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Journal of Asia and Africa Studies Back Issue 2007

Articles that are deposited in "Prometheus-Academic Collections of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies" can be downloaded from their links in each volume.

Vol.73 2007-3-31

A Representation of a King in Courtly Literature of the Mysore Kingdom : A Study of Cikkadēvarāja Saptapadi (ja)

Ota, Nobuhiro

The Making of a "National Hero of Chinese Origin"? : The Dynamism of Chineseness in Post-Suharto Indonesia (ja)

Tsuda, Koji

Political History of Sino-Burmese Periphery as Viewed from the Hills : A Case Study on the Lahu Highlanders of Southwest Yunnan in the 18–19th Century (ja)

Kataoka, Tatsuki

The Dual Political Structure in Inner Mongolia after Xinhai Revolution : On the Diarchical System (ja)

Tachibana, Makoto

A Study on al-Dhakhīra : The Sultan's Finance during the Circassian Mamluk Period (ja)

Igarashi, Daisuke

The Ottoman-Arab Perception of "Ottoman Nationhood" : Abdülhamit Zehravi on "ittihad-ı anasır" (ja)

Fujinami, Nobuyoshi

Les "États Tais" Tels que Décrits dans la Chronique de Sënwi (II) : À Propos du Rôle des Esprits et des Astrologues (ja)

Shintani, Tadahiko L. A.

Vol.74 2007-9-30

Bukavu Swahili : Tense, Aspect and Blurry History (en)

Goyvaerts, Didier

The Formation and Disappearance of the “Shadowy Chinese Organization” : The Network of the Ethnic Chinese and their Imagined Communities in the Era of Changing Order in Indonesia (ja)

Tsuda, Koji

Tibetan Babzo [Baozuo] Dialect : Phonetic and Dialectological Analysis (ja)

Suzuki, Hiroyuki

The Formation of Genre Division in Burmese Classical Songs with Special Reference to Song Anthologies in Palm Leaf Manuscripts (ja)

Inoue, Sayuri

Informal Everyday Border Crossings and the Mechanism of State Regulations : A Study of the East Coast of the Thai-Malaysian Borderland (ja)

Takamura, Kazue

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