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ODA, Jun’ichi


Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi,
Tokyo, 183-8534, Japan

Email: odaj[at]

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Research interests: Bibliometrics

Rather than using my head, I prefer to gather or analyze data by the sweat of my blow.

A linguist said that the poetic function is the transformation of form into content. I tried to describe retrospectively this form transformed from content as regards the various genres of “text” including music or image by metrical methods, because the form is able to be, in a certain sense, measured or scaled. But then, the reproducibility of a phenomenon is a requirement for scientific research. If we can represent the process of transformation from form into content as a computational model using function, the automatic generation of text is theoretically feasible. I researched this reverse transformation process by trial and error.

Recent Interests: My research in recent years was the computational re-investigation of the rhetorical theory from Cicero to the present day and application of these results to the study of folk tales or music of various areas. Since last year, I have been collecting folk tales from Indian Ocean islands and laying the foundation for analyzing how the same motifs appear in transformed form.

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