『死をめぐる実践宗教』 世界思想社


" Emergence and transformation of peripheral identity: Sam Sam on the Thai-Malaysian border " .
In Andrew Turton (ed.) Civility and savagery: social identity in Tai states. London: Curzon Press, pp.180-200.

"Gender and Religion: Muslim-Buddhist Relationship on the West Coast in Southern Thailand " .
Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Thai Studies, Amsterdam.

"Coexistence of Religions: Muslim and Buddhist Relationship on the West Coast in Southern Thailand." .
Tai Culture Vol.4, No.1, Berlin:16-31.

"Experience and Cultural Dynamics: Japanese Anthropologists on Tai Cultures"
Tai Culture Vol.4 No.1 pp.16-31

"Coexistence of Religions: Muslim and Buddhist Relationship on the West Coast of Southern Thailand"
Tai Culture
Vol.1 No.1 pp.77-92

"Practical Religion in the Area of Muslim-Budddist Co-residence on the West Coast in Southern Thailand."
Paper presented at Department of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University.

"Gender and Religion: Muslim-Buddhist Relationship on the West Coast in Southern Thailand”.
Paper resented at the 7th International Conference on Thai Studies, Amsterdam, 4-8 July.

『東南アジアにおける「共存」・「共生」の諸相』アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 pp.107-130


総合研究大学院大学文化科学研究科地域文化学専攻 博士(文学)論文

1996 共著書
『複合社会の形成原理に関する基礎的研究』(重点領域研究「総合的地域研究」成果報告書シリーズ No.19,pp.35-68(1996)

"Social Memory as it Emerges: A Consideration of the Death of a Young Convert on the West Coast in Southern Thailand.
Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Thai Studies, Chaing Mai, 14-17 October.

"Social Memory as it Emerges: A Consideration of the Death of a Young Convert on the West Coast in Southern Thailand" ,
Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Thai Studies, Chaing Mai.

"Ancestors in a Society with ヤGenealogical Amnesiaユ: A Consideration of an Area of Muslim-Buddhist Co-Residence on the Periphery of the Southeast Asian State.
Paper presented at International Symposium: Human Flow and Creation of New Cultures in Southeast Asia, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, 3-5 December. (Proceedings of the Symposium メHuman Flow and Creation of New Cultures in Southeast Asiaモ, pp.203-220, 1998)

"Ancestors in a Society with `Genealogical Amnesia': A Consideration of an Area of Muslim-Buddhist Co-Residence on the Periphery of the Southeast Asian State",
Paper presented at the International Symposium: Human Flow and Creation of New Cultures in Southeast Asia, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, pp.203-220.

"Local Powers on the Periphery: Historical Memories of the Sam Sam on Thai-Malaysian Border.
Paper presented at An International Seminar: Thailand and Her Neighbors (1) Malaysia, Kyoto, 19-20 November 1993.

"Emergence and Transformation of Peripheral Ethnicity: Sam Sam on the Thai--Malaysian Border"
Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Thai Studies, London, SOAS, pp.122.

"Local Powers on the Periphery ― Historical Memories of the Sam Sam on the Thai--Malaysian Border ―"
Paper presented at the International Seminar `Thailand and Her Neighbors (1) Malaysia', The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, pp.1-24.

"Emergence and Trasformation of Peripheral Ethnicity: Sam Sam on the Thai-Malysian Border
. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Thai Studies, London, 5-10 July.

「周縁における権力とエスニシティ: タイ―マレーシア国境のサムサム」
『民族学研究』 57-3 pp.318-344

『東南アジア研究』29-1 pp.64-104

"Muslim Communities in Bangkok: A Preliminary Report on Muslim Communities at Baan Doon and Khuukhot (Muu 3)" , The Formation of Urban Civilization in Southeast Asia 2, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, pp.74-101.

「南タイの村落政治にみられるムスリム−仏教徒関係 『サムサム』的ムスリム社会における宗教と政治」
『東南アジア研究』 29(1): 64-104.

『季刊人類学』 20(4): 51-112.