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Journal of Asia and Africa Studies Back Issue 2006

Articles that are deposited in "Prometheus-Academic Collections of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies" can be downloaded from their links in each volume.

Vol.71 2006-3-31

A Malagasy (Northern Betsimisaraka) text with grammatical notes (en)

Kikusawa, Ritsuko

Preface (<Special feature> Recognition of Japan in Taiwan) (ja)

MIO, Yuko

One problem that anthropologists needs to be aware of in writing ethnography of Taiwan (<Special feature> Recognition of Japan in Taiwan) (ja)

KAMIZURU, Hisahiko

The Change in the Jodo-Shinshu Otani-ha's missions in Taiwan : focusing on the period from the beginning of the Japanese colonial period to the formation ot Taihoku Betsuin Temple (ja)

Matsukane, Kimimasa

Post Colonialism in Taiwanese Buddhism : the case of Fo Guang Shan (ja)

Igarashi, Masako

The fishing technology and the imagined 'Japan' : the case of spear fishing in the Eastern part of Taiwan (ja)

Nishimura, Kazuyuki

Views of Japan as reflected in Taiwanese writings on Nihon bunkaron (ja)

Huang, Chih-huei

The first record of Taiwanese folklore by an early Japanese colonial official : Tai-font-tza-chi (ja)

Lin, Mei-rong

Possibility of heterogeneous narratives in the Japanese colonial period : a case study of "Minzoku Taiwan" (ja)

MIO, Yuko

Tadhkira of Khwāja Ḥasan Ṣaḥibqirān : study on a private manuscript in Ferghana Valley (ja)

Kawawara, Yayoi

Koentjaraningrat's "Gotong royong" thought (ja)

Gumisawa, Hideo

Vol.72 2006-9-30

Rethinking the Safavid Iran (907-1148/1501-1736) : Cultural and Political Identity of Iranian Society during the Safavid Period (en)

Sefatgol, Mansur

The Process of Translation in Dictionarium Latino Lusitanicum, ac laponicum (en)

Kishimoto, Emi

Aspects of the Syntax of Cross-referencing Clitics in Degema (en)

Kari, Ethelbert E.

The Political Relationship between the Qing Dynasty and Kazakh Nomads : Promotion of the "Ejen-Albatu" Relationship in Central Asia (ja)

Onuma, Takahiro

The Ku-t'ien Anti-missionary Incident (1895) : Vegetarian Sect, the shadow of Sino-Japanese War, and the conversion of the missionary diplomacy of the UK and U.S. (ja)

Sato, Kimihiko

Quasi-incorporational' Word-Formation in Shinekhen Buryat (ja)

Yamakoshi, Yasuhiro

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