Rajakumar (Myazadi) Inscription Pillar B, Pali face

Original Pali text

Morphologically analyzed text

The meaning of stems; with voice, tense, aspect, mood etc. in verbs

Person(V), Number(N/A/V), Gender(A), Case(N/Pron/A)

English translation; the portion corresponding to the line in question is written in red.

♦ The transliteration system of Bagan period Mon-Burmese script is shown here. (Still under construction, sorry!)

♦ - indicates stem-ending boundary, + indicates compounding.

♦ The abbreviations used here are: ABS=absolutive, AOR=aorist, CAUS=causative, FUT=future, IMP=imperative, INF=infinitive, IPF=imperfect, OPT=optative, PPP=passive past participle, PRP=present participle, PRS=present, QUOT=quotation marker, REL=relative pronoun.

♦ The abbreviations used here are: 1/2/3=1st/2nd/3rd person; SG=singular, PL=plural; M=masculine, F=feminine, N=neuter; NOM=nominative, ACC=accusative, GEN=genitive, DAT=dative, INS=instrumental, ABL=ablative, LOC=locative.

English translation is based on Taw Sein Ko & Chas Duroiselle(ed.) Epigraphia Birmanica, being Lithic and Other Inscriptions of Burma Vol I., Part I. Superintendent, Government Printing, Rangoon, Burma. 1919(repr.1972). pp.48-49.

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