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NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in and around Indonesia

Current volume

vol.76, 31 Mar 2024


online edition ISSN 2187-7297
printed edition ISSN 0126-2874


Agent marking in prefix ter- passive sentences in Indonesian
Sakon, Yuta
Field notes on Elkei
Elgh, Erik & Persson, Rasmus
Bound pronominals in West Barito languages
Inagaki, Kazuya

Information about past issues of NUSA can be found here (link).

About NUSA

NUSA focuses primarily on works about languages in Indonesia, but studies of languages from nearby countries are also welcome. Papers appearing in NUSA may be original or translated from languages other than English. NUSA is a peer-reviewed journal and all papers will be fully refereed by at least two anonymous reviewers.

NUSA is the product of a joint cooperation agreement between the PKBB (Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya ‘Centre for Culture and Language Studies’) of Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia, and ILCAA (Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa) at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in Tokyo, Japan.

NUSA was founded by John Verhaar in 1975 and was first published by Badan Penyelenggara Seri NUSA. From 1982, NUSA was co-published with Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in Jakarta. In 2009, NUSA joined the Southeast Asian Linguistics Archives and digitised versions of past editions were made available online via Since 2013, NUSA is made available both as an open-access electronic journal published in Tokyo, and in a print edition published in Jakarta.

Although our main interest is the area of Indonesia, we welcome works on general linguistics that can throw light upon problems that we might face. It is hoped that NUSA might be relevant beyond the range of typological and area specializations and at the same time also serve the deoccidentalization of linguistics.

For members of the editorial committee and review board please see here (link).

Instructions for authors

The journal is published twice a year, on March 31 and September 30. Submissions are accepted at any time. Editorial enquiries should be addressed to
See this page for further details for the submission.

Citing articles in NUSA

All NUSA articles are permanently archived in the Prometheus-academic collections of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library. - Please do not link directly to PDF files when citing the articles. Please use the document URLs provided at the bottom of the first page of the articles (e.g. as these are the persistent identifiers of these works.


Authors retain copyright over all works published in NUSA. All papers published by NUSA are made available through a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license. A plain English description of the license can be viewed here The full legal text appears here Creative Commons licenses enable the legal sharing and reuse of cultural, educational, and scientific works and have been adopted by a growing number of scientists and scholars.

Editorial board

  • Alexander Adelaar (University of Melbourne)
  • Timothy Brickell (La Trobe University)
  • Thomas Conners (University of Maryland)
  • Dwi Noverini Djenar (University of Sydney)
  • Michael Ewing (University of Melbourne)
  • Masashi Furihata (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Lanny Hidajat (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
  • Bradley McDonnell (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
  • Hiroki Nomoto (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Asako Shiohara (Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Antonia Soriente (University of Naples ‘L'Orientale’)
  • Katharina E. Sukamto (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
  • Atsuko Utsumi (Meisei University)
  • Yanti (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)

Review board

  • I Wayan Arka (Australian National University)
  • Peter Austin (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)
  • Abigail C.Cohn (Cornell University)
  • Mark Donohue (Australian National University)
  • Aone van Engelenhoven (Leiden University)
  • David Gil (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
  • Philipe Grange (University of La Rochelle)
  • Gabrielle Hermon (University of Delaware)
  • Nikolaus Himmelmann (University of Cologne)
  • Bambang Kaswanti Purwo (Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia)
  • Ritsuko Kikusawa (Nathional Museum of Ethnology)
  • Marian Klamer (Leiden University)
  • Paul Kroeger (Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics)
  • Simon Musgrave (Monash University)
  • Lawrence Reid (University of Hawai’i)
  • Yoshimi Miyake (Akita University)
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