Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa Monograph Series
The volumes of this monograph series are representative of research results of ILCAA. They are peer-reviewed by researchers inside and outside the Institute.
A772 [AAL-37] A Haya Vocabulary. Kaji, Shigeki (ed.). 2000.3.5. ISBN 4-87297-772-6 *
(Book No.) (Series No.) (Title) (Authors) (Year. Month. Day) (ISBN No.) (*out of stock)
in June 2018
B155 [MO-54] Conservation et Modernisation de la ville historique de Fѐs, Maroc. Matsubara, Kôsuke. 2014.3.25. ISBN 978-4-86337-155-2
B131 [MO-53] Historical Context of the “Man-Mo (Manchuria and Mongolia) Question” in the International Relations of East Asian. Nakami, Tatsuo. 2013.3.28. ISBN 978-4-86337-131-6 *
B127 [MO-52] Ethnography of Affectus: Feeling, Relating, Living in a Southern Thai village. Nishii, Ryoko. 2013.3.29. ISBN 978-4-86337-127-9 *
B099 [MO-50] Exemplarische Rechtsfälle vom Beginn der Han-Dynastie: Eine kommentierte Übersetzung des Zouyanshu aus Zhangjiashan/Provinz Hubei. Lau, Ulrich and Michael Lüdke. 2012.3. ISBN 978-4-86337-099-9
B030 [MO-49] Little "Hunters" in the Forest: Ethnography of Hunter-Gatherer Children. Kamei, Nobutaka. 2010.2.10. ISBN 978-4-86337-030-2 *
A001 [MO-48] The Penal System of the Qin and the Han. Hafner, Arnd Helmut. 2009.3.31. ISBN 978-4-87297-001-2 *
B020 [MO-47] Dialogues with a Forest People: The Songola and their Plant World in the Tropical Rainforest of Central Africa. Ankei, Takako. 2008.3.31. ISBN 978-4-86337-020-3
A000 [MO-46] The Ethnography of Marriage and Death of Woman: When the Widow Chooses a Man in Kenya Luo Society. Shiino, Wakana. 2008.3.28. ISBN 978-4-87297-000-5 *
A939 [MO-44] Ethiopia Represented in the British Enlightenment. Takachio, Hitoshi. 2006.3.31. ISBN 4-87297-939-7 *
A938 [MO-43] Towards New Perspectives of African History: Women, Gender, Feminisms. Tominaga, Chizuko, and Nagahara Yoko (eds.). 2006.3.25. ISBN 4-87297-938-9 *
A894 [MO-42] Historical Phonology of Old Indo-Aryan Consonants. Kobayashi, Masato. 2004.11.10. ISBN 4-87297-894-3 *
A879 [MO-41] The Indochinese Communist Party in the Comintern System. Kurihara, Hirohide. 2005.3.31. ISBN 4-87297-879-X *
A858 [MO-40] “Explanation of the Knowable” by 'Phags-pa bla-ma Blo-gros rgyal-mtshan (1235-1280) : Facsimile of the Mongolian Translation with Transliteration and Notes. Uspensky, Vladimir L., Inoue Osamu (assistance), and Nakami Tatsuo (Preface). 2006.3.31. ISBN 4-87297-858-7 *
A826 [MO-39] Filipinos in Japan and Okinawa 1880s–1972. Yu-Jose, Lydia N. 2002.8.15. ISBN 4-87297-826-9 *
A810 [MO-38] Saugnier, The Slave Trader: French Slave Trade and African Societies in the 18th century. Ogawa, Ryo. 2002.4.20. ISBN 4-87297-810-2 *
A785 [MO-37] Death and Practical Religion: Perspectives on Muslim-Buddhist Relationship in Southern Thailand. Nishii, Ryoko. 2001.3.30. ISBN 4-87297-785-8 *
A782 [MO-36] Advertising in Rural India: Language, Marketing Communication, and Consumerism. Bhatia, Tej K. 2000.10.31. ISBN 4-87297-782-3 *
A775 [MO-35] Modern Approaches to Transitivity. Kikusawa, Ritsuko, and Sasaki Kan (eds.). 2000.3.30. ISBN 4-87297-775-0 *
A761 [MO-34] From Migrant to Citizen: Studies on South Asian Communities Overseas. Koga, Masanori, Naito Masao, and Hamaguchi Tsuneo (eds.). 2000.3.15. ISBN 4-87297-761-0 *