Rajakumar (Myazadi) Inscription Pillar A, Mon face

Original text in Bagan Period Mon

Gross in English

English translation; the portion corresponding to the line in question is written in red.

♦ The transliteration system of Bagan period Mon-Burmese script is shown here. (Still under construction, sorry!)

♦ the abbreviations used here are: EMPH=particle, probably emphatic, INTERJ=a partcle or interjection, probably emphatic, OPT=particle with an optative force, PAST=particle or auxiliary forming the past tense, PROH=prohibitive negative, PLR=particle forming the plural, REL=relative particle, TITLE=ecclesiastical title, VAF=verbal affix.

♦ English translation, as well as grosses, are based on Taw Sein Ko & Chas Duroiselle(ed.) Epigraphia Birmanica, being Lithic and Other Inscriptions of Burma Vol I., Part I. Superintendent, Government Printing, Rangoon, Burma. 1919(repr.1972). pp.56-57.

l.01 || Shrii || (n)a_mo_b(u)d=dhaa_ya || Shrii || saas' kyek' bud=dha tir^ley'
# prosperity # honour_to_Buddha # prosperity # religion worshipful Buddha lord
l.02 ku_li @aar' moy' l=ngim' tu_row' k(l)aM Baar' cwas' diN~(=c)aam' c(=n)aam'
go_on go one thousand six hundred two ten eight year

After the religion of the Lord Buddha had gone on for one thousand six hundred and twenty-eignt years,

l.03 tuy' || Dey' (Du)ng' (@a_)ri_mad=da_na_pur' wo@' s=ming' Shrii tri_bhu_wa_naa_di_
PAST # in city Arimaddanapur this king prosperity Tribhuvanadityadhammaraj

in this city of Arimaddanapur King Sri Tribhuwanadityadhammaraj was (king); -----

l.04 tya_dham=ma_raaj' das' || g(=n)a_kyek' s=ming' go:h' moy' tri_
-- be # queen king that one Trilokavatamsakadevi

in this city of Arimaddanapur King Sri Tribhuwanadityadhammaraj was (king);
one queen of that king
was named Trilokawatamsakadewi;

l.05 lo_ka_wa_TaM_sa_kaa_de_wii i_mo@' || kon' g=na_kyek' go(:)-
-- name # child queen that
l.06 -h' raa_ja_ku_maar' i_mo@' || s=ming' go:h' kil' Dik' pi twa-
-- Rajakumar name # king that give slave three village

that queen's son was named Rajakumar.
The king gave three villages of slaves
to the queen.

l.07 -N~' ku g=na_kyek' go:h' || kaal' g=na_kyek' go:h' cu_ti
-- to queen that # time queen that die

The king gave three villages of slaves to the queen.
When the queen di

l.08 @aar' || @a=ut' kir^yaa g=na_kyek' go: ku Dik(') pi twaaN~' go:
go # all ornament queen that with slave three village that

When the queen died,
the king gave all the queen's goods, together with the three villages of slaves, to the queen's son, who was named Rajakumar.

l.09 s=ming' tun' kil' ku ko(n') g=na_kyek' ma i_(m)o@(') raa_ja_ku_
king ??? give to child queen REL name Rajakumar

the king gave all the queen's goods, together with the three villages of slaves, to the queen's son, who was named Rajakumar.

l.10 maar' go: || s=ming' go:h' k=min' Baar' cwas' diN~(=c)aam' c=naam' tuy'
-- that # king that rule two ten eight year PAST

After the king had reigned for twenty-eight years,

l.11 (kaa)l' s=ming' go: ? (@=j)ey' N~a(n') s=cu_ti || kon' g=na_kyek' ma i_
time king that ? sick near PRF-die # child queen REL name

when the king was sick well-nigh unto death,
the queen's son, who was named

l.12 mo@' raa_ja_(k)u_maar' go: (m)ir'nas' guN' ma s=ming' iN~(=c)im'
-- Rajakumar that remember favour REL king nourish

the queen's son, who was named Rajakumar,
remembering the favours wherewith the king had nourished

l.13 jir^ku kin=(d)aM kyek' thar' moy' @aar' tu_(B)ok' s=ming' mu_
self make worshipful gold one go offer king address

remembering the favours wherewith the king had nourished him,
made a golden Buddha (and) went (and) offered it to the king,
(and) addressed (him)

l.14 nas' row' wo@' || kyek' thar' wo@' ey' Dik' pa raM
-- manner this # worshipful gold this I slave do assist

(and) addressed (him) thus:
"This golden Buddha (have) I made to assist
my lord.

l.15 p(o)@' ti(r)^la Dik' (p)i (t)waaN~' ma tir^la kil' ku ey' go:h'
for lord slave three village REL lord give to I that

"This golden Buddha (have) I made to assist my lord.
The three villages of slaves that my lord gave to me,
I am giving to this Buddha:

l.16 ey' Dik' kil' ku kyek' wo@' tir^la @a_nu_mo_da_naa da@'
I slave give to worshipful this lord approve EMPH

The three villages of slaves that my lord gave to me, I am giving to this Buddha:
may my lord approve!"

l.17 kaal' go: s=ming' s=Dik' gap=pu_ma(s') th(i)c' @aa thic' @aa s=ming' (pa)
time that king be_pleased happy well_done INTERJ well_done INTERJ king do

Then the king, bewing well pleased, expressed approval, (saying), "Well done! Well done!"

l.18 saa_dhu_kaar' || kaal' go:(h') tir^la poy' m=haa_(the)r' || ti_caa-
expression_of_approval # time that lord we chief_monk # TITLE

Then the king, bewing well pleased, expressed approval, (saying), "Well done! Well done!"
Then (in the presence of) our lord the Chief Monk,

l.19 -r' mug=ga_li_put=ta_t(i)s=sat=(th)er' || ti_caar' su_me_dha_paN=Dit' || ti_
-- Muggaliputtatissatther # TITLE Sumedhapandit # TITLE

the Venerable the senior monk Muggaliputtatissa, the Venerable the learned Sumedha,

l.20 caar' brah=ma_(p)aal' || ti_caar' brah=ma_diw' || ti_caar' son'
-- Brahmapal # TITLE Brahmadiw # TITLE Son

the Venerable Brahmapal, the Venerable Brahmadiw, the Venerable Son,

l.21 || ti_caar' sang^gha_se_na_wa_ra_paN=Dit' || kin=ta tir^(l)a
# TITLE Sangghsenavarapandit # in_the_presence_of lord

(and) the Venerable the very learned Sangghasena,
in the presence of
those lords the king poured water onto the ground.

l.22 (t)a go: s=ming' cut' Dek' han' ti || bla: go: kon' g=na_kye-
PLR that king put water onto ground # thereafter that child queen

in the presence of those lords the king poured water onto the ground.
After this, the queen's son,
who was named Rajakumar, took the golden Buddha

l.23 -k' ma i_mo@' raa_ja_ku_maar' go: ket' kyek' thar' go:
-- REL name Rajakumar that bring worshipful gold that

After this, the queen's son, who was named Rajakumar, took the golden Buddha,

l.24 thaa_pa_naa kan=daM guoh' clong' thar' (w)o@' || kaal' bu_sac' kye-
enshrine make cave-pagoda spire gold this # time dedicate worshipful

(and) enshrined it (and) made this golden-spired cave-pagoda.
When dedicating this Buddha
(and) cave-pagoda,

l.25 -k' guoh' wo@' kon' g=na_kyek' go: ket' sak'mu_na_
-- cave-pagoda this child queen that bring Sakmunalon

When dedicating this Buddha (and) cave-pagoda,
the queen's son brought up (the men of) Sakmunalon,
one village, Rapay, one village, Henbuiy, one village, all those three village-communities of slaves,

l.26 lor' moy' twaaN~' || ra_paay' moy' twaaN~' || N~a:h' ????
-- one village # Rapaay one village # person Hembuiw?

the queen's son brought up (the men of) Sakmunalon, one village, Rapay, one village, Henbuiy, one village, all those three village-communities of slaves,

l.27 -(y)' moy' twaaN~' || @a=ut' Dik' pi twaaN~' go: (c)ut' De?? ??
-- one village # all slave three village that put water DAT

the queen's son brought up (the men of) Sakmunalon, one village, Rapay, one village, Henbuiy, one village, all those three village-communities of slaves,
(and) poured out water for
the golden Buddha that he (had) enshrined in this cave-pagoda,

l.28 kyek' thar' ma (th)aa_pa_naa hin' go: wo@' raa_dha_naa row' ????
worshipful gold REL enshrine ? cave-pagoda this pray manner this

(and) poured out water for the golden Buddha that he (had) enshrined in this cave-pagoda, (and) prayed thus:

l.29 || si_nrang' e@' wo@' or' das' het' ku gwo@' sar^wwa_N~???_
# deed I this OPT be cause for attainment omniscience

"May this act of mine be a cause for the attainment (by me) of omniscience!

l.30 N~aaN' || kon' ey' la: || cow' ey' la: || ku_l?
-- # child I or # grandchild I or # kinsman

Be it my child, be it my grandchild, be it my kinsman, be it (any) other person,

l.31 ey' la: || N~a: c=@eng' la: || yal' pa u_pa_drow' ku ??
I or # he other or # if do violence to slave

Be it my child, be it my grandchild, be it my kinsman, be it (any) other person,
if he do violence to the slaves
whom I am giving to this Buddha,

l.32 -k' ma ey' kil' ku kyek' wo@' yang' N~ir'N~aac' kye-
-- REL I give to worshipful this then sight worshipful

if he do violence to the slaves whom I am giving to this Buddha,
may he not get sight of the exalted Buddha Mettey!"

l.33 -k' tre(y') met=tey' la: or' Deh' go@' || * ||
-- exalted Mettey PROH OPT he get #

may he not get sight of the exalted Buddha Mettey!"

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