search `sphur' in `Apte Dic'

meanings of "sphur" [1]


6.P; (sphurati, sphurita)

1. (a). to throb; (b). to shake;

2. to twitch;

3. to start;

4. to spring back;

5. to spring or break forth;

6. to start into view;

7. to flash;

8. to shine;

9. to flash;

10. to go tremulously;

11. to bruise


meanings of "sphur" [2]


caus.; (sphaarayati-te, sphorayati-te)

1. to cause to throb or vibrate;

2. to cause to shine;

3. to throw; with-ap- to shine forth or out; with-abhi- 1. to spread or be diffused;

2. to become known


meanings of "sphur" [3]


1. quivering
