AA研トップ > 出版物 > NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in... > NUSAヘの寄稿
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Instructions for authors

The journal is published twice a year, on March 31 and September 30. Submissions are accepted at any time. NUSA does not charge authors article processing charges or any fee.

Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 10 lines.
Headings: Numbered headings below Heading 3 are not preferred.
Main text: Normal text is Times New Roman, single-spaced and justified, with a 6pt gap before and after paragraphs. References are (author yea: page) (Sneddon 2006: 70) with the bibliography at the end. All author names should be spelled out, unless there are four or more authors: Arka & Manning (1998), Guilfoyle, Hung & Travis (1992), Alwi et al. (1998); not Guilfoyle et al. (1992), Alwi, Dardjowidjojo, Lapoliwa & Moeliono (1998).
Footnotes: Footnotes are for additional or digressional information and should be kept to a minimum.
Examples: Examples are numbered, with a 1cm tab stop before the text of the example. The text line is in italics. Grammatical glosses should conform to Leipzig Glossing Rules and be in small caps. Enclose free translations with single quotation marks, with full stops inside the quotation marks.
Tables: Tables should be formatted with minimal borders, left-aligned by default, with the caption above the table. Tables that extend to multiple pages should be avoided.
Figures: Figures should be centered, with the caption below the figure.
Quotations: Enclose quotations up to three lines with double quotation marks.
Acknowledgments: Acknowledgements (if any) should appear in the first numbered footnote put after the first section heading.
Abbreviations: List all the abbreviations used in your paper, including those in the Leipzig Glossing Rules list, at the end of the paper before References.
References: NUSA adopts the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistics developed by the Committee of Editors of Linguistics Journals.

Templates are available in MS Word (236KB) and LaTeX (205KB). More detailed information can be found in these files.

Editorial enquiries should be addressed to nusa@tufs.ac.jp

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