3 *aṁśabhōgin— ‘sharing’. [áṁśa—, bhṓga—] Ku. ãsoī m. ‘partner’.
12 *akālasasya— ‘harvest out of time’. [akāla—, sasyá—] OSi. akalahasa ‘lesser of the two rice harvests’ Geiger GS 32, mod. yala (or < akāla—).
13 *akulanīya— ‘without family’. [kúla—] Paš. aulanı̄́ m., °nkı̄́ f. ‘sonless’ Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 9 with (?). Formation is obscure.
15 *akka— ‘vexed, bewildered’. S. akaṇu ‘to be bothered’; L. akkaṇ ‘to be vexed’, P. akkṇā; Or. akā ‘foolish, bewildered’; — redup. Ku. akabaka ‘nonsense’, akabakiṇo ‘to be puzzled’, N. akabakka, °makka ‘perplexed’.
17 *akkha— ‘sacking, bag, net’. [Perh. conn. Sk. ákṣi—, if Pa. akkhika— n. ‘mesh of a net’ < ‘*having eyes’] S. akho m. ‘mesh of a net’; L. P. akkhā m. ‘one end of a bag or sack thrown over a beast of burden’; Or. akhā ‘gunny bag’; Bi. ākhā, ā̃khā ‘grain bag carried by pack animal’; H. ākhā m. ‘one of a pair of grain bags used as panniers’; M. ā̃khā m. ‘netting in which coco—nuts, &c., are carried’, ā̆khẽ n. ‘half a bullock—load’. *jālākkha—.
20 *aklitta— ‘not wetted’. [*klitta—] K. ak°tu ‘unmoistened’.
25 *akṣakīla— cf. akṣāgrakīla—, °aka— m. ‘lynch—pin’ lex. [ákṣa—1, kīla—] Bi. (Patna) akhailā ‘axle of brick—crusher’.
27 *akṣaṇā— f. ‘lightning’. [akṣaṇa— sc. vidyút— f.] Pa. akkhaṇā— f. ‘lightning’; Si. akaṇa, akuṇa ‘lightning, thunder’.
30 *akṣadāruka— ‘a partic. tree’. [akṣá—2, dā́ru2] Dm. aṣkürṓ ‘pine’ (Morgenstierne NTS xii 128, 157 with metathesis of kṣ), Phal. ac̣hā́ru.
32 *akṣapaṭṭa— ‘notched board’. [akṣa—3, paṭṭa1] N. akhaṭo ‘notch, step cut in a tree for climbing’; M. akhoṭā m. ‘grooved or notched channel’. akṣapāṭa— see akṣavāṭa—.
33 *akṣapuṭa— ‘collar—bone’. [ákṣa—1, puṭa—] Paš. āṣūṛā ‘collar-bone’ (Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 20 < akṣa—puṭaka— or —kuṭaka—: kuṭi— ‘curve’).
38a *akṣalita— Add. 14192.
40 *akṣākāra— ‘shaped like a die’. [akṣá—2, ākāra—] H. akhār m. ‘a small lump of clay placed in the centre of a potter's wheel’.
41 *akṣānta— ‘unbearable’. [Cf. kṣānta— ‘patient’ Mn., ‘pardoned’ MBh.: √kṣam] N. akhānu ‘intolerable, unpleasant’.
41a *akṣāpita— Add. 14194.
42 *akṣāmita— ‘unbearable’. [Cf. kṣāmayatē: √kṣam] N. akhāyo ‘intolerable’.
45 *akṣirujā— f. ‘eye—disease’. [Cf. akṣiruj— f. VarBr̥S., Pa. akkhirōga— m.: ákṣi—, rujā—] Si. āsrudāva ‘ophthalmia’.
47 *akṣēma— ‘unpeaceful’. [kṣḗma—] Sh. (Lor.) ac̣hēmo ‘unruly, mischievous, malignant, dishonest’.
53 *agāhya— ‘unfathomable’. [Cf. durgāhya— Suśr. (to be separated fr. agādha— ‘deep’ R. < ‘*having no ford’): √gāh] S. ajhāǥu ‘deep’. But see *gādhya—.
62 *agnirujā— ‘a disease with burning sensation’. [agní—1, rujā—] H. āgrū m. ‘eruption on the lips from heat’; G. āgru m. ‘disease causing burning sensation in the mouth’; M. āgrū̃, ag°, ā̆gerū̃ n. ‘heat eruptions on lips and tongue’; for gender poss. cf. *rujas— n. in rujaskara—. — Doubtful, but less likely < agnírūpa—.
66 *agnisthāna— n. ‘fireplace’. [Cf. Pa. aggiṭṭhāna n. - agní—1, sthā́na—] Wg. ā̃ı̄̃te, gambīrī aṅatä̃ř; Paš. eṅgatáı̃, Shum. ā̃than; — perh. < *aṅgri—sthānā—, see agniṣṭhá—; — less likely < *aṅgārasthāna—.
69 *agragaṇḍa— ‘top of sugar—cane’. [ágra—, gaṇḍa2] Bi. agẽṛ, geṛ ‘leaves at the top of sugar—cane’. *prāgragaṇḍa—.
70 *agragamaṇa— ‘going in front’. [ágra—, gamana—] Or. agauṇa ‘chief, primary’, H. agaunī f. ‘going for- ward to meet a visitor’.
74 *agratōjāta— ‘born earlier’. [Cf. agrajā́— ‘first—born’ RV., Pk. aggajāya—: agratás, jātá—] S. aguāo m. ‘stepson’, aǥuāī f. ‘stepdaughter’. *agrapārśva— see *agravāsa—. [ágra—, pārśvá—]
75 *agrapāli— ‘front, point’. [ágra—, *pāḍi—] Or. āguāḷi ‘sharp end of an axe’.
79 *agravarṣā— f. ‘the end rain’. [ágra—, varṣā́—] M. āgos f. ‘the beginning of the dry weather’.
80 *agravāṭa— m. ‘enclosed space in front’. [ágra—, vāṭa1] P. agvāṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘the space in front of a house’, Bi. aguār, °rā, H. agwāṛā m., G. agvāṛũ n.
81 *agravāsa— m. ‘front of a house’. [ágra—, vāsá2] Bi. agwās ‘space in front of a house’. — Or poss. < *agra- pārśva—.
82 *agravāha— ‘leading in front’. [ágra—, vāhá—] P. agwāhā m. ‘guide’, Ku. agwā, N. aguwā (both only with —ā, not —o: see agrēgū́—).
83 *agravr̥ddhi— f. [ágra—, vŕ̥ddhi2] Bhoj. agawaṛhi ‘something given in advance’.
84 *agravr̥ṣṭi— f. ‘initial rain’. [ágra—, vr̥ṣṭí—] M. agoṭh, °oṭ f. ‘period just before or after the beginning of the rains’.
87 *agrasasya— n. ‘first—fruits’. [ágra—, sasyá—] Pa. aggasassa— n., Si. agasas, agahas, agas (ac. to Geiger GS 18 a recent shortening < *agās).
89 *agrānta— ‘front or near end’. [ágra—, ánta—] L. aggānde ‘in future’; M. agāt, agā̃t adv. ‘early (of sowing or ripening)’, agāt n. ‘the early grains’.
90 *agrāmin— ‘not rustic’. [grāmín—] Si. agämi ‘urbane’.
93 *agriyapāṭa— ‘front expanse’. [agriyá—, pāṭa—] S. aǥyāṛī f. ‘front part of the head above the forehead, forepart of any interval’.
96 *agrōpasthāka— ‘chief servitor’. [ágra—, upasthāka—] Pa. aggupaṭṭhāka— m., Si. aguvaṭā, akvaṭā (prob. ← Pa.).
98 *agryapaṇa— ‘chief price or payment in first—fruits.’ [agryá—, paṇa—] Bi. agwan ‘interest in kind on seed—corn’.
99 *aghr̥ṣṭa— ‘not rubbed out’. [√ghr̥ṣ] G. aghāṭ m. ‘a document (on stone, metal plate, or paper) recording a permanent gift, esp. of land’ T. N. Dave. — Doubtful.
101 *aṅkakāra— m. ‘act of marking’ [aṅká—, kāra1] H. ãkār m. ‘mark, spot’. — Deriv. S. ãgāraṇu ‘to sketch out before engraving or painting’. — Or poss. < *aṅkākāra—.
105 *aṅkāśrita— ‘attached to a hook’. [aṅká—, āśrita—] L. mult. ãgāsī f. ‘gear for raising a Persian wheel off the ground’.
107 *aṅku— ‘hook’ in ankuṭa—, aṅkurá—, aṅkuśá—. [Cf. Av. anku— in cmpd. ‘hook’: √añc]
110 *aṅkurayati ‘sprouts’, aṅkurita— Kālid. [aṅkurá—] Pk. aṁkuriya—, L. uṅgaraṇ ‘to sprout’, P. uṅgarnā, uṅgurnā, Ku. ãgurṇo, Bhoj. ãkural, M. ãkurṇẽ.
115 *aṅgakr̥ṣṭi— f. ‘stretching the body’. [áṅga—1, kr̥ṣṭí- or poss. *vikr̥ṣṭi—] Mth. ãgaiṭhī ‘yawn’.
120 *aṅgarakṣa— ‘garment’. [Cf. aṅgarakṣaṇī— f. ‘coat of mail’: áṅga—1, rakṣá—] Pk. aṁgarakkha—, °aga— ‘protecting the body’; S. ãgrakho m. ‘upper garment’, B. āṅrākhā, Or. aṅgarakhā, Bi. H. ãgarkhā m., °khī f., G. ãgarkhũ n., °khī f., M. ā̃garkhā, ãg°, ā̃grākhā m. — X antarīya—: L. andrakkhā m.
122 *aṅgavikala— ‘deformed in limbs’. [áṅga—1, vikala—] Pa. aṅgavikala— ‘mutilated’; Si. an̆gaväl ‘maimed, deformed’.
124 *aṅgahōla— ‘washing the body’. [áṅga—1, *hōl—] Pk. aṁgōhali— f. ‘bathing all the body except the head’; G. ãghoḷ n. ‘ablution’, ãghoḷvũ ‘to bathe’; M. ãghoḷ, ãghūḷ, ā̃gh° f. ‘washing the body’. — Deriv. G. ãghoḷiyũ n. ‘pot for warming bath water’, ãghoḷṛī f. ‘song sung during ceremonial wedding bath’.
128 *aṅgāravarta— m. ‘fire stone’. [áṅgāra—, *varta3] Ash. aṅalawaṭ (r — r > l — r).
129 *aṅgārasthāna— n. ‘fireplace’. [áṅgāra—, sthā́na—] Dm. aṅgarthäı̃ (perh. a Dm. cmpd.). — See *agni- sthāna—.
140 *acaṣṭa— ‘untasted’. [*caṣṭa—: √*cakṣ 2] G. e ṭh f. ‘refuse of food’.
141 *acca— ‘sudden shock’. 2. *accakka—. 1. G. acɔ m. ‘obstacle, crowd’. 2. G. āckɔ m. ‘shock, push’, acakvũ ‘to stop’ intr.; M. ā̃ċkā m. ‘sudden pull’, aċkī f. ‘convulsive gasp’, ā̃ċakṇẽ ‘to jolt, strike’.
143 *acchādana— ‘without covering’. [chādana—] Kho. čhan (or čan?) ‘naked’.
146 *ajakaṭa— m. ‘flock of goats’. [Ext. with —ṭa— of ajaka—, cf. avikaṭá—: ajá—] S. ajaṛu m. ‘flock of goats’ (< *ayyaṛu ?); L. eiyuṛ, (Jukes) aiyyaṛ m. ‘flock of sheep or goats’, P. ayyaṛ m. — Or < avikaṭá—.
149 *ajanikā— ‘she—goat’, or *ajānī—? [ajá—] Gaw. hḗnī f. (NOGaw 37 < *ajanikā—, but perh. < ḗkahāyana—), Shum. ū̃ī (or < ajá— or ávi—).
150 *ajapaṣṭha— ‘young goat’. [ajá—, *paṣṭha—] S. aiṭha f. ‘she—goat 10 or 12 months old’. — Or < *avipaṣṭha—.
154 *ajavāṭa— m. ‘goat—pen’. [ajá—, vāṭa1: with EH. —r- < —— rather than < —vāra—] H. aiwārā m. ‘shed for sheep, goats or cattle in jungle’. — Or < *avivāṭa—.
159 *ajr̥ta— ‘undigested’. [Cf. jīryatē ‘is digested’ Yājñ., ajīrṇa— ‘undigested’ Mn., ajīrti— f. ‘indigestibleness’: √jr̥̄] Or. ajaṛa ‘indigestion’.
163 *ajya— ‘flock of goats’. [ajá—] L. ajjaṛ m., P. ajjaṛ, ijjaṛ m. — Deriv. L. ājaṛī m. ‘shepherd’, P. ājṛī m. *kaṭṭājya—.
164 *ajvara— ‘free from fever’. [jvará—] A. āzar ‘free from fever, freedom from fever’. AÑC ‘bend’: aṅká—, aṅkana—, aṅkáyati, aṅkuṭa—, aṅkurá—, aṅkuśá—, aṅkūrá—, *añca—, áñcati, añcana—, añcala—; *atiyañcati, ápāñc—, ā́ñcati, údañc—, údañc- ati, *upāñcati, níyañc—, nīca—, nyakkāra—, nyag- rṓdha—, nyàñc—, parākā́t, paryaṅka—, palyaṅka—, *pratyaka—, *prācayati, prācı̄́na—, prācyà—, *vīcya—, samyák, sākám; ghr̥tā́cī—; — √āñch.
165 *añca— ‘curve’. [Cf. rōmāñca— m. ‘thrill of the hair’: √añc] A. ā̃s ‘a line’; ext. with —ṭa—: ā̃sor ‘scratch’.
173 *añjita— ‘anointed’. [Cf. añjayati ĀśvŚr.: √añj] Pa. añjita— ‘smeared’; Pk. aṁjiya— ‘oiled’; Si. än̆di ‘painted, marked’.
178 *aṭṭ— 1 ‘contain, be contained, fit into’. [Poss. < ā́rta1 ‘*brought’, cf. ā́—r̥ṇvati ‘brings, reaches, obtains’ RV., despite ă of P.: √] Phal. aṭ— ‘to send, bring’ NOPhal 28, Sh. aṭoiki; P. aṭṭṇā ‘to be filled up, be contained in’; Ku. āṭṇo ‘to bury, fill up with earth and stones’, aṭāṇo ‘to contain, hold’, aṭṭo ‘brimful’; N. aṭāunu ‘to be con- tained, fit into’; A. āṭiba ‘to tighten’, ā̃ṭiba ‘to suffice’; B. ā̃ṭā ‘to be contained, close tightly’, ā̃ṭā ‘closely fitted, insufficient’; H. āṭnā, aṭānā ‘to fit into, join’; āṭnā, aṭ°, ā̃ṭ°, ãṭ° ‘to be contained, be fitted into’, ãṭwānā, ãṭh° ‘to cram in’.
179 *aṭṭ— 2 ‘obstruct, stop’. [Cf. *aṭṭha—2, *aḍ—, *aḍḍ—: prob. ← Drav. see *aḍ—] S. aṭaru ‘obstinate’; L. aṭṭ m. ‘sediment in a well, silt’; Or. aṭāi ‘enclosure for cattle’; G. āṭɔ m. ‘pounding’ (?), aṭvāmaṇ f. ‘obstacle’; M. aṭ f. ‘obstruction’, āṭ f. ‘obstinacy’, aṭṇẽ ‘to thicken, inspissate’. *aṭṭakk—. aṭṭa— 1 ‘boiled rice’ see *ārta2.
181 *aṭṭa— 3 ‘bundle’. 2. *aṇṭa—. 3. *aṭṭha— 1. 4. *aṇṭha—. 1. K. üṭü , dat. acĕ f. ‘bundle, skein’; L. aṭṭī f. ‘skein’, P. aṭṭā m., °ṭī f.; A. āṭi ‘sheaf’; B. āṭi ‘sheaf, faggot’; Or. āṭi ‘sheaf, bundle’; H. āṭī, aṭṭī f. ‘twist, bundle, skein.’ 2. B. ā̃ṭi ‘bundle’; Bi. ā̃ṭī ‘bundle of straw’; Mth. ā̃ṭī ‘bundle of grain divided between reaper and master’; H. ā̃ṭī, aṇṭī f. ‘bundle, skein, sheaf’; G. ā̃ṭī f. ‘skein of thread’. 3. Pk. aṭṭhā— f. ‘handful’. 4. Ku. N. ā̃ṭho, ā̃ṭhi ‘bundle, sheaf, plait of hair’.
182 *aṭṭakk— ‘obstruct, stop’. [*aṭṭ2] S. aṭkaṇu ‘to be stopped’, aṭak f. ‘hindrance’; L. aṭkaṇ ‘to stop, stick’, P. aṭakṇā; aṭkā m. ‘stoppage’; Ku. aṭakṇo ‘to stop, wait’; N. aṛkanu intr. ‘to stick in, stop’; A. āṭak ‘obstacle’, °kiyā ‘scarce’; B. āṭkāna ‘to obstruct’, āṭak ‘barrier’; Or. aṭakibā ‘to come to a stop’, °kāibā, akaṭāibā ‘to hinder’, aṭakā, akaṭā ‘hindrance’; Mth. aṭakab ‘to stay, cease’, aṭakāb ‘to prevent’; H. aṭaknā intr. ‘to stick’, aṭak f. ‘obstacle’; Marw. aṭakṇo ‘to remain’; G. aṭakvũ ‘to be detained’, aṭak f. ‘stoppage’, aṭakṛī f. ‘hiccough’; M. aṭakṇẽ ‘to be stopped’, aṭkẽ n. ‘obstacle’. Addenda: *aṭṭakk—: S.kcch. aṭkā(y)ṇū ‘to stop, prevent’.
183 *aṭṭakkalā— ‘guess’. [Poss. contains kalā́—: for first part cf. L. aṭṭā—saṭṭā m. ‘rough guess’ and *aṇṭ—] H. aṭkal, aṭkar f. ‘guess’ (prob. → K. aṭkal, aṭhk° f., S. aṭkala f.; L. aṭkal f. ‘knowledge, skill, guess’; P. aṭkal f. ‘guess’, Ku. aṭgal, gng. aṭgaw, N. aṛkal); A. ā̃ṭkāl ‘conjecture’, B. āṭkāl, Or. aṭakaḷa, G. M. aṭkaḷ f.
186 *aṭṭha— 2 ‘gum’. 2. *attha—. 1. A. āṭhā, eṭhā ‘gum’, eṭhā—eṭhi ‘gummy, slimy’; B. āṭhā ‘gum, birdlime, paste’, āṭhāl, āṭāl ‘viscid’; Or. aṭhā ‘gum’; Si. aṭṭuwa ‘any glutinous substance’. 2. G. āthɔ m. ‘paste’.
187 *aḍ— ‘obstruct, stop’. [Cf. *aḍḍ—, *aṭṭ2, poss. *aṭṭha2; — ← Drav. cf. Tam. aṭai ‘to be obstructed’, Kan. aḍ()a ‘obstructing, transverse’, Tu. aṭaka, aḍaka ‘obstacle’, Kui aḍa ‘screen’, Brah. aṛ ‘obstruction’: T. Burrow TPS 1945, 79.] L. aṛaṇ ‘to jib, be entangled’, aṛā m. ‘constipation’; P. aṛnā ‘to stop, stick fast’, aṛ f. ‘stoppage’; Ku. aṛṇo ‘to persist, be strong’, aṛiyo ‘fat’, aṛo ‘prop’; H. aṛnā, arnā ‘to come to a stop’, aṛ f. ‘dam’; G. aṛvũ ‘to touch’, aṛ f. ‘obstinacy’; M. aḍṇẽ ‘to be stopped’, aḍ f. ‘obstruc- tion’. — Ext. with —kk—: L. aṛak m. ‘untrained bullock’; P. aṛkaṇā ‘to be stopped’; G. aṛakvũ ‘to touch’, aṛak f. ‘obstruction’; M. aḍakṇẽ intr. ‘to stick fast’. *aḍi— ‘heel’ see *aḍḍi—.
188 *aḍḍ— ‘obstruct, stop’. [← Drav., see *aḍ—] K. aḍun ‘to persevere, be intent on’, aḍāv m. ‘the wooden beam supporting a log when being sawn’; S. aḍ̱aṇu ‘to build’, aḍ̱a f. ‘watercourse’; L. aḍḍ, pl. aḍḍã f. ‘small irrigation channel’, aḍḍī f. ‘iron rest for support- ing tools in turning’; P. aḍḍā m. ‘perch for birds’; WPah. bhal. aḍḍo m. ‘support for a log being sawn’; Ku. āṛo ‘support, bolt of door’; N. āṛ ‘cover, shelter’, aṛinu ‘to stop, halt’; A. ā̃r ‘screen’; Or. āṛibā ‘to ward off’, āṛi ‘hide—out for hunters’; Mth. aṛāeb ‘to restrain’; H. āṛ f. ‘interruption, covering’, āṛnā ‘to cause to stop’ (perh. rather der. aṛnā < *aḍ—); G. āḍi f. ‘obstacle’, aḍvũ ‘to stop’, āḍṇī f. ‘a stand’; M. aḍṇẽ ‘to be stopped’ (or < *aḍ—), ā̆ḍaċ ‘tightly’; Si. aḍaya ‘prop, stopper’ (perh. direct ← Tam. aṭai). *aḍḍa—, aḍḍana—.
189 *aḍḍa— ‘transverse’. [Same as prec.? — ← Drav., see *aḍ—] S. aḍ̱o m. ‘edge of a boat, thwart’, aḍ̱ī f. ‘rail across bottom of a lathe’, āḍ̱o ‘transverse’; L. aḍḍā m. ‘thwart of a boat’; P. āḍḍā ‘crooked’; B. āṛ ‘aslant’, āṛā ‘beam’; Or. āṛa ‘width’, āṛā ‘cross—beam’, Mth. āṛ, āṛi ‘boundary between fields’; H. āṛ f ‘horizontal line painted across forehead’, āṛā ‘transverse’; OMarw. āḍo ‘transverse’; G. āḍũ ‘slanting’, āḍ f. ‘curved piece of mica worn as orna- ment by women on forehead’; M. āḍẽ n. ‘ridgepole, cross—bar, keel’, aḍvā ‘transverse’; Ko. āḍa ‘crosswise’; — compounded with an IA. word of same meaning: Or. āṛa—bā̃ka ‘oblique’; H. aṛbaṅgā ‘crooked’, m. ‘obstruc- tion’ (→ N. aṛb(h)aṅge ‘crosswise, obstacle’). Addenda: *aḍḍa—: S.kcch. āḍī f. ‘crossbeam’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) aṛi f. ‘plough—handle, plough—stick with handle’, J. āṛī.
191 *aḍḍi— ‘heel’. 2. *aḍi—. 3. *ēḍḍi—. 4. *ēḍi—. [J. Bloch BSOS v 738 ← Drav., cf. Tam. Kan. aḍi, Tel. aḍugu ‘foot, footstep’] 1. L. P. aḍḍī f. ‘heel’; H. aḍḍā m. ‘heel of shoe’; — Si. aḍiya ‘foot, footstep’ (with a, not ä) ← Tam. 2. Marw. aṛi ‘heel.’ 3. P. eḍ f. ‘heel’, N.B. Or. eṛi, Bhoj. eṛī; H. eṛ f. ‘spur’, eṛī f. ‘heel’; M. eḍ f. ‘urging with the heel’; — N.B.Or.H. perh. < 4 below. 4. G. eṛi f. ‘spur’, eṛī f. ‘heel’. X *lattā—. aṇi— ‘linch—pin’ see āṇí—. Addenda: *aḍḍi—. 3. *ēḍḍi—: WPah. kṭg. eḍi f. ‘heel when used in spurring, spur’.
195 *aṇuni— ‘millet’. [Cf. áṇu1 NTS xii 156] NiDoc. aḍ́iṁni prob. ‘millet’ H. W. Bailey BSOAS xii 332; Ḍ. árīn ‘millet’, Kt. awŕı̄̃, Dm. äŕín, Paš. aṛı̄́n, Gaw. éṛin, Kal. aṛín, Kho. oḷīn; — all < *aḍin— with same dissimilation of n as in ajñānin— rather than < *arjana— — More doubtful is Sh. (Lorimer) āno ‘Indian millet’.
196 *aṇuvaṁśa— ‘small share’. [aṇu—2, áṁśa—] H. anwā̃sī f. ‘a very small measure of land’, anwā̃sā m. ‘as much corn as grows on an ’.
197 *aṇṭ— ‘presume, be bold’. [Cf. *aṭṭakkalā—] Ku. ā̃ṭṇo ‘to guess’; ā̃ṭ ‘guess’; N. ā̃ṭnu ‘to dare, be about to’, ā̃ṭ ‘presumption, decision, courage’; Or. āṇṭa ‘pride’; G. ā̃ṭvũ ‘to aim at’. *aṇṭa— ‘bundle’, see *aṭṭa3. *aṇṭha— ‘bundle’, see *aṭṭa3. áṇṭhatē, see *haṇṭ—. aṇḍá— see āṇḍá—. aṇḍakōśa— see āṇḍakōśa—. aṇḍaja— see *āṇḍajāta—. átati see √aṭ. atasá— see atası̄́—.
199 *atārita— ‘unrescued’. [Cf. tārá— m. ‘rescuer’ VS., tārita— ‘ferried across’ MBh.: √tr̥̄] P. ārī ‘helpless’?
206 *atipāra— m. ‘bringing across’. [Cf. átipārayati ‘leads across’ RV.: √pr̥;— or *atipāra— ‘fulfilment’, cf. pāráyati ‘fulfils’ RV., atipūryati ‘becomes full’ MBh.:√ pr̥̄] Si. ivara ‘accomplishment, end, leisure’.
207 *atipuṣṭa— ‘very fat’. [√puṣ] K. pog. yüṭh ‘fat (of an animal)’.
209 *atimahānt— ‘very great’. [mahat—] Pa. atimahant—, Si. imahat ‘very large’. — Prob. ← Pa.
210 *atiyañcati ‘pulls across’. [For áti with a verb ‘to pull’ cf. atikarṣati ‘pulls (ploughshare)’ Kauś.: √añc] Pk. aïṁcaï ‘overpasses, goes away’, with ch (cf. ā́nchati ~ áñcati) ayaṁchaï ‘pulls, ploughs, draws a line’, aïṁchaï ‘surpasses’, aïṁchaṇa— n. ‘pulling, trans- gressing’ (poss. connexion or confusion with *khiñc—, *khañc— ‘pull’ is suggested by āiṁchaï, āaṁchaï ‘pulls, ploughs’); Ku. aı̃c ‘pressure’; N. aı̃cnu ‘to press’, aı̃cinu ‘to be pressed or pulled’, aı̃cyāunu ‘to pull up (a horse)’; H. aı̃cnā, ı̄̃cnā ‘to pull’, G. e_ cvũ. — J. Bloch BullEFEO xliv 48 separates the Pk. words from the modern, Ku. aı̃c, &c., which he derives from *adhi—gicc— in Aś. bh. adhi- gicya ‘rejecting’. *átiyēti see átyēti. *atirikṇa— see átirikta—.
213 *ativr̥tta— ‘passed beyond’. [Cf. ativivartayati ‘separates too far’ RV.Prāt., ativr̥tti— f. ‘excess’ Pāṇ.Kāś.: √vr̥t 1] Pa. ativatta— ‘passed beyond’; Si. ivat ‘off, out of the way’ Geiger GS 81, but with t, not , prob. ← Pa.
214 *atiśōdhanī— ‘broom’. [Cf. śōdhanī— f. ‘broom’, °naka- m. ‘sweeper’ Mr̥cch.: √śudh] Kho. rišun, rušun ‘brush made of an animal's tail for clearing up flour in a mill’.
215 *atiśōdhi— ‘cleaning’. [Cf. *śōdhi—: √śudh] Paš. ẽšı̄́, išı̄́ ‘broom’ Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 12. *atiṣkadati see *utskadati.
218 *atiṣphāyatē ‘swells, is complete, arrives’. [For semantic development cf. sphā́yatē, *niṣphāyatē, pūryatē, prábhūta—: √sphāy] Sh. ifayoiki ‘to arrive’ (1st sg. pres. ifā́yam). — Deriv. ifayaroiki ‘to conduct’.
221 *atta— 2 ‘father, grandfather’. 2. *adda—. [Cf. attā—] 1. A. ātā ‘address to a respectable old man’; G. ātāji m. ‘grandfather’; Si. ātā ‘grandfather’. 2. S. ado m. ‘brother’; L. addā m. ‘father’.
224 *atyākhēṭyati ‘hunts’ [ākhēṭa—] Bhoj. caheṭal ‘to pursue’; — doubtful.
225 *atyāgata— ‘entered’. [√gam] K. ċāv: see átyēti.
229 *atrastha— ‘situated here’, cf. tatrastha—. [átra, stha—] Bshk. athā̃ ‘this (half—distant)’, with early contraction Morgenstierne AO xviii 225; but perh. < *atthattha- or *atthaka—, cf. Pk. tatthaya— s.v. tatrastha—.
232 *adati ‘eats’. [átti RV., ādáyati ‘feeds’ ŚBr., adayati ĀpŚr.: √ad] Pa. adēti ‘eats’, Pk. adaï; — Paš. ay—, 1 sg. pres. ayam Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 24 < ad— with (?). Perh. rather < *aśati.
234 *adapara— ‘devoted to eating’. [ada—, para—] G. āvro, e vro m. ‘desire to be eating constantly’. - Cf. *khādanapara—.
235 *adinna— ‘not given’. [Cf. ádatta— ‘not having given’ AV., ‘not given’ Mn.: *dinna—] Pa. adinna—, Pk. adiṇṇa—; Si. ayin ‘stolen’.
244 *adyāhnaḥ ‘this very day’. [Cf. idā́nīm and idā́ áhnaḥ RV.: adyá, áhar—] Pa. ajjaṇhō, ajjuṇhō ‘only this day’ (with u from *ajju, cf. Ap. s.v. adyá, CPDI 44); L. ajjaṇ ‘till today’; M. ā̆j̄huṇi (poet.) ‘even now’, aj̈ūn, āj̈ūṇ, aj̈o; — doubtful.
247 *adhamāṁśa— ‘worst portion’. [adhamá—, áṁśa—] Bi. ãwā̃sī ‘the smallest sheaf’ or < *avamāṁśa—.
251 *adhikatara— ‘higher’. [ádhika—] Pa. adhikataraṁ ‘extraordinarily’; Pr. Əléra ‘above, on the top’, līr ‘above’; Kho. aihro ‘a little up’. — Or poss. < *adhira— (cf. úpara—, ávara—) or *adhitara— (cf. nitarā́m).
254 *adhigrahati ‘takes’. [√grah] Pr. ilgyi— ‘to take, buy’ (NTS xv 286 < krī— with prefix il— ?). ádhitiṣṭhati see *adhiṣṭhāti.
256 *ádhiyardha—, ádhyardha— ‘one and a half’ ŚBr., ádhyardhaka— ‘worth one and a half’ Pāṇ. [ardhá2] Si. yēḷa, ye°, yela ‘one and a half’ with abnormal for in a numeral. Addenda: *adhiyardha—: Md. doḷu ‘one and a half’.
256a *adhiyasta— Add. 14210.
257 *adhiyasyati, adhyasyati ‘throws over’ KātyŚr. [√as 2] Pr. lis— ‘to let loose upwards, fling off, lose’.
258 *ádhiyēti ‘goes to’. [Cf. ádhyēti ‘turns the mind to’ RV. and ádhigacchati ‘approaches’: √i 2] Ash. dīm ‘I go’ < *ádhiyēmi, Wg. di— ‘to go’ (both with pret. gōm < gatá—), Kt. —. But ac. to Morgen- stierne NTS ii 253 prob. < ati—i—, see átyēti.
259 *adhilambatē ‘approaches’. [Cf. adhyālambatē ‘reaches’ BHS: √lamb] Si. elam̆banavā ‘to come near, approach, arrive’.
260 *adhivāsayati ‘causes to remain’, adhivāsa— m. ‘sitting obstinately before a debtor's door’. [adhivasati ‘dwells’ Mn., Pk. ahivasaï ‘stays’: √vas 2] Pa. adhivāsēti ‘endures’; Si. ivasanavā ‘to bear, en- dure’. *adhiṣṭāt see adhástāt.
261 *adhiṣṭhāti, ádhitiṣṭhati ‘stands up’ RV. [√sthā] Pa. adhiṭṭhāti, adhiṭṭhahati ‘stands on, arranges, determines, concentrates on’; Pk. ahiṭṭhēi ‘goes up, controls’; Si. iṭanavā ‘to make up one's mind’.
264 *adhiṣṭhi— f. ‘standing firm’. [√sthā] P. hiṭh f. ‘firmness of mind, pertinacity, courage, hope’ (but H. haṭh f. ‘pertinacity’ ~ haṭh m. ‘violence’ ← haṭha—).
269 *adhunāhāra— ‘food for now’. [adhunā́, āhāra—] Kho. aunār ‘thick bread prepared by cow— and goat- herds for consumption the same day’.
272 *adhyakavaṁśa— ‘accessory beam’. [Cf. adhika- ‘secondary’ (Pk. ajjhaya— ‘neighbour’ ?): vaṁśá—] Dm. ažṓs, ažṓš ‘small beam’ (NTS xii 158 < adhy—ā- vaṁśa— with ?).
273 *adhyaṅgaka— ‘upper garment’. [áṅga—] H. jhaṅgā, jhagā m. ‘upper garment’: very doubtful.
275 *adhyadhyaka— ‘abundant’. [adhyadhi] S. jhajho ‘many, abundant’; OG. jhājhaüṁ ‘many’, G. jhājhũ, °jũ ‘more, greater’; — doubtful. Addenda: *adhyadhyaka—: S.kcch. jajo ‘much’.
277 *adhyaya— ‘going towards’. [√i 2] S. ajho m. ‘protection, refuge’; G. ājhɔ m. ‘confidence’. — Doubtful. ádhyardha— see *ádhiyardha—. adhyasyati see *adhiyasyati.
282 *adhvavāha— ‘carrier’. [Cf. pathivāhaka— m. ‘burden- carrier’ lex.: ádhvan—, vāhá—] G. adhvāyɔ m. ‘carrier who carts traders' goods, cattle—dealer’. AN ‘breathe’: ánila—; apāná—, prāṇá—, prāṇaka—, prāṇín—, sámaniti.
296 *anāviṣṭa— ‘not entered’. [Cf. *praviṣṭi—: āviṣṭa—] H. anaiṭh m. ‘a day on which the market is closed’.
297 *anāvr̥ṣa— ‘lack of rain’. [*āvr̥ṣa—] L. aṇāī f. ‘drought, failure of the river to rise, famine’.
300 *anikta— ‘unwashed’. [niktá—] Ku. alīt ‘dirty, lazy, shameless’ or < ālipta—.
304 *aniyāya—, anyāya— m. ‘injustice’ R., anyāyya—, anyāyin- ‘unjust’. [nyāyá—] Pk. aṇṇāa— ‘unjust’, m. ‘injustice’; OSi. aniyā ‘in- justice’; Si. ännä ‘unlawful’ < *aniyāyin—, ännäva ‘nuisance’. Addenda: *aniyāya—: Brj. aneū m. ‘injustice’. †;*anirya— ‘sleepless’. [niryā́—, see nidrā́—] †;*aniryōdgata—. †;*aniryōdgata— see †;*anidrōdgata—.
307 *aniṣṭi— ‘dislike’. [iṣṭí2] H. nīṭh, °ṭhi f. ‘dislike’.
308a *anīkya or *anīca— Add. 14213. †;anukará— m. ‘helper’ AV. [√kr̥ 1] see anucará—.
309 *anukarya— ‘imitation’. [anukará— m. ‘assistant’ AV., ‘imitating’ ŚBr.: √kr̥ 1] Kho. oṅgoḷik ‘to imitate, mimic’ Morgenstierne BelvalkarVol 86; — cf. Sk. Pa. anukarōti ‘imitates’ Mn., Pk. aṇugarēi.
313 *anugr̥bhāyati, anugr̥hṇāti ‘follows in taking’ MBh. 2. *anughr̥pta—. [√grah] 1. Ash. waṅgā́— ‘to seize’; Kt. wuṅa— ‘to take, buy’; Bashg. ngā ‘to take’; Kho. aṅgik ‘to bring’ (or < ā́nayati). 2. Preterites: Ash. åṅgetƏ, Kt. ōṅtye f., Bashg. ngūta. Forms with w— perhaps due to contamination with forms < *upagr̥bhāyati, Ash. wagā́—, Kt. waga—; or poss. < *upānugr̥bhāyati. In Ind. semantic development of anu—grah— is ‘lift up — support — help — favour’: anugr̥hṇāti, Pa. anuggaṇhāti, Pk. aṇuggeṇhaï.
317 *anujñapta— ‘permitted’. [Cf. anujñapti— f. ‘permission’] Si. anudat < *anunat with d from anudananavā, see ánujānāti.
318 *anutr̥tīyam ‘on the third day’. [For formation cf. anurātram ‘in the night’ AitBr.: see also s.v. tr̥tı̄́ya1] Savi nu l ia ‘day before yesterday’.
321 *anudrāvayati caus. of ánudravatē ‘runs after’ TS. [Cf. drāváyati: √dru] Wg. andrāl— ‘to throw, pour out’ Morgenstierne NTS xvii 226, but whence l ?
325 *anupānaha— ‘shoeless’. [Cf. anupānatka— KātyŚr.: upānáh—] Pa. anupāhana—, Pk. aṇōvāhaṇaya—, OG. aṇūhāṇa; G. aṛvāṇũ ‘barefoot, unadorned’; M. anvāṇā, anhvāṇī, aṇvāṇī, aṇvāī ‘barefoot’.
334 *anulabdha— pp. of ánulabhatē ‘takes hold of from behind’ ŚBr. [√labh] Pa. anuladdha— ‘grasped from behind’, Pk. aṇuladdha—; Si. nuludu ‘stolen goods’.
335 *anuvara— ‘following the bridegroom’. [For formation cf. ánupatha— ‘following the road’ RV., anupati ‘after the husband’: vará2] OG. aṇuṁara m.f., G. aṇvar m. ‘relative or friend of a newly married couple’. Addenda: *anuvara— see †;anucará—.
336 *anuvāta— ‘woven after’. [√] Pa. anuvāta— m. ‘seam, hem or binding of a monk's robe’; Si. nuvāva ‘hem of a monk's robe’ Geiger BSOS viii 556.
337 *anuvāha— ‘driving after’. [√vah] Mth. (NETirhut) anwāh ‘the boy who looks after unemployed bullocks while ploughing’; — doubtful; perh. rather an—wāh ‘not ploughing’.
340 *anusmara— ‘memory’. [Cf. ánusmarati ‘remembers’ RV., Pa. anussarati, Pk. aṇussaraï: √smr̥] Si. nusaraya ‘memory, thought’.
348 *antaḥpathya— ‘in the road’. [antár, pathya—] Pr. tūčū ‘traveller’ (Morgenstierne NTS xv 216 perh. < *tuwūt—č/šū).
349 *antaḥpanthā—. [antár, pánthā—] Pr. tūt ‘on the road’ Morgenstierne.
352 *antaḥsthāna— ‘interior organ’. [Cf. antaḥsthá— ‘in- terior’ ŚBr.: antár, sthā́na—] Paš. chil. andastṓn ‘liver’ Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 12. — See antastya—.
353 *antadāmanī— ‘end cord’. [ánta—, dāman 1—] P. advāiṇ, advāṇ f. ‘cord inserted in foot of bed to tighten the bottom’ (→ H. adwāin, adwān f.)
359 *antarapaṭṭa— ‘inner garment’. [Cf. Pa. antara—sāṭaka—, —vāsaka— m.: ántara—1, paṭṭa2] H. ãtrauṭā m. ‘the garment worn beneath a fine sāṛī’.
360 *antaravīthi— f. ‘street between houses’. [ántara—1, vīthi—] Pa. antaravīthi— f. ‘street’, Si. aturaveya.
363 *antarāgaṅga— ‘between rivers’. [antarā́, gáṅgā—] Si. brāhmī inscr. ataragaga ‘land between two rivers’ Geiger GS 41.
364 *antarānta— ‘inside’. [ántara—1, ánta—] Gaw. āterānt, atran postp. ‘inside’.
365 *antarābāṇa— ‘the inside reeds’. [antarā́, bāṇá—] Bi. atrāwan, tarāwan ‘a set of three reeds to keep two sets of the warp—thread apart’, Mth. (NETirhut) atrāwan bhā̃j.
366 *antarāmārga— ‘midway’ [antarā́, mārga—] Pa. antarāmaggē ‘midway’; Si. ataramaga, °man̆ga ‘on the road’.
368 *antarāśa— ‘choking’. [antarā́, āśa—] G. ãtrāse adv. ‘in such a way that when drunk in haste a liquid comes out of the nose’.
369 *antarāśana— ‘choking’. [antarā́, áśana—] G. ãtrāsaṇ n. ‘food getting in the windpipe’. antarı̄́ya— n. ‘an inner garment’ Daś. [ántara1] X *aṅgarakṣa—.
371 *antarōdaka— ‘being in the water’. [antarā́, udaká—] Kho. andro g ‘diving’.
375 *antarvarṣa— ‘between rain’. [antár, varṣá—] Pa. antōvassa— m. ‘the rainy season’, OSi. inscr. 4th cent. atovasahi, Si. atavasa, ä°, atä°.
380 *antra— 1 ‘inner’. 2. *antrima—. [antár] 1. Paš. a l iniṅ ‘marrow’, Gaw. e l eṇḍı̄́k (IIFL iii 3, 10 + ?); 2. WPah. bhiḍ. ɛ̄̃tḷõ; ‘inner’. antrá— 2 see āntrá—. *antrima— ‘inner’: see *antra1. AND ‘bind’: *anda—1, *andana—, andū́—.
381 *anda—1, *andana— ‘binding’. [ándati ‘binds’ Dhātup.: √and] H. ā̃d, ãdā, ā̃dan m. ‘mud, quagmire’; — very doubtful. *anda— 2 ‘food’ see ánna-
383 *andōla— ‘swinging’. Pk. aṁdōlaya— m. ‘swing, cradle’; Ku. ãdolo ‘doubt’; Or. ādoḷā ‘sedan chair, litter’; G. ãdoḷ ‘swinging’. - X hindōla—: Or. hāndoḷā ‘litter’.
386a *andhakāratamasikā— Add. 14221.
387 *andhatamisrikā—, andhatamisra— n. ‘complete dark- ness of the soul’ VP., °tā° Mn. [Cf. andhatamasá— n. ‘thick darkness’ Pāṇ., Pa. andhatamō n., Pk. aṁdhatamasa- n.: andhá—, támisrā—] Savi anamúši ‘darkness’ (for š cf. Kal. trōmiš s.v. támisrā—); — or poss. < *andhatamiṣī—, cf. támiṣīcī— RV.
388 *andhapaṭṭa— ‘cloth for covering the eyes’. [andhá—, paṭṭa2] H. ãdhoṭī f. ‘a piece of cloth tied over a horse's or bullock's eyes to blindfold it’.
389 *andharātrya— ‘night blindness’. [Cf. rātryāndhya—: andhá—, rā́tri—] P. nharāttā m., adhrātā ‘night blind’.
391 *andhikāvāta— [andhikā—, vā́ta—] H. ãdhiyāw m. ‘duststorm, whirlwind’.
392 *andhita— ‘blinded’. [andháyati ‘becomes blind’ Dhā- tup., ‘makes blind’ Śiś.: andhá—] Pa. andhita— ‘blind’; B. ā̃di ‘blindfolded’.
396 *anna—uṭṭha— ‘strange’. S. anoṭho ‘perverse’; N. anauṭho ‘strange, queer’, H. anoṭhā, anū°, M. anoṭhā.
397 *annapānīya— [Cf. Pa. annapāna— n., annāpa— ‘food and drink’: ánna—, pānı̄́ya—] Ku. anwāṇī ‘concoction of grain, gruel’.
403 *anyaparaśvas ‘fourth day hence’. [anyá—, paraśvas] P. narsõ; adv. ‘fourth day before or after today’. Addenda: *anyaparaśvas: H. narsõ; ‘fourth day before or after today’, Brj. narō.
404 *anyākāra— ‘of different form’. [Cf. anyathākāram ‘differently’ Pāṇ.: anyá—, ākāra—]. S. niāro ‘separate’, P. neārā, Or. niārā; H. niyārā, nyā° ‘different, separate’, G. nyārũ, M. nyārā.
409 *apakaṣa— ‘scraper’. [Cf. ápakaṣati ‘scrapes off’ AV., used in conjunction with takṣ—: √kaṣ] Or. uṣā ‘mason's plane’.
417 *apaghaṭya— ‘to be screened’. [√ghaṭ] Pk. ōhaṭṭa— m. ‘curtain, screen’, ōhaṭṭa—, °aya— ‘ward- ing off’; H. ohaṭ f. ‘screen, shelter’. — See *apaghāṭa—, apaghāṭayati and cf. *ōṭṭā— which is prob. separate.
418 *apaghāṭa— ‘cover’. [√ghaṭ] Pk. ōhāḍaṇa— n. ‘covering’, °ṇī— f. ‘lid’, ōhaḍaṇī— f. ‘bolt, door—bar’; Or. uhāṛa ‘shelter, cover, shade, screen’; Bi. ohār ‘litter—curtain, lid of brazier's crucible’; Bhoj. ohār ‘cover’; H. ohāṛ, m. ‘cover, wrap, litter—curtain’.
420 *apacitta— ‘without thought’. 2. *apacinta—. [cittá—1, cintā́—: √cit] 1. S. ocito ‘sudden, suddenly’. 2. G. ɔcı̄̃tũ ‘suddenly’.
421 *apacchaṭṭ— ‘separate’. [*chaṭṭ—] P. auchaṭṇā ‘to be separated’.
423 *apatāna—, apatānaka— m. ‘spasmodic contraction of body or stomach’ Suśr. [√tan] *dantāpatāna—.
425 *apatyatara— ‘young of animal’. [Cf. vatsatará—: ápatya—] N. bacero ‘young of a bird’. apatrapatē see *avatrapatē. ápatrasati see uttrasati.
426 *apadāha— ‘burning’. [Cf. ápadahati ‘drives away by burning’ RV., ‘burns up’ MBh.: √dah] N. auṛāhā ‘feverishness, restlessness’ with MIA. ana- logical —ḍḍ—, cf. Pk. avaḍāhēi ‘weeps in a loud voice’, avaddāhaṇā— f. ‘cauterizing’.
427 *apadēśya— ‘foreign’. [dēśá—] Sh. õmacr;śŭ m. ‘guest’ (Rep1 60 < vidēśyà— with a query; but v— > Sh. b—).
431 *apanthaka— ‘pathless’. [Cf. ápatha— n. ‘pathlessness’ AV.: pánthā—.] Paš. awaṅgā́n ‘desolate, e.g. of a hill’ Morgenstierne IIFL iii. 3, 23. ápabharati see ápaharati.
432 *apamarśati ‘wipes off’. [From mr̥j— cf. ápamārṣṭi ‘wipes off, removes’ AV.: √mr̥ś] Kal. umbrā́śim ‘I dismiss’.
437 *apararāṣṭra— ‘foreign country’. [ápara—, rāṣṭrá—] Si. varaṭayā ‘foreigner’ Geiger EGS 157.
438a *aparahīyas— Add. 14227.
442 *aparānna— [ápara—, ánna—] Pa. aparaṇṇa— n. ‘vegetables’ (opp. to grain pubbaṇṇa—) CPD 271; M. varaṇ n. ‘tasty dish of pulse’ P. H. Gode, Jain Antiquary xii 1—8; — very doubtful: Pa. ṇṇ and M. are not explained.
444 *aparēndra— [ápara— or a—para— ‘unrivalled’, indrá—] Kal. rumb. warı̄́n, gen. —dras ‘name of a god’.
447 *apalīyatē ‘is hidden’. 2. *apalāyayati ‘hides’. [Cf. avalīyatē ‘hides oneself’ R.: √ 2] 1. Phal. suri palı̄́ti ‘the sun is eclipsed’; G. ɔḷvāvũ ‘to be hidden’. 2. Phal. ma palayā́nu ‘I hide’, imper. palā́, Morgen- stierne NOPhal 44.
448 *apalyāṇika— ‘without a saddle’. [palyāṇa—] L. awāṇ. alāṇī.
449 *apavara— ‘cover’. [Cf. apavaraṇa— n. ‘covering gar- ment’ lex.: √vr̥ 1] K. wūrü f. ‘washable cover to a wadded quilt’.
457 *apavārayati ‘wards off, protects’, apavārita— ‘covered’ Mr̥cch. [√vr̥ 1] Pk. ōvārēi ‘covers’; G. ovārvũ ‘to wish protection from evil, to bless’, ovārṇā̃ n. pl., OG. ūāraṇauṁ n. ‘a bene- dictory service to remove evils’.
458 *apavāsyatē ‘smells bad’. [√vās] H. ausnā ‘to become musty’.
460 *apavāhānta— ‘end of water—channel’. [apavāhá—, ánta—] L. avāndhā, avan° m. ‘opening of a watercourse into a field’, (Jukes) avā̃dhā m. ‘head of a watercourse’.
463 *apaśrāpayati ‘makes retire from’. 2. *apaśrāpaṇa—. [Cf. ápaśrita— ‘retired from’ RV.: √śri] 1. Bi. osāeb ‘to winnow’, H. osānā, us° ‘to winnow, to pour off’; G. ɔsā̆vvũ, asā° ‘to take water off boiled rice, to skim’. 2. Bi. osaunī ‘winnowing’; G. ɔsāmaṇ, as° n. ‘rice- water’.
464 *apasakta— ‘detached from’. [√sañj] Kho. ausát ‘ruined, destroyed’, Sh. ausāt; — doubtful.
469 *apahaṭṭ— ‘move away’. [*haṭṭ—] Pk. ōhaṭṭa— ‘gone away’, m. ‘one who drives away’; Bhoj. ohaṭā ‘far away’.
477 *apākāṁśa—, ‘unripe portion’. [apāka— áṁśa—] H. awā̃sī f. ‘unripe corn cut for use’ (or < *āmāṁśa—). apāktáḥ see *patta2.
483 *apārdha— ‘less than half’. [ardhá2] Pk. avaḍḍha— ‘half, less than half’; — G. avaḍh, avaḍ ‘unused’ very doubtful.
484 *apāvarati ‘opens’. [ápavr̥ṇōti RV., apāv° RVPrāt.: √vr̥ 1] Pa. apāpurati, pp. apāruta—; Pk. avāuḍa— ‘uncovered, naked’ < apāvr̥ta—; Gy. hung. var— ‘to open, draw’, vardo ‘open’, eng. pūv—vardo ‘plough (‘earth—opener’)’ — doubtful.
495 *apr̥ta— ‘unfilled, uncompleted’. [√pr̥̄] P. appaṛ ‘untilled’ ? — Dm. Savi auḍā́ ‘thirst’ Morgen- stierne NOPhal 26 < apūrti—, but neither accounts for ḍ.
496 *apr̥ti— ‘deficiency’. [√pr̥̄] P. auṛ f. ‘deficiency of rain, lack, famine’, ḍog. aoṛ f. ‘scarcity’. apēkṣā— see ánapēkṣa—. apēta— see ápaiti. *apēṣayati ‘sends away’. [√iṣ 1] see *upēṣayati.
499 *apōṣṇa— ‘not hot’. [uṣṇá—] Kal. rumb. ɔ̄žnḗ ‘cool’.
500 *appa— ‘father’. 2. *appā— f. ‘elder sister’. 1. Pk. appa—, °aya— m. ‘father’, A. āp ‘address by lower classes for father, grandfather, or old man’, āpaṭi ‘father’; G. (used by shepherds) āpɔ m. ‘father’; M. āpā ‘term of respect for an elder or of endearment for a son or junior’. 2. Or. apā ‘elder sister’; H. āpā f. ‘id., term of address to an older woman’.
509 *abhāriya— ‘not to be borne’. [Cf. bhāryà— ‘to be borne’ TS.: √bhr̥] Si. bāri ‘impossible’ (Geiger ES 63 < apārya— and EGS 120 < bhārika—).
511 *abhigharati ‘drips’. [Cf. abhíghārayati ‘sprinkles’ TS.: √ghr̥ 1] G. eharvũ ‘to be wet with sweat, to be liquefied’.
514 *abhicchardati ‘ejects on’. [√chr̥d] A. esāriba ‘to throw, cast off’.
515 *abhijjharati, abhíkṣarati ‘flows round’ RV., ‘pours down’ AV. [√*jhar] G. ijhrāvũ ‘to pine away’.
520 *abhinābhi— ‘up to the navel’ [For abhi— cf. abhijñú ‘up to the knee’ RV.: nā́bhi—] A. enāi adj. ‘coming up to the navel’.
526 *abhimlāyati ‘withers’. 2. *abhimlāpayati ‘causes to wither’. [Cf. mlā́yati ‘withers’ ŚBr., caus. mlāpáyati AV., án—abhimlāta—varṇa— ‘of unfaded colour’ RV.: √mlai] 1. Ku. wahalīṇo ‘to fade, wither’, N. oilinu. 2. Ku. uhalyāṇo, wahalyauṇo ‘to let wither, to dry’; N. oilāunu ‘to let fade’. *abhiyajyatē ‘is led to’, see *bhējj—.
527 *abhiyávaharati, abhyá° ‘throws down (into water)’ VS. 2. *abhiyavaharaṇa—, abhyavahá° n. ‘throwing down’ ŚBr. 3. *abhiyavahāra—, abhya° m. ‘taking food’ Mn. [√hr̥] 1. M. vairṇẽ, oyãrṇẽ, orṇẽ ‘to pour gradually from hand or vessel (rice &c. into water, grain into mill)’. 2. M. vairaṇ, oyãraṇ, oraṇ n.f. ‘grist thrown at one time into the mill, a feed’, vairṇẽ n. ‘the hopper into which grist is poured’. 3. M. vairā, oyrā, orā m. ‘the portion of rice &c. taken out for the day's food’; — in sense ‘kitchen, centre of house’ Bloch LM 302, but rather < apavaraka—. *abhiyavahāra— see *abhiyávaharati. *abhiyāśa— see abhyāśa—. *abhiyāsayati see abhyàsyati.
528 *abhilagyati ‘adheres to’. [√lag] P. ilgaṇ, °ṇī, ilaṅgaṇ, °ṇī f. ‘line to hang clothes on’ (see also *ālagyati); OAw. hilagaï ‘gets entangled’; H. hilagnā ‘to be suspended, hang’, M. hilagṇẽ (l for after lagṇẽ).
530 *abhilōḍati ‘shakes’. [Cf. abhilulita— ‘agitated’ Kālid.: √luḍ] WPah. cam. hiḷoḷṇā ‘to shake’. abhívartatē see *bhēṭṭ—.
533a *abhihasati Add. 14235. abhyàkta— see *bhiyajyatē Add2.
535 *abhīkṣaṇa— ‘looking towards’. [Cf. abhı̄́kṣatē ‘looks toward’ RV.: √īkṣ] Pk. ahikkhaṇa— n. ‘reproach’; Si. ebikana ‘peeping’; — doubtful, cf. ebenavā ‘to peep’ s.v. ā́bhāti. abhı̄́kṣatē see *ācikhyati. [√īkṣ]
539 *abhīṣṭa— ‘sent to’. [Cf. iṣitá— ‘sent’, iṣṭí— f. ‘despatch’ RV.: √iṣ 1] Kho. (Lor.) yōṣṭ ‘envoy’; — rather than < abhiṣṭí— m. ‘helper’ RV.
543 *abhyaṭati ‘approaches’. [√aṭ] G. ābhaṛvũ ‘to touch’, abhṛāvũ ‘to be made impure by contact’. abhyànakti see *bhiyañjati. Addenda: *abhyaṭati see also *ābhiṭ— Add2.
548 *abhyutta— ‘wetted’. [Cf. abhyundánt— pres. part. ‘wet- ting’ RV.: √ud 2] Pk. abbhuttaï ‘bathes’.
551 *abhrakāla— ‘cloudy weather’. [abhrá—1, kālá2] H. abhāl m. ‘cloud’, M. abhāḷ, ābh° n. ‘cloudiness’.
552 *abhratala— ‘sky’. [abhrá—1, tala—] H. abhāl m. ‘sky’, M. abheḷ n. ‘sky’. — See also *abhrakāla—.
553 *abhrabhūta— ‘cloudy’. [abhrá—1, bhūtá—] OG. ābhūuṁ n. ‘cloud’.
578 *amma— ‘breast, teat’. M. āmā m. ‘breast, bubby’.
580 *amlagandha— ‘sour smell’. [amlá—, gandhá—] K. āmalunu m. ‘musty smelliness’.
582 *amlapauli— ‘a sour cake’. [amlá—, pauli—] M. ãboḷī f. ‘flour soured by exposure to air and then slightly parched on a girdle’.
584 *amlārta— ‘sour flour’. [amlá—, *ārta2] WPah. bhad. amlaṭṭu n. ‘yeast’; M. ā̃batẽ n. ‘soured flour’; — poss. G. āmṭī f. ‘a sour dish of gram flour boiled with tamarind’, M. ãbaṭī f. amlikā— see āmlā—.
592 *ayaskūṭa— ‘iron hammer’. [áyas—, kū́ṭa1] Pa. ayōkūṭa—, ayak° m.; Si. yakuḷa ‘sledge—hammer’, yavuḷa (< ayōkūṭa—).
601 *araṇyēśa— ‘lord of the forest’. [áraṇya—, īśa—] Si. raṇis ‘hunter, a Vedda’.
613 *arukta— ‘disliked’. [*rukta—: √ruc] K. ar°tu , f. arüċ ü ‘bad, no good, useless’; Si. aruta ‘disgust, loathing, aversion to food’.
617 *aruṇatara— ‘reddish’. [aruṇá—] H. arunārā ‘tawny’.
623 *arōcya— ‘displeasing’. [Cf. arṓcaka— ‘not shining’ Kauś., ‘disgusting’ Suśr., arōcuká— ‘displeasing’: √ruc] K. arūċu , dat. pl. arōċen ‘unpleasing, disagreeable’. — See arucya—.
628 *arkavarta— ‘a sort of ornament’. [Cf. arkapuṭikā— f. ‘a silver ornament consisting of a round disk like the sun’ lex.: arká—1, *varta3] G. akɔṭī f. ‘earring’.
629 *argaḍa—, argala— m.n. ‘bolt’, irgala— m.n. Pāṇ., argalikā— f. ‘small bolt’ lex. [Cf. sā́rgaḍa— ‘barred’ ŚBr. Poss. Muṇḍa origin and further connexions in IA. Kuiper PMWS 14.] Pa. aggaḷa— m., °ḷā— f. ‘cross—bar of a door, bolt’, Pk. aggala— m., °lā— f., Ku. āglo, °liyā, N. āglo; B. āgaṛ, °oṛ ‘mat—door, hurdle’; Or. āgaṛa ‘gate’, āguḷa ‘obstacle’, °ḷā ‘small iron keeper—ring’; Bi. āgar, agrī, āgal ‘wooden bar of door’, OAw. āgari (r < ), H. āgal, aggal m.f., G. āgḷɔ m., °ḷī f., °ḷīɔ m., M. āgaḷ, ag°, āgh° m.f., Ko. agaḷu, Si. aguḷa, °la; — M. agḍā m. ‘tie connecting yoke and pole of cart’ (?). — Der. B. aglāna ‘to restrain, watch’; Or. aguḷibā ‘to lie in wait for’. Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 16 places here Dm. argali ‘throat’, Gaw. hargal; Paš. orgól ‘jaw’; — doubtful. argala— see *argaḍa—. Addenda: *argaḍa—: WPah.kṭg. aggƏḷ f. ‘wooden bolt’. †;*bhujārgaḍā—.
631 *arghaṇa— ‘costing’. [árghati] Pa. agghana— n. ‘price’, in cmpd. —agghanaka— ‘having the value of’; Si. aganā ‘precious’.
636 *arjana— ‘millet’. [Cf. Pers. arzan, Orm. ažan Morgen- stierne IIFL i 388, Psht. ẓ̌dan, Khot. éysä H. W. Bailey BSOS viii 122] Ash. aẓū̃ ‘millet’, Wg anj̈ǖ́, anzǖ́ NTS xvii 226 (anǰū̃ NTS xv 247), Pr. üǰǖ̃. — See *aṇuni—.
639 *arthakathā— ‘commentary’. [ártha—, kathā—] Pa. aṭṭhakathā— f., Si. aṭuvāva Geiger GS 58, but prob. ← Pa.
645 *ardhakapāla— ‘migraine’. [Cf. *ardhaśīrṣa—: ardhá—2, kapā́la—] Ku. adhālī ‘neuralgia’.
646 *ardhakuḍava— ‘half a kuḍava’. [Cf. ā̆rdhakauḍavika- ‘equal to half a ku°’ Kāś.: ardhá—2, kuḍava—] Pk. addhakuḍava—, °kulava— m. ‘a measure of grain’; Ku. aduṛī ‘a wooden measure containing a quarter ser’.
648 *ardhaguṇa— ‘increased by a half’. [ardhá—2, guṇá—] S. aḍhū̃ṇo ‘1 1/2 times greater’, adhū̃ṇi f. ‘adding 1 1/2’.
650 *ardhajjhāma— ‘half—burnt’. [Cf. ardhadagdha— MW.: ardhá—2, *jhāma1] Pa. aḍḍhajjhāma—, °aka— ‘half—roasted’; Si. aḍadamu ‘half—burnt’, coll. aḍadam̆bu;; aḍadamba ‘half—burnt piece of wood or stump’ DSL 118.
652 *ardhatr̥tīyaguṇa— ‘two and a half times’. [ardha- tr̥tīya—, guṇá—] S. aḍhāūṇo ‘2 1/2 times greater’; P. ḍhauṇā ‘2 1/2 times’.
653 *ardhatōla— ‘one half tolaka’. [ardhá—2, tōlaka—] G. adhɔḷ ‘weighing about one ounce’, adhɔḷī f. ‘a measure of that capacity’.
655 *ardhapakṣa— ‘having half a side’. [ardhá—2 pakṣá—] S. adhokho ‘incomplete’; — deriv. adhokhāro.
656 *ardhapañcama— ‘four and a half’. [ardhá—2, pañ- camá—] Pk. addhapaṁcama—; Bhoj. ḍhãgucā, H. ḍhaũcā, ḍhõ;cā (rarrow; P. ḍhaũcā).
657 *ardhapanthaka—, cf. ardhapathē ‘halfway’ Yājñ. [ardhá—2, pánthā—] Paš. aḍḍhawaṅ ‘halfway’.
658 *ardhapala— ‘half a pala’. [ardhá—2, pala1] K. adwal m. ‘weight of two tolās’.
659 *ardhapalya— ‘a half sack’. [ardhá—2, palya—] G. adhvālī f. ‘a corn measure equal to half a pālī’.
660 *ardhapāṭa— ‘a half expanse’. [ardhá—2, pāṭa—] L. adhvāṛ m. ‘half a sheep's skin’; P. adhvāṛ, adhuāṛ m. ‘half of anything, one side of leather or piece of cloth’; H. adhwāṛ f. ‘half of anything, half a roll of cloth’.
661 *ardhapiṅga— ‘half—yellow’. [ardhá—2, piṅga—] H. adhẽgā m. ‘a brown bird with red throat and head and yellow wings and legs’ (= adhā̃gā < ardhāṅga—).
662 *ardhapuṭa— ‘a half fold’. [ardhá—2, puṭa—] S. adhoṛa f. ‘a skin of leather’; L. adhôṛī f. ‘half a skin of cow, buffalo, or camel when being tanned’; H. adhauṛī f. ‘a half hide’, M. adhoḍ, adhvaḍ f.; — doubtful.
663 *ardhapurāṇa— ‘half used up’. [ardhá—2, purāṇá—] S. adhorāṇo ‘half worn out’; P. addhorānā ‘half—used (of cloth)’, N. adharnu.
664 *ardhapūraka— ‘half—full’. [ardhá—2, pūraka—] S. adhoro ‘incomplete’; L. P. adhūrā ‘half—done’, Ku. N. adhuro, A. ādharuwā, H. adhūrā, G. adhurũ, M. adhurā, adhorā.
665 *ardhaphāla— ‘having half a ploughshare’. [ardhá—2, phā́la1] H. adhahrā m. ‘a plough with a small share’ or < *ardhahala—.
667 *ardhamaṇa— ‘half a maṇa’. [ardhá—2, maṇa—] P. addhaṇ, dhauṇ m. ‘half a maund’; H. adhwan, adhaun, dhaun m. ‘half a maund, half of anything’.
668 *ardhamāna— ‘a half measure’. [ardhá—2, mā́na2] Pa. addhamāna— n. ‘a partic. measure equivalent to half a māna’; OSi. aḍmanā, Si. aḍamanāva ‘a partic. measure of liquids or grain’.
669 *ardhamāṣaka— ‘half the weight māṣaka’. [ardhá—2, māṣaka—] Pa. aḍḍhamāsaka— m. ‘half a bean as a measure of value or weight’; Si. aḍumahu, °massa ‘a coin worth half a massa’.
672 *ardhavayasa— ‘middle age’. [Cf. pūrvavayasá— n. ‘first age’, madhyamavayasá— n. ‘middle age’ ŚBr.: ardhá—2, váyas3] A. ādaha ‘middle age’, ādahiyā ‘middle—aged’. Addenda: *ardhavayasa—. — Read A. ādah (AFD 208).
673 *ardhavr̥tta— ‘half—completed’. [ardhá—2, vr̥ttá—] G. adhoṭ ‘past middle age’; — or poss. < adhɔḍ see ardhavr̥ddha—.
675 *ardhavēḍa— ‘middle—aged’. [ardhá—2, vḗlā— which is perh. < *vēḍā—] P. Ku. H. adheṛ ‘middle—aged’, G. ādheṛ, ; — doubt- ful.
676 *ardhaśīrṣa— ‘migraine’. [Cf. ardhaśiras— n. ‘half a head’ ĀpŚr.: ardhá—2, śīrṣá—] Ku. adsisi ‘neuralgia’.
677 *ardhasatēra— ‘half a ser’. [ardhá—2, *satēra—] A. ādher ‘consisting of half a ser’. *ardhahala— see *ardhaphāla—. [ardhá—2, halá—]
680 *ardhāpūrta— ‘half—filled’. [ardhá—2, āpūrta—] Gaw. aḍā́waḍ ‘half—full’ Morgenstierne NOGaw 27.
681 *ardhāvr̥tta— ‘half—melted’. [ardhá—2, āvr̥tta—] H. adhāwaṭ ‘half—boiled’; G. adhoṭī f. ‘sugar—cane juice boiled but not allowed to coagulate’.
683 *ardhōttara— ‘increasing by half’. [ardhá—2, úttara—] S. adhotiro ‘carrying interest rate of 1/2% per month’.
704 *alambaka— ‘not long’. [lamba—] K. alomu ‘not pulled out straight (of a rope)’.
706 *alala— ‘cheerful noise’. [Cf. alalābhávant— ‘sounding cheerfully’ RV.] H. alal—bacheṛā m. ‘frisky colt’, alalle—talalle ‘feasting, merriment’.
709 *alasiṣṭha— ‘most lazy’. [alasá—] K. alsēṭh, alsrēṭh, arsrēṭh, gen. °ēṭas ‘very stout, foolish’; — doubtful bec. of for ṭh. alāka— see arká2.
713 *alikhant— ‘not writing’. [líkhati] G. alehtũ ‘ignorant, careless’; — very doubtful, cf. alheṛ s.v. *allaḍa—. aligarda—, °dha— see alagardá—.
714 *aliṅkāra— ‘hornet’. [Cf. alin—] WPah. l. rudh. raṅghāl ‘hornet’, h. rudh. aṅgāl, Ku. alaṅār, N. arı̃gāl, °gal, ariṅāl.
724 *allaḍa— ‘childish’. S. alaṛu ‘ignorant’, m. ‘stripling’; P. allhaṛ ‘childish’, ḍog. allaṛ ‘inexperienced’; N. allare ‘childish’; H. allaṛ, alaṛ, allaṛh ‘boyish, ignorant’; G. alheṛ ‘ignorant, care- less’; M. allaḍ, alaḍ, alhaḍ ‘raw, inexperienced’: - redup. or + bālá—: H. alaṛ—balaṛ f. ‘childish talk’.
725 *allā— ‘name of a tree or plant’. P. all f. ‘a partic. kind of vegetable’; H. M. āl f. ‘the tree Morinda citrifolia from the root of which a red dye is prepared’.
726a *avakaḍḍhati Add. 14245.
727a *avakalati Add. 14246.
727b *avakasati Add. 14247.
730 *avakāśana— ‘shining, being visible’. [√kāś] With anal. MIA. —kk—: S. okāṇaṇu ‘to clear (of the sky)’; — doubtful.
733 *avakṣara— ‘flowing down’. [~ *avajjhara—: √kṣar] Or. okhara ‘cow's milk’; — doubtful.
734 *avakṣala— ‘washing’ or *avakṣālya— ‘to be washed off’. [Cf. Pa. avakkhalita— ‘washed off’: √kṣal] A. okhal ‘dirt of body or clothes’. avakṣā́ṇa— see *avajjhāyati.
735 *avakṣāra— ‘downward flow’. 2. *avakṣāla—. [√kṣar] 1. Kal. uc̣hár ‘waterfall’; WPah. bhal. ɔ̄ċhār m. ‘trickling’. 2. Gaw. woc̣hā́l ‘waterfall’.
737 *avakṣōdati ‘crushes’. [Cf. avakṣudya ‘having rubbed or pounded to pieces’ Suśr.: √kṣud] WPah. bhad. ɔċċhnu ‘to crush and clean rice’.
738 *avakṣōpa— ‘scratching’. [√kṣup] Dm. oc̣hū́ ‘itch’, Phal. očhṓ.
740 *avagara— ‘swallowing’. [Cf. avagarat ‘swallows’ AV.: √gr̥̄ 2] Si. ugura ‘throat’ (or < udgāra—).
741 *avagarati ‘pours out’. [~avagalati: √gal1, √*gr̥̄ 1] With anal. gg: Bhoj. ogaral ‘milk to come into the udder of a cow before giving milk’; G. ogrāḷɔ m. ‘a large brass or copper ladle for serving liquid food’; M. ogarṇẽ ‘to dish or ladle out’, ogar m. ‘a mass (esp. of boiled rice) ladled out’. — Or < *udgarati 1.
744 *avagāra— ‘swallowing’. 2. *avagāla—. [Cf. Pk. oggālaï ‘chews the cud’: √gr̥̄ 2] 1. G. ɔgār n. ‘residue of cattle fodder’: semant. cf. ɔgaṭh < *avagrasta—. 2. Pk. oggālira— ‘chewing the cud’; G. ɔgāḷ m. ‘chew- ing the cud, cud, quid’. *avagāla— see *avagāra—. *avagālayati see avagalati.
745 *avagirati ‘falls down’. [Cf. avagalati ‘falls or slips down’ Śiś.: √*gr̥̄ 1] N. oirinu ‘to drop (as corn into mill), fall headlong’; - more prob. < avakirati.
747 *avagrasta— ‘eaten’. [√gras] G. ɔgaṭh, ɔgāṭ n. ‘residue of cattle fodder’: for ṭh in place of th cf. S. ǥaṭho s.v. grasta—; semant. cf. ɔgār < *avagāra—.
748 *avaghaṭṭati ‘decreases, recedes’. [√ghaṭṭ 2] Pk. ōhaṭṭa— ‘withdrawn’, ōhaṭṭaï ‘decreases, with- draws’; Ku. ugaṭṇo ‘to abate, be ruined’; M. ohaṭṇẽ, auṭhṇẽ ‘to abate, ebb, flow down’ (Bloch LM 303 < apahr̥ta—).
750 *avaghara— ‘flowing down’. 2. *avaghala—. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. Pk. deśīn. vōhara— n. (v— from vaha— ‘current’) ‘water—channel’; L. ohrī f. ‘small water—channel from well’; M. ohar m. ‘channel worn into land by irruptions from the sea’. 2. M. ohaḷ m. ‘oozing, streamlet’; — oḷ, oḷī f. ‘stream- let, gutter’ (rather than < avali—); — with anal. ggh: oghaḷ, vagh° m.f. ‘streamlet’.
751 *avagharati ‘flows down, drops’. 2. *avaghalati. 3. *avaghālayati. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. Pk. ōharaï ‘throws down, upsets’. 2. M. ohaḷṇẽ, vah° ‘to ooze, trickle’; — with anal. ggh: M. oghaḷṇẽ, vagh° ‘to trickle, fall off’. 3. M. ohaḷṇẽ, vah° ‘to upset’; — with anal. ggh: M. oghaḷṇẽ, vagh° tr. ‘to slip off, make run or slip, reject’.
752 *avagharṣa— ‘rubbing’. [Cf. avagharṣaṇa— n. ‘rubbing off’ Yājñ.: √ghr̥ṣ] Pk. ōhaṁsa— m. ‘stone for rubbing sandal, sandal’ (J. Charpentier IL ii 45 < avadhvaṁsá—), ōharisa— m.; G. orsiyɔ m. ‘stone for rubbing sandal on’, orasṛī f. ‘small ditto’. *avaghala— see *avaghara—. *avaghalati see *avagharati.
754 *avaghātana— ‘instrument for crushing’. [Cf. avaghāta- m. ‘threshing corn in a mortar’ Jaim.: √han 1] M. vāhaṇ, vāyaṇ, vāīṇ n. ‘stone mortar fixed in the ground’.
756 *avaghāla— ‘trickling down’. [√ghr̥ 1] Mth. ohārī ‘end of a thatched roof’, ohālī ABORI xxi 107; G. ohāḷ m., oḷi f. ‘silt at the mouth of a river’. *avaghālayati see *avagharati.
757 *avaghrāyati ‘smells at’. [Cf. ávaghrāpayati ‘causes to smell at’ ŚBr.: √ghrā] See *upaghrāyati.
761 *avacchadana— ‘covering’. [√chad 1] S. ochaṇu m. ‘covering, dress’.
762 *avacchadman— ‘covering’. [Cf. chadman—: √chad 1] M. osad, °at f. ‘shade with an evil influence, shade, shadow in general’.
763 *avacchāda— ‘cover’. [√chad 1] Gy. eur. (Sofia) učhál, wel. učal m. ‘shade’; G. ɔchāyɔ m. ‘shadow’.
764 *avacchādana— ‘covering’. [√chad 1] Pk. occhāyaṇa—; N. ochyān ‘bedding’; Mth. ŏchāŏn, ŏchaunā ‘bed covering’.
767 *avacchr̥ndati ‘abandons’. [√chr̥d] M. osãḍṇẽ tr. ‘to abandon, cast off, throw away’, intr. ‘to be shed, to spill, drop, fall’.
768 *avacchyati ‘cuts off’. 2. *avacchāyayati caus. [Cf. ávacchita— ‘reaped’ ŚBr., °chāta— KātyŚr., chāyayati Pāṇ.: √chō] 1. Kho. ōčhik ‘to break into’; M. õ;sṇẽ ‘to strip off (bark, &c.)’. 2. Or. uchāibā ‘to prune, lop’, or < *ucchyati.
769 *avajjhara— ‘trickling’. [~ *avakṣara—: √*jhar] Pk. ojjhara—, uj° m. ‘stream coming down a mountain- side’; M. oj̈har m. ‘trickling, stream’.
770 *avajjharati ‘drips down, falls, throws down or away’. [√*jhar] Pk. ojjharia— ‘thrown aside’; S. ojhiraṇu ‘to nod from drowsing’; Mth. ojharab ‘to be put in disorder, be dis- hevelled’; G. ojhartũ ‘sweeping along, passing with a slight touch’; M. oj̈harṇẽ ‘to trickle, ooze, run in streamlets, graze, just touch’. — Cf. *ujjharati.
771 *avajjhāyati ‘extinguishes’. [Cf. avakṣā́ṇa— ‘burnt down, extinguished’ MaitrS., aṅgārāvakṣáyaṇa— n. ‘instrument for extinguishing coals’ ŚBr.: √*jhai] N. ojhāunu ‘to extinguish a torch, pull a log from the fire and extinguish it’. — MIA. *ojjhāi X vijjhāyati q.v.
771a *avajjhālayati ‘pours down’. [√*jhal] Or. ojhāḷibā ‘to clean out a well or tank, repair a house’. — Cf. *ujjhālayati. avaṭá— ‘pit’: see avatá—.
772 *avaṭṭhiṅga— ‘prop’. [*ṭhiṅga1] G. ɔṭhı̃gvũ, aṭh° ‘to lean’, ɔṭhı̃gaṇ n. ‘a prop’.
773 *avaḍḍhāla— ‘falling down’. [√*ḍhal] Bshk. ōḍā́l ‘flood’, Phal. oḍhāl, °ōl.
778 *avatudyatē ‘is pushed off’. [Cf. avatunna— ‘pushed off’ Car.: √tud] H. ojnā tr. ‘to stop’.
779 *avatrapatē ‘is ashamed’. [Cf. apatrapatē MBh.: √trap] Pa. ottapati ‘feels a sense of guilt’, Aś. shah. avatrapeyu ‘be ashamed’; NiDoc. otrava ‘shame’; Kho. ortréik ‘to shy’ Morgenstierne BelvalkarVol 86 < *avatrapaya—.
780 *avatrapya— ‘shame’ .[Cf. apatrapā— f. ‘shame’ lex., nirapatrapa— ‘shameless’ MBh.: √trap] Pa. ottappa— n. ‘remorse’, Si. otap ‘fear to commit sin, shame’; — G. atrūp ‘shameless’ < *utrāp ‘shameful’?
787 *avanamaka— ‘bending’. [√nam] Pa. ōnamaka—; M. oṇvā, vaṇ°, onvā ‘stooping’.
789 *avanahati ‘covers. [Cf. avanahya KātyŚr., ávanaddha- AV., Pa. ōnaddha—, Pk. ōṇaddha—: √nah] Aw. onahā ‘overcast’ pp. of *onah— Baburam Saksena NIA i 397. avanāmayati see avanamati.
791 *avanijyati ‘washes’. [ávanēniktē ‘washes oneself’, ávanējayati ‘causes to wash’ ŚBr.: √nij] Paš. lauṛ. ōnǰ— ‘to wash (clothes, hands)’, ar. äı̃ž—: the latter poss. < *ānijyati (for prep. cf. āsnāna— beside snā́na—); — cf. Pa. ōṇōjēti J. Charpentier IL ii 55 cannot explain ō < ē.
793 *avapuṣya— ‘bud’. [Cf. Pa. ōpuppha— m. ‘bud’ < *ava- puṣpa—: púṣya1] Kal. ušik ‘flower’. avabaddha— see avabandhati.
800 *avamakrama— ‘lower row’. [avamá—, kráma—] Wg. ū̃křem dū̃t ‘the lower teeth’; — more prob., like oı̃nkřem dū̃t ‘the upper teeth’, a Wg. cmpd. *avamardati, avamr̥dnāti ‘rubs’ MBh. [√mr̥d] See *ādhūṇḍh—.
802 *avamalaka— ‘partially impure’. [mála—] M. õ;vḷā, ov°, oḷā ‘impure only in a secondary degree’; — cf. Pk. ōmaïlla— ‘dirty’. *avamāṁśa— ‘worst portion’. [avamá—, áṁśa—.] See *adhamāṁśa—. avamāna— see apamāna—.
808 *avaratya— ‘sleep’. [For formation cf. *ātatya— ~ *ātati—: avarati—] Pasš. ōráč m. ‘sleep’.
809 *avarandhati ‘hurts, destroys’. [√randh] Pr. orod— ‘to beat’.
810 *avarapāra— ‘the near bank’. [ávara—, pārá—] Pa. ōrapāra— in anōrapāra— ‘boundless (of the ocean)’; L. urvār ‘on this side of a river’.
811 *avarampati or °phati ‘cuts, scrapes off’. [Cf. raphitá- ‘wretched’ RV., raphati, ramph° ‘injures’ Vop.: √*ramp] Pk. ōraṁpia— ‘scraped, made thin’ (cf. raṁpia— and raṁphia—); M. orapṇẽ, orbaḍṇẽ, orphaḍṇẽ ‘to scrape, scratch, strip off leaves’.
814 *avarīyatē ‘flows down’. 2. *avarīṇa—. 3. *avarē- payati. [Cf. rı̄́yatē ‘flows’ RV., rīṇa— lex., rēpayati Gr.: √] 1. Pk. ōlīaï ‘comes down’; Si. erenavā ‘to flow into the udder (of milk), to sink in the mud’. 2. Si. eruṇā pret. of preceding. 3. G. oravvũ ‘to irrigate with well water’; Si. erava- navā ‘to cause to flow down’. *avarīṇa— see *avarīyatē. *avarēpayati see *avarīyatē. Addenda: *avarīyatē: Md. varanī ‘pours’, fen v° ‘bathes’, verum ‘pouring’.
816 *avarōṣa— ‘anger’. [√ruṣ] Wg. urū́ṣ ‘anger’ (or < *ārōṣa—), Si. erehiya (< *ava- rōṣita—?). avarōha— see avarōdha—.
818a *avartmaka— Add. 14250.
819 *avala— ‘contrary’. 2. *avalla—. 1. Pk. avila— ‘difficult’; S. auro ‘ill dispositioned’, aurī f. ‘difficulty, calamity’; G. avḷũ ‘contrary, obstinate’. 2. S. avalo ‘contrary, perverse, unpropitious’.
820 *avalagati ‘fastens to, touches’. [Cf. avalagayati KātyŚr. com.: √lag] Pk. ōlaïa— ‘touching’; S. oraṇu ‘to talk over one's mis- fortunes’ semant. cf. avalagna—.
821 *avalagana— ‘something hanging’. [√lag] H. olan m. ‘plummet’; M. oḷaṇ, olāṇī f. ‘clothes line, string of an iron lamp’, oḷāṇẽ, olā° n. ‘string of an iron lamp, cloth worn during ablution’ (cf. Pk. ōlaïa— ‘put on, worn’).
823 *avalagyati ‘clings to, hangs from’. [√lag] Pa. ōlaggēti ‘makes cling to’; Pk. ōlaggaï ‘follows, serves’; Ash. uluṅa— intr. ‘to hang’, Kt. wuluṅ— ‘to seize’ (NTS ii 241 < avalaṅghayati?); G. oḷaguũ ‘to frequent’; M. oḷãgṇẽ, vaḷ°, vaḷag°, vaḷagh°, vaḷãgh° ‘to hang from, cling to, grasp’, oḷãgh° ‘to cling to, grasp’: nasalized forms perh. X avalambatē, forms with gh perh. X avalaṅghayati, but in M. may be simple variations of spelling.
824 *avalaṅghati °ghita— ‘passed (of time)’ Kathās. [Cf. *avalaṅghayati in Pa. ōlaṅghēti ‘makes jump down’: √laṅgh] S. orā̃ghaṇu ‘to step over’, oraṅgha f. ‘stepping over’; G. oḷãghvũ, °ãguũ ‘to cross, violate’, orãgɔ m. ‘act of crossing, a wrestling trick’.
825 *avalaṇḍayati ‘crosses’. [Cf. ōlaṇḍati ‘throws out’ Dhātup.? — √laṇḍ] Pk. ōlaṇḍēi ‘crosses, transgresses’; M. olā̃ḍṇẽ, olã°, olhā̃ḍṇe ‘to cross or pass over’.
828 *avalaya— ‘refuge’. [√ 1] L. olā m. ‘screen, shelter’; H. olā m. ‘screen’; G. oḷɔ m. ‘shelter, protection’. Addenda: *avalaya—: WPah.kṭg. ōl f. ‘cave’; H. ol m.f. ‘screen, shelter’. — OP. olhā m. ‘screen, shelter’ X *ōḍḍh—?
829 *avalalati ‘descends’. 2. *avalālayati. 3. *avalāla—. [√lal, and cf. √*laḍ 2] 1. Pk. ollaria— ‘asleep’; Ku. ularṇo ‘to descend, be degraded’; N. orlanu ‘to descend’; Or. uluribā ‘to fall from its proper place, to be pulled down (of thatch)’. 2. Ku. ulārṇo ‘to bring down’, N. orālnu, orhā°; Or. ulāribā ‘to take down thatch off a roof’. 3. Ku. ulār, °ro m. ‘downward slope, descent’, N. orālo. Addenda: avalalati. 1. WPah.kṭg. ɔḷnõ; ‘to fall down’. 3. *avalāla—: WPah.kṭg. rwaḷi f. ‘downward slope, descent’.
830 *avalavati ‘cuts off’. [Cf. avalūna— ‘cut off’ lex.: √] Sh. valōnu̯ ‘to shave (the beard)’; G. ɔḷavvũ ‘to mis- appropriate’ (or < *avalōpayati).
831 *avalasati ‘slips down’. 2. *avalasita—. [√*las 2] 1. Pk. ōrasaï ‘descends’; S. ulahaṇu ‘to descend, set (sun, moon, &c.)’, ulahando m. ‘the West’. 2. S. olahyo ‘western’. *avalāla— see *avalalati. *avalālayati see *avalalati. *avali— ‘line, row’ see āvali—. Addenda: *avalasati. 3. *avalasta— (cf. *lasta— id.): OP. ulatthā ‘descended’. *avalāla— see *avalalati Add2.
832 *avalipya— ‘to be smeared’. [Cf. avalipta— ‘smeared’ MBh., Pa. ullittāvalitta— ‘plastered inside and out’, Pk. ōliṁpaï, ōlitta—: √lip] G. oḷap, kāṭh. orpɔ m. ‘line made in plastering with cowdung’.
834 *avaluṇḍati ‘spills’. [√luḍ] Pk. ōluṁḍaï ‘falls, drips’; — M. olãḍṇẽ, ul° tr. and intr. ‘to turn over, spill’ bec. of —l— < MIA. ll rather < *ulluṇḍati.
835 *avalēpayati ‘smears’. [avalimpati KauṣBr., avalēpana- n. ‘ointment’ Suśr., Pk. ōliṁpaï: √lip See upalēpayati.
838 *avalōḍayati ‘stirs up’. [√luḍ] Paš. oroṛ— ‘to mix’.
839 *avalōpayati ‘has cut off’. [avalumpati ‘takes off, cuts off’ TS., Pa. ōlumpēti ‘wrests off’, Pk. ōluṁpa— m. ‘crush- ing’: √lup] G. oḷavvũ ‘to misappropriate’ or < *avalavati. *avavartana— see *avavartayati.
840 *avavartayati ‘turns round’. 2. *avavartana— n. 3. *avavṛttra— ‘instrument for twirling’. [√vr̥t 1] 1. Pk. ōvattēi ‘twirls round’; Ku. auṭṇo ‘to card cotton’, N. oı̃ṭnu, uı̃ṭnu, Bi. oṭab, õ;ṭab, Mth. aũṭab; H. oṭnā ‘to thrum’. 2. H. oṭnī f. ‘instrument for separating seed from cotton’; M. vaṭṇẽ n. ‘instrument for rolling cotton to separate seed’. 3. S. aiṭru m. ‘spinning wheel’, aiṭriṛī f. ‘small do., cotton cleaning machine’; Ku. wẽṭo ‘cotton gin’, auṭo ‘spindle, cotton gin’; N. oı̃ṭo, uı̃ṭo, aı̃ṭo ‘cotton gin’.
841 *avavahati ‘carries down’. [√vah] Pa. ōvahati, pass. ōvuyhati ‘is carried down (a river)’, Pk. ōvahaï ‘flows, sinks’; Bshk. — ‘to flow’ (ū wāant ‘the water is flowing’: Morgenstierne AO xviii 255 < upavah—?); Phal. wahā́ndu ‘streaming, running (of water)’.
843 *avavālayati ‘waves round’. [√val] G. ovāḷvũ ‘to wave a platter with lighted wicks, coins, &c., round the head of a person or idol to remove ill-luck’, M. õ;vāḷṇẽ Bloch LM 303. *avavr̥ta— ‘covered’ see *ōṭṭā—. *avavr̥ttra— see *avavartayati.
844 *avavr̥ddha— or *apa° ‘cut off’. [For prep. cf. ávakr̥ntati ŚBr., apak° Kauś.: √vardh] P. auḍhā, oḍhā m. ‘a strip of leather (esp. for holding the butt of a horseman's spear), stirrup, part of girth’.
845 *avavr̥ṣṭi— ‘rainfall’. [Cf. avavarṣati ‘rains on’ VS., Pa. ōvassati; ávavr̥ṣṭa— TBr., Pk. ōvaṭṭha— ‘rained on’; m. ‘rain’: √vr̥ṣ] S. oṭhi f. ‘falling of rain, plenty of rain, fallen rain’. ávavyayati see ápavyayati.
846 *avaśaṅkatē ‘hesitates’. 2. *avaśaṅkā— f. [√śaṅk] 1. G. ośãkvũ ‘to feel bashful’. 2. G. ośãk f. ‘bashfulness’. Both with ś due to Sk. śaṅkā—?
847 *avaśapati ‘curses’, *avaśapa— m. [Cf. avaśapta- ‘cursed’ MBh., śapa— m. lex.: √śap] K. wŏhawun ‘to curse’, wŏhav m. ‘curse’. Phonet. these may also represent *apa—śap, ut—, upa—, vi— (cf. viśápta— ‘abjured’ MaitrS.).
848 *avaśara— ‘protection, shelter’. 2. *avaśāra—. [For semantic change to ‘roof, veranda, porch’ cf. esp. śaraṇá—. G. ɔ— points to initial apa—. In view of Pa. Pk. words derivation from apasā̆ra— (Bloch LM 303, ND 63 b 10) is semantically unsatisfactory; these words also rule out conn. with upaśāla— n. ‘courtyard before a house’ Kauś. —√śar] 1. Pa. ōsaraka— ‘affording shelter, overhanging (of eaves)’; Pk. ōsariā— f. ‘part round the outside of the door, terrace’; Bi. ŏsrā, (Gaya) usrā ‘veranda’, Mth. (SBha- galpur) ŏsro, Bhoj. ōsarā; G. ɔsrī f. ‘steps at entrance door, front portion of house’; M. osrī f. ‘veranda or unwalled space in front of or behind central part of house’. 2. Pa. ōsāraka— m. ‘outbuilding, shed’; Pk. ōsāra— m. ‘cow shed’; Mth. osārā, osara ‘outer veranda of house’, Bi. osārā, °rī, H. osārā, us° m. ‘veranda, porch’ (→ P. usārā m. ‘porch, vestibule, room on the roof of a house’). *avaśāra— ‘protection’ see *avaśara—. [√śar] Addenda: *avaśara—: S.kcch. ausrī f. ‘front portion of house, verandah’.
851 *avaśīyatē 2 ‘is cold’. 2. *avaśyāpayati caus. 3. *avaśyāpana—. [Cf. śīyatē ‘is cold, congeals’ TS., avaśīta— ‘cooled’ Pāṇ., śyāpayati ‘causes to congeal’ Gr.: √śyai]. 1. N. osinu ‘to be damp’. 2. N. osāunu ‘to make damp’; Bhoj. osāil ‘to pour out a liquid to cool it’. 3. Bi. osaunī ‘flat wooden pan for cooling syrup’.
852a *avaśuṣka— ‘dried up’. [Cf. avaśuṣyati ‘becomes dry’ VāyuP., Pa. avasussati ‘withers’: √śuṣ 1] Pk. ōsukka— ‘dried’, ōsukkhaï ‘makes dry’; Kho. (Lor.) osukik, us° ‘to wither, cease suckling (a child), come to an end’ with dissimilation of ś to s before rather than direct < pre—IA. *suṣ—? If u— is earlier than o—, prob. < *ut—śuṣka— or *upaśuṣka—.
853 *avaśūyatē ‘subsides (of a swelling)’. [For this use of ava in compd. cf. avasavya— ‘not left’: √śvi] M. vasuj̄ṇẽ ‘(a swelling) to subside’.
854 *avaścandati ‘jumps down’. [< IE. *skend—, see *ścandati: cf. avaskandati ‘jumps down’ BhP.: √skand] Kal. učhúndim ‘I dismount, descend’; — semant. Pk. occhaṁdia— ‘carried off, hurt’, occhanna— ‘attacked, seized’ is difficult, but perh. < ‘jumped upon’.
856 *avaśrayati ‘leans from’. [Cf. avaśrayaṇa— n. ‘act of taking off the fire’ lex.: √śri] Pk. avassiya— ‘hanging from, resting on’; Wg. uṣō- ‘to fall’; Paš. uṣ— ‘to fall down, collapse’ (IIFL iii 3, 20 < avaśr̥̄—); Kal. uṣím tr. ‘I hang’ (or poss. < úpaśrayati: for śr > see śŕ̥ṅga—, śīrṣá—, > str see áśru—, śrṓṇi—); - Kho. (Lor.) ušik ‘to become dissolved, to melt’ if š represents ; if not, then < avaśīyatē 1.
857 *avaślakṣṇayati ‘smooths out’. [Cf. ślakṣṇayati ‘smooths, softens’ KātyŚr.: ślakṣṇá—] Pa. ōsaṇhēti ‘smooths out, combs out’; H. osannā ‘to knead dough’. avasá— see apūpá—.
859 *avasalati ‘jumps down’. [√sal] Wg. ūsal— ‘to fall’.
861 *avasāra— ‘moving aside’. [Cf. avasārayati: √sr̥] Pk. ōsāra— m. ‘going away’; B. osār ‘width, wide’, Or. osār, usār, H. osār m. and adj.; M. osār, vasār, usār m. ‘space left vacant, room for passing’, osārā m. ‘inter- mission of work’.
863 *avasupta— ‘asleep’. [Cf. Pk. ōsōvaṇī— f. ‘hypnotic power’: √svap] Pr. ostom— ‘to fall asleep’ Morgenstierne NTS xv 287 without being able to account for —m—. Rather < *ava- stumbhatē. avaskara— ‘faeces’ see apaskara—.
865 *avastara— ‘strewing, covering’. [√str̥] Pa. ottharaka— n. ‘a kind of strainer’; N. othro ‘nest’. avastaraṇa— see *avastarati.
866 *avastarati, ávastr̥ṇāti ‘strews’ VS., ‘covers’ MBh. 2. avastaraṇa— n. ‘strewing’ KātyŚr., ‘bed—cover’ Āp. [√str̥] 1. Pa. ottharati ‘covers’; Pk. ottharaï, ut° ‘covers, overcomes’, (X chad—: occharaï ‘covers’); K. wŏtharun ‘to wipe’; N. othranu ‘to hatch (eggs)’; Mth. otharab ‘to spread (esp. kuśa grass)’; — G. ɔtharvũ ‘to be possessed by anger’? 2. Pa. ottharaṇa— n. ‘spreading over’; Pk. ottharaṇa- n. ‘coverlet’; K. wǒ;tharunu m. ‘towel’.
868 *avastumbhatē ‘becomes still’. [√stubh 2] Pr. ostom— ‘to fall asleep’, absol. ostomı̄́ (Morgenstierne NTS xv 287 suggests *avasupta—).
869 *avastr̥ti— ‘spreading’. [Cf. stŕ̥ti— f. TS. and *avastr̥ta— in Pa. otthaṭa— ‘spread over’, Pk. otthaa— ‘scattered’: √str̥] S. othaṛi, °ṛa f. ‘any epidemic or contagious disease, pestilence’.
870 *avastēpa— ‘dripping down’. [√stip] G. uthevɔ m. ‘leak in a roof’; M. othivḷā, othiḷā, othḷā m. ‘drippings from a tree after a shower’.
876 *avasnāyati ‘bathes’, cf. avasnāpayati ‘washes’ Kauś. 2. avasnāta— ‘bathed in’ MBh. 3. *avasnāna— ‘bathing’. [√snā] 1. Kho. usnéik ‘to swim’ Morgenstierne Belvalkar Vol 86 (rather than < útsnāti ‘emerges from water’ which would have > uṣ—). 2. S. ūnho ‘deep’: doubtful but cf. next. 3. Pk. avaṇhāṇa— n. ‘washing’; Kho. usnānu ‘deep water where it is necessary to swim’; S. ūnhāṛu m. (< *ūnhāṇu with dissimilation of n?), ūnhāṇī f. ‘depth’.
878 *avasravaṇa— ‘flowing down’. [Cf. avasrāvayati ‘makes flow down’ KātyŚr.: √sru] Pa. ossavana— n. ‘outflow, running water’; M. vasaṇ n. ‘alluvium’.
886 *avālu— ‘mucus membrane of mouth (?)’. Pk. avāluā— f. ‘part adjoining the lips’; G. avāḷu n. ‘gums of the teeth’.
891 *avidhavātva— n. ‘the state of a woman whose husband is living’. 2. *avidhavātvana—. [avidhavā́—] 1. B. āiot, OAw. ahivāta, lakh. auhāt, H. ahiwāt, ahī° f. — Deriv. Ku. awaitī ‘a woman whose husband is living’, Or. uhāti, Bi. ahiwātī, ehw°, H. ahiwātī f. 2. G. e h e vātraṇ, e vātaṇ, h e vātan, e vā° n.
892 *avipaṣṭha— ‘lamb’. [ávi—, *paṣṭha—] S. aiṭha f. ‘she-goat 10 or 12 months old’. — Or < *ajapaṣṭha—.
894 *avibhīta— ‘fearless’. [Cf. vibhīta— ‘afraid’ MārkP., Pk. vīhiya— ‘frightened’ < *vihīya—; vibibhēti ‘fears’ MBh.: √bhī] H. poet. awīh ‘fearless’ rather than < abhīta—.
895 *avimaya— ‘consisting of sheep’. [ávi—, maya—: cf. gōmáya— ‘consisting of cattle’ RV.] Kt. ‘sheep’, Wg. wamḗ, Pr. wamī (poss. Morgen- stierne NTS xvii 310).
896 *avivāṭa— m. ‘sheep-pen’. [ávi—, vāṭa1] H. aiwārā m. ‘shed for sheep, goats or cattle in jungle’: with EH. —r— < —— rather than < —vāra—. — Or < *ajavāṭa—.
898 *avīdhriya— ‘cloudy sky’. [*vīdhriya—] Paš. nir. abili ‘dust cloud’, weg. avelı̄́ ‘shade (?)’: —b- from an unrecorded positive with b— < v—. — Doubt- ful.
901 *avōṅghati ‘sleeps’. 2. *avōṅghā— ‘sleep’. [For ava- cf. avasupta— ‘asleep’ R.: √*uṅgh] 1. P. ū̃ghṇā ‘to doze’; Mth. aũghāeb ‘to be sleepy’, H. aũghnā, °ghānā. 2. S. ū̃gha f. ‘sleep’, P. ū̃gh f., H. õ;gh f. *avōṇḍa— ‘deep’: see *ūṇḍa—.
902 *avōtta— ‘flowed down’. [Cf. avōda—, utta— ‘wet’ lex., unátti ‘wets, flows’ RV.: √ud 2] S. otaṇu ‘to pour’, ota f. ‘pouring’; G. otvũ ‘to pour, form by melting and pouring into a mould, cast’, M. otṇẽ, vat°; OM. vota m. ‘overflow of a stream’. — Or phonet. as well, but semant. less likely < úpōtta- ‘moistened’ TS., úpōnatti ‘wets’ ŚBr. avōda— see úpōdaka—.
903 *avyūḍha— ‘unmarried’. [Cf. vyūḍha— ‘married’ Kathās.: √vah] B. āibuṛa, Or. āibuṛhā.
904 *avvā— ‘mother’. Pk. avvā— f. ‘mother’; M. avā, avāji f. ‘term of courtesy in addressing a Śūdra woman’. 1 ‘reach’: áṁśa—, *aśyatē; abhyāśa—, *vyaṣṭa—. 2 ‘eat’: *aśati, áśana—, ā́śa, āśá—; prāśa—, prāśanīya—.
908 *aśati ‘eats’, aśnā́ti RV., aor. subj. aśīt, past part. aśitá—. 2. Perf. ā́śa. [√ 2] 1. Aś. gen sg. pres. part. shah. aśamanasa, man. aśatasa; Paš. ay— ‘to eat’, I sg. pres. ayam (IIFL iii 3, 24 < ad—, see *adati). 2. Kal. āšis, urt. ažuis ‘I ate’.
916 *aśyatē ‘is obtained’. [Cf. aśnṓti ‘obtains’ RV.: √ 1] Sh. koh. hăšōnu̯ ‘to be obtained’.
917 *aśravaṇaka— ‘deaf’. [Cf. aśravaṇa— n. ‘not hearing’, Pa. assavanatā— f. ‘inattention’: śrávaṇa—] Kt. asƏṅa ‘deaf’.
934 *aṣṭapakṣa— [aṣṭā́, pakṣá—] Si. aṭavaka, coll. aṭōka ‘the eighth day after new or full moon’ Geiger GS 88.
936 *aṣṭabhōgya— ‘eighth share’. [aṣṭā́, bhṓgya—] L. aṭhōg m. ‘an eighth share, esp. of land’.
939 *aṣṭamāsya— ‘of eight months’. 2. *aṣṭamāsiya—. [aṣṭā́, māsya—] 1. Bi. aṭhwā̃s ‘eight months’ child’, Mth. aṭhmās, (SBhagalpur) aṭhmasuā; H. aṭhwā̃sā m. ‘land ploughed for sugar—cane for eight months’. 2. B. aṭāse ‘eight months’ child’, Or. aṭhāsiā, Bi. (S of Ganges) aṭhwā̃sī.
940 *aṣṭavāra— ‘period of eight days’. [aṣṭā́, vāra2] P. ḍog. ṭhuār m. ‘eight days’; WPah. cam. aṭhwārā ‘week’; Or. āṭhuāri ‘happening once a week’; H. aṭhwārā m. ‘week’. Addenda: *aṣṭavāra—. — X cmpds. with vāṭa1: H. aṭhwāṛā m., G. aṭhvāḍiyũ n., M. āṭhavḍā m. (pandravḍā m. ‘fortnight’).
942 *aṣṭāguṇa— ‘eightfold’. [aṣṭaguṇa— Mn.: aṣṭā́, guṇá—] S. aṭhū̃ṇo, P. aṭhāuṇā.
947 *aṣṭādhika— ‘eight above’. [aṣṭā́, ádhika—] S. aṭhyo ‘eight above’ (used as a prefix to 100's).
956 *aṣṭōttara— ‘increased by eight’. [aṣṭā́, úttara—] Pk. aṭṭhuttara— ‘plus eight’, Si. aṭaturu. *aṣṭōttaraśata—.
957 *aṣṭōttaraśata— ‘one hundred and eight’. [aṣṭōttara—, śatá—] Pa. aṭṭhuttarasata— n. ‘the lucky number 108’; Pk. aṭṭhuttarasaya— n. ‘108’; Si. aṭaturusiya ‘108’ prob., like aṭaturāsiya despite DSL 103, a Si. cmpd.
961 *asaghra— ‘not strong’. [*saghra—: √sagh] S. agho ‘weak’ < *ahagho?. — Deriv. aghāī f. ‘weak- ness’, aghāijaṇu ‘to become weak’.
965 *asamabhara— ‘uneven load’. [ásama—, bhára—] L. ā̃hvar f. ‘an uneven one—sided load’.
970 *asigrāha— ‘sword—bearer’. [así—, grāhá—] Pa. asiggāha—, °aka— m. ‘sword—bearer’, Si. (SigGr) asigi.
981 *asthāghya— ‘unfordable’. [sthāgha—] Pk. atthaggha— ‘deep’; G. athāg, °āk ‘bottomless’, M. athā̃g, athāk. Addenda: *asthāghya—. 2. †;*asthāghiya—: A. âthāi ‘fathomless’ AFD 224.
995 *ahirūpa— ‘snake’. [áhi—, rūpá—] G. h e ru m.n., e ru m. ‘snake’, Ko. hairũ.
997 *āī— ‘mother, aunt’. [Prob. a nursery word] Dm. ‘mother’, yai ‘grandmother’; Paš. āı̄́ ‘mother’ (→ Par. āi IIFL iii 3, 1), Kal. ā́y *l, Bshk. īēī; S. āī f. ‘mother, aunt, respectful address for any senior female relative’; N. āi—māi ‘wife, woman’; A. āi ‘mother, smallpox’, āiṭi ‘affectionate address for a girl’; B. āī ‘mother's mother, mother's aunt’; Or. āī ‘mother's mother’; G. āi f. ‘mother, grandmother’; M. āī f. ‘mother, term of endearment for an infant’, āī—bāī f. ‘motherly old woman’, āī—māī f. ‘mother, motherly person’. — The Dard. words poss. < āryikā—. Addenda: *āī—: S.kcch. āī f. ‘mother’; WPah.kc. ai.
998 *ākaḍḍhati ‘pulls’. [Cf. ākarṣati: √*kaḍḍh] Pa. ākaḍḍhati ‘draws out or up or to’; Pk. āyaḍḍhaï ‘pulls’; — S. āḍhaṇu ‘to smear with oil’, L. āḍhaṇ ‘to rub, shampoo with oil, &c.’ (< ‘*manipulate’?).
999 *ākattha— ‘talk’. [ākatthana— ‘boasting’ R.: √katth] Paš. ā g āt m. ‘word, tale’ (← Sk. Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 7.)
1009 *ākāśiya—, ākāśyà— ‘of the sky’ Pāṇ. Kāś., ākāśīya- Suśr. [ākāśá—] Pk. āgāsiya— ‘having reached the sky’; Sh. gil. ăgái f. ‘sky’, gur. aṅáï (earlier *agāši → Ḍ. *l gōṣ f. ‘sky’ if recorded for š, Bur. aiy *l š, Par. ā g ḗš IIFL i 232).
1011 *ākucyatē ‘is contracted’. [Cf. ākuñcayati ‘bends’ Suśr., Pk. āuṁcēi ‘contracts’: √kuc] M. akrusṇẽ, °asṇẽ (X akarasṇẽ ← Sk. ākarṣati).
1013 *ākkaḍa— ‘cramped, stiff’. [Poss. < ā́kr̥ta— ‘arranged, built’ RV., ā́kr̥ti— f. ‘shape’ KātyŚr.: ‘shaped > *mis- shapen’] K. akūru ‘stiff’; S. ākuṛu m. ‘cramp, stiffness’, ākaṛi f. ‘pride’; L. ākiṛ f. ‘stiffness, conceit’, ākaṛaṇ ‘to become stiff, stretch oneself’; P. ākaṛ, ak° f. ‘crookedness, affectation’, ākaṛnā, ak° ‘to writhe, be stiff, be cramped, strut’; Ku. akaṛṇo ‘to be cramped, be cold, be dis- obedient’; N. akkar ‘a difficult place’, akranu ‘to get cramped’; B. ākaṛ ‘difficult’; H. akaṛ f. ‘twist, bend, foppery’, akaṛnā ‘to be numbed’; G. akkaṛ ‘stiff, erect’, m. ‘fop’, akṛāvũ ‘to be stiff, boast’; M. akaḍ f. ‘swagger’, akaḍṇẽ ‘to strut’. — With —r— in place of ——: P. ākar = ākaṛ, ākrā ‘stiff (esp. of flour)’. Addenda: *ākkaḍa—: WPah.kṭg. ɔṅkƏṛnõ; ‘to stretch oneself, strut’; WPah.J. akṛnu ‘to be stiff, strut’.
1014 *ākkira— ‘dear, costly’. [Connexion with ā—krī- (*ākrī—ra—?) very doubtful] S. ākiro ‘risen in price, dear, cross—dispositioned’; B. ākrā ‘high priced’; Or. ākrā ‘costly, urgent’; H. akrā ‘costly’; G. ākrũ ‘costly, difficult, hot—tempered (= ākḷũ)’. ā́kta— see aktá—. Addenda: *ākkira—: OMarw. ākaraü ‘bright (of lamps), sharp (of speech)’.
1020b *ākṣapāṭa— Add. 14264.
1021 *ākṣaya— ‘dwelling place’. [ā́kṣēti ‘dwells’ RV.: √kṣi 1] S. ākheṛo m. ‘a bird's nest’.
1022 *ākṣara— ‘flowing, dripping’. [√kṣar] S. ākharu m. ‘scum of butter which rises when boil- ing to make ghee’.
1023 *ākṣarati ‘drips’. [ākṣārayati ‘besprinkles’; cf. *ākṣa- lati: √kṣar] N. akhranu ‘to become partly dry (usu. of clothes)’.
1024 *ākṣalati ‘flows’. 2. *ākṣālayati ‘causes to flow’ [Cf. *ākṣarati: √kṣal] 1. OM. āsalaṇeṁ ‘to flow (of tide), swell up’. 2. L. akhālaṇ ‘to clear (a watercourse)’. *ākṣālayati see *ākṣalati. Addenda: *ākṣalati. 2. *ākṣālayati: Garh. akhāḷnu ‘to rinse’. *ākṣālayati see *ākṣalati Add2.
1027 *ākṣirati ‘perishes’. [√kṣar] Sh. (Lor.) e c̣iroiki, *l c̣° ‘to become at a loss when looking for a thing’; — doubtful.
1028 *ākṣuṭati ‘puts against’. [√kṣuṭ] S. ākhuṛaṇu ‘to trip’.
1029 *ākṣuṇṇa— ‘pierced’. [√kṣud] Sh. ăc̣hūṇu̯ m. ‘hole’, °ṇi̯ f. ‘small hole’.
1030 *ākṣundati ‘tramples’. [Cf. ākṣōdana— n. ‘hunting’ lex.: √kṣud] Kt. ačune— ‘to run’ (semant. cf. G. khũdṇũ ‘running about’ see *kṣundati). — Or < *ācchundati, cf. ācchōdana— lex. v.l. for ākṣōdana—.
1033 *ākṣōṭayati ‘withdraws’. [ācchōṭita— ‘pulled, torn’ Jain.; semant. cf. ākṣipati ‘takes away, withdraws’, Pk. akkhitta— ‘dragged’: √kṣuṭ] Pk. akkhōḍaï ‘jerks a little, withdraws (sword from sheath) (see also ā́skauti), acchōḍēi ‘dashes about, sprinkles’; Mth. achorab ‘to snathch’; M. āsuḍṇẽ ‘to shake (the winnowing fan)’, asuḍṇẽ, ā̃saḍ°, as° ‘to pull with a jerk, dash forcibly, pluck from’. ākṣōḍa— see akṣōṭa—.
1035 *ākharjati ‘scratches’. [kharju1] Kho. axlik ‘to comb’ or < ā́likhati.
1036 *ākhuṭati ‘trips’ intr. 2. *ākhōṭayati ‘strikes against’ tr. [√*khuṭ 1] 1. Pk. āhuḍaï ‘falls’. 2. Pk. āhōḍaï ‘strikes, beats’; S. ahoṛaṇu, ahuṛ° ‘to roughen a millstone by pricking with a chisel’, ahoṛo m. ‘stonecutter's chisel’; M. ahaḍṇī f. ‘brazier's instrument for smoothing down dints in new—made vessels’.
1039 *ākhēlati ‘plays’. [√khēl] H. poet. helnā ‘to sport, play’; — doubtful. ākhōṭa— see akṣōṭa—. *ākhōṭayati see *ākhuṭati
1042 *ākhyātra— ‘saying’. [Cf. ākhyātr̥— m. ‘one who tells’ AitBr., Pa. akkhātar— m.: √khyā] P. ḍog. ākhtrī f. ‘saying’.
1047 *āgāḍha— [Cf. samāgāḍha— ‘violent’ lex.: √gāh] Pa. āgāḷha— ‘strong, rough’; Pk. āgāḍha— ‘strong, very deep’; S. āṛāhu ‘prodigious’, m. ‘a deep hole in a river where the water rushes in violently, prodigy’.
1049 *āguṅga— ‘rather dumb’. [*guṅga—] H. aũgī f. ‘dumbness’.
1051 *āgrathnāti ‘twines round’. [Cf. āgrantham adv. ‘twining round’ AitBr.: √granth] OM. agāthṇẽ ‘to weave closely’.
1053 *āgrāhayati ‘holds back’. [Cf. ā́gr̥bhṇē ‘I hold in (horses)’ RV., Pk. aggaha— m. ‘obstinacy’: √grah] P. agrāhuṇā ‘to seize, prevent’.
1055 *āghala— ‘overflow, refuse’. [√*ghal] L. āhal m. ‘manure’, ahālī m. ‘bullock which carries the scavenger's muck’; H. āhlā m. ‘overflow, inunda- tion’.
1058 *āghālayati ‘rinses’. [Cf. ā́ghārayati ‘sprinkles’ TS., ŚBr., ā́jigharti ‘sprinkles with fat’ RV.: √*ghal] With anal. MIA. —ggh—; S. āghāraṇu ‘to rinse’, L. aghālaṇ, P. hãghālṇā, hãgā°; M. āghāḷṇẽ, agh°, aghaḷ° ‘to rinse by shaking in water’.
1059 *āghuṭati ‘turns to, comes’. [√ghuṭ] Or. āhuṛā—bāhuṛā ‘coming and going’.
1060 *āghēra— ‘circle’. [√*ghir] Or. aïrā ‘circular mat to put under a waterpot’. āghrāṇa— see āghrāpayati.
1061 *āghrātikā— ‘bouquet’. [Cf. āghrāta— ‘smelt, scented’ Suśr.: √ghrā] Pk. agghāia— ‘smelt’; Si. ägã̤ ‘festoon work, bouquet’ H. Smith JA 1950, 184 (< *āghrāyikā—) or perh. < *arghiya—, see arghya—.
1063 *ācakṣati, ā́caṣṭē ‘looks at’ RV., ‘announces’ TS. [√cakṣ] Pk. āyakkhaï ‘says, relates’; Wg. ā̃čas— ‘to regard’ (or < *ācākaśīti, cf. cā́kaśīti ‘see clearly’ ŚBr.); poss. M. āikṇẽ ‘to hear, attend to’ (more prob. < *ācikhyati). Addenda: *ācakṣati: Woṭ. as— ‘to say, speak’ Buddruss Woṭ 89.
1067 *ācaṣṭa— ‘tasted’. [√cakṣ 2.] S. āṭho ‘defiled’; B. ẽṭo ‘leavings of a meal’, Or. ãiṭhā, Mth. aı̃ṭh; G. e ṭhi f. ‘refuse of a meal’, e ṭhũ ‘left after eating’. — Except for S. poss. < āmṛṣṭa— ‘touched, tasted’, Pa. āmaṭṭha—, Pk. āmuṭṭha— which would account for nasalization. *ācākaśīti ‘sees clearly’. [cā́kaśīti ‘surveys’: √kāś] See *ācakṣati.
1070 *ācāmāmla— ‘sour gruel of rice—water’. [ācāma—, amla—] Pk. āyaṁbila— n. ‘a kind of austerity’; G. ā̃bel n. ‘religious vow observed by Jains to take no food con- taining fatty substances’.
1073 *ācāriyakula— ‘teacher's family’. [ācāríya—, kúla—] Pa. ācariyakula— n. ‘the teacher's clan’; Si. ädurol ‘line of teachers, tradition’. ācāryà— see ācāríya—.
1074 *ācikhyati ‘communicates’. [Redup. pres. or desid. of ākhyāti, cf. cikhyāpayiṣā— f. ‘intention to communicate’ Com. on Nyāyas.: √khyā] Pa. ācikkhati ‘tells, shows’, Pk. āikkhaï; M. āikṇẽ, aik° ‘to hear, attend to’, Ko. āik— ‘to listen’; — or poss., bec. of kh ← Centre, < *ācakṣati. Either of the above, bec. of ā—, rather than abhíkhyat ‘perceive’ RV., Pk. abhikkhā— f. ‘name’ or ávēkṣatē. — Bloch LM 301 < abhīkṣatē ‘looks towards’ RV., Pk. ahikkhaṇa— n. ‘reproach’.
1075 *ācullī— ‘small or secondary stove’. [For ā— cf. ākōpa- ‘a little anger’: cullī—] P. āhulā, auhlā m. ‘second opening in a fireplace on which an extra pot can be placed’. Addenda: *ācullī— see *apacullī— Add2.
1076 *ācchaṭ— ‘scatter, snap’. [√*chaṭ] BHSk. acchaṭā— ‘snap of the fingers’. See *ācchardati.
1078 *ācchabhita— ‘made firm’. [Cf. skabhitá— fixed’ RV.: √*chambh] Ash. ac̣age ‘cold’, Wg. āčēi—.
1079 *ācchambha— ‘rigidity’ > 1. ‘freezing’. 2. ‘astonish- ment’. [Cf. ā́skabhnāti ‘firmly fixes’ RV.: √*chambh] 1. Wg. ačamā́ ‘ice, icicle’ cf. *ācchabhita—. 2. Si. aham̆bayā ‘accident, surprise’, aham̆ben ‘acci- dentally’, aham̆ba ‘sudden’; H. acambhā, °bā ‘wonder- ful’, m. ‘wonder’ → P. acambhā m. and adj.; N. acambha, °ba ‘surprise’, B. ācambā; Mth. acambhā ‘wonderful’; G. acãbɔ, oc° m. ‘wonder’, M. acãbā; - partially sanskritized in A. āsambit ‘astonished’, B. Or. ācambit, H. acambhit, M. acãbīt.
1080 *ācchambhati ‘is stiff’. [Cf. ā́skabhnāti ‘firmly fixes’ RV.: √*chambh] M. āċãbṇẽ ‘to be struck with astonishment’.
1081 *ācchardati, ā́cchr̥ṇatti ‘pours on’ VS. [√chr̥d] A. āsāriba, es° ‘to throw, cast off, āsār ‘the throwing off’, āsāre kani ‘driving rain’; B. āchṛāna ‘to throw down violently’, āchāṛ ‘dashing down’, āchṛā ‘shower’ Chatterji ODBL 888; — or poss. < *ācchaṭ—.
1084 *ācchindati, ā́chinatti ‘cuts off, cuts in pieces’ AV., ‘snatches away’ MBh. [√chid] Pa. acchindati ‘removes forcibly’; NiDoc. achinati ‘appropriates’; Pk. acchiṁdaï ‘cuts in small pieces, removes forcibly’; OSi. asin̆danavā ‘to take away’, caus. asin̆davanavā, mod. ähin̆dinavā ‘to gather up, pick out, sort (e.g. coffee beans)’. — Or phonet., but not perh. semant., as well < sáṁchinatti ‘cuts to pieces’, Pa. saṁchindati.
1085 *ācchir— ‘settle’. [Cf. Pk. ucchiraṇa— ‘spat out, left over’: —chir— ~ —skirati, √kr̥̄ 1?] S. āchiraṇu ‘to settle, subside (as dirt in water)’; G. ācharvũ ‘to settle down (as water), become clear’. ācchuka— see ākṣika—.
1086 *ācchundati ‘tramples’. [√*chud] See *ākṣundati.
1087 *ācchupati ‘takes hold of’. [√chup] See ākṣipati. ā́cchṛṇatti see *ācchardati.
1093 *ājuṣṭa— ‘tasted’. [Cf. juṣátē ‘enjoys’ RV., Pk. āusaï ‘serves < *gives to taste’ < *ājuṣati: √juṣ] S. auṭho ‘impure, unclean’.
1102 *āḍi— 2 ‘row, line, ridge’, āli1 f. ‘row, range, line’ lex., ālī— f. Pañcat. [Connexion with āvali— (Mayrhofer EWA i 81) doubtful] Pa. āḷi—, āli— f. ‘line, dam’; Pk. ālī— f. ‘line, row’, ḍaḍḍhāḍī— f. ‘line of forest—fire’ (< *dagdhāḍi—); L. āṛā m. ‘sandhill, highlying land’, P. āṛī f.; Ku. āl f. ‘tract of land’, āli f. ‘row (of plants), bed (for plants), old measure of land’; N. āli ‘ridge in a field’; A. āli ‘embankment across a rice—field, road’; B. āli, ail ‘dividing ridge in a field’; Or. āṛi ‘ridge in a field’, āḷī ‘a class’; Bi. Mth. ār, ārī, āri, (Gaya) āil, (S. Munger) āl ‘boundary of a field’, H. ārī f., ālī f. ‘row, embank- ment’; M. āḷ, āḷī f. ‘lane, row’; Si. inscr. aḍi ‘canal’, mod. äla, äliya ‘stream, canal’. *kaṇāli—, *ghuṅghurāli—, *chinnāli—, *daṇḍāli—, dantāli—, dīpālī—, *pañjāli—, vātālī—; — *pāḍi—?
1103 *āḍu— ‘peach’. [Perh. < *ā̆rdūda— in Pahl. ālū d, Pers. ālū ‘plum’ → H. ālū] Ash. arū́ ‘peach’, Kt. aŕū̃, Wg. ā́rū̃, Dm. âru, Paš. arū́ (← Ind. IIFL iii 3, 15), Shum. arū́, Gaw. hā́rū, Kal. ā́ru, Tor. ā, Phal. ṓru, K. örü f., L. āṛū—dāṛū, P. āṛū m.; WPah. bhal. āru m. ‘peach—tree’, ārũ n. ‘peach’; Ku. āṛū ‘peach’, N. āru, H. āṛū m. Addenda: *āḍu—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) aru m. ‘peach’, J. arū m. ‘apricot’.
1104 *āḍḍērikā— ‘a partic. plant’. S. āḍ̱erī f. ‘Solanum jacquinii’; N. aṛeri ‘a partic. thorny bush’; Mth. aṛer ‘the jujube tree’.
1105 *āḍḍhalati ‘falls towards’. 2. *āḍḍharati [√*ḍhal] 1. M. āḍhaḷṇẽ, aḍh° ‘to fall in the way of, to meet’. 2. K. öḍarun ‘to mix up together’.
1113 *āṇḍajāta— ‘egg—born’. [aṇḍaja— m. ‘bird’ Mn., Pk. aṁḍaya— m.: āṇḍá—, jātá—] Si. aṇ̆ḍudāvā ‘bird’ Geiger EGS 5, but rather a Si. cmpd.
1114 *āṇvaka— ‘small coin’. [Connexion with aṇu2 by no means certain: Or. M. indicate MIA. single ——] K. āna m. ‘anna, 16th part of a rupee’, S. āno m., L. ānā m., P. ānnā m., N. ānā, A. anā, B. ānā, āni, Or. aṇā, aṇi, Mth. anā, H. ānā m., G. āno m., ānī f., M. āṇā, aṇā m., aṇī f.
1115 *ātatya— ‘extended’. [Ext. with —a— (cf. *avaratya—) of *ātati—, cf. ā́tata— ‘stretched (as a bow)’ RV., ‘long (as a way)’ ChUp.: √tan] Paš. āč ‘full’ Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 3.
1117 *ātapataila— ‘oil got by heating’. [ātapá—, tailá—] M. āvel n. ‘oil obtained from heated scrapings of young coconuts’.
1119 *ātapala— ‘hot’ [ātapá—] N. aul ‘low hot place, malarial fever’; H. poet. aūlanā ‘to become hot, (heat) to be oppressive’.
1120 *ātapasyati ‘is hot’. [tapasyà— ‘produced by heat’ KātyŚr., tápasyati ‘undergoes austerities’ ŚBr.: √tap] H. ausnā ‘to be hot’.
1123 *ātāḍayati ‘beats’. [For ā— cf. ā́tudati ‘strikes’ RV.: √taḍ 1] Kal. rumb. alā́ŕim ‘I beat’, urt. (in which —t— > r, with dissimilation r — ŕ > l — ŕ) lāŕim.
1126 *ātārayati ‘wins over’. [Cf. ā́tirati ‘overcomes, praises’ RV.: √tr̥̄] With anal. —tt—: S. ātāraṇu ‘to wheedle, cajole’.
1128 *ātudyatē ‘is pushed against’. [ā́tudati ‘strikes against’ RV.: √tud] Or. āujibā intr. ‘to lean against’, caus. āujāibā. — See *āstudati and āvarjayati.
1129 *āturati ‘crosses over, completes’. [ā́tirati ‘overcomes’ RV.: √tr̥̄] H. orānā ‘to be completed’; — doubtful: perh. < ā́pūrayati.
1130 *ātr̥tīyam ‘on the third (day) back or forwards’. [For ā—, cf. ācaturam ‘to the fourth generation’ MaitrS., and a similar formation in Par. ašö—ruč ‘the day before yesterday’ < *āq ri— Morgenstierne IIFL i 61: tr̥tı̄́ya1] Ash. átrı̃ ‘the day after tomorrow’, Kt. átrī, Wg. átƏŕ, atriäm; Dm. itrī ‘the day before yesterday’, Woṭ. yēwṛei, Kal. atrīli, Kho. ortiri, Bshk. ā́ l ī, ā l eug dōs, Phal. e_ tríli, Sh. ĭc̣ı̄́; L. poṭh. atreũ ‘two days off (past or future)’, awāṇ. atrõmacr; ‘the day after tomorrow’; P. ḍog. attrũ ‘two days off’; WPah. khaś. e ṭḷu ‘the day before yesterday’, h. rudh. aṭḷu, 1. rudh. atru: see also s.v. tr̥tı̄́ya1 See *ātriśvas.
1131 *ātr̥ptika— ‘satisfied’. [Cf. ā́tr̥pati ‘is satisfied’ RV., ātarpaṇa— n. ‘satisfaction’; ‘whitening walls on festive occasions, pigment therefor’ lex., Pk. āippaṇa— n. - √tr̥p] Kho. arti, arthi, (Lor.) *l rti, *l hrti or arthi ‘satisfying, satiated, plenteous’, artiéik, arthi° ‘to fill, satisfy with food’ (< *arirti < *a d irti).
1134 *ātmadhanika— ‘master of oneself’ [ātmán—, dhanin—] OG. āpahaṇī adv. ‘by oneself’, G. āphaṇie ‘auto- matically’.
1137 *ātrasa— ‘fear’. [For ā— cf. ābhīla— ‘fearful’ MBh.: √tras] N. ātas ‘fear, anxiety’.
1138 *ātriśvas ‘the day after tomorrow’. [For ā— see *ātr̥tīyam: trí—, śvás] L. attarsũ ‘three days ago’; P. tarsõ; ‘the day before yesterday or after tomorrow’; H. atarsõ; ‘the day after tomorrow’; — —tar— for —t(r)i— after parsõ; < paraśvas. —ādá— ‘taking’ in cmpds. [√ 1] dā́yādya—.
1139 *ādagdha— ‘burnt up’. [See *ādahati: √dah] A. ādharā ‘fire—brand’ < *āṛādha— < *āḍaddha—? - B. āṇgul hāṛā ‘whitlow’, Or. aṛhā āṅguṭhi? — Ku. āṛo ‘bonfire’ < *ādaḍḍha— or more prob. < *ādaha—.
1141 *ādabb— ‘press down’. [√*dabb] M. adabṇẽ ‘to be oppressed, be overwhelmed’ with MIA. anal. —dd— or < —drabb— see *drapp—; — Pk. āavvaï ‘shakes, trembles’?
1144 *ādalati ‘crushes’. [Cf. ā́darti RV.: √dal 1] With MIA. —dd—: M. adaḷṇẽ tr. ‘to dash down or against’, intr. ‘to rush against’, ādaḷṇẽ ‘to be brought to nought, to fail’. *ādaha— see *ādāha—.
1145 *ādahati ‘burns up’. [ādāhyēta ChUp.: √dah] Pa. ādahati ‘sets fire’; Pk. āḍahaï ‘burns all round’; Ku. aṛyā ‘heaps of grass and thorns collected to be burnt’ < * āḍahia— (whence aṛyūṇo ‘to burn grass and stubble on a field’).
1150 *ādāha— or *ādaha— ‘burning’. [√dah] Ku. āṛo ‘heap of grass and thorns gathered in a field to burn and use as fertilizer’ (or < *ādagdha—); Bi. (Patna) alāh ‘weeds burnt as manure’ (but why —l—, not —r—, < MIA. ——?); — Si. āṛ—haṛu m. ‘hot season’ < *āḍā̆ha—ḍa— or perh. *ādāgha—, cf. nidāghá—.
1151 *ādāhayati ‘burns up’. [ādāhyēta ChUp.: √dah] Ku. ayoṇo ‘to collect dry stalks and grass in a heap for burning’; — Gy. eur. alav— ‘to set on fire’ Sampson DGW iv 7, but perh. like as. alaw ‘flame’ ← Pers.
1154 *ādityavāra— ‘Sunday’. [ādityá—, vāra2] Pk. āiṁcavāra— m., S. ācaru m.
1155 *ādiyá—, ādyá2 ‘at the beginning’ Pāṇ. [ādí—] Pa. ādiya—, °ika— ‘first’, Pk. āīya—; Si. ã̤ ‘first, fore- most’ (Geiger EGS 19 < ādí—).
1156 *ādr̥ṁhaṇa— ‘making coagulate’. [Cf. dŕ̥ṁhaṇa— n. ‘making firm’ AV., ‘means of strengthening’ TBr.: √dr̥ṁh] G. ādhraṇ, adh° n. ‘lime juice or other acid added to milk to curdle it’, ādhrakvũ ‘so to curdle’; — doubtful.
1160 *ādyūta— ‘gambling’. [Cf. dyūtá— and ādēvana— n. ‘place for playing’ ĀśvGr̥.: √div 2] Si. adu ‘gambling’.
1168 *ādhūṇḍh— ‘search for’. [*dhūṇḍh—] Or. āuṇḍibā, uṇḍ°, uṇḍālibā ‘to grope for, search for’; — or poss. āuṇḍ— < *āmardati, uṇḍ— < *avamardati or upam°.
1176 *ānavana— ‘roar’. [Cf. ā́nūṣata ‘they roared’, ā́navīnōt ‘he kept on roaring’ RV., ānuvāna— pres. part. Bhaṭṭ.: √nu 2] L. aṇūṇī f. ‘long—drawn howl of dog or jackal’.
1180 *ā nūnam ‘up to now’. [nūnám] Ash. yanū̃ ‘today’, Wg. önū́, anǖ́.
1183 *āntraguṇa— ‘gut—string’. [āntrá—, guṇá—] Pa. antaguṇa— m. ‘lower intestine, bowel, mesentery’; Si. atuṇa, pl. °ṇu, ‘bowel’ (Geiger EGS 6 < n. pl. āntrā́ṇi). — Cf. Gaw. atƏraṅgīn s.v. ántara1.
1184 *āntrapuṭa— ‘gut—fold’. [āntrá—, puṭa—] Ku. anoṛo, pl. anyūṛā, ‘entrail’.
1185 *āntrarasa—. [āntrá—, rása—] B. ā̃tarasā ‘natural juice of meat’; — doubtful.
1190 *āpaṭhati ‘reads’. [Cf. āpapráthan 3rd pl. aor. subj. ‘spread’ RV., *āprāthayati in Pk. appāhēi ‘teaches’, °haï ‘announces’ Pischel GrPk § 286: √paṭh] A. āurāiba ‘to repeat frequently so as to learn by heart’; B. āoṛāna ‘to read, recite’ (Chatterji ODBL 423 < ā—vr̥t—); Or. āuṛibā, °ṛāibā ‘to read, repeat’.
1201 *āpastr̥ṣṇa— ‘thirsty for water’. [áp—, tŕ̥ṣṇā—] Kt. avƏtin ‘thirsty’ (Rep1 64 < *āpa—tr̥ṣṇa—).
1205 *āpāna— 2 ‘protection’. [√ 2] See *udvāna—.
1207 *āpārayati ‘fills’. [Cf. pārayati ‘fills’ Dhātup., ā́pūrayati ŚBr., ā́pr̥ṇāti ‘satisfies’ RV.: √pr̥̄] With anal. —pp—: K. āparun ‘to feed another with one's own hand as a sign of hospitality, put food in an infant's or invalid's mouth’, caus. āparāwun ‘to feed another person’.
1208 *āpiya—, ā́pya— ‘belonging to or living in water’ Suśr. [ápya—: áp—] Kho. awí in a° gambùri ‘water—flower’ Morgenstierne BelvalkarVol 87, Āwi ‘name of a village in the Owir valley’.
1211 *āpula— ‘abundant’. 2. *āpura— [Cf. pula— ‘ex- tended, wide’ lex., vipula—: √pr̥̄] 1. Ash. aulú, f. °lı̄́ ‘big’, Kt. al, Wg. Bashg. ōla, Paš. aulá Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 8. 2. Pk. āura— ‘much’, Or. āur, °ri ‘very much, too much’ or poss. < āpūra—. Addenda: āpula—1: †;*vighnāpula—.
1215 *āpṛṣṭha— ‘on the back’. [pr̥ṣṭhá—] See *utpr̥ṣṭha—.
1216 *āpōḍ— ‘burn’. [√*pōḍ] Si. avulanavā ‘to shine’, avulavanavā ‘to kindle, excite’? — But see *saṁvidīpayati.
1218 *āptāyati ‘falls’. [Cf. Pahl. ōftēt < *avaptā̆yati: √pat] Kal. ātim ‘I fall’.
1223 *ābhakta— ‘shared’. [Cf. ā́bhajati ‘causes to share’, ā́bhaga— m. ‘one who is honoured with a share’ RV.: √bhaj] S. āhatu m. ‘the fixed right of an artisan to a share of the harvest in return for mending the husbandman's tools’, āhatī m. ‘a husbandman who so employs an artisan’.
1230 *ābhiṭ— ‘meet’. 2. *ābhēṭ—. [√*bhiṭ] 1. Pk. ābhiḍiya— ‘bent on’, ābhiṭṭa—; abbhiḍaï ‘meets’, pp. abbhiḍia—; abbhiṭṭha— ‘met in battle’; H. poet. abhirnā ‘to meet in battle’. 2. Pk. ābhēḍiya— ‘bent on, bound for’; H. abheṛā, °erā m. ‘fight, quarrel’. Addenda: *ābhiṭ—: OG. ābhiḍaï ‘becomes polluted by touching’ ŚSB, G. ābhaṛvũ (A. Master), abhṛāvvũ (or < *abhyaṭaṭi?).
1237 *āmagandha—, āmagandhi—, °in—, °ika— ‘smelling like raw meat, smelling musty’ lex. [āmá—, gandhá—] Pa. āmagandha— m. ‘smell of rotting corpses, ver- minous odour’; K. āmun m. ‘smell of burning or scorching cloth (esp. cotton)’, āman f. ‘malodorousness (esp. of food going bad)’, āmanun ‘to go bad (of food), to become malodorous’.
1239 *āmaḍ— ‘boil over’. [√*maḍ 2] H. ā̃waṛnā intr. ‘to boil up’.
1244 *āmardati, āmr̥dnāti ‘crushes together’ R. [√mr̥d 1] See *ādhūṇḍh—.
1248 *āmalati ‘rubs’. [√mal 1] M. ā̃vaḷṇẽ, av° ‘to knead the limbs’.
1249 *āmaśaka— ‘dysenteric stool’. [āmá—, śaka1] Or. āũsā jhāṛā ‘dysentery’; — or poss. < āmāśaya- m. ‘stomach’ MBh.
1250 *āmāṁśa— ‘unripe portion’. [āmá—, áṁśa—] See *apākāṁśa—. *āmāta— ‘built’ see amā́. [√ 3]
1252 *āmārayati ‘rubs’. [Cf. *mālayati and, for ā— with verbs of touching, āmr̥j—, āmr̥d—, āmr̥ś—: √mr̥̄] Phal. āmberū́m ‘I rub’.
1253 *āmārta— ‘flour from uncleaned grain’. [Cf. āma— n. ‘grain not yet freed from chaff’ MW, Pa. āmadhañña- n., Pk. āma— ‘uncleaned’; and Wakhi yūmǰ ‘flour < *āmačī, Khot. hāmaa— ‘barley—flour’ < *āmaka- Morgenstierne IIFL ii 554: — āmá—, *ārta2] Bi. Mth. ā̃waṭ ‘barley ground without being first cleaned’.
1255 *āmilati ‘meets together, tangles’. [√mil] Pa. āmilāka— n. ‘a woollen cover into which a floral pattern is woven’; Sh. (Lor.) amuloiki ‘to rival, com- pete with inimically’; G. āmaḷvũ ‘to twist’, āmḷo m. ‘knot formed by twisting’; — doubtful.
1257 *āmiṣagandhika— ‘smelling of raw flesh’. [āmiṣá—, gandhin—] B. ẽsāni ‘smelling of fish or meat’ (Chatterji ODBL 349 < *āmiṣa—pānīya—). *āmiṣapānīya— see *āmiṣagandhika—.
1258 *āmiṣṭa— ‘mixed’. [Cf. ā́miśla— ‘having a tendency to mix’ RV., āmíkṣā— f. ‘mixture of boiled and curdled milk’ AV.: √mikṣ] Kho. amiṣṭ ‘mixed’, amiṣṭieman ‘I mix’. āmukta— see āmuñcati. *āmukna— see āmuñcati.
1262 *āmuhyati ‘is bewildered’. 2. *āmūḍha—. [Cf. āmōhanikā— f. ‘a partic. fragrant odour’ Suśr.: √muh] 1. OG. amūjha ‘perplexed’, G. amũjhāvũ ‘to be per- plexed, to fret’, amũjhaṇi f. ‘perplexity’. 2. P. amūhṛ, amūhuṛ ‘ignorant, reckless’. *āmūḍha— see *āmuhyati.
1267 *āmōdayati ‘pleases’. [Cf. āmṓda— ‘gladdening’ ŚBr.: √mud 1] Pa. āmōdēti ‘pleases’, Pk. āmōēi; A. āmuwāiba ‘to satiate’.
1269 *āmraguḍa— ‘mango and molasses’. [āmrá—, guḍá—] H. ãboṛā m. ‘a dish consisting of mangos and molasses’.
1271 *āmrarasa— ‘mango juice’. [āmrá—, rása—] Pa. ambarasa— m., H. M. āmras, am° m.; — deriv.: G. āmrasī ‘of the colour of mango juice’.
1272 *āmrarāji— ‘mango grove’. [āmrá—, rā́ji—] OAw. aṁbarāī f., H. ambrāī f., G. amrāi f., M. ãbrāī f.; — H. M. āmrāī, am°, reformed after ām.
1274 *āmraṣaṇḍa— ‘mango grove’. [āmrá—, ṣaṇḍá1] Pa. Ambasaṇḍā m. pl. ‘name of a village E. of Rājagaha’; Bi. mag. Aphsãṛ ‘name of a village in the NE. of the Gaya District’.
1276 *āmrāda— ‘rubbing’. [√mrad] P. ambāu m. ‘chafing, inflammation from rubbing’.
1277 *āmrādayati ‘rubs’. [√mrad] Pk. aṁbāḍēi ‘rubs, smears, upbraids’; P. ambāuṇā ‘to chafe, inflame by rubbing’; — deriv. ambāṭ m. ‘chafing’, ambṇā ‘to be chafed’ (rather than < āmr̥jati).
1279 *āmrāṣṭi— ‘mango stone’. [Cf. āmrāsthi— n. Bhpr. - āmrá—, aṣṭi—] Bi. (Gaya) amā̃ṭhī ke roṭī ‘bread of crushed mango stones’. Addenda: *āmrāṣṭi—: Pa. ambaṭṭhi— ‘mango stone’, A. āmaṭhi, āmaṭhu AFD 206.
1281 *āmlāpayati ‘makes fade’. [√mlai] A. āmolāiba ‘to make sorrowful (of the face)’.
1282 *āmlābīja— ‘tamarind seed’. [āmlā—, bı̄́ja—] G. ā̃blīyɔ, ā̃blīlɔ m.
1303 *āraṭṭha— ‘hard, stiff’. N. araṭṭha ‘hard, stiff (of leather)’; Si. araṭuvā ‘heart or hard part of a tree’.
1308 *ārambhati 2 ‘roars, bellows’. 2. *ārambha— 2 ‘roar’. [√rambh] 1. M. ārãbhaḷṇẽ ‘to roar, bawl’. 2. S. ārā̃bho m. ‘volley of musketry’.
1311 *āraśa— ‘shoulder (blade)’. [< IE. *ōlek̂—, cf. Arm. otn ‘shoulder’ Morgenstierne NTS xii 156; — WP i 157] Wg. arašä́ ‘shoulder—blade’, Dm. ârašá.
1312 *ārasa— or *ārasavant— ‘sweetish’. [rása—] Kt. arazwo, aruswå, rƏsīm ‘sweet’, Wg. erostō, Bashg. aruz, Pr. urusú, wur°; — Morgenstierne NTS ii 267 compares Sk. rásavant— ‘tasty’.
1314 *ārātri— or *ārātra— (1) ‘evening’, (2) ‘from after night, i.e. morning’. [rā́tri—]. (1) K. arāth, dat. arātas m. ‘nightfall, evening’. - (2) Bshk. árat ‘morning’ (or poss. ‘one night’ NTS xviii 125), Tor. (Barth) "ẓhāt" ‘morning’. ārātrika—.
1320 *āriṣṭaka— ‘pertaining to the soap—nut tree’. [ariṣṭa2 S. ārīṭho ‘the tree Sapindus saponaria’.
1325 *ārundhati, ā́ruṇaddhi ‘keeps off’ RV., ‘blocks, im- pedes’ MBh. [√rudh 2] H. ārū̃dhnā, arõ;dhnā ‘to throttle’.
1326 *āruhati, aor. ā́ruhat ‘ascends’ RV. 2. ārūḍha— MBh. [See ā́rōhati: √ruh] 1. Pa. āruhati, Pk. āruhaï; OG. āruhaï ‘climbs up’. 2. Pa. ārūḷha—, Pk. ārūḍha—; OM. ārūḍhṇẽ, āruḍh° ‘to ascend’. Addenda: *āruhati: Si. aranavā ‘to climb’ (or < ā́rōhati), Md. aranī ‘rises, climbs’, aruvanī ‘lifts, loads’, erenī ‘is lifted into, enters’. 2. ārūḍha— ‘ascended’, replaced by *ārūṇa— in Si. aruṇu ‘ascended, mounted’. ārūḍha— see *āruhati Add2.
1327 *ārūkṣa— ‘roughish’. [rūkṣá—] Paš. arū́ṣa ‘garlic, leek’ Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3, 16. ārūḍha— see *āruhati.
1332 *ārōṣa— ‘anger’. [Cf. ārōṣayati ‘angers’ Hariv., Pk. ārōsia—: √ruṣ] Wg. urū́ṣ ‘anger’ (or < *avarōṣa—; Morgenstierne NTS ii 199 prob. ← Ind. rōṣa—); Si. arova ‘dispute’. Addenda: *ārōṣa—: Si. aru ‘anger’, arova (st. arō—) ‘quarrel, dispute’.
1338 *ārta— 2 ‘flour’, aṭṭa— n. ‘food’ MBh., ‘boiled rice’ lex. [Cf. Ir. *ārta— > Psht. ōṛƏ ‘flour’, Yghn. ārt, Pers. ārd, beside *r̥ta— > Av. aša—. Either vr̥ddhi—form of *r̥ta—, i.e. ‘consisting of what is ground’ or *ā—r̥ta— with Morgen- stierne EVP 12. Wackernagel AiGr i 170 wrongly aṭṭa— < *alta— since Dm. P. L. and perh. Kal. point to ā] NiDoc. aṭa (← Ind. with , not rt); Gy. eur. aro, varo, vanro, wel. vārdō m., arm. arav, pal. ătṓs (ătō with 3 sg. enclitic pron. —s?), as. ata, Ḍ. ōṭ m., Dm. Tir. āṭ, Shum. Kal. āt, Bshk. āṭ, Phal. hāṭ m., Sh. ā̃ṭe̯ m. pl. (← Ind.), K. ôṭu , abl. āṭi; S. aṭo m. ‘meal’, āṭaṇu m. ‘dry flour laid over and under dough when it is rolled’ (?); L. āṭā m. ‘flour’, khet. aṭṭā, P. āṭṭā, WPah. bhad. bhiḍ. āṭṭu n., Ku. āṭo, N. āṭo, ā̃ṭo, A. B. āṭā, Or. aṭā, Bi. āṭā, ā̃ṭā, Mth. ā̃ṭā, Bhoj. H. āṭā m., G. āṭɔ m.; M. āṭ f. ‘grit of rice boiled and mixed with flour’, āṭā—pāṇī n. ‘food and water’; — Si. aṭuva ‘rice—store’ rather < aṭṭa2. *amlārta—, *āmārta—. Addenda: *ārta—2: S.kcch. aṭo m. ‘flour’, WPah.kṭg. aṭṭɔ m. †;ā́rtnī— see aṭani— Add2.
1342 *ārdrakavaṭikā— ‘ginger—ball’. [ārdraka—, vaṭaka—] N. adauri ‘small lumps of pulse and condiments fried in ghee’, H. adauṛī, °rī f.
1346 *ārdhikakāra— ‘work of a co—partner’, or ardh°. [ārdhika—, kāra1] P. addhyārā m. ‘the arrangement by which profits of agriculture or stockbreeding are shared between land- lord and labourer’; N. adhiyā̃r ‘co—partner’; A. ādhiyār ‘one who cultivates in return for half the crop’; Or. adhiāri ‘keeping a goat or calf with a half share of profit to the owner’; H. adhiyār m. ‘cultivator who receives a half—share’, adhiyārī f. ‘this system’; G. adhiyārũ n. ‘keeping cattle in return for half the calves’, adhiyārī f. ‘forced labour’.
1350 *āryakula—, or *āryakakula— ‘grandfather's house’. [ā́rya—, kúla—] M. āj̈oḷ, aj̈°, āj̈ūḷ, aj̈°, āj̈vaḷ n., aj̈oḷā m. ‘mother's father's house’.
1353 *āla— 2 ‘hole for water’. [Cf. ālavāla— m. ‘basin for water round a tree’ Kālid., āvāla— m. lex. (not with Tedesco JAOS 67, 97), Pk. ālavāla— n., āvāla—, °aya- n. ‘place near water’] Pk. āla— n. ‘small stream or pond’; H. ālā m. ‘basin for water round a tree’; G. āḷiyɔ m. ‘large cavity in a wall’ Bloch LM 290; M. āḷẽ, aḷẽ n., aḷī f. ‘basin for water round a tree, any pool made to receive water’.
1355 *ālagana— ‘hanging up’. [√lag] N. alinu ‘clothes—line, clothes—net’; A. ālān ‘a pen- dent’; Or. ālaṇā ‘clothes—rack’; — WPah. bhal. āl e f. ‘network at the bottom of a cot’ or < *ālayana—. ālagna— see *ālagyati.
1356 *ālagyati ‘adheres to’. 2. ālagna— ‘fastened to’ lex. [Cf. ālagati ‘adheres’ Kāvyād.: √lag] 1. Pa. ālaggēti ‘makes hang on to’; Pr. aleg— ‘to hit’; M. alagṇẽ ‘to hang (esp. of clustering fruit), to be over- ripe (of fruit)’ with l after lagṇẽ, caus. aḷgāvṇẽ ‘to be on the point of parturition (of animals)’; — deriv. MIA. *ālaggaṇa— in P. algaṇ, °ṇī f. ‘line or stick to hang clothes on’ (see also *abhilagyati), Or. alaguṇi, Bi. Mth. arganī, Bi. (Shahabad) regnī, H. alagnī, alãgnī f. 2. Pk. ālagga— ‘fastened’; M. aḷãgẽ n. ‘loop on either side of grain sack’ (ã from ālamba—?); — poss. Si. alan̆ga ‘kissing’ (Geiger EGS 11 < āliṅga—).
1357 *ālaghayati ‘makes soft’. [laghayati ‘makes soft, tender or smooth’ Kālid.: laghú—] H. alwāyā ‘light, soft, tender’ pp. of 2nd caus. *alwānā?
1359 *ālapitraka— ‘talkative’. [Cf. *lapitṛ— replaced by Pk. lavira— ‘talkative’: √lap] G. aḷvitrũ ‘talkative, tiresome, mischievous’.
1360 *ālapp— ‘wrap round’. [√*lapp] M. aḷapṇẽ ‘to bind round by wrapping’, aḷpā m. ‘wrapping round , aḷpaṇ n. ‘anything to wrap with’.
1361 *ālapyati ‘speaks’. [Cf. lapyati Ep.: √lap] G. alāpvũ ‘to sing, talk’, alāp m. ‘humming a tune’; — < *allappaï, cf. Pk. allaviya— < *ālapita—. — See ālāpya—.
1367 *ālayana— ‘resting place’. [Cf. ālaya—, layana— n. ‘place of rest’ Śiś.: √ 1] Pk. ālayaṇa— n. ‘rest house, sleeping room’; NiDoc. alena ‘epithet of a rug’ Burrow KharDoc 77; — with anal. —ll—: L. ālhṇā m. ‘nest’, P. āhlaṇā m., H. ālnā m.; — WPah. bhal. āl e f. ‘network at the bottom of a cot’ or < *ālagana—.
1368 *ālardayati ‘loads up’. [√lard] G. aḷdāvũ ‘to be overworked, be tired’ pass. of *ā̆ḷadvũ.
1370 *ālavana— ‘reaping’. [√] H. arwan m. ‘the first cuttings of corn presented to the household gods’. ālavāla— see *āla2. ālasa— see alasá—.
1375 *ālāpana— 2 ‘causing to come together’. [√ 1] Pk. ālāvaṇa— n. ‘material for binding or tying’; M. āḷvaṇ, aḷ° n. ‘flour used for thickening’; H. ālan m. ‘straw and mud mixed for brickmaking, mixture of boiled lentils and dough’. — See *ālāpayati2, ālīyatē.
1376 *ālāpayati 1 ‘speaks’. [√lap] L. alāvaṇ ‘to speak, utter’; Ku. alāṇo ‘to cry, bleat’; M. āḷaviṇẽ, aḷ° ‘to coax, conciliate, implore, sing with tremulous modulation, warble (of birds)’. — See ālāpana1. Addenda: *ālāpayati1: Brj. alāwno ‘to speak, sing’.
1377 *ālāpayati 2 ‘brings close, makes stick’. [ālīyatē ‘comes close to’ MBh., lāpayatē Pāṇ.: √ 1] Pk. ālāvaṇa— n. ‘rope for binding’; K. ālawun ‘to bring (a boat) to or near the shore’; M. āḷaviṇẽ, aḷ° ‘to inspissate’; — Si. alavanavā ‘to affix’ or < *saṁlā- payati.
1379 *ālāsayati ‘causes to stick to’. [√*las 2] Ku. alāsiṇo ‘to stick to, take refuge’. āli— 1 ‘row’ see *āḍi2. āli— 2 see alin—.
1381 *ālikha— ‘painter’. [√likh] Si. äli ‘painter’. — See ālēkha—.
1390 *āluḍati ‘moves to and fro’. 2. ālōḍayati ‘stirs up’ Suśr. [Cf. ālulita— ‘agitated’ Mālatīm., ālōlita— ‘shaken’ MW.: √luḍ]. 1. Pa. āluḷati ‘moves here and there’, āluḷēti ‘sets in motion’; S. āluṛaṇu ‘to ebb (of the tide)’; — Si. älalīma ‘unrest, confusion’ Geiger ES 19, but rather der. (h)alalanavā < saṁlālayati. 2. Pa. ālōḷēti ‘stirs up, agitates’; Pk. ālōḍēi ‘stirs up, churns’, pp. ālōḍia—, ālōlia—; S. āroṛaṇu ‘to plough a rice—field after flooding’; Or. āloṛibā ‘to stir’; Aw. lakh. arōrab ‘to stir grain in the winnowing basket’; H. āloṛnā ‘to churn’; M. āloḍṇẽ, āloḍh° ‘to stir’. ālulita— see *āluḍati.
1391 *ālulla— ‘maimed’. [*lulla—] Wg. (Lumsden) "allúl" ‘bald’.
1392 *ālūta— ‘cut off’. [ālūna— Kālid., ālunāti MW: √] G. āḷũ ‘lately stripped (of skin), painful’.
1395 *ālēṭati ‘reclines on’. 2. *ālēṭyati. [√lēṭ] 1. G. aleḍvũ, aleḍh° ‘to lean against’. 2. G. aleṭvũ ‘id.’. *ālēṭyati see *ālēṭati.
1399 *ālēha— ‘licking’. [ālihati ‘licks’ BhP., pp. ālīḍha- MBh., Pk. ālihaï ‘touches’: √lih] Kho. (Lor.) ālih ‘salts in the earth’ < ‘*salt—lick’?
1402 *ālōḍa— ‘movement to and fro’, ālōla— m. ‘trembling, rocking’ Kālid. [√luḍ] Pa. ālōḷa— m. ‘confusion, uproar’; Wg. alṓl ‘song, singing’ (NTS xvii 224 compares Sk. lal—); L. alol m. ‘affection (esp. of a child)’; H. alol m. ‘caper’. ālōḍayati see *āludati.
1404 *ālōptra— ‘that which cuts off’. [√lup] H. alotā m. ‘screen’.
1405 *ālōpya— ‘that which is to be cut off’. [√lup] Si. alupa ‘small piece’.
1406 *ālōpyatē ‘is cut off’ [ā́lumpati ‘tears out, separates’ AV., Pa. ālumpati ‘breaks off’, Pk. āluṁpaï ‘takes away’, ālōviya— ‘covered’: √lup] With MIA. —ll—: G. alopvũ ‘to disappear’, alpāvũ ‘to be hidden’.
1407 *ālōrtati ‘rolls’. [√*lōrt] H. aluṭnā ‘to fall, stagger’; G. āḷoṭvũ ‘to wallow’, āloṭaṇ n. ‘a pillow to lean against’; — M. aloṭṇẽ ‘to transact, do, be conversant with’ < tr. ‘*to roll about’? ālōla— see *ālōḍa—. ālōlita— see *āluḍati. *ālla— ‘wet’: see ārdrá—. *āllaka— ‘fresh ginger’: see ārdraka—.
1408 *āllabhr̥ṣṭa— ‘moist cob of maize’. [*ālla—, bhr̥ṣṭa1] N. alauṭo ‘fresh cob of maize’.
1414 *āvarati ‘covers’. [āvr̥ṇōti ‘covers, shuts in’ MBh.: √vr̥ 1] Pa. āvarati ‘shuts out, obstructs’; Pk. āvaraï ‘covers’; Kho. awerik ‘to shut up (cattle or their pen), to tie up (an animal)’; G. āvarvũ ‘to cover, spread, scatter’, avrāvũ ‘to be covered’; M. āvarṇẽ ‘to cover, restrain, gather together’.
1415 *āvarā— ‘covering’, āvaraka— Sāh. [√vr̥ 1] Pa. —āvara— in cmpd. ‘obstructing’; K. āwürü f. ‘covering, surrounding’ < *āvarikā—, or < āvr̥ti—. *skandhāvarā—.
1422 *āvalana— ‘turning’. [√val] Pk. āvalaṇa— n.; K. āwalun, °nu m. ‘whirlpool’.
1426 *āvāṭa— 2 ‘enclosure’. [For ā— cf. āvāra—, āvr̥ti—: vāṭa1] M. āvāḍ, av° n. ‘an enclosure round a house, court- yard’, āḍā m. ‘fence of quick trees’.
1427 *āvāta— ‘blown up’. [ā́vāti ‘blows upon’ RV.: √ 2] Ext. with —ḍa—: P. avāṛī f. ‘blaze of fire’. *āvāda— see apavāda—.
1429 *āvāma— ‘being on the left’. [vā́ma1] Wg. awā́m dōš ‘left arm’ (Morgenstierne NTS xvii 235 loc. a—+vāma—).
1438 *āviṣṭi— f. ‘demoniacal possession’. [Cf. āvēśa— ‘id.’ Bālar.: √viś] K. āvēṭh, āwaṭh, dat. °ṭhi, f. ‘demoniacal possession’. ā́viṣṭita— see ā́vēṣṭatē.
1439 *āvunāti ‘strings together’. [ā́vayati ‘interweaves, strings’: see *vināti: √vē] Pa. āvuṇāti ‘strings on, fixes on, impales’; Si. (SigGr) avuṇa— ‘to string together’, ävinum ‘linking together’, amunanavā ‘to string together’ (Geiger BSOS viii 555 wrongly < āvr̥ṇāti): forms with —m— poss. < *samūna—, cf. sáṁvayati ‘interweaves’ RV., —samuta— ŚBr. Addenda: *āvunāti: Md. amunanī ‘strings together’ rather < *samūna— (for am— < ām— or sam— cf. Si. amutu < †;āgantu—?).
1444 *āvr̥ttikara— ‘twisting’. 2. *āvr̥ttikaraṇa— ‘instru- ment for twisting’. [ā́vr̥tti—, kará1 and káraṇa—] 1. L. aṭeraṇ ‘to wind yarn’; P. aṭerṇā, uṭ° ‘to reel, make up into skeins’; H. aṭernā ‘to wind’; G. aṭervũ ‘to form skeins of thread (usu. on the fingers)’. 2. L. aṭeruṇ m. ‘bat, yarn—twister’; P. aṭeraṇ, uṭ° m. ‘reel’; H. aṭeran m. ‘distaff, winder’.
1444a *āvr̥ddha— Add. 14286.
1445 *āvr̥ṣa— ‘rain, pertaining to the rains’. [Cf. prāvŕ̥ṣ- and ā́varṣatē RV.: √vr̥ṣ] B. āus (with or without dhān) ‘rainy season rice-crop’ Chatterji ODBL 320; Or. āus ‘rice harvested in autumn’; H. āūs m. ‘rice sown in April—May’. āvr̥ṣṭi— ‘rain’ in anāvr̥ṣṭi—. [√vr̥ṣ]
1455 *āśara— ‘protection’. [Cf. āśāra— in āśāraiṣín— ‘seeking protection’ AV.: √śar] Ku. N. āsro m. ‘refuge’; Mth. āsa ‘retreat, refuge’; H. āsrā m. ‘refuge’, āsarnā ‘to take refuge’; OMarw. ā̃saro m. ‘protection’, G. āsrɔ m., M. āsrā m. (Bloch LM 293 < āśraya—); — bec. of —s— S. āsiro m. ‘refuge’, L. āsrā m., P. āsrā m., ḍog. āssarā m. either ← H. or MIA. analogical form *āssara—.
1461 *āśōka— 1, āśōkēya— ‘belonging to the aśoka tree’ Pāṇ. [aśōka—] Pk. āsōa—; G. āso—pālɔ m. ‘leaves of the tree Jonesia asoka’.
1462 *āśōka— 2 ‘shining’. [Cf. āśōkā— f. ‘woman's name’ Pāṇ. gaṇa śubhrādi: √śuc] WPah. jaun. āśō ‘brightness, light’.
1463 *āśaucya— ‘impurity’. [Cf. aśauca—, āś° n. Mn., Pk. asōya— n.; aśuci— ‘impure’ Mn.: śuci—] K. hõmacr;ċh, st. hõmacr;ċ— m. ‘ceremonial impurity’; — or perh. ← ā̆śauca—.
1481 *āsatta— ‘sitting’. [Cf. āsanna—: √sad] Ash. ásta ‘chair’? — Morgenstierne NTS ii 244 < āsthā— with?
1489 *āsāṭa— ‘maggot’, āśātikā— f. ‘egg of fly or other insect, nit’ BHS II 109. Pa. āsāṭikā— f. ‘fly's egg, nit’; M. āsāḍī, as°, ãs°, āsḍī, as°, ãs° ‘spawn of flies settling on a wound, fly—blow, maggots’.
1492 *āsāra— 2 ‘firm’. [sā́ra2] Kho. asár ‘high solid wall, revetment of a field terrace’ Morgenstierne Belvalkar Vol 86.
1495 *āsupati ‘goes to sleep’. 2. āsupta— BHSk. [√svap 1] 1. Tor. hūb— ‘to sleep’. 2. Tor. hut ‘he slept’. (Grier- son Tor. 157 < suptá—, Morgenstierne AO viii 303 with ?)
1497 *āsr̥kvika— ‘near the corner of the mouth’. [sŕ̥kvan—]. Kho. aṣki, iṣ° ‘jaw’, iṣkío don ‘back—tooth’.
1502 *āskr̥ta— ‘brought near’. [Cf. ā́kr̥ṇōti ‘brings near’ RV., ‘drives near’ AV.: √skr̥] Pk. akkhaḍaï ‘attacks’; G. ākhaṛvũ ‘to ramble, roam’; — very doubtful.
1504 *āstambhati ‘stands firm’. [√stambh] P. āthamṇā ‘to stop, be supported; (of the sun) to set’; — in last sense see ástam ēti.
1508 *āstariman— ‘spreading out, covering’. [Cf. inf. stárimani RV., stariman— m. ‘bed’ lex.: √str̥] Ash. astrƏmә́ ‘ice’ (but NTS ii 244 with ?).
1510 *āstudati ‘strikes against’. [Cf. ā́tudati RV.: √*stud] Cf. S. āthuṛaṇu ‘to trip, stumble’ (cf. ākhuṛaṇu s.v. *ākṣuṭati); G. āthaṛvũ, ath° ‘to come into collision with’, athṛāvũ ‘to be tired’; M. āthaḍṇẽ ‘to catch with a jerk’.
1513 *āsthāti ‘remains’. [ā́tiṣṭhati ‘resorts to, remains on’ RV.: √sthā] Pk. atthaï ‘sits’; Gy. wel. ast— ‘to remain, stop’; Or. aṇṭhibā ‘to last, hold out, suffice’.
1517 *āsthāman— ‘meeting place’. [√sthā] Sh. astóm f. ‘judgement’ (→ Bur. *l stām Morgen- stierne NTS xiii 92); H. athāı̃ f. ‘place of meeting’ (see also āsthāyikā—).
1520 *āsthira— ‘firm’. [sthirá—] S. āthiraṇu ‘to settle (of muddy water)’; P. āṭharṇā ‘to become partially dry’, ḍog. āṭṭharnā ‘to become dry’; M. aṭharṇẽ ‘to shrink, contract’; — all very doubtful.
1522 *āsthūla— ‘fat’. [sthūlá—] N. athulāunu ‘to grow fat’; OM. āṭhulaṇeṁ ‘to thicken’.
1524 *āsnāpayati ‘causes to bathe’. [√snā] Aw. anhāwab ‘to cause to bathe’. Addenda: *āsnāpayati: Brj. anhwāno ‘to bathe’.
1525 *āsnāva— m. ‘wetting’. [√snu] Mth. anhāw ‘flooding a field before planting with rice’.
1526 *āsphara— ‘swelling, bellows’. [√sphar] S. āphirī f. ‘swelling of the body from wind’; L. āphar ‘swelled by putrefaction &c.’; G. āphrɔ m. ‘wind in belly, fit of passion’; Ku. āphar ‘blacksmith's bellows’; A. āphar, aphâri ‘mouth of a bellows’. Addenda: *āsphara—: S.kcch. āphro m. ‘wind in the stomach’.
1527 *āspharati ‘swells’. 2. *āsphārayati ‘causes to swell’. [√sphar] 1. S. āphirjaṇu ‘to be swollen with wind’; L. āpharaṇ intr. ‘to swell’, awāṇ. āphruṇ ‘to be stuffed’; P. āpharnā, apph° ‘to swell, (esp. of the belly)’; H. apharnā ‘to swell out, be satiated’; G. āpharvũ ‘to be swollen of body’. - Deriv. P. H. aphrāī f. ‘surfeit’; Ku. apharai ‘flatulence’; — N. aphare ‘suffering from hydrocele’. 2. P. aphārnā ‘to cause to swell’.
1528 *āsphāyatē ‘swells’. [√sphāy] Deriv. H. apheṇḍā ‘very conceited’; — very doubtful.
1529 *āsphāra— ‘swelling’. [√sphar] P. aphārā m. ‘swelling of the belly from wind’; M. aphārī f. ‘food which swells out but does not satisfy for long’. *āsphārayati see *āspharati.
1536 *āsvarita— ‘sunny’. [svàr—] Ash. áspƏrƏ ‘sunny, sunny side of a valley’ Morgen- stierne NTS ii 244 with much doubt, bec. of sp < sv, but for this cf. same development in *āsvēda—.
1537 *āsvēda— ‘sweat’. [āsiṣvidāná— ‘sweating profusely’ RV.: √svid] Ash. uspә́ ‘sweat’, Kt. ašpe, °pu, Wg. ašpә́ Morgen- stierne NTS xvii 229; Ku. asyau ‘sweat, exhaustion’.
1539 *āhana— ‘striking, blow’. [√han 1] OG. āhaṇa m. ‘blow’; OM. āhāṇā ‘harmful’. Addenda: *āhana—: †;*āhanaśālā—.
1539a *āhanaśālā— ‘blacksmith's forge’? [*āhana—, śā́lā—] Garh. aṇsāḷ ‘blacksmith's workshop’.
1542 *āhallati ‘moves’. [√*hall] Pk. āhallaï intr. ‘shakes, moves’; Wg. ālƏ ‘moving’ Morgenstierne NTS xvii 224; S. ahalaṇu ‘to lean against’; H. ahalnā intr. ‘to shake, move’.
1551 *ikṣuvāṭa— ‘sugar—cane enclosure’. [ikṣú—, vāṭa1] Bi. ukhāri ‘land planted with sugar—cane’, H. ukhāṛī f. IṄKH ‘move’: see √īṅkh. [Cf. √*iṅgh, √iṅg, √aṅg] IṄG ‘move’: iṅgana—, iṅgita— [iṅgáyati ‘shakes’ RV., iṅgati ‘moves, sets in motion’ MBh.: cf. √aṅg, √iṅkh, √īṅkh, √*iṅgh]
1555 *iṅghati ‘moves’. [√*iṅgh] Pa. iṅgha ‘come on!’; S. iṅghaṇu ‘to lengthen out, stretch, open out in wear’ or < ı̄́ṅkhati.
1576 *indradyōtya— ‘lightning’. [Cf. indratējas— ‘thunder- bolt’ BhP.: índra—, dyōtya—] Dm. iṇḍṓči ‘lightning’, indṓči ‘thunder’; Kal. indṓčik ‘lightning’ Morgenstierne NTS xii 155.
1580 *indrāgāra— n. ‘a well’. [S. K. Chatterji ODBL 324: índra—, agāra—] N. inār ‘well, cistern’, B. ı̃dārā; Or. indā̆ra ‘well, small tank, hole’; Bi. inār, °rā, ı̃dārā, ı̃drā ‘large masonry well’, Mth. inār, H. indārā, andārā, inārā m.
1582 *indrēṣṭi— ‘impulse from Indra’. [índra—, iṣṭí1] Kt. indríc̣, (Kamdesh) indríṣṭ ‘earthquake’. INDH ‘kindle’: idhmávant—, índha—, indhana—; *indhastha—; sámiddha—, sáminddhē.
1585 *indhanakuṭaka— ‘fuel—store’ [indhana—, kuṭī—] H. ı̃dhauṛā m. ‘room for storing wood’.
1586 *indhastha— ‘fuel—place’. [índha—, stha—] Wg. ɛ̄̃daté ‘fire—place’ or < idhmávant—.
1590 *iyattama— ‘of so much’. [íyant—: i1] M. itvā ‘of this degree’?
1593 *illi— ‘a kite’. [Cf. cilli—] S. hila f., L. hill, obl. °li f.; P. ill f. ‘kite, a kind of hawk’ (illaṛ m. ‘a foolish person’?), WPah. paṅ. cur. cam. bhal. ill f. ‘kite, vulture’; — semant. connexion doubtful with Pk. illi— m. ‘lion, tiger’, H. īl m. ‘a wild animal’.
1599 *iṣṭakarman— ‘performance of sacrificial rite’. [iṣṭá—2, kárman—] Si. iṭṭama ‘emancipation’; — very doubtful; more prob. from iṭu < iṣṭa1 with kama Geiger EGS 20.
1601 *iṣṭakālaya— ‘brick—mould’. [íṣṭakā—, ālaya—] M. iṭāḷẽ n.
1612 *īdhra— ‘clear sky’. 2. *īdhara— [īdhríya— ‘belonging to the clear sky’ TS.] 1. Kho. yudur ‘clear sky’ Morgenstierne Belvalkar- Vol 97. 2. Kt. īra, īr, Wg. īrƏ, Paš. īr m. vīdhrá—. īdhríya— see *īdhra—.
1622 *īṣādhāra— ‘holding the pole of a plough’. [Cf. yugadhāra—: īṣā́—, dhāra1] M. isar n. ‘pole of the plough’, isārkī, isar° f. ‘ring or bolt at hinder extremity of a plough’. īṣı̄́kā— see iṣı̄́kā—. ĪH ‘desire’: *durīhā—. īhā— f. ‘wish’: see *durīhā—.
1624 *u 2 pronominal element: see asáu.
1625 *ukka— ‘feeling of suffocation’. Ku. ukas—mukas; N. ukus—mukus, —pukus ‘feeling of the stomach being uncomfortably full’; A. uk—muk ‘sound expressing suffocation from extreme heat’, ukmukāiba ‘to have this sensation’, ukmukiyā ‘night- mare’; H. ukas—mukas ‘suffocation’.
1632 *uṅghati ‘sleeps’. [√*uṅgh]. Pk. uṁghaï, ugghaï, oṁghaï ‘sleeps’; L. awāṇ. ughuṇ ‘to have a nap’; EP. uṅgha ‘to doze’; WPah. pāḍ. uṅhaṇ ‘to sleep’, Ku. uṅṇo, N. ũghnu; Or. uṅgeibā ‘to be drowsy’, H. ū̃ghnā, ū̃gnā; G. ũghvũ, ũghāvũ ‘to sleep’. Addenda: *uṅghati: Garh. ũgṇu ‘to be sleepy’.
1633 *uṅghā— ‘sleep’. [√*uṅgh] Ku. ū̆ṅ ‘sleep’, Bhoj. uṅghī, H. ū̃gh, ū̃g f., G. ū̃gh, ũgh f.
1639 *uccayatē ‘takes vengeance on’. [Cf. cáyatē RV.: √ci 3] S. ucāiṇu ‘to have a spite against’.
1640 *uccayayati or *uccayati ‘collects’. [uccinōti: √ci 1] Sh. (Lor.) učoiki, 1st sg. aor. učīum, pret. učīgas ‘to pick, pick up or off, card (cotton)’, or < uccita—? Addenda: *uccayayati: WPah.poet. uċṇo ‘to suck, absorb’? (Him.I 12 < uccita—); — kc. unċṇo ‘to pluck flowers’ (Him.I 12 < *uccayati).
1642 *uccalyati ‘goes up’. 2. Caus. *uccālayati. [uccalati ‘springs up’ BhP.: √cal] 1. Pk. uccallaï ‘goes’; B. caus. uclāna ‘to shake, winnow’; Or. caus. uculāibā ‘to tear off (bark or branches)’; H. ucalnā ‘to be separated’, caus. uclānā; G. ucalvũ ‘to rise’, caus. uclāvvũ; M. uċalṇẽ ‘to rise, shoot up’. 2. Pa. uccālēti ‘raises’; Pk. uccālēi ‘throws up’; P. ucālṇā ‘to arouse, excite’; N. ucālnu ‘to raise, lift’, A. usāliba; H. ucālnā ‘to separate’; G. ucāḷvũ ‘to help in lifting’; M. uċalṇẽ ‘to raise’ with l from intr.; Si. usulanavā, uhu° ‘to carry, support’. See úccarati, uccārayati. Addenda: *uccalyati. 2. *uccālayati: WPah.kc. ċwaḷno ‘to pick up’; — delete Add. 14301 (see utplavatē Add2).
1643 *uccāpayati ‘causes to be collected’. 2. Pass. *uccā- pyatē. [Cf. cāpayati Pāṇ., uccinōti: √ci 1] 1. Ku. ucauṇo ‘to collect in a heap’; — L. awāṇ. ucāvuṇ ‘to raise’ or deriv. ucca—. 2. L. P. Ku. H. ucāpat f. ‘raising money or taking goods on credit’; G. ucāpat f. ‘misappropriation of funds, speculation’; — doubtful. uccārayati see úccarati.
1644 *uccāla— ‘lifting up, removing’. [Cf. uccārá— ‘rising’ TS.: √cal] P. ucālā m. ‘instigation’; A. usāl ‘act of rising’; G. ucāḷɔ m. ‘movables, furniture’. *uccālayati see *uccalyati. Addenda: *uccāla—: S.kcch. aucāṛo m. ‘movable goods’. *uccālayati see *uccalyati Add2.
1645 *ucciṅgaka— ‘a cricket’. [ucciṅgaṭa— m. ‘cricket, crab’ lex.; cf. ucciṭiṅga— m. ‘small venomous animal in the water, crab’, cicciṭiṅga— m. ‘a kind of venomous insect’ Suśr., ciṅgaṭa—, °aḍa— ‘shrimp’ lex.] A. usaṅgā ‘cricket’, B. uciṅgā, ucuṅgā. uccita— ‘gathered’ Kathās. [√ci 1] See *uccayayati.
1646 *uccittaka— ‘very intelligent’. [cittá1] Kho. učútu ‘clever, alert’ Morgenstierne Belvalkar- Vol 85.
1648 *uccukra— ‘very sour’. [cukra—] Pr. učügū́ ‘bitter (?)’. *uccr̥tati ‘separates from’. [√cr̥t] See uccaṭati.
1649 *ucchaṭ— ‘snatch’. 2. *ucchaṭṭ—. [√*chaṭ] 1. Pk. ucchaḍia— ‘stolen’; H. uchaṛnā ‘to abscond’; M. osaḍṇẽ ‘to rob, plunder’. 2. Pk. ucchaṭṭa—, °aṁṭa— m. ‘snatch—thief’; Mth. uchaṭab ‘to bounce, jump’; H. uchaṭnā ‘to withdraw’. ucchanna— see útsanna—.
1650 *ucchardati ‘vomits’. [√chr̥d] B. uchṛāna, och° ‘to vomit’. ucchalati see *ut—śalati. *ucchalyati see *ut—śalati.
1651 *ucchalli— ‘without skin or bark’. [challi—] Or. uñchlāibā ‘to peel (fruit)’.
1653 *ucchiṭṭ— ‘flick away’. [*chiṭ—] Ku. uchiṭṇo ‘to leap, fly, strike’; N. uchiṭnu, °ṭinu ‘to be flicked away’, caus. uchiṭyāunu, ucheṭnu.
1656 *ucchupati ‘throws up’. [√chup] WPah. bhal. uċhūṇū ‘to lift’. ucchuṣka— see *ut—śuṣka—. ucchr̥ṅgita— see *ut—śr̥ṅga—.
1658 *ucchōṭṭa— ‘very small’. [*chōṭṭa—] Dm. úc̣huṭa, učuṭa, f. °iṭi ‘small’, Bshk. účuṭ, f. ičiṭ.
1659 *ucchyati ‘cuts off’. 2. Caus. ucchāyayati. [√chō] 1. P. ucchṇā ‘to be scratched’ (or der. uchehṇā < ucchēdayati); Or. uchibā ‘to prune, lop’. 2. Or. uchāibā ‘to prune’. Cf. *avacchyati. ucchraya— see *ut—śrāya—. úcchrayati see *ut—śrayati. ucchrāpayati see *ut—śrayati. ucchrāya— see *ut—śrāya—. úcchrita— see *ut—śrita—. úcchrīyatē see *ut—śrīyatē 1. ucchvasiti see *ut—śvasiti. ucchvāsá— see *ut—śvāsa—. ucchvāsayati see *ut—śvasiti.
1660a *ujjaṅghura— ‘above the shank’. [Cf. údbāhu— ‘with raised arms’ ŚBr.: jáṅghā—] Pr. uzógur ‘knee’?
1660b *ujjaṭa— ‘uprooted, laid waste’. 2. *ujjāṭa—. 3. *ujjāṭī— f. ‘laying waste’. [jáṭā—] 1. Pk. ujjaḍa— ‘laid waste, desolate’, S. ujaṛu (why not ?), P. ujjaṛ, Ku. ujaṛ, emph. ujaḍḍa; B. ujaṛ ‘de- populated’; Bi. ujaṛ, ujṛā ‘deserted village’; H. ūjaṛ ‘laid waste, depopulated’; G. ujaṛ, ujjaṛ ‘waterless, barren’. 2. S. ujāṛa ‘waste, desolate’, L. (Jukes) ujāṛ, P. Ku. ujāṛ, N. ujār, A. uzār, B. ujāṛ, Or. ujāṛa; H. ujāṛ ‘waste’, m. ‘a ruin’; G. ujāṛ ‘waterless’; M. uj̈āḍ ‘desolate’. 3. S. ujāṛa f. ‘a waste place’, L. P. ujāṛ f.; A. uzār ‘flight or dispersion from fear’; B. ujāṛ ‘a deserted place’, OMarw. ujāṛi f.; M. uj̈āḍī f. ‘desolation’. *ujjaṭati, *ujjāṭayati.
1661 *ujjaṭati ‘is uprooted’. 2. Caus. *ujjāṭayati. [*ujjaṭa—: jáṭā—] 1. K. wujarun ‘to be uprooted’ (lw. with j); S. ujiṛaṇu ‘to be waste’ (lw. with j); L. ujjiṛaṇ, (Jukes) uj̄raṇ ‘to go waste, to abandon one's home’; P. ujjaṛṇā ‘to be laid waste’; A. uzariba ‘to be frightened and dispersed’; Or. ujuṛibā ‘to lay waste’; H. ujaṛnā ‘to be uprooted’. 2. Pk. ujjāḍia— ‘laid waste’; K. wujārun ‘to lay waste’, ḍoḍ. uzāṛṇō, S. ujāraṇu, L. ujāṛaṇ, (Jukes) uj̄°, P. ujāṛṇā, WPah. sod. j̈wārnõ;, Ku. ujāṛṇo, N. ujārnu; A. uzāriba ‘to upturn (earth), expose’; Or. ujāṛibā ‘to uproot, depopulate’; H. ujāṛnā ‘to lay waste’ (→ Mth. ujāṛab ‘to destroy’), G. ujāṛvũ. Addenda: *ujjaṭati: Garh. ujaṛnu ‘to be dilapidated’.
1662 *ujjaḍa— ‘very stupid’. [jaḍa—] H. ujaṛ m. ‘a lout’.
1663 *ujjaḍhu— ‘very stupid’. [*jáḍhu—] H. ujhaṛ, ujjh° ‘stupid’.
1664 *ujjavati ‘goes upstream’. 2. *ujjavana— ‘upstream’. [√] 1. Pa. ujjavati ‘goes upstream’; A. uzāiba ‘to go upstream, move towards the head of a bed, come out in a shoal (of fish)’; B. ujāy ‘goes upstream’. 2. Pa. ujjavanikāya adv. ‘upstream’; A. uzani ‘upper part of a stream’, uzān ‘shoal of fish coming out in flood water’; B. ujān ‘flowing tide, upstream’; Or. ujāṇa ‘tidal’, ujāṇi adv. ‘upstream’, H. ujān adv. Semant. satisfactory, but phonet. rather < údyāti, udyā́na—. *ujjavana— see prec.
1665 *ujjāgrat— ‘awake’. [Cf. jā́garti RV. and ujjāgarayati ‘awakens’ Sāh., Pk. ujjāgara—, ujjāara— m. ‘lack of sleep’: √jāgr̥] S. ojāǥo m., °ǥa f. ‘sleeplessness’; P. ujāgar ‘manifest, known’. — Ext. with —ira—: Pk. ujjaggira— n. ‘wakeful- ness’, A. uzāgar; Or. ujāgara ‘awake’; G. ujāgrɔ m. ‘waking at night, anxiety’; M. uj̈āgar, °āgrā, °agrā, °agirā m. ‘wakefulness’, uj̈āgrī f. ‘publicity’. *samujjāgrat—. *ujjāṭa— see *ujjaṭa—. *ujjāṭayati see *ujjaṭati. *ujjāṭī— see *ujjaṭa—.
1668 *ujjvara— ‘shining’. [~ ujjvala—: √jvar] Or. ujar, uñj° ‘bright, light’; G. ujarṛũ n. ‘light’, ujṛũ n. ‘light, twilight’; M. uj̈rī f. ‘brightness’. Addenda: *ujjvara—: Brj. ujer(o) m. ‘light, moonshine’?
1669 *ujjvarati ‘shines’. 2. Caus. *ujjvārayati. [~ ujjval- ati, *ujjvālayati: √jvar] 1. M. uj̈arṇẽ ‘to return to pristine strength, become somewhat intelligent’. 2. M. uj̈arṇẽ ‘to brighten, restore’.
1672 *ujjvāra— ‘bright’. [~ *ujjvālaka—: √jvar] G. ujār, °rũ ‘bright’. — X andhakāra—: G. ujiyārũ ‘bright’. *ujjvārayati see *ujjvarati.
1673 *ujjvālaka— ‘bright’. [~ *ujjvāra—: √jval] S. ujāro ‘bright, light’; P. ujālā m. ‘dawn’ H. ujālā, ũj° m. — X andhakāra—: Ku. ujyālo ‘light’; N. ujyālo ‘dawn’, adj. ‘clear, cheerful’; OAw. ujiārā ‘light’ Saksena EA 77, H. ujyālā, ujelā m. ‘dawn’. *ujjvālayati see újjvalati. Addenda: *ujjvālaka—: S.kcch. ūjāro m. ‘light, twilight’. *ujjvālayati see újjvalati Add2. ujjháti: see †;*ujjihītē.
1675 *ujjharati ‘pours out, places, touches’. [√*jhar] Pk. ujjharia— ‘thrown, scattered, glanced at side- ways’, ujjhalia— ‘thrown’; G. ujharṛo m. ‘scratch’, ujhraṛvũ ‘to get the skin scratched’, ujharṛātũ ‘scratch- ing, glancing’; — Kho. uẓúrik ‘to sprinkle (water)’ with < *ud—gẓhar—. See Morgenstierne NTS xiii 238. — Cf. *ujjhalati.
1676 *ujjhalati ‘pours out’. 2. Caus. *ujjhālayati. [√*jhal] 1. Pk. ujjhalia— ‘thrown’; Or. ujhaḷāibā, ujhuḷ° ‘to clean (tanks or wells), publish secrets, save from distress’; H. ujhalnā, °ilnā ‘to flow from one vessel to another’ (whence tr. ujhīlnā, °elnā ‘to pour’). 2. Or. ujhāḷibā ‘to clear out (tanks or wells), repair (a house), save from distress’; H. ujhālnā ‘to pour out’. — Cf. *avajjhālayati, *ujjharati.
1677 *ujjhāla— ‘pouring out’. [√*jhal] Or. ujhāḷa adj. ‘overflowing’. *ujjhālayati see *ujjhalati.
1678 *ujjhāṣa— ‘shining’. [√jhaṣ] Pk. ujjhāsi— ‘sparkling’; G. ujās m. ‘brightness, light, lucidity’.
1679 *ujjhukkati ‘bends’. [√*jhukk] Bhoj. ujhukal ‘to stagger’. UÑCH ‘gather’: uñchá—, úñchati; prōñchati, prōñchana—. uñchá— m. ‘gleaning, esp. of separate grains’ Mn. [√uñch] aṅgōñcha— ?
1682 *uṭṭaṅka— 1 ‘weighing’. [ṭaṅka1] G. uṭā̃kɔ m. ‘rough estimate of weight, guess’, uṭā̃kvũ ‘to weigh’.
1683 *uṭṭaṅka— 2 ‘throwing the legs up’. [Cf. uṭṭīkita— ‘jump- ing’ Rājat.? — ṭaṅka3] H. uṭaknā ‘to jump, skip’.
1684 *uṭṭaṅga— ‘up the leg’. [ṭaṅka3] H. uṭaṅgī ‘high up the leg, drawn up (of trousers), shrunk, shrivelled, badly made’.
1685 *uṭṭaṅgana— ‘name of a plant’. S. uṭaṅgaṇu m. ‘seed of Acanthodium hirtum (used in medicine)’; P. uṭaṅgaṇ m. ‘a plant of the order Acanthaceae (given medicinally for impotence)’; H. uṭaṅgan m. ‘a species of nettle the seeds of which are aphrodisiac’.
1686 *uṭṭārayati ‘moves away’. [√*ṭar] Or. oṭāribā ‘to pull, drag, draw water, lift’. — Poss. Pk. uṭṭāra— m. ‘landing place, bank (of a lake, &c.)’ X uttāra—. — Cf. next.
1687 *uṭṭālayati ‘moves away’. [√ṭal 1] M. uṭāḷṇẽ ‘to turn over’, uṭāḷā m. ‘pushing, a lever’. — Cf. prec.
1688 *uṭṭiṅgala— ‘mound’. [*ṭiṅga— s.v. *ṭakka3] M. uṭı̃gaḷ, °ãgaḷ n. ‘mound’, adj. ‘abounding in mounds’, adv. ‘unevenly’.
1689 *uṭṭimbara— ‘mound’. [*ṭimba— s.v. *ṭakka3] M. uṭı̃bar, uṭãb° ‘rugged with mounds’, uṭı̃brā, uṭãb° m. ‘round hill, bump’.
1690 *uṭṭuṅgara— or *uṭṭiṅgara— ‘mound’. [Cf. uttuṅga- ‘high’ MBh. — *ṭuṅga— s.v. *ṭakka3] M. uṭãgar ‘full of mounds’, m.n. ‘small round hillock, stone placed under a mass which is to be rolled along’. — Cf. next.
1691 *uṭṭuṅgala— ‘mound’. [*ṭuṅga— s.v. ṭakka3] M. uṭãgaḷ n. ‘mound’, adv. ‘unevenly’; or < *uṭṭiṅgala—. — Cf. prec.
1692 *uṭṭumbara— ‘mound’. [*ṭumba— s.v. *ṭakka3] M. uṭãbar ‘rugged with mounds’, uṭãbrā m. ‘mound’; — or < *uṭṭimbara—.
1693 *uḍidda— ‘a pulse’. Pk. uḍida— m.; H. uṛad, urad, urd, urdh m. ‘the pulse Dolichos pilosos’; G. aṛad, pl. aṛad or °diyā m. ‘the pulse Phaseolus radiatus’, M. uḍīd m.; — deriv. G. aṛadiyũ n. ‘sweetmeat made of its flour’, M. uḍdī ‘of the colour of uḍīd’. Addenda: *uḍidda—: Brj. udd m. ‘a pulse’ AO 32, 331. uḍḍayatē, uḍḍāpayati see uḍḍīyatē Add2.
1698 *uḍḍhālayati ‘throws up’. [√*ḍhal] S. uḍhāraṇu ‘to gather up flour thrown out of a mill’; N. oṛālnu ‘to stir up rice’; — but see uddhārayati. uḍra— see ōḍra1.
1703 *utkaṭa— 3 ‘hip’. [Cf. kaṭi— and utkuṭaka—] Si. ukuḷa, °ula ‘hip’, ikiliya ‘hip, groin’ ( < °ṭikā—). Addenda: *utkaṭa—3: Md. ukuḷu ‘buttocks’.
1705 *utkaṭṭa— ‘removing rust’. [*kaṭṭa1] G. ukaṭvũ, uṭakvũ ‘to cleanse pots’, ukṭo ‘medicine made from iron rust to cure swollen eyes’.
1706 *utkaḍḍhati ‘drags up’. [Cf. utkarṣati: √*kaḍḍh] Pk. ukkaḍḍhiya— ‘uprooted’; B. ukṛāna, ukhṛāna ‘to root up’.
1712 *utkartati ‘cuts out’. [útkr̥ntati ‘cuts off or out’ ŚBr., Pa. ukkantati ‘cuts out, skins’: √kr̥t 1] Pk. ukkattaï ‘cuts’ (pp. ukkatta—, ukkitta— < *utkr̥tta—); Gy. pal. úktăr ‘strikes, throws down, casts out’; P. uktāuṇā ‘to vex’; Ku. ukatṇo ‘to fall away, dwindle’, uktāṇo ‘to dry up’; A. okaṭiba ‘to upturn as dirt, expose secret misconduct’; H. ukaṭnā ‘to dig up’, caus. ukṭānā; M. ukaṭṇẽ ‘to chisel a grindstone or millstone, pit or be pitted with smallpox’. — Deriv. M. ukṭī f. ‘chisel for refacing a grindstone’. See *utskartati.
1716 *utkalati ‘goes out or up’, utkalita— ‘rising, prosperous’, utkalayati ‘loosens’ BhP. 2. *utkalyatē. 3. utkālayati ‘drives out’ Śaṁk. [√kal 2] 1. S. ukaraṇu, ukir° ‘to go out, descend’; Ku. ukalṇo ‘to rise’; N. uklanu ‘to ascend’; A. ukaliba ‘to be in excess of a certain number in counting, to be passed (of an age)’; H. ukalnā ‘to boil over’; G. ukaḷvũ intr. ‘to boil’, M. ukaḷṇẽ. 2. S. ukilaṇu ‘to come out, be finished’; M. ukalṇẽ ‘to be loosened, be disentangled, open (of a bud)’, tr. ‘to loosen’. 3. S. ukāraṇu ‘to take down, make descend’; Ku. ukālṇo ‘to raise’, N. ukālnu; H. ukālnā tr. ‘to boil (water, &c.)’; G. ukāḷvũ ‘to cause to boil, make ready, finish’; M. ukaḷṇẽ tr. ‘to boil’; Ko. ukaḷtā ‘lifts’; — A. okāliba ‘to eject from the mouth, retch’ and Or. ukāḷibā ‘to vomit’ prob. belong here but are influenced semant. by forms from *ōkk— ‘vomit’. *utkalyatē see *utkalati. Addenda: *utkalati. 1. S.kcch. aukkarṇū ‘to boil’; WPah.kṭg. ukƏḷnõ; ‘to climb, ascend’, ukkhƏḷnõ; (with kkh from níkkhƏḷnõ; < niṣkalati Him.I 11); Garh. ukaḷnu ‘to climb, ride’; A. ukaliba ‘to pass (as time)’ AFD 332. 3. utkālayati: S.kcch. okārṇū tr. ‘to boil’; WPah.kṭg. kwaḷnõ;, khw° ‘to make ascend’; A. okāliba ‘to eject from the mouth’.
1717 *utkavalayati ‘spits out’. [kavala—] A. ukuliyāiba ‘to eject from the mouth’.
1719 *utkāmayatē ‘desires’. [Cf. kāmáyatē ‘loves’ RV., útka— ‘longing for’ Pāṇ.: √kam] M. ukāvṇẽ ‘to desire’. utkāra— see utkara—. Addenda: *utkāmayatē [Cf. Ir. *kāmaya— in Shgh. čēmb—, čomb- ‘to will, agree’, Wkh. kƏmi—, Sang. kƏmay—]
1720 *utkāla— ‘going up or out’. [√kal 2] WPah. bhad. okālu n. ‘ascent’, sod. kwāḷe; Ku. ukālo ‘uphill slope’, gng. ukāw, N. ukālo; G. ukāḷ m. ‘rise’; M. ukāḷā m. ‘ebullition’; — A. okālā, okalā ‘food spat out’ infl. by okāliba < utkālayati. — Connexion very doubtful with Ash. ọ̄̃karái, ū̃k° ‘upwards, high’, Kt. ukƏŕ ‘steep’. utkālayati see *utkalati. utkāśatē ‘shines out’ BhP. [√kāś] See ávakāśatē. Addenda: *utkāla—: S.kcch. okār m. ‘slope’; WPah.kṭg. kwaḷi f. ‘upward slope’, Wkc. kwāḷ f. utkālayati see *utkalati Add2. *utkāsayati see útkasati Add2.
1721 *utkāśyati ‘shines’. [Cf. utkāśatē BhP., kāśyatē Dhātup.: √kāś] P. ukāsṇā ‘to kindle, excite, instigate’; G. ukā̃svũ ‘to throw light on, bring prominently into notice’.
1724 *utkīrā— ‘praising’ (?). [Cf. utkīrtayati ‘praises’: √kr̥ 2] S. ukīra f. ‘yearning for’.
1725 *utkucyatē ‘is bent up’. [utkucati ‘bends upwards, crooks, opens (as a flower)’ Kauś. : √kuc] Or. ukucibā ‘to spring up, float, be suspended’; - with metath. uckibā intr. ‘to hang’.
1727 *utkuṭyatē ‘is bent up’. 2. utkōṭayati ‘bends up’ Pāṇ. Kāś. [√kuṭ 1] 1. Or. ukuṭibā ‘to be fully blown, be manifest’. 2. Pa. ukkōṭēti ‘disturbs a legal question which has been settled’ (cf. ukkōṭaṇa— n. ‘crookedness, perversion of justice’); Pk. ukkōḍiya— m. ‘one who accepts a bribe’; P. okuṛṇā ‘to bend, stretch forward, reach as far as possible’.
1729 *utkuṣati ‘cuts up’. [√kuṣ] Sh. (Lor.) ukuẓoiki ‘to flay, skin’; H. ukusnā ‘to up- root, rip up’.
1731 *utkr̥ta— ‘dug up’. [Cf. utkīrṇa— ‘dug up’ KātyŚr.: √kr̥̄ 1] Or. ukaṛibā ‘to be uprooted, get loose’. — Cf. *utskr̥ta—.
1733 *utkl̥pti— ‘form’. [Cf. útkalpayati ‘forms, moulds’ AV., kĺ̥pti—, °tí— f. ‘preparation’ ŚBr.: √kl̥p] P. ukkat f. ‘contrivance, invention’; — deriv. ukkatī m., °taṇ f. ‘inventor’. *utkēra— see utkara—. *utkērayati ‘digs up’: see útkirati.
1734 *utkēlyatē ‘is disentangled’. [Cf. útkirati, *utkēra- yati: √kil, √kr̥̄ 1] Pk. caus. ukkellāviya— ‘unpicked, opened’; H. ukelnā ‘to unravel’; G. ukelvũ ‘to disentangle, make out a badly written letter’.
1735 *utkōṭa— ‘bending towards, bribe’. [Cf. utkōca— m. ‘bribe’ Yājñ.: √kuṭ 1] Pk. ukkōḍa— n. ‘present to the king’, °ḍā— f. ‘bribe’; H. akor f. ‘bribe, lure (e.g. to an intractable cow)’, akorī m. ‘one who takes bribes’ (or < *ākōṭa— with anal. —kk—, Pa. ākōṭēti ‘knocks against’, Pk. āōḍēi ‘makes enter’). utkōṭayati see *utkuṭyatē.
1738 *utkramyati ‘goes away’. [Cf. kramyati, krām° Pāṇ.: √kram] With metath. N. umkanu ‘to escape’, caus. umkāunu; — rather < *unmukna—.
1742 *utkvātha— ‘boiling up’. [√kvath] M. ukāḍā, ukḍā m. ‘decoction of tamarind with salt for cleaning silver, sultriness’.
1743 *utkṣaṇōti ‘pounds’. [√kṣan 1] Pk. ukkhaṇaï ‘pounds, husks (rice)’; G. ɔkhaṇvũ ‘to pound’.
1744 *utkṣarati ‘pours out’. [√kṣar] Kt. uc̣är ‘poured out’ Morgenstierne Rep1 59; L. deriv. ukhrāṇī f. ‘trough’.
1745 *utkṣāṇayati ‘sifts’. [Cf. Yid. uṣān— ‘to churn’ IIFL ii 193: √*kṣan 2] Gy. bulg. učhan— ‘to sift’ JGLS 3rd ser. vi 23, gr. ušan—; boh. ušān— ‘to knead’; — deriv. hung. učándi ‘sieve’.
1746 *utkṣāra— ‘burnt up’. [kṣārá—1, √kṣai] A. ukharā ‘hot—tempered, dry, poor (of land)’; M. usar ‘dried up, emaciated’, usar, usrī f. ‘dried and pre- served vegetables and fruits’.
1747 *utkṣāla— ‘pouring out’. [√kṣal] Ku. ukhāl ‘vomit’; H. ukhāl m. ‘vomiting’, ukhāl- pukhāl m. ‘cholera’ (see *prakṣāla—); M. ukhāḷ m. ‘any- thing to produce vomiting’.
1748 *utkṣālayati ‘makes flow out’. [√kṣal] Ku. ukhālṇo ‘to vomit’, gng. ukhāwṇo tr. ‘to pour out from the mouth’; H. ukhālnā ‘to vomit’.
1751 *utkṣubdha— ‘cast up’. [√kṣubh] Pk. ucchuddha— ‘thrown up’ (cf. ucchūḍha— ‘driven out’); M. asūd, °ūt n. ‘repercussion of food in eating or drinking’, asudā j̈āṇẽ ‘to go the wrong way (of food)’.
1751a *utkṣurati ‘scrapes out’. [√kṣur] Md. ukuranī ‘scrapes out’.
1754 *utkhāna— ‘digging up’. [Cf. khānaka— Mn., absol. utkhānam: √khan] Ku. gng. ukhāṇ ‘act of rooting up (a plant or tree)’.
1755 *utkhēllati ‘undo, disentangle’. [√*khēll] S. ukhelaṇu ‘to untie’ (whence intr. ukhilaṇu ‘to be extracted’); Ku. ukhelṇo ‘to open, cancel’; N. ukhelnu ‘to uproot’.
1756 *utkhōllati ‘unties, opens’. [√*khōll] S. ukholaṇu ‘to untie’; WPah. bhal. ukholṇū ‘to open (e.g. a box), to take off (clothes)’; — poss. Gy. arm. ukhl— ‘to open’ or < *udghātayati?
1758 *uttanuka— ‘puffed up, proud’. [tanū́— or úttanōti?] Pk. uttaṇua—, uttuṇa—; A. utanuwā ‘excitable, rash, unsteady’.
1760 *uttapa— ‘heating’. [√tap] M. utav m. ‘drying horse for clothes, betelnuts, &c.’ (semant. cf. uttapta— n. ‘dried flesh’ lex.); — Ko. ota, vota, vata ‘sunshine’?
1763 *uttapti— ‘heat’. [√tap] Bshk. uṭet ‘fever’ poss. < *uṣ—ṭapti— < *uts—tapti—.
1764 *uttapyatē ‘is heated’. [√tap] Pk. uttappa— ‘shining, burning’; Kho. (Lor.) utūpīk ‘to become warm’.
1766 *uttamaputra— ‘the son most removed in order’. [uttamá—, putrá—] S. utotī, utetī ‘next in age (of brothers)’ assimilated < *utoṭrī?
1772 *uttaravātara— ‘north wind’. [úttara—, vātara—?] M. utrāvārā m. ‘northerly wind’.
1773 *uttaravānī— f. ‘north wind’. [úttara—, *vānī—] M. utrāṇ f. ‘north wind’. uttarāṅga— see uttaraṁga—. [úttara—, áṅga1]
1779 *uttarika— ‘upper’. [úttara—] Pa. uttarika— ‘upper’, Pk. uttariya—; Kho. (Lor.) tōri ‘upper’ (tōri pōn ‘the upper road’), tóriro ‘higher’: Morgenstierne BelvalkarVol 97 compares uttara—, uttarīya—.
1780 *uttariya— n. ‘the being above’. [úttara—] Pa. uttariya— n.; Si. itiri, ituru ‘remainder, surplus, residual’ D. E. Hettiaratchi Univ. of Ceylon Review vi 290.
1782 *uttarpati ‘jumps out’. [√tr̥p] Phal. utrap— ‘to run’; — or poss. < *upatarpati: both ud and upa compounded with verbs ‘to run’, e.g. úddruta—, úpadravati, úpadhāvati.
1783 *uttala— ‘shallow’. [tala—] G. utḷũ ‘shallow’, M. utaḷ. *uttāḍa— ‘high’ see *utthala—.
1784 *uttāḍayati ‘beats’. [√taḍ 1] Pk. uttāḍēi ‘beats’; — Ku. uteṛṇo ‘to chastise, rebuke’ but with unexpl. e.
1786 *uttānayati ‘stretches out’. [údatnata 3rd pl. aor. mid. RV.: √tan] M. utāṇṇē ‘to describe, declare’ (< ‘spins out, describes at length’?) or < uktá—.
1788 *uttāpala— ‘impetuous’. [uttāpa—: √tap] Pk. uttāvala— ‘impetuous, quick’, n. ‘impetuosity’; K. wutāwul m. ‘haste, eagerness’; L. utāuḷā ‘hasty, excitable’, P. utāulā; WPah. paṅ. utauḷā ‘swift’, cur. tauḷā; Ku. utaulo ‘swift, hasty’, subst. °li; N. utāulo ‘hasty, impatient’, A. utalā; B. utālā, utalā ‘hasty, passionate’; Or. utaḷā, utālā ‘impatient, uneasy’; OAw. utāila ‘rapid’; H. utāwal, °lā ‘swift, hasty’, utāwal, °lī f. ‘haste’, G. utāvḷũ adj., utāvaḷi f., M. utāvīḷ, utāvḷā adj., utāvaḷ, °vḷī f. Addenda: *uttāpala—: S.kcch. autāvaṛ f. ‘haste’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) tauḷɔ ‘rash’; J. tāwḷā ‘hot—tempered’.
1789 *uttāpya— ‘heat’. [uttāpa—: √tap] G. utāp, °pɔ m. ‘excessive heat, excitement, anxiety’; M. uttāp, °tap n. ‘an open or sunny place’, utāp, utap ‘sunny, not shaded’.
1790 *uttāyatē ‘is stretched out’. [Cf. tāyátē ‘is stretched’ RV., úttanōti: √tan] Ku. utāṇo, wat° ‘to lie on one's back, be supine’.
1795 *uttutta— ‘pushed up’. [Sk. úttudati ‘pushes up or open’ AV., Pk. uttuyaï ‘pains, distresses’: √tud] M. ututṇẽ ‘to break out into pustules, be in a hurry, fidget’. — Or poss. < uttukta—.
1796 *uttr̥ṇa— ‘without grass’. [tŕ̥ṇa—] Pa. uttiṇa— ‘without grass or straw’; Pk. uttiṇa—, °ṇia— ‘without grass’ (but uttaṇa— ‘grassy’); — M. utaṇṇẽ ‘to strip the grass off a roof’ or perh. a M. cmpd. from taṇ.
1797 *uttr̥ta— ‘passed over or up’. [Cf. uttīrṇa— ‘crossed, landed, escaped’, Pa. uttiṇṇa— ‘drawn out’, n. ‘outlet’: √tr̥̄] Si. utuḷā pret. of uturanavā ‘to overflow’ < úttarati.
1798 *uttr̥dati ‘cuts through’. [Cf. uttr̥ṇatti ‘splits or cuts through’ TBr.: √tr̥d] G. utraṛvũ, utaṛ°, uteṛ° ‘to unsew, unstitch’.
1799 *uttr̥ṣṇa— ‘very thirsty’. [tŕ̥ṣṇā—] M. uttānhṇẽ ‘to be very thirsty’, utānhī f. ‘thirst, keen desire’; — Niṅg. utuník ‘thirst, thirsty’ or with NOGaw 59 cmpd. with ū ‘water’ (cf. Kt. awƏ—tin).
1800 *uttyajana— n. ‘leaving’. [uttyakta— ‘abandoned’ lex.: √tyaj] Pk. uccayaṇijja— ‘to be abandoned’; Ku. ucaiṇo ‘a votive offering put aside for a god if a wish is granted’. *uttraṭṭati ‘cracks’. [√*traṭṭ] See *uttruṭyati.
1803 *uttruṭyati ‘is broken’ [uttruṭita— Kād.: √truṭ] M. utaṭṇẽ intr. ‘to burst, split, crack, snap’; — utāṭṇẽ ‘id.’, utāṭ f. ‘readiness to burst’ with secondary ā or < *uttraṭṭati. *utthaḍa— ‘high’ see *utthala—.
1804 *utthala— ‘high’. 2. *utthaḍa—. 3. uttāla— ‘great, strong, high, abundant’ Śiś. 4. *uttāḍa—. 1. Wg. utálƏ ‘high’, Dm. uthála, Paš. uthā́l, ar. utthṓl, Shum. utthálƏ, Gaw. uthálå, f. uthéli, Kal. urt. uthā́la, rumb. hūtala, Bshk. úthal, ūthál, Tor. (Biddulph) ūtal, f. ūtil, Savi wuthaló, Phal. utthālu; Sh. ŭthắlū ‘high, tall, loud’; K. wŏtulu , kash. wathal ‘high’. 2. WPah. cur. uthṛā ‘high’. 3. M. utaḷṇẽ ‘to be full and plump, (of fruit) to be ready to be picked’. 4. L. P. utāṛ f. ‘high land, upland’.
1805 *utthalati ‘is upset’. 2. *utthalyati. 3. *utthalyā—. [sthala—?] 1. B. uthlā ‘to overflow, boil over’; Or. uthaḷibā, uthuḷ° ‘to overflow’. 2. Pk. utthallaï ‘jumps up’; S. uthilaṇu ‘to be over- turned’; P. utthallaṇā, utha° tr. ‘to upset’, redup. uthallaṇā—putthalṇā, Ku. uthelṇo (formed from intr. *uthil—); N. uthlanu ‘to be upset’, H. uthalnā, G. uthalvũ; — with metath.: Ku. alathṇo ‘to pour from one vessel to another’; M. ulathṇẽ ‘to be upset’, tr. ‘to upset’. 3. Pk. utthallā— f. ‘overturning’; S. uthala f. ‘flood’; G. uthal—pāthal f. ‘turning upside down’. *utthalyati see prec. *utthalyā— see *utthalati. *utthāti see *ut—sthāti. utthā́na— see *ut—sthā́na—. utthāpana— see *ut—sthāpana—. úthāpayati see *út—sthāpayati. *utthāpyatē see *ut—sthāpyatē. *utthāmayati see *ut—sthāmayati. útthita— see *út—sthita—. Addenda: *utthalati. 2. *utthalyati: S.kcch. othlāṇū ‘to overturn, invert’, authlo m. ‘relapse (in disease)’. *utthalyati see utthalati Add2.
1806 *utthūt— ‘choking’. [thūt] L. utthrū m., mult. utthṇū m. ‘fit of choking’; P. utthū, utthrū m. ‘violent coughing’.
1807 *utpakva— ‘quite ripe’. [pakvá—: √pac] Pa. uppakka— ‘scorched, shrivelled up’; M. upikṇẽ ‘to overripen and spoil (of fruit)’.
1808 *utpacyatē ‘boils over’. [Cf. utpācita— ‘thoroughly boiled’ Suśr.: √pac] B. upacāna ‘to boil over, overflow’ (Chatterji ODBL 875 < *utpatyatē); Or. upacibā, upuc° ‘to run over, overflow, abound’.
1809 *utpaṭati ‘bursts open’. 2. utpāṭayati ‘roots up’ SāṅkhŚr. 3. *utpaṭyati ‘is burst open’ (cf. utpāṭyatē ‘is rooted up’ Suśr.) [útpaṭa— m. ‘sap issuing from a cut in a tree’ ŚBr., páṭati ‘splits’ Gr.: √paṭ 1] 1. Dm. opƏŕāy— ‘to pick, pull out’; Paš. ōpuṛ— ‘to dig up’; — with intransitive meaning after transitives from 3: B. upaṛā ‘to come up by the roots’; Or. upaṛibā, upuṛ° ‘to be uprooted’; M. upaḍṇẽ ‘to come up by the roots’; — G. upaṛvũ ‘to be pulled out, be lifted’ (in last sense poss. < útpatati which in MIA. collides with *utpaṭati). 2. Pa. uppāṭēti ‘splits, roots up’, Pk. uppāḍēi; Ku. upāṛṇo ‘to take up by the roots’; A. upāriba ‘to dig up’; B. upāṛā ‘to pull up’; Or. upāṛibā ‘to uproot’, Mth. upārab, OAw. upāraï, H. upāṛnā; M. upaḍṇẽ ‘to pluck up’; OSi. upuḷanavā ‘to pluck up’, Si. upulvanavā ‘to lift up’. 3. S. upaṭaṇu ‘to open, uncover, expand’; Mth. upaṭab ‘to be uprooted’; G. upaṭvũ ‘(of colours) to fade’, upaṭ f. ‘a piece of turf torn up and put under a wheel’; M. upaṭṇẽ ‘to come up and fall out (of nail, peg, tree), break out, become manifest’; — with secondary trans- itive meaning: H. upāṭnā ‘to root up’; M. upaṭṇẽ ‘to pluck out’; Si. upuṭanavā ‘to uproot’. Cf. *utpalati. *utpaṭyati see prec. Addenda: *utpaṭati. 2. utpāṭayati: Garh. upāṛnu ‘to uproot’; Md. ufuranī ‘plucks out or up’ rather than < *ut- sphārayati 1.
1811 *utpatta— ‘flown up’. [utpatita—: √pat] Pk. uppatta— ‘loosed, changed’; Sh. (Lor.) op *l/ to ‘flown away, vanished, lost’.
1813 *utpathika— ‘astray’. [utpatha— m. ‘wrong road’ Kāś., adj. ‘astray’ BhP., Pa. uppatha— m., Pk. uppaha— m.: pánthā—] H. upahī m. ‘stranger’.
1816 *utpala— 2 ‘a cake’, utpalī— f. ‘a cake of unwinnowed corn’ lex. [‘shaped like a lotus’? — utpala1] P. oplā m. ‘dried cowdung prepared for fuel’; Ku. uplo m. ‘cake of cowdung’, H. uplā m., °lī f., EH. uprā m.
1817 *utpalati ‘bursts out’. [Cf. *utpaṭati: √*pal] M. upaḷṇẽ ‘to fall out (of trees from excessive wetness of ground), emit blood at every pore, dissolve into streams and rivulets’, upaḷ, upḷī f. ‘rill oozing from the ground in rainy weather’. utpalī— see *utpala2.
1818 *utpalyāṇa— ‘without saddle’. [palyāṇa—] M. uplāṇā, °ṇī, °ṇū ‘(of a horse) bareback’ (Bloch LM 297 a M. cmpd. u— with palāṇ).
1825 *utpitta— ‘having excess of bile’. [pittá—] M. upīt gheṇẽ or piṇẽ ‘to act in some outrageous way of daring or exertion, be in exceeding hurry’. utpiba— see utpātaka—.
1828 *utpusati ‘swells’. [√pus] Wg. (Lumsden) "ups—ún" ‘to swell’, Kt. aps— Morgen- stierne NTS xvii 228 with (?). — Rather < *utpruṣati.
1829 *utpūyatē ‘is cleansed’. [Cf. utpūta— AitBr. and útpunāti: √pū] M. upaj̈ṇẽ ‘to husk and clean rice by pouring boiling water on it, then pounding, parching, and cooling’, upj̈ā, ubj̈ā m. (after which ubaj̈ṇẽ) ‘rice so cleaned’.
1831 *utpr̥ṣṭha— ‘upside down’. [pr̥ṣṭhá—] L. P. upaṭṭhā, apuṭṭhā ‘upside down, inverted’; H. apūṭhnā ‘to overturn’; — or poss. < *āpr̥ṣṭha— ‘on the back’ > MIA. *āpruṭṭha—.
1832 *utpruṣati ‘bubbles up’. [utprúṣ— f. ‘bubble’ VS.: √pruṣ 1] Wg. (Lumsden) "ups—ún" ‘to swell’, Kt. aps— (with pre-Indo-aryan us and loss of r between two con- sonants: rather than with NTS xvii 228 < *utpusati); G. upasvũ ‘to rise (of blister or bubble or bread)’; — M. uphusṇẽ ‘to bubble, rumble (of belly)’ with —ph- from uphaḷṇẽ, uphaṇṇẽ < utphalati, *utphaṇati.
1833 *utpraidha— ‘rising up’. [Cf. ḗdhatē ‘increases’ RV., ‘becomes insolent’ MBh., ‘rises’ BhP., praidhatē Pāṇ. com. :√ēdh] Pk. uppēhaḍa— ‘raised, proud’; M. upeḍ ‘elevated and open (of ground)’ LM 297.
1835 *utplavikā—, utplavā— f. ‘boat’ lex. [√plu] Si. ipilla ‘float, outrigger of canoe’. *utplāvayati ‘makes emerge’ see utplavatē.
1836 *utphaṇati ‘springs up’. 2. Caus. *utphāṇayati. [√*phaṇ 2] 1. P. upphaṇnā ‘to swell, suppurate, rot’; Aw. lakh. uphanāwab ‘to burst up (as foam)’; H. uphannā ‘to boil up, ferment’; M. uphaṇṇẽ, uphāṇ° ‘to shoot up briskly, rise in blisters, swell with pride, ferment’. 2. M. uphaṇṇẽ ‘to winnow’ or < or X útpunāti. Addenda: *utphaṇati, *utphāṇayati [Cf. Ir. usfan—: Shgh. sifan- ‘to rise, ascend’, Shgh. X. Rosh. sifēn—t ‘to raise’ EVSh 72] *utphāṇayati see *utphaṇati Add2.
1838 *utphāṇa— ‘springing up’. [√*phaṇ 2] H. uphān m. ‘ebullition’; G. uphāṇɔ m. ‘effervescence, arrogance’; — Ku. uphān ‘foam’; G. uphān m. ‘ebulli- tion’, M. uphān n.m. perh. X or < *ut—spanda—. *utphāṇayati ‘makes spring up’ see *utphaṇati.
1841 *utphēnayati ‘foams up’. [phḗna—] M. upheṇṇẽ, uphiṇ° ‘to ferment, become sour and spoilt’.
1842 *ut—śakna— ‘gone up’. [√*śak 2] Pa. ussakkati rises, creeps out’; Pk. ussakkaï ‘goes back, is excised’; P. uskaṇā ‘to spring up’; N. uskanu ‘to get out of’; H. usaknā ‘to be raised’; M. usakṇẽ ‘to drive’; — caus. P. uskāuṇā ‘to cause to spring up’; B. uskāna ‘to raise (wick of an oil lamp)’; Or. uskāibā ‘to uproot (corn), raise (a question)’. — Derivation of the NIA. words < *utsikna— (see *utsukya—) is phonet. possible, but unlikely; or poss. through metathesis < utkarṣati, útkasati. *ut—śadati, *ut—śanna— ‘sunk’ see útsadati, útsanna—.
1843 *ut—śalati ‘springs up’. 2. ucchalati ‘flies up, springs up’ Śiś. 3. *ucchalyati. [√śal] 1. Pk. ūsalaï ‘rejoices’, ūsalia— ‘having the hair stand on end’. 2. Pk. ucchalaï ‘rises, flies up’; Gy. arm. učhel— ‘to go on’; L. ucchalaṇ ‘to jump’, P. ucchalṇā, Ku. uchalṇo; N. uchranu ‘(a pimple) to come out’ (← Bi.?); B. uchalā ‘to overflow’, Or. uchaḷibā, uchuḷ°; OMth. uchalaï ‘overflows, springs up’; H. uchalnā ‘to leap’ (with metath. ulachnā ‘to throw up’?); G. uchaḷvũ ‘to leap’; M. usaḷṇẽ ‘to dash up (as spray)’. 3. Pk. ucchallaï ‘rises, flies up’, S. uchalaṇu, uchil° ‘to spring up’, tr. ‘to cast away’. See *ut—śālayati. Addenda: *ut—śalati: OMarw. ūchaḷaï ‘flies up, flutters’.
1844 *ut—śānti— ‘rest, pause’. [śānti—: √śam 1] M. usãt, °ãth, °ãdhi f. ‘a pause from labour’.
1845 *ut—śārayati ‘breaks’, cf. śārayati lex. 2. *ut—śr̥ta— 1 ‘broken’. [√śr̥̄] 1. WPah. bhal. uśārṇu ‘to throw out’; Or. uchāribā ‘to break down forcibly, scatter, throw away’; Si. ihirenavā, isi° ‘to be scattered’ intr. formed from *usuranavā GS 84 (but wrongly < utsārayati). 2. Or. uchuṛibā ‘to be strewn with force, strew with force, scatter’, uchāṛibā ‘to break down forcibly, strew’ (X uchāribā above).
1846 *ut—śāla— ‘leaping up’. [√śal] L. ucchāl m. ‘swelling or running over of a river’; P. uchālī f. ‘vomiting’; Ku. uchāl ‘leap, stride, vomit’; N. uchār— in uchār—pachār ‘raising and dropping’, (Tarai) uchāl ‘wave’; B. uchal ‘flowing over’; Or. uchāḷa ‘vomiting’; H. uchāl f. ‘tossing up, motion up’; G. uchāḷɔ m. ‘leap’; M. usā̆ḷī f. ‘splashing, spurting up’. Addenda: *ut—śāla—: WPah.kṭg. śwáḷɔ m. ‘great noise (from excitement)’, J. śwāḷā m. ‘a great cry’. — WPah.kṭg. ċhā́ḷ f. ‘leap, jump’ rather with Him.I 65 < *chāla- or ← H. chāl f. ‘wave’, K. ċhāl f. ‘jump’.
1847 *ut—śālana— ‘making leap up’. [√śal] Pk. ucchālaṇa— n. ‘causing to jump up’; G. ucchāḷṇī f. ‘auction at which the bids rise by leaps’; M. usaḷṇī f. ‘spurting up’.
1848 *ut—śālayati ‘causes to leap up’. [√śal] Pk. ucchālēi ‘throws up’; P. uchālṇā ‘to toss up’; Ku. uchālṇo ‘to throw up, vomit’; N. uchārnu ‘to lift up’; Or. uchāḷibā ‘to vomit, clean out a well’; H. uchālnā ‘to throw up, dandle’; G. uchāḷvũ, ach° ‘to throw up, shake up the contents of a pot’. — See *ut—śalati.
1849 *ut—śiras— ‘pillow’. [ucchiras— ‘with raised head’ Kālid., cf. *ut—śīrṣa—: śíras—] Kt. wuċéŕ, °ċir ‘pillow’ (Rep1 56 < *avaśiras—, NTS xvii 220 < *upaśiras—, cf. upaśiras adv. ‘on the head’ Kauś.); — Wg. uċḗ, uċẽ́ (less prob., though poss., < ōpaśá— NTS. xvii 220).
1850 *ut—śiṣṭa—. 2. úcchiṣṭa— ‘left over, stale, spat out’ TS., n. ‘leavings’ AV. [uñśiṣṭa— MaitrS. :√śiṣ] 1. Sh. (Lor.) ušūto (?) ‘foul, unclean’. 2. Pa. ucchiṭṭha—, °aka—, uttiṭṭha— ‘left over, impure’, Pk. ucchiṭṭha—; K. ċheṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘refuse of food’; Ku. uchiṭo ‘sudden choking’; M. uṣṭā (< *uśiṭhā) ‘left, rejected (of food), foul, used’, uṣṭẽ n. ‘stale food, un- washed dish’, deriv. uṣṭāviṇẽ ‘to defile by tasting’. - Si. ujul, in̆dul ‘left over from a meal, impure, leavings’ (Hettiaratchi Indeclinables 8) certainly with H. Smith JA 1950, 180 ← Drav. cf. Kan. eñjal. *ut—śiṣṭāvali—.
1851 *ut—śiṣṭāvali— ‘line of leavings’. [*ut—śiṣṭa—, āvali—] M. uṣṭāvaḷ f. ‘line of leavings where a public meal has been held’ < *uśiṭh—.
1852 *ut—śīrṇa— ‘boiled’. [Cf. ā́śīrta— RV. :√śrā] Or. usunā ‘rice boiled in the husk’ (rather than < *ut—śrāṇa— or *ut—śūrṇa—), Bi. usinā, usnā. — Cf. *ut—śr̥ta2.
1853 *ut—śīrṣa—, ucchīrṣaka— m. ‘one who has raised his head’ Suśr., n. ‘pillow’ Mn. [Cf. *ut—śiras—: śīrṣá—] Pa. ussīsaka— n. ‘head of bed, pillow’; Pk. ussīsa—, ūsīsaya—, ūsasī— f. ‘pillow’, Kal. uṣíṣ; H. ūsīsā, us° m. ‘head of bed, pillow’; G. uśīsũ n. ‘pillow’ (uśīkũ perh. due to influence of a loanword from Sk. with pro- nounced as kh); — Pk. ūsaa— n., M. usẽ n. ‘head of bed, pillow’, uśī, ũ° f. ‘pillow’ poss. through haplology < *ussissa— or with Bloch LM 299 < ōpaśá—. — H. osīsā, m. ‘head of bed, pillow’, G. osīsũ, osīkũ n. ‘pillow’ poss. < avaśīrṣaka—. *ut—śuka— ‘eager’ see *utsukya—.
1854 *ut—śuṣka— ‘dried up’. [Cf. ucchuṣka— ‘withered’ Kathās., ucchuṣyati ‘dries up’ ChUp., Pa. ussussati: √śuṣ 1] Pr. üškyö ‘dry’; Kho. usukik, os° ‘to wither, cease suckling (a child), come to an end’ (or < *avaśuṣka—). Or both may be < *upaśuṣka—, cf. upaśuṣyati ‘dries up’ TS., Pa. upasussati.
1855 *ut—śuṣṭa— ‘dry’. [√śuṣ] Pr. ištī ‘dry wood’. *ut—śūrṇa— ‘boiled’ see *ut—śīrṇa—. Addenda: *ut—śuṣṭa— [Cf. Ir. in Shgh. zigů g d, pret. ziyux̌t ‘to dry up’ < *uz—hauša—, *uz—hušta— EVSh 109]
1856 *ut—śr̥ṅga— ‘having upright horns’. [Cf. ucchr̥ṅgita- Śiś.: śŕ̥ṅga—] Kho. uṣúṅ ‘young male ibex’ BelvalkarVol 86, (Lor.) ‘female ibex’. Horns of adult males curve back more and more as they grow, those of females and young males are shorter and straighter (see Lydekker, Great and Small Game of India v 101). *ut—śr̥ta— 1 ‘broken’ see *ut—śārayati.
1857 *ut—śr̥ta— 2 ‘boiled’. [Cf. śr̥tá— ‘cooked’ RV.: √śrā] Or. usilā ‘prepared from parboiled paddy’. — Cf. *ut—śīrṇa—. *ut—śrapayati ‘boils’ see *ut—śrāyati.
1858 *ut—śrayati, úcchrayati ‘raises’, °tē ‘rises’ RV. 2. *ut- śrāpayati, ucchrāpayati ‘raises’ VS. 3. *ut—śrāpaṇa—. [√śri] 1. Pa. ussēti ‘raises’; Wg. uṣē— ‘to take on the back’; B. ũchā ‘to shake or toss in a frying pan’. 2. Pa. ussāpēti ‘lifts up’, Pk. ussavēi, ūsa°, ōs°; Ash. uṣā́— ‘to put on the back’; B. ũchāna ‘to raise up’; OSi. huvay absol. ‘having raised’, Si. osavanavā, usuv°, ussanavā ‘to raise’. 3. Pa. ussāpana— n. ‘raising’; M. usāṇ n. ‘extra high tide, sudden overflowing of a river’. Addenda: *ut—śrayati. 2. *ut—śrāpayati: M. usavṇẽ ‘to rise (of the sun)’. *ut—śrāpayati see *ut—śrayati Add2.
1859 *ut—śrāṇa— ‘boiled’. [Cf. śrāṇa— Pāṇ.: √śrā] H. usānnā ‘to boil’; — deriv. caus. usnānā, intr. usannā ‘to be boiled’ (or < *ut—śrīṇāti). — Or. usunā ‘half—boiled’ rather < *ut—śīrṇa—. *ut—śrāta— ‘boiled’ see *ut—śrāyati. *ut—śrāpaṇa—, *ut—śrāpayati ‘raise’ see *ut—śrayati.
1860 *ut—śrāya—, ucchrāyı̄́— f. ‘raised piece of wood’, °ya— m. ‘elevation, height’, ucchraya— m. Yājñ. [Cf. samuc- chraya— m., Pa. samussaya— m. ‘accumulation’: √śri] Pk. ucchāya—, ussaya— m. ‘height’; L. ussā m. ‘heap of grass or fodder’ < °āya— or °aya—.
1861 *ut—śrāyati intr. ‘boils’. 2. *ut—śrapayati tr. ‘boils’ 3. *utśrāta—. [śrā́yati Dhātup., śrātá— RV., śrapáyati AV.: √śrā] 1. Kt. auṣo— intr. ‘to boil’, Wg. ṳ̄ṣ—, uṣū—, Pr. uṣu—, wu°; — Ash. wō̤u— or < *viśrāyati. 2. Ku. usyāuṇo, wasyūṇo ‘to cook by boiling, to boil’; Or. usāı̃bā ‘to warm paddy over a fire in preparing parboiled rice’. 3. Ash. wō̤ṣō adj. ‘boiling’; Ku. usuā ‘parboiled’. Addenda: *ut—śrāyati: Md. ussanī ‘makes rise (of bread), kneads’? or < *ut—śrīyatē 1.
1862 *ut—śrita—, úcchrita— ‘raised’ ŚBr. [√śri] Pa. ussita— ‘erected, high’, Pk. ucchiya—, ussiya—, ūsi°; G. uchiyɔ m. ‘borrowed money’; — Aś. usaṭa— ‘raised, eminent’ though generally despite phonet. difficulties put here (see E. H. Johnston JRAS 1931, 571) is rather < utsr̥ta—. — Deriv. G. uchītũ, °īnũ ‘borrowed’.
1863 *ut—śrīṇāti ‘boils’. [Cf. śrīṇā́ti ‘cooks’ Dhātup.: √śrā] Gy. pal. šnăr, caus. šnaúăr ‘burns’ (or < śrīṇā́ti); N. usinnu ‘to cook by boiling’, H. usinnā (usannā ‘to be boiled’ is rather deriv. usānnā, see *ut—śrāṇa—).
1864 *ut—śrīyatē1, úcchrīyatē ‘is raised’ ŚBr. [√śri] G. ucharvũ ‘to be brought up, be trained, be edu- cated’, ucharyũ—pācharyũ ‘reared with great care’; - deriv. uchervũ tr. Addenda: *ut—śrīyatē1: Md. ussanī ‘makes rise (of bread)’? or < *ut—śrāyati.
1865 *ut—śrīyatē 2 ‘is boiled’. [√śrā] H. usījnā ‘to cook by boiling’ (whence intr. usijnā ‘to be boiled, to bubble up’). — Collides with usījhnā < *utsidhyati.
1866 *ut—śvasiti, ucchvasiti ‘takes a deep breath’ Gobh. 2. *ut—śvāsayati, ucchvāsayati ‘causes to breathe again, gladdens, raises’ BhP. [√śvas 1] 1. Pk. ussasaï ‘sighs’, M. usasṇẽ. 2. Pk. ūsāsia— ‘freed from distress’; Or. uśāsibā ‘to lessen’, uśāsiā ‘lighter’; H. usāsnā ‘to breathe’; M. usāsṇẽ ‘to sigh, swell and heave, rise and look full (of the breasts)’. *ut—śvāta— ‘swollen’ see next. Addenda: *ut—śvasiti. 1. OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) absol. usasāi ‘(horse) panting’. 2. *ut—śvāsayati, ucchvāsayati ‘causes to breathe again’, BhP.: WPah.kṭg. śwáuṇõ; ‘to yawn’. - swásṇõ; ‘to sigh’ ← H. usās m. ‘sigh’ < *ut—śvāsa—, ucchvāsa—.
1867 *ut—śvāyati ‘swells up’. 2. caus. *ut—śvāyayati 3. *ut—śvāta— ‘swollen’. [Cf. ucchūna— ‘swollen’, śváyati ‘swells’ ŚBr., caus. śvāyayati: √śvi] 1. Ku. usyāṇo, wasā° intr. ‘to swell’. 2. WPah. jaun. uśāwṇõmacr; ‘to swell’. 3. Ku. gng. waśāyõ; ‘swollen’. *ut—śvāyayati ‘makes swell’ see prec. Addenda: *ut—śvāyati: WPah.kṭg. śwā́ṇõ; ‘to swell’.
1868 *ut—śvāsa—, ucchvāsá— m. ‘froth’ RV., ‘deep breath’ KātyŚr. [√śvas 1] Pa. nirussāsa— ‘breathless’; Pk. ussāsa—, ūsā°, ucchā° m. ‘deep breath’; K.wāh (< *uhāh— < *uśśāśa—) f. ‘palpitation or throbbing (of heart &c. and marked by panting)’; N. usis—nisis ‘breathlessness’ (< *usās—nisās, see ni- śvāsa—); A. uh, uxāh ‘breath’; MB. uchāsa ‘sigh’; Or. usāsa ‘relief from disease, ease’; Mth. usās ‘comfort’; OAw. usāsa ‘sigh’; H. usās, usā̃s m. ‘breath, sigh’ (← L. usās m.); OMarw. usāsa m. ‘sigh’; OG. ūsāsa m. ‘inhaling’, G. uśvās m. ‘deep breath’ (v ← Sk.); M. usās, °sā m. ‘sigh, deep breath’. *ut—śvāsayati ‘makes breathe’ see *ut—śvasiti. Addenda: *ut—śvāsa—, ucchvāsá— m. ‘froth’ RV., ‘deep breath’ KātyŚr.: WPah.kṭg. śwái f. ‘yawn’ (< *uśśāha—); A. uśāh, phonet. uxah ‘breath’, *uhāh > uwāh, uh AFD 224. *ut—śvāsayati see *ut—śvasiti Add2.
1872 *utsadhānī— ‘spring of water’. [Cf. utsadhí— ‘re- ceptacle of a spring’ RV. and *udadhānī—: útsa—, dhā́na—] Shum. učä́nik ‘spring’, A. uhani ‘a place with many springs’; — Paš. weg. unčaṛék ‘spring’ < *učãṛ—?
1877 *utsavati ‘rises’. [Cf. utsuvati ‘causes to go up’ Kāṭh.: √] Pk. ussavēi ‘raises’; M. usavṇẽ ‘to rise (of the sun)’. Addenda: *utsavati: rather < *ut—śrāpayati Add2.
1880 *utsāra— ‘going out’, utsāraka— m. ‘porter’ lex. 2. ‘rising, raising’. [√sr̥] 1. Pk. ūsāra— m. ‘leaving, abandoning’. 2. S. osāra f. ‘building’, osārī f. ‘building of a wall’; P. usārā m. ‘building’, (‘room on the top of a house, porch, vestibule’ perh. < *avasāra2). See útsarati, utsārayati.
1884 *utsidhyati ‘cooks’. [√sidh 2] H. usījhnā ‘to cook by boiling over a slow fire’. - Collides with usījnā < *ut—śrīyatē 2.
1885 *utsīvayati ‘unsews’. 2. Pass. *utsīvyatē. [But utsyūtá— ‘sewn up’ TS.: √siv] 1. M. usaviṇẽ ‘to open a seam, rip open’. 2. M. usavṇẽ ‘to be opened up in the seams’. *utsīvyatē ‘is unsewn’ see prec. utsuka— see next.
1886 *utsukya— ‘eagerness’. [Cf. utsuka— ‘anxious, eager’ MBh., Pa. ussuka— ‘eager’, NiDoc. osuǵa—, Pk. ucchua—, ussuga—, ōsua—; autsukya— n. ‘longing for’ MBh., NiDoc. osukya—. Pa. uss— regularly < ut—s— contradicts the theory of Wackernagel and Debrunner KZ 67, 155 f., accepted by EWA i 9, of hypersanskritism < MIA. *icchua— (cf. Sk. Pk. icchu—). — If not conn. suvatē, sutá— ‘incited’ ŚBr., it may rather be sanskritization of MIA. ussua—, ucchua— < *ut—śuka— cf. ucchōcáyant- ‘inflaming’ AV. (J. C. Wright). — √ or √śuc] Pa. ussukka— n. ‘eagerness’, ussukkati ‘endeavours’; Pk. ussukka— ‘eager’, ōsukkaï ‘is keen’; P. uskaṇā ‘to be excited’, B. uskā, H. usaknā; — caus. Pa. ussukkāpēti ‘practises eagerly’; Pk. ussukkāvaï ‘makes eager’; P. uskāuṇā ‘to excite’, WPah. bhal. uskāṇū, Ku. uskauṇo, B. uskāna, Or. usukāibā, usk°, H. uskānā. — Derivation of the NIA. words < *utsikna— is phonet. possible, but unlikely: Sk. utsikta— ‘overflowing, raised, proud’ MBh., Pk. ussikkaï, ūsi° ‘throws up, leaves’. — NIA. homonyms with the meaning ‘raise’, though the semantic development (‘excite’ > ‘raise’) is possible, are prob. < *ut—śakna—.
1887 *utsumbhati ‘sobs chokingly’. [subhnā́ti ‘chokes’ TS., sumbhati Kāṭh.: √subh] Pk. ūsumbhia— n. ‘weeping till a feeling of choking comes’; M. usãbṇẽ, os° ‘to sob’. utsuvati see *utsavati.
1891 *utsōḍhi— ‘effort’. [Cf. utsāha— and sōḍha— MBh.: √sah] Pa. ussōḷhi— f. ‘exertion’, Si. usoḷiya.
1892 *utskadati ‘jumps up’. [Cf. utkandati ‘springs away’ Pāṇ. com.: √skand] Woṭ. Sv. ukh— ‘to rise (of sun), climb’. — Perh. rather with G. Buddruss Woṭ 132 < útkasati with kh for k after Sv. nikh— < *niṣkasati, but with loss of —s— unexpl.
1893 *utskara— ‘digging out’. 2. *utskala—, [√*skr̥̄, √kr̥̄ 1] 1. K. wŏkhur m. ‘overturning’; M. ukhrī f. ‘scale, scab’. 2. Or. ukhlā ‘revealing family secrets’.
1894 *utskaraṇa— ‘digging out’. [√*skr̥̄, √kr̥̄ 1] G. ukharṇũ n. ‘disclosing the secrets of others’.
1895 *utskarati ‘digs out’. 2. *utskalati. 3. Caus. *utskā- rayati. 4. *utskālayati. 5. *utskr̥ta—. [√*skr̥̄, √kr̥̄ 1] 1. K. wŏkharun ‘to turn upside down (e.g. in poking coals in a brazier)’; Or. ukhuribā ‘to poke, stir up’; M. ukharṇẽ ‘to scratch up, loosen or detach from’. 2. Pk. ukkhaliya— ‘rooted up’; Ku. wakhalṇo ‘to be rooted up’. 3. Or. ukhāribā ‘to poke, stir up’. 4. N. ukhālnu ‘to uproot’; G. ukhāḷvũ ‘to eradicate, detach’; M. ukhaḷṇẽ ‘to work a field for the first time, destroy by pulling out’ (whence intr. ukhaḷṇẽ ‘to be- come loose’). 5. (a) MIA. *ukkhaḍa—: L. ukkhaṛaṇ ‘to be torn up’; P. ukkhaṛnā ‘to be plucked out’; Ku. ukhaṛṇo ‘to be uprooted’; B. ukhṛā ‘to get loose’; Or. ukhaṛibā ‘to be uprooted’; Mth. ukhaṛab ‘to be pulled out’; Bhoj. ukharal ‘to pull’; H. ukhaṛnā ‘to be rooted up’, G. ukhaṛvũ — whence caus. L. ukhāṛaṇ ‘to tear up’; P. ukhāṛnā ‘to pluck out’; Ku. ukhāṛṇo ‘to uproot’ (→ N. ukhāṛnu), Or. ukhāṛibā, Mth. ukhāṛab, Aw. lakh. ukhārab, H. ukhāṛnā, G. ukhāṛvũ, M. ukhaḍṇẽ (Bloch LM 295 < Pk. ukkaḍḍhaï, *utkaḍḍhati). (b) MIA. *ukkhiḍa—: S. ukhiṛaṇu ‘to be torn up’; - whence caus. Pa. ukkhēṭita— ‘spat out, thrown off’; S. ukheṛaṇu ‘to loosen, disjoin’; P. ukheṛṇā ‘to pluck out’; H. ukheṛnā ‘to root up’, G. ukheṛvũ. (c) MIA. *ukkhuḍa—: Pk. ukkhuḍaï ‘breaks’; P. ukkhuṛnā ‘to be plucked out’; Or. ukhuṛibā ‘to be up- rooted’; — whence caus. Pk. ukkhōḍia— ‘rooted up’. — But see *khuṭ 1. See útkirati. Addenda: *utskarati: WPah.kṭg. khɔ́ri cf. ‘irritation’ (< *ukkhaur—?) Him.I 33.
1896 *utskartati ‘cuts out’. 2. *utskr̥tta—. [√*skr̥t1, √kr̥t 1] 1. S. ukhaṭaṇu ‘to engrave, to issue out’ (the latter due to the double meaning of ukiraṇu < (1) útkirati and (2) utkalati). 2. Pk. ukkhutta— ‘cut’. See *utkartati. *utskalati, *utskārayati, *utskālayati, *utskr̥ta- ‘dig out’ see *utskarati. Addenda: *utskartati [Cf. Ir. *skr̥ntati in Shgh. x̌ičand— ‘to cut off’, *skr̥sta— in Shgh. x̌ičux̌t EVSh 188]
1897 *ut—stambha— ‘support’. [Cf. údastambhīt RV., Pk. uṭṭhaṁbhaï ‘supports’: √stambh] OG. uṭhaṁbha m.
1898 *ut—str̥ta— ‘spread out’. [√str̥] Pk. utthiya—, utthaya— ‘spread out’; S. uthiṛaṇu ‘to be opened out (of tobacco in a pipe), be removed, be knocked away’.
1899 *ut—sthala— ‘shallow’. [sthala—] H. uthal, uthlā ‘shallow, shelving, shallow—minded’; M. uthaḷ ‘shallow’. — Poss. same as utsthala— n. ‘name of an island’ Kathās.; BHSk. Pk. utthala— m.n. ‘sand- hill, dry sandy place’.
1900 *ut—sthāti ‘stands up’. 2. Reformed as *utthāti. [úttiṣṭhati, udásthāt RV.; pres. —*sthāti formed after —sthā— in aor., fut., inf., and ger.: √sthā] 1. Pa. uṭṭhāti ‘stands up’, Pk. uṭṭhaï, °ṭhēi; Gy. arm. uthlu— ‘to stay, wait’, as. ušt— ‘to arise’, gr. hung. ušti—, wel. ušt—, Ash. õmacr;st—; Wg. oštā— ‘to rise, fly’ (also as lw. ut—: see below); Bashg. "osht—" ‘to rise’, Kt. ušt—, Pr. ušti—, Gaw. uṣṭi—, Kal. rumb. uṣṭim ‘I rise’; S. uṭhaṇu ‘to spring up, be produced’ (← East, beside uthaṇu see below); L. uṭṭhaṇ ‘to get up, stand’, P. uṭṭhṇā, WPah. bhad. cur. uṭhṇū, Ku. uṭhṇo, N. uṭhnu, A. uṭhiba, B. uṭhā, oṭhā, Or. uṭhibā, OMth. ūṭhaï, Bhoj. ūṭhal, uṭh°, Aw. uṭhab, H. uṭhnā, OMarw. OG. ūṭhaï, G. uṭhvũ, M. uṭhṇẽ; Ko. uṭā—, uṭṭā— ‘to stand’. 2. Aś. jau. 3 sg. opt. uthāye ‘let him exert himself’; Wg. ut— ‘to rise’ (← Dard. beside oštā— see above); Dm. uth— ‘to rise, be left behind’; Tir. uthum ‘I stand’; Shum. utth— ‘to rise’; Mai. ky. uth— ‘to stand up’, Phal. 1 sg. utthū́m, Sh. koh. ŭthōnu̯, K. wŏthun, kash. absol. wathi (ḍoḍ. uṭhṇo ← WPah.), S. uthaṇu. — Deriv. caus. Sh. gil. ŭtharóĭki̯ ‘to awaken’, S. uthāraṇu. See *ut—sthita—, *ut—sthāpayati. Addenda: *ut—sthāti: WPah.kc. vṭhṇo ‘to rise, stand up’; A. uṭhiba (phonet. uth—) ‘to rise’.
1901 *ut—sthāna— ‘act of rising’. 2. Reformed as utthā́na- n. ŚBr, ‘starting on an expedition’ Mn., ‘manly effort’ MBh. [√sthā] 1. Pa. uṭṭhāna— n. ‘rising, manly vigour’; Aś. gir. usṭāna—, man. uṭhana—, kāl. uṭhāna— ‘exertion’; Pk. uṭṭhāṇa— n. ‘rising, origin’; P. uṭhāṇ m. f. ‘act of rising’; Ku. uṭhāṇ f. ‘starting, beginning’; N. uṭhān ‘rising up’; B. uṭhāni ‘ascent, slope’; Or. uṭhāṇa ‘high land’, °ṇī ‘steepness’; Mth. uṭhān ‘power of rising’; H. uṭhān f. ‘act of rising’; M. uṭhāṇū̃ n. ‘a rising on the body, tumour’. 2. Aś. shah. uthana— ‘exertion’; Pk. utthāṇa— n. ‘courage, strength’; S. uthāṇī f. ‘morning’; A. uthān ‘a boiling up’.
1902 *ut—sthāpana—, utthāpana— n. ‘causing to rise, lifting’ KātyŚr. [√sthā] Pk. uṭṭhāvaṇa—, uṭṭhav° n.; N. sir—uṭhāuni ‘com- pensation’; Mth. uṭhaunā ‘practice of taking something at regular intervals and paying for it at longer intervals’; H. uṭhāunā m. ‘something set aside for a god’, °nī f. ‘a partic. funeral ceremony on the third day after death’ = G. uṭhavṇũ, uṭhāmṇũ n.; G. uṭhāvṇī f. ‘demand for goods on credit’; M. uṭhāvṇī f. ‘lifting, raising from poverty’.
1903 *ut—sthāpayati ‘raises’. 2. Reformed as útthāpayati AV. [√sthā] 1. Pa. uṭṭhāpēti, Pk. uṭṭhāvēi, Ash. õmacr;stā́—, L. uṭhāvaṇ, P. uṭhāuṇā, Ku. uṭhūṇo, N. uṭhāunu, B. uṭhāna, Or. uṭhāibā, Aw. lakh. uṭhāwab, H. uṭhānā, OMarw. uṭhāi, G. uṭhāvvũ, M. uṭhaviṇẽ. 2. NiDoc. uthaveti, Ḍ. hutāna; — Wg. utā— ‘to place’ ← Ind. Rep1 60, NTS xvii 232. See *ut—sthāti. Addenda: *ut—sthāpayati: WPah.kc. uṭhauṇo ‘to lift’.
1904 *ut—sthāpyatē ‘is raised’. [utthāpya— ‘to be raised, to be sent away’ AitBr.: √sthā] G. uthāpvũ ‘to take down, remove, transgress’. — In form pass. of *ut—sthāpayati but infl. by *ut—sthām- ayati. Addenda: *ut—sthāpyatē: S.kcch. authāpṇū ‘to violate’; Brj. uthapno AO 32, 331.
1905 *ut—sthāmayati ‘removes’. [sthā́man—] Pk. Ap. utthāmiya— ‘removed’; G. uthāmvũ ‘to take down, set aside, remove, transgress’. — See *ut- sthāpyatē.
1906 *ut—sthāla— ‘socket’. [sthālı̄́—] M. uthāḷẽ, uthḷẽ n., °ḷā m., °ḷī f. ‘socket at the foot of a post’.
1907 *ut—sthita— ‘arisen’. 2. Reformed as útthita— RV. [√sthā] 1. Pa. uṭṭhita—, Pk. uṭṭhiya—; Gy. eur. uštilo ‘stood up’; Woṭ. wuṭṓ ‘standing’ (← Ind.?); H. uṭhā ‘stood up’, OMarw. ūṭhyo; — deriv. pres. st. Gy. pal. štirăr ‘stands up’, Gaw. uṣṭi—, Kal. rumb. 1 sg. uṣṭim. 2. NiDoc. uthida, 3 sg. pret. uthidati; Pk. utthiya—; Bashg. uti— ‘to stay’; Bshk. itthi— ‘to be standing’, Chil. uty—, Gau. oty—; Sh. gil. uthyóĭki̯ ‘to rise from sleep’ (→ Ḍ. hutinā); K. wọ̆thu ‘standing up’. — MIA. *utthinna— (after niṣaṇṇa— NTS ii 245) → Ash. Wg. utin— ‘to be standing’, Kt. wutin—. — Woṭ (h)— ‘to stand up’, Tor. (LSI) uččh— poss. < *uṭhš— < *uṣṭh- (Buddruss Woṭ 87 later palatalization of uthy—). See *ut—sthāti. útsnāti see *avasnāyati. Addenda: *ut—sthita—: S.kcch. ūṭhīṇū, auṭh° ‘to arise, wake up’.
1908 *ut—spanda— ‘jumping up’. [√spand] Ku. uphān ‘froth, foam’; A. ophāndā ‘puffed’; G. uphā̃d, °ā̃t f., uphān m. ‘effervescence, arrogance’; M. uphān m. ‘ebullition’. — Cf. *utphāṇa—.
1909 *ut—spandati ‘jumps up’. 2. Caus. *ut—spandayati. [√spand] 1. Kho. (Lor.) ušpunik, iš° ‘to dance about, buck (of a horse)’; (Morgenstierne) iš° ‘to hop, dance’ (doubtful bec. of š, not : poss. < spandatē, but if so why not is—? Perh. ← Kaf.); — A. ophandiba ‘to be puffed up, be proud’. 2. Kho. ušpuneik ‘to make jump’. *ut—spandayati ‘makes jump up’ see prec. Addenda: *ut—spandati: A. ophandiba also ‘to swell’ AFD 213.
1910 *ut—sphaṭati ‘bursts out’. [√sphaṭ] K. wŏpharun ‘to become loose’; L. uphaṛaṇ ‘to rise (as dough or bread)’; H. uphaṛnā ‘to swell up, boil up’. Addenda: *ut—sphaṭati: A. ophariba ‘to bound off’ (rather than with AFD 213 < †;*ut—spharati 1). †;*ut—spharati 1 ‘leaps up’ [√sphar 1] see *ut- sphaṭati 1.
1911 *ut—spharati ‘is abundant’. [√sphar 2] Ku. upharṇo ‘to be left over, be superfluous’. *ut—sphalati ‘bursts’ see utphalati.
1911a *ut—sphalati Add. 14310.
1912 *ut—sphāyatē ‘swells up’. [√sphāy] A. uphāiba ‘to swell up (as boiled rice)’.
1913 *ut—sphāra— ‘abundance’. [sphāra—] M. uphar, uphrā m. ‘annual crop (of a tree, vegetable or fruit)’.
1913a *ut—sphārayati 1 ‘jerks up’. [√sphar 1] Add. 14311. Md. ufuranī ‘plucks out or up’ — or < utpāṭayati.
1914 *ut—sphārayati ‘makes abundant’. [√sphar 2] Ku. uphārṇo ‘to leave over, use sparingly’. *ut—sphāla— ‘leaping up’ see utphāla—. *ut—sphālayati ‘makes leap up’ see utphalati. Addenda: *ut—sphārayati 2 ‘makes abundant’. [√sphar 2] — read thus.
1914a *ut—sphāla— 2 ‘abundance’. [√sphal 2] Add. 14312.
1914b *ut—sphālayati Add. 14313. *utsvapna— see †;*utsupna—. UD: *unda—; †;*samutta—.
1915 *ut—sphiṭyatē ‘is hurt’. [Cf. sphiṭṭayati, sphēṭay° ‘hurts’ Dhātup., Pk. upphiḍa— ‘blunt, weak’, upphiḍaï ‘becomes so’: √sphiṭ] M. uphiṭṇẽ, uphaṭ°, oph° ‘to look wan’.
1916 *ut—sphurati ‘jumps up’. [√sphur] N. uphranu ‘to leap, jump’ (whence caus. uphārnu ‘to jerk up’); A. ophariba ‘to spring off, be flung off’; M. upharṇẽ ‘to winnow’; Si. upuranavā ‘to pluck up or out’ (EGS 27 < utpāṭayati).
1917 *ut—sphūrjati ‘rumbles’. [Cf. ávasphūrjati ‘thunders’ VS. ŚBr., ‘snorts’ MBh.: √sphūrj] M. uphuj̈ṇẽ ‘to rumble (of stomach)’. utsyà— see útsa—.
1919 *utsvāpa— ‘talking in sleep’. [√svap 1] H. ucāwā m. ‘talking in sleep, nightmare’ but why c?
1920 *utsvēda— ‘sweat’. [√svid] Pr. wyīṣƏ, wīṣ ‘sweat (in fever)’; — very doubtful. ud 1 in composition with verbs denotes ‘up’ and ‘out’, with nouns ‘without’, with adjectives ‘emphasis’: úttara—, uttama—. UD 2 ‘wet’: utta—, útsa—, udaká—, udán—, udrá—1, unátti, undana—, unna—, ulla—2, ṓdman—, *ōdra—, ōlla—2, *audra—; *abhyutta—, avōtta—, avōda—, úpōtta—; — ōdaná—?
1922 *udakakṣāra ‘waterfall’. [udaká—, kṣāra2] Kho. g oc̣hā́r waterfall’ (BelvalkarVol 91 Kho. cmpd. < u g a—c̣har), Kal. uc̣hár. udakabhāra— see *pānīyahāra—. *udaṅka— ‘upward curve’ see next. [√añc]
1923 *udaṅkākāra— ‘curviform’. [*udaṅka—, ākāra—] H. ũkārī f. ‘curve, crook, bend’. — Doubtful. údañc— see ucca—. [√añc]
1926 *udadhānī—, udadhāna— ‘holding water’ Kauś., n. ‘reservoir for water’ Āp. [udán—, dhā́na—] Wg. ūẽř, ū'iṇ ‘dam, dyke’. udán— n. ‘water’ RV. [√ud 2] udaká—, udanyáti, udanyā—, udanyú—, udra—1, udra—2; samudrá—; *udadhānī—, udapāna—, udahārá—.
1936 *udāsthāti, 1 pl. aor. udā́sthāma ‘we have risen again’ AV., udāsthita— ‘set over’ lex. [√sthā] M. oṭhṇẽ, vaṭh° ‘to rise, come off, appear prominently, thrive’; — very doubtful. údita— 1 ‘risen’: see údēti.
1938a *udīpya— ‘flood’. [udīpa— ‘flooded’, m. ‘flood’ Rājat.: áp—] K. vyū̆pu dat. vīpis m. ‘flood’.
1941 *udupānaha— ‘shoeless’. [upānah—] H. ubāhnā, ubah° ‘barefoot’, Marw. ubhāṇo: ub— < *uvv— < *uuv—?
1943 *udr̥ṇin— ‘out of debt’. [For *udr̥ṇa— after r̥ṇin—: r̥ṇá—] Ku. uriṇi, H. urin, G. urṇiyũ. *udēṅghati ‘goes up’ see upēṅghati.
1947 *udgamati ‘comes forth, rises’. [Orig. subj. of aor. in udáganma 1st pl. RV.: √gam] Pk. uggamaï ‘rises’, pres. part. uggamaṁta—; Or. uguibā ‘to rise in anger, rise suddenly’; M. ugavṇẽ ‘to rise (of sun, &c.), shoot up’, pres. part. ugvat, °tī f. ‘the east’.
1949 *udgamyatē ‘is raised’. [Pass. of udgamayati ‘causes to rise’ Pat.: √gam] L. uggamaṇ, (Jukes) uǥmaṇ ‘to sprout, come up, be born’; P. uggamṇā ‘to spring up, appear, rise (of sun)’.
1950 *udgaraṇa— ‘spitting out’. [Cf. udgiraṇa— n. Suśr.: √gr̥̄ 2] Or. ugaraṇa ‘vomiting’. *udgarati 1 ‘pours out’ see *avagarati. [~ udgalati1: √*gr̥̄ 1] *udgarati 2 ‘spits out’ see udgirati2. [~ *udgalati 2]
1951 *udgarta— ‘raised support (?)’. [gárta2] G. ugaṭ f. ‘support placed behind or before the wheel of a carriage to prevent it moving’; — very doubtful.
1952 *udgala— ‘spitting out’. [√gr̥̄ 2] S. uǥiro ‘nauseous’; L. ogal, (Jukes) uǥal m. ‘chewing the cud’; M. ugaḷ f. ‘chewed stuff spat out’.
1954 *udgāti ‘rises, comes forth’. [Orig. subj. of aor. údagāt RV. ‘has risen (of sun)’: √] Pk. uggēi, °gaï ‘rises’; Tor. pret. ugāt ‘he went away’; S. uǥaṇu ‘to spring up, shoot up’; P. uggṇā ‘to spring up, grow’; B. ugāna ‘to spring up’, Or. ugeibā; Mth. ūgab ‘to rise, appear’; OMarw. ūgaï ‘rises, appears’; G. ugvũ ‘to rise, come out (as the fruit of), grow’. — Deriv. P. ugāuṇā ‘to cause to spring up’, H. ugānā rather than < *udgāmayati. Addenda: *udgāti: S.kcch. ūgṇū, aughṇū ‘to grow, sprout’; Garh. ugṇu ‘to grow’.
1956 *udgāmayati ‘causes to rise or issue’. [Cf. udgamayati ‘causes to issue’ Pat., Pk. uggamiya— ‘produced’: √gam] OG. ūgāmaï ‘wields (a weapon)’, G. ugāmvũ ‘to raise towards, lift up against’; M. ugaviṇẽ ‘to gather in monies due, disentangle’; — deriv. M. ugāvā m. ‘monies gathered in’, ugāṇā m. ‘gathering in’ whence ugāṇṇẽ ‘to gather in’. Addenda: *udgāmayati: S.kcch. aughāmṇū ‘to strike’?
1958 *udgārayati 1 ‘causes to be raised’. [√gur 1] K. wugarāwun ‘to recover a debt’; Or. ugāḷibā, og° ‘to block the way with outstretched arms, intercept, detain’; M. ugārṇẽ ‘to raise threateningly, collect (monies)’. *udgārayati 2 ‘spits out’ see udgirati 2.
1959 *udgāla— 1 ‘oozing’. [√gal 1] N. ugāl, °lo ‘verdigris’; H. ugālā m. ‘ooze, slime’; M. ugāḷā m. ‘a levigated mass’. *udgāla— 2 ‘spitting out’ see udgāra—. *udgālayati 1 ‘causes to ooze’ see udgalati 1. *udgālayati 2 ‘spits out’ see udgirati 2. *udgirati 1 ‘lifts up’ see údguratē.
1962 *udguru— ‘very heavy’. [gurú—] Dm. ugúra ‘heavy’, Kal. urt. agū́rak, Bshk. ugū́r, Tor. ūgū, f. ügü; Chil. uṅgūro ‘slow’; Sv. ugƏró ‘heavy’; Phal. úguro, úṅg° ‘heavy’, f. uṅgúri ‘pregnant’, Sh. gil. ăgúrŭ, f. °ri ‘pregnant’ (< *uguro → Ḍ. ugūra), koh. hăgúro (emph. h—?).
1963 *udgr̥ta— ‘lifted up’. [Cf. udgūrṇa— n. ‘act of raising’ Yājñ. :√gur 1] S. uǥiṛaṇu ‘to be collected’, L. ugiṛaṇ; Or. uguṛāibā ‘to turn upside down’; Si. (SigGr) ugula— ‘to rise aloft, fly upwards’; — new. tr. formation: S. uǥāṛaṇu ‘to collect’, L. ugāṛaṇ. — Si. uguḷanavā ‘to pluck up, eradicate’ rather < udghāṭayati.
1966 *udgrāhaka— ‘collector’. [udgrābhá— m. ‘taking up’ TS., °āha— Pāṇ.: √grah] Pa. uggāhaka— m. ‘one who is eager to learn’; P. ugrāhā m. ‘tax—collector’.
1968 *udghaṭati ‘is open’, udghaṭita— ‘unfastened’ Kālid. 2. udghāṭayati ‘opens’ MBh. [√ghaṭ] 1. Pa. caus. ugghaṭēti ‘opens, reveals’; Pk. ugghaḍia- ‘open’ whence tr. ugghaḍaï ‘opens’; S. ughiṛaṇu ‘to be open, be laid bare’; P. ugghaṛṇā ‘to be opened, be spread out’ whence caus. ughuṛvāuṇā and tr. ugheṛnā; Ku. ughaṛṇo ‘to become open’; N. ughranu ‘to be open, be fair (of weather), look well on’; B. ughṛā ‘to be open’; Aw. lakh. ugharab ‘to get uncovered’, H. ughaṛnā; G. ughaṛvũ ‘to open (intr.), bloom, be free from rain’; M. ughaḍṇẽ ‘to open, be fair (of weather)’. 2. Pa. ugghāṭēti ‘unfastens, removes’, Pk. ugghāḍēi, °ḍaï ‘opens’; S. ughāṛaṇu ‘lays bare, draws (a sword)’; P. ughāṛṇā ‘to open’, WPah. bhal. ughāṛnū, Ku. ughāṛṇo, N. ughārnu, B. ughaṛāna, Mth. ughārab, OAw. ughāraï, H. ughāṛnā, G. ughāṛvũ, M. ughaḍṇẽ; — Si. uguḷanavā, pret. igiḷuvā ‘to root up’ (whence intr. igiḷenavā ‘to be uprooted’) rather than < *udgr̥ta—; - L. ughaṛan ‘to be collected’ formed from ugāhṛaṇ ‘to collect’ (if not < *udghr̥ta—): for semant. develop- ment ‘open—uncover—raise—collect’ cf. reverse in úd- dhanti ‘raises’ RV., ‘throws open’ TS. s.v. *udghātayati. Addenda: udghaṭati. 2. udghāṭayati: S.kcch. ūghāṛṇū ‘to open’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ghwàṛnõ;, J. ghwāṛnu, Garh. ughāṛnu; A. ughāliba ‘to uproot’ (—l—? AFD 236, 333).
1969 *udghata— ‘raised, opened’. [< IE *—gwhn̥to—? Re- placed anal. by uddhata—, after úddhanti < *—gwhen—: √han 1] P. ugghā ‘famous, clear, open’ (B. D. Jain PhonPj 138 < udgha—).
1970 *udgharati 1 ‘trickles out’. 2. *udghalyati ‘pours out’ intr. 3. *udghālayati ‘pours out’ tr. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. Pa. uggharati ‘oozes’; G. ughrāḷɔ, ɔgh° m. ‘lines of of a liquid poured out’, oghrī f. ‘loose threads at the end of a garment’ (< *udgharita—?). 2. G. ūghalvũ ‘to start in procession for bride's father's house, go in procession’. 3. M. ughaḷṇẽ ‘to clear the stale remains of a feed out of a handmill’.
1971 *udgharati 2 ‘lifts up’. 2. Caus. *udghārayati. 3. Pp. *udghr̥ta—. [Hardly conn. with hárati which is IE. *ĝher—] 1. L. awāṇ. ughruṇ ‘to raise’; P. uggharṇā ‘to be col- lected’ (with intr. meaning as opposed to caus. below). 2. L. ugāhṛaṇ ‘to collect’; P. ugharvāuṇā ‘to cause to be collected’ (der. *ughār—); Or. ughāribā ‘to open, burst’; G. ughrāvvũ ‘to collect money promised’ (der. *ughār—); M. ughārṇẽ ‘to collect’. 3. Dm. ogŕe— intr. ‘to boil’ NOPhal 26 < *ud—ghar- with (?), Phal. ugháṛ—; L. ughiṛaṇ, ughaṛ° ‘to be col- lected’ whence tr. ugāhṛaṇ ‘to collect’ (if not < udghā- ṭayati). *udghalyati ‘trickles out’ see *udgharati 1. Addenda: *udgharati2: S.kcch. oghrāṇū ‘to collect’. udghāṭayati see *udghaṭati Add2.
1976 *udghātayati ‘raises’. [úddhanti ‘lifts’ RV., ‘throws open’ TS. :√han 1] Ku. ughoṇo ‘to collect’, ughāī ‘collection’; N. ughāunu ‘to lift up, draw (water from a well), take up a collection’; A. ughāiba ‘to wind thread on a reel’; Or. ughāibā ‘to cast in the teeth, taunt’; H. ughānā ‘to accumulate’ whence intr. ughnā ‘to be accumulated’.
1977 *udghāra— ‘pouring out’. 2. *udghāla—. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. Pk. ugghāra— m. ‘sprinkling’. 2. Pr. agál, g äl ‘rain’, Kt. agōl. *udghārayati ‘causes to be lifted’ see *udgharati 2. *udghāla— ‘pouring’ see *udghāra—. *udghālayati ‘pours out’ see *udgharati 1.
1978 *udghāsa— ‘fodder’ or ‘remnants of fodder’. [Cf. udghasa— m. ‘flesh’ lex.; — ghāsá—: √ghas] G. oghās n. ‘residue of cattle's fodder’. *udghr̥ta— ‘lifted up’ see *udgharati 2.
1979 *udghr̥pta— ‘lifted up’. [√grah] Si. ugat ‘learned’, ugattā pret. of ugananavā < údgr̥hṇāti; — Ash. ógutƏ, f. ọ̈gƏtī ‘seized’ pp. of ọ̄gā́— < udgrāhayati.
1980 *udghr̥ṣati ‘rubs’. 2. udghr̥ṣṭa— Kālid. [Cf. udgharṣ- ati ‘rubs together’ Kālid., Pa. ugghaṁsēti: √ghr̥ṣ] 1. Pk. ugghusaï ‘wipes’, S. ughaṇu < *ughah— P. Tedesco JAOS 77, 194; L. ugghaṇ ‘to wipe (esp. the opium from the sliced poppy capsule)’ whence ugghā m. ‘col- lector of opium’. 2. Pa. ugghaṭṭha— ‘rubbed’, Pk. ugghiṭṭha—, ugghuṭ°; S. ugaṭho ‘wiped’ pp. of ughaṇu. udghr̥ṣṭa— see *udghr̥ṣati.
1982 *uddanta— ‘without teeth’. [Replaces adantáka— TS., adánt° ŚBr. (~ uddantura— ‘formidable’ lex., Pk. uddaṁtura— ‘with projecting teeth‘). — dánta—] A. udā̃t, udãtiyā ‘not changing the first teeth (of cattle)’; Bi. udant ‘a calf before it has got its true teeth’; H. udãt ‘without teeth (of a calf)’.
1983 *uddarati ‘tears up’. 2. *uddīryatē ‘is split’. 3. *uddr̥ta—. 4. *uddārayati ~ uddālayati. [uddīrṇa— Daś. √dr̥̄] 1. Si. uduranavā ‘to tear out, pluck up’ whence intr. idirenavā ‘to be eradicated’. 2. Pa. udrīyati, uddī° ‘is split open’; A. udiyāiba ‘to uncover, expose to view’. 3. S. uḍ̱iṛaṇu ‘to rip (intr.), become undone, burst’ whence tr. uḍ̱oṛaṇu ‘to rip, burst, unstitch’; A. udi ‘uncovered, open, bare’. 4. Pk. uddāria— ‘torn up, uprooted, run from battle’; G. ɔdārvũ ‘to plough’.
1984 *uddaśati ‘bites’. [√daṁś] H. uṛasnā ‘to prick, insert, fold in’.
1985 *uddahati ‘burns up’. 2. *uddāhayati. [√dah] 1. Pa. uḍḍahati; A. urahiba ‘to become bad smelling by being burnt (as milk)’, urahāiba ‘to melt by boiling (sugar)’. 2. Pk. uddāha— m. ‘fire’, uḍḍāha— m. ‘conflagration’; Bi. uṛāheb ‘(a member of the family) to make first use of a new earthen vessel’, Mth. uṛhāeb. A. Bi. Mth. forms may be < ávadahati RV. with MIA. analogical —ḍḍ—. Addenda: *uddahati: A. urahiba also ‘to be scorched’ AFD 332. †;*uddāpayati see uḍḍīyatē.
1986 *uddāta— ‘cleansed, bright, clear’. [Cf. avadāta- ‘cleansed, pure, dazzling white’ MBh., Pa. ōdāta—, Pk. avadāya—: √dai] Pk. uddāyaï ‘is polished, is very clear’; H. ūdā ‘purple, grey, brown’; G. udɔ ‘light blue’; M. udī ‘brown’.
1989 *uddārita— ‘broken’. [√dr̥̄] Pk. uddāria— ‘torn up, run from battle’; L. awāṇ. uḍārī ‘flight’. See *uddārayati s.v. *uddarati.
1991 *uddāla— 2 ‘bursting’. [√dal 1] Pk. uddāla— m. ‘pressing, crushing’; A. urāl ‘a mortar’ < *uḍḍāla—. Si. udälla, pl. udalu ‘a kind of hoe’ (X kuddāla1?) Addenda: *uddāla—2: Md. udali ‘hoe’, — oḍā (oḍalek) ‘adze’ cf. kuḍḍāla— ~ kuddāla1. uddēhikā— see upadīka—.
1993 *uddāvayati ‘pains’. [Cf. dunṓti ‘torments’ AV., caus. dāvayati: √du 1] Pk. uddāvaṇayā— f. ‘distress, disaster’; Si. uddanavā ‘to give pain’ < *udv—. *uddāhayati ‘burns up’ see *uddahati. uddīpikā— see upadı̄́ka—.
1995 *uddīyati ‘flies up’. [√ 1] Ash. ṓdi— ‘to ascend’. — Cf. uḍḍīyatē. *uddīryatē ‘is split’ see *uddarati.
1996 *uddūyatē ‘is hurt’. [√du 1] Pr. wulu— in ǰī wulumaso ‘my head aches’ more prob. with NTS xv 293 < lu— < dūyatē with Pr. prefix. - See *uddāvayati. *uddr̥ta— ‘torn up’ see *uddarati.
1997 *uddēkṣati ‘looks for, expects’. 2. *uddēkṣā—. [Formed from *dēkṣati after údīkṣatē ŚBr.: √īkṣ and √dr̥ś] 1. L. uḍ̱īkaṇ ‘to look for, wait for’; P. uḍīkṇā ‘to expect’. 2. P. uḍīk f. ‘expectation’; Ku. udekh ‘indifference’; N. udek ‘astonishment’; Or. udeka ‘appearance’.
1999 *uddēśayati ‘points out’. [uddiśati ‘directs towards’ TBr.: √diś] Pk. uddēsaï; Si. udesanavā ‘to declare, explain’, absol. udesā ‘on account of’ infl. by Pa. uddissa ‘id.’ < uddiśya. *uddēśya— ‘foreign’ see vidēśyà—. uddēhikā— see upadı̄́ka—.
2001 *uddrāti ‘flees, flies’. [Cf. uddrāvá— ‘running away’ VS., m. ‘going upwards’ Pāṇ.: √drā] Kt. vudra—, (Bagromatal) undra— ‘to fly’ (Rep1 60 and NTS xii 154 suggests connexion with uḍḍīyatē); L. (Jukes) uḍraṇ ‘to fly’ (beside uḍ̱aṇ < uḍḍīyatē. - Poss. further development in Dm. undrä̃ŕ— ‘to fly’, L. uddrãṛaṇ. — With —kk—: S. uḍ̱ako, uḍ̱iko m. ‘fear’.
2003 *uddrāvayati ‘puts to flight’. [Cf. úddruta— ‘running away’ VS., drāváyati MBh.: √dru 1] L. udrāvaṇ ‘to confuse, confound’ or < *upadrāvayati s.v. úpadravati. Addenda: *uddrāvayati: WPah.kṭg. ṛauṇõ; ‘to cause to fly, drive away (flies etc.)’ or < †;*uddāpayati s.v. uḍḍīyatē Add2.
2004 *uddvāla— ‘burning’. [√*dval] G. ubāḷɔ m. ‘fuel’.
2005 *uddhaḍ— ‘throb’. [*dhaḍ—] G. udhaṛakvũ, udhara° ‘to throb, beat fast (of heart)’.
2010 *uddharā— ‘water-channel’. [√dhr̥ or √hr̥] Paš. udhár f. ‘irrigation channel’ (IIFL iii 3, 6 < ud—dhr̥—?)
2016 *uddhānayati ‘lifts up’. [Cf. úddhanti ‘lifts up, throws away’ RV.: √han 1] S. uḍhāṇaṇu ‘to gather up flour thrown out by a mill’: *ūḍh— scarcely < *udzdh— if sandhi ud h— > uddh— is later than expected ujjh—. — Cf. S. uḍhāraṇu ‘id.’ s.v. *uḍḍhālayati.
2017 *uddhāpayati ‘sets up’. [úddadhāti ‘erects (penis)’ RV., ‘sets up’ AV.: √dhā] A. udhāiba ‘to raise’; M. udhaviṇẽ ‘to put up (a hand—mill, dust—board, &c.) after using’. *uddhāma ‘excitement’ see uddhama—.
2019 *uddhāva— ‘running away’. [√dhāv 1] B. udhāo subst. ‘running out of one's sight’ (ODBL 663 < *uddhāvuka—).
2020 *uddhāvati ‘runs away’. 2. *uddhāvayati. [√dhāv 1] 1. Pk. uddhāi ‘runs, goes strongly’, uddhāvaṇa— n., °ṇā— f. ‘strong action, quick completion of work’; M. udhavṇẽ ( ~ udavṇẽ < úpadravati?) ‘to perform ex- ploits and achievements (said ironically and reproach- fully)’. 2. Phal. udhéw— ‘to flee’. *uddhāvayati ‘makes run away’ see prec.
2022 *uddhīyatē ‘is raised’. [úddadhāti ‘raises’ RV.: √dhā] N. udhinu ‘to be sharpened’ semant. cf. *udyāmayati; A. udhiba ‘to soar’ whence udhāiba ‘to raise’ (or directly < *uddhāpayati). uddhuta— see uddhūta—.
2023 *uddhuppā— ‘great heat’. [*dhuppā—] Wg. udū́p ‘sweat on the body’.
2024 *uddhuvati, or *uddhavati ‘shakes up’. [Cf. dhuváti AV., dhaváti Dhātup., úddhunōti ‘shakes up’ RV., Pk. uddhuṇiya—, °ūṇiya— ‘blown by the wind, scattered’: √dhū] Pk. uddhuvvaï ‘shakes, fans’; OM. udhavaṇeṁ intr. ‘to scatter, rise up’, udhavaṇī f. ‘chimney’.
2025 *uddhūḍi— ‘excessive dust’. [*dhūḍi—] Ash. uduṛū́, odū́ṛ ‘dust’, Wg. udúṛ, üdúŕ ‘dust storm’; Kal. rumb. udhrū̃ ‘dust’; Sh. gil. ŭdū m., koh. ŭ́dŭ m., gur. ŭdū́h m.; — Or. idhuil ‘dust’ with unexpl. i— and l. — Sh. koh. ŭdŭm m. ‘dust’ X dūm < dhūmá—.
2029 *uddhmāyatē ‘is inflated’. [uddhamati ‘inflates’ TĀr.: √dham] Pa. uddhumāyati ‘is blown out, swells, rises’; Pk. uddhumāaï, °āi ‘blows hard’; Si. idimenavā ‘to swell’ intr. formed from *uduma—.
2030 *uddhrasā— ‘coughing up’. [dhrasnāti ‘casts up’, udhrasnāti ‘throws up, gleans’, perf. udhrasāṁ babhūva, udhrāsayati Dhātup. for uddhr° E. H. Johnston JRAS 1931, 571: √dhras] Pa. uddhasa— ‘picking up’; — G. udhras f. ‘cough’ in u° āvvī ‘to have a fit of coughing’ very doubtful.
2032 *uddhvalati ‘goes astray’. 2. *uddhvālayati ‘leads astray’. 3. *uddhvāla—. [Prob. cmpd. of hválati ‘goes astray’ ŚBr. = hváratē RV., hvālayati ‘shakes’ Bhaṭṭ.; but poss., in view of forms with ūḍh— (if < *udzdh—), cmpd. of *dhvalati = dhvárati ‘bends, makes fall’ Dhātup., 3 pl. aor. mid. ádhūrṣata RV.: √hval (√hvr̥) or √dhvr̥] 1. L. uddhaḷaṇ ‘to elope’; P. uddhlaṇā ‘to elope (of a married woman)’; Mth. Bhoj. uṛharī ‘a woman who has eloped or been carried off forcibly’; H. udhalnā ‘to elope, be seduced, be full of lust, be ruined, be squan- dered’, G. udhaḷvũ ‘to run away with a man other than one's husband, run away wildly’; M. udhaḷṇẽ ‘to run away wildly or in every direction, run off (of a tenant), fail (of a crop)’. 2. L. udhāḷaṇ ‘to carry off (a woman)’; P. udhālaṇā ‘to run off with another man's wife’, H. uṛhārnā. 3. L. awāṇ. udhālā ‘rape’; P. udhālā m. ‘elopement with a paramour’, Ku. uṛhālo, N. uṛālo; M. udhāḷī f. ‘leap, spring’. *uddhvāla— ‘leading astray’ see prec. *uddhvālayati ‘leads astray’ see *uddhvalati. *udna— ‘wet’ see unna—.
2034 *udbūra— ‘sprinkling, powder’. [*būra—] S. ubūraṇu ‘to scatter or let fall through the fingers (as salt on meat, &c.), to pepper’; ubūrkho ‘light, not pressed down (as in filling a vessel)’; — with unexpl. b beside ḇūro. údbruvatē ‘extols’ ŚBr. [√brū] See úpabrūtē.
2035 *udbhakti— ‘out of line’. [bhaktí—] OG. ūbhati ‘bad design or drawing’. udbhagna— see next.
2036 *udbhajyatē ‘is broken’. 2. udbhagna— ‘burst, torn’ Suśr. [√bhañj] 1. OM. ubhajaṇeṃ ‘to be weary of’ (but see údvijatē). 2. Pk. ubbhagga— ‘filled with’; OG. ūbhagaü ‘broken in, trained’; OM. ubhagaṇeṁ ‘to be weary of’.
2037 *udbhara— ‘rising’. [See údbharati: √bhr̥] Paš. ōbarā ‘high’ IIFL iii 3, 3.; S. obharu m. ‘height, depth’; H. ubhrā ‘excited’ (or pp. of ubharnā); G. ubhrɔ m. ‘effervescence’.
2040 *udbhāyayati ‘frightens’. [bhāyayati, bhāpayati Pāṇ.: √bhī] H. ubhānā ‘to alarm’.
2041 *udbhāra— ‘rising’. [√bhr̥] Pa. ubbhāra— m. ‘withdrawal’; L. P. ubhār m. ‘rising, swelling, the east’; H. ubhār m. ‘swelling, plumpness, rising of a woman's breasts’; M. ubhār m. ‘handful of grain taken from a horse's nosebag and reserved to be thrown in at the next feed’, ubhārā m. ‘rising and spreading of perfume’. *udbhārayati ‘makes raise’ see údbharati.
2043 *udbhiṭ— ‘just meet’. [√*bhiṭ] Pk. ubbhiḍaṇa— ‘only just touching’.
2045 *udbhujati ‘bends up’. 2. *udbhukta—. [bhujáti ‘bends’ Dhātup.: √bhuj 1] 1. Pa. ubbhujati ‘bends up’. 2. Pk. ubbhutta— ‘thrown up’, ubbhuttaï ‘throws up’; A. obhotā ‘turned back, upside-down’, obhatiba ‘to turn back’.
2047 *udbhr̥jjati ‘fries’. [√bhrajj] Or. ubhujibā, °jāibā ‘to fry wet rice’. *udbhr̥ta— ‘raised’ see údbharati.
2049 *udyamati, údyacchati ‘raises’ RV., ‘undertakes, is diligent’ MBh. 2. udyamana— n. ‘raising’ Pāṇ., ‘exertion’ Daś. [√yam] 1. Pk. ujjamaï ‘is diligent’; G. ujmāvũ ‘to be de- lighted’. 2. G. ujamṇī f. ‘a feast’.
2050 *udyasati ‘is eager for’ [Cf. udyāsá— m. ‘exertion, effort’ VS., yásyati ‘froths up’ RV., ‘heats or exerts oneself’ Car., yasati Pāṇ.: √yas] S. uj̄ahaṇu ‘to please, suit, agree with one's fancy’; - cf. Pk. ujjhasa— m. ‘effort’, ujjhasia— ‘best, excellent’.
2053 *udyāpayati ‘finishes’. 2. udyāpana— n. ‘conclusion’ MW. [udyāpita— ‘finished’ MW., vratōdyāpana— ZDMG vi 92: √] 1. Pa. uyyāpēti ‘takes out’; Pk. ujjāviya— ‘expanded’; Ap. ujjamiya— ‘concluded (of a vow)’; Or. ujāibā, ujuāı̃bā, ujāı̃bā ‘to complete a vow, to finish’, ujuā̃, ujā̃ ‘completion’; G. ujavvũ ‘to conclude a religious vow’, ujjh° (X ujhavvũ < ujjháti); M. uj̈aviṇẽ ‘to conclude any religious ceremony’, uj̈avṇẽ ‘to be concluded’. 2. Pk. ujjāvaṇa—, ujjav° n. ‘ceremonies at the end of a vow’, Ap. ujjamaṇa— n., G. ujamṇũ n. < *ujavãṇ—, ujavṇũ n. with v replaced from ujavvũ; M. uj̈avṇī f. ‘bringing a religious rite to a conclusion’. Addenda: *udyāpayati: S.kcch. ūjavṇū ‘to celebrate’.
2054 *udyāmayati ‘raises’. [údyata— ‘raised (of weapons)’ RV.: √yam] N. ujyāunu ‘to sharpen’ semant. cf. udhinu < *uddhī- yatē.
2058 *udraṁhati ‘jumps up’. 2. Caus. *udraṁhayati. [ráṁhati ‘hastens’ RV., raṅghatē Bhaṭṭ., láṅghati ‘jumps’ Dhātup., all < IE. *legwh— IEW 660: √raṁh] 1. H. ulahnā, orahnā ‘to spring up, grow’. 2. WPah. bhal. ulā̃haṇū ‘to adjourn’; A. ulāhiba ‘to lift’; — or like Pk. ullāhēi ‘makes less’ < *ullā- ghayati. *udraṁhayati ‘makes jump up’ see prec.
2059 *udrasa— ‘sapless’. [rása—] H. uras ‘tasteless, thin (of liquids)’. údrikta— see údricyatē.
2060 *udrikhati, úllikhati ‘makes an incision or furrow’ ŚBr., ‘scratches’ AśvGr̥. [√rikh 1] Pa. ullikhita— ‘combed, scratched’; Pk. ullihaï ‘scratches (a mark), writes’; Bhoj. urehal ‘to draw a picture’; H. urehnā ‘to write, draw’ with e from *udrē- kha—, or < *udrēkhayati.
2062 *udriṣati ‘is hurt’. 2. *udrēṣayati. [Cf. ríṣyati, aor. áriṣat, rēṣáyati ‘hurts’ RV.: √riṣ 1] 1. Kho. uluṣik ‘to be torn, be torn in pieces’ semant. better than < *udruṣati. 2. Kho. aléṣik ‘to tear, cut open’. *udrīṇa— ‘split’ see next.
2063 *udrīyatē ‘runs out, is dissolved, is broken’. 2. *udrīṇa—. 3. *udrēpayati. [riṇā́ti ‘lets go’ RV., rı̄́yatē ‘is dissolved, is shattered’ RV., rīṇa— ‘dissolved’ Śiś., rēpayati Gr.: √] 1. Pa. udrīyati, uddī° ‘falls to pieces, is burst’; G. ulvũ ‘to expire (of time)’; M. ulṇẽ ‘to break into cracks and fissures’; Si. ireṇavā ‘to be split, be torn’; — Or. uljibā ‘to pour out’ rather < údricyatē. 2. Si. iruṇā pret. of ireṇavā above. 3. Kho. uléik ‘to throw away, pour out, sprinkle’ (BelvalkarVol 85) rather < *udrēcayati. *udruṣati ‘is vexed’. [ruṣáti AV.: √ruṣ] See *udriṣati. Addenda: *udrīyatē. 1. Si. ireṇavā and 2. *udrīṇa—: Si. iruṇā - rather with tr. iranavā ‘to split, crack, cut’, Md. iranī ‘tears’ < *cīrayati or perh. < †;*śīrayati.
2064 *udruhati ‘rises’. 2. *udrūḍha—. [Cf. udrōdhana— n. ‘growing’ AitBr.: √ruh 1] 1. Paš. ur— ‘to rise’ or with IIFL iii 3, 16 < údīrtē. 2. Pk. ullūḍha— ‘risen’; Ku. uruṛiṇo ‘to become light (in weight), get out of position, become bankrupt’ (semant. ‘raised > light’ cf. udbhūta—). *udrūḍha— ‘risen’ see prec.
2066 *udrēkha— ‘scratching, drawing’, ullēkha— ‘causing to appear clearly’, °khā— f. ‘stroke, line’ lex. [√rikh 1] OAw. urehā m. ‘painter’, H. ureh m. *udrēkhayati ‘scratches, draws’, ullēkhayati ‘stirs up’ ŚārṅgS. [√rikh 1] See *udrikhati. *udrēcati ‘leaves’ see údricyatē. udrēcayati see údricyatē. *udrēcyatē ‘is poured out’ see údricyatē. *udrēpayati ‘pours out’ see *udrīyatē. *udrēṣayati ‘tears’ see *udriṣati.
2067 *udrōka— ‘shining’. [Cf. udarōcathāḥ ‘thou didst shine forth’ AV.: √ruc] Pa. ullōka— ‘bright (?)’; Paš. ulík ‘spark’ G. Buddruss Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pašai—Dialekte 28, S. ulo m.
2068 *udrōkka— ‘stopped’. [Cf. ud with rudh 2 in údarautsīt ‘has pushed away’ ŚBr.: *rōkk—] Pk. ullakka— ‘stopped, broken’, ullukka— ‘broken’; H. uraknā ‘to halt, be stopped’.
2074 *udvardhatē ‘comes forth’. [udvr̥ddha— ‘appearing’ Rājat., Pk. uvvaddha—, °aḍḍha— ‘increased’: √vr̥dh] OM. udhāiṇeṁ ‘to appear’. — See *udvr̥ddhi—.
2075 *udvalati 1 ‘untwists’. [√val] Pk. uvvalaï intr. ‘turns back’; M. uvaḷṇẽ, ũv° intr. ‘to untwist, come undone, return to his pristine power (of a bull imperfectly castrated)’. *udvalati 2 ‘boils’ see *ubbal—.
2077 *udvāna— 2 ‘outside the web’. [vāna1] H. ubānā m. ‘the threads left outside the comb in weaving’; — Kho. awán ‘hem, border’ (despite initial a- less prob. < *āpāna2 ‘protection’). Addenda: *udvāna—2: Kho. awān ‘hem’ BKhoT 66. udvāpayati see udvapati Add2.
2082 *udvārayati ‘opens’. [Absol. udvr̥tya MBh.: √vr̥ 1] Pk. uvvārēi ‘releases’, poss. uvvālaï ‘says’ see úpabrūtē; S. uḇāraṇu ‘to save’; H. ubārnā ‘to release’; — Mth. intr. ubarab ‘to escape’ re—formed from tr.
2083 *udvāsa— ‘smell’. [√vās] Pr. bƏsƏ ‘smell’; — H. ubas m. ‘putrid smell’ with a after ubasnā < *udvāsyatē.
2084 *udvāsyatē ‘smells’ intr. [√vās] L. (Jukes) uḇassaṇ ‘to become mouldy or musty’, uḇassiā ‘musty’; P. ubasnā ‘to have a bad smell, be putrid, rot, ferment’; H. ubasnā ‘to smell offensive, rot’, upasnā after pret. upsā < ubsā, umasnā with um- apparently < udv— cf. udvēṣṭatē, — Deriv. caus. P. ubsāuṇā ‘to cause to putrefy’, H. ubsānā. — H. busnā ‘to smell putrid’ < ubasnā X basnā < vāsayati 3.
2090 *udvr̥ddhi— ‘growth’. [√vr̥dh] OM. ūdhī f. ‘development’. — See *udvardhatē.
2092 *ud—hadati ‘defecates’. 2. *ud—hanna—. [√had] 1. Pa. ūhadati, anal. after pp. replaced by ūhanati whence pass. ūhaññati ‘is soiled’. 2. *ūhanna— replaced by *ūhagga— (see hádati) in Or. uggibā ‘to defecate’ or < *uvahagga— see *upahadati.
2093 *ud—hvr̥ti— ‘deceit’. [√hvr̥] Bshk. íǰi ‘a lie, iǰā́r ‘liar’ AO xviii 223, but phonet. difficult. udhrasnāti see *uddhrasā—. unátti see unna—.
2097 *unnagna— ‘naked’. [nagná—] A. Or. ulaṅga ‘naked’, B. ulaṅg, H. ulãg, al°.
2100 *unnandaka— ‘rejoicing’. [nandaka— in cmpd. MBh.: √nand] Si. unandu ‘lively’ < *unan̆dda— < °n̆dva— (*unnan- dita— proposed in EGS 26 would > *unän̆d—).
2102 *unnava— ‘very new’. [náva1] Pr. unǘ ‘new’.
2103 *unnahati ‘unties’. [unnahyati ‘frees, unties’ Suśr., ‘frees oneself, rushes out’ MBh., unnahana— ‘un- fettered’ BhP.: √nah] Si. unanavā ‘to loosen’, inī ‘released’ < *unnahita—.
2105 *unnādayati ‘makes resound’. [unnadati ‘roars’ MBh., nadáyati ‘makes resound’ RV., nād° MBh.: √nad] Pa. unnādēti ‘makes resound’, S. ūnāiṇu, on° ‘to howl (of dogs and jackals)’; — deriv. ona f. ‘jackal's cry’.
2109 *unmacyatē ‘is raised’. [√mac] H. umacnā ‘to lift oneself to get further purchase’ whence as tr. umācnā ‘to lift up, drive out’; — more doubtfully M. umċaḷṇẽ ‘to be uprooted’.
2113 *unmathyatē ‘is stirred up’ 2. unmathayati ‘shakes, excites’ BhP. 3. *unmāthayati. [unmathnāti ‘dis- turbs, rouses’ PārGr̥., mathyátē ‘is stirred’ RV., māthayati MBh.: √manth] 1. Pk. ummacchia— ‘angry, bewildered’, °cha— n. ‘anger’, °chavia— ‘puffed up with pride’; Ku. umchyai ‘disgust, hate’; G. (Sorath where ch > s) umas f. ‘dis- gust, swoon’; M. umhās, °sā, umās, °sā m. ‘rising of any strong emotion, heaving of the stomach’. 2. Pk. ummahaṇa— ‘destroying’; H. ūmahnā, um° ‘to boil up, overflow, exult’; — ūmnā ‘to be exultant’ more prob. than < *unmadati. 3. Pk. ummāhia— ‘destroyed’; H. umāhnā = ūmahnā, māhnā ‘id.’ or < māthayati; OG. umāhyo, °āyo ‘excited’.
2115 *unmadati ‘is excited’. [mádatē Ved.: √mad 1] H. ūmnā ‘to be exultant, boil up’ rather < ūmahnā < unmathayati.
2118 *unmala— ‘free from dirt’. [mála—] M. umaḷṇẽ ‘to wash’ LM 299, but rather < *unma- lati.
2119 *unmalati ‘rubs’. 2. *unmālayati [√*mal 1] 1. Pk. ummalaṇa— n. ‘touching, rubbing’; M. umaḷṇẽ, kuḍālī dial. umaḷṇā̃ ‘to wash’ (NTS vii 99 < un—mard—, but LM 299 < *unmala—). 2. Pk. ummāliya— ‘well polished’; M. umaḷṇẽ tr. ‘to wash (clothes or vessels)’.
2122 *unmānayati ‘gives leave to go (?)’. [√man] S. umāṇaṇu ‘to escort anyone a short way on taking leave’. *unmāpayati ‘measures’ see *unmāyatē.
2123 *unmāpya— ‘without measure’. [māpya—] OM. umapa ‘unmeasurable’.
2124 *unmāyatē ‘is measured’. 2. *unmāpayati ‘mea- sures’. [Cf. unmā́— f. VS.: √] 1. Ku. amāṇo ‘to be contained, be held’; H. amānā ‘to fit into’; — semant. cf. *saṁmāpayati. 2. MB. umāna ‘to weigh’ ODBL 530.
2126 *unmārgati ‘searches out’. [Cf. mārgati: mr̥gá—, mārga—] M. umagṇẽ ‘to search out, track’, intr. ‘to become known’, umagyā m. ‘a tracker’ (LM 298 < *unmagna—).
2128 *unmāsaka— ‘out of the proper month’. [mā́sa—] Sh. (Lor.) amā́zo, f. —e ‘prematurely born’.
2129a *unmukna— ‘freed’. [Cf. unmukta— R., únmukti— f. ‘deliverance’ ŚBr.: √muc] Pk. ummukka—; N. umkanu ‘to escape’, caus. umkāunu — rather than < *utkramyati.
2134 *unmr̥ṣṭa— 2 ‘lifted up’. [únmr̥śati ‘lifts up’ RV., Pa. ummasati: √mr̥ś] M. umāṭh ‘elevated’, umāṭhā m. ‘an eminence, height’.
2135 *unmrakṣati ‘rubs’ and *unmrakṣaṇa— ‘rubbing’. [√mrakṣ] Ku. umakhṇo ‘to rub a person's body with nettles in order to remove an enchantment’, umkhaṇ m. ‘act of so rubbing’.
2137 *upakanīyas— ‘next younger’. [Cf. upakaniṣṭhikā— f. ‘finger next the little finger’ ĀśvGr̥. and kánīyas— ‘younger’ RV., Pa. kaniya—, Pk. kaṇīa—, °ṇīasa—: *kana—] Pr. bangya, baña ‘younger, smaller’ NTS xv 254 with (?).
2137a *upakara— ‘strewing on, pile’. [Cf. úpakirati ‘scatters upon’ ŚBr., Pa. upakiṇṇa—: √kr̥̄ 1] K. wār m. ‘putting or piling things over one another e.g. courses of bricks, layers of cloth).’
2140 *upakāṅkṣā— ‘desire’. [√kāṅkṣ] G. ũkh f. ‘desire’.
2144 *upakāla— ‘summer’. [Semant. cf. Psht. psarlai ‘spring’ < *upa—sarada—ka— (where sarad— is ‘summer’) and similar time and season names in Sk.: upaparvan- ‘the day before the Parvan’, upapūrvarātram ‘towards the beginning of night’: EVP 60. Did kālá2 which gives ‘year’ in Sh. mean ‘autumn’ or ‘winter’?] Sh. gil. uvālu̯ m., pales. wāalo m., jij. ɔvālu m., koh. gur. vālu̯ m. ‘summer’.
2145 *upakuṇḍala— ‘up to the full circle’? [kuṇḍala—] G. ũḍaḷ n.f. ‘clasping with both arms, double armful, lap’: just as doubtfully < *upamaṇḍala— with which phon. it would merge.
2146 *upakūpya— ‘a small well’. [upakūpa— m. lex., kū́pya—: kū́pa1] N. opi ‘a small well’.
2147 *upakr̥kāṭī— ‘part near the back of the neck’. [kr̥kā- ṭikā—] G. oṛi f. ‘hinder part of the neck’?
2149 *upakr̥tya— ‘to be helped’. [Cf. *pratikr̥tya—: √kr̥ 1] Ku. waı̃co, waı̃jo ‘lending, loan’?
2151 *upakṣajyati ‘approaches’. 2. *upakṣakta—. 3. *upakṣājayati. [√kṣaj] 1. Sh. ŭc̣hačóĭki̯, 3rd sg. pres. ŭc̣hā́čĕi ‘to arrive’ as anal. reformation from *uc̣haǰ— after pret., see fol. Deriv. caus. ŭc̣ha̯caróĭki̯ ‘to conduct, send’. J. Bloch BSL 51, 11 wrongly gives uch— and derives < ā́gacchati. 2. Sh. 3 sg. pret. ŭc̣hā́tŭ ‘he arrived’. 3. Sh. ŭc̣hayóĭki̯, 3 sg. pres. uc̣hā́yĕi ‘to send, conduct’. úpakṣarati see next.
2152 *upakṣalati ‘pours over’. [úpakṣarati ‘flows towards’ RV.: √kṣal] OM. usalaṇeṁ intr. ‘to splutter and splash’. *upakṣājayati ‘causes to arrive’ see *upakṣajyati. upaga— ‘approaching’ Āp., ‘relating to’ MBh. [√gam] parōpaga—.
2153 *upagarhaṇa— ‘blaming’. [√garh] H. urihnā m. ‘reproof, reproach’.
2154 *upagirati ‘swallows’. [Cf. upagilēt Suśr.: √gr̥̄ 2] Si. uranavā ‘to imbibe, suck in’, div u° ‘to swear an oath’; or poss. < avagiratē. upagilati see *upagirati. [√gal2]
2156 *upagr̥bhāyati, úpagr̥hṇāti ‘seizes from below’ AV., ‘collects’ TS., ‘takes possession of’ MBh. 2. *upa- ghr̥pta—. [√grah] 1. Pa. upagaṇhāti ‘takes up for meditation’, Pk. uvaggaha— m. ‘taking’, uvaggahia— ‘set up’; Ash. wagā́- ‘to seize, take away, lift up’; Kt. waga— ‘to seize’; Bashg. wag—, rag— ‘to demand, require’. (NTS ii 282 < ava—grah— in avagr̥hṇāti ‘divides’ Suśr., Pk. ōgiṇhaï ‘understands’). 2. Preterites: Ash. wagútä, Kt. waxtä, Bashg. awƏgutā.
2158 *upaghrāyati ‘smells at’. [Cf. upaghrā́yam ‘smelling at’ MaitrS., úpaghrāpayati ‘causes to smell at’ TS. upajaghrau ‘kissed’ Kālid. √ghrā] Pa. upagghāyati ‘smells at, kisses’; Ku. wagāṇo ‘to be satiated, be full, get puffed up’; — or < *avaghrāyati.
2162 *upacāyayati ‘heaps up’. [úpacinōti ‘heaps up’ TS., Pa. upacināti; Pk. uvacayaṇa— n. ‘growth’; cāyayati, cāpayati Pāṇ.: √ci 1] OM. uāiṇeṁ ‘to be satisfied’. — See upacīyatē.
2168 *upacchadana— ‘covering’. [√chad 1] Or. uchaṇā, uchuṇā ‘eaves of a house’ (see also upacchanna—).
2170 *upacchādayati ‘covers’. [√chad 1] Or. uchāibā ‘to spread (a mat or bedding)’. upajíhvikā— see upadı̄́ka—. upajı̄́ka— see upadı̄́ka—.
2172 *upaṭṭhiṅga— ‘prop’. [*ṭhiṅga—] H. uṭhaṅgnā ‘to rest on’, uṭhaṅgan, uṭhgan, uḍhaṅgan m. ‘prop, support’; G. uṭhãgvũ ‘to lean against’; M. uṭhı̃gṇẽ, uṭhãg° ‘to lean against’, uṭhı̃gṇẽ, uṭhãg°, uṭhãgaṇ n. ‘prop’.
2174 *upatapti ‘heat, exertion’. [√tap] Kt. bätot ‘work’ NTS ii 262.
2176 *upatimyati ‘wets’. [For upa with a verb ‘to wet’ cf. úpōnatti ŚBr., úpōtta—: √tim] L. ummaṇ ‘to be soaked’, umāvaṇ ‘to soak’, awāṇ. ummuṇ ‘to ooze out’, caus. umāvuṇ. úpatiṣṭhati see *upasthāti.
2178a *upadūyatē Add. 14326.
2179 *upadr̥ti— ‘a smaller skin’. [dŕ̥ti—] S. f. ‘small water bag’; — doubtful, or poss. < audikā—. upadēhikā— see upadı̄́ka—.
2182 *upadviṣṭa— ‘hated’. [Cf. Av. upat̰bištō ‘hurt, in- sulted’: √dviṣ] H. ubīṭhnā, ubiṭh° ‘to cease to be liked, become un- pleasant through being sated, become unattractive through over—use (esp. of over—indulgence in sexual relations)’.
2183 *upadhāra— ‘supporting’. [√dhr̥] Pk. uvahāra— m. ‘spreading’; K. wār m. ‘putting or piling things over each other (as courses of bricks)’, wār thawun ‘to keep, retain’, wôru m. ‘the having a fixed residence or post’; G. vhār, vār m. ‘support, help’; - OAw. uhāra ‘curtain’?
2188 *upanimantrā— ‘invitation’. [Cf. upanimantrayati ‘invites’ MBh.: mántra—] MIA. *ubanimandrā— → Psht. blandrƏ f. ‘invitation, entertainment’.
2192 *upapāra— ‘near the bank’. [pārá1] G. uārɔ m. ‘unfrequented part on a river bank’. upapārśva— m. ‘shoulder, flank’ MBh. [Cf. upapar- śukā— f. ‘false rib’: pārśvá—] *upapārśvāṅga—.
2193 *upapārśvāṅga— ‘shoulder, limb’. [upapārśva—, áṅga—] Dm. waṣấṅ, °ṣoṅ ‘wing’.
2194 *upapiḍikā— ‘small abscess, pimple’. [piḍaka—] K. vīrü f. ‘group of small pimples on the face in adolescence’?
2200 *upabhūmistha— ‘being on the ground’. [bhū́mi—, stha—] Kt. bƏbyümstƏ ‘snake’ NTS ii 26.
2202 *upamardati ‘rubs’. [upamr̥dnāti ‘grazes’ VarBr̥S.: √mr̥d] Or. uṇḍibā ‘to grope for’ or < avamardati. — See also *ādhūṇḍh—.
2205 *upamūrdhan— ‘on the head’. [mūrdhán—] G. ũḍhaṇ n., ũḍhṇī f., uḍhāṇīyũ n. ‘a piece of cloth wrapped round the head under a burden, cushion for burden on the head’.
2211 *uparaṭati ‘shouts to’. [úpa with ‘to call’ cf. úpahva- yatē RV., upārudati Bhaṭṭ.: √raṭ] M. oraḍṇẽ, var° ‘to shout’. uparathyā— ‘by—road’ R. see virathyā—. [rátha—]
2212 *uparandhyatē ‘is cooked’. [Cf. uparandhayati ‘tor- ments’ BhP.: √randh] Kho. (Lor.) wƏr e_ nǰik, wrƏnǰik ‘to be fried in oil, spit or crackle in pot, bubble and boil (of meat, fat or ghee, not water), be roasted’.
2214 *uparamyati ‘ceases’. [úparamati TS., Pa. uparamati, Pk. uvaramaï: √ram] M. varamṇẽ ‘to abate, go down, be mitigated (of pain)’.
2216 *uparāṭa— ‘shouting to’. [√raṭ] Or. urāṛi ‘loud cry’; M. oraḍ, var°, orḍā, var° m. ‘shouting’. *uparātra— ‘overnight’ see apararātrá—.
2217 *uparādhyati ‘favours’. [uparādhaya— ‘propitiating’ Pāṇ.] Paš. waraz— ‘to protect, keep, feed’ IIFL iii 3, 189.
2220 *uparukṣa— ‘small tree’. [*rukṣa—] OSi. uvaruk ‘smaller trees’. uparudhyatē see next.
2227 *upalagati ‘touches’. 2. *upalagna—. [√lag] 1. Si. ulanavā tr. ‘to rub against’ or < *upalāgayati; — Pk. valaï ‘makes mount up’, pp. valagga— whence valaggaï ‘mounts’ semant. difficult. 2. Pk. uvalagga— ‘touching, concerned with’; Ku. olag, wal° f. ‘presents of vegetables, curds, milk and fruits made by tenants to their landlords (these gifts are considered as dues)’, gng. oug ‘present of vegetables’; M. uḷag, uḷīg n., uḷigī f. ‘obligation, burden, duty, task’. *upalagna— ‘touching’ see prec. Addenda: *upalagati. 2. upalagna—: OMarw. ūḷaga ‘servant’, ūḷagaï ‘serves, waits upon’; OM. uḷiga ‘service’ (← Drav. DED 646) perh. ← Drav. ← IA. see avalagna—. *upalagna— see *upalagati Add2.
2228 *upalapati ‘entices’. [√lap] OG. ulavaï ‘betrays’ if with ; but if with l, then < ullapati; — prob. Pa. upalāpēti ‘persuades, cajoles’ < *upalāpayati (E. H. Johnston JRAS 1931, 574 caus. of upa—lī—).
2229 *upalayana— ‘sticking to’. [√] Paš. palēn ‘sticking, fastening’ IIFL iii 3, 141 with (?). *upalāpayati ‘cajoles’ see *upalapati.
2230 *upalābhayati ‘causes to obtain’. [upalabhatē ‘ob- tains’ MBh., Pk. uvalabhaï; caus. upalambhayati BhP., Pk. uvalaṁbhaï ‘obtains’: √labh] Gy. wel. gr. ulav— ‘to share, divide’?
2231 *upalāya— ‘refuge’. [√] Ku. ulau ‘shelter’; — cf. Pk. inf. uvalāuṁ ‘to take refuge’.
2232 *upalāla— ‘having spittle on’? [lālā—] L. ulār m. ‘food of animals that is left or spoilt’; - very doubtful.
2233 *upalāśman— ‘grindstone’. [úpala—, áśman—] S. urso m., °sī f. ‘flagstone for grinding things on’.
2236 *upavaṁśa— ‘secondary beam’. [vaṁśá—] Gaw. hū̃s ‘roof beam’?
2237 *upavayati ‘strings, threads’. [√] M. ovṇẽ, õ;vṇẽ ‘to string, thread, stitch’. — Cf. Pa. upavīyati ‘is woven’. Addenda: *upavayati [Cf. Ir. Shgh. baw e y— ‘to cover, veil’]
2238 *upavayana— ‘wrapping round’. [Cf. upōta— ‘enveloped’ ŚānkhŚr.: √] Aw. lakh. oinā ‘a spindle on which yarn is put up after spinning’ (BRS 73 < avatīrṇa—). — See upōta—.
2239 *upavaraka— ‘paramour’. [vará2] Kho. (Lor.) wōru, wēiru ‘paramour’? — See upapatí—.
2243 *upavasathāgāra— n. [upavasathá—, agāra—] Pa. upōsathāgāra— n. ‘monastery or chapel in which the pāṭimokkha was recited’, Si. inscr. pohatakarahi loc. sg. (—t— and —k— both for —y—). úpavahati see *avavahati.
2246 *upaviṣṭi— ‘approach, sitting’. [√viś] Bshk. darbḗṭh ‘threshold’, Phal. d *l rbēeṭi; K. biṭh, °ṭhü , dat. bichĕ f. ‘session, assembly, meeting for an unlawful purpose’; L. vēṭh f. ‘sitting with a sheet tied round back and knees’.
2255 *upaśrānta— ‘rested’. [upaśrāmyati ‘rests’ Kauś.: √śram] M. usãtṇẽ ‘to rest, pause’ or < upaśānta—.
2256 *upaśrānti— ‘resting’. [See prec.: √śram] M. usãt, °ãth f. ‘a moment's rest from work’ or < upaśānti—.
2257 *upaśrōṇika— ‘near the hips’. [śrṓṇi—] Paš. uṣuṅ— in uṣuṅwāl (—wāl < *palla1?) ‘waist’ IIFL iii 3, 20. upaṣṭambha— see upastambha—.
2260 *upasariyā—, upasaryā— f. ‘one to be impregnated’ Pāṇ. [upasara— m. ‘approach of a male to a female, covering (a cow)’ Pāṇ.: √sr̥] H. osariyā (ext. of *osarī) f. ‘young buffalo cow ready for covering, but not yet covered’, osar f. (< *upasarā—?). upasaryā— see prec.
2263 *upaskadati ‘jumps towards’. 2. *upaskatta—. [Cf. inf. skádē, skádaḥ RV., aor. askadat Gr., upaskanna- ‘attacked’ R.: √skand] 1. Phal. ukh— ‘to come’ (1 sg. pres. ukhūm, pres. part. ukhāndu). 2. Phal. pret. ukhā°tu ‘came to, arrived at’.
2269 *upastarati, úpastr̥ṇāti ‘spreads over, scatters under’ RV., upāstarati VarBr̥S. 2. upastáraṇa— n. ‘cover’ RV., ‘undermattress’ ĀśvGr̥. 3. *upastr̥ta— ‘spread over’. [√str̥] 1. K. watharun ‘to spread out (carpet, mat, &c.), throw (person on ground)’; Si. vätirenavā (from tr. *vatur—) ‘to lie prone, sprawl, overflow’ (ES 85 < vistārayati). 2. NiDoc. vastaraṁnena inst. ‘mat(?)’; K. watharunu ‘mat, rug, carpet’. 3. Pk. uvatthaḍa— ‘covered’; Kal. ustráu ‘bedding’ (—au < —al?); OG. uthaü m. ‘shed’, G. ɔthɔ m.; Si. vataḷa ‘spread out, extended’ (or with EGS 78 < vistr̥ta—).
2274 *upasthāti ‘stands near’, upasthita— ‘approached’ ĀśvGr̥S. [úpatiṣṭhati ‘stands near’ RV., ‘attends on’ MBh.: √sthā] Pa. upaṭṭhāti, pp. upaṭṭhita— ‘waits on’; Pk. uvaṭṭhāi, uvaṭṭhiya— ‘stands near’; Si. vaṭanavā, vaṭin°, pret. väṭiyā ‘to wait on’.
2276 *upasnāva— ‘flood’. [Cf. upasnuta— ‘streaming forth’ Kir.: √snu] OM. unhāva m. ‘flood’.
2278 *upasvapikā— ‘dream’. [√svap 1] Pr. bƏsi ‘dream’; — very doubtful.
2279 *upahadati ‘defecates’ [upahadana— n. ‘discharging faeces upon’ VarBr̥S.: √had] Pp. *upahanna— anal. replaced by MIA. *uvahagga- (see hádati) in Or. uggibā ‘to defecate’ or < *ūhagga- see *ud—hadati.
2280 *upahanaka— ‘striking’. [úpahanti ‘strikes’ RV., Pa. upahanati ‘injures’, Pk. uvahaṇaï ‘destroys’: √han 1] Paš. waṅg— ‘to shoot, throw (a stone), hit’ IIFL iii 3, 187 with (?).
2283 *upahlādayati ‘makes rejoice’. [hlādayati MBh.: √hlād] G. uhlāvvũ, hul° ‘to please, delight’.
2286 *upākna— ‘smeared’. [Cf. úpākta—, *upāgna—: √añj] Si. vakanavā ‘to smear’; — or < upāṅkṣyati or *upāñjati X mrákṣati; less likely < forms of vyañj- which early lost sense of anointing. GS 67 wrongly < mrákṣati.
2290 *upāgna— ‘smeared’. [cf. úpākta—, *upākna—: √añj] K. wanun ‘to become wet’ < MIA. *uvaṇṇa— pp. of *uvajjaï (< *upājyatē) with replacement of —gg- after type bhijjaï: bhiṇṇa—.
2291 *upāṅkura— ‘being on (shoulder—)curve’. [aṅkurá—: √añc] Wg. ukřƏ ‘hump’. — Doubtful.
2294 *upāṅgūḍi— ‘on the finger’. [*aṅgūḍi—, s.v. aṅgúli—] Pr. woguík ‘finger—ring’. upā́carati see úpaharati.
2295 *upājyatē ‘is smeared’. [√añj] K. wazawun ‘to moisten’. *upāñcati ‘raises’ see údañcati.
2296 *upāñjati, úpānakti, pl. úpāñjanti ‘anoints, greases (a wheel)’ TS. [√añj] Pk. uṁjissaï ‘will wet’, uṁjia— ‘sprinkled’; G. ũjvũ ‘to oil, grease’; M. vãj̈ṇẽ ‘to smear a pot with oil or marking—nut’. — Perh. X mrákṣati in Si. vakanavā, see *upākna—.
2298 *upāñjali— ‘putting the open hands together’. [Cf. upa—hasta— m. ‘act of taking with the hand’ Pāṇ.: añjalí—] M. õ;j̈aḷ, õ;j̈haḷ, vãj̈aḷ f. ‘cavity made by putting the two hands together’ (LM 302 < añjalí—); — perh. also P. uñjal m. ‘double handful’, Or. uñjlā, H. uñjal, uñjlī f. unless due to metathesis, see añjalí—. upādikā— see upadı̄́ka—.
2300 *upādhi 2 ‘above’. [Cf. upādhika— ‘exceeding’ RVPrāt.: úpa, ádhi] Wg. ōi, oya adv. ‘up, above’ doubtful (see úpa); — WPah. bhal. b e\ e ‘above’ very doubtful.
2305 *upāndha— ‘somewhat blind’. [andhá—] Nin̓g. wandā́ ‘blind’; K. wuna f. ‘blindness’; S. ū̃dhaï f. ‘darkness’; G. ũdhā̃ḍhaḷ, ũḍh°, ũdhā̃dhḷũ, ũḍh- ā̃ḍhḷũ ‘dim, shortsighted’; M. õ;dh, õ;d f. ‘gloominess, murk’, õ;dhaṭ ‘dim, dark’.
2306 *upāpayati, úpāpnōti ‘reaches, obtains’ TS. [√āp] M. uvāvṇẽ tr. ‘to obtain’, intr. ‘to spread out’.
2307 *upābhra— ‘near the clouds’. [abhrá1] S. ubhu m. ‘the heavens, sky’.
2313 *upālabhana— ‘blame’. 2. *upālābhana—. [Cf. upālambhana— n. Kālid.: √labh] 1. Or. ulahaṇā, Mth. ulahan, H. urahnā m. 2. P. ulāhṇā m. ‘reproach’; Ku. ulāṇo m. ‘blame’, H. urāhnā m. Addenda: *upālabhana—. 2. *upālābhana—: H. ulāhan m. ‘blame’ rather than < *upalābhana—.
2315 *upālābhya— ‘blame’. [Cf. upālabhya— ‘blameable’ Pañcat., lābhya— = lābha— lex.: √labh] S. ulābho, ubhālo m. ‘taunt, reproach’. upāvartatē see upavartatē. upāśrayati see úpaśrayati.
2320 *upēṅghati ‘goes towards’. [√*iṅgh] M. vẽghṇẽ ‘to go up, mount’ or < *udēṅghati? - Doubtful. *upēcchati ‘desires’. [√iṣ 2] See upēpsati. upēta— see úpaiti.
2323 *upēṣayati ‘sends on’. [Cf. upaprḗṣyati ‘drives on’ AV.: prob. to be separated from úpēṣatē ‘attacks’ RV. < upa īṣ—: √iṣ 1] Kho. weṣéik ‘to send, dispatch, (Lor.) send away’ BelvalkarVol 97; — or < *apēṣayati.
2324 *upēṣukā— ‘arrow’. [iṣukā́—] Kho. weṣú ‘arrow, bullet’ BelvalkarVol 97.
2326a *upōttapti— Add. 14328.
2328 *upōpta— ‘sown’. [úpavapati ‘strews earth over, buries’ TS.: √vap 2] Paš. bōtóu ‘ploughing (sowing?)’; Shum. bṓtau—ã̤l ‘plough’; Bshk. bōtei ‘harvesting’; Phal. bhotīt ‘to plough’ IIFL iii 3, 39 with (?): b— < upa— is phonet. difficult, see úpaviśati.
2330 *uppara— ‘above’. 2. *upparalla—. [úpara—] 1. A. opar ‘upper’, subst. ‘height, top’; B. upar ‘the top’, Or. upara. 2. Pk. uppalla— ‘mounted on’; N. upallo ‘upper’, H. uparlā, G. uplũ: — all perh. rather der. from *uppari. *upparapaṭṭa—, *upparabhūmi—.
2331 *upparapaṭṭa— ‘upper slab’. [*uppara—, paṭṭa1] Bi. uprauṭā ‘upper stone of a handmill’.
2332 *upparabhūmi— ‘upper ground’. [Cf. uparibhūmí adv. ‘above the ground’ ŚBr.: *uppara—, bhū́mi—] Ku. upraũ ‘dry unirrigated land’.
2333 *uppari ‘above’. [upári with emph. lengthening of consonant] NiDoc. upari (= upp°?), Pk. uppariṁ, uppiaṁ; Gy. arm. upra ‘on’, eur. opre, up°, pre ‘on, over’, opral, up°, pral ‘from above’, hung. upar ‘on’; K. wupar ‘above’; S. pari ‘on’; P. uppar, °pur ‘on, above’; WPah. khaś. bar, rudh. upri, Ku. N. upar; A. upari ‘over and above’, opare ‘above’; B. upar, par ‘on’, Or. upari, upuri, upara, para, Mth. ūpar, pari, par, OAw. para, H. ūpar, OMarw. upari, ūpara, parī, OG. ūpari, G. upari , par, M. upar.
2336 *ubdhrikā— ‘snare’. [Cf. Oss. urd ‘warp’ IIFL iii 3, 6: √ubh] Ash. undrı̄́ ‘snare’, Paš. lauṛ. udrı̄́, weg. chil. ulı̄́.
2337 *ubbakka— ‘vomited’. [S. uḇ—, G. M. ub— point to earlier *ubb— (< *udb—?) rather than *uvv— as in Pk. (< *udvakka— replacing udvānta—)] Pk. uvvakka— ‘vomited’, uvvakkaï ‘vomits, drives out’; S. uḇakāraṇu ‘to retch, sigh’, P. ubakṇā ‘to vomit’; Ku. ubkai ‘nausea’, ubkauṇo ‘to raise, lever up’; H. ubāknā, ubak° ‘to vomit’; G. ubak f., ubkɔ m. ‘retching’; M. ubak m. ‘rising of matter from the stomach (before vomiting)’. *ubbadhya— ‘contents of stomach’ see ū́badhya—. Addenda: *ubbakka—: S.kcch. aubākī f. ‘yawn’?
2338 *ubbar— ‘rise, swell’. 2. *ubbār—. [See *ubbal—] 1. Or. ubaribā, ubur° ‘to rise, come out’; M. ubarṇẽ ‘to rise (of a blister), rise into shape (of a heap of grain &c.)’. 2. M. ubarṇẽ ‘to raise and form’, ubārṇẽ ‘to emit watery fluid.’
2339 *ubbal— ‘rise, swell, boil’. 2. *ubbāl— tr. [Morgen- stierne AO xviii 222 derives from ud—val—, Sk. vā̆layati, ONorwegian vella ‘boil’, IE. *wel— IEW 1140. If so forms of K. G.M. with b and S. with must be ← Centre, since —d—v— > Pk. —vv— and in these languages —v—. Poss., with *ubbar—, *ubbār— above, due to coalescence of ud—val— with ud—bhar— s.v. údbharati; but cf. also a similar series s.v. *ummaḍ—. 1. Bshk. ōbél ‘boiling’; K. wubalāwun ‘to cause to boil’; S. uḇiraṇu intr. ‘to boil’; L. (Jukes) uḇlaṇ ‘to boil, effervesce’; P. ubbalṇā intr. ‘to boil’; B. ublā ‘to boil over’; Or. ubaḷibā ‘to rise, overflow’; H. ubalnā ‘to boil over, rise, ascend’; M. ubaḷṇẽ ‘to have one's pregnancy terminated’. 2. S. uḇāraṇu tr. ‘to boil’, L. (Jukes) uḇālaṇ, P. ubālaṇā, H. ubālnā; G. ubāḷɔ m. ‘outburst, excitement’; M. ubāḷā m. ‘bubbling up’. Addenda: *ubbal—. 1. WPah.kṭg. ubƏḷnõ; intr. ‘to boil’. 2. *ubbāl— WPah.kṭg. bwaḷnō tr. ‘to boil’, bwāḷ m. ‘vapour (e.g. from wet clothes)’; J. bwā' m. ‘heat’. *ubbāl— see *ubbal— Add2.
2340 *ubbā— ‘damp heat’. Pk. uvvā— f. ‘heat’, uvvāha—, m.; S. uḇa, huḇa f. ‘vapour, steam’; L. ubā m. ‘excessive heat and sweat owing to sultriness’, (Jukes) uḇā m. ‘miasma rising from flooded lands, malaria’; G. ub, ubā f. ‘mould’; M. ūb f. ‘sultry heat’; H. ūbh m. ‘sultry heat’. — Deriv. H. ūbhnā ‘to be oppressed by heat’; G. ubvũ ‘to rot’; M. ubṇẽ ‘to swelter, spoil through heat’. — Ext.: Pk. uvvara— m., °ria— n. ‘heat’; — G. M. ubaṭ ‘mouldy’; — M. ubaḷṇẽ ‘to rot through excessive heat’, ubārṇẽ ‘to swelter, rot through heat’. — See next.
2340a *ubbākāla— ‘hot season’. [*ubbā—, kālá1] M. ubāḷā m. ‘hot or dry season’. UBH ‘weave’: *ubdhrikā—, *vābha—; *pravabhati; — √*vabh.
2342 *umbāḍa— ‘firebrand’. [Conn. doubtful with úlmuka- m. AitBr., Pk. ummua— n.] S. umaṛu m. ‘lighted stick’, umāṛī f. ‘half—burnt log, firebrand’; G. umāṛ, °ṛɔ m., °ṛiyũ n. ‘firebrand’, ũbāṛiyũ n. ‘piece of wood lighted at one end’.
2344 *ummaḍ— ‘rise, bubble up’. 2. *ummaḍḍ—. 3. *um- māḍ—. [See *ubbal— and cf. *ummar—, *ummal—] 1. Ku. umaṇṇo ‘to bubble up, ferment’ (< *umaṛṇo?); N. umranu ‘to grow, boil up’ or < *ummar—; B. umṛā ‘to overflow’; G. umaṛvũ ‘to rise up, gather to a head, be produced’. 2. P. umaḍṇā, umaṇḍ° ‘to overflow, swell, rise (of a river)’; N. umaṛnu ‘to grow, boil up’; H. umaḍnā, umaṇḍ° ‘to swell, heave, increase’. 3. P. omāhṛā m. ‘rising of love’; N. umāṛnu ‘to cause to spring up’ (with from umaṛnu); M. umāḍā m. ‘over- flow, gushing forth’.
2345 *ummar— ‘rise, bubble up’. 2. *ummār—. [See *ubbal— and cf. *ummaḍ—, *ummal—] 1. N. umranu ‘to spring up, bubble up, grow’ or < *ummaḍ—. 2. Ku. umyār f. ‘growth, prosperity’; N. umārnu ‘to cause to grow’.
2346 *ummal— ‘rise, bubble up’. 2. *ummāl—. [See *ubbal— and cf. *ummar—, *ummaḍ—] 1. Ku. umalṇo ‘to boil, bubble up’; N. umlanu ‘to boil, ferment’; G. umaḷkɔ m. ‘emotion, ardent love’; M. umaḷṇẽ, umhaḷ° ‘to shed blood at every orifice’, umaḷ f. ‘qualmishness’; — unmaḷṇẽ ‘to heave (in the stomach)’ with unm— as Sanskritization. 2. Ku. umālṇo tr. ‘to boil’, N. umālnu; M. umaḷṇẽ, umhaḷ° ‘to slake lime’, umāḷā, umhāḷ° m. ‘boiling up’.
2347 *ummēr— ‘join’. [Cf. √*miḍ] S. umerī f. ‘the connecting two ends of thread to- gether by twisting and laying them over’; G. umervũ ‘to add, augment’, umerɔ m., °raṇ n. ‘increase’.
2354 *urōjāta— ‘own son’. [úras—, jātá—] Pa. urējāta— (ē magadhism for ō P. Thieme KZ 66, 132); Si. uradā ‘one's own son’ (EGS 28 uraya + ).
2355 *urōdhānī— ‘breast, teat’. [úras—, dhānī—] Kho. roren ‘nipple’ with d(h) as beginning second member of cmpd. remaining long enough to become d with d < —t—, cf. panǰaraš < páñcadaśa (BelvalkarVol 95 < *urōdhānya—?).
2356 *urvara— ‘surplus, left over’, urvarita— ‘left over’ BhP. [Poss. with EWA i 110 hyper—sanskritism fr. Pk., but perh. conn. with ulvaṇá—, ulba° ‘excessive’, Pk. ullaṇa—, uvvaṇaubba° and with urvárī— f. ‘wife presented with many others for choice’ AV., Pa. ubbarī— f. ‘concubine’. S. with b and indicates early MIA. —vv— and —bb—] Pk. uvvaria— ‘left over’, uvvaraṁta— ‘remaining over’; S. uḇiraṇu ‘to be left over’, uḇāraṇu ‘to save’, obari f. ‘remnants’, obāraṇu ‘to leave food over (in eating)’; Ku. ubharṇo ‘to be left over’, tr. ubhārṇo; N. ubro, ubāru ‘surplus’, ubranu ‘to be left over’, tr. ubārnu; A. ubariba ‘to disregard’; B. ubarā ‘to be plentiful’; Or. ubaribā, ubur°, ubor° ‘to remain as surplus’; OAw. ubaraï ‘is saved’, ubāraï ‘saves’; H. ū̆barnā ‘to be left over as sur- plus’, tr. ubārnā, ubrā—subrā ‘surplus’; M. uver, °rī, ūr, urī f. ‘remainder, surplus’, urṇẽ ‘to be left as a residue’, uraviṇẽ ‘to make to remain over’, urakṇẽ ‘to be over, be finished’.
2363 *ullagyati ‘is unfastened’. [√lag] Or. ulāgibā ‘to take off (a dress), free from a bond, abandon’; M. ulagṇẽ intr. ‘to cease, pass away’, tr. ‘to finish, clear (a field, &c. of crops or stones)’; ext. in M. alagḍā m. ‘disentanglement’, algaḍṇẽ intr. ‘to get un- ravelled’, tr. ‘to unravel, take to pieces’, alkaṭṇẽ. — K. wŏlagun ‘to get through (a difficulty), endure to the end, pass over’? (See ullaṅghayati).
2364 *ullaṅgha— ‘jumping over’. [√laṅgh] N. ulāṅ ‘transgression’; A. ulaṅghā ‘disobedience’.
2367 *ullaṅghin— ‘leaping over’. [√laṅgh] Si. ulän̆gi ‘gazelle’.
2368 *ullaṭati ‘turns over’. 2. *ullaṭyatē ‘is upset’. 3. *ul- lāṭayati ‘causes to turn over’. [√*laṭ] 1. S. uliṛaṇu ‘to be loose or shaky’; H. ulaṛnā, ular° ‘to topple over, lie down’. 2. Pk. ullaṭṭa— ‘overturned, empty’; K. wulaṭun ‘to be reversed’; S. uṭilaṇu ‘to fall back to a former place’; L. ulṭā adv. ‘on the contrary’; P. ulṭaṇā ‘to be upset’; WPah. bhal. ulṭāi f. ‘turning over a log so as to saw on the other side’; Ku. ulaṭṇō, al° ‘to be upset, turn to one side’; N. ulṭanu ‘to be upset’; A. olaṭiba ‘to turn back or round’; B. ulṭā ‘to be upset’, Or. ulaṭibā; OMth. ulaṭaï ‘turns aside’; Mth. unaṭā ‘in a reverse manner’; H. ulaṭnā ‘to be overturned’; OMarw. ulaṭo ‘reversed’; G. ulaṭvũ ‘to be the reverse of’; M. ulaṭṇẽ ‘to be upset’, tr. ‘to turn over’. 3. H. ulāṛnā ‘to overturn’, ulārnā ‘to cause to lie down’. *ullaṭyatē ‘is upset’ see prec. Addenda: *ullaṭati. 1. S.kcch. aularṇū ‘to be tipped up’, ālarṇū ‘to lie down’ (X ālīyatē?). 2. *ullaṭyatē: S.kcch. ūlṭī keṇī ‘to vomit’, auṭṭalṇū ‘to become upside down’, WPah.kṭg. ulṭṇõ;, ulṭɔ ‘left, reverse’, ulṭauṇõ; ‘to turn upside down, or inside out’; B. ulṭo ‘reversed’; — read B. ulṭā̆na ‘to turn over’. *ullaṭyatē see *ullaṭati Add2.
2369 *ullaṇḍati ‘jumps up or out?’ [√laṇḍ] Pk. ullaṁḍiya— ‘driven out’; H. ulaṇḍnā ‘to invert a vessel to empty it’ with other phonet. somewhat similar forms: uleṇḍnā, ũḍel°, uṛel°, uṛer°, uleṛ°, ulaı̃ḍ°, ũdāl°, ũdal°; — Pk. ullaṁtha— ‘thrown up’; G. ulāṭ f. ‘jump’.
2371 *ullamba— ‘hanging on?’ [Cf. ullambin— Kathās.: √lamb] H. ulambā m. ‘hard swelling, tumour’. ullambayati ‘hangs up’ Kathās. [√lamb] See avalambatē.
2372 *ullardayati ‘overloads’. [√lard] Pk. ulladdiya— ‘heavily loaded, overloaded’; P. uladdṇā ‘to overturn, upset’.
2375a *ullāghayati ‘makes light’. [Cf. laghayati ‘makes light, lessens’ Kālid.: laghú—] Pk. ullāhēi ‘lessens’. — See *udraṁhati. *ullāṭayati ‘upsets’ see *ullaṭati.
2378 *ullāva— ‘a piece cut off’. [Cf. ullūna— ‘cut off’ ŚāṅkhŚr.: √] Ku. ulāw ‘a fragment of stone or wood flying off when cut’. ullāsa—, ullāsayati, ullāsin— see ullasati. úllikhati see *udrikhati. *ullīyatē see avalīyatē.
2379 *ulluṇṭhati ‘rolls to and fro’. [Cf. ulluṇṭhana— ‘rolling’ Apte, ulluṭhati ‘moves violently to and fro’ lex., luṇṭhita— ‘set in motion’ Hariv.: √luṭh] Or. uluṇṭhibā ‘to roll on the ground’; — conn. with Pk. ulluṁṭha— ‘raised, overbearing’ doubtful. — Cf. *ulluṇḍati.
2380 *ulluṇḍati ‘overturns’. [√luḍ] Pk. ulluṁḍaï ‘falls, drips’; Or. uluṇḍibā ‘to roll on the ground’; M. ulãḍṇẽ, ol° tr. and intr. ‘to turn over, spill’ (or poss. < *avaluṇḍati). — Cf. *ulluṇṭhati. ullēkha— see *udrēkha—. ullēkhayati see *udrēkhayati.
2381 *ullōḍa— ‘commotion’. [ullōla— m. ‘large wave’ Kād.: √luḍ] Pa. ullōla— m. ‘commotion, wave’; Pk. ullōla— m. ‘uproar’; Si. ulela ‘wave, whirling in water, festival’.
2382 *ullōpana— ‘taking out’. [Cf. úllupta— ‘taken or drawn out’ AV., ullōpam Kauś., Pa. ullumpati ‘takes out, saves’: √lup] Pa. ullōpana— n. ‘saving’; M. ulvaṇ n. ‘the threads which remain in the comb after the completion of the web’.
2383 *ullōman— ‘rising of the hair’. [lṓman—] P. allõ; f. ‘uneasy sensation or irritation in any part of the body’? ullōla— see *ullōḍa—. ulvaṇá— see *urvara—.
2392 *uṣṇadhāra— ‘hot spring’. [uṣṇá—1, dhā́ra2] M. unherẽ n. ‘hot spring’.
2393 *uṣṇapānīya— ‘hot water’. [uṣṇá—1, pānı̄́ya—] M. unhvaṇī n. ‘water heated in the sun's rays’.
2395 *uṣṇavāta— ‘hot wind’. [uṣṇá—1, vā́ta—] G. unvā m. ‘very hot weather’. *uṣṇāpana— ‘heating’ see uṣṇayati.
2396 *uṣṇālaya— ‘hot spot’. [uṣṇá—1, ālaya—] M. unhāḷẽ n. ‘spring of hot water’.
2402 *ūṇḍa— ‘deep’. 2. *ōṇḍa—. 3. *avōṇḍa—. 1. Pk. uṁḍa—, °aya— ‘deep’, S. ūnho; WPah. bhal. uṇḍe ‘down’; Ku. uno ‘low’, un ‘down’, uniṇo ‘to lower (of clouds)’; H. poet. ū̃ṛā ‘deep, sunk’; Marw. ū̃ṛo ‘deep’, G. ū̃ḍũ. 2. H. õ;ḍā ‘deep’, M. õ;ḍ, õ;ḍhā, õ;ḍhā. 3. H. aũḍā, OMarw. aũṛo. ūta— see *ūna2. Addenda: *ūṇḍa—: S.kcch. ūno ‘deep’.
2404 *ūdhriya— ‘pertaining to the udder’. [ū́dhas—] Dm. īt ‘udder’ < *īdr NTS xii 129, ideŕi prob. dimin. from *īdr (scarcely with NTS xii 153 < *ūdharikā—).
2406 *ūna— 2 ‘woven’. [Cf. ūta—, uta2 lex., Pk. vūya—, vua—: √] K. wūnu pp. of wōnun. — See ūyatē, *vināti.
2416 *ūni— ‘deficiency’. [ūná1] P. ūṇ f. ‘want, deficiency’.
2421 *ūruvastha—, ūrvasthá— n. ‘thigh bone’ ŚBr. [ūrú—, ásthi—] Pa. ūraṭṭhi—, °ika— n.; B. urut, urat ‘thigh’. ŪRJ: ūrjas—.
2425 *ūrṇālōman— ‘hair between eyebrows’. [Cf. Pa. uṇṇa- n. ‘id.’: ū́rṇā—, lṓman—] Si. uṇulom, unu°.
2427 *ūrdhvaṁga—, cf. ūrdhvaga— ‘ascending’. [ūrdhvá—, ga—] Si. uḍan̆gu ‘haughty, arrogant’: so EGS 25 who quotes Pa. uḍḍhaṁgama— ‘going upwards’. — Or poss. < ūrdhvāṅga— ‘*with raised body’; n. ‘upper part of the body’ MW. — Or < *ūrdhvāgra—, q.v.
2428 *ūrdhvakaṇṭa— ‘bottom up’. [ūrdhvá—, *kaṇṭa—] N. ubhiṇḍo ‘standing on one's head, headlong’? ūrdhvaga— see *ūrdhvaṁga—.
2429 *ūrdhvacchada— ‘covering above’. [ūrdhvá—, chada—] Ku. upchau ‘shelter, protection’.
2434 *ūrdhvastha— ‘standing above’. [ūrdhvá—, stha—] Si. uḍat ‘higher, upper’ or perh. with EGS 5 s.v. ata 1 a Si. cmpd. uḍu + at < ánta—.
2436 *ūrdhvāgra—. [ūrdhvá—, ágra—] Pa. uddhagga— ‘standing on end, prominent’, °gika- ‘aiming at a lofty end’; Si. uḍan̆gu ‘haughty, arrogant’. — Rather than with EGS 25 < *ūrdhvaṁga—. ūrdhvāṅga— see *ūrdhvaṁga.
2438 *ūrṣā— 2 ‘wool’. [< IE. *wlHso—, cf. Lat. vellus < *welsos, IIFL iii 3, 27 with (?): ū́rṇā—] Paš. ū́ẓa ‘wool’. ū́vadhya— see *ūbadhya—.
2446 *r̥kṣabhalla— ‘bear’, acchabh° m. Bālar. [ŕ̥kṣa—, bhalla2] Pk. ricchabhalla—, acchabhalla—, acchahalla— m., M. āsval, as°, āsvīl, as°, āsol m., Ko. ā̃svel f.
2449 *r̥jutama— ‘very straight’. [√r̥jú—] Ash. uzƏm e ‘straight’, Wg. üǰǘmƏ (NTS ii 246 < r̥jiman—?). R̥ÑJ ‘straighten’: r̥jú—, r̥ñjáti.
2452 *r̥ṇāyika— ‘indebted’. [r̥ṇá—] Pa. iṇāyika— ‘in debt’, m. ‘creditor’; L. riṇṇāī ‘in- debted’.
2454 *r̥tuvanta—, r̥tvanta— m. ‘end of the (rainy?) season’ Mn. [Cf. ánta r̥tū́nāṁ hēmantáḥ ŚBr.: r̥tú—, ánta—] K. wanda m. ‘winter’, °das, wȧndi ‘in winter’ (Mor- genstierne). r̥tvanta— see prec. r̥ddha— see r̥dháti.
2459 *r̥ṣabhadr̥ti— ‘oxhide’. [r̥ṣabhá—, dŕ̥ti—] Kho. (Lor.) r e ṣuīri, °ṣīri.
2477 *ēkavr̥tta—, ēkavŕ̥t— ‘simple’ AV. [ḗka—, vr̥t2] N. yeuṭā ‘one’.
2482 *ēkāṁsa— ‘on one shoulder’. 2. With —kk—. [ḗka—, áṁsa—] 1. Pa. ēkaṁsa— ‘on one shoulder (of a dress)’. 2. Si. ekas ‘being on one side’.
2484 *ēkāṇḍin—, ēkāṇḍa— ‘having one testicle only (of a horse)’. [ḗka—, āṇḍá—] M. ekā̃ḍyā ‘having a scrotum without visible division (inauspicious in a horse)’.
2490 *ēkāśana— ‘having one meal’. 2. With —kk—. [ḗka—, áśana—] 1. Pk. ēgāsaṇa— n. ‘a partic. sort of vow’. 2. S. ekahaṇo ‘eating only one meal a day’; G. ekāsṇũ n. ‘eating only once a day’.
2492 *ēkāhika— ‘having interval of one day’. 2. With —kk—. [ēkāhá— m. ‘ceremony lasting one day’ ŚBr., ‘period of one day’ Pāṇ., Pa. ēkāha— m., Pk. ēgāha— m.n.: ḗka—, áhar—] 1. Pa. ēkāhika— ‘lasting one day’, Pk. ēgāhiya— ‘risen in one day, having an interval of one day (of fever)’. 2. A. ekaiyā ‘returning every third day, tertian (of fever)’; Or. ekuā ‘daily (of fever)’.
2503 *ēkkaculla— ‘stove with one opening’. [*ēkka—, culli—] Mth. (WTirhut) ekaulhā ‘fireplace with one orifice’ (ETirhut) kaulhā.
2504 *ēkkadhārā— ‘a single edge or fold’. [*ēkka—, dhārā2] P. akahr f. ‘first ploughing’, akahrā, °rī ‘single—fold’; N. ekohoro ‘single—fold’.
2505 *ēkkapārśva— ‘on one side’. [*ēkka—, pārśvá—] P. ekvāssī f. ‘bread baked on one side only’; M. ekos, ekośı̄̃ adv. ‘off the main road’.
2506 *ēkkala— ‘alone’. 2. *ēkkalla—. [ēkala— ChUp.: ḗka—] 1. Shum. yekula ‘alone’, Gaw. yēkulɔ́; Or. ekaḷa, °ḷā ‘single, sole’. 2. Pk. ekkalla—, °aya—, ikkilla— ‘alone’, L. ikalla, kallhā, P. akall, ikallā, ak°, ludh. kallā, WPah. bhal. e k e llho, cam. killā, Garh. ekkulā, ik°, Ku. yaklo, ik°, N. eklo, ekal— in cmpd., A. akal, B. ekalā, Or. ekalā, ẽklā, OMth. ekala, H. ekal, akelā, ikallā, akillā, OG. ekalaü, G. ekla, eklũ, M. eklā, Si. ekalā. *ēkkalaputra—.
2507 *ēkkalaputra— ‘only son’. [Cf. ēkaputra—: *ēkkala—, putrá—] P. iklauttā ‘only begotten’, m. ‘only son’, H. eklautā, ik°, iklaũtā m.
2508 *ēkkavandhyā— ‘barren except for one’. [*ēkka—, vandhya—] Bi. ekaũj ‘woman with only one child’.
2509 *ēkkavartin— ‘living alone’. [*ēkka—, vartin—] Or. ekuṭiā ‘solitary’.
2510 *ēkkasara— ‘having one fold’. [*ēkka—, *sarā2] N. eksaro ‘single’; MB. ekasara ‘alone’ (ODBL 700 < sará1); G. eksarī f. ‘necklace with one string’.
2513 *ētadbandhuka— ‘of this kind’. [ēṣá1, bandhu1] Si. eban̆du ‘such like’?
2518 *ēraṇḍataila— ‘castor—oil’. [ēraṇḍa—, tailá—] M. ērãḍel n.; — or perh. a M. formation after other cmpds. with —taila—.
2519 *ēraṇḍaphullikā— ‘castor—oil plant’. [ēraṇḍa—, phulla—] L. harnôlī, awāṇ. °naulī f.
2525 *ēva— 2 ‘one’. [Cf. Av. aēva— &c.] Kt. Wg. ew ‘one’ NTS xiii 233, but prob. < ḗka—. *ēvamdaśa.
2526 *ēvaṁdaśa ‘eleven’. [Cf. Av. aēvandasa: *ēva—2, daśá] Kt. yanīċ, Ash. ċänīs NTS xiii 233, but prob. < *ēkaṁdaśa—.
2532 *ēssaru— ‘an edible berry’. P. esar m. ‘Rubus rotundifolius’; Ku. aselu, hisālu ‘blackberry’; N. aselu, ais° ‘name of various edible berries’.
2538 *ōkk— ‘vomit’. 2. *ōgg—. 3. *vākk—. [Onom.] 1. Pk. okkia— ‘vomited’; S. okaṇu ‘to vomit’, oka f. ‘vomiting’, Ku. okāṇo, N. okāunu, Or. okibā, uk°, okā, uk°, H. ok f., G. ɔkvũ, ɔki f., M. okṇẽ, ok f. — Ext. with —ār—: S. okāraṇu ‘to retch’, Or. okāribā, uk°; G. ɔkārī f. ‘vomiting, vomit’; M. okārā m. ‘retching’, Si. okkāraya. — A. okāliba ‘to eject from the mouth, retch’, Or. ukāḷibā, ok° ‘to vomit’ < utkālayati s.v. *utkalati influenced semant. at least by *ōkk—. 2. S. oǥaṇu ‘to vomit’. 3. N. wāk wāk garnu ‘to vomit’, wākāunu; B. oāk ‘retching’. *ōgg— ‘vomit’ see prec. Addenda: *ōkk— ‘vomit’. [~ Drav. DED 866]
2539 *ōggara— ‘gruel’. [← Turk. ögrä, ükrä, üg° ‘soup’ Brockelmann Mitteltürk. Wb. 235, ‘vermicelli’ Radloff Vergl. Wb. i 1813] Pk. oggara— m. ‘a kind of rice or grain’; P. ogrā m. ‘thick rice water’; Ku. ogro, wag° ‘gruel of rice and pulse as a sick diet’; H. ogrā, oghrā m. ‘a mixed dish, gruel, pottage’. ōgha— see aughá—.
2540 *ōccha— ‘small, thin, mean’. Pk. uccha— ‘low, mean’; Dm. ū́čha, ū́ča ‘little’; Kal. učı̄́k ‘light (of weight)’; Phal. účo ‘a little’; S. ocho ‘paltry, mean’, L. (Shahpur) ochā, awāṇ. hochā; P. ochā ‘light, vain, absurd’; WPah. bhal. hoccho ‘mean, low’; Ku. occho, wac° ‘mean, contemptible, arrogant’; Or. ocha ‘small, mean, exhausted’; Bhoj. ōch ‘mean’; H. ochā ‘empty, small, silly’; OG. uchaü ‘less’, G. ochũ ‘deficient, inferior’; M. os ‘desolate, depopulated’, osā m. ‘empty space in a cornfield’; — M. otsā light, mean, deficient’ ← H. or G. Addenda: *ōccha— [~ *hōccha— Add2; cf. WPah.kṭg. ókkhɔ ‘small’ ~ *hōkkha— Add2]: S.kcch. ochū̃ keṇū ‘to lessen’.
2542 *ōjjhalla— ‘shade, screen, veil’. P. ojhal f. ‘privacy, retirement’; N. ojhyāl, ojel ‘shadow, shade, shades of night’; H. ojhal ‘screened’, f. ‘screen, shelter, concealment’; G. ɔjhal f. ‘veil, curtain, cover’, ɔjhāṛi f. ‘shade’, ɔjhaṭ m. ‘shadow’; — Gy. eur. učhal, wel. učal m. ‘shade’ prob. < *avacchāda—.
2544 *ōṭṭā— ‘shelter, screen’. 2. *ōttā—, which is therefore prob. not < *apagupta— or *avag°. 3. *ōḍḍā—. [Poss. further conn. with *ōḍḍh— ‘dress, cover’, but to be separated from forms < *apaghaṭya—, °ghāṭa—, °ghāṭayati] 1. S. oṭa f. ‘protection, shelter’; L. P. oṭ f. ‘support, shelter’; Ku. woṭ ‘shade’; H. oṭ f. ‘obstruction’, oṭal f. ‘screen’, oṭnā ‘to cover, screen’; G. oṭ f. ‘curtain, partition’, oṭlī f., °lɔ m. ‘veranda, porch, raised platform to sit on’; M. oṭī f. ‘veranda or unwalled space in front of or behind central space’, oṭā m. ‘parapet along terrace, raised mass of earth or bricks’. 2. N. ot ‘shelter’; B. ot ‘screen, shield, ambush’, ote ‘secretly’; OMth. ota ‘screen, shelter’. 3. G. oḍ f., oḍɔ m. ‘curtain to stop draught’ (bec. of , not , conn. unlikely with apaṭī— f. ‘screen of cloth’ lex. or *avavr̥ta—, Pa. ōvaṭa— ‘obstructed’). Addenda: *ōṭṭā—. 2. *ōḍḍā—: S.kcch. oḍāṇū ‘to shut (the eyes)’. *ōḍḍā— ‘screen’ see *ōṭṭā— Add2.
2545 *ōḍā— ‘furrow’. [Conn. with ṓḍha— ‘driven near’ ŚBr. very doubtful] S. oṛa f. ‘drawn line, furrow’; L. ōṛ, pl. ōṛã f. ‘furrow’, P. oṛ f., Or. oṛibā ‘to plough a field once’, oṛe cāsa ‘one ploughing’.
2547 *ōḍḍh— ‘put on, wear, cover’. [← Drav. cf. Tam. uṭu—, Kan. uḍu— ‘to dress’, Tel. uḍupu ‘dress’ (though ac. to T. Burrow BSOAS xii 134 < *cuṭu). The forms of all languages (except Tir., see below) must or may contain —ḍḍh—: conn. therefore with váhati ‘wears clothes’ Mr̥cch. (vṓḍhum LM 302) is unlikely.] Pk. oḍḍhigā—, uḍḍhiyā— f. ‘blanket for wearing’, oḍḍhaṇa— n. ‘cloak’, ōyaḍḍhī—, °iyā— f.; Gy. eur. uryel ‘puts on, wears’, germ. wel. riv— tr. and intr. orig. a causative from uri—; Dm. ōŕ ‘scabbard’; K. wuḍiñ f. ‘mantle’; S. oḍhaṇu ‘to spread clothes over, put on’, oḍhiṇī f. ‘mantle’; L. oḍhṇā m. ‘shoulder—wrap’, oḍhur m., loc. —ir ‘screen’; P. uḍhāuṇā ‘to cause to be worn’, oḍhṇī f. ‘small sheet, woman's veil’; Ku. oṛhṇo ‘to wear’, waṛhoṇo ‘to clothe’, gng. oṛīṇ ‘covering cloth’; N. oṛnu ‘to put on’, oṛāunu ‘to cover up’; A. uriba ‘to put on clothes’, orani, oronā ‘veil’; B. oṛ ‘pillowcase’ (ODBL 329 wrongly < avavēṣṭ—), uṛani, uṛuni ‘sheet worn as a cloak’, oṛnā ‘veil’; Or. oṛhibā, uṛh° ‘to wear’, oṛhaṇī, uṛh° ‘flowing upper garment’, oṛhaṇa, °ṇā, uṛaṇā ‘veil’; OMth. oṛhana ‘wrapper’, Bhoj. Aw. lakh. oṛhanā ‘mantle’; H. oṛhnā ‘to cover’, caus. uṛhānā, oṛhan m. ‘shield’, oṛhnī f. ‘sheet’; OMarw. auḍhaï ‘covers’ (au spelling for o?); OG. uḍhiu ‘spread over’, uḍhaṇauṁ n. ‘covering sheet’, G. oḍhvũ, oḍ° ‘to put on’, caus. oḍhāvvũ, oḍhɔ m. ‘cloth covering’, oḍhṇī f., °ṇũ n. ‘girl's upper garment’; M. oḍaṇ n. ‘shield’, oḍhṇī f. ‘shawl worn by women over head and shoulders’; — Si. uḍe ‘breeches (worn under cloth)’ perh. direct ← Tam. — Pk. ūḍhiaya— ‘covered’ and Tir. uṛiem ‘I put on clothes’ (though with < —ḍh— not —ḍḍh— AO xii 176) belong here rather than < ūḍhá—. — Paš. oṛ— ‘to twist, plait, braid’ despite IIFL iii 3, 17 < upavēṣṭayati. Addenda: *ōḍḍh— ‘cover’: Brj. uṛhnā̃ m.pl. ‘clothes’.
2548 *ōḍḍhara— ‘cave, hiding place’. L. oḍhur m. ‘screen’, oḍhir adv. ‘out of sight’ < *ōḍḍharē; Ku. uṛiyār ‘cave, den, hole’, N. oṛhyār, oṛer.
2554 *ōdra— or *audra— ‘wet’. 2. ōlla— 2 lex. [√ud 2] 1. Pk. odda— ‘wet’; A. odā ‘half dried or roasted (of grain), untempered (of metals)’; B. oda, odā ‘wet, damp’; Or. oda ‘wetness’, odā ‘wet, damp’; H. od m. ‘wetness’, odā ‘wet’. — All poss. < ṓdman— esp. in view of the substantives of Or. H. 2. Pk. olla— ‘wet’, °laï ‘wets’; H. ol ‘wet, damp’; M. ol n.f. ‘dampness’, olā ‘wet, fresh, green’, olaviṇẽ to ‘moisten’; Ko. vallẽ ‘wet’.
2556 *ōpp— ‘polish’. Pk. oppa— ‘rubbed, polished’, °pā— f. ‘polishing jewels’, °pia— ‘polished’; Or. upibā ‘to polish’; Bi. ŏpnī ‘jeweller's polishing stone’; H. opnā ‘to polish’, op f. ‘lustre’; G. opvũ ‘to polish, bleach, gild’, op m. ‘polish’; M. opṇẽ ‘to be bleached’, opaviṇẽ ‘to polish’, op m. ‘polish’; Si. opa ‘lustre, polish’.
2557 *ōmbāl— ‘immerse’. Pk. oṁbālaï ‘dips, covers’, °lia—; M. õ;baḷṇẽ, omaḷ° ‘to dip and wring, wash slightly’. ōla— see next.
2560 *ōllanī— ‘spiced milk’. Pk. ollaṇī f. ‘curds seasoned with cinnamon &c.’; N. olan ‘milk and curds, allowance of milk for shepherds’. Addenda: *ōllanī— ‘spiced milk’: WPah.Wkc. olƏṇ ‘a partic. sauce or soup’, J. olaṇ m. ‘soup of cooked pulse’.
2578 *kaṁsāra— ‘sweetmeat’. Pk. kaṁsāra—, kas° m., kās° n. ‘a kind of sweet’, S. kasāru m.; P. kasār m. ‘a sweet of flour, sugar, ghee and spices given at parturition’; N. kasār ‘sweet of sugar and powdered fried rice given at marriage and in- vestiture ceremonies’; B. H. kasār m. ‘a kind of sweet’; G. kãsār, kans°, kas° m. ‘a sweet of wheat flour and molasses’.
2579 *kaṁsāvatī— ‘name of a river’. [kaṁsá1?] B. kā̃sāi ‘name of a river in WBengal by Midnapore’; Or. kā̃sāi ‘name of a river in Bāleśvara district (= Kaṁ- sābatī)’. *kaṁsikā— ‘small cup’ see kaṁsá1. kakāṭikā— see kŕ̥kāṭa—.
2582 *kakudiṣṭha— ‘on the hump’. [For formation cf. *kākutstha—: loc. sg. kakúd—, stha—] Kal. rumb. kōiṣṭ ‘hump’.
2583 *kakudha— ‘hump’. 2. ‘The tree Terminalia arjuna’. [kákuda— X kakubhá—] 1. Pa. kakudha— m. ‘bull's hump, cock's comb’; Pk. kakudha—, °uha—, kaüha— m.n. ‘bull's hump, peak of mountain’; S. kūho m. ‘bullock's hump’; H. kauhā m. piece of wood supporting ridgepole; Si. kiyāva ‘bullock's hump’. — Ext. with l: M. kohḷẽ, °hāḷẽ, °hoḷẽ n. ‘bullock's hump’; — with obscure elements: S. kūhaṭu; L. kohāṭ m. (?) f., kohā̃ḍ f. ‘camel's hump’, P. kuhān. 2. Pa. kakudha— m. ‘Terminalia arjuna’, H. kauh m.
2590 *kakṣapaṭṭa— ‘loincloth’. [Cf. kakṣāpaṭa— m. Pañcat. :kákṣa—1, paṭṭa2] Pk. kacchaṭṭī—, °chuṭṭiyā—, °chōṭī f.; L. kachvaṭṭī f. ‘gusset’; P. kachoṭā m. ‘loincloth’, A. kasṭā, kāsuṭi, Or. kāchaṭā, °ṭi, H. kachauṭī f., G. kachɔṭɔ m., °ṭī f.; M. kasoṭā m. ‘tuck or end of dhoti’. Addenda: *kakṣapaṭṭa—: A. also kāchuṭi (phonet. kasuti) ‘hem of a lower garment’ AFD 217.
2591 *kakṣapuṭī, kakṣapuṭa— m. ‘armpit’ as title of a work. [kákṣa—1, puṭa—] S. kachuṛi f. ‘flank below armpit’.
2593 *kakṣyānta— ‘near the armpit’. [kakṣya—, ánta—] Wg. kačā̃t ‘near’, kačant—kṓw ‘armpit’ NTS xvii 264.
2594 *kakṣyāpōkka— ‘girdle bag?’. [kakṣya—, *pōkka—] Wg. kačƏvɔ̄́k, kočṓk ‘coat, mantle’, (Lumsden) "kuchok" ‘bag’ NTS xvii 264. KAKH see √khakkh.
2599 *kaṅkatakara— ‘comb—maker’. [káṅkata—, kará1] H. kãgherā m. ‘caste of comb—makers’, °rī f. ‘a woman of this caste’.
2600 *kaṅkataśikha— ‘comb—crested’. [káṅkata—, śíkhā—] WPah. khaś. kāgśī, śeu. kāśkī ‘a comb—like fern’, or < *kaṅkaśa— s.v. káṅkata—.
2604 *kaṅkāla— 2 ‘poor, miserable’. [Poss. same as kaṅkāla1 which in Pa. has a for ā, as in kaṅkara2] Kho. (Lor.) k *l ṅgāl ‘stupid, lazy, hard of hearing’; K. kangāl, L. kaṅgāl ‘poor’; P. kaṅgāl m. ‘beggar’ (→ H. kãgāl, °lī ‘poor’, f. ‘poverty’; B. kāṅgāl, °gāli ‘poor’, Or. kāṅgāḷa, kaṅgāḷi, OMarw. kaṅgāla, G. kãgāḷ, M. kãgāl); WPah. bhal. káṅkāl ‘poor’, Ku. gng. kaṅāw, N. kaṅgāl, °li; M. kãkāḷā ‘cruel’.
2606 *kaṅkunī— ‘a panic grain’. 2. kaṅgunī— f. ‘Celastrus paniculatus’ Bhpr. 3. *ṭaṅgunī—. [kaṅku—] 1. Paš. kaṅgunī ‘millet’, K. kangnī ‘the millet Setaria italica’, S. kaṅgiṇī f. ‘the millet Panicum italicum’, P. kaṅgaṇ m., °ṇī f., H. kākun, °kan m., kā̃kunī f. 2. WPah. bhal. kōṇī f. ‘a minute rice—like grain eaten by birds’ (< *kaṅuṇī?); Ku. kauṇī ‘millet’, N. kā̃guni, kāg°, kāũni, kāgunu, kāṅni, kāmni, Bi. (SMunger) kāun, °nī, H. kā̃gan m., kā̃gnī, kãg f., M. kā̃guṇī, °goṇī, °gṇī f. 3. Pa. —ḍaṅgula— (< *ṭaṅguna— E. H. Johnston JRAS 1931, 585); Bi. (Gaya) ṭā̃gun ‘Setaria italica, Panicum italicum’, (SW) ṭãgunī. *kāṅkunikā—; *kaṅgunītaila—. Addenda: *kaṅkunī—. 4. †;*kāgunī—: WPah.kc. kauṇe f. ‘millet’, kṭg. kauṇi f., J. kauṇī f., bhal. kōṇī f., N. kāuni, Bi. kāun Him.I 14 (but rather dissim. < *kā̃gunī, *kāṅunī as in N. kāũni). †;KAC ‘pull, fasten, tie’: †;*kacyatē.
2608 *kaṅgunītaila— ‘oil made from the millet Panicum italicum’. [*kaṅkunī—, tailá—] M. kā̃gṇel n.
2610 *kacc— 1 ‘pull’. [Cf. kácatē ‘fastens’ Dhātup., kacākaci ‘mutual pulling of hair’ MBh., kaca— m. ‘band, hem’ lex., ‘hair of head’ Kālid., kacēla— m. ‘string holding manuscript leaves together’ lex.] A. kasiba ‘to draw tight’, B. kac ‘a tying, bond’ (← Sk.?), kacā ‘to test’ (semant. cf. M. kaḍasṇī ‘binding rope ~ investigation’); Or. kacibā ‘to masturbate’. — Ext. with —akka—: H. kacaknā ‘to be sprained, be jerked’; G. kacakvũ ‘to bind tightly’; M. kaċakṇẽ ‘to pull smartly, jerk’, kaċkāviṇẽ ‘to bind tightly’.
2611 *kacc— 2 ‘crush, press’. Pk. kaccaṁta— ‘being pressed’; N. kacāk—kucuk ‘crushed (of paper)’, kac—pac ‘hotch—potch’; H. kacākac ‘densely crowded’, kac—pac f. ‘hotch—potch’; G. kacarvũ ‘to press’, kac—pac f. ‘crowd of noisy little boys’.
2612 *kacc— 3 ‘restless’. [Cf. kácati ‘shouts’ Vop., but perh. same as *kacc2] Ku. kackacāṭ ‘quarrelling’; N. kackac ‘constant grumbling’, kacmac ‘disturbed (of sleep)’; A. kaskasni ‘restlessness’, Or. kacakaca, H. kackac f.; G. kac f. ‘brawl’, kaciyārɔ m. ‘troop of discontented children’, kackac f. ‘restlessness’, M. kaċkaċ f.
2613 *kacca— 1 ‘raw, unripe’. Sh. (Lor.) kačo, kha° ‘bad’; K. kocu ‘unripe, raw, imperfect’ (← Ind. with c); S. kaco ‘raw’, L. kaccā ‘unripe, incomplete’; P. kaccā ‘raw, unbaked’ (→ H. M. kaccā); WPah. bhal. kaċċo ‘raw’; Ku. kāco ‘unripe’; N. kāco, kā̃co ‘unripe, uncooked’; A. kā̃si ‘new (of moon)’; B. kā̃cā ‘raw, unripe’, Or. kācā, kacā, kañcā, Mth. kā̃c, °ce, Aw. lakh. kācā, H. kāc, °cā, kā̃c, °cā, G. kācũ, M. kāċā. *kacca— 2 ‘mud’ see *kicca— and kaccara1. Addenda: *kacca—1: S.kcch. kaco ‘unripe, raw’; WPah.kṭg. kaċɔ. — + intensive †;niṣ—: OP. nikaccu ‘utterly imperfect’ C. Shackle.
2614 *kaccapūra— ‘a wheaten cake’. [pūra2 with?] S. kacorī f. ‘wheaten sweetmeat’, L. kacôrī f., P. kacorī f. ‘cake of wheaten pastry’; N. kacauri ‘cake of sugar and white flour’; B. Or. kacuri ‘wheaten pastry stuffed with pulse’, H. kacaurī f.; G. kacorī f. ‘wheaten sweetmeat’, M. kaċorī f. Addenda: *kaccapūra—: WPah.kṭg. kƏċɔru m. ‘small pie or wafer’.
2616 *kaccōla— ‘cup’. [Cf. *kaṭṭōra—] Pk. kaccōla—, °aya— m. ‘cup’; Bi. kacorā ‘vessel for eating from with a projecting base’ (→ N. kacaurā ‘cup’, °ri ‘small do.’); M. kaċoḷ, °ḷẽ n. ‘little metal vessel to hold rice’.
2617 *kacch— ‘measure’. S. kachaṇu ‘to measure’, kāchu m. ‘land—measurer’, °cho m. ‘measure, size’; L. kacchaṇ ‘to measure by length’; P. kacchṇā ‘to measure (esp. land)’, kacch, kācch f. ‘measurement of a field’.
2623 *kajjalakōṣṭha— ‘lamp—black container’. [kajjala—, kṓṣṭha—] P. kajlōṭhī f. ‘pot in which lamp—black is kept’.
2624 *kajjalavarta— ‘round collyrium container’. [kajjala—, *varta2] N. gajrauṭo ‘small pot for collyrium’, (Tarai) kaj°, Bi. kajrauṭā. °ṭī, H. kajlauṭī f. *kajvala— ‘firefly’ see khadyōta—.
2626 *kañcu— ‘skin of a snake’. 2. kañcuka— m. ‘corselet, jacket’ R., ‘snake's slough’ Pañcat., ‘husk’ BhP. [Poss. ← Mu. Kuiper AO xvi 307, EWA i 140] 1. Pk. kaṁcu— m. ‘snake's slough, woman's bodice’; L. awāṇ. kuñj ‘snake's slough’, P. kañj, kuñj f., WPah. khaś. sap—koċ, śeu. sap—coc, 1. rudh. sap—ganj̈, marm. sap—kos. 2. Pa. kañcuka— m. ‘snake's slough, bodice, armour’, Pk. kaṁcua— m.; N. kā̃jo ‘band of metal round joint of a khukri’; H. kā̃cū, kãcuwā m. ‘bodice, shirt’; M. kā̃ċvā m. ‘a sort of waistcoat’. kañculī—. Addenda: kañcu—. 2. kañcuka—: OMarw. kaṁcū m. ‘bodice’. kañcuka— see kañcu— Add2.
2633 *kaṭacchu—, kaḍacchaka— m. ‘ladle’ MW. Pa. kaṭacchu— m. ‘ladle, spoon’, °uka— adj.; Pk. kaḍacchu— f. ‘ladle’, kaḍucchu— m.f., °chuya—, °chaya- m.; K. kroċhu m. ‘long—handled iron stoking shovel’, krüċhü f. ‘cooking ladle’; S. kaṛchu m., °chī f., kaṇchu m., °chī f. ‘iron ladle’, L. awāṇ. kaṛchī, P. kaṛach, kaṛchā m., °chī f., WPah. bhal. kaṛċhī f.; Mth. (NETirhut) karuch ‘confectioner's spoon’; H. kaṛchā m., °chī f., karchā m. ‘iron ladle’, G. kaṛchɔ m., °chī f.; M. kaḍcī f. ‘small boiler or saucepan’, karchā m. ‘flat ladle’ (both ← H.?); Si. keṇesi ‘spoon’ Hettiaratchi Indeclinables 6. - Ext. with —l—: Ku. karchulo ‘stirring spoon’ (← Bi. or EH.); N. karchul ‘ladle’, A. karsali, Bi. karchul, H. karchul, °chal f. — X kaláśa—: Bi. (SW) kalus ‘iron spoon’, (Shahabad) kaluch, kalchā, (Saran) kalchul, (Patna) kalchulā (or dissim. < karchul &c.?), Aw. lakh. kalchul, H. kalchā m., °chī f., kalchul f., °lā m. *dhūmakaṭacchu—. Addenda: kaṭacchu— ‘ladle’ VarBr̥S.: S.kcch. kachī f. ‘ladle’.
2634 *kaṭabandhana— ‘belt’. [Cf. kaṭibandha— m. lex.: kaṭi—, bándhana—] N. kardhani, kandh° ‘belt supporting the loincloth’ (ND 72 b 23 wrongly < *kaṭidharaṇa—); Bi. kardhan, °nī ‘chain hung round waist’; Mth. karadhanī ‘girdle’; OH. kaũdhanī, kaudh° f. ‘belt’, H. kardhanī, kandh° f.
2635 *kaṭavr̥tti— ‘turning on one's side’. [kaṭi—, vr̥tti—] Mth. karauṭ ‘act of lying on the side or arm’; H. karwaṭ °wãṭ, karaũṭ f. ‘position of sleeping on one's arm or side’ with EH. r < ——.
2637 *kaṭāṅka— ‘bracelet’. [káṭa—1, aṅká—] Wg. křää̃kī, křōk ‘bracelet’ (NTS xvii 268 < káṭaka—); Paš. ar. kā̃ṛagṓ ‘armring’ IIFL iii 3, 94.
2640 *kaṭibhāga— ‘region of the waist’. [kaṭi—, bhāgá—] Aw. lakh. karihā̃u ‘loins’; OH. karihā̃wa, °hā̃ m. ‘waist, loins’, H. karhā, °hānā n.; — does not account for ā̃ of Aw. and OH.: *kaṭidhāman— though phonet. better is not semant. so satisfactory.
2644 *kaṭṭ— ‘sound or result of striking’. [Cf. kaṭakaṭā] N. kaṭkaṭi ‘pain’; B. kaṭkaṭ ‘sound of striking’; Or. kaṭakaṭa ‘sharp pain’; H. kaṭkaṭī f. ‘grinding the teeth, trouble’; G. kaṭkaṭ f. ‘teasing’; M. kaṭkaṭṇẽ ‘to cackle, fret’, kaṭkaṭ f. ‘teasing’. *kaṭṭa— 1 ‘dregs’ see kiṭṭa—.
2645 *kaṭṭa— 2 ‘young male animal’. [Cf. kaṭāha2 m. ‘young male buffalo with horns just appearing’ prob. ← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 368; *kaḍḍa—, *kēṭṭa—] Gaw. kaṭái ‘buffalo calf’, Bshk. kaṭṓr, Sh. (Lor.) k *l tu (?); K. kaṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘ram, sheep in general, (con- temptuous) son’; L. kaṭṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘buffalo calf’; P. kaṭṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘yearling buffalo’, kaṭṭū m. ‘young buffalo bull’, kaṭṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘young buffalo’; WPah. khaś. rudh. marm. kaṭṛu ‘buffalo calf’, bhal. kaṭṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘buffalo calf’, kaṭru n. ‘bear cub’; Ku. kāṭo ‘young buffalo bull’, kaṭyāro ‘young buffalo’; H. kaṭiyā f. ‘buffalo heifer’, kaṭrā m. ‘buffalo calf’, kaṭhṛā m. ‘young buffalo bull’; — WPah. bhal. sakaṭṭ f. ‘she—bear with young’ prob. WPah. cmpd.
2646 *kaṭṭakūṭa— ‘heap of dross’. [*kaṭṭa1 s.v. kiṭṭa—, kūṭa1] G. kāṭɔṛɔ m. ‘dross left in the furnace after smelting iron ore’.
2647 *kaṭṭājya— ‘flock of rams’. [*kaṭṭa—2, *ajya—]. K. kaṭüzü f. kaṭṭāraka— see *kartāra—.
2648 *kaṭṭōra— ‘cup’. [kaṭōra— m. lex., cf. karōṭi—, *kac- cōla—] Pk. kaṭṭōraga— m. ‘cup’, S. kaṭoro m.; L. kaṭorī f. ‘small open—mouthed cup’, P. kaṭorā m., °rī f.; WPah. bhal. kaṭori f. ‘the cup holding charcoal in a hookah’; B. kaṭorā ‘cup’, Or. kaṭora, °rā, kaṭarā; Bi. kaṭorā ‘flat dish for eating from’; OMth. kaṭora ‘cup’, H. kaṭorā m., °rī f., G. kaṭorɔ m., °rī f., M. kaṭorā m.
2652 *kaḍappa— ‘collection’. [Like kalāpa— ← Drav.] Pk. kaḍappa— m. ‘collection, bundle’; G. kaṛap m. ‘a few handfuls of plants &c. uprooted and thrown together to dry for making into bundles’, kaṛaplũ n. ‘small do.’, kaṛab n. ‘dried stalks of millet &c. used as fodder’; M. kaḍap n. ‘bundle of gram &c. picked for drying before stacking’.
2658 *kaḍḍa— ‘young male animal’. [Cf. *kaṭṭa—2, *kēṭṭa—, *pāḍḍa—] Or. kaṛā ‘castrated male buffalo’, kaṛāi ‘young buffalo cow that has not calved’, kaṛhi ‘lamb that has not borne’; Bi. kāṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘buffalo calf’, H. kāṛā m. Addenda: *kaḍḍa— cf. khaḍḍu— Add2.
2659 *kaḍḍarūpa— ‘young animal’. [*kaḍḍa—, rūpá—] Bi. kaṛrū ‘buffalo calf’. *KAḌḌH ‘pull’. [Cf. *gaḍḍhati. — Generally replaces kárṣati &c. Bloch LM 229 < kr̥ṣṭá—, Pk. kaṭṭha—; but phonet. or anal. replacement of MIA. —ṭṭh— is unexpl. With alternative k— and g— prob. non—Aryan] *kaḍḍhati; *avakaḍḍhati, *ākaḍḍhati, *utkaḍḍhati, *prakaḍḍhati.
2660 *kaḍḍhati ‘pulls, draws’. [√*kaḍḍh] Pa. kaḍḍhati; Pk. kaḍḍhaï; ‘pulls, makes a line, ploughs’; Gy. germ. kār— ‘to move’; Woṭ. kaṛ— ‘to pull’, Gaw. khaṛa—; K. kaḍun ‘to pull out’, vill. karun (mis- taken imitation of city pronunciation in which r < MIA. = vill. , whereas ḍḍ > in both), rām. kāri imper., kash. kaḍi absol., S. kaḍhaṇu, L. kaḍḍhaṇ, P. kaḍḍhṇā, WPah. bhad. kaḍḍhṇū, pan. kāḍh imper., cur. kaḍḍhṇā, N. kāṛnu, A. kāṛiba, B. kāṛā, Or. kāṛibā, Mth. Aw. lakh. kāṛhab, H. kāṛhnā (whence intr. kaṛhnā ‘to be drawn’), OMarw. kāḍhaï, G. kāḍhvũ, kāḍvũ; M. kāḍhṇẽ ‘to take out’, intr. ‘to abate’; Ko. kāḍūka ‘to remove’. Addenda: kaḍḍhati: S.kcch. kaḍhṇū ‘to take out, squeeze out (juice etc.)’; A. also kāṛhiba ‘to draw, snatch away’ AFD 142, 328.
2662 *kaṇavr̥tta— ‘corn—subsistence’. [káṇa—, vr̥ttá—] G. kaṇotũ, kaṇāytũ, kaṇtũ n. ‘monthly wages paid in corn’; — cf. Pk. kaṇavitti— f. ‘alms’.
2663 *kaṇājaka— ‘grains and goat's milk’. [káṇa—, āja—] Pa. kaṇājaka— n. ‘porridge of broken rice with sour gruel’; Ku. kaṇā ‘a kind of soup of sour milk and small grains of rice’.
2664 *kaṇāli— ‘stream of grain’. [káṇa—, āli1] M. kaṇāḷī, kanā° (with dissimilation of before ) f. ‘stream of grain or water running out’.
2666 *kaṇikaśālā— ‘grain—room’. [kaṇika—, śā́lā—] Bi. (Patna) kanisār ‘parching house’, (Gaya) kansār, Mth. kansārī, (ETirhut) kanisār, kansār.
2670 *kaṇṭa— 3 ‘backbone, podex, penis’. 2. *kaṇḍa—. 3. *karaṇḍa4. (Cf. *kāṭa—2, *ḍākka2: poss. same as káṇṭa1] 1. Pa. piṭṭhi—kaṇṭaka— m. ‘bone of the spine’; Gy. eur. kanro m. ‘penis’ (or < káṇṭaka—); Tir. mar—kaṇḍḗ ‘back (of the body)’; S. kaṇḍo m. ‘back’, L. kaṇḍ f., kaṇḍā m. ‘backbone’, awāṇ. kaṇḍ, °ḍī ‘back’; P. kaṇḍ f. ‘back, pubes’; WPah. bhal. kaṇṭ f. ‘syphilis’; N. kaṇḍo ‘buttock, rump, anus’, kaṇḍeulo ‘small of the back’; B. kā̃ṭ ‘clitoris’; Or. kaṇṭi ‘handle of a plough’; H. kā̃ṭā m. ‘spine’, G. kā̃ṭɔ m., M. kā̃ṭā m.; Si. äṭa—kaṭuva ‘bone’, piṭa—k° ‘backbone’. 2. Pk. kaṁḍa— m. ‘backbone’. 3. Pk. karaṁḍa— m.n. ‘bone shaped like a bamboo’, karaṁḍuya— n. ‘backbone’. *ūrdhvakaṇṭa—. káṇṭaka— see kaṇṭa1.
2671 *kaṇṭakaraṇa— ‘hedgehog’. [kaṇṭa—1, káraṇa—] P. ludh. kãḍērnā m. ‘hedgehog’.
2677 *kaṇṭavēlli— ‘a thorny creeper’, cf. kaṇṭavalli— f. ‘Acacia concinna’ lex. [kaṇṭa—1, vēlli—] M. kā̃ṭvel, °ṭīl, °ṭlī f., °ṭlā m. ‘a wild creeper, a variety of Momordica charantia’, kā̃ṭlẽ n. ‘its fruit’.
2678 *kaṇṭāla— ‘thorny’. [kaṇṭa1] Gy. eur. karalo ‘thorny’, H. kā̃ṭār, G. kā̃ṭāḷũ.
2683 *kaṇḍa— ‘pounding’, kaṇḍīkarōti ‘pounds, brays’ Car. [√kaṇḍ 1] Pk. kaṁḍa— m. ‘piece, fragment’; Or. kaṇḍā ‘husked grain’. — Deriv. Pk. kaṁḍārēi ‘scrapes, engraves’; M. kãḍārṇẽ, karā̃ḍṇẽ ‘to gnaw’, kãḍārṇẽ n. ‘jeweller's hammer, barber's nail—parer’. káṇḍati 1 ‘threshes’ see kaṇḍáyati.
2698 *kattara— ‘useless, old, rubbish’. 2. *kattavāra—. [Just poss. comparative of kad pejorative prefix Pāṇ.; but cf. *katta— ‘dregs’, kaccara1 ‘dirty’ with same formation in Pk. kaccavāra— as 2 above; and Sk. kātara—] 1. Pa. kattara— m. ‘weak decrepit man’, kattara—ratha- ‘an old chariot’, kattara—suppa— ‘winnowing basket’; Pk. kattara— m. ‘useless grass, sweepings, rubbish’; S. kataru m. ‘husk, bran’; Ku. kātri ‘poor clothes’. 2. Pk. katavāra— m. ‘rubbish’; H. katwār m. ‘chaff, sweepings’. *kattarayaṣṭi—.
2699 *kattarayaṣṭi— ‘mendicant's staff’. [*kattara—, yaṣṭí—] Pa. kattarayaṭṭhi— f.; — Si. katuruyaṭiya ‘walking- stick’ EGS 35, but prob. either ← Pa. or a Si. cmpd. KATTH ‘boast’. [Prob. with J. Bloch IA 92 expressive form of katháyati: EWA i 149 with lit.] kátthatē, *ākattha—.
2701 *katpuṣṭaka— ‘ill—nourished’. Cf. *kadvr̥ddha—: kad, puṣṭá—] Si. kapuṭuvā, °ṭā ‘crow’ W. Geiger BSOS viii 557. KATH ‘speak’: kathana—, katháyati, kathā́—, kathānaka—, kathita—, kathyatē; — √katth.
2706 *kathāvārttā— ‘a saying’. [kathā́—, vārttā—] S. kahāta f., P. kahāut f., N. kahāwat, °āut, H. kahāwat f., G. kah e vat f. (with e from kah e vũ s.v. katháyati); — Or. kuhāta ‘halloing’?
2709 *kadaṇḍa— ‘small stick’. [ka—3, daṇḍá—] Bi. Mth. kaı̃ṛā, kẽṛā ‘a small bit of wood on a plumb- string’.
2711 *kadarikā—, kadara— m. ‘iron goad for guiding an elephant’ lex. Paš. kuṛ. kṓri ‘dagger’ < *kāri IIFL iii 3, 97 with (?).
2713 *kadaladhānikā— ‘banana bed’. [kadala—, dhā́na—] Ku. kelāṇī ‘banana orchard’, A. kalani.
2714 *kadugdha— ‘giving poor milk’. [ka—3, dugdhá—] G. kɔdũ n. ‘old buffalo—cow yielding little or no milk’; — doubtful bec. of absence of aspiration. *kadyōta— ‘firefly’ see khadyōta—.
2716 *kadvr̥ddha— ‘ill—nourished’. [Cf. *katpuṣṭaka—: kad, vr̥ddhá2] Si. kavuḍuvā ‘crow’, inscr. pl. °ḍu W. Geiger BSOS viii 557. *kana— ‘young’, kanā́— f. ‘girl’ RV. kaniṣṭhá—, kánīyas—, kanya—; *upakanīyas—.
2722 *kanthya— ‘pertaining to a wall’. [kanthā1] Kho. khanǰ ‘wall’.
2728 *kandukara— ‘worker with pans’. [kándu—, kará1] K. kā̃dar, kā̃duru dat. °daris m. ‘baker’.
2731 *kannasī— ‘file’. S. kanãhı̃ f. ‘three—cornered file for sharpening saws’; G. kānas f. ‘file, saw’; M. kānas m.f. ‘file, saw’, kānasṇẽ ‘to file’.
2738 *kanyāṅguli— ‘little finger’. [kanya—, aṅgúli—] H. kaṅguriyā f.
2741 *kapardakara— ‘worker in cowries’. [kaparda—, kará1] S. koḍ̱yaru m. ‘seller of cowries’.
2745 *kapālāgāra— n. ‘tiled house’. [kapā́la—, agāra—]. M. kaulār n. ‘tiled roof’ (less likely than a M. deriv. of kaul with LM 146).
2754 *kapōtra— ‘pigeon’. [Cf. Pahl. kapōtar: kapṓta—] K. kōtur, dat. °taras m. ‘pigeon, dove’; — prob. ← Psht. kautar. Addenda: *kapōtra—: Md. kotaru ‘pigeon’ ← Ir.?
2759 *kabbu— ‘feeble, yielding’. [Cf. kambuka— m. ‘mean person’ lex., °bū— m. ‘thief’ W., poss., with semantic equivalence ‘chaff ~ worthless’, same as kábru— n., kambū́ka— m. ‘husk of rice’ AV.] S. kaḇāiṇu ‘to shrink, yield’; N. kābu ‘cowed, terror- stricken’; B. kābū ‘feeble, prostrate’; Or. kābū ‘feeble’, kābā ‘foolish’. kábru— see prec. *kabhalla— ‘skull’ see kapā́la—. KAM ‘desire’: kānta—1, kānti—, kā́ma—, kāmín—, kā́mya—; *utkāmayatē.
2766 *kampaka— ‘shaking’. [√kamp] Pa. kampaka— ‘trembling’; Kho. kambóx ‘branch’ BelvalkarVol 91 with (?). — (Lor.) also kamboḷ ‘thick branch’ < *kampa—ṭa—?
2776 *kamra— ‘the back’. Kho. krƏm ‘the back’ (NTS ii 262 < *kūrma2 with?). *parikamra—. Addenda: *kamra— [Cf. Ir. *kamaka— or *kamraka— ‘back’ in Shgh. čůmč ‘back’, Sar. čomǰ EVSh 26]
2777 *kayañjala— ‘a partic. tree’. N. kaı̃jal, kaı̃dal ‘the small tree Bischoffia javanica (the bark of which is used as a cure of diarrhoea)’; M. kẽjaḷ m. ‘a large timber tree used for rafters &c.’.
2778 *kar— ‘cut, dig’. [Cf. *skar—] P. karolaṇā ‘to dig up with any small instrument, poke, feel with a stick’.
2786 *karañjataila— ‘oil from the karañja tree’. [kárañja—, tailá—] M. karjel n. ‘oil made from the tree Pongamia glabra’.
2789 *karaṭataila— ‘oil of safflower’. [karaṭa—2, tailá—] M. karḍel n. ‘oil from the seed of safflower’.
2798 *karabhūṣā— ‘bracelet’. [Cf. karabhūsaṇa— n. lex.: kará1—, bhūṣā—] Pa. karabhūsā— f.; Si. karabu ‘adornment’ ES 22, but prob. ← Pa.
2807 *karīṣa— 2 ‘a measure of land’. [Same as kárīṣa1, lit. ‘the amount of manure required’?] Pa. karīsa— n. ‘a measure of seed, the amount of land requiring that seed’; Si. kiriya ‘extent of ground for sowing eight bushels of rice’. Addenda: *karīṣa— 2 ‘a measure of land’. [~ Drav. DED 1057]
2808 *karīṣāsa— ‘place where dung is thrown’. [kárīṣa—1, ā́sa2] N. karā̃so ‘rubbish shoot at the back of a house, ground round a house’.
2821 *karkaramr̥ttikā— ‘stony ground’. [karkara—2, mŕ̥ttikā—] Bi. kãkrŏṭiyā ‘soil mixed with coarse gravel’.
2824 *karkuṭaka— ‘dog’. [Cf. kurkurá—] Paš. ar. pläguṛṓ, dar. l aguṛā́ ‘puppy’ IIFL 3, 141.
2826 *karkṣī— ‘accursed she—bear’. [For pejorative — with animals cf. Shughni xūrn ‘crow’ < *ku—warana— and Lith. kóvarnis ‘raven’ beside várna ‘crow’: — or ka—3, r̥kṣī—] Bshk. kä̃c̣h f. ‘she—bear’ AO xviii 239, Tor. kēṣ.
2833 *karṇakasthaka— ‘standing at the side’. [kárṇaka—, stha—] Paš. kanā́sta ‘side lintel of door frame’ IIFL iii 3, 94.
2834 *karṇakāṣṭhaka— ‘projecting piece of wood’. [kárṇa—, kāṣṭhá—] H. kaneṭhā m. ‘wooden washer at inner end of the driver's wooden seat at an oil press’.
2835 *karṇakīla— ‘projecting peg’. [kárṇa—, kīla—] Bi. kanaila ‘the outer pins which join the two bars of the yoke of the plough’, kanailī ‘stud worn in the cartilage of the ear’.
2839 *karṇapuṣya— ‘an ear—ornament’. [Cf. N. cmpd. kan- phul: kárṇa—, púṣya1] Bi. kanausī ‘a ring in the ear worn by men and boys’.
2840 *karṇamarda— ‘touching the ears as a sign of disgrace or repentance’. [Semant. cf. H. kān pakaṛnā: kárṇa—, marda—] P. kanauḍ m. ‘shame, bashfulness’, °ḍā adj.; H. kanaũḍ m. ‘shame, shyness, stigma’, °ḍā, kanaũṛā ‘ashamed, disgraced’.
2842 *karṇavaṭikā— ‘side—cord’. [kárṇa—, vaṭa2] WPah. bhal. k *l nɔṛi f. ‘knots between upper and lower parts of a snow—shoe, rope pegs to which the distaff in a spinning—wheel is attached’.
2844 *karṇavyādhikā— ‘piercing the ears’. [kárṇa—, vyādhín—] H. kanwāī f.
2846 *karṇasphōṭikā— ‘ear boil’. [kárṇa—, sphōṭa2] Ku. gng. kanphoṛi.
2847 *karṇākṣi— ‘side—glance’. [kárṇa—, ákṣi—] Mth. kanakhī, H. kanakhī, kankhī f., kanā̃khī (infl. by ā̃khī).
2853 *karta— 3 ‘knife’. [Cf. Av. karƏta—, °ti— ‘knife’: √kr̥t 1] B. kāti ‘shell—cutter's saw’, kātān ‘large sacrificial knife’; Or. katā ‘small billhook’, kātī ‘knife’; Bi. Mth. kāt ‘brazier's cutters’; H. kāt m. ‘shears for shearing sheep, cock's spur’, °tā m. ‘knife for cutting bamboos’, (kattā m. ‘small curved sword’, kattī f. ‘knife’, kaṭṭī f. ‘small sword’ ← EP.); G. kātũ n. ‘knife’, °tī f. ‘knife, saw’; M. kātī f. ‘cleaver’. — Or < *kārti—.
2855 *kartati 2 ‘spins’. [New formation (cf. kartana2) re- placing kr̥ṇátti, *kr̥ntati2: √kr̥t 2] Pk. kattaï ‘spins’, Gy. eur. kat—, Sh. kaṭóĭki̯, K. katun, S. kataṇu, L. kattaṇ, P. kattṇā, WPah. bhal. kattṇū, Ku. kātṇo, N. kātnu, A. kāṭiba, B. kāṭā, H. kātnā, OMarw. kātaï, Si. kaṭinavā. — X gupháti q.v. Addenda: *kartati2: S.kcch. katṇū ‘to spin’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) katṇõ;.
2860 *karttāra— ‘knife’, kaṭṭāraka— m. Rājat. [From acc. of karttr̥—1: √kr̥t 1] Pk. kaṭṭārī— f., °raya— n. ‘knife’; Ash. katarä́ ‘dagger’, Pr. kátƏrƏ (Kt. kṭå m., Wg. kaṭā́ NTS xvii 270, rather < *karta3); Dm. kaṭēr ‘dagger’, °rī ‘small do.’; Tir. katā́ri ‘knife’ (← Ind. or Psht. AO xii 182); Paš. kā́ṭare ‘spear’ IIFL iii 3, 101; Gaw. kaṭā́ro ‘large knife’, muṣ—kaṭā́rī ‘dagger’, Kal. katā́r; Kho. (Lor.) kutér ‘knife, dagger’; Bshk. kāṭ e r ‘knife’ AO xviii 239, Sv. kaṭā́rēi; Phal. kaṭōro m. ‘dagger’; Sh. koh. gur. kaṭār f., (Lor.) katāro ‘long knife’ (?), gil. khaṭār f., khăṭa̯ru̯ m. ‘knife’ (with unexpl. kh—), S. kaṭāro m.; P. kaṭār f. ‘dagger’, °rā m. ‘large do.’, °rī f. ‘small do.’, Ku. kaṭāri , °rī, N. kaṭār, °ri, A. kaṭārī; B. kāṭār ‘dagger’, °ri ‘bill- hook’, kātāri ‘shears’; Or. kaṭār ‘dagger’, °rī ‘khukri’, °ra ‘chopper, billhook’, kātāri ‘goldsmith's scissors’; Mth. kaṭār ‘dagger’, Bhoj. kaṭārī, H. kaṭār m., °rī f.; OMarw. kaṭāri f. ‘knife’; G. kaṭār, °rī f. ‘dagger’, M. kaṭār f. *cullīkarttāra—. karttr̥— 1 m. ‘one who cuts’. [√kr̥t 1] *karttāra—, karttr̥kā—; śilākarttr̥—. Addenda: *karttāra—: S.kcch. kaṭār f. ‘dagger’, WPah.kṭg. kƏṭār m.
2865 *kartyakāṣṭha— ‘wood for cutting’. [kartya—, kāṣṭhá—] N. kacyāṭ, kacceṭ ‘firewood ready cut up’.
2866 *kartyā— ‘knife’. 2. *kr̥tyā—. [Cf. kr̥tí2 and Psht. čāṛa ‘knife’ < *kartyā— EVP 19: √kr̥t 1] 1. Sh. kačí f. ‘scissors’, K. köċü f. ‘betelnut scissors’; N. kaciyā ‘sickle’, A. kāsi, B. kāci; Or. kaciā ‘big scythe’; Bi. kaciyā ‘toothed sickle’; H. kaciyā ‘reaping- hook’. 2. Pk. kiccā— f. ‘cutting’. Addenda: *kartyā— [Cf. Ir. *kartyā— in Shgh. čã̤d ‘knife’]
2872 *karpaṭagandha— ‘smell of cloth’. [karpaṭa—, gandhá—] P. kapṛā̃dh f. ‘smell of burnt cloth’, H. kapṛāhand f.
2873 *karpaṭapaṭṭikā— ‘fold of cloth’. [karpaṭa—, paṭṭa2] P. kapṛauṭī f. ‘a few folds of cloth’; H. kapṛauṭī f. ‘straining through cloth’.
2874 *karpaṭamr̥ttikā— ‘wrapping in cloth and clay’. [karpaṭa—, mŕ̥ttikā—: cf. mod. cmpds. H. kapaṛmiṭṭī, M. kapaḍlep] Bi. kãpṛauṭ, kap° ‘jeweller's crucible made of rags and clay’; H. kapṛauṭī f. ‘wrapping in cloth with wet clay for firing chemicals or drugs, mud cement’.
2875 *karpaṭavayana— ‘cloth weaving’. [karpaṭa—, vayana—] Mth. (NETirhut) kaparnī ‘shuttle in a loom’ or poss. haplology from mod. cmpd. cf. Bi. kaparbinī.
2878 *karpāsakāṣṭha— ‘cotton plant wood’. [karpā́sa—, kāṣṭhá—] H. kapseṭhā m., °ṭhī f. ‘dried cotton plant stems for fuel’.
2879 *karpāsabīja— ‘cotton seed’. [karpā́sa—, bı̄́ja—] G. kapāśiyā m.pl. ‘cotton seed’ → S. kapāsyo m. Addenda: *karpāsabīja—: S.kcch. kapāsyā m.pl. ‘cotton—seeds’.
2883 *karbarāṅga— ‘having a spotted body’. [Cf. kar- burāṅga— m. ‘a species of fly or bee’ lex.: karbará—, áṅga—] Si. kabaran̆ga ‘panther’ or perh. a Si. cmpd.
2884 *karbiśa— ‘variegated’. [Cf. karbu—, karbará— with same colour—suffix as kapiśá—, *dhūmaśa—] Aw. lakh. kabisā ‘yellow clay’; G. kābas m. ‘dregs of oil’ (?) — X kalmāṣa—: Si. kamisa ‘variegated colour’ (GS 30 < kalmāṣa—). karbu— see karbará—.
2890 *karmakāṣṭhikā— ‘using a stick to make work’. [kárman—1, kāṣṭhá—] P. kamāṭhī, kameṭhī f. ‘beating’?
2893 *karmán— 2 ‘working’. [√kr̥ 1] Sh. kramōnu̯ ‘hardworking’, m. ‘labourer, farmer’ (< *karmāṇaka—); Si. (SigGr) kamuṇa ‘artisan’.
2894 *karmayati ‘works’. [kárman1] Pk. kammaï ‘does barber's work’ (cf. B. kamānā s.v. *karmāpayati); Sh. kramóĭki̯ ‘to use, employ, spend’ (→ Ḍ. kr *l m— ‘to work’).
2897 *karmāpayati ‘works, earns’. [kárman1] NiDoc. kam̄av́eti ‘causes to work, works’; Pk. kammāvēi ‘earns, works’; K. kamā̆wun ‘to work, earn, smelt (metal)’; S. kamāiṇu ‘to work, earn, slaughter’; L. kamāvaṇ ‘to work, earn’, P. kamāuṇā, WPah. cam. kumāṇā, khaś. bhal. kamāṇū; Ku. kamūṇo ‘to work, cultivate’, N. kamāunu; B. kāmāna ‘to earn, shave’; Or. kamāibā ‘to work, earn’; Mth. kamāeb ‘to serve, weed (a field)’; OAw. kamāvaï ‘earns’, H. kamānā; G. kamāvvũ ‘to help to earn’, °māvũ ‘to earn’, M. kamā̆viṇẽ. Addenda: *karmāpayati: S.kcch. kamāyṇū ‘to earn’, WPah.kṭg. kƏmauṇõ;.
2899 *karmāraśālā— ‘smithy’. [karmā́ra—, śā́lā—] Mth. kamarsārī;—Bi. kamarsāyar?
2903 *karyatē ‘is done’. [Formed after act. karṓti and pass. caus. kāryatē: √kr̥ 1] Pa. kayyati ‘is done’, Pk. kajjaï, pres. part. kajja- māṇa—, S. kajaṇu.
2904 *karva— ‘perverse, left’. [Cf. kharvá—] L. khet. kabbā ‘left—hand’; P. kabb f. ‘crookedness’, kabbā ‘crooked, perverse, obstinate’. — Ext. with —ṭa—: Bshk. kōr ‘left—hand’? — Pk. kavvāḍa— m. ‘right hand’ (though with same suffix as khalvāṭa— s.v. kharvá—) is semant. difficult. — Kaf. forms with k— listed under kharvá— perh. < *karva—.
2912 *kalaṅkakāra— ‘calumny’. [Cf. kalaṅkakara— ‘calum- niating’ MW.: kalaṅka—, kāra1] A. keleṅkār ‘accusation of some immoral act, scandal’.
2921 *kalaśavarta— ‘circular vessel’. [kaláśa—, *varta2] L. kalhoṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘earthen jar for storing grain’.
2945 *kalpiya— ‘suitable’, kalpya— VarBr̥S. [√kl̥p] Pa. Pk. kappiya— ‘suitable’; Si. käpa ‘suitable (esp. for offering to god or demon), an offering’.
2954 *kallara— ‘salt barren soil’. S. kalaru m. ‘salt soil’, kalarāṭhu ‘impregnated with salt’; L. kallur m. ‘salt barren soil’, P. kallar m. — Conn. doubtful with Pa. kalala— n. ‘mud’; P. kallar m. ‘manure’; Si. kalal ‘dirt, mud’. *kalli— ‘bud’ see kali2. Addenda: *kallara— [~ Drav. DED 1145] *kalli— see kali2 Add2.
2962 *kavā— ‘cry’. [√] L. f. ‘noise’?
2975 *kaṣāyati ‘reddens, dyes’. [kaṣāyita— ‘reddened’ Bālar.: kaṣāya—] Pa. kāsāyita— ‘stained’; Pk. kasāia— ‘red—yellow’; Or. kasāibā ‘to dye red’.
2976 *kaṣāyarasa— ‘of astringent flavour’. [kaṣāya—, rása—] S. kasāro ‘id.’ or < *kaṣāra— s.v. kaṣāya—, but in either case a loan word bec. of —s—.
2979 *kaṣyatē ‘is scratched’. [√kaṣ] K. kaśun (past tense impersonal) ‘to itch, scratch oneself’. — See kaṣati. KAS ‘go, move’: kásati, kāsa—, kāsayati; *avakasati, *avakasta—, útkasati, *utkasta—, *utkāsayati, *niṣka- sati, *niṣkasta—, niṣkāsa—, niṣkāsayati, vikāsa—.
2980 *kasaṭa— ‘dirt, dregs’. [Cf. *kasiṅgala—] Pa. kasaṭa— m. ‘leavings, dregs’ (also ‘bitter, nasty’ see kaṣāya—); N. kasar ‘sediment, dregs’.
2982 *kasiṅgala— ‘rubbish’. [Cf. kásāmbu— n. ‘(prob.) rubbish’, Pa. kasambu— n. ‘rubbish’: see *kasaṭa—.] P. kahigal f. ‘plaster of mud and chaff’; N. kasiṅar ‘dirt, rubbish’. kasēru— see kaśēru—.
2983 *kastambha— ‘small stem’. [kastambhı̄́— f. ‘prop for supporting carriage—pole’ ŚBr.: ka—3, stambha—] M. kāthãbā m. ‘plantain offshoot, sucker, stole’. kastambhı̄́— see prec.
2988 *kāṁsyakara— ‘worker in bell—metal’. [See next: kā́ṁsya—, kará1] L. awāṇ. kasērā ‘metal worker’, P. kaserā m. ‘worker in pewter’ (both ← E with —s—); N. kasero ‘maker of brass pots’; Bi. H. kaserā m. ‘worker in pewter’.
2990 *kāṁsyakuṇḍikā— ‘bell—metal pot’. [kā́ṁsya—, kuṇḍa1] N. kasaũṛi ‘cooking pot’.
2992 *kāṁsyabhāṇḍa— ‘bell—metal pot’. [kā́ṁsya—, bhāṇḍa1] Pa. kaṁsabhaṇḍa— n. ‘brass ware’; M. kāsā̃ḍī, °sãḍī f. ‘metal vessel of a partic. kind’.
2995 *kākaciti— ‘collection of crows’. [kā́ka—, cíti—] K. kāway f.; — very doubtful.
2996 *kākutstha— ‘on the top of the head’, kākúd— f. ‘palate’ RV, kākubh— Naigh. [For semant. change ‘top of head ~ palate’ see tā́lu—, mūrdhán—: kakúd—, stha—] Ash. kōstä́, kṓstu ‘the top of the head’ (NTS ii 262 < kūṭastha—). kākúd— see prec.
2998 *kākka— ‘senior male relative’. [← Drav.: Kan. kakka ‘uncle’, Tel. kakka ‘daddy’, Mal. kākke ‘mother's brother’] Gy. eur. kako m. ‘uncle’; Paš. kākū́ ‘boy’, kākī ‘girl’; Sh. (Lor.) kāko ‘elder brother’, kāki ‘elder sister’; K. kākh, dat. kākas m. ‘one's own father, elder male rela- tive’, kākañ f. ‘his wife’; S. kāko m. ‘elder brother’, kākiṛo m. ‘uvula’; L. kākī f. ‘pupil of eye’; P. kākā m. ‘elder brother, father's slave, son or grandson of a Sikh prince, little child’, kākī f. ‘little girl, pupil of eye’; WPah. bhal. kāk ‘brother’, paṅ. kakkā ‘uncle’; Ku. kakā hon. pl. ‘uncle’, kākhī ‘aunt’; N. kāko ‘father's younger brother’; A. kakā ‘grandfather’, kakāi ‘term of address for an older relative or elderly man’; B. kākā ‘father's younger brother’, kākī ‘his wife’; Or. kākā, kakāī ‘father's younger brother’, kāku—mā ‘his wife’; Mth. kakkā ‘father's brother’; H. kākā m. ‘father's younger brother’; G. kākɔ, usu. hon. pl. °kā m. ‘father's brother’, °kī f. ‘his wife’, kāku ‘pet name for a boy’, kākliyā m.pl. ‘mother's brother’; M. kākā m. ‘father's brother, elderly cousin’, °kī f. ‘his wife’. kākṣība— see ākṣika—. kākhōrda— see kharkhōda—. Addenda: *kākka—: WPah.kṭg. kāk m. ‘father's brother (used in the Khaś tribe)’. †;*kāgunī— see *kaṅkunī—.
3000 *kāṅkuka—, kāṅguka— m. ‘a kind of corn’ Suśr. [kaṅku—] S. kā̃gaṛu m. ‘Holcus saccharatus, stubble’, kā̃giṛī f. ‘wheat stalk, seed of Abrus precatorius’.
3001 *kāṅkunikā— f. ‘a woman who lives on panic seed’. [*kaṅkunī—] Kt. kakŕiũ, kagóı̃—štrī ‘widow’, Wg. kakŕü̃, Pr. tƏkyǘn, čkyṳ̄, Dm. kāṅgun (zāmi); Paš. lauṛ. kāṅgunı̄́ ‘widow’, °nā́ ‘widower’, weg. g unı̄́ ‘widow’, lauṛ. kāmunī ‘widow, woman with no husband’; Gaw. kāṅgunı̄́ ‘widow’; Sh. kagū́ni̯ f., °nu̯ m., gur. kavūni f., °nu̯ m. KĀṄKṢ ‘wish for’: kā́ṅkṣati, kāṅkṣā—, kāṅkṣin—; *upakāṅkṣā—, prakāṅkṣita—.
3005 *kāṅga— ‘having a poor body’. [ka3 or kā—, áṅga1] G. kā̃gũ ‘weak, delicate’.
3006 *kāṅgārikā ‘poor or small brazier’. [Cf. kāgni— m. ‘a small fire’ Vop.: ka3 or kā—, aṅgāri—] K. kā̃gürü , kā̃gar f. ‘portable brazier’ whence kangar m. ‘large do.’ (or < *kāṅgāra—?); H. kā̃grī f. ‘small portable brazier’. kāṅguka— see *kāṅkuka—.
3008 *kāca— 2 ‘black’. [kācalavaṇa— n. ‘black salt’ lex.] Wg. kāčә́, Niṅg. kāċә́ ‘black’, Shum. xaċƏ < kh— NTS xvii 263.
3010 *kācapātra— ‘glass vessel’. [kācá—1, pā́tra—] NiDoc. kayavatra (Burrow KharDoc 81 to be read as kaśa° = kaj'a°?).
3011 *kācahāra— ‘bearer of a carrying—pole’. [kāca—3, hāra—] Pa. kājahāraka— m.; Pk. kāhāra— m. ‘carrier of water or other burdens’, n. ‘carrying—pole’; K. kahar m. ‘palanquin—bearer’, S. kahāru m.; P. kahār m. ‘palan- quin—bearer, water—carrier’; N. kahār ‘a class of culti- vators who also act as bearers’; B. kāhār ‘a low caste of palanquin—bearers and water—carriers’; Or. kāhāḷa, °āra, kāā̃ḷa, °ā̃ra ‘a low caste of bearers’, Bhoj. kahār, Aw. lakh. kahār, kaharawā; H. kahār m. ‘palanquin- bearer, water—drawer’; M. kahār m. ‘palanquin—bearer’. *kācca— ‘glass’ see kācá1. Addenda: *kācahāra—: G. kahār m. ‘litter—bearer’. *kācca— see kācá1 Add2.
3012 *kāccakāra— ‘glass maker’. 2. *kāccakara—. [*kācca- s.v. kācá—1, kāra—1, kara1] 1. Or. kacarā ‘dealer in glass bangles’, M. kā̃ċār, °rī, kãċār, °rī m. ‘maker of glass bangles’. 2. H. kãcerā m. ‘glass—worker’.
3017 *kāṭa— 2 ‘stick, penis’. [Cf. *kaṇṭa3] Pa. kāṭa—kōṭacikā— ‘penis and vulva (as term of abuse)’; Gy. eur. kar m. ‘penis’, karoró m. ‘small do.’, S. kāṛu m., H. kāṛh m., G. kāṛ m.; M. kāḍ n. f. ‘straw’, kāḍī f. ‘little stick, blade of grass’, kāḍūk n. ‘little stick’.
3020 *kāṇākṣa— ‘one—eyed’. [kāṇá—, ákṣi—] Ko. kāṇso ‘squint—eyed’.
3021 *kāṇiya— ‘blindness’. [kāṇá—] Pk. kāṇiya— n. ‘eye disease’; Kho. (Lor.) kām ‘blindness’.
3022 *kāṇṭa— ‘having thorns’. 2. kāṇṭaka— ĀpŚr. [kaṇṭa1] 1. Paš. kā̃ṛ ‘porcupine’ (cf. kaṇṭakaśrēṇi—, kaṇṭa- kāgāra—). 2. S. kā̃ḍo ‘thorny’, Si. kaṭu. — Deriv.: S. kā̃ḍero m. ‘camel—thorn’, °rī f. ‘a kind of thistle’ ( < *kāṇṭatara—?).
3024 *kāṇḍakara— ‘worker with reeds or arrows’. [kā́ṇḍa—, kará1] L. kanērā m. ‘mat—maker’; H. kãḍerā m. ‘a caste of bow— and arrow—makers’.
3025 *kāṇḍārā— ‘bamboo—goad’. [kā́ṇḍa—, ā́rā—] Mth. (ETirhut) kanār ‘bamboo—goad for young elephants’ < *kaṛ̃ār.
3036 *kāpaṇa— ‘wretched booth’ [ka3 or kā—, āpaṇá—] M. kāvaṇ n. ‘a hut made of leafy branches’.
3055 *kāra— 5 ‘live coal’. [Cf. *skāra—, kṣārá1] Sh. gil. kā̃ru̯ m. ‘charcoal’, (Lor.) kār e (m. pl.?).
3056 *kāra— 6 ‘ear’. [Connexion with kárṇa— is not clear] Wg. kār ‘ear’ (← Kho. kār), Kt. kōr, Dm. kâar Morgenstierne FestskrBroch 150, NTS xii 173; — Ash. karmuṭä́ ‘ear’, Kt. karmútƏ ‘lobe of ear’, Gaw. kumtak ‘ear’ NTS ii 261 (or poss. all three < karṇapattraka—). kāra— 7 m. ‘tax’ see kara2. Addenda: *kāra—6: Kho. kār ‘ear’ certainly not ← Wg. BKhoT 69.
3060 *kārayati 2 ‘calls’. [Aor. akāriṣam RV.: √kr̥ 2] N. karāunu ‘to call out’ (< *karāh—, P. karāhṇā ‘to groan’, H. karāhnā): very doubtful. — Gy. gr. kar— ‘to call’ (ND 76 b 47), wel. &c. khār— does not belong. kāravallī— see next.
3063 *kārāghara— ‘prison house’. [kārāgr̥ha— n. Kālid.: kārā—, ghara—] Pk. kārāghara— n., OB. kāhara ODBL 282.
3069 *kārti— ‘knife’. [Cf. Bal. kārč < *kārti—, Pahl. kārt < *kārti— or °ta—. For the series kr̥tí—2: *karta3 or °ti—: *kārti— cf. Gk. kardi/a: Goth. haírtō: Gk. kh=r and Sk. hŕ̥d—: hā́rdi. — √kr̥t 1] Ash. kāṭa f. ‘knife’, Kt. kṭå, Wg. kaṭā́; S. kātī f. ‘large knife or dagger’, °tu m. ‘large knife, tool for cutting edges of books’; L. mult. khet. kātī f. ‘knife’; WPah. bhal. kāt, pl. °tā̃ f. ‘shears for shearing sheep’; Si. kätta, pl. käti ‘billhook’ (early loan with t, not ). - Forms of B. Or. Bi. Mth. H. G. M. alternatively < *kartá3. Addenda: *kārti— [Cf. Shgh. čād ‘knife’, EVSh 25, 40]
3085 *kālakr̥ttika— ‘black—skinned’. [kāla—1, kŕ̥tti—] WPah. cam. kaḷōttī ‘black bear’.
3087 *kāladhānya— ‘black rice’. [kāla—1, dhānyà—] Bi. karhannī ‘a variety of rice with small black grains’.
3088 *kālapattra— ‘letter of ill—luck’. [kālá—2, páttra—] G. kāḷotrī f. ‘unlucky news, letter of mourning’.
3105 *kālyaka— ‘timely’. [kālya—] K. kôju , abl. kāji m. ‘the morning meal’. — Ext. (+?): Pk. kallēuya— m.n. ‘morning meal’; Bi. kaleū, °ewā ‘midday meal’; Mth. kalau, °auā ‘main meal taken at midday’; H. kalewā m. ‘light morning meal’. Addenda: *kālyaka—: WPah.kṭg. kɔlli f. ‘morning meal’, J. kalewā m.
3106 *kālyavēlā— ‘morning time’. [kālya—, vḗlā—] WPah. bhal. kalwēhl f. ‘midday’, kalwēhlei f. ‘return of cows from grazing at midday’.
3107 *kāvaraka— ‘crow’. [Cf. N. kupaṅkhi ‘crow’; Lith. kóvarnis ‘raven’ IIFL iii 3, 199] Paš. dar. xāwarā́, weg. kawarṓ ‘crow’. Addenda: *kāvaraka— [Cf. Ir. *kuwarana— in Shgh. xū̆rn, Yid. xworn ‘crow’]
3109 *kāvikā— ‘scum’. Pk. kāvī— f. ‘green substance’; N. kāi ‘coating sticking to the side of a vessel in which milk or other liquid is kept’; B. kāī ‘starch’ (ODBL 320 < kvātha—); Or. kāi ‘fuller's earth, natron’, kāī ‘starch’; H. kāī f. ‘green scum on stagnant water’; G. kāī f. ‘thin layer or covering’.
3111 *kāvyakāra— ‘poet’. [kā́vya—, kāra1] Pa. kavyakāra— m., Si. (SigGr) kiviyar. KĀŚ ‘shine’: *kāśaka—, kā́śatē, kāśayati, *kāśira—; abhyavakāśa—, avakāśá—, ávakāśatē, *avakāśana—, ākāśá—, utkāśatē, *utkāśyati, prakāśá—, prakāśatē, prakāśana—, prakāśayati, prakāśita—, vikāśa—.
3113 *kāśaka— ‘watching’. [√kāś] Kal. kaċa—wir ‘the god of hunting’ NTS xiii 229 with (?).
3116 *kāśira— ‘bright’, kāśíla— Pāṇ., kāśin— MBh. [√kāś] Ash. kaširä́ ‘white’, Kt. kašerƏ, Wg. kešerá, Pr. kƏšír: all ← Dard. with š. But Niṅg. kä̃sirә́ ← Kaf.? kāśīśa— see kāsīsa—. kāśmarya— see kārṣmaryà—.
3121 *kāṣṭhakuṭaka— ‘wooden frame’. [kāṣṭhá—, kuṭī—] S. kāṭhoṛo m. ‘wooden frame of a saddle, bottle frame’, °ṛī f. ‘wooden furniture’; G. kaṭhɔṛɔ m. ‘after part of a ship’.
3122 *kāṣṭhakūṭa— ‘wooden ploughshare’. [kāṣṭhá—, kū́ṭa1] Bi. kaṭhaur ‘country plough used in indigo culture’.
3123 *kāṣṭhaghaṭa— ‘wooden framework’. [kāṣṭhaghaṭita- ‘made of wood’ MW.: kāṣṭhá—, *ghaṭa3] S. kaṭahaṛo m. ‘railing’; P. kaṭahiṛā m. ‘carved framework over a door’; H. kaṭhṛā m. ‘wooden cage’; G. kaṭh e ṛɔ m. ‘wooden railing’; M. kaṭhḍā m. ‘wooden railing or framework’; — N. kaṭero ‘shed’, A. kāṭharā wooden cage for animals' or < *kāṣṭhaghara—.
3124 *kāṣṭhaghara— ‘wooden hut or frame’. [kāṣṭhá—, ghara—] P. kaṭaihrā m. ‘wooden railing before a window’; B. kāṭharā, kāṭurā ‘wooden house or cell, wooden or bamboo enclosure’; H. kaṭhahrā, kaṭhrā m. ‘large wooden cage’; G. kaṭhārɔ, °ṭherɔ m. ‘wooden railing’, M. kaṭārā m.; — N. kaṭero ‘cowshed’, A. kāṭharā wooden cage for animals' or < *kāṣṭhaghaṭa—.
3125 *kāṣṭhadhāna— ‘having woody grains’. [kāṣṭhá—, dhānā́1] M. kāṭhā̆ṇ n. ‘pulse, legumes’?
3126 *kāṣṭhapātra— ‘wooden bowl’. [kāṣṭhá—, pā́tra—] N. kaṭhauti ‘small wooden vessel’; Bi. kaṭhaut, °tā, °tī ‘flat wooden pan for cooling syrup in’; H. kaṭhautā m., °tī f. ‘wooden bowl’, M. kāṭhvat, kāthvaṭ. f.
3127 *kāṣṭhapādukā— ‘wooden shoe’. [kāṣṭhá—, pā́dukā—] Pa. kaṭṭhapādukā— f., Pk. kaṭṭhapāuyā— f., Or. kaṭhaü. — Other NIA. forms point to *khaḍaāuā—. It is prob. that *khaḍa— is < an AMg. type *kāḍha— (see WPah. s.v. kāṣṭhá—) < *kāṭha— < kāṭṭha—: K. khrāv, khāv f., P. khaṛāũ f., Ku. khaṛāū, N. kharāu; A. kharam ‘sandal’; B. khaṛam ‘wooden sandal’; Or. khaṛāū, khaṛam ‘wooden clog’, EBi. kharām, kharāoni, Mth. kharāõ;, kharāoni, kharām, H. khaṛāū̃ f. (→ Bi. khaṛāõ;), G. khaṛā f., M. khaḍā̆v, °ḍā̃v f. kāṣṭhabhārika— m. ‘wood—carrier’ Kathās. [kāṣṭhá—, bhārika—] See *kāṣṭhahāra—. Addenda: kāṣṭhapādukā— id. Dhūrtaviṭasaṁvāda.
3129 *kāṣṭhavaṁśa— ‘woody bamboo’. [kāṣṭhá—, vaṁśá—] H. kaṭausī, kaṭvā̃sī f. ‘a firm and woody bamboo’.
3130 *kāṣṭhavāṭa— ‘wooden fence’. [kāṣṭhá—, vāṭa1] N. kaṭhwār ‘a wooden screen’.
3131 *kāṣṭhahāra— ‘wood—carrier’. [kāṣṭhá—, hāra—] Pa. kaṭṭhahāra—, °rin— ‘collecting wood’; Pk. kaṭṭha- hāra—, °aya— m. ‘wood—carrier’; S. kāṭhyāro m. ‘wood- seller’; A. kāṭharīyā ‘woodman’; B. kāṭhuriyā ‘wood- seller’, Or. kāṭhaharā, kāṭharā, kāṭhahariā, °ṭhariā, °ṭhuriā; H. kaṭhaharā m. ‘wood—cutter’, G. kaṭhiyārɔ m., °rī, °raṇ f. ‘his wife’. — All except Pa. may be < kāṣṭhabhārika—.
3137 *kāsayati ‘causes to move’. [√kas] Kho. (Lor.) kaseik ‘to cause to walk, walk (a horse) up and down’; K. kāsun ‘to take away, remove, pare’; S. kāhaṇu tr. ‘to drive’, intr. ‘to rush’ — See kásati.
3147 *kiṁvēlaka— ‘untimely’. [kím, vḗlā—] P. kivelā ‘untimely, out of season’.
3150 *kikka— ‘infant’. [*kīkk— ‘scream’?] S. kiko m. ‘baby’; G. kīkɔ m. ‘boy’, °kī f. ‘girl’.
3151 *kikkara— ‘Acacia arabica’. 2. *kiṅkara—. [kiṅkarāla—, °kirāla— m. lex.] 1. L. P. kikkar m., °rī f.; H. kīkar, °kaṛ m. ‘A. arabica’, kīkrī ‘saw—like’, f. ‘edging shaped like the leaf of this tree’. 2. M. kı̃kar f. ‘a variety of Acacia’; — P. kiṅgarī f. ‘indented figure traced on the border of a garment’. kikhi— see khiṅkhirī—. *kiṅkara— ‘Acacia’ see *kikkara—. kiṅkarāla— see *kikkara—.
3153 *kicca— ‘mud, dirt’. 2. *kacca—2. 3. *khacca—. [Cf. Drav. words quoted s.v. *gicc— and further groups s.vv. kiṭṭa— and kaccara1, and *cikka2] 1. Phal. kičal ‘mud’, číčal ‘clay’; Ku. kīc ‘mud, dirt’, B. kicā, kicaṛ, Mth. kīc, kı̄̃c; H. kicpic f. ‘mud’, kicṛā m. ‘gummy secretion of eyes’, kicṛāhā ‘muddy’; G. kīc, kīcaṛ m. ‘mud’, M. kicaḍ m. 2. Paš. kačaṭā́ ‘piece, bit’; Mth. kāc, kāc—kīc ‘mud, filth’. 3. Dm. khača ‘dirty, bad’; Gaw. khaċ, khas ‘bad’; Kal. khāčä ‘bad, dirty (?)’; Sv. khaco ‘dirty, bad’; Phal. khāču ‘bad’ (?), khāčo ‘a lie’, khā́čulo ‘dirty, bad’. kiñculaka— ‘worm’ see *kēñcuka—. KIṬ ‘fear’: *kiṭyatē. Addenda: *kicca—. 1. S.kcch. kicaḍ m. ‘mud’, H. Brj. kīc, kīcaṛ m., Ko. kiċkiċu ‘muddy’. — H. kicṛā ‘secretion from eye’ cf. Ko. piċċaḍa id. (< piccaṭa—, see *piccikā—) S. M. Katre. — S.kcch. phonet. k+caṛ AKŚ xviii.
3155 *kiṭana— ‘a tick’. [kiṭibha— m. ‘bug, louse’ lex., °aka- m. ‘louse’ Divyāv.] WPah. bhal. kiṛn m., kiṛni f. ‘an insect that sticks to the teats of cattle’; N. kirnu, obl. °nā ‘dog or cattle tick’; — Ku. kino ‘tick’, N. cam—kinu ‘a kind of small body louse’ perh. < *kirno rather than kiṇa2. kiṭibha— see prec.
3158 *kiṭyatē ‘is afraid’. [kḗṭati Dhātup.: √kiṭ] A. kiṭāiba ‘to be alarmed, take up arms for defence’.
3167 *kiyatta— ‘how great?’. [~ kíyant— as iyattaká— RV. ~ iyant—] Pa. kittaka— ‘how much or many?’, Pk. kittiya—, Ash. ċīt, Wg. kiti; Paš. dar. weg. kuti ‘anything’; Gaw. kata ‘how many?’, Bshk. kīte, Phal. katī, K. kūtu , dat. kṳ̄tis, pl. kaiti , kash. kyutŭ ; L. kittı̃ ‘how much?’, awāṇ. kittī ‘how many?’; P. kitt ‘what?’; A. ketek ‘how much?’, H. kittā, kitā; M. kitı̃ ‘how much?’, kitī ‘how many?’, Si. ketek (or ke + tek ‘up to’?). — Ext. with —n—: P. H. kitnā, L. P. bhaṭ. kitṇā; — with —r—: L. kitrā, OMarw. kītarāka; — with —l—: L. kittlā. Addenda: *kiyatta—: S.kcch. kitrī ‘how much?’, kitrāk ‘how many?’, WPah.kc. ketri; kṭg. (kc.) ketti ‘how much? how many? some’; kṭg. ketrɔ, kc. ketṇo ‘how much?’, G. keṭlī, pl. keṭlāk, Md. kitak.
3168 *kiyattama— ‘having how much?’. [kíyant—] K. kṳ̄tyumu ‘consisting of how many?’; L. kitv ā̃ ‘having what share?’.
3179 *kila— ‘scattering, ray’. [kīlā— f. ‘flame’ lex. (perh. for *kila—), —kira— in cmpd. ‘scattering’ Pāṇ., kiriká- ‘sparkling’ VS.: √kr̥̄ 1] M. kīḷ n. ‘lustre (of gems)’. kilakilā— see kilikilā—.
3184 *kilāsa— 2 ‘defective’. Pa. kirāsa— ‘fraudulent, false’ (cf. kērāṭika— s.v. kirāṭa—); M. kiḷśā, kiḷośī ‘weakly, sickly’.
3192 *kīkkati ‘screams’. [Onom. cf. *kūkkati] S. kīkaṇu ‘to scream’, kīka f. ‘scream’, kīkāiṇu ‘to make squeak’, kīkiru m. ‘screamer’; P. kikiāuṇā ‘to scream’, H. kīknā, kikiyānā, kīk m.; G. kikiyāṛɔ m., °ṛī f. ‘shrill cry’; M. kı̃k, kı̃kṇī, kı̃kḷī f. ‘shriek’.
3194 *kīṭarūpa— ‘worm’. [kīṭá—1, rūpá—] OM. kīraḍuṁ n. ‘small serpent’ < *kīḍaruṁ.
3195 *kīṭikāgāra— n. ‘insects' nest’. [kīṭá—1, agāra—] G. kiṛiyārũ n. ‘ants' nest’. *kīḍa— ‘stake’ see kīla1.
3206 *kukka— 1 ‘dog’. [Onom.: cf. *kutta—1, kurkurá—] Pk. kukka— m., °kī— f., H. kukkā m.; Si. kukkā ‘puppy’. Addenda: kukka—1: WPah.kṭg. kukṭu m. ‘small dog’, poet. kukṭe f. ‘bitch’.
3207 *kukka— 2 ‘defective’. S. kuku m. ‘crop which has remained without form- ing ears’; L. kukk, pl. °kã f. ‘a date which has shrivelled on the tree’; G. kukɔ m. ‘contemptuous term for a coin, rounded piece of tile used by girls in play’; M. kukā m. ‘term of reproach for an adult but still childish fellow’.
3212 *kukkusa— ‘chaff’. [Cf. kukūla— m. ‘chaff’ Kathās. and busá1] Pa. kukkusa— ‘red powder of rice husks’; Pk. kukkusa—, kukusa— m. ‘chaff of rice &c.’; G. kuskā m.pl., °kī f. ‘chaff of rice, bran’. Addenda: *kukkusa—: A. kukuhā ‘bits of burnt grass carried about by the wind’ AFD 187; OMarw. kūkasa m. ‘chaff’.
3215 *kuṅkumapattrikā— ‘saffron letter’. [kuṅkuma—, páttra—] G. kãkotrī f. ‘invitation to a marriage party (con- veyed in a letter dyed red)’. KUC ‘bend, contract’: kucika—, *kucyatē, *kuñca—1, kuñcati, kuncikā—1, *kōcayati; *ākucyatē, *utkuc- yatē, vikuñcayati, saṁkucyatē, *saṁkōcyatē.
3219 *kuccura— ‘dog’. [Cf. kurkurá— and Par. Orm. kučuk IIFL i 263.] Wg. kuċúru ‘dog’, Bshk. kúčur m., kičir f., Woṭ. kuċúr m., kiċír f., Tor. kuǰū́ m., kiǰī f. (Grierson Tor 160 wrongly < kaulēya—), Mai. kūsar, ky. kuċára, Chil. kuċuro, kusu°, Gau. kusur, Sv. kučurṓ, Phal. kučuro; K. kuċuru m., °ċürü f. ‘puppy’.
3220 *kucchadya— ‘ill—seeming’. [ku—, *chadya—] L. kuchaj̱j̱ā ‘slovenly, dirty’. Addenda: *kucchadya—: delete entry (L.mult. kucaj̱j̱ā ‘slovenly (of women)’, OP. kucajjā is MIA. cmpd. [ku—, caryā—] replacing kucará— ‘roaming about’ RV., ‘wicked’ MBh.).
3221 *kucyatē pass. of kucáti ‘contracts’ Dhātup. and kuñcati ‘bends’. [√kuc] N. kucinu, emph. kuccinu ‘to be crushed’; B. kucāna ‘to plait, shrivel, cut into bits’; Or. kucibā ‘to thrust’, kuceibā ‘to cut into pieces’; H kucnā ‘to be contracted, be crumpled’. — Ext. with —al—: P. kucalṇā ‘to trample on’, N. kuclanu, kulcanu, H. kucalnā.
3222 *kujjati ‘rots’. [Perh. < *kūryatē < *k°rƏ—ye— = kīryatē with same semantic development, or < *k°ru—ye— beside kṛṇōti ‘hurts’ Dhātup., Pa. karati ‘cuts, hurts’] H. kujnā ‘to moulder away, rot, ferment, become old’; M. kuj̈ṇẽ ‘to lose cohesion of parts, rot, putrefy, (in games) lie out of play’, kuj̈aviṇẽ ‘to make rot’, kuj̈ḍā ‘rotten’. — See kīryatē. Addenda: *kujjati rather < pū́yati ‘is putrid’ TS. X kúthyati (T. Burrow JRAS 1967 42).
3223 *kuñca— 1 ‘curve, bend’. [√kuc] P. kuñj m. ‘corner’; A. kõ;s ‘bend, fold’; B. kũcki ‘groin’; Or. kuñca ‘crimped border of cloth’, °cā ‘pleated’; H. kū̃c f. ‘hough (of a quadruped), tendon Achilles’ (< *kuñci—?). — See *khuccā—, *khōñcā—. *kuñca— 2 ‘Abrus precatorius’ see guñjā—.
3234 *kuṭumbatva— ‘family relationship’. [Cf. kuṭumbitva- MW.— kuṭumba—] P. kuṛmatt m. ‘relationship by marriage’; — or pref. P. deriv. from kuṛam < kuṭumbin—.
3237 *kuṭṭa— 2 ‘broken, beaten’. [√kuṭṭ] Pa. kuṭṭa— ‘powder, stick’, kuṭṭa—dārūṇi n.pl. ‘wattle and daub fence’ (but see kuḍya—); L. kuṭṭ m. ‘top of a drum’; A. kuṭā ‘bit of grass or straw’; B. kuṭ, °ṭā, °ṭi ‘chip, small piece’; Or. kuṭā ‘pounded’, sb. ‘straw, grass’; H. kūṭ m. ‘macerated paper for papier maché’, kuṭṭī f. ‘chopped straw’; G. kuṭɔ m. ‘state of being beaten, a beating, roughly ground powder’; M. kuṭā m. ‘powder of dried fish’. — ext. with —kk—: N. kuṛko, °ki ‘small piece’; M. kuṭkā m. ‘small stick, piece’. *māṣakuṭṭaka—. Addenda: *kuṭṭa— 2. — Ext. —kk—: Ko. kuṛko ‘small piece’.
3238 *kuṭṭa— 3 ‘defective’. [kūṭá7 ‘hornless’: for list see kuṇṭha—] Pa. kuṭṭa—rājan— ‘subordinate prince’; Kho. (Lor.) kūto pr *l š (——?) ‘small upper ribs under armpit’; Sh. (Lor.) kūto (——?) ‘deaf’; A. kuṭula, kuṭkurā ‘short, stunted (of hair or grass)’; — Si. koṭa ‘short, curtailed’, °ṭā ‘a short man’, °ṭē ‘a stump’ or < *kuṇṭa1 (EGS 49 wrongly < Pa. koṭṭa—); — perh. B. kuṭī̆ ‘bawd’ (but see kuṭṭanī—).
3243 *kuṭṭha— ‘knee’. [Conn. √kuṭ 1 ‘bend’ Grierson Tor 162 with (?). But a long range of names for joints and limbs ‘ankle — heel — foot — leg — knee — wrist’ are characterized by the sequence of guttural — u/ō — retro- flex: *kuṭṭha—, *khuṭṭa—2, *khuḍa—1, *guṭṭha—2, *gōḍḍa—, ghuṭa—, ghuṇṭa1] Ash. kuṭä́ ‘heel’, Wg. kūṭewı̄́ NTS ii 263; Dm. khuṭṭa ‘knee’, Paš. kōṭa, Bshk. kuṭ, kuṭh, Tor. kūṭh, Kand. kūṭhu, Phal. kuṭho, khūṭu, Sh. gil. kŭṭo m. (→ Ḍ. kuṭá prob. pl.), pales. koh. kūṭhu, jij. kuṭh, K. kŏṭhu m. kuṭmalá— see kuḍmalá—. *kuṭha— 1 ‘Costus speciosus’ see kúṣṭha1. *kuṭha— 2 ‘leprosy’ see kúṣṭha2. kuṭha— 3 ‘tree’ see kuṭa2.
3245 *kuḍa— 1 ‘boy, son’, °ḍī ‘girl, daughter’. [Prob. ← Mu. (Sant. Muṇḍari koṛa ‘boy’, kuṛi ‘girl’, Ho koa, kui, Kūrkū kōn, kōnjē); or ← Drav. (Tam. kur̤a ‘young’, Kan. koḍa ‘youth’) T. Burrow BSOAS xii 373. Prob. separate from RV. kŕ̥tā— ‘girl’ H. W. Bailey TPS 1955, 65. — Cf. kuḍáti ‘acts like a child’ Dhātup.] NiDoc. kuḍ'aǵa ‘boy’, kuḍ'i ‘girl’; Ash. kū́ṛƏ ‘child, foetus’, istrimalī—kuṛä́ ‘girl’; Kt. kŕū, kuŕuk ‘young of animals’; Pr. kyǘru ‘young of animals, child’, kyurú ‘boy’, kurı̄́ ‘colt, calf’; Dm. kúŕa ‘child’, Shum. kuṛ; Kal. kūŕ *l k ‘young of animals’; Phal. kuṛī̆ ‘woman, wife’; K. kūrü f. ‘young girl’, kash. kōṛī, ram. kuṛhī; L. kuṛā m. ‘bridegroom’, kuṛī f. ‘girl, virgin, bride’, awāṇ. kuṛī f. ‘woman’; P. kuṛī f. ‘girl, daughter’, P. bhaṭ. WPah. khaś. kuṛi, cur. kuḷī, cam. kǒ;ḷā ‘boy’, kuṛī ‘girl’; — B. ā̃ṭ—kuṛā ‘childless’ (ā̃ṭa ‘tight’)? — X pṓta1: WPah. bhad. ‘son’, kūī ‘daughter’, bhal. ko m., koi f., pāḍ. kuā, kōī, paṅ. koā, kūī. *kuḍa— 2 ‘wall’ see kuḍya—. kuḍapa— see kuḍava—. Addenda: *kuḍa— 1 [Same Drav. root as in kuḍmalá— q.v.]
3248 *kuḍḍha— ‘defective’. [Cf. Pk. kuḍhiya— ‘blunt, fool’: see list s.v. kuṇṭha—] L. kuḍḍhā ‘having horns pointing inwards’; H. kūṛh ‘stupid’.
3249 *kuḍma— ‘bud’. M. kõ;b, °bā m., °bī f. ‘young shoot’, kõ;beṇẽ ‘to sprout’; Si. kumu ‘unopened flower’. kuḍmalá—.
3252 *kuḍyapāda— ‘foot of wall’. [kuḍya—, pā́da—] Pa. kuḍḍapāda— m. ‘lower part of lath and plaster wall’; M. kuḍvā m. ‘ledge along the bottom of a wall’, kuḍāvā m. ‘wall of wattle and daub’.
3253 *kuḍyāntara— ‘divided by wall’. [kuḍya—, ántara1] G. kuṛãtar, kuṛā̃trɔ m. ‘partition wall’ ( for !).
3254 *kuḍha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pk. kuḍhiya— ‘blunt’, m. ‘fool’. Addenda: *kuḍha— [Perh. < kr̥dhú ‘small, deficient’ RV., Ir. *kr̥du— in Shgh. čūr d ‘crooked’, Pers. kul, Yazgh. ḱi d]
3260 *kuṇṭa— 1 ‘defective’. [Cf. Kan. kuṇṭa ‘cripple’, Tel. kuṇṭi ‘lame’. — See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pk. kuṁṭa— ‘humpbacked, dwarfish, minus a hand or arm’, kuṁṭāra— ‘withered’; L. kuṇḍā m. ‘a bullock whose horns have been turned’, kuṇḍī ‘crooked (of buffalo's horns)’; P. kuṇḍ ‘blunt’; Si. koṭa ‘short, cur- tailed’ (keṭa ‘a short woman’) or < *kuṭṭa3. *kuṇṭa— 2 ‘corner’ see *khuṇṭa2. KUṆṬH ‘be lame or dull’: kuṇṭha—, kúṇṭhati, kuṇṭhita—.
3267 *kuṇḍaka— ‘husks, bran’. Pa. kuṇḍaka— m. ‘red powder of rice husks’; Pk. kuṁ- ḍaga— m. ‘chaff’; N. kũṛo ‘boiled grain given as fodder to buffaloes’, kunāuro ‘husk of lentils’ (for ending cf. kusāuro ‘chaff of mustard’); B. kũṛā ‘rice dust’; Or. kuṇḍā ‘rice bran’; M. kũḍā, kõ;° m. ‘bran’; Si. kuḍu ‘powder of paddy &c.’ Addenda: kuṇḍaka— in cmpd. kaṇa—kuṇḍaka— Arthaś.
3270 *kuṇḍha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pk. kuṁḍha—, koṁ° ‘slow, stupid’; — koṁḍhullu— m. ‘owl’ see úlūka—.
3275 *kutta— 1 ‘dog’. [Onom.: cf. Sogd. 'kwt, Shgh. kut ‘dog’, Sant. kutu kutu ‘sound made in calling a puppy’] Pk. kutta— m., °tī— f. ‘dog’, S. kuto m., L. P. WPah. cam. kuttā m., °tī f., N. (children) kuti, B. kuttā, °tī, Or. kutā, °tī, Aw. lakh. kutawā, H. kuttā m., °tī, °tiyā f., Marw. kuto m., G. kuttɔ m., °tī f., M. kutte— in cmpds. *kauttika—; *kuttira—, *kuttūra—. Addenda: *kutta— 1 [Cf. Ir. *kuta— in Shgh. kud m., kid f. ‘dog’ EVSh 40, Sar. kūd m. kid f., Yid. kwod m., kƏč (< *kutačī—)] S.kcch. kauto m. ‘dog’, WPah.kṭg. kvtti f. ‘bitch’, Garh. kūtī, Ku. kutiyā.
3276 *kutta— 2 ‘rent, lease’. Pk. kutta— n. ‘rent, lease’; Ku. kūt ‘rent in kind’, N. kut ‘hire of land’; Or. kuta ‘letting for a fixed rental’; H. kūt m. ‘survey, valuation’.
3277 *kuttira— ‘dog’. [*kutta1] WPah. bhad. bhal. kutar m., °trī f., pāḍ. kōtar m., °tĕr f., paṅ. kuttar m., °trī f., Or. kutari f., OG. kūtiraü m.; G. kutrɔ m., °rī f., °rũ n. ‘a wretched dog’; M. kutrā m., °rī f., °rẽ n.; — L. kutīr f. ‘a pack of dogs’?
3278 *kuttūra— ‘puppy’. [*kutta1] Sh. (Lor.) kutūro m. ‘puppy’, °ri f. ‘pet name for a girl’; L. kutūrā m., °rī f. ‘puppy’, P. katūrā m., °rī f.
3279 *kuttha— 1 ‘rotten’. [< *kuth—ta—? — √kuth] Pk. kutthaï ‘boils, makes rot, rots (?)’, kutthaṇa— n. ‘rotting’; H. kuthrā m. ‘putrefaction’.
3280 *kuttha— 2 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Or. kuthā ‘blunt’. KUTS ‘abuse’: kutsáyati.
3282 *kuthati ‘rots’, kuthita— ‘stinking’ Suśr. [kúthyati ‘rots’ Dhātup. — √kuth] Pa. kuthati ‘boils, is rotten’, °thita— ‘boiled, rotten’ (cf. kuthana— n. ‘digestion’); Pk. kuhaï ‘rots, stinks’, kuhia— ‘rotted, stinking’; N. kuhunu ‘to rot’, Or. kuhibā, M. kuhij̈ṇẽ.
3290 *kunta— 2 ‘defective’. [Cf. esp. Ir. *kunta—, see s.v. kuṇṭha— and list there given] S. kundu ‘stupid, slow of understanding’.
3292 *kuntha— 1 ‘groan, grunt’. [√kunth] B. kõ;th, kõ;t ‘groan, grunt’; Or. kunthā sb. ‘groaning, straining’.
3293 *kuntha— 2 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha1] L. kundh m. ‘an unskilled person’, (Shahpur) ‘un- skilful’; Or. kunthā ‘blunt’.
3301 *kubba— ‘hump’. [Poss. < *kubra—, cf. kubhrá— m. ‘humpbacked bull’ MaitrS.: of NIA. forms is an IA. suffix and not integral to the word as suggested by PMWS 43 and EWA i 232. Prob. belongs to the group s.v. kubjá—] K. kọ̆bu m. ‘hump on back’, kö̆bü f. ‘humpbacked’, kŏbun ‘to become humpbacked’; S. kuḇu m. ‘hump’, °ḇo ‘humpbacked’; L. kuḇ m. ‘bend, curve, distortion’, kuḇḇā ‘humpbacked’, awāṇ. kubbā; P. kubb m. ‘hump on back’, °bā adj.; WPah. bhad. bhiḍ. kubb n. ‘hump on back’, H. kub m., kubbā adj.; — ext. with —ḍa—: Pk. kubbaḍa— ‘humpbacked’; K. kŏburu m., °bürü f. ‘one who has become humpbacked’; S. kuḇiṛo ‘bentbacked’; P. kubṛā ‘humpbacked’, Ku. kobṛo; N. kubro ‘hump- backed, bent with age’; Bi. kūbaṛ ‘a crooked beam’; H. kubaṛ m. ‘hump on back’, kubṛā adj. (→ Mth. kubaṛ, kubaṛāh), G. kubṛũ; M. kubaḍ n., kubḍā adj. Addenda: *kubba— [Cf. Ir. Shgh. kūp ‘camel's hump’]: WPah.kṭg. kūb m. ‘hump’, kubṛɔ ‘hump—backed’; J. kūb m. ‘hump’.
3302 *kubhāga— ‘ill luck’. [ku—, bhāga—] M. khā̃d—kuhā, °kuvā m. ‘inauspicious mark on the shoulder of a horse’, adj. ‘having such a mark’. kubhrá— see *kubba—.
3311 *kumbhakāramr̥ttikā— ‘potter's clay’. [kumbha- kāra—, mŕ̥ttikā—] Bi. kumr(h)auṭī.
3314 *kumbhasthala— ‘elephant's frontal globe’. [kum- bhá—1, sthála—] Si. kum̆butalaya ‘place of an elephant's frontal globes’.
3318 *kuyūkā— ‘small louse’. [ku—, yū́kā—] K. kŏv f. ‘a small kind of louse (red in colour and a great biter)’. *KUR ‘scrape’. [Cf. √kṣur] *kura—, *kōraṇīya—, *kōrati; — *kōraḍa—?
3319 *kura— ‘scraping’. [√*kur] L. kur m. ‘ploughshare’ but see kūṭa3 — Ext. P. kurelnā ‘to poke’; H. kurelnā ‘to dig’; — H. kurednā, kurod° ‘to scrape’; — M. kuraċṇẽ ‘to nip off with the nails’, kurtuḍṇẽ (+ toḍṇẽ < trōṭayati?).
3321 *kuraṅga— 2 ‘of poor colour’. [ku—, raṅga1] Kho. kuraṅg ‘light chestnut colour’ BelvalkarVol 92 (with same origin for kuraṅgá1?). kuraṇṭa—, kuraṇḍa— see kuruṇṭa—.
3325 *kurasya— ‘with poor juice’. [kurasa— ‘having a bad taste’ W. — ku—, rasya—] S. kurso ‘tasteless’. kuruṭa— see next.
3334 *kulati ‘hurts’. [kr̥ṇā́ti, °ṇṓti ‘hurts, kills’ Dhātup., kr̥ṇvati Naigh. — √kr̥̄ 2] S. kuraṇu ‘to smart’; H. kulnā ‘to hurt, ache’.
3337 *kulapañjī— ‘genealogical tree’. [kúla—, pañjī—] B. kulaji, °luji, °laci, °luci ‘genealogy’ ODBL 446.
3339 *kulāgāra— n. ‘family house’. [kúla—, agāra—]. OG. kuḷāra n. ‘wife's family house’. Addenda: *kulāgāra—: Ko. kuḷāra id.
3344 *kulī— ‘gargling’. 2. *kullī—. [Onom.] 1. B. kuli, Or. kuḷi; Mth. kurī ‘act of rinsing the mouth’; M. kuḷī f. ‘mouthful of water’. 2. N. kullā ‘gargling’, B. kulli, Or. kuli, H. kullā. — Deriv.: Ku. kulnā ‘mouth—wash; — A. kulkuliba ‘to gargle’; H. kulkulā m. ‘gargling’.
3347 *kululi— ‘outcry’. [Onom., cf. ululí—] A. kuruli ‘screech of an owl’; M. kululī f. ‘outcry’; — deriv. vbs.: L. kurlāvaṇ ‘to lament, cry out (esp. of birds)’; P. kurlāuṇā ‘to shriek’; N. kurlanu ‘to cry out loud’; A. kuruliyāiba ‘to screech as an owl’; Or. kurulibā, kuruṛibā ‘to shout, laugh loudly in glee’. Addenda: *kululi— [Cf. also kúrara— ‘osprey’ onom. ac. EWA i 235]: Pk. kurulaï ‘caws’, OP. kurulāvaṇu ‘to cry (of crane), lament’.
3351 *kulyakāra— ‘basket—maker’. [kulya—, kāra1] Si. kuluvara, °uyara ‘basket—maker, worker in straw’.
3353 *kulla— 1 ‘neck, back, buttock’. Pk. kulla—, kōla— m. ‘neck’, kulla— m.n. ‘buttock’; L. kullhā m. ‘that part of a bullock's hump on which yoke rests’; P. kullā m. ‘hip, buttock’; H. kulā m. ‘hip, buttock, waist’; G. kulɔ m. ‘hip, buttock’; M. kulā, kullā, °āṇā, kulhā, °āṇā m. ‘buttock’, kolẽ n. ‘hump of buffalo’. — B. kolā ‘having an inflated throat’? — Si. kulala ‘neck’? *kulla— 2 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] See kulva—.
3354 *kulla— 3 ‘pot’. [kulija— n. ‘a partic. vessel’ Kauś., ‘a measure’ Pāṇ., kulharī—, °rikā— f. ‘pot’ Bhpr.: prob. with kúlāla— and other ‘pot’ words s. v. kuṭa1 ← Drav.] Pk. kullaḍa— n. ‘small vessel, fireplace’, kulluḍiā— f. ‘pitcher’, kullūria—, kullaria— m. ‘sweetmaker’, °riyā— f. ‘his shop’; G. kulṛī, kullī f. ‘earthen pot, scrotum’. *kullī— ‘gargling’ see *kulī—. Addenda: *kulla—3: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) loc.sg.m. kūlhaṛaï ‘pot’.
3360 *kuvārdra— ‘moist’. [ku—, ārdrá—] Or. kāũdā ‘slightly moist’ (for metathesis of u — ā, cf. kāũr < kumārá—).
3361 *kuvēlā— ‘bad time’. 2. *kuvēlya— ‘untimely’. [ku—, vḗlā—] 1. P. kuveḷ f. ‘lateness’. 2. K. kŏvizi, kŏzi adv. ‘at a bad or inauspicious time’ (< °vērya—?); L. koel ‘unsuitable, untimely’; — P. kuveḷā ‘late’ (with from kuveḷ above). *kuvēlya— see prec.
3366 *kuśalakāra— ‘greeting’. [kúśala—, kāra1] N. kusāri ‘friendly greeting’; — doubtful.
3382 *kustha— ‘out of place’. [ku—, stha—] G. kuthɔ m. ‘disorder, confusion’.
3383 *kusthala— ‘bad place’. [ku—, sthála—] G. kuthlɔ m., °lī f. ‘the being out of order’, kathaḷvũ, °alvũ ‘to be put out of order, be spoilt’. — See kuṣṭhala—. KUH ‘deceive’: kuha—1, kuhana—.
3386 *kuha— 2 ‘fog, mist’, kuhēḍī—, °ḍikā—, kuhēlikā—, kūhā— f. lex. Kho. (Lor.) koi dik ‘to rain while the sun is shin- ing’ (?); A. kowā—mowā, kū̃wā—kū̃he ‘haziness’; B. ko ‘fog, mist’; Bi. kūhā ‘morning fog’; Mth. kuh ‘fog, mist’; M. kuhā ‘dampness of weather, ground, etc.’ — Various ext.: L. kuhīṛ, koh° m. ‘mist, fog, haze’; P. kuhīṛ f. ‘fine rain, mist’; Ku. kohṛo ‘mist, fog’, B. kohāṛā, Or. kuhuṛi, H. kuhṛī f., kūhṛā m.; — Sh. gur. kăurĭh m. ‘mist’ (?); P. kuhur m., °hīr f. ‘fog, mist’, Ku. kwīro, N. kuhiro, kui°, H. kohar f., kū̆hrā m., kuherī f.; — A. kū̃walī ‘haziness’. *kuhavarṣa—. Addenda: kuha—2: A. kuwali ‘fog’ AFD 223.
3388 *kuharayati ‘coos’, kuharita— n. ‘cry of the kōkila bird’ lex. B. kuharā ‘to coo’; Or. kuharibā, kuhur° ‘to coo, lament plaintively’; H. kuharnā, kah° ‘to groan’. kuhali— see *khilli—.
3389 *kuhavarṣa— ‘misty rain’. [*kuha—2, varṣá— (the latter very doubtful)] P. kuhāssā m. ‘mist, fog’, Bi. kuhes, °sā, Mth. (NETirhut) kuhes, (SBhagalpur) kūhassā. kuhēḍī— see *kuha2. ‘cry out’: kávatē, *kavā—.
3390 *kūkkati ‘screams’. 2. *kūkkā— ‘scream’. [Onom. cf. *kīkkati, to be separated from *krukṣati] 1. Pk. kukkaï, kok° ‘calls, challenges’; S. kūkaṇu ‘to screech’; L. kūkaṇ ‘to scream’, P. kūkṇā, H. kūknā; M. kukṇẽ, kũk° ‘to crow’. 2. S. kūka f. ‘scream’, L. P. kūk f., H. kūk, kok f. — Deriv. S. kūkiṛo m. ‘consternation’, kūkāraṇu ‘to screech’. kūcı̄́— see kūrcá—. Addenda: *kūkkati [Poss. < *kuhukk—: cf. kuhurava- (kuhūrava— Naiṣ.) m. ‘cry of the kōkila’ MBh., kuharita— n. (*kuharayati) lex.; kuhakuhārāva— m. ‘cry of the cātaka’ Bālar., kuhakārāva— m. ‘neighing’ HPariś., kuhakka— m. ‘a musical measure’ MW.] OP. kuhakaṇu ‘to coo (of the kōkila)’; OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) absol. koki ‘summoning’.
3403 *kūpakastambha— ‘stem of a mast’. [kūpa—2, stambha—] G. kuvātham m. ‘mast of a ship’.
3404 *kūpakhani— ‘pit’. [kū́pa—1, khaní—] P. kūhaṇ f. ‘grain pit’; — X khūh < *khūha—: khūhaṇ, °huṇ m. ‘well, mine, pit’.
3405 *kūpaghaṭa— ‘well frame’. [kū́pa—1, *ghaṭa3] H. kohaṛ m. ‘frame of the mouth of a well’.
3406 *kūpatya— ‘belonging to the hollow or valley’. [kū́pa1] Sh. (Lor.) kuyič, °yoč ‘people of the king's country’?
3415 *kūrma— 2 ‘roof’. 2. *kaurma—. [Poss. same as kūrmá1, kaurma— ‘appertaining to a tortoise, *like a tortoise shell’?] 1. A. kum ‘portion of a roof midway between ridge- pole and eaves’. 2. Ash. klōm ‘roof’, Kt. křum; — Kho. krƏm ‘back’ NTS ii 262 with (?): see *kamra—; — Paš. *krōnd— IIFL iii 3, 111(< */aurmānta—?) in lauṛ. lūnd ‘roof’, gul. kundūr, lagh. ṣōnd, nir. l ūn, kuṛ. l ēn, ar. plen, obl. plendƏ. KŪL ‘burn’ see √kūḍ.
3417 *kūliya—, kū́lya— ‘belonging to a bank’ VS. [kū́la1] Sh. kūlyo with gen. ‘along the bank of’ (sina̯ kūlyo ‘along the bank of the river’); Or. kūḷiā ‘situated on the bank’. kū́lya— see prec. *kūlyā— ‘channel’ see kulyā́—. kūhā— see *kuha2. KR̥ 1 ‘do’: kara—1, karin—, karṓti, kártavya—, kártum, kárman—1, *karmán—2, karmā́ra—, karmín—, karmiṣṭha—, karmı̄́na—, *karyatē, kāra—1, kāraṇa—, kārayati1, kā́ri—, kārita—, kārín—, *kāríya—, kārú—, kārmá—, kārmaṇá—, kārmika—, kāryà—, kāryatē, kāryin—, kr̥ṇṓti, —kr̥t—3, kr̥tá—1, kŕ̥ti—1, kr̥tya—, kr̥tvā́, kriyátē, kriyā́—; adhikaraṇı̄́—, adhikarōti, *anukarya—, apa- kāra—, apakr̥ta—, araṁkarōti, áraṁkr̥ta—, ākāra—, ākāraṇa—, ākārayati, ā́kr̥ta—, upakaraṇa—, úpakarōti, upakāra—, upakāriṇī—, upakr̥ta—, upakr̥tya—, upa- skara—1, upā́karōti, niṣkarōti, parikarman—, pari- ṣkāra—, prakaṭá—, prakaraṇa—, prákarōti, prákr̥ta—, prakr̥ti—, pratikarman—, pratikārin—, pratikr̥ti—, *pratikr̥tya—, *praskara—, *praskarōti, víkaṭa—, vikāra—, víkr̥ta—, viprakāra—, vyākaraṇa—, saṁkaṭá—, saṁkārayati, *saṁkr̥ta—1, sáṁkr̥ti—, sáṁskarōti, s*lṁskāra—, sáṁskr̥ta—, sáṁskr̥ti—, satkr̥—, sahakāra—; — *carati2, √skr̥. KR̥ 2 ‘call’: karuṇa—, kārá—2, *kārayati2, kīrtí—; *utkīra—; — √kīrt. kr̥ka— see kr̥kāṭikā—.
3421 *kr̥ta— 2 ‘mat’. [See káṭa—1. — √kr̥t 2] Pk. kiḍiyā— f. ‘small door’; S. kiṛu m. ‘thatched roof’, kiṛo m. ‘hurdle placed in bottom of a boat’, kiṛī f. ‘mat of woven wattles’; L. kiṛā m. ‘reed matting’, kiṛī f. ‘reed hut’; P. kiṛā m. ‘screen of matted straw’; G. kaṛɔ m. ‘large mat’.
3422 *kr̥ta— 3 ‘scattered’. [√kr̥̄ 1] Si. vī—kaḷa ‘one who has sown rice’ ES 22.
3423 *kr̥taka— ‘knife’. [√kr̥t 1] Bashg. kaŕå ‘knife’ Rep1 63 with (?).
3429 *kr̥tyagharikā— ‘court—house’. [kr̥tyá—, ghara—] S. kaccaharī f. ‘court—house’, P. kacaihrī, N. kacahri, A. kāsāri, B. kāchāri, Or. kacerī, Mth. kacaha, Bhoj. H. kacaharī f. (→ G. M. kacerī f.).
3433 *kr̥ntati 2, kr̥ṇátti ‘spins’ AV. [√kr̥t 2] Pa. kantati, Pk. kaṁtaï, Or. kā̃tibā, G. kā̃tvũ, M. kā̃tṇẽ, kāt° (LM 308 < *kartati 2). — X gupháti q.v.
3435 *kr̥ntana— 2 n. and adj. ‘spinning’. [√kr̥t 2] G. kā̃tṇũ n. ‘spinning’; M. kā̃taṇ, kā̃tīṇ, kāt° f. ‘an insect (arachnid?) like a spider’. — See kartana2. KR̥P ‘lament’: kr̥paṇá—, kr̥pā́—, *krapyati; - kr̥cchrá—?
3439 *kr̥mivraṇa— ‘maggoty sore’. [kŕ̥mi—, vraṇá—] M. kivyeṇ, °vaṇ, °van n.; — deriv. kivaṇyā, °anyā, kinā ‘having maggoty sores’.
3445 *kr̥ṣaṇa— ‘pulling, ploughing’. [kr̥ṣáti: √kr̥ṣ] Pa. kasaṇa— n. ‘ploughing’; Paš. nir. keṣení ‘plough’; WPah. bhal. kiśni f. ‘knotted string for tightening or loosening a drum’; Or. kasṇā ‘ploughshare’, kasaṇi, °suṇi ‘drawing tightly, string, ring used by archers for protecting fingers’; H. kasan m. ‘pain, torture’. — See karṣaṇa—.
3459 *kēñcuka— ‘worm’. [kiñculaka—, kiñcilaka— m. ‘earth- worm’ lex.] A. kẽsu, kesu ‘earthworm’, B. kẽcuā, °co, °cui; Or. keñcu, °cuā ‘earthworm, tape—worm’; H. kẽcuā m. ‘earthworm’.
3460 *kēṭṭa— ‘child’. [Cf. *kaṭṭa—2, *kaḍḍa—] Paš. weg. keṭalā́, lagh. kiṭ° ‘boy, son’; Shum. kyēṭa ‘boy’, °ṭī ‘girl’; Ku. keṭo ‘boy, son, puppy, kitten’, °ṭī ‘daughter’; N. keṭo ‘boy, son’, °ṭi ‘girl, daughter’; — Si. keṭṭu ‘thin, meagre’? Cf. OM. kelā ‘pupil’. *kēḍ— ‘play’ see *khēḍ—. Addenda: *kēṭṭa— [Cf. cāṭa—, cēlla—]: †;*gurjarakēṭṭa—, †;*daridrakēṭṭa—.
3461 *kēḍa— ‘stick, twig’. WPah. bhad. kèṛu ‘firewood’, bhiḍ. kèṛõ; n. pl. ‘pieces of wood’; Ku. keṛo, pl. kyāṛā m. ‘thin stick’, N. pāt- kerā ‘leaves and twigs’; Bi. kerā ‘small bundle of crop given to village artisan at the division’; H. keṛā m. ‘tender twig, sapling’. Addenda: *kēḍa— ‘stick’. [Poss. der. from sáṁkirati, OP. sakelaṇu ‘to collect (firewood)’; C. Shackle p. 32 derives the OP. verb from *kēḍa—] J.C.W.
3467 *kērayati ‘scatters’. 2. kēláyati ‘throws, sends’ Dhātup. [√kr̥̄ 1] 1. P. kerṇā ‘to pour, scatter, spread’; N. kernu, kerāunu ‘to strike out’; H. kerānā, kirānā (or der. kiráti) ‘to sift, winnow’; — altern. < 2 below: S. keraṇu, kerāiṇu ‘to throw down’; Bi. Mth. (Tirhut) kĕraunī ‘weeding, hoeing’. 2. P. kalāuṇā ‘to winnow’; N. kelāunu ‘to sift’; B. kelāna ‘to strip off, lay bare’; Or. keḷāibā ‘to sift husks out of fried rice’; Mth. (SBhagalpur) kĕlaunī ‘hoeing’; H. kilānā ‘to winnow’. — See kiráti. *kērāva— ‘pea’ see kalāya—.
3468 *kērita— ‘scattered’. [Pp. of *kērayati. — √kr̥̄ 1] P. kerī f. ‘kiln dust, pounded bricks’. kḗlati see *khēḍ—. kēláyati see *kērayati. kḗli— see *khēḍ—.
3476 *kaiḍikā— ‘a small sheep’. [kā—, ēḍa—] Kho. kéḷi ‘sheep’ BelvalkarVol 91, (Lor.) ‘ewe three or four or more years old’.
3482 *kōkāṅga— ‘having a wolf's body’. [kṓka—, áṅga1] A. kuwāṅ ‘wolf’.
3486 *kōkka— ‘nail’. [→ Par. kūk IIFL i 265] Pk. kokkāsa— m. ‘the name of a carpenter’; Ash. kōkā́ ‘nail, peg’, Wg. (Lumsden) "kokhchu", Paš. kōkū́; S. koko m. ‘small nail, pin’, kokaṇu ‘to tack, stitch together’, koka f. ‘stitch’; L. kokā m. ‘hobnail, tack’; P. kokā m. ‘a very small nail’, kok f. ‘basting’; N. kokai kā̃ṭi ‘nails’; H. kokā m. ‘tack, nail, thorn, spike of plaintain, bud’; M. kõ;kā m. ‘spike of plaintain’; Si. kokka, pl. koku ‘hook’, keki ‘hook for picking fruit’ < *kokkiā.
3488 *kōcayati ‘contracts’ [saṁkōcayati MBh. — √kuc] S. koiṇu ‘to draw in (the belly), save, economize’, koa f. ‘economy’.
3489 *kōcc— ‘thrust, pierce, dig’. Wg. Kt. kuč— ‘to dig’, Pr. kučƏ—, Dm. kōč—, Paš. kēči— IIFL iii 3, 88, Kal. kōč—; P. kucalnā ‘to bruise, crush’, kucrā ‘broken to pieces’; Ku. kocṇo ‘to pene- trate’; N. kocnu ‘to thrust, force into’, kocārnu ‘to thrust’, kucelnu ‘to stir up’; H. kocnā, kū̆c°, kõ;c°, kū̃c° ‘to pierce, rip’; G. kocvũ ‘to pierce’, kocrũ ‘having holes’. — Prob. separate from Dm. kučāy— ‘to scratch oneself’; Paš. kučeyā ‘itch’; Kal. kučh— ‘to scratch’, Kho. kuc̣ēi—, Gaw. kuċa— NTS xii 172. Addenda: *kōcc—: cf. *kucyatē.
3490 *kōjava— ‘fleecy cloth’. Pa. kōjava— m. ‘rug or cover with long hair, fleecy counterpane’; Pk. kōyavaya— m. ‘coverlet made of cloth stuffed with cotton—wool’; Si. kon̆du ‘made of goat's hair’ EGS 50. Addenda: *kōjava—, cf. kaucapaka— m.n. ‘kind of rug’ Arthaś.
3492 *kōṭa— 2 ‘breaking’. [√kuṭ 2] Bi. asāṛhī kor ‘hoeing of sugarcane in June—July’; — Or. koṛi ‘spade’ < *kōṭikā—.
3494 *kōṭana— ‘breaking’. [√kuṭ 2] Bi. (Gaya) koṛan, (SMunger) koṛnī ‘ploughing of millet when one foot high’, (Camparan) koran ‘hoeing’; Mth. (SBhagalpur) koṛan ‘digging’.
3499 *kōṭiprāpta— ‘having reached the top’. [kṓṭi—1, prā́pta—] Pa. kōṭippatta— ‘perfected’, Si. keḷapat Geiger EGS 49, but prob. Si. cmpd. after Pa.
3502 *kōḍamba— ‘pot’. [← Drav. see kuṭa1] Pa. kōḷamba— m. ‘pot’; Pk. kōlaṁba— m. ‘dish’ (cf. kollara— m.); Niṅg. kōṛmṓ ‘pitcher’; M. koḷãbẽ n. ‘pot with large opening’.
3503 *kōḍi— ‘a score, twenty’. [J. Przyluski RoczOrj iv 231 ← Austro—as. (Mahle kuri, Birhar kuṛi, Kharia kori, Juang koḍi: prob. same as word for ‘man’, i.e. ‘20 fingers’) whence → Drav. (Kurukh kūrī, Malto koṛi, Kui kōḍe)] K. kuri f. ‘a score’, S. P. koṛī f. (PhonPj 118 < kṓṭi1), N. kori, A. kuri, B. kuṛi, Or. koṛi, H. koṛī f., G. kũḍī f., M. koḍ, °ḍī f. *kōḍḍ— ‘dig’ see *khōdd—. Addenda: *kōḍi—: S.kcch. koḍī ‘20’.
3505 *kōṇakāṣṭha— ‘corner wood’. [kōṇa—, kāṣṭhá—] B. konāṭh ‘a piece of bamboo or wood bound on the hips of a roof to close the thatch at each corner’.
3506 *kōṇasītā— ‘furrow from corner to corner’. [kōṇa—, sı̄́tā—] Bi. kŏnsī, °siyā ‘ploughing from corner to corner’, Mth. kŏnsiyā.
3507 *kōṇṭa— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pa. koṇṭa— m. ‘man of dirty habits’.
3508 *kōṇṭha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pa. koṇṭha— ‘crippled’; Pk. koṁṭha— ‘slow, stupid’; Paš. kōṇḍā́ ‘bald’, Kal. rumb. kōṇḍa ‘hornless’. *kōṇḍala— ‘ring’ see kuṇḍalá1.
3509 *kōta— ‘garlic’. Kt. ‘edible garlic, chive’; Dm. kuwŕéi, kuwéŕi ‘name of a plant, garlic (?)’ NTS xii 175; Kal. kōla ‘edible garlic’.
3510 *kōttha— ‘belly’. [Cf. *kōtthala—, kṓṣṭha1?] Pk. kottha— ‘pertaining to the belly’; Or. kothā ‘corpulent’, kothala, °thāḷa ‘pot—bellied’; — X *gōdda- in kodā, °dāḷiā ‘id.’?
3511 *kōtthala— ‘bag’. [Cf. *kōttha—] Pa. kotthalī— f. ‘sack (?)’; Pk. kotthala— m. ‘bag, grainstore’ (kōha— m. ‘bag’ < *kōtha?); K. kŏthul, °lu m. ‘large bag or parcel’, kothüjü f. ‘small do.’; S. kothirī f. ‘bag’; Ku. kuthlo ‘large bag, sack’; B. kūthlī ‘satchel, wallet’; Or. kuthaḷi, °thuḷi, kothaḷi, °thiḷi ‘wallet, pouch’; H. kothlā m. ‘bag, sack, stomach (see *kōttha—)’, °lī f. ‘purse’; G. kothḷɔ m. ‘large bag’, °ḷī f. ‘purse, scrotum’; M. kothḷā m. ‘large sack, chamber of stomach (= peṭā ċā k°)’, °ḷẽ n. ‘sack’, °ḷī f. ‘small sack’; — X gōṇı̄́—: S. ǥothirī f. ‘bag’, L. gutthlā m.
3512 *kōtr— ‘dig’. 2. *khōtr—. [See list s.v. *khōdd— and √*khuṭ 1] 1. G. kotarvũ ‘to dig, carve’, kotar n. ‘cave, den’; — N. kotranu ‘to scratch’ < *kōtraḍ—? 2. S. khoṭranu ‘to dig, carve’; L. poṭh. khotarṇā ‘to poke about’ (X khánati in khanotarṇā ‘to poke, dig up with any small instrument’), awāṇ. khōtruṇ ‘to scratch, dig’, G. khotarvũ ‘to dig, scratch’, khotarṇā̃ n. pl. ‘old errors raked up’; — N. khotar ‘burnt sediment of milk’ < *khotraḍ—. Addenda: *kōtr—. 2. *khōtr—: S.kcch. khotarṇū ‘to scratch (for itching)’, P. khoṭnā ‘to dig, scratch, poke’.
3519 *kōppara— ‘coconut, skull’. [Cf. *khōppa1] Bshk. kōpar ‘top of head’; S. kopiro m. ‘coconut’, °rī f. ‘skull’; L. kōpar m. ‘a large head’, kōprī f. ‘skull, crown of head’; N. koparā ‘pan (usu. brass)’; Or. koparā ‘a skull—like earthen vessel’; G. koprũ n. ‘coco- nut’ (ṭoprũ n. ‘id.’ orig. an echo word of the type B. ghoṛā—ṭoṛā ODBL 176); M. koprā m. ‘small iron pot’. Addenda: *kōppara—: Pk. kuppara— m. ‘skull’ (see karpara—).
3520 *kōpyatē ‘is made angry’. [Pass. of kōpáyati ‘shakes’ RV., ‘makes angry’ MBh. — √kup] Pk. koppaï ‘is angry’, Or. kopibā, OAw. kopaï.
3521 *kōpha— ‘lump, hill’. [< Ār. *kaupha—, Av. kaofa—, OPers. kaufa— ‘mountain’.] Pr. ‘high mountain’, Kt. ‘hump’ NTS xv 260.
3522 *kōbb— ‘strike’. 2. *kōmb—. [Cf. *cōbb—] 1. S. koḇaṇu ‘to beat ground level’, koḇo m. ‘rammer’; P. kobā m. ‘wooden or iron beater for leather’; A. kob ‘blow with a striking or cutting instrument’, kobāiba ‘to strike, whip’; Or. kobā ‘wooden rammer’, kobā—kobī ‘mutual beating’; M. kubalṇẽ ‘to beat’; — B. kopāna ‘to strike, dig, cut, chop’ X copāna— < *cōpp—. 2. M. kõ;bṇẽ, komṇẽ ‘to thump, thrust, force in, cram in’. Addenda: *kōbb—. 2. *kōmb—: Ko. khombtā ‘thrusts’.
3524 *kōmh— ‘wither’. 2. *kurumm—. 1. Pk. kummaṇa—, kuimāṇa— ‘withered’; S. kūmāijaṇu, °māṭijaṇu, pp. °māṇo ‘to wither’, L. kumāvaṇ, pp. °māṇa, P. kumlāuṇā, kam°; N. kumhlāunu, kuml° ‘to fade, wither’, OAw. kuṁbhilāi, H. kumhlānā, kumbhil°, kumbhl°; M. kõ;bṇẽ, komṇẽ, °meṇẽ, °mej̈ṇẽ, °maj̈ṇẽ, °māiṇẽ, °māvṇẽ, °malṇẽ. 2. Pk. kurumāṇa— n. ‘withering’; L. kurmāvaṇ, pp. °māṇa ‘to wither’; G. karmāvũ, pp. °māyũ ‘to fade, wither, pine away’.
3525 *kōya— ‘inside of fruit’. N. koyo ‘stone or kernel of fruit’; H. koyā m. ‘pulp of jackfruit’; M. koy f., koyãḍā m. ‘mango stone’, koyāḷ ‘having a fully formed kernel (of a mango)’.
3526 *kōra— ‘fresh, new, unused’. K. kōra ‘brand new, unused, unwashed’; S. koro ‘new, unwashed, blank’; L. korā ‘fresh, unused (of a pot), simple, stupid’; P. korā ‘new (of a pot), un- bleached, unwashed, untaught’; Ku. koro ‘unused, dry, rough’; N. koro ‘raw’; B. korā ‘rough, uncleaned, unbleached’; Or. korā ‘new (of cloth), unbleached’, k° lugā ‘unbleached calico’; H. korā ‘new, unhandled, unwashed, simple, poor’; G. korũ ‘new, unwashed, unused’; M. korā ‘new, just made, unused’. Addenda: *kōra— [← Drav. see kuḍmalá— Add2] S.kcch. koro ‘blank’, WPah.kṭg. kṓrɔ ‘straight’ (Him.I 23 why ṓ?), J. korā ‘plain, unused’, OP. nikoru ‘quite pure’ (+ intensive †;niṣ—).
3528 *kōraḍa— ‘whip’. [√*kur?] P. koraṛā, koṛā m. ‘whip’, N. korrā (koraṛā ← H.), B. koṛā, Or. koraṛā, koṛā, kuṛā, H. kolṛā, koṛṛā, koṛā m., G. kɔrṛɔ, koyṛɔ, kɔḍḍɔ m., M. korḍā m.
3529 *kōraṇīya— ‘to be scraped’. [√*kur] Ku. kornī ‘dried portion of food stuck to a pot’; — N. kurāuni ‘id., milk boiled till nearly solid’ < *kōrā- paṇīya—?
3530 *kōrati ‘scrapes’, kōrita— ‘scraped out of the ground’ Bhpr., ‘pounded’ W. [√*kur] Ḍ. koroina ‘to dig’; Wg. kōri— ‘to bite’, krö— ‘to chew’; Paš. lauṛ. kōr—, gul. kūr— ‘to dig’; S. koraṇu ‘to scrape or scoop out’; P. kornā ‘to dig, excavate, cut’; B. korā, kurā ‘to scrape, grate, scratch out, powder, gnaw’; Or. koribā, kur° ‘to scrape, rasp, comb’; H. kornā ‘to dig or scrape or scoop out’; G. korvũ ‘to scoop, carve, bore a hole’; M. korṇẽ ‘to scoop, engrave, cut gradually off’; — altern. < kōṭáyatē: N. kornu ‘to scratch, tear, comb’; A. koriba ‘to hoe’, korokiba ‘to scoop out’. - With expressive redup. H. kakornā ‘to scrape’. Addenda: *kōrati: S.kcch. korṇū ‘to bore (a hole)’; WPah.kṭg. kornõ; ‘to bore, drill’, kurnõ; ‘to be bored’. kōla— see krōḍá— Add2.
3531 *kōrā— f. ‘edge, side, direction’. S. kora f. ‘edge, binding, tape’; P. kor f. ‘edge, hangnail’; Mth. kor ‘boundary’; H. kor f. ‘edge, tip’ (in latter sense prob. < kṓṭi1); G. kor f. ‘edge, direc- tion’; M. kor f. ‘side, direction’.
3533 *kōla— 4 ‘curved, crooked’. [Cf. kaula— m. ‘worshipper of Śakti according to left—hand ritual’, khōla3 ‘lame’ s.v. khōra1. Prob. < *kaura— (IE. *qou—lo— cf. WP i 371?) in Khot. kūra— ‘crooked’ BSOS ix 72 and poss. Sk. kōra— m. ‘movable joint’ Suśr.] Ash. kṓlƏ ‘curved, crooked’; Dm. kōla ‘crooked’, Tir. kṓolƏ; Paš. kōlā́ ‘curved, crooked’, Shum. kolā́ṇṭa; Kho. koli ‘crooked’, (Lor.) also ‘lefthand, left’; Bshk. kōl ‘crooked’, Tor. kōl (Grierson Tor 161 < kuṭila—: rejected by Morgenstierne AO xii 181), Phal. ulo; Sh. kōlu̯ ‘curved, crooked’. kōlaka— see kakkōla—.
3536 *kōlhu— ‘machine for pressing sugarcane or oilseeds’. Pk. kolluga—, kolhua— m. ‘sugarcane press’, S. kolū m., P. kolhū, kuhulū m. ‘oilpress, sugarcane press’; WPah. bhal. kṑlū m. ‘oilpress’, N. kol; Or. kohliā, kolihā, °liā ‘sugarcane press’; Bi. kolh, °hū, (Gaya) kelhū ‘oilpress’, Mth. kōlh, Bhoj. kōlhu ; H. kolhū, kolū m. ‘sugarcane press, oilpress’; G. kohlu m. ‘sugarcane press’. — Deriv.: B. Or. kalu ‘oil—man (by caste)’, H. kolū m. *kōlhuvagāra—, *kōlhuśālā—. Addenda: *kōlhu—: WPah.kṭg. kóllhu m. ‘sugar—cane or oil press’.
3537 *kōlhuvagāra— ‘mill house’. [*kōlhu—, agāra—] P. kolhār m. ‘oil factory’; Bi. kolhuār ‘sugarcane mill and boiling house’.
3538 *kōlhuśālā— ‘pressing house for sugarcane or oilseeds’. [*kōlhu—, śā́lā—] Bi. kolsār ‘sugarcane mill and boiling house’. kōvidāra— ‘Bauhinea variegata’ see kuddāla2.
3544 *kōṣati ‘strikes’. [Cf. inf. niṣkōṣṭum, aor. nirakōṣīt Vop. — √kuṣ] Kho. (Lor.) kōšik (?) ‘to slaughter’, L. kōhaṇ, awāṇ. kṑvuṇ.
3548 *kōṣṭharūpa— ‘like a room’. [kṓṣṭha—2, rūpá—] B. kuṭru ‘tent’.
3549 *kōṣṭhāṁśa— ‘share of store’. [kṓṣṭha—2, áṁśa—] Pa. koṭṭhāsa— m. ‘share, portion’, adj. ‘divided into’ (ā felt as contraction of a—a and preserved before ṁs; consequent āṁs > ās: cf. re—establishment of prefix ā before MIA. double consonant, e.g. Pk. āṇavēdi < *āṇṇ° replacing aṇṇ— < Sk. ājñ—); Si. koṭasa, kohoṭa ‘share, part, piece’.
3552 *kōṣma— ‘warm’. [Cf. kōṣṇa—, kavōṣṇa— ‘warm’ Pāṇ. - ka—3, ūṣmán—] Sh. (Lor.) kūš ‘damp (of ground, etc.)’ (? — ‘tepid > cool > damp’?); S. koso ‘hot, warm’; L. kōsā ‘luke- warm’, m. ‘fever’; P. kōssā ‘lukewarm’; A. kuhumīyā ‘tepid’; M. kõ;baṭ, komaṭ ‘warmish’. Addenda: *kōṣma—: S.kcch. koso ‘hot’. *kōstambarī— see kustumbarī— Add2.
3553 *kōṣya— ‘to be struck’. [√kuṣ] S. kosu m. ‘slaughter’, kosaṛu ‘fit for slaughter’; L. kōs f. ‘animal fit only for killing’. *kōstambarī— ‘coriander’ see kustumbarī—. *kōhaṇḍa— ‘gourd’ see kuṣmāṇḍa—. *kōhala— ‘gourd’ see kuṣmāṇḍa—.
3563 *kauttika— ‘pertaining to dogs’. [*kutta—] L. kotī m. ‘dog—keeper, gamekeeper’.
3573 *krandaka— ‘challenger’. [krandana— n. ‘challenging’ lex. — √krand 1] K. konu m. ‘a summoner sent by her people to invite a bride to visit from her husband's house’.
3576 *krapyati ‘howls’, or with expressive doubling *krap- pati. [kŕ̥patē, aor. akrapiṣṭa ‘howls, weeps’ RV., krápatē ‘sympathizes with’ Dhātup. — √kr̥p] Paš. kuṛ., Shum. l ap— ‘to cough’ (semant. ‘howl ~ cough’ cf. krádatē); Kho. krophik, pres. kraphim ‘to crow’. KRAM ‘step’: kráma—, krámaṇa—, kramatē, *kra- mīkrama—, krā́mati, caṅkramaṇa—; atikrámaṇa—, áti- kramati, átikrānta—, atikrāmayati, anukrama—, abhíkramati, ākrámaṇa—, ā́kramatē, ākrānta—, utkrámaṇa—, útkramati, *utkramyati, utkrāma—, utkrāmayati, upakrama—, nikrámaṇa—, níṣkramati, niṣkrānta—, parākrama—, parikramaṇa—, párikra- matē, *pratikramati, vikrama—, vyatikrama—, saṁ- kramá—, saṁkrānti—.
3580 *kramīkrama— ‘trampling’. [√kram] Kt. kŕamkŕam ‘threshing floor’, Pr. kƏmkƏm: doubtful. kramu—, °uka— see kr̥muká—.
3582 *krayakāra— ‘making a bargain’. [krayá—, kāra1] Bshk. l äyar— ‘to sell’ AO xviii 243.
3586 *kriṁśati ‘presses, torments’. [~ kliśnā́ti like ban- dhati ~ badhnā́ti. — √*kriś] L. awāṇ. krijjhuṇ ‘to fret’: more prob. < krúdhyati X klíśyatē. krími— see kŕ̥mi—. kriyátē see karṓti.
3588 *kriśati ‘presses’. [Pres. st. formed from aor. subj. — *kriś, √kliś] WPah. roh. kriśṇõ; ‘to comb’. — See *kriśyatē.
3589 *kriśnāti ‘presses’. [kliśnā́ti ‘torments’ MBh., sáṁ- kliśnāti ‘presses together’ ŚBr. — √*kriś, √kliś] Kal. rumb. kriẓnim ‘I knead, crush’ with < ž after kr—? — See *krēśayati.
3590 *kriśyatē ‘is pressed’. [~ klíśyatē ‘is troubled’ MBh. — √*kriś, √kliś] K. krēśun, pp. kryūśu ‘to long for’.
3591 *kriṣṭa— ‘distressed’. [~ kliṣṭa—. — √*kriś, √kliś] K. krēṭh, dat. °ṭhas m. ‘pain, trouble’, krūṭhu ‘painful, difficult’, krēṭhun ‘to be hard’. KRĪ ‘barter’: krayá—, krayaṇa—, krayāṇaka—, krīṇā́ṭi, krēya—; níṣkrīṇītē, vikrayá—, *vikrāpayati, *vikri- ṇāti, vikrīta—, vikrīyatē. — *vēcc—. KRĪḌ ‘sport’. [In NIA. replaced or crossed by words to be found s.v. *khēḍ—] krı̄́ḍati, krīḍana—.
3595 *krukṇa— ‘curved, twisted’. [krukta— ‘curved’ W. - √kruñc] WPah. bhal. kukṛū m. ‘reel of spun thread’; H. kūknā ‘to wind, twist’, kūkrī, kuk° f. ‘skein’; M. kukḍẽ n. ‘quantity of thread drawn from a spindle’.
3596 *krukṣati ‘shouts’. [From aor. ákrukṣat RV. — √kruś] Wg. kr̥č— ‘to bellow’ NTS xvii 267 < *krukṣya—. — Prob. to be separated from onom. *kukkati. KRUÑC ‘curve’: *krukṇa—, krúñca—.
3599 *krudhati ‘is angry’. [From aor. subj. (2 sg. krudhaḥ AV.): √krudh] Kho. kruik ‘to be displeased or sulky’; — cf. Pk. kuhaṇa— ‘angry’.
3603 *krūrāśanikā— ‘feeding on raw flesh’. [krūrá—, áśana—] Or. kurāiśuṇī ‘name of a popular village goddess’.
3605 *krēśa— ‘pressing’. [~ klēśa—: √*kriś, √kliś] Wg. krē̃ċ ‘empty millet straw’ < ‘*threshing’.
3606 *krēśayati ‘presses’. [~ klēśayati ‘torments’ R.: √*kriś, √kliś] Dm. kr e ṣem ‘I knead (flour, etc.) with < š after kr—. — See *kriśnāti. krōñca— see krúñca—.
3614 *krōṣṭā— f. ‘calling’. [√kruś] S. koṭha f. ‘invitation’, koṭhaṇu, °ṭhāiṇu ‘to send for’, koṭho m. ‘a call, messenger’. krṓṣṭu— see krōṣṭŕ̥—.
3616 *klava— ‘fear’. [klávatē ‘fears’ Dhātup. — √klav] S. kaü m. ‘fear, dread’ < *krava—?
3618 *klāvyatē ‘is frightened’. [klávatē ‘fears’ Dhātup., klavita— ‘uttered hesitatingly’ SaṁhUp. — √klav] M. kāvṇẽ, kāvhṇẽ ‘to be frightened out of one's wits’ or < *klavyati. — Deriv. kāvrā ‘terrified’ or < kātara—.
3619 *klitta— ‘wet’. [~ klinna—. — √klid] K. k°tu ‘wet, juicy’, katun ‘to become moist’. *aklitta—. KLID ‘wet’: *klitta—, klídyati, klíndati, klinna—, klēdayati, klēdu—; *aklitta—.
3643 *kṣaṇati ‘is sifted, is strained, falls’. 2. Pp. *kṣata—2. 3. *kṣaṇana— ‘the being sifted etc.’. 4. Caus. *kṣāṇayati. 5. Pp. *kṣāṇita—. 6. *kṣāṇa—2. 7. *kṣāṇana—. [Cf. MIr. šan—, past st. šata— ‘to spread, scatter, shake, pour out’ H. W. Bailey BSOS vii 777 and Morgenstierne IIFL ii 209. MIr. š— poss. < OIr. š— or —, i.e. IE. k̂s— or qs—. Kaf. č— < IE. qs—. Paš. forms with čh— are ← Ind. which, with possible excep- tion of K. with ch (not ċh) and S. with kh—, has general- ized ch—.— √*kṣan 2] 1. Kho. c̣honik ‘to beat down, shake down’ (Bel- valkarVol 89 < kṣaṇṓti with which it collides); K. chanun ‘to be sifted’; S. chaṇaṇu ‘to be strained (whence tr. to strain), to drop (of fruit)’; P. chaṇnā ‘to be sifted’; H. channā ‘to be strained’; G. chaṇvũ ‘to filter, strain’ (tr. < intr. after past); — prob. S. khaṇaṇu ‘to lift, take up’ assuming semantic change: ‘sift — toss up - lift’? 2. Paš.kuṛ. ċhāy— ‘to fall’; S. khayo pp. of khaṇaṇu in 1. 3. S. chaṇiṇī f. ‘sifting’. 4. Wg. čãṛ—, čãṛe— ‘to pour out’, Ash. činā—; Dm. c̣hāṇ— ‘to pour, sow, throw’; Kho. (Lor.) c̣anik ‘to knock down fruit from a tree’, (Morgenstierne) c̣hanik; K. chānun ‘to sift, strain, shake down’; S. chāṇaṇu ‘to strain, sift, let drop, pluck’; L. chāṇaṇ ‘to strain’; P. chāṇnā ‘to sift, strain, choose’; WPah. bhal. ċhāṇnū ‘to sift’, Ku. chāṇṇo; N. chānnu ‘to strain, sort’; B. chānā ‘to knead, mould’; Or. chāṇibā ‘to sift, strain’; H. chānnā ‘to sift’; G. chāṇvũ ‘to filter, strain’. — Sh. c̣haṇóĭki̯ ‘to send’ rather < práhiṇōti. 5. B. chāni ‘fine cut straw mixed with oilcake’; - poss. also words for ‘empty’ IIFL iii 3, 49: Paš. čhāni, Phal. čheṇiko, Bshk. c̣han, K. chọ̆nu (< *kṣaṇaka—?). 6. Pk. chāṇa— n., °ṇī— f. ‘husking rice’; Gy. as. čani, čanri ‘sieve’; S. chāṇu m. ‘bran’, °ṇo m. ‘strainer’, °ṇī f. ‘metal strainer’; P. chāṇā m. ‘scattering, sowing’; N. chān ‘choice’. 7. Pk. chāṇaṇa— n. ‘sifting’, S. chāṇiṇī f.; L. chāṇaṇī f. ‘sieve’, P. chāṇnī f., WPah. bhad. ċhānnu n., bhal. ċhāṇnu n.; Bi. channā ‘sieve or strainer placed over receptacle for juice in a sugar—cane mill’; Bhoj. chananā ‘strainer’. See *utkṣānayati. *kṣaṇana— see prec. Addenda: *kṣaṇati. 1. S.kcch. khaṇṇū ‘to lift up’. 4. *kṣāṇayati: S.kcch. chāṇṇū ‘to sift’, WPah.J. chāṇnu. 6. *kṣāṇa—2: S.kcch. aṭe—chāṇū, °cheṇū f. ‘sieve’. 7. *kṣāṇana—: WPah.kṭg. chāṇni f.
3654 *kṣapitavāṭa— ‘enclosure for lost animals’. [kṣapita—, vāṭa1] B. khõ;yāṛ, khũy° ‘pound for stray animals, pen for cattle’.
3665 *kṣāṇa— 1 ‘burnt’. [avakṣā́ṇa— TS. — ~ *jhāna—: √kṣai] S. khāṇo pp. ‘burnt, envious’ from which was formed pres. st. khāmaṇu ‘to burn, be envious’ after type sāmaṇu ~ sāṇo, etc. *kṣāṇa— 2 ‘sifting’ see *kṣaṇati. *kṣāṇavartaka—. *kṣāṇana— ‘sifting’ see *kṣaṇati. *kṣāṇayati ‘sifts’ see *kṣaṇati.
3666 *kṣāṇavartaka— ‘straining vessel’. [*kṣāṇa— s.v. *kṣaṇati, *varta2] Bi. (Shahabad) chanauṭā ‘iron sieve with a handle’, Mth. (NWTirhut) sanauṭā. *kṣāṇita— ‘sifted’ see *kṣaṇati.
3670 *kṣāpayati 2 ‘destroys, throws away’. [See kṣapayati. - √kṣi 2] K. chāwun ‘to throw’; S. khāiṇu ‘to wear away’.
3676 *kṣārakūṭa— ‘ash—heap’. [kṣāra—1, kūṭa2] WPah. jaun. chōrōṛ ‘ash—heap’; — Mth. chāur ‘dust, ashes’ < *chārur?
3677 *kṣāradhānikā— ‘receptacle for ashes’. [kṣārá—,1 dhā́na—] N. kharāni ‘ashes’.
3678 *kṣāramr̥tti—, kṣāramr̥ttikā— f. ‘saline soil’ KātyŚr. Com. [kṣārá—1, mŕ̥ttikā—] M. khārvaṭ f.
3686 *kṣipya— ‘to be thrown out’. [√kṣip] Or. khipa ‘spittle ejected when chewing betel, pressed betel dregs left in mouth’ perh. semant. in- fluenced by kṣı̄́vyati s.v. kṣáuti.
3689 *kṣirati ‘flows’. [~ *jhirati 1. — Formed from kṣárati after type tárati ~ tirátē. — √kṣar] Pk. khiraï ‘drips, drops, falls’; H. khernā ‘to flow, pass away’ (whence e?); M. khirṇẽ ‘to flow (of semen or urine), pine away’, tr. ‘to cause to flow through, strain, sift’. — Pk. pp. khiriya— ‘fallen’; H. kherī f. ‘afterbirth’.
3691 *kṣīṇakūṭin— ‘having a worn ploughshare’. [kṣīṇá—, kūṭa3] Bi. khinauri ‘an old or worn plough, a plough with a small worn block’.
3692 *kṣīṇāsrava—, kṣīṇāśrava— m. ‘Buddhist saint’ BHSk. [kṣīṇá—, āsrava—] Pa. khīṇāsava—, Si. kiṇasavayā EGS 43, but ← Pa.
3698 *kṣīrarukṣa— ‘name of a tree’. [kṣīravr̥kṣa— m. ‘com- mon name of four trees’ Suśr. — kṣīrá—, *rukṣa—] Si. kiriruka ‘the tree Buchmania latifolia’.
3699 *kṣīravaṭa— ‘milk cake’. [kṣīrá—, vaṭa3] Bi. khirwarā, khiraurā ‘cake of rice flour prepared in hot water’.
3706 *kṣuṭati ‘gets loose’. [√*kṣuṭ] Pk. khuḍaï ‘is separated, is broken’; S. chuṛaṇu ‘to get loose, be fired, (semen) to be emitted’; B. chuṛāna ‘to discharge, shoot’.
3707 *kṣuṭyatē ‘is released’. [√*kṣuṭ] Pk. chuṭṭa— ‘released’, and poss. khuṭṭa— ‘broken’ (cf. chuṭṭha— ‘thrown’); P. chuṭṭ ‘except’, chuṭṭaṛ ‘forsaken’; N. chuṭṭo ‘separate’, H. chuṭṭā; G. chuṭũ, chuṭṭũ ‘loosened’, M. suṭā; — Pk. chuṭṭaï ‘is released’, khuṭṭaï ‘becomes less, is broken’; S. chuṭaṇu ‘to get loose’; L. chuṭṭaṇ ‘to get loose, run’; P. chuṭṭṇā ‘to be freed’; WPah. roh. ċhuṭṇõ; ‘to slip away, be left behind’; Ku. chuṭṇo ‘to be released’; N. chuṭnu ‘to get loose, come to an end’; A. suṭiba ‘to run’; B. chuṭā ‘to get loose, run away, run’; Or. chuṭibā ‘to run’; Mth. chūṭab ‘to go away’; OAw. chūṭaï ‘escapes’, H. chūṭnā; Marw. chuṭṇo ‘to get loose’, G. chuṭvũ, M. suṭṇẽ; — S. chuṭī f. ‘freedom’, P. chuṭṭī f. ‘leave’ (→ H. G. chuṭṭī f.); N. chuṭ ‘separation’; A. suṭī ‘leave’; B. Or. chuṭi ‘leave, dismissal’; M. suṭī f. ‘remission’. — Ext. with —kk—: S. chuṭkaṇu ‘to be fired off’; H. chuṭkānā ‘to release’; G. chuṭko m. ‘escape’; M. suṭakṇẽ ‘to vanish’. Addenda: kṣuṭyatē: S.kcch. chūṭā poṇu ‘to disperse’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċhv́ṭṇõ; ‘to be discharged, get loose, run away’; J. chuṭṇu.
3709 *kṣutta— ‘crushed’. 2. *kṣuttikā— ‘powder’. [~ kṣuṇṇa—. — √kṣud] 1. S. chūto m. ‘remnants of sugarcane, tooth—stick with frayed end’ (with ū fr. pres. st. *chū < *kṣudati?). 2. Ash. šutı̄́ ‘ashes’; Kt. šüt ‘earth’; Kho. c̣huti ‘soil, dust, mud’. KṢUD ‘trample’. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] kṣuṇṇa—, *kṣutta—, *kṣudati, *kṣudyatē, kṣudrá—, *kṣundati, kṣulla—, kṣōda—, kṣōdita—; *avakṣōdati, *ākṣuṇṇa—, *ākṣundati, *nikṣutta—, *vikṣuṇatti, vikṣuṇṇa—, *vikṣōda—, vikṣōdayati. Addenda: kṣutta—. 2. *kṣuttikā—: Kho. c̣huti ‘soil’ BKhoT 67. KṢUD: †;kṣōdya—.
3710 *kṣudati ‘crushes’. [√kṣud] Pk. chuaï ‘grinds, presses’; S. chuo m. ‘remnants of sugarcane, tooth—stick with frayed end’ < *chuio?
3711 *kṣudyatē ‘is crushed’. [√kṣud] Pk. khujjaï ‘rejects’ (or < *skudyatē?), chujjaï ‘is crushed’; H. khūjhā m. ‘sediment, refuse’ (jh?).
3714 *kṣudratātaputra— ‘father's younger brother's son’. [kṣudratāta—, putrá—] B. khuṛutā ‘father's younger brother's children’ < *khuṛāutā ODBL 503 perh. after jeṭhutā < jyēṣṭha- putra—.
3717 *kṣundati ‘crushes’. [Cf. kṣuṇátti Pāṇ., kṣṓdati ‘presses against’, kṣōdáyati ‘agitates by stamping’ RV.: √kṣud] Pk. khuṁdaï ‘pounds, grinds’; A. khundiba ‘to pound, pulverize’; Or. khundibā ‘to ram in’; H. khū̃dnā ‘to trample on, paw up’; G. khũdvũ ‘to trample on’, khũdṇũ n. ‘running about’. Pk. chuṁdaï ‘pounds, attacks’; K. ċhunun ‘to throw down, place, pour, thrust into, apply’ (← Ind.); G. chũdvũ ‘to trample, tread’; M. sũdṇẽ ‘to crush, trample’; Si. sin̆dinavā, hi° ‘to express oil’, sin̆denavā ‘to be pressed out (of oil), be dried up (of water in well or river)’. Ext. with —l—: H. khũdalnā ‘to trample under foot’ → M. khũdaḷṇẽ ‘to tread mortar, treat roughly, shake and toss’ (or poss. < skúndatē). — X khura—: M. khurã- daḷṇẽ, khurũd° ‘to trample, crush’. — X rundhati q.v. KṢUP ‘press’. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] *kṣupyatē; *avakṣōpa—. Addenda: *kṣundati: S.kcch. khūndhṇū ‘to trample’; WPah.kṭg. ċhúnṇõ; ‘to crush, break, destroy’ (X chinná— Him.I 69).
3719 *kṣupyatē ‘is pressed’. [kṣupati ‘is depressed, is afraid’ R. — √kṣup] Dm. c̣hup— ‘to wash (clothes)’, Kal. rumb. c̣hūp—, Phal. c̣hup—.
3721 *kṣubhati ‘shakes’. [Cf. kṣubhita— MBh., Pa. saṅkhu- bhati ‘is agitated’. — √kṣubh] Pk. khubhaï, khuhaï ‘is agitated, is afraid’; S. khuhaṇu ‘to be tired’; — Pa. chubhati ‘throws out’; Pk. chubhaï, °bhēi, chuhaï ‘throws, pours’. — X chupáti q.v.
3725 *kṣumbati ‘smiles’. Kho. c̣hum— ‘to smile’; Kal. Kho. c̣hum ‘a smile’.
3726 *kṣumbhati ‘shakes’. [kṣubhnā́ti MBh. — √kṣubh] Pk. khuṁbhaṇa— ‘shaking’; Kho. (Lor.) čhūmik (c̣h—?) ‘to clean wool or cotton or hair by beating, stuff into’; K. chŏmbun ‘to thresh grain by striking stalks against a post’; H. khūmnā ‘to wax old’; — with MIA. ch—: Ku. chumṇo ‘to stun, husk out grain slowly’. — X *jhaṭ— or *jhamp1: H. jhūmnā ‘to shake’? KṢUR ‘cut, scrape’: kṣurá—, *kṣuraṇa—, kṣuráti, kṣurapra—, *kṣōrayati, kṣaura—, kṣaurī—, *cikṣurati; *niḥkṣurati, *niḥkṣōrayati, *prakṣurikā—; — √*kur, √chur.
3728 *kṣuraṇa— ‘scraping’. [√kṣur] Bi. mag. khurnī ‘a kind of spade’.
3733 *kṣullasyāla— ‘wife's younger brother’. [kṣulla—, syālá—] A. khulxāli ‘wife's younger brother’, °lnī ‘wife's younger sister’; — perh. an A. cmpd. kṣuvant— see kṣáuti.
3734 *kṣēḍati ‘provokes’. Pk. khēḍaï ‘drives off’, khēḍaṇa— n. ‘pursuing’, khēḍia— m. ‘rude man’; K. chērun ‘to irritate’; S. cheṛaṇu ‘to taunt’; H. cheṛnā ‘to provoke’ → N. cheṛnu ‘to irritate’.
3743 *kṣēpyajāla— ‘casting net’. [kṣēpya—, jā́la—] Mth. khapiyār.
3746a *kṣairaka— Add. 14424.
3753 *kṣōrayati ‘scrapes’. [√kṣur] H. chornā ‘to cut’; G. khorvũ ‘to stir up’, chorvũ ‘to dig out’.
3757 *kṣauradaśamī— ‘tenth day on which the ceremony of shaving is performed’. [kṣaura—, daśamı̄́—] H. khorsī f. ‘ceremony of shaving the head on the tenth day of mourning a death’. kṣaurī— see kṣaura—.
3758 *kṣṇavīti ‘sneezes’. [Cf. kṣáuti and IE. *qsneu— WP i 502] Pr. čne— ‘to sneeze’ NTS xv 289; — very doubtful. *kṣvaṭ ‘six’ see ṣáṣ—.
3760 *kha—ul— ‘be heated’. P. khaulaṇā ‘to be heated, boil’, N. khaulanu, H. khaulnā. KHAKKH ‘laugh’: khákkhati. khakkhaṭa— see kakkhaṭa—.
3762 *khakkhālayati ‘rinses’. 2. *khaṅkhālayati. [Onom. rather than < *kṣalkṣāl—, *kṣaṅkṣāl— intens. of √kṣal since both K. and M. have kh] 1. K. khŏkhalun ‘to cleanse, be rinsed in water and shaken about’; Ku. khakolṇo ‘to gargle’; N. khakālnu ‘to rinse’. 2. P. khãghālṇā, ghã° ‘to rinse (a vessel)’; H. khãgālnā, khãg(h)ārnā ‘to rinse’; G. khãkhāḷvũ ‘to wash vigor- ously’, khãkhoḷvũ ‘to rinse, rummage’, khãkhorvũ ‘to scatter’, khãkhervũ ‘to shake off dust’, khãgãḷvũ ‘to rinse the mouth in the morning’; M. khãgāḷṇẽ ‘to shake about in water’.
3763 *khaṅkh— ‘cough, hawk’. 2. *khaṅkhār—. [Onom., cf. *khāṭkāra—] 1. S. khaṅghi f. ‘cough’, khaṅghaṇu ‘to cough’, L. khaṅgh, khagg f., khaṅghaṇ, khaggaṇ vb., P. khaṅgh f., khaṅghṇā vb. (PhonPj 117 < kā́satē); WPah. bhal. khaṅkh f. ‘coughed’, khaṅkhu n. of pp. ‘coughed’; Or. khãkhã ‘cough’; M. khẽk f., khẽkṇẽ vb. — Ext. with ——: G. khā̃khaṛiyũ n. ‘cough’. 2. P. khaṅkhārṇā ‘to cough’; A. khẽkhār ‘expectora- tion’; B. khā̃kār ‘hawking’, Or. khãkāra, H. khãkār m., khãkārnā vb.; G. khãkhār, °rɔ m. ‘hoarseness’, khãkhārvũ ‘to hawk, neigh’; M. khãkārṇẽ, khā̃kar° ‘to hawk’. *khaṅkhālayati see *khakkhālayati. KHAC ‘project, be studded’: *khacyatē. Addenda: *khaṅkh—: S.kcch. khaṅgh f. ‘cough’, khaṅgharo m. ‘sound of gargling, phlegm’.
3764 *khacc— ‘sink down or back’. M. khaċṇẽ ‘to sink down’; — N. khackanu ‘to subside, grow less’; G. khackāvũ ‘to shrink back, be stopped’. *khacca— ‘dirt’ see *kicca—.
3765 *khaccara— ‘mule’. 2. *kaccara—2. [← (through Psht. qačara or Bal. xačar?) a Turk. dial. form such as qačïr ultimately ← Ir. *xaratara— (cf. IA. khara1) in Sogd. g rtr'k, Khot. khaḍara W. B. Henning BSOAS xi 723] 1. Paš. dar. xáčir, kuṛ. kačero ‘mule’, S. khacaru m., °ri f., P. khaccar f. (→ N. khaccar; H. khaccar m. ‘mule’, khacrā ‘hybrid, of mixed parentage’; G. khaccar n. ‘mule’, M. khaċar, khẽċar n.). 2. L. kaccur m., °cir f. Addenda: *khaccara—: WPah.kṭg. kháċċƏr f. ‘mule’, J. khācr f.
3766 *khacyatē ‘be set, be studded’ [khacati ‘projects’ Kathās., khacayati ‘fastens’ Dhātup., khacita— ‘inlaid’ MBh. — √khac] H. khacnā ‘to be fastened, be set, be studded’; M. khaċṇẽ ‘to set (jewels, &c.)’; — H. khac f. ‘crowd, crush’; G. khac ‘tightly’. *khañc— ‘pull’ see *khiñc—.
3767 *khañca— ‘basket’. N. khā̃c ‘basket for carrying birds (such as quails)’; B. khā̃cā ‘hen—coop’; Mth. khā̃cā ‘large basket of tamarisk twigs’, °cī ‘small do.’; H. khā̃cā m. ‘hen—coop’ (→ P. khā̃cā m.).
3774 *khaṭīmr̥ttikā— ‘chalk and earth’. [Cf. A. khari- māṭi ‘chalk’. — khaṭikā—, mŕ̥ttikā—] B. khaṛiṭi ‘chalk and earth, plastering mud walls to make them smooth’.
3776 *khaṭūkara— ‘bracelet—maker’ [khaṭū—, kará1] Or. khaṛurā ‘caste of bracelet—makers’.
3778 *khaṭṭa— 2 ‘wound, sore’. N. khāṭo ‘scab, scar’, khaṭiro ‘boil’, khaṭirā—paṭirā ‘boils and other skin diseases’; M. khaṭ n. ‘ulcer’.
3790 *khaḍḍa— ‘hole, pit’. [Cf. *gaḍḍa— and list s.v. kartá1] Pk. khaḍḍā— f. ‘hole, mine, cave’, °ḍaga— m. ‘one who digs a hole’, °ḍōlaya— m. ‘hole’; Bshk. (Biddulph) "kād" (= khaḍ?) ‘valley’; K. khŏḍ m. ‘pit’, khö̆ḍü f. ‘small pit’, khoḍu m. ‘vulva’; S. khaḍ̱a f. ‘pit’; L. khaḍḍ f. ‘pit, cavern, ravine’; P. khaḍḍ f. ‘pit, ravine’, °ḍī f. ‘hole for a weaver's feet’ (→ Ku. khaḍḍ, N. khaḍ; H. khaḍ, khaḍḍā m. ‘pit, low ground, notch’; Or. khãḍi ‘edge of a deep pit’; M. khaḍḍā m. ‘rough hole, pit’); WPah. khaś. khaḍḍā ‘stream’; N. khāṛo ‘pit, bog’, khāṛi ‘creek’, khāṛal ‘hole (in ground or stone)’. — Altern. < *khāḍa—: Gy. gr. xar f. ‘hole’; Ku. khāṛ ‘pit’; B. khāṛī ‘creek, inlet’, khāṛal ‘pit, ditch’; H. khāṛī f. ‘creek, inlet’, khaṛ—har, °al m. ‘hole’; Marw. khāṛo m. ‘hole’; M. khāḍ f. ‘hole, creek’, °ḍā m. ‘hole’, °ḍī f. ‘creek, inlet’. khaḍḍukā— see khaṭū—. Addenda: *khaḍḍa—: S.kcch. khaḍḍ f. ‘pit’; WPah.kṭg. kháḍ m. ‘hole in the earth, ravine’, poet. khāḍ (obl. —o) f. ‘small stream’, J. khāḍ f.
3793 *khaṇḍaka— 3 ‘sword’. [Perh. of same non—Aryan origin as khaḍgá2] Pk. khaṁḍa— m. ‘sword’ (→ Tam. kaṇṭam), Gy. SEeur. xaṛo, eur. xanro, xarno, xanlo, wel. xenlī f., S. khano m., P. khaṇḍā m., Ku. gng. khā̃ṛ, N. khā̃ṛo, khũṛo (X churi < kṣurá—); A. khāṇḍā ‘heavy knife’; B. khā̃rā ‘large sacrificial knife’; Or. khaṇḍā ‘sword’, H. khā̃ṛā, G. khā̃ḍũ n., M. khā̃ḍā m., Si. kaḍuva.
3794 *khaṇḍaghara— ‘ruined house’. [khaṇḍá—1, ghara—: altern. NIA. words < *khaṇḍitaghara—] P. khaṇḍhar m. ‘dilapidated house or town, stony worthless ground, stony bed of a torrent’; Bhoj. khãṛhar ‘dilapidated house’; H. khaṇḍ(h)ar, khãṛ(h)ar m. ‘dilapidated building, ruins of town or village’, also adj. ‘dilapidated’, m. ‘broken ground, chasm, hole’ (in these senses perh. ext. with —ra— of khaṇḍá1).
3798 *khaṇḍitaghara— ‘ruined house’. [khaṇḍitá—, ghara—] G. khãḍiyar, °yer n. ‘ruins’.
3799 *khaṇḍitāgāra— ‘ruined house’. [khaṇḍitá—, agāra—] Ku. gng. khanyār. *khaṇḍī— ‘cloth’ see *khaṇḍu2.
3801 *khaṇḍu— 2 ‘cloth’. 2. *khaṇḍī—. [Cf. *khadda—, *khāru—: ← Drav. cf. Tel. kaṇḍuvā ‘upper garment’; Kol. khanḍva ‘cloth’, Nk. khanḍa, Prj. ganḍa: see DED 85] 1. B. khā̃ṛuyā ‘small piece of coarse cloth’; Or. khaṇḍuā ‘shawl’; Si. kaḍa ‘bit of cloth’ (or < khaṇḍá1). 2. N. khā̃ṛi ‘homespun cloth’, Bi. khā̃ṛī, khaṇḍā ‘woman's sāṛī’.
3802 *khaṇḍuśālā— ‘sugar factory’. [khaṇḍu—1, śā́lā—] H. khãṛsāl, °ār f. ‘sugar factory or shop’.
3803 *khadakhada— ‘bubbling noise’. [Onom.] N. khatkhat ‘effervescence’, khatkanu ‘to effervesce’, H. khadkhadānā, G. khadkhadvũ, M. khadkhadṇẽ. khadáti see *khaḍaka—. Addenda: *khadakhada—: Ko. khatkhati ‘boiling’.
3807 *khadd— ‘drive away’. P. khadeṛṇā ‘to drive away’; N. khadernu ‘to force back’; H. khadeṛnā ‘to drive away’ (→ N. khadeṛnu); G. khadvũ ‘to rush’, khadaṛvũ, °deṛvũ ‘to drive fast’.
3808 *khadda— ‘coarse cloth’. 2. *khaddara—. [Cf. *khaṇḍu—2, *khāru—] 1. N. khādi ‘rough cloth’; B. khādi ‘small piece of cloth’; H. G. M. khādī f. ‘thick coarse cotton cloth’. 2. L. khaddar, khaḍḍar m. ‘coarse cotton cloth’, P. khaddar m., H. khādar f.
3815 *khandati ‘laughs’. [Cf. Pahl. xandītan ‘to laugh’ and other Ir. forms in IIFL ii 33* and 422. — √*khand] Kt. Wg. kan— ‘to laugh’, Ash. kōn—. khánya— see khānya—.
3816 *khappa— 1 ‘cover’. N. khāpnu ‘to put one thing on another, make over- lap’; A. khāp ‘layer’; B. khāpā ‘to become adjusted’; Or. khāpa ‘sheath’; Mth. khāp, khappā ‘cover’; H. khāp f. ‘sheath’, khapānā ‘to fit into’. — S. khipa f. ‘scabbard’. Addenda: *khappa— 1 ‘cover’. [~ Drav. DED 1024]
3817 *khappa— 2 ‘hole’. [Cf. *khōppa2] S. khapu, °po m. ‘notch, nick’; L. khappā m. ‘hole’; P. khappā m. ‘cavity in a wall, narrow passage in a hill’; M. khāp f. ‘notch, nick’. *khampa— ‘shard, tile’ see kharpara—. Addenda: *khappa— 2 ‘hole’. [~ Drav. DED 1026]
3822 *kharapāla— ‘donkey—driver’. [khara—1, pālá—] Paš. kharwāl.
3823 *kharabhaka— ‘hare’. [‘longeared like a donkey’: khara1?] N. kharāyo ‘hare’, Or. kharā, °riā, kherihā, Mth. kharehā, H. kharahā m.
3825 *kharasrōtas— ‘having a rough stream’. [khára—2, srṓtas—] Or. kharasuā ‘having a swift current, name of a river in Orissa’.
3833 *kharvānta— ‘left hand’. [Cf. *mūlānta—. — kharvá—, ánta—] Wg. kā̃wā̃t dōšt ‘left hand’. KHAL 1 ‘shake’: khálati1; — *khalakhala—, *khala- bhala—. *KHAL 2 ‘rise’: *khalati2, *khālayati.
3838 *khalati 2 ‘rises’. 2. *khālayati. [Cf. khaḍaka—] 1. Gy. pal. kílăr ‘climbs’, klaúăr ‘raises’, klínnă ‘ladder’. 2. K. khālun, khārun ‘to make ascend’. — Gy. pal. ḳōlăr ‘rides, embarks’, ḳlaúăr ‘gives a mount to’.
3841 *khalapr̥ṣṭha— ‘threshing floor’. [khála—1, pr̥ṣṭhá—] Si. kalaviṭa ‘threshing floor’? *khalabhala— ‘shaking’ see khálati 1.
3842 *khalamāsa— ‘unlucky month’. [khala—2, mā́sa—] H. kharwā̃s m. ‘name of the months Pūs and Cait in which doing auspicious actions is avoided’.
3843 *khalavāṭa— ‘enclosure for threshing floor’. [khála—1, vāṭa1] L. khalvāṛā m. ‘threshing floor’, awāṇ. khalāṛā ‘barn’; P. khalvāṛā, °veṛā m. ‘threshing floor’; M. khaḷvāḍī f. ‘enclosed space containing several threshing floors’, khaḷevāḍī re—formed after pl. khaḷẽ.
3850 *khallabhastrikā— or *khallayantrikā— ‘leather bellows’ [khalla1—, bhastrā— or yantrá—] N. khalā̃ti ‘bellows’.
3852 *khavaka— ‘shoulder—blade’. [Poss. < *skapa— cf. Lat. scapula— LM 317] Pk. khavaya— m. ‘shoulder’, P. khavā m.; H. khawā m. ‘shoulder, shoulder—blade’; M. khavā m. ‘shoulder- blade’; Ko. khavo m. ‘shoulder’. — G. khā̆m f., khabhɔ m. ‘shoulder’ X *skambha2?
3855 *khasa— 2 ‘rough’. 2. *khasara—. [For similar words see kakkhaṭa—] 1. B. khas ‘harsh, rough (to touch)’, khaskhas, Or. khasakhasiā; H. khaskhas f. ‘harsh sound’; — A. khahaṭā ‘rough’; — B. khasṛā ‘rough draft’? — N. khaskhas ‘tickling in the throat’, khasmasāunu ‘to have a sore throat’; A. kahmah ‘rubbing sound’. 2. K. khasuru m. ‘gravel’; S. khahuro ‘rough’; N. khasro ‘rough, coarse, thick’. khasa— 3 ‘a partic. tribe’ see khaśa—.
3856 *khasati 1 ‘falls, slips’. [√*khas 1] Pk. khasaï, khasaphasaï ‘slips, falls’; N. khasnu ‘to fall’; A. khahiba ‘to fall off’; B. khasā ‘to fall off, slip away’; Or. khasibā ‘to drop off’; Mth. khasab ‘to fall, slip’, OAw. khasaï ‘drips, slips’; H. khasnā ‘to sink, fall’; G. khasvũ ‘to slide, move, go to a distance’; M. khasṇẽ ‘to sink down’. — Ext. with —kk—: N. khaskaṇu ‘to slip away’, H. khasaknā; — with ——: Or. khasaṛibā ‘to slip’; — with —r—: Ash. kaser— ‘to be tired’, Dm. khasár—; Shum. kaser ‘tired’, Gaw. khasarı̄́; Or. khasa- ribā ‘to slip’. Addenda: *khasati1: G. khasvũ ‘to move, slide’; Ko. khasu ‘sprain’; Md. kassanī ‘slips’, kahanī ‘sweeps away, winds round’, kehenī ‘slips from the hand’.
3857 *khasati 2 ‘rises’. 2. Pp. *khasta—. 3. Caus. *khāsa- yati. [√*khas 2] 1. Sh. gur. khăžyōnu̯ ‘to ascend’, K. khasun. 2. K. khothu , khotu pp. ‘ascended’. 3. K. khāsun ‘to lift up’. *khasta— ‘risen’ see *khasati 2.
3858 *khass— ‘snatch’. S. khasaṇu ‘to snatch, take by force, ravish’, L. khassaṇ; P. khassṇā, khasoṭṇā ‘to pluck out’, H. khasoṭnā. khājika— see khadikā—.
3859 *khāṭkāra— ‘clearing the throat’. [khāṭkarōti Pāṇ., cf. *khaṅkh—: onom. with —kāra3] Pa. kakkārēti ‘hawks’, Ku. khakārṇo; N. khakār ‘phlegm’, khakārnu ‘to hawk’, H. khakārnā, M. khākarṇẽ.
3860 *khāḍa— ‘a hollow’. [Cf. *khaḍḍa— and list s.v. kartá1] S. khāṛī f. ‘gulf, creek’; P. khāṛ ‘level country at the foot of a mountain’, °ṛī f. ‘deep watercourse, creek’; Bi. khārī ‘creek, inlet’; G. khāṛi , °ṛī f., °ṛɔ m. ‘hole’. — Altern. < *khaḍḍa—: Gy. gr. xar f. ‘hole’; Ku. khāṛ ‘pit’; B. khāṛī ‘creek, inlet’, khāṛal ‘pit, ditch’; H. khāṛī ‘creek, inlet’, khaṛ—har, °al m. ‘hole’; Marw. khāṛo m. ‘hole’; M. khāḍ f. ‘hole, creek’, °ḍā m. ‘hole’, °ḍī f. ‘creek, inlet’. *khāḍayati ‘makes stand’ see khaḍaka—. khāḍga—, *khāḍgin— see khaḍgá1.
3861 *khāṇḍavavatī— ‘containing sugar—candy’. [Cf. khāṇ- ḍava— m.n. ‘sugar—candy’ MBh. — khaṇḍu1] OAw. khaṁḍoī f. ‘a sweetmeat’.
3866 *khādadhana— ‘payment in food’. [khādá—, dhána—] Bi. khaihan ‘food given to a serf in return for labour’.
3868 *khādanapara— ‘devoted to eating’. [Cf. *adapara—. — khādana—, pára—] M. khāṇorā ‘gluttonous’.
3869 *khādanāntra— [khādana—, *antra1] S. khāṇā̃ḍro m. ‘cookhouse’.
3877 *khāru— ‘a kind of cloth’. [Cf. *khaṇḍu—2, *khadda—] P. khārvā m. ‘coarse red cloth’; N. kharuwā ‘a coarse cloth’; A. khāruwā ‘coarse red cotton cloth’, B. khāruyā, Or. khārū̆ā, Bi. khāruā̃; Bhoj. kharuā ‘grey cloth’; H. khārū̆ā, °rwā m. ‘coarse red cloth’; G. khārvũ n. ‘red cloth’, °ruī f. ‘garment worn by widows’; M. khārvā m. ‘coarse red cloth’, °vẽ n. ‘loin—cloth made of it’. khārkhōṭa— see kharkhōda—. *khāla— ‘trench’ see khalla2. *khālayati ‘raises’ see *khalati 2. *khāsayati ‘causes to rise’ see *khasati 2. khikhi— see next.
3879 *khiṅga— ‘strong?’ Pk. khiṁga— ‘dissolute’; P. khiṅgā ‘stout, able- bodied’. Addenda: khiṅga— (v.l. khiḍga—, ṣiḍga—) ‘libertine’ lex.
3881 *khiñc— ‘to drag, pull’. 2. *khēñc— formed as tr.? 3. *khaiñc— with ai from aı̃c— < *atiyañcati. 4. *khañc—. [Cf. *ghīcc—, *phiñc— (< *prakhiñc—??)] 1. P. khiñjṇā ‘to pull’, khiccṇā (after type siñj— ~ sicc- < siñcáti ~ sicyátē), N. khı̃cnu, B. khı̃cā; Mth. khı̄̃cab ‘to beat (clothes in washing)’; OAw. khı̄̃caï ‘drags’; H. khı̄̃cnā ‘to pull’ whence khicnā ‘to be pulled’; OMarw. khīc— ‘to pull’, G. khı̃cvũ. 2. P. khẽj f. ‘pulling’; B. khẽcā ‘to pull’, Or. kheñcibā, H. khẽcnā (→ K. khē̃cun ‘to drag’), OMarw. khec—, M. kheċṇẽ. 3. P. khaı̃c f. ‘pulling’; N. khaı̃cnu ‘to pull’, Mth. khaicab, H. khaı̃cnā, OMarw. khaı̃caï; G. kh e_ c f. ‘pulling’; M. khaı̃ċṇẽ ‘to pull’. 4. Pk. khaṁcaï ‘pulls’, okkhaṁcijjaï ‘is pulled’; K. khunzun, khṳ̄nzun ‘to pluck out (feathers or hair)’; Or. khā̃cibā ‘to draw tight’; OAw. khāṁcaï ‘pulls’; — N. khā̃cnu ‘to fold’? *khiṭṭa— ‘rust’ see kiṭṭa—. Addenda: *khiñc—. 1. WPah.kṭg. khínċṇõ;, kh e_ nċṇõ;, khánċṇõ; ‘to draw, pull, scratch’. 2. *khēñc—: S.kcch. khẽcṇū, khaı̃cṇū ‘to pull, draw (water)’.
3882 *khiḍ— ‘be open, expand’. 2. *khiḍḍ— 2. 3. *khiṇḍ—. 4. *khil—. 5. *khill—. 6. *khēḍ— tr. ‘open up, plough’. [Cf. khēṭita— ‘ploughed’ lex.] 1. S. khiṛaṇu ‘to blossom’; L. khiṛaṇ ‘to open (of a flower)’, awāṇ. khiṛuṇ; P. khiṛnā ‘to bloom’, caus. °ṛāuṇā; — G. khiṛ f. ‘valley, mountain pass’. 2. P. khiḍāuṇā ‘to scatter’; Mth. khiṛāeb ‘to spread’. 3. S. khiṇḍaṇu ‘to be scattered’, caus. °ḍāiṇu; L. awāṇ. khiṇḍuṇ ‘to spread’ intr.; P. khiṇḍaṇā ‘to be scattered’, caus. °ḍāuṇā, H. khiṇḍnā, khı̄̃ḍnā, caus. khı̃ḍānā; — M. khı̃ḍ f. ‘mountain pass’. 4. L. khiḷaṇ ‘to open’, intr. ‘smile’; OAw. khilaï ‘blossoms’; H. khilnā ‘to open, break out, bloom’, caus. °lānā. 5. S. khillaṇu ‘to laugh’; L. caus. khilāraṇ ‘to spread, stretch’; P. khillarṇā ‘to be scattered’, caus. khilāraṇā; G. khīlvũ ‘to bloom, expand’, caus. khilavvũ. 6. Pk. khēḍaï ‘ploughs’, pp. °ḍia—, °ḍaṇa— n. ‘plough- ing’; S. kheṛaṇu ‘to plough’, Or. kheṛibā; G. kheṛvũ ‘to plough, drive’, °ṛaṇ m. ‘cultivator’, °ṛāṇ n. ‘arable land’. *utkhiḍ—. *khiḍḍ— 1 ‘play’ see *khēḍ—. *khiḍḍ— 2 ‘open, expand’ see *khiḍ—. Addenda: *khiḍ—. 5. *khill—: WPah.kṭg. khílṇõ; ‘to blossom’.
3883 *khiḍḍakara— ‘player’. [*khiḍḍ—1, kará1] Pk. khiḍḍakara— m. ‘player, conjuror’, Si. kiḍiyarayā. *khiṇḍ— ‘open, expand’ see *khiḍ—. KHID ‘tear, press’: khidyatē, khinna—, khēda—, khēdayati, *khēdyatē; útkhidati, *nikhāda—, *nikhā- dana—.
3886 *khila— 2 ‘lump, boil’. 2. *khilla—. 3. *killa—. [Poss. conn. with kīla1 ‘tumour’ MBh.: semant. cf. *khuṇṭa1] 1. Pa. khiḷa— ‘callosity’; N. khil ‘corn, callosity, hard centre to a boil’; B. khil ‘clot forming on a teat when milking’, M. khīḷ f., °ḷā m. 2. Pk. khilla— m. ‘boil’; G. khīl m. ‘pimple’. 3. L. awāṇ. kil ‘pimple’, P. kill m. khilyá— see khilá1. *khill— ‘open, expand’ see *khiḍ—. *khilla— ‘boil’ see *khila2. Addenda: khila— 2 m. ‘*callosity’ in ‘insoluble problem in algebra’ Gol., ‘obduracy’ Lalit., ‘appendix’ (in khilakāṇḍa— n. Vd.), adj. ‘defective’ BhP. [khila2, *khilla— (khilīkr̥ta— ‘powerless, baffled’ Kāv., †;akhila- ‘entire’ Kāv.) is hardly separable from khilá1 ‘uncultivated land’, khilyá— (khilīkr̥ta— ‘impassable’ Kālid., khilībhūta— ‘deserted’ Car.) J.C.W.] *khill— see *khiḍ— Add2.
3887 *khilli— ‘roll esp. of betel leaf’. [Cf. kuhali— m., °lī— f. ‘betel leaf’ lex.?] N. khili ‘packet, roll (esp. of betel leaf)’; A. khilā ‘leaf, betel leaf’; B. khili ‘roll (esp. of betel)’; Or. khila ‘bundle’; H. khīlī f. ‘betel leaf prepared for chewing’.
3888 *khis— ‘slip’. [Cf. √*khas 1] Pk. khisaï ‘slips’; S. khisaṇu, pp. khitho ‘to fall in fortune, sleep’ (< *khiss—?); H. khisnā ‘to sink, fall’; G. khisvũ ‘to slide, go to a distance’ (whence caus. khesavvũ); M. khisṇẽ ‘to move aside’. — Ext. with —kk—: S. khiskaṇu ‘to slip’, P. khiskaṇā ‘to slip away’, H. khisaknā. Addenda: *khis—: S.kcch. khisṇū ‘to move’, WPah.kṭg. khísƏkṇõ; ‘to crawl’; G. khasvũ ‘to move, slide’ (rather < *khasati 1).
3889 *khiss— ‘grin, snarl’. Pk. khiṁsā— f. ‘blame’, khiṁsaē ‘blames’; P. khīs f. ‘grin’; Ku. khīs ‘ridicule’; N. khisi, khissi ‘mockery, scorn’, khisyāunu ‘to mock’; Mth. khīs ‘anger’, khisiāeb ‘to be fretful’; H. khīs f. ‘mockery’, khīsnā ‘to mock, grimace, show the teeth’, khisyānā ‘to grin’. *khīl— ‘play’ see *khēḍ—. khı̄́la— see kīla1. *khīlati ‘fastens’ see kı̄́lati. *khīlla— ‘stake’ see kīla1. *khīllati ‘fastens’ see kı̄́lati.
3890 *khucc— ‘pierce, tear’. 2. *khōcc—. 3. *khuñc—. 4. *khōñc—. [Poss. formations fr. *sku—c—. For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] 1. Gaw. kuċa— ‘to scratch’, kuċi— ‘to wish’ (< ‘*to itch’?); P. khuccṇā ‘to be enjoyed sexually’; WPah. bhal. khuċnū ‘to copulate’; OG. khūcaï; ‘pierces’. 2. Gaw. kōċi— ‘to wish’; H. khoc f., °cā m. ‘stab’; M. khoċ f. ‘dint’. 3. B. khũcāna ‘to prick’, khũci ‘inserting new thatch in old’, khũcṛāna ‘to stir a fire’; Or. khuñcibā ‘to poke’, khuñca ‘peg’; G. khũcvũ ‘to pierce’, khũc m. ‘indenta- tion’. 4. P. khõ;c f. ‘cut, tear’; A. khõ;siba ‘to stab’, khõ;sriba ‘to loosen earth with a pointed instrument’; H. khõ;cnā ‘to thrust’, khõ;cā m. ‘stab’, °cī f. ‘stuffing’, khõ;cālnā ‘to scratch’, khõ;caṛ m. ‘an officious person’; M. khõ;ċṇẽ, °ċarṇẽ ‘to thrust in’, khõ;ċaḷṇẽ ‘to dint’.
3891 *khuccā— ‘bend’. [< *skuc— beside √kuc?] S. khuca f. ‘hock, hollow behind ankle, tendon Achilles’. — See *kuñca—1, *khōñcā—. *khuñc— ‘tear, pierce’ see *khucc—. *KHUṬ ‘break, pierce’: *khuṭati, *khuṭyatē, *khuṇṭ- ati, khúṇḍatē1, *khōṭayati; *ākhuṭati, *ākhōṭa- yati, *niṣkhōṭayati.
3892 *khuṭati ‘breaks, pierces’. 2. *khuṇṭati. 3. *khuṭ- yatē. 4. *khōṭayati. 5. khúṇḍatē 1, khuṇḍáyati, khōḍayati ‘breaks in pieces’ Dhātup. [Cf. *utskr̥ta—. — √*khuṭ] 1. Pk. khuḍaï ‘is broken, is separated’, °ḍēi ‘breaks’, pp. khuḍia—, khulia—; M. khuḍṇẽ ‘to pluck, tear’. 2. H. khū̃ṭnā ‘to block, hinder’; G. khũṭvũ ‘to pluck off’; M. khũṭṇẽ ‘to pluck with the nails, be obstructed’. 3. Pk. khuṭṭaï ‘is broken’, khuṭṭa— ‘broken’ (see also *khuṭṭa4); Phal. khuṭū́m ‘I stumble’; M. khuṭṇẽ ‘to pluck’, khūṭṇẽ ‘to be obstructed’. 4. Pk. khōḍaya— m. ‘pressing the skin with fingernails’; S. khoṛaṇu ‘to drive into’; Mth. Bi. (N of Ganges) khornā, °nī ‘grain—parcher's poker’, (S of Ganges) khoṛnā, °nī; G. khoṛvũ ‘to tear, break, bury’. 5. Pk. khuṁḍaya— ‘tripped up’; B. khõ;ṛā, khũṛā ‘to dig’ (or < *khōḍḍ—). Addenda: *khuṭati. 2. *khuṇṭati: WPah.kṭg. khv́ṇḍhṇõ; ‘to break, pinch’ (see also *khuṇṭha— Add2). 4. *khōṭayati: WPah.kṭg. khóṛnõ; ‘to dig, scratch, engrave’ — see *khōdd— Add2.
3893 *khuṭṭa— 1 ‘peg, post’. 2. *khuṇṭa—1. [Same as *khuṭṭa2? — See also kṣōḍa—.] 1. Ku. khuṭī ‘peg’; N. khuṭnu ‘to stitch’ (der. *khuṭ ‘pin’ as khilnu from khil s.v. khı̄́la—); Mth. khuṭā ‘peg, post’; H. khūṭā m. ‘peg, stump’; Marw. khuṭī f. ‘peg’; M. khuṭā m. ‘post’. 2. Pk. khuṁṭa—, khoṁṭaya— m. ‘peg, post’; Dm. kuṇḍa ‘peg for fastening yoke to plough—pole’; L. khū̃ḍī f. ‘drum—stick’; P. khuṇḍ, °ḍā m. ‘peg, stump’; WPah. rudh. khuṇḍ ‘tethering peg or post’; A. khũṭā ‘post’, °ṭi ‘peg’; B. khũṭā, °ṭi ‘wooden post, stake, pin, wedge’; Or. khuṇṭa, °ṭā ‘pillar, post’; Bi. (with —ḍa—) khũṭrā, °rī ‘posts about one foot high rising from body of cart’; H. khū̃ṭā m. ‘stump, log’, °ṭī f. ‘small peg’ (→ P. khū̃ṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘stake, peg’); G. khū̃ṭ f. ‘landmark’, khũṭɔ m., °ṭī f. ‘peg’, °ṭũ n. ‘stump’, °ṭiyũ n. ‘upright support in frame of wagon’, khū̃ṭṛũ n. ‘half—burnt piece of fuel’; M. khũṭ m. ‘stump of tree, pile in river, grume on teat’ (semant. cf. kīla1 s.v. *khila2), khũṭā m. ‘stake’, °ṭī f. ‘wooden pin’, khũṭaḷṇẽ ‘to dibble’. Addenda: *khuṭṭa— 1. 2. *khuṇṭa—1: WPah.kṭg. khv́ndɔ ‘pole for fencing or piling grass round’ (Him.I 35 nd poss. wrong for ṇḍ); J. khuṇḍā m. ‘peg to fasten cattle to’.
3894 *khuṭṭa— 2 ‘leg’. [Perh. same as *khuṭṭa1 ‘peg’, but see word—group s.v. *kuṭṭha—] Ku. khuṭo ‘leg, foot’, °ṭī ‘goat's leg’; N. khuṭo ‘leg, foot’, khuṛkilo ‘ladder’ (< *khuṭ+kilo ‘peg’ < kīla1). *khuṭṭa— 3 ‘lame’ see khōra1. Addenda: *khuṭṭa—2: WPah.poet. khvṭe f. ‘leg (of a domestic animal)’; J. khuṭi f.pl. ‘legs’; Garh. khuṭu ‘foot’.
3895 *khuṭṭa— 4 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] Pk. khuṭṭa— ‘broken’, khuṭṭaï ‘is broken, is worn out’ (but khuḍaï ‘breaks’, pp. khuḍia— < *khuṭati); Gy. pal. kúrtă ‘short’, gr. khurdo ‘small’, wel. xuredō ‘small, short, dwarfish’ (rather than < kṣudrá—, but rt, rd < MIA. ṭṭ is doubtful, since wel. vārdō ~ MIA. aṭṭa- < *ārta2 may be ← or X Pers. ārd); Ḍ. khuṭa, f. °ṭi ‘short’, Sh. khŭṭo; S. khuṭaṇu ‘to fall short, fail’, khuṭalu ‘bankrupt’; L. khuṭṭaṇ ‘to be finished’; P. khuṭṭṇā ‘to be diminished, be finished’; H. khūṭnā ‘to be worn out’; G. khuṭvũ ‘to be exhausted’; M. khuṭṇẽ ‘to lack’. *nikkhuṭṭa—; *khuṭṭahala—. Addenda: *khuṭṭa— 4 [Cf. Ir. Shgh. kut m., kat f. ‘short’. Sang. and Wkh. kuṭ prob. ← IA. — Av. kuta(ka)— would not explain Shgh. t EVSh 41]
3896 *khuṭṭahala— ‘worn—out plough’. [*khuṭṭa—2, hala—] Bhoj. khuṭahrā m. ‘an old or worn plough’. *khuṭyatē ‘is broken’ see *khuṭati. *khuḍa— 1 ‘hoof, heel’ see khura—. *khuḍa— 2 ‘lame’ see khōra1. khuḍaka— ‘ankle—bone’ see khura—.
3897 *khuḍḍha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] L. khuḍḍā ‘blunt, crooked—horned’, awāṇ. khuḍḍhā ‘blunt’. *khuṇṭa— 1 ‘peg’ see *khuṭṭa1. Addenda: *khuḍḍha—: Md. kuḍa ‘twisted’. *khuṇṭa— 1 see *khuṭṭa1 Add2. *khuṇṭati see *khuṭati Add2.
3898 *khuṇṭa— 2 ‘corner’. 2. *kuṇṭa—2. [Cf. *khōñca—] 1. Phal. khun ‘corner’; H. khū̃ṭ m. ‘corner, direction’ (→ P. khũṭ f. ‘corner, side’); G. khū̃ṭṛī f. ‘angle’. - X kōṇa—: G. khuṇ f., khū̆ṇɔ m. ‘corner’. 2. S. kuṇḍa f. ‘corner’; P. kū̃ṭ f. ‘corner, side’ (← H.). *catuṣkhuṇṭa—; *catuṣkuṇṭa—, *ṣaṭkuṇṭa—. *khuṇṭati ‘breaks’ see *khuṭati.
3899 *khuṇṭha— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] P. khuṇḍh m. ‘stump, old man’, khuṇḍhā ‘blunt’; Or. khuṇṭa, °ṭā ‘withered branch’; OG. khuṁṭa ‘impotent, eunuch’, G. khũṭṛɔ m. ‘entire bull used for agriculture but not for breeding’, (Kathiawar) khũṭ m. ‘Brahmani bull’. *khuṇṭhahala—. Addenda: *khuṇṭha—: S.kcch. khūṇḍh ‘slow—witted’; WPah.kṭg. khv́ṇḍh m. ‘any object broken into pieces, stump’; khv́ṇḍhṇõ; ‘to break, pinch’ (see also *khuṇṭati s.v. khuṭati Add2); Garh. khuṇḍu ‘blunted’.
3900 *khuṇṭhahala— ‘worn or blunt plough’ [*khuṇṭha—, halá—] Bi. (Shahabad) khũṭehrā ‘plough with small worn block’.
3901 *khuṇḍa— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] L. khuṇḍā ‘blunt, crooked—horned’; P. khuṇḍī ‘crooked—horned’; N. khũṛo ‘blunt’, H. khuṇḍā. khúṇḍatē 1 ‘breaks’ see *khuṭati. khúṇḍatē 2 ‘is lame’ see khōra1. khudáti see *khōdd—. *khuddati ‘asks’ see *khōjja—.
3902 *khundha— ‘humpbacked’. [Cf. the ‘hump’ group s.v. kubjá— and the ‘defective’ group s.v. kuṇṭha—] G. khū̃dhi f. ‘hump on the back’, khū̃dhũ ‘hump- backed’.
3903 *khubja— ‘humpbacked’. [See kubjá—] Pa. khujja— ‘humpbacked, small, inferior’; Pk. khujja—, °jaya—, °jiya— ‘humpbacked, bent’; M. khuj̈ā ‘dwarfish’; Si. kuda ‘humpbacked’ or < kubjá—.
3904 *khubba— ‘hump’. [See *kubba— and list s.v. kubjá—] M. khubā m. ‘any projection on the body, esp. shoulderblade and hip’, khubaṛ n. ‘hump on back, knuckle, joint’. *khumbha— ‘jar’ see kumbhá1.
3905 *khumm— ‘bend’. Pk. khummia— ‘bent’; N. khumle, khomle ‘bent’, khumre ‘decrepit, old’, khumcinu ‘to be bent’; A. khum ‘bundle made by folding over two ends of cloth’.
3907 *khuraghāta— ‘hoof disease’. [khura—, ghāta—] Or. khurhā ‘foot—and—mouth disease of cattle’ (= Or. cmpd. khurā—ghā); — ext. with —ḍa—: WPah. bhal. khurāṛu n. ‘foot disease among cattle’.
3908 *khurapāśa— ‘foot rope’. [khura—, pā́śa—] B. khuraśī ‘noose tied to the forefeet of cattle’; H. khurwā̃s m. ‘hobble’.
3909 *khuramr̥ttikā— ‘hoof dust’. [khura—, mr̥ttikā—] Or. khurāṭi ‘dust raised by the hoofs of cattle’.
3912 *khūha— ‘pit, well’. [kū́pa—1 X khḗya—, khanati X guhā1?] K. khuhu m. ‘Persian well’, kash. khūhu ‘well’; S. khūhu m. ‘well’, khuhī f. ‘small well’; L. khūh m. ‘well’, awāṇ. khū̀; P. khūh, °hā m. ‘well’, WPah. bhal. khūho, cur. khūhā, paṅ. khūī, khaś. khū̀e obl. — Influenced by two meanings of kū́pa1 ‘pit’ and kūpa2 ‘mast’: S. khūho m. ‘mast of a boat’, L. khūhā m. *khūhakhānaka—, *khūhakhānya—. Addenda: *khūha—: S.kcch. khūvo m. ‘well’. *khēñc— see *khiñc- Add2.
3913 *khūhakhānaka— ‘well—digger’. [Cf. kūpakhā— m. Pāṇ., °khānaka— m. Kathās. — *khūha—, khānaka—] S. khūhāṇo m.
3914 *khūhakhānya— ‘dug out from a pit’. [*khūha—, khānya—] P. khuhānā, khuāhnā m. ‘a place from which earth is dug’. *khēñc— ‘pull’ see *khiñc—.
3918 *khēḍ— ‘play’. 2. *khēḍḍ—. 3. *khiḍḍ—1. 4. *khīl—. 5. *khill—. 6. *khēl—. 7. *khēll—. 8. kēl— or *kēḍ—. [If krı̄́ḍati, already in RV. (krı̄́ḷati, °ḷā́—, °ḷí— f., °ḷú—), is of non—Aryan origin (see in last instance A. Master BSOAS xii 363 and F. B. J. Kuiper Festschr. A. Debrunner 242: EWA i 279 with earlier lit.), then these forms may stem from the same source. If krı̄́ḍati is IE., it has crossed with these, e.g. Pk. kiḍḍaï, killaï ~ kīḍaï. Sk. kḗlati ‘trembles’ Dhātup., kḗli- f. ‘amorous play’ Mn., khḗlati ‘shakes’ R., khēlāyáti ‘plays’ Bhaṭṭ., khēli— f. ‘sport’ Gīt. may be connected. kṣvḗlati ‘jumps, sports’ R., kṣvēli—, °ikā— f. ‘play’ BhP. ac. to EAW i 296 is sanskritization of khēl—; but, although there is no form in NIA. with c̣h—, or ch—, Gy. eur. and arm. kh—, pal. k— (not x— and — < Sk. kh—) attest kṣ(v)—. H. helnā ‘to play’, if < *abhikhēl—, separates khēl— from kṣvēl— or represents a late cmpd. with MIA. kh— < kṣ(v)—] 1. Pk. khēḍaṇaa— n. ‘toy’, khēḍāvaga— ‘playing’; WPah. bhad. kheṛtu pres. part. n. ‘playing’; Or. kheṛa ‘sport, gambling’; — Si. keḷanavā ‘to play’ or < 6 or 8 below. 2. Pk. kheḍḍaï ‘plays’, °ḍā— f., °ḍa—, °ḍaya— n. ‘play’; S. kheḍ̱aṇu, kheḍ̱a f.; L. kheḍaṇ, kheḍ f., awān. caus. khiḍāvuṇ; P. kheḍṇā, khiḍāuṇā, kheḍ f.; WPah. bhal. kheḍḍu pp. n. sg. ‘it was played’; G. kheḍɔ m. ‘actor’. 3. Pa. khiḍḍā— f. ‘play’ (M. Grammont MSL xix 276 < krīḍā́—), Pk. khiḍḍa— n.; Si. kiḍuva, kiḍiya ‘sport, dancing’, kiḍī ‘dancing—girl’; — L. khiṭṭ f. ‘game’. 4. Pk. khīlāvaṇa— n. ‘toy’. 5. Pk. khillaï ‘plays’, °laṇa— n. ‘toy’; H. khillī f. ‘fun’, °lū ‘playful’. 6. Pk. khēlaï ‘plays’, °laṇa—, °ṇaya— n. ‘playing’; Or. kheḷibā vb., kheḷa, °ḷā sb.; G. kheḷɔ m. ‘itinerant actor’; M. kheḷṇẽ vb., kheḷ m.; Ko. kheḷtā. — Altern. < *khēll—: Gy. arm. eur. khel— ‘to play, dance’, pal. kḗlăr, caus. kēlauăr; K. khēlun vb., khēla, dat. khĕli f.; N. khelnu vb., khel sb.; A. khelāiba ‘to amuse’, khel ‘playing’; B. khelā, caus. khelāna, khel sb.; H. khelnā, caus. khilānā, khel m.; OMarw. khelaï vb.; — Si. kelinavā vb., keliya sb. (but if spellings with are original, then < *khēḍ—). 7. Pk. khellaï, °laṇa— n.; S. khela f.; P. khelṇā, °lhnā, caus. khilāuṇā, khal°; Or. kheli ‘sport’; Mth. khelab, Bhoj. khēlal, Aw. lakh. khēlab; OAw. khela m.; G. khelvũ, khel m. 8. Pa. kēḷāyati ‘fondles’, kēḷi— f. ‘play’; Si. keḷinavā ‘to play’, keḷiya ‘play’ if with original (or < *khēḍ— or *khēl— above or krı̄́ḍati). *abhikhēl—; *khiḍḍakara—. *khēḍḍ— ‘play’ see *khēḍ—. Addenda: *khēḍ— 1. 6. *khēl—: WPah.kṭg. khéḷɔ ‘gay’; Garh. kheḷnu ‘to play’, A. kheliba (or < 7). 7. *khēll—: WPah.kṭg. khḗl m. ‘game’, khélṇõ; ‘to play’; J. khe'l ‘game’. *khēḍ— 2 ‘plough’ see *khiḍ1.
3921 *khēdd— ‘drive, pursue’. P. khedṇā ‘to persecute, expel’; Ku. khedṇo ‘to pursue’, N. khednu, A. khediba; B. khedāna ‘to chase away’; Or. khedibā ‘to chase (an animal)’; H. khednā ‘to pursue’; — P. khedā, m. ‘pursuer’; N. khedo ‘pursuit’, A. khedā; B. H. khedā m. ‘elephant stockade’; G. khedɔ m. ‘pursuit’; — P. khedū m. ‘pursuer’, N. kheduwā. Addenda: *khēdd—: WPah.kṭg. khédṇõ; ‘to drive (e.g. cattle)’; J. khedṇu ‘to drive, hunt’. *khēl—, *khēll— see *khēḍ1 Add2.
3922 *khēdyatē ‘is fatigued’. [√khid] Pk. khejjaṇā— f. ‘fatigue, tired voice’; WPah. jaun. khej ‘fatigue’.
3924 *kheśśa— ‘a partic. sort of cloth’. K. kheś m. ‘a kind of silk cloth worn by women as a girdle’; S. khesu m. ‘thick cotton cloth’; L. khes m. ‘thick cotton shawl with coloured border’; P. khes m. ‘a kind of cloth’, °sī f. ‘small shawl’; N. khes ‘a partic. kind of cloth made in Bhadgaon’; B. kheś ‘a woollen wrapper’; H. khes, °sṛā m. ‘a figured cloth’; G. khes m., °siyũ n. ‘a cloth loosely worn over the shoulders’; M. khẽs n.m. ‘a partic. kind of cloth (cotton, wool, or silk)’. — Gy. germ. keš ‘silk, silk threads’ W.P. Schmid IF lxvi 143.
3925 *khēsārī— ‘lentil’. 2. *kēsārī— [Cf. kr̥sará—] N. khesā̆ri ‘a kind of lentil’; B. Or. khesāri ‘the pulse Lathyrus sativus’; Bi. khĕsārī, jo—khesarā ‘mixed crop of barley and peas’; Mth. khesārī ‘a kind of grain’ (°sāṛī hyper—Hindiism?); H. khesārī, khis° f. ‘Lathyrus sativus’. 2. H. kisārī f. ‘L. sativus’. *khaiñc— ‘pull’ see *khiñc—.
3926 *khōkkh— ‘bark, cough’. Pk. khokkhaï ‘barks (of a monkey)’, khokkhā— f. ‘monkey's bark’; N. khoknu ‘to cough’, khoki sb., B. khukā, H. khõ;khnā, khõ;khī f., G. khokhlɔ m., M. khokṇẽ. Addenda: *khōkkh— [Cf. *khuṅk— in Add2]
3927 *khōkkha— ‘hollow’. S. khokho m. ‘anything withered and dried up’; Or. khokho ‘sound of hollow things when struck’; H. khokhā, °kā ‘hollow, decayed’; G. khokh ‘dry and hollow’, khokhũ n. ‘outer dry crust after inside is removed’; M. khok, khõ;k f. ‘hole, bruise’; — Ext. with —r—: K. khŏkhoru , khūkh° ‘hollow’, P. khokhrā, N. khokro, H. khokrā; OMarw. khokharo m. ‘cavity’; - with —l—: P. khokhlā ‘hollow’; N. khoklo, khukulo ‘loose, slack’; H. khokhal, °khlā ‘hollow, decayed’; — with ——: H. khokaṛ; — M. khokhas n. ‘hollow grains’. Addenda: *khōkkha—: S.kcch. khokho ‘old’.
3928 *khōṅga— ‘basket’. N. khõ;go, khuṅo ‘fish—trap of basketwork’; B. Or. khuṅgi ‘small bamboo wickerwork basket’. *khōcc— ‘pierce, tear’ see *khucc—. khṓjati see *khōjja—.
3929 *khōjja— ‘mark, footprint’. 2. *khōjjati ‘tracks, seeks’. 3. *khuddati [Conn. with khṓjati ‘steals’ Dhātup. is doubtful] 1. Pk. khojja— m.n. ‘footmark’; L. khojī m. ‘tracker’; P. khoj m. ‘footprint’, khojjī m. ‘tracker of lost cattle’; N. khoj ‘clue’; A. khoj ‘footprint’; B. khoj, khõ;j ‘trace’; Or. khoja ‘footmark, trace’; G. khoj m.f. ‘search’. 2. Paš. lauṛ. xōǰ—, weg. kūeǰxūǰ—, gul. ‘to ask’ (→ Par. khuǰ- IIFL i 264); Kal. rumb. khoǰim ‘I seek’; Bshk. khoǰ— ‘to ask’, Tor. kuǰ— (kh—?), Phal. khōǰ—, Sh. gil. khoǰóĭki̯, gur. khožyōnu̯; P. khojnā ‘to seek’ (→ S. khojaṇu), Ku. khojṇo, N. khojnu; A. khojiba, ‘to beg, ask for’; B. khojā, khõ;jā, khũjā ‘to search for’, Or. khojibā, Mth. khōjab, OAw. khojaï; H. khojnā ‘to seek, enquire’; G. khojvũ ‘to search for’. 3. Kt. kudå— ‘to ask’, Ash. kudā́—, Wg. kud—, Paš. kuṛ. xud—, Gaw. khud—. — Cf. N. khodalnu ‘to search for’ s.v. *khōdd—. *khōñc— ‘tear, pierce’ see *khucc- Addenda: *khōjja— [Ac. AFD 220 Pk. khojja— ‘footprint’ < kṣōdya— ‘to be trampled on’ R.] 1. WPah.poet. khōj̈ m. ‘footprint, trace’, J. khō'j. 2. WPah.poet. khoj̈ṇo ‘to search, trace, enquire’.
3930 *khōñcā— ‘curve, bend’. [< *skuc— beside √kuc?] P. khū̃j f., °jā m. ‘corner’, N. khõ;j, khõ;c, khū̃j ‘glen, ravine, depression between two hills’; H. khū̃c f. ‘tendon Achilles’; G. khɔ̃c f. ‘corner’. — See *khuccā—, *kuñca1. khōṭa— see khōra1. *khōṭayati ‘breaks’ see *khuṭati.
3931 *khōṭi— ‘blemish’. 2. *khōṭṭa—. [Cf. *khuṭṭa4 and kūṭa2] 1. Pk. khōḍi— f. ‘fault’; Tor. khōr ‘ashes’ (Morgen- stierne AO viii 304 compares Sh. khā́ro < *skāra—, but see 2 below); OAw. khorī ‘fault’; H. khorī f. ‘wicked- ness’; OG. khoḍi f., G. khoṛ f. ‘vice, fault’, M. khoḍ f. 2. Bshk. khoṭ ‘embers’, Phal. khūṭo ‘ashes, burning coal’; Sh. khoṭŭ ‘false’, (Lor.) khōṭ ‘fault’; K. khọ̆ṭu ‘base, impure’; S. khoṭu m. ‘deceit’, °ṭo ‘deceitful’; L. khoṭ f. ‘alloy, impurity’, °ṭā ‘alloyed’, awāṇ. khoṭā ‘forged’; P. khoṭ m. ‘base, alloy’ (PhonPj 117 < kauṭya—), f. ‘vice, blemish’, khoṭṭā ‘vicious, impure’; Ku. N. khoṭ ‘fault’; H. khoṭ m.f. ‘deceit’, °ṭā ‘false, base’; Marw. khoṭo ‘bad’; OG. khoṭaüṁ ‘untrue’, G. khoṭ f. ‘mistake, loss, want’, °ṭī f. ‘waste of time’, °ṭũ ‘alloyed, bad, lazy’; M. khoṭ f. ‘falsehood, loss in trade’, °ṭā ‘false, alloyed’, °ṭī ‘delayed’. *niṣkhōṭa—; *niṣkhōṭṭa—. *khōṭṭa— ‘blemish’ see prec. *khōḍa— ‘cavity’ see *khōla2. *khōḍḍ— ‘dig’ see *khōdd—. *khōṇḍa— ‘lame’ see khōra1. Addenda: *khōṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. khōṭ m. ‘fault’, khoṭɔ ‘false’; J. khoṭā ‘wicked’; Md. kuř ‘error’. *khōḍa— ‘cavity’ see *khōla2 Add2. *khōḍḍ— ‘dig’ see *khōdd— Add2. *khōtr— ‘dig’ see *kōtr— Add2.
3932 *khōtta— ‘donkey’. [Poss. ← same source as ghōṭa—] P. bhaṭ. khotā, WPah. bhad. khautau, paṅ. cur. khōtā. *khōttarūpa—.
3933 *khōttarūpa— ‘donkey’. [*khōtta—, rūpá—] WPah. bhal. khōtrū. *khōtr— ‘dig’ see *kōtr—.
3934 *khōdd— ‘dig’. 2. *khōḍḍ—. 3. *kōḍḍ—. 4. *gōdd—. 5. *gōḍḍ—. 6. *guḍḍ—. [Poss. conn. with khudáti ‘thrusts (penis) into’ RV., prákhudati ‘futuit’ AV.; cf. also *khōtr—, *kōtr—] 1. P. khodṇā ‘to dig, carve’, khudṇā ‘to be dug’; Ku. khodṇo ‘to dig, carve’, N. khodnu, B. khodā, khudā, Or. khodibā, khud°; Bi. mag. khudnī ‘a kind of spade’; H. khodnā ‘to dig, carve, search’, khudnā ‘to be dug’; Marw. khodṇo ‘to dig’; G. khodvũ ‘to dig, carve’, M. khodṇẽ (also X khānayati q.v.). — N. khodalnu ‘to search for’ cf. *khuddati s.v. *khōjja—? 2. B. khõ;ṛā ‘to dig’ or < *khōṭayati s.v. *khuṭati. 3. B. koṛā, kõ;ṛā ‘to dig, pierce’, Or. koṛibā ‘to cut clods of earth with a spade, beat’; Mth. koṛab ‘to dig’, H. koṛnā. 4. K. godu m. ‘hole’, g° karun ‘to pierce’; N. godnu ‘to pierce’; H. godnā ‘to pierce, hoe’, gudnā ‘to be pierced’; G. godɔ m. ‘a push’; M. godṇẽ ‘to tattoo’. 5. L. goḍaṇ ‘to hoe’, P. goḍṇā, goḍḍī f. ‘hoeings’; N. goṛnu ‘to hoe, weed’; H. goṛnā ‘to hoe up, scrape’, goṛhnā (X kāṛhnā?); G. goḍvũ ‘to loosen earth round roots of a plant’. 6. S. guḍ̱aṇu ‘to pound, thrash’; P. guḍḍṇā ‘to beat, pelt, hoe, weed’. Addenda: *khōdd—. 1. S.kcch. khodhṇū ‘to dig’, WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) khódṇõ;, J. khodṇu. 2. *khōḍḍ—: WPah.kc. khoḍṇo ‘to dig’; — kṭg. khoṛnõ; id. see *khuṭati Add2.
3936 *khōppa— 1 ‘coconut shell’. 2. *khōppaḍa—. 3. *khōppara—. 4. *khōbbara—. [Cf. *kōppara—] 1. S. khopo m. ‘shell of coconut or egg’; L. khopā m. ‘leather blinders on a bullock's eyes’; P. khoppā, khopā m. ‘coconut kernel’; Or. (Sambhalpur) khupuli ‘hard shell of coconut’; H. khopā m. ‘coconut kernel’. 2. Ku. khopṛī ‘skull’, N. khopri; H. khopṛī f. ‘skull, shell’. 3. K. khūpara ‘coconut shell, chestnut’; P. khopar m., °prī f. ‘skull’, khoprā m. ‘concave eyepieces over an animal's eyes when driving a mill’; H. khoprā m. ‘coconut kernel’, G. khoprẽ n.; G. M. khoprī f. ‘skull’. 4. M. khobrẽ n. ‘coconut kernel’. Addenda: *khōppa—: WPah.poet. khobo m. ‘scratch, hole’; A. khob ‘hole, cave’.
3937 *khōppa— 2 ‘hole’. [Cf. *khappa2] Phal. khop ‘rung of a ladder’ (orig. ‘notch in a plank or trunk used as a ladder’ and, despite NOPhal 40, separate fr. A. khāp ‘layer’ s.v. *khappa1); N. khop ‘ravine’, °po ‘hole in a wall’, °pi ‘little hole’, °pilṭo; A. khob ‘hole, cave’, khupiyā ‘notch to place the foot on’; Or. khopa ‘pigeonhole’; H. khop f. ‘hole, cave’; M. khop f. ‘dint’, °pā m. ‘hollow in a tree’; — Si. kopuva ‘sheath, scabbard’ (but see *khappa1); — Ku. khopṇo ‘to make a hole’; N. khopnu ‘to pierce’; A. khopani ‘pressing the toes in to prevent slipping’ (but see *skupyatē).
3938 *khōppa— 3 ‘hut’. 2. *khōmpa—. [Prob. ← Drav. DED no. 1441] 1. M. khop, °pī f. ‘cottage, hut’. — Ext. with ——: K. khŏpürü f. ‘ruined thatched mud hut’; Ku. khopṛo ‘hovel’; N. khopro ‘slave's house’; A. khupari ‘small dark room’; Mth. khopaṛī ‘hut’, M. khopḍī f.; — with —ṭṭ—: G. khopṭũ n. ‘cottage, hut’, M. khopaṭ n., °pṭī f. 2. Bi. khõ;p, °pī ‘house for storing chaff’; Mth. khõ;p ‘hut, nest’; Bhoj. khõ;p ‘cover of a granary’; M. khõ;p f. ‘hut’. — Ext. with ——: Bi. khõ;pṛī ‘shed on threshing floor’.
3939 *khōppa— 4 ‘bunch of hair’. [← Drav. DED no. 1755] N. khop ‘bunch of woman's hair tied unplaited at back of head’; A. khopā ‘hair—knot’, B. khõ;pā, Or. khopā, H. khopā m., H. M. khõ;pā m. *khōppaḍa— ‘coconut shell’ see *khōppa1. *khōppara— ‘coconut shell’ see *khōppa1. *khōbbara— ‘coconut shell’ see *khōppa1.
3943 *khōla— 2 ‘cavity, hollow’. 2. *khōlla—2. 3. *khōḍa—. 4. *khōra—2. [Cf. Par. khur ‘cave’ IIFL i 265] 1. Paš. gul. khōl ‘ravine’; P. khol f. ‘cavity, hollow’; WPah. cur. khoḷ ‘stream’; N. kholo ‘small river, valley’; Bi. khol, °li ‘trough in which the share lies when fixed in body of plough’; H. khol, °laṛ m. ‘cavity, cave’; — A. kholiba ‘to hollow out’, kholni ‘mortice’; Or. khoḷibā ‘to dig’. — X kōṭará— q.v. 2. Pk. kholla— n. ‘hollow’; L. kholā ‘hollow’; Or. khola ‘cave’; G. khol f. ‘hollowness’; M. khol ‘deep’. 3. Kho. (Lor.) khōḷ ‘cave, hollow under rock’; P. khoṛ f. ‘cavity, hollow’; — A. khor ‘cavity, hole’ or < *khōra2. 4. Gy. arm. xor ‘deep, hollow, depth’, eur. xor ‘deep, depth’, wel. xorō ‘deep’; Sh. (Lor.) kōr ‘cave’; L. khorī ‘enclosure’; P. khorā ‘empty’; N. khor ‘enclosure, trap’, °ro ‘crack in skin of foot’, °ri ‘small pocket of leaves’; A. khor ‘cave’ (or < *khōḍa—); B. khor ‘sore in foot—and- mouth disease’; H. khor m. ‘cave’, f. ‘cavity’, °rā m. ‘pit, cave’; M. khor m. ‘glen’. khōla— 3 ‘lame’ see khōra1. Addenda: *khōla— 2. 3. khōḍa—: WPah.kṭg. khv́ṛ m. ‘lowest storey of house where cattle are kept (often dug into the hillside)’ (but cf. P. kuṛ, kgr. kuṛh f. ‘enclosure for cattle’ Him.I 35); — perh. also khv́ṛ ‘dung, manure’.
3945 *khōll— ‘to open’. 2. *khull— ‘to be open’. 1. Gy. pal. kṓlăr ‘loosens’, eur. wel. xulav— ‘to comb out (hair), part, divide’; K. khōlun ‘to open’, S. kholaṇu, L. awāṇ. khōluṇ; P. kholhṇā ‘to open, loose’; WPah. rudh. kholl— ‘to open’; Ku. gng. khoe ‘releases’; N. kholnu ‘to open’, B. kholā, khulā, Or. kholibā, Mth. Aw. lakh. khōlab, H. kholnā, Marw. kholṇo, G. kholvũ; M. kholṇẽ ‘to deepen (a well)’. 2. S. khulaṇu intr. ‘to open’, L. awāṇ. khullaṇ ‘to be open’, P. khullhṇā, WPah. cam. khulhṇā, Ku. khulṇo, N. khulnu, B. khulā, H. khulnā, G. khulvũ, M. khulṇẽ; — OMarw. khulo adj. ‘open’. *utkhōll—, *niṣkhōll—. Addenda: *khōll—. 1. S.kcch. kholṇū ‘to open’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) khólṇõ;. 2. *khull—: WPah.kṭg. khúlṇõ; ‘to be opened’, khullɔ ‘spacious, wide’; J. khulā ‘loosened’.
3946 *khōlla— 1 ‘hut’. Pk. khulla— n. ‘hut’; G. M. kholī f. ‘inner room’. *khōlla— 2 ‘cavity’ see *khōla2.
3947 *khōva— ‘inspissated milk’. P. khoā m., ‘milk boiled till thick’, N. khowā, khāwā, B. khoyā, Or. khuā, H. khoā m., M. khovā, khavā m.
3948 *khōsa— ‘husk’. Sh. (Lor.) khōh ‘what is removed after pounding rice or maize’; B. Or. H. khosā m. ‘husk’; — N. khosṭo ‘husk (of maize &c.), eggshell’, khoselo ‘husk (of maize &c.)’, khoselnu ‘to peel, rummage’. — Si. koha ‘fibre of coco- nut husk’ rather < kōśá—. KHYĀ ‘make known’: abhíkhyati, ā́khyati, ākhyā—, ākhyāta—, *ākhyātra—, ākhyā́na—, *ācikhyati, upā- khyāna—, prakhyāna—, *viyā́khyāti, vyākhyāna—, saṁ- khyā—, sáṁkhyāti, samākhyāti.
3949 *gakṣa— ‘tree’, gaccha— m. lex. Pa. gaccha— m. ‘bush’; Sh. gac̣hí f. ‘twig’; N. gāch ‘tree, shrub’; A. gās ‘tree’; B. gāch ‘tree, plant’, °chā ‘lampstand’, gāchāna ‘to grow’; Or. gacha ‘tree’; Bi. gāch ‘beanstalk’, gāchi ‘first sprout of peas’, °chī ‘grove’; Mth. gāch, gachiā ‘tree’, gāchī ‘mango grove’; Bhoj. gā̃ch ‘tree’; H. gāch m. ‘tree’, °chī f. ‘grove’; Si. gasa, gaha ‘tree’; — A. gā̆s ‘numerative used with long or slender things’, B. gāch. Addenda: *gakṣa— ‘tree’. [Cf. vr̥kṣá— with same final] A. also gâchā (phonet. —s—) ‘lampstand’ AFD 217.
3951 *gaṅgarīti ‘calls loudly’. [Poss. intens. of √gr̥̄ 3, but prob. onom. like *gargarāyati] G. gā̃garvũ ‘to bellow like a bull’; M. gā̃garṇẽ ‘to be frightened’, gā̃garḍā m. ‘outcry, brawl’.
3953 *gaṅgāmr̥ttikā— ‘Ganges earth’. [gáṅgā—, mŕ̥ttikā—] S. gaṅgāṭī f. ‘earth brought from the Ganges for making sectarial mark’; H. gãgauṭī f. ‘earth or sand from the Ganges’. *gacc— ‘press, crowd’ see *gicc—.
3954 *gacca— ‘mud’. [Perh. onom., cf. Drav. words s.v. *gicc— and Pahlavi gač, Pers. geč ‘mud’.] S. gacu m. ‘mortar, plaster’ (g!), gaci ‘plastered with mortar’; P. gacc m. ‘mud, mortar, cement’; H. gac m. ‘noise made in walking through mud’; M. gaċṇẽ ‘to sink into mud’. gaccha— see *gakṣa—.
3959 *gajja— ‘foam’. 2. *gañja—4. 1. S. gajī f. ‘foam, scum’, Ku. N. Bhoj. gāj; H. gāj f. ‘froth, scum’, gajānā ‘to cause to ferment’. 2. B. gā̃jā ‘frothing’, gā̃jlā ‘froth, beestings’, gā̃jā ‘to foam’.
3960 *gañj— ‘press, ram’. 2. *gajj—. 3. *gadd—. [Cf. gañja1 m. ‘disrespect’ lex. and gandhayatē] 1. Pk. gaṁjaï ‘oppresses, rebukes’, gaṁjia— ‘hurt’, gaṁjaṇa— n. ‘disrespect’; N. gā̃jnu ‘to ravish, rape (a woman)’; A. gā̃ziba ‘to thrust, cram’; Or. gā̃jibā ‘to ram, thrash’, gañjibā ‘to oppress, abuse’, gañjaṇā ‘abuse’; H. gā̃jnā ‘to churn’, gãjnā ‘to treat with con- tempt’; G. gā̃jvũ ‘to agitate, overpower, deceive’; M. gā̃j̈ṇẽ ‘to torment’. 2. Or. gājibā ‘to ram, thrash, fall in torrents (of rain)’. 3. Pk. gaddia— ‘proud’ (?); B. gādā ‘to ram, cram’; H. gādnā ‘to press down, cram’. gañja— 1 ‘disrespect’ see *gañj—. Addenda: *gañj—. 1. WPah.kṭg. ganj̈ɔ ‘bald—headed’, P. gañjā.
3962 *gañja— 3 ‘heap’. [Perh. same as gañja2] P. gañj m. ‘heap’; N. gā̃j ‘close growth of plants’; Bhoj. gā̃j ‘heap’. — With Pk. gaṁja— m. ‘cheek’ cf. gaṇḍá1 and gaṇḍa2. *gañja— 4 ‘foam’ see *gajja—.
3965 *gaṭṭa— ‘piece’. 2. *giṭṭa—. 1. S. ǥaṭu m. ‘piece of stick in a dog's collar’, ǥaṭo m. ‘piece of wall, piece of canal left undug’, ǥaṭī f. ‘piece of elephant's tusk &c.’; P. gaṭṭ m. ‘cluster, stopper’, gaṭṭā m. ‘stopper’ (→ H. gaṭṭā m.); H. gāṭā m. ‘piece of land’. 2. S. ǥiṭī f. ‘small bit of food’. *GAṬH ‘mould, form’. [By metath. < √ghaṭ?] *gaṭhati, *gāṭhayati. Addenda: *gaṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. gɔṭṭɔ m. ‘small stone, pebble’, J. gaṭi f.
3966 *gaṭhati ‘makes, forms’. [√*gaṭh] Pk. gaḍhaï ‘forms’; L. gaṛhāvaṇ ‘to bring buffalo- cow to bull’; P. gaṛhṇā ‘to copulate with (of bull or buffalo)’; A. gariba ‘to mould, form’; B. gaṛā ‘to hammer into shape, form’; Or. gaṛhibā ‘to mould, build’, gaṛhaṇa ‘building’; Mth. gaṛhāī ‘wages for making gold or silver ornaments’; OAw. gaḍhāi ‘makes’; H. gaṛhnā ‘to form by hammering’, G. gaḍhvũ. — Altern. < gháṭatē: Wg. gaṛawun ‘to form, produce’; K. garun, vill. gaḍun ‘to hammer into shape, forge, put together’. GAḌ ‘drip’. [Poss. ← Drav. Master BSOAS xii 347; but perh. < *gr̥d— in *grilla— (if < *gr̥d—la—) or *gr̥ta—: √*gr̥̄ 1. See also √gal 1 and *giḍḍ—] *gaḍa—3, gáḍati, gaḍita—, *gāḍa—1, *gāḍayati; *nirgaḍa—, *nirgaḍati, *nirgāḍayati, *vigaḍati.
3968 *gaḍa— 2 ‘cultivated field’. 2. *gāḍa—2. [Prob. same as *gaḍa1, i.e. ‘something dug’] 1. Ku. gaṛo ‘field’; N. garo ‘terraced field’. 2. Dm. gāŕa ‘cultivated field’; Kho. (Lor.) gāḷu ‘small field’. Addenda: *gaḍa—2: WPah.kc. gɔ̄ṛ m. ‘farmyard, earth, ground’.
3969 *gaḍa— 3 ‘dropping’. [√gaḍ] Pa. gaḷa— m. ‘a drop’, gaḷāgalaṁ gacchati ‘goes from fall to fall’; S. ǥaṛo m. ‘hail’, L. (Ju.) ǥaṛā m., P. gaṛā m. (cf. galā < gala1); — Pk. gaḍa— n. ‘large stone’?
3971 *gaḍa— 5 ‘hook’. Pa. gaḷa— m. ‘hook, fish—hook’; Pk. gala— m. ‘hook’; N. gal ‘lever’; H. gal m. ‘hook, drag hook’; G. gaḷ m. ‘hook’; M. gaḷ m. ‘hook, drag hook, hangman's hook’. *gaḍa— 6 ‘neck’ see gala2.
3972 *gaḍagaḍa— ‘noise’. [Onom.: cf. *ghaḍaghaḍa—] Pa. gaḷagaḷāyati ‘crashes, thunders’; Pk. gaḍayaḍa—, °ḍī— f. ‘sound of thunder’, gaḍayaḍaṁta— ‘making a dreadful noise’; M. gaḍāḍ m. ‘rumble’, gaḍāḍṇẽ ‘to rumble’, gaḍgaḍṇẽ.
3974 *gaḍa—baḍa— ‘confused’. 2. *gaḍḍa—baḍḍa—. [Cf. *gaḍḍ2] 1. Pk. gaḍavaḍa— n. ‘confusion’, S. gaṛḇaṛi f.; P. gaṛhbaṛ f. ‘sound of boiling water’, gaṛhbaṛāhaṭ f. ‘confusion’; Ku. gaṛbaṛūṇo ‘to confuse’; N. gaṛbaṛ ‘confusion’, B. gaṛbaṛ, °ṛi; Or. gaṛabaṛi ‘uproar’; H. gaṛbaṛ ‘confused’, m. ‘confusion, disorder’, °ṛā m., °ṛī, °ṛāhaṭ f., G. gaṛbaṛ f., M. gaḍbaḍ f., gaḍbaḍṇẽ ‘to be confused’. 2. P. gaḍḍvaḍḍ m. ‘confusion’.
3979 *gaḍḍ— 1 ‘dig, bury’. [Cf. list s.v. kartá1] L. gaḍḍaṇ ‘to sow’; P. gaḍḍṇā ‘to sow, plant, fix’; N. gāṛnu ‘to bury, stab’; A. gāriba, gā̃r° ‘to thrust, fix in’; B. gāṛā ‘to plant, bury’; Or. gāṛibā ‘to bury in a hole’; Mth. gāṛab ‘to bury’, Bhoj. gāṛal; H. gāṛnā ‘to bury, drive in’, OMarw. gāṛaï, G. gāḍvũ, M. gāḍṇē̃. — Caus. Gy. eur. garav— ‘to hide’, P. gaḍāuṇā ‘to bury, drive in’; — intr. N. gaṛnu ‘to be buried’, Mth. gaṛab, G. gaḍvũ.
3980 *gaḍḍ— 2 ‘mix’. [Cf. gadhyati ‘is mixed’ Nir., and Kan. gaḍanisu ‘to join’] Paš. gaḍ ‘mixed with, immersed in’ IIFL iii 3, 67; S. gaḍ̱aṇu ‘to meet, join, mix’, gaḍ̱u ‘jointly’; L. (Ju.) gaḍ̱ḍ̱aṇ ‘to mix (of fluids)’; P. gaḍḍ ‘promiscuous’; H. gāṛnā ‘to unite’, gāṛā ‘kneaded or mixed mud’ (or < *gāḍa2). — Poss. Wg. gaṭ ‘immersed’ but see gāḍha—.
3981 *gaḍḍa— 1 ‘hole, pit’. [G. < *garda—? — Cf. *gaḍḍ1 and list s.v. kartá1] Pk. gaḍḍa— m. ‘hole’; WPah. bhal. cur. gaḍḍ f., paṅ. gaḍḍṛī, pāḍ. gaḍōṛ ‘river, stream’; N. gaṛ—tir ‘bank of a river’; A. gārā ‘deep hole’; B. gāṛ, °ṛā ‘hollow, pit’; Or. gāṛa ‘hole, cave’, gāṛiā ‘pond’; Mth. gāṛi ‘piercing’; H. gāṛā m. ‘hole’; G. garāḍ, °ḍɔ m. ‘pit, ditch’ (< *graḍḍa— < *garda—?); Si. gaḍaya ‘ditch’. — Cf. S. giḍ̱i f. ‘hole in the ground for fire during Muharram’. — X khānī̆—: K. gān m. ‘underground room’; S. (LM 323) gāṇ f. ‘mine, hole for keeping water’; L. gāṇ m. ‘small embanked field within a field to keep water in’; G. gāṇ f. ‘mine, cellar’; M. gāṇ f. ‘cavity containing water on a raised piece of land’ (LM 323 < gáhana—). *pragaḍḍa—; *gharagaḍḍa—. Addenda: *gaḍḍa—1: WPah.kṭg. gāṛ ‘hole (e.g. after a knot in wood)’.
3982 *gaḍḍa— 2 ‘bundle, sheaf’. 2. *giḍḍa—. 1. S. gaḏo m. ‘bundle of grass &c.’, °ḍ̱ī f. ‘small do.’; L. gaḍḍā m. ‘armful of straw’, °ḍī f. ‘sheaf’; P. gaḍḍā m. ‘handful of sticks’, °ḍī f. ‘load of rice in straw’, WPah. bhal. gaḍḍi f. 2. Bshk. giḍ ‘straw’. *gaḍḍa— 3 ‘boil, swelling’ see gaṇḍá1.
3983 *gaḍḍa— 4 ‘sheep’. 2. gaḍḍara—, °ḍala— m. Apte. [Cf. gaḍḍārikā— f. ‘ewe in front of a flock’ lex., gaḍḍālikā- f. ‘sheep’ → Psht. gaḍūrai ‘lamb’ NTS ii 256] 1. Ash. gaḍewä m. ‘sheep’, °wī f.; Wg. gáḍawā, goḍṓ ‘ram’, guḍsok ‘lamb’; Paš. giḍı̄́ f. ‘sheep’; L. gaḍ m. ‘wild sheep’. 2. Pk. gaḍḍarī— f. ‘goat, ewe’, °riyā— f. ‘ewe’; Woṭ. gaḍūre ‘lamb’; B. gāṛal, °ṛar ‘the long—legged sheep’; Or. gāraṛa, gaṛera, °ṛarā ‘ram’, gāraṛi ‘ewe’, garaṛa ‘sheep’; H. gāḍar f. ‘ewe’; G. gāḍar, °ḍrũ n. ‘sheep’. — Deriv. B. gāṛle ‘shepherd’, H. gaḍariyā m. *gaḍḍa—baḍḍa— ‘confused’ see *gaḍa—baḍa—. gaḍḍara— ‘sheep’ see *gaḍḍa4. gaḍḍārikā— see *gaḍḍa4. Addenda: *gaḍḍa— 4. 2. gaḍḍara—: S.kcch. gāḍar m. ‘sheep’. gaḍḍara— see *gaḍḍa4 Add2.
3985 *gaḍḍhati ‘pulls’. [See *kaḍḍhati: √*kaḍḍh] Bshk. gaḍh imper. ‘pull!’; Phal. gaḍ— ‘to take or pull out’. Addenda: *gaḍḍhati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) gáṛhnõ;, gaṛnõ; ‘to take out, pull out’.
3986 *gaḍha— ‘fort’. [Poss. with ODBL 500 < *gr̥dha- (> gr̥há—), Av. gƏrƏ d a—] Pk. gaḍha— m., °ḍhā— f. ‘fort’; K. gaḍ m. (= vill. *gaṛ?) ‘small masonry fort built in the hills by a local chieftain’; S. ǥaṛhu m. ‘fort’, P. gaṛh m., Ku. gaṛ, A. gar, B. gaṛ, Or. gaṛ(h)a, Mth. Bhoj. gaṛh, OAw. gaḍha m., H. gaṛhī f. (→ N. gaṛi), OMarw. OG. gaḍha m., G. gaḍh, ghaṛ m. (whence gaḍhī m. ‘inhabitant of a hill fort’), M. gaḍhī, gaḍḍī f. *gaḍhapati—; saṁgaḍha—. Addenda: *gaḍha—: S.kcch. gaḍḍh m. ‘fort’.
3987 *gaḍhapati— ‘commander of a fort’. [*gaḍha—, páti—] G. gaḍhvī m.
3990 *gaṇakulika— ‘belonging to a hive’. [gaṇá—, kúla—] WPah. bhal. gƏṇɔlli f. ‘bee’.
3991 *gaṇadhārī— ‘holding a swarm’. [gaṇá—, dhāra1] WPah. bhal. gaṇhār f. ‘beehive’.
4002 *gaṇḍamba— ‘a partic. kind of tree’. Pa. gaṇḍamba— m.; Si. gäḍam̆bu, °ḍum̆ba ‘the tree Trema orientalis’.
4004 *gaṇḍāsi— ‘sugarcane knife’. [gaṇḍa—2, así—] Bi. gãṛās, °sā ‘fodder cutter’, °sī ‘its blade’; Bhoj. gãṛās ‘a partic. iron instrument’; H. gãṛāsī f., °sā m. ‘knife for cutting fodder or sugarcane’ (→ P. gãḍāsā m. ‘chopper for cutting fodder &c.’). gaṇḍi— see gaṇḍa2.
4011 *gadda— 1 ‘sediment, mud’. [Perh. < *garda—, cf. Pk. geḍḍa— n. ‘mud’ J. Bloch LM 321 < *gr̥d—, *gard— in Pers. gil ‘dirt’. But see list s.v. karda—] B. gād ‘dregs, lees, scum’; Or. gāda ‘sediment, dregs’; Bi. gād ‘low—lying land’; Mth. gādi ‘sediment of foul water’; H. gād f. ‘sediment, dregs’ (→ P. gād m.); M. gādā m. ‘muck, sludge’. — Ext. with —l—: M. gadaḷ n. ‘dirt’; — with —ll—: H. gadlā ‘turbid, dirty’; G. gadlũ ‘dirty, dusty’. — Deriv. M. gādṇẽ ‘to become turbid’.
4012 *gadda— 2 ‘spotted, mottled’. 2. *gaddara—. 1. H. gādā m. ‘unripe grain parched in the ear’. 2. L. gadra ‘flea—bitten grey (of cattle)’, (Ju.) gadar ‘leucoderm, leprosy, inferior quality of rice’, gadrā ‘piebald, spotted, leprous’; P. gaddar, °rā ‘half—ripe’; H. gādar ‘unripe (of grain or fruit)’. *gaddara— ‘mottled’ see prec. gadhā— see *gaḍḍa—.
4013 *ganagana— ‘murmur’. 2. *gunaguna—. 1. N. gangan ‘murmur’, ganganāunu ‘to grumble’; Or. gaṇagaṇa ‘murmur’, G. gaṇgaṇ n., gaṇgaṇvũ vb., M. gaṇgaṇṇẽ. 2. H. gungun f., gungunānā vb. *gandu— ‘ball’ see gēnduka—. GANDH ‘hurt’: gandháyatē. Addenda: *ganagana—. 2. *gunaguna—: S.kcch. gūṇgūṇ keṇī ‘to hum, whisper’, Ko. guṇguṇtā ‘murmurs’.
4015 *gandhapūrikā— ‘flower’. [gandhá—, pūra1] Kal. gambhūri ‘flower’, Kho. gambùri BelvalkarVol 90.
4022 *gappa— ‘talk’. [Onom. cf. jálpati?] K. gaph, dat. °pas m. ‘joke’; P. gapp f. ‘tittle—tattle’, gappī m. ‘boaster’; Ku. gaph ‘absurd news’; N. gaph ‘tittle—tattle’, gapphar ‘boaster’; A. gap ‘boast’; B. gappa ‘tittle—tattle’, Or. gapa, H. G. M. gap f. Addenda: *gappa—: WPah.kṭg. gɔp f. (obl. —a) ‘gossip’, J. gap f. *gabhīna— see gabhīrá— Add2.
4023 *gabba— ‘filling of a hole’. 2. *gampa—. 1. N. gāb, gāp ‘rubble for filling in a wall, strong foundation stone of a wall’; G. gābṛī f. ‘filling of a hole’; M. gābḍẽ n. ‘patch for a hole’. 2. S. gamba f. ‘mud building’ (g!). *gabhara— ‘deep’ see gabhīrá—. *gabhīna— ‘deep’ see next.
4039 *garu— 1 ‘skin disease’. [Cf. gará3 m. ‘a partic. disease’ Suśr. and words for ‘itch’ ending in —ū̆ s.v. kharju1] Gy. gr. ger, gel m. ‘itch’, boh. ger f.; S. garu (g!) f. ‘mange’, garo ‘mangy’, m. ‘iron—grey horse’; H. gar f. ‘itch in throat and breast of a horse, farcy’; M. gar f. ‘id., scurf on hair of horse or man’. — Ext. —lla—: Gy. eur. geralo, gelalo ‘affected by itch or scab’; B. garal ‘eczema’.
4040 *garu— 2 ‘pulp, pith’. S. ǥaru f. ‘pulp, pith, marrow’, G. M. gar m.; M. garā m. ‘lump of the pulp of jackfruit’. Addenda: *garu—2: P. garī f. ‘kernel of coconut’, WPah.kṭg. gɔri , Wkc. gire f. ‘coconut, kernel of coconut’, J. garī f., H. garī f.
4045 *gargarāyati ‘roars’. [gárgara1: onom. cf. *gaṅ- garīti] Pa. gaggarāyati ‘whirls, roars (of waves)’; K. gagarāy f. ‘thunder’. gargāṭa— see gargara3. GARJ ‘roar’: gárjati, garjana—, garjā—, garjita—.
4053 *garda— 2 ‘seat’. [Cf. gárta2 m. ‘high seat, chariot seat’ RV., ‘chariot’ Gaut. EWA i 327 of IE. origin, but prob. with T. Burrow BSOAS xii 377 ← Drav.: Kan. garduge, gaddigĕ ‘throne, seat’, Tel. gadde. — Poss. same as *gāḍḍa—] K. gȧḍi f. ‘the royal court where the king transacts business’; S. gaḍ̱o m. ‘bundle of grass’, °ḍ̱ī f. ‘small do.’, gādī f. ‘soft pad, cushion’ (← H. or G.); P. gaddī, gaḍḍī ‘cushion, pad, seat’ (→ H. gaddā m. ‘quilted mattress’, gaddī f. ‘cushion, royal cushion’); N. gādi ‘seat, throne’; A. gādī ‘seat of honour, wadded pad on elephant's back’; B. gādi ‘pile, stack, elevated place’; Or. gādi ‘heap, mound, seat, throne’; H. gādī f. ‘thin mattress, cushion’; G. gādī f. ‘pad, raised seat’; M. gādī f. ‘pad, cushion, throne’, gadelā m. ‘large stuffed seat’. Addenda: *garda—2: S.kcch. gādhī f. ‘soft pad, throne’.
4056 *garbhaghara— ‘inner room’. [Cf. garbhagr̥ha—, —gēha— n. ‘inner sleeping room’ MBh. — gárbha—, ghara—] Pk. gabbhahara— n. ‘inner room’. *garbhagharakāṣṭha—. *garbhagharakāṣṭha— [*garbhaghara—, kāṣṭhá—] See *garbhāgārakāṣṭha—.
4058 *garbhavāra— ‘hair of foetus’. [gárbha—, vā́ra1] H. gabhuāre m. pl. ‘hair of a newborn child’.
4061 *garbhāgārakāṣṭha— [garbhāgāra—, kāṣṭhá—] B. gā̆brāṭ ‘lintel—wood’ ODBL 317 or < *garbha- gharakāṣṭha—. garbhāsrāva— see garbhasrāva—.
4072 *galakaśa— ‘neck rope’. [gala—2, káśā—] S. ǥirāho ‘neck rope for an animal’, B. galāsi, Or. gaḷāsi, H. galāsī f.
4073 *galacūḍa— ‘necklace’. [gala—2, cūḍa2] Gaw. garuṛa ‘necklace’.
4076 *galadāman— ‘neck rope’. 2. *galadāmana— 2 [gala—2, dā́man1] 1. L. (Ju.) ǥalāvā̃ m. ‘neck halter for cattle’; P. galvā̃, galmā m. ‘nape of a tunic’; WPah. khaś. glā̃ ‘neck rope for cattle’, Ku. gng. gayɔ̃, H. garā̃w f. 2. P. galāvāṇ m. ‘neck halter for cattle’, H. garāwan m.
4077 *galapāṭaka— ‘neck surface’. [gala—2, pāṭa—] Pa. galavāṭaka— ‘bottom of the throat (?)’; Si. galavalu ‘back part of neck’.
4078 *galapuṭa— ‘throat’. [gala—2, puṭa—] Bshk. garṓr ‘gullet’; Tor. garḗṛ ‘throat’, Phal. garū́ṛi.
4080 *galabandhana— ‘neck—rope’. [gala—2, bándhana—] Bi. garaũdhan ‘horse's halter’.
4081 *galavibhēdana— ‘slit for neck’. [gala—2, vibhēdana—] L. (Shahpur) galvīṇ f. ‘slit for neck (in clothes)’.
4085 *galī— ‘defile, lane’. 2. *gallī—. 3. *gālī—. [Cf. *gaḍa1 and list s.v. kartá1] 1. Paš. galı̄́ ‘mountain pass’; P. galī f. ‘hole, narrow street’, °lā m. ‘passage through a hedge’; B. gali ‘narrow lane’; Or. gaḷi ‘alley’, gaḷiā ‘hole in a wall, rivulet’; Mth. galī ‘lane’; H. galī f. ‘lane, mountain pass’. 2. S. ǥalī f. ‘lane’ (< *galliā → G. galī f., M. H. gallī f., N. galli); G. gālī f. ‘valley’. 3. K. gölü m. ‘cave, robbers' lair’. galaugha— m. ‘tumour in throat’ Suśr. [gala—, aughá—?] See *galaughika—. Addenda: gali—: X kulyā́— Add2.
4086 *galaughika— ‘having a swelling in the throat’. [galaugha—] Bshk. galṓī, gel° ‘pigeon’ AO xviii 234 with (?); Phal. gálū ‘a blue bird which lives in the fields’; - Pk. gilōī—, °ōiyā— f. ‘house lizard’; S. giloī f. ‘a partic. kind of lizard’; L. gilāī f. ‘long—tailed lizard’. — Very doubtful. gáldā— see gárda1.
4087 *galyati ‘drips’. [√gal 1] L. (Ju.) ǥallaṇ ‘to melt, be lost’.
4090 *gallapuṭa— ‘fold of cheek’. [galla—, puṭa—] WPah. khaś. galhoṛī ‘cheek’, 1. rudh. °ṛā, jaun. galauṛo.
4091 *gallarūpa— ‘cheek—shaped’. [galla—, rūpá—] WPah. bhiḍ. g e\ lrõ;, pl. °ru n. ‘tonsil’.
4092 *gallarōga— ‘cheek—disease’. [galla—, rṓga—] K. galuru m. ‘a partic. disease involving swelling of jowl or lower cheek’. *gallī— ‘defile’ see *galī—. *galhā— ‘abuse, talk’ see garhā—.
4094 *gavatta— ‘cattle—fodder’. [gṓ—, *atta1] Pk. gavatta— n. ‘fodder’; L. got f. ‘bran and straw mash for cattle’, (Ju.) m. ‘straw and oilcake mixed’, awāṇ. gutāvā ‘fodder’; Bi. gawat, gaut ‘fodder for stall- fed cattle’; G. gotũ n. ‘pulse—husks boiled as fodder’. — See also *gōbhakta— with which there may be some confusion.
4097 *gavāṁgūtha— ‘cowdung’. [gṓ—, gūtha—] Kho. gaṅguru.
4100 *gavādhāna— ‘manger’. [gṓ—, ādhā́na—] M. gavhāṇ, gohaṇ f. ‘rack for fodder’; — G. gabhāṇ f. ‘rack for fodder, pasture—land’, in this meaning perh. confused with gamāṇ < gavādanı̄́— with bh < vh?
4101 *gavāśa— ‘eating cows’. [Cf. gavāśana— m. ‘leather- worker’ Subh. — gṓ—, āśá—] OAw. gavāsā ‘butcher’; H. gawās m. ‘cowkiller, butcher’, gawāsā m. ‘place where cows are killed’; — less prob. < *gōmāṁsaka— or *gōmāṁsāda—.
4108 *gahura— ‘deep’. [Cf. gáhvara— ‘deep, impenetrable’ TS., n. ‘hiding place’ AV. — gámbhan—] S. aghoru ‘deep, sound (of sleep), pitch dark (of night)’ with emph. ā—? gáhvara— see prec. ‘come, go’: ágāt, gā́ti, gātú—, gā́tra—, gātraka—; apā́gāt, údgāti, *nigāti, vyagāt. Addenda: *gahura—: Brj. ghorũ ‘serious, solemn’.
4111 *gāṭṭa— 1 ‘neck, throat’. [Cf. ghāṭā1: see list s.v. kaṇṭhá—] S. ǥāṭo m. ‘nape of neck’; L. gāṭṭā m. ‘neck, throat’, (Ju.) ǥāṭā m. ‘nape of neck’, awāṇ. gāṭā; P. gāṭṭā m. ‘neck, throat’; — S. ǥāṭru m. ‘throat’ < *gātra— but conn. with gā́tra— doubtful on semantic grounds.
4112 *gāṭṭa— 2 ‘short, stunted’. 2. *gāṇṭa—. 3. *gēḍa—2. 1. P. gāṭā ‘squat’. 2. N. gāṇṭo ‘dwarf’, B. gā̃ṭā ‘strong but short, stout, knobbly’. 3. Or. geṛa, °ṛā ‘squat’; — cf. N. gaı̃ṛe ‘stunted’. Addenda: *gāṭṭa— 2 ‘stunted’. [~ Drav. DED 965]
4113 *gāṭhayati ‘causes to be moulded’. [√*gaṭh] H. gāṛhnā ‘to form by hammering’.
4114 *gāḍa— 1 ‘dripping’. [√gaḍ: in sense of ‘mud’ perh. rather conn. with group under karda—] Kho. (Lor.) gāḷ ‘dregs’; S. ǥāṛo m. ‘drop’, gāṛa f. ‘drippings’; M. gāḷ f. ‘dregs’ (or < gāla1?); — Tir. gaḍ ‘mud’; M. gāḷ f. ‘mud’, gāḷā m. ‘mud on bushes over a stream, alluvium’; — H. gāṛā m. ‘kneaded or mixed mud’ (or < *gaḍḍ2). — See *gāra—. *gāḍa— 2 ‘cultivated field’ see *gaḍa2.
4115 *gāḍayati ‘lets drip’. [√gaḍ] S. ǥāṛaṇu ‘to drain out’. — Altern. < gālayati 1: Mth. gārab ‘to wring out (clothes)’; H. gārnā ‘to strain, filter, squeeze, milk’; M. gāḷṇẽ ‘to let drop, shed, strain, sift’; Si. galanavā ‘to dip, submerge’, galavanavā ‘to let loose’ (or < *ghālayati).
4116 *gāḍḍa— ‘cart’. [Despite ā poss. same as *garda2: for ‘seat > cart’ cf. gárta2 and Meyer—Lübke Rom. et. Wb. s.v. cathedra. Cf. also gadhā— f. ‘a part of a cart’ TS. com.] Pk. gaḍḍa— n., °ḍī—, °ḍiā— f. ‘cart’, K. göḍi f.; S. gāḍ̱o m. ‘wheeled cart’, L. gāḍī f., (Ju.) gāḍ̱ā m. ‘bullock cart’, gaḍḍ m. ‘cart’ (← EP.), awāṇ. gaḍī ‘train’; P. gāḍḍī, gaḍḍī f. ‘carriage’, gaḍḍ f. ‘cart’, °ḍā m. ‘large cart’, gaḍīrā ‘go—cart’; N. gāṛā, °ṛi ‘carriage, cart’, A. gārī, B. gāṛi; Or. gāṛī ‘carriage’, gaṛā ‘cart with small solid wheels’; Bi. Mth. gāṛā, °ṛī, (Saran) gaṛī; H. gāṛā m. ‘load cart’, °ṛī f. ‘carriage’; G. gāḍũ n. ‘cart’, °ḍī f. ‘carriage’, °ḍiyũ n. ‘small do.’, M. gāḍā m., °ḍī f.; Si. gäḷa ‘cart’ (< *gāḍa— < *gāḍḍa—); — ext. with —ll—: OG. gāḍalauṁ, G. gāllũ n., °lī f. Addenda: *gāḍḍa—: S.kcch. gā̆ḍī f. ‘small cart’, gaḍal f. ‘toy—cart’.
4117 *gāḍḍavartman— ‘cart track’. [*gāḍḍa—, vártman—] H. gaḍwā̃ṭ f. ‘cartwheel track, rut’.
4120 *gāṇya— ‘counting’. [Cf. gaṇya— ‘countable’ lex. - gaṇáyati] Pk. ganna— n. ‘counting’, S. ǥāñu m. (whence ǥāñaṇu ‘to count’).
4128 *gādhana— n. ‘fording’. [Cf. gādhá—. — √gādh] Pa. gāhaṇ m. ‘crossing by a ford, a ford’.
4129 *gādhya— ‘fordable’. [√gādh] S. jhaǥ f. ‘expanse of shallow water’, jhāǥaṇu ‘to wade through shallow water’; — ajhāǥu ‘unfathomable’ rather < *agāhya—?
4131 *gāndha— ‘perfumed’. [gandhá—] Kho. gán ‘wind’ semant. cf. *vahadgandha- BelvalkarVol 90, (Lor.) gan ‘scent, wind (of game), wind, the air’; K. gānd, dat. gönzü f. ‘stink’.
4137 *gāra— ‘dripping, oozing’. [√*gr̄o 1] L. gārā m. ‘thin mud used for mortar’; P. gārā m. ‘kneaded potter's clay, mud used for mortar’; Ku. gāro ‘mud, mortar’; N. gāro ‘mortar’; Or. gārā ‘clay’; Bi. gārā ‘mud mortar’; H. gārā m. ‘thick mud, mortar, plaster’; G. gār f. ‘cowdung prepared for plastering’, gārɔ m. ‘earth and water mixed for building a wall’; M. gārā m. ‘mixture of mud with lime or cowdung for mortar or plaster’; — S. gāro m. ‘mud plaster’ (whence gāraṇu ‘to cause to stick in mud’) is lw. with g. — See *gāḍa—1, gāla—. Addenda: *gāra— [Cf. ghāra—]: WPah.kṭg. gār, garɔ ‘mud mixed with water, mortar’, poet. gare f. ‘refuse (from a pipe)’; jaun. gārā m. ‘kneaded clay, mortar’.
4146 *gālikāraka— ‘abusive’. [gāli—, kāra—] M. gāḷyārā ‘abusive’. *gālī— ‘defile’ see *galī—.
4147 *gāva— m. ‘ox’. 2. *gāvā— f. ‘cow’. 3. gāvī— f. Pat. [gṓ—] 1. Pa. gāva— m. ‘ox’, NiDoc. gava F. W. Thomas AO xii 40, Pk. gāa— m., Gaw. , Bshk. Mai. gå; H. gāu m. ‘bull, bullock’; Si. gava ‘bullock’ or < gava—. 2. Ash. ga ‘cow’, Kt. gå, Wg. , Pr. guṭu (+?), Dm. gâ, Paš. Niṅg. Shum. , Woṭ. gau, Kal. gak, pl. gāgan (< *gāvakā—?); Kho. gāh ‘yak cow’, ga—m e ‘buffalo cow’; Tor. Mai. ‘cow’: all above poss. with Bel- valkarVol 90 direct, or through *gākā—, < acc. gā́m, pl. gā́ḥ. — With trace of —v—: Sv. gāu, K. gāv f., rām. gau, pl. gawa, kash. gāu, pog. gāū̃, P. gāu, gā̃ f. PhonPj 110, bhaṭ. gau, WPah. bhal. gaũ, pl. gaũā̃, khaś. gau, obl. gauwā, paṅ. cur. cam. gā. 3. Pa. Pk. gāvī— f. ‘cow’, Pk. gāī— f., Ḍ. gāi f., Bshk. gay f., Phal. ghāu, pl. ghēyī, S. gā̃i (g!), L. gā̃ (Ju. ǥāū̃), pl. gãī, awāṇ. gā̃, pl. gāı̄̃ f., P. gāī f., WPah. pāḍ. , pl. göī, jaun. gāw, pl. °wı̄̃, N. A. B. gāi, Or. gāī, Bi. Mth. Aw.lakh. gāi, H. gāī f., G. , gāy, f., M. gāī f., Ko. gāyi. Ext. —l— or —ll—: Paš. gawala ‘cow’, M. gavlī f. ‘affec- tionate term for a cow’; — —ḍa—: Garh. gauṛī ‘cow’; G. gāvṛī f. ‘affectionate term’. *gāvaka—; *gāvaśāla—. Addenda: *gāva—. 2. *gāvā—: S.kcch. gaũ f. ‘cow’, Garh. gauṛī f. 3. gāvī—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) gau f. (obl. kṭg. gawi , gai , gau, kc. gabi) ‘cow’, OMarw. gāi f. *gāvā—, gāvī— see gāva— Add2.
4148 *gāvaka— ‘bovine’. [*gāva—] Kal. (Leitner) "gao", S. gāo (g!) ‘pertaining to cows’, L. gāvā adj., °vī f. ‘herd of cows’ (Ju. ǥ°), awāṇ. ghio gāvā ‘ghee from cow's milk’, mult. gāvā māl ‘property consisting of cows’; A. gā—khīr ‘cow's milk’; Or. gaüā ‘derived from a cow’, guā ghia ‘ghee from cow's milk’, H. gāwā (e.g. g° ghī).
4149 *gāvaśāla— ‘cowshed’. [Cf. gōśāla—: *gāva—, śā́lā—] Bi. gausār, °sālā: perh. rather changed fr. *gosār < gōśālā— after *gau ‘cow’ < gāvī—. gāvī— see *gāva—.
4150 *gāvuta— ‘a measure of distance’. [MIA. gāvū̆ta— (with early change of —avv— to —āv— before ū̆?) < gavyūta— n. ‘2 krośas’ Pañcad., ‘1 krośa’ lex., gōyuta— ‘frequented by cattle’ R., ‘2 krośas’ MBh. Cf. gávyūti— f. ‘a pas- ture’ RV., gōy° Pāṇ. Vārtt., ‘a measure of distance (= 2 krośas)’ MBh.: gṓ— with yūti— H. W. Bailey TPS 1954, 138 or gávya— with ūtí— EWA i 332] Pa. gāvuta— n. ‘measure of distance (= 1/4 yojana or about 1 3/4 miles)’, Pk. gāū̆a—, gāu— n. ‘1 or 2 krośas’, S. ǥāū m. ‘one kos’; H. gau m. ‘four kos’; G. gāu m. ‘one kos’; Si. gavuva, pl. gav ‘3 1/2 miles’. GĀH ‘dive into’: gāḍha—, gāhá—1, gāha—2, gā́hatē; *agāhya—, avagāḍha—, *āgāḍha—. Addenda: *gāvuta—: S.kcch. gāū m. ‘distance of 2 miles’; Md. gavi ‘league’ RTMV2.
4153 *gicc— ‘press, crowd’. 2. *gacc—. 3. *gijj—. 4. *ghicc—. 5. *ghacc—. 6. *ghijj—. [← Drav., J. Bloch BEFEO xliv 49: Kurukh ginjnā ‘to beat into pulp’.—Cf. Muṇḍārī geje̯ geje̯ ‘to reduce to a pulp’, Sant. ge̱je̱ ge̱je̱ ‘crammed’, gijgij ‘close’]. 1. N. H. gic—pic ‘crowded together’, G. gicgic; M. giċċa ‘crowded’, giċāḍ n. ‘a dense wood’. — Cf. Pk. vigiṁcaï ‘separates’. See *adhigicc—. 2. S. ǥacu ‘much, many’, m. ‘piece of bread’; H. gac, gacpac ‘crowded’; G. gacca ‘tightly, firmly’, gaceṭo m. ‘lump’; M. gaċ ‘tightly’, gaċāḍ n. ‘a dense wood’. — Cf. Pk. gaccha— m.n. ‘collection, crowd’. 3. Pk. gejja—, gāgejja— ‘churned’; B. gı̃ji ‘dense’, gijgij ‘crowd’; Or. gẽjibā ‘to press together’, gẽjā—gẽji ‘over- crowded’; H. gı̄̃jnā, gı̃jolnā ‘to mash with the hand’. 4. H. ghicpic ‘crowded’, G. ghīc, ghicca. 5. S. ghacpaci f. ‘overcrowdedness’; Ku. ghaceṭo ‘push’; N. ghaccā̆ ‘thrust’, ghacāro ‘rush, crowd’, ghaceṭnu ‘to push, thrust’, ghañca—mañca ‘pressure of work’; G. ghacṛā—ghacṛī f. ‘overcrowdedness’. 6. B. ghı̃ji ‘dense, impenetrable’. See also *giñjakā- and the group under *kicca— ‘mud’.
4154 *gicca— ‘neck’. [Cf. *ghicca1: see list s.v. kaṇṭhá—] L. ǥiccī f. ‘neck’, awāṇ. giccī. *gijj— ‘press, crowd’ see *gicc—. Addenda: *gicca—: S.kcch. giccī f. ‘neck’.
4155 *gijja— ‘gums of teeth’. N. gijā, gı̃jā ‘the gums’, gijāunu, gijyāunu ‘to mock’; Ku. gijauṇo ‘to provoke’.
4156 *giñjakā— f. ‘brick’. [J. Bloch BEFEO xliv 49 ff. connects with *gijj— ‘press, see *gicc—, but cf. also *kicca— ‘mud’] Pa. giñjakāvasatha— ‘residence of bricks’ (but ac. to E. Waldschmidt Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra ii 162 = Sk. kuñjikāvasatha—); Bi. pangiñjā ‘brick’ (Grierson BPL § 1263). *giṭṭa— ‘piece’ see *gaṭṭa—. *giḍa— ‘swollen gland’ see gaḍu1.
4157 *giḍḍ— ‘fall’. [Poss., after MIA. intr. type tappaï, < *giḍ— (whence Pk. gēḍaṇa— n. ‘throwing’) < *gr̥ta—, cf. √*gr̥̄1, √gaḍ, √gal 1] P. giḍḍaṇā, giḍṇā ‘to fall’; — metath. P. ḍiggaṇā, H. ḍignā. *giḍḍa— ‘bundle, sheaf’ see *gaḍḍa2. Addenda: *giḍḍ—: OP. geṛa f. ‘time, turn’, P. geṛ f.?
4158 *gidda— 1 ‘jackal, fox’. WPah. bhiḍ. bhad. gidd, pl. °dā̃ n. ‘jackal’, B. gidhī (X or < gŕ̥dhra—); — ext. —ḍa—: S. gidaṛu m. (lw. with d?), °dāṛī f., L. gidduṛ m., °dṛī f., P. giddaṛ m.; WPah. bhad. gidaṛ ‘fox’, bhiḍ. gidṛõ; n. ‘small jackal’; B. gidhaṛ ‘jackal’; Or. gidaṛ ‘fox, jackal’, gidhaṛ ‘dunce’; Mth. gīdar ‘jackal’, H. gīdaṛ m. — Woṭ. gidáṛ ‘fox’ prob. ← Ind. (Buddruss Woṭ 101 ← Psht. giḍaṛ ‘fox’ ← Ind.). *gidda— 2 ‘pith’ see *gudda—. ginduka— see gēnduka—.
4159 *girati 1 ‘drips, falls’. [√*gr̥̄ 1] P. girnā ‘to fall’, Ku. girṇo, N. girnu, Or. giribā, Mth. girab, Bhoj. giral, Aw. lakh. girab, H. girnā (whence OH. gernā ‘to throw’); OMarw. giraï; G. garvũ ‘to drop’ (< gir° whence caus. geravvũ). Addenda: *girati 1 [See galati1: √*gr̥̄ 1] 2. †;*gilati1: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) 1 sg.pres. giḷaüṁ ‘waste away’.
4160a *girati 3 ‘proclaims’. [√gr̥̄ 3] Pk. giraï ‘says’.
4163 *giripatha— ‘hill road’. [girí—, patha—] H. girewā m. ‘uphill road, small hill’? giláti see gálati 2.
4165 *gili— ‘laughing’. [Onom.?] N. gilili ‘tittering’, gilli, °lā ‘mockery’; G. gillɔ m., °lā f. ‘ridicule’.
4166 *gilla— ‘swelling, goitre’. [Cf. gilāyu— m. s.v. *gulu—? — Or the group *giḍa—, *gaḍu—1, gaṇḍa1?] WPah. bhal. gil n. ‘goitre’; — P. gilhṭ, °ṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘hard lump in flesh’, gillhaṛ, gillar m. ‘goitre’, gilhṛā m. ‘one suffering therefrom’, kgr. gilrā m.
4170 *gīrti— ‘swallowing’. [Cf. gīrṇi— f. lex. — √gr̥̄ 2] S. ǥī̆ta f. ‘swallowing, a swallow’. gúggulu— see gúlgulu—.
4171 *guṅga— ‘dumb’. [Cf. Pers. gung] Paš. guṅgā́, f. °gı̄́ ‘dumb’, S. guṅgo, L. P. guṅgā, N. gũgo, gõ;go; A. goṅgā ‘speaking indistinctly’; B. goṅgā, gho°, gogā ‘dumb’; Or. guṅga, guṅgā, ghu° ‘dumb’, guā̃ga ‘fool’; H. gū̃gā ‘dumb’, G. gũgɔ; M. gũg ‘stupid’. — X mū́ka— q.v. Addenda: *guṅga—: S.kcch. ghūṅgho m. ‘dumb’, WPah.kṭg. guṅgɔ.
4177 *guṭṭha— 1 ‘clump, lump’. Pk. guṭṭha— n. ‘clump, clump of grass’; H. guṭṭhal ‘lumpy’, m. ‘lump’, guṭhlā m. ‘large lump’, guṭhnā ‘to be knotted together’.
4178 *guṭṭha— 2 ‘wrist’. [See ghuṇṭa1 and list s.v. *khuṭṭa2] Kt. guṭ ‘wrist’, Pr. goṭ (or < gā́tra—); L. guṭṭh f. ‘corner’, guṭṭ m., °ṭī f. ‘joint’, guṭṭhī f. ‘wrist’, (Shahpur) ǥuṭṭhī f., awāṇ. guṭṭī f.
4179 *guṭṭha— 3 ‘defective’. [See list s.v. kuṇṭha—] H. guṭhlā ‘blunted’.
4180 *guḍ— ‘rumble’. [Onom. cf. guḍuguḍāyana— n. ‘rum- bling in belly’ Suśr.] S. guṛaṇu ‘to thunder’, guṛkaṇu ‘to rumble, purr’. Addenda: *guḍ—: WPah.kṭg. gvṛku m. ‘thunder’, gvṛnõ; ‘to thunder’, poet. gƏṛakṇo ‘to resound’; J. gṛikṇu ‘to roar (of thunder)’.
4183 *guḍakuṭī— ‘molasses shed’. [guḍá—, kuṭī—] Bi. guṛaur ‘sugar boiling house’.
4184 *guḍaghara— ‘sugar house’. [guḍá—2, ghara—] M. guḷ—hār, gurhāḷ n. ‘place and works for pressing sugarcane’.
4185 *guḍapūra— ‘molasses cake’. [guḍá—2, pūra—] M. guḷvarī, gurvaḷī, °roḷī, °ruḷī f. ‘a puff stuffed with molasses’.
4186 *guḍābandha— ‘molasses and ornaments’. [guḍá—, ābandha—] Mth. guraũdhā ‘ceremony of the bridegroom's elder brother offering molasses and ornaments to the bride’.
4187 *guḍāmra— ‘molasses and mango’. [guḍá—2, āmrá—] H. guṛãbā m. ‘molasses and mango juice’. — See *āmraguḍa—.
4189 *guḍḍa— ‘doll, effigy’. S. guḍ̱o m. ‘male cloth doll’, °ḍ̱ī f. ‘cloth doll, paper kite’; L. guḍḍī f. ‘paper kite’; P. guḍḍā m. ‘effigy of a man (made of cloth), large paper kite’, °ḍī f. ‘image, doll, paper kite’; Or. guṛī ‘paper kite’; H. guḍḍā m., guṛiyā f. ‘doll’, guḍḍī f. ‘paper kite’ (→ N. guriyā ‘doll’, guḍḍi ‘paper kite’); G. guḍī f. ‘pole set up at a festivity’. Addenda: *guḍḍa—: WPah.kṭg. ghv̀ṇḍi f. ‘doll’ (or < *ghuṇṭa2 Him.I 49)?
4195 *gudakara— [gudá—, kara1] S. ǥuyaru m. ‘catamite’?
4196 *gudarandhrā— ‘anus’. [gudá—, rándhra—] P. gohran f. ‘anus’.
4197 *gudda— ‘pith, core’. 2. *gidda—2. [Cf. gōrda—] 1. P. gudd f., guddā m. ‘pulp, kernel, marrow’; Ku. gudo ‘kernel, seed, grain, pith’, °dī ‘marrow’; N. gudo ‘pith, marrow, brain’, °di ‘kernel’; H. gūdā m., °dī f. ‘pith, brain’. — X gárbha— q.v. 2. N. gidi ‘brain’, gidro ‘pith of bamboo’.
4198 *gudya— ‘entrails’. [gudá—] S. guju m., °jī f. ‘entrails, fowl's crop, gizzard’; L. gujī f. ‘fowl's crop, matter from a boil’; N. kāne guji ‘ear—wax’; — Tir. guiz ‘human excrement’ semant. cf. karṇagūtha— ‘ear—wax’ (AO xii 180 cf. guhya—?). *gunaguna— ‘murmur’ see *ganagana—. *gundala— ‘ring’ see kuṇḍalá1.
4200 *gundravaṭa— ‘a sweetmeat’. [gundra—, vaṭa3?] Pk. guṁdavaḍaya— n. ‘a partic. kind of sweetmeat’, G. gũdvaṛ, °ṛũ n. GUP ‘protect’: guptá—, gúpti—, gōpáyati, gōpita—, gōpyatē; *avagupta—, *nirgupti—, *pragupta—, *vi- gupta—, *vigōpayati, *saṁgōpayati.
4203 *guppha— ‘something strung together’. 2. gumpha- m. ‘stringing a garland, a whisker’ lex. [< *guṣpa—? See √guph] 1. H. gupphā m. ‘wreath, tassel, bunch’; — Aw.lakh. gōphā ‘twining’ rather < *gōphya—. 2. A. gõ;ph ‘moustache’; B. gõ;p(h) ‘moustache’, gõ;p—hār ‘a sort of necklace’; — M. gũph f. ‘hair combings’? - P. gummhā̃ m. ‘hard boil’ (PhonPj 112) despite h rather < gúlma—.
4204 *gupphā— ‘cave’. [gúhā— X √gup e.g. gōpya— ‘to be taken care of’ Yājñ., Pk. guppa— ‘to be hidden’, guṁpha- m. ‘hiding’? — Very doubtful] K. gŏph f. ‘cave, hole’; S. guphā f. ‘cave’; L. guphā m. ‘hermit's cave’, awāṇ. gupphā ‘cave’, P. guphā f., WPah. cam. gupphā, N. guphā; B. guph ‘cave, ravine, pass’, gophā ‘cave’, H. G. guphā f., M. guphā, gũphā f. ‘cave, sylvan retreat of a hermit’. — Forms in —ā < —aka— and affected by gender of gúhā1? GUPH ‘string, plait’: *guptha—, *guppha—, gupháti, gumpha—, gumpháti, gumphana—, *gūḍha—2, *gōp- phanā—, *gōphayati, *gōphya—; *pragūḍha—; - guṣpitá—. Addenda: *gupphā—: WPah.kṭg. gúpph f. (obl. —a) ‘hole in the earth, den’.
4207 *guragura— ‘growl’. [Onom. cf. ghuraghurāyatē] S. guraṇu, gaũraṇu ‘to growl’, gurkaṇu ‘to purr’; N. gurrinu ‘to growl’, gurgurra ‘purring’, guruguru ‘rum- bling’; H. gurrānā ‘to growl’; G. gurvũ, gurgurvũ ‘to growl, rumble’; M. gurgarṇẽ, gurakṇẽ ‘to growl, snarl’.
4211 *gurjaratrā— ‘country of the Gurjaras’. [gurjará—] Pk. gujjarattā— f., H. gujarāt m., G. gujrāt f.
4212 *gurjarabēṭṭa— ‘son of a Gurjara’. [gurjará—, *bēṭṭa—] H. gujreṭī f. ‘a Gūjar girl’. Addenda: *gurjarabēṭṭa—: rather NIA. < †;*gurjarakēṭṭa—.
4213 *gurjararāṣṭra— ‘kingdom of the Gurjaras’. [gur- jará—, rāṣṭrá—] B. gujrāṭ. gula—, gulikā see guḍá1.
4214 *gulu— ‘wrist, ankle’. [< ‘swelling’, cf. glaú— m., pl. glā́vaḥ ‘round lump of flesh’ AV. of which gilāyu— m. ‘hard tumour in throat’ Suśr. is MIA. form: very doubtful] Bshk. gūlús ‘wrist’; Sh. gil. gŭlŭċŭ m. ‘ankle’, gur. gŭlū́ċŭ m. ‘wrist’; K. gulu m. ‘forearm above wrist’; — cf. S. ǥiryo m. ‘ankle’? guluccha— see guccha—. guluñca— see guccha—.
4218 *gullara— ‘fig tree’. P. gullhar, gullar m. ‘Ficus glomerata’; N. gullar ‘a partic. kind of fig—tree’; H. gūlar f. ‘F. glomerata’, G. gular, °ler, °lrɔ m.
4224 *gūḍha— 2 ‘tied’. [MIA. anal. formation fr. guhaï < gupháti after type gūhaï: gūḍha1. — √guph] Bi. gūṛhā ‘tethering rope for cattle’, guṛhī ‘rope round roots of tree during transportation, rope (in general)’. *padagūḍha—. *gūttha— ‘dung’ see gūtha—.
4226 *gūniya— ‘mason's square’. [← Pers. gūniyā ← Gk. gwni/a] L. guṇiā m.; P. gunīā m., Bi. guniyā, gŏn°, Bhoj. guniyā̃, H. guniyā m. (→ S. gūnī, °īā f.), M. guṇyā, guṇā m. gū́rdati see kū́rdati.
4228 *gr̥ta— ‘said’. [Cf. gr̥ṇā́ti ‘announces’ RV. and Pk. giraï ‘says’. — √gr̥̄ 3] Tir. gaṛ— ‘to speak’.
4230 *gr̥dhati ‘desires’. [Fr. aor. st. in ágr̥dhat RV. - √gr̥dh] Pk. gahia— ‘covetous of’ (< *gr̥dhita— > *gihia- whence gēhia— ‘desirous’?); Or. gihibā, geh°, gẽhı̃bā ‘to copulate’, gihāibā ‘(of a woman) to let a man enjoy her’.
4234 *gr̥nti— ‘counting’. [See gaṇáyati. — √gr̥̄ 3] K. grand, dat. grünzü f. ‘counting’ whence gạnza run ‘to count’; — N. ganti, H. gantī, gin° f. formed rather fr. vb. gannu &c.
4235 *gr̥bdha— ‘taken’. [√grah] S. ǥidho ‘taken’, L. ghiddā (with gh— fr. pres. st. ghinn—) P. Tedesco JAOS 43, 379; — poss. Dm. giḍyem ‘I took’, Kal. rumb. ghréḍa pret. of gim and grhīm. — See *ghr̥pta—.
4247 *gēndavaṭaka— ‘ball—shaped cake’. [gēnduka—, vaṭa3] H. gı̃dauṛā m. ‘cake of solid sugar’.
4250 *gērāṭa— ‘dove (?)’. Aś. gēlāṭa— ‘some sort of animal or bird’ (J. Char- pentier Festschr. Winternitz 305 ‘duck’ with very doubtful equation —āṭa— = āti—); L. gerṛā, (Ju.) ǥerā m., °rī f. ‘dove’.
4252 *gēhadvāra— ‘house—door’. [gēhá—, dvā́ra—] Pa. gēhadvāra— n. ‘house—door’; Si. gedara ‘a house with its premises, home’. — See *gharadvāra—.
4257 *gōkuṭī— ‘cowshed’. [gṓ—, kuṭī—] WPah. khaś. gòḍ, rudh. g *l v̀ṛ ‘cowshed’.
4258 *gōkuṇḍikā— ‘cattle—trough’. [gṓ—, kuṇḍá1] Bi. gõ;ṛī ‘long feeding trough of sun—dried mud’.
4260 *gōkr̥tti— ‘cowhide’. [Cf. gōcarman— n. MBh. — gṓ—, kŕ̥tti—] Bi. goīṭā ‘raw cowhide’.
4262 *gōgūtha— ‘cowdung’. [gṓ—, gūtha—] Bi. goā ‘manure’. *gōgga— ‘shell’ see ghōṅgha—.
4263 *gōgrāmaka— ‘belonging to a herd of cattle’. [gṓ—, grā́ma—] Paš. lauṛ. gṓlaṅg f. (m. in dar.), ar. golóṅ ‘cow, bull’ (IIFL iii 3, 68 < *gōnāmaka—?), Shum. Gaw. gōlaṅg.
4265 *gōcarapaka— ‘cowherd’. [gōcara—, pa2] Paš. dar. gōrū́ ‘cowherd’ IIFL iii 3, 71.
4266 *gōcaravartman— ‘cattle path’. [gōcara—, vártman—] N. goryā̃ṭo, °rẽṭo ‘path or track made by animals’.
4268 *gōcīra— ‘strip of leather’. [gṓ—, cı̄́ra—] Wg. gučı̄́ ‘cowhide’, Dm. gōčī ‘leather’ (NTS xvii 254 < *gu—cīra—): rather < *gōtvacikā—.
4271 *gōṭṭa— ‘something round’. [Cf. guḍá1. — In sense ‘fruit, kernel’ cert. ← Drav., cf. Tam. koṭṭai ‘nut, kernel’, Kan. goṟaṭe &c. listed DED 1722] K. goṭh f., dat. °ṭi f. ‘chequer or chess or dice board’; S. ǥoṭu m. ‘large ball of tobacco ready for hookah’, °ṭī f. ‘small do.’; P. goṭ f. ‘spool on which gold or silver wire is wound, piece on a chequer board’; N. goṭo ‘piece’, goṭi ‘chess piece’; A. goṭ ‘a fruit, whole piece’, °ṭā ‘globular, solid’, guṭi ‘small ball, seed, kernel’; B. goṭā ‘seed, bean, whole’; Or. goṭā ‘whole, undivided’, goṭi ‘small ball, cocoon’, goṭāli ‘small round piece of chalk’; Bi. goṭā ‘seed’; Mth. goṭa ‘numerative particle’; H. goṭ f. ‘piece (at chess &c.)’; G. goṭ m. ‘cloud of smoke’, °ṭɔ m. ‘kernel of coconut, nosegay’, °ṭī f. ‘lump of silver, clot of blood’, °ṭilɔ m. ‘hard ball of cloth’; M. goṭā m. ‘roundish stone’, °ṭī f. ‘a marble’, goṭuḷā ‘spherical’; Si. guṭiya ‘lump, ball’; — prob. also P. goṭṭā ‘gold or silver lace’, H. goṭā m. ‘edging of such’ (→ K. goṭa m. ‘edging of gold braid’, S. goṭo m. ‘gold or silver lace’); M. goṭ ‘hem of a garment, metal wristlet’. *gōḍḍ— ‘dig’ see *khōdd—. Addenda: *gōṭṭa—: also Ko. gōṭu ‘silver or gold braid’.
4272 *gōḍḍa— ‘foot, leg, knee’. [Cf. the word—group ‘heel - ankle — knee — wrist’ s.v. *kuṭṭha—: → Brah. goḍ ‘knee’] Pk. goḍḍa—, gōḍa— m. ‘foot’, Gy. as. gur; K. gŏḍ m. ‘ankle, foot of tree, beginning of anything’; S. goḍ̱o m. ‘knee’, guḍ̱a f. ‘knee bone’; L. goḍ̱ḍ̱ā m. ‘knee’, awāṇ. gōḍā, P. goḍḍā m.; Ku. gwāṛo ‘foot’, gng. gōṛ; N. goṛo ‘foot, leg’; A. gor ‘foot, kick, foot of tree’, guri ‘kick, foot of tree’, gorohani ‘stamp of the foot’; B. goṛ ‘foot, leg’, °ṛā ‘foot of tree, root, origin’; Or. goṛa ‘foot, heel, leg, base’; Mth. goṛ ‘leg’; Bhoj. gōṛ ‘foot, leg’; Aw. lakh. goṛ pl. ‘feet’; H. goṛ, °ṛā m. ‘foot, leg’. *gōḍḍadāman—, *gōḍḍadāmana—, *gōḍḍadāmara—. Addenda: *gōḍḍa—: S.kcch. gūḍo m. ‘knee’, gauḍo in gauḍe vajṇū ‘to kick’ (see vrájati Add2).
4273 *gōḍḍadāman— ‘foot rope’. 2. *gōḍḍadāmana—. 3. *gōḍḍadāmara—. [*gōḍḍa—, dā́man1] 1. Bi. (SWShahabad) goṛā̃w ‘tethering rope for cattle, boy's anklet’. 2. Bi. (SMunger) goṛāwan, (SBhagalpur) goṛānī ‘tethering rope’. 3. Bi. (Gaya) goṛār. *gōḍḍadāmara— ‘tether’ see prec.
4278 *gōtr̥ṇa— ‘cattle fodder’. [gṓ—, tŕ̥ṇa—] K. guyun, dat. °yanas m. ‘straw left uneaten by cattle’ or < *gōbhōjana—.
4280 *gōtragharaka— ‘cowshed’. [gōtrá—, ghara—] OG. gotiharauṁ n. ‘cowpen’.
4282 *gōtvacikā— ‘cow—hide’. [Cf. gōtvac— in gōtvagja- ‘leathern’. — gṓ—, tvác—] Wg. gučı̄́ ‘cowhide’, Dm. gōčī ‘leather’ (< *gōccaïā- cf. Pk. caā— < *cacā— assim. < *tacā—) rather than < *gōcīra—. gōda— see gōrda—.
4283 *gōdaṇḍa— ‘cattle path’. [gṓ—, daṇḍá—] Bi. gŏẽṛ, °ṛā, gõ;ṛhā, gaũṛhā ‘belt of land nearest homestead’; Mth. goẽṛ, °ṛā ‘richly manured land near houses’, H. gauṇḍā, goṇ° m. ‘road to a village, field near a village’, Brj. gõ;iṛ ‘neighbourhood of a village’; M. govãḍ m.n., °ḍī, gõ;vḍī f., gõ;ḍ m.n., °ḍī f. ‘cow path (esp. over hill pasture), gathering spot of pasturing herds in the morning, cleft through a hill, lane in village be- tween enclosures’ (cf. M. cmpd. gur—daṇḍ m. ‘cattle track esp. over hill pasture’); — N. gaũṛo ‘path, short cut, narrow pass’ (with which cf. Paš. gawaṇḍā́ ‘ditch’ IIFL iii 3, 74). — See also gōvr̥nda—. *gōdd— ‘dig’ see *khōdd—.
4284 *gōddī— ‘lap’. [Perh. conn. either krōḍá— ‘bosom’ (prob. non—Aryan EWA i 281) or *gōḍḍa— ‘knees’] S. goḍ̱i f. ‘fastening of dhoti in front’; P. god, goddī f. ‘lap’; N. Mth. god ‘lap, bosom’, OAw. goda f.; H. god f. ‘lap’; OMarw. godī f. ‘arm, lap’; G. godi f. ‘lap’.
4296 *gōpp— ‘pierce’. 2. *ghōpp—. 1. S. ǥopaṇu ‘to splice’; N. gopnu ‘to pierce, stab’. 2. P. ghop deṇā ‘to thrust into’; N. ghopnu ‘to pierce’; A. ghopā ‘deep set’. *gōpphanā— ‘sling’ see gumphana—.
4298 *gōphya— ‘to be strung or twisted’. [√guph] Aw. lakh. gōphā ‘twining’ (rather than < *guppha—).
4299 *gōbhakta— ‘cattle—fodder’. [gṓ—, bhakta—] Pa. gōbhatta— n.; S. ǥuhutu m. ‘mash of bran and chopped straw for cattle’; G. ghotũ n. ‘food placed before milch—cattle before milking’; M. gohot n. ‘mash for cows’. — See also *gavatta— with which there may be some confusion.
4304 *gōmāṁsaka— ‘pertaining to beef’ or *gōmāṁsāda— ‘eating beef’. [gṓ—, māṁsá—, ada—] See *gavāśa—.
4307 *gōmha— ‘snake, centipede’. Pk. gomhī—, gōmī— f. ‘centipede’; N. goman, gohaman, goban, f. gomani ‘a partic. kind of snake’; A. gom ‘generic name for several poisonous snakes’, gumūni ‘female of a certain poisonous snake’; H. M. gom m. ‘a partic. kind of centipede’.
4315 *gōrdhava— ‘lord of the cow, bull’. [Cf. gōpá—, gōpati—, gōnātha— m. ‘bull’. — gṓ—, dhava3?] G. godhɔ m. ‘bull’, °dhũ n. ‘young bull’, OG. godhalu m. ‘entire bull’, G. godhliyũ n. ‘young bull’; — or < *gōvardha—. Both very doubtful.
4317 *gōrvaramarda— ‘dung—crusher’. [gōrvara—, marda—] H. gobraũdā, gub°, gubraũḍā m. ‘dung—beetle’.
4318 *gōrvaramr̥ttikā— ‘cowdung and earth’. [gōrvara—, mŕ̥ttikā—] H. gubraiṭī f. ‘plaster of cowdung and mud’.
4319 *gōrvarākara— ‘heap of cowdung’. [gōrvara—, ākara—]. H. gobrār m. ‘heap of cowdung’.
4320 *gōl—, *gōll— ‘look for’. S. ǥoraṇu, ǥolaṇu ‘to look for, search’, L. goḷaṇ, golaṇ, agolaṇ.
4325 *gōlla— ‘slave’. [Cf. gōla3?] S. golo m. ‘slave’, °lī f., °lāro, °lāṛo m. ‘son of a slave’; L. P. gollā m. ‘slave’, °lī f.; G. golɔ m. ‘menial servant in a king's harem’, °lī f., gollɔ m. ‘devotee of a goddess’. gōvara— see gōrvara—. *gōvardha— ‘bull’? [gṓ—, várdha2] See *gōrdhava—.
4326 *gōvastāra— ‘cattle bedding’. [gṓ—, avastārá—] Bi. gŏthār ‘refuse straw and fodder’.
4330 *gōviṣṭhākula— ‘cowdung shed’. [gōviṣṭhā—, kúla—] Bi. gŏṭhaul, °ṭhaur, °ṭhaurā, (Shahabad) goṭhāhul ‘house in which cowdung fuel is stored’, Mth. (NETir- hut) goṭhul.
4335 *gōśrayaṇa— ‘cow—house’. 2. °aka—. [gṓ—, śrayaṇa—] 1. Paš. kuṛ. gēšín ‘house’, chil. gušı̄́n, ar. gƏšín. 2. Paš. weg. gṓšiṅg m. IIFL iii, 3, 74.
4337 *gōṣṭhapāla— ‘cowherd’. [Cf. gōṣṭhapati— m. ‘chief herdsman’. — gōṣṭhá—, pālá—] N. goṭhālo ‘herdsman’ (whence °lni ‘his wife’), °li ‘female herd’.
4340 *gōsarī— ‘cattle path’. [gṓ—, sará—] S. gohari f. ‘herd of cows’; P. kgr. gohar f. ‘cattle path out of a village’.
4341 *gōsiktha— ‘mash for cows’. [gṓ—, siktha1] S. ǥoithu m. ‘mash of bran with chopped straw &c. for cattle’. *gōstha— ‘cowpen’ see gōṣṭhá—. gōsthāna— see gōṣṭhā́na—.
4352 *granthabandha— ‘tying a knot’. [grantha—, bandha—] H. gaṭhaũd m. ‘tying a knot, a pledge tied up in a bundle’.
4358 *grava— ‘branch’? Wg. grõmacr; ‘branch’, Paš. lawā́. GRAS ‘swallow’: grásati, *grasita—, grasta—, grāsa—, grāsáyati, *grāsya—; *avagrasta—.
4360 *grasita— ‘swallowed’. [√gras] Pk. gasia—; OG. graśā obl. sg. n. ‘mouthful’.
4371 *grāmadāra— ‘village boy’. [grā́ma—, dāra—] Pa. gāmadāraka— m.; Pk. gāmāra—, gavāra— ‘living in a small village, rustic, fool’; K. gammār m. ‘insolent ignorant fool’ (emph. lengthening of —m—); P. gãvār, gav° m. ‘rustic’; N. gamār ‘rustic, uncouth’; A. gõ;wār ‘obstinate’; B. goyā̃r ‘stubborn and ignorant’, Or. gamār, guā̃ra; Mth. gamār ‘rustic’; Bhoj. Aw.lakh. H. gãwār m. ‘villager’; G. gamār, gum°, gavār ‘boorish’, M. gãvār. Addenda: *grāmadāra—: WPah.kṭg. gwā̃r, gwār m. ‘brute, fool’; Brj. gãwār(ū) ‘boorish, stupid’; Md. gamāru ‘stupid’ RTMV2.
4372 *grāmadhāna— ‘site of a village’. [grā́ma—, dhā́na—] Pk. gāmahaṇa—, gāmaṇaha— n. ‘site of a village’ Deśīn.; H. gauhān m. ‘village made over to anyone as a permanent settlement’.
4376 *grāmārdha— ‘vicinity of village’. 2. *grāmārdhin— ‘neighbour’. [grā́ma—, árdha1] 1. Pk. gāmaddha— m.n. ‘part of a village’; L. gavā̃ḍh, °vāḍh m. ‘neighbourhood’, P. gavā̃ḍh; Bhoj. goyãṛā ‘vicinity of a village’; M. gā̃vdhẽ n. ‘hamlet, business in another village’. 2. L. gavā̃ḍhī, °āḍhī m., °ḍhiṇ f. ‘neighbour’, P. gavā̃ḍhī m., °dhaṇ f.
4381 *grāsya— ‘to be swallowed’. [Cf. grasya— MBh.: √gras] P. gāssī f. ‘mouthful’, H. gassā m.
4386 *grilla— ‘wet, damp’. [< *gr̥dla— cf. √gaḍ: very doubtful] Pk. gilla— ‘wet’, Ash. gilest e, Dm. grīla; Paš. līl ‘wet, dew’; Kal. rumb. grīla ‘wet’; P. gill f. ‘dampness’, gillā ‘damp’, Ku. gīlo; N. gilo ‘over—cooked, over—ripe, soft’; A. gīl ‘wet, muddy, benumbed’; Aw. lakh. gīl ‘wet’; H. gīl f. ‘dampness’, gīlā, gillā ‘damp’; OMarw. gīlau ‘wet’; M. gīl m. ‘pulp’, gilgilīt ‘oozy, over—ripe, squashy’.
4388 *grīvāṅkuṭa— ‘neck—angle’. [grīvā́—, aṅkuṭa—] Kal. griṅgƏŕ—aṭhı̄́ ‘collar—bone’.
4389 *grīvājyā— ‘neck string’. [grīvā́—, jyā́2] M. gyāj̈ f. ‘string of bells round neck of buffalo’.
4390 *grīvābandha— ‘neck band’. [grīvā́—, bandhá—] Kho. (Lor.) girwan ‘collar, coat—collar’.
4393 *grīṣmavāpa— ‘summer sowing’. [grīṣmá—, vāpa2] M. gimhvā, gimvā m. ‘grain raised in hot season by irrigation’. GRUC ‘rob’: *vigrukta—, *vigrucyatē, *vigrōcati, *vigrōcana—.
4395 *graivakaṭa— ‘neck—ring’. [graivá—, káṭa1?] Dm. grēřī ‘necklace’; Paš. weg. lã̤äṛ, ar. liōṛ ‘neck- ring’; Gaw. lēṛ—dāmeṭı̄́ ‘collar—bone’.
4396 *graíviya—, graívya— ‘relating to the neck’ AV., graivēya—, °aka— m.n. ‘elephant's neck chain’ MBh. [grīvā́—] Pa. gīveyyaka— n. ‘necklace’ (X gīvā—), Pk. gēvijja—, °vejja—, °aya— n., Wg. gr e i, Ash. glō; Kho. (Lor.) gƏrāi ‘collar—bone, necklace’; Sh. jij. giréi ‘collar—bone’. *graiviyāṅka—.
4397 *graiviyāṅka— ‘necklace’. [*graíviya—, aṅká—] Kal. rumb. grēiṅga ‘twisted silver necklace’. graivēya— see *graíviya—. graívya— see *graíviya—.
4398 *graiṣmīṇa— ‘of summer’ . [Der. fr. graíṣma— ‘relating to summer’ AV. with same suffix as prāvr̥ṣı̄́ṇa—&middot; grīṣmá—] Phal. grhēmiṇo m., °ṇi f. ‘kid one year old’. glapsa— see guccha—.
4403 *ghagghara— ‘waterpot’. [Onom. < gharghara- ‘gurgling’ see *gharga—?] S. ghāghari f. ‘a kind of waterpot’; Or. ghagri ‘earthen pitcher’; M. ghāgar f. ‘waterpot’.
4404 *ghaṅghōlayati ‘stirs round and round’. [ghōlayati: *ghūr—] Pk. ghaṁghōra— ‘constantly turning’; H. ghaṅg(h)olnā, ghaṅghornā ‘to stir round’. *ghacc— ‘press, crowd’ see *gicc—.
4405 *ghañcin— ‘one who presses’. [Belongs perh. to *ghacc— ‘press’, see *gicc—] Pk. ghaṁciya— m. ‘oil—presser’, G. ghā̃cī m., ghā̃c e f. GHAṬ ‘form, mould’. [Poss. by metathesis of aspiration < √gaṭh] ghaṭa—2, *ghaṭa—3, gháṭatē, ghaṭayati, ghaṭita—, *ghaṭyatē, *ghāṭa—, ghāṭayati; *apaghaṭya—, *apa- ghāṭa—, apaghāṭayati, *udghaṭati, udghāṭa—, udghāṭaka—, udghāṭayati, durghaṭa—, *vighaṭa—, vighaṭatē, vighaṭita—, *vighāṭayati, saṁghāṭa—, saṁghāṭayati, saṁghāṭī—, sughaṭa—.
4408 *ghaṭanāvikā— ‘raft of pots’. [ghaṭa—1, nāvā́—] Bi. H. gharnaī f. ‘temporary raft made of waterpots and bamboos’.
4409 *ghaṭamañca— ‘stand for pots’. [ghaṭa—1, mañca—] L. ghaṛāvañj f. ‘stand for waterpots’, awāṇ. ghaṛvañjī (→ K. garwanj m.), P. ghaṛāvañj, ghaṛaũjī, °aũcī f., ghaṛaũc, °cā m.; Bi. ghaṛaũcī, H. ghaṛõ;cā m., °cī f., gharaũcā m., °cī f. ghaṭayati see gháṭatē.
4410 *ghaṭastara— ‘stand for pots’. [ghaṭa—1, stara—] Mth. ghaltharī ‘stand for pots’.
4413 *ghaṭītāḍa— ‘striking the time’. [ghaṭa—1, tā́ḍa1] P. ghaṛiāl m. ‘gong, clock, watch’; H. ghaṛiyāl m. ‘the metal plate on which each period of 24 minutes measured by the water—clock is struck’; G. ghaṛiyāḷ f.n. ‘clock’; M. ghaḍyāḷ, °ḷẽ, ghaḍāḷ n. ‘metal plate on which the hours are struck’; Ko. ghaḍiyāḷ n. ‘clock, watch’. GHAṬṬ 1 ‘rub, touch’: ghaṭṭáyati1; avaghaṭṭayati, *āghaṭṭayati, *praghaṭṭaka—. *ghaṭṭ— 2 ‘decrease’: *ghaṭṭati; *avaghaṭṭati, *nir- ghaṭṭati. Addenda: *ghaṭītāḍa— [ghaṭī— (see ghaṭa—1), tā́da1] Brj. ghariāl, °ār m. ‘gong’.
4415 *ghaṭṭati ‘decreases, is wanting’, perh. ghaṭṭayati 2 ‘speaks ill of’ MBh. [*ghaṭṭ2] Pk. ghaṭṭaï ‘is ruined’; Dm. gā̆ṭ— ‘to want, wish’, Kal. rumb. ghāṭ—; K. gaṭun ‘to become less’, goṭu ‘insufficient’; S. ghaṭaṇu ‘to become less’, ghaṭero ‘a little less’; L. ghaṭṭ ‘few’, ghaṭṭaṇ ‘to decrease’; P. ghaṭṭ ‘diminished’, ghaṭṇā ‘to decrease’, ghaṭṭaṇā ‘to belittle’; Ku. ghaṭṇo ‘to decrease’, N. ghaṭnu; A. ghāṭiba ‘to be less, be defeated’; B. ghāṭā ‘to be want- ing’, ghāṭi ‘shortcoming, fault’; Bhoj. ghaṭal ‘to de- crease’, H. ghaṭnā; OMarw. ghaṭai ‘decreases’, ghaṭāvai ‘belittles’; G. ghaṭvũ ‘to decrease’, M. ghaṭṇẽ. ghaṭṭanā— see *ghaṭyatē. Addenda: *ghaṭṭati: S.kcch. ghaṭṇū ‘to decrease’; WPah.kṭg. ghàṭṭɔ m. ‘loss’, poet. ghaṭi ‘without’.
4416 *ghaṭṭapāla— ‘ferryman’. [ghaṭṭa—1, pālá—] B. ghāṭoāl, °ṭāl ‘man in charge of a ghāṭ’; Or. ghā̆ṭuāḷa ‘ferryman, toll—collector’, °ārā ‘ferryman’; H. ghaṭwāl, °ār m. ‘wharfinger’.
4418 *ghaṭyatē ‘is joined, is procured’. [Cf. ghaṭṭanā— f. ‘means of living’ Pāṇ.— √ghaṭ] Bshk. (LSI) gaṭ—īt ‘married her’; Sh. gaṭóĭki̯ ‘to earn’, găṭṇi f. ‘income’; A. ghaṭiba ‘to earn’, °ṭāiba ‘to cause to happen, cause to be earned’; B. ghaṭāna ‘to cause to happen’. Addenda: *ghaṭyatē: OMarw. ghaṭyaü ‘occurred’.
4419 *ghaḍaghaḍa— ‘gurgling or rattling noise’. [Onom., cf. *gaḍagaḍa—] K. gŏrgŏr m. ‘gurgling’; S. ghaṛkaṇu ‘to tick (of a clock)’; N. ghārghur ‘sound made in churning thickened milk’; A. gharghar ‘creaking’; B. ghaṛghaṛ ‘purring’; Or. ghaṛaghaṛa ‘rattling’; H. ghaṛghaṛānā ‘to thunder, crack’, M. ghaḍghaḍṇẽ.
4420 *ghaṇṭa— ‘throat’. [Despite ghaṇṭikā— f. ‘uvula’ poss. < ‘little bell’, this is separate from ghaṇṭā— and belongs to the group listed s.v. kaṇṭhá—] L. ghaṇḍī f. ‘adam's apple’, awāṇ. also ‘soft palate’; P. ghaṇḍ m., °ḍī f. ‘adam's apple’; A. ghãṭ ‘protuberance on snout of crocodile’; H. ghā̃ṭī f. ‘throat, adam's apple, uvula, soft palate’ (→ N. ghā̃ṭi ‘throat’); G. ghā̃ṭɔ m. ‘throat’, °ṭī f. ‘adam's apple’; M. ghā̃ṭī f. ‘throat, adam's apple, larynx’. Addenda: ghaṇṭa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ghàṇḍu m. ‘throat’.
4425 *ghanaghana— ‘tinkle, clang’. [Onom.] Pk. ghaṇiya— n. ‘thunder’, ghaṇaghaṇāiya— n. ‘in- distinct noise’; Mth. ghanghan ‘jingle’; H. ghanghanānā ‘to jingle’; G. ghaṇghaṇ, ghaṇāṇ ‘tinkling’; M. ghaṇ- ghaṇṇẽ ‘to ring, clang’, ghaṇāṇā ‘with a loud clang’.
4426 *ghanatara— ‘thicker’. [ghaná2] S. ghaṇero, °riṛo ‘a little more’; P. ghanerā ‘plentiful’, N. ghanero, OAw. ghanerā, H. ghaner, °rā, G. ghaṇerũ; — Ash. gandalƏ ‘big’, Pr. gә́ndƏr NTS xv 259 with (?). *ghabbhaḍa— ‘confused’ see next. Addenda: *ghanatara—: Garh. ghaṇeru ‘dense, enough’.
4427 *ghabbhara— ‘confused’. 2. *ghabbhaḍa—. 1. S. ghaḇiro ‘deafish’; P. ghābrā ‘confused’ (← H.?); N. ghabrāunu ‘to confuse, be confused’, B. ghā̆brāna; Or. ghābarā ‘confused’; H. ghābar, °brā ‘startled’; G. ghābhrũ ‘confused’; M. ghābrā ‘terrified’. 2. Ku. ghabṛāṇo ‘to be puzzled’; B. ghābṛā ‘to be confused’.
4429 *gharakarmin— ‘house builder’. [Cf. gr̥hakartr̥— m. R. — ghara—, karmín—] B. gharāmi ‘house or hut builder’; H. gharāmī m. ‘thatcher’; — P. ghuṛāmī m. ‘thatcher, lattice—maker’ (?).
4430 *gharagaḍḍa— ‘house ruin’. [ghara—, *gaḍḍa1] N. ghaṛeri ‘place where a house has stood, ruin’ < *ghareṛi.
4431 *gharagōlī— ‘house lizard’. [Cf. gr̥hagōlaka— m. MārkP., °ikā— f. lex., gr̥hagōdhā—, °ikā— f. Suśr. — ghara—, gōlaka—] Pk. gharagōlī— f., gharōlī—, °liyā—, gharakōilā— (cf. gihakōilā—), °liā—, gharōilā—, gharagōhiā—, G. gharoḷī, ghaṛolī f.
4432 *gharaghara— ‘grunt, rumble’. [Cf. gharghara— m. ‘purring’ Kathās., ‘rattling’ lex. and ghuraghurā- yatē: onom.] N. ghargharāunu ‘to grunt’, ghā̃rghā̃r—ghurghur ‘growl’; Or. ghargharibā ‘to rattle’; H. gharghar m. ‘snarling’; M. ghargharṇẽ ‘to rumble’. gharaṭṭa— see *gharṣṭra—.
4433 *gharadvāra— ‘house—door’. [Cf. gr̥hadvāra— n. Gobh. — ghara—, dvā́ra—] Pk. gharavāra— n.; S. gharḇāru m. ‘family’, P. N. H. gharbār m., G. gharbār n., M. ghardār n. — Deriv. S. gharḇārī ‘married’, P. N. Bi. H. G. gharbārī (→ M. gharb(h)ārī). — See *gēhadvāra—.
4434 *gharapaṇa— ‘house—tax’. [ghara—, paṇa1] M. gharvaṇ f. ‘house—tax’.
4435 *gharapāla— ‘house guardian’. [Cf. gr̥hapāla— m. MBh. — ghara—, pālá—] S. gharavāro m. ‘husband’; H. gharwālā m. ‘house- holder, husband’, °lī f. ‘his wife’.
4436 *gharapāśa— ‘webs in a house’. [ghara—, pā́śa2] M. gharavsā, °rosā m. ‘cobwebs and pendulous filaments of soot’.
4437 *gharamarda— ‘destruction of house’. [ghara—, —marda—] M. gharvãd ‘site of a razed or ruined house’.
4438 *gharastha— ‘living in the house, householder’. [~ gr̥hastha—. — ghara—, stha—] Aś. gir. gharasta— m. ‘householder’, Pk. gharattha- m., M. gharat, garat, °rtī f. ‘respectable woman’; — N. gharti, f. °ini ‘emancipated slave’?
4439 *gharasthāna— ‘site of a house’. [ghara—, sthā́na—] M. gharṭhā̆ṇ n. ‘site of a ruined house’.
4440 *gharasya— ‘sun's heat’. [Cf. ghasra— m. ‘day’ Pārśvan. < *ghars—ra—?. — √ghr̥ 2] Ash. gerés ‘midday’, Kt. gƏríš, Wg. garaš, °riš.
4441 *gharāyatana— ‘house and home’. [ghara—, āyátana—] S. gharāṇo ‘made or reared at home, of good family’, m. ‘parentage’; P. gharāṇā m. ‘family, good family’; N. gharān ‘good birth’; H. gharānā m. ‘family, house- hold, race’; M. gharāṇẽ n., °ṇā m. ‘family, race’.
4443 *gharga— ‘gurgling sound of water’. [Cf. gharghara- ‘gurgling’ Rājat., m. ‘name of a river’ lex., Pk. ghag- ghara—; gárgara1 m. ‘whirlpool’ AV.: onom.] P. ghagg, pl. °gā̃ f. ‘hole caused by water’, ghaggā ‘hoarse, hollow’; N. ghāgi ‘rapids in a stream’.
4447 *gharmōṣma— ‘heat’. [gharmá—, ūṣmán—] L. ghamassar m. ‘sultry weather’, awāṇ. ghamusuṛ ‘sultry’.
4451 *gharṣṭra— ‘grindstone, mill’. [gharaṭṭa— m. ‘grind- stone’ Rājat., °aka— m., °ikā— f. MIA. < *gharaṣṭra— or *ghraṭṭhra—; —ghaṭṭa2 in araghaṭṭa—. — √ghr̥ṣ] Pk. gharaṭṭa— m. ‘mill for grinding corn, Persian waterwheel’; Paš. garāṭ ‘handmill’ (← Ind. and → Par. garāṭ IIFL iii 3, 73); K. graṭa, groṭu m., (Morgen- stierne) greṭhe ‘watermill for grinding corn’; L. ghuraṭ m. ‘handmill’ (X *ghurati 2?), khet. (LSI) grat (—?) ‘mill’; P. gharāṭ m. ‘watermill’ with ā ← WPah. bhad. bhiḍ. ḍhḷāṭ n., bhal. ghrāṭ, ghƏrāṭ n., khaś. ghrāṭ, marm. gihāṭ;—with unexpl. a in Ku. ghaṭ, N. ghaṭṭa. *gharṣṭrakara—; araghaṭṭa—. Addenda: *gharṣṭra—: WPah.kc. gƏrāṭ m. ‘watermill’, J. ghrā' m., kṭg. ghɔ̀rṭ, J. ghauṭ; G. ghãṭɔ m. ‘grindstone’, °ṭī ‘mill’; °ṭīɔ m. ‘portable mill, grindstone’.
4452 *gharṣṭrakara— ‘miller’. [*gharṣṭra—, kará1] N. ghaṭero, ghaṭṭero. *GHAL ‘trickle’ see √ghr̥ 1.
4453 *ghala— ‘stream’. [√ghr̥ 1] Ash. gul ‘inhabited valley, country’ (whence golı̄́ ‘tribe’: semant. cf. kū́pa1 in Sh.), Wg. gōl ‘valley’, Kt. gul; Pr. gul ‘valley, country’; Dm. g *l l ‘valley’; Tir. gálƏ ‘rivulet’; Paš. lauṛ. ghal f. ‘river’, weg. gal; Shum. gäl ‘ravine, valley’, Gaw. g'al, Kal. urt. gƏhal, rumb. ghau, st. ghāl—, Kho. gól, Bshk. g *l l; Phal. sōṇäi—gū́l ‘bank of a river (sṓṇī)’; Or. ghaḷa—ghaḷa ‘copious discharge of pus’; M. ghaḷ f. ‘trench torn up by rush of water, ravine’. *ghalōdaka—. Addenda: *ghala—: †;*nīcaghala—.
4454 *ghalati ‘flows’. 2. *ghalita—. 3. *ghalana—. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. H. ghalnā ‘to fall off’; M. ghaḷṇẽ ‘to be torn into furrows (of bank, dam, &c.), fall asunder (of pearls, beads, &c.), fall in pieces’ (whence ghaḷak f. ‘over- flowing plenty’); Si. galanavā ‘to drip, overflow’ or < galati 1. 2. Or. ghaḷiā ‘a leak’. 3. M. ghaḷaṇ n. ‘furrow or ravine made by over- flowing water’.
4455 *ghalati— ‘stream’. [√ghr̥ 1] M. ghaḷay f. ‘ravine’. *ghalana— ‘flowing’ see *ghalati. *ghalita— ‘flowed’ see *ghalati.
4456 *ghalōdaka— ‘river water’. [*ghala—, udaká—] Kho. golō g ‘river’ perh. rather Kho. cmpd. with ō g as in Ash. gulabọ̄́ ‘river’, Kt. gƏlewƏ, Wg. gɔ̄lōu, Pr. gulawe with Ash. abṓ, Kt. ā́wƏ, &c. ‘water’ < áp—.
4457 *ghalyati ‘pours’. [√ghr̥ 1] Pk. ghallaï, pp. °lia— ‘throws’; Phal. galū́m ‘I send’; L. ghallaṇ ‘to send’, P. ghallṇā; N. ghaluwā ‘something thrown in as extra to a purchase’; A. ghāliba ‘to shake violently, abuse by raking up unpleasant secrets’ (semant. cf. vyākṣēpa—); OB. ghālaï ‘throws’; OAw. ghālai ‘pours in, puts, places’; H. ghālnā ‘to throw’; OMarw. ghālaï ‘puts, places, gives’; OG. ghālaï ‘places’, G. ghālvũ ‘to thrust in’; OM. ghālaṇeṁ ‘to pour, throw, put’, M. ghālṇẽ ‘to pour’; Ko. ghālūka ‘to put, place’; Si. galvanavā ‘to apply one thing to another, smear on the body, daub, dye, cause to sink’ or < galati 1. - X kṣiptá—: Pk. ghitta— ‘poured, thrown’, ghattaï, pp. °tiya— ‘pours, throws, sends’, °taṇa— n.; L. ghattaṇ ‘to pour, drop, spread out’; P. ghattṇā ‘to pour, throw, put in or on, wear’; OM. ghātalā pp. of ghālaṇeṁ (whence anal. pass. ghāpaṇeṁ ‘to be put, be placed’). - Altern. forms of Phal. N. A. B. H. Marw. Si. < *ghālayati. GHAS ‘eat’: ghāsá—; *udghāsa—, *nighāsa—, *nirghāsa—. ghasra— see *gharasya—.
4458 *ghāṭa— ‘connexion’. [√ghaṭ] Pk. ghāḍa— m. ‘friendship’ (whence ghāḍiya— m. ‘companion’); N. ghāro ‘bar, rod, crossbeam’ (semant. cf. Pa. ghaṭikā— f. ‘stick used as a bolt’). *mukhaghāṭā—. ghāṭayati see gháṭatē. Addenda: *ghāṭa—: WPah.kṭg. ghaṛ f. (obl —a) ‘share of crop due to the owner from tenant’ (Him.I 47)?
4466 *ghāna— 1 ‘mill’. [ODBL 320 < ghrāṇaka— Siyadoni inscr. EI i 169; Dave GujLg 136 < *ghātanikā—; ?. Bloch (letter 1946) compared M. ghāvan ‘stone mortar’ and suggested as possible ghaná1 X grā́van—. None satisfactory] Pk. ghāṇa— m. ‘mill’; S. ghāṇo m. ‘oil—mill’, L. awāṇ. ghāṇī, A. B. ghānī, Or. ghaṇā, Bhoj. ghānī; H. ghānā m. ‘oil—mill’, °nī f. ‘the block on which the roller of a mill moves’; Marw. ghāṇī f. ‘oil—mill’; G. ghāṇī f. ‘oil—mill, sugar—press, the block on which the roller of an oil—mill moves’, M. ghāṇā m., °ṇī f. Addenda: *ghāna— 1 [Extracted from cmpd. ghāṇa—piṇyāka— n. ‘oil—cake from (a filling of) oil—press’ Arthaś.?] S.kcch. ghāṇī f. ‘oil—mill turned by a camel’.
4467 *ghāna— 2 ‘filling’. [Poss. conn. w. ghaná2, cf. ghānya— n. ‘compactness’ Dhātup.] √*han 3 Pk. ghāṇa— m. ‘single charge’; P. ghāṇ m. ‘profuse- ness, large mass of anything prepared at one time, one filling of a mill or pot’; WPah. bhal. ghāṇi f. ‘as much oil seed as will go into a press at a time’; N. ghān ‘any quantity sufficient for one time’; Bi. ghānī ‘one parch- ing of grain, one filling of an oil—mill’; Aw. lakh. ghān ‘one baking’; H. ghān, °nā m. ‘one parching of grain, one filling of an oil—mill’; G. ghāṇ m. ‘a quantity of materials to be pounded, &c.’; M. ghāṇā m., °ṇī f. ‘one charge of a mill’. Addenda: *ghāna— 2 in cmpd. ghāṇa—piṇyāka— n. Arthaś.?: WPah.poet. ghaṇo m. ‘filling with food, satiety’.
4470 *ghārayati 2 ‘causes to turn’. 2. *ghārita—. [√ghūr] 1. Or. ghāribā ‘to cause to whirl, to reel, nod, doze’, dial. ghālibā ‘to reel, totter’; G. ghāraṇ n. ‘deep sleep’. 2. OG. ghāriu ‘fallen asleep’; — Pk. ghāriyā— f. ‘a partic. kind of sweetmeat’ = G. ghārī f. ‘a kind of pastry in circular form’. *ghārita— ‘caused to turn’ see prec. *ghāla— ‘flowing’ see ghāra—. *ghālayati ‘makes flow’ see *ghārayati 1. Addenda: *ghārayati 2. 2. *ghārita—: but Pk. G. ← Drav.? (Ko. ghāryo, ghāri ‘fried cake of pulse’, Kan. g(h)ārige) S. M. Katre BSOAS xxx 702. *ghārita— ‘round (?)’ see *ghārayati 2 Add2. *ghāla— see ghāra— Add2. *ghālayati see ghārayati 1 Add2.
4472 *ghicca— ‘neck’. 2. *ghiñca—. 3. *ghēñcu—. [J. Bloch in letter 1946 < *ghṛtya— from Indo—ir. *ghart- ‘neck’ in ghāṭā— q.v., *ghaṇṭa—. But cf. *gicca— and list s.v. kaṇṭhá—] 1. N. ghicro ‘nape of neck’ (with ext. —ḍa—), H. ghīc m. ‘lower or front part of neck’. 2. Aw. lakh. ghı̄̃c ‘neck’, H. ghı̄̃c m. = ghīc ab. 3. Bhoj. ghē̃cu ‘neck’. *ghijj— ‘press, crowd’ see *gicc—. *ghiñca— ‘neck’ see *ghicca—.
4473 *ghiḍḍa— ‘defective’. [Cf. Pk. ghiṭṭha— ‘humpbacked’] L. awāṇ. ghiḍḍā ‘crooked—legged’.
4474 *ghir— ‘go round’. 2. *ghēr— tr. ‘make go round, sur- round’. [← Drav. J. Bloch BSOS v 742: cf. *ghūr—] 1. Wg. (Lumsden) "girum" ‘whirlpool’; Dm. gíran ‘again, back’; Paš. gir— ‘to turn round’, gir ‘again’; Woṭ. gir— ‘to go round’; Gaw. gir— intr. ‘to turn, walk about’, gira— tr., giri ‘again’; Bshk. Phal. gir— ‘to wander about’; S. ghiraṇu ‘to feel sick, slide down’, ghirṭu m. ‘nodding from drowsiness’; P. ghirṇā ‘to turn round, feel giddy, be surrounded’; WPah. pāḍ. ghiraṇ ‘to move away’, cam. ghrīṇā ‘to set (of sun &c.)’; B. ghirā ‘to surround’; Bi. ghirnī ‘rope—maker's twisting instrument’; Bhoj. ghiral ‘to be surrounded’; H. ghirnā ‘to be surrounded’, ghirnī f. ‘pulley’; M. ghı̃rṭī f. ‘a whirl’. 2. Paš. gerē— ‘to make go round’; Kal. rumb. gherém tr. ‘I turn round’ (whence intr. ghḗrem); K. gērun ‘to surround’, gyūru m. ‘giddiness’, gēr m. ‘circumference’; S. gheraṇu ‘to surround’, ghero m. ‘siege’, °ri f. ‘cir- cumference’; P. gherṇā ‘to surround, blockade’, gher f., °rā m. ‘circumference’, gherṇī f. ‘dizziness’; WPah. bhal. gh e_ ro m. ‘circular movement’; Ku. gherṇo tr. ‘to surround’, intr. ‘to go round’; N. ghernu tr. and intr., ghero ‘circumference’; A. B. gher, B. gherā ‘to surround’, Or. gheribā, ghera, Bhoj. gher, °rā; OAw. gherai ‘sur- rounds, besieges’; H. ghernā ‘to surround’ (whence pass. meaning of ghirnā ab.), gher, °rā m. ‘circum- ference’, °rī f. ‘vertigo’; G. ghervũ ‘to surround’, gheraṇ f. ‘sound sleep’, gherɔ m. ‘circumference’, °rī f. ‘border of short hair’; M. gherṇẽ ‘to surround’, gher, °rā m. ‘circumference’, °rī f. ‘vertigo’. — X bhramara- in L. ghãver m. ‘vortex, whirlpool, giddiness’. *āghēra—, *saṁghēr—. Addenda: *ghir—. 2. *ghēr—: S.kcch. ghero keṇū ‘to surround’; WPah.kṭg. ghèrɔ m. ‘circumference, circle, embrace’, poet. ghero m. ‘courtyard’, kṭg. ghèrnõ; ‘to surround’, J. gherṇu; Md. giranī ‘stirs (into water)’? †;*vighēra—.
4475 *ghīcc— ‘drag’. [Cf. *khiñc—] S. ghīcaṇu ‘to drag’, ghīco m. ‘pulling to and fro’; N. ghicnu ‘to grab’, ghiccinu ‘to be dragged along’; B. ghı̃cā ‘to pull’; — H. ghicolnā ‘to rub’.
4476 *ghuṅgana— ‘boiled peas and spices’. P. ghuṅgaṇī f. ‘grain boiled whole’; B. ghuṅni, ghugni ‘boiled peas with spices and oil’, H. ghū̃gnī f.
4477 *ghuṅghura— ‘bell’. 2. *ghiṅghira— [Onom.] 1. L. ghuṅgru m. ‘small camel bell’; P. ghuṅgarū m. ‘small bell’; N. ghuṅri ‘dancing—girl's ankle bells’; A. ghuṅgarā ‘string of bells’, B. ghuṅur, Or. ghuṅghura, H. ghuṅg(h) m.; OMarw. ghūghara m. ‘toe bell, string of bells’; G. ghughrɔ m. ‘jingling bell’, °rī f. ‘toe bell’, M. ghũghūr n., °ghrū m., °ghrū̃ n. — H. ghū̃ghar m. ‘curls’ ← Drav. cf. Kan. gugguri ‘curl’ DED 1361. 2. S. ghiṅghirū, °ro m. ‘ankle bell, cattle bell’. *ghuṅghurāli—.
4478 *ghuṅghurāli— ‘string of bells’. [*ghuṅghura—, āli1] P. ghuṅgrāl f. ‘a string of bells on the neck of cattle’. GHUṬ ‘turn’. [Cf. words under *ghūr—] ghṓṭatē; *nighuṭati, *vighuṭati, vyāghuṭati.
4480 *ghuṭasnasā— ‘ankle tendon’. [ghuṭa—, snas—] H. ghurnas m. (f.?) ‘tendon Achilles’.
4481 *ghuṭṭ— ‘gulp, swallow’. Pk. ghuṭṭaï, ghoṭ° ‘drinks’, Ap. ghuṁṭaï, ghuṁṭa— m. ‘a swallow of water &c.’; S. ghuṭaṇu ‘to choke’; P. ghuṭṭ, °ṭā m. ‘a swallow’, °ṭī f. ‘child's dose of medicine’; H. ghũṭnā ‘to swallow’; G. ghoṭ, ghũṭṛɔ m. ‘gulp’; M. ghoṭṇẽ ‘to swallow’, ghoṭ m. ‘gulp’, ghuṭghuṭ ‘by gulps’; — ext. with —kk—: S. ghuṭko m. ‘swallow’, ghuṭkaṇu ‘to swallow’, N. ghuṛko, ghuṛkyāunu, M. ghuṭkā m. *ghuṭṭa— ‘ankle’ see ghuṭa—. Addenda: *ghuṭṭ— [~ Drav. DED 1378, 1381]: WPah.kṭg. ghv̀ṭṇõ; ‘to swallow’, J. ghuṭṇu. *ghuṭṭa—, ghuṇṭa— 1 see ghuṭa— Add2.
4483 *ghuṇṭa— 2 ‘knot, tag, button’. S. ghuṇḍu m. ‘frown’, ghuṇḍī f. ‘knot of thread, tangle’; P. ghuṇḍī f. ‘knot, knot of wheat chaff, button’ (→ H. ghuṇḍī f. ‘tag, button’); N. ghũṛi ‘tag or button to catch in a loop’; B. Or. ghuṇṭi ‘cloth button’; G. ghũṭī f. ‘entanglement’. *ghumati ‘revolves’ see *ghummati. Addenda: *ghuṇṭa—2: WPah.kṭg. ghv̀ṇḍi f. ‘doll’ (altern. < *guḍḍa—), ghùṇḍu m. ‘veil carried by the goddess’; J. ghū̃ḍ m. ‘veil’.
4484 *ghumba— ‘head covering’. 2. *ghumbapaṭṭa—. [paṭṭa2] 1. N. ghum ‘covering of interlaced bamboo strips and leaves carried against rain or sun’. 2. N. ghumṭo ‘woman's head cloth’, B. ghomṭā, Or. ghumbaṭā; G. ghumṭɔ m. ‘woman's head cloth’, ghumṭī f. ‘leaf umbrella’. — Relationship of these not clear with S. ghū̃ghā̆ṭu m. ‘woman's head cloth’, P. ghuṅg(h)aṭ m., N. ghũguṭo, H. ghū̃ghaṭ m.f., G. ghũghaṭ m., °ghṭī f.; M. ghũghūṭ, °ghaṭ m. ‘head cloth’. Addenda: *ghumba—. 2. *ghumbapaṭṭa—: S.kcch. ghūmṭo m. ‘veil’; ghūṅghaṭ m.
4485 *ghummati ‘revolves’. 2. *ghumati. [Replaces ghū́rṇati; poss. < *ghūrma—: *ghūr—] 1. Pk. ghummaï ‘turns round’; S. ghumaṇu ‘to turn, wander’; L. ghumbar m. ‘circular dance’ (< *ghūmra—?), mult. ghummã m. ‘wooden mallet for stirring sugarcane juice’; P. ghummaṇā ‘to turn, roll, wander, be lost’; WPah. bhal. ghɔ̄m m. ‘a long unnecessary roundabout turn’; Ku. ghumṇo ‘to turn round, wander’, N. ghumnu; A. ghumāiba ‘to doze’, B. ghumā; Or. ghumibā ‘to whirl round, walk about’, ghumāibā ‘to doze’; Bi. ghumauā jāl ‘casting net’; Mth. Aw. lakh. ghūmab ‘to wander’, Bhoj. ghumal; H. ghū̆mnā ‘to revolve, wander’; G. ghumvũ ‘to revolve in the mind’; M. ghumṇẽ ‘to fer- ment’. 2. Pk. ghumaï ‘revolves’, Ko. ghũvtā. GHUR ‘make a noise’: ghúrati1, ghuraghurāyatē, ghurghurā—, *ghōra—2, *ghōrati; — ghōrá1. Addenda: *ghummati. 1. S.kcch. ghūmṇū ‘to move round’, ghūmrī f. ‘turning’, WPah.kṭg. ghùmṇõ; ‘to stroll, move’, gƏmhàuṇõ; tr. ‘to move, lead, turn’, J. ghumṇu ‘to turn back’, Garh. ghumṇu ‘to wander’; A. ghumaṭi ‘sleep’; — read B. ghumā̆na.
4488 *ghurati 2 ‘revolves’. [*ghūr—] Pk. ghulaï ‘turns’, ghaṁghōra— ‘constantly turning’; Mai. ky. ghurā— ‘to turn round or away’; WPah. bhal. ghur e' i f. ‘dance consisting of two semicircular rows of women moving in opposite directions’; A. ghūriba ‘to revolve’, B. ghurā, Or. ghuribā; H. ghū̆rnā ‘to roll round’; M. ghurẽ n. ‘epilepsy’. — L. ghuraṭ m. ‘hand- mill’ X *gharṣṭra—. Addenda: *ghurati2: WPah.kṭg. ghv̀ḷnõ; ‘to wrestle’.
4491 *ghuṣma— ‘noise’. [√ghuṣ] Si. guma ‘sound, noise’ EGS 57: very doubtful.
4492 *ghuss— 1 ‘thrust in, pierce’. [Cf. *ghōcc—] Phal. ghusū́m ‘I copulate’, pret. ghusilo; L. ghussaṇ ‘to enter, be thrust in’, P. ghusṇā, Ku. ghusṇo, N. ghusnu; B. ghusāna ‘to thrust in’; Or. ghusibā ‘to enter by force’; Bhoj. ghusal ‘to enter’, ghũsal ‘to rub in’; H. ghūsnā, ghus° ‘to be thrust in’; Marw. ghusṇo ‘to enter’; G. ghusvũ ‘to enter forcibly’, M. ghusṇẽ, Ko. ghusoṁk; — ext. with ——: L. ghusṛaṇ ‘to be thrust in’; P. ghuṣaṛnā ‘to penetrate’, N. ghusranu, tr. ghusārnu; B. ghusaṛā ‘to creep in’; H. ghusaṛnā ‘to be thrust in’, tr. °seṛnā; M. ghusaḍṇẽ tr. and intr.; — with —kk—: B. ghuskāna ‘to thrust in’; H. ghuskī f. ‘a forward woman’. Addenda: *ghuss—1: S.kcch. ghūsāṇū ‘to push into’.
4493 *ghuss— 2 ‘err’. S. gusaṇu ‘to fail, miss’ with g— from pp. gutho; L. ghussaṇ, pp. ghutthā ‘to err, be forgotten’; P. ghussṇā ‘to err, slip from the mind’, pp. ghutthā (whence gutthṇā ‘to make a mistake’). — S. gohī f. ‘evasion’ < *ghōs—.
4495 *ghūḍa— ‘manure’. [Connexion with gūtha— (MIA. *gūha—ḍa—?) is unlikely] Bi. ghūr ‘manure, manure pit’; H. ghūṛ, ghūr m. ‘sweepings’, ghūrā m. ‘manure’; — N. ghurān, °ryān, °ren ‘dunghill, midden’ (+dhā́na—?) *ghūr— ‘revolve’: *ghārayati2, *ghumati, *ghum- mati, *ghurati2, ghū́rṇati, ghōla—1, ghōlayati; praghūrṇa—, praghōlayati.
4496 *ghūra— ‘frown’. S. ghūra f. ‘staring fiercely’, ghūraṇu ‘to stare fiercely at’; P. ghūr m. ‘frown’, ghūrṇā ‘to frown on, rebuke, look lustfully at’; H. ghūr m. ‘frown, stare’, ghūrnā ‘frown at, stare at, ogle’; — ext. with —kk— (partially collide with ghúrati 1): S. ghurkaṇu ‘to rebuff’; P. ghurakṇā ‘to frown, scold’; N. ghurkanu ‘to frown’; H. ghuraknā, ghuṛaknā ‘to frown at’; G. ghurakvũ, ghar° ‘to frown’.
4498 *ghūssa— ‘blow with fist’. S. ghūso m. ‘fist’; N. ghussā ‘fist, blow with fist’; B. ghus ‘fist’; Or. ghusa ‘blow with fist’; H. ghūsā, ghussā m. ‘fist’, G. ghusɔ m., M. ghusā, ghussā m.
4499 *ghūssā— ‘a present’. P. ghūs f. ‘bribe’, Ku. ghūs; N. ghus ‘present, bribe’; B. ghus ‘bribe’, Or. ghusa, H. ghūs f. GHR̥ 1 ‘trickle’: ghāra—, *ghārayati1, ghr̥tá—; *abhi- gharati, *avaghara—, avagharati, ā́ghārayati, *udgharati1, *udghāra—, *nirgharati, *nirghāra—, *nirghārayati, *praghara—, pragharati, *praghāra—, *praghārayati, *praghirati, *vighara—, *vyāgharati, *vyāghāra—, vyā́ghārayati, vyāghārita—, vyāghr̥ta—; — forms with —l—: *ghala—, *ghalati, *ghalati—, *ghalana—, *ghalita—, *ghalyati, *ghāla—, *ghāla- yati; *avaghala—, *avaghalati, *avaghāla—, *ava- ghālayati, *āghala—, *āghālayati, *udghalyati, *udghāla—, *nirghalati, *nirghāla—, *nirghālayati, *praghala—, *praghalati, *praghāla—, *praghālayati, *praghilati. GHR̥ 2 ‘be hot’: gharmá—, *gharasya—, *ghr̥ṁsu—, ghr̥ṇá—, *ghraṇiṣya—, *ghrāṇā—.
4503 *ghr̥tabhāṇḍa— ‘ghee—pot’. [ghr̥tá—, bhā́ṇḍa1] H. ghiā̃ṛā m. ‘earthen vessel for storing ghee’. Addenda: *ghr̥tabhāṇḍa—: Brj. ghiā̃ṛo m. ‘pot for ghee’.
4504 *ghr̥tavaṭa— ‘ghee and pulse’. [ghr̥tá—, vaṭa3] B. ghioṛ ‘cake stuffed with pulse paste and ghee’.
4509 *ghr̥pta— ‘taken’. [Formed (like Av. gƏrƏpta—) as replacement of *ghr̥bdha— of which normal phonetic development was *gr̥bdha—. — √grah] Pk. fut. ghattissaṁ, inf. ghittuṁ, ghettuṁ (e from dēi ‘gives’); Ash. gutö ‘seized’ (gut— ‘to flow’ < ‘is carried’?); Woṭ. gat, (with f. obj.) git ‘took’, Gaw. gūtím ‘I took’; Bshk. gı̄̃tƏ ‘took, bought’; Or. ghitibā, ghet° ‘to take, carry’; M. ghetlā ‘taken’; Ko. ghettā ‘takes’; Si. gat ‘taken’. — Pk. ghēi ‘takes’ after dēi ‘gives’, M. gheṇẽ; Ko. gheṇẽ n. ‘taking’. — After MIA. type litta—: lippati pass. st. Pk. ghippaï, ghep° ‘is taken’ (become act. in Pa. gheppati); H. ghepnā ‘to take up with the fingers, cohabit with a woman’; M. ghepṇẽ ‘to be taken’. GHR̥Ṣ ‘rub, pound’: gharṣa—, gharṣaṇa—, ghárṣati, *gharṣṭra—, *ghr̥ṣati, ghr̥ṣṭa—, ghr̥ṣṭi—1, ghr̥ṣyatē; *aghr̥ṣṭa—, *avagharṣa—, udgharṣaṇa—, *udghr̥ṣati, udghr̥ṣṭa—, nigharṣa—, nighr̥ṣṭa—, pragharṣati. *ghr̥ṣati ‘rubs’ see ghárṣati. Addenda: *ghr̥pta—: Md. gat ‘taken’: see gr̥bhāyáti Add2. *ghr̥ṣati see gharṣati Add2. *ghēr— see *ghir— Add2.
4512 *ghēggha— ‘swelling’. N. gheg ‘goitre’; H. gheghā, °gā, ghẽghā, °gā m. ‘tumour’. *ghēñcu— ‘neck’ see *ghicca—.
4513 *ghēṇṭu— ‘neck’. [*ghaṇṭa— X *ghēñcu—? — See list s.v. kaṇṭhá—] Aw. lakh. ghẽṭuwā ‘neck’; H. ghẽṭ m. ‘throat, neck’. *ghōggha— ‘shell’ see next.
4515 *ghōcc— ‘pierce’. [Cf. *ghuss1] P. ghocṇā ‘to make a superfluous examination’; Ku. ghocṇo ‘to goad’; N. ghocnu ‘to pierce, stab’; G. ghocvũ, ghɔ̃cvũ ‘to pierce, thrust in’. Addenda: *ghōcc—: S.kcch. ghõ;cṇū ‘to pierce’.
4517 *ghōṭakarūpa— ‘like a horse’. [ghōṭa—, rūpá—] B. ghoṛāru ‘a kind of deer’.
4519 *ghōṭāgāra— n. ‘horse stable’. [ghōṭa—, agāra—] G. ghoṛāri f. ‘stable’. *ghōṭṭ— ‘pound, rub’ see ghaṭṭáyati. *ghōṭṭa— ‘ankle’ see ghuṭa—.
4521 *ghōppa— ‘lying flat’. N. ghopṭo ‘lying flat on the face’; M. ghopaḍ m. ‘a low spreading mushroom’.
4523 *ghōra— 2 ‘crying’. [√ghur] G. ghor m. ‘loud howling’. *ghōrati ‘snores, rumbles’ see ghúrati 1.
4525 *ghōla— 2 ‘nest’. [Like kulā́ya— ‘nest’ ← Drav.: Tam. kūṭu, Kan. Tel. Tu. gūḍu DED 1563; cf. kuṇḍá1] Ku. N. ghol ‘nest’.
4530 *ghraṇiṣya— ‘sun's heat’. [Cf. ghráṁs— AV., ghraṁsá- m. RV., *ghr̥ṁsu— in Pk. ghiṁsu— m. ‘summer heat’: √ghr̥ 2] Paš. lauṛ. lēnı̄́, kuṛ. lā́nī ‘noon’, Kho. graniš Belvalkar Vol 90. — See *gharasya—. GHRĀ ‘smell’: ghrāṇá—; *avaghrāyati, *āghrātikā—, āghrāpayati, *upaghrāyati; — ghōṇā—?
4532 *ghrāṇā— ‘heat’. [√ghr̥ 2] Paš. lān f. ‘flame’ very doubtful IIFL iii 3, 110.
4534 *ca—uḍa— ‘wide, open’. [Poss. ext. with —ḍa— of MIA. caü— extracted from cmpds. of catur—] L. côṛā ‘broad’, (Shahpur) caiṛa, awāṇ. cāṛā, P. cauṛā; Ku. cauṛ ‘flat space, field’, cauṛo ‘wide’; N. caur ‘flat space, field’; B. Or. cauṛā ‘wide’; Mth. caur, °rī ‘lowland, marshy place’; H. cauṛ, caur m. ‘open space in forest’, cauṛā ‘wide’ (→ N. cauṛo, Mth. cauṛā); OMarw. cauḍaï loc. ‘in the open’; G. cɔṛũ ‘wide’. CAK 1 ‘be frightened’: *cakyatē. CAK 2 ‘be satisfied’: cákati, *cakyati, *cākayati. [Perh. extracted from cakāna, cakē: √kan. — Semant. see álam, prábhūta—. — Cf. √śak1, √sagh, √*cagh]
4537 *cakyatē ‘is frightened’. [Cf. cakita— ‘frightened’ Kālid., Pa. cakita—, Pk. caïda—] H. caknā ‘to be astonished, be bewildered’.
4541 *cakracāra— ‘course of a wheel’. [Cf. cakracārin- ‘flying in a circle’ Hariv. — cakrá—, cāra1] M. cakārī f. ‘wheel rut, wheeling round (of a car- riage)’.
4544 *cakrapati— ‘universal ruler’. [cakrá—, páti—] Pk. cakkavaï— (→ OAw. cakkavaï ‘universal sove- reign’); G. cakv e adv. ‘as sole ruler’.
4545 *cakrapattra— ‘name of a plant’. [Cf. cakraparṇī— f. = cakrakulyā— lex. — cakrá—, páttra—] M. ċākvat, ċakhvat m. ‘the esculent vegetable Chenopodium album or viride’.
4547 *cakrayaṣṭi— ‘stick for potter's wheel’. [cakrá—, yaṣṭí—] Bi. cakaiṭh ‘pointed stick with which potter twirls his wheel’, H. cakeṭh m.
4548 *cakrala— ‘circular’. [Poss. MIA. cakkala— ‘round’ Uṇ. < *cakla— ~ cakrá—] Pa. cakkalaka— m. ‘disc, tuft’; Pk. cakkala— ‘round, extensive’, n. ‘circle’; Kho. čókul ‘avalanche of stones’ (< *cakla— BelvalkarVol 88); K. ċakul m. ‘anything circular’, ċaküjü f. ‘buttock, hip’; S. cakaru m. ‘circle’; L. cakkul m. ‘horizontal wheel of well gear’, cakklī f. ‘vertical do.’, awāṇ. caklī ‘wheel’; P. caklā ‘round, wide’, m. ‘open square in city, district, brothel’, cakklī f. ‘roundness, pastry board’ (→ S. cakulo m.); Ku. cāklo ‘broad’; N. cāklo ‘thick, dense’; A. sākli ‘any flat circular thing, coin’; B. cāklā ‘round and flat, piece of bread, province’; Or. cakuḷī ‘a kind of cake’; Bi. cakrī ‘round flat sweetmeat of sugarcane juice’; WBi. cākal ‘cake of dung placed on grain heap to avert evil eye’; Mth. cākar ‘wide’; H. cākal, caklā ‘circular, round and flat, broad’, m. ‘province’, cakrā m. ‘flat round cake’; G. cākaḷ f. ‘a kind of snake which looks like a wheel’, cākḷɔ m. ‘water—wheel, circular leather seat, pot’. Addenda: *cakrala—: Ko. ċākkaḷa ‘round bite mark’.
4550 *cakravaha— ‘flowing in a circle’. [cakrá—, vahá—] OH. cakoha m. ‘whirlpool’.
4557 *cakṣati ‘tastes’. [√*cakṣ 2] Pk. cakkhaï ‘tastes’, Wg. c̣ac̣—, čāč— ‘to taste’; Kho. (Lor.) čhočik, čo° ‘to gnaw (a bone)’; S. cakhaṇu ‘to taste’, L. cakkhaṇ, P. cakkhṇā; WPah. bhad. khaś. cakh— ‘to taste’, roh. čakṇõ; ‘to chew’; Ku. cākhṇo ‘to taste’, N. cākhnu, A. sākiba, B. cāk(h)ā, Or. cākhibā, OAw. cākhaï, H. cākhnā, G. cākhvũ, M. ċākhṇẽ. — H. cīkhnā ‘to taste’ with ī from pīnā ‘to drink’?? Addenda: *cakṣati: S.kcch. cakhṇū ‘to taste’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċákhṇõ;, J. cākhṇu.
4561 *caghyati ‘strives after’. [√*cagh] Aś. caghati ‘strives after’; Kho. čagéik ‘to overthrow’; B. cāgā ‘to rouse oneself to action, be inclined to (do anything), stir, rise’, cagāna ‘to rouse, excite’; Or. caghibā ‘to rise, ascend’. — S. caghu m. ‘lover, paramour’?
4562 *caṅkr̥tati ‘cuts again and again’. [*caṅkartti, pl. °kr̥tati.—√kr̥t 1] Ash. čikƏṛ— ‘to scratch’, Kt. čkå—, Bashg. čaṅgr(ō)- NTS ii 251.
4570 *caṭa— ‘crackle’, caṭana— n. ‘splitting’, caṭacaṭā- ‘rattling’ MBh., caṭacaṭāyatē ‘rattles’, caṭacaṭati, caṭatkāra— m., °tkr̥ti— f. ‘crackling’, caṭacaḍiti ‘so as to crackle’ lex. [Onom.] Pk. caḍacaḍa—, caḍakka— m. ‘crackle’; S. caṭkāu m. ‘smack’; P. caṭakṇā, carakṇā ‘to crackle’; WPah. bhal. ċaṛk f. ‘thunder’; N. carrari ‘quarrel’, carkanu ‘to split, crack’, caṛkinu ‘to crack’, caṛkanu ‘to flash’; A. sar ‘slap’; B. caṛ ‘slap’, caṛcaṛ ‘crackling’, caṛkāna ‘to make tingle’, caṭ ‘quickly’; Or. caṛcaṛ ‘crackling’, caṛaka ‘thunderbolt’, caṛakibā ‘to crackle’; H. caṛ, caṛcaṛ m. ‘crackle’, caṛaknā, caṭa° ‘to crackle’, caṭ ‘quickly’; G. caṛ, caṛcaṛ ‘with a crack’, caṭ ‘suddenly’, caṭakvũ ‘to sting’; M. ċaḍċaḍ ‘with a slap’, ċaḍak f. ‘slap’, ċaṭ ‘suddenly’, ċaṭkā m. ‘glow’. caṭita— see *caṭyatē. Addenda: *caṭa—: S.kcch. caṛakdho ‘shining’; Garh. caṛ ‘sound of splitting wood’.
4573 *caṭṭ— ‘lick, taste’. [Derivation < *caṣṭa— ‘tasted’ (LM 328) unlikely: onom.? cf. *caḍḍ—] Pk. caṭṭēi ‘licks’, Gy. eur. čar—, SEeur. čaṛ—, Paš. čaṭ—, Woṭ. c̣aṭ—, S. caṭaṇu, L. caṭṭaṇ, awāṇ. caṭṭuṇ, P. caṭṭṇā, Ku. cāṭṇo, N. cāṭnu, B. cāṭā, Or. cāṭibā, Bi. Mth. Aw. lakh. cāṭab; H. cāṭnā ‘to lick, taste, eat’ (whence caṭnā ‘to be tasted’); G. cāṭvũ ‘to lick’, M. ċāṭṇẽ. Addenda: *caṭṭ—: S.kcch. caṭṇū ‘to lick’, WPah.kṭg. ċaṭṇõ; (kc. ċaṭiṇo) ‘to lick, taste’, caus. ċƏṭauṇõ;, J. cāṭṇu.
4574 *caṭṭa— ‘bamboo matting’. P. caṭāī f. ‘matting’, N. caṭāi; B. caṭā ‘bamboo lath’, caṭāi ‘bamboo matting’; Or. caṭa, caṭāi ‘matting’, Bi. H. G. caṭāī f., M. ċaṭ m., ċaṭāī f. Addenda: *caṭṭa— ‘bamboo matting’. [~ Drav. DED 1907]
4575 *caṭṭu— ‘wooden ladle’. [Cf. *cāṭī—, *cāṭṭa—?] Pk. caṭṭu—, °ua—, °ula—, caṭua— m. ‘wooden spoon’; P. caṭṭū, caṭṭhū m. ‘wooden mortar’; M. ċāṭū m. ‘wooden spoon’. Addenda: *caṭṭu— ‘wooden ladle’. [~ Drav. DED 1905]
4576 *caṭyatē ‘is broken’. [Cf. caṭita— ‘broken’ Car., n. ‘crack, rent’ Divyāv., cāṭayati ‘breaks’ Dhātup., vicaṭati ‘is broken’ Bālar.: prob. onom. see *caṭa—] K. ċaṭun ‘to tear, cut’; B. caṭāna ‘to cause to splinter off’.
4577 *caḍḍ— ‘eat’. [Cf. *caṭṭ1] Pk. caḍḍaï ‘eats’, caḍḍaṇa— n. ‘a meal’; N. cāṛ ‘festival, feast’.
4578 *caḍhati ‘rises’. 2. *caḍhyati. 3. *cāḍhayati ‘raises’. 4. *cāḍha— ‘rising’. 1. Pk. caḍaï ‘rises, sits on’, caus. caḍāvēi, chaḍaï ‘rises, mounts’; K. ċarun ‘to increase’; S. caṛhaṇu ‘to rise, mount’, L. caṛhaṇ, P. caṛhṇā, Ku. caṛhṇo, N. caṛnu, caus. °ṛāunu; A. sariba ‘to mount, increase, surpass’, sarāiba ‘to put on, clothe’; B. caṛā ‘to mount, increase’, caus. °ṛāna; Or. caṛhibā ‘to climb’; Mth. caṛhab ‘to rise, mount, sit’; Bhoj. caṛhal ‘to rise’; OAw. caḍhaï ‘rises, attacks’, caus. °ḍhāvaï ‘raises, offers’; H. caṛhnā ‘to climb’, caus. °ṛhānā, Marw. caṛhṇo, G. caḍhvũ, caṛvũ (< Pk. caḍaï), caus. °ḍhāvvũ, °ṛāvvũ, M. ċaḍhṇẽ, caus. °ḍhaviṇẽ, Ko. caḍtā. 2. Si. säḍa, sän̆ḍa ‘climbing, a climb’. 3. K. ċārun ‘to pick up, collect’; S. cāṛhaṇu ‘to lift’, L. cāṛhaṇ, awāṇ. cā̂ṛuṇ, P. cāṛhṇā, WPah. cam. cāhṛṇā. 4. S. cāṛho m. ‘climber’; L. cāṛhā m. ‘climber of a date—palm’; B. cāṛ ‘a pushing up’, cāṛā ‘prop’, cāṛī ‘punting pole, lever’. *caḍhyati ‘rises’ see prec. Addenda: *caḍhati. 1. S.kcch. caṛṇū ‘to climb’, caṛāṇū ‘to incite’; WPah.kṭg. ċɔ́ṛhnõ;, kc. °no ‘to climb, break out (of illness)’, J. caṛhnu.
4580 *caṇakamaya— ‘made of chickpea’. [caṇa—, maya—] S. caṇā̃o ‘made of chickpeas’.
4581 *caṇadr̥ṣṭi— ‘like a chickpea’. [caṇa—, dŕ̥ṣṭi—] H. caneṭh m. ‘a plant with leaves like those of chick- pea (a medicine for cattle is made therefrom)’.
4582 *caṇapānīya— ‘chickpea water’. [caṇa—, pānı̄́ya—] M. caṇvaṇī n. ‘chickpea gruel’.
4583 *caṇapiṣṭa— ‘chickpea flour’. [caṇa—, piṣṭa—] P. ḍog. calīṭhā m. ‘gram flour’.
4583a *caṇōpama— ‘like a chickpea’. [caṇa—, upamā́—] H. canwā̃ m. ‘a small species of millet’?
4585 *caṇḍiya— ‘fierceness’. [caṇḍá1] Aś. caṁḍiye nom. sg. ‘rage’; L. (Shahpur) cannī f. ‘blighting cold’.
4592 *catuḥsara— ‘four—fold’. [catur—, *sarā2] B. causar ‘fourth, square’; H. causarī f. ‘land ploughed four times’; G. cɔsar f. ‘necklace with four strings’; M. causār ‘square’, causā̆rṇẽ ‘to do for the fourth time’; — P. cauhar f. ‘land ploughed for the fourth time’ < MIA. *caüsara—?
4593 *catuḥsīmaka— ‘having four boundaries’. [catuḥsīmā- f. ‘the four boundaries’ Apte. — catur—, sīmán—] H. causı̃hā m. ‘place where the boundaries of four villages meet’. catur— in cmpds., catúḥ ‘4 times’ RV. catura—2, caturthá—, cáturdaśa, catuṣka—, cat- vará—, catvā́raḥ, catvāriṁśát—, turı̄́ya—; compounds see under catuḥ—, catur—, catuś—, catuṣ—, catus—.
4601 *caturthajanī— ‘bearing for the 4th time’. [caturthá—, jáni—] L. cauthiṇ f. ‘an animal after its 4th calf’.
4602 *caturthapādikā— ‘a quarter’. [caturthá—, pā́da—] S. cauthāī, coth° f. ‘a quarter’, P. cauthāī, cuth° f., N. cauthāi, Mth. H. cauthāī f., G. cɔthāī f., M. ċauthāī f.
4603 *caturthavāra— ‘4th day’. [caturthá—, vāra2] Bi. cauthārī, cauṭh° ‘untying of bracelets 4 days after marriage ceremony’.
4608 *caturdivasaka— ‘lasting 4 days’. [catur—, divasá—] K. ċŏdyusu m. ‘obsequial rite on 4th day after death performed by daughter or daughter's son’.
4613 *caturdhāra— ‘having 4 edges’. [catur—, dhā́rā2] S. caudhārī adv. and adj. ‘on all sides’; G. cɔdhār ‘crying bitterly’ (i.e. with 4 lines of tears?), cɔdhārũ n. ‘a weapon with 4 edges’, cɔdhārī f. ‘a kind of bean with 4 edges’; M. ċaudhārī ‘having 4 edges’.
4618 *caturmukhāyana— ‘meeting of 4 mouths’. [catur—, *mukhāyana—] H. caumuhānā m. ‘junction of four streams or roads’.
4620 *caturvartman— ‘cross—roads’. [catur—, vártman—] K. ċŏwotu , ċuw° m. ‘cross—roads’, S. cauvāṭo (infl. by simplex vāṭa ‘road’), cauvaṭi adv. (orig. loc. of *cauvaṭu) ‘on all sides’; Ku. caubāṭ, °ṭā ‘cross—roads’, N. caubāṭo; Bi. caubaṭiyā ‘place where boundaries of four fields meet’; G. cɔvaṭ n. ‘open space where four or more roads meet, market—place’, cauṭũ n. ‘market—place’, cɔvāṭ, °ṭe ‘on all sides’; M. ċauvāṭā m. ‘cross—roads’. — X *catuṣpantha—: N. caupaṭ ‘square open space’, M. ċaupaṭṭā m.; — X mārga—: H. comṭā, cõ;pṭā m. ‘mound where boundaries of 4 villages meet’.
4621 *caturvāta— ‘wind from four quarters’. [catur—, vā́ta—] S. cauvāo m. ‘shifting wind’; H. cawā, °āī, cauwāī, caubāī f. ‘wind from four quarters, contrary wind, tempest’.
4622 *caturvāda— ‘report from 4 sides’. [catur—, vāda—] H. cawāu, °wāw m. ‘rumour spreading from all sides’ (whence cawāī m. ‘one who spreads rumours’).
4624 *caturvr̥taka— ‘fourfold’. [catur—, vr̥t2] L. caōṛā ‘fourfold’, G. cɔvṛũ.
4626 *caturhaṭṭa— ‘market at cross—roads’. [catur—, haṭṭa—] Pk. caühaṭṭa—, °aya— m.n. ‘bazar’; P. H. cauhaṭṭā m. ‘place where two market streets cross’; M. ċahoṭā, °huṭā m. ‘cross—roads’. Addenda: *caturhaṭṭa—: Brj. cauhaṭ, cauhaṭṭo m. ‘square, bazar’.
4631 *catuṣkāṣṭha— ‘rectangular frame’. [catur—, kāṣṭhá—] Pk. caükkaṭṭhī— f. ‘doorframe’; L. caukāṭh f. ‘door- frame’, caukṭhā ‘picture—frame’; P. caukā̆ṭh, caukhaṭ f. ‘doorframe’, cukāṭh f. ‘frame of anything’; WPah. ċukāṭh f. ‘wooden doorframe’, N. caukhaṭ, A. saukāṭh, B. caukāṭh, Or. caukā̆ṭha, Bi. caukaṭh, H. caukhaṭh, °khaṭ f., °khaṭā m.; G. cɔkṭhũ n. ‘rectangular frame’, M. ċaukaṭ f.
4632 *catuṣkr̥ṣṭa— ‘four times ploughed’. [catur—, kr̥ṣṭá—] Bi. caukeṭhā ‘ploughing of a field round and round in constantly diminishing circuits’, (Saran) caugeṭh, (W) caugaṭhiyā, (Patna) caueṭhā.
4634 *catuṣkhāta— ‘four ditches’. [catur—, khātá—] H. caukhā ‘place where boundaries of four villages meet’.
4635 *catuṣkhuṇṭa— ‘four—cornered’. 2. *catuṣkuṇṭa—. [catur—, *khuṇṭa2] 1. N. caukhũṛo ‘square’, Or. caukhuṇṭā, H. caukhū̃ṭā; G. cɔkhū̃ṭ ‘on all sides’; M. ċaukhũṭ ‘on all sides’, °ṭā m. ‘square bit of cloth’. 2. S. caukuṇḍo, °ḍyāro ‘square’.
4636 *catuṣkhura— ‘four—hoofed’. [catur—, khura—] L. caukhar m., (Shahpur) cokhur m. ‘horned cattle’, awāṇ. caukhur ‘animal’; P. caukhar m. ‘cattle’.
4639 *catuṣpaṭṭa— ‘square tablet’. [catur—, paṭṭa1] L. côpaṭ m. ‘a game like backgammon’; P. caupaṭ, caũp° m. ‘dice cloth’; A. saupaṭ ‘game of dice’, Or. caüpaṭa; G. cɔpaṭ f. ‘dice board’, M. ċaupaṭ m.
4640 *catuṣpattra— ‘four—leaved’. 2. catuṣpattrī— f. ‘the plant Marsilea quadrifolia’ lex. [catur—, páttra—] 1. P. caupattā, cup° ‘four—leaved’. 2. P. caupattī, cup° ‘a partic. four—leaved plant’; H. caupat, °tiyā f. ‘a partic. weed growing among wheat’. catuṣpathá— see *catuṣpantha—.
4642 *catuṣpantha— ‘cross—roads’. [Cf. catuṣpathá— m.n. ŚBr., Pa. catuppatha—, Pk. caüppaha— m. — catur—, pánthā—] A. saupanthā ‘cross—roads’, H. caupath m. — X mārga—: B. caumāthā ‘cross—roads’, Or. caumathā. — X *caturvartman— q.v.
4643 *catuṣparṇa— ‘four—leaved’, catuṣparṇī— f. ‘Oxalis pusilla’ lex. [catur—, parṇá—] S. caupanu m., °nī f. ‘a species of Indigofera with 4 pairs of leaflets to each leaf’.
4644 *catuṣpāṭa— ‘extending on 4 sides (?)’. [Cf. catuṣpāṭī— f. ‘name of a river’ lex. — catur—, pāṭa—] OAw. caupārī f. ‘assembly hall’; H. caupāṛ m. ‘vestibule, assembly room’.
4649 *catuṣprahara— ‘consisting of 4 watches’. [catur—, prahara—] A. saupar ‘lasting 4 watches’; B. copar din ‘all day long’; Or. caüpaharā ‘a servant who attends his master for 12 hours a day only’; H. caupahrā ‘lasting 4 watches’.
4652 *catūrāji— ‘having 4 lines’. [catur—, rā́ji—] H. caulāī f. ‘the potherb Amaranthus polygonoides’?? cattra— see cāttra—.
4653 *catthari— ‘laugh’. [Onom.] Pk. catthari— m.f. ‘laughter’; S. cathari f. ‘joking’, catharāito ‘ridiculous’. *catrudaśa ‘14’ see cáturdaśa.
4659 *candanakāṣṭha— ‘piece of sandalwood’. [candana—, kāṣṭhá—] P. canāṭhī, carn° f. ‘small piece of sandalwood’.
4660 *candanapaṭṭa— ‘sandalwood stone’. [candana—, paṭṭa1] N. canauṭo ‘flat stone on which sandalwood is ground for making paste’, Bi. candrauṭā (dissim. of n — n).
4674 *capp— ‘press’. 2. *camp—. 3. *cipp—. [Derivation of *capp— and *cipp— and of *cuppa1 by Bloch LM 330 (followed in ND 183a) < *carp—, *cr̥pya— is very doubt- ful: if conn. with carpaṭa— (see *carpa—), capēṭa— and cipiṭá—, they are rather of non—Aryan origin. — Cf. capáyati and further *cibba—, *cimb—, *chapp— and *chipp—, *japp—] 1. Pk. cappaï ‘presses’; Kho. čopik ‘to gather, pick’ (← Ir., Wkh. čip— Morgenstierne BSOS viii 667, but perh. → Ir.); S. cāpaṇu ‘to shampoo the limbs’ (ā?); P. cappaṇ m. ‘cover’; N. cyāpnu, cep°, ‘to press, squeeze’, capeṭnu ‘to press, follow, goad to work’; A. sāpibā ‘to be contracted’; B. cāpā ‘to press, get upon, cover’; Or. cāpibā ‘to press down’, intr. capibā ‘to sink into’; H. capnā ‘to be pressed’, capnī f. ‘flat lid’; G. cāpṛɔ m. ‘clasp’; M. ċāpṇẽ ‘to press’. 2. Pk. caṁpaï ‘presses’; Mth. cā̃pab ‘to press, squeeze’, OAw. cāṁpaï; H. cā̃pnā ‘to pound’; G. cā̃pvũ ‘to press’. 3. BHSk. cipyatē ‘is crushed’, —cippitaka— ‘crushed’; Pa. cippiyamāna— ‘crushed flat’; Wg. (Lumsden) "chi- pállún" ‘to squeeze’; Paš. weg. čip— ‘to bite off’; K. ċipiñ f. ‘pinching’; S. cipaṇu ‘to press, stamp’, cipo ‘bruised, flattened’, cipu f. ‘silence’; A. sepiba ‘to press, squeeze’, B. cipā, Or. cipibā, G. cīpvũ, M. cipṇẽ, cepṇẽ. Addenda: *capp—. 2. *camp—: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) pp. m.pl. cā̆ṁpyā ‘oppressed, restrained’. 3. *cipp— [Cf. piccayati]: S.kcch. cīplāṇū ‘to be pressed between’ ~ G. pīclāvũ AKŚ 31. CAM: †;ācamati.
4675 *cappayati ‘chews’. [Onom., cf. Pa. capucapukāra- ‘making the sound of chewing’: cf. cárvati] Pa. cappēti ‘chews’, Dm. ċapāy—, Sh. čapóĭki̯, koh. čăpōnu̯, gur. čăpyōnu̯; K. ċāpun ‘to eat’, ċopu m. ‘bite’; WPah. bhal. ċāpṇū ‘to chew’, Ku. capoṇo, N. capāunu, capkāunu; Si. sapanavā, ha° ‘to chew, bite, gnaw, crush’. *cappēṭa—, *cappēṭṭa— ‘slap’ see capēṭa—. CAM ‘sip’: cāmya—; *ācama—, ācamana—, ācāma—, ā́cāmati, ācāmayati, *nicamati.
4676 *camakka— ‘sudden movement’. 2. *cammakka—. [Cf. camatkāra— m., camatkr̥ti— f. ‘surprise’ Kathās.; Orm. čmak ‘winking’ IIFL i 391] 1. Pk. camakka— m. ‘surprise’, camakkēi ‘startles’; P. caũkṇā ‘to be startled’; B. caũkā ‘to glitter’; Or. cahaṅkibā ‘to glitter, be startled’; OAw. cauṁkaï ‘to be startled’, H. caũknā, caũk f. ‘sudden start’. 2. S. camaka f. ‘glittering’, cimko m. ‘glitter’; P. camakṇā ‘to shine’; Ku. camakṇo ‘to shine, be mad’; N. camak ‘gleam’, camkanu ‘to shine, be startled, be in- solent’; A. samakiba ‘to be startled’; B. camak ‘flash’, camkāna ‘to glitter, be startled’, Or. camakibā; Mth. camak ‘glitter’, camakab ‘to sparkle’, OAw. camakaï; H. camaknā ‘to glitter, be startled’, G. camakvũ; M. ċamakṇẽ ‘to glitter’. — Without —kka—: N. camcam ‘glare’; H. camcamānā ‘to glare’; G. camcam f. ‘burn- ing’; M. ċamċamāṭ m. ‘dazzle’. — P. camkār f., °rā m. ‘flash’. camatkāra— see prec. Addenda: *camakka—. 1. WPah.kṭg. ċɔṅkṇõ; ‘to wake (intr.) with a start’. 2. *cammakka—: S.kcch. camakṇū ‘to shine’; Ko. ċamkatā ‘walks’.
4680 *campavēlli— ‘jasmine’? [campa—, vēlli—?] S. cambelī f. ‘Jasminum grandiflorum’, P. cãbelī, camelī f.; N. cameli ‘J. sambac’; B. cameli ‘J. grandi- florum’, Or. cambelī, cā̆melī, Mth. camelī, OAw. caṁbelī, H. cãbelī, camelī f., G. cãpelī, cãbelī, camelī; M. ċãbelī, ċamelī f. ‘the plant’, ċamel n. ‘its flower’. *cammakka— ‘sudden movement’ see *camakka—. Addenda: *campavēlli—: OB. cāmbalī (sic), B. cāmeli id. CAR: †;anucará—.
4684 *cára— 2 m. ‘movement’. [~ cala—2. — √car—] Pa. Pk. cara— m. ‘walking, moving’. —See Add. gōcara—, duścara—.
4688 *carassa— ‘raw hide’. P. carsā m. ‘raw oxhide’, caras f. ‘leather bucket’; N. carsā ‘hide’; Bi. H. carsā m. ‘raw oxhide’, H. caras, tarsā m. ‘leather bucket’; M. ċarsā m. ‘raw oxhide’; - G. caṛsũ ‘a contrivance for lifting water from well or tank’: X caṛvũ < *caḍhati?
4696 *carpa— ‘flat’. 2. carpaṭa— ‘lying flat to the head (of ears)’ VarBr̥S., m. ‘palm of hand, thin biscuit of flour’ lex., carpaṭī— f. ‘flat cake’ lex. 3. *carpaṭṭa—. [Cf. Psht. ċapaq, Orm. čapâ g ‘flat hand’ IIFL i 391 and carvan— m. ‘slap with open palm’ lex.: see cipiṭá—, capēṭa—, *capp—] 1. Kt. čap&acabreve; ‘slap’; S. capu m. ‘lip’, capo m. ‘palm of hand, hand—breadth, blade of oar’; L. cappā ‘having horns pointing outwards’; P. cappā m. ‘breadth of 4 fingers’; B. cāp ‘solidified clod’, cāpā ‘cover’; M. ċāp m. ‘lobe of ear’. 2. Pk. cappuḍī—, °ḍiyā— f. ‘snapping the fingers’; Ash. Wg. čapā́l ‘palm of hand’; Ash. čapḗṛ ‘flat of hand’; Paš. čapilū́ ‘slap’, Kal. rumb. čapŕéaka; S. capiṛī f. ‘a kind of unleavened bread’, cāpoṛo m. ‘flat clod of dried earth’; L. capṛī f. ‘small flat piece of wood’, cāpṛī f. ‘cake of silt’; P. capṛī f. ‘small flat piece of wood’, cāpaṛ m. ‘flake of sun—dried mud’; N. capari ‘turf, clod of earth’, capleṭi ‘flat’; A. sāpar ‘blow with palm of hand’; B. cāpaṛ ‘open palm, slap’, cāpṛā ‘square or oblong clod’; Or. cāpaṛa, °ṛā, cāpuṛā ‘flat palm, slap’; H. cāpaṛ ‘flattened, level’, cāpṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘cake of cowdung’; G. capaṛvũ ‘to flatten’; M. ċapḍā ‘flat’. 3. Wg. čapƏṭá ‘claw’; S. capāṭa f. ‘slap’, capuṭī f. ‘snap of fingers’; P. capṭā ‘flattened, compressed’; G. capaṭ, capṭũ ‘low and flat’; M. ċapṭā ‘flat’. carpaṭa— see prec. *carpaṭṭa— ‘flat’ see *carpa—. Addenda: *carpa—. 1. Ash. Wg. čapā́l ‘palm of hand’ < *carpa- —la— ~ *carpa—ṭa— Buddruss ZDMG 116, 415. 2. *carpaṭa—: A. also cāpar (phonet. s—) ‘blow with palm’ AFD 211. carpaṭa— see *carpa— Add2.
4706 *carmavatī— ‘a partic. tree’. [Cf. carmavant— ‘covered with hide’ Pāṇ. Kāś., cármaṇvant— ‘furnished with skin’ TS., carmaṇvatī— f. ‘the banana plant’, carmadruma— m. ‘the parchment tree’ lex. — cárman—] H. camoī f. ‘a Nepalese tree from the bark of which paper is made’.
4707 *carmāsa— ‘skin—thrower’. [cárman—, ā́sa2] Wg. čamā́s ‘snake’ NTS xvii 243.
4709 *carmōtkuṇa— ‘skin tick’. [cárman—, utkuṇa—] H. camokan, camukan m. ‘body louse, cattle tick’.
4712 *carṣati ‘ploughs’. 2. *carṣa—. 3. *carṣaṇa— [Cf. carṣaṇí— f.pl. = kr̥ṣṭí— f.pl. ‘people’ RV. — √kr̥ṣ] 1. A. sahiba ‘to cultivate’, B. casā ‘to plough’, Or. casibā, tas° (why a?), H. cāsnā, G. cāsvũ; Si. hayanavā ‘to pull’, hānavā or hī h° ‘to plough’. 2. Pk. cāsa— m. ‘ploughing, plough land’; A. sāh ‘tilled (of land), act of tilling’; B. cās ‘ploughing’, °sā, °si ‘ploughman’; Or. cāsa, ‘agriculture’, casā ‘plough- ing, cultivator’, cāsi, tā°, f. cāsuṇi, tā° ‘cultivator’; Bi. cās ‘a ploughing’; Bhoj. cās ‘tilth’; H. cās f. ‘ploughing’, °sā, °sī m. ‘ploughman’; G. cās m. ‘furrow’, OM. cāsa. 3. A. sāhani ‘a piece of land ready ploughed or hoed’. CAL ‘move, tremble’. [~ √car: for interaction of r and l forms see ND 169 b] cañcala—, calá—1, cala—2, cálati, calana—, caláyati, *calavala—, calācalá—, calita—, *calyati, *calyā—, *cāla—1, cāla—2, cālana—, cālanī—, cāláyati, *uccal- yati, *uccāla—, uccālayati, niścala—, niścalati, *niścālayati, pracala—, pracalati, pracalayati, vicalati, vicālayati, *vyapacalati, saṁcālayati, *samācalati. Addenda: *carṣati. 2. S.kcch. cā̃s keṇā ‘to rake’ (= G. cās karvā); A. also câh (phonet. sɔh) ‘cultivation’ AFD 217, 226.
4718 *calavala— ‘restless’. [Redup. from calá1] Pk. calavalaṇa— n. ‘fidgeting’, N. cal—bal ‘restlessness’; G. caḷvaḷvũ ‘to fidget’, M. ċaḷvaḷ f. (cf. ċaḷaṇ—vaḷaṇ n.).
4721 *calyati ‘goes’. [√cal] Pk. callaï ‘moves’; S. calaṇu ‘to go, depart, die’; L. callaṇ ‘to start, go, move’, P. callṇā ‘to go, move, behave’, ludh. calla; B. cālā ‘to be moved’; Or. cālibā ‘to go on foot’; Marw. cālṇo ‘to go’; OG. cālaï ‘goes’, G. cālvũ ‘to move, walk, act’, M. ċālṇẽ; Ko. caltā ‘moves’ (a? ← H. calnā < cálati?). Addenda: *calyati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċalṇõ; ‘to go, walk, advance’, J. cālṇu; kṭg. caus. ċƏlauṇõ; ‘to drive’; kṭg. (kc.) ċƏl e uṇõ; ‘to cause to walk’; Garh. calaṇ ‘custom’.
4722 *calyā— ‘gait, conduct’. [~ caryā—. — √cal] Sh. (Lor.) č e l f. ‘habit, custom’; Ku. cāl ‘movement’; N. cāl ‘conduct’; B. cāl ‘gait, behaviour’; Or. cāla ‘behaviour’; OAw. cāla f. ‘gait, movement’, lakh. cāl ‘trick’; H. cāl f. ‘behaviour’; G. cāl f. ‘gait, behaviour’, M. ċāl f.; — S. cāli f. ‘behaviour’, P. cāl f. ‘behaviour, motion’ ← H.? Addenda: *calyā—: WPah.J. 'l f. ‘gait, custom’ (on account of —l— and J. gender not with Him.I 58 < cāla2), kṭg. ċāl m.
4723 *cava— ‘point or blade of plough?’. P. H. cau m. ‘coulter of plough’, G. cavṛũ n.; M. ċav—tālẽ n. ‘a sort of harrow to draw off rubbish (consisting of a beam pierced with 14 pins)’.
4724 *cavati ‘says’, cavyā— f. ‘voice’ lex. 2. *cāvayati caus. [Connexion with káuti ‘shouts’ improbable: onom. cf. jápati?] 1. Pk. cavaï, pp. °via— ‘says’, cavēṇa— n. ‘saying’, cavacava— m. ‘a sort of noise’; S. cavaṇu, cuaṇu, pp. cayo ‘to say, tell’, caviṇī f. ‘saying, order’; G. cavvũ ‘to speak, narrate’. 2. S. cāiṇu ‘cause to say’; M. ċāvaḷṇẽ ‘to talk wildly’, (Khandesh) ‘to talk’. Addenda: *cavati: S.kcch. coṇū ‘to say’.
4725 *cavilla— ‘small stick’. N. coilo, °li ‘small stick, shaving’; Aw. lakh. cailī ‘fuel sticks’; Bi. H. cailā m., °lī f. ‘small stick’, M. ċailī f. — Cf. also S. coī f. ‘framework with nets attached for catching fish’, N. coyo ‘split cane for making nets’.
4728 *caṣṭi— ‘tasting, feeding’. [√*cakṣ 2] P. caṭṭh f. ‘ceremony of feeding Brahmans on special occasions’.
4729 *caṣṭra— ‘feeding trough’. [√*cakṣ 2] P. caṭṭhā m. ‘watering trough for cattle’.
4730 *cassakk— ‘throb, twitch, sudden pain’. [See Add.] P. casakṇā ‘to throb’; WPah. cam. caskṇā ‘to be angry’; Ku. casak ‘rheumatic pain’; N. casakka with a sharp pain’, caskanu ‘to throb, give acute pain’; H. casaknā, cus° ‘to throb or twitch with pain’; G. casak f. ‘acute pain’. Addenda: *cassakk— see cāṣa2 and †;caṣati 2. S.kcch. casko m. ‘shooting pain, craving’.
4731 *cahakk— ‘burn brightly’. N. cahak ‘brightness’, cahakilo ‘brilliant, smart’; H. cahaknā ‘to burn’. Addenda: *cahakk— see cāṣa2 and †;caṣati 2.
4733a *cāṇkṣati [CDIAL Add.] WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċā́ṇõ; ‘to wish’, kṭg. ċáu m. ‘desire’, J. 'ṇu, cāw m. (Him.I 58 only refers to CDIAL *cāh—).
4734 *cācca— ‘uncle’. [Nursery word?] S. cāco m. ‘father's brother’, °cī f. ‘his wife’, L. cācā m., °cī f.; P. cāccā, cācā m. ‘father's younger brother’, °ccī, °cī f. ‘his wife’; WPah. bhad. cāco ‘uncle’, cur. cacērā; B. cācā ‘father's brother’, °cī ‘his wife’, Or. cacā, H. cācā, caccā, cacā m., cācī f.; G. cācɔ m. ‘uncle’. Addenda: *cācca—: WPah.kṭg. (among Rājputs) ċāċ m. ‘father's brother’, ċaċi f. ‘his wife’, J. cācā m.
4736 *cāṭī— ‘pot’. [← Drav., cf. Tam. cāṭi ‘jar’, Mal. cāḍi, Tel. Kan. Tu. jāḍi. Cf. *cāṭṭa—, *cāḍḍa—] Pa. cāṭi— f. ‘vessel, jar, measure of capacity’; Si. säliya, häl° ‘earthen pot’.
4738 *cāṭṭa— ‘pot’. [← Drav., Tam. caṭṭi DED 1901: see *cāṭī—, *cāḍḍa—] Gy. eur. čāro m. ‘bowl, pan’; P. cāṭṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘large earthen vessel’; WPah. bhal. ċāṭ f. ‘large pot for storing ghee’; Or. cāṭi ‘a big basket’; H. cāṭā m. ‘pot for collect- ing expressed sugarcane juice in a mill’, °ṭī f. ‘small earthen pot’.
4739 *cāḍḍa— ‘pot’. [Cf. *cāṭī—, *cāṭṭa—] Pk. caḍḍa— n. ‘oil vessel in a lamp’; S. cāḍ̱ī f. ‘earthen vessel’; Mth. caṛiyā ‘earthen griddle for baking bread or parching grain’; G. cāḍũ n. ‘saucer—shaped vessel forming part of a lampstand’, M. ċāḍẽ, °ḍhẽ n. — Bi. cā̃ṛ ‘earthen vessel for grain’ X bhā̃ṛ < bhāṇḍa1. *cāḍha— ‘rising’, *cāḍhayati ‘raises’ see *caḍhati. Addenda: *cāḍḍa—: S.kcch. cāḍī f. ‘stone vessel to catch leavings of food for cattle and dogs’.
4745 *cāndraṇa— m. ‘moonlight’. [candrá—] Pk. caṁdiṇa— n. ‘moonlight’, S. cāṇḍriṇī, °rāṇī f., caṇḍrāṇu, °ṇo ‘moonlit’; L. cānuṇ, cānṇā m. ‘light’, cānṇī, (Ju.) cā̃dṛı̄̃ (< cā̃dṇī?), (Shahpur) cānaṇī f. ‘moonlight’, mult. cāndṇā m. ‘light’, °ṇī f. ‘light of moon or stars’; P. cānaṇ m. ‘light’, cānaṇā m., °ṇī f. ‘moon- light’, N. cā̃dni, B. cā̃dnī, Or. cāndanī, Mth. cāna; H. cā̃dan f. ‘light half of month’, cā̃dnā m. ‘brightness, moonlight’, cā̃dnī f. ‘moonlight’, G. cā̃darṇũ > °aṇṇũ n., cā̃darṇī f. (cā̃dnī f. ← H.); M. ċā̃dṇẽ n. ‘moon- light’, ċā̃dṇī f. ‘star’. — P. cānaṇī f. ‘awning, canopy’, B. cā̃dnī; Or. cāndanī ‘raised outdoor platform’ (lw. with n); H. cā̃dnī f. ‘awning’, M. ċā̃dṇī f.: semant. cf. candraka1. Addenda: *cāndraṇa—: WPah.kṭg. ċandṇi f. ‘moonlight’, poet. ċandṇo ‘shining like silver’ (but see †;*cāndikā—); OG. cāṁdriṇuṁ n. ‘time of moonlight’.
4749 *cāmala— or *cāvala— ‘husked rice’. [S. K. Chatterji ZII ix 31 < *cāma—, √cam with little probability: Pk. and several NIA. lggs. have no trace of nasal. Poss. of ultimately same non—Aryan origin as taṇḍulá—] Pk. cāulā m. pl., cavala— m. ‘rice’ Deśīn.; S. cā̃uru, cā̃varu m. ‘a grain of rice’, cā̃uro ‘pertaining to husked rice’; L. cāval m. ‘husked rice’, awāṇ. cāvul, P. cāval, °var, cāul, caul m., WPah. bhal. ċā̆u m. pl., jaun. cau, Ku. caũl, gng. ċā̃wōw, N. cā̃wal, cāmal, A. sāul, OB. tāula, B. cāul, cāl, Or. caü̃ḷa, cāuḷa, cāura, Bi. Mth. Bhoj. cāur, H. cā̃wal, cāw°, cā̃war m., OMarw. cāvala m., G. cāvaḷ m. (usu. pl.). *cāmalapiṣṭa—; *rasikācāmala—. Addenda: *cāmala— [~ Drav. DED 1976]: Brj. cā̃wal, °war, cāwal, °war m. ‘husked rice’. †;CĀY ‘observe’: †;cā́yati.
4750 *cāmalapiṣṭa— ‘rice—flour’. [*cāmala—, piṣṭá—] Bi. caureṭhā, °raṭhā ‘rice soaked and dried and pounded’; H. caureṭhā m. ‘rice ground up with water’.
4759 *cāraṇī— ‘sieve’. [~ cālanī— s.v. cālana—. — √car] Paš. ar. ċōrién ‘sieve’; G. cārṇī f. ‘sieve’, °ṇɔ m. ‘large do.’
4761 *cārādya— ‘grazing’ [cāra—2, ādyà1] Shum. ċarā́z ‘pasture’.
4762 *cāri— ‘grass’. [Cf. cāra—2, carā—. — √car] Pk. cāri— f. ‘grazing, grass’; Gy. eur. čar, pl. čaryá f. ‘grass’, Phal. čār f. (e.g. šuki čār ‘hay’); G. cāri f. ‘green grass’.
4768 *cāla— 1 ‘moving’ (cf. cālaka— m. ‘restless elephant’ lex.). [~ cāra—1. — √cal] M. ċāḷ ‘wanton, riggish’; Si. sala ‘shaking, moving’ (or < cala1); — Dm. čal ‘long hair, mane’; Paš. čāl ‘woman's long hair, mane’; Kho. čā̆l ‘mane’ (→ Kal. čal, Yid. čā̆lo IIFL ii 201): semant. cf. cañcala—, cárcara—, pracala—.
4775 *cāh— ‘see, look for, desire’. [J. Bloch Festschr. Wackernagel 147 ‘deformed’ from abnormal and un- attested MIA. *cākh— < cakṣatē to avoid clash with *cakṣati ‘tastes’ (cf. *pracāh— ~ pracakṣatē)? Or < *cāgh— see √*cagh—? Uncertain] Pk. cāhaï ‘wishes, expects, asks for’; K. kash. ċāhun ‘to wish’; S. cāhaṇu ‘to desire, like’, cāhu m. ‘desire, love’; L. cāhaṇ ‘to wish’, cāh f. ‘wish’, awāṇ. caīṇā ‘necessary’; P. cāhṇā ‘to wish for, demand’, 3 sg. pass. cāhye ‘it is necessary’, pres. part. cāhīdā ‘desirable’, cāh f. ‘desire, love’; WPah. bhad. cāṇā ‘to wish’; Ku. cāṇo ‘to seek, love’, gng. imper. ‘see’; N. cāhanu ‘to wish, desire’, cāinu ‘to be desired, be necessary’, cāh ‘desire’ (ext. with —— in cāhārnu ‘to look for’); A. sāiba ‘to look at, reflect on’; B. cāhā ‘to look at or for, expect, want’; Or. cāhibā, °hı̃bā ‘to look at, look at wistfully, desire, ask for’; Mth. cāhab ‘to wish for’; OAw. cāhaï ‘desires’, cāu m. ‘strong desire’; H. cāhnā ‘to see, look for’, 3 sg. pass. cāhiye ‘it is necessary’, cāh f. ‘wish’; OMarw. cāhaï ‘wishes’, cāva m. ‘want’; G. cāhvũ ‘to long for, love’, (h) m. ‘love’; M. ċāhṇẽ ‘to love, like’. CI 1 ‘heap up’: kā́ya—1, kāya—2, cáya—, cáyana—, cāpayati, *cāya—, cāyayati, citā—, cíti—, cinṓti, *cinvati, cḗya—, *caitiya—; avacaya—, uccaya—, *uccāpayati, *uccāpyatē, uccita—, uccinōti, upacaya—, *upacā- yayati, upacít—, upacīyatē, nikāyá—, pracaya—, *vicitya—, vícinōti, *vicinvati, saṁcaya—, saṁcayana—, saṁcayayati, samuccaya—. CI 2 ‘observe’: niścayá—, *niścayati, paricaya—, pari- cita—, pariciti—, viniścaya—. CI 3 ‘avenge’: *uccayatē.
4778 *cikk— ‘press, squeeze’. [Cf. cikká—4, *cukka— and cikkayati, cukk° ‘hurts, is hurt’ Dhātup.] S. cikaṇu ‘to distil, ooze out (of pus)’, cikāiṇu ‘to distil, fatigue’; WPah. bhal. ċikkṇū ‘to press down lower portion of loom with the feet, grasp, seize’; Ku. cikṇo ‘to deflower’, gng. ċikaṇi ‘copulation’; N. ciknu ‘to copulate (of man)’, cikāunu ‘do. (of woman)’. - Prob. Wg. čiṅ ‘vulva’; K. ċē̃kh, dat. ċē̃ki f. ‘woman's pudenda’.
4781 *cikka— 3 ‘small’. [Cf. cikva— m. ‘young elephant’, cikkagaja— m.; cikṣa— ‘young’, *ciṅga—: perh. same as cikká4, cikiná— ‘flat—nosed’ Pāṇ., cikina— ‘flattened, stumpy’ Harṣac. — ← Drav. (cf. Kan. cikka ‘small’) LM 330, T. Burrow BSOAS 12, 379] Pk. cikka— ‘small’, °kā— f. ‘anything small, slight rain, small drop’; M. cike ‘a little’, cikkar small. — Kho. (Lor.) ċik ‘younger, small (of animals and things)’? cikká— 4 ‘flat—nosed’ see *cikk—, *cikka3. Addenda: *cikka— 3 [Cf. Shgh. ċeg ‘child’, ċƏgag ‘small’] A. cikā (phonet. s—) ‘small’ AFD 216; Kho. ċeq or ċiq ‘small’ BKhoT 67 with?
4783 *cikṣurati ‘scratches up’. [√kṣur] Bi. cikhurāī ‘wages for weeding’, cikhurnī ‘weeding by hand’; H. cikhurnā, cikhar° ‘to weed’. Addenda: *cikṣurati (or *cukṣurati with i after c Him.I 61: cf. Ku. ciśṇo < *atyuṣati). WPah.kṭg. ċikhru m. ‘weeding—iron’.
4785 *ciṅga— ‘young bird’. 2. *cēṅga—. [Cf. *cikka3] 1. N. ciṅnu ‘chicken’; H. cı̄̃gā, cı̃gā m. ‘young bird’, ciṅgā, cı̃gnā m. ‘chicken’, cı̃gulā m. ‘young bird, child’. 2. Mth. cẽgā ‘chicken’, H. cẽgā, cẽgṛā m. ‘child’.
4787 *ciṅghāṭa—, *cinghāra— ‘noise, scream’. [Onom.? - Cf. cītkāra—] Gy. wel. čiṅār, čiṅarī f. ‘row, quarrel, brawl’, čiṅer- ‘to scold’; P. ciṅghār f. ‘screech’, ciṅghārnā ‘to screech’; H. cı̃ghāṛ, °ār f., °āṛā m. ‘scream, screech’, cı̃ghāṛnā ‘to screech, roar’; — S. ciṅghaṇu ‘to groan’.
4789 *cicc— ‘scream’. 2. *cēñc—. [Onom., cf. cicciká—] 1. Pk. cicci— m. ‘shriek’; P. ciclāuṇā ‘to shriek’, N. cicyāunu, H. ciciyānā, G. cīcvũ. 2. A. sẽsāiba ‘to scream’; B. cẽcāna ‘to cry out’. Addenda: *cicc—. 2. *cēñc—: WPah.rāmp. ciñjṇõ; ‘to call (from a distance)’.
4790 *cicca— ‘squeezed, stingy’. [Cf. cikká4?] Pk. cicca—, ciccara— ‘flat—nosed’; S. cica f. ‘meanness’, ciciṛu m. ‘importunate beggar’; N. ciccā ‘stingy’, cicilo ‘young unformed fruit’. Addenda: *cicca—. 1. A. cīcā (phonet. sisa) ‘emaciated’ AFD 216. 2. †;*ciñca—: A. cı̃cā (phonet. sı̃sa) ‘flattened’ AFD 155. †;*ciñca— see *cicca—. *ciṭaka— see caṭaka—.
4794 *ciḍ— ‘be angry’. 2. *ciḍh—. 3. *cēḍ— ‘make angry’. 4. *chēḍ— 2. 1. S. ciṛaṇu ‘to be huffy’; P. ciṛnā ‘to be provoked’; N. cirko ‘disturbance’, curinu ‘to be enraged’, ciṛnu ‘to be annoyed’ (← H.?); B. ciṛ ‘vexation’, ciṛāna ‘to provoke’; Or. ciṛibā ‘to be angry’; H. ciṛnā ‘to be pro- voked’, G. ciṛāvũ, M. ciḍṇẽ. 2. WPah. bhal. ciṛh e_ llu ‘peevish’; H. ciṛhnā ‘to be provoked’. 3. S. ceṛaṇu, ceṛāiṇu ‘to provoke’. 4. S. cheṛaṇu ‘to taunt, irritate’; L. cheṛaṇ ‘to pro- voke’, P. cheṛnā; H. cheṛnā ‘to touch, irritate’ (→ N. cheṛnu ‘to taunt’); G. cheṛvũ ‘to irritate’. *ciḍh— ‘be angry’ see prec. Addenda: *ciḍ—. 1. Garh. ciṛnu ‘to be cross with’. 2. *ciḍh—: WPah.kṭg. ċíṛh f. ‘hatred’, ċíṛhnõ; ‘to hate’. 3. *chēḍ—2: WPah.kṭg. ċhéṛnõ; ‘to disturb, trouble’, J. cheṛṇu. *ciḍh— see *ciḍ— Add2.
4795 *ciṇoṭṭhī— ‘Abrus precatorius’. [Cf. ciñcī— f., kāka- ciñcā— f.; Pk. deśīn. kaṇeḍḍhiā— f.] Pk. ciṇoṭṭhī— f.; G. canɔṭhī f. ‘A. precatorius and its berry (used as a measure of weight)’. CIT ‘observe’: cittá—1, cítti—1, citrá—, cintáyati, cintā́—, cḗtana—, cētáyati, cḗtas—, cḗttr̥—.
4800 *citta— 2 ‘lying on the back’. P. citt ‘prostrate on the back’, N. cit, cittā, A. sit, B. cit, Or. cita; Mth. cit ‘lying face down’; H. cit ‘prostrate on the back’, G. cīt, catũ, cattũ, M. cīt.
4802 *citth— ‘pound, tear’. S. cithaṇu ‘to pound, bruise, hash’; L. citthaṇ ‘to chew’, (Ju.) cithaṇ; P. citthṇā ‘to pound, crush, chew’; H. cīthnā ‘to crush, tear’; M. cithṇẽ ‘to take offence’. — Ext. with ——: S. cīthaṛo m. ‘old ragged clothes’, cithiṛaṇu, cithāṛ°, cethāṛ° ‘to bruise, crush’; P. cīthṛā m. ‘rag’, Ku. cithṛo, N. cithro, cithornu ‘to scratch, claw, get scratched’; H. cīthaṛ, °thṛā m. ‘rag’, cithāṛnā ‘to tear to pieces’; G. cithṛũ n. ‘rag’; — with —r—: G. cithrũ n., °rī f. ‘rag’.
4819 *cippa—, *cīppa—, *cēppa— ‘gummy matter’. S. cipyaru m. ‘one whose eyes are full of gummy matter’; P. cīp f., cīpaṛ m. ‘glue, any viscous substance’, cippṇā, cipakṇā, °aṭṇā intr. ‘to stick’, cipṛā ‘having the eyes full of gummy secretion’, cīplā ‘sticky’; WPah. bhal. ċ e/ pṛo m. ‘gummy secretion in eyes’; N. cipro ‘id.’, ciplo ‘smooth, slimy’, ciplinu ‘to slip’; H. cep, cīpaṛ f. ‘gummy secretion in eyes’, cepnā tr. ‘to stick on’, cepī, cippī f. ‘a little piece stuck on’; G. cipṛũ n., °ṛɔ m. ‘gummy secretion in eyes’; M. cipā̆ḍ m. n., cipḍẽ n., °ḍā m. ‘id.’, cipṇẽ ‘to have eyes closed by it’, cipḍā ‘affected by it’. — Other variants (X MIA. seppha—, seṁbha— < *śrēṣman—??): WPah. bhal. ċipph m. ‘resin from pine trees’, Ku. ciphlo, cibhlo ‘slippery’, B. chep ‘spittle’, Or. chipa, chepa ‘spittle with phlegm’. *cippiṭa—, *cippiṭṭa— ‘flat’ see cipiṭá—. Addenda: *cippa—: WPah.poet. ċiplo ‘slippery’ (< *cippalla— or ← P.); kṭg. ċipƏṭṇõ; ‘to stick, adhere’ (prob. ← H. cipaṭnā or P. cipaṭṇā).
4821 *cibba— ‘flattened’. [Cf. cipitá—, cikká—4, *cimb—] S. ciḇu m. ‘dent, bruise’, ciḇo ‘dented’, ciḇa f., ciḇiro m. ‘owl’; L. cibbā, (Ju.) ciḇḇā ‘crooked, paralysed, having facial paralysis’, cibṛī f. ‘spotted owlet’; G. cībũ, cibṛũ ‘flat—faced’, cībṛī f. ‘owl’; M. cı̃bā ‘flattened’. *cimpaṭa— ‘flat’ see cipiṭá—.
4822 *cimb— ‘pinch’. [Cf. *cibba—, *capp—] Bshk. ičimik ‘blink’; S. cimṭo m. ‘tongs’; P. cambaṛnā, cimmaṛnā ‘to copulate’, cimṭā m. ‘tongs’; Ku. cim ‘pinch’, cimṭā ‘pincers’, cimoṭi ‘nip with the nails’; N. cim ‘closing the eyes’, cimlanu ‘to blink’, cimṭanu, cimoṭ° ‘to pinch’, cimṭā ‘pincers’; B. cimṭā ‘to pinch’, sb. ‘tongs’; Or. cimuṭibā ‘to pinch’, cimuṭā ‘pinching, tongs’; H. cimaṭnā ‘to embrace closely’, cimṭā, cyū̃ṭā m. ‘pincers’; G. cı̃boḷvũ ‘to pinch the ear’, cimṭɔ m. ‘tongs’, camṭɔ m. ‘hard pinch’; M. cı̃bṇẽ ‘to pinch, squeeze’, cı̃baḷṇẽ, cı̃baṭṇẽ, cimaṭṇẽ ‘to pinch’, cimṭā m. ‘pinch, pincers’. Addenda: *cimb— [In sense ‘blink’ ~ Drav. DED 2097]
4823 *ciyāku— ‘fungus’. [Cf. kyāku— n. Āp.] N. cyāu ‘mushroom or mushroom—like fungus’.
4825 *cirātana— ‘lasting a long time’. [Cf. ciratna—, ciran- tana— ‘ancient’ Pāṇ. and purātana—. — cirá—] OAw. cirānā ‘lasting many days’. cirātikta— see kirātatikta—.
4827 *cilla— 2 ‘unctuous, shining’. Pk. cillaa—, °liya— ‘shining’; S. cilo m. ‘pancake’, cilkaṇu ‘to be bright’, P. cilakṇā; N. cillo ‘greasy, smooth, polished’, sb. ‘grease, ghee’, cillo—callo ‘a dainty’; H. cilaknā ‘to be bright’, cilcilānā ‘to be very hot (of the sun)’. Addenda: *cilla— 2. 2. †;*cila—: WPah.kṭg. ċiḷƏk ‘morning sunshine, first rays of the sun’, J. ciḷk f. ‘morning sunshine on the highest peaks’ Him.I 62.
4830 *cillimāṁsa— ‘kite's flesh’. [cilli—, māṁsá—] H. cilhwā̃s, cilwā̃s m. ‘kite's flesh (eating which causes madness)’.
4831 *civant— or *cīvant— ‘how great?’. [Cf. Av. cvant—, and ā́ kı̄́vataḥ ‘how far?’ RV. ~ kíyant—. — ka1] Kt. čwōk ‘a little’, Pr. čukuā NTS xv 256: semant. cf. iyattaká— ‘so small’ and kíyant— ‘small’ esp. in cmpd.
4832 *ciṣṭa— ‘message’. [Cf. Av. kaēš—, činasti ‘teaches, makes known’, Pahl. nām—čišt ‘known by name’ H. W. Bailey JRAS 1934, 510] Sh. čiṭhi f. ‘letter’ (← Ind.); S. ciṭho m. ‘list’, °ṭhī f. ‘letter’, L. P. ciṭṭhī f.; P. ciṭṭhā m. ‘account’; WPah. bhal. ċiṭhi f. ‘letter’; N. ciṭṭhā ‘lot’, ciṭhi ‘letter’, A. siṭhi; B. ciṭhā ‘tally’, °ṭhi ‘letter’; Or. ciṭhā ‘rough draft’, °ṭhi ‘letter’; Bi. ciṭhī ‘letter sent to groom's father announcing auspicious day for wedding’; Mth. Aw. lakh. cīṭhī ‘letter’; H. ciṭṭhā m. ‘ballot’, ciṭṭhī, cīṭhī f. ‘letter’, G. ciṭṭhī f.; M. ciṭṭhā m. ‘account’, ci()ṭhī f. ‘letter’. Addenda: *ciṣṭa—: WPah.kṭg. ċíṭṭhi f. ‘note, message’.
4834 *cihnakāra— ‘making a sign’. [cihna—, kāra1] Or. cihnarā, °nirā, °nāḷi ‘one who can distinguish a good thing from a bad’; Mth. cinhār ‘recognition’, OAw. cinhārī f.
4835 *cihnadhāra— ‘bearing a mark’. [Cf. cihnadhārin- ‘making a sign’, °dhara— ‘bearing a sign’ lex.: cihna—, dhā́ra1] N. cināru ‘an acquaintance’, °ri ‘acquainted’; Or. cihnār ‘well known’; Bhoj. cinhārū ‘an acquaintance’, H. cinhār m.
4838 *cītkarõ;ti ‘cries out’. [Cf. cītkr̥ta— n. ‘noise’ Kād., °ti— f. ‘rattling’ Bālar.] Mth. cikarab ‘to cry, shout, low’.
4840 *cīdāvana— ‘pine forest’. [cīḍā—, vána1] WPah. bhiḍ. ċiuwon n. ‘pine forest’.
4844 *cīrayati ‘splits’, cīrita— in cmpds. ‘ragged’ lex. [cı̄́ra—] Woṭ. ċir— ‘to split’ (Buddruss Woṭ 95 ← Psht. ċīrƏl ← Ind. EVP 18); Sh. (Lor.) ċiroiki ‘to split (wood) lengthwise’ (← a dialect which has ċ < č); S. cīraṇu ‘to split, slit, saw’; L. cīraṇ ‘to split’; P. cīrnā ‘to rend, split, saw’ (whence intr. cirnā ‘to be rent, &c.’); Ku. cirīṇo ‘to be sawn’; N. cirnu ‘to split’, B. cirā, Or. ciribā; Mth. cīrab ‘to split, shave’; H. cīrnā ‘to split, tear’, intr. cirnā; G. cīrvũ ‘to slit, crack, cut’; M. cirṇẽ ‘to split, be split’; Si. iranavā ‘to split, tear, saw’. Addenda: *cīrayati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċirnõ; ‘to tear, cleave’; J. cirṇu ‘to split’, Garh. cīrnu; — Md. iranī ‘tears’ (or < *śīrayati).
4847 *cīssa— ‘sharp pain’. P. cīs f. ‘sudden pain’; Ku. cīs ‘keen pain, scorching’; N. ciso ‘cold’; H. cīs f. ‘sudden pain’; G. cīs f. ‘scream’.
4848 *cukk— ‘fall short of, stop’. [< Pk. cukka— ‘fallen, mis- taken, forgotten’ replacing cyutá— ‘fallen, missing one's aim’. — √cyu] Pk. cukkaï ‘falls, is forgotten, is destroyed, makes a mistake, errs’, tr. ‘to make fall, break’; Sh. koh. čŭkyōnu̯ intr. ‘to stop’, čokŭ ‘stopped, at a standstill’; S. cukaṇu ‘to be finished, err’; L. cukkaṇ ‘to be finished, be forgotten, err, miss’, awāṇ. cukkā ‘settled’; P. cukkṇā ‘to be finished, miss, err, forget’, tr. ‘to finish, under- take’; Ku. cukṇo ‘to fall short of, miss, fail’; N. cuknu ‘to be in fault, miss, overlook’; B. cukā ‘to make a mis- take, be finished, be settled’, tr. ‘to finish, settle’; Or. cukibā ‘to make a mistake’; Mth. cukab ‘perform in- sufficiently, err’; Bhoj. cukal ‘to settle an account’, cūk ‘mistake’; H. cūknā, cuk° ‘to fall short of, fail, be finished’; Marw. cūkṇo ‘to be completed’, cūk f. ‘mis- take’; OG. cūkaï ‘misses’, G. cukvũ ‘to fail, miss, err’; M. ċukṇẽ ‘to blunder’; — caus. Pk. cukkavaï ‘causes to lose’; S. cukāiṇu ‘to make err, finish’; L. cukāvaṇ ‘to finish with, settle’, P. cukāuṇā, N. cukāunu; B. cukāna ‘to get rid of, finish, settle’; Or. cukāibā ‘to settle’, H. cukānā; G. cukā̆vvũ ‘to cause to lose one's aim, discharge, settle’; M. ċukā̆viṇẽ ‘to elude’. *cukka— ‘vulva’ see *cutta—. Addenda: *cukk—: S.kcch. cukāṇū ‘to pay, remit’, cūke vanṇū ‘to miss (a target)’, WPah.poet. ċukṇo ‘to err, forget, be finished’, J. cukṇu.
4851 *cuga— ‘pecking’. [√*cug] L. cū̃ m. ‘a picking’.
4852 *cugyati ‘pecks’. [√*cug] S. cuǥaṇu ‘to peck up with the beak’; L. cuggaṇ ‘to peck, choose, graze’, awāṇ. cugguṇ ‘to eat’; P. cugṇā ‘to peck, plait’, cugāuṇā ‘to feed (birds or cattle)’, bhaṭ. cugṇā intr. ‘to graze’; WPah. cam. cugṇā ‘to graze, choose’; H. cugnā ‘to peck, pick up, feed’; Marw. cugṇo ‘to peck, eat’; G. cugvũ ‘to peck and eat (of birds)’. *cuṅga— ‘octroi duty’ see śulká—.
4853 *cuṅgati ‘pecks’. [√*cug] WPah. roh. ċuṅgṇõ; ‘to pick up, take up’, jaun. cū̃gṇõmacr; ‘to pick, glean, lift, carry’; N. cũgnu ‘to peck’, H. cū̃gnā; — S. cū̃gaṇu ‘to eat slowly’ (< ‘*to peck at ’?), cū̃gī f. ‘a few grains’; L. cuṅg f. ‘handful’; P. cuṅg f. ‘small portion of anything’; M. ċũg f. ‘swarm, flock’? *cuṅgha— ‘beard’ see *juṅgha—. cuci— see *cuccu—. cucundarī— see chucchundari—. cucūka— see *cuccu—. Addenda: *cuṅgati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċuṅgṇõ; ‘to lift up, carry’, J. cuṅgṇu.
4854 *cucca— 1 ‘defective, blear—eyed’. 2. *cuñca— 1. [Cf. culla1 and rhyming *bucca1] 1. L. (Ju.) cucā ‘purblind, suffering from photo- phobia’, awāṇ. cuccā ‘short—sighted’; P. cuccā ‘blear- eyed, sore (of eyes)’, cuccuṛ ‘heavy and strong, coarse’. 2. G. cũcḷũ ‘having eyes half—closed’. *cucca— 2 ‘beak’ see cañcu—. *cucci— ‘nipple’ see next.
4855 *cuccu— ‘female breast, nipple’. 2. *cucci—. [Onom. cf. cūcuka— n. ‘nipple’ R., cuc°, cucūka— n. lex. (Pa. cūcuka— n., Pk. cūa— n.), cuci— f. W., and further kuca—] 1. Pk. cucuya—, cuccuya— n. ‘nipple’; Ash. ċuċū́ ‘female breast’, Wg. čüčǘ, Kt. čuk, Pr. žüžū́, Dm. čúču; Paš. lauṛ. ar. čučū́ ‘teat, udder’, chil. ċuċū ‘female breast’, Shum. Woṭ. Gaw. ċuċū́, Kal. rumb. čū́ču; Sv. čučuwa ‘teat’. 2. Gy. eur. čučí f. (eng. tuči) ‘breast, nipple’, pal. čič; Bshk. čič ‘female breast’, Tor. čiš, čī, Phal. čičī, Sh. gil. čúči f., pales. číče; P. cūcī f. ‘female breast (when large)’; WPah. bhad. bhal. ċiċċu n. ‘nipple, teat (human or animal)’; Ku. cūco ‘udder’, gng. ċuċ ‘female breast’; N. cuci ‘nipple’ (cf. cucarnu, cucornu ‘to suck’); B. cuci, cũci ‘female breast’; Or. cucī ‘nipple’; H. cūcī f. ‘breast, nipple’, cuccaṛ m. ‘large breast or udder’; G. cũcī f. ‘nipple’.
4858 *cuḍ— ‘wear away’. [Cf. cúṇḍati?] Pk. cuḍaṇa— n. ‘growing old, rotting’; S. cuṛaṇu intr. ‘to wear, be in wear’, coṛaṇu ‘to bring into wear’. *cuḍa—, *cuḍḍa— ‘vulva’ see *cutta—. cúṇṭati ‘cuts off’ see cuṭáti. cuṇṭī— see curī—. cuṇṭháyati see cuṭáti.
4860 *cutta—, *cūtta— ‘anus, vulva’. 2. *cuḍḍa—. 3. *cuḍa—. 4. *cukka— (cf. *cikk—). [cū̆ta— m., °ti— f. ‘anus’, cyuti- f. ‘vulva’ lex. Cf. Pers. cul ‘penis’ (if ← EIr., may be < *cuta—), but more prob. with EWA i 395 ← Drav. cf. Tam. cūttu, cūṟu ‘anus’ DED 2249] 1. K. ċoth, dat. °ti f. ‘anus, vulva’; S. cuti f., cutaṛu m. ‘anus, rump’, cūti f. ‘vulva’; L. (Ju.) cut f. ‘anus, bottom’, cuttaṛ m., cutṛī f. ‘buttock’, mult. cutt m. ‘bottom (of a lamp)’, awāṇ. cut ‘vulva’; P. cutt, cūt f. ‘vulva’, cuttaṛ m. ‘rump’, cittaṛ m. ‘buttocks’; Ku. cūt ‘vulva’, cūtaṛ ‘haunch, thigh, hip’; N. cutaṛ ‘buttocks’; B. cut ‘anus, vulva’, cutaṛ ‘anus, buttocks’; Or. (Sam- bhalpur) cutal ‘anus, buttocks’; H. cūt f. ‘vulva’, cūtaṛ m. ‘rump’; G. cūt f. ‘vulva’, M. ċūt f., ċutā̆ḍ m. 2. S. cuḍ̱u m. ‘vulva’, L. cuḍḍ m., P. cuḍḍ f. 3. P. H. cuṛ f. ‘vulva’. 4. Kho. (Lor.) ċuk ‘vulva’? CUD ‘impel’. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] cōdá—, cōdanā́—, cōdáyati, cōdya—; — *cōddati. Addenda: *cutta—: WPah.kṭg. ċuttƏr m. ‘thigh, buttocks’.
4861 *cunda— 1 ‘wood or ivory work’. [Cf. kunda1] Pa. cunda— m. ‘ivory worker’; Or. cundibā ‘to do woodwork’. *cundakāra—. *cunda— 2 ‘protuberance’ see cū́ḍa1.
4862 *cundakāra— m. ‘turner’. [Cf. kundakara—. — *cunda—1, kāra1] Pa. cundakāra— m.; Ku. cunāro ‘maker of wooden vessels’, N. cunāro, can°, cũdāro, cãd°.
4863 *cupp— ‘strike’. 2. *cōpp—. 3. *cump—. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] 1. Wg. (Lumsden) "chúp" ‘wound’, "chúba" ‘wounded, cut’; N. cup(p)i ‘dagger’; B. cupāna ‘to cut to pieces’; G. cupvũ ‘to be thrust’. 2. Ku. copṇo ‘to dip’; N. copnu ‘to pierce, sink in’, copalnu ‘to dive into, penetrate’; A. sop ‘blow’; B. cop ‘blow’, copsā ‘letting water sink in’; G. copvũ ‘to pierce’; M. ċopṇẽ ‘to beat a floor, fall in and look flat.’ 3. NiDoc. cuṁpita ‘cut, chopped’.
4864 *cuppa— 1 ‘silent’. [Onom.? — Hardly with LM 330 < *cr̥pya—, see *capp—] S. cupu, cipu f. ‘silence’, L. cup f., P. cupp f.; Ku. cup adj.; N. cup adj. and sb.; A. sup adj., B. Or. cup, Mth. cup, cuppe adv.; H. cup f.; G. cūp adj., M. ċuppa; - Paš. čup ‘silent’, čup— ‘to be silent’ ← Ind. or Kabuli Pers. IIFL iii 3, 46. — K. ċhŏpa f. Addenda: *cuppa—1: WPah.kṭg. ċup f. (obl. —a) ‘silence’, ċuppɔ ‘silent’; — A. copiba (phonet. s—) ‘to lie in wait’ AFD 331.
4865 *cuppa— 2, *cōppa— ‘oily’. [Cf. *tuppa—] Pk. cuppa— ‘oily’, coppaḍa— m. ‘ghee, oil’, coppaḍaï ‘makes greasy’, covvaḍ° (= *cobb—?), copphucca— ‘greasy’; L. cōpaṛaṇ ‘to smear with oil or butter’, copṛī ‘greasy’; P. copaṛ m. ‘grease’, cupṛāuṇā ‘to smear with oil’; Ku. copaṛ ‘oil, ghee’, cupṛo ‘oily’, gng. ċupaṛ ‘smooth’; N. tel—cupar ‘anointing with oil’, cupārnu ‘to smear with oil’; A. supi ‘oil vessel’; H. cūpaṛ, copaṛ m. ‘oil, grease, butter’, cupaṛnā, cupar° ‘to smear with oil’; G. copṛũ ‘greasy’, copaṛvũ ‘to besmear’; M. copaḍ ‘greasy’, n. ‘ghee, butter, oil’. cubuka— see cibuka—. Addenda: *cuppa—2: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċoppƏṛ m. ‘butter’, J. cupar m.; A. spel. cupi ‘small oil vessel’.
4866 *cubb— ‘pierce’. 2. *cōbb—. 3. *cōmb—. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] 1. A. subāiba ‘to immerse’; B. cubā ‘to plunge into’; Or. cublibā ‘to spoil water by dipping hand into pot’; H. cubuknā ‘to pierce’; M. ċubakṇẽ ‘to pierce, puncture’. 2. Ku. cobṇo ‘to dip’; N. cobnu ‘to pierce, sink in’, cobalnu ‘to immerse’; B. cobal ‘sudden bite’, cobāhā ‘a kind of waterfowl’; G. cobvũ ‘to brand’, cobɔ m. ‘puncture, drumstick’. — Si. hobanavā, ob° ‘to press, imprint’ bec. of loss of h— rather < sumbhati. 3. M. ċõ;bṇẽ ‘to stuff in’; — ċomaṇ n. ‘penis’? *CUBH ‘pierce’. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku] *cubhyatē, *cumbhati.
4867 *cubhyatē ‘is pierced’. [√*cubh] S. cubhaṇu ‘to pierce, prick’; L. (Ju.) cubhaṇ ‘to be pricked, prick’, awāṇ. cubbhuṇ ‘to prick’; P. cubhṇā ‘to be pierced’, tr. cubhāuṇā, cubbhī f. ‘immersion’; Ku. cubhṇo ‘to be pricked’; OAw. cūbhaï ‘is pricked’; H. cū̆bhnā ‘to be pierced’; Marw. cūbhī f. ‘diving’; — ext. with —l—: M. ċubhaḷyā ‘having promiscuous sexual intercourse’. — Tr. forms with ō: P. cobhṇā ‘to pierce’; N. cobhnu ‘to pierce, sink in’, cobhalnu ‘to immerse’; H. cobhā m. ‘prick’. — X *gōḍḍ—: H. gubhānā ‘to pierce’. — Si. hobanavā, ob° ‘to imprint by pressure’ bec. of loss of h— rather < sumbhati. *cump— ‘strike’ see *cupp—. CUMB ‘kiss’. [Onom. origin (EWA 395) is supported by meaning ‘suck, drink’ in K. A. M. and reduplica- tion in Or.] cumba—, cúmbati, cumbana—. Addenda: *cubhyatē: WPah.J. cubhṇu ‘to pierce’.
4869 *cumbaṭa— ‘coil, round pad’. Pa. cumbaṭa— n. ‘coil, pad of cloth, pillow’, °aka— n. ‘pillow’, mālā—cumbaṭa—, °aka— n. ‘wreath’; H. cũbal, cummal m., cumlī f. ‘pad on head on which to carry burdens’, M. ċũbaḷ, °bhaḷ n.; Si. sum̆buḷuva ‘roll of cloth, esp. pad placed under a jar carried on the head, crown, garland, pillow’. Addenda: *cumbaṭa— ‘pad’. [~ Drav. DED 2204]
4872 *cumbhati ‘pierces’. [√*cubh] Paš. lauṛ. čumb— ‘to sew’, ar. čūm ‘hole’; Shum. ċūm ‘hole’; K. ċŏmbun ‘to pierce, bore’; L. cumbhāvaṇ ‘to irritate the eyes so as to bring tears’; A. sumāiba ‘to thrust into, cause to enter’.
4874 *cul— ‘fidget, itch’. 2. *cil—. 3. *cōl— tr. 1. Pk. culuculaï ‘throbs, jumps’; Dm. čūl— ‘to creep’, čulāy— tr. ‘to move (e.g. a paw)’; Phal. čul— intr. ‘to move’; S. curaṇu intr. ‘to shake’, cur—phuri f. ‘restless- ness’; P. culculāunā ‘to fidget’; B. culculiyā ‘restless’; H. cul f. ‘itching, lust’, culculānā ‘to itch’; G. caḷ f. ‘itching’; M. ċuḷċuḷ f., °ḷā m. ‘impatience, fidgeting, itching’, ċuḷbuḷṇẽ ‘to fidget (of children)’. 2. K. ċĕl m. ‘rubbing, anger’; N. cilnu ‘to sting (of plants and animals)’, cilāunu, cilcilāunu ‘to itch,’ cilbile ‘talkative (of children)’. 3. L. colaṇ tr. ‘to agitate, move’.
4877 *culla— 2 ‘small’. [Cf. cūḍa3 ‘small’ BHS ii 232 (Pa. cūḷa—), cúṇḍati, cúṇṭati, cuṭṭáyati ‘becomes small’ Dhātup. Poss. collides with MIA. chulla— < kṣulla- (e.g. in Si.), but derivation of cūḍa3 < kṣudrá— (EWA i 394) phonet. impossible. PMWS 152 ← Mu. (see *chōṭṭa—), but H. Smith JA 1950, 196 derives from onom. *cu—cu. Belongs with culla1 to a ‘defective’ word—group (see, e.g., *bukka4) and rhymes with *bulla— < bulvá—, *kulla— < kulvá—, *bhulla—, *lulla—] Pa. Pk. culla— ‘small’; — Gy. eur. čulo ‘a little’; Si. sulu ‘small’, hul—an̆gilla ‘little finger’: less likely < kṣulla—. — MIA. cmpd. in Pk. culla—tāya— (< tātá—), M. ċultā m. ‘father's brother’. Addenda: *culla— 2 ‘small’. [Cf. also †;*cuṭṭa—]
4878 *culliyasi— ‘kitchen—knife’. [cullī—, así—] N. culesi ‘knife with which to prepare vegetables for cooking’?
4880 *cullīkarttāra— ‘kitchen knife’. [cullī—, *karttāra—] G. culetrɔ m. ‘knife for cutting up vegetables’.
4881 *cullīdhāna— ‘fire—place’. [cullī—, dhā́na—] Ku. culyāṇ m. ‘hearth, kitchen’; M. ċulāṇ n. ‘fire- place’, Ko. culāṇẽ n. ‘small do.’.
4882 *cullīdhāra— m. ‘having a stove’. [cullī—, dhāra1] P. culihār m.f. ‘baker’. cūcuka— see *cuccu—.
4888 *cūra— ‘powder’. 2. *cūrayati ‘powders’. 3. *cūraṇa—. [Abstracted from cūrṇa—, cf. pūra1, pūráyati, pū́raṇa- ~ pūrṇá—] 1. Pk. cūra— m. ‘powder’, K. ċṳ̄r m.; S. cūru ‘pul- verized’, cūro m. ‘powder’, °rī f. ‘bread crumbled in ghee and sugar’; L. cūrī f. ‘thick wheaten cakes broken up with butter and sugar’, awāṇ. cūrā ‘powder’; P. cūr m. ‘powder’, cūrā m. ‘fragments’; Ku. curo ‘powder’; N. cur ‘filings’, cur—cār ‘crumbs’; A. sūr ‘smashed, destroyed’; B. cur ‘coarsely ground powder’; Or. cura ‘powder’, OAw cūra; H. cūr m. ‘powder’, cūrā m. ‘powder, sawdust, bruised grain’; G. cūr, cūrɔ m., °rī f. ‘fragments, ruins’; M. ċūr, ċurā m. ‘fragments’, ċurī f. ‘powder’. 2. Pk. cūrēi ‘pulverizes’; P. cūrṇā ‘to break into small pieces’; Or. cūribā ‘to pulverize’, Mth. pp. cūral, OAw. cūraï, H. cūrnā, OG. pass. cūrīi, G. curvũ; M. ċurṇẽ ‘to crumble, crush, knead’. 3. S. cūraṇu m. ‘powdered medicine’, L. cūraṇ m.; G. cūraṇ n. ‘powder’. *cūraṇa—, *cūrayati ‘powders’ see prec. Addenda: *cūra—: S.kcch. cūro m. ‘crumbs’; WPah.kṭg. ċurɔ m. ‘fragment, piece, powder’, ċvri f. ‘particle’.
4891 *cūrṇakarman— ‘lime work’. [cūrṇa—, kárman1] Si. suṇuvam ‘plaster work’.
4893 *cūrṇadhāka— ‘lime box’. [cūrṇa—, dhāká—] Bi. Mth. cunhā.
4895 *cūrṇavarta— ‘lime box’. [cūrṇa—, *varta2] Ku. cunauti ‘box for lime eaten with betel’, N. cunauṭi, B. cunāti, cunati, cunaṭi, Bi. cunauṭī, H. cunauṭā m., °ṭī f. cūrṇita— see *cūrṇayati.
4899 *cūha— ‘rat, mouse’. S. cūho m. ‘rat’; L. cūhā m. ‘rat’, cūhī f. ‘mouse’; P. cūhā m., °hī f. ‘rat, mouse’; N. cuhā ‘mouse’; B. cuyā ‘rat, mouse’; Or. cūā ‘mouse’; H. cūhā, cūā m., cūhī, °hiyā f. ‘rat, mouse’, G. cuvɔ m.; M. ċuhā, ċuvā m. ‘sharp—witted person’.
4900 *cūhaḍa— ‘a partic. low caste’. P. cūhṛā m. ‘a caste of sweepers’; H. cūhāṛ, cūhṛā m. ‘a scavenger caste’. *cūhaḍakarman—.
4901 *cūhaḍakarman— ‘action of a Cūhṛā’. [*cūhaḍa—, kárman1] P. cuṛhamm m. ‘acting like a sweeper, shameful and foolish conduct’. CR̥T ‘fix’: see *uccr̥tati, saṁcŕ̥t—; √caṭ. *cēṅga— ‘young bird’ see *ciṅga—.
4903 *cēṭarūpa— ‘slave’. [cēṭa—, rūpá—] H. cerūā m. ‘slave’ (< *cerarūā); M. ceḍrū̃ n. ‘little child’; Ko. ceḍrū̃ n. ‘maidservant’, cerḍũ n. ‘boy’; N. ciruwādār ‘groom’ (+suffix —dār?).
4904 *cēṭṭa— ‘defective’. [Perh. like cēṭa— ← Mu., cf. Sant. ceṇḍa ‘young’, ceṭra ‘dwarfish’ PMWS 99] Wg. čeṭe ‘stupid’, Pr. čiṭë, Paš. čaṭā. *cēḍ— ‘make angry’ see *ciḍ—.
4911 *cēlla— ‘boy’. [LM 331 ← Drav. and separate from cēṭa—: nevertheless ultimately conn. with this and *cēṭṭa—. — Cf. cēluka— m. ‘Buddhist novice’ lex.] Pa. cellaka— m. ‘a class of novice (distinct from cēṭaka—)’; Pk. cella—, °aya—, cilla— m. ‘boy’; Gy. eur. romani—čel m. ‘the Gypsies’; S. celo m. ‘disciple’, L. celṛī f. ‘female disciple’, P. celā m., °lī f.; Ku. celo ‘son, disciple’; N. celo ‘pupil, apprentice’, B. Or. Mth. celā, H. celā m. (→ K. cela m.), °lī f.; G. celɔ m., °lī f. ‘pupil’, celkɔ m. ‘boy’, °kī f. ‘girl’ (as terms of endearment); M. celā m., °lī f. ‘disciple’, cilı̄̃—pilı̄̃ n. pl. ‘brats, children’; Ko. celli, calli f. ‘girl, daughter’. CĒṢṬ ‘be active’: cḗṣṭati, cēṣṭā—. Addenda: *cēlla— [Cf. Ir. in Shgh. ċƏl—dūr ‘younger’] Ku. celo m. ‘boy’, celī f. ‘girl’, Brj. celo m. ‘boy’, celī f. ‘girl’.
4914 *caitiya—, caitya— ‘relating to a funeral pyre’, m.n. ‘funeral monument, sacred tree’ ĀśvGr̥. [citā—] Pa. cētiya— n. ‘sepulchral monument’, Pk. cēia— m.n.; OG. ceīya, ceī m. ‘shrine’; OSi. (Brāhmī inscr.) ceta, ceya, Si. sã̤ya ‘heap of wood, funeral pyre’ H. Smith JA 1950, 207. caitya— see prec.
4917 *cōkka— (with ext. —ḍa—, —ra—, —la—) ‘chaff, bran’. P. cokar f. ‘bran’; Ku. cokaṛ ‘bran, husk, chaff’; N. cokar ‘bran’, cokrā ‘dregs (e.g. of rice—spirit)’; B. cokaṛ, cokal ‘bran’, coklā ‘rind, bran’; Bi. cokar, cõ;k°, cokrā, cõ;k° ‘bran, husks’; H. cokaṛ, cokar, cõ;k° m. ‘bran’.
4919 *cōgana— ‘pecking’. [√*cug] S. cūṇo m. ‘grain given to birds to peck’; L. cōṇ f. ‘pick, choice’; P. coṇ f. ‘refuse of cotton’, coṇī f. ‘pick- ing cotton’; G. cuṇi f. ‘pecking (of birds)’.
4920 *cōgya— ‘to be pecked up.’ [√*cug] S. coǥu, °ǥo m. ‘food for birds’; L. coggā m., (Ju.) coǥ f., coǥā m. ‘food for birds, food brought up from the crop’; P. coggā m. ‘food for birds.’
4921 *cōṅga— ‘section of bamboo’? Bshk. čõdotdot;k ‘small wooden vessel’; N. cũgā ‘a bamboo vessel for holding liquids’; A. soṅgā, suṅā ‘joint of bamboo, bamboo tube’; B. coṅg ‘pipe, tube’, coṅgā ‘blowpipe for blowing fire’, cuṅgī ‘bamboo tube used as vessel’; Or. coṅgā, cuṅgā, °gī ‘pipe, tube, cup’; Bi. Mth. cõ;gā, °gī ‘pipe of smith's bellows’; H. cõ;gā m. ‘joint of bamboo, bamboo tube’, °gī f. ‘pipe, tube’; — M. ċõ;gā m. ‘stick used as a measure of two handbreadths’? *cōñca— ‘beak’ see cañcu—. *cōṭa— ‘beak’ see cōṇṭa—. cōṭáyati see cuṭáti. *cōṭṭ— ‘cut, strike’ see cuṭáti. *cōṭṭa— 1 ‘protuberance’ see cū́ḍa1.
4922 *cōṭṭa— 2 ‘thief’. [PMWS 135 with cōrá1 ← Drav. Tam. coṭṭu—, cuṟṟu— ‘to steal’] L. P. coṭā m. ‘thief’; WPah. bhal. ċɔṭṭ m. ‘rogue’, n. ‘despicable rogue’; N. coṭṭo ‘thief’, Or. coṭhā; Aw. lakh. coṭā ‘petty thief’, H. coṭṭā m.; G. coṭṭũ ‘thievish’. Addenda: *cōṭṭa—2: WPah.poet. ċɔṭue f. ‘vagabond girl, faithless girl’; Brj. coṭṭo m. ‘thief’. *cōṭṭa— 1 see cū́ḍa1 Add2.
4924 *cōḍa— 2, cōla2 m. ‘name of a people on the Coromandel coast’ MBh. Aś. coḍā m. pl. ‘name of a people’; Si. heḷa ‘Ceylon’, eḷuva ‘the ancient Sinhalese language’ H. Smith JA 1950, 212 < *coḷiya— (EGS 31 < siṁhala—). cōḍa— 3 ‘protuberance’ see cū́ḍa1.
4925 *cōṇṭa— ‘beak’. 2. cōṭa—. 3. *ṭōñca—. 4. *ṭōcca—. [For list of similar forms see tuṇḍa— and cañcu—] 1. K. cõ̂ṭu m. ‘chin’ (← Ind.); S. cõ;ṭa f. ‘beak’ (← Centre?), B. cõ;ṭ; Si. soṭa, ho° ‘beak, snout, mouth’ (LM 332, EGS 195 < cañcu—). 2. Paš. čōṛı̄́ ‘beak’. 3. M. ṭõ;ċ, ṭoċ f. 4. G. ṭoci f. *cōṇḍa— ‘protuberance’ see cū́ḍa1. *cōtth— ‘tear’ see cuṭáti.
4929 *cōddati ‘copulates’. [Perh. same as cṓdati ‘incites’ RV. with expressive doubling. — √cud] L. awāṇ. coduṇ ‘to copulate’, S. codaṇu (← P., &c.), P. codṇā, Ku. codṇo, B. codā (of the man), codāna (of the woman), Or. codibā, Mth. codab, H. codnā, G. codvũ; M. ċodṇẽ ‘to copulate’, ċõ;dṇẽ ‘to plug in, squeeze’. Addenda: *cōddati: K. —cod ‘copulating’ (← Ind. with c) in bīṭh—cod (with *bēṭta—, see *biḍḍa—); WPah.kṭg. ċodṇõ; ‘to copulate’.
4944 *cyutadhāna— ‘receptacle for what has fallen’. [cyutá—, dhā́na—] A. suwāni ‘place where leavings &c. are thrown’.
4946 *cyutita— ‘trickled’. [√cyut] L. cūā m. ‘irrigation’.
4949 *cyōtana— ‘trickling’. [√cyut] B. conā ‘urine (esp. of cattle)’; Bi. conā ‘exit for juice in sugar—mill’.
4950 *cyōtita— ‘caused to trickle out’. [√cyut] S. coī f. ‘produce of dairy’.
4951 *chaka— ‘dung’. [~ śáka— n. AV. — śákr̥t—] Pk. chaga— n. ‘dung’. *chakana—, *chakara—.
4952 *chakana— n. ‘dung’, chagaṇa— m. (n. lex.) ‘dried cowdung’ Pañcad. [~ *śakana—. — *chaka—] Pa. chakana—, °kaṇa— n. ‘animal dung’; Pk. chagaṇa- n., °ṇiyā— f. ‘cowdung’; S. cheṇu, °ṇo m. ‘cow or buffalo dung’; — G. chāṇ n. ‘cow or buffalo dung’, chāṇũ n. ‘cowdung cake’ or < *chākana—; M. śeṇ n. ‘cowdung’ or < śakana—. *chākana—; *chakanapānīya—, *chakanākara—.
4953 *chakanapānīya— ‘cowdung and water’. [*chakana—, pānīya—] M. śeṇvaṇī n. ‘thin cowdung wash’ or < *śakana- pānīya—.
4954 *chakanākara— ‘heap of dung’. [*chakana—, ākara—] M. śeṇārā m. ‘pile of cowdung lumps plastered over with cowdung and earth’ or < *śakanākara—.
4955 *chakara— ‘dung’. [~ *śakara—2. — *chaka—] Ku. chero ‘watery stool’; N. cher ‘diarrhoea’, chernu ‘to have diarrhoea’; A. serāiba ‘bowels to be loose’, serni ‘looseness of bowels’; Or. cherā ‘watery stools’, cheribā ‘to void such’; H. chernā ‘to have bad digestion’; G. cher f. ‘watery stools, bird dung’, chervũ ‘to have diarrhoea’; — M. śer f. ‘bird dung’, śerṇẽ ‘to void dung (of birds)’ or < *śakara2. *chākara—.
4956 *chakka— 1 ‘astonished, excited’. S. chakaṇu ‘to be infatuated’, caus. chakāiṇu; N. chakka ‘amazement’, chakinu ‘to be deceived’, caus. chakāunu; H. chāknā ‘to be intoxicated’, chaknā ‘to be astonished’; G. chāk f. ‘intoxication’, chākvũ ‘to be mad’, chākaṭ ‘intoxicated’. Addenda: *chakka—1: S.kcch. chakk ‘astonished’.
4957 *chakka— 2 ‘mouthful’. S. chakāiṇu ‘to cause to eat’; P. chakk f. ‘present to bards’, chakṇā ‘to eat’; N. chāk ‘anything sufficient for one time, a meal’, chāknu ‘to drink by letting water drop into mouth’; H. chāk m. ‘ready prepared food carried by labourers’; M. sāk, °ke, °kī f. ‘palm of hand hollowed to hold water or grain &c.’ *chakkaṭa— ‘cart’ see śákaṭa—. Addenda: *chakka—2: WPah.kṭg. ċhā́k m. ‘cooked food given to servants and labourers’; J. chākkā ‘a day's labour paid for with two seers of grain and a meal’.
4959 *chagaṭa— ‘goat’. [chaga—] K. kash. ċhoṛŭ , pl. ċhēṛi m. ‘he—goat’, ḍoḍ. chēṛo, WPah. bhad. ċhēṛō; Or. cheṛi ‘goat’. chagaṇa— see *chakana—.
4960 *chagadr̥ti— ‘goatskin’. [chaga—, dŕ̥ti—] WPah. jaun. chōṛī f. ‘goatskin’ (whence chōṛō ‘hide of cow or buffalo’): very doubtful.
4961 *chagana— ‘goat’ (or *chāgana—?). [→ Mj. čan ‘new- born kid’ IIFL ii 202. — chaga—] Ash. čäṇä́, čä̃ṛä ‘kid’, Wg. čẽ, čõdotdot;, Kt. čū̃, Kho. čhani (< *chāganikā— BelvalkarVol 89); Paš. lauṛ. čhanı̄́k, weg. čaṅaṛä́ ‘male kid’. *chagara— ‘goat’ see chagalá—. Addenda: *chagana—: line 3 delete Kt. čū̃ GM 22.6.71.
4962 *chagarūpa— ‘goat’. [chaga—, rūpá—] Bi. cheruā ‘goat (in general)’.
4964 *chajja— ‘basket’. Pk. chajjiā— f. ‘basket or pot for flowers’; S. chaj̄u m. ‘winnowing fan’; L. chajj, (Ju.) chaj̄ m. ‘winnowing basket’ (whence chājī m. ‘winnower’), P. chajj m., WPah. bhal. chaj̈j̈ n.; H. chāj m. ‘flat winnowing basket’.
4965 *chaṭ— ‘scatter, sift’. 2. *chāṭ— [~ *chaṭṭ—, *chaṇṭ—, *chiṭ—, *chiṭṭ—, *chitr—; — *chaṭṭa—1, *chīṭṭā—, *jhiṭṭa2] 1. Pk. chaḍā— f. ‘drop, lightning’ (semant. cf. Ku. chiṭo < *chiṭṭ—); S. chaṛhaṇu ‘to husk rice in a mortar’, P. chaṛnā; WPah. pāḍ. ċhaṛaṇ ‘to sow’, cur. chaṛnā ‘to place, put’; Ku. chaṛṇo ‘to husk out’; N. charnu ‘to scatter, dust, sow’, charkanu ‘to sprinkle’; B. chaṛāna ‘to scatter’; H. chaṛnā ‘to sift’; G. chaṛvũ ‘to beat, husk rice’, chaṛɔ m. ‘a sprinkling’, chaṛakvũ ‘to sprinkle’; M. saḍṇẽ ‘to pound and husk rice’, saḍā m. ‘sprinkling of thin cowdung wash’, saḍakṇẽ ‘to pelt, agitate violently, sift’. 2. K. ċhārun ‘to scatter, let go, rummage, seek for’; S. chāṛhu m. ‘rice—pounder’; Ku. bau—chāṛ ‘wind- driven drops of rain’. *ācchaṭ—, *ucchaṭ—, *pracchaṭ—, *vicchaṭ—. Addenda: *chaṭ—: WPah.kṭg. ċhɔ́ṛnõ; ‘to pound (corn or rice)’, J. chaṛnu.
4966 *chaṭa— ‘stick, cane’. 2. *chaṭṭa— 2. 3. *chiṭṭa—. 1. S. chaṛaha f. ‘thin pole’, °hī ‘walking-stick’; L. chaṛī f. ‘rod, switch’ (→ K. chīrü f. ‘switch’); P. chaṛ f. ‘bamboo spear—shaft’, °ṛī f. ‘stick, cane’, Ku. chaṛ ‘shoot’, °ṛī ‘stick’; A. sari ‘bamboo punting pole’; B. chaṛ ‘spear- shaft’, °ṛī ‘switch, cane’; Or. chaṛa ‘spear—shaft’, °ṛī ‘switch, cane’; H. chaṛī f. ‘stick, rod, whip’ (→ Bi. chaṛī ‘thin stick’, N. chaṛi); G. chaṛ m. ‘reed, bamboo, spear- shaft’, °ṛī f. ‘switch, cane’; M. saḍ m. ‘piece of stubble, stump of sugarcane’, °ḍī f. ‘splinter, piece of stubble’. 2. P. chaṭī f. ‘stick’; B. chāṭ ‘thin stick or cane’; Or. chāṭa ‘switch’; M. sāṭ m. ‘framework of slit bamboos, lathes over rafters’ → G. sāṭɔ m. ‘framework of carriage’. 3. P. chiṭī f. ‘cane’; N. chiṭi ‘basket’; A. siṭikā ‘piece of split bamboo’; B. chiṭkani ‘thin bamboo rod’; Or. chiṭikiṇi ‘pellet—bow’; H. chiṭkanī f. ‘bolt’. Addenda: *chaṭa— [~ Drav. DED 1899 — see saṭṭa2] 1. S.kcch. chaṛī f. ‘a cane’; WPah.kṭg. ċhɔṛɔ (ɔ́?) m. ‘stick, rib’, ċhɔ́ṛi f. ‘stick, symbol like a stick carried before an idol in procession’; J. chaṛi f. ‘gold— or silver—mounted stick kept by a gatekeeper’; Garh. chaṛ ‘iron bar’. 3. *chiṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. ċhíṭṭɔ ‘lopped bare branch’.
4968 *chaṭṭ— ‘scatter’. [See *chaṭ—] Pk. chaṭṭā— f. ‘drop (of water &c.)’; Ash. čaṭā́— ‘to throw’; Paš. čaṭ— ‘to scatter’; K. ċhaṭun ‘to shake up and down, winnow’; L. chaṭṭaṇ ‘to scatter (seed)’; P. chaṭṭṇā ‘to winnow’ (whence chaṭṇā ‘to be selected’); WPah. bhal. ċhaṭṭnū ‘to winnow grain (with winnowing basket)’; N. chaṛkanu ‘to run away’; A. sāṭ ‘splash’, sāṭi ‘a quantity of seed or liquid thrown broadcast’, saṭiyāiba ‘to scatter, sprinkle’; B. chāṭā ‘to plaster a mud wall thickly’, chaṭkāna ‘to scatter’; Or. chāṭa ‘slanting rain’; H. chaṭaknā ‘to be scattered’; G. chaṭakvũ ‘to slip off’; M. sāṭā m. ‘sprinkling of flour’, saṭakṇẽ ‘to slip off’. *apacchaṭṭ—, *pracchaṭṭ—. Addenda: *chaṭṭ—: WPah.kṭg. ċháṭṇõ; ‘to whitewash’.
4969 *chaṭṭa— 1 ‘sudden movement’. [Cf. *chaṭṭ—, *chaṭ—] K. ċhaṭh, dat. °ṭi f. ‘windstorm’; S. chaṭo m. ‘stroke of wind which causes madness’; N. chaṭāunu ‘to be mad’, chaṭāhā ‘mad’, chaṭṭai ‘quickly’, chaṭpaṭi ‘restless- ness’; A. sāṭā ‘dazzling light’; B. chaṭpaṭ ‘restlessness’; Or. chaṭapaṭa ‘restless’; H. chaṭpaṭī f. ‘restlessness’; G. chaṭel ‘running wild’. *chaṭṭa— 2 ‘thin stick’ see *chaṭa—.
4970 *chaṇṭ— ‘scatter’. [See *chaṭ—; — → Psht. ċandƏl ‘to clean by shaking’; but cf. Pahl. čandēnīdan, Bal. čandag ‘to stir, shake’, Orm. ċwan— ‘to shake out dust from clothes’ IIFL i 391] Pk. chaṁṭa— m. ‘drop’, chaṁṭaï ‘sprinkles’; K. ċhā̃ḍun ‘to rummage, seek for’; S. chaṇḍaṇu ‘to separate dirt and tares from grain by sifting, sprinkle, dust’, chaṇḍo m. ‘sprinkle’, chaṇḍko m. ‘dusting’; L. chaṇḍkaṇ ‘to shake (e.g. a carpet)’; P. chaṇḍṇā ‘to sift’; Bi. chā̃ṭab ‘to beat (clothes in washing), tread out grain’; Aw. lakh. chā̃ṭab ‘to wash’; H. chā̃ṭnā ‘to knock off, sift, select’ (→Ku. chā̃ṭṇo ‘to scatter, choose’, N. chā̃ṭnu ‘to select’); G. chā̃ṭvũ ‘to sprinkle’, chā̃ṭɔ m. ‘drop’. *pracchaṇṭ—. Addenda: *chaṇṭ—: S.kcch. chaṇḍhṇū ‘to sprinkle’.
4971 *chatti— ‘covering’. [√chad 1] S. chati, chiti f. ‘roof’, L. chatt f. (whence chattaṇ ‘to roof’), awāṇ. chat, P. chatt f. (→ H. chat f. → N. chat ‘ceiling’), WPah. chattī, N. chāt; B. chāt ‘roof, terrace’, Or. chāta; Bi. chāt ‘roof, ceiling’, (Gaya) chattā, Mth. chātā; H. chāt f. ‘roof’, G. chati f. (← S.?). *praticchattika—. Addenda: *chatti—: S.kcch. chatt f. ‘ceiling’.
4973 *chattra— 2 ‘young animal’. S. chaṭru m. ‘six year old camel’; L. chatar, (Ju.) chatr m.f. ‘camel up to four years old’, chattrā m. ‘ram’, °rī f. ‘ewe’; P. chattrā m. ‘ram’; — L. chatrarā m. ‘ram over one year old’; N. chatauro ‘large male lamb’, °rī ‘ewe lamb not yet parturient’.
4982 *chadyati ‘seems good’. [chadáyati RV. — √chad 2] Pk. chajjaï ‘shines’, chajjita— ‘shining, decorated’; Ku. chājṇo ‘to be fit, suit’, gng. ċhāj̈aṇa ‘decoration’; Mth. chājab ‘to be beautiful, bloom’; OAw. chājaï ‘befits, looks nice’; H. chā̆jnā ‘to befit’, G. chājvũ, dial. sājvũ ‘to suit’; M. sāj̈ṇẽ ‘to befit, be congenial to’ (LM 418 wrongly < sajjayati). — Anal. pp. *chagga— ~ pres. chajj— in Mth. chaguab ‘to be pleased’, OH. chaganaüṁ ‘to taste’? *chadyatē ‘is covered’ see *chādyatē.
4984 *chandati ‘binds’. 2. *chanda— 3 ‘bond’. 3. *chan- dana— ‘binding’. 1. N. chā̃dnu ‘to bind, hobble’; A. sāndiba ‘to tie’, B. chā̃dā; Or. chandibā ‘to join together’; H. chā̃dnā ‘to tie’. 2. N. B. chā̃d ‘tether’; Or. chandā ‘tie, bond’; Bi. chā̃d, chān ‘hobble for cattle’; Mth. chān ‘fetter, hobble’; H. chā̃d f. ‘tether’. 3. A. sāndni ‘loop for feet in climbing trees’; Or. chandaṇi ‘tether for cows’. *chandana— ‘binding’ see prec.
4990 *channa— 2 ‘jingle’. [Cf. chanacchaniti ‘sizzlingly’ Amar.] P. chanchan f. ‘jingling’, N. chanchan, °ni, chan- chanāunu ‘to jingle’; B. chanchan ‘sound of urinating’; Or. chanchan ‘unsteady’; H. chanchan m., chanchanānā ‘to jingle’.
4991 *channapradēśa— ‘hidden region’. [channa—1, pra- dēśa—] Si. sanpiyes ‘pudenda’ (ES 87) prob. Si. cmpd.
4992 *channi— ‘covering’. [channa—1, √chad 1] S. chana f. ‘shed’; P. chann f. ‘thatched roof or shed’; Or. chāni ‘cataract in eye’; Bi. chānh, °hī, °hiyā ‘thatch roof’, OAw. chāna; H. chān f. ‘thatch, hut’, chānī f. ‘woven cover of jar for sugarcane juice’. *channighara—.
4993 *channighara— ‘roofed house’. [*channi—, ghara—] Bhoj. chanihar ‘thatched house’.
4994 *chapp— ‘press, cover, hide’. 2. *chipp—. [Cf. *capp- and *cipp— and *chupp—; further chimpikā— f. ‘dyer’, Pk. chiṁpaya— m. ‘cloth—printer’] 1. K. ċhapun ‘to be hidden’; S. chapaṇu ‘to lie hid’; L. (Ju.) chapaṇ ‘to be hidden’, awāṇ. chappuṇ, P. chapṇā; Ku. chāp ‘seal, stamp’; N. chāpnu ‘to cover, impress, print’; A. sāpiba ‘to squeeze, impress, print’; B. chāpā ‘to be concealed, print’; Or. chāpibā ‘to imprint’; Mth. chapab ‘to hide oneself’, chapāeb ‘to cover’, chapā ‘impression, seal’; OAw. chapaï ‘is hidden’, chāpaï ‘impresses’; H. chāpnā ‘to print’ (→ P. chāpṇā, S. chāpaṇu), G. chāpvũ. 2. K. ċhiph, dat. °pi f. ‘hiding’; P. chipṇā ‘to be hid- den’; Ku. chipṇo ‘to vanish’, tr. ‘to hide’; N. chipnu ‘to print cloth’, chipāunu ‘to hide’; A. sipāiba ‘to pre- varicate’; OAw. chīpaï ‘is hidden’; H. chīpnā ‘to print cloth’, chipnā ‘to be hidden’, chipānā ‘to hide’; OMarw. chipāvaï ‘hides’; G. chīpvũ ‘to be quenched’, chīpɔ m. ‘calico printer’. Addenda: *chapp—. 1. WPah.poet. ċhapo m. ‘stamp, hallmark’; kṭg. ċhƏpauṇõ;, °p e uṇõ; ‘to conceal’, J. chapṇu intr. ‘to hide’.
4995 *CHAMBH ‘be firm’. [< IE. *sqembh— ~ skabhnā́ti ‘makes firm’ as in Av. fra—scimbana— ~ fra—skƏmba—] *chambhayati; *ācchabhita—, *ācchambha—, *ācchambhati.
4996 *chambhayati ‘makes firm’. [√*chambh] Pa. chambhēti ‘is stiff (esp. with fear)’; — N. chāmnu ‘to grope, touch, feel’ semant. very doubtful.
4997 *chamma— ‘jingle, sizzle, sparkle’. [Cf. chamaccha- mita— n. ‘crackling’ MārkP.] P. chamakṇā ‘to fry’; N. chamchamnu ‘to tinkle’, chamkanu ‘to sprinkle, flash, be insolent’; B. chamcham ‘startling’; H. chamchamānā ‘to tinkle’; G. chamcham ‘jingling, simmering’, chamakvũ ‘to jingle, walk with airs’; M. samsam f. ‘harassing care’.
5002 *chala— 2 ‘splash’. 2. *chalakka—. 3. *challa—. 4. *challakka—. 1. S. chara f. ‘flood’ (or < *kṣarā—); WPah. ċhalnu ‘to churn (e.g. whey)’; N. chalchali mutnu ‘to micturate through fear’; M. saḷṇẽ ‘to boil up’. 2. P. chalaknā ‘to be spilt’; N. chalakka ‘splashingly’, chalkanu ‘to plash, fluctuate’, chachalkinu ‘to be shaken up in a bottle’; H. chalaknā ‘to be spilt’; G. chaḷkɔ m. ‘splash’. 3. K. ċhāl f. ‘jump’; L. P. chall f. ‘overflowing of water, very heavy rain’; Ku. chalār ‘wave’, N. chāl; H. chāl f. ‘spray, wave’; — Si. älla ‘waterfall, rapids’? 4. S. chalko m. ‘shower of rain’; G. chālak f. ‘wave’, chalkāvũ ‘to be spilt’. *chalakka— ‘splash’ see prec. Addenda: *chala— 2. 2. *chalakka—: WPah.kṭg. chɔ́lkƏṇõ;, chɔ́lƏkṇõ; intr. ‘to splash’ (with ch and —l— ← H. or P.). 5. †;*chāla—: WPah.kṭg. ċhā́ḷ f. (obl. — i ) ‘jump, leap’ Him.I 65 — or < *ut—śāla—, but if so, why not *śwāḷ? *chalakka— see *chala2 Add2.
5007 *chākana— ‘made of dung’, chāgaṇa— m. ‘fire of dried cowdung’ lex. [*chakana—] Pk. chāṇa— n., °ṇī— f. ‘cowdung’; L. chāṇā, (Ju.) chānā m. ‘fine pulverized manure’; P. chāṇā m. ‘cowdung’; - G. chāṇ n. ‘cow or buffalo dung’, chāṇũ n. ‘cowdung cake’ or < *chakana—.
5008 *chākara— ‘made of dung’. [*chakara—] M. sāraviṇẽ ‘to smear with cowdung’ or < *śākara—. chā́ga— m. ‘he—goat’ RV. [See chaga—] *chāgya—. chāgaṇa— see *chākana—. *chāgana— ‘goat’ see *chagana—.
5010 *chāgalya— ‘flock of goats’. [Cf. *ajya— ~ ajá—. - chagalá—] L. chāllā ‘pertaining to goats’, m. ‘flock of goats’, (Ju.) chālā m. *chāggala— ‘pertaining to goats’ see chagalá—.
5011 *chāgya— ‘herd of goats’. [Cf. *ajya— ~ ajá—. — chā́ga—] M. sāgā m. ‘flock of sheep or goats’.
5012 *chācchī ‘buttermilk’. 2. *chāśī—. [chacchikā— f. Bhpr.] 1. S. chāchī f.; Ku. chā̃c(h) ‘whey’, chā̃cṛo ‘rice and whey boiled together’; Mth. chā̃chī ‘earthen pot in which milk is curdled’; OAw. chāchī ‘whey’; H. chāc(h) f. ‘buttermilk’, Marw. chāchī f. 2. Pk. chāsī— f. ‘buttermilk’, S. chāhī f., L. chā f., P. chāh f., WPah. bhad. bhal. pāḍ. ċhāh, pan̓. cur. cam. chāh, jaun. chāś; Ku. chā̃s, chā̃ ‘whey’; H. chāh f. ‘buttermilk’. *chāṭ— ‘scatter’ see *chaṭ—. Addenda: *chācchī—: S.kcch. chāy f. ‘whey, buttermilk’; WPah.kṭg. ċhā́ f. ‘whey, curd mixed with whey’; J. chā f. ‘watery curd’; Garh. chāc ‘buttermilk’.
5013 *chāṇṭ— ‘cut’. L. chāṇḍaṇ ‘to lop’, B. chā̃ṭā, Or. chāṇṭibā, H. chā̃ṭnā (→ P. chā̃ṭṇā, N. chā̃ṭnu), OMarw. chāṭaï (= chāṁṭaï?), G. chā̃ṭvũ; — Bshk. čäṇḍ— ‘to beat’ AO xviii 230 doubts connexion.
5014 *chātti— ‘chest, breast’. S. P. chātī f., Ku. N. B. Or. Mth. chāti; H. chātī, °tiyā f. ‘chest’, °tā m. ‘broad prominent chest’; Marw. chātī, chā̃tī f. ‘chest’, G. chātī f. Addenda: *chātti—: WPah.kṭg. ċhátti f., kc. °te f. ‘chest, mind’.
5019 *chādayati 2 ‘pleases’. [chadáyati ‘seems, seems good, pleases’ RV. — √chad 2] Gy. rum. čal— ‘to please’, gr. rum. hung. čalo ‘satis- fied’: very doubtful. Addenda: chādáyati: WPah.kc. ċhāṇo ‘to cover, spread (blankets)’, J. chā(w)ṇu; Garh. chāṇu ‘to cover (esp. with a roof)’; — Pk. chāyavēi, WPah.kṭg. ċh e/ uṇõ;, ċhɛ̄́ṇõ; ‘to cover, deck, decorate, spread (blankets), thatch’.
5021 *chādikūṭa— ‘heap of ashes’. [chādi—, kūṭa2] Bi. chāur ‘ashes’; Mth. chāur ‘ashes, dust’, chauro ‘ashes’, chaurāṭh ‘ash—heap’ (+?). *chādiya ‘to be used for sheltering’ see chādya—.
5024 *chādyatē or *chadyatē ‘is covered’. [√chad 1] OAw. chājaï ‘is thatched’; N. chājan ‘thatch, shed’; H. chājnā ‘to thatch’, chājan m. ‘thatching’; G. chajāvvũ ‘to get thatched’.
5025 *chādyabhāra— ‘load of thatching material’. [chādya—, bhārá—] M. sāj̈ārā m. ‘load or bundle of thatching grass’.
5026 *chāpa— ‘young one’. [chā— m. ‘young animal’ lex. - Relationship with śāva— not clear though PMWS 67 makes both ← Mu.: very doubtful] Pa. chāpa—, °aka— m., °pī— f. ‘young of an animal’, Pk. chāva— m.; Gy. SEeur. čhavó m. ‘boy’, čhai f. ‘girl’, wel. čavō m., čai f.; K. ċhav m. ‘young of animal, young shoot of plant’; N. chāwā ‘young elephant or camel’; A. sāw, sāwā ‘young of animal or bird’; MB. chāo, B. chā, chā̃ ‘young of animal, infant child’; Or. chā, chuā ‘young of animal’; Bi. chāwā ‘young pig’, chāī ‘young sow’; H. chāwā m. ‘young of any animal, young ele- phant of 10 to 20 years’; OG. chāvaü m. ‘young man’; Si. suva ‘young of animal’. — Various ext.: — —ḍa—: Gy. SEeur. čhavri ‘young chicken’, wel. čavarī f. (pal. čmắri?); Ku. chyauṛo ‘boy’; N. chāuro ‘young of dog, cat, bear, &c.’; A. seurī ‘young female animal’; H. chāwṛā m. ‘young of animal, tiger cub’; — —nn—: Gy. pal. čṓnă m. ‘boy’, čṓni f. ‘girl’; P. chaunā m. ‘young of animal, boy, dwarf’; Ku. chauno ‘lamb, child’; A. sānā ‘young of bird or animal’; B. chānā ‘young of animal’; Bi. chaunā ‘young pig’; H. chāwnā, chaunā m. ‘young of animal, boy, son’; — —la—: A. sawāl ‘boy, son’; B. chāyāl ‘lad, brat’; — —kka—: Gy. arm. čhoki ‘daughter’ or < *chōkka—; — —ṇḍa— (cf. *lavaṇḍa—): Mth. chaũṛ ‘strong robust boy’, chaũṛā ‘boy’; — —ṭṭa—: WPah. jaun. chauṭā m., °ṭī f. ‘baby’. *chāśī— ‘buttermilk’ see *chācchī—. Addenda: *chāpa—: WPah.kṭg. (Khaś tribe) ċh e/ i f. ‘small girl, younger sister’.
5028 *chāyāmaṇḍapa— ‘awning for shade’. [chāyā́—, maṇḍapá—] Or. chāmuṛiā ‘temporary awning, shelter of branches and twigs’ < *chāāṽaṛuā.
5034 *chicchara— ‘quarrelsome’. [Cf. chittvará— ‘hostile’ lex.?] Ku. chicro ‘quarrelsome’; N. chicaro, chicro ‘quick- tempered’; G. chichallũ ‘troublesome’ < °charlũ.
5035 *chiṭ— ‘sudden movement, flash, splash, scatter’. 2. *chiṭṭ—. 3. *chiṇṭ—. [Cf. *chitr— and list of similar words under *chaṭ—] 1. K. chirkāwun ‘to sprinkle’, P. chiṛkaṇā; Mth. chirab ‘to be scattered’; OAw. chirakaï ‘sprinkles’; H. chiṛaknā, M. śiḍakṇẽ. 2. S. chiṭaṇu ‘to sprinkle’; P. chiṭṭ f. ‘sprinkling’; Ku. chiṭo ‘drop of water, lightning’; N. chiṭo ‘drop’, adj. ‘quick’, chiṭnu ‘to sprinkle’, chiṛko ‘spot’; A. siṭ ‘a splash’, siṭā ‘shot’, siṭikiba ‘to be scattered or sprinkled’; B. chiṭā, chiṭkā ‘to scatter, sprinkle’; Or. ch ṭā ‘drop’, chiṭāibā ‘to cause to scatter’, chiṭkibā ‘to scatter with a jerk’; Bi. chiṭab ‘to scatter seed’; Mth. chiṭi ‘whiplash’; OAw. chiṭakaï ‘is sprinkled’; H. chīṭā m. ‘splash’, chiṭaknā ‘to fly back with a spring’; M. śiṭā ‘drop of spray’, śīṭ f. ‘excrement of birds’. 3. Bi. chı̄̃ṭab ‘to scatter seed’; H. chı̄̃ṭnā ‘to scatter, sow’; M. śı̃ṭ f. ‘drop of rain’. *ucchiṭṭ—. *chiṭṭ— ‘scatter’: see prec. *chiṭṭa— ‘thin stick’ see *chaṭa—. Addenda: *chiṭ—. 2. *chiṭṭ—: A. chiṭā (phonet. s—) ‘stain, splash’. 4. †;*chēṭ—: WPah.poet. ċheṛu m.pl. used banter- ingly about small children, J. cheṛu ‘one who stirs’ rather than with Him.I 66 < *chēḍ—1, *chēḍ2. *chiṭṭ— ‘scatter’ see *chiṭ— Add2. CHID: †;*chēdu—.
5036 *chiṭṭā— ‘spotted cloth’. [Cf. *chiṭṭ—, *chaṭ—] Ku. chı̄̃ṭ ‘calico’, N. chiṭ, A. siṭ, B. chiṭ, Or. chiṭa, H. chīṭ, chı̄̃ṭ f. (→ K. chiṭh, dat. °ṭi f., S. chīṭa f., P. chīṭ, chı̄̃ṭ f.); G. chīṭ f. ‘chintz’, M. śīṭ n. *chiṇṭ— ‘scatter’ see *chiṭ—.
5040 *chitr— ‘scatter, sprinkle’. [Cf. *chiṭ— and list of words under *chaṭ—] Kho. (O'Brien) čitro g (= čhi°?) ‘leaking’; S. chiṭraṇu ‘to scatter, sprinkle’, chiṭriṛo ‘thin’; P. chitarnā ‘to be scattered, be spread’; — ext. —— (or —r— in H.): N. chitrinu ‘to be scattered’; H. chitrānā ‘to scatter’; M. śitaḍṇẽ ‘to fall in drops, sprinkle’. CHID ‘cut’: chitti—, chittvará—, chittvā́, *chidati, chidyátē, chidrá—, chinátti, *chindati, chinná—, *chilla—1, chḗttum, chēda—, chēdana—, chēdayati, chēdyatē; avachinna—, *ācchindati, ācchēda—, úcchitti—, úcchinatti, ucchinna—, ucchēdayati, *paricchindati, paricchinna—, paricchēda—, *pra- cchindati, pracchinna—, sáṁchinatti, samucchē da—.
5041 *chidati ‘cuts’. [chidaḥ 2 sg. inj. ŚBr. — √chid] Kt. ċyå̄—, pret. ċinist ‘to tear’; Kho. čhik (1 sg. čhium, pret. očhistam < acchidat, absol. čhiti < *chittvī) intr. ‘to break’; H. chīnā ‘to be torn, be slit, be worn away’, tr. ‘to bite, sting’: rather than < chyáti (*chiyati) ‘cuts off’ Pat.
5044 *chin— ‘sift, sprinkle (< sudden movement?)’. [Mean- ing influenced by forms s.v. √*kṣan 2?] G. chiṇvũ ‘to be sifted’; — S. chiṇkaṇu ‘to sprinkle’, P. chiṇkaṇā; N. chinkanu ‘to sift’; H. chinaknā ‘to winnow’; M. śiṇak f. ‘shooting pain’.
5046 *chindati, chinátti, pl. chindánti ‘cuts off, splits’ RV. [√chid] Pa. chindati, NiDoc. chiṁnati, pp. chiṁnida, Pk. chiṁdaï; Paš. čhind— ‘to cut’, čhindanı̄́, °nā́ ‘knife’; A. sindiba ’to cut’; Or. chindibā ‘to cut off’; Ko. śinda ‘cuts’; Si. sin̆dinavā, hi° ‘to cut off, pluck off (as feathers), press out (as oil)’; — with e from chēdayati &c.: M. śẽdṇẽ ‘to make small cuts in’; — altern. < chinná—: Gy. SEeur. čhin—, eur. čin— ‘to cut’, arm. čhin—, čhƏn—, pal. čin—; Ash. ċenā́—, ċinā́— ‘to divide, put aside, hide’, Wg. ċen— ‘to cut, fell’; Dm. čhin— ‘to cut, break’; Gaw. ċin- ‘to tear’; Woṭ. sin— ‘to cut’; Kal. čhin— ‘to cut, break, fell’; Kho. čhin— ‘to cut, break, pluck’; Bshk. Tor. čin- ‘to cut’; Phal. čhin— ‘to cut, break’. — X saṁdhí— q.v.
5048 *chinnāli— ‘adulteress’. [< ‘having the line broken’ P. Thieme ZDMG 91, 121 who considers chinnā— f. ‘harlot’ lex., Pk. chiṇṇā— f. hypochoristic for *chinnāli- or *chinna—nāsikā—. — chinná—, āli1] Pk. chiṇṇāliā— f. ‘harlot’; P. chināl, °ār (latter ← H.) f. ‘harlot’; Ku. B. chināl ‘unchaste’, Or. chiṇḍāḷa; Mth. chinār ‘wanton’ (→ N. chinār ‘harlot’); Bhoj. Aw. lakh. chināri ‘wanton woman’, H. chināl, °ār f., G. chināḷi f., M. śinaḷ, śı̃daḷ; — masculine deriv. Pk. chinnāla— m. ‘adulterer’; Bhoj. chinār ‘man of bad character’. *chipp— ‘press, cover, hide’ see *chapp—. *chimba— ‘pod’ see śimba—.
5049 *chir— ‘pierce’. N. chirnu ‘to pierce, bore a hole’; A. siriba ‘to tear’ or < chidrá—; M. śirṇẽ ‘to enter forcibly or suddenly’, śirakṇẽ ‘to pierce’. Addenda: *chir— ‘pierce’. 1. A. chiriba (phonet. s—) also ‘to be torn’ AFD 331. 2. *chēr—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċhérnõ; ‘to obsess (of a god), to be obsessed (by a god)’ Him.I 66.
5051 *chilla— 1 ‘torn, cut’. 2. ‘hole’. [< *chidla— ~ chidrá- ‘torn’ RV., n. ‘slit, hole’ VS. and to be separated from, though influenced by, *chilla—2. — √chid] 1. Pk. chillia— ‘torn’ L. A. Schwarzschild JAOS 77, 205; S. chilanu ‘to scale, peel’, L. chillaṇ; P. chillṇā ‘to cut with a knife, peel’; N. chilnu ‘to peel’, B. chilā, H. chīlnā, G. chilvũ; M. śilāṇ n. ‘peelings’. 2. Pk. chilla— n. ‘hole’; M. śīl n. ‘breach in a river bank, place to make a dam’; Si. sila, hi° ‘hole, perfora- tion’ H. Smith JA 1950, 196. Addenda: *chilla— 1 [Same as *chilla—2? ~ chidrá— ext. of chita— ‘cut off, torn’ lex. with —illa— Burrow Tau vii 153]
5052 *chilla— 2 ‘skin, rind’. [Perh. of similar non—Aryan origin as challi— and *chōll— and to be separated from verbs ‘to cut, peel’ s.v. *chilla1] S. chila, °lu f. ‘peel, bark, skin, shell’, chiluru m. ‘fish scale, crust of bread’; L. chill f. ‘skin, bark, rind’, awāṇ. chilluṛ ‘skin, peel’, P. chill, chillak f., chilkā m.; WPah. bhal. ċhil f. ‘bark’; N. chilko ‘crust, rind,s kin of milk’, B. Or. H. chilkā m.; H. chillaṛ m. ‘husk of gram &c.’; Marw. chīlo m. ‘bark’; G. chileṭũ n. ‘bark, peel’. Addenda: *chilla— 2 [Same as *chilla1?] WPah.kṭg. ċhílkɔ m. ‘bark (of trees)’; J. chilṇu ‘to bark, peel’.
5056 *chupta— ‘touched’. [Cf. acchupta— ‘untouched’. - √chup] Pk. chutta—; S. chuto ‘defiled’; Ku. gng. chū̃t ‘touched’; B. chut, °tā ‘unclean’; H. chutahrā ‘defiled by touching.’ — X kṣubdha—: OB. chudha ‘touched, impure’ ODBL 446. — X kṣipta—: Pk. chitta— replaced by chikka—.
5057 *chupti— ‘touch’. [√chup] Pk. chutti— f., P. chūt f., Ku. chūt, gng. chū̃t; N. chut ‘touch, infection’; B. chut, chũt ‘touch, impurity’; Or. chuti ‘contamination by touch’; Mth. chūti ‘touch’; OAw. chūti f. ‘touch of anything impure’, H. chūt f. — X kṣubdha—: B. chūdha ‘impurity the touch of which pollutes’. — Deriv. N. chuti ‘of low caste’.
5058 *chupp— ‘cover, hide’. 2. *chōpp—. [For list of poss. enlargements of IE. *sqeu— see √sku; but cf. *chapp- and *chipp—] 1. P. chupṇā ‘to be hidden’, H. chupnā, G. chupāvũ. 2. Ku. chopṇo ‘to conceal’; N. chopnu ‘to pounce on, cover, hide’; H. chopnā ‘to shut, fill up’; — K. ċhŏpa f. ‘silence’ prob. onom. with *cuppa1.
5059 *chupyatē ‘is touched’. [√chup] Pk. chuppaï; S. chupaṇu ‘to be touched by anything polluted’. — X kṣipyatē: Pk. chippaï ‘is touched’. chúbuka— see cibuka—. CHUR ‘strew’: churayati, chōrayati. churáti ‘cuts’ see kṣuráti.
5062 *chēḍ— 1 ‘make wander’. 2. *chēl—. 1. S. cheṛaṇu ‘to put cattle out to graze’. 2. S. cheraṇu ‘to cause to wander’; N. chelnu ‘to dispel, hide’. *chēḍ— 2 ‘make angry’ see *ciḍ—.
5065 *chēdacihnaka— ‘mark of punctuation’. [chēda—, cihna—] K. ċhyondu , ċhondu m.
5069 *chōka— ‘boy’. 2. *chōkka—. [Cf. *chōkara—] 1. Pk. chōia— m. ‘slave’; G. choṛī f. ‘girl’ (but cf. Pk. chōḍi— f. ‘small’). 2. Gy. arm. čoki ‘girl, daughter’ or ext. of *chāpa—.
5070 *chōkara— ‘boy’. 2. *chōkhara—. 3. *chōkkara—. [Cf. *chōka—] 1. Pk. chōyara— m. ‘boy’; N. choro ‘boy’, °ri ‘girl’, A. sorā, H. chorā m., °rī f., G. chorɔ m., °rī f., °rũ n. ‘brat’. 2. Pk. chōhara— m. ‘boy’, S. chuharu m., °hari, °hiri f., L. chohur m., °hir f., awāṇ. chòr, P. chohar, °hrā m., °hrī f., chuhur, °rā m., H. chohrā m. 3. K. chūkur m. ‘lad’, chūkürü f. ‘goodlooking girl’ (← Ind.); S. chokaru m. ‘boy’, °ri f. ‘girl’; P. chokrā m. ‘boy’, WPah. bhal. chokru, pl. °rā̃ n., B. chokrā m., chukri f., Or. chokarā m., H. chokrā (→ Mth. chokaṛā, N. chokaṛā), °rī f., G. chokrɔ m., M. sokrā m. *chōkka— ‘boy’ see *chōka—. *chōkkara—, *chōkhara— ‘boy’ see *chōkara—. Addenda: *chōkara—: WPah.kc. ċhoru m. ‘child, boy’.
5071 *chōṭṭa— ‘small’. [→ Ir. Zebaki čuṭ ‘small’ Rep1 79. Cf. Pk. chōḍi— f. ‘small’ (< *chōṭa—?): for other poss. connections in IA. see *culla2] Sh. gil. ċhŭṭŭ́ m. ‘dwarf’ (← K.?), koh. čōṭ m. ‘lie’ Morgenstierne Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift xli 35, 3, 37 (semant. cf. alīka— ~ N. ali ‘a little’, and similar range of meaning in ‘defective’ word—groups, e.g. *laṭṭa1); K. ċhọ̆ṭu ‘short, small’, L. choṭā, P. choṭṭā, Ku. choṭo, gng. ċhwaṭ; N. choṭo ‘small, mean’; A. soṭ ‘low—grade’, suṭā ‘deficient’; B. Or. choṭa ‘small’, Mth. choṭ, °ṭā, Aw. lakh. choṭ, H. choṭā, G. choṭũ; Si. hoṭē ‘very small (of cocoanuts &c.)’. — Kho. (Lor.) čurtu ‘tailless’, Or. choṭā ‘lame, crippled’ < *chōrta—? *ucchōṭṭa—. *chōpp— ‘cover, hide’ see *chupp—. Addenda: †;*chōṭa— ‘small’. 1. Pk. chōḍī— f. ‘small’, WPah.kc. ċhoṛe f. ‘girl’. 2. *chōṭṭa— ‘small’: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ċhóṭṭɔ ‘small’; kṭg. ċhṓṭu ‘boy, son’, ċhṓṭi ‘girl, daughter’, J. chō'ṭī, kc. ċhoṭe f. (but these are, according to Him.I 68 of different origin from *chōṭṭa— ‘small’ as also kc. ċhoru ‘boy, son’ poss. < *chōkhara— or *chōkara—). 3. †;*cōṭa— 2 ‘small’: Pk. cōḍī— f. ‘small’; G. coṛī f. ‘girl’. 4. †;*cuṭṭa— ‘small’: A. cuṭi (phonet. suti) ‘dwarfish’. — Cf. cúṇḍati, culla—2, †;cūḍa3.
5072 *chōra— ‘orphan’. [Cf. *śō2] Gy. gr. čoró ‘poor, orphaned’, rum. čor— ‘to orphan’, wel. čō̆rō ‘poor, unfortunate’; S. choro m. ‘orphan’; L. chorā ‘orphaned’; Ku. choro ‘orphan boy’. chōrayati see churayati. Addenda: *chōra— [< *chōkhara— or *chōkara—?]
5073 *chōll— ‘to peel, skin’. [← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 141, but cf. also challi— and *chilla2] Pk. chollaï ‘skins’; Gy. SEeur. čhol—, gr. čol— ‘to peel, cut out’, arm. čhol— ‘to destroy’; Ku. cholṇo ‘to peel a fruit’, gng. ċholaṇ ‘to cut’; N. lā̃ṛo cholnu ‘to mastur- bate’; B. cholā ‘to skin’, chuli ‘skin—disease’; Or. cholā adj. ‘having rind removed’, sb. ‘gram (husked?)’; H. cholnā ‘to cut, peel, scrape’; G. cholvũ ‘to peel, skin’, chol f. ‘peel, bark’; M. solṇẽ ‘to skin’, solā m. ‘shelled pea’; — Sh. čol m. ‘skin’? Addenda: *chōll— [MIA. ext. with —ulla— of chyáti to *chaülla- > Pk. chollaï Burrow Tau vii] S.kcch. cholṇū ‘to scrape’; WPah.kṭg. ċhólṇõ; ‘to scratch, cut’.
5074 *chōhāra— ‘date palm and its fruit’. S. chuhāro m. ‘a kind of date’; P. chuhārā m. ‘date palm’; N. choharā, °horo ‘dried date’, A. sohārā, °horā, B. chohārā, Or. H. chuhārā, chuā° m. chyáti see *chidati. [√chō]
5075 *jakka— ‘hair’. 2. *jagga—. [See jáṭā—] 1. Sh. ǰăkŭr m. ‘hair on head and body’; K. zọ̆ku m. ‘hair of female privities’. 2. P. jagoṭā m. ‘plaited hair worn round loins by faqirs’; N. jagar ‘mane’, jagaṭo ‘tangled hair’, jagalṭo ‘matted and dishevelled hair’.
5076 *jag— ‘glitter’. [Cf. *jhakk3] P. jagjagāṭ, jagmag f. ‘glitter’, jagmagāuṇā ‘to glitter’, N. jagmag, jagmagāunu; B. jagjagā ‘dazzle’; Or. jaka ‘brilliance’, jakajaka ‘dazzle’, H. jagmag f., jagjagānā. *jagga— ‘hair’ see *jakka—.
5084 *jaṅghiya— ‘belonging to the shank’. [jáṅghā—] Bshk. ǰēṅg ‘shin—bone’. *jacca— ‘hair’ see *jatta—.
5085 *jañjāla— ‘worry, affairs’. Kho. (Lor.) *l nǰal ‘quarrel’; P. jãjāl m. ‘disorder’ (→ S. jañjā̆lu m.); Ku. jãjāl ‘business’; N. jañjāl ‘affairs, family, children’; B. jañjāl ‘disorder, rubbish’, Or. jañjāḷa; Mth. jãjāl ‘trouble’; H. jañjāl m. ‘worries’; G. jãjāḷ m. ‘disorder’, M. j̈ãj̈āḷ m.
5089 *jaṭṭa— 2 ‘name of a tribe or people’. [Cf. jartika— m. ‘name of a people’ MBh.] Gy. as. zatt, (Firdausi) zott ‘gypsies of Arabia and Syria’; S. jaṭu m. ‘Sindhi peasant, Musulman’; L. P. jaṭṭ m., jaṭṭī f. ‘a Jāṭ’, H. jāṭ m.
5091 *jaḍati ‘joins, sets’. 2. *jāḍa— ‘joining, pair’. [← Drav. LM 333] 1. Pk. jaḍia— ‘set (of jewels), joined’; K. jarun ‘to set jewels’ (← Ind.); S. jaṛaṇu ‘to join, rivet, set’, jaṛa f. ‘rivet, boundary between two fields’; P. jaṛāuṇā ‘to have fastened or set’; A. zarāiba ‘to collect’; B. jaṛāna ‘to set jewels, wrap round, entangle’, jaṛ ‘heaped together’; Or. jaṛibā ‘to unite’; OAw. jaraï ‘sets jewels, bedecks’; H. jaṛnā ‘to join, stick in, set’ (→ N. jaṛnu ‘to set, be set’); OMarw. jaṛāū ‘inlaid’; G. jaṛvũ ‘to join, meet with, set jewels’; M. j̈aḍṇẽ ‘to join, connect, inlay, be firmly established’, j̈aṭṇẽ ‘to combine, confederate’. 2. S. jāṛo m. ‘twin’, L. P. jāṛā m.; M. j̈āḍī f. ‘a double yoke’. *jaḍḍa—, jáḍhu— ‘dull, cold’ see jaḍa—. Addenda: *jaḍati [Burrow Shwa 63 yátatē ‘places himself in the right position’ RV. with spontaneous cerebraliza- tion > *yaṭati > Pk. jaḍaï whence Sk. jaḍita- ‘studded with jewels’. According to Burrow < IE. *yéteti ‘fixes’, Toch. yā̆t— ‘to decorate’, yatwe ‘decora- tion’; see also yātyatē Add2]
5092 *jaṇṭa— ‘a kind of tree’. L. P. jaṇḍ m. ‘Prosopis spicigera’, jaṇḍī f. ‘a small variety’; H. jā̃ṭ m. ‘P. spicigera’.
5094 *jatughara— ‘house plastered with lac and other com- bustible materials for burning people alive in’. [Cf. jatugr̥ha— n. MBh. — játu—, ghara—] H. jauhar, joh°, jūh° m. ‘taking one's own life’; Marw. jauhar → G. jauhar n. ‘ceremony of burning women alive’. jatumaṇi— see jaṭula—. Addenda: *jatughara— see †;jyōtkāra—.
5095 *jatta— ‘hair’. 2. *jatra—. 3. *jacca—. [For list of poss. connected words see jáṭā—] 1. Ḍ. ǰāt ‘hair of head’; Sh. gil. (Lor.) ǰat ‘hair of animals’; S. j̄ati f. ‘soft downy hair’; L. jatt, (Ju.) j̄at f. ‘goat's or camel's hair, sheep's wool, short hair on body’, awāṇ. jat ‘goat's hair’; WPah. bhal. j̈at f. ‘hair’. 2. Tor. ǰaṣ ‘goat's hair’ < *ǰac̣? 3. Kal. ǰäč ‘goat's hair’, Kho. zoč; Woṭ. zas ‘hair’ < *zaċ? *jatra— ‘hair’ see prec. Addenda: *jatta—, cf. jarta— ‘hairy’ Candra Uṇ.
5097 *jadas— ‘vulva’. [Cf. Av. zadah— ‘podex’] Pr. zúlu ‘vulva’. JAN ‘be born’: ja—, jána—, janana—, jananī—, janáyati, jáni—, janita—, janítra—, janitrī—, jániman—, janús—, *janti—, jantú—, *jantra—, jánman—, jánya—, janyatē, jā́—, jātá—, jāti—, *jātiya—, jā́tya—, *jānayati, jāni—, jānya—, jā́yatē, jāyā́—, jñātí—1, jñātitva—, *jñātra—; ā́jāyatē, újjāyatē, nijá—, prajana—, prájanayati, prájāta—, prájāyatē, *vijanā—, *vijanati, vijanman—, vijāta—, *vijātra—, víjāyatē. Addenda: *jadas—: delete entry (see Add. 14514). JAN: †;*jn̄a2.
5109 *janti— ‘birth’. [√jan] Kt. zut ‘birth’; Pr. zwāt, zōt ‘lying—in house (?)’ NTS xv 281.
5112 *janmadāna— ‘birth’. [Cf. janmada— m. ‘progenitor’ Śak. — jánman—, dā́na—] Paš. ǰamā́n ‘birth’ IIFL iii 3, 82.
5115 *janmita— ‘born’. [jánman—] Pk. jammia—; P. jammı̄̃ ‘born, flourishing’. *navajanmita—.
5119 *janyavāsa— ‘lodging of bridegroom's party’. [jánya—, vāsá2] Bi. janwā̃sā ‘lodging the wedding procession’, Mth. janmāsā; OAw. janavāsa ‘place at the bride's home where the groom's party is received’, lakh. janwās ‘the groom's party’; H. janwās, °wāsā, °wā̃sā m. ‘the place where it is received’; M. j̈anavsā, j̈anivsā m. ‘lodging of the groom's party’. JAP ‘mutter’: jápati, japita—, *japyati. Addenda: *janyavāsa—: rather †;*janyāvāsa— as in OG. jānāvāsaü ŚSB.
5122 *japp— ‘to squeeze, press’. [Cf. *capp—] Pa. jappā— f. ‘attachment, lust’, jappati ‘longs for’ (= pajappā—, pajappati); B. jāpṭā ‘to hold tight, em- brace’; Or. jāpibā ‘to press, squeeze’, jāpaṭibā ‘to hold tight’; Si. dapa ‘sexual union’.
5123 *japyati ‘mutters, speaks’. [√jap] K. pog. zapun (pp. < japita—) ‘to say’, kash. zabunŭ , ḍoḍ. zabṇō.
5124 *jabbu— ‘network muzzle’. WPah. bhiḍ. e bõ;, pl. —u n. ‘muzzle for cattle’; N. jābi ‘network muzzle’, Bi. jāb, jābā ‘id.’, jabrā ‘small grain store’ (semant. cf. vakṣaskāra— in Bi.), Mth. jābī, H. jāb m., jābī f.; — P. jhābū m. ‘muzzle for horse or ox’, chābbū m. ‘id., small basket’. JABH ‘bite’: jábhatē, jámbha—, jámbhatē. Addenda: *jabbu— see chádman— Add2.
5133 *jambukāṣṭha— ‘jambu—wood’. [jambú—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. jamwaṭ, jamoṭ ‘wooden base of the cylinder of a well made of wood of Eugenia jambolana’.
5135 *jamburukṣa— ‘Eugenia jambolana’. [jambú—, *rukṣa—] Pa. jamburukkha— m. ‘E. jambolana’; G. jamrukh n. ‘a guava’, jamrukhī, °khṛī f. ‘guava tree’. *jamburulla— ‘a tree’ see jambula—.
5139 *jambhahaḍḍa— ‘jaw—bone’. [jámbha—, haḍḍa—] H. jabhṛā, jābṛā m. ‘jaw—bone, lower jaw’ (or —ḍa— ext. of jámbha—); M. j̈ā̃bhāḍ, j̈ābh°, j̈ābāḍ, j̈ā̃bhāḍẽ n. ‘jaw, cheek; — dābhāḍ n. X dāḍh < *dāṁṣṭra—. jambhin—, jambhīra— see jambīra—.
5140 *jamm— ‘be bright’. [Cf. *jhamm3] N. jamkanu ‘to look bright’; B. H. jamak f. ‘brilliance’; B. jamakā ‘to be bright, flourish’, H. jamaknā ‘to be bright’. Addenda: *jamm—: WPah.kṭg. jamṇõ; ‘to be hot, get enraged, (of ear) experience a burning sensation’ (lw. with j—? - but cf. jhamm4), j̈Əmauṇõ; ‘to kindle’.
5142 *jayakāra— ‘song of victory’. [jayá—, kārá2] Pk. jaokkāra— m. ‘salutation’ (< *jayuṣkāra—??); M. j̈ohār ‘salutation to a superior’; H. johār f. ‘falling down at the feet in salutation’ J. Bloch Kunhan Raja Pre- sentation Vol. 129; — extremely doubtful. Addenda: *jayakāra—, Pk. jekkāra— m. ‘shout of victory’ replacing earlier †;jyōtkāra—, Pk. jokkāra—.
5153 *jarōṣṭra— ‘old camel’. [jára—, úṣṭra—] L. jharoṭ m. ‘useless old female camel’.
5156 *jaladīvi— ‘a water—bird’. [jala—, dīvi—] N. jalewā ‘a partic. kind of river bird’: very doubtful.
5159 *jalasthala— ‘water surface’. [Cf. jalasthāna— n. ‘lake’ MBh. — jala—, sthála—] P. jalthal m. ‘broad sheet of water’; N. jalthal ‘flood’; H. jalthal, jalṭhal m. ‘sheet of water’. jalāyukā— see jalūkā—.
5165 *jalya— ‘collection of water’. [jala—] Pa. jalla— n. ‘moisture, wet dirt, sweat (usu. rajō—j°, sēda—j°)’, jallikā— f. ‘drop (of sweat), dirt’; H. jallā m. ‘mass of water, reservoir’; Si däli ‘dirt’. jáḷhu— see jaḍa—.
5167 *javacāra— ‘flood—tide’. 2. *javacāla—. [Cf. jūtí— f. ‘flowing without interruption’ AV. — javá—, cāra2 and cāla2] 1. S. juhāro m. ‘high tide’; N. juwār ‘flood—tide in a river’, A. zowār; B. joyār ‘high tide’, Or. juāra; H. juwār, jawār, jwār m. ‘flood—tide’. 2. G. juāḷ m. ‘tide’.
5170 *jasana— ‘exhaustion’. [√jas] A. zahanī ‘cholera’.
5171 *jasara— ‘tired’. [Cf. jásu— f. ‘exhaustion’, jásuri- ‘starved’, ájasra— ‘perpetual’ RV. — √jas] L. jahrā m., °rī f. ‘an old person’ or < *jaratha—. jásuri— see prec.
5176 *jāgradrātra— ‘sleepless night’. [jā́grat—, rā́tri—] L. (Shahpur) jaǥrātā m.
5178 *jāṅgha— ‘relating to the leg’. 2. jāṅghika— W. [jáṅghā—] 1. S. j̄ā̃gho ‘relating to the leg’; L. (Ju.) j̄ā̃ghil ‘long- legged’. 2. P. jāṅghiā m. ‘short breeches’; N. jā̃ghiyā ‘drawers’, B. jāṅiyā, Or. jaṅghiā, H. jā̃ghiyā m., G. jā̃ghiyɔ m.
5181 *jāḍyadhānya— ‘winter rice’. [jā́ḍya—, dhānyà—] Bhoj. jaṛahan ‘winter rice’; H. jaṛhan m. ‘rice reaped at the end of the Rains’.
5184 *jātavāla— ‘new—born baby's hair’. [jātá—, vā́la—] M. j̈āvaḷ n. ‘hair of a child before it is shaved, cere- mony of cutting it’.
5186 *jātipattrikā— ‘horoscope’. [jāti—, páttra—] MB. jāyati ‘horoscope’. *jātiya— see jā́tya—.
5192 *jānayati ‘begets, bears’. [~ janáyati. — √jan] Pa. jānēti ‘begets’; Kho. ǰan— ‘to bear (?)’; — altern. < janyatē: Gy. wel. ǰan— ‘to bear, be born’; Si. inscr. dänä absol. ‘having been born’.
5196 *jānuvāmaya— ‘disease of the knee’. [jā́nu—, āmaya- (2nd member of cmpd. with ákṣi—, pr̥ṣṭhá—, śīrṣá—, hŕ̥daya—)] H. jānuwā̃ m. ‘disease affecting knees of an elephant.’
5199 *jāmātr̥bhaginī— ‘daughter's husband's sister’. [jā́mātr̥—, bhaginī—] M. j̈āvaīṇ f.
5202 *jāmipati— ‘husband's sister's husband’. [jāmí—, páti—] K. zömiyĕ m.
5204a *jāyantī— Add. 14518.
5207 *jārakuḍa— ‘paramour's son’. [jārá—, *kuḍa1] Kho. (Lor.) *l rōḷi ‘bastard, illegitimate’.
5210 *jāravr̥tti— ‘adultery’. [jārá—, vr̥tti—] WPah. paṅ. jaroṭī ‘debauchery’.
5215 *jāladhārin— ‘net holder’. [jā́la—, dhārin—] N. jalahāri ‘fisherman’.
5216 *jālākkha— ‘net bag’. [jā́la—, *akkha—] Ext. —ḍa—: Bi. Mth. jalakhrī ‘cord net for carrying goods on the head’.
5220 *jāsa— ‘exhaustion’. [√jas] A. zāh niyāiba ‘to digest, decompose’.
5229 *jihvākīla— ‘tongue—like post’. [jihvā́—, kīla—] Bi. jibhelā ‘right—hand post passing through roller of loom and preventing it from turning’, Mth. (SE Tirhut) jihelā, (NE) jihlā.
5231 *jihviya— ‘pertaining to or like a tongue’. [jihvā́—] Pk. jibbhiyā— f. ‘tongue, something shaped like a tongue’; S. j̄ibhī f. ‘flame’; N. Or. jibhi ‘tongue scraper’, H. jībhī f.; G. jībhī f. ‘sail hung on foremast’. Addenda: *jihviya—: S.kcch. jibbhī f. ‘dry saliva on the tongue’.
5232 *jījja— ‘nursery word for breast, mother, sister, relative’. [Cf. *diddā—] Paš. lauṛ. ǰīǰı̄́ ‘elder sister’, ar. ǰíǰi ‘husband's brother's wife’; S. jījā, jījī ‘affectionate term for mother, aunt, &c.’, jījali ‘do. for mother’; P. jījjā, jījā m. ‘sister's husband, child, bridegroom’, jījī f. ‘woman's breast for suckling, girl, bride’, ḍog. j̈īj̈ā m. ‘sister's husband’; N. jiju ‘great—grandfather’; Or. jeji ‘grandfather, grandmother’; H. jījī, jijjī, jijī, jijiyā f. ‘breast, elder sister, wet—nurse’, jījā m. ‘sister's husband’; G. jijī f. ‘mother’, jījī—mā f. ‘grandmother’, jījɔ m. ‘grandfather’, jījī—bā f. ‘husband's sister’; M. jijī f. ‘elder sister’.
5235 *jīrati ‘grows old’. [~ *jhirati 2: replaces jı̄́ryati AV. — √jr̥̄ 1] Pa. jīrati ‘grows old, is digested’; Pk. jīraï ‘becomes old or worn out’, jīravaï ‘digests’; P. jīrnā ‘to be absorbed (of water)’; G. *jīrvũ whence caus. jeravvũ ‘to digest’; M. jirṇẽ ‘to be absorbed, be digested’; Si. diranavā ‘to decay, rot’, caus. diravanavā; — K. (Elmslie) "zirin" ‘old man’, Si. diriṇi ‘old woman’ prob. with LM 335 < *jīraṇa—. — L. jīvaraṇ, jīuraṇ ‘(water) to be absorbed’, P. jīvarnā, jīurnā are obscure.
5236 *jīrayati ‘digests’. [√jr̥̄ 1] Pa. jīrēti, jīrāpēti ‘works out (e.g. wages), digests’; B. jirāna ‘to rest, repose’; Or. jireibā ‘to rest after a meal’; G. jiravvũ ‘to digest’; — A. zirni ‘rest’, B. jiren. Addenda: *jīrayati: Md. direnī ‘is digested’, diruvanī ‘digests’.
5249 *jīvāpatya— ‘having live offspring’. [Cf. jīváputra- RV., jīvapraja— ĀśvGr̥. — jīvá—1, ápatya—] B. jẽāc ‘woman whose child is living’ (ODBL 471 < *jīvitāpatya—).
5251 *jīvavāṭī— ‘garden for livelihood’. [jīvá—1, vāṭa1] OSi. [ji]väl ‘land granted for maintenance as reward for service’, Si. divela ‘id., pay’. *jīvāla— ‘alive’ see jīvalá—. jīvālā— see jīvalā́—.
5253 *jīvitra— ‘life’. [√jīv] G. jivtar n. ‘life’.
5254 *juṅgha— ‘beard, moustache’. 2. *cuṅgha—. [Cf. *phuṅgha—. — ← Drav. cf. Kan. juṅgu ‘pubic hair’?] 1. Ku. jūṅā ‘moustache’, N. jũghā, juṅā. 2. Kal. rumb. čuṅ ‘beard’. *juṇṭa— ‘hair’ see jūṭa—. *juvāla— ‘flame’ see jvālá—. JUṢ ‘enjoy’: juṣṭá—1, júṣṭi—, jṓṣati, jṓṣṭr̥—; *ājuṣṭa—.
5257 *juṣṭidhāna— ‘depository for remnants of meals’. [júṣṭi—, dhā́na—] N. juṭhyān ‘dunghill’. juhū́— see jihvā́—. ‘hasten’: javá—, jávatē; *ujjavati, *ujjavana—.
5259 *jūrati ‘is angry’ (jū́ryatē ‘hurts, is angry with’ Dhātup.). [Cf. jūrṇí— f. ‘glowing fire’ RV. — √jvar] Pk. jūraï ‘hurts’, jūlaï ‘is angry’, jūrāvia— ‘angered’, jūraṇa— n. ‘flame, abuse’; Pr. žorƏ— ‘to get angry’.
5261 *jūrṇatara— ‘rather old’. [jūrṇá—] M. j̈uner, °rẽ n. ‘old article of apparel’.
5262 *jūrṇapattra— ‘having old leaves’. [jūrṇá—, páttra—] M. j̈unvat f. ‘mature leaves’ esp. of nāgvallī (from which f. gender derives).
5263 *jūrṇaparṇa— ‘having old leaves’. [jūrṇá—, parṇá—] M. j̈unvan ‘mature (of leaves), old (of tree or plant)’. JR̥MBH ‘yawn’: jr̥mbhaṇa—, jŕ̥mbhatē, *jr̥mbhāyita—; víjr̥mbhatē; — √jabh.
5266 *jr̥mbhāyita— ‘yawned, yawning’. [See jŕ̥mbhatē. - √jr̥mbh] Pk. jaṁbhāia— n. ‘yawn’, Dm. žāmai, Phal. ǰāmäi, ǰāmã̤e, P. jamhāī f., Ku. jamhaī, jamaī, N. jamāi, H. jãbhāī, jamhāī f. JR̥̄ 1 ‘grow old, waste away’: jára—, jaraṇá—1, jaraṇa—2, jaraṇā́—, járati, jarā́—, jarā́yu—, jarjára—, jāraṇa—, jāráyati, *jīrati, *jīrayati, jīrṇá—, jūrṇá—; *ajr̥ta—, parijūrṇa—; — √*jhr̥̄. JR̥̄ 2 ‘praise’ see √gr̥̄ 3. Addenda: *jr̥mbhāyita—: WPah.kc. j̈Əmhaı̃ f. ‘yawning’, J. jmhāi f., OM. jāmbhaī f. (< jr̥mbhā—, jambhakā— Master GrOM §77), Ko. j̈āmbhai.
5269 *jēmanakāri— ‘making a meal’. [jēmana—, kāri—] Ku. jyūṇār ‘feast’, N. jiunār, OAw. jevanāra f., H. jewnār, jionār, jaunār f., jẽwnārā m.
5270 *jēmanapattra— ‘leaf used for eating off’. [jēmana—, páttra—] M. jevaṇvat n. *jōkkā—, *jōṅkā— ‘leech’ see jalūkā—.
5277 *jñāti— 2 ‘knowledge’. [√jñā] Pk. ṇāi— f. ‘knowledge’; — Ap. ṇāi, ṇāvaï ‘like, as if’; H. nāı̄̃ (later with ) ‘like, after the manner of’: rather < jñāyatē (jñāpayati). Addenda: *jñāti—2: delete entry (see nyāyá— Add2).
5278 *jñātighara— ‘kinsman's house’. [jñātí—1, ghara—] Pa. ñātighara— n. ‘paternal home’; B. nāyer, lāihar, °hor ‘wife's father's house’, Bi. naihar, nahirā, Mth. naihar, nehrā, Bhoj. Aw. lakh. H. naihar m. jñātitva— n. ‘kinship’ Mn.: see next. Addenda: *jñātighara—: Brj. naihar m. ‘wife's father's house’.
5279 *jñātra— ‘kinship, kinsman’. [Cf. jñātí—1. — √jan] Ku. nāto ‘acquaintance’; N. nāto ‘relationship’, nātā- gotā ‘relatives’; Aw. lakh. nāt ‘relative’; H. nāt, nātā ‘kinship, alliance’, nāt m. ‘kinsman’; OG. nātaraü m. ‘relationship, betrothal’, nātrā m. pl. ‘kin’, G. nātrũ n. ‘widow's relationship as mistress’, nātũ n., nātɔ m. ‘kin- ship’, M. nātẽ n. — S. nāto m. ‘kinship’, L. awāṇ. nātā; P. nāttā m. ‘kinship, relative’; WPah. bhal. nāto m. ‘wife's brother’, bhiḍ. n e_ töṭu n. ‘young relative’ are ← Centre rather than < *jñātatva— (jñātitva— LM 357) der. from *jñāta— ‘kinsman’ in Pa. ñātaka—, which would not account for G. Addenda: *jñātra—: WPah.kṭg. nattɔ m. ‘community of relations’, J. nātā ‘relative’ (both ← H.).
5280 *jñātrajāni— ‘kinsman's wife’. [*jñātra—, jāni—] WPah. bhal. naṭṭḷiāṇi f. ‘wife's brother's wife’. jñātvā see jānā́ti.
5287 *jyēṣṭhajāni— ‘senior wife’. 2. ‘elder brother's wife’. [jyḗstha—, jāni—] 1. K. ziṭhöñü f. ‘senior wife of a polygamous man’. 2. Pk. jiṭṭhāṇī— f. ‘husband's elder brother's wife’, S. jeṭhāṇī f., P. jiṭhāṇī, jaṭh° f., WPah. bhal. j̈aṭṭhāṇi, Ku. jeṭhāṇī (whence jeṭhāṇo ‘husband's elder brother’), N. jeṭhāni (whence jeṭhān ‘wife's elder brother’), Aw. lakh. H. jeṭhānī f., G. jeṭhāṇī f.
5290 *jyēṣṭaduhitr̥— ‘elder's daughter’. [jyḗṣṭha—, duhitŕ̥—] P. ḍog. j̈aṭhī f. ‘husband's elder brother's daughter’.
5291 *jyēṣṭhaputra— ‘elder's son’. 2. ‘eldest son’. [jyḗṣṭha—, putrá1] 1. L. jaṭhuttur m. ‘husband's elder brother's son’, P. jaṭhutt, jiṭhut m., ḍog. j̈aṭhuttar m.; A. zeṭhot ‘husband's eldest brother’; B. jeṭhutā ‘father's elder brother's children’; Bhoj. jeṭhaut ‘husband's elder brother's son’, H. jeṭhaut, °tā m. 2. Mth. jeṭhautī ‘eldest son's share’.
5292 *jyēṣṭhavaṇṭa— ‘elder's share’. [jyḗṣṭha—, vaṇṭa1] Ku. jeṭhaun ‘elder brother's share’, H. jeṭhuṇḍā m. (← NW dial.?). jyēṣṭhī— see jyaiṣṭhī—.
5294 *jyaiṣṭhaka— ‘pertaining to May—June’. [jyaiṣṭha—] L. jeṭhā ‘early (of crops)’, N. jeṭho ‘belonging to the month Jeṭh’.
5297 *jyōtiḥśālā— ‘fire room’. [jyṓtis—, śā́lā—] A. zuhāl ‘fireplace’.
5310 *jvalyatē ‘is burnt’. [√jval] Cf. Ap. saṁjallia— ‘angered, abusive’; L. jallaṇ ‘to be burnt, to burn’; — S. jalaṇu intr. ‘to burn’ with j— more prob. ← P.
5311 *jvāra— ‘burning’. [~ jvālá—. — √jvar] Phal. ǰār ‘fever’ (or < jvará—); H. jār m. ‘vehemence, virulence’. *tr̥tīyakajvāra—.
5313 *jvālana— ‘kindling’. [√jval] K. zālun m. ‘fuel’; Bhoj. jāran ‘burning of spices’; H. jāran m. ‘firewood’; M. j̈āḷaṇ n. ‘fuel’.
5316 *jhakk— 1 ‘sudden movement or blast’. 2. *jhakkōl—. [Cf. Sk. jhag—iti ‘suddenly’ S. M. Katre Calcutta Oriental Journal i 100] 1. S. jhaka f. ‘storm of wind’; P. jhakk m. ‘dust- storm’, jhakk(h)aṛ m. ‘squall’, jhakṇā ‘to be passionate’; Ku. jhā̃ko ‘fit of anger, epilepsy’; N. jhāk—jhuk ‘acci- dent’; A. zãk ‘sudden fit of anger’; B. jhā̃kan ‘jerking, passionate reproof’; Or. jhā̃ka ‘fit of rage’; H. jhakkaṛ ‘sudden blast’ (→ N. jhakkaṛ ‘storm’); — L. jhakkaṇ ‘to shrink back, be afraid’; N. jhakjhakāunu ‘to jog’. 2. S. jhakora f. ‘downpour of rain’; P. jhakolṇā ‘to shake’, H. jhakolnā, jhakornā; G. jhakoḷ f. ‘rainstorm’. Addenda: *jhakk—1: Ko. j̈hāṅki ‘ribald speech’.
5317 *jhakk— 2 ‘cover’. [Cf. *jhakk1 and similar range of meaning between *jhapp—1, *jhamp1 and *jhapp—2, *jhamp2] Bi. jhaknā ‘cover of a grain pot’; M. j̈hākṇẽ ‘to cover’.
5318 *jhakk— 3 ‘flash, shine’. 2. *jhaṅk— 2. 3. *jhagg—. [Same as *jhakk1? — Cf. jhagajhagāyatē ‘flashes’ DevīP.] 1. N. jhak—jhak ‘splendour’, jhakkalo ‘showy’, jhaka—makka ‘shining’; A. zak—mak ‘brightness’, B. jhak—jhak, —mak; Or. jhaka ‘glitter’, jhak—jhak ‘bright- ness’, jhakamaki ‘flint stone’; H. jhak ‘bright’, jhak—jhak ‘splendour’; M. j̈hakṇẽ ‘to be dazzled’, j̈hak—mag f. ‘brilliance’. 2. Pk. jhaṁkaï ‘is burnt’; K. zongu m. ‘fire, esp. a great blaze’; A. zãk—zãk ‘glittering’. 3. S. jhaǥi—maǥi f. ‘brightness’; G. jhag—jhag, —mag ‘brightly’; M. j̈hag—j̈hag f. ‘brilliance’; — cf. Pk. jaga- jagaṁta— ‘shining’. Addenda: *jhakk— 3. 3. *jhagg—: Ko. j̈hagj̈hagi ‘shining, polished’. *jhakk— 5 ‘clump’ see *jhaṅk1. Add2.
5319 *jhakk— 4 ‘obstinacy’. P. jhakk m. ‘doubt’; N. jhakki ‘intolerant of in- justice’, jhakkaṛ ‘obstinate person’; H. jhakkī, °kaṛ ‘stubborn’, M. j̈hakkaḍ. *jhakk— 5 ‘clump’ see *jhaṅk1. *jhakkā— ‘froth’ see *jhaggā—.
5320 *jhakkh— ‘babble’. [Onom.?] Pk. jhakkhia— n. ‘reproach’, jhaṁkhaï ‘babbles, re- proaches’; S. jhakaṇu ‘to chatter, gabble’. jhagajhagāyatē see *jhakk3.
5321 *jhagaḍ— ‘quarrel’. 2. *jhaggaḍ—. 3. *jhaggaṭṭ—. 1. Pk. jhagaḍa— m. ‘quarrel’ (cf. jagaḍaṁta— ‘quarrel- ling’); S. jheṛo m. ‘quarrel’, L. P. jheṛā m.; L. jheṛaṇ ‘to quarrel’. 2. S. jhaǥiṛo m. ‘quarrel’, jhaǥiṛaṇu ‘to quarrel’, L. jhagṛaṇ, P. jhagṛā m., jhagaṛṇā, WPah. pan̓. jhagaṛṇā, Ku. jhagṛo, N. jhagrā—sagrā, jhagranu, B. jhagṛā, Or. jhagaṛā, H. jhagṛā m., jhagaṛnā, Marw. jhagṛo, G. jhagṛɔ, jhaghṛɔ m., jhaghaṛvũ, M. j̈hagḍā m., j̈hagaḍṇẽ. 3. M. j̈hagaṭṇẽ ‘to collide with, seize violently’. *jhaggaṭṭ—, *jhaggaḍ— ‘quarrel’ see prec. Addenda: *jhagaḍ—. 2. *jhaggaḍ—: S.kcch. jaghaṛṇū ‘to quarrel’; WPah.kc. j̈hɔgṛo m. ‘quarrel’ prob. ← H. (Him.I 77). *jhagg— ‘shine’ see *jhakk3. *jhaggaḍ— ‘quarrel’ see *jhagaḍ— Add2.
5322 *jhaggā— ‘froth, scum’. 2. *jhakkā—. 1. S. jhaǥa f. ‘froth, scum, suds’; L. jhagg, f. ‘foam’, (Ju.) jhaǥ f. ‘foam, saliva’, jhaǥaṇ ‘to churn’, jhaǥǥā m. ‘small churning stick’; P. jhagg f. ‘foam, froth, scum’; H. jhāg f. ‘froth, scum’. 2. A. zāki ‘the frothing of boiling sugar—cane juice’.
5323 *jhaṅk— 1 ‘clump, cluster’. 2. *jhaṅkh— 2. 3. *jhakk— 5. [In meaning ‘hair’ cf. *jakka—] 1. S. jhaṅgu m. ‘jungle’, L. P. jhaṅg m. ‘thicket’; N. jāṅ ‘clump’; B. jhā̃k ‘flock’; Or. jhāṅka ‘flock’, jhāṅkaṛā ‘bushy’; H. jhā̃k m. ‘flock’; M. j̈hā̃kar n. ‘thick bush’. 2. Pk. jhaṁkhara— m. ‘dry tree’; Mth. jhā̃khī, °khaṛ ‘bush’; G. jhā̃khrũ n. ‘a prickly shrub with few leaves’. 3. Phal. ǰhakuṭo ‘woman's hair’; N. jhā̃kro ‘hair allowed to grow long and left uncombed’; A. zāk ‘crowd’; M. j̈hāk f. ‘flock’. *jhaṅk— 2 ‘flash’ see *jhakk3. Addenda: *jhaṅk— 1. 2. *jhakk—5: WPah.kṭg. j̈hàkkƏṛ, j̈hàkṛɔ m. ‘shrub, bush’, J. jhākhṛ m.
5325 *jhaṅkh— 1 ‘peep’. Ku. jhā̃kṇo ‘to peep at’, N. jhā̃knu, Or. jhāṅkibā; Mth. jhā̃kī ‘act of peeping’; Bhoj. jhā̃kal ‘to peep at’, H. jhā̃khnā (→ P. jhākṇā), OMarw. jhākaï, G. jhā̃khvũ, jā̃° (also dhā̃khvũ). *jhaṅkh— 2 ‘clump’ see *jhaṅk1.
5327 *jhaṭ— ‘sudden movement’. 2. *jhaṭṭ—. 3. *jhaṇṭ—. 4. *jhiṭṭ—. [Cf. jhaṭiti ‘instantly’ Bhartr̥. Further poss. conn. *jhaṭati] 1. Pk. jhaḍitti, °ḍatti ‘suddenly’; N. jharra ‘in a flash’; B. jhaṛājhaṛ ‘very quickly’, M. j̈haḍj̈haḍ. — Ext. —kk—: N. jharko ‘anger’, jharkanu ‘to be irritable’; A. zarak ‘rustling noise’; H. jhaṛāk m. ‘swiftness’; G. jhaṛak f. ‘swoop, leap’, jhaṛākɔ m. ‘sudden smart blow’; M. j̈haḍakṇẽ ‘to start’, j̈haḍākā m. ‘smart blow’; — —pp—: S. jhaṛpa f. ‘stroke (of wind, sun or fate)’, jhaṛpaṇu ‘to strike (of wind &c.)’; H. jhaṛap f. ‘fight’, jhaṛapnā ‘to fight’; G. jhaṛap f. ‘scuffling’, jhaṛapvũ ‘to snatch’; M. j̈haḍap f. ‘swoop’, j̈haḍapṇẽ ‘to swoop upon, fan’, j̈haḍpaṇ n. ‘flap, fan, shutter, lid’. 2. Paš. ǰaṭ— ‘to strike down, crack (a nut)’; S. jhaṭu m. ‘snatch’, jhaṭaṇu ‘to snatch at’; L. jhaṭṭ f. ‘snatch’, (Ju.) jhaṭ m. ‘a moment’, adv. ‘suddenly’; P. jhaṭṭ m. ‘a moment, haste, snatch’, jhaṭṭ—paṭṭ ‘in a moment’; Ku. jhaṭ—paṭ ‘quickly’, N. jhaṭṭa, jhaṭṭa—paṭṭa, A. zaṭo- paṭokai, B. jhaṭ, jhaṭ—phaṭ, Or. jhaṭ; Bi. jaṭāhab ‘to knock fruit down by throwing a stick at it’; Mth. jhaṭā ‘quickly’, Aw. lakh. H. G. jhaṭ; M. j̈haṭṇẽ ‘to collide violently’, j̈haṭ—j̈haṭ ‘smartly’. — Ext. —kk—: S. jhaṭko m. ‘snatch, shower of rain’; P. jhaṭkā m. ‘jerk’, jhaṭakṇā ‘to jerk’, N. jhaṛko, jhaṛkanu; B. jhaṭkā ‘blast of wind’, jhaṭkāna ‘to flap’; Or. jhaṭikā ‘strong wind’; H. jhaṭkā m. ‘jerk’, jhaṭaknā ‘to jerk’, G. jhāṭkɔ m., jhāṭakvũ, M. j̈haṭkā m., j̈haṭakṇẽ. 3. Mth. jhā̃ṭab ‘to beat (ears of corn to extract the grain)’. 4. Bi. jhiṭṭī ‘whiplash’. Addenda: *jhaṭ—. 2. *jhaṭṭ—: S.kcch. jaṭṇū ‘to snatch’, jaṭko m. ‘blow’; WPah.kṭg. j̈hɔṭ ‘suddenly’. 5. †;*jhiṭ—: WPah.kc. jhiṛno ‘to pull’; J. jhiṛṇu ‘to drag, draw’; kṭg. j̈hìṛkṇõ; ‘to interrupt (sleep) suddenly’; J. jhiṛkṇu ‘to scold’; H. jhiṛaknā ‘to shake, scold’.
5328 *jhaṭati ‘falls’. 2. *jhāṭayati ‘shakes down’. [Conn. *jhaṭ—? Or, since it collides in mng. with *jharati 1, < *jhr̥ta— pp. of √*jhar?] 1. Pk. jhaḍaï ‘hastens, makes fall’; Paš. ǰaṛ— ‘to fall off’; L. jhaṛaṇ ‘to drip, ooze’, awāṇ. jhaṛuṇ ‘to fall’; P. jhaṛṇā ‘to fall off, be shaken off, be emitted (of semen)’; WPah. cur. jhaṛnū ‘to fall’, khaś. j̈haṛ—; Ku. jhaṛṇo ‘to drop down’, N. jharnu ‘to fall’ (or < *jharati 1); Or. jhaṛibā ‘to fall’, H. jhaṛnā; M. j̈haḍṇẽ ‘to be shed or cast (of leaves &c.)’. — Ext. —kk(h)—: H. jhaṛaknā, jhiṛ° ‘to shake’; Mth. jharkhāeb ‘to shake (fruit from a tree)’; - Bi. jharjharāeb. 2. Pk. jhāḍaṇa— n. ‘sweeping’; Paš. ǰāṛ— ‘to shake down’; Kho. žāḷ ‘splashing (of water)’; S. jhāṛaṇu ‘to exorcize’; L. jhāṛaṇ ‘to thresh, sweep’, awāṇ. jhāṛuṇ ‘to dust’; P. jhāṛṇā ‘to shake off, thresh, sweep’; WPah. pāḍ. jhāṛaṇ ‘to fall’; Ku. jhāṛṇo ‘to shake off, sweep’; N. jhārnu ‘to put down’ (or < *jhārayati), jhārinu ‘to be shaken off’; A. zāriba ‘to winnow, exorcize’; B. jhāṛā ‘to shake off, thresh, exorcize’, Or. jhāṛibā; Bi. jhārab ‘to beat (heads of corn to extract grain)’, Mth. jhārab ‘to sweep’; H. jhāṛnā ‘to shake off, strain’; Marw. jhāṛṇo ‘to sweep’; G. jhāṛvũ ‘to shake, sift’; M. j̈hāḍṇẽ ‘to shake, flap, sweep, exorcize’. *jhaṭṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ—. Addenda: *jhaṭati. 1. WPah.J. jhaṛnu ‘to fall’; Garh. jhaṛnu ‘to drop down’. 2. *jhāṭayati: WPah.poet. j̈haṛno ‘to cut (e.g. branches off a tree)’; P. jhāṛnā ‘to trim trees’. *jhaṭṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ— Add2.
5329 *jhaḍī— ‘rainstorm’. [LM 337 ← Drav. (Kan. jaḍi, jiḍi ‘fine continuous rain’: note also meaning ‘rain- storm’ under *jhaṭṭ—, *jhakk—1, *jhapp1] Pk. jhaḍī— f. ‘continuous rain’; S. jhaṛī f. ‘continued rain or wind’; L. jhaṛ m. ‘large cloud’, jhaṛī f. ‘moderate rain’; P. jhaṛ m. ‘clouds covering sky, heavy rain’, jhaṛī f. ‘continued rain’; WPah. cur. cam. jhaṛī ‘rain’; Ku. jhaṛī ‘incessant rain’; N. jhari ‘showers’; A. zari ‘continuous rain for several days’; B. jhaṛ, °ṛi ‘storm, high wind’; Or. jhaṛa, °ṛī ‘continuous wind and rain’; H. jhaṛī f. ‘showers’; Marw. G. jhaṛī f. ‘continuous heavy rain’; M. j̈haḍ, °ḍī f. ‘long continued rain’. — Cf. S. jhuṛu m. ‘heavy clouds’, °ṛī f. ‘rainy weather’. JHAṆ ‘tinkle’: jhaṅkāra—, jhaṇajhaṇāyatē, *jha- ṇatka—, jhaṇatkāra—, *jhaṇikā—, *jhāṇayati. Addenda: *jhaḍī—: WPah.poet. j̈Əṛaṇe ‘in the rainy season’; J. jhaṛ m.pl. ‘continued rain’; A. spel. jaṛi.
5331 *jhaṇatka— ‘tinkling’. [√jhaṇ] N. jhanko ‘outburst of anger’; A. zanak ‘tinkling, rattling’; H. jhanaknā ‘to tinkle, be angry’, jhanākā m. ‘clank’; G. jhaṇkɔ m. ‘tinkling’; M. j̈haṇkā m. ‘smart, gust of passion’, °kī f. ‘tingling, ringing’; — S. jhiṇkaṇu ‘to fly out against, threaten’ (cf. Pk. jhiṁkhaṇa— n. ‘raging against’?).
5333 *jhaṇikā— ‘tinkling’. [√jhaṇ] Gy. gr. čeni, wel. šenī, šanī f. ‘bracelet, necklace’, as. ǰeni ‘bracelet’. *jhaṇṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ—.
5334 *jhaṇṭa— ‘hair’. 2. *jhāṭṭha—. 3. *jhiṇṭa—. [Cf. *jhuṇṭa2, and for list see jáṭā—] 1. Pk. jhaṁṭī— f. ‘small bunch of hair’; S. jhaṇḍi f. ‘first hair on a child's head’, L. P. jhaṇḍ f.; A. zãṭ ‘matted hair’; B. jhā̃ṭ ‘pubic hair’; Or. jhaṇṭi ‘little tuft of hair on head’; Mth. jhā̃ṭi ‘pubic hair’, H. jhā̃ṭ f. (→ S. jhā̃ṭa f., P. jhā̃ṭ(h) f., Ku. jhā̃ṭ f., N. jā̃ṭhā), G. jhā̃ṭũ n.; M. j̈hā̃ṭ f. ‘matted tress’, m. ‘pubic hair’; Ko. jhāṇṭi ‘lock of combed out hair’. 2. Sv. žāṭ ‘hair’; Phal. ǰhāṭ ‘goat's hair’, ǰhēeṭi ‘mane’; Sh. pales. žaṭh, jij. žäṭ ‘goat's hair’; K. zaṭh, dat. °ṭi f. ‘clotted lump of hair on head, hair combings’; P. jhāṭṭā m. ‘woman's long hair’. 3. S. jhiṇḍā m. pl. ‘short hair of an infant’, jhiṇḍūlo ‘whose hair is allowed to grow’. — See jhiṇṭikā—. Addenda: *jhaṇṭa—. 1. S.kcch. jaṇḍ m. ‘first hair on a child's head’; WPah.kṭg. j̈hàṇḍ e f.pl. ‘pubic hair’, J. jhāṇṭo f.pl.
5335 *jhapaḍ— ‘onrush’. [Cf. *jhapp1] P. jhauṛ m. ‘attack’; H. jhauṛnā ‘to attack’; — M. j̈hoḍṇẽ ‘to destroy’ with which LM 338 compares Pk. jhōḍia— m. ‘hunter’?
5336 *jhapp— 1 ‘sudden movement’. 2. *jhamp— 1. [jhampa- m. ‘jump’ Hit.] 1. S. jhapo m. ‘pounce’, jhapaṇu ‘to snatch at’; L. jhappaṇ ‘to seize’; P. jhapp ‘quickly’; WPah. khaś. j̈happ f. ‘pounce’; Ku. jhapp ‘suddenly’; N. jhappa, jhāp—jhuppa ‘all at once’; A. zapaṅ ‘sound of suddenly plunging into water’; B. jhap, jhapāṅ ‘splash’, jhap- jhap ‘quickly’; Or. jhap ‘hastily’; Mth. jhap ‘at once’; H. jhap m. ‘jerk’; G. jhap ‘suddenly’, jhapājhap f. ‘scuffle’; M. j̈hap—j̈hap ‘suddenly’. — Ext. —kk—: P. jhapakṇā ‘to wink’; WPah. bhal. j̈hapkṇū ‘to flash’; N. jhapakka ‘suddenly’; H. jhapaknā ‘to spring at’, jhapak f. ‘blast’; M. j̈hapkaṇa ‘smartly’; — —ṭṭ—: P. jhapaṭṇā ‘to pounce on’, Ku. jhapṭaṇo, N. jhapṭanu; Or. jhapaṭa ‘scampering’; Mth. jhapaṭ ‘swoop’; H. jhapaṭnā ‘to run quickly’, jhapāṭ f. ‘quickness’; G. jhāpṭũ n. ‘sharp shower of rain’, jhapaṭ f. ‘spring’, jhapeṭvũ ‘to beat’; M. j̈hapāṭṇẽ ‘to accomplish smartly’, j̈hapeṭ f. ‘swoop (of a bird)’; — —s—: Mth. jhapās, jhāpas ‘violent rainstorm’, H. jhapās f. — Cf. also L. jhabb ‘quick’; P. jhapph f. ‘swoop (of a bird)’, jhapphṇā ‘to catch’. 2. L. jhamb f. ‘rain blown by wind’, jhambaṇ ‘to card cotton’; P. jambhṇā ‘to shake, card cotton’; WPah. cam. jambhṇā ‘to dust’; A. zā̃p ‘jump’, zā̃piba ‘to jump’, B. jhā̃p, jhā̃pā, Or. jhāmpa, jhāmpibā, Mth. jhā̃p; H. jhampnā ‘to pounce on’; G. jhãpāvvũ ‘to throw head- long’; M. j̈hā̃p f. ‘stoop (of a bird)’. — Ext. —ṭṭ—: N. jhamṭanu ‘to assault’. — Cf. also M. j̈hā̃baḍṇẽ ‘to snatch’.
5337 *jhapp— 2 ‘cover’. 2. *jhamp— 2. [Cf. *jhapp1 and similar range of meaning between *jhakk1 and *jhakk2, and in *ḍhapp—] 1. N. jhāpo ‘lid’; A. zāpiba ‘to be closed’, zapāiba ‘to cover’; B. jhāpnā ‘film over the eyes’, Or. jhāpaṇā; Mth. jhapnā ‘cover of a granary’. 2. Pk. jhaṁpaï ‘covers’, jhaṁpaṇī— f. ‘eyelid’; P. jhammaṇ m. ‘cover of a cart’; N. jhā̃po ‘lid’, jhā̃pnu ‘to cover’, jhā̃pan ‘cover of a litter’; A. zā̃p ‘cover’; B. jhā̃pāna ‘to overspread’; Or. jhāmpa ‘big basket with a lid’ (see also *jhamp3); Bi. jhā̃p ‘basket-lid’; Mth. Aw. lakh. jhā̃pab ‘to cover’, H. jhā̃pnā; M. j̈hā̃pṇẽ ‘to cover’, j̈hā̃paṇ n. ‘lid’. *jhamp— 1 ‘sudden movement’ see *jhapp1. *jhamp— 2 ‘cover’ see *jhapp2.
5338 *jhamp— 3 ‘matting’. [Same as *jhamp2?] B. jhā̃p ‘mat—door’, jhā̃pi ‘small wickerwork box’; Or. jhāmpa ‘big basket with a lid’; H. jhā̃p m. ‘bamboo frame, matted shutter’; G. jhā̃pɔ m. ‘matted gate’, jhā̃pī f. ‘small bamboo casket’; M. j̈hā̃p m. ‘thatched hut’ (cf. N. jhāpro ‘little shed’ < *jhappa—ḍa—), j̈hā̃pā m. ‘matted shutter’; — P. jhāmbh f. ‘matting shelter’. jhampa— see *jhapp1.
5339 *jhamm— 1 ‘sudden movement’. Bshk. ǰamda ‘quick’; P. jhammṇā ‘to throw on the ground’, jhamājham ‘heavily (of rain)’; N. jhamma ‘quite’, jham—jham ‘in torrents (of rain)’; A. zam—zam ‘cry caused by burning’; B. jham—jham ‘pattering’; H. jham—jham ‘sound of heavy rain’. — Ext. —ṭṭ—: Ku. jhamṭaṇo ‘to pounce on’, N. jhamṭanu. Addenda: *jhamm—1: cf. OP. jhimijhimi f. ‘steady drizzle’, P. jhim—jhim f.
5340 *jhamm— 2 ‘entanglement’. S. jhamaku m. ‘entangling of branches’, jhamaṭu m. ‘grove of trees’; N. jhamelā ‘entanglement, quarrel’; H. jhamelā m. ‘wrangling’.
5341 *jhamm— 3 ‘flash’. [Same as *jhamm1? — Cf. *jamm—] P. jhamjham ‘glittering’; H. jhamjhamānā ‘to sparkle’. — Ext. —kk—: P. jhamakṇā ‘to glitter’, N. jhamkanu; Or. jhamakibā ‘to flash’; H. jhamaknā ‘to glitter’; OMarw. jhamakālīyo ‘shining’; M. j̈hamakṇẽ ‘to glitter’. Addenda: *jhamm—3: WPah.poet. j̈hɔmko m. ‘light, flash’; J. jhamākā m. ‘lightning’. — Cf. S.kcch. jabakṇū ‘to flash’, G. jhabakvũ AKŚ 45.
5342 *jhamm— 4 ‘jingle, tingle’. [Same as *jhamm3?] N. jhamjhamāunu ‘to tingle’; A. zamzamāiba ‘to cause a burning sensation’; B. jhamjham ‘jingling’; G. jhamjham ‘with a jingle, with a burning sensation’; M. j̈hamj̈ham ‘with a jingle’. — Ext. —kk—: H. jhamkā m. ‘clanging’; G. jhamak f. ‘rhyme’, jhamkār m. ‘tingling, tinkling’. *JHAR ‘flow’: jhara—, jharaṇa—1, *jharati1, jhar- jhara—2, *jhāra—1, *jhāraṇa—, *jhārayati, *jhirati1, *jhurati1, *jhr̥ta—; *abhijjharati, *avajjhara—, *ujjharati, *nijjharati, nirjhara—1, *nirjharati, *nirjhāra—, *prajjhara—, *prajjharati, — *jhaṭati. — See √*jhal1, √*kṣar, √*kṣal.
5345 *jharaṇa— 2 ‘wearing away’. [~ jaraṇá—1. — √*jhr̥̄] G. jharṇũ n. ‘becoming old, old age’.
5346 *jharati1, pres. part. jharant— ‘flowing down’ Śatr. [Poss. a pre-vedic dialect form of the voiced consonant- group represented by g ž in Av. g žaraiti ‘streams’ and Sk. kṣ in kṣárati, kṣálati T. Burrow JAOS 79, 261, though doubted by M. Mayrhofer in Festschr. W. Kirfel 230 with lit. — In some meanings it has coalesced with *jharati2. — √*jhar] Pk. jharaï ‘drips, falls’; S. jharaṇu ‘to ooze, trickle, emit semen’; L. jharaṇ ‘to ooze, leak, drop, fall’; P. jharnā ‘to have emission of semen in sleep’; N. jharnu ‘to drip, fall’; A. zariba ‘to ooze out, shed tears’; B. jharā ‘to ooze out, drip, fall off (as leaves)’, Or. jharibā; Mth. jharab ‘to trickle, fall’; Bhoj. jharal ‘to fall’; OAw. jharaï ‘falls off’, lakh. jharab ‘to fall (of leaves)’; H. jharnā ‘to ooze, trickle away’; G. jharvũ ‘to ooze, drip, shed, melt’; M. j̈harṇẽ ‘to trickle, ooze’; Ko. jhartā ‘subsides’ — Ext. with —kk—: M. j̈harakṇẽ ‘to run off’. — See *jhārayati. Addenda: *jharati1: A. spel. jariba ‘to come out’ AFD 219, ‘to ooze out’ 331.
5346a *jharati 2 ‘wastes away’. [√*jhr̥̄] N. jharnu ‘to pine’; OAw. jharaï ‘withers’; G. jharvũ ‘to languish’ (or < *jhurati 2); M. j̈harṇẽ ‘to waste away’, Ko. jhartā. Addenda: *jharati2: WPah.kṭg. j̈hɔ̀ri , kc. j̈hɔre f. ‘sorrow, worry, concern’, kṭg. nƏj̈hɔ̀ri e ‘at ease’.
5347 *jharadhārā— ‘flowing spring’. [jhara—, dhā́ra2] P. jharāl, jhalār f. ‘excavation by the side of a river from which water is drawn for irrigation’.
5350 *jharjhara— 3 ‘worn out’. [jharjharita— R.: ~ jarjára—. — √*jhr̥̄] N. jhā̃jar ‘emaciated’. *JHAL 1 ‘flow’: *jhalati, *jhāla—1, *jhālana—, *jhāla- yati; *avajjhālayati, *ujjhalati, *ujjhāla—, *ujjhāla- yati, *prajjhalati. — See √*jhar, √kṣar, √kṣal.
5351 *jhal— 2 ‘sudden movement’. 2. *jhall— 1. [Cf. jha- lajjhalā— f. ‘flapping of elephants' ears’ Kām.] 1. N. jhaljhali ‘repeatedly’, jhalyā̃sse ‘startled’; B. jhalak ‘flapping of waves’, jhalās ‘purblind’ (< ‘*blink- ing’?); H. jhalnā ‘to move a fan to and fro’. 2. S. jhalaṇu ‘to seize’, jhalī f. ‘large fan’; P. jhall m. ‘swing of a fan’, jhallī f. ‘cloth used for fanning in winnowing’, jhallṇā ‘to move a fan’; Or. jhalajhala ‘flapping’, jhalakibā ‘to spring up’; H. jhallā, jhālā m. ‘shower of rain’; G. jhāl f. ‘sudden leap’, jhālvũ ‘to catch hold of’; M. j̈hāl f. ‘springing forward in anger’. Addenda: *jhal— 2. 2. *jhall—1: S.kcch. jalṇū ‘to hold’. †;*JHAL 3 ‘flame, blaze’: *jhal—3, jhalā—, *jhall—2, *jhāla2.
5352 *jhal— 3 ‘flash’. 2. *jhall— 2, jhallikā— f. ‘light’ lex. [See jhalā— and *jhil—. — Cf. jhalañjhala— m. ‘lustre’ lex.] 1. Pk. jhalajhalaṁta— ‘shining’; L. jhalbal m. ‘glitter’; N. jhaljhal, jhalājhal, jhallomalla ‘bright, ablaze’; A. zaliba ‘to shine, be angry’ (or < jválati); B. jhalsā ‘scorched’; Mth. jhalamala ‘shining’; Bhoj. jhalmal ‘sparkle’; H. jhaljhalānā ‘to shine’; OMarw. jhalamalīyo ‘shining’; G. jhaḷvũ ‘to be burnt’, jhaḷjhaḷ ‘resplendently’, jhaḷelɔ, jhareḷɔ m. ‘blister caused by scorching’; M. j̈haḷṇẽ ‘to get warm in the sun (of a liquor)’, j̈haḷj̈haḷ f. ‘glitter’. — Pk. jhalahalaṁta— ‘shining’, OG. jhalahalataüṁ; M. j̈haḷāḷṇẽ ‘to shine brightly’. — Ext. —kk—: Ap. jhalakkia— ‘burnt’; L. jhalkaṇ ‘to glitter’; P. jhalkā, °ārā m. ‘flash’, jhalakṇā ‘to shine’, jhalā̃g m. ‘morning’; Ku. jhalkaṇo ‘to glitter’, N. jhalkanu; A. zalak ‘brilliant light’; B. jhalkā ‘flash’; Mth. jhalakab ‘to glitter’; Bhoj. jhalak ‘flash’; H. jhalaknā ‘to sparkle’, jhalkā m. ‘blister’; G. jhaḷakvũ ‘to shine’; M. j̈haḷakṇẽ ‘to glitter’, Ko. jhaḷkatā. 2. S. jhalkaṇu ‘to shine’; P. jhall m. ‘rage’; WPah. bhal. j̈hall f. ‘flame’; Or. jhalakibā ‘to glisten’, Aw. lakh. jhalkab ‘to shine’; H. jhallā ‘hot’, jhallānā ‘to burn’, jhālnā ‘to make hot, polish’; G. jhallāvũ ‘to be scorched’, jhalakvũ ‘to shine’; M. j̈halāḷ f. ‘gleam’.
5353 *jhalati ‘flows’. [~ *jharati, kṣárati, kṣálati. - √*jhal 1] Or. jhaḷibā ‘to drip, be soldered’. — See *jhālayati. jhalarī— see jhallī—.
5355 *jhalla— ‘bush’. [Cf. jhāṭa—] Ash. Kt. zul ‘jungle’; Paš. dar. ǰal ‘tree’, nir. ǰāl, ar. ǰōl, kuṛ. zal, chil. zol, Gmb. ǰalā; Kal. Əhal ‘jungle’; Kho. žal ‘grove, copse (of trees)’; Sh. ǰēl m. ‘forest’; L. jhall m. ‘jungle’; P. jhall m. ‘reed—bed, thicket’; WPah. bhad. bhiḍ. j̈hall n. ‘bush’, bhal. j̈h e ll n., rudh. j̈hall ‘thicket’; N. jhāl ‘collection of vines or other plants’; H. jhalār m. ‘brushwood’; M. j̈hāl f. ‘pendulous flowering and fruitage of a tree’. Addenda: *jhalla— ‘bush’: WPah.kṭg. j̈hàll, kc. j̈hāl m. ‘bush’; J. jhāll m.pl. ‘thorny shrubs’; poet. j̈hɔlṭu m. ‘bush’.
5357 *jhallā— ‘lock of hair’. [Cf. jhallarī1. — For list of similar words for ‘hair’ see jáṭā—] M. j̈hāl f. ‘tassel of hair’.
5360 *jhas— ‘sudden movement’. 2. *jhass—. 1. Pk. jhasia— ‘thrown up’; Ku. jhasjhas ‘startling’. - Ext. —kk—: Ku. jhasak ‘fright’; N. jhasko ‘sprain in a muscle’, jhaskanu ‘to be startled’. 2. P. jhassṇā ‘to rub’; N. jhās—jhus ‘chaff’; Or. jhāsibā ‘to attack suddenly’. *jhass— ‘sudden movement’ see prec.
5361 *jhāñjha— ‘tinkling’. [Cf. jhañjhā—?] S. jhā̃jhu m. ‘cymbal’; P. jhā̃j m. ‘sound of a musical instrument’; N. B. jhā̃jh ‘cymbal’, Or. jhāñjha; OAw. jhāṁjha f. ‘cymbal’, lakh. jhā̃jh ‘anklet’; H. G. jhā̃jh f. ‘cymbal’, M. j̈hā̃j̈ f.
5363 *jhāṇayati ‘makes crackle’. [Caus. of jhaṇati ‘makes a noise’ lex. — √jhaṇ] N. jhānnu ‘to fry in ghee or oil’? *jhāṇṭa— ‘bush’ see jhāṭa—.
5364 *jhāta— ‘burnt’. [Cf. kṣātí— f. ‘burning’ RV. - √*jhai] Pk. jhāya— ‘burnt to ashes’; Si. dāya ‘destruction’ (not with Geiger EGS 74 < *jhaya— ~ kṣayá—).
5365 *jhāna— ‘burnt’. [~ *kṣāṇa—: cf. Pk. vijjhāṇa— ‘ex- tinguished’. — √*jhai] Pa. jhāna— n. ‘conflagration’; L. poṭh. jhāṇī m. ‘cremation ground’ or more prob. < *jhāyana—. *jhāpayati ‘causes to burn’ see *jhāyati.
5366 *jhāma— 1 ‘burnt’. 2. jhāmaka— n. ‘vitrified brick’ lex. [~ kṣāmá—. — √*jhai] 1. Pa. jhāma— ‘burning’; Pk. jhāma— ‘burning, dark- coloured’; Phal. ǰhām ‘itching’; A. zā̃u ‘vitrified brick’; Or. jhā̃ ‘burnt, over—roasted, calcined’; Mth. jhām ‘vitrified brick’. 2. S. jhā̃õ; m. ‘a kind of brick or pumice—stone for rubbing dirt off soles of feet’, P. jhā̃vā̃, jhāmā̃ m.; MB. jhā̃oe inst. ‘pumice—stone’, B. jhāmā; Or. jhāmā ‘vitrified brick’, Bi. jhā̃wā̃, Mth. jhāmā, Bhoj. jhāwā̃, H. jhā̃wā, jhāmā m. (whence jhãwānā ‘to clean the feet with pumice—stone’); Si. dam̆bu ‘burning, on fire’. - Deriv.: Pk. jhāmaï tr. ‘burns’; G. jhāmvũ ‘to dip a hot piece of stone in water’; — Pk. jhāmia— ‘burnt, blackened’; P. jhāı̄̃ f. ‘freckle’; B. jhā̃i ‘calcined rice’; Or. jhāı̃ ‘excessive heat, summer’; H. jhāı̄̃ f. ‘dusky colour’; — prob. also P. jhāı̄̃ f. ‘shadow’, G. jhā̃y f. *jhāmala—1; *jhāmarūpa—; *ardhajjhāma—. Addenda: *jhāma— 1. 1. WPah.kṭg. j̈hawɔ m. ‘flash of lightning’, J. jhā̃wã m. ‘light’. 2. A. jhā̃o (phonet. zão) ‘vitrified brick’, Brj. jhā̃wo, jhāmo m.
5367 *jhāma— 2 ‘dim—sighted’. [Cf. *jhāma1 in P. jhāı̄̃ f. ‘shadow’?] S. jhā̃ı̄̃ f. ‘dimness of sight’. *jhāmala2. *jhāmara— ‘a disease’ see *jhāmala2.
5368 *jhāmarūpa— ‘like a burnt brick’. [*jhāma—1, rūpá—] Mth. jhāmru ‘having the colour of a burnt brick, black’.
5369 *jhāmala— 1 ‘burnt—coloured’. [Formed from *jhāma1 after śyāmala— ~ śyāma—. — dhyāmala— ‘black’ is sanskritization of MIA. jhāmala—. — √*jhai] Pk. jhāmala— ‘dark, black’; Or. jhāũḷā ‘withered’; Mth. jhāmara ‘black, pale’; H. jhaũl, °lā, jhaũr, °rā, jhā̃wrā ‘dark—coloured, dusky, black, tawny’, jhā̃wlī f. ‘hot wind’. — Deriv.: Pk. jhāmaliya— ‘blackened’; Or. jhāũḷibā ‘to wither’. Addenda: *jhāmala—1: Brj. jhãwarno ‘to become black’.
5370 *jhāmala— 2 ‘a disease of the eyes’. 2.*jhāmara—2. [*jhāma2] 1. Pk. jhāmala— n.; S. jhā̃viro ‘dimsighted’; Or. hāũḷā ‘a disease of the eyes’. 2. G. jhāmar m. ‘a disease of the head and eye’, jhāmrɔ m. ‘a skin disease, large boil on palm’, °rī f. ‘boil on palm’. — L. jhā̃var f. ‘slight shower (< *mistiness?)’ very doubtful.
5371 *jhāyati intr. ‘burns’. 2. Caus. *jhāpayati. [~ kṣāyati intr. KātyŚr. com., kṣāpáyati1. — √*jhai] 1. Pa. jhāyati intr., Si. danavā (pret. dã̤vā < *jhāpita—?). 2. Pa. jhāpēti ‘burns, cooks’; Aś. jhāpayitaviye ger. ‘to be burnt’; Pk. jhāvaṇa— n., °ṇā— f. ‘burning’; Si. davanavā tr. ‘to burn’.
5372 *jhāyana— ‘burning’. [√*jhai] Pa. jhāyana— n. ‘burning, cremation’; L. poṭh. jhāṇī m. ‘cremation ground’ (perh. < *jhāyanīya— if gender given by Maya Singh PD 493 is correct) or poss. < *jhāna—.
5373 *jhāra— 1 ‘flowing’. [~ kṣāra—2, kṣālá—. — √*jhar] S. jhāro ‘diluted with water’; L. jhārā m. ‘dropping of water, waterfall’; B. jhārā ‘stream of water from the perforated bottom of a pot to water a plant’.
5374 *jhāra— 2 ‘collection’. S. jhāri f. ‘flock of birds’; G. jhārũ n. ‘troop’.
5375 *jhāraṇa— ‘causing to flow’. [√*jhar] A. zāran ‘a metallic calx’; Bi. jhara ‘iron sieve with handle’.
5376 *jhārayati ‘causes to flow’. [~ *jhālayati, kṣārayati, kṣāláyati. — √*jhar] N. jhārnu ‘to pour out’; Or. jhāribā ‘to let fall, drop’; H. jhārnā ‘to sift, winnow’; G. jhārvũ ‘to sift, wash with hot water, solder’; M. j̈hārṇẽ ‘to sift’.
5377 *jhārikā— ‘water—pot’. S. jhārī f. ‘metal vessel with long neck’, N. jhāri; A. zāri ‘drinking vessel with spout’, B. Or. Bi. jhāri, H. jhārī f. (→ Mth. jhāṛī), G. jhārī f., M. j̈hārī f.
5378 *jhāla— 1 ‘flow, causing to flow’. [~ *jhāra—1, kṣāra—2, kṣālá—. — √*jhal 1] P. jhāl f. ‘gilding, tinning’; Or. jhāḷa ‘sweat’; H. jhāl m. ‘solder’, jhālā m. ‘local rain’. *jhāladhāraka—.
5379 *jhāla— 2 ‘burning, pungent’, jhāli— f. ‘unripe mango fried with asafoetida’ Bhpr. [~ kṣārá—1. — √*jhai] P. jhāl f. ‘heat of condiments’; A. zāl ‘pungency, heat of fire’; B. jhāl ‘hot, pungent, pungency’, °luyā ‘highly seasoned’; Or. jhāḷa ‘chillies’, jhāḷi ‘pungent preparation of raw mango pickle with mustard and salt’, (Medinipur) jhāl ‘pungent, pungency’; H. jhāl ‘hot, sharp’, m. ‘heat, pungency’; G. jhāḷ f. ‘flame, heat’. Addenda: *jhāla— 2 [√†;*jhal 3]: WPah.kc. j̈hāḷ f. (obl. —a) ‘heat of the sun, sunrays’; Garh. jhāḷ ‘burning heat’.
5380 *jhāladhāraka— ‘flowing spring’. [*jhāla—1, dhā́ra2] H. jhālrā ‘spring of water’?
5381 *jhālana— ‘causing to flow’. [~ *jhāraṇa—. - √*jhal 1] G. jhāḷaṇ n. ‘soldering, solder’.
5382 *jhālayati ‘causes to flow’. [~ *jhārayati, kṣārayati, kṣāláyati. — √*jhal 1] Sh. ǰalóĭki̯ ‘to throw, sprinkle, scatter (e.g. seed, earth, manure)’; P. jhālaṇā ‘to gild’; A. zāliba ‘to solder’, B. jhālā; Or. jhāḷibā ‘to clear out silt from a well, to solder’; H. jhālnā ‘to solder’, G. jhāḷvũ, M. j̈hāḷṇẽ. — P. jhālaṇā ‘to polish’, H. jhālnā ‘to polish, clean’ perh. semant. < ‘to gild’. Addenda: *jhālayati: WPah.kṭg. j̈hàḷnõ; ‘to clean (e.g. by brushing dirt off clothes), to scold’.
5384 *jhikk— ‘bend, jerk’. 2. *jhiṅk—. [Cf. √*jhukk] 1. Tor. žigal— ‘to pull’; S. jhikaṇu ‘to bend, be crooked’, jhiku m. ‘a dint, inclination’, jhiko ‘crooked’; Ku. jhikṇo intr. ‘to delay’, jhikoṇo tr.; N. jhiknu ‘to pull in, take out or off’, jhikro ‘splinter’; A. zikār ‘sudden start’; Or. jhikibā ‘to pull with a jerk’; Bi. jhīkā ‘handful of grain poured into a mill’; G. jhikvũ ‘to dash to the ground’, jhīkɔ m. ‘dust of bricks’. 2. B. jhı̃kā ‘jerk’, Or. jhiṅkibā ‘to pull with a jerk’; Bi. jhı̄̃k, °kā ‘handful of grain poured into a mill’; G. jhı̃kvũ ‘to dash to the ground’; M. jhı̃kṇẽ, jhik° ‘to catch (a ball &c.)’. Addenda: *jhikk—: WPah.kṭg. jhìkṇõ; intr. ‘to swing, sway, tilt’. †;*jhiṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ—.
5385 *jhiṅga— ‘prawn’. [Cf. ciṅgaṭa—, gāṅgaṭa—, kar- kaṭa1] P. jhiṅgā m. ‘shrimp, prawn’; N. jhiṅo ‘small fly’, jhiṅe mācho ‘shrimp, prawn’; Aw. lakh. H. jhı̄̃gā m. ‘shrimp, prawn’, M. jhı̃gā m. — Deriv. S. jhiṅgaṇu ‘(of flies) to alight on and spoil food’. *jhiṅgura—; *jhiṅgarūpa—.
5386 *jhiṅgarūpa— ‘shrimp’. [*jhiṅga—, rūpá—] M. jhı̃grū̃ n. ‘small shrimp’. jhiṅginī—, jhiṅgī— see jiṅgiṇī—.
5387 *jhiṅgura— ‘cockroach’. [Cf. jhiñjhī—, jhijjhī— f. ‘cricket’ lex.—*jhiṅga—] Pk. jhiṁgira—, °aḍa— m. ‘a small insect’; P. jhiṅgur m. ‘cricket’; N. jhiṅur ‘cockroach’; Mth. jhı̃gur ‘cricket’; Bhoj. jhiṅgur ‘grasshopper’; H. jhı̃gur m. ‘cricket’. *jhiṭṭ— ‘sudden movement’ see *jhaṭ—. *jhiṭṭa— ‘bush’ see jhāṭa—. *jhiṇṭa— ‘hair’ see *jhaṇṭa—.
5389 *jhirati 1 ‘flows’. [Perh. like *kṣirati formed from *jharati after type tárati ~ tirátē. — √ *jhar] H. jhirnā ‘to trickle away, ooze’, but perh. a forma- tion in H. itself.
5390 *jhirati 2 ‘decays’. [~ *jīrati. — √*jhr̥̄] M. jhirṇẽ ‘to waste in labour and pain’. Addenda: *jhirati1: M. jhirapṇẽ ‘to trickle’ (Master GrOM 136, Doderet BSOS iv 63).
5391 *jhil— ‘flash’. [Cf. *jhal3] Sh. (Lor.) ǰil boiki ‘to rise (of sun)’; Or. jhiljhil ‘flashing’; Si. dilihenavā, dilenavā ‘to glitter’. — Ext. —kk—: N. jhilik ‘flash’; A. zilikiba ‘to sparkle’; B. jhillikā ‘lustre’. — S. jhirmiri f. ‘starshine’; P. jhilmilāuṇā ‘to sparkle’; N. jhilimili ‘glitter’, A. zilmilāiba; Or. jhilimili ‘vivid light’; H. jhilmil m. ‘sparkling’; M. jhiḷmiḷ ‘dazzlingly’; — S. jhirmira f. ‘venetian blind’; P. jhilmilī f. ‘shutter’, N. jhilmil, B. jhilimili, jhilmil, Or. jhilimili, H. jhilmil m.; M. jhiḷmiḷī f. ‘hangings’.
5392 *jhilla— 1 ‘swamp, lake’. [Cf. *hilla2] Pk. jhillaï ‘bathes’, jhillī— f. ‘wave’; N. B. jhil ‘lake, pool’; Or. jhila ‘lake, pool, swamp’; Bi. jhīl ‘low marshy land’; Mth. jhīl ‘lake, marsh’, H. jhīl f. (→ P. jhīl f.); G. jhīl f. ‘deep reservoir of water’; M. jhīl f. ‘rill’, m. ‘swampiness’. Addenda: *jhilla—2: G. jhīl f. ‘a kind of plant’. †;*jhīvara— see dhīvara—.
5393 *jhilla— 2 ‘a partic. kind of plant’. Pk. jhillī— f. ‘a partic. wild plant’; S. jhilu f. ‘an edible water—plant, a small wild shrub from which tooth cleaners are made’.
5395 *jhīna— ‘wasted, worn, thin’. [~ kṣīṇá—. — √*jhi] Pk. jhīṇa— ‘wasted away, thin’; S. jhīṇo ‘weak, slight, gentle’; P. jhīṇā ‘weak, feeble’; N. jhinu ‘small, fine’, sb. ‘chip of wood’; OAw. jhīnā ‘thin’; H. jhīnā ‘wasted, thin’, OMarw. jhīṇa; G. jhīṇũ ‘thin, small, fine’; M. jhiṇā ‘rubbed fine’; — Pk. jhiṇṇa— ‘wasted away, thin’; Or. jhina ‘thin and delicate’: both prob. < *jhīna—, but phonet. may, like the above forms of N. Aw. H., be < *jhīrṇa—: poss. the two words have coalesced.
5396 *jhīyatē ‘wastes away’. [~ kṣīyátē. — √*jhi] Pk. jhijjaï ‘wastes away’, H. jhījhnā, M. jhij̈ṇẽ; — N. jhijo ‘worry, care’. — Phonet. derivation from jhīryati is possible, but in view of *jhīna— and the equivalence of kṣīyátē is less likely.
5397 *jhīrṇa— ‘wasted’. [~ jīrṇá—. — √*jhr̥̄] Pk. jhiṇṇa— ‘wasted’; Or. jhina ‘thin and delicate’: but see *jhīna—.
5399 *jhukkati ‘stoops, breaks’. 2. *jhuṅkati. [Cf. Shgh. ǰuk— ‘to beat’, Par. ǰukḗw— ‘to shake’ IIFL i 261. - √*jhukk] 1. S. jhukaṇu ‘to stoop’, L. jhukaṇ, P. jhukṇā; WPah. bhal. j̈ukṇū ‘to crush or break stone’; Ku. jhukṇo ‘to bow’; N. jhuknu ‘to bend forward’, jhukkinu ‘to be misled’; H. jhuknā ‘to bend’ intr., G. jhukvũ, M. j̈hukṇẽ; — S. jhokaṇu ‘to push faggots on to the fire’; N. jhok ‘a net hung up to hold clothes’. 2. N. jhuṅgi ‘carrying something by holding it on both sides’; B. jhũkā ‘to stoop’; Or. jhuṅkibā ‘to stoop, stagger’. — Bhoj. jhõ;k ‘gust of wind’? *jhuṅkati ‘stoops’ see prec. *jhuṭṭa— ‘knot of hair’ see *jhuṇṭa2. Addenda: *jhukkati. 3. †;*jhōkkati tr.: S. jhokaṇu ‘to push faggots on the fire’, P. jhokṇā ‘id., thrust forward’; WPah.kṭg. j̈hòkṇõ; ‘to throw down or away’ Him.I 78, J. jhokṇu ‘to throw fuel on fire’; — kṭg. j̈hòkṭi f. ‘firewood’, J. jhokkū m. ‘fuel’, N. jhok ‘net hung up to hold clothes’, cf. Sh. jŭk m. ‘wood’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) j̈húkhṛɔ m. ‘wood’, kṭg. j̈hv́khṛi f. ‘firewood’, J. jhukhrī f.
5401 *jhuṇṭa— 2 ‘tangle, knot of hair, protuberance’. 2. *jhōṇṭa—. 3. *jhuṭṭa—. 4. *jhūṭa— 2. 5. *jhōṭṭa—. [Cf. jūṭa— and cū́ḍa1: for list of poss. connected words see jáṭā—] 1. WPah. bhal. j̈huṇṭṛī f. ‘woman's queue of hair’; B. jhũṭ ‘chignon, bird's crest, protuberance on back of ox or camel’, Or. jhuṇṭi; H. jhũṭiyā f. ‘lock of hair on crown of head’. 2. A. zõ;ṭ ‘entanglement’, zõ;ṭiba ‘to entangle’; Mth. jhõ;ṭī ‘queue of hair’; Bhoj. jhõ;ṭā ‘tuft of hair’; M. j̈hõ;ṭ f. ‘knot of hanging hair’. 3. S. jhuṭu m. ‘top knot’. 4. S. jhūṛo m. ‘knot of hair’, L. jhūṛā m.; G. jhuṛɔ m. ‘bunch of false hair for making up a woman's hair’, jhū̆ṛī f. ‘bunch, bundle’. 5. S. jhoṭo m. ‘tuft of hair on crown’.
5402 *jhuṇḍra— ‘crowd’. 2. *jhutta—. [Cf. *jhuppa2] 1. S. jhuṇḍru m. ‘band of fakirs’; P. jhuṇḍ m. ‘flock, troop’; Ku. jhuṇḍi, N. jhuṇḍa; Bi. jhuṇḍ, jhū̃ṛ ‘flock of sheep or goats’; Bhoj. jhũṛi ‘crowd’; H. jhuṇḍ m. ‘flock, troop’, G. jhuṇḍ n., M. j̈huṇḍ f. 2. N. jhut, jhutti ‘crowd’, jhutto ‘bundle of 4 or 6 maize cobs’, jhuttinu ‘to get entangled’; B. jhutta ‘crowd’. *jhutta— ‘crowd’ see prec.
5403 *jhuppa— 1 ‘hut’. 2. *jhumpa—. 3. *jhōppa—. 4. *jhōmpa—. 1. S. jhūpiṛo m., °ṛī f. ‘hut’; L. jhupṛī f. ‘hut of grass and branches’; N. jhupro ‘hut’, A. zupuri, B. jhupṛi, Or. jhupuṛi, G. jhupṛũ n. 2. Pk. jhuṁpaḍā— f. ‘hut’; L. jhub m. ‘hut of sticks or mud’; G. jhũpṛũ n., °ṛī f. ‘hut’. 3. Ku. jhopṛī f. ‘hut’, N. jhopro, °ri, B. jhopṛā, H. jhopṛā m., °ṛī f. 4. Bi. jhõ;pṛī ‘shed on threshing floor’; Mth. H. jhõ;pṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘hut’, G. jhõ;pṛũ n., M. j̈hõ;pā m., j̈hõ;pḍī f., j̈hõ;pḍẽ n. — L. jhômpṛā m., P. jhaumpṛā m. < MIA. *jhaüṁpa—.
5404 *jhuppa— 2 ‘crowd, cluster’. 2. *jhubba—. 3. *jhumma—. [Cf. *jhuṇḍra—] 1. Ku. jhupuro ‘cluster’, N. jhuppo; A. zupurā ‘low and bushy’; H. jhūpā m. ‘collection, heap’. 2. S. jhūbāṭaṇu ‘to crush’; P. jhubkā m. ‘pendent earring’. 3. S. jhumu m. ‘thicket’; N. jhumma ‘huddled together’, jhumminu intr. ‘to crowd together’; A. zum ‘herd’; G. jhum n. ‘group’. — Ext. —kk—: S. jhumaku m. ‘cluster’, jhūmaku m. ‘a kind of ear ornament’; P. jhumkā m. ‘pendent earring’; N. jhumko, jham° ‘cluster’; B. jhumkā ‘earring with pendants’, Or. jhumukā; H. jhumkā ‘cluster’, G. jhumkhũ n., °khɔ m., M. j̈humkā m.; — with —ṭṭ—: S. jhumaṭu m. ‘thicket’, jhumṭo m. ‘grove of trees’; Ku. jhumuṭo ‘flock, swarm’;—with —r—: P. jhumar m. ‘crowd’. *jhubba— ‘crowd’ see prec. *jhumpa— ‘hut’ see *jhuppa1. *jhumma— ‘crowd’ see *jhuppa2. Addenda: *jhuppa— 2. 2. jhubba—: OP jhubbaṇu intr. ‘to crowd together’. 3. *jhumma—: WPah.kṭg. jhùmkɔ m. ‘cluster’.
5404a *jhurati 1 ‘flows, drips’. [√*jhar] M. j̈hurṇẽ ‘to drip, ooze’. Addenda: †;*jhumba— ‘blanket’: WPah.kṭg. j̈hū̀m m. ‘cloak with a hood’, J. jhūm f., P. jhumb, jhumm m. ‘blanket thrown over the head’ Him.I 78. *jhumma— ‘crowd’ see *jhuppa2 Add2.
5405 *jhurati 2 ‘wastes away’. [~ juránt— pres. part. RV. - √*jhr̥̄] S. jhuraṇu ‘to be hurt (by blow, fall, &c.)’ whence caus. jhoraṇu; L. jhuraṇ ‘to pine with grief’; P. jhurnā ‘to wither, grieve’; N. jhurinu ‘to become parched’; Or. jhuribā ‘to lament’ (or < *jhūrati); Mth. jhurab intr. ‘to wither, parch, burn’; OAw. jhuraï ‘wastes away’, H. jhurnā; G. jharvũ ‘to pine away, languish’ (or < *jharati 2); M. j̈hurṇẽ ‘to waste away, drip, ooze’. — See *jhūrati. *JHUL ‘swing’: *jhulyati, *jhōlayati; *nijjhulati.
5406 *jhulyati ‘swings’. [Cf. Par. ǰūlē ‘shaking’, Pers. ǰūlīdan ‘to be scattered’. — √*jhul] Pk. jhullaï ‘swings’; Phal. ǰül— ‘to be lying down’, ǰhuli ‘on, to’ NOPhal 37; K. zŏl f. ‘brief drowsiness’; S. jhūlaṇu ‘to swing, nod’; L. awāṇ. jhuluṇ ‘to blow’; P. jhullṇā ‘to swing’; WPah. bhad. zhulṇu ‘to sleep’, bhal. j̈hullṇū, śeu. j̈hulnū; Ku. jhulṇo ‘to swing’; N. jhulnu ‘to nod, sleep’; A. zuliba ‘to be suspended’; B. jhulā ‘to swing, hang’, Or. jhulibā; Bhoj. jhūlā ‘woman's skirt’; OAw. jhulāvaï ‘causes to swing’; H. jhūlnā ‘to swing’, Marw. jhūlṇo; G. jhulvũ ‘to swing, hang, saunter’, M. j̈hulṇẽ. — Ext. —kk—: S. jhulko m. ‘blast of wind’; P. jhulkaṇā ‘to hang down, go’; N. jhulkanu ‘to rise (of sun)’; M. j̈hulakṇẽ ‘to wave gently’. *jhūṭa— 1 ‘bush’ see jhuṇṭa1. *jhūṭa— 2 ‘hair’ see *jhuṇṭa2. Addenda: *jhulyati: WPah.kṭg. j̈hùlṇõ; intr. ‘to swing’, J. jhulṇu, kṭg. caus. j̈Əlh e\ uṇõ;, poet. j̈Əlharo m., °re f. ‘act of waving, scintillating’, intr. j̈Əlharno; kṭg. (kc.) j̈hùllɔ m. ‘rope—bridge’, j̈hùllƏṇ m. ‘washing—line’.
5407 *jhūṭṭha— ‘false’. [→ Par. ǰuṭ ‘concealed’, ǰuṭī ‘theft’ IIFL i 263] Pk. jhuṭṭha—, juṭṭha— ‘false’; Paš. ǰuṭı̄́ ‘lascivious woman’; S. jūṭhu m. ‘lie’, juṭhi f. ‘abusing’; P. jhūṭh f. ‘lie’, jhūṭhā ‘false’; Ku. jhūṭo ‘liar’; N. jhuṭ ‘lie’, jhuṭho, °ṭo ‘false’, B. jhũṭha; Or. jhuṭha, °ṭa ‘false’, °ṭā ‘liar’; Mth. Bhoj. jhūṭh ‘lying, false’, H. jhūṭhā; Marw. jhūṭh f. ‘lie’, jhūṭho ‘false’, G. juṭhũ; M. j̈huṭ f. ‘lie’, j̈huṭā ‘false’. Addenda: *jhūṭṭha—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) j̈hv́ṭṭhɔ ‘false, untrue’; J. jhuṭṭh m. ‘untruth’.
5408 *jhūra— ‘wasted away, worn—out’. [√*jhr̥̄] S. jhūru ‘old, ancient’; N. jhuro ‘brittle’, sb. ‘dry leaves for fire, crumb’; A. zur—zur ‘fine particles’; B. jhurā ‘crumbled’, sb. ‘crumb’; Or. jhura ‘crumb’; Mth. jhūr ‘burnt, disgusted’; H. jhūrā ‘withered, dried up’; M. j̈hūr n. ‘small particles of rice (when husking)’. *nirjhūra—.
5409 *jhūrati ‘wastes away’. [Cf. *jhurati2. — √*jhr̥̄] Pk. jhūraï ‘wastes away’ (~ jūraï ‘withers, regrets, is angry’, jūlaï ‘is angry’); P. jhūrnā ‘to repine’; Or. jhuribā ‘to lament’ (or < *jhurati 2); H. jhūrnā ‘to waste away, dry up’; OG. jhūraï ‘repents’, G. jhurvũ ‘to languish’. Addenda: *jhūrati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) j̈hùrnõ; ‘to pine away (esp. from love), to long for, love’, kṭg. j̈hv̀ri f. ‘sweetheart, a certain kind of song’. †;*jhēṭa— see jhāṭa—.
5410 *jhūrṇa— ‘old’. [~ jūrṇá—. — √*jhr̥̄] S. jhūno ‘old, ancient’; B. jhun ‘overripe’, jhunā ‘old’, sb. ‘dried up cocoanut’; H. jhūnā m. ‘ripe cocoanut’.
5411 *jhūryatē ‘is worn—out’. [~ jū́ryant— pres. part. RV. - √*jhr̥̄] P. jhūjṇā ‘to be tired out’.
5412 *jhūśa— ‘hair’. [Cf. *jhūṭa— and kḗśa—: for list of poss. connected words see jáṭā—] Paš. kuṛ. ǰuš m. ‘hair’; Ku. jhūs ‘beard of barley’; N. jhus ‘fine hair, hairs on a plant or caterpillar, shavings’. *JHR̥̄ ‘waste away’. [equivalence of many of the forms below with those grouped under √jr̥̄ 1 suggests that √*jhr̥̄ derives from √jr̥̄ 1 with jh— from √*jhi ~ √kṣi 2] *jharaṇa—2, *jharati2, *jharjhara—, *jhirati2, *jhīrṇa—, jhīryati, *jhurati2, *jhūra—, *jhūrati, *jhūrṇa—, *jhūryatē; *nirjhara—2, *nirjhūra—; — √jr̥̄ 1.
5413 *jhēlati ‘undergoes’. N. jhelnu ‘to undergo, suffer’, H. jhelnā, OMarw. jhelaï. — H. jhelnā ‘to take’, M. jhelṇẽ ‘to catch’ (< *jhēll—)? *JHAI ‘burn’: *jhāta—, *jhāna—, *jhāpayati, *jhāma—1, jhāmaka—, *jhāmala—1, *jhāyati, *jhāyana—, *jhāla—2; *avajjhāyati, *vijjhāpayati, *vijjhāyati. — See √kṣai.
5414 *jhōṭati ‘cuts, beats’. [Cf. chōṭayati ‘cuts, splits’ Dhātup.] Pk. jhōḍaï ‘makes leaves fall off a tree’; N. jhornu ‘to beat for game’; B. jhoṛā ‘to cut, lop’; OAw. jhoraï ‘beats, shakes’; H. jhoṛnā, jhor° ‘to beat’, M. j̈hoḍṇẽ. *jhōṭṭa— 1 ‘bush’ see jhuṇṭa1. *jhōṭṭa— 2 ‘knot of hair’ see *jhuṇṭa2. jhōḍa— see jhuṇṭa1. *jhōṇṭa— ‘knot of hair’ see *jhuṇṭa2. *jhōppa—, jhōmpa— ‘hut’ see *jhuppa1. Addenda: *jhōṭati: A. juriba (phonet. z—) ‘to clear forest’ AFD 219 (3 sg. jure), 331 (st. jor—).
5415 *jhōla— 1 ‘bag’. 2. *jhōlla—. [jhaulikā— f. ‘small bag’ Dhūrtas. — Perh. conn. √*jhul, cf. parallel formation of N. jholuṅgo ‘swinging cradle’ and A. zoloṅgā ‘beggar's bag’] 1. Pk. jhōliā— f. ‘bag’; L. jhoḷī f. ‘skirt used as a bag, lap’; P. jholā m., °lī f. ‘bag’, Ku. jholo, °lī; N. jholi ‘small wallet’; A. zuli ‘bag, scrotum’; B. jholi, jhuli ‘bag’; Bi. jholā, °lī ‘feeding bag for cattle’; Mth. jhorī ‘bag’, Bhoj. jhōrā, H. jholī f., G. jhoḷī f., jhorṇɔ m., °ṇī f.; M. j̈hoḷī f. ‘mendicant's bag’. 2. Pk. jholliā— f. ‘bag’; S. jhola f. ‘skirt used to hold anything in’, jholī f. ‘fakir's bag, nest of eggs, brood of young birds’. Addenda: *jhōla— 1. 1. WPah.J. jhoḷā m. ‘wallet’. 2. *jhōlla—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) j̈hòllɔ m. ‘bag’. *jhōlla— ‘bag’ see *jhōla1 Add2.
5416 *jhōla— 2 ‘juice’. Sh. (Lor.) ǰūli f. ‘soup’, Ku. jhol; N. jhol ‘juice, soup’; A. zol ‘soup’, B. jhol, Or. jhoḷa, Mth. jhor, H. jhol m.
5417 *jhōlayati ‘causes to swing’. [√*jhul] P. jholṇā ‘to stir buttermilk’; N. jholinu intr. ‘to dangle, get loose’; H. jholnā ‘to cause to swing, to fan’; G. jhoḷvũ ‘to shake’; M. jhoḷṇā m. ‘sling for lifting animals’. *jhōlla— ‘bag’ see *jhōla1. jhaulikā— see *jhōla1.
5418 *ṭaüna— ‘deaf’. WPah. bhad. ṭauṇo ‘deaf’, bhal. ṭaõ;ṇo, khaś. ṭaoṇā, N. ṭaunu; — Ku. ṭolo with l from kālo ‘dumb’ (< kalya2). Addenda: *ṭaüna—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭɔṇɔ ‘deaf’, J. ṭōnwṇā.
5420 *ṭakk— 1 ‘remain, stop’. 2. *ṭikk—. 3. *ṭēkk— usu. tr. [Cf. *ḍakk—3, *ṭhēkk—] 1. Sh. (Lor.) ṭak boiki ‘to be hampered, be stuck’; P. ṭakk m. ‘settlement of price’; N. ṭakka aṛinu ‘to come to a dead stop’; G. ṭakvũ ‘to stop’; M. ṭākṇẽ ‘to leave’. 2. Kho. (Lor.) tika ‘support, cushion behind the back’; S. ṭikaṇu ‘to remain, be firm’; L. ṭikkaṇ ‘to stay’; P. ṭikṇā ‘to stay’, ṭikkṇā ‘to appoint’; N. ṭiknu ‘to remain, last’; A. ṭikiba ‘to last, be of service’; B. ṭikā ‘to remain’; Or. ṭikibā ‘to last, be effective’; H. ṭiknā ‘to stop, remain’; M. ṭikṇẽ ‘to stay’. 3. P. ṭekṇā ‘to prop’, ṭekaṇ m. ‘prop, bundle of wood’; Ku. ṭekṇo ‘to prop’, ṭeko ‘prop, obstacle’; N. ṭeknu ‘to set up’, ṭek ‘obstinacy’, ṭekan ‘prop’; A. ṭek ‘middle part of a dam’; B. ṭẽkā ‘to remain’; Or. ṭekibā ‘to lift up’; OAw. ṭekaï ‘puts, stops’, ṭeka f. ‘prop’; H. ṭeknā ‘to prop’; G. ṭekvũ, ṭek m.f. ‘support’; M. ṭekṇẽ tr. and intr. ‘to rest’. Addenda: *ṭakk— 1. 2. *ṭikk—: WPah.J. ṭikṇu ‘to stop’. 3. *ṭēkk—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭekṇõ; ‘to stop, stay, stand, support, endure, place’; J. ṭekṇu ‘to support’.
5421 *ṭakk— 2 ‘cut, break’. [Cf. ṭakkara—] Ash. ṭakä ‘broken’; Sh. (Lor.) ṭak thoiki ‘to break, open (e.g. a pomegranate)’; K. ṭakun ‘to gnaw, crunch’; L. ṭakkaṇ ‘to cut, mark by notching’, ṭakk m. ‘cut’, ṭākā m. ‘vaccinator’; P. ṭakkṇā ‘to cut, strike’, ṭakk m. ‘gash, cutting in a field of grain’, ḍog. ṭakka m. ‘bite’. *ṭakka— 1 ‘a coin’ see ṭaṅka1.
5422 *ṭakka— 2 ‘bald’. 2. *ṭhakka—. 1. B. ṭāk ‘bald patch’, ṭākuyā, ṭek° ‘bald’, Or. ṭākarā; M. ṭakkal n. ‘bald spot’, ṭakalyā ‘bald’, ṭakurẽ n., °korī f., ṭakulẽ n., °lī f. ‘slang term for head, esp. fore part’;- B. ṭākrā ‘palate’ semant. cf. tā́lu—. 2. Or. ṭhākerā ‘bald’.
5423 *ṭakka— 3 ‘hill’. 2. *ṭaṅga— 4. 3. *ṭikka— 2. 4. *ṭiṅga—. 5. *ṭēkka—. 6. *ṭēṅga—. 7. *ṭuṅka—. 8. *ṭuṅga— 1. 9. *ḍakka— 3. 10. *ḍagga— 1. 11. *ḍaṅga— 3. 12. *ḍuṅga—. 13. *ḍōṅga— 2. 14. tuṅga—. 15. *thuṅga—. 16. *daṅga—. [Cf. ṭaṅka4 m. ‘peak, crag’ MBh., tuṅga— (see below) ‘lofty’, m. ‘mountain’ MBh., and *ṭappa3 with further list. Variety of form indicates non—Aryan and perh. (with PMWS 149) Mu. origin. - Further poss. connexion with *ḍhōkka2 ‘rock’ and large group of words for ‘lump’ s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Ext. —r—: S. ṭakuru m. ‘mountain’, ṭakirī f. ‘hillock’, ṭākara f. ‘low hill’, ṭākirū m. ‘mountaineer’; N. ṭākuro, °ri ‘hill top’. 2. Or. ṭāṅgī ‘hill, stony country’. — Ext. —r—: Or. ṭāṅgara ‘rocky hilly land’. 3. Ext. —r—: Or. ṭikara ‘high land, sandbank’, ṭikarā, ṭīkirā ‘anthill’. 4. A. ṭiṅ ‘mountain peak’, ṭiṅnā ‘elevated piece of land’, ṭiṅāli ‘very high’. — Ext. —l— in *uṭṭiṅgala—. 5. M. ṭek m.n., ṭekā̆ḍ n., ṭekḍī, ṭẽk° f. ‘hillock’. — Ext. —r—: P. ṭekrā m., °rī f. ‘rock, hill’; H. ṭekar, °krā m. ‘heap, hillock’; G. ṭekrɔ m., °rī f. ‘mountain, hillock’. 6. K. ṭē̃g m. ‘hillock, mound’. 7. G. ṭũk ‘peak’. 8. M. ṭũg n. ‘mound, lump’. — Ext. —r—: Or. ṭuṅguri ‘hillock’; M. ṭũgar n. ‘bump, mound’ (see *uṭṭungara—); — —l—: M. ṭũgaḷ, °gūḷ n. 9. K. ḍȧki f. ‘hill, rising ground’. — Ext. —r—: K. ḍakürü f. ‘hill on a road’. 10. Ext. —r—: Pk. ḍaggara— m. ‘upper terrace of a house’; M. ḍagar f. ‘little hill, slope’. 11. Ku. ḍā̃g, ḍā̃k ‘stony land’; B. ḍāṅ ‘heap’, ḍāṅgā ‘hill, dry upland’; H. ḍā̃g f. ‘mountain—ridge’; M. ḍā̃g m.n., ḍā̃gaṇ, °gāṇ, ḍãgāṇ n. ‘hill—tract’. — Ext. —r—: N. ḍaṅgur ‘heap’. 12. M. ḍũg m. ‘hill, pile’, °gā m. ‘eminence’, °gī f. ‘heap’. — Ext. —r—: Pk. ḍuṁgara— m. ‘mountain’; Ku. ḍũgar, ḍũgrī; N. ḍuṅgar ‘heap’; Or. ḍuṅguri ‘hillock’, H. ḍū̃gar m., G. ḍũgar m., ḍũgrī f. 13. S. ḍ̱ū̃garu m. ‘hill’, H. M. ḍõ;gar m. 14. Pa. tuṅga— ‘high’; Pk. tuṁga— ‘high’, tuṁgī̆ya— m. ‘mountain’; K. tŏng, tọ̆ngu m. ‘peak’, P. tuṅg f.; A. tuṅg ‘importance’; Si. tun̆gu ‘lofty, mountain’. — Cf. uttuṅga— ‘lofty’ MBh. 15. K. thọ̆ngu m. ‘peak’. 16. H. dā̃g f. ‘hill, precipice’, dā̃gī ‘belonging to hill country’. Addenda: *ṭakka— 3. 12. *ḍuṅga—: S.kcch. ḍūṅghar m. ‘hillock’.
5430 *ṭaṅka— 6 ‘artificial pond’. Pk. ṭaṁka— m. ‘ditch, reservoir, shore’; H. ṭā̃kh m. ‘underground reservoir of water’; G. ṭā̃kũ n. ‘reservoir’, °kī f. ‘cistern, small well’; M. ṭā̃kẽ, ṭākẽ n. ‘hole dug in rock as a boundary mark, reservoir, cistern’. ṭaṅka—7, ṭaṅkaṇa— 1 ‘borax’ see ṭaṅgaṇa1. ṭaṅkaṇa— 2 ‘a tribe’ see *ṭāṅkana—.
5433 *ṭaṅkati 2 ‘chisels’. [ṭaṅka2] Pa. ṭaṅkita—mañca— ‘a stone (i.e. chiselled) platform’; G. ṭā̃kvũ ‘to chisel’, M. ṭā̃kṇẽ.
5436 *ṭaṅg— ‘hang up’. [Cf. √taṁs and similar relationship between √daṁś and *ḍaṅk—] S. ṭaṅgaṇu ‘to hang up’; L. ṭaṅgaṇ, ṭaṅgṇā m. ‘clothes line’; P. ṭaṅgṇā ‘to hang up’, Ku. ṭāṅṇo, ṭā̃kṇo; N. ṭāṅnu ‘to hang up, spread out’ (cf. Pk. ṭaṁkia— ‘spread out’); B. ṭāṅgā ‘to hang up’, Or. ṭāṅgibā; Bi. ṭãgnā, °nī ‘stick or rope for hanging clothes on’; Mth. ṭā̃gab ‘to hang up’, H. ṭā̃gnā, G. ṭā̃gvũ, M. ṭā̃gṇẽ. ṭaṅga— 1 ‘a weight’ see ṭaṅka1. ṭaṅga— 2 ‘sword, spade’ see ṭaṅka2. ṭaṅga— 3 ‘leg’ see ṭaṅka3. *ṭaṅga— 4 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. ṭaṅga— 5 ‘borax’ see next.
5438 *ṭaṭṭ— ‘pain, smart’. N. ṭāṭo ‘scar’, ṭaṭṭinu ‘to be exposed to hunger or sunshine’, ṭaṭṭāunu ‘to smart (of a sore)’; B. ṭāṭāna ‘to pain, be dried up’; H. ṭaṭānā ‘to pain’.
5439 *ṭaṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *taṭṭa—2. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. N. ṭaṭaro ‘obstinate fool’. 2. Gaw. taṭára ‘lean’. Addenda: *ṭaṭṭa—: WPah.poet. ṭaṭo ‘dumb, stupid’, J. ṭāṭā; kṭg. ṭɔṭṭɔ ‘stammering’.
5440 *ṭaṭṭu— or *taṭṭu— ‘pony’. [Onom.?] Sh. pales. ṭaṭū́ ‘horse’; K. ṭoṭu m. ‘pony’, S. ṭaṭū̃ m., L. ṭaṭṭū m., P. ṭaṭṭū m., Ku. ṭaṭṭu, N. ṭaṭu, B. ṭāṭu, Or. taṭu, Aw. lakh. ṭaṭuā, H. ṭaṭṭū m., G. ṭaṭṭu, ṭaṭu m., ṭaṭvũ n., °vāṇī f., M. taṭṭū, taṭū m., taṭāṇī f.
5441 *ṭaḍḍha— ‘distant’. Ku. ṭāṛ, N. ṭāṛho, ṭāṛo. — But H. tārī f. ‘distance’ < *tāra— or *tāḍa—?. Addenda: *ṭaḍḍha—: Garh. ṭāḍā ‘distant’, Ku. ṭāṛo, taṛā.
5442 *ṭaṇṭa— ‘dispute’. N. ṭaṇṭā ‘dispute, bother’; H. ṭaṇṭā m. ‘wrangling’, G. ṭaṇṭɔ m.
5443 *ṭan— ‘be tight’. 2. *ṭān— ‘tighten’. 3. *ṭhān—. [Re- lationship with √tan (tanṓti, *tānayati) is obscure] 1. N. ṭanna ‘tense, swollen’, ṭanṭani ‘securely’, ṭankanu ‘to become tense’; B. ṭanṭanāna ‘to be tense, throb’, ṭankāna ‘to stiffen’; M. ṭaṇṭaṇṇẽ ‘to be strained very tightly’, ṭaṇkā, ‘strong, healthy’. 2. S. ṭāṇaṇu ‘to pull tight’; Ku. ṭāṇi—ṭāṇi ‘tightness, painful feeling’; A. ṭāniba ‘to pull tight’; B. ṭānā ‘to tighten’, ṭān ‘spasm’; Or. ṭāṇibā ‘to pull tight’, ṭāṇi ‘warp’; H. ṭānnā ‘to pull tight’, M. ṭāṇṇẽ. 3. Mth. ṭhānab ‘to drag’.
5444 *ṭapp— ‘drip, drop’. 2. *ṭipp—2. 3. *ṭēpp—. 4. *ṭupp—. 5. *ṭōpp—. 6. *ṭhipp—. 7. *tapp—. [Onom., cf. tḗpatē ‘sprinkles’, stḗpatē ‘drips’ Dhātup.] 1. B. ṭap ‘sound of dropping’, ṭapāna ‘to drop, trickle, distil’, ṭapkāna ‘to fall in drops’; Or. ṭapakibā ‘to drip, ooze’; Aw. ṭapa—ṭapa ‘patter of drops’; H. ṭapaknā ‘to drip’, ṭabhak m. ‘sound of dripping’; G. ṭapkũ n. ‘drop’; M. ṭapkā m. ‘falling drop’. 2. Pk. ṭippī— f. ‘spot on forehead’; S. ṭipo m. ‘dot placed over letters’; WPah. jaun. ṭīpū ‘drop; B. ṭipā ‘to drip’; Or. ṭip—ṭip ‘dripping’; H. ṭipkā m. ‘drop’, G. ṭīpũ n.; M. ṭīp n. ‘drop, tear’, ṭipṇẽ ‘to drip’, ṭipakṇẽ intr. ‘to drop’, ṭipkā m. ‘drop’. 3. S. ṭepo m. ‘drop’. 4. B. ṭupā ‘to drip’. 5. B. ṭopāna ‘to distil’; Or. ṭopā ‘raindrop’, ṭopi ‘small spot on forehead’. 6. M. ṭhipakṇẽ, ṭhibakṇẽ ‘to drip’. 7. Ku. taptapāṇo ‘to drip, fall in drops’; N. tap—tap ‘sound of dripping or throbbing’, tapkanu ‘to drop, drip, trickle’, tapkeni ‘shady place overhung by trees (i.e. dripped on)’ < *tapkyāni; H. tapaknā ‘to throb’; M. tapakṇẽ ‘to drip’. *ṭappa— 1 ‘network’ see *tarpa1. Addenda: *ṭapp—. 2. *ṭipp—2: S.kcch. ṭipakṇū ‘to drip’; WPah.kṭg. ippɔ m. ‘drop’, J. ṭipā m.
5445 *ṭappa— 2 ‘tap, blow’. 2. *trappa—. 1. K. ṭaph, dat. °pas m. ‘blow, kick’, ṭāph, dat. °pi f. ‘slap’; S. ṭapuṛa f. ‘tapping’; Ku. ṭāp ‘step’; N. ṭāp ‘horse's hoof’; A. ṭāb ‘horse's hoofprint’; B. ṭāpar ‘slight stroke’; Or. ṭāpu ‘horse's hoof’, ṭāparā—ṭāpuri ‘poking at each other’; H. ṭāp f. ‘sound of a horse's hoof, hoof’; G. ṭaplɔ m. ‘slap’, ṭapārvũ ‘to beat’; M. ṭāp f. ‘kick from a horse’, ṭāparṇẽ ‘to hammer’, ṭaplā m. ‘smack’. 2. S. ṭrapura f. ‘tapping’. Addenda: *ṭappa— 2 ‘blow’. 3. †;*ṭippa— 3 (same as *ṭipp1 ‘pinch’?): WPah.kiũth. ṭipṇa ‘to beat’, ṭipuṇa ‘to fight’ (refl.) or by metath. of piṭṭayati (Him.I 81).
5446 *ṭappa— 3 ‘hill’. 2. *ṭippa—2. 3. *ṭēppa—2. 4. *ṭibba—. 5. *ṭimba—. 6. *ṭēmba—. 7. *ṭumba—2. [Cf. *ḍippa- and parallel variations s.v. *ṭakka3] 1. M. ṭāp—ṭep m. pl. ‘mounds, hillocks’. 2. Ku. ṭīpo, ṭippo ‘ridge, peak’. — Ext. —r—: S. ṭipiri f. ‘crown of head’; Ku. ṭipīr ‘ridge, peak’; N. ṭipri ‘hilltop’. 3. M. ṭep m.n. ‘mound’. — Ext. —r—: M. ṭepar n. ‘mound’; — —l—: Ku. ṭepulo ‘mound, ridge’. 4. L. P. ṭibbā m. ‘mound, sandbank, hill’; Ku. ṭibbā, ṭibaṛī ‘ridge, peak’; H. ṭibbā m. ‘hill’, ṭībā m. ‘hill, sandbank’. 5. WPah. jaun. ṭı̄̃bā ‘hill’; G. ṭı̄̃bɔ m. ‘sandbank, hill’. — Ext. —r— in *uṭṭimbara—. 6. A. ṭemekā, ṭemunā ‘small protuberance’; G. ṭẽbɔ m. ‘large heap’; M. ṭẽb, ṭẽbh, ṭẽbā, ṭẽbhā m. ‘hill, summit’. 7. A. ṭummi ‘high bank’. — Ext. —r—: M. ṭũbar n. ‘mound, bump, wart’ (see *uṭṭumbara—). *ṬAR ‘move aside’: *ṭarati, *ṭārayati; *uṭṭārayati; — √ṭal 1. Addenda: *ṭappa— 3. 2. *ṭippa—2: S.kcch. ṭippar f. ‘head’. 4. ṭibba—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ibbɔ m. ‘hill’, kṭg. ibṛi f. ‘small hill’.
5447 *ṭarati ‘moves aside’. 2. Caus. *ṭārayati. [~ ṭálati, ṭālayati. — √*ṭar] 1. Ku. ṭarakṇo ‘to withdraw, shun’; N. ṭarnu ‘to pass by’; Or. ṭarakibā ‘to steal away from a place’. 2. N. ṭārnu ‘to spurn, neglect, evade’.
5448 *ṭarara— ‘astringent’. N. ṭarro ‘sour, astringent’; H. ṭarrā ‘harsh’. ṬAL 1 ‘move aside’: ṭálati, ṭālayati; *uṭṭālayati; — √*ṭar.
5449 *ṭal— 2 ‘glitter, tinkle’. Pk. ṭalaṭalaï ‘tinkles’; S. ṭalī f., ṭaliāro m. ‘bell hung round neck of cattle’, L. ṭalī f.; N. ṭal—ṭal ‘glitter’, ṭalkanu ‘to shine’; A. ṭal—ṭal ‘clear’, ṭalak ‘winking’, ṭal—bal ‘glistening’; M. ṭaḷ—ṭaḷ ‘lustrously’.
5451 *ṭalla— 1 ‘heap’. 2. *ṭilla—. 1. S. ṭalo m. ‘raft of timbers’; N. ṭāl ‘pile of wood’; Bi. ṭāl ‘pile of cowdung’; H. ṭāl f. ‘pile of wood &c.’. 2. L. ṭillā m. ‘hillock’; P. ṭillā m. ‘hillock, mound, heap of grass or timber (used as a raft), raft’; H. ṭīlā m. ‘hillock, mound’.
5452 *ṭalla— 2 ‘piece of cloth’. K. ḍoḍ. ṭalla ‘clothes’; N. ṭālo ‘piece of cloth, patch’. Addenda: *ṭalla—2: WPah.poet. ṭalo ‘piece of cloth, cloth’, kṭg. ṭalli f. ‘patch on cloth’, J. ṭāllī f. ‘bit of cloth’. ṭālayati see ṭálati Add2. †;ṬIK ‘to go’: †;ṭikyatē. *ṭikk— ‘stop’ see *ṭakk1 Add2.
5453 *ṭahall— ‘walk up and down’. [Connexion with trákhati (ND 241 b 19) unlikely] K. ṭahal f. ‘service’, ṭaholu m. ‘servant, esp. groom’, ṭahȧli m. ‘servant, groom, cowherd’; S. ṭahalaṇu ‘to go for a walk or drive’, ṭahala f. ‘walk, service’, ṭahaluo m. ‘servant’; L. ṭehl f. ‘service’; P. ṭahilṇā ‘to promenade’, ṭahil f. ‘service’, ṭahiliā, °luā m. ‘servant’; Ku. ṭailaṇo ‘to walk about’, ṭahal ‘service’; N. ṭahalnu ‘to roam’, ṭahal ‘service’, ṭahaluwā ‘servant’; A. ṭahaliba ‘to walk up and down’; B. ṭahalā ‘id.’, ṭahaliyā ‘going from house to house’; Or. ṭahalibā ‘to walk about’, ṭahala ‘walking about’, ṭahaliyā ‘servant’, Mth. ṭahalū; Bhoj. ṭahal ‘work’; H. ṭahalnā, ṭaharnā ‘to take a walk, die’, ṭahal f. ‘work’, ṭahlū m. ‘servant’; G. e h e lvũ, e ‘to go from house to house begging’, e h e l f. ‘so going’, e h e liyā m. ‘one who so goes’; M. ṭahalṇẽ, ṭehal°, ṭehel° tr. and intr. ‘to walk about’. — H. ṭaghalnā, ṭagharnā ‘to walk about’?
5454 *ṭāṅkana— ‘a kind of horse’. [Cf. ṭaṅkaṇa2, ṭaṅgaṇa2 m. ‘name of a people living northwest of Madhyadeśa’ R., Pk. ṭaṁkaṇa— m. ‘a non—Aryan tribe’] K. ṭā̃gun m. ‘a species of hill pony’, N. ṭā̃gan, ṭāṅan, B. ṭaṅkan; M. ṭā̃kaṇ, ṭāk° m. ‘a species of small horse’; — other forms with g ← NW. or Himalayan source: A. ṭāṅnā ‘a smart horse’; B. ṭāṅgan ‘a species of pony’, Or. ṭāṅgaṇa; H. ṭā̃gan m. ‘hill pony’; G. ṭā̃gaṇ n. ‘a species of pony’.
5455 *ṭāḍa— ‘level piece of ground’. N. ṭār ‘level piece of ground above a stream’, ṭāri ‘unirrigated rice—field’; Bi. ṭāṛ, ṭā̃ṛ ‘stretch of raised infertile soil’; M. ṭāḷī f. ‘open terrace’. *ṭāṇṭa—, *ṭāṇṭha— ‘stalk’ see *ḍaṇṭha—. *ṭān— ‘tighten’ see *ṭan—.
5456 *ṭāppuka— ‘island’. K. ṭôpu m., S. L. ṭāpū m., P. ṭāppū m., N. B. Or. ṭāpu, H. G. M. ṭāpū m., M. ṭāpū̃ n. *ṭāyara— ‘poor horse’ see next.
5458 *ṭikka— 1 ‘mark, spot’. [ṭikkikā— f. ‘white mark on fore- head of a horse’ VarBr̥S. — Connexion, if any, with tílaka— and *ṭillaka— is obscure] Pk. ṭikka— n. ‘caste—mark’, ṭikkida— ‘marked with one’; Ḍ. ṭīk e m. pl. ‘spot’, Sh. ṭīku̯ m.; K. ṭyoku m. ‘caste—mark’; S. ṭiko m. ‘mark, stain, caste—mark’, ṭika f. ‘stone in a ring’, L. ṭikk f.; L. P. ṭikkā m. ‘mark’; WPah. bhad. ṭikku n. ‘caste—mark’, Ku. ṭīko m., N. ṭikā; B. Or. ṭikā ‘mark’, Bi. ṭīk, Mth. ṭīkā, ṭikulī; H. ṭīkā m. ‘caste—mark’, Marw. ṭīko m.; G. ṭīkɔ m. ‘mark’; M. ṭikā m. ‘spot’, ṭikẽ, ṭhikẽ n. ‘mole, freckle’; OSi. ṭik ‘mark’, Si. tik ‘spot, mark, freckle’. *ṭikka— 2 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. Addenda: *ṭikka—1: S.kcch. ṭiko m. ‘mark on forehead’; WPah.kṭg. ikkɔ m. ‘caste—mark (round mark applied to forehead of women esp. when married), eldest son of a rājā’, J. ṭīkā m. ‘heir apparent of a chief’, P. ṭikkā m. ‘caste—mark, oldest son of a king’.
5459 *ṭikka— 3 ‘cake’. S. ṭikī f. ‘cake’; L. ṭikkī f. ‘food’; P. ṭikkī f. ‘small cake’; N. ṭikiyā ‘cake of powdered charcoal’, A. ṭikirā, B. ṭikā, °ke, Or. ṭikiā; H. ṭikiyā f. ‘id.’, ṭikkaṛ m. ‘thick cake of bread’; G. ṭīkī f. ‘cake’, ṭikkaṛ m. ‘thick small cake’; M. ṭiklī f. ‘cake’. ṭikkikā— see *ṭikka1.
5460 *ṭiṅkara— ‘stick’. [See list s.v. *ḍakka2] L. ṭiṅgrī f. ‘bough’; N. ṭiṅgar ‘contemptuous term for a tall and thin man’; M. ṭikorā ‘large—sized’, ṭikorṇẽ n. ‘stick’. *ṭiṅga— ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. Addenda: *ṭiṅkara— ‘stick’. [Ext. of a *ṭiṅka— ~ *ḍakka2] 2. †;*ṭiṅkaṭa—: WPah.kṭg. iṅgṛɔ m. ‘top branch’ (rather than with Him.I 81 < *ṭiṅkara—).
5462 *ṭiṇṭa— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] L. awāṇ. ṭı̃ṇḍ ‘bald—head’.
5464 *ṭipp— 1 ‘squeeze, nip’. [Poss. same as *ṭippati] K. ṭĕpun ‘to fill a receptacle forcibly’; S. ṭipaṇu ‘to squeeze’; Ku. ṭipṇo ‘to pluck’, N. ṭipnu; A. ṭipiba ‘to squeeze, pinch’; B. ṭipā ‘to pinch’, Or. ṭipibā; H. ṭīpnā ‘to squeeze, press’; G. ṭīpvũ ‘to pick up one by one’, M. ṭipṇẽ. *ṭipp— 2 ‘drip’ see *ṭapp—. *ṭippa— 1 ‘note’ see *ṭippati. *ṭippa— 2 ‘hill’ see *ṭappa3. ṭippaṇa— see *ṭippati. Addenda: *ṭipp— 1 ‘pinch’ (see *ṭappa—2, †;*ṭippa3): WPah.kṭg. ipṇõ; ‘to pinch’, kc. ipṇo ‘to pick up’. *ṭipp— 2 ‘drip’ see *ṭapp— Add2. *ṭippa— 1 ‘note’ see *ṭippati Add2. *ṭippa— 2 ‘hill’ see ṭappa3 Add2. †;*ṭippa— 3 ‘flow’ see *ṭappa2 Add2.
5465 *ṭippati ‘notes’. 2. *ṭippa— 1 ‘note’. 3. ṭippaṇa—, °aka- n., °ṇī— f. ‘commentary, gloss’ BHSk. [Poss. same as *ṭipp1 ‘nip, notch’? — BHSk. ṭippiṭaka— < *ṭippita—? — See *ṭēv—.] 1. G. ṭipvũ ‘to note down’, M. ṭipṇẽ. 2. Ku. ṭīp m., ṭīp—ṭāp ‘bond, document’; M. ṭīp f. ‘list, note’. 3. Pk. ṭippaṇaya— n. ‘commentary’; S. ṭipiṇo m. ‘almanac’; Or. ṭipaṇā ‘note, notch, fingermark’; Bi. ṭīpan ‘horoscope of boy and girl for marriage’; G. ṭipṇũ n. ‘almanac’, ṭipṇī f. ‘memorandum’; M. ṭipaṇ n. ‘note’. *ṭibba—, *ṭimba— ‘hill’ see *ṭappa3. *ṭimbaru— ‘a tree’ see tumburu—. *ṭilla— ‘heap, mound’ see *ṭalla1. *ṭillaka— ‘mark’ see tila2. ṭīṭibha— see ṭiṭṭibha—. Addenda: *ṭippati. 2. G. ṭīp f. ‘list, note, document’. 3. ṭippaṇa—: S.kcch. ṭipṇo m. ‘almanac’. ṭippaṇa— see *ṭippati Add2. *ṭibba— ‘hill’ see *ṭappa3 Add2.
5466 *ṭukk— ‘cut, break’. 2. *ṭukka— ‘piece’. [Poss. < *trukk—, but connexion with √truṭ (as pp. with MIA. —kk— replacing —ita—) very doubtful] 1. Ash. trikā— ‘to tear’, Kt. tr̥k—; Wg. (Lumsden) "troka—ún" ‘to tear’, "trúká—ún" ‘to gather’; Paš. ṭug—, ṭuk— ‘to peck, bite’; K. trukun, ṭukun ‘to crunch’; S. ṭukaṇu ‘to cut, gnaw’; L. ṭukkaṇ ‘to cut’, P. ṭukkṇā; WPah. jaun. ṭūkṇõmacr; ‘to bite’; N. ṭākun—ṭukun ‘cutting up’; A. ṭukiba ‘to bite bit by bit’; Or. ṭukibā ‘to eat small particles by picking them up’. 2. K. truku m. ‘sound of crunching’, ṭukh (dat. °kas) m. ‘piece’; S. ṭuku m. ‘cut, hole’; L. ṭukkā m. ‘cut in a canal’; P. ṭukk m. ‘cut, piece’, ṭuk ‘little’; Ku. ṭūk ‘twig, shoot’; N. ṭuk ‘piece’; B. ṭuk ‘particle denoting a small quantity’; Bi. Mth. ṭūk ‘piece’; Bhoj. ṭūk ‘piece of cloth’; OAw. ṭūka—ṭūka m. pl. ‘small pieces’, ṭuka adv. ‘for a while’; H. ṭūk m. ‘small piece’, ṭuk adj. and adv. ‘a little’; G. ṭũk, °kũ ‘small, brief’. — Ext. ——: P. ṭukkaṛ m. ‘thick piece of bread’, ṭukṛā m. ‘piece’ Ku. ṭukuṛo m. ‘piece’, ṭukaṛi f. ‘scrap, bread’; N. ṭukro ‘piece, splinter’ (whence ṭukryāunu ‘to break in pieces’); H. ṭukaṛ, ṭukṛā m. ‘piece’, G. ṭukṛɔ m., M. tukḍā, ṭu° m.; — with —r—: Paš. ṭƏkur— ‘to seize with the teeth’ (?); K. ṭukara m. ‘piece’, S. ṭukaru, ṭukiro m.; L. ṭukkur (pl. °kar) m. ‘piece of bread’; A. ṭukurā ‘small piece’, B. ṭukrā, Or. ṭukurā, Bi. ṭukrī ‘quarter of a cake’; — —ll—: Ku. ṭukulo ‘shoot, twig’; Or. ṭukulī ‘girl’. Connexion with N. tukuni, ṭu° ‘small liquid measure’, M. tukṇẽ ‘to weigh’, tūk n. ‘weighing’ is very doubtful. Addenda: *ṭukk—. 1. WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭvkṇõ; ‘to bite, eat’, J. ṭukṇā. 2. *ṭukka—: WPah.kṭg. ṭvkṛɔ m. ‘piece, morsel’.
5467 *ṭugga— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭuṅga—2. 3. *ṭōṅga—2. [~ *ṭhugga—: see list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. Mth. ṭūgar ‘orphaned of one parent’. 2. Bi. (North of Ganges) ṭũgnī ‘cutting ears of corn without stalks’, (SMunger) ṭũgnā ‘ear of wheat’ (but see śuṅga—); H. ṭũgā m. ‘docked tail’. 3. M. ṭõ;g ‘wilful’ ṭõ;gaḷ ‘thick and rude’. *ṭuṅka—, *ṭuṅga— 1 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. *ṭuṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭugga—. *ṭuṅga— 3 ‘navel’ see tundi—. *ṭuḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭuṇṭa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—.
5468 *ṭuṇṭa— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *ṭōṭṭa—2. 3. *ṭōṇta—2. 4. *ṭuḍḍa—. 5. *ṭuṇḍa—2. 6. *ṭunna—. 7. *tōṭṭa—2. [Cf. ṭuṇṭuka—, ṭōṭa— ‘small’ ← Mu. PMWS 150. — Other variants: *ṭaṭṭa— (*taṭṭa2, *ṭugga— (*ṭuṅga2, *ṭōṅga2), *ṭulla—, *ṭhugga— (*ṭhuṅga—), *ṭhuṭṭha— (*ṭhuṇṭha—, *ṭhōṭṭha—, *ṭhōṇṭha—), *ṭhōbba— (*ṭhōmba—), *ṭhōssa—, *ḍōkka—2, *ḍuṇṭa— (*ḍuḍḍa2, *ḍuṇḍa2, *ḍōṭṭa—, *ḍōṇṭa2), *ḍussa—, *ḍhōṭṭa—, *duḍḍa—2, *dhōkka—2, *ṭiṇṭa—, *ṭhiṭṭha— (*ṭhēṭṭha—, *ṭhēṇṭha—, *thiṭṭha—, *thēṭṭha—, *thēṇṭha—), *ṭhiṅga2 (*ṭhēṅga2), *ḍhilla2 *ḍhēlla2. — Other ‘defective’ word—groups with similar variations s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—4, *maṭṭa—, *lakka—1, vaṇṭa—2, *śaṭṭa—] 1. Pk. ṭuṁṭa— ‘having the hands cut off’; K. ṭunḍa m. ‘one who has a naturally crooked or withered arm’; L. ṭuṇḍ, °ḍur m. ‘stump (of tree or limb)’, ṭuṇḍā ‘maimed, branchless’; P. ṭuṇḍ m. ‘handless arm, withered hand, bare trunk of tree’, ṭuṇḍā ‘wanting a hand, having broken arms’, m. ‘shrivelled or paralysed hand’; H. ṭuṇṭā ‘handless’; G. ṭũṭḷũ ‘having a weakness or defect in the hands’, ṭũṭ—mũṭ ‘shattered’. 2. A. B. ṭoṭā ‘stump’. 3. L. awāṇ. ṭūṇḍā ‘decrepit’; H. ṭõ;ṭā ‘handless’. 4. S. ṭuḍ̱o, °ḍ̱iṛo ‘crippled or maimed in the hands’. 5. H. ṭuṇḍ m. ‘stump of branch or arm’, ṭuṇḍā ‘hand- less’; G. ṭuṇḍũ ‘having crooked hands or weak arms, arrogant’. 6. H. ṭunnā m. ‘stump, nipple, clitoris’. 7. Gaw. tōṭa ‘blunt’. ṭuṇṭuka— see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭuṇḍa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭuṇḍa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭuṇḍi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. *ṭunna— ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭupp— ‘drip’ see *ṭapp—. Addenda: *ṭuṇṭa—2: WPah.kṭg. ṭvnḍ m. ‘branchless tree’, ṭvṇḍɔ ‘blunt, one—armed’, J. ṭuṇḍā.
5469 *ṭubb— ‘sink, dive’. [Cf. *ḍubb—] S. ṭuḇaṇu ‘to sink, dive’; L. ṭubbaṇ, (Ju.) ṭuḇḇaṇ ‘to dive, clean out a well’; P. ṭubbṇā ‘to dive’; — S. ṭuḇī f. ‘a dive’, L. ṭubbī f.; P. ṭubbī f. ‘diving, sinking a well’; Or. ṭuba ‘small pools full of water’, ṭubā ‘diving’; — S. ṭoḇo m. ‘diver’; L. ṭobā m. ‘diver, well—cleaner, diving bird’; P. ṭobī f. ‘diving’, ṭobhā m. ‘diver’. *ṭumba— ‘hill’ see *tappa3. Addenda: *ṭubb—: S.kcch. ṭubbī f. ‘a dive’. *ṭēkk— ‘stop’ see *ṭakk1 Add2.
5470 *ṭulla— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] M. ṭullū ‘dwarfish, short and thickset’, m. ‘childish penis’. *ṭūṭṭa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—.
5471 *ṭūssa— ‘small bit, bud, shoot’. [Connexion, if any with túṣa— is not clear] P. ṭūsā m. ‘bud of wild cotton’; Ku. ṭuso, ṭoso (pl. ṭwāsā) ‘blade of grass, sprout’ (whence ṭusṇo ‘to germinate’), N. ṭuso; B. ṭusi, ṭosā ‘drop, particle’; H. ṭūsā m. ‘shoot’. *ṭēkk— ‘stop’ see ṭakk1. *ṭēkka—, *ṭēṅga— ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. *ṭēpp— ‘drip’ see *ṭapp—.
5472 *ṭēppa— 1 ‘fringe’. N. ṭepro ‘foreskin’; B. ṭep ‘border or end of cloth’. *ṭēppa—2, *ṭēmba— ‘hill’ see *ṭappa3. *ṭēmbaru— ‘a tree’ see tumburu—.
5473 *ṭēr— ‘notice’. N. ṭernu ‘to notice, regard’, ṭer ‘attention’, B. ṭer, Or. ṭera; H. ṭernā ‘to call out’, ṭer f. ‘summons’. - Conn. with WPah. pāḍ. paṅ. cur. ṭīr ‘eye’ very doubtful. Addenda: *ṭēr—: WPah.kṭg. ṭēr f. ‘request, urge’.
5475 *ṭēv— ‘appoint, fix’. [Poss. < *ṭēp—: cf. words for ‘horoscope’ s.v. *ṭippati] S. ṭeva f. ‘habit’; P. ṭevā m. ‘birth record from which horoscope is calculated’; N. ṭewā ‘support, prop’; H. ṭew f., ṭewā m. ‘habit’, G. ṭev f.; M. ṭev f. ‘fancy’, ṭevaṇ n. ‘appointed time or place’. Addenda: *ṭēv—: WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) e uṇõ; ‘to arrange, manage’, kṭg. ṭewi f. ‘wooden peg attaching yoke to pole’ Him.I 79.
5476 *ṭōkk— ‘strike, bite’. 2. *ṭōkka—2. 3. *ṭōkkarā—. [Cf. *ṭhōkk— and *ṭukk—] 1. S. ṭokaṇu ‘to scold’; P. ṭokṇā ‘to hinder’; WPah. khaś. ṭokknū ‘to fix in, interrupt’; Ku. ṭokṇo ‘to destroy, reprimand’; N. ṭoknu ‘to snap at, bite’; A. ṭokan ‘heavy stick, club’; B. ṭokā ‘to thwart’; Or. ṭokibā ‘to reprove, stumble’; Mth. ṭokab ‘to question’; H. ṭoknā ‘to check, blame, question’; G. ṭokvũ, ṭɔ̃kvũ ‘to scold’; M. ṭokṇẽ ‘to challenge’. 2. K. ṭŏkh (dat. °kas) m. ‘hammering’; Ash. ṭoká ‘nail, peg’, Kt. tku (NTS ii 281 < *ṭhōkk—); Ku. ṭok ‘rebuke’, ṭoko ‘prop, obstacle’; A. ṭok—ṭok ‘sound of gentle repeated knocking’; G. ṭok f. ‘goading’; Si. ṭokka (pl. ṭoku) ‘blow on the head’ (or < *ṭhōkk—). 3. S. ṭokara f. ‘knock’; B. ṭokar ‘rap’; G. ṭokar f. ‘knock’, ṭokrī f. ‘tongue of a bell’. Addenda: *ṭōkk—: Garh. ṭokṇu ‘to hinder, check’.
5477 *ṭōkka— 1 ‘basket’. 2. *ṭhōkka—. [Cf. *dhōkka1] 1. B. ṭokā ‘hat of basketwork’; Or. ṭokāi ‘basket’, M. ṭõ;kvī. — Ext. —r—: K. ṭūkürü f. ‘basket’, S. ṭokiro m., °rī f., P. ṭokrā m.; WPah. bhal. ṭukru m. ‘small basket of wicker and clay’; Ku. ṭokrī f. ‘basket’, N. ṭokrā, °ri (ṭokaṛi ← Bi.?), B. ṭokrā, Or. ṭukurā, Bi. ṭokṛā (hyper- hindiism with for r), H. ṭokrā m., °rī f.; M. ṭokar m. ‘circular leathern basket’, ṭokrā m. ‘basket’; — with —n—: Or. (dial.) ṭukanā, ṭukini. 2. N. ṭhokro ‘quiver’, ṭhokre ‘maker of clay vessels’. *ṭōkka—2, *ṭōkkarā— ‘blow’ see *ṭōkk—. Addenda: *ṭōkka—: WPah.kṭg. ṭokrɔ, °ru m. ‘basket’, Md. ṭukuri. †;*ṭōṭa— see *ṭōṭṭa1.
5478 *ṭōṅka— ‘beak’. 2. ṭōṅga—1. 3. *ṭhōṅga—. [See list s.v. tuṇḍa—] 1. H. ṭõ;k f. ‘beak, point’, M. ṭõ;k, ṭõ;krī f. — Poss. Wg. ṭõmacr;ka, tūṅga ‘scorpion’, Shum. ṭä̃ukƏ (NTS xvii 307 cf. N. ṭhuṅnu see below). 2. H. ṭõ;g f. ‘beak, point’. 3. S. ṭhoṅgo m. ‘peck’; P. ṭhū̃gṇā ‘to peck’, Ku. ṭhuṅṇo, N. ṭhuṅnu; A. ṭhõ;gonā ‘blow on cheek’; H. ṭhõ;g f. ‘beak’, ṭhõ;gnā, ṭhū̃gnā ‘to peck’. *ṭōṅga— 1 ‘beak’ see prec. *ṭōṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭugga—. *ṭōcca—, *ṭōñca— ‘beak’ see *cōṇṭa—.
5479 *ṭōṭṭa— 1 ‘hollow stick, tube, hole’. 2. *ṭōṇṭa— 1 3. * ḍuḍḍa—1. [Same as *ṭōṭṭa—2, *ḍuḍḍa2?] 1. S. ṭoṭo m. ‘piece of stick’; P. ṭoṭṭā m. ‘candle—end’, ṭoṭṭī f. ‘joint of bamboo’; Ku. ṭoṭo ‘hole’; N. ṭoṛko (< *ṭoṭko) ‘big hole in a tree’; H. ṭoṭā m. ‘hollow bamboo tube, cartridge’ (in latter sense → K. ṭoṭa m., A. B. Or. M. ṭoṭā ‘cartridge’, N. ṭoṭā ‘fired cartridge case’); G. ṭoṭɔ m. ‘pipe, throat, cracker’. 2. Bhoj. ṭõmacr;ṭī ‘pipe’. 3. P. ḍuḍḍ f. ‘mouse—hole’, duṛ(h) f. ‘wolf's den’ (see *dula—). *ṭōṭṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭōṭṭa— 3 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭōṇṭa— 1 ‘tube’ see *ṭōṭṭa1. *ṭōṇṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *ṭōṇṭa— 3 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭōṇḍi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. Addenda: *ṭōṭṭa— 1. 4. †;*ṭōṭa—: S.kcch. ṭoṛī f. ‘bamboo stick’.
5480 *ṭōna— ‘sorcery’. [If, ac. to W.Wüst RM 3, 5 ff., — may be non—Aryan adaptation of IA. ś— (or vice versa?), then poss. < *ṭakuna— < śakuná— ‘bird of omen’ RV. (cf. śakunī— f. ‘demon’, °nikā— f. ‘attendant on Skanda’ MBh. and further śākiná— ‘ep. of Indra’ RV., śākinī— f. ‘atten- dant on Durgā’: see ḍākinī—) rather than with Wüst loc. cit. p. 10 < śuná n. ‘prosperity’ ŚBr. (J. C. W.)] S. ṭoṇo m. ‘witchcraft’, P. ṭoṇā, ṭūṇā m.; WPah. bhal. ṭoṇo m. ‘spell, charm’; Ku. ṭōṇo, ṭūṇo ‘sorcery’, N. ṭuṇā (whence ṭuṇyāhā ‘wizard’), Or. ṭuṇā, OAw. ṭonā, H. ṭonā, ṭaunā m., G. ṭoṇũ n. (changed to —ṭumaṇ in kāmaṇ—ṭumaṇ n.); M. ṭāṇā—ṭoṇā m. ‘juggling’. *ṭōndi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. ṭōpara— see *tōba— and ṭōppa2. *ṭōpp— ‘drip’ see *tapp—.
5481 *ṭōppa— 1 ‘hat, covering’. [Late Sk. ṭuppikā— f. ‘a partic. article of clothing’, ṭōpikā— f. ‘turban’ W.Wüst RM 3, 75 ff.: connexion with āṭōpa— (whether with PMWS 18 ← Mu. or with Wüst non—Aryan change of *āśōpha—) is very doubtful. — Same as *ṭōppa2?] Pk. ṭōpiā— f. ‘helmet’; Dm. ṭópai ‘peak’ NTS xii 193; Gaw. ṭopı̄́ ‘hat, cap’, Bshk. ṭō̤p K. ṭōpa m. ‘cap’, ṭūpi f. ‘skull—cap’; S. ṭopu m., °pī f. ‘hat’, L. ṭopī f., awāṇ. ṭōp, P. ṭop, ṭoppā m., ṭoppī, ṭopī f.; WPah. bhal. ṭopu m. ‘cap’, jaun. ṭōp ‘hookah bowl’, ṭōpī ‘cotton cap’; N. ṭop ‘helmet’, ṭopi ‘hat, cap’, ṭopā ‘opening of a mine’; A. ṭupi ‘hat, cap’, B. Or. ṭopi, ṭupi, Bi. Bhoj. Aw. lakh. ṭōpī, H. ṭop, °pā m., °pī f.; G. ṭop m., °pī f. ‘hat’, ṭopũ n. ‘eyelid’; M. ṭop m., °pī f. ‘hat’, ṭopā m. ‘rain—hood’. - Verb or verbal noun; Ku. ṭopṇo m. ‘umbrella of reeds and leaves’; H. ṭopnā ‘to cover’; M. ṭopaṇ n. ‘lid’. - Ext. ——: Ku. ṭopaṛyūṇo ‘to thatch’; Mth. ṭopaṛ ‘a kind of plaster applied to feet or limbs to prevent ague’; - —r—: B. ṭopar ‘bridegroom's tinsel crown’; Or. ṭopara ‘hat’, (Sambhalpur) ṭupar ‘eye—shade’; — —l—: N. ṭopalnu ‘to pretend’? Addenda: *ṭōppa—1: S.kcch. ṭopī f. ‘top of a hookah’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭoppɔ m., kṭg. ṭoppi f. ‘small cap’, poet. ṭopu, ṭopṛu m. ‘cap’; Md. tofi (totpek) ‘cap’.
5482 *ṭōppa— 2 ‘basket—work’. [Cf. ṭōpara— ‘small bag’ Dhūrtas. (but see *tōba—). — Same as *ṭōppa1?] Or. ṭupā ‘big basket’. — Ext. —r—: WPah. jaun. ṭŏprī ‘basket’; Ku. ṭopro m. ‘deep basket’; — —ll—: Or. ṭuplī ‘little basket’; G. ṭoplɔ m. ‘basket’, M. ṭoplā m.
5483 *ṭōla— ‘division, party’. 2. *ṭōlla—. 3. *tōla—. [Conn. with pratōlī— (ND 247 b 46) very doubtful] 1. K. ṭola m. ‘any clan of high—caste Hindus’; S. ṭoro m. ‘flock of sheep, herd, gang’; L. ṭolā m. ‘herd (of bulls)’, ṭolī f. ‘pack (of wolves or jackals)’; Ku. ṭolo m. ‘line of houses’, ṭolī f. ‘party’, ṭolko m. ‘herd, flock’; N. ṭol ‘division of a town, party, gang’; A. ṭol ‘premises’; B. ṭol ‘shed, school’, ṭuli ‘quarter of a town’; H. ṭol m. ‘hamlet, party’, ṭolā m. ‘quarter of a town’, ṭolī f. ‘quarter of a town, group, band’; G. ṭoḷũ n. ‘flock of sheep’, ṭoḷkī f. ‘band’; M. ṭōḷī f. ‘flock of sheep’. 2. S. ṭolo m. ‘party’, ṭolī f. ‘band of musicians’; P. ṭollā, ṭolā m. ‘clan, quarter of a town’; Or. ṭola ‘Sanskrit school’, ṭulā ‘hamlet, part of a village’; Mth. ṭol ‘village, quarter of a town’; — perh. also the forms of K. L. Ku. N. A. B. H. above. 3. A. tul ‘herd of cattle, company, society’. Addenda: *ṭōla—. 2. *ṭōlla—: WPah.kṭg. ṭolli f. ‘bundle of grass piled round a pole’. *ṭōlla— ‘party’ see *ṭōla— Add2.
5484 *ṭōll— ‘wander’. [Connexion with turáti very doubtful, but cf. NIA. forms with ṭur— ~ tur— and with ḍul— ~ dul— s.v. √dul] S. ṭolāko m. ‘wandering’, ṭulkaṇu ‘to wander’; P. ṭolaṇā ‘to search for’; Ku. ṭolyūṇo ‘to neglect’; N. ṭol(h)inu ‘to be doing nothing, look bewildered’, ṭol(h)āunu ‘to get puzzled’, ṭol(h)o ‘absent—minded person’. *ṭōlla— ‘party’ see *ṭōla—.
5485 *ṭōss— ‘strike’. [Cf. *ṭhōss—] K. ṭūsu m. ‘blow with clenched fist’, ṭōsā—ṭōs f. ‘mutual cudgelling’; Ku. ṭoso ‘fit of anger’.
5486 *ṭōh— ‘grope’. P. ṭohṇā, ṭuhuṇā ‘to feel about, seek out’; WPah. (Joshi) ṭoṇu ‘to seek by touch’; H. ṭohnā ‘to feel for’, ṭoh f. ‘touch, search’, ṭoā m. ‘groping’. ṭválati see ṭálati. Addenda: *ṭōh—: WPah.kṭg. ṭɔı̃ f. ‘desire, craving’.
5487 *ṭhakk— 1 ‘clatter’. [Onom.] K. ṭhākun ‘to hammer’; S. ṭhakāu m. ‘clatter’, P. ṭhak—ṭhak; N. ṭhakṭhakyāunu ‘to knock against’, ṭhāk- ṭhuk ‘thumping and bumping’, ṭhakkar ‘collision’; A. B. ṭhak—ṭhak ‘clatter’, Oṛ ṭhaka—ṭhaka, H. G. M. ṭhak—ṭhak; Si. ṭaka—pōruva ‘piece of board (pōruva) hung on a tree to frighten birds’. *ṭhakk— 2 ‘cheat’ see *ṭhagg—. *ṭhakka— ‘bald’ see *ṭakka2. Addenda: *ṭhakk— 2 ‘cheat’ see *ṭhagg— Add2.
5489 *ṭhagg— ‘cheat’. 2. *ṭhakk— 2. 3. *ṭhaṅg—. [Con- nexion with sthagayati ‘hides’ VarBr̥S., sthaga— ‘dis- honest’ LM 340 very doubtful. Still more doubtful is the proposal of W. Wüst RM 3, 9 and 12 to connect with *ḍākka1 and make both non—Aryan borrowings from śā́ka—. — → Par. ṭag ‘mud’ IIFL i 296, but cf. *tagga—] 1. Pk. ṭhagiya— ‘cheated’; K. ṭhagun ‘to cheat, rob’, S. ṭhaǥaṇu, L. (Ju.) ṭhaǥaṇ, P. ṭhaggṇā, Ku. ṭhagṇo, N. ṭhagnu, A. ṭhagiba, H. ṭhagnā, G. ṭhagvũ; — Pk. ṭhaga- m. ‘thief’, Sh. ṭha̯g m., K. ṭhag m., S. ṭhaǥu m., L. ṭhaǥ m., P. ṭhagg m., Ku. A. B. ṭhag, Or. OAw. ṭhaga, lakh. H. G. M. ṭhag m. 2. Paš. ṭhak m. ‘thief’; B. ṭhakāna ‘to deceive’, Or. ṭhakibā, ṭhaka, Mth. ṭhakab, ṭhak; M. ṭhakṇẽ ‘to be deceived’, ṭhak m. ‘thief’. 3. G. ṭhā̃gũ n. ‘knavery’. *ṭhaṅg— ‘cheat’ see prec. Addenda: *ṭhagg—. 1. S.kcch. ṭhagg(h) m. ‘rogue’, ṭhagṇū ‘to cheat’, Garh. ṭhagṇu. 2. ṭhakk—: Md. ṭekum ‘cheating’.
5490 *ṭhaṭṭh— ‘strike’. [Onom.?] N. ṭhaṭāunu ‘to strike, beat’, ṭhaṭāi ‘striking’, ṭhaṭāk—ṭhuṭuk ‘noise of beating’; H. ṭhaṭhānā ‘to beat’, ṭhaṭhāī f. ‘noise of beating’. *ṭhaṭṭha—1, *ṭhaṭṭha2?
5491 *ṭhaṭṭha— 1 ‘brass’. [Onom. from noise of hammering brass? — *ṭhaṭṭh—] N. ṭhaṭṭar ‘an alloy of copper and bell metal’. *ṭhaṭṭhakara—, *ṭhaṭṭhakāra—.
5492 *ṭhaṭṭha— 2 ‘joke’. [From noise of laughing? Cf. Eng. ‘to crack jokes’. — *ṭhaṭṭh—] K. ṭhaṭha m. ‘joke, ridicule’, S. ṭhaṭho m., P. ṭhaṭṭhā m., Ku. N. ṭhaṭṭā; A. ṭhāṭā ‘joke, taunt’; B. ṭhāṭṭā ‘joke’, Or. ṭhaṭā, thaṭā, thaṭṭā, H. ṭhaṭṭhā m., G. ṭhaṭṭhɔ m., M. ṭhaṭṭhā, thaṭṭā. — Phal. ṭhāṭḗki ‘ogress, witch’ NOPhal 51 (or deformation of *ḍākka2?).
5493 *ṭhaṭṭhakāra— ‘brass worker’. 2. *ṭhaṭṭhakara—. [*ṭhaṭṭha—1, kāra1] 1. Pk. ṭhaṭṭhāra— m., K. ṭhõdotdot;ṭhur m., S. ṭhā̃ṭhāro m., P. ṭhaṭhiār, °rā m. 2. P. ludh. ṭhaṭherā m., Ku. ṭhaṭhero m., N. ṭhaṭero, Bi. ṭhaṭherā, Mth. ṭhaṭheri, H. ṭhaṭherā m. *ṭhaṇḍha— ‘cold’ see stabdha—.
5494 *ṭhan— ‘jingle, clang’. [Onom.] P. ṭhaṇakṇā ‘to jingle’, ṭhaṇākā m. ‘jingling’; B. ṭhan—ṭhan ‘clanging’, Or. ṭhaṇa—ṭhaṇa, H. ṭhan—ṭhan; G. ṭhaṇṭhaṇvũ ‘to clank’, ṭhaṇakvũ ‘to beat, throb’; M. ṭhaṇ—ṭhaṇ ‘with the sound of hammering’, ṭhaṇṭhaṇṇẽ ‘to clank, beat, throb’, ṭhaṇkāviṇẽ ‘to ring (of a vessel)’.
5495 *ṭhapp— ‘strike, press’. [Cf. *thapp—] S. ṭhapaṇu ‘to beat out (metals)’, ṭhapo m. ‘seal’; L. ṭhappaṇ ‘to close a book’, ṭhappā m. ‘stroke, stamp’; P. ṭhappṇā ‘to strike, close a book, stamp, print’; Ku. ṭhāp ‘thumb impression, seal’; N. ṭhappā ‘a partic. rhythm in music’; B. ṭhāpāna ‘to press home (in copulating)’, ṭhāp ‘so doing’; H. ṭhappā m. ‘stamp, mould’; G. ṭhapkɔ m. ‘rebuke’; M. ṭhapkārṇẽ ‘to strike’. Addenda: *ṭhapp— [Cf. also Pk. ṭhappa— ‘to be put, fit to be set up’ < †;sthāpya—]
5496 *ṭhamm— ‘jingle, display’. [Onom.—Semant. cf. ḍam- bara—] N. ṭham—ṭham ‘display, arrogance, smartness’, ṭhamṭhamāunu ‘to swagger’; B. ṭhāma ‘elegant’; Or. ṭhamaka ‘affected gait’; G. ṭham—ṭham ‘jingling’, ṭhamkɔ m. ‘jingling, strutting’, ṭhamṭhamāhaṭ f. ‘pride’; M. ṭhamakṇẽ ‘to mince, strut’. Addenda: *ṭhamm—: cf. OP. ṭhimaṇu ‘to mince’, P. ṭhimakṇā, ṭhumakṇā.
5497 *ṭhalla— ‘empty’. Pk. ṭhalla— ‘poor, penniless’, ṭhaliya— ‘empty’; S. ṭhalho ‘empty’, ṭhalhi ‘unproductive’, ṭhalhaṇu ‘to put a stop to’; P. ṭhallh f. ‘stoppage, obstruction’; H. ṭhālā ‘unemployed’, ṭhāl f. ‘leisure’; OG. ṭhālaü ‘empty’, G. ṭhālũ ‘empty, unemployed’.
5498 *ṭhas— ‘display’. N. ṭhassā, ṭhasak ‘ostentatious expenditure’, ṭhaskanu ‘to show discontent’; B. H. ṭhasak f. ‘foppishness’; G. ṭhaskɔ m. ‘haughtiness’; M. ṭhasak f. ‘daintiness’.
5499 *ṭhass— ‘press down’. [Cf. *thass—, *ṭhōss—] Gy. wel. gr. tas— ‘to be suffocated’, tasav— ‘to throttle’, pal. tăsnauăr ‘throttles’; K. ṭhāsun ‘to hammer into’, ṭhā̆s m. ‘crash, bang’; P. ṭhasṇā ‘to be forced in’, ṭhā̃sṇā ‘to force in’; Ku. ṭhā̃sṇo ‘to thrust, cram’; N. ṭhos—ṭhās ‘poking’; A. ṭhāhiba ‘to ram down’; B. thāsā ‘to knead, cram’; Or. ṭhāsibā ‘to cram’, ṭhasā ‘a mould’; H. ṭhāsnā, ṭhā̃snā ‘to press down’, ṭhas ‘closely pressed’; G. ṭhā̃svũ ‘to cram’, ṭhasvũ intr. ‘to sink in’, ṭhas(s)ɔ m. ‘impression’, ṭhas ‘closely’; M. ṭhāsṇẽ, ṭhā̃sṇẽ ‘to cram’, ṭhasṇẽ ‘to sink in deeply’, ṭhās, ṭhā̃s ‘closely rammed’. *ṭhān— ‘tighten’ see *ṭan—. *ṭhāla— ‘branch’ see ḍāla1. Addenda: *ṭhass—: cf. OP. ṭhāhaṇu ‘to grieve, distress’?
5500 *ṭhiṅga— 1 ‘block, stick, leg’. 2. *ṭhēṅga—. [See list s.v. *ḍakka2] 1. P. ṭhiṅgā m. ‘stick’; N. ṭhiṅro, ṭhiṅuro, ṭhiũro ‘stocks, fetter’; M. ṭhı̃gā ‘stick, block socket for post’, ṭhı̃gḍā m. ‘cudgel’. 2. P. ṭhı̄̃gā m. ‘stick’; N. ṭhyā̃gro, ṭheṅro ‘stocks, fetter’; A. ṭheṅgā ‘pantaloons’ (< ‘*legs’?); B. ṭheṅg ‘leg’, ṭheṅgā ‘cudgel’; Or. ṭheṅga ‘leg’, ṭheṅgā ‘cudgel’; H. ṭhẽgā m. ‘bludgeon’; M. ṭhẽgā m. ‘stick’, ṭhẽgḍā m. ‘cudgel’.
5501 *ṭhiṅga— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhēṅga— 2. [Cf. *ṭhiṭṭha- and list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. P. ṭhiṅgṇā ‘dwarfish’, H. ṭhı̃gnā, G. ṭhı̃gṇũ. 2. B. ṭheṅguyā ‘broken, weak, defective’; M. ṭhẽgā, ṭhẽgyā, ṭhẽgṇā ‘dwarfish’.
5502 *ṭhiṭṭha— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhēṭṭha—. 3. *ṭhēṇṭha—. 4. *thiṭṭha—. 5. *thēṭṭha—. 6. *thēṇṭha—. [Cf. *ṭhiṅga2, and list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. P. ṭhiṭṭh ‘bad’; N. ṭhiṭo ‘young calf just weaned, lad’, ṭhiṭi ‘girl’, ṭhiṛke ‘a person with short sinewy legs’; B. ṭhiṭā ‘impudent’; G. ṭhī̆ṭhũ ‘useless’. 2. P. ṭheṭhar ‘ruined’; N. ṭheṭā ‘substance rejected in making rice beer’, ṭheṭnu ‘half—cooked, inexperienced’, ṭheṭnā—meṭnā ‘the scum of society’. 3. M. ṭhẽṭā ‘short, scant’. 4. M. thiṭā. 5. M. theṭā. 6. M. thẽṭā. *ṭhipp— ‘drip’ see *tapp—. *ṭhibba— ‘flattened’ see *thēbba— Addenda: *ṭhiṭṭha—. 7. †;*ṭhiṇṭa—: WPah.poet. ṭhīṇḍ m. ‘lazy and idle person’, J. ṭhı̃ḍ m. ‘a youth’, ṭhı̃ḍṇu ‘to play a trick’, cam. ṭhiṇḍ ‘ignorant’.
5503 *ṭhīkka— ‘firm, right’. [Prob. < *ṭhiakka— < sthitá—. Cf. Pk. ṭhiaa— ‘upright’, or *ṭhiikka— cf. Aś. man. cira- ṭhitika— ‘lasting long’, kāl. cila—ṭhitikya—. H. Smith JA 1950, 194 with *ṭhikka— as replacement of ṭhia— (as ḍakka—, chikka— of daṭṭha—, chivia—) does not explain ī of K. S. P.] K. ṭhīkun ‘to stand firm’; S. ṭhīku ‘correct’, P. Ku. ṭhīk, N. A. B. ṭhik; Or. ṭhika ‘stability, accuracy’, ṭhikibā ‘to be fixed, be obstructed, strike against’; Mth. Bhoj. H. G. M. ṭhīk ‘firm, correct’. — Poss. also in the following (but cf. similar forms s.v. *ṭhēkk—): P. ṭhikāṇā m. ‘station’; A. B. Or. ṭhikā ‘piecework’; A. Or. ṭhikanā ‘certainty’; B. ṭhikānā ‘station’; Mth. H. ṭhīkā m. ‘piecework’ (H. also ṭhekā m.); H. ṭhikānā m. ‘station’; OMarw. ṭhīka m. ‘trace, whereabouts’; M. ṭhikāṇ, °ṇā m. ‘abode’. Addenda: *ṭhīkka—: WPah.kṭg. ṭhı̄́k ‘accurate’.
5504 *ṭhīkkara— ‘potsherd’. Pk. ṭhikkariā— f. ‘potsherd’, S. ṭhikaru m., °kirī f., L. ṭhīkrī f., P. ṭhīkar, ṭhīkrā m., °rī f., H. ṭhīkrā m., °rī f., Marw. ṭhīkro m.; G. ṭhīkrũ n. ‘earthen vessel’, °rī f. ‘potsherd’, M. ṭhikrī f.
5505 *ṭhugga— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhuṅga—. [~ *ṭugga—: see list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. P. ṭhuggā ‘idiotic, stupid’. 2. Or. ṭhuṅgā ‘lopped off, pollard, naked, solitary’; H. ṭhũgnā ‘dwarfish’. *ṭhuṅga— ‘defective’ see prec.
5506 *ṭhuṭṭha— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhuṇṭha—. 3. *ṭhōṭṭha—. 4. *ṭhōṇṭha—2. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. S. ṭhuṭhu ‘stupid’, ṭhuṭhyo m. ‘thumb held up in representation of penis’ (semant. cf. *ṭhōssa—); L. ṭhuṭṭh m. ‘thumb held up as a sign of rejection’, awāṇ. ṭhuṭh ‘stump’; N. ṭhuṭo ‘polled, hairless, hornless, stump (of tree or maize)’, ṭhuṭi ‘wicked woman, shrew’; Or. ṭhuṭhā ‘lopped, pollard, fingerless, leprous’; Bi. (Patna) ṭhuṭṭhā ‘blighted and empty head of small millet’, (SE) ṭhūṭhā ‘hornless bullock’; M. ṭhūṭā ‘reduced to a stump’. 2. Pk. ṭhuṁṭha— m.n. ‘stump’; Ku. ṭhuno ‘half—burnt log’, ṭhunlo ‘fingerless hand (such as a leper's)’, ṭhuniṇo ‘to be limbless’, tikho—ṭhunno ‘long and sharp—nosed’; N. ṭhũṛo ‘half—burnt log’; B. ṭhũṭā ‘maimed, stump’; Or. ṭhuṇṭhā ‘maimed’, ṭhuṇṭā, thu° ‘lopped, shorn’; Bi. ṭhũṭhā ‘blighted and empty head of small millet’; Bhoj. ṭhũṭh ‘leafless tree’; H. ṭhū̃ṭh m. ‘stump’, ṭhū̃ṭhā ‘lopped, amputated’; G. ṭhũṭhũ ‘handless’, n. ‘stump’; M. ṭhũṭhaṇ n. ‘stump (of tree or limb)’. 3. S. ṭhoṭho ‘withered’; P. ṭhoṭṭh ‘stupid’; Ku. ṭhoṭo ‘anything hollow’ (but see *ṭōṭṭa1); N. ṭhoṭari ‘tor- toise’ (< *ṭhoṭṭa—ḍiā ‘limbless’); H. ṭhoṭ ‘stupid’, G. ṭhoṭh; M. ṭhoṭā ‘reduced to a stump’. 4. S. ṭhū̃ṭhu m. ‘dried—up tree’, ṭhū̃ṭho ‘handless’; M. ṭhõ;ṭ n. ‘trunk’, ṭhõ;ṭā ‘armless, legless, fingerless, reduced to a stump’. *ṭhuḍḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭhuṇṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—. *ṭhuṇḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. Addenda: *ṭhuṭṭha—. 3. *ṭhōṭṭha—: WPah.kṭg. ṭhóṭṭhi f. ‘detach- able pipebowl’, ṭhóṭṭhɔ m. ‘object fixed on an arrow- head as a cover (to be used in a game)’; H. ṭhoṭhrā ‘hollow’. 4. †;*ṭhuḍḍa—2: WPah.kṭg. ṭhv́ḍṛɔ, ṭhv́ḷṛɔ ‘hornless’. 5. †;*ṭhōḍa—: WPah.kṭg. ṭhóḍṛɔ, ṭhóḷṛɔ ‘hornless’. †;*ṭhuḍḍa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—.
5507 *ṭhuna— ‘striking, breaking’. Or. ṭhuṇā ‘blow with the knuckles’; — N. ṭhunko, ṭhanko ‘stroke, fragment’; A. ṭhunukā ‘brittle’, B. ṭhunkā.
5508 *ṭhuss— ‘sound of sobbing &c.’ [Onom.] P. ṭhuss f. ‘sound expressive of contempt’, ṭhuskaṇā ‘to sob’; N. ṭhussa ‘displeased’; H. ṭhusaknā ‘to sob’; G. ṭhusɔ m. ‘taunt’.
5509 *ṭhēkk— ‘fix’. [Poss. < *ṭhēakka— ext. of Pk. thēa- ‘durable’ < sthḗyas— or Pa. thēta— ‘firm’ (< sthitá- X sthḗyas—?). Cf. *ṭhīkka—, but also *ṭikk—, *ṭēkk- with similar range of meanings s.v. *ṭakk—] S. ṭheko ‘mode of beating a drum’; L. ṭhek f. ‘wheat- sheaf’; P. ṭhekā ‘task, mode of beating a drum’; N. ṭhek ‘anything fixed’, ṭhekā ‘keeping time in accompaniment to a song by clapping or striking’, ṭheknu ‘to post’, ṭhekān ‘arrangement’; A. ṭhekā ‘prop, striking two things together’; B. ṭhek ‘prop’, ṭhekāna ‘to obstruct’; Or. ṭheka ‘prop’, ṭhekibā ‘to collide with’; Mth. ṭhekānā ‘fixture’; H. ṭhek m. ‘prop’, ṭhekā m. ‘mode of beating a drum’, G. ṭhekɔ m., ṭhekāṇũ n. ‘station’; M. ṭhekā m. ‘mode of beating a drum’. Addenda: *ṭhēkk—: WPah.kṭg. ṭhékɔ ‘work done under contract’; J. ṭhē'k f. ‘prohibition, restriction’; P. ṭhekā m. ‘work done under contract’.
5510 *ṭhēkka— ‘receptacle’. P. ṭhekī f. ‘bamboo frame to hold grain’; Ku. ṭheko, °kī ‘round wooden vessel’, gng. ṭhyak, ṭheki , N. ṭheko, °ki; Or. ṭheki, ṭhẽki ‘small earthen pot’; H. ṭhekī f. ‘large grain—sack’. *ṭhēṅga— 1 ‘stick’ see *ṭhiṅga1. *ṭhēṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṅga2.
5511 *ṭhēcc— ‘push’. 2. *thēcc—. 3. *ṭhēss—. 4. *ṭhōss—. [Cf. *ṭōss—, *ḍhūss—. — See list s.v. *ṭhēḍḍ—] 1. M. ṭhẽċ f. ‘knock’. 2. Ku. thecṇo ‘to crush’, thecṛo m. ‘footmark’; N. theccinu ‘to be pressed down, squat’, thicnu intr. ‘to press on’. 3. Ku. ṭhes ‘stumble, blow’; N. ṭhesnu ‘to ram, thrust in’, ṭhessinu ‘to stumble’, ṭhes ‘stumble, knock’, ṭhesan ‘additional weight placed on a load to balance it’; A. ṭhehā—ṭhehi ‘crammed, crowded’; B. ṭhes ‘leaning against, push’, ṭhesāna tr. ‘to lean against’; Or. ṭhesibā ‘to bruise, beat’, ṭhẽsibā ‘to jostle, crowd’; Mth. ṭhes ‘stumbling’; H. ṭhesnā ‘to ram in’, ṭhes f. ‘knock’; G. ṭhes f. ‘knock’, ṭhesaṇiyũ n. ‘anything that helps in pushing’; M. ṭhẽs f. ‘knock’. 4. K. ṭhūs m. ‘quarrel’; P. ṭhūsṇā ‘to stuff, cram, eat’; Ku. ṭhosṇo ‘to strike into, strike, shake’; N. ṭhosṇo ‘to poke, chide’; B. ṭhusā ‘to cram’; H. ṭhosnā ‘to press down’; G. ṭhoso m. ‘blow’, M. ṭhosrā m.; — S. ṭhaũso m. ‘blow’, G. ṭhɔ̃svũ ‘to cram’, ṭhɔ̃sɔ m. ‘blow’. *ṭhēṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—. Addenda: *ṭhēcc—. 2. *thēcc—: WPah.kṭg. thḗċ f. ‘obstinacy’ Him.I 95; J. thecṇu ‘to beat’. 5. †;*thōcc—: WPah.kṭg. thɔ́ċ ‘sound of a splash’, kc. thuċuk f. (obl. —a) ‘small slap’, kṭg. thƏċrāṛ, kc. thƏċṛā m. ‘big slap’ Him.I 96.
5512 *ṭhēḍḍ— ‘push’. 2. *ṭhēll—. 3. *ṭēll—. [Cf. *ṭhēcc—, *ṭhēss—, *ṭhōss—] 1. P. ṭheḍā m. ‘stumble’. 2. S. ṭhelhaṇu ‘to push’; P. ṭhehlaṇā ‘to thrust into water’, ṭhillhṇā intr. ‘to plunge into water’; Ku. ṭhelṇo ‘to push’; N. ṭhelnu ‘to push, poke’, intr. ‘to protrude’; A. ṭheliba ‘to push’, B. ṭhelā, Or. ṭhelibā, Mth. ṭhelab; H. ṭhelnā ‘to push’, ṭhelā ‘push—cart’ (→ Bhoj. P. ṭhelā m.); G. ṭhelvũ ‘to push’, M. ṭhelṇẽ. 3. Ku. ṭelaṇo ‘to push, thrust’, ṭilṇo ‘to cram’. *ṭhēṇṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—. *ṭhēll— ‘push’ see *ṭhēḍḍ—. *ṭhēss— ‘push’ see *ṭhēcc—. Addenda: *ṭhēḍḍ—. 2. *ṭhēll—: S.kcch. ṭhelṇū ‘to push’, OMarw. 3 sg. pres.pass. ṭhelijaï. *ṭhēll— ‘push’ see *thēḍḍ— Add2.
5513 *ṭhōkk— ‘knock’. 2. *ṭhōkka—. 3. *ṭhōkkarā—. [Cf. *ṭōkk— and *ṭukk—] 1. Kho. (Lor.) ṭhuxeik ‘to knock (on a door)’; K. ṭhukun ‘to hammer’; S. ṭhokaṇu ‘to knock’; L. ṭhokaṇ ‘to hammer’; P. ṭhokṇā ‘to strike’; Ku. ṭhokṇo ‘to wield’; N. ṭhoknu ‘to knock’; A. ṭhūkiba ‘to strike’, B. ṭhokā, ṭhukā, Or. ṭhukibā; H. ṭhoknā ‘to knock, make firm’; G. ṭhokvũ ‘to strike’, M. ṭhokṇẽ. 2. Ash. ṭoká ‘nail, peg’, Kt. tku NTS ii 281 (or < *ṭōkk—); K. ṭhukh (dat. °kas) m. ‘hammering’; P. ṭhokā m. ‘carpenter’; Ku. ṭhok ‘obstacle’; B. ṭhok ‘whim’; H. ṭhok m. ‘blow’, G. ṭhok f., M. ṭhok m.; Si. ṭokka (pl. ṭoku) ‘blow on the head’ (or < *ṭōkk—). 3. K. ṭhūkara m. ‘blow, stumble’; S. ṭhokara f. ‘blow’, P. ṭhokar f.; Ku. ṭhokar ‘stumble’; N. ṭhokar ‘blow, obstacle’; B. ṭhokar ‘blow’, Or. ṭhokara; Mth. ṭhokrā ‘wooden peg for stirring grain while being crushed’; Bhoj. H. G. ṭhokar f. ‘blow’; M. ṭhokar f. ‘stumbling’. *ṭhōkka— ‘basket’ see *ṭōkka1. *ṭhōṅga— ‘beak’ see *ṭōṅka—. *ṭhōṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—. *ṭhōḍḍa—, *ṭhōṇṭha— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭhōṇṭha— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—. *ṭhōṇḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ṭhōṇḍi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. Addenda: *ṭhōkk—. 1. S.kcch. ṭhokṇū ‘to hammer, strike’; WPah.kṭg. ṭhókṇõ; ‘to copulate (of men)’, ṭhókku m. ‘copulation’; Garh. ṭhokṇu ‘to drive into, beat’. *ṭhōṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha— Add2. †;*ṭhōḍa— ‘defective’ see *ṭhuṭṭha—.
5514 *ṭhōbba— ‘defective’. 2. *ṭhōmba—. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. G. ṭhobrũ ‘ugly, clumsy’. 2. M. ṭhõ;b m. ‘bare trunk, boor, childless man’, thõ;bā m. ‘boor, short stout stick’ (LM 340 < stambha—). *ṭhōmba— ‘defective’ see prec. *ṭhōss— ‘push’ see *ṭhēcc—.
5515 *ṭhōssa— ‘defective’. [~ *ḍussa—. See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] P. ṭhossā m. ‘gesture of denial with thumb’ (semant. cf. *ṭhuṭṭha—); WPah. (Joshi) ṭhosā ‘penis’; N. ṭhoso ‘stalk after a plant is cut, stubble’; H. ṭhosā m. ‘gesture with thumb’.
5516 *ḍakk— 1 ‘shout’. Ku. ḍākṇo ‘to chide, lecture, dispatch’, ḍāko ‘scold- ing, exhortation’; N. ḍāknu ‘to call, send for’, ḍāko ‘shout, voice’; A. ḍākiba ‘to shout’, ḍākā ‘cockcrow’; B. ḍākā ‘to call, summon’, ḍāk ‘shout’; Or. ḍākibā ‘to shout’, ḍāka, ḍakā ‘shout, sound’, ḍakarā ‘invitation’; Mth. ḍāk ‘shout’; H. ḍāknā, ḍā̃knā ‘to shout’, ḍāk f. ‘shouting’. *ḍakkāra—; — *ḍakka1? Addenda: *ḍakk—1: WPah.kc. ḍakṇo ‘to drive (e.g. cattle)’; J. ḍākṇu ‘to chide, dispatch’.
5517 *ḍakk— 2 ‘bite’. 2. *ḍaṅk—. 3. *ḍaṅkh—. 4. *daṅk—. [Connexion with √daṁś is doubtful] 1. Pk. ḍakka—, dakka— ‘bitten’ (H. Smith JA 1950, 194 replacement of daṭṭha—), ḍakkijjaï ‘is bitten’; A. ḍākiba ‘to bite, sting’; H. ḍakorī f. ‘hornet’. 2. Pk. ḍaṁka— m. ‘bite, sting’; S. ḍ̱aṅgaṇu ‘to bite, sting’, ḍ̱aṅgu m. ‘bite, sting’; L. ḍaṅg m. ‘bite’, (Ju.) ḍ̱ãgaṇ ‘to bite’, P. ḍaṅgṇā, ḍaṅg m.; Or. ḍaṅka ‘fangs of a snake, insect bite’; Mth. ḍaṅk ‘bite of insect or rep- tile’; H. ḍā̃k m. ‘insect sting’; G. ḍā̃k m. ‘large green wasp’. 3. G. ḍā̃kh m. ‘a kind of wasp’; M. ḍā̃khṇẽ ‘to bite’, ḍā̃kh ‘bite, sting’. 4. N. daṅinu ‘to be cheated’ (semant. cf. ḍā̃snu < dáṁśati). Addenda: *ḍakk— 2. 2. *ḍaṅk—: S.kcch. ḍaṅgh m. ‘a sting’; WPah.poet. ḍaṅge f. ‘a sting, pang’; A. ḍā̃kiba (phonet. d—) ‘to bite’ AFD 207.
5518 *ḍakk— 3 ‘stop’. [Cf. *ṭakk1] L. ḍakkaṇ, (Ju.) ḍ̱a° ‘to stop, obstruct’; P. ḍakkṇā ‘to block up, hinder’, ḍakk m. ‘hindrance’, ḍakkā m. ‘plug’.
5519 *ḍakka— 1 ‘relay, post’. [ḍakk1?] Ku. A. B. ḍāk ‘relay, post, posting stage’, Or. ḍāka, H. ḍāk f. (→ P. ḍāk f., K. ḍākh, dat. °kas m.), G. M. ḍāk f.
5521 *ḍakkāra— ‘belch’. 2. *ḍhakkāra—. [Onom. with kāra3] 1. K. ḍākur m., S. ḍ̱akāru m., P. ḍakār f., ḍakārnā vb.; Ku. ḍakār ‘belch’, ḍakārṇo ‘to belch, digest’; N. ḍakār ‘belch’, ḍakārnu vb.; Or. ḍakāra ‘vomiting’; H. ḍakār f. ‘belch’, ḍakārnā, ḍãk° vb., M. ḍakār m. 2. Or. ḍhakāra, ḍhaṅk°, ḍhẽk° ‘belch’, Mth. ḍhẽkār, H. ḍhakār, ḍhik° f., M. ḍhẽkar m.; — Dm. ḍrē̃k— ‘to belch’. Addenda: *ḍakkāra— [Cf. *ḍhikk—]: WPah.kṭg. ḍƏkār f. ‘belch, hiccup’; J. ḍāk f. ‘vomit’.
5522 *ḍag— 1 ‘tremble’. 2. *ḍak—. 3. *ḍig— 1. 4. *dag— 1. 5. *dig—. [Cf. *dhagg—] 1. Pk. ḍagamagaï ‘trembles’; P. ḍagḍagāuṇā ‘to tremble’, ḍagmag ‘trembling’; Ku. ḍagmagāṇo ‘to hesitate’; N. ḍagnu ‘to recoil’, ḍagḍagāunu, ḍagmag° ‘to tremble’; A. ḍagmag ‘unsteadiness, sparkle’, ḍagmagāiba ‘to glitter’; B. ḍagmag ‘trembling’, ḍagḍagiyā ‘glowing’; Or. ḍagaḍaga ‘briskly, hastily (of walking)’; Mth. ḍagrī ‘winnowing basket’, ḍagmag sb. ‘trembling’; H. ḍagḍagānā, ḍagmag° ‘to tremble, burn brightly’; OMarw. ḍagaï ‘quivers’; G. ḍagvũ, ḍagḍagvũ, ḍagmagvũ ‘to tremble’; M. ḍagṇẽ, ḍagḍagṇẽ, ḍagmagṇẽ ‘to tremble’, ḍagāgṇẽ ‘to totter’. 2. S. ḍ̱akaṇu ‘to tremble’, ḍ̱akaḍ̱akato ‘just caught (of a fish)’; N. ḍaknu ‘to harass’; M. ḍakḍakṇẽ ‘to tremble’; — Ash. ḍeḍek— ‘to tremble’, Kt. ḍäṭkyitum NTS vii 90, däṭkye— NTS ii 255, Wg. ḍaḍek—, Pr. ā—ẓuẓu—. 3. H. ḍignā ‘to unsettle’, ḍigmig ‘trembling’; OMarw. ḍigaï ‘fails’. 4. P. dagdagāuṇā ‘to shine’. 5. N. digmigāunu ‘to shudder at one's food’.
5523 *ḍag— 2 ‘step, pace’. 2. *ḍig— 2. 3. *dag— 2. 1. N. ḍag ‘step, stride’, H. ḍag f., OMarw. ḍaga f., G. ḍag, ḍaglũ n.; M. ḍag f. ‘pace’, ḍagṇẽ ‘to step over’; — Or. ḍagara ‘footstep, road’; Mth. ḍagar ‘road’, H. ḍagar f., ḍagrā m., G. ḍagar f. 2. P. ḍı̃gh f. ‘foot, step’; N. ḍeg, ḍek ‘pace’; Mth. ḍeg ‘footstep’; H. ḍig, ḍeg f. ‘pace’. 3. L. dagg m. ‘road’, daggaṛ rāh m. ‘wide road’ (mult. ḍaggar rāh < daggaṛ?); P. dagaṛ m. ‘road’, H. dagṛā m. *ḍagga— 1 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3.
5524 *ḍagga— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *ḍaṅga— 2. 3. ḍaṅgara— 2 ‘expression of contempt’ lex. (→ Psht. Orm. ḍaṅgar ‘lean’ IIFL i 393, NTS ii 255). 4. *ḍikka— 2. 5. *ḍiṅga— 2. 6. ḍiṅgara— m. ‘rogue, servant’ lex. 7. *ḍēṅga— 2. 8. *ḍhagga—. 9. *ḍhaṅkha—. 10. *ḍhiṅka— 2. 11. *dhaṅga—. 12. *dhiṅga—. [Cf. ḍaṅgara1: see lists s.vv. *ḍōkka2 and *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. Wg. ḍege ‘old, weak’; Woṭ. ḍāg (f. ḍyēg) ‘old’, Gaw. ḍaga. 2. Ku. ḍā̃go ‘lean (e.g. of oxen)’; N. ḍā̃go ‘male (of animals)’; A. ḍāṅ ‘wicked’, ḍāṅ—muṭhiyā ‘without wife or children’; Or. ḍāṅga ‘one who is reduced to a skele- ton’, ḍāṅguā ‘bachelor, widower’, ḍaṅgā ‘long and narrow (e.g. of a plot of ground)’. 3. Ash. ḍäṅor ‘unwell’; Bashg. daṅgor ‘lazy’; K. ḍangur (dat. °garas) m. ‘fool’; P. ḍaṅgar m. ‘stupid man’; N. ḍāṅro ‘term of contempt for a blacksmith’, ḍāṅre ‘large and lazy’; A. ḍaṅurā ‘living alone without wife or children’; H. ḍā̃gar, ḍā̃grā m. ‘starveling’. 4. OMarw. ḍīkarī f. ‘daughter’. 5. S. ḍ̱iṅgu m. ‘crook’, ḍ̱iṅgo ‘crooked’, L. P. ḍiṅgā; Ku. ḍı̃glo ‘lean, emaciated’; N. ḍı̃go, ḍiṅo ‘abusive word for a cow’; G. ḍı̃g f. n. ‘lie’. 6. Kt. ḍigƏr ‘bad, unpleasant’; N. ḍiṅgar ‘con- temptuous term for an inhabitant of the Tarai’; B. ḍiṅgar ‘vile’; Or. ḍiṅgara ‘rogue’, °rā ‘wicked’; H. ḍiṅgar m. ‘rogue’; M. ḍı̃gar m. ‘boy’. 7. B. ḍeṅguyā ‘having no wife’. 8. L. (Shahpur) ḍhaǥǥā ‘small weak ox’, ḍhaǥǥī f. ‘cow’, ḍhaǥṛā m. ‘paramour’. 9. Pk. ḍhaṁkhara— m.n. ‘branch without leaves or fruit’; S. ḍhaṅgaru m. ‘lean emaciated beast’; Ku. ḍhā̃go ‘lean’, m. ‘skeleton’; M. ḍhā̃k, n., ḍhā̃kaḷ f. ‘old decay- ing stump’, ḍhā̃kẽ n. ‘stout stake’, ḍhā̃kaḷ, °kūḷ ‘old and decaying, bare of leaves &c.’ 10. S. ḍhiṅgaru m. ‘lean emaciated beast’. 11. Or. dhāṅgaṛ ‘young servant, herdsman, name of a Santal tribe’, dhāṅgaṛā ‘unmarried youth’, °ṛī ‘un- married girl’, dhāṅgarā ‘youth, man’; H. dhaṅgar m. ‘herdsman’, dhā̃gaṛ, °ar m. ‘a non—Aryan tribe in the Vindhyas, digger of wells and tanks’; M. dhā̃gaḍ ‘rude, loutish’, f. ‘hoyden’. 12. M. dhı̃gaḍ = prec. *ḍaṅk— ‘bite’ see *ḍakk2. Addenda: *ḍagga— 2. 8. *ḍhagga—1: transfer words for ox and cow to †;*ḍhagga2 s.v. †;*ḍagga3. 12. *dhiṅga—: S.kcch. dhīṅgho ‘stout’. 13. †;*dhakkha—: P. dhakkh ‘small’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dhɔ́kkh ‘little, some’, kṭg. dhɔ́khni f. ‘one eighth’ (Him.I 108), J. dhakh ‘a little’; Garh. dhakkaṛ ‘a good—for—nothing man’. 14. †;*dhagga—: P. dhagṛā m. ‘paramour’, dhagaṛ ‘violent man’, WPah.poet. dhɔgṛa m. ‘scoundrel, paramour’, H. dhagṛā.
5525 *ḍaṅka— ‘drum’. 2. *ḍakka— 4. [Cf. ḍakkārī— ‘lute’ lex.] 1. P. N. B. Or. H. M. ḍaṅkā m. ‘drum’; G. ḍaṅkɔ m. ‘large kettledrum’, M. ḍā̃kā m. 2. Pk. ḍakka— m. ‘a partic. musical instrument’; G. ḍakkɔ m. ‘drum’; Si. ḍäkkiya ‘tom—tom’. *ḍaṅkh— ‘bite’ see *ḍakk2. *ḍaṅga— 1 ‘stick’ see *ḍakka2. *ḍaṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. *ḍaṅga— 3 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. *ḍaṅga— 4 ‘boat’ see *ḍōṅga1.
5526 *ḍaṅgara— 1 ‘cattle’. 2. *daṅgara—. [Same as ḍaṅ- gara2 s.v. *ḍagga2 as a pejorative term for cattle] 1. K. ḍangur m. ‘bullock’, L. ḍaṅgur, (Ju.) ḍ̱ãgar m. ‘horned cattle’; P. ḍaṅgar m. ‘cattle’, Or. ḍaṅgara; Bi. ḍā̃gar ‘old worn—out beast, dead cattle’, dhūr ḍā̃gar ‘cattle in general’; Bhoj. ḍāṅgar ‘cattle’; H. ḍā̃gar, ḍā̃grā m. ‘horned cattle’. 2. H. dā̃gar m. = prec. ḍaṅgara— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. *ḍaṭṭha—, *daṇṭa— ‘stalk’ see next.
5527 *ḍaṇṭha— ‘stem’. 2. *ḍaṇṭa—. 3. *ḍāṇṭa—. 4. *ḍaṭṭha—. 5. *ḍāṭṭha—. 6. *ḍiṇṭa—. 7. *ṭāṇṭa—. 8. *ṭāṇṭha—. 9. *taṇṭa—. 10. *daṇṭha—. [Cf. taṇḍaka— n. ‘tree- trunk’ lex.—This group, if it includes daṇḍá— (EWA ii 11) and de/ndr(e)on (H. W. Bailey TPS 1952, 60), is prob. like āṇḍá— and índra—, non—IE. in origin (despite Bailey loc. cit. fn. 3) and the IA. forms have been infl. by Drav. and Mu. words (lit. EWA loc. cit.) and speech- habits (J.C.W.)] 1. H. ḍā̃ṭh, °ṭhī f., ḍā̃ṭhal m., ḍaṇṭhā, °ṭhal, °ṭhlā m. ‘stem, stalk’. 2. L. (Ju.) ḍ̱ãḍī f. ‘stem of poppy’, ḍ̱ãḍal m. ‘culm’; B. ḍā̃ṭ ‘stem, stalk’; Mth. ḍā̃ṭ ‘foot stalk of lotus’, ḍaṇṭī ‘foot stalk of a plant, beam of scales’; Bhoj. ḍaṇṭā ‘stick’; H. ḍā̃ṭ ‘stem, stalk’. 3. S. ḍ̱ā̃ḍī f. ‘stalk of flower or fruit’. 4. P. ḍaṭṭhal m. ‘hull of gram’; H. ḍaṭhā m. ‘stalk’. 5. S. ḍ̱āṭho m. ‘fibres and stalk of tobacco leaf’. 6. G. ḍı̄̃ṭũ, ḍīṭũ n. ‘leaf stalk’. 7. L. ṭāṇḍā m. ‘dry stalk of bājrā’, P. ṭā̃ḍā m. 8. P. ṭā̃ḍhā m. 9. N. tāndro ‘dry stalk or straw’ (< *tāṇṭa—ḍa—); M. tā̃ṭ ‘stem’. 10. Or. dāṇṭhi ‘hard stalk of a creeper, stalk—like bean’. ḌAP ‘accumulate’: ḍāpayatē. *ḍabara— ‘pool’ see *ḍabbara—. *ḍabb— ‘press’ see *dabb—. Addenda: *ḍaṇṭha—. 1. S.kcch. ḍāṇḍhī f. ‘small drumstick’, ḍāṇḍhyo m. ‘short thick stick’. 4. *ḍaṭṭha—: A. ḍaṭh ‘elephant goad’ rather < *dāṁṣṭra—? 11. †;*taṇḍa—: Md. tan̆ḍi ‘stalk’. 12. †;*diṇṭa—: M. dẽṭ ‘stem, stalk’, Ko. dēṇṭu.
5528 *ḍabba— 1 ‘box’. 2. *ḍibba— 1. 3. *ḍēbba—. 4. *ḍāva— 1. 5. *dabba—. 6. *dibba—. [Not conn. with darvi—, but of non—Aryan origin (A. Master BSOAS xii 348 ← Drav.)] 1. K. ḍaba m. ‘small round covered box’; L. ḍabbī f. ‘small box’; P. ḍabb m. ‘a kind of pocket’; Ku. ḍābā ‘small box’; B. ḍāb ‘unripe coconut full of water’, ḍābā ‘large hollow vessel to feed cattle from’, ḍābu ‘small jar’; Or. ḍāba ‘raw coconut’, ḍabā ‘small metal box’, ḍābā ‘canister’; Bhoj. ḍabasā ‘round vessel’; H. ḍabbā m., °bī f. ‘box’, ḍabrī f. ‘earthen cup’; G. ḍābṛī f. ‘box’, ḍabṛũ n. ‘leather bag’; M. ḍabbā m., ḍabḍẽ n., *ḍī f., ḍabkī f. ‘box’. 2. P. ḍibbā m. ‘box’; Ku. ḍibi ‘small vessel or box’; N. ḍibiyā ‘small flat box’; B. Or. ḍibā ‘small box for jewels’, Bi. ḍībā, ḍibbā, Bhoj. ḍībā, H. ḍibī, ḍibbī f. 3. Aw. lakh. ḍebiyā ‘casket’. 4. Mth. ḍāwā ‘large earthen cup’; M. ḍāv f., ḍav, ḍaū m. ‘hollowed coconut used as a vessel’. 5. L. dablā m. ‘jewel box’, °lī f. ‘snuff—box’; — N. dāb, dāp ‘sheath’; M. dāb m. ‘girdle’? 6. P. dibbā m. ‘box’. Addenda: *ḍabba— 1. 1. S.kcch. ḍabī f. ‘small box’, ḍabo m. ‘carriage’; WPah.poet. ḍabu m. ‘small box’; J. ḍābū m. ‘round wooden box’. 7. †;*ḍabbara—2: S.kcch. ḍabrī f. ‘small round metal vessel’; Bhoj. ḍabarā m. ‘a round vessel’; H. ḍabrī f. ‘leather cup’; G. ḍābrī f. ‘box’, ḍābrũ n. ‘leather bag’. †;*ḍabbara— 2 ‘box’ see *ḍabba1.
5529 *ḍabba— 2 ‘spot’. 2. *dribba—. 3. *dhabba—. 1. K. ḍobu ‘spotted’; S. ḍ̱aḇo m. ‘a kind of dog’; P. ḍabb m. ‘spot’, ḍabbā ‘spotted’, ḍabbī f. ‘spotted bitch’; N. ḍābar ‘spot, small swelling’; G. ḍabkɔ m. ‘drop, blot’. 2. S. ḍriḇuṛu m. ‘mark of sting or bite’. 3. L. dhabbā m. ‘cotton—printer’; P. dhabbā m. ‘spot’; N. dhabbo ‘stain, spot’, H. dhabbā m., G. dhābũ n.
5530 *ḍabbara— ‘mud, pool, vessel’. 2. *dabbara—. 3. *ḍabara—. [Semant. for ‘pool ~ vessel’ cf. kuṇḍá—1, kumbhá1] 1. L. ḍabbar m. ‘clayey hollow’; A. ḍabar ‘spittoon’; B. ḍābar ‘water—vessel’; H. ḍābar m. ‘low hollow ground where water collects’; OMarw. ḍābara m. ‘pool’; M. ḍaburā, °brā m. ‘hole dug for water’. 2. Ash. dábar ‘clay’; Paš. dabar ‘wet’; P. dābar m. ‘clay’. 3. M. ḍavrā m. ‘hole dug for water’.
5533 *ḍambharūpa— ‘young animal’. [ḍimbha—3, rūpá—] N. ḍambaru, ḍammaru ‘tiger's cub’.
5536 *ḍala— ‘lump’. 2. *ḍalla— 1. 3. *ḍilla—. 4. *ḍēlla—. 5. *ḍhalla—. 6. *ḍhilla— 1. 7. *ḍhēlla—. 8. dala— 1 m. ‘clump, heap’ lex. 9. *dalla—. 10. *dilla—. 11. *ṭēla—. [See list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Pk. ḍala— m. ‘lump’; Gaw. Sv. ḍal ‘big, thick’; P. ḍalā m. ‘lump’, ḍalī f. ‘small lump, betel—nut’; Ku. ḍalo, °li ‘lump, clump’, H. ḍalā m., °lī f., Marw. ḍalī f. — N. ḍolo ‘round and smooth’ (X gol < gōla1?). 2. N. ḍallo ‘round, round lump, clod; G. ḍalɔ m. ‘lump’, M. ḍallā m. — S. ḍ̱alhaṇu ‘to stuff, fill the stomach’? 3. K. ḍı̄̃jü f. ‘ball, small globular mass’; S. ḍ̱īlu m. ‘belly, body’; L. ḍilh (pl. °hı̃) f. ‘boulder’, (Ju.) ḍ̱ilh m. ‘clod’; P. ḍīl m. ‘bulk’; N. ḍil ‘ridge, bank’; A. ḍil ‘heart, spadix of a plaintain tree’, ḍilā ‘mango—stone, calf of leg’ (semant. cf. píṇḍa—); H. ḍīl m. ‘lump, ploughed land’; G. ḍīl n. ‘body’. 4. S. ḍ̱elhu m. ‘an unripe fruit of Ceriops candolleana’; L. ḍēlhā, ḍēlā, (Ju.) ḍ̱ē° ‘a fruit of Capparis aphylla, an unripe fruit, diseased eyeball’; P. ḍelhā, ḍellā, ḍelā m. ‘an unripe fruit of Capparis aphylla, eyeball’; WPah. bhal. ḍell n. ‘lump or heap of clay’, khaś. ḍellā ‘hip’, jaun. ḍēlī ‘stone of fruit’; Ku. ḍel ‘clump, clod’; N. ḍeli ‘small round basket without a handle’; B. ḍelā ‘lump’; H. ḍel m. ‘lump, ploughed land’. 5. H. ḍhallā m. ‘lump of clay, clod’. 6. B. ḍhil ‘lump, clod, stone’; Mth. ḍhīl ‘louse’; M. ḍhīl n. ‘potbelly’. 7. Paš. ḍäl plural affix; K. ḍela m. ‘clod’, P. ḍhelā m., WPah. bhal. bhad. ḍhell n., bhiḍ. ḍhellõ; (pl. °lã) n., Ku. ḍhel, ḍhelo m., N. B. Or. H. ḍhelā m.; M. ḍhel f. ‘heap’, n.f. ‘potbelly’, ḍhelā m. ‘dry spot in a river’. 8. P. dalā m. ‘lump’; Ku. dalo ‘large stone’; A. dalā ‘clod’, dali ‘lump, piece of stone used as a missile’; B. dalā, °li, dalni ‘lump, clod’; Or. daḷi ‘clod’, daḷanī ‘clod, brickbat’; H. dalī f. ‘clod’; Si. dali ‘clod of clay or earth’. 9. Ku. dallā, dālā ‘large rocks and stones, debris and sand’. 10. Bshk. dil ‘clod’; H. dil f. ‘small eminence, site of an old village’; G. dil n. ‘body, belly’. 11. Or. ṭeḷā ‘clod of earth’. *ḍhēllapáśa—. *ḍalla— 1 ‘lump’ see prec. Addenda: *ḍala— ‘lump’. 2. *ḍalla—1: WPah.kṭg. ḍāl f. ‘stomach’ Him.I 84. 4. *ḍēlla—: WPah.jaun. ḍelī ‘fruitstone’. 9. *dalla—: WPah.Wkc. dɔle f. ‘laziness’ (see also *ḍhila—). 10. *dilla—: WPah.poet. dile f. ‘fruitstone’ Him.I 102. 12. †;*ḍhōla—2: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhṑḷ m. ‘stone’, kṭg. ḍhòḷṭɔ m. ‘big stone or boulder’, ḍhòḷṭu ‘small id.’ Him.I 87. *ḍalla— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍala— Add2.
5537 *ḍalla— 2 ‘basket’, ḍallaka— n. ‘basket carried with stick and ropes over shoulder’ BrahmavP. 2. *ḍāla— 2. 3. *dāla— 3. 1. Pk. ḍalla—, °aga— n. ‘basket’, S. ḍ̱alho m., P. ḍall f., Ku. ḍālo m., N. ḍālo, °li; A. ḍāli ‘basket of fruit &c. for a present’; B. ḍālā, °li ‘basket’; Or. ḍālā, °li ‘basket, wickerwork tray’; Mth. ḍālā ‘present to bridegroom's father on departure of marriage procession’; H. ḍāl, °lī f. ‘basket’ (→ P. ḍālī f. ‘basket, esp. of fruit as a present’, K. ḍöli f.), ḍālā, ḍallā m. ‘large basket, litter’; G. ḍālũ n. ‘basket’; M. ḍāl f. n. ‘basket’, ḍālẽ n. ‘frame to hold pitchers’; Si. ḍalaka ‘basket, sling, present of fruit &c.’. 2. M. ḍāḷī f. °ḷẽ n. ‘basket’. 3. M. dāḷẽ n. = prec. ḍallaka— see prec. Addenda: *ḍalla—2: S.kcch. ḍallo m. ‘big basket’ (ḍālo m. ← G.).
5538 *ḍavala— ‘shape’. 2. *ḍavalla—. 1. K. ḍol m. ‘shape, figure’, P. ḍaul m., N. ḍawal, ḍaul; B. H. ḍaul m. ‘shape, condition’, G. ḍɔḷ f.; M. ḍauḷ ‘a form ready to be filled’. 2. S. ḍ̱aulu m. ‘shape’; Or. ḍaula ‘shape, condition’, adj. ‘handsome’; M. ḍaul, ḍahūl m. ‘shape, condition’. *ḍavalla— ‘shape’ see prec.
5539 *ḍavva— ‘lefthand, crosswise’. 2. *ḍāva— 2. 3. *ḍābba—. 4. *ḍivva—. 5. *ḍēvva—. 6. ḍhēvva—. 7. *dēva— 2. 8. *dēvva—. [Non—Aryan: A. Master BSOAS xii 348 ← Drav.] 1. Pk. ḍavva— ‘left’; P. ḍaū m. ‘fool’; Or. (Sambhalpur) ḍabri ‘left side or hand’. 2. Pk. ḍāva— m. ‘left hand’; S. ḍ̱āo ‘left’, ḍāvaṛu ‘left- handed’; H. ḍāwā ‘left’; M. ḍāvā ‘id.’, ḍāvrā ‘lefthanded, crooked—horned’, ḍāvrẽ n. ‘crooked horn’. 3. S. ḍ̱āḇaṛu ‘lefthanded’; OG. ḍābaü ‘left’, G. ḍābũ, ḍābhũ. 4. H. ḍibbā m. ‘left hand’, ḍibariyā ‘lefthanded’. 5. N. ḍebro ‘obstinate’, ḍebre ‘left’; B. ḍebrā ‘left- handed’, Or. ḍebarā ‘id.’, ḍebiri ‘pertaining to the left’; Bi. Mth. ḍeb ‘bullock with one erect and one hanging horn’. — X *trēḍḍa— q.v. 6. Ku. ḍhebro ‘lefthanded’. 7. H. dewrā ‘left’. 8. N. debro ‘obstinate’, debre ‘left’, H. debrā. Addenda: *ḍavva—. 3. *ḍābba—: S.kcch. ḍābo ‘left’.
5543 *ḍākka— 1 ‘robber, robbery’. [Ac. to W.Wüst RM 3, 33, with *ṭhakk2, ← non—Aryan adaptation of śāka—] P. ḍākā m. ‘robbery, band of robbers’, ḍākū m. ‘robber’; N. ḍāku, ḍā̃kā, °ku, ḍakait ‘robber’, A. B. ḍāku, ḍakāit, Or. ḍāku, ḍā̃ku, ḍakāita, Mth. ḍākū, ḍakait; H. ḍākā, m. ‘robbery, band of robbers’, ḍākū, ḍā̃kū, ḍakait m. ‘robber’; G. ḍākɔ m. ‘attack by robbers’; M. ḍā̃kā m. ‘band of robbers, attack by robbers’; — G. ḍākũ ‘dishonoured’, ḍākiyũ, ḍākṇũ ‘wicked’ (or < ḍākínī—). *ḍākka— 2 ‘goblin’ see ḍāka—. *ḍākkinī—, *ḍāṅkinī— ‘witch’ see ḍākínī—. *ḍāṭṭha— ‘stalk’ see *ḍaṇṭha—. *ḍāḍha— ‘branch’ see ḍāla1. *ḍāṇṭa— ‘stalk’ see *ḍaṇṭha—.
5545 *ḍāl— ‘pour, put’. 2. *ḍār—. [Cf. √*ḍhal] 1. Ku. ḍālṇo ‘to throw, pour, put in’; Mth. ḍārab ‘to throw’; OAw. ḍāraï ‘throws, puts away’; H. ḍālnā ‘to pour, put, scatter, destroy’, caus. ḍalānā, ḍalāu m. ‘rubbish’; M. ḍāḷṇẽ ‘to pile up orderly’, ḍāḷ m. ‘pile’. 2. P. ḍārṇā ‘to throw’; — H. ḍārnā = ḍālnā (or with EH. —r— < —l—). Addenda: *ḍāl—: WPah.poet. ḍalṇo ‘to throw’ (← H. Him.I 84).
5547 *ḍikka— 1 ‘stick, line’. 2. *ḍiṅka—. [See list s.v. *ḍakka2] 1. N. ḍiko ‘horizontal line on the top of Nāgarī letters’; A. ḍikiba ‘to draw a line’ (semant. cf. Mth. ḍā̃ṛi ‘line’ < daṇḍá—). — Wg. dikā— ‘to drive away’?? 2. N. ḍı̃gnu, ḍiṅnu ‘small stick for driving animals’. *ḍikka— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga—.2 *ḍig— 1 ‘tremble’ see *ḍag1. *ḍig— 2 ‘step’ see *ḍag2. *ḍiṅga— 1 ‘boat’ see *ḍōṅga1. *ḍiṅga—2, ḍiṅgara— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. ḍiḍimāṇaka— see ṭiṭṭibha—. *ḍiḍḍha— ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍiṇṭa— ‘stalk’ see *ḍaṇṭha—. ḍiṇḍibha— see dundubha—. Addenda: *ḍikka—. 2. *ḍiṅka—: WPah.kṭg. īṅg m. ‘stick’, kṭg. (kc.) iṅgɔ m., poet. iṅkule f. ‘small stick’, J. ḍiṅgli f. *ḍiṅka— ‘stick’ see ḍikka1 Add2.
5549 *ḍippa— ‘mound, hill’. 2. *ḍibba— 2. [Cf. forms s.v. *ṭappa3 and parallel variations s.v. *ṭakka3. — Origin of Dhātup. √ḍip ‘heap’? Then cf. √ḍap.] 1. S. ḍ̱ipo m. ‘a kind of wen or swollen lump’; Ku. ḍīp ‘hillock, ridge’; — Ku. ḍino ‘hilltop’ (X ḍāno < daṇḍá—?). 2. S. ḍ̱iḇa f. ‘mound of earth’; Or. ḍibiri ‘nut of a bolt’. *ḍibba— 1 ‘box’ see *ḍabba1. *ḍibba— 2 ‘mound, lump’ see *ḍippa—.
5555 *ḍīra— ‘shoot’. Pk. ḍīra— n. ‘new shoot’, M. ḍīr n.
5556 *ḍukk— ‘swell’. S. ḍ̱uku m. ‘girl's breast when it begins to swell’; N. ḍuku ‘new shoot of a creeper’; — Ku. ḍokīṇo ‘to be satiated’.
5557 *ḍukka— ‘blow with fist’. P. ḍukk m. ‘blow’; Ku. ḍukā pl. ‘fisticuffs’; H. ḍuk m. ‘blow with fist’. — Eng. slang dukes ‘fists’ ← unre- corded Gy.? — Sh. ḍukiní f. ‘fighting’ or < *ḍhukyati.
5558 *ḍukkar— ‘bellow’. Dm. ḍrõmacr;k— ‘to bellow, bray’; Phal. ḍrhōṅk— ‘to bellow’, N. ḍukranu.
5559 *ḍuggi— ‘drum’. [Onom.] P. ḍugḍugī f. ‘drum’, N. ḍuggi, ḍugḍugi, Or. ḍugi, H. G. ḍugḍugī f. *ḍuṅga— ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. ḍuḍubha—, ḍuḍuma— see dundubha—. *ḍuḍḍa— 1 ‘hole’ see *ṭōṭṭa1. *ḍuḍḍa— 2 ‘defective’ see next.
5560 *ḍuṇṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *ḍuḍḍa— 2. 3. *ḍuṇḍa— 2. 4. *ḍōṭṭa—. 5. *ḍōṇṭa— 2. [See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. S. ḍ̱uṇḍī f. ‘end of stalk attached to fruit, knob, nipple’; L. ḍuṇḍrī f. ‘short tail of the Thal sheep’; P. ḍuṇḍ m. ‘headless body, bare trunk of tree’. 2. Ash. ḍuḍestēi ‘blunt’, Kt. ḍūḍe, ḍuṛu; P. ḍuḍḍ f. ‘crookedness in feet’, ḍuḍḍā ‘crooked—footed, clump- footed’. 3. Ku. ḍuno ‘lame’; N. ḍũṛo ‘having lost a limb, lame, deformed’, ḍũṛuḷo ‘maimed, armless, contemp- tuous term for hand’; Bi. ḍũṛiyā ‘hornless bullock’; H. ḍū̃ḍā m. ‘bullock with one horn’. 4. L. ḍoṭā, (Ju.) ḍ̱o° m. ‘profligate (used by women of men)’. 5. P. ḍõ;ḍrā ‘leafless’; Ku. ḍũḍo ‘lame’. *ḍuṇṭi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. *ḍuṇḍa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *ḍuṇḍa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍuṇṭa—. ḍuṇḍa— 3 ‘belly’ see tundá1. ḍuṇḍu—, ḍuṇḍubha— see dundubha—. Addenda: *ḍuṇṭa—. 1. S.kcch. ḍūṇḍh m. ‘stem of a leaf or fruit’.
5561 *ḍubb— ‘sink’. 2. Caus. *ḍōbb—. [Metath. of MIA. buḍḍaï < *buḍyati. Cf. *ṭubb—] 1. Paš. ḍub— ‘to be drowned’, Mai. ḍūb—; Phal. ḍup ‘sinking’; Sh. (Lor.) ḍup ‘plunged in’; K. ḍubun ‘to dive, sink, be ruined’; P. ḍubbṇā ‘to sink’; WPah. khaś. ḍubbnu ‘to sink, prick’; Ku. ḍubṇo ‘to sink’, N. ḍubnu, A. ḍubiba, B. ḍubā, Or. ḍubibā, Mth. ḍubab, H. ḍū̆bnā, G. ḍubvũ, M. ḍubṇẽ (whence ḍubakṇẽ ‘to gambol in the water’, ḍubkaḷṇẽ ‘to dip’); — M. ḍũbṇẽ, ḍũbhṇẽ, ḍumṇẽ ‘to gambol in the water’. 2. P. ḍobṇā tr. ‘to plunge in’, Ku. ḍobṇo, N. ḍobnu; H. ḍobnā ‘to dip, dye’; M. ḍobṇẽ ‘to immerse’. ḍumba— see ḍōmba—. *ḍumbara— ‘Ficus glomerata’ see udumbára—. Addenda: *ḍubb—. 1. S.kcch. ḍubṇū ‘to sink, be drowned’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍvbṇõ; ‘to drive, sink, drown’, caus. ḍƏb e uṇõ;.
5562 *ḍumma— ‘fat—bellied’. N. ḍumma ‘with the belly fat from eating (of children and cattle)’; M. ḍumṇā ‘fat—bellied’. ḍulī— see duḍi—.
5563 *ḍussa— ‘defective’. [~ *ṭhōssa—. See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] K. ḍŏsa, ḍusa ‘having a maimed or bent body (from disease &c.)’. *ḍēṅga— 1 ‘boat’ see *ḍōṅga1. *ḍēṅga— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. ḍēbba— ‘box’ see *ḍabba1.
5564 *ḍēra— 1 ‘resting—place’. 2. *dēra—. 1. K. ḍera m. ‘tent, temporary stopping place’; P. ḍerā m. ‘tent, encampment’; WPah. bhal. ḍero m. ‘lodging place, shelter’; Ku. ḍero ‘tent, shelter, house, esp. temporary lodging’; N. ḍerā ‘tent, booth’; A. B. Or. Mth. H. ḍerā ‘tent, shelter, temporary resting- place’, Marw. ḍero m., G. ḍerɔ m., M. ḍerā m. 2. B. derā ‘a sort of tent’; H. derā m. ‘tent, house’ (→ S. dero m. ‘tent’). *ḍēra— 2 ‘slanting, squinting’ see ṭēraka—. *ḍēlla— ‘lump’ see *dala—. *ḍēvva— ‘left’ see *ḍavva—. Addenda: *ḍēra—1: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍerɔ m. ‘small house’, J. ḍerā m. *ḍēlla— ‘lump’ see *ḍala— Add2.
5065 *ḍēhmu— ‘hornet’. S. ḍ̱ẽbhū m. ‘a kind of wasp, hornet’; L. ḍihmū̃ m. ‘wasp’, mult. ḍēmbhū m.; P. ḍehmū, °mū̃ f. ‘yellow hornet’; — Si. ḍebarā, de° ‘large hornet’.
5566 *ḍōka— ‘head’. 2. *ḍōkka— 1. 1. H. M. ḍoī f. ‘head’. 2. Kho. (Lor.) ḍok korik ‘to take someone on one's back’; G. ḍok f. ‘neck’, ḍokũ n. ‘head’, M. ḍokẽ n. - Ku. N. ḍoko ‘basket carried on back and shoulders’ (but see *ṭōkka— and *dhōkka1). — K. ḍĕka m. ‘forehead’ perh. rather < *ḍhēkka1. *ḍōkka— 1 ‘head’ see prec.
5567 *ḍōkka— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *dhōkka— 2. [~ *ṭugga—. See lists s.vv. *ḍagga— and *ṭuṇṭa2] 1. Ku. ḍokro, ḍokhro ‘old man’; B. ḍokrā ‘old, decrepit’, Or. ḍokarā; H. ḍokrā ‘decrepit’; G. ḍokɔ m. ‘penis’, ḍokrɔ m. ‘old man’, M. ḍokrā m. — Kho. (Lor.) duk ‘hunched up, hump of camel’; K. ḍọ̆ku ‘hump- backed’ perh. < *ḍōkka1. 2. Or. dhokaṛa ‘decrepit, hanging down (of breasts)’.
5568 *ḍōṅga— 1 ‘trough, dug—out canoe, boat’. 2. *ḍaṅga— 4. 3. *ḍiṅga— 1. 4. *ḍēṅga— 1. 5. *ḍōṇṭa— 1. [Though prob. of non—Aryan origin, it may have affected the meaning of drṓṇa1] 1. Pk. ḍoṁgī—, °galī— f. ‘small box for betel’, ḍuṁgha- m. ‘water—vessel made of coconut shell’; Sh. (Lor.) ḍūṅo ‘small earthen vessel’; K. ḍū̃ga m. ‘a kind of covered boat’; P. ḍõ;gā m., °gī f., ḍõ;ghā m., °ghī f. ‘a deep boat’; Ku. ḍuṅo ‘ferry boat’; N. ḍũgo, ḍuṅo ‘small boat (usu. of one piece of wood)’; A. ḍoṅgā ‘canoe made of plaintain—sheath’; B. ḍoṅa, ḍuṅi ‘canoe, boat’; Or. ḍuṅgi ‘dug—out canoe’; Bhoj. Aw.lakh. ḍõmacr;gī ‘boat’; H. ḍõ;gā m. ‘trough, canoe, ladle’; G. ḍũgɔ m. ‘tobacco- pipe’; M. ḍõ;gā m. ‘a sort of boat or canoe’. 2. Or. ḍaṅgā ‘small country boat, dug—out canoe’, ḍaṅgi ‘canoe’. 3. A. B. ḍiṅā ‘boat, canoe’, Or. ḍiṅgā. 4. Bhoj. ḍē̃gi ‘boat’; H. ḍẽgī f. ‘small boat, canoe’. 5. S. ḍ̱ū̃ḍo m., °ḍī f. ‘boat’; L. ḍōṇḍā m. ‘boat’, mult. ḍūṇḍā m., (Ju.) ḍ̱ū̃ḍ̱ī f.; N. ḍũṛ, ḍũṛh ‘trough, wooden or bamboo water—channel, gutter.’ *ḍōṅga— 2 ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. *ḍōṭṭa— ‘defective’ see *ḍuṇṭa—.
5569 *ḍōṭṭha ‘hollow stem’. [Cf. *ṭōṭṭa—1, *ṭhōṭṭha—, *dhōdda—] Ku. ḍoṭho ‘hollow trunk, box’; N. ḍoṭho ‘vessel to hold liquid’. *ḍōṇṭa— 1 ‘trough, boat’ see *ḍōṅga1. *ḍōṇṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍuṇṭa—. *ḍōbb— ‘immerse’ see *ḍubb—. ḍōma— see next.
5571 *ḍōmbakuṭaka— ‘a Ḍom's hut’. [ḍōmba—, kuṭī—] Ku. ḍumauṛo ‘habitation of the Ḍoms’.
5572 *ḍōmbadhāna—, or *ḍōmbādhāna—, ‘Ḍom settlement’. [*ḍōmba—, dhā́na— or ādhā́na—] Ku. ḍumāṇo ‘Ḍom settlement’. ḍōra— see davara—. *ḍōlla— ‘bucket’ see *dōla2. Addenda: *ḍōmbadhāna— or †;*ḍōmbādhāna—. Garh. ḍumāṇu ‘part of a village where Ḍoms live’.
5573 *ḍōva— ‘spoon’. 2.. *dōva—. [Connexion with dárvi- very doubtful] 1. Pk. ḍōva—, ḍōa— m. ‘wooden spoon or vessel or handle’; Gy. eur. roi f. ‘spoon’, SEeur. ṛoy, pal. dṓwi ‘large wooden spoon’; S. ḍ̱oī f. ‘spoon’; L. (Ju.) ḍ̱oī f. ‘small wooden spoon’; P. ḍoī f. ‘spoon’; Or. ḍuā ‘spoon for stirring boiling rice’; Bi. ḍoī f. ‘spoon’; Mth. ḍoi ‘spoon’ (used by Moslems ~ dābi < dárvi— used by Hindus); H. ḍowā m. ‘large ladle’, ḍoī f. ‘spoon’; G. ḍoī f. ‘spoon’, ḍoiyɔ m. ‘coconut shell used as bowl’. — Ext. —r—: Sh. (Lor.) ḍōri ‘big wooden ladle’ (← H.?); H. ḍorā m. ‘large ladle’, ḍorī f. ‘ladle’; — —ll—: S. ḍ̱oilo m. ‘spoon’; M. ḍoylī f. ‘oil—dipper (made of coconut shell, mango stone, or wood)’. 2. L. mult. doī f. ‘small wooden spoon’.
5574 *ḍhakk— ‘cover’. 2. *ḍhaṅk—. [Cf. ḍhakkana— n. ‘shutting’ Śīl.] 1. Pk. ḍhakkaï ‘shuts’; S. ḍhakaṇu ‘to cover’; L. ḍhakkaṇ ‘to imprison’; P. ḍhakkṇā ‘to cover’, Ku. ḍhakṇo, N. ḍhāknu, A. ḍhākiba, B. ḍhākā, Bhoj. ḍhākal, OMarw. ḍhakaï; — Pk. ḍhakkiṇī— f. ‘lid’, S. ḍhakkaṇī f., P. ḍhakṇā m., °ṇī f., WPah. bhad. ḍhakkaṇ n., Ku. ḍhākaṇ, N. ḍhakni, A. ḍhākni, B. ḍhākan, ḍhāknā, °ni; Bi. ḍhaknā ‘cover of grain—pot’, Mth. ḍhākni; Bhoj. ḍhaknī ‘lid’. — Poss. K. ḍākürü f. ‘wide shallow basket’; N. ḍhāki ‘basket’, ḍhākar ‘a kind of large basket’; Bi. mag. ḍhākā ‘large open basket’; — P. ḍhakkā m. ‘pass between two hills’. 2. Pk. ḍhaṁkissaï ‘will cover’; Kho. (Lor.) ḍaṅgeik ‘to cover, shut, bury’; Phal. ḍhaṅg— ‘to bury’; Or. ḍhaṅkibā ‘to cover’, H. ḍhā̃knā, Marw. ḍhā̃kṇo, G. ḍhā̃kvũ, M. ḍhā̃kṇẽ; — Pk. ḍhaṁkaṇa— n., °ṇī— f. ‘cover, lid’, Or. ḍhāṅkuṇi, H. ḍhãknī f., G. ḍhā̃kṇũ n., °ṇī f., M. ḍhā̃kaṇ n., ḍhā̃kṇī f. *ḍhagga— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. *ḍhaṅk— ‘cover’ see *ḍhakk—. *ḍhaṅkha— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. Addenda: *ḍhakk—1: S.kcch. ḍhakṇū ‘to cover, shut (a door)’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ḍhàkṇõ;, Garh. ḍhakṇu; A. ḍhākiba (phonet. dh—) ‘to cover’, G. ḍhākvũ, M. ḍhākṇẽ.
5575 *ḍhaḍḍha— 1 ‘fat, swollen’. [Prob. belongs to group *ḍhēḍḍha1 ‘lump’] WPah. jaun. ḍhāṛū ‘male cat’; N. ḍhāṛi ‘massive, large, fat’, ḍhāṛe ‘male (usu. of cats)’; — G. ḍhā̃ḍhɔ m. ‘ox’, ḍhā̃ḍhũ n. ‘dead ox or buffalo’. *ḍhaḍḍha— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2.
5576 *ḍhaḍḍha— 3 ‘drum’. [Onom.] Pk. ḍhaḍḍha— m. ‘drum’; L. ḍhaḍḍh f. ‘sounding the drum rapidly to call men together’. Addenda: *ḍhaḍḍha—3: deriv. OP. P. ḍhāḍhī m. ‘bard, minstrel’.
5577 *ḍhaḍḍhara— ‘hollow’. Pk. ḍhaḍḍhara— ‘old’; S. ḍhaḍharu m. ‘hollow in tree- trunk, belly of a vessel’.
5578 *ḍhaṇḍha— ‘mud, pool’. Pk. ḍhaṁḍha—, ḍhaṁḍharia— m. ‘mud’; S. ḍhaṇḍha f. ‘pond’; L. ḍhann f. ‘deep pool’; P. ḍhannh, ḍhann, ḍhaṇḍ f. ‘pond, lake’.
5579 *ḍhapp— ‘cover’. 2. *ḍhamp—. [Cf. *ḍhakk—, *jhapp2] 1. P. ḍhappṇā ‘to cover’; WPah. rudh. ḍhappnā, śeu. ḍhappṇū ‘to shut cattle in cowshed’, bhal. ḍhapp m. ‘sparrow—trap’; Ku. ḍhapīṇo ‘to be covered’, °pyūṇo ‘to prevent, foreclose’; N. ḍhāpnu ‘to cover’, ḍhapni ‘lid’; A. ḍhāp ‘embankment’, ḍhāpar ‘roof of boat’, ḍhāpali ‘bamboo screen’; Mth. ḍhapnā ‘cover of a granary’; H. ḍhāpnā ‘to cover’, ḍhapnī f. ‘lid’; M. ḍhāpā m. ‘ridge—tile’. 2. Ku. ḍhā̃pṇo ‘to cover’, Or. ḍhāmpibā, H. ḍhā̃pnā; M. ḍhā̃pṇẽ ‘id.’, ḍhā̃pṇī f. ‘lid’. Addenda: *ḍhapp— ‘cover’. 1. WPah.kṭg. ḍhàppi f. ‘roofed place, verandah’. 3. †;*ḍhabb—: WPah.kṭg. ḍhàbbi f. id.; H. ḍhābā m. ‘thatched roofing’.
5580 *ḍhappa— ‘lump’. 2. *ḍhaba—. 3. *ḍhabba—. 4. *ḍhippa—. 5. *ḍhibba—. 6. ḍhēppa—. 7. *ḍhēmpa—. 8. *ḍhēba— (cf. ḍhēvvukā— f. ‘a coin’ Kathārṇ.). 9. *ḍhēbba—. 10. ḍhēmba—. 11. *ḍhubba—. 12. *ḍhōmpa—. [See list of words for ‘lump’ with initial ḍh— s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Ku. ḍhapuwā ‘pice, money’; H. ḍhappū ‘podgy’. 2. P. ḍhaūā m. ‘copper coin of 2 pice’. 3. P. ḍhabūā m. = prec.; H. ḍhabbū, ḍhabuā m. ‘un- stamped lump of copper’, ḍhabbūs ‘podgy’; M. ḍhabak n., ḍhabkā m. ‘large lump’, ḍhabbaḷ ‘large and clumsy’. 4. Gaw. ḍipa—dánt ‘back—tooth’; Ku. ḍhipko ‘hillock, ridge’; A. ḍhip ‘mound of earth raised as a mark’; B. ḍhipi ‘heap’, ḍhiplā ‘protuberance, knob, stopper’; Or. ḍhipa ‘mound of earth, hillock, high ground’; H. ḍhīp, °pā m. ‘lump, clump’; M. ḍhipaḷ, °pūḷ n. ‘lump, clod’. 5. L. ḍhibbī f. ‘rocky knoll, hill’; P. ḍhibbā m. ‘heap of sand, hill’; N. ḍhibri ‘nut of a bolt, earthenware lamp’; B. ḍhibi ‘heap’; Or. ḍhibi ‘nut of a bolt’; Bhoj. ḍhibarī ‘small lamp’; H. ḍhibuā m. ‘unstamped lump of copper’, ḍhibkā m. ‘lump, protuberance’, ḍhibrī f. ‘nut of a bolt’. 6. Ku. ḍhepuwā ‘pice, money’; N. ḍhep ‘quire of Nepalese paper’, ḍhepnu ‘to press close’; B. ḍhepā ‘rising of liquids’, ḍhepsā ‘swollen’; Or. ḍhepa ‘high (of land)’; H. ḍhep, °pā m. ‘lump’; G. ḍhepũ, ḍhephũ, ḍheplũ n. ‘clod’; M. ḍhep n. ‘clod, mass of papers &c.’, ḍhepṇẽ ‘to close and get firm’. 7. M. ḍhẽp n. ‘clod, mass of papers &c.’, ḍhẽpaḷ n. ‘clod’, ḍhẽpśī f. ‘lump of cowdung burnt to ashes’. 8. Tor. ḍe ‘part, share’; P. ḍheī f. ‘heap, small pile’; N. ḍheuwā ‘pice, money’; B. ḍheu ‘swelling’. 9. S. ḍheḇiro m. ‘a kind of cake’; N. ḍheb ‘quire of Nepalese paper’, ḍhebuwā ‘pice, money’, ḍhebri ‘nut of a bolt’, Bhoj. ḍhebuā ‘pice’; H. ḍhebuā m. ‘unstamped lump of copper equal to one paisā’, ḍhebrī f. ‘lump’; G. ḍhebrũ n. ‘thick cake’; M. ḍhebrẽ n. ‘large and spreading nose’. 10. M. ḍhẽbūs n. ‘lump, bump’. 11. M. ḍhubā m. ‘little hill’. 12. M. ḍhõ;pā m. ‘knee’, ḍhõ;par, ḍhop° n.m. ‘knee, elbow, shoulder, middle joint of fingers, cheekbone, hip’. *ḍhaba—, *ḍhabba— ‘lump’ see prec. *ḍhamp— ‘cover’ see *ḍhapp—. *ḌHAR ‘fall’: *āḍḍharati. — See √ḍhal. *ḌHAL ‘fall’: *ḍhalati, *ḍhālayati; *avaḍḍhāla—, *āḍḍhalati, *uḍḍhālayati, *niḍḍhalati; — *āḍḍha- rati. — *ḍāl—, √dhvr̥? Addenda: *ḍhappa—. 3. *ḍhabba—: S.kcch. ḍhabū ‘partic. copper coin’. †;*ḍhabb— ‘cover’ see *ḍhapp—. *ḍhabba— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa— Add2.
5581 *ḍhalati ‘bends over, falls’. 2. Caus. *ḍhālayati. [Perh. < dhvárati ‘bends, causes to fall’ RV. (K. points to —r—, see *āḍḍhalati); *ḍhulati similarly < *dhurati (cf. aor. adhūrṣata RV.). But cf. *ḍāl—. — √*ḍhal] 1. Pk. ḍhalaï ‘falls, drips’; K. ḍalun ‘to slip, stumble, be displaced’; S. ḍharaṇu ‘to descend, run down, pour in (of water)’; L. ḍhalaṇ ‘to decline, flow down a slope’; P. ḍhalṇā ‘to be poured out, fall, melt’; WPah. bhal. ḍhalṇū ‘to fall’, Ku. ḍhalṇo; N. ḍhalnu ‘to topple over’; A. ḍhaliba ‘to lean’, B. ḍhalā; Or. ḍhaḷibā ‘to stumble, reel, incline’; Bi. ḍharab ‘to empty (the bucket at a well)’; Mth. ḍharab ‘to flow, drop, hang down’; OAw. ḍharaï ‘flows down, falls, melts’; H. ḍharnā ‘to flow down’, ḍhalnā ‘to topple over’; OMarw. ḍhalaï ‘falls, declines’; G. ḍhaḷvũ ‘to slip, be poured out’; M. ḍhaḷṇẽ ‘to lean over’. — Ext. with —kk—: S. ḍharkaṇu ‘to roll’; P. ḍhalaknā ‘to lean over, be spilt’; WPah. cam. ḍhaḷakṇā ‘to be pushed away’; Ku. ḍhalkaṇo ‘to overflow’; N. ḍhalkanu ‘to lean over, lie down’; B. ḍhalkā ‘to get loose’; H. ḍhalaknā ‘to lean over, be spilt’; G. ḍhaḷaktũ ‘leaning’. 2. Pk. ḍhālaï ‘throws down, makes nod’; K. ḍālun ‘to remove, throw’; S. ḍhāraṇu ‘to cause to alight, pour out’; P. ḍhālaṇā ‘to pour, throw, melt’; Ku. ḍhālṇo ‘to fill, throw, cut down’; N. ḍhālnu ‘to fell’; A. ḍhāliba ‘to pour’, B. ḍhālā, Or. ḍhāḷibā, Mth. ḍhārab, Bhoj. ḍhāral, H. ḍhārnā, ḍhālnā, G. ḍhāḷvũ; M. ḍhāḷṇẽ ‘to smooth the clods in a field, to shed its lustre (of a pearl)’. *ḍhalla— ‘lump’ see *ḍala—. Addenda: *ḍhalati. 1. WPah.kṭg. ḍhɔ̀ḷnõ; ‘to fall, set (of sun), flow’, J. ḍhaḷṇu. 2. *ḍhālayati: WPah.kṭg. ḍhàḷnõ; ‘to throw, pour down, chop (wood)’; J. ḍhāḷṇu ‘to cause to melt’.
5582 *ḍhākka— ‘back, waist’. Wg. ḍakā́ ‘waist’; Dm. ḍā̃k, ḍaṅ ‘back’, Shum. ḍäg, Woṭ. ḍāg, Gaw. ḍáka; Kal. rumb. ḍhak ‘waist’, urt. ḍhā̃k ‘back’; Bshk. ḍāk ‘waist’, d(h)āk ‘back’ AO xviii 233; Tor. ḍāk, ḍāg ‘back’, Mai. ḍāg, ḍā; Phal. ḍōk ‘waist, back’; Sh. ḍāki̯ f. ‘back, small of back’, pales. ḍāko; S. ḍhāka f. ‘hip’, L. ḍhāk; P. ḍhāk f. ‘side, hip’.
5584 *ḍhikk— ‘bellow’. 2. *ḍhēṅk—. 1. Pk. ḍhikkaï ‘bellows’, ḍhikkiya— n. ‘camel's roaring’, cf. ḍikkaï ‘roars (of camel)’; S. ḍhikaṇu ‘to groan, low’, ḍhika f. ‘groan, lowing’; L. ḍhikkaṇ ‘to low softly’, ḍhikk f. ‘bellow’. 2. Pk. ḍheṁkiya— n. ‘camel's roaring’; M. ḍhẽkṇẽ ‘to bellow at’, ḍhẽk f. ‘bellowing of a bull’. Addenda: *ḍhikk— [Cf. *ḍakkāra—] WPah.J. ḍhikki f. ‘hiccup’.
5585 *ḍhikka— 1 ‘lump’. 2. *ḍhigga— 1. 3. *ḍhēkka— 1. 4. *ḍhēgga—. 5. *ḍhēṅka— 1. 6. *ḍhēṅga—. 7. *ḍhuṅga—. 8. *dhōṅga— 1. [Other word—groups mean- ing ‘lump’ with initial ḍh, dh, —, d—, s.vv. *ḍhicca- (*ḍhiñca—), *ḍhēsa— (*ḍhēṁsa—), *ḍhēḍḍha1 (*ḍhēṇḍha1, *ḍhiṇḍha1, *dhiḍḍha—), *ḍhappa— (*ḍhaba—, *ḍhabba—, *ḍhippa—, *ḍhibba—, *ḍhēppa—, *ḍhēmpa—, *ḍhēba—, *ḍhēbba—, *ḍhēmba—, *ḍhubba—, *ḍhōmpa—), *ḍhīmma- (*ḍhēmma—, *ḍhōmma—), *ḍhēra1 (*dhēra—), *ḍippa- (*ḍibba2), *ḍala— (*ḍalla1, *ḍilla—, *ḍēlla—, *ḍhalla—, *ḍhilla1, *ḍhēlla1, *ṭēla—, dala1, *dilla—), *dikka- (*digga—). — ḍimba—1, ḍimbha3?] 1. Kho. (Lor.) ḍik ‘penis (used as a term of abuse)’; K. ḍĕka m. ‘forehead’; N. ḍhiko ‘lump (of salt)’, ḍhik ‘fat useless ox’, ḍhikuro ‘heap, mound’, ḍhikanā ‘lump, clod’; M. ḍhikḷī f. ‘small heap’, ḍikhaḷ f. ‘clot, clod, lump’. 2. S. ḍhiǥu m. ‘lump’, L. (Ju.) ḍhiǥ m. ‘heap’; P. ḍhigg m. ‘high bank, hill’; N. ḍhig ‘bank’; H. ḍhīg m. ‘large mass’; OG. ḍhīga m. ‘heap’; M. ḍhīg m. ‘large heap, mass’, ḍhigī f. ‘a prop’. 3. Ku. ḍheko (pl. ḍhyākā) m. ‘clod, lump’; B. ḍheka ‘much’; G. ḍhekɔ m. ‘protuberance’; M. ḍhekḷī f. ‘clot, small heap’. 4. Or. ḍhegā ‘egg—shaped, oval and protruding’ [semant. cf. ḍimba1] 5. N. ḍhiṅgri ‘nut of a bolt’; Or. ḍheṅkaḷā ‘clods of earth for throwing, brickbats’; M. ḍhẽkaḷ, °kūḷ n. ‘clod’. 6. Ku. ḍhyāṅā ‘loins, haunches, hips’; Mth. ḍhẽg ‘stump of a tree’; M. ḍhẽg n. ‘groin’, ḍhẽgā m. ‘buttock’. 7. Ash. ḍuṅä ‘scrotum’; Wg. zō—ḍuṅ ‘heart’; M. ḍhũg n. ‘the buttocks’; — Wg. düṅnä ‘scrotum’, j̈or—duṅa ‘heart’ or perh. < 8. 8. M. dhõ;gā m. ‘buttock’. *ḍhiggākara—. *ḍhikka— 2 ‘weight on lever’ see *ḍhēṅka2. *ḍhikka— 3 ‘crane’ see dhvā́ṅkṣa—. *ḍhigga— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1. Addenda: *ḍhikka— 1. 1. S.kcch. ḍhiko ‘the hip’. 3. *ḍhigga—1: S.kcch. ḍhiggh m. ‘heap’, G. ḍhaglo m. (AKŚ 43). 5. *ḍhēṅka—1: S.kcch. ḍhẽko m. ‘clod, lump’. *ḍhigga— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1 Add2.
5586 *ḍhigga— 2 ‘side, direction’. Gy. wel. rum. rig f. ‘side’, boh. rik f., germ. gr. rik m.; P. ḍhig ‘near, by, with’; Ku. ḍhīk ‘edge, corner’; H. ḍhig m. ‘side, quarter’, postp. with ke ‘near’.
5587 *ḍhiggākara— ‘heap of lumps’. [*ḍhigga—1, ākará—] H. ḍhigār m. ‘heap, pile’, G. ḍhīgār m. *ḍhiṅka— 1 ‘weight on lever’ see *ḍhēṅka2. *ḍhiṅka— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. *ḍhiṅka— 3 ‘crane’ see dhvā́ṅkṣa—.
5588 *ḍhicca— ‘lump, heap’. 2. *ḍhiñca—. [See list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Ku. ḍhīc, ḍhicc m. ‘heap, abundance’, ḍhīco ‘heap, pile (e.g. of boiled rice)’; G. ḍhīc ‘strong and stout’. 2. G. ḍhı̄̃caṇ n.m. ‘knee’. *ḍhiñca— ‘lump’ see prec. *ḍhiḍḍha— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhēḍḍha1.
5589 *ḍhiḍḍha— 2 ‘belly’. 2. *ḍiḍḍha—. 3. *ḍhiṇḍha— 2. 4. *ḍhēḍḍha— 2. 5. *ḍhēṇḍha— 2. 6. *ḍhēra— 2. 7. *ḍhaḍḍha— 2. 8. *dhaḍḍha—. [Same as *ḍhēḍḍha—1, ḍhēra1?] 1. S. ḍhiḍhu m. ‘belly’, L. ḍhiḍḍh m., awāṇ. ḍhiḍ, P. ḍhiḍḍ(h) m., ḍhiḍḍī f.; Mth. ḍhīṛhā ‘gravid womb’; H. ḍhīṛh ‘id.’, ḍhīḍhā m. ‘back’. 2. S. ḍ̱iḍhu m. ‘belly’, °ḍho m. ‘id., centre piece of a paper kite’. 3. H. ḍhı̄̃ṛhā m. ‘large belly, gravid womb’. 4. Sh. jij. ḍeṛi ‘belly’; — altern. < 6: Tor. ḍei, Phal. ḍher f. 5. A. ḍhẽrā ‘pot—bellied’, H. ḍhẽḍhā m. ‘large belly, gravid womb’. 6. Sh. pales. ḍērē ‘belly’, gil. (Lor.) ḍēr f.; — Tor. Phal. see 4. 7. Bshk. ḍār ‘belly’. 8. Si. daḍa ‘belly’. *ḍhiṇḍha— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhēḍḍha1. *ḍhiṇḍha— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍhippa—, *ḍhibba— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa—.
5590 *ḍhila— ‘loose, slack’. 2. *ḍhilla— 2. [Prob. belongs to group of ‘defective’ words s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2 or ‘lump’ words cf. *ḍhilla1 s.v. *ḍala— and has no connexion with *śr̥thilá—] 1. S. ḍhiro ‘slack, loose’, Or. ḍhiḷā. 2. Pk. ḍhilla— ‘slow’; Paš. ḍilū́— ‘to be tired’ (verb? IIFL iii 3, 65); K. ḍīl m. ‘slackness’, ḍyolu ‘loose, slack’, ḍĕlun ‘to be loose’; S. ḍhilo ‘slow, loose, sterile, giving little milk’; L. ḍhillā ‘slow, late’, ḍhill f. ‘delay’, awāṇ. ḍhil; P. ḍhillā ‘slack, slow, late’, ḍhill f. ‘delay’ (ḍhailā ‘lazy, loose’?); WPah. paṅ. ḍhillā ‘lazy’; Ku. ḍhīlo ‘loose, slow, lazy’, ḍhīlḍhāl ‘delay’ (cf. jhīlo ‘loose, weak’); N. ḍhilo ‘loose, late’, ḍhilāunu ‘to delay, be slack’; A. ḍhil, °lā ‘loose, slow, late, easy, soft’; B. ḍhila, °lā ‘loose, slack’; Or. ḍhilā ‘slow, late’, ḍhilibā ‘to set cattle free to graze’; Bhoj. ḍhīl ‘slack, loose’, H. ḍhīlā; OMarw. ḍhīla f. ‘delay’, Marw. ḍhīlo ‘slack, loose’; G. ḍhīli f., ḍhīlũ, M. ḍhīl f., ḍhilā.—See Add. *ḍhilla— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍala—. *ḍhilla— 2 ‘slack’ see *ḍhila—. Addenda: *ḍhila—. 2. *ḍhilla—2: WPah.kṭg. ḍhìllɔ ‘loose’, ḍhílhṇõ; ‘to get loose’. *ḍhilla— 2 ‘slack’ see *ḍhila— Add2.
5591 *ḍhīmma— ‘lump’. 2. *ḍhēmma—. 3. *ḍhōmma—. [Cf. *dhīmma—? — See list of words for ‘lump’ with initial ḍh— s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. L. ḍhīm, pl. °mã f. ‘clod’, awāṇ. ḍhim ‘lump’; P. ḍhīmh, ḍhīm f., °mā m. ‘clod’; Or. ḍhimā ‘pebble, rubble’, ḍhimirā ‘hillocks’; H. ḍhīm, °mā m. ‘lump, clod’; G. ḍhīmũ, ḍhīmṛũ, ḍhīmṇũ n. ‘big swelling or bump, block of wood’, ḍhīmcũ n. ‘block of wood’; M. ḍhimā m. ‘tump, hillock’. 2. L. ḍhem f. ‘clod’, P. ḍhemh f., H. ḍhem, °mā m.; M. ḍhemā m. ‘a bump (on body, trees, &c.), dry spot in a river’, ḍhemūs n. ‘bump’, ḍhemāī f. ‘corpulent woman’. 3. M. ḍhomaṇ n. ‘buttock’.
5592 *ḍhukyati ‘approaches’. [√ḍhauk] Pk. ḍhukkaï ‘meets’; Sh. ḍukiní f. ‘fighting, quarrel’ (or < *ḍukka—?); S. ḍhukaṇu ‘to arrive’; L. ḍhukkaṇ ‘to come home (of cattle), be conveyed’; P. ḍhukkṇā ‘to approach, be obtained’; N. ḍhuknu ‘to lie in wait for’; A. ḍhukiba ‘to enter’, ḍhukāiba ‘to come to an end, die’; B. ḍhukā ‘to enter’; Or. ḍhukibā ‘to arrive at, enter’, ḍhukāibā ‘to thrust in’; Bhoj. ḍhukal ‘to enter’; H. ḍhū̆knā ‘to approach, crouch’; OMarw. ḍhukāvaï ‘brings near’; — Pk. ḍhukka— ‘met, present’; Kal. ḍhūk ‘meeting’; Sh. ḍok boĭki̯ ‘to meet, be obtained’. *ḍhuṅga— ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1. *ḍhubba— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa—. Addenda: *ḍhukyati: WPah.poet. ḍhvkṇo ‘to penetrate, invade’ (poss. ← H. Him.I 88).
5593 *ḍhulati ‘bends, falls, flows’. 2. Caus. *ḍhōlayati. 3. Pass. *ḍhulyatē. [Poss. < *dhurati beside dhvárati see *ḍhalati] 1. P. ḍhulṇā ‘to incline, be attentive’; A. ḍhuliba ‘to rock to and fro’; B. ḍhulā ‘to stagger, nod, doze’; Or. ḍhuḷā ‘drowsing’, ḍhuḷāibā ‘to doze’; H. ḍhulnā ‘to slope, slip forward, sink’. 2. S. ḍhoraṇu ‘to pour out’; P. ḍholaṇā tr. ‘to lean towards’; Ku. ḍholṇo tr. ‘to fling, carry’, intr. ‘to fall’; N. ḍholnu tr. ‘to spill’, intr. ‘to flow smoothly’; G. ḍhoḷvũ ‘to pour out’; — NTS xii 158 tentatively relates Dm. bâdorá, °ḍorá ‘flood’ < vāhá— with *ḍhōla—. 3. P. ḍullhaṇā ‘to be poured out’. Addenda: *ḍhulati. 2. *ḍhōlayati: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) 1 sg.fut. ḍhoḷisuṁ vāi ‘I will fan’ (vāi < vātá—). 3. *ḍhulyatē: WPah.poet. ḍhvlṇo ‘to sway’. *ḍhulyatē see *ḍhulati Add2. *ḍhēṅka— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1 Add2.
5594 *ḍhussa— ‘swollen’. 2. *ḍhōssa—. 1. N. ḍhussa ‘swollen with wind’, ḍhussinu ‘to be swollen’; B. ḍhusā ‘stout and lazy’. 2. N. ḍhose ‘fat, thick (of bread)’. *ḍhūṇḍh— ‘seek’ see *dhūṇḍh—.
5595 *ḍhūss— ‘push’. 2. *ḍhōss—. 3. *dhūss—. [Cf. *ṭhōss—, *ṭōss—] 1. N. ḍhusyāunu ‘to strike’, B. ḍhusā ‘to butt’; M. ḍhusṇẽ ‘to poke, rush into’. 2. H. ḍhos m. ‘thrust’; G. ḍhosɔ m. ‘blow’, M. ḍhosā, ḍhõ;sā m. 3. P. dhūsṇā ‘to cram, ram, butt’, dhūs, dhuss f. ‘rushing head—foremost’. *ḍhēṁsa— ‘lump’ see *ḍhēsa—. *ḍhēkka— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1. *ḍhēkka— 2 ‘weight on lever’ see *ḍhēṅka2. *ḍhēkka— 3 ‘crane’ see dhvā́ṅkṣa—. *ḍhēgga—. *ḍhēṅka— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1.
5596 *ḍhēṅka— 2 ‘weight on a lever’. 2. *ḍhēkka— 2. 3. *ḍhiṅka— 1. 4. *ḍhikka— 2. [Same as *ḍhikka1?] 1. Pk. ḍheṁkā— f. ‘beam of a well’; S. ḍhı̄̃go m. ‘water- wheel’; A. B. Or. ḍhẽki ‘rice—husking pedal’; Bi. ḍhẽkā ‘id.’, ḍhẽki ‘id., lever for raising water’; Mth. Bhoj. ḍhẽkī ‘pounding or husking machine’; H. ḍhẽkā m., °kī f. ‘rice—husking pedal’, ḍhẽkuā m. ‘lever for drawing water’. — Ext. —ll—: K. ḍē̃kalī f. ‘machine for drawing water, dip well’; S. ḍhı̄̃gulo m. ‘waterwheel’; P. ḍhı̄̃galī f. ‘well—bucket on a lever’; Bi. ḍhẽkuḷ, °lā ‘lever for raising water’; Mth. ḍhẽkul ‘counterpoise for such a lever’; H. ḍhẽklī f. ‘the lever’. 2. Mth. ḍhekī ‘pounding machine’; M. ḍhekī f. ‘pedal for crushing lime’, ḍhekẽ n. ‘curved piece of wood which presses down roller of oil mill’. 3. Or. ḍhiṅki ‘rice—husking machine’. 4. N. Or. ḍhiki ‘id.’; N. ḍhikuwā ‘horizontal beam of oil press’. *ḍhēṅka— 3 ‘a partic. kind of bird’ see dhvā́ṅkṣa—.
5597 *ḍhēṅkuṇa— ‘bug’. [Cf. *ḍhēṅka1 and utkuṇa—: semant. cf. *dikka— ‘lump’ ~ diṅka— ‘louse’] Pk. ḍheṁkuṇa—, ḍhaṁkuṇa—, ḍēkuṇa— m. ‘bug’, ḍhiṁkuṇa—, °kaṇa— m. ‘tick’; M. ḍhẽkuṇ, ḍhekuṇ m. ‘bug’, ḍhẽkṇī, ḍhekṇī f. ‘large stinking cockroach’. *ḍhēṅga— ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1.
5598 *ḍhēḍḍha— 1 ‘lump’. 2. *ḍhēṇḍha— 1. 3. *ḍhiṇḍha— 1. 4. *ḍhiḍḍha— 1. 5. *dhiḍḍha—. [Cf. *ḍhaddha1 and list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. H. ḍheṛ m. ‘heap’, ḍheṛhī f. ‘seed—pod’. 2. P. ḍhı̄̃ḍā m. ‘earth pellet’; WPah. jaun. ḍhē̃ḍā ‘circular’; N. B. ḍhẽṛi ‘seed—pod’, Bhoj. ḍhẽṛhī, H. ḍhẽḍhī, ḍhẽṛī f. 3. WPah. jaun. ḍhiṇḍā ‘anything round’; Ku. ḍhino ‘lump, ball, heap’; N. ḍhı̃ṛi ‘seed—pod’; Or. ḍhiṇḍā ‘lump, handful’. 4. H. ḍhīṛ m.f. ‘heap’. 5. Sh. (Lor.) diḍu ‘bullet’. *ḍhēḍḍha— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍhēṇḍha— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhēḍḍha1. *ḍhēṇḍha— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍhēppa—, *ḍhēba—, *ḍhēbba—, *ḍhēmpa—, *ḍhēmba—, *ḍhēmma— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa—.
5599 *ḍhēra— 1 ‘lump, heap’. 2. *dhēra—. [See list of words for ‘lump’ with initial ḍh— (dh—) s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. Paš. ḍēr ‘heap’; K. ḍēr m. ‘heap, store, granary’; S. ḍheru m. ‘heap’; L. ḍher ‘much, many’, ḍherī f. ‘hillock’, mult. ‘heap’; P. WPah.bhal. ḍher m. ‘ heap’; Ku. ḍher ‘heap, large quantity’, ḍheri f. ‘heap’; N. ḍher, °ri ‘heap, mass, bundle’; A. ḍher ‘much’, ḍheriba ‘to heap up’, ḍerhi ‘surplus, excess’; B. ḍhera ‘much’, ḍheri ‘heap’; Or. ḍhera ‘much’; Bi. ḍhērī ‘heap (of grain or manure)’; Mth. ḍher, °rī ‘heap, quantity, much’; Aw. lakh. ḍhēr ‘heap, many’; H. ḍher m., ḍherī f. ‘heap’, G. ḍher m.; M. ḍher m. ‘large lump’, ḍherī f. ‘little heap’. 2. N. dher, dherai ‘much, many’. *ḍhēra— 2 ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2. *ḍhēra— 3 ‘slanting, squinting’ see ṭēraka—. *ḍhēlla— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍala—. Addenda: *ḍhēra—1: S.kcch. ḍherī f. ‘heap of thread’; WPah.kṭg. ḍhḕr m. ‘heap’, J. ḍhēr.
5600 *ḍhēlla— 2 ‘defective’. [Cf. *ḍhilla2 and list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] Pk. ḍhella— ‘poor’.
5601 *ḍhēllapāśa— ‘sling’. [*ḍhēlla—1, pā́śa2] Mth. ḍhelmās ‘sling for throwing a stone’, Bhoj. H. ḍhelwā̃s m. *ḍhēvva— ‘left’ see *ḍavva—. ḍhēvvukā— see *ḍhēba— s.v. *ḍhappa1.
5602 *ḍhēsa— ‘lump, heap’. 2. *ḍhēṁsa—. [Cf. *ḍhicca- and list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. P. ḍheī f. ‘heap’; N. ḍhesinu, ḍhessinu ‘to sit close to’, ḍhesso ‘a push’, ḍhisko ‘hillock, bank of earth’; B. ḍhesāna ‘to insinuate’; G. ḍheśkũ n. ‘a thick cake’, ḍhesrɔ m. ‘heap of dung’; M. ḍhesṇẽ ‘to crowd, cram’. 2. Bhoj. ḍhẽsarāel ‘to be lazy’ (semant. cf. *ḍhilla—1 ~ *ḍhilla2); M. ḍhẽsẽ, ḍhẽsaṇ n. ‘groin’ (semant. cf. *ḍhuṅga—). *ḍhōkka— 1 ‘matting’ see *dhōkka1.
5603 *ḍhōkka— 2 ‘rock’. 2. *ḍhōṅka—. [Perh. belongs to same group as *ḍōṅga2 s.v. *ṭakka3] 1. Kho. (Lor.) ḍok ‘high ground, hillock, heap’; H. ḍhok m. ‘large piece of broken stone’. 2. Ku. ḍhũgo ‘stone’, N. ḍhuṅgo. *ḍhōṅkahāra—. *ḍhōṅka— ‘rock’ see prec. Addenda: *ḍhōkka—2: WPah.kc. ḍhōk m. ‘mountain slope, peak’.
5604 *ḍhōṅkahāra— ‘carrying stones’. [*ḍhōṅka—, hāra—] Ku. ḍhũyer ‘carrier of stone’?
5605 *ḍhōṅga— 1 ‘projecting part of body’. [Cf. *ḍhuṅga- ‘lump’] Ash. ḍoṅg, ḍoṅ, zā̃—ḍõmacr; (< jā́nu—) ‘knee’; Shum. ḍuä̃lik ‘knee’, ḍuṅgurik ‘elbow’; Gaw. ḍuṅgɔ́ ‘knee’ (→ Woṭ. ḍṓṅga ‘lower leg’ Buddruss Woṭ 100), ḍuṅgī ‘elbow’; Sv. ḍuiṅgya ‘elbow, ankle—bone’; H. ḍhõ;gā m. ‘hip’. — Gy. pal. dṓni ‘knee’ (NTS ii 255) X jā́nu—?
5606 *ḍhōnga— 2 ‘hollow’. Bshk. ḍoṅ ‘hole’; N. ḍhuṅro ‘hollow stem, funnel’.
5607 *ḍhōṭṭa— ‘defective’. [~ *ḍōṭṭa—. See list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] N. ḍhoṭe ‘simple—minded, silly’. *ḍhōḍḍhi—, *ḍhōṇḍhi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. *ḍhōmpa— ‘lump’ see *ḍhappa—. *ḍhōmma— ‘lump’ see *ḍhīmma—.
5609 *ḍhauka— ‘a present’. [Cf. ḍhaukana— n. ‘id.’ Rājat.- √ḍhauk] P. ḍhōā m. ‘a present (of fruits, &c.)’, Aw.lakh. ḍhowā (semant. cf. *bhēṭṭ—).
5611 *ḍhaukyatē ‘is brought’. 2. *dhaukyatē. [√ḍhauk] 1. N. ḍhoknu, ḍhognu ‘to bow down before, salute respectfully’; H. ḍhoknā ‘to lean against’; — Ku. ḍhok ‘obeisance’, N. ḍhok, ḍhog—bheṭ (whence —g in verb), H. ḍhok f., OMarw. ḍhoka f. 2. H. dhoknā ‘to bow down before’, dhok f. ‘obeisance’.
5613 *taṁsana— ‘drawing to and fro’. [√taṁs] Or. tāsaṇa ‘brushing the warp threads with gum before weaving, weaver's brush’.
5625 *tagg— ‘endure’. [Cf. *taṅga—?] K. tagun ‘to be possible, be known how to be done’; S. taǥaṇu ‘to last, endure’; P. tagṇā ‘to persevere, hold out’; N. tagnu ‘to last, endure’, M. tagṇẽ.
5626 *tagga— ‘mud’. [Cf. Bur. t *lg*l ‘mud’] Kho. (Lor.) toq ‘mud, quagmire’; Sh. tăgā́ ‘mud’; K. tagöri m. ‘a man who makes mud or plaster’; Ku. tāgaṛ ‘mortar’; B. tāgāṛ ‘mortar, pit in which it is prepared’. *taṅka— ‘pear’ see ṭaṅka5.
5627 *taṅga— ‘strong, well’. [Connexion, if any, with *targa— or *tagg- or Ir. taṅk— (Av. taxma— ‘strong’, superlative tančišta—) is obscure] Ku. tā̃gṛo ‘strong’; N. taṅgrinu ‘to get better in health’; A. tāṅariba ‘to improve’. TAÑC ‘contract, coagulate’: takrá—, *tañcati; - *staṅkati.
5628 *tañcati, tanakti tr. ‘contracts’ Dhātup. [Cf. ā́tanakti ‘coagulates’ VS. — √tañc] Kho. (Lor.) tonǰeik ‘to lose, ruin, spoil, waste’; S. tañjaṇu ‘to wrap in swaddling clothes’, tañjaṇu, °ṇo m. ‘swaddling clothes’. taṭ— ‘crackle’ see traṭ—. Addenda: *tañcati: WPah.kṭg. tɔ́nj̈hṇõ; ‘to mix (with other people)’ (Him.I 92 poss. but without explanation of aspirate). †;TAṬ: †;taṭati; — cf. traṭ—.
5630 *taṭasrōtas— ‘side stream’. [taṭa—, srṓtas—] Mth. tarsoā ‘side spring in a well’. taṭāka— see taḍāga—.
5631 *taṭṭa— 1 ‘pot’. Pa. taṭṭaka— m. ‘bowl for holding food, flat bowl’ (→ Tam. taṭṭam Kern Toev s.v.); M. tāṭ n. ‘rimmed metal dining plate’; Ko. taṭṭẽ n. ‘small metal tumbler’; Si. taṭuva ‘metal vessel, dish’. *taṭṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭaṭṭa—. *taṭṭu— ‘pony’ see *ṭaṭṭu—. TAḌ 1 ‘strike’. [← Drav. J. Bloch BSOS v 737, T. Burrow BSOAS xii 380] *taḍati1, *taḍikā—, tā́ḍa—1, tāḍa—2, tāḍana—, tāḍá- yati1, tāla—; *ātāḍayati, *uttāḍayati, vitāḍayati. *TAḌ 2 ‘stretch’: *taḍati2, *taḍḍati, tāḍayati 2. taḍaga— see taḍāga—. Addenda: *taṭṭa—1: WPah.kc. tɔṭo m. ‘plate for cooking on’; M. also tāṭh n., Ko. tāṭa. TAḌ2: †;*vitāḍa—, †;*vitāḍayati 2.
5632 *taḍati 1 ‘strikes’. [√taḍ 1] S. taṛaṇu ‘to drive off, expel’; P. taṛṇā ‘to coop up’; Or. taṛibā ‘to drive away, attack’; G. taṛvũ ‘to run to strike, attack, rise in revolt’; — Paš. taṛka ‘forcibly’, taṛas— ‘to knock’.
5633 *taḍati 2 ‘stretches’. 2. *taḍḍati. 3. tāḍayati 2 ‘(math.) multiplies’ Apte. [√*taḍ 2] 1. Pk. taḍia— ‘spread out’, taḍiṇa— ‘sparse’; P. taṛṇā ‘to be stretched’; N. tarnu ‘to make ready for slaughter (by pulling an animal's head forward so that the neck is stretched out)’, tarkanu ‘to be strained’; A. tariba ‘to open, spread (a net or curtain)’, ṭarāiba ‘to spread, extend’. 2. Pk. taḍḍaï tr. ‘spreads out, makes’, paritaḍḍaviya- ‘well spread out’; P. ṭaḍḍṇā tr. ‘to open, spread out, stretch’. 3. Pk. tāḍaï ‘multiplies’; Ash. tāṛ— ‘to think’; S. tāṛī f. ‘absorption of mind, strong desire’; L. tāṛ m. ‘watching, vigil’; P. tāṛṇā ‘to ponder, understand, frown’; Ku. tāṛṇo ‘to examine, test, estimate’; N. tāṛnu ‘to hazard a guess’; H. tāṛnā ‘to understand’; M. tāḍṇẽ ‘to investigate, discover, infer’.
5634 *taḍapphaḍ— ‘agitate’. [Cf. √taḍ 1 and traṭ—] Pk. taḍapphaḍaï ‘crackles, is perturbed’; S. taṛphaṇu ‘to writhe, wriggle, be agitated’; P. taṛphaṛāuṇā ‘to flutter, cause to flutter’, taṛphāuṇā ‘to agitate’; B. taṛpāna ‘to frisk, flounce, wriggle (like a fish)’; H. taṛphaṛnā, taṛpaṛnā, taṛapnā ‘to toss, roll about, be anxious’; G. taṛphaṛvũ, tarph° ‘to toss about, flounce, be agitated’; M. taḍphaḍṇẽ intr. ‘to toss about’, taḷapṇẽ ‘to be brandished’. taḍā́ka— see taḍāga—.
5636 *taḍikā— ‘beating’. [taḍít— f. ‘stroke’ Naigh. — √taḍ 1] Or. taṛi ‘stroke, beating’; H. taṛī f. ‘beating, loss, fraud’; G. taṛī f. ‘beating’. *taḍḍati ‘stretches’ see *taḍati 2. *taṇṭa— ‘stalk’, taṇḍaka— see *ḍaṇṭha—.
5641 *tattaka— ‘so much’. 2. *tattika—. [After iyattaká—. — tá—] 1. Pa. tattaka— ‘so much’, WPah.paṅ. tattā, A. tat, B. tata; — Ku. tatro, tatṇo, Mth. tatek. — With i and e of near demonstratives: H. tittā, titnā, G. teṭlũ (< *tetḷũ < OG. tetalaüṁ), M. titlā, titkā. 2. Pk. tattiya—, NiDoc. tati (= tatti?); N. tati ‘so much, so many’; B. tati ‘so many’. — With i and e: Ap. tettia—, tit°, tettila—, tit°, Or. tete.
5650 *taddivasam ‘on that day’. [Cf. taddinam ‘on a certain day’ W. — tá—, divasá—] Pk. taddiasa—, °sia—, taddiaha— n. ‘every day’; Paš. tadū ‘the day before yesterday’ IIFL iii 3, 173; N. tādhi, tādi ‘years ago, once upon a time’; M. tādhı̄̃ ‘on that day, then’. TAN ‘stretch’: tatá— tanikā—, *tanī—, tanú—, tanṓti, tantí—, tántu—, tántra—, *tantrika—, tantrı̄́—, tanyatē, *tanvati, tāna—, tānáyati, *tānya—; *apatāna—, ávatanōti, *ātatya—, ātāna—, *uttanuka—, úttanōti, uttāná—, *uttānayati, *nistāna—, *pratitāna—, vítanōti, vitāna—, sáṁtata—, sáṁtāyatē, satata—; — *ṭan—. tán— (f.?) ‘self’ RV. tánaya—, tanū́—. *tanaka— ‘cord’ see tanikā—.
5653 *tanī— ‘stretching’. [√tan] Kt. (Morgenstierne) tä̃ŕ in šurutä̃ŕ ‘(markhor) shooting’.
5665 *tantraśaya— ‘living in a web’. [Cf. giriśayá— VS. - tántra—, śaya—] Wg. trā̃šé ‘spider’ (NTS xvii 305 poss. *trãt+?).
5666 *tantrika— ‘weaver’. [Ext. from *tantrin—. — tántra—] A. B. tā̃ti ‘weaver’; Bi. tā̃tī ‘Hindu weaver’; H. tā̃tī m. ‘weaver’.
5670 *tapaka— ‘frying pan’. 2. *tapuka—. [Cf. tāpaka—. - √tap] 1. Pk. tavaya— m., taviā— f.; K. tawa m. ‘griddle’; S. tao m., taī f. ‘frying pan’; P. tavā m. ‘circular griddle’, tavī f. ‘large griddle’; Ku. tawā ‘iron plate for baking bread on’, gng. tai ‘iron pan’; B. tai ‘iron pan without handles’, Or. taï; Bi. tawā ‘iron griddle plate’; H. tawā ‘frying pan’, taī f. ‘griddle’; G. tavɔ m. ‘griddle’, tavī f. ‘small do.’; M. tavā m. ‘frying pan’, tavī f. ‘metal or earthen vessel’, tavaī f. ‘earthen vessel’; Ko. tavo m. ‘roasting pan’. — Ext. —ll—: P. taullā m. ‘large- mouthed earthen pot’; Ku. taulo, °lī ‘cooking vessel’, gng. tɔ̄l; Bi. Mth. taulā ‘large earthen cooking vessel’; M. tavalī f. ‘metal or earthen vessel’. 2. L.awāṇ. tavvā m. ‘frying pan’, Ku. WPah.bhal. tauwo m., H. tawwā m. *nandatapikā—.
5673 *tapantikā— ‘hot season’. [Pres. part. tápant—. - √tap] P. taũdī f. ‘heat, the hot season of May and June’, kgr. tõ;dī f. ‘the three months preceding the Rains’; WPah. kiũth. taũdi f. ‘summer’.
5680 *taptakāri— ‘act of making hot’. [taptá—, kāri—] H. tatār f. ‘fomentation’ (whence tatārnā ‘to foment’).
5681 *taptaghaṭa— ‘heated pot’. [taptá—, ghaṭa1] P. tattaṛ f., tatahṛā, °hiṛā m. ‘large earthen pot for boiling water in’, H. tatahṛā, °hrā m., °hrī f., tataiṛā, °teṛā m.
5682 *taptārā— ‘hot spike’. [taptá—, ā́rā—] Ku. tatār ‘red—hot needle (for pricking an abscess &c.)’.
5687 *tamana— 2 ‘dark’. [Same as tamana1 n. ‘losing one's breath’ ŚāṅkhŚr.? — See *tamara—. — √tam] K. tamun m. ‘soot, similar black substance’, tamonu ‘sooty, blackened’.
5688 *tamara— ‘giddiness’. [Cf. tamrá—, r/n stem *tamar- ~ *taman— in *tamana—2. — √tam] Ku. taũri ‘giddiness, dizziness’, M. tavar m.
5691 *tamāla— 2 ‘dark’. [Same as támāla1?] N. tũwālo, tũyālo ‘heat haze, fog’; H. tãwār f. ‘dizziness’, tãwālā m. ‘darkness before the eyes’; OMarw. tavālo m. ‘swoon’. *tamira— ‘a tree’ see támāla1.
5694 *tamrala— ‘dark’. [tamrá— ‘darkening’ RV., cf. *tamara—. — √tam] Gy. eur. tamlo ‘dark, obscure’; K. tambalun ‘to be perplexed’. — Gy. gr. tam ‘blindly’ < tamrá—: very doubtful.
5697 *tara— 3 ‘lowlying land’. [Cf. tala—?] N. tari ‘marshy lowlying land’, taro ‘slope made by landslip or torrent’; Bi. H. tarī f. ‘lowlying land’. - S. P. H. tarāī f. ‘lowlying land’, N. Or. tarāi ‘id. (esp. that at the foot of Himalaya)’; Or. tarei ‘pond’. — N. tariyāni, tareni ‘lowlying land, valley’, Bi. taryāni; - Ku. tarauṭ ‘moisture, wetness’. — L. P. tallā m. ‘low- lying ground’ < *tarlā?
5710 *tarī— ‘floating layer’. 2. tarikā— f. ‘skin on milk’ VS. [Same as tari—? — √tr̥̄?] 1. N. G. tar f. ‘cream’ (~ thar < stara—). 2. Pk. tariyā— f. ‘cream on milk’; P. tarī f. ‘oily sub- stance floating on soup or similar liquids’, tarīt f. (—t?).
5718 *targa— ‘terrible, strong’. [Cf. Gk. ta/rbos ‘fear’ EWA i 485: but see also *taṅga—. — √tarj] WPah.bhad. ṭḷagṛo ‘strong’, ṭḷagṛu n. ‘light’; H. tagṛā ‘strong’ (→ N. tagaṛo); G. trāgũ n. ‘compulsion’; — L. trakṛā, takṛā ‘strong, diligent’ with unexpl. k. TARJ ‘threaten’: *targa—, tárjati, tarjana—. Addenda: *targa—: S.kcch. takkaṛ f. ‘hastiness’, takṛo ‘hasty’; WPah.kṭg. takṛɔ, Wkc. tɔkṛo ‘strong, healthy’. †;tardá— see *triḍḍa—.
5722 *tardati 2 ‘roars’. [Poss. same as tárdati 1: cf. S. ṭraṛkaṇu ‘to split ~ make an uproar in scolding’ s.v. traṭ—] S. ṭraḍ̱aṇu ‘to bellow’, ṭraḍ̱u m. ‘herd of cattle’ (semant. cf. goramu s.v. gōrambha—), ṭrāḍ̱a f. ‘bellow- ing’; L. trāḍ, (Ju.) tarāḍ̱ f. ‘bellowing of a bull’; G. trāḍvũ ‘to bellow’, trāḍ m. ‘a bellow’.
5725 *tarpa— 1 ‘matting, sacking’. [Cf. tálpa1 m. ‘bed (i.e. framework with woven string?)’ AV., ‘seat of a carriage’ MBh.: same as *tarpa2?] N. ṭāpo ‘basket to carry poultry in’, Bi. ṭāp, °pā, °pī; Mth. ṭāpī ‘bamboo fishing net’, Bhoj. ṭāpā; H. ṭāp, °pā m. ‘bamboo trap for fish’. — Ext. ——: S. ṭrapaṛu m. ‘sack- cloth’; L. trappaṛ m. ‘mat, cloth of goat's or camel's hair’; P. tappaṛ m. ‘coarse cloth of goat's hair’; G. tāpṛũ ‘coarse jute cloth’; — —r—: S. ṭrapura f. ‘saddle- cloth’; P. ṭappar m. ‘sackcloth, mat’, ṭapparā m., °rī f. ‘thatch, shed’; WPah. (Joshi) ṭaprī f. ‘hut’; Ku. ṭapariyo ‘hut’, ṭaparyūṇo ‘to thatch, roof’; N. ṭaparo ‘plate made of leaves’; H. ṭāprā m. ‘thatch, thatched house’; M. ṭāpar f. ‘muffler’. Addenda: *tarpa— 1 [tálpa1 in talpaśı̄́van— RV.] WPah.Wkc. ṭapre f. ‘hut’, J. ṭaprī f.
5726 *tarpa— 2 ‘raft’. [Cf. talpa2 m. ‘raft’ lex.: perh. same as *tarpa1 i.e. ‘a raft of interwoven or crossed timbers’] Periplus tra/ppaga n. pl. ‘rafts’; Pk. tappa— m.n. ‘small boat’; G. trāpɔ, tarāpɔ m. ‘raft of crossed timbers’; M. tāpā, tāphā m. ‘float or raft of timbers tied together’ (tarāphā m. ‘larger do.’ ← G.).
5727 *tarpati ‘jumps’ (‘kindles’ Dhātup.). [Cf. tr̥prá- ‘hasty (?)’ RV. which may be separate from √tr̥p ‘be glad’ EWA i 524. Psht. trap ‘leap’ ← NIA. EVP 83. — √trap] Dm. trap— ‘to run’, Gaw. l ap—; S. ṭrapaṇu ‘to frisk, leap, throb’; L. trappaṇ ‘to jump’, awāṇ. trappuṇ, poṭh. trappaṇā; P. ṭappṇā ‘to skip, jump’, ḍog. trappanā ‘to jump over’; Ku. ṭāpṇo ‘to leap, jump over, cross’; N. ṭapnu ‘to jump over, go in front’; Or. ṭapibā ‘to jump over’; H. ṭāpnā ‘to jump, be restless’; G. ṭapvũ ‘to leap, jump over’; M. ṭāp f. ‘fretting’. — Ext. —kk—: N. ṭapkanu ‘to jump, skip’, ṭapkāunu ‘to filch’ (cf. paśu—tŕ̥p- ‘stealing cattle’ RV.); B. ṭapkāna ‘to leap over’, Or. ṭapakibā. Addenda: *tarpati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) ṭɔpṇõ; ‘to cross (e.g. river or mountain)’; — P. ṭapkā m. ‘mischievous fellow’, WPah.kṭg. ṭɔpkɔ m. ‘ghost’. †;TARB ‘go’: †;tarbati.
5732 *talakīla— ‘bottom peg’. [tala—, kīla—] Bi. (SBhagalpur) taraila, (SWShahabad) tarailī ‘peg passing through shaft at the end to prevent the body coming off’.
5733 *talaghara— ‘lower storey’. [tala—, ghara—] Bi. tarahrā ‘underground storey of a house’.
5734 *talagharṣa— ‘rubbing the soles’. [tala—, gharṣa—] G. taḷā̃svũ ‘to rub gently the soles of a revered person’.
5736 *talati 2 ‘fries’, talita— ‘fried’ Bhpr. 2. *tālayati 2. [√tal 2] 1. Pk. talaï ‘fries’, pp. talia—, talaṇa— n., K. talun; S. taraṇu ‘to fry, cook in ghee’ (talūṇo ‘fried’ lw. with —l—), L. talaṇ, P. talṇā, Ku. talṇo, Or. taḷibā, H. talnā, G. taḷvũ, M. taḷṇẽ. 2. N. tārnu ‘to cook by parching’ (← unrecorded Bi. or EH. form). Addenda: *talati2: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) tɔḷnõ; ‘to fry in oil or ghee’, J. taḷṇu.
5737 *talapaṭṭa— ‘lower slab’. [tala—, paṭṭa1] Bi. tarauṭā, (South of Ganges) talauṭā ‘lower mill- stone’.
5738 *talapāda— ‘lower foot’. [Cf. pādatala—. — tala—, pā́da—] P. talūā m. ‘sole of foot’, WPah.bhal. tuāo, Ku. N. taluwā m., N. talwā; A. taluwā ‘sole, palm’; H. taluā, talwā m. ‘sole’; G. taḷvāvũ ‘to have tender soles from walking’; M. taḷvā m. ‘sole, palm’. *talapādagharṣa—.
5739 *talapādagharṣa— ‘rub on the sole’. [*talapāda—, gharṣa—] H. talwā̃sā m. ‘abrasion on sole of foot’ (whence talwāsnā ‘to have soles rubbed by treading on stony ground’).
5740 *talima— ‘lowest’. [With MIA. —ima— after paścimá- &c. and perh. same as talima— n. ‘floor’ (ac. to Wacker- nagel AiGr ii 2, 354 formed from tala— after kuṭṭima—) and Pk. talima— n. ‘upper storey of a house’. — tala—] K. talyumu ‘lowest, lower’; L. talvā̃ ‘low’. táluna— see táruṇa—.
5741 *talōpala— ‘lower millstone’. [tala—, úpala—] WPah.bhal. tioli f. ‘lower millstone’ < *taloli? tálpa— 1 ‘bed’ see *tarpa1. talpa— 2 ‘raft’ see *tarpa2. Addenda: *talōpala—: for 5241 read 5741.
5750 *tāḍa— 3 ‘fan—palm’, tāḍī2 f. in tāḍī—puṭa— ‘palm—leaf’ Kād., tāla2 m. ‘Borassus flabelliformis’ Mn., tālī—, °lakī— f. ‘palm—wine’ W. [Cf. hintāla—] Pa. tāla— m. ‘fan—palm’, Pk. tāḍa—, tāla—, tala— m., tāḍī—, tālī— f., K. tāl m., P. tāṛ m., N. tār (tāṛ ← H.), A. tāl, B. tāṛ, Or. tāṛa, tāṛi, tāḷa, Bi. tār, tāṛ, OAw. tāra, H. G. tāṛ m., M. tāḍ m., Si. tala. — Gy. gr. taró m., tarí f. ‘rum’, rum. tari ‘brandy’, pal. tar ‘date—spirit’; S. tāṛī f. ‘juice of the palmyra’; P. tāṛī ‘the fermented juice’; N. tāṛī ‘id., yeast’ (← H.); A. tāri ‘the fermented juice’, B. Or. tāṛi, Bi. tārī, tāṛī, Bhoj. tāṛī; H. tāṛī f. ‘the juice, the fermented juice’; G. tāṛī f. ‘the juice’, M. tāḍī f. - X hintāla— q.v. tālavr̥nta—; *madatāḍikā—. Addenda: tāḍa—3: S.kcch. tāṛ m. ‘palm tree’. †;*tāḍarukṣa—.
5756 *tātatara— ‘like a father's elder brother’. [tātá—] H. tāerā ‘descended from father's elder brother’.
5757 *tātaśvaśura— ‘father—in—law's elder brother’. [tātá—, śváśura—] H. tāyasrā m.
5758 *tātaśvaśrū— ‘father—in—law's elder brother's wife’. [tātá—, śvaśrū́—] H. tāyas f. < *tāyasas.
5759 *tātiya—, tātyá— ‘fatherly’ RV. [tātá—] L.awāṇ. tāē m. pl. ‘uncles’, tāī f. ‘father's elder brother's wife’; P. tāiā, tāeā m. ‘father's elder brother’, tāī f. ‘his wife’, H. tāyā m., tāī f. tātyá— see prec.
5765 *tānya— ‘to be pulled taut’. [√tan] M. tān ‘of strong texture (of cloth)’.
5769 *tāpakāra— ‘making hot’. [tāpá—, kāra1] H. tawārā m. ‘heat, burning’.
5782 *tāmraghaṭa— ‘copper pot’. [tāmrá—, ghaṭa1] Bi. tamheṛī ‘round copper vessel’; — tamheṛā ‘brass- founder’ der. *tamheṛ ‘copper pot’ or < next?
5783 *tāmraghaṭaka— ‘copper—worker’. [tāmrá—, ghaṭa2] Bi. tamheṛā ‘brass—founder’ or der. fr. *tamheṛ see prec.
5785 *tāmradhāka— ‘copper receptacle’. [tāmrá—, dhāká—] Bi. tama ‘drinking vessel made of a red alloy’.
5789 *tāmrabhāṇḍa— ‘copper vessel’. [tāmrá—, bhāṇḍa1] Bhoj. tāmaṛā, tāmṛā ‘copper vessel’; G. tarbhāṇũ n. ‘copper dish used in religious ceremonies’ (< *taram- hā̃ḍũ).
5800 *tārya— ‘stellar, collection of stars’. [From *tr̥—, nom. pl. tā́raḥ RV. — tārā—] Paš. taǰuṛı̄́k, (Leech) taǰ ‘star’ IIFL iii 3, 173.
5807 *tiktapūra— ‘pungent cake’. [tiktá—, pūra2] N. titauro ‘small ball made of ground pulse’; — poss. but see *tr̥ttapūra—.
5811 *tithivāra— ‘a festival’, [Cf. tithivārayōga— ‘name of a chapter in Purāṇa—sarvasva’. — títhi—, vāra2] S. tihāṛo m. ‘festival’ ( from ḍ̱ihāṛo s.v. divasá—), P. tihār m.; WPah.bhad. tihār, pl. °rā̃ n. ‘festival’, jaun. tĕhār ‘holiday’; Ku. tiwār, tihār, tyār ‘festival’; N. tiwār, ti(h)ār, tewār ‘the first three days of the festival of Diwāli’; Or. (Sambhalpur) tihār ‘festival’, OAw. tevahāra m., lakh. teuhār, H. tiwhār, tewhār, tyohār m., G. t e h e vār m. Addenda: *tithivāra—: WPah.kṭg. thɛ̄́r m., kc. tyār m. ‘religious festival’, J. tahair m. Him.I 95.
5812 *tinta— ‘wet’. 2. *tinna—. [~ *stinta—; — cf. timita—. — √tim] 1. Pa. tinta— ‘wet’, Pk. tiṁta—, Gy. rum. tindo, hung. čindo, germ. rus. eng. wel. kindō, A. titā, MB. tita, B. titā, Or. tintā; Mth. tī̆tal ‘wet, limp’; H. tītā ‘wet’; Si. tet ‘wet’, teta ‘wetness’ (e from temanavā < *tēmayati); — deriv. vbs.: Gy. rum. thind́ar ‘wets’; A. titiba ‘to be wet’; B. titā ‘to become moist’, titāna ‘to moisten’. 2. Pk. tiṇṇa— ‘wet’, Ku. tino. Addenda: *tinta—: Md. tet ‘wet’; A. titiba ‘to be wet’ AFD 337. TIP ‘sprinkle’: †;*tēpya—.
5815 *tipūrayati ‘fills’. [Cf. atipūryati ‘becomes full’ MBh. — √pr̥̄] Pr. tür— ‘to fill’ NTS xv 302. TIM < ‘be wet’: *tinta—, *tinna—, timita—, tímyati, tīmayati, *tīmana—, tēma—, tēmana—, *tēmayati, *taimya—; *upatimyati, *saṁtimita—; — √stim, √trim; — √tip, √stip.
5819 *timbila— ‘a partic. kind of tree’. 2. *triyambala—. 1. S. timiru ‘the tree Avicennia tomentosa’; — altern. < 2: Ku. N. timilo ‘wild fig tree’. 2. P. taremal, tiamle, timbal m. ‘Ficus roxburghii macrophylla’.
5820a *timyati 2 Add. 14565.
5824 *tirimiri— ‘dazzle’. S. tirviri f. ‘dazzling, dimness, greasy spots on water’, tirvirā m. pl. ‘a disease of the eyes in which things appear indistinct, particles of dust in the air’; N. tirimiri ‘dazzle, mistiness’, tirmir ‘dazzling light’, tirmirāunu ‘to be dazzled’, tiribiri ‘sound of dripping water’; A. tirbir ‘sparkle’; H. M. tirmirī f. ‘giddiness’; H. tirmirānā ‘to be dazzled’.
5825 *tiriyak, tiryák ‘across, obliquely’ ŚBr. (n. sg. of tiryáñc— ‘oblique’ AV.). [tirás] Pa. tiriyaṁ ‘across’; Pk. tiria— ‘slanting, crosswise’; OG. tiria ‘animals’; Si. tiraya ‘curtain, veil’ (cf. Sk. tiraskariṇī— f. ‘veil’). tirīṭa— 1 ‘diadem’ see kirīṭa1. Addenda: *tiriyak: WPah.kṭg. tírhi , tiri , kc. tirhe, tire f. ‘small window’, kṭg. tírhɔ, tirɔ m. ‘id., small closet in the wall’, J. tīri f. ‘small window’ Him.I 93; — Si. tiraya ← Drav. Tam. tirai DED 2653.
5829 *tilakāṣṭhikā— ‘sesamum stalk’. [tilá—1, kāṣṭhá—] L. tilāṭhī f. ‘stalks of sesamum left standing after the buds have been picked’; Bi. tilāṭhī ‘dried stalks of mustard’, Mth. tilṭhī.
5831 *tiladhānikā— ‘sesamum container’. [tilá—1, dhā́na—] N. tilāni ‘a pot to keep a mixture of sesamum, water, barley and kuśa grass for use in ceremonies’.
5832 *tilapūpa— ‘sesamum cake’. [tilá—1, pūpa—] P. talūā̃ m. ‘sweetmeats’; N. tilawā ‘sweetmeat of sesamum and molasses’, B. tiluyā, H. tiluā, tilwā m., M. tiḷvā m.; — or poss. < tilamáya—.
5833 *tilapūrikā— ‘sesamum cake’. [tilá—1, pūra2] N. tilauri ‘a sweetmeat of sesamum and molasses’. tilamáya— ‘made of sesamum seed’ Pāṇ. [tilá—1, maya—]. See *tilapūpa—.
5834 *tilikā— ‘spleen’. 2. *tillikā— 3 [tila3 m. ‘the right lung’ ŚārṅgS., tilaka3 m. lex. — Deformation (ND 406 a 10) of MIA. pilihā— < plīhán— unlikely] 1. Ḍ. tili, pl. °iṅa ‘spleen’, S. tirī f., P. tilī f.; — Paš. telā́ ‘spleen’; P. tilā m. ‘enlarged spleen’. 2. S. tilī f. ‘spleen’, H. tillī f., G. talī f.
5835 *tilíya— ‘prepared from sesamum seed’, tilyà— adj. and n. ‘field of sesamum’ Pāṇ., tiryà— ‘made from sesamum (?)’ AV. [tilyà— perh. in *tilla— s.v. tilá1] Ku. tilyā̃ ‘sesamum from which oil has been ex- pressed’. tilyà— see prec. *tilla— ‘sesamum’ see tilá1. *tillaka— ‘mark’ see tila2.
5841 *tīkṣṇarūpa— ‘having a sharp form’. [tīkṣṇá—, rūpá—] A. tikhru ‘quick’? *tīmana— ‘wetting’ see tēmana—. tīmayati see *tēmayati. tı̄́myati see tímyati.
5847 *tīrthādahana— ‘burning place at a descent to a river’. [tīrthá—, ādáhana—] Ku. tīthāṇ ‘burning ghāṭ’. tīvará— see dhīvará—.
5849 *tukṣā— ‘strength’. [√tuj] K. tŏch f. (?) ‘power, ability, power to endure’; B. tukhaṛ ‘strong, clever’; Or. tukhaṛa ‘strong, active, clever’, sb. ‘quarrel’. — Pk. tuṁtukkhuḍia— ‘quick, hasty’ < *tuntukṣu—?? tuṅga— see *ṭakka3. tuccha— see next.
5851 *tuñjati (3rd pl. tuñjánti RV.) ‘pushes, urges’. [√tuj] S. tuñaṇu ‘to darn’ or < tunná1 X ǥuñu m. ‘wrinkle’. *tuḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. Addenda: *tuñjati: WPah.poet. ṭvnj̈ṇo ‘to stare anxiously’, (coll.) ‘to get along, push on’.
5859 *tunda—3, ‘striking, sharp’. [√tud] P. tund ‘piercing, sharp, keen, strong, pure’? *tundati ‘strikes’. [Cf. nítundatē ‘pierces’ RV. - √tud] See tunná1.
5864 *tuppa— ‘grease’. [Prob. like *cuppa— of non—Aryan origin (Kan. tuppa ‘ghee’ DED 2685 is rather ← MIA.); but it may have induced glossing of RV. tr̥prá3 as ‘purōḍāśa—’ Sāy. and ‘ghee’ Uṇk.] Pk. tuppa— ‘greasy, smeared with ghee’, n. ‘ghee’, tuppia—, °pavia—, °palia— ‘smeared with ghee’, uttupiya- ‘oily’; G. M. tūp n. ‘ghee’, M. tupaṭ ‘oily’. TUB ‘strike’: *tumba—2, túmbati, *tumbita—; — √tup. tubara— 1 ‘astringent’ see tuvara—. tubara— 2 ‘a pulse’ see tubarī2.
5865 *tubarakāṣṭhikā— ‘stalk of the pulse plant’. [tubarī—2, kāṣṭhá—] M. turāṭhī f. ‘stalk of the pulse Cytisus cajan’. tubarī— 1 ‘Diospyros embryopteris’ see tumburu—.
5869 *tumba— 2 ‘obstruction, boss’. [√tub] Or. tumbha ‘nave of wheel’; M. tũbā, tũbāḍā m. ‘plug, back of axe, nave of wheel’; — Si. tum̆basa ‘mound raised by white ants’ or < *stumba— (+?).
5871 *tumbita— ‘struck’. [√tub] H. tū̃biyā, tūmiyā m. ‘thread made of cotton separated before combing’.
5875 *tura— 2 ‘ford’. [√tr̥̄] Kt. tur ‘ford’? — See also tára1.
5881a *turīyavāsa— Add. 14572.
5891 *tuvarāmra— ‘young sour mango’. [tuvara—, āmrá—] M. turā̃bā m. ‘young mango just formed’ (= turā ā̃bā: perh. therefore a M. cmpd.). *tuśya— ‘empty’ see tucchyá—. TUṢ ‘be calm, be satisfied’: tuṣṭa—, tuṣṭi—, túṣyati, tōṣa—, tōṣáyati; saṁtuṣṭa—, saṁtōṣa—, saṁtōṣayati.
5893 *tuṣamr̥ttikā— ‘chaff and earth’. [túṣa—, mŕ̥ttikā—] B. tusāṭi, tusuṭi ‘chaff and earth mixed’.
5903 *tūrtha— ‘ford, crossing, landing place’. [~ tīrthá—. — √tr̥̄] Pk. tūha— n. ‘ford’, in cmpd. —utthiya— ‘belonging to a philosophical school’; Aś.top. tuṭhāyatanāni ‘abodes of suitable recipients’ (rather than < tuṣṭa—, tuṣṭy—); Kho. thūrt ‘ford’ (→ Kal.rumb. thūrt, Phal. turt NOPhal 50); Or. tuṭha, toṭha ‘ford, landing or bathing place’; Si. toṭa ‘ford, ferry, landing place’. — Deriv. Si. toṭiyā ‘ferryman’; toṭu ‘heretical’ formed from toṭa after MIA. *tuṭṭhaya— beside *tuṭṭha— as Sk. tīrthaka— beside tīrthá—. tūrya— see tūra—.
5907 *tr̥ṇākara— ‘heap of grass’. [tŕ̥ṇa—, ākara—] M. taṇārā m. ‘stack of bundles of rice—straw’.
5909 *tr̥ta— 1 ‘crossed’. [√tr̥̄] Ash. (Morgenstierne) söu teṛīstēi ‘a bridge has been laid’, pān—terṓm ‘I crossed a river’ (with r for after pres. pān—tḗrīm).
5910 *tr̥ta— 2 ‘third’. [tri—] Wg. átƏŕ ‘day after tomorrow’ Rep1 63 (< *ātṛta—, cf. *ātr̥tīyam).
5911 *tr̥ti— ‘crossing’. [√tr̥̄] Kal.rumb. trīi ‘border’; L.mult. tiṛ f. (Ju. m.) ‘ford, crossing place of river or canal’ or < taṭī— s.v. taṭa—?
5916 *tr̥tīyakajvāra— ‘tertian fever’. [tŕ̥tīyaka—, *jvāra—] H. tijārī f. ‘tertian fever’; M. tij̈ārẽ n. ‘id.’, tij̈ārā ‘tertian (of fever)’.
5917 *tr̥tīyajanī— ‘bearing a third time’. [tr̥tı̄́ya—1, jáni—] L. trīiṇ, trījiṇ, trīñjiṇ (with nasal from trīn ‘3’) f. ‘cow having its third calf’, (Shahpur) tarījan f.
5918 *tr̥tīyapakṣa— ‘third of lunar fortnight’. [tr̥tı̄́ya—1, pakṣá—] Si. tiyavaka ‘third day after new or full moon’.
5919 *tr̥tīyamāsaka— ‘belonging to the third month’. [tr̥tı̄́ya—1, mā́sa—] H. tijwā̃sā m. ‘festival for a woman three months after conception’.
5921 *tr̥tīyāhana— ‘the third day’. [tr̥tı̄́ya—1, áhar—]. WPah.bhal. ṭḷiā́ṇ ‘third day of the lunar month’.
5922 *tr̥tta— ‘split’. [~ tr̥ṇṇa—. — √tr̥d] K. trith, trath, dat. °tas m. ‘slit, rent, fissure’. *tr̥ttapūra—.
5923 *tr̥ttapūra— ‘ground cake’. [*tr̥tta—, pūra2] N. titauro ‘small ball made of ground pulse’; — or < *tr̥ttavaṭa—: both doubtful, but perh. rather than < *tiktapūra— as suggested in ND 283 a 22. *tr̥ttavaṭa— ‘lump of something ground’ see *tr̥tta- pūra—. [*tr̥tta—, vaṭa3]
5924 *tr̥tya— ‘third’. [~ tr̥tı̄́ya—1. — tri—] Pk. tacca—. — See *ardhatr̥tya—. TR̥D ‘split’: tardá—, tárdman—, tárdati1, tr̥ṇṇa—, *tr̥tta—, *tr̥dati, *tr̥di—, *tr̥ndati, tr̥ndana—; *uttr̥dati, pratr̥ṇṇa—, *vitr̥dati, *vitr̥ndati.
5925 *tr̥dati, tr̥ṇátti ‘splits open, sets free’ RV. [√tr̥d] Pk. taḍaï ‘spreads’ (~ taḍḍaï < tárdati 1); Wg. taṛ- ‘to flay’; S. ṭriṛaṇu ‘(of a flower) to open’ (whence tr. ṭreṛaṇu ‘to cause to open’); L. triṛaṇ ‘to blossom, ex- pand’; P. tiṛnā ‘to be split, crack through dryness, be proud’. — Ext. —kk— in S. ṭriṛkaṇu ‘to crack, split, itch’.
5926 *tr̥di— ‘crack, fissure’. [Cf. tr̥dilá— ‘making fissures (for release of water)’ RV. a(.l. —√tr̥d] L. treṛ f. ‘crack in soil’; P. tareṛ, tarer, teṛ f. ‘crack, crevice’; WPah.bhal. ṭḷiṛ f. ‘crack in soil or wood’; M. tīḍ f. ‘crack, fissure in ground’. Addenda: *tr̥di—: WPah.kṭg. tēṛ lāṇi ‘to be obstinate, insist’.
5927 *tr̥ndati ‘pierces’, tr̥ṇátti ‘splits’ RV. [√tr̥d] P. ludh. (X vinnha < *vindhati) tinnha ‘to prick’ or < tr̥ṇṇa—. Addenda: *tr̥ndati: Pa. tandati ‘pierces’ SN 1412. TR̥Ṣ: †;*tr̥ṣyaka—.
5928 *tr̥ndana— ‘boring’. [Cf. tardá— AV. vi 50, 1 if, with Whitney, it is ‘borer (mouse or insect)’. — √tr̥d] S. ṭriṇḍiṇu m. ‘beetle’, ṭiṇḍiṇī f. ‘a kind of small beetle’; L. ṭiṇḍaṇ m., °ṇī f. ‘insects of the beetle tribe’, ṭiṇḍāṇã m. ‘firefly’; P. ṭiṇḍaṇ m. ‘general name for beetles’, tiṇḍāṇī f. ‘a beetle which eats flowers and leaves of cucumbers and melons’. TR̥P ‘be satisfied, enjoy’: tarpáyati, tŕ̥pti—, tŕ̥pyati, *trapa—; *ātr̥ptikā—, *uttarpati, *upatarpati, sáṁ- tr̥pyati; — tr̥pála—?
5930 *tr̥pu— ‘sour’. [Cf. Russ. terpkiy ‘sour’ < *tr̥pŭkŭ and poss. Psht. trīw NTS xii 192. Other forms in tr̥pra2 and *tr̥psa— in Parth. trifš, Bal. trušp, Pers. turuš ‘sour’ W. Henning BSOS ix 88] Kt. trui—zū ‘sour milk’, Wg. trui—zƏr, Dm. tru—c̣hı̄́ra, Paš.ar. trua—c̣hīr, chil. l ui—čīr, Gaw. l uzan—c̣hir (—zan?), Phal. truṇu—c̣hı̄́r (< *tr̥puna—?); — Tir. trē ‘salt’ rather < tīvrá—.
5935 *tr̥ṣati ‘is thirsty’. [Aor. inj. tr̥ṣat AV. — √tr̥ṣ] Pa. tasati, OG. tirasaï, G. tarasvũ, tarsāvũ (whence caus. tarsāvvũ ‘to make thirsty’).
5939 *tr̥ṣṭi— ‘strong feeling’. [√tr̥ṣ] K. ṭĕṭh, dat. °ṭhi f. ‘intense desire’; Ku. ṭīṭh ‘pity’; N. ṭiṭh ‘pity, tenderness, love’; G. trīṭhi f. ‘pain’.
5943 *tr̥ṣyā— ‘thirst’. [Cf. atr̥ṣyá— AV. — √tr̥ṣ] Gy. pal. tirăsálă ‘thirsty’ (—s— < śś), eur. truš f. ‘thirst’, trušalo ‘thirsty’; Tor. tiš f. ‘thirst’; Mai.ky. čišé pl. ‘thirsty’ (Buddruss Kan 48 < tr̥ṣā—); K. trēś f. ‘thirst’; L. tass f., tassā adj. (or < tarṣa—?), (Ju.) tirissā adj.; WPah.bhad. ṭḷiś f., l.rudh. triś, roh. ciś (< *c̣iś), jaun. tīś f., tīśā adj. tr̥ṣyā́vant—. Addenda: *tr̥ṣyā—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) cíś f. ‘thirst’ Him.I 52; J. cīś f. ‘water’, c° lāgṇi ‘to be thirsty’; Garh. tīs ‘thirst’. †;*tr̥ṣyaka—.
5947 *tējila— ‘a partic. plant’. [Cf. tējanī— (°jinī— Npr.) f. ‘Sanseviera roxburghiana’ lex., ‘Zanthoxylon rhetsa’ Bhpr., taijana— ‘coming from this plant’ Kāṭh.: for form cf. Pk. tēilla— = tēaṁsi— < tējasvin—: — √tij?] Pk. tēāli— m. ‘a kind of tree’ (?); P. teilā m. ‘the shrub Ribes grossularia (with small and intensely sour fruit seldom eaten)’. *tēntara—, *tēntulī— ‘tamarind’ see tintiḍī—. *tēnduka— ‘ebony’ see tinduka—. tēpati see *stēpa—.
5950 *tēmanāhāra— or *tīm° ‘sauce food’. [tēmana—, āhāra—] Ku. tyūnār ‘vegetables’ (n?).
5951 *tēmayati ‘wets’. 2. *tēmita—. [~ *trēmayati; — cf. tīmayati Divyāv. — √tim] 1. Pa. tēmēti ‘wets’; A. tiyāiba ‘to soak in water’ (or < tīmayati); M. tevṇẽ ‘to become moist, dissolve’; Si. temanavā ‘to wet, water’ (whence intr. temenavā ‘to become wet’). 2. Si. temi ‘wet’.
5952 *taiktikā— ‘gall—bladder’. [tiktá—] Ash. tē̃tı̄́ NTS xvi 119.
5956 *taimya— ‘wetness’. [tēma—, √tim] H. tem f. ‘wetness’; — Si. tem ‘act of wetting’ or < tēma—.
5959 *tailakuṭaka— ‘oil pot’. [tailá—, kuṭa1] N. tilauro ‘pot for sesamam oil or other oils’.
5961 *tailatāpikā— ‘cooking pot for oil’. [tailá—, tāpaka—] Bi. telāy ‘earthen vessel for cooking oil or ghee’.
5962 *tailabhāṇḍa— ‘oil—vessel’. [tailá—, bhāṇḍa1] Bi. telahaṇḍā, telhā̃ṛī ‘oil—vessel’; H. telhãṛā m. ‘big earthen oil—vessel’.
5964 *tailiya— ‘oily’. [tailá—] Pa. tēliya— ‘oily’; L. telia ‘dark bay (of horses)’; P. teliyā ‘oily’; N. teliyā ‘slave (from the custom of anointing on head at purchase)’; A. teliyā ‘oily’; Or. teliā; Bi. tĕliyā ‘dark (of clay)’; H. teliyā ‘oily’, G. teliyũ, M. telyā; Si. teliyā ‘a kind of fish’. *tōṭṭa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *tōṭṭa— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭuṇṭa2. *tōṇḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—.
5965 *tōtta— 1 ‘stammering’. 2. *thōttha—3. 3. *thōntha— 3. 1. P. totlā ‘stammering’; WPah. (Joshi) totḷā ‘lisping’; N. tote ‘babbling, lisping’; B. totlā ‘stammering’, Or. totaḷā, °alā, Mth. totrāh, H. totar, totlā, G. totḷũ, totlũ, totṛũ, M. totḷā, totrā; — P. totlāuṇā ‘to stammer’; Ku. tutlāṇo ‘to talk wildly’. 2. Or. thothā, thotaṛā (dial. thutrā, thathrā) ‘stammer- ing’, thotā ‘idiot’. 3. A. thõ;tā ‘stammering’; Mth. thõ;tī ‘babbler, garrulous’. *tōtta— 2 ‘blue vitriol’ see tutthá—.
5967 *tōttrānta— ‘whip end’. [tṓttra—, ánta—] M. tutātī f. ‘thong of a ploughman's whip’.
5969 *tōdaka— ‘striker’. [tōdá— m. ‘driver’ RV. — √tud] Pk. tōdaga— m. ‘one who hurts’; Kho. (Lor.) to g ‘entire male goat’, Sh. (Lor.) tho.
5970 *tōdati ‘strikes’. [Cf. tōdita— ‘goaded’ R. — √tud] Kho. (Lor.) toik ‘to stuff, cram into, pack’; P. toṇā ‘to stuff’: cf. *tundati s.v. tunná1. tōdana— see *pratōdana—. *tōnta— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *tōnda— ‘belly’ see tundá1. *tōndi— ‘navel’ see tundi—.
5971 *tōpyatē ‘is obstructed’. [~ *stōpyatē.—√tup] Or. topibā, tup° ‘to cover, bury’; H. topnā ‘to bury, cover, conceal’, caus. tupānā. Addenda: *tōpyatē: WPah.kṭg. topṇõ; ‘to touch, grope, search’.
5972 *tōba— ‘bag’. [Cf. ṭōpara— ‘small bag’ Dhūrtas. (but see *ṭōppa2) and Ir. *tūbraka— in Pers. Psht. tōbra, tūbra ‘nose—bag’ (→ P. H. tobrā → Bi. tobṛā, G. tobrɔ, M. tobrā), EBal. thīra g (→ Brah. tūra), Bakhtiyari turba, Kurd. tūrik] B. to ‘fold’; — ext. ——: L. ṭoṛā m. ‘bag hung round a cluster of dates’; P. toṛā m. ‘moneybag’; Ku. toṛo ‘bag (esp. of rupees)’; B. Or. H. toṛā m. ‘leather moneybag’ (→ N. toṛā), G. toṛɔ m.; M. toḍā m. ‘bag’. - B. torā ‘purse’ ← Bi.?
5975 *tōyasthāna— ‘place for water’. [tṓya—, sthā́na—] Si. totani ‘water basin’ ES 36.
5977 *tōrī— ‘gourd’. [Poss. < *tubara— ~ tumba1] P. torī f. ‘a small gourd’; Ku. toriyā̃ ‘autumnal fruit of a creeper of which vegetable food is made’; N. toriyo, °iũ, pl. °iyā, °iyā̃ ‘gourd (eaten as a vegetable)’; B. torā ‘pottage’. *tōla— ‘group’ see *ṭōla—.
5987 *traṅga— 2 ‘piece of cloth’. [Cf. *truṅga—] K. trongu m. ‘worn rag’; L. taraṅgaṛ, °ṛī, tarāṅgaṛī f. ‘large—meshed net for loading on pack animals’, P. taṅgaṛ m.; N. ṭāṅ—ṭuṅ ‘odds and ends’.
5989 *traṭṭ— ‘crackle’. [Cf. traṭ—] Sh. c̣ăṭ f. ‘crack’; M. taṭ—taṭṇẽ ‘to crackle’; Si. taṭa- taṭa ‘trembling’. *uttraṭṭati.
5990 *traṭṭa— ‘woven work’. 2. *traḍḍa—. [Cf. *thaṭṭha1] 1. Pa. taṭṭikā— f. ‘mat’, taṭṭaka— m. ‘flat bowl’; Pk. taṭṭī— f. ‘hedge’, ṭaṭṭī—, °ṭiā— f. ‘screen, curtain’; K. ṭāṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘sackcloth’; S. ṭaṭī f. ‘Hindu bier’; L. traṭṭī f. ‘screen’; P. taraṭṭī, ṭaṭṭī f. ‘bamboo matting, screen’; Ku. ṭāṭ ‘sackcloth’, N. tāṭ, ṭāṭ,; A. ṭāṭi ‘bamboo fence’; B. ṭāṭ ‘temporary roofing, shed’, ṭāṭi ‘bamboo mat’; Or. tāṭa ‘big wicker tray’, tāṭi, ṭā° ‘bamboo mat’; Mth. ṭāṭ ‘mat, screen’; Bhoj. ṭāṭ, °ṭī ‘bamboo thatch’; H. ṭāṭ f. ‘sackcloth, mat’, °ṭī f. ‘bamboo matting’; G. tāṭ, ṭāṭ n. ‘sackcloth’, tāṭũ n. ‘bamboo seat’, trāṭī, tāṭī, ṭā° f. ‘bamboo matting’; M. tāṭ n. ‘sackcloth’ (taraṭ n. ← G.), f. ‘quickset hedge’, tāṭī f. ‘light bamboo frame’, taṭkẽ n. ‘matted or wattled frame’; — prob. WPah. bhad. khaś. ṭḷāṭ ‘common grass’. 2. L.awāṇ. traḍḍā ‘torn mat’; — WPah.rudh. trāṛ ‘common grass’. *traḍḍa— ‘matting’ see prec. TRAP ‘jump, show feeling’: *tarpati, *tr̥pyati Add., tr̥prá—1, *trapa—, trápatē, trāpáyati *avatrapatē, *avatrapya—. *trapa— ‘jump’ in *markaṭatrapa—. [√trap] Addenda: *traṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. taṭi f. ‘plot of land in front of a house’ ← H. or EP.
5999 *trayaskr̥tu— ‘three—fold’. [tri—, kŕ̥tu—] G. tekhaṛ f. ‘third repetition’, tekhṛũ ‘threefold’; - Pa. tikkhattuṁ ‘thrice’, Pk. tikkhuttō < tráyas kŕ̥tvaḥ with ti— from other cmpds.?
6009 *trasti— ‘trembling’. [√tras] Si. tätiya ‘fear, trembling’. trásyati see trásati. trā́— m. ‘protector’ RV. [√trai] ātapatra—, *bāhutrā—.
6010 *trāgga— or *tārga— or *tāgra— ‘thread’. [Cf. *dhāgga—] Pk. tagga— n. ‘gold thread, thread—bracelet’; K. tagürü f. ‘thread round a woman's waist’; P. tarāgī, tarāgaṛī, taṛāgī, taṛāgaṛī f. ‘string round waist’, tāgā, taggā m. ‘thread’; Ku. tāg ‘quilting cotton’, tāgo m. ‘thread—ceremony’; N. tāgā ‘thread, sacred thread’; B. tāgā ‘thread’, Or. tāgā̆, OAw. H. tāgā m., G. trāgɔ, trāgṛɔ, tāgṛɔ m.; M. tāg m. ‘plant from which a kind of hemp is made’; — S. tāǥaṇu ‘to stitch’ (lw. with t—); P. taggṇā ‘to sew up a wound’; N. tagnu ‘to quilt with cotton’; Or. tāgibā ‘to sew with thick cotton’; H. tāgnā ‘to quilt’. — X pragrahá—: Bi. tagahī ‘tethering rope for cattle’.
6016 *triṁśapūla— ‘having thirty bundles’. [triṁśát—, pūla—] Bi. tisaur ‘sheaf (containing 30 small sheaves)’.
6017 *triḥśataka— ‘consisting of three hundred’. [Cf. triśatá— ‘three hundred’ RV., ‘consisting of three hundred’ Hariv., triśataka— BHSk.; for triḥ cf. triḥsapta— ‘twenty one’ ĀpGr̥. ~ trisaptá— RV. — trís, śatá—] S. ṭriso m. ‘a kind of cloth with three hundred threads in the woof’; L. trissā m. ‘ordinary country cloth’.
6018 *triḥsara— ‘triple’. 2. trisara— n. ‘triple pearl—string’ Pañcad. [For this use of trís cf. triḥśrēṇi— ‘forming three rows’ AitBr. and *dviḥsara—. — trís and tri—, *sarā2] 1. S. ṭrisaro ‘threefold’; P. tisrāit, °rāt m.f. ‘third person, umpire’ (+?); N. (Tarai) tisar ‘third’; Or. tisarā ‘third, third day, third person’; Aw.lakh. tīsar ‘third’; OH. tīsar f. ‘third ploughing’, H. tīsrā ‘third’, M. tisrā; — te— replacing ti— Pischel GrPk 312: N. tesar ‘third person, eyewitness’, tesro ‘third’; B. tesar, tesrā ‘third, third day’ ODBL 700; OAw. tesara ‘third’; OH. tesrī f. ‘third ploughing’. 2. Pk. tisaraya—, °riya— n. ‘necklace of three strings’, tisarā— f. ‘a partic. kind of fishing net’; Or. tisirī ‘neck- lace of three strings’ (or < 1); OG. trasarī f. adj. ‘having three strings’.
6020 *trikuṭī— ‘three lines formed in frowning?’. [Cf. bhr̥kuṭi—. — tri—, kuṭi—] S. ṭriuṛī f. ‘frown’; L. trēṛhī f. ‘wrinkle from frown- ing’; P. tīuṛī f. ‘frown’, WPah.l.rudh. triuṛ, h.rudh. ṭḷiuṛ; H. tiurī, teorī f. ‘brow, frown’, t° pīṭnā ‘to frown’. *trikka— ‘group of three’ see triká—. Addenda: *trikuṭī—: Brj. teur(ī) f. ‘frown’.
6023 *trighāti— ‘three strokes’. [tri—, ghāti—] Or. tihāi ‘the three final strokes of a tune in playing an instrument or beating time’.
6024 *triḍḍa— and *tiḍḍa— ‘locust, grasshopper’. [L. < tri°, S. and poss. all others, incl. P. and G., < ti°: perh. ← Mu. PMWS 135] Pk. tiḍḍa— m., °ḍī— f., teḍḍa— m. ‘a grain—eating insect, locust’; S. tiḍ̱o m. ‘cricket, cockroach’, tiḍ̱ī̆ f. ‘insects such as these’; L. triḍḍā, ‘an acrid insect’, (Shahpur) triḍḍā, (Ju.) tiḍḍā m. ‘grasshopper’; P. tiḍḍā, ṭiḍḍā m. ‘locust’, Bi. ṭīṛī, (SWShahabad) ṭirrī, H. tiḍḍā m., °ḍī f., ṭiḍḍī, ṭīṛī f., G. tīḍ m., ṭīḍ n.— L.mult. ṭiṇḍāṇā m. ‘firefly’; P. ṭiḍāṇā, ṭaḍ°, ṭiḍiāṇā, ṭaḍ°, tināṇā, taṇāṇā m. ‘firefly’, ṭiṇḍaṇ m., ṭiṇḍāṇī f. ‘general name for beetles’. tridivasa— ‘tertian (of fever)’ AgP. [tri—, divasá—] See next. Addenda: *triḍḍa—, cf. tardá— m. ‘a noxious insect’ AV. (T. Burrow JRAS 1967 42).
6025 *tridivasavāsita— ‘three days stale’. [tridivasa—, vāsita—] Or. tiāsi ‘third day after an event or festival’; H. tiwāsī ‘three days stale’.
6026 *tridvaraka— ‘having three doors’. [Cf. tridvāra- MBh. — tri—, dvā́r—] H. tidarā ‘having three doors (= tidarī)’, m. ‘house with three doors’. tridvāra— see prec.
6027 *tridhāra— (‘having three streams’ Hariv.) and *trē- dhāra— ‘three—fold, triple’. [Cf. tridhāraka— m. ‘the plant Scirpus kysoor’ lex., — Ext. of tridhā́, trēdhā́ ‘triply’ RV. (Pa. tidhā, tēdhā, Pk. tihā), traidha— ‘triple’ Kauś., rather than cmpd. with dhā́ra2 or dhā́rā—2.— tri—] S. ṭrihāra, ṭrī̆hara ‘thrice’; L. trēhar m. ‘third plough- ing’; P. tihar m. ‘third ploughing (= tehar m. after which cauhar ‘fourth ploughing’), third time, triplica- tion’, teharā ‘triple’, N. teharo, tehero, B. tehārā; Or. tihorī ‘folded thrice’; H. tihrā, tehrā ‘triple’ (whence tihrānā ‘to triplicate’), M. tiherā, °rī, tihirī.
6028 *trip— ‘be wet’. [Cf. √*trim, √tim, √stim, √tip, √stip] Kt. tréwelƏ ‘wet’; Ash. trupalä ‘wet, moist’, Wg. trupala, trә́pala, tr̥pә́lë, Paš.kuṛ. tapaliwṓ (< *tripya—?). — Less prob. < tr̥pála—.
6030 *tripanthaka— ‘three roads, third journey’. [Cf. tri- patha— n. ‘place where three roads meet’ lex., Pk. tipaha— n. and tivahaā— f. ‘name of Ganges’. — tri—, pánthā—] Or. temathā ‘meeting place of roads’ (< *tevãthā); - L. tirvandhā, tar° m. ‘third and final bringing home of bride to husband's house’.
6031 *triparṇaka— ‘three—leaved’. [Cf. triparṇa— m. ‘Butea frondosa’, °ṇā—, °ṇī—, °ṇikā— f. ‘names of various plants’ lex., Pk. tivaṇṇī— f. ‘a partic. drug’. — tri—, parṇá—] OM. tivanā ‘three—leaved’. — M. tivaṇ f. ‘triple fold, tripartite leaf’ (LM 347) rather < triguṇa—.
6036 *tribandhaka— ‘having a triple joining place’. [tri—, bandhá—] M. tivãdhā m. ‘point of union of the boundaries of several villages’.
6038 *tribhāgiya— ‘a third portion’ 2. *tribhāgya—. [tribhāga—] 1. H. tihāī m. ‘a third share’. 2. WPah.bhal. ṭḷihāg m. ‘arbitrator, judge’? *TRIM ‘be wet’: *trimyati, *trēmayati, *trēmala—; — √tim, √stim, *trip—, √stip.
6039 *trimyati ‘becomes wet’. [~ tímyati. — √*trim] S. ṭrimaṇu ‘to ooze’, ṭrimiṇo ‘leaky’, ṭrimṭrimi f. ‘dripping’; L. trimmaṇ ‘to drop, distil, leak’, trimmo f. ‘leaking, distillation’.
6039a *triyaṅkika— Add. 14585.
6040 *tríyaṅgula— ‘three—fingered’, tryàṅgula— ‘three fingers broad’ ŚBr. [tri—, aṅgula—] Kho. thriṅgul ‘pitchfork with three or four prongs’, L.mult. tareiṅgūl ‘three—pronged pitchfork’, (Ju.) trı̃gal m. ‘pitchfork’; — L. traṅglī f. ‘pitchfork’, mult. tarāṅgal m. ‘wooden pitchfork with four or five prongs’ poss. < *turīyāṅgula—.
6041 *triyantara— ‘having three others’. [tri—, ántara2] OH. tiyatarā, f. °rī ‘born after three other children’. *triyambala— ‘a tree’ see *timbila—.
6042 *triyambuka— ‘meeting of three waters’. [tri—, ámbu—] P. (Raghu Vira) trimmū ‘name of a partic. canal- head at the juncture of the Chenab and the Jhelum rivers’.
6043 *triyahaṇa— ‘lasting three days’. [tryahá— m. ‘three days’ ŚBr., ‘lasting three days’ R., tryahīna— Lāṭy., Pa. tīhaṁ ‘for three days’. — tri—, áhar—] WPah.bhad. ṭḷī e ṇƏk n. ‘intermittent fever every three days’.
6052 *trivāsa— ‘three days’. [tri—, vāsá2] H. tiwās m. ‘period of three days’. trividyā— f. ‘threefold knowledge’ Pāṇ. [tri—, vidyā́—] traividya—.
6053 *trivivāha— ‘having three marriages’. [tri—, vivāhá—] Bi. teyāh ‘widower married a third time’; H. tiāh m. ‘third marriage, thrice—married man’.
6059 *trisūtrika— ‘having three threads’. [Cf. trisūtra- MaitrUp. — tri—, sū́tra—] B. tisuti ‘woven with three threads, cloth so woven’; M. tisutī ‘having three strands’, f. ‘a triple thread or cord’.
6062 *truṅga— ‘piece of cloth’. [Cf. *traṅga2] K. trọ̆ngu m. ‘bundle of rags’; N. ṭāṅ—ṭuṅ ‘odds and ends’; Or. ṭuṅgeibā ‘to cut into pieces’. TRUṬ ‘break’. [Prob. (despite P. Tedesco JAOS 73, 80 who derives from MIA. *truṭṭa—, Pk. tuṭṭa— ‘broken’ < *tr̥tta— pp. of tr̥ṇátti) with EWA i 586 of non—Aryan origin: cf. tōṭayati ‘breaks’ Rājat., vitruḍyati ‘excoriates’ KātyŚr.com. (tuḍáti, tṓḍati, túṇḍatē Dhātup.) and tōṭaka— (Daśar.), trōṭaka— n. ‘altercation’ (túṭati, túḍḍati, tuḍati, tṓḍatē Dhātup.)] trúṭati, truṭi—1, trúṭyati, *truṇṭati, trōṭa—, trōṭaka—, trōṭáyati; *uttruṭyati, *vitruṭati.
6066 *truṇṭati ‘breaks’. [Cf. cúṇṭati. — √truṭ] L. truṇḍaṇ, taruṇḍaṇ ‘to take a little from a large quantity, pilfer’ (semant. cf. Eng. to break into), awāṇ. truṇḍuṇ ‘to pluck’; P. taruṇḍṇā tr. ‘to break’. TRUP ‘pierce, hurt’. [Cf. √truph and forms without r (tupáti, tṓpati, túmpati, tupháti, tṓphati, túmphati ‘hurts’ Dhātup., prastumpati ‘butts’) which are prob. of IE. origin EWA i 512; but ac. to T. Burrow BSOAS xii 142 √trup is ← Drav. see DED 2743. — For semant. development ‘pierce—abort’ cf. śūlatē, śalyá—] *trupati, *trúpyati, trúmpati, *trōpa—, trṓpati, *trōpyatē.
6067 *trupati ‘hurts’, tupáti Dhātup. [~ *truphati. — √trup] S. ṭruijaṇu ‘to miscarry (only of animals)’, L. tarūṇā, poṭh. tarūṇā, P. tūṇā; Ku. gng. tuiã ‘aborted (of cattle)’; H. tūnā ‘to leak, fall, miscarry (of foetus or child)’; G. tarvāvũ ‘to miscarry (only of animals)’; — N. tuhunu ‘to have a miscarriage, die in the womb’, tuhāunu ‘to miscarry, cast young’ poss. < *truphati. Addenda: trúpati: WPah.kṭg. cv̄ṇõ; ‘to have an abortion’.
6068 *trupyati or *trupnāti ‘pierces’. [√trup] Paš.kuṛ. l upiyém ‘I sew’, Woṭ. tuph— Buddruss Woṭ 129 < *thup— ← Gaw. l üpe—, Sv. l up—; K. trọ̌pu m. ‘stitching’; WPah.bhal. ṭḷupp f. ‘sewing’; P. tuppṇā ‘to sew’, tarupṇā, turpṇā, turupṇā, ḍog. truppanī f. ‘needle’ (→ Ku. turpaṇo ‘to sew a cloth double’; A. turup ‘hem’; B. turpā ‘to pierce, sew’; Or. turpibā ‘to make simple long stitches’; H. turupnā ‘to hem’); G. ṭupvũ ‘to pierce, prick’; M. ṭupṇẽ ‘to pierce, enter, thrust (e.g. a needle) into’. TRUPH ‘miscarry’: *truphati; — √trup. Addenda: *trupyati: WPah.kṭg. chúpṇõ; (—?) ‘to pierce, prick’, chópṇõ; (—?) id.
6069 *truphati ‘miscarries’. [~ *trupati. — Cf. trṓphati Dhātup. — √truph] L.awāṇ. trū̀uṇ ‘to give still birth to’; — N. tuhunu ‘to have a miscarriage, to be still—born’, tuhāunu ‘to miscarry, cast young’ or poss. < trúpati.
6071 *trēḍḍa— ‘slanting, squinting’. 2. *trēḍḍha—. [Cf. ṭēraka— and *śrēḍa—] 1. S. ṭreḍ̱o ‘slanting, cross—eyed’; Ku. ṭeṛo ‘cross, perverse’; N. ṭeṛo ‘slanting, squinting’; A. ṭerā ‘crooked’ (or < ṭēraka—); B. teṛā, ṭe° ‘crooked, squinting’; Or. ṭeṛā ‘crooked’, OG. treḍaü, G. teḍũ, ṭe°; M. teḍā ‘crooked’, tiḍā ‘warped’. 2. L. trēḍhā ‘crooked’, trēḍh f. ‘making a round to look for tracks’; P. ṭeḍh m. ‘crookedness’, tareḍhā, ṭeḍhā ‘crooked’, WPah.bhad. bhal. ṭḷèḍḍo, Or. teṛhā, Mth. teṛh, Bhoj. ṭeṛh, H. ṭeṛhā, M. teḍhā. — X *ḍēvva—: N. ḍeuṛho ‘crooked, crosswise’, B. teoṛā. *trēḍḍha— see prec. *trēdhāra— ‘triple’ see *tridhāra—.
6072 *trēmayati ‘makes wet’. [~ *tēmayati. — √*trim] S. ṭrehaṇu ‘to damp’, ṭreha f. ‘damping’; P. ṭemṇā ‘to moisten the surface of a piece of bread’.
6073 *trēmala— ‘wet’. [√*trim] L. trēḷ f. ‘dew’, mult. awāṇ. treṛ (< treḷ? — Semant. cf. Paš. līl s.v. *grilla—), P. tel f. — In Longworth- Dames Textbook of the Balochi Language ix 26 S. trer ‘dew’ is prob. a mistake for L. since trer is found as lw. only in NBal. TRAI ‘protect’: trā́—, trāṇa—; *paritrā—.
6074 *traikya— ‘group of three’. [Formed after aikya—. - triká—] Paš. träka ‘three walnuts hanging together’ IIFL iii 3, 176.
6077 *trōṭa— ‘breaking, breakage’. [√truṭ] Pk. tōḍa— m. ‘breaking’; K. trūlu m. ‘weariness’ (< *trūru ); Ku. toṛ ‘breakage’; B. toṛ ‘force, violence (as of a stream)’; H. toṛ m. ‘breakage’; G. ṭollɔ m. ‘delay’ (< *toḍlɔ); M. toḍ m. ‘the line made in paper when folded’.
6080 *trōṭikā— ‘a herb, mustard’. [Cf. truṭi2 f. ‘small cardamon’ lex.] Kal.rumb. trõmacr;ŕyak ‘clover’; P. toryā m. ‘mustard plant’ (r?); Ku. toṛī f. ‘mustard plant’, torī f. ‘a kind of mustard’; N. tori ‘mustard oil plant’; B. toṛi, ṭoṛi ‘a partic. leguminous plant’; Bi. tori ‘an oil seed plant, mustard’; H. toṛī f. ‘mustard plant and seed, rape seed’. *trōṭikākāṣṭha—. Addenda: *trōṭikā—, cf. tōṭaka— m.n. ‘white mustard seed’ lex.
6081 *trōṭikākāṣṭha— ‘mustard stalk’. [*trōṭikā—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. tŏriyaṭh ‘dry stalks of mustard’, Mth. tŏriyāṭhī.
6082 *trōpa— ‘piercing, hole’. [√trup] L. P. ṭoā m. ‘hole, pit’; M. ṭov m. ‘little hole’.
6084 *trōpyatē ‘is pierced’. [√trup] S. ṭropaṇu ‘to bore the ears or nose, lance a sore’, ṭropo m. ‘running stitch’; M. ṭopṇẽ ‘to pierce’, n. ‘gimlet’, ṭopasṇẽ ‘to pierce’. Addenda: *trōpyatē: WPah.kṭg. chƏp e uṇõ; ‘to cause to be pierced’; Ko. toptā ‘pierces’.
6089 *thaṭṭha— 1 ‘framework’. [Poss. < taṣṭá—, but cf. *traṭṭa—] K. ṭhoṭhu m. ‘bridge—pier of logs piled horizontally’, ṭhaṭhur m. ‘part of a house—wall made of logs laid horizontally’; P. ṭhaṭh f. ‘bridge—pier’; N. ṭhā̃ṭi ‘inn (lit. shed made of or covered with bamboo matting?)’; B. ṭhāṭ ‘framework’; Or. thāṭa ‘framework, skeleton’, ṭhāṭa ‘bamboo framework for decoration, build of one's body, body’; Mth. ṭhāṭ ‘bamboo frame of a thatch or of a mat house’; OAw. ṭhāṭa m. ‘frame of a roof on which thatch is laid’; H. ṭhāṭh m. ‘frame of a roof’, ṭhāṭar m. ‘bamboo frame’; G. ṭhāṭhũ n. ‘framework, body’, ṭhā̃ṭhũ n. ‘skeleton’, ṭhāṭhṛī f. ‘bamboo bier’; M. thāṭ, ṭhāṭ m. ‘frame of a roof’. Addenda: *thaṭṭha—1: WPah.kc. thaṭo m. ‘projecting part of a verandah’.
6090 *thaṭṭha— 2 ‘pomp, ceremony’. [Same as *thaṭṭha1 and < taṣṭá—??] Pk. thaṭṭa— m.n. ‘pomp, ceremony’; S. ṭhāṭhu m. ‘pomp’, L. ṭhaṭṭh m., P. ṭhaṭh f.; Ku. ṭhāṭ ‘pomp, glory, property’; N. ṭhā̃ṭ ‘fashion’; A. ṭhāṭ ‘pomp, dignity’; B. ṭhāṭ ‘affectation’; H. ṭhāṭh m. ‘pomp, posture, fashion, goods’; M. thaṭṇẽ ‘to act pompously’. *thaṇḍha— ‘cold’ see stabdha—. *thantha— ‘empty, blunt’ see *thōttha2.
6091 *thapp— ‘slap, pat’. 2. *thabb—. 3. *thipp—. [Cf. *ṭhapp—, *dhapp— PMWS 60] 1. K. thaph, dat. °pi f. ‘grasping with the hand’, thapa m. ‘seal’, thopu m. ‘shutter, blind’, thôpu m. ‘patting’ (< *thāpp—); S. thaphaṇu ‘to pat, flatter’, thapthapi f. ‘slapping’; L. thappaṇ ‘to slap, pat’, thapp m. ‘slap’; P. thappṇā ‘to beat, hammer, fix’; Ku. thāp ‘beating the ground’, thāpo ‘mark of hand or foot’; A. thāp ‘pouncing on’, thapā ‘slap’; Or. thāpa ‘stroke of whole palm on a drum’, thāpi ‘flat piece of wood used by potters for patting clay’; Bhoj. thāpī ‘wooden mallet’; H. thāpnā ‘to pat’, thāp m. ‘striking a drum’; G. thāpvũ ‘to flatten by patting’, thāp f. ‘slap’; M. thāpṇẽ and thāp f. ‘id.’, thāpā m. ‘wooden instrument for breaking clods’, thāpī f. ‘mason's patter’. — Ext. ——: K. thāpur m. ‘slap’, S. thapaṛa f., P. thappaṛ m.; Ku. thāpaṛ ‘mark of hand or foot’, thapaṛ ‘slap’, N. thappaṛ; A. thapar ‘slight thud’, thapariyāiba ‘to slap’; B. thāpaṛ, thapṛā ‘slap’, Or. thāpaṛa, °puṛa, Bhoj. Aw.lakh. thaparā, H. thappaṛ m., G. thāpaṛ f., M. thāpaḍ f. (G. M. thāpaṭ f.); — —kk—: Ku. thapkāuṇo ‘to tap’. 2. B. thābā ‘to slap’; Or. thābā ‘paw’; G. thābaṛvũ ‘to pat’, M. thābṇẽ; — S. thāḇo m. ‘trip, stumble’. 3. K. thipun ‘to slap, pat’. Addenda: *thapp— [Cf. †;sthāpya—]: S. thāpī f. ‘pat, slap’, P. thāp m.; — WPah.kṭg. thɔ́ppƏṛ, tháppƏṛ m., J. thapēṛ m.; — M. thāpā m. also ‘cowdung and straw patted into a lump’.
6092 *thar— ‘tremble’. [~ *thal—, *thur—: cf. tharatharāya- māna— ‘trembling’ BHSk.] K. thā̆run ‘to tremble’, thara f. ‘trembling’, thār f. ‘trepidation’; Or. tharibā ‘to tremble’, tharā̆ ‘a shiver’; — N. tharra ‘trembling, convulsion’ < *tharaḍ—, G. tharṛāī f.; — L. tharkaṇ intr. ‘to shake’ (cf. S. thaṛkaṇu), P. tharakṇā, A. tharakiba, H. tharaknā, G. tharakvũ, M. tharakṇẽ; — Pk. tharaharaï ‘feels giddy’; Ku. tharrāṇo ‘to tremble’; N. tharahari ‘trembling’; Or. tharahara ‘shivering’; H. tharharānā, tharrānā ‘to tremble’, M. tharārṇẽ; — Pk. tharatharēdi, tharattharaï ‘feels giddy’; Sh. koh. thărthăr, gur. thătharai ‘shiver- ing’; K. thõdotdot;tharun ‘to be flurried’; P. thartharāuṇā ‘to tremble’, Ku. thartharāṇo, N. thartharāunu; A. thar- thari ‘trembling’; B. thartharāna ‘to tremble’; Or. OAw. tharathara m. ‘shivering’; H. thartharnā ‘to quiver’; G. thartharvũ, thatharvũ ‘to tremble’, M. thartharṇẽ. Addenda: *thar—: Md. turuturu aḷanī ‘shakes’ (intr.).
6093 *thal— ‘tremble’. 2. *thall—. [~ *thar—, *thur—] 1. N. thalinu ‘to be ill’; — P. thalthalāuṇā ‘to shake (as flabby flesh)’, tharthallā m. ‘earthquake’; Ku. thalthalo ‘fat with a swollen body’; N. thalthal ‘shaking of loose flabby flesh’, thalthalinu ‘to shake (of flabby flesh)’, thalthale ‘marshy ground’; B. thalthal ‘flabbi- ness’; H. thalthal f. ‘shaking’. 2. Or. thalathala ‘flabby’; M. thalthal f. ‘flabbiness’, thalthalṇẽ ‘to shake flabbily’. *thall— ‘tremble’ see prec.
6094 *thass— ‘press down’. [Cf. *ṭhass—] N. thāso ‘heap (usu. of dung)’; B. thāsā ‘to ram down’. *thāna— ‘piece of cloth’ see next.
6095 *thānna— ‘piece of cloth’. 2. *thāna—. 1. Gy. eur. than m. ‘cloth, bed’; Sh. K. thān m. ‘com- plete roll of cloth or silk’; S. thānu m. ‘a web of cloth’, P. Ku. thān m.; N. thān ‘piece of cloth, piece, bundle (used in numbering), head of cattle’ (e.g. bis thān bhaı̃si ‘20 buffaloes’); A. B. thān ‘whole piece of cloth’, Or. thāna; H. thān m. ‘piece of cloth, covering of a horse, piece (of corn &c.), unit (in counting)’; G. M. thān n. ‘piece of cloth’. 2. S. thāṇu m. ‘piece of cloth’, M. thāṇ n.
6096 *thigga— ‘rag’. 2. *thēgga—. 3. *thiṅga—. 1. Pk. thiggala— n. ‘patch for mending’, P. thiglī f.; - S. thiǥiṛī f. ‘rag’; L. thigṛā m. ‘cloth’, thigṛī f. ‘rag’ (Ju. ǥ for both); G. thigṛũ n., °ṛī f. ‘patch’. 2. H. theglī f. ‘patch of cloth’. 3. G. thı̃gṛũ n., °ṛī f. *thiṅga— ‘rag’ see prec. *thiṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—. Addenda: *thigga—: S.kcch. thighṛo m. ‘patch’.
6097 *thukk— ‘spit’. [thūt] Pk. thukka— n. ‘spittle, phlegm’; Ash. tuk ‘spitting’; Paš. thūk ‘spittle’, Woṭ. tuk, Phal. thuki, Sh. thúki f., K. thŏkh, dat. °ki f., S. thuka f., L. thukk f., WPah.bhad. thuk n., Ku. thūk, N. B. thuk, Or. thuka, Bhoj. thūk, Aw.lakh. thūku , H. thūk m., G. thũk n., M. thūk n.f.; - Pk. thukkaï ‘spits’, K. thŏkun, S. thukaṇu, L. thukkaṇ, P. thukkṇā, Ku. thukṇo, N. thuknu, B. thukā, Or. thukibā, Mth. thukab, H. thūknā, G. thũkvũ, M. thukṇẽ, thũkṇẽ. *thuṅga— ‘hill’ see *ṭakka3. Addenda: *thukk—: S.kcch. thūkṇū ‘to spit’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) thúkṇõ;; thū́k m. ‘spittle’.
6098 *thuḍa— ‘trunk, branch’. 2. *thuḍḍa—. 3. *thōḍa—2. 1. Pk. thuḍa— n. ‘tree trunk’, S. thuṛu m.; N. thur ‘dry branch of a tree’; G. thaṛ n. ‘tree trunk’, thaṛũ n. ‘trunk near root, roots of a tree’. 2. S. thuḍ̱ī f. ‘lower part of stalk of a plant’. 3. A. thor ‘unopened leaf’; B. thoṛ ‘spathe of plain- tain’, Or. thoṛa; H. thoṛ m. ‘spathe of any plant before it separates from stem’.
6099 *thuḍḍ— ‘kick against’. S. thuḍ̱o m. ‘a stumble’, thuḍ̱aṇu ‘to kick with the toe’; L. ṭhuḍḍā (Ju. —ḍ̱ḍ̱—) m. ‘trip, stumble’; N. thuṛnu ‘to stumble’; B. thuṛā, thoṛā ‘to strike, chop’; Or. ṭhuṛāibā ‘to amass’. — X khura— in Sh. gil. thŭri, pales. thurī f. ‘heel’. *thuḍḍa— ‘trunk, branch’ see *thuḍa—. *thuṇḍa—, *thuttha—, *thuntha— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. Addenda: *thuḍḍ—: X khura—: Phal. thuri ‘heel’. — X *khun- (e.g. Gaw. khunīk, S. khuṇyo s.v. khuriṇī—); Dm. thuni (AO xviii 240 thuṇī) ‘heel’ Buddruss ZDMG 116, 417.
6100 *thubba— ‘defective’. 2. *thōbba—. [Cf. tūpará- ‘hornless goat’ AV., ‘blunt’ TBr., tūbara2 m. ‘hornless bull, beardless man’ lex., tūbaraka— m. ‘eunuch’ MBh.] 1. B. thubuṛā ‘blunt, past marriageable age’; Or. thubuṛā ‘blunt, past sexual enjoyment, shameless’. 2. B. thobṛā = thubuṛā, Or. thobaṛā, thobarā = thubuṛā.
6101 *thur— ‘tremble’. [~ *thar—, *thal—] N. thurthuri ‘convulsively’; A. thurthuriyā ‘tremulous with age’; B. thurthur ‘trembling’; Or. thurathurā ‘decrepit’; M. thurthuraviṇẽ ‘to bristle up’ (cf. thuḍ- thuḍṇẽ ‘to tremble’). *thuṣa— ‘chaff’ see túṣa—.
6105 *thūmma— ‘sexually vigorous’. S. thū̃ma f. ‘sexual power, virility’; N. thumā, thummā ‘uncastrated ram’. *thēgga— ‘rag’ see *thigga—. *thēcc— ‘press’ see *ṭhēcc—. *thēṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—. *thēṇṭha— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *thēṇṭha— 2 ‘defective’ see *ṭhiṭṭha—.
6106 *thēppa— ‘pickle, sweetmeat’. S. thepa f. ‘a kind of sweetmeat’; N. thepe, thebe ‘pickle, chutney (esp. of radishes and unripe mango)’.
6107 *thēbba— ‘flattened’. 2. *ṭhibba—. 1. N. thepco ‘flattened (e.g. of nose)’; B. thebrā ‘flat- nosed’; Or. thebaṛā ‘flat’. 2. P. ṭhibbā ‘club—footed’. *thōḍa— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *thōḍa— 2 ‘trunk, branch’ see *thuḍa—. *thōḍḍa—2, *thōttha— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—.
6108 *thōttha— 2 ‘empty, blunt’. 2. *thōntha—2. 3. *thantha—. 1. S. thotho ‘useless’; P. thothā ‘hollow, toothless’; Ku. thoto ‘useless, rotten, toothless’; N. thoto ‘gap caused by loss of tooth’, thote ‘gap—toothed’; B. thotāna ‘to blunten’; H. thothā f. ‘empty, worm—eaten, blunt’, thoth f. ‘emptiness’; G. thothũ n. ‘rotten part of corn’; — ext. —ra—: Ku. thotro ‘rotten, hollow (of wood), use- less’; N. thotro ‘worn out, old’; H. thotar, thotrā ‘empty, worm—eaten, blunt’; G. thothar f. ‘a swelling’. 2. Mth. thõ;th, thõ;thā ‘toothless’. 3. Or. thant(h)aṛā, °arā ‘blunt’; — dantharā ‘having blunt toothed edge’ X dānta (< dánta—)? *thōttha— 3 ‘stammering’ see *tōtta1. *thōttha— 4 ‘blue vitriol’ see tutthá—. *thōntha— 1 ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. *thōntha— 2 ‘empty, blunt’ see *thōttha2. *thōntha— 3 ‘stammering’ see *tōtta1.
6109 *thōba— ‘snout’. 2. *thōbba—. [Cf. stuva— m.n. ‘partic part of a horse's head’ lex.? — See also list s.v. tuṇḍa—] 1. Ku. thol ‘snout, lips’ (< *thōvala—?). 2. Ku. thobṇo ‘snout, lips’; B. thobanā, thubnā ‘face or mouth of animal’; H. thobṛā m. ‘snout, muzzle’. *thōbba— ‘snout’ see prec. Addenda: *thōba—. 2. *thōbba—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) thóbbƏṛ m. ‘snout, mouth (contemptuous slang)’; Garh. thobṛu ‘nostrils of an animal’. *thōbba— ‘snout’ see *thōba— Add2.
6114 *daṁśu— ‘biting’. [Cf. dáṁśuka— TS. — √daṁś] Ku. ḍā̃s ‘sour (e.g. of curds)’. dáṁśuka— see prec.
6118 *dakṣatvana— ‘cleverness’. [Cf. dakṣatā— f. ‘dex- terity’ Kām. — dákṣa—] Kho. (Lor.) daṣṭan ‘a charm’. dákṣamāṇa— see dákṣatē.
6122 *dagdhataila— ‘burnt oil’. [dagdhá—, tailá—] M. dāḍhel n. ‘oil remaining in pan after frying’; Ko. dāḍel ‘burnt oil’.
6123 *dagdhi— ‘burning’. [√dah] N. ḍāṛ ‘ill—will, envy, sharp rebuke’; A. ḍāri ‘menace’; B. ḍāṛ ‘sharpness, bitterness’; Or. dāṛha ‘sharp edge’; H. dādh f. ‘burning’; G. dāḍhi f. ‘vindictiveness’; M. dāḍh f. ‘ground burnt in preparation for seed, loppings strewn to be burnt, corn growing on such land’. - Words for ‘envy, &c.’ poss. < dábdhi—.
6126 *dacc— ‘fear’. N. dacko ‘fright’, dackanu ‘to be frightened, be startled’, M. daċkā m., daċakṇẽ.
6127 *daḍavaḍa— ‘onrush’. Pk. daḍavaḍa— ‘quick’, m. ‘attack’; G. daroṛɔ m. ‘attack by a band of robbers’, M. daroḍā m.
6130 *daṇḍakakarman— ‘forest—work’. [daṇḍaka—, kár- man1] Si. daḍayam ‘hunting’ (EGS 69) prob. Si. cmpd.
6132 *daṇḍapāli— ‘row like a stick’. [daṇḍá—, *pāḍi—] M. dā̃ḍoḷ, °ḷī, dā̃daḷ f. ‘line, row, long narrow building’.
6133 *daṇḍapāśa— ‘tree—trunk noose’. [daṇḍá—, pā́śa2] Bi. ḍãṛwā̃s ‘body—rope of toddy—collector’.
6135 *daṇḍapūra— ‘stick—cake’. [daṇḍá—, pūra2] N. daneuro ‘a stick—shaped sweetmeat’.
6137 *daṇḍāli— ‘boundary ridge’. [daṇḍá—, āli1] Mth. ḍãrār ‘boundary line of a field’ ( assimilated to following r?).
6139 *daṇḍikābhāra— ‘pole—bearer’. [daṇḍá—, bhārá—] Ku. ḍãṛeru, ḍaneru ‘palanquin—bearer’, N. ḍãṛer, ḍãṛel.
6147 *dadhicaṅgēra— ‘tray for curds’. [dádhi—, caṅgērī—] H. dahẽgar m. ‘vessel for carrying coagulated milk in’. dadhittha— see kapittha—.
6148 *dadhidugdhā ‘curds and milk’. [Cf. dadhipayasī n. du. Pāṇ. — dádhi—, dugdhá—] Woṭ. dy e_ d, dyed f. ‘curds’ (Buddruss Woṭ 100 < *dōgdhikā), Tor. dēth (AO viii 302 < dugdhá— or dugdhī—?).
6150 *dadhistara— ‘curd—cream’. [dádhi—, stara—] Pk. dahitthā̆ra— m. ‘a kind of sweetmeat’; G. dahı̄̃- t(h)rũ n. ‘a kind of sweet cake’.
6151 *dan— ‘flash, bang’. [Connection with dánaḥ 2 sg. ‘crushed’ RV., dā́nati, dānáyati ‘cuts off’ Dhātup. is doubtful] Ku. daṇak ‘blow, stroke’, daṇkhaṇo ‘to scold, frighten’; N. dandanāunu ‘to flare’, danko ‘blaze’, dankanu ‘to blaze’, dankāunu ‘to beat soundly’; M. daṇdaṇṇẽ ‘to roar’, daṇkā ‘resounding blow’, daṇakṇẽ ‘to become notorious’.
6159 *dantāpatāna— ‘convulsive clenching of teeth’. [dánta—, *apatāna—] L. (Ju.) ḍ̱ãdvaṇ m. ‘tetanus’.
6160 *dantāla— ‘toothed’. [dánta—] Pk. daṁtāla— m., °lī— f. ‘grass—cutting instrument’; S. ḍ̱andārī f. ‘rake’, L. (Ju.) ḍ̱ãdāl m., °lī f.; Ku. danyālo m. ‘harrow’, gng. danyāw (y from danīṛo < dantín—); N. dãtār ‘tusked’ (← a Bi. form); A. dãtāl adj. ‘tusked’, sb. ‘spade’; B. dā̃tāl ‘toothed’; G. dãtāḷ n., °ḷī f. ‘harrow’; M. dā̃tāḷ ‘having projecting teeth’, dā̃tāḷ, °ḷē, dãtāḷ n. ‘harrow, rake’. Addenda: *dantāla—: Garh. dãdāḷu ‘forked implement’, Brj. dãtāl, dãtāro ‘toothed’, m. ‘elephant’.
6164 *dantiya—, dantya— ‘dental, on the teeth’ Pāṇ. [dánta—] Bshk. dēndī ‘horse's bit’; Mth. dā̃tī ‘lockjaw’.
6168 *dantula—, dantūlá— ‘having teeth’ Pāṇ.gaṇa. [~ danturá—. — dánta—] L.awāṇ. dandlā ‘large—toothed’; N. dãtulo ‘having prominent teeth’ (t from dā̃t), H. dãtulā. dantūlá— see prec. dantya— see *dantiya—.
6169 *dandha— ‘stupid’. [Cf. Pa. datta—, dattu— ‘stupid’ and Sk. tandatē ‘becomes slack’, átandra— ‘untiring’, tandráyatē ‘is languid’ (prob. of IE. origin EWA i 476) which Kuiper FestschrKirfel 176 makes non—Aryan] Pa. dandha— ‘slothful, stupid’ Lüders ZDMG 58, 700; Si. dadayā ‘fool’.
6170 *dab— ‘a noise’. [Onom.] P. dabaṛ—dabaṛ ‘with the sound of heavy and noisy steps’; N. dabdab ‘mud’; H. dabdabā m. ‘noise’; M. dabdab ‘noise of a slack drum’.
6173 *dabb— ‘press’. 2. *ḍabb—. 3. *dapph—. [A. Master BSOAS xii 348 ← Drav. — Cf. *drapp—] 1. Gy. eur. dab f. ‘blow, kick’ (whence daber— ‘to pummel’); Mai.ky. dab— ‘to bury’; K. dabun ‘to press into’; S. daḇaṇu, daḇāiṇu ‘to press down’ (d—!); L. dabbaṇ ‘to press, bury’, (Ju.) daḇaṇ ‘to be pressed down, be buried’; P. dabb f. ‘pressure’, dabbṇā, dabāuṇā ‘to press down’, intr. dabṇā, dabīṛnā ‘to press back’; Ku. dābṇo ‘to press, force, bury’, intr. dabṇo; N. dābnu ‘to press down’, dabāunu ‘to crush, bury’, dabinu ‘to be put out of sight’; A. dābiba ‘to sink’, dabāiba ‘to press’; B. dābā ‘to press down’, dābnā ‘snub’, dābṛi ‘intimida- tion’ (ODBL 446 wrongly < darpa—); Or. dābibā ‘to press down, prohibit, reprimand’, dabibā, dabakibā ‘to shrink back’; H. dāb m. ‘pressure’, dābnā ‘to press, rule, snub’, dabnā intr. dabaknā, ‘to be covered, be hidden’; G. dāb m. ‘restraint’, dābvũ ‘to press’, dabāvvũ ‘to press, intimidate’; M. dābṇẽ ‘to press’, dabṇẽ, dabakṇẽ ‘to bend under a weight’. 2. A. ḍābi ‘threat’, ḍabāiba ‘to press down’; Or. ḍābibā ‘to cover’; G. ḍabāvvũ ‘to press, intimidate’, ḍabkɔ, ḍapkɔ m. ‘fear, apprehension’. 3. Kho. daphḗik ‘to crush’. *ādabb—. *dabba— ‘box’ see *ḍabba1. *dabbara— ‘mud’ see *ḍabbara—. DABH ‘hurt, deceive’: dabdha—, dábdhi—, dábhati, dabhnṓti, dabhrá—, dambhá—, dambháyati, dambhin—, dahara—, dahrá—; ádbhuta—, dūḍábha—. Addenda: *dabb—: S.kcch. dhabāyṇū ‘to suppress’; WPah.kṭg. dabṇõ; ‘to cover with earth, bury’, dƏbauṇõ; ‘to press down’, kc. °ṇo ‘to bury’; J. dābṇu ‘to press’. - S.kcch. dh < d represents spirant e.g. d ābṇū ‘to press’ AKŚ xxii, d abāyṇū (← G. dābvũ, dabāvvũ?).
6193 *darākāra— ‘crack—formed’. [dará—3, ākāra—] P. H. darār m. ‘crack, rent’. *darikā— ‘split cane’ see next. Addenda: *darākāra—: WPah.kṭg. dƏrār m. ‘crack, rent’.
6194 *darita— or *darikā— ‘split cane, mat’. [~ dalita—. —√dr̥̄] S. ḍ̱arī f. ‘piece of matting’; P. darī f. ‘carpet’, N. B. Or. dari, H. darī f. Addenda: *darita—: WPah.kc. dɔre f. ‘carpet’, J. darī f.
6212 *dal— 2 ‘quiver’. B. daluyā ‘boggy’; — H. dalaknā ‘to tremble, glitter’; — N. daldal ‘marsh, mud’; A. daldalni ‘quagmire’, dal- daliyā ‘muddy’; B. daldal ‘quagmire, flabbiness’, daldaliyā ‘boggy’; Or. daladala ‘tremulous’; H. M. daldal f. ‘marsh’. dala— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍala—.
6219 *dalayantrikā— ‘grinding mill’. [dala—2, yantrá—] H. dalaı̃tī, dalẽtī, dalaitī f. ‘handmill for grinding, bruising, or splitting’.
6221 *dalī— ‘crack, cave’. [~ darī— s.v. dara—3. — √dal] L. (Ju.) ḍ̱al f. ‘crack, split’, L. ḍalīk f. ‘crack in the soil’.
6222 *dalyatē ‘is split’. [√dal 1] L. (Ju.) ḍ̱allaṇ intr. ‘to split, burst’. *dalla— ‘lump’ see *ḍala—.
6224 *davadagdha— ‘forest on fire’. [Cf. davadahana— n. ‘fire in a burning forest’ BhP.— dava—, dagdhá—] G. davāṛ m. ‘forest—fire’ (?).
6238 *daśāhika— ‘lasting ten days’. [daśāhá—] Pk. dasāhiyā— f. ‘a partic. ceremony lasting ten days’; OG. dasāiā pl. ‘ten days period after marriage during which ten feasts are given at the father—in—law's house’, G. dasaiyā̃ carvũ ‘to take part in the feasts given to a bride at the father—in—law's house’.
6240 *daśōttara— ‘increased by ten’. [dáśa, úttara—] NiDoc. daśotara śata ‘110’, Pk. dasuttarasaya—; S. ḍ̱ahotar ‘plus ten’, °tiro ‘at 10 per cent.’; H. dasotrā ‘at 10 per cent.’, m. ‘a tenth’.
6241 *daśōt—sthāna— ‘getting up on tenth day’. [dáśa, *ut—sthāna—] H. dasoṭhan, dasūṭhan, dasṭhaun, dasūṭh m. ‘bathing on tenth day after childbirth’; G. dasuṭhaṇ, n. ‘purifica- tion of a woman on tenth day after childbirth’.
6244 *daha— ‘burning’. [√dah] Or. dahaka, ḍa° ‘heat of fire’, dahakibā, ḍa° ‘to be full of live charcoal’, dahaṛa ‘burning, steaming’. — S. daho, dao m. ‘strong light of fire, sun, &c.’ with d— is lw.; Kho. dou ‘torch’ prob. < dava—.
6247 *dahya— ‘to be burnt’. [√dah] Wg. dēž ‘fire’, adj. ‘burning’ NTS xvii 247.
6250 *dāṁṣṭra— ‘fang, tusk, beard’. [dáṁṣṭra— n. ‘tusk, fang’ RV., daṁṣṭrā— f. Pāṇ. MBh.; daṁṣṭrikā— f. ‘tusk, beard’ lex.; dāḍhā— f. ‘tusk’ lex., dāḍhikā— f. ‘beard’ Mn., dāḍaka— m. ‘tooth’ lex. Semant. development ‘fang — tusk — beard’ is possible (Rivet BSL 83, 143). But MIA. dāṭhā— < daṁṣṭrā— is phonet. difficult. On the other hand *dāṁṣṭra— (with vr̥ddhi—formation meaning ‘pertaining to or collection of fangs’ (cf. A. dār below) > ‘fang’, cf. Wackernagel AiGr ii 2, 130 and 132) would in MIA. become NWPk. *dāṭṭha— (in S. P. WPah. below), central daṁṭha—, daṭṭha—, amg. dāṭha—, dāḍha— (with simplification of consonant—group after orig. IA. long vowel), spread of which at the cost of daṭṭha— was favoured by clash of the latter with daṭṭha— < daṣṭa- and dr̥ṣṭá—. Possibility of further Drav. (J. Bloch BSOS v 741) or Mu. (PMWS 63) influence cannot be excluded. — √daṁś] Pa. daṭṭhā— f. ‘large tooth, fang, tusk’; Pk. daṁṭhā— f. ‘fang’; S. ḍ̱āṭha f. ‘molar’, P.pow. dāṭhā m.; WPah. jaun. ḍāṭho ‘jaw’; — Pk. daṁṭhi— ‘having big fangs’; S. ḍ̱āṭhiru ‘tusked’. Pa. dāṭhā— f. (older °ṭha— m. BSBU 146) ‘large tooth, tusk’, Pk. dāḍhā— f.; Gy. rum. hung. thar, pl. °ra f. ‘back tooth’, gr. tar f. ‘gums’, wel. tar f. ‘jaw, gums’ (DGW iv 359 wrongly < tā́lu—); Kal.rumb. —dōŕy *l k in dh *l ndōŕy *l k ‘tooth’ (see dánta—); S. ḍ̱āṛha f. ‘molar’; L. dāhaṛ f. ‘molar’, (Ju.) ḍ̱āṛh f. ‘tusk, root of tooth, bite (of an animal)’, awāṇ. daṛ ‘long tooth’; P. dāṛh, dāhṛ f. ‘molar’; Ku. dāṛ ‘jaws’, gng. ‘projecting tooth’; N. dāro ‘tusk, fang’; A. dār ‘row of teeth of fish or reptile, teeth of saw or sickle’; B. dāṛ, dāṛ(h)ā, ḍāṛ ‘tooth, fang’; Or. dāṛhā̆ ‘tusk, fang, sting’; H. dāṛh, ḍāṛh f. ‘molar’, dāṛhā, ḍā° m. ‘large tooth, tusk’; G. dāḍh, ḍāḍh f. ‘molar’; M. dāḍh f. ‘fang, jaw’; Si. daḷa ‘tusk, fang’. - Deriv. Pa. dāṭhin— ‘tusked’; Pk. dāḍhi— ‘tusked’, m. ‘boar’; N. dāre ‘tusked, male (of stag)’; — S. ḍ̱āṛhaṇu ‘to bite’; Ku. dāṛaṇo ‘to bite, injure’. — X jámbha—: S. j̄āṛha, j̄āṛī f. ‘jaw’; P. jāṛh f. ‘molar’; — M. dābhāḍ n. ‘jaw’ (X j̈ābhāḍ < *jambhahaḍḍa—). Pa. dāṭhikā— f. ‘beard’, Pk. dāḍhiā— f., Gy. as. (JGLS new ser. ii 259) dari, Ash. däṛı̄́, Kt. däŕı̄́, däyī, Wg. däř, dã̤, , Dm. dâŕi, dấī, Tir. Paš. dāṛı̄́ (→ Par. dhâṛı̄́IIFL i 249), Shum. dā́ṛi, Woṭ. deā́ṛ, Gaw. dā́ṛī, Bshk. dḕ'r, Tor. dáī, Kand. däī, Mai. dhāi, Phal. dɛ̄́ṛī f. (paṇar—dhōṛ ‘greybeard’); Sh.gil. dā̃i, koh. gur. dáï, jij. dä́ṛī ‘beard’ (all f.), pales. daī ‘chin’; K. dörü f. ‘beard’, kash. dāṛhi , S. ḍ̱āṛhī f., L. dāṛhī f., (Ju.) ḍ̱āṛhī f., khet. ḍāṛhī, P. dāṛhī f., °ṛhā m., WPah.bhal. khaś. daṛi f., Ku. dāṛī, N. dāri; A. dā̃ri, ḍāri ‘beard, whiskers’; B. Or. dāṛ(h)i ‘beard, chin’; Mth. dāṛh ‘long beard’; Mth. Bhoj. dāṛhī ‘beard’; H. dāṛhī, ḍā° f. ‘beard’, ḍāṛhā m. ‘hanging root of banyan tree’; G. dāḍhī f. ‘beard, chin’, dāḍhũ n. (contemptuous) ‘unshaven chin’, ḍhāḍhī f. ‘beard’, M. dāḍhī; Si. däliya ‘beard, moustache’ (rävul ‘beard’ < *ḍāḍhiā— with l— suffix H. Smith JA 1950, 197: very doubtful). Addenda: *dāṁṣṭra— [Burrow Shwa 6 MIA. dāṭha < *dāṣṭra- with full grade dāś— ‘bite’ < IE. dēk̂— in Gk. fut. dh/zomai, perf. de/dhgmai; dáṁṣṭra from nasalized weak grade daṁṣṭvā TāṇḍyaBr. (daṁśati Cāṇ.)] Pa. daṭṭhā—: A. ḍâṭh (phonet. dɔth) ‘elephant goad’ (or conn. daṇḍá—, *ḍaṭṭha—?). Pk. daṁṭhā—: A. dā̃r ‘teeth’ AFD 207. Pa. dāṭhā—: S.kcch. ḍāṛ f. ‘molar’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dáṛh, dāṛh f. (obl. —a), J. ' m. Pa. dāṭhikā—: S.kcch. ḍāṛī f. ‘beard’, WPah.kṭg. dáṛhi f. ‘beard’, J. dāṛī f.; Md. doḷi ‘jaw’.
6253 *dāgdhya— ‘the being burnt’. [dagdhá—. — √dah] K. dôdu m. ‘envy, hatred’. dāḍaka— see *dāṁṣṭra—.
6261 *dādda— ‘father or other elderly relative’. [Cf. *diddā—, tātá—] Gy. germ. dād ‘father’; Ḍ. dādo m. ‘grandfather’; Dm. dádi ‘father’; Paš.lauṛ. dadā́ ‘elder brother’, gul. dādā ‘father’, kuṛ. dādo ‘father's brother’; Kal. dā́da ‘father’; Bshk. dād ‘grandfather’, dēd f. ‘grandmother’; Phal. dōdo ‘father's father’, dēdi ‘father's mother’; Sh. dādo ‘grandfather’, dādi f.; S. ḍ̱āḍ̱o m. ‘father's father’, ḍ̱āḍ̱ī f., L. ḍ̱āḍ̱ā m., °ḍ̱ī f., dādā m., °dī f., P. dāddā, ḍā° m., dāddī, ḍā° f., WPah.bhal. dādo m.; Ku. dā̆dā ‘grand- father, elder brother’, dādī ‘grandmother, elder sister’, ‘term of address to an elder brother’; N. dādā ‘old servant’, dājyu, dāi (X bhāi < bhrā́tr̥—) ‘elder brother’; A. dādā ‘elder brother’; B. dādā ‘grandfather, elder brother’, dādi ‘grandmother’; Or. dā̆dā, dādi ‘grand- father, father's brother, elder brother’; Mth. dādā ‘grandfather’; H. dādā m. ‘father's father, elder brother’, dādī f. ‘father's mother’; G. dādɔ m. ‘father's father’, dādī f.; M. dādā m. ‘elder brother’, dādī f. ‘respectful term for an old woman’. *dāddatāta—, *dāddaśvaśura—, *dāddaśvaśrū—. Addenda: *dādda—: S.kcch. ḍāḍo m. ‘grandfather’; WPah.kṭg. dād m. ‘father's father, elder brother’, J. dādā m. ‘grandfather’; kṭg. daddi f. ‘father's mother’.
6262 *dāddatāta— ‘father's brother’. [*dādda—, tātá—] A. dadāi ‘father's brother’; Or. dadei ‘father's elder brother, (among Kṣatriyas) father’.
6263 *dāddaśvaśura— ‘elder relative by marriage’. [*dādda—, śváśura—] P. dadauhrā m. ‘wife's or husband's father's father’; H. dādsusrā, dādasrā m. ‘wife's or husband's father—in- law’.
6264 *dāddaśvaśrū— ‘elder female relative by marriage’. [*dādda—, śvaśrū́—] P. dadehas f. ‘wife's or husband's father's mother’; H. dādas f. ‘wife's or husband's mother—in—law's mother’.
6270 *dānavr̥tti— ‘practice of alms’. [dā́na—1, vr̥tti—] Si. danväṭa ‘regular almsgiving’ (cf. Pa. dānavaṭṭa- ‘alms’).
6274 *dāntapāla— ‘oxherd’. [dāntá—, pālá—] WPah.bhal. dā̃twāl ‘ploughman’: more prob. a WPah. formation with —wāl from other cmpds. of pāla—.
6277 *dāpayati 2 ‘makes shine’. [Caus. of dīdēti ‘shines’ RV. — √ 3] Pk. dāvēi, °vaï, dāēi ‘shows’, M. dāvṇẽ (J. Bloch FestschrWackernagel 148 dīpáyati X darśáyati); - Pk. dāvia—, dāia— ‘shown’, S. ḍ̱āī f. ‘anything used as a mark or signal’.
6278 *dāpti— ‘liberality’. [√ 1] Pa. datti— f. ‘gift’; Pk. datti— f., °iya— m., °iyā— f. ‘as much as is given at one time’; S. ḍ̱āti f. ‘liberality’.
6281 *dāmakara— ‘string—maker’. [dā́man—1, kará1] L. dāvur, dãvar, mult. ḍā̃var (Ju. ḍ̱—) m. ‘spider’.
6282 *dāmadhāra— ‘holding the rope’. [dā́man—1, dhāra1] N. dayẽro ‘the man who drives the animals treading out rice’.
6284 *dāmayati 1 ‘tames’. [~ damáyati. — √dam] Ash. dā̆m— ‘to seize, reach’, Kt. Bashg. dam—; Wg. dā̆m— ‘to seize, bite, sting’; Gaw. dām— ‘to seize’; N. dāunu ‘to break in (bullock or horse)’, halo dāunu ‘to plough’; H. dāwnā ‘to subdue, destroy’; Si. damanavā ‘to tame, subdue’ (rather than < damáyati bec. of pret. dämuvā); — Pk. dāmiya— ‘tamed’; Si. dämi ‘submissive’ or both < *dāmiya—. — P. dāuṇā ‘to hobble (horse or ass)’ and words for ‘treading out grain’ prob. der. fr. ‘rope’, see dā́man—1, *dāmana—, *dāmara—, *dāmayati 2.
6285 *dāmayati 2 ‘ties with a rope’. [dā́man1] Bi. dā̃wab ‘to drive bullocks trading out grain’, H. dāwnā, dā̃nā; G. dāmvũ ‘to tie with a cord’. — Nomina actionis from this verb rather than derived directly from dā́man—1, dāmanī— (but cf. Bi. daũrī < *dāmara- denoting both ‘rope’ and nomen actionis): N. (Tarai) dāuni ‘threshing’, Bi. daunī ‘treading out corn’, Mth. dāuni; — Ku. daı̃ f. ‘driving oxen or buffaloes to tread out grain’, N. dāı̃, dā̃i, Bi. dawā̃hī, Mth. damāhī; H. dāẽ f. ‘tying a number of bullocks together for treading corn, the treading out, the unthreshed corn.’ — S. ḍ̱āiṇu ‘to shackle the forelegs’ and P. dāuṇā ‘to hobble horse oṛ ass’ rather < *dāyayati. *dāmara— ‘rope’ see dā́man1.
6286 *dāmiya— ‘to be tamed’. [~ damya—. — √dam] Kho. dámi ‘colt, foal’;—altern. < *dāmita— s.v. *dām- ayati 1: Pk. dāmiya— ‘tamed’; Si. dämi ‘submissive’.
6289 *dāyayati ‘causes to be tied’. [√ 2] S. ḍ̱āiṇu ‘to shackle (the forelegs of an animal)’; P. dāuṇā ‘to hobble horse or ass’: rather than < *dāma- yati 2.
6301 *dārudhānaka— ‘heap of wood’. [dā́ru—2, dhā́na—] Kho. (Lor.) darānu ‘stack of wood, pile (e.g. of dead ibex).’ *dārubhārika— ‘wood—carrier’ see *dāvabhārika—. *dārga— ‘dear’ see *durargha—. *dārḍhiya— see next.
6306 *dārvaphālaka— ‘wooden ploughshare’. [dārva—, phā́la1] H. dabehrā m. ‘large wooden plough share fixed behind the iron share’ or < *dārvadhāraka—.
6307 *dārśa— ‘hair’. [Cf. Wkh. d ürs, Mj. lurs, Par. dō̤š, Orm. dā̃š ‘goat's hair’ < *darsa— NTS v 43: →Brah. drassam ‘goat's hair’ Bray Brah 99] S. ḍ̱āsa f. ‘goat's hair’, ḍ̱āsī ‘made of it’.
6308 *dāla— 1 ‘tearing, splitting’. [~ dāra1. — Same as dāla2? — Separate from *ḍāla—1. — √dal 1] K. dāla m. ‘skin (esp. a whole skin) of sheep, goat, &c.’ (cf. dalun ‘to excoriate’ s.v. dálati); WPah.bhal. dāl f. ‘crack (in soil, wood, &c.)’.
6312 *dāvabhārika— ‘carrying firewood’. [Cf. kā́ṣṭhabhā- rika— Kathās. — dāvá—, bhārika1] Wg. dō̤wrī ‘carrying wood’ (or < *dārubhārika—?)
6318 *dāsaka— ‘beam’. L. ḍāhā m. ‘piece of wood fastened to neck of cattle to prevent straying’; Ku. dāso ‘rooftree’; N. dāso ‘beam’; H. dāsā m. ‘broad and long piece of stone or wood’; M. dāśā (< *dāsiā?) ‘lath used to reinforce a thin wall’.
6323 *dāhapada— ‘fireplace’. [dāha—, padá1] Paš.dar. dawā ‘fireplace’ IIFL iii 3, 61.
6326 *dikka— lump'. 2. *digga—. [dikka— m. ‘young ele- phant’, diṅka— m. ‘young louse’ lex., (cf. *ḍhēṅka- ‘lump’ ~ *ḍhēṅkuṇa— ‘bug’). — See list s.v. *ḍhikka1] 1. G. dīkrɔ m. ‘son’, °rī f. ‘daughter’ (semant. cf. ḍimbha2?). 2. Ku. digaṛo m. ‘lump, clod of earth’. *dig— ‘tremble’ see *ḍag1. *digga— ‘lump’, diṅka— see *dikka—. *dita—, *ditta— ‘given’ see dattá—. Addenda: *dikka— ‘lump’, dikkarī— f. ‘adolescent girl’ lex. †;*diṇṭa— ‘stem’ see *ḍaṇṭha—. *dinna— see dattá— Add2. *dilla— see ḍala— Add2.
6327 *diddā— ‘elder sister’. [diddā— f. ‘name of a Kashmir princess’ Rājat. — Cf. *dādda—, *jījja—] K. dĕd f. ‘elderly lady, chief wife in a household’, voc. dĕdi ‘respectful term of address to an older woman’; WPah.paṅ. dēddī, cur. daiddī ‘elder sister’, Ku. didī, , N. didi; B. Or. didi ‘elder sister’ (B. also ‘grand- mother’), H. dīdī f.
6330 *diyáti, dyáti ‘cuts’ AV. [√] Phal. dyūm, dhyūm, ‘I cut (with an axe)’, absol. dy? ‘having hit’ rather than < dēdīyatē. diyā́vā (metr.) m. du. ‘night and day’ RV.: see divá—. *dilla— ‘lump’ see *ḍala—. DIV 1 ‘shine’: diyā́vā, divá—, divasá—, divyá—, dēvá—. DIV 2 ‘gamble’: dēvin—, dyūtá—; *ādyūta—. DIV 3 ‘wail’: paridēvati.
6334 *divasakāla— ‘daytime’. [divasá—, kālá2] KharI. divasakale loc. sg., K. dŏhulu , duh° m., Si. davahala, °vāla, daval, dahaval, dāval. Addenda: *divasakāla—: Md. duvālu ‘daytime’.
6338 *divyākṣa— ‘supernatural sight’. [Cf. divyacakṣus— n. ‘supernatural vision’ Daś., Pa. dibbacakkhuka— adj. - divyá—, ákṣi—] Si. divasin ‘by divination’, divas kiyanavā ‘to foretell’. DIŚ ‘show’: díś—, diśáti, diśā—, diṣṭi, *diṣṭr̥—, dēśá—, dēśanā—, dēśayati, dēṣṭrı̄́—; ādēśa—, ādēśya—, uddēśa—, *uddēśayati, nirdēśa—, prádiṣṭa—, *pradiṣṭi—, saṁ- dēśá—.
6341 *diśākārin— ‘directing’. [diśā—, kāra1] MB. diśārī ‘pilot’ ODBL 349.
6344 *diṣṭr̥ ‘one who points out or orders’. [dēṣṭr̥— m. in cmpd. ‘pointer’ BhP. (dēṣṭrá— n. ‘indication’ RV.) X diṣṭa—? - √diś] Ku. ḍiṭṭhā, ḍiṭhā ‘inspector, watchman’; N. ḍiṭṭho ‘official next in rank above mukhiyā’; H. ḍīṭh m. ‘conjuror’. DIH ‘smear’: dēha—, dēhalı̄́—, dēhı̄́—, *dēhuḍī; saṁ- dēha—; — dēhikā—, uddēhikā—. 1 ‘fly’; dı̄́yati; *uddīyati; — √ḍī 2. 2 ‘decay, perish’: dīná—, dīyatē 2. 3 ‘shine’: *dāpayatī3, dina—; — √dīp.
6349 *dīpakāṣṭhikā— ‘lampstand’. [dīpa—, kāṣṭhá—] Mth. dīaṭhi ‘lampstand’. Addenda: *dīpakāṣṭhika—: cf. Ko. divṭigā ‘torchstand, torch’ (Kan. dīvaṭige).
6350 *dīpatithi— "festival of lamps’. [dīpa—, tithi—] M. divaī f. ‘festival of lamps on the full—moon day of Āṣāḍha’.
6351 *dīpataila— ‘lamp—oil’. [dīpa—, tailá—] G. divel n. ‘lamp—oil, castor—oil’, divelɔ m. ‘castor—oil plant’, divelī f. ‘its seed’.
6353 *dīparukṣa— ‘lampstand’. [~ dīpavr̥kṣa—. — dīpa—, *rukṣa—] Pa. dīparukkha— m. ‘lampstand’, L.awāṇ. drōkhā m., poṭh. darokhā m., B. derkhuyā, °kho (ODBL 324 < *dīparakṣa—); Or. (Sambhalpur) dirkhā ‘niche in wall’; Bi. diarakh, dekhar, diarkhā, dẽkhrā ‘wall—bracket for lamp’, H. deorkhā m.
6356 *dīpasthāna— ‘place for lamp’. [dīpa—, sthā́na—] M. divṭhā̆ṇ n. ‘place where main light of house is suspended’. dīpālī— see dīpāvali—.
6367 *dīrayati ‘splits’. [Formed as caus. or tr. to dīryátē. — √dr̥̄] Gy. pal. dírăr tr. ‘splits’, (whence caus. dirnau?r); Kho. (Lor.) direik ‘to taunt, mock’.
6370 *dīrghapuccha— ‘long—tailed’. S. dighõ;chu m. ‘the Pintail duck’ ← N. Bi. (Monghyr) dighõ;ch E. H. Johnston BSOS viii 2.
6377 *duḥkhamūtraka— ‘painful urinating’. [duḥkhá—, mū́tra—] L. dhakūtrā, (Ju.) ḍ̱akhūtrā m. ‘disease in which urine is passed with pain and difficulty’, P. dakhūtrā, dukhṇūtā, dakh° m. (< *dukhar̃ūtā < *dukhaṽūtrā?).
6378 *duḥkhavārttā— ‘trouble talk’. [duḥkhá—, vārttā—] Ku. dukhaut ‘conversation about one's troubles’.
6382 *duḥśiṣṭa— ‘malevolent’. [Cf. duḥśā́sus— RV. — duṣ—2, śiṣṭa2] Sh. (Lor.) dušṭo ‘spiteful’.
6383 *duḥśiṣṭi— ‘malevolence’. [Cf. súśiṣṭi— f. ‘good help’ RV. — duṣ—2, śiṣṭi—] Sh. (Lor.) dušṭi f. ‘malice, envy’ (whence dušṭilo m. ‘id.’).
6387 *duḥsasya— ‘bad crop’. [duṣ—2, sasyá—] Si. dusas ‘bad harvest’.
6390 *duguṇa— ‘double’. [~ dviguṇá—. — *du—2, guṇá—] Pk. duuṇa— ‘double’, Ap. dūṇa—, S. ḍ̱ūṇo, L. (Ju.) ḍ̱ūṇā, P. dūṇā; Ku. dūṇo ‘double’, gng. dũṛ̃ ‘twice’; N. dunoṭ ‘multiplication table’, duninu ‘to be bent’; A. dunā ‘double’, B. dunā̆, Mth. dun, dunnā, Bhoj. dūnā, Aw. lakh. dūn; H. dūn, dū̆nā ‘double’, dūn f. ‘state of being doubled’; G. dūṇũ ‘double’; M. duṇā ‘double’, dūṇ f. ‘fold in cloth’; Ko. duṇo ‘double’; — with MIA. —gg—: Sh. dŭgŭ́ṇu. — Pk. duuṇia— ‘doubled’; Or. (Sambhalpur) duni ‘double’. Addenda: *duguṇa—: Garh. dūṇu ‘double’.
6392 *dugdhaghaṭa— ‘pot for milk’. [dugdhá—, ghaṭa1] N. dudero ‘milk vessel’.
6393 *dugdhadhāraṇa— ‘holding milk’. [dugdhá—, dhā́- raṇa—] P.ḍog. dƏdā́rnā̃ ‘place for boiling milk’.
6394 *dugdhapānīya— ‘milk and water’. [dugdhá—, pānı̄́ya—] H. dudhwānī m. ‘mixture of milk and water for washing off fruit—juice stains’.
6395 *dugdhabhāṇḍikā— ‘milk vessel’. [dugdhá—, bhāṇḍa1] H. dud(h)ahãṛī, dudhā̃ṛī f. ‘small vessel for keeping or heating milk in’.
6396 *dugdhahāraka— ‘milk—carrier’. [dugdhá—, hāra1] G. dūdhārɔ m. ‘milkman’.
6401 *duḍḍa— 2 ‘defective’. [Cf. *ḍuḍḍa— and list s.v. *ṭuṇṭa2] L. (Ju.) duḍ̱ m. ‘stump of tree, anything useless’; G. duḍ f. ‘bare tree—trunk’. *duṇṭi— ‘navel’ see tundi—. *duṇḍa— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—. duṇḍubha— see dundhubha—. duta— see dūta2.
6402 *dutīya— ‘second’. 2. *dutīyā— f. ‘second day of lunar fortnight’. [~ dvitı̄́ya—. — dav—] 1. Pa. dutiya—, °aka— ‘second’, dutiyyatā— f. ‘friend- ship’; Aś. dutiya—, kq. dutīya— ‘second’, Pk. dula—, duijja—; Woṭ. dūi m. f. adj. ‘other’; Tor. duī ‘second’; Sv. dūi ‘other’, Phal. dūi, dī̆; L. dūjā, mult. dūjhā, (Ju.) ḍ̱ujhā, P. dūjjā, dūjā, dūā, bhaṭ. duwwā, WPah.cur. dūā̃, bhad. duijaũ, A. dūjā; MB. duaja ‘second’, B. doj—bare ‘a bridegroom for second time’ (← west ODBL 805); Or. dui, duā, dujā ‘second’, duj—bara ‘re- married widow’; Mth. dujai ‘secondly’; OAw. H. dūjā ‘second’; G. dujũ ‘other, different’; M. duj̈ā ‘second’. 2. K. dŏy f. ‘second day of lunar fortnight’, P. dūj f., OAw. dūija, H. dūj f. *dutīyajanī—. Addenda: *dutīya—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dujjɔ ‘second’, J. dujā.
6403 *dutīyajanī— ‘bearing a second time’. [*dutīya—, jáni—] L. (Ju.) ḍ̱ujhiṇ ‘having had a second calf’, (Shahpur) dhūin, dhūjin. *dutta— ‘mouth’ see tuṇḍa—.
6404 *dudaṇḍa— ‘having two sticks’. [Cf. dvidandin- Buddh. — *du—2, daṇḍá—] Bi. ḍõ;ṛ, ḍõ;ṛī ‘fishing net attached to two poles’.
6405 *dudantaka— ‘having two teeth’. [~ dvídant—. - du—2, dánta—] L. dundā, mult. ḍundā, (Ju.) ḍ̱ũdā ‘having two teeth (of cattle)’, P. dõ;ddā. *duddura— ‘Datura alba’ see dhattūra—.
6406 *dudvaraka— ‘having two doors’. [*du—2, *dvara—] K. duboru. DUDH ‘be violent’: dṓdhant—.
6407 *dudhāra— ‘two—edged, double’. [*du—1, dhā́rā—,2 but see tridhāra—] S. duhuro ‘double’ (lw. with d—); L. dohar f. ‘doubled cloth’; P. dohar f. ‘doubling’; Ku. dohā̆ro, duharo ‘double, second, other, stranger’; N. doharo, dohoro ‘double’, A. dohorā, B. dohārā; Or. doharā ‘double’, duhurā ‘second time’, duāra ‘two—pronged weapon’: Mth. dohari ‘double sheet’, doharaun ‘doubling’; H. dohar m. ‘cloth of two folds’, dohrā ‘double’; G. dohr? m. ‘couplet’, M. dohrā m. Addenda: *dudhāra—: WPah.poet. dōro ‘double’, J. dohrā.
6408 *dunada— ‘two rivers’. [*du—2, nadı̄́—] H. dunayā m. ‘junction of two rivers’. *daunada—.
6409 *dunāmaka— ‘having two names’. [Cf. dvínāman— Br. — *du—2, nā́man—] K. dunôvu ‘having two names, having an alias’.
6413 *dupaṭṭikā— ‘two cloths’. [*du—2, paṭṭa2] P.ḍog. davaṭṭī f. ‘small headgear’.
6414 *dupuṭaka— ‘having two folds’. [Cf. dvipuṭa— lex. - *du—2, puṭa—] Ku. dauṛo ‘folded double, sewn in two layers’.
6415 *duprāṇaka— ‘pregnant’. [du—2, prāṇaka—] WPah.cam. duprāṇī ‘pregnant’.
6416 *dubhārya— ‘having two wives’. [Cf. dvibhārya- Kāty. — *du—2, bhārya—] P. duhājjū, f. °jaṇ ‘twice—married’, duhājū, °jaṛ m. ‘second husband or wife’; H. duhājū ‘taking a second wife after death of the first’.
6417 *dumāsaka— ‘two months old’. [*du—2, mā́sa—] K. dumôsu ‘two months old’; — Pa. dumāsika—, Pk. dumāsiya—.
6419 *dumbha— ‘tail’. [Only Kal. attests an aspirate: poss. all NIA. forms, and cert. those of Dard. with l—, are ← Ir., Av. duma—, Pahl. dumbak, Pers. dum(b), Psht. lƏm EVP 36. But, besides Kal., some derivatives, e.g. s.v. *dumbhaśa—, suggest possibility of orig. IA. form] Gy. eur. dumo m. ‘back, shoulder’; Wg. dumä́ŕ, tumtä́ ‘tail’, Kt. dƏmŕә́i, Pr. lümṳ̄, dƏmū́ (← Kt. Rep1 47), Paš.gul. dum(b), nir. dumā́ (← Pers. IIFL iii 3, 55), ar. līm, Shum. līmƏ, Gaw. limoṭá, Kal. dh *l mŕḗi, Kho. rūm, K. dumba m.; L. dumb m. ‘ear of millet’; P. dumb, dumm m. ‘tail’, N. dum, Or. duma, Mth. dom, H. dumb, dum f., G. dum f.; M. dumālā m. ‘hind part’. - X *lōpi— q.v. *dumbhaśa—; *dumbhaśvāvidh—.
6420 *dumbhaśa— ‘having a tail’. [dumbha—] Ash. dumašı̄̃ ‘tail’; — N. dumsi ‘porcupine’ or < *dumbhaśvāvidh—.
6421 *dumbhaśvāvidh— ‘porcupine’. [*dumbha—, śvāvídh—] N. dumsi ‘porcupine’ or < *dumbhaśa—.
6422 *duyukta— ‘double yoke’. [*du—2, yuktá—] Woṭ. duít f. ‘ploughbeam and whole plough’ (Buddruss Woṭ 99 < *dviyuktikā—).
6424 *duraṅga— ‘two—coloured’. [*du—2, raṅga1] B. doraṅgā ‘two—coloured’; Or. doraṅga, °gā ‘piebald’; H. durãgā ‘of two colours, of two kinds’.
6425 *durandhra— ‘having two holes’. [*du—2, rándhra—] H. durãdhā ‘having holes on both sides’.
6426 *durargha— high—priced’. 2. *daurārghya— ‘time of high prices’. [Cf. durmūlya— lex. — duṣ—2, arghá—] 1. K. drọ̆gu ‘dear’, drŏgun ‘to become dear’. 2. Sh.chil. drāg ‘famine’; K. drāg m. ‘high price, famine’; — Kal. drāgaẓ (+ ? — → Kho. drayanẓ, Werch. der g anǰ BelvalkarVol 90 who considers these words, which phonet.might < *dārga—, only accidentally to resemble Slav. dragŭ ‘dear’. Nevertheless the com- plete disappearance of the u or o of dur°, daur° is not clear).
6428 *durīhā— ‘ill—will’. [durīha— ‘ill—meaning’ SŚaṁkar. - duṣ—2, īhā—] S. ḍ̱uriha f. ‘silent curse, complaint to God of another's tyranny’.
6432a *durgrahiṇī— Add. 14611.
6441 *durbhāva— ‘bad state’. [duṣ—2, bhāvá—] Pk. dubbhāva— m.; G. dubhāvɔ m. ‘pain, wasting away’.
6444 *durmārga— ‘bad road’. [duṣ—2, mārga—] Si. dumaṅ, dumaga ‘bad road’ (or Si. cmpd.?).
6445 *durlabdha— ‘badly taken’. [duṣ—2, labdha—] Si. dulada ‘heresy’ EGS 79.
6447 *durlambha— ‘hard to get’. [duṣ—2, lambha—] Pk. dullaṁbha— ‘hard to obtain,’ H. poet. dūlam. DURV ‘hurt’: dū́rvati.
6450 *durvijātra— ‘miscarriage’. [duṣ—2, *vijātra—] M. duvet n. ‘miscarriage’, duvetṇẽ ‘to miscarry’.
6452 *dula— ‘hole’. [√dal 1?] Ku. dulo m., °li f., dulno m. ‘hole, cavity, animal's den’; N. dulo ‘hole, animal's hole (e.g. of a mouse)’, nāka ko dulo ‘nostril’, dulko ‘little hole’; — M. ḍuḷū̃ n. ‘little hole’, ḍolā m.; — poss. Ash. dūra ‘hole’ (kāsāra- dū́ra ‘nostril’, dum—durḗk ‘smoke—hole’); Wg. dúri, dorı̄́g ‘smoke—hole’: but these poss. < dúr—. — Con- nexion, if any, with P. duḍ(h) f. ‘wolf's den’, ḍuḍḍ f. ‘mouse—hole’ s.v. *ṭōṭṭa1 is obscure. *dhuradulaka—.
6453 *dulati ‘swings’. 2. *dulyati. [√dul] 1. Pk. ḍulaï ‘shakes’; — altern. < 2: K. ḍulun ‘to roll’; Ku. ḍulṇo ‘to wander’; N. ḍulnu ‘to walk about’; B. dulā ‘to swing’; H. dulnā, ḍu° ‘to move’. 2. S. ḍ̱ulaṇu ‘to wander vainly’; L. ḍullaṇ ‘ṭo be shaken’, P. ḍullṇā, OMarw. ḍūlaï; G. dulvũ, ḍu° ‘to be absorbed in’; M. ḍulṇẽ ‘to stagger’. See dōlāyatē.
6454 *dulāva— ‘twice reaped’. [*du—2, lāva—] Sh. (Lor.) dulā́o ‘land on which two crops are grown in one year, second of two crops in one year’, dulāo bān ‘second sowing’. duli— see duḍi—. *dulyati ‘swings’ see *dulati. *duvaṁdva— ‘pair’ see dvaṁdvá—. *duvaṁdvin— ‘forming a pair’ see dvaṁdvín—.
6455 *duvaka— ‘the number two’. 2. *duka—. [~ dvaká- RV.; *duka— replaces dvika—. — dva] 1. P. dūā m. ‘the figure 2’ (→ S. dūo m.); N. duwo ‘two (in counting in a game)’; Or. duā ‘a throw of two (in dice), the two (in cards)’; OAw. dūvā m. ‘a throw of two’; H. dūā m. ‘the figure 2’; G. duɔ m. ‘the two (in cards, dice, &c.)’, M. duvā m. 2. Pa. duka— n. ‘a two’, Pk. duga—, dua— n.
6456 *duvatsara— ‘two years old’. [*du—2, vatsará—] Sh. (Lor.) duċhiro ‘two year old male castrated goat’.
6457 *duvartu— ‘double’. [Cf. trivártu— ‘triple’ RV. - *du—2, *vartu—] L.awāṇ. ḍōṭā ‘double’.
6458 *duvartmaka— ‘crossways’. [*du—2, vártman—] WPah.cam. duāṭā ‘meeting of two paths’. *duvardha— ‘one and a half’ see dvyardha—. duvā́daśa see dvā́daśa.
6459 *duvāra— ‘door’. [~ dvā́ra—. — dúr—] Pa. dvāra— n. ‘door’; Aś.dh. jau. duvāla n. ‘means’; Pk. du(v)āra— n. ‘door’, duāriā— f. ‘small door; Gy. eur. vudar ‘door’ (metath. < duvar.), Ḍ. dōr m., Wg. dōr NTS xvii 249; P. duār m. ‘door, gateway’, davārī f. ‘door—frame’, kgr. divārī f. ‘little door or passage through a wall’ (i from divār ‘wall’ ← Pers.?); WPah. cam. bhal. duār n. ‘door’, Ku. dwār; N. duwār ‘door, threshold’, ghar—duwār ‘house’; A. duwār ‘door, moun- tain pass’; B. duār, duor, dor ‘door, passage’ (ODBL 377 wrongly ← Sk.); Or. duāra ‘door, gateway, courtyard’; Bi. duār ‘doorway, outer entrance room, stokehole of a confectioner's stove’, duārī ‘doorway, door of a litter’; Mth. Bhoj. duār, dwār ‘door’, Aw.lakh. duārā; H. du(w)ār m. ‘door’, duārī f. ‘small door’; Si. dora ‘door’. — X niṣkāsa— q.v. dauvāriká—; *duvārakōṣṭhaka—, *duvāradaṇḍa—, *duvārabandha—. *duvārakōṣṭhaka— ‘gate room’ see dvārakōṣṭhaka—. Addenda: *duvāra—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dwār ‘door’, dwarṭɔ, kc. dwaṭo, Garh. dwār; Md. doru ‘doorway, window’.
6460 *duvāradaṇḍa— ‘door timber’. [*duvāra—, daṇḍá—] Ku. dwārı̃ṛo m. ‘the timber put upon a door—frame’.
6461 *duvārabandha—, dvārabandha— ‘some part of a door- way’ Hariv. [*duvāra—, bandhá—] H. duraũdh, °dhā m. ‘lintel of a door’.
6462 *duvijanaka— ‘bearing two’. [*du—2, *vijanā—] Ku. dwaiṇo ‘having borne two calves’.
6463 *duvivāha— ‘twice married’. [*du—2, vivāhá—] Bi. doāh ‘widower married for second time’.
6464 *duvr̥ta— ‘twofold’. [~ *dvivr̥ta—. — Cf. trivŕ̥t- Pāṇ.com. — *du—2, vr̥t2] Or. dooṛa ‘having two folds, double, twice ploughed’, dooṛā ‘folded double’ (dohaṛā X doharo < *dudhāra—). Addenda: duvr̥ta—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dṓṛu m. ‘large blanket’, J. dohṛu m. id. (with h from dohrā ‘double’ < dudhāra—? Him.I 101).
6465 *duvēda— ‘knowing two Vedas’. [Cf. dvivēda— Pāṇ. com. — *du—2, vḗda—] H. dū̆be m. ‘name of a class of Brahmans familiar with two Vedas’, G. dave m. duvaú see dva—.
6468 *duścāra— ‘ill—behaved’, duścārin— Kathās. [duṣ—2, cāra2] Pk. duccāra—, °ri— ‘ill—behaved’; Ku. ducār ‘wicked’.
6474 *duṣpriyakāra— ‘hating’. [duṣ—2, priyakāra—] L.awāṇ. dupriārā ‘not loved’; P. dupiār m. ‘hatred’, dupiārā, dupiryārā, dup(p)irārā ‘unloved’.
6476 *duhati (dṓgdhi: duhánti RV.) ‘milks’. [√duh] Pa. duhati, Pk. duhaï; S. ḍ̱uhaṇu ‘to milk, suck, clear out completely’; L. ḍuhaṇ ‘to milk’, P. duhṇā, WPah. bhal. duhuṇū, Ku. dūṇo (pass. dwīṇo), gng. absol. dwi, N. duhunu, B. duhā, duyā, Or. duhibā, °hı̃bā; Bi. duhāeb ‘to give milk’; Mth. dūhab, duhāeb ‘to milk’, Aw.lakh. duhab, H. duhnā; M. duhṇẽ ‘to milk’, poet. ‘to yield milk’. — Mth. dūhab, H. dūhnā with ū from dūdh < dugdhá—? — See *dōhati. Addenda: *duhati: WPah.poet. dv̄ṇo ‘to milk’, Garh. dūṇu.
6477 *duhasta— ‘pertaining to two hands’. [Cf. dvihasta- ‘two hands long’ Hcat., and *dvāhasta—. —*du—2, hásta—] Bi. duhanthī ‘smith's bellows worked with both hands’.
6478 *duhāyana— ‘two years old’. [~ dvihāyana—. - *du—2, hāyaná—] H. dohān m. ‘two year old bullock’.
6479 *duhitājana— ‘daughter's people’. [duhitŕ̥—, jána—] S. dhiāṇo ‘of a daughter’; P. dhiāhaṇ, dhiāṇ, dhiā(h)ṇī f. ‘female descendant of daughter or sister’, dhiāṇā m. ‘son or male descendant of daughter or sister’: doubt- ful. — Or poss. < *duhitābhaginī— ‘daughter's young female relative’ (who might be either her own daughter or her parent's sister's daughter, i.e. female cousin) with later development of masculine form.
6479a *duhitātarī— ‘one like a daughter’. [duhitŕ̥—] A. zīyārī ‘daughter’ (zīyarī ‘unmarried girl’?), B. jhiyāri; Or. jhiārī ‘brother's daughter’. — Bshk. dūḗr ‘granddaughter’ rather < *dauhitarī—.
6480 *duhitāputraka— ‘daughter's son’. 2. *duhitāpu- trikā— ‘daughter's daughter’. [duhitŕ̥—, putrá 1—] 1. Ku. dhyauto, ḍhauto ‘daughter's son’, H. dheotā m. 2. Ku. dhyauti ‘daughter's daughter’, H. dheotī f. *duhitābhaginī— see *duhitājana—. [duhitŕ̥—, bha- ginī—]
6482 *duhitr̥kuḍaka— m., °ḍikā— f. ‘daughter's child’. [duhitŕ̥—, *kuḍa1] Phal. dhyū́ṛu m. ‘daughter's son’, dhyū́ṛi f. ‘daughter's daughter’.
6484 *duhimna— ‘two winters old’. [*du—2, *himna—] Wg. düzun—zālƏ ‘heifer in its third year’.
6489 *dūta— 2 ‘pained’ (dūda— ‘afflicting’ lex.). [Cf. dūná—, duta— ‘pained’ Śiś., dūtaka— m. ‘name of Agni in the form of forest—fire’ Gr̥hyaS. — √du 1] NiDoc. dutaǵa ‘burnt (?)’; — B. duyā, do ‘in pain, hated’ rather < durbhága—. *dūtakāri—.
6490 *dūtakāri— ‘illness’. [*dūta—2, kāri—] S. ḍ̱uāri f. ‘illness’, ḍ̱uārī ‘ill’.
6492 *dūna— 2 ‘distant’. [~ dūrá—. — √du 3] Paš.ar. Shum. dúnik ‘far, distant’ IIFL iii 3, 55.
6493 *dūman— ‘distress’. [√du 1] Pk. dūmaga— ‘producing pain’, dūmaī, dummaī ‘troubles, hurts’, dūmaṇa— n. ‘hurting’; Wg. kōi—dum ‘work, worry’; G. dumvũ ‘to distress, trouble’.
6498 *dūrasa— ‘ill—tasting’. [duṣ—2, rása—] Pk. durasa— (u after surasa—); K. drosu , drọ̈su ‘un- palatable, not cleaned (of vegetables)’, m. ‘unpalatably prepared vegetables’ (whence drośu , drọ̆śu m. ‘one who eats such’); B. dorsā ‘half—rotten, putrid’, Or. dorasā.
6499 *dūrāddha— ‘badly prepared’. [duṣ—2, rāddha—] M. durdhā ‘imperfectly ripened’.
6507 *dr̥kṣati or *drakṣati ‘sees’. 2. *dēkṣati. [Early MIA. pres. st. (Pischel PkGr. 379) formed from aor. st. dr̥kṣ—, drākṣ— in RV. dr̥kṣasē ‘may you appear’, adrākṣīt ‘he has seen’ ~ fut. drakṣyáti (poss. fut. as well as pres. in Pa. dakkhati ~ dakkhiti). Early MIA. *d(r)akṣ— X prḗkṣatē (Pa. pekkhati, Pk. pecchaï, pēhaï, pekkhaï): ac. to J. Bloch FestschrWackernagel 145 adrēśya— ‘in- visible’ MuṇḍUp. ~ adr̥śya— reflects invasion of √dr̥ś by this ē (as also in vēkṣaṇa— Mn. ~ vı̄́kṣatē), cf. K. ḍēśun ‘to see’ s.v. dr̥śyátē. — dr̥ś] 1. Early eastern and central MIA. *dakṣ—: Pa. dakkhati ‘sees’, Aś.shah. man. kāl. jau. dakhati, ger. dakhitaviye; Pk. dacchaï, dakkhaï ‘sees’, dakkhaï, dakkhā̆vaï ‘shows’; G. dākhvũ, dākhavvũ ‘to show’, M. dākhaviṇẽ; Si. dakinavā ‘to see’, dakvanavā ‘to show’; — MIA. *dakṣ— → Dard.: Dm. dac̣h— ‘to see’, Phal. dac̣hā—, dahā— (with abnormal —h— < —c̣h—?), darc̣ā- (r? — Scarcely < dr—). 2. Aś.dh. jau. dekhati ‘sees’ (which in NIA. has spread south—west into M. and north—west into S. L. P. WPah.), Pk.mh. decchiha 2 pl. fut., amg. dēhaï (< *dēkkhati), ś. etc. dekkhaï; Gy. eur. dikh— ‘to see’, arm. lekh—, pal. diknauăr ‘shows’; Ḍ. d e k— ‘to see’, S. ḍ̱ekhaṇu, L. ḍekhaṇ, (Ju.) ḍ̱e° (pres. part. ḍēdhā < *ḍēhãdā, pp. ḍiṭṭhā < dr̥ṣṭá—), P. dekhṇā (pp. ḍiṭṭhā ~ dekhiā), bhaṭ. dikkhṇā, WPah.cam. dikkhṇā, (Joshi) dekhṇu, Ku. dekhṇo, N. dekhnu (absol. dekhi as postp. ‘from’), A. dekhiba, B. dekhā, Or. dekhibā, Mth. dekhab, Bhoj. dēkhal, OAw. dekhaï, H. dekhnā, Marw. dekhṇo, G. dekhvũ, M. dekhṇẽ. — Caus. Pk. dekkhālia—, S. ḍ̱ekhā- raṇu; Or. dekhāḷi ‘judge’. — X dīsaï < dr̥śyátē: OAw. dīkhaï ‘is seen’, H. dīkhnā (whence, as intr., also dikhnā). — Transitive forms of Gy. P. WPah. with —i- are due to abnormal change of e > i or to influence of pp. diṭṭha— rather than as direct development from *dr̥kṣati. *uddēkṣati, *uddēkṣā—, *pradēkṣati. Addenda: *dr̥kṣati. 1. OM. dākhavaṇẽ ‘to show’; Md. dakkanī ‘shows, appears’, dekkum ‘showing’. 2. *dēkṣati: S.kcch. ḍekhā ḍīṇū ‘to appear’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dékhṇõ; ‘to see’, dƏkh e/ ḷnõ; ‘to show’; OMarw. dikhāṛaï; Md. dekenī ‘sees, thinks’.
6509 *dr̥ḍhi— ‘firmness’. [Cf. dr̥ḍhīkāra— m. and adj. ‘strengthening’ MBh. — √dr̥ṁh] P. dariṛh f., diṛh m. ‘firmness of mind’. — Deriv.: S. ḍ̱iṛhi ‘firm’ (< *dr̥ḍhin—? — not with LM 355 < dhr̥ṣṭá—), N. darilo.
6510 *dr̥ta— ‘cleft’, dr̥daka— m. ‘hole in the ground for cook- ing’ W. [Cf. dr̥ka— n. ‘hole’ lex. — √dr̥̄] Pk. dia— ‘struck’; Sh.jij. dә́ṛu ‘valley’.
6525 *dēvakulapati— ‘temple head’. [dēvakula—, páti—] A. dâlai ‘chief officer of a temple’.
6527 *dēvakōṣṭha— ‘temple’. [dēvá—1, kṓṣṭha2] WPah.roh. deṭhu, dyoṭhe ‘temple, god’. Addenda: *dēvakōṣṭha—: WPah.kṭg. deuṭhu, dḗṭhu m. ‘temple, temple image, name of various deities’, deuthi f. ‘temple’.
6528 *dēvaghara— ‘temple’. [Cf. dēvagr̥há— n. TBr., Pa. dēvagaha— n. — dēvá—1, ghara—] Pk. dēvahara—, °aya— n.; K. diwuru m. ‘lofty stone shrine’; L. ḍēhrī f., mult. ḍẽhrī f. ‘domed tomb of a Hindu saint’; P. deuhrā, dehrā, ḍe°, dihrā, ḍi° m. ‘sacred sepulchral monument, temple’; A. deurī ‘officer of a temple’; MB. deharā ‘temple’; Or. dehuri, °heri ‘temple servant’; OAw. devahara m. ‘temple; H. dehar, deuhrā, dihurā, dehrā, dih° m. ‘Hindu or Jain temple’; OG. deharaüṁ n., G. dehrũ, derũ n. ‘small domed temple’; M. devhārā m. ‘shrine’, °rẽ n. ‘image in a shrine’. Addenda: *dēvaghara—: S.kcch. ḍero m. ‘temple’, ḍevrī f. ‘shrine’, WPah.kṭg. deurɔ m. ‘temple’, deuri f. ‘temple esp. of a goddess, goddess’ (Him.I 99 rather < dēvakula—).
6533 *dēvamēru— ‘mountain of the gods’. [dēvá—1, mērú—] Sh. diámĕr ‘name of the mountain Nangaparbat’. dēvará— see dēvŕ̥—.
6534 *dēvarajāni— f. ‘husband's younger brother's wife’. [dēvará—, jāni—] Pk. (v)arāṇī— f.; Gaw. dērā́n, dī° ‘sister—in—law (i.e. husband's brother's wife?), co—wife’ (for this cf. similar development of meaning of yā́tr̥—, and both meanings of Dm. abēṇi, Phal. abhīṇi ← Psht. bƏn ‘co—wife’ NOGaw 34); S. ḍ̱erāṇī ‘husband's brother's wife’; L. (Ju.) ḍ̱irāṇī ‘h.'s younger b.'s wife’, mult. derāṇī, ḍe°, awāṇ. dirāṇī, P. deurāṇī, dir°, dar°, Ku. dyorāṇ(ī), N. deurāni, H. deurānī, dyor°, dir°. — Paš. dƏrwanī (if to be read for dƏrwanwanī IIFL iii 3, 57).
6535 *dēvaraputra— m. ‘husband's younger brother's son’. [dēvará—, putrá1] S. ḍ̱eroṭru ‘h.'s b.'s son’, L. diruttur. — K. dyārathar ‘h.'s younger b.'s son’ is prob. a K. cmpd. with *dyāra- < *dēvāram, see dēvŕ̥—; P. daṛ—hutt, daṛut (whence and h?).
6540 *dēvalōkya— ‘belonging to heaven’. [dēvalōká—] Kal.rumb. dēwalōkә́n phān ‘path of the heavenly ones, i.e. the Milky Way’.
6543 *dēvāvāsin— ‘priest’. [dēvāvāsa— m. ‘temple’ lex. - dēvá—1, āvāsa—] MB. deyāsinī ‘female temple attendant’ (ODBL 328 < *dēva—vāsinī); — Or. diāsi ‘one who foretells the future’ rather < dēvarṣi— or *daivadarśin—.
6548 *dēśajana— ‘person of one's country’. [Cf. dēśajāta — dēśá—, jána—] S. ḍ̱ehāṇo ‘of one's own country’?
6553 *dēśāpara— ‘another country’. [Cf. dēśāntara—. - dēśá—, ápara—] H. disāwar m. ‘foreign country or market, foreign goods’ (→ P. disāur, °saur m.), disāwarī, vill. des° ‘foreign’.
6557a *dēhati Add. 14621.
6558 *dēhadhara— ‘support of the body’. [Cf. dēhadhāraṇa- n. ‘living’ MBh. — dēha—, dhara—] N. deharā ‘livelihood’.
6563 *dēhīkaṇṭha— ‘wall’. [dēhı̄́—, kaṇṭhá— (‘wall’ in L.P.)] Paš.ar. diō̃́ṛ ‘wall of a house’, kuṛ. diōṇ, Shum. dīā, Gaw. dyāṇḍá, Sv. dyāṇḍo IIFL iii 3, 56; K. dyônu m. ‘solid foundation of a wall or the like’.
6563a *dēhīkāṇḍa— Add. 14622. *dēhula— see dēhalī— Add2.
6564 *dēhīkāra—. ‘termite.’ [Cf. dēhikā—. — dēhı̄́—, kāra1] H. diyā̃r f. ‘termite’.
6565 *dēhuḍī— ‘mound, threshold’. 2. dēhuḍḍ(h)ī—. [Cf. dēhalı̄́—, dēhı̄́—: for variation of a, ī̆, u in suffix cf. Av. daēza— ~ dēhı̄́— and vamrá—, °rı̄́— ~ *vamlu— (in vāma- lūra—). — √dih] 1. G. devṛī f. ‘platform in front of house, police- station’; — altern. < 2: Ku. ḍyoṛī ‘threshold, gate, enclosure’; B. de(h)uṛi ‘threshold, vestibule, outer gate of mansion’, Or. dehuṛi (whence dehuṛiā ‘gatekeeper’); H. dihuṛī, ḍehuṛhī, ḍeoṛhī, ḍyoṛhī, ḍihuṛī, ḍihaṛī f. ‘threshold, porch’; M. dehuḍī, devḍhī, devḍī f. ‘platform in front of house, porch, vestibule’. 2. K. ḍīḍi , dat. ḍēḍĕ f. ‘entrance of a large house, portico’; S. ḍ̱euḍhī, ḍ̱eḍhī f. ‘porch’, L. ḍeuḍhī, (Ju.) ḍ̱eḍhī f.; P. ḍeuḍhī, ḍeuṛhī f. ‘threshold’, N. ḍeuṛho, °ṛo, °ṛi ‘porch’, (Tarai) ‘door, house’; Mth. ḍeuṛhī ‘doorway of a house’; Bhoj. deoṛhī ‘gate’; Māl. ḍūḍhī f. ‘threshold, porch’; G. ḍoḍhī f. ‘watchman's seat near entrance gate’. *dēhuḍḍ(h)ī— ‘mound’ see prec. *dēhula— ‘mound’ see dēhalı̄́—. DAI ‘clean’: avadāta— Add., *uddāta—.
6570 *daivakula— ‘belonging to the temple’. [dēvakula—] A. dewal ‘a brahman priest living on offerings made at a temple’. — Rather < or ← dēvala—, °laka— m. ‘hawker of idols’ Pāṇ.com. (‘dēvakōṣōpajīvin—’ Kull.).
6571 *daivatama— ‘most divine’. [daíva—] Kt. d e yume ‘most divine’ AO xxi 184.
6572 *daivadarśin— ‘seeing what is fated’. [daíva—, darśá—] Or. diāsi ‘one who foretells the future’ or < dēvarṣi—. See also *dēvāvāsin—.
6578 *dōghaka— (or *dōhaka—) ‘milker’. [Cf. dṓgha— (dṓha- KaṭhUp.) in cmpds. ‘giving milk’, dṓgha—, dṓha— m. ‘act of giving milk’ RV. — √duh] Kho. (Lor.) dow *l k ‘milker’; S. ḍ̱oho m. ‘one who milks cows’, P. dohā m.
6579 *dōghra— ‘milk’. [√duh] Pr. ḍūgu, ḍogū́ ‘milk’ < *dhrogga— < *dhōghra— NTS xv 258 with (?).
6581 *dōr— ‘look at or for’. N. dornu ‘to notice, discern’, WN. ḍornu ‘to know how (to do something), have a thorough grasp of’; G. dorvũ ‘to direct’; — S. ḍ̱oraṇu ‘to wander in search of’ rather < dōlāyatē. dōraka— see davara—.
6583 *dōla— 2 ‘bucket’. [Poss. same as dōla1. Forms of S. Mth. Aw. G. M. < *ḍōlla— or are ← H.] Bshk. ḍōl ‘brass pot’; K. ḍol m. ‘bucket’, S. ḍ̱olu m., P. ḍol m., WPah.bhal. ḍol n., Ku. N. B. Mth. ḍol, Aw. lakh. ḍōlu , H. dol, ḍol m., G. ḍol f., M. ḍol m. Addenda: dōla—2: Bshk. ḍōl ‘brass pot’; WPah.poet. ḍōr m. ‘small pot’, kṭg. ḍōl m. ‘bucket’, J. ḍō'l m. ← H. or < *dōlla—).
6584 *dōlapathi— ‘wandering way’. [dōla—1, pathi—] K. dolaway m. ‘zigzag path’: very doubtful. dōlayati see next.
6592 *dōhati ‘milks’ (dṓgdhi: duhánti, subj. dōhat RV.). 2. dōháyati ‘causes to be milked or to give milk’ ŚBr. [In several cases it is not possible to determine whether the NIA. form is < *dōhati or < dōháyati. — √duh] 1. Pa. dōhati (pl. duhanti), Woṭ. pres. dōn, Bshk. dowánt < *dōhant—, Mai. do—, P. dohṇā, H. dohnā, G. dohvũ, M. dohṇẽ. 2. Ash. doem ‘I milk’, Kt. dīenom, Wg. dūā́m, Dm. dōyim, Tir. dovyēm, Paš.lauṛ. dūy—, dar. dōyā́m, weg. dōem, kuṛ. dēim—i, Shum. dōy—, Gaw. doe—, Kal.rumb. dūim, urt. dhɔ̄im, Kho. doik, Phal. dhowū́—, dohā—, K. dŏyun, L. ḍohaṇ, (Ju.) ḍ̱o°, pres. part. ḍuhendā, Si. dovinavā, dovanavā, dōn°. — See *duhati. dōhada— see *dvihr̥da—. Addenda: *dōhati. 2. dōháyati: S.kcch. ḍoyṇū ‘to milk’, ḍoāy f. ‘wages for milking’, ḍovāyo m. ‘milkpan’ (or < †;*dōhapātra—?).
6595 *dōhanīghaṭaka— ‘milking vessel’. [dṓhana—1, ghaṭa1] N. dunhyāro, dunero ‘milkpail’? dōháyati see *dṓhati. dōhala— see *dvihr̥da—. Addenda: *dōhanīghaṭaka—: WPah.kṭg. dƏnhàṛɔ m. ‘state of having milk and butter in the house’ (or < *dōhanaghaṭaka—) with n for ← form like N. dunhyāro ‘milkpail’; kṭg. dƏnh e\ m. ‘cup or ladle for incense’ with n and r ← form like N. dunero ‘milkpail’; Him.I 103 < *dōhanadhāra—, *dhūpanī- dhāra— presents much greater difficulty.
6598 *daunada— ‘country between two rivers’. [*dunada—] P. donnā m. ‘a country lying between two streams, name of part of the country in the Jullundur Doab’; H. don m. ‘junction of two rivers, land between two rivers’. *daurārghya— ‘famine’ see *durargha—.
6602 *daurśika— ‘cloth—seller’, dauṣika—, dauṣyika— m. Jain. [dūrśá—] Pk. dōsia— m. ‘cloth—seller’, OG. dosī m.
6610 *dyūtavr̥tta— ‘gambling’. [Cf. dyūtavr̥tti— m. ‘keeper of a gambling house’. — dyūtá—, vr̥ttá—] OG. jūavaṭuṁ n. ‘gambling’.
6613 *drakk— ‘drag’. Paš.lauṛ. drakaṛ— ‘to trail, be dragged along the road’, kuṛ. lōik—; Gau. žek— ‘to pull’, Sv. dark—, Phal. drakū—, Sh. ẓakal—; — Woṭ. likh— (with i from likh < dīrghá— Buddruss Woṭ 111). *drakṣā— ‘grape’ see drā́kṣā—.
6614 *drakṣati, drakṣyáti see *dr̥kṣati.
6616 *draṅgha— 1 ‘long’. [Cf. Pers. diraṅg: IE. *dl—on—gho- (Lat. longus, &c.) ~ *del—Ə—gho— (Sk. dīrghá—) and *dol—i—gho— (Gk. dolixo/s)?] Kho. drū̆ṅg ‘long, tall’; — Gau. Sh.pales. ẓugo poss., bec. of u, ← Kho.
6617 *draṅgha— 2 ‘something firm or fixing’. [Cf. Av. drƏnǰaiti ‘strengthens’, ONorse drengr ‘thick stick’, OSlav. drǫgŭ ‘pole’ NTS xv 258] Pr. ḍugó ‘stick, yoke-peg’; — Si. (SigGr) dag, daṅga ‘bound, made firm’??
6618 *draṭ— ‘press’. 2. *draṭṭ—. 3. *draṇṭ—. 1. M. daḍṇẽ ‘to press down’, daḍaṇ f. n. ‘hiding place’, daḍā m. ‘plug’, daḍakṇẽ, daḍapṇẽ ‘to press down’. 2. Pk. saṁdaṭṭa—, °aya— ‘touching, rubbed’; K. droṭu ‘tough’, drõdotdot;ṭhu ‘hardened’; S. ḍ̱aṭaṇu ‘to bury, cork up’, ḍ̱aṭo m. ‘cork’; L. P. ḍaṭṭā m. ‘stopper’; P. ḍaṭṇā ‘to stop’; H. ḍāṭnā ‘to threaten, check, plug’ (→ P. ḍāṭṇā ‘to check, cram’); G. dāṭvũ, ḍā° ‘to bury’, dāṭɔ, ḍā° m. ‘cork’, dāṭ, °ṭī f. ‘crowd’; M. dāṭ ‘thick’, dāṭṇẽ ‘to be pressed in, become thick’. 3. B. ḍā̃ṭā ‘to threaten’; Or. ḍāṇṭibā ‘to check’; H. ḍā̃ṭnā ‘to threaten, check, plug’ (→ N. ḍā̃ṭnu ‘to threaten’, (Tarai) dā̃ṭnu). — See daṣṭa—. *draṭṭ—, *draṇṭ— ‘press’ see prec.
6619 *drapp— ‘press’. [→ Psht. drabƏl ‘to press down’ (rather than, with EVP 22, ← *dabb— for which no NIA. forms attest dr—). But both MIA. and NIA. forms may be conn. w. darpá—, darpáyati, dŕ̥pyati (with semantic development ‘excitement — arrogance — oppression - force’) or at least have collided with them or have been affected by meaning of forms of *dabb—] P. dap(p)aṭ, ḍapaṭ m. ‘rebuke’, dapaṭṇā, ḍa° ‘to rebuke’; N. dapkāunu ‘to rebuke’, dapoṭ ‘hiding’; A. dāpiba ‘to control, reprove’, dapāliba ‘to rebuke’; B. dāpā ‘to stamp’; Mth. dāpab ‘to press, squeeze’; H. dāp m. ‘stamping forcibly, strength’, dapaṭnā ‘to rebuke’; M. dāpṇẽ ‘to menace’, dapṇẽ ‘to lie hid’, dapaṭṇẽ ‘to cram in, menace’. — Pk. dappa— m. ‘force’ and S. ḍrapu m. ‘fear’ rather < darpá—. — Wg. dr̥p— ‘to copu- late (of a man)’ poss. but less likely < dŕ̥pyati. DRAM ‘run’: drámati, *drāmayati.
6620 *dramaṇa—, damana2 m. ‘wormwood, Artemisia indica’ Mantram., °aka— VarBr̥S. 2. *dramṇa—. [*dramṇa— (→ Brah. dranna ‘Artemisia’) ← Ir., cf. Pahl. dramnak, °na g ‘wormwood’ < *dramanaka— H. W. Bailey BSOS vii 764] 1. Pk. damaṇaka—, °aga—, °aya—, davaṇaya— m. ‘a plant with fragrant leaves’; P.kgr. donā m. ‘the shrub Daphne oleoides (infusion of bark and leaves used medicinally for colic and gonorrhoea), Artemisia elegans’; N. damanā ‘Artemisia indica’, A. damanā, dawanā, B. donā; Or. dayaṇā, daaṇā ‘A. indica, A. chinensis, A. latifolia, thyme’; H. daunā, donā m. ‘A. indica or lactifolia’, nāg—daun m. ‘asparagus’; G. damaṇ m. n. ‘a fragrant medicinal plant’, damrɔ, ḍa° m. ‘A. indica’; M. davaṇā m. ‘A. abrotanum’. — K. dramun m. ‘a species of grass’ rather < *dhārmaṇa—. 2. Wg. drә̃ ‘a kind of Artemisia’; Kho. (Lor.) drōn ‘wormwood, kinds of small scrub used for firewood’; Sh. (Lor.) j̣ūn ‘a kind of shrub (twigs of which are ground and given as a vermifuge for children)’; — P. durũgā m. ‘Artemisia elegans’. Addenda: *dramaṇa— [Cf. Shgh. ċū d m ‘wormwood’ < Ir. *dramna— EVSh 22] Brj. dawan, dauno m. ‘Artemisia indica’.
6632 *drāmiḍa—, dramiḍa—, drāviḍa— MBh., draviḍa— m. Mn. ‘name of a people, Dravidian’. [EWA ii 73] Pk. damila—, daviḍa—, davila— m.; OSi. demeḷ ‘Tamil’, Si. demaḷā.
6634a *drāhyatē Add. 14633. DRU: *uddrāvayati.
6635 *drujatula— ‘tree exudation’. [dru—, játu—] Bshk. lowál ‘wood oil (?)’ AO xviii 242 with (?).
6638 *drumadaṇḍa— ‘wooden pole’. [drumá—, daṇḍá—] Bshk. lúmeṇḍ ‘stick’ AO xviii 241.
6639 *drumēndra— ‘lord of trees’. [Cf. drumēśvara— m. ‘the coral tree’ Hariv. — drumá—, índra—] Pa. duminda— m. ‘the Bodhi tree’; Si. dumin̆du ‘Ficus religiosa’ prob. ← Pa. DRUH ‘injure, deceive’: drugdhá—, drúhyati, drṓgha—, drōha—, drōhayati, drōhín—, *dhrōkṣa—; *vidrōhayati. drúhyati ‘hurts, deceives’ ŚBr. [√druh] X dabhnṓti q.v. drūṇa— see druṇa—. DRAI ‘sleep’: nidrā́—, nídrāyati, nidrālú—, nidritá—.
6642 *drōṇadhānuka— ‘rainbow’. [drṓṇa—1, dhánus—] Kho. drōnhānu BelvalkarVol 90, but perh. rather < indradhanúṣ— X drōn < *drōṇa2.
6643 *drōṇavāha— ‘making the trough flow’. [drṓṇa—1, vāhá—] Bi. dŏnwāh ‘man who works the hollow irrigation log’. drōṇī— 1 ‘trough’ see drṓṇa1.
6651 *dvara— ‘door’. [~ dvā́ra—: cf. Av. acc. dvarƏm. - dúr—] Wg. dárƏ ‘threshold’; Dm. dar ‘door’, darō°ki ‘window’; Tir. darám adv. ‘out’; Woṭ. dar m. ‘door’; Gaw. dar ‘door’, derı̄́, dérī ‘window, smoke—hole’; Bshk. d *l r ‘door’, Tor. der, Mai.ky. obl. darā̃, Sv. darḗ; Phal. dār m. ‘door’, darúṛi ‘window’; Sh.gil. dăr m. (whence dăru ‘outside’, dărīnu̯ ‘foreign’), jij. d e r; K. dar, bar m. ‘door’ (bara ‘at the door’), boru m. ‘hole permitting entrance, crack or fissure in wall’, bürü f. ‘spy—hole, crack in wood or stone or door’. — At least some of the Kaf. and Dard. words with d— are perh., like H. dar, ← Pers. *dvarānta—; *tridvaraka—, *dudvaraka—, *nir- dvara—.
6652 *dvarānta— ‘near the door’. [*dvara—, ánta—] K. brā̃d, brānd m. ‘platform in front of main door, doorstep, threshold’ rather than ← Pers. barāmda see váraṇḍa—. *DVAL ‘burn’. [√jval X √dyut? — But jval— > dval- is perh. phonetic, cf. equivalence of —dvara—, —ddara- with —jvara— in Pa. Brough Dhp 186] *dvala—, *dvalati, *dvalita—, *dvālana—, *dvāla- yati; *uddvāla—.
6653 *dvala— ‘burning’. [~ jvará—, jvalá—. — √*dval] S. ḇaro m. ‘fever’.
6654 *dvalati intr. ‘burns’. [~ jvárati, jválati. — √*dval] Paš. bal— ‘to flash (?)’; S. ḇaraṇu ‘to burn, blaze’, L. balaṇ, P. balṇā, Ku. balṇo, N. balnu, Aw.lakh. barab; H. balnā, barnā ‘to be lighted’; OMarw. balaï intr. ‘burns’, G. baḷvũ. Addenda: *dvalati: S.kcch. barṇū ‘to burn, scald (with hot water)’; WPah.kṭg. bɔḷnõ; intr. ‘to burn’.
6655 *dvalita— ‘burnt’. [~ jvalita—. — √*dval] Ku.gng. baı̃a ‘burnt’.
6662 *dvāmēla— ‘confluence of two streams’. [dva, mēla—] Dm. dấm e n ‘name of a village in a side valley on left bank of the Kunar river a few miles above Mirkhani’, adj. dâmiā NTS xii 198, Kho. dam e/ l, Kal.rumb. damiā, urt. damŕɛ̃́; K. domel ‘name of a place’.
6666 *dvārapr̥ṣṭha— ‘lintel’. [dvā́ra—, pr̥ṣṭhá—] M. dārvaṭhā, °vãṭhā, dārı̃vṭhā m. ‘upper crosspiece or lintel of door’. Addenda: *dvārapr̥ṣṭha—: Md. dorāṛi, dorōṛi ‘gateway’?
6667a *dvāraśākhī— Add. 14638.
6668 *dvāraśīrṣa— ‘top of door’. [dvā́ra—, śīrṣá—] Dm. darṣíṣ ‘upper door—lintel’.
6669 *dvāraskambhastha— ‘resting on doorpost’. [Cf. dvārastambha— m. ‘doorpost’ lex. — dvā́ra—, skambhá—, stha—] Dm. darkámbat ‘door—frame’.
6670 *dvālana— ‘kindling’. [~ *jvālana—. — √*dval] S. ḇāraṇu m. ‘fuel’; L. bāluṇ, (Ju.) ḇalaṇ m. ‘firewood’, P. bālaṇ m.
6671 *dvālayati ‘kindles’. [~ jvālayati. — √*dval] S. ḇāraṇu ‘to kindle, excite’; L. bālaṇ, (Ju.) ḇālaṇ ‘to kindle’, P. bālaṇā, Ku. bālṇo, N. bālnu, Bi. Aw.lakh. bārab, H. bālnā, G. bāḷvũ. Addenda: *dvālayati: S.kcch. bārṇū tr. ‘to burn’, WPah.kṭg. bƏḷauṇõ; tr. ‘to kindle, light’.
6675 *dvāhasta— ‘two arms long’. [dva—, hásta—] G. bāth f. ‘span of the two arms’ (gender after vẽt s.v. vitasti—?). dvi— ‘two’ in cmpds. [~ *du—2. — dva—] dviguṇá—, *dvighaṭa—, dvijá—, dvídant—, dvidala—, dvinavati—, dvipañcāśat—, *dviyardha—, *dviyaha—, *dvivatsikā—1, *dvivatsikā—2, *dvivaraka—, *dvivr̥ta—, dviṣaṣṭi—, dvisaptati—, dvihalya—, dvyaśīti—. dvíḥ ‘twice’ RV. [dva—] *dviḥsara—, dvirāgamana—.
6676 *dviḥsara— ‘twofold’. [Cf. *triḥsara—. — dvíḥ, *sarā2] Or. disarā ‘two—stringed (of necklace)’. — di— re- placed by du—: Ku. dūsro ‘second’, Or. dial. dusar, dusarā, OAw. dūsara, H. dū̆srā (→ P. dūsarā), OMarw. dūsaro, G. dusrũ, M. dusrā; — by do—: N. dosro, A. dosorā; B. dosar ‘second comrade’, dosrā ‘second’; Or. dosarā̆ ‘another, second’, dosariā ‘two—stringed’; Aw. lakh. dōsar ‘second’. dvika— see *duvaka—.
6678 *dvighaṭa— ‘set of two pots’. [dvi—, ghaṭa1] L. behaṛ m. ‘set of two waterjars one above the other’ G. beṛũ n., °ṛɔ m.
6681 *dvitīyapakṣa— ‘belonging to the second fortnight’. [dvitı̄́ya—, pakṣá—] Si. diyavaka ‘second day after new or full moon’.
6684a *dvivatsikā— 1 ‘having two calves’. [dvi—, vatsá1] Or. diuchi ‘a woman who ceases to conceive after bearing only two children’.
6685 *dvivatsikā— 2 ‘two years old’. [Cf. trivatsá— ‘three years old (of cattle)’ VS. — dvi—, *vatsá2] Sv. byāċi f. ‘calf’; Phal. bēǰi f. ‘heifer (one to two years old)’.
6686 *dvivaraka— ‘set of two garments’. [dvi—, varaka1] L. beār, (Ju.) ḇiār, ḇevar m. ‘suit of two garments for women’; P. bevar, beor, beur m. ‘id.’, veur m. ‘woman's veil or bodice’.
6687 *dvivr̥ta— ‘twofold’. [~ *duvr̥ta—. — dvi—, vr̥t2] G. bevaṛ ‘double’ (with e from b e ‘two’). dvivēda— see *duvēda—. DVIṢ ‘hate’: dvḗṣa—; *upadviṣṭa—. dviṣaṣṭi— see dvāṣaṣṭi—. dvisaptati— see dvā́saptati—.
6690 *dvihr̥da— ‘pregnant’ (dvihr̥dayā— f. Suśr.) with dvi- replaced by MIA. du— in *duhada—, °haḍa— whence dōhada— (m. R., m.n.lex.) ‘pregnancy’ Kālid. and (with sanskritized v.l. dauhr̥da—) ‘morbid longings of preg- nant woman’ Yājñ., dōhala— n. (?) ‘id.’ Mālav., °laka— m. Buddh. [EWA ii 68 with lit. — dvi— or *du—2, hŕ̥d—] Pa. dōhaḷa— m. ‘longing of pregnant woman, intense longing’, Pk. dōhala—, ḍō° m.; B. dohal ‘longing’; H. dohal m. ‘morbid longing of pregnant woman’, M. ḍohḷā, ḍohāḷā m., Si. doḷa. Addenda: *dvihr̥da— [Sk. dvihr̥da— rather by pop. etym. < MIA. dōhaḷa— ‘morbid desires’ (→ Sk. dauhr̥da— Suśr., daurhr̥da— lex.); — MIA. dōḥaḷa— poss. deriv. in sense ‘pangs’ or ‘malignancy’ from †;*dūhr̥d— ‘malignant’, durhā́rd— AV., durhr̥d— MBh., durhr̥daya— Pāṇ.gaṇa; — Pk. dūhaa— ‘tormenting’, dūhala— ‘unfortunate’, Ap. dohaya— ‘malicious (īrṣyālu PSM)’; — there is no trace of the supposed *duhada— ‘pregnant’, and later complex forms suggest ‘pregnancy’ < ‘pangs’ (dōhadaduḥkha— Kālid.; dvaihr̥dayya— Car. ~ dau- hr̥da—; dvihr̥dayā— ~ dauhr̥dinī— Suśr., daurhr̥da—, °dinī— lex.) J.C.W.] M. ḍoḷ n. ‘evil surmise, suspicion’?
6692 *dvīparētrikā— ‘island sandbank’. [dvīpá—, rētra—] L. birētī f. ‘sandy island’.
6693 *dvīpākāra— ‘island—shape’. [dvīpá—, ākāra—] Or. diārā ‘land newly formed by the recession of a river’; Bi. Mth. dīyar ‘field on island in a river’; H. diyārā, °āṛā m. ‘island formed in the middle of a river, alluvial land’ ( over—hindiized from rustic r?).
6701 *dhakk— ‘push, strike’. [dhakkayati ‘annihilates’ Dhātup.] K. daka m. ‘a push, blow’, S. dhaku m., L. P. dhakkā m.; Ku. dhakkā ‘collision’, dhā̃kā ‘forcibly pushing’; N. dhakkā ‘collision, push’; B. dhā̆kkā ‘push’, Or. dhakā; H. dhak m. ‘shock, sudden terror’, dhakkā m. ‘push’; OMarw. dhakā—dhakī f. ‘rush’; G. dhakkɔ m. ‘push’, M. dhakā, ḍhakā m.; — P. dhakkṇā ‘to push, oust’; — S. dhakiṛaṇu ‘to half—clean rice by beating it in a mortar’; — Ku. dhakelṇo ‘to push’, N. dhakelnu, H. dhakelnā, ḍha°, G. dhakelvũ. Addenda: *dhakk—: S.kcch. dhakko ḍeṇo ‘to push’; WPah.kṭg. dhàkkɔ m. ‘push, dash’, J. dhākā m. †;*dhakkha— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2.
6703 *dhakṣati ‘burns’ [Cf. fut. part. vidhakṣyánt—, aor. part. dhákṣat RV. — √dah] G. dhakhvũ ‘to get into a passion’, dhakhāvvũ ‘to make hot’, dhakh f. ‘thirst’. Addenda: dhákṣu—: S.kcch. ḍakho m. ‘quarrel’; B. dhak ‘sudden blaze’, Or. dhaka ‘blaze’ (rather than < *dhagg—).
6704 *dhagg— ‘throb, glitter’. [Cf. dhagiti ‘at once’ Kād., dhagad—dhagiti ‘crack!’ HPariś., and *ḍag1] Pk. dhagadhagaï ‘flares’, dhagadhaggamāṇa—, dhaggī- kaya— ‘blazing’; H. dhagdhagānā ‘to throb, glitter’; G. dhagdhagvũ ‘to burn fiercely’; M. dhagdhagṇẽ ‘id., to beat (of heart)’; — S. dhakdhaki f. ‘palpitation’; N. dhakāunu ‘to pant’; B. dhak ‘sudden blaze’, dhakdhak- āna ‘to throb, glitter’; Or. dhaka ‘blaze’, dhakadhaka ‘throbbing, blazing’; H. dhakdhakānā, dhadhaknā ‘to blaze’, G. dhakdhakvũ; M. dhakdhakṇẽ ‘to palpitate’. *dhaṅga— ‘defective’ see *ḍagga2. Addenda: *dhagg—: Ko. dhaggu ‘heat’, dhagdhagu ‘blazing heat’. †;*dhagga— ‘defective’ see ḍagga2.
6705 *dhajja— ‘pomp’. [Cf. dhvaja— m. ‘penis’ Suśr., ‘arro- gance’ lex., *dhākka— ‘pomp’, *dhakk— ‘push’: similar mngs. s.vv. darpá—, *drapp—, *dabb—] K. daza m. ‘ostentatious pride’; S. dhaj̄u ‘dressed up’; P. dhaj f. ‘style’; Ku. dhaj m. ‘immense riches’; N. dhaj ‘pomp’; H. G. dhaj f. ‘style’, M. dhaj̈ f.
6707 *dhaṭa— 2, dhaṭī— f. ‘old cloth, loincloth’ lex. [Drav., Kan. daṭṭi ‘waistband’ etc., DED 2465] Ku. dhaṛo ‘piece of cloth’, N. dharo, B. dhaṛā; Or. dhaṛā ‘rag, loincloth’, dhaṛi ‘rag’; Mth. dhariā ‘child's narrow loincloth’. *dhaṭavastra—. Addenda: *dhaṭa— 2. 2. †;*dhaṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. dhàṭṭu m. ‘woman's headgear, kerchief’, kc. dhaṭu m. (also dhaṭhu m. ‘scarf’, J. dhāṭ(h)u m. Him.I 105). †;*dhaṭṭa— see *dhaṭa2.
6708 *dhaṭa— 3 ‘edge’, dhaṭika— ‘(cloth) with hemmed edges’ BHS ii 275. [Same as *dhaṭa2?] S. dhaṛī f. ‘coloured edge to cloth’; L. dhaṛā m. ‘field boundary’; P. dhaṛī f. ‘line’; Or. dhaṛi ‘edge’; H. dhaṛī f. ‘line’; M. dhaḍ f. ‘brink, edge (esp. of a raised place)’, dhaḍī f. ‘border of cloth’; — ext. in N. dharko ‘stripe, line’, dharcho, dharso ‘streak, line, shred of cloth, long narrow piece of land’.
6709 *dhaṭavastra— ‘cloth garment’. [*dhaṭa—2, vástra—] M. dhaḍot n. ‘any piece of strong and common clothing’.
6710 *dhaṭavāhin— ‘scales—carrier’. [dhaṭa—1, vāhin—] S. L. P. dhaṛvāī m. ‘village weighman’; H. dhaṛwāī m. ‘market officer who weighs grain’, M. dhaḍvaī m.
6711 *dhaḍ— ‘throb, beat’. Pk. dhaḍahaḍia— n. ‘thunder’; N. dhaṛnu ‘to press (for payment)’, dhaṛādhaṛ ‘boldly’; Or. dhaṛ—dhaṛ ‘palpita- tion’; H. G. dhaṛādhaṛ ‘dashingly’; M. dhaḍādhaḍ ‘id.’, dhaḍ—dhaḍ ‘palpitatingly’. — Ext. —kk—: S. dhaṛkaṇu ‘to palpitate, winnow’; P. dhaṛkṇā ‘to palpitate with fear’, dhaṛkā m. ‘fear’; N. dharkanu ‘to be torn, be grieved’, dhaṛkanu ‘to beat loudly (of heart), walk smartly’; Aw. lakh. dharkab ‘to throb’; H. dhaṛaknā ‘to throb, blaze up’; G. dhaṛakvũ ‘to throb’, dhaṛak f., dhaṛākɔ m. ‘quick push’, dhaṛkaṇ ‘timid’; M. dhaḍakṇẽ ‘to throb’, dhaḍākā m. ‘throbbing’.
6712 *dhaḍa— ‘trunk of body’. Pk. dhaḍa— n. ‘trunk of body’, S. dhaṛu m., P. dhaṛ f.; Ku. dhaṛ m. ‘trunk of body or tree, middle part of any- thing’; B. dhaṛ ‘trunk of body’, Or. dhaṛa ‘trunk of body or tree’; Mth. dhar ‘headless body’; OAw. dhara m. ‘body, heart’; H. dhaṛ m. ‘trunk of body’ (→ Mth. N. dhaṛ), OMarw. dhaṛa m., G. dhaṛ n.; M. dhaḍ n. ‘head- less body’. —L. dhaṛ f., dhaṛā m. ‘heap, party’?? *dhaḍāṅgaka—.
6713 *dhaḍāṅgaka— ‘headless body’. [*dhaḍa—, áṅga1] L. dhaṛaṅgā m. ‘partly consumed carcase’. *dhaḍḍha— ‘belly’ see *ḍhiḍḍha2.
6715 *dhattūrataila— ‘datura oil’. [dhattūra—, tailá—] M. dhutrel f. ‘oil of thorn—apple’.
6716 *dhattūrapattra— ‘datura leaf’. [dhattūra—, páttra—] K. datȧriwạthar, dat. °tras m. ‘datura leaf’. DHAN ‘run’: dhána—, dhanáyati.
6720 *dhanavāhin— ‘herdsman’. [Cf. aśva—vāha— m. ‘horse- man’ lex. — dhána—, vāhin—] L. dhaṇāī m. ‘cowherd’, dhaṇêṇ f. ‘his wife’, (Shah- pur) dhanāī m., awāṇ. dhanaī.
6725 *dhanurvant— ‘having a bow’. [dhánus—] OSi. dunuvā ‘bowman’?
6729 *dhapp— ‘slap, drive’. [Cf. *thapp—: PMWS 60 ← Mu.?] L. dhappā m. ‘blow with both hands’; P. Ku. dhappā m. ‘slap’; Ku. dhāp ‘striking the earth with the hand in cursing’; N. dhāp ‘slap’; B. dhāp ‘leap’; Or. dhāpa ‘oppression, attack’, dhāpaṛa ‘slap’; H. dhappā m. ‘slap’, G. dhappɔ m., dhāplũ n.; M. dhāp f. ‘panting’; - Ku. dhapyoṇo ‘to force to run’, dhapkaṇo ‘to leap’; N. dhāpinu ‘to be strained’, dhapāunu ‘to drive away’; H. dhā̆pnā ‘to be weary’; G. dhapvũ ‘to proceed’; M. dhāpṇẽ ‘to pant’. *dhappa— ‘spot’ see *ḍabba2. DHAM or DHMĀ ‘blow’: dhamá—, dhámati, dha- mana—, dhamáni—, dhamanī—, dhamyátē, dhmātá—, dhmātŕ̥—, *dhmātra—, dhmāna—; ādhmāna—, ā́dhmā- yati, uddhama—, *uddhāma—, uddhmāna—, *uddhmā- yatē, upadhmā́na—, prádhamati, vidhmāpayati.
6735 *dhamm— ‘noise’. [Cf. dhamadhamā ‘with the noise of bellows or trumpet’ MW., dhamadhamāyatē ‘roars’ Nāg., ‘quakes’ Mālatīm.] Pk. dhamadhamaï ‘makes a noise’; P. Ku. dhamādham m. ‘noise of beating’; N. dhamādham ‘incessantly’; A. dhamdhamāiba ‘to roar’; B. dhamdham ‘blowing re- peatedly’; Or. dhamādham ‘with a thump’; OAw. dhamari f. ‘tumultuous movement’, dhamadhama m. ‘tumult’; H. dhamādham ‘noisily, suddenly’; G. dhamādham f. ‘scuffle’, M. dhamādhamī f.; — P. dhammaṛdhussā m. ‘noisy stamping’; N. dhamardhus ‘fat, stalwart’, H. dhamdhūsar. *dhammakka—.
6736 *dhammakka— ‘threat’. [Ext. of *dhamm—] P. dhamkī f. ‘threat’, N. dhamki, A. B. dhamak, Or. dhamaka, H. G. M. dhamkī f.; — S. dhamkaṇu ‘to take fright’; P. dhamkāuṇā ‘to threaten’; Ku. dhamkoṇo ‘to scold’; N. dhamkāunu ‘to threaten’, B. dhamkāna, Or. dhamakāibā, H. dhamkānā, G. dhamkāvvũ, M. dham- kāviṇẽ.
6739 *dhayinī— ‘suckling’. [√dhē] G. dh e f. ‘a bride in her first pregnancy’? Addenda: *dhayinī—: WPah.kṭg. dh e_ f. ‘daughter’, J. dhaiṇ f.
6741 *dharakāṣṭha— ‘support timber’. [dhara—, kāṣṭhá—] MB. dharāṭ ‘special deck in a boat’ ODBL 664.
6746 *dharaṇīcala— ‘earth tremor’. [dharáṇī—1, cala2] Paš. dhā́nǰal ‘earthquake’ IIFL iii 3, 64 (rather than < *dharmacala— as in IIFL i 249).
6751 *dharjayati ‘makes go’. [dhárjati ‘goes, moves’ Dhātup. — √dhraj] Kho.(Lor.) daḷeik ‘to drive (animals), drive out, expel, dismiss’ (but Morgenstierne daléik < dālayati).
6761 *dharmāśa— ‘religious meal’. [dhárma—, āśá—] P. dhamā̃h, °mā̃ m. ‘Hindu ceremony on 13th day after birth when capātīs and sīrā are distributed to relatives’.
6765 *dhava— 2 ‘white’. M. dhavā ‘white’, Ko. dhavo. dhavalá2. dhavá— 3 m. ‘man’ Naigh., ‘husband’ BhP. [Extracted from vidhávā—] *gōrdhava—.
6765a *dhavaka— ‘running’. [√dhav] Or. dhuā̃ ‘running’.
6768 *dhavalaghara— ‘white house’. [Cf. dhavalagr̥ha— n. ‘upper story of a house painted white’ Hit. — dhavalá—2, ghara—] P. dhaullhar, dhaular m. ‘palace’, Mth. dharahar, OAw. dhaürāhara m.; H. dhaurā̆har, dhawarhar, °rāhar, dharāhar, dharharā m. ‘upper balcony or terrace of a large house’; M. dhavlār n. ‘house with a whitened balcony’. *dhastūra— ‘Datura alba’ see dhattūra—. DHĀ ‘place’: dádhāti, dhāká—, dhā́tu—, dhā́na—, dhāpayati1, dhā́man—1, dhāyá—, dhi—, dhīyátē1, hitá—; atyādhāna—, ápidadhāti, apidhā́na—, avadadhāti, avadhāna—, ā́dadhāti, ādhā́na—, ādhāpayati, ādhi—, uddhāna—1, *uddhāpayati, uddhí—, úddhita—, uddhī- yatē, upādhi—1, nídadhāti, nidhā́—, nidhā́na—, *nidhāman—, nidhí—, nírdadhāti, páridadhāti, pari- dhā́na—, páridhāpayati, paridhāya—, párihita—, pidadhāti, pidhāna—, pidhāpayati, pihita—, práti- dadhāti, pratisaṁdadhāti, pratisaṁdhi—, *prattha—, pradadhāti, pradhānaka—, pradhīyatē, prādhāt, vídadhāti, vidhā́—, vidhātŕ̥—, vidhā́na—, vidhāpayati, vidhi—, víhita—, vyavadhāna—, sáṁdadhāti, saṁdhā́—, saṁdhā́na—, *saṁdhāpayati, saṁdhāya, saṁdhí—, saṁdhīyatē, saṁdhyā́—, samādhāna—, *sam- uddadhāti; śráddadhāti, śraddhā́—. dhāká— m. ‘receptacle’ lex., °kā— f. Pāṇ. [√dhā] *cūrṇadhāka—, *tāmradhāka—.
6769 *dhākka— ‘pomp, boast’. S. dhāka f., °ko m. ‘fame, awe’; P. dhāk f. ‘pomp’; Ku. dhāk ‘eager wish’; N. dhāk ‘pomp, boasting’; H. dhāk f. ‘pomp, grandeur’; G. dhāk f. ‘awe’, M. dhāk m.
6770 *dhāgga— ‘thread’. 2. *dharāgga—. [Poss. X dhara- m. ‘flock of cotton’, Pk. dhara— n. ‘raw cotton’: but cf. *trāgga—] 1. S. dhāǥo m. ‘thread, twine’; L. dhāggā m. ‘small string by which thong attaching yoke to plough—shaft is itself fastened to peg in shaft’, awāṇ. dhāgā ‘thread’, P. dhāggā m., Ku. N. dhāgo; Or. dhāgā, ḍhāgā ‘single stitch’; H. dhāgā m. ‘thread’; G. dhāgɔ m. ‘thread, piece of cloth’, dhāgī f. ‘patchwork quilt’; M. dhāgā m. ‘thread’; — ext. —l—: Ku. dhāgulo ‘bracelet’, H. dhagulā m. — X dā́man1: Gy. eur. thav m. ‘thread’, pal. dăf, as. def? 2. Pk. dharagga— m. ‘cotton’. *DHĀṬ ‘drive out, attack’: *dhāṭayati, dhāṭī—; nirdhāṭayati. Addenda: *dhāgga— [Rather †;*dhārga— ~ †;*dharga— with dial. a ~ ā < IE. o (*dhorgo— in NPers. darz ‘suture’, darzmān ‘thread’); Pk. dharagga— < *dhargga— < *dharga— T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 73] WPah.J. dhāgā m. ‘thread’, kṭg. dhàggɔ m., poet. dhaguḷo, °gḷo, °gḷu m. ‘bracelet’ (Him.I 105).
6771 *dhāṭayati ‘drives out’. [√*dhāṭ] Pk. dhāḍēi ‘drives out, sends, destroys’, (intr. dhāḍaï ‘goes out’); H. dhāṛnā ‘to send out, pour out, cast (metal)’; M. dhāḍṇẽ ‘to send’.
6779 *dhānyakīṭaka— ‘an insect in corn’. [dhānyà—, kīṭa—] G. dhaneṛũ n. ‘an insect found in corn’.
6781 *dhānyabhara— ‘bearing corn’. [dhānyà—, bhára—] Bi. dhanhar ‘rice—land, land which has been under rice’?
6782 *dhānyaśālā— ‘grain store’. [dhānyà—, śā́lā—] N. dhansār ‘grain store’ (← Mth.?).
6785 *dhāman— 2 ‘sucking’. [√dhē] K. dām m. ‘drinking by sucking’.
6794 *dhārāmr̥ttikā— ‘banked earth’. [dhā́rā—2, mŕ̥ttikā—] B. dharāṭi ‘earth heaped up for an embankment’ (ODBL 687 < *dharāmr̥ttikā—).
6797 *dhārmaṇa— ‘a kind of grass’. [Cf. dharmaṇa2?] K. dramun, dat. °manas m. ‘the grass Panicum dactylon or Cynodon dactylon’ (rather than < *dra- maṇa—); L. dhāman m. ‘the excellent grass Pennisetum cenchroides’, mult. dhāmhuṇ m., P. dhāmaṇ m.; H. dhāman m. ‘a grass of good quality’. Addenda: dhārmaṇa—: WPah.poet. damnoṇo?) ‘grassy’ Him.I 98.
6800 *dhāva— ‘act of running’. [√dhāv 1] Pa. dhāva— m. ‘running’; Pk. dhavva— m. ‘speed’; P. dhāvā m., dhāī f. ‘running, assault, invasion’; Ku. dhā̃ı̄̃ ‘attack’; N. dhāwā ‘speed, attack’; A. dhāwā, dhewā ‘war’; B. dhāoyā ‘running’; Or. dhāā̃, dhā̃ ‘haste’, dhāı̃ ‘walking fast’; H. dhāwā m. ‘speed, attack’; M. dhāv f. ‘running’. — Ext. with —ḍa—: WPah.khaś. dhauṛ ‘race’; Or. dhāuṛa ‘race’, dhāuṛi ‘attack’. dhāvaka—.
6811 *dhipp— ‘flicker, shine’. [Onom.? Cf. *dhapp— and poss. influence of √dīp] Pk. dhippaï ‘shines’, dhippira— ‘shining’; N. dhipdhip ‘glimmering light’, dhipdhipāunu ‘to flicker’, dhipko ‘gleam’; A. dhipdhipāiba ‘to palpitate’; Mth. dhīpal ‘warm’, dhipāeb ‘to set alight, to warm’; — Ku. dhuppa f. ‘faint gleam’, dhupdhupāṇo ‘to glimmer, twinkle, flame’.
6814 *dhīmma— ‘slow’. [Cf. *ḍhīmma— ‘lump’?] P. dhīmā ‘slow’, Ku. dhīmo, N. A. B. Or. dhimā, H. dhīmā, G. dhīmũ, M. dhim(m)ā. Addenda: *dhīmma—: A. also ḍhimā (phonet. dh—) ‘slow, languid’ AFD 210.
6820 *dhukk— ‘tremble’. Pk. dhukkādhukkaï ‘trembles’; N. dhukdhuki ‘palpita- tion’, H. dhukdhukī f.; M. dhukdhukṇẽ ‘to palpitate’, dhukmuk ‘with palpitation’. DHUKṢ ‘kindle’: dhúkṣatē; saṁdhukṣatē.
6824 *dhunman— ‘noise’. [Cf. dhúnimant— ‘noisy’ RV.; √dhvan. — Very doubtful: S. L. P. point in part to *dhūmmā—] Kal. thumaṛa ‘dust—storm’; S. dhūma f. ‘noise’, L. P. dhumm f., P. dhūm f.; Ku. dhūm f. ‘gaiety, abundance’; N. dhum ‘riot, outcry’; A. dhum ‘noise of an explosion’; B. dhum ‘thump’; Or. dhūma ‘noise’; OAw. dhūma f. ‘uproar’, lakh. dhūm ‘pomp’; H. G. dhūm f. ‘bustle’; M. dhūm f. ‘ardour’. — Redup. L. P. Ku. dhūm—dhām f. ‘tumult, pomp, pageantry’, N. B. Or. dhum—dhām, H. dhūm—dhām f., G. M. dhum—dhām f.—See Add. *dhunvati ‘shakes’ see dhūnṓti. *dhundhi— ‘navel’ see tundi—.
6825 *dhuppā— ‘sunshine’. [Cf. *dhapp—, *dhipp—] S. dhupa f. ‘heat of sun’, L. dhupp f., awāṇ. dhup; P. WPah. dhupp f. ‘sunshine’, Ku. dhūp, N. dhup; A. dhupiba ‘to pant with heat’; B. dhup, Or. OAw. dhūpa, H. G. M. dhūp f.; — NOGaw 37 in Gaw. handā́dup ‘darkness’ —dup < *dhuppā—; but perh. it is adup ‘absence of sunshine’ with Gaw. negative prefix.
6827 *dhuradulaka— ‘hole in roof’. [dhúr—, *dula—] M. dhuroḷẽ n. ‘smoke—vent in roof’.
6828 *dhuradhara—, dhuraṁdhara— ‘bearing a yoke, fit to be harnessed’ MBh. [dhúr—, dhara—] Pk. dhuraṁdhara— ‘capable of bearing a load’; G. dharār, dharāḷ ‘able to bear the yoke’.
6829 *dhurapaṭṭa— ‘axle board’. [dhúr—, paṭṭa1] Bi. dhurauṭī ‘sides of cart projecting over wheels’.
6830 *dhurāṇi— ‘yoke—pin’. [dhúr—, āṇí—] M. dhurāṇī f. ‘yoke—pin’.
6831 *dhuriya—, dhúrya— ‘fit to be harnessed’ Pāṇ., ‘foremost’ AV., m. ‘beast of burden’ Mn., dhurīya— ‘fit for a burden’, m. ‘beast of burden’ lex. [dhúr—] Wg. durı̄́ ‘bull’; Bi. dhūrī, dhuriyā ‘the wheeler in a team of three bullocks’. — In Bi. dhūr ‘bullock, cattle (in general)’ loss of final syllable is unexpl. dhaurēya—. dhurīya—, dhúrya— see prec.
6833 *dhuvati 2 ‘washes’. 2. dhūtá— 2 ‘rinsed (of soma)’ RV., dhuta2 ‘cleansed’ R. [Same as dhuváti 1 and dhūtá—1? — √dhāv 2] 1. Pk. dhu(v) ‘washes’; Dm. dūwāy— ‘to wash’, Bshk. du—, Phal. dhūv—; K. ḍuwun ‘to sweep’ (or < dhuváti 1); WPah.bhal. dhũṇū ‘to wash’, cam. dhūṇā, M. dhu(v)ṇẽ; Ko. dhuttā ‘washes’, dhuvaṇa n. ‘wash- ing’. — S. dhuaṇu, N. dhunu (both with pp. dhoyo) prob. < dho— s.v. *dhauvati. — Anal. pass. stems in P. dhuppṇā ‘to be washed’, M. dhupṇẽ ‘to be washed, to wash’, caus. dhupaviṇẽ (after MIA. type chuvaï ~ chuppaï) and P. dhuccṇā (after type paaï ~ paccaï). 2. Gy. kar. duhend ‘they washed off’; Dm. pret. duwam ‘I washed’, Phal. dhūwēli; WPah.bhal. pp. dhuho ‘washed’ (< *dhuo huo?); Or. dhuā ‘bleached’. *dhūtamāṣya—. *dhuṣa— ‘chaff’ see túṣa—. Addenda: *dhuvati2: S.kcch. dhūṇū ‘to wash’.
6834 *dhuṣṭa— ‘dust, powder’? [See *dhūḍi—] N. ḍhuṭo ‘powder, bran’. dhustū́ra— see dhattūra—. DHŪ ‘shake’: dhāvayati3, *dhunvati, dhuváti1, dhūtá—1, dhūna—, dhūni—, dhūnṓti, *dhūya—, dhūyatē1, dhūvati; *uddhavati, uddhūta—, vídhūnōti; - dhūpa—, dhūpana—; — √dhāv2 . dhū́ṅkṣṇā— see dhvā́ṅkṣa—.
6835 *dhūḍi— m., dhūli— f. ‘dust, powder’ Pañcat., dhūlikā— f. ‘pollen, fog, mist’ lex. [Prob. < *dhū̆ẓḍi— (IE. origin and comparison with OSlav. dŭždĭ ‘rain’ given in ND 331 a 23 wrongly rejected in EWA ii 110): three other words with poss. original meaning ‘dust’ may belong here, *dhuṣa—, *dhuṣṭa— and dhūsara— (~ dhvas(i)—). The variation dh ~ t seen in tūsta— n. ‘dust’ Pāṇ.Kāś., tusta— m.n. lex., though suggesting non—Aryan origin, may be due to influence of tuṣa—] Pk. dhūlī̆— f. ‘dust’; Gy. arm. thuli ‘earth, ashes, snow’, pal. dīl, dı̄́li ‘dust, ashes, clay’, díri—kerar ‘makes ashes, scatters, winnows’; Tir. (Leech) "dùda" ‘dust’; Paš. weg. duṛı̄́, dar. dū́ri ‘dust—storm’; Tor. dur m. ‘mist’; Phal. dúṛi ‘dust’, S. dhūṛi f.; L. dhūṛ f. ‘dust (in the air)’; P. dhūṛ, dhūl f., dhor m. ‘dust’, dhūṛā m. ‘fine dust of anything pulverized’, kgr. dhūr f. ‘thick mist or cloud’; WPah.bhal. dhuṛ f. ‘dust’, cam. jaun. dhūṛ, bhad. dhuṛo ‘grey’; Ku. dhūl, dhuli ‘dust’, dhulo ‘dust, flour’, dhuliyā ‘flour’; N. dhulo ‘dust, powder’; A. dhuli, dhulā ‘dust’, B. dhul, dhulā; Or. dhuḷi, dhūḷā, (dial.) dhūri ‘dust, pollen’; OAw. dhūrī f. ‘dust’, H. dhūl, dhūr, dhūliyā f. (whence dhū̆riyānā ‘to throw dust on, winnow’); OMarw. dhūli f. ‘dust, ashes’; G. dhūṛ, dhūḷi f. ‘dust’, M. dhūḷ f., Ko. dhūḷi. *uddhūḍi—, uddhūlana—, uddhūlayati; *dhūḍi- dhāna—, *dhūḍipaṭṭa—. Addenda: *dhūḍi—: S.kcch. dhūṛ f. ‘dust’, WPah.kṭg. dhv̀ḷɔ m., J. dhūḷ f.; Garh. dhūḷū ‘dust’, dhūṛu ‘flour’.
6836 *dhūḍidhāna— ‘dust—heap’. [*dhūḍi—, dhā́na—] N. dhuryān, °ren ‘dunghill, midden’.
6837 *dhūḍipaṭṭa— ‘board with dust on it’. [*dhūḍi—, paṭṭa1] N. dhulauṭo ‘board with dust sprinkled on it for writing on’.
6839 *dhūṇḍh— ‘seek’. 2. *ḍhūṇḍh— (ḍhuṇḍhati ‘seeks’ lex.). 1. Or. dhuṇḍhibā, °ḍibā, dhundibā ‘to search’, G. dhuṇḍvũ, M. dhũḍṇẽ, dhũḍāḷṇẽ. 2. Pk. ḍhuṁḍhullaï, ḍhaṁ°, ḍhaṁḍhōlaï ‘wanders round, seeks’; Gy. eur. rod— (wel. with unvoiced r—) ‘to seek’, arm. lor— ‘to find’; S. ḍhū̃ḍhaṇu ‘to seek’, L. ḍhūṇḍhaṇ, ḍhūḍaṇ, P. ḍhū̃ḍhṇā, Ku. ḍhunṇo, N. ḍhũṛālnu, B. ḍhũṛā, ḍhõ;ṛā, Aw. lakh. ḍhū̃ṛhab, H. ḍhū̃ḍhnā, G. ḍhũḍhvũ, ḍhũḍvũ, M. ḍhũḍhāḷnẽ, ḍhā̃ḍhuḷṇẽ. *ādhūṇḍh—.
6841 *dhūtamāṣya— ‘washed beans’. [Cf. dhūmasī— f. ‘flour of baked beans’ lex. — dhūtá—2, mā́ṣya—] P. dhuā̃s f. ‘flour of washed pulse of beans’; H. dhuwā̃s f. ‘pulse flour from which thin cakes are made’.
6843 *dhūnakāra— ‘cotton—carder’. [dhūna—, kāra1] B. dhunāri, °nuri ‘cotton—carder’.
6844 *dhūnakāṣṭha— ‘carding frame’. [dhūna—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. dhunaiṭh, °neṭhī ‘machine for carding cotton’, Mth. dhunaiṭh, °nahaṭh.
6850 *dhūmakaṭacchu— ‘incense ladle’. [dhūmá—, kaṭacchu—] Si. dumoḷosu ‘ladle filled with incense’.
6852 *dhūmara— ‘smoky’. [~ dhūmala—. — dhūmá—] H. dhū̃war ‘smoke—coloured’; M. dhūr m. ‘smoke, haze’; Ko. dhuvōru ‘smoke’. — Si. dum̆buru ‘tawny’ rather < dhūmrá—.
6855 *dhūmaśa— ‘smoky’. 2. *dhūmāśa—. [With colour- suffix of kapiśá— &c.? — dhūmá—] 1. S. dū̃hõ; m. ‘smoke, vapour’, dū̃hı̄̃ f. ‘slight smoky fire’ (→ K. dah, düh m. ‘smoke’?), dū̃hā̃iṇu ‘to smoke, be smoky’; B. dhū̃s ‘embers, cinders’; G. dhumas ‘smoky’. 2. L. dhuā̃h f. ‘soot’, P. dhavā̃h, dhuāhā̃, dhamāhā̃; N. dhuwā̃so ‘smoky, soot’; H. dhuwā̃sā ‘smoky’. dhūmasī— see *dhūtamāṣya—.
6857 *dhūmākhara— ‘smoke—hole’. [dhūmá—, ākhará—] Ku. dhwā̃ro m. ‘chimney’; Aw.lakh. dhũārā ‘venti- lator’; H. dhuā̃rā m. ‘smoke—hole in roof’. — But poss. < *dhūmaghara— (cf. B. cmpd. dhũyā—gharā ‘chim- ney’).
6858 *dhūmāndha— ‘dim—sighted’. [Cf. dhūmākṣá— ‘dim- eyed’ AV. — dhūmá—, andhá—] Pa. dhūmandha— ‘blind with smoke’; S. dhundhu m. ‘mist’, dhundhāro m. ‘dust—storm’ (X ãdhāro < andha- kāra—); L. dhundh, dhudd f. ‘dimness of sight’, awāṇ. dhud ‘cataract’, (Ju.) dhū̃dhā ‘dimsighted’; P. dhund f. ‘mist, haziness’, dhundlā ‘misty’; N. dhundhalā ‘dim- sighted’; Bi. dhū̃dh ‘daytime fog’; OAw. dhuṁdha m. ‘mist, gloom’; H. dhund(h) m. ‘purblindness, haze’, dhū̃dhrā, dhundhlā ‘purblind’; G. dhũdhḷũ ‘misty’; M. dhũd ‘purblind, misty’, dhũdī f. ‘dim sight’.
6862 *dhūya— ‘to be shaken, to be swept up’. [√dhū] P. dhujj m. ‘heap’; N. dhujo ‘piece, shred’.
6864 *dhūyatē 2 ‘is washed’. [Same as dhūyátē1? — √dhāv 2] Sh.gil. dužóĭki̯ tr. ‘to wash’, (Lor.) duǰiǰoiki ‘to be washed’, koh. dižārōnu̯ tr., gur. dužāryōnu̯. dhūrṇa— see dhūṇa—.
6866 *dhūrtakāra— ‘cheat’. [dhū́rta—1, kāra1] S. dhutāru m. ‘cheat’; G. dhutārũ ‘cheating’; M. dhutārā m. ‘cheat’, dhaturā m. ‘trickery’; — N. dhutāhār < *dhutār X dhutāhā. — Deriv. Pk. dhuttāraï ‘cheats’, S. dhutāraṇu; OG. dhūtārivaüṁ n. ‘cheating’; M. dhutārṇẽ ‘to cheat’.
6869 *dhūrśala— ‘pole and pin’. [dhúr—, śalá1] G. dhũśaḷ n. ‘yoke’ (dhuśaḷ—muśaḷ n. ‘yoke with wooden pestle &c. given by bride's mother to bridegroom)’, dhũsrũ n., °rī f. ‘yoke’, jhusrī, jhũs° f. (X jusrī < *yuga- śala—). dhūli— see *dhūḍi—. dhūvati see dhuváti 1.
6871 *dhr̥ṇi— ‘satisfaction’. [~ dhr̥ti—2. — √dhrai] Pk. dhaṇi— f. ‘satisfaction’; M. dhaṇī f. ‘satiety’ (in mng. ‘desire, craving’ rather < dhanīyā—).
6878 *dhēnuvāṭa— ‘cowpen’. [dhēnú—, vāṭa1] WPah.bhal. dhiṇuā́ṛ n. ‘sheep— and goat—pen in open fields’. *dhēra— ‘lump’ see *ḍhēra1.
6880 *dhōkka— 1 ‘sacking, matting’. 2. *dhōkha—. 3. *dhōṅga— 2. 4. *ḍhōkka— 1. [Cf. *ṭōkka1] 1. Ext. ——: N. dhokro ‘large jute bag’, B. dhokaṛ; Or. dhokaṛa ‘cloth bag’; Bi. dhŏkrā ‘jute bag’; Mth. dhokṛā ‘bag, vessel, receptacle’; H. dhukṛī f. ‘small bag’; G. dhokṛũ n. ‘bale of cotton’; — with —ṭṭ—: M. dhokṭī f. ‘wallet’; — with —n—: G. dhokṇũ n. ‘bale of cotton’; — with —s—: N. (Tarai) dhokse ‘place covered with a mat to store rice in’. 2. L. dhohẽ (pl. dhūhı̄̃) m. ‘large thatched shed’. 3. M. dhõ;gḍā m. ‘coarse cloth’, dhõ;gṭī f. ‘wallet’. 4. L. ḍhok f. ‘hut in the fields’; Ku. ḍhwākā m. pl. ‘gates of a city or market’; N. ḍhokā (pl. of *ḍhoko) ‘door’; — OMarw. ḍhokaro m. ‘basket’; — N. ḍhokse ‘place covered with a mat to store rice in, large basket’. *dhōkka— 2 ‘defective’ see *ḍōkka2. *dhōkha— ‘matting’ see *dhōkka1. *dhōṅga— 1 ‘lump’ see *ḍhikka1. *dhōṅga— 2 ‘matting’ see *dhōkka1. dhōḍa— see dundhubha—.
6881 *dhōtta— ‘cloth’. 2. dhōtra— ODBL 506 (lex.?). [Cf. *dhauta1 which is poss. same as dhautá2, replaced in MIA. by anal. *dhōtta— in WPah.l.rudh. dhōtā s.v. *dhauvati. — If dhōtra— is old, then it could be source of all NIA. forms (E forms with meaning ‘loin—cloth’ with —t(t)— having spread to K. S. L. P.). But if it is sanskritization of MIA. *dhotta—, then the dhotar of L. P. Ku. H. G. M. may derive from an extended *dhotta—ra—] 1. K. dūti (with definite article dōtyāh) f. ‘loin—cloth’. S. dhotī f., dhotyo m., P. dhottī f., Ku. dhotī, dhotā m. pl., gng. dhweti , N. dhoti, A. dhuti, B. Or. dhoti, dhuti, Bi. Mth. H. dhotī f., G. dhotī f., dhotiyū n., dhotlī f. ‘small do.’. — Or. dhotaṛa ‘worn out and torn’. 2. L. dhōtar m. ‘thin country cloth’; P. dhotar f. ‘very thin coarse cotton cloth’ (→ Ku. H. dhotar f.); G. dhotar n. ‘loin—cloth’ (→ M. dhotar n.). — Connexion with L. adhōtar m. ‘thin country cloth’, OH. adhotara m. ‘a coarse country cloth’ is unexpl. (scarcely with HŚS 1716 < adhō—vastra—). *bāladhōtta—. dhōtra— see prec. Addenda: *dhōtta—: S.kcch. dhotyo m. ‘man's white garment round waist and tucked in behind’.
6882 *dhōdda— ‘hollow, swollen’. 2. *dhōnda—. [Cf. *ḍōṭṭha—, *ṭhōṭṭha—] 1. N. dhodro, dhotro ‘hollow’; A. dhod ‘sluggard’; M. dhodyā, dhodar ‘swollen, puffy’, dhodśī f. ‘puffiness, flabbiness’; — N. dhollo ‘flabby’ < *dhodlo? 2. A. dhond ‘hollow in a tree’. *dhōddha— ‘belly’ see tunda1. *dhōnda— ‘hollow’ see *dhōdda—. *dhōndha— ‘belly’ see tunda1. *dhōrśa— ‘cloth’ see dūrśá—. *dhaukyatē ‘is brought’ see *ḍhaukyatē.
6883 *dhauta— 1 ‘cloth, thread’, dhautaka— ‘made of bleached silk’ Pat., dhautakaṭa— m. ‘bag of coarse cloth’ lex. [Perh. same as dhautá2: see also *dhōtta—] WPah.bhal. dhou m. ‘thread (wool or cotton)’? dhautá— 2 ‘washed’ see *dhauvati. dhaura— 1 see dhavá1. *dhaura—2, *dhaurya— ‘pertaining to the yoke’ see next.
6886 *dhauvati ‘washes’. 2. dhautá— 2 ‘washed’ SV. [*dhauvati replaces dhāvati 2 after dhautá2. — √dhāv 2] 1. Pa. dhōvati ‘washes’, dhōvana— n., Pk. dhō(v)a? (whence pp. dhōia—, pass. dhovvaï), dhōaṇa— n., Gy. eur. thōv—, arm. thov—, Ḍ. do—, Tir. —, Shum. dōy—, Gaw. dōa—, Kal.rumb. dhɔ̄—, S. dhuaṇu, pass. dhoijaṇu, L. dhovaṇ, caus. dhoāvaṇ, poṭh. — (with low rising tone); P. dhoṇā vb., dho m. ‘a washing’, dho? m. ‘water that has been used for washing’; Ku. dhoṇo vb., N. dhunu; A. dhoiba vb., dhowan ‘act of washing’; B. dhuyā vb., 3 sg. dhoy, dhoyā sb., Or. dhoibā vb., caus. dhuāı̃bā; Bi. dhoeb ‘to beat (clothes in washing)’; Mth. dhoeb ‘to wash’, Bhoj. dhowal, Aw.lakh. dhōab; H. dhownā, dhonā vb., dhowan m. ‘water that has been used for washing’; Marw. dhoṇo vb., G. dhovũ vb., dho m. ‘a wash’, Si. dovanavā, pret. devuvā (< dhōvia—). - Pa. dhōpēti (2 pl. imper. dhōpētha) ‘washes’ formed after causatives in —āpēti? — Subsequent passive formations with MIA. —pp— in S. dhopaṇu ‘to beat the wash’; L. dhōpaṇ ‘to be washed’, awāṇ dhōpuṇ; A. dhop ‘a washing’, dhupāliba ‘to clean (e.g. the teeth)’; B. dhopāla ‘washed’, dhop ‘washing of clothes’, dhopā ‘washerman’. — Forms with b originated in the East from MIA. pass. dhovvaï: A. dhob ‘a washing’, A. B. Or. dhobā ‘washerman’, Or. dhoba ‘washed clean, a wash- ing’, dhobalā ‘white’; H. dhob m. ‘a wash’, dhobī m. ‘washerman’, dhobin f. ‘his wife’ (→ into all languages: P. dhobī, dhobā m. → K. dọ̆bu m. → Sh. dubu, dŭbí; S. G. M. &c. dhobī m.). 2. Pa. dhōta— ‘washed, bleached’, Pk. dhōa—, WPah. khaś. dhoā; Or. dhuā ‘bleached’; Bhoj. dhowā; — anal. —tt— in WPah.l.rudh. dhotā. DHMĀ see √dham. Addenda: *dhauvati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dhṑṇõ; ‘to wash, clean’, kc. dhoiṇo ‘to wash oneself’, caus. kṭg. (kc.) dhwàuṇõ;, Md. donnanī ‘washes’, absol. dove. †;dhrākṣā— Pāṇ.gaṇa: see drākṣā—. *dhrāta—, *dhrāpyatē see dhrā́yati Add2.
6888 *dhmātra— ‘fireplace’. [dhmātŕ̥— n. ‘implement for smelting’ RV. — √dham] Phal. dhatā́r, dahatā́r m. ‘fireplace’ (→ Bshk. dātar), Sv. dāntar—kuṭha. dhmāna— n. ‘puffing’ Suśr.: see dhamana—. [√dham] *vātadhmāna—.
6891a *dhrīyatē ‘is satisfied’. [√dhrai] H. dhījnā ‘to be satisfied’.
6893 *dhruvakāra— ‘chorus singer’. [dhruvá—, kārá2] B. dohār ‘singers in chorus’ ODBL 349. DHRAI ‘satisfy’: *dhr̥ṇi—, *dhr̥ta—2, dhr̥ti—2, *dhrāta—, *dhrāpayati, *dhrāpyatē, dhrā́yati, *dhrīyatē.
6894 *dhrōkṣa— ‘deceit’. [Cf. fut. dhrōkṣyati MaitrS. - √druh] P. dhokkhā m. ‘deceit’, WPah.bhal. dhokho m., Ku. dhoko, N. dhokā, B. dhokā, dhõ;kā; Or. dhokā ‘injury, doubt, fear’; H. dhok(h)ā m. ‘deceit, fear’; G. dhok(h)ɔ m. ‘anger, fear, danger’; M. dhokā m. ‘fear’. — Ku. N. dhoko ‘eagerness, intense desire’ perh. rather deriv. of dhúkṣatē. DHVAṀS ‘fall’: dhvaṁsá—, dhváṁsati, dhvaṁsá- yati, *dhvasa—, dhvasáti, dhvasta—, dhvasyatē, *dhvāsa—, *dhvāsana—, *dhvāsayati; uddhvaṁsatē, vidhvaṁsayati. Addenda: dhrōkṣa— Pāṇ.gaṇa: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) dhókkhɔ m. ‘deceit, mistake’; J. dhokā m. ‘misunderstanding’.
6898 *dhvajadaṇḍa— ‘flagstaff’. [Cf. dhvajayaṣṭi— MBh. - dhvajá—, daṇḍá—] S. jhaṇḍo m. ‘flagstaff, flag’, L. P. jhaṇḍā m., °ḍī f., N. B. jhaṇḍā, °ḍi, Or. dhaṇḍā, °ḍi, jhaṇḍā, H. jhaṇḍā m., °ḍī f., G. jhãḍɔ, jhuṇḍɔ m.; M. jhẽḍā m. ‘flagstaff, flag’, dhẽḍoḷī, °olī, jhẽḍoḷī, °olī f. ‘torch of grass waved round cattle’.
6902 *dhvasa— ‘fall’. [See dhváṁsati. — √dhvaṁs] Or. dhasā ‘place from which earth is falling down, soil which gives way because of water below’; H. dhas m. ‘dive’; M. dhas m. ‘steep slope’. dhvasáti, dhvasta—, dhvasyatē see dhváṁsati.
6905 *dhvāniya— ‘to be hummed’. [dhvānayati ‘makes to sound’ Dhātup. — √dhvan] Kho. dani ‘melody’. *dhvāsa—, *dhvāsana—, *dhvāsayati ‘makes fall’ see dhváṁsati.
6909 *nakka— ‘nose’. [nakra2 n., °rā— f. lex., narka— n. Gal. sanskritizations of Pk. ṇakka— poss. < *naḥka- i.e. *nas—ka— (LM 357) with s treated as final (or < *nast—ka—? See nasta—). — nás—] Pk. ṇakka— m. ‘nose’, Gy. eur. nak, wel. nakh m., arm. lank. Ḍ. nok, K. nākh m. (naka ‘big—nosed’), rām. ḍoḍ. nakk, S. naku m. (whence nākī ‘nasal’), L. nakk m., awāṇ. khet. nak, P. nakk m., WPah.bhal. nakk n., Ku. nākh (whence nakk(h)ū ‘long—nosed’), N. A. B. nāk, Or. nāka, Mth. Bhoj. nāk, H. nāk, nā̃k f., G. M. nāk n., Si. nakuṭu. *nākka—; *nakkakīla—, *nakkasirā—. Addenda: *nakka—: S.kcch. nakk m. ‘nose’, WPah.kṭg. kc. Garh. nāk m. ‘nose’, J. 'k m.
6910 *nakkakīla— ‘nose peg’. [*nakka—, kīla—] P. H. nakel f. ‘wooden or iron pin fixed in a camel's nose’; N. nakel ‘bullock's nose—rope’.
6911 *nakkasirā— ‘nose vein’. [*nakka—, sirā́—] Pk. ṇakkasirā— f. ‘nostril’; S. nakahīra, °rī, nakerī f. ‘bleeding at the nose’; H. naksīr f. ‘a vein of the nose, nose—bleeding’. naktaka— see *latta1. nakra— 1 ‘alligator’ see nā́kra—. nakra— 2 ‘nose’ see *nakka—. NAKṢ ‘reach’: nákṣati; — √naś 2.
6915 *nakhakara— ‘nail—parer’. [Cf. nakhāni karōti ‘cuts nails’ Kauś. — nakhá—, kará1] N. nahar ‘nail—cutter’; Mth. naheri ‘barber’.
6916 *nakhakaraṇa— ‘nail—cutter’. [nakhá—, káraṇa—] K. nyāryunu m. ‘nail—cutter’, S. nãherṇi f., L. naheraṇ, awāṇ. nahēruṇ, P. nahernā m., WPah. (Joshi) nhernu m., Ku. naraṇi, B. narun, Or. nahuruṇi, naü°, lahu°, Bi. nahran, Mth. naharnī, lah°, Bhoj. naharnī, H. naharnā, nuh° m., naharnī, nuh°, nahannī, nahanī f., G. narāṇī, °reṇī, n e rṇī f., M. nar(h)āṇī, narṇī f. — Pk. ṇahaharaṇī—, ṇaharaṇī— f. perh. < *nakhaharaṇa—. Addenda: *nakhakaraṇa—: S.kcch. naiṇ f. ‘a barber's instrument’.
6917 *nakhaghr̥ṣṭa— ‘nail—scratch’. [nakhá—, ghr̥ṣṭa—] H. nahaṭṭā, nuh° m. ‘scratch with nail or talon’.
6919 *nakhadara— ‘tearing with the claws’. [Cf. nakhadā- raṇa— m. ‘falcon’ lex. — nakhá—, dará3] P. nā̆har m. ‘tiger’, H. nāhar m.: or < *nakharin—?
6921 *nakharin— ‘having claws’. [nakhará—] P. nā̆har m. ‘tiger’, H. nāhar m.; or < *nakhadara—? *nakhaharaṇa— ‘nail—cutter’. [nakhá—, haraṇa—] See *nakhakaraṇa—.
6927 *nagnapadara— ‘barefoot’. [nagná—, *padara—] K. nanawôru ‘barefoot’.
6929 *nagnāṅga— ‘naked—bodied’. [nagná—, áṅga1] Wg. nā́nuṅ ‘boy’; Kt. nenōṅō ‘naked’ (NTS ii 270 < *nanāgna—?), Paš. nƏnaı̄́n (IIFL iii 3, 132 < nagná—+?), P. nāṅan.
6934 *naṭati ‘trembles, totters’. 2. *nāṭayati. 3. *naṭyati. [~ *laṭati, *lāṭayati: cf. unnaṭati ‘jumps up’ Kāś. on Pāṇ. ~ *ullaṭati. Prob. ← Drav. Kuiper IL 16, 104. — √*naṭ] 1. B. naṛā intr. ‘to shake, flinch, move’, caus. naṛāna; Or. naṛibā intr. ‘to shake’, naṛa—naṛa ‘unsteady, shaking’. — Poss. also Pk. ṇaḍaï ‘is distraught’; Ku. naṛak ‘scolding’, naṛkyūṇo ‘to scold, frighten’; Mth. narab ‘to refuse scornfully’; G. naṛvũ ‘to obstruct’; M. naḍṇẽ ‘to go with difficulty, be embarrassed’. 2. B. nāṛā tr. ‘to shake, agitate’. — M. nāḍṇẽ ‘to rob’? 3. K. naṭun intr. ‘to shake, tremble, be afraid’.
6935 *naṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *naṭṭha—. 3. *naḍḍha—. 4. *naṇḍha—. 5. *niḍḍha—. [Cf. *laṇṭha—, *laḍḍha—, *laṇḍha—, *liḍḍa— in group of ‘defective ’words s.v. laṭṭa1. — *naṭṭha— prob. orig. separate from naṣṭá- with which it collided in MIA. and from which in some cases it is difficult both phonet. and semant. to dis- tinguish it] 1. S. naṭu m. ‘knave’; P. nāṭā m. ‘dwarf’; Ku. nāṭo, naṭuwā, naṭṭal ‘unmarried’; Bi. nāṭā, naṭwā ‘stunted bullock’; Mth. nāṭ ‘dwarf’; H. nāṭā ‘short, dwarfish, vile, dissolute’; M. nāṭā ‘vile’. 2. Ku. naṭhalo ‘childless’; N. nāṭho ‘contemptuous term for a wifeless man, paramour’; Or. nāṭhā ‘dwarf- ish, having no heirs’; H. nā̃ṭhā ‘deceased without heirs’ (perh. < naṣṭá—, see naṣṭi— in Ku.), nā̃ṭh m. ‘the estate of such a person’, naṭhiyā m. ‘scoundrel’; G. naṭhārũ ‘rude, unbecoming’; M. naṭhārā ‘bad, useless’. 3. Woṭ. nāṛ m. ‘boy’, nyāṛ, ny e_ f. ‘girl’; L. naḍḍhā ‘small, young’, (Salt Range) naḍhā m. ‘bridegroom’, (Hindko of Peshawar) naḍḍhā m. ‘boy’, awāṇ. naḍhā ‘young boy’; P. naḍḍhā m. ‘old person’; Si. naḍi ‘large, stout, bulky’, naḍa ‘filth, any impure thing’ (or < laṇḍa1). 4. S. naṇḍho ‘small, short, low, unimportant’; L. (Tinauli) naṇḍā ‘boy’. 5. L. niḍḍhā ‘small, young’, (Shahpur) niḍhā. *naṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *naṭṭa—. *naṭyati intr. ‘shakes’ see *naṭati. Addenda: *naṭṭa—. 1. Garh. nāṭ ‘childlessness’. 5. *niḍḍha—: S.kcch. niṇḍho ‘small’. NAD: †;vinadati.
6937 *naḍakāra— ‘reed—worker’. [naḍá—, kāra1] Pa. naḷakāra— m. ‘basket—maker’, Si. naḷāra.
6938 *naḍadhānikā— ‘reed—bed’. [naḍá—, dhā́na—] A. nalani ‘a place covered with the reed Arundo karka’?
6939 *naḍina—, naliná— n. ‘lotus flower’ MBh., naḍínī— f. ‘reed—bed’ Pāṇ.gaṇa, nalinī— f. ‘lotus pond, lotus’ MBh. [< *naḍin—? — naḍá—] Pa. nalinī— f. ‘pond’; Pk. ṇaliṇa— n. ‘red lotus’, °ṇī̆— f. ‘lotus pond’; Si. neḷun, °um, °um̆ba ‘lotus flower’. *naḍḍha— ‘defective’ see *naṭṭa—.
6948 *nanāndr̥putra— ‘husband's sister's son’. [nánāndr̥—, putrá1] P.kgr. nanotar, ḍog. nanūttar. NAND ‘rejoice’: nánda—, nándati, nandana—1, nandin—; ānandá—, *unnandaka—.
6955c *nabhalikā— ‘cloud’. [Cf. Lat. nebula, &c. — nábhas—] Ash. Wg. nalı̄́ ‘cloud’, Shum. nalı̄́, nā́li, Gaw. ları̄́ (< *lalī < *nalī?); Paš.lauṛ. nalı̄́, ar. nolī ‘cloud’, uzb. nā́lī ‘fog’ IIFL iii 3, 131 with (?).
6969 *nayaśālā— ‘school’. 2. nayaśālin— ‘schooled in political wisdom’ Kathās. [náya—, śā́lā—] 1. OG. nesāla ‘school’, G. niśāḷ f. (or < *nītiśālā—?) 2. OG. nesālīu m. ‘scholar’, G. niśāḷiyɔ m. nayuta— see níyuta—.
6986 *navakarman— ‘new work’. [Cf. navakarmika— m. ‘superintendent of new construction’ (but see BHS ii 291), KharI. navakarmiga—. — náva—1, kárman1] Pa. navakamma— n. ‘repairs to buildings’; Si. navāma ‘new work, repairs’ GS 87.
6987 *navakāṣṭha— ‘new piece of wood’. [náva—1, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. nawṭhā, law° ‘plough with a new full—sized block’; Mth. lawaṭhā ‘new plough’, Bhoj. nawaṭhā, nauṭhā.
6988 *navaguṇa— ‘ninefold’. [náva2, guṇá—] S. nā̆ū̃ṇo ‘ninefold’, P. nauṇā.
6990 *navajanī— ‘having newly brought forth’. [náva—1, jáni—] Ku. laini ‘milch, newly calved’; N. lainu ‘new—born, newly calved’, lainu or °ni gāi ‘newly calved cow’.
6991 *navajanmita— ‘new—born’. [náva—1, *janmita—] L. nimmiā m. ‘embryo’; P. nimmiā m. ‘new—born infant, newly conceived embryo’: or < nirmita— s.v. nirmāti?
7004 *navaphala— ‘new fruits’. [Cf. navaphalikā— f. ‘girl in whom menses have just begun’ lex. — náva—1, phála—] OM. navhālī f. ‘first fruits of the season, prime of youth’.
7005 *navaphulla— ‘having new flowers’. [náva—1, phulla—] P. neuhulā ‘fresh, blooming’.
7008 *navamātr̥— ‘step—mother (?)’. [náva—1, mātŕ̥—] Paš. naumaı̄́ ‘father's sister’ ?? navamālī— see navamallikā—.
7010 *navara— ‘new’. [~ *navala—. — náva1] Pk. ṇavaraṁ, °ri, °ria ‘immediately after, at once’ (mng. infl. by *nūram?); Kal. nora ‘new’ (or < náva- tara—?), H. poet. nor (or < *navala— or návatara—).
7012 *navala— ‘new’. 2. *navalla—. [~ *navara—: cf. navalā— f. ‘name of a woman’ VP. — náva1] 1. M. navaḷkā ‘new’; — H. nor (or < *navara- or návatara—). 2. Pk. ṇavalla—, ṇavullaḍaya—; S. navalu, navilo ‘new, shy’, nolo ‘new, strange’; Or. naüli, la° ‘new, tender’, sb. ‘young woman’; G. navlũ ‘new’, naval f. ‘a wonder’, M. naval n.; — altern. < *navala—: Ku. N. naulo ‘new, strange’; A. nomal, numaliyā ‘born late in the season, last born’; MB. na(h)alī f. adj. ‘fresh, new’; Mth. nabal ‘new’ (dissim. from *namal); OAw. navala ‘fresh, un- spoilt’; H. naul ‘new, wonderful’, m. ‘sapling’. *navalla— ‘new’ see prec. Addenda: *navala—. 2. S.kcch. naulo ‘strange’; — OP. navelā ‘new, fresh, young’.
7013 *navavaraka— ‘newly wed’, f. navavarikā— lex. [náva—1, vará2] M. navrā, naurā m. ‘bridegroom, young man of age to marry’, navrī f. ‘bride (esp. before puberty)’.
7014 *navavarṣa— ‘new year’. [náva—1, varṣá—] K. nawarĕh m. ‘New Year's day’ (< *nawawarĕh).
7015 *navavr̥ddha— ‘newly grown’. [náva—1, vr̥ddhá2] H. naudh, °dhā ‘newly planted’, m. ‘sapling, fresh shoot’.
7016 *navasūriya— ‘newly risen sun’. [náva—1, *sūriya—] Si. lahiru ‘newly risen sun’.
7017 *navahala— ‘new plough’. [náva—1, halá—] Bi. nawahrā ‘plough with new full—sized block’.
7018 *navāgrya— n. ‘first—fruits’. [náva—1, agryá—] N. n(u)wāgi ‘first—fruits of the rice harvest dipped in curds and sugar’ (less likely < *lavāgrya—). *navādana— ‘eating first—fruits’. [náva—1, ádana—] See next.
7026 *naśiṣṭha— ‘most destructive’. [Cf. Av. nasišta— ‘id.’ - √naś 1] H. nasīṭh m. ‘bad omen’?
7032 *nastapuṭika— ‘coming from nostril’. [Cf. nāsāpuṭa—. — nasta—, puṭa—] Kho. nastuḷi ‘mucus of nose’. nastā—, *nastī—, *nastu—, *nastya— ‘nose’ see nasta—.
7037 *nākka— ‘like a nose, projecting’. [*nakka—] K. naka ‘big—nosed’; S. nāko m. ‘eye of needle (semant. cf. N. nāthro s.v. nastā—), entrance, pass’; L. nakkā m. ‘edge’; P. nākkā m. ‘river—mouth, van of an army’; N. nāko ‘tip, ridge of a hill’; B. nākā ‘defile’; Or. nākā ‘eye—end of a needle, spout of a jug, town- gate’, nāki ‘eye of a needle’; H. nākā m. ‘eye of needle, end of road, passage, gap’, G. nākũ n.; M. nākẽ n., °kā m. ‘end of road’.
7055 *nānda— ‘pot’, nandā— f. ‘small earthen waterjar’, °dikā— f. lex. Pk. ṇaṁda— n. ‘pot’; S. nādu m., °dī f. ‘large water vessel’, P. nā̃d m.; A. nadīyā ‘large earthen pot’, B. nādā, Or. nandiā ‘big open—mouthed pot’; Bi. nā̃d, nād, lād, lāed ‘earthen feeding trough for cattle’, nadiyā ‘vessel for curds’; H. nā̃d f. ‘large open earthen water- pot’, M. nā̃d(ī) f. *nāndakūpikā—, *nāndatapikā—. Addenda: *nānda— [~ nandā— with dial. a ~ ā < IE. o T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 73]
7056 *nāndakūpikā— ‘earthen oil vessel’. [*nānda—, kūpa3] Bi. nadŏi ‘leather vessel for holding oil’.
7057 *nāndatapikā— ‘cooking vessel’. [*nānda—, *tapaka—] Bi. nadŏi ‘earthen cooking vessel’.
7059 *nānna— ‘term of respect for an older relative’. [Cf. nanā̃— f. ‘mother’ RV.] Pk. ṇaṇṇa— m. ‘eldest brother’; Ḍ. n *l na ‘grand- mother’; Ash. nänı̄́ ‘father's sister’; Kt. nanı̄́, nū̃ ‘mother's sister’; Pr. nan, nän ‘mother, wife's mother’; Dm. nan ‘mother's sister’; K. nāñ f. ‘father's or mother's mother’; S. nāno m. ‘mother's father’, °nī ‘her mother’ nānāṇo ‘belonging to mother's family’; L. P. nānā m. ‘mother's father’, °nī f. ‘her mother’, WPah.bhal. Ku. nāno m., °nī f.; N. nāni ‘baby, term of address to younger woman’; B. nānā ‘mother's father’, °ni ‘her mother’; Or. nānā ‘mother's father’, °ni ‘mother's mother, father's sister, elder sister’, nāna ‘son’, nanā ‘elder brother, mother, daughter’, nani ‘term of address for a Brahman's daughter’; H. nānā m. ‘mother's father’, °nī f. ‘her mother’, naniyā ‘belonging to mother's grandfather’; M. nānā m., °nī f. ‘respectful term of address’. — L.khet. nāṇā ‘grandmother’ < *nānakā—? *nānnīpitākula—. Addenda: *nānna—: WPah.kṭg. nān m. ‘mother's father’, J. nān(ā) m.; kṭg. nanni f. ‘mother's mother’, J. nānī f.; Garh. nɔni ‘a small girl’ (or < nagná—).
7060 *nānnīpitākula— ‘mother's father's house’. [*nānna—, pitŕ̥—, kúla—] Bhoj. naniāur ‘mother's father's house’.
7063 *nābhiyāvarta—, nābhyāvarta— m. ‘navel cavity’ MW. [nā́bhi—, āvartá—] Ku. nauṭo, °ṭī ‘navel’, N. nāiṭo. nābhyāvarta— see prec.
7076 *nārikēlataila— ‘coconut—oil’. [nārikēla—, tailá—] M. nārḷel n. ‘coconut—oil’.
7077 *nāriya— ‘male’, nāryá— m. ‘name of a man’ RV. [nárya—] Kho. nari ‘male’, nari— kuku ‘cock’ (BelvalkarVol 93 < nárya—).
7095 *niḥkṣarati ‘flows out’, or *nikṣarati ‘flows down’. [~ *niḥkṣalati, *nirjharati: — √kṣar] P. nikkharnā ‘to clear (of the sky), be cleared, be bleached’; Ku. nikharṇo ‘to flow gently, drip, drop’; N. nikhranu ‘to come to an end’; Bhoj. nikharal ‘to clean’; H. nikharnā ‘to be strained, be settled, become clear, be peeled’; G. nikharvū ‘to be washed clean’; M. nikharṇẽ ‘to be clean gone (of clouds &c.)’, nisarṇẽ ‘to slip, slide’ rather than < niḥsarati. — See *niḥkṣār- ayati.
7096 *niḥkṣalati ‘rinses out’ or *nikṣalati. [~ *niḥkṣarati, *nirjharati. — √kṣal] Bi. (Gaya) nicharab ‘to beat (clothes in washing)’. - See *niḥkṣālayati.
7097 *niḥkṣāra— ‘flowing out’, or *nikṣāra—. [~ *niḥkṣāla—. — √kṣar] Sh. (Lor.) ničhār (—c̣h—?) ‘investigation’; L. nikhār m. ‘any substance for cleaning clothes’; P. nakhār m. ‘soap or potash for bleaching or washing cloth’; Ku. nikhār ‘drainage, distillation’; G. nikhār m. ‘ebbing of tide’.
7098 *niḥkṣārayati ‘causes to flow out’, or *nikṣārayati. [~ *niḥkṣālayati. — √kṣar] Sh. (Lor.) ničharoiki (—c̣h—?) ‘to pick out, separate, investigate’; L. nikhāraṇ ‘to clean or bleach clothes’; P. nikhārṇā, nakh° ‘to cleanse’; Ku. nikhārṇo ‘to let fall in drops, distil’; N. nikhārnu ‘to wring out water, take away completely’; Or. nikhāribā ‘to examine a thing by scratching, examine closely’; H. nikhārnā ‘to strain, clarify, make settle, peel’; G. nikhārvũ ‘to bleach’; M. nikhārṇẽ ‘to clear away’.
7099 *niḥkṣāla— ‘rinsing’, or *nikṣāla—. [~ *niḥkṣāra—. - √kṣal] Bi. (Champaran) nikhār ‘well washed clothes’.
7100 *niḥkṣālayati ‘rinses out’, or *nikṣālayati. [~ *niḥ- kṣārayati. — √kṣal] Mth. nikhārab ‘to beat (clothes in washing)’; G. nichāḷvũ ‘to cleanse an earthen vessel by rubbing it inside with cloth’.
7101 *niḥkṣuṭati ‘is released’. [√*kṣuṭ] S. nichuṛaṇu ‘to become separate’. — Cf. Pk. ṇicchuṭṭa— ‘released’.
7102 *niḥkṣurati ‘scrapes off’. [√kṣur] M. nikharṇẽ ‘to scrape off’.
7103 *niḥkṣōṭayati ‘casts out’. [√*kṣuṭ] Pk. ṇicchōḍēi ‘causes to be driven out or deserted’, °ḍaṇā— f.; B. nichuṛiyā ‘forlorn, destitute’.
7104 *niḥkṣōrayati ‘scrapes off’. [√kṣur] H. nikhornā ‘to scratch with the nails’.
7105 *niḥśakna— ‘gone out’. [√*śak 2] Pa. nissakka— m. ‘a name of the ablative case’, nissakkana— n. ‘going out’; N. niskanu ‘to go out, escape’ rather than by metath. < *niksanu s.v. niṣkasati.
7107 *niḥśuddhi— ‘without certainty’. [śúddhi—] Ku. nisū̆dh ‘careless’.
7109 *niḥśauca— ‘without purity’. [śaucá—] G. naso m. ‘uncleanliness’. niḥśrayaṇī— see niśrayaṇı̄́—.
7112 *niḥśvāsa— 2 ‘breathless’. [śvāsá—] L. nisāhā ‘breathless’. *niḥṣāra— ‘exit’ see *niḥsāra—.
7113 *niḥṣāvyatē ‘is caused to be produced’. [Cf. sāvayati ‘causes to be born’ Gr. — √] M. nisā̆vṇẽ ‘to shoot into ears (of corn)’. niḥṣupta— see *niṣupta—. *niḥṣkatta— ‘jumped out’ see next.
7114 *niḥṣkadati ‘jumps out’. 2. Pp. *niḥṣkatta—. [Cf. caniṣkadat, inf. —skádas, —skádē RV., aor. askadat Gr. - √skand] 1. Bshk. (LSI) nūk—as ‘he came out’, (Biddulph) nikki ‘away’ (absol. of *nik— ‘to go away’?); Tor. nik—, nig— ‘to come or go out’; Phal. nikh— ‘(the sun) to rise’: AO xviii 245 connects with Sh. nikhayóĭki̯ < niṣkasati, but without explanation of loss of —s—. 2. Tor. nigāt ‘he came out’; Phal. sūri nikhḗti ‘the sun came out’: these phonet. could be < *niṣkasta- but see above.
7115 *niḥṣkavati ‘pokes out’. [√sku] Pk. ṇikkhaviya— ‘destroyed’; Kho. (Lor.) niškik (= ṣk?) ‘to pick, dig into, drill or cut a hole’.
7116 *niḥṣkāvana— ‘poking out’. [√sku] Bi. nikāwan ‘superficial weeding’, nikaunī ‘digging’.
7117 *niḥṣkāvayati ‘pokes out’. [Cf. niḥṣkā́vam ‘to tear’ TS., skāvayati Gr. — √sku] Bi. nikāeb ‘to weed’, H. nikānā.
7118 *niḥṣṭhīyatē ‘is finished’, níḥṣṭhita— ‘grown forth’ RV., ‘prepared, finished’ ŚBr. [Cf. nistiṣṭhati ‘finishes’ ChUp., niṣṭhāpayati KātyŚr., Pa. niṭṭhāti ‘is finished’, Pk. ṇiṭṭhā̆i. — √sthā] Pa. niṭṭhita— ‘finished’, Pk. ṇiṭṭhiya—; N. niṭhinu ‘to be forced’; G. niṭhvũ ‘to be ended, be exhausted, pass, glide away’, caus. niṭhāṛvũ, niṭhiyɔ m. ‘want, deficiency’; Si. niṭṭāvenavā ‘to be ended’ (—ṭṭ— < Si. —ṭy—?).
7120 *niḥsamaka— ‘unequal’. [samá—] K. nĕsomu ‘unequal, different’.
7123 *niḥsarala— ‘very straight’. [For intensive nis— cf. *nirguru—1. — sarala—] P. nisslā, °līā̃ ‘straight’.
7129 *niḥsāhasa— ‘without courage’. [sāhasa—] B. nisāhas ‘cowardly’, Or. nisāhāsi.
7130 *niḥsiñca— ‘without emission’. [*siñca—] OG. nisīṁca ‘impotent’.
7132 *niḥsr̥ṣṭa— ‘sent forth’. [Cf. níḥsr̥jati RV., and nisr̥ṣṭa— Mn. — √sr̥j] Pa. nissaṭṭha— ‘dismissed, handed over’; Aś. niṣiṭhā nom. sg. f. ‘bestowed’; Pk. ṇīsaṭṭha—, ṇis°, ṇisiṭṭha- ‘expelled’; M. nisaṭṇẽ ‘to slip away’.
7133 *niḥstavana— ‘without pride’. [stavana—] OG. nīthuṇa (for —thoṇ— after thuṇaï < *stunōti?).
7135 *niḥsvara— ‘noise’. [Cf. níḥsvarati ‘chants away’ Kāṭh. — √svr̥] Si. nisara ‘sound, noise’ or < *nisvara—.
7138 *nikartati ‘cuts off’. [Cf. níkr̥ntati. — √kr̥t 1] Dm. niäṭh— ‘to cut, shear, clip’; Phal. nyāṭ— ‘to shear (wool)’; K. nĕtun ‘to cut or pluck off hair of an animal, shear’.
7142 *nikiraṇa— ‘scattering’. [√kr̥̄ 1] K. nirun, dat. °ranas m. ‘thatching grass’; P. nīran m. ‘layer of straw’.
7143 *nikirati ‘scatters’. [Pa. nikiṇṇa— ‘hidden away’ < *nikīrṇa—. — √kr̥̄ 1] L. nīraṇ, pres. part. nirēndā ‘to scatter’; H. nīrnā ‘to scatter, sprinkle, water (rather than < nīrá—)’.
7144 *nikuṭṭa— ‘cutting’. [nikuṭṭana— n. ‘pounding’, Pk. ṇikuṭṭēi ‘cuts, beats’. — √kuṭṭ] P. nẽũṭ m. ‘the block or plank on which a carpenter hews his timber’. nikr̥ta— see nikaṭam.
7145 *nikr̥tti— ‘cutting off’. [nikr̥tta— MBh. — √kr̥t 1] K. nĕth, dat. në̆ċü f. ‘removing wool of sheep &c. by cutting or plucking’.
7148 *nikkhuṭṭa— ‘finished’. [*khuṭṭa2] P. nakhuṭṭṇā ‘to be decreased, be reduced to nothing’.
7149 *nikkhuriya— ‘wretched’. [Cf. nikhurya—pá— ‘pro- tector of the afflicted’ TS. (trans. A. B. Keith p. 595 note 7.)] Pk. ṇikkhuria— ‘infirm’; H. nikhorā, °oṛā ‘miserable’, M. nikhorḍā LM 358.
7151 *niktāṅga— ‘with clean body’. [niktá—, áṅga1] Wg. nitoṅ ‘bald, naked, destitute’: see nagná—.
7155 *nikṣutta— ‘stamped in’. [√kṣud] Pk. ṇikkhutta— n. ‘certainty’; OG. nikhūṁtī f. adj. ‘absorbed in’.
7156 *nikhāda— ‘pressing and cutting into’. 2. *nikhād- ana—. [Cf. níkhidati ‘presses into’ RV. — √khid] 1. P. naihā m. ‘turner's gouge’. 2. Pa. nikhādana— n. ‘a partic. sharp instrument, chisel’ Morris JPTS 1884, 83; P. nahāṇ m., nihāṇī f. ‘turner's gouge’; Ku. nihāṇ ‘chisel for wood or stone’; B. nin ‘chisel’, Or. nihāṇa, °ṇī, nihaṇa, H. nihānī, nahanī f., Si. niyana. *nikhādana— ‘chisel’ see prec. nikhuryapá— see *nikkhuriya—. Addenda: *nikhāda—. 2. *nikhādana—: WPah.kṭg. nhɛ̄̀ m. ‘tool for carving, chisel’. *nikhādana— see *nikhāda— Add2.
7159 *nigamagrāma— ‘market village’. [nigamá—, grā́ma—] Si. niyamgama ‘large village’.
7162 *nigarayati ‘makes swallow’. [Cf. nigārayati Pāṇ. —√gr̥̄ 2] H. nīrnā ‘to provide with food’; G. nīrvũ ‘to place grass before cattle as fodder’.
7165 *nigāti ‘learns’, nyágāt ‘went down’ RV. [Cf. nigan- tavya— ‘to be learnt’ Āpast., nigacchati ‘acquires know- ledge’ lex., Pk. ṇiacchaï ‘sees’. — √] Pk. ṇiaï ‘sees’; Ash. niṅā́— ‘to know, recognize’; Wg. niṅā— ‘to understand’.
7167 *nigna— ‘washed’. [Cf. niktá—. — √nij] Kal.rumb. nígim ‘I wash’; Kho. nigik ‘to wash (hands, clothes, &c.)’, nigeik ‘to wash something for someone else’.
7168 *nigranthati ‘intertwines’. [Cf. punar—nigrantham ‘intertwining again’ AitBr. — √granth] Pa. nigandṇā, nag° ‘to quilt’, nigandā, nag° m. ‘a stitch in quilting’.
7171 *nighātana— ‘striking on’. [Cf. nighāti—. — √han 1] A. niyāri ‘anvil’, B. nihān, neh°, neyān, nihāni, neh°, nihāli, Or. nihānī (—n—?), H. nihālī f.
7173 *nighātikūṭa— ‘hammer’. [nighāti—, kūṭa1] Mth. lihāwar ‘large hammer’.
7174 *nighāsa— ‘food put down’. [Cf. nighasa— m. ‘food’ lex. — √ghas] N. niyāso ‘leavings of animals' fodder’. — See *nirghāsa—.
7175 *nighuṭati ‘returns’. [√ghuṭ] Pk. ṇihōḍaï ‘returns, drives back’; MB. nihuṛ— ‘to return’. Addenda: *nighuṭati: Pk. ṇihōḍaï ‘makes fall (in pp. ṇihōḍiya—), prevents, destroys’ (‘*causes to turn, *drives back’ ~ ghōḍaï ‘turns’?); — X nípatati q.v. *niḍḍha— see *naṭṭa— Add2.
7177 *nicamati ‘sips’. [nicamana— n. ‘sipping’, cámati ‘sips’ Nir. — √cam] Pr. —nǰüm— ‘to sup soup’.
7178 *niṅgāla— ‘cane’. P. nirgal m., f., riṅgal ‘the hill bamboo Arundin- aria utilis’, WPah.jaun. niṅāwo, niṅalī; Ku. nigālo, niṅālo ‘a small bamboo’; N. nı̃gālo, niṅālo ‘the small bamboo A. intermedia’; Bi. H. nigālī f. ‘cane stem of hookah’.
7180 *nicchāya— ‘shady’. [Cf. Pers. (Fars) nisā, Yid. nusīy ‘shady side of a valley’ IIFL ii 233. — chāyā́—] Ash. nīče ‘shady, shady side of a valley, shade’; Kho. ničhá g ‘shady side of anything’ (→ Yid. ničā́ g). NIJ ‘wash’: niktá—, *nigna—, *nijyati, nējaka—; *anikta—, *avanijyati, *ānijyati.
7182 *nijakāla— ‘continual’. [nijá—, kālá2] Woṭ. nēilı̄̃́, °lı̄́n, °lī ‘always’.
7183 *nijahāti ‘leaves’. [Cf. jáhāti RV., níhīyate ‘is lost’ RV. — √ 3] Pr. —nzƏ— ‘to put, place’; — Kho. nižik ‘to take off clothes, flay’ (BelvalkarVol 94 < *nijahaya—) rather < *nirjahāti. *nijjhara— ‘waterfall’ see nirjhara1. *nijjharati ‘flows down’ see *nirjharati.
7184 *nijjhulati ‘nods’. [√*jhul] S. nijhuraṇu ‘to nod from weariness’.
7185 *nijyati ‘washes’. [Cf. pass. nijyatē MBh. and poss. Gk. ni/zw with IE. gwi̯. — √ nij] Ash. nij̈—, ninj̈— ‘to wash’, Wg. niǰ—, niž—, Kt. niǰ—, ninǰ—. niṭala—, °ṭāla—, °ṭila— see lalā́ṭa—. *niḍḍha— ‘defective’ see *naṭṭa—.
7186 *niḍḍhalati ‘falls down’. [√*ḍhal] M. niḍhaḷṇẽ ‘to fall down’.
7188 *nitapta— ‘hot’. [nítapati ‘emits heat, consumes by fire’ AV. — √tap] WPah.kiũth. niātau, °tu ‘hot’. Addenda: *nitapta—: WPah.kṭg. n e ttɔ ‘hot, warm (esp. of air, weather)’, kc. nyato, poet. n e tḷo.
7192 *nidahana— ‘burning’. [Cf. nídahati RV. — √dah] N. niyānu ‘hot (esp. of weather)’; Si. niyan ‘hot dry season’.
7195 *nidāghya— ‘heat’. [nidāghá—] L.awāṇ. nigh ‘heat’; P. niggh m. ‘warmth’, nigghā ‘moderately warm’; WPah.bhal. níggo ‘warm’; Si. niyaga, niyan̆ga, niyaṅ ‘dry hot season’ (EGS 88 wrongly < nidāghá—).
7197 *nidāna— 2 ‘cutting down’. [Cf. *nīḍāna—. — √dō] Pk. ṇiāṇiā— f. ‘rooting up bad grass’; Dm. nyä̃ŕäi ‘weeding’ (NTS xii 181 < *ni—kaḍḍh—), Sh. nīn (or < *nīḍāna—).
7198 *nidāriṇī— ‘tearing’. [√dr̥̄] WPah.bhal. niārin f. ‘a tool used by blacksmiths for planing wood’?
7206 *nidhāman— ‘depository’. [dhā́man—1: √dhā] S. nihā̃ı̄̃ f. ‘potter's kiln’?
7208 *nidhyā— ‘seeing’. [√dhyai] P. nījh f. ‘looking closely at’; WPah.khaś. nìj̈ f. ‘peeping’.
7217 *nipārayati ‘rescues’. [~ nipālayati ‘protects’ MBh. — √pr̥ or √pr̥̄] P. nivārnā ‘to help, carry through, set free’. nipālayati see prec.
7220 *nipēśayati ‘writes’. [√piś] Very doubtful: Kal.rumb. Kho. nivḗš— ‘to write’ more prob. ← EPers. Morgenstierne BSOS viii 659. - Ir. pres. st. *nipaiš— (for *nipais— after past *nipišta—) in Yid. nuviš—, Mj. nuvuš—, Sang. Wkh. nƏviš—; — Aś. nipista- ← Ir. *nipista— (for *nipišta— after pres. *nipais—) in SBal. novīsta or nimišta kanag ‘to write’.
7223 *nibandhati, níbadhnāti ‘binds on’ AV., ‘composes, writes down’ Mn. Pk. ṇibaṁdhaï ‘binds’; G. nɔ̃dhvũ ‘to note down, enter in a book’, nɔ̃dhi f. ‘note book’; M. nõ;dṇẽ ‘to copy and enter a document’.
7227 *nibharati ‘bears down’. 2. níbhr̥ta— ‘decided (?)’ RV., ‘concealed, modest’ MBh. [Cf. praṇāma—nibhr̥ta- ‘respectful’ Mudrār. — √bhr̥] 1. S. nihuraṇu ‘to bury’; P. H. nihurnā ‘to bow, stoop’: u from pp.? 2. Pk. ṇibhua—, ṇihua—, ṇibhia— ‘hidden, still’; — S. nihoṛaṇu ‘to press down’; Ku. nyūṛaṇo ‘to stoop’; N. ni(h)uranu ‘to bend, stoop’; Or. nihuṛibā, lehuṛ° ‘to kneel down’; H. nihuṛnā ‘to stoop’: all these altern. < nípatati. *nibhārayati ‘looks at’ see next.
7229 *nibhukta— ‘bent’. [Cf. nibhugna1 MBh. — √bhuj 1] Pk. ṇihutta— ‘sunken’; — replaced by MIA. *nibhukka— in H. nihũknā ‘to bend, stoop’. nibhugna— 1 ‘bent’ see prec.
7230 *nibhugna— 2 ‘enjoyed’. [√bhuj 2] G. negvũ ‘to eat’?? *nibhujyatē ‘is bent’ see next.
7231 *nibhuñjati ‘bends down’. 2. Pass. *nibhujyatē [Cf. nibhujati ‘bends (head and knees)’ Pat. — √bhuj 1] 1. Kho. nuhunǰik, nihinǰik ‘to put to rest, make keep still, establish’. 2. Kho. nuhuǰik ‘to be at peace, be pleased’. níbhr̥ta— see *nibharati.
7233 *nimantra— ‘invitation’. [mántra—] S. nẽḍra f. ‘invitation to a feast’; L. nēndar m. ‘sub- scription to a wedding feast’, awāṇ. nē̃drā; P. neudrā, neũdā m. ‘invitation, contribution by guests to defray expenses’, ḍog. nı̄̃drā m. ‘invitation to wedding feast’, nә̃dƏroṛ m. ‘relative so invited’; WPah. (Joshi) nyõmacr;dā m. ‘invitation’, Ku. nyūto m.; N. niũto, nimto ‘invitation (esp. to a meal)’; Or. niũtā, neutā ‘invitation, family feast’; Bi. nẽwtā, new° ‘invitation to wedding’, Mth. neot, (ETirhut) nawat, Bhoj. neotā, OAw. nevata m., H. nyõ;tā, neutā, nautā m., G. nɔtrũ n. (→ S. notiro m.). Addenda: *nimantra—: S.kcch. naũtro m. ‘invitation’, WPah.kṭg. niundrɔ m. (← P. Him.I 166), J. nyõ;dā m., A. neõ;tā AFD 203.
7236 *nimala— ‘with impurities sunk down’. [mála—] M. nivaḷ ‘clear, pure, limpid’ or prob. < nirmala—.
7237 *nimāti— ‘measure’. [√] Kho. nimár ‘measure, weight, weight of 2 maunds, skin bag holding 2 maunds’.
7238 *nimātra— ‘measure’. [√] Bi. newat, nĕwtā, nawtā ‘a false balance’, Mth. lewat.
7240 *nimāpayati ‘measures’. [nímimītē RV., nimātavya- Pat. — √ ] Kho. nimeik ‘to measure (quantity), weigh’ Belval- karVol 93; — cf. Pk. ṇimēi, °maï ‘sets up’.
7246 *nimbagulikā— ‘berry of Melia azadirachta’. [nímba—, guḍa1] Pk. ṇiṁbōliyā— f., S. nimūrī f., L. nabolī f., P. namolī f. H. nı̃baulī, nibolī, °baurī f., G. lı̃boḷī f., M. nı̃boḷī, °buḷī °boṇī f. Addenda: *nimbagulikā—: S.kcch. nimorī f. ‘fruit of Melia azadirachta’.
7264 *niranta— ‘endless’. [ánta—] Pk. ṇiraṁtaya— ‘endless’; Si. nirata ‘always, unin- terruptedly’.
7273 *nirānti— ‘peace’. [Cf. *rānti—, níramatē ‘is at rest’ ŚBr. — √ram] G. nirā̃ti f. ‘peace, tranquility’, nirā̃te ‘at one's ease’.
7275 *nirāyatana— ‘without refuge’. [āyátana—] Or. nirāṇa ‘helpless, shelterless’.
7276 *nirāyayati ‘scatters’. [Caus. of níriṇāti ‘scatters, tears’ RV. — √] M. nirāviṇẽ ‘to separate and spread abroad, to open and lay out loosely’.
7277 *nirālaya— ‘without resting—place’. [ālaya—] Pa. nirālaya— ‘homeless’; Pk. ṇirālaa— ‘homeless, not staying in one place’; P. nirālā ‘lonely, separate’; Ku. nirālo, nyāro, nyār ‘lonely, aloof’; N. nirālo ‘alone, helpless’; B. nirālā ‘lonely, secluded’; OAw. nirārā separate’; H. nirālā ‘uninhabited, separate’, m. ‘separate or desolate place’, nirār(ā) ‘separate, apart’; G. nirāḷũ, narāḷũ, °ḷvũ ‘lonely, separate’; M. nirāḷā ‘parted, separate’.
7285 *niruddhāra— ‘free from debt’. [uddhārá—] H. nirdhār ‘free from debt’.
7286 *nirundhati, nírunddhē ‘restrains, wards off’ RV. 2. Pp. níruddha— RV. [√rudh 2] 1. Pa. nirundhati ‘stops’, Pk. ṇiruṁbhaï (anal. fr. pp. after type laddha—: laṁbhaï); OM. niruṁdhaṇeṁ ‘to confine, restrain’. 2. Pa. niruddha— ‘broken up, dissolved’; Aś. niludhasi loc. sg. ‘limited (?)’; Pk. ṇiruddha— ‘hindered’; M. nirũd ‘narrow’ ( from pres. st.?).
7289 *nirōjas— ‘without strength’. [ṓjas—] Pa. nirōja— ‘tasteless, insipid’; Si. niroda ‘lacking vitality or power’.
7292 *nirgaḍa— ‘dripping’. [√gaḍ] Or. nigaṛā ‘squeezing out the juice, liquid squeezed out’, (dial.) niṅgṛā ‘spring of water, hill streamlet’.
7293 *nirgaḍati ‘drips out’. [√gaḍ] B. niṅṛāna ‘to cause to drip, squeeze’; Or. nigiṛibā ‘to ooze, be squeezed out’, caus. nigaṛeibā. — Altern. < *nirgarati: A. nigariba ‘to drip, come out’, caus. °rāiba; H. nigrā ‘squeezed out’ in n° ras m. ‘thick sugarcane juice’.
7295 *nirgamati ‘departs’. [Cf. aor. subj. nírgamāni RV. - √gam] Pa. niggamana— n. ‘going away’, Pk. pres. part. ṇiggamamāṇa—; G. nigamvũ ‘to elapse, drop gently’.
7297 *nirgara— ‘dripping’. [√*gr̥̄ 1] Or. niṅgrā ‘spring of water, hill streamlet’. — See *nirgaḍa—. *nirgaraṇī— ‘trickle’ see *nirgalanī—.
7298 *nirgarati ‘drips out’. [~ *nirgalati. — Cf. nir- gīrṇa— ‘vomited out’ R. — √*gr̥̄ 1] Or. niṅgribā ‘to be squeezed out’. — Altern. < *nirgaḍati: A. nigariba ‘to drip, come out’, caus. °rāiba; H. nigrā ‘squeezed out’ in n° ras m. ‘thick sugar- cane juice’.
7300 *nirgalanī— ‘oozing out’, or *nirgaraṇī—. [√gal 1 or √*gr̥̄ 1] Bi. nigraīn ‘branch of a shallow spring’.
7301 *nirgalati ‘oozes out’. 2. *nirgilati. [~ *nirgarati. - Cf. nirgalita— ‘flowed out’ Kālid. — √gal 1] 1. Ku. nı̃galno pres. part. ‘coming to an end (of a period of time)’, N. nigaldo (ND 344 a 2 wrongly < nikaldo); G. nı̄̃gaḷvũ ‘to drip’. 2. Pk. ṇiggiliya— ‘vomited’.
7302 *nirgāḍayati ‘causes to drip’. [√gaḍ] Or. nigāṛibā ‘to squeeze out juice, pour off liquid to the last drop’.
7303 *nirgāti ‘goes out’. 2. Pp. *nirgāta—. [Cf. aor. nírgāt RV. — √] 1. Pk. ṇiggaï ‘comes out’, OM. nigaṇeṁ. 2. Ext. —lla—: OM. nigāle m.pl.
7304 *nirgārayati ‘causes to drip’. [~ *nirgālayati. — Cf. nirgīrṇa— ‘vomited’ R., Pk. ṇiggiṇṇa—. — √*gr̥̄ 1] Ku. niṅārṇo ‘to dissolve, digest, grind’; H. nigrānā ‘to separate, decide, make clear’ (semant. cf. *parigēlayati).
7305 *nirgāla— ‘trickling out’. [√gal 1] L. nigāl (Ju. —ǥ—) m. ‘water running from a well, right to irrigate from a well’; Ku. nı̃gāl, niṅāl ‘expiry, latter part (of a period of time)’; G. nı̃gāḷɔ m. ‘stream of dripping or oozing liquid’, °ḷā pl. ‘sediment’.
7306 *nirgālayati ‘causes to drip’. [~ *nirgārayati. — √gal 1 Pk. ṇiggāliya— ‘melted’. *nirgilati ‘oozes out’ see *nirgalati.
7309 *nirgupti— ‘guarding’. [Cf. nirjugōpa ‘guarded’ Bhaṭṭ. and gúpti—. — √gup] M. nigūt f. ‘keeping carefully, care, heed, aptitude’.
7310 *nirguru— 1 ‘very heavy’. 2. ‘not heavy’. [For intensive nis cf. niḥsarala—, niṣṭhura— and similar use of ud in *udguru—. — gurú—] 1. P. H. niggar ‘heavy, solid’, H. nigar. 2. H. nigaru ‘light’.
7311 *nirguru— 2 ‘without a teacher’. [gurú]- S. niguro; P. nigurā ‘without a religious teacher, un- principled’; Or. niguruā ‘without a teacher’, H. nigurā; G. nagrũ ‘having no leader, shameless’; M. nigurā, °ryā ‘without a teacher, orphan’. Addenda: *nirguru—2: WPah.poet. niṅguro, kṭg. niṅgrɔ ‘merci- less, heartless’, jaun. nigurā ‘cruel’.
7313 *nirgrāmika— ‘without a village’. [grā́ma—] B. nigā̃i ‘without a village home’.
7314 *nirghaṭṭati ‘decreases’. [*ghaṭṭ2] H. nighaṭnā ‘to be greatly decreased’.
7315 *nirghara— ‘houseless’. [Cf. nirgr̥ha— Pañcat. - ghara—] H. nigharā ‘homeless’.
7316 *nirgharati ‘flows out’. 2. *nirghalati. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. P. niggharṇā ‘to be immersed, be swallowed up, be destroyed’. 2. G. nı̄̃ghaḷvũ ‘to be ripe and ready to fall’; M. nighaḷṇẽ ‘(grist) to pass through the mill’. — See *nirghārayati. *nirghalati ‘flows out’ see prec.
7317 *nirghāra— ‘flowing out’. 2. *nirghāla—. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. P. nighār, nagh°, naghārā m. ‘engulfment, destruc- tion’; N. nighār ‘foam on fermented rice liquor’. 2. M. nighaḷ m. ‘grist which adheres to pin of mill (and is afterwards let down to ground)’.
7318 *nirghārayati ‘makes flow out’. 2. *nirghālayati. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. S. nighāraṇu ‘to purify’ or < 2; P. nighārṇā, nagh° ‘to engulf, overwhelm, eat up’. 2. M. nighaḷṇẽ ‘to let (grist) run through mill’. *nirghāla— ‘flowing out’ see *nirghāra—. *nirghālayati ‘makes flow out’ see *nirghārayati.
7319 *nirghāsa— ‘food left over?’ [√ghas] Bi. nighās ‘refuse straw and fodder’, Mth. (NETirhut) nighās, (SETirhut) nighes. — See *nighāsa—.
7324 *nirjahāti ‘leaves’. [√ 3] Kho. nižik ‘to take off clothes, flay’, caus. nižeik (BelvalkarVol 94 < nijahaya— see níjahāti) or poss. < *niryauti.
7326 *nirjñaka— ‘stupid’. [jñā—] K. nyoñu , f. në̆ñü ‘sluggish, poor—spirited’.
7328 *nirjhara— 2 ‘quite worn—out’. [Cf. *nirjhūra—. - √*jhr̥̄] Pk. ṇijjhara— ‘worn—out’; — N. nijer ‘slender, weak, slight’?
7329 *nirjharati ‘flows out’, or *nijjharati. [~ *niḥkṣarati, *niḥkṣalati. — √*jhar] A. nizariba ‘to flow gently, ooze out, drip’; M. nij̈harṇẽ ‘to drip, leak’; — cf. Pk. ṇijjharaṇa— n. ‘water- fall’, °ṇī— f. ‘river’. *nirjhāra— ‘waterfall’ see nirjhara1.
7330 *nirjhūra— ‘quite worn—out’. [Cf. *nirjhara—2. - √*jhr̥̄] Pk. ṇijjhūra— ‘worn—out’; M. nij̈hūr ‘poor, lean, meagre’.
7331 *nirṇamra— ‘bending down’. [Cf. nirṇata— Kāṭh., Pa. ninnata—. — namrá—] Si. (SigGr) ninabu ‘bent down’?
7333 *nirṇāmaka— ‘nameless’. [nā́man—] A. nināu ‘nameless’; H. ninā̃wā m. ‘anything unlucky to name, (esp.) cholera, the thrush’, nināyā m. ‘the thrush, bug’; G. nanāmũ ‘anonymous’, M. ninā̃vā, °nāvā, °nāvyā. Addenda: *nirṇāmaka—: P. nināvā̃ m. ‘a certain skin disease’, WPah.kṭg. nƏn e uṇi f. ‘skin disease (prickly heat?)’ < *nirṇāmanī—. *nirdāti see *nīḍāti Add2.
7335 *nirṇāva— ‘not having a boat’. [nāvā́—] B. nināo, °nāi ‘one without a boat’ ODBL 711.
7336 *nirṇāśayati (nír anīnaśat RV.) ‘drives away, destroys’. [√naś 1] Pk. ṇiṇṇāsēi ‘destroys’; OM. nināsaṇeṁ ‘to destroy completely’.
7340 *nirdarati ‘disregards’. [For this meaning of nis as verbal prefix cf. nirācaṣṭē ‘refutes’. — √dr̥] H. nidarnā ‘to treat with contempt’.
7341 *nirdalati ‘splits asunder’. [Cf. nirdārayati Hariv. - √dal 1] Pk. ṇiddalia— ‘split, crushed’; A. nidaliba ‘to crush, destroy’.
7346 *nirdugdhaka— ‘without milk’. [dugdhá—] M. nidudhī f. adj. ‘giving little milk’.
7348 *nirdōlāyatē ‘staggers’. [√dul] OAw. niḍōlaï ‘faints, staggers’.
7350 *nirdvara— ‘out of doors’. [*dvara—] K. nĕbar adv. ‘outside, out of doors, not at home’.
7352 *nirdhara— ‘without support’. [dhara—] S. nidharu, °ro ‘helpless’, N. nirdho (< *nidhro?). Addenda: *nirdhara—: cf. OP. nidhāru ‘helpless’.
7354 *nirdhr̥ta— ‘settled’. [Aor. pass. niradhāri Śiś. - √dhr̥] N. nidho, nido ‘confirmation’; M. nidhḍā, nidhāḍā m. ‘certainty’.
7363 *nirbhrātr̥ka— ‘brotherless’. [bhrā́tr̥—] S. nibhāyo ‘without brothers (term of abuse)’.
7364 *nirmanasin— ‘without human feeling’. [Cf. manasín- ‘having mind or soul’ TS., nirmanaska— ‘without mind’ Kām. — mánas—] Ku. nimaṇsī ‘without human feeling, inhuman, cruel’.
7365 *nirmarda— ‘rubbing’. [Cf. nirmardayati ‘rubs’ BHSk., Pk. ṇimmaddiya— ‘rubbed’, ṇimmaddaga— m. ‘one who continually rubs’. — √mr̥d] Bi. nimāṛ ‘well washed clothes’.
7370 *nirmātr̥— ‘motherless’. [mātŕ̥—] Pa. nimmāta—pitika— ‘without mother or father’; WPah.l.rudh. namaoṛā ‘motherless’, khaś. namāṇā ‘orphan’ (< —mā̃—ṛā?); G. namāyũ ‘motherless’.
7374 *nirmukha— ‘mouthless’. [múkha—] Ku. nimuwā ‘quiet (of a place), out of the way, far from markets and town’; A. nimuwā ‘reserved, reticent’; H. nimuhā ‘voiceless, dumb, meek’.
7378 *nirmōṭati ‘wrings’. [√muṭ] Pk. ṇimmōḍaṇa— n. ‘destruction’; Ku. nimoraṇo ‘to wring, twist, crush’ (← EH. or Bi. with —r— < ——).
7379 *nirmōhyamāna— (or *nirmōhyāna—?) pres. part. pass. of nirmōhayati ‘bewilders’ MBh. [√muh] P. nimūjhāṇ, °ṇā ‘vexed in mind, sorrowful’.
7380 *nirmaulya— ‘without price’. [maulya—] Pk. ṇimmolla— ‘without price’; M. nimolā ‘valueless’.
7381 *niryaśasvin— cf. niryaśaska— ‘inglorious’ MBh. [yaśasvín—] H. nijassī ‘inglorious, infamous’. niryā́—, niryāta— see next.
7383 *niryuj— ‘tying’. [Cf. niryōga— m. ‘rope for tying cows’ BhP. — √yuj] H. nīj m., nījū f. ‘rope’?
7384 *niryauti ‘unfastens’. [Cf. yauti ‘fastens’. — √yu 2] See *nirjahāti.
7386 *nirlaṇḍa— ‘free from excrement’. [laṇḍa—] Kho. (Lor.) nil *l ndik ‘to clean up (a child after defecating)’??
7387 *nirlākṣa— ‘without lac’. [lākṣā́—] M. nilākh ‘not filled with lac’.
7388 *nirlāvaṇya— ‘free from saltness’. [lā́vaṇya—] Sh. (Lor.) nilālo ‘tasteless, insipid, mawkish’.
7389 *nirlīyatē ‘comes out’. 2. Pp. *nirlīna—. [~ *nīrī- yatē. — √lī 2] 1. Sh. niližóĭki̯, 3 sg. pres. nilı̄́žĕi ‘to sprout, come up, grow in’. — Cf. Pk. ṇīlaï ‘comes out’ < *nirlayatē. 2. Sh. nilı̄́lŭ ‘sprouted’.
7391 *nirvara— ‘without bridegroom’. [vará2] G. narvī f. ‘unmarried’; Si. nivarā ‘virgin’.
7392 *nirvarati ‘restrains’. 2. nirvr̥ta— 1 ‘satisfied’ Mn., ‘at peace, extinguished, ceased’ MārkP. [√vr̥ 1] 1. S. nibiraṇu ‘to be finished’ (whence caus. niberaṇu). 2. Pa. nibbuta— ‘happy’; Pk. ṇivvuḍa—, °vua—, °vaya- ‘calm’, ṇivvaḍaï ‘ceases from pain’; P. nibbaṛnā ‘to be finished, be settled’ (whence tr. nibeṛnā, nab°); Ku. nimaṛṇo ‘to be finished, be spent, disappear’ (whence tr. nimāṛṇo, nimāṇno ‘to consume, spend’); B. nibṛā ‘to be finished’ (caus. nibṛāna), Or. nibaṛibā (whence tr. nibāṛibā ‘to accomplish’); H. nibaṛnā ‘to be accom- plished’ (whence tr. nibāṛnā, nibeṛnā ‘to accomplish, settle, adjust’: but see nírvartatē); G. nivaṛvũ, nimaṛvũ ‘to turn out, come up, become conspicuous’ (whence nivāṛɔ, niveṛɔ m. ‘settlement, decision’); M. nivaḍṇẽ ‘to decide’, nivāḍā m. ‘settlement’; — Si. niviyā ‘peasant i.e. the contented’ (EGS 89) ← Pa.
7393 *nirvarayati ‘chooses’. 2. Pp. *nirvr̥ta—2. 3. *nirvr̥ti— ‘choice’. [Cf. nírvr̥ṇītē ‘chooses’ RV., varayati Gr. — √vr̥ 2] 1. Wg. niweriám ‘I pick’; Kho. (Lor.) niwerik ‘to choose, separate’. 2. Pk. ṇivvaḍaï ‘to be separate’; M. nivaḍ ‘choice, picked’, nivaḍṇẽ ‘to choose, pick’. 3. M. nivaḍ f. ‘choosing’. *nirvarta—, nirvartaka— ‘accomplishing’ Pat. [√vr̥t] *nirvartakara—. Addenda: *nirvarayati: Md. nerenī ‘extracts’ or < *nīrīyatē or †;*nīharati.
7394 *nirvartakara— ‘accomplishing’. [*nirvarta—, kará1] N. nibṭero ‘settlement, agreement’, H. nibṭerā m.
7396 *nírvastu— ‘poor’. [Cf. nirvasu— Rājat. — vástu—] Si. nivatā ‘poor man’ or < nirvastra—. nirvastra— ‘unclothed’ Subh. [vástra—] See prec.
7400 *nirvārdala— ‘cloudless’. [Replaces nirabhra— MBh. - vārdala—] Bi. nibaddar. nirvāha—, nirvāhayati see nírvahati. nirvr̥ta— 1 ‘satisfied, ceased’ see *nirvarati. *nirvr̥ta— 2 ‘chosen’, *nirvr̥ti— ‘choice’ see *nirvar- ayati. nirvr̥tta— see nírvartatē.
7402 *nirvēdhati ‘pierces’. [nírvidhyati ‘pierces’ RV., nirviddha— ‘wounded’ R., ‘separated’ MBh. — √vyadh] Pa. nibbēdhēti ‘pierces’; H. nibehnā ‘to release, separate’.
7406 *nilajjāpita— ‘put to shame’. [√lajj] Sh. (Lor.) nilǰāo, f. °āi ‘id.’
7409 *nivaṁśa— ‘supporting beam’. [vaṁśá—] Pr. nīnċƏ, nīnzƏ, nı̄̃zƏ ‘main roof beam’. nivará— see nivāra—.
7415 *nivācya— ‘abuse’. [Cf. nivácana— n. ‘invocation’ RV., nivakti ‘reviles’ MBh., nivācayati lex. — √vac] A. neosā ‘a curse’ (whence neosiba ‘to curse’).
7420 *nivāla— ‘hair’. [vā́la—] G. nimāḷā̃ m.pl. ‘hair’?
7423 *nividhati ‘strikes down’. [nívidhyati ‘kills, throws down’, níviddha— RV., Pk. ṇividdha— ‘cast—down’. For pres. st. vidha— cf. Pk. uvvihaï ‘throws up’ ~ udviddha—. — √vyadh] P. nihṇā ‘to kill, take under’. nivēdya— see naivēdya—.
7427 *niśamana— ‘calming’. [Cf. níśamayati ‘calms’ AV. - √śam 1] Si. nahamana ‘calm’.
7437 *niśr̥ṇōti ‘hears’. [√śru] Pk. ṇisuṇēi, °ṇaï ‘listens to’, OG. nisuṇaï, nisaṇaï.
7440 *niścayati ‘observes’. [Cf. niścinōti ‘investigates’ MBh., cikḗti ‘observes’ TS. — √ci 2] Pk. ṇicchayaï ‘investigates’; Pr. —nj̈e— ‘to see, look’.
7442 *niścalati ‘comes out’. [~ níścarati. — √cal] Pk. ṇiccalaï ‘drips, falls, leaks’.
7446 *niścālayati ‘makes issue’. [~ niścārayati. — √cal] Ku. nichālṇo ‘to throw water from, let water drip from’.
7448 *niścihnaka— ‘without distinctive mark’. [cihna—] A. nisinā ‘similar, alike’.
7449 *niścōṭayati ‘presses out’. [cuṭáti: influenced in meaning by *niścyōtayati?] S. nicoṛaṇu ‘to wring out (clothes &c.), squeeze out (juice &c.)’; P. nicoṛṇā, ludh. nacoṛnā ‘to wring’ (whence intr. nicṛaṇā ‘to drip’); Ku. nicoṛṇo ‘to squeeze out’, N. nicornu, Bhoj. nicoral, H. nicoṛnā (whence intr. nicuṛnā, nicaṛ° ‘to ooze out’). Addenda: *niścōṭayati: S.kcch. nīcorṇū ‘to squeeze’ (r?); Garh. nicoṛnu ‘to squeeze out (?)’.
7450 *niścyavayati ‘causes to fall out’. 2. *niścyāvayati. [Cf. cyavayati ŚāṅkhBr., cyāváyati RV. — √cyu] 1. G. nicavvũ ‘to wring, squeeze’. 2. N. nicāunu ‘to squeeze’. *niścyāvayati see prec.
7451 *niścyōtayati ‘causes to trickle out’. [Cf. niścōtayati Kāśīkh. — √cyut] S. nicoiṇu ‘to drain off, extract water from food’; H. niconā ‘to wring out’; G. nicovvũ, nac° ‘to squeeze out’ X nicavvũ < *niścyavayati. — See *niścōṭayati.
7452 *niśchala— ‘free from deceit’. [chala—] Or. nichaḷa, °ḷiā ‘frank’; H. nichal ‘free from deceit’. Addenda: *niśchala—: A. nichalā (phonet. nisɔla) ‘harmless, innocent’ AFD 229. †;niṣ— intensive prefix: see *kacca—1, *kōra—, *bōkka2; — MIA. ni— see *cippiṭṭa—, *biḍḍa— (→ Sk. nibiḍa2 ‘crook—nosed’).
7453 *niśchādana— ‘without covering’. [chādana—] H. nichān ‘clear, frank, unmixed’?
7454 *niśchādayati ‘uncovers’. [√chad 1] A. nisāiba ‘to remove the thatch from’.
7455 *niśchyati ‘cuts off’. [√chō] Or. nichibā ‘to scrape off’; M. nisṇẽ ‘to peel, strip off skin’.
7460 *niśrita— ‘leaning on’. [√śri] Pa. nissita— ‘hanging on’, °aka— m. ‘adherent’; Pk. ṇissiya— ‘resting on’; Si. nisi ‘suitable’ EGS 90. niśrēṇi— see niśrayaṇı̄́—.
7463 *niśvīyatē ‘is swollen’. [√śvi] G. nasījvũ ‘(an ox) to get the muscles of the neck much inflamed by hard driving’.
7468 *niṣupta— ‘asleep’. 2. *niṣupti— ‘sleep’. [níṣvapati ‘falls asleep’ RV., niḥṣupta— Pāṇ. — √svap 1] 1. B. nisut ‘sound asleep’. 2. B. nisuti ‘sound sleep’ (ODBL 502 < *niṣupta—). *niṣupti— ‘sleep’ see prec. Addenda: níṣupta— [Cf. Ir. *niš—hwāpaya— (or ni—šw°?) in Shgh. nix̌ã̤b— ‘to rock to sleep’ EVSh 51; níṣvāpayati RV., niḥṣvāpayati Pāṇ.]
7469 *niṣubha— ‘striking on’. [Cf. niśumbhati s.v. sumbhati. — √subh] Bi. nisuhā ‘fodder chopping—block’; Mth. nisuā ‘block on which sugarcane is chopped’; H. nesuā m. ‘chopping—block’.
7471 *niṣkaṇa— ‘without grain’. [káṇa—] Pk. ṇikkaṇa— ‘without grain, very poor’; M. nikaṇ ‘empty (of ears of grain), threshed’.
7478 *niṣkalati ‘comes out’. [Back—formation from niṣkāl- ayati. — √kal 2] Gy. as. nigyldum ‘I went out’ JGLS n.s. ii 332, arm. nƏkl— ‘to go out, stand up’, eur. span. nikil'— ‘to go out’, rum. nikl— ‘to take out’, imper. Ənklí ‘go out’, gr. nikl—, nik— ‘to go out’ (pp. niklisto X niṣkasta—), nikav— ‘to take out’; Ḍ. nikhilna ‘to come up, go up on’ (pret. nikhiṭ— < niṣkr̥ṣṭa—); S. nikiraṇu ‘to issue’ (whence caus. nikeraṇu); L. nikkilaṇ, nikkal°, (Ju.) niklaṇ ‘to come out’, (Shahpur) nikhlaṇ, awāṇ. imper. nikul, P. nikkalṇā; WPah.bhad. nikalṇū ‘to come out’, imper. nikul ‘go away’; Ku. nikalṇo ‘to come out’, N. niklanu; A. nikaliba ‘to come out, be driven out’; B. nikalā ‘to come out’, Or. nikaḷibā, Aw.lakh. nikarab, H. nikalnā, OMarw. nī̆kalaï, OG. nīkalaï, nīṁk°, G. nikaḷvũ, Ko. nikkaltā. Addenda: niṣkalati: S.kcch. nikkarṇū ‘to go through (a door etc.)’, bāyr nakarṇū ‘to go out’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) nikkƏlṇõ;, kṭg. níkkhƏḷnõ; ‘to come out, appear. escape’; OMarw. nīkaḷaï ‘comes out’; — read Ko. nikkaḷtā.
7479 *niṣkasati ‘goes out’. [niḥkasana— n. Kauṭ. — √kas] NiDoc. nikasati, nikha° ‘goes out’, Pk. ṇikkasijjaï pass. ‘is expelled’ (ṇikkasaṇa— n. ‘going out’); Sh.gil. nikha- yóĭki̯ ‘to come out’, koh. nĭkhăzōnu̯ ‘to come down’ (or poss. < *niṣkhasati); Ku. nikasṇo ‘to go or come out or away’; Mth. nikasab ‘to come out’; OAw. nikasaï ‘goes out’, H. nikasnā (→ P. niksaṇā), G. nikasvũ. - N. niskanu ‘to come or go out’ metath. < *niksanu or perh. < *niḥśakna—. — Bshk. (LSI). nūk—as ‘came out’, (Biddulph) nikki ‘away’ (absol. of *nik— ‘to go away’?), Tor. nik—, nig— ‘to come or go out’, Phal. nikh- ‘to rise (of sun)’ AO xviii 245 without explanation of loss of —s—: perh. rather < *niḥskadati. — See *niṣkasta—, niṣkāsayati.
7480 *niṣkasta— ‘gone out’. [√kas] NiDoc. nikhasta, °aǵa, nikasta, °aǵa ‘went out, gone out’; Sh. nikhātu ‘came out’; S. nikhto, nikto ‘gone out’; L. nixtā, mult. nikatthā ‘came out’ (ND 343 a 24 wrongly < niṣkr̥tá—); — Tor. nigāt ‘came out’, Phal. sūri nikhḗti ‘the sun rose’ poss. < *niḥskatta—. - X *niṣkalati in Gy. gr. niklisto pret. of nikl—.
7483 *niṣkāla— ‘exit, expulsion’. [√kal 2] P. nikāl f. ‘outlet’, °lā m. ‘exile’; N. nikālā ‘banish- ment’; H. nikāl m. ‘expulsion’, °lā m. ‘eruption on skin’; — G. M. nikāl m. ‘passage’ < *niṣkālya—?
7489 *niṣkr̥tyatē ‘is cut off’. [níṣkr̥ntati ‘cuts off or out or asunder’ RV. — √kr̥t 1] A. nikaṭiba ‘to be sent off, be peeled off’, nikṭāiba ‘to peel off’: or < *niṣkartati with change in mng. to passive.
7491 *niṣkōṣati ‘plucks out’, inf. niṣkōṣṭum, °ṣitum Pāṇ. [niṣkuṣati ‘extracts’ BhP. — √kuṣ] H. nikosnā ‘to grow teeth, gnash the teeth’.
7495 *niṣkhasati ‘falls down’. [√*khas 1] Sh.koh. nĭkhăzōnu̯ ‘to come down or off’; — more prob. < *niṣkasati.
7496 *niṣkhōṭa— ‘without blemish’. [*khōṭi—] N. nikhur ‘pure (of colour), all of one colour’, nikharo ‘pure, unalloyed’.
7497 *niṣkhōṭayati ‘tears out’. [√*khuṭ 1] H. nikhoṛnā ‘to pull off, pluck out’. Addenda: *niṣkhōṭayati: — ps. > intr. OP. nikhuṭṭaṇu ‘to be destroyed, come to an end’.
7498 *niṣkhōṭṭa— ‘without blemish’. [*khōṭṭa—] P. N. H. nikhoṭ ‘unblemished’.
7499 *niṣkhōll— ‘to loosen’. [*khōll—] Ku. nikholṇo ‘to loosen, let slip’, intr. nikhulṇo ‘to slip, fall’. níṣṭanati see *nistanati.
7501 *niṣṭiyā— ‘collection’. [Cf. níṣṭyāyatē ‘crowds together’ VS., stíyā— f. ‘pool of stagnant water (?)’ RV. — √styai] P. neṭhī f. ‘quantity of anything gathered together’?
7502 *niṣṭrāṇa— ‘without protection or armour’. [trāṇa—] Dm. nic̣íṇ ‘naked’ (< *niṣṭin NTS xii 180), Kal. liṣṭán, Gaw. niċhāṅg (< niṣṭrāṇaka—?), Sv. niċaṅ: all doubtful. — See nagná—.
7506 *niṣpaṅgura— ‘very lame’. [paṅgú—] H. nipā̃gur ‘paralysed in hands and feet’.
7507 *niṣpaṭati ‘is torn or rooted out’ (as intr. cf. *utpaṭati). 2. *niṣpāṭayati ‘roots out’. 3. *niṣpāṭyatē. [√paṭ 1] 1. Kho. niṣpuḷik ‘to come out by the roots, move from its place (of river or mountain), leave its place or fall of itself’. 2. Kho. (Lor.) nišp *l ḷik ‘to tear out or off, pull out or up (of weeds), castrate (by removal of testicles)’: if for *niṣpaḷik, it is to be separated from niṣpeḷik < niṣpīḍ- ayati. 3. M. nipaṭṇẽ ‘to scrape or wipe or scour off (esp. with hand or fingers)’.
7508 *niṣpaṭṭa— ‘without clothes’. [paṭṭa2] G. nipaṭ ‘shameless’.
7515 *niṣpānīya— ‘without water’. [pānı̄́ya—] Bi. nipaniyā̃ ‘unirrigated crops’; M. nipāṇī ‘scantily supplied with water’. níṣpārayati see níṣparati. *niṣpāva— ‘winnowing’ see níṣpunāti.
7517 *niṣpuṭaka— ‘unfolded’. [puṭa—] Ku. nipuṛo ‘penis’.
7518 *niṣpuṭati ‘unfolds’. [puṭa—] N. lā̃ṛo neparnu ‘to pull back the foreskin’; H. nipuṛnā tr. ‘to open’ (nipoṛnā with typical o for tr. verb).
7521 *niṣpraṣṭha— ‘absolutely foremost’. [praṣṭha—] Pk. ṇippaṭṭha— ‘more, additional’; — all NIA. forms without aspiration: S. nipaṭu ‘completely’, P. nipṭ, B. nipaṭ; Or. nipaṭa, °ṭi ‘completely, very’; H. G. M. nipaṭ ‘completely’. — partial sanskritization in N. nispaṭṭa. — All very doubtful. Addenda: *niṣpraṣṭha—: S.kcch. nippaṭ ‘entirely’.
7523 *niṣphāyatē ‘swells, is complete, arrives’. [For semantic development cf. sphā́yatē, *atiṣphāyatē, pūryatē, prábhūta—. — √sphāy] Sh. (Lor.) nifayoiki ‘to arrive’. — Deriv. nifaroiki ‘to conduct’.
7524 *niṣphālika— ‘without a ploughshare’. [phā́la1] M. niphāḷī ‘without a share (of a plough)’.
7525 *niṣmārayati ‘reminds’. [√smr̥] Kho. (Lor.) nižm e rik ‘to pronounce clearly, make clear, distinguish, separate’. — Very doubtful. *nisaraṇa— ‘approach’ see niḥsaraṇa. *nisīdati ‘sits’ see níṣīdati. nisr̥tā— see niśōtrā—. nisr̥ṣṭa— see *niḥsr̥ṣṭa—.
7526 *nistanati, ‘roars’ (níṣṭanati RV.). [√stan] Pa. nitthanati ‘groans’; M. nithaṇṇẽ ‘to gnash the teeth at’.
7529 *nistāna— ‘not taut’. [tāna—] P. nitāṇā, nat° ‘weak, faint’. Addenda: *nistāna—: delete this entry — see trāṇa— Add2.
7530 *nistāpa— ‘without heating’. [tāpa—] M. nitāv ‘unassayed by fire’.
7533 *nistr̥ta— ‘brought out’. [Cf. nistīrṇa— ‘rescued, escaped’ MBh., Pk. ṇitthiṇṇa—. — √tr̥̄] L. nitrīā ‘limpid, clear’ or < *nittaria— ~ Pk. ṇit- tharia— pp. of ṇittharaï < nistarati.
7535 *nisthāna— ‘low place’. [sthā́na—] S. nithāṇu m. ‘tank for water’? — Or < *nīpa- sthāna—?
7536 *nisvara— ‘sound’. [Cf. nisvana— m. s.v. nisvāna- (nisvará— ‘noiseless’ < *niḥsvara—?). — √svr̥] Si. nisara ‘sound’ EGS 90 or < *niḥsvara—.
7542 *nīḍāti ‘cuts down, weeds’. 2. *nirdāti. [< *niẓḍāti (cf. Wkh. n e ždun ‘weeding’ < *niždāna—, but IIFL ii 533 < *niž—dhāna—) replaced by *nirdāti, cf. nirdātr̥- m. ‘weeder, reaper’ Mn. — √] 1. Pa. niḍḍāyati ‘cuts out, weeds’, caus. niḍḍāpēti; A. nirāiba ‘to weed’, B. niṛā, niṛāna; H. nirānā, nar°, nal° ‘to reap, clear weeds’; Si. nelanavā ‘to pluck up weeds, gather fruit, pluck, break’. 2. Pk. ṇiṁdiṇī— f. ‘rooting up bad grass’; K. nĕnd f. ‘weeding a rice—field’, nĕnda f. ‘weeding’; P.kgr. nadāī f. ‘weeding’, nadāvā m. ‘weeder’; WPah.bhal. niddṇū, n e ddṇū ‘to weed a field’, (Joshi) nı̃dṇu; Or. nindibā ‘to weed a rice—field’; H. nidānā, nı̃d° ‘to cut, reap’; G. nīdvũ, nı̄̃d° ‘to weed’, M. nidṇẽ, nı̃d°, nidh°. Addenda: *nīḍāti. 1. A. also nīrāiba ‘to weed out’ AFD 333. 2. nirdāti: WPah.kṭg. niṇḍṇõ; ‘to weed, harrow’, J. nı̃dṇu.
7543 *nīḍāna— ‘weeding’. 2. *nirdāna—. [Psht. lalūn ‘weeding’ ← IA. *niḷān. — See *nīḍāti. — √dō] 1. Kho. niḷáṅg, (Lor.) niḷān (NTS xii 181 < *ni—kaḍḍh—), Sh. (Lor.) nīn (or < *nidāna—); B. niṛāni ‘weeding hook’; — Kal.rumb. nƏhŕún ‘weeding’ poss. < nirhar- aṇa—. 2. Pa. niddāna— n. ‘cutting off, mowing’; G. nı̄̃dāṇ n. ‘weeds plucked and thrown away’ (nı̄̃daṇ n. ‘id.’ from nı̄̃dvũ).
7547 *nītiśālā— (or *nayaśālā—) ‘school’. [nīti—, śā́lā—] G. niśāḷ f. ‘school’, niśāḷiyɔ m. ‘schoolboy, student’.
7550 *nīpasthāna— ‘lowlying place’. [nīpá—1, sthā́na—] S. nithāṇu m. ‘tank for water’? — Or < *nisthāna—?
7553 *nīrakṣaka— ‘without protection’. [rakṣā—] P. narakkhā ‘not taken care of, neglected, belonging to no one’.
7554 *nīraṅga— ‘colourless’. [Cf. nīrāga— Kathās., nīrakta- lex. — raṅga1] OAw. niraṁga ‘without colour’.
7558 *nīrājya— ‘absence of rule’. [rājyá—] Ku. nirajī f. ‘anarchy’. nı̄́riṇāti see next.
7559 *nīrīyatē ‘comes out, is separated’. 2. Caus. *nīrēpa- yati. [~ *nirlīyatē. — Cf. rı̄́yatē, rēpayati Gr., nı̄́riṇāti ‘separates from’ RV. — √] 1. Kho. (Lor.) nurik ‘to be separated from, part from’; K. nērun, absol. nīrith ‘to come out, be pro- duced, be completed’. 2. Kho. (Lor.) nureik tr. ‘to separate’. Addenda: *nīrīyatē: WPah.kṭg. nɛ̄́rnõ; ‘to stop, warn, deny, dissuade’; Md. nerenī ‘extracts’, neruvanī ‘drives out’; or < nirvarayati or on ac. of WPah. intonation more prob. < †;*nīharati (Him.I 164).
7564 *nīlakāra— ‘dyer’. [nı̄́la—, kāra1] L. nirālī m. ‘indigo dyer’, awāṇ lilārī m. ‘dyer’, P. lilārī, lal° m., H. lilārī m.
7567 *nīliya— ‘blue colour’. [nı̄́la—] Pk. ṇīlia— ‘blue’; OG. nīlī obl. sg. n. ‘blue colour’; Si. nili ‘colour of clouds’, nilla ‘green or blue colour’ (< *nilya).
7570 *nīvara— 2 ‘fat’. [Cf. nı̄́vati ‘becomes fat’ Dhātup. and pīvará—] Si. neranavā, neriyanavā ‘to become fat’??
7578 *nūram ‘now’. [Cf. OPers. nūram, Av. nūrƏm, Oss. nur ‘now’ ~ nūnám. — nú] Gaw. nūri ‘now’. — Cf. Pk. ṇavaraṁ, °ri, °ria ‘imme- diately after, at once’ with mng. infl. by *nūram? nŕ̥— m. ‘man’ RV.: nára—, nā́rī—. NR̥T ‘dance’. [Collides with or infl. by √*naṭ ‘shake’ (cf. e.g. Or. nācibā ‘to dance, shake, vibrate’ < nŕ̥tyati and K. naṭun intr. ‘to shake’ phonet. as well < nŕ̥tyati as < *naṭyati] náṭa—, nartá—, nartana—, nartáyati, nartita—, nāṭaka—, nāṭya—, nr̥tátē, nr̥ttá—, nr̥tya—, nŕ̥tyati; vinr̥tyati; — unnaḍa—?
7581 *nr̥tti— ‘dancing, quivering’. [√nr̥t] K. naṭh, dat. °ṭi f. ‘quivering, trembling’ or more prob. deriv. of naṭun s.v. naṭati 1.
7590 *nētrayōktra— ‘churning staff thong’. [nētra—3, yṓktra—] Bi. newat, nĕwatā ‘cord of churning stick’ (= jotī in SBhagalpur). nēpathya— see *naivastya—.
7593 *nēmiya— ‘pertaining to the edge or felly’. 2. *nēmya—. [nēmí—] 1. Pa. nēmiya— ‘having a rim’. 2. Mth. nīm dhūrī ‘the second pair of spokes of a cartwheel’ (illustration in BPL 29). *nēmiyāra—, nēmiyākāra—.
7594 *nēmiyākāra— ‘shaped like a felly’. [nēmí— or *nē- miya—, ākāra—] H. niwār f. ‘wooden ring or wheel at bottom of a well forming foundation for the superstructure of earth or masonry’; — less likely < *nēmiyāra—.
7595 *nēmiyāra— ‘felly—spoke’. [*nēmiya—, ará—] Bi. (Shahabad) lewārā ‘second pair of spokes of a cartwheel’, Mth. (SE Tirhut) nĕbārā; — Bi. nimārā < *niṽ— or poss. < *nēmyāra—. — H. niwār see *nēmiyā- kāra—.
7596 *nēmilaṣṭi— ‘support stick’. [nēmí—, *laṣṭi—] Bi. newnaṭh ‘support of a washerman's board’. nēṣṭu— see lōṣṭá—. *naiḥsattvika— ‘weak’ see niḥsattva—.
7602 *nailiya—, nailya— n. ‘blue colour’ Hariv. [nı̄́la—] Or. neḷi ‘blue colour’, neḷiā ‘blue, bluish’.
7604 *naivastya— ‘dressing up’. [*nivasta—] Pk. ṇēvaccha— n. ‘dress, arranging of dress, dressing up, disguise’ (whence the hypersanskritism nēpathya- ‘ornament, decoration esp. of actors’ MBh. H. Lüders ZDMG 95, 260; Pk. ṇēvattha— < *naivast(r)a— or more prob. < MIA. nivattha— with ē from ṇēvaccha—); MB. neuchā ‘adornment’ ODBL 328, B. nichani ‘dressing’; OMth. neñocha ‘adornment’ ODBL 521.
7618 *pakk— ‘move forward, reach’. [Loss of final syllables and of —m— in K. would make derivation from prákram- ati doubtful. Pk. paccala— ‘sufficient, able’ suggests connection with pakvá—] Pk. pakka— ‘reached, sufficient, able’, pakkaṇa— ‘able’; K. pakun ‘to go, tread, advance, go on well, succeed’; Or. pakāibā ‘to make move, throw, throw away, place, put’; — A. B. pāk ‘bend, twist, eddy, rounds of a field in ploughing’? Addenda: *pakk— [< pr̥kṣá— ‘strong’ RV. (semant. cf. pūryátē)? — (But Pk. pakka— ‘pakā huā, tr̥pta, garvit, samartha, pakkā’ PSM, WPah.kṭg. pakkɔ ‘ripe, clever’ may confirm der. from pakvá—; Pk. pakka- ‘pahũcā huā’ PSM suggests pakvá— collides with a Pk. pakka— < prā́pta— like mukka— < mukta—, etc. J.C.W.)]
7619 *pakkaḍ— ‘seize’. 2. *paggaḍ—. [Cf. Pk. paggaï, paṁgaï, piṁgaï ‘seizes’. — Obscure and doubtful con- nexion with pragrahá—, prágr̥hṇāti ‘holds’ AV., Pa. paggaṇhati, pp. paggahita—, Pk. paggahiya—] 1. P. pakaṛṇā, pha° ‘to seize’, Ku. pakaṛṇo, N. pakranu, A. pākariba, B. pākaṛā, Or. pakaṛāibā, Aw.lakh. pakarab, H. pakaṛnā, Marw. pakaṛṇo, G. pakaṛvũ, M. pakaḍṇẽ. 2. P. pagaṛṇā ‘to seize’, Or. pagaṛibā. Addenda: *pakkaḍ—: S.kcch. pakaṛṇū ‘to catch’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) pakƏṛnõ;, Wkc. pɔkƏṛno, J. pākṛnu ‘to arrest’.
7622 *pakvatara— ‘better cooked’. [pakvá—] L.awāṇ. pakērā ‘stronger’.
7624 *pakvapūpaḍa— ‘cooked cake’. [pakvá—, pūpa—] P. pakauṛā m. ‘sweetmeat of grain moistened and fried in oil’, °ṛī f. ‘small do.’; H. pakauṛī, °aurī f. ‘a thin flat cake of flour fried in oil’.
7625 *pakvavaṭa— ‘cooked ball’. [pakvá—, vaṭa3] S. pakoṛo m. ‘dish of pease meal’; Or. pakoṛi ‘ball of fried gram flour’, H. pakoṛā m., G. pakoṛī f.
7626 *pakviṣṭha— ‘very well cooked’. [pakvá—] H. pākaṭh ‘cooked, ripe, old, strong’?
7628 *pakṣakhallā— ‘leather water—skin’. [pakṣá—, khalla1] S. pakhāla f. ‘waterskin’, P. N. H. G. M. pakhāl (LM 361 < *payas—khalla—): very doubtful.
7629 *pakṣataṭaka— ‘side slope’. [pakṣá—, taṭa—] N. pakhero ‘precipitous slope’ (ND 356 b 18 wrongly < *pakṣatara—).
7630 *pakṣapaṭṭa— ‘wing’. [pakṣá—, paṭṭa1] H. pakhauṭā m. ‘wing’; G. pakhoṭũ n. ‘arm’.
7631 *pakṣaparṇikā— ‘side leaf’. [pakṣá—, parṇá—] G. pakhvānī f. ‘earring, small piece of pith put in hole in lobe of ear’.
7632 *pakṣapāṭaka— ‘side—expanse’. [pakṣá—, pāṭa—] H. pakhwāṛā, °wārā m. ‘side, gable—end of house’.
7634 *pakṣavāra— ‘fortnight’. [pakṣá—, vāra2] OAw. pakhavārā ‘lunar fortnight’, H. pakhwārā m.
7635 *pakṣātōdya— ‘side—drum’. [pakṣá—, ātōdya—] Pk. pakkhāujja— n. ‘drum’, P. pakhāuj, °āwaj, pakhauj m.; Or. pakhāuja, °khauja ‘cylindrical drum covered with skin at both ends’; OAw. pakhāuja ‘drum’, H. pakhāuj, °āwaj m.; — with metathesis of āu or X vādya—, Pk. vajja—: S. pakhvāja f. (lw. with j), N. pakhwāj, B. pākhāj, G. pakhvāj, °khāj f., M. pakhvāj̈ m. *pakṣikarūpa— ‘bird’ see *pakṣirūpa—.
7637 *pakṣirūpa— ‘bird’. 2. *pakṣikarūpa—. [pakṣín—, rūpá—] 1. P.bhaṭ. pakhrū ‘bird’, WPah.pāḍ. pŏkkhar, bhal. p e kkhrū m., bhiḍ. p e khrõ;, pl. °ru n., paṅ. pakhrū, cur. pākhru, M. pākhrū̃ n.; Ko. pāk(h)rũ ‘birdlike’. 2. L. pakhērū m. ‘bird’, P. paṅkherū m., OAw. pakherū m., H. pakherū, °ruwā m., G. pãkherũ n., M. pãkherū̃ n.
7639 *pakṣmapaṭṭa— ‘eyelid’. [pákṣman—, paṭṭa3] H. papoṭā m. ‘eyelid’; — WPah.bhiḍ. pɔ́ṇṭhƏ, pl. °ṭhã n. ‘eyelash’ (< *pahumavaṭṭa—)?
7641 *pakṣya— 2 ‘hot’. [For formation cf. *rikṣya—. —√pac[ Kal. pēc̣ı̄́ ‘heat’; Kho. pec̣ ‘hot’ BelvalkarVol 94, (Lor.) p e c̣i ‘heat’, p e c̣eik ‘to heat’. *paggaḍ— ‘seize’ see *pakkaḍ—.
7642 *paggapaṭṭa— ‘turban’. [*paggā—, paṭṭa2] M. pāgoṭẽ n. ‘turban’.
7643 *paggala— ‘mad’. [pāgala— BrahmavP. — Poss. a ‘defective’ word of the group paṅgu— (cf. esp. Or. pāṅguḷā)] K. P. pāgal ‘mad’, Ku. pāgal, paglo, N. A. B. pāgal; Or. pāgaḷa, °gala, pagaḷā, °galā ‘mad’, pāṅguḷā ‘madness’ (or < paṅgula—?); H. pāgal, paglā ‘mad’. Addenda: *paggala—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) pagƏl ‘mad’ (prob. ← H. Him.I 109).
7644 *paggā— ‘headdress’. [Scarcely with ODBL 461 < pragraha—] K. pag f. ‘turban’, S. paǥa f., L. pagg, pl. °gã f., (Ju.) paǥ f., P. pagg f., Ku. pāg f., N. A. B. pāg, Or. pāga, Bi. Mth. H. pāg f., G. pāgh f.; — ext. —ḍa—: K. pagürü f., S. paǥiṛī f., L. pagṛī f., P. paggaṛ m.; Ku. pāgṛo m. ‘turban, loin—sheet’; N. pagari ‘turban, cap’; A. pāguri ‘turban’, B. pāgṛi, Or. pagaṛi, Bi. pagrī, H. pagṛī f. (→ Mth. pagaṛī), G. pāghṛī f.; M. pagḍī f. ‘child's turban’. *paggapaṭṭa—. Addenda: *paggā—: S.kcch. pāg, pāgh ‘turban’, WPah.kṭg. pagg (prob. ← P. Him.I 109), pāg f., J. pāg f., A. pāg AFD 182; Md. faguḍi ‘turban’ ← Ind.
7648 *paṅgur— ‘cover’. Pk. paṁguraï ‘covers’, paṁguraṇa— n. ‘cloth, garment’; G. pā̃graṇ n. ‘small kind of dhotī worn by men, bodice’; OM. pāṁguraṇeṁ ‘to cover loosely, put on loosely’, pāṁguraṇa n. ‘covering, sheet’.
7652 *pacchi— ‘basket’. Pa. Pk. pacchi— f. ‘basket’; L. pacchī f. ‘basket (woven from grass, wheat straw, palm leaves or ends of reeds)’; A. pāsi ‘bamboo basket’; Si. päsa, pähä ‘basket’; - deriv. Or. pāchiā ‘kept in a basket (of milk for curdling)’.
7657 *pañcakula— ‘consisting of five families’. [páñca, kúla—] Pk. paṁcaüla— n. ‘panchayet’; — deriv.: Pk. paṁca- üliya— m. ‘one who deliberates in a panchayet’; H. pacaur, pacaulī m. ‘village headman’.
7668 *pañcapuṭaka— ‘fivefold’. [páñca, puṭa—] L. pañjōṛā ‘quintuple’.
7670 *pañcamahala— ‘fifth ploughing’. [pañcamá—, halá1] P. pajauhar f. ‘fifth ploughing (usu. crosswise)’.
7676 *pañcāṅka— m. ‘the figure 5’. [páñca, aṅká—] P. pacā̃g m. ‘the figure 5’.
7684 *pañcōttara— ‘more by five’. [páñca, úttara—] Pk. paṁcuttarasaya— ‘105th’; S. pañjotar ‘plus five’; P. pañjotrā m. ‘5% tax levied in addition to the revenue tax’; H. pacotar ‘more by five’; M. pãċotrā m. ‘interest at 5%’. *pañja— ‘heap’ see puñja—.
7686 *pañjāpāka— ‘kiln for a heap’. [*pañja—, āpāka—] P. pañjāvā, pãj° m. ‘brick kiln’; B. pā̃jā ‘kiln’, G. pajāvɔ m. — ND 372 a 42 wrongly.
7687 *pañjāli— ‘row of heaps’. [*pañja—, *āḍi2] A. pazāli ‘small heaps of mustard plants harvested and left on the field to dry’.
7695 *paṭalāli— ‘the line of a thatch’. [paṭala—2, *āḍi2] G. paṛāḷ n.f. ‘slope of a roof’, paṛāḷī f. ‘one half of sloping thatch, shed’?
7701 *paṭṭa— 3 ‘veil’. [Poss. < *parta— ~ Pers. parda ‘veil’ < *partaka— Rep1 62? — But cf. paṭála—] Ash. aċi—paṭá ‘eyelashes’, Wg. ačē̃—póṭ, Kt. ači- paṭƏlók, Pr. iži—wot, Paš.lauṛ. ac̣i—paṭala, Kho. páṭuk (→ Sang. patak ‘eyelid’).
7702 *paṭṭakara— ‘cloth—maker’. [Cf. paṭṭakarman— n. ‘weaving’ Pañcat. — paṭṭa—2, kara1] Or. pāṭarā ‘a Hindu caste of cloth—dealers’; Bi. paṭaherā ‘maker of fancy silk’; — cf. Pk. paṭṭakāra— m. ‘weaver’.
7704 *paṭṭadukūla— ‘fine silk cloth’. [paṭṭa—2, dukūlá—] OG. paṭaülaüṁ n., G. paṭoḷũ n. ‘a fine silk cloth worn by women’? Addenda: *paṭṭadukūla—: S.kcch. paṭoro m. ‘silk sāṛī’; OMarw. paṭoḷī ‘a partic. female garment’.
7706 *paṭṭapati— ‘master of the turban’. [paṭṭa—2, páti—] G. pāṭvī—kũvar m. ‘heir to the crown’.
7709 *paṭṭavaya— ‘silk—weaver’. [paṭṭa—2, vaya1] G. paṭvɔ m. ‘maker of fringes and silk network’. *paṭṭiṅga— ‘flying insect’ see pataṅgá—.
7711 *paṭyati ‘splits’. [√paṭ 1] S. paṭaṇu ‘to dig up, pluck out’; L. paṭṭaṇ ‘to dig up, bite’, awāṇ. paṭṭuṇ ‘to uproot’; P. paṭṭṇā ‘to dig up, open’; N. paṭnu ‘to lie fallow’ (i.e. after being dug up?); H. paṭnā ‘to be levelled, be irrigated’. — See pāṭayati. PAṬH ‘recite, read’: páṭhati, paṭhana—, pāṭha—, pā́ṭhaka—, pāṭhayati, pāṭhin—; *āpaṭhati, pari- pāṭha—; — √prath. Addenda: *paṭyati: WPah.kṭg. pɔṭṇõ; ‘to uproot’, J. paṭṇu.
7723 *patatha— ‘wing’. [~ pátatra— n. RV., cf. —yātha— ~ yātrā—. — √pat] Si. piyā ‘wing of a bird’ (EGS 105 wrongly < pátatra—).
7728 *patikula— ‘husband's family’. [páti—, kúla—] Ku. payel, °yāl ‘husband's house’, N. poil (poila jānu ‘to go from the husband's house’, i.e. ‘to run off with another man’); Si. pavula ‘family, household’. *paticchāyā— ‘shadow’ see praticchāyā—. patitá— see pátati.
7729 *patibhaginī— ‘husband's sister’. [páti—, bhaginī—] Ku. paauṇī, pauṇī f. ‘husband's elder sister’.
7730 *pativēcya— ‘to be sifted’. [Cf. Ir. *pativaičana— in Psht. pēzna ‘sieve’ NTS ii 271. — √vic] Ash. pḗiċƏ, pḗċä ‘sieve’, Wg. pō̤ča, Kt. pšä̃: rather than < *parivēcya— s.v. *parivēcana—.
7731 *patta1 ‘gone’. [~ panna— pp. of pádyatē ‘goes, falls’ RV. NTS xv 298 with (?). — √pad 1] Pr. —ptƏ— ‘to go’; Kt. pätō—sum ‘I went’.
7732 *patta— 2 ‘back’. 2. *pattama—. 3. *pattama—. [Poss. < apāktáḥ AV., ápāktāt RV. ‘from behind’, ápāñc- ‘behind’ RV.: √añc. — But as a specifically NW word it may derive from Indo—Ir. *pati (Av. paiti, &c. ~ Sk. práti) with doubling of —t— as in iyattaká— or Pk. itti ~ íti (J. C. W.)] 1. Ash. patē̃́i ‘after’, Wg. alé patái, Paš. pat; Gaw. pata ‘behind’, patae ‘afterwards’; Woṭ. padḗ ‘back, again’; Bshk. (Biddulph) pat ‘after’, patai ‘second’, patka ‘again’; Tor. pat, pad ‘behind’, Mai. patō, Sh. phătú (ph ?); K. potu ‘hinder, subsequent’, pȧti ‘behind’; WPah.bhal. pátte ‘behind’; Ku. patīr ‘after, beyond’ (+?). 2. WPah.bhal. pattar ‘further behind’, pattraũ ‘hinder’. 3. NiDoc. patama adv. ‘back’; — with —ima—: K. patyumu ‘hindmost’; WPah.bhiḍ. p e ttiõ; ‘hinder’. *patta— 3 ‘fallen’ see pátati. *pattaṅga— ‘flying insect’ see pataṅgá—. pattana— see paṭṭana—. *pattama—, *pattara—, ‘behind’ see *patta2.
7737 *pattralava— ‘cutting leaves’. [páttra—, lava—] H. patlo ‘leaves cut off from the culm of the reed Saccharum spontaneum and used for thatching, dead leaves fallen from a tree’.
7738 *pattravaṭa— ‘leaves and lumps (of pulse)’. [Cf. *parṇavataka—. — páttra—, vaṭa3] P. patauṛ, °ṛā m. ‘leaves or vegetables cooked with flour of chick—pea and oil’.
7741 *pattrīdhāra— ‘holding the leaf’. [páttra—, dhāra1] WPah.bhal. pö́ṭḷiār m. ‘the man who carries the myrtle from the bridegroom's house to the bride's’.
7748 *pada— 2 ‘tendon’. [Cf. Psht. pala ‘tendon, nerve’, Pers. pai] Pr. wy e le ‘tendon’ NTS xv 278; Kho. (Lor.) poi ‘tendon, sinew’.
7749 *padagūḍha— ‘hobble’. [padá—1, *gūḍha—] Bi. paiṛh, paiṛhā ‘hobble for cattle’.
7750 *padagra— n., cf. pādāgra— n. ‘point of the foot’ Kālid. [pád—2, ágra—] OAw. païga m. ‘foot’.
7751 *padaṅga— n. ‘foot’. [pád—2, áṅga1: in contrast to áṅga— alone which is restricted to ‘arm’ in several Dard. lggs.] Kho. poṅ(g) ‘foot, leg, bottom end’, poṅgu ‘leg of a bedstead’. — Or. < padga— q.v. Addenda: *padaṅga—: line 5 for Or. read Altern.
7752 *padaḍa— ‘footstep, foot’. [padá1] L. pêṛā m. ‘track, rope for tying feet of cattle (= Ju. paiṛā)’, mult. pauṛī f. ‘step of ladder’ (u from unen- larged nom. sg. *pau < padám?); P. paiṛ m. ‘footprint, track’, paiṛā m. ‘step, foot’; WPah.bhal. p e_ ṛi f. ‘place for foot in beam of husking pedal’; Ku. paiṛi ‘steps, stairs, feet’; H. paiṛ m. ‘foot’, paiṛā m. ‘track made by oxen’, paiṛī ‘step of ladder &c.’; M. peḍ m. ‘table- ground, hillock’; — altern. < *padara—: K. pair, par, pūru m. ‘foot’, N. payar; A. païrā ‘foot (of hill, vessel, road), base of plough’; Mth. pair, pāer (ā from pā́da—?) ‘the feet’; OAw. païrī f. ‘anklet’, OH. payara. Addenda: *padaḍa—: WPah.kṭg. p e_ i ; kc. pɔ̄ṛe f. ‘step of ladder’.
7753 *padadaṇḍa— ‘footpath’. [Cf. H. cmpd. pagdaṇḍī. - padá—1, daṇḍá—] P. paı̃ḍā m. ‘road, distance’, paı̃ḍaṛ m. ‘robber’; Mth. paı̃ṛā ‘road’; OH. pāyaṛā m. ‘footpath’ (< *pādadaṇḍa—?), H. paı̃ḍ, pẽḍ f., paı̃ḍā, paı̃ḍhā m. ‘track, path’. Addenda: *padadaṇḍa—: WPah.kṭg. p e_ ṇḍ, p e ṇḍɔ m. ‘path, road’, J. paiṇḍā (prob. ← H. Him.I 113).
7754 *padadhi— or *padadhā— ‘footprint’. [padá—1, —dhi—] Kho. poh ‘footprint, track’.
7755 *padapatha— ‘footpath’. [padá—1, pathá—] P. pahiā, paihā, pahēā, pēhā m. ‘path’: altern. < pathí— or *padavīthi—.
7756 *padara— ‘foot’. [padá1] S. peru m. ‘footwork, foot, paw’, pero m. ‘footmark, track’, perṛyo ‘on foot’; L. pair, pêr, pēr m. ‘foot’, pērā m. ‘track’, (Shahpur) pērā m. ‘foundation’; P. pair m. ‘foot’; Or. payara ‘leg’, paãrī, païrī, paı̃rī, paẽri ‘anklet’; H. pair m. ‘foot’; — altern. < *padaḍa— q.v.: forms in K. N. A. Mth. OAw. — Scarcely with LM 366 < pādākāra—. *nagnapadara—. Addenda: *padara—: WPah.kṭg. p e_ r m. ‘foot’, J. pair m.
7757 *padavīthi— ‘footpath’. [padá—1, vīthi—] P. pahiā, paihā, pahēā, pēhā m. ‘path’: altern. < *pathi— or *padapatha—. Addenda: *padavīthi—: S.kcch. pīyo m. ‘bullock—track at a well’ or < padá1.
7758 *padavraṇa— ‘foot abscess’. [padá—1, vraṇá—] K. pona f. ‘blister or fissure on sole of heel, frost crack in foot or hand’.
7759 *padasthāna— ‘place for feet’. [padá—1, sthā́na—] A. pathān ‘foot of bed’, OB. paithāna, B. paythān.
7760 *padāṁcāra— ‘stepping place for the feet’. [pád—2, cāra2] Bshk. panǰā́r ‘ladder, stairs’ (AO xviii 247 < *pā̆daṁ- cāra—).
7761 *padāṁśa— ‘quarter part’. [padá—1, áṁśa—] H. paisā m. ‘quarter anna’ (→ S. paiso, L. P. paisā and prob. N. Or. M. paisā, G. paisɔ). Addenda: *padāṁśa—: Md. faisā ‘money’ ← H.
7762 *padākāra— ‘name of a metre’. [padá—1, ākāra—] A. payār ‘versification’; B. payār ‘a metre of two lines of fourteen syllables each’, Or. payāra; H. payār m. ‘a two—lined metre’ ODBL 315. padāntara— see pādāntara—.
7764 *padu— ‘place, quarter’. [Contained in padavı̄́— m. ‘place (?)’ RV., ‘footsteps, way’ MBh., ‘place’ R. - pád2] S. pãũ m. ‘ace in dice (i.e. a quarter of the highest throw of 4 dots)’, P. pau m., N. pau, Or. paa, OAw. paü m., H. pau f., G. po m., M. pav, pau m. pādú—; *padūna—.
7765 *padūna— ‘less by a quarter’. [Cf. pādōna— Āpast., pādūna— lex. — *padu—, ūná1] S. paüṇo adj., paū̃ṇi f. ‘three quarters’, L. pauṇā̃, P. pauṇe, ludh. paun, °nā, WPah.bhad. pauṇū, Ku. pauṇ, B. paune, Bhoj. pawan, H. paun, °nā, G. pɔṇũ, M. auṇā—pauṇā. — K. dūnu if belonging here has unexpl. d—. — Or. pāuṇā, M. pāuṇ— (in cmpd.), Ko. pāuṇ rather < pādōna—. Addenda: *padūna—: Garh. pɔṇu ‘3/4’.
7767 *paddhara— ‘straight, level’. [prādhvara—? See Add. — ádhvan—] Pk. paddhara— ‘straight’; S. padharu m. ‘open plain, enclosure round a house, yard’, padhiro ‘open, plain, well—known’, m. ‘a plain’; L. paddhar m. ‘open treeless plain’, (Ju.) paddharaṇ intr. ‘to spread’; P. paddhar m. ‘open plain’, paddharā ‘smooth and even’, bhaṭ. padhrā ‘plain’; WPah.paṅ. paddhar, cur. padhr ‘plain’, jaun. pādrō ‘right, straight’; OG. pādharaüṁ ‘straight’, G. pādhar ‘plain, open’, pādhrũ ‘straight, upright, not crooked’. Addenda: *paddhara—: S.kcch. padhar m. ‘confines of a village’? (see padrá—), padhro ‘straight, open—minded’, WPah.kc. pɔdhro ‘level, plain’, jaun. pādro ‘right, straight’.
7768 *paddhārayati ‘steps’. [OG. pāu dhāraï suggests pád—2, dhāráyati: but see *paddhara— Add.] Pk. pādhāraï ‘steps’; S. padhāraṇu ‘to bring to visit’, padhārjaṇu ‘to go, come, visit, die’; H. padhārnā ‘to proceed, sit down, depart’; OMarw. padhāraï ‘comes, goes’; G. padhārvũ ‘to go, come, go in peace and safety’.
7779 *padyākāra— ‘foot—shaped’. [pádya—, ākāra—] P. pajār m. ‘shoe’.
7783 *panthapāla— ‘guarding the road’. [Cf. pathipā́- MaitrS. — pánthā—, pālá—] Phal. panwā́l ‘road—guard’.
7784 *pantharakṣaka— ‘road—guard’. [Cf. pathirákṣas- ‘protecting roads’ VS., °rákṣi— RV. — pánthā—, rakṣá—] Sh. (Lor.) ponrac̣o ‘road—guard, advance guard of an army, anyone giving information about the state of a road’.
7786 *panthin— ‘travelling’. [pánthā—] Pk. paṁthia— m. ‘traveller’; S. pandhiṛyo ‘on foot’, m. ‘traveller’.
7787 *panthiya— ‘appertaining to the road’. [Cf. pāthēya- n. ‘food for a journey’ MBh. — pánthā—] Kho. pondi ‘food for the road’. panna— see pádyatē.
7797 *paragrāma— ‘another village’. [pára—, grā́ma—] G. pargām n. ‘another village, foreign parts’, pargāmī ‘foreign, outside’.
7799c *parapautra— ‘great—grandson’. [pára—, paútra—] H. purotā m. ‘great—grandson’.
7799k *parahasta— ‘another's hand’. [pára—, hásta—] Pa. parahattha— m. ‘hand of an enemy’; P. par- hatthı̄̃, °thī adv. ‘by another person, at second hand’.
7799l *parahīyas ‘the day before yesterday’. 2. *parahyas. [pára—, *hīyas (hyas)] 1. S. parı̃hã ‘the day after tomorrow’; WPah.cur. parhē ‘the day before yesterday’, bhal. pāḍ. paṅ. parē, Ko. pairi, Si. pereyi—dā, perē—dā. 2. WPah.bhad. prej̈ ‘the day before yesterday’, (Joshi) frēj, frejō. *parahyas ‘the day before yesterday’ see prec. parā ‘away’ in parāvát—, and verbal prefix in parā- krama—, parāgata—, párājayatē, párābhavati, pálā- yatē. parākā́t see paragata—. Addenda: *parahīyas. 1. S.kcch. parīyẽ, paryẽ ‘day before yesterday, day after tomorrow’; — A. parahi id. rather, like parhui, < paraśvas. 2. *parahyas: WPah.kṭg. pɔ́rhƏj̈, phɔ́rƏj̈ ‘on the day before yesterday’, kc. phƏrēj̈ (X parēdyuḥ ‘tomorrow’ W.?). *parahyas see *parahīyas Add2.
7799r *parājña— ‘subject to another’. [pára—, ājñā—] OG. parāṇi, G. parāṇe ‘forcibly’; Si. paraṇa ‘slave’ EGS 96. parāpáyati see pálāyatē.
7799v *parikamra— ‘near the back’. [Cf. paripārśva— ‘near the side’ KātyŚr. — *kamra—] Ash. parikamá ‘behind the shoulder’.
7803a *parigālayati Add. 14673.
7804 *parigēlayati ‘causes to fall through’. [Caus. fr. *parigilati, cf. *pragilati. — √gal 1] N. pargelnu ‘to sift, separate, clean (e.g. rice)’ with MIA. —gg—.
7810 *paricchatti— ‘covering’. [√chad 1] L. parchatī f. ‘receptacle for goods made by placing a beam across a room and flooring the interval between it and the wall’; Or. parchit, °ti ‘thatched wall of earth’; H. parchattī, °chatī, °chaṭī f. ‘a small thatch thrown over mud walls and roofs of houses’.
7812 *paricchindati, páricchinatti ‘cuts off on both sides’ ŚBr., ‘limits, determines’ Kāv. [√chid] Pa. paricchindati ‘marks out, determines’; Pk. paricchiṁdaï ‘cuts off, determines’; — Si. pirisin̆dinavā ‘to ascertain’ (EGS 107) ← Pa.
7817 *parijūrṇa— ‘worn out’. [Cf. parijīrṇa— MBh., Pa. parijiṇṇa—. — √jr̥̄] Pk. parijuṇṇa— ‘worn out’; Si. (SigGr) pirijun ‘ruined’.
7817b *parijvālayati Add. 14675.
7826 *pariṇīyatē ‘is married’. [√ 1] NiDoc. pariniyaṁti 3 pl. pres., Pk. pariṇīyamāṇa—, °ṇijjaṁta— pres. part.; L. parnījaṇ, parnīvaṇ ‘to be given in marriage’, awāṇ. parnivuṇ.
7828 *pariṇētra— ‘wedding’. [√ 1] G. parṇetar, paṇtar, parṇet n. ‘wedding, wife’. *pārinētra—. Addenda: *pariṇētra— ‘wedding’. [Cf. pariṇētr̥— m. ‘husband’ Kālid. — √] L. parnevā m. ‘marriage’ (< early MIA. *pariṇēta- rather than < pariṇētavya— since —vy > S. L. P. —b— as kartavya—, *sēcitavya—, *sēvya—).
7829 *paritapikā— ‘frying pan’. [Cf. *tapaka— and páritapat ‘burns all round’ RV. — √tap] H. paruī f. ‘pan for parching grain’.
7831 *paritr̥ṣyati ‘longs for’, paritr̥ṣita— Kāraṇḍ. [√tr̥ṣ] Pa. paritassati ‘shows longing for’; Si. piritäsuma ‘prayer, request’ EGS 106 with (?): prob. ← Pa.
7833 *paritrā— ‘protection’. [Cf. paritrāṇa— n. Mn., Pk. parittāṇa— n. — √trai] Pa. parittā— f., °ta— n. ‘protection’; Si. pirita ‘pro- tection (by charms)’.
7846 *paripūya— ‘purulent’. [√pūy] G. paru n. ‘puss, purulent matter’ or < *prapūya—?
7848 *paribudhyatē ‘understands’. 2. Pp. *paribuddha—. 3. *paribūḍha—. [Cf. paribōdhana— n. ‘exhortation’ Kād. — √budh] 1. NiDoc. paribujiśatu fut. ‘understand’; Ash. puruz—, purez— ‘to hear’; Wg. prūǰ—, prṳ̄ǰ— ‘to enquire about, get informed about’; Bashg. purǰ— ‘to recognize, think’; Woṭ. parz— ‘to understand, be able’; Gaw. parū́z— ‘to understand’, Bshk. pūrǰá—; Sh.gil. părŭžóĭki̯ ‘to hear, understand’, koh. părŭǰōnu̯, gur. părŭžōnu̯; S. purjhaṇu; — K. parzanawun ‘to recognize’ (X zānun < jānā́ti?). 2. Sh. pp. părŭ́dŭ, S. pp. purdho. 3. S. parūṛaṇu ‘to understand, think’, parūṛa f. ‘understanding, opinion’. *paribūḍha— ‘understood’ see prec.
7857 *parimārjati ‘rubs’. [Cf. párimārṣṭi ‘wipes all round’ RV., ‘touches lightly, strokes’ MBh. — √mr̥j] Pa. parimajjati ‘rubs, strokes’, OSi. piriman̆dinu, Si. pirimadinavā.
7860 *pariyaṭṭa— ‘wandering washerman’. [paryaṭaka— m. ‘tramp’ Mr̥cch.com. — √aṭ] Pk. pariaṭṭa— m. ‘washerman’, S. parīṭu m.; G. pariyaṭ, °y e m. ‘washerman who goes round collecting clothes’; M. parīṭ m. ‘washerman’. *pariyanta— ‘boundary’ see paryantá—. *pariyasta— ‘thrown about’ see paryasta—. pariyāṇa— see paryāṇa1. *pariyāpta— ‘completed’ see paryāpta—.
7860a *pariyāvartaka— ‘revolving’. [Cf. paryāvarta— m. ‘exchange’ BhP., paryā́vartatē ‘turns round’ RV. — √vr̥t 1] N. palyā̃ṭo, palẽṭo ‘millstone’: very doubtful.
7861 *pariyuṣita—, paryuṣita— ‘stale’ Mn. 2. *pariyuṣṭa—, paryuṣṭa— ‘old, faded’ BhP. 3. *parivasya— ‘to be kept overnight’. [Cf. parivasati ‘stays’ KātyŚr., Pk. parivasaï ‘stays overnight’. — √ vas 2] 1. Pk. pari(v)usia—, parijusia— ‘stale’; M. pārusṇẽ ‘to become stale’. 2. Pa. parivuṭṭha— ‘staying ( a period’); G. pāroṭh ‘decayed through long disuse’; — Pa. Pk. parivuttha- ‘having stayed’ (with —tth— from *parivasta—); S. pārūtho ‘stale’, L. parūthā ‘stale’, m. ‘food cooked overnight’. 3. P. parossā m. ‘food set aside for one who has not joined the party, food to be sent to a friend’; M. pāravsā, pārosā ‘stale’, m. ‘one who has not yet per- formed his daily ablutions’.
7862 *pariyēṣa— ‘searching for’. [Cf. ḗṣa— m. ‘act of seeking’ RV. — √iṣ 2] Si. piriyasa ‘seeking’.
7863 *pariyēṣati—, paryēṣati ‘seeks for’ ChUp. 2. *pariyēṣ- aṇā—, paryēṣaṇā— f. ‘investigation’ Pāṇ.vārtt. [√iṣ 2] 1. Pa. pariyēsati ‘seeks for’; M. pariyesṇẽ, parisṇẽ, °rasṇẽ ‘to listen, hear’, caus. parisaviṇẽ. 2. Pa. pariyēsana— n., °nā— f. ‘search, enquiry’, Pk. pariēsaṇā— f.; Si. piriyasun ‘searching’.
7865 *parirāva— ‘reverberation’. [√ru] S. parlāu m. ‘reverberation, echo, sound, voice’.
7866 *parilaṭati ‘turns over’. [√*laṭ] Si. peraḷanavā ‘to upset’ (H. Smith JA 1950, 195 < Pk. pariyalla— replacing párivartatē).
7867 *parivabhati ‘weaves round’. [√ubh] OH. pirohanā ‘to plait, weave on, string (beads &c.)’, but see parivayati.
7868 *parivayaṇa— n. ‘weaving round’. [√] K. piranun ‘to string (beads &c.)’.
7874 *parivāṭa— ‘surrounding fence’. [vāṭa1] S. palvāṛo, °veṛo m. ‘wall or fence round a house, wall or screen round a roof, screen’; G. parvāṛ f. ‘a village fence, precincts of village or town’.
7882 *parivēcana— ‘sifting’. 2. *parivēcya— ‘to be sifted’. [Cf. *vicyatē. — √vic] 1. Poss. Dard. forms listed s.v. paripavana—. 2. Dm. parē̃́či ‘sieve’, Kal.rumb. paréč (→ or poss. ← Par. parīč—, Shgh. parwīz— ‘to sift’ Morgenstierne IIFL i 280, BSOS viii 671). — Ash. pḗiċƏ, pḗċä ‘sieve’, Wg. pō̤ča, Kt. pšä̃ rather < *pativēcya—. *parivēcya— ‘to be sifted’ see prec. Addenda: *parivēcana— [Cf. Ir. *pariwaiča— in Shgh. parwēj— ‘to sow, sift’, Rosh. Brt. parwīzd, Yazgh. pƏrwiǰ— EVSh 60]
7883 *parivēṇa— ‘monk's or nun's cell’ BHS ii 330. Pa. parivēṇa— n. ‘id.’, Si. piriven, °eṇa.
7890 *parivyāvarta— ‘exchange’. [Cf. parivarta— and vyā- varta—. — √vr̥t] OSi. parivavaṭa ‘exchange (?)’ EZ iii 116.
7890b *pariśālā— Add. 14677.
7896a *paristāra— Add. 14678.
7898a *parisrāvayati Add. 14679.
7900 *parihasta— ‘having the hand round it’. [Cf. pari- hastá— m. ‘amulet put round the hand to secure birth of a child’ AV. — hásta—] Bi. parihath, °hat ‘handle of plough’. Addenda: *parihasta— [Cf. Ir. *paridastya— in Ishk. pƏrēšt, X. Sar. par d ist ‘bracelet’, Rosh. par d ēs, Yazgh. pƏr d ast EVSh 58]
7905 *parīcchati ‘serves’. [Cf. paryēṣati ‘seeks’ ChUp., parīṣṭi— f. ‘willingness, readiness, homage’ lex., ‘service’ Naiṣ., pratīcchati ‘welcomes’ MBh. — √iṣ 2] S. parchaṇu ‘to serve up food’, parīcha, parcha f. ‘dish of food sent to a faqir’.
7913 *parēcchati ‘throws away’. [√iṣ 1] Kho. parečhik ‘to throw away forcibly’ Belvalkar Vol 94. párēta— see prḗta—. Addenda: *parēcchati: like Kho. parečhik ‘to throw away’, here also (Lor.) pƏre/ičik id. (rather than < parityajati or *prarēcyatē).
7919 *parṇakara—, cf. parṇakāra— m. ‘seller of betel leaves’ lex. [parṇá—, kará1] Or. pānarā ‘seller of betel leaves’, H. panerī m.
7920 *parṇadhārin— ‘leaf—carrier’. [parṇá—, dhārin—] M. pānārī m. ‘a class of people who bring in loads of leaves to be sold as plates’.
7921 *parṇanāvikā— ‘leaf boat’. [parṇá—, nāvā́—] G. panāī f. ‘very small boat (such as is used on the Narmadā)’.
7922 *parṇapāṭaka— ‘leaf—plate’. [parṇá—, pāṭa—] OAw. panavārā m. pl. ‘leaf—plate’, OMarw. pana- vāḍo m.
7923 *parṇavaṭaka— ‘leaf cake’. [Cf. *pattravaṭa—. - parṇá—, vaṭa3] H. pānaurā m. ‘cake made of betel leaves’.
7924 *parṇavartikā— ‘betel box’. [parṇá—, *varta2] Bi. panauṭī ‘box to hold betel’ (= Bi. cmpd. pan- baṭṭī).
7925 *parṇavāṭikā— ‘betel garden’. [parṇá—, vāṭa1] P. panvāṛī f. ‘betel garden’.
7927 *parṇākāra— ‘having the form of a leaf’. [parṇá—, ākāra—] Pa. paṇṇākāra— m. ‘special message, gift’; Si. panara, pan̆ḍura ‘present, tax’.
7932 *pardakara— ‘farting’. [parda—, kará1] Or. pāṛarā, °ṛurā ‘one who is always breaking wind’, M. pādrā.
7941 *paryātapati ‘burns’ [√tap] G. pajavvũ ‘to torment, vex’.
7950 *parśupāṭaka— ‘expanse of the ribs’. [párśu—1, pāṭa—] P. pasuāṛā m. (usu. pl.) ‘region of the ribs, the side’.
7961 *palāśavana— ‘grove of Butea frondosa’. [palāśá—, vána—] B. palāsan ‘name of a place in Bengal’ (ODBL 347)? paligha— see parighá—.
7967 *palla— 3 ‘cloth’. [Cf. pallava2, and further paṭa— and poss. palya—] S. pālu m. ‘tent’ (← Centre or G.?); L.awāṇ. pallā ‘cloth, scarf’; Ku. pāl ‘canopy’; N. pāl ‘tent’; A. pāl ‘sail, large sheet of cloth, palanquin’; B. pāl ‘sail’, pāil ‘sail, awning’; Or. pāla ‘sail’; H. pāl m. ‘sail’, pallā m. ‘sheet, border’; G. pāl m. ‘cloth curtain for side of tent’; M. pāl n. ‘large cloth to form a tent’; Si. pala ‘cotton cloth’ (or < paṭa—). — P. H. pallā m. ‘cloth spread out for grain’ poss. < palya—. Addenda: *palla—3: S.kcch. pāl m. ‘big jute cloth’. †;*palla— 4 see pala3.
7968 *pallaṭṭ— ‘turn, overturn’. [Origin very doubtful: < *palyaṭṭ— < *paliaṭṭ— (cf. Pk. pariaṭṭa—) < pári- vartatē? — Or < *paly—aṭyati ‘goes round’ (cf. paryaṭati ‘roams’ MBh.? — Or X paryasta— LM 367] Pk. pallaṭṭaï, palaṭṭaï ‘turns over’, allaṭṭa—pallaṭṭa- n. ‘turning from side to side’ Deśīn.; Dm. palaṭ— intr. ‘to roll, fly (of things, e.g. a stone)’; Paš.lauṛ. palaṭı̄́ ‘rolling about’; K. palaṭun ‘to melt’; S. palṭaṇu ‘to cast metal’; P. palṭaṇā intr. ‘to turn, change’, palṭāuṇā tr., palṭā m. ‘turn’; WPah.bhal. pal e_ ṭnū ‘to fold’; Ku. palṭaṇo intr. ‘to return’, palṭauṇo tr. ‘to send back, overturn’, palaṭ, palṭo ‘exchange’; N. palṭanu intr. ‘to overturn’, palṭāunu tr., palṭa, °ṭo ‘time, occasion’; A. pālṭiba intr. ‘to overturn’, pālṭāiba tr., pālaṭ ‘exchange’; B. pālṭāna tr. ‘to turn, change’, pālaṭ ‘exchange’; Or. pālaṭibā ‘to overturn’, pālaṭa ‘exchange’, °ṭā ‘change of clothes’; Mth. palṭab ‘to be reversed’; OAw. palaṭaï intr. ‘returns’; H. palaṭnā intr. ‘to overturn’, palṭānā tr., palṭā m. ‘turn’; G. pā̆laṭvũ intr. ‘to change’, palṭɔ m. ‘rise and fall in music’, pālṭɔ m. ‘return, recompense’; M. pālaṭ m. ‘turn’, palāṭaṇ, paleṭaṇ n. ‘turn, wandering’. — See parivarta—, párivartatē. Addenda: *pallaṭṭ—: WPah.Wkc. pɔlṭṇo, °ṭiṇo ‘to turn back, return (into)’, pƏlṭ e uṇo ‘to cause to retract’; A. pālaṭ ‘turned up (AFD 204), turned down (236)’, pālaṭiba ‘to turn back’ (337); OMarw. palaṭaï ‘alters’.
7974 *palva— ‘grey’. [IE. *polwo—, Lith. pal̃vas ‘pale yellow’ WP ii 52. — palitá—] Si. pulu ‘grey hair’ < *paluva—: very doubtful. - Woṭ. palā́, Bshk. pála ‘blue, green’ rather < palāśá—. *palvara—. Addenda: *palva—. 2. †;*paluva—: WPah.kṭg. pɔḷu m.pl. ‘grey hair’, J. paḷu m.pl., Si. pulu.
7975 *palvara— ‘grey’. [Cf. paṇḍara—. — *palva—] WPah.bhad. pallar, pl. pallrā̃ n. ‘grey hair’, bhal. pallrā̃ n. pl.
7979 *pavanaghaṭa— ‘pot for refining’. [pávana—1, ghaṭa1] Bi. punhar ‘goldwasher's crucible in which baser metals are destroyed leaving gold and silver untouched’.
7981 *pavala— ‘cleaning’. [Ext. of pavā́— f. ‘purification’ RV., pava— m. ‘winnowing’ Pāṇ.com. — √] Wg. palā—, pō̤lḗ— ‘to wash one's hands’ NTS xvii 286? pavásta— see pōta2. pavā́— see *pavala—.
7989 *paśuvant— ‘rich in cattle’. [Cf. paśumánt— RV. - paśú—] Sh. poyōnŭ ‘rich, prosperous’.
7990 *paśca— ‘hinder part’. [Extracted in MIA. from cmpds. with paścā(t)—. — paścā́t] Pk. paccha— n. ‘hinder part’; A. pās ‘the back, the rear’; B. pāch(ā) ‘back part of anything’, Or. pacha; H. pāch m. ‘kicking out with the hind legs’; Si. passa ‘the hinder part’; — X pr̥ṣṭhá—: S. picho m. ‘rear ’; P. picchā m. ‘hinder part, rear’; Ku. picho ‘pursuit’; A. pis ‘the rear’, B. pichā; Or. pichā ‘posterior, buttocks, hind legs (of a horse)’; H. pīchā m. ‘rear’; G. pīchɔ m. ‘pursuit’. — Oblique cases replace adverbs paścā́, paścā́t: Pa. pacchatō, Pk. pacchādō, pacchaō, Ap. pacchaï; Gy. pal. pắči ‘behind’; Ḍ. p *l či, ‘behind, after’ p *l čo ‘from behind’; Dm. pačan—bä́ı̃ ‘behind’; Paš.gul. pačawā́ ‘afterwards’; Woṭ. pası̄̃ ‘after, then’; Tor. pāǰi, paiž ‘behind’; L. pacchã ‘in the evening’, picche, °chã, °chāhã ‘behind’, P. picche, WPah.cur. pīcchē, jaun. pachı̄̃; Ku. pachā ‘afterwards’, pachin ‘behind’, N. pachi, A. pāse, B. pāche, Or. pache, (Medinīpur) pāchu, Mth. pāchū, °chũ, Aw.lakh. pāchē, H. pāche, pīche, OMarw. OG. pāchaï; G. pachī ‘after’, pāchũ ‘again’; Si. pasu ‘afterwards’, passen ‘from behind’. - M., in which *pās collided with pās < pārśva—, has replaced it by pāṭhı̄̃ < pr̥ṣṭhá—. *paścapaṭa—, *paścapaṭṭa—, *paścapattra—, *paśca- pāṭa—, *paścabhitti—, *paścamukha—, *paścamūrdhan—, *paścavāṭa—. Addenda: *paśca—: S.kcch. pācho ‘back’, pīcho keṇū ‘to chase’; WPah.kṭg. páċċha ‘backwards, after’, kṭg. (kc.) páċċh e, páċċhi ‘after, back’; Md. fas ‘end, behind, backwards’, fahanī, fassanī ‘chases’, fahat ‘behind’, fahu ‘after, last’.
7991 *paścapaṭa— ‘cloth worn behind’. [*paśca—, paṭa—] B. pāchuṛi ‘head—kerchief’; Or. pāchuṛā ‘sheet, scarf’; H. pachoṛī f. ‘head—kerchief’, M. pāsoḍā m.; — Ku. pichauṛo ‘head—kerchief’, H. pichauṛā, °aurā m., G. pichoṛī f. — N. pacheuro ‘head—kerchief’ perh. rather < pracchadapaṭa—.
7992 *paścapaṭṭa— ‘hinder bandage’. [*paśca—, paṭṭa2] P. pichauṭī f. ‘bandage passed round a load on the back’.
7993 *paścapattra— ‘having late leaves’. [*paśca—, páttra—] G. pāstar n. ‘second crop in a field’, pāchotrũ ‘pro- duced late in the season’, pāchetrũ (with e from OG. pāchaï s.v. *paśca—).
7994 *paścapāṭa— ‘hindquarter’. [Collides with *paśca- vāṭa—. — *paśca—, pāṭa—] P. pachvāṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘rear’; Mth. pachuāṛ adj. ‘be- hind, hinder’, G. pachvāṛũ; — H. pichwāṛā ‘hindmost’, °ṛī f. ‘rear’.
7995 *paścabhitti— ‘back wall’. [*paśca—, bhittí—] H. G. pachīt f. ‘back wall of a house’.
7996 *paścamukha— ‘facing back’. [*paśca—, múkha—] OH. pichaũhai adv. ‘behind, from behind’. Addenda: *paścamukha—: Pk. pacchāmuha— ‘turning the face back’; WPah.kṭg. pƏċhɔ̃́wh (so corrected by Hendrik- sen 2.4.77) ‘backwards’, pƏċháũś e ‘behind’, ċhɔ̃́wh.
7997 *paścamūrdhan— ‘having the head to the back’. [*paśca—, mūrdhán—] H. pichaũṛ ‘having the face turned back’, °ṛā ‘behind’.
7998 *paścavāṭa— ‘rear enclosure’. [Collides with *paśca- pāṭa—. — *paśca—, vāṭa1] Bi. pachuār, pichuār ‘the space behind a house’. paścā́ see paścā́t. paścā́tāt; *paścābhakta—, *paścābhukta—, paścā- rdhá—, *paścōttāpa—.
8004 *paścābhakta— ‘after—meal’. [paścā́, bhaktá—] Pa. pacchābhattaṁ ‘after the midday meal’; — Si. pas(u)bat ‘afternoon’ (ES 51) is ← Pa.
8005 *paścābhukta— ‘back portion’. [paścā́, bhuktá—] Pk. pacchāhutta— ‘hinder’; H. pichūt m. ‘back part of a house’, adv. ‘behind’.
8008 *paścimavāta— ‘west wind’. [paścimá—, vā́ta—] Bi. pacheā, H. pachiyā, °yāu m.
8010 *paścōttāpa— ‘repentance’. [Cf. paścāttāpa—, paścānu- tāpa— m. MBh., Pa. pacchātāpa—, pacchānutāpa— m., Pk. pacchādāva—, pacchāyāva—, °yava—, pacchāṇutāva— m. - paścā́, uttāpa—] Pk. pacchuttāvia— ‘repented’; S. pachotāu, pachut° m. ‘repentance’, pachotāiṇu, pachut° ‘to repent’, P. pachotāvā, pachõ;t°, past° m., pachõ;tāṇā, past°, N. pachutāu, pachit°, pacht°, pachutāunu, pachit°, pacht°, A. pastāiba, B. pastāna, Or. pastā, pastāibā, Mth. pachtāeb, pact°, H. pachtāu, °tāwā m., pachtānā, past°, OMarw. pichatāi, pisa°, G. pastāv, °āvɔ m., pastāvũ, M. pastāv, °vā m., pastāvṇẽ, Si. pasutäv (pasutävilla with —l— suffix < *paścāttāpikā— H. Smith JA 1950, 196); — K. pachatāwun ← Ind. Addenda: *paścōttāpa—: S.kcch. pastāvo thīṇū ‘to repent’, WPah.kṭg. pƏċtau m. ‘repentance, condolence’, Garh. pachtɔ, OMarw. pachitāi ‘repents’.
8013 *paṣṭa— ‘breast’. [Identification with IE. *pek̂t— in Lat. pectus &c. very doubtful NTS xiii 229] Pr. wustū́, ustū́ ‘breast, rib’.
8014 *paṣṭāna— ‘Afghan’. [← Ir. cf. Psht. paštūn, pl. °tānƏ < *pr̥ṣṭāna— ‘hill people’ EVP 61] K. paṭhān m., °ṭhöñü f. ‘Pathan’, S. paṭhāṇu m., P. paṭhāṇ m., N. paṭhān, A. B. pāṭhān, Or. paṭhāṇa, H. paṭhān m., G. M. paṭhāṇ m.
8015 *paṣṭha— ‘young animal’. 2. *pāṣṭha—. [Connexion with paṣṭhaváh— ‘four or five year old bull’ VS. (ND 374 a 21, EWA ii 241) very doubtful: and in absence of other evidence for —ṣṭh— orig. rather *paṭṭha—, *pāṭṭha- ~ *pāḍḍa— q.v.] 1. S. paṭha f. ‘kid of 8 or 9 months’; L. paṭṭh, paṭṭhṛī f., paṭhōrā m., °rī f. ‘kid’, paṭṭhā m., °ṭhī f. ‘young donkey’; P. paṭṭh f. ‘young she—goat not yet giving milk, pullet’, paṭṭhā m. ‘young he—goat or cock or man or grass’, paṭṭhī f. ‘young girl before puberty’, paṭhor, °rī f., °rā m. ‘young goat’; WPah. bhal. paṭh e_ r m.f. ‘well—developed lamb’; Ku. pāṭho m., °ṭhī f. ‘kid, lamb’, paṭṭhā ‘young man’, paṭhaṅaro ‘young she—goat’, gng. pāṭh m., pyeṭh f. ‘kid’; N. pāṭho m., °ṭhi f. ‘kid’; A. paṭhā ‘full—grown uncastrated goat’, pāṭhī ‘she—goat’; B. pā̃ṭ(h)ā ‘he—goat, young ram’, pā̃ṭhi ‘young she—goat, any young female animal’; Or. peṇṭhā m., °ṭhī f. ‘kid, lamb’; Bi. pāṭhā m., °ṭhī, paṭhiyā f. ‘kid’, Bhoj. pāṭhā, paṭṭhā; H. pāṭhā, paṭṭhā, paṭh m. ‘young full grown animal’, paṭhiyā f. ‘young she—goat’; M. pāṭ(h) f. ‘kid’; Si. päṭavā, päṭiyā ‘young of any animal, young person’, — ext. kk—: Sh. faṭikĕr m.f. ‘foal’; Si. päṭikkī ‘girl’. 2. K.pog. pāṭh ‘kid’; S. pāṭho, pāṭhuru m. ‘10 or 12 months old kid’; P. pāṭhā m. ‘young elephant’; H. pāṛhī f. ‘young buffalo’ (or < *pāḍḍa—?). *paṣṭharūpa—; *ajapaṣṭha—, *avipaṣṭha—. Addenda: *paṣṭha—: S.kcch. paṭṭh m. ‘young goat’.
8016 *paṣṭharūpa— ‘young animal’. [*paṣṭha—, rūpá—] Bi. paṭhrū ‘kid, lamb’; Bhoj. paṭharū ‘buffalo calf’. paṣṭhaváh— see *paṣṭha—.
8018 *pahuñca— ‘forearm, wrist’. L. pôcā m. ‘paw’, (Shahpur) paucā m. ‘paw, claw’; P. pahũcā m. ‘wrist, paw’; N. paũjā ‘paw’; OAw. pahuṁcihi obl. sg. f. ‘wrist’; H. pahũcā m. ‘forearm, wrist’; G. pɔ̃hɔ̃cɔ m. ‘wrist’, M. pohãcī f. 1 ‘drink’: pa—1, pā́tra—, pā́na—, pānı̄́ya—, pāyáyati, *pipāsaka—, pipāsā́—, pipāsitá—, píbati, pītá—1, pīyátē, pēya—; āpāna—1, nipāna—, prapā́—. 2 ‘protect’: pa—2, pā—; *āpāna2. pā— in cmpds. ‘protecting’: adhipā́—, tanūpā́—, pa- śupā́—; — pa2. Addenda: *pahuñca—: S.kcch. paũco m. ‘wrist’, WPah.kṭg. pɔ̄́nj̈ɔ m.
8023 *pākadhāna— ‘kiln’. [Cf. pākasthāna— n. lex. - pāká—, dhā́na—] B. poyān ‘potter's kiln’.
8041 *pāḍi— ‘row, line, turn’, pālí1, °lī— ‘boundary, edge’ MBh., ‘row, line’ Ratnāv., ‘dam, dike’ Rājat. [Perh. < *prāḍi— ~ *āḍi2 (cf. prānta— ~ ánta—); semant. for ‘line’ > ‘turn’ cf. Ku. pā̃t ‘line, turn, rotation’ < paṅktí—. — Other suggestions with lit. EWA ii 263 s.v. pāliḥ] Pa. pāḷi— f. ‘line, row, text’; Pk. pāli— f. ‘edge, boun- dary, bank of tank’, °lī— f. ‘line, direction’, °liā— f. ‘handle of sword’; L. pāl f. ‘arrangement in line’; P. pāl, °lī f. ‘line, row, series’; Ku. pāl ‘covering of a roof’; N. pāri ‘border, hem’, pāli ‘lower edge of thatched roof’, pāro ‘beat in music’; A. pāri ‘line of teeth, em- broidered border’; B. pāṛi, pāiṛ ‘edge, border, one of side pieces of thatched roof’, pāli ‘edge, border’; Or. pāṛ ‘border of cloth, high bank of a tank’, pāeṛ (Sam- bhalpur pāer) ‘small embankment, ridge of a field’, pāḷi ‘turn’; Bi. pārī ‘field’; Mth. pāṛhi, °ṛhiā ‘edge, margin, coloured edge of cloth’; H. pāṛ m. ‘edge of cloth’, pāṛā m. ‘boundary of field’, pāl f. ‘raised bank, dam, causeway’, pālā m. ‘heap of earth to separate two sides in the game kabaḍḍī’, (EH.?) pārī f. ‘time, turn’ (→ Ku. pārī); G. pāṛɔ m. ‘column in multiplication’, pāḷi f. ‘edge, parapet’, pāḷī f. ‘turn’; M. pāḍā m. ‘column in multiplication’, pāḷ f. ‘edge, parapet’, pāḷī f. ‘encircling line, turn’; Ko. pāḷi ‘turn, chance’; Si. peḷa ‘row, line, text (as opposed to commentary)’, paḷi ‘revenge’, pella ‘turn’ (< *peḷya—?). In the languages which do not distinguish MIA. —āl- or —āḷ— from —all— the words may, but less prob., repre- sent MIA. *pallaya— < paryaya—: Gy. wel. på̄lē ‘back, in return’; Ku. pālo, °lī ‘turn, time, rotation’, N. pālo, °li, A. pāl, B. H. pālā. *agrapāli—, aṅkapāli—, *daṇḍapāli—. Addenda: *pāḍi—: S.kcch. pār f. ‘border, bank’, WPah.J. pāḷi f. ‘turn’; Garh. pāḷ ‘wall’ rather than < pālá—? †;dantapāli—.
8042 *pāḍḍa— ‘young of buffalo or goat’, paḍḍika— m. ‘calf’ lex. 2. *pēḍḍa—. [Cf. *kaḍḍa— and *paṣṭha—. — Prob. ← Drav. DED 3208] 1. Pk. paḍḍaya— m. ‘buffalo’, °ḍī— f. ‘cow or buffalo that has calved once’, °ḍiyā— f. ‘id., small buffalo cow’, pāḍī— f. ‘young buffalo’, paḍḍacchī— f. ‘buffalo cow’; Paš.dar. nir. pāṛek f., weg. pāyaṛék ‘goat’; S. pāḍ̱o m. ‘buffalo calf’; Ku. pāṛo ‘wild goat, fawn’; N. pāṛo m., °ṛi f. ‘buffalo calf’, Bi. pāṛā m., °ṛī f., H. pā̆ṛā, paṛūā, pãṛwā m., pāṛhī, paṛiyā f., G. pāḍɔ m., °ḍī f., °ḍũ n.; OM. pāḍasa n. ‘fawn’ (< *paḍḍaccha—?), M. pāḍā m., °ḍī f. ‘buffalo calf’, pāḍẽ n. ‘calf of a cow’. 2. Pk. peḍḍa— m., °ḍā— f. ‘buffalo’; A. perā ‘stout male buffalo’, perī ‘buffalo cow’; Or. peṛā ‘young buffalo’. *pāḍḍarūpa—.
8043 *pāḍḍarūpa— ‘young buffalo’. [*pāḍḍa—, rūpá—] Bi. paṛrū ‘buffalo calf’, Mth. paṛaru, paṛaṛu, Bhoj. paṛarū, H. pãṛarū m.
8044 *pāḍhaka— ‘a spotted deer’. [MIA. (amg.) < *pārṣṭaka- ~ *pr̥ṣṭa2 ‘spotted’: very doubtful] S. phāṛho m. ‘hogdeer or Cervus porcinus’, L. pāhṛā m., °ṛī f., P. pāṛhā m.; H. pāṛhā m. ‘spotted antelope, hogdeer’.
8046 *pāṇikā— ‘spoon’. [pāṇí—?] Pa. pāṇikā— f. ‘a sort of spoon’; — Ku. paṇyũ ‘a spoon to stir rice—water with’; N. paniũ, puniũ ‘ladle to stir rice’; G. paḷī f. ‘ladle, dipper’, paḷɔ m. ‘large ladle’: phonet., but not semant., rather < praṇītā—.
8049 *pāṇḍavagrāma— ‘village of the Pāṇḍavas’. [pāṇ- ḍava—, grā́ma—] Dm. Panagram ‘name of the principal village in the Damel valley’ NTS xii 116, 128.
8050 *pāṇḍaśa— ‘yellowish’. [~ pā́ṇḍara—: cf. *dhūmaśa- ~ dhūmara—. — pāṇḍú—] Wg. pr̃ä̃sƏ ‘grey’.
8057 *pādakāṣṭha— ‘scaffold’. [pā́da—, kāṣṭhá—] H. pāyaṭh m. ‘scaffold’.
8058 *pādaḍa— ‘footing (?)’. [pā́da—] Pk. pāyaḍa— n. ‘courtyard’ (semant. cf. aṅgana—); - Kho. (Lor.) paḷ ‘resting—place in a cliff, ledge’ rather < pāṭa—.
8062 *pādapaṭa— ‘cloth for feet’. [pā́da—, paṭa—] H. pā̃wãṛā, pāw° m. ‘cloth put down in someone's path as sign of honour’, pā̃waṛī, pāw°, pā̃wãrī, pāw° f. ‘slippers’.
8063 *pādapānīya— ‘water for washing feet’. [Cf. pādōdaka n. MBh. — pā́da—, pānı̄́ya—] OM. pāyavaṇī n. ‘water for washing feet of holy persons’.
8066 *pādala— ‘appertaining to feet’. [pā́da—] K. pöyil f. ‘bamboo ladder’; WPah.bhal. p e ilo m. ‘support of a bedstead’; OAw. pāyala f. ‘anklet’; H. pāyal, °yil ‘sure—footed’; G. pāḷũ ‘on foot’, pāḷɔ m. ‘footsoldier’; — N. pāilo ‘footmark, track, step’ or < pādatala—.
8067 *pādavarti— ‘lamp on a base’. [pā́da—, várti1] H. pāutī f. ‘a kind of lamp’.
8068 *pādavartman— ‘footpath’. [pā́da—, vártman—] G. pāvaṭ m. ‘sloping path into a pond or tank’.
8069 *pādasthala— ‘plain at foot of mountain’. K. pāthulu , dat. °thalis m. ‘low plain at foot of moun- tain, valley’.
8070 *pādasthāna— ‘place for the foot’. [pā́da—, sthā́na—] Bi. pauthānā, (Gaya) pŏthānī ‘foot of bed’, Mth. pathānā, pathaunī.
8071 *pādākāra— ‘having the shape of the foot’. [pā́da—, ākāra—] G. M. pāyrī f. ‘footstep’; Si. piyavara ‘footstep, track’ (EGS 105 < *padākāra—). pādāti— see *pāyakka—.
8077 *pāduvanta— ‘foot end’. [Cf. pādānta—. — pādú—, ánta—] Sh.gil. pavon m. ‘foot of bed’, L. puā̃d f., (Ju.) poā̃dī f., awāṇ. pavā̃d, P. pāũd, °dī, pāũt, °tī f.
8079 *pādōpastha— ‘foot—support’. [pā́da—, upasthá2] Bi. pāwaṭh, pauṭhā ‘wooden beam on which the water—drawer stands at a well’, Mth. goṛ—pauṭā. pā́dya— see pádya—.
8083 *pānīyadhāraka— ‘flow of water’. [Cf. udadhārā— MW. — pānı̄́ya—, dhā́ra2] Ku. panyāro ‘spring of water’, N. pan(h)ero, pandhero (H. Smith BSL 101, 116 der. from panhere s.v. *pānīya- hāra—). Addenda: *pānīyadhāraka—2: WPah.poet. pƏṇh e_ r m. ‘canal’, J. paṇihār, paṇhyair m. ‘watering place of village’.
8084 *pānīyanētrika— ‘one who leads the water’. [pānı̄́ya—, nētrá1] G. pāṇtī m. ‘man who directs course of water in irrigated fields’.
8085 *pānīyabhakta— ‘rice in water’. [pānı̄́ya—, bhaktá—] Bi. panihatā ‘a dish made by adding water to rice left over from previous night’; Bhoj. pantā ‘boiled rice kept in water for use next day’.
8086 *pānīyabhāṇḍa— ‘water vessel’. [pānı̄́ya—, bhāṇḍa1] Bi. pan(i)haṇḍā ‘vessel for cooling hot iron’.
8087 *pānīyavāha— ‘water—drawer’. [Cf. jalavāhaka— m. Pañcat. — pānı̄́ya—, vāhá—] Bi. paniwāh ‘man who distributes water on field with a shovel’.
8088 *pānīyahāra— ‘water—carrier’. [Cf. udahārá— m. AV., Pa. udahāraka—. — H. Smith BSL 101, 116 recon- structs *pāni—hārika—. — pānı̄́ya—, hāra1] Pk. pāṇiahārī— f., K. pāñuru m., pāñĕrĕñ f., P. pani- hār(ā) m., °rī, °raṇ f., N. pan(h)ere m., °erni f.; Bi. panihārā ‘water—drawer for irrigating’; OAw. panihārī f.; H. panhā̆rā m., panh(i)yārī f., OMarw. G. pāṇiyārī f. Addenda: *pānīyahāra—: WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) pƏṇh e\ ri f. ‘water- carrier, rainbow’, poet. pƏṇarṭe f.; kc. pƏṇh(y)are f., pƏṇhār m. ‘rainbow’, J. paṇhyairī; Garh. panyārī f. ‘water—carrier’ (n ← H.?); — altern. < †;*pānīya- dhāraka1.
8089 *pānīyāgāraka— ‘room for water’. [pānı̄́ya—, agāra—] G. pāṇiyārũ n. ‘place in a house where waterpots are kept’.
8097 *pāyakka— ‘foot soldier’. [← Ir. cf. Pahl. paik, Pers. paig J. Charpentier Oriental Studies in honour of C. E. Pavry 78 with lit. (Pischel GrPk 141 wrongly < pādātika—). MIA. form sanskritized as pāyika— m. lex.] Pk. pāyakka—, pāikka—, païk(k)a— m.; H. pāyak, pāik m. ‘footsoldier, messenger’; M. pāīk m. ‘petty village official, armed attendant’.
8110 *pārāvatahārin— ‘dove—catcher’. [pā́rāvata—, hārin—] S. pāṛherī m. ‘pigeon—catcher’ with ṛ — r < r — r??
8112 *pāriṇētra— ‘wedding dress’. [Cf. pāriṇāyya— n. ‘para- phernalia received by woman at time of wedding’ Vas. ~ pariṇaya—. — *pariṇētra—] G. pānetar n. ‘garment of silk or fine cotton worn by bride at wedding’.
8113 *pārima— ‘belonging to the further bank’. [pārá1] Pa. pārima—tīra— n. ‘the further shore’; Tor. payim, phēm ‘on the other side, across’; K. pöryumu ‘belonging to the country beyond i.e. Panjab’; WPah.bhal. pārı̃ b *l te ‘by yonder way’.
8116 *pārīkṣya— ‘examination’. [parīkṣā—] G. pārkhũ n. ‘test’. pārīṣa— see pāriśa—. pāruṣaka— see parūṣaka—. pārṇa— see parṇá—. pā́rya— see pā́riya—. Addenda: *pārīkṣya—: S.kcch. pārkho keṇū ‘to test by tasting’.
8119 *pārśvakīla— ‘side post’. [pārśvá—, kīla—] L. pasel, pl. °lã f. ‘side beam of roof’.
8120 *pārśvapuṭaka— ‘fold of the ribs’. [pārśvá—, puṭa—] WPah. jaun. paśauṛā ‘the ribs’.
8122 *pārśviya—, pārśvika— ‘belonging to the side’ W. [pārśvá—] Kho. (Lor.) praši pon ‘a level road (i.e. one that skirts the hill—side);’ Mth. pāsī ‘side piece of a bed’.
8127 *pālagrāma— ‘herdsmen's village’. [pālá—, grā́ma—] K. Pālgrām m. ‘name of a village in the Liddur Valley’. pālaṅkī— see pālakyā—.
8134 *pāśayati 1 ‘shows’. [Cf. spāśáyatē RV. — √paś 1] Kal.rumb. paším ‘I show’, Kho. pašēik, Phal. pašawū́m ‘I show’; N. pasāunu ‘(of a plant) to show flower or fruit’; Si. pānavā ‘to show, display’.
8141 *pāhāḍa— ‘rock, hill’. [Despite EWA ii 266 prob. con- nected with pāṣı̄́—, pāṣāṇá—] K. pahār m. ‘mountain’, L. P. Ku. pahāṛ m.; N. paharo ‘rock, cliff’ (pahāṛ ‘mountain’ ← H.); B. pāhāṛ ‘hill, steep bank’; Or. pāhāṛa ‘hill’; Mth. H. G. pahāṛ m., M. pahāḍ m. pi prefix = ápi: *pikāla—, *pikṣōṭayati, *pikṣōbha- yati, *pijānāti, pidadhāti, pidhāna—, pinaddha—, *pinahati, pināsa—, *pibandhati, *pivr̥ddha—, pihita—. Addenda: *pāhāḍa—: WPah.kṭg. pā́ṛ m. ‘mountain, hill’, pā́ṛi ‘mountainous’, m. ‘mountaineer’, f. ‘language of mountaineers’; Garh. pāṛ ‘mountain’; — WPah.poet. pwāṛ m. ‘hill, mountain’ (< †;*utpāhāḍa—?). †;*utpāhāḍa—. pi prefix: †;*pibandha—, †;*pibandhita—.
8143 *pikāla— ‘day’. [For ápi in an expression of time cf. apiśarvarám ‘early in the morning’ RV. — kālá2] Shum. piāl m. ‘day’?
8144 *pikkā— ‘saliva’. S. pika f. ‘spittle’; P. pīk f. ‘spittle spat out when chewing betel’; A. pik ‘juice of betel nut chewed and spat out, spittle’; B. pik ‘spittle’; Or. pika ‘betel- stained saliva’; Mth. pik—dānī ‘spittoon’; H. pīk f. ‘juice of betel—nut spat out’; G. pik f. ‘do., saliva’; M. pı̃k, pı̃kī, pikī f. ‘spittle (esp. when chewing tobacco, betel, &c.)’, pīk n. ‘spittle’.
8145 *pikṣōṭayati ‘throws on’. [√*kṣuṭ] WH.bāng. pichoṛnā ‘to winnow’ IL 17, 158.
8146 *pikṣōbhayati ‘sets in motion’. [√kṣubh] Phal. pic̣hū́m ‘I sweep’?
8150 *piccikā— ‘mucus in the eyes’. [Cf. piccaṭa— m. ‘ophthalmia’, piñjaṭa— m. ‘excretion from the eyes’ lex. which are ← Drav. T. Burrow BSOAS xii 384] S. picī f. ‘mucus in the eyes’, picyaru m. ‘one from whose eyes mucus exudes’. Addenda: *piccikā—: Ko. piċċaḍa ‘secretion from eye’.
8155 *picchākāra— ‘tail—feather—shaped’. [piccha—, ākāra—] M. pisārā m. ‘feathered end of arrow, feathered state, plumage, feather’.
8157 *pijānāti ‘knows’. [√jñā] Paš.lauṛ. piēn—, ar. piān—, kuṛ. pian—, dar. pīn— ‘to know, recognize, hear’; Shum. piēn— ‘to know’, Gaw. piān—. PIÑJ ‘paint’: piṅga—, piṅgalá—, piñja—1, piñjára1.
8159 *piñjati ‘cards cotton’. [Cf. piñjáyati ‘strikes’ Dhātup. — piñjā—] Pk. piṁjaï ‘cards cotton’, S. piñaṇu, L. piñjaṇ, awāṇ. piñjuṇ, P. piñjṇā, pãjāuṇā, B. pı̃jā, pẽjā, Or. piñjibā, H. pı̄̃jnā, G. pı̄̃jvũ, M. pı̃j̈ṇẽ. — ← NW. piññ—: EP. pinna, H. pīnnā (whence pinnā ‘to be carded’).
8163 *piñjākāra— ‘cotton—carder’. [piñjā—, kāra1] S. piñāro m. ‘cotton—carder’, H. pı̃jārā, pãj° m., G. pı̃jārɔ m., °rī f., M. pı̃j̈ārī m. piñjīlá—, piñjūlá— see piccha—.
8169 *piṇḍakūṭa— ‘lump used as hammer’. [píṇḍa—, kūṭa1] Bi. (Patna) piṛhaur, pı̃ṛhurī ‘rammer for consolidating potter's clay’, (Gaya) pı̃ṛhur, Mth. (SBhagalpur) pinaurī.
8171 *piṇḍara— ‘round like a lump’. [píṇḍa—] Pk. piṁḍaraya— m. ‘pomegranate’; Dm. piṇḍṓr ‘round’, Kho. piṇḍóru; Kal. piṇḍṓr ‘penis’, piṇḍū́ri ‘round’, Phal. piṇḍū́ra.
8175 *pituḥkula— ‘father's family’. [pitŕ̥—, kúla—] Pk. piukula— n. ‘id.’; — WPah.bhad. pöku n. ‘wife's father's home’, bhal. p e uke adv. ‘in a woman's paternal home’? Addenda: *pituḥkula—: delete entry (see paitrika— Add2).
8176 *pituḥśālā— ‘father's house’. [pitŕ̥—, sā́lā—] OH. pyosāra m. ‘wife's father's house’.
8178 *pituḥṣvasr̥putra— ‘father's sister's son’. [pituḥ- ṣvasr̥—, putrá1] Pa. pitucchāputta— m. ‘id.’; B. piusutā, pistutā ‘father's sister's children’.
8180 *pitr̥ghara— ‘father's house’. [pitŕ̥—, ghara—] Pk. piuhara— n. ‘father's house’ (pēīhara— n. < *paitr̥kaghara—?), L.awāṇ. pērē loc. sg.; H. piuhar, pīh° m. ‘wife's father's house’, Marw. pīhar, OG. pīhara n., G. piyar, °yer n. pitr̥ṣvasr̥— see pituḥṣvasr̥—.
8182 *pittaka— ‘relating to bile’. [pittá—] Woṭ. pith ‘sour’ (< *pithu with unexpl. aspirate); Gaw. pitá ‘sour, bitter’; Sv. pitó ‘bitter’, Or. pitā; - S. pito m. ‘gall—bladder’; P. pittā m. ‘gall—bladder, bile’; Ku. pitto m. ‘bile, anger’ (whence pitāṇo intr. ‘to get vexed’, tr. ‘to tease’); N. pito ‘gall—bladder’, H. pittā m. (also ‘bile’), G. pittɔ m.
8185 *pittalagandha— ‘smell of brass’. [pittala—2, gandhá—] H. pitarāı̃dh f. ‘smell or taste of brass’.
8186 *pittika— ‘having bile’. [pittá—] Pa. pittika— ‘bilious’, Pk. pittiya—; G. patiũ n. ‘a kind of leprosy’ (cf. pitta—kuṣṭha— n. Gal.).
8187 *pitrantara— ‘another father’. [pitŕ̥—, ántara2] L. (Ju.) pitãdar m. ‘stepfather’.
8189 *pitriyajāni— ‘wife of one of father's family’. [pítriya—, jāni—] G. pitrāṇī, pitr e i f. ‘wife of a member of one's family’; — WPah.bhal. piṭḷiāṇi f. ‘paternal aunt’; H. pit(i)yānī f. ‘father's brother's wife’. Addenda: *pitriyajāni—: M. putṇī ‘(man's) brother's daughter’ X (rather than <) putrá1; deriv. putṇyā ‘brother's son’, Ko. puttoṇyo; — but rather G. M. Ko. der. paitra— (cf. mātulāmı̄́—), and WPah. H. der. paitrya—; see pítriya— Add2. J.C.W.
8190 *pitriyaputra— ‘father's brother's son’. [pítriya—, putrá1] Mth. pitiot ‘id.’, Bhoj. pitiāut.
8191 *pitriyaśvaśura— ‘spouse's father's younger brother’. [pítriya—, śváśura—] L. pitrorā m. ‘id.’, P. patiau(h) m. Addenda: *pitriyaśvaśura—, 8192 *pitryaśvaśrū—: poss. rather < MIA. phrase (cf. *mātulaśvaśura— Add2), based on paitra—, paitrī— in the case of L. pitrorā, P. patīh(a)s and on paitrika—, paitrya— in the case of P. patiauhrā. J.C.W.
8192 *pitriyaśvaśrū— ‘spouse's father's younger sister’. [pítriya—, śvaśrū́—] P. patrīs, patī(h)s f. ‘id.’ pítrya— see pítriya—.
8193 *pitryajāta— ‘father's brother's son’. [pítrya—, jātá—] G. pitrāi, pitrāyũ ‘relating to father's brother’, pitrāi bhāi m. ‘father's brother's son’, p° bahen f. ‘father's brother's daughter’. Addenda: *pitryajāta— see pítriya— Add2.
8195 *pidda— ‘a small bird’. [Cf. pidvá— m. ‘some kind of animal’ VS.?] L. (Ju.) piddī f. ‘tom—tit, robin, honeysucker’; P. piddā m., °dī f., pidṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘a kind of small bird, tom—tit’; H. pīdṛī f. ‘tom—tit’. pidvá— see prec.
8198 *pinahati ‘ties on’, absol. pinahya ‘having dressed’ MBh. 2. Caus. *pināhayati. [ápinahyati Ved. re- placed by pinah— felt to be a simple verb as evidenced by the negatived a—pinahya MBh. — √nah] 1. K. pahanun ‘to wear handsome clothes’; P. pahiṇnā ‘to wear’; MB. pinahe ‘puts on’; Mth. penhab ‘to put on, wear’, H. pinhnā, pahinnā, pahan°; — Pa. pilayhati. 2. P. pahiṇāuṇā ‘to clothe’, H. pin(h)ānā, pah(i)nānā. *pināsa— ‘catarrh’ see pīnasa—. *pipāsaka— ‘thirsty’ see pipāsitá—.
8202 *pippa— 1 ‘pipe (for playing), mouthpiece’. [Onom.?] L. pīpī f. ‘reed of a pipe’; P. pīpnī f. ‘fife’; N. pipri ‘mouthpiece of a flute’; G. pīpī, pīpuṛī f. ‘pipe, mouth- piece’; M. pı̃pāṇī, °poṇī, °pārī f. ‘mouthpiece of a wind instrument’.
8203 *pippa— 2 ‘fly’. Pk. pippaya— m. ‘mosquito’ (cf. pippaḍā— s.v. pipīlá—); N. pipso ‘fly, small child’, piuso ‘small insect which worries cattle’.
8210 *pibandhati ‘fastens on’. [apibadhnāti ĀśvGr̥., apibaddha— R. — √bandh] NiDoc. pivaṁnaṁnae ‘to put on’ Burrow KharDoc 106; — altern. < pinaddha—: A. pindhiba ‘to put on, wear’, B. pindhā, pı̃dhā, Or. pindhibā. pimparī— see píppala—.
8212 *pira— ‘sharp, pungent’. Ku. piro ‘irritating’, pirpiro ‘angry—looking’; N. piro ‘sharp, pungent’, pirpirāunu ‘to tingle’; A. pirpirāiba ‘to irritate, tickle slightly’; M. pirakṇẽ ‘to have a sudden and scanty stool’. Addenda: *pira—: cf. WPah.J. pirprā ‘bitter’. †;*piratara—.
8214 *pilla— ‘small, child, young of animal’, pillika— m. ‘chicken’ Mānas. [← Drav. Tam. piḷḷai DED 3449, LM 368] Pa. pillaka— m. ‘young of animal, child’; Pk. pilha— n. ‘fledgeling’, pīlua—, pella—, °aga— m. ‘child’; B. pil ‘young of animal’, cāliyā—pilā, cele—pile ‘children’; Or. pila ‘small tubers coming from root of plaintain’, pilā ‘small’, sb. ‘child’; Bhoj. pillā ‘puppy’, Aw.lakh. pilawā, H. pillā m.; G. pīlɔ m. ‘sprout, shoot’; M. pīl, pilẽ, °lū̃, pillū̃, pilkū̃ n., pilā, pilvā m. ‘young of animal’; Si. pilavā, pillā ‘young of animal, maggot’. *vaṁśapillaka—. pillika— see prec. *pivanī—, *pivarī— ‘ball of cotton’ see *pūna—. Addenda: *pilla—1: S.kcch. pill m. ‘a partic. kind of very small berry’.
8215 *pivr̥ddha— ‘grown’. [Cf. abhivr̥ddha— MBh. (abhí in later Sk. often replaces ápi). — √vr̥dh] G. pīḍh ‘old, experienced, wise’. PIŚ ‘carve’: piśitá—, pēśa—, pēśalá—, pēśı̄́—; *nipēśayati.
8221 *piṣyatē ‘is ground’. [√piṣ] L. pīsaṇ ‘to be ground’ (with —ī— from act. pīhaṇ < piṁṣáti), P. pisṇā (or intr. from pīsṇā ← H.?), H. pisnā (for *pīs— with —i— as intr. ~ tr. pīsnā). piṣpalı̄́— see píppala—. pihita— see pidadhāti. ‘swell, abound’: páyas—, pı̄́van—, pīvara—, pı̄́vas—, *pīvra—.
8224 *pīṭhālaya— ‘platform—place’. [pīṭha—, ālaya—] A. pirāli ‘outer portion of the floor of a house, the plinth of a house’. PĪḌ ‘press’. [Its early (RV.) occurrence and the de- pendence of nearly all NIA. forms upon a single pīḍ- support derivation from IE. *pizd— (EWA ii 291 with lit.), although not much weight can be given to the doubtful Kati word piždå s.v. pīḍā́—.—See Add.] pīḍana—, pīḍáyati, pīḍā́—, pīḍita—, pīḍyatē; āpīḍa- yati, nipīḍayati, niṣpīḍayati, prápīḍayati, pra- pīḍyatē, saṁpīḍayati.
8231 *pītatilī— ‘yellow mark’. [pīta—2, tila2] G. piyaḷi f. ‘red mark on forehead made with saffron and turmeric’.
8232 *pītamr̥dikā— ‘yellow earth’. [pīta—2, mŕ̥d2] K. pivürü f. ‘a kind of yellow earth used for colour- wash on walls’; S. peviṛī f. ‘a kind of yellow colour or dye’; P. peorī f. ‘a precipitate dried from urine of cows fed on mango leaves’; A. pẽuri ‘a yellow substance for painting women's foreheads’; B. piuṛi ‘yellow ochre, yellowish colour’; H. piyūṛī, pewṛī f. ‘yellow chalk’; M. pivḍī, pevḍī f. ‘a yellow pigment’.
8234 *pītalatvanā— ‘yellowness’. [pītala1] L.awāṇ. pilattuṇ, P. pilattaṇ f., ludh. palā́ttan f. (with ā from adj. pīlā?).
8235 *pītalavarṇa— ‘yellow—coloured’. [pītala—1, várṇa1] Mth. piraun(h) ‘yellowish’.
8236 *pītsa— ‘pine’. [Cf. pı̄́tudāru— n. ‘deodar’ NTS ii 271 and Lat. pīnus (< *pitsnu—) &c. IEW 794] Shum. —wič in l yēwič ‘pine’, but prob. with Kaf. words for ‘pine’ < *pōśī— q.v. *pīthala— ‘yellow’ see pītala1.
8246 *pukkār— ‘shout’. [Onom.: cf. pūtkarōti ‘makes a noise of loud breathing’ Pañcat.] Pk. pukkā̆rēi, pokkārēi, pokkaraï ‘shouts’, pukkāra—, pok° m. ‘shout’ (pukkaï, pok° ‘shouts’, pukkā— f.), S. pukāraṇu, pukāro m., P. pukārnā, pukār f., Ku. pukār, N. pukārnu, OAw. pukāraï, pukārā m., H. pukārnā; OMarw. pukāra f. ‘complaint’; G. pukārvũ, pok° ‘to shout’, pokār m. ‘loud noise’, M. pukārṇẽ, pukārā m.
8248 *pucca— ‘vulva’. [See list s.v. pūta2] M. puccī f. ‘pudendum muliebre’. Addenda: *pucca—: cf. H. pūc ‘worthless’? — deriv. OP. pocāraṇu ‘to caress’, P. H. puckārnā.
8252 *puñjakūṭa— ‘heap’. [puñja—, kūṭa2] Bi. pũjaur ‘stack with heads of grain turned inside’. puñjīla— see piccha—.
8256 *puṭṭa— 2 ‘small, dwarfish’, puṭṭáyati ‘is or becomes small’ Dhātup. [With T. Burrow BSOAS xii 385 ← Drav. (Kan. Tu. puṭṭa ‘small, dwarfish’ etc. DED 3498)] N. puṭṭa ‘chubby’; — ext. with —kk— in N. puṛko ‘dwarf’. puṭṭáyati see prec. *puḍa—, *puṇḍa— ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—.
8264 *putta— 2 ‘insect’, puttikā— f. ‘white ant’ Mn. (San- skritized as putra2 m. ‘small animal’ Car., putraka2 m. ‘id.’ Suśr., ‘grasshopper’ lex.). 2. *puttala— 2, putta- likā2 f. ‘fly’ Yaśast.com. [Like (pipīlika—)puṭa— n. ‘anthill’ MBh., ← Drav. T. Burrow TPS 1945, 111, EWA ii 304 (Tam. puṛṛu, Kan. puttu, Tel. puṭṭa, Prj. putkal ‘white ant hill’: DED 3556)] 1. Ku. dhan—putā ‘winged ants’; N. putko ‘a kind of small bee’. 2. Ku. putalo m., pur—putalī f. ‘butterfly’, dhan- putalī f. ‘winged ant’; N. putali ‘butterfly’. puttala— 1 ‘puppet’ see *putrala—. *puttala— 2 ‘insect’ see *putta2. puttalikā1 ‘puppet’ see *putrala—. puttalikā— 2 ‘fly’ see *putta2. puttikā— 1 ‘puppet’ see *putrala—. puttikā— 2 ‘white ant’ see *putta2.
8267 *putratara— ‘like a son’. [putrá1] Or. puturā ‘brother's son’; — X pítriya—: L. pitrer(ā), (Ju.) patrer m. ‘father's brother's son’. Addenda: *putratara— see pítriya— Add2.
8268 *putrayātrā— ‘bridegroom's procession’. [Cf. vara- yātrā—. — putrá—1, yātrā—] L. putrēte m.pl. ‘the bridegroom's people at a wedding’.
8269 *putrala— ‘puppet, pupil of eye’. [Cf. putrī f. ‘puppet’ lex., putraka— m., °rikā— f. Kathās., puttikā1 f. BhP., puttala1 m., °likā— f. Cat. — Central forms with —tt— → K. S. P. — Semant. cf. meanings ‘girl, pupil of eye’ in kanı̄́nakā— f. AV. and WPah.bhal. koi f. ‘id.’ — putrá1] Pk. puttalī—, °liyā— f., °laya— m. ‘doll’; K. pŏtulu m. ‘statue’, pŏtüjü f. ‘doll’, S. putilī f., P. putlā m., °lī f.; Ku. putalo m. ‘effigy made of kuśa grass, photograph, a kind of eye disease’, putalī f. ‘doll’; N. putalo ‘old clothes of a man buried to bring back their owner’, putali ‘doll’; A. putalā ‘image’, putalī ‘doll, pupil of eye’; B. putul, putlo ‘image’, putli ‘doll, pupil of eye’; Or. putuḷā, pit°, putuḷi, pit° ‘doll, pupil of eye’, puttaḷi ‘doll’; Bi. putlā, °lī ‘doll’; OMth. putari ‘doll, pupil of eye’; Mth. putrā ‘doll’; OAw. putarī f. ‘wooden image’; H. pū̆tlā m., °lī f. ‘doll’; G. putḷũ n. ‘small image’, °ḷī f. ‘doll, pupil of eye’; M. putḷā m., °ḷī f. ‘doll’, Si. petälla. Addenda: *putrala—: OMarw. pūtaḷī ‘image (in a temple)’.
8275 *punarṇētra— ‘second marriage’. [Cf. punarvivāha- m. Sāy. — púnar, nētrá1] K. pŏnēthar, dat. °taras m. ‘second or later marriage of a man)’, pŏnēturu ‘married for a second time (of a man)’.
8284 *purāṇakāṣṭha— ‘old wood’. [purāṇá—, kāṣṭhá—] Ku. purṇiyā̃ṭh ‘fuel cut and dried some years ago’.
8286 *purima— ‘earlier’. [~ purā́ as paścima— ~ paścā́. - purás] Pa. purima—, °aka— ‘early, being in front’, Pk. purima—; Si. pirimi ‘male’, pirimiyā ‘man, boy’; Md. firimīha ‘married man’ (lit. ‘going in front’ ~ Pa. dutiyikā— f. ‘wife’ SigGr ii 448).
8294 *purya— ‘being in front’. [purás] WPah.khaś. puj̈j̈āvālā ‘first’. pula— see *āpula—. pulaka— see *pōkka2.
8298 *puśśī— ‘cat’. [Onom., cf. Psht. pišō, Pers. pušek, Eng. puss] Ash. pisä̃́s, Wg. pisā̃́, Kt. pšäs f., Pr. pšigī, Dm. pū̃ši, Paš.ar. pisā̃so, kuṛ. pisō̃́sō, lagh. pišū́ndak (—ṇḍ—? - X uṇḍar s.v. undura— IIFL iii 3, 148), Gaw. pšǟ̃šī, Kho. pušī, Bshk. pišı̄́r, Tor. pīš, Kand. púši, Sv, piši, Phal. púšī, Sh.pales. púšo, (Lor.) būši f., S. phūsī, phūsnī f., Or. pusi; H. pus pus ‘affectionate call for a cat’. — X mūṣa1 q.v. PUṢ ‘nourish’: puṣṭá—, púṣṭi—, púṣyati, pṓṣa—, pōṣaṇa—, pōṣáyati, pōṣita—, *pōṣiya—, pṓṣya—; *ati- puṣṭa—, *prapuṣṭa—, prápuṣyati, *vipuṣṭa—; — puṣ- kara—, puṣkalá—, púṣpa—, púṣya1?
8310 *pusati ‘leaves, is left’. 2. Pp. *pusta— 1 whence pustayati ‘*makes disappear, diminishes’ (‘disrespects’ Dhātup.). [pōsayati 1 ‘decreases’ Apte (cf. IE. *paus- IEW 790). But pōsáyati 2 ‘emits’ Dhātup. (to which NTS xiii 232 refers these words) is MIA. < *prōṣayati (: pruṣyati 1 ‘sprinkles’), Pa. pōsituṁ ‘to sprinkle’ (cf. Pk. pōsa— m. ‘anus, penis’, pōsaṇa— n. ‘anus’ < *prōṣa—, prōṣaṇa—). — For forms of Dm. Gaw. Phal. cf. also *phuss—1. — √pus] 1. Ash. pƏs— (pret. pusóu) ‘to lose’, Wg. pus—, püsā—; Pr. ps— (—?) ‘to leave behind, lose (?)’; Paš. pƏs— ‘to hide’; Woṭ. pusā́— ‘to lose’, Gaw. phusa—; Phal. phus- ‘to make disappear’. 2. Ash. pus ‘lost’, Wg. püs, Kt. pyüs, pīs; Paš.kuṛ. pus ‘disappeared, hidden’; Dm. Gaw. phus ‘lost’. *pusta— 1 ‘lost’ see prec. pusta— 2 n. ‘working in clay’ see pōta2. pustaka— see *pōstaka—.
8311 *pusphura— ‘flashing’. [Cf. apusphurat, pusphuriṣati, pōsphuryatē Gr. — √sphur] Si. pupura ‘spark’ or < *prasphura—. ‘purify’: pávana—1, *pavala—, pavā́—, pavítra—, pāvana—, punā́ti, pū—, pūtá—1, pōtrá—1; utpunāti, utpūyatē, *niṣpāva—, níṣpunāti, *paripavati, pari- pavana—, páripunāti, páripūta—, prapavaṇa—; - pavana2? pū— ‘cleaning’ in cmpds. [√] khalapū́—.
8315 *pūgavr̥kṣa— ‘areca palm’. [pūga—2, vr̥kṣá—] Si. puvak (EGS 112 < *pūvak, but rather with H. Smith JA 1950, 212 through haplology < *puvavak). PŪJ ‘worship’. [Proposals for Drav. origin see EWA ii 320 with lit. But perh. MIA. pūjā— < *pūjjā- (Pk. pujjā—) < *pūryā—: √pr̥̄ ‘give, nourish’ ~ ijyā—: √yaj; cf. also pūjya— in MBh. more or less equivalent to pū́rya— ‘to be satisfied’ Br. (J. C. W.)] pūjáyati, pūjā́—, pūjitá—, pūjya—. Addenda: *pūgavr̥kṣa—: cf. †;*pūgarukṣa—. Md. fuvak, fōk ‘areca nut’. PŪJ: †;pūjyatē.
8326 *pūna— ‘bundle, roll (esp. of cotton)’. 2. *pōna—2. 3. *pivanī—. 4. *pivarī—. [Cf. pūṇáyati ‘collects’ Dhātup. Prob. conn. with piñjā—, pañji— and poss. puñja—. — Scarcely *pūna— ‘cleaned (i.e. carded)’ ~ pūtá1] 1. Pk. pūṇī—, °ṇiā— f. ‘roll of cotton’, S. L. pūṇī f. (→ Psht. pūṇaī rather than with NTS xii 284 < *pāš(m)- nakī—), P. pūṇ, pūṇī f.; Ku. puṇo, °ṇi f. ‘bundle, ball’; H. pūnī f. ‘roll of cotton’, G. pūṇī f. 2. Pk. pōṇiā— f. ‘spindle full of thread’; WPah.bhal. poṇo m. ‘bundle of maize with ears cut off’, poṇi, pl. pūṇī f. ‘roll of cotton for spinning’, H. ponī f. 3. Bi. peunī ‘roll of cotton’. 4. N. piuri ‘roll of cotton or wool after carding’; Mth. pīr ‘roll of cotton’.
8327 *pūni— ‘pus’. [Cf. pū́ti— and pūyana— n. ‘pus’ lex. — √pūy] L. pūn f. ‘pus’ (n?). pūpa— see apūpá—. *pakvapūpaḍa—. pūpalā— see apūpá—. PŪY ‘stink’: pū́ti—, pūtika—, *pūni—, pū́ya—, pūyana—, *pautya—; *paripūya—, *prapūya—.
8329 *pūr—, or *pavara— ‘fire’. [Cf. paví— ‘fire’, pavana3 n. ‘potter's kiln’, pāvana— m. ‘fire’ lex., pāvaká— (metr. pavāká—) ‘bright’, m. ‘Agni’ RV. — Gk. pu=r, &c.] Wg. puř, purǘi ‘embers’ NTS xviii 289 with (?); Paš. lauṛ. pūr ‘big fire, bonfire’, ar. puer, dar. pōr (IIFL iii 3, 146 < *paura— or *pāvara—); Shum. pōr ‘burning embers’.
8334 *pūrapuṭa— ‘cake—roll’. [pūra—2, puṭa—] Or. puroṛā ‘roll of bread made of barley flour’; - poss., but less likely, < purōḍā́ś—.
8337 *pūriṣṭha— ‘very full’. [pūra1] A. pūraṭh ‘mature’? *pūruva— ‘fore’ see pū́rva—.
8338 *pūruvavāta— ‘east wind’. [Cf. pūrvavāyu— m. VarBr̥S. and purōvātá—. — pū́rva—, vā́ta—] H. purwā m. ‘east wind’ Gupta Grām 225. pū́ruṣa— see púruṣa—.
8341 *pūrṇiya— ‘fullness’. [pūrṇá—] Si. piṇi ‘fullness’.
8350 *pūliya— ‘rotten’. [Cf. pū́lya— n. ‘shrivelled grain’ AV., pulāka2 m. ‘shrivelled or bad grain’ Mn., Pa. pulaka— m. ‘a shrivelled grain’, Pk. pulāga—, °āya— m.n. ‘poor tasteless food consisting of chick—peas and dry grain’. — If not of IE. origin (Lith. pū́liai ‘pus’, &c. EWA ii 326), then poss. conn. with words for ‘hollow’ s.v. *pōḍa—] Kho. púli ‘rotten, addled’ BelvalkarVol 94, (Lor.) pulik ‘to become addled or rotten or crumbly or worn out (as egg, stone, wood, clothes), be lost (as a sum owed)’. — Or < prálīyatē? pū́lya— see prec. PR̥ ‘cross’: *partana—, pārá—, pāraṇa—, pā́riya—; *atipāra—, níṣparati, níṣpārayati, *viyāpāra—, *viyā- pr̥ta—, *vyāparati, vyāpāra—, vyāpārayati, *vyāpr̥ta—, supārá—. — Perh. rather from √pr̥̄: pāráyati1, pāla—, pālana—, pāláyati, na pārayati, *nipārayati, saṁ- pārayati.
8351 *pr̥kṣati ‘sprinkles’. [Cf. pŕ̥śni— ‘spotted’ RV. and √pr̥ṣ] Dm. prec̣h— ‘to splash, sprinkle (e.g. water)’ NTS xii 184. PR̥C ‘mix, join’: saṁparka—, *saṁpr̥ñcati.
8355 *pr̥ta— ‘filled’. [√pr̥̄] S. puṛaṇu ‘to arrive, reach, come up to, be equal, be completed’; — N. puryāunu ‘to bring right up to, cause to arrive’ rather < purá ēti. pŕ̥thak ‘separately’ RV. — See next.
8365 *pr̥ṣatatara— or *pr̥ṣatara— ‘rather dappled’. [pr̥ṣatá- or pr̥ṣa—] H. piserā m. ‘a small deer brown above and black below’ rather than < pr̥ṣōdará—.
8366 *pr̥ṣati ‘sprinkles’. [párṣati Dhātup. — √ pr̥ṣ] Paš.weg. puṣ— ‘to sprinkle’. pr̥ṣita— see pr̥ṣatá—.
8372 *pr̥ṣṭhadhāra— ‘plateau’. [pr̥ṣṭhá—, dhā́rā 2] M. paṭhār n., °rā m. ‘plateau’ or < *pr̥ṣṭhākāra—?
8373 *pr̥ṣṭhadhārī— ‘holding to the back’. [pr̥ṣṭhá—, dhāra1] M. paṭhār f. ‘girth of a packsaddle’: very doubtful. *pr̥ṣṭhākāra— ‘back—shaped’. [pr̥ṣṭhá—, ākāra—] See *pr̥ṣṭhadhāra—.
8376 *pēṭṭa— 2 ‘belly’. 2. *pēḍḍuka—. 3. *pōṭṭa— 2. 4. *pōtta— 3. [Similar phonetic range in words for ‘basket’ (pēṭa—, *pēṭṭa—1, *pōtta4) with which these may be identical] 1. Pk. peṭṭa—, piṭṭa— n. ‘belly’, Gy. SEeur. peṛ, wel. pēr̄ m., boh. germ. pēr, gr. rum. hung. per m., arm. per, pal. pēt, Ḍ. pēṭ, pl. °ṭa, K.rām. ḍoḍ. pēṭ; S. peṭu m. ‘belly, womb, foetus’ (whence peṭyo m. ‘food’); P. peṭ, peṭṛā m. ‘belly’, peṭ()ā m. ‘tripe, guts’, peṭ()ī f. ‘girdle’; WPah.bhad. bhal. p e_ , pl. °ṭã n., pāḍ. pēṭ, paṅ. pēṭh ‘belly’, Ku. N. A. peṭ; A. peṭu ‘entrails’, peṭi ‘girdle’; B. peṭ ‘belly’, Or. peṭa, Mth. peṭ(h), Bhoj. Aw.lakh. peṭ m.; H. peṭ, peṭā m. ‘belly’, peṭī f. ‘girth’; OMarw. peṭa m. ‘belly’, G. peṭ n. 2. P. peḍū m. ‘lower belly’; H. peṛū m. ‘lower belly, pubes’; G. peḍũ n. ‘belly below navel’. 3. Pk. poṭṭa—, puṭṭa— n. ‘belly’; Gy. SEeur. poṛ ‘navel’, boh. pora ‘intestines’, gr. it. por m. ‘belly’, span. po, poriá; P. poṭṭā m. ‘fowl's crop’; B. põ;ṭā ‘entrails’; Or. puṭā, °ṭi ‘bowels, viscera, lungs’, poṭā ‘animal's entrails, bladder of fish’; H. poṭā m. ‘bird's crop’, °ṭī f.; M. poṭ n. ‘belly’. 4. WPah.bhal. pɔ̄t n. ‘stomach’. *pēṭṭāra— ‘basket’ see piṭaka1. Addenda: *pēṭṭa— 2. 1. WPah.kṭg. kc. pēṭ m. ‘stomach, belly’, J. ' m.; kṭg. peṭṭi m. ‘man with protruding belly’, f. ‘waistband’; Garh. peṭ ‘belly’. 3. pōṭṭa—2: WPah.kṭg. kc. pōṭ m. ‘stomach of an animal, protruding part of a wall, bag made of animal's stomach’, Wkc. poṭkro m., Garh. poṭgu.
8377 *pēḍa— ‘lump’. 2. *pēḍha—2. 3. *pēṇḍa—. 4. *pēntha—. 5. *pēnda—. 6. *puḍa—. 7. *puṇḍa—. 8. *pōdda—. [See píṇḍa—] 1. Pa. yaka—pēḷa— ‘liver’; Pk. pēḍa—, °aya— n. ‘collec- tion, troop’; K. per f. ‘lump of dough’; S. peṛo m. ‘lump of clay’; L.awāṇ. P. peṛā ‘lump’; Ku. pyāṛā m. pl. ‘balls made of inspissated milk’; B. peṛā ‘lump of dough’; Or. peṛā ‘sweetmeat of sugar and thickened milk’, Bi. peṛā; H. peṛ m. ‘lump’, peṛā m. ‘lump of dough’; M. peḷū̃ n. ‘boil’; Ko. peḍ m. ‘raised bench, hillock’. 2. Pk. pēḍha— n. ‘lump’, pēḍhāla— ‘round’. 3. Pk. peṁḍa— n. ‘lump’, B. pẽṛā ‘sort of sweetmeat’ (or < 1); Or. peṇḍā ‘cluster, calf of leg’, peṇḍi ‘small cluster’, peṇḍu ‘ball’; H. pẽḍ m. ‘rising ground’; G. pẽḍɔ m. ‘lump of clay, a kind of sweetmeat’; M. pẽḍ m. ‘large turf or clod, mud attached to shoes’, pẽḍā m. ‘lump of cowdung’. 4. Or. penthā, °thi ‘cluster, bunch’. 5. K. pĕnd f. ‘ball’, Si. pen̆da. 6. Pk. puḍa—, puḍḍa— m. ‘son’, puḍaïa— ‘lump—shaped’. 7. Pk. puṁḍaïa— ‘lump—shaped, globular’, poṁḍa—, °aya— m. ‘fruit’; Ash. puṇū́ ‘kidneys’; Wg. pũř ‘spleen, calf of leg’, pūṇī ‘calf of leg’, pū̃řīk, puṇḍrṓk ‘kidney’; Kt. puṇú ‘kidney, calf of leg’, puṇyuk ‘swollen’; Pr. puṇḍik ‘upper knob of an axe’, puḍo—musuk ‘calf of leg’, puḍúk ‘bullet’, yüṇḍo—bokso ‘swollen (of a boil)’, oḍob- igyī ‘thumb’; Tir. (Leech) "pondî" ‘calf of leg’; N. pũṛi ‘sow’ (lit. ‘having teats’?); Or. puṇḍā ‘herd of cows &c." adj. ‘corpulent’, puṇḍukā ‘a person with stout body and swollen cheeks’. 8. G. podḷɔ m. ‘lump of dung, indolent person’. *pēḍḍa— ‘young buffalo’ see *pāḍḍa—. *pēḍḍuka— ‘belly’ see *pēṭṭa2. pēḍha— 1 ‘stool’ see pīṭha—. *pēḍha— 2 ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—. Addenda: *pēḍa—1: S.kcch. peṛī f.pl. ‘offerings’, WPah.kṭg. peṛɔ m. ‘a partic. kind of sweetmeat prepared from milk’ (poss. ← H. P. peṛā Him.I 114).
8378 *pēṇāhi— ‘pelican’. Pa. pēṇāhi—, °ikā— f. ‘a species of bird’; S. peṇi f. ‘pelican’, L. peiṇ, pêṇ, (Ju.) pain f. *pēṇḍa— ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—. *pēṇḍha— ‘packet’ see *pōṭṭa1. *pēntha— ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—.
8379 *pēnda— 1 ‘bottom’. 2. *pōnda—. [Cf. pōta4, °aka—, pōṭa— m. ‘foundation of a house’ lex., pōṭī— f. ‘rectum’ PārGr̥.com. and ‘buttock’ group s.v. pūta2] 1. P. pẽdā m., °dī f. ‘bottom’; N. pı̃d, pı̃dh, pin ‘bottom, fundament, buttocks’; A. penda ‘lower or inner extremity of the alimentary canal or the vagina’; Or. pendi ‘earth bulging at bottom side of a brick when in the mould, depression at bottom of a pot, pedestal of a cup’; Bi. pẽd(ā), °dī, penī ‘bottom of a granary’, Mth. pẽdo; H. pẽdā m. ‘bottom’; M. pẽd n. ‘tuft of grass’, pẽdī, pẽdhī f. ‘bottom’; Si. pen̆da ‘bird's tail’; Md. fīndu ‘hips’, fidu ‘posterior’. 2. K. põ̂du m. ‘vulva’, pōn m. ‘anus, female parts’; Ku. pūn, punaṛ m. ‘backside, loin, vulva’; B. põ;d ‘anus, posterior, hips’; M. põ;d n. ‘the bottom (as of a vessel)’. *pēnda— 2 ‘lump’ see *pēḍa—. Addenda: *pēnda—1: Md. fin̆du ‘private parts’.
8382 *pēśakāra—, cf. pēśaskārı̄́— f. ‘female embroiderer’ VS. [pḗśa—, kāra1] Pa. pēsakāra— m. ‘weaver’, Si. peherā.
8391 *pōka— ‘hollow’. 2. *pōkkala—. 3. *pōkkhara—. 4. *pōggala—. 5. *pōṅka—1. 6. pōṅga—1. 7. *phōkka—. 8. *phōkkara—. 9. *phōṅka—. [See also *pōcca1, *pōḍa— (pōra1, *pōla—, *pōlla—, *phōra—, *phōlla—), *phōttara—, *pōppa— (*phōppha—, *phōmpha—), *phōssa—, *bhōkka— (*bhōṅka2, *bhōṅga—), *bhōsa—. — Prob. ← Drav. which has similar series of words DED 3646] 1. M. poyẽ, povẽ n. ‘honeycomb in hollow of wood or stone’. 2. G. M. pokaḷ ‘hollow’, G. pokḷī f. ‘cavity’. 3. B. phukar ‘hole’; Or. pokhara ‘cavity in tree trunk’; M. pokhā̆r ‘hollowed, excavated’, pokhar n., pokhār(ā) m. ‘hole, cavity’. 4. G. pogaḷ f. ‘hollowness’, pogar f. ‘a hollow, vacuum’. 5. Ko. põ;kaṇ n. ‘a hollow grain’. 6. H. põ;gā ‘empty, hollow’. 7. Pk. phukkā ‘in vain’ Deśīn.; K. phŏka ‘hollow’, S. phoku, P. phokā; N. phoko ‘blister, bubble’; Or. (Bastar) phok—hā ‘useless’; H. phok, °kā ‘hollow’; OG. phoka ‘in vain’, G. phok ‘hollow’; — S. phokaṭu ‘use- lessly’; P. phokaṭ m. ‘dregs’; N. phokaṭo ‘unirrigated field’; H. phokaṭ m. ‘worthless thing or person’; G. phokaṭ, phogaṭ ‘in vain’; M. phukaṭ ‘gratis’; — Ku. phokso ‘swollen’; N. phokso ‘lung’; — Ku. phokāṇo, °āno m. ‘the bladder, penis’; — Mth. phokcā ‘a small fish (whose belly, blown up by cruel boys, swells enormously)’. 8. B. phokar ‘hole’. 9. K. phọ̆ngu ‘hollow, pithless’; H. phõ;k ‘hollow’. Addenda: *pōka— ‘hollow’. 7. *phōkka—: WPah.J. fokā ‘empty’. 8. *phōkkara—: WPah.kṭg. phúkhrɔ ‘worthless man’.
8392 *pōkka— 1 ‘bundle, fold’. [For words of this type in many languages see F. W. Thomas AO xiii 54] Ku. poko ‘thigh, loins, back, rectum’; N. poko ‘re- ceptacle made by doubling up a handkerchief or the slack of a dhoti’; A. pokaṛ ‘buttock, posterior, back, anus’.
8393 *pōkka— 2 ‘worm, grub’. [Cf. pulaka— m. ‘kind of insect or vermin’ lex. and similar phonet. relationship in jalūkā— ~ *jōkkā—] A. pok ‘worm’; B. pokā ‘insect, worm’; Or. poka ‘insect, worm, maggot, moth’, pokaṛā ‘worm—eaten’; H. pokā, põ;kā m. ‘caterpillar, worm, wood—worm; - big flying insect on plants (= bõ;kā m.)’. *pōkkala—, *pōkkhara— ‘hollow’ see *pōka—. pōganḍa—, *pōgga— ‘young’ see *pōṅga2. *pōggala—, *pōṅka— ‘hollow’ see *pōka—. *pōṅka— 2 ‘young’ see *pōṅga2. *pōṅga— 1 ‘hollow’ see *pōka—.
8394 *pōṅga— 2 ‘young of animal or plant’. 2. *pōgga—. 3. *pōṅka— 2. [Cf. pōgaṇḍa—, paugaṇḍa— ‘not fully grown, deformed’, m. ‘boy’ BhP., Pk. pōaṁḍa— m. ‘eunuch’. — Belongs to the group of pṓta1] 1. H. pū̃gṛā m. ‘boy’; M. põ;gā m. ‘young snake, shoot’, põ;gḍā m. ‘stripling’, põ;gḍī f. ‘girl’. 2. P. poggā m. ‘tender branch’ (rather than < prōdgata—). 3. B. põ;k ‘young shoot of coconut’.
8395 *pōcca— 1 ‘hollow’. [See list s.v. *pōka—] Pk. pocca— ‘very soft’, poccaḍa—, puc° ‘sapless, worth- less, dirty’; WPah.jaun. pōcrō ‘hollow’; G. poc f. ‘un- husked rice which is soft and has no grains in it’, pocũ ‘soft, feeble’. *pōcca— 2 ‘cloth’ see pōta2. pōṭa— see *pēnda1. pōṭī— see pūta2 and *pēnda1. Addenda: *pōcca—1: S.kcch. poco ‘hollow, tender’. *pōṭṭa— 2 ‘belly’ see *pēṭṭa2 Add2.
8396 *pōṭṭa— 1 ‘bundle’. 2. pōṭṭala— n., °lī— f. lex., °laka— n., pōṭala— m. Car. 3. *pēṇḍha—. [Cf. puṭa—] 1. Pk. poṭṭa— n. ‘bundle’; S. poṭiṛī f. ‘bag, satchel’; P. poṭ f. ‘bag, load’; N. poṭi ‘bulb (e.g. of garlic)’, poṭinu ‘(ears) to be filled with grain’, poṭilo ‘filled with grain (of an ear)’; H. poṭ f. ‘bundle, bale’; G. poṭ ‘bundle’, poṭkũ n. ‘packet’. 2. Pk. poṭṭala— n., °liyā— f., puṭṭala—, °laya— m.n., °liyā— f. ‘bundle’ (whence poṭṭaliya— m. ‘porter’); P. poṭlī f. ‘small bag’; B. põ;ṭlā, pũṭal, °ṭuli ‘bundle’, Or. poṭaḷā̆, °ḷi, H. poṭlā m., °lī f. ‘small do.’, G. poṭlɔ m., °lī f., °lũ n.; M. poṭḷā m., °ḷī f. ‘bundle of stuff’. 3. M. pẽḍhī f. ‘packet’. *pōṭṭa— 2 ‘belly’ see *pēṭṭa2. *pōṭṭa— 3 ‘young’ see pṓta1. pōṭṭala— see *pōṭṭa1.
8397 *pōḍ— ‘burn’. [Cf. pauli— and Pk. paü(l)laï ‘cooks’, paüliya— ‘cooked, burnt’, appaüliya—, appōli— ‘uncooked fruit cake’: S. K. Chatterji ZII ix 40 wrongly connects with Gk. pu=r, &c.] Kho. (Lor.) pūlik ‘to be burnt’, p *l leik ‘to burn’, (LSI) pulī ‘having burnt’; N. polnu ‘to burn, bake, cook’; OA. poliba ‘to burn’, A. poriba; B. poṛā, puṛā ‘to burn, be burnt’, caus. puṛāna; Or. poṛibā, puṛ° ‘to set fire to, heat, burn, be afflicted with grief’, caus. poṛāibā, puṛeibā; M. poḷṇẽ ‘to burn’. *āpōḍ—. Addenda: *pōḍ—: Kho. pāleik ‘to burn (tr.)’ BKhoT 71.
8398 *pōḍa— ‘hollow’. 2. *pōra— 1. 3. *pōla—. 4. *pōlla—. 5. *phōra—. 6. *phōlla—. [Cf. Pa. pōṭa— ‘bubble’. - See also list s.v. *pōka—; — poss. conn. with *pūliya—] 1. Ku. nak—poṛ ‘nostril’; N. poro ‘small hole’ (or < 2); G. poṛũ n. ‘thin scaly crust’ (semant. cf. *pōppa—); M. poḷ, °ḷẽ n. ‘honeycomb’ (or < 3: semant. cf. *pōka—). 2. S. poru m. ‘cavity’, poro m. ‘hollow’ (or < 3); P. por f. ‘hollow bamboo’ (or < *pōra2); N. see 1. 3. S. see 2; L. polā ‘hollow, porous, loose (of soil)’; M. see 1. 4. Pk. polla—, °aḍa—, pulla— ‘hollow’; P. pollā ‘hollow’, pol m., pulāī f. ‘hollowness’; Or. pola ‘hollow’, sb. ‘puffed—up pastry’, polā ‘empty’; G. poli f. ‘cavity’, polũ, polrũ ‘hollow’, polāṇ n. ‘hollowness’; M. pol n. ‘empty tube or grain’, polā ‘hollow’; — altern. < 3: Woṭ. pōl, f. pyēl ‘light (in weight)’; Gaw. pōlá, f. pōlī ‘small’; K. pọ̆lu ‘weak’, pŏluru ‘plump but unsubstantial’; Ku. polo ‘hollow, weak’, m. ‘beehive’ (l or ?); N. pol, pwāl ‘hole’, polo, pwālo ‘beehive’; A. pola—kaṭā ‘burglar’; B. polo ‘basket open at both ends for catching fish’; H. pol f. ‘hollowness’, polā ‘hollow, empty, flabby’. 5. B. Or. phorā ‘hollow’. 6. P. pholuṛ m. ‘chaff’; H. pholā m. ‘blister’; G. pholvũ ‘to husk’; M. phol n. ‘hollow grain’. Addenda: *pōḍa— ‘hollow’. [~ Drav. DED 3726] 4. *pōlla—: WPah.kṭg. pollɔ ‘hollow’, J. polā.
8402 *pōtādhāra— ‘shoal of young fish’. [pṓta—1, ādhāra—] Mth. pohār ‘collection of young fish’ ABORI xxi 112. — See prec. pōtāra— see *plōtra—. *pōtāla— ‘young’ see pṓta1. pōtikā— see pūtı̄́ka—. *pōtta— 1 ‘young’ see pṓta1. *pōtta— 2 ‘cloth’ see pōta2. *pōtta— 3 ‘belly’ see *pēṭṭa2. *pōtta—4, ‘basket’ see piṭaka1.
8403 *pōttī— ‘glass bead’. Pk. pottī— f. ‘glass’; S. pūti f. ‘glass bead’, P. pot f.; N. pote ‘long straight bar of jewelry’; B. pot ‘glass bead’, puti, pũti ‘small bead’; Or. puti ‘necklace of small glass beads’; H. pot m. ‘glass bead’, G. M. pot f.; — Bi. pot ‘jeweller's polishing stone’ rather than < pōtrá1. *pōttha— 1 ‘young’ see pṓta1. *pōttha— 2 ‘cloth’ see pōta2. *pōttha— 3 ‘bundle’ see piṭaka1.
8405 *pōppa— ‘hollow’. 2. *phōppha—. 3. *phōmpha—. [See list s.v. *pōka—] 1. P. H. poplā ‘toothless’; — Or. poparā ‘hollow, worn out’; — G. popṛũ, n., °ṛī f., °ṛɔ m., popcũ n. ‘de- tached scaly crust’ (semant. cf. *pōḍa—), popṭɔ m. ‘pod’, poplā̃ n. pl. ‘vain struggles’. 2. S. phopho ‘hollow’; M. phopā m. ‘puffed out or flabby person’; — B. phopar ‘hollow’; Or. phoparā ‘full of holes, decayed, spongy’, (Sambhalpur) phuphlā ‘toothless’. 3. B. phõ;parā ‘hollow’; H. phõ;phī f. ‘hollow reed, pipe’, phõ;phar ‘hollow’. *pōra— 1 ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa—. Addenda: *pōppa—. 2. *phōppha—: A. phopolā ‘hollow’ AFD 212. *pōlla— ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa— Add2.
8406 *pōra— 2 ‘joint’. [Cf. śata—pōra(ka)— n. ‘species of sugar- cane’ Suśr., nīla—pōra—, —paura— m. lex. — Connexion. with párvan— (through *parvara— as Gk. pei=rar ~ gen. pei/ratos) very doubtful] Pk. pōra— n.m. ‘knot’, pōraga— n.m. ‘a sort of plant with knots’; P. por f. ‘hollow bamboo for drilling seed’ (or < *pōra1 s.v. *pōḍa—), porā m. ‘joint of bamboo’; Ku. por, porī ‘knot or joint of bamboo’; H. por f. ‘space between two joints’, porā m. ‘beam’, poruā m. ‘knuckle’; Si. puruka ‘knot or joint of bamboo, knob, link’. — M. per n. ‘joint, articulation’? *pōla— ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa—. pōlī— see pauli—. *pōlla— ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa—.
8407 *pōśī— ‘pine’. [Cf. Gk. peu/kh f. ‘pine’, Lith. pušìs, OPruss. peuse NTS xiii 229] Ash. piċ—kandƏ ‘pine’, Kt. pṳ̄ċi, piċi, Wg. puċ, püċ (pṳ̄ċ—kƏŕ ‘pine—cone’), Pr. wyoċ, Shum. l yēwič (l —?). — In Shum. ts > č, and earlier for the forms with i NTS ii 271 suggested *pītsa—, but they are scarcely to be separated.
8413 *pōstaka— ‘book’. [pusta— m.n., °tā— f. ‘book’ VarBr̥S., °taka— m.n., °tikā— f. Hariv. — ← Ir., e.g. Sogd. pwstk ‘book’ ~ Pers. pōst ‘skin’ (< OPers. pavastā— → pavásta—: see also *pōstikā—) EWA ii 319 with lit.] Pa. potthaka— m. ‘book’, Pk. puttha—, °thaya— n., °thiyā— f., K. pūthi , dat. pōthĕ f.; S. pothu m. ‘large book’, °thī f. ‘smaller do.’, P. po(t)thā m., °thī f., Ku. pothī f., N. pothi, A. puthi, B. pothā, °thi, puthi, pũthi, Or. pothā, °thi, puthi, Mth. pothā, °thī, Bhoj. pōthī, Aw.lakh. H. pothā m., °thī f., G. pothũ n., °thī f., M. pothī f., Si. pota. *paustaka—. Addenda: *pōstaka—: WPah.kṭg. pótthi f. ‘(small) book’, pótthu m. ‘small book’, J. pothī f., Garh. pōthī, Md. fot.
8414 *pōstikā— ‘skin’. [← Ir., e.g. Pers. pōst ‘skin’ and so ultimately of same origin as *pōstaka—] NiDoc. cam̄a pothi ‘skin’ Burrow KharDoc 107; L. pothī f. ‘fleece’. paugaṇḍa— see *pōṅga—. pauṇḍra— see puṇḍra1. pautikī— see pūtı̄́ka—.
8415 *pautya— ‘stink’. [pūti—] Or. poca ‘fetid smell’; — pocakā, pocarā ‘rotten, putrid’.
8418 *paudgala— ‘personal’. [Cf. paudgalika— ‘material’ Śīl., Pk. poggaliya—. — pudgala—] Si. pugul ‘personal, individual’.
8427 *paustaka— ‘keeper of books’. [*pōstaka—] Si. pota ‘keeper of books’ SigGr ii 449? PYAI see √.
8430 *prakaḍḍhati ‘pulls forward’. [Cf. prakarṣati ‘stretches’, prakr̥ṣṭa— ‘prolonged’ MBh. — √*kaḍḍh] Pk. pakaḍḍha— ‘dragged’, pagaḍḍhijjamāṇa— ‘being dragged’, payaḍḍhaṇī— f. (→ Tam. pagaṭu ‘force’ J. Bloch, ThomasEIS 34); Or. pāṛhibā ‘to put off payment on various pretexts, purchase on credit’.
8436 *prakāra— 2 ‘heap, layer’. [Cf. prakara—. — √kr̥̄ 1] M. pārā m. ‘a layer (as of bricks on a wall)’ rather than < prākāra—.
8445 *prakura— ‘heap’. [√kr̥̄ 1] Mth. paur, °rī ‘crop spread out ready for threshing’, paur ‘mixed crop of peas, gram, barley and wheat’. - See prakara—. prákr̥ta— see prakaṭá—.
8447 *prakr̥tta— ‘cut up’. [prákr̥ntati AV. — √kr̥t 1] Ku. paito ‘powdered, mutilated, rotten’; N. paito ‘small particle of pulse’; G. paitũ n. ‘circular slice of fruit, circular piece of iron or pot &c. used in games’.
8449 *prakērayati ‘scatters’. [√kr̥̄ 1] H. pawernā ‘to scatter seed in a field’, pawerā m. ‘scattering seed by hand’: X pawā̃rnā ‘id.’ < prá- pātayati rather than < *pravapakara—.
8451 *prakvathati ‘boils’. 2. Pp. *prakvathita—. [Cf. prakvātha— m. ‘boiling’ Jātak. — √kvath] 1. Si. (SigGr) kakiya— ‘to boil, ache’. 2. Pa. pakkaṭhita— ‘boiling’; Si. käkuḷuvan gen. pl. of pp. ‘boiled’ after which was re—formed pres. st. kakara- ‘to boil, simmer, cause to ache’. prakṣá— see plakṣá—. Addenda: *prakvathati: Md. kakkanī ‘cooks’.
8453 *prakṣarita— ‘flowed out’. [prákṣarati RV. ~ *prajjharati. — √kṣar] Or. pokhari ‘diarrhoea, cholera’ or < *prōtkṣarita- Add.
8454 *prakṣārayati ‘makes flow’. [~ prákṣālayati. - √kṣar] P. pakhāraṇā ‘to wash’.
8458 *prakṣurikā— ‘scraper’. [Cf. kṣurapra—. — √kṣur] Bi. pakhurī ‘goldwasher's iron scraper for collecting ashes’.
8460 *prakṣōṭayati ‘throws forth’. [√*kṣuṭ] Pk. pakkhōḍaï ‘sweeps off, makes fall by sweeping, spreads, opens’, °ḍaṇa— n. ‘shaking’, pakkhōlaṇa— n. ‘tripping up’; Ku. pachoṛṇo ‘to winnow, dash, strike against a stone, wash’; B. pachṛāna ‘to winnow’, Or. pāchuṛibā; H. pachoṛnā ‘to winnow (with a basket)’, °ṛan f. ‘chaff which flies off when winnowing’.
8461 *prakhanī— ‘ditch’. [Cf. khaní— and aor. prākhān Kathās. — √khan] Or. pahaṇī ‘ditch, water channel’. prakhara— see prakṣara—.
8462 *prakhātikā— ‘ditch’. [√khan] M. pāī f. ‘trench round a tent’.
8464 *pragaḍḍa— ‘ditch’. [*gaḍḍa1] With MIA. —gg—: B. pagāṛ ‘trench, ditch, trench and bank, bank round field’. — With unexpl. —r— (< *pra- gāḍa—?): B. pagār ‘id.’, Or. pagāra ‘ridge round field’; H. pagār m. ‘mound, bank’: poss. ← Mu., cf. Sant. pagar ‘fence’ (see prākāra—).
8465 *pragamati ‘goes forward’. [prágamat 3 sg. aor. subj. RV. — √gam] M. pẽvṇẽ ‘to swim’; — Ko. põ;vtā ‘swims’ or < právahati.
8466 *pragara— ‘flow’. [√*gr̥̄ 1] M. pagar m. ‘irregular or excessive menstruation’ with MIA. —gg—.
8467 *pragarati ‘flows’. [~ *pragalati. — √*gr̥̄ 1] N. pagranu ‘(milk) to flow into the udder’.
8469 *pragāmaka— ‘yearling’. [Cf. Mj. fra g omïy ‘kid’ fr. *pragāma— in Par. rha g åm ‘springtime’ Rep2 67 and EVP 89 rather than with Tomaschek Centralasiatische Studien ii 765 cf. Gk. ta\ pro/bata which E. Benveniste BSL xlv 92 interprets as ‘those moving in front’. - √gam] Kt. pŕome ‘yearling kid’, Wg. prāma; Pr. pāmƏ ‘kid, lamb’, pumók ‘new—born lamb’. Addenda: *pragāmaka— [Cf. Shgh. faryēmč ‘heifer’, Wkh. r e yūm EVSh 33] *pragilati see pragalati Add2.
8470 *pragāra— ‘flowing forth’. [√*gr̥̄ 1] N. pagār ‘causing the milk to flow in the breast’, °ro ‘milk with which teat is wetted to make calf suck’; H. pagār m. ‘wet earth or clay for building a wall or plastering’ (cf. *gāra—); M. pāgār m. ‘wooden instru- ment for sowing corn’.
8471 *pragārayati ‘causes to flow’. [~ pragālayati. - √*gr̥̄ 1] N. pagārnu ‘to cause to flow into the udder’. pragālayati see *pragalati.
8472 *pragira— ‘fall’. [√*gr̥̄ 1] Ku. N. pairo ‘landslip’ rather < prakara— or pradará—. *pragilati ‘drips’ see *pragalati.
8474 *pragupta— ‘guarded, hidden’. [Cf. pragōpayati ‘guards’ Pañcat., ‘conceals’ lex. — √gup] A. pot ‘underground part of a post, deep muddy place’, potiba ‘to bury, fill up with earth’; B. põ;t ‘the length of anything buried underground’, potā, põ;tā, putā, pũtā ‘to bury’; Or. potā ‘foundation’, potibā, put° ‘to bury’.
8475 *pragura— ‘chewing’. 2. *pragula—. [√gr̥̄ 2] With MIA. anal. —gg—: 1. N. pāgur ‘chewing the cud’; Bi. pāgur, pagurī, H. pāgur m. — X *pragharati q.v. 2. Or. pāguḷā, °ḷi ‘chewing the cud’. Addenda: *pragura—. 2. *pragula—: A. pāgul ‘chewing the cud’ AFD 194. *pragula— see *pragura— Add2.
8476 *pragurati ‘chews’. [Cf. guratē ‘chews’ Dhātup. - √gr̥̄ 2] A. pāguliba ‘to chew the cud’, H. pāgurānā. *pragula— ‘chewing the cud’ see *pragura—.
8480 *praghaṭṭaka— ‘something to rub with’. [√ghaṭṭ 1] Bi. pahṭā, paihṭā, paiṭā, pāṭā ‘long stick for smooth- ing plaster’.
8481 *praghara— ‘flowing forth’. 2. *praghala—. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. S. pagharu m. ‘sweat’, L. pagghur m., khet. pagghar. 2. M. pāghaḷ m. ‘ooze, trickling’. Addenda: *praghara—: S.kcch. paghar m. ‘sweat’.
8484 *praghāra— ‘flowing forth’. 2. *praghāla—. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. L. paghārā m. ‘sweat’. 2. M. pahāḷ f. ‘mountain stream’, pahāḷī f. ‘shower’.
8485 *praghārayati ‘makes flow forth’. 2. *praghālayati. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. S. paghāraṇu ‘to melt, dissolve’, L. paghāraṇ; P. paghārṇā ‘to melt by heating’; A. paghāriba ‘to flavour curry with condiments and ghee or oil’. 2. M. paghaḷṇẽ tr. ‘to spread out, widen, enlarge’, pāgh° ‘to let fall in drops, let run’; — H. pighālnā tr. ‘to melt, fuse, dissolve’ with pi— fr. pighalnā < *praghi- lati. *praghāla— ‘flowing forth’ see *praghāra—. *praghālayati ‘makes flow forth’ see *praghārayati.
8486 *praghirati ‘flows forth’. 2. *praghilati. [√ghr̥ 1] 1. S. paghiraṇu ‘to be melted’, paghirjaṇu ‘to be melted, sweat’: or < 2. 2. H. pighalnā (older paghilnā, caus. paghilānā) ‘to be dissolved, be melted, be fused’, P. pighalnā, M. pighaḷṇẽ. *praghilati ‘flows forth’ see prec. praghūrṇa— see next. Addenda: *praghirati. 1. WPah.kṭg. phērnõ; ‘to milk’. 2. *praghilati: S.kcch. pigharṇū ‘to melt’, WPah.J. pighḷṇu. 3. †;*praghilyatē: WPah.kṭg. ph e/ lṇõ; ‘to be spread’ with H. phailnā, etc. rather < prathita—. *praghilati, †;*praghilyatē see *praghirati.
8487 *praghōlayati ‘stirs’. [Cf. praghūrṇa— ‘turning round or rolling violently’ W. and ghōlayati. — *ghūr—] Pk. pahōḍaï ‘swings’, pahōlira— m. ‘one who swings or shakes’; — P. pā̆hul m. ‘a Sikh initiatory rite in- volving the stirring of a bowl of sherbet’?
8492 *pracāh— ‘look for’. [Cf. prácakṣayati ‘illumines’ RV., pracakṣatē ‘considers, supposes’ Mn. — *cāh—] S. pahaṇu ‘to consider’, caus. pahāiṇu; A. pāiba ‘to be fit or proper’; Or. pāibā ‘to suit, tally with, seem, think’; M. pāhṇẽ ‘to see, search’, pāhije ‘it is necessary’: — or < prábhāti?
8493 *pracchaṭ— ‘be knocked, fall’. 2. *pracchāṭ—. [*chaṭ—] 1. P. pachaṛnā ‘to be thrown (in wrestling), fall’; B. pachṛāna ‘to knock down’. 2. Pk. pacchāḍida— ‘washed’; S. pachāṛaṇu ‘to knock down’, P. pachāṛnā; N. pachārnu ‘to knock down, beat (clothes in washing)’; H. pachāṛnā ‘to knock down’, G. pachāṛvũ; M. pachāḍṇẽ ‘to throw (in wrestling)’. Addenda: *pracchaṭ—. 2. S.kcch. pachāṛṇū ‘to stamp (the feet)’.
8494 *pracchaṭṭ— ‘strike’. [~ *pracchaṇṭ—. — *chaṭṭ—] P. pachaṭṭṇā ‘to defame’.
8495 *pracchaṇṭ— ‘strike’. [~ *pracchaṭ—, *pracchaṭṭ—. — *chaṇṭ—] S. pachaṇḍaṇu ‘to winnow, throw violently’; P. pachaṇḍṇā ‘to thresh, winnow’, pachaṇḍā m. ‘kicking’.
8502 *pracchindati, prácchinatti ‘cuts off or through’ AV. [√chid] Pa. pacchindati ‘cuts short, puts an end to’, Pk. pacchiṁdaï; Si. pasin̆dinavā ‘to root out, destroy’.
8503 *pracchinna— ‘cut off’. [√chid] Pa. pacchinna— ‘cut short’; N. uchin—pāchin ‘mutual attempt to outstrip’; Si. pasun ‘cut off, judged’.
8504 *pracchupita— ‘put on’. [√chup] Bi. pachūā ‘extra handful of grain thrown in to make up for dust &c.’ (or < praścutita—).
8511 *prajjhara— ‘flowing’. [√*jhar] M. pāj̈har m. ‘gentle trickle, oozing’.
8512 *prajjharati ‘flows’. [~ *prajjhalati, prákṣarati. - √*jhar] Pk. pajjharaï ‘falls, drips’; M. pāj̈harṇẽ ‘to drip down’.
8513 *prajjhalati ‘flows’. [~ *prajjharati. — √*jhal 1] Pk. pajjhalaï ‘drips, falls’.
8517 *prajvala— ‘burning’. [√jval] Si. padula ‘shining, brilliant’.
8520 *prajvāla— ‘setting alight’, prajvālā— f. ‘flame’ R. [~ prajvāra—. — √jval] S. paj̄āro m. ‘blowing up a fire’.
8522 *praṇaptī— ‘great—granddaughter’. [naptı̄́—] M. paṇat f. — See next.
8523 *praṇaptr̥— ‘great—grandson’ (nom. sg. práṇapāt m. RV.) [náptr̥—] Aś.shah. pranatika nom. pl., man. paṇatika, kāl. panātikyā, dh. panati; P. parnattā, paṛn° m. ‘descendant of the 6th degree’; N. panāti, palā̃ti ‘great—grandson’, M. paṇtū m., Ko. paṇtu. — Deriv. N. panātini, palā̃tini ‘great—granddaughter’; Or. paṇanāti ‘grandson's grand- son’, M. nipaṇtū. — See prec.
8527 *práṇaśati ‘reaches’ (subj. práṇaśat RV.) [√naś 2] Ku. paṇasīṇo ‘to enter’.
8529 *praṇahati ‘ties up’. [√nah] Aw. pahnab ‘to shut up, put in a fold’ NIA i 397. praṇāḍī— see pranāḍī—. praṇindati ‘blames’ Bhaṭṭ., °dana— n. Pāṇ.com. [√nind] See pariṇindati.
8530 *praṇiśrāya ‘having recourse to’. [√śri] Si. piṇisa ‘on account of’ (ES 104) rather < pratītya.
8531 *praṇiśrāvayati ‘instructs’. [√śru] OSi. piṇisvā absol. ‘having instructed’, piṇisvūvan ‘persons who have been instructed’.
8534 *pratañcā— ‘bowstring’. [Cf. patañcikā— f. ‘id.’ lex., pratyañcā— f. HŚS 2230, pataṅgikā— f. Apte. — Prob. of non—Aryan origin] Pk. paḍaṁcā—, paḍaṁsuā— f. ‘bowstring’; N. parı̃jo ‘pocket between strings of pellet—bow to hold shot when being fired, forked stick of a sling’ (rather than with ND 365 b 34 < *pratijya— ‘near the bowstring’).
8541 *pratikakṣa— ‘near the armpit’. [kákṣa1] G. paṛkhũ n. ‘side rib, side, neighbourhood’.
8544 *pratikāṣṭha— ‘wooden block’. [For the prep. cf. pratikāya— ‘target’. — kāṣṭhá—] Bi. pariyāṭhā ‘wooden framework over a well on which the drawer stands’, (Gaya) ‘carpenter's block, anvil block’, (Patna) pareṭhā ‘anvil block’; Mth. pariaṭh, paraiṭh, parhaṭā ‘fodder chopping block’.
8547 *pratikr̥tya— ‘to be repaid’. [pratikarōti ‘repays’ MBh., cf. pratikr̥ti—. — √kr̥ 1] Ku. paı̃c, °co, paı̃jo ‘loan’, N. paı̃co; Bi. paı̃c ‘exchange of labour by farmers’; Mth. paı̃c, °cā ‘borrowing’, (ETirhut) jan—paı̃cā ‘exchange of labour’; H. paı̃cā m. ‘loan, repayment’: nasalization is unexpl.
8548 *pratikēlayati ‘scatters’. [pratikirati ‘scatters towards’ Pāṇ., Pa. paṭikirati ‘strews about’. — √kr̥̄ 1] N. pargelnu ‘to sift rice’ < *parke° with MIA. anal.—kk- (or < *parigēlayati)?
8549 *pratikkhara— ‘harsh against’. [khara2 with anal. —kkh—] Pk. paḍikkhara— ‘cruel’; M. paḍkhar ‘rude’ (LM 361 with misprint paḍikkhāra wrongly < *pratikṣāra—).
8550 *pratikramati ‘steps back’. [prátikrāmati, prati- krámaṇa— n. ‘stepping to and fro’ ŚBr. — √kram] Pa. paṭikkamati ‘steps back’, Pk. paḍikkamaï; OG. paḍikamaï ‘prays’.
8556 *praticchattika— ‘near the roof’. [*chatti—] P. paṛchattī f. ‘shelf under roof’.
8557 *praticchada— ‘covering’. [Cf. Pa. paṭicchāda— m. ‘covering, clothes’. — √chad 1] S. paṛichu m. ‘small mat’; L. paṛchā m. ‘mat’.
8561 *pratijāgraṇa—, pratijāgaraṇa— n. ‘watching’ MārkP. [√jāgr̥] Pa. paṭijaggana— n. ‘attention, care’; Si. piḷidagin ‘favour, protection’.
8562 *pratijāgrati, prátijāgarti ‘watches beside’ RV. [√jāgr̥] Pa. paṭijaggati ‘tends’, Pk. paḍijaggaï; Si. piḷidaginavā ‘to cherish’.
8565 *pratitāna— ‘woof’. [√tan] B. paṛiyān, (Calcutta) poṛen ‘woof’; Or. paṛiāṇa, pari° ‘woof of a cloth, weft’.
8572 *pratipāta— ‘falling against’. [Cf. pratipatati ‘hastens towards’ MBh. — √pat] Pa. paṭipāṭi— f. ‘order, succession’; Pk. paḍivāya— m. ‘falling again’; — Si. piḷiveḷa ‘order, degree’ (EGS 110) ← Pa.
8573 *pratipādaka— ‘leg—support’. [pā́da—] Pa. paṭipādaka— m. ‘support (of a bed)’; G. paṛvāyɔ, °vaiyɔ m. ‘wooden support for the leg of a cot, wooden support for the leg during a meal’.
8574 *pratipūrta— ‘filled’. [prátipr̥ṇāti RV., pratipūrṇa- ChUp., Pk. paḍipuṇṇa—. — √pr̥̄] Bshk. čipuṭ, čüpuṭ ‘full’ AO xviii 230.
8576 *pratipr̥cchā— ‘question’. [√prach] Pa. paṭipucchā— f. ‘question’, Pk. paḍipucchā— f., G. paṛpuch f. (< MIA. *paḍiprucchā—?).
8577 *pratipr̥ṣṭa— ‘questioned’. [√prach] Si. puḷuvut ‘inquired into’ (with t after *puḷuvut ‘answered’ < pratyukta—, Pa. paṭivutta—, Pk. paḍi- vutta—?).
8578 *pratipautra— ‘great—grandchild’. [paútra—] Pk. paḍiputta—, paḍipottaya— m. ‘grandson’; L. paṛotrā m., °rī f. ‘son's son's child’, P. paṛotarā, paṛo(t) m., paṛotarī, °tī f.
8579 *pratiprajñā— ‘knowledge’. [Cf. pratiprajñāti— f. ‘ascertainment’ AitBr. — √jñā] Si. piḷipan ‘knowledge’.
8583 *pratibhāryā— ‘rival wife’. [bhārya—] S. pahāja, °āj̄a, pahija, °ij̄a f. ‘rival wife, co—wife (so called by the other or other wives)’, pahāj̄iṛī f. ‘image of a former deceased wife worn round the neck by her successor’; L. pahāj f. ‘rival wife’.
8586 *pratiyābhayati ‘causes to have intercourse’. [pra- tiyabdhum ‘to copulate’ TBr.com. — √yabh] Bi. pariyāeb ‘to be covered (by a bull)’. *pratiyuttara— ‘answer’ see pratyuttara—.
8587 *pratirajju— ‘string’. [rájju—] Pr. púrǰu ‘thin thread’.
8589 *pratirāva— ‘echo’. [Cf. pratiravá— m. ‘calling to’ ŚBr., Pa. paṭirava— m.; Pk. paḍirava— m. ‘echo’. - √ru 1] Si. piḷiräv ‘echo’.
8592 *pratilati ‘goes forward’. [√til] K. pilun ‘to arrive, reach to, succeed in doing’: very doubtful.
8593 *pratilēkhayati ‘causes to be delineated’. [~ pári- likhati ‘delineates’ ŚBr., ‘copies’ Hcat. — √likh] Pk. paḍilēhēi ‘inspects, considers’; OG. paḍilehaï ‘acts up to’ Dave GujLg 157.
8594 *pratilla— ‘opposite’. [práti] H. pailār adv. ‘beyond’; G. pelũ ‘that, yonder’; M. pail ‘opposite’, pailā ‘coming from the other bank’ LM 371 (but rather < pratikū́la—).
8596 *prativañcati ‘goes back to’. [√vañc] Gaw. l ēnč— ‘to go, enter’ (NOGaw 42 < praviś—, fut. pravēkṣyati?).
8601 *pratiśālā— ‘outhouse’. [śā́lā—] G. paṛsāḷ f. ‘veranda’; M. paḍsāḷ f. ‘penthouse, shed’.
8602 *pratiśāli— ‘secondary shoot’. [śāli—] M. paḍsāḷ, °saḷ f. ‘sprouts from corn—stalks after reaping, secondary eruption in smallpox’.
8605 *pratiśyāyati ‘is cold’. [√śyai] M. paḍsāvṇẽ, paḍśeṇẽ ‘to have a cold’.
8609 *pratiṣṭhāti ‘abides, thrives’ (inj. prátiṣṭhāt RV. 2. prátiṣṭhita— ‘fixed, firm, thriving’ AV. 3. prátiṣṭhā- payati ‘fixes, establishes’ TS. [√sthā] 1. Pa. patiṭṭhāti, paṭi°, patiṭṭhahati ‘stands firm, stays’; G. paiṭhvũ ‘to settle’; Si. pihiṭanavā ‘to be established, work (of medicine)’. 2. Pa. patiṭṭhita— ‘standing firm’, Pk. paḍiṭṭhia—, païṭṭhiya—; WPah.bhal. p e ṭhyoṇū ‘to recover from ill- ness’; OSi. patiṭhite ‘was established’, Si. pihiṭi ‘fixed’. 3. Pa. patiṭṭhāpēti ‘establishes’, KharI. pratistavayati, pradiṭhavedi, Pk. paḍiṭṭhāvēi, païṭṭhāviya—; WPah.bhal. p e ṭhyoṇū tr. ‘to straighten a crooked thing by heating it in a fire’; Si. pihiṭuvanavā ‘to fix, plant, establish’. Addenda: *pratiṣṭhāti: Md. fařanī (inf. fařān, hon. faṭṭanī), feřenī ‘begins’ (feřum, hon. feṭṭevum): or < *prasthāti.
8613 *pratisaṁstāra—, pratisaṁstara— m. ‘friendly recep- tion’ lex. [√str̥] Pa. paṭisanthāra— m. ‘friendly reception’, Dhp. paḍisa- dhara—; — Si. piḷisan̆dara ‘friendly greeting’ (EGS 110: —d— from ādara?) ← Pa.
8615 *pratiskhalana— ‘deviation, obstruction’. [pratiskhal- ita— ‘warded off’ Śiś. — √skhal] Pk. paḍikkhalaṇa— n. ‘falling, obstacle’, paḍikkhalaï ‘falls, gets out of the way, is stopped’, tr. ‘stops’; M. paḍkhaḷaṇ n. ‘light copper ring worn in an ear just bored (to ward off misfortune?)’.
8616 *pratistāra— ‘platform’. [√str̥] G. paṛthār m. ‘veranda, portico’? *pratisrāva— ‘diffusion’ see next.
8617 *pratisrāvayati ‘makes flow back’. 2. Pass. *prati- srāvyatē. 3. *pratisrāva—. [√sru] 1. Pk. paḍissāvi— ‘dripping, dropping’; M. paisāviṇẽ ‘to reduce or thin out a crowd’. 2. M. paisāvṇẽ intr. ‘to open out and spread freely, become loose and unconfined’. 3. M. paisāv m. ‘widely diffused state’ LM 371. *pratisrāvyatē ‘is made to flow back’ see prec.
8622 *pratīkṣṇa— ‘very sharp’. [tīkṣṇá—] Woṭ. paı̄́n ‘sharp’, P.bhaṭ. painnā, WPah.pāḍ. pain, paṅ. painnā, cur. pīnā; Ku. paiṇo ‘pointed, sharp’; Aw.lakh. pain ‘sharp’, H. painā (whence painānā ‘to sharpen’). *prātīkṣṇya—. Addenda: *pratīkṣṇa—: WPah.kṭg. p e nnɔ ‘sharp’, J. paiṇā (——!).
8625 *pratītti— ‘giving back’. [Cf. ápratītta— ‘not given back’ AV. — √ 1] OAw. païṁta f. ‘stake, throw in dice’?
8628 *praturati ‘succeeds’ (cf. prátiratē ‘prospers’ RV.). 2. ‘crosses’. [~ prátirati; — cf. supratúr— ‘very victorious’ RV. — √tr̥̄] 1. K. pōrun ‘to be efficient, be able, conquer’. 2. N. pauranu ‘to swim’; Or. pahũribā ‘to float, swim’; OH. pãwarnā, paũrnā ‘to swim across’.
8630 *pratōdana— m. ‘goad’. [Cf. pratōdá— m. ‘goad, whip AV., Pa. patōda—, Pk. paōda— m. (paotta— n. < *pratōttra—) and tōdana— m. ‘goad’ lex. — √tud] G. parɔṇɔ m. ‘goad’, °ṇī f. ‘id., piece of thread put through eye of needle’ (less likely < pravayaṇa1, 2).
8632 *pratōlika— ‘gatekeeper’. [pratōlī—] H. pauliyā, pol°, pauriyā m. ‘gatekeeper’, G. poḷiyɔ m.
8634 *pratyaka— ‘face’. [prátīka— n. ‘face, surface’ RV. - pratyáñc—] Paš.weg. l ačı̄́ ‘chin’ IIFL iii 3, 116 with (?).
8639 *pratyabhivartatē ‘advances to meet’. [Cf. ábhivart- atē ‘meets’ RV. — √vr̥t] Or. pāchoṭibā ‘to advance some distance to meet an honoured guest and accompany to destination’.
8641 *pratyara— ‘beside the spoke’. [ará—] P. paccar f. ‘wedge’; Bi. paccar ‘wedge driven through segment of felly to tighten spokes’; M. pāċar n.f. ‘wedge to tighten a post &c.’ — In. Bi. paccaṛ ‘wedge to tighten spokes’ (but whence paccī ‘id.’?), Mth. paccaṛ ‘linch—pin’ may be hyperhindiism for r. — G. phācar f. ‘wedge’, phācrũ ‘flat’ with unexpl. ph—. — Semant. Pa. paccarī— f. ‘raft’, Si. pasura, pahura ‘boat, raft’ appear separate.
8643 *pratyāśā— ‘expectation’. [āśás—] Pa. Pk. paccāsā— f. ‘expectation, hope’; Si. pasasa ‘joy, happiness’.
8650 *prathaska— ‘palm’. [práthas— n. ‘width, extension’ RV.: semant. cf. pr̥thú—. — √prath] Paš.lauṛ. lāk, nij. ṣákk—iam, uzb. ṣọ̄k (IIFL iii 3, 107 poss. < prathā— with —ka— or *pār—ka < pāṇí—).
8652 *prathila— ‘first’. 2. *prathilla—. [Cf. Pk. paḍhamilla—: See L. A. Schwarzschild JAOS 82, 517. — prathamá—] 1. Pk. pahila—; S. pahryõ; (with õ;— from —amaka— in other ordinals, but poss. < *prathamilaka—). 2. Pk. pahillaï ‘makes first’; L. peihlā ‘first’, P. paihllā, pahilā, bhaṭ. paihlā, WPah.bhad. paihlū, bhal. pɛ̄̀lo, cur. pĕihlā, Ku. pailo, gng. pɛ̄̃l, N. pailo, A. pahila, B. pahilā, paylā; Or. pahila ‘first, first—born’, païlā ‘first’, Mth. Aw.lakh. pahil; H. pahil, °hal m. ‘beginning’, pahilā, pahlā ‘first’, OMarw. pahalo, OG. pahilaüṁ, G. pah e lũ, M. pahilā, Ko. pailo. *prathilajanī—, *prathilasūnā—. Addenda: *prathila—. 2. *prathilla—: WPah.kṭg. pɛ̄́ ‘first’, kc. pɔila, pɔ̄la adv. ‘first, previously’; Garh. p e lu ‘first’. *prathilla— see *prathila— Add2.
8653 *prathilajanī— ‘having borne once’. [*prathila—, jáni—] L. peihliṇ f. ‘cow which has calved once’.
8654 *prathilasūnā— ‘bearing for first time’. [*prathila—, sūna—] P. pahilūṇ f. ‘cow or buffalo which is bearing or has just borne its first calf’. *prathilla— ‘first’ see *prathila—. prathuka— see pr̥thuka2. pradatta— see next.
8661 *pradāru— ‘gift’. [Cf. dāru1 and pradā́na— n. TS. - √ 1] Pr. pyō̤rü ‘gift’.
8662 *pradālita— ‘split’. [~ pradārayati. — √dal 1] Pa. padālēti ‘cleaves’, pp. padālita— (cf. Pk. payalia- ‘broken’); Si. piyalla, st. °ali— ‘rag, half a globe (e.g. of a coconut), seed lobe’ in the latter sense cf. bidala—.
8666 *pradura— ‘doorway’. [Cf. pradvār— f. ‘place before a gate’ MBh., pradvāra— n. R., Pa. padvāra— n. — dur—] OAw. paüri ‘gatepost’; H. pãwar, °rī, paur, °rī f. ‘gate, door, threshold’, pauriyā m. ‘gatekeeper’: more prob. < pratōlī—, *pratōlika—.
8667 *pradēkṣati ‘sees’. [*dēkṣati] Pk. padekkhaï ‘sees’.
8669 *pradōṣan— ‘extended forearm’. [Cf. prahasta— m. ‘extended hand’ KātyŚr.com. — dṓṣ—] Ku. paus ‘handful, palmful’. pradvār— see *pradura—.
8678 *prapattra— ‘having its leaves fallen’. [Cf. praparṇa- ‘id.’ Pat. — páttra—] L.poṭh. parvattī f. ‘name of a parasitic creeper which has neither roots nor leaves’.
8685 *prapāśālā— ‘shed for supply of water’. [prapā́—, śā́lā—] Aw.lakh. pausarā ‘place where water can be obtained’; H. pausalā f. HŚS, pausarā m. (with partly sanskritized pauśālā f.) Platts UD s.v. ‘place for giving water to drink’.
8691 *prapūya— ‘purulent’. [√pūy] See *paripūya—.
8702 *prabda— ‘forepart of foot’. [prápad— m. (?) ‘id.’ AV., Pa. papada— m.(?). Cf. Av. frabda—. Full discussion BSOAS xii 639. — pád2] K. podu m. ‘sole of foot, foot, elephant's or camel's foot’; — with metath. *pradba—: S. paḇu m. ‘ball of foot’; L. prabb m. ‘ball of foot’, (Ju.) paḇ f. ‘ball or front part of sole of foot or shoe’, awāṇ. pab ‘toe’; P. pabb m. ‘forepart of foot’.
8711 *prabhāla— ‘light’. [Cf. bhāla3 n. ‘splendour’ Inscr. — prabhā́—: √ bhā] Dm. pral ‘light’; Gaw. plal, plɔl ‘light, iris of eye’, adj. ‘light, bright’; Kal. (Leitner) pralik, rumb. pr e lík ‘light’, Bshk. čāl, čäl, Chil. čulo; Sv. plal adj. ‘light, bright’; Gau. čou sb., Phal. prāl; Sh. c̣alō m. ‘lighted torch’ (on ac. of a and ō perh. rather < *pralōka—); N. pālā ‘lamp’ AO xviii 230.
8714 *prabhindati, prábhinatti ‘splits’ RV. [√bhid] Pa. pabhindati ‘splits asunder’; N. pı̃dhnu, pı̃dnu, pinnu ‘to grind corn’ (infl. in meaning by pisnu < piṁṣáti?)
8720 *pramantra— ‘talk, tale’. [mántra—] Pr. pƏmáṭik, pum° ‘tale’ NTS xv 268 with (?).
8722 *pramardati ‘crushes’. [pramr̥dnāti MBh., pra- mardita— R. — √mr̥d] Pa. pamaddati ‘crushes’, Pk. pamaddaï, G. pɔ̃dvũ.
8728 *pramūrdhan— ‘forepart of head’. [For formation cf. prápad— s.v. *prabda—, prabāhu—. — mūrdhán—] M. põ;dh m. ‘forepart of head, sinciput’, põ;dhī f. ‘hollow on back of head’.
8730 *pramr̥ṣati ‘forgets’. 2. *pramr̥ṣyati. 3. Pp. *pramr̥ṣṭa—. [pramŕ̥ṣē inf., prámamarṣa perf., pramarṣiṣṭhāḥ aor., mr̥ṣyatē RV. — √mr̥ṣ] 1. Pk. pamhasaï, °mhusaï, °mhuhaï ‘forgets’ (mh from *pamharaï < prasmarati), Pr. puṣ—, Dm. pramuṣ—, Gaw. plemuṣ—, Kal. prāmuṣ—. 2. Pa. pamussati ‘forgets’, Paš.kuṛ. šamaš— (← a dialect like uzb. with š— < pr—). 3. Pa. pamuṭṭha— ‘forgotten’, Pk. pamhaṭṭha—, pamhu- ṭṭha—; Ash. pumiṣṭ, pƏrmišt, pumušt ‘forgot’, Wg. pramuṣṭoi, pramušt—, Kt. pƏmiṣṭyo, pŕƏmuštyo. *pramr̥ṣṭa—, *pramr̥ṣyati ‘forgets’ see prec.
8733 *prayābha— ‘copulation’. [Cf. prayabhati ‘copulates TBr. — √yabh] Si. piyam̆ba ‘copulation’.
8737 *prarajyatē ‘is pleased, is excited’. 2. Pp. *prarakta—. [√raj] 1. Pk. palajjaṇa— ‘fond of’; — with anal. —cc— (see rajyatē): S. parcaṇu ‘to be happy, be reconciled’; L. parcāvaṇ ‘to console’, parcā m. ‘friendship’; P. par- cāuṇā ‘to divert, entertain’, parcāu, °āvā m. ‘amuse- ment’; H. paracnā ‘to be habituated’. 2. S. parto pp. of parcaṇu; — With —kk— for —tt— (after MIA. type muccaï ~ mukka—): Pk. palakka— ‘covetous, lustful’; Ku. palkaṇo ‘to find a relish in, be tempted’; N. palkanu ‘to get a craving for, be in the habit of’; H. paraknā ‘to acquire a habit’; G. paḷakvũ ‘to get a liking for, be often tempted’.
8738 *prarikta— ‘empty, left’. [práricyatē ‘becomes empty’ TS. — √ric] Kho. pirtak ‘sterile (of animals and women), not giving milk (of cows)’; Mth. partā ‘land left fallow’; Bi. parīt, partī ‘waste land, land left fallow’, partā ‘land accidentally gone out of cultivation’ (= parāt, °rā̃t, °rātā of which —ā— is unexpl.). — See *prarēcyatē. *prarīṇa— see prárīyatē.
8739 *prarīti— ‘stream’. [√] Paš.ish. parı̄́ ‘small irrigation runnel in field’.
8741 *praruṣyati ‘is angry’. [For pra with verbs of ‘anger’ cf. prakupyati. — √ruṣ] OG. paruṁsīi ‘is angry’.
8742 *praruhati ‘shoots up’. [prárōhati VS. — √ruh 1] OAw. paluhaï ‘blooms, is fresh and invigorated’; H. (poet.) paluhanā ‘to sprout’: rather < pallavayati.
8743 *prarēcyatē ‘is abandoned’. [Cf. prárēcayati ‘aban- dons’ RV. — √ric] Pk. pariccia— ‘thrown away or up’ (pp. of *pariccaï < práricyatē TS.); Kho. (Lor.) pƏričik, pƏrečik ‘to throw, throw away’ or < parityajati. — See *prarikta—. Addenda: *prarēcyatē see parityajati, *parēcchati in Add2.
8744 *prarōkk— ‘stop’. [Cf. práruṇaddhi ‘stops’ ŚBr. - *rōkk—] OM. pārukhaṇeṁ ‘to stop’.
8748 *pralagna— ‘clinging to’. [√lag] L.poṭh. palãgṇā m. ‘string fastened round neck of a pot’.
8749 *pralaṅghati ‘jumps’. [√laṅgh] Pk. palaṁghejjā opt. ‘overpass’, palaṁghaṇa—, palla° n.; Wg. pālaṅg— ‘to go, run, turn’, Kt. peleṅe—; P. palā̃gh m. ‘jumping’ (ā?); H.bāṅg. phalā̃gṇā ‘to jump across’.
8750 *pralañcayati ‘bribes, entices’. [lañcā—] WPah.khaś. pƏlõ;j̈nu ‘to coax, cajole’, śeu. pƏlãj̈nu.
8758 *pralāla— ‘chatter’. [√lal] L. P. palāl m. ‘idle talk, chatter’?
8759 *pralālayatē ‘slobbers’. [Cf. lālayatē Bhartr̥. - lālā—] G. palāḷvũ ‘to make wet, soak’ (whence intr. palaḷvũ ‘to be wet’).
8766 *pralōka— ‘light’. [Cf. prárōcatē ‘shines forth’ RV. - √luc] Sh. c̣alō m. ‘lighted torch’ (AO xviii 230 < *pra- bhāla—). Addenda: *pralōka—: S.kcch. piro m. ‘dawn’ or < †;*prarōka— or prarōha—.
8767 *pralōkayati ‘looks at’. [√lōk] Pk. palōēi, °ōaï ‘sees’, Ko. paḷaytā.
8768 *pralōpayati ‘destroys’. [pralumpati ‘plucks out’ Hariv., Pa. palumpati ‘plunders’; pralupyatē ‘is robbed, is destroyed’ MBh. — √lup] P. palovaṇā, paloṇā ‘to destroy’.
8770 *pralōrtati ‘rolls over’. [√lōrt] Pk. paloṭṭaï, paluṭṭaï intr. ‘is upset, turns back, rolls on the ground’, tr. ‘throws down’ (= paloṭṭēi), paloṭṭa—, paroṭṭa— ‘thrown down, turned over’; Kt. pƏlṭ— ‘to roll down, fall’; Dm. paláṭ— ‘to roll, fly’; WPah.śeu. pƏlṭinu, h.rudh. pleṭona ‘to writhe in spasms’; G. paḷoṭvũ, paloṭ° ‘to knead, shampoo, mould, break’. — For Kaf. Dard. WPah. forms see also *pallaṭṭ—.
8774 *pravaḍra— ‘very large’. [vaḍra—] Mth. poṛā ‘stout, robust’ (or < právr̥ddha—?).
8777 *pravatsara— ‘previous year’. [vatsará—] Shum. l yēčǟ́r ‘last year’? pravadana— see pravacana—.
8778 *pravadhati ‘cuts up’. [pravadhyatē ‘is killed’ Pañcat. — √vadh] H. pohnā ‘to cut, pierce, grind, rub’?
8779 *pravapaka— ‘sprinkling’. [Cf. právapati ‘sows, scatters’ RV., Pa. pavapati. — √vap] Kho. (Lor.) prux ‘light sprinkling of snow on hilltops, first snow of the season, ground slightly white with snow’ perh. rather ← Ir. Yid. pƏrx ‘hoarfrost’ IIFL ii 240. *pravapakara—.
8780 *pravapakara— ‘sowing’. [*pravapa—, kará1] H. pawerā m. ‘sowing seed by hand’. — See prakērayati.
8781 *pravabhati ‘weaves on, strings’. [Absol. prōbhya ‘having fastened’ ŚāṅkhGr̥. — √ubh, √*vabh] H. pohnā ‘to string, plait, thread’.
8801 *pravāśman— ‘cawing’. [pravāśant— ‘beginning to cackle’ VarBr̥S. — √vāś] Bhoj. pōmhi ‘noise’: very doubtful.
8804 *praviṣṭi— ‘entrance, deposit’. [√viś] H. paiṭh f. ‘entrance’; — altern. < *pradiṣṭi—: S. peṭhi f. ‘money due’; Or. païṭha ‘depositing money, payment, delivery’.
8813 *praśamyati ‘is calmed’. [Cf. praśāmyati Mn. (from which Pa. Pk. NiDoc. may derive), śamyatē Pāṇ. - √śam 1] Pa. pasammati ‘is allayed’, NiDoc. praśameyas̱i, Pk. pasammaï; — with anal. —ss—: P. pasamṇā ‘to have the teats stroked preparatory to milking’ (whence pasmāuṇā ‘so to stroke a cow's teats’). praśātikā— see prasātikā—. praśāmyati see *praśamyati.
8814 *praśālā— ‘front portion of building’. [śā́lā—] G. parsāḷ f. ‘front one—storeyed portion of a house, separate building attached to a house’ (or < *pariśālā— Add.). praśūna— see prasūna—.
8815 *praśūyatē ‘is swollen’. [√śvi] Ku. pasujaṇo ‘to steam, get steamed, convert into vapour’, °jiṇo ‘to be steamed, be covered with steam’.
8816 *praścandati ‘leaps forward, falls’. [Cf. práskandati ‘leaps forth’ TS., ‘falls into’ R., Pk. pakkhaṁdaï ‘stumbles’. — √*ścand 2] Pk. pacchaṁdaï ‘goes’; Paš.al. lazand— ‘to fall’.
8829 *prasavanaka— ‘begetting, bearing’. [prasavana— n. ‘bearing of children’ Hit. — √] K. prasawunu m. ‘man who is always begetting children’, prasavünü f. ‘woman always bearing children’. *prasavayati ‘produces’, *prasavyatē see prasavati.
8832 *prasādadattaka— ‘given as a favour’. [Cf. prasāda- dāna— n. ‘propitiatory gift’ MW. — prasāda—, dattá—] G. pasāytũ n. ‘land set apart for religious purposes or for maintenance of village artisans’.
8840 *prasikti— ‘pouring out’. [Cf. siktí— f. ‘effusion’ RV. - √sic] S. pahati f. ‘sugarcane juice after first boiling, grain boiled in water and served up thin’.
8841 *prasikna— ‘poured out’. [~ prasikta— Suśr., prásiñcati ‘pours out’ AV., Pk. pasiṁcaï. — √sic] Ku. paskaṇo ‘to distribute cooked food’; N. paskanu ‘to take food out of the pot, deal out (a meal)’.
8844 *prasīvyaka— ‘sack’. [prasēva— m. ‘sack’ lex., °aka— m. ‘sack, bag’ Suśr., Pk. pasēvaya— m., °viā— f. — √siv] Pa. pasibbaka— m.n. ‘sack’; Si. pihivā ‘bag, sack’. prásīvyati see *prasyūyati.
8845 *prasupati ‘falls asleep’. [prásvapiti ŚBr. — √svap 1] Pa. passupati ‘sleeps, rests’; Kal.rumb. prasū́im ‘I fall asleep’.
8854 *praskara— 2 ‘scattering’. [√*skr̥̄: √kr̥̄ 1] M. pakharḍā m., pakhaḷ f. ‘litter, rubbish’. *praskarōti ‘equips’ see prákarōti.
8855 *praskirati ‘scatters’. 2. Caus. *praskērayati. 3. Pp. *praskr̥ta—. [√*skr̥̄: √kr̥̄ 1] 1. M. pakharṇẽ, pakhaḷ° ‘to scatter, strew’, pakharṇī f. ‘scattering’. 2. S. pakheraṇu ‘to spread out, diffuse’. 3. S. pakheṛaṇu ‘id.’ der. *pakhiṛ—. *praskr̥ta—, *praskērayati ‘scatters’ see prec.
8858 *prastarapaṭṭa— ‘stone slab’. [prastará—, paṭṭa1] Ku. pathrauṭī f. ‘pavement of slates and stones’.
8860 *prastarati ‘spreads out’. [prástr̥ṇōti AV. — √str̥] Pa. pattharati tr. ‘spreads out, scatters’, Pk. pattharaï patthuraï; L. (Ju.) patharaṇ ‘to spread, turn over’; Mth. pathrab intr. ‘to lie scattered’; G. pātharvũ tr. ‘to spread’; Si. paturanavā ‘to spread abroad, proclaim’ (whence caus. paturuvanavā and intr. pätirenavā ‘to be extended’); Md. faturān ‘to spread out’; —Pk. pattharia- ‘spread out’; Si. pätali ‘flat, level, plain’ (rather than < pattralá—). — See *prastārayati, *prastr̥ta—. Addenda: *prastarati: S.kcch. pātharṇū ‘to spread’; caus. Ko. pātlāytā ‘spreads out (bed, etc.)’ S. M. Katre, Md. faturuvanī tr. ‘spreads’, feturenī intr. (absol. feturi).
8861 *prastaramr̥ttikā— ‘stones and clay’. [prastará—, mŕ̥ttikā—] Bi. pathrauṭī, pathraṭiyā ‘clay mixed with fine gravel’.
8862 *prastarāsa— ‘stone—throwing’. [prastará—, ā́sa2] P. pathrāh m. ‘stoning’ (whence pathrāuṇā ‘to stone’).
8865 *prastārakūṭa— ‘heap of things laid out’. [prastārá—, kūṭa2] Bi. (S of Ganges) pathraur ‘place where cowdung cakes are made’.
8866 *prastārayati ‘causes to be spread out’. [√str̥] Dm. prastār— ‘to stretch out’; N. pathārnu ‘to roll or flatten out dough’. — See *prastarati.
8867 *prastr̥ta— ‘spread out’. [Cf. prástīrṇa— AV. — √str̥] Pa. patthaṭa— ‘spread out’, Pk. patthaḍa—; Si. pataḷa, °tuḷa ‘diffused’.
8871 *prasthapattra— ‘seed account’. [prastha—2, páttra—] K. pathawaturu m. ‘memorandum showing the area sown’. *prasthāti ‘stands forth’ see prátiṣṭhati.
8876 *prasnavati ‘flows (of milk into breast)’. 2. Pres. part. *prasnavant—. 3. Pp. prasnuta— MBh. 4. Caus. *prasnāvayati. [prásnauti ‘emits fluid’ TS., prasnutē ‘yields milk’ Pāṇ.com., prasnāvin— ‘dripping’ Nir. — √snu] 1. Pk. paṇhaaï ‘drips’, pp. paṇhavia—; K. pranun ‘to flow’; M. pānhṇẽ ‘to let down milk into udder (of cows)’. 2. L. pā̃dā m. ‘stream of milk from teat of buffalo’ < *panhandā. 3. Pk. paṇhua— ‘dripped’; Ap. panhu m. ‘flow of milk in breast’. 4. B. pānāna ‘to cause milk to flow into udder’; Or. panāibā ‘(cow or goat) to show signs of having a full udder ready for milking’; H. pan(h)ānā, palānā ‘(milk) to come into udder’; M. pānhaviṇẽ ‘to let down milk into udder (of cows)’.
8878 *prasnāta— ‘wetted’. [prásnāti ‘enters water’ RV. - √snā] M. pān(h)ā ‘turned yellowish or musty by rain after being stacked or while ripening, uncut (of grain crops)’. *prasnāvayati, *prasnuta—, prásnauti see *prasna- vati.
8879 *prasphāyatē ‘swells’. [Cf. prasphāra— ‘puffed up’ Nalac. — √sphāy] H. phā̃pnā ‘to swell, be swollen’; or < intensive *pasphāyate or *pamphāyatē. — See phalph—.
8881 *prasphura— ‘flashing’. [Cf. prasphuliṅga— m.n. ‘sparkle’ Mcar. — √sphur] Si. pupura ‘spark’ or < *pusphura—.
8883 *prasphōṭa— ‘bursting forth’. [√sphuṭ] L. phapphoṛ ‘sprouting (esp. of withered crops)’; H. phapholā m. ‘bubble, blister’. prasphōṭayati see prasphuṭati.
8884 *prasmara— ‘forgetfulness’. [See prasmarati. - √smr̥] Or. pasora, °sura ‘forgetfulness’.
8886 *prasyūyati ‘sews up’. [Cf. syūtá—, prásīvyati ‘sews up’ ŚBr., Pa. pasibbita—. — √siv] P. pasūjaṇā ‘to sew with a running stitch’, pasūj m. ‘sewing with a running stitch, basting’, H. pasūjnā, pasūj f.
8890 *prasrāvaṇa— ‘causing to flow forth’. [√sru] Bi. pasāwan ‘skim milk’ (semant. cf. Mth. channā dūdh lit. ‘strained milk’); H. pasāwan m. ‘overflow from anything boiling, scum of rice’.
8891 *prasrāvayati ‘causes to flow forth’. [prásrāvayatē ‘urinates’ ŚBr. — √sru] P. pasā(h)uṇā ‘to pour off water from boiled rice’; H. pasānā ‘to pour off superfluous water, skim off scum from boiling rice’. — See prásravati.
8894 *prasvitta— ‘sweated’. [~ prasvinna—. — √svid] Sh.jij. pastō ‘sweat’; — Gaw. pašít, plašḗd (see also prasvēda—).
8895 *prasvidana— ‘sweating’. [√svid] P. pasīṇā m. ‘sweat’, Ku. pasiṇo; — altern. < prasvinna—: P.ludh. pasīnā m., N. pasinā, H. pasīnā m.
8896 *prasvidyati ‘sweats’. [Cf. svidyatē. — √svid] P. parsijjṇā, pas°, ludh. pasíjja ‘to sweat’, Ku. pasījaṇo, OAw. pasījaï, H. pasījnā.
8899 *prahaṭṭ— ‘drive away’. [*haṭṭ—] H. pahaṭnā ‘to run behind someone in order to drive away’.
8913 *prāṁsara— ‘erect, straight’. [Or *prāṁśura—, ext. —ra- of prāṁśu— ‘tall, high’ MBh., ‘long, intense’ Kāv., °uka- ‘large (of an animal)’ HYog. If of non—Aryan origin (and not, with EWA ii 374, conn. aṁśú—), cf. prāñjala— ‘up- right, straight, level’ ~ prājya— ‘much, large, long’ (J. C. W.)] G. pā̃srũ ‘erect, straight, steady’.
8915 *prākāravāṭa— ‘wall enclosure’. [prākāra—, vāṭa1] M. pāravḍā m. ‘quarter of a village’ (LM 366 < prākāra—).
8917 *prāgrāha— ‘the day in front’. [prāgra—, áhar—] K. pagāh ‘on the following day, tomorrow’? prāghuṇa—, prāghūrṇa— see prāhuṇa—.
8918 *prāṅkūra— ‘sprout’. [aṅkūrá—] Ku. pãgūr ‘new leaves, germination’. — Deriv.: Ku. pãgurṇo ‘to germinate’; G. pā̃garvũ ‘to blossom’ (← NW.?). Addenda: *prāṅkūra—: WPah.kṭg. paṅgƏr m.pl. ‘children’ (Him.I 111 rather < *prāṅkura—), paṅgra ‘brother’ (in language of outcastes Him.I 111 — vocative?).
8925 *prājayati ‘drives’. [√aj] Pa. pājēti ‘drives, throws (dice)’; Si. padinavā ‘to row, pull, swing to and fro’, pret. päddā < prājita—. - Or < *prācayati, Pa. pācēti ‘drives, urges’, cf. Pa. pācana— ~ pājana— s.v. prājana— and RV. ápāc— beside ápāj— ‘drive away’. PLS 57 wrongly assumes —c— < —j— as dial., Lüders BSBU 140 as false paliization of E pājati (*pāyati). prā́ñc— ‘directed forward, eastern’ RV. [√añc] prācı̄́na—, prācyà—.
8926 *prāñjati ‘smears’ [√añj] M. pā̃j̈ṇẽ ‘to smear paste on the warp’; — H. pā̃jnā ‘to solder’ (< ‘spreading or smearing the solder’: ND 372 a 41 wrongly connects with N. pā̃jnu, see páñcati).
8933 *prāṇīśa— ‘lord of animals’. [Cf. mr̥garāja— m. ‘lion’ MBh. — prāṇín—, īśa—] Paš.ar. plōnīš, dar. l ānīš ‘leopard’.
8935 *prātiya— ‘western’. [Cf. pratyáñc— ‘western’ AV. - práti] Si. päḷa ‘western’ (MIA. deriv. *pāḍiya— from paḍi H. Smith JA 1950, 184).
8937 *prātihāriya—, prātihārya— n. ‘juggling’ Lalit. [prati- hārya— n. R., Pk. paḍihāriya— n. — pratihāra—] Pa. pāṭihāriya—, °hīra— n. ‘wonder, miracle’; Pk. pāḍihāriya— n. ‘magic for getting things back’, °hēra— n. ‘a partic. kind of worship’; Si. peḷahara, °hära ‘miracle, religious procession’.
8938 *prātīkṣṇya— n. ‘state of being very sharp’. [*pra- tīkṣṇa—] Ku. paiṇ ‘edge of a weapon, strength’; N. pāin ‘temper of a blade, strength’; B. pāin ‘act of tempering’. prā́dāt see prádadāti.
8939 *prādya— ‘to be eaten up’. [Cf. prā́dan 3 pl. pres. subj. ŚBr. and ādyà—1. — √ad] Mth. (Tirhut) pāj karab ‘to chew the cud’. prādhāt see pradadhāti.
8944 *prāpiya— ‘land abounding in water’. [prā́pa— ‘abound- ing in water’ Pāṇ.vārtt. — áp—] Pk. pāvia— ‘well—watered’; Kho. prawi ‘lowlands’.
8953 *prāruta— ‘roaring’. [Cf. prárauti ‘roars’ RV. — √ru 1] S. pāru m. ‘lamentation for the dead’.
8956 *prārthyaka— ‘pertaining to hospitality’. [Der. prārthya— n. ‘reception of a guest’ TBr. (v.l.). Cf. prā́rtha— ‘travelling (as beggar?)’ AV., prārthana— n. ‘petition’, Av. frārai q ya— ‘relating to pleas(?)’. (J.C.W.) . — ártha—] Pr. piǰgím ‘guest’ (gem ‘village’), Dm. prāčhá, Bshk. čač, Phal. prāču, K. poċhu , abl. paċhi m.; N. pāhunā- pāchā ‘guests’ (ND 373 a 48 wrongly < *pathyaka—); - AO xviii 229 < *prathyaka— < *pathyaka— X prāhuṇa—.
8958 *prālasa— ‘very lazy’. [alasá—] S. pālho ‘idle, disengaged, empty’, L. pālhā.
8961 *prāviṣṭi— ‘work’. [√viṣ] Or. pāiṭhi ‘household work’.
8962 *prāvurati ‘covers’. 2. Pp. prā́vr̥ta— RV. 3. prāvár- aṇa— n. ‘cloak’ ŚBr. [Cf. prā́vr̥ṇōti ‘covers’ ŚBr., Pk. pāuṇaï. — √vr̥ 1] 1. Pa. pāpurati ‘covers, veils’ (—p— hyper—paliism for —v—), metath. pārupati (or < *pāruvati with earlier metath. of *pāvurati), pāpuraṇa—, pārupaṇa— n. ‘cloth- ing’; Si. porovanavā, porav°, perav° ‘to put on clothes’, poravanaya, poron° ‘robe, vesture’; Md. foruvān ‘to clothe, bedeck’. 2. Pk. pāvaya—, °vua— ‘covered’;—metath. Pa. pāruta—. 3. Pk. pāvaraṇa— n. ‘cloak’; — Pa. pāvuraṇa— n. with —u— from pres. st. prā́vr̥ṇōti, prā́vr̥ta— see *prāvurati. Addenda: *prāvurati: Md. foruvanī ‘covers, hoards, hides’.
8965 *prāvr̥ṣakāla— ‘the rainy season’. [prāvr̥ṭkāla— m. MārkP. — prāvr̥ṣ—, kālá2] M. pāvsāḷā m., °ḷī f. ‘the rainy season’, °ḷẽ n. ‘rainy state’.
8977 *priyaṅgutaila— ‘oil made from the priyaṅgu plant’ [priyáṅgu—, tailá—] M. pı̃gvel, °gel n. ‘oil made from the seed of Cardio- spermum halicacabum or heart—pea’.
8985 *pruṣṭi— ‘sprinkling, wetting’. [√pruṣ 1] L. puṭṭh f. ‘a liquid solution’.
8986 *pruṣya— ‘sprinkled’. [√pruṣ 1] Pa. phussa— ‘speckled’; N. phusphus ‘gentle rain’; - ext. —ḍa—: N. phusro ‘grizzled’.
8987 *pruṣyati 1 ‘is wet’. [vípruṣyati ‘oozes out’ ŚBr. - √pruṣ 1] L. pussaṇ ‘to be wetted’, pussī f. ‘moisture, hot fomentation’ (< MIA. pp. *pussia—?).
8988 *pruṣyati 2 ‘burns’. [~ plúṣyatē. Cf. prṓṣati Dhātup. — √pruṣ 2] Kal.rumb. prešem ‘I roast’. — See plúṣi— Add.
8990 *pruṣvākara— ‘collection of hoarfrost’, or *pruṣvā- kāra— ‘having the form of hoarfrost’. [prúṣvā—, ākara— or ākāra—] Kho. praẓ g ár, (Lor.) pr e ž g ār ‘dew, hoarfrost’ BelvalkarVol. 94 < *pruṣvākara—.
9001 *prēratē ‘moves forward’. [prḗrtē ‘moves, appears’ RV. — √īr] Mai. c̣ē̆l— ‘to arrive’, caus. c̣elā—, Chil. "chêlōṇ".
9010 *prōjjvālayati ‘causes to burn’. [√jval] L. (Ju.) puj̄ālaṇ tr. ‘to burn, set on fire’.
9012a *prōtkṣarita— Add. 14709.
9015 *prōdbhava— ‘coming forth’. [Cf. prōdbhūta— ‘come forth’ Hariv. — √bhū] Si. poba sb. ‘opening (as of a flower)’.
9016 *prōnmādayati ‘makes delighted’. [Cf. prōnmādyati ‘begins to be in rut’ Inscr. — √mad 1] Pk. pōmāiya— ‘praised, delighted’; G. pomāvũ ‘to be delighted’ L. Alsdorf Harivaṁśapurāṇa 479.
9025 *plavantī— ‘waterfowl’. [Pres. part.: cf. plavá— m. ‘a kind of aquatic bird’ VS. — √plu] K. pind, dat. °di f. ‘the waterfowl Tachybaptes albipennis’? *plavayati ‘inundates’ see plāvayati. plā́kṣa— see plakṣá—.
9026 *plāvanaka— ‘boatman’. [Cf. plāvana— n. ‘bathing’ MBh., Pk. pāvaṇa— n. ‘stream’. — √plu] M. pāvṇā m. ‘sailor’.
9032 *plōtra— ‘boat’. [pōta3 m. ‘boat’ MBh. is MIA. (amg.?) < *plōtra— (EWA ii 346 < *plavata—), pōtāra- m. or n. BHSk. < *plōtr̥—? — √plu] Ku. pot ‘boat’. plṓṣati see prṓṣati. PSĀ ‘eat’: psātá—.
9034 *phakk— 1 ‘toss food into the mouth’. Paš.lauṛ. gul. pak— ‘to eat (mulberries, grain and similar things)’, Shum. pheki—; S. phakaṇu ‘to jerk into mouth (when eating from hand)’, phaku m. ‘handful so eaten’, °kī f. ‘dose of powdered medicine’; L. phakkā m. ‘mouthful’; P. phakkṇā ‘to toss food into mouth’, phakkā m. ‘quantity so thrown’, N. phakyāunu, phā̃k, °ko; Mth. phakā ‘act of so eating’; H. phā̃knā ‘to jerk any dry food into mouth’, phāk, phā̃k m. ‘as much as can be so eaten, bit, piece’, phā̃kī f. ‘mouthful of dry grain &c.’; G. phākvũ ‘so to eat’, phākɔ m. ‘mouthful’, M. phākṇẽ, phā̃k°, phākā, phā̃kā m. Addenda: *phakk—1: WPah.kṭg. phákkɔ m. ‘handful of eatables (e.g. grain)’, J. fākā m. ‘handful of roasted grain’.
9035 *phakk— 2 ‘deceive’. 2. phakkikā— f. ‘proposition’ Naiṣ., ‘(in logic) statement to be refuted, sophism, fraud’ lex. [Cf. phakkati ‘propounds a statement to be refuted’ Dhātup., ‘acts wrongly’ lex. — Similar mean- ings in *phaṭ2] 1. K. phakun ‘to state one's poverty as inability to give’; S. phakiṛī f. ‘altercation’; P. phakkaṛ, °ṛī f. ‘abuse’; WPah.jaun. phākūṇõmacr; ‘to dispute’; N. phakāunu ‘to flatter, seduce’; A. phākaṭi ‘deception’; B. phakā ‘to be disappointed’, phakkaṛ ‘hoaxer’; Or phakaṛi ‘fraud’; H. phakkaṛ m. ‘abuse’, phā̃kṛā m. ‘vain boaster’ (→ P. phā̃kṛā m.); G. phā̃kɔ m. ‘pretension’, phagvũ ‘to be misled’ (X ṭhagvũ s.v. *ṭhagg—?); M. phākaḍ ‘flashy’. 2. Pk. phakkiyā— f. ‘passage in a text hard to inter- pret’; WPah. (Joshi) fākī f. ‘complaint’; A. phāki ‘deception, trick’, B. Or. phā̃ki; H. phā̃kī f. ‘objection (in logic), trick, fraud’; M. phā̃kī f. ‘proposition, sen- tence’.
9036 *phakk— 3 ‘open’. P. phakkṇā ‘to squander’; N. phakranu intr. ‘to open (of flowers)’, phaklā̃se ‘spendthrift’; B. phā̃k ‘opening’; H. phā̃knā ‘to open’; M. phākṇẽ, phākaṭṇẽ ‘to open wide’.
9038 *phaṭ— 1 ‘sudden movement’. 2. *phaṭṭ—1. [Cf. pháṭ interj. ‘crack!’ AV. — spháṭati ‘breaks, tears’ Dhātup. prob. hyper—sk. for ph—] 1. Ash. paṛakǟ́ı̃ ‘lightning, flicker’ NTS ii 274; S. phaṛphaṛi f. ‘flapping’, phaṛkaṇu ‘to tremble, flutter, throb’; P. phaṛphaṛāuṇā ‘to move convulsively’; B. phaṛ ‘flapping, explosion’, phaṛphaṛ ‘flapping’; Or. phaṛaphaṛa ‘sound of flapping, fluttering, tearing’; H. phaṛphaṛānā ‘to move convulsively’; G. phaṛ m. ‘bang’, phaṛphaṛvũ ‘to flutter’, M. phaḍphaḍṇẽ; — altern. < *spharati: N. pharpharāunu ‘to twitch, flutter, flap’; A. pharpharāiba ‘to tingle’; OAw. pharakaï ‘throbs’, Mth. pharkab. 2. S. phaṭaṇu ‘to wound’, phaṭāko m. ‘cracker’; P. phāṭṭṇā ‘to beat’, phaṭakṇā ‘to winnow’, phaṭkārṇā ‘to shake’; Ku. phaṭakṇo ‘to winnow, fan’, phaṭkoṇo ‘to ‘beat’, gng. ph *l ṭk *l_ ṛ̃ ‘winnowing’; N. phaṛkanu ‘to jump about, winnow’, phaṛkārnu ‘to shake’, phaṭphaṭāunu ‘to flap about’; A. phaṭphaṭīyā ‘shining’, phaṭkā ‘cracker’; B. phaṭkā ‘speckled’; Or. phaṭakā ‘fireworks’; H. phaṭphaṭānā ‘to flap about’, phaṭaknā ‘to winnow’, phaṭkārnā ‘to beat clothes’; G. phaṭak f. ‘throbbing’, phaṭakvũ ‘to beat’, phaṭkārvũ ‘to slash’; M. phāṭṇẽ ‘to wander wildly’, phaṭakṇẽ ‘to winnow, fan’, phaṭkārṇẽ ‘to slash’. Addenda: *phaṭ— 1. 1. WPah.kṭg. phƏṛakṇõ; ‘to separate grain from impurities with a bhɔ̀ṭṭi , to remove dust’. 2. *phaṭṭ—1: WPah.kṭg. phɔ́ṭṭa—phɔ́ṭṭa ‘quickly’, poet. phƏṭkāṇo ‘to throw, fling’.
9039 *phaṭ— 2 ‘cheat’. 2. *phaṭṭ—2. [Cf. phaṭā ‘a cheat’ lex. (← NIA. cf. B. below?) and similar meanings s.v. *phakk2; sphaṇṭayati, sphiṇ°, sphuṇ° ‘mocks’ Dhātup.] 1. K. phar m. ‘cock and bull story’, phoru m. ‘ridicule’, pharun ‘secretly to help oneself to the results of another's success’. 2. N. phaṭṭi ‘liar, funny’, phaṭāhā ‘exaggerater’, phaṭphaṭinu ‘to plead poverty when help is asked’; B. phaṭ, phaṭā ‘cheat’; M. phaṭaviṇẽ ‘to cheat’. *phaṭṭagāna—. Addenda: *phaṭ— 2. 2. *phaṭṭ—: Ko. phaṭṭi ‘false’, phaṭiṅgu ‘a cheat’. *phaṭṭ— 1 see *phaṭ1 Add2.
9041 *phaṭṭagāna— ‘joking song’. [*phaṭṭ—2, gāna—] G. phaṭāṇũ n. ‘song full of joking’. PHAṆ 1 ‘spring’: pháṇati1, phāṇayati 1. *PHAṆ 2 ‘swell, rise, boil’: phaṇá—2, *phaṇati, phāṇayati2, phāṇita—; *utphaṇati, *utphāṇa—, *ut- phāṇayati.
9045 *phaṇati 2 ‘swells, rises, boils’. [Cf. phaṇá—2, phḗna—, phēṇa— ‘froth’; phaṇa1, *phēṇa2, phēna2, phaṭa- ‘expanded hood’, phāṇḍin— ‘name of serpent demon’ lex.; perh. also phāṇayati 2, phāṇṭá— s.v. phāṇita—; PMWS 163 associates phā̆ṇḍa— ‘belly’ with phaṭa—. - √*phaṇ 2] P. phaṇphaṇāuṇā ‘to foam, boil, raise the hood (of cobra)’, phaṇakṇā ‘to rise’; N. phanphaninu ‘to show anger by movement’, phankanu ‘to rise uncere- moniously, get angry’; Or. phaṇaphaṇa ‘slightly swollen’; G. phaṇakvũ ‘to rise’; M. phaṇphaṇṇẽ ‘to be in a glow (from anger &c.)’, phaṇkā m. ‘fit of anger’. *phaṭṭiṅga—, phaḍiṅgā— see pataṅgá—.
9047 *phaṇṭa— ‘barren’. [Cf. baṇḍá— and list of ‘defective’ words s.v. phakka—] S. phaṇḍī f. adj. ‘barren, having ceased bearing’; L. phaṇḍar, °ḍir f. ‘an old cow or buffalo which has ceased calving or giving milk’; P. phaṇḍar ‘barren (of animals)’; — poss. Dm. phaṇḍa ‘anus, vulva’ (semant. cf. similar meanings in baṇḍá—, laṇḍa— and many ‘defective’ words).
9048 *phatta— ‘defective’. 2. phadda—. [Cf. *phutta— and list s.v. phakka—] 1. Ku. phatīṇo ‘to be disgraced or misused’; N. phataro ‘babbler’, phatarinu ‘to talk nonsense’, phat- phatāunu ‘to be garrulous’; Or. phatuā ‘unsuccessful, liar, malignant’; G. phātṛɔ m. ‘fool, eunuch’; M. phāt- māy f. ‘fat bloated woman’, phatulā m. ‘an impotent, imbecile’. 2. L.awāṇ. phaddā ‘toothless’; P. phaddaṛ ‘very fat and ugly, without energy, worthless’; G. phadiyũ n. ‘value of 4 pies only’; M. phadūl ‘puffed up, bloated, flabby’, phadyā m. ‘small copper coin, a paisā’. *phattiṅga— ‘flying insect’ see pataṅgá—. *phadda— ‘defective’ see *phatta—. *phanasa— ‘breadfruit’ see panasá—.
9049 *phapphara— ‘buckwheat’. P. phaphrā, phāph° m. ‘buckwheat’; WPah.jaun. phāphrā ‘husk of wheat’; Ku. phāpar ‘a kind of buck- wheat growing near the snow—line’; N. A. phāpar ‘buckwheat’; M. phāprī f. ‘a kind of pot—herb’. *phara— 1 ‘blade’ see phala2. *phara— 2 ‘board’ see phala3. phara— 3 ‘shield’ see phalaka2.
9050 *pharati ‘moves, turns’. [Cf. phálati 3, phḗlati ‘goes’ Dhātup. — See *phirati] Ku. pharakṇo ‘to turn round’; N. pharkanu ‘to turn back’; G. pharakvũ ‘to move’; M. pharakṇẽ ‘to move out of the way’; — G. pharvũ ‘to turn, return’ rather < *phirati. *pharpaṭa— ‘thin crust’ see párpaṭa1. PHAL ‘burst’: phala—2, phala—3, phálaka—1, phá- lati2, *phāla—2, phālayati; viphalati; — phála—1, phā́la1? Addenda: *pharati: WPah.kṭg. phƏrkauṇõ; ‘to fling’, J. farkāwṇu.
9055 *phalakamañca— ‘plank platform’. [phala—3, mañca—] N. phalaı̃cā ‘platform’.
9059 *phalapaṭṭa— ‘board’. [phala—3, paṭṭa1] Mth. pharauṭā ‘broad wooden board (in cotton- carding machine)’. phalasá— see panasá—.
9068 *phass— ‘loose’. [Cf. *phuss1] K. phasun ‘to become opened or dismembered or tender’; S. phasu ‘wearied’; Ku. phaskano ‘flabby, swollen’; N. phasphase ‘loosely woven’, phasko ‘loose, brittle’; B. phaskā ‘loose’; Or. phasaṛa ‘fruitless, vain’, phaskā ‘loose’; H. phas, phasphasā ‘loose, soft’, phas- aknā ‘to become loose’; G. phasakvũ ‘to burst, come to nothing’, M. phasakṇẽ.
9069 *phāṭṭakka— ‘gate, door’. [< *prahaṭṭa— ~ haṭṭa—??] P. N. phāṭak m. ‘gate’; A. phāṭak ‘prison’, phaṭak ‘gate’; B. phā̆ṭak ‘gate, prison’; Bi. H. phāṭak m. ‘gate’; G. phaṭkiyũ bārṇũ n. ‘a single shutter to close a door’; M. phāṭak, phākaṭ n., phaṭkā m. ‘gate (of a village &c.)’. phāṇáyati 1 ‘makes spring’ see pháṇati 1. phāṇayati 2 ‘skims’ see next.
9071 *phāṇṭ— ‘separate by beating or cutting’. K. phanḍun ‘to beat out (e.g. dust from a carpet)’; S. phāṇḍaṇu ‘to separate, apportion’; P. phā̃ṭ f. ‘piece’; WPah.bhal. phaṇḍnū, ph *l nnū ‘to gin cotton’, phāno m. ‘one who gins’, (Joshi) fā̃ḍṇu ‘to divide, distribute’; Ku. phā̃ṭaṇo ‘to divide’; N. phā̃ṛnu ‘to cut (esp. bushes and scrub)’; G. phãṭāvũ ‘to be divided’; M. phā̃ṭā m. ‘long divergent piece’. phāṇṭá— see phāṇita—. Addenda: *phāṇṭ—: WPah.kṭg. pháṇṭ m. ‘contribution given by each village to a temple or common fund’ ← H. (Him.I 125: semant. comparing sv́ṇḍ < samūḍha—).
9073 *phāla— 2 ‘piece split off’. [Cf. phala—3. — √phal] Pa. phāla— m. (?) ‘board, slab’, phālaka— ‘splitting’; Gy. eur. phal ‘board’, wel. phal f. ‘pailing, rail, stake’; K. phal f. ‘strip of wood’ (or < phala3?); S. phāra f. ‘slice’; P. phāl f. ‘wedge’; Ku. phālo ‘piece of wood or metal, iron bar’; N. phāli ‘thin strip of metal’; A. phāli ‘strip’; B. phālā ‘chip’, °li ‘strip’; Or. phāḷiā ‘chip’; Bi. phārī ‘half a hide’; H. phāl m. ‘lump of areca—nut’, (poet.) phār m. ‘piece’; G. phāḷɔ m. ‘share’; M. phāḷ ‘slip of wood’. Addenda: *phāla—2: Md. fali ‘oar’ or < phala2? †;phāla— 3 ‘jump’ see sphāla—.
9074 *phālaghara— ‘ploughshare socket’. [phāla—1, ghara—] WPah.bhad. phālār n. ‘hole in the sole of plough in which share is fixed’. phālayati see phálati 2.
9074a *phālgava— ‘name of a plant’. [phalgu2] Pa. phaggava— n. ‘a kind of creeper’ SN 1629.
9077 *phiñc— ‘scatter’. [piṭṭayati X *khiñc—??] Ku. phı̃jlaṇo ‘to scatter, strew over’; N. phı̃jnu ‘to scatter, spread out’; Bi. phı̄̃cab ‘to beat clothes in wash- ing’. — WPah. (Joshi) fı̃cṇu ‘to rub, press’?
9078 *phirati intr. ‘moves, wanders, turns’. 2. *phērayati ‘makes moves &c.’ 3. *phēra— ‘turn, turning’. [Cf. *pha- rati ‘moves, turns’ (with phálati 3, phḗlati ‘goes’ Dhātup.). Poss. phar— and phir— are MIA. < *spar—, *spir— and belong to √spr̥ for which the basic meaning ‘convey’ (~ √pr̥) would account for the uses ‘rescue (from: abl.)’, ‘help (towards: dat.)’, ‘attain, win’ (cf. *sparati). With this Ir. *spar— (usu. attributed to Sk. sphuráti: Bar- tholomae AirWb 1613 for Av. spar— ‘tread, hasten’, Horn NPE 155) may be cognate in some of its meanings, e.g. Pers. sipardan ‘to travel’ (J. C. W.)] 1. Pk. phiraï ‘goes, returns’; Gy. eur. phir—, gr. pir- ‘to wander round, walk about, walk’; Sh.gil. phĭróĭki̯ intr. ‘to turn, return’, koh. phĭrōnu̯, gur. phĭryōnu̯ tr. ‘to turn’; K. phirun tr. ‘to turn over’, kash. phirunu ‘to turn’; S. phirṇī f. ‘spinning jenny’; L.awāṇ. phiruṇ ‘to be moved’; P. phirnā ‘to wander’; WPah.paṅ. phirṇā ‘to turn’, (Joshi) firṇu ‘to whirl, wander’; Ku. phirṇo ‘to wander’; N. phirnu ‘to wander, turn’, A. phiriba; B. phirā intr. ‘to turn’; Mth. phirab intr. ‘to turn, twist, leap’; Bhoj. phiral ‘to return’; OAw. phiraï ‘wanders, returns’; H. phirnā intr. ‘to turn’; OMarw. phiraï ‘turns, walks about, moves’; G. pharvũ ‘to wander’; M. phirṇẽ ‘to wander, turn’; — absol. as adverb: Dm. phīri ‘again’, Sh.koh. phĭrī, gur. phărḗ, P. phir, WPah.bhal. phirī, OAw. phiri, H. phir, G. pharī. 2. Pk. phēraṇa— n. ‘turning’; Sh.gil. pheróĭki̯ tr. and intr. ‘to turn, turn back; K. phērun intr. ‘to wander’; S. pheraṇu tr. ‘to turn’; L. pheraṇ tr. ‘to return’, awāṇ. pheruṇ tr. ‘to move’; P. pherṇā tr. ‘to turn’ (phervā̃, phermā̃ ‘liable to be turned’ < *phēritavya—); WPah. (Joshi) ferṇu ‘to send back’; Ku. pheraṇo tr. ‘to return, move from one place to another, set in motion’; N. phernu tr. ‘to change’; B. pherā tr. ‘to turn’; Or. pheribā intr. ‘to turn, come back, change’, pherāibā tr.; Mth. pherab tr. and intr. ‘to turn aside’; OAw. pheraï tr. ‘turns, changes’; H. phernā intr. ‘to turn, wheel, return’, phirānā tr.; G. pheravvũ tr. ‘to turn’, M. pherṇẽ; — absol. as adverb: P. L. pher ‘again’, N. pheri, B. pher, Or. phera, Bi. H. G. M. pher. 3. Sh. (Lor.) pheri ‘whirlpool’; K. phēra, phyūru m. ‘sauntering’; S. pheru m. ‘turn’, °ro m. ‘circle’; L. pher, °rā m., °rī f. ‘turn, time’; P. pher m. ‘turn’, °rā m. ‘circle’; WPah. (Joshi) ferā m. ‘bad turn, swindle’; Ku. pher ‘turn’, °ro ‘circle’; N. pher ‘edge, hem’, °ro ‘circle’; A. pher ‘turn of fortune’, pherā ‘particle placed after nouns to denote a small quantity’; B. pher ‘turn’; Or. phera ‘coil, twist of a rope’, °rā ‘circle’; Bi. pher ‘turn’; Mth. pherā, °rī ‘circuit, routine’; OAw. phera ‘circum- ambulation’; H. pher m. ‘turn’, °rā m. ‘circle’; Marw. phero m. ‘circumambulation of the marriage fire’; G. pher m. ‘turn’, °rɔ m. ‘circle’, M. pher, °rā m. Addenda: *phirati. 1. S.kcch. pherṇū ‘to go round’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) phírnõ; ‘to turn round, return, wander’, J. firṇu; kṭg. phíri f. ‘turn’, caus. phƏr e uṇõ; ‘to make turn’, phír adv. and postp. ‘round’, phíri, °rhi ‘again’, J. firi; Md. firukenī ‘creeps’, furoḷu ‘wheel’, furoḷanī ‘rolls, turns over, changes’? 2. *phērayati: S.kcch. pharāyṇū tr. ‘to spin (a top)’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) phérnõ; ‘to turn upside down’. 3. *phēra—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) phérɔ m. ‘circle, turn, time’.
9079 *phis— ‘burst’. S. phisaṇu intr. ‘to split, burst’, phehaṇu tr. (intr. —iss- ~ tr. —ēs—); L. phissaṇ ‘to be squeezed, be bruised, be rotten’; P. phissṇā intr. ‘to burst’.
9080 *phiss— ‘slip’ [Cf. picchala—]. S. phiskaṇu ‘to slip’, P. phisalṇā, WPah. (Joshi) fisalnu, fiśkṇu, Ku. phislaṇo, H. phisalnā; M. phiskaṭṇẽ ‘to fall away’. Addenda: *phiss— ‘slip’. [Onom. *pusati, *phass—, *phuss—, peth. X picchā— in picchala—, picchila— and WPah. *ph(r)iśśaḷ—]: WPah.kṭg. phríśśƏḷnõ; ‘to slip, slide’ (intrusive r as in phraṛnõ; < sphāṭayati?).
9081 *phissa— ‘defective’. [See list s.v. phakka—] N. phissa ‘easily torn’, phisphise ‘easily giving way’; G. phīsũ ‘weak, faded’. Addenda: *phissa— [Semant. ‘defective’ as ‘genital’ cf. *phussa—] 1. Paš.ar. phisū ‘vulva’ Morgenstierne IIFL iii 3; S.kcch. phisso ‘tasteless’. 2. †;*phiñca—: WPah.kṭg. phı̄́nċ f., phínċɔ m. ‘testicle’.
9082 *phukyatē ‘is opened, untied’. 2. *phōkayati ‘unties’. 1. Kal.rumb. phɔk ‘loose’; N. phuknu intr. ‘to open, loosened’, phuko ‘free, untied’. 2. Pk. phōiaya— ‘set free, spread out’ Deśīn.; N. phunu, absol. phoi ‘to unfasten’, H. phonā. — X *khōll—: S. pholhaṇu ‘to open’, P. pholṇā. Addenda: *phukyatē: WPah.kṭg. phúkṇõ; ‘to be untied or loosened’.
9083 *phuṅga— ‘mustache’. [Scarcely with AO viii 307 < *spaṁśuka— ~ śmáśru—. Cf. *juṅgha—] Dm. phū̃ka ‘mustache’, Kal. uṣ—phuṅ (uṣṭ < ṓṣṭha—), Bshk. Tor. phuṅ, Phal. phuṅga m. pl., Sh.gil. phŭṅ m., pales. phugg *l, jij. phuge.
9084 *phucca— ‘defective’. [Cf. *bucca—1, *bhucca— and list s.vv. phakka— and *bukka4] Ku. phucco ‘undersized, short, dwarfish’; N. phuco ‘small, little boy’, phuci ‘little girl’, phucunu ‘little fellow’; A. phusuṅ ‘worthless’; Si. pus ‘empty, blank, blighted (of fruit)’, puhu ‘empty (of fruit)’, pussa ‘un- productive, blighted, having no kernel’, pussā ‘animal born without testicles or castrated when very young’, pussī ‘barren cow’, pusiyā ‘old and decrepit ox’.
9085 *phutta— ‘insignificant’. [Cf. *phatta—] Bshk. phut ‘fly’, phit ‘mosquito’; Phal. phutto ‘fly’, phutti f. ‘mosquito’.
9086 *phupphāputra— ‘father's sister's son’. [*phupphu—, putrá1] K. pŏphaturu bôyu m. ‘father's sister's son’, pŏphatar, °türü f. ‘her daughter’, S. puphāṭru m.
9087 *phupphīśvaśura—. [*phupphu—, śváśura—] P. phuphiauhrā m. ‘spouse's father's sister's husband’.
9088 *phupphīśvaśrū—. [*phupphu—, śvaśrū́—] P. phuphehas f. ‘spouse's father's sister’.
9089 *phupphu—, *phupphī—, *phapphī— ‘father's sister’. Pk. pupphā—, °phī—, °phiā— f., Dm. phâpi, Gaw. pīpı̄́; Bshk. pēp ‘father's or mother's sister’; Tor. pāp, pabī ‘father's sister’, Phal. phḗpī, Sh.gil. pales. phīpī, koh. gur. phīpi̯ ‘father's sister, mother's brother's wife’; K. phŏph, pŏph ‘father's sister’, pŏphuwu m. ‘her husband’, S. puphī f., puphaṛu m.; L. phupphī f. ‘father's sister’, phupphuṛ m. ‘her husband’, phupphēr m. ‘her son’; P. phupphī f. ‘father's sister’, phupphā m. ‘her husband’, WPah.bhal. pupphi f., puppho m., Ku. phūphū f., phūp(h)ā m., N. phupu f., phupāju m., H. phūphū, °phī, phūā f., phūphū, °phā m., G. phoī, phui, phai f., phuvɔ m.; M. phuī f. ‘father's sister, husband's mother’ (used esp. by women). *phupphāputra—, *phupphīśvaśura—, *phupphī- śvaśrū́—. phupphukāraka— see next. Addenda: *phupphu—: OG. phūihāīu ŚSB, G. phoiyāi m. ‘father's sister's son’.
9091 *phura— ‘blossoming’. [Cf. phulla—] WPah.bhal. phurṛū, pl. °ṛuā̃ n. ‘flower’. Addenda: *phura—: WPah.kṭg. phúru m. ‘multi—coloured tassel or tuft at the four corners of a female headdress’, J. fūru m. ‘tail of a turban’.
9094 *phullataila— ‘oil of flowers’. [phulla—, tailá—] K. phŏlila m. ‘flower—scented oil’; S. phulelu m. ‘any fluid perfume’; P. phulel m. ‘a partic. scent’; N. phulel ‘a cheap scent made from flowers’; Or. phuleri, °lauri, °lori, °luri ‘floral oil’, Mth. phulel, OAw. phulāela m., H. phulel m., G. M. phulel n.
9095 *phullapūra— ‘puffed cake’. [phulla—, pūra2] P. phalaurī ‘a puffed cake’; N. phulauro, phuraulo ‘a cake of ground pulse with oil or ghee, a dwarfish per- son’; Or. phulauri, °lori, °luri, °leri ‘a cake of lentil paste fried in oil or ghee’, Bi. phulaurā; Aw.lakh. phulaurī ‘a kind of scone’; H. phulaurī f. ‘small puffed cake of fruit and pulse fried in ghee’.
9096 *phullavāṭikā— ‘flower garden’. [Cf. puṣpavāṭī—, °ṭikā- f. Pañcat. — phulla—, vāṭa1] OAw. phulavārī f. ‘flower garden’, H. phulwāṛī, (poet.) °wārī f.
9097 *phullēndra— ‘best of fiowers’. [phulla—, índra—] N. phaledo ("phullidha" Blatter and Millard, Some Beautiful Indian Trees 56) ‘Erythrina arborescens’.
9098 *phuss— 1 ‘be loose’. [Cf. *phass— on the one hand, and aspirated forms of *pusati on the other] N. phuskanu ‘to be loosened, slip’; Or. phusuki jibā ‘to miscarry (of a work)’; H. phusphus f. ‘looseness, flabbiness’, phusphusā, phuskā ‘loose, flabby, soft’; G. phusphusiyũ ‘flimsy’; M. phusakṇẽ ‘to break off’, phuskaṭṇẽ ‘to fall away’; — Sh. gil. phū̃ṣku, gur. phūšu ‘empty’? Addenda: *phuss— 1 ‘be loose’. [Cf. also *phiss— Add2] WPah.kṭg. luś—phuśśɔ ‘slippery, sliding’ (cf. *lussa— ‘defective’, *phussa— ‘defective’).
9099 *phuss— 2 ‘hissing, whispering’. Ku. phusphusāṭ ‘whispering’, phuskaṇo ‘to whisper’, phuskī f. ‘whisper’; N. phusphus ‘whisper’; B. phusphus ‘whispering’, phuslāna ‘to flatter’; Mth. phūsab ‘to whisper’, phusiā ‘whisperer, deceiver’; H. phusphus f. ‘hissing’.
9100 *phussa— ‘defective’. [Cf. *bhussa—1, *bussa—, and busa 1] H. phūs m. ‘old dried straw, rubbish, anything de- cayed’, phūsī f. ‘chaff, rubbish’, phūsṛā, phūsrā m. ‘rags and tatters’; — WPah. (Joshi) fusā m., °sī f. ‘pudendum muliebre’. — See púṣya1. Addenda: *phussa— [Semant. for ‘defective’ word in sense of ‘genitals’ cf. *phissa— Add2] WPah.kṭg. phv́ssi f. ‘female genitals’, phv́śṭi f. (for ś cf. púṣya1), J. fusi. — Gy.eur. phus m. ‘straw, hay’ ~ Gy.pal. bis despite W. Schmid IF 70, 350 rather < *bhusa—.
9102 *phūtka— ‘blowing’. [phūt—] Pk. phukkaï ‘blows’, phuṁkā— f. ‘blowing’; Gy. wel. phūko ‘distended’, gr. pukó ‘swollen up’, boh. phukní ‘bellows’, hung. phukni f. ‘bag’; Ash. puk ‘breath’, Wg. puk, pṳ̄ ‘breath, soul’; Dm. phūky — ‘to breathe, blow’; Paš.kuṛ. phuk— ‘to winnow’; Woṭ. phuk reflexive pron. ‘self’; Gaw. phūk ‘breath, life’; Tor. pug— ‘to blow’; Phal. phūk— ‘to blow out’; K. phŏkh, dat. °kas m. ‘puff, blowing’, phukh, dat. °kas m. ‘blowpipe’, phukun ‘to blow up (a fire)’, phŏkun intr. ‘to blow (of wind)’; S. phūkaṇu ‘to blow’, phūka f. ‘blast, puff’; P. phū̆kṇā ‘to blow’, phukk f. ‘soul’; WPah.bhal. phukki f. ‘puff of air (from bellows or mouth)’, (Joshi) fukṇu ‘to burn, cremate’; Ku. phukṇo ‘to blow’, phūk ‘breath, life, soul’, phū̃kṇo ‘to practise magic’; N. phuknu ‘to blow’, phuk- phāk ‘incantation’; A. phũkiba ‘to blow’, B. phũkā, Or. phuṅkibā, Mth. phūkab, phū̃k°, H. phuknā, phū̃k°, phũk°, OMarw. phūkaï, G. phũkvũ, M. phũkṇẽ. — X útpunāti q.v. Addenda: *phūtka—: S.kcch. phūkāyṇū ‘(wind) to blow’; Garh. phukṇu ‘to blow’, phūk ‘blowing with the mouth’.
9105 *phūha— ‘wantonness’. S. phūhu m. ‘pride of youth’; — ext. —ḍa—: S. phūhaṛu ‘intemperate in language’; P. phūhaṛ ‘obscene’; N. phohar, °hor, phor ‘obscene language’; Or. (Sam- bhalpur) puhar ‘dirt, filth’; H. pūhaṛ ‘obscene’; G. phuaṛ, phu e ‘filthy’. Addenda: *phūha—: S.kcch. phūvaṛ ‘filthy, slatternly (of women)’.
9106 *phēkk— ‘throw’. 2. *phēṅk—. 3. *phēṅg—. 1. B. phekā ‘to throw’, Mth. phekab. 2. N. phẽknu, phyā̃k°, H. phẽknā, G. phẽkvũ, M. phẽkṇẽ, phek°. 3. Or. pheṅgibā. *phēṅk—, *phēṅg— ‘throw’ see prec. *phēṅga— ‘lame’ see paṅgú—. Addenda: *phēkk—. 2. *phēṅk—: WPah.kṭg. ph e/ ṅkṇõ; ‘to throw’ ← H. Him.I 126. *phēṅk— see *phēkk— Add2.
9107 *phēṭṭa— 1 ‘strip of cloth’. 2. *phēṇṭa—. [Cf. phuṭṭaka- n. ‘a kind of cloth’ BHSk., °ṭikā— f. Kathās.; paṭṭa2] 1. S. pheṭo, phẽṭo m. ‘strip of cloth used as turban’; Ku. pheṭ, °ṭo ‘end of a sheet’; N. pheṭā ‘turban’; B. pheṭi ‘turban, skein of thread’; Bi. pheṭwāl ‘a kind of cotton’; H. pheṭ, phẽṭ f. ‘waistband’, pheṭā, phẽṭā m. ‘waistband, small turban’; G. phẽṭɔ m. ‘turban’; M. pheṭ ‘skirt’. 2. Gy. eur. (boh.) pherno ‘head—cloth’. *phēṭṭa— 2 ‘snake's hood’ see phaṭa—. phēṇa— 1 ‘foam’ see phḗna—. *phēṇa— 2 ‘hood of snake’ see phaṇa1. *phēṇṭa— ‘strip of cloth’ see *phēṭṭa1.
9113 *phōttara— ‘hollow’. [See list s.v. *pōka—] G. photrũ n. ‘chaff’. *phōppha—, *phōmpha— ‘hollow’ see *pōppa—. *phōra—, *phōlla— ‘hollow’ see *pōḍa—.
9114 *phōssa— ‘hollow’. [See list s.v. *pōka—] A. phõ;hā ‘blister’; — Dm. phōsı̄́ra ‘rotten’; - P. phosaṛ m. ‘idle fellow’; N. phosro ‘empty, useless’; - B. H. phoskā m. ‘blister’.
9117 *bakk— ‘chatter’. Pk. bakkara— n. ‘laughter’; K. bakun ‘to prate’; S. bakaṇu ‘to prattle’, P. bakṇā, N. baknu, A. bakiba, B. bakā, Or. bakibā, H. baknā, G. bakvũ, M. bakṇẽ; - redupl.: S. bakbaki f. ‘prattling’, Ku. N. bakbak, Or. bakabaka, H. G. M. bakbak f. *bakkavāda—. Addenda: *bakk—: WPah.kṭg. bakṇõ; in jāt bakṇi ‘to open the mouth, to talk’, J. bākṇu ‘to stretch the mouth’.
9118 *bakkavāda— ‘chatter’. [*bakk—, vāda—] G. bakvā m.f., °vɔ m. ‘prattle’.
9119 *baggaḍa— ‘a kind of rice’. P. bagaṛ f. ‘coarse grass, a kind of red rice’; Ku. bagaṛ ‘a kind of rice’; N. bagaṛā ‘a kind of coarse rice’; H. bagaṛ, bagṛā m. ‘rice roughly cleaned’, M. bagaḍ f.
9120 *baggha— ‘defective’. [Cf. phakka— and other ‘de- fective’ words with initial b— s.vv. baṇḍá—, *bukka4] P. bagghū m. ‘fat stupid person, scarecrow, bugbear’.
9122 *baḍabaḍa— ‘grumble, mutter’. [~ *vaḍavaḍa—. - Onom.] Pk. baḍabaḍaï ‘laments’ Deśīn.; S. baṛbaṛāiṇu ‘to grumble’, P. baṛbaṛāuṇā, Ku. baṛbaṛāṇo; N. barbarāunu ‘to grunt, grumble, mutter in sleep’; B. baṛbaṛ ‘murmur, grumble’, baṛbaṛāna ‘to murmur’; Or. baṛabaṛa ‘grumbling’; H. baṛbaṛānā ‘to grumble’, G. baṛbaṛvũ, M. baḍbaḍṇẽ.
9127 *baddhaphāla— ‘having ploughshare stopped’. [baddhá—, phā́la1] Bi. badahār ‘centre plot in a field round which plough- ing bullocks have no room to turn’.
9128 *baddhi— ‘act of tying’. [√bandh] S. ḇadhī f. ‘unanimity, an even number’.
9129 *baddhrikā— ‘belt’. [√bandh] Kal. badrī ‘belt’, Phal. ḍāk—badhrḗi NOPhal 34: rather < vardhrikā— s.v. várdhra—.
9132 *badhirī— ‘deafness’. [badhirá—] G. b e h e ri , b e ri f. ‘deafness’.
9137 *bandhakara— ‘tying’. [Cf. bandhakartr̥— m. ‘re- strainer’ MBh. — bandha—, kará1] N. bãdhernu ‘to obstruct’; G. bãdhārɔ m. ‘a binder, knitter, one employed in tying and folding clothes which are to be dyed, calenderer’.
9141 *bandhāna— ‘bond’. [Poss. from *bandhānam acc. of *bandhan—. — √bandh] Paš. badā́n m. ‘rope, cord’ IIFL iii 3, 31; — S. ḇandhāṇu m. ‘promise’?
9143 *bandhīya— ‘to be bound’. 2. *bandhēyya—. [Cf. bandhya— Yājñ. — √bandh] 1. G. bãdhī f. ‘stipulation, prohibition’. 2. S. ḇandheju m. ‘retention of semen’; P. bãdhej m. ‘method of tying on turban’; WPah.roh. band(h)e ‘pledge of betrothal’; N. band(h)ej ‘discipline, arrangement’; H. bandhej m. ‘parsimony, stability’; M. bãdhej̈ n. ‘con- tinence’.
9147 *bappuḍa— ‘wretched’. [Orig. an exclamation like the nursery words bāppa—, *bābba—] Pk. bappuḍa— ‘wretched’; N. bāphre ‘exclamation of sorrow’; H. bāpṛā, bāpurā ‘wretched’, Brj. bāprā, G. bāpṛũ, M. bāpuḍā, bāpḍā, bābḍā. babbula— see next.
9150 *bamba— ‘big, swollen’. S. bamjaṇu ‘to be swollen’; Ku. bamāṇo ‘to be puffed up, be proud, grow’, bamkaṇo ‘to be puffed up’, bamṭyāṇo ‘to become mad’, bamato ‘much, plenty’, bāmto m. ‘ardent desire’, bamtaṇo ‘to become mad’; N. bam—phasel ‘good harvest’, bamme ‘crowded’, bamkanu ‘to boast’; G. M. bãb ‘vast, full’. bambhara— see bhambha—. baraṭa— see varaṭa 1. barivarda— see balivárda—. bariśa— see baḍiśa—.
9151 *baru— ‘a kind of reed or grass’. Pk. barua— n. ‘a kind of grass like sugarcane’; S. ḇarū m. ‘a species of grass’; P. barū m. ‘a kind of coarse grass’; H. barū, baro m. ‘a tall grass or reed, species of Saccharum (used for pens), Arundo karka or Calamus scriptorius’; G. baru m. ‘a reed’, baroṛũ n. ‘reed—stick’; M. barū m. ‘the writing—reed Calamus scriptorius’.
9152 *barka— ‘fawn’. [Cf. bárkara—] L. bakk m.f. ‘fawn’; — WPah. (Joshi) bākṭu m., °ṭī f. ‘kid’.
9154 *barkarapāla— ‘goatherd’. [bárkara—, pālá—] Tor. bŏguvāl m. ‘shepherd’; WPah.jaun. bakrāwā m., °wī f. ‘goatherd’; Phal. bak(a)rā́l ‘shepherd’, Ku. bakhar(w)ālo m.
9155 *barkaravāla— ‘goat's hair’. [bárkara—, vā́la—] WPah.jaun. bakrāō.
9156 *bardha— ‘shield’. [IE. *bherdho— (WP ii 163) in Anglo—Saxon bord ‘shield’ NTS ii 247 with (?)] Ash. baḍá ‘shield’. barbaṭa— see varvaṭa—.
9163 *balakāra— ‘making strong’. [bála—, kāra1] OAw. baliyārā ‘strong’; H. bariyār, °rā ‘strong, vigorous, fertile (of soil)’; — Pa. Pk. balakāra— m. ‘violence, force’ see balātkāra—. — See balakara—.
9164 *balakk— ‘bubble, throb’. [—kk— ext. of bal— in *ubbal—?] Ku. balkaṇo ‘to throb’; N. balak—balak ‘throbbing of the pulse’, balkanu ‘to become hot and excited (esp. of clitoris)’; B. balak ‘swelling up in boiling (e.g. milk)’, balkā ‘boiled only once’; H. balaknā ‘to bubble’.
9165 *balatara— ‘stronger’. [Cf. bala— adj. lex. — bála—] P. balerā ‘much, many, long (of time)’ or < bala- kara—.
9173 *balitama— ‘very strong’. [Cf. Pa. balikataraṁ ‘more intensely’. — balín—] Kt. bélimo ‘O most powerful!’ AO xxi 180.
9175 *balilla— ‘ox’. [Ext. —lla— of balín— H. Smith JA 1950, 196. — For loss of —l— see also maliná— and pálāla—] Pk. baïlla—, bellaga— m. ‘ox’; P. bail m. ‘bull, ox’; Ku. belo m. ‘ox, buffalo—bull’; Or. bael, baïlā, baala ‘ox’, Bi. Mth. bail, OAw. baïla m., H. bail m., G. b e l m., M. bail, °lā m. balivanda— see next. Addenda: *balilla— (for maliná— read *malin—): WPah.kṭg. b e lṇõ; ‘to talk nonsense’, b e/ lhuɔ ‘silly, mad’ cf. H. bail ‘ox, fool’ Him.I 138: doubtful, as is also der. from *badhilla— ~ badhirá— ‘deaf’.
9183 *bahira— ‘external’. [bahís] Pk. bahira— ‘outside’; S. ḇaharu m. ‘the outside’, ḇahari adv. ‘outside’, G. bahir adv. *bāhira—; *bahirānta—.
9184 *bahirānta— ‘outside’. [*bahira—, ánta—] Gaw. berā̃́t, °te ‘outside’.
9198 *bā— ‘father’. 2. *bāī— ‘mother’. [Cf. *bāppa—, *bābba—. — Nursery words] 1. Pk. bāa— m. ‘child’; Paš.weg. Shum. ‘father’; N. ‘father’, bājyā ‘grandfather’, bājei ‘grandmother’. 2. Pk. bāiyā— f. ‘mother’, G. bāī f. *bāī— ‘mother’ see prec. bākurá— see *bōra2.
9200 *bājja— ‘defective’. [Cf. lists s.vv. baṇḍá—, *bukka4] P. bājjā m. ‘fool, idiot’.
9201 *bājjara— ‘millet’. [HŚS 2422 and POBh. s.v. quote Sk. varjarī—] S. ḇājhari, ḇājhirī f., °ro m. ‘the grain Holcus spica- tus’; L. bājrā m., mult. bājhrā m., °rī f. ‘spiked millet’; P. bājrā m., °rī f. ‘millet’, N. bājuro, B. bājrā, Or. bājarā; Bi. bājṛā ‘millet’, bājrī ‘a small pea’; Mth. bājṛā ‘millet’, H. bājrā, bājṛā m.; G. bājrī f. ‘millet’, °rɔ m. ‘a large variety’; M. bāj̈rā m. ‘millet’, °rī f. ‘a small variety’. *bāḍa— ‘defective’ see baṇḍá—. Addenda: *bājjara— [Without explaining S. — etc. T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 73 posits *vārjara— ~ varjarī— with a ~ ā < IE. o, and without support of other IE. words]
9207 *bāndha— ‘slave’. [bandhá—] Pk. baṁdha— m. ‘servant’; S. ḇānho m., °hī f. ‘slave’, L. bānhā̃ m., °hī f., (Ju.) ḇā°; N. bā̃dho ‘servant, bond- servant’. Addenda: *bāndha—: S.kcch. bhandho m. ‘slave’.
9209 *bāppa— ‘father’. 2. *bābba—. [Cf. *—. — Nursery words] 1. Pk. bappa— m. ‘father’, Gy. arm. bap; Dm. bàp ‘father, grandfather’; Gaw. Tor. bāp ‘father’; L. bāpū m. ‘grandfather’; P. bāp, bāpū m. ‘father’, N. bāp; A. bāp ‘father’, bāpā ‘term of address to a father or of affection to a young man’, bāpu ‘term of address to a learned Brahman’; B. bāp ‘father’, bāpu ‘father, child’; Or. bāpa ‘father’, bapā ‘term of endearment to younger persons’, bāpu ‘term of address to a father or to a young person’, (Puri) bāpā ‘father's father’; Mth. bāp, bappā ‘father’, Aw.lakh. H. G. M. bāp m., Si. bapa. 2. Ḍ. baba ‘father, father's brother’ (pl. piāra < pitŕ̥—), b *l m. ‘grandfather’; Paš.ar. bāba ‘father’, Shum. bā́bā; Bshk. bab ‘father’, bobƏ ‘father's brother’; Sv. bāb, bābu ‘father’; Phal. bā́bu ‘father’, bābá ‘father's brother’; Sh.gil. bābu̯ m. ‘father’, pales. bubā; K. bab m. ‘father, grandfather’, bāb m. ‘father’, rām. babb, pog. baub, ḍoḍ. babbō; P. bābbā m. ‘father, grandfather’, bābū m. ‘term of respect’, kgr. babb m. ‘father’, WPah. bhad. bābō, bhal. bāb, cur. bābb, cam. babb, khaś. babb (voc. bāvā); Ku. bābu ‘father’, babā ‘affectionate term for father or child’; N. bābu ‘father’, bābai ‘term of address to child’, babuwā ‘father, (Tarai) affectionate term for son’; B. bābā ‘father, baby’, bābu ‘gentleman’; Or. bābā ‘father’, babā ‘father's elder brother’, bābu ‘gentleman’, babuā ‘term of endearment to juniors’; Mth. bā̆bā ‘father’, bābu ‘title of respect’; H. bābū m. ‘father’, babuwā m. ‘child’; G. M. bābū m. ‘term of respect’; M. bābḍā ‘term of endearment to a child’. *bāppaghara—; *bābbajāni—. Addenda: *bāppa—. 1. WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bāp m. ‘father’, kṭg. bapu m. (used by Rajputs), J. bāpū m., Md. (upper class) bappa, (lower class) bafā. 2. *bābba—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bāb m. ‘father’, babu (used by Rajputs), J. bābū m.
9210 *bāppaghara— ‘father's house’. [*bāppa—, ghara—] Mth. bapahar ‘spouse's father's mother's house’. *bābba— ‘father’ see *bāppa—.
9211 *bābbajāni— ‘father's wife’. [*bābba—, jāni—] WPah.bhal. babāṇi ‘stepmother’.
9212 *bābbūlaka— ‘pertaining to Acacia arabica’. [bab- būla—] S. ḇāḇūro ‘pertaining to this tree’; B. bāblā ‘the tree’, H. babūlā m.
9213 *bāru— ‘betel leaf’. [← Austro—as. J. Przyluski BSL xxiv 257: cf. tāmbūlá—] B. bāru ‘betel’. *bārujīvin—.
9214 *bārujīvin— ‘having one's livelihood from betel’. [*bāru—, jīvá1] B. bārui ‘caste of betel—growers’.
9215 *bārkaraka— ‘pertaining to goats’. [bárkara—] S. ḇākiro ‘caprine’, L. bākrā, (Ju.) ḇā°.
9217 *bālatara— ‘rather young’. [bālá—] Pa. bālatara— ‘rather stupid’; G. bāḷerũ ‘young’; Si. balal ‘young, immature’.
9218 *bālatvana— ‘childhood’. [Cf. bālatva— n. Pur. - bālá—] G. bāḷpaṇ n. ‘childhood’.
9219 *bāladhōtta— ‘child's cloth’. [bālá—, *dhōtta—] G. bāḷotiyũ n. ‘cloth for a baby’. Addenda: *bāladhōtta—: S.kcch. bāroto m. ‘swaddling cloth’. - Or < †;*bālapōtta—. †;*bālapōtta— ‘child's cloth’ [bālá—, *pōtta2] see *bāladhōtta—.
9221 *bālaprī— ‘love of a child’. [bālá—, —prī—] G. bāḷapi f. ‘love to a child’: very doubtful.
9224 *bāṣpākāra— ‘having the form of vapour’. [bāṣpá—, ākāra—] P. bhaphārā m. ‘medicinal inhalation of steam’; Ku. baphāro ‘steam from a cooking—pot, vapour from burn- ing ghee’; N. baphāro ‘fumigation’; H. baphārā m. ‘vapour’; G. baphārɔ m. ‘vapour, sultriness, sweat’; M. vāphārā m. ‘fumigation’.
9226 *bāhira— ‘external’. [Cf. bāhīká— Pāṇ.vārtt. — bahís] Pa. bāhira— ‘external’, °raṁ adv. ‘outside’; Aś.man. bahiresu, gir. bāhiresu, kāl. bāhilesu loc. pl. ‘outlying’; Pk. bāhira—, bāhara— ‘external’, bāhiraō adv. ‘outside’; Ḍ. bār adv. ‘out’, barēni adv. and postp., Paš. bārƏ adv., Bshk. bārū́, K. bahār, ḍoḍ. bēihr; S. ḇāharu m. ‘the outside’, ḇāhari adv., °rā̃ ‘from outside’; L. bāhir, (Ju.) ḇā°, awāṇ. bar adv.; P. bāhar m.; WPah.bhad. bēhr, pāḍ. bāhr, paṅ. bēhar, cur. bēīr, khaś. bhīr, bhal. b e_ r adv., b e irāl n. ‘outer portion of house’ (after antrā́l < antar- āla—); Ku. bhair adv., N. bāira, A. bāhir, B. bāhir, bār; Or. bāhāra ‘outside’, bhāri ‘out’; Mth. bāhar adv.; OAw. bāhara m., bāhiraï adv.; H. bāhir, °har adv., OMarw. OG. bāhari, G. bāh e r, bahār, M. bāher, Ko. bhāira, Si. bähär; — Pa. bāhiraka— m. ‘outsider, non- Buddhist’; N. bāiro ‘exposed’; A. bāhirā ‘living out- side’; H. bāhirā m. ‘the off side’; Si. bähära sb. and adj. ‘outside’; — Pk. bāhirilla— ‘external’, L. (Ju.) ḇāhirlā, P. bāharlā. bāhirika—, *bāhirima—. Addenda: *bāhira—: S.kcch. bāyr adv. ‘out’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bā́ra ‘from outside, out’, J. bāhar, kṭg. bā́rɔ adj. ‘outdoor’, bā́rśa ‘from outside’, jaun. (LSI) bārāśo ‘outside’, poet. bārhuo adj. ‘outdoor’, kṭg. bā́rhuɔ ‘mad, naughty’ (< ‘beside oneself’? Him.I 136); - poet. bɔṅge adv. ‘outside’ < *bā̆hı̃(r)— + postp. —ge (cf. reductions in LSI adverbs kiũth. baiṇḍ—kū, jaun. bā̃ḍo ‘outside’ ~ kiũth. bāı̃ḍā; ac. Him.I 141 < bahiraṅga— ‘extrinsic’); Garh. bh e r adv., Md. bēru, (ext. ——) beirař, bērař.
9228 *bāhirima— ‘external’. [*bāhira—] Pa. bāhirima— ‘external’; Gaw. bārima ‘guest’; Tor. baiyim adv. ‘out’.
9230 *bāhucūḍa— ‘bracelet’. [bāhú—, cūḍa2] Phal. bhayū́ṛi ‘bracelet’.
9231 *bāhutrā— ‘arm—armour’. [bāhutra— m.n. Apte: cf. bāhutrāṇa— n. lex. — bāhú—, trā́—] A. bāhati ‘armour for the arms’.
9232 *bāhurakṣa— ‘protecting the arm’. [Cf. bāhurakṣā— f. ‘armour for the upper arm’ lex. — bāhú—, rakṣá—] Ku. baurakh m. ‘wrist’; OG. bahirakhu, °khaü m. ‘bracelet’.
9236 *biggāī— ‘a kind of insect’. Pk. biggāī—, biggāiā— f.; G. bagāī f. ‘an insect found on the body of cattle’. Addenda: *biggāī—: S.kcch. baghāī f. ‘fly—like insect on body of cattle’.
9238 *biḍḍa— ‘defective’. 2. *bēṭṭa—. 3. *bēḍa—. 4. *bēḍḍa—. 5. *bēṇḍa—. [Cf. nibiḍa2 ‘crook—nosed’ Kāś., ‘low’ Kād. and *bhēḍḍa— and viṭa—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. L. biḍḍā ‘flat—nosed’. 2. Pk. biṭṭa— m. ‘boy’, °ṭī— f. ‘girl’ (= *bĕṭṭa—?); Phal. bēṭı̄́, °ṭí ‘lamb’; K. bīṭh—cod m. ‘one guilty of incest with daughter’; S. ḇeṭo m. ‘boy’, °ṭī f. ‘girl’, L. beṭī f., P. beṭā m., °ṭī f., Ku. N. beṭo m., °ṭi f.; A. beṭā ‘boy’, beṭi ‘slave- girl’; B. beṭā ‘son’, °ṭi ‘daughter’, Mth. beṭā, °ṭuā m., beṭī, °ṭiā f.; OAw. beṭā m. ‘boy’, lakh. biṭiyā ‘daughter’, H. beṭā m., beṭī, biṭiyā f., Marw. beṭo m., °ṭī f., G. beṭɔ m., °ṭī f., M. beṭā m., °ṭī f. 3. Ash. beṛā ‘dumb’; Wg. beṛe ‘dumb, stupid, mad’; Paš.kuṛ. beṛṓ ‘deaf’, dar. beṛā́ ‘dumb’, ar. bäṛo ‘stupid’; Woṭ. bḗṛa ‘dumb’ (Buddruss Woṭ 93 < badhirá— with from boṛ ‘deaf’, see *bōḍa—); — altern. < *bēḍḍa—: Or. beṛā ‘dumb, idiotic’; M. beḍūk m. ‘frog’, beḍkī f. ‘small frog’ (~ maṇḍū́ka—). 4. L. bēḍā ‘belonging to the Plains’, awāṇ. bēḍā ‘foolish’. 5. M. bẽḍū ‘small and stout (of man or beast)’. Addenda: *biḍḍa—. 2. *bēṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. beṭṭɔ (voc. °ṭa) m. ‘son’, °i f. ‘daughter, girl’; J. beṭā m. ‘son’. 5. *bēṇḍa—: WPah.kṭg. bīṇḍ m. ‘bachelor’. 6. †;*binta—: WPah.kṭg. bindɔ m. ‘baby with an abnormality (e.g. with 2 heads, 4 arms, or one eye in forehead)’ Him.I 146. †;*daridrabēṭṭa—. †;*binta— ‘defective’ see *biḍḍa—.
9243 *bimbarūpa— ‘image’. [bimba—, rūpá—] Si. bim̆buru ‘image, picture, statue’.
9246 *bila— 2 ‘cover’. [Cf. vilati ‘covers’ Dhātup.] Kho. bil ‘lid or cover of a vessel’ (Rep1 72: but poss. further semant. development of ‘opening’ < bíla1); P. bil m. ‘cornice round opening of an earthen corn—bin’?
9247 *bilavapā— ‘heap made from a hole’. [bíla—1, vapā́2] Or. biḷuā̃ ‘anthill’. bilíśa— see baḍiśa—.
9251 *bījakāla— ‘seed—time’. [bı̄́ja—, kālá2] L. biyāl f. (?) ‘seed—time, grain given by farmers to village artisans at seed—time’.
9252 *bījadhāna— 1 ‘seed—corn’. [bı̄́ja—, dhānā́1] S. ḇīhaṇu m. ‘seed’; M. b(i)yāṇẽ n. ‘seed for sowing’. — See *bījadhānya—.
9253 *bījadhāna— 2 ‘coriander’. [Cf. bījadhānya—, dhānya- bīja— n. ‘coriander’ lex. — dhānā́2] WPah. (Joshi) bihaṇ m. ‘Coriandrum sativum’.
9254 *bījadhānya— ‘seed—corn’. [bı̄́ja—, dhānyà—] Kho. bian ‘rice sown and not transplanted’; Ku. binā m. pl. ‘seed—corn, young plants sown in a bed for transplantation’; Or. bihā̆na ‘seed—corn’; Bi. bīhan ‘seed’, Mth. bihnāī; H. behan m. (HŚS) ‘seed—corn’, f. (Platts UD) ‘nursery for rice—plants’ = bīhan f. *bījadhānyavāṭī—.
9255 *bījadhānyavāṭī— ‘seed—bed’. [*bījadhānya—, vāṭa1] H. bihnaur f. ‘seed—bed’.
9256 *bījavāṭī— ‘seed—plot’. [bı̄́ja—, vāṭa1] H. bīaṛ, biā̆r f. ‘seed—bed’ (→ N. biāṛ ‘seed—bed esp. for rice’).
9258 *bījākara— ‘collection of seeds’. [bı̄́ja—, ākara—] G. biyārũ n. ‘a collection of various seeds’.
9259 *bījālaya— ‘seed—bed’. [bı̄́ja—, ālaya—] K. byôlu m. ‘seed’.
9260 *bījāsa— ‘casting of seed’. [bı̄́ja—, ā́sa2] H. biyās, bīās m. ‘land cultivated to be sown in the following year’.
9262 *bukka— 3 ‘handful’. Pk. bukkā— f. ‘handful, handful of rice’; K. bọ̆ku m. ‘hand with fingers extended to hold grain’; S. ḇuku m. ‘the full of both palms closed’, ḇukī f. ‘handful of grain put into the mill’; L. P. bukk m. ‘double handful’; Ku. bukṇā ‘parched rice for chewing’, bukauṇo ‘to eat’; N. bukāunu ‘to eat by throwing handfuls into the mouth’; H. būknā ‘to eat’, bukṭā, buṛkā m. ‘snap, bite’; G. būk m. ‘morsel’, bukvũ ‘to eat parched rice’; M. bukī f. ‘blow with fist’; Si. boku ‘hand bent to receive water’, bukula ‘blow with fist’.
9263 *bukka— 4 ‘defective’. 2. *bugghara—. 3. *buṅka—. 4. *būkkhara—. 5. *bōkka—2. 6. *bōkkha—. 7. *bōggha—. 8. *bōṅga—. [Other groups of ‘defective’ words with initial b—, bh— are *bucca1 (*būccara—, *bōcca—, *bōñca—), *buṭṭa1 (*buṭṭha—, *buḍḍha—, *buṇṭa—, *buṇṭha—, *būṭa1, *bōṭṭa1, *bōḍa—, *bōḍḍa—, *bōṇṭha—), *butta— (*buttha—, *buddha2, *buntala—, *bunda—, *bundha2, *bōtta—, *bōttha—, *bōdda—, *bōddha—, *bōntha—, *bōnda—), *bura— (*bōra1), *bulla— (*būla—), *bussa- (*būssara—), *bhukkhara— (*bhūkka—, *bhōṅka—), *bhucca- (*bhuccara—, *bhujjara—, *bhōcca—), *bhuṭṭa— (*bhuṭṭha—, *bhuḍa—, *bhuḍḍa—, *bhuṇṭa—, *bhuṇṭha—, *bhuṇḍa1, *bhōṭṭa—, *bhōḍa—, *bhōḍḍa—, *bhōṇṭa—, *bhōṇḍa—), *bhutta2 (*bhuttara—, *bhudda—, *bhuntha—, *bhunda—, *bhōtta—, *bhōttha—, *bhōdda—, *bhōntha—, *bhōnthara—, *bhōnda—), *bhōra—, *bhulla— (*bhōla—, *bhōlla—), *bhussa1 (*bhussara, *bhōssa—), *bēṅga—, *biḍḍa- (*bēṭṭa—, *bēḍa—, *bēḍḍa—, *bēṇḍa—), *bhēkka1 (*bhēṅka—, *bhēṅga—), *bhēḍa—2, *bhēdda—, bhēla2 (*bhēlla1), *bhēsa— (*bhēsara—). — Similar series s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *ṭuṇṭa—2, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *maṭṭa—, *rakka—, *lakka—1, *śaṭṭa—, *habba—] 1. Ash. bukest e/ ‘blunt’, Wg. bukƏ; Paš.chil. bukuno ‘lamb’, ar. buguno, Shum. bukunik; Tor. būk ‘blunt’; Ku. buko ‘chaff, husk, powder’; N. bukuro, bukunu ‘a little fellow’; M. bukṇā m. ‘dumpy person, tuskless elephant’. 2. P. bugghar ‘fat—cheeked’. 3. Ku. bũgṛo, buṅṛo ‘small, undersized, simple, humble’. 4. P. būkhar ‘fat and stupid’. 5. Dm. bōka ‘blunt’; B. bokā ‘senseless’, bokṛā ‘coarse, rough’; Or. bokā ‘blockhead’; M. bokā m. ‘lout, un- wieldy person’. 6. G. bokhũ, bokhlũ ‘toothless’. 7. G. boghlũ ‘simple, guileless’. 8. M. bõ;gā ‘loutish, clumsily big, dull, idiot’. Addenda: *bukka— 4. 5. *bōkka—2: WPah.kṭg. bōk ‘dull, clownish’; A. bakiba ‘to babble’, nibokā ‘taciturn’ (with intensive †;niṣ—, — rather than < †;nirvākya- AFD 229). 6. *bōkkha—: S.kcch. bokho ‘toothless, leafless’.
9264 *bukka— 5 ‘powder’, bukkā— f. ‘fragrant powder’ T. Burrow BelvalkarVol 8. 2. *bhukka—. 1. Pk. bukka— m.n. ‘chaff’; S. ḇukī f. ‘powdered medicine’; P. bukkā m. ‘dust’; N. buko ‘dry’, bukuwā ‘powdered turmeric and other spices’; B. Or. bukni ‘powder’; Bi. bukuā ‘bean flour and powdered pepper’; H. būkā m., buknī f. ‘powder’, bū̆knā ‘to pulverize’; M. bukā m. ‘a partic. fragrant powder’, bukī f., bukṇā m., bukṭī f. ‘powder’. 2. P. bhukkī f. ‘powder’, bhukkṇā ‘to sprinkle’.
9266 *bucca— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *būccara—. 3. *bōcca—. 4. *bōñca—. [Cf. *bhucca—, *phucca—, and rhyming *cucca1: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. ḇucu m. ‘tuft of hair’, ḇuco ‘scanty—bearded, having only a tuft on chin’, ḇucī f. ‘scanty beard’; L. (Ju.) ḇuccā ‘scanty—bearded’, awāṇ. buccā; P. buccā ‘crop—eared’; Ku. buco ‘empty, unadorned’; N. buco ‘cropped of ears or tail &c.’, sb. ‘tame boar’, buckā ‘stubble’; H. būcā ‘crop—eared’; G. bucũ ‘flat—nosed’, buciyũ ‘flat—nosed, earless’, bucɔ m. ‘boy’, °cī f. ‘girl’; M. buċā ‘crop—eared’, buċkā m. ‘tuft’. 2. L. būcar m. ‘husks of millet’. 3. Bshk. boč ‘vulva’; WPah.bhal. bocci f. ‘goat with very small ears’; M. boċū ‘silly, paltry’, m. ‘catamite’. 4. B. bõ;cā ‘crop—nosed, crop—eared, shameless, wicked’; M. bõ;ċarḍā ‘toothless, gap—toothed’. Addenda: *bucca— 1. 1. M. buccī, puccī f. ‘pudendum muliebre’.
9267 *bucca— 2 ‘plug’. 2. *buñca—. 3. *bujja—. [Cf. *buṭṭa2] 1. N. buco ‘plug, stopper’, bucinu ‘to be plugged’; G. buc m. ‘plug’, M. buċ m. 2. S. ḇuñjo m. ‘plug’, °jī f. ‘cork’. 3. L. bujjā m. ‘plug’; P. bujjā m. ‘stopper, menstrual cloth’, °jī f. ‘plug’; Ku. bujṇo ‘to stop, shut (eyes &c.)’; N. bujo ‘cork, stopper’, bujinu ‘to be stopped up’; B. bujā, bũjā ‘to shut’; Or. bujā ‘shutting’, bujibā tr. ‘to shut, enclose, fence’, intr. ‘to be closed, be filled up’; H. bujnā m. ‘pessary’; M. buj̈ m. ‘plug’, buj̈ṇẽ ‘to stop up’. — Cf. Pk. vujjaṇa— n. ‘lid’. *bujja—, *buñca— ‘plug’ see prec.
9268 *buṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *buṭṭha—. 3. *buḍḍha—1. 4. *buṇṭa—. 5. *buṇṭha—. 6. būṭa— 1 in būṭakarṇa- ‘crop—eared (as nom. prop.)’ R. Pischel ZDMG 58, 372. 7. *bōṭṭa— 1. 8. *bōḍa—. 9. *bōḍḍa—. 10. *bōṇṭha—. [Poss. also *bōḍḍha— sanskritized in bauḍhya—vihāra— m. ‘name of an offering to the Rudras’ Gr̥S. — Cf. *butta—, *biḍḍa—, *bhuṭṭa—, and perh. buli—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. ḇuṭo ‘wanting ears or horns or tail’; L. (Ju.) ḇuṭā ‘one—eared, hare—lipped, unadorned, spoilt, cracked, chipped’; P. buṭṭ m. ‘toothless gum’, buṭṭā ‘unadorned’; N. buṭo ‘stump’, (with emph. doubling) buṭṭo ‘un- adorned’; A. buṭā ‘of short stature’, buṭī ‘worn—out, blunt’; Or. buṭiā ‘dwarfish’; G. būṭ f. ‘lobe of ear’; M. būṭ m. ‘hammer—headed shark’, buṭkā ‘broken—tipped, dwarfish’. 2. Ku. buṭhli f. adj. ‘without clothes or ornaments’; Or. (Sambhalpur) buṭhi ‘dwarf’; G. buṭṭhũ ‘blunt, re- duced to a stump’, buṭṭhɔ m. ‘ear of millet’. 3. Bshk. gaṅgar—bū́ṭ ‘spider’, Phal. buḍṓlo, Sh. tal- būṛu̯; Si. buḍḍayā ‘stupid man’. — Cf. *buḍḍha2. 4. S. buṇḍo, buṇḍro ‘blunt, stupid’. 5. M. bũṭhā ‘reduced to a stump’, bũṭhaṇ n. ‘stump, stub’. 6. P. būṛā ‘earless, having the nose bored’; G. buṛiyal, buṛthal ‘stupid’ (cf. Sh. tal— būṛu̯ in 3?). 7. P. boṭi m. ‘unfeathered young sparrow’; Ku. boṭi ‘vulva’; H. boṭā m. ‘log’; M. boṭkā ‘blunt’, boṭūk n. ‘stump’. 8. Pk. bōḍa— ‘young’, bōḍiya— ‘bald’; Ash. búṛistēi ‘unripe, uncooked’; Wg. buṛō ‘deaf, dumb’; Dm. búŕa ‘deaf’, Paš.lauṛ. boṛā́, ar. bƏṛṓ (→ Par. būṛū IIFL iii 3, 38), Shum. bōṛa, Woṭ. kana—bṓṛ, f. —bḗṛ, Gaw. buṛó, Bshk. bɔ̄̀'r, f. bē'r (AO xviii 228 < badhirá—), Tor. boo, Sv. buṛo, Phal. bhūru (or < *bhōḍa—), S. ḇoṛo; P. boṛā ‘broken (of teeth)’, m. ‘one with broken teeth’; G. boṛũ ‘bare—headed’, boṛī f. ‘widow’, boṛkũ ‘shaven—headed, bald’, °kī f. ‘widow’, boṛvũ ‘to shave’; — altern. < 9: Ku. boṛo ‘man without beard or mustache’; M. boḍ n. ‘contemptuous term for head’, boḍā m. ‘penis’, boḍkā ‘bare, bare—headed, stripped of fruit, hornless, toeless, fingerless’. 9. P. boḍḍā ‘rotten’; — Ku. M. forms see 8; —cf. Pk. voḍḍa— m. ‘fool’. 10. M. bõ;ṭhā ‘reduced to a stump’, bõ;ṭhaṇ, bõ;ṭhūk n. ‘stump’. *buṭṭāṅga—. Addenda: *buṭṭa—1: S.kcch. būṭo m. ‘remnant after stalk is cut off’. 5. *buṇṭha—: S.kcch. būṇḍh m. id. 8. *bōḍa—: S.kcch. boṛo ḍeṇū ‘to ferment’, G. boḷɔ devɔ. — S.kcch. bauṛo ‘deaf’, OP. P. bolā.
9269 *buṭṭa— 2 ‘plug’. [Cf. *bucca2] S. ḇuṭijaṇu ‘to be blocked’; L. (Ju.) ḇuṭaṇ ‘to stop, close (ears or mouth)’; M. buṭṇẽ n. ‘cork, stopper’.
9270 *buṭṭāṅga— ‘stump—bodied’. [*buṭṭa—1, áṅga1] M. buṭãgā, buṭũgā ‘short, low (of persons or things)’. — Ext. M. buṭãgṇā, buṭũgṇā ‘id.’. *buṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. *BUḌ ‘sink’: *buḍyati, *bōḍayati; — *ḍubb—, *ṭubb—. buḍabuḍa ‘bubblingly’ see budbudá—. *buḍḍha— 1 ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1.
9271 *buḍḍha— 2 ‘old’. [Initial b— in all lggs. seems to pre- clude direct derivation < vr̥ddhá2. Either same as *buḍḍha1 (but infl. by MIA. vuḍḍha— < vr̥ddhá2) or < *br̥ḍḍha— replacing *br̥ḍha— (√br̥h 1) see prauḍha—. Pa. Pk. buḍḍha— ‘old’, Gy. eur. phuro; Paš.weg. buṛālék ‘old woman’, (LSI) buḍai; Shum. buṛā́la, f. °lek ‘old’; Gaw. búṛa, búḍa ‘grandfather’, búṛi, búḍi ‘grand- mother’; Mai. búḍa ‘old man’, °ḍī ‘old woman’; Phal. būṛ, būḍo, f. buṛi ‘old’; K. buḍu ‘old’ (whence buḍun ‘to become old’), S. ḇuḍho; L. buḍḍh, buḍḍhī f. ‘old channel of Chenab river’, buḍḍhā, buḍhṛā, (Ju.) ḇuḍhā ‘old’, P. buḍḍhā; WPah.bhad. buḍhappaṇ n. ‘old age’, khaś. bùḍḍā ‘old’, bhal. bùḍ, f. bùḍḍi (whence buḍh e_ ṇū ‘to make old’), Ku. buṛho, buḍḍho, gng. buṛ, N. buṛ(h)o, A. burā, B. buṛā; Or. buṛha ‘old cow’, buṛhā ‘old’; Mth. būṛh, f. būṛhi ‘old’, buṛhiā ‘old woman’; Bhoj. bū̆ṛh ‘old’, OAw. būḍha, lakh. būṛh, H. būṛhā, OMarw. būḍhaü, G. būḍh adj., buḍhiyɔ m. ‘old man’. Addenda: *buḍḍha—2: S.kcch. boḍhau ‘old’, WPah.kṭg. bv́ḍḍhɔ, kc. bvṛo ‘old (of age)’, kṭg. bv́ḍhḷɔ ‘old’; Garh. buḍḍyā ‘old’, buṛāpu ‘old age’.
9272 *buḍyati ‘sinks’. 2. Caus. *bōḍayati. [buḍḍati Subhāṣ., vruḍita— Rājat., bōlayati ‘submerges’ Dhātup, bruḍati ‘is immersed’ Rājaś. — Metath. *ḍubb—, *ṭubb—.—Onom. cf. buḍabuḍa?] 1. Pk. buḍḍaï ‘sinks’, buḍḍa— ‘sunk’ (whence buḍḍira- m. ‘buffalo’); Dm. buḍ— ‘to sink, set (of sun)’; Paš.lauṛ. buḍ—, kuṛ. buṛ— ‘to bury’; Sh.koh. buṛōnu̯ ‘to set (of sun &c.)’, gil. bŭṛižóĭki̯ ‘to sink, set (of sun)’; K. bŏḍun ‘to dive, sink’, S. ḇuḍ̱aṇu; L. buḍḍaṇ (Ju.) ḇuḍ̱aṇ ‘to sink, be drowned’, awāṇ. buḍḍā ‘drowned’; P. buḍḍṇā ‘to sink’; Ku. buṛṇo ‘to sink in, pierce’; N. buṛnu ‘to sink’, A. buriba (būr ‘immersion’), B. buṛā, Or. buṛibā; Mth. būṛab ‘to be drowned’, Bhoj. buṛal, OAw. būḍaï, lakh. buṛab, H. bū̆ṛnā, G. buḍvũ, M. buḍṇẽ; — Pk. buḍḍāvaï ‘makes sink’, Sh. bŭṛóĭki̯, L.awāṇ. pres. part. buṛēnā; Ku. buṛauṇo ‘to pierce, prick’, N. buṛāunu; A. burāiba ‘to make sink’, B. buṛāna, Or. buṛāibā, H. buṛānā, G. buḍāvvũ, M. buḍaviṇẽ. — Or. (Sambhalpur) buthibā ‘to dive’? 2. Pk. bōlēi, °laï ‘submerges’; Gy. eur. bol— ‘to dip, bless’ (whence biboldo ‘Jew’); S. ḇoṛaṇu ‘to dip’, L. boṛaṇ, (Ju.) ḇo°, OAw. boraï, lakh. borab, G. boḷvũ, M. boḷṇẽ. *buṇṭa—, *buṇṭha— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. Addenda: *buḍyati. 1. OMarw. buḍaï ‘sinks’. 2. Caus. bōḍayati: S.kcch. boṛṇū tr. ‘to dip into’. *buṇṭha— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1 Add2. *buṇḍa— ‘bottom’ see bundha1.
9273 *butta— ‘defective’. 2. *buttha—. 3. *buddha—2. 4. *buntala—. 5. *bunda—2. 6. *bundha— 2. 7. *būdha—. 8. *bōtta—. 9. *bōttha—. 10. *bōdda—. 11. *bōddha—. 12. *bōntha—. 13. *bōnda—. [Cf. *buṭṭa—1, *bhutta—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. P. butt ‘stupid, dumb’, buttā m. ‘fraud’. 2. L. butthā ‘rotten, old’. 3. L. (Ju.) ḇudhā m. ‘fool’; P. buddho ‘silly’; N. budhune ‘squat, short’, budhunā ‘a fish with a large head’; H. buddhū m. ‘fool’; G. budhũ n. ‘cudgel’. 4. L. (Ju.) bũdul ‘stout, fat, strong’. 5. Pk. buṁdi— m.f. ‘pig’ (see also *bundi— s.v. *bhūṇḍa—), buṁdīra— m. ‘buffalo’; M. bũdkā ‘squat’. 6. P. bunnhā ‘stupid’; G. bũdhī ‘dull, stupid’. 7. G. būhɔ m. ‘foolish man’. 8. P. bot m. ‘unfeathered young sparrow’, bottā m., °tī f. ‘young camel’; Or. botā ‘refuse and rind of jack- fruit’, boti ‘emptied pods of pulse’, botiā ‘evil—smelling, fetid’; G. bot m. ‘fool’, botṛɔ m. ‘young camel’. 9. G. bothaṛ ‘dull, stupid’. 10. S. bodilo ‘simple, artless’; P. boddā ‘rotten’; Ku. bodo, bodlo ‘weak, rotten’; B. bodā ‘evil—smelling’; Or. boda ‘stunned, numbed’, bodā ‘fat person, male goat or sheep’ (semant. cf. *bukka—2,4, *bōkka1,2); H. bodā ‘weak’, bodlā ‘silly’; G. bodũ ‘hoarse’, n. ‘ill—burnt or cracked pot’; M. bod ‘flat, dull (of sound)’; — altern. < 11: Woṭ. bodā ‘quiet (of speech)’; K. bōda ‘stupid’. 11. N. bodho ‘blunt, sluggish’; Or. bodha, °dhu ‘stunned, numb’; — Woṭ. K. forms see 10. 12. M. bõ;thā, bothā ‘blunt, dull’. 13. A. bondā ‘of inferior quality (of bell—metal)’, sb. ‘male cat’, bondārā, f. bundari ‘dwarfed’; M. bõ;dar n. ‘dirty and much used cloth’, bõ;drā ‘careless, untidy’. *buttha— ‘defective’ see *butta—. Addenda: *butta—. 2. *buttha—: S.kcch. butth m. ‘stunted tree’. *buttha— ‘defective’ see *butta— Add2.
9274 *budabuda— ‘murmur’. [Onom.] N. budbud ‘murmuring’, budbudāunu ‘to mutter, grumble’; H. budbudānā ‘to mutter’.
9275 *budda— ‘vulva’. [Cf. *putta— s.v. pūta2 and ‘de- fective’ group s.v. *butta—] L. buddī f. ‘vulva’.
9281 *bundhati ‘heeds’. [Poss. old, cf. Gk. punqa/nomai: cf. búndati ‘perceives’ Bhaṭṭ. — √budh] S. ḇundhaṇu ‘to hear, obey’ (pp. ḇudho), caus. ḇun- dhāiṇu: more prob. anal. pres. st. from pp. ḇudho < buddha1 after type ḇadho ~ ḇandhaṇu.
9282 *buba— ‘father’. [Cf. *bābba—, *bāppa—. — Nursery word] Ku. buwā ‘father’, bubo—jyu ‘title of address to hus- band's father’, bubu ‘father's sister’; N. (used by Rānās) bubā ‘father’, (children's language) buwā; Or. buā ‘term of endearment to father or to young child’; M. buvā m. ‘respectful term for an older man’. Addenda: *buba—: WPah.kṭg. bvi f. (obl. bui, bui e) ‘father's sister’.
9283 *bubba— ‘woman's breast’. [Nursery word] S. bubo m. ‘breast’, bubī f. ‘man's or girl's nipple’; L. bubbā ‘woman's breast’; N. (children's language) bubu ‘milk’. Addenda: *bubba—: S.kcch. bhubho m. ‘woman's breast’, WPah.kṭg. bubu m. ‘nipple of female breast’.
9284 *bubhukṣaka— ‘hungry’. [For this type of desiderative adjective see Whitney SkGr § 1038. — Altern. *b(h)uk- ṣaka— (and *b(h)ukṣā—, *bhukṣita—, *bhukṣu— s.vv. bubhukṣā—, bubhukṣitá—, bubhukṣu—) ~ d(h)ákṣu- RV. (didhakṣu— MBh.): cf. esp. Pk. bhukkhā—, bhukkhia- ~ buhukkhā—, buhukkhia—. — √bhuj 2] Gy. arm. bukhav ‘hungry’ (< *bukṣaka—?), pers. bukā, Woṭ. busáu, f. bis° Buddruss Woṭ 94, Bshk. (LSI) būṭho (with unexpl. ṭh), Sv. buc̣hā́l, Phal. buc̣hā́ (buc̣hāl— ‘to become hungry’), K. bọ̆chu , ḍoḍ. bucchā, L. bhukkhā, (Ju.) bukhā, awāṇ. bhukhā, P. bhukkhā, WPah.bhad. ḍhḷukkhō, paṅ. ḍhukhā, Ku. bhukho, N. bhoko, A. B. Or. bhukhā, Or. bhokā, OAw. H. bhūkhā, OMarw. bhūkhaü, G. bhūkhũ. Addenda: *bubhukṣaka—: WPah.kṭg. bhúkkhɔ, kc. bhokho ‘hungry’, cur. bhrukhṇā (Him.I 36 compares kṭg. khƏṇēc < kṣḗtra— with cur. khṇ in bhrukhṇā).
9289 *bura— ‘defective’. 2. *bōra—1. [Cf. *bhōra—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. buro ‘noseless, bad’; P. burā ‘wicked’; WPah. bhad. buro ‘ugly, bad’, bhal. buro ‘bad’, burṛi f. ‘sheep with small ears’, paṅ. cam. burā ‘bad’, cur. būrā; Ku. N. buro ‘wicked’; Or. burā ‘inferior, improper’; H. burā ‘bad, wicked’, G. būrũ, M. burā. 2. Or. borā ‘wicked’. *burakāra—. Addenda: *bura—: WPah.kṭg. burɔ ‘bad, wicked’, J. burā, Garh. buru; Ko. buro ‘scrotum’.
9290 *burakāra— ‘evildoer’. [*bura—, kāra1] P. buriār m. ‘evildoer’. buri— see next.
9294 *busakuṭikā— ‘hut for chaff’. 2. *bhusakuṭaka—. [busa—, kuṭī—] 1. Ku. busauṛi ‘storehouse for chaff and husks’. 2. Ku. bhusauṛo m. ‘id.’, H. bhusaurī f.
9296 *bussa— ‘defective’. 2. *būssara—. [Cf. *bhussa1 and poss. busa—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. ḇuso ‘crop—eared, short—eared, shaven—headed, without ornaments’; L.awāṇ. bussā ‘without orna- ments’; P. bussā ‘unadorned, sad’, bussṇā ‘to stink, rot’; Ku. busilo ‘empty (of grain)’, m. ‘empty grain’; G. būsũ ‘blunt, stupid, tasteless’; Si. busa ‘sour curds’. 2. P. būsar ‘tall and stout but stupid’. būkka— see vr̥kká—. *būkkhara— ‘defective’ see *bukka4. būkhan— see vr̥kká—. *būccara— ‘defective’ see *bucca1. būṭa— 1 ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. Addenda: *bussa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) búś ‘chat, talk’ (cf. kṭg. , ś s.v. phissa—, phussa— ‘defective’)?
9297 *būṭa— 2 ‘bush, plant’. 2. *būṭṭa—. 3. *bōṭṭa—2. 4. *bhūṭa—. [Cf. Pers. bōta ‘plant’ → Par. bū̆ta IIFL i 243] 1. Gy. eur. buro ‘thornbush, bramble’; S. ḇūṛo m. ‘bush’. 2. K.rām. buṭa obl. ‘tree’; S. ḇūṭo m., °ṭī f. ‘bush, flower’, L. P. būṭā m., °ṭī f.; WPah.bhal. bhiḍ. buṭṭ n. ‘tree’, cur. buṭṭ, bhad. cam. būṭā; Ku. buṭī ‘herb’; N. buṭā—buṭi ‘shrubs’; A. B. buṭ ‘chickpea’, buṭā ‘flower on cloth’; Or. buṭa, buṇṭa ‘chickpea’, buṭā ‘flower on cloth’; Bi. Bhoj. bū̃ṭ ‘the chickpea Cicer arietinum’; OAw. būṭī f. ‘root of a plant, drug’; H. būṭā m. ‘bush, sprig, flower, plant of chickpea’, būṭī f. ‘sprig’; G. buṭṭɔ m., °ṭī f. ‘painted flower’, M. būṭ, °ṭā m., °ṭī f. — K. būta m. ‘flower on cloth’ ← Pers.? 3. L. boṭā m. ‘plant’; P. boṭṭā m. ‘sugarcane slip for planting’; WPah.pāḍ. bŏṭṭ ‘tree’; Ku. N. boṭ ‘tree, stem, trunk’; H. boṭā m. ‘log’ (or < *bōṭṭa1?). 4. Ku. bhūṛ ‘bush, hedge’. *būṭṭa— ‘bush’ see prec. *būḍhi— ‘intelligence’ see buddhi—. *būdha— ‘defective’ see *butta—. Addenda: *būṭa—. 2. *būṭṭa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bv̄ṭ m. ‘tree’, kṭg. bvṭṭi f. ‘plant, tree’, poet. bvṭṛe f. ‘plant’. *būṭṭa— see *būṭa— Add2.
9298 *būra— ‘powder’. 2. *bhūra—. 1. S. ḇūru m. ‘buds and blossoms of fruit trees, young heads of grain’, ḇūro m. ‘sawdust, filings, fine sugar’, ḇūrī f. ‘feathery excrescences on heads of millet’, ḇūraṇu ‘to reduce to powder’; L. būr, būrā m. ‘pollen’; P. būr m. ‘sawdust’; H. būr f. ‘sawdust’, būrā m. ‘powder’; G. būrũ n. ‘inferior sugar’; M. burā m. ‘mould’; — ext. —kk—: S. ḇurkaṇu ‘to powder’; P. burkṇā ‘to sprinkle’; Ku. burko m. ‘powder’, burkaṇo ‘to fill with powder’; N. burki ‘unhusked rice strewn along the way a bier is carried to burning place’; H. burkī f. ‘pinch of dust’, buraknā ‘to sprinkle’; — redup.: S. ḇurḇuri f. ‘pimples’; Ku. burburoṇo ‘to pulverize, sprinkle with powder’, burburāṇo ‘to drizzle’; N. burbur ‘sprinkling’, burburinu ‘to become dry and dusty’; H. burburnā, burburānā ‘to sprinkle’; M. burburṇẽ ‘to drizzle’. 2. Ku. bhuro m. ‘coarse powder, chaff, sawdust’; B. bhurā ‘sawdust’; Or. bhurā ‘powder’; H. bhurbhurānā ‘to sprinkle’. *būla— ‘defective’ see bulvá—.
9299 *būsta— ‘lip’. Paš.chil. būest ‘lip’, kuṛ. bes, lauṛ. bustū́ṛ, ar. bústƏṛ, dar. bostaṛ, Shum. bṓstaṛ, Gau. bōt; K. buthu m. ‘face’ (LM 402 wrongly < vaktra—); S. ḇūthu m. ‘mouth’, ḇūthī f. ‘lower part of face’, ḇūthāṛī f. ‘id. (contemp- tuous), muzzle for horse’; L. būth, m., būthī f. (Ju. —) ‘mouth or face of an animal’, (Ju.) ḇuthāṛ m. ‘face, mouth’; P. būth m. ‘face of horse, camel, &c.’, būthā m., būthī f. ‘mouth or snout of an animal’. *būssara— ‘defective’ see *bussa—. Addenda: *būsta—: S.kcch. būth m. ‘mouth’.
9304 *br̥haspatidiva— ‘Thursday’. [bŕ̥haspáti—, diva—] Ku. bipai, gng. bēp e, N. biphe—, bihi—, bi—bār, H. bihphai, biphai, bīph m.
9306 *br̥hyatē ‘is increased’. [Cf. br̥ṁhati ŚBr., br̥hati AV. ‘is thick, grows strong’, br̥ṁhayati ‘increases’ MBh. — √br̥h 1] M. bāj̈hṇẽ, bāj̈ṇẽ (bādṇẽ from anal. past st. *bādh- after MIA. type bajjhaï ~ baddha—) intr. ‘to bear (of fruit or flower trees)’, bāj̈h m. ‘crop’.
9307 *bēṅga— ‘defective’. [Cf. *bhēkka—: see list s.v. *bukka4] A. beṅā ‘idiotic’; B. beṅā ‘left—hand’; Or. beṅga ‘fetid smell’; Bi. bẽgā, bẽ̆gwā ‘loose sandy sub—soil in which a clay well does not work’ (semant. cf. *bhuḍḍa— and *bhudda— in H.): all less likely < *víyaṅga— s.v. vyàṅga1. *bēṭṭa— ‘small’, *bēḍa ‘defective’ see *biḍḍa—.
9309 *baijya— ‘relating to seed’. [Cf. baijika— Mn. — bı̄́ja—] S. ḇejo m. ‘first sowing of rice for future transplant- ing, crop so sown’, ḇejī ‘kept for seed’; WPah.pāḍ. bēj̈ā ‘seed’, paṅ. baij̈ū. *bailuva— ‘wood—apple’ see next. Addenda: *baijya—: WPah.kṭg. bej̈ɔ m. ‘seed, semen’.
9311 *bōkk— ‘carry’. [Poss. < ‘carry on the back’: cf. bukka1 s.v. vr̥kká—] Sh.koh. bōki̯ f. ‘load’; Ku. bokṇo ‘to carry’, N. boknu; — A. bokosā ‘load carried on back’ or ← H. buqca ‘bag for carrying things’? Addenda: *bōkk—: S.kcch. bokṇū ‘to catch (something thrown)’; Garh. bokṇu ‘to carry’. *bōkka—2, *bōkkha— ‘defective’ see *bukka4 Add2. *bōḍa— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1 Add2. *bōḍayati see *buḍyati Add2.
9312 *bōkka— 1 ‘he—goat’. [Cf. bukka2 m. ‘goat’ lex. Poss. of IE. origin EWA ii 436: note phonetic parallelism with ‘defective’ *bōkka2 s.v. *bukka4 and cf. Or. bodā ‘male goat or sheep’ ~ ‘defective’ *bōdda— s.v. *butta—] Pk. bokkaḍa— m. ‘goat’; S. ḇoka f. ‘cry of a goat’, ḇokijaṇu ‘to be with young (of goats)’; L. bok m. ‘bleat of a goat’, (Ju.) ḇokaṇ ‘to bleat’; P. bok m. ‘goat’; Ku. boko m. ‘goat’, bokyā m. ‘full grown goat’, bokyāṇ f. ‘smell of a he—goat’; N. boko ‘he—goat’, B. bokā; Or. bokā, bukā ‘sheep or goat as sacrificial victim’; Bi. bokā ‘he—goat’, Mth. bokṛā; H. bok, °kā m. ‘ram’, bokrā m. ‘goat’; OG. bokaḍaü m. ‘he—goat’, G. bokṛũ n., M. bokaḍ m. — ‘made of goatskin’: K. būkh, dat. būkas m. ‘well—bucket’, S. ḇoko m., L. bokā (Ju. —) m., P. bokkā m., H. bokā m. ‘well—bucket (usu. of goatskin)’; G. bokh f. ‘bucket’. *bōkka— 2 ‘defective’ see *bukka4.
9313 *bōkkasa— ‘name of a people’. [Cf. bukkasa— m. ‘a man of the lowest stratum’ lex.] Pk. bokkasa— m. ‘a non—Aryan people’; Ku. bogso ‘wizard’; N. bokso ‘wizard’, boksi ‘witch’. *bōkkha—, *bōggha—, *bōṅga— ‘defective’ see *bukka4. *bōcca—, *bōñca— ‘defective’ see *bucca1. *bōṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. *bōṭṭa— 2 ‘bush’ see *būṭa2. *bōḍa— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. *bōḍayati ‘immerses’ see *buḍyati. *bōḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *buṭṭa1. *bōtta—, *bōttha—, *bōdda—, *bōddha— ‘defective’ see *butta—.
9319 *bōbba— ‘dumb’. [Onom.] A. B. bobā ‘dumb’, A. bubuwāiba ‘to speak indis- tinctly’; Or. bobā ‘dumb, stammering’; G. bobṛũ ‘stammering’; M. bobḍā ‘lisping, speaking indistinctly’. *bōra— 1 ‘defective’ see *bura—.
9320 *bōra— 2 ‘sacking, sack’. [Orig. ‘of goat's hair’ for which jute was substituted esp. in the East. — Poss. < bákura— RV. if this means ‘bag or bellows made of goat skin’ (= bākurá— dŕ̥ti— RV., vākura— JaimBr.)] Sh. borí f. ‘sack’; S. ḇoro m. ‘cloth made of goat's hair, bag or sack made of the same (= ḇorī f.)’; L. bōrā m. ‘large sack, measure of grain’, bōrī f. ‘bag made of goat's or camel's hair’; P. borā m., borī f. ‘sack, coarse bag (for pack animals)’; N. boro ‘sack’; B. Or. Bi. Mth. H. borā m. ‘gunny bag (made of jute)’, H. borī f. ‘money bag’; G. borɔ m. ‘a kind of carpet’; M. borā m. ‘stuff for carpet or sack, sack made of it’, borī f. ‘money bag’. bōlayati see *buḍyati. Addenda: *bōra—2: WPah.kṭg. bori f. ‘sack, bag’.
9321 *bōll— ‘speak’. [bahu—bōllaka— m. ‘great talker’ Divyāv. L. Schwarzschild JAOS 77, 205 derives Ap. vollaï ‘speaks’ from Pk. vayaï (< vádati and vákti) ~ vutta- (< uktá—, with o in inf. vottuṁ, fut. vocchami) after type ṇutta— ~ ṇollaï (< *nud—la—?). If so, early appearance of b— in Pk. and BHSk. (only b— forms are attested in NIA.) may be due to collision with MIA. forms of brávīti in which abnormal sound—change in a word of ‘saying’ produced bēmi (< brávīmi), pres. part. beṁta—. Borrowing from Drav. word—group of Tam. vakuḷi DED 4256 (J. Bloch BSOS v 742) is very doubtful] Pk. bollaï, bullaï ‘speaks’, Ap. vollaï, K. bōlun, rām. bōlyā ‘it was said’, S. ḇolaṇu, L. bolaṇ, pres. part. bulendā, (Ju.) ḇolaṇ, P. bolṇā, WPah.pāḍ. bolaṇ, paṅ. cur. cam. bolṇā, rudh. bòlla 2 pl. imper., Ku. bolṇo, N. bolnu, A. boliba, B. bolā, balā, Or. bolibā, Mth. Aw.lakh. bōlab, H. bolnā, OMarw. bolaï, G. bolvũ, M. bolṇẽ; - caus. Pk. bollāviya—; Ku.gng. bulũṛ̃ ‘to call’, N. bolāunu, A. bolāiba, B. bolāna, bal°, OAw. bulāvaï, H. bulānā, G. bolāvvũ, M. bolaviṇẽ; — Pk. bollā— f. ‘talk’, K. bōl m., būli f. ‘language’; S. ḇola f., °lu m. ‘promise’, °lī f. ‘language’, L. (Ju.) ḇolī, P. bol m., bollī f., Ku. N. boli, B. bol, °li, Or. bola, °li; Mth. bol, °li ‘speech, promise’; H. bol m., °lī f. ‘speech’; OMarw. bola ‘promise’; G. M. bol m. ‘words’, °lī f. ‘language’. bōllaka— see prec. bauḍhya— see *buṭṭa1. Addenda: *bōll—: S.kcch. bolṇū ‘to speak’, WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bolṇõ; ‘to speak, say’, bōl m. ‘speech, mention’, bolli f. ‘speech, language’; J. bolṇu ‘to speak’.
9326 *brākati ‘bleats’. 2. *blākkati. [Cf. ORuss. blekati ‘to bleat’, IE. blē IEW 102] 1. Kho. (Lor.) bra g sb. ‘bleating’, bra g eik (O'Brien "brāgöik") ‘to bleat’; Sh. (Lor.) brã ‘bleating’ (with br- retained in onom. word?). 2. Bshk. lāk— ‘to bleat’, 3 sg. pres. lākent.
9329 *bhakabhaka— ‘panting, puffing’. [Onom. cf. bhaka- bhakāyatē ‘croaks’ Subhāṣ., bhakkikā— f. ‘cricket’ lex.] P. bhakar—bhakar ‘greedily’; N. bhakbhak ‘stammer- ingly’, bhakābhak ‘one mouthful after another’; B. bhakbhak ‘gushingly’; Or. bhakbhak ‘chatter’; H. bhakbhak f. ‘puffing’; G. M. bhakbhak ‘gushingly’.
9330 *bhakkha— ‘lump’. 2. *bhikkha—. 1. Ḍ. b *l/ kula ‘thick’ (Lorimer ḌumLg 150 wrongly < bahala—); Paš.dar. bakoṭā́, ar. ba g uṭṓ ‘stout, fat’; Bshk. bakū́l ‘strong, thick, fat’; Phal. bhakulo ‘strong’; Sh.pales. bhāk ‘bull’; S. bhakū m. ‘blockhead’, bhakuo ‘stupid’; L. bhakrain m. ‘hammer for breaking lumps of earth’ (+?); P. bhakūā ‘foolish’; Ku. bhakuno ‘stock of grain’; N. bhakku ‘short stout man’, bhakullo ‘chubby, plump’, bhakānu ‘lump, clod’, bhakuṇḍo ‘wooden ball used in a game’; B. bhākus ‘stupid, awkward’; Or. bhaku, °kā, °kuā ‘fool’, bhākuṛi ‘short and stout’, °ṛa ‘whoreson’; Mth. bhakkū ‘fool’, H. bhakuā m.; G. bhākhrɔ m. ‘lump of bread’, M. bhākar f.; Si. baka ‘big’, bakkā ‘big man or animal’, bakkan ‘large, plump, clumsy’. 2. P. bhikk f., bhikkā m., bhikkaṛ m.f. ‘lump, clod of earth’.
9334 *bhaktatr̥ṇa— ‘rice—straw’. [bhakta—, tŕ̥ṇa—] M. bhātyaṇ, °teṇ, °tyeṇ n. ‘rice—straw’.
9335 *bhaktapānīya— ‘rice—water’. [bhaktá—, pānı̄́ya—] Or. bhātuāṇi ‘water boiling in pot for cooking rice’.
9336 *bhaktapāla— ‘food—controller’. [Cf. the office of Pa. bhattuddēsaka—. — bhaktá—, pālá—] OSi. batapalaha gen. sg. ‘food—controller’.
9337 *bhaktādhāra— ‘vessel for food’. [bhaktá—, ādhārá—] WPah.bhal. bhattāhar m. ‘a very large basket in which cooked meal is stored during a wedding’. Addenda: *bhaktādhāra—: S.kcch. bhatār m. ‘food carried on a journey’ or < †;*bhaktāhāra—.
9343 *bhakṣiyarūpa— ‘food’. [bhakṣya—, rūpá—] S. bakhirū m. ‘a plant with a prickly pod (Tribulus alatus eaten by the poor?)’: see bhakṣya—.
9345 *bhakṣyāgāra— n. ‘food—store’. [bhakṣya—, agāra—] Ku. bhakār ‘large wooden box to hold grain’; N. bhakāro ‘small shed’, bhakāri ‘basket for storing grain’.
9351 *bhaginīputra— ‘sister's son’. [Cf. bhaginīsuta— m. Pañcat. — bhaginī—, putrá1] K. bĕnathar m. ‘sister's son’, H. bahnot m. bhagna— 1 ‘broken’, *bhagna— 2 ‘fled’ see bhajyátē.
9352 *bhagnatōlī— ‘where the wall is broken’. [bhagna—1, tōlikā—] G. bhāgoḷ, bhāgaḷ f. ‘gate in wall of town or village, precincts of a village’.
9355 *bhaṅgakara— ‘hemp—maker’. [bhaṅgá—2, kará1] P. H. bhãgerā m. ‘maker and seller of hemp’, P. °raṇ f. ‘his wife’, H. °ran f., M. bhãgerā, °rī m.
9356 *bhaṅgākara— ‘collection of broken pieces’. [bhaṅgá—1, ākara—] G. bhãgār m. ‘broken pots, a collection of broken pots’.
9362 *bhañja— ‘breaking’, bhañjaka— m. ‘breaker (of doors)’ Kull. [√bhañj] Pa. bhañjaka— in cmpd. ‘breaking’, Pk. bhaṁjaa—; S. bhañu f. ‘interruption’; P. bhā̃j f. ‘flight’; Ku. bhā̃cī ‘interruption, obstacle’ (for—c— see *bhañjati), N. bhā̃jo, °ji, bhā̃ci; A. bhā̃z ‘bend, contraction, distortion’, bhãzuwā ‘bent’; B. bhā̃j ‘fold, folding’; Or. bhañjā ‘breaking’; Bi. bhā̃j ‘one turn of working a sugarcane mill’; H. bhā̃j f. ‘twisting’, bhā̃jī f. ‘interruption’.
9363 *bhañjati, bhanákti, pl. bhañjánti ‘breaks’ RV. [√bhañj] Pa. bhañjati; Pk. bhaṁjaï ‘breaks’, bhaṁjia— ‘fled’, Phal. bhanǰū́m ‘I beat’; S. bhañaṇu ‘to break, split’; Ku. bhā̃cṇo ‘to turn a metal article into another shape’, gng. bhā̃j̈ãṛ̃ ‘to break’; N. bhā̃cnu (c from *bhā̃jcha &c. > bhā̃ccha?); B. bhā̃jā ‘to fold’; Or. bhāñjibā ‘to break in pieces, fold’, intr. ‘to flee’; Bhoj. bhā̃jal ‘to fold’; H. bhā̃jnā ‘to break, twist, turn’ (whence intr. bhãjnā ‘to be divided’); G. bhā̃jvũ ‘to break’; M. bhā̃j̈ṇẽ ‘to distribute’; — Pk. bhaṁjāvia— ‘put to flight’; N. bhãjāunu ‘to change (money)’; Or. bhañjeibā ‘to cause to be broken or folded’; H. bhãjānā ‘to change (money)’. — See bhajyátē.
9365 *bhaṭ— ‘sudden movement or noise’. 2. *bhaṭṭ—. [Cf. bhaṭabhaṭāyatē ‘gurgles’ Cat.] 1. H. bhaṛ m. ‘crackle, rush’; M. bhaḍ f. ‘crackling fuel’; — redup.: P. bhaṛbhaṛī f. ‘alarm’; Ku. bhaṛbhaṛāṭ m. ‘startling noise, crackling of fire’; Or. bhaṛabhaṛa ‘snuffling’; G. bhaṛbhaṛ ‘violently’, bhaṛābhaṛ ‘smartly’; — ext. —kk—: Pk. bhaḍakka— m. ‘noise’; Paš. lāmbƏl—bṛāk ‘lightning’ IIFL iii 3, 110; S. bhaṛka f. ‘flash’, bhaṛkaṇu ‘to blaze’; P. bhaṛk f. ‘flash’, bhaṛkṇā ‘to be angry’; Ku. bhaṛāk ‘blow’, bhaṛkaṇo ‘to be angry’; N. bharkanu ‘to take fright, start’; A. bharak ‘boast, display’; B. bhaṛak ‘display’, Or. bhaṛaka; B. bhaṛkāna ‘to take fright’, Or. bhaṛakibā; H. bhaṛak f. ‘flash, display’, bhaṛaknā ‘to be excited, take fright’; G. bhaṛkũ n. ‘blaze’, bhaṛākɔ m. ‘crash, blaze’, bhaṛakvũ ‘to take fright, start’; M. bhaḍak f. ‘display’, bhaḍakṇẽ ‘to blaze, take fright’. 2. G. M. bhaṭ ‘suddenly’; — ext. —kk—: S. bhaṭkaṇu, bhiṭ° ‘to wander’; Ku. bhaṭkaṇo ‘to writhe’; N. bhaṭak ‘display’, bhaṛkanu ‘to start, rise (of penis)’; H. bha- ṭaknā ‘to be restless’; G. bhaṭakvũ ‘to blaze, start’; M. bhaṭakṇẽ ‘to wander’ (LM 377 < bhraṣṭa—). bhaṭa— see bhr̥ta—. bhaṭabhaṭāyatē see *bhaṭ—. *bhaṭṭ— ‘sudden movement or noise’ see *bhaṭ—. bhaṭṭa— 1 m. ‘lord’ see bhártr̥—. Addenda: *bhaṭ—: OP. bhaṛathū m. ‘uproar’, P. bhaṛthū m. (+?).
9368 *bhaḍḍu— ‘cooking vessel’. [Cf. bhāṇḍa1] P. bhaḍḍū m. ‘copper cooking vessel’, N. bhaḍḍu. bhaṇati see bhánati.
9376 *bhaṇḍu— ‘hairless’. [‘Defective’ word (sanskritized in bhadrākaraṇa—?): cf. list s.v. baṇḍá—] Pa. bhaṇḍu— ‘bald, shaven’, Pk. bhaṁḍu— n. ‘shaving’; N. rā̃ṛ—bhā̃ṛ ‘abusive term for a widow’, M. rā̃ḍ—bhā̃ḍ f. bhaṇḍuka— see bhaṇṭuka—.
9380 *bhadravadhū— ‘brother's wife’. [Cf. B. cmpd. bhādar—bau ‘younger brother's wife’. — bhadrá—1, vadhū́—] N. bhadoho ‘wife's brother's son’, bhadai ‘wife's brother's daughter’.
9382 *bhan— 2 ‘buzz’. 2. *bhin—. 3. *bhun—. [Onom. (cf. bhāṇ ŚBr. ~ bhráṇati Dhātup.) replacing IE. *bhr̥m- (see bhr̥ngā—) as in bhaṅkārī— ~ bhaṅgārī— f. ‘gadfly’ lex.] 1. L. bhaṇbhaṇ m. ‘buzz, hum’; Ku. bhaṇbhaṇāṇo ‘to buzz’; N. bhanbhan ‘buzzing’, bhanbhanāunu ‘to mur- mur, grumble’; A. bhanbhanāiba ‘to buzz’; B. bhanbhan ‘muttering’; Or. bhaṇabhaṇa ‘buzzing, muttering’; Mth. bhanbhanābaṭi ‘a humming’; H. bhanbhanānā ‘to mutter’, M. bhaṇbhaṇṇẽ; — ext. —kk—: Ku. bhaṇak ‘faint noise’, bhaṇkaṇo ‘to buzz’; N. bhanak ‘reproach’, bhanakka ‘abruptly’, bhankanu ‘to stagger with anger, abuse’; H. bhanak f. ‘hum, buzz’, G. bhaṇkɔ m., M. bhaṇkā. 2. P. bhiṇbhiṇāuṇā ‘to buzz, swarm’; Ku. bhiṇ- bhiṇāṇo ‘to buzz, hum’; H. bhinbhin f. ‘buzzing’; — ext. —kk—: P. bhiṇakṇā ‘to buzz’; H. bhinaknā ‘to ring, buzz’. 3. S. bhuṇbhuṇi f. ‘buzzing’; P. bhuṇbhuṇā m. ‘a partic. insect’; N. bhunbhun ‘buzzing of a fly’, bhunu- bhunu ‘humming of a bumble bee’; A. bhunbhun ‘buzzing’, bhunbhunāiba ‘to buzz’.
9384 *bhanita—, bhaṇita— ‘spoken’, n., °ti— f. ‘speech’ Kāv. [√bhan 1] Pk. bhaṇia— ‘said’, bhaṇii— f. ‘speech’, Si. biṇu ‘speech, saying’.
9385 *bhandati ‘orders’. [Aryanized form of bhaṇḍatē ‘reviles’? — See bhánati] Gaw. (LSI) bandaüs pret. ‘to order’, Kal. bhand—, Kho. bandeik (→ Yid. bandawā́— IIFL ii 198: but Kho. baṇḍēik NOGaw 31), Phal. band—, 2 sg. imper. bandaye NOPhal 29.
9386 *bhandīyas— ‘fortunate’. [Comparative of bhadrá1, cf. bhándiṣṭha— RV.] OAw. bhadesā̆ ‘very good’.
9387 *bhabbā— ‘apple’. Gy. eur. phab, phabái f. ‘apple’, Ḍ. b *l bāi f.; Wg. babә́ŕ ‘pear (?)’; Dm. bâbâ ‘apple’ AO viii 300, babāi NOPhal 28, Gaw. bōbái, Bshk. bōbä́i, Tor. babaí f., Gau. "bàbou", Sv. bōbái, Phal. babái f.
9388 *bhabh— ‘blaze’. [Onom. Cf. bhambha— ‘aperture of stove’ Car., ‘smoke’ lex.?] S. bhabhaṛu, bhabhaṭu m. ‘flare’; N. bhabāunu ‘to burn (esp. with pain)’; — ext. —kk—: S. bhabhaka f. ‘flare’; P. bhabak f. ‘glare’; H. bhabaknā ‘to burst into flame’; G. bhabhkɔ m. ‘threat’; M. bhabakṇẽ ‘to rise (of fire)’. *bhama— ‘anger’ see bhā́ma1.
9394 *bharakāṣṭha— ‘supporting beam’. [bhára—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. bharā̃ṭh, °raiṭh ‘plank over the top of a doorway on which the wall is built’.
9398 *bharavaśya— ‘dependence on support’. [bhára- (q.v.) means ‘support’ in NIA., traceable in Pañcat. bharaṁ karōti ‘leans his weight on, supports himself on’. — bhára—, váśa—] S. bharvaso, bharoso m. ‘confidence’, P. bharossā m.; Ku. bharosā, bharsā ‘trust, dependence, support’; N. bharos, bhoras ‘support’; B. bharas, bharasā ‘reliance, trust’ (→ A. bharaxā), Or. bharasā; Mth. bharos ‘hope, consolation’; H. bharos, bharosā m. ‘confidence’, Marw. bharoso m., G. bharɔ̃sɔ, bharũsɔ m., M. bharvasā m. *bharitr̥— ‘husband’ see *bhāriyāpa—. Addenda: *bharavaśya—: Md. barōsā ‘confidence’ ← H.
9405 *bhal— 2 ‘bubble, swell’. 2. *bhar—. [Cf. √bhur, *bhul—] 1. P. bhal f. ‘swelling’; N. bhal ‘rush of waters, flood’, bhalnu ‘to toss up, throw for places (in games)’; - redup.: N. bhalbhale ‘bubbling with a hiss’; M. bhaḷbhaḷṇẽ ‘to gush forth’; — ext. —kk—: Ku. bhalko m. ‘bubble’, bhalkaṇo ‘to bubble’, bhalkyūṇo ‘to cook by boiling’; N. bhalkanu intr. ‘to boil’. 2. H. bharbharānā, bhabhrānā ‘to swell’.
9411 *bhallakūṭa— ‘spearhead’. [bhalla—3, kūṭa4] Pk. bhallōḍa— m.n. ‘tip of an arrow’; G. bhāloṛũ n. ‘spearhead fixed to the end of an arrow’.
9412 *bhallatara— ‘better’. [~ bhadratara— ‘happier’ MBh. — bhalla1] L. bhalerā ‘better’; P. bhalerā, bhaleraṛā ‘good’, OAw. bhaleraü, H. bhalerā, G. bhalerũ.
9413 *bhalladēśa— ‘name of a country’. [bhalla—4, dēśá—] WPah. bhaleś, °leiś n. ‘the northern portion of Bhadrawāh in Jammu’.
9426 *bhasmara— ‘ashy’. [bhásman—] P. bhassar ‘dusty’. Addenda: bhasmara— ‘ashy’ BaudhŚr.
9427 *bhasmākāra— ‘in the form of ashes’. [bhásman—, ākāra—] N. bhasār, °ri ‘dirty, untidy’. BHĀ ‘shine’: bhāta—, bhā́ti, bhāna—1, bhānú—, bhāpayatē, *bhāpyatē; ābhā—, ābhāti, nibha—, prati- bhāti, pratibhāna—, prabhā́—, prabhāta—, prábhāti, prabhāna—, *prabhāla—, víbhāti, *vibhāna—, vibhā́- van—.
9431 *bhāgapāla— ‘holding a share’. [bhāga—2, pālá—] L. bhēivāl, (Ju.) bhāīvāl m. ‘partner, sharer’, P.ḍog. piāl m. (low—rising tone on pi—).
9431a *bhāgikārthaka— Add. 14728.
9439 *bhājyavāṭa— ‘place for division’. [bhājya—, vāṭa1] L. (Ju.) bhāj̄vaṛ m. ‘threshing floor’. bhāṭa—, bhāṭi— see *bhārta—.
9449 *bhādrapadīya— ‘produced in the month Bhādra- pada’. [Cf. āṣāḍhīya— ~ āṣāḍhī—. — bhādrapadī—] A. bhadiyā ‘rice harvested in Bh.’, adj. ‘produced or born in Bh.’; B. bhādaï, °dui ‘rice which ripens in Bh.’; Or. bhodei ‘produced or harvested in Bh.’, Bi. bhadaiyā; H. bhādõ;wī, bhādaī f. ‘autumn crop’; M. bhādvī f. ‘after—crop of rice’.
9450 *bhādrabhūta— ‘occurring in the 5th month August- September’. [bhādra—, bhūtá—] H. bhadaũh ‘id.’.
9452 *bhāna— 2 ‘speech’. [√bhan 1] Pa. bhāṇa— n. ‘recitation of scripture’; Mth. bhān ‘speech, saying, word’; Si. baṇa ‘recitation, word’.
9456 *bhāmakajāni— ‘husband's brother's wife’. [bhāma—2, jāni—] Paš. baṅgyanī ‘husband's brother's wife’.
9460 *bhāraṇa— ‘supporting’. [√bhr̥] Ku. bhāraṇ m. ‘support, maintenance, means of support’; G. bhāraṇ n. ‘a weight, pressure’.
9462 *bhārapādatā— ‘elephantiasis’. [Cf. bhārika— ‘swollen (by elephantiasis)’ Suśr. — bhārá—, pā́da—] Pa. bhārapādatā— f. ‘elephantiasis of the leg’, Si. baravaya, °vē.
9467 *bhāriyāpa— ‘husband’. [bhārya—, pa2] Dm. baryeu ‘husband’ (NTS xii 161 < *bharitr̥- with ?), Kal.rumb. bhɛ̄́ru, Tor. be (Grierson Tor 141 < vará2), Phal. bharı̄́u, Sh. bărĕṓ m.; — Gaw. heriou (h— < bh— in a term of address?).
9468 *bhārta— ‘pertaining to servants’: > MIA. bhāṭa— m.n. ‘wages’ lex., bhāṭaka— m. ‘wages (esp. of prostitution)’ Āryav. 2. *bhārti— ‘pertaining to wages’: > MIA. bhāṭi— f. ‘wages (esp. of prostitution)’ Kathās. [bhāṭa—, bhāṭi— poss. MIA. formations from bhaṭa— < bhr̥ta—, but more prob. early MIA. < *bhāṭṭa—, *bhāṭṭi— (with reduction of double consonant after long vowel proper to an eastern (amg.) dialect?) < *bhārta—, *bhārti—, vr̥ddhi—formations from bhr̥ta—, bhŕ̥ti—. — √bhr̥] 1. Pk. bhāḍaya— n. ‘hire’, S. bhāṛo m.; L.awāṇ. bhāṛā ‘rent, fare’, poṭh. pā́rā (with low rising tone); P. bhāṛā m. ‘rent, hire’; WPah.bhad. bhāṛu, pl. °ṛā̃ n. ‘charge for grinding corn’; Ku. bhāṛo m. ‘wages, hire’; A. bhārā ‘hire, rent’, B. bhāṛā; Or. bhaṛā ‘rent of house, wages of prostitution’; Bi. bhār ‘wage for parching grain’; Mth. bhār ‘wages’, bhāṛā ‘hire, price of labour’, (SBhagalpur) bhāro ‘wage for parching grain’; H. bhāṛ m. ‘wages of prostitution, pimp’, bhāṛā m. ‘hire, fare, freight, rent (of house)’, G. bhāṛũ n., M. bhāḍẽ n.; - deriv. S. bhāṛaṇu ‘to hire’; — L. bhaṛuā m. ‘cuckold’; Ku. bhaṛuwā m. ‘pimp’, H. bhāṛū m. (→ Mth. bhaṛuā, N. bhaṛuwā). — MIA. *bhatta—, *bhaṭṭa— (< *bhārta- rather than bhaktá—): Pa. bhaṭṭha— (for *bhaṭṭa—?), v.l. bhatta— ‘wages, tip’; P. bhattā m. ‘extra pay to public servants or soldiers’ (ludh. ‘food taken to farmers in fields’); H. bhātā, bhattā m. ‘advances made to plough- men without interest’; G. bhātũ n. ‘extra allowance above pay given to public servants &c.’; Si. bata ‘daily ration or pay of coolie or soldier’. 2. Pk. bhāḍī—, °ḍiyā— f. ‘hire, tax’; S. bhāṛi f. ‘wages of a pimp’; P. H. bhāṛ f. ‘prostitute's wage’; G. bhāṛi f. ‘profit on letting out prostitutes’, M. bhāḍ f.; Si. bälaya, st. bäla— ‘wages, hire’. — Deriv.: Pk. bhāḍiya- ‘hired’; S. bhāṛī, bhāṛyo m. ‘pimp’; P. bhāṛī m. ‘one who lets out oxen &c. on hire, pack—carrier’; Ku. bhaṛiyā ‘paid servant’; Si. inscr. bälayaṭa dat. pl. ‘for the servants’. *bhārtajīvin—, *bhārtavr̥tti—.
9469 *bhārtajīvin— ‘living by wages’, bhāṭakajīvikā— f. HYogŚ. [*bhārta—, jīvá1] Ku. bhaṛoī m. ‘paid servant’.
9470 *bhārtavr̥tti— ‘having livelihood from wages’. [*bhārta—, vr̥tti—] Ku. bhaṛet m. ‘paid servant’; H. bhaṛauṭī, °ṛoṭī m. ‘one who plies for hire’. *bhārti— ‘wages’ see *bhārta—. bhāryà— ‘to be borne or cherished’ TS. [√bhr̥] bhārya—, *abhāriya—.
9473 *bhāla— 2 ‘observation’. [√bhal 1] WPah.cam. bhāḷ ‘expectation’, bhal. bhā m. ‘hope’; N. dekh—bhāl ‘heed, attention, care’; G. bhāḷ f. ‘search, investigation’. bhāla— 3 ‘splendour’ see *prabhāla—.
9482 *bhāsāgāra— (or *bhāsaghara—) ‘flame receptacle’. [Cf. agnyagārá—. — bhāsá—, agāra— or ghara—] P. bhahārā m., °rī f. ‘little earthen furnace’. bhāsura— see bhāsvará—. *bhāsma— ‘dust’ see bhásman—. bhāsyatē see bhā́sati.
9489 *bhicc— ‘press’. H. bhīcnā ‘to press, squeeze’; — ext. —kk— and ——: G. bhacakvũ ‘to be struck, to pierce’, bhacaṛvũ ‘to press, squeeze’. — Cf. G. bhı̃svũ ‘to press’, bh e_ m. ‘crushing’. *BHIṬ ‘meet, throng’: *bhiṭ—, *bhīṭ—, *bhēṭ—, *bhēṭṭ—, *bhēl—, *bhēll—; *ābhiṭ—, *ābhēṭ—, *udbhiṭ—, *saṁbhiṭ—; — cf. √*miḍ, √mil. [Any connexion with abhı̄́vr̥ta— ‘surrounded’ or abhívartatē ‘approaches’ is very unlikely. Poss. with √*miḍ of Mu. origin PMWS 148 and with √pīḍ (see Add.) if also of non—Aryan origin. Sanskritized as bhitra— n. ‘a dance’ Saṁgīt. ?]
9490 *bhiṭ— ‘meet, throng’. 2. *bhīṭ—. 3. *bhēṭ—. 4. *bhēṭṭ—. 5. *bhēl—. 6. *bhēll—. [√*bhiṭ] 1. Pk. bhiḍaï ‘meets, fights’; S. bhiṛaṇu ‘to meet’, bhiṛāiṇu ‘to mix’; L. bhiṛaṇ ‘to fight’; P. bhiṛṇā ‘to fight’, caus. bhiṛāuṇā; WPah.bhal. bhiṛnū ‘to be tight’, biṛ ‘near’ (with abnormal loss of aspiration in post- position), cur. bhiṛnā ‘to fight’; Ku. bhiṛṇo ‘to quarrel with’; N. bhirnu ‘to put on, gird on’, bhirāunu ‘to cause to wear’; A. bhirāiba ‘to tie (two buffaloes) together’; B. bhiṛā ‘to come close’, bhiṛāna ‘to bring alongside’; H. bhiṛnā ‘to come close, embrace, fight’, bhiṛānā ‘to bring together’; G. bhiṛvũ ‘to come close, fight’, bhiṛāvvũ ‘to embrace’; M. bhiḍṇẽ ‘to come close, fight’. 2. Pk. bhīḍaï ‘meets, fights’; K. bīr f. ‘crowd’, S. bhīṛa f.; P. bhīṛ ‘crowd’, bhīṛnā ‘to close’; Ku. bhīṛ ‘crowd’; N. bhiṛ (lw. with ); A. bhir ‘pressure’, bhiriba ‘to press, crush, be bent’, bhirāiba tr. ‘to bend’; B. bhiṛ ‘crowd’; Or. bhiṛa ‘crowd’, bhiṛibā ‘to draw tight, hug, tie’; Mth. bhīrab ‘to tie’; Aw.lakh. bhīr ‘crowd’, H. G. bhīṛ f., M. bhīḍ f. 3. S. bheṛo ‘joined’; P. bheṛnā ‘to close, compare’; WPah.bhal. bh e_ ṛnū ‘to tighten’; H. bheṛnā ‘to close in’ (→ N. bheṛ ‘clash’), bheṛū ‘quarrelsome’. 4. Pk. bhiṭṭijjaï ‘meets’, bhiṭṭaṇa— n. ‘present’; S. bheṭaṇu ‘to complete’; P. bheṭaṇ f. ‘procuress’; Ku. bheṭṇo ‘to meet’; N. bheṭnu ‘to meet’, bheṭāunu ‘to fall in with, accomplish’; A. bheṭiba, bhẽṭ° ‘to obstruct’, bheṭā ‘dam’; B. bheṭā ‘to meet’, Or. bheṭibā, Mth. bheṭab, bhẽṭ°, OAw. bheṁṭaï, H. bheṭnā, G. bheṭvũ, M. bheṭṇẽ; — Pk. bhiṭṭā— f. ‘present’ (semant. cf. upāyana—), S. bheṭa f., P. bheṭ f.; Ku. bheṭaulī f. ‘presents sent to sister in month of Cait’; N. A. B. Or. bheṭi ‘a present’ (A. also bhẽṭi); Mth. bhẽṭ ‘interview’; OAw. bheṁṭa f. ‘present’, lakh. bhē̃ṭ, H. bheṭī f.; G. bheṭ f. ‘meeting’, bheṭiyɔ m. ‘bearer of a gift’; M. bheṭ f. ‘meeting, present’. — WPah. (Joshi) mhiṭṇu, miṭṇu ‘to meet’ X milṇu < miláti. 5. Pk. bhēlēi ‘mixes’, caus. bhēlavia—; H. bhel f. ‘mixture’; G. bheḷ m. ‘mixture’, bheḷũ ‘mixed up’, bheḷavvũ ‘to mix’; M. bheḷ f. ‘mixture’, bheḷṇẽ tr. and intr. ‘to mix’. 6. N. bhelā ‘crowd’; B. bhel ‘deception’; Or. bhela ‘alloy, deception’; M. bhelṇẽ tr. and intr. ‘to mix’. Addenda: *bhiṭ—. 1. WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) bhiṛnõ; ‘to put on, wear’, caus. bƏṛh e\ uṇõ; ‘to clothe’. 4. *bhēṭṭ—: S.kcch. bheṭṇū ‘to embrace’, Garh. bhẽṭṇu; OMarw. bheṭi f. ‘meeting, embrace’. — X mil: WPah.kṭg. miṭhṇõ; ‘to meet, gather, be possessed (by the god), dance ecstatically’, J. mhiṭṇu, miṭṇu ‘to meet’; — kṭg. meṭṇõ; tr. ‘to gather, roll together’, meṭhṇõ; intr. ‘to gather, meet’. 5. *bhēl—: S.kcch. bherṇū ‘to mix’.
9491 *bhiṭṭa— ‘mound’. 2. *bhīṭa—. 3. *bhiṇḍa—. 1. S. bhiṭa f. ‘sandhill’; Ku. bhiṭo m. ‘ridge, terrace, upper side of field’, bhiṭuko m. ‘ridge, terrace, hillock’; N. bhiṭo ‘wall holding up a terraced field’; B. bhiṭā ‘mound, mound on a ruined site, homestead’ (in last sense ODBL 66 refers to OB. cmpds. with —hiṭṭi—, —viṭṭi— and Tam. viḍu, viṭṭu ‘house’); H. bhīṭ f. ‘em- bankment’. 2. Ku. bhīṛ, bhiṛo ‘terrace, wall’; N. bhir ‘steep slope, precipice’. 3. Mth. bhı̄̃ṛ, bhı̃ṛwā ‘mound round a tank’. *bhiṇḍa— ‘mound’ see prec. Addenda: *bhiṭṭa—. 4. †;*bhiṇṭa—: WPah.kṭg. bhìndi f., poet. bhrinde f. ‘stone fence round threshing floor’. 5. †;*bhēṭṭa—: A. bhẽṭā (phonet. bh e_ ta) ‘dam, enclosure’ AFD 214, 421, bhẽṭi (phonet. bhẽti) ‘site of a house’ AFD 202. †;*bhiṇṭa— ‘mound’ see *bhiṭṭa—.
9499 *bhipiṁṣati ‘grinds upon’. [Cf. abhi with verbs meaning ‘press, rub, break’ viz. √pīḍ, √mr̥d, √bhañj] G. bhı̄̃svũ ‘to press’.
9500 *bhiyagna— ‘smeared, wet’. 2. *bhyagna—. [Cf. abhyàkta— ‘anointed’ ŚBr.: pp. of *bhiyañjati. - √añj] 1. P. bhiggṇā ‘to get wet’, Ku. bhigṇo, N. bhignu; Or. bhigā ‘wet’, bhigibā ‘to get wet’, H. bhīgnā; — *bhigga- replaced by *bhinna— as pp. to passive *bhijjaï < *bhiyajyatē after type bhijjaï < bhidyátē ~ bhinná—: S. bhino ‘wetted’, P. bhinnā; OAw. bhīnaü ‘wet’, G. bhīnũ. 2. Pk. bhagga— ‘smeared, lime—washed’.
9501 *bhiyaṅga— ‘smearing, wetting’. [Cf. abhyaṅga—. - √añj] H. bhı̄̃gā ‘wet’.
9502 *bhiyajyatē ‘is smeared, gets wet’. [Cf. adhyàṅktē ‘anoints oneself’ RV. — For connexion of ‘unctuous’ and ‘wet’ cf. Pk. abbhatta— (< abhyakta—) ‘smeared with oil, sprinkled, wetted’, and Pk. forms of *upāñjati, and in the reverse sense forms under √snih. — √añj] Dm. biž— ‘to pour out (e.g. water)’; S. bhij̄aṇu ‘to get wet’, P. bhijjṇā, Ku. bhijṇo, N. bhijnu, A. bhiziba, B. bhijā, Or. bhijibā, Bi. bhījab; Mth. bhijlāh ‘wet’; Bhoj. bhījal ‘to get wet’, Aw.lakh. bhījab; H. bhījnā ‘to be wet’, G. bhijvũ, M. bhij̈ṇẽ (LM 379 < abhyañjana—), Ko. bhijtā. Addenda: *bhiyajyatē [Cf. ajyásē RV.]: S.kcch. bhijāyṇū ‘to wet’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bhìj̈ṇõ; ‘to be wet’, J. bhijṇu, kṭg. (Wkc.) bƏj̈h e\ uṇõ; ‘to make wet’; Garh. bhijṇu ‘to be wet’. *bhiyakta— (cf. abhyàkta— ‘anointed’ ŚBr., Pa. abbhatta— ‘sprinkled’): S. OP. bhīti f. ‘grain sprinkled to snare birds’, P. bhittī f.? (J.C.W.)
9503 *bhiyañjati ‘anoints, wets, is wetted’. [Cf. abhyàṅktē ‘wets’ RV., abhyanakti ‘anoints’ AitBr., Pa. abbhañjati; abh(i)yáñjana— n. ŚBr., Pk. abhiṁjaṇa— n. — √añj] Pk. bhiṁjā— f. ‘anointing, massaging’; Bi. bhı̄̃jab ‘to be wetted’, Bhoj. bhı̄̃jal; G. bhı̃jāvũ ‘to be wetted’, bhı̃javvũ ‘to wet’.
9504 *bhiyantara— ‘inner’. [Cf. abhyantara—. — ántara1] Pk. bhittara— n. ‘inside’ (X abbhaṁtara— in abbhiṁ- tara—); Ku. bhitar, °ter, gng. bhatar ‘inside’, N. bhitra, A. B. bhitar; Or. bhitara ‘harem’, adj. ‘intermediate’, adv. ‘inside’; Mth. bhitrī adv. and postp. ‘inside’, Bhoj. Aw.lakh. H. G. bhītar, M. Ko. bhitar (LM 379 < abhyantara—). *bhiyantarika—; *bhiyantaramāṁsa—. Addenda: *bhiyantara—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bhìttƏr postp. and adv. ‘inside, in’, bhìtra ‘from within’; Garh. bhitra ‘inside’ Him.I 159.
9505 *bhiyantaramāṁsa— ‘entrail’. [*bhiyantara—, māṁsá—] Ku. bhitrā̃s ‘entrails of animals’, N. bhitrā̃s, °ryā̃s, °ryā̃su.
9506 *bhiyantarika— ‘belonging to the inside’. [Cf. Pa. abbhantarika— m. ‘an intimate’, Pk. abbhiṁtaria— m. - *bhiyantara—] Ku. bhitariyā ‘member of one's household’, N. bhitriyā; Or. bhitari, °riā ‘internal, relating to the harem’; H. bhītariyā m. ‘an intimate’. Addenda: *bhiyantarika—: WPah.kṭg. bhìtriɔ ‘inner’ Him.I 159. BHĪ: †;bhētavya—.
9508 *bhiyājayati ‘smears, wets’. [√añj] P. bheuṇā ‘to wet’, Bhoj. bheil.
9517 *bhīla— ‘dreadful’. [bhīra— ‘intimidating’ Śiś. Cf. bhīrú— ~ bhīlu—. — √bhī] Mai.ky. bhīl m. ‘fear’, Chil. bihil f. (Buddruss Kan 46 < bhīti— with l—suffix).
9519 *bhukkhara— ‘defective’. 2. *bhūkka—. 3. *bhōṅka— 1. [See list s.v. *bukka4] 1. G. bhūkhar ‘unproductive, barren’. 2. S. bhūku m. ‘blockhead’. 3. H. bhõ;kṛā ‘very large and fat’; — bhõ;kas m. ‘wizard’ rather < *bōkkasa—.
9523 *bhugna— 2 ‘enjoyed, eaten’. [~ bhukta—. — √bhuj 2] B. bhugā, bhogā ‘to enjoy, experience’; Si. bun ‘eaten’ (prob. < MIA. *bhunna— ~ pres. st. bhuñj—, bhujj— after type bhinna— ~ bhijjaï); — altern. poss. < bhugna1: L. bhuggā ‘ant—eaten, decayed, rotten’, awāṇ. bhuggā ‘eaten away, rotten’; P. bhuggā ‘rotten’.
9524 *bhucca— ‘defective’. 2. *bhuccara—. 3. *bhuccha—. 4. *bhujjara—. 5. *bhōcca—. [Cf. *bucca1: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. bhū̆cu ‘long—haired, having long straggling hair’, m. ‘long tangled hair’, bhūcu m. ‘fool’; P. bhucc ‘igno- rant, fat’; Ku. bhuc ‘foolish, rude, uncivilized’, bhuco ‘young shoot or plant, stalk’; N. bhuccuk ‘ignorant, foolish’; H. bhuc m. ‘clown, blockhead’; G. bhuciyɔ ‘brittle’. 2. P. bhuccar m. ‘corpulent man’; Ku. bhucrīṇo ‘to be dwarfed, be stunted’; — Woṭ. basṓr ‘vulva’? 3. S. bucho, buchiṛo ‘ugly, bad, wicked’. 4. Ku. bhujrīṇo ‘to become dwarfish’. 5. Bshk. boč ‘vulva’, Sv. boiču; A. bhosoko ‘stumpy’. *bhuccara—, *bhuccha— ‘defective’ see prec. BHUJ 1 ‘bend’: bhukti—1, bhugna—1, bhúja—, bhu- jaṁga—; *udbhukta—, nibhugna—1, *nibhujyatē, *ni- bhuñjati. BHUJ 2 ‘enjoy’: *bubhukṣaka—, bubhukṣatē, bu- bhukṣā—, bubhukṣitá—, bubhukṣu—, bhukta—, bhukti—2, *bhugna—2, bhujyatē, bhuñjatē, bhṓga—, bhōgin—, bhṓgya—, bhōjá—, bhṓjatē, bhṓjana—, bhōjyà—; abhukta—, *abhugna—, *nibhugna—2, *samābhukta—. Addenda: *bhucca—. 3. *bhuccha—: S.kcch. bhucchap f. ‘shame, inferiority’. *bhuccha— ‘defective’ see *bhucca— Add2. BHUJ2: †;bhujyú—. bhuja—: †;*bhujārgalā—.
9527 *bhujapāla— ‘sword’. [Formed from bhúja— after karapāla—] B. bhujāli, bhoj° ‘short sword’ ODBL 349: very doubt- ful. *bhujjara— ‘defective’ see *bhucca—.
9530 *bhuṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *bhuṭṭha—. 3. *bhuḍa—. 4. *bhuḍḍa—. 5. *bhuṇṭa—. 6. *bhuṇṭha—. 7. *bhuṇḍa— 1. 8. *bhōṭṭa—. 9. *bhōḍa—. 10. *bhōḍḍa—. 11. *bhōṇṭa—. 12. *bhōṇḍa—. [Cf. *bhutta—2, *buṭṭa1: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. S. bhuṭu ‘ruined’ (or < bhr̥ṣṭa2); N. bhũṭu ‘care- less’; A. bhuṭkrā ‘dwarf in stature’; B. bhuṭa ‘ruined’. 2. G. bhūṭhũ ‘scared, ashamed’. 3. N. bhuro ‘young (of fish)’, sb. ‘small boy’, bhuri ‘small girl’, bhure ‘small, young’; G. bhuṛkas ‘little children’. 4. S. bhuḍ̱o ‘toothless’; H. bhūṛ f. ‘soil of the fourth quality, sandy soil’ (cf. bhūdā < *bhudda— s.v. *bhutta2), bhūṛā m. ‘sand, dust’; Si. buḍḍayā ‘fool’ (or < *buḍḍha1). 5. P. bhuṇḍā ‘ugly’; Ku. bhũṛū ‘foolish, rude’. 6. G. bhũṭhũ ‘humiliated’. 7. Ku. bhunlo ‘hornless, simple’ (or < *bhunda—); Bi. bhū̃ṛā, bhũṛwā ‘hornless bullock’, bhũṛiyā ‘beardless wheat’ (cf. mũṛiyā < muṇḍa—); H. bhū̃ḍ, °ḍā ‘ugly’, bhuṇḍā ‘hornless’; G. bhũḍũ ‘bad’; M. bhũḍā ‘hornless, bare’. 8. Or. bhoṭi ‘corpulent’; G. bhoṭ m. ‘fool’. 9. Phal. bhūru ‘deaf’ (or < *bōḍa—). 10. L. bhoḍā ‘hornless’, awāṇ. bhoḍā ‘having an ugly face or forehead’; P. bhoḍā ‘hornless’, roḍā—bhoḍā ‘shaven—headed’. 11. P. bhoṇḍā ‘ugly’; H. bhõ;ṭā ‘blunt, stupid’. 12. H. bhõ;ḍ ‘ugly’, m. ‘dung—beetle’, bhõ;ḍā ‘ugly’; M. bhõ;ḍā ‘decrepit’. *bhuṭṭha—, *bhuḍa—, *bhuḍḍa—, *bhuṇṭa—, *bhuṇṭha—, bhuṇḍa— 1 ‘defective’ see prec.
9531 *bhuṇḍa— 2 ‘belly’. N. bhũṛi ‘belly’, A. bhũri, bhũru (bhũrulā ‘pot- bellied’), B. bhũṛi; Or. bhuṇḍi ‘pot—belly’, bhuṇḍā ‘pot- bellied’. *bhutta— 1 ‘understood’ see buddha1. Addenda: *bhuṇḍa—2: S.kcch. bhūdh f. ‘pot—belly’, bhūdho m. ‘belly’ or < *bhudda— see *bhutta2 Add2.
9532 *bhutta— 2 ‘defective’. 2. *bhuttara—. 3. *bhudda—. 4. *bhuntha—. 5. *bhunda—. 6. *bhōtta—. 7. *bhōttha—. 8. *bhōdda—. 9. *bhōntha—. 10. *bhōnthara—. 11. *bhōnda—. [Cf. *bhuṭṭa—, *butta—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. L. bhutān ‘stupid’; Ku. bhuto ‘stump of a plant, stick, millet stems (after cutting)’, bhutāṛo ‘rag’; N. bhutte ‘blunt’; Or. bhutā ‘stupid’. 2. N. bhutro ‘penis (used in abuse)’; H. bhutrā ‘blunt’. 3. H. bhūdā m. ‘light sandy soil’ (cf. bhūr < *bhuḍḍa s.v. *bhuṭṭa—). 4. G. bhũthũ ‘ugly’. 5. WPah. (Joshi) bhũdu m. ‘fool’; Ku. bhunlo ‘horn- less, simple’ (or < *bhuṇḍa1); N. bhunu ‘very small’; B. bhũdo—mukho ‘swollen—faced’; Or. bhundaṛ ‘stupid’. 6. P. bhoto m. ‘simpleton’; A. B. H. bhotā ‘blunt’. 7. Mth. bhŏthrā ‘patchwork quilt’ (semant. cf. Bi. lẽdrā ‘id.’ < *lēnda— s.v. *litta—); H. bhothā ‘blunt’; G. bhothaṛ m. ‘simpleton’. 8. A. bhodā ‘dull, simple, foolish’. 9. B. bhõ;tā ‘blunt’, H. bhõ;thā. 10. H. bhõ;thrā ‘blunt’. 11. B. bhõ;dā, bhõ;daṛ ‘stupid’; Or. bhondaṛa ‘scowling, foolish’; H. bhõ;dū ‘silly, artless’; — S. bhaũdū ‘silly’ (aũ?). *bhuttara—, *bhudda— ‘defective’ see prec. *bhun— ‘buzz’ see *bhan2. *bhuntha—, bhunda— ‘defective’ see *bhutta2. Addenda: *bhutta— 2. 3. *bhudda—: S.kcch. bhūdh f. ‘pot—belly’, bhūdho m. ‘belly’, or < *bhuṇḍa2. 7. *bhōttha—: S.kcch. bhotho m. ‘fool’. *bhudda— ‘defective’ see *bhutta2 Add2.
9533 *bhubbhala— ‘burning ember’. P. bhubbal f. ‘burning ember’, N. bhubro, bhumro, H. bhūbhal, °bal m. BHUR ‘more quickly’: bhuraṇyú—, bhuráti; - *bhurvati, *bhul—; — bhr̥ṇā́ti 2?
9536 *bhurvati ‘boils’. [Cf. bhurván— ‘rush (of waters)’ RV. — Ir. *barv— in Par. g arv—, Shgh. wūrv— ‘to boil’ NTS i 74, Lat. ferveo, &c. — √bhur] Paš.dar. lōp—, lub— ‘to be boiling’ < *bhrub— < *bhurv- IIFL iii 3, 112.
9537 *bhul— ‘bubbling’. [Cf. √bhur, *bhal2] N. bhulla ‘suddenly’, bhulbhulinu ‘to spout out’, bhulko ‘spouting up (of water)’, bhulukka ‘bubblingly’; B. bhulkā ‘spring of water’; — H. bhulasnā ‘to be burnt’?
9538 *bhull— ‘err, forget’. 2. *bhōl— ‘lead astray’. [L. A. Schwarzschild JAOS 77, 206 Pk. bhulla— replaced *bhuṭṭha— < bhr̥ṣṭa2 ‘fallen’: doubtful] 1. Pk. bhulla— ‘forgotten’, bhullaï ‘falls, errs’; K. bulun ‘to be led astray’; S. bhulaṇu ‘to err, forget’; L. bhullaṇ ‘to lose the way, err’, P. bhullṇā; Ku. bhulṇo ‘to err, forget’, gng. bhulãṛ̃, N. bhulnu, A. bhuliba, B. bhulā, Or. bhulibā; Mth. bhūlab ‘to go astray, err’; Bhoj. bhulal ‘to forget’; OAw. bhūlaï ‘goes astray, errs, for- gets’, H. bhūlnā, OMarw. bhūlaï, G. bhulvũ, M. bhulṇẽ. 2. Pk. bhōlaï, bhōlavaï ‘deceives’; Mth. bhorala ‘he forgot, was bewildered’, bhor ‘forgetful’ (cf. *bhōla—); G. bhoḷavvũ ‘to deceive’. Addenda: *bhull—. 1. S.kcch. bhūlṇū ‘to forget’; WPah.kṭg. bhū̀l f. ‘mistake’, kṭg. (kc.) bhulṇõ; ‘to be mistaken, forget’; Garh. bhulṇu ‘to forget’. 2. *bhōl—: WPah.kṭg. nƏbhòḷpi e, °pƏṇi e ‘innocently, inadvertently’.
9539 *bhulla— ‘defective’. 2. *bhōla— (bhōla— m. ‘a mixed caste’ lex.). 3. *bhōlla—. [Cf. *bhōra—, bulvá—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. Ku. bhulo ‘simple, frank, honest’. 2. Pk. bhōla— ‘straightforward’; S. bhoro ‘foolish’; L.awāṇ. P. bhōlā ‘simple—minded’; Or. bhoḷa ‘maddened, enchanted’, sb. ‘forgetfulness’ (cf. *bhōl—), bhoḷā ‘mad, intoxicated’; Mth. bhorā ‘bewildered, forgetful’; OAw. bhorā ‘simple’; G. bhoḷũ ‘foolish, credulous’; M. bhoḷā ‘foolish’; Ko. bhoḷo ‘simple’; — altern. < *bhōlla—: WPah. (Joshi) bholā ‘simple—minded’; Ku. bholo ‘simple, artless’; N. bholo ‘foolish’; A. bholā ‘foolish, simple, frank, peaceful’; H. bholā ‘foolish, guileless’; Si. bol ‘chaff’ (for this meaning see busa—). 3. S. bholo ‘foolish’, Or. bholā; OAw. bholī f. adj. ‘simple’; — forms of Ku. N. A. H. Si. s.v. *bhōla- above. *bhusa— ‘chaff’ see busa—. *bhusakuṭaka— ‘chaff—store’ see *busakuṭikā—. Addenda: *bhulla—. 2. *bhōla—: OP. bholattaṇu m. ‘simplicity’; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bhòḷɔ ‘simple minded, honest, dull’; OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) f.adj. bhoḷī ‘simple’. 3. *bhōlla—: WPah.J. bholā ‘simple’.
9540 *bhusakula— ‘house for chaff’. [*bhusa—, kúla—] Bi. bhũsaur, bhõbrev;saulā ‘house for storing chaff’, Mth. bhusaul ghar.
9541 *bhusagharaka— ‘chaff—store’. [*bhusa—, ghara—] H. bhusehrā m. ‘place for storing chaff or straw or corn’.
9542 *bhusamardaka— ‘pounding straw and chaff’. [*bhusa—, marda—] H. bhusaũdā m. ‘place for keeping straw or chaff or grain’.
9543 *bhusaśālā— ‘chaff—store’. [*bhusa—, śā́lā—] P.kgr. bhūhālū m. ‘shed in which chaff is stored’.
9544 *bhusākara— ‘heap of chaff’. [*bhusa—, ākara—] M. bhusārẽ n. ‘rick or pile of chaff’.
9545 *bhussa— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *bhussara—. 3. *bhōssa—. [Cf. *bussa—, and *bhussa2 ‘chaff’ s.v. busa—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. L.awāṇ. bhussā ‘pale’; Ku. bhus ‘foolish, wild, un- civilized, rude’, bhūs, bhuso ‘blasted grain’ (as ‘chaff’ < *bhussa2 s.v. busa—), bhusīṇo ‘to lose energy’ (or < bhŕ̥śyati), bhusṛo ‘penis’, bhusṛī ‘vulva’; N. bhusāhā ‘worthless’. 2. L. (Shahpur) bhusra ‘grey’, m. ‘sandstone’; H. bhusrā m. ‘inferior kind of wheat’. 3. P. bhosṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘large vulva’; Ku. bhosṛo ‘penis’, bhosṛī ‘vulva’; B. bhõ;s ‘fool’; H. bhosṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘large vulva (term of abuse to women)’; G. bhos, bhoś, bhosṛī f., °ṛɔ m. ‘vulva’, M. bhosḍī, bhõ;sḍī f. — These words are prob. independent of bhasád— f. *bhussa— 2 ‘chaff’ see busa—. *bhussara— ‘defective’ see *bhussa1. BHŪ ‘become’: bhavá—, bhávati, bhavana—, bhávant—, bhavantī—, bhavita—, bhaviṣyánt—, bhāvá—, bhāvana—, bhāvayati, bhū́—, bhūtá—, bhūtí—, bhū́man—, bhūmyá—, bhū́yas, bhū́yiṣṭha—; abhíbhavati, udbhava—, ud- bhūta—, párābhavati, páribhūti—, prabhavá—, prabhú—, prábhūta—, *prōdbhava—, saṁbhavá—, sáṁbhavati, saṁbhāvayati. Addenda: *bhussa— 1. 2. *bhussara—: OP. bhusarī f. ‘bread’, P. bhusrī f. BHŪ: †;udbhāva—, †;prábhavati, †;*prabhāvyatē.
9548 *bhūkūpa— ‘hole in the ground’. [bhū́—, kū́pa1] G. bhuvɔ m. ‘circular pit in the ground made by a whirlpool of water’.
9549 *bhūghara— n. ‘chamber in the ground’. [Cf. bhūgr̥ha- n. Car. — bhū́—, ghara—] P. bhohrā m. ‘dungeon, pit in which potters place newly made pots to keep moist’ (or < *bhaumaghara—); Mth. bhūr ‘hole’; — cf. *bhūmighara—, *bhūmiyagāra—, *bhaumaghara—.
9550 *bhūcala— ‘earth tremor’. [bhū́—, cala2] Sh. bŭ̃yāl f. ‘earthquake’. *bhūṭa— ‘bush’ see *būṭa2. *bhūḍḍa— ‘pig’ see next.
9551 *bhūṇḍa— ‘pig’. 2. *bhūḍḍa—. 3. *bundi—. [Cf. ‘de- fective’ and ‘belly’ words *bhuṇḍa—1, 2, *bhuḍḍa—, *bunda2?] 1. Pk. bhuṁḍa—, bhoṁḍa— m. ‘pig’, bhuṁḍī—, °ḍiṇī— f., °ḍīra— m., L. bhūn, bhūṇḍ f., mult. bhūṇḍin f., (Shahpur) bhoṇ, bhū̃ḍ f., N. bhuni f., OG. bhūṁḍa m., G. bhũḍ n., bhũḍaṇ f. 2. S. bhūḍ̱iṇi f. 3. Pk. buṁdi— m.f. (see also *bunda2). Addenda: *bhūṇḍa—: S.kcch. bhūṇḍhaṇ f. ‘sow’.
9559 *bhūmighara— n. ‘underground chamber’. [Cf. bhū́migr̥ha— ‘whose house is the earth, i.e. buried’ AV., n. ‘cellar’ Kathās. — bhū́mi—, ghara—] Pk. bhūmighara—, °ihara— n. ‘cellar’, H. bhū̃harā m., G. bhɔ̃yarũ n. — Cf. *bhūghara—, *bhūmiyagāra—, *bhaumaghara—.
9561 *bhūmicāra— ‘wandering over the earth’. [bhū́mi—, cāra1] N. bhũyār ‘vagabond’?
9563 *bhūmiyagāra— n. ‘underground chamber’. [bhū́mi—, agāra—] Ku bhyā̃ro, bhiyāro m. ‘cellar, one—storeyed house’; H. bhū̃yārā m. ‘cellar’. — Cf. *bhūmighara—, *bhū- ghara—, *bhaumaghara—.
9564 *bhūmisēcana— ‘sprinkling earth, worm’. [Cf. bhūmi- snu— m. ‘earthworm’ lex. — bhū́mi—, sēcana—] K. bumasin, bimasyunu m., bimasiñü f. ‘earthworm’. bhūmisnu— see prec.
9565 *bhūmihāra— ‘carrier of earth’. [bhū́mi—, hāra1] Bhoj. bhuı̃hār ‘name of a caste’.
9569 *bhūriṅga— ‘creeping on the earth’. [bhū́—, riṅgi—] G. bhoriṅg m. ‘adder’?
9571 *bhūva— ‘fine hair’. [In Drav. cf. Mal. pūṭa ‘down of birds, wool, fine hair’, Nk. būr ‘down, fine feathers’, &c. DED 3575?] N. bhuwā ‘fine down on body of young animal’; B. bhuyā ‘mildew’; Bi. bhūā ‘hair on ear of maize, hairy worm’; H. bhūwā, bhūā m. ‘a sort of downy cotton from the tree Bombax heptaphyllum, cotton—wool, cater- pillar’, bhuī f. ‘a sort of insect or caterpillar’; Si. ‘hairy (of plants)’, būva ‘down on leaves or fruit or insects’. BHŪṢ ‘adorn’: bhūṣaṇa—, bhūṣā—.
9574 *bhūsa— ‘fine rain’. M. bhusẽ n. ‘drizzling rain’; — ext. —r—: P. bhūhar f. ‘fine rain’. BHR̥ ‘bear’: bhaṭa— bhára—, bháraṇa—, bháraṇī—, bharata—, bhárati, *bharitr̥—, bhártr̥—, bhāṭa—, bhāṭi—, bhārá—, *bhāraṇa—, bhāratara—, bhārayati, bhārika—1, bhārika—2, bhārin—, *bhārta—, *bhārti—, bhr̥ta—, bhr̥tí—, bhriyátē; apabharati, *abhāriya—, abhr̥ta—, ávabharatē, ābharaṇa—, ā́bharati, ābhr̥ta—, *udbhara—, údbharati, *udbhāra—, *udbhārayati, *udbhr̥ta—, durbhara—, *nibharati, prábhr̥ta—, prā- bhr̥ta—, sáṁbharati, saṁbhārá—, sáṁbhr̥ta—, saṁ- bhr̥ti—. Addenda: *bhūsa— ‘fine rain’ same as *bhussa—1, *bhussara- ‘defective’ (L. bhusra ‘grey’), †;busá2 ‘bad weather (opp. svàr)’ RV. ~ *bhusa—, *bhussa—2, busa ‘chaff’. BHR̥: †;bharma—; †;úpabharatē.
9577 *bhr̥gṇa— ‘fried, roasted’. [~ bhr̥kta—. — √bhrajj] S. bhuǥo pp. of bhuj̄aṇu and bhuñaṇu (< bhr̥jyatē and *bhr̥ñjati), bhuǥī f. ‘piece of fried meat’, bhuǥiṛo m. ‘parched gram’, L. (Ju.) bhuǥṛe m. pl. — Replaced by MIA. *bhuṇṇa— as pp. of bhujjaï after type bhijjaï ~ bhiṇṇa—: Kho. bunik ‘to parch, fry’, L. bhunnaṇ, P. bhunnaṇā (caus. bhunāuṇā), Ku. bhunaṇo; B. bhunā ‘to fry, parch’, sb. ‘parched corn’; Bhoj. bhūnal ‘to parch’, OMarw. bhūnaï. — P. bhuṇāī f. ‘wages for parching’ with unexpl. ——, unless (poss. also Kho. and B.) < bhr̥ṇāti 1 ‘fries’ Dhātup., while other forms with —unn— or —ūn— are < *bhr̥ṇvati ~ *bhr̥ṇōti, which is improbable. bhr̥ṅga— 1 ‘bee’ see bhŕ̥ṅgā—.
9579 *bhr̥ṅgacaṭaka— ‘a sort of bird’. [bhr̥ṅga—2, caṭaka—] N. bhaṅero ‘sparrow’ (or *bhr̥ṅgēraka—?).
9582 *bhr̥ṅgēraka— ‘small bird’. [< *bhr̥ṅgī—ra— ~ bhr̥ṅgī- ‘bee’ as bhr̥ṅgā—rī— ~ bhŕ̥ṅgā—] N. bhaṅero ‘sparrow’ (or < *bhr̥ṅgacaṭaka—?).
9584 *bhr̥jjita— ‘fried, parched’. [√bhrajj] Pk. bhujjiya—; Wg. břūǰa, buṛǰā́o ‘food, grain’ NTS xvii 239; K. abuzu ‘not parched, raw (of grain)’; P. bhurjī, bhujjī f. ‘fried potherbs’; Ku. bhūjī ‘roast or parched vegetable food, vegetables’; N. bhujā ‘parched fresh rice’; B. bhujā ‘parched corn’; Or. bhujā ‘parched rice’; Mth. bhūjī ‘burnt, dry’, bhūjā ‘parched grain’; H. bhūjī, bhujiyā f. ‘fried potherbs, greens’. — See bharjita—.
9586 *bhr̥ñjati ‘parches’. [From pres. st. *bhr̥ṇakti cf. bhr̥ṇāti1. — √bhrajj] S. bhuñaṇu ‘to fry, parch, Or. (Bastar) bhuñjibā; Bi. bhū̃jā, (Shahabad) bhũjnā ‘parched grain’; OAw. bhūṁjaï ‘parches’, bhuṁjaunā m. ‘thing fried or parched like grain’; H. bhū̃jnā ‘to parch, fry’, bhū̃jā ‘fried’, m. ‘fried mouthfuls’; G. bhũjvũ ‘to roast’. bhr̥ṇāti 1 ‘fries’ see *bhr̥gṇa—, *bhr̥ñjati.
9589 *bhr̥takarman— ‘soldier—work’. [bhr̥ta—, kárman1] Si. baḷām ‘warfare’.
9590 *bhr̥tagātu— ‘hero song’. [bhr̥ta—, gātú2] Ku. bhaṛau ‘song about the prowess of ancient heroes’.
9592 *bhr̥tivr̥tta— ‘livelihood from wages’. [bhr̥tí—, vr̥ttá—] Ku. bhuṛto m. ‘wages, hire’. bhr̥ntikā— see bhaṇṭākī—. bhr̥malá— ‘stunned, torpid’ AV. [√bhram] X vihvala— q.v. BHR̥Ś ‘fall’: bhŕ̥śyati, bhr̥ṣṭa—2, bhr̥ṣṭi—2; — √bhraṁś.
9601 *bhēkka— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *bhēṅka—. 3. *bhēṅga—. [Cf. *bēṅga—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. Ku. bhekuwā ‘foolish, blunted, unlettered’, bhekal, bheklo ‘foolish, lazy, unreliable’, bh e kaluwā ‘foolish’; A. bhekerā ‘blunt’. 2. A. bhẽko ‘foolish, stupid’. 3. S. bhı̄̃ga f. ‘waste’; L. bhêṅgā ‘squinting’, Ju. bhẽgā, awāṇ. bh e ṅgā, WPah.bhal. bh e ṅgro; N. bhyāṅga ‘ugliness’; A. bheṅgurā ‘crooked’; B. bheṅguṛā ‘crippled’, bheṅgāna ‘to grimace’; H. bhẽgā ‘squinting’. *bhēkka— 2 ‘frog’ see bhḗka—.
9602 *bhēkkha— ‘lump’. 2. *bhēgga—. [Cf. *bhēlla— and ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *bhēkka—] 1. G. bhekhaṛ f. ‘lump, mass’. 2. G. bheg m. ‘mixture’, bhegũ ‘collected, mixed together’. *bhēgga— ‘lump’ see prec. *bhēṅka—, *bhēṅga— ‘defective’ see *bhēkka1.
9603 *bhējj— ‘send’. [Not with P. Tedesco JAOS 65, 154 < visarjayati, but poss. < *(a)bhi—ajyatē ‘is led to’ (abhyàjati RV.): √aj; or < MIA. *bhejjēti anal. caus. to *bhijjati < *(a)bhi—iyati ‘approaches’ (abhyḕti RV. and abhiyāpayati ‘sends’ BhP.): √i 2] Ḍ. biǰālina ‘to send’, K.rām. ḍoḍ. bhej—, P. bhejṇā, WPah.bhad. bhal. bhej̈ṇū, khaś. bhej̈—, Ku. bhejṇo, N. bhejnu, B. bhejā, Or. bhejibā, Mth. bhejab, H. bhejnā, OMarw. bhejaï. *bhēṭ—, *bhēṭṭ— ‘meet’ see *bhiṭ—. Addenda: *bhējj—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bhèj̈ṇõ; ‘to cause (to be done), make (somebody do something)’. bhēḍa— 3 see bēḍā— Add2.
9605 *bhēḍa— 2 ‘defective’. [Cf. *biḍḍa—, *bhēdda—: see list s.v. *bukka4] Ku. bheṛ ‘idiot, foolish, rude’; A. bherā ‘dull—headed’, bheruwā ‘dull, stupid, timid’. bhēḍa— 3 ‘raft’ see bēḍā—.
9607 *bhēḍrakuṭikā— ‘sheepfold’. [bhēḍra—, kuṭī—] WPah.cam. bhaṛōṛī or < *bhēḍravr̥ti—.
9608 *bhēḍrapāla— ‘shepherd’. [bhēḍra—, pālá—] G. bharvāṛ m. ‘shepherd or goatherd’, °ṛaṇi f. ‘his wife’ (< *bhaḍvār). *bhēḍravr̥ti— ‘sheepfold’. [bhēḍra—, vr̥ti—] See *bhēḍrakuṭikā—. Addenda: *bhēḍrapāla—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bƏḍhàḷɔ m., bƏṛaḷɔ m. ‘shepherd’.
9612 *bhēdda— ‘defective’. [Cf. *bhēḍa2: see list s.v. *bukka4] Or. bhedo ‘corpulent’.
9614 *bhēna— ‘honey’. [Cf. Bal. bēnag ‘honey’ (but Orm. pīn): IE. *bhei— ‘bee’ NTS xii 159 with (?)] Dm. bin ‘honey’, binaká ‘bee’ (← Ir. NTS v 41); Paš. lauṛ. &c. bēn, ar. en ‘honey’, Shum. bƏen IIFL iii 3, 35. bhēraṇḍa— see phēru—.
9616 *bhērīvādaka— ‘drum—player’. [bhḗrī—, vādaka—] Pa. bhērivādaka— m. ‘drummer’, Si. beravāyā. *bhēl— ‘meet’ see *bhiṭ—. bhēla— 1 ‘raft’ see bēḍā—.
9618 *bhēlla— 2 ‘lump’. [Cf. *bhēkkha— and ‘defective’ word- group s.v. bhēla2] P. bhellā m. ‘lump’; A. bhel ‘corpse’; Or. H. bhelā m. ‘lump, clod’. Addenda: *bhēlla— 2 ‘lump’. [Cf. †;*bhēḍa4] WPah.poet. bhelle f. ‘lump of molasses’.
9619 *bhēsa— ‘defective’. 2. *bhēsara—. [Cf. *bhussa—: see list s.v. *bukka4] 1. Ku. bhyās, bhesaṛ ‘foolish, rude, uncivilized’; A. bhẽhiyāiba ‘to make faces’; Or. bhesaṛā ‘ugly’. 2. Or. bhesarā ‘ugly’.
9621 *bhaiḍraka— ‘pertaining to sheep’, bhaiṇḍaka—, bhaiḍ° lex. [bhēḍra—] S. bheḍ̱o m. ‘game played with the knuckle—bones of a sheep’. bhaiṇḍaka— see prec.
9624 *bhōkka— ‘hollow’. 2. *bhōṅka—2. 3. *bhōṅga—. [See list s.v. *pōka—] 1. Ku. bhokro, bhokāro ‘hollow, concave’; G. bhok n. ‘hole’, bhokvũ ‘to pierce’, bhokārũ n. ‘hollowness’; M. bhok n. ‘hole’, bhokū m. ‘perforation’, bhokṇẽ ‘to pierce’, bhoksā m. ‘rude gap’; Si. boku ‘hollow, oval’. 2. N. bhwāṅ ‘hole’, H. bhõ;k m. ‘stab’; G. bhõ;k m. ‘hole’; M. bhõ;k m. ‘hollowness’. 3. M. bhõ;gaḷ, bhõ;gḷā ‘hollow, loose’, bhõ;gḷī f. ‘hollow of a tube’.
9632 *bhōṭṭīya— ‘Tibetan’. [bhōṭīya— lex. — See bhauṭṭa—] Ku. bhoṭiyā ‘inhabitant of the higher mountains of Kumaon’ (~ huṇiyā ‘Tibetan’ < hūṇa—); N. bhoṭe ‘Tibetan’; A. bhuṭīyā ‘living in Bhutan’, Or. bhuṭiā. *bhōḍa—, *bhōḍḍa—, *bhōṇṭa—, *bhōṇḍa— ‘defective’ see *bhuṭṭa—. *bhōtta—, *bhōttha—, *bhōdda—, *bhōntha—, *bhōn- thara—, *bhōnda— ‘defective’ see *bhutta2.
9633 *bhōra— ‘defective’. [~ *bhōla—. Cf. *bura—: see list s.v. *bukka4] L.khet. bhōrā ‘deaf’; N. bhor ‘deception’; Si. boru ‘false’, boruva ‘a lie’ (P. Goldschmidt IA 6, 325 wrongly < aparādha—).
9634 *bhōrā—, *bhōlā— ‘daybreak’. [Cf. bhōlā—nātha— m. ‘name of Śiva as husband of Uṣas’, bhaulī— f. ‘name of a musical mode’] P. bhor m. ‘dawn’, N. B. bhor, Or. bhora, Mth. H. G. bhor f.; — Ku. bhol ‘tomorrow’, N. bholi. *bhōl— ‘lead astray’ see *bhull—. *bhōla—, *bhōlla— ‘defective’ see *bhulla—. *bhōlā— ‘daybreak’ see *bhōrā—. Addenda: *bhōrā: Garh. bhoḷ ‘tomorrow’. *bhōl— ‘mislead’ see *bhull— Add2. *bhōla—, *bhōlla— ‘defective’ see *bhulla— Add2.
9635 *bhōsa— ‘hollow’. [Cf. *phōssa—. — For other ‘hollow’ words see list s.v. *pōka—] B. bhõ;s ‘abyss’; M. bhosṇẽ ‘to thrust into’, bhõ;skaṭ n. ‘gap in wall or fence’; Si. buhuru ‘hole, pit’ (< *bhō- sara—? — ES 63 wrongly < vivara—). *bhōssa— ‘defective’ see *bhussa1.
9637 *bhauṭṭānta—, bhōṭānta— m. ‘name of a country’ Cat. [bhauṭṭa—, ánta—] Pk. bhoṭṭaṁta— m. ‘a country near Nepal’; N. bhoṭān ‘Bhutan’, A. bhoṭānt, Or. bhuṭān (lw. with n).
9640 *bhaumaghara— n. ‘cellar’. [bhaumá—1, ghara—] P. bhohrā m. ‘dungeon, pit in which potters place newly—made vessels to keep moist’ (or < *bhūghara—); H. bhõ;harā, bhaũrā m. ‘cellar, cavern’ (cf. H. cmpd. bhõ;gharā). — Cf. *bhūghara—, *bhūmighara—, *bhū- miyagāra—.
9645 *bhraṁśiṣṭha— ‘very steep’. [Cf. bhraṁśa— m. ‘falling’ Kālid. — √bhraṁś] Kal.rumb. bhrū̃ṣiṣ ‘precipice’ (LSI broešṭona ‘from the top’ prob. mistake for *bhrū̃ṣiṣṭuna). bhrakuṭi— see bhr̥kuṭi—. BHRAJJ ‘fry’: bharjana—, bharjayati, bharjita—, bhr̥kta—, *bhr̥gṇa—, bhr̥jjáti, *bhr̥jjita—, bhr̥jyatē, *bhr̥ñjati, bhr̥ṣṭá—1, bhr̥ṣṭi—1, bhráṣṭra—, bhrāṣṭra—; *udbhr̥jjati. bhrajjana— see bharjana—. bhrajjayati see bharjayati. BHRAM ‘moves to and fro’: bhrama—, bhramaṇa—, bhrámati, bhramant—, bhramara—1, *bhramyati, bhrānti—, bhrāmá—, bhrāmaṇa—, bhrāmayati, bhrā- mayant—, bhrāmarī—, bhrāmin—, bhr̥malá—; saṁbhra- mati.
9652 *bhramyati ‘moves to and fro’. [Cf. bhramyāt PārGr̥. — √bhram] Pk. bhammaï ‘turns round, wanders’; S. bhamaṇu ‘to wander aimlessly’.
9653 *bhraśati ‘sinks’. [Cf. inj. bhraśat RV. — √bhraṁś] Pk. mhasaï ‘falls’; Bi. bhasal ‘fallen in (of a clay well)’; — P. bahiṇā ‘to sink’, bahāuṇā ‘to let down a rope into a well for drawing water’ (loss of aspiration before following —h— points to a loan from L.: vahāuṇā ‘to let down a vessel into a well’, if correct, may be due to collision of EP. bahiṇā ‘to sink’ with bahiṇā ‘to float’ (< váhati) ~ WP. vahiṇā and vahāuṇā ‘to make float’.
9657 *bhraṣṭrapūra— ‘gridiron—cake’. [Cf. bhrāṣṭraja— ‘pro- duced on a gridiron’ lex. — bhráṣṭra—, pūra2] P. bhaṭhūhar, °hrā, bhaṭhūrā, °ṭhorū m. ‘cake of leavened bread’; — or < *bhr̥ṣṭapūra—.
9658 *bhraṣṭrāgāra— ‘grain parching house’. [bhráṣṭra—, agāra—] P. bhaṭhiār, °ālā m. ‘grainparcher's shop’. BHRĀJ ‘shine’: bhrā́jatē, bhrā́jas—.
9662 *bhrātr̥jāni— (or *bhrātājāni—?) ‘brother's wife’. [bhrā́tr̥—, jāni—] WPah.bhal. bhāṇi f. ‘brother's wife’. Addenda: *bhrātr̥jāni—: rather der. from bhrātr̥— (see *pitriyajāni— Add2). J.C.W.
9670 *bhrātr̥strīkā— ‘brother's wife’. [bhrā́tr̥—, strı̄́—] Gaw. l ā́ l u l ī ‘husband's sister’ < * l u l ī NOGaw 42.
9680 *bhrāru— ‘bear’. [So NTS xvii 238, comparing H. bhālū < bhallū́ka— q.v.] Wg. brō̤, bu ‘black bear’ (ND 480 b 36 wrongly < *bhrūra—). BHRĀŚ ‘shine’: *bhrāśa—.
9681 *bhrāśa— ‘flame’. [bhrā́śatē ‘shines’ Pāṇ., bhrā́śya— n. ‘weapon’ RV. — √bhrāś] K. brāh m. ‘flame’, brēh, dat. brīśü f. (< *bhrāśī—?).
9683 *bhrāśya— ‘to be felled’. [Cf. bhrāśayati and pass. bhraṁśyatē KātyŚr. — √bhraṁś] Phal. brāš bayāmu tr. ‘I lay down’; — Bi. bhās ‘stratum of fine sand that falls in and chokes a well’ (or < bhásman—?).
9685 *bhrāṣṭraśālikā— ‘furnace house’. [bhrāṣṭra—, śā́lā—] H. bharsārī f. ‘furnace, oven’.
9690 *bhrūra— ‘brown’. [IE. *bhrū—ro— ~ *bhrū—no— IEW 136. — See babhrú—] Sh. (Lor.) buro ‘(of horse or cow) whitish’ (br— dissim. to b— or ← Ind.); K. bura m. ‘coarse white sugar’; S. bhūro ‘brownish, whitish’; L. P. bhūrā ‘brown’; Ku. bhū̆ro ‘white, fair’, bhuriyā ‘white people, Englishmen’; N. bhuro ‘brown’; B. Or. bhurā ‘brown sugar’, Bi. bhūrā; H. bhūrā ‘brown’; G. bhūrũ ‘brown, white’; M. bhurā ‘light brown’; — ext. ——: N. bhurrā ‘black and white pigeon’; Bi. bhūrrā ‘brown sugar’; — —ll—: Mth. bhulla ‘light brown’; — —kk—: M. bhurkā ‘dirty white’. Addenda: *bhrūra— [Cf. Ir. *barwa— (or *b(r)ūra—?) Shgh. vů̄r ‘brown’, Yaghn. vur, Mj. vūr, Pers. būr EVSh 85] WPah.kṭg. bƏrhìḷɔ ‘brown (or bay?)’.
9697 *makṣākiraṇa— ‘flywhisk’. [mákṣā—, kiraṇa—] P. makherṇā m. ‘fringe of leather and thread over horse's eyes to keep off flies’.
9698 *makṣācamara— ‘flywhisk’. [mákṣā—, camará—] N. makhauro ‘flywhisk’.
9698a *makṣācālana— ‘flywhisk’. [mákṣā—, cālana—] L.mult. makhālnā̃ m. ‘fly—fringe over horse's eyes’.
9699 *makṣātara— ‘rather like a fly or bee’. [mákṣā—] Sh. (Lor.) m *l c̣hari ‘wasp, hornet’: more prob. same as m *l c̣hari ‘bee’ < *mākṣikakara—.
9700 *makṣikākula— ‘swarm of flies’. [Cf. mākṣakulika—. — mákṣā—, kúla—] P. makheāl m. ‘beehive’; Ku. makhyol ‘swarm of flies’. makhá— see máhas2.
9701 *maggara— ‘back of head or neck’. P. magar m. ‘back of shoulder, back’; WPah.pāḍ. magir ‘head’, paṅ. magar. Addenda: *maggara—: WPah.kṭg. mɔgrɔ, poet. mɔgru m. ‘the part of an animal's neck nearest the head’. *maṅkuṇa— see matkuṇa1 Add2. *macya— see *macyatē Add2.
9709 *macc— ‘sound of cracking or smacking’. [Onom. - Cf. *maṭṭ—] P. macc m. ‘smacking sound in eating’; B. mac ‘creak- ing’; M. maċmaċ f. ‘creaking of jaws’; — ext. —kk—: P. macak f. ‘smacking sound’, macakṇā ‘to make such a sound in eating’; N. mackanu ‘to creak’; B. mackāna ‘to be wrenched’; Or. macakibā, makacibā ‘to wrench, crush, tread’; H. macaknā ‘to creak’. *macya— ‘to be kindled’ see next.
9710 *macyatē ‘is produced, grows, is kindled, is rubbed’. 2. *macya—. 3. Pp. *makta—. [mácatē ‘grinds, is arrogant’, máñcatē ‘id., grows high, shines’ Dhātup. - It is difficult in NIA. to separate forms of √mac mean- ing ‘excite, excited’ from √mad (mā́dyati, mattá—) of which in MIA. pres. st. majj— was partially replaced by macc— after the type sitta— ~ siccaï. — The meanings in NIA. support IE. origin (Gk. ma/ssw, &c.) IEW 730. — √mac] 1. Pk. maccaï ‘is excited’; S. macaṇu ‘to be excited, increase, rise to full strength, be fattened’, caus. macāiṇu; L. maccaṇ ‘to burn brightly, be excited’, awāṇ. maccuṇ ‘to rise, be kindled (of fire)’; P. maccṇā ‘to be stirred up, be made’, macāuṇā ‘to kindle, produce’; N. maccinu ‘to be flourished, be made’, macāunu ‘to lift up, flourish’; A. masiba ‘to rub’ (or < mr̥śáti as loanword from a dialect preserving —s—); H. mā̃cnā ‘to be begun’, macānā ‘to raise up, produce’; OMarw. maṁcāvaï ‘creates, brings about’; G. macvũ ‘to swell’, macāvvũ ‘to set on foot, make’; M. māċṇẽ ‘to fill up’, maċṇẽ ‘to swell’, maċaviṇẽ ‘to make’; — Si. masanavā, maha° ‘to sew, fetter’ (EGS 130 wrongly < myákṣati)? 2. S. macu m. ‘blaze’; L. macc m. ‘bonfire’; P. macc m. ‘activity, power’; Ku. māc ‘excitement’; N. mācā- māc, mic—māc ‘pressure of work’. 3. Kho. matí ‘paste smeared on umbilical cord’ (< *maktika— BelvalkarVol 93); S. mato ‘increased, excited, fattened’ (pp. of macaṇu); G. mātũ, mātelũ ‘stout, plump, arrogant’; M. mātṇẽ ‘to be puffed up’. MAJJ ‘sink’: májjati, majjikā—; *unmagna—, ún- majjati, pramajjati, nimajjati. Addenda: *macyatē. 2. *macya—: S.kcch. macc m. ‘heat’.
9714 *majjhika— ‘boatman’. [Cf. maṅga—?] N. mājhi, mā̃jhi ‘boatman’; A. māzi ‘steersman’, B. māji; Or. mājhi ‘steersman’, majhiā ‘boatman’, Bi. Mth. H. mā̃jhī m. *majjhra— ‘marrow’ see majján—.
9722 *maṭ— ‘crackle, snap’. 2. *maṭṭ—. [Onom. — Cf. maṭā̆maṭāyati Gr., maḍamaḍiti Bālar., *macc—] 1. B. maṛmaṛ ‘crashing noise’; — ext. —kk—: P. maṛkaṇā ‘to break in folding’; N. markanu ‘to be sprained’; B. maṛkā ‘brittle’. 2. S. maṭijaṇu ‘to be angered’; A. B. maṭ ‘sound of snapping’; Or. maṭmaṭ ‘staring with wide—opened eyes’; G. maṭmaṭāvũ ‘to open and close quickly’; M. maṭmaṭ ‘sound of quick movement’; — ext. —kk—: P. maṭakṇā ‘to crackle, behave affectedly’; N. maṭakka ‘absolutely’; B. maṭkāna ‘to crack’; Or. maṭkā ‘fragile’; H. maṭaknā ‘to twinkle’. *maṭṭ— ‘crackle’ see prec.
9723 *maṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *maṭṭara—2. 3. *maṭṭha—1. 4. *maṭṭhara—. 5. *maṭha— (in maṭhara— ‘drunk’ lex., ‘insistent’ Rājat.). 6. *maḍa— (maṭa— m. ‘son of a Vaiśya and a Kuṭī’ lex., maṭaha— ‘little, poor’ Yaśast., maṭūṣikā—, v. ll. ma()ḍū°, ma(n)dhū° f. ‘dwarfish girl’ Gr̥S.). 7. *maḍḍa—. 8. *maṇṭa—. 9. *maṇṭha—. 10. *maṇṭhara—. 11. *maṇḍa—4. 12. *māḍa—1. 13. *māḍha—. 14. *māṇa—. 15. *māṇḍha—. [Cf. other ‘defective’ word—groups with initial m—: *mat- thara— (*madda—, *maddha—, *manthara—, manda—, mandara—, *mandhyara—), malvá—, *mēṅga—1, *mēcca—, *miḍḍa— (*miṇḍha1, *mēṭṭa1, *mēṇḍa1, *mēṇḍha1), *mitta— (*middha—, mindā́—, *mindha—, *mindhara—, *mīna—, *mēdda1), *mēssa—, mū́ka— (*mūga—, *mukka2, *mukkara—, *mugga—, *muṅga—, *mōkka—, *mōgga—), *muccha— (*mōccha—), *muṭṭa1 (*muṭṭha1, *muṭṭhara—, *muḍa—, *muḍḍa—, *muḍḍha1, *muṇṭa—, *muṇṭara—, muṇḍa1, *muṇḍha—, *muṇḍhara—, *mōṭṭa1, *mōṭṭha—, *mōṭṭhara—, *mōḍḍa—, *mōṇḍa—), *mutta— (*muttha1, *mutthara1, *munna—, *mōtthara1, *mōdda1, *mōddha—), *mussa—. — Similar series s. vv. kuṇṭha—, *ṭuṇṭa—2, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—4, *rakka—, *lakka—1, vaṇṭa—2, *śaṭṭa—] 1. Pk. maṭṭa— ‘hornless’; Mai. māṭ, ky. mā̆ṭ ‘boy, youth’ (Buddruss Kan 62 < márta—, but cf. K. WPah. words for ‘child’ < *maṭṭha1 below, and generally very many ‘defective’ groups which provide words for ‘child’); B. māṭa ‘slow, sluggish’. 2. S. maṭaru ‘obstinate, perverse’; L. maṭṭar f. ‘troublesome cow, cow giving little milk’; P. maṭṭar ‘not allowing milk to descend into udder (of cows)’. 3. Pk. maṭṭha— ‘lazy’; K. moṭhu ‘dull, worthless’, ḍoḍ. maṭṭho ‘child’, rām. maṭṭhŭ ‘small’; S. maṭhu m. ‘base metal, alloy, dross’, maṭho ‘bad, weak, diluted’; L. maṭṭhā ‘lazy, slow, blunt, cheap’, m. ‘cheapness, glut’, awāṇ. maṭṭhā ‘slow’; P. maṭh—lūṇā ‘imperfectly salted’, maṭṭhā ‘blunt’, maṭhlā m. ‘home—made earthen vessel’, maṭhunn m. ‘blockhead’ (poss. < *maṭṭhuṇḍa- with same ending as bhēruṇḍa— ‘terrible’ MBh.); WPah. bhad. maṭṭhū ‘boy’, bhal. maṭh, khaś. maṭṭhu, pāḍ. māṭhaṛ ‘small’, cur. māṭhṛā, paṅ. maṭhṛā; Ku. māṭhu ‘slowly’; N. māṭho ‘slow’; A. māṭh ‘blunt, slow’, maṭhā ‘immature, coarse (of rice)’; B. māṭha ‘blunt, slow, sluggish’; Or. mā̆ṭhuā ‘slow, lazy’; H. māṭhā, maṭṭhā ‘slow’, māṭhū m. ‘buffoon, ape’; G. māṭhũ ‘vicious, bad, unfortunate’, māṭherũ ‘a little, not much’ (< *maṭṭha—tara—); M. māṭh ‘dumpy, stunted’, māṭhā m. ‘blockhead’. 4. K. mõdotdot;ṭhuru ‘lazy, inert’; Bhoj. maṭṭhar ‘slow, lethargic’; M. māṭharṇẽ ‘to become dull or languid’. 5. S. maṛhu m. ‘sluggard’, maṛho m. ‘sluggard, feeble old man’. 6. Pk. maḍabha— ‘hunchback, dwarfish’, maḍaha—, maḍahulla— ‘small’; OMarw. maḍī f. adj. ‘wretched’; M. maḍ m. ‘hateful fellow’, maṭgā ‘too small’ (< *maḍkā?). 7. H. maḍḍī ‘stupid’, m. ‘fool’; — altern. < *māḍa1: Ku. māṛo ‘thin’; M. māḍā ‘left fallow (of fields)’. 8. S. maṇḍu m. ‘lameness’, maṇḍo ‘lame’, maṇḍāiṇu ‘to limp’; L. maṇḍ m. ‘lameness’, maṇḍā ‘lame’. 9. Pk. maṇṭha— ‘dissolute’; L. maṇḍhā ‘small’. 10. L. maṇḍhrā ‘contemptibly small’. 11. Or. māṇḍuā ‘dull, foolish, coarse, fat’. 12. S. māṛo ‘thin, wicked’; L. māṛā ‘bad, thin, poor’; P. māṛā ‘thin, weak, bad, worthless, little, scarce’ (whence maṛappaṇ m. ‘leanness’); WPah.jaun. māṛō ‘weak’, (Joshi) māṛu, māṛā; Si. mala ‘miserly, niggardly’ (or < malvá—), maḷi ‘lazy’; — altern. < *maḍḍa—: Ku. māṛo ‘thin’; M. māḍā ‘left fallow’. 13. M. māḍhā ‘left fallow’. 14. Ku. māṇo ‘man without beard or mustache’ (or < mānavá—). 15. P. mā̃ḍhā ‘dwarfish’. *maṭṭhāṅgaka—. Addenda: *maṭṭa—. 3. *maṭṭha—1: S.kcch. māṭh ‘silent’; WPah.kṭg. máṭṭhɔ, máṇṭhɔ ‘small, young’, máṭḥṛɔ, máṇṭhṛɔ, máṭhƏṛḍɔ ‘smaller, younger’; J. māṭhā ‘small’, māṭhṛā ‘smaller, younger’. 9. *maṇṭha—: S.kcch. maṇḍhyo ‘stubborn’, maṇḍhāṇū ‘to limp’. 11. *maṇḍa— 4 (maṇḍūra2 ‘bodily defective’ RV., ‘rust of iron’ lex. ~ *mandūra— ‘iron dross’ s.v. *matthara— Add2). 12. *māḍa—1: WPah.kṭg. maṛɔ ‘weak, bad’, J. māṛā ‘feeble’. *maṭṭha— 1 ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa— Add2.
9724 *maṭṭara— 1 ‘pea’. 2. *maṭṭha— 3. 1. S. maṭaru m. ‘a grain of the pulse Lathyrus sativus’; L. maṭṭar m. ‘the pea Pisum sativum’; P. maṭṭar, mattar m. ‘pea’, N. maṭar, A. maṭar—māh (mā́ṣa1), B. maṭar, Or. maṭara; Bi. maṭar ‘P. sativum’, (SWShahabad) maṇṭar; H. maṭar m. ‘P. sativum’, maṭrā m. ‘large variety of pea’, °rī f. ‘small do.’. 2. G. M. maṭh m. ‘pea’: see also mukuṣṭha—. *maṭṭara—2, *maṭṭha— 1 ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—.
9725 *maṭṭha— 2 ‘lump’. [Other ‘lump’ words with initial m— are *mikkara— (*mēṅga2, *mēṅgana—), *mēñca—2, *mēṭṭa2 (*mēṇḍa2), *mēdda—2, *mucca—, *muḍḍha2 (*muṇḍa2), *muttha2 (*mutthara2, *mōtthara2, *mōdda2). — Cf. similar ‘defective’ word—groups s.v. *maṭṭa—] P. maṭhunnī f. ‘lump of clay or dough’ (< *maṭ- ṭhuṇḍa—? — Cf. maṭhunn s.v. *maṭṭha1). *maṭṭha— 3 ‘pea’ see *maṭṭara1. *maṭṭhara— ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—.
9726 *maṭṭhāṅgaka— ‘stout—bodied’. [*maṭṭha—1, áṅga1] A. maṭhaṅā ‘stout and rough’. *maṭrakka— ‘frog’ see maṇḍū́ka—.
9729 *maḍh— ‘cover’. Pk. maḍhia— ‘covered, set’, māḍhia— ‘covered with armour’, māḍhī— f. ‘armour’; S. maṛhaṇu ‘to cover (book, drum, chair)’; P. maṛhṇā ‘to cover with cloth’; H. maṛhnā, mãḍhnā ‘to cover, overspread, encrust’; G. maḍhvũ ‘to cover (book, drum, &c.)’; M. maḍhṇẽ ‘to cover, encrust’.
9734 *maṇigranthi— ‘wrist’. 2. ‘bracelet’. [Primary mng. is ‘wrist’ (→ Tam. maṇikaṭṭu ‘wrist’, Tu. maṇigaṇṭů ‘wrist—bone’); mng. ‘bracelet’ due to association with maṇí1. It replaces maṇibandha— m. (with similar double mngs.) ‘wrist’ Suśr., ‘ornament’ Kālid. - maṇi—2, granthí—] 1. H. mangaṭ f. ‘wrist, ankle, pastern’, M. maṇgaṭ n. 2. H. mangaṭī, maṅg° f. ‘bracelet set with jewels’, M. maṇgaṭī f. *maṇṭa— ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—. maṇṭapa— see maṇḍapa—. *maṇṭrakka— ‘frog’ see maṇḍū́ka—. *maṇṭha—, *maṇṭhara— ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—. MAṆḌ ‘adorn’. [Scarcely < *mr̥ndati ‘rubs’; nor is P. Thieme's derivation (ZDMG 93, 133) as MIA. < *mr̥ṁṣṭē (√mr̥j) phonet. convincing. Prob. with J. Bloch BSOS v 741 ← Drav. (Tam. maṇṇu ‘to decorate’ DED 3833] maṇḍa—2, maṇḍana—, maṇḍáyati.
9738 *maṇḍadhara— ‘ornament carrier’. [maṇḍa—2, dhara—] N. maṛher, maṛer ‘one who carries ornaments &c. in the marriage procession’.
9744 *maṇḍādaka— ‘frog—eater’. [maṇḍa—5, ada—] Kho. maḍa g ‘heron’ BelvalkarVol 93.
9745 *maṇḍādhāna— ‘framework support’. [maṇḍa—6 (?), ādhā́na—] G. mãḍāṇ n. ‘wooden frame on a well for irrigation bucket’? *maṇḍukka— ‘frog’ see next.
9751 *mattapāla— ‘drunkard’. [mattá—, pālá—] Pk. mattavāla— m. ‘drunkard’; P. matvālā ‘drunk, mad’; B. mātāl ‘drunkard’, Or. matuāḷa; OAw. matavārā ‘drunk, mad’; H. matwāl m. ‘drunkard’.
9753 *matti— ‘intoxication’. [√mad 1] A. māti ‘excitedly’; B. māt ‘delight, ecstasy, pomp’; Or. māta ‘intoxication’, māt or māti uṭhibā ‘excitement to arise in oneself, itching to begin (of ringworm)’; M. māt f. ‘pomp’.
9754 *matthara— ‘defective’. 2. *madda—. 3. *maddha—. 4. manthara— (f. °rı̄́— Pāṇ.gaṇa) ‘slow, lazy, dull, bent, hunchbacked’ lex., °raka— m. ‘name of a hunchback’ Pañcat. 5. manda— ‘dull—witted’ KaṭhUp., ‘slow, idle, weak’ MBh., ‘bad’ MārkP., °aka— ‘simple, stupid’. 6. mandara— ‘slow, tardy, large, thick’ lex. [A ‘de- fective’ word—group poss. developed, with variations similar to those of other such groups, from manda- (√mand 2): but cf. also mindā́— f. ‘bodily defect’ TS. - See *mandhyara— and list s.v. *maṭṭa—] 1. K. mathōra, f. °thürü ‘corpulent’; N. matthar ‘slow, dim, dull’. 2. N. madauro ‘sick’ (+ ?); Or. mādā ‘lazy, dull, slow’. 3. N. madhauro, Or. mādhā: both as in 2. 4. Pk. maṁthara— ‘slow, dull, crooked’; S. mandhiro ‘dwarfish, short, low, little’; L. madhrā, (Ju.) mandhrā, (Shahpur) madhra ‘short’, P. mandhrā ‘short in stature’; N. madhuro ‘dim, tasteless’. 5. Pa. manda— ‘slow, lazy, stupid, unprofitable’; Pk. maṁda— ‘slow, lazy, small, base’, n. ‘illness’; K. mondu , f. münzü ‘slow, dull, stupid’; S. mando ‘bad, wicked’; L. mandā m. ‘evil—speaking’, mãdāī f. ‘wickedness’, awāṇ. mandā ‘bad’, mā̃dā ‘sick, dying’ (← Centre or G.?); P. mand ‘little, slight, faint’, mandā ‘bad’; WPah. bhal. manno ‘bad’; Or. māndā ‘lazy, slow’, (Sambhal- pur) mãd ‘bad’; Mth. mandā ‘vile, slow, gentle’; Aw.lakh. mā̃dā ‘sick’; H. mā̃d ‘faded, tarnished, stale’, f. ‘dull colour, dunghill’, mandā ‘slow, sluggish, stupid’; G. mā̃dũ ‘sick’; M. mā̃dā ‘sick’ (LM 383 ← Pers.), mand, madā̆ḍ, mãdaṭ ‘slow, stupid’, mãdā ‘relaxed, abated, cheap’; Si. man̆da, mada ‘small, weak’, (SigGr) mad ‘insufficient’, madi ‘defective, insufficient, low, vile’; Md. madu ‘slow’. — Vocalization obscure in Or. māundā ‘slow, lazy’; M. maı̃d ‘lazy, stupid’. 6. H. mandrā ‘short, stumpy, squat’. mandatara—, mandimán—; *mandadhainava—, *mandapāta—, mandākṣa—, mandāgni—. Addenda: *matthara— [mindā́— TS. ~ maṇḍūra— RV.]. 4. *manthara—: S.kcch. mandhro ‘dwarfish, short- statured’. 5. manda—: S.kcch. māndho ‘sick’; OP. manūru m. ‘scrap iron, iron dross, slag’ (~ †;maṇḍūra2 ‘bodily defective’ RV., ‘rust on iron’ lex. s.v. *maṭṭa— Add2) C. Shackle.
9762 *matsyahāra— ‘fisherman’. [mátsya—, hāra1] L. (Ju.) mañcharī m. ‘fisherman’; OSi. mahavar ‘fishmonger (?)’.
9765 *mathabhāṇḍa— ‘churning vessel’. [matha—, bhāṇḍa1] Bi. mahā̃ṛā, (Patna) mahāṛā ‘vessel for making curds in’.
9768 *mathitayavāgū— ‘buttermilk and rice gruel’. [mathitá—, yavāgu—] Ext. —ḍa—: Bi. mahiyāur ‘mess of rice &c. in butter- milk’; — (SWShahabad) maher, H. maher m., °rī f. (or < *mahia—ḍa— s.v. mathitá—?).
9769 *mathitahāra— ‘curd—carrier’. [mathitá—, hāra1] G. mahiyārī f. ‘milkwoman, curd—seller’.
9774 *madatāḍikā— ‘intoxicating palm juice’. [máda—, *tāḍa3] H. māṛī f. ‘fermented juice of the palmyra’.
9783 *madrarāṣṭra— ‘country of the Madras’. [madrá—, rāṣṭrá—] Pa. maddaraṭṭha— n. ‘id.’; Si. maduraṭa ‘a country in India’ EGS 127.
9787 *madhukapakṣin— ‘name of a bird’. [madhuka—3, pakṣín—] OAw. mahokhā̆ ‘name of a bird’; H. mahokhā m. ‘the bird Parra jacana’.
9790 *madhukuṇḍikā— ‘beehive’. [mádhu—, kuṇḍá1] Ku. mauni ‘beehive’.
9791 *madhukula— ‘beehive’. [mádhu—, kúla—] M. mohūḷ n. ‘bee's nest (hive and comb)’.
9796 *madhuravr̥kṣa— ‘a tree with sweet fruit’. [Cf. madhuvṛkṣa— m. ‘Bassia latifolia’ lex. — madhurá—, vr̥kṣá—] Kho. mrac̣(h) ‘mulberry’, Phal. maharoc̣ BelvalkarVol 93.
9799 *madhulaṣṭi— ‘liquorice’. [Cf. madhuyaṣṭī̆—, °ṭikā— f. lex. — mádhu—, *laṣṭi—] Pa. madhulaṭṭhikā— f. ‘liquorice’; Pk. mahulaṭṭhi— f. ‘liquorice plant, sugarcane’; — P. mulaṭṭhī f. ‘liquorice’, H. mulaiṭhī, mulahṭī, mulhaṭṭī f.: or poss. < *mūlayaṣṭi- which would phonet. better account for H.
9800 *madhuṣya— ‘sweet’. [mádhus— n. ‘sweetness’ TS. - mádhu—] Sv. mušṓ ‘sweet’? mádhus— see prec.
9802 *madhūkapattrikā— ‘leaf of the tree Bassia latifolia’. [madhū́ka—, páttra—] H. mahotī f. ‘fruit of B. latifolia’.
9803 *madhūkavaṭa— ‘Bassia flower cake’. [madhū́ka—, vaṭa3] Bi. mahuar ‘soaked and crushed Bassia flowers made into a cake with flour, gram, pease or linseed’.
9806 *madhyaṁdiva— ‘midday’. [Cf. madhyáṁdina—. - mádhya—, divá—] S. mañjhandi f. ‘early afternoon, midday meal’; or poss. < *madhyānta or less likely madhyāhna—.
9807 *madhyacāra— ‘going between’. [Cf. madhyacārin- Hit. — mádhya—, cāra1] Sh. (Lor.) m *l ǰāro m., f. °ri ‘go—between (for lover), pimp’.
9808 *madhyapada— or °pāda— ‘middle footing’. [mádhya—, padá1 or pā́da—] Bi. mãjhwā ‘connecting bar between crosspieces of foundations of a spinning wheel’. *madhyapāda— see prec.
9809 *madhyapūra— ‘middling full’. [mádhya—, pūra1] Wg. maǰewḗ, maı̃weō ‘half—full’?
9811 *madhyayaṣṭi— ‘middle stick’. [mádhya—, yaṣṭí—] H. majeṭhī f. ‘stick joining the two sticks which sup- port wheel of spinning—wheel’ or < *madhyēṣṭha—?
9812 *madhyavasar— ‘midday’. [mádhya—, vasar—] Pr. munǰus, °ǰüs, °ǰesú ‘midday’.
9813 *madhyavāra— ‘middle projection’. [mádhya—, vāra2] Mth. mãjhwāra ‘projecting knob in middle of upper part of yoke of a plough’. madhyastha— see *madhyēṣṭha—.
9814 *madhyāgāra— ‘the middle of a house’. [mádhya—, agāra—] Pk. majjhaāra— n. ‘middle space’; N. majhyāri ‘floor’; Ko. mājār ‘middle part of a house’.
9817 *madhyāra— ‘the middle’. 2. *madhyāriya— ‘being in the middle’. [~*madhyāna— in Av. mai d yāna- (EWA ii 572), cf. madhyanya— ‘intermediate (esp. in rank)’ lex. (J. C. W.). — mádhya—] 1. S. majhāro adj. ‘inside’; B. mājhār ‘the middle’, H. majhār, mãjhār m., majhārā adj.; OG. majhāri postp. ‘into’; M. māj̈hārı̄̃ adv. ‘within’. 2. WPah.bhal. maj̈hāriũ n. adj. ‘coming in the middle (of children)’; B. mājhāri ‘middling—sized’; OAw. maṁjhārī ‘middlemost’. Addenda: *madhyāra— [Altern. < *madhyatara—, Pk. (Hāla) majjhaara— ‘being in the middle’ (v.l. majjhaāra— < majjhaara— X *majjhāra—?) J.C.W.] S.kcch. minjārā ‘in, inside’.
9818a *madhyēṣṭha—: WPah.kṭg. manj̈ṭh e ‘in the middle’ Him.I 173.
9819 *madhyēmāsa— ‘middle of the month’. [mádhya—, mā́sa1] Si. inscr. mändimasä ‘in the middle of the month’ prob. a Si. cmpd.
9820 *madhyēsasya— ‘intermediate crop’. [mádhya—, sasyá—] Si. inscr. madehasahi ‘at the intermediate harvest’ prob. a Si. cmpd. MAN ‘think’: mánas—, manasyáti, manutḗ, mántra—, mányatē, manyú—, mā́na—1, mānana—, mānáyati, mīmāṁsyátē, *munāti, múni—; ánumata—, apamāna—, abhimanyu—, abhimāna—, avamāna—, ā́mana—, *āma- nutē, *unmānayati, saṁmata—.
9831 *manuṣyarūpa— ‘the form of a man’. [manuṣyà—, rūpá—] H. manserū, mansaruā m. ‘man, male’.
9844 *manthārikā— ‘churning—stick’. [Poss. with man- thāna— from heteroclitic st. *manthar/n—. — √manth] L. mãdhārī f. ‘churning—stick’. MAND 1 ‘rejoice’: mandrá—; — √mad 1. MAND 2 ‘stand still’: manda—, mandimán—, mandirá—, mandurā́—1, *mamandati; — √mad 2. manda— see *matthara—.
9845 *mandadhainava— ‘little milk’. [manda—, dhainava—] P. maheṇmā̃, mahenvā̃ m. ‘want of milk, lack of cattle or dairy produce’, ludh. manhḗṇmā̃ ‘loss or lessening of milk’.
9846 *mandapāta— ‘falling ill’. [manda—, pāta—] G. mãdvāṛ m. ‘sickness’. mandara— see *matthara—.
9850 *mandāravana— ‘grove of coral trees’. [mándāra—, vána—] B. māndāran ‘name of a place’ ODBL 347.
9856 *mandhyara— ‘defective’. [Cf. vandhya— and man- dara— s.v. manda—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—] K. manzuru m., °zürü f. ‘cripple’, mạnzarun ‘to be imperfect, to diminish’.
9860 *mamandati ‘is still’. [From perf. st. in imper. mamandhi ‘delay’ RV., pres. mandati ‘sleeps’ VS. - √mand 2] K. mamanun, mamalun ‘to become motionless, be paralysed, be stupified’, mamunu ‘motionless’.
9861 *mamma— 1 ‘nipple’. [Nursery word] P. mammā, °mā̃ m. ‘teat, nipple’; M. (children) mām m. ‘mother's breast’.
9862 *mamma— 2 ‘food’. [Nursery word] A. mām ‘food’, G. M. mām n.
9863 *mammaḍa— ‘crust, scab’. N. māmro, °ri ‘crust (of bread)’; A. māmar ‘rust’, māmri ‘ringworm’; B. māmṛi ‘scab’ (ODBL 691 < márman—). maya— in cmpds. ‘made of’: *avimaya—, kāṣṭhamaya—, gōmáya—, *canakamaya—, tilamáya—, darbhamáya—, dānamaya—, rajatamaya—, suvarṇamaya—, strīmaya—, hiraṇyamáya—.
9866 *mayūrapakṣala— ‘made of peacock's feathers’. [mayū́ra—, pakṣá—] K. mŏr(a)chala, mōrachal m. ‘whisk or fan of pea- cock's feathers’.
9870 *marati ‘crushes, rubs’. 2. *malati. 3. *mārayati2. 4. *mālayati. [√mr̥̄] 1. Pk. maria— ‘broken’; Kt. marétum ‘I wash clothes’, (Kamdesh) marónum ‘I thresh’; Wg. mara— ‘to thresh’ NTS xvii 278, muriam 1 sg. NTS vii 99 (or < *murati); Bashg. mar— ‘to shampoo’; K. marun ‘to paste on, fasten on’ (semant. cf. Kho. manik < mánthati). 2. Pk. malaï, °lēi ‘rubs’, Ash. meŕ—, K. malun; S. maraṇu ‘to work up in water with the fingers’; L. malaṇ, mult. maḷaṇ, awāṇ. maluṇ ‘to rub, knead, stroke’ (→ S. malaṇu ‘to rub’); P. maḷnā ‘to rub’; N. malnu ‘to rub, anoint’; A. maliba ‘to crush, squeeze, dissolve by crushing, scour’; B. malā ‘to rub’; Or. maḷibā ‘to thresh, crush, rub’, peḷa—maḷa ‘crushing the testicles (for gelding a horse)’; Mth. malab ‘to rub, shampoo’, Bhoj. malal, H. malnā, M. maḷṇẽ. 3. WPah. (Joshi) mārṇu ‘to copulate’. 4. Gy. eur. malav— ‘to strike’ (or < *mrādayati?); Si. malavanavā ‘to stir in cooking, cook herbs for curry or medicine’. — See *murati. Addenda: *marati. 2. *malati: WPah.kṭg. mɔlṇõ; ‘to rub’ ← H. Him.I 177; Garh. maḷnu ‘to besmear, rub’; A. maliba also ‘to wipe (tears)’ AFD 331.
9874 *mariyasthāna— ‘having the position of servant’. [márya—, sthā́na—] Kho. maristán ‘slave’ Belvalkar Vol 93, Sh. mărĭstắn m. *mariyādā— ‘boundary’ see maryā́dā—.
9880 *markakakaṇa— ‘maize—grain’. [markaka—, káṇa—] M. makāṇā m. ‘grain of maize’.
9881 *markakatr̥ṇa— ‘maize—straw’. [markaka—, tŕ̥ṇa—] M. makā̆ṇ n. ‘maize—straw’.
9885 *margā— ‘wild goat’. 2. *marjikā—. [Cf. Wkh. m e rg f. ‘ibex’. — mr̥gá—] 1. Ash. mlaṅ f. ‘mountain goat’, Wg. mŕaṅ, mraṅ; Kt. mŕoṅ ‘female ibex’ (→ Kal.urt. mroṅ); Pr. mā̆ṅgƏ, mā̆ṅg ‘female markhor’, maṅċū̃ ‘markhor kid’, Paš.kuṛ. loṅ f. ‘markhor’, Gaw. blaṅ; — Dm. mraṅ m. ‘markhor’ (~ maži f. below). 2. Dm. maži ‘female markhor’, Kal. muṣ, Kho. mažḗ g.
9886 *marja— ‘meadow’. [Cf. Av. marƏza— ‘border region’, Pers. marz] Kt. bŕunċ ‘meadow’, Wg. brũz, brü̃z, Pr. munz NTS xiii 230. *marjikā— ‘wild goat’ see *margā—. Addenda: *marja— ‘margin, border’. [IE. *mereĝ— IEW 738, Goth. marka ‘border’; see also Add.] Dm. brãs ‘meadow’, Kal. brun(z—); Kho. bron ‘meadow, small path between fields’, brōnsk ‘meadow’ (ac. Morgenstierne ID 111, 250, 333 all Kaf. Dard. forms are ← Ir., cf. Pers. marz ‘border, field with raised borders’) — rather < IE. *mreĝ—?
9897 *marśati or *marśayati ‘rubs’. [Cf. perf. mamarśa Gr. and cmpd. vbs. ávamarśayati ŚBr., abhim° ŚāṅkhBr., anum° Kāṭh. — √mr̥ś] Wg. maṣáam ‘I rub, sweep’; Paš. maš— ‘to rub in’ IIJ 4, 164; P.ḍog. masanā ‘to wipe’; Ku. māsṇo ‘to cleanse (vessels)’. — See maṣati. marṣa— see amarṣa—. Addenda: *marśati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) máśṇõ; ‘to rub, scrub’.
9903 *malākta— ‘smeared with dirt’. [mála—, aktá—] K. malotu ‘filthy’, m. ‘dung’.
9904 *malin— ‘dirty’. [mála—] Pk. mali— ‘dirty’, Or. maḷi, maḷiā, Si. mili (EGS 134 < *malita—); —ext. —l—: Pk. maïla— (< *malila— H. Smith JA 1950, 196: phonet. cf. pálāla—, *balilla—, *chalilla—), S. mero; Or. maïḷa ‘dirt’, maïḷā ‘dirty’; — —l— or —ll—: P. mail f. ‘dirt’, mailā ‘dirty’; WPah.khaś. mel ‘ear—wax’; N. mailo ‘dirty’, A. maïlā; H. mail f. ‘dirt’, mailā ‘dirty’; — —ll— (or poss. all, like B. mayalā, Or. mailā, M. mail m.f. and adj. LM 391, ← H.): S. mailu m., °la f. ‘dirt’; Ku. mail ‘dirt’, gng. m e_ l ‘dirty’, Mth. mail; OG. maïlaü ‘dirty’, G. m e l m. ‘dirt’, m e lũ ‘dirty’. maliná—. Addenda: *malin—. With —l—: WPah.kṭg. m e_ m., poet. m e ḷa, mɔiḷa m. ‘dirt’, kṭg. m e ḷɔ ‘dirty’. With —ll—: Garh. m e l ‘dirt’; OMarw. mailā voc.sg. ‘dirty’.
9906 *malōdaka— ‘silt’. [mála—, udaká—] Kho. (Lor.) mulō g ‘alluvium, silt’.
9911 *malladvīpa— ‘island of the Mallas’. [malla—2, dvīpá—] Si. maldiva ‘the Maldive Islands’.
9922 *maṣipōtta— ‘sooty cloth’. [máṣi—, *pōtta2] G. masotũ n. ‘kitchen cloth’. maṣmaṣā́karōti see maṣati. masiná— see mā́rtsna—.
9927 *mastatalaka— ‘surface of head’. [masta—, tala—] G. mathāḷũ n. ‘top, heading, forepart of anything, turban’.
9928 *mastavaraka— ‘covering for the head’. [masta—, varaka3] H. mathaurā m. ‘sunshade’.
9929 *mastavastra— ‘headcloth’. [masta—, vástra—] G. mathotī f. ‘that part of a sāṛī which covers the head’.
9930 *mastavīra— ‘chief hero’. [masta—, vīrá—] S. matheru m. ‘champion’? mastíṣka— see masta—.
9938 *mahākathana— ‘big words’. [mahā—, kathana—] G. maheṇũ, mehṇũ, meṇũ n. ‘taunt, bitter remark, sarcasm’.
9940 *mahāgāra— ‘palace’. [mahā—, agāra—] B. mehār(ī) ‘palace’. — Or < *mahāghara— (cf. mahāgr̥ha— n. Mr̥cch.); less likely < mahālaya— (ODBL 540). *mahāghara— see prec.
9944 *mahānasāgāra— ‘kitchen—house’. [mahānasá—, agāra—] Bi. H. bhansār m. ‘fireplace’.
9945 *mahānasin— ‘belonging to the kitchen’. [mahānasá—] Pk. mahāṇasi— m., —iṇī— f., mahāṇasiya— m. ‘cook’, N. bhānse, bhānche.
9947 *mahāpati— ‘great lord’. [mahā—, páti—] OG. mahavaï m. ‘king’. mahāpatha— see next.
9948 *mahāpantha— ‘highroad’. [Cf. mahāpatha— m. AitBr., Pk. mahāvaha— m. — mahā—, pánthā—] Si. mahavata, māvata ‘high road’ (ES 78 wrongly < —vartman—).
9949 *mahāpitr̥— ‘grandfather’. [mahā—, pitŕ̥—] Pa. mahāpitā m., OSi. mähävi. — Cf. Pk. cmpd. mahāpiu— m. ‘father's elder brother’.
9953 *mahārukṣa— ‘great tree’. [Cf. mahāvr̥kṣá— m. ‘great tree’ AV., ‘species of Euphorbia’ Suśr. — mahā—, *rukṣa—] Pa. mahārukkha— m. ‘great tree, Euphorbia tortilis’; Si. maharuk, māruk ‘coconut palm’.
9963 *mahilārūpa— ‘woman’. [mahilā́—, rūpá—] Bi. mehrārū ‘wife’; Mth. Bhoj. meharārū ‘woman, wife’; Aw. meharārū, mẽdhārū, meheruā, meharuā ‘woman’ BRS 43, 90., H. mahirārū, mihr°, mahr° f.
9965 *mahiṣagandhin— ‘smelling of buffaloes’. [mahiṣá—, gandhá—] Ku. bhaisaini ‘smelling of buffaloes’.
9967 *mahiṣacāra— ‘grazing for buffaloes’. [mahiṣá- cāra2] P.kgr. mehārā m. ‘grazing—ground for buffaloes, place in jungle where buffaloes are tethered’.
9968 *mahiṣadhanin— ‘having a buffalo herd’. [makiṣá—, dhanín—] A. maïhān ‘buffalo—owner’.
9970 *mahiṣarūpa— ‘buffalo’. [Cf. māhiṣaṁ rūpam R. - mahiṣá—, rūpá—] P. mahirū, maihrū f. ‘buffalo’, mihrū ‘pertaining to buffaloes’; M. mhaisrū̃, mhasrū̃ n. ‘buffalo (bull or cow)’.
9971 *mahiṣavarga— ‘herd of buffaloes’. [mahiṣá—, várga—] S. mehāǥo m., °ǥī f. ‘herd of buffaloes’, L. mihāg, (Ju.) mihāǥ f.
9980 *mahyā— ‘buffalo’. 2. *mahiyā—. [For formation ~ mahiṣá— cf. *rōhya— ~ rōhiṣa—: further maha— m. ‘buffalo’, mahā— f. ‘cow’ lex., māhēyī— f. ‘cow’ MBh., Pk. māhila— ‘buffalo—herdsman’ der. *māhiya—? - P. Tedesco Language 19, 14 derives from máhiṣī- through *mahiṁśī— (cf. Pa. mahiṁsa—) > *mahiñjhī—. - mah—] 1. S. mañjha, °jhī f. ‘buffalo’, L. majjh f., mult. mañjh, pl. majhı̄̃ f., awāṇ. majh, pl. °jhı̄̃ f., P. majjh, majjhī f. 2. Bi. (N of Ganges) bhaı̄̃ f.? *māhya—. ‘measure’: *māta—, mā́ti, mā́trā—, mā́na—2, māpaka—, māpayati, māpya—, *māpyatē, mā́yatē, mita—, mitya—, *mināti, mīyátē1, mēmīyatē; anu- māna—, unmāna—, *unmāpayati, *unmāpya—, *unmā- yatē, upamā́—, *nimāta—, *nimāti, *nimātra—, *nimāna—, nirmāti, nirmāṇa—, nirmāpayati, nírmita—, *nirmi- tatva—, parimāṇa—, pratimā́—, pramāṇa—, pramāṇika—, pramāpayati, vimā́na—, sáṁmāti, saṁmāna—, *saṁmā- payati, saṁmīyatē.
9983 *māṁsadhārā— ‘line of gums’. [māṁsá—, dhā́rā2] S. mahāra f. ‘gums of teeth’, L. marhāē, pl. °hā̃ f.
9984 *māṁsapuṭaka— ‘the gums’. [māṁsá—, puṭa—] L.awāṇ. masūṛē ‘the gums’, P. masū(h)ṛā, musū(h)ṛā m.; Ku. masyūṛā ‘lips’ (semant. cf. Ku. miri ‘lips, gums’); N. musuro ‘the tooth of a horse which tells its age’; H. masūṛā m. ‘the gums’; — with unexpl. loss of —s—: B. māṛi, meṛe ‘the gums’, Or. māṛī.
9985 *māṁsāhārin— ‘eating meat’. [māṁsāhāra— m. ‘meat- eating’ MW. — māṁsá—, āhāra—] H. masahār m. ‘one who eats meat’. Addenda: *māṁsāhārin—: OP. māsahārī m.
9988 *mākṣakulika— ‘bee’. [From *mākṣakula— ‘honey- comb, hive’: cf. *makṣikākula—. — *mākṣa—, kúla—] WPah.bhal. māchɔli ‘bee’.
9990 *mākṣikakara— or *mākṣakara— ‘bee’. [Cf. madhu- kara— m. ŚārṅgP., °kāra— m. BhP., °kārī— f. R. - mākṣiká—, kará1] Ash. mačarīk, °čerı̄́k ‘bee’, Wg. mac̣arı̄́k, Kt. mačerík NTS ii 265, mac̣e° Rep1 59, Pr. mučerík, mƏṣkerík, muṭkurı̄́k, Shum. mā̃c̣hā́rik, Kal.rumb. mac̣hḗrik, Bshk. mā́c̣ēr, Phal. māc̣hurı̄́ f.; Sh.koh. măc̣hāri f. ‘bee’, gil. (Lor.) m *l c̣hari ‘bee, wasp, hornet’ (in latter meaning poss. < *makṣātara—); P. makhīr m. ‘bee’, kgr. ‘honey’; — Gaw. mā̃c̣(h)oṛík with unexpl. ——.
9991 *mākṣikamadhu— ‘honey’. [mākṣiká—, mádhu—] P. mākhyõmacr; f., mākho m. ‘honey, honeycomb’.
9994 *māghavr̥ṣṭi— ‘rain in the month January—February’. [māghá—, vŕ̥ṣṭi—] P. mahāvaṭ m. ‘winter rain (esp. in Māgh)’, OAw. māhuṭa m., H. mahāwaṭh, °waṭ m.; G. māvṭhũ n. ‘shower of rain at an unseasonable time, esp. one in Māgh’. māghī— see māghá—.
9996 *māḍa— 2 ‘upper storey of a house’. [mālaka— m. ‘raised pavilion or balcony’ Siṁhās. (see S. Lévi BSOS viii 623), mālikā— f. ‘whitewashed upper—storeyed house’ lex., māḍi— f. ‘palace’ lex. — ← Drav., Tam. māṭam ‘storeyed house’, Kan. māḍi ‘upstair house’, &c. DED 3930. Cf. mēṭa— m. ‘whitewashed storeyed house’ lex. also ← Drav. ib.] Pa. māḷa— ‘sort of pavilion’, māḷaka—, mālaka— m. ‘circular enclosure’, maṇḍala—māḷa— m. ‘circular hall with peaked roof’; Pk. māla— m. ‘raised platform, upper part of a house’, māḍia— n. ‘house’; Wg. māla, malá ‘roof’, mala—druḗk ‘smoke—hole’ NTS xvii 275; S. māṛī f. ‘upper storey’; L. māṛī f. ‘storeyed house of burnt brick’; P. māṛī f. ‘upper storey’; G. māḷ m. ‘loft, upper storey’, māḷɔ m. ‘loft, large house’, māḷiyũ n. ‘loft’; M. māḷ m. ‘stage, platform’, māḷā m. ‘loft, granary’, māḍī f. ‘storey of a house, loft’; Si. maḷu—va ‘courtyard of a house’. māḍi— see prec. *māḍha—, *māṇa— ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—. māṇaka— see mānaka1. māṇavá— see mānavá—.
9998 *māṇiya— ‘collection of jewels’. [maṇí1] Pa. māniya— Saddanīti 621, 8; Sh. (Lor.) māni m. ‘necklace, round bead (?)’; Si. mäṇa ‘jewel’ H. Smith JA 1950, 209. *māṇḍha— ‘defective’ see *maṭṭa—.
9999 *māta— ‘measured, made of’. [Cf. Av. māta— ~ vīmīta—. — √] Pk. māya— ‘contained in, fitted into’. *śr̥ṅgamāta—.
10002 *mātuḥṣvasr̥gōtra— ‘mother's sister's family’. [mā- tuḥṣvasr̥—, gōtrá—] N. mased—bhai ‘mother's sister's son’. Addenda: *mātuḥṣvasr̥gōtra— see mātuḥṣvasr̥— Add2.
10003 *mātuḥṣvasr̥ghara— ‘mother's sister's house’. [mātuḥṣvasr̥—, ghara—] L. P. maser, °rā m. ‘mother's sister's son’, P. maser- bhāī m.; H. mauserā ‘of a mother's sister’. Addenda: *mātuḥṣvasr̥ghara—, 10004 *mātuḥṣvasr̥jāta— see †;mātr̥ṣvasēya—.
10004 *mātuḥṣvasr̥jāta— ‘mother's sister's son’. [mātuḥ- ṣvasr̥—, jātá—] G. maśiāi, f. maśiyeṇ ‘related through mother (of mother's sister's child)’.
10005 *mātuḥṣvasr̥putra— ‘mother's sister's child’. 2. *mātuḥṣvasr̥kāputra—. [mātuḥṣvasr̥—, putrá1] 1. K. māsaturu ‘relating to mother's sister’ e.g. m° dryuyu m. ‘husband's mother's sister's son’, māsatürü f. ‘mother's sister's daughter’. 2. Mth. masiaut bhāi ‘mother's sister's son’, Bhoj. masiāut. — X *māmaputra— q.v.
10006 *mātuḥṣvasr̥śvaśura— ‘spouse's mother's sister's husband’. [mātuḥṣvasr̥—, śváśura—] P. masiauhrā, māsehorā, masauhrā m. ‘id.’
10007 *mātuḥṣvasr̥śvaśrū— ‘spouse's mother's sister’. [mātuḥṣvasr̥—, śvaśrū́—] P. mā̆sehas, masehsu f. ‘id.’
10008 *māturta— ‘mother's brother’. [For —ta— cf. Lat. patrītus ‘of one's father’. — mātŕ̥—] Bshk. mō't ‘mother's brother’ (pl. mōlū < mātulá—) AO xviii 245.
10010 *mātulaśvaśura— ‘wife's or husband's mother's brother’. [mātulá—, śváśura—] P. maliauhrā m. ‘wife's or husband's mother's brother’; H. maulasrā, maulas m. ‘maternal uncles of husband and wife as related to each other, sister's child's spouse's mother's brother’. Addenda: *mātulaśvaśura—, 10011 *mātulaśvaśrū—: poss. H. maulas rather < *maülā hās m. ‘maternal uncle (as) in—law’ formed from *maülī hās f. ‘his wife (as) in- law’; this, with L.awāṇ. malihas f., P. malehas f., maliauhrā m. may involve collision with mātulēya—. J.C.W.
10011 *mātulaśvaśrū— ‘wife's or husband's mother's brother's wife’. [mātulá—, śvaśrū́—] L.awāṇ. malihas ‘wife's uncle's wife’; P. malehas f. ‘wife's or husband's mother's brother's wife’.
10017 *mātr̥kula— ‘mother's family’. [mātŕ̥—, kúla—] N. māwal ‘mother's father's house’ (or < mā- tulya—?). *mātr̥kulika—.
10018 *mātr̥kulika— ‘belonging to mother's family’. [*mā- tr̥kula—] N. māwali, māuli ‘belonging to mother's family’.
10021 *mātr̥ghara— ‘mother's house’. [mātŕ̥—, ghara—] Pk. māihara— n. ‘temple of the goddess Durgā’; G. mahiy e r, māyarũ n. ‘wife's family house’, M. māhar n.
10022 *mātr̥tarā— ‘stepmother’. [Cf. RV. mātŕ̥tama— ‘very like a mother’ RV. and Lat. matertera.mātŕ̥—] P. mater f. ‘stepmother’. mātr̥ṣvasr̥— see mātuḥṣvasr̥—.
10024 *mātrēya— ‘maternal’. [Cf. bhrātrēya— BhP. - mātŕ̥—] Pa. matteyya— ‘reverential to one's mother’, metteyya- (with e from petteyya— with which it is always used); S. māṭre ‘half— (in relationship), step—’ (m° jī māu ‘step- mother’, m° jo bhāu ‘stepbrother’), māṭreyo; L. mātar mā, (Ju.) matraī mā, matri mā ‘stepmother’, matreā m. ‘half—brother’, (Ju.) matriā m.f. ‘half—brother or sister’, mult. matreī f. ‘stepmother’, matreā m. ‘half—brother’, (Shahpur) mātar f. ‘stepmother’, awāṇ. matrēī mā; P. matreā, mateā m. ‘half—brother’, mateī f. ‘stepmother’; WPah. (Joshi) H. mateī f. ‘stepmother’. Addenda: *mātrēya—: S.kcch. matraī f.adj. ‘step—’ (with ‘mother’); — ext. —r—: P. mater ‘stepmother’ (ext. —r— as with mātulēya— Add. 14745 and pítriya— Add2) rather than < *mātr̥tarā—.
10030 *māda— 2 ‘curds’. 2. *mādya—. 3. *mādiya—. [Cf. Bal. ma d a g ‘to curdle’. — √mad 2?] 1. Kho. (Lor.) m *l— in m *l c̣hír ‘curds, junket, partially dried curds (put in a bag as food for a journey)’; S. māo m. ‘milk boiled down to a hard lump of curd’. 2. Tir. mazḗ ‘sour milk’ (AO xii 184 < *madya—). 3. Bshk. mā̃ya, mä̃ya ‘sour milk’. Addenda: *māda— 2 [Shgh. mo d ‘buttermilk’ (like Ishk. mid ‘cream, milk with buttermilk’, < mādya— EVSh 43 and Parth. pym'dg ‘cream’ EVSh 43)]
10034 *mādhuka— 2 ‘producing honey’. [mádhu—] WPah. (Joshi) māū m. ‘bee’.
10038 *mādhyānta— ‘of midday’. [madhyānta—] S. mā̃jhā̃do m. ‘lunch’ (less likely < *mādhyāhnaka—).
10039 *mādhyāhnaka—, mādhyāhnika— ‘of midday’ MārkP. [madhyāhna—] Pk. majjhaṇhiya— ‘of midday’; — S. mā̃jhā̃do m. ‘lunch’ prob. < *mādhyānta—.
10043 *māna— 4 ‘bamboo’. [Cf. Kui māṇi ‘bamboo’] P. mānū m. ‘young shoot of bamboo’; M. māṇ f. ‘large bamboo’, māṇā, māṇgā m. ‘long bamboo’, māṇyā m. ‘small bamboo’; — N. māndro ‘split cane mat’ rather < mandurā2.
10044 *māna— 5 ‘skin—bag’. [Cf. mr̥nmāna— ‘earthen oil vessel (?)’ Hem. (poss. sanskritization of maṇa— with mā́na2 q.v.) and Yid. mun go ‘inflated sheepskin’ IIFL ii 228] Ash. maṇa, mãṛƏ ‘skin—bag’, Wg. mū̃ŕukә́, mō̃́kä, Kt. mãŕe; Dm. māna ‘skin—bag for ghee’; Gaw. māṇa, māṇeṭı̄́ ‘skin—bag for sour milk’, Kal.rumb. mōni, Kho. manu (BelvalkarVol 93 < mānaka— ‘measure’); Bshk. mān ‘inflated skin’; Phal. mṓnu, °no ‘skin—bag for ghee’; Or. cama—muṇā ‘skin—bag’.
10049b *mānuṣamārikā— Add. 14746.
10054 *māpyatē ‘is measured’. [Pass. of māpayati. - √mā] S. māpaṇu ‘to be contained, find room, measure’; P. māpṇā ‘to measure, survey’; B. māpā ‘to measure’, H. māpnā (whence intr. mapnā ‘to be measured’), G. māpvũ, M. māpṇẽ. Addenda: *māpyatē: S.kcch. māpṇū ‘to measure’, A. māpiba AFD 333.
10057 *māmaputra— ‘mother's brother's child’. [māma—, putrá1] K. māmaturu ‘belonging to mother's brother’ e.g. māmaturu bôyu m. ‘mother's brother's son, māmatürü bĕñĕ f. ‘his daughter’; Bhoj. mamiāut ‘mother's brother's son’ (X masiāut < *mātuḥṣvasr̥kāputra—).
10058 *māmikā— ‘mother’. [Nursery word] Pa. māmikā— f. ‘mother’; Gy. germ. mama ‘mother’, rum. māmi ‘grandmother’, pal. mámi ‘wife's mother’, mámă ‘wife's father’; Bshk. mêm ‘mother's mother’, mâm ‘mother's father’, Phal. mḗmi f., mṓmo m.; P. māmmī f. ‘mother’; M. mā̃i ‘mother—in—law’, Ko. mā̃yi.
10072 *mārgajīvin— ‘living on the road’. [mārga—, jīvá1] Si. man̆gdiv ‘highwaymen, vagrants’.
10075 *mārgayitr̥— ‘wooer’. [mā́rgati] L.awāṇ. mãgētur ‘bride or bridegroom elect’.
10084 *mārjārarūpa— ‘cat’. [mārjārá—1, rūpá—] M. māj̈rū̃ n. ‘cat (in general)’.
10085 *mārtta— ‘earthen’. 2. mārttika— ‘earthen’ MānŚr., n. ‘lump of earth’ Bhām., m.n. ‘earthen pot’ Gr̥Śr. [S. L. WPah. poss. < *martta—. — mŕ̥ttikā—] 1. Paš.uzb. mōtr̥ ‘clay’; K. maṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘large earthen vessel’; S. maṭu, māṭo m. ‘large earthen vessel used as a float’; L. maṭṭ m. ‘alluvial deposit, large earthen vessel (= Ju. maṭ m.)’; WPah.bhal. maṭṭ m. ‘large vessel used in sacrifices’; Ku. māṭ ‘large earthen jar’; Bi. māṭ ‘earthen vessel for storing grain’, mag. ‘underground grain pit’, (Campāran) maṭ(u) ‘earthen vessel for grain or water’, (Gaya) mā̃ṭ ‘large flat jar’; H. māṭ m. ‘large earthen vessel’; G. māṭ m.n. ‘earthen pot’, māṭlī f. ‘small do.’, °lũ n. ‘large do.’. 2. Pa. mattika— ‘made of clay’; Sh. māṭi̯ f. ‘fine pale- coloured clay’; K. müṭü f. ‘large earthen vessel’, S. māṭī f. ‘do. (used as a float)’, P. maṭṭī f.; N. maṭiyā ‘small earthen pot’; A. maṭhiyā ‘large earthen jar’, maṭiyā ‘earthen’; B. meṭiyā ‘id.’, māṭiyā ‘earthen, earth—coloured’; Or. māṭiā ‘earthy’; H. maṭ()iyā ‘made of clay’. mārttika— see prec. Addenda: *mārtta—. 1. S.kcch. maṭṭ m. ‘large earthen waterpot’.
10099 *māṣakuṭṭaka— ‘bean powder’. [mā́ṣa—1, *kuṭṭa2] Ku. masyūṭo ‘pounded paste of any sort of pulse’.
10100 *māṣapūra— ‘bean cake’. [mā́ṣa—1, pūra2] N. maseuro ‘lump of ground pulse’; — or < *māṣa- vaṭa—.
10101 *māṣapānīya— ‘bean—water’. [mā́ṣa—1, pānı̄́ya—] Ku. maswāṇi ‘water in which pulse has been soaked and which is used for curry’. *māṣavaṭa— ‘lump made of beans’. [mā́ṣa—1, vaṭa3] See *māṣapūra—.
10105 *māsabhara— ‘monthly wage’. [mā́sa—, bhára—] B. māsarā ‘monthly wage’ ODBL 347; Or. māsa- hārā ‘monthly wage’, māsaharā ‘payable monthly’.
10107 *māsavr̥tti— f. ‘a month's subsistence’. [mā́sa—, vr̥tti—] N. masauti ‘expenditure’.
10112 *māhārghya— ‘dearness’. 2. *māhārghiya—. [ma- hārgha—] 1. S. mahā̃gu m. ‘dearness’, L.awāṇ. māgh, P. mā̃gh, maı̃gh m. 2. Mth. mãhagī ‘scarcity’, H. mahaṅgī f.
10114 *māhiṣagavya— ‘coming from buffaloes and cows’. [māhiṣa—, gávya—] P. māhio ‘coming from buffaloes (milk, ghee, &c.)’?
10116 *māhya— ‘pertaining to buffaloes’. 2. *māhiya—. [*mahyā—] 1. S. mā̃jho ‘coming from buffaloes (milk, ghee, &c.)’, L. mājhā, mult. māñjhā; P. mājhā adj. ‘id.’, mājhī m. ‘buffalo—herdsman’. 2. Pk. māhila— m. ‘buffalo herdsman’. MI ‘build’: nirmiṇōti.
10117 *mikkara— ‘lump’. 2. *mēṅga—2. 3. *mēṅgana—. [Cf. *mēñca2 and list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word *mēṅga1] 1. P. mikkar f. ‘small lump (of salt, molasses, &c.)’. 2. P. mı̄̃g f. ‘dung of sheep, goats, hares, rats, and other such animals’; Ku. mı̄̃g ‘goat's dung’. 3. K. mĕngun m. ‘dung of sheep and goats’, mĕngüñü f. ‘dung of rats’; L. meṅgaṇ f. ‘dung of sheep, goats, deer, and hares’; P. mı̄̃gaṇ, °gan, mẽgaṇ, mẽgṇī f. = mı̄̃g above; Ku. mı̄̃gaṇ ‘dung of wild deer’; H. mı̃gnī, mẽgnī f. ‘orbicular dung of goats, sheep, deer, camels, rats, &c.’. MIKṢ ‘mix’: *miṣṭa—2; *āmiṣṭa—. — See miśrá—.
10118 *micc— ‘close the eyes, blink’. [Cf. Khot. nä—mäjs— ‘to blink’, Bal. mičāč ‘eyelids’, Russ. migatĭ ‘to blink’, Kur. mīnxnā ‘to close the eyes’ DED 3693, and *miṭṭ- ‘to close the eyes’, Kan. miṭakisa ‘to blink’ DED 3969; further miṣánt— ‘with open eyes’ RV., √mīl in sáṁ mīlya ‘with closed eyes’ RV. A non—Aryan or wide- spread onom. word, scarcely (like Lat. micāre ‘to sparkle’, Tam. mı̃cu ‘to flash’) to be assigned to a common IE. root (J. C. W.)] Pk. miṁcaṇa— n. ‘closing the eyes’; P. mīcṇā ‘to close the eyes, shut the hand or mouth’, micāuṇā ‘to make close the eyes’; H. mī̆cnā, mīchnā ‘to close the eyes’; G. micvũ ‘to close the eyes’, micāmṇā̃ n. pl. ‘winking’; — ext. —kk—: A. misikāiba ‘to sneer’; B. mickāna ‘to smile’; H. mickānā, mac° ‘to wink’; M. miċakṇẽ ‘to close eyes or lips’. — G. vı̄̃cvũ ‘to close the eyes’ < *vi—micc—? — N. micnu ‘to press’ (ND 507 a 45) rather < *mr̥dyatē. Addenda: *micc—: S.kcch. micṇū ‘to close the eyes’, WPah.kṭg. miċṇõ; ‘to shut the eyes, wink’, J. micṇi (sc. eyes). *miḍati see miláti Add2.
10119 *miṭṭ— ‘close the eyes’. [See *micc—] P. mīṭṇā ‘to close the eyes’; N. miṭik ‘twinkling, moment’; B. miṭiyā ‘twinkling’, Or. miṭi—miṭi; G. miṭi f. ‘blinking’; M. miṭṇẽ ‘to close the eyes’. *MIḌ ‘meet’: *miḍati, *mēḍa—, *mēḍayati. [See √mil. — Poss., with √bhiṭ, of Mu. origin PMWS 148] *miḍati ‘meets’ see miláti.
10120 *miḍḍa— ‘defective’. 2. *miṇḍa—. 3. *miṇḍha—1. 4. *mēṭṭa—1. 5. *mēṇḍa—1. 6. *mēṇḍha—1. [Cf. *mitta— and list s.v. *maṭṭa—; — mḗṭati, mḗḍati ‘is mad’ Dhātup. — Cf. *mēṭṭa2 ‘lump’] 1. G. miḍiyɔ ‘having horns bent over forehead (of oxen and goats)’. 2. G. mı̄̃ḍũ ‘having rims turned over’. 3. S. miṇḍhiṇo ‘silent and stupid in appearance but really treacherous and cunning’; G. miṇḍhũ ‘having deep—laid plans, crafty, conceited’. 4. A. meṭā ‘slow in work, heavy—bodied’. 5. Or. meṇḍa ‘foolish’; H. mẽṛā, mẽḍā m. ‘ram with curling horns’, °ḍī f. ‘she—goat do.’. 6. Or. meṇḍha ‘foolish’, °ḍhā ‘fool’; M. mẽḍhā m. ‘crook or curved end (of a horn, stick, &c.)’. *miṇḍa—, *miṇḍha— 1 ‘defective’ see prec. miṇḍha— 2 ‘ram’ see mēṇḍha2.
10122 *mitta— ‘defective’. 2. middha— n. ‘drowsiness’ BHS ii 432. 3. mindā́— f. ‘bodily defect, blemish’ TS. 4. *mindha—. 5. *mindhara—. 6. *mīna—2. 7. *mēdda— 1 (X mḗḍhra— (mēṇḍhra— BhP.) n. ‘penis’ AV. in mēdra— n. ‘penis, lower belly’ Apte). [Cf. *miḍḍa— and see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Resemblance of this ‘defective’ word—group (e.g. *mēdda1 in A. medelā ‘corpulent’) with mḗdas— n. ‘body fat’ RV., ‘corpulence’ ŚārṅgS. is prob. fortuitous. — Cf. *mēdda2 ‘lump’] 1. S. mitero ‘short in stature’ (< *mitta—tara—). 2. Pa. middha— n. ‘torpor, stupidity’, middhin- ‘sluggish’. 3. K. myondu ‘leprous’, m. ‘leprosy’, mĕndun ‘to suffer from leprosy’ (mĕndith marun ‘to die of leprosy’ used in curses). 4. P. minnhā ‘dim, slight, perverse, taciturn, revengeful’. 5. S. mindhiro ‘short, low, little’. 6. P. mīṇā ‘having the horns curving along the cheek’. 7. A. medā ‘indolent, slow’, medelā ‘corpulent, badly baked (of a pot)’; B. medā ‘slow, dull’; Or. medā ‘foolish’.
10125 *mitrakāra— ‘making friends’. [mitrakaraṇa— n. Pat. — mitrá—, kāra1] N. mityāri, miteri ‘friendship’.
10128 *mithati (pres. part. f. mithatı̄́—) ‘opposes, quarrels with’ RV. [√mith] P. mihṇā ‘to reproach, abuse’.
10129 *mithana— ‘opposing, quarreling with’. [√mith] S. mihaṇo, mihiṇo m. ‘reproach’; P. mihṇā m. ‘accusation, abuse’; H. mihnā m. ‘reviling’. Addenda: *mithana—: WPah.kṭg. mı̄́ṇɔ m. ‘challenge’.
10132 *mināti ‘measures’. [Cf. opt. minuyāt VarBr̥S. - √] Pa. mināti ‘measures’, minana— n. ‘measurement’, Pk. miṇaï, miṇaṇa— n.; L. miṇaṇ ‘to measure (in a measure of capacity)’, awāṇ. miṇuṇ; P. miṇnā ‘to measure’, WPah. (Joshi) miṇnu; Si. minuma, mimma ‘measuring’, min ‘measure’; Md. minan ‘to measure’; — with ē from mēya— &c.: K. mēnun, pp. myūnu ‘to measure’, mēn f. ‘measurement’; L.awāṇ. mēṇ ‘a measure’. mindā́— see *mitta—. *mindha—, *mindhara— ‘defective’ see *mitta—. mirika— see marīca—. MIL ‘unites, meets’. [Replaced √labh ‘to obtain’ in East and Centre and spread to NW (P. Tedesco JAOS 43, 369): his derivation through *milh— from miśla—, though semant. attractive, does not adequately account for the single —l— attested in MIA. and NIA. Poss. √mīl ‘to close the eyes’ RV., intr. ‘to close (of eyes &c.)’ BhP. developed a sense ‘to close together, meet’ (mīlant— ‘gathering (intr.)’ Uttarar., mīlita— ‘to- gether’ Rājat. Hemac.; cf. mīladdr̥ś— BhP. ~ milad- bhrū— Kathās.) and was differentiated from mīlayati, &c. as mēl—, mil—, miḍ— (miḍ— of Mu. origin ac. to PMWS 148, cf. also √*bhiṭ; doubtfully mīḍ— ~ mīl- in mīḍam ‘in a low voice’ < ‘*clandestine’ semant. cf. upāṁśú). (J. C. W.). miláti, milana—, mēla—, mēlayati; *āmilati, saṁmilati, *saṁmēlayati; — *miḍati, *mēḍa—, *mēḍayati. Addenda: *mināti: Md. minanī ‘measures’, min ‘measure’.
10138 *miśrala— ‘mixed’. [miśrá—] Ap. misala— ‘mixed’, misalaï ‘mixes’, A. mihal, mihaliba, Bhoj. misal, M. misaḷ, misaḷṇẽ; Si. mahaḷu, mālu—va ‘curry, compound of various ingredients’. miśrāpayati, miśrita— see miśrayati. MIṢ ‘*blink, open the eyes’. [‘blink’ only in nimēṣa—, nimiṣ(a)—. One of a group of words for ‘blink’ in Balto—slav., Indo—ir. and Drav.; cf. *micc—, *miṭṭ—, √mīl (~ mīḍ—, miḍ—, mil—? — see √mil) (J. C. W.)] nimēṣa—. miṣa— see mŕ̥ṣā. miṣṭa— 1 ‘sweet’ see mr̥ṣṭá1.
10139 *miṣṭa— 2 ‘mixed’. [Cf. Lat. mixtus. — √mikṣ] Kho. (Lor.) mišteik ‘to mix’ (= *miṣṭ—?). — See *āmiṣṭa—. MIH 1 ‘piss’: mēha—1, mḗhati; pramēha—; — mḗḍhra1 s.v. mēṣá—. *MIH 2 ‘be wet’. [Cf. míh— f. ‘mist, rain’ RV. — Orig. separate from, but in IA. early associated with √mih 1 EWA ii 680] mihikā—, mēghá—, mḗghya—, *mēhāyati, *mēhya—. miha— see mēṣá—.
10150 *mukka— 1 ‘blow with fist’. [Prob. ← Drav., Prj. muṭka ‘blow with fist’, Kur. muṭkā ‘fist’, DED. 4041] K. muköli f. ‘blow with fist’, (El.) mukāl m. ‘fist’; S. muka f. ‘blow with fist’, L. mukk, °kī f.; P. mukk m. ‘fist’, °kī f.; WPah.bhal. mukki f. ‘blow with fist’; N. mukkā, °ki ‘fist’, H. mūkā, mukkā m., °kī f., mukkhī f. (X muṭṭhī < muṣṭí—); G. mukkɔ m., °kī f. ‘blow with fist’. *mukka— 2 ‘dumb’ see mū́ka—. *mukkara— ‘defective’ see mū́ka—.
10157 *mukna— ‘loosed’. [~ mukta—. — √muc] Pa. —mukka— (in unmukka—, paṭimukka—); Pk. mukka—, mokka— ‘let go, sent, free’, mukkaï ‘leaves’ (pp mukkia—); Gy. eur. muk— ‘to let go, allow’; Kt. mƏk— ‘to escape’; Wg. mū̆k— ‘to flee’; Kho. muka ‘small shot’ Belvalkar Vol 93; K. mukyō—motu ‘finished’, mukāwun ‘to finish’; S. muko pp. of muñjaṇu ‘to send’ < muñcáti; L. mukkaṇ ‘to come to an end, be settled’ (X vissamaṇ s.v. víśrāmyati), awāṇ. muk ‘finished’; P. mukkṇā ‘to come to an end, run short’; H. mūknā ‘to leave, separate’ (whence intr. muknā ‘to be set loose, be ended’); OMarw. mokaï ‘sends’; G. mū̆kvũ ‘to let go, put, place’; M. mukṇẽ ‘to lose’; Si. muk ‘spirit, demon’ (i.e. ‘freed from the body’ EGS 135). — Ext. ——: N. mukuro ‘slightly softened’. — Ext. —l—: Pk. mukkala— ‘free’, mukalāviūṇa absol. ‘having caused to be sent’; Gy. eur. muklo ‘free’; Paš.dar. mukul— ‘to be shed (of leaves)’ IIFL iii 3, 118; K. mŏkulu ‘free’, mŏkalun ‘to be let go’, mŏkajyār m. ‘freedom’, kash. mŏkalāwun ‘to free’; OB. mukala ‘free’, Or. mukuḷā. - With —o— (from mōkṣa—?): Pk. mokkala— ‘free’, mokkaliya— ‘sent’; S. mokiro ‘wide, roomy’, mokilaṇu ‘to send’ (< —ll—); L. mōkḷā ‘open, loose, distant’; P. moklā ‘loose’, Ku. molko; A. mokal, mukali ‘free’; H. moklā ‘loose, free’, G. mokḷũ; M. mokḷā ‘free’, mokaḷṇẽ ‘to set free’. Addenda: *mukna—: WPah.kṭg. mukṇõ; ‘to finish’, mvk— ‘to be finished, come to an end, run out’, pret. mukkɔ, caus. mƏkauṇõ; tr. ‘to finish’.
10159 *mukhakāṣṭha— ‘doorframe’. [múkha—, kāṣṭhá—] L. P. muhāṭh f. ‘upright of doorframe’, awāṇ. muhāṭh ‘threshold’.
10160 *mukhaghāṭā— ‘entrance frame’. [múkha—, *ghāṭa—] S. muhāṛī f. ‘top of a doorway outside a stockade’; L. muhāṛ f. ‘upright of doorframe’, °ṛī f. ‘wall on each side of a door’.
10162 *mukhajāla— ‘mouth—net’. [múkha—, jā́la—] Ku. mwālo m. ‘net—muzzle to prevent oxen eating grain when treading out’, mwāli ‘muzzle’, mukh- mwāli ‘loss of appetite’; M. mohaḷ, movāḷẽ, mo(h)ḷẽ n., moḷā m. ‘muzzle for sucking calf’.
10164 *mukhatuttikā— ‘muzzle’. [múkha—, *tutta—] Or. mohuti ‘muzzle for cattle’.
10165 *mukhadhara— ‘holding the mouth’. [múkha—, dhara—] Bi. moharī ‘rope attached to headrope to prevent an ox opening its mouth too wide’.
10166 *mukhanātha— ‘chief master’. [múkha—, nāthá—] H. munāh m. ‘chief’.
10169 *mukhahāra— ‘face string’. [múkha—, hāra2] L.awāṇ. muhār ‘nose—rope’; P. muhār f. ‘nose—rope for camel’.
10171 *mukhāñcala— ‘face—veil’. [múkha—, añcala—] K. muzūjü f. ‘cloth placed over the face of the corpse of a Brahman’.
10172 *mukhānta— ‘mouth—end’. [múkha—, ánta—] S. muhā̃du m. ‘mouth of a sack’.
10173 *mukhāyana— ‘entrance course (of a river)’. [múkha—, áyana—] P. mũhāṇ m. ‘source of a river’; N. muhān ‘river- mouth, division of a river into two’; A. mohānā ‘river- mouth’; B. muhanā ‘river—mouth, confluence of two rivers’; Or. mũhāṇa ‘river—mouth’; H. muhānā m. ‘river—mouth, confluence of two rivers’. *caturmukhāyana—.
10178 *mucca— ‘lump’. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *muccha— ‘defective’] S. mucu m. ‘lump, heap’, muco m. ‘tuft of hair or grass’; P. mucc m. ‘piece of meat’, muccā m. ‘do. about 1/4 seer in weight’.
10179 *muccha— ‘defective’. 2. *mōccha—. 3. *mujja—. [Cf. *mēcca—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *mucca— ‘lump’] 1. S. mucho m. ‘rough end of a stick cut off as use- less’, muchaṇu ‘to lop’. 2. P. mocchā m. ‘short thick piece of timber’. 3. A. muzā ‘wrinkled, shrunk’, muzurā ‘lean, stunted’.
10180 *mucchā— ‘mustache’. 2. mōcchā—. [gōcchā— X múkha— or MIA. massu— < śmáśru—?] 1. S. mucha f. ‘mustache’, L. mucch, pl. °chā̃ f., awāṇ. much, khet. mv́cchā̃, P. mucch m., Ku.gng. mū̃ċh, Or. mucha, H. mūch f., G. mūch, mũch f. 2. B. moc, Or. mocha, Mth. mõ;ch, Bhoj. mõ;ch, °chi; Aw. mōch ‘whiskers’, mõmacr;ch ‘hair on face’; H. moch f. ‘mustache’.
10183 *muñcana— ‘releasing’. [√muc] Pa. muñcana— n. ‘release’; Sh. (Lor.) mōǰ *l n ‘escape, deliverance, protection’.
10185 *muñjapūlaka— ‘bundle of muñja grass’. [múñja—, pūla—] P. mujūlā, mãj°, maj° m. ‘bundle of the sheathing of the reed Saccharum sara’. MUṬ ‘*twist’: muṭáti, múṇṭati, mṓṭati, *mōṭ- yatē; *nirmōṭati; — *muruṭati, *murōṭati. muṭa— see mūta—.
10187 *muṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *muṭṭha—1. 3. *muṭṭhara—. 4. *muḍa—. 5. *muḍḍa—. 6. *muḍḍha— 1 (cf. mūḍhá—). 7. *muṇṭa—. 8. *muṇṭara—. 9. *muṇḍha—. 10. *muṇḍhara—. 11. *mōṭṭa—1. 12. *mōṭṭha—. 13. *mōṭṭhara—. 14. *mōḍḍa—. 15. *mōṇḍa—. [A ‘de- fective’ word—group to which also muṇḍa1 belongs. - Cf. *mutta—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *muḍḍha—2, *muṇḍa2 ‘lump’] 1. Kt. mƏṭo ‘blunt’, Pr. muṭkū́, Kho. muṭu; Paš.lauṛ. muṭā́, gul. muṭū́ ‘short’; P.ḍog. muṭā ‘fat’; Si. moṭa ‘blunt’ (or < 2 or 7 or 12 or 13). 2. Dm. muṭh ‘tree’, Gaw. muṭhá, Kal. Phal. muṭh; Bi. muṭhiyā, muṭhāl, muṭhail ‘bullock with stunted horns’; Si. see 1. 3. Bi. muṭhrā, muṭhariyā ‘bullock with stunted horns’. 4. H. murlā ‘toothless’. 5. S. muḍ̱o ‘blunt’; L. (Ju.) muḍ̱ m. ‘stump, branch cut short’; N. muṛo ‘log’, muṛulo ‘hairless, bald, hat- less’, muṛuli ‘hornless (of does)’; B. muṛ ‘lopped, branchless’, muṛā ‘shaven’; Bi. mūṛā ‘hornless bullock’, muṛiyā ‘blighted (of grain)’, muṛlā ‘hornless ox, beardless wheat’; Mth. mūṛā, muṛlā ‘hornless ox’; H. muṛiyā m. ‘bald—head’, muṛlā ‘shaved’; M. muḍā ‘broken—mouthed’. 6. OA. muḍhā, A. murā ‘stubble, stump’. 7. Pk. muṁṭa— ‘undersized, small—bodied’; S. muṇḍo ‘blunt, obtuse’; L. muṇḍā ‘lame’; Si. see 1. 8. L. muṇḍur m. ‘stump’. 9. S. muṇḍho ‘blunt’; L. muṇḍh; muḍḍh m. ‘stem’, muṇḍhī f. ‘stump of a plant’; Or. (Bāleśwar) muṇḍhā ‘blunt’; H. mũḍhnā ‘to shave’ (= mū̃ṛnā < muṇḍa- yati); G. rũḍh—mũḍh ‘headless and limbless’; M. mũḍhā ‘bald, headless’. 10. M. mũḍhrā ‘having horns turned back inward or lying flat or low and stumpy’. 11. K. mọ̆ṭu ‘fat’, pog. mŏṭ, L. moṭā, P. moṭṭā; WPah.jaun. mōṭō ‘big, fat’; Ku. N. moṭo ‘fat’; A. B. moṭ ‘gross total, load’, moṭā ‘fat’; Or. moṭa ‘gross total’, moṭā ‘fat’; Mth. Bhoj. H. moṭā ‘fat’; OMarw. moṭaü ‘big, fat’, G. moṭũ, M. moṭā; Si. see 1. 12. K. mū̃ṭhu ‘dull, stupid’; P. moṭhū m. ‘dwarf’. 13. K. mõmacr;ṭhuru m. ‘bare trunk of a tree’. 14. S. moḍ̱o ‘hornless’. 15. Pk. moṁḍa— ‘shaved’; Sh.gur. mŏṇḍ f. ‘widow’; L. mōn f. ‘doe of black—buck’, mōnā ‘hornless’; P. monnā m. ‘Hindu who shaves as opposed to Sikh’ (rather than < mauṇḍya—); A. morā—hāti ‘tuskless male elephant’. Addenda: *muṭṭa— 1. 5. *muḍḍa—: A. mũrā (phonet. mura) ‘log, trunk’ AFD 234. 11. *mōṭṭa—1: WPah.kṭg. moṭṭɔ ‘fat, proud’; jaun. moṭo ‘fat, big’. *muḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1 Add2.
10188 *muṭṭa— 2 ‘heart’. [Orig. ‘lump’ cf. *muḍḍha2?] Pk. muṭṭima—, moṭ° m. ‘pride’; N. muṭu ‘heart, courage, feelings’; Si. miṭi ‘heart’. *muṭṭa— 3 ‘bundle’ see mūta—. *muṭṭha— 1 ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1. *muṭṭha— 2 ‘bundle’ see mūta—. *muṭṭhara—, *muḍa—, *muḍḍa—, *muḍḍha— 1 ‘de- fective’ see *muṭṭa1.
10189 *muḍḍha— 2 ‘lump’. 2. *muṇḍa— 2. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *muḍḍha1, muṇḍa1 ‘defective’ s.v. *muṭṭa1] 1. H. muḍḍhā m. ‘shoulder’, mū̃ḍhā m. ‘lump, hump, shoulder’. 2. Or. muṇḍā ‘lump’. muṇáti see *munāti 1. *muṇṭa— ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1.
10192 *muṇḍatara— ‘stumpy’. [muṇḍa1] Bi. mũṛer, (Camparan) mũṛerā, (Gaya) mũṛerī ‘masonry work at head of a well’ (semant. cf. SEBi. mūṛhā < *muḍḍha1, and another name for the same: nirārī < nirākāra— ‘shapeless’). Addenda: *muṇḍatara—: WPah.kṭg. mƏṇḍēr, mƏḍēr f. (obl. —a) ‘fence, railing’.
10196 *mutta— ‘defective’. 2. *muttha—1. 3. *mutthara—1. 4. *munda—. 5. *munna— (cf. mauna— n. ‘silence’ MBh.). 6. *mōtthara—1. 7. *mōdda—1. 8. *mōd- dha— (cf. mudhā?) [Cf. *mitta—, *matthara—, *muṭṭa1: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *muttha—2, *mutthara—2. *mōtthara—2, *mōdda2 ‘lump’ and *mūna—, *mōnna— ‘silent’ s.v. mauná—] 1. S. muto ‘short and stout, fat’. 2. Or. mutha ‘clenched fist’ (or < *muttha2), muthaṛā, °thuṛā ‘blunt’. 3. L. mutthur m. ‘blockhead, worthless person’; H. muthrā ‘dull, blunt’. 4. Kho. mun ‘stump of tree’, (Lor.) kƏr—mvn ‘crop- eared’ (→ Orm. mundū́ ‘tree—trunk’ NTS v 22); Sh. mūn, pl. °ní ‘stump or bole of tree, stump of amputated leg or arm, maize stubble’: or both ← Ind. (e.g. S. munu < muṇḍa1). 5. H. munnā m. ‘pet, darling’, mūnū ‘small, diminu- tive’. 6. H. mothrā ‘dull, blunt’. 7. M. modḷā m. ‘burly clumsy fellow’. 8. P. modhū m. ‘blockhead, large and fat cat’; H. modhū ‘foolish’; M. modhā goḷā m. ‘cripple, lubber’, modhḷā m. ‘bulky lubberly person, large loose bundle’. *muttha— 1 ‘defective’ see prec.
10197 *muttha— 2 ‘lump’. 2. *mutthara—2. 3. *mōtthara—2. 4. *mōdda—2. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. same series of ‘defective’ words s.v. *mutta—] 1. Or. mutha ‘clenched fist’. 2. H. muthrā m. ‘spavin, splint on a horse's leg’. 3. H. mothrā m. ‘id.’. 4. M. modḷā m. ‘lump (of earth)’. *mutthara— 1 ‘defective’ see *mutta—. *mutthara— 2 ‘lump’ see *muttha2. mutya— see muktā—. MUD 1 ‘gladden’: ánumōdatē, anumōdana—, *āmōd- ayati. MUD 2 ‘mix, wet’. [Cf. Gk. muda/w ‘be wet’ WP ii 251] *mōdana—, mōdayati; — mōdaka—?
10206 *munāti 1 ‘knows’, muṇátipratijñānē (perceives, recognizes?)’ Dhātup. [Cf. Pa. Dhātumālā √munñāṇē’; fut. mōnissaṁ; Vimānavatthu com. munana- n. = paricchindana—; RV. múni— m. ‘inspired sage’, Br̥ĀrUp. ‘viditvā munir bhavati’. (J. C. W.). — Pischel GrPk 345 connects with √mīv ‘push, impel’ see *munāti 2] Pk. muṇaï ‘knows’, pp. muṇia—; OB. muniā ‘known’ ODBL 660; Si. min ‘knowledge’ ES 67.
10207 *munāti 2 ‘drives’. [Cf. āmīvati ‘pushes, presses, TBr., nimı̄́vantī— f. pres. part. ‘pressing down’ AV., prámīvati ‘pushes on, instigates’ ŚBr. TS., kā́ma- mūta— ‘impelled by love’ RV. — √mīv] Or. (Bāleśwar) muṇibā ‘to tend (cattle)’.
10208 *munāla— or *mōnāla— ‘pheasant’. [Cf. kuṇāla—] K. mōnāl m. ‘Impeyan pheasant’; P. munāl, manāl m. ‘pheasant’, WPah.jaun. mŏnāu; N. munāl, monāl ‘Himalayan pheasant’; Or. murāḷa ‘a kind of wild bird’; H. munāl m. ‘pheasant’. múni— m. ‘inspired man’ RV., ‘devotee (esp. one vowed to silence)’ ŚBr. [*munāti 1] See mauna—. *munda—, *munna— ‘defective’ see *mutta—. Addenda: *munāla—: WPah.kc. bunāḷ, bƏnyāḷ m., kṭg. (kc.) bƏnāḷ m. ‘the wild pheasant’, J. manāḷ m.; kṭg. bƏnaḷi f. ‘hen—pheasant’ (b— and —n— from ványa— ‘grown in a forest’ in kṭg. bān ‘oak tree’?).
10211 *murati 1 ‘crushes, rubs’. 2. *mulati. [Cf. perf. subj. mumurat RV., pass. mūryátē ŚBr., múr— m. ‘destroyer’ RV. — √mr̥̄] 1. Pk. muraï ‘squeezes’, muria— ‘broken, bent’; Wg. muriam ‘I thresh’; H. murānā ‘to chew’; — Pk. mūraï ‘breaks’ (with ū from mūryátē?); Kho. mūrik ‘to rub, squeeze, massage, roll up, crumple’; K. mūrun ‘to shell or husk (peas, grain, &c.), crush (parched peas &c. with teeth), rub gently (to allay itching)’; — caus. with mor—: WPah.śeu. mornū ‘to crush with hand and mix before eating (e.g. bread)’; OMarw. moraï ‘rubs, crushes’; G. morvũ ‘to shred (vegetables)’. 2. G. moḷvũ = morvũ above. — See *marati, *malati.
10212 *murati 2 ‘coagulates’. 2. Caus. *mōrayati. [√mūrch] 1. M. murṇẽ ‘to coagulate, be impregnated with syrup, soak into, ripen (of fruit)’, ad—murẽ n. ‘half- coagulated milk’. 2. G. moravvũ tr. ‘to curdle’, morvaṇ n. ‘acid used to curdle milk’; M. ad—morẽ n. = ad—murẽ in 1.
10215 *murumura— ‘crackling’. [Onom. — Cf. múrmura- m. ‘expiring ember’ MaitrS., ‘burning chaff’ Kāv., Pa. mummura— m. ‘hot ashes, burning chaff’] Pa. murumurā— f. ‘crackling’, murumurāpēti ‘munches’; Pk. murumuria— ‘rattling’; P. murmurā m. ‘parched maize’; N. murmurinu ‘to murmur, crackle, shake with anger’; H. murmurānā ‘to crackle’; M. murmur f. ‘muttering’, murmurā m. ‘parched rice’. múrmura— see prec. *mulati ‘crushes’ see *murati 1. mulālı̄́— see mŕ̥ṇāla—. *muśala— ‘pestle’ see músala—. MUṢ ‘steal’: muṣ—, muṣati, muṣṭa—, muṣyatē, mūṣaṇa—, mūṣati, mōṣa—, mṓṣati.
10219 *muṣkapuṭikā— ‘scrotum’. [muṣká—, puṭa—] Kho. muc̣hoḷi ‘testicles’ (< *mukṣa— with metath.?).
10225 *musalīpiṇḍa— ‘root of a partic. plant’. [musalī—, píṇḍa—] N. musalı̃ṛo ‘name of a plant used medicinally’.
10227 *muss— ‘smile, sob’. [Cf. musra— n. ‘tear’ Uṇ.com.?] N. musmus ‘smilingly’, musmusāunu ‘to smile’; H. musmusānā, masmasānā ‘to sob’, M. musmusṇẽ. — Ext. —kk—: S. muskaṇu ‘to smile’; N. musukka ‘smilingly’, muskurāunu, muskar° ‘to smile’, H. muskānā, musku- rānā; G. muskāvũ to be delighted’.
10228 *mussa— ‘defective’. [Cf. *mēssa—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—] L. mussā ‘having horns slightly bent and curving up’, m. ‘buffalo with such horns’. MUH ‘bewilder’: mugdhá—, múhyati, mūḍhá—, mṓha—, mōhana—, mōháyati, mṓhuka—, *mōhya—; *āmuhyati, *āmūḍha—, *nirmōhyamāna—.
10235 *mūtrakaraṇa— ‘urinary organ’. [mū́tra—, káraṇa—] Pa. muttakaraṇa— n. ‘pudendum muliebre’; G. mutrāṇī f. ‘urinary canal’.
10239 *mūtriya—, mūtrya— ‘pertaining to urine’ AitBr. [mutra—] G. mutriyũ n. ‘urine vessel, urinal’; — Dm. mitrṓča ‘bladder’ < *mūtrya—vaty—aka— NTS xii 179 with (?). mūtrya— see prec. *mūna— ‘silent’ see mauná—. mū́radēva— see mūlanārāyaṇa—. MŪRCH ‘coagulate’: *murati2, mū́rchati, mūrcha- yati, mūrchā—, *mūrṇa—2, mūrtá—, mū́rti—, *mōra- yati; — muktā—?
10243 *mūrṇa— 2 ‘coagulated’. [~ mūrtá—. — √mūrch] Dm. brūn ‘wall’ NTS xii 129.
10246 *mūrtighara— ‘image shrine’. [mū́rti—, ghara—] WPah. (Joshi) mwehrā ‘image of a village deity’.
10248 *mūrdhavāla— ‘hair of the head’. [mūrdhán—, vā́la—] WPah.jaun. mũḍāō ‘hair of the head’.
10252 *mūlanārāyaṇa— ‘name of a local deity (?)’. [Cf. mū́radēva— m. ‘a class of demons’ RV., nārāyaṇá—] Ku.gng. muɛ̄̃r̃e ‘a demigod worshipped in Gangoi’? *mūlayaṣṭi— ‘liquorice’. [mū́la—, yaṣṭí—] See *madhulaṣṭi—.
10255 *mūlākāra— ‘radical’. [mū́la—, ākāra—] WPah.bhal. mulare ‘thoroughly, radically’?
10256 *mūlānta— ‘chief’. [mū́la—, ánta—] Wg. mulā̃́t dōšt ‘right hand’ NTS ii 253. For forma- tion cf. *kharvānta—, *savyāntika—; other dialects of Wg. have forms of mū́la— NTS xvii 276. *mūliya— ‘price’ see next.
10261 *mūṣala— ‘muscle’. [Cf. Lat. musculus: mus. - mū́ṣ—] N. muslo ‘muscle (esp. of calf of leg)’; — Ash. (Wama) muṣulík ‘arm above elbow’; — cf. Ash. muṣƏṛík ‘elbow’; Gaw. muṣeṛı̄́, muṣeı̄́ ‘arm above elbow’, Sv. muṣäṛya; Phal. mūṣṓ ‘elbow’.
10263 *mr̥kṇa— ‘damaged’. [Cf. mr̥ktá— ‘hurt’, marká— m. ‘eclipse of sun’ RV. — √mr̥c] Ku. makiṇo ‘to be rotten’; N. mak(k)inu, mak(k)āunu ‘to decay, rot away’, makmakāunu ‘to ache, pain’: very doubtful. mr̥ktá— see *mr̥kṇa—.
10265 *mr̥gacī— ‘small animal, bird’. [mr̥gá—] Ash. niṅasä́ ‘bird, sparrow’ NTS ii 269, Wg. nı̃gaċá, Kt. mŕƏṅéċ (→ Wkh. miṅgás IIFL ii 529), Pr. nı̃j̈e; — Wg. mr e č ‘ibex’, Pr. murčū NTS xvii 278. *mr̥gatara— see *mr̥gākāra—.
10267 *mr̥gadr̥ti— ‘deer—skin’. [mr̥gá—, dŕ̥ti—] Kho. muriri ‘ibex skin’.
10270 *mr̥garūpa— ‘animal’. [mr̥gá—, rū́pa—] S. mirū̃ m. ‘wild animal’. mr̥gáśiras— n. ‘3rd or 5th lunar mansion’ AV. [mr̥gá—, śíras—] mārgaśiras—.
10271 *mr̥gasūkara— ‘wild boar’. [mr̥gá—, sūkará—] L. mirhõ;, °hũ, pl. °hẽ m. ‘boar’ (mirhõ; ‘ravine deer’ for *mirũ < *mr̥garūpa—?). mr̥gahana— 1 ‘hunter’ see *mr̥gahanaka—.
10272 *mr̥gahana— 2 ‘act of hunting’. [mr̥gá—, hana—] Kal.rumb. mrū̃ *l n ‘shooting, hunting’.
10273 *mr̥gahanaka—, mr̥gahan(a)— m. ‘hunter’ MBh. [mr̥gá—, hana—] Tor. mīṅg ‘leopard’ (rather than < mr̥gá—); S. muhāṇo m. ‘one of a class of fishermen and boatmen’, L. mohāṇā m., °ṇī f.
10274 *mr̥gākāra— ‘shaped like a deer’. [mr̥gá—, ākāra—] Sh.pales. mayā́ro m. ‘oorial’, koh. mãyā́ro m. ‘deer’, gil. (Lor.) maiāro ‘wild animal of goat or sheep type (including markhor, ibex and oorial)’. — Or < *mr̥gatara— ‘animal like a deer’, for formation cf. aśvatará— ‘mule’. mr̥gyáti see mā́rgati. MR̥C ‘hurt’: *mr̥kṇa—, mr̥ktá—, mrakṣa—1; *vimrakṣa—. MR̥J ‘rub’: mārja—, mārjati, mārjana—, mārjārá—1, *mr̥ñjati, mr̥ṣṭá—1; apamārgá—, āmr̥jati, unmārja- yati, únmr̥ṣṭa—1, nirmr̥ṣṭa—, parimārja—, *pari- mārjati, parimārjana—, saṁmārjati; — √mrakṣ.
10275 *mr̥ñjati (3 pl. imperf. mr̥ñjata RV.) ‘rubs’. [√mr̥j] Pa. sammiñjati ‘collects together’ (sáṁmr̥janti 3 pl. RV.); Bi. mı̃jnī ‘treading out grain’; Aw.lakh. mı̄̃jab tr. ‘to crumble’; H. mı̄̃jnā ‘to rub with the hands, clean’. — See mr̥ṣṭá—1, mārjati.
10282 *mr̥tāpatya— ‘whose offspring are dead’. [Cf. mr̥taprajā— f. Mn. — mr̥tá—, ápatya—] B. maṛā̆ñce, maṛuñce ‘woman whose children always die’ (ODBL 532 < *mr̥ta—m—apatya—: more prob. < mr̥távatsā—).
10284 *mr̥tka— ‘earth’. [mŕ̥d—] Wg. mū̆k, mū̃k ‘yellow clay’ NTS xvii 276. *mr̥tti— ‘clay’ see mŕ̥ttikā—.
10285 *mr̥ttikara— ‘clay—worker’. [mŕ̥ttikā—, kará1] S. miṭyaru m. ‘builder of mud walls’.
10287 *mr̥ttya— ‘earth’. [< *mr̥tti— s.v. mŕ̥ttikā—. — mŕ̥d—] Pk. macca— n. ‘dirt’ Deśīn.; Ash. (Wama) mič ‘clay’ NTS xvi 118.
10290 *mr̥dati ‘rubs’. [From aor. subj. *mr̥dat ~ márdati. — √mr̥d] Pk. maḷaï ‘rubs’; — Ash. meŕ— ‘to rub’ or < *malati. Addenda: *mr̥dati: Md. maḷanī ‘waves, aims, draws back threateningly’? *mr̥ndati see márdati Add2. MR̥Ś: †;marśana—.
10297 *mr̥śyatē ‘is rubbed’. [√mr̥ś] H. misnā ‘to be pulverized, be ground, be crushed, be crumpled by rubbing’ with intr. short vowel from orig. intr. mīsnā which has become tr. ‘to pulverize, grind, rumple’. — See miśrita— s.v. miśrayati. MR̥Ṣ ‘forget’: marṣa—, marṣáyati, *marṣyatē, *mr̥ṣṭa—2, mr̥ṣyatē; amarṣa—, *āmarṣa—, *āmr̥ṣṭa—, āmr̥ṣyatē, *unmr̥ṣṭa—2, *pramr̥ṣati, *pramrṣṭa—; — mŕ̥ṣā.
10300 *mr̥ṣṭa— 2 ‘forgotten’. [√mr̥ṣ] Pa. muṭṭha—sacca— n. ‘forgetfulness’; K. moṭhu (with o < a after pres. st. maśun < *marṣyatē) ‘forgotten, forgetful’; — Si. moṭa ‘forgetful’ ← Pa.? mr̥ṣyatē see marṣáyati. mr̥smr̥sā́karōti see maṣati. MR̥̄ ‘rub, crush’ [IE. *mr—Ə—: other extensions in √mr̥j, √mr̥d, √mr̥ś] *marati, *mārayati2, *murati1, mūryátē, mūrṇá—1, mr̥ṇā́ti, *mr̥ṇṇa—; *āmārayati;— √*mal1: *malati, malana—, *mālayati, *mulati; *āmalati, *unmalati, parimala—.
10303 *mēghākara— ‘mass of clouds’. [mēghá—, ākara—] Wg. myär, mayār ‘cloud’, Pr. mā́rƏ NTS xv 265; - or poss. < mēgharava- mēghāyátē see *mēhāyati. *mēghiya— ‘coming from a cloud’ see next.
10305 *mēṅga— 1 ‘defective’. [Cf. *mēcca1: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *mēṅga2 ‘lump’] M. mẽgā, mẽgyā ‘impotent, weak, imbecile, silly’, mẽgẽ n. ‘a weak silly fellow’; — mẽg f. ‘snake's slough’? *mēṅga—2, *mēṅgana— ‘lump’ see *mikkara—.
10306 *mēcca— ‘defective’. 2. *mēñca— 1. [Cf. *mucca—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—. — Cf. *mēñca2 ‘lump’] 1. Paš. mečƏ ‘wretched, miserly’; M. meċlā ‘mealy- mouthed, timid, bashful’. 2. Or. meñcaṛā ‘dwarfish’. *mēñca— 1 ‘defective’ see prec.
10307 *mēñca— 2 ‘lump’. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *mēñca1 ‘defective’] Or. meñca ‘fish roe’, meñcā ‘lump’. *mējjha— ‘ram’ see mēṇḍha—. mēṭa— see *māḍa2. mḗṭati see *miḍḍa—. *mēṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’ see *miḍḍa—.
10308 *mēṭṭa— 2 ‘lump’. 2. *mēṇḍa—2. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *mēṭṭa1, *mēṇḍa1 ‘defective’ s.v. *miḍḍa—] 1. Or. meṭṭā ‘hillock’. 2. Or. meṇḍā ‘lump, clot’. mēṭha— 1 see mahāmātra—. mēṭha— 2 ‘ram’ see mēṇḍha2. mēṭhī— see mēthí—. *mēḍa— ‘meeting’ see mēla—. *mēḍayati ‘unites’ see mēlayati. mēḍhī— see mēthí—. mḗḍhra— 1 ‘penis’ see mēṣá—, *mitta—. mēḍhra— 2 ‘ram’ see mēṇḍha2.
10311 *mēṇḍharūpa— ‘like a ram’. [mēṇḍha—2, rūpá—] Bi. mẽṛhwā ‘a bullock with curved horns like a ram's’; M. mẽḍhrū̃ n. ‘sheep’.
10312 *mēṇḍhī— ‘lock of hair, curl’. [Cf. *mēṇḍha1 s.v. *miḍḍa—] S. mı̄̃ḍhī f., °ḍho m. ‘braid in a woman's hair’, L. mē̃ḍhī f.; G. mı̃ḍlɔ, miḍ° m. ‘braid of hair on a girl's forehead’; M. meḍhā m. ‘curl, snarl, twist or tangle in cord or thread’.
10313 *mētthī— ‘the potherb fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)’. [mēthī— f. Pañcad., mēthikā—, mēthinī—, manthā2, vēdhanī— f. lex. — ← Drav. cf. Tam. mēti, mentiyam, vental, &c. DED 4161] K. mīthi f. ‘fenugreek’, S. methī f., L. methrī f., °rā m., P. methī f., methe m. pl. ‘its seeds’, met(h) f., °rā m., N. A. methi, B. met(h)i, Or. methi, Bi. H. G. M. methī f.; M. methā m. ‘another variety’.
10314 *mētha— ‘opposing, quarrelling with’. [√mith] Pa. mēdhaka—, °aga— m. ‘quarrel, abuse’; L. mı̄̃hā̃ m. ‘accusation, reproach’.
10322 *mēdapālikā— ‘holding fat’. [mḗdas—, pālá—] Dm. myēwalı̄́, mēw° ‘guts’ NTS xii 180 with (?).
10324 *mēdila— ‘having fat or marrow’. [mḗdas—] Bshk. mēil ‘marrow’. *mēdda— 1 ‘defective’ see *mitta—.
10325 *mēdda— 2 ‘lump’. [See list s.v. *maṭṭha2. — Cf. *mēdda1 ‘defective’ s.v. *mitta—] Or. meda ‘lump of clay’, medā ‘lump of dung’, medāṛi ‘heap, mass’, medibā ‘to knead together’.
10333 *mēll— ‘leave, let go’. [Cf. Ap. mullaï ‘lets go’ (from *mulla— replacing mutta— < muktá—?)] Pk. mellaï, millaï, milhaï ‘abandons’, caus. pp. millāvia—; G. melvũ ‘to let go, leave, send, place, keep’, melāvvũ ‘to set free’; — ext. —kk—: N. milkinu ‘to be thrown away’, milkāunu ‘to abandon’. Addenda: *mēll—: OMarw. (Vīsaḷa) absol. melhī ‘to leave, abandon’.
10335 *mēṣōrṇā— ‘sheep's wool’. [mēṣá—, ū́rṇā—] K. mūn, °nü f. ‘sheep's wool’, munulu ‘woollen’?
10336 *mēssa— ‘defective’. [Cf. *mussa—: see list s.v. *maṭṭa—] P. mīsṇā ‘perverse, taciturn’.
10338a *mēhāyati ‘is wet’. [Cf. ávamēhanti ~ ní mēghamāna- RV.; NIA. forms semant. less prob. < mēghāyátē ‘be- comes cloudy’ (= mēghaṁ karōti Pāṇ.) TS. — √*mih 2] Aw.lakh. mehāb ‘to get wet’; H. mihānā ‘to become damp’. mēhilā— ‘woman’ see mahilā́—.
10339 *mēhya— ‘rain’. [√*mih 2] Kal.urt. menǰ ‘cloud’, rumb. men, obl. menǰūna.
10343 *maiṣya— ‘ovine’. 2. *maiṣiya—. [→ Bur. m e_ ‘skin- bag’. — mēṣá—] 1. P. mesā m. ‘dressed and coloured skeepskin’. 2. M. meśī ‘sheep—faced’ (or poss. hapl. < *mesaśī < *mēṣāsiya—, °sya— ‘sheep—faced’ Suśr.).
10349 *mōca—2, mōcaka— n. ‘shoe’ lex. 2. mōcika— m. ‘tanner and cobbler’ BHSk. [← Ir. (Pahl. mōč, mōčak ‘shoe’) after loss of IA. —c—] 1. Pk. mōca— n. ‘shoe’, S. mocaṛu m.; M. moċā m. ‘slipper’. 2. S. L. P. mocī m. ‘cobbler’ (L. muceāṇī f. ‘his wife’), N. moci, A. musi, musiyār (after samār < carmakāra—), B. Or. moci, Bi. H. G. M. mocī m. Addenda: *mōca— 2. 2. mōcika—: WPah.kṭg. moċi m. ‘shoemaker’. mōcika— see mōca2 Add2. mṓṭati see muṭáti Add2. *mōṭṭa— 1 ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1 Add2. *mōsta— see musta—.
10351 *mōcc— ‘twist, wring’. [Cf. √muṭ] B. mocaṛ ‘a twist, wrench’, mocnā ‘tweezers’; Or. mocibā ‘to contract’. *mōccha— ‘defective’ see *muccha—. mōṭa— 1 ‘bundle’ see mūta—.
10352 *mōṭa— 2 ‘wicker stool’. 2. *mōṭha— 2. 1. A. murā ‘wicker stool’, B. Or. moṛā, M. moḍā m. 2. H. moṛhā m. → N. moṛhā, muṛā. mṓṭati see muṭáti. *mōṭṭa— 1 ‘defective, fat’ see *muṭṭa1. *mōṭṭa— 2 ‘bundle’ see mūta—. *mōṭṭha—, *mōtthara— ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1. *mōṭyatē ‘is twisted’ see muṭáti. *mōṭha— 1 ‘bundle’ see mūta—. *mōṭha— 2 ‘wicker stool’ see *mōṭa2. *mōḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *muṭṭa1.
10356 *mōdana— ‘mixing’. [Cf. mōdayati. — √mud 2] Pa. mōdanā— f. ‘blending (?)’; S. moiṇu, moṇu m. ‘ghee put into food to soften it’, mo(i)ṇyo ‘into which much ghee has been put’, moṇī f. ‘a kind of sweet- meat’; P. moṇ m. ‘ghee or oil for making short pastry’; H. moyan m. ‘mixing ghee or fat in flour to make it soft and powdery’; G. moyaṇ, moṇ n. ‘ghee so used’. - B. monā ‘pestle (esp. of rice—husking machine), penis’?
10364 *mōhya— ‘to be confused’. [√muh] Pk.jmh. mojjha— ‘confused, stupid’ (N. Brown Bhāratīya Anuśīlan Pt. 9, 30 wrongly < mauḍhya—); S. mõ;jhu—mõ;jhu m., mõ;jhi—mõ;jhi f. ‘tangle’; L. mūñjh f. ‘sadness’, mūñjhā ‘sad’.
10372 *maurdhaka— ‘pertaining to the head’. [mūrdhán—] L. moḍhā m. ‘shoulder’, mult. moṇḍhā m.
10377 *mrakṣa— 2 ‘rubbing, anointing’. [√mrakṣ] Gy. germ. mak ‘grease’; S. makhu m. ‘anointing with ghee’; Si. maku ‘act of obliterating’.
10382 *mrādayati ‘causes to be rubbed’. [mradáyati ‘smoothes’ TS. — √ mr̥d] Gy. eur. malav— ‘to strike’ rather < *mālayati s.v. *marati.
10384 *mrēcchati ~ mlḗcchati ‘speaks indistinctly’ ŚBr. [MIA. mr— < ml—? See Add. — √mlēch] K. briċhun, pp. bryuċhu ‘to weep and lament, cry as a child for something wanted or as motherless child’.
10388 *mlāyita— ‘withered’. [√mlai] Ash. wŕēi, wlēi ‘flour’, Wg. brēi, brē, Kt. bŕe, Gaw. blē NOGaw 30 (semant. difficult: rather < vlēpita—).
10390 *mlēcchatva— ‘condition of a non—Aryan’. [Cf. mlēcchatā— f. VP. — mlēcchá—] K. mīċuth, dat. °ċatas m. ‘habit or life of an out- caste’. MLĒCH ‘speak indistinctly’: *mrēcchati, mlēcchá—. MLAI ‘wither’: mlāna—, mlāpáyati, mlā́yati, *mlāyita—; *abhimlāpayati, *abhimlāyati, *āmlā- payati; — marāla2?
10393 *yakarāntra— ‘liver and guts’. [yákr̥t—, āntrá—] S. jerā̃ḍī f. ‘liver, lights and spleen of an animal suspended by the windpipe.’
10396 *yaja— ‘cold’. [IE. *yeĝ— ‘ice’ IEW 503?] Kt. yūċ ‘cold’, Pr. (y)ṳ̄zu, Wg. yū̆z, yoz → Kal. Kho. yoz (→ Wkh. yaz) NTS xv 280 rather than < avaśyā—.
10406 *yatra— 2 ‘control’. [~ yantrá—, cf. yáti— ‘control’ ~ yanti— Pāṇ.com. — √yam] WPah.bhal. j̈aṭḷ n. ‘control, possession’.
10413 *yantravaṭa— ‘cord of a machine’. [Cf. Pa. yantasutta- n. — yantrá—, vaṭa2] WPah.bhal. jaṇṭḷoṛ m. ‘long string round spinning wheel’.
10414 *yantraśālā— ‘millstone room’. [yantrá—, śā́lā—] H. jãtsār f. ‘place where millstones are’.
10415 *yantrasvāra— ‘mill song’. [yantrá—, svārá—] Bhoj. jãtasār ‘song sung by women while grinding’.
10416 *yabdha— ‘copulated’. [√yabh] S. jadho, ya° (pp. of jahaṇu < yábhati) ‘id.’; L.awāṇ. yàddhā; P. jaddhā ‘a term of abuse’, jaddho, jaddhaṛ f. ‘a wanton’, yaddhaṛ m. ‘bastard’, jaddhṇā, ya° ‘to copulate’.
10417 *yabdhr̥— ‘futuitor’. [√yabh] L.awāṇ. yàddhī ‘rogue’. YABH ‘copulate’. [S. L. P. have alternative forms with initial y— which was preserved or re—introduced as euphemism for vernacular j— (reflected in jábhati Dhātup.)] *yabdha—, *yabdhr̥—, yábhati, yabhana—, *yabh- yatē, yābha—, *yābhayati, *yābhuka—, *yābhya—; *pratiyābhayati, *prayābha—.
10420 *yabhyatē ‘futuitur’. [√yabh] S. jabhaṇu, ya° ‘to be sexually enjoyed, be tired’, L. yabhaṇ ‘to have sexual relations’; P. yabbhal ‘corpulent but weak’. YAM ‘control’: yatá—, yáti—2, *yatra—2, yantrá—, yamá—2, yámatē, yamyátē, yāntrika—, yā́ma—, *yām- ana—; āyacchati, āyāma—, udyama—, *udyamati, udyamana—, *udyāmayati, úpayacchati, *upāyac- chati, níyata—, niyamá—, niyamayati, niyamita—, niyāmaka—, niryāma—, viyamá—, viyāmá—, vyāmá—, vyāyāmá—.
10423 *yamakaśāla— ‘twin sāl trees’. [yamá—1, śāla—] Pa. yamakasālā m. pl. ‘the two sāl trees between which Buddha died’; Si. imal ‘pair of sāl trees’. yamáyati see yamyátē.
10424 *yamayantra— ‘double mill (i.e. having two stones?)’. [yamá—1, yantrá—] Sh. yamõ̯r, (Lor.) y *l myɔ̃r ‘small handmill, water- mill’?
10430 *yal— ‘endure, stay’. S. jaraṇu ‘to endure, suffer with patience’, jāraṇu ‘to endure, get on, subsist’; L. jālaṇ ‘to endure, be patient, stop, go slowly’; G. jeravvũ ‘to endure’, jāḷavvũ ‘to preserve uninjured’.
10435 *yavavr̥nta— ‘stalk of barley’. [yáva—, vŕ̥nta1] N. jaũṛā ‘shoots of barley four weeks old (specially planted and cut to be worn in the hat at Dasaı̃)’.
10454 *yātr̥putra— m. ‘husband's brother's wife's son’. [yā́tr̥—, putrá1] Mth. jāut ‘id.’ ABORI xxi 110.
10464 *yābhayati ‘enjoys (a woman)’. [√yabh] L.awāṇ. yavuṇ ‘id.’; — Kho. žeik (or < *yabhayati).
10465 *yābhuka— ‘desiring sexual relation’. [√yabh] S. P. jāhū ‘lustful’, m. ‘debauchee’.
10466 *yābhya— ‘to be sexually enjoyed’. [Cf. áyabhyā—, súyabhyā— AV. — √yabh] S. jābhaṛī f. ‘prostitute’, jābhaṛa—khāno m. ‘brothel’.
10471 *yār— ‘year’. [Cf. Av. yār— n. ‘year’ IEW 296 and paryāríṇī— EWA ii 227] parā́ri, *samayāra—.
10478 *yāsa— ‘girdle’. [Cf. Av. yāh— n. ‘girdle’: IEW 513] Pr. yásẽ ‘belt’ NTS xv 280. YU 1 ‘join, mix’: yuvátē, yūthá—, yūna—, *yūniya—, yūnya—; níyuvati, *niryauti, saṁyāvá—, sáṁyuta—; — √yuj, √yuṭ. YU 2 ‘separate’: yāvya—, yuta—; níyuta—.
10481 *yukna— ‘yoined’. [~ yuktá—. — √yuj] Paš. žuk— ‘to fit, suit’.
10483 *yugakāṣṭha— ‘yoke timber’. [yugá—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. Mth. juāṭh ‘yoke of plough’, (Patna) joṭh ‘bullock yoke with two bars’; H. jūāṭh, °āṭ m. ‘yoke’; — Paš.lauṛ. ẓōeṭı̄́, ar. yūwaṭı̄́ ‘yoke’, ishk. ẓōṭı̄́ ‘neck of yoke’ (IIFL iii 3, 208 prob. < yṓga— + dimin. —ṭī).
10484 *yugacūḍa— ‘knob on yoke’. [yugá—, cū́ḍa1] Or. juuḷi, joaḷa ‘nail hooked at both ends and thrust into blade of plough over groove into which plough- share is fitted’.
10487 *yugapāṭikā— ‘ploughshare’. [yugá—, pāṭa—] Or. (Sambhalpur) ǰuāṛi ‘ploughshare’.
10488 *yugabandhana— ‘yoke—tie’. [yugá—, bándhana—] H. jodhan m. ‘rope tying wooden bars of the yoke’.
10490 *yugaśala— ‘yoke and pin’. [yugá—, śalá1] G. jusrī f. ‘yoke’; — jhusrī, jhũsrī f. X dhũsrī < *dhūrśala—.
10491 *yugahala— ‘plough with yoke’. [yugá—, halá—] S. juharu m. ‘plough—yoke’ (or < yugadhara—); L. jūlā m. ‘upper horizontal bar of bullock yoke’, khet. jhūl ‘yoke’; P. jūlā ‘crossbar of yoke’ PhonPj 114 (LM 336 < yugala—).
10494 *yugmakāṣṭha— ‘yoke beam’. [Cf. *yugakāṣṭha—. - yugmá—, kāṣṭhá—] Gaw. žugā́ṭa, žūgaṭá ‘yoke’, Sv. yugaṭṓu: or < yu- (< yugá—) + kāṣṭhá—?
10495 *yuṅga— ‘yoke, pair’. [Cf. áyuṅga— ŚBr. = ayugma—. — √yuj] Paš. ẓōṅgolā́ ‘rope to fasten yoke round bullock's neck’, kuṛ. eṅgoṭṓ ‘yoke’ IIFL iii 3, 14; — S. juṅgu m. ‘pair of waterwheels’. YUJ ‘join’: yuktá—, yuktaka—, yukti—, *yukna—, yugá—, yugala—, yugmá—, yúj—, yujyátē, yuñjati, yunákti, yōktŕ̥—, yṓktra—, yōktrayati, *yōkṣati, yṓga—, yṓgya—, yōgyā́—, yṓjana—, yōjayati; áyukta—, anudyōga—, āyukta—, niyukta—, niyōga—, niyōgya—, niyṓjana—, niyōjayati, *niryuj—, prayukta—, pra- yōga—, viyukta—, viyōga—, saṁprayōga—, sáṁyukta—, saṁyōga—, saṁyōjayati, sayúj—, sayujya—; — √yu1, √yuṭ. yúj— in cmpd. ‘yoked’, m. ‘yoke—fellow’ RV. [√yuj] aśvayuja—, sayujya—. yujyátē, yuñjati see yunákti. *YUṬ ‘join’: *yuṭati, *yuṭṭa—, *yuṭyati, *yōṭa—, *yōṭayati; *saṁyuṭati.
10496 *yuṭati ‘is joined’. 2. *yuṭyati. 3. *yuṭṭa—. 4. *yōṭayati (yaúṭati, yaúḍati ‘joins’ Dhātup.). 5. *yōṭa— (yōṭaka— m. ‘constellation’ lex.). [juṭati, juḍati ‘binds’ Dhātup. are MIA. (S. with j— attests earlier y—). Relationship with √yu 1 or √yuj is obscure. Direct derivation (P. Tedesco OrLit 1932 col. 530) of *juḍa— < yuta— or *juṭṭa— < yuktá— is phonet. difficult. Poss. the series started with MIA. *yuṭṭa- which replaced yutta— and from which *yuṭati, *yōṭa- yati, &c. were analogically created (cf. truṭyati). Forms in H. M. with —— and —l— (< earlier —— or —l—) suggest non—Aryan origin or influence, or may be due to collision with yugala—. —√*yuṭ] 1. Pk. juḍia— ‘met’; S. juṛaṇu ‘to fit, be prepared, be built’; L. juṛaṇ ‘to be joined’; P. juṛnā ‘to be joined, be mended, be gained’; WPah.cur. juṛṇā ‘to be obtained’, (Joshi) juṛnu ‘to meet in battle’; Ku. juṛṇo ‘to meet’; N. jurnu ‘to be forthcoming’, jur—mil ‘putting together bride's and groom's horoscopes’; B. juṛā ‘to be fastened, meet, happen’; OAw. juraï intr. ‘assembles, meets’; H. juṛnā ‘to be joined, copulate, come to hand’, julnā ‘to be united, agree’; OMarw. juḍaï ‘to be fastened’; OG. juḍaï intr. ‘unites, is fit- ting’; M. j̈uḍṇẽ ‘to come together’, j̈uḷṇẽ ‘to put together, make meet’, j̈ūḷ f. ‘tying (two animals) to- gether’ (or < yugala—?). — See *saṁyuṭati. 2. S. juṭaṇu ‘to be engaged in, apply the mind’; L. (Ju.) juṭaṇ ‘to be joined, be engaged in’, awāṇ. juṭṭuṇ ‘to be yoked’; Ku. juṭṇo intr. ‘to assemble, fight’; N. juṭnu ‘to be assembled, happen’; B. juṭā ‘to come to- gether or to hand’; Or. jūṭibā intr. ‘to reach’; Mth. juṭe ‘together’; H. juṭnā intr. ‘to unite, cohere’; M. j̈uṭṇẽ intr. ‘to combine’. 3. L. juṭṭ m. ‘crosspiece at bottom of churn’; P. juṭṭ m. ‘pair of bullocks’; WPah.bhal. m. juṭṭ m. ‘pair’, juṭṭī f. ‘shoe’; Ku. juṭ m. ‘pair, troop’. 4. Pk. jōḍēi ‘joins’; S. joṛaṇu ‘to prepare, make’; L. joṛaṇ ‘to join, add up’; P. joṛṇā ‘to join’, Ku. joṛṇo, N. jornu; A. zoriba ‘to fix (arrow to bow), clear (jungle), cover’; B. joṛā, juṛā ‘to join, fasten’, Or. joṛibā, juṛ°, Mth. jorab, OAw. joraï, H. joṛnā, OMarw. jōḍaï, G. joṛvũ, M. j̈oḍṇẽ. 5. Bshk. yōr m., yēr f. ‘twin’, Phal. yūṛa, yū̃ṛo; K. ḍoḍ. jōṛō ‘pair of shoes’; S. joṛu m. ‘a match, fellow’, °ṛo m. ‘pair, pair of shoes’; L. joṛ m. ‘joint, total’, °ṛā m. ‘pair, arch of saddle’; P. joṛ m. ‘joint’, °ṛā m. ‘couple’; WPah.bhal. j̈oṛī f. pl. ‘pairs of players’, (Joshi) joṛ m. ‘joint’, °ṛā m. ‘pair, pair of shoes’, Ku. joṛ, joṛo; N. jor ‘pair’, jori ‘comrade’; A. zorā ‘joint’, zuriyā ‘equal in age’; B. joṛ ‘joint’, °ṛā ‘pair’, juṛi, Or. joṛa, °ṛā, juṛi; Bi. jor ‘loop in tethering rope’; H. joṛ m., °ṛī ‘pair’, OMarw. joḍī f.; G. joṛ, °ṛī f. ‘pair’, °ṛā m. pl. ‘pair of shoes’, °ṛũ n. ‘pair, a shoe’, joṛiyɔ m. ‘com- panion’; M. j̈oḍ m.f. ‘pair’, °ḍā m. ‘pair, a shoe’. - Paš.weg. yoṛtı̄́ ‘yoke’ rather < yṓga— or *yuga- kāṣṭha—. *yuṭṭa—, *yuṭyatē ‘is joined’ see prec. Addenda: *yuṭati. 4. *yōṭayati: S.kcch. joṛṇū ‘to attach, find’; WPah.kṭg. j̈oṛnõ; ‘to join’; poet. j̈vṛno ‘to be attached, to intend’; kṭg. j̈vṛk e m.pl. ‘clothes’; J. joṛṇu ‘to join’; jub. (LStH 185) jūṛkā ‘cloth’. 5. *yōṭa—: S.kcch. joṛo m. ‘shoe’; WPah.kṭg. j̈oṛi f. ‘pair’, J. joṛā m., Garh. joṛi.
10498 *yutakāra— ‘separateness’. [yuta—, kārá1] G. juārũ n. ‘separation’.
10500 *yuddhi— ‘fighting’. [√yudh] S. judhi f. ‘war, strife’. YUDH ‘fight’: yuddhá—, *yuddhi—, *yudhya—, yúdhyatē, yōddhr̥—, yōdhá—, yōdháyati; ā́yudha—, *saṁprayōdha—.
10501 *yudhya— ‘to be fought’. [ayudhyá— RV. — √yudh] Pa. a—yujjha— ‘invincible’; Pk. jujjha— n. ‘battle’; Gy. arm. ǰuǰ ‘quarrel’; WPah. (Joshi) jujh m. ‘war’; N. bājho—jujho ‘fight’; A. zũz ‘battle’, Or. jujjha, OAw. jūjha m., H. jūjh m., OG. jhūjha.
10505 *yuvatikula— ‘wife's house’. [yuvatí—, kúla—] N. joila jānu ‘to take a wife and maintain oneself at her expense’.
10506 *yuvatirūpa— ‘young woman’. [yuvatí—, rūpá—] P. WPah.jaun. jorū f. ‘wife’, B. jaru, Or. joru, H. jorū f.
10510 *yuvāna— ‘young’, yuvānaka— Hcat. [yúvānam RV. acc. of yúvan—] Pa. yuvāna— ‘young’; Pk. juvāṇa—, juāṇa— m. ‘young man’, juvāṇī— f.; S. juāṇu m., °ṇī f. ‘a youth’ (juānu m. ← Pers. ǰavān), P. javāṇ, juāṇ m.f., juāṇī f., N. juwān, jwān, A. zowān; B. juyān ‘young, strong’; Or. juāṇa ‘young, a youth’ (juān ← Pers.); Mth. juānī ‘youth, manhood’ (jamān ‘young man’ ← Pers.); H. juwān m. ‘a youth’; Si. yuvan ‘young, best’, yona ‘young woman’.
10514 *yūkāvant— ‘lousy’. [yukā—] Sh. (Lor.) ǰuw *l no ‘lousy’.
10519 *yūniya— ‘pertaining to string’. [yūna—] Phal. ǰhūṇī ‘nettle’ (cf. N. jot ‘string of nettle fibre’ s.v. yṓktra—).
10520 *yūnya— ‘eating’. [√yu 1] S. juñu m. ‘wedding feast, banquet’; L. juñj m. ‘wedding feast’; WPah. (Joshi) jūn f. ‘a meal’.
10525 *yōkṣati ‘ponders’. [Cf. aor. ayōkṣīt, fut. yōkṣyati, desid. yuyukṣatē ‘determines to meditate’ Bhaṭṭ., yuṅktē, yunakti ‘meditates’ MBh. — √yuj] S. jokhaṇu ‘to weigh’, P. jokhṇā, ḍog. jokkhƏnā; Ku. jokhṇo ‘to examine’; N. jokhnu ‘to weigh’; A. zokhiba ‘to weigh, measure’, B. jõ;k(h)ā, jũkā; Or. jokhibā, jukh° ‘to unite, calculate’; H. jokhnā ‘to weigh, measure’; G. jokhvũ ‘to examine, weigh’; M. j̈okhṇẽ ‘to weigh’. Addenda: *yōkṣati: S.kcch. jokhṇū ‘to weigh’. — MIA. *jōkh- < *jōkkh— in P. johṇā, juhṇā ‘to examine, try’, Mth. johab ‘to look for’, OAw. johaï ‘look for’, H. johnā ‘to look at’, G. jovũ ‘to consider, examine, look at’ which clashed with Pk. jōyaï ‘sees, shines’ etc. < dyṓtatē.
10538 *rakka— ‘defective’. 2. *rakkara—. 3. raṅká— ‘slow, dull’ Uṇ., ‘poor, hungry’ Prab., m. ‘starveling’ Mālatīm., °aka— m. Bharaṭ. (~ *laṅka1). 4. *raṅkha—. 5. *raṅga— 4. [~ *lakka1. — raṅka— ‘poor’ PMWS 140 ← Mu. cf. Sant. re̱ṅge̱c' ‘poor’ (cf. rhyming vaṅka- ‘vagabond’ Bhadrab.). — Other ‘defective’ word- groups with initial r— s.vv. *raṭṭa— (*raḍḍa—, *raṇṭa—, *raṇṭha—, raṇḍa—, *rāḍa—, *rāṇa—), *rigga— (*rēṅga—), *rēñca— (*rēñja—), *rēṇṭa— (*rēṇḍa—), *rēnda—, *rēppa—, *rugga—, *rōcca— (*rōñca—), *ruḍa— (*ruḍha—, *ruṇṭa—, *ruṇṭha—, ruṇḍa—, *ruṇḍha—, *rōṭṭa2, *rōḍa1, *rōḍḍa—), *runda—, *rōbba—, *rōra—, *rulla—. — Similar series s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—4, *maṭṭa—, *lakka—1, vaṇṭa—2, *śaṭṭa—] 1. L. rakkaṛ m. ‘poor soil’; P. rakkaṛ ‘hard and barren (of land)’; M. rakṭẽ n. ‘contemptuous term for an old or worn or coarse or undersized or tattered blanket or for any old and bad clothing’. 2. P. rakkar = rakkaṛ above. 3. Pk. raṁka— ‘poor’; L. raṅguṛ ‘poor, bad (of crops)’; OAw. rāṁka ‘wretched, poor’; H. rā̃k ‘poor’, rā̃kaṛ f. ‘poor stony ground’; G. rā̃k, rā̃kṛũ ‘poor, humble’, rā̃kũ n. ‘beggar’; M. rā̃kaṭ ‘big and boorish’; — Ku. N. rā̃go ‘buffalo bull’ (or < raṅku—?). 4. P. raṅghaṛ m. ‘a Moslem caste who are slothful agriculturists, conceited person’. 5. OAw. rāṁga m. ‘wretch’. *rakkara— ‘defective’ see prec. Addenda: *rakka—: cf. also OP. rañca, rañcaka f. ‘a little bit’.
10541 *raktāma— ‘red stools’. [rakta—1, āmá—] L.awān. ratvā̃ ‘bloody stools’.
10553 *rakṣākuṇḍaka— ‘ash—pit’. [rakṣā—2, kuṇḍá1] M. rākhõ;ḍā, °khũḍā m. ‘ash—heap, ash—pit, any place for ashes’.
10554 *rakṣādhāna— ‘place for ashes’. [rakṣā—2, dhā́na—] N. rachyān ‘dust—hole, rubbish—hole’; M. rasāṇẽ n. ‘glowing embers’.
10555 *rakṣāpuṭaka— ‘layer of ashes’. [rakṣā—2, puṭa—] G. rākhɔṛɔ m., °ṛī f. ‘layers of ashes or clay &c., ashes’.
10558 *ragg— ‘rub’. G. ragvũ ‘to importune’; — ext. ——: S. raǥiṛo m. ‘wrangling’; P. ragaṛṇā ‘to rub’, Ku. ragaṛṇo; N. ragṛanu ‘to rub, work overtime’; B. ragṛāna ‘to rub’, Or. ragaṛibā, Mth. ragaṛab, H. ragaṛnā, G. ragaṛvũ, raggaṛ ‘thick and liquid’; M. ragaḍṇẽ ‘to rub’. raṅká— see *rakka—. Addenda: *ragg—: Ko. ragḍo ‘grinding stone’, raggaḍtā ‘rubs’.
10567 *raṅgapattra ‘tinfoil’. [raṅga—3, páttra—] B. rāṅ(g) ‘tinsel, copper—foil’.
10569 *raṅgamaṇḍala— ‘stage for acting’. [raṅga—2, máṇḍala—] Pa. raṅgamaṇḍala— n. ‘theatre stage’; — Si. ran̆ga- maḍala ‘theatre’ (EGS 144) ← Pa.
10570 *raṅgayati ‘dyes’. [Replaces rañjayati1. — raṅga1] Pk. raṁgaï ‘dyes’, Sh. răṅóĭki̯, K. rangun, S. raṅaṇu; L. raṅgiṇ f. ‘vessel in which cloth is dyed’; P. raṅgṇā, raṅgāuṇā ‘to dye, paint’, N. raṅāunu; B. rāṅgāna ‘to redden’; H. rãgānā ‘to be coloured’; M. rãgṇẽ ‘to dye’.
10571 *raṅgita— ‘coloured’. [raṅga1] A. rāṅī ‘red’; — ext. —ll—: Pk. raṁgilla— ‘coloured’; P. raṅgīl ‘painted, coloured with lac’; N. raṅilo ‘brightly coloured, gay’, B. raṅgilā, H. rãgīlā, G. rãgīlũ: in mng. ‘gay’ perh. rather < next.
10573 *raṅgōdaka— ‘solution of borax’. [raṅga—5, udaká—] Kho. ruṅgo g ‘solution of saline earth’. RAC ‘fashion’: *racyatē; *āracayati, uparacayati, *saṁracayati, *saṁracyatē, *samāracati.
10574 *racyatē ‘is fashioned’. [racáyati ‘fashions’ R. - √rac] S. racaṇu ‘to form, invent’; N. racnu ‘to make’, pass. racinu; H. racnā ‘to be made, be formed’. RAJ ‘please, be attached to’. [To be separated from √rañj ‘dye’ with its range of phonet. similar words (T. Burrow, BSOAS xii 650, whose further identifica- tion of √raj with √lag is very doubtful] rakta—2, raṅga—2, raṅgaṇa—, raṅgin—, rajyatē2, rañjana—2, *rañjati, rañjayati2, rāga—2; anurāga—, *prarakta—, *prarajyatē, virakta—, virajyati, vi- rāga—, vairāgya—, saṁrajyatē. Addenda: *racyatē: WPah.kṭg. rƏċauṇõ; ‘to perform’; Garh. racṇu ‘to build’.
10585 *rañjati ‘is pleased’. [rañjayati 2 ‘delights’ MaitrUp., Pk. raṁjēi ‘makes happy’. — √raj] Pa. rañjati ‘finds delight in’, Pk. raṁjaē; K. ranzun ‘to be pleased, be consoled’.
10592 *raṭi— ‘crying out’. [Cf. raṭita— n. ‘screaming’ Kād., Pk. raḍiya— n. — √raṭ] S. raṛi f. ‘scream’ (whence raṛyo m. ‘bawler’); L. raṛ f. ‘grunt or groan of camel’; N. raṛi ‘amorous quarrel’; Or. raṛi ‘scream’; H. (poet.) rara f. ‘shout’; M. raḍī f. ‘losing one's temper’.
10593 *raṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *raḍḍa— (~ laḍḍa—). 3. *raṇṭa— (~ *laṇṭa—). 4. *raṇṭha— (~ *laṇṭha—). 5. raṇḍa— (~ laṇḍa1) ‘maimed’ lex., ‘celibate’ BhP., m. ‘one who dies without issue, barren tree (= raṇḍaka— m.)’ lex., raṇḍā— f. ‘one deprived of or not indulging in sexual intercourse’ Kāv., ‘widow’ lex. 6. *rāḍa—. 7. *rāṇa—. [Cf. rā́ṇḍya— ‘barren (of breast)’ RV. (J.C.W.). — Poss. connexions in Mu. PMWS 80 and 150. Cf. *rēṇṭa—, *ruḍa—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. M. raṭṭa m. ‘term of abuse for any coarse or huge or misshapen thing or animal.’ 2. Mth. rāṛ ‘low—cast man’; H. rāṛ ‘base, cowardly, out of work’; M. rāḍ ‘foul, turbid, muddy’; Si. raḍuva ‘chaff’ (semant. cf. bol < *bhōla—). 3. G. rā̃ṭũ ‘crooked—legged, curved, bent’; — forms of S. L. Ku. with ṇḍ may belong here or be loans from Centre where ṇḍ of raṇḍa— was preserved: S. raṇḍī f. ‘loose woman’; L. raṇḍā, °ḍuṛ, °ḍuṇ m. ‘widower’, raṇḍī, °ḍiṛ, °ḍiṇ f. ‘widow’; Ku. rā̃ḍo ‘wifeless’, rãḍuwā ‘bachelor’, rā̃ḍ ‘widow’, rā̃ḍī ‘harlot’. 4. Or. rāṇṭha ‘miserly’; M. rā̃ṭh, rāṭh ‘rugged, rude, coarse, harsh’. 5. Pk. raṁḍā— f. ‘widow’, Bshk. riṇḍ (or more prob. < *rēṇḍa—); Tor. žon m. ‘widower’, žem f. ‘widow’ (m?); K. ranḍ f. ‘widow’, ronu ‘having crooked or maimed arm or hand, handless, footless’; S. rana, ranaṛa, °ṛi f. ‘widow, harlot’, ranaṛu, °noṛu m. ‘widower’; L. rann f. ‘woman, wife’, (Ju.) ran f. ‘woman (in abuse)’, awāṇ. ran ‘wife’; P. rann f. ‘wife’, ludh. raṇḍ, °ḍī f. ‘widow’ (→ H. raṇḍī, G. rãḍī f. ‘harlot’), rā̃ḍ f. (← H.); WPah.bhal. raṇḍ f. ‘widow’, raṇḍo m. ‘widower’; Ku. rān ‘widow’, rāno ‘wifeless’; N. rā̃ṛo ‘widower’, rā̃ṛi ‘widow’, A. rāṇḍī; B. rā̃ṛ, °ṛī ‘widow, concubine’, rā̃ṛā ‘sterile, barren (of trees)’; Or. rāṇḍa ‘widow’, (Sambhalpur) rā̃ṛa, raṇḍī ‘widow, woman’; Bi. rā̃ṛ ‘widow’, rā̃ṛā, raṇḍā ‘widower’; Mth. rā̃ṛ, °ṛi ‘widow’, Bhoj. rā̃ṛ; H. rā̃ḍ, rā̃ṛ f. ‘widow, harlot’, rā̃ḍā ‘barren, unproductive’, m. ‘widower’; G. rā̃ḍ f. ‘widow, girl, harlot’, rā̃ḍvɔ m. ‘womanish fellow’; M. rā̃ḍ f. ‘widow, woman’; — ext. —kk—: H. rā̃ṛkā m. ‘blockhead’; M. rā̃ḍkā m. ‘widower’. 6. Si. raḷu ‘vile, mischievous, harsh, rough, cruel’. 7. L. rāṇã ‘bare, bare—back, bare foot’; Ku.gng. rāṇ ‘widow’, Mth. rāṇ. *raṇḍātvana—. *raṭyati ‘howls’ see ráṭati. raṭhati ‘speaks’ Dhātup.: see rāṭi—. *raḍ— ‘slip’ see next. Addenda: *raṭṭa—. 5. raṇḍa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) rāṇḍ f. (obl. —a) ‘widow, harlot’, raṇḍi f.; kc. raṇḍo m. ‘widower’, Garh. rāḍ (= rā̃ḍ?) ‘widow’; Md. ran̆ḍu ‘womanish, shy’.
10594 *raḍḍ— ‘slip’. 2. *raḍ—. [~ *laḍḍ1] 1. Pk. raḍḍa— ‘slipped’; — ext. —kk—: Ku. raṛakṇo ‘to fall down’; N. raṛkanu ‘to slip’; H. raṛkānā ‘to shove’. 2. G. raṛvũ ‘to slip’. *raḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *raṭṭa—. RAṆ 1 ‘rejoice’: ráṇa—1, rátna—. RAṆ 2 ‘rattle, jingle’: raṇa2.
10597 *raṇḍātvana— ‘widowhood’. [raṇḍā— s.v. *raṭṭa—] S. ranāpaṇu, °ṇo m. ‘widowhood’, H. raṇḍāpan m.
10598 *raṇḍhu— ‘rope’. [If rájju— X bandha—, why ṇḍh?] Pk. raṁḍhua— n. ‘rope’; G. rā̃ḍhvũ n. ‘rope, string’.
10608 *rathyadhānī— ‘instrument—case’. [ráthya—, dhā́na—] L. richāhaṇ, racchāṇī, richāhṇī f. ‘barber's case of tools’, P. rachāṇī f.
10610 *radaka—, rada— m. ‘scratching, scratch’ lex. Kho. ro g ‘furrow, score, incised line, crack, seam (in rock), narrow track on difficult mountain or cliff’ (→ Yid. ro g ‘goat track’); — Or. raï ‘long narrow channel made for flow of water from higher level’ (raï kāṭibā ‘to cut such a one’) or < raya—. — Cf. *randa—. raddhá— see next.
10611 *radhyatē ‘is softened’ (act. radhyatu ‘let him subdue’ AV.). 2. raddha— ‘subdued’ RV. [Cf. randhi imper. ‘subdue’, radham inj. ‘may I submit’, radhrá— ‘weak’ RV., randhayati ‘cooks’ MānGr̥. — √randh] 1. Sh. ražóĭki̯ ‘to be cooked (in a pot)’; S. rajhaṇu ‘to be boiled or stewed, be inflamed or angry’; H. rajhnā ‘to be cooked or boiled’ (with a for ā in intr.: caus. rajhānā). 2. Pk. raddha— ‘cooked’, Sh. pp. rádŭ, S. pp. radho. ránti— see *rānti—.
10612 *randa— ‘cut, path’. [Cf. rádati ‘cuts open (a road or path)’ RV. — √rad] S. randu m. ‘cut or hole made in metal to test it, footmark, road, path’; P. rand m. ‘road, path’. — Cf. *radaka—.
10613 *randati ‘scrapes’. [Cf. rádati RV. and MPers. randī- tan ‘to scrape’ ~ Bal. ra d ag. — √rad] Kho. rondik ‘to scrape, clear, clean’; S. randaṇu ‘to test precious metals by making a hole in them, refute’. RANDH ‘subdue, cook’: raddhá—, *radhyatē, randha—, randhana—, randháyati; *avarandhati, *uparandhyatē.
10618 *rapaka— ‘churning stick, churn’. [√*rap 2?] Pk. ravaya— m. ‘churning stick’; Ku. raī ‘churn’; H. raī f. ‘churning stick’, G. ravaī f., ravaīyɔ m., M. ravī f.; — ext. ——: Ku. rauṛo ‘churn made of bamboo’, rauṛī ‘churn, churning stick’.
10619 *rapaṇa— ‘talking’. [~ lapana—. — √rap 1] Pk. ravaṇa— n. ‘making a noise’; L. rôṇā m. ‘clapper of bell’, P. rauṇā m.; — L. rêṇā m. ‘clapper of bell, small bell on neck of cow or goat’; P. raiṇā m. ‘clapper’? - Or < ravaṇa1?
10621 *rappa— ‘burning’. [Poss. conn. with raphitá— ‘dis- tressed’ RV., (m)phati, (m)pháti ‘hurts’ Dhātup.] Ku. rāph ‘warmth of fire’; N. rāp ‘heat, zeal, bother’, rāpilo ‘ardent, flaming, impetuous’; A. rāp ‘affection’; M. rāp, rā̃p m. ‘astringency’. — P. rapp- rapp ‘briskly’?
10622 *rappha— ‘anthill’. Pk. rappha— m. ‘anthill’; G. rāph, rāphṛɔ m. ‘anthill, snake's hole’. *rapsa— ‘tool’. [√*rap 2] See ráthya—. raphitá— see *rappa—.
10623 *rabbā— ‘gruel, inspissated juice’. Pk. rabbā— f. ‘inspissated decoction’; S. raḇa f. ‘gruel of any grain’; P. rāb f. ‘treacle, molasses’ (← H.); Or. (Sambhalpur) rāb ‘fermented and sour boiled rice and water’; Bi. rāb ‘boiled down and unstrained sugarcane juice’ (Patna rāwā?); Mth. rāb ‘raw sugar- cane juice’, Bhoj. Aw.lakh. rāb ‘molasses’; H. rāb f. ‘inspissated juice’; G. rāb f. ‘gruel of sugar and flour with water’; M. rāb f. ‘sugarcane juice’; — ext. ——: K. rābürü f. ‘meal mixed with buttermilk’; L. (Ju.) raḇṛī f. ‘broken curds’; P. rabṛī f. ‘milk and sugar’ (rābṛī f. ← H.); Ku. rābhṛī f. ‘inspissated milk’, rābhṛo m. ‘inspissated juice’; N. rābaṛi ‘sweetmeat of sugar and cream’ (lw. with ); Or. rābaṛi, °biṛi ‘in- spissated milk’; H. rābṛī f. ‘meal mixed with butter- milk’; G. rābṛī f. ‘milk and sugar’, M. rābḍī f. RABH ‘take hold’: rábhatē, rambhati1; ārabdha—, ā́rabhatē, ārabhya, ārambhá—1, ārámbhaṇa—, *āram- bhati1, prārabdhi—, *virābhayati, saṁrambha—, samā́rabhatē; — √labh. Addenda: *rabbā—: Garh. rāb ‘molasses’.
10629 *rampa— ‘knife, scraper’. 2. *rampha—. 3. *rambha—. [√*ramp] 1. Pk. raṁpa— m. ‘knife’; S. rambo m. ‘chisel, grass- scraper’, °bī f. ‘small chisel’; L. rambā m. ‘spud, chisel’, awāṇ. rammā̃ ‘hoe’; P. rambā m. ‘hoe, flat trowel’, °bī f. ‘small grass—scraper, cobbler's knife’; Or. rāmpa ‘a scratch’, rāmpi ‘mason's plane, wooden trowel or scraper’; Bi. rā̃pī, rāpī ‘leather—scraper’, H. rā̃pī f.; G. rā̃p, rā̃pṛī f. ‘hoe, weeding plough’, rā̃pī f. ‘cobbler's tool’; M. rā̃pā m., °pī f. ‘chisel’. 2. N. rā̃bho ‘chisel’ or < 3. 3. G. rā̃bhɔ, rābhɔ m. ‘digging tool’.
10630 *rampati ‘scrapes’. 2. *ramphati. 3. *rambhati2. [√*ramp] 1. Pk. rampaï, rappaï ‘scrapes’; Or. rāmpibā ‘to scratch’; G. rā̃pvũ ‘to set (plants) in a row’. 2. Pk. raṁphaï ‘scrapes’. 3. Pk. raṁbhaï ‘scrapes’. *rampha— ‘scraper’ see *rampa—. *ramphati ‘scrapes see *rampati. RAMB ‘hang down’: rámbatē; *virambatē; - √lamb.
10637 *ramyati ‘rests, enjoys oneself’. [Cf. uparamyētām opt. ‘they should cease’ Hariv. — √ram] S. ramaṇu ‘to ramble’; P. ramṇā ‘to saunter’, caus. ramāuṇā ‘to pass time’; N. ramāunu ‘to be pleased’; A. ramiba ‘to sport with’; H. (poet.) rāmnā ‘to wander about’, ramnā ‘to enjoy (a woman)’, ramānā ‘to divert’; M. ramṇẽ ‘to loiter idly, wanton’. — Altern. < rá- matē; K. ramun ‘to remain, enjoy oneself’. Addenda: *ramyati: Garh. ramṇu ‘to be engrossed in’.
10639 *rayaṇa— ‘flowing’. [√] Pk. rēṇi— m.f. ‘mud’; L. reṇī f. ‘ingot’; P. reṇī f. ‘first watering before sowing, ingot of gold or silver’; Bi. rain ‘channel on block of sugar mill through which juice thrown up flows back’; G. r e n. ‘cement for metallic objects’; M. reṇẽ n. ‘dung of young black cattle’. - MIA. *ravaṇa— (cf. BHSk. ravaṇaka— n. ‘a filter’, Pa. rava— ~ raya— and Pk. ravaï ‘makes wet’): L. roṇī f. ‘watering a field before ploughing’; P. rauṇī, roṇī f. ‘watering before sowing’; Mth. raun = Bi. rain above. rarā́ṭa— see lalā́ṭa—.
10640 *ral— ‘meet with, join’. 2. *rall—. [Derivation from álarti ‘hastens towards’ RV., arāryatē Pat. > *arāl- yatē is very doubtful] 1. L. raḷaṇ ‘to be joined, be mixed, fall into (of river into sea)’; P. ralāuṇā ‘to mix, join’; G. raḷvũ ‘to acquire, earn’. 2. K. ralun ‘to be mixed with’, S. ralaṇu; L. (Ju.) ralle ‘unitedly’; Ku. rālṇo ‘to join, mix (e.g. rice with lentils)’; H. rālnā ‘to mix, bruise’ (whence intr. ralnā ‘to be mixed or pounded together’); Marw. rālṇo ‘to throw, put down’. Addenda: *ral—. 1. WPah.kṭg. rɔḷnõ; ‘to meet, be joined’; J. raḷṇu ‘to be mixed together’.
10642 *rava— 2 ‘piece’. [~ láva—1. — √ru 2] S. rayū̃ f. pl. ‘rice pounded to small pieces’ (or < rajas—); P. ravā m. ‘small bit of gold or crystal &c.’; Bi. raī ‘hemp’; H. rawā m. ‘grain (of sand, dust, &c.), filing, little lump’; G. ravɔ m. ‘granule, particle of gold or silver &c., granulous wheaten flour’; M. ravā, ravkā m. ‘grain, little lump’. ravaṇa— 1 n. ‘noise’ Bhaṭṭ. [√ru 1] See *rapaṇa—. Addenda: *rava— 2. — Ext. —l—: OP. ravāla f. ‘dust’, P. ravāl.
10643 *ravaṇa— 2 ‘breaking’. [√ru 2] H. ronā m. ‘granule, filing, bit’. ravaṇaka— see *rayaṇa—.
10651 *rasakāra— ‘cook’. [rása—1, kāra1] Ku. rasyāro ‘one who dresses victuals, cook’.
10654 *rasapūlikā— ‘bunch of liquid’. [rása—, pūla—] G. rasoḷī f. ‘tumour, bump, blister’.
10658 *rasavāṭa— ‘cooking enclosure’. [rása—, vāṭa1] Ku. raswāṛo ‘place where food is cooked and eaten’; G. rasoṛũ n. ‘kitchen’. rasā́— see rasati 2.
10662 *rasikācāmala— ‘sugarcane juice and rice’. [rasikā—, *cāmala—] H. rasiāwal, °war, rasiāur m. ‘rice cooked in sugar- cane juice’.
10665 *rahaṇa— ‘remaining’. [√*rah] Pk. rahaṇa— n. ‘firmness, remaining’; S. rahaṇī f. ‘staying, residence’; Ku.gng. rõmacr;ṛ̃ ‘staying’; N. rahan- sahan ‘conduct, behaviour’, rahani ‘firmness, stopping place, dwelling place’; Or. rahaṇa ‘staying’, rahaṇi ‘residence’; OAw. rahana m. ‘staying’; H. rahan f. ‘manner’; G. rah e ṇī f. ‘manner of life’, M. rahṇī f.
10666 *rahati ‘remains’. 2. *rahyati. [Cf. raha— m. (RV., BhP.), rahas— n. (MBh.) ‘isolation, secrecy’ (s.v. rahasyà—), rahāyatē ‘is lonely’ Pāṇ.gaṇa (Pa. rahāyati), rahita— ‘deserted’: Dhātup. ráhati, raháyati ‘leaves’ (Pa. Dhātup. rahati, Pk. rah— PSM 878) are formed from rahita— or extracted from virahayati ‘leaves’ ŚāṅkhGr̥. (denom. from viraha— m. ‘the being alone’ MBh.). — √*rah] 1. Pk. rahaï, °haē, °hēi ‘remains’ (rahia— ‘remain- ing’ Deśīn. ~ rahia— ‘deserted, left’); Paš.lauṛ. ẓān, nir. ẓōn, gul. g| ūn ‘standing’ (< rahant—?); K.rām. rahṇu ‘to remain’, pog. rahnu, kash. riunŭ ; S. rahaṇu ‘to stay’; L. rahaṇ ‘to remain’, awāṇ. ravuṇ, P. rahiṇā, WPah.bhad. rēhṇū, paṅ. rēhṇā, bhiḍ. rā̃ṇū, bhal. rɛ̄̃h e_ to pres. part., Ku. rauṇo, N. rahanu; A. rahiba ‘to abate (of hunger)’; B. rahā ‘to continue to be, remain’; Or. rahibā ‘to remain’, Mth. Aw.lakh. rahab, H. rahnā, G. rah e vũ, M. rahāṇẽ, rāhṇẽ; — S. rahāiṇu ‘to make stay, get on with’. 2. Pk. a—rajjhiya— ‘not remaining’; Si. ran̆danavā, rän̆denavā ‘to remain’ (anal. pres. st. from pp. *radia- after type bada ~ ban̆dinavā). Addenda: *rahati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) rɔ̄́ṇõ; ‘to remain, stop, live’, J. rauṇu; kṭg. rh e\ uṇõ; ‘to cause to rest, place’; OMarw. rahaï ‘remains’; A. also raïba ‘to stay’ AFD 221. - S.kcch. roṇū.
10667 *rahala—, *rāhala— ‘a kind of pulse’. Bi. rahar, rahrī ‘the pulse Cytisus cajanus’, Mth. rāhar, rāhari, raihar (→ N. rahar, rahari ‘lentil’); H. rahlā m. ‘the chickpea Cicer arietinum’. — Cf. Pk. rālā—, rāalā—, rallā— f., rālaya— m.n. ‘a kind of millet’; M. rāḷā m. ‘Panicum italicum’. *rahalakāṣṭha—.
10668 *rahalakāṣṭha— ‘stalks of a pulse’. [*rahala—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. rahraiṭhā, lahraiṭhā, raheṭhā, hareṭhā ‘dry stalks of Cytisus cajanus’, Mth. rareṭhā, lareṭhā, rāhaṭh, rahāṭh; H. rahreṭhā m. ‘dry stalks of lentils’.
10671 *rākṣaka— ‘guardian’. [rakṣá—] S. rākho m. ‘protector’; L. rākhā m. ‘watchman’.
10675 *rāgamatsya— ‘a red fish’. [rā́ga—1, mátsya—] M. rā̃vas, rāvas m. ‘a red sea fish’. RĀJ 1 ‘shine’: rājita—. RĀJ 2 ‘rule’: rā́jan—, rājana—, rā́jñī—, rājyá—, rāṣṭrá—.
10677 *rājakulāgāra— ‘royal house’. [rājakula—, agāra—] Ko. rāuḷāra ‘palace’.
10681 *rājanī— ‘the tree Mimusops kauki’. [Cf. rājanya- m. = kṣīrikā— ‘name of a tree’ ~ kṣīrī— ‘name of M. kauki and other plants with a milky sap’ (rajanī— f ‘name of various plants’ lex.) and by pop. etym. rājādana— m. Suśr., n. ‘its fruit’ lex.] Pk. rāyaṇī— f. ‘Mimusops kauki’; OG. rāiṇi f. ‘a partic. fruit tree’, G. rāyaṇ f. ‘a kind of tree and its berry’. rājanya— see prec.
10686 *rājāpaṇika— ‘royal market official’. [rā́jan—, āpa- ṇiká—] G. rāvaṇiyɔ m. ‘a village servant subordinate to the headman’. Addenda: *rājāpaṇika—: — read G. rāvṇiyɔ, rāvḷiyɔ m. ‘man of Śūdra caste, village watchman’ (or < rājakula—).
10689 *rājikātiktaka— ‘mustard pickle’. [rājikā—, tiktá—] Bhoj. raïtā ‘vegetable preparation with mustard and curds’; H. rāytā, rāetā m. ‘pumpkins or cucumbers sliced and pickled’; G. rāitũ n. ‘a mustard pickle’; M. rāytẽ n. ‘seasoning made by mixing mustard, sour milk, &c. with various fruits’.
10691 *rājjuka— ‘surveyor’. [rájju—] Pa. rajjuka— m. ‘surveyor’; Aś.shah. man. rajuka—, gir. rājūka—, kāl. lajūka— ‘settlement officer’.
10693 *rājñīvāsa— ‘queen's quarters’. [rā́jñī—, vāsá2] OAw. ranivāsa m. ‘king's harem’. Addenda: *rājñīvāsa—: WPah.kṭg. rƏṇwās m. ‘the queen's apartments’.
10695 *rājyavāṭa— ‘extent of rule’. [rājyá—, vāṭa1] P. rā̆jvāṛā m. ‘territory of a rājā, seat of govern- ment’.
10696 *rājyādēśa— ‘royal command’. [rājyá—, ādēśá—] OAw. rajāyasu m. ‘royal command’.
10703 *rātrīvāra— ‘night—time’. [rā́trī—, vāra2] Kt. ŕadǡr ‘night’?
10709 *rānti— ‘pleasure’. [Cf. ránti— f. TS. — √ram] Aś.kāl. lāti— ‘pastime’ (~ rati— in other versions < ráti—); S. rā̃di f. ‘play, game’, L. rā̃d f.
10710 *rāpayati ‘lets go’. [Cf. vilāpayati2. — √rī] K. rāwun ‘to disappear, be lost, be missed (of a road)’, caus. rāwarun ‘to lose’; — Gy. pal. rauăr ‘departs’ (or ← Pers. rahad ‘escapes’?). rāmá— see *lāma—. rāmaṇa— see ramaṇī—.
10713 *rāyaṇika— ‘barking’. [rāyaṇa—. — √rai] Kho. reni ‘dog’.
10727 *rikṇa— ‘emptied’. 2. *rikṇi— ‘emptying’. [~ riktá—, *rikti—. — √ric] 1. Pk. rikka— ‘left’; Or. rikā ‘empty’, rikāibā ‘to empty’, M. rikaviṇẽ. 2. L. rikk, rikkī, (Ju.) rik f. ‘purging of cattle’. *rikṇakarman—.
10728 *rikṇakarman— ‘doing empty work’. [*rikṇa—, kárman1] M. rikāmā ‘empty, useless’, rikāmṭī f. ‘leisure’; - or poss. < ritā X nikām— < niṣkarman—.
10730 *rikti— ‘leaving’. [~ *rikṇi—. — √ric] Ku. riti ‘abandonment, leaving the world, death’.
10731 *rikṣa— or *rikṣya— ‘excrement’. [Cf. formation of *pakṣya—2. — √ric] Kal. ric̣ ‘excrement’; Kho. ric̣(h) ‘fresh dung (of cow, man, bird)’, (Lor.) ric̣u ‘fresh cowdung’ Belval- kar Vol 95. RIKH 1 ‘scratch’: rēkhā́—; *udrikhati, *udrēkha—, *udrēkhayati, *udrēkhita—; — √likh. RIKH 2 ‘move, crawl’: *rikhati, *rikhyati, ríṅkhati, riṅkhaṇa—; — √*righ, √riṅg, √raṅg. *rikhyati ‘crawls’ see ríṅkhati.
10732 *rigga— ‘defective’. 2. *rēṅga—. [Cf. *rugga—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. S. riǥa f. ‘lazy or importunate person’. 2. G. rẽgī—pẽgī ‘weak, cowardly, worthless’. *rigyati ‘crawls’ see ríṅgati. *RIGH ‘move’: *righati, *righyati; — √rikh2, √riṅg, √raṅg.
10733 *righati ‘moves’. 2. *righyati. [√*righ] 1. Pk. rihaï ‘enters’. 2. M. righṇẽ ‘to enter’.
10734 *riṅk— ‘roar, cry’. 2. *rēṅk—. 1. Woṭ. Bshk. riṅg— ‘to weep, cry’, Tor. žiṅg—, Sv. riṅg—; S. riṅgha f. ‘crying, fretting (of child)’; L. riṅgaṇ ‘to bellow, roar (of buffalo or she—camel)’; P. riṅgṇā ‘to low’. 2. S. rı̄̃gā̆ṭu m. ‘creak’; P. rı̄̃gṇā, rı̄̃ghṇā ‘to low, moan’; N. rẽknu ‘to bray’, H. rẽknā; G. rẽkṛɔ m. ‘low- ing, bleating’; M. rẽkṇẽ ‘to grunt’.
10742 *riñcati (riṇákti, riñcánti) ‘gives up, evacuates, empties’ RV. [√ric] Pa. riñcati ‘leaves behind’, °cana— n.; K. rinzun ‘to escape, flee away secretly (e.g. of debtor or prisoner)’, caus. rinzawun.
10745 *riśyatē ‘is torn off’. [Pass. of riśáti RV. — ~ liśyatē. — √riś] H. risnā ‘to leak out, drip, sweat’? RIṢ ‘injure’: ríṣ—, riṣṭá—1, ríṣṭi—1, ríṣyati, rēṣṭr̥—; *udriṣati, *udrēṣayati.
10750 *rīṇi— ‘stream’. [Cf. rīṇa— and rītí—1. — √rī] L. rīṇ f. ‘name of a deserted channel of the river Jehlam’.
10754 *ruka— ‘wolf’. [~ vŕ̥ka—] Gy. eur. ruv m. ‘wolf’.
10755 *rukta— ‘bright, liked’. [√ruc] Paš. rot ‘sky’; K. r°tu , f. rüċü ‘good, excellent, beauti- ful, sweet’. *arukta—.
10756 *rukti— ‘liking’. 2. ‘brightness’. [√ruc] 1. Si. rutiya ‘wish, desire’ EGS 147. 2. Tor. žut ‘morning’ though phonet. possible, rather with Rep1 77, like Kho. rošti, ← Ir. see *rucitá—.
10757 *rukṣa— ‘tree’, rūkṣa2 m. lex. [~ vr̥kṣá—] Pa. Pk. rukkha— m. ‘tree’, Pk. ruccha— m. n., Aś.man. rucha—, kāl. dh. jau. lukha—, Gy. eur. rukh, gr. ruk m., L. P. rukkh m., Ku. rūkh m., N. rukh, MB. rukha, Bhoj. Aw.lakh. H. rūkh m., G. rūkh n., M. rūkh m., Ko. rūku, Si. ruka, rika, Md. ru'; — Pk. rukkhalla- m. ‘tree’; Si. rikilla ‘twig’. — X *lakkuṭa— q.v. *raukṣaka—; *rukṣamūla—, *rukṣarāji—; *upa- rukṣa—, *surukṣa—; *kṣīrarukṣa—, *jamburukṣa—, *dīparukṣa—, *mahārukṣa—. Addenda: *rukṣa—: †;*tāḍarukṣa—, †;*pūgarukṣa—.
10758 *rukṣamūla— ‘root of a tree’. [vr̥kṣamūla— n. Mn. - *rukṣa—, mū́la—] Pa. Pk. rukkhamūla— n. ‘foot of a tree’, Si. rukmula.
10759 *rugga— ‘defective’. 2. *ruṅga—. [~ *lugga—. — Cf. *rigga—. Although derived from or colliding with MIA. rugga— < rugṇá— (√ruj), it appears to form part of the ‘defective’ word—group with initial ru—, —: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. K. rugu ‘malevolent’; S. ruǥo ‘simple, mere’; L. rugg f., (Ju.) ruǥ m. ‘sandy uncultivated land’; Or. ruguṛiā ‘stunted, dwarfish, sickly’, (Sambhalpur) rugā ‘ailing’ (rather < rugṇá—). 2. M. rũgāḷā, rug° ‘lean and meagre’.
10768 *rujyatē ‘is broken’. [√ruj] Tor. žuǰ— ‘to overthrow’ (Grierson Tor 184 < rujáti).
10769 *ruṭṭa— ‘lump’. 2. *rōḍa— 2. 3. *rōḍha—. [~ *luṭṭa2. — Cf. *rōḍa1 ‘defective’ s.v. *ruḍa—] 1. K.rām. ḍoḍ. ruṭ ‘head’. 2. L. roṛā m. ‘lump, clod, pebble’, roṛī f. ‘small bit of road—metal’; P. roṛā m. ‘hard clod, brickbat’, roṛī f. ‘lump of earth’; N. roṛā ‘pebbles’; H. roṛā m. ‘frag- ment of stone, brickbat’; G. roṛũ n. ‘clod, brickbat’; M. roḍā m. ‘brickbat’. 3. G. roḍhɔ m. ‘large cake of cowdung’. Addenda: *ruṭṭa—. 4. †;*rōḍḍa—2: OP. roḍaṛī f. ‘lump of coarse sugar’.
10770 *ruḍa— ‘defective’. 2. *ruḍha—. 3. *ruṇṭa— (~ *luṇṭa—). 4. *ruṇṭha—. 5. ruṇḍa— (~ *luṇḍa—) ‘maimed’, m. ‘mutilated body’ Kathās., n. ‘id., off- spring of mare and mule (!)’, ruṇḍikā— f. ‘female go- between’. 6. *ruṇḍha—. 7. *rōṭṭa— 2. 8. *rōḍa—1. 9. *rōḍḍa—. [~ *luḍa1. — Cf. *raṭṭa—, *rēṇṭa—: see list s.v. *rakka—. — Cf. *rōḍa2 ‘lump’] 1. Or. ruṛiā ‘stunted, dwarfish’. 2. Or. ruṛha ‘stump of hair growing on head some days after shaving’, ruṛhiā ‘stunted, dwarfish’. 3. S. ruṇḍo ‘blunt’. 4. Or. ruṇṭhā ‘dry, sapless, feeble, miserly, dwarfish’. 5. Pk. ruṁḍa— m.n. ‘headless corpse’; Gaw. rūṇḍa ‘the scab’; Sh. rŭṇı̄́ f. ‘mange’, (Lor.) runo (?) ‘leprosy’; N. runu ‘tiny’ (WN. or ← Ku. or < *runda—); Or. ruṇḍa ‘crowded together’ (whence ruṇḍāibā ‘to crowd together’), ruṇḍiā ‘miserly’; M. rũḍ n. de- capitated body’. 6. Pk. ruṁḍha— m. ‘knave, gambler’; G. rũḍh—mũḍh ‘headless and limbless’; M. rũḍh n. ‘decapitated body’. 7. Or. roṭa ‘thick’. 8. G. roṛ ‘thick’; — altern. < *rōḍḍa—: Ku. roṛo ‘scoundrel’; M. roḍ ‘thin’. 9. S. roḍ̱o ‘shaven’; L. roḍā ‘hornless’, (Ju.) roḍ̱ m. ‘shaven head’, roḍ̱ā ‘shaven—headed, bald’, awāṇ. rōḍā ‘clean—shaven’; P. roḍ f. ‘shaven head’, roḍḍā, roḍā ‘shaven—headed’; Si. roḍḍa ‘chaff, sawdust, rubbish’ (semant. cf. bol < *bhōla—); — altern. < *rōḍa— see Ku. M. above. *ruḍha—, *ruṇṭa— ‘defective’ see *ruḍa—. ruṇṭati see *luṭṭati. *ruṇṭha—, ruṇḍa—, *ruṇḍha— ‘defective’ see *ruḍa—.
10771 *ruṇṇa— ‘wept’. [Cf. Ir. *rudna— in Par. rhīnt ‘wept’, Kurd. runik ‘tear’ IIFL i 284. — √rud] Pa. Pk. ruṇṇa— adj. and n. ‘weeping’; L. runnā pret. of rovaṇ ‘to weep’, (Shahpur) runnaṇ ‘to cry’. — See rōdati.
10774 *ruddha— 1 ‘grown’. [If ancient as pp. of rṓdhati, rṓhati, it is anal. replacement of rūḍhá— of same type as buddhá— for earlier *būḍha—; but more prob. it is MIA. or even M. anal. pp. formed from pres. st. rujjhaï (< *ruhyati) after type bujjhaï ~ buddha—. — √ruh] M. rudhṇẽ ‘to sprout, grow’.
10780 *runda— ‘defective’. [~ *lunda—. — Prob. belongs to ‘defective’ word—group beginning ru—, —, cf. ruṇḍa- s.v. *ruḍa— and see list s.v. *rakka—. Direct derivation < IE. *rundo— in Eng. runt ‘stump, smallest of a litter, &c.’ (ND 540 a 10) is unlikely] N. runu ‘tiny’, runko ‘tiny piece’ (or WN. < ruṇḍa—); Bi. runnī ‘poor land which requires to be left fallow’, rūnā ‘land which requires irrigation’.
10783 *rupati ‘pierces, makes a hole, plants’. 2. *rupyati 2 (same as rúpyati 1). 3. rōpayati 2 ‘plants’ MBh. (same as rōpáyati 1). 4. rōpyatē ‘is planted’ MBh. [Cf. ádhi ā́rupita— RV. ~ adhyārōpita— BhP., rōpa— n. ‘hole’ lex. — √rup] 1. K. ruwun ‘to bury tightly in the ground, plant, transplant’ (or < 3); WPah.bhal. ruhuṇū ‘to plant (rice)’; B. ruyā ‘to transplant’; Or. ruibā, ruhibā ‘to plant, transplant (rice)’; Si. ruvanavā ‘to thrust in, insert, plant’: —h— in WPah. and Or. to avoid hiatus rather than infl. by rōháyati ‘raises’. — Anal. pp. *runna— after type Pk. ruvaï ‘weeps’ ~ ruṇṇa—: K. runun = ruwun ab. 2. Pk. ruppaï ‘plants, sows’ (or = *roppaï < 4); H. rupnā ‘to be fixed, be obstructed’ (or intr. from H. ropnā < 4); B. rupā ‘to plant, transplant’, Or. rupibā; M. rupṇẽ ‘to penetrate, sink into (a bog, &c.)’. - Anal. pres. st. *rump— after Pk. lippaï ~ liṁpaï (rather than < an old *rumpati): S. rumbaṇu ‘to transplant’; L. rumbaṇ ‘to stick anything in the ground’; WPah. (Joshi) rumṇu ‘to plant’, roh. rumbṇõ; ‘to prick, tattoo’; — *romp— with o from rōpayati 2: S. rõ;bo m. ‘trans- planting’; P. robbṇā ‘to plant’, H. rõ;pnā; M. rõ;p, rõ;pā m. ‘plant, sapling’. — Anal. pp. *rutta— after type Pk. lippaï, liṁpaï ~ litta— (rather than < an old *rupta—): M. rutṇẽ = rupṇẽ ab.; — *rotta— with o from rōpayati 2; S. rotaṇu ‘to transplant’, roti f. ‘transplanting’; L. (Salt Range) rot m. ‘transplanted millet’. 3. Pa. rōpēti ‘fixes, puts up (e.g. a stake), plants, sows’; Aś.man. ropapita— ‘planted (of trees)’, gir. ropāpita—, kāl. lopita—, lopāpita—; Pk. rōvia— ‘fixed, set up, sown’; A. roiba ‘to plant’, roõ;tā (f. rowãtī) ‘one who plants’ < rōpayant—; Or. roibā ‘to transplant (rice)’; M. rovṇẽ ‘to thrust (any body into another), set in the ground (post, tree, plant, seed)’, intr. ‘to pierce, penetrate’. 4. Pk. ruppaï ‘plants, sows’ (or < 2); WPah.. (Joshi) ropṇu ‘to plant (rice)’; Ku. ropṇo ‘to plant, transplant’, N. ropnu, Bi. Mth. ropab; H. ropnā ‘to place on, obstruct, plant, sow’; OMarw. ropaï ‘fixes, erects, plants’; G. ropvũ ‘to plant’; M. ropṇẽ ‘to fix in the ground, plant’, intr. ‘to enter into’. Addenda: *rupati. 4. rōpyatē: Garh. ropṇu ‘to transplant’. 5. †;*rumpati: WPah.kṭg. rumbṇõ; ‘to prick, tattoo, plant; transplant’, J. rumṇu ‘to plant’ (Him.I 189). †;*rumpati see *rupati.
10786 *rum— ‘roll about’. 2. *rumal—. 3. rul—. 1. G. rumvũ ‘to wander about’. 2. N. rumalinu ‘to loiter’; M. rõ;vaḷṇẽ, rõ;ḷṇẽ ‘to wash rice’. 3. Pk. rulaï ‘lies down’; S. rulaṇu ‘to wander about’; P. rolṇā ‘to separate rice from husk’; OG. rulivaüṁ n. ‘wandering’, G. roḷvũ ‘to roll’; M. ruḷṇẽ ‘to roll, trail along’.
10787 *rumaka— ‘saline earth’. [Cf. rumā— f. ‘name of a salt—mine’ lex., (with or without lavaṇa—) rōmaka—, raumaka— (Suśr.), rauma— (lex.) n. ‘saline earth’] Kho. ruṅ ‘white saline earth, salt in earth’ (or < raṅga5?). *rumakōdaka—.
10788 *rumakōdaka— ‘saline solution’. [*rumaka—, udaká—] Kho. ruṅgo g ‘solution of saline earth’ or < *raṅgō- daka—? *rumal— ‘roll about’ see *rum—. rumā— see *rumaka—. *rul— ‘roll about’ see *rum—.
10789 *rulla— ‘defective’. [~ *lulla—: see list s.v. *rakka—] P. ruhlā ‘crippled in legs and feet’; Ku. rulo m. ‘small undeveloped or decayed grain’; Bi. rullī ‘worn- out land that requires to be left fallow’, H. rull, rullā m. ruvatha— see rutá—. RUŚ ‘shine’: rúśant—, *ruṣṭa2.
10792 *ruṣṭa— 2 ‘shining’. [√ruś] Sh. lŭṣṭīkŭ ‘matutinal, of the morning’, lŭṣṭikāl m., lŭṣṭáiki̯ f. ‘morning’ (‘tomorrow’ Rep1 77).
10797 *ruhyati ‘grows’. [√ruh] Pa. ruyhati ‘grows’; Pk. rujjhaï ‘grows, is born’; M. ruj̈hṇẽ, ruj̈ṇẽ ‘to sprout, grow’ (rudhṇẽ see *ruddha1).
10798 *rū—a— ‘cotton’. [< *rūca— ~ Pk ruṁcaï (s.v. *rōñc—) ‘cards cotton’? J. C. W.] Pk. rūa— n. ‘carded cotton’, S. raī f., L. rũ f.; P. rū̃ m., rūī, rūı̄̃ f. ‘cotton wool’; WPah.bhad. rū̃ n. ‘cotton’; Ku. ruwā ‘cotton wool’; N. ruwo ‘cotton’; Or. ruā ‘cotton’, rui ‘cleaned cotton’; Mth. ‘cotton wool’; OAw. rūī f. ‘carded cotton’, H. rū̆ī f., G. n. ruvɔ m.; M. m., ruī f. ‘carded cotton’ (ruī also ‘Calotropis gigantea which yields a downy kind of cotton’). Addenda: *rū—a—: WPah.kṭg. rvi f. ‘cotton’, J. rūī, rū̃ f.
10806 *rūpyākāra— ‘like silver’. [rū́pya—, ākāra—] L. rupārī ‘of silver, silvery’. *rūma— ‘tail’ see lūma—.
10807 *rūṣṭa— ‘rough, harsh’. [Scarcely < *rūkṣṭa—, but rather result of ruṣṭa1 ‘angry’ X rūkṣá— ‘harsh’ (similar contaminations in rūṣita— ‘angry’ ~ rūkṣa- yati ‘offends’, rūṣita— ‘roughened’ ~ rūkṣá—, rūṣita— ‘soiled’ ~ rūkṣayati ‘soils’) which produced *rūṣṭa— on the one hand and on the other rukṣa— ‘dry’ Uṇ.com., (for rukṣá— ‘shining, burning’ RV.) J. C. W.] A. ruṭhā ‘rough, dry’; Or. ruṭhā ‘dry, sapless, barren’; H. rūṛh, rūṛhā ‘rough, stiff, raw, angry’ (< MIA. *rūṭha— < *rūṭṭha—), rūḍhnā ‘to be offended’.
10809 *rē— ‘dust, sand’. [Cf. Ir. *rai—ka— in Pers. rēg, Bal. rēk ‘sand’ NTS v 340] rēṇú—, rētra—, *rēva—, rēvaṭa—1, *rēhā—.
10812 *rēñca— ‘defective’. 2. *rēñja—. [~ *lēñca—. — Cf. *rōcca—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. G. rẽciyɔ—pẽciyɔ ‘weak, cowardly, worthless’. 2. G. rẽji—pẽji ‘id.’. *rēñja— ‘defective’ see prec.
10813 *rēḍati, rḗḷatē ‘is angry’ Naigh., árēḍant— ‘not dis- respectful’ TS., rḗṭati ‘reproves’ Dhātup., rēṭi— f. ‘harsh speech’ lex. P. reṛkā m. ‘quarrelling’, kgr. rerrṇā ‘to exasperate’; — L. reḍh f. ‘feud’ < *rēḍ(h)—ti—?
10815 *rēṇṭa— ‘defective’. 2. *rēṇḍa— (~ lēṇḍa1). [~ lēṇṭa—. — Cf. *raṭṭa—, *ruḍa—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. Ku. rẽḍ ‘headless body, corpse’; Or. reṇṭā ‘ob- stinate, perverse’; G. rẽṭ ‘feeble’; M. rẽṭ, reṭ n. ‘slang term for a thick hard clumsy cake’. 2. Pk. riṁḍī— f. ‘an old torn worn—out garment’; Bshk. riṇḍ ‘widow’ (rather than < raṇḍa—); Bi. rẽṛā ‘stunted wheat’. *rēṇḍa— ‘defective’ see prec. Addenda: *rēṇṭa—: 3. †;*riṇṭa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) riṇḍ m. ‘a young good for nothing, libertine’; kṭg. riṇḍɔ ‘of mediocre quality’; P. riṇḍā m. ‘small watermelon, little child’.
10817 *rēnda— ‘defective’. [~ *lēnda—. — Cf. *runda—: see list s.v. *rakka—] M. rẽd ‘slow, sluggish’.
10819 *rēppa— ‘defective’. [Cf. *rōbba—: see list s.v. *rakka—] Or. repa ‘miserly, cruel’.
10820 *rēya— ‘to be poured’. [√] S. reju, °jo m. ‘irrigation, first watering before sowing’.
10821 *rēva— ‘sand, dust’. 2. rēvaṭa— 1 m. ‘dust (W.), whirl- wind’ lex. [*—] 1. H. rew f. ‘sand’; M. rev, rẽv f. ‘fine sand or gravel’, revā, rẽvā m. ‘coarse do.’; Ko. rẽva ‘sand’. 2. Pk. rēvaliā— f. ‘dust—devil’; Ku. reṛo ‘sand and stones, debris washed down by a stream’; OMarw. revaṛo m. ‘dunghill’; M. revḍā m. ‘fine sand or gravel’. rēvaṭa— 1 ‘whirlwind’ see prec.
10822 *rēvaḍa— ‘a sweetmeat covered with seeds’. [Same as rēvaṭa1?] K. livürü f. ‘a small cake of sugar covered with seeds’; S. reviṛī f. ‘a sweetmeat’, P. reuṛī f., Ku. ryūṛī, N. B. reuṛi; H. rewṛī f. ‘small cake covered with sesamum seeds’, G. revṛī f., M. revḍī f. rēṣā— see hrēṣā—.
10824 *rēhā— ‘sand’. [*—] P. reh, rehī f. ‘saltpetre with earthy mixture, manure’; H. reh f. ‘brackish soil, fuller's earth’. *rēhāsthala—.
10825 *rēhāsthala— ‘sandy place’. [*rēhā—, sthála—] G. rethaḷ n. ‘desert’. RAI ‘bark’: rāyaṇa—, *rāyaṇika—, rā́yati.
10827 *rōkk— ‘stop’. [Relationship with √rudh 2 is not clear. Cf. also Pk. rōḍaï ‘stops’ and K. roṭa ‘hindering’] K. rŏkh, dat. °kas m. ‘hindrance’; S. rokaṇu ‘to prevent’; P. rokṇā ‘to hinder’, Ku. rokṇo (rukṇo ‘to be stopped, remain’); N. roknu tr. ‘to stop’; B. rokā ‘to hinder’, Or. rokibā; Mth. rokab ‘to see that crops are not carried off’; Bhoj. rōk ‘obstacle’; H. roknā tr. ‘to stop’ (ruknā ‘to be stopped’); G. rokvũ ‘to stop, im- pede, surround’; M. rokhṇẽ ‘to hinder’. *udrōkka—, *prarōkk—. Addenda: *rōkk—: WPah.kṭg. rukṇõ; ‘to stop, be stopped’, J. rukṇu.
10828 *rōkka— ‘ready money’. [rōka— ‘buying with cash’ lex. prob. sanskritization of MIA. *rokka—. — Scarcely with PhonPj 129 < raukma— ‘golden’ Mn.] S. roku m. ‘cash’, L. rok m., P. rok f., B. rok (rokh adj. ‘in cash’), Or. roka—ṭhoka, Mth. H. rok m.; G. rok, rokh ‘in cash’, M. rokh, rokh—ṭok; — ext. ——: S. rokaṛi f. ‘cash’; L. rokiṛ f. ‘cash book’; P. rokaṛ f. ‘cash’, B. rokaṛ; Or. rokaṛa ‘cash book’; H. rokaṛ f. ‘cash’ (← N. Mth. rokaṛ), G. rokaṛi f., M. rokaḍ f.
10834 *rōcca— ‘defective’. 2. *rōñca—. [~ *luñca—. — Cf. *rēñca—: see list s.v. *rakka—] 1. G. rocũ ‘rustic, clownish, dried up, wrinkled’. 2. G. rõ;cũ ‘id.’, rõ;cɔ m. ‘clown’.
10836 *rōñc— ‘crush, press in’. [Semantically connexion with √luñc— is unlikely: see *rū—a—] Pk. roṁcaï, roccaï, ruccaï ‘crushes, grinds’, ruṁcaï ‘cards (cotton)’; M. rõ;ċṇẽ ‘to force in, penetrate’. *rōñca— ‘defective’ see *rōcca—. rōṭikā— see next. Addenda: *rōñc—, cf. rōcanī— f. ‘grinding mill’, rōcaka— m. ‘one who crushes pulse’ Arthaś.
10837 *rōṭṭa— 1 ‘bread’. [rōṭikā— f. Bhpr. — LM 396 relates it to *rōñc— and rōṭatē ‘strikes against’ Dhātup., rōḍa- m. ‘pounding’ lex.] Pk. roṭṭa— m.n. ‘rice flour’ Deśīn., roṭṭaga— m., ruṭṭiā— f. ‘bread’; K. rōṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘loaf’, ḍoḍ. rōṭī; S. roṭu m. ‘thick bread’, roṭī f. ‘bread’; L. roṭī f. ‘loaf’, P. roṭ, roṭā m., roṭī f.; WPah.bhad. bhal. roṭṭī f. ‘bread’, pāḍ. ruaiṭi , Ku. rwāṭā m. pl.; N. roṭ, roṭo ‘a big loaf’, roṭi ‘bread’, A. B. ruṭi, Or. roṭi, ruṭi, Mth. roṭī; H. roṭ, roṭā m. ‘thick bread’, roṭī f. ‘bread’, Marw. G. roṭī f., G. roṭlɔ m., M. roṭ m., roṭī f.; Si. roṭi ‘unleavened bread of rice flour’. *rōṭṭa—2, *rōḍa— 1 ‘defective’ see *ruḍa—. *rōḍa— 2 ‘lump’ see *ruṭṭa—. *rōḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *ruḍa—. *rōḍha— ‘lump’ see *ruṭṭa—. Addenda: *rōṭṭa—1: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) roṭi f. ‘loaf, wheat—loaf, bread, meal’; Garh. roṭ ‘cake—like preparation’, Md. roři ‘bread’. †;*yavarōṭikā—. †;*rōḍḍa— 2 ‘lump’ see *ruṭṭa—.
10838 *rōta— ‘entrails’. [Cf. Ir. *rautaka— in Pers. rōda NTS ii 288] Ash. ẓō ‘entrails’, Wg. wŕū, ẓū;; Kt. ŕū ‘hip, waist’, Pr. ; — Dard. forms with — or ž— < r— are ← Kaf.: Paš.lauṛ. ẓöiwā́l ‘entrails’, ar. žēƏ, chil. žuṛ, kuṛ. žiṛ, Shum. žōṛ.
10842 *rōddhra— ‘fetter, rope’. [Cf. rōddhr̥— m. ‘one who blocks’ Kālid., rōdhayati ‘fetters’ BhP. — √rudh 2] Replaced by *rōttra—: Ash. žūtr, zūtr ‘rope, Wg. žūtr, Pr. žƏṭ; Dm. rūt ‘rope’, rūti ‘thin rope’; Kal.urt. arū́ti ‘rope’.
10843 *rōdya— ‘to be wept over’. [√rud] Pk. rujja— n. ‘weeping’, H. roj, rojṛā m. *rōdha— 1 ‘growing’. [~ rṓha—. — √ruh] nyagrṓdha—. rōdha— 2 ‘dam’ see rṓdhas—.
10850 *rōbba— ‘defective’. [~ *lōbba—. — Cf. *rēppa—: see list s.v. *rakka—] G. robaṛ ‘stupid, dull’. rōmaka— see *rumaka—.
10855 *rōra— ‘defective’. [Cf. *rulla—: see list s.v. *rakka—] Pk. rōra— ‘indigent’.
10859 *rōṣya— ‘anger’. [√ruṣ] S. rosu, roso m. ‘quarrelling with a friend’; L.awāṇ. rōsā ‘estrangement’; P. rossā m. ‘anger’.
10863 *rōhiṇa— ‘red’. [*rudh—] Ku. rwīṇo ‘red colour, red turmeric’.
10868 *rōhitya— ‘a kind of deer’. [Cf. rōhít— and *rōhya- ~ rōhi—. — *rudh—] Pa. rōhicca— m. ‘a kind of deer’. *rōhiya— ‘a kind of deer’ see *rōhya—.
10870 *rōhya— ‘a kind of deer’. 2. *rōhiya—. [Cf. rōhi— and *rōhitya— ~ rōhít—. — *rudh—] 1. Pk. rojjha— m. ‘a kind of deer’; S. rojhu m., °jha f. ‘the white—footed or painted antelope’, P. rojh f., H. G. rojh m. 2. Pk. rōhia— m. ‘a kind of deer’ or < rōhít—. raukma— see *rōkka—.
10871 *raukṣaka— ‘of trees, wooden’. [Cf. vārkṣa— KātyŚr. ~ vr̥kṣá—. — *rukṣa—] G. rokhũ n. ‘wood, fuel’.
10874 *rauṣṭya— ‘anger’. [ruṣṭa1] P. roṭṭhā m. ‘anger’.
10876 *lakk— ‘sound of lapping or bubbling’. [Onom.] S. lakaṇu ‘to lap (as a dog)’, laklaki f. ‘sound of lapping’, L. lakkaṇ, pres. part. lakēndā; P. lakkṇā ‘to make a lapping sound (of a dog)’; A. laklakāiba ‘to feel a craving’; Or. laklak ‘bubbling’; H. lakhlakhānā ‘to pant with heat’; M. lakhlakh f. ‘keen hunger’.
10877 *lakka— 1 ‘defective’. 2. *lakkha—. 3. laṅka— 1 in laṅkā— f. ‘unchaste woman’ lex. (~ raṅká—). 4. laṅga— 1 ‘lame’ KātyŚr.com., m. and °aka— m. ‘para- mour’ lex. (X nagna— in lagnikā— f. ‘young girl’ lex. and poss. in Si. nan̆gā ‘young sister’ s.v. nagnā—: cf. lañja1 ‘lame’ ~ lañj(ik)ā— ‘harlot’). [Cf. Pers. lang ‘lame’. - Other ‘defective’ word—groups with initial l— s.vv. *laccha—1, laṭṭa1 (*laṭṭha1, *laṭṭhara—, laḍḍa—, *laḍḍha—, *laṇṭa—, *laṇṭha1, *laṇḍa1, *laṇḍara—, *laṇḍha—), *latta1 (*lattara—, *latthara—, *latra—, *laddhara—, *lanta—, *lantara—, landa1), *lappha2 (*lampha2, *labba—, *labbha—, *lamba2), *lāma—, *likka—, (*lēkka—, *lēgga—, *lēṅka—, *lēṅga—, *lēṅgha—), *licca— (*liccha—, *lijjha—, *lēcca—, *lēñca—), *liṭṭa1 (*liḍḍa—, *liṇḍa1, *līḍa—, *lēṭṭha—, *lēḍḍa1, *lēṇṭa—, *lēṇḍa1, *lēṇḍha—), *litta— (*littara—, *litra—, *lidda—, *liddhara—, *lētta—, *lēttha—, *lēdda1, *lēddha—, *lēnda—, *lēndara—), *libba1 (*limba—, *lība—, *lēbba—, *lēbbha—, *lēbbhara—, *lēmbha—), *līra— (*lēra—, *lēlla1), *lissa- (*līsa—, *lēssa—), *lukka1 (*lugga—, *luṅka—, *luṅkha—, *luṅga—, *lōkka—), *lucca— (*luñca—, *luñja—, *lōcca1, *lōjjha—), *luṭṭa1 (*luṭṭha—, *luḍa1, *luḍḍa—, *luṇṭa—, luṇṭhaka—, *luṇḍa—, *lōṭṭa1, *lōṭṭha—, *lōṇṭha—), *lutta- (*luttara—, *lutthara—, *lunda—, *lōtta—, *lōttara—, *lōttha1, *lōtthara—, *lōdda1, *lōddara—, *lōddha—), *lumba1 (*lōbba—), *lulla— (*lōlla—), *lussa— (*lōssa—). — Similar ‘defective’ word—groups s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *ṭuṇṭa—2, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—,4 *maṭṭa—, *rakka—, vaṇṭa2] 1. Ash. lakurä́, f. °rı̄́ ‘small, narrow’, lakurā́k ‘younger brother’; Mai. laka ‘small’; Ku. lākṛo ‘senseless, lifeless’, laklakāṭ m. ‘weakness, faintness’. 2. Mai.ky. lakh ‘small, younger’; Ku. lākho, lakhauṭo ‘fat castrated goat’, lākhiyā ‘fat and tall, hideous, frightful’; N. lākhe ‘fat castrated goat’. 3. L. laṅgā ‘bad, ill, poor, unsuitable’. 4. Gy. eur. lango, wel. laṅō, germ. langƏlo ‘lame’; Kho. (Lor.) luṅ ‘shaven—headed’ (or < *luṅga—); K. longu , f. lünjü ‘lame’; S. laṅu m. ‘lameness’, laṅo ‘lame, sick’; P. laṅgā ‘lame’, Ku. laṅro, gng. laṅaṛ, N. laṅro (laṅaṛo ← H.), laṅranu ‘to limp’; B. nāṅ ‘paramour’; H. lãgṛā ‘lame’, lãgṛānā ‘to limp’, G. lãgṛũ, lãgṛāvũ; M. lãg ‘enfeebled’, lãgḍā ‘paralysed’. láṅgati. Addenda: *lakka— 1. 4. laṅga—1: WPah.kṭg. laṅgṛɔ ‘lame’.
10878 *lakka— 2 ‘lump’. 2. *laṅka—2. [Cf. similar series in ‘defective’ word—groups s.v. *lakka1. — Other word- groups for ‘lump’ with initial l— s.vv. *laḍḍu2 (*laṇḍa3), *ladda1 (*landa2), *liṅga—3, liṭṭa3 (*liṇḍa2, *lēḍa—, *lēḍḍa2, *lēṇṭa—, lēṇḍa2), *lidda3 (*linda—, *lēdda2, *lēddha2, *lēnta—, *lēntha—), *libba—2, lōgá—, *lōcca—2, *luṭṭa2 (luṇḍikā—), *lōttha2 (*lōdda2, *lōddha2, *lōnda—), *lumba2 (*lumbara—)] 1. N. lakku ‘heap, pile of money (esp. in gambling)’; H. lakkā m. ‘lump, piece’. 2. P. laṅg f. ‘heap’; H. lā̃k f. ‘heap’. Addenda: *lakka—2: 2. *laṅka—2: WPah.kṭg. lɔṅg m. ‘nose—stud’, J. loṅg m. *lakkuṭa— see lakuṭa— Add2.
10879 *lakka— 3 ‘waist, loins’. Pk. lakkha— m.n. ‘body’; S. laku m. ‘waist, loins, pass between hills’; L. lakk m. ‘waist, loins’; P. lakk, lakkā m. ‘waist, middle’, lakku m. ‘loins’; WPah. bhad. lakk n. ‘waist’, H. lā̃k f. *lakkuṭa— ‘stick’ see lakuṭa—.
10880 *lakkuṭahāra— ‘wood carrier’. [*lakkuṭa—, hāra1] H. lakaṛ—hārā m. ‘woodman’. *lakkha— ‘defective’ see *lakka1. laktaka— see *latta1. LAKṢ ‘mark, aim at’: lakṣá—, lakṣaṇá, lakṣati, lakṣáyati, lakṣita—, lakṣin—, lakṣmaka—, lákṣman—, lakṣyatē; alakṣaṇá—, alakṣmī—, alakṣya—, upalakṣa—, upalakṣaṇa—, upalakṣayati, upalakṣita—, vilakṣa- yati, saṁlakṣaṇa—, saṁlakṣayati.
10887 *lakṣēśvara— ‘owner of a lakh of rupees’. [lakṣá—, īśvará—] G. lakheśrī m. ‘id.’.
10894 *lagni— ‘attachment’. [√lag) S. laǥi f. ‘affection’; Ku. lāg f. ‘attachment, influ- ence, enmity’; Or. lāga ‘continuity, connexion’; Mth. lāgi ‘enmity’; H. lāgī f. ‘love’.
10899 *laṅkādvīpa— ‘Ceylon’. [laṅkā—1, dvīpá—] Si. lakdiva ‘Ceylon, Laccadive Islands’. laṅga—1 ‘lame’ see *lakka1.
10900 *laṅga—2 ‘tray, basket, net’. P. laṅgarā m. ‘earthen vessel used by dyers’; N. nāṅlo ‘winnowing tray’; A. lāṅgi ‘fishing net’; B. lāṅgul ‘basket for corn’.
10901 *laṅga—3 ‘end of loincloth’. [Cf. lañja3 ‘end of cloth tucked in behind’ lex. (same as lañja2 ‘tail’? — Phonet. cf. lañja1 ~ laṅga1 s.v. *lakka1). — Poss. conn. with liṅga1— or *liṅga3 and the word—groups s.v. lakka1 many of which provide a word for ‘penis’] Kho. (Lor.) luṅ ‘loincloth’; H. lā̃g f. ‘fold of cloth between thighs’ (→ P. lā̃gaṛ f. ‘loincloth’). *laṅgapaṭṭa—.
10903 *laṅgapaṭṭa— ‘loincloth’. [*laṅga—3, paṭṭa2] K. langūṭi f. ‘loincloth’, S. laṅgoṭu m., L.awāṇ. laṇḍokā, P. lãgoṭ m., lãgoṭṭā m., °ṭī f., Ku. lãgauṭī f., N. laṅauṭi, A. leṅṭi, B. lāṅgaṭ, leṅgaṭ, Or. laṅgoṭā, Bi. lãgoṭ, °ṭā, °ṭī, (SE) nãgoṭ, °ṭī, Mth. nãgauṭī, Bhoj. Aw.lakh. H. G. lãgoṭ m., M. lãgoṭī f.; — Woṭ. ḍaṅgáṭ ‘turban’ (with — from ḍāg ‘back’ Buddruss Woṭ 101?). laṅgula— see lāṅgulá—. LAṄGH ‘leap’. [Same as √raṁh IEW 660] *laṅgha—, láṅghati, laṅghana—, *lāṅghaka—; *avalaṅghati, *ullaṅgha—, ullaṅghana—, ullaṅ- ghayati, ullaṅghita—, *ullaṅghin—, pratilaṅgha- yati, *pralaṅghati, vilaṅghayati. Addenda: *laṅgapaṭṭa—. — X jánghā—: OP. jaṁgoṭā m. ‘loin cloth’, jāṁgoṭī f.
10904 *laṅgha— ‘leap’. [√laṅgh] Bshk. lāṅg ‘foot—bridge’; B. neṅ ‘long step, jump’. *lāṅghaka—. Addenda: *laṅgha—: †;*langhakāra—.
10907 *lacc— ‘bend, sway’. 2. *lañc—. [Cf. lañcā—?] 1. H. lacnā ‘to bend, give way’, G. lacvũ, M. laċṇẽ; — ext. —kk—: P. lacakṇā ‘to yield under a load’; N. lackinu ‘be bent, droop, sway (as a bridge)’; H. lacaknā ‘to be bent’, G. lacakvũ; M. laċakṇẽ ‘to slip down’. 2. G. lā̃cvũ ‘to bend down’.
10908 *laccha— ‘defective’, [Cf. *licca—, *lucca—: see list s.v. *lakka1] N. lāchi ‘weak, cowardly, worthless’; — Sh. (Lor.) lāċh ‘impotent’ (ċh?). LAJJ ‘be ashamed’. [J. Wackernagel Festgabe Jacobi 13 lajjátē < rájyatē: cf. mng. ‘blush’ in H.] lajjátē, lajjā—, lajjāpayati, lajjālu—, lajjita—, *lajjira—, lajjirī—, alajja—, nirlajja—, *nilajjāpita—, salajja—.
10913 *lajjira— ‘bashful’. 2. lajjirī—, lajjarī— f. ‘the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica’ lex. [√lajj] 1. M. lāj̈rā, lājirvāṇā ‘bashful’. 2. M. lāj̈rī f. ‘Mimosa pudica’. *lañc— ‘bend, sway’ see *lacc—.
10918 *laṭṭa—2 ‘hanging, tangled’. 2. *laṭṭha—2. 3. *laṇṭha—2. 4. *laṇḍa—2. 5. *latta—2. 6. *ladda—2. 7. *liṭṭa—2. 8. *lidda—2. [Cf. laṭvā— ‘curl on forehead’ lex. — ~ *laḍa—, latā1. Semant. ‘dangling > tendril > tangle’. Cf. alakalatā— ‘dangling (?) curls’, latā- ‘thong of whip’ lex.] 1. K. loṭu m. ‘tail’, lüṭü, laṭar f. ‘short tail’; S. laṭkaṇu ‘to hang, dangle’; L. lāṭ m. ‘tail’; P. laṭ f. ‘lock of hair’; Ku. laṭuro ‘lock of hair’, laṭulo ‘cluster of hair’, laṭkaṇo ‘to be hung’; N. laṭṭo ‘cluster, lock of hair’, laṭṭinu ‘to become matted or entangled’; B. lāṭ ‘entanglement’, laṭā ‘creeper’; Or. laṭā, laṭi ‘creeper’, laṭibā ‘to creep, trail’; Mth. laṭ f. ‘curled lock’, laṭā m. ‘entanglement, matted hair’; OAw. laṭāvaï ‘wraps round’; H. laṭ f. ‘curled lock’, laṭā m. ‘entanglement, matted hair’, laṭnā ‘to become entangled’; G. laṭi ‘lock of hair’, laṭiyā̃ n. pl. ‘matted locks’, laṭvũ ‘to become entangled’, laṭakvũ intr. ‘to hang down’; M. laṭ f. ‘entanglement, pubic hair’, laṭakṇẽ intr. ‘to hang down’; Si. laṭa—paṭa ‘medley, nonsense’. 2. Pk. laṭṭha— ‘attached to one another’; K. laṭhuru m. ‘woman's plaited hair’. 3. N. laṇṭhā ‘engagement, work, trouble’. 4. K. lünḍü f. ‘creeper’, lonḍu m. ‘eave—border of the edge of a thatch (usu. made of birch bark and mud)’; Or. laṇḍa—laṇḍa ‘confusion’, laṇḍā—bakuli ‘name of a plant’. 5. N. latakka ‘bent down’, latko ‘hanging mass’, latranu ‘to lean over’. 6. M. laddā m. ‘matted mass of hair’. 7. S. liṭa f. ‘matted hair’; L. (Ju.) liṭ f. ‘tangled hair, splinter in skin’, awāṇ. liṭṭā ‘matted hair’. 8. OMarw. līdaï ‘is entangled’. *laṭṭha—1 ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. *laṭṭha—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. *laṭṭhara— ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. Addenda: *laṭṭa—2. 9. †;*laṭa—2: OP. laṛu m. ‘skirt, hem’, P. laṛ m.
10920 *laḍ—2 ‘fight’. 2. *laḍḍ—2. 3. *laḍh—. 1. P. laṛṇā ‘to fight’, WPah.bhad. bhal. laṛṇū, cam. laṛṇā, Ku. laṛṇo, A. lariba, B. laṛā, OAw. laraï, H. laṛnā (→ N. laṛnu, Mth. laṛab, Bhoj. laṛal), G. laṛvũ. 2. K. laḍun. 3. Or. laṛhibā, na°, M. laḍhṇẽ. Addenda: *laḍ—2: WPah.kṭg. lɔṛnõ; ‘to fight’, J. laṛṇu; Garh. laṛnu ‘to quarrel’.
10921 *laḍa— ‘string, garland’. [See *laṭṭa2] K. lar f. ‘string of necklace’; L. laṛī f. ‘strand of cord’, mult. laṛ m., P. laṛī f.; Ku. laṛ ‘garland, string’, laṛo ‘cord’, laṛi ‘garland, string of beads’; N. lari, lariyā ‘skein of cotton removed after spinning’; Mth. lar ‘strand of rope’; OAw. larī f. ‘string of pearls’, H. laṛ, laṛī f., OMarw. laṛa f., M. laḍ, laḍī f. Addenda: *laḍa—: WPah.kc. lɔṛṭo, lɔḷṭo ‘rope’.
10924 *laḍikka— ‘child’. 2. *laḍḍikka—. [Cf. lāḍī̆ka— m. ‘boy, servant’ lex. ‘Defective’ word ~ laṭa—, laḍḍa—, lala—. Cf. láṭati ‘acts childishly’, laṭva— m. ‘dancing boy’. Similar formations in Mu. PMWS 114] 1. P. laṛkā m. ‘boy’, °kī f. ‘girl’, Aw.lakh. Bhoj. larikā; — altern. < 2 with shortening of vowel: Gy. eur. raklo m., °li f. (< *larako), WPah.cur. laṛkā m., Ku. laṛīk, B. leṛkā, Mth. laṛikā, laṛkā, H. laṛkā m., °kī f. 2. P. laḍikkā m. ‘spoilt child’, N. laṛko, °ki, A. lārikā; G. lāḍkũ n. ‘darling’, M. lāḍkā m.
10925 *laḍḍ—1 ‘slip, run’. [~*raḍḍ—] S. laḍ̱aṇu ‘to run’, L. laḍḍaṇ; N. laṛnu ‘to slip, stumble’; A. lariba ‘to run’. *laḍḍ—2 ‘fight’ see *laḍ2. laḍḍa— see laṭṭa1. *laḍḍikka— ‘child’ see *laḍikka—.
10927 *laḍḍu—2 ‘lump’. 2. laṇḍa—3 n. ‘excrement’ BhP. [Prob. same as laḍḍu1: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *laṭṭa1] 1. Dm. laŕāu ‘dough’; Paš.al. lāṛū ‘dough’, lauṛ. laḍū́ ‘walnut, ball, grain’, as numerator in dū laḍū́ ā́ṇḍa ‘two eggs’, uzb. līṅ—laḍḍī ‘walnut’; A. lāru ‘ball of any soft substance’; B. nāṛ ‘hard stools’ (or < 2?); H. laḍḍū m. ‘ball, lump’. 2. Pa. laṇḍa— n. ‘dung’, aja—laṇḍikā— f. ‘goat's dung’; Or. laṇḍā ‘big lumps of cowdung or spittle’; — B. see 1. *laḍḍha— ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. *laḍh— ‘fight’ see *laḍ2. *laṇṭa—, *laṇṭha—1 ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. *laṇṭha—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. LAṆḌ ‘toss up’: *avalaṇḍayati, *ullaṇḍati; - √laṭ? *laṇḍa—1 ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. *laṇḍa—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. laṇḍa—3 ‘excrement’ see *laḍḍu2. *laṇḍara—, *laṇḍha— ‘defective’ see laṭṭa1. Addenda: *laḍḍu—2. 1. WPah.kc. laḍu m. ‘burning piece of charcoal’. 3. †;*laḍu—: WPah.poet. laṛu m. ‘charcoal’. *laṇṭha—1, *laṇḍa—1 ‘defective’ see *laṭṭa1 Add2.
10930 *latta—1 ‘defective’ (sanskritized as laktaka— n. ‘dirty tattered cloth’ Suśr., naktaka— n. lex.?). 2. *lattara—. 3. *latthara—. 4. *laddhara—. 5. *lanta—. 6. *lantara—. 7. *landa—1. 8. *latra— (~litra—). [Cf. *litta—, *lutta—, laṭṭa1: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *ladda—1, *landa2 ‘lump’] 1. Ash. lat ‘lazy’; Paš. latā m. ‘rag’; L.awāṇ. lattā ‘clothes’; P. lattā m. ‘rag’, nattā m. ‘piece of woollen cloth to wipe out oil—press’; WPah.bhal. lato m. ‘small rag put in a gun’; Ku. lātā, lattā, latā m. pl. ‘clothes’; H. lattā m. ‘tattered cloth’; G. lattũ n. ‘rag’; M. lattī f. ‘torn strip’. 2. Bi. latrī ‘old shoes’; H. latrā ‘tattered, torn’. 3. N. lāthro ‘young sapling, soft young branch’, lathrakka ‘exhausted’; H. lathar ‘dirty’. 4. H. laddhar ‘clumsily patched’. 5. Pa. nantaka— n. ‘shred, rag’; Pk .ṇaṁtaga— n. ‘cloth, clothes’. 6. Ku. lantarā ‘rags’. 7. Si. lan̆da ‘young woman’ (< ‘*small’: cf. latā2). 8. Bshk. l, f. l ‘bad’, Tor. lāš, Chil. lačo AO xviii 241. *latta—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. *lattara— ‘defective’ see *latta1.
10931 *lattā— ‘foot, kick’. 2. *latthā—. 1. Pk. lattā—, lattiā— f. ‘blow with the heel’; Gy. germ. latĕdī̆ni ‘blow, kick of a horse’, wel. lats— ‘to kick’; K. lath, dat. lati f. ‘kick’; S. lata f. ‘foot, leg, kick’; L. latt, pl. lattã, f. ‘leg (hip to foot), kick’, awāṇ. lat f.; P. latt f. ‘leg’; WPah.jaun. lāt ‘foot’; Ku. N. lāt ‘kick’, B. lāt, nāt, nāti, Or. lāta, lāti, nāta, Mth. H. lāt f., OAw. OMarw. lāta f., G. M. lāt f. — Deriv.: K. latārun ‘to trample on’; N. latārnu ‘to spurn’, H. latāṛnā; — N. latyāunu ‘to kick’, H. latiyānā. — X *ēḍḍi—: Or. leṛi ‘heel, spur, blow with the heel’. 2. A. B. lāth, lāthi ‘kick’, M. lāth f.; — H. lathāu m. ‘kicking’.
10932 *lattānta— ‘foot—end’. [*lattā—, ánta—] L. latāndī f. ‘foot—end of a bed’. *latthara— ‘defective’ see *latta1. *latthā— ‘foot, leg, kick’ see *lattā—. *latra— ‘defective’ see *latta1.
10933 *ladda—1 ‘lump’. 2. *landa—2. [Cf. *lidda—3, *lōdda—2, *laḍḍu2: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *latta1] 1. Pk. laddī— f. ‘elephant's dung’; K. lôdu m. ‘dung- hill’; Ku. lād ‘belly’, lādo ‘excreta of belly, belly’; N. lādo ‘belly’, lādi ‘excrement of goats and sheep, con- temptuous term for food’; A. lād ‘round solid dung of animals’, ladā ‘lump, solidified mass’; B. nād ‘dung of animals’, nādi ‘dung pellet (as of goats)’; Or. nāda ‘dung of animals’, G. lādi f.; M. lādā m. ‘mass of kneaded dough’. 2. G. lā̃dɔ m. ‘clammy lump’. *ladda—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. *laddhara—, *lanta—, *lantara—, *landa—1 ‘defective’ see *latta1. *landa—2 ‘lump’ see *ladda1. LAP ‘chatter’: *lapa—, lápati, lapana—, *lāpana—, lāpayati1; apalāpa—, *apalāpayatē, ālapati, *ālapi- traka—, *ālapyati, ālāpá—, *ālāpayati, ālāpya—, ālāpana—1, *upalapati, ullapati, ullāpayati, pra- lāpá—, vílapati, vilapana—, vilapyati, vilāpa—, vilāpayati1, saṁlapati; — √rap1.
10934 *lapa— ‘talking’. [√lap] Pa. lapa— ‘talkative’, °aka— m. ‘one who mutters’; Pk. lava— ‘talkative’; G. lauɔ m. ‘babbler, pedlar’. - Kho. ‘word, speech’ NTS ii 284?
10937 *lapta— ‘taken’. [Replaced labdha—. — √labh] Ash. lō̤tä, lṓƏtƏ, ‘found’, Wg. latṓ NTS xvii 272.
10938 *laptra— ‘gains, possessions’. [Replaced *labdhra—, cf. labdhrima— ‘possessed’ Bhaṭṭ. — √labh] Kt. lätrī ‘things, goods’, Pr. letrı̄́ ‘possessions’ NTS xii 177; Dm. late/ri ‘thing’; Sh. lăc̣ ‘goats’ NTS ii 265. *LAPP ‘wrap’: *lappēṭṭ; *ālapp—.
10939 *lappa—1 ‘sudden movement’. 2. *lappha—1. 3. lampha—1 m. ‘jump’ lex. 1. P. lapkā m. ‘greedy bite’, lapakṇā ‘to reach for- ward’; N. lapkanu ‘to leap up’, lapkāunu ‘to gobble greedily’; H. lapaknā ‘to leap up’, lapkānā ‘to snatch at’; G. lapkārɔ m. ‘moving tongue quickly backwards and forwards’, lapṭũ ‘greedy’. 2. N. laphryāk ‘flapping’; B. lāph ‘leap’; H. lāphnā ‘to jump’; G. laphaṛvũ ‘to flap’. 3. Bhoj. lā̃ph ‘jump’, H. lā̃p f. Addenda: *lappa—1. 2. *lappha—1: A. lāph ‘jump’ AFD 213.
10940 *lappa—2 ‘slap’. [Same as *lappa1?] S. lapa f. ‘handful’, lapo m. ‘striking a spade into the earth’, lapāṭa f. ‘slap’; L. P. lapp f. ‘handful’; P. laphrā m. ‘slap’, N. lapaṭo, H. lapaṭ f., lappaṛ m., G. lapṛāk f.
10941 *lappasikā— ‘a sweetmeat or dish’. [lapsikā— f. ‘a partic. prepared food’ Bhpr. sanskritized from MIA.] Pk. lappasiyā— f. ‘a sweetmeat’; S. lapsī f. ‘a kind of glutinous sweetmeat’; P. H. lāpsī f. ‘a kind of glutinous farinaceous food’; G. lāpśī f. ‘a dish of wheat flour and molasses’; M. lāpśī, lāphśī f. ‘dilute preparation of milk with coconut milk and sugar’.
10942 *lappēṭṭ— ‘wrap’. [√*lapp] P. lapeṭnā ‘to wrap’, Ku. lapeṭṇo, N. lapeṭnu; B. lapeṭ ‘a fold’, lapṭāna ‘to fold’; Bi. lapeṭan ‘wooden roller on which cloth is wound as weaved’; OAw. lapeṭaï ‘wraps up’; H. lapeṭnā ‘to wrap, fold, wind’, G. lapeṭvũ, M. lapeṭṇẽ. *lappha—1 ‘sudden movement’ see *lappa1. Addenda: *lappēṭṭ—: WPah.kṭg. lƏpeṭṇõ; ‘to twist, wrap’, J. lapeṭṇu. *lappha—1 ‘jump’ see *lappa1 Add2.
10943 *lappha—2 ‘defective’. 2. *lampha—2. 3. *labba—. 4. *labbha—. 5. *lamba—2. [Cf. lampaṭa— ‘lustful’ Kāv., lampāka— Nalac., Pk. laṁpaḍa— ‘covetous’; and groups s.v. *libba—1, *lumba1. — See list s.v. *lakka1] 1. N. laphaṅgo ‘a good—for—nothing’; H. laphaṅgā ‘lecherous’; G. lāphɔ m. ‘spendthrift’, laphãgũ ‘shame- less’; M. laphaṅgā ‘boastful’. 2. N. lamphu ‘clumsy fellow, lubber’. 3. L. labbaṛ ‘lazy’; B. nābaṛ ‘lecherous’; Or. nābaṛā ‘adulterous, shameless’; H. labṛā, labrā ‘awkward, lefthanded’, labāṛ, °ār ‘false, lying’; M. labāḍ ‘false, untrue’. 4. N. lābhre ‘interfering busybody’. 5. S. lamo ‘blunt, worn (of coins)’. lapsikā— see *lappasikā—. Addenda: *lappha—2. 3. *labba—: OP. labbu m. ‘greed, lust’, P. lab.
10953 *lambatara— ‘longer’. [lamba1] L.awāṇ. lamērā ‘longer’.
10958 *lambōttara— ‘very long’. [Semant. cf. dharmōttara— ‘pre—eminent in dharma’ Gaut. — lamba—1, úttara—] L.awāṇ. lamūtrā ‘longish’.
10964 *layara— ‘sail’. [← Indonesian (cf. Malay layar) from which Pa. lakāra— ‘sail’ (Buddhaghosa) was false forma- tion H. Smith BSL xxxiv 216 and C. Haebler KZ 79, 112.] Si. ruval—a ‘sail of a boat’. LARD ‘load’: *larda—, lardayati; *ullardayati.
10965 *larda— ‘piling up, load’. [√lard] K. lad, dat. lüzü f. ‘heaped—up load’; P. ladd m. ‘load’; Ku. lād ‘transport of articles, goods’; A. lād ‘an elephant's load’; Or. ladā, nadā ‘loading’, ladā—ladi ‘loading up’; H. lād f. ‘load, burden’.
10972 *lalla— ‘inarticulate noise’, 2. lallara— ‘stammering’ lex., lalalla— Kathās. 1. Pk. lalla— ‘making an inarticulate noise’; Gy. span. laló ‘a Portuguese’, pal. lálă ‘dumb’; K. lalawun ‘to talk foolishly, babble’. 2. Gy. gr. laloró, germ. lalƏro, eng. lullero ‘dumb’; - cf. S. larlari f. ‘gabbling’. *lallakka—.
10973 *lallakka— ‘threatening noise’. [*lalla—] Pk. lallakka— ‘frightening’, m. ‘challenge’; P. N. H. G. lalkār ‘challenge, defiance’ (P. H. f., G. m.), M. lalkārī f. lallara— see *lalla—.
10975 *lava—2 ‘sickle, reaper’. [Cf. lavāka— m. ‘sickle’ lex. — √] Pa. lavaka— m. ‘reaper’. *lavakāṣṭha—.
10976 *lavakāṣṭha— ‘wood for sickle’. [*lava—2, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. lauṭhā ‘piece of wood for sharpening a toddy- collector's sickle’.
10979 *lavaṇakara— ‘salt—maker’. 2. *lavaṇakāra—. [la- vaṇá—, kará1 or kāra1] 1. H. nunerā m. ‘salt—dealer’. 2. Pa. lōṇakāra— m. ‘salt—maker’.
10980 *lavaṇatara— ‘saltish’. [lavaṇá—] H. noner, nuner ‘saltish’.
10984 *lavaṇḍa— ‘servant, boy’. [Cf. Psht. lawaṇḍ ‘vaga- bond, rake’] Ash. lƏwén ‘slave’, Wg. lawә́ṇƏ, loṓṇ, Kt. láwäṇ, Bashg. lonī, Pr. lū̆ṇḍū́, Dm. lawán; Paš. lawoṇ—mārī ‘wanton woman’, (LSI) lawāṇ ‘slave’; Gaw. lāwáṇ ‘slave’; Phal. lawā́ṇ ‘slave’, lawā́ṇḍ ‘unmarried man’, lawaṇḍı̄́ ‘unmarried woman’, l° kuṛi ‘slave girl’; P. laũḍā m. ‘boy, servant’, °ḍī f. ‘servant girl’; Ku. laũṛo, lauṛo ‘boy, son’, laũṛī, lauṛī ‘slave girl, maidservant, girl, daughter’; A. lârā ‘male child’; Mth. naũṛī ‘maidservant’; Aw.lakh. laũṛiā ‘daughter’; H. lauṇḍā m. ‘boy’; G. lɔṇḍɔ m., °ḍī f. ‘slave’, lɔ̃ḍɔ m., °ḍī f. ‘unchaste man or woman’; M. lavãḍī f. ‘female slave’.
10985 *lavaṇya— ‘salty, charming’. [lavaṇá—] Pa. lōṇiya— ‘salty’; Pk. loṇṇa— n. ‘beauty’; OAw. lonā ‘beautiful’. lā́vaṇya—.
10986 *lavati ‘reaps’. [~ ravatē: cf. lunā́ti TBr. — √] Pa. lavāpēti ‘causes to be reaped’; Pk. inf. laviuṁ ‘to cut’; Kal.rumb. lem, urt. lhāim ‘I cut grain’; Kho. leik ‘to reap, mow’; Sh.gil. loĭki̯ (1 sg. la̯m) ‘to reap’, koh. lōnu̯, gur. lyōnu̯, pales. 1 sg. l*lm; Ku. lauṇo, lawoṇo ‘to reap, collect’; H. launā ‘to cut, reap’; — L. lāpaṇ ‘to cut ears of tall crops’ (tr. from *lap— < *lappaï anal. pass. from *lavaï after MIA. type luvaï ~ luppaï). Addenda: *lavati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) lɔ̄ṇõ; ‘to cut (grass, corn)’; Garh. lɔṇu ‘to reap’.
10991 *laṣṭi— ‘stick’. [→ Psht. laṣ̌ta ‘rod’ EVP 39. - lakuṭa— X yaṣṭí—?] Pa. laṭṭhi—, °ikā— f. ‘stick’, Pk. laṭṭhi— f.; Paš.lauṛ. läḷṭı̄́ ‘rod’, ar. eṣṭ ‘fathom’; Bshk. lāṭ ‘branch’, Tor. lār (= *lāṛ?); K. loṭhu m. ‘club’; S. laṭhi f. ‘stick’; L. laṭṭh, (Ju.) laṭh f. ‘axle of water—wheel, beam in an oil mill’; P. laṭṭh f. ‘id.’, laṭṭhī f. ‘stick’; WPah.bhal. laṭh f. ‘smaller drum—stick’; Ku. lāṭh ‘log, timber’; Ku. N. lāṭho m. ‘stick’; A. lāṭhi ‘stick’, laṭhiyā ‘wooden lever’; B. lāṭ(h)i ‘stick’; Or. lāṭhi, nāṭhi ‘club’, laṭhā ‘long stick’; Bi. Mth. lāṭh ‘upright pestle of sugar mill’; Bhoj. Aw.lakh. lāṭhī ‘stick’; H. lāṭh, °ṭhī f. ‘staff, club’, lāṭhā m. ‘large do.’, laṭṭhā m. ‘rafter’; Marw. lāṭhī f. ‘stick’; G. lāṭh, lāṭ f. ‘upright pestle of oil mill’, lāṭhī f. ‘stick’; M. lāṭh, lāṭ f. ‘large beam, timber, water raising con- trivance of three poles’. — Si. laṭu ‘a creeping plant’ (LM 397, ES 75) rather < *laṭṭa2. — Connexion with S. laṛh, laṛhī f. ‘pole’ is obscure. *nēmilaṣṭi—, *madhulaṣṭi—, *vayalaṣṭi—. LAS1 ‘move quickly, flash, sport’: lásati1, lālasa—, lāsa—1, lāsáyati1, lāsin—, lāsya—, *lāsyatē; *abhiyul- lasati, *abhiyullāsa—, ullasa—, ullasati, ullāsa—, ullāsayati, ullāsin—, vilasati, vilāsa—, vilāsayati vilāsinī—. *LAS2 ‘be sticky, slip’: *lasa—, *lasati2, *lasta—, *lasti—, *lasya—, lāsa—2, *lāsayati2; *avalasati, *ālāsayati. Addenda: *laṣṭi—: WPah.poet. laṭṭh f. ‘rod, stick’; — Md. laḷi ‘penis’ (cf. S. laṛhī). LAS1: †;*lāsavantikā—.
10992 *lasa— ‘stickiness, slipperiness’. 2. *lasya—. [laśa— m. ‘gum’ lex., lasīkā— f. ‘serum, sugar—cane juice’ Car., lasikā— f. ‘spittle’ lex., rasikā—. — √*las2] 1. Pa. lasa—gata— ‘sticky’, lasī— f. ‘brains’, lasikā— f. ‘fluid in joints’; Pk. lasaka— n. ‘milk of a tree’, lasira— ‘sticky’, lasua— n. ‘oil’; N. lasyailo ‘sticky, slippery’; Or. lasā, nasā ‘pus, juice of tree or fruit’, lasi ‘sticky juice’; H. las m. ‘viscosity’; M. las f. ‘serum, pus’; Si. lahaṭu, lāṭu ‘gum, resin’. 2. S. laso ‘smooth’; P. las f. ‘glue’; Or. lāsa ‘clam- miness, juice, gum, birdlime’; H. lassā m. ‘viscosity’ (→ N. lassā ‘glue’), lāsā m. ‘viscous sap of plants, gum, birdlime’. Addenda: *lasa—: †;*jambhāpalasa—. *lākṣaka— see lākṣiká—.
10994 *lasati2 ‘is sticky, slips, slips down, descends’. [√*las2] Pk. lasaï ‘sticks’; Wg. las— ‘to be left over’; K. lasun ‘to survive, live, live well’ (pp. f. lüċhü < *lasta—); S. lahaṇu ‘to descend, dismount, stop’ (pp. latho); L. lahaṇ ‘to descend’ (pp. latthā), P. lahiṇā; H. lasnā ‘to be sticky’; G. lasvũ ‘to slip’. — See *lasyati, *lāsayati2. lasīkā— see *lasa—.
10995 *lasta— ‘stuck, slipped, descended’. [Cf. lastaka— m. ‘middle part of a bow which is held’ lex.? — √*las2] Sh. lātu̯ ‘low’, (Lor.) lāthi ‘down’ (in okāsi l° ‘up and down’); K. lüċhü f. (pp. of lasun < *lasati2); S. latho ‘descended’, L. P. latthā; Ku. lāthīṇo ‘to stick to one another, be dependent on another, stand in need of help’.
10996 *lasti— ‘sticking’. [√*las2] P. latth f. ‘gummy infusion of certain medicinal seeds’. *lasya— ‘sticky’ see *lasa—.
10997 *lasyati ‘is sticky, is slippery’. [√*las2] Paš.dar. weg. les— ‘to slip, slide’, kuṛ. lisay— ‘to loosen, untie’ (IIFL iii 3, 113 compares N. liso: but this is rather < ślíṣyati &c.); H. lāsnā ‘to be sticky or glutinous’.
10998 *lassī— ‘buttermilk’. S. lasī f. ‘buttermilk and water, milk and water’; L. P. lassī f. ‘buttermilk’, awāṇ. lassī ‘sour milk’. *lahaḍi— ‘wave’ see next.
11000 *lākkuṭa— ‘wooden’. [*lakkuṭa— s.v. lakuṭa—] S. lākuṛyo ‘wooden’, G. lākuṛ.
11001 *lākṣakara— ‘lac—worker’. 2. *lākṣakārin—. [lāksā́—, kará1 and kārin—] 1. P. lakherā m. ‘one who gathers gum-lac’; Bi. laherā, °rī ‘lac—bangle maker’, H. lakherā, laherā m.; M. lakherā m. ‘varnisher’. 2. M. lakārī m. ‘varnisher’.
11005 *lāgyatē ‘is set on’. [Pass. of lāgáyati. — √lag] K. lāgun ‘to attack’?
11010 *lāṅghaka— ‘pertaining to crossing’. [laṅgha—] S. lā̃gho ‘fordable’, m. ‘ford’?
11012 *lāḍa— ‘fondling’. [Cf. lāḍana— n. Cāṇ., lālaka- Nalod. — √laḍ1] K. lāra m. ‘husband’, lörī f. ‘wife’; P. lāṛā m. ‘bridegroom’, kgr. lāṛī f. ‘wife’; WPah.bhiḍ. le_ṛöṭu n. ‘very young bridegroom’, cam. lāṛā m. ‘bridegroom’, lāṛī f. ‘bride’. lāḍáyati1 ‘shakes’ see *laṭati. lāḍayati2 ‘courts’ see láḍati. Addenda: *lāḍa—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) laṛɔ m. ‘bridegroom’, laṛi f. ‘bride’, J. lāṛā m. ‘bridegroom’.
11013 *lāḍya— ‘fondling’. [√laḍ1] Pk. laḍḍia— n. ‘fondling’; S. lāḍ̱u m. ‘caressing’, lāḍ̱o m. ‘bridegroom’, lāḍ̱ī f. ‘bride’; L. lāḍlā ‘spoilt (of children)’; P. lāḍ m. ‘love’, Ku. lāṛ; N. lāṛ ‘amorous dalliance’; Aw.lakh. lāṛ ‘fondling’; H. lāṛ m. ‘affec- tion’, lāḍā m. ‘darling’, OMarw. lāḍalī f.; G. lāḍ n. ‘caress’, lāḍlī f. ‘spoilt darling’, lāḍɔ m. ‘darling’, lāḍī f. ‘bride’; M. lāḍ n. ‘fondling’, lāḍakṇẽ ‘to fondle’. *lāta— ‘torch’: see alāta—. lā́ti see lábhatē.
11015 *lāpana— ‘talking’. [√lap] Pa. lāpana— n. ‘muttering’; M. lāvṇī f. ‘partic. kind of ballad or song (sung esp. by women)’.
11017 *lāpayati2 ‘causes to cling or settle on’. [√1] M. lāvṇẽ ‘to settle or re—settle (a village &c.)’, n. ‘a place set with trees, plantation’. — See lāyayati. lā́pu— see alā́bu—. lāba— see labá—. lābu— see alā́bu—.
11019 *lābhana— ‘taking’. [√labh] L. lāhṇā, (Ju.) lhāṇā̃ m. ‘outstanding debt, loan given to another’; G. lahāṇ, lāṇ n. ‘profit’, lahāṇũ n., °ṇī f., lāhṇũ, lāṇũ n., °ṇī f. ‘distribution of presents to members of a community’. — M. lāhṇī, lāṇī f. ‘reap- ing’ (LM 399) rather < *lāvana—.
11020 *lābhayati ‘causes to be taken’. [√labh] L. (Shahpur) lāhaṇ ‘to pay off a debt’ (rather than < *lāsayati2); G. lā̆hāvũ, lāvũ ‘to distribute’; — M. lāhṇẽ ‘to acquire’ (or with LM 399 < lábhatē?).
11021 *lāma— ‘defective’. [Cf. rāmá— ‘dark, black’ AV., rāmā́— f. ‘a dark woman’ TS. — See list s.v. *lakka1] Pa. lāmaka— ‘inferior, bad, sinful’; Pk. lāmā— f. ‘witch’; S. lāo ‘blunt’, lāmo (< *lāmba—?); P. lāvā̃ ‘maimed’; N. lāuke ‘interfering busybody’; M. lā̃v f. ‘ogress, beldam’; Si. lamā ‘childish, infantile’, lamayā ‘child’. Addenda: *lāma— [ā < IE. o (OHG. lam ‘lame’, OSl. lomiti ‘to break’) T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 76]
11022 *lāmbyā— ‘length’. [lamba1] S. lāma f. ‘length’?
11023 *lāyayati ‘causes to cling together’. [√1] Kal. lem ‘I spin’ (cf. layana—)? — See *lāpayati2.
11024 *lārā— ‘string, line’. S. lāra f. ‘string of any glutinous substance’; P. lār f. ‘line’; N. lāri ‘halter of twisted twigs for sheep’; H. lār f. ‘string’; OMarw. lāra ‘at the back, behind’; G. lār f. ‘line’, lārũ n. ‘long line’, lāre ‘behind’.
11028 *lālā—2 ‘tongue of bell’. [Cf. lalati ‘lolls, wags (of tongue)’ Kathās.] S. lāra f. ‘tongue of bell’, Ku. N. rālo, G. lāḷī f.
11035 *lāvana— ‘reaping’. [Cf. lāvayati ‘causes to be cut’ Gr., Pa. lāvēti, Pk. ger. lāiavva—. — √] L. lāvaṇ f. ‘row of 40 sheaves in harvest field (one of which is the reaper's wage)’; H. lāunī f. ‘harvest’; M. lāṇ, lāṇī f. ‘reaping’, lāhṇī f. ‘reaping, rice or other grain’ (LM 399 < *lābhana—), lāṇī f. ‘sickle’; Ko. lāṇ, lāṇi ‘reaping’. — Pa. lāyana— n. ‘cutting’ X dāyana— of which it is v.l.; see lāvaka—. Addenda: *lāvana—: OP. lāhaṇi f. ‘raw materials for making spirit’ (P. lāhaṇ f. ‘a still’, H. lāhan f. ‘yeast’)? J.C.W.
11037 *lāvyakāra— ‘reaping’. [lāvya—, kāra1] S. lābāro m. ‘harvest’.
11038 *lāvyatē pass. of lāvayati ‘causes to be reaped’ Gr. [√] S. lubaṇu ‘to be reaped’ with —u— for —ā— from act. luṇaṇu < lunā́ti.
11042 *lāsayati2 ‘makes slippery, makes slip, makes de- scend’. [Caus. of *lasati2. — → Par. lasḗw— ‘to untie’ IIFL i 270. — √ *las2] Kt. lasete ‘lets loose’; Paš.lauṛ. lās— ‘to release’; Kal. lasím ‘I let fall, loose, release’; Sh. (Lor.) l*lzoiki ‘to unstring (a bow)’; S. lāhiṇu ‘to lower’ (pp. lātho after latho < *lasta—); L. lāhaṇ ‘to take down’ (in mng. ‘to pay off a debt’ rather < *lābhayati); P. lāhṇā ‘to bring down, unload’.
11044 *likka— ‘defective’. 2. *liṅga—2. 3. *lēkka—. 4. *lēgga—. 5. *lēṅka—. 6. *lēṅga— (~ *rēṅga—). 7. *lēṅgha—. [Cf. liṅgika— n. ‘lameness’, ligú— m. ‘block- head’ lex., liṅga1. Similar word—group s.v. lukka1: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *liṅga3 ‘lump’] 1. WPah.bhad. likaṛ, pl. °kṛā̃ n. ‘piece of cloth, rag’. 2. K. lingun ‘to get distorted’; L. liṅgṛī f. ‘rag’; M. lı̃gśā ‘slow, sluggish, slack’. 3. Chil. leko ‘small’; B. lekṛā, nekṛā ‘tattered cloth, rag’. 4. L.awāṇ. lēgā ‘parasitical’. 5. Pk. liṁka— m. ‘child’; Or. leṅkaṛā ‘ragged, torn (of cloth)’; OM. leṁka m. ‘son’, f. ‘daughter’, M. lek, lekrū̃ n. ‘child’. 6. WPah.jaun. lē̃g ‘tail’ (rudh. liṅuṇī s.v. liṅga1); A. leṅur ‘humpbacked and lame’, leṅerā ‘crippled, lame’; B. leṅgā ‘naked, lefthanded’, leṅgṛā ‘limping, lefthanded’, leṅaṭ, leṅṭā ‘naked’ (see also nagná—), neṅā ‘lefthanded’, neṅaṛā ‘lame’; Or. leṅgaṛā, ne° ‘lame’. 7. G. lẽghāvũ ‘to limp’. Addenda: *likka—. 2. *linga—2: WPah.kṭg. pƏrlīṅg m. ‘idler, good—for—nothing’ (+ pƏr— ← Sk. pra for emphasis Him.I 123). 5. *lēṅka—: S.kcch. niṅghro m. ‘boy’, niṅghrī f. ‘girl’.
11046 *likṣāgrahaṇa— ‘catching nits’. [likṣā́—, gráhaṇa—] Bi. likhgahnī ‘a partic. kind of comb’. LIKH ‘scratch, write’: likhá—, likháti, likhana—, likhitá—, lēkha—, lēkhaka—, lēkhana—, lēkhayati, lḗkhā—, lēkhya—; *alikhant—, *ālikha—, ā́likhati, ālēkha—, ālēkhanī—, ālēkhya—, úllikhati, ullēkha—, *pratilēkhayati, vilēkhā—, saṃlēkha—; — √rikh1.
11052 *liṅga—3 ‘lump’. [Cf. lōgá—: see list s.v. *lakka2. - Cf. *liṅga2 ‘defective’] K. nĕng f. ‘great pile of cooked rice’, nĕngürü f. ‘small hard lump of human excrement’; Or. liṅgā ‘fleshy tumour or wart on shoulders of a bullock’. liṅgika— see *likka—.
11053 *licca— ‘defective’. 2. *liccha—. 3. *lijjha—. 4. *lēcca—. 5. *lēñca— (~ *rēñca—). [Cf. *laccha—, *lucca—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. K. lyoċu ‘weak’, lĕċun ‘to become weak or flabby’; N. liccaṛ ‘miserly’, H. līcaṛ (not with ND 556 b 6 < lípsatē). 2. Kho. ličhak ‘flabby, swaying’. 3. H. lījhā ‘tasteless, juiceless, useless’. 4. Ku. lecaṛ ‘shameless, miserly’, lyacṛā m. pl. ‘half- cooked bread, blots’; M. leċṇẽ ‘to yield’. 5. Or. leñca ‘mean—minded, low—class’. *liccha—, *lijjha— ‘defective’ see prec.
11054 *liṭṭa—1 ‘defective’ (liṭyati ‘is small, is contemptible’ Pāṇ.gaṇa). 2. *liḍḍa—. 3. *liṇḍa—1. 4. *liṇḍara—. 5. *līḍa—. 6. *lēṭṭha—. 7. *lēḍḍa—1. 8. *lēṇṭa- (~ *rēṇṭa—). 9. *lēṇḍa—1 (~ *rēṇḍa—). 10. *lēṇḍ- ara—. 11. *lēṇḍha—. [Cf. *laṭṭa—1, *luṭṭa—1 *litta—: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *liṭṭa—3, *liṇḍa—2, *lēḍḍa—2, *lēṇḍa2 ‘lump’] 1. Pk. liṭṭia— ‘greedy, lustful’, n. ‘flattery’; A. liṭikā ‘dwarfed’. 2. Tor. liṭ, obl. liḍe ‘small’, (Biddulph) "lid" ‘in- fant’; K. lĕḍ ‘cowardly, weakly’; P. liḍḍ f. ‘cowardice’; H. liḍār ‘cowardly’, m. ‘jackal’ (cf. *giḍḍara—); M. liḍyā ‘lean and weak (esp. of a child)’. 3. Ku. lino ‘tailless, bastard, shameless, weak’; N. lı̃ṛo ‘tailless, worthless’, lı̃ṛe ‘tailless, obstinate’. 4. Ku. linro = lino in 3. 5. S. līṛa f. ‘rag, strip of cloth’; P. līṛā m. ‘cloth in general’. 6. N. leṭhan ‘obstinacy’; A. leṭhā ‘hindrance’, B. leṭhā, leṭā. 7. Sh. (Lor.) le_ṛo ‘bastard’; B. leṛā ‘bald’, neṛā ‘lopped, shorn, bald’; Or. leṛa ‘menstrual blood’; Si. leḍa ‘sick’, leḍā ‘sick person’, leḍaya, °ḍē ‘disease’. 8. Or. leṇṭā ‘inferior, contemptible’. 9. Ash. le/ṇḍe ‘bald’ (or < laṇḍa1), Dm. lyēṇḍa, Paš.weg. lēṇḍā́, ar. lẽrṓ, dar. lẽṛā́; Or. leṇḍā ‘inferior, contemptible’; Bi. lẽṛurī ‘empty maize cob’; H. lẽḍī ‘impotent, cowardly’; M. lẽḍyātāḍ m. ‘the male or barren palmyra’. 10. H. lẽḍrā = lẽḍī in 9. 11. Bi. lẽṛhā ‘empty maize cob’, Mth. neṛhā; H. lẽḍhā m. ‘smut, mildew’. *liṭṭa—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2. Addenda: *liṭṭa—1. 3. liṇḍa—1: WPah.poet. liṇḍo ‘tailless’, J. lı̃ḍā. *liṇḍa—1 ‘defective’ see *liṭṭa1 Add2.
11055 *liṭṭa—3 ‘lump’. 2. *liṇḍa—2. 3. *lēḍa—. 4. *lēḍḍa—2. 5. *lēṇṭa—. 6. lēṇḍa—2 n. ‘excrement’ BhP. [Cf. lēṣṭu—, nēṣṭu— m. ‘clod’ MBh. s.v. lōṣṭá—, and the groups s.vv. *luṭṭa—2, *ladda—1, *lottha3: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *liṭṭa1] 1. Bi. liṭṭī ‘tobacco ball’. 2. Pk. liṁḍa— n. ‘elephant's dung’, liṁḍiā— f. ‘goat's dung’; S. liṇḍu m. ‘hard human excrement’ (< *liṇṭa—?); WPah.khaś. liṇḍ ‘big lump of human excrement’; G. lı̄̃ḍũ n. ‘globule of dung’, lı̄̃ḍī f. ‘small do.’; — altern. < 6: Ku. līn ‘human excrement’; N. lı̃ṛ ‘hard piece of do.’. 3. Pk. lēḍu—, °ua—, °ukka—, lēlu— m.n. ‘lump’; - altern. < 4: A. ner, nerā ‘solid round lump of excre- ment’, B. leṛ, neṛ. 4. Pa. leḍḍu—, °uka— m. ‘clod of earth’; S. leḍ̱ūṇo m. ‘lump of horse's or camel's dung’; L. leḍṇā m. ‘camel's or donkey's dung’, (Ju.) leḍṛā̃ m. ‘ball of dung’ (—ṛā̃ < —ṇā?); P. leḍḍā m. ‘camel's or horse's dung’; WPah. bhal. leḍḍu m. ‘ball of flour and water’; Si. leḍ ‘stone, seed’ SigGr ii 460; — A. B. see 3. 5. S. leṇḍo m. ‘lump of human excrement’. 6. Paš.weg. lēṇes ‘horse dung’ (= lēṇe sī? IIFL iii 3, 111); L. (Ju.) nenā m. ‘hardened excrement’, mult. neṇā m. (?); P. lı̄̃ḍ m., lenī f. ‘hard long excrement’; WPah.khaś. leṇḍ ‘big lump of do.’; N. lı̃ṛuko, lẽṛulko ‘heap of grass and twigs and weeds, mass of earth removed from a ploughshare’; Or. leṇḍa ‘ordure’, leṇḍi ‘tiny bits of sheep dung’; Bi. lẽṛī ‘dung of sheep and goats’; H. lẽḍ, lẽṛ f. ‘round lump of dung’; M. lẽḍ m., lẽḍī f., lẽḍūk n. ‘lump of dung’; — Ku. N. see 2. *liḍḍa—, *liṇḍa—1 ‘defective’ see *liṭṭa1. *liṇḍa—2 ‘lump’ see *liṭṭa3. *liṇḍara— ‘defective’ see *liṭṭa1.
11056 *litta— ‘defective’. 2. *littara—. 3. *litra— (cf. *latra- s.v. *latta1). 4. *lidda—1. 5. *liddhara—. 6. *lētta—. 7. *lēttha—. 8. *lēdda—1. 9. *lēddha—1. 10. *lēnda- (~ *rēnda—). 11. *lēndara—. [Cf. *latta—1, *lutta—, *liṭṭa1: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. similar words for ‘lump’ s.v. *lidda3. — With 8, 10, and 11 in sense ‘rheumy’ cf. lindu— ‘slimy’ ChUp.] 1. S. litaṛu m. ‘down—at—heel shoe’; Ku. lito ‘weak, hungry, eager’, litkano ‘weak’, litārā m. pl. ‘worn—out clothes’, litpit ‘thin, trifling’; A. litā ‘impotent, thin’; H. lītṛā m. ‘old shoe’. 2. L. P. littar m. ‘old worn—out shoe’; Ku. litro ‘inferior cloth, thin cake’; H. lītrā m. ‘old shoe’. 3. Sh. līc̣u̯ ‘poor, destitute’, (Lor.) līc̣i ‘poverty’ (< *litriya—). 4. P. lidd f. ‘cowardice’. 5. G. lidhrũ ‘ragged’. 6. Ku. leto ‘filth, foulness, dust’; A. leterā ‘dirty, untidy’. 7. N. lethro ‘obstinate, weak against temptation, frail’, lethnu ‘complete exhaustion’. 8. Or. ledā ‘rheum of eyes’. 9. A. ledhā ‘heavy—bodied, slow’; Or. ledhkā ‘idle, fat’. 10. Or. lenduā ‘having rheumy eyes’, lendki chuā ‘infant’. 11. Or. lendarā ‘having rheumy eyes’; Bi. lẽdrā ‘patchwork quilt’ (semant. cf. Mth. bhŏthrā < *bhōttha—). *littara—, *litra—, *lidda—1 ‘defective’ see prec. *lidda—2 ‘tangled’ see *laṭṭa2.
11057 *lidda—3 ‘lump’. 2. *linda—. 3. *lēdda—2. 4. *lēddha—2. 5. *lēnta—. 6. *lēntha—. [Cf. *ladda—1, *lōttha—2, *liṭṭa3: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *litta—. — Orm. lid ‘horse dung’ NTS v 21 (unless this, to avoid dil ‘heart’, is metath. of *dil < *dr̥t— in Sogd. drtyč, Chvarezmian dirt, Wkh. dƏrt ‘dung’ W. Henning in letter)] 1. K. lĕd, dat. lë̆zü f. ‘dung of horses, mules, asses, elephants’, S. liḍ̱i f., L. lidd, liḍḍ, (Ju.) liḍ̱ f., awāṇ. lid, P. lidd f.; Ku. lido ‘dung of goats’; N. lidi ‘dung of horses and other animals’; Bi. līd, līdī, liddī f. ‘dung of horses and elephants’, Mth. liddā, H. G. M. līd f. 2. K. nĕnd f. ‘piled up large solidified heap of stale boiled rice’. 3. A. ledenā ‘faeces and urine of a sick person’; B. nedi ‘cowdung cake’; Or. neda, ledi, nedi ‘solid circular bit of dung’; Bi. led, ledā, ledī ‘clod used as counter- poise on a lever’. 4. Bi. (SE) ledho ‘clod as counterpoise on beam of water—lift’, Mth. ledh. 5. Or. lentā ‘mass, collection, bundle’. 6. Or. lenthā ‘id.’. *liddhara— ‘defective’ see *litta—. *linda— ‘lump’ see *lidda3. lindu— see *litta—. LIP ‘smear’: liptá—1, lipyatē, limpá—, limpáti, lēpa—, lēpana—, lēpayati, *lēptra—, lēpya—; *ava- lipya—, avalēpayati, ālipta—, ālimpana—, ālēpa—, ālēpana—, ālēpayati, upalēpayati, pralipta—, pralē- payati, vilēpana—, *saṁlipta—, *saṁlēpana—. Addenda: *lidda—3. 1. WPah.kṭg. līd f. ‘horse dung’. 4. †;*lēdha— in OP. māṁlīha f. ‘dried cowdung as fuel’, P. malīh f. < †;*māhiṣalēdha—?
11060 *lipta—2 ‘written’. [Formed from lipi— or, with EGS 151, same as liptá1] Si. lit—a ‘almanac, calendar’: very doubtful.
11063 *libba—1 ‘defective’. 2. *limba—. 3. *lība—. 4. *lēbba—. 5. *lēbbha—. 6. *lēbbhara—. 7. *lēmbha—. [Cf. *lappha—2, *lumba1 and limpaṭa— ‘lustful’ lex.: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *libba2 ‘lump’] 1. H. libṛī f. ‘old cloth, rags’; M. libā ‘infirm and weak’. 2. Ku. limiro, limuko ‘worn—out or poor cloth, rag’. 3. Pk. līva— m. ‘boy’. 4. Or. lebaṛā ‘shameless’; M. lebḍā ‘filthy, fat and flabby’. 5. Or. lebhaṛa ‘tartar on teeth’, °ṛā ‘looking awkward and overdressed, shameless’. 6. Or. lebharā ‘shameless’. 7. M. lẽbhḷā, lebhḷā, nebhḷā ‘fat and flabby’. Addenda: *libba—1. 8. †;*lēba—: WPah.kṭg. leuḷe m.pl. ‘tattered clothes’ < *lēbala—.
11064 *libba—2 ‘lump’. [See list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. *libba1 ‘defective’] K. lyobu, dat. lĕbis m. ‘lump of cowdung’.
11067 *liśati ‘tears off’ (ví liśatē ‘is injured’ TS.). 2. liśyatē ‘is lessened, becomes small’ Dhātup. 3. liṣṭa- ‘lessened, decayed’ lex. [~ *riśyatē, riṣṭa—1. — √liś] 1. Pa. lisati ‘breaks off’. 2. Sh.gil. lišóĭki̯ (1 sg. līša̯m) ‘to hide oneself’ (semant. cf. lupyátē), koh. lišōnu̯, gur. lišyōnu̯. 3. Sh. liṭu̯ ‘hidden, secret’. liśyatē, liṣṭa— see prec.
11068 *lissa— ‘defective’. 2. *līsa—. 3. *lēssa—. [Cf. *lussa—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. K. lisa ‘weak, feeble’; S. liso ‘thin, weak, insipid, unsavory’; L. lissā ‘thin, weak, lazy’; P. lissā ‘thin, weak, lazy, poor’. 2. S. līhu ‘indifferent, worthless’. 3. Ku. lesaṛ ‘miserly, lazy’; A. leherā ‘incompetent, weak’; Or. lesaṛā ‘shameless, miserly’. LIH ‘lick’: lihati, *lēhati, lēhana—; *ālēha—, pralēha—. Addenda: *lissa—. 3. *lēssa—: A. lehukā ‘slim, flexible’. 2: †;*avalayati.
11070 *līkkā—2 ‘track, line’. S. līka f., °ko m. ‘line, streak’, līkaṇu ‘to trace out- lines’; L. līk f. ‘line, crack in soil’, līkā m. ‘line’; P. līk f. ‘line, track, rut’; N. likh, lig ‘line, rut, path’; B. lik ‘line, track, rut’, H. G. līk f. — X lḗkhā— q.v. līkṣā— see likṣā́—. *līḍa— ‘defective’ see *liṭṭa1 *lība— ‘defective’ see *libba1.
11071 *līra— ‘defective’. 2. *lēra—. 3. *lēlla—1. [Cf. *lēlla2 and the rhyming cīra—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. L. līr f. ‘rag’, (Ju.) līrā̃ ‘ragged, shabby’; P. līr f. ‘strip of cloth, rag’. 2. Or. lera ‘rheum of eyes’ (semant. cf. *lēdda1). 3. S. lelhaṛu m. ‘lazy worthless person’; Or. lelhā ‘weak’, leliha ‘louse’ (< *lēllibha—?). *līsa— ‘defective’ see *lissa—.
11072 *lukka—1 ‘defective’. 2. *lugga— (~ *rugga—). 3. *luṅka—. 4. *luṅkha—. 5. *luṅga—. 6. *luṅgara—. 7. *lōkka—. [Direct derivation from MIA. (Pk.) lukka- ‘broken’ (anal. replacement of lutta— < lupta—) or lugga— ‘id.’ (~ rugga— < rugṇá—) is doubtful: most ‘defective’ word—groups provide words for ‘rag, cloth’. — Cf. *likka—: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. lōgá- ‘lump’] 1. Pk. lukka— ‘hairless, shaven’; Kho. (Lor.) luk ‘stark naked, featherless, unworthy (of person), miserable (of hut)’, sb. ‘rag, very old clothes’; Woṭ. lukúṛ, f. likíṛ ‘small’, Bshk. lúkuṭ; K. lŏkoṭu, f. °küṭü ‘small, shorter, younger’, m. ‘child’; P. lukkā ‘bad, dissolute’; Ku. lukuṛo ‘cloth’, pl. °ṛā ‘clothes’; M. lukā m. ‘starveling’, lukaḍ ‘lean, meagre’. 2. S. luǥiṛo ‘dirty’, L. lugg, (Ju.) luǥǥ ‘desolute’, luggā, (Ju.) luǥǥā ‘alone’, luǥṛā ‘empty (of houses)’; N. lugā ‘clothes’; Or. lugā, nugā ‘cloth, clothes’; Bi. lūgā, (S of Ganges) luggā, nū̃gā, nuṅgā ‘clothes, woman's sāṛī’ (semant. cf. khā̃ṛī < khaṇḍá—), lūgrī ‘old torn sheet’; Mth. nūgā ‘clothes’; H. lū̆gā m. ‘ragged cloth, cloth wrapping’, lugṛā m. ‘rag, tatters’; G. lugṛũ n. ‘clothes’, M. lugḍẽ n. 3. Pk. luṁka— ‘asleep’. 4. Pk. luṁkhia— ‘dirty’. 5. Kho. luṅ ‘shaven—headed, bald’ (or < laṅga1); Or. luṅguṛā, nu° ‘lewd, lecherous’; H. lũgāṛā m. ‘lecher’, lũgārā ‘dissolute, lewd’; M. lũgā ‘diminutive, poor’, lũgṇẽ ‘to become infirm’. 6. B. noṅarā ‘filthy’; Or. nuṅgurā ‘dirty, wicked’, sb. ‘refuse’. 7. Sh. lóku̯ ‘dirty’; K.rām. lōk ‘son’, pog. lūk ‘child’, kash. lŏkuṛŭ ‘small’. *lukka—2 ‘hidden’ see lupta— s.v. lupyátē. *lugga— ‘defective’ see *lukka1. *lugna— ‘broken’ see rugṇá—. *luṅka—, *luṅkha—, *luṅga—, *luṅgara— ‘defective’ see *lukka1. *LUC ‘shine’: *lōka—2, lṓkatē, lōkáyati, lṓcatē, lōcana—, lōcáyati, *lōciya—, *lōcis—, *lōcya—, lōcyatē; avalōka—, avalōkita—, ālōka—, ālōcayatē, *pralōka—, pralōkayati; — √ruc. Addenda: *lukka—1. 2. *lugga—: Marw.hāḍ. lūgṛī ‘scarf’, Jaipurī lūgṛī ‘coloured cādar of woman’. 8. †;*lōga—2: H. loī f. ‘fine blanket’, WPah.kṭg. loi f. ‘thin double blanket’; Pk. lōaḍī— f. ‘blanket’, OMarw. lovaṛī ‘female's waist garment’. — See *lōmiya- Add2. *lugga— ‘defective’ see *lukka1 Add2.
11073 *lucca— ‘defective’. 2. *luñca— (~ *rōñca—). 3. *luñja—. 4. *lōcca—1 (cf. lōcaka1 ‘stupid’ lex.). 5. *lōjjha—. [Cf. Pers. luč, lunǰ ‘naked’. — Cf. *laccha—, *licca—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. Kal.rumb. lūča ‘unembroidered part of cloak’; K. luc ‘wicked’ ← Ind.; S. lucu m. ‘blackguard’, luco ‘infamous’; L. luccā ‘of bad character’, (Ju.) luc, luccā ‘quarrelsome’, awāṇ. luccā m. ‘rascal’; P. lucc m. ‘lecher’, luccā ‘profligate’; WPah.bhad. lucpŏṇ ‘de- bauchery’ (< —tvana—); Ku. luccā ‘miserly’, lucṛo ‘lean, mean’, gng. luċ ‘miser’; N. lucco ‘profligate’; A. lussā ‘licentious’, B. Or. luccā; H. luc ‘naked, bare’, luccā ‘profligate’, lucṛā ‘silly, sycophantic’; G. luccũ ‘lewd’, M. luċċā. 2. P. luñj m. ‘paralysis (of a limb), crookedness’, luñjā ‘crippled’; Ku. lũj ‘devoid of use of hands or feet, gouty’. 3. H. lũj, luñj, lũjā, luñjā ‘crippled in hands or feet’ 4. Or. loccā ‘profligate, lewd’. 5. L. lojhvā̃ ‘crooked’; N. lojho ‘slack, slow’. LUÑC ‘pluck out’: luñcati, luñcana—. *luñca— ‘defective’ see *lucca—.
11076 *luṭṭa—1 ‘defective’. 2. *luṭṭha—. 3. *luḍa- (~ *ruḍa—). 4. *luḍḍa—. 5. *luṇṭa— (~ *ruṇṭa—; cf. luṇṭāka— m. ‘crow’ lex.). 6. luṇṭhaka— m. ‘robber’ Hcar. (cf. *luṭṭati). 7. *luṇḍa— (~ ruṇḍa—). 8. *luṇḍara—. 9. *lōṭṭa—1. 10. *lōṭṭha—. 11. *lōṇṭha—. [Cf. *laṭṭa—1, *liṭṭa—1, *lutta—: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *luṭṭa2 ‘lump’. — Par. lúṇḍu ‘short’, Psht. laṇḍ ← IA. IIFL i 269] 1. Ash. luṭ ‘young man’; Wg. lṳ̄ṭ ‘young bearded man’; Tor. lūṭ ‘small’; Phal. ṣiṣa—lúṭo ‘bald—headed’; Sh. lŭṭŭ ‘bare, bare—headed’; — altern. < 2: forms of Gaw. Kho. Si. 2. Pk. luṭṭha— n. ‘broken piece of brick’; Gaw. luṭh, luṭ ‘young’, sb. ‘bridegroom’ NOGaw 42; Kho. (Morgenstierne) luṭh ‘big’, (Lor.) luṭ ‘big, senior, old’, luti (= : < *luṭṭhiya—) ‘greatness’; N. luṭho ‘loose- living bachelor’, luṭhi ‘young unmarried woman (spoken contemptuously)’; A. luṭhuṅ—ṭhuṅgīyā ‘destitute, home- less’. 3. N. lure ‘a lean fellow’; A. lurumā ‘stunted in growth’; M. luḍā—khuḍā ‘old, infirm’, luḍmā ‘stunted’ (or < 4). 4. Tor. luḍ ‘small’ (or < lūṭ in 1); M. see 3. 5. S. luṇḍu m. ‘intercalary month’, luṇḍo ‘tailless, destitute’; L. luṇḍā ‘tailless, shameless, of bad character’, (Ju.) m. ‘money paid to a husband to divorce his wife’, awāṇ. lũḍā—bucā ‘immoral’; P. luṇḍ m. ‘shameless person’, luṇḍā ‘tailless, wifeless’; WPah. jaun. lū̃ḍ ‘blackguard’; — altern. < 7: K. lunḍa ‘pro- fligate’; N. lũṛinu ‘to have the leaves plucked off’. 6. Pk. luṁṭhaga— m. ‘rogue’; G. luṇṭhɔ m. ‘vaga- bond’. 7. Paš. luṇḍa—bā́z ‘frivolous girl’; Sh. (Lor.) lund, lon, pl. luni (= ṇḍ?), jij. (Morgenstierne) lɔṇ ‘penis’ (or < laṇḍa1?); H. lũḍā ‘tailless, cropped’; G. lū̃ḍɔ m. ‘contemptuous term for a man’, lū̃ḍāī f. ‘roguery’; M. lũḍā ‘mutilated’; — K. N. altern. < 5. 8. Kho. (Lor.) luṇḍur ‘ill—shaped person’ (or < *laṇḍara—). 9. Pk. loṭṭa—, °aya— m. ‘unripe rice, elephant calf’. 10. M. loṭhā ‘sturdy’; — Kho. loṭhoro ‘younger’ (rather < *laṭṭhara—); A. loṭhorā ‘plump, fleshy’ (or < lōṣṭá—). 11. G. lõ;ṭhɔ ‘stout, rude, cunning’. Addenda: *luṭṭa—1. 2. *luṭṭha—: WPah.kṭg. lv́ṭhṛɔ ‘bald—headed’. 5. *luṇṭa—: WPah.poet. lvṇḍa m. ‘rogue’. 6. luṇṭhaka—: also G. lũṭhũ ‘violent’. 12. †;*lōṇḍa—: Md. lon̆ḍu ‘lazy’.
11077 *luṭṭa—2 ‘lump’. 2. *luḍa—2. 3. luṇḍikā— f. ‘ball, mass, excrement’ lex. 4. *lōṭṭa—.2 [Into this series, paralleled by *liṭṭa3 and others s.v. *lakka2, would fit Pk. loṭṭha— < lōṣṭá— TS. which has similar varia- tions of root vowel and ending in lōṣṭu— lex., lēṣṭu—, nēṣṭu— MBh. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *luṭṭa1] 1. K.pog. kash. lŏṭ ‘head’; Ku. luṭo ‘heap of grass’. 2. B. luṛi, nuṛi ‘pebble, ball, nodule’ (ODBL < lōṣṭá—). 3. Or. luṇḍā, nuṇḍā ‘fire—wisp’; Bi. lū̃ṛā, nū̃ṛā, nuṇḍā ‘bundle of grass for cleaning vessels’; Mth. lū̃ṛā, nū̃ṛā ‘id.’, lū̃ṛī ‘bundle’; H. lũḍā, lũṛā m. ‘lump, ring of twisted grass’. 4. Sh. lōṭu̯ m. ‘ball of flour or ghee’, lōṭi̯ f. ‘football’. Addenda: *luṭṭa—2. 3. luṇḍikā—: A. lũrā, nũrā ‘mass, ball’ AFD 229, 425.
11078 *luṭṭati ‘plunders’. 2. *lūṭati. 3. lúṇṭati HPariś., luṇṭáyati, rúṇṭati Dhātup. 4. *luṭhati2 (cf. lúṇṭhayati Rājat.). [Derivation of Pk. luṭṭa— from lupta—, pro- posed by P. Tedesco OrLit 1932, 532, is very doubtful. Poss. connected with ‘defective’ group s.v. *luṭṭa1 (cf. esp. luṇṭhaka—). — Poss. X mūṣati see lūṣáyati1] 1. Pk. luṭṭa— ‘robbed’, luṭṭaï ‘robs’; Gy. wel. lūr— ‘to plunder’, germ. lūrdo ‘soldier’; K. lūṭun, S. luṭaṇu, L. luṭṭaṇ, P. luṭṭṇā, Ku. luṭṇo, N. luṭnu, A. luṭiba, B. luṭā, Or. luṭibā, nu°, Mth. luṭab, Aw.lakh. lūṭab, H. lūṭnā (whence pass. luṭnā), OMarw. lūṭaï, G. luṭvũ, M. luṭṇẽ. 2. Pk. lūḍaï ‘plunders’. 3. Pk. luṁṭaï ‘robs’, G. lũṭvũ. 4. Pa. luṭhati, ruṭhati ‘robs’. *luṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *luṭṭa1. luṭyati see *lōrtati. LUṬH ‘roll, set in motion.’ [Poss. with T. Burrow JRAS 1956, 199 lōṭhayati (after which anal. stems luṭh—, luṇṭh—) is MIA. < *lōṣṭayati— (< *leu—s—t— enlarge- ment of lu— in √lubh2). — Cf. √luḍ] luṭháti1, *luṭhyati, lōṭha—, lōṭhana—, lōṭhayati; *ulluṇṭhati. Addenda: *luṭṭati. 1. Garh. luṭṇu ‘to cheat, rob’. *luṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *luṭṭa1 Add2.
11081 *lutta— ‘defective’. 2. *luttara—. 3. *lutthara—. 4. *lunda— (~ *runda—). 5. *lōtta—. 6. *lōttara—. 7. *lōttha—1. 8. *lōtthara—. 9. *lōdda—1. 10. *lōddara—. 11. *lōddha—1. [Cf. Pers. lūt ‘naked’, Kurd. rūt. — Similar word—groups s.vv. *latta—1, *litta—, *luṭṭa1: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. a similar group for ‘lump’ s.v. *lōttha3] 1. K. lath, dat. lüċü f. ‘slender woman’, lọ̆tu ‘trivial, frivolous, easy to manage or endure, mild, soft, slow’ (LM 397 wrongly < laghú—); N. luto ‘small weakly boy’, lute ‘weakling’, lutyāhā ‘weak and worthless fellow’. 2. P. lutrā ‘trifling’; N. luture ‘weak, thin, sickly’, lutrukka ‘flabby, shrunken’; A. luturā ‘sensual’; H. lutrā ‘sycophantic, silly, making mischief’; M. lutrā ‘tattling’. 3. N. luthrukka ‘wet through and through’; A. luthari—piṭhā ‘rice—flour boiled in water and mixed with milk and sugar’. 4. L.mult. lundā ‘tailless, shameless’; — N. lũdo ‘fold of fat round body’ (or rather < *lōnda— ‘lump’?). 5. N. lote ‘slack, lazy’. 6. Or. lotarā ‘flabby, worn—out’. 7. G. loth ‘fatigued, inferior’; — in sense ‘corpse’ (S. lotha f., L.awāṇ. P. N. H. G. M. loth f.) perh. rather < lōttha2. 8. N. lothro, °re ‘slack, clumsy, lax, faint’; Or. lotharā ‘eunuch’, lothari ‘corpulent woman’. 9. K. lōda m. ‘fool, dolt’. 10. N. lodar ‘misfortune, ill luck’; A. lodorā ‘stout’. 11. Ku. lodho ‘lean, weak, shameless’; A. lodhomā ‘corpulent’; G. lodhɔ m. ‘a huge creature’; — M. lodhā m. ‘corpse’ or < *lōddha2 see 7 above. *luttara—, *lutthara— ‘defective’ see *lutta—.
11085 *lubhati ‘is desirous’ (aor. alubhat Dhātup.) [√lubh1] H.poet. luhnā ‘to be infatuated, covet’.
11087 *lumba—1 ‘defective’. 2. *lōbba— (~ *rōbba—). [Cf. *lappha—2, *libba1: see list s.v. *lakka1. — Cf. *lumba2 ‘lump’] 1. Ku. lumṛo ‘miserly’; N. lumro ‘weak’, lumre ‘ragged’. 2. Ku. lobṛo ‘simple, humble, lean, greedy’.
11088 *lumba—2 ‘lump’. 2. *lumbara—. 3. *lōppa— (lōptrī— f. ‘lump of dough’ Bhpr. sanskritization of MIA. *loppaḍī—?). [See list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. *lumba1 ‘defective’] 1. M. lũbḍẽ n. ‘clog round bullock's neck’. 2. Ku. lumuro ‘excrescence on body (wen &c.)’. 3. H. lopṛī, lupṛī f. ‘lump’; — N. lopro ‘bit, chip, shaving’, loprā—lopr i ‘parings’ (or < lōpya—?). Addenda: *lumba—2: WPah.poet. lumbṭu m. ‘cluster of flowers’, lumbṭuo ‘thick, compact, dense (e.g. of fog)’.
11089 *lumba—3 ‘hanging’. [Cf. lamba— and lūma—] Pk. luṁbī— f. ‘bunch’; Paš.lauṛ. līm, dar. lә́mbē ‘tail’ (< *lumbī— IIFL iii 3, 109); H. lūmnā ‘to droop’; G. lūm f. ‘bunch’, lumvũ ‘to droop’; M. lõ;bṇẽ intr. ‘to hang’, lõ;baḍ, °aṭ f. ‘cluster (of coconuts &c.)’. *lumbara— ‘lump’ see *lumba2. lulita— see luḍáti, *lulla—.
11090 *lulla— ‘defective’. 2. *lōlla—. [~ *rulla—, *nunna—. — Cf. lulita— ‘hurt’ MBh: direct derivation < lū́ta— ‘cut off’ (*lūa—lla— LM 399) is, in view of similar ‘defective’ word—groups, very doubtful. — Cf. *lēlla1: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. Sh. (Lor.) rūlo ‘weak, feeble, useless, worthless’; S. lūlo ‘maimed’; L. lullī f. ‘penis’; P. lull ‘penis puerilis’ (LM 401 wrongly < lōla—); Ku. lūl ‘thin tall man’, lūlo ‘lame’, lulī ‘penis’; N. lulo ‘maimed, crippled, limp’; B. nul, nulā ‘handless, lame in hand’, sb. ‘arm without hand, arm (in general)’; Or. lulā ‘simpleton, maimed in hand (= nulā)’; Mth. lulh ‘one- armed’; Bhoj. lūlh ‘armless man’; H. lūlā ‘maimed, handless’; OMarw. lulaü ‘lame’, G. lūlũ; M. lulā ‘maimed’. 2. Or. lolo ‘impotent, fat but not strong’; H. lolo m. ‘penis puerilis’ (or < *lōḍa—). *ālulla—.
11091 *lussa— ‘defective’. 2. *lōssa—. [Cf. *lissa—: see list s.v. *lakka1] 1. S. lusu ‘hairless, featherless’; Or. lusuṛi ‘very rotten (of fruit), wrinkled (of skin)’; G. lus ‘cut off, dropped’. 2. K. lōsa m. ‘fatigue, languor’, lūsu ‘tired’, lōsun ‘to become tired’; N. loso ‘slack’; Or. losaṛā ‘flabby’. ‘cut’: láva—1, *lava—2, *lavati, lávana—, lavítra—, lavya—, lāva—, lāvaka—, *lāvana—, lāvya—, *lāvyatē, lunā́ti, lū́ta—, lūna—, lūni—; alūna—, *avalavati, ālava—, *ālavana—, *ālūta—, *ullāva—, pralūna—. lūkṣá— see rūkṣá—. *lūṭati ‘plunders’ see *luṭṭati. Addenda: *lussa— ‘defective’: WPah.kṭg. lúś—phúśśɔ ‘slippery’ see *phuss—1, *phiss— in Add2.
11097 *lūṣati ‘burns’. 2. lūṣáyati2 ‘*causes to burn’ (‘injures’ Dhātup.). 3. *lōṣati. 4. *lūṣyatē. [√*lūṣ2] 1. Pk. lūsaï ‘destroys, distresses’; Kt. luṣ— ‘to burn’; P. lūhṇā ‘to be burnt’. 2. S. lūhaṇu (pres. part. lūhīndo) tr. ‘to burn, scorch’. 3. Dm. loṣ— tr. ‘to roast’; Gaw. loṣ— intr. ‘to burn’; Kho. paz loṣik ‘to have heartburn’. 4. Dm. luṣ— ‘to be burnt’; S. lūsaṇu tr. ‘to scorch, burn’ (pp. luṭho < *lūṣṭa2); P. lūsṇā ‘to burn with anger’.
11099 *lūṣā— ‘burning’. [Cf. arka—lūṣa— m. nom. prop. - √*lūṣ2] S. lūha f. ‘hot wind, attack’; L. f. ‘hot wind’. *lūṣṭa—1 ‘stolen’ see lūṣáyati1. Addenda: *lūṣā—: P. lūh ‘burnt, scalded’; H. (← P.?) lūhar f. ‘flame, the hot summer wind’ → WPah.poet. lūr—be m.pl. ‘flames’ with —be < vātá—) Him.I 196.
11100 *lūṣṭa—2 ‘burnt’. [√*lūṣ2] Pk. luṭṭha— n. ‘fragment of brick’; Kal. lhoṣṭ ‘embers’; S. luṭho ‘burnt’ (pp. of lūsaṇu), P. lūṭṭhā. *lūṣyatē ‘is burnt’ see *lūṣati. *lēkka— ‘defective’ see *likka—.
11113 *lēptra— ‘rag or material for plastering’. [√lip] N. leto, ledo ‘sediment (of clay or oil or any liquid substance)’; A. let—ket ‘viscid’; B. netā ‘rag used in plastering’; H. let m. ‘plaster, paste’.
11116 *lēlla—2 ‘lamb, kid’. [Cf. lēlya—: or poss. same as *lēlla1 with mng. ‘small’] S. lelo m. ‘kid’; L. lēlā m., °lī f. ‘lamb, kid’; P. lelā m., °lī f. ‘lamb’, H. lelā m., leliyānā ‘to bleat’.
11120 *lōka—2 ‘light’. [~ rṓka—1. — √*luc] Paš.dar. löu ‘resin, tar’, lauṛ. lōu ‘fat’ (IIFL iii 3, 106 rather than < ghr̥távant—); Gaw. lōu, lōu—muṭha ‘deodar’, Bshk. ; Phal. lōu ‘resin, tar’, lō—múṭ ‘deodar’; Sh. K.ḍoḍ. m. ‘light, dawn’; L. awāṇ. ‘light’; P. lo f. ‘light, dawn, power of seeing, consideration’; WPah. bhal. lo f. ‘light (e.g. of moon)’. lōkakāṣṭha—.
11121 *lōkakāṣṭha— ‘torch wood’. [*lṓka—2, kāṣṭhá—] H. luāṭhā m., °ṭhī f. ‘burning wood’.
11124 *lokāgra— ‘chief of the world’. [lōká—1, ágra—] Pa. lōkagga— m. ‘epithet of the Buddha’; — Si. lovaga ‘the Buddha’ (EGS 152) ← Pa.
11125 *lōkiya—, lōkyà— ‘pertaining to this or the next world’ (M. A. Mehendale BSOAS xxv 600) ŚBr. [Cf. laukyá— AV., laúkika— ŚrS. — lōká1] Pa. lōkiya—, °ika— ‘mundane, worldwide’; Pk. lōia- ‘mundane’, Si. lovī.
11129 *lōcis— ‘light’. [~ rōcís—. — √*luc] Pk. lōī— f. ‘light’; — altern. < *lōciya—: Paš.gul. lūi ‘tomorrow’; Woṭ. lēwil ‘brightness’ (Buddruss Woṭ 112 < *lōcikā—); H. loi f. ‘light, lustre’. *lōcca—1 ‘defective’ see *lucca—.
11130 *lōcca—2 ‘lump’. [Cf. lōcaka2 m. ‘lump of flesh’ lex. — See list s.v. *lakka2] G. locɔ m. ‘lump, mass’; M. loċkā m. ‘piece (of flesh, dough, &c.) bitten or torn off’.
11131 *lōcya— ‘bright’. 2. *lōciya—. [~ rōcya—, *rōciya—. — √*luc] 1. Paš.ar. leč adj. ‘light, bright’; Shum. lōč ‘dawn’; Tor. loǰ m. ‘light’. 2. Forms of Paš. Woṭ. H. altern. < *lōcis— q.v.
11133 *lōṭṭa—3 ‘waterpot’. K. loṭa ‘small metal or earthen pot’, S. loṭo m.; L. loṭā m. ‘waterpot’, P. loṭṭā m., Ku. loṭiyā, N. lohoṭo, A. B. Or. loṭā, Or. noṭā, Mth. loṭiā, Aw.lakh. loṭiyā, H. loṭā m., G. loṭɔ m., M. loṭā m. *lōṭṭha— ‘defective’ see *luṭṭa1. lōṭyáti see *lōrtati. Addenda: *lōṭṭa—3: WPah.poet. loṭa m. ‘waterpot’ ← H.? — J. loṭā m.
11136 *lōḍa—, lōla— ‘tossing, hanging’ MBh. [√luḍ] Pa. lōḷa— ‘waving, unsteady, greedy’; Pk. lōla— ‘lust- ful’, lōra— m.n. ‘eye, tear’; K. lōla f. ‘tongue’; S. rolo m. ‘wandering’; P. lol m. ‘flap of skin on a bull’; N. lolā ‘rolls of fat, pendent flesh below chin, rattle’; A. lolā ‘loose’, B. lola; Or. noḷi ‘earring’; Bi. lor ‘ear- pendent’; H. lor ‘moving, desirous’, m. ‘ear—ring’, lolā m. ‘ear—pendent’, lolī, lorī f. ‘lullaby’, lolo m. ‘penis puerilis’ (or < *lōlla—); G. loḷɔ m. ‘tongue’, loḷiyũ n. ‘pendent’; M. loḷ n. ‘rolling over’; — Si. lela ‘unsteady’ (< *loḷe? — or < lēlya—). lōḍayati, lōḍyatē see luḍáti. *lōṇṭha— ‘defective’ see *luṭṭa1. lṓta— see rṓda—. *lōtta—, *lōttara—, *lōttha—1 ‘defective’ see *lutta—. Addenda: *lōḍa—, lōla—: Md. (lolek) ‘eye’. lōḍayati see luḍáti Add2. †;*lōṇḍa— ‘defective’ see *luṭṭa1.
11137 *lōttha—2 ‘lump’. 2. *lōdda—. 3. *lōddha—. 4. *lōnda—. [Cf. *ladda—1, *lidda3, *luṭṭa2: see list s.v. *lakka2. — Cf. ‘defective’ word—group s.v. *lutta—] 1. H. lothī f. ‘knotted club’, lothṛā, lothṛhā, lothrā m. ‘lump of flesh’. — For ‘corpse’ words see *lōttha1. 2. H. lodā m. ‘lump’; G. lodvũ ‘to knead’. 3. M. lodhā m. ‘lump’. 4. N. lũdo ‘fold of fat round belly’ (rather than < *lunda—); Bi. lõ;dā ‘lump of mud used in building (= Mth. lõ;dī), ball of tobacco (= Mth. lõ;dā)’; Aw.lakh. lõmacr;dā ‘lump’, H. lõ;dā m., G. lõ;dɔ m.
11138 *lōttha—3 ‘skin, skin—bag’. Ku. loth, lot ‘skin’; N. lot ‘money bag’, loto ‘strip of leather’, loti ‘strip of leather or metal’; H. lothā m. ‘bag’. *lōtthara—, *lōdda—1 ‘defective’ see *lutta—. *lōdda—2 ‘lump’ see *lōttha2. *lōddara—2 *lōddha—1 ‘defective’ see *lutta—. *lōddha—2 ‘lump’ see *lōttha2.
11142 *lōpi— ‘fox’. 2. *rōpi—. [Cf. Av. raopi— ‘a sort of dog- like animal’. — See lōpāka—, lōpāśá—, — X lṓman—, lūma— s.v. *lōmaka—] 1. Kho. lōw ‘fox’, Sh.gil. lṍi f., pales. lṓi f., lṓo m., WPah.bhal. lōī f., lo m. 2. Pr. ẓūwī ‘fox’. *lōpidr̥ti—.
11143 *lōpidr̥ti— ‘fox skin’. [*lōpi—, dŕ̥ti—] Kho. lowiri ‘fox skin’.
11147a *lōbha—2 ‘agitation’ in a—lōbha— m. ‘the not going astray (of ratha—)’ AitBr. [√lubh2] P. lohaṛ m. ‘violence, oppression’ (poss. to be separated from lohaṛ ‘lust’ < lōbha1).
11148 *lōbhati ‘is desirous’ (aor. alōbhīt Dhātup., MIA. in lṓhati Vop.). [√lubh1] L. lohaṇ ‘to desire, wish’.
11155 *lōmiya— ‘made of hair or wool’. [lṓman—] H. loī f. ‘blanket made of fine wool’ (cf. Pk. lōaḍī— f. ‘blanket’ < *lōmapaṭī—?): very doubtful. *lōmpaṭa— ‘fox’ see lōmaṭaka—. *LŌRT ‘roll’: lṓṭati, *lōrtati; *ālōrtati, *pra- lōrtati; — √luṭh, √luḍ. Addenda: *lōmiya— see †;*lōga2 s.v. *lukka1 Add2.
11156 *lōrtati ‘rolls’, lōṭyáti ‘sleeps’ Pāṇ.gaṇa (~ lēṭyati), luṭyati ‘rolls’ Bhaṭṭ. 2. lṓṭati ‘rolls’ Dhātup. (MIA. < *lōṭṭ—?). [√*lōrt] 1. Pk. loṭṭaï ‘rolls, sleeps’, luṭṭaï ‘sleeps’; Paš.lauṛ. lōṭ—, weg. lōṛ— ‘to roll, fall’; Kal. lōtam tr. ‘I roll’ (→ Dm. lōt— NTS xii 177); Kho. (Lor.) lortik intr. ‘to roll, wallow, writhe’ (pres. st. lart— with anal. a for o after other pres. stems with orig. a ~ pret. with o < a); S. loṭiko ‘wandering’; P. loṭṇā intr. ‘to roll’; Ku. loṭṇo ‘to fall down, sink’, loṭīṇo ‘to happen’; N. loṭnu ‘to roll, wallow’, A. loṭiba, B. loṭā, Or. loṭibā, no°, Mth. loṭab, H. loṭnā, G. loṭvũ, M. loṭṇẽ. 2. Pa. lōṭana— n. ‘shaking, upsetting’; WPah.bhal. loṛnū ‘to be necessary’ (semant. cf. Ku. in 1 and H. paṛnā &c. < pátati). — Altern. < lōḍayati or láḍati: Kho. loḷik ‘to look for, look at’; P. loṛṇā ‘to search for’, Or. loṛibā, no°. lōla— see *lōḍa—. lōlayati see luḍáti. lōlubha— see lōbhin—. *lōlla— ‘defective’ see *lulla—. *lōṣati ‘burns’ see *lūṣati. Addenda: *lōrtati: Kho. loxtik ‘to roll’ BKhoT 70; WPah.kṭg. (kc.) loṭṇõ; ‘to fall down’.
11160 *lōhaghaṭa— ‘iron pot’. [lōhá—, ghaṭa1] Bi. lohrā, °rī ‘small iron pan’.
11162 *lōhaśālā— ‘smithy’. [lōhá—, śā́lā—] Bi. lohsārī ‘smithy’.
11163 *lōhahaṭṭika— ‘ironmonger’. [lōhá—, haṭṭa—] P.ludh. lōhṭiyā m. ‘ironmonger’.
11167 *lōhittara— ‘reddish’. [Comp. of *lōhit— ~ rōhít—. - *rudh—] Woṭ. latúr ‘red’, Gaw. luturá: very doubtful (see úparakta—)
11168 *lōhila— ‘red’. [lōhá—] Wg. lailäi—štä ‘red’; Paš.chil. lēle—šiṓl ‘fox’; Sv. lohı̃ló ‘red’, Phal. lohílu, lƏhōilo; Sh.gil. jij. lēl m. ‘blood’, gil. lōlyŭ, (Lor.) loilo ‘red, bay (of horse or cow)’, pales. lēlo swā̃ṛƏ ‘(red) gold’. — X nı̄́la—: Sh.gil. līlo ‘violet’, koh. līlu̯, pales. lı̄́lo ‘red’. — Si. luhul, lūlā ‘the dark—coloured river fish Ophiocephalus striatus’? — Tor. lohūr, laūr, f. lihīr ‘red’ < *lōhuṭa- AO xviii 241?
11169 *lōhiṣṭha— ‘very red’. [lōhá—] Kal.rumb. lohíṣṭ, urt. liūṣṭ ‘male of Himalayan pheasant’, Phal. lōwīṣṭ (f. šām s.v. śyāmá—); Bshk. lōı̄́ṭ ‘id., golden oriole’; Tor. lawēṭ ‘male golden oriole’, Sh.pales. lēṭh.
11171 *lōhōpaskara— ‘iron tools’. [lōhá—, upaskara1] N. lokhar ‘bag in which a barber keeps his tools’; H. lokhar m. ‘iron tools, pots and pans’; — X lauhabhāṇḍa—: Ku. lokhaṛ ‘iron tools’; H. lokhaṇḍ m. ‘iron tools, pots and pans’; G. lokhãḍ n. ‘tools, iron, ironware’; M. lokhãḍ n. ‘iron’ (LM 400 < —khaṇḍa—). laúkika—, laukyá— see *lōkíya—.
11174 *lauhāṅgika— ‘iron—bodied’. [láuha—, áṅga1] P. luhā̃gī f. ‘staff set with iron rings’, H. lohā̃gī f., M. lohā̃gī, lavh°, lohãgī f.; — Bi. lohãgā, lahaũgā ‘cobbler's iron pounder’, Mth. lehõ;gā.
11176 *vaṁśadaṇḍa— ‘bamboo pole’. [vaṁśá—, daṇḍá—] H. basẽṛā m. ‘thin bamboo’.
11177 *vaṁśapillaka— ‘bamboo sprout’. [vaṁśá—, *pilla—] Mth. basailā ‘young bamboo’.
11178 *vaṁśamatiya— ‘bamboo harrow’. [vaṁśá—, matyà—] B. bā̃saï ‘bamboo ladder used as a harrow’.
11179 *vaṁśavāṭa— ‘bamboo plantation’. [vaṁśá—, vāṭa1] Bi. bãswār, °rī, (S of Ganges) basār, (Patna) baser ‘bamboo grove’, H. bãswāṛī, bas°, basaur f. vaṁśika— see vaṁśīya—. *vaṁśiya— ‘rafter’ see váṁśya—.
11190 *vaggaḍa— ‘bank’. Pk. vagaḍā— f. ‘fence, hedge’; Ku. bagaṛ ‘river- bank’; N. bagar ‘shore, sandy or shingly place, bagaryān ‘land on a riverbank’; G. vagṛo m. ‘waste land’.
11192 *vaṅka—2 ‘defective’. 2. *vaṅkara—2. [Same as vaṅka—1, vaṅkara1? and vaṅka— m. ‘vagabond’ Bhadrab. — As ‘defective’ words cf. vyàṅga—, vaṇṭa—2, baṇḍá—. Rhymes with raṅká—, *laṅka1] 1. Mth. bā̃kī f. ‘barren (of women)’. 2. A. bāṅkrā ‘worthless’ (or < *vaṅka—ḍa—). Addenda: *vaṅka—2: WPah.kṭg. baṅgṭɔ m. ‘penis’. VAC: †;avākká—.
11198 *vaṅgapuṭa— ‘cotton pod’. [vaṅga—2, puṭa—] Bi. bãgaur ‘cotton seed’. VAC ‘speak’: uktá—, vaktrá—, vacaná—, vácas—, *vacī—, vākya—, vācayati, vācā—, vācāṭa—, vācālá—, vācyá—; nírukta—, nirukti—, *nivācya—, prativacana—, prava- cana—.
11202 *vacī— ‘statement’. [In vaci—bhēdāt KātyŚr. ac. to com. but this contains *vacin— ~ MIA. vaca— as in Aś. (J. C. W.) — vácas—] Pa. vacī— f. (usu. in cmpds.) ‘speech’, Aś.gir. vaci- gutī (~ shah. man. kāl. vaca—guti), Pk. vaï— f.; — Si. visi (ES 83) ← Pa. H. Smith JA 1950, 187. *VAJ ‘be strong’: ugrá—, ṓjas—, ōjmán—, vájra—, vā́ja—.
11203 *vajjaraṭṭha— ‘name of a tree’. [Cf. vajrāsthi— f. ‘seed of Asteracantha longifolia’ Apte (‘the tree’ MW), vajra- m., vajraśr̥ṅkhal(ik)ā—, vajrāsthiśr̥ṅkhalā— f. ‘A. longi- folia’ lex., vajradruma— m. lex., vajravr̥kṣa— m. Suśr. ‘name of various trees’ (in all of which vajra— due to pop. or learned etym.); *vañja—, vañjula—] N. bajrā̃ṭh ‘the oak Quercus lamellosa’.
11206 *vajrāgni— ‘fire occasioned by thunderbolt’. [vájra—, agní—] OAw. bajāgi f. ‘fire caused by lightning’.
11209 *vañja— or *vañjha— ‘oak’. [NTS ii 266 compares vanaja— m. ‘name of various trees’ (semant. cf. Av. vanā— ‘tree’ > Par. gan ‘oak’ EVP 87), which is, how- ever, perh. learned formation for *vañj(h)a—. — Cf. *vajjaraṭṭha—] Ash. mõmacr;žı̄́ ‘oak’ (< *wanǰī?), Wg. mōċ, mūċ, Kt. wә́nzī, wƏzı̄́, Pr. wṓzu; Paš. wanǰı̄́ ‘holly—oak’; Niṅg. banzı̄́ ‘oak’, Woṭ. banz f., Gaw. inj̈ı̄́, hē̃zı̄́; Kal.rumb. buñ, st. bōñǰ—, urt. bonz ‘holly—oak’, Kho. banǰ (< *vāñ- jha—?), Sv. banž; WPah.bhal. bañj n. ‘a partic. tree’; Ku. bā̃j ‘oak’; N. bā̃jh ‘the tree Echinocarpus stercu- liaceus’; H. bā̃jh, bā̃j m., bañjī f. ‘the oak Quercus incana’.
11214 *vaṭapadra— ‘a place—name’. [vaṭa—1, padrá—?] Pk. vaḍavadda— n. ‘name of a town in Gujarat’, G. vaṛod ‘Baroda’ ODBL 497.
11215 *vaṭapātikā— ‘falling from banyan’. [vaṭa—1, pāta—] G. vaṛvāī f. ‘hanging root of banyan tree’.
11216 *vaṭapūra— ‘a sort of cake’. [vaṭa—3, pūra2] OH. baraurī f. ‘cake of ground pulse fried in ghee’. vaṭara— see vaṇṭa2.
11221 *vaḍabhidaṇḍa— or *valadaṇḍa— ‘ridge—pole’. [vaḍabhi— or vala—, daṇḍá—] L. vareṇḍī f. ‘part of wall projecting above roof’; Bi. baṛẽr, °rī ‘ridge—pole’; H. baleṇḍā m. ‘ridge—pole, thatched roof of veranda’.
11222 *vaḍabhipānīya— ‘roof water’. [vaḍabhi—, pānı̄́ya—] K. wȧjiwôñu m. ‘water falling from eaves’, N. balyāni, °leni, °lini (balindra ‘stream esp. of tears’ < *balyānr— < ext. with —ḍa—).
11223 *vaḍabhivaṁśiya— ‘eave rafter’. [vaḍabhi—, váṁśya—] N. balẽsi ‘eave of roof’.
11224 *vaḍavaḍa— ‘grumble, mutter’. [Onom. — Cf. *baḍabaḍa—] Pk. vaḍavaḍaï ‘mutters’; — cf. M. vaṭvaṭṇẽ ‘to grumble’. vaḍiśa— see baḍiśa—.
11226 *vaḍratara— ‘larger’. [vaḍra—] Pk. vaḍḍayara— ‘very big’, Ap. vaḍḍāra—; S. vaḍ̱ero ‘too large’, m. ‘headman, ancestor’; P. vaḍerā, ba° ‘large’, m. ‘ancestor’; H. baṛerā ‘large, principal’; G. vaṛerũ ‘elderly’.
11227 *vaḍradaṇḍa— ‘large pole’. [vaḍra—, daṇḍá—] Bi. baṛẽṛā, °ṛī ‘upper iron bar of pillars supporting a smith's bellows’, bẽriyā (< *baṛẽṛiyā? — Other names are ḍaṇḍā, ḍaṇṭā Grierson BPL 414).
11228 *vaḍraphala— ‘name of a tree’. [Cf. mahāphala— m. ‘Aegle marmelos’, °lā— f. ‘a kind of colocynth, the big jujube, a citron tree’ lex. — vaḍra—, phála1] H. baṛ'hal, °har m. ‘the trees Artocarpus lakoocha and Cordia latifolia with their fruit’?
11229 *vaḍrahasta— ‘having big hands’. [Cf. mahāhastín- RV., °ta— MBh. — vaḍra—, hásta—] G. vaṛ—hāth ‘strong’ prob. a G. cmpd.
11234 *vaṇijyākāra— ‘trader’. [vaṇijyā́—, kāra1] Pk. vaṇijjāraya— m. ‘trader’, S. vaṇjāro m., L. vaṇjārā m. (→ Psht.waz. wanǰorai ‘intermediary’), P. vaṇjārā, baṇ° m., Or. baṇijāra, °ru, H. banijārā, banjārā m. (→ Ku. banjāro); G. vaṇjāri f. ‘a number of traders, caravan’, vaṇjārɔ m. ‘travelling trader’; M. vaṇj̈ār m. ‘troop of travelling sellers of grain and salt’, vaṇj̈ārā m. ‘carrier of grain, salt, &c. (a caste)’; — A. bānizār ‘trade’, MB. bāṇijāra ‘trader’ with secondary lengthening of ā rather than < *vāṇijyakāra—. VAṆṬ ‘share’: vaṇṭa—1, váṇṭati, *vaṇṭha—1, *vaṇṭh- ati.
11237 *vaṇṭakāra— ‘dividing’. [vaṇṭa—1, kāra1] L. vaṇḍārā m. ‘act of dividing’.
11249 *vadhati ‘kills, strikes’ (vadhīt RV., vadhēyam, vadha AV.), vadhayati MBh. [√vadh] Pa. vadhati ‘hills, strikes’, caus. vadhēti, Pk. vahaï, vahēi; Si. vayanavā ‘to strike’; — Gy. arm. vaç— ‘to strike, carry off, throw’?
11252 *vadhūmātr̥— ‘wife's mother’. [vadhū́—, mātŕ̥—] Pk. vahumāā— f. ‘wife's mother’; — M. vahūmāy, vahmāy, ohmāy f. (LM 303) is M. cmpd.
11257 *vadhrikāra— ‘castrater’. [vádhri—, kāra1] A. badiyār ‘castrater of young bulls’. vadhrya— see *vardhrya—. VAN ‘desire’: vánati, vánas—, *vanva—, *vanvati; nivātá2.
11261 *vanadava— m. ‘forest—fire’. [vána—1, dava—] Pk. vaṇadava—, vaṇava— m., M. vaṇvā m. (LM 402 wrongly < vanavāta—); — also M. vanvā, onvā (whence n?), vaḍvā (scarcely X aṭavī—). — M. vaṇvā may represent *vanadāva—. *vanadāva— ‘forest—fire’. [vána—1, dāvá—] See *vanadava—.
11276 *vandhyavr̥nta— ‘barren stalk’. [vandhya—, vŕ̥nta1] H. bajhwaṭ m. ‘stalk without ear’.
11279 *vanva— ‘desiring’. [Cf. vanṓti, pres. part. vanvánt- RV., vanú— m. ‘enemy, friend’ RV. — √van] S. vano m. ‘bridegroom’, vanī f. ‘bride’; L. vannã, (Ju.) vanā̃, vanṛā m. ‘bridegroom, husband’, vannī f. ‘bride, wife’, P. bannā, banrā m., bannī, banrī f. - Very doubtful, but less likely < *vaṇḍa— with mng. ‘boy, girl’. *vanvati ‘suits’ see vánati. VAP1 ‘shear’: vāpa1. VAP2 ‘scatter, sow’: uptá—, upya—, upyátē, *vápa—2, vápati, vapana—2, vapanīya—, vápant—, vapā́—2, *vap- tra—, vápra—, vāpa—2, vāpa—3, vāpana—, vāpayati2, *vāpayitra—, vāpı̄́—, vāpya—, vāpyatē; ā́vapati, āváp- ana—, āvāpa—, údvapati, udvāpa—, udvāpayati2, *upōpta—, *pravapaka—, právapati, sáṁvapati. VAP3 ‘weave’: vapa—1, *vapana—1, vāpa—3, *vāpayati3.
11281 *vapa—2 ‘act of sowing’. [Cf. vapá— m. ‘sower’ VS. - √vap2] K. vĕv m. ‘collection of seed grain’; Or. buā ‘pud- dling in of rice plants, state of rice plants between 2 and 10 inches high’.
11283 *vapana—1 ‘weaving’. [Cf. vapanī— f. ‘weaver's instru- ment, weaver's shop’ Apte, vápati ‘weaves’ Dhātup. - √vap3] P. boṇā m. (f. °ṇī) ‘weaver of Camār caste’; A. bowan ‘cost of weaving’. Addenda: *vapana—1: delete vápati ‘weaves’ Dhātup.
11289 *vaptra— ‘sowing, seed land’. [Cf. vaptr̥— m. ‘sower’ Mn., uptrima— ‘sown, cultivated’ Pāṇ.com. —√vap2] S. vaṭraṇu ‘to moisten (by sprinkling or flooding)’, vaṭra f. ‘moistening of ground, first fruits’; L. vattar m. ‘moist state of land’, vattrī f. ‘moisture’, awāṇ. vatur ‘proper moisture of land for working’; P. vattar ‘fit for sowing (of ground not too wet after being soaked)’, vattar, ba°, vatt, ba° f. ‘moistening land suffi- ciently for ploughing’, vattā ‘moist’; WPah.bhal. baṭḷ ‘moist’, dhuṛ—baṭḷ m. ‘scarcity of moisture in soil (i.e. sowing in dust)’. *vaptravapana—. Addenda: *vaptra—: WPah.kṭg. bāc f. (obl. —i) ‘degree of soil moisture’, J. 'c f. ‘dampness, wet’.
11290 *vaptravapana— ‘sowing seed land’. [*vaptra—, vapana2] H. batwon m. ‘preparation of land for reception of seed’.
11293 *vamakāra— ‘vomiting’. [vamá—, kāra1] Si. vamāranavā ‘to vomit’.
11299 *vaya—2 ‘act of weaving’. [√] A. B. ba ‘heddle of a loom’ (B. also ‘a kind of return stitch in sewing’); Or. ba ‘simple stitch’, baa ‘heddle’; Bi. bai, bae ‘heddle’, Bhoj. bay. *vayalaṣṭi—; cáturvaya—.
11303 *vayalaṣṭi— ‘weaving stick’. [*vaya—2, *laṣṭi—] Bi. bailaṭh ‘movable sticks placed at intervals to separate threads of web’.
11307 *vayitraka— ‘weaver’, vayitrī— f. TāṇḍBr. [√] Sh. (Lor.) buye/c̣o m. ‘weaver’. vayitrī— see prec.
11312 *varajuṣṭi— ‘marriage feast’. [vará—2, júṣṭi—] G. varɔṭhī, vareṭhī f. ‘caste—dinner to celebrate marriage or investiture with sacred cord’.
11316 *varaṇētra— ‘leading the bridegroom’. [vará—2, nētrá1] OH. baraneta f. ‘marriage ceremony in which bride's party invite groom's party to their house’.
11318 *varati ‘chooses’. [Aor. subj. varat RV., varayati ‘chooses as wife’ Br. — √vr̥2] Pa. varati ‘wishes’; Pk. varaï ‘desires, asks for’; K. warun ‘to choose’; S. varaṇu ‘to ask for, marry’; P. varṇā ‘to marry’; Or. baribā ‘to choose, accept as husband or wife’; H. barnā ‘to marry (of man or woman)’; G. varvũ ‘to choose or accept in marriage, marry, accept’; M. varṇẽ ‘to choose or accept in marriage, select (for a business)’. — Pa. vārēti ‘asks in marriage’, vārāpēti ‘makes someone choose a wife’; A. barāiba ‘to bring to terms’, H. barānā; G. varāvvũ ‘to give in marriage’.
11327 *vari— ‘speech’. [Cf. varṇa2 and vā́ṇī1. — IE. *u̯er— in Gk. ei)/rw, &c. IEW 1162] Ash. wērī ‘speech, language, word’, Kt. werí, Pr. werī NTS ii 284 with (?).
11329 *varītr̥ṇa— ‘straw of a kind of grain’. [varī—, tŕ̥ṇa—] M. vareṇ n. ‘straw of the grain Coix barbata’. varuṭa—, varuḍa— see vāruḍa—. varuṇa— see varaṇa1. varēṇa— see next.
11332 *vargacāra— ‘pasture’. [várga—, cāra1] H. bagār m. ‘pasture’; — N. bagāl ‘flock, herd, crowd’?
11334 *varjati ‘works’. 2. *varjayati2. [Cf. Av. varƏz— ‘to work’, varƏzayant— ‘working’; — poss. vŕ̥j— (= bala—) Naigh. (with which however Naigh. also equates várga— and vr̥jána—). — √vr̥j2] 1. Bshk. baǰ— ‘to do’. 2. Kho. (Lor.) baḷeik with dat. ‘to overcome, worst, defeat, get the better of’, (Morgenstierne) baḷéik, baléik ‘to be superior’ (if with orig. —l—, then < balāyatē).
11347 *varta—2 ‘circular object’ or more prob. ‘something made of metal’, cf. vartaka2 n. ‘bell—metal, brass’ lex. and vartalōha—. [√vr̥t?] Pk. vaṭṭa— m.n., °aya— m. ‘cup’; Ash. waṭā́k ‘cup, plate’; K. waṭukh, dat. °ṭakas m. ‘cup, bowl’; S. vaṭo m. ‘metal drinking cup’; N. bāṭā, ‘round copper or brass vessel’; A. bāṭi ‘cup’; B. bāṭā ‘box for betel’; Or. baṭā ‘metal pot for betel’, bāṭi ‘cup, saucer’; Mth. baṭṭā ‘large metal cup’, bāṭī ‘small do.’, H. baṭṛī f.; G. M. vāṭī f. ‘vessel’. *aṅkavarta—, *kajjalavarta—, *kalaśavarta—, *kṣāṇavartaka—, *cūrṇavarta—, parṇavartikā—, *hiṅgulavarta—. Addenda: *varta—2: Md. vař ‘circle’ (vař—han̆du ‘full moon’).
11348 *varta—3 ‘round stone’. 2. *vārta—. [Cf. Kurd. bard ‘stone’. — √vr̥t1] 1. Gy. eur. bar, SEeur. baṛ ‘stone’, pal. wăṭ, wŭṭ ‘stone, cliff’; Ḍ. boṭ m. ‘stone’, Ash. Wg. wāṭ, Kt. woṭ, Dm. bɔ̄', Tir. baṭ, Niṅg. bōt, Woṭ. baṭ m., Gmb. wāṭ; Gaw. wāṭ ‘stone, millstone’; Kal.rumb. bat ‘stone’ (bad—váṣ ‘hail’), Kho. bort, Bshk. baṭ, Tor. bāṭ, Mai. (Barth) "bhāt" NTS xviii 125, Sv. bāṭ, Phal. bā̆ṭ; Sh.gil. băṭ m. ‘stone’, koh. băṭṭ m., jij. baṭ, pales. baṭ ‘millstone’; K. waṭh, dat. °ṭas m. ‘round stone’, vüṭü f. ‘small do.’; L. vaṭṭā m. ‘stone’, khet. vaṭ ‘rock’; P. baṭṭ m. ‘a partic. weight’, vaṭṭā, ba° m. ‘stone’, vaṭṭī f. ‘pebble’; WPah.bhal. baṭṭ m. ‘small round stone’; Or. bāṭi ‘stone’; Bi. baṭṭā ‘stone roller for spices, grind- stone’. — With unexpl. —ṭṭh—: Sh.gur. baṭṭh m. ‘stone’, gil. baṭhā́ m. ‘avalanche of stones’, baṭhúi f. ‘pebble’ (suggesting also an orig. *vartuka— which Morgen- stierne sees in Kho. place—name bortuili, cf. *vartu—, vartula—). 2. Paš.lauṛ. wāṛ, kuṛ. ‘stone’, Shum. wāṛ. vartaka—1; *vartadruṇa—, *vartapānīya—; *aṅgāra- varta—, *arkavarta—, *kaṣavartikā—.
11350 *vartakara— ‘making turns (of the quail)’. [Pop. etym. for vártikā— (vartīra— m. Suśr., °tira— m. lex.)? — varta—1, kará1] Ku. B. baṭer ‘quail’; Or. baṭara, batara ‘the grey quail’; Mth. H. baṭer f. ‘quail’; — → P. baṭer, °rā m., °rī f., L. baṭērā m., S. baṭero m.; K. bāṭuru m. ‘a kind of quail’, baṭēra m. ‘quail’.
11351 *vartakaraṇa— ‘twisting instrument’. [varta—1, káraṇa—] N. baṭernu ‘the stick on which a rope is twisted’. vartakā— see vártikā—.
11353 *vartadruṇa— ‘pellet—bow’. [*varta—3, druṇa—] Ash. watranik ‘pellet—bow’, Dm. bâdrun, brâdun, Tor. bārd*ln: more prob. modern cmpds.
11355 *vartapānīya— ‘stone and water’ (used for cleaning after defecation). [*varta—3, pānı̄́ya—] L.awāṇ. vaṭvāṇī ‘going to stool’.
11358 *vartāntara— ‘change of livelihood’. [varta—1, ántara2] P. vatā̃drā, ludh. ba° m. ‘exchange of work among women (e.g. spinning for sewing)’.
11364 *vartu—. 1. ‘fold, wrinkle’. 2. ‘something round’. [Cf. trivártu— ‘threefold’ RV. — There is also evidence s.v. *varta3 for a stem *vartu— ‘round stone’. - √vr̥t1] 1. L. vaṭṭ m. ‘wrinkle’; P. vaṭṭu m. ‘wrinkle, frown, colic’; G. vāṭɔ m. ‘wrinkle, corrugation’ (ext. of *vāṭ?). 2. Pk. vaṭṭu— n. ‘dish’; Ku.gng. baṭui ‘small water vessel’; Bi. baṭuā ‘metal dish’; Aw.lakh. baṭwī ‘pot’. - Ext. —kk—: N. baṭuko ‘round copper or brass vessel’; G. vāṭukī f. ‘cup’. vartula—; *duvartu—.
11367 *vartmapathika— ‘traveller’. [vártman—, pathika—] Ku. baṭoi ‘traveller’, N. baṭohi, Or. bāṭoi, °ṭei, Mth. baṭohī, °hiā, f. °hini, H. baṭo(h)ī m.
11368 *vartmapānīya— ‘road water’. [vártman—, pānı̄́ya—] M. vātoṇī ‘urine’.
11369 *vartmapāla— ‘road—guard’. [Cf. pathipā́— m. MaitrS. — vártman—, pālá—] P. vaṭuāl m. ‘watchman’, kgr. batvāl m.
11371 *varddhr̥— ‘cutter, knife’. [√vardh] *varddhrī—: N. bāṛ ‘blade of khukri’; Bi. bāṛh ‘book- binder's papercutter’; H. bāṛh, bāṛ f. ‘edge of knife’, G. vāḍh f.; — P. vāḍh, bāḍh f. ‘cutting edge’ poss. < *vārddhrī—. *vardharī—, *vardhā̆ra—: Bi. badhrī, °riyā, °rā, badhārū ‘knife with a heavy blade for reaping with’; - WPah.bhad. bardhāṇū ‘to shear sheep’ < *badhār—ṇū? VARDH ‘cut’: *varddhr̥—, vardha—1, vardhaka—, vardhaki—, vardhana—1, vardhayati1, vardhāpayati1, *vardhira—, várdhra—, *vardhrya—, *vārdhaka—, vr̥ddha—1. vr̥ddhi—1; *avavr̥ddha—, *vivr̥ddha—.
11385 *vardhira— ‘axe, hammer’. [Cf. *varddhr̥—. - √vardh] Kho. bƏḍı̄́r ‘sledgehammer (?)’ (→ Gaw. bäḍíl), Bshk. baḍı̄́r; Phal. baḍhı̄́r ‘axe (?), sledgehammer’ AO xviii 227: very doubtful.
11388 *vardhrya— ‘having a strap’, vadhrya—, ba° m. ‘shoe’ lex. [várdhra—] Kho. braž ‘leather belt’ (BelvalkarVol 88 < vadhrya—).
11390 *varmīcī— ‘ant’. [~ valmı̄́ka—. — valmī—] Paš.lauṛ. waranǰā́k, dar. warḗnǰ < *varmǰ— IIFL iii 3, 189.
11397 *varṣāyaṇa— ‘coming of the year’. [varṣá—, áyana—] WPah.khaś. barihāṇī ‘New—year's day’. — Or poss. < *varṣāhaṇa—.
11399 *varṣāhaṇa— ‘New—year's day’. [varṣá—, áhar—] See *varṣāyaṇa—.
11400 *varṣōdaka— ‘rain—water’. [varṣá—, udaká—] Pa. vassōdaka— n. ‘rain—water’; L. vasōyā m. ‘rain’.
11401 *varṣōdaya— ‘rise of the year’. [varṣá—, udayá—] P.ḍog. basoā m. ‘New—year's day’.
11404 *valañja— ‘trace, track’. [Cf. lañja2?] Pa. valañja— m. ‘track, trace, design, use’ (pada—v° ‘footprint’), valañjēti ‘tracks, uses’; Si. valan̆da ‘sign, mark’, valan̆danavā ‘to enjoy, eat (esp. of monks)’ EGS 158.
11409 *valayākāra— ‘ring—shaped’. [valaya—, ākāra—] S. varāro ‘winding, serpentine, tortuous’.
11410 *valayitra— ‘a wrapping’. [valayitr̥— ‘wrapping’ Dharmaś. — √val] K. wolyutu, wolutu m. ‘stuff for wrapping, wrapper’. Addenda: *valayitra—: WPah.kṭg. bɔḷcɔ m. ‘grass—rope for fastening yoke to plough’, J. baḷcā m.
11414 *valīdhāraṇā— ‘support of a beam’. [vala—, dhā́- raṇa—] P. valihāraṇ, ba° f. ‘pole stretched horizontally to support weaver's loom, pole to hang clothes on.’
11424 *valmīṣṭhaka— ‘anthill’. [valmī—, stha—] H. bamīṭhā m. ‘anthill’.
11426 *vallapuṭa— ‘grain pod’. [Cf. valāṭa— m. ‘Phaseolus mungo’ lex.? — valla—, puṭa—] G. vālɔṛ f. ‘beans in a pod’, vālɔḷ, °ɔr f. ‘a bean, a kind of vegetable’. vállati see válati.
11431 *vaśati, váṣṭi ‘wishes, wills’ RV. 2. vaśayati ‘sub- jects’ Cat. [√vaś] 1. Kt. wiš— ‘to wish’; Pr. woš— ‘to wish, agree with’; — S. vahīṇo ‘submissive’ der. fr. MIA. pass. *vasīaï. 2. A. bahāiba ‘to subdue, punish’; OAw. basāi ‘is able’; — deriv. L. vahūṇā̃ ‘being in power or authority, able’. vaśayati see prec. váśā— see vásā—.
11434 *vasaguḍa— ‘fat and molasses’. [vásā—, guḍá2] Ku. basyūṛo m. ‘sweetmeat made of fat and molasses’.
11438 *vasanapaṭṭa— ‘cloth to sit on’. [vasana—2, paṭṭa2] N. basnauṭo ‘cloth for a wizard to sit on’.
11441 *vasantavāra— ‘springtime’. [vasantá—, vāra2] Kt. wezdǻr ‘season between spring and autumn’.
11451 *vaspi— ‘wasp’. 2. *vapsi—. [Lat. vespis, &c.] 1. Ash. šipīk ‘wasp’, Wg. wašpı̄́k, Kt. wušpī, Kho. bispí, bispiki BelvalkarVol 88. 2. N. bacchiũ ‘large hornet’ very doubtful: poss. < vŕ̥ścika—. VAH ‘carry’: ūḍhá—, ūḍhi—, vaha—, váhati, vahatú—, vahana—, váhant—, vahalá—, váhas—, vahítra—, vahín—, váhiṣṭha—, vahyá—, vāhá—, vā́hana—, vāha- niká—, vāhayati1, *vāhitrya—, vāhin—, vā́hiṣṭha—, vāhya—, vōḍhum, vṓḍhr̥—; *anuvāha—, apavahati, apavāhá—, apōḍha—, *avavahati, *avyūḍha—, āvāha—, ā́vāhayati, údvahati, udvahana—, udvāhana—, udvāh- ita—, úpavahati, nírvahati, nirvāha—, nirvāhayati, párivahati, parivāha—, právahati, *viyuhyatē, vivāhá—, *vivāhana—, vivāhayati, vivāhita—, vivāhin—, vivāhyatē, vaivāhika—, sáṁvahati, saṁvāha—, saṁvāhayati, *samūḍha2.
11452a *vahaṅga— ‘carrying—pole’. [Cf. Pk. vāhaḍiyā— f. ‘id.’: both conn. with váha— m. ‘shoulder—piece of yoke’ AV.?—MIA. or NIA. forms sanskritized as vihaṅgikā—, °gamikā— f. ‘carrying—pole’. — Pa. byābhaṅgī— f. is hyper—paliism and influenced by vyābhaṅgī— f. ‘flail’ < *vyābhaṅga—? (J. C. W.)] L.awāṇ. vɛ̄̃̀ ‘carrying—pole’, P. vaihṅgā, bai° m., vaihṅgī, bai° f.; Bi. bahaṅgī ‘net used by bearers with sling—pole’, Mth. bahı̃gā; H. bahãgā m. ‘carrying—pole’, °gī f. ‘small do.’
11454 *vahadgandha— ‘carrying perfume’. [Cf. gan- dhavaha— ‘ep. of wind’ Mn., m. ‘wind’ MBh. (semant. cf. Wg. bās < vāsa—3). — váhant—, gandhá—] Paš. wā́gan ‘wind’ IIFL iii 3, 183.
11464 *vahniyaṣṭi— ‘fire stick’. [váhni—, yaṣṭí—] H. banaiṭ(h)ī, baneṭ(h)ī f. ‘torch lighted at both ends and whirled round’.
11473 *vācākarōti ‘proclaims’. 2. *vācākr̥ta—. [Cf. vācā satyaṁ karōti ‘promises’, vācākarman— n. ‘an act only performed by voice’ ĀpŚr.com. — vā́cā—, karṓti] 1. OSi. vajāranuvan ‘those who declare’, Si. vadāra- navā ‘to proclaim’. 2. Si. pret. vadāḷā. *vācākr̥ta— see prec.
11482 *vāṭiyāla—, vāṭyāla—, °laka— m., °lī— f. ‘Sida rhomboidea or cordifolia’ lex., vāṭyā— f. Bhpr. B. beṛelā ‘S. cordifolia’; Or. bāṛiãḷā ‘S. cordifolia or rhomboidea or spinosa’; H. bāriārī f. ‘S. cordifolia’. vāṭyāla— see prec. vāṇá—1 ‘arrow’ see bāṇá—. Addenda: *vāṭiyāla—: OB. bāṛiāla id.
11483 *vāṇa—2 ‘a sort of rush, twisted grass rope’. [Same as vāṇá1 s.v. bāṇá—?] S. vāṇu m. ‘cord of the grass Saccharum munga’ (whence vāṇaṇu ‘to string a bed with this’); L. vāṇ m. ‘twine of mung grass or date—palm leaves’; P. vāṇ, bāṇ m. ‘rush for rope—making, coarse mung twine’; WPah. bhad. bāṇ n. ‘rush for rope—making’; B. bāin ‘string for weaving mats, jute string’, Or. bāṇī; H. bān m. ‘rope of twisted grass’; G. vāṇ n. ‘cheap cordage of palm leaves’.
11485 *vāṇijakarman— ‘trade’. [Cf. vaṇikkarman— n. Pañcat. — vāṇijá—, kárman1] Si. veṇan̆dām—a, veḷan̆dām—a ‘trade’.
11486 *vāṇijaputra— ‘merchant's son’. [Cf. vaṇikputra— m. Kathās. — vāṇijá—, putrá1] G. vaṇɔtar m. ‘clerk in a merchant's office’.
11489 *vāṇijyakāra— ‘trading’. [vāṇijya—, kāra1] A. bānizār ‘trade’; MB. bāṇijāra ‘trader’. — See *vaṇijyākāra—.
11493 *vātatrāsa— ‘wind—storm’. [vā́ta—, trāsa—] Ku. N. batās ‘wind’, A. batāh, B. bātās, Or. batāsa, Mth. batās, basāt, OAw. batāsa f., H. batās f.
11494 *vātadhmāna— ‘blowing of wind’. [vā́ta—, dhmāna—] Paš.gul. wādana ‘wind’ (or poss. < vātaṁdhama—).
11495 *vātaputrī— ‘daughter of the wind’. [Cf. vātaputra- m. ‘name of Bhīma and Hanumant, cheat’ lex. (vātasuta— m. ‘dissolute companion of a king’ lex.), Pk. vāyaütta— m. ‘pimp’. — vā́ta—, putrı̄́—] Ash. wūtrı̄́ ‘fairy’, Wg. wō̤trı̄́, Kt. wūtr, Pr. w(y)äčı̄́ NTS xv 284 (rather than < dēvaputrī—), Kal. varṓti (< *varōtri < *valōtri).
11499 *vātaharaṇa— ‘removing flatulence’. [Cf. vātahara- Suśr. — vā́ta—, haraṇa—] H. bāharan m. ‘medicine which removes flatulence’. *vātāra—. *vātāla— ‘windy’ see vātara—.
11516 *vānī— f. ‘wind’. [vāna2 Add. ‘*blown’ (‘dry’ Nalod.), n. ‘fragrance’ lex. — √2] Tir. bāni f. ‘wind’ AO xii 177 (Leech "bàlî", see vātala—). *uttaravānī—.
11521 *vāpakara— ‘weaver’. [vāpa—3, kará1] K. wôwuru m. ‘weaver’, wöwürü f. or poss. < vāpa3 as nomen agentis) with —ḍa—.
11522 *vāpakārin— ‘one who shaves’. [Cf. kr̥tavāpa- ‘shaven’ Mn. — vāpa—1, kārín—] Pk. vāria— m. ‘barber’; H. bārī m. ‘a caste who sell torches and occasionally act as barbers’; M. vārīk m. ‘barber’ LM 406.
11524 *vāpayati1 ‘causes to blow’. [Cf. nírvāpayati. - √vā2] Kho. bayéik ‘to break wind’; B. bāoyāna ‘to fan, winnow’.
11526 *vāpayati3 ‘causes to be woven’. [√vap3] A. bowāiba (or < vāyayati s.v. váyati).
11527 *vāpayitra— ‘sowing’. [√vap2] G. vāvetar, vāvtar ‘cultivated’, n. ‘sowing, cultiva- tion, crop’.
11528 *vāpayōgya— ‘fit for sowing’. [vāpa—2, yṓgya—] Bi. bāwag, bāog, bāug ‘act of sowing’, Bi. Mth. jotā- bāwag ‘lands sown after a single ploughing’; H. bāwag, bāug m. ‘seed—time’.
11531 *vāpyatē ‘is sown’ pass. of vāpayati2. [√vap2] Pa. vappatē ‘is sown’, K. wāpun; — with unexpl. —ph— (see also vāpya—): M. vāphṇẽ ‘to germinate and come up (of seed)’, tr. ‘to sow’.
11532 *vābha— ‘weaving, spinning’. [√*vabh, √ubh] Phal. trāhambú, trāmbu ‘spider’ from trān(d) < tántra— with *bāv < *vābha— NOPhal 50 (cf. ūrṇa- vā́bhi— m. ‘spider’ ŚBr.).
11536 *vāmakīla— ‘left post’. [vā́ma—1, kīla1] Mth. bamailā ‘lefthand post against which the roller of a loom rests’.
11537 *vāmadhārikā— ‘lefthand support’. [vā́ma—1, dhāra1] Mth. bãwārī, bãwariyā ‘left post supporting roller of loom’.
11540 *vāmiṣṭha— ‘very beautiful’. [vāmá2] WPah.jaun. bā̃ṭh ‘beautiful’, bā̃ṭhiṇ ‘beautiful woman’, (Joshi) bā̃ṭh m. ‘servant in a chief's kitchen’, bā̃ṭhiyā ‘handsome’, m. ‘young man’: doubtful.
11560 *vāruka—1 ‘warding off’. [√vr̥1] A. bārū ‘shield’?
11563 *vārgika— ‘leader of a group’. [várga—] P. vāgī, bāggī m. ‘herdsman’; Ku. bāgī ‘buffalo—bull, he—goat’. *vārṇa— ‘relating to colour or kind’ see várṇa—. *vārta— ‘stone’ see *varta3. vārtāka—, vārtika— see vártikā—.
11565 *vārtra— ‘pertaining to a fence’. [vártra—] Wg. wātr ‘wooden fence’; Kt. wōtr ‘hurdle’; - early EMIA. vāṭa1 q.v. *vārtrānta—. Addenda: *vārtra— [Attested (instead of *vārta— posited by T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 68) by Wg. Kt.] Garh. bāṛ ‘fencing’.
11566 *vārtrānta— ‘bordered by a fence’. [*vārtra—, ánta—] Wg. watrā̃t, utrā̃t ‘garden’.
11568 *vārdhaka— ‘pertaining to a carpenter’. [vardhaki—] S. vāḍho m. ‘carpenter’, P. vāḍḍhī, bā° m. (< *vār- dhika—?); Si. vaḍu ‘pertaining to carpentry’. vārdhanī— see vardhanī—. Addenda: *vārdhaka— [Dial. a ~ ā < IE. o T. Burrow BSOAS xxxviii 73]
11575 *vālaguccha— ‘bunch of hair’. [vā́la—, guccha—] G. vāḷchɔ m. ‘tuft of hair at end of tail’.
11576 *vālapāśī— ‘horsehair net’. 2. *vālapāśaka—. [vā́la—, pā́śa2] 1. K. wālawāś, °wöśü f. ‘horsehair net for trapping small animals’. 2. K. wālawôśu m. ‘trapper’. vālayati see valayati.
11577 *vālavījana—, vālavyajana— n. ‘chowrie’ SaddhP. [vā́la—, vījana—] Pa. vālavījanī— f. ‘chowrie’, Si. valvidunāva EGS 159. vālavyajana— see prec.
11581 *vālukākāṣṭha— ‘wood with sand on it’. [vālukā—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. baleṭhā ‘piece of wood used for sharpening a toddy—collector's sickle’, Mth. baluaṭh.
11582 *vālukāmr̥ttikā— ‘sandy soil’. [vālukā—, mŕ̥ttikā—] Bi. baluaṭ ‘sandy soil’.
11583 *vālukāsthala— ‘sandy place’. [vālukā—, sthála—] Bi. balthar ‘sandy soil’; Bhoj. balothar ‘sandy place’. vālka— see valká—. vālkala— see valkala—. *vālgā— ‘bridle’ see valgā—.
11584 *vālguḍa— ‘bat’, vālguda— m. Viṣṇ., vāgguda— m. Mn., valgula— m. ‘flying fox’ W., °lā— f. lex., °lī— f. Suśr., vāguli— f. Kauṭ. 2. *vālduḍa—. [J. Bloch in Thomas EIS 35 ← Drav. Tam. vaval &c. (DED 4400). - vātuli— f. ‘large bat’ lex. sanskritized from *vāuli— < eastern MIA. vāguli— (see Si. bel.)] 1. Pa. vagguli— m.f., °lī— f. ‘bat’, Pk. vagguli— m.; G. vāgoḷ f. ‘flying fox’, M. vāgūḷ, °gaḷ, vāghūḷ, °ghaḷ f.n., Si. vavulā. 2. B. bāduṛ ‘flying fox’, Or. bāduṛi, H. bādur m. vālguda—, *vālduḍa— ‘flying fox’ see prec. VĀŚ ‘cry (of animals)’: vāśana—, vāśáyati, vāśita—, vāśitā́—, *vāśuka— Add., vā́śyatē, vāśrá—; *pravāśman—. Addenda: *vālguḍa—: Md. vau, (vālek) ‘bat’.
11588a *vāśuka— Add. 14800.
11594 *vāsakara— ‘making a stay’. [vāsá—2, kará1] S. vāhero m. ‘roost for birds, nest’; OAw. baseru dir. sg. ‘inhabitant’; H. baserā m. ‘place of staying’.
11595 *vāsakula— ‘resting—place’. [vāsá—2, kúla—] Sh. (Lor.) bazṓlo ‘wild animals' lair or den’?
11596 *vāsaghara— n. ‘chamber’. [Cf. vāsagr̥ha— n. ‘bed- chamber’ Mn., Sk. Pa. vāsāgāra— n.; — vāsá—2, ghara—] Pa. vāsaghara— n. ‘living room, bedchamber’, Pk. vāsahara— n.; A. bāhar ‘houses for temporary residence of king or important personages, camp for troops’; OB. bāsahara, B. basār ‘bridal chamber’; Or. bāsarā ‘house, bridal chamber’.
11597 *vāsataṭikā— ‘slope for staying on’. [vāsá—2, taṭa—] N. baseri ‘small fairly level piece of ground or pocket in a hillside where cultivation can be carried on’.
11608 *vāhakara— ‘stream maker’. [vāhá—, kará1] H. bāhrā m. ‘man who stands at the well to pour out the water drawn up in the bucket’.
11613 *vāhitrya— ‘rowing’. [vahítra—] B. bāic, °ich ‘boat race’ ODBL 471? vāhin— in cmpds. ‘conveying’ MBh., ‘possessing’ Kāv. [√vah] *dhaṭavāhin—, *vāsavāhin—. vā́hiṣṭha— see váhiṣṭha—.
11617 *viṁśabandha— ‘20 per cent.’. [viṁsá—, bandhá—] N. bisaũd, bisõ;d ‘20%, a fine of 20%’; H. bisõ;d ‘20%’.
11619 *viṁśamāṁśa—, cf. viṁśāṁśa— m. ‘20th part’, Hcat. [*viṁśama—, aṁśá—] H. biswā̃sī f. ‘20th part’; G. visvāsī f. ‘20th part of a partic. land—measure’.
11626 *vikālakāla— ‘eventide’. [vikāla—, kālá2] Mai.ky. bilā́l ‘in the evening, yestereve’ (Buddruss Kan 45 < vikāla— with l— suffix).
11627 *vikālavēlā— ‘evening time’. [vikāla—, vēlā—] Gy.gr. biavelí ‘evening’, norw. belval.
11628 *vikālāhāra— ‘evening meal’. [vikāla—, āhāra—] Pk. viāriā— f. ‘early morning meal’; WPah.cam. biārī ‘evening meal’, H. biyārī f. (or deriv. of vikāla—).
11633 *vikr̥tta— ‘cut out’. [√kr̥t1] Ash. Kt. wīṭ ‘trousers’, Wg. ōṭ: rather < *vr̥tha—.
11636 *vikērayati ‘scatters’. [~ *viṣkērayati. — √kr̥̄1] G. vervũ ‘to scatter, throw about’.
11639 *vikrāpayati ‘sells’. [krāpayati Pāṇ., *krāyayati in Pk. vikkāyamāṇa—. — √krī] P. vikāuṇā, bik° ‘to sell’, N. bikāunu, A. bikāiba, B. bikāna, Or. bikāibā, H. bikānā.
11640 *vikriṇāti, víkrīṇītē (vikrīṇāti Pañcat.) ‘barters’ AV., ‘sells’ Mn. [√krī] Pa. vikkiṇāti ‘sells’, NiDoc. vikrinati, Pk. vikkiṇaï, vikīṇ°, Gy. eur. bikin—, arm. vƏgn—, as. vukn—, Dm. brikin—, Paš.lauṛ. ṛeken—, gul. reken—, kuṛ. ligin— < *vrikin— IIFL iii 3, 154, Gaw. bikin—, Kal. brē̃kŕ—, Tor. bigin—, S. vikiṇaṇu; Si. vikuṇanavā (pret. vikkā < vikrīta—) ‘to sell’, vikiṇenavā ‘to be sold’; — Kt. vräı̃č ‘sale’ X L. vēcaṇ (see *vētyayati) Morgenstierne FestskrBroch 148. — Pk. vikkēi, °kēaï after fut. krēṣyati, ger. krētavya— in Aś. viketaviye, inf. in Pa. vikkētuṁ. víkrīṇītē see prec. Addenda: *vikriṇāti: Md. vikenī ‘is sold’, vikkanī ‘sells’.
11645 *vikṣalati ‘rinses’. 2. *vikṣālayati. [~ víkṣarati, *vikṣārayati. — √kṣal] 1. Bi. (Patna) bicharab ‘to beat (clothes in washing)’; G. vichaḷvũ ‘to rinse, wash’, M. visaḷṇẽ, visuḷ°. 2. Pa. vikkhālēti ‘washes (one's face &c.)’.
11646 *vikṣalana— ‘rinsing’. [√kṣal] Bi. bicharnī ‘washing of a cloth after being printed’. vikṣāma— see *vijjhāyati.
11648 *vikṣārayati ‘causes to flow away’. [~ *vijjhāla- yati. — √kṣar] Kal. bic̣hār— ‘to take out’; Kho. bec̣herik, (Lor.) bičārik ‘to open, undo, take out’ BelvalkarVol 87; Ku. bikhārṇo ‘to fall out with, quarrel’.
11651 *vikṣuṭati ‘falls apart’. 2. *vikṣuṭyatē. [√*kṣuṭ] Pk. vicchuḍia— ‘separated’; S. vichuṛaṇu ‘to become separated’; Ku. bikhuṛaṇo ‘to be separated from, be against, be angry with’; A. bisuriba ‘to give up’ (~ bisuiba < *vikṣubhati); Mth. bichurab ‘to be deprived of’; OAw. bichuraï ‘is separated’, H. bi- chuṛnā. 2. G. vachūṭvũ ‘to be separated, be discharged (of a missile), fly off accidentally’, vachūṭũ, vakhūṭũ ‘sepa- rated’. *vikṣuṭyatē ‘is separated’ see prec.
11652 *vikṣuṇatti ‘pounds’. [Cf. vikṣuṇṇa— ‘pounded’ Devīm. — √kṣud] Phal. buc̣húṇ— ‘to card wool’. vikṣuṇṇa— see *vikṣōdayati.
11653 *vikṣubhati, cf. perf. vicvkṣubhḗ ‘was disturbed’ AV., inf. víkṣōbdhōḥ' ŚBr. [√kṣubh] Pk. vicchuhaï ‘throws, removes’ (pp. vicchūḍha- ‘thrown, separated’); A. bisuiba ‘gives up, forsakes’.
11654 *vikṣuvati ‘sneezes’. [pres. part. kṣuvant— Mn., vikṣāva— m. lex. — √kṣu] Ash. iċḗm ‘I sneeze’, Kt. wuċƏw—, Wg. wičiw— NTS vii 79.
11656 *vikṣēpayati ‘throws aside, sends forth’. [√kṣip] Gy. germ. bičev— ‘to send’; Kho. bic̣héik ‘to take rest on the road’.
11657 *vikṣōṭa— ‘separation’. [√*kṣuṭ] L. P. vichoṛā m. ‘separation’, P. bich°, WPah.cam. bachoṛā m., Ku. bichoṛ, N. bichoṛ ← H.
11658 *vikṣōṭayati ‘throws apart’. [√*kṣuṭ] Pk. vicchōḍaï, °ōlaï ‘shakes’, vikkhōḍēi ‘blames’ (semant. cf. Sk. ākṣipati ‘blames’); Kal.rumb. bic̣hū́ŕ- ‘to card wool’; S. vichoṛaṇu ‘to separate’, P. bichoṛṇā, bach°; WPah.khaś. bakhoṛnu, bhad. baċhoṛnū ‘to dis- hevel’; Ku. bichoṛṇo ‘to desert, leave’; H. bichoṛnā ‘to detach’ (~ bichoh < vikṣōbha—); G. vachoṛvũ ‘to let go, separate, fire (a missile)’, vakhoṛvũ ‘to find fault with, slander, hate’ (see also vyākṣēpa—). *vikṣōda— see next.
11659 *vikṣōdayati ‘tramples apart’. 2. *vikṣōda—. 3. vikṣuṇṇa— Devīm. [√kṣud] 1. Pk. vicchōvaï ‘separates’ (rather than < *vicchō- payati), pp. vicchōia—; OH. bichoī ‘scattered, sepa- rated, bereft’. 2. Pk. vicchōya— m. ‘separation’, OH. bichoya m. 3. P. bachunṇā ‘to be separated, be in want of’; OH. bichūnā ‘scattered’.
11662 *vikhaṇḍati ‘breaks in pieces’. [Cf. vikhaṇḍita- ‘interrupted’ BhP. — √khaṇḍ] Pa. vikkhaṇḍati ‘destroys’ with anal. —kkh— for —kh—; H. bihãḍnā ‘to cut in pieces, break’.
11663 *vikhandati ‘laughs’. [For prefix cf. vihasati. - √*khand] Pr. wyöidƏ—, yō̤dƏ— ‘to laugh’.
11664 *vigaḍati ‘drops apart’. [~ vigalati. — √gaḍ] Pa. vigaḷati ‘drops’.
11667 *vigōpayati ‘hides’. 2. *vigupta— ‘hidden’. [Cf. víjugupsatē ‘wishes to hide from’ ŚBr. — √gup] 1. Pk. viggōvaï ‘hides’, H. bigonā. 2. Pk. vigutta—, viggutta— ‘hidden’. vigna— see vējatē.
11671 *vigrōcati ‘robs’. 2. *vigrōcana— n. ‘robbing’. 3. *vigrucyatē ‘is robbed’. 4. *vigrukta— ‘robbed’. [Cf. grṓcati, glṓcati ‘robs’ Dhātup., aor. agrucat, agrōcīt Pāṇ. — √gruc] 1. P. bagoṇā ‘to injure, calumniate’; OAw. bigoye m. pl. ‘hurt, oppressed’; H. bigonā ‘to mislead, destroy’; OG. vigoi ‘censures’, G. vigovũ, vagovvũ ‘to revile’. — These words, which equally well phonet. and better semant. could be < *viglapayati (cf. viglāpayati ‘wearies, afflicts’BhP., glapayati MBh.) can scarcely be separated from the words in 3 and 4 below. 2. G. vagoṇũ n. ‘disgrace’. 3. P. viguccṇā, bag° ‘to be in want of, be destitute’; H. bigūcnā ‘to get into difficulties, be oppressed’; OG. vigūṁcaï ‘is bewildered’. 4. Pk. viggutta— ‘bewildered, reviled’; H. bigūtnā ‘to get into difficulties, be oppressed’, tr. ‘to oppress’; OG. vagūtā m. pl. ‘calumniated’, vigūtī f. ‘fallen into difficulties’, G. vagūtī f. ‘slut’. *vigrōcana— ‘robbing’ see prec. *viglapayati ‘wearies’ see *vigrōcati.
11672 *vighaṭā— ‘break’. [Cf. vighaṭikā— f. ‘small unit of time’ Apte? — √ghaṭ] Pk. vihaḍā— f. ‘break’; OG. with neg. prefix avihaḍa ‘continuous’.
11674 *vighara— ‘flowing’. [√ghr̥1] M. virhā m. ‘stream’.
11675 *vigharati ‘drips’. [Cf. víghr̥ta— ‘dripping (?)’ RV. - √ghr̥1] With anal. —ggh—: G. vigharvũ ‘to be melted, be dis- solved, be scattered’; M. vigharṇẽ, vighur° ‘to be melted, be dissolved’.
11676 *vighāṭa— ‘shapeless’. [√ghaṭ] Pk. vihāḍa— ‘huge, shapeless’; B. beāṛā ‘ugly, bad, vicious’ (ODBL 462 < víkaṭa—). *vighāṭayati ‘destroys’ see vighaṭatē.
11677 *vighuṭati ‘turns away’. [√ghuṭ] Or. bihuṛibā, bihaṛ°, beuṛ° ‘to shy (of a horse), be enraged’.
11679 *vighnati, 3 pl. víghnanti ‘they destroy’ RV. [víhanti, Pa. vihanati ‘strikes’, Pk. vihaṇaï. — √han1] Pk. vigghiya— ‘obstructed’; Dm. wyig— ‘to hit’ (NTS xii 193 < *abhi—ghna—?). VIC ‘sift’: *vicya—, *vicyatē1, *viñcati; *pativēcya—, *parivēcana—, *parivēcya—, *vyativiñcati.
11685 *vicitya— ‘to be picked up’. [√ci1] Bi. loṛhā biccā ‘gleaning’ (or < *vicya—?).
11687 *vicchaṭ— ‘be separated’. [*chaṭ—] L. vicchaṛaṇ ‘to be separated’; P. vicchaṛṇā, bi° ‘to be separated, go astray’. Addenda: *vicchaṭ—: WPah.kṭg. biċhƏṛnõ; ‘to be separated’.
11688 *vicchada— ‘cover’. [√chad1] A. besā ‘one of several layers of thatch on a roof’.
11689 *vicchardayati ‘ejects, leaves’. [Cf. vicchardita- ‘ejected, vomited’, vicchardana— n. ‘vomiting’ W. - √chr̥d] Pa. vicchaḍḍēti ‘throws out, vomits’; Pk. vicchaḍḍē- māṇa— ‘leaving’, pp. vicchaḍḍia—, vicchaddia—; WPah. bhad. biċhaṛnū ‘to fall’; bhal. biċhaṛnū ‘to be separated’; B. bichṛāna ‘to scatter, strew’; H. bichaṛnā ‘to be separated’, caus. bichṛānā.
11690 *vicchalati ‘stumbles’. [√chal] H. bichalnā, bichlānā ‘to slip (on mud), stumble (on a stone)’.
11691 *vicchādana— ‘covering over’. [√chad1] Pa. vicchādanā— f. ‘covering’; WPah.bhad. bhal. biċhāṇ n. ‘bed’; Ku.gng. biċhāṇ ‘bedding’, A. bisanā, B. bichānā, Or. bichaṇā; H. bichānā m. ‘carpet’. - Replaced by MIA. formation from caus. st. (see *vicchādayati) in —āpana—: P. vichāuṇā, bi° m. ‘bed- ding’; Ku. bichauṇo ‘cloth spread under bed’, gng. biċhɔ̄ṇ ‘bed’; N. bichyāunu ‘bedding’; Or. bichāuṇi, °chaüṇi ‘logs or sticks strewn on bottom of boat’; Bi. Mth. bichāon, bichaunā ‘bedding’; H. bichāwan m. ‘carpet’, bichaunā m. ‘bedding’. Addenda: *vicchādana—: A. bichanā (phonet. bisɔna) ‘bed’ AFD 218.
11692 *vicchādayati ‘spread out’. [√chad1] S. vichā̃iṇu tr. ‘to spread, extend’, A. bisāiba; B. bichāna ‘to spread, strew, scatter’; Or. bichāibā ‘to spread’, Mth. bichāeb, H. bichānā, Marw. bichāṇo. - Replaced by MIA. caus. forms in —āvēi: L. vichāvaṇ ‘to spread out (bedding &c.)’, awāṇ. vichāvuṇ, P. vichāuṇā, ludh. bachaunā (whence intr. L. vichaṇ ‘to be spread’, P. vichuṇā, vichṇā, bicchṇā), N. bichyāunu, OAw. bichāvaï. *vicchōpayati ‘puts apart’. [√chup] See *vikṣōdayati. Addenda: *vicchādayati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) bƏċháuṇõ; ‘to spread (a bed)’, J. bachāṇu, Garh. bicheṇu ‘to spread’.
11692a *vicya— ‘to be picked up’ (cf. *viñcati). [√vic] Bi. loṛhā biccā ‘gleaning’ (or < *vicitya—).
11693 *vicyatē1 ‘is winnowed, is separated’ (vívicyatē AV.). [Cf. víviñcanti, vivēkṣi 2 sg. RV. — √vic] Ash. wičḗm ‘I thresh’; A. bisiba ‘to fan’ (< ‘*to winnow’). — See *viñcati.
11694 *vicyatē2 ‘is contained’. [3 sg. impf. vivyak, perf. vivyāca ‘could contain’ RV., vivēca AV. — √vyac] K. vĕċun, pp. vyoċu ‘to be contained in, fit into’, vyuċu, dat. viċis m. ‘collection of what remains over after meeting expenses of any work, saved—up wealth’. VIJ ‘move suddenly’: *vijyatē, vḗga—; údvijatē; - √vyaj, √vīj?
11695 *vijanati ‘gives birth’. [Cf. vijanana— n. ‘birth’ lex. - √jan] Gy. wel. bian— ‘to give birth’, rum. biyan—, gr. ben—.
11696 *vijanā— ‘giving birth’. [Cf. vijanyā— f. ‘pregnant woman’ PārGr̥. — √jan] Gy. gr. ben f. ‘birth’; A. biyan ‘child—birth’, M. vīṇ f. ‘littering, brood, litter’; Si. vadana ‘birth’; — B. ben ‘child—birth’ rather with ODBL 352 < vēdanā—.
11700 *vijātra— ‘birth’. [Cf. jātrı̄́— ‘mother’ AV. — √jan] Ku. byā̃t, bet ‘calving’; G. vetar n. ‘birth, bringing forth, brood’, M. vet n. ‘littering, litter, brood’.
11703 *vijjhāyati ‘is burnt out, is extinguished’. 2. Caus. *vijjhāpayati. [Cf. vikṣāma— n. ‘a dead coal’ ŚāṅkhŚr., avakṣā́ṇa— ‘extinguished’, saṁprakṣāpayati ‘extinguishes’ TS. — vidhyāpayati Jain. ‘extinguishes’ is sanskritization of vijjh°. — √*jhai] 1. Pa. vijjhāyati ‘is extinguished’, Pk. vijjhāi, M. vij̈hṇẽ (Bloch LM 408 < vi—kṣi—); — MIA. *vujjh— < vijjh— X *ojjh— < *avajjhāyati (rather than X ujjhati ‘leaves’ ND 452 a 35): Sh. bŭžóĭki̯ ‘to be allayed (of hunger)’; S. ujhaṇu ‘to be extinguished’, P. bujhṇā, N. bujhnu, B. bujā, Or. bujhibā, buji°, OAw. bujhā̆i, H. bujhnā. — X mr̥ṣṭa1 q.v. 2. Pa. vijjhāpēti ‘extinguishes’, Pk. vijjhāvēi, °vaï, M. vij̈haviṇẽ; — Si. vidavanavā ‘to destroy’ (or poss. < vidhmāpayati: ES 81 < vi—kṣi—); — S. ujhāiṇu ‘to extinguish’, P. bujhāuṇā, Ku. bujhūṇo, N. bujhāunu, B. bujāna, Or. bujāibā, OAw. OMarw. bujhāvaï, H. bujhānā (→ G. bujhavvũ whence pass. bujhāvũ ‘to be extinguished’). Addenda: *vijjhāyati. 2. *vijjhāpayati: Md. vīdanī ‘tears, destroys’?
11704 *vijjhukkati ‘stoops aside’. [√*jhukk] H. poet. bijhuknā intr. ‘to jerk, fear, be crooked’.
11708 *vijñānin— ‘without knowledge’. [jñāna—] H. binānī ‘foolish, ignorant’. Addenda: *vijñānin—: WPah.kṭg. bƏnaṇi m. ‘an outcaste village servant’.
11709 *vijyatē ‘is set in quick motion’. [Cf. avijē ‘I fled’ RV., vigna— ‘alarmed’ (< ‘*shaken’?), vijitr̥— (W.), vēktr̥— (Dhātup.) ‘separating’. Forms of √vij semant. infl. by √vic. — √vij] K. vizun, pp. vyuzu ‘to sift, winnow’ or < vījyatē.
11710 *vijvalati ‘shines out’. [√jval] S. vij̄uraṇu ‘to become bright (as fire when blown on)’.
11711 *viñcati, vinákti ‘separates’ Dhātup. [Cf. víviñcanti 3 pl. ‘blow through’ RV. — √vic] Or. biñcibā ‘to fan, scatter on the ground, spread, sow’ (whence biñcaṇā, °ṇi ‘fan’), biñchibā (ch?) ‘to scatter, strew’; — M. vẽċṇẽ, veċṇẽ ‘to pick (up, off, out) one by one, gather, select’ with e from caus. *vēcayati (vivēcayati ‘separates’ Mn.; semant. cf. Ir. *waič— in Pers. bīz—, Bal. gēč— ‘to sift’ ~ Oss. veǰun ‘to gather, pick up’).
11724 *vitr̥dati ‘splits apart’. [~ *vitr̥ndati. — √tr̥d] G. vatraṛvũ, vataṛvũ ‘to scratch with the nails’, vataiṛ f. ‘scratch’ < *vataḍī— (whence vataiṛvũ ‘to scratch’): rather than < *vitruṭati.
11725 *vitr̥ndati, vítr̥ṇatti ‘pierces, breaks asunder’ AV. [√tr̥d] Paš. wieṇḍ— ‘to flay’: semant. cf. *tr̥dati or *tar- dati1 in Wg., but more prob. with IIFL iii 3, 187 < víkr̥ntati.
11726 *vitōdana— ‘striking’. [Cf. vítudati ‘strikes’ RV., ‘plays a musical instrument’ BhP., Pa. vitudati ‘strikes’. — √tud] WPah.bhal. byẽoṇi f. ‘drum—stick’.
11728 *vittha— ‘bowl’. Pa. (surā—)vittha— n. ‘drinking bowl’, (āvēsana—) vitthaka— n. ‘small bowl for needles &c.’; Si. vit—a ‘drinking vessel’.
11729 *vitruṭati ‘is broken’. [√truṭ] S. viṭruṛaṇu ‘to be broken into masses (as sour milk from boiling)’. — G. vatraṛvũ, vataṛvũ ‘to scratch with the nails’ rather < *vitr̥dati. VID ‘know, find out’: vittá—, vidyā́—, vindáti, vinna—, vḗda—, vēdana—, vēdanā́—, vaidyá—; naivēdya—, saṁvēdana—.
11732 *vidarati ‘breaks’. [Cf. vídīryatē ‘is rent’ ŚBr., vidr̥ṇāti ‘tears asunder’ MBh., vidārayati ‘disperses’ R. — √dr̥̄] M. virṇẽ intr. ‘to crumble (of rice or pulse under husking or grinding)’; — Kt. wideŕ— ‘to fear’ Rep1 60, OAw. biḍaraï. — See vidārayati. vidala— see bidala—.
11737 *vidr̥ṁhati ‘makes firm’. [√dr̥ṁh] H. bidahnā ‘to harrow rice or millet crop in the beginning’?
11747 *vidravakāra— ‘panicking’. [vidrava—, kāra1] WPah.bhal. biḍḷār m. ‘a mischievous or nervous bullock’.
11749 *vidrōhayati ‘injures’. [Cf. perf. vidudruhē BhP. - √druh] Ext. —ḍa—: H. bidoṛnā, bidornā ‘to mock’?
11750 *vidharati ‘holds firm’. [vídharaṇa— ‘restraining’ ŚBr., vidhartári inf. ‘to hold firm’, vídhārayati RV. - √dhr̥] P. viharnā ‘to insist, defy’.
11751 *vidharga— ‘without movement’. [Cf. dhrájati ‘moves on’ RV. — √dhraj] Bshk. bilɔg ‘ill, sick’, Phal. bidrā́gu.
11756 *vidhira— ‘piercing’. [√vyadh] Bshk. bīr ‘awl’ AO xviii 228.
11756a *vidhūna— Add. 14805.
11765 *vinadana— ‘crying out’. [Cf. vinadati ‘cries out’ MBh., Pa. vinadati ‘scolds’. — √nad A. binani ‘lamentation’.
11769 *vinavati ‘makes a sound’. [Cf. návatē ‘roars’ RV. - √nu2] M. viṇavṇẽ, vinavṇẽ ‘to groan, moan, whine’, viṇavṇī f.: or < vilavṇẽ s.v. vílapati.
11773 *vināti ‘weaves’. 2. *vunāti through influence of forms with ū—, e.g. ūyatē, ūta—. [váyati ‘weaves’ RV. — √] 1. Pa. vināti ‘weaves’, caus. vināpēti; Pk. viṇaṇa— n. ‘weaving’; Kal. bhı̄́nim ‘I knit’; Kho. binik ‘to knit, weave, twist, contrive a plot’; P. biṇṇā ‘to weave’; B. bināna ‘to plait, braid’; H. binnā ‘to weave’, caus. binānā, OMarw. caus. bināi, G. vaṇvũ, M. viṇṇẽ (LM 409 < vayana—). — X tunná1 q.v. 2. Pk. vuṇiya— ‘woven’, vuṇaṇa— n. ‘weaving’; Woṭ. Bshk. bun— ‘to weave’; Phal. bulū́m ‘I plait’ with l after sil— ‘to sew’; K. wōnun ‘to weave’ (pp. wūnu < *ūna2), m. ‘the woof’; S. uṇaṇu ‘to weave’, L. vuṇaṇ, awāṇ. uṇun, P. uṇnā (caus. uṇāuṇā), bunṇā, WPah.cam. buṇṇā, bhal. buṇaṇ n. ‘yarn put into the shuttle’; Ku. buṇṇo ‘to weave’, B. bunā (caus. bunāna), Or. buṇibā, Bhoj. bunal, H. bunnā. — X tunná1 q.v. — See váyati, *ūna—2, *āvunāti. Addenda: *vināti. 1. Md. vinum ‘weaving palm—leaves’. 2. *vunāti: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) buṇnõ; ‘to weave, knit’, J. buṇnu.
11784 *vindhati ‘pierces’. [√vyadh] Pk. viṁdhaï ‘pierces’; S. vindhaṇu ‘to bore pearls’; P. vinnhṇā, ludh. binnha ‘to pierce’, WPah.cam. binnhṇā, jaun. bindhṇõmacr; ‘to drill holes’; A. bindhiba ‘to pierce’, B. bı̃dhā; Or. bindhibā ‘to pierce, gore, shoot an arrow’, intr. ‘to ache’; Mth. bindhab ‘to pierce’, H. bı̄̃dhnā (whence intr. bı̃dhnā ‘to be pierced’ and a new tr., with substitution of e, bẽdhnā), G. vı̃dhvũ, M. vı̃dhṇẽ, Ko. vindtā. — Pk. viṁdhaṇa— n. ‘piercing’, Or. bindhaṇa ‘mutual drawing together during coition’, °ṇā ‘given to goring’, sb. ‘chisel’; G. vı̃dhṇũ n. ‘chisel’; M. hı̃daṇ n. ‘butt for shooting at’ (< *ı̃dhaṇ), vı̃dhṇẽ n. ‘chisel’; — Or. bindha ‘hole’, bindhā ‘goring, ache of boils’; G. vı̃dhũ n. ‘hole’, vı̃dhārɔ m. ‘borer’; M. vı̃dh n. ‘perforation, bore’, vı̃dhī f. ‘small do.’, vı̃dhrū m.
11785 *vindhyatē ‘is pierced’. [Pass. of *vindhati. - √vyadh] Pk. *viṁjhaï tr. in viṁjha— m. ‘hunter’; Paš.lauṛ. wenǰ— ‘to hit’.
11787 *vinyāsayati ‘scatters’. [vinyasyati ‘distributes’ Mn., vinyāsa— m. ‘scattering’ MBh. — √as2] Pk. viṇṇāsia— ‘arranged’, viṇṇāsaṇa— n.; S. viñāiṇu ‘to expel, waste, spoil’, viñāū m. ‘spendthrift’. VIP ‘tremble, agitate’: vipáyati, vípra—, vḗpa—.
11790 *vipadaka— ‘disastrous’. [vipad—] Ku. bipyõ; ‘contrary, lefthand, improper’; N. bibiũ ‘wrong side up’; — —p— and —b— from corresponding forms of *saṁpadaka—. — Very doubtful.
11793 *viparivr̥tta— ‘turned round’. [viparivartatē ‘turns round’ MBh., °tana— n. ĀpŚr. — √vr̥t1] Pa. viparivatta— ‘upset’; — N. biplyā̃ṭo ‘wrong side’ (~ saplyā̃ṭo < saṁparivr̥tta—)?
11796 *vipāra— ‘opposite bank’. [pārá1] Kho. biyár ‘opposite bank, side’.
11799 *vipuṣṭa— ‘well nourished’. [Cf. vipuṣṭi— f. ‘pros- perity’ Vait. — √puṣ] K. vyoṭhu, f. vë̆ṭhü ‘fat, plump’.
11805 *vibadhyatē ‘is fastened’. 2. vibaddha— ‘fastened, constricted’ Suśr. [víbadhnāti ‘fastens on either side’ RV., ‘obstructs (the bowels)’ Car.; vibandha— m. ‘circular bandage’ Suśr., Pa. vibandha— m. ‘fetter’. - √bandh] 1. H. bījhnā ‘to be entangled, be smeared, stick’. 2. Pk. vibaddha— ‘firmly fastened’; H. bīdhnā ‘to be entangled, stick’; — Kal.rumb. būdim ‘I put on clothes’?
11811 *vibhayatē ‘fear’. [Cf. vibibhēti MBh., víbhīṣayati ‘frightens’ RV. — √bhī] Pa. vibhēti, vihēti ‘fears’.
11813 *vibhāna— ‘shining’. [Cf. vibhānu— ‘radiant’ RV. - √bhā] S. vihāṇī f. ‘dawn’, Ku. byān; N. biyāna obl. ‘in the morning’; A. bihān ‘morning’, bihāne adv. ‘in the morning’; B. Bi. Mth. Bhoj. bihān ‘morning, dawn’, OAw. bihāna m.; H. bihān m. ‘dawn’, bihāne adv. ‘early’; OG. vihāṇaï ‘in the morning’, G. vahāṇũ, vāṇũ n. ‘dawn’: — altern. < MIA. (Pa.) vibhāyana— n. ‘brightening’ der. from vb. *vibhāyati, Pk. vihāyaï (~ víbhāti). Addenda: *vibhāna—: WPah.kṭg. bhe\i f. ‘daybreak’, bhe\ṇi ‘at dawn’; J. bhyaiṇi f. ‘dawn’, Garh. byāṇi in rat—byāṇi ‘dawn’. †;*rātrīvibhānikā—.
11815 *vibhitta— ‘split’. [Cf. vibhitti— f. ‘splitting’ Kāṭh. - √bhid] P.kgr. beht m. ‘plank’.
11823a *vimicc— ‘close the eyes’. [*micc—] G. vı̄̃cvũ ‘to close the eyes’.
11825 *vimrakṣa— ‘rubbing out’. [mrakṣa1] N. bimākh ‘destruction, finishing off’. víyakta— see vyàkta—.
11826 *viyagna— ‘separate’. [Cf. vyakta— ‘separate’ lex., vyakti— f. ‘individual’ BhP., vijitr̥— ‘separating’ W., vēktr̥— Dhātup. s.v. *vijyatē: √vij. — Pa. vagga—, vaggēna (PTSD ‘separate, separately’) rather same as vagga— ‘party, sect’ < varga— (J. C. W.)] S. veǥyo ‘foreign’; — ext. —la—: Pk. veggala— ‘sepa- rate, distinct’; N. beglo ‘separate, different’; A. beleg ‘separate (X *bilag < *vilagna2?); Or. begaḷa ‘sepa- rate’, (Sambhalpur) begal ‘other’; G. vegḷũ ‘separate, distinct, distant’; M. vegḷā ‘separate’; — G. vegu m. ‘fool’, N. beglo ‘foolish’ (semant. cf. Eng. alienation ‘mental derangement’ or < *viyagra—). — N. B. begar ‘without’, Or. begara, M. begaḷ (if with NTS v 340 ← H. bagair ← Pers.) have been influenced by the veggala— group. Addenda: *viyagna—: Ko. vegḷo ‘separate’, viṅgaḍa ‘distinct’.
11827 *viyagra—, vyagra— ‘engaged’ MaitrUp., ‘busy, agi- tated’ MBh. [Cf. vígra— ‘active’, vigrá— n. ‘activity’ RV., vaiyagrya— n. ‘preoccupation’ Kāv. — Conn. √vij or √vyaj ~ √vīj?] Pa. vyagga— ‘distracted’; Pk. viagga—, vegga— ‘per- plexed’; — G. vegu m. ‘fool’; N. beglo ‘foolish’: or < *viyagna—. *víyaṅga—1 ‘crippled’ see vyàṅga1. *víyaṅga—2 ‘speckled’ see vyàṅga2. viyáñjana— see vyàñjana—.
11829 *viyamadaṇḍa— ‘bar’. [viyamá—, daṇḍá—] H. bẽwṛā, byõ;ṛā m. ‘bar behind a closed door’.
11830 *viyavakartati ‘cuts out’. 2. *viyavakr̥ntati. [Cf. vyávacchinatti ‘cuts off’ ŚBr. — √kr̥t1] 1. S. viuṭaṇu ‘to cut out (clothes)’, P. veutṇā; Ku. byotaṇo ‘to dress a slain goat or other animal, cut out (clothes), fit, adapt’; Or. beutibā ‘to distribute, arrange’ semant. cf. vikarṣaṇa—. 2. Or. beuntibā ‘to distribute, arrange’; H. byõ;ṭnā, byõ;tnā ‘to cut up, kill, cut out clothes’, byõ;ṭ, byõ;t f. ‘cutting out’ (→ P. beũtaṇā, vẽu°, S. vẽuṭa f. ‘cutting out of clothes’).
11831 *viyavasāya—, vyavasāya— m. ‘resolve’ MBh., ‘action’ R., ‘strenuous effort’ Car., ‘trade’ Campak. [√] Or. beusā ‘trade, business, crop’. Addenda: *viyavasāya—: A. behā (phonet. beha) ‘business’ AFD 213, B. byabsā (infl. by B. byabasāyī ← Sk. vyavasāyin—).
11832 *viyavasāyin—, vyavasāyin— ‘industrious’ MBh. [*viyavasāya—] OG. vivasāīu m. ‘trader’; — G. vasvāyũ n. ‘member of the artisan class who receives a fixed share of the harvest and land to build a house on’? Or < *vāsa- vāhin—? *viyavahāra— see vyavahāra—. *viyavahārin— ‘trader’ see vyavahārin—. *viyākula— ‘confused’ see vyākula—.
11833 *viyākṣayati ‘destroys’. [víkṣiṇāti ŚBr. — √kṣi2] Si. viyakanavā ‘to dissolve, melt, liquify’ whence intr. viyakenavā ‘to wear away, be destroyed by rubbing or filtering, be dissolved’. *viyākhyāti ‘explains’ see vyā́khyāti. *viyāghra— ‘tiger’ see vyāghrá—.
11833a *viyāñchati ‘draws apart’. [√āñch] Kal. bihõ;č— ‘to yawn’.
11835 *viyāpnōti, vyāpnōti ‘pervades’ MBh. [√āp] A. biyapiba ‘to spread, extend’ or < *viyāpyatē. Addenda: *viyāpnōti: OP. biapaṇu, viāpaṇu ‘to attach to, extend, pervade’. *virāyayati see *virīyatē Add2.
11838 *viyuhyatē ‘is taken in marriage’. [Pass. of vívahati ‘marries’ AV. — √vah] L.awāṇ. vijı̄̀vuṇ ‘to be married’; — X vivāhá— q.v. *viyūna— ‘deficient’ see *vyūna—.
11840 *vira—1 ‘man’. [~ vīrá—: cf. Lat. vir, &c.] Ap. vira— m. ‘hero’ (perh. < vīrá—); Pr. wƏr—j̈emī ‘man’, Shum. ire ‘man’ G. Morgenstierne IL v 361, ‘male (of goats, bulls, boys)’ NTS xiii 260. *vira—2 ‘hole’ see bíla1. virakta— see virajyati.
11844 *virapati ‘makes hold together’. [√rap2] H. bilonā ‘to churn’, bilonī f. ‘churning stick’: rather < vilōbhayati2.
11845 *virambatē ‘hangs down’. [~ vilambatē. - √ramb] M. virãbṇẽ ‘to hang the head, be downcast’.
11846 *viramyati ‘stops’. [Cf. víramati TS., Pa. viramati, Pk. viramaï. — √ram] S. virimaṇu, virmaṇu ‘to stop, stay, wait’; P. biramṇā ‘to stop, stay, remain away from home’, birmāuṇā ‘to cause to stop, to amuse’; H. (poet.) biramnā ‘to stop, rest’; OG. viramaï ‘abstains from’, G. viramvũ ‘to stop’; M. viramṇẽ ‘to stop, rest’.
11862 *virīyatē ‘is melted’. 2. *virāyayati ‘melts’. 3. *virīṇa— ‘melted’. [~ vílīyatē, vilāpayati2, vilīna—. — √rī] 1. Si. virenavā, virīyanavā ‘to become liquid, melt’. — Pk. virāi intr. ‘melts’ (cf. vilāi ~ vílīyatē), Kho. buruik; G. virāvũ, varāvũ, varvũ ‘to be expended, be exhausted’; M. virṇẽ intr. ‘to melt’. 2. Kho. biréik tr. ‘to melt’; G. varāvvũ ‘to expend’. 3. Si. viruṇu, vuruṇu ‘liquified by heat, hot, become dry’, vuruṇu—tel ‘juice of meat’, viruṇā pret. of virenavā in 2. Addenda: *virīyatē. 1. Kho. buruik ‘to melt’, absol. burui BKhoT 67; Md. virenī intr. ‘melts’. 2. virāyayati: Md. viruvanī tr. ‘melts’.
11865 *viruddhi— ‘opposition’. [√rudh2] P. viruddh f. ‘opposition, enmity’.
11869 *viruṣṭi— ‘anger’. [√ruṣ] Ku. birūṭh f. ‘slight anger, displeasure’.
11870 *viruhati ‘grows’. 2. vírōhayati ‘causes to grow’ RV. [√ruh] 1. Pk. viruhaï ‘grows strongly’; — with —ū— from vírūḍha—: Pa. virūhati ‘sprouts’, Pk. virūhaï. 2. N. bir(h)āunu ‘to till barren ground’ (< MIA. *viru/ōhāpēti), birauṭo ‘freshly tilled ground’.
11873 *virēkhita— ‘furrowed’. [Cf. vilēkhā— f. ‘furrow’ MBh. — √rikh1] P. barehī f. ‘land lying fallow for a whole year’ semant. cf. OAw. rehū s.v. rēkhā́—.
11875 *virēṣṭr̥ ‘tearer’. [Cf. rēṣṭr̥— and víriṣṭa— ‘torn’ AV. — √riś] P. bareṭhā m. ‘washerman’, °ṭhin, °ṭhaṇ f. ‘his wife’.
11880 *vilagna—2 ‘separate’. [lagna—] Or. OAw. bilaga ‘separate’ (—l— from simplex), H. bilag (whence bilagnā ‘to be separated’); — A. beleg ‘separate’ X *begal < *viyagna—?
11881 *vilagyati ‘hangs on to’. [√lag] Pa. vilaggita— ‘stretched’; Pk. vilaggaï ‘sticks to, supports, climbs’; G. valagvu ‘to adhere to, seize’; - with unexpl. nasal: H. bilaṅgnā (cf. forms with —ṅg- also s.v. *ālagyati) ‘to hang on to, swing’ (with meaning ‘to leap up to’ < vilaṅghayati). — MIA. *vilaggaṇa—: P. vilgaṇ, bi° f. ‘rope for hanging clothes on’; G. vaḷgaṇ n. ‘grasp, seizure’, vaḷagṇī f. ‘clothes- line’.
11883 *vilaṭa— ‘very foolish’. [laṭa—] H. al—bilal ‘very foolish’??
11884 *vilaṭati ‘is loose or shaky’. [√*laṭ] K. vĕlarun ‘to become decrepit or insecure (from old age, loosening of supports, &c.)’.
11888 *vilabha— ‘share’. [Cf. vilambha— m. ‘gift’ lex. - √labh] S. viraha f. ‘division’, viraü f. ‘fixed allowance of food’; Ku. bilo ‘present of meat’; N. bilo ‘share in the spoil’.
11893 *vilavaṇa— ‘not salted’. [lavaṇá—] N. bilinu ‘under—salted’.
11895 *vilāgayati ‘unfastens’. [√lag] Paš.lauṛ. wƏl—, ar. wil— ‘to open, untie, set free’ (IIFL iii 3, 185 < vi—lī—), Shum. iläy—: very doubtful.
11899 *vilābhayati ‘distributes’. 2. *virābhayati. [Cf. vilambhayati ‘causes to receive’ Kathās. — √labh, √rabh] 1. L. vilhāvaṇ ‘to divide, allot’ (whence pass. vilhappaṇ); A. bilāiba ‘to bestow, distribute, serve out (food)’; B. bilāna ‘to distribute’; Or. bilāibā ‘to dis- tribute, give away’; H. bilānā ‘to bestow’. 2. S. virāhaṇu ‘to distribute’ (or < 1); G. varāvvũ ‘to give’.
11904 *vilipsā— ‘desire to share’. [Cf. lipsā— f. MBh. - √labh] S. vircha f. ‘dividing, rations or money in lieu’.
11914 *vivaṅka— ‘very bent’. [vaṅka1] Pk. vivaṁka— ‘very bent’; S. viṅgu m. ‘bend’, viṅga f. ‘defect’, viṅgo ‘crooked’; P. viṅg, biṅg m. ‘crookedness’, viṅgā, bi° ‘crooked’; Ku. bı̄̃gaṛo ‘silly’; N. biṅgo ‘pre- text’; A. bẽkā ‘crooked’; M. bı̃gẽ n. ‘any crooked or devious procedure’ (← EP.).
11916 *vivarati ‘uncovers’. [vyū̀rṇōti ‘uncovers, spreads’ RV., vivr̥ṇōti ‘combs (the hair)’ HPariś. — √vr̥1] Pa. vivarati ‘uncovers, opens’, °raṇa— n.; Pk. vivaraï ‘opens, spreads out, dresses (the hair)’; K. vẹ̆warun ‘to pull apart (with the fingers), tease out (cotton, tangled twigs, straw, &c.), scatter, sow broad- cast, winnow’; H. byornā ‘to disentangle (e.g. the hair)’.
11919 *vivardhyatē ‘is caused to grow’. [√vr̥dh] S. vı̄̃jhaṇu ‘to increase, thrive’.
11921 *vivāhana— ‘giving in marriage’. [√vah] Pa. vivāhana— n. ‘giving in marriage’; H. biyāhan, byā° m. ‘marrying’; — deriv. P. biāhṇū ‘pertaining to a wedding’, m. ‘clothes given to bride by groom's father’.
11922 *vivāhapatnī— ‘wedded wife’. [vivāhá—, pátnī—] H. biahautī f. ‘first married wife’.
11928 *vivr̥ddha—1 ‘cut off’. [Cf. vivardhita— MW. - √vardh] L. viḍḍhā m. ‘notch’.
11931 *viśakti— ‘powerless’. [śákti1] Bshk. bušüt ‘difficult’, or with AO xviii 228 < *apaśakti—.
11932 *viśamyatē ‘is destroyed’. [śamáyati ‘destroys’ TS. — √śam3] P.ludh. bisamnā ‘to be broken’; H. bisamnā ‘to be broken, be shattered’, bismānā tr. ‘to break to pieces’.
11933 *viśarati ‘decays, falls to pieces’. [víśāri ‘is broken, decays, falls to pieces’ RV., viśīrṇa— ‘broken (of an army)’ R., ‘fallen out (of teeth)’ Kāv., viśaraṇa— n. ‘dissolution’ Dhātup. — √śr̥̄] Pk. visaraï ‘falls down, slips’; Or. bisaribā ‘to be emptied, be lost, be spoilt’; — Mth. bisarab ‘to desert’ (or < vísarati).
11938 *viśimyati ‘rests’. [√śam1] Bshk. bišim— ‘to rest’ (AO xviii 228 < víśrāmyati); Sh. (Lor.) bišimoiki ‘to make rest, put to rest’, bišimiǰoiki ‘to take rest’.
11940 *viśuṣka— ‘dry’. [Cf. śuṣka— and viśuṣyati ‘dries up’ R., Pa. visussati. — √śuṣ] Pa. visukkha— ‘dried up’; S. vihukaṇu ‘to cease to give milk’, L. vehukaṇ, vehōkaṇ, (Shahpur) vehikaṇ; WPah. (Joshi) biśkā ‘empty’; Or. biskibā ‘(of a cow) to run dry’ (biskā ‘the drying up of milk in a cow’), Bi. bisukhab, G. vasukvũ, M. visakṇẽ (viskā ‘become dry’); — caus. Or. biskāibā ‘to make (a cow) run dry by charms’; Mth. biskhāb ‘to cease giving milk’; — < MIA. *visukkhāvaṇa—: Ku. biskūṇ, biskuṇo ‘grain placed in the sun before threshing’, N. biskun.
11941 *viśūratē ‘is hurt, is distressed’. [Cf. śūryatē ‘hurts’ Dhātup., visūraṇa— (← Pk.) n. ‘sorrow, distress’ Vikr. — √śr̥̄] Pk. visūraï, pres. part. visūramāṇa— ‘distresses, is distressed’, visūraṇa— n., °ṇā— f. ‘distress, pain’; H. bisūrnā ‘to put on a crying face’.
11943 *viścandayati ‘makes jump apart’ 2. Pp. *viścanna—. [See *ścandati; cf. viṣkanttr̥— ‘moving hither and thither’ Bhaṭṭ. — √*ścand2, √skand] 1. K. vĕċhanun ‘to separate, tease out (cotton &c.)’. 2. K. pp. vĕċhonu. *viśyāna— ‘cold’ see next.
11944 *viśyāpayati ‘makes cold’. 2. *viśyāna— ‘cold’. [√śyai] 1. M. visāviṇẽ ‘to reduce the temperature of hot water by pouring in cold’, visāvaṇ n. ‘water so poured in’. 2. M. visā̆ṇ n. ‘id.’.
11946 *viśrapa— ‘boiling’. [Cf. suśrápa— ‘easy to be cooked’ ŚBr. — √śrā] Ash. wō̤ṣō adj. ‘boiling’ (or < *ut—śrāta—?); Kal. "wîsho de—" ‘to boil’ (rather than < udīṣati).
11954 *viśrāṇa— ‘cooked’. [Cf. śrāṇa—. — √śrā] G. vasāṇũ n. ‘condiments, groceries, drugs’? *viśrāta— ‘boiled’ see *viśrāyati.
11960 *viśrāyati intr. ‘boils’. 2. Pp. *viśrāta—. [śrā́yati Dhātup., śrātá— RV., śrapáyati AV. — √śrā] 1. Kal. wīṣou ‘it is boiling’; — Ash. wō̤u— ‘to be boiling’ or < *utśrāyati. 2. Ash. wō̤ṣō adj. ‘boiling’ (or < *viśrapa— or *ut- śrāta—?).
11961 *viślāghatē ‘abuses’. [√ślāgh] H.bāṅg. bisrāhṇā ‘to depreciate’. Addenda: *viślāghatē: OMarw. visarāhaï ‘slights’.
11969 *viṣaka— ‘poisonous’. [viṣá—] Kal. bīṣa ‘Caragana’, Kho. beṣú BelvalkarVol 88 (or < *vaiṣaka—?), Phal. biṣı̄́, bišī.
11979 *viṣādhayati ‘accomplishes, acquires’. 2. *viṣādh- yatē. [√sādh] 1. Pk. visāhia— ‘accomplished’; S. vihāiṇu ‘to buy’; Ku. bisā, besā ‘purchase of grain’; N. besāunu ‘to buy’ (—e— from becnu s.v. *vētyayati); H. bisāhnā ‘to get possession of, buy’; OG. visāhaï ‘exchanges’. 2. L. vihājaṇ ‘to buy’, awāṇ. viājhuṇ ‘to acquire’; P. vihājhṇā, vihājṇā ‘to buy’. *viṣādhyatē ‘is obtained’ see prec.
11980 *viṣārayati, visārayati ‘sends forth’ R., ‘extends’ MW. [√sr̥] Pk. visāraṁta— ‘spreading’; K. wahārun tr. ‘to spread out, stretch out’, caus. wahārāwun, wahāran f. ‘spreading out’. *viṣāhayati ‘causes to be overcome’ see víṣahatē.
11981 *viṣu ‘variously, apart’. [In cmpds. víṣu—rūpa—, viṣū- vŕ̥t—, víṣv—añc— RV.] Pa. visuṁ ‘individually’, visuṁ—visuṁ ‘one by one’. viṣuvánt—; *viṣuṣūtra—.
11983 *viṣuṣūtra— ‘central thread’?? [*viṣu, sū́tra—] Kho. (Lor.) b*lšūtvr ‘black thread in a woman's hair when plaited’: very doubtful. *viṣēkya— see abhiṣēkya—.
11984 *viṣēcana— ‘discharging’. [Cf. viṣiñcati ‘spills’ ĀpŚr., víṣikta— ‘discharged’ ŚBr. — √sic] P. bahīṇ m. ‘hole in the wall of house or fort or city to let water out, spout’. *viṣkarati ‘scatters’ see next.
11985 *viṣkirati ‘scatters’. 2. *viṣkarati. 3. Caus. *viṣkēr- ayati. 4. Pp. *viṣkr̥ta—. [viṣkira— m. ‘a gallinaceous bird (i.e. the scatterer)’ Gaut. and cf. vikirati. - √*skr̥̄, √kr̥̄1] 1. Pk. vikkhiraï ‘scatters’. 2. Pk. vikkharaï ‘scatters’; P. vikkharnā, bi° ‘to be scattered’, H. bikharnā; M. vikharṇẽ, vikhurṇẽ ‘to scatter in disorder’; Ko. vikraytā ‘spills’. 3. S. vikheraṇu ‘to scatter’, P. vakhernā, ba°; Ku. bakherṇo ‘to scatter, give liberally’; H. bikhernā, bakh° ‘to scatter (seed, dust, &c.)’; OMarw. bakheraï ‘strews’; G. vikhervũ ‘to scatter, throw about in dis- order’. 4. S. vikheṛaṇu ‘to scatter’ der. *vikhiṛ—. *viṣkr̥ta—, *viṣkērayati ‘scatter’ see prec.
11994 *viṣvapana— ‘sleeping’. [Cf. svapaná—, viṣupta- ‘asleep’ Kathās. — √svap] Mth. bisunāb, bisan° ‘to dream’.
11995 *viṣvaskati ‘goes astray’. [√ṣvask] L. viskaṇ ‘to be beguiled’; M. visakṇẽ, (ext.—ṭṭ—) viskaṭṇẽ ‘to disorder, derange’. *visama— ‘uneven’ see víṣama—.
12003 *vistambha— ‘restraint’. [viṣṭambhá— m. ‘fixing’ RV., ‘restraint’ BhP.: cf. víṣṭabhnāti ‘fixes, restrains’ RV., Pa. vitthambhēti ‘makes firm’, Pk. viṭṭhaṁbhaï. - √stambh] Bshk. bitā́m ‘eclipsed (of moon or sun)’ AO xviii 228.
12004 *vistaraṇa— ‘spreading out’. [√str̥] Pk. vittharaṇa— adj. ‘spreading’; K. vĕtharan f. ‘mat of twisted rice—straw, sack of the same’.
12012 *visthakk— ‘stand still’. [*sthakk—] Pk. vitthakkaṁta— ‘standing firm, delaying, oppos- ing’, vithakka— ‘opposing’; H. bithaknā ‘to stand firm, be tired, be dismayed’.
12013 *visthalati ‘upsets’. [√sthal] N. bithalnu, bitholnu ‘to turn upside down’.
12014 *vispharati ‘quivers, trembles’. [~ *visphalati. - Cf. vísphurati. — √sphar1] P. bippharṇā ‘to become enraged’ (< ‘tremble with anger’), H. bipharnā, G. vipharvũ (or < vísphurati).
12015 *visphalati ‘moves quickly, quivers, jerks oneself’. [~ *vispharati. — √sphal1] L. vipphalaṇ ‘to talk in one's sleep’, (Ju.) viphlaṇ ‘to become confused from fear’, mult. viphaliā ‘being in second childhood’ (< ‘*trembling’?); P. bipphalnā ‘to be cross or refactory’. — S. viphilaṇu ‘to talk in one's sleep’ < *visphalyati?
12022 *vismāra— ‘forgetfulness’. [Cf. smā́ra— m. ‘remem- brance’ TĀr. — √smr̥] P. visārā m. ‘forgetfulness’, G. visār, °rɔ m., M. visar m., Ko. visar, isar.
12031 *vihāna— ‘leaving’. [Cf. hāna—, víjahāti. — √hā3] Pk. vihāṇa— n. ‘desertion’; P. vihānṇā, bi° ‘to pass away’; OB. bihani, bihune ‘in the absence of’ (ODBL 773 < vihīna—); G. vihāṇvũ ‘to pass away, expire’.
12037 *vihulati ‘wanders’. [Cf. hṓlati ‘goes’ Dhātup., hū́rchati ‘goes crookedly’ MaitrS. — √hval] Or. bihuḷibā ‘to be scattered (of cows when grazing)’.
12042 *vīcya— ‘middle’. [vı̄́cyā ‘among’ (in vı̄́cyā nr̥̄́n) RV., vīci— f. ‘interval’ (= avakāśa—) lex., ‘leisure’ Gaṅgā- ṣṭaka, Pa. a—vīci— ‘without interval’, Pk. vīi— f. ‘separa- tion’ prob. < *vīcī— ~ *vyañc—. — √añc] Pk. vicca— n. ‘middle’; S. vici ‘in the middle’; L. vicc ‘among’, ic ‘in’; P. vicc, bicc ‘in., WPah.paṅ. bicc, Ku. bīc; N. bic ‘middle’; Mth. bīc ‘difference’, adj. ‘mid’, bic ‘between’; OAw. bīca ‘middle’, bica ‘be- tween’; H. bīc m. ‘middle’, OMarw. bīca m.; OG. viciiṁ ‘in the middle’, G. vacce. — Deriv.: L. vicclā ‘being in the middle, middling’, Ku. bicilo, Aw. bicalā, OG. vicilaü, G. vaclũ. — Āryendra Sharma in Premi Abhinandan Granth 1951, 74 wrongly < *dvīcya—. *vīcyacandrabhāgā—. *vīcyacandrabhāgā— see candrabhāgā—. VĪJ or VYAJ ‘fan’. [J. Bloch BSOS v 741 ← Drav., Tam. vīcu ‘to fan’, &c. DED 4479; but cf. √vic ‘blow, winnow’ (see *vicyatē1) and √vij ‘sudden motion’ (see *vijyatē) and Dhātup. √vij = √vic ‘separate’. Perh. vīj— from IA. vic—, vij—, vyaj— X Drav. vīc— (J. C. W.)] vījana—, vījyatē, vyajana—. Addenda: *vīcya—: WPah.kiũth. bice postp. ‘in, between’, kṭg. biċe ‘in the middle’, J. bīcā, bīcī.
12052 *vīdhradhanus— ‘bow in the clear sky’. [vīdhrá—, dhánus—] Sh. biẓòn f. ‘rainbow’; — Pr. vītrū? — Poss. < indradhanús— X vīdhrá—. *vīdhriya—, vı̄́dhrya— see vīdhrá—.
12053 *vīna— ‘woven’. [Cf. Pa. vīta—. — √] H. bīn ‘cotton’? *vīnōpala—.
12054 *vīnōpala— ‘cotton seed’. [*vīna—, úpala—] H. binolā m. ‘cotton seed’?
12055 *vīyamāna— ‘being woven’. [Pa. vīyati, viyyati ‘is woven’. — √] Si. viyaman—a ‘anything woven, woof, web, weaving, plaiting’.
12058 *vīrapōta— ‘male offspring’. [Cf. vīrájāta— ‘consist- ing of male offspring’ RV. — vīrá—, pṓta1] Paš. wƏrwṓyā ‘boy’ IIFL iii 3, 188.
12066 *vr̥kṇa—2 ‘bent’. [Cf. vr̥ktá— in cmpds. ‘turned, bent’ RV. — √vr̥j1] K. bruku m. ‘bending of something perpendicular (esp. the backbone) under too heavy a weight’; H. bīkā ‘crooked’. vŕ̥kya— see vr̥kká—.
12071 *vr̥tha— ‘covering’. [√vr̥1] Kt. wīṭ ‘trousers’, Wg. ōṭ NTS xvii 233, (rather than < *vikr̥tta—) Kal. bhut (< *buth < *vurth—).
12079 *vr̥mra— ‘globular fruit, walnut’. [Cf. bímba—, bimbā— and esp. bimbu— m. ‘betel—nut tree’ lex.] Ash. imŕṓ, imlō̃́, imnō̃́ ‘walnut’, Kt. aŕmŕū́, Bashg. iamru, Wg. imrṓ, Dm. brimū̆, °mũ, Paš.lauṛ. liṅ (< *vr̥m- baka— IIFL iii 3, 112), ar. urumī, weg. wurumı̄́, dar. werémbū, Shum. ílo (< *imrō ← Ash.), Gaw. limuṛı̄́ (< *vr̥mbuṭikā—), Kal. bribṓ, Kho. birmog (< *virmaka- NTS ii 241), Lor. also birbog; K. brīm—pōś m. ‘the waterlily Nymphaea alba’, brimij f., brimdū ‘the tree Celtis australis (with a small fruit)’ < *vr̥mra—dru(ma)—? —See also varambarā—.
12084 *vr̥ṣapiṇḍa— ‘bull's hump’. [vŕ̥ṣan—, píṇḍa—] M. vaśẽḍ, oś°, vaśı̃ḍ, °śãḍ, vasãḍ, osãḍ() n. ‘bullock's hump’.
12091 *vēḍu— ‘reed, bamboo’. [vēṇú— X naḍá— BDCRI 20, 345] Pa. vēḷu— m. ‘bamboo’, Pk. vēlu—, °luya— m.; Kho. béḷu ‘reed, pipe’ (boḷu ‘reed, pipe’ X noḷ < naḍá—); K. vīr, vīrü f. ‘the white willow’; B. beuṛ ‘a thin bamboo’ (< *beṛu ODBL 421); M. veḷū m. ‘bamboo’, Ko. veḷu. *vaiḍava—.
12098 *vētadaṇḍa— ‘willow stem’. [vēta—, daṇḍá—] Phal. bīṓṇ, bihṓṇ, bhīyṓṇ ‘willow’: whether second syllable represents —daṇḍa— is very doubtful.
12100 *vētyayati ‘makes a price’. [Denom. from *vētyā- ‘hire, price’ in (MIA.) vēcā— (v.l. vētā—) f. ‘hire, wages’ lex. < *vēccā—, cf. vētana— n. ‘hire, wages’ MBh. (vētanēna krītaḥ ‘hired’ Pāṇ.com.), ‘price’ Rājat. (vikrīṇānō 'lpavētanaiḥ): cf. vḗti ‘procures’ RV., √ (J. C. W.). — Much less prob. Bloch LM 411 < vyayati, or L. A. Schwarzschild IL 1958, 315 creation of MIA. vecc— ~ vikk— (vikrīyatē) after type muccaï, paccaï ~ mukka—, pakka— (though this contrast sup- ports differentiation of vecc— as ‘sell’ ~ vikk— as ‘buy’)] Pk. veccaï, viccēi ‘spends’; L. vēcaṇ ‘to sell’, P. vecṇā, be°, Ku. becṇo, N. becnu, A. besiba, B. becā, Or. becibā, (Medinipur) bicibā, Mth. becab, bẽc°, H. becnā, G. vecvũ; M. veċṇẽ ‘to spend’. Addenda: *vētyayati: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) beċṇõ; ‘to sell’, Garh. becṇu.
12109 *vēdhati ‘pierces’. [Cf. caus. vēdhayati and vēdhana- n. ‘piercing’ MBh., Pa. vēdhana— n., Pk. vēhaṇa— n. - √vyadh] Pk. vēhaï ‘pierces’; Ash. — ‘to beat’; Wg. —, wi- ‘to beat, cut grain’; Kt. wiē— ‘to beat’. — Pp. *vinna- (< *vidhna—?) in pret.: Ash. wīnƏ, Wg. wīnoi, Kt. wƏnyē f. vēdhanī— see *mētthī—.
12117 *vēlānta— ‘boundary’. [vḗlā—, ánta—] Si. (SigGr) veḷata ‘vicinity’.
12118 *vēlya— ‘at leisure’. [vḗlā—] S. velho ‘at leisure, idle’; L. velh f. ‘leisure’, velhā m. ‘leisure, time’, awāṇ. vḕl ‘leisure’, vḕlā ‘vacant’; P. vehl, vihl m.f. ‘leisure’, vehllā, vehlā, vih°, behllā ‘vacant, at leisure’. VĒLL ‘shake’. [Ac. to L. A. Schwarzschild JAOS 77, 206 ext. —ll— of Pk. via—, vēa— < Sk. vij—, vip—, vēj—, vēp—; but cf. Pk. viallaï s.v. vícalati, √val and Par. gēl ‘rolling’ prob. < *wālya— IIFL i 255] vēlla—, vēllana—, vēllayati. Addenda: *vēlya—: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) belɔ ‘at leisure, vain’.
12137 *vaiḍava— ‘made of or consisting of reeds’. [~ vai- ṇavá—. — *vēḍu—] Kho. béḷu ‘basket’; P. vellā, bellā m. ‘place abound- ing in grass or reeds’.
12141 *vaidyaśālā— ‘surgery’. [vaidyá—, śā́lā—] OSi. ved—hal ‘medical hall’ (Si. veda—hala is Si. cmpd.]. *vaidhriya— ‘fine weather’ see vīdhrá—.
12147 *vailambatā— ‘delay’. [vilamba—] S. verama f. ‘delay’?
12163 *vyativiñcati ‘sifts out’. [Cf. vívinakti ‘sifts grain’ AV., Pk. viiṁcia— ‘sifted’. — √vic] M. vaı̃ċṇẽ, vaiċ° ‘to sift coarser from finer grain’. VYATH ‘go astray’: vyáthatē, *vyathanaka—, *vyāthayati.
12165 *vyathanaka—, vyathana— ‘perplexing’ MBh., n. ‘tottering’ Pāṇ., ‘feeling pain’ Suśr. Paš. ǰaṅg ‘fear, afraid’ IIFL iii 3, 85 with (?). - Rather < vibhaṅga—. VYADH ‘pierce’: viddhá—, viddhi—, *vidhira—, *vidhna—, vídhyati, vidhyatē, vidhyamāna—, *vin- dhati, *vindhyatē, vēdha—, *vēdhati, vēdhya—, vyadhayati, vyādhá—, *vyādhana—, vyādhayati, vyādhín—; ā́vidhyati, udviddha—, *prativēdha—, *nirvēdhati, *nividhati; — śvāvídh—? vyadhayati see vyādhayati.
12167 *vyapacalati ‘goes away off’. [Cf. vyapakramati ‘goes off’ R., vyapagacchati MBh. — √cal] Pk. vōlaï ‘goes, overpasses, passes (of time)’, vollaï ‘attacks’; A. buliba ‘to walk’: very doubtful.
12168 *vyapāvarati ‘opens’. 2. *vyapāvr̥ta—. [√vr̥1] 1. Woṭ. bār— ‘to open’ Buddruss Woṭ 93. 2. Tor. baiyel ‘open’.
12172a *vyavaskara— ‘scatterer’. [vyavakirati ‘scatters’ BhP. — √*skr̥̄, √kr̄o1] WPah.bhal. bokhar, bukh° f. ‘broom, a kind of grass for making brooms’.
12179 *vyaṣṭa— ‘attained’. [Cf. vyàṣṭi— f. ‘attainment, suc- cess’ TS. — √1] S. vaṭhaṇu ‘to seize’, L. vaṭṭhaṇ. — Poss. N. bāṭho ‘skilful, wise’, M. bāṭ ‘cunning, clever’ (← Centre?).
12185 *vyākūrdati ‘jumps about’. [√kūrd] M. vākudṇẽ ‘to jump about, frisk, frolic’ < *vyā- krūrd— with anticipated r or with MIA. anal. —kk—.
12189 *vyāgōlayati ‘chews the cud’. [Caus. of *vyāgulati, cf. guratē ‘chews’ Dhātup. — √*gal2] Pk. vaggōlaï ‘chews the cud’, G. vagoḷvũ; M. vāguḷ f. ‘chewing the cud’.
12190 *vyāgharati ‘besprinkles’. 2. *vyāghr̥ta—. [Both with anal. —ggh— in MIA. — √ghr̥1] 1. Si. vaguranavā ‘to pour out, scatter’ whence pass. vägirenavā ‘to drop, fall off’; — or < vyā́ghārayati 2. Si. pret. vaguḷā; L. vagghī, vaghī f. ‘irrigation flow’ (whence short a? Scarcely < *vigghī < víghr̥ta—). *vyāghāra— ‘sprinkling’ see next.
12192 *vyāghuṭati ‘turns back’ (absol. vyāghuṭya Pañcat.), vyāghuṭana— n. ‘return’ HPariś. 2. *vyāghōṭati (Dhātup. ghōṭatē ‘turns’). [√thuṭ] 1. Pk. vāhuḍia— ‘gone’; S. bāhuṛaṇu ‘to return’ (← E); P. vāhuṛṇā, vauhṛ°, bauh(a)ṛ° ‘to arrive, come and help’, bauhaṛ ‘again’; Ku. bauṛṇo ‘to return’; N. bauranu ‘to return, revive’; B. bāhuṛā, °haṛā ‘to return’, Or. bāhuṛibā, Aw.lakh. bahurab, H. bahurnā, bahuri ‘again’; OMarw. bāhuṛaï ‘returns’. 2. OMarw. bahoṛi ‘again’. *vyāghr̥ta— ‘sprinkled’ see *vyāgharati. *vyāghōṭati ‘returns’ see *vyāghuṭati.
12194 *vyāghrarūpa— ‘tiger’. [vyāghrá—, rūpá—] M. vāghrũ n. ‘endearing or contemptuous term for a tiger’.
12195 *vyāghrāmbara— ‘tiger—skin’. [vyāghrá—, ámbara—] Ku. bagambar ‘tiger— or leopard—skin’. vyāḍa— see vyala—.
12200 *vyādhana— ‘piercing, throwing’. [√vyadh] Or. bāhāṇa ‘spreading of nets in deep water’ (see also vā́hana—), bāhāṇiā̃ ‘man who spreads a net’.
12203 *vyāparati ‘is engaged in’. [vyāpriyatē, vyāpr̥ṇutē MBh. — √pr̥] Pk. vāvaraï, vāviraï ‘is busy’; OG. vāvaraï ‘uses, eats’, G. vāvarvũ ‘to use, bring into use, live in (a house), spend’; M. vāvarṇẽ ‘to busy oneself with, live and act among’; — G. vāparvũ (= vāvarvũ) with MIA. anal. —pp— or infl. by Sk. vyāpāra— &c.
12204 *vyāpā— ‘widely extending (beam)’. [vyāpaka- KaṭhUp. — √āp] Paš.al. ǰāwä ‘main roof—beam’.
12208 *vyābhaṅga— ‘breaking’. [Cf. vyābhagna— Prab. - √bhañj] Pa. vyābhaṅgī— f. ‘flail’. — See *vahaṅga—. vyāmá— see viyāmá—.
12210 *vyārīṇa— ‘melted away’. [√] Si. väruṇu ‘worn out, ceased to be’ ?
12211 *vyārudhyatē ‘is obstructed’. 2. *vyāruddha—. [√rudh2] 1. N. baljhinu‘to be entangled’. 2. Pa. vyāruddha—, byā° ‘obstructed’.
12213 *vyālagyati ‘touches’. [√lag] M. vālagṇẽ ‘to burn or catch under cooking or heating’.
12215 *vyāskara— ‘scattering, collection, covering’? [√*skr̥̄, √kr̥̄1] Pk. vakkhala— ‘covered’; Or. bākhara ‘covering or cloth saddle on a horse, fungus added to boiled rice to ferment it’; H. bākhar m. ‘cluster of cattlesheds, collection of houses in one enclosure, enclosure, house; drug used as a ferment’: all doubtful (see also vakṣaskāra—).
12221 *vyūna— ‘deficient, small’. 2. *viyūna—. [ūná1] 1. Pk. vūṇaka— m.n. ‘child’. 2. Ku. byūṇaṇō ‘to make thin or slender or scanty, thin out (plants)’.
12226 *vrajasthāna— ‘cowpen’. [vrajá—, sthā́na—] S. vathāṇu m. ‘cowpen, pasturage’; N. bathān ‘flock, herd, mob (of animals, men or birds)’; A. bāthān ‘animal pen’; B. bāthān ‘cowpen’; Bi. bathān ‘cowpen, pasturage’; Mth. bathān ‘cowpen or fold’; H. bathān, baṭh° m. ‘cowpen, pasturage’. — Deriv.: N. bathānnu ‘to collect’. *vrajyati, *vrañjati ‘goes’ see vrájati. Addenda: *vrajasthāna—: rather < avasthāna—. *vrajyati see vrájati Add2. vraścati see vr̥ścáti Add2. vrāṇá—2 see †;*āvrāṇa—.
12230 *vrāṇa— ‘sheep’. [Cf. úraṇa— and Pk. urāṇī— f. ‘ewe’ ~ Gk. —vrhn in polu/rrhn. — úrā—] Kho. bran ‘one year old ram’ BelvalkarVol 88, (Lor.) ‘two or three year old male oorial’.
12235 *ŚAK2 ‘go’. [In opt. śakyām, desid. śíkṣati2 (distinct from śaknṓti, śakḗma, śíkṣati1 BR) ‘provide’ < ‘drive, bring’ in gōtrā́ śíkṣan (Ge. ‘zuwenden’), urváśīm úpa śikṣāmi (Ge. ‘locke her’) RV.; śíkṣatē ‘moves’ in RV. 1, 28, 3. Cf. Av. sak— ‘to be past (of time)’, pairi—sak- ‘to last’, frasaxta— ‘dead’, Pahl. sažēd ‘passes, is fitting’ (J. C. W.). — See √ṣvaṣk] *śakna—, *śakyati; *ut—śakna—, *niḥśakna—. śáka—1 n. ‘dung’ AV. [~ *chaka—: śákr̥t—] *āmaśaka—. śaka—2 m. ‘a white—skinned tribe’ AVPariś. *śākarāja—. Addenda: *ŚAK2: connexion of MIA. NIA. words with such a root is doubtful; traditionally the cmpds. Pa. nissakka— m. ‘abl. case’, ōsakkati ‘draws back’, etc. seem to be associated with √sr̥p— poss. correctly. (J.C.W.) śákaṭa—: †;śakaṭin—.
12237 *śakati ‘is able’, pp. śakita— MBh. [Pres. st. ~ subj. śákat, opt. śakḗma RV. — √śak1] Si. haya—, he— ‘to be able’ SigGr ii 469: very doubt- ful.
12238 *śakana— ‘dung’. [~ *chakana—; — Cf. Par. sagō̤n < Ir. *sakana— IIFL i 287. — śákr̥t—] Ash. ga—sā̃ ‘cowdung’; Kt. ċū̃ ‘dung of horses or cows’; Pr. zõ; ‘cowdung’; Paš. šāṅgan m. ‘dung of horses or cows’; — M. śeṇ n. ‘cowdung’, Ko. śeṇa or < *chakana—. *śakanapānīnīya—, *śakanākara—.
12239 *śakanapānīya— ‘cowdung and water’. [*śakana—, pānı̄́ya—] M. śeṇvaṇī n. ‘thin cowdung wash’ or < *chakana- pānīya—.
12240 *śakanākara— ‘heap of dung’. [*śakana—, ākara—] M. śeṇārā m. ‘pile of cowdung cakes plastered over with cowdung and earth’ or < *chakanākara—. śákara—1 ‘fragment’ see śákala—.
12241 *śakara—2 ‘dung’. [~ *chakara—. — śákr̥t—] P. sār f. ‘manure’; — M. śer f. ‘bird dung’, śerṇẽ ‘to void dung (of birds)’ or < *chakara—. — Kho. šargū ‘horse dung’ (— ← e.g. Gaw. < gūtha—??); Sh. šărgū f. ‘dung (of cow, horse, donkey)’: doubtful. *śākara—; *śakarakūṭa—.
12242 *śakarakūṭa— ‘heap of dung’. [*śakara—2, kūṭa2] L. sarūṛ m. ‘stack of dried cowdung cakes’.
12254 *śakyati ‘goes’. [Altern. MIA. pres. st. from pp. *śakna— (~ Av. —saxta—). See √*śak2] Pa. sakkati ‘goes’, Pk. sakkaï; Ku. sakīṇo ‘to be exhausted, succumb’; N. saknu, sakinu ‘to be finished’ (or poss. < śaknṓti semant. cf. bhiyāunu s.v. vída- dhāti). Addenda: *śakyati: doubtful — MIA. verbs exist only in cmpd.; NIA. perh. conn. *sikka—. (J.C.W.)
12266 *śaṅkhahanu— ‘temple and chin’. [śaṅkha—2, hánu2—] K. hangunu m. ‘the temple, curl of hair on the temple’, hŏngañ f., hŏngunu m. ‘chin’. śaṅkhinī— see śāṅkhika—. ŚAṬ1 ‘fall off, disintegrate, be destroyed, be de- pressed, be ill’. [Based on MIA. *śaṭa— < *śr̥ta— ~ śīrṇá—. Replaced √*śā (śı̄́yatē; śāta— ‘weak, thin’ Hariv., m. ‘falling off’ Suśr.; śātayati ‘fells’ MBh.) in śāta— → *śāṭa—. Replaced √śad1 in parṇaśadá— m. AV. ~ Pa. paṇṇa—saṭa— after collision of √*śā and √śad1 (fut. śátsyati AV. ~ śāta—; √śadśātanē’ Dhātup., pres. śı̄́yatē, caus. śātáyati Gr. (J. C. W.)] *śaṭa—, śáṭati1, śāṭa—2, *śāṭayati1. ŚAṬ2 ‘go’. [Same as √śaṭ1? Replaces √*śā in mng. ‘go away’ (ápaśātayati ‘drives away’ AV.). Replaces also √śad1 in same sense (śādayati ‘drives cattle’ Pāṇ.com., āśadati ‘goes’ Vop., Pk. satta— ‘gone away’). For extension of √śaṭ to other senses of śāt—/śā̆d—, cf. replacement of √śad2 ‘be proud’ RV. by √śaṭ3 (śāṭa- yatē, śā́ḍatē ‘praises’ Dhātup. (J. C. W.)] śaṭati2, *śāṭayati2.
12267 *śaṭa— ‘falling, rotting’. [~ parṇa—śadá— m. ‘falling of leaves’ AV. — √śaṭ1] Pa. paṇṇa—saṭa— m. ‘heap of fallen leaves’; G. saṛɔ m. ‘putrefaction’.
12270 *śaṭṭa— ‘defective’. 2. śaṭha— (and *śaḍa—) ‘deceitful’ Āpast., ‘cheat, fool, idler’ W. 3. śaṇṭhá—1 m. ‘rogue, fool’ lex., ‘impotent’ Uṇādis. 4. *śaṇṭhara—. 5. ṣaṇḍhá—, v.ll. śa°, sa°, ṣaṇḍa3, śa° m. ‘eunuch’ Gr̥Śr., °aka— m. MBh., ṣaṇḍhī— f. ‘woman without menstrual periods or breasts’. [Poss. connexions in Mu. PMWS 80. — In words containing a sibillant it is impossible to determine whether the NIA. forms with unaspirated retroflex represent an original aspirate or not: the aspirate and unaspirated forms are therefore grouped together, although the presumption from similar ‘de- fective’ word—groups is that the two series existed in this group also. — Cf. the group *śuḍa— (śuṇṭhá—, *śuṇḍha—, *śūḍha2, *śōṭṭha1, *śōṭha1, *śōṇṭha—, *śō- ruṇḍa—, śōla—) and similar groups s.vv. kuṇṭha—, *ṭuṇṭa—2, *naṭṭa—, baṇḍá—, *bukka—4, *maṭṭa—, *rakka—, *lakka—1, vaṇṭa2. — Cf. *śaṇṭha2 ‘lump’] 1. K. haṭun ‘to become lean’, hüṭü f. ‘that which has become thin, stick, (at end of cmpds.) dried up’. 2. Pa. saṭha— ‘crafty, fraudulent’, saṭhatā— f. ‘fraud’; S. saṛhu ‘fallen and stretched out (of a sluggard)’; L. saṛh ‘obstinate (of animals)’; B. śaṛa ‘thin, small, minute’; Or. saṛha, saṛa ‘secret consultation’; G. saḍh ‘stupid, bewildered, stiff, motionless’; M. śaḍh ‘knavish, vile, mean’, saḍ m. ‘stump of sugar—cane etc.’ (or < *chaṭa—), saḍā ‘bare, void, standing alone (as a person unmarried)’; Si. saḷa, sala ‘deceit’ (rather than < chala—); — H. sallo f. ‘silly woman’ < *saṛhlo? 3. Pk. saṁṭha— ‘knavish, deceitful’; K. hanḍun ‘to show signs of slight wear’, hanḍama ‘stupid’; G. sā̃ṭhɔ m. ‘stalk, reed’; — K. hõdotdot;ṭhü ‘(of women or animals) barren’ (ṭh?). 4. Kho. (Lor.) šondor ‘having front teeth fallen out’ (= ṇḍ?); K. hanḍuru m. ‘dried and withered rice- straw standing barren in the field’. 5. NiDoc. śaṁḍa ‘epithet of horse (castrated?)’ Burrow KharDoc 124; Pk. saṁḍha— m. ‘eunuch’; K. honḍu m. ‘large fat ram’; S. saṇḍhi f. adj. ‘barren’; L. saṇḍh, saḍḍh, pl. °ḍhı̄̃ ‘barren (of women and animals)’, awāṇ. saḍḍh; P. saṇḍh ‘barren’, saṇḍhī f. ‘a large and powerful woman’, saṇḍhā m. ‘male buffalo’ (see also s.v. sā́ṇḍa—); WPah.bhal. śànn f., (Joshi) śā̃ḍ f. ‘barren cow or buffalo’; N. saṇḍo ‘stout and strong’; Or. saṇḍha, °ḍa, saṇḍhā, °ḍā ‘stout and strong, (of a tree) unfruitful from luxuriant growth, (of woman) in- capable of conception, (of man) too corpulent for sexual relations’; M. sãḍā ‘tall and strong’; Si. saṇḍa ‘eunuch’. *śaṭhāṅgaka—; *ṣaṇḍharūpa—. śaṭha— see prec.
12271 *śaṭhāṅgaka— ‘having a thin body’. [śaṭha—, áṅga1] B. śaṛaṅgā, °ṛiṅgā ‘thin and long, tall and slender’. *śaḍa— ‘defective’ see *śaṭṭa—.
12273 *śaṇakāṣṭha— ‘hemp stalk’. [śaṇá—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. sanāṭhī, sanaiṭhā ‘stalk of hemp’, Mth. san- sanāṭhī.
12277 *śaṇṭha—2 ‘lump’. [See *śuṇṭha2. — Cf. śaṇṭhá1 ‘defective’ s.v. *śaṭṭa—] P. saṇḍhā m. ‘bubo’. *śaṇṭhara—, śaṇḍha— ‘defective’ see *śaṭṭa—.
12284 *śatambhara— ‘full hundred’. [śatá—, bhára—] M. śẽbhar ‘hundred’, Ko. śembhari, śembor.
12287a *śadati ‘falls’ (fut. śatsyati AV., aor. aśadat Gr.). [√śad] Si. senavā, he° ‘to fall’ (or < śı̄́yatē or śīryátē or cyávatē).
12299 *śabdapātha— ‘limit of a shout’. [Cf. vākpatha— m. ‘range of speech’ Śiś., śrutipatha— m. ‘range of hearing’ MBh., and L. cmpd. saḍḍ—pandh ‘limit of a shout’. - śabda—, pāthá—] L. sadvāh, mult. saḍvāh, (Ju.) saḍ̱vāh m. ‘distance a man's voice carries’.
12302 *śamati ‘is allayed’ (aśamat ŚBr., praśamēt R., śamana— n. Kauś.) [√śam1] Pa. samana— n. ‘suppression’; Pk. samaï ‘is allayed, is destroyed’; K. hamun ‘to be extinguished’; G. samvũ ‘to be calm, disappear (of a tumour), become motionless and dead to all appearance, be extin- guished’.
12304 *śamala— ‘peaceful’. [śáma—] N. saũlo, saṅlo ‘clear (of liquids)’?
12312 *śambakāṣṭha— ‘pestle wood’. [śámba—, kāṣṭhá—] Bi. samāṭh, °mā̃ṭh ‘peg in the beam of the husking machine which acts as a pestle’; Mth. samāṭh ‘pestle for crushing bricks’. — Sh. (Lor.) *lmvt ‘wooden lever, crowbar’ (if for *šamuṭh: but very doubtful).
12318 *śamyākīla— ‘yoke—pin’. 2. *śamiyākīla—. [śámyā—, kīla1] 1. Bi. samailā ‘inner pins joining the two bars of the yoke of a plough’; Mth. samail ‘pin of a yoke’; G. sāmel, sā̃bel f. ‘iron nail fixed at each end of a yoke’ (< —kīlla—) J. Bloch BSOS viii 413. 2. N. soilo ‘yoke—pin, any wooden pin, door—hinge made of withies’; Or. saïḷa, saüḷa, saaḷa ‘pin at end of yoke of plough’; Bi. sail, °lā ‘outer pin joining the two bars of yoke, tiller of rudder’; M. śivā̆ḷ, °vīḷ, °vūḷ f. ‘peg connecting two members of yoke and confining it to animal's neck’, Ko. savīḷ f.; — M. śelẽ n. ‘thill—yoke’ < —kīlla—? — The forms of N. Or. Bi. H. have perh. collided with śákala—.
12320 *śamyābhara— ‘holding the yoke—pins’. [Cf. Wkh. sƏmvә́r ‘yoke’ < *samibara— IIFL ii 540. — śámyā—, bhára—] Kho. šamargunu ‘strap joining yoke—pins under the necks of plough—oxen’.
12321 *śamyāyuga— ‘pin and yoke’. [Cf. yugaśamyá— n. ‘yoke with its pin’ ŚBr. — śámyā—, yugá—] WPah.roh. śamāı̃o ‘yoke (on plough)’, jaun. śamāī ‘yoke’; Bi. samaiyā ‘inner pins joining the two bars of yoke of plough’. Addenda: *śamyāyuga—: WPah.kṭg. śƏmeı̃, mƏśe/i f., kc. śƏmɔı̃o m. ‘yoke (of the plough)’, — rather ext. of śámyā- Him.I 205.
12322 *śamyēṣā— ‘yoke—pin’? [śámyā—, īṣā́—] Sh. (Lor.) šamēṣ, pl. šamīẓe ‘yoke—pin’ (→ Bur. š*lme/&middot;y → Ḍ. š*lmeg m.). śaya— in cmpds. ‘living in’ R. [√śī] *tantraśaya—.
12328 *śarati ‘is broken, falls’. 2. *śalati2. [Inf. śárītōḥ RV., aor. aśarīt AV., śīryatē ‘is broken’ RV., ‘falls off’ MBh. — √śr̥̄] 1. Pa. sarati ‘crushes’, saritaka— n. ‘powdered stone’; KharI. śariat́i ‘is broken’; Kt. ċär— ‘to break’, tal—ċeri ‘shingle’ NTS xiii 228; Chil. Gau. šar— ‘to break’; K. (incl. vill.) harun ‘to fall’. 2. G. saḷvũ ‘to rot’, saḷɔ m. ‘rottenness’.
12340 *śaryārūpa— ‘porcupine’. [śaryā—, rūpá—] B. sajāru, sā̃jāru, sẽjāru ‘porcupine’ (ODBL 370 < *śalyarūpa—), Or. sajāru.
12341 *śarva— ‘horned animal’. [Cf. Lat. cervus WP 406: suggested as a possibility by G. Morgenstierne in NTS xiii 228] Ash. ‘the mountain goat or markhor’, Wg. ċöw, ċō̤ (the other Dardic names derive from śarabhá1). - Altern. < *śrauva— s.v. *śrū—.
12345 *śalakka— ‘grasshopper’. 2. *śalaṅka—. [śalaka— m. ‘spider’ lex. — Cf. śalabhá2] 1. Dm. šalak ‘grasshopper’, Shum. šäläk, Gaw. šalak, šalōk, Kho. šalák, Sv. šalakō, Phal. šālaka m. - With gōdhā́—: Kal. šalaka—gok ‘varanus lizard’; Kho. šalagū́ ‘large lizard’ (< *šalak—gū? — → Yid. šalāku ‘lizard (?), centipede (?)’ IIFL ii 252). 2. Paš.weg. salā́ṅ ‘grasshopper’. *śalaṅka— ‘grasshopper’ see prec.
12355 *śalyaśaṅku— ‘spiked stick’. [śalyá—, śaṅkú1] P. salhaṅg, °gā m., salaṅgh f., °ghā m. ‘small pitch- fork’. śallaka— see śályaka—.
12358 *śaśakarūpa— ‘hare’. [śaśá—, rūpá—] MB. śaśāru ‘hare’ ODBL 697.
12372 *śākara— ‘made of dung’. [*śakara2] M. sāraviṇẽ ‘to smear with cowdung’ or < *chā- kara—.
12373 *śākarāja— ‘Śaka—era year’. [Cf. śākēndra— ‘a year of the king of the Śakas’ inscr., śāka— m.n. ‘Śaka era, any era’; Pa. sakarāja— n. ‘year of various Burmese eras’. — śaka—2, rā́jan—] OSi. (Brāhmī inscr.) havajara ‘year’, later inscr. havurud, Si. avurudda, äviridda H. Smith JA 1950, 187 without explaining the earlier order of the sounds; — poss. < saṁvatsará—.
12374 *śākavanya— ‘teak forest’. 2. *sāgguvanya—. [śāka1 and *sāggu—, vanya—] 1. M. sāyvān n. ‘teak forest’. 2. P. sāgūn m. ‘teak’, N. sagwān, sāgun, Or. sāguāna, °āṇi (——?), H. sāgū̆n, °gaun, °gon m., sāgwān f., G. sāgvān m.; M. sāgvān m. ‘teak forest, teak tree’. — See *sarjavana—. *śākin— ‘vegetable grower’ see śāka2. śākinī— see ḍākínī—. śākiya— see śākya—.
12382 *śāṭa—2 ‘falling, rotting’. [~ śāta— m. ‘falling out, decaying (of hair, nails, &c.)’ Suśr. — See √śaṭ] Pk. sāḍa— m. ‘rotting’; L. sāṛ, sāṛā m. ‘burning, a burn, heat, anguish, envy’, awāṇ. sāṛ ‘burnt thing’.
12383 *śāṭayati1 ‘makes fall, makes disintegrate’. [~ śāta- yati. — See √śaṭ1] Pk. sāḍēi ‘makes rot, destroys’; S. sāṛaṇu ‘to make rot’; L. sāṛaṇ tr. ‘to burn, cremate, scold’, awāṇ. sāṛuṇ ‘to burn’; P. sāṛnā tr. ‘to rot, burn’; Si. heḷanavā ‘to let fall, throw, throw away’. *śāṭayati2 ‘drives’ see śaṭati2. śāḍvala— see śādvalá—. Addenda: *śāṭayati1: Si. heḷanavā semant. rather < *śāṭayati2, but more prob. < chárdati Add2. †;*śāṭṭa—, †;*śāṭha— see śāṭa1.
12386 *śātra— ‘instrument for whetting’. [√śō1] Dm. Kho. šār ‘file, rasp’ (< *śātara—: phonet. cf. śvātrá—). śā́da—1 ‘young grass’ see śādvalá—. śāda—2 ‘falling’ see *śāṭa2. śādayati see *śāṭayati2 s.v. śaṭati2.
12389 *śānayati ‘whets’, śānita— ‘whetted’ Subhāṣ., śāṇita- lex. [śāna—] Pk. sāṇaïa— ‘whetted’, sāṇijjadi ‘is whetted’; A. xanāiba ‘to whet’, B. sānā, Or. sāṇibā, H. sānnā.
12392 *śānya— ‘to be whetted’. [śānīya— Pat. — śāna—] Si. san, han ‘blunt’.
12410 *śārṅgala— ‘horned’. [śārṅga—] Paš.lauṛ. ṣaṅgala ‘a small horn’; K. hā̃gul m. ‘the stag Cervus wallichii’.
12418 *śāśarīti ‘satisfies’. [Cf. Pers. sēr ‘satisfied’, Gk. ko/ros ‘satisfaction’, Lith. šérti ‘to feed’ < IE. *k̂er— (WP i 408) G. Morgenstierne NTS xiii 229] Kal. (← Kaf.) ċaċīr— ‘to satisfy’? ŚĀS ‘order, punish’: śā́sati, sā́sana—, śāstrá—, śāsyatē, śiṣṭá—2, śiṣṭi—2, śíṣya—; āśás—, āśiṣ—, pra- tiśāsana—.
12421 *śāsanadhārin— ‘bearer of an order’. [Cf. śāsana- dhara— m. ‘messenger’ Subhāṣ. — śā́sana—, dhārin—] Si. asunhäri ‘messenger’.
12425 *śiṁśapātaila— ‘oil from the wood of Dalbergia sissoo’. [śiṁśápā—, tailá—] M. śı̃svel, śı̃svyel n. ‘id.’ śiṁśuka— see śiṁśumā́ra—.
12428 *śikyadhara—, cf. śikyādhāra— (~ śikyā—dhr̥ta— Nīlak.) m. ‘hook at the end of the pole which carries the looped cord for holding the strings of a balance’ W. [śikyà—, dhara—] Bi. Mth. sikahar ‘net for hanging up pots &c. in a house’. *śikyākāra— ‘shaped like a sling’ see prec. śikvá— see chēka—. ŚIKṢ ‘learn’: śikṣaṇa—, śíkṣatē, śikṣayati, śikṣya—.
13852 *sphr̥ta—1 ‘throbbing’. [Pp. of *spharati1. — √sphar1] Pa. phuṭa— ‘thrilled’ (~ phuṭa— ‘expanded’ < *sphr̥ta2?). *sphr̥ta—2 ‘swollen’ see sphuṭa—. sphēṭayati see *sphiṭati.
13858 *sphōṭyatē ‘is broken’. [√sphuṭ] Dm. phōṭū— tr. ‘to break’, Shum. phoṭṭay—, Gaw. phoṭa—, phuṭṭa—, Bshk. Phal. phoṭ—. sphyá— see *sphiyá—.
13872 *syālaputra— m. ‘wife's brother's son’. [syālá—, putrá1] S. sālāṭru m. ‘id.’— Perh. rather a S. formation after sālāju m. ‘id.’ (shortened from *sālia j̄āo?).
13873 *syālabhāryā— f. ‘wife's brother's wife’. [syālá—, bhārya—] L.awāṇ. salhāj ‘wife's brother's wife’, poṭh. silehāj f., Bhoj. sarhaj, sarhājī, H. salaj, sarhaj f.
13874 *syālīpati— m. ‘wife's sister's husband’. [syālī—, páti—] K. söjiwa, sôjuv m. ‘wife's sister's husband’.
13875 *syālīvōḍhr̥— m. ‘wife's sister's husband’. [syālī—, vṓḍhr̥— LM 418: if so, all modern forms derive from a shortened *sā̆()ḍhu—] Phal. sāṇḍū ‘wife's sister's husband’ (← Ind. NOPhal 47), S. saṇḍhū m., L. sāṇḍhu m., awāṇ. sāḍhū, P. ()ḍhū m., Ku. sāṛū, N. sāṛ(h)u, Or. saṛ(h)u, H. sāṛ(h)ū m., G. sāḍ(h)u m., M. sāḍ(h)ū m. — Deriv.: S. māsaṛu m. ‘mother's sister's husband’. Addenda: *syālīvōḍhr̥—: Ko. sāḍḍūku ← Drav. Kan. saḍḍaga S. M. Katre. †;sráj— f. ‘garland’ RV. see *sarā2.
13879 *sraṁsala— ‘falling, falling asunder’. [Cf. asthi- sraṁsá— ‘causing the bones to fall asunder’ AV. - √sraṁs] Ku. sā̃sal ‘landslip, place of landslips and cracks, crack, flaw, hole’ (cf. *srastra—). srákva— see sŕ̥kvan—.
13884 *srastra— ‘avalanche’. [√sraṁs] Kal.rumb. sastr ‘avalanche’ (cf. *sraṁsala—). srāva— m. ‘flow, morbid flow’ MBh., ‘miscarriage’ Yājñ. [√sru] garbhasrāva—.
13891 *srōtra— ‘stream’. [√sru] Pk. sotta—, sutta— n. ‘stream, river’, sottī— f.; Ku. sot ‘spring of water’; Bi. sotā, (Shahabad) sot, suttī ‘spring of a well’, Mth. sot; Bhoj. sot, sotā ‘fountain, spring’; Aw.lakh sōt ‘stream’; H. sot m.f., sotā m. ‘stream, channel, spring’, sotī f. ‘rill, small spring, pool formed by overflow from a river’; — altern. < srṓtas—: Si. soya, hoya, oya ‘stream’, Md. oi. *srōtrapr̥ṣṭha—. Addenda: *srōtra—: A. sõ;t (phonet. x—) ‘stream’ AFD 223.
13892 *srōtrapr̥ṣṭha— ‘back in a stream’. [*srōtra—, pr̥ṣṭhá—] Si. ōviṭa ‘low flat land by a river’.
13895 *svakuliya—, svakulya— ‘of one's own family’ Rājat. [svá—, kúla—] Kt. sulī ‘friend, comrade’, Wg. sō̤lı̄́, Pr. sō̤lü, °lṳ̄ (NTS xv 270 < *svakulīya—). svakulya— see prec.
13896a *svakya— ‘of one's own family’. [~ *svagya—. — Cf. svakīya— MBh. — svaka—, svá—] Ap. sakka— ‘one's own’; S. sako m. ‘kinsman’; L. sakkā ‘born of the same parents’, m. ‘kinsman, relation by marriage’, awāṇ. sakkā ‘related by blood’; P. sakkā, sakā ‘of full blood relationship’; Ku. sā̃k ‘related by blood’; — K. sakh ‘of full blood relationship’, N. sākh, emph. sākkhai. *svākya—. svakṣa— see *suvakṣa—. Addenda: *svakya—: WPah.kṭg. sɔ́kkɔ ‘consanguineous’ prob. ← P. Him.I 211.
13896b *svagya— ‘of one's own family’. [~ *svakya—. — Cf. ásvaga— (~ asvaka—) ‘without kin (?)’ AV. der. *svaga— ~ svaka—. — svá—] Ap. sagga— ‘one's own’; S. sago ‘born of the same parents’; P. sagg ‘of full blood relationship’, H. saggā, sagā; OG. sagaü m. ‘kinsman’, G. sagũ ‘related by blood’, sāgvũ n. ‘relatives’; M. sagā ‘of full blood relationship’.
13898 *svajanaputra— ‘kinsman's son’. [svajana—, putrá1] S. seṇoṭru m. ‘son—in—law's or daughter—in—law's brother’. SVAD ‘relish’: svadana—, svāda—, svādú—.
13911 *svarghaka— ‘cheap’. [arghá—] K. srọ̆gu, sọ̆gu ‘cheap’ AO xix 94, but sr— perh. from drọ̆gu ‘dear’ see durargha—. svarji— see sarji—. svalpaká— see *suvalpaka—.
13914 *svasr̥putra— ‘sister's child’. [svásr̥—, putrá1] Gaw. sāsula ‘woman's sister's son’, sasulī ‘her daughter’. SVASK see √ṣvaṣk.
13919 *svākya— ‘kinship’. [*svakya—, svaka—. — svá—] L. sāk m. ‘relationship, connexion by marriage’; P. sāk m. ‘kinsman’. Addenda: *svākya— see †;sakhyá—.
13929 *svāpra— ‘sleep’. [Cf. Lat. sopor. — √svap1] Paš.ar. plōwo, plābõ;, kuṛ. lau ‘dream’ (IIFL iii 3, 142 < *svapra—); Shum. lau ‘sleep’, Gaw. lā̆p (→ Sv. lap NOPhal 41); Sh.gil. sā̃c̣u̯ f. (Lor. m.) ‘dream’, gur. sāc̣u̯ m., koh. sāṣu̯ m.
13932a *svitta— ‘sweating’. [~ svinná—. — √svid] Ext. —r— in H. sittarī, sitrī f. ‘sweat’. SVID ‘sweat’: *svitta—, svidyati, svinná—, svḗda—, svēdayati; *āsvēda—, *utsvēda—, *prasvitta—, *pra- svidana—, *prasvidyati, prasvinna—, prasvēda—, pra- svēdana—; — *sēkk—.
13941 *hakkārayati ‘calls’. [hakkāra—] Pk. hakkārēi, °raï ‘calls’, K.kash. hakārun; L. hakāraṇ ‘to scare birds’; N. hakārnu ‘to scold, threaten’; B. hā̃kārā ‘to call loudly, challenge’; Or. hakāribā ‘to call for, summon’; H. hãkārnā, hãkāl° ‘to call out’; G. hakārvũ ‘to drive’, hāk° ‘to summon’; M. hākārṇẽ ‘to call’.
13942 *haṭ— ‘move or exclaim violently’. [Cf. háṭati ‘is excited’ Dhātup., haṭha1 m. ‘violence’ R., háṭhati ‘is violent’ Dhātup., Pa. haṭha— m., Pk. haḍha— m.; - *haṭṭ—, *haṭṭakk—?] G. haṛ—haṛ ‘exclamation to drive animals away’; - ext. —kk—: S. haṛkijaṇu ‘to be rabid (of dogs, &c.)’; N. karkinu ‘to be frightened, be scattered (of animals)’, caus. harkāunu; H. haṛaknā ‘to fret, be driven away’, haṛkānā ‘to drive away’; M. haḍakṇẽ ‘to give a smart blow’; — —s—: G. haṛselvũ ‘to push violently’; M. haḍasṇẽ ‘to drag violently’.
13943 *haṭṭ— ‘move’. 2. *haṭṭh—. 3. *haṇṭ—1. 4. *haṇṭh—1. 5. *haṇḍ—. 6. *hant—. [Cf. áṇṭhatē ‘goes’ Dhātup.; - *hiṭṭ—, √hiṇḍ] 1. K. haṭun ‘to move out of the way, fall back, become lean’; S. haṭaṇu ‘to move back or out of the way’, L. haṭaṇ, P. haṭṇā (bhaṭ. ‘to turn’); WPah.cam. haṭṇā ‘to turn’, (Joshi) hāṭṇu ‘to be off, return’; Ku. haṭṇo ‘to get out of the way’; N. haṭnu ‘to withdraw’; A. haṭiba ‘to get out of the way’, B. haṭā; Or. haṭibā ‘to retreat’; Mth. haṭab ‘to move out of the way’, H. haṭnā, M. haṭṇẽ. 2. B. haṭhā ‘to move out of the way’, G. haṭhvũ. 3. D. hanina ‘to go about, proceed’; P.bhaṭ. haṇḍṇā ‘to walk’; WPah.pāḍ. haṇḍaṇ ‘to flow’, jaun. hā̃ḍṇõmacr; ‘to walk’, (Joshi) hā̃ḍ f. ‘a walk’; B. hā̃ṭā ‘to walk’; Or. hāṇṭibā ‘to travel’. 4. P. haṇḍhṇā ‘to walk’, WPah.bhal. haṇṭhṇū, cur. haṇṭhṇā, paṅ. haṇṭhā pret. 5. H. hā̃ḍnā ‘to wander’, hãḍānā ‘to drive away’; G. hā̃ḍvũ ‘to walk’. 6. P.kgr. handṇā ‘to trudge on foot’. *apahaṭṭ—, *prahaṭṭ—. Addenda: *haṭṭ—. 1. WPah.kṭg. (kc.) hɔ́ṭṇõ; ‘to retire, return’, kc. caus. hƏṭauṇo ‘cause to return, remove’. 3. *haṇṭ—1: WPah.kṭg. (kc.) hàṇḍṇõ; ‘to walk’, Wkc. caus. hƏṇḍeuṇo.
13945 *haṭṭakk— ‘stop’. S. haṭkaṇu ‘to hesitate’; L. haṭkaṇ ‘to hinder, forbid’; P. haṭkaṇā ‘to hinder’; Ku. haṭkoṇo ‘to hinder, prevent, dissuade’; N. haṛkanu ‘to oppose, object to’; H. haṭaknā ‘to stop’; M. haṭakṇẽ ‘to defy’.
13946 *haṭṭavāṇija— ‘shopkeeper’. [haṭṭa—, vāṇija—] WPah.paṅ. haṭwāṇī ‘shopkeeper’. *haṭṭh— ‘move’ see *haṭṭ—. haṭha—1 ‘violence’ see *haṭ—.
13948 *haḍappha— ‘vessel’. [Cf. *hāṇḍa—] Pk. haḍappha—, haḍappa— m. ‘vessel’; Ku. haṛpiyo ‘deep wooden vessel’; N. harpe ‘wooden vessel for ghee’; H. harphā m. ‘wooden hut to keep cut grass and chaff in’; G. haṛphɔ m. ‘a chest’, M. haḍpā m.
13949 *haḍabaḍa— ‘confusion’. P. haṛbaṛī f. ‘haste’, Ku. haṛibaṛi, haṛbaṛ; N. haṛbaṛ ‘confusion’, B. haṛbaṛi, Or. haṛabaṛa, Mth. H. haṛbaṛī f.; M. haḍbaḍ f. ‘hurry’; — S. haṛbaṛāiṇu ‘to hurry’, P. haṛbaṛāuṇā; N. haṛbaṛāunu ‘to be bewildered, to bewilder’; B. haṛbaṛāna ‘to be startled’, Or. haṛa- baṛāibā; H. haṛbaṛānā ‘to hurry’; G. haṛbaṛvũ, harbaṛvũ ‘to be frightened’, caus. haṛbaṛāvvũ, harb°; M. haḍbaḍṇẽ ‘to hurry’, caus. haḍbaḍāviṇẽ.
13950 *haḍā— ‘knot’. S. haṛa f. ‘knot in a corner of a cloth’; N. hareri ‘knot on either side of a porter's head—rope, knot in the cord of a wallet’.
13954 *haṇṭ—2 ‘wear, wear out, last’. 2. *haṇṭh—2. 1. K. hanḍun ‘to be worn’ (rather than < śaṇṭhá1); S. haṇḍaṇu ‘to wear, continue, last’, haṇḍāiṇu ‘to bring into use’, haṇḍiṇo ‘durable’; L. haṇḍaṇ ‘to be worn’. 2. L. haḍḍhaṇ, mult. haṇḍhaṇ ‘to be worn, get old’, caus. haḍḍhāvaṇ, haṇḍhāvaṇ; P. haṇḍhṇā ‘to be old, have great experience’, hãḍhāuṇā ‘to wear out (clothes), have (a woman) as mistress for a long time’. *haṇṭh—1 ‘move’ see *haṭṭ—. *haṇṭh—2 ‘wear out’ see *haṇṭ2. *haṇḍ— ‘move’ see *haṭṭ—. haṇḍā— see haḍḍika—. haṇḍikā— see *haṇḍa—.
13957 *hattha— ‘hasty’. Pk. hattha— ‘quick, hasty’; N. hatta—patta ‘in haste’, hatār ‘haste’, hatāso ‘trepidation, hurry’.
13959 *hatyākāraka— ‘killer’. [hatyā—, kāra1] S. hacāro m. ‘murderer’. HAD ‘defecate’: hádati, *hadas—, *hadyati, hanna—; *ud—hadati, *upahadati.
13961 *hadas— ‘anus’. [Cf. Av. zadah— n. Rep2 66. - √had] Pr. zúlu ‘vulva’. *hadyati ‘defecates’ see hádati. HAN1 ‘strike, kill’: ghaná—1, ghāta—, ghā́tana—, ghātayati, ghāti—1, *ghāna—1, jáṅghanti, —han—2, hatá—, hati—, hatyā—, hana—, hánati, hanana—, hanu—1, hantavya—, hántr̥—, *hānayati; apahantr̥—, avaghāta—, *avaghātana—, ávaghātayati, *āhana—, ā́hanti, *udghata—, udghāta—, udghātana—, *udghāt- ayati, úddhata—, úddhanti, *uddhānayati, *upa- hanaka—, *nighātana—, nighāti—, níhanti, parighá—, parighāta—, paligha—, vighna—, *vihana—, saṁghá—, saṁghātá—, saṁghātayati, sāṁghika—; — √hiṁs. —hán—2 in cmpds. ‘killing’. [√han1] matsyahán—. *HAN3 ‘swell’. [IE. *gwhen IEW 491] ghaná—2, *ghāna—2; *nirjahāti.
13970 *handha— ‘place, house’. Kal.rumb. han (st. hā̆nd—) ‘house, temple of Jeṣṭak’, urt. ɔ̄n ‘house’; S. handhu m. ‘place, abode, bed, bedding’ (→ Bal. hand ‘place, dwelling’). hanna— see hádati.
13971 *happ— ‘sudden movement’. Ku. hapkauṇo ‘to devour’; N. hap—hap khānu ‘to gobble’; H. hap m. ‘snatching’, hapaknā ‘to gobble’, hāpar m. ‘a great eater’, haprānā ‘to munch’; M. hapkā m. ‘smart dash of water’, hapaṭṇẽ ‘to dash against’. *happh— ‘pant’ see *hamph—.
13972 *habba— ‘defective’. [The group of defective words with initial h— show the same variation of vowel (i, ē ~ u, ō, except in *habba—) and of interior consonant as the similar groups beginning with other consonants; see *bukka4 for a list of such groups. But they are less widely spread in NIA. — Cf. *hiṅga— (*hēṅga—, *hōkkha—, *hōgga—), *hijja2 (*hējja, *hēñja—, *hucca—, *hōccha—), *hiḍḍa— (*huḍḍa—, huṇḍa2), *hēndara—, *hōppa— (*humma—), *hulla—2, *hussa—] A. hābāṅ ‘stupid’; Or. hābā, habāṛi ‘dumb, stupid’; H. habṛā ‘clumsy, ill—shaped’.
13973 *hamph— ‘pant’. 2. *happh—. 1. Ku. hā̃pṇo ‘to pant’, N. hā̃pnu, B. hā̃pāna, Or. hā̃pibā (hāmpaṇa ‘winnowing fan’); Bhoj. hā̃phī ‘deep breathing’; Aw.lakh. hā̃phab ‘to pant’, H. hā̃phnā, hā̃pnā, G. hā̃phvũ, ā̃phvũ; M. hā̃pā m. ‘panting’. 2. P. haphṇā ‘to pant’ (whence hāphū m. ‘sufferer from asthma’), Ku. hāpṇo, H. hāpnā, haph—haphānā;- S. huphaṇu. hambhā— f. ‘lowing’ MBh. hambhārava—.
13978 *hayanavāra— ‘winter—time’. [hayana—1, vāra2] Kt. zewōr ‘winter’. hara— in cmpds. ‘removing, destroying’, m. ‘name of Śiva’ ĀśvGr̥. [√hr̥] maśakaharī—, *sarpaharaka—.
13986 *haritara— ‘rather or very green’. [hári—] P. haryal ‘green’, m. ‘green pigeon’; Or. harrā ‘very green, verdant’; OAw. hariyara ‘greenish’; H. hariyar, harerā, harīrā, harīlā ‘green’, hirār ‘very green’ (or < *hiratara— s.v. *hiru—?).
13989 *haritr̥— ‘thief’. [~ hartr̥— m. ‘thief’ Yājñ.: cf. hārīta— m. MW. — √hr̥] Kal.urt. hä̃ŕı̄́r ‘thief’, rumb. hä́irua.
13996 *hariṣṭha— ‘very green’. [hári—] A. hāiṭhā, °ṭhak ‘green pigeon’ (phonet. cf. hāiṭhā s.v. ariṣṭa2)?
14001 *hala—2 ‘sudden movement, shaking’. [~ *halla—. - Cf. halahalaka— m. ‘eagerness’ Hcar., halahalā exclamation of applause MBh.? — √*hal] Pa. halāhala— n. ‘uproar’, Pk. halahala—, °laa— n.; M. haḷhāḷ f. ‘restlessness’; — N. halmāl ‘confusion’; G. haḷmaḷ ‘agitated’; — ext. —kk—: N. halakka ‘pro- fusely’; B. halkā ‘flash, heat’.
14002 *halaghara— ‘shed for plough’. [halá—1, ghara—] P.kgr. haler f. ‘small shed to keep plough in’.
14003 *halati ‘moves, shakes, bends over’. 2. Caus. *hālayati. [~ *hallati. — √*hal] 1. K. alun intr. ‘to shake’ (or < *hallati); L. haḷaṇ intr. ‘to move, shake’, awāṇ. haluṇ intr. ‘to move’, WN. halnu; A. haliba ‘to lean to one side’. — Redup.: Pk. halahalia— ‘shaken’; — ext. —kk—: Ku. halakṇo intr. ‘to move, stir, tremble’; H. halaknā intr. ‘to move’; G. haḷakvũ intr. ‘to hang, dangle’. 2. S. hāraṇu ‘to scatter, spill, pour out’; Ku. hālṇo ‘to throw, pour, place, spoil, destroy’; N. hālnu ‘to throw, throw in, pour, pour in, place in’. Addenda: *halati. 1. Md. aḷanī ‘moves’ in turuturu (see *thar—) aḷanī ‘shakes (intr.)’ — rather than ~ Md. hal(l)anī < cāláyati. 2. Caus.: Md. aḷanī ‘puts on, picks, builds, reaches’? — Md. aḷanī ‘casts down, pours, spreads’ < chárdati ~ Si. heḷanavā?
14004 *haladāti— ‘gift of plough’. [halá—1, dā́ti—] Bi. harāi ‘custom by which tenant lends landlord his plough and bullocks for two days each year’.
14005 *halaphāla— ‘ploughshare’. [halá—1, phā́la1] Paš. halwál f. ‘ploughshare’.
14006 *halayūna— ‘plough rope’. [halá—1, yūna—] Ku. halon (i.e. haḷon dissim. from *haḷoṇ?) ‘the leather strap tied to one yoke handle’, gng. h*lū̃ṛ̃ ‘rope for fastening plough to yoke’.
14007 *halalañja— ‘pole of a plough’. [halá—1, lañja2] Phal. halā̃ž ‘plough—beam’ (< *hal—lā̃ž), Gaw. halā̃z, K. aralānz m. — See halavaṁśa—.
14009 *halavāha— ‘ploughman’. [halá—1, vāhá—] Pk. halavāhaga— m. ‘ploughman’, P. halvāh, °hā m. (cf. hal vāhuṇā ‘to plough’), Bi. harwāh, °hā, Mth. harwāh, H. halwāhā m. Addenda: *halavāha— (cf. halavāhā— f. ‘a measure of land’ lex.): J. haḷbāī m. ‘ploughman’ — see also †;halabhr̥ti—. †;halavāhā— see †;halabhr̥ti—.
14011 *halasētra— ‘plough and rope’. [halá—1, sḗtra—] WPah.bhal. halheiṭḷ n. ‘whole apparatus of a plough’.
14012 *halasthin— ‘standing to the plough’. [For —sthin— cf. triṣṭhín—, paramēṣṭhín—. — halá1] Bi. harāthī ‘plough bullock’. hali— see halá1.
14015 *halōḍhi— ‘drawing the plough’. [halá—1, ūḍhi—] L. halohiṛ f. ‘ploughed land’.
14017 *halla— ‘movement’. [~ *hala2. — Cf. halahalā exclamation of applause MBh.? — √*hall] S. halo m., °lā̃ f. ‘attack’, L. hallā m.; P. Ku. N. B. Or. H. hallā m. ‘tumult, noise’; G. hallɔ m. ‘attack’, M. hallā m. — Various redup. forms: Pk. hallapphala- n. ‘confusion’; A. halphal ‘shaking, undulation’; - H. halbal, halbhal f. ‘confusion’, G. halbhal f.; — S. halcali f. ‘movement’, Ku. halcal, N. halla—calla, halcal; — N. halla—khalla ‘confusion’.
14018 *hallati intr. ‘moves, shakes’, hallana— n. ‘tossing about’ lex. [~ *halati. — See √*hall] Pk. hallaï intr. ‘moves’; K. alun intr. ‘to shake’ (or < *halati); S. halaṇu intr. ‘to move, shake’, P. hallṇā; WPah.bhal. hallhṇū intr. ‘to move’, (Joshi) hālṇu; N. hallinu intr. ‘to shake’; Or. halibā intr. ‘to move, shake’; Mth. halab tr. ‘to put in motion, strike’; H. hālnā intr. ‘to move, shake’, G. hālvũ, M. hālṇẽ; Ko. hāltā intr. ‘shakes, rocks’. — Redup. P. halhalāṭ f. ‘shaking’; Or. halhalibā intr. ‘to shake’; H. halhalā? ‘to shudder’; M. halhā̆lṇẽ ‘to tremble, flutter’. - Caus. Pk. hallāviya—; S. halāiṇu tr. ‘to shake’, P. halāuṇā, N. hallāunu, Or. halāibā; Mth. halāeb ‘to impel, drive away, forsake’; H. halānā tr. ‘to shake’, G. halāvvũ, M. hālaviṇẽ. Addenda: *hallati: WPah.poet. halṇo intr. ‘to shake, rock’; - Md. halanī ‘shakes’, hallanī ‘vacillates’ rather < cāláyati (~ Si. hälenavā).
14026 *hastakarman— ‘handicraft’. [Cf. hástakr̥ta— ‘made with hands’ AV. — hásta—, kárman1] Pa. Pk. hatthakamma— n. ‘manual work’; Si. attam—a ‘handicraft’ < *atyam.
14027 *hastakāra— ‘tool, weapon’. [See prec. — hásta—, kāra1] Pk. hatthiyāra— n. ‘weapon’, S. hathiāru m., L. hatheār m.; P. hathiār m. ‘tool, weapon, penis’; N. hatiyār ‘tool, weapon’; A. hatiyār ‘tool’, B. hātiyār; Or. hatiāra ‘tool, weapon’, Mth. H. hathiyār m.; OG. hathīāra n. ‘weapon’, G. hathiyār n.m. ‘tool’, M. hā̆tyār, °ter n. Addenda: *hastakāra—: perh. rather < †;*hastīkāra— sb. ‘taking in hand’ cf. hastīkarōti ‘hands over’ Mālatīm.; — hastēkaraṇa— n. ‘marrying (a woman)’ lex., hastēkarōti ‘takes possession of’ MW. poss. with ē ← MIA. hatthiyāra— by wrong sanskritization. Pk.mh. hatthiyāraṁ kar— ‘take up arms’; Garh. hatyār ‘weapon’, Md. hatiyāru pl. ← G.; — Pk. atthāra— m. ‘help’ Deśīn. < *hastakāra— or *hastadhāra— (hastadhāraṇā— f. ‘helping’ MBh.).
14028 *hastakūṭa— ‘hand hammer’. [hásta—, kū́ṭa1] Dm. ašteřā́ ‘hammer’, Paš. astƏṛṓ, L. hathôṛā m., P. hathauṛā, °thoṛā m., °ṛī f., Ku. hathauṛo, N. hothro, A. hāthuri, B. hātuṛi, °taṛi, Or. hātuṛā, (Sambhalpur) hā̃thaḷ, Bi. hathaurā, °rī, Bhoj. hathaur, H. hathauṛā m., °ṛī f. ‘small do.’, G. hathɔṛɔ, ath° m., hathɔṛī, ath° f., M. hatoḍā m., °ḍī f.
14030 *hastadhara— ‘handhold’. [hásta—, dhara—] Bi. hathhar ‘loop of string under which left hand is passed to hold carding machine steady’, Mth. hathrā.
14031 *hastapānīya— ‘water for the hand’. [hásta—, pānı̄́ya—] Mth. (h)athawānī ‘earthen pot in which potter keeps water for use while making pots’.
14032 *hastapāśa— ‘hand—rope’. [hásta—, pā́śa2] Bi. hãthwāsā, hathwā̃sā ‘rope—siding to a waggon, ropes holding bamboo supports of canopy on ekka’.
14033 *hastavāśī— ‘hand—axe’. [hásta—, vā́śī—] A. hātowāh ‘hatchet’.
14034 *hastavr̥tta— ‘set in motion by hand’. [Cf. hasta- vartam ‘to be turned by hand’ Bhaṭṭ. — hásta—, vr̥ttá—] Pa. hatthavaṭṭaka— ‘hand—cart’; Si. atväṭu ‘a kind of vehicle, toy—cart’.
14035 *hastavr̥tti— ‘use of the hands’. [hásta—, vr̥tti—] P. hathauṭī, hathoṭī f. ‘dexterity’; N. hatauṛi ‘method (of doing anything)’; Mth. hathauṭī ‘dex- terity’; H. hathauṭī, hatauṭī f. ‘skill’, adj. ‘skilful’; G. hathɔṭī, ath°, aṭh° f. ‘skill in a manual profession’.
14042 *hastirūpa— ‘having the form of an elephant’. [hastín—, rūpá—] Pa. hatthirūpaka— ‘toy—elephant’; M. hatrū̃, hatrūḍ n. ‘contemptuous term for elephant.’
14046 *hastyanīka— ‘elephant—array’. [hastín—, ánīka—] Pa. hatthānīka— n. ‘troop of war—elephants’; — Si. ätäniya ‘id.’ (EGS 17) prob. Si. cmpd. or ← Pa.
14048 *hasyatē impers. ‘one laughs’. [√has] Pa. hassati ‘laughs’ (collides with hassati ‘is glad’ < hŕ̥ṣyati), Pk. hassaï, Gy. eur. 3 sg. asel, pal. ḫázăr (—z—?), Ḍ. h*lsiná, Tor. has—, L. hassaṇ, (Ju.) hasaṇ, awāṇ. hassuṇ, P. hassṇā, ludh. hasnā, WPah.bhal. hasṇū, bhad. hasnū (pp. hassu), khaś. hessye pret. impers. ‘it was laughed’, rudh. hassuā, N. hā̃snu, A. hā̃hiba, B. hāsā, hā̃sā, H. hā̃snā, M. hā̃sṇẽ, Ko. hāstā. Addenda: *hasyatē: WPah.kṭg. hásṇõ;, kc. hɔsṇo, hasiṇo ‘to laugh’, caus. kṭg. (kc.) hƏsáuṇõ;, Wkc. hƏseuṇo. 2: †;*ujjihītē, †;*ujjhāpayati.
14050 *hāṇḍa— ‘pot’, haṇḍikā— f. ‘earthen pot’ Subh. [Cf. hāḍikā— f. ‘id.’ Kathārṇ. and *haḍappha—. — Con- nexion, if any, with bhāṇḍa1 not clear. — LM 427 compares Hsüan—Tsang's utakia—hanch'a (= *udaka- hāṇḍa), but this may be < *udaka—bhāṇḍa—] S. haṇḍī f. ‘pot’ (← Centre?), L. hāṇḍī f. ‘cooking pot’; P. hā̃ḍā m. ‘large cooking pot’; hā̃ḍī f. ‘smaller do.’; WPah.bhal. hāṇḍi f. ‘receptacle for oil in an oil- mill’, khaś. heṇḍū ‘kettle’, rudh. haṇḍū, marm. huṇḍū; Ku. hāno, hā̃ḍo m. ‘large earthen pot, head, brains’, hānī, hā̃ḍī ‘small pot’; N. hā̃ṛi ‘earthen cooking pot’ (whence hā̃ṛe ‘mumps’ believed to be cured by rubbing on pot—black), A. hāri; B. hā̃ṛā, °ṛi ‘cooking pot’, hā̃ṛal ‘hole, pit’ (semant. cf. kuṇḍá1); Or. haṇḍā, °ḍi ‘pot’, haṇḍalā ‘big brass pot’; Bi. hā̃ṛā ‘cavity in a sugar—mill’, (Patna) haṇḍā, hā̃ṛhā ‘large copper vessel for boiling rice in’; Bhoj. hā̃ṛī, hãṛiyā ‘earthen pot’; Aw.lakh. hā̃ṛī ‘vessel’; H. hā̃ḍ, hā̃ḍā m. ‘large cooking pot of earth or metal’, hā̃ḍī, hā̃ṛī, hãḍiyā, hãṛiyā f. ‘earthen cooking pot’; G. hā̃ḍɔ m. ‘large pot’, hā̃ḍī, hā̃ḍlī f., hā̃ḍlũ, hā̃llũ n. ‘pot’; M. haṇḍā m. ‘open—mouthed metal vessel’, hā̃ḍī, haṇḍī f. ‘small pot of earth or metal’, haṇḍẽ n. ‘general term for pot’; — ext. —kk—: Ku. hankiyā ‘potter, mumps’ (see N. above). *hāṇḍavāha—. Addenda: *hāṇḍa—: WPah.kc. haṇḍko m. ‘pot’, A. also hā̃ri ‘pot’ AFD 225, 234.
14051 *hāṇḍavāha— ‘pot—carrier’. [*hāṇḍa—, vāhá—] Bi. hãṛawāy ‘bag carried by bullocks in which drivers put their luggage’.
14054 *hānayati ‘causes to be hit or killed’. [√han1] Ku. hāṇṇo ‘to strike’, N. hānnu; A. hāniba ‘to stab, pierce’; B. hānā ‘to strike, wound, shoot (an arrow)’; Or. hāṇibā ‘to strike’; M. hāṇṇẽ, hāṇaviṇẽ ‘to strike, kill’. — See hánati.
14065 *hārditrāṇaka— ‘protecting the heart’. [hā́rdi—, trāṇa—] Paš. hāṛtranā́k ‘midriff’ IIFL iii 3, 79.
14073a *hikk—2 ‘drive’. [Same as √hikk1, cf. hikkati ‘makes an inarticulate sound’ Dhātup. — Cf. √hakk] L. hikkaṇ ‘to drive’; N. hiknu ‘to urge on, goad (esp. an elephant)’.
14078 *hiṅga— ‘defective’. 2. *hēṅga—. 3. *hōkkha—. 4. *hōgga— [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h- see *habba—] 1. Or. hiṅgā ‘worthless, boastful’. 2. Or. heṅgā ‘good—for—nothing’; M. hẽgāḍ, hẽgāḍā, hẽgḍā ‘clumsy, stupid’. 3. P. hokhā ‘weak, unsteady, characterless, worth- less’. 4. M. hogā ‘slack, slothful, sturdy and overbearing’. Addenda: *hiṅga— ‘defective’. 3. *hōkkha— (cf. *hōccha—, *ōccha—): WPah.kṭg. ókkhɔ ‘small’; — hɔ̀knɔ ‘young, minor’ (LNH p. 31 ‘little’), hɔ̀kṛɔ ‘a little, less’ (Him.I 223)?
14081 *hiṅgulakuṭikā— ‘vermilion jar’. [hiṅgula—, kuṭa1] Mth. hı̃gorī ‘vermilion box’ < *hı̃gurorī.
14082 *hiṅgulavarta— ‘box for vermilion’. [hiṅgula—, *varta2] Bi. iṅgrauṭī ‘box in which to keep vermilion’.
14083 *hicc— ‘draw back’. 2. *hiss—1. 1. Pk. hiṁcia— n. ‘hopping’ (?); L. hiccaṇ ‘to go shares in’ (i.e. ‘to withdraw from the total’?); P. hicṇā, hickaṇā ‘to draw back’; Ku. hicakṇo ‘to with- draw, fear’, hickīṇo ‘to be frightened’; N. hickanu, hac° ‘to draw back, hesitate’; Bhoj. hı̄̃cal ‘to drag’; H. hicnā, hicaknā ‘to draw back’; G. hı̃cvũ intr., hicakvũ, hı̃cāṛvũ tr. ‘to swing’; M. hiċakṇẽ ‘to jerk’. 2. N. haskanu ‘to draw back’; M. hisakṇẽ ‘to jerk’. hijja—1 ‘name of a tree’ see hijjala—.
14084 *hijja—2 ‘defective’. 2. *hējja—. 3. *hēñja—. 4. *hucca—. 5. *hōccha—. [With *hōccha— cf. *ōccha—. For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] 1. S. hījiṛo m. ‘an impotent man’; P. hı̄̌jṛā m. ‘eunuch’, B. hijaṛ, hijṛā; Or. hijaṛa, hiñjaṛa ‘eunuch’, hijaṛī ‘woman with male characteristics’; H. hīj ‘weak, lazy, cowardly’, hijṛā m. ‘eunuch’; G. hijṛũ ‘impotent’; M. hij̈ḍā m. ‘hermaphrodite’. 2. Or. hejaṛā ‘miserly, shameless’. 3. Or. heñjaṛā ‘shameless, laughing loudly, im- potent’, heñjaḷā ‘impotent’. 4. M. huċċā ‘disreputable’. 5. S. hocho ‘low, mean’; L. hocchā ‘quarrelsome over trifles’; P. hocchā ‘mean, stupid, trifling’; Ku. hõ;cho ‘mean, shallow—minded’; N. hoco, hõ;co ‘low, short’. Addenda: *hijja—2 ‘defective’. 5. *hōccha—: J. hochā ‘short’, WPah.kṭg. hòċṭɔ, hòċṛɔ (~ ókkhɔ ‘small’, hɔ̀kṛɔ ‘a little’, both < *hōkkha— ~ *hōccha— Him.I 223).
14086 *hiṭṭ— ‘move’. [See *haṭṭ—; — √hiṇḍ] Ku. hiṭṇo ‘to move, walk’, WN. hiṭnu; Or. hiṭibā ‘to slip down, stumble, be opened’. *HIḌ ‘dally’: hiláti1, hēlatē2. Addenda: *hiṭṭ—: Garh. hiṭuṇ ‘style of walking’. HIḌ: see √hīḍ. hitá— see †;*dhatta—.
14087 *hiḍḍa— ‘defective’. 2. *huḍḍa—. 3. huṇḍa—2 m. ‘blockhead’ lex. [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] 1. Pk. hiḍḍa— m. ‘dwarf’. 2. S. huḍ̱u m. ‘blockhead’; H. hūṛ ‘senseless, foolish’; M. hūḍ ‘headlong, impetuous’. 3. Pk. huṁḍa— ‘misshapen’; H. hũḍā, huṇḍā ‘wanting horns &c.’; M. hũḍā ‘crumple—horned’, hũḍā bail m. ‘blockhead’. HIṆḌ ‘move’: *hiṇḍa—, híṇḍatē, *hiṇḍāla—; - *hiṭṭ—, *haṭṭ—.
14088 *hiṇḍa— ‘moving about’. [√hiṇḍ] Ko. hı̄̃ḍu, ı̃ḍ ‘flock’ FOK 168.
14090 *hiṇḍāla— ‘wandering’. [√hiṇḍ] Dm. iṇḍṓl ‘bachelor’; Kal. hiṇḍā́u (st. °ḍāl—) ‘bachelor’, hiṇḍau ‘barren woman’; Kho. hiṇḍāl ‘bachelor, spinster, widow’, adj. ‘childless, barren (of women and animals)’; — N. hı̃ṛālnu ‘to make move’. *hiṇḍōla— ‘Swing’ see hindōla—.
14092 *hin— ‘neigh’. P. hiṇhiṇāuṇā ‘to neigh, whinny’, N. hinhināunu, H. hinhinānā, G. haṇhaṇvũ; — S. hiṇkaṇu, hiṇkāraṇu, L. hiṇkaṇ.
14097 *himakartā— ‘heap of snow’. [For gender cf. gartā- f. ‘hole, cave’ Pañcat. — himá—, kartá1] L.mult. hent f. ‘drift of snow in a gorge or ravine’, (Ju.) hint f. ‘drift of snow’. Addenda: *himakartā—: in view of WPah.kṭg. hƏwant m. ‘harmful effect of snow on crops’ Him.I 226, L. forms rather also ← Sk. himānta—. *himara— see bı̄́jya— Add2.
14098 *himakāla— ‘winter—time’. [himá—, kālá2] M. hı̃vāḷā m., °ḷī f. ‘winter season’.
14099 *himakṣarikā— ‘avalanche’. [himá—, kṣará—] Gaw. himc̣hari or perh. a Gaw. cmpd. NOGaw 37.
14100 *himacala— ‘avalanche’. [himá—, cala2] Dm. imấl, im'ấl ‘avalanche of snow’, Bshk. Tor. Phal. himā́l.
14101 *himabundu— ‘drop of snow’. [himá—, bindú—] Ku. hyūmunā ‘snowflakes’. *himara— ‘wintry, snowy’. [Cf. Gk. ximaro/s. - hḗman—; himá—] *himarōdaka—.
14102 *himarōdaka— ‘snow water’. [himara—, udaká—] Kho. (Lor.) himrōg ‘snow water’.
14103 *himākara— ‘heap of snow’. [himá—, ākara—] H. hı̃wār, hiwā̃r m. ‘snow, hoarfrost, dew, great cold’.
14107 *himnara— ‘winter’. [Cf. *himna—, hḗman1: for formation cf. *aj̈nara—~ahan— s.v. áhar—, Lat. itineris ~ iter, &c. — himá—] Pr. ı̄́žnera, iznērá ‘winter’ (NTS 211 < *j̈imn—ar—).
14114 *hiru— ‘yellow, green’. [Cf. hiri— in cmpds. (híri- śmaśru—, hiriśiprá— RV.). — hári—] G. harvũ ‘green’; M. hirvā ‘green, raw, unripe’. - Kt. zƏŕƏ ‘yellow’, Bashg. zı̃r and Pr. žiƏ: prob. < hári—. — H. hirār ‘green, raw, fresh’ poss. < *hira- tara— (or metath. from harīr < *haritara—?). *HIL ‘be accustomed to’: *hilati2, *hēlayati, *hēlā—.
14116 *hilati2 ‘becomes accustomed to, becomes tame’. 2. Caus. *hēlayati. 3. *hēlā—2 ‘habit’. [Psht. el ‘tame’ ← IA. — √*hil2] 1. Gaw. hila—mím ‘I learn’; S. hiraṇu ‘to become tame, become accustomed to, acquire a habit’; L. hilaṇ, mult. hillaṇ ‘to become tame or accustomed to’, hilāvaṇ ‘to teach’ hiltar f. ‘habit’; P. hiḷnā ‘to become tame, form a habit’; H. hilnā ‘to become habituated’; G. haḷvũ ‘to be domesticated (of animals), be familiar’; M. hiḷṇẽ ‘to become tractable and tame’. 2. S. heraṇu ‘to tame, accustom’, herū ‘tamed’ (→ Kho. heru). 3. S. hera f. ‘habit’, L. hel f.; — P. helat f. *HILL ‘move, shake’. [See √*hall] *hillati, hillōla—, hillōlayati.
14118 *hilla—2 ‘mud, swamp’. [Cf. *jhilla1] K. hĕl f. ‘dirty or muddy ground’; WPah.bhal. helo ‘consisting of black clay, very fertile (of soil)’; Ku. hīl, hīlo ‘mud, swamp’; N. hilo ‘mud’; Mth. jhīl—hīl ‘small lakes or ponds’; H. hīl, hīlā m. ‘mud’; G. hīlɔ m. ‘cart—rut’.
14119 *hilla—3 ‘mixed, joined’. 2. *hēlla—. [Cf. *hēḍā—] 1. S. hilu ‘mixed’; N. hili—mili ‘unitedly, jointly’, H. hil—mil. 2. P. hel—mel ‘unitedly’.
14120 *hillati intr. ‘moves, shakes’. [Cf. hiláti1 ‘dallies’ Dhātup. and similar variation between *hallati and *halati. — See √*hill] P. hillṇā ‘to shake, be moved’; WPah.bhal. hillhaṇū intr. ‘to move’; Ku. hilṇo ‘to move, tremble’; N. hilnu ‘to move, be shaken’; B. helā, hilā ‘to vacillate, oscillate, incline’; H. hī̆lnā intr. ‘to shake’, helā m. ‘a push’; G. hilvũ intr. ‘to move, shake’, hīlɔ m. ‘jerk, shake’; M. hilṇẽ intr. ‘to move, stir’. — Ext. —kk—: P. hilkaṇā ‘to be shaken’; H. hilaknā ‘to writhe’, hilkornā ‘to shake’ (cf. hilornā < hillōlayati).
14122 *hiss—2 ‘be extinguished, be baffled’. L.poṭh. hisṇā ‘to be extinguished, be withered’; N. hissinu ‘to be baffled’, caus. hissyāunu. HĪḌ ‘anger’. [← Drav., Kan. eḍḍisu, ēḍisu ‘to abuse, mock’, &c.; DED 676] hīḍati, hḗḍa—, hḗḍatē, *hēḍyati, hḗla—, hḗlatē, hēlā—; apahēlā—, avahēla—.
14126a *hīnayati ‘depreciates’, hīnita— ‘made destitute’ MBh., ‘base’ Subhāṣ. [Denom. fr. hīná—. — √hā3] G. hiṇvũ ‘to despise’; M. hiṇā̆viṇẽ ‘to lessen, lower in estimation’; — N. hinām ‘contempt’ (< *hināũ? But rather < hīnakarman—).
14128 *hīni— ‘loss’. [~ hāni—. — √hā3] Aś.shah. man. kāl. hini, gir. dh. jau. hīni ‘diminution, neglect’; P. hīṇ f. ‘deficiency, abatement’.
14131 *hīlā— ‘gentle breeze’. S. hīra f. ‘gentle breeze’, L. hīl, pl. °la f.
14134 *hukku— ‘jackal's howl’. 2. *hūṅku—. [Onom. cf. hū—rava— m. ‘jackal’ lex.] 1. Pa. hukku— m. ‘jackal's howl’, M. hūk, hukī f. 2. L. hūṅg f. ‘jackal's howl’, hūṅgaṇ ‘to groan’. *hucca— ‘defective’ see *hijja2.
14137 *huḍahāra— ‘sheep—taker’. 2. *huṇḍahāra—. [huḍa—, hāra—. — But Pk. huḍa— m. ‘dog ~ ram’, Or. huṇḍā ‘hyena’; and semant. cf. H. bheṛī ‘sheep’ ~ bheṛiyā ‘wolf’] 1. Mth. huṛār ‘wolf’. 2. N. hũṛār ‘wolf’; Or. dial. hunā̃r ‘wolf, hyena’; Mth. H. hũṛār m. ‘wolf’. *huḍḍa— ‘defective’ see *hiḍḍa—. huṇḍa—1 ‘ram’ see huḍa—. huṇḍa—2 ‘blockhead’ see *hiḍḍa—. *huṇḍahāra— ‘sheep—taker’ see *huḍahāra—.
14140 *hubbā— ‘pain in the chest’. L. hubb f. ‘pain in the chest’, hubbiā̃ f. pl. ‘strangles’; N. hup pasnu ‘to suffer from pleurisy’. *humma— ‘defective’ see *hōppa—. *hul—, *hull— ‘pierce’ see *hūl—.
14141 *hulla—1 ‘mob, riot’. [Cf. huḍati] P. hullaṛ m. ‘riot’; Ku. hūl ‘batch’; N. hul ‘mob, crowd’; A. hul ‘riot’; H. hullaṛ m. ‘crowd, noise’; G. hulaṛ n. ‘riot’, M. hulaḍ f.
14142 *hulla—2 ‘defective’. [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] M. hulā ‘silly’.
14143 *hussa— ‘defective’. [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] H. hūsaṛ ‘uncouth, stupid’. hūṁ see huṁ. hūṁkāra— ‘grunting’ see huṁkarōti.
14144 *hūkkā— ‘sharp pain’. S. hūka f. ‘pain, alarm’; P. H. hūk f. ‘sharp shooting pain, stitch’; G. hūk f. ‘sharp shooting pain in pit of stomach’; M. hūk f. ‘sharp tearing pain’. *hūṅku— ‘jackal's howl’ see *hukku—.
14147 *hūl— ‘pierce’. 2. *hul—. 3. *hull—. [Cf. śū́la— and hrū́ḍatē ‘goes’ Dhātup.] 1. P. hūlaṇā ‘to goad, thrust’, hūl f. ‘thrust, stab’; N. hulnu ‘cause to penetrate, drive in (cattle into a fold), thread (needle)’; Mth. hūr ‘thrust’; H. hūlnā ‘to goad, stab, rush in’, hulaknā ‘to rush at’. 2. Pk. hulaï ‘throws’ (semant. cf. vídhyati); A. hul ‘any small pointed thing, thorn’, hulā ‘piece of pointed split bamboo for turning earth up’; B. hul ‘barb, sting, point, awn’, Or. huḷa. 3. P. hull f. ‘shooting pain in head’; Or. hula ‘sting’.
14148 *hūlukka— ‘heat’. Kal. hūluk ‘heat, noontide’; Bshk. úluk ‘sweat’, Sh.gur. hŭlŭkh, koh. hūla̯k. HR̥ ‘take, carry’: hara—, háraṇa—, hárati, *haritr̥—, āra—1, hāraka—, hārayati, hāri—, hārin—, hr̥tá—, *hr̥yatē, hriyátē; atihr̥ta—, anāhāra—, anuharatē, anuhāra—, apahara—, ápaharati, ápahr̥ta—, *abhiy- avaharaṇa—, *abhiyavaharati, *abhiyavahāra—, abhihāra—, avaharatē, avahāra—, ābhihārika—, ā́harati, āhāra—, ā́hārayati, āhr̥ta—, úpaharati, nirharaṇa—, nírharati, párihāra—, *pratihāriya—, prahara—, praháraṇa—, práharati, prahāra—, práhr̥ta—, víharati, vihāra—, vyavaharati, vyava- hāra—, vyavahāraka—, vyavahārayati, vyāharati, vyāhāra—, saṁhārá—, saṁhārayati, saṁhr̥ta—, samā́- harati, samāhāra—; — úddharati, *uddharā—, uddhārá—, uddhārayati, úddhr̥ta—? Addenda: *hūlukka—, hōlāka— m. ‘kind of vapour bath’ Car. 2. †;*hulla—: WPah.poet. hulo m. ‘heat of the sun’, bhal. hɔ̄l ‘heat’. HR̥: †;*nīharati.
14150 *hr̥tka— ‘heart’. [hr̥d—] Bshk. hikukur, hukukur, ikukur ‘heart’ (—kur < kūṭa2); Tor. hikū m. ‘courage’; S. hika f. ‘desire’; P. hikk f. ‘breast’; N. hikkā, hekkā, hekā ‘encourage- ment’. *hr̥tkakūṭa—. *hr̥tkakūṭa— ‘heart’ see next. Addenda: *hr̥tka—: WPah.poet. hīk f. ‘chest, heart, mind’, J. hīk f. ‘chest, throat, liver’.
14151 *hr̥tkūṭa— ‘heart mass’. [Cf. hr̥tpiṇḍa— n. ‘heart’ W. — hr̥d—, kūṭa2. Or poss. < *hr̥tkakūṭa—, cf. Bshk. cmpd. hiku—kur ‘heart’] Chil. hikūro ‘heart’. hr̥d— ‘heart’: hā́rdi—, *hr̥tka—, hŕ̥daya—, hŕ̥dya—; *hr̥tkūṭa—; durhā́rd—, daurhr̥da—, suhr̥d—. Addenda: *hr̥tkūṭa—: WPah.kṭg. hìkkuṛɔ m., °i f. ‘chest, heart, mind’, kṭg. (kc.) hìkṛɔ m., kṭg. (poet.) hìkṛu m. hŕ̥d—: †;*dūhr̥d—.
14159 *hēḍā— ‘crowd, flock’. [Cf. *hilla3] Pk. hēḍā— f. ‘crowd, collection’; L. heṛī f. ‘pound for cattle’; G. heṛ, heṛī f. ‘drove of cattle’; M. heḍ f. ‘drove (of sheep, cattle, &c.)’. *hēḍyati ‘is angry’ see hīḍati. Addenda: *hēḍā—: OMarw. heḍa ‘group of horses’ Ḍiṁgala Koṣa 212, heṛāū ‘horse—dealer’ (→ hēḍāvuka— m. id. Yājñ.com.).
14161 *hēndara— ‘defective’. [For list of ‘defective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] H. hẽdrā ‘clownish, stupid’; M. hẽdar f. n. ‘dung, rubbish’, hẽdrā ‘dirty’.
14162 *hēpayati ‘impels, incites’. 2. Pass. *hēpyatē. [√hi] 1. Pk. hēpia— ‘raised, high’. 2. N. hepnu ‘to grow insolent, be overbold’. hḗman—1 ‘winter’ only in loc. hḗman TS. [himá—] hēmantá—, *hēmānta—; *himna—, *himnara—.
14165 *hērati ‘looks for or at’. 2. hēraka—, °rika— m. ‘spy’ lex., hairika— m. ‘spy’ Hcar., ‘thief’ lex. [J. Bloch FestschrWackernagel 149 ← Drav., Kui ēra ‘to spy’, Malt. ére ‘to see’, DED 765] 1. Pk. hēraï ‘looks for or at’ (vihīraï ‘watches for’); K.ḍoḍ. hērūō ‘was seen’; WPah.bhad. bhal. he_rnū ‘to look at’ (bhal. hirāṇū ‘to show’), pāḍ. hēraṇ, paṅ. hēṇā, cur. hērnā, Ku. herṇo, N. hernu, A. heriba, B. herā, Or. heribā (caus. herāibā), Mth. herab, OAw. heraï, H. hernā; G. hervũ ‘to spy’, M. herṇẽ. 2. Pk. hēria— m. ‘spy’; Kal. (Leitner) "hériu" ‘spy’; G. herɔ m. ‘spy’, herũ n. ‘spying’. HĒL ‘despise’: hēlatē1, hēlā—; apahēlā—, avahēla—; — see √hīḍ. hēlatē1 ‘scorns’ see hīḍati. hēlatē2 ‘sports’ see hiláti1. *hēlayati ‘accustoms’ see *hilati2. hēlā—1 ‘contempt’ see hīḍati, hḗḍa—. *hēlā—2 ‘habit’ see *hilati2. *hēlla— ‘mixed’ see *hilla3. HĒṢ ‘neigh’: hḗṣati, hēṣā—; — √hrēṣ. Addenda: *hērati: WPah.kṭg. (Wkc.) hèrnõ;, kc. erno ‘observe’; Garh. hernu ‘to look’. *hōkkha— see *hiṅga— Add2. *hōccha— see *hijja2 Add2.
14168 *hēṣārava— ‘neighing’. [hēṣā—, ráva1] G. hisārɔ, hisārav m. ‘neighing’.
14171 *haimyā— ‘collection of snow’. [himá—] L. hem f. ‘avalanche, fall of snow’. hairika— see *hērati.
14173 *hōkka— ‘noise, cry’. S. hoko m. ‘proclamation’, L. hokā m., hokaṇ ‘to proclaim’, P. hokā m.; N. hokā̃ ‘bellowing of a bull’; G. hokārɔ m. ‘crying out’. *hōkkha—, *hōgga— ‘defective’ see *hiṅga—. *hōccha— ‘defective’ see *hijja2.
14175 *hōḍḍa— ‘wager’. [← Drav., Kan. oḍḍa, &c. DED 808] Pk. hoḍḍa—, huḍḍa— m., °ḍā f. ‘wager’, S. hoḍ̱a f., Ku. N. B. hoṛ; Or. uṛa ‘vow’; H. hoṛ f. ‘wager’; OMarw. hoḍa f. ‘wager, rivalry’; G. M. hoḍ f. ‘wager’; Si. oḍa ‘bet, pledge’ (oṭṭu ‘wager’ ← Tam. oṭṭu).
14177 *hōppa— ‘defective’. 2. *humma—. [For list of ‘de- fective’ words with initial h— see *habba—] 1. M. hopaḷ ‘slack, slovenly, disorderly’. 2. M. humā, humyā m. ‘blockhead’.
14178 *hōl— ‘to wash’. [Cf. huḍati ‘sinks into’, hōlati ‘covers’ Dhātup.?] Pk. hulaï ‘rubs, cleans’; Ko. hoḷṇẽ ‘to wash’. *aṅgahōla—.
14179 *hōla— ‘loose, hollow’. L. P. holā m. ‘bullock with loose horn’; N. holo ‘relaxed, slack, thin (of a crowd)’; A. holā ‘hollow, shallow, shallow ravine’.
14186 *hrīyati ‘is ashamed’. [Cf. pres. part. á—hrayāṇa- RV., jíhriyat— MaitrS., pp. hrīta— MBh. — √hrī] Pa. hirī̆yati, harāyati, ‘is ashamed, is shy’, Pk. hiriaï, hirī̆a—, Kt. žiré—. hrū́ḍatē see *hūl—. HRĒṢ ‘neigh’: hrēṣā—; — √hēṣ.
14198a *agnirujā— [Cf. Kan. Tu. agra ‘the thrush’, Tam. akkaram DED 22] aṅká—: *triyaṅkika—.
14203 *aṅguṣṭhiya—: Sv. (Buddruss) aṅgušī ‘ring’. †;acala— m. ‘mountain’ R. [cala2] himācala—. accha—1: for ‘scarcely’ read ‘poss. with Sampson DGW iv 189 < lakṣ—: see lakṣmaka—.
14204 *ajya— ‘caprine’. [For suffix cf. Lith. ožỹs ‘he—goat’ < *āĝi̯os IEW 7. — Sh. ē̆ and P. i due to palatalizing effect of following jj (for this in NWPk. see Brough Dhp 81) rather than to derivation < *aiĝi̯o— (IE. *aiĝ- in Gk. ai)/c and *— in Ir. words meaning only ‘leather’ IEW 13, EVP 105, H. W. Bailey BSOAS 21, 539). — ajá—] Sh.gil. ĕž f. ‘ewe’, pales. ēš ‘sheep’; — ext. —— see *ajya—. AÑG: *udaṅka—.
14211 *ádhiyēti: Gaw. Shum. — ‘to go’ altern. < átyēti Add. ádhvan—: *paddhara—, *paddhārayati.
14214 *anutr̥tīyam: Sv. nulia ← Gaw. Buddruss ZDMG 113, 352.
14215 *anudrāvayati: in Wg. andrāl— —l— is regular causative morpheme.
14224 *anyākāra—: Ku. nyār, °ro ‘lonely, aloof’ or < *nirālaya—.
14232 *appa—: Si. appā ‘father’, apa—ammā ‘father's mother’.
14248 *avakṣāra—: Kal. uc̣hár ‘waterfall’ altern. < *udaka- kṣāra—.
14249 *avanijyati: Paš.ar. äiž— < ava— not ā— (in ar. ō > ä, e as e.g. in len < lavaṇá—).
14251 *avalagati: S. oraṇu rather < vyavaharati.
14261 *ākattha—: Ash. uxat m. ‘question’; Tir. ākāt f. ‘word’. ākara—: *lavaṇākara—, *himākara—. ākāra—: *udaṅkākāra—, *pr̥ṣṭhākāra—.
14266 *ākhēlati: poss. Paš.lauṛ. āxal—, gul. akal— ‘to dance, play, cheat’, dar. ā́xelik, weg. aḥalı̄́k ‘playing’ IIFL iii 3, 23. — H. helnā rather < *hēlati.
14267 *ācakṣati: Wg. ā̃č—as— is pres. stem (ā̃č— < *ācakṣati); Woṭ. as— ‘to say’ Buddruss ZDMG 113, 353. ĀÑCH: *viyāñchati.
14279 *ārōcayati: Pa. ārōcēti ‘tells’.
14284 *āvarati: K. āwarun ‘to cover’, Si. avuranavā rather than < āvārayati.
14291 *āsāṭa— (āśātika— TA.) see words s.v. admasád—, esp. Or. aṁśāi.
14301 *uccalyati. 2. uccālayati: Md. uhulan ‘to lift’. uccārayati: see ślā́ghatē Add.
14302 *uḍidda— [← Drav. Tam. uruntu ‘Phaseolus mungo’, &c. DED 594]
14303 *utkalati: Gy. eur. ukli—, unkly—, ikl(y)—, inkl(y)— ‘to rise, climb, mount (a horse)’.
14305 *utpaṭati. 2. utpāṭayati: Md. ufuran ‘to pluck out, tear out’. 3. *utpaṭyati: Kal. upác̣— ‘to pick, gather’.
14306 *utpr̥ṣṭha—: L. P. also puṭṭhā.
14309 *utsadhānī—: Paš. unčaṛek is dimin. of unč < útsa- ZDMG 114, 445.
14314 *ut—sphurati: enter N. uphārnu ‘to jerk up’, M. upharṇẽ ‘to winnow’ s.v. *ut—sphārayati1 Add. (√sphar1).
14315 *udakakṣāra—: Kal. uc̣hár altern. < *avakṣāra—.
14317 *udghāla—: Pr. agál, gäl ‘rain’, Kt. agōl: rather than < akāla—.
14319 *uddūyatē: Pr. wulu— ‘to ache’ rather < *upadūyatē Add.
14320 *uddharā—: Paš.isk. udhāra, uzb. udhā́rƏ, pach. ōdhā́ra, ar. udor.
14323 *ud—hadati [Not with BSBU 95 < upahad—. Rather ūh— < *uhh— < ud— (with unexploded —d) h— as in Pk. ūhasya— < *ud—has— (~ anal. uddhasati), Pa. ūhata- < *ud—hr̥ta— (~ anal. uddhaṭa—)]
14324 *unmalati: 2. Ko. umbaḷtā ‘washes (clothes)’.
14325 *upatapti—: Kt. bätot rather < *upōttapti— Add.
14329 *upōpta—: Paš.chil. (Buddruss) bōtóu ‘sowing’.
14330 *ubdhrikā—: Paš.snj. ū́lä ‘spider's web’; — cf. Paš.kṇḍ. ә̃dr— ‘to weave, build’ Buddruss ZDMG 114, 445. *ubbal— [Cf. bal— in *balakk—?]
14331 *ubbā—: esp. H. ūbh perh. X (rather than, with P. Tedesco Language 22, 189 and Buddruss ZDMG 114, 445, directly <) ūṣmán—.
14334 *r̥tuvanta—: Sh.gil. yōnu̯ m. ‘winter’, pales. jij. yōn, koh. gur. yōdu̯. — Gy. eur. vend m. (~ yevénd, ivend) rather < hēmantá—.
14341 *ōccha— [Cf. ‘defective’ word *hōccha— s.v. *hijja2] Gy. eur. vučo ‘small’ GWZS 3770. ka—2: kásmāt Add.
14343 *kacca—1: with emph. aspiration (rather than < *khacca— s.v. *kicca—): Dm. khača ‘dirty, bad’; Gaw. khaċ, khas ‘bad’, Kal. khāčä ‘bad, dirty (?)’; Sv. khačo ‘dirty, bad’; Phal. khāču ‘bad’, khāčo ‘lie’, khāčulo ‘dirty, bad’; Sh. khăčár f. ‘ingratitude’, khăčḗlū ‘miserly’.
14347 *kaṇṭa—3: Gy. eur. also kar m. ‘tail, penis’ (GWZS 1310).
14356 *kamra— [Cf. Sang. kamak ‘back’, Shgh. čomǰ (< *kamak G.M.) ‘back of an animal’, Yghn. kama ‘neck’] kará—1: *mr̥ttikara—, *śōdhakara—.
14365 *karta—3: Kt. (Bashg.) kaṛó ‘knife’ dial. form of WKt. kṭo < *kartaka— or *karttāra—.
14366 *karttāra—: WKt. kṭo, (Bashg.) kaṛó ‘knife’ (or < karta3).
14375 *kāca—2 ‘black’: also with kh— in Gaw. khā̃ċa ‘black’, khanċi—iċīn ‘pupil of eye’.
14377 *kāṇṭa—. 2. kāṇṭaka—: G. kā̃ṭā—sariyɔ m. ‘hedgehog s.v. śályaka—.
14381 *kāra—6: Ash. kar—malík ‘earring’ → Paš.ar. kar- molík. kārin—: *lākṣakārin—.
14382 *kārti—: Gy. eur. kat f. ‘shears, scissors’ rather than < karttrī—. kāla—2: sakāla—.
14383 *kāvaraka—: Ash. kawarä́ ‘crow’, Wg. kawḗi, kaā́i, Kt. kawŕë.
14388 *kiyatta—: with a from káti and other interrogatives; Gaw. kata ‘how many?’, Phal. katī, N. H. kati; - ext. —kk—; Dm. kadiki, Woṭ. katík, Mai. katuk, Tor. kadak.
14392 *kuñca—1: Gy. eur. kunč, "gundschi" (= *kunǰi?) f. ‘corner’ (GWZS 1596).
14394 *kuṭṭa—3: Sh. (Grahame Bailey) kūṭu̯ ‘deaf’.
14395 *kuttūra—: (with expressive aspiration) Sh.koh. khŭtrō m. ‘puppy’.
14404 *kūpatya—: Sh.gur. kuiōčh m. ‘villager’ (→ Mai.ky. kuōč ‘villager’, Bur. kuyōč ‘subjects of a ruler’): prob. der. kúi (< kū́pa1 or kuṭī—) with suffix —ōč(h) (as in Sh. koh. koṭōču̯ m. ‘villager’ ~ kōṭ ‘village’ < kōṭṭa1) of doubtful origin (< ápatya—? Semant. cf. H. gãwār ‘villager’ < grāmadāra—). KR̥1: nikaṭam, prakāra—1, pratikarōti Add., prati- kr̥ta— Add.; — nikara—?
14413 *klāvyatē: M. kāvṇẽ < MIA. kr— see plúṣi— Add. KLID: MIA. and NIA. forms with k— (~ kil—) < MIA. kr— < OIA. kl—: see plúṣi— Add.
14415 *kṣaṇati. 2. kṣata—2: Paš.kuṛ. ċhäy— (Paš.kuṛ. ċh- not < kṣ— G.M.). 5. *kṣāṅita—: Gaw. ċhēniká ‘empty’. KṢAR: *prōtkṣarita— Add. KṢAL: *akṣalita— Add. kṣāpayati1: see *aksāpita— Add.
14420 *kṣuṭyatē: M. suṭakṇẽ perh. < *suṭṭ—.
14428 *khalati2 [Cf. khaḍaka—] 2. *khālayati: Sh.gur. khalyōnu̯ ‘to cause to ascend’.
14429 *khasati2: 1. Sh.koh. khăžōnu̯, gur. khăžyōnu̯ ‘to ascend’ altern. < skadyatē.
14433 *khēḍ—: 1. Md. kuḷen ‘to play’.
14435 *khēśśa—: Ash. Kt. Orm. kēš ‘shirt’ ← Pers. (← IA.?) G.M.
14437 *khōsa—: B. khosā, khusā ‘to husk grain’.
14438 *gakṣa—: Md. gas, gahī ‘tree’.
14439 *gacca—: technical sense as ‘plaster, mortar’ (Pers. gač ‘plaster’) points to borrowing (Ir. <07> IA.).
14443 *gāḍḍa—: Md. gāḍiya ‘cart’ (← Ind.?).
14453 *gōgrāmaka—: Paš.snj. gōlū́ṅ (← a dial. in which gr > l, not gr as in snj.).
14461 *grāmārdha—. 2. *grāmārdhin—: Phal. gāwaṇḍı̄́ ‘neighbour’ ← L.
14464 *graiviya—: Phal. gēräi ‘necklace’.
14470 *ghalōdaka—:ōg of Kho. golōg extracted from other cmpds. with —udaka—.
14472 *ghir—: 2. NKal. kher ‘fence’ (→ urt. khyer?). GHUṬ: *vyāghōṭati. GHR̥2: ghr̥ṇí— Add.
14475 *ghraṇiṣya—: Paš.snj. grēnī ‘noon’ (Morgenstierne). But for the Paš. words see also ghr̥ṇí— Add.
14476 *CAKṢ2 [Pers. čašīdan &c. < *čaxš— P.Tedesco BSL 72, 115]
14478 *CAGH: mng. of Aś. caghati is prob. ‘is likely to’ (paralled with laghaṁti with inf. < *alaghaṁti = *arghanti: cf. Pa. a(.l. sagghasi with v.l. agghasi). Orig. mngs. of √*cagh: (1) ‘rise’ in B. cāgā (caggh- sanskritized as carghati ‘goes’ W.?); (2) ‘rise against’ in Kho. čagéik ‘to overthrow’ (cf. caghnōti ‘kills’, cah(ay)ati ‘cheats’ Dhātup.: semant. cf. √gur ‘raise’ ~ gūryatē ‘hurts, goes’ Dhātup.); (3) ‘is likely’ in Aš. caghati and B. cāgā ‘to be inclined’ (J. C. W.). — See also √*cāh Add.
14479 *caṅkr̥tati: Ash. čikƏṇ— ‘to scratch’, Kt. čkõmacr;řƏ—?
14485 *cappayati: Md. hafan ‘to chew’.
14486 *cára—2: in Paš. wai—čā́r collect. ‘goats’ (see vásu—).
14487 *carpa—: Ash. čapēṛa ‘flat of hand’ ← Psht. čapēṛa ← IA. e.g. P. capeṛ < *cappēṭa— s.v. capēṭa— Buddruss.
14491 *cācca—: H. cacerā bhāī m. ‘father's brother's son’ see mātulēya— Add. cālana—: *makṣācālana—.
14492 *CĀH: poss. < *cāṅkṣati (~ kāṅkṣati) with regular c—reduplication from √ (perf. cakḗ) or √kan (3 sg. pret. cākan) or √kam (intens. caṅkamyatē). *cāṅkṣ- > *cāṁkh— > *cākh— > *cāh— is exactly parallel to phonet. development of *dāṁṣṭra—. Poss. also > MIA. (NW?) *cāṅgh—, *cāggh— (→ EAś. cagh—, B. cāgā s.v. *caghyati) J. C. W. — But (1) date of Aś. is early for change ṅgh > ggh and for spread of these forms to East; (2) S. caghu (with a) would imply early borrowing from E or S unless a separate *caṅkṣ- ~ *cāṅkṣ— (necessary for *cāh—) is assumed. cikka—2: Kaf. and Dard. words rather < *sikvaka—.
14495 *ciyāku—: WPah. (Joshi) cẽũ m. ‘edible mushroom’.
14504 *chaṭa—: M. saḍ, saḍā perh. a ‘defective’ word < śaṭha— s.v. *śaṭṭa—. 2. G. sāṭɔ, M. sāṭ, sāṭā rather < saṭṭa2.
14505 *chaṭṭ—: M. saṭakṇẽ poss. < *saṭṭ2.
14508 *chāgya—: A. mer—sāg ‘ram’.
14510 *chiṭ—. 2. *chiṭṭ—: M. śīṭ see also sŕ̥ṣṭi—.
14511 *chir—: M. śirṇẽ poss. < *sīrati s.v. sárati or < *sirati.
14513 *chōll—: Sh. čol (Bailey ShGr 136) is misprint for čom (ib. 200) < cárman—.
14515 *japp—: Si. dapa ‘sexual union’ or < *drapp—.
14524 *juṣṭa—2 ‘Corchorus capsularis or jute’. Or. jhoṭa ‘fibre of Corchorus capsularis, jute’; H. jūṭ ‘jute’ (prob. ← Eng. jute). — NiDoc. juṭhi 291, 571, 703, bhiśa (= ‘seed’) juṭhi 703, jhuṭhi 677, cuṭhiye 422 (no mng. in Burrow KharDoc: ṭh prob. to be read as ṣṭ Brough DhP 75). H. W. Bailey Khotanese Texts iii 80 in a description of a road ‘the stones were thick under foot like jūṣḍi seeds’. Smaller OED gives B. jhuṭo, jhoṭo as source of jute.
14527 *jvāra—: Mai.ky. zār ‘fever’.
14529 *jhaṅk—1. 3. *jhakk—5: A. zāk ‘crowd’ rather < *yakka— s.v. yatá—.
14530 *jhalla—: NKal. ǰhau, obl. st. ǰhal— ‘forest’.
14531 *jhikk—: Tor. (Biddulph) žigal— prob. for *ẓigal— < *drakk—.
14532 *jhūṭa—2: G. jhū̆ṛī rather < yūthá—.
14533 *ṭōkk—: Kt. tku prob. misprint for ṭku see *ṭhōkk— Add.
14534 *ṭōṅka—: cf. also Paš.ar. ṭã̤ũgṓ ‘scorpion’; Dm. ṭōṅk ‘locust’, Kal. ṭokur, Phal. ṭīṅkura.
14535 *ṭhagg— [Poss. √sthag X non—Aryan *ḍākka1 (J. C. W.)]
14536 *ṭhōkk—: Kt. tku prob. misprint for *ṭku, cf. Kt. čim—ṭku ‘iron nail’ NTS vii 110, Wg. čum—ṭku.
14537 *ḍag1: 2. Pr. ā—ẓuẓu— (NTS vii 90) rather < *ranz (cf. Kt. ranz, Kal. ronz) or < *rarz (cf. Pers. larz) NTS xv 304.
14539 *ḍikka—1: Wg. (Lumsden) "dikáún" (NTS xvii 247) prob. for *ḍik—. Cf. Ash. Wg. ḍuk— ‘to drive off’, Paš. (LSI) ḍak—, she. ḍek—, kṇḍ. ḍug—, Sv. ḍik— BKPD 40.
14541 *ḍhaḍḍha—1: N. ḍhāṛi altern. < dā́rḍhya—.
14542 *ḍhappa—. 8. *ḍhēba—: Phal. ḍīu ‘part, portion’.
14543 *ḍhikka—1. 8. *dhōṅga—1: Wg. j̈ōr—duṅga ‘heart’.
14544 *ḍhila—: X *sailā (< *śr̥thila—) in P. ḍhailā ‘lazy, loose’.
14545 *ḍhukyati: Paš. ḍƏk— ‘to get hold of, collect’ IIFL iii, 3, 65. †;ḍhuṇḍhati see *dhūṇḍh—.
14546 *ḍhūss—: poss. also Ash. Paš.chil. ḍūs ‘hole’; Wg. ḍüs ‘hole, vulva’; Paš.chil. Shum. dū̆m—dū̆s ‘smoke- hole’ (Buddruss).
14547 *ḍhēḍḍha—1. 5. *dhiḍḍha—: Sh. (Lor.) diḍu rather with Bailey ShGr 138 ḍĭṛŭ (→ Bur. ḍīru) < 4. *ḍhiḍḍha—. — Delete diḍiro which is typing error for Sh. biḍī̆ro (→ Bur. biḍiro).
14548 *ḍhōṅga—1: Paš.ar. ḍõmacr;o, ḍuõmacr; ‘knee’, kuṛ. ḍuṅ ‘hip’.
14549 *ḍhauka—: Wg. (LSI) ḍūh ‘offerings’ Buddruss. tá—: tatstha—.
14554 *tapaka—: Kt. tapә́k ‘plate’ (—p—?).
14564 *tipūrayati: Pr. tür— is prob. Pr. cmpd. of t(i)— < antár with —ür— < pūráyati.
14576 *tr̥pu—: Kt. trü ‘curdled milk’, trü— ‘to curdle’; Ash. truga—zū ‘sour milk’, Pr. čüū. — Sv. luǰ— ‘to become sour’ (< *tr̥pūya—?) in luǰij̈ilo (c̣hīr) ‘sour milk’ (lužizilo NOPhal 50), Gaw luzan—c̣hīr, luzizan— < *luzi—san (absol. in —i of luz— with pres. part. *santa- (Buddruss).
14577 *tr̥pyati ‘jumps’. [Cf. *tarpati, trāpáyati. — √trap] S. ṭipaṇu ‘to jump, bound’ (rather than < tŕ̥pyati).
14583 *trikuṭī—: H. also teoṛī. *trip—: but tr— > Paš.kuṛ. l— (Buddruss).
14584 *triparṇaka—: Kal.rumb. tryõmacr;ŕ(y)ak ‘trefoil’ rather than < *trōṭikā—.
14587 *trōṭikā—: Kal.rumb. tryõmacr;ŕ(y)ak rather < *tripar- ṇaka—.
14589 *dakṣatvana—: cf. Sh. dăṣṭóĭki̯ ‘to know, recognize’, dăṣṭiní f. ‘experience’ (with ṣṭ < *c̣h—t? Buddruss).
14597 *dāṁṣṭra—: Md. daḷu ‘tooth, horn’.
14604 *dārśa— [Ir. words prob. (certainly Shgh. dōx̌ċ) < *dārsa—]
14610 *dumbha— ‘tail’: for Dard. forms with l— and Kho rūm see *lumba—3, lūma—.
14612 *duvāra—: Kt. du ‘door’ (—— > ū with reg. loss of —r after long vowel), Wg. dōr, (rather than < dúr—).
14614 *dūman—: poss. also in Kt. kūdyum ‘work’, Pr. kodyum.
14616 *dr̥kṣati: Md. dakkan ‘to show’.
14625 *daivatama—: Kt. deyume rather to be divided délũ de yume ‘O Yum, god of the divine beings’ G.M.
14626 *dōla—2 [Pers. dōl ‘bucket, milk—pail, hopper of a mill’ ← IA.?]
14629 *drakk—: Tor. (Biddulph) žigal— (prob. for ẓigal—) rather than < *jhikk—.
14630 *drapp—: Si. dapa ‘sexual union’ or < *japp—.
14631 *dramaṇa—: Kt. drum ‘a sweet—smelling plant’; Kal. dřä̃řu ‘Artemisia’. — *dramna— also in Shgh. ċūdm ‘Artemisia’, Yghn. dirawna.
14635 *dvara—: Kt. dare/; ‘window, door—lintel’.
14637 *dvārapr̥ṣṭha—: cf. Bshk. darbḗṭh, Phal. darbēeṭi ‘threshold’ (← Ind.?).
14639 *dvāraśīrṣa—: Dm. Phal. darṣíṣ, Kal. durṣiṣ prob. recent cmpds.
14640 *dvivatsikā—2: Kt. dƏwší ‘2 or 3 year old goat or sheep’ (š < tsy with secondary suffix —i?).
14641 *dhakk—: with altern. forms of H. M. with ḍh— cf. Sh. ḍăk thoĭki̯ ‘to hammer (nails &c.)’. *dhaḍa—: Scarcely with ODBL 506 < dhr̥tá1.
14643 *dhamm—: Kt. (Biddulph) "dummoo" (= *dammu?) ‘sing!’. dhara—: *śikyadhara—.
14650 *dhunman—: Kal. thumaṛa ‘dust—storm’ poss. < dhūmá—.
14651 *dhūḍi—: Kal. (Kalkulak dial.) "dooṛhi" ‘dust’.
14654 *dhmātra—: Gaw. dāntar ‘fireplace’; — cf. Tor. dadan (X Psht. Pers. dēgdān? AO viii 302).
14657 *nabhalikā—: Kt. naru ‘cloud’; Gaw. ları̄́ also ‘sky’.
14658 *nayaśālā—: OG. nesāla &c. rather < lēkhaśālā—.
14661 *nānna—: Kho. nan ‘mother’. nāsāpuṭa—: in the Kamdesh dialect —s— reg. > —z— G.M. *niḥśaṁsa— ‘detracting, evil—minded’ see nr̥śáṁsa— Add. †;nibiḍa—2 ‘crook—nosed’ see *biḍḍa—. *nirālaya—: see also *anyākāra— Add. nirgarva— see garva— Add.
14662 *nīḍāti: 1. Cf. Kt. naře— ‘to weed’.
14663 *nīḍāna—: 1. Dm. nyä̃řäi ‘weeding’, M. (Kuḍāḷī dial.) naḍanī.
14665 *nītiśālā—: G. niśāḷ &c. rather < lēkhaśālā—. nr̥śáṁsa— [< *ni()śaṁsa— (~ niḥśás— f. (TBr. niśás—) ‘evil intent (?)’ RV.) contaminated by RV. nŕ̥śáṁsa- (with variants nú śáṁsa— and naḥ śáṁsa—) ~ nárā- śáṁsa— ‘praised by men’ Sāy. (J. C. W.)]
14666 *pakviṣṭha—: H. pākaṭh altern. < prakr̥ṣṭa—?
14668a *paddhara— ‘level, straight’. [Cf. prādhvaná— ‘bed or course of a river’ RV., prādhvara— (unexpl. epithet of śākhā— ‘branch’) Cat., prādhva— ‘*advancing, *straight’ (‘travelling’ Pāṇ.com., °vē ‘at the head of’ Kāṭh., °vam ‘suitably, properly’ R., ‘conformably’ Āpast. — prādhva— X prahva— in prādhvaṁ kr̥tvā ‘laying down’ MBh., prādhvam ‘humbly’ Hcar.); paddhara— < prādhvara— would be (rather than an ancient r/n variant of prādhvaná—) a MIA. ext. of prādhva— ~ *prādhva—t— in paddhati— f. ‘way’ Hariv., *prādhva—ḍ— in paddhoḍī— (musical term) Saṁgīt., *prādhvā—r— in *paddhārayati (Pk. pādhāraī with EMIA. ādh < āddh) ‘travels’. — paddharaṇī— (sthālī—) f. ‘(bowl) for collecting the scooped footprint of the soma—cow’ ŚrS. (Caland—Henry Agniṣṭoma p. 38) con- ceived of by pop. etym. as containing pad—haraṇa- (J. C. W.). — ádhvan—]
14669 *padyākāra—: P. pajār rather ← Pers. paizār.
14681 *parśupāṭaka—: Gy. eur. pašvar, °ro m. ‘side, rib’ (GWZS 2349).
14682a *paṣṭāna— [Psht. paštūn rather < *parswāna— G. Morgenstierne AO xvii 138 ff., TPS 1948, 75]
14684 *pāḍḍa—: Sik. pāḍo ‘bull’ (← G.?). — See bali- várda—.
14702 *pōḍ—: Gy. eur. pur— ‘to burn, singe’ (not with GWZS 2631 ← Gk. pu=r). *pōnda—: see also apāna— Add.
14704 *pragāmaka—: Ash. ċipŕā̃́, ċiplā̃́ ‘lamb’ poss. to be analysed as ċi— (< ?) +pŕā̃ < *prām or < prāṇá- (G.M.).
14711a *plōtra—: Pk. potta— n. ‘boat’.
14714 *phūha—: Gy. eur. phuy ‘disgusting, hateful, bad’ (GWZS 2619)?
14721 *bubhukṣaka—: Gy. eur. bóko ‘hungered’ (GWZS 319) also < *bukṣaka—.
14722 *būṭa—2. 3. *bōṭṭa—: Gy. eur. bor m. ‘bush, hedge’, pl. bura ‘brushwood’.
14723 *būra—: 2. S. bhuraṇu ‘to crumble’, L. bhuraṇ; H. bhurbhurā ‘powdery’: rather than < bhuráti.
14724 *bōkkasa—: H. bhõ;kas m. ‘wizard’ rather than < *bhōṅka1.
14726 *bhabh—: Gy. rum. phab— (< *bhabbh—), 3 sg. phaból ‘burns, is hot’, phabar— ‘to set alight’ (Miklosich Mund viii 38).
14733 *madhuravr̥kṣa—: Dm. Kal. mrac̣ ‘mulberry’, Bshk. marac̣. — → Bur. biranc̣ → Ḍ. birōnc̣. *madhuṣya—: see mr̥ṣṭa1 Add.
14736 *mariyasthāna—: Kal. maristan ‘slave’ ← Kho.
14738 *marja—: Kal.urt. brhānz, rumb. brhuṇ(z) ‘meadow’, Phal. brhū́nzu.
14741a *malladvīpa—: so SED 463: doubtful bec. of ā in Md. māldiv. Prob. conn. mālē name of the principal island and atoll.
14750 *miḍḍa—. 4. mēṭṭa—1: Kt. meṭé, meṭistok ‘short’. MUC: *anāmukta— Add.
14751 *murati1: Gy. eur. mur— ‘to rub, wash, wet’ (or < *mr̥dati: in mng. ‘to shave’ < muṇḍayati).
14754 *muss—: L. muskaṇ ‘to smile’ (→ Psht.waz. mƏskai ‘smiling’). — Paš. musa ‘smiling’ prob. ← Psht. musai ← IA. EVP 47.
14761 *mēcca—. 2. *mēñca—: Gy. eur. mīǰo ‘bad, wicked’ rather than < mithyā́ (GWZS 1957), but doubtful.
14764 *mrēcchati: K. briċhun poss. < mlḗcchati with ml— > (m)br— see plúṣi— Add.
14765 *mlāyita— with mng. ‘ground’ retained from IE. *melƏ—: *mlē— as in Lat. molo &c. IEW 716.
14767 *yaja—: Kt. yūċ also ‘ice’.
14776 *randati: Gy. eur. rand— ‘to scrape, scratch, file, shave’. rápati [Mng. ‘talk’ (despite EWA iii 41) is certain in SV. rārapat ~ RV. vāvadat (J. C. W.)]
14780 *rātrīvāra—: Kt. ŕadår is f.
14793 *vadhati: Kt. wa—tum ‘I beat (a drum)’.
14797 *vātaputrī—: Kt. (Kamdesh) wetr ‘fairy’.
14803 *vikriṇāti: Paš.al. pch. ṛekin—, ṛeken—, snj. reken— ‘to buy’.
14807 *vivarati: Gy. eur. briv— ‘to comb (wool)’, wel. burav- ‘to unplait (hair), comb (hair), untwist’ DGW iv 48. visara—: Paš. words rather < vítasti— Add.
14809 *vr̥mra—: Paš.al. pch. lī̆ṅg, snj. līṅgä (f.?), she. hirmbū ‘walnut’.
14812 *śaṭṭa—. 3. śaṇṭhá—1: K. hanḍun rather < *haṇṭ2.
14825 *śrēṣman—: for B. chep, Or. chepa in view of frequent B. Or. ch— ~ ś— contamination with *cippa— is unlikely.
14845 *himna—: Sh.gil. hĭn m., gur. koh. hinn f., jij. hī̆n ‘snow’, Sv. hina rather than < sníh—?
10570 *raṅgayati: raṅghṇū ‘to dye’.
10593 *raṭṭa—. 5. raṇḍa—: rann f. ‘harlot’, ranol f. ‘widow’, ranāpo m. ‘widowhood’.
10622 *rappha—: rāph m. ‘anthill, snake's hole’.
10623 *rabbā—: rabb f. ‘gruel’.
10629 *rampa—: rambh f. ‘iron strip edge for weeding tool’.
10630 *rampati: rambhṇū ‘to clear field for planting’.
10637 *ramyati: ramṇū ‘to play’.
10681 *rājanī—: rāyaṇ, ryāṇ f. ‘the tree’, rāyṇ f. ‘the berry’.
10709 *rānti—: rāndh f. ‘a play, show’, rā̃dh karāṇī ‘to amuse a baby’, rāndhīko m. ‘toy’; — (+ kāra1) rāndhyār m. ‘showman’.
10759 *rugga—: rauggho adj. ‘the whole’ (cf. S.). 2. *ruṅga- (X Pk. rujja— s.v. *rōdya—): rūngo (phonet. rvṅgo AKŚ xxvi) m. ‘tear’, rūṅgāro m. ‘act of weeping’.
10783 *rupati. 3. rōpayati2: royṇū ‘to plant’.
10827 *rōkk—: rokṇū ‘to stop’ tr., rokāṇū ‘to stay’ intr.
10877 *lakka—1. 4. laṅga—1: laṅgṛāṇū ‘to limp’.
10903 *laṅgapaṭṭa—: laṅgoṭī f. ‘loincloth’.
10918 *laṭṭa—2: laṭakṇū ‘to cling, hang’.
10931 *lattā—: latt f. ‘kick’.
10939 *lappa—1: lepsṇū (G. lapasvũ) ‘to slip’.
10940 *lappa—2: lapaṇ f. ‘slap’.
10941 *lappasikā—: lapaī f. ‘the glutinous dish’ (cf. *lappa1 with meanings resembling Eng. to lap; cf. also kcch. lepsṇū ‘to slip’).
10943 *lappha—2: lapoṛ—sãkh (term of abuse). 3. *labba—: lābaṛ—caṭo ‘untrue, unreliable’.
10973 *lallakka—: lalkārṇū (G. lalkārvũ) ‘to chant loudly’.
10991 *laṣṭi—: laṭṭh m. ‘thick stick’.
10992 *lasa—: lasso ‘glossy’.
11010 *lāṅghaka—: lāṅgho m. ‘a fast’ (but like S. lā̃gho ‘ford, fordable’ rather < *lāṅghya— replacing laṅghya— ‘to be traversed’ Kāv., ‘made to fast’ Suśr.).
11012 *lāḍa—: lāṛak, lārak m. ‘best man’.
11013 *lāḍya—: lāḍ m. ‘act of caressing’, lāḍo m. ‘bride- groom’, lāḍī f. ‘bride’, lāḍak m. ‘best man’.
11019 *lābhana—: lāṇ f. ‘distribution of presents’.
11044 *likka—: (X likṣā́—?) likh adv. ‘a little’.
11055 *liṭṭa—3. 4. *lēḍḍa—2: liḍḍ f. ‘dung’ (see *lidda3).
11056 *litta—. 7. *lēttha—: lithaṛṇū (G. lathaṛvũ) ‘to stagger’.
11063 *libba—1: libb m. ‘saliva’, lipph f. ‘babble’, libṛī f. ‘chatter’.
11068 *lissa—: liss m. ‘an attack of cold’.
11072 *lukka—1. 2. *lugga—: lūghṛo m. ‘a cloth’.
11078 *luṭṭati: lū̃ṭṇū ‘to plunder’.
11190 *vaggaḍa—: vagṛo m. ‘wasteland’, (+ áraṇa—) raṇ- vagṛo m. ‘barren wasteland’.
11483 *vāṇa—2: vāṇ m. ‘coir string on bed frame’.
11691 *vicchādana—: vichāṇ f. ‘bedding, bed’.
11692 *vicchādayati: vichāṇū ‘to spread, set (trap)’.
11700 *vijātra—: vittar, vītar m. ‘progeny’.
11773 *vināti: vaṇṇū ‘to weave’, vaṇī f. ‘a string’.
11881 *vilagyati: vaḷaghṇū, vaghṇū ‘to insist’ (G. vaḷagvũ AKŚ).
11899 *vilābhayati, *virābhayati: verāyṇū, var° ‘to allot’.
11914 *vivaṅka—: viṅgho ‘crooked, oblique’.
12042 *vīcya—: vicā ‘in the middle’, vic me ‘in between’, adj. viclo ‘middling’.
12137 *vaiḍava—: viṛī f. ‘grassland’.
12552 *śuṣkati: saukṇū ‘to be dried, wither’.
12593 *śr̥ṅgārayati: saṇghārṇū ‘to decorate’ (G. śaṇgārvũ AKŚ) — ——?
13068 *sakuṭa—: sauṛo ‘narrow’.
13260 *sarā—2: sar f. ‘piece of thread’.
13427 *sīṭṭa—: sīṭī f. ‘whistle’.
13468 *sutthanā—: sūthaṇ m. ‘trousers’.
13481 *supna—: sauṇo, samṇõ; m. ‘dream’; — supno (and N. sapanā) X Sk. rather than directly ← svápna—?
13875 *syālīvōḍhr̥—: saḍhū m. ‘wife's sister's husband’.
13943 *haṭṭ—: haṭṇū ‘to move’.
13972 *habba—: hābaṛ ‘wild’.
14018 *hallati: halṇū ‘to walk’, caus. halāyṇū ‘to shake, stir’.
14175 *hōḍḍa—: vaudh f. ‘bet’ (dh X vadh f. ‘increase’ < vr̥ddhi—?), v° vajṇū ‘to challenge, wager’.