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ILCAA Joint Research Project

Research on African Food Cultures: Approaching Their Changing Realities (jrp000289)



  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Food culture
  • Urban and rural diets
  • National cuisine
  • Food dynamics and sustainability


  • Sub-Saharan Africa



About the Project

Project term: April, 2023–March, 2026

In Sub-Saharan Africa, where the urban population is rapidly growing with high economic and population growth, dynamic changes occur in food situations. Previous studies on African food culture mainly concentrated on rural situations. On the contrary, this project aims to approach the true nature of various African food cultures in transition by focusing on new developments in food culture proceeding mainly in urban areas and positively forwarding the comparison of food cultures in urban and rural societies. The interaction between both the cultures is also analyzed.

Takeshi FUJIMOTO, Project Coordinator



  • Takeshi FUJIMOTO


  • Hiroki ISHIKAWA

Joint Researchers

  • Yuichiro FUJIOKA
  • Reita FURUSAWA
  • Masaya HARA
  • Sota HARAKO
  • Tomoki IKEBE
  • Chiharu KAMIMURA
  • Yasu’o MIZOBE
  • Yujie PENG
  • Toru SAGAWA
  • Yasuaki SATO
  • Akiyo SHIOYA
  • Takao SHIMIZU
  • Hideaki SUZUKI
  • Yui SUNANO
  • Yachiyo TOBITA
  • Haruna YATSUKA



The 4th meeting Report (Japanese)

  • Date/Time: Sat 15 Jun 2024 13:30–17:15, Sun 16 Jun 2024 10:00–12:40
  • Venue: Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room
  • Language: Japanese
  • 15 Jun
    13:30-15:15 Research Presentation 1: Hiroyuki INAI (Waseda University)
    “Fish-eating Culture in Semi-arid Cameroon”
    15:30-17:15 Research Presentation 2: Hideaki SUZUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
    “Dried Shark Meat from the Swahili Coast: In Relation to the Western Indian Ocean”
    16 Jun
    10:00-12:15 Research Presentation 3: Hitomi NAKAO (Kyoto University)
    “A Regional Comparison of Staple Foods in Northwestern Tanzania: Focusing on the Use of Maize and Cassava”
    12:25-12:40 Research Liason: Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama)
    “Status Report on Publication Project and Future Plans”

The 3rd meeting Report (Japanese)

  • Date/Time: Sat 23 Mar 2024 13:30–17:45, Sun 24 Mar 2024 9:30–12:30
  • Venue: Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Medium Conference Room, Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • 23 Mar
    13:30–15:30 Research Presentation 1: Hana SHIMOYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS Research Fellow)
    “Cultivation and utilization of yams: A report on a preliminary survey in Savannah State, Central Ghana, where cassava cultivation is widespread”
    15:45–17:45 Research Presentation 2: Tomoki IKEBE (ILCAA Joint Researcher, JSPS Research Fellow)
    “Transformation of Food and Agriculture in Colonial Senegal”
    24 Mar
    9:30–11:45 Research Presentation 3: Hiroki ISHIKAWA (ILCAA)
    ““Injera" in Ethiopia in the mid-19th century”
    12:00–12:30 Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama)
    Research Liaison

The 2nd meeting Report (Japanese)

  • Date/Time: Sun 26 Nov 2023 10:30–17:00
  • Venue: Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • 10:30–12:00 Yujie PENG (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shizuoka University)
    “Spicy food in Cameroon: A preliminary research report”
    13:00 –14:30 Reita FURUSAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Chubu University)
    “Maize food culture in Accra, a city of colonial origin”
    14:45–16:15 Haruna YATSUKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsuda College)
    “Re-evaluating plant-based local food: Diversity and locality of murenda in Tanzania”
    16:30–17:00 Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama)

The 1st meeting Report (Japanese)

  • Date/Time: Sun 25 Jun 2023 13:00–18:45
  • Venue: Hongo Satellite 5F Seminar Room, Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • 13:00–14:10 Takeshi FUJIMOTO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Toyama)
    “Explanation of the purpose of this joint research project”
    14:20–16:30 Yui SUNANO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Niigata University)
    “Local brewing in Kenya and Tanzania in the expansion of commercial beer”
    16:45–18:45 Yachiyo TOBITA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tsukuba University)
    “Dietary culture of Senegalese urban residents”

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