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Asian and African Languages and Linguistics Vol.12

Articles that are deposited in "Prometheus-Academic Collections of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies" can be downloaded from their links in each volume.

Vol.12  2018.3.31

Special Feature: GRAID

Corpus-based Typological Research in Discourse and Grammar: GRAID and Multi-CAST (en)

Schnell, Stefan and Schiborr, Nils Norman

Operationalizing Philippine-type Syntax for GRAID System: Clause Structure, Case Marking, and Verb Class in Arta (en)

Kimoto, Yukinori

The GRAID-annotated Jinghpaw Corpus: Annotations and Initial Findings (en)

Kurabe, Keita

A Progress Report on Sumbawa Annotated-spoken Corpus: Tentative Annotation Notes (en)

Shiohara, Asako

Language Materials

A Classified Lexicon of Jinghpaw Loanwords in Kachin Languages (en)

Kurabe, Keita

Lhagang Choyu Wordlist with the Thamkhas Dialect of Minyag Rabgang Khams (Lhagang, Dartsendo) (en)

Suzuki, Hiroyuki and Sonam Wangmo

Editors of volume 12

  • Shinagawa, Daisuke (Editor-in-chief)
  • Adachi, Mayumi
  • Aoi, Hayato
  • Arakawa, Shintaro
  • Hoshi, Izumi
  • Ito, Chiyuki
  • Kogura, Norikazu
  • Kurebito, Tokusu
  • Nakayama, Toshihide
  • Sawada, Hideo
  • Shiohara, Asako
  • Watanabe, HonorĂ©
  • Yamakoshi, Yasuhiro

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