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Associate Professor, Dr.

Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi,
Tokyo, 183-8534, Japan

Email: aikon[at]

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Research interests:Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Middle-Eastern Area Studies, Refugee Studies

Palestine-Israel after 60years – How do People Survive the Prolonged Conflict.

The Conflict between the Muslim / Christian Palestinians and Jewish Israelis continued to be over 60 years since establishment of the Israel country in 1948. People expelled from their homeland have spent their lives in the state of prolonged Diaspora, reaching to be the second or the third generation.
This state of Palestinians arouses questions: how do they develop their identity in Diaspora? What will be the main pillars of it, and how will it be affected by the policy of the host countries? Motivated by these questions, I have done my research in the Occupied Palestine, Jordan and most recently in Lebanon.
The politically, legally and socially unstable condition of Palestinians compels them to pursue pragmatic choice in utilizing modern apparatus like nationality, passports or ID cards. In my study I would like to illuminate the people’s strategy for living in interaction with political and legal framework of the host countries, using methodology of anthropology, sociology and political science.

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