日本学術振興会 人文・社会科学振興プロジェクト研究事業
領域II - (1) 平和構築に向けた知の展開

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International Symposium
"Ethnic Division of Polity and Society in Post-Civil War and Under-Conflict Nations:
Cyprus, Lebanon, Former Yugoslavia, Iraq and Israel/Palestine"

Date: Sunday, January 28, 2007.
Place: Tokyo Green Palace, Nibancho 2, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0084 http://www.tokyogp.com/english/index.html
Admission free/ No registration required/ Simultaneous Interpretation provided

日時:2007年1月28日(日)10:30-20:30(開場10:00- )
場所:東京グリーンパレス らんWの間 http://www.tokyogp.com/index.html

  10:00- Doors Open
  10:30-10:45 Hidemitsu Kuroki (Professor, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies): Welcome Remarks and Preamble

1. Session of Cyprus and Lebanon
Chair: Makoto Kobayashi (Professor, Yokohama City University)
  10:45-11:15 Andreas Theophanous (Professor, Intercollege, Cyprus)
    "Revisiting the Cyprus Question: The Challenge and the Promise"
  11:15-11:30 Discussion
  11:30-12:00 Lokman Slim (Director, Umam Documentation and Research, Lebanon)
   "Democracy Divided: Unlearned Lessons from Lebanon"
  12:00-12:15 Discussion

  12:15-13:30 Lunch Break & Coffee Break

2. Session of Former Yugoslavia
Chair: Yuji Ishida (Professor, University of Tokyo)
  13:30-14:00 Tetsuya Sahara (Associate Professor, Meiji University)
   "Yugoslav Wars of Succession: Chaotic Nationalism or Nationalization of Chaos?"
  14:00-14:30 Hidajet Repovac (Professor, Sarajevo University, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
   "Ethnic Conflicts on the Balkans - Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina"
  14:30-14:50 Discussion
  14:50-15:05 Coffee Break

3. Session of Iraq and Israel/Palestine
Chair: Keiko Sakai (Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  15:05-15:35 Hala Fattah (Former Director, American Academic Research Institute in Iraq, Jordan)
   "Ethnicity, Sectarianism and the Nation in Iraq : A Very Personal Point of View"
  15:35-15:50 Discussion
  15:50-16:20 Ahmad Sa'di (Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
   "Advocating "Transfer" : The Liberman Epiphenomenon"
  16:20-16:35 Discussion
  16:35-16:50 Coffee Break

4. Session of Comments and Discussion
Chair: Jun Furuya (Professor, Hokkaido University)
  16:50-17:20 Comment1:Taro Tsukimura (Professor, Kobe University)
  17:20-17:40 Comment2: Hiroyuki Tosa (Professor, Kobe University)
  17:40-18:30 Discussion
  18:30-20:30 Reception

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* "Advanced Studies for Building Peace" Project (supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, coordinator: Hidemitsu Kuroki(ILCAA))
*The Research and Educational Project for Middle East and Islamic Studies at TUFS
With the Cooperation of:
*NIHU Program: Islamic Area Studies -Unit of the University of Tokyo
*Comparative Studies on Transnational socio-political movements in contemporary Asia and Africa(Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A), JSPS: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
・日本学術振興会・人文・社会科学振興プロジェクト研究事業 「平和構築に向けた知の展開」(代表:黒木英充)

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