Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia (jrp000245)
South Asia
South Asia
About the Project
Project term: April, 2018–March, 2021
This joint research project aims to reconsider developments in the theory and methodology of ethnographic studies of South Asian anthropology since the British colonial period, and tries to advance our views and understanding of the cultures and societies of South Asia by reflecting on the various ethnographic works on village societies since the 1950s, and acknowledge its importance and relevance to various fields of South Asian studies for a better understanding of current issues.
The first phase, entitled Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia, will reconsider ethnographic works about Muslim societies, in particular by revisiting an ethnography written by the late Japanese anthropologist Tadahiko Hara (1934-1990), a former professor at the Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, who conducted fieldwork in a Muslim village in East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh), and submitted his PhD thesis to Australian National University in 1967. Revisiting his ethnography after 50 years will enable us to examine the various continuities and changes of rural society in Bengal as well as to review the developments of anthropological perspectives of ethnographic studies.
Jointly sponsored by Core-Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)(18K01200), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
*Pre-registration is needed.
This meeting will be held online through Zoom. Register from here. Registration deadline is 25th Feb.
9:30-9:45 Mitsuru NIWA (The University of Tokyo)
“The Ontological Turn in Anthropology and the Himalayan Ethnographies”
Jointly Sponsored by Core-Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) (Principal Investigator: Kenichi TACHIBANA (Ritsumeikan University) Project number: 18K01200), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator:Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA), Project Number:18KK0024)
Date/Time: Fri 27 Nov 2020 - Sat 28 Nov 2020 16:00–19:30 (Bangladesh Standard Time)
Venue: Online meeting
Language: English
Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research: Fostering Joint International Research (B) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024), Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
27 Nov Part-1 Regional Diversities
Zoom Technical Operator: Riadul Islam Sakib (Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh)
Chair: Rasheda Akhter (Jahangirnagar University)
Opening Remarks
Nurul Huda Sakib (Jahangirnagar University)
[India] Afroza Khatun (Surendranath College for Women, Kolkata) and Utsa Sarmin (Cambridge University)
“Covid 19 and Islam in India: A Study of the Digital Social Media Productions”
[Bangladesh] Ranjan Saha Partha (Jahangirnagar University) and Abul Kalam (Helen Keller Foundation, Dhaka)
“Beyond New Normal Life: COVID-19 and Everyday Experiences of Lower Income Populace in Bangladesh”
[Pakistan] Aliya Abbasi (the University of Queensland, Australia)
“The Violence of Destitution, Inequality, and Deprivation in the age of COVID-19: Struggles of Impoverished Urban Children in Pakistan”
[Sri Lanka] Rajni Gamage (University of Queensland)
“Sri Lanka’s Experience of COVID-19 and the Politics of Authoritarian Populism”
[Afghanistan] Mujib Abid (University of Queensland)
“Pandemic in the Time of War: Responses to COVID-19 Outbreak in Afghanistan”
[Nepal] Keshab Giri (The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia)
“Making Feminist Sense of COVID-19 in Nepal”
Discussant 1: Mozahidul Islam (Jahangirnagar University)
Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554)
Jointly Sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (FINDAS), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) “Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024), 13th Seminar of Modern Bengal Studies
Aya IKEGAME (Tokyo Universtiy)
“Dalit refusal of the buffalo sacrifice in South India: how did anthropological studies miss their voices”
Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagaoya University)
“How can we represent discriminated groups among Muslims?: A case of a musician occupational group in rural Bangladesh”
Discussant: Akio TANABE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University)
Venue: Faculty Lounge Room No. 7010 Department of Media and Communication, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
Language: English
Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project“Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”, Core Project“The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)“Multipolarization of Muslim Societies in South Asia”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B))“Social Dynamism and Islamic Culture in Bangladesh”(Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 18KK0024),Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Independent University, Bangladesh
First Session
Chair: Zakir Hossain Raju (Independent University Bangladesh)
10:00-10:05 Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA)
10:10-10:50 Abhijit Dasgupta (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Delhi)
“Village, Kinship and the Wider World: Prof. Hara Tadahiko’s Contributions to Sociology in South Asia” Discussant: Debasish Kumar Kundu (University of Dhaka)
10:55-11:35 Anwarullah Chowdhury (The former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dhaka & The former Ambassador of Bangladesh to Bahrain)
“Contribution of Tadahiko Hara to Social Anthropology: A Tribute to Professor Hara” Discussant: Zobaida Nasreen (University of Dhaka)
11:40-12:20 Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA)
“Revisiting the Ethnographic Study by the Late Professor Hara Tadahiko: Islam and the Peasant Society of the Gohira village in Chittagong, Bangladesh” Discussant: Sayed Abu Touab Shakir (Jahangirnagar University)
Second Session
Chair: Rasheda Akhter (Jahangirnagar University)
13:20-14:00 Md Mujibul Anam (Jahangirnagar University), Md Abul Kalam (Helen Keller International, Bangladesh)
“The methodological aspects of Professor Hara’s Ethnography and its relevance to Bangladesh village studies” Discussant: Sharmeen Ahmed (Independent University Bangladesh)
14:05-14:45 Atrayee Saha (Muralidhar Girls' College)
“Village as an Economic and Cultural Unit Tadahiko Hara’s study of Paribar and Kinship” Discussant: Mohammad Tarikul Islam (Jahangirnagar University)
14:50-15:30 Ranjan Saha Partha (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Jahangirnagar University)
“Reconceptualizing Peasantry in the Changing Village Structure of Bangladesh.” Discussant: Moiyen Zalal Chowdhury (Hiroshima University)
Third Session
Chair: Manosh Choudhury (Jahangirnagar University), Raisa Rasheeka (Independent University Bangladesh)
16:00-16:30 Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Nagoya University)
“Individualism in Rural Bangladesh: Ethnography of Professor Hara and Other Village Studies” Discussant: Masood Imran (Jahangirnagar University)
“General Discussion” Discussant: Nurul Huda Sakib (Jahangirnagar University), Ala Uddin (University of Chittagong) Comments: Abhijit Dasgupta (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Delhi)
Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Multipolarization of the Muslim society in South Asia” (Principal Investigator: Masahiko TOGAWA (ILCAA) Project Number: 19H00554), The Center for South Asian Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (FINDAS)
Session 1 (in Japanese)
Sachiyo KOMAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Takasaki City University of Economics)
“Pakistani Community and Forced Marriage in Norway”
Remembering Village after 50 Years: Revisiting an Ethnography by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko
Date/Time: Sun 24 Jun 2018 14:50–17:30
Venue: Room 115, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Language: Japanese
Jointly sponsored by Japan Bengal Forum, Core Project “The Potential Value of Indigenous Knowledge in Managing Hazards in Asia and Africa: The Anthropological Explorations into the Linkage of Micro-Macro Perspectives 2” and Joint Research Project “Ethnographic Studies of Muslim Society in South Asia”
Shinkichi TANIGUCHI (Hitotsubashi University, Professor Emeritus)
Welcome address
“Revisiting Ethnographic Studies of Rural Society in Bengal:Reconsidering an Ethnographyof the Muslim Peasant Society by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko”
Ai SUGIE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies/JSPS)
“Multifaceted nature of contemporary Bangladeshi village society: from an ethnography by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko and subsequent village studies”
Koichi FUJITA (Kyoto University)
“Social foundation of agricultural and rural development in Bangladesh with special reference to the arguments by the late Professor Hara Tadahiko”