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ILCAA Joint Research Project

Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers (jrp000252)

Formation of the Indic World:From the Perspective of Frontiers


  • South Asia
  • Frontiers
  • Cultural contacts
  • Regional Identities


  • South Asia



About the Project

Project term: April, 2019–March, 2022

This research project aims to investigate various phenomena of cultural contacts and acculturations that occurred in the frontiers of South Asia, including Bengal, Assam, Nepal, Trans-Himalaya, Kashmir, East Afghanistan, Sind, and South India, from the ancient period to the modern period. The focus is on cultural encounters of transregional Sanskrit and Persianate cultures and local cultures in various frontiers. Through a comparative study on cases of frontier areas, this project attempts to verify the possibility of combining the separate regional identities in each frontier and their development into the sense of belonging to “the Indic World.”

Satoshi OGURA, Project Coordinator
(Associate Professor, ILCAA)



  • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)


  • Nobuaki KONDO
  • Masahiko TOGAWA
  • Nobuhiro OTA

Joint Researchers

  • Diwakar ACHARAYA
  • Ryosuke FURUI
  • Minoru INABA
  • Ryosuke KOBAYASHI
  • Ryouichi MIYAMOTO
  • Kiyokazu OKITA
  • Jae-Eun SHIN
  • Toru TAK
  • Masato TORIYA
  • Yuko YOKOCHI
  • Chizuko YOSHIMIZU



The 6th meeting

  • Date/Time: Mon 28 Mar 2022 13:00–18:00
  • Venue: Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese, English
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is needed. Please contact: ogura[at] (please change [at] to @) .
  • Kiyokazu OKITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University)
    “Rethinking Hindu-Muslim Relations: A Critical Religion Approach to the Premodern Hagiographies of Caitanya”
    Masato TORIYA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, TUFS)
    “The Frontiers of South Asia in the Modern and Contemporary Periods as Seen from Pashtuns' Movement and Activity”
    Ryosuke KOBAYASHI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University)
    “The Kingdom of Sikkim and the Modern Era of Tibet”
    Toru TAK (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka University)
    “Religion and Federalism: The Idea of “India” in the British Empire”

The 5th meeting Report (Japanese)

  • Date/Time: Sat 3 Jul 2021 15:00–18:00
  • Venue: Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • Chizuko YOSHIMIZU(ILCAA Joint researcher, Tsukuba University)
    “Transmission of Buddhism from Kashmir to Tibet as Seen by Tibetan Sources”
    Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    Book Review: Manan Ahmed Asif, “The Loss of Hindustan”, Harvard University Press, 2020.

The 4th meeting Report (Japanese)(363KB)

  • Date/Time: Sun 28 Mar 2021 16:00–19:00
  • Venue: Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese, English
  • Yuko YOKOCHI(ILCAA Joint researcher, Kyoto University)
    “Literay representations of ideal kings in 8-9 century Kashmir: with special reference to the Rājataraṅginī and the Kapphiṇābhyudaya”
    Diwakar Acharya(ILCAA Joint researcher, The University of Oxford)
    “Kinship among the gods in the Himalayas: Interaction of Sanskrit and local cultures in Nepal”

The 3rd meeting Report (Japanese)(197KB)

  • Date/Time: Sat 14 Nov 2020 16:00–18:00
  • Venue: Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project “Formation of the Indic World: From the Perspective of Frontiers”, Joint Research Project "Studies on the cultures and societies in Premodern Inner Asia and its adjacent areas", Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
  • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    “1000 Years of Indigenous Groups in Northern Punjab”

The 2nd meeting (rescheduled) Report (Japanese)(311KB)

  • Date/Time: Wed 26 Aug 2020 14:00–18:00
  • Venue: Online meeting
  • Language: English, Japanese
  • Norihisa BABA (The University of Tokyo)
    “Formation of Historography in Buddhism: Indian Mainland and Sri Lanka”
    Jae-Eun SHIN (ILCAA Fellow, The University of Tokyo)
    “Descending from Demons, Ascending to Kshatriyas: Genealogical Claims and Political Process in Pre-modern Northeast India”

[This meeting has been postponed]
The 2nd meeting

  • Date/Time: Sun 29 Mar 2020 14:00–19:00
  • Venue: Hongo Satellite 8F Conference Room
  • Language: English, Japanese
  • Norihisa BABA (The University of Tokyo)
    “Formation of Historography in Buddhism: Indian Mainland and Sri Lanka”
    Jae-Eun SHIN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo)
    “Descending from Demons, Ascending to Kshatriyas: Genealogical Claims and Political Process in Pre-modern Northeast India”
    Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    “1000 Years of Indigenous Groups in Northern Punjab”

The 1st meeting Report (Japanese)(520KB)

  • Date/Time: Thu 26 Sep 2019 14:00–18:30
  • Venue: Hongo Satellite 8F
  • Language: English, Japanese
  • 26 Sep
  • 1. Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA)
    2. Ryoichi MIYAMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyoto University)
    “From the Kushans to the Hephthalites: the movements of Human Groups from Central Asia to South Asia”

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