『アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究』バックナンバー 1996年
第51号 1996年3月30日
- Agentless versus Non-agentive Passives in Swahili (en)
- 1
MKUDE, Daniel Joseph
- Prototypicality and the Syntax of Possession in Swahili (en)
- 15
MKUDE, Daniel Joseph
- Aḥmad Kasravī : Literary Critic (en)
- 29
- From History to Fiction : The Formal Interlace in San Guo Yan Yi (en)
- 63
YAO, Yao
- The History of Akan Complementizers (en)
- 93
OSAM, Emmanuel Kweku
- The Wa State (1945-60) : Problems of Emergence into the Modern World (en)
- 209
Sai Kham Mong
- Linguistic Schizophrenia or Linguistic Competence? : The Bilingual's Linguistic Repertoire (en)
- 265
Magura, B.J.
第52号 1996年9月30日
- Conspicuous Consumption and Classes of Goods (en)
- 1
KARIM, Wazir-Jahan
- The Construction and Transformation of a Social Identity : Malayness and Bumiputeraness Re-examined (en)
- 15
- Religious Legitimation in the Healing Practice of an Uyghur Preacher : A Field Report from Rural Turpan (en)
- 35
WANG, Jianxin
- Esquisse du Kibinja-Sud : Langue Bantoue de la Frontière C-D (fr)
- 81
- On the 'Kwaness' of Nigerian Pidgin : Insights from Verb Serialization (en)
- 125
NDIMELE, Ozo-mekuri
- A Changing Tugutil of Halmahera, Indonesia : Twofold Studies for Further Research (en)
- 151
Martodirdjo, Haryo S.