recently appeared fragment of “Symbolo da Fee”

              • 1-1. Yoshimi ORII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “Content of the fragment, and comparison with the published text”
              • 1-2. Jun SHIRAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shinshu University) “Typographical examination of the fragment”
              • 1-3. Masayuki TOYOSHIMA (ILCAA) “Typography of the Early Christian Documents with special attention on “Symbolo da Fee””

              2. Studies on “Ditionarium latino-lusitanicum ac japonicum” (1595, Amacusa)

              • 2-1. Emi KISHIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Prefectural University) “The Japanese translation of the DLLJ”
              • 2-2. Masayuki TOYOSHIMA (ILCAA) “Database of the DLLJ”


              • 3. misc. on the Missionary Linguistics project
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20112011/05/28 (Sat)
              Grammatical Studies Workshops 1― Some issues on “adjectives”
              • This workshop is held as the first meeting of “Grammatical Studies Workshops.” In Japanese, attributive notions are mainly categorized into “adjectives.”However, in not a few languages, these notions are categorized as verbs or nouns. In such cases, it is quite common that those verbs and nouns which describe attributive notions manifest grammatical idiosyncrasy. This workshop attempts to illustrate that idiosyncrasy from some notional perspectives as “(per-/con-)ception”, “attributive predication” and “temporality.”

              • * This workshop will be broadcasted by USTREAM. It is also welcome to participate through the internet broadcast., * You can also leave your comments on Twitter. (Our hashtag is: #ilcaaflws.)
              • Language: Japanese
              20112011/05/26 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum

              Professor Bhaskararao’s farewell talk

              • Peri BHASKARARAO (ILCAA) “Interaction of Phonetics and Speech Technology-- Some Questions and Challenges”
              • Language: English
              20112011/05/21 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective”The 4th meeting
              • 1. Andrey FILCHENKO (Tomsk Pedagogical University, Russia) “Research tradition and state-of-the-art of the Tomsk Siberian language documentation and typological studies”
              • 2. Yoshiko YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido Univesity) “Impersonal participle in Uilta”
              • 3. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Valency marking, valency alternations, and verb classes in Sliammon Salish”
              • 4. Andrey FILCHENKO (Tomsk Pedagogical University, Russia) “On voice constructions in Khanty language from typological and discourse pragmatics perspectives”
              20112011/05/21 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network” The 4th meeting
              • 1. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Business & Commerce) “Research Project Plan for Year 2011”
              • Report (Japanese) : 1.2MB
              • 2. Fumie AZUKIZAWA (Totsuka Law Office) “Issues on Trans-border Divorce: Cases Brought into Law Office in Recent Years”
              • Report (Japanese) : 70KB
              • 3. Itsuko KAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Women’s University) “Kokusai Kekkon Ron !?”
              • Report (Japanese) : 71KB
              Hongo Satellite 4F
              20112011/05/20 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Editorial Meeting
              • 2. Ryutaro KATANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Toyo Bunko) Reading “XuanQuanzhihanjian01”
              • 3. Arnd HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading “Zhangjiashanhanjian Zouyanshu Case 17”
              20112011/05/14 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States” The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Lara, Tien-shi CHEN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology) “Migrant, Refugee and the issue of Statelessness”
              • 2. Shunsuke OZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA research fellow) “Citizenship and Nationality in France―Rethinking the Significance of the 1889 Nationality Law”
              • 3. Research meeting
              20112011/05/13 (Fri)
              Field Linguistics Workshop Follow-up Session 3
              • Lecturer: Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA), Iku NAGASAKI (ILCAA)
              • Details: Spread sheet and commma-separated values file
              • The application was closed.
              • Language: Japanese
              20112011/05/07 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of the Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Discussion by all Joint Research Project Members Discussion on proposed contributions to upcoming book on upland society in the Tay Cultural Area.
              • 2. Kanako KIMURA (Kyoto University) “Ming Dynasty Foreign policy and Its Suzerain-Vassal Relationship with Ayutthaya” (Tentative Title)
              • 3. Masato YOSHIKAI (Hokkaido University) “The Development of the discourse on Miao History in the 20th Century and The Historical Image of China and Thailand”
              20112011/05/07 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives-Stage 2:“Institution”” The 12th meeting
              • 1. Suehisa KURODA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Shiga Prefecture) “What Institute we imagine when we refer to the origin of the institute?”
              • 2. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Order out of Chaos”
              20112011/04/28 (Thu)
              Research Meeting on Middle East and Islamic Studies
              • 1. Mayuko OKAWA (Research Associate, ILCAA) “The Historical Perception on the Omani Empire and the Formation of National History”
              • 2. Takayuki YOSHIMURA (Junior Research Fellows, ILCAA) “The Influence of the Armenian Repatriation on an Armenian Community Abroad”
              • Language: Japanese
              20112011/04/23 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 6th meeting
              • 1. business meeting
              • 2. Masao YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Setsunan University) “Reduplication in languages in/ around South Sulawesi”
              • 3. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Akita University) “Young people’s language in Indoensia”
              • 4. Ritsuko KIKUSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Meseum of Ethnology) “Oceanic-type possessive constructions found in Talubin Bontok, a Central Cordilleran language spoken in the northern Philippines”
              • 5. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ibaraki University) “Possessive Construction in Lamaholot”
              • 6. Atsuko UTSUMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meisei University) “Possessive expression in Lamaholot”
              • 7. David Moeljadi (Tokyo University) “Possessive verbal predicate constructions in Indonesian”
              • 8. business meeting
              20112011/04/22 (Fri)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “What It Means to Write on Wood: A New Boundary-crossing Approach on Ancient Chinese Slip and Tablet Documents” The 1st meeting
              • 1. Takeyuki TAKAMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Mie University) “Discussion on morphological classification of wooden tablets”
              • 2. Arnd HAFNER (ILCAA) Reading: “Zhangjiashanhanjian Zouyanshu Case 18”
              20112011/04/21 (Thu)
              The 7th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              • 1. Nobuko KOYA (ILCAA) “Commercialization of folk medicine and healer’s identity: A case study of “Mo Muang” in Northern Thailand”
              • 2. Daichi ISHIMORI (ILCAA) “Confronting Globalization in the Community Forests of Solomon Islands”
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              20112011/04/14 (Thu) - 2011/04/17 (Sun)
              Conference on Valency Classes in the World’s Languages
              Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig(Deutscher Platz 6, Leipzig; 4th floor seminar room)
              20112011/04/10 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “The Formation of the Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others” The 1st meeting
              • 1. Christian DANIELS (ILCAA) “Concerning the New project :The Formation of the Cultural Areas in East and Southeast Asia: the Tay Cultural Area and Others”
              • 2. Discussion by all Joint Research Project Members Discussion on proposed contributions to upcoming book on upland society in the Tay Cultural Area.
              • 3. Noriyuki YAMADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University) “Between the Chinese and Tibetan Worlds: the Mu Native Chieftains of the Naxi ethnic group in Lijiang, Yunnan” (Tentative Title)
              20112011/04/09 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States” The 1st meeting
              • 1. Introduction
              • 2. Nozomu YAMAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University) “The historic development of the citizenship concept :on the future of political community”
              • 3. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Armenian Repatriation and the “Palestinans without nationality: Legal unstability of the refugees and displaced persons”
              • 4. Research meeting
              20102011/03/31 (Thu)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives-Stage 2:“Institution”” The 11th meeting
              • 1. Hitonaru NISHIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, kyoto University) ““Who is” the alpha male?: a case study of disappearance of an alpha male chimpanzee and his decline from the alpha status in the Mahale M group, Tanzania.”
              • 2. Hitoshige HAYAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Gakuin University) “Play and rules”
              20102011/03/28 (Mon)
              ISEA Final Symposium
              • Ikuya Tokoro (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Opening Remarks
              • 1. Toru AOYAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “From Vaṅśa to Bangsa: A Genealogy of the Concept of ‘Nation’ as Seen in the Change of the Word ‘Vaṅśa’”
              • 2. Momo SHIOYA (The University of Shimane Junior College) “Local Community and Islam in Java”
              • 3. Shinya IMAIZUMI (Law and Institution Studies Group, Development Studies Center Institute of Developing Economies) “Islam in the Official Court System: A Review of Southeast Asian Countries”
              • 4. Naoki SODA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Muslim Residents in a New Town:Suraus and Religious Networks in a Metropolitan Suburb in Malaysia”
              • 5. Discussion
              20102011/03/21 (Mon)
              Seminar on Middle East and Islamic Studies
              • Aftandil ERKINOV (Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies) “Alisher Navai and his Influence on Development of Chaghatay Literature (15th – beginning of the 20th Century)”
              • Chairman: Nobuaki KONDO
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              • Jointly sponsored by IAS Center at University of Tokyo
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20102011/03/17 (Thu)
              Seminar on Middle East and Islamic Studies
              • Aftandil ERKINOV (Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies) “From Persian Poetic Classicism to Timurid Mannerism: Persian-Chaghatay (Turkic) Bilingualism in the Intellectual Circles of Central Asia (1475-1900)”
              • Chairman: Nobuaki KONDO
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              Hongo Satellite 8F
              20102011/03/10 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Riwanto TIRTOSUDARMO (ILCAA) “On the Politics of Migration: Indonesia and Beyond”
              • Migration or population mobility is currently becoming a global phenomenon. Scholars around the word have paid serious attention to study the social and economic implications of these global phenomea. Movements of people from different ethnic and cultural background also become the concern of scholars that are interested in the development of new culture in the country of destination. The research in Japan will focus on the interrelations between migration, economic development and the cultural aspects of the nation-states in East Asia. More specifically this research will looking at the increasing flows and volumes of international migration between countries, ranging from purely economic migration to more socially and culturally movement of people, such as the marriage migration and the movement of retired persons to settled in more peaceful place. This research aims to contribute a better understandaing of the place of migration in the process of social transformation and the globalization discourse.

              • Language: English
              20102011/03/04 (Fri)
              Special Lecture on Nu-shu (女書) 
              • He Yanxin (Native and last Nu-shu writer)
              • Liu Ying (SEIJO University)
              • Orie ENDO (Well-known scholar of Nu-shu)
              • 60 seats only. The standing space is prepared at overcapacity.
              • Language: Japanese, Chinese
              • Organized by GICAS
              • Jointly sponsored by Seijo University
              20102011/02/27 (Sun) - 2011/02/28 (Mon)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies”

              27 February

              • 1. Satoshi KANEKO (Nagaski University) “Health and Demographic Surveillance System as a tool for data collection in an area”
              • 2. Ren’ya SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Growth, marriage and fertility of shifting cultivators in SW Ethiopian forest: A life history analysis”
              • 3. Discussion

              28 February

              • 1. Shinji MIYAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Biwako Museum) “What is ‘Fieldwork’?, as a Geo-‘Grapher’”
              • 2. Ken MASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) “Summary of this year and for next year’s schedule”
              20102011/02/24 (Thu)
              Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives” International Workshop
              • Lahcen DAAÏF (Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, CNRS) “Les chanteurs en groupe et le renouveau de la chanson berbère en milieu urbain de Sousse : Izenzarn et Udadn.”
              • Commentator: Tsuyoshi SAITO (Kobe University) and Masaki HORIUCHI (Seikei University)
              • Language: French(Japanese interpreter addition)
              • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              • Jointly sponsored by Information Resources Center (IRC)
              20102011/02/23 (Wed)
              Information Resources Center (IRC) International Workshop
              • Lahcen DAAÏF (Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, CNRS) “Islamic Law Materialized : Présentation du projet CALD relatif à la papyrologie arabe.”
              • Commentator: Hiroyuki YANAGIHASHI (University of Tokyo)
              • Language: French(Japanese interpreter addition)
              • Organized by Information Resources Center (IRC)
              • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              20102011/02/18 (Fri) - 2011/02/24 (Thu.)
              The 4th Documentary Linguistics Workshop (DocLing2011)
              • Instructors: Peter AUSTIN, David NATHAN (SOAS, University of London), Anthony JUKES (La Trobe University), Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA)
              20102011/02/17 (Thu) - 2011/02/18 (Fri.)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 5th meeting

              International workshop: Workshop on TAM and Evidentiality in Indonesian Languages

              20102011/02/14 (Mon)
              On Pluralism of Lebanon
              • Dr. Aida Kanafani-Zahar (CNRS, Paris)
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20102011/02/12 (Sat)
              The 6th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              • 1. Ruan Yunxing (Zhejiang University) “The Discourse and Practice of Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation in China : A focus on ‘Cultural Ecosystem’ and Experiments of National Cultural Ecosystem Conservation Areas,1995-2010”
              • 2. Yutaka SUGA (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo) “Chimerization of Local Culture: The Modifications to ‘Old Town’ and Politics in Zhejiang, China”
              • Language: Japanese
              • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20102011/02/12 (Sat)
              ILCAA Forum

              Sino-Soviet Disputes and Vietnam(DRV)

              • 1. Martin GROSSHEIM (Visiting Associate Professor, ILCAA) “‘Beat the revisionists up!’ - Politics and Culture in North Vietnam before and during the Vietnam War”
              • 2. Tomotaka SHOJI (The National Institute for Defense Studies) “North Vietnam’s Relations with China and the Soviet Union in the 1950s-60s”
              • Language: English
              Hongo Satellite 4F
              20102011/02/11 (Fri)
              A Study on Waqf Property of Aleppo, Damascus and Jerusalem (18th c.)
              • Dr. Stefan Knost (Orient Institut-Beirut)
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Muslim World”
              Hongo Satellite 5F
              20102011/02/05 (Sat)
              Fieldnet Lounge: Let’s Cemetery Together!
              • 1. Mutsuko INUI (Kokushikan University) “Where do the tombstones come from? :History and present of quarries in Japan”
              • Commentator: Ikuya TOKORO(ILCAA)
              • 2. Yohei SUZUKI (The University of Tokyo) “Breaking tombstone,reproducing tombstone, keeping tombstone:case study in Sado and Taiwan graveyard”
              • Commentator: Ikuya TOKORO(ILCAA)
              • 3. Kana TOMIZAWA (Global COE Program: Development and Systematization of Death and Life Studies) “History of Obelisk Shaped Tombs: A Perspective from the British Cemeteries in India”
              • Commentator: Ikuya TOKORO(ILCAA)
              • Chairperson: Kodai KONISHI(JSPS)
              Hongo Satellite 5F
              20102011/02/04 (Fri) - 2011/02/05 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Presentations by all the members on “Human Mobility and Construction of New Identity”
              • Language: English
              20102011/01/30 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconstructing Grammatical Phenomena from the Viewpoint of Tibeto-Burman Languages - Stage 2 : Characterization and Classification of Sentences”The 6th meeting
              • 1. Discussion on the publication of research results
              20102011/01/27 (Thu) - 2011/01/29 (Sat)
              Fieldnet Workshop in Gifu
              Gifu University and others
              20102011/01/22 (Sat) - 2011/01/23 (Sun)
              JCAS - Young Researchers Workshop / Regular Workshop for Palestine Studies How Should We Capture the “Peace in the Middle East” Today? The Structure and Unfolding of the Problem of Palestine/Israel
              Kyoto University Yoshida Campus Main Campus (AA447)
              20102011/01/22 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective”The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Syntactic Derivation and Nominalization/Verbalization in Sakha (Yakut)”
              • 2. Yukari NAGAYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University) Yukari NAGAYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkaido University)
              • 3. Kumiko NAKAYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Transitivity/Voice Alternation in Hualapai”
              20102011/01/22 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts”The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Yasunori TAKEUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)  “A statistical approach to deciphering the Qidan script”
              • 2. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “Report on ‘First International Conference on Ancient Manuscripts and Literatures of the Minorities in China’”
              • 3. Discussion on Qidan studies
              20102011/01/21 (Fri)
              The 5th Seminar: Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              • 1. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Social space of possession”
              • 2. Naoki KASUGA (Hitotsubashi University) “Vision that ushers in Humanity”
              20102011/01/08 (Sat)
              Arrangements for implementation of the international symposium, Research to study trends in East Africa

              1. Propaedeutic meeting for East Africa Symposium

              • Shiraishi SOICHIRO “Diaspora culture ー leaded by ‘Narayan’”
              • Kiyoshi UMEYA “A relic particulars of the arrangement: The cace of Obosu Ofunbi, Nyamarogo Eastern Province of Uganda Tororo Village (tentative)”

              2. Meeting of the preparatory activities for the symposium next year in East Africa

              • ILCAA African Project* Young African Anthropology Team
              • Language: Japanese
              Room 307, Inamori Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
              20102011/01/08 (Sat)
              International Workshop “Bridging the Middle East and East Asia: Borders and Coexistence in the Globalised World”
              • Chairman: Prof. Keiko SAKAI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
              • Program:
              • Poster:
              • Organized by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan
              • Jointly sponsored by JaCMES
              Crowne Plaza Hotel Beirut, Lebanon
              20102011/01/08 (Sat)
              Arrangements for implementation of the international symposium, Research to study trends in East Africa
              • 1. Propaedeutic meeting for East Africa Symposium
              • Shiraishi SOICHIRO “Diaspora culture ー leaded by ‘Narayan’”
              • Kiyoshi UMEYA “A relic particulars of the arrangement: The cace of Obosu Ofunbi, Nyamarogo Eastern Province of Uganda Tororo Village (tentative)”
              • 2. Meeting of the preparatory activities for the symposium next year in East Africa
              • ILCAA African Project* Young African Anthropology Team
              • Language: Japanese
              ILCAA African Project* Young African Anthropology Team
              20102011/01/08 (Sat)
              International Workshop “Bridging the Middle East and East Asia: Borders and Coexistence in the Globalised World”
              • Chairman: Prof. Keiko SAKAI (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
              • program:
              • poster:
              • Organized by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan
              • Jointly sponsored by JaCMES
              Crowne Plaza Hotel Beirut, Lebanon
              20102010/12/26 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives—Stage 2: “Institution””The 10th meeting
              • 2. Yuji TAKENOSHITA (Chuo Gakuinn University) “Omnivory as a key factor to evolution of institution in primates”
              • 1. Toru SOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) “Manipulation of environment as an evolutional basis of institution in Homo genus”
              20102010/12/23 (Thu)
              Regular Workshop for Palestine Studies / The 2nd Preparatory Meeting for the Workshop by the Next Generation “Development of Total Knowledge on Israel/Palestine: Accumulation and Transmission of Knowledge by Researchers of the Next Generation”
              • 13:00-13:40. Presentatioin
              • Aoe TANAMI “Middle East Peace Process and Politics of Recognition/Denial for the Israeli Arab Parties”
              • 13:40-14:10. Discussion
              • 14:10-14:50 . Presentation
              • Hiromi TOBINA “Oslo Peace Process and the Issue of Jerusalem: Politics in Control of Space and Population”
              • 14:50-15:20 . Discussion
              • Intermission
              • 15:35-16:20 . Total Discussion
              • 16:20-17:00 . Administrative Meeting
              • Language: Japanese
              Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
              20102010/12/22 (Wed) - 2010/12/23 (Thu)
              The 3rd Seminar in Ottoman paleography and diplomaticss

              22 Dec

              • 14:00-14:15. Intorduction
              • 14:20-16:00. Lecture: Muhimme Registers & Drafts of Imperial Decrees
              • 16:20-18:00. Reading Muhimme Registers I (16th Century)

              23 Dec

              • 10:30-12:10. Reading Muhimme Registers II (17th Century)
              • 13:00-14:40. Reading Drafts of Imperial Decrees (18th Century)
              • 15:00-16:40. Reading Muhimme Registers III (18th-19th Centuries)
              • 17:00-18:00. General Discussion
              20102010/12/19 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Globalizations in Asia and Africa”The 8th meeting
              • 1. All members Preliminary discussion for the publication of the research results
              20102010/12/15 (Wed) - 2010/12/17 (Fri)
              Middle East and Islamic Research Seminar306
              20102010/12/12 (Sun)
              The Plunder and the Return of Artifacts and Human Remains: After Colonialism
              • Priscill De Wett “The Return of Sara Bqaartman and the Indigenous People of South Africa.”
              • Ryu Mina “‘The Preservation of Cultural Heritage’ and the Atonement for Colonialism.”
              • Maki Momoka “The Return Claim of Heritage in Ethiopia and the Obelisk.”
              • Language: Japanese, English
              20102010/12/11 (Sat)
              The Last Meeting of ILCAA Joint Research Project “Studies on “Colonial Responsibility” in the History of Decolonization”
              • 1. Tadao HAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai-Gakuen University) “Colonial responsibilities in the History of Haiti: Thinking thruogh the ‘Military Occupation by the USA’”
              • 2. Discussion by the members on the publication of the research result
              20102010/12/07 (Tue)
              Film Screening of “The Return of Sara Baartman”
              • Film Screening of “The Return of Sara Baartman” (South Africa, 2003, English, 55 min.)
              • Commentator: Yoko NAGAHARA (ILCAA)
              • Language: English, Japanese
              20102010/12/04 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Yasuaki SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Sangyo University) “An Introduction for Historical Research on Banana Farming Culture in Uganda and the Landrace Diversity”
              • 2. Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of human environments) “A Preliminary Discussion on Relationships between Culinary Arts and Societies: From a Comparison of Enset Growing Peoples in Southwestern Ethiopia”
              • 3. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) “Reconsideration of the Ensete Cultivation in Northern Ethiopia”
              • Jointly sponsored by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”, Fieldnet
              20102010/12/04 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Shared Research Resources for Korean Historical Linguistics”The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Rei FUKUI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo) “Sound notation and textual analysis of Chephaysine”
              20102010/12/04 (Sat)
              The 7th Fieldnet Workshop: Let’s Make your GPS maps!:The course for GPS beginner Part 3
              • What is diffent between GIS and GPS?
              • Introduction to use cases
              • GPS data acquisition (outdoor)
              • GPS data capture and display
              • GIS analysis using demonstration
              20102010/12/04 (Sat)
              Field Linguistics Workshop: Perl Workshop for beginners
              • Instructor: Michihisa UMEKAWA (ILCAA)
              • 10:30-11:00. About Perl
              • 11:00-11:30. Preparation (Installation of the software)
              • 11:30-13:00. Introduction to Perl programming (1)
              • 14:00-15:30. Introduction to Perl
              • 16:00-17:30. Practice in text processing
              20102010/11/27 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network”The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Introduction
              • 2. Masako KUDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto Women's University) “Trans-border Child Care: Case of Muslim family of Pakistani Husband and Japanese Wife”
              • 3. Chen Tien-shi (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnoligy) “Trans-border Marriage and Stateless Issues”
              • 4. Nobue SUZUKI (Chiba University) “Wedding, Celebration, and After Banquet: Japanese-Philippino Marriage and their Family Life, 1970-2010”
              20102010/11/27 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’”The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Namie TSUJIGAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kochi Women’s University) “Polygamy and ‘Singled’ Women in Saudi Arabia”
              • 2. Kaoru MURAKAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan External Trade Organization) “Being ‘single’ women in Turkish society”
              Hongo Satellite 8F
              20102010/11/25 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Anne REBOUL (Visiting Professor) “Anne REBOUL, Linguistic variability: the case of colors”
              • Languages can differ on any number of dimensions, but in semantics, three main fields have been targeted: space, time and color. The last is especially relevant, given the wide survey which has been conducted in the past twenty years by Stanford University (the so-called World Color Survey) among a great number of languages spoken by pre-industrialized populations. Though there are regularities among languages, there are also interesting differences, even among languages spoken by industrialized societies: for instance, there are two terms for “blue” in Russian (roughly corresponding to light and dark blue) and two terms in Korean for “green” (roughly corresponding to yellow-green and to green-green). Finally some languages (e.g. Piraha, a language spoken by a small of around 450 people in Amazonia) have been claimed to have no color terms at all. I’ll review that evidence and examine the consequences that can be drawn from it regarding the respective influences of language and culture on perception and of perception on language and culture.

              • Language: English
              20102010/11/23 (Tue)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies”The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Koen Peeters (PAAS International) “Anthropology, public health, and practices: how do we contribute?”
              • Commentator: Takuro FURUSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University), Ayumi NOMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University), Kaori MIYACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University), Elli SUGITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Toyo University)
              20102010/11/20 (Sat) - 2010/11/21 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study of Multilingualism”The 9th meeting
              • 1. Kakeshi FUJII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Freign Studies) “Using together separately: languages and scripts in Indian history”
              • Commentator: Kyosuke ADACHI (Reserch Collaborator, Tokyo University of Freign Studies)
              • 2. Toshiaki YASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “How has a multilingual situation of Japan been observed ?”
              • Commentator: Shunji ISHIDA (Reserch Collaborator, Sangensha)
              • 3. Hitoshi YAMASHITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University) “Some research questions concerning multilingualism in Japan”
              • Commentator: Nobuyuki TSUKAHARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)
              • 4. All Members Discussion on the preparation of the final report
              20102010/11/19 (Fri)
              Beirut Seminars
              • Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: the State of the Art
              20102010/11/19 (Fri)
              Lecture and Discussion on Understanding the Other in Fieldscience
              • * This Colloquium is held as a part of ILCAA Forum
              • Organized by Field Science Center
              20102010/11/18 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Jian CHEN (Visiting Professor) “On Interpretation and Evidence in Chinese PaleographyーThe case of the bamboo texts from the Warring State Period”
              • Language: Chinese(Japanese interpreter addition)
              • Abstract:
              20102010/11/15 (Mon) - 2011/11/16 (Wed)
              International meeting of the Consortium on Training in Language Documentation and Conservation (CTLDC) Planning Group
              • This is a meeting of the CTLDC Planning Group from the Asia-Pacific region.The Planning Group comprises representatives of organizations which are at the forefront of supporting linguistic diversity through planning and administering training programs, creating funding strategies to support linguistic diversity, designing tools to provide more accurate data on trends in linguistic diversity, establishing resource networks, and developing and influencing language policy.This is the first of a series of regional meetings to bring together subsets of members of the CTLDC Planning Group in order to discuss concrete steps and plans to build an international collaborative network focussing on issues in training in language documentation and conservation.
              • Fore more details, please see here.
              20102010/11/14 (Sun)
              Lecture of Prof. Ralph Kauz
              • Ralph KAUZ (University of Bonn) Ming China as reflected in the ‘Khaṭāynāmeh’ of ‘Alī Akbar Khaṭā’ī”
              • Discussant: Kojiro TACHUCHI (Otemon Gakuin University)
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Human Mobility and Formation of Plural Societies in the Middle East and the Areas Relating to Islam”
              20102010/11/13 (Sat)
              6th open seminar on Islam in Southeast Asia(ISEA)
              • Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Introduction to Islam”
              • Report (Japanese) : 109KB
              • Keiko KURODA (Faculty of Law, Economics and Humanities, Kagoshima University) “Muslim as Minority of ThaiLand; Patani Muslim in agony”
              • Report (Japanese) : 64KB
              • Organized by Islam in Southeast Asia (ISEA) project
              • Jointly sponsored by Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
              Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 1-1 Jumonjibaru Beppu City Oita Prefecture
              20102010/11/12 (Fri) - 2010/11/13 (Sat)
              International Symposium “Models for Capacity Development in Language Documentation and Conservation”
              • Details: The goal of this symposium is to compare and contrast models of training in language documentation and conservation in order to allow for a deeper understanding of the varied contexts, goals, strategies, and challenges that underlie training programs worldwide. The presenters at the symposium represent organizations which either provide training in language documentation and conservation or facilitate training programs through resource sharing.This symposium has been planned as part of preparation for formation of The Consortium on Training in Language Documentation and Conservation (CTLDC).
              • Language: English
              • For more details, please see here.
              • Organized by Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy)
              20102010/11/07 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Wakana SHIINO (ILCAA) ““Single” Organizing Concepts - study on “Single” to continue towards”
              • 2. ‘Living with “single”’ joint review meeting
              20102010/11/07 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “History of Hill Peoples in the Tay Cultural Area”The 14th meeting
              • 1. Discussion by all Joint Research Project Members on proposed contributions to upcoming book on upland society in the Tay Cultural Area.
              • 2. Tadasu MATSUOKA (The University of Tokyo) “The Social History and Culture of the Jingpo in Dehong, Yunnan: Chiefs, Villages, Rituals and Customs”
              20102010/10/31 (Sun)
              Discussion on the publication of the result of ILCAA Joint Research Project “Local Cultures in the Malay World”The 13th meeting
              • 1. Discussion on the transliteration, translation and commentary of Jawi periodicals.
              • 2. Discussion on the lisr of Jawi periodicals.
              • 3. Schedule for publication.
              20102010/10/30 (Sat) - 2010/10/31 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives—Stage 2: “Institution””The 9th meeting
              • 1. Kaoru ADACHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Ritsumeikan University) “Ecological niche theory and sociality of animals”
              • 2. Eriko AOKI (Ryukoku University) “‘We are wrong no matter what we do’: moralities and desires on others”
              • 3. Hideaki TERASHIMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe Gakuin University) “Teaching and semi-institution among hunter-gatherers: teaching without authority in a society without hierarchy”
              20102010/10/29 (Fri) - 2010/10/31 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”, International Workshop on Cross-linguistic Studies on Clause CombiningThe 3rd meeting

              29 Oct. 2010 (Fri.) 15:30–18:30, Special Talks

              • 1. Nicholas EVANS (Australian National University / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Fieldwork in Southern New Guinea: A Little-known Hotspot of Linguistic Diversity”
              • 2. Marianne MITHUN (University of California, Santa Barbara / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Swiss Army Knives for Linguists ー The Utility of Complementary Methodologies”
              • (Discussant: Arienne M. Dwyer, University of Kansas / ILCAA Joint Researcher)

              30 Oct. 2010 (Sat.) 10:00–17:30, Presentations

              • 1. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (National Defense Academy of Japan / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Syntactic Linkage and Event Relations in Multi-Verb Constructions in Sidaama (Sidamo), a Cushitic Language of Ethiopia”
              • 2. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Coordination, Subordination, and their ilk in Sliammon Salish”
              • 3. Shigehiro KATO (Hokkaido University / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Clause Reduction and Grammaticalization in Japanese ー How are new auxiliary verbs produced?”
              • 4. Arienne M. DWYER (University of Kansas / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “The Development of Complex Predication in Turkic: Uyghur Light Verbs”
              • 5. Marianne MITHUN (University of California, Santa Barbara / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “The Dynamism of Complexity”
              • 6. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “The Nature of Clause Combining in Nuuchahnulth”
              • Discussion

              31 Oct. 2010 (Sun.) 10:00-15:30, Presentations

              • 7. Iku NAGASAKI (ILCAA / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Three Types of Participles in Relative Clauses in Kolyma Yukaghir”
              • 8. Nobuko YONEDA (Osaka University / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Relative Clauses in Swahili ー Internal Relation and External Relation”
              • 9. Shinjiro KAZAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / ILCAA Joint Researcher) & Michinori SHIMOJI (Gunma Prefectural Women’s University / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Clause-hood, Finiteness, and Subordination of Converbs: A Cross-linguistic Survey”
              • 10. Nicholas EVANS (Australian National University / ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Natural Parallel Data, Clause Linkage and Psychosocial Cognition: The Family Problems Picture Task”
              • Discussion
              • Language: English
              • program as PDF:
              • Organized by Joint Research Project “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”, ILCAA Linguistic Dynamics Science Project (LingDy), ILCAA
              20102010/10/24 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Variability in Deictic Expressions”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Ayumi NOMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagasaki University) “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Senior Victims of Tsunami-Affected Areas in Southern Sri Lanka”
              • Report (Japanese) : 204KB
              • 2. Shinji MIYAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Lake Biwa Museum) “The Reconstruction of Agricultural Land Development Process along the Brahpaputra River”
              • Report (Japanese) : 202KB
              • 3. Discussion
              20102010/10/23 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Variability in Deictic Expressions”The 3rd meeting
              • 1. Hideki KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo) “What it means to exist: the case of existential sentences in Chinese, with special reference to (in)definiteness”
              • Report (English) : 191KB
              • 2. Norikazu KOGURA (ILCAA Researcher) “The aspectual choice and the presence of addressee in Sibe Manchu”
              • Report (English) : 252KB
              20102010/10/16 (Sat)
              The 6th Fieldnet Workshop: Let’s try the genealogy and kinship database software!
              • Lecturer: Shigenobu SUGITO (Sugiyama Jogakuen University)
              • Details:“Alliance” system was developed as a tool for the cultural anthropologists to support their fieldwork. With this system, it is possible to draw family trees of some families. In this workshop, we learn how to use this system in order to get a framework for the family and kinship study with “Alliance”.
              20102010/10/13 (Wed)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Historical Study of Normative Glyphs of Chinese Characters (2nd stage)”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Shoji SAKAMOTO (Digital Archive Centre, Ryukoku University) “Non-destructive analyses of ancient documents -- paper and ink”
              • 2. Tomokazu TAKADA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) “Bibliographical introductions to the documents in the HNG database”
              • 3. Research arrangements
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20102010/10/07 (Thu)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 4th meeting
              • 1. Masao YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Setsunan University) “Adoption of hangle by the Cia-Cia language, Southeast Sulawesi.”
              • 2. Discussion on reduplication in Languages of/ around Indonesia.
              20102010/10/07 (Thu)
              Field Linguistics Workshop Follow-up Session 2
              • Lecturer: Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA), Iku NAGASAKI (ILCAA)
              • Details: Regular Expressions for Beginners
              20102010/10/03 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconstructing Grammatical Phenomena from the Viewpoint of Tibeto-Burman Languages - Stage 2 : Characterization and Classification of Sentences”The 5th meeting
              • 1. Discussion on the publication of research results
              20102010/10/03 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Missionary Linguistics (2nd stage)”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Research communications
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20102010/09/29 (Wed)
              Exchange Lecture on Culture and Society in Southeast Asia
              • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
              • Lecture1:Masao AYABE (Tokyo Metropolitan University) “Why Culture Matters: Culture and Security of the Lisu People in Northern Thailand” (tentative title)
              • Lecture2:Yumi KATO (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature) “Living in a Plantation: Rural Development and Ethnic Minority in Sarawak”
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office
              Conference Room, School of Social Sciences, University Malaysia Sabah(UMS)
              20102010/09/25 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business) “Introduction”
              • 2. Saihanjuna (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meijo University) “Narrative of Migration told by Chinese Female Marriage Migrants: Reconsideration fora image of Farm Bride”
              • 3. Aya SADAMATSU (Keisen University) “Labor within Intimacy Sphere and Marriage Migration”
              • 4. Kiyoshi NAKA (Gifu University) TBA
              • 5. Discussion
              Hongo Satellite 5F
              20102010/09/25 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study of Multilingualism”The 8th meeting
              • 1. Huhbator (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Showa Wemen's University) “The problem of Mongolian script reform in Xinjiang ? The principle of “one nation one script” and the relation between“nation”, “language”and script”
              • Commentator: LEE Su (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Showa Wemen's University)
              • 2. Katsuro NAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University) “Aspects of “multilingualism”in Nepal”
              • Commentator: Yoichi TSUGE(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kanazawa University)
              • 3. Hibi WATANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University) “Multilingual situation in Buryatia, Russia ? Recent development of language policy”
              • Commentator: Kenjiro SHIBUYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe University)
              20102010/09/25 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “History of Hill Peoples in the Tay Cultural Area”The 13th meeting
              • 1. Discussion by all Joint Research Project Members concerning the Translation Series
              • 2. Discussion by all Joint Research Project Members on proposed contributions to upcoming book on upland society in the Tay Cultural Area.
              • 3. Miki IKOMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Graduate school Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “The Tea Production of the Palaung; A report of a field survey conducted at Nam San, Shan States, Northern Myanmar”
              20102010/09/18 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Chikako ONO (Chiba University) “Transitivity and Voice in Itelmen”
              • 2. Hirofumi HORI (Shizuoka University) “Transitivity in Haida”
              • 3. Yuu KURIBAYASI (Okayama University) “Relativization and transitivity in Turkic languages”
              Hongo Satellite 7F
              20102010/09/18 (Sat) - 2010/09/21 (Tue)
              Middle East and Islamic Education Seminar304
              20102010/09/18 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Construction of Shared Research Resources for Korean Historical Linguistics”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Namtaek JIN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Okayama University) ““Nichi-Kan-Ei Sangoku Taiwa” and Korean Language in the Enlightenment Era”
              20102010/09/05 (Sun)
              Open seminar on Islam in Southeast Asia(ISEA)
              • Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) Opening Remarks
              • First Lecture: Takashi KAWABATA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan) “Global Strategy of Making Malaysia as the Global Halal Hub”
              • Second Lecture: Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA) “Islamic Finance in Malaysia”
              • Organized by Islam in Southeast Asia (ISEA) project
              No.2 Jalan 1/86, Off Jalan Taman Seputeh, Taman Seputeh, 58000 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
              20102010/09/03 (Fri)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Tashi KUNGA “Tibetan Music”
              • To listen to Tibetan music through the lyrics is to understand the Tibetan way of life. We can learn how they feel about their concepts of marriage, job, love and compassion. Tibetan children sometimes learn how to, for example, count numbers or make clothes, by singing a song. Culture defines a set of people, supporting the people’s minds and the land they belong to. The power of music unifies all people in the world by promoting peace beyond politics. In my lecture, I would like to explain the history and significance of Tibetan classical musical pieces called, “Nangma and Toshey,” including the stories of some popular singers and composers, as well as the musical performance.

              • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Amdo-Tibetan”
              20102010/08/27 (Fri)
              ILCAA Forum

              Intensive Language Course “Amdo-Tibetan” Cultural Talk

              • Shin’ichiro MIYAKE (Otani University) “TERAMOTO Enga: Three Years in Amdo Kunbum”
              • * This Forum is held as a part of the Intensive Language Course “Amdo-Tibetan”
              20102010/08/07 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Mobility and Multi-ethnic Coexistence in Middle Eastern Urban Societies”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) “Aims of the Project”
              • 2. On Beirut: Sari HANAFI (American University of Beirut), Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA), Akira USUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Women's University), Aida KANAFANI-ZAHAR (ILCAA Joint Researcher, CNRS), Taku OSOEGAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Institute of Energy Economics), Kaoru YAMAMOTO (ILCAA), Kosuke MATSUBARA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University), Takayuki YOSHIMURA (ILCAA)
              • 3. On Tehran: Bernard HOURCADE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, CNRS), Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA)
              • 4. On Aleppo: Stefan KNOST (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Orient Institute Beirut), Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA)
              • 5. On Istanbul: Masayuki UENO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)
              • 6. On the Middle East in general: Masato IIZUKA (ILCAA)
              • 7. Discussion
              20102010/08/05 (Thu)
              The Last Meeting of ILCAA Joint Research Project “Marcel Mauss Reconsidered: “Société”, “Echange” and “Coopérative””The 13th meeting
              • 1. Each member “Current status of preparation for the publication of Mauss Collection in Japanese”
              20102010/07/31 (Sat) - 2010/08/01 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives—Stage 2: “Institution””
              • 1. Michio NAKAMURA (Kyoto University) “Institution as a Successive System: a Perspective from Studies of Nonhuman Animals.”
              • 2. Masahiko MIZUTANI (Kyoto University) “Functions and Limits of the Institutional Rules in Communication.”
              • 3. Nobutaka KAMEI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka International University) “Book review of “From hand to mouth” by M. C. Corballis”
              20102010/07/31 (Sat)
              The Last Meeting of Joint Research Project: History of Persianate Societies
              • 1. Kazuhiro SHIMIZU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University) “Review: Kazuo Morimoto ed. The World lincked by Persian Language.”
              • 2. Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) “Restropect of the Project and the Future”
              • 3. Opinion of each member on the Project
              20102010/07/30 (Fri) - 2010/07/31 (Sat)
              International Workshop on the Emergence and Dynamic of Various Islamic Variants in Indonesia. (Bilateral Program: Joint Research Project, JSPS-LIPI)

              30 Jul

              • 10:00-10:05. Opening Remarks: Koji MIYAZAKI
              • 10:10-10:50. Muhamad HISYAM “Salafi: A Radical Puritanist Movement in Indonesia”
              • 11:00-11:40 . Abdul Rachman PATJI “Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia: A Struggle for Khilafah”
              • 11:40-13:00. Lunch
              • 13:00-13:40. Yo NONAKA “The Influence of Former Masyumi Leaders on the Early Stage of Dakwah Movements in Indonesian Universities”
              • 13:50-14:30. Motoki YAMAGUCHI “Transformation of the Identity of Al-Irsyad: From a Hadhrami Organization to an Indonesian Muslim Organization”
              • 14:30-15:00. Coffee Break
              • 15:00-15:40. Taufik ABDULLAH “The Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL): Network of Islamic Liberalism”
              • 15:50-17:00. Discussion

              31 Jul

              • 14:00-14:40. Kazuhiro ARAI “A New Wave of Indonesian Islam?: Dar al-Mustafa in Tarim (Hadramawt) and the Activities of its Graduates”
              • 14:50-15:30. Koji MIYAZAKI “Islamic Variants and Pesantren in Indonesia:What Seedbeds for?”
              • 15:30-16:00. Coffee Break
              • 16:00-17:00. Discussion
              • 17:00-17:05. Concluding Remarks: Koji MIYAZAKI
              • Language: English
              301, 405
              20102010/07/30 (Fri)
              FIELD+cafe Islam in Southeast Asia
              • 1. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Opening Remarks, Introducing FIELD+”
              • 2. Ryoko NISHII (ILCAA) “Introducing ISEA, and today’s speaker”
              • 3. Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA) “Allah and/or Dollar? :Spreading Islamic Finance”
              • 4. Question-and-Answer Session
              • 5. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Closing Remarks”
              Salon de Fuzanbo Folio Fuzanbo Building B1, Kanda Jimbocho1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
              20102010/07/30 (Fri)
              Field Linguistics Workshop Follow-up Session 1
              • Field Linguistics Workshop Follow-up Session 1
              • 1. Using text editors
              • 2. Unicode fonts for IPA
              • 3. Individual consultation for Toolbox users
              20102010/07/25 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Variability in Deictic Expressions”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Toshihide NAKAYAMA (ILCAA) “Inverse in Nootka”
              • 2. Hiroaki KOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Keio University) “On the linguistic encoding of motion events in Japanese: From a typological perspective”
              • (The aim of this presentation is twofold. First, on the basis of parallel corpus data, we systematically compare self-agentive and non-agentive motion expressions in Japanese, English, German, and Russian and elucidate variations both across and within verb-framed/satellite-framed language types. Second, we probe into the ways in which diectic information is expressed in caused-motion (agentive-motion) expressions in Japanese. While deitic path information is frequently included in self-agentive and non-agentive motion expressions in Japanese, it is largely restricted to accompanied motion (e.g., mot-te iku/kuru) in caused-motion expressions. We show that this restriction is compensated for by direct/inverse voice constructions in Japanese.)

              20102010/07/24 (Sat)
              Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              • 1. Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA) “Micro/ Macro Approach in Anthropology-Muti-sited Fieldwork on Pearl-cultivation”
              • 2. Kaori KOMATHU (Sizuoka University) “From daily food to name-brand commodities -commercialization of local food products”
              20102010/07/22 (Thu)
              Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              • Hirokazu MIYAZAKI (Cornell University) “The Gift of the Financial Crisis: Re-empowering an Anthropological Vision of Humanity”
              • What is the significance of the global financial crisis of 2008 for anthropology? In this seminar, I ducuss recent developments in the anthropology of finance. In particular, I wish to consider the potential relevance of theories of gifts for the ongoing debates about financial marakets and their regulation.

              20102010/07/19 (Mon)
              Field Linguistics Workshop: ELAN Workshop
              • Lecturer: Anthony Jukes (La Trobe University, Joint Research Project)
              • 1. 10:00-12:00 An introduction to ELAN for beginners ー Anthony Jukes (La Trobe University, Joint Research Project)
              • 2. 13:30-14:30 Exchanging data between Shoe/Toolbox and ELAN.
              • 3. 15:00-17:00 Individual practice/consultation time
              • Language: English
              20102010/07/19 (Mon)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 3rd meeting

              ELAN Seminar

              • 1. Anthony JUKES (La Trobe University) “An introduction to ELAN for beginners”
              • 2. Exchanging data between Shoe/Toolbox and ELAN.
              • 3. Individual practice/consultation time
              20102010/07/18 (Sun)
              The 5th Fieldnet Workshop:Let’s shoot and edit your field video nicely!
              • 12:00. Start
              • Documentary Movies by fieldworkers
              • Lunch(Please bring your lunch)
              • 13:30-14:30. Explanation on Planning and Camera Work
              • 14:30-15:00. Shooting
              • 15:00-15:15. Break
              • 15:15-17:30. Editing
              • 17:30-18:00. Screenings Made
              20102010/07/17 (Sat) - 2010/07/18 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 2nd meeting

              International Workshop on Indonesian-type Voice System

              • 1. Ritsuko KIKUSAWA (National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka and The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Kanagawa) “Historical Development of the “Malay-type” Voice System”
              • 2. Naonori NAGAYA (Rice University) “Voice and grammatical relations in Lamaholot of eastern Indonesia”
              • 3. Hooi Ling SOH (University of Minnesota) “Voice and Aspect: Some Notes from Malay”
              • 4. Hiroki NOMOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Making sense of the optionality of voice marking in Malay/Indonesian”
              • 5. Antonia SORIENTE (University of Naples “L‘Orientale” and Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology ) “Voice and Focus System in Penan and Kenyah Languages of East Kalimantan”
              • 6. Kazuya INAGAKI (Osaka University) “Voice and valency alternations in Kadorih”
              • 7. Ketut ARTAWA (Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia) “Grammatical Relations and Voice System in Balinese”
              • 8. David GIL (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology ) “Sundic-Type Voice Systems”
              • 9. Peter AUSTIN (SOAS, University of London) “Dialect Variation in the Voice System of Sasak: when is a nasal-verb not a nasal-verb?”
              • 10. Anthony JUKES (La Trobe University) “Voice, Valence and Focus in Makassarese”
              • 11. Domenyk EADES (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman) “Voice in Gayo, a Language of Northern Sumatra”
              • 12. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA) “Voice System in Sumbawa”
              20102010/07/17 (Sat)
              The Last Meeting of ILCAA Joint Research Projects “Anthropological Study of Things: Dynamics of Things, Bodies and Environments”
              • 1. meeting
              20102010/07/11 (Sun)
              Field Linguistics Workshop: Toolbox Workshop
              • Field Linguistics Workshop: Toolbox Workshop
              • 1. 10:30-11:30 Introducing Toolbox
              • 2. 11:30-12:30 Preparation (Installation of the software)
              • 3. 13:30-14:30 Setting-up ‘language’ and ‘project’, synchronizing dictionary and text, input method for IPA symbols
              • 4. 14:45-17:00 Groupwork
              20102010/07/11 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “‘Single’ and Family: The Anthropological Study of ‘Enishi (karmic/relation/connection)’”The 1st meeting
              • 1. The purpose of this research project, the background of this
              • 2. Self introduction on resarch topics and the study plan for this project by each co-researcher
              • 3. Disccussion about the study schedule
              20102010/07/10 (Sat) - 2010/07/11 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Reconstructing Grammatical Phenomena from the Viewpoint of Tibeto-Burman Languages - Stage 2 : Characterization and Classification of Sentences”The 4th meeting


              • 1. Fuminobu NISHIDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chuo Gakuin University) “Sentence structure in Mangdebikha”
              • 2. Yoshiharu TAKAHASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi Prefectural University) “On Kinnauri sentences and their classification”
              • 3. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Sentence and clause in classical Tibetan”
              • 4. Takumi IKEDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Predicates and sentences of Mu-nya language”


              • 1. Norihiko HAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) “Sentential types of Youle Jino”
              • 2. Isao HONDA(ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya College) “Clause and sentence types in Seke”
              • 3. Discussion
              20102010/07/10 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study of Multilingualism”The 7th meeting
              • 1. Kyoko KOGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kochi University) “The expansion of Akan usage in Ghana”
              • Commentator: Katsuhiko SHIOTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
              • 2. Kumiko FUJII (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Miyazaki University) “The Function of “Huayu” in the Language Policy of the Chinese-speaking Area”
              • Commentator: Naoko SANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya City University)
              • 3. Nobutaka KAMEI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka International University) “Problematics of multilingualism about sign languages”
              • Commentator: Goro KIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Jochi University)
              20102010/07/10 (Sat)
              International Workshop on Cultural Diversity in Sabah,Malaysia and its Neighboring Areas
              • Shamsul A. B. (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) “From Conflict to Cohesion. Making Sense of Cultural Diversity and Its Social Implications in Malaysia”
              • Finchley G. Johniu (Institute for Development Studies (Sabah)) “Harvest Festival and Its Meaning to the Kadazandusun Community in Sabah”
              • Jacqueline Kitingan (Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)) “Cultural Diversity and Ethnographic Mapping in Sabah, Malaysia”
              • Organized by Islam in Southeast Asia (ISEA) project, Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office
              20102010/07/08 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Michihisa UMEKAWA (ILCAA) “Informatical Methods in Area Studies”
              20102010/07/04 (Sun)
              The open senmiar for the exhibition “Studio Photography as a dream machine -Popular Photographers in Kenya up to 2001”
              • Speaker Heike Behrend (University of Cologne, Germany) “African Studies and the Medium of Photography”
              20102010/07/04 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Yasunori TAKEUCHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Basic information on the Qidan script and language”
              • 2. Shintaro ARAKAWA (ILCAA) “On the latest studies on the Qidan small script”
              • 3. All “Discussion on Qidan studies”
              Kyoto University
              20102010/07/04 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”The 2nd meeting
              • 1. Iku NAGASAKI (ILCAA) “An Overview of Non-finite Clauses in Kolyma Yukaghir”
              • 2. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “An Overview of Clause Types in Sliammon Salish”
              • 3. Michinori SHIMOJI (Gunma Prefectural Women's University, ILCAA Joint Researcher) “Transitivity Hypothesis revisited: clause-chaining, discourse, and transitivity in Irabu Ryukyuan”
              • 4. All participants “Discussion”
              20102010/07/03 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Study on the Relationship between Agriculture and Culture in Sub-Saharan Africa from Historical Perspectives”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA) Explanation by Coordinator
              • 2. Self-Introduction by Joint Researchers
              • 3. Discussion about the Research Plan in this Year
              20102010/07/03 (Sat)
              5th open seminar on Islam in Southeast Asia(ISEA)
              • Opening Remarks
              • First Lecture: Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Lecture on Islam in the Philippines”
              • Report (Japanese) : 228KB
              • Second Lecture: Yasuhiro FUKUSHIMA (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Islam and Economy: A case study on Malaysia”
              • Report (Japanese) : 210KB
              • question and answer
              • Language: Japanese
              The University of Shimane Junior College (Matsue Campus)
              20102010/07/01 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA)
              20102010/06/27 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Approach for Developing and Harmonizing Field Methods in Anthropology and Development Studies”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Ken MASUDA (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Nagasaki University) “The purpose of this project”
              • Report (Japanese) : 50KB
              • 2. Members to introduce themselves
              • 3. Daichi ISHIMORI (ILCAA Joint Researcher,Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Sharing of project-based fused and Field”
              • Report (Japanese) : 98KB
              • 4. Promoting consultation towards this project
              20102010/06/26 (Sat)
              Overseas Scientific Research Coordination Team Forum
              • 1. Regional meetings
              • 2. General meeting
              • 3. Workshop: Exploring possibilities of fieldwork and field science
              • 4. Reception
              20102010/06/10 (Thu)
              ILCAA Forum
              • Koji TSUDA (ILCAA)
              20102010/06/07 (Mon)
              Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              • Speaker: Dr. Shireen Hassim (Ass. Professor, Univeristy of the Witswatersrand, South Africa) “After Apartheid: Consensus, Contention and Gender”
              • Registration fee: free
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “Pluralistic World Understanding based on African Studies”
              20102010/06/05 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Descriptive Studies of Indonesian Languages; Their Variety and Similarities”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Asako SHIOHARA (ILCAA)
              • 2. Masahiko NOZE (ILCAA joint researcher, Ritaku University)
              • 3. Kazuya INAGAKI (ILCAA joint researcher, Osaka University)
              • 4. Yoshimi MIYAKE (ILCAA joint researcher, Akita University)
              • 5. Ritsuko KIKUSAWA (ILCAA joint researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
              • 6. Hiroaki KITANO (ILCAA joint researcher, Aichi University of Education)
              • 7. Atusko UTSUMI (ILCAA joint researcher, Meisei University)
              • 8. Kunio NISHIYAMA (ILCAA joint researcher, Ibaraki University)
              • 9. Masashi FURIHATA (ILCAA joint researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
              • 10. Masao YAMAGUCHI (ILCAA joint researcher, Setsunan University)
              • 11. Sri Budi Lestari (ILCAA joint researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Ph.D.Program)
              • 12. All
              20102010/06/03 (Thu)
              Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              • 1. Hitoshi TAKACHIO (ILCAA) “Corpus/soma and political theology”
              • 2. Kaori KAWAI (ILCAA) “From ‘Group’ to ‘Institution’ : Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives”
              • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”
              20102010/05/29 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Comparative Study on the Languages of the North from Typological Perspective”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Tokusu KUREBITO (ILCAA) “Aims and plans of the project”
              • 2. Andrej MALCHUKOV (ILCAA Joint Researcher/The National Institute for Japanese Language) “Transitivity parameters and transitivity alternations”
              • 3. Fuyuki EBATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) “The voice suffixes and lexical meaning in Sakha”
              • Report (English) : 23KB
              • 4. Kan SASAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Sapporo Gakuin University) “Non-universality of reflexive analysis for anticausativization: Evidence from the Hokkaido dialect of Japanese”
              • Report (English) : 43KB
              • 5. Megumi KUREBITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher/ Toyama University) “Property predication in Koryak:with a focus on antipassivization and topicalization”
              • Report (English) : 12KB
              Hongo Satellite 5F
              20102010/05/23 (Sun)
              ILCAA Forum

              Public Furum

              • Andrej MALCHUKOV (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology / The National Institute for Japanese Language) “Constraining typology of nominalizations”
              • Organized by Joint Research Projects “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”
              • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Furum / LingDy Forum
              20102010/05/22 (Sat) - 2010/05/23 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cross-Linguistic Studies on Clause Combining”The 1st meeting

              22 May 2010 (Sat.) 13:00-18:00

              • 1. Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA) “Aims and plans of the project ‘Cross-linguistic Studies on Clause Combining’ at ILCAA”
              • 2. Shinjiro KAZAMA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “‘Verbals’ and the dependency among clauses”
              • 3. Shigehiro KATO (Hokkaido University) “An overview of clause types in Japanese”
              • Report (English) : 18KB

              23 May 2010 (Sun.) 10:00-16:00

              • 1. Hideo SAWADA (ILCAA) “An overview of clause types in Lhaovo, a Tibeto-Burman language of Kachin State, Northern Burma”
              • 2. Kazuhiro KAWACHI (National Defense Academy of Japan) “An overview of clause linkage patterns in Sidaama (Sidamo), a Cushitic language of Ethiopia”
              • Report (English) : 66KB
              • 3. Shen LI (Doshisha University) “On the complex sentences in Chinese: What is clause-linking?”
              • Report (English) : 9KB
              • 4. Hideki TSUKAMOTO (Ehime University) “Verbal/Adjectival predicate clauses and nominal predicate clauses in Japanese and Korean: A contrastive linguistic approach”
              • Report (English) : 13KB
              • 5. Discussions
              20102010/05/16 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropological Study of Globalizations in Asia and Africa”The 7th meeting
              • 1. Aiko NISHIKIDA (ILCAA) “Palestinian Diaspora: Their Globalized Migration and National Identity”
              • 2. Hisao TOMIZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka)
              20102010/05/15 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “A Study of Variability in Deictic Expressions”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Yoshiki NISHIMURA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, the University of Tokyo)
              20102010/05/09 (Sun)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Anthropology of Trans-area Migration in East/Southeast Asia: Culture, Ethnicity and Identity Within Cross-marriage/Cross-divorce Network”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Kayoko ISHII (ILCAA joint researcher, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business) “Outline of this collaborative research, Objective and Schedule”
              • 2. Open discussion “Method and Scope of our research on Marriage Migration”
              20102010/05/08 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “History of Hill Peoples in the Tay Cultural Area”The 14th meeting
              • 1. Christian DANIELS (ILCAA) “Brain-storming for the upcoming book on upland society in the Tay Cultural Area: A review of James C. Scott The Art of Not being Governed: an anarchist history of upland Southeast Asia”
              • 2. Masaaki KAWANO (Meiji University) “Love potions and Occult Culture in Southwest China”
              20102010/04/29 (Thu) - 2011/04/30 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “Human Society in Evolutionary Perspectives—Stage 2: “Institution””The 7th meeting
              • 1. Naoki KASUGA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hitotsubashi University) “Towards Ontological Anthropology: Partial Connections between Humans and Minipigs”
              • 2. Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) “Who make rules?: Social brains and language”
              • 3. Gen YAMAKOSHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Factors affecting the local differences in chimpanzee social organization”
              20102010/04/24 (Sat)
              ILCAA Joint Research Project “New Trends in the Studies on Qidan Scripts”The 1st meeting
              • 1. Takashi MATSUKAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Otani University) “On the target of the project”
              • 2. Yasunori TAKEUCH (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University) “Report on the visit in the Indiana University”
              • 3. All “Introduction of own studies”
              20102010/04/16 (Fri)
              The first International Workshop on The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives
              • Speaker: Mrs. Siriluck Chandrema (HIV/AIDS expert nurse, HIV/AIDS Clinic, Hatyai Hospital) Title: “HIV/AIDS situation in south of Thailand, HIV/AIDS Care & treatment, Holistic Care in Hatyai Hospital”
              • Commentator: Tomodide HINO (Collaborative Fellow, Institute of Asian Cultures, Sophia University), Nobuko Koya(Lecturer, Otani University)
              • Language: English
              • Organized by Core Project “The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives”

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