Multi-disciplinary Study on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia (The Second Term) (jrp000209)
Southeast Asia
cultural diversity
Southeast Asia
Middle East
About the Project
Project term: April, 2014–March, 2017
The general outline of this study project is to conduct comparative field research on the nature of ethnic relations between Muslims and Non-Muslims in various Southeast Asian countries. To this purpose, the research project would invite researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds such as Anthropology, History, Political Science, and Islamic Studies to contribute to the study. Our team will organize various workshops and/or conferences in the Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office (KKLO) in Malaysia, an international research office of ILCAA.
Hisao TOMIZAWA, Project Coordinator (University of Shizuoka)
Organized by Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives 2”
Yasuko KOBAYASHI (Nanzan University)
“World viewed from the Islamic periodicals in colonial Indonesia:A tentative assumption”
Takashi KAWABATA (ILCAA Joint Researcher / Uzabase Asia Pacific)
“Reproduction of Misunderstandings on “Halal Business“ in Japan”
International Workshop on Islam and Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia
Date/Time: 28 August 2016 (Sun.) 14:00–20:00
Venue: Gaya Room 1, Hotel Meridien Kota Kinabalu (Jalan Tun Fuad Stephens, Kota Kinabalu)
Laungage: English
Jointly sponsored by Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office and Core resarch program “The potential value of indigenous knowledge in managing hazards in Asia and Africa: Anthropological explorations linking micro-macro perspectives”
Opening Remarks
Omar Farouk (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
“Islam and Multiculturalism across Mainland Southeast Asia”
Shamsul A. B. (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
“From Diversity to Super-diversity in the Muslim world of Nusantara: A conceptual and empirical transformation“
“Balinese dance in multi-religious Jakarta ― A study of Muslim learners and Hindu instructors”
Yuji TSUBOI (ILCAA Research Associate)
“An alternative vision for Malayan decolonization from the perspective of Muslim intellectuals in Singapore“
All members
Hisao TOMIZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka)
“New Relationship created by two religious organizations: Focusing on support activities of Tablighi Jama’at and World Vision in a Muslim Village of Southern Thailand”
Najib Burhani (LIPI, Indonesia / Kyoto University)
“Diverse Islamic Trends and the Construction of Orthodoxy in Indonesia”