


the tribes known as Taung-a, that is, 'sons of the hills,' probably belong to this group.

@Our information about these dialects is very limited, Khyang and Khami being the only ones which have been satisfactorily dealt with. Both comprise several dialects. Chinm is said to be a link between Chinbk and Lai, and the same must be said with re- gard to a Taung-a dialect, in which a vocabulary has been published in the Upper Burma Gazetteer.

@The chief peculiarity of this group is the gradual approximation to Burmese. Burmese words occur in many of the dialects. Khami has apparently given up the use of pronominal prefixes with verbs, which forms so characteristic a feature of most Kuki-Chin languages. Khyang forms the higher numbers, as in Burmese, by prefixing the multiplier thus, ngha gip, five-tens, fifty. Chinbk and some dialects of Khyang use a negative prefix, like Burmese, while the Kuki-Chin languages use a negative suffix. The whole sub-group is subdivided into numerous dialects, but our information is as yet not sufficient to make a definite sketch of the Southern Chin languages.

@The close connection between all these dialects will appear from an examination of the vocabulary given below. Meithei, Thdo, Lushi, Lai, Rng- khl, Khami, and Khyang have been given as representatives of the different sub-groups. The corresponding forms in Kachin have been added in an eighth column, as we shall have subsequently to consider the relation of that language to our group. -

One.. a-m.. khat.. pa-khat p-kat. en-kat. h-re.. mt./h./hot. ngai-m./ai-m.
Two.. a-ni.. ni.. pa-nhih. p-n. en-n n-re. nhi.. ni./ n'khong.
Three.. a-hum. thum. pa-thum. p-thum. en-tm. thn.. thm/thn. ma-sum.
Four.. ma-ri. li.. pa-li.. p-li.. m-l. p-l.. lhi/m-lhi. ma-l.
Five.. ma-ng. ng.. pa-nga. p-nga. ri-ngh. p (ng). ngha./ngho. ma-ng.
Six.. ta-rk. gp.. pa-ruk. p-rk. ga-rk. te-r.. soke./hsok. khr.
Seven.. ta-rt. sa-gi.. ya-sa-ri. p-s-ri. s-ri.. s-r. she./his. sinit.
Eight.. ni-pn. gt.. pa-riat. p-riet. ga-rt. ta-y. shet./hse. ma-sat.
Nine.. m-pan. k.. pa-kua. p-kua. gk.. ta-k. ko.. cha-khu.
Ten.. ta-r.. som.. shom.. p-ra. shm. ho.. ngha./ha. s.
