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ILCAA publishes peer-reviewed journals, results of joint research projects and of individual researches, results of dictionary-compiling projects, and materials developed for Intensive Language Courses. Many publications are in languages other than Japanese. For lists of publications, please follow the links from the sub-menu on the left column of this page.
Most of the publications are distributed gratis to academic institutions and researchers. For details, please see Inquiry About Publications .
Also, please click here for our electric publications.
A772 [AAL-37] A Haya Vocabulary. Kaji, Shigeki (ed.). 2000.3.5. ISBN 4-87297-772-6 *
(Book No.) (Series No.) (Title) (Authors) (Year. Month. Day) (ISBN No.) (*out of stock)
in March 2022
B532 [AAL-66] Brahui Texts: Glossed and Translated Short Stories and Folktales. Liaquat Ali and Masato Kobayashi. 2024.6.28. ISBN 978-4-86337-532-1
B531 ILCAA Intensive Language Course 2023: “Georgian” Textbook 2, Georgian-Japanese Small Dictionary. KOJIMA, Yasuhiro 2024.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-531-4
B530 ILCAA Intensive Language Course 2023: “Georgian” Textbook 1, An Introduction to Georgian. KOJIMA, Yasuhiro 2024.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-530-7
B529 ILCAA Intensive Language Course 2023: “Khakas” Textbook 4, Khakas-Japanese-Russian theme-based dictionary. TAKASHIMA, Naoki 2024.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-529-1
B528 ILCAA Intensive Language Course 2023: “Khakas” Textbook 3, Khakas-Japanese dictionary. TAKASHIMA, Naoki 2024.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-528-4
B527 ILCAA Intensive Language Course 2023: “Khakas” Textbook 2, Khakas language textbook. TAKASHIMA, Naoki 2024.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-528-4
B526 ILCAA Intensive Language Course 2023: “Khakas” Textbook 1, Khakas grammar. TAKASHIMA, Naoki 2024.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-526-0
B525 ILCAA Intensive Language Course 2023: “Bemba” Textbook 2, Copperbelt Bemba: A collection of phonetic materials on nominal tone patterns. SHINAGAWA, Daisuke, UENO, Ryota, TAKAHASHI, Tsubasa, TÔYAMA, Toshio, ISHIKAWA, Sakura, YAMAMOTO, Ayaka. 2024.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-525-3
B524 ILCAA Intensive Language Course 2023: “Bemba” Textbook 1, Copperbelt Bemba: A sketch grammar. SHINAGAWA, Daisuke 2024.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-524-6
B502 Aspects of Turkic Languages II: Information Structure and Knowledge Management . KOGURA, Norikazu, SATO, Kumiko (eds.) 2024.3.25. ISBN 978-4-86337-502-4
B501 Cutting-edge and Future Challenges in GPS and Bio-logging Researches in Zoology and Anthropology . KAWAI, Kaori, MORIMITSU, Yoshiki (eds.) 2024.3.15. ISBN 978-4-86337-501-7
B500 [SCI-120] [MEIS-30] Rashīd al-Dīn Faḍl Allāh Hamadānī Jāmi‘ al-Tawārīkh Compendium of Chronicles Vol. 1 Tārīkh-i Mubārak-i Ghāzānī Dāstān-i Qūbīlai Qā’ān Dāstān-i Tīmūr Qā’ān . Edited by Masatomo Kawamoto. 2024.3. ISBN 978-4-86337-500-0
B499 Thiqa Project News no.03. Thiqa Project, Office of Organizer. 2024.3.ISBN 978-4-86337-499-7
B432 The 7th Open Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”. TOKORO, Ikuya (ed.). 2024.2.9. ISBN 978-4-86337-432-4
B431 Contes créoles de l'océan indien: les Seychelles et la Réunion. ODA, jun'ichi(ed., trans), ODA, Satoshi(ill.)
B403 Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra in Tangut Translation Volume 1. SOLONIN, Kirill, ARAKAWA, Shintaro. 2024.3.28. ISBN 978-4-86337-403-4
B407- B523 Kachin Folktale KURABE, Keita (ed. & trans.) 2024.1.31
B406 Tibetan Literature and Filmmaking SERNYA: Extra Issue Featureing Tales of the Corpse. Hoshi, Izumi, Ebihara Shiho, Iwata Keisuke, Okawa Kensaku, and Miura Junko (eds.). 2023.11.1. ISBN 978-4-86337-406-5
B405 [LSTCA-147] The Dingra Language. Shintani,Tadahiko L.A. 2023.10.10.ISBN 978-4-86337-405-8
B404 The 6th Open Symposium “Construction of the Face-Body Studies in Transcultural Conditions”. Tokoro, Ikuya (ed.). 2023.9.15. ISBN 978-4-86337-404-1
B402 [LSTCA-146] The Agu Language. Shintani,Tadahiko L.A. 2023.06.30.ISBN 978-4-86337-402-7