Distribution and Sharing of Resources in Symbolic and Ecological Systems: Integrative Model-building in Anthropology
A772 [AAL-37] A Haya Vocabulary. Kaji, Shigeki (ed.). 2000.3.5. ISBN 4-87297-772-6 *
(Book No.) (Series No.) (Title) (Authors) (Year. Month. Day) (ISBN No.) (*out of stock)
in June 2018
B887Circulation of Human Body Parts: Local, National and Beyond. Deguchi, Akira (ed.). 2007.1. ISBN 4-87297-887-0 *
A886Indigenous People and Commercial Usage of the Forest Resources in Northeast Asia. Sasaki, Shiro (ed.). 2006.10.20. ISBN 4-87297-886-2
A885Commodities and Globalization. Ogawa, Ryo, and Joo Young-ha (eds.). 2006.3.15. ISBN 4-87297-885-4
A884Remaking Traditional Knowledge: Knowledge as a resource; Distribution and Sharing of Resources in Symbolic and Ecological Systems. Daniels, Christian (ed.). 2006.2.15. ISBN 4-87297-884-6
A883Multiply Useful Plants: Uses and Usefulness. Matsui, Takeshi, and Saroj Aungusmalin (eds.). 2005.3.28. ISBN 4-87297-883-8
A882Construction and Distribution of Body Resources: Correlations between Ecological, Symbolic, and Medical Systems. Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (ed.). 2005.3.25. ISBN 4-87297-882-X
A881Utilization of land resources by nomads in Mongolia: Past, Present, and Future. Konagaya, Yuki, Karashima Hiroyoshi, and Intoh Michiko (eds.). 2005.3.20. ISBN 4-87297-881-1
A880A Collection of Preliminary Papers. Uchibori, Motomitsu (ed.). 2004.8.10. ISBN 4-87297-880-3
◇ Anthropology of Resources' compiled by Motomitsu Uchibori
A971Anthropology of Resources 1. Uchibori, Motomitsu (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-971-8 *
A972Anthropology of Resources 2. Yamashita, Shinji (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-972-5 *
A973Anthropology of Resources 3. Daniels, Christian (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-973-2 *
A974Anthropology of Resources 4. Ogawa, Ryo (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-974-9 *
A975Anthropology of Resources 5. Kasuga, Naoki (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-975-6 *
A976Anthropology of Resources 6. Matsui, Takeshi (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-976-3 *
A977Anthropology of Resources 7. Intoh, Michiko (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-977-0 *
A978Anthropology of Resources 8. Akimichi, Tomoya (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-978-7 *
A979Anthropology of Resources 9. Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (ed.). 2007.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-979-4 *