Summary of the project: This project aims at the development of descriptive studies on Indonesian Languages, and to conduct the following two activities.
I. To clarify the grammatical diversity and similarity among Indonesian Languages, by gathering data and knowledge on individual languages presented by each researcher.
The main topic of the project is “grammatical voice,” on which there will be typological and historical discussions. Grammatical voice is related to many other grammatical topics such as “indication of information structure” and “tense/aspect/ mood”; so looking into the topic will lead to a deeper understanding of a greater part of the grammar of the languages of this area.
In addition to the main topic, a sub-topic, which will with be presented by the participants, will be dealt with.
II. To conduct a digital archiving of linguistic data, on which the linguistic research at I above will be based. This activity is conducted, in collaboration with the “Documentation and Archiving of Language Data Project,” within the “Linguistic Dynamics Science Project” at ILCAA.
International Workshop on ‘special genres’ in and around Indonesia
Date/Time: 17 February 2013 (Sun.) 9:15-17:45, 18 February 2013 (Mon.) 9:30-17:45, 19 February 2013 (Tue.) 9:45-17:30
Venue: Room 303 (Large Conference Room), ILCAA
Language: English
17, February
David Gil (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
“Word Structure in Malayic Languages of Sumatra: Evidence from Special Registers”
John Bowden (Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
“Riddling traditions in eastern Indonesia and East Timor: some preliminary notes”
Pascal Couderc (L'École des hautes études en sciences socials)
“Kandan, a traditional oral genre of the Uut Danum of West Kalimantan”
Meili Fang (Ochanomizu University) and David Nathan (SOAS, University of London)
“Divining Siraya: Sources of language and authority in documentation and revitalisation”
Rik De Busser (National Chengchi University)
“Language moulded by God’s hand: The influence of Christianity on the Bunun language”
Aone van Engelenhoven (Leiden University)
“Hide and Seek in the Deer’s Trap: Language Concealment and Linguistic Camouflage in Timor Leste”
Obing Katubi (LIPI) (Indonesian Institute of Sciences)
“Lego-lego of Alor people in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia: The Expression of Ancestor’s Experience and Language Maintenance”
Mike Pangilinan (Subcommission on Cultural Communities and Traditional Arts Region III) and Hiroaki Kitano (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Aichi University of Education)
“Metaphors in Kapampangan”
Tessa Yuditha (Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
“Indonesian Metaphorical Conceptualizations of ANGER, LOVE and HATE: An Overview”
18, February
Masahiko Nose (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Shiga University)
“Omission of object verbal markers in Amele: Difference in data between Haia and Huar dialects”
Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and Sonja Riesberg (University of Cologne)
“Some observations on special speech styles in Tomini-Tolitoli languages”
Antonia Soriente (ILCAA Joint Researcher, University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
“Endangered oral literature genres in Punan Tubu (East Kalimantan)”
“Multiple languages and heteroglossia in Indonesian adolescent fiction”
Michael C Ewing (The University of Melbourne)
“Framing devices in Indonesian Comics”
Howard Manns (Monash University)
“Gaul, conversation and youth genre(s) in Java”
Anthony Jukes (ILCAA Joint Researcher, CRLD, La Trobe University)
“Bahasa Alay on the Periphery: Facebook and Manado Malay”
Dédé Oetomo (GAYa NUSANTARA)
“Bahasa Binan: The Languages of Indonesia’s Gay Men and Transgender Women and People Related to Them”
19, February
Yanti*, Timothy McKinnon^, Heri Mudra+, Peter Cole°and Gabriella Hermon° (*Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia; ^Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology; +Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Sungai Penuh; °University of Delaware)
“The Story of Jarupanta: A traditional Kerinci kunaung”
“Peribahasa (proverbs) in Sumbawa”
Mika Okushima (Tenri University)
“Buddhist-Hinduist terms into oral histories of Kayanic peoples in East Kalimantan, Indonesia”
Peter Austin (SOAS, University of London)
“Documenting endangered literary genres in Sasak, eastern Indonesia”
Anthony Jukes (ILCAA Joint Researcher, CRLD, La Trobe University)
“Relative clauses in Makassarese”
Yanti*, Tim McKinnon^, Peter Cole° and Gabriella Hermon° (*Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia; ^Max Planck Institute for EvolutionaryAnthropology; °University of Delaware)
“Relative Clauses in Jambi Malay and Kerinci”
John Bowden (Jakarta Field Station, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
“Combining clauses in Taba”
Mark Donohue (ANU)
“Grammatical functions and pragmatic considerations in clause combining”