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AOI, Hayato

Research Associate, Ph.D.

Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi,
Tokyo, 183-8534, Japan

Email: haoi[at]

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Research interests: Ryukyuan Linguistics, Phonetics, Phonology

My main research topic is description of the rare linguistic phonetic features of the Ryukyuan languages

My area of research interest is phonetics and phonology of the Ryukyuan languages, especially the typologically rare features of those. Fieldwork of the Ryukyuan languages always excite my feeling of curiosity because there are many languages and dialects in the Ryukyu archipelago and each of them has some special phonetic and phonological features.
I have been conducting research on the Miyako-Tarama Ryukyuan, which is the language spoken in Tarama Island, between Miyako Island and Ishigaki Island. One of the most interesting topic of the Miyako phonetics is a laminal vowel. It has the peculiar articulation, a laminal (alveolar) articulation with a dorsal (velar), which is cross-linguistically rare.

Research Interests:

1. Collection of lexicon and texts of the Miyako-Tarama Ryukyuan: Since the Miyako-Tarama Ryukyuan is one of the endangered languages in Japan, to provide a reference grammar and sufficient linguistic data of it is an urgent task. I will intensely collect texts and lexicon and describe a reference grammar of Tarama.
2. Investigation of the Okinawa-Ie Ryukyuan: The cross-linguistically rare phonetic feature in the Rykyuan languages other than a laminal vowel is a glottalized consonant. I will describe its phonetic details through fieldwork research on the Okinawa-Ie Ryukyuan, which has a variety of glottalized consonants.

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