OTHER MUSIC for LEBANON. (w/subtitle)
[subtitle] THE EARTH IS CLOSING ON US, pushing us through the last passage, and we tear off our limbs to pass through. The earth is squeezing us. I wish we were its wheat so we could die and live again. I wish the earth was our mother. So she'd be kind to us. I wish we were pictures on the rocks for our dreams to carry As mirrors. We saw the faces of those to be killed by the last of us in the last defense of the soul. We cried over their children's feast. We saw the faces of those who'll throw our children. Out of the windows of this last space. Our star will hang up mirrors. Where should we go after the last frontiers? Where should the birds fly after the last sky? Where should the plants sleep after the last breath of air? We will write our names with scarlet steam. We will cut off the hand of the song to be finished by our flesh. We will die here, here in the last passage. HERE AND THERE OUR BLOOD WILL PLANT ITS OLIVE TREE.
"The birth of a child is an act of resistance" (Jean-Luc Godard)
[time] 6min11sec
[year] 2006 (6,AUG)
[text] mahmoud darwish "the earth is closing on us"
[footage] jean-luc godard "our music","here & there","king lear","in the dark of time"
[track] ludwig van beethoven "string quartet no.15" ketil bjornstad "the sea vii"
[edit.] illcommonz
[description] A PROMPT-MOVIE for poetry reading of Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish's poem "The Earth is Closing on Us" to protest against Israeli bomibing and siege of Lebanon.This prompt-movie which is titled "Other Music (Les autre musiques)" is inspired and comprised by Jean-Luc Godard's resistance movie "Our Music (Notre Musique)" and "Here & There (Ici et Ailleurs)"and other films. this movie is in three parts, "Hell", "Purgatory" and "Heaven". We hope whoever wish a peace of Lebanon (and Middle East) perform this poetry reading in public sphere for the future of lebanese children.
[appendix 1: japanese subtitle] 地の果てがだんだん近づいてきて、 僕らを最後の逃げ道に追いつめてゆく。 僕らはなんとかそこを通りぬけようとして、 自分の手や足までもぎとったというのに、 それでも地面は僕らをぺしゃんこにしようとする。 いっそのこと僕らが麦だったらよかったのに。 そしたら死んでも、また生きかえることができるから。 でなければ、地面がぼくらの母さんだったらよかったのに。 そしたら優しくしてくれるから。 でなければ、ぼくらが石の壁に描かれた絵だったらよかったのに。 そしたら鏡に映して夢のなかに運んでゆけるのに。 僕らは泣いた。子どもの祭りに日のことを思い出して。 僕らは見た。最後に逃げこんだ場所で、 子どもたちを窓の外へ放り出した者たちの顔を。 僕らの星はその顔に鏡をつきつけるだろう。 地の果てにたどりついたら、 そのあと僕らはどこへ行けばよいのだろう? 空の果てにとどりついたら、 そのあと鳥たちはどこを飛べばよいのだろう?  草や木が最後の息を吐ききったら、 そのあとどこで眠ればよいのだろう? 僕らは流した血のしずくで、 僕らの名前を記すだろう。 そして遂に僕らは、 最後の羽根をもぎとり、 僕らの肉がうたう 最後の歌をききながら、 やがて死んでゆくだろう。 最後に残された、 せまいこの道の上で、 そう、ここで、この場所で。 でも、いつか、 僕らが流したこののうえに、 ここからもあそこからも、 オリーブの樹がなるだろう。(また、こどもがうまれたよ)
[appendix 2: no subtitle ver.for public-use]
OTHER MUSIC for LEBANON w/no subtitle
*some comments,favorites,link and other response are acceptable on here. thanx for your watching.
[appendix 3: illcommonz vidz]
HUM BOMB? LEBANON 2006 feat. Allen Ginsberg
[description] A POETRY-PROTESTATION against the Israeli Bombing to Lebanon 2006. It is A Mash-Up Movie of two vidz on YouTube (i.e."War on Lebanon, July 16, 2006" &"Allen Ginsberg Live"). Also, A Mix-Up PV. of "the-beat-poet", late. Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997)'s "HUM BOMB?" (from "The Heaven Lecture"in UK 1991) and "the-break-beats"of Eraldo Bernocchi's "The Flie Generation".
  Who wants a bomb? We don't wanna bomb! Who wantsa bomb? We don't wanna bomb! What do we do? Whom bomb? You bomb you! Whom bomb? You bomb you! Hum bomb?
Poetry could not destroy the bomb itselt, but Angry Poetry can "break" the meaning of the bomb... 
[description] A REQUIEM for the late Lebanese citizenz. Tele-Sympathetic Mash-Up of Two Vidz on YouTube (i.e."War on Lebanon, July 16, 2006" & "Keith Jarrett - Over the Rainbow").
[appendix 4: related movie & news]
  • From Beirut to...those who love us. (by Lebanese Film Makers)
  • Speak-Out! (by Geoge Galloway)
  • Eyes Wide Open:The Siege. (by Israeli Artists)
    [appendix 5: cantact]
  • illcommonz on myspace / YouTube / mixi / blog
  • * high-rate mpeg-2 version (307mb) is available (in free), contact us.
    we,illcommonz support the lebanese avant-gard artist Mazen Kerbaj's "webtifada"(web+intifada) resisntance..