Hindi Electronic Dictionary (CGI)

(Last modified 13 September 2000)

Exercise (if you do not know how to use this dictionary)
Try on-line Hindi dictionary (old version)
Try on-line dictionary of Hindi (new version)
Refer to the transcription rules to be used here

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Hindi World


Select any one of the following sample forms, and click `GO'.
Here are inflected forms of `laRakaa' (boy) and `pustaka' (book).
Note that spelling (not actual) pronunciation is adopted to input.
Spelling pronunciation is based on the transcription rules.

On-line Hindi dictionary (old ver.)

Input Hindi word(s) in any form.
Note that spelling (not actual) pronunciation should be inputted
according to the transcription rules .

On-line Dictionary of Hindi (new ver.)

Input Hindi word(s) in any form,
according to the transcription rules .
(OUTPUT > table format)

Transcription rules
non-nasalized nasalized
short long short long
a aa A AA
i ii I II
u uu U UU
^ ^^
e E
ai AI
o O
au AU
M (for `anusvaara'), H (for `visarga')
+ (delimiter for separating syllabic units, if necessary)
ex. ka+ii (not kai+i) `some', lak'ana+uu (not lak'anau+u) `Lucknow'.
voiceless voiced nasal
unaspirated aspirated unaspirated aspirated
k (q) k' (x) g (G) g' B
c c' j (z) j' ~
T T' D (R) D' (R') N
t t' d d' n
p p' (f) b b' m
y r l v
S $ s
Top of this page
On-line Hindi dictionary (old version)
On-line dictionary of Hindi (new version)

K. Machida: kmach@aa.tufs.ac.jp