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ILCAA Joint Research Project

Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative Study of Institution and Practices about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States (jrp000180)

Citizenship for Migrants and Refugees: Comparative study of Institution and Practice about Inclusion and Exclusion from Nation-States


  • Migrants
  • Refugees
  • Citizenship
  • Nationality
  • State
  • Human Rights
  • Nationalism
  • Stateless


  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • Palestine
  • Israel
  • Philippine
  • China
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Britain
  • France
  • Sudan
  • Kenya


About the Project

Project term: April, 2011 - March, 2014

AIM OF PROJECT: The purpose of this project is to clarify the current development of migration in light of complex acquisition of citizenship and residency, so as to investigate inclusion and exclusion of migrants and refugees from nation-states. In pursuit of this aim, we will consider the idea of nationality–membership in the nation-state–and citizenship–potential rights of citizens that usually accompany nationality–separately, and will explore the possibility of unilateral development for each. Modern phenomena such as activated transnational movement and prevalence of supra-national associations illuminate the difficulty of coping with human mobility by each country separately. It became irrelevant to consider migrants and refugees as deviant factors of the societies; instead, they require new ideas. Thus, the research questions will be: Is it possible to expect citizenship without nationality? How do the current nation-states tackle with the issues of nationality and citizenship? What is the relationship between citizenship and national identity? We will invite scholars who share an interest in the questions and investigate them through comparative study of institutions, policies and practices about citizenship.

Aiko NISHIKIDA, Project Coordinator (ILCAA)





  • Ikuya TOKORO
  • Yuko MIO

Joint Researchers

  • Atsusi KONDO
  • Chizuko KAWAMURA
  • Kazuyori ITO
  • Kenichi YANAI
  • Kouji HORINUKI
  • Machi OKUYAMA
  • Nozomu YAMAZAKI
  • Shinya KONAKA
  • Tien-shi CHEN
  • Yuko TOBINAI



The 9th meeting

  • Date/Time: 8 December 2013 (Sun.) 13:00-18:30
  • Venue: Room 304, ILCAA
  • Language: Japanese
  • Meeting for the publication of articles by the members

The 8th meeting

  • Date/Time: 21 July 2013 (Sun.) 14:00-18:30
  • Venue: Room 304, ILCAA
  • 14:00-16:00 (open meeting)
  • Gianluca Parolin (ILCAA visiting associate professor)
    “(Non-)Naturalization Policies in the GCC Member States”
    Language: English
  • 16:15-18:30 (closed meeting)
  • All members
    Research meeting for publication
    Language: Japanese

The 7th meeting : Report(Japanese)(161KB)

  • Date/Time:21 April 2013 (Sun.) 13:00-18:30
  • Venue:Room 304, ILCAA
  • Namie TSUJIGAMI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The University of Tokyo)
    “Saudization Sustained by Foreign Labourers”
    Ikuya TOKORO (ILCAA)
    “Dymaics of “Migrant/Refugee” situation in the Philippine Muslim society”
    All members
    Research meeting

The 6th meeting : Report(Japanese)(226KB)

  • Date/Time: 12 January 2013 (Sat.) 14:00-16:00, 13 January 2013 (Sun.) 9:30-15:30
  • Venue: Conference Hall - Winds, Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center “GRANSHIP” (12 Jan.)
    Center for Global Studies, Graduate School of International Relations, University of Shizuoka (13 Jan.)
  • Language: Japanese
  • 12 January [open workshop]
    Workshop “What are regugees?: Marginalized people in Asian and African countries”
    “Refugees: Palestinian refugees after 65 years of Diaspora”
    Yuko MIO (ILCAA)
    “Migrants: Indiginized Chinese in Vietnam”
    Shinya KONAKA (ILCAA Joint researcher, University of Shizuoka)
    “Internally Displaced Persons: Neglected People in East Africa”
    CHEN Tien-shi (ILCAA Joint research, National Museum of Ethnology)
    “Stateless: How they are living in Japan”
    Q & A between Panelists and the students
    Presentation of the activity for international cooperation by Yoshiwara High school
    Q & A by the students of Yoshiwara High school with panelists
  • 13 January [closed meeting]
  • Shinya KONAKA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka)
    “Citizens without Citizenship: Internally displaced Persons among East African Pastoral Societies”
    Kazuyori ITO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Shizuoka)
    “The logic of state formation in the process of decolonization: Implications for the concept of citizenship in developing countrie”
    Yuko TOBINAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Sophia University)
    “Whom Are They Becoming?: Citizenship in Transition in the Case of People’s ‘Migration’ Coursed by Independence of South Sudan”
    Research meeting

The 5th meeting : Report(Japanese)(145KB)

  • Date/Time:27 October 2012 (Sat.) 13:00-18:30
  • Venue:Room 405 (Workshop Space), ILCAA
  • Bashir Bashir (Hebrew University in Jedrusalem, Israel)
    “Multidimensional Citizenship in Israel:between hierarchy and equality”
    Itamar Y. Lee (Center for Contemporary China Studies, Korea)
    “The Devided Region Without a Regional Indentity: The Paradox of Shifting Regional Identity in Northeast Asia”
    All members
    Research meeting

The 4th meeting

  • Date/Time:7 July 2012 (Sat.) 13:00-18:30
  • Venue:Room 304 (Multismedia Conference Room), ILCAA
  • Machi OKUYAMA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Tokiwa University)
    “Dilemma of Israel as a Jewish Democratic State”
    Atsushi KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Meijo University)
    “Characteristics and Issues of Japan’s Migration Laws: How to Compare Immigration and Integration laws”
    All members
    Research meeting

The 3rd meeting : Report(Japanese)(169KB)

  • Date/Time:5 February 2012 (Sun.) 13:00-18:30
  • Venue:Room 304 (Multismedia Conference Room), ILCAA
  • Koji HORINUKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, The Institute of Energy Economics)
    “Nationals and Migrants in the Arab Gulf States: A Study on “National-minority States””
    Kenichi YANAI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Kwansei Gakuin University)
    “Why and how to protect the HumanRights of non-nationals?” (Tentative Title)
    All members
    Research meeting

The 2nd meeting : Report(Japanese)(162KB)

  • Date/Time:14 May 2011 (Sat.) 13:00-18:30
  • Venue:Room 304 (Multismedia Conference Room), ILCAA
  • Lara, Tien-shi CHEN (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Museum of Ethnology)
    “Migrant, Refugee and the issue of Statelessness”
    Shunsuke OZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, ILCAA research fellow)
    “Citizenship and Nationality in France―Rethinking the Significance of the 1889 Nationality Law”
    All members
    Research meeting

The 1st meeting : Report(Japanese)(156KB)

  • Date/Time:9 April 2011 (Sat.) 13:00-18:30
  • Venue:Room 304 (Multismedia Conference Room), ILCAA
  • All members
    Nozomu YAMAZAKI (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Komazawa University)
    “The historic development of the citizenship concept :on the future of political community”
    “Palestinans without nationality: Legal unstability of the refugees and displaced persons”
    All members
    Research meeting

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