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Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education (CbLLE)

“Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education” (CbLLE) is funded under the “Global COE” program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for establishing education and research centers. CbLLE will be run for five years from 2007 jointly by the Graduate School of Area and Culture Studies and ILCAA, TUFS.

Language Corpus is the collection of data based on the spoken language and written language materials with mark-up containing varied information on pronunciation, grammar, dialect, writing style, etc. Corpus-based linguistics is the domain of linguistics that uses language corpora for the analysis of various subsystems of language such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and also language variation.

With the motto “from field research to linguistic corpus creation, from corpus analysis to language pedagogy,” CbLLE aims at the enrichment of research, educational and developmental environments to strengthen the integration of subfields of linguistics-primary data collections in field, corpus building and linguistic analysis and its application to language education.

To attain the goal, we effectively integrate the activities and results from the three research components.

  • Field linguistic research component: conducting descriptive studies of diverse languages, mainly lesser studied ones, and advancing typological research on the basis of the primary data from a broad range of languages.
  • Corpus linguistic research component: building electronic corpora of languages that have not yet been well-digitized, and conducting research on developing analysis and processing tools such as machine readable dictionaries.
  • Linguistic informatics research component: advancing applied research such as analysis tools development, corpora construction for specific purposes, developing new language pedagogies and learning materials.

CbLLE also aims at nurturing researchers and educators who acquire the methods of the above three subfields of research in a well-balanced manner. The following educational programs serve this purpose:

  • Putting out a call for self-motivating research projects by doctoral course students, to provide them with practical training in field research, corpus creation/analysis and language education.
  • Conducting lectures and presentations jointly made by graduate students and leading researchers in the three subfields
  • Support for encouraging young researchers to make presentations at foreign and domestic conferences.

For more details, please see

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