Academic Articles 1 :: Ishikawa Hiroki's HP




"Northern Ethiopian Historiography during the Second Half of the Solomonic Period (1540-1769)," Nilo-Ethiopian Studies, no. 16 (2011), pp. 1-12.


"Queima Cattle Tribute in the Christian Kingdom of Northern Ethiopia, with Special Reference to Its Historical Significance," Nilo-Ethiopian Studies, no. 12 (2008), pp. 1-12.


"Changes in the Military System of Northern Ethiopia during the Gondar Period (1632-1769): Their Influence on the Decline of the Solomonic Dynasty," Orient, vol. 41 (2006), pp. 163-180.

"On the Functions of the Beht waddad and the Talallaq blattenoc gweta of the Solomonic Dynasty, 1607-1682," Nilo-Ethiopian Studies, nos. 8-9 (2003), pp. 77-89.





