Hindi Full-Text Search (Godan)

(Last modified 7 September 1999)

How to use this tool
Exercise (if you are not accustomed to this tool)
Try KWIC (KeyWord In Context) search
Refer to the transcription rules to be used here

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How to use this tool

The text to be retrieved is `Godan', a Hindi novel by Premchand (1880-1936). The text size is approximately 1.1 Mbytes.

[Hindi spelling to be used]
This tool presupposes spelling (not actual) pronunciation following the transcription rules.

[What you have to do]
This retrieval system presupposes that any word form, precisely speaking, character-sequence can be divided into two parts, that is, BASE and SUFFIX. BASE is unchangeable fore part of the target word to be retrieved through the text. SUFFIX is any inflectional ending of the target word. This concept of the word structure enables you to retrieve, at a time, all the possible word forms to be generated on the basis of BASE-SUFFIX combination. So, what you have to do is:

  1. Input a BASE of the target word.
  2. Select a SUFFIX type fitting for the BASE you have inputted.

If you want to retreive a single form out of all the possible forms,

  1. Input the full spelling of the target form as BASE.
  2. Select `Indeclinable' as SUFFIX type.

[BASE-SUFFIX samples]

BASE SUFFIX type forms to be covered meaning
suMdara Indeclinable suMdara-ZERO beautiful
baR Adjective (baR-aa) baR-aa, baR-e, baR-ii big
laRak Masculine (laRak-aa) laRak-aa, laRak-e, laRak-O boy
g'ar Masculine (g'ar-a) g'ar-a, g'ar-O house
laRaki Feminine (laRaki-i) laRaki-i, laRaki-yAA, laRaki-yO girl
pustak Feminine (pustak-a) pustak-a, pustak-E, pustak-O book
dek' Verb (dek'-anaa) dek'-anaa, dek'-ie, dek'-o,
dek'-UUgaa, ... etc.
to see
dik'aa Verb (dik'aa-naa) dik'aa-naa, dik'aa-ie, dik'aa-o,
dik'aa-UUgaa, ... etc.
to show
niicaa dik'aa Verb (dik'aa-naa) niicaa dik'aa-naa, niicaa dik'aa-ie,
niicaa dik'aa-o, niicaa dik'aa-UUgaa,
... etc.
to look down

[Output (KWIC)]
In response to your inquiry, the result is output in the form of KWIC (Key Word In Context). The max. number of sentences to be displayed at a time is 100.


1) Select any one out of the following sample BASEs.

2) Select a SUFFIX type fitting for the BASE you have selected.
Indeclinable Adjective Noun Verb
Masculine Feminine
Adverb, postposition, etc. baR-aa laRak-aa laRaki-i dek'-anaa
dasav-AA g'ar-a pustak-a dik'aa-naa

Transcription rules


1) Input a BASE of the target word.

2) Select a SUFFIX type fitting for the BASE you have inputted.
Indeclinable Adjective Noun Verbs
Masculine Feminine
Adverb, postposition, etc. baR-aa laRak-aa laRaki-i dek'-anaa
dasav-AA g'ar-a pustak-a dik'aa-naa
Saraabi-i maataa- k-aranaa
AAsu-u biTiy-aa d-enaa
kiraa-yaa bahu-u p-iinaa
d'u-AA Sakti- ga-yaa
^$i- d'aatu- h-ona
Satru- t'-aa

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How to use this tool
Transcription rules
non-nasalized nasalized
short long short long
a aa A AA
i ii I II
u uu U UU
^ ^^
e E
ai AI
o O
au AU
M (for `anusvaara'), H (for `visarga')
+ (delimiter for separating syllabic units, if necessary)
ex. ka+ii (not kai+i) `some', lak'ana+uu (not lak'anau+u) `Lucknow'.
voiceless voiced nasal
unaspirated aspirated unaspirated aspirated
k (q) k' (x) g (G) g' B
c c' j (z) j' ~
T T' D (R) D' (R') N
t t' d d' n
p p' (f) b b' m
y r l v
S $ s
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How to use this tool

K. Machida: kmach@aa.tufs.ac.jp