search `droNa' in `Apte Dic'

meanings of "droNa" [1]


1.a lake 400 poles long;

2.a cloud (or a particular kind of cloud) abounding in water (from which rain streams forth as from a bucket);

3.a raven or a carrion crow;

4.a scorpion;

5.a tree (in general);

6.a tree bearing (white) flowers; of the preceptor of the kauravas and paaNDavas


meanings of "droNa" [2]


1.a measure of capacity, either the same as an aaDhaka or equal to 4 aaDhakas or 1/16 of a khaari, or 32 or 64 shers


meanings of "droNa" [3]


1.a measure of capacity, either the same as an aaDhaka or equal to 4 aaDhakas or 1/16 of a khaari, or 32 or 64 shers


meanings of "droNa" [4]


1.a wooden vessel or cup;

2.a tub
