Rajakumar (Myazadi) Inscription Pillar A, Pyu face

Original Pyu text

Gross in English

English translation; the portion corresponding to the line in question is written in red.

♦ " , " represents a dot below the letter. " ' " represents a dot above the letter. " : " represents two dots arranged after the letter vertically. " ; " represents three dots arranged after the letter vertically.

♦ the abbreviations used here are: AUX=auxiliary, CAUS=a verb or particle forming a causative, FPRT=final particle, GEN=genitive perticle, HON=honorific, PAST=a verb or auxiliary auxiliary indicating past, PLR=plural particle, PRT=particle, PRV=a particle preceding verbs, PSV=post-verbal particle, REL=relative particle, TITLE=ecclesiastical title.

♦ English translation, as well as grosses, are based on Taw Sein Ko & Chas Duroiselle(ed.) Epigraphia Birmanica, being Lithic and Other Inscriptions of Burma Vol I., Part I. Superintendent, Government Printing, Rangoon, Burma. 1919(repr.1972). pp.63-68.

l.01 || || || si_ri || || da_tha_ga,da Ba do, Ba': Bi; pduu, sgu, da,: Ba tva MDC
# prosperity # Tathagata ??? ??? HON PRV achive/enter/established ??? ??? ??? ??? 1600
l.02 XX rha' u sni: Bi; tva,: tha_da,' || ya' ti' pri: ri_ma_dha_na_buu u_mi Bi; si ||
twenty eight GEN year PRV elapse PAST # this in city Arimaddanapur name/named PRV be #
l.03 sri tri_bhu_va_na_di,'tya_dha_ma_ra_ja u_mi Bi; si || u do,: Da Ba': u_vo,: ma_
Sri Tribhuwanadityadhammaraja name/named PRV be # GEN in was HON queen wife
l.04 ya: tri_Lo_ga_va_da_sa_ga_de,vi Bi; si u_mi || Dhau u sa: ra_ja_gu_ma Bi;
-- Trilokawatamsakadevi PRV be name/named # that GEN child Rajakumar PRV
l.05 si u_mi || u_va' tra: o ho: Bi; pa': to: || Dhau Ba': ma_ya: Bi: hi ta_da,'
be name/named # to_her slave village three PRV give PSV # that HON wife PRV die finish
l.06 ma_ya: u tra tra: o ho: Bi; pa': tBa: Ba': ma_ya: u sa: ra_ja_gu_ma u_va' ||
wife GEN ornament slave village three PRV give AUX HON wife GEN child Rajakumar to #
l.07 Dhau Ba': tda,: sni: tpuu rha' Bi; ta_da,' || Bi; sri: Bi: hni: hLi: hi u mtu duu,
that HON king year twenty eight PRV finish # PRV reign PRV be_sick -- die nigh_unto -- --
l.08 ro: || Dhau Ba': ma_ya: u sa: ra_ja_gu_ma Bi; si u_mi || u_di,'
when # that HON wife GEN child Rajakumar PRV be name/named # self?
l.09 Bi; mtau ma Dhau tda,: to, u Lo: tro: di,' Bi; mdau ha: Da: da? || Dhau Ba':
PRV nourish REL that king ??? GEN benefits -- ??? PRV remember ??? ??? finish? # that HON
l.10 Buu_dha u cha: bo bra_di_ma tha tuu Bi; se kya: || Dhau Ba': Buu_dha Bi; tu:
Buddha GEN likeness(?) image/representation/likeness statue/image gold ??? PRV make CAUS # that HON Buddha PRV bring
l.11 thmuu: Lo: ya' na Bi; tdi,: to: || ya' Ba': Buu_dha tha Ba': ra: sa: Bi;
presence(?) in/on this manner PRV say PSV # this HON Buddha gold HON on_behalf_of -- PRV
l.12 se ma_Buu: Ba:? u_va' pa: che cho: || ya' tra: o ho: Bi; pa':
make my_lord ??? to ??? PRT/AUX FPRT # this slave village three PRV give
l.13 ma_Buu: || ya? Ba': rha tha u_va' pa': che || Dhau Lo: Ba': tda,: Bi; ri'
I(defer) # this HON sacred_image gold to give PRT/AUX # that in/on HON king PRV be_pleased
l.14 pa da,' Bi; ngu ha pra cho: ha pra cho: Bi; si || Dhau u do,: tra: Ba':
-- finish PRV exclaim well do/done/deed FPRT well do/done/deed FPRT PRV be # that GEN in TITLE HON
l.15 ma_ha_The | tra: Ba': muu_ga,Lu_buu_da_di_sa_The | tra: Ba': suu_me_dha_ba_di,'
chief_monk # TITLE HON Muggaliputtatissa # TITLE HON Sumedhapandit
l.16 tra: Ba': vra_hma_ba | tra': Ba': vra_de,yo: | tra: Ba': suu | tra: Ba':
l.17 sa_ga,si_va,ra_ba_di,' || Dhau tra: Ba': sa_gha tvo u hngu di' duu, tda,:
Sangghasena # that TITLE HON lord PLR? GEN ??? -- in king
l.18 tu Ba': Bi; cha to: tduu, || Dhau Bi; ta_da,? ma_ya: u sa: ra_ja_
??? HON PRV pour PSV water # that PRV finish wife GEN child Rajakumar
l.19 gu_ma Bi; si u_mi ma (||) Bi; sta_ba_na guu_dha tha Bi; se go u stau tha Bi(;)
-- PRV be name/named REL # PRV enshrine ->Buudha gold PRV make cave-pagoda with? spire gold PRT
l.20 ta_da,' || Dhau go u hLau Bi; sa': (t)o: || sa_ma_na_Lo_o' o ta' | ra_ba_i o ta' | (j)i(')
finish # that cave-pagoda GEN dedication_formula? PRV declare PRT # Sakmunalon village one # Rapay village one # Henbuiy?
l.21 vuu: o ta' || ya' tra: o ho: di,' Bi; di,' da,' || ya' Ba': ma_ya: (u sa:)
-- village one # this slave village three ??? PRV assemble finish # this HON wife GEN child
l.22 ra_ja_gu_ma ya' go Buu_dha u_va' tduu, Bi; chai ta_da,' || ya' na Bi; di,' cho (|| ya')
Rajakumar this cave-pagoda Buddha to water PRV pour_out finish # this manner PRV pray/say FPRT # this
l.23 ma ga': pra Buu: sa_ve_n~o_de_n~e bre_n~e Bi; Bi; pa': che na: ti' pLa': pa ||
REL I do/done/deed do omniscience wisdom PRV PRV give PRT/AUX CAUSE? in ??? ??? #
l.24 ya' tra: ti' mtu ku': duu, gi sa: Da | gi pLi Da gi sru: Da mra ja hngu Da ya'
this slave in as_for? future? in my child or # my grandchild or my kinsman or any other person -- -- or this
l.25 (Buu_dha) u_va' ga': hLi: to: ma di,' | ga (hn~)i chi ga bro pda, ma ta: nguu: Buu: ||
Buddha to I dedicate PSV REL ??? # if violence? violence? if ??? ??? PRT ??? ??? do #
l.26 ya' Ba': Buu_dha a_ri me_de_ya da'? Ba: di,? chi; ti' tmuu ma pa': che cho: ||
this HON Buddha Ari Mettey ??? may_not? ??? ??? in presence(?) PRT give PRT/AUX FPRT #

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