Archiving Fieldwork Materials of the Ainu Language: an Interdiciplinary Research (3) (jrp000293)
researcher archives
endangered languages
North / Northeast Asia
About the Project
Project term: April, 2024–March, 2027
A large set of documents related to the Ainu language were donated to ILCAA in 2014, and specialists in various disciplines, including linguists, historians, musicologists, and archivists, will collaborate on interdisciplinary studies to explore improved methods of document archiving, document analysis (comprehension of their content and mutual relations among them) to maintain the relationship between the documents and bereaved local communities, human rights protections, document preservation, and finally, the publication, promotion, and utilization of documents.
“For the publication of the field materials of Saru dialect of Ainu in ILCAA: A study based on questionnaire surveys for the users of the Ainu language archives (2)”
14:10–15:00 Mika FUKAZAWA (ILCAA Joint Researcher, National Ainu Museum)
“For the documentation of Ainu field materials in ILCAA: materials from Bihoro dialect (9)”