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ILCAA Joint Research Project

Rethinking History of Agriculture and Rural Society in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution (jrp000251)

Rethinking  History of Agriculture and Rural Society in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution


  • sub-Saharan Africa
  • Southeast Asia
  • indigenous agriculture
  • green revolution
  • hisoty
  • anthropology
  • agricultural economics
  • comarative study on peasant society


  • sub-Saharan Africa
  • Southeast Asia



About the Project

In sub-Saharan Africa, policies aimed at agricultural modernization have so far been unsuccessful. African agriculture, however, has not simply stagnated but undergone several drastic changes from the colonial era up to the present-day globalization. In order to adapt to the changing environment, African peasant farmers have made countless agricultural innovations based on their copious knowledge of local agro-ecology. Paul Richards refers to this grassroots innovation as an “indigenous agricultural revolution,” thereby suggesting an African way of agricultural development as an alternative to the Green Revolution, which is characterized by its top-down approach and one-size-fits-all application of the scientific method. Based on Richard’s thought-provoking argument, this research project examines the history of agriculture and rural societies in modern Africa from the viewpoint of the indigenous agricultural revolution in order to gain insight into future sustainable agricultural development in Africa.

Tadasu TSURUTA, Project Coordinator
(Professor, Kindai University)



  • Tadasu TSURUTA (Kindai University)


  • Hiroki ISHIKAWA

Joint Researchers

  • Taro ADACHI
  • Takako ANKEI
  • Hideo FUKAZAWA
  • Takeshi FUJIMOTO
  • Yuichiro FUJIOKA
  • Koichi IKEGAMI
  • Kaori KOMATSU
  • Masahiko MATSUDA
  • Rumiko MURAO
  • Shuichi OYAMA
  • Chizuko SATO
  • Yasuaki SATO
  • Tatsuro SUEHARA
  • Kazuhiko SUGIMURA
  • Toshikazu TANAKA



The 5th meeting Report (Japanese)(337KB)

  • Date/Time: Sat 10 Jul 2021 13:00–17:00
  • Venue: Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • 1. Yasuaki SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Osaka Sangyo University)
    “Problems Revolving around Introduction of Genetically Modified Bananas in Uganda”
    2. Yuichiro FUJIOKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kyushu University)
    “Change in Practices and Perception of Farmers on Introduction of New Rice Growing Technique in SATREPS(2012-17), Namibia”
    3. Chizuko SATO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Institute of Developing Economics)
    “Land Improvement for Africulture in South Africa”

The 4th meeting Report (Japanese)(814KB)

  • Date/Time: Sun 28 Mar 2021 13:00–18:00
  • Venue: ILCAA Seminar Room (301),Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • 1. Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI (Kyoto University)
    “Outline and Recent Changes of Agro-pastoralism in Tibet”
    2. Naoaki IZUMI (Mejiro University)
    “Family and Wealth Accumulation among Pastoralists in East Africa”

The 3rd meeting Report (Japanese)(246KB)

  • Date/Time: Sun 15 Nov 2020 13:00–18:00
  • Venue: Room 303, Toukou, Omiya Campus, Ryukoku University,Online meeting
  • Language: Japanese
  • 1. Koji TANAKA (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
    “Agriculture in Africa from the Viewpoint of History of Agricultural Development in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Perspective”
    2. Mitsutoshi TOKUNAGA (Osaka University of Economics)
    “Toward a New History of Japanese Agriculture and Comparative Study on Agricultural Systems based on Circulation of Living Things”

[This meeting has been canceled]
The 3rd meeting

  • Date/Time: Sun 15 Mar 2020 11:00–18:30
  • Venue: Training Room, Umeda Campus, Ryukoku University (2-2-2 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka)
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly Sponsored by ILCAA Joint Resarch Project “Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa (2): From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Local Innovation History and Small-scale Cash Generating Activities among African Peasants” (Principal Investigator: Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) Project Number: 18H00776)
  • 1. Koji TANAKA (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
    “Agriculture in Africa from the Viewpoint of History of Agricultural Development in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Perspective”
    2. Shino YAMAMOTO (Research Institute of Travel Culture)
    “Market as a Place for Co-living: A Case Study on Regular Markets in Kochi”
    3. All members
    Discussion on Future Publication

The 2nd meeting Report (Japanese)(293KB)

  • Date/Time: Sat 14 Dec 2019 14:00–18:30, Sun 15 Dec 2019 9:30–13:00
  • Venue: ILCAA Seminar room (301)
  • Language: Japanese
  • Jointly Sponsored by ILCAA Joint Research Project "Rethinking the History of Agriculture and Rural Societies in Africa: From the Viewpoint of Indigenous Agricultural Revolution (2)", Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (B) “Local Innovation History and Small-scale Cash Generating Activities among African Peasants” (Principal Investigator: Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University) Project Number: 18H00776)
  • 14 Dec
  • Yuko YAMANE (International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture, Nagoya University)
    “Agricultural Technical Support in Post-modern 21th Century; Based on Local Case Studies in Tanzania and Kenya”
    Koichi IKEGAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kindai University)
    “Localization of the Decade of Family Farming of the United Nations”
  • 15 Dec
  • Kaori KOMATSU (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hokkai Gakuen University)
    “Domestication and Values on Nature”
    Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University)
    “Development of Vegetable Production among the agro-pastoral Gogo in central Tanzania”
    All members
    Discussion on Future Publication

The 1st meeting Report (Japanese)(191KB)

  • Date/Time: Sat 13 Jul 2019 14:00–18:30, Sun 14 Jul 2019 9:30–13:00
  • Venue: Hongo Satellite 7F
  • Language: Japanese
  • 13 July
  • Yuko SUGIYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Hirosaki University)
    “Innovation as a Social Process; A Case of the Bemba”
    Tadasu TSURUTA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kindai University)
    “Agricultural Revolution and Innovation in Africa: Reexamining Sugiyama's Innovation Theory”
  • 14 July
  • All members
    Discussion on Agricultural Revolution and Innovation in Africa
    All members
    Discussion on Future Publication

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