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Upcoming Events

Some events marked as “open” are open to the general public.

(Numbers shown under the Venue correspond to these rooms located in ILCAA.
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Date/TimeEvent TitleDetailsVenue
Wed 1 May 2024
– Sun 28 Jul 2024
The World of Seiji Mouri: Tattoos make up in Film and TV series
  • Seiji Mouri, now 94 years old and a resident of Kyoto, has been working as an actor and tattoo artist at Toei's Kyoto Studio for over 40 years.
  • He has worked on many Toei and NET films, including “Showa Zankyo Den” (from the fourth film onward), “Hibotan Bakuto,” “Jinginaki Tatakai(Battles Without Honor and Humanity),” and the “Kin-san of Toyama” series.
  • By means of a technique and special paints that Mr. Mouri has developed independently, He has painted tattoos on more than 150 stars, including Ken Takakura, Kouji Tsuruta, Junko Fuji, Hideki Takahashi, Hiroki Matsukata, Ken Matsudaira, Reiko Takashima, and more than 2000 actors in total.
  • This exhibition will be divided into two phases, displaying Mr. Mouri's tattoo drafts, as well as photographs, scripts, posters, and pamphlets from the collections of Toei Company, TOEI Kyoto Studio Park and Film Library, Yoshimi Yamamoto, and others, along with film and TV drama footage.
  • For details, please see here.
  • Language: Japanese
Organized by
Executive Committee of “The World of Seiji Mouri: Tattoos make up in Film and TV series”
Toyfilm museum
Sat 29 Jun 2024
– Mon 22 Jul 2024
Journey to Tibet Via Ogikubo
  • Opening hours of the venue: Monday, Thursday, Friday 16:00–22:00 / Saturday, Sunday, Holidays 13:00–21:00 (Last entry is one hour before closing time.)
  • Tibetan Folktales: Tales of the Golden Corpse Illustration Exhibition
  • This is an exhibition of illustrations drawn by Kuranishi for the book “Tibetan Folktales: Tales of the Golden Corpse”. The “Tale of the Golden Corpse” was brought to Tibet with the arrival of Buddhism from India, and has been passed down and loved for many years in connection with folktales passed down throughout Tibet, strongly reflecting the life and religious culture of the Tibetan people. We hope the visitors will become familiar with Tibetan storytelling culture through the beautiful illustrations.
  • Three events will be held during the exhibition.
  • Jul. 14 (Sun.) 13:00–15:30 Reading Workshop “Flowers and Dreams”
  • Jul. 21 (Sun.) 10:30–12:30 Storytime “Tibetan Folktales: Tales of the Golden Corpse”
  • Jul. 21 (Sun.) 13:30–15:30 Screening of “A Day in the Life of Tibetan Pastoralists” with commentary
  • For details, please see here.
  • Please contact: hoshi[at] (please change [at] to @)
  • Language: Japanese
Jointly sponsored by
Via Ogikubo, TUFiSCo, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Principal Investigator: Izumi HOSHI (ILCAA) Research Project Number: 20H04480)
Cooperated by
Nora-shoten Publishers Inc., Shunjusha Publishing Company
Via Ogikubo
Sat 20 Jul 2024,
Thu 25 Jul 2024,
Fri 2 Aug 2024
Online Workshop Series 2024 “Emergencies and Food”
  • Day 1: Saturday 20 July 2024, 13:30–15:00
  • Day 2: Thursday 25 July 2024, 17:00–18:30
  • Day 3: Friday 2 August 2024, 15:00–16:30
  • Online Workshop Series 2024 “Emergencies and Food” (July 20, July 25, and August 2, 2024)
  • The following online workshop series will be held by Grants-in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust Building in Islamic Civilization” (Area Organizer: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA); 20H05823) and Publicly Offered Research of Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) "Food in Emergencies: Connectivity and Trust Building Being Challenged in the Middle East and North Africa" (Principal Investigator: Yuko Ido: 23H03929).
  • <Poster①>
  • The Middle East and Africa continuously suffer from complex crises such as war, occupation, natural disasters, and food insecurity. Situating their regional contexts within global history, experts will explain the complexities behind the situations of each country from various perspectives.
  • 【Details】
  • The workshop series will be held via Zoom on the following schedule.
  • *Admission Free, open to the public
  • **Pre-registration is required. For registration, please see here. (Zoom link will be sent after registering)
  • 【Program and Abstract】
  • <Poster②>
  • Workshop Series 2024 Day 1:
  • Date: Saturday, July 20, 2024 13:30–15:00
  • Opening Address: Hidemitsu Kuroki (Area Organizer/ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Speaker: Manabu Shimizu (Representative, Eurasia Consultant Ltd.)
  • Title: “The foreign policy and agricultural technology of Israel: its growing high-tech and deployment of transnational capitalism”
  • Discussant: Ryoji Tateyama (Professor Emeritus, National Defense Academy of Japan)
  • Registration deadline: July 19, 2024 18:00
  • Abstract:
  • One of the undercurrents of the Israel-Palestine conflict is the agricultural issues related to the distribution of water resources. However, water and food security has become increasingly important as a global issue. Israel has strategically emphasized the development of science and technology in their Zionism movements since the Mandate, and has sought their own agricultural technical system such as drip watering, bio, agro-industrial complex to overcome the limits of agricultural production in the arid land. Those outcomes fulfilled a function of diplomatic leverage with the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America etc. In the mid-1980s, the Israeli economy carried out a drastic structural reform from Zionist socialism to neo-liberalism and internationalization, which led to dynamic privatizations, global mergers and acquisitions, and monetary internationalization. Following the wave of digitization in the mid-1990s, through new developments such as growing high-tech and startup companies, the advanced ‘smartification’ of agricultural technology has been developed. This presentation will discuss the diplomatic role of Israeli technology including agriculture from global perspectives.
  • <Poster③>
  • Workshop Series 2024 Day 2:
  • Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024 17:00-18:30
  • Speaker: Rawia Altaweel (Visiting professor, ILCAA/ Former officer, UNICEF)
  • Title: “Yemen’s Current Situation and the Houthis Intervention in the Red Sea”
  • Discussant: Hiroshi Sato (President, Tokyo Institute for Development Sociology)
  • Registration deadline: July 24, 2024 18:00
  • Abstract:
  • Presenting Yemen's current internal context as the country has been struggling with political instability and socioeconomic deterioration since the Arab Spring popular uprising and the following takeover of the capital Sanaa in 2014 by the Houthis that triggered the Saudi-led coalition military campaign on Yemen from 2015 to date. Following that, exploring the Houthis intervention in the Red Sea as a reaction to the Israeli war on Gaza since October 2023; such interventions have significantly impacted international trade via Bab Al-Mandab, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean.
  • <Poster④>
  • Workshop Series 2024 Day 3:
  • Date: Friday, August 2, 2024 15:00–16:30
  • Speaker: Akihiro Seita (Director of Health, UNRWA)
  • Discussant: Aiko Nishikida (Professor, Keio University)
  • Title: “Protracted Gaza War and Humanitarian Crisis: Report from the Field”
  • Registration deadline: August 1, 2024 18:00
  • Abstract:
  • Though more than eight months have passed since October 7, 2023, a cease-fire agreement has not been reached in the Gaza war. The bombing and attacks continue across a wide area including hospitals and schools causing immense damage and casualties including civilians, medical workers, and journalists. On July 9, Israeli Defense Forces attacked the Headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the northern part of Gaza and Israeli military attacks and political pressure continues against UNRWA, which have provided lifelines to inhabitants in Gaza who have been forced to evacuate. In this workshop, the current situation in Gaza will be reported by Akihiro Seita, who has dealt with the medical and humanitarian aid in the local area as Director of Health of UNRWA for many years.
  • For details, please see here. (in Japanese)
  • Contact:
  • Yuko Ido (Principal Investigator)
  • e-mail: menafoodemergency[at] (Please change [at] to @)
Jointly sponsored by
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Connectivity and Trust-building in the Islamic Civilization” Organizer (Principal Investigator: Hidemitsu KUROKI (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H05823), Publicly Offered Research of Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “Food in Emergencies: Connectivity and Trust Building Being Challenged in the Middle East and North Africa” (Principal Investigator: Yuko Ido(ILCAA) Project Number: 23H03929)
Online meeting
Mon 22 Jul 2024
Parliamentarism and the Despotic regime in Iran
  • Yoshiaki TOKUNAGA (JSPS/ Nihon University)
  • “Parliamentarism and Dictatorship: Potentials and Challenges of Parliamentary Studies in 1920s Iran”
  • Comment: Yasuyuki MATSUNAGA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Language: Japanese
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required for online participants
  • For the registration, please see here.
Organized by
Joint Research Project: Fraud in a Free Election: the 6th Iranian National Election in Qom, 1926
301, Online meeting
Tue 23 Jul 2024
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Overcoming divisions and searching for coexistence: Approaches of Islam and Gender Studies (jrp000303)” The 2nd meeting
  • 16:00 Pre-Meeting
  • 17:00 Speaker 1: Hidemitsu KUROKI “Majority and Minority: What are the Problems?”
  • 17:40 Speaker 2: Kaoru MURAKAMI “'Periphery' Feminism”
  • 18:20 Break
  • 18:30 Speaker 3: Chikako MORI “Egohistory and Ecohistory: A Study on Qualitative Research Methodology”
  • 19:10 Discussion
  • 19:30 Closing
  • Language: Japanese
Organized by
Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room, Online meeting
Wed 24 Jul 2024
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Cultural Heritage Archiving of Historic Cairo and its Practical Use for Research and Education (jrp000290)” The 2nd meeting
  • Yasser Elshayeb, who specialises in geological analysis using GIS and has a background in archaeological research, will talk about the possibilities of using GIS in urban analysis.
  • 14:00–15:00 Presentation by Yasser Elshayeb
  • 15:00–15:30 Discussion
  • For a profile of Yasser Elshayeb, please see here.
  • Language: English
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration: if you wish to attend, please contact kuma[at] (Please change [at] to @)
Organized by
Online meeting
Wed 24 Jul 2024
Learn how to create English-Japanese subtitles
  • 11:00–11:05 About the seminar (Emi Goto, ILCAA)
  • 11:05–12:20 Basics of English-Japanese Subtitling (Tetsuji Sakurai, Japan Visual Translation Academy/JVTA)
  • 12:20–12:30 Q&A
  • Language: Japanese
Organized by
Core Project “Field Archiving of Memory: Dynamics of Cooperation within the Islamic Society” (Principal Investigator: Jin NODA (ILCAA))
301, Online meeting
Fri 26 Jul 2024
Book Launch: “On Liberation of Arab Women” by Qasim Amin
  • Two books of Qasim Amin (1863-1908), “The Emancipation of Women” (1899) and “The New Woman” (1900), are well-known classics of feminism in the Arab and Islamic world. More than 120 years later, we are pleased to announce the publication of a Japanese translation of the books from Hosei University Press.
  • At this launch, the translators will explain the significance of the books from their perspectives. Specialists in gender and labor in the Muslim world and British gender history are invited as commentators to discuss the books from different angles. The format of the seminar will be online (ZOOM). Japanese will be the language. It is hoped that the widest audience, including the general public and graduate and undergraduate students, will participate in a free and open discussion.
  • 18:00 Opening Remarks, Moderator: Keiko SAKAI (Chiba University)
  • 18:10 Translator: Emi GOTO (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) “Qasim Amin and Egyptian Feminism”
  • 18:25 Translator: Hiroki OKAZAKI (Asia University) “Qasim Amin’s Theory of Women’s Liberation in Arab Modern Thought”
  • 18:40 Commentator: Erina IWASAKI (Sophia University)
  • 18:50 Commentator: Chihiro UMEGAKI (Aoyama Gakuin University)
  • 19:00 Discussion
  • Language: Japanese
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 26th Jul.
  • Contact: emi-gto[at] (Please change [at] to @)
Jointly sponsored by
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)“Sense of Nation and Knowledge Production among the migrant communities from the Middle East” (Principal Investigator: Keiko SAKAI (Chiba University) Project number: 24H00136) , Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “A Study of the Challenges and Solutions for Muslim Communities in the Context of Contemporary Pluralism and Diversity” (Principal Investigator:Emi GOTO (ILCAA) Project number: 24K03160), Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists “The Concept of “Coexistence” and Its Practice in Modern and Contemporary Arab Thought and Literature” (Principal investigator: Hiroki Okazaki (Asia University) Project number:22K12988)
Online meeting
Sat 27 Jul 2024
DDDLing Forum: The front line of Vietnamese grammar studies / The 5th Vietnamese Language Colloquium
  • 10:30–11:00 Thi Kim Cuong DINH (Graduate School, University of Tsukuba) “About the function of non-restrictive noun modifier in Vietnamese”
  • 11:00–11:30 Takuya WASHIZAWA (Kanda University of International Studies) “Analysis on usages of sự and bị in the process of grammaticalization in the early 20th Century Vietnamese and feeling of modern native speakers towards them ”
  • Facilitator: Mayumi ADACHI (ILCAA)
  • General Inquiries: Mayumi Adachi (adachi[at]; Please replace [at] with @)
  • Language: Japanese
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • For registration, please see here (in Japanese). Registration deadline is at noon 24th Jul. (Application may be closed early)
  • Zoom meeting invitation will be sent in the afternoon on 25 July (Thu.). If you don’t receive it on 25 July, please contact Mayumi Adachi (adachi[at] by 26 February (Fri.) (Please change [at] to @).
Organized by
Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa” (DDDLing)
Online meeting
Sun 28 Jul 2024
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Long-term cultural interrelation and transformation around the Gulf of Oman. (jrp000302)” The 1st meeting
  • 13:30-13:45 Taichi KURONUMA (ILCAA) “Introduction”
  • 13:45-14:45 All members “Self-introduction and introduction of research”
  • 14:45-15:00 Break
  • 15:00-15:40 Taichi KURONUMA (ILCAA) “Long-term cultural interrelation and transformation around the Gulf of Oman –Seen from Southeast Arabia before the arrival of Islam”
  • 15:40-16:20 Yasuhisa KONDO (ILCAA Joint Researcher, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature and The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI)) “Geography and archaeology of the Musandam Peninsula”
  • 16:20-17:30 All members “Discussions and meetings”
  • Language: Japanese
Organized by
301, Online meeting
Thu 1 Aug 2024
Workshop on “Watershed Society and Island Society in Nation-States”
  • This workshop will discuss the watershed to maritime societies of Asia and Oceania from the perspective of nation-states.
  • The workshop is held in Surabaya during the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS13) in Surabaya, Indonesia.
  • Facilitator: Aya Kawai (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foregin Studies)
  • 14:00 Yuka Oishi (Kobe University) Opening Remarks
  • <Part1: Watershed Society>
  • 14:05 Malcolm Wong Keng Yi (Singapore University) “Degrees of Disruption: Orang Asli River-oriented Accommodations during the Japanese Period”
  • 14:20 Tuck-Po Lye (University Science Malaysia) Comment
  • Q&A
  • 14:35 Wolfs Benjamin (Kobe University) “Local (Re)discoveries and Their Diffusion: a Case Study of Yokoyama Jun’s Medicine Bottles in Tatsuno City, Japan”
  • 14:50 Vivienne Wee (Ethnographica Private Limited) Comment
  • Q&A
  • 15:05 Break
  • <Part2: Island Society>
  • 15:20 Ayane Kimura (Kobe University) “A shift in the perception of the place: comparison of memories of schools in colonial times to the present-day narratives of Torres Strait islanders on Thursday Island”
  • 15:35 Geoffrey Benjamin (Nanyang Technological University) Comment
  • Q&A
  • 15:50 Sakine Nakajima (Kyoto University) “Saints Across the Bay of Bengal: The Past and Present of the South Indian Islamic Saints’ Shrines in Penang”
  • 16:05 Lye Tuck-Po (University Science Malaysia), Geoffrey Benjamin (Nanyang Technological University) Comment
  • Q&A
  • 16:20 Break
  • 16:40 Saki Maeta (Kobe University) “Marginal Intellectuals as Intermediaries of Divinatory Knowledge: Primbon Publishers in 20th Century Java”
  • 16:55 Vivienne Wee (Ethnographica Private Limited) Comment
  • Q&A
  • 17:10 Discussion
  • 17:25 Yuka OISHI (Kobe University) Closing Remarks
  • Language: English
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • For registration, please see here. Registration deadline is 21th Jul.
Jointly sponsored by
ILCAA Core Project (Anthropology) “Anthropological Inquiry of Sociality: Dynamics of Tolerance/Intolerance in Transcultural Contexts”, Research Grant of Foundation of Kinoshita Memorial Enterprise “Regional comparative study on the interaction between river environments and people” (Principal Investigator: Yuka OISHI (Kobe University)), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Territorial Governance and Intangible Spaces: Anthropological Approaches toward Nation-States in Asia and Africa” (Principal Investigator: Hisashi SHIMOJO (Kobe University) Project number: 23K25434)
Hotel Dafam Pacific Caesar Surabaya (Room Jasmine), Indonesia
Sun 4 Aug 2024
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Intellectual encounters in Calcutta prior to and after the foundation of the Asiatic Society: From early modern traditions to colonial épistémè (jrp000304)” The 1st meeting
  • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA), Kengo HARIMOTO (ILCAA, University of Naples) “L'Orientale” “Introduction”
  • Satoshi OGURA (ILCAA) “The Ā'īn-i Akbarī and Western Indology: with Special Reference to the Category of the Six Systems of Philosophy”
  • All members “Self-introductions and discussions about how to forward the project”
  • Language: Japanese
Organized by
Hongo Satellite 3F Seminar Room, Online meeting
Thu 15 Aug 2024
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Diachronic Perspectives on Language Description and Typology in Bantu (jrp000292)” The 2nd meeting
  • 1. Makoto Furumoto (ILCAA) Introduction
  • 2. Rasmus Bernander (University of Gothenburg) “Grammatical reconstruction as a tool for field work and language description of Bantu languages”
  • 3. Lutz Marten (SOAS), Hannah Gibson (Essex), and Rozenn Rozenn Guérois (CNRS-LLACAN) “Approaching morphosyntactic variation through (surface) parameters”
  • 4. Daisuke Shinagawa (ILCAA), Nobuko Yoneda (Osaka), and Yuko Abe (Lanzhou) “Five years from the ILCAA Bantu-MV project: a critical review and a future perspective”
  • 5. All participants Disucussion
  • Language: Japanese
Jointly sponsored by
ILCAA Core Project “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)“The Parameter-driven approach to cross-Bantu typology: Exploring the variation and universals in Bantu languages” (Principal Investigator: Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA) Project number: 23H00622), Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (Principal Investigator:Makoto FURUMOTO (ILCAA) Project number: 24K16047)
University of Dar es Salaam
Thu 22 Aug 2024
Intensive Language Courses 2024 Tlapanec cultural lecture ①
  • Speaker: Keisuke GOZAWA
  • Title: “Understanding Mesoamerica and Using Maya”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • For registration, please see here. (in Japanese)
  • Registration deadline is 18th August.
  • Zoom meeting invitation will be sent on 19th August.
  • Contact: kenkyu-zenkoku[at] (please change [at] to @).
Organized by
306, Online meeting
Wed 4 Sep 2024
Intensive Language Courses 2024 Tlapanec cultural lecture ②
  • Speaker: Mitsuya SASAKI
  • Title: “Painting readings, reading paintings: A Nahuatl guide to Mexican toponymy”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • For registration, please see here. (in Japanese)
  • Registration deadline is 29th August.
  • Zoom meeting invitation will be sent on 30th August.
  • Contact: kenkyu-zenkoku[at] (please change [at] to @).
Organized by
306, Online meeting
Fri 6 Sep 2024
Migration within and from Southeast Asia: A Symposium
  • Program (tentative, subject to change)
  • 13:00–13:05 Opening Remarks/ Introduction (Prof. Ikuya TOKORO: ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • 13:05–13:35 Presentation 1: “Highly skilled Thai migrants in Japan” (Prof. Kayoko ISHII, Rikkyo University)
  • 13:35–14:05 Presentation 2: “Ambulance Chasing in Southeast Asia: The Case of Filipino Seafarers” (Prof. Joefe B. Santarita, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman)
  • 14:05–14:25 Open Forum
  • 14:25–14:35 Break
  • 14:35–15:05 Presentation 3: “Mobility change and “family” form: A case of foraging people in Peninsular Malaysia” (tentative title) (Associate Prof. Aya KWAI: ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • 15:05–15:35 Presentation 4: Lumad Displacement from their Land and Homes: The case of indigenous communities in Bukidnon (Assoc. Prof. Ma. Cecilia A. Medina, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman)
  • 15:35–15:55 Open Forum
  • 15:55–16:05 Closing Remarks (Assoc. Prof. Jocelyn O. Celero, Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman)
  • Language: English
Jointly sponsored by
Kota Kinabalu Liaison Office (KKLO), ILCAA. Core Project (Anthropology)
Asian Center, UP-Diliman, the Philippines
Tue 10 Sep 2024
ILCAA Joint Research Project “Intellectual encounters in Calcutta prior to and after the foundation of the Asiatic Society: From early modern traditions to colonial épistémè (jrp000304)” The 2nd meeting / NIHU Global Mediterranean Research Project meeting
  • Kengo HARIMOTO (ILCAA, University of Naples) “Toward Hinduism: What it means to be a Vedavādin”
  • Language: Japanese
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required for online participants.
  • For the registration, please see here. (Zoom link will be sent after registering)
Jointly sponsored by
ILCAA, NIHU Global Area Studies Program: The Global Mediterranean at ILCAA
Room W205, Humanities and Social Sciences Classroom Building, Hokkaido University, Online meeting
Thu 26 Sep 2024
Presentation on the online resource created by IRC projects (1st meeting in 2024)
  • Daisuke SHINAGAWA (ILCAA, TUFS), Kanji KATO (ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities, National Institute of Informatics)
  • The making of the online lexical database of A dictionary of the Swahili language compiled by Mzee Morino T. and Nassor Nakazima H.
  • Chair: Honoré WATANABE (ILCAA, TUFS, Head of IRC)
  • Admission: Free
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Language: Japanese
  • For registration, please see here.
Organized by
Online meeting

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