Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
New Research Initiatives in Humanities and Social Sciences
Domain II - (1) Advanced Studies for Building Peace

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>>>> Intermational Symposiums

  • "Ethnic Division of Polity and Society in Post-Civil War and Under-Conflict Nations: Cyprus, Lebanon, Former Yugoslavia, Iraq and Israel/Palestine" (28 January, 2007)
  • "The Memory of Violence/Genocide: Its Meaning in the Process of Peace Building"(18 March, 2006)
  • "Political Violence and Human Security in the Post-9.11 World" (18-19 December, 2004)
  • "Human Security: Perspectives from Area Studies" (10 January, 2004)

>>>> International Workshops

  • "Guerrilla in the Balkans: Freedom Fighters, Rebels or Bandits - Researching the Guerrilla and Paramilitary Forces in the Balkans from 15.-20. Century in the Comparative Global Perspective" (14-16 September, 2006)
  • Urgent Workshop on the Israeli Attacks against Lebanon (21 July, 2006)
  • "Political and Economic Interaction in the Ottoman Mediterranean" (23 April, 2005)
  • "Islam and Peace-Building in Southeast Asia" (29 March, 2005)
  • " History Studies in the Modern Arab World: From Maghrib and from Mashriq" (4 November, 2004)
  • "Reconsidering the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990)" (3 November, 2004)

>>>> Seminars

  • Open Seminar on maps and geoinformatics of Palestine/Israel (by Jan de Jong, 8 December, 2006)
  • Open Seminar on "Unraveling the European Security and Defence Policy Conundrum in the Eastern Mediterranean: What role for Cyprus?" (by Yiorghos Leventis, 13 Febrary, 2006)

>>>> Lectures

  • Open Lecture by Mahdi Elmandjra, "The First Civilizational War, Mega-Imperialism and the Humiliation of the Muslim World" (10 Febrary, 2006)
  • Open Lecture by Massoud Daher, "Japanese Policy towards the Middle East: A Lebanese Perspective" (14 November, 2004)

>>>> Events

  • Documentary Film Conference (Screening of "Massaker" and "Beirut 1982" and Discussing with directors of filems) (24 September, 2007)
  • Screening of "Out of Place" and Talk with Mei Shigenobu(16 December, 2006)
  • Asia Africa Documentary Film Conference 2005 (23-24 September, 2005)
  • Photo Exhibition "Guatemala: Memoria du un Ángel" (by Daniel Hernández-Salazar, 1-16 May, 2004)

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