Independent Centers of the University of Oxford, UK (September-November 2010).
His current position (September 2012-July 2013) is a Visiting Professor at the Research Institute of Languages and Cultures for Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) in Tokyo, which is hosted by Prof. Dr. Koji MIYAZAKI, a Professor of Anthropology of Southeast Asia and Oceania of the Institute.
He wrote books and articles on his subjects. The most recent ones are Itḥāf al-dhakī: tafsir wahdatul wujud bagi Muslim Nusantara (2012); “The Roots of the writing tradition of ḥadīth works in Nusantara: Hidāyat al-ḥabīb by Nūr al-Dīn al-Rānīrī”, Studia Islamika, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2012; A Provisional catalogue of Southeast Asian kitabs of Sophia University (2010, co-author with Midori KAWASHIMA and others); Aceh manuscripts: Dayah Tanoh Abee collection (2010, co-author with Toru AOYAMA and others); Tarekat Syatariyah di Minangkabau (2008); Catalogue of Aceh manuscripts: Ali Hasjmy collection (2007, co-author with Munawar Holil); the World guide to Indonesian manuscript collection (1999, co-author with Henri Chambert-Loir); and Menyoal wahdatul wujud: kasus Abdurrauf Singkel di Aceh abad ke-17 (1999).
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