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OGURA, Satoshi

Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi,
Tokyo, 183-8534, Japan

Email: ogura[at]

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Research interests: South Asian History

I have studied in the history of Kashmir, and cultural encounters in South Asia during medieval and early modern periods.

Kashmir, the highland hemmed in by the high mountains of Himalayas on the North-Western frontier of South Asia, has a tradition of Sanskrit historiography. Even after the establishment of Muslim sultanate in the early fourteenth century, Hindu pandits who served the court composed its provincial histories in Sanskrit. When Kashmir was annexed to the Mughal Empire in 1586, the series of Sanskrit chronicles was dedicated to the contemporary emperor Akbar, and translated into Persian under his order. I have studied the history of sultanate Kashmir utilizing these Sanskrit chronicles and their Persian translation, as well as Sufi hagiographies, epigraphs, and numismatic sources, in particular, Islamization of the society, Muslim-non-Muslim relationship, identity formation, and the process of textual transmission from the Sanskrit chronicles to Mughal Persian historiography. Recently I extended the scope of my research to other genres of Persian translations of Sanskrit classics made during the Delhi sultanate and Mughal periods.

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SAGAWA, Eiji (ed.) Kunshugō to Rekishi Sekai (Titles of Rulers and the Historical World) (Shigakukai series) (2023-10-30, Yamakawa Shuppansha Ltd.)
Book Info (in Japanese)

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